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KUKA System Technology KUKA Roboter GmbH

GripperSpotTech 4.0

For KUKA System Software 8.3


Tech 4.0

Issued: 15.02.2017

Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

GripperSpotTech 4.0

© Copyright 2017
KUKA Roboter GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg

This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without
the express permission of KUKA Roboter GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has
no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software
described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to
guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, how-
ever, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation

Publication: Pub KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 (PDF) en

Book structure: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V3.1
Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

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1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Target group .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Industrial robot documentation ................................................................................... 5
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Terms used ................................................................................................................ 6

2 Product description ..................................................................................... 7

2.1 Overview of GripperSpotTech .................................................................................... 7
2.2 Intended use .............................................................................................................. 7

3 Safety ............................................................................................................ 9
4 Installation .................................................................................................... 11
4.1 System requirements ................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Installing or updating GripperSpotTech ..................................................................... 11
4.3 Uninstalling GripperSpotTech .................................................................................... 11

5 Operation ...................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Menus ........................................................................................................................ 13
5.2 Gripper selection ........................................................................................................ 13
5.3 Controlling grippers manually .................................................................................... 13
5.3.1 Status keys ........................................................................................................... 14
5.3.2 Display of the switching states .............................................................................. 14

6 Configuration ............................................................................................... 17
6.1 Configuration, overview ............................................................................................. 17
6.2 Configuring technology parameters ........................................................................... 17
6.3 Configuring an error strategy ..................................................................................... 17
6.4 Configuring a gripper ................................................................................................. 18
6.4.1 “Gripper” tab ......................................................................................................... 18
6.4.2 “States and IO” tab ............................................................................................... 19
6.4.3 “Mapping” tab ........................................................................................................ 20
6.5 Configuring GripperSpotTech in WorkVisual ............................................................. 21
6.5.1 Saving and loading a configuration ....................................................................... 22
6.5.2 Organizing grippers .............................................................................................. 22
6.5.3 Organizing icons ................................................................................................... 22

7 Programming ............................................................................................... 23
7.1 Inline forms – overview .............................................................................................. 23
7.2 Gripper SET inline form ............................................................................................. 23
7.3 Gripper SYN SET inline form ..................................................................................... 24
7.4 Gripper CHECK inline form ........................................................................................ 24
7.5 Gripper SYN CHECK inline form ............................................................................... 25
7.6 SPOT inline form ....................................................................................................... 26
7.7 RETRACT inline form ............................................................................................... 27
7.8 Option window “Frames” ........................................................................................... 28
7.9 Option window “Motion parameters” (LIN, CIRC, PTP) ........................................... 29
7.10 Option window “Early closing of gun” ...................................................................... 30
7.11 Option window “Parameters for first electrode pair” .............................................. 30

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8 Examples ...................................................................................................... 31
8.1 Example program USERSPOT.SRC ......................................................................... 31
8.1.1 Overview of I/Os – robot controller (KR C) / weld controller (PLC) ...................... 33
8.1.2 Signal diagram: SPOT without the options RETRACT and PRESPOT ................ 35
8.1.3 Signal diagram: SPOT with the options RETRACT and PRESPOT ..................... 37

9 Messages ...................................................................................................... 39
9.1 Information about the messages ............................................................................... 39
9.2 System messages from module: GripperTechKrl ...................................................... 39
9.2.1 GripperTechKrl 11001 .......................................................................................... 39
9.2.2 GripperTechKrl 11002 .......................................................................................... 40
9.2.3 GripperTechKrl 11003 .......................................................................................... 42
9.2.4 GripperTechKrl 11004 .......................................................................................... 43
9.2.5 GripperTechKrl 11005 .......................................................................................... 43
9.2.6 GripperTechKrl 11007 .......................................................................................... 44
9.2.7 GripperTechKrl 11008 .......................................................................................... 46
9.2.8 GripperTechKrl 11011 .......................................................................................... 47
9.2.9 GripperTechKrl 11012 .......................................................................................... 49
9.2.10 GripperTechKrl 11013 .......................................................................................... 51
9.2.11 GripperTechKrl 11014 .......................................................................................... 53
9.2.12 GripperTechKrl 11024 .......................................................................................... 55
9.2.13 GripperTechKrl 11026 .......................................................................................... 56
9.2.14 GripperTechKrl 11027 .......................................................................................... 57
9.2.15 GripperTechKrl 11028 .......................................................................................... 57
9.2.16 GripperTechKrl 11029 .......................................................................................... 58
9.2.17 GripperTechKrl 11030 .......................................................................................... 59

10 KUKA Service ............................................................................................... 61

10.1 Requesting support ................................................................................................... 61
10.2 KUKA Customer Support ........................................................................................... 61

Index ............................................................................................................. 69

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Target group


This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:
 Advanced knowledge of the robot controller system
 Advanced KRL programming skills

For optimal use of our products, we recommend that our customers

take part in a course of training at KUKA College. Information about
the training program can be found at or can be ob-
tained directly from our subsidiaries.

1.2 Industrial robot documentation

The industrial robot documentation consists of the following parts:

 Documentation for the manipulator
 Documentation for the robot controller
 Operating and programming instructions for the System Software
 Instructions for options and accessories
 Parts catalog on storage medium
Each of these sets of instructions is a separate document.

1.3 Representation of warnings and notes

Safety These warnings are relevant to safety and must be observed.

These warnings mean that it is certain or highly probable

that death or severe injuries will occur, if no precautions
are taken.

These warnings mean that death or severe injuries may

occur, if no precautions are taken.

These warnings mean that minor injuries may occur, if

no precautions are taken.

These warnings mean that damage to property may oc-

cur, if no precautions are taken.

These warnings contain references to safety-relevant information or

general safety measures.
These warnings do not refer to individual hazards or individual pre-
cautionary measures.

This warning draws attention to procedures which serve to prevent or remedy

emergencies or malfunctions:

The following procedure must be followed exactly!

Procedures marked with this warning must be followed exactly.

Notices These notices serve to make your work easier or contain references to further

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

Tip to make your work easier or reference to further information.

1.4 Terms used

Term Description
SPOT Working stroke, i.e. the opening of the weld gun used to execute a weld
RETRACT Retract stroke, i.e. the complete opening of the weld gun
PRESPOT Early closing of the weld gun
The closing of the working stroke does not start after the point for the
weld spot has been reached, but while the robot is still moving to the
GhostMode The inputs/outputs of the gripper are simulated in GhostMode. The out-
puts are not switched and the inputs are not evaluated.
GhostMode can be switched on via an input (higher-level controller) or
the configuration. If GhostMode is active, a notification message is dis-
played with every gripper action.

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2 Product description

2 Product description

Overview of GripperSpotTech

GripperSpotTech is an add-on technology package with the following func-



Functions  Inline forms for gripper programming

 Programming gripper actions.
 Controlling and monitoring gripper actions.
 Inline forms for programming spot welding applications
 Moving to the point for the weld spot and programming the weld oper-
 Controlling and monitoring the weld operation.
 Controlling grippers manually.
 Configuring grippers.

Weld guns are considered as grippers.

Areas of appli- Industrial applications, e.g.:

cation  Spot welding applications
 Assembly
 Machine tending
 Transfer
 Order picking
 Clamping systems

2.2 Intended use

Use The technology package GripperSpotTech is intended exclusively for industri-

al operation in an enclosed cell conforming to the applicable safety standards.
The system integrator must ensure that the robot system is installed and op-
erated in an environment that is suitable for this. In particular, it is important to
consider the hazards which could arise from incorrect user programming.
During production operation at process velocity, no personnel may be present
inside the cell.

