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Cost benefit analysis of Rapid Manufacturing in Automotive Industries 1

Article · January 2012


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Sunil Kumar Jauhar

Indian Institute of Management Kashipur


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Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Applications (AMEA) 181
Vol. 2, No. 3, 2012, ISSN 2167-6380
Copyright © World Science Publisher, United States

Cost benefit analysis of Rapid Manufacturing in Automotive


Sunil Jauhar, 2K. M. Asthankar & 3A.M. Kuthe
Research scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
Asst. Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, VNIT, Nagpur (MH), India
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, VNIT, Nagpur (MH), India

Email: [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: - This paper deals with the application of rapid manufacturing techniques to save the time as well as cost of
manufacturing of few critical components of automobiles. A case study of Inlet manifold of engine and Rotor of disk
break is taken here to demonstrate the method. While working on this objective the aim will be to reduce the lead time
required for tooling required for the conventional block-type investment casting process. There are strong incentives to
reduce costs while increasing speed and accuracy in the current market. RP is an ideal method when the components are
complex in shape because it substantially compresses the time for developing prototypes, patterns and tooling. This
method is even more promising on cost and time front. The capabilities to fabricate freeform surfaces, inbuilt cores,
projections and supports are the unbeatable strengths of RP processes. The use of benefits in terms costs have proved
that the adoption of RP technology is techno-economically justifiable for the Indian manufacturing industries. Rapid
Prototyping have proved to be a cost-effective and time efficient approach for development of pattern making, thereby
ensuring possibility for technology transfer in Indian manufacturing industries.

Keywords: - Rapid Prototyping, Cost benefit analysis, Casting Cost estimation

1. Introduction consuming to fabricate can be built with ease with RP.

The RP techniques are limited neither by geometry nor
With the rapid development of the automobile industry the by the complexity of parts to be fabricated [9].
manufacturing of the pattern for the inlet manifolds and In metal casting processes, conventionally the
rotor at low cost, with a short manufacturing cycle, is the development of patterns greatly influence cost and
key factor for the competitive automobile industry. The dimensional quality of the product. Comparing the lead-
short- comings of the traditional investment casting are: a times required for fabrication of sacrificial pattern and
complex process; a long manufacturing time; high cost; patterns produced with RP, allows significant amount
pose the bottleneck of pattern making [10]. In today’s (89%) of time-saving (Lee, et al., 2004). It has been
competitive environment, the manufacturing industries claimed that RP can cut new product costs by up to 70%
are striving for development of next generation products and the time to market by 90% (Pham and Gault, 1998).
due to increasing competition among the products and To stay a head in competition, the updated technology
continuously changing customer needs. Among the demands development of fast and accurate products of
challenging tasks the manufacturers are facing include, high standards [2].Therefore, the time and cost effective
increasing product complexity. This has emerged the advantage of Rapid Prototyping philosophy can be
concept of rapid physical realization of products well utilized for development of rapid tooling by transferring
before its manufacturing [1]. the technology in investment casting industries.
A dominant technology for producing physical Following are the significant reasons that create a need
models for testing and evaluation purposes has been for technology transfer in the conventional industries [1]:
Rapid Prototyping (Horvath and Yang, 2002). Rapid
Prototyping (RP) techniques are fast becoming standard 1. Rapid Prototyping is an automated fabrication
tools in the product design and manufacturing industry. process. Hence, it requires minimal human
The zero tool costs reduced lead times and considerable intervention.
gains in terms of freedom in product design and 2. It can build arbitrarily complex 3D geometries
production schedules are the appreciable facts regarding directly from CAD data.
RP (Hopkinson and Dickens, 2001). The parts those were 3. It drastically reduces product development cycle
previously impossible or extremely costly and time time, because the product is directly fabricated
Sunil Jauhar, et al., AMEA, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 181-188, 2012 182

from CAD data and process planning is almost 2. Study of RP as a technology transfer for automotive
eliminated. industry.
4. It uses a generic fabrication machine, i.e., it does 3. Study of effect of RP techniques especially on
not require part-specific fixture or tooling. manufacturing modules in automotive industries
5. The process planning is automatic, based on the considering cost and time aspect.
CAD model. 4. To conduct a techno economical Study of effect of RP
6. It is most suitable for production of customized techniques especially on manufacturing.
or single product. 5. To check the feasibility with the help of a case study
7. There is no need of assemblage of the from automotive industry with the help of inlet
components. All the components in assembly are manifolds and rotor.
fabricated simultaneously, a layer-by-layer. A
support material is used to fill-up the cavities. The methodology for this we have used as follows:

2. Need and scope for effect of Rapid To decide objective of the research work
prototyping in manufacturing industries

The idea of using RP machines for the

manufacture of products in high or medium volumes To decide research design & application
seems unrealistic as the cycle times, material costs and
capital equipment for processes such as injection
moulding are far lower that RP. However, many
researchers appreciated the zero tool costs, reduced lead Research problem identification
times and considerable gains in terms of freedom in
product design and production schedules using RP.
(Chiang, et al., 2005; Folkestad and Johnson, 2002;
Hopkinson and Dickens, 2001; Karapatis, et al., 1989; Cad model creation on Inlet manifold &
Mueller, 2005; Rooks, 2002; Wang, et al., (1999)[1]. The Rotor
layered manufacturing techniques are economically
comparable with conventional castings processes for the
manufacturing of the patterns. These facts highlight the Determination of mini. part build time in
need for technology transfer by developing a method for FDM
the rapid manufacturing of patterns.
Rapid Prototyping techniques involve no tooling
or fixtures, resulting in simpler set-up, lower overhead Casting cost and time estimation
cost and shorter production lead times. The parts that
were previously impossible, extremely costly and time
consuming can be built with an ease with RP. The mass 3.1 Research Problems
production tools such as molds and dies can be made
ready with an ease and short time with RP. The need for Problems identified by performing a market survey in
use of RP in pattern making is due to following reasons various automobile workshops in Nagpur. Most of the
[1]: people in the repairing shop are facing problems
regarding inlet manifold and rotor. When this inlet
1. RP fabrication process is automated manifold and rotor part break-down, then workshop
2. Fabricates intricate and small parts person require some special order for casting of that
3. Substantial reduction in lead time product. The following problems facing by the workshop
4. Eliminates tooling persons are,
5. Eliminates process planning
6. Customized product 1. Cost of pattern making is too costly.
7. Produces no scrap 2. Time requires for pattern making of inlet manifold and
8. No assemblage of parts rotor is more.
3. Complex size shapes are difficult to prepare.
The scope of research in few areas appeared to be: 4. Especially order require for these products.
• Scope for technology transfer in foundry industry. 5. Less availability of part in market.
• Determination of minimum part builds cost in FDM.
• Cost/benefit analysis for rapid prototyping industry. 3.2 Cad Model Creation of Inlet Manifold and Rotor
• Casting cost estimation for investment casting.
Designing of 3-D CAD model of part using CAD
3. Objective and Methodology software PRO-E, This work is primary function of the
research work. This is creation the CAD model for
The objectives of study are: further process.

1. Study of RP in context to an automotive industry 3.2.1 Cad Model of Inlet Manifold and Rotor
Sunil Jauhar, et al., AMEA, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 181-188, 2012 183

3. Base plate cost( ): Rs.267.5 per plate

4. Annual maintenance cost ( ) : Rs.0.913/min
5. Electricity cost ( ) : Rs.0.012/min
6. Battery depreciation ( ): Rs.0.01826/min
7. Machine depreciation ( ): Rs.0.068/min

After summing up these costs of components, Equation 1

can be formulated to compute the total cost:

= + + +( + +
+ )………………………………………..……..1
Figure 1 Isometric view inlet manifold
Substituting the numerical values of various cost
components in equation 1 the equation 2 is formulated:

= (13.95* ) + (13.95* ) + (16.72* )+

[(0.913+0.12+0.1826+0.0684)* …………………..2

Where, - model material ( )

