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St Xavier’s College, Mahuadanr

Plot Summary of the play Macbeth by Shakespeare

Duncan the king of Scotland was a meek man. During his time lived a brave Lord
called Macbeth who was a near kinsman to the king. Macbeth was held in great esteem due
to his valor especially after he crushed the rebellion assisted by the troops of Norway. While
returning from the battle accompanied by another general Banquo, they were stopped by a
strange appearance of three figures like women. They had beards, withered skin and wildly
attired. They did not appear to belong to the earth. Macbeth was saluted by the first one
who addresses him as the “Thane of Glamis”. The general was surprised that she knew him.
The general was more surprised when the second one gave him the title of the “Thane of
Cawdor” then the third one told him that he would one day be a king. Then the three
turned to Banquo and told him that though he himself would never rule, his sons would be
kings. After this the three figures vanished. The general knew that they had met witches.

As the two were still thinking about the strange meeting a messenger of the King
arrived and told Macbeth that the king had made him the “Thane of Cawdor”. Macbeth was
amazed at the words of the witches coming true so soon. His hopes soared high and he
started dreaming of becoming the king of Scotland. Banquo warns him to keep his hopes
under control but he was beyond advice, for the witches had a profound effect on him.

Macbeth narrated the story of the three witches to his wife and how, soon after he
was made Thane of Cawdor. She was a wicked but ambitious woman and did not mind
using bad means to achieve greatness. Seeing that her husband was in two minds she
inspired him to murder the king.

The king Duncan, accompanied by his two sons Malcolm and Donalbain had arrived
at the house of Macbeth as it was his custom to visit his nobility to show his graciousness.
The king was pleased by the hospitality of Lady Macbeth. She covered her murderous
intentions with smiles. She could look as innocent as the flower while she had the
disposition of a snake.
In the middle of the night when the whole world including the king was asleep Lady
Macbeth plotted to kill the king as her husband was too kind to murder someone. Armed
with the dagger she approaches the king but as she saw the king’s face it reminded her of
her father’s face and she had no heart to kill him. She returned to confer with her husband
whose resolve had by now wavered. She re-inspired him to accomplish the task and finally
succeeded in infusing enough courage in her husband to accomplish the dreadful task.

Macbeth, dagger in his hand slowly entered the room where King slept. On his way
he saw another dagger in the air. Its handle was towards him and its blade and tip had
blood. He tried to grab it but met with nothing but air. He controlled his fear and entered
the room where the King slept; with one thrust of the dagger he killed him. Horrified,
Macbeth returned to his wife. Seeing him she thought that he had returned without
murdering the king. But as she saw the blood on his hands, she took the dagger from his
hands in order to stain the groom’s cheeks with blood.

In the morning Macbeth and his wife pretended enormous grief for the death of the
King. Despite the proof against the grooms, suspicion fell on Macbeth, who had a real
motive to kill the king. The two sons of Duncan fled to England and Ireland. The rightful
heirs not to be found Macbeth assumes the Throne as the new King of Scotland.

Despite his success, Macbeth remains uneasy about the prophecy of the witches that
Banquo’s children and not Macbeth's would be king. This annoyed him constantly. The two
decided to murder both Banquo and his son. They invited all the chief of Thane for banquet
in honor of Banquo and his son Fleance. Macbeth has placed his men to murder Banquo
and his son that night. They killed Banquo but his son escaped. At the banquet the ghost of
Banquo appeared and placed himself at the chair which Macbeth was about to occupy.
Macbeth though brave turned white with fear. The others though could not see the ghosts,
were perplexed by seeing Macbeth as he was staring at an Empty chair. The queen
reproached the king but in vain. Fearing that their secret would be revealed she dismissed
the guests making her husband’s illness as an excuse.
The queen and Macbeth worried that Fleance escaped, they approached the witches
once more. He found them in the cave upon the heath. The first told him to beware of the
thane of Fife, Macduff of whom Macbeth was already extremely jealous.

The second one told him to be brave. The third Spirit arose in the form of a child
wearing a crown with a tree in his hand. The spirits comforted Macbeth and told him that
he will not be defeated until the woods Birnam come against him to Dunsinane hill. The
witches suddenly vanished leaving Macbeth in dread.

As he came out of the cave he heard that Macduff, Thane of Fife had fled to England
to join the Army of Malcolm. Macbeth enraged by this, killed his wife and children and all
who were remotely related to him. By this the nobility of Macbeth turned against him.
Some fled and joined Malcolm and Macduff who are coming against Macbeth with a
powerful army.

The Lady Macbeth who was the sole companion of the king in whose company he
found some relief died. Because she was unable to bear the guilt, took her life. Macbeth
was left alone with not a person to whom he would go for solace. He shut himself in his
Castle and waited for the approach of Malcolm. A messenger, deceived by the trick played
by Malcolm came to the king and told him that he saw the woods of Birnan move.
Remembering what the witches had told him decided to come out of the castle and fight
the army.

The battle ensues and Macbeth poorly supported, fought with valor and fury.
Knowing the caution of Macbeth he wanted to avoid Macduff. But he confronted Macbeth.
But Macbeth remembered the words of the spirit that he could only be killed if the woods
of Birnam came to Dunsinane and by one not born of a woman. Macduff declares that he
was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped and was therefore not of women born.
Macbeth realizes too lately that witches have misled him. They fight and Macduff beheads
Macbeth and presented his head to the lawful king Malcolm who became the king of

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