Misuse Any use or application deviating from the intended use is deemed to be misuse
and is not allowed. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any resulting
damage. The risk lies entirely with the user.
Examples of such misuse include:
 Use in a non-industrial environment

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3 Safety

3 Safety

y This documentation contains safety instructions which refer specifically to the

software described here.
The fundamental safety information for the industrial robot can be found in the
“Safety” chapter of the Operating and Programming Instructions for System In-
tegrators or the Operating and Programming Instructions for End Users.

The “Safety” chapter in the operating and programming instructions

of the KUKA System Software (KSS) must be observed. Death to per-
sons, severe injuries or considerable damage to property may other-
wise result.

All setup work must be carried out, where possible, from

outside the safeguarded area. If it is absolutely neces-
sary to carry out setup work in this area, there must be no persons under the
gripper while it is carrying a load. Death to persons or severe injuries may
otherwise result.

The outputs from the robot system to the gripper are not
designed with failsafe technology. When planning the
cells, it must therefore be ensured that the gripper cannot be actuated inad-
vertently. In particular, it must be ensured that the gripper does not open au-
tomatically, thereby dropping the workpiece, when the power supply is
deactivated (e.g. by opening the safety gates).
Failure to observe this precaution may result in death, severe injuries or con-
siderable damage to property.
Alternatively, the following inputs and outputs of a safe PLC can be used:
 Safe outputs to the actuators on the gripper
 Safe inputs from sensors on the workpiece support
The safe inputs and outputs must be configured in such a manner that a grip-
per output can only be set if the part sensor is actuated.
Alternatively, the working area can be mechanically safeguarded against fall-
ing workpieces.

The system integrator is responsible for correctly config-

uring the gripper.
The system integrator must take the behavior in the event of an EMERGEN-
CY STOP into account when configuring the gripper. In the event of an
EMERGENCY STOP, the safe state of the gripper must be maintained, i.e.
the gripper must remain closed.

Once the configuration of all switching states is completed, the real

behavior of the gripper must be checked and tested to see if it match-
es the planned behavior. The test must be carried out by specially
trained personnel.

To prevent faulty behavior resulting from system failures, the system

(supply lines, actuators, sensors, etc.) must be checked regularly for
damage. Regular system tests must also be carried out.
Further information can be found in the safety chapter of the system integra-
tor documentation.

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

When working near the gripper, it must be ensured that

body parts, hair, clothing, glasses, jewelry, etc., cannot
be caught up in the gripper.
To avoid this, appropriate safety precautions must be taken:
 Personal protective equipment must be worn, e.g. safety shoes, safety
glasses, etc.
 The local and country-specific accident prevention regulations must be

Risk of injury due to faulty behavior of the gripper

If the gripper does not change the switching state, there
may be mechanical jamming. In the event of mechanical jamming, it is not
possible to predict how the gripper will move.

In GhostMode, it is possible that the programmed switch-

ing states will not be set and monitoring functions
skipped. This can lead to a collision. GhostMode may only be used in oper-
ating mode T1 or T2.

For dangerous switching states, the operator can pro-

gram a critical key. In such a case, the key has to be
pressed twice by the operator within a given time before the action is execut-
ed. Conditions that must be fulfilled before an action is executed can also be
The critical key refers only to the 3 status keys that can be assigned. Modifi-
cations to the state via the display of the switching states cannot be pro-
grammed as critical. In such a case, the conditions that have to be fulfilled
can be programmed.
The following conditions must be met for state modifications via the status
keys or the display of the switching states:
 Enabling switch is pressed.
 Program is not active.
Programming of the critical key and the conditions is the responsibility of the
system start-up technician.

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4 Installation

4 Installation

4.1 System requirements


Hardware  KR C4

Software  KUKA System Software 8.3

 WoV 4.0

4.2 Installing or updating GripperSpotTech

Description GripperSpotTech is installed in WorkVisual and added to the project. During

project deployment, the option package is automatically installed on the robot
In the case of an update, the previous version of the option package in WorkVi-
sual must first be uninstalled.

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before updating a software


Precondition  “Expert” user group

 T1 or T2 mode
 No program is selected.
 Network connection between PC and robot controller
 The KOP file of the software to be installed

Procedure 1. Only for an update: Uninstall the previous version of the GripperSpot-
Tech option package in WorkVisual.
2. Install the GripperSpotTech option package in WorkVisual.
3. Load the project from the robot controller.
4. Insert the GripperSpotTech option package into the project.
5. Configure the option package in WorkVisual.
(>>> 6.1 "Configuration, overview" Page 17)
6. Deploy the project from WorkVisual to the robot controller and activate it.
A window with modifications is displayed.
7. Confirm the changes with Yes. The robot controller carries out a reboot.

Information about procedures in WorkVisual is contained in the

WorkVisual documentation.

4.3 Uninstalling GripperSpotTech

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before uninstalling a soft-

ware package.

Procedure 1. Load the project from the robot controller.

2. Remove from the project all devices (grippers) that have been inserted into
the project in connection with GripperSpotTech.
3. Remove the GripperSpotTech option package from the project. A window
with modifications is displayed.

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4. Deploy the project from WorkVisual to the robot controller and activate it.
The technology package is uninstalled and the robot controller carries out
a reboot.

Information about procedures in WorkVisual is contained in the

WorkVisual documentation.

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5 Operation

5 Operation

5.1 Menus

The following menus and commands are specific to this technology package:
Main menu:
 Configuration > Status keys > Gripper/SpotTech
 Configuration > Gripper/SpotTech
 Gripper
 Parameters
 Display > Gripper/SpotTech
Menu sequence:
 Commands > GripperTech
 Gripper Set
 Gripper Syn Set
 Gripper Check
 Gripper Syn Check
 Commands > SpotTech
 Spot
 Retract

5.2 Gripper selection

Gripper selection is possible during configuration of the grippers and display

of the switching states. The arrow keys can be used to switch between the
configured grippers.

Fig. 5-1: Gripper selection navigation bar

Item Description
1 Selected gripper
 Check box active: Gripper is active.
 Check box not active: Gripper is not active.
2 Name of the selected gripper

5.3 Controlling grippers manually

Active grippers can be controlled manually using the status keys or the display

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5.3.1 Status keys

Procedure Displaying the status keys:

 In the main menu, select Configuration > Status keys > GripperSpot-

Precondition The status keys can only be operated if the following conditions are met:
 T1 or T2 mode
 No program is active.
 Enabling switch is pressed.
 Submit interpreter is running.

Description The 4 status keys on the smartPAD can be assigned to their corresponding
functions via the configuration. The active gripper can be selected using the
first key. Switching states 1 - 3 are set using the other 3 keys.
The function performed by the grippers depends on the configuration. Not all
status keys of the bar have to be assigned a function.
In addition, graphical elements illustrating the function of each status key are
located on the side panel of the smartHMI screen next to the status keys. This
can also be defined individually in the configuration.
Only active grippers are displayed for selection.

Fig. 5-2: Status keys

1 Gripper selection 2 Switching states

5.3.2 Display of the switching states

Procedure  In the main menu, select Display > Gripper/SpotTech.

Alternative  Hold down the first status key for 1 second.


Precondition The switching states can only be set if the following conditions are met:
 T1 or T2 mode
 No program is active.
 Enabling switch is pressed.
 Submit interpreter is running.

Description The display of the switching states offers the following options:
 Display of all switching states for the gripper
 Manual operation of the gripper using buttons

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5 Operation

Fig. 5-3: Display of the switching states

Item Description
1 Switching states 1 … 3
Switching states 1 … 3 can be set from this display and via the sta-
tus keys.
When configured as a critical key, switching states 1 … 3 can be
set via the status keys but not via the plug-in for safety reasons.
The last switching state set is displayed via an LED icon on the sta-
tus keys:
 Green: Switching state is OK.
 Red: Switching state is not OK. The faulty inputs are also dis-
played with a red LED icon.
2 Switching states 4 … 6
Switching states 4 … 6 can only be set from this display and cannot
be defined as a critical key.
The last switching state set is displayed via an LED icon on the sta-
tus keys:
 Green: Switching state is OK.
 Red: Switching state is not OK. The faulty inputs are also dis-
played with a red LED icon.
3 State of the inputs/outputs
The LED icons indicate whether the state of the input/output is ac-
 Green: Output is set; input is TRUE
 Gray: Output is not set; input is FALSE

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6 Configuration

6 Configuration

6.1 Configuration, overview


The grippers can be configured using the smartPAD or in WorkVisual.