- Support material ( )
- Cost of base plate (Rs)
- Build time (min)
The equation 3 gives the relation that can be used to
determine the total part build costs in FDM.
Figure 2 Bottom view of the Scorpio rotor
= (13.95* ) + (13.95* ) + (16.72* ) +
3.3 Determination of Part Build Cost in FDM (1.11966* )…………………………………………...3

In order to determine the total cost of part

preparation in FDM rapid prototyping process, the 3.4 Calculation of Part Build Costs in FDM
influencing parameters are considered. The material cost
is computed on the basis of volume of model and support With using catalyst software for getting the model
material required to build the part and unit price of material ( ) , support material ( ) , cost of
material. The FDM process employs external support base plate (Rs) , build time (min) . Of the inlet
structure to the part being built. The total build material
manifold and rotor in PRO E made cad model.
consists of model a material and the support material. The
costs associated with other dominant parameters include,
[1] The Values Are
base plate cost ( ), electricity cost ( ), battery
depreciation cost ( ), machine depreciation cost FOR INLET MANIFOLD
( ), and the annual maintenance cost ( ) and the
Model material ( ) =68.78
annual maintenance cost ( ). The pre or post
Support material ( ) = 18.88
processing in RP does not differ considerably for
different types of parts. [1] Cost of base plate (Rs) = Rs.267.5 per plate,
To carry out the cost analysis, following costs elements one base plate is require for it
are considered: Build time (min) =7.41 hours
Substituting the values in equations 3, the total costs are
1. Direct materials
Total part cost (Ct) =5703 Rs
2. Direct labor
3. Direct expenses
4. Overhead.

The values of various cost components are summarized Model material ( ) =178.16
as follows which is taken from literature review: [1] Support material ( ) = 45.40
Cost of base plate (Rs) = Rs.267.5 per plate, one
1. Model material cost ( ) : Rs.13.95/ base plate is require for it
2. Support material cost( ): Rs.13.95/ Build time (min) =9.45 hours
Sunil Jauhar, et al., AMEA, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 181-188, 2012 184

Substituting the values in equations 3, the total costs are 3.5.1 The total cost of inlet manifold and rotor after
Total part cost (Ct) =7601.84 Rs using mathematical model of cost benefit analysis for
determination of minimum build cost & optimal build
The Part build cost in FDM is representation in following orientation.
In any RP process, deciding the orientation of
part before its actual fabrication is very important. RP
parts can be built with infinite number of orientations.
The build orientations directly affect build time, volume
of material required and surface quality. The optimal part
build orientation utilizes the optimum resources. In order
to determine the optimum part build orientation, it is
necessary to identify such orientation that incurs the
minimum build cost [1].
So with the help of cost benefit model we are
trying to get minimum build cost and optimum build
orientations. This is taking from the literature review.
After summing up the machine operating cost ( ),
material cost ( ), operator cost ( ) and pre-processing
Figure 3 The Part build cost in FDM
cost ( ) cost components, equation 4 determines the
3.5 Cost/Benefit Model total cost considering the benefit of RP technology. [1]So
total Computed cost with the help of cost benefit model
The cost incurred and costs saved in the manufacturing
processes can be easily quantified. The quantified costs =
help a lot in making crucial financial decisions. But, it is
very difficult to quantify the benefits like: time, 1. The minimum total cost of Inlet Manifold (Ct)
functionally, quality, satisfaction, manufacturability, and =3095 Rs
customization etc. in terms the cost. Rapid prototyping 2. The minimum total cost of Rotor (Ct)
yields above significant benefits over established =4151 Rs
conventional practices. The quantification of benefits in
terms costs are always desirable to evaluate the systems
performance. The cost/benefit models are justify
implementation of rapid prototyping as a technology
transfer and can be used with confidence for predicting
the values of significant costs while dealing with FDM
RP technology derives radical change by
eliminating the costs in tooling, jigs and fixtures. It
dramatically reduces the cost of process planning. As a
major change, the human cost is substantially reduced,
since RP requires minimum human skill and attention.
Finally, the significant change occurs by materially
reducing the cost of scrap, rework and assembly [1].
The total cost ( ): After summing up the machine
operating cost ( ), material cost ( ), operator cost ( ) Figure 4 Minimum part build cost in FDM

and pre-processing cost ( ) cost components, equation 4

determines the total cost (C) considering the benefit of
RP technology.

