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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Weekly Home Learning Plan for TLE Grade-10

Week 1 - Quarter 3, March 1-5, 2021



Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
6:00 - 7:40 Wake up, meditate and pray to God, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!

7:40 - 8:00 Have a short exercise/bonding with family and prepare for the lesson.

Week 1 TLE: LO 1 Assemble Computer Hardware LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Blended: The teachers will post
COMPUTER 1.3 Assemble computer hardware in  Demonstrate the basic pc assembly guidelines. the WHLP to GOOGLE
8:00 am - 5:00 SYSTEMS SERVICING accordance with established  Practice safety measures in assembling a computer. CLASSROOM as reference.
pm (CSS 10) procedures and system requirements.  Demonstrate how to handle pc components properly. Instruct the students to
 Setting up computer  Obtain tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry accomplish the WHLP after the
out installation work in accordance with established lecture.
procedures and check for correct operation and safety.

Learning Task # 1
Which of the following tools and materials are essential in assembling
a computer system? Mark check ( √ ) if essential and wrong ( x ) if not
essential in the box.

Essential tools and Materials in assembling computer

In computer assembly and troubleshooting one must prepare the

basic. Make sure to have all the necessary tools needed in computer
assembly. There are some of the tools use when performing computer

• Phillips screwdriver- is a tool used for inserting and

removing screws
• Torx screwdriver is shaped like a six pointed star
which is used to tighten or loosen screws. This is
commonly used when repairing a laptop.

• Flat head screwdriver is a screwdriver with a flat tip

which is used to tighten and loosen slotted screws.

• Pliers and cutter is a hand tool used to cut trees and

adjust the length of the wire.

• Soldering iron is used to attach small parts of

resistor or capacitor to the main board.

• Tweezers are tools used to pick up and manipulate

small parts. Send outputs to Google classroom
account provided by the teacher or any platform
recommended by the school Have the parent
handling the output to the teacher in school.

• Flashlight is a portable tool used to light up areas

that users cannot see well.

• Cable ties are latching scraps used to bundle cables

neatly inside and outside a system.

• Wire cutter is a total designed to strip and cut wires.

• Anti static wrist strap is a device used to prevent

ESD damage to a computer equipment. Commonly
used when repairing computer phones and other
electronic devices.

• Anti static mat is a flat surface designed specifically to

discharge or eliminate static electricity.

• Soft brush tool used to remove dust on small parts and

tight areas of the computer.

• Multimeter is a handheld device used to measure

the quality of the electricity in computer components.

Safety Precautions Before starting to assemble the computer, the

user should take safety measures to avoid any accidents or
mishandling of components.
1. Fully shutdown and unplug the computer before opening the
system unit.
2. Take off any metal objects worn such as bracelets, ring, and
3. Work in a cool area to sweat while working. Take note the moisture,
shockwave and dust usually damage the computer.
4. When unplugging the cable connector make sure to hold on the
handle and not on the cable itself .
5. Before touching any computer parts, discharge electricity from the
body by touching a grounded metal to avoid damaging the sensitive
6. Prepare a place to keep the screws. A container with labels for each
part is ideal to avoid confusion between the similar looking screws.
7. Be cautious in using the tools that may cause short circuits.
8. Handle all parts with care. Place each piece carefully down onto a
stable surface.
9. Do not force the components into the ports. 10. Be careful when
holding the motherboard, it's underside is actually quite pointy and
may hurt the handler.

Tips for computer components handling

Whether building a computer installing a new ram or upgrading the

computer's components there is a danger of damage in the computer
components because of the static electricity from the human body.
Electrical shocks damage the computer's internal components,
specially the hard drive which is susceptible to static electricity . Such
static electricity can damage the hard drive and other sensitive
components of the computer if it's zapped with even a small amount.
Exposing the microchip to static electricity even as low as 10 volts
can damage the cheat chip. It is possible to damage a computer
component with static electricity that is not even felt by the person. In
order to feel the presence of static electricity the voltage needs to be
above 1500 volts. Computers become increasingly susceptible to static
electricity damage as more circuitry is built into them.