Configuration Description
Technology parameters (>>> 6.2 "Configuring technology parameters" Page 17)
Error strategy (>>> 6.3 "Configuring an error strategy" Page 17)
Gripper (>>> 6.4 "Configuring a gripper" Page 18)
WorkVisual (>>> 6.5 "Configuring GripperSpotTech in WorkVisual"
Page 21)

6.2 Configuring technology parameters

Precondition  User group “Expert”

 Operating mode T1 or T2.
 No program is selected.

Procedure 1. Select Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Parameters in the main

2. Set the parameters as required.
3. Close the window and respond to the request for confirmation of whether
the change should be saved by pressing Yes.

Parameter Description
Input for GhostMode On Number of the input used to switch GhostMode on
 0: GhostMode is not switched on via an input.
 1 … $NUM_IN: If the input is TRUE, then GhostMode is ac-
Default: 0
GhostMode On Switches GhostMode on (not via input)
 Check box active: GhostMode is switched on.
 Check box not active: GhostMode is switched off.
Default: GhostMode is switched off.
Output number for error Number of the output that is set in the case of an error (error in-
formation to the higher-level controller).
 0: No output is set.
 1 … $NUM_OUT: Output is set with this number.
Default: 0
Error strategy 1…3 3 error strategies can be configured. These can be selected later
in the inline forms with gripper monitoring.
The selected error strategies are executed if the switching state
does not exist. (>>> 6.3 "Configuring an error strategy" Page 17)

6.3 Configuring an error strategy

Description Switching state errors can occur in the following functions:

 Gripper SET with monitoring
 Gripper CHECK

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It is possible to set how the robot controller should react to a fault in a specific
process. The output can be used to signal the fault to a higher-level controller,
for example.
The following error strategies can be configured:

Parameter Description
Error strategy 1 … 3  Stop: Regardless of the mode, the program is stopped with-
out a dialog message. Manual intervention (block selection,
program reset, etc.) is required.
 Dialog in T1/T2: A dialog message is only displayed in
T1/T2 mode. Otherwise, the program is stopped. (Default)
 Dialog in T1/T2/AUT: A dialog message is only displayed in
T1/T2 or AUT mode. Otherwise, the program is stopped.
 Dialog in T1/T2/AUT/EXT: A dialog message is displayed in
all operating modes.
 User strategy: The technology calls up a UserRoutine, in
which the user can program his own logic/strategy. Depend-
ing on the return value (TRUE/FALSE), the process is con-
tinued or stopped.
The error strategy can be configured in the file Grp_User.src
(path: R1\TP\GripperSpotTech).

Dialog following The response to detection of a switching state error is as follows depending
error in T1/T2 on the operating mode:
 AUT and EXT: The program is stopped.
 T1 or T2: In the case of the default setting, a dialog appears.
If a dialog message is displayed, the following answers can be selected:

Answer Effect
Repeat The switching state is evaluated again.
Ignore The error is ignored and the process is resumed.
Stop The program is stopped and manual intervention is required
(block selection, program reset, etc.).

6.4 Configuring a gripper

Precondition  User group “Expert”

 Operating mode T1 or T2.
 No program is selected.

Procedure 1. Select Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper in the main menu.
2. Set the parameters on the tabs as required.
3. Close the window and respond to the request for confirmation of whether
the change should be saved by pressing Yes.

6.4.1 “Gripper” tab

The gripper-specific settings are configured on the Gripper tab.

The switching states specified here as well as the inputs and outputs are de-
fined on the States and IO tab.

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6 Configuration

Parameter Description
Gripper name Name of the gripper (max. 24 characters)
The name is displayed in the inline form. The predefined name
can be changed.
Status  Check box active: Grippers can be controlled via the status
key and programmed via the inline form.
 Check box not active: Gripper is not active.
Number of switching states Number of switching states of the gripper
 1…6
Number of outputs Number of outputs with which the gripper is controlled.
 1…6
Number of inputs Number of inputs with which the gripper is monitored.
 1…6
Gripper icon Selection of icons for the status key and for the display plug-in
Default: Icons with number
Timeout for switching states During the state check, this is the maximum wait period before
the switching state must be fulfilled (Set Gripper with monitoring,
Check Gripper).
If this time has elapsed and the switching state is still not pres-
ent, the error strategy is started.
If the switching state does exist, the program is continued with-
out waiting this time.
 0…10 s
Default: 3 s
Pulse duration of outputs Pulse duration of the outputs that are defined as pulses.
 0…3 s
Default: 0.5 s

6.4.2 “States and IO” tab

The switching states as well as the inputs and outputs are defined on the
States and IO tab.
On the subsequent Mapping tab, the defined inputs and outputs as well as the
conditions for manual operation are assigned to the switching states defined

Switching states
Parameter Description
No. Number of the switching state
Internal index for the controller. Begins with 1 and is consecutive.
Cannot be modified.
Image Switching state icon
Selection of icons that are to be displayed on the status keys and
in the display plug-in for the switching state.
Name Name of the switching state
Is displayed in the inline forms if the corresponding gripper is se-

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Parameter Description
Type Type of status key for this switching state
 Standard key: Action is executed immediately.
 Critical key: The key must be pressed twice in succession
within 1 s for the action to be executed. Only the first 3 status
keys can be defined as critical keys. The remaining 3 can
only be displayed in the display plug-in and therefore cannot
be defined as critical.
Description Description of the switching state

Inputs and
Parameter Description
No. Internal index for control of the output.
Internal index for evaluation of the input.
Begins with 1 and is consecutive.
Cannot be modified.
Output/Input Output and input
 1 … $Num_Out, $Num_In
Default: 0
Ghost Setting as to whether the inputs/outputs are to be set or evaluat-
ed in GhostMode.
 Sim with check box active: Input is not evaluated.
 Sim with check box not active: Input is evaluated in Ghost-
Mode too.
 Sim with check box active: Output is not set.
 Sim with check box not active: Output is set in GhostMode
Type Type of output
 Standard: The output is defined as a standard output. The
state is retained.
 Pulse: The output is defined as a pulse output. The set state
is only maintained for a given time.
Description Long text of the output or input

6.4.3 “Mapping” tab

On the Mapping tab, the defined inputs and outputs as well as the conditions
for manual operation are assigned to the defined switching states.
In order for the switching states as well as inputs and outputs to be available
on this tab, they must be defined on the prior States and IO tab.

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6 Configuration

Assignments Description
Mapping outputs Setting of outputs for a state
 TRUE: The output is set to TRUE.
 FALSE: The output is set to FALSE.
 [blank]: The output is not set, the current state is retained.
Mapping inputs Evaluation of the inputs for a switching state
 TRUE: The input must be set.
 FALSE: The input may not be set.
 [blank]: The input is not relevant and is not evaluated.
Preconditions for manual For manually setting the switching state, up to 3 preconditions
operation can be defined. The switching state is not set until the defined
preconditions are met.
 Number of the input is defined.
 The defined input must be TRUE.
 Default: 0
 Selection of defined switching states
 New switching state is set if the defined switching state is ful-
 Default: [blank]
 Selection of up to 10 different user routines. These can be
programmed in Grp_User.src (R1\TP\GripperSpotTech).
Each condition delivers a return value.
 Return value:
 TRUE: The switching state is set.
 FALSE: The switching state is not set.
 Default: [blank]

6.5 Configuring GripperSpotTech in WorkVisual

Description The grippers and parameters can also be configured in WorkVisual. The view
of the tabs matches that of the HMI.

