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Club Treasurer

Table of Contents

Welcome to the Club Treasurer E-Book ................................................................................................................. 1

Leading Your Club .................................................................................................................................................. 1

Prepare to Lead; Prepare to Succeed ..................................................................................................................... 2

Start with Self-study Training for the Club Treasurer Position..................................................................................2

Log in to the Lions Learning Center to access online club officer courses which review key aspects of your role
and responsibilities. ..................................................................................................................................................2

Become Familiar with Your Club Constitution and By-Laws .....................................................................................2

Create Your Logon for the Member Portal ............................................................................................................. 3

Managing Your Club Finances ................................................................................................................................ 3

Your Club Account Statements with Lions Clubs International .................................................................................3

Custom Data Downloads for Dues Invoicing .............................................................................................................4

Understanding Membership Types and Categories for Each Member of Your Club ................................................4

Invoicing Dues to Each Club Member........................................................................................................................4

Keeping Your Club in Good Standing .........................................................................................................................5

Purchase Club Items Online at the LCI Shop ........................................................................................................... 6

The First 30 Days in Your Position .......................................................................................................................... 6

Attend Club Officer Training Offered by Your District ...............................................................................................7

Prepare Your Officers for Access to your Local Financial Institution ........................................................................7

Check the Outstanding Club Account Balance in MyLCI ...........................................................................................7

Prepare Dues Invoicing ..............................................................................................................................................7

Monthly Tasks ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Monthly Accounting and Book Keeping Tasks ..........................................................................................................8

Processing Newly Recruited Members ......................................................................................................................8

Quarterly Meetings ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Zone Meetings ...........................................................................................................................................................9

Semi-Annual Tasks - Focus on July and January ..................................................................................................... 9

Annual Tasks.......................................................................................................................................................... 9

Year-end Check List................................................................................................................................................ 9

Prepare Documents and Orient the Incoming Treasurer ..........................................................................................9

Legalities and Technicalities ................................................................................................................................ 10

Use of Funds Guidelines ..........................................................................................................................................10

Lions Trademark Overview ......................................................................................................................................10

Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs International Foundation Privacy Policy ...............................................10

Amendments to Your Constitution and By-Laws ....................................................................................................10

Welcome to the Club Treasurer E-Book

This guide is designed to support you in your role as treasurer for your club. It contains tools and resources
for you to be successful not only in your individual role, but as a cohesive team member with your fellow club
members and officers.

As club treasurer, you keep the club’s financial records in order to ensure the club operates within its fiduciary
capacity. You manage the financial operations of the club, including invoicing and payment of dues, recording
and processing receipts and payments for both the administrative and public service accounts.

It’s easy to navigate the e-Book. Just click on the various sections contained in the Table of Contents
pertinent to the tasks you perform to fulfill your role. From there, you will find useful information and
hyperlinks that take you directly to tools, resources and documents that make your job easier.

Leading Your Club

If you spend some time studying, training and planning to fulfill the responsibilities of your position prior to
the start of your term in office, you will better support the activities of your club. You and your fellow
servant-leaders will more effectively work together to lead the club in realizing its vision and ensure it to be a

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Prepare to Lead; Prepare to Succeed

Start with Self-study Training for the Club Treasurer Position

Log in to the Lions Learning Center to access online club officer courses which review key aspects of your role
and responsibilities.

• Club Officer Training – this module delivers an introductory overview of club officer roles and
responsibilities and club structure.

• Club Treasurer Responsibilities – This module provides basic information and resources necessary to
prepare for the position of club treasurer:

 Preparing budgets and setting annual dues

 Receiving monies and depositing into approved club bank account(s)

 Making payments on behalf of the club

 Maintaining separate Administrative and Activity Accounts

 Preparing Financial Reports for the club and required governmental entities

 Maintaining club financial records

 Filing taxes/complying with local tax laws (Generally Accepted Accounting Practices)

 Preparing final financial records and turning over accounts and funds to successor

Become Familiar with Your Club Constitution and By-Laws

Your club constitution and by-laws provide the basic structure and policies to guide your club’s operations
and to meet the obligations of a club chartered with the International Association of Lions Clubs. It also
serves as your club’s main reference document if there are questions about appropriate procedures to
conduct club business.

