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l= APGENCO ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED. ABSTRACT APGENCO ~ Est. Optimum utilization of Manpower in APGENCO Plants — Deployment of Manpower to 800 MW Units - Reorganisation of Manpower set up at O&M/ Dr, NTTPS & RTPP — Guidlines framed for deployment of Employees from Dr NTTPS complex & RTPP, to SDSTPS and Dr NTTPS/O&M to Dr NTTPS Stage-V- Orders Issued — Reg. 0.0.No.53 (CGM (ADM, IS & ERP)/2020 Dt: 19.06.2020 Read the following: 1. G.0.0.No.254/CGM (ADM, IS & ERP)/2019, Dtd.27.12.2019. 2. Committee Report Dated.17.06,2020. ORDER: The Man/MW ratio for RTPP is 1.03 and for Dr. NPTPS is 1.28 as on 31.12.2019 which were higher in APGENCO Thermal plants. ‘The normative standard followed generally for subcritical technology is 0.80/MW. There is need to reduce the Man/MW ratio to 0.80 at Dr.NTTPS and RTPP. In this regard, a committee was constituted vide G.O,O 1° cited to work on optimum utilization of Man Power and make suitable recommendations for minimization of Man/mw ratio at Dr. NTTPS and RTPP and to explore the modalities to divert the excess Man Power to 800 MW units to be commissioned at Dr. NTTPS Stage-V and SDSTPS. Accordigly committee has submitted a report dated.17.06.2020. 2. After carefull consideration, based on the committee report, the following orders are here by issued, a) The following additional requirement of Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Telecom), Accounts, O&M Strength is sanctioned for O&M activities of SDSTPS & Dr. NTTPS Stage-V. Cadre/ _ SDSTPS(3X800MW) _Dr.NTTPS Stage-V(1X800MW) Post Addl .requirement of Manpower | Addl.requirement of Manpower EE/EMT. 9 8 eae DyEE/EMT | 69 Bier AEE/AE/EMT 80 See eee 17 Accounts, 50 o O&M 200 212 Total l 408 257 Contd., b) The following No. of Employees eadrewise: i) From Dr. NTTPS Complex & RTPP Shall be transferred on deputation basis to SDSTPS (3X800 MW) duly counting the posts in Parent Plants. ii) From O&M sDr, NTTPS shall be transferred along with post to Dr. NTTPS, Stage-V (1X 800 MW) from the date of actual utilization ] Deployment Dr.NTTPS, cam S| namectthe cadre | Deployment (rom Ty | ocATS To | SspsTPs Dr.NTTPS. Stage-V A | ENGINEERING CADRE _ z 1 EE(EMT*) i a 1 Buse 2 Dy.EE(EMT*) oes. 4 eit 3 | __AEE/AE(EMT*) 35, 30 26 [8 | ACCOUNTS CADRE 1 Sr.Assistants - 10 = 21 IrAssistants 25 10 = 3 | Typists = 5 z i E c | O&M STAFF 200 212 Total yaa er et 264 ¥EMT—Electrical, Mechanical, Telecom 3. The existing Engineering manpower set up of Dr. NTTPS O&M and RTPP is here by Re-organized duly me certain Circles & Divisions at that stations and are enclosed in the Annexure-I & Annexure-II 3. The Guidelines for deployment of enployees a) From RTPP to SDSTPS and b) From Dr NTTPS Complex to SDSTPS and O&M/Dr. NTTPS to Dr. NTTPS Stage V are framed and are enclosed in the Annexure-II. 5. The Concerned Station Heads and Chief General Manager (Adm, IS& ERP) are requested to take necessary action accordigly Enel: - Annexures-I, 1H & IL B.SREEDHAR MANAGING DIRECTOR To: The Chief Engineer/O&M/Dr.NTTPS/Ibrahimpatnam/Krishna Dist. ‘The Chief Engineer/O&M/RTPP/VV Reddy Nagar/YSR Dist ‘The Chief Engineer/O&M/Construction/SDSTPS/Neltur/Nellore Dist ‘The Chief General ier (Adm, IS & ERP)/VS/APGENCO, ‘The Chief General Manager /APPDCL/ Vijayawada. Copy to Dy.EE(Techl) to MD/APGENCO/Dy.CCA to Director (Finance & Comml)/! Dy.EE (T) to Director (Thermal)// Dy.EE (T) to Director (HR & IRY//PO to CGM (Adm, IS&ERP) ALL FA&CCASI/DS (Adm)//AS(Adm)/DS(Fstt./ DGM(Estt.