Information about procedures in WorkVisual is contained in the

WorkVisual documentation.

Precondition  GripperSpotTech is installed in WorkVisual.

 The GripperSpotTech option package has been added to the project.
 The robot controller has been set as the active controller.

Procedure 1. Open the GripperSpotTech catalog in the Catalogs window.

2. Drag the GripperSpotTech option package into the Project structure
window: into the Hardware tab, onto the robot controller there. (Not onto
the node Unassigned active devices.)
3. Double-click on Controller > Options > GripperSpotTech in the tree
structure. The configuration tabs for GripperSpotTech are opened.
4. Make the desired settings.
5. Save the project.

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

6.5.1 Saving and loading a configuration

Description Pre-existing, user-defined configurations can be integrated into GripperSpot-

Tech via WorkVisual.

Precondition  GripperSpotTech is installed in WorkVisual.

 The GripperSpotTech option package has been added to the project.
 The robot controller has been set as the active controller.
 The corresponding file must be present to be loaded.

Procedure 1. Double-click on Controller > Options > GripperSpotTech in the tree

structure. The configuration tabs for GripperSpotTech are opened.
2. Select Data and icons and click on Save configuration or Load config-
uration. The Save configuration or Load configuration window opens.
3. Select the desired file to save or load.
4. Save or load the file.

6.5.2 Organizing grippers

Description Various grippers can be managed in a database using WorkVisual.

Precondition  GripperSpotTech is installed in WorkVisual.

 The GripperSpotTech option package has been added to the project.
 The robot controller has been set as the active controller.
 The corresponding file must be available for loading.

Procedure 1. Double-click on Controller > Options > GripperSpotTech in the tree

structure. The configuration tabs for GripperSpotTech are opened.
2. Select Data and icons and click on Organize grippers. The Organize
grippers window is opened.
3. Click on Search and select the desired grippers. If existing grippers are to
be managed in the database, save the grippers as a file.
4. Save the grippers.

6.5.3 Organizing icons

Description Individualized icons can be integrated into GripperSpotTech using WorkVisu-


Precondition  GripperSpotTech is installed in WorkVisual.

 The GripperSpotTech option package has been added to the project.
 The robot controller has been set as the active controller.
 Icon format: 32 x 32 px
 File type: jpeg or icons

Procedure 1. Double-click on Controller > Options > GripperSpotTech in the tree

structure. The configuration tabs for GripperSpotTech are opened.
2. Select Data and icons and click on Organize icons. The Organize icons
window is opened.
3. Click on Open and select the desired icons.
4. Save the icons.

22 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

7 Programming

7 Programming

7.1 Inline forms – overview

Inline form Description

Gripper SET (>>> 7.2 "Gripper SET inline form" Page 23)
Gripper SYN SET (>>> 7.3 "Gripper SYN SET inline form" Page 24)
Gripper CHECK (>>> 7.4 "Gripper CHECK inline form" Page 24)
Gripper SYN CHECK (>>> 7.5 "Gripper SYN CHECK inline form" Page 25)
SPOT (>>> 7.6 "SPOT inline form " Page 26)
RETRACT (>>> 7.7 "RETRACT inline form " Page 27)

7.2 Gripper SET inline form

The switching state of the gripper is set via the inline form.

Fig. 7-1: Gripper SET inline form

Item Description
1 Active grippers
Only active grippers are displayed.
2 Switching state of the gripper that is set.
The number and the designation of switching states that can be se-
lected depends on the configuration.
3  CONT: The switching state is set via the advance run.
 [blank]: The switching state is set with the main run.
4 Wait time
The program is continued when the specified wait time has ex-
 0.0 … 10.0 s
Default: 0.2 s
This box is only displayed if the switching state is in the main run.
5 Error strategy
If a state does not exist, an appropriate error strategy can be set.
 No Check: The program is continued without checking wheth-
er the switching state exists.
 Strategy 1…3: Configured error strategies

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

7.3 Gripper SYN SET inline form

The inline form can be used to set a switching state for the gripper at the start
or end point of the motion. The switching state can be delayed or brought for-
ward and/or shifted in space.

Fig. 7-2: Gripper SYN SET inline form

Item Description
1 Active grippers
Only active grippers are displayed.
2 Switching state of the gripper that is set
The number and the designation of switching states that can be se-
lected depends on the configuration.
3 Point to which Gripper SYN SET refers:
 START: Start point of the motion
 END: End point of the motion
 PATH: The setting of the switching state refers to the end point
of the motion. An offset in space is also possible.
4 This box is only displayed if PATH is selected.
Distance from the switching point to the end point
 -2,000 … +2,000 mm
5 Switching action delay
 -1000 … 1000 ms
The time specification is absolute. The switching point varies ac-
cording to the velocity of the robot.

7.4 Gripper CHECK inline form

The switching state of the gripper is checked via the inline form.

Fig. 7-3: Gripper CHECK inline form

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7 Programming

Item Description
1 Active grippers
Only active grippers are displayed.
2 Switching state of the gripper being checked
The number and the designation of switching states that can be se-
lected depends on the configuration.
3  CONT: The switching state is checked via the advance run.
 [blank]: The switching state is checked with the main run.
4 Error strategy
If a state does not exist, an appropriate error strategy can be set.
 No Check: The program is continued without checking wheth-
er the switching state exists.
 Strategy 1…3: Configured error strategies

7.5 Gripper SYN CHECK inline form

The inline form can be used to check a switching state for the gripper at the
start or end point of the motion. The check of the switching state can be de-
layed or brought forward and/or shifted in space.

Fig. 7-4: Gripper SYN CHECK inline form

Item Description
1 Active grippers
Only active grippers are displayed.
2 Switching state of the gripper being checked
The number and the designation of switching states that can be se-
lected depends on the configuration.
3 Point to which Gripper SYN CHECK refers
 START: Start point of the motion
 END: End point of the motion
 PATH: The check refers to the end point of the motion. An off-
set in space is additionally possible.
4 This box is only displayed if PATH is selected.
Distance from the switching point to the end point
 -2,000 … +2,000 mm

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

Item Description
5 Negative or positive delay of the check
 -1000 … 1000 ms
The time specification is absolute. The time of the check varies ac-
cording to the velocity of the robot.
6 Error strategy
If a state does not exist, an appropriate error strategy can be set.
 No Check: The program is continued without checking wheth-
er the switching state exists.
 Strategy 1…3: Configured error strategies

7.6 SPOT inline form

The welding processes are programmed via the inline form.

Fig. 7-5: Inline form “SPOT”

Item Description
1 Motion type
2 Only for CIRC motions: Auxiliary point
The system automatically generates a name. The name can be
3 Name of the end point
The system automatically generates a name. The name can be
Touch the arrow to edit the point data. The corresponding option
window is opened.
(>>> 7.8 "Option window “Frames”" Page 28)
4 Name for the motion data set
The system automatically generates a name. The name can be
Touch the arrow to edit the point data. The corresponding option
window is opened.
(>>> 7.9 "Option window “Motion parameters” (LIN, CIRC, PTP)"
Page 29)
5 Weld gun
 1 ... 5
Example of weld gun configuration:
(>>> 8.1 "Example program USERSPOT.SRC" Page 31)

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7 Programming

Item Description
6 Retract stroke after the welding operation
 OPN: Retract stroke open
 CLO: Retract stroke closed
7 Data set with weld parameters
The system automatically generates a name. The name can be
Touch the arrow to edit the point data. The corresponding option
window is opened.
(>>> 7.10 "Option window “Early closing of gun”" Page 30)
(>>> 7.11 "Option window “Parameters for first electrode pair”"
Page 30)

7.7 RETRACT inline form

The retract stroke of the weld gun is set via the inline form upon reaching the
end point.

