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Inland Revenue Authority Of Singapore

Annual Report 2013/2014

Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
About Us Partnering Taxpayer Environment, Thriving High Level of Voluntary People, Vibrant IRAS
Professional Service Horizon Horizon
Economy Compliance Community 2


About Us 3
Chairman’s Statement 4
Members of the Board 5
Corporate Governance 7
Commissioner’s Message 8
Senior Management Team 9
Organisation Structure 12
IRAS at a Glance in FY2013/14 17
Our Revenue Collection 19
Partnering Taxpayers 21
Competitive Tax Environment, Thriving Economy 23
Low Cost of Compliance, High Level of Voluntary Compliance 26
Dedicated Individuals, Professional Service 30
Competent Team of People, Vibrant IRAS Community 36
Looking Beyond the Horizon 41
Highlights of Budget Changes 43
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
About Us Partnering Taxpayer Environment, Thriving High Level of Voluntary People, Vibrant IRAS
Professional Service Horizon Horizon
Economy Compliance Community 3

About Us

Our Mission Our Vision

• Act as an agent of the Government and provide service • The leading revenue authority in the world
in the administration of taxes
• A partner of the community in nation-building and
• Advise the Government, and represent Singapore inclusive growth
internationally, on matters relating to taxation • A dynamic team of competent and committed people

Our Corporate Goals Our Core Values

• Foster a competitive tax environment that supports Fairness Teamwork
inclusive growth Treat everyone in the same Work with one another with mutual
circumstances equally trust and respect to achieve Whole-
• Provide excellent service
of-IRAS and Whole-of-Government
• Maximise voluntary compliance Integrity outcomes
• Enhance organisational and staff productivity Do what is right without fear or
favour in all circumstances Innovation
• Achieve a high level of staff competence and satisfaction Continuously seek new ways to do
Professionalism our work better
Serve our nation responsively, with
competence, pride, commitment
and empathy
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
About Us Partnering Taxpayer Environment, Thriving High Level of Voluntary People, Vibrant IRAS
Professional Service Horizon Horizon
Economy Compliance Community 4

Chairman’s Statement

The of 4.1%. Unemployment rate remained low at 1.9% and real

Singapore economy performed well in 2013 with a growth the processing time. IRAS is also working to augment this with PIC cash
payout e-Services by early 2015.
median income grew by 4.0% on the back of a tight labour market. This
IRAS now also administers the Wage Credit Scheme (WCS) introduced
enabled our tax collection to support the Government’s economic and
in Budget 2013, which provides businesses with co-funding support to
social programmes to achieve quality growth and an inclusive society.
encourage businesses to raise the wages of their employees and improve
FOSTERING A COMPETITIVE TAX ENVIRONMENT productivity. As at 31 March 2014, over 74,000 employers received about
S$800 million in WCS payouts.
IRAS continued to enlarge and enhance Singapore’s extensive network
of Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) to facilitate cross- RAISING STANDARDS
border trade and investment. In FY2013/14, IRAS concluded DTAs with
IRAS engages the international tax community to stay at the forefront of
Barbados, Brazil, Ecuador, Laos, Liechtenstein and San Marino, and
global tax issues and to raise Singapore’s profile in the global arena. The
updated the terms of existing DTAs with the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan,
Tax Academy of Singapore held the Asia-Pacific Regional Tax Conference
and Luxembourg. Singapore now has 79 comprehensive DTAs, of
in April 2013, its first collaboration with the Singapore branch of the
which 74 have been ratified. IRAS also concluded 11 Advanced Pricing
International Fiscal Association. The conference provided a platform to
Arrangements (APAs) and resolved two cases through Mutual Agreement
discuss tax issues important to businesses in the Asia-Pacific region
Procedure (MAP) discussions. These provided greater tax certainty and
and was attended by some 220 tax professionals from the academia,
eliminated the prospect of double taxation faced by businesses engaging
government and industry from 16 countries. In May 2013, IRAS hosted
in cross-border trade.
the inaugural IRAS-OECD Regional GST/VAT Conference, the first GST-
IRAS continued to represent Singapore as Vice-Chair of the Peer Review focused conference in the Asia-Pacific region.
Group and member of the Steering Group at the Global Forum on
Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (GFTEI). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The GFTEI has affirmed that Singapore’s exchange of information On behalf of the Board and staff of IRAS, I thank Mr Giam Chin Toon, Mr
regime is in line with the internationally agreed Standard. This signifies Lim Joo Boon and Mr Viswanathan Shankar for their many contributions
the international community’s recognition of Singapore’s role as a to IRAS. They retired from the Board in September 2013. I also welcome
responsible financial centre and its commitment to combat cross-border Mrs Chng Sok Hui, Dr Philip Pillai and Mr Bob Tan, who joined the Board
tax evasion through effective exchange of information. in the same month.