To avoid zapping the computers components with static electricity

take precautions to ground the static electricity before touching the
internal parts of the computer.

• For most people touching a grounded object before beginning will

be just fine then proceed with the installation in an antistatic
• To prevent any static electricity from damaging the computer wear
an ESD wrist strap and work on an anti-static mat
• By touching the metal frames of the computer's case while the
computer is plugged another way to ground the static electricity. • To
be on the safe side make sure not to send both of static electricity by
handling the motherboard, video card, modem, sound card and other
components to any insulated and non-circuitry areas on each
component. Send outputs to Google classroom account provided by
the teacher or any platform recommended by the school Have the
parent handin the output to the teacher in school Here are the three
key points on handling components safety:
• Be sure to draw off any static electricity that may be built up on the
hands before touching a sensitive part. Do this by touching the metal
case before touching the components. In this way metal will draw any
build up charge. Even if the user wears a grounding wrist wrap,
touching the computer case serves as extra precaution. Touching the
case power supply is usually recommended because touching a
heavenly painted case will sometimes fail to draw off the charge. The
power supply is a painted metal that is always grounded.
• Touch the parts of the components where they are sensitive to
being harmed by ESD. Pick up the main board by the edges. The case
and then hold them by the edges. Try to handle all sensitive parts by
the edges.
• Always plan where to set components before removing it from its
electrostatic protection pouch. For example after removing a ram
chip, the student probably wants to be near the main board to place
the chief on the mainboard immediately. If the user plans to place a
main board in the pc case, it's good to have a pre-planned place to set
the board such as on the top of the box. Try to remove the
components from their protective pouches only right before installing

ICT module Grade 10 (Deped)


Can you find the essential tools used in assembling computer in the
box? Write the tools and materials that you found in a separate sheet
of paper.

1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
7. __________________________________
8. __________________________________
9. __________________________________
10. __________________________________


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise change

the bold word.
_____1. Always plan where to set components before removing it
from its electrostatic protection pouch.
_____2. Handle all sensitive parts of the computer at its bottom.
_____3. Try to remove the components from their protective paper
bag only right before installing them
_____4. Wear ESD wrist strap and anti-static mat to charge the static
_____5. Touching a grounded object before beginning assemble and
disassemble a computer.
_____6. Always place the parts of the computer in a dusty and
extreme temperature place.
_____7. Static electricity is from power supply unit.
_____8. Static electricity can damage the sensitive components of
computer example is chassis.
_____9. Exposing the microchip to static electricity even as low as 10
volts can damage the cheat chip
_____10. In order to feel the presence of static electricity the voltage
needs to be above 1500 volts.


Complete the statements below by filling in the blank.

1. A Tweezer is a small instrument like a pair of pincers for plucking

out hairs and picking up small ___________.
2. ____________ is consisting of the light source mounted in a
reflector, a transparent cover (sometimes combined with a lens) to
protect the light source and reflector, a battery, and a switch.
3. A Flat tip screwdriver is a screwdriver with a _______________ tip
that fits into a slot in the head of a screw. screwdriver - a hand tool for
driving screws; has a tip that fits into the head of a screw.
4. A ________________ also known as a VOM (volt-ohm-
milliammeter), is an electronic measuring instrument that combines
several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter can
measure voltage, current, and resistance.
5. Phillips screwdriver is a screwdriver that is designed to be used with
a type of screw (called a Phillips-head screw) that has a slot in its top
that looks like a _____________.
6. An antistatic wrist strap, ESD wrist strap, or ground bracelet is an
antistatic device used to safely ground a person working on very
sensitive electronic equipment, to prevent the buildup of
______________ on their body, which can result in electrostatic
discharge (ESD).
7. Cleaning brush - a tool made of bristles set in a handle and used for
__________,_____________, or ____________.
8. Diagonal pliers (or wire cutters or diagonal cutting pliers or diagonal
cutters or side cutting pliers) are pliers intended for the
______________ (they are generally not used to grab or turn

Submitted by:
Teacher III

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