Fig. 7-6: Inline form “RETRACT”

Item Description
1 Motion type
2 Only for CIRC motions: auxiliary point
The system automatically generates a name. The name can be
3 Name of the end point
The system automatically generates a name. The name can be
Touch the arrow to edit the point data. The corresponding option
window is opened.
(>>> 7.8 "Option window “Frames”" Page 28)
4 Name for the motion data set
The system automatically generates a name. The name can be
Touch the arrow to edit the point data. The corresponding option
window is opened.
(>>> 7.9 "Option window “Motion parameters” (LIN, CIRC, PTP)"
Page 29)

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

Item Description
5 Retract stroke on reaching the end point
 OPN: Retract stroke open
 CLO: Retract stroke closed
6 Weld gun
 1 ... 5
Example of weld gun configuration:
(>>> 8.1 "Example program USERSPOT.SRC" Page 31)

7.8 Option window “Frames”

Fig. 7-7: Option window “Frames”

Item Description
1 Tool selection.
If True in the box External TCP: workpiece selection.
Range of values: [1] … [16]
2 Base selection.
If True in the box External TCP: fixed tool selection.
Range of values: [1] … [32]
3 Interpolation mode
 False: The tool is mounted on the mounting flange.
 True: The tool is a fixed tool.
4 Collision detection
 True: For this motion, the robot controller calculates the axis
torques. These are required for collision detection.
 False: For this motion, the robot controller does not calculate
the axis torques. Collision detection is thus not possible for this

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7 Programming

7.9 Option window “Motion parameters” (LIN, CIRC, PTP)

Fig. 7-8: Option window "Motion parameters" (LIN, CIRC)

Fig. 7-9: Option window "Motion parameters" (PTP)

Item Description
1 Acceleration
Refers to the maximum value specified in the machine data. The
maximum value depends on the robot type and the selected oper-
ating mode.
 1 … 100%
2 This box is only displayed for LIN and CIRC motions.
Select the orientation control for the TCP.
 Default
 Wrist PTP
 Constant orientation
3 This box is only displayed for CIRC motions.
Select the orientation control for circular motion.
 base-related
 path-oriented

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

7.10 Option window “Early closing of gun”

Fig. 7-10: Option window “Early closing of gun”

Item Description
1 The time at which closure of the weld gun commences before the
weld spot is reached (PRESPOT)
 -1000 ... 0 ms

The weld spot will be executed incorrectly if the weld gun

already closes completely while the robot is still moving.
This can result in damage to the robot, the weld gun or the workpiece.
Before setting the parameter, it is advisable to measure the current closing
time of the weld gun. Variations in air pressure or the orientation of the gun
may produce different closing times for the gun.

7.11 Option window “Parameters for first electrode pair”

Fig. 7-11: Option window “Parameters for first electrode pair”

Item Description
1 Timer program for first electrode pair
 1 … 65535
2 Gun pressure for first electrode pair
 1 … 9.9

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8 Examples

8 Examples

Example program USERSPOT.SRC

Description 1 &COMMENT USERSPOT package

12 ;Program-No.
16 ;State RETRACT
18 ;GUN work (SPOT)
20 ;State SPOT
22 ;Weld Start
24 ;Weld done
26 ;=================================
27 ;GROUP-Definitions
29 R_CLO=’B0001’
30 R_OPN=’B0010’
31 W_CLO=’B0001’
32 W_OPN=’B0010’
33 ;=================================
36 INIT ( )
42 SPOT (CMD,S )

Line Description
12 … 25 Assignment of the I/Os to the interface between robot control-
ler (KR C) and weld controller (PLC)
(>>> 8.1.1 "Overview of I/Os – robot controller (KR C) / weld
controller (PLC)" Page 33)
13 Program number: Outputs 1 to 8
15 Activation of retract stroke: Outputs 10 to 11
17 Status of retract stroke: Inputs 10 to 11
19 Activation of working stroke: Outputs 12 to 13
21 Status of working stroke: Inputs 12 to 13

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Line Description
23 Weld start: Output 15
25 Weld complete signal: Input 15
28 … 32 Definition of the weld gun switching states:
 R_CLO: Retract stroke closed
 R_OPN: Retract stroke open
 W_CLO: Working stroke closed
 W_OPN: Working stroke open

49 ;*****************************
54 ;*****************************
60 ;*****************************
65 PNUM=0
75 END ;(SPOT)
76 ;*****************************
86 END ;(RETR)
87 ;*****************************
88 DEF INIT ( )
89 PNUM=0
96 END ;(INIT)

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8 Examples

Line Description
50 … 53 User data for ADVSPOT
51 Reset weld start.
52 Set program number.
55 … 59 User data for PRESPOT
56 Close retract stroke.
57 Wait for “Retract stroke closed”.
58 Close working stroke.
61 … 75 User data for SPOT
62 Wait for “Working stroke closed”.
63 Set weld start.
64 Wait for weld complete signal (TRUE).
65 Set program number to “0”.
66 Wait for weld complete signal (FALSE).
67 Reset weld start.
68 Open working stroke.
69 Wait for “Working stroke open”.
70 … 74 Query which retract stroke has been programmed after the
weld spot.
71 Condition: “RETR OPN” is programmed.
72 Open retract stroke.
73 Wait for “Retract stroke open”.
77 … 86 User data for RETRACT
78 Query which retract stroke has been programmed.
79 Condition 1: “RETR OPN” is programmed.
80 Open retract stroke.
81 Wait for “Retract stroke open”.
82 Condition 2: “RETR CLO” is programmed.
83 Close retract stroke.
84 Wait for “Retract stroke closed”.
88 … 96 User data for INIT
89 Set program number to “0”.
90 Reset weld start.
91 Open working stroke.
92 Wait for “Working stroke open”.
93 Open retract stroke.
94 Wait for “Retract stroke open”.
95 Enable for further program execution

8.1.1 Overview of I/Os – robot controller (KR C) / weld controller (PLC)

Overview The I/Os in the following overview refer to the example program.
(>>> 8.1 "Example program USERSPOT.SRC" Page 31)

Signal Description Permissible values I/Os

PNUM Weld program number The number can have a maxi- Outputs 1 to
mum length of 255 characters. 8
WLD_STRT Weld start FALSE, TRUE Output 15

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

Signal Description Permissible values I/Os

WLD_CMP Weld complete signal from FALSE, TRUE Input 15
weld controller
GUN_WRK Activation of working stroke W_CLO W_OPN
Close TRUE FALSE Output 10
Open FALSE TRUE Output 11
WRK_STAT Status of working stroke W_CLO W_OPN
Closed TRUE FALSE Input 10
Open FALSE TRUE Input 11
GUN_RET Activation of retract stroke R_CLO R_OPN
Close TRUE FALSE Output 12
Open FALSE TRUE Output 13
RET_STAT Status of retract stroke R_CLO R_OPN
Closed TRUE FALSE Input 12
Open FALSE TRUE Input 13

34 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

8 Examples

8.1.2 Signal diagram: SPOT without the options RETRACT and PRESPOT

Fig. 8-1: Weld program – SPOT without RETRACT and PRESPOT

Description 1. The following signals are set simultaneously after point “P1” has been
 The weld complete signal “WLD_CMP=TRUE” triggers, with falling
edge “WLD_CMP=FALSE”, the signal to open the working stroke of
the weld gun (“GUN_WRK=W_OPN”).
 The weld start signal is reset (“WLD_STRT=FALSE”).
 The weld program number is set to “0” (“PNUM=0”).