ASSISTING BUSINESSES AND WORKERS The dedication and capability of its people are essential to the success of
an organisation. On behalf of the Board, I express my appreciation to the
IRAS supports the Government in helping businesses restructure
management and staff of IRAS for their commitment and achievements
and raising their productivity through the implementation of various
in the past year.
schemes. IRAS has been administering the Productivity and Innovation
Credit (PIC) scheme since 2010. Several enhancements have been made
to the scheme, which include raising the maximum cash payout amount
to $60,000 and allowing businesses to claim timely PIC cash payouts on
a quarterly basis. IRAS also enhanced the PIC cash payout application MR PETER ONG
form with validation checks to minimise completion errors and reduce Chairman
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
About Us Partnering Taxpayer Environment, Thriving High Level of Voluntary People, Vibrant IRAS
Professional Service Horizon Horizon
Economy Compliance Community 5

Members of the Board

1. Mr Peter Ong (Chairman) 6. Mr Pok Soy Yoong

2. Dr Tan Kim Siew (Commissioner) 7. Mrs Chng Sok Hui
5 8 3 6 3. Mr Niam Chiang Meng 8. Dr Philip Pillai
4. Adjunct Professor Lee Kwok Cheong 9. Mr Bob Tan
5. Mr Pek Hak Bin
9 2 1 4 7
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
About Us Partnering Taxpayer Environment, Thriving High Level of Voluntary People, Vibrant IRAS
Professional Service Horizon Horizon
Economy Compliance Community 6

Members of the Board


Chairman Board Member
Mr Ong was appointed the Chairman of IRAS Board on 1 October 2009. He is Head of Mr Pek joined the IRAS Board in September 2010. He is Partner and Head of Energy
Civil Service, and also holds the appointments of Permanent Secretary (Finance) and & Natural Resources at KPMG Singapore. He is also Head of KPMG’s Global Energy
Permanent Secretary (Special Duties) in the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr Ong also sits Institute for the Asia Pacific region. Mr Pek serves as a member of the Singapore Institute
on the Boards of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Directorship & Consultancy of Technology’s Board of Trustees.
Appointments Council, National Research Foundation, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public
Policy, Singapore Telecommunications Limited and Calvary Community Care. 6. MR POK SOY YOONG
Board Member
2. DR TAN KIM SIEW Mr Pok joined the IRAS Board in September 2010. He was the former Head of Tax of
Commissioner Ernst & Young and a former board member of the Tax Academy of Singapore. He serves
Dr Tan is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue from 2 November 2012. Prior to that, on the boards of Mapletree Logistic Trust Management Pte Ltd, Perennial China Retail
Dr Tan was the Permanent Secretary of Defence Development, Ministry of Defence. He Trust Management Pte Ltd and Pavilion Foundation Limited.
joined the IRAS Board in September 2007.
Board Member Mrs Chng joined the IRAS Board in September 2013. She is the Chief Financial Officer
Mr Niam is the Permanent Secretary (National Population and Talent Division) and of DBS Group and Supervisor of DBS China Ltd. She is a member of the Accounting
Permanent Secretary (National Climate Change) in the Prime Minister’s Office. He Standards Council and a Board member of the Housing and Development Board.
joined the IRAS Board in November 2012. Mr Niam is also the Chairman of the Media
Development Authority. 8. DR PHILIP PILLAI
Board Member
4. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR LEE KWOK CHEONG Dr Pillai joined the IRAS Board in September 2013. He was most recently a Judge of the
Board Member Supreme Court until his retirement in December 2012.
Adjunct Professor Lee joined the IRAS Board in September 2010. He is both the Chief
Executive Officer of the SIM Global Education and a member of SIM University’s Board 9. MR BOB TAN
of Trustees. He is a member of the Working Group for Schools under the National Board Member
Integration Council and the Founding President of the Singapore Association for Private
Mr Bob Tan joined the IRAS Board in September 2013. He chairs the Boards of Jurong
Education (SAPE). He also serves on the Board of ITE Holding Pte Ltd as well as the ITE
Engineering Limited, Singapore LNG Corporation Pte Ltd, SINGEX Holdings Pte Ltd and
Investment Committee and is an Independent Director of Nera Telecommunications Ltd.
the Institute of Technical Education. He is the Vice President of the Singapore National
Employers Federation and Council Member of the Singapore Business Federation. He
also serves on the boards of Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute, SMRT
Corporation Ltd, CapitaMalls Asia Ltd and SBF Holdings Pte Ltd.
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
About Us Partnering Taxpayer Environment, Thriving High Level of Voluntary People, Vibrant IRAS
Professional Service Horizon Horizon
Economy Compliance Community 7