Standard Club Constitution and By-Laws - This template document serves as the basis for a club to create its
own governing document in accordance with the International Constitution and By-Laws. If your club does
not have its own, use this standard document.

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Create Your Logon for the Member Portal

The Member Portal – allows you access to all Lions applications: MyLion, MyLCI, Insights, Learn, Shop and

Registration and Password Instructions - These easy instructions will aid you in gaining access to MyLCI if you
haven’t already set up your profile.

• MyLION – Connect.Serve.Report! This site is where clubs report service, plan their service projects,
connect with other Lions and create personal profiles. If you have further questions regarding
MyLION, please email [email protected]

• MyLCI – Tools for the Lion leaders! This site is where the club can manage their membership, create
district and club profiles, check club voter eligibility, document and plan conventions as well as check
new club charter application status. If you have further questions regarding MyLCI, please email
[email protected]

• INSIGHTS – Comprehensive overview of LCI in the areas of Membership, Service Activity, Donations
and Club strength. Also featured is Campaign100 and District Goals Progress.

• LEARN – Provides Lions a central location to complete Lions Learning Center (LLC) courses, search for
LCI-hosted institutes (ALLI, FDI and LCIP) and view local trainings as reported by Multiple District and
District GLT Coordinators.

• SHOP – The LCI Store is an easy way to order the most common club supplies and Lions Clubs
International branded merchandise. If you have further questions regarding club supplies, please
email [email protected]

• CONNECT *NEW* - A new virtual meeting feature called Connect that Lions can access using their
Lion Account login information. The meeting functionality is run using a third-party software called
Big Blue Button.

Managing Your Club Finances

Your Club Account Statements with Lions Clubs International

Your club has an account with Lions Clubs International which contains transactions from dues and club
supplies. There is a new statement generated each month for you to view and print to pay your bill.

Best Practice for Financial Transparency guide provides basic information for financial reporting, guidelines
for reimbursement, the maintenance of bank accounts and conducting year-end audits.

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Payment Instructions - The club may pay its monthly statement by check, PayPal or credit/debit card.

Club Statements – Mailed paper statements may not always be available in the future. To view and print
your club’s statement, visit us online for payment options. For further questions regarding your club’s
statements please contact Membership Billing Department at [email protected]

Exchange Rates - This chart provides the exchange rate in relation to the US Dollar on a monthly basis.
Custom Data Downloads for Dues Invoicing

Download Club Officer or Member Information - Use this key feature of MyLCI to create mailing address,
email address and phone lists for easier communication.

Understanding Membership Types and Categories for Each Member of Your Club

The rights and obligations of each of your club members and their subsequent membership dues owed are
based upon a combination of Membership Type and Membership Category, which affect the international
and club- level dues.

Membership Types and Categories - This quick-reference guide explains the details of various membership
programs available:

 Membership types - The association provides both regular membership and special discounted
membership programs for families, college students, former Leos and young adults. These types
determine international fees and dues levels billed to each Lion.

 Membership categories - There are several membership categories which provide various levels
of involvement for regular club members to best fit their needs as volunteers. Local club dues
may vary for these categories and those dues levels are provided for in the club’s constitution
and by-laws.

Membership Dues Billing and Fees - This table provides the pro-rated international dues billed to your club
for members who join during the fiscal year. It also provides the pro-rated dues amounts for membership
types that receive a discounted-dues rate.

Invoicing Dues to Each Club Member

With a small amount of preparation, it will be much easier to issue a dues invoice for each member of your
club. You will need to gather information from several sources in order to complete the dues invoicing
process. Some of the information you need to complete the task may be found in MyLCI, including the club
statement and the current club roster.

Work with your club secretary to complete a data download of your current club roster so that you have an
accurate and complete list of all members.

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View and print your club statement from MyLCI, showing the international dues billing from the association.

The total amount of dues your club assesses to each member of the club is a combination of International,
multiple district, district and club-level dues owed for each individual member.

 Use the dues billing provided by the international association on June 30 and December 31 each
fiscal year.

 Contact your multiple district and district treasurers if you are not aware of the dues amounts
being assessed by your multiple district and district respectively. Most multiple districts and
districts bill a flat fee per member.

 Finally, add the appropriate club-level dues applicable to each of your members as determined
by their Membership Category.