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

2. The robot controller waits for the weld controller signal indicating that the
working stroke of the gun is open (“WRK_STAT=W_OPN”).
3. If no retract stroke or “RETR CLO” has been programmed in the inline
form, the robot motion to weld spot “P2” is enabled when the signal indi-
cating that the working stroke is open is set.
4. To ensure that all required weld data are available at weld spot “P2”, the
weld program number is set while the robot is still moving
5. At weld spot “P2”, the signal to close the working stroke is set
6. The weld controller signal indicating that the working stroke is closed
(“WRK_STAT=W_CLO”) triggers the weld start (“WLD_STRT=TRUE”).
7. The described sequence starts once again after point “P2” has been weld-

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8 Examples

8.1.3 Signal diagram: SPOT with the options RETRACT and PRESPOT

Fig. 8-2: Weld program – SPOT with RETRACT and PRESPOT

Description 1. The following signals are set simultaneously after point “P1” has been
 The weld complete signal “WLD_CMP=TRUE” triggers, with falling
edge “WLD_CMP=FALSE”, the signal to open the working stroke of
the weld gun (“GUN_WRK=W_OPN”).
 The weld start signal is reset (“WLD_STRT=FALSE”).
 The weld program number is set to “0” (“PNUM=0”).

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

2. The robot controller waits for the weld controller signal indicating that the
working stroke of the gun is open (“WRK_STAT=W_OPN”).
3. If “RETR OPN” has been programmed in the inline form, the signal to open
the retract stroke (“GUN_RET=R_OPN”) is set when the signal indicating
that the working stroke is open is set.
4. The robot controller waits for the weld controller signal indicating that the
retract stroke of the gun is open (“RET_STAT=R_OPN”).
5. The robot motion to weld spot “P2” is enabled when the signal indicating
that the retract stroke is open is set.
6. To ensure that all required weld data are available at weld spot “P2”, the
weld program number is set while the robot is still moving
7. At weld spot “P2”, the signal to close the retract stroke is set
8. The signal to close the working stroke (“GUN_WRK=W_CLO”) is triggered
when the signal indicating that the retract stroke is closed
(“RET_STAT=R_CLO”) is set.
9. The weld controller signal indicating that the working stroke is closed
(“WRK_STAT=W_CLO”) triggers the weld start (“WLD_STRT=TRUE”).
10. The described sequence starts once again after point “P2” has been weld-

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9 Messages

9 Messages

Information about the messages

The “Messages” chapter contains selected messages. It does not cover all the
messages displayed in the message window.

9.2 System messages from module: GripperTechKrl

9.2.1 GripperTechKrl 11001

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11001

Message text  Condition has not been met! Input '{0}' is not set.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Input is not TRUE (>>> Page 39)

Solution: Input must be TRUE (>>> Page 39)

 Cause: Input is not TRUE (>>> Page 39)

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 40)

 Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly (>>> Page 40)

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper (>>> Page 40)

Cause: Input is not TRUE

Description As a precondition for setting a switching state, an input is defined that is not
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Input must be TRUE

Description Establish the basic conditions so that the input is set to TRUE.

Cause: Input is not TRUE

Description As a precondition for setting a switching state, an input is defined that is not
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly

Description Signal errors occur because the gripper is not connected correctly.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is correctly connected
is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the connectors of the cable are connected firmly enough.
tions 2. Check whether pins are bent when connected.

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper

Description Establish correct cabling in accordance with circuit diagram. Exchange the de-
fective cable.

9.2.2 GripperTechKrl 11002

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11002

Message text  Condition has not been met! Switching state {0} does not exist.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 40)
Solution: Restart program (>>> Page 41)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 41)
Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled
(>>> Page 41)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 41)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 41)

 Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly (>>> Page 42)

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper (>>> Page 42)

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.

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9 Messages

The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as


Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Restart program

Description Reset and restart the program.

Precondition  Program is selected.

Procedure  Select the menu sequence Edit > Reset program.

Alternative  In the status bar, touch the Robot interpreter status indicator. A window
procedure opens.
Select Reset program.

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled

Description In the configuration, extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled.

Procedure  Set a different wait time under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Grip-

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly

Description Signal errors occur because the gripper is not connected correctly.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is correctly connected
is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the connectors of the cable are connected firmly enough.
tions 2. Check whether pins are bent when connected.

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper

Description Establish correct cabling in accordance with circuit diagram. Exchange the de-
fective cable.

9.2.3 GripperTechKrl 11003

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11003

Message text  Condition has not been met! User function {0} not OK.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Input is not TRUE (>>> Page 42)

Solution: Input must be TRUE (>>> Page 42)

 Cause: Input is not TRUE (>>> Page 42)

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 43)

Cause: Input is not TRUE

Description As a precondition for setting a switching state, an input is defined that is not
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Input must be TRUE

Description Establish the basic conditions so that the input is set to TRUE.

Cause: Input is not TRUE

Description As a precondition for setting a switching state, an input is defined that is not
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

42 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

9.2.4 GripperTechKrl 11004

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11004

Message text  Caution! GhostMode is active (configuration)
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: GhostMode is active (>>> Page 43)

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 43)

Cause: GhostMode is active

Description GhostMode is switched on via the configuration.

In GhostMode, it is possible that the programmed switch-

ing states will not be set and monitoring functions
skipped. This can lead to a collision. GhostMode may only be used in oper-
ating mode T1 or T2.

The procedure for checking whether GhostMode is switched on is as fol-


Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

9.2.5 GripperTechKrl 11005

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11005

Message text  Caution! GhostMode is active (input)
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: GhostMode is active (>>> Page 44)

Solution: Adapting the PLC configuration (>>> Page 44)

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GripperSpotTech 4.0

Cause: GhostMode is active

Description GhostMode is switched on via the PLC.

In GhostMode, it is possible that the programmed switch-

ing states will not be set and monitoring functions
skipped. This can lead to a collision. GhostMode may only be used in oper-
ating mode T1 or T2.

The procedure for checking whether GhostMode is switched on is as fol-


Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Adapting the PLC configuration

Description In the PLC configuration, it must be ensured that the configuration matches the
configuration of the KR C controller. The configuration must be adapted by the
PLC programmer.

9.2.6 GripperTechKrl 11007

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11007

Message text  Switching state error: Timeout
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 44)
Solution: Restart program (>>> Page 45)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 45)
Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled
(>>> Page 45)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 45)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 45)

 Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly (>>> Page 46)

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper (>>> Page 46)

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

44 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Restart program

Description Reset and restart the program.

Precondition  Program is selected.

Procedure  Select the menu sequence Edit > Reset program.

Alternative  In the status bar, touch the Robot interpreter status indicator. A window
procedure opens.
Select Reset program.

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled

Description In the configuration, extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled.

Procedure  Set a different wait time under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Grip-

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 45 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly

Description Signal errors occur because the gripper is not connected correctly.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is correctly connected
is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the connectors of the cable are connected firmly enough.
tions 2. Check whether pins are bent when connected.

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper

Description Establish correct cabling in accordance with circuit diagram. Exchange the de-
fective cable.

9.2.7 GripperTechKrl 11008

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11008

Message text  Switching state does not exist. Error strategy is started.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Switching state does not exist (>>> Page 46)
Solution: Restart program (>>> Page 46)

 Cause: Switching state does not exist (>>> Page 47)

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 47)

 Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly (>>> Page 47)

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper (>>> Page 47)

Cause: Switching state does not exist

Description As a precondition for setting a switching state, an input is defined that does not
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Restart program

Description Reset and restart the program.

Precondition  Program is selected.

Procedure  Select the menu sequence Edit > Reset program.

46 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

Alternative  In the status bar, touch the Robot interpreter status indicator. A window
procedure opens.
Select Reset program.

Cause: Switching state does not exist

Description As a precondition for setting a switching state, an input is defined that does not
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly

Description Signal errors occur because the gripper is not connected correctly.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is correctly connected
is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the connectors of the cable are connected firmly enough.
tions 2. Check whether pins are bent when connected.

