Chapter 1 Introduction Statement of The Problem

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Identify the components Enumerate the elements of a Familiarize the guidelines in Drawing the Hypotheses.
included in the introduction of research problem. writing the title, statements of
a research paper. the problem.

1 2 3 4
A rationale offers the reasons for proceeding to address a particular problem with a particular solution. A rationale for
research is a set of reasons offered by a researcher for conducting more research into a particular subject . Your rationale
should cover the following arguments:
1. Your objectives in conducting further research -- What do you hope to find out?
2. The significance of the subject in your field -- Why is this subject important?
3. Reasons why more or better research is needed -- a summary of your conclusions from your literature review -- the
gaps in our knowledge, flawed prior research, etc. -- What was wrong or incomplete about prior efforts and what is
needed to address these problems?
4. Your proposed research method -- Will you want to do qualitative (descriptive) or quantitative (experimental)

 You may also want to share with your reader the following:
1. Your expected outcomes or hypotheses about the research you hope to conduct (if you are ready to articulate these).
2. Your credentials or strengths as a student and researcher.
3. Your expectations about how you'd like your future research to be evaluated.
 Introductory paragraph:
➢ Give a general introduction to the topic for broad audience
➢ Narrow the focus to your particular topic
➢ State your research problem and aims
 Literature review (usually several paragraphs):
➢ Summarize the relevant literature on your topic
➢ Describe the current state of the art
➢ Note any gaps in the literature that your study will address
 Research targets (usually one paragraph):
➢ State your hypothesis or research question
➢ Briefly describe how you will accomplish your aims
➢ Give a preview of your main results and state the contribution of the work (optional)
 Paper overview (optional; one paragraph):
➢ Give a section-by-section overview of the paper's contents
a. Local of the study/Location:
 Details about the Province
 Details about the Municipality
 Details about the Barangay
b. Current Trends:
 Businesses
 Sales and marketing
 Economic growth and development
c. Respondents:
 Age
 Gender
 Source of Income
 Work
 Objectives – describe concisely what the research is trying to achieve. A summary of the accomplishments a
researcher wishes to achieve through the project and provides direction to the study.
 Statement of the Problem – an outline of problems addressed by a study/research. Significance of the study

 Scope and Delimitations - are two elements of a research paper or thesis. The scope of a study explains the extent
to which the research area will be explored in the work and specifies the parameters within which the study will be
operating. Delimitations are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study, such
as the sample size, geographical location or setting in which the study takes place, population traits, etc.
Additionally, the researcher might also choose to use some research tools and methodologies to collect data but not
 Operational Definition of terms - Operational definition of terms refers to a detailed explanation of the technical
terms and measurements used during data collection.

 Aim or purpose of the problem for investigation.

 The subject matter or topic to be investigated.

 The place or locale where the research is to be conducted.

 The period or time of the study during which the data are to be gathered.

 Population or universe from whom the date are to be collected.


 The research topic should be selected by the researchers.

 It should be within the interest of the researchers.
 It should be within the specialization and competence of the researcher.
 The budget and financial aspect is within the reach of the researchers. Policy
 Topic must be researchable and manageable.
 It can be completed within a reasonable time.
 Realtime basis.
 Results must be practical and applicable. Rules
 Original, accurate and critically analyzed.
 Can be used for nation building and is made with ethics and good morale conduct.


Characteristics of a good research title:

 The title must contain the subject matter, the locale, the population involved, and the period of the study.

 It must be specific enough and should include all aspects of the subject matter.

 It must be brief and concise.

 Avoid using the terms “ An Analysis of”, “A Study of”, “An Investigation of”, and the like. All these things are
understood to have been done or to be done when a research is conducted.
 If the title contains more than one line, it must be written like an inverted pyramid, all words in capital letters.

 Should be formulated first before conducting a research.

 States specific subproblems in interrogative forms.

 Clear and unequivocal.

 Each question should be researchable and based from facts.

 Answers can be interpreted.

 It should contribute to the development of the whole research.

 Should be enough to cover the whole research.


It is a tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the beginning of the investigation.
2 forms of hypotheses:
1. Null Hypothesis (Ho) - “There is no” (Negative)
2. Operational or alternative Hypothesis (Ha) – “There is” (Positive)
 Purpose:
a. It helps the researchers in designing the study.
b. Serves as basis for determining assumptions.
c. Serves as basis for determining the relevance of the data.
d. Serves as basis for the explanation or discussion about the data gathered.

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