Keeping Your Club in Good Standing

Your club has an obligation to pay its dues at all levels; international, district and club to remain in Good
Standing. The Board Policy Manual defines Good Standing as a club:

a. Which is not in “status quo or financial suspension”;

b. Which operates in accordance with the provisions of the International Constitution and By-Laws
and International Board Policy;

c. Which has:

(1) District (Single, Sub-and Multiple) dues and fees paid in full; and

(2) No unpaid balance of International dues and fees greater than U.S.$10; and

(3) No unpaid Lions Club International account balance greater than U.S. $50, outstanding
ninety (90) days or more.

Financial Suspension Policy - This policy explains consequences of not paying international dues in a timely
manner. If a club is placed in Financial Suspension, it may be cancelled if the outstanding dues are not paid
before the 28th of month following the month the club is placed in suspension.

Reactivating Your Club from Cancellation due to Financial Suspension – contact the Membership Billing
Department at [email protected] for assistance.

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Purchase Club Items Online at the LCI Shop

The LCI Shop is an easy way to order the most commonly used supplies and Lions Clubs International branded

Following are frequently requested items:

• Club Meeting Supplies - This section of the club supplies online catalog contains gavels, gongs,
meeting forms, and member name badges.

• New Member Kits - The items contained in the New Member Kit welcome a Lion into the
organization and recognizes the new member’s sponsor as well.

• Lions Apparel - This area contains club vests, shirts, caps and other popular clothing items; many that
may be customized with your club’s information.

• Peace Poster Kit - Please note that these kits are available for purchase only from January 15 through
October 1 each year.

• Awards and Medals - Browse this department for various medals and certificates.

• Plaques, Awards and Recognition - This section contains a wide variety of products to help you
recognize outstanding Lions Clubs.

If you have further questions regarding club supplies, please email [email protected].

The First 30 Days in Your Position

The beginning of the fiscal year is a crucial time for a treasurer to complete several financial management
tasks. This includes working with the club secretary to obtain an accurate roster of the club to issue annual
dues to the club members. You should also set up a system to organize and maintain:

the administrative and activity accounts

revenue and expense receipts
statements from financial institutions
monthly financial reports for the club board and membership

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Attend Club Officer Training Offered by Your District

The training offered through your district is designed to assist your entire team of club leaders to be more
effective as a leadership team and provides an opportunity for each officer to learn the basic skills of the
most common tasks.

Prepare Your Officers for Access to your Local Financial Institution

Obtain new signature authorizations as required by the club’s financial institution to provide rights to
disburse funds on behalf of the club for the newly elected club officers.

Make sure the club is stocked with paper receipts, checks, deposit slips and any other supplies necessary to
carry out the financial transactions of the club.

Check the Outstanding Club Account Balance in MyLCI

Login to MyLCI

On the Home page, My Tasks, check the “View Statements” to check for your club’s account balance in July,
which should contain the first statement of international dues owed by the club. You may want to indicate
in MyLCI that you want to “opt out” of receiving paper statements and always use MyLCI for your statement

Prepare Dues Invoicing

The international, district and multiple district dues invoices your club will receive are all based on the club
roster as of June 30 and December 31. District and multiple districts rarely issue credits for dues invoiced,
so it is important for the club secretary to keep the membership roster accurate. To ensure that your club is
not held accountable for dues owed by members that are no longer in your club, work with your club
secretary to review your membership roster immediately in July.

To create an accurate club roster that includes each member’s membership type and category, start by
completing a Data Download of the club roster in MyLCI under My Lions Clubs, Reports.

Data Download - This feature in MyLCI under the MyLion Club/Reports, allows the club secretary to
download the club roster, which may then be used to incorporate it into the computation for dues owed by
each club member.

Create invoices for each club member using your club’s chosen financial tracking system.

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Monthly Tasks

Monthly Accounting and Book Keeping Tasks

Good accounting practice is the result of keeping all revenues and expenses properly processed and
recorded. Financial transparency is the result of reporting the status of all club financial accounts to the
board and the members on a monthly basis. These are some critical tasks to be completed each month:

Promptly deposit all revenue monies into the appropriate administrative or activities account and obtain
receipts, properly categorize per accounting best practices.

Make payment on all outstanding bills of the club, keeping administrative and activity account monies

Club Statement - Check MyLCI each month to view your club statement from LCI. Pay outstanding balance
owed to LCI.

Balance all monthly statements from the club’s financial institution(s) immediately upon receipt.