\/VS/VJA (MPP-I)/D.No. 23/2020. HFORWARDED:BY ORDER// ANNEXURE-I to G.0.0.No.53 /CGM (ADM, IS & ERP)/2020 dt 19.06.2020 DIVISION WISE MAN POWER OF Dr.NTTPS/O&M Si. Name of thelnivision EE py.ce /AEEIAE No. |circle 1_|CE/O&8M Peshi 0 4 1 2 |CE/O&M FM. 1 3 4 3 |CE/O&M |Q.C( environment) 7 1 CE/Office Sub-Total = 5 6 3_[SE/ADM Circle [Office 0 1 0 6 |SE/ASMM [A&C & ERP 1 6 5 7_|SE/A&MM_ Pur-1 1 3 6 8 |SEIABMM —_[Pur-2 1 3 6 9 |SE/A&MM SS&T 1 4 12 10 |SE/A&MM IT&Telecom 1 2 4 SE/A&MM Sub-Total 5 18 33 ISE/E&C Peshi 41 1 11 [SE/E&C /E&P-1 1 2 2 12 |SEERC EaP-2 1 2 2 SE/EFFICIENCY & 2 5 5 COMMERCIAL Sub-Total 13 [o29e°1 8" orice 0 2 o 14 |I&C/Stage.! 1 4 9 15 |EMaMRT/Stage 1 1 6 8 16 |BM/Stage.! & II = 4 10 47 [TM/Stage.1 & 11 1 4 6 18 [CAM/Stage.I & 1 1 5 11 19 |Gen/Stage.! & I! 7 3 3 20 [Shift/Stage.! 4 19 39 21 [l&C/Stage. ll 1 4 8 22 [EMaMRT/Stage.l 1 3 7 23 [Shifv'Stage.t 4 15 38 SE/O&M/Stage-l & Il Sub-Total |_16 | 69 | 139 24 [Stage Ill circle [Office 0 1 0 25 |Stage.IIl 1&C 1 4 8 26 |Stage.IIl EM 1 3 7 27 |Stage.lIl BM 1 2 5 28 |Stage.lIl TM. 1 2 3 29 |Stage.lll CAM 1 2 6 30 |Stage.IIl Gen. 1 4 1 31 |Stage. III Shift 3 15 39 SE/O&M/Stage-Ill Sub-Total_| 9 30 | 69 ] Name of thelnivision AEE/AE . |eircle lo StagelV Circle [Office Stage.IV EM&I&C [Stage.IV BM & CAM [Stage.IV TM & CAM [Stage.V Gent Stage V [Shift E/O&M/Stage-IV Sub-Total CHP Circle [Office CHP JOPN.CHP 182 CHP [OPN.CHP 384 CHP. MM CHP 782 CHP IMM CHP 384 [CHP EM CHP [CHP L&EM CHP. FM&CC SE/O&M/CHP Sub-Total ENVT Circle [Office ENVT caM-t ENVT jCaM-ll SE/CIVIL/ENV Sub-Total Civil O&M Circle |Office nD o ox]o|=|§3}co|10] a |arfer}on|eo}o a [Civil O&M [C&M-I (Civil O8M ICM-IV Civil O&M PHCD-V, SE/CIVIL/O&M Sub-Total TOTAL 1 7 5 4 wslahofes} = orfofolalaglelulalalafalol=lgyelolalay a ales|afala} o fw lalslole|lola|s|sJo]sjo}es|=||4]4|4Jo N 222 § B.SREEDHAR MANAGING DIRECTOR FORWARDED::BY ORDERI EXECUTIVE ENGINEER/MPP ANNEXURE-II to G.0.0 No, §3 (CGM (ADM, IS & ERP)/2020 dt 49.06.2020 DIVISION WISE MAN POWER OF RTPP suno.|Name ofthe pivision ce |ovee) AE 7_|cEioan Peshi 0 74 2_[CEIO8M FM 1 3 [2 CE/Office Sub-Total arora |e 3_[SE/ADM Peshi 1 4 |SE/A&MM_ [Pur-1 1 Z 4 5 |SE/A&MM [Pur-2 1 2 3 6 __|SE/A&MM |SS&T 4 5 12 7 |SE/A&MM |Adm & Tech 1 5 5 8 |SE/A&MM |ERP&IT 41 4 4 ‘SE/ADM Sub-Total 5 | 19 | 28 9 |SE/E&C Peshi oO 1 oO 10_|SE/E&C E&P-1 1 2 z. 11_|SE/E&C E&P-2 1 2 2 SE/EFFICIENCY & S| ela COMMERCIAL Sub-Total 12_|Stage-I circle |Office 1 13 [Stage (Gen. & Shift 4_| 44 [36 14_[Stage 1aC. 4 3 [6 15_|Stage.! JEM & MRT 4 4 8 16 4 z 5 7 BM & TM/Stg-1 0 2 3 18 _{Stage.! CAM. 1 3 4 SE/O&M/Stage-I Sub-Total 8 | 29 | 62 49 Stage Il & Ii office 1 1 Circle 20 [GenW/il&llt 1 1 2 21 |ShiftM&tit 5 17 40 22_[laciStage iain 1 6 [10 23_|EM&MRT/Stage.N&Mt ; 5 8 24 |BIWStage.ll & Ill 1 4 8 25 _|TM/Stage Nall 1 4 6 26_|CAM/Stage.N&lll 1 5 8 SE/O&M/Stage-II & Ill Sub-Total! 