C= ………….………….4

The cost/benefits models are summarized below taking

from literature review [1]:

= 0.0047 * * *
= 0.0016 * * *
= 0.539 * * *
= 33.82 * * *
Sunil Jauhar, et al., AMEA, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 181-188, 2012 185

Figure 5 Cost saving with minimum Parts build cost in FDM 5. Labor cost =560/Rs
Total cost = 6096Rs
The total cost of inlet manifold and rotor after using cost
benefit model for determination of minimum build cost Part: Rotor
from literature review we can save the 2608 Rs of inlet
manifold and 3450Rs of rotor part build cost. To carry out cost analysis following cost element are
4. Casting Cost Estimation
1. Direct materials
Indian casting industry is booming at a rapid pace and 2. Direct labor
looking at the present scenario one concept that has 3. Direct expenses
gained its popularity in past couple of years is "Casting
Cost Estimation". These days the competition has grown After calculation following values for wax pattern
at the phenomenon rate and in order to survive and Total cost required for rotor pattern
compete at a global platform, metal casting industry has
to meet ever increasing customers' expectations in terms 1. Raw material cost =101.17
of quality standards and lower pricing [4]. 2. Freight charges =8.62
Casting process planning generally consists of 3. Design cost = 3500/Rs
proper choice of suitable casting process and various 4. Machining cost=5000/Rs
materials. Now in order to have continuous cost reduction 5. Labor cost =800/Rs
in casting process, it is essential to build up an easy-to- Total cost = 9410 Rs
use casting cost estimation methodology. It is also
important to note that any comprehensive casting cost 4.2 Investment Casting Total Cost Estimation
estimation methodology must have ability to identify the
most important parameters in casting cost. The most 4.2.1 Part: Inlet Manifold
important attributes of casting are cost estimation of
material and tooling process [3]. The casting cost With using Material: mild steel, Density of MS =7.85
estimation is carried out for getting benefit of RP in gm/cm3, Mass of the material required = 1.670 kg, Cost
casting industries. The total casting cost is given as the of the raw material per unit = 75 Rs/kg, the following
sum of costs corresponding to material, labour, energy, value for the inlet manifold
tooling and overheads costs. Total cost for casting excluding pattern cost
Total cost of material = 125 Rs
C total casting cost = C material +C melting +C molding +C core making Freight charges = 0.02*125=2.5Rs
+C finishing ………………………………………………5 Total labor cost =380 Rs
Core box design cost = 1000 Rs
Other costs related to interest rate, fixed cost, delivery, Cost of melting = 695 Rs
taxes, duties and premium can be added and calculate for Total machining cost = 200Rs
casting cost estimation[3]. Total cost = 2402 Rs
With Including Pattern Cost =6096+2402, Total cost =
4.1 Investment Casting Pattern Cost Estimation 8498 Rs

Here we are going to cost estimating of conventional 4.2.2. Part: Rotor

investment casting pattern and total product development
cost in casting. With using, Material: mild steel, Density of MS =7.85
gm/cm3, Mass of the material required = 5.75 kg, Cost of
4.1.1 Costing Of Wax Pattern the raw material per unit = 75 Rs/kg
Total cost for casting excluding pattern cost Part: Inlet Manifold Total cost of material = 431 Rs
Freight charge =0.02*431.25=8.82Rs
To carry out cost analysis following cost element are Total labor cost =420 Rs
considered: Core box design cost = 1500 Rs
Cost of melting =2393 Rs
1. Direct materials Total machining cost = 350Rs
2. Direct labor Total cost = 5103 Rs
3. Direct expenses With including pattern cost =9410+5103, Total cost
=14,512 Rs
After calculation following values for wax pattern
Total cost required for inlet manifold Wax pattern 4.3 Cost Comparison of ABS and Wax Pattern

