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Course Objectives & Outcomes

The papers of current affairs and Pakistan affairs are tricky as well as scoring. The
aspirants usually consider these papers too difficult but if prepared well these
papers can be very helpful in securing good marks and attempting other papers like
English and certain optional papers. Our module of both papers is especially
designed to hone the analytical skills of students to prepare them for unforeseen
and inadvertent circumstances. Following are the specialties of our course:

1. 5 Free general lectures to cover the basic concepts pertaining to CSS.

2. Provision of hand-outs especially prepared from recommended and foreign
research articles to save student’s time
3. Free mock after every two lectures
4. One free grand mock exam at the end of course completion
5. Free of cost evaluation and consultation services for enrolled students till exam
6. At any, if a student gets dissatisfied full repayment of fee.

Basic International Concepts

Free Lectures
Lecture 1: A concise history of Europe, Balance of Power, Bolshevik Revolution,
Colonialism, Communism and Socialism, Democracy and Democratization
Democratic Socialism, Diplomacy World-systems Theory Working Class World-
systems Theory Xenophobia

Lecture 2 : Industrial revolution,Fascism , Federalism, Feminism, Global

Governance, Global Warming, Globalization, Liberal Democracy , Liberalism,


Lecture 3: World 1, World War 2 and Cold War. Majoritarianism Nation State
National Identity and Nationhood, Nationalization Nationalism Nature vs Culture

Lecture 4: Capitalism, Marxism, Artificial Intelligence, Sectarianism Secularism

Security State War Crime Water Crisis Welfare State Women Empowerment

Lecture 5: A new world and Geostrategic location of Pakistan, World-systems

Theory Working Class World-systems Theory Xenophobia
Lecture Plan for Pakistan Affairs
Lecture 1: Ideology of Pakistan, definition and elucidation, historical aspects:
Muslim rule in the Sub-continent, its downfall and efforts for Renaissance.
Movements for reforms:
1. Shaikh Ahmad
2. Sarhindi,
3. Shah Waliullah,
4. Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed,
5. Aligarh, Deoband, Nadwah, and other educational institutions
Lecture 2: Land and people of Pakistan - Geography, Society, Natural
resources, Agriculture, Industry and education with reference to characteristics,
trends and problems.

Free Lecture 1: A concise history of Europe, Balance of Power, Bolshevik

Revolution, Colonialism, Communism and Socialism, Democracy and
Democratization Democratic Socialism, Diplomacy World-systems Theory
Working Class World-systems Theory Xenophobia
Lecture 3: Major political developments after 1857, All India Muslim League,
Major developments from 1910-1920, Major events from 1920 to 1947.
Lecture 4: Post 1947 developments till 1962, the era of uncertainties,i.e Political
Evolution Since 1971to till 2000, Evolution of Democratic System in Pakistan.
Lecture 5: The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest
Constitutional, Amendments and Important Legislation, Legal Cases and the Role
of Higher Courts.

Free Lecture 2: Industrial revolution,Fascism , Federalism, Feminism,

Global Governance, Global Warming, Globalization, Liberal Democracy ,
Liberalism, Neoliberalism

Lecture 6: Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan

Lecture 7: Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan: Challenges to National
Security of Pakistan, Proxy Wars: Role of External Elements, Non-Traditional
Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors

Lecture 8: Pakistan and US War on Terror, Foreign Policy of Pakistan Post 9/11

Lecture 9: Hydro Politics; Water Issues in Domestic and Regional Context

Pakistan’s Energy Problems and their Effects

Free Lecture 3: World 1, World War 2 and Cold war. Majoritarianism

Nation State National Identity and Nationhood, Nationalization Nationalism
Nature vs Culture

Lecture 10: Pakistan’s National Interest, Challenges to Sovereignty,Ethnic Issues

and National Integration

Lecture 11: Pakistan’s Relations with Neighbors excluding India,Kashmir Issue,

Pakistan and India Relations Since 1947

Lecture 12: The war in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on, and challenges
to Pakistan, in the Post 2014 era.

Lecture 4: capitalism, Marxism, artificial intelligence, Sectarianism

Secularism Security State War Crime Water Crisis Welfare State Women

Lecture 13: Economic Conditions of Pakistan, the Most Recent Economic

Survey, the Previous and Current Budgets, and the Problems and Performance of
Major Sectors of Economy.Economic Challenges in Pakistan

Lecture 14: The Prevailing Social Problems of Pakistan and the Strategies to Deal
with Them, Poverty, Education, Health and Sanitation

Free Lecture 5: A new world and geostrategic location of Pakistan, World-

systems Theory Working Class World-Systems Theory Xenophobia

Lecture 15: Regional Economic Cooperation (SAARC, ECO, SCO) and the Role
of Pakistan
Lecture 16: Kashmir and Palestine Issue
Lecture plan for Current Affair
Lecture 17: Discussion on different books pertinent to current affairs and past

papers analysis. Techniques to secure good marks in CSS.

Lecture 18: Analysis of the oceanic politics and various areas of competitions,

i.e, Middle East, south china sea and other formidable areas. A holistic analysis of

alliances. Cooperation and Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Lecture 19: Short introduction of all the theories of international relation to

understand the international politics

1. International Security

2. International Political Economy

3. Realism

4. Idealism

5. Liberalism

6. Capitalism And Marxism

Lecture 20: Globalization and nationalization-- complete Overview of both

ideologies and Pros and Cons analysis

Lecture 21: US and china Rivalry and its impacts on Pakistan

Lecture 22: Iran and Saudi Arabia Rivalry and the politics of the Middle East

Cooperation and Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Lecture 23: South China Sea crisis and its implications for Pakistan

Lecture 24: The afghan quagmire and Possible Solution and impact on region

and Kashmir Issue

Lecture 25: China’s BRI and CPEC politics--- role of Pakistan

Lecture 26: Pakistan’s relations with Regional and International Organizations


Lecture 27: Environment: Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen


Lecture 28: Millennium Development Goals, Current Status,

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