Corporate Governance


The IRAS Board oversees IRAS and ensures that it carries out its functions The Internal Audit Branch operates independently from other divisions of IRAS to
competently. The Chairman of the Board is Mr Peter Ong, Permanent Secretary provide objective audit assurance to management to assist them in the effective
of the Ministry of Finance. The eight other members are Dr Tan Kim Siew, the discharge of their responsibilities and in the attainment of corporate objectives.
Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Mr Niam Chiang Meng, Adjunct Professor Lee It evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls in IRAS; checks
Kwok Cheong, Mr Pek Hak Bin, Mr Pok Soy Yoong, Mrs Chng Sok Hui, Dr Philip for compliance with policies, guidelines, laws and regulations; audits tax
Pillai and Mr Bob Tan. assessments to verify that tax principles have been correctly applied; and makes
recommendations to improve the effectiveness of controls and processes. It also
The Board met three times last year to review major corporate policies, approve
ensures that results of the audits and recommendations for improvements are
financial statements, annual budget and major expenditure projects. The Board
promptly communicated to the management of the functional area, and that plans
has two committees, the Audit Committee and the Staff Committee A, to assist in
or actions taken to correct reported audit findings are satisfactory.
carrying out its duties.
The Internal Audit Branch reports functionally to the Audit Committee and
AUDIT COMMITTEE administratively to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue. The staff of the Internal
Adjunct Professor Lee Kwok Cheong chairs the Audit Committee. Its other Audit Branch have full and direct access to the Audit Committee.
members are Mrs Chng Sok Hui, Dr Philip Pillai and Mr Niam Chiang Meng. The
Committee reviews whether IRAS’ accounting and financial policies and internal PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL CONDUCT
controls are in place, adequate and adhered to. The Committee works closely with Every IRAS staff has to maintain high standards of professional integrity and
the external auditor, the Auditor-General, in reviewing the financial statements of personal conduct. They are required to abide by the Inland Revenue Authority of
IRAS, the scope of audit plans and the audit results. The Committee also reviews Singapore Act, as well as the IRAS Code of Conduct which provides guidance on
the annual audit plan of the Internal Audit Branch and the results of its work. matters such as the acceptance of gifts in the official course of duties, avoidance
of situations with conflicts of interests, and disciplinary proceedings for staff who
STAFF COMMITTEE A fail to comply.
Mr Bob Tan chairs the Staff Committee A. Its other members are Dr Tan Kim Siew, In addition, to safeguard official information, all IRAS staff are subject to secrecy
Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Mr Pek Hak Bin and Mr Pok Soy Yoong. Staff provisions in relevant legislations such as the Official Secrets Act, the Statutory
Committee A is the approving authority for key remuneration policies in IRAS as Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act, the Inland
well as key appointments, promotion and remuneration of senior executives in Revenue Authority of Singapore Act, the Income Tax Act and the Goods and
IRAS. Services Tax Act.
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
About Us Partnering Taxpayer Environment, Thriving High Level of Voluntary People, Vibrant IRAS
Professional Service Horizon Horizon
Economy Compliance Community 8

