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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig

Government Accounting
Final Examination

Test I – True or False (Right Minus Wrong)

True 1. All revenues of an entity shall be remitted to the National Treasury and included in the General Fund of
the National Government.
True 2. All government resources shall be used only in accordance with the law and only for public purposes.
False3. A canvass from least 5 suppliers is required for purchases amounting to P1,000 and above, except for
purchases made on official travel.
True 4. A financial asset is derecognized when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset
expire or are waived.
True 5. Specific identification shall be used for items that are not ordinarily interchangeable and those that are
segregated for specific projects.
False 6. Bearer biological assets are those that are to be harvested as agricultural produce or to be sold as
biological assets.
True 7. Investment properly is land or building held for rentals or capital appreciation.
True 8. An example of directly attributable costs are costs of employee benefits arising directly from the
construction or acquisition of PPE.
False 9. Intangible assets with indefinite life are amortized using the straight line method over a period of 10
True 10. A provision is measured at the entity’s best estimate of the amount needed to settle the liability at the
reporting date.

Test 1I – Multiple Choice

1. B. It represents checks collected by government agency but not accepted by bank upon deposit.

a. State checks
b. Dishonored checks
c. Outstanding checks
d. MDS checks

2. C. This account is used to record the amount due from officers and employees and those outside of
government agencies for audit disallowances/charges, which may become final and executor.

a. Other receivables
b. Due from officers and employees
c. Receivables – Disallowances/changes
d. Accounts receivable

3. D. Closing entries

a. Are optional steps

b. Affect only balance sheet accounts
c. Permit the government agency to analyze routine and repetitive transactions the same way all the
d. Remove the balance from the agency’s temporary accounts.
4. DThe interim financial statements shall be prepared employing the same accounting principles used for annual
reporting. It shall be submitted quarterly with the following. EXCEPT

a. Notes to financial statements

b. Balance sheet
c. Statement of cash flows
d. Worksheet

5. AThis account is used to record the subsidy received by the Regional Office/Staff Bureau and Operating Unit
form Central Office by way of funding check received/fund transfer through AGDBs/transfer of assets.

a. Subsidy income from National Government

b. Subsidy from Central Office
c. Subsidy from Regional Office/Staff Bureaus
d. Subsidy to Regional Office/Staff Bureaus

6. BThis term represents the allotment transferred by Central Office to its Regional Office/Staff Bureaus.

a. Special allotment Advice

b. Sub-allotment
c. Letter of Advice of Allotment
d. Notice of these

7. BThis is the report used to settle cash advances for travel and for other purposes except those cash advances
granted to regular/special disbursing officer.

a. Liquidation report
b. Report of disbursements
c. Liquidation report and report of disbursements
d. Report of check issued

8. BTo which account the balance of prior year’s adjustment is closed at the end of the year?

a. Government equity
b. Retained operating surplus
c. Project equity
d. Income and expense summary

9. D. A cash shortage of a government entity is most likely recorded as a.

a. Debit to a receivable account

b. Debit to a cash shortage or overage account
c. Credit to miscellaneous income account
Credit to a cash shortage or overage account

10. DThis document is prepared when end users request for the issuance of inventories that are available on stock.

a. Purchase Requisition Form

b. Custodian Inventory Slip
c. Purchase Order
d. Requisition and Issue Slip
Test III – Problems

Problem #1 The Central Bureau of Internal Revenue directly received from the Department of Budget and
Management allotment for MOOE and its corresponding Notice of Cash Allocation in the
amount of P10,000,000 and P8,000,000, respectively. Of these receipts the Central Office
transferred the following to the Regional Office: Allotments, P5,000,000; Notice of Cash
Allocation, P4,000,000. Likewise, the Regional Office transferred part of the sub-allotment
and Notice of Cash Allocation to its Operating Unit. Allotment, P2,000,000; Notice of Cash
Allocation, P1,500,000.

Record the transactions in the books of Central Office, Regional Office and Operating unit.
Books of Central Office
1. The MOOE recorded only in the Registries of Allotments, Obligations and Disbursements (RAOD)
with the amount of 10,000,000.

2. Cash – Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Regular 8,000,000

Subsidy from National Government 8,000,000
To recognize receipt of NCA from the DBM.

3. Subsidy income from National Government 4,000,000

Cash – Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Regular 4,000,000
To recognize the transfer of NCA to Regional Office

Book of Regional office

1. Cash – Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Regular 4,000,000

Subsidy from Central Office 4,000,000
To recognize receipt of NCA from the Central office

2. Subsidy income from National Government 4,000,000

Cash – Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Regular 4,000,000
To recognize the transfer of NCA to Operating Unit

Books of Operating unit

1. Cash – Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Regular 1,500,000

Subsidy from Regional Office 1,500,000
To recognize receipt of NCA from the Regional Office

Problem #2 A check issued by a taxpayer for real property tax in the current year in the amount of
P10,000 was dishonored by a bank upon presentation for payment. Accordingly, the official
receipt was cancelled. Upon notification of the cancellation, the taxpayer settled the

1. Real Property Tax Receivable 10,000

Deferred Real Property Tax income 10,000
To record the receipt

2. Due to LGU – Real property Tax Income 6,000

Real property Tax Income 4,000
Cash in Bank – Local currency 10,000
To record cancellation of official receipt

3. Cash in Vault 10,000

Real Property Tax Receivable 10,000
To record settlement
Problem #3 At the end of the year, the Land Transportation Office recorded the following transactions.

Office equipment 2,000
IT equipment 5,000
Motor vehicle 20,000

Sale of unserviceable motor costing P500,000, with accumulated depreciation of P50,000 for P400,000

Record the depreciation and disposal of the motor vehicle through sale.

Cash-Collecting Officers 400,000

Accumulated Depreciation – Equipment, Motor Vehicle 50,000
Loss on sale of Property, Plant and Equipment 50,000
Motor Vehicle 500,000
To record disposal through sale

Problem #4 On January 2, 2020, SEC entered into a ten-year non-cancellable lease requiring year-end payments of
P100,000. SEC incremental borrowing rate is 12% while the lessor’s implicit interest rate, known to
SEC is 10%Ownership of the property remains with the lessor at expiration of the lease. There is no
purchase option. The leased property has an estimated economic life of 12 years. What amount should
capitalize for this leased property on January 2, 2020
Annual Rental 100,000
Multiply by: PV ordinary Annuity of 1 6.145
PV of lease payments 614,500

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