11 | 43 | 83 27_[Stage IV Circle [Office 4 28 |Stage.IV Shift & Gent 6 15 17 29 |stageiv EMMRT &lac| 1 30_|StageV [BM & AHP 7 s [6 31_[StageV TM & CAM 4 4 [4 SE/O&M/Stage-IV Sub-Total 9 | 33 | 36 Name of the AE! SLNO.| rele Division ee |pv.ee| fee 32_|CHP Circle Office o 1 [0 33 [CHP O&M General | 4 4 | 14 34_|CHP. Mit CHP 7 a [9 35_|CHP. EM CHP 1 2 {7 SE/O&M/CHP Sub-Total 3 | 11 | 30 36_[E&MICHP Circle [Office oO 1 | 0 37 [EaM/CHP. aM 1 3 | 10 38_[E&M/CHP EAM 1 2 [4 SE/E&M/CHP Sub-Total 2 6 | 14 39_[CivilOaM Peshi 0 7 Colony 40 |civitoam ieiaerance 1 3 41 |civvosm eee eee! 1 2 Maintenance 42_|CvivOaM cami 1 3 43_[civivoaM cam 1 ar |b. SE/CIVIL/O&M/Const Sub-Total| 4 | 12 | 24 GRAND TOTAL 45_| 162 | 284 B.SREEDHAR MANAGING DIRECTOR oe ane iNbrenre ANNEXURE-III_to_G.0.0.No. 53 /CGM (ADM, IS & ERP)/2020 dtd 19.06.2020 jidelines for Deployment of Employees from RTPP to SDSTPS: (a) Priority shall be given to the employees in all cadres who have willing to work at SDSTPS (b) Then the long standing employees (Who are worked for Maximum days at RTPP) shall be transferred duly exempting the employees having less than one-year service as on 30.06.2020. The spouse cases can also be exempted provided the spouse of the APGENCO employee is an employee of APGENCO or any other Government service, (c) The O&M employees who have below 50 years preferably shall be tansferred/ on deputation based on seniority and their Lien and seniority shall be maintained at parent station. (d)_ Retention at present station on medical grounds is not accepted as better medical ilities are available at SDSTPS plant & Nellore. () All other terms and conditions applicable for regular transfers are applicable as per APGENCO rules. (f) The concerned station heads reorganize the works within the balance man power for smooth running of units. Guidelines for Deployment of Employees from Dr NT'TPS Complex to SDSTPS, from Dr NETPS/O&M to Dr ag (a) Priority shall be given to the employees in all cadres who have willing to work at Dr NTTPS Stage-V &SDSTPS (b) Then long standing employees (Who are worked for Maximum days at Dr. NTTPS. Complex) shall be transferred duly exempting the employees having less than one- year service as on 30.06.2020. The spouse cases can also be exempted provided the spouse of the APGENCO employee is an employee of APGENCO or any other Government service. (c) Retention at present station on medical grounds is not accepted as better medical facilities are available at SDSTPS plant& Nellore (d) The O&M employees who have below 50 years preferably shall be transferred/on deputation based on seniority and their Lien and seniority shall be maintained at parent station. (@) All other terms and conditions applicable for regular transfers are applicable as per APGENCO rules. (f) The concemed Station Heads re-organize the works within the balance man power for smooth running of units B.SREEDHAR MANAGING DIRECTOR /IFORWARDED::8Y ORDER// KECoWVe ENGINEER/IMP:

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