Commissioner’s Message

IRAS collected S$41.6 billion in tax revenue in FY2013/14. We

kept our cost of tax collection low at 0.86 cents per dollar
of tax collected. Our efforts to achieve a high level of voluntary compliance
reminds businesses on the non-deductible business expenses during the
filing process, thereby minimising filing errors and saving them time. We
also introduced the online Wage Credit Scheme calculator to help employers
continued to pay off as on-time filing rates continued to improve across all estimate the Wage Credit they will receive.
tax types, and tax arrears continued to decline to a low of 0.77%.
To provide greater convenience for taxpayers, we expanded the No-Filing
FACILITATING ECONOMIC GROWTH Service (NFS) to 1.23 million taxpayers, including 15,000 first-time
IRAS sustained its efforts to proactively review tax policies to ensure they taxpayers, for the 2014 tax filing season. Since its launch in 2007 benefitting
remain relevant to evolving business models and facilitate business growth. 45,000 taxpayers, the NFS has grown significantly over the years to benefit
In FY2013/14, we reviewed 31 tax policies, which included the review of 27 times as many taxpayers this year.
GST treatment for reimbursement and disbursement transactions and tax
treatment for transfer pricing adjustment initiated by taxpayers. BUILDING CAPABILITIES
We continued to develop our people to strengthen their capabilities. We
IRAS is also committed to ensuring that Singapore’s tax policies and rules exposed staff to different areas of work through job rotations within IRAS
are clear and easy to comply with. To this end, Singapore scored well in the and attachments to international organisations. We seconded staff to the
2014 Deloitte Asia Pacific Tax Complexity Survey with a high number of Ministry of Finance to develop their skills in tax policy work. In FY2013/14,
respondents indicating that Singapore’s tax environment has good or high our staff attended international conferences such as the OECD Task Force
level of consistency and predictability. on Tax Crimes in France and the Fourth IMF High Level Tax Conference in
Japan, where they drew learning points from international best practices.
We pressed on with efforts to achieve a high level of voluntary compliance, We are also building up our business analytics capabilities. This will enable
where taxpayers willingly pay their fair share of taxes on time – a hallmark of us to better identify emerging trends, formulate more relevant and timelier
a leading tax administration. We introduced the Simplified Record-Keeping tax policies, improve our service to taxpayers and enhance our compliance
initiative to lower compliance costs for small businesses by eliminating the efforts in ensuring everyone pays his fair share of taxes.
need for eligible businesses to keep physical invoices and receipts. We also
jointly reviewed and streamlined the application process for accounting LOOKING AHEAD
software grants with the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore. In FY2013/14, we developed a new Corporate Plan to chart our strategic
directions for the next 5 years. We are committed to prioritising our action
While we actively promote voluntary compliance, we continue to deter non- plans to uphold integrity and build trust, deliver citizen-centric services and
compliance and establish a strong presence. In FY2013/14, we uncovered work as one public service to deliver seamless outcomes that are in the best
a total of 15,233 non-compliant cases and recovered about S$387 interests of Singapore and Singaporeans.
million in taxes and penalties through coordinated audit and investigation
programmes. We stepped up vigilance against the abuse of the Productivity ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
and Innovation Credit scheme and prosecuted and publicised tax evasion I would like to thank the IRAS Board for its support and all IRAS staff for
cases to deter taxpayers from committing tax offences. their commitment and contributions to IRAS.