For both the Administrative Account and the Activities Account(s):

 Prepare printed month-end financial reports as soon as the previous month’s transactions are
recorded and finalized.

 Prepare distribution of monthly reports for both the club and board meetings, including cash
flow, profit and loss, balance sheet and budget comparison.

Retain all monthly financial reports for permanent records.

Processing Newly Recruited Members

Your club membership chairperson will work closely with the club secretary when adding new members to
your club. When a new member joins the club, the membership chairperson will assist the member in
selecting the membership category that appropriately matches their chosen level of involvement with the

In addition, there are different membership types which offer a reduced level of international dues, including
family membership, student membership and Leo to Lion membership. Use the Membership Dues Billing
and Fees to calculate the total international dues owed for members who join during the fiscal year.

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Quarterly Meetings

Zone Meetings

Zones consist of a group of 4 to 8 surrounding area clubs. The club officers from these clubs meet on a
quarterly basis, usually during the first three quarters of the fiscal year, led by your zone chairperson. You
can find all of your district officer’s contact information on your club homepage of MyLCI. Also look there for
your zone chairperson’s name and contact information.

The Model District Governor Advisory Committee Meeting - This guide assists both the zone chairperson and
club officers know what to expect at the quarterly zone meetings. Often times the zone chair asks a club to
report regarding membership, service or other events. Each meeting may have a specific focus and provides
an opportunity for club officers to meet and learn from each other.

Semi-Annual Tasks - Focus on July and January

In both July and January, prepare and distribute the dues invoices to all club members.

Collect dues payments from members, provide receipt of payment and deposit into Administrative account.

Pay international dues to LCI.

Pay district and multiple district dues upon receipt from the district cabinet treasurer and multiple district
council treasurer.

Annual Tasks

Prepare budget for upcoming fiscal year and present it to the club for approval per the club constitution and

Prepare tax filings – Organize all financial records as required by local law to comply with tax laws.

Year-end Check List

Prepare Documents and Orient the Incoming Treasurer

A full set of all revenue and expense receipts, bank statements, tax filings, financial reports provided to the
board of directors and general ledgers of all transactions should be prepared for file retention with the club
secretary and a set available as a reference for the incoming club treasurer.

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Bank signatories - It is important for the board of directors to approve a resolution authorizing new
signatories for club accounts. This may be completed at a board meeting after the club completes its officer
elections and prior to the new fiscal year. The resolution should contain the names of officers that are being
added as signatories as well as those that are being removed at the end of the fiscal year. This resolution
should be recorded in the club minutes and then provided to the club’s banking institution upon request.
Club financial records must be audited annually and findings reported to the board of directors and all club

Prepare and retain all financial records for permanent records. Turn over all accounting ledgers, check-books
and banking institution statements containing current account balances to the incoming treasurer.
Legalities and Technicalities

Use of Funds Guidelines - This provides guidance on the appropriate use of public funds or administrative
funds for clubs and districts.

General Liability Insurance Program - The International Association of Lions Clubs has a program of
Commercial General Liability Insurance that covers Lions on a worldwide basis. All Clubs and Districts are
automatically insured.

• Certificates of Insurance - In order to expedite the certificate issuance process, you now have the
ability to create certificates of insurance on your own.

• Supplemental Insurance - In addition to the automatic coverage mentioned above, Lions Clubs
International now offers Supplemental Insurance Coverage for Clubs and Districts in the United
States including Directors & Officers Liability, Crime / Fidelity, Additional Liability Insurance and
Accident Insurance.

Lions Trademark Overview - This guideline is to help you understand the appropriate use of the Lions emblem
and trademarks, and when approval is required.

Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs International Foundation Privacy Policy - Lions Clubs International
(LCI) and LCIF recognize the importance of protecting the private information of our members.

Amendments to Your Constitution and By-Laws

From time to time, your club may choose to make amendments to your club constitution and by-laws. As
club secretary, you may be asked to assist with this process. Check your own constitution and by-laws for
the provisions regarding amendments to ensure that the process is completed according to policy. You may
be asked to make the necessary draft amendments and communicate with the club members regarding the
proposed changes and assist in implementing the required processes to complete the amendments.

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District and Club Administration Division
300 W. 22nd Street
Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842, USA
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (630) 468-6890
DA-CTEB.EN 2/2021

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