1. Raw material cost =33.76Rs

2. Freight charges =2.5Rs
3. Design cost = 2000/Rs
4. Machining cost =3500/Rs
Sunil Jauhar, et al., AMEA, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 181-188, 2012 186

Pattern Making
4151 9410 5259
Cost Of Material
431 431 0
Freight Charges
9 9 0
Labour Charges
420 420 0
Core box Design Cost
1500 1500 0
Cost Of Melting
2393 2393 0
Machining Cost
350 350 0
Figure 6 Cost of pattern making with ABS and Wax pattern
Total Cost 9254 14513 5259
With the help of the FDM for pattern making we have
save the 3001 Rs for inlet manifold ABS pattern and
5259 Rs for rotor ABS pattern. The cost of WAX pattern
making with the use of conventional investment casting
method is costlier than the ABS pattern making in FDM.



Table 1. Costing of Inlet Manifold in investment casting (Rs)

Casting Cost Cost
Pattern Pattern
Pattern Making
3095 6096 3001
Cost Of Material
125 125 0
Freight Charges
2.5 2.5 0
Labour Charges
380 380 0
Figure 8 Costing of ROTOR in investment casting
Core Box Design Cost
1000 1000 0
Cost Of Melting So the cost estimation is given the result is with the help
695 695 0
of rapid prototyping we can save the cost of rotor is 5259
Machining Cost Rs for single part manufacturing with using RP in
200 200 0
investment casting for pattern making.
Total Cost 5497 8498 3001

5. Lead Time Calculation for Patterns

RP Pattern

Total lead time for RP made pattern=9.41 hours

Total lead time for RP made pattern=12.45 hours

Wax Pattern

Consultation with the experts in the foundry shop, the

lead time for inlet manifold and rotor are
Total lead time for investment casting made pattern=16
Figure 7 Costing of Inlet Manifold in investment casting (Rs)
So the cost estimation is given the result is with the help Total lead time for investment casting made pattern=23
of rapid prototyping we can save the cost of inlet hours
manifold is 3001 Rs for single part manufacturing with
using RP in investment casting for pattern making.



Table 2. Costing of ROTOR in investment casting (Rs)

ABS Wax Total
Pattern Pattern Cost
Sunil Jauhar, et al., AMEA, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 181-188, 2012 187

RP is lesser than the Wax pattern, because of this

percentage saving in lead time as compare with Wax
pattern are 42% for inlet manifold and 45.87% for rotor.
The model material, support material and part build time
are the most influential parameters affecting the cost in
FDM RP process. With the help of the FDM for pattern
making cost save the 3001 Rs for Inlet manifold ABS
pattern and 5259 Rs for Rotor ABS pattern. The cost of
WAX pattern making with the help of conventional
investment casting method is costlier than the ABS
pattern making in FDM.
The use of benefits in terms costs have proved
that the adoption of RP technology is techno-
Figure 9 Lead time calculation for patterns economically justifiable for the Indian manufacturing
industries. Rapid Prototyping have proved to be a cost-
So the lead time for ABS is lesser than the wax pattern, effective and time efficient approach for development of
here percentage reduction in lead time as compare with pattern making, thereby ensuring possibility for
ABS pattern is 59.06 % for inlet manifold and 54.13% for technology transfer in Indian manufacturing industries.
The author’s would like to thank the editors of this
special issue: Tarun Kumar Sharma and the unknown
reviewers/ referees for giving their valuable suggestions,
which helped us in improving the shape of the paper

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Sunil jauhar is a Research Scholar in the Department of

applied science and engineering at Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee. He received his Master of
Engineering in Industrial Engineering from Visvesvaraya
National Institute of Technology, Nagpur (MH) India. He
has over 1.5 years of teaching experience at his parent
institute Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science,
Indore (MP), India. His research interests include supply
chain management, Soft computing, operations
management, Artificial intelligence, Industrial

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