We maintained the momentum to provide excellent service to taxpayers.
We launched the mobile-friendly version of myTax Portal (
sg) to enable users of mobile devices to use selected services within myTax DR TAN KIM SIEW
Portal without having to download any applications. also Commissioner of Inland Revenue
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
About Us Partnering Taxpayer Environment, Thriving High Level of Voluntary People, Vibrant IRAS
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Economy Compliance Community 9

Senior Management Team

Mrs Chia-Tern Huey Min Mr Ong Khiaw Hong Dr Tan Kim Siew Mrs Eng-Tay Geok Lee Mr James Khor Ngiap Long
Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Commissioner of Inland Revenue Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner
(International, Investigation & (Corporate and Services Group) (Business Group) (Individual Group)
Indirect Taxes Group)
Chief Compliance Officer
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Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
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Senior Management Team

Mr Andy Seah Yong Luck Mr Dennis Lui Siew Wah Mrs Claire Chua Ms Chow Wai Yee
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
(Individual Income Tax Division) (Taxpayer Services Division) (Compliance Strategy and Risk Division) (Tax Policy and International Tax Division)

Mr Wilson Ong Joon Lim Mrs Sabina Cheong Hwee Bin Miss Loh Lee Kim
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
(Corporate Tax Division) (Goods and Services Tax Division) (Investigation and Forensics Division)
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
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Senior Management Team

Mr Wang Teck Leng Mrs Patricia Mak Ms Ang Sock Tiang Ms Jackalin Er Hwee Pheng
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
(Property Tax Division) (Enforcement Division) (Accounting and Processing Division) (Corporate Development Division)

Ms Chin Li Fen Mr Alvin Koh Meng Sing Ms Tang Wai Yee

Assistant Commissioner Chief Legal Officer Assistant Commissioner
(Corporate Services Division) (Infocomm Division)
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
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Organisation Structure (as at 31 st

March 2014)


Assistant Commissioner
Ms Tang Wai Yee
Chief Legal Officer
- Mr Liu Hern Kuan
- Mr Alvin Koh Meng
Sing (Designate)
Assistant Commissioner
Ms Chin Li Fen

Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner

Mrs Claire Chua Mr Wang Teck Leng Ms Jackalin Er
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
Mr Dennis Lui Siew Wah Mrs Patricia Mak
Ms Chow Wai Yee Mrs Sabina Cheong
Assistant Commissioner
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
Mr Wilson Ong Joon Lim
Mr Andy Seah Yong Luck Miss Loh Lee Kim Ms Ang Sock Tiang

Deputy Commissioner
Mrs Chia-Tern Huey Min
Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner/ Deputy Commissioner
Mr James Khor Ngiap Long Chief Compliance Officer INTERNATIONAL TAX AFFAIRS & RELATIONS Mr Ong Khiaw Hong
Mrs Eng-Tay Geok Lee Director
Ms Wai Yean Tze
Mrs Chia-Tern Huey Min (Overseeing)

Dr Tan Kim Siew Mrs Teo Po Chu
Mr Ong Khiaw Hong (Overseeing)

Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
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Economy Compliance Community 13

Organisation Structure (as at 31 st

March 2014)



Responsible for the Handles frontline tax enquiries Responsible for the Provides technical advice in
end-to-end administration of and manages overall taxpayer end-to-end administration of the formulation of tax policies
Individual Income Tax. This relationship, taxpayer services the Income Tax for companies, and fair application of tax
includes serving taxpayers, infrastructure and e-services. charities, bodies of persons; laws, reviews tax policies,
assessing and collecting tax, Betting Duty, Private Lotteries initiates tax rules changes
and ensuring compliance for Duty, Casino Tax and and safeguards Singapore’s
all employees, self-employed, Trust. This includes serving economic interest through
unincorporated businesses taxpayers, assessing and tax treaty negotiations and
and non-resident individuals. collecting tax, and ensuring resolution of international tax
This division also handles compliance. This division issues.
withholding tax administration also handles withholding tax
for payors who are individuals. administration for payors who
are companies.