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper

Description Establish correct cabling in accordance with circuit diagram. Exchange the de-
fective cable.

9.2.8 GripperTechKrl 11011

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11011

Message text  Robot stopped because switching state does not exist.Error strategy
will be started.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 48)
Solution: Restart program (>>> Page 48)

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 47 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 48)
Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled
(>>> Page 48)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 49)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 49)

 Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly (>>> Page 49)

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper (>>> Page 49)

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Restart program

Description Reset and restart the program.

Precondition  Program is selected.

Procedure  Select the menu sequence Edit > Reset program.

Alternative  In the status bar, touch the Robot interpreter status indicator. A window
procedure opens.
Select Reset program.

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled

Description In the configuration, extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled.

Procedure  Set a different wait time under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Grip-

48 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly

Description Signal errors occur because the gripper is not connected correctly.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is correctly connected
is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the connectors of the cable are connected firmly enough.
tions 2. Check whether pins are bent when connected.

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper

Description Establish correct cabling in accordance with circuit diagram. Exchange the de-
fective cable.

9.2.9 GripperTechKrl 11012

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11012

Message text  Stop due to error strategy configuration: Stop
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 50)
Solution: Restart program (>>> Page 50)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 50)
Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled
(>>> Page 50)

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 49 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 50)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 51)

 Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly (>>> Page 51)

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper (>>> Page 51)

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Restart program

Description Reset and restart the program.

Precondition  Program is selected.

Procedure  Select the menu sequence Edit > Reset program.

Alternative  In the status bar, touch the Robot interpreter status indicator. A window
procedure opens.
Select Reset program.

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled

Description In the configuration, extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled.

Procedure  Set a different wait time under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Grip-

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.

50 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly

Description Signal errors occur because the gripper is not connected correctly.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is correctly connected
is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the connectors of the cable are connected firmly enough.
tions 2. Check whether pins are bent when connected.

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper

Description Establish correct cabling in accordance with circuit diagram. Exchange the de-
fective cable.

9.2.10 GripperTechKrl 11013

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11013

Message text  Stop due to error strategy configuration: Dialog in T1, T2
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 52)
Solution: Restart program (>>> Page 52)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 52)
Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled
(>>> Page 52)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 52)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 53)

 Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly (>>> Page 53)

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper (>>> Page 53)

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 51 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Restart program

Description Reset and restart the program.

Precondition  Program is selected.

Procedure  Select the menu sequence Edit > Reset program.

Alternative  In the status bar, touch the Robot interpreter status indicator. A window
procedure opens.
Select Reset program.

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled

Description In the configuration, extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled.

Procedure  Set a different wait time under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Grip-

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

52 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly

Description Signal errors occur because the gripper is not connected correctly.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is correctly connected
is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the connectors of the cable are connected firmly enough.
tions 2. Check whether pins are bent when connected.

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper

Description Establish correct cabling in accordance with circuit diagram. Exchange the de-
fective cable.

9.2.11 GripperTechKrl 11014

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11014

Message text  Stop due to error strategy configuration: Dialog in T1, T2, AUT
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 53)
Solution: Restart program (>>> Page 54)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 54)
Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled
(>>> Page 54)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 54)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 54)

 Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly (>>> Page 55)

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper (>>> Page 55)

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 53 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as


Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Restart program

Description Reset and restart the program.

Precondition  Program is selected.

Procedure  Select the menu sequence Edit > Reset program.

Alternative  In the status bar, touch the Robot interpreter status indicator. A window
procedure opens.
Select Reset program.

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled

Description In the configuration, extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled.

Procedure  Set a different wait time under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Grip-

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

54 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

Cause: Gripper is not connected correctly

Description Signal errors occur because the gripper is not connected correctly.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is correctly connected
is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the connectors of the cable are connected firmly enough.
tions 2. Check whether pins are bent when connected.

Solution: Establish correct cabling to the gripper

Description Establish correct cabling in accordance with circuit diagram. Exchange the de-
fective cable.

9.2.12 GripperTechKrl 11024

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11024

Message text  Switching state error: Program has been stopped.
Message type  Error message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 55)
Solution: Restart program (>>> Page 55)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 56)
Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled
(>>> Page 56)

 Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired
(>>> Page 56)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 56)

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Restart program

Description Reset and restart the program.

Precondition  Program is selected.

Procedure  Select the menu sequence Edit > Reset program.

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 55 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

Alternative  In the status bar, touch the Robot interpreter status indicator. A window
procedure opens.
Select Reset program.

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled

Description In the configuration, extend the wait time for the switching state to be fulfilled.

Procedure  Set a different wait time under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Grip-

Cause: Wait time for reaching the switching state has expired

Description The configured wait time for reaching the switching state has expired.
The program is stopped because the switching state does not exist, and the
configured error strategy detects this.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

9.2.13 GripperTechKrl 11026

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11026

Message text  Gripper number is not valid.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Configuration or programming is not correct (>>> Page 57)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 57)

56 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

Cause: Configuration or programming is not correct

Description If impermissible values are specified in the configuration or programming, this

is detected as an error.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

9.2.14 GripperTechKrl 11027

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11027

Message text  Switching state number is not valid.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Configuration or programming is not correct (>>> Page 57)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 57)

Cause: Configuration or programming is not correct

Description If impermissible values are specified in the configuration or programming, this

is detected as an error.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

9.2.15 GripperTechKrl 11028

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11028

Message text  Number of outputs not valid.

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 57 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Configuration or programming is not correct (>>> Page 58)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 58)

Cause: Configuration or programming is not correct

Description If impermissible values are specified in the configuration or programming, this

is detected as an error.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

9.2.16 GripperTechKrl 11029

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11029

Message text  Number of inputs not valid.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Configuration or programming is not correct (>>> Page 58)
Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 58)

Cause: Configuration or programming is not correct

Description If impermissible values are specified in the configuration or programming, this

is detected as an error.
The procedure for checking which preconditions are configured is as

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

58 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

9 Messages

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

9.2.17 GripperTechKrl 11030

Message code  GripperTechKrl 11030

Message text  Gripper not active.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Gripper is not active (>>> Page 59)

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller (>>> Page 59)

Cause: Gripper is not active

Description The switching state cannot be set because the gripper is not active.
The procedure for checking whether the gripper is active is as follows:

Checking instruc-  Check the settings under Configuration > GripperSpotTech > Gripper.

Solution: Correct the configuration on the controller

Description Correct the configuration on the controller.

This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the operating and programming instructions.

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 59 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

60 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

10 KUKA Service

10 KUKA Service

10.1 Requesting support


Introduction This documentation provides information on operation and operator control,

and provides assistance with troubleshooting. For further assistance, please
contact your local KUKA subsidiary.

Information The following information is required for processing a support request:

 Description of the problem, including information about the duration and
frequency of the fault
 As comprehensive information as possible about the hardware and soft-
ware components of the overall system
The following list gives an indication of the information which is relevant in
many cases:
 Model and serial number of the kinematic system, e.g. the manipulator
 Model and serial number of the controller
 Model and serial number of the energy supply system
 Designation and version of the system software
 Designations and versions of other software components or modifica-
 Diagnostic package KRCDiag
Additionally for KUKA Sunrise: Existing projects including applications
For versions of KUKA System Software older than V8: Archive of the
software (KRCDiag is not yet available here.)
 Application used
 External axes used

10.2 KUKA Customer Support

Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact us if you have any questions.

Argentina Ruben Costantini S.A. (Agency)

Luis Angel Huergo 13 20
Parque Industrial
2400 San Francisco (CBA)
Tel. +54 3564 421033
Fax +54 3564 428877
[email protected]

Australia KUKA Robotics Australia Pty Ltd

45 Fennell Street
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Tel. +61 3 9939 9656
[email protected]

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 61 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

Belgium KUKA Automatisering + Robots N.V.

