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The origin of Judaism in the Christianity originated in Islam originated in
universe and humankind is Roman greater empire Mecca and Medina
Origin of the Universe nearly four thousand years occupied. at the start of the
and Humankind ago, near eastern region of 7th century In 610
Canaan which is now Israel CE,
and Palestinian territories.
Morality in Judaism is The basis of all Morality in
very important because it Catholic Christian Islam is a
plays a central role of the morality is our belief in comprehensive
society were in according the God who created all term that serves to
to the book of torah things and in Jesus who include the concept
Jewish holy text it serves taught us even better how of righteousness,
as basis and moral law of to live. We believe we are good character, and
the ten commandments to created in God’s image the body
bring holiness into every and that we, and all of moral qualities
day aspects of their life. creation, are basically and virtues. Islamic
good.  morality is that of
love: love for God
and love for God's
The purpose of Judaism is The purposes of The purpose of
that to bring Jewish people Christianity is to achieve Islam is peaceful
to ht purpose of all the goals of salvation for coexistence of
existence to give and to oneself and others, and if human beings in a
value life with all of our there is a God to render way that they
Purpose heart and soul which god due worship and obedience collectively develop
created the world and give to God. systems to make the
the torah in order to be a earth a better place.
basis for moral law to all
Jewish people.
The destiny of Judaism is The destiny of Christianity The destiny of
that the resurrection of the is that jesus divided the Islam which Allah
dead after death is much land into Heaven and Hell, wrote down the
central to Islam and other and after which all souls preserve tablet were
religion around the world pass to Heaven or Hell in this preserve
Destiny and believing that their immediately after death. It tablet some Muslim
religion is much superior this is to be taken as true, believing their
than other religion and there then all the Final Judgment destiny that all the
are save when Last can do is to confirm the writings in the
Judgment set of cries judgement that has already tablet will going to
been passed at the point of happened and will
death. happen, which will
come to pass as
written. Because
God already knows
all occurrences
without the
restrictions of time.
The view on women in In Christians religion The view on
Judaism religion is that they women is treated fairly and women in Islam
treat women differently in prioritize the rights of religion is that
various circumstances. women by giving them women live under
Views on women Which man is much respect and important role some sort of
superior to women and in the society. oppressive
women is just for past. dictatorship ruled
by their husbands
and fathers


Is originated in India The origin of Theravada  It appeared sometime
and develops by Buddhism can be traced between 150 BC and
Origin of the Universe Indian religious and back as far as the 3rd AD 100 in India and
and Humankind culture since Iron century BCE. quickly spread
Age India. throughout Asia. 
Hinduism religion Morality in Theravada They dont have gods
promotes everything in Buddhism this religion and it only focuses in
this world is t essential have placing the community with kami
Morality for people. Theravada code of because they worship
conduct  kami which is element
in its religious context, or forces of nature.
The purpose of The purpose of this The purpose of this
Hinduism t is that, religion means the religion to enlighten in
everyone should act doctrine of the elders a single lifetime, To
Purpose morally and ethically. will be follow. keep away evil spirits
by purification, prayers
and offerings to the
The destiny of The destiny of This religion Believe
Hinduism is that life Theravada Buddhism is that the right path of a
the final aim of human
leading to the cycle of follower will lead to the
birth and death. striving. This is a state redemption of all
Destiny without pain, without human beings.
desire and without any
prospect of rebirth.
Woman hold a central This religion had The views on women is
yet ambiguous role in negative implications that men are superior to
 Hindu religion. for women insofar as it women.
communicated the
Views on women insufficiency of
the female body as a
locus of enlightenment.


Confucianism was Originated in the lands According to
Origin of the developed of China nearly Japanese Shinto Mythology,
Universe and in China by Master around the 4th or 3rd at the beginning of time, the
Humankind Kong in 551-479 century BCE. heavens and the earths
BC. were mixed together in a
great cloud.
This religion promotes Taoist ethics areOptimistic faith, as humans are
kindness the essence of concerned less with thought to be fundamentally
Morality the human being. doing good acts than good and evil is believed to be
becoming a good caused by evil spirits.
The purpose of this The Purpose of Tao. The purpose of this religion
religion was mainly to To worship God and to enlighten in a single
Purpose instil moral values in a revere the Zhu Tian lifetime, and this can be
person. Shen Sheng. accomplished even by a
The destiny of The destiny of Taoism The destiny of Shintoism is to
Confucianism holds the is not to achieve be like their God Kami.
existence some objective perfection but
Destiny certainty that is both goodness in a person’s
transcendent and beyond behavior.
human control. 
Views on women in the views on women The views on women is the
Views on women Confucianism are men is they have important same as the views as
and women are equal. role in the religion . Confucianism which men are
superior to women

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