Management Team: Management Team: Management Team: Management Team:

• Mr Andy Seah Yong Luck • Mr Dennis Lui Siew Wah • Mr Wilson Ong Joon Lim • Ms Chow Wai Yee
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner

• Miss Magdelene Silva • Ms Khoo Hung Ling • Ms Quek Su Lynn • Mrs Lim-Leow Lay Hwa
Director (Employee) Director (Contact Centre) Tax Director (Small Corporations) Tax Director (Tax Policy & Ruling)

• Miss Marjorie Tan Yong Hin • Ms Shirley Ng Li Mei • Miss Quek Puay Kiang • Miss Evelyn Lio Ee Min
Director (Foreigner & Clearance) Manager (Taxpayer Services Tax Director (Medium Corporations) Tax Director (International Tax)
Management Unit)
• Miss Loh Cheng Cheng • Mrs Choy-Koh Kum Lin
Director (Self-Employed) Tax Director (Large Corporations)

• Mrs Low-Chua Pik Sim • Ms Quek Su Lynn

Director (Ruling & Compliance) Director (Clubs & Associations,
Trust & Gaming)
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
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Organisation Structure (as at 31 st

March 2014)



Develops IRAS-wide Deters tax evasion through Responsible for the Responsible for the
compliance strategies, investigation and forensics, end-to-end administration of end-to-end administration of
policies and programmes focusing on serious Goods and Services Tax. This Property Tax and Stamp Duty.
(including compliance risk non-compliant tax cases. includes serving taxpayers, This includes valuation of
assessment), and conducts assessing and collecting tax, properties, serving taxpayers,
strategic compliance research. and ensuring compliance. assessing and collecting tax,
This division also drives the and ensuring compliance.
use of business analytics in

Management Team: Management Team: Management Team: Management Team:

• Mrs Claire Chua • Miss Loh Lee Kim • Mrs Sabina Cheong Hwee Bin • Mr Wang Teck Leng
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner

• Mrs Claire Chua • Mr Low Han Hsien • Ms Lim Siew Gim • Ms Jennifer Lin Ee Leng
Director (Covering) Director (Investigation Branch 1) Director (General) Director (Residential)

• Mr Ang Seng Leong • Ms Tan Jek Swan • Ms Sally Mok Chong Chin
Director (Investigation Branch 2) Director (Wholesale Trade) Tax Director (Commercial)

• Ms Hoe Ee Hui • Ms Sally Mok Chong Chin

Tax Director (Large Businesses) Tax Director (Industrial) (Covering)

• Ms Alice Wong Chi Ling

Tax Director (Valuation and
Stamp Duty)
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
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Organisation Structure (as at 31 st

March 2014)



Manages the collection, Promotes voluntary Builds and enhances the Manages and optimises
refund and accounting of compliance in the filing and organisation’s growth, IRAS’ financial, physical and
taxes, and the bulk processing payment of taxes and takes capabilities and branding human resources and drives
of taxpayer information and prompt and effective actions through the development of long-term organisational
tax documents. The division on defaulters. strategies, systems, culture effectiveness.
also implements payout and relationships.
schemes as directed by the

Management Team: Management Team: Management Team: Management Team:

• Ms Ang Sock Tiang • Mrs Patricia Mak • Ms Jackalin Er Hwee Pheng • Ms Chin Li Fen
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner

• Mrs Tan-Yeo Wei Kuen • Mr Colin Chew Koo Chung • Mr Ernest Lee Kian Meng • Miss Ang Sor Tjing
Director (Processing Centre) Director (Compliance Service) Director (Organisation Excellence) Director (Finance & Administration)

• Mrs Ang Siew Tee • Ms Deanna Choo Lay Yen • Ms Jackalin Er Hwee Pheng • Ms Foo Wei Lin
Director (Electronic Interface) Director (Individuals & Properties) Director (Corporate Planning) Director (Human Resource)
• Ms Harriet Marion Van Buerle • Mrs Chia-Tan Hai Geok
Director (Revenue Accounting) Director (Businesses) • Mr Walter Lim Hun Leng
Director (Corporate Communications)
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
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Organisation Structure (as at 31 st

March 2014)