Centrum Zuid 1031
3530 Houthalen
Tel. +32 11 516160
Fax +32 11 526794
[email protected]

Brazil KUKA Roboter do Brasil Ltda.

Travessa Claudio Armando, nº 171
Bloco 5 - Galpões 51/52
Bairro Assunção
CEP 09861-7630 São Bernardo do Campo - SP
Tel. +55 11 4942-8299
Fax +55 11 2201-7883
[email protected]

Chile Robotec S.A. (Agency)

Santiago de Chile
Tel. +56 2 331-5951
Fax +56 2 331-5952
[email protected]

China KUKA Robotics China Co., Ltd.

No. 889 Kungang Road
Xiaokunshan Town
Songjiang District
201614 Shanghai
P. R. China
Tel. +86 21 5707 2688
Fax +86 21 5707 2603
[email protected]

Germany KUKA Roboter GmbH

Zugspitzstr. 140
86165 Augsburg
Tel. +49 821 797-1926
Fax +49 821 797-41 1926
[email protected]

62 / 71 Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4

10 KUKA Service

France KUKA Automatisme + Robotique SAS

6, Avenue du Parc
91140 Villebon S/Yvette
Tel. +33 1 6931660-0
Fax +33 1 6931660-1
[email protected]

India KUKA Robotics India Pvt. Ltd.

Office Number-7, German Centre,
Level 12, Building No. - 9B
DLF Cyber City Phase III
122 002 Gurgaon
Tel. +91 124 4635774
Fax +91 124 4635773
[email protected]

Italy KUKA Roboter Italia S.p.A.

Via Pavia 9/a - int.6
10098 Rivoli (TO)
Tel. +39 011 959-5013
Fax +39 011 959-5141
[email protected]

Japan KUKA Robotics Japan K.K.

YBP Technical Center
134 Godo-cho, Hodogaya-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa
240 0005
Tel. +81 45 744 7691
Fax +81 45 744 7696
[email protected]

Canada KUKA Robotics Canada Ltd.

6710 Maritz Drive - Unit 4
L5W 0A1
Tel. +1 905 670-8600
Fax +1 905 670-8604
[email protected]

Issued: 15.02.2017 Version: KST GripperSpotTech 4.0 V4 63 / 71

GripperSpotTech 4.0

Korea KUKA Robotics Korea Co. Ltd.

RIT Center 306, Gyeonggi Technopark
1271-11 Sa 3-dong, Sangnok-gu
Ansan City, Gyeonggi Do
Tel. +82 31 501-1451
Fax +82 31 501-1461
[email protected]

Malaysia KUKA Robot Automation (M) Sdn Bhd

South East Asia Regional Office
No. 7, Jalan TPP 6/6
Taman Perindustrian Puchong
47100 Puchong
Tel. +60 (03) 8063-1792
Fax +60 (03) 8060-7386
[email protected]

Mexico KUKA de México S. de R.L. de C.V.

Progreso #8
Col. Centro Industrial Puente de Vigas
Tlalnepantla de Baz
54020 Estado de México
Tel. +52 55 5203-8407
Fax +52 55 5203-8148
[email protected]

Norway KUKA Sveiseanlegg + Roboter

Sentrumsvegen 5
2867 Hov
Tel. +47 61 18 91 30
Fax +47 61 18 62 00
[email protected]

Austria KUKA Roboter CEE GmbH

Gruberstraße 2-4
4020 Linz
Tel. +43 7 32 78 47 52
Fax +43 7 32 79 38 80
[email protected]

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10 KUKA Service

Poland KUKA Roboter CEE GmbH Poland

Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
Oddział w Polsce
Ul. Porcelanowa 10
40-246 Katowice
Tel. +48 327 30 32 13 or -14
Fax +48 327 30 32 26
[email protected]

Portugal KUKA Robots IBÉRICA, S.A.

Rua do Alto da Guerra n° 50
Armazém 04
2910 011 Setúbal
Tel. +351 265 729 780
Fax +351 265 729 782
[email protected]

Russia KUKA Robotics RUS

Werbnaja ul. 8A
107143 Moskau
Tel. +7 495 781-31-20
Fax +7 495 781-31-19
[email protected]

Sweden KUKA Svetsanläggningar + Robotar AB

A. Odhners gata 15
421 30 Västra Frölunda
Tel. +46 31 7266-200
Fax +46 31 7266-201
[email protected]

Switzerland KUKA Roboter Schweiz AG

Industriestr. 9
5432 Neuenhof
Tel. +41 44 74490-90
Fax +41 44 74490-91
[email protected]

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Spain KUKA Robots IBÉRICA, S.A.

Pol. Industrial
Torrent de la Pastera
Carrer del Bages s/n
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)
Tel. +34 93 8142-353
Fax +34 93 8142-950
[email protected]

South Africa Jendamark Automation LTD (Agency)

76a York Road
North End
6000 Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel. +27 41 391 4700
Fax +27 41 373 3869

Taiwan KUKA Robot Automation Taiwan Co., Ltd.

No. 249 Pujong Road
Jungli City, Taoyuan County 320
Taiwan, R. O. C.
Tel. +886 3 4331988
Fax +886 3 4331948
[email protected]

Thailand KUKA Robot Automation (M)SdnBhd

Thailand Office
c/o Maccall System Co. Ltd.
49/9-10 Soi Kingkaew 30 Kingkaew Road
Tt. Rachatheva, A. Bangpli
10540 Thailand
Tel. +66 2 7502737
Fax +66 2 6612355
[email protected]

Czech Republic KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH

Organisation Tschechien und Slowakei
Sezemická 2757/2
193 00 Praha
Horní Počernice
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 22 62 12 27 2
Fax +420 22 62 12 27 0
[email protected]

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Hungary KUKA Robotics Hungaria Kft.

Fö út 140
2335 Taksony
Tel. +36 24 501609
Fax +36 24 477031
[email protected]

USA KUKA Robotics Corporation

51870 Shelby Parkway
Shelby Township
Tel. +1 866 873-5852
Fax +1 866 329-5852
[email protected]

UK KUKA Robotics UK Ltd

Great Western Street
Wednesbury West Midlands
WS10 7LL
Tel. +44 121 505 9970
Fax +44 121 505 6589
[email protected]

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Collision detection 28 Safety 9
Configuration 17 Safety instructions 5
Configuration, overview 17 Service, KUKA Roboter GmbH 61
Signal diagram, SPOT with RETRACT 37
D Signal diagram, SPOT without RETRACT 35
Documentation, industrial robot 5 SPOT 6
SPOT, inline form 26
E Status keys 14
Examples 31 Support request 61

GhostMode 6 Terms used 6
Gripper CHECK, inline form 24 Terms, used 6
Gripper SET, inline form 23 Training 5
Gripper SYN CHECK, inline form 25
Gripper SYN SET, inline form 24 U
Grippers 13 Uninstallation, GripperSpotTech 11
GUN_RET (signal) 34 Update, GripperSpotTech 11
GUN_WRK (signal) 34 Use, intended 7
USERSPOT.SRC, example 31
Inline forms, overview 23 W
Installation 11 Warnings 5
Installation, GripperSpotTech 11 Weld guns 7
Intended use 7 WLD_CMP (signal) 34
Interpolation mode 28 WLD_STRT (signal) 33
Introduction 5 Working stroke 6
WRK_STAT (signal) 34
KUKA Customer Support 61

Menus 13
Messages 39

Operation 13
Orientation control, circular motion 29
Orientation control, TCP 29

PNUM (signal) 33
Product description 7
Programming 23
Programming, Gripper CHECK 24
Programming, Gripper SET 23
Programming, Gripper SYN CHECK 25
Programming, Gripper SYN SET 24
Programming, RETRACT 27
Programming, SPOT 26

RET_STAT (signal) 34
Retract stroke 6
RETRACT, inline form 27

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