Provides legal opinions on the Responsible for Infocomm Maintains strategic oversight Evaluates the adequacy
application of tax laws, drafts Technology (ICT) system of IRAS’ international and effectiveness of internal
legislations and other legal planning, acquisitions, engagement framework controls in IRAS and
documents, and represents deployment, maintenance and programmes. Drives ascertains whether policies
IRAS in legal proceedings. and operations. The division IRAS’ engagement efforts and guidelines are complied
also provides ICT services to advance Singapore’s with. Provides objective
and support and ensures interest on the international audit assurance to assist
the security and quality of IT tax front and advises the IRAS management in the
systems and resources. Government on international effective discharge of their
tax engagement. It manages responsibilities and in the
the Exchange of Information attainment of corporate
Management Team: Management Team: function and is the liaison objectives.
office for all international
• Mr Liu Hern Kuan • Ms Tang Wai Yee engagements.
Chief Legal Officer Assistant Commissioner

• Mr Alvin Koh Meng Sing • Mr Robin Ng Sy Horng

Chief Legal Officer (Designate) Director (Infocomm Application
Development Centre) (Covering)
• Mr Alvin Koh Meng Sing
Director (Law Branch 1) (Covering) • Mr Jimmy Ho Ee Lam
Director (Infocomm Infrastructure &
• Ms Foo Hui Min Operation)
Director (Law Branch 2)
• Mdm Chew Soh Lang Management Team: Management Team:
Director (Infocomm Systems
Architecture & Assurance) • Ms Wai Yean Tze • Mrs Teo Po Chu
Director (International Tax Affairs Director (Internal Audit)
• Mr Robin Ng Sy Horng and Relations)
Director (Infocomm Technology &

• Mr Foo Kin Yan

Director (Infocomm Application)

• Ms Tan Yan Noi

Manager (Testing Centre of
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
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IRAS at a Glance in FY2013/14 (Our Performance)

Collected S$41.6
billion in tax revenue Recovered Reduced current year
S$387 million in taxes tax arrears to 0.77%
and penalties from 15,233 a record low!
audited and investigated cases

9 out of 10
Individuals (or GST-registered businesses)
filed their
& tax returns Returns Assessed 100%
on time of YA2013 individual Assessed 97.4% corporate
income tax returns received income tax returns received in 2012
8 out of 10 Companies by March 2014 by December 2013

Spent 0.86 cents to

collect every dollar of tax Assessed 97.6% of new properties Reviewed 99.4% of existing
listed in 2013 by December 2013 properties by December 2013

Reviewed 31 tax policies to ensure Signed 6 new Avoidance of

our tax system stays competitive Double Taxation Agreements

79 comprehensive Avoidance of
Double Taxation Agreements
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
Dedicated Individuals, Looking Beyond the Looking Beyond the
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Professional Service Horizon Horizon
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IRAS at a Glance in FY2013/14 (Our Service and People)

Handled 15.7 million

payment transactions
Tax Refund
Served more than 4 million
99.2% of tax refunds Expanded the No-Filing Service
were made within 14 days to 1.23 million individuals for the
taxpayers, comprising individuals,
property owners and businesses 2014 tax filing season

97.6% of the respondents
to our biennial Taxpayer Taxpayer Survey 2013
Survey were satisfied
Replied to 92% Attended to 92% of Answered 86% with IRAS’ service
Received 22,503 compliments,
Needs and Expectations

of emails within taxpayers within of telephone calls Satisfaction

five working days 20 minutes within one minute up from 17,133 last year

Our people completed 433

innovation projects and
contributed 6,404
157 IRAS staff are Accredited Tax
suggestions to enhance
Each staff invested an average of Specialists who have attained a
IRAS’ systems and processes
13.8 mandays in high level of technical competency
learning & development
Competitive Tax Low Cost of Compliance, Competent Team of
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Our Revenue Collection

IRAS is the main revenue body of the government, responsible for the collection of IRAS’ Collection Versus Total Government Operating Revenue
income tax (corporate income tax, individual income tax and withholding tax), GST,
property tax, stamp duty and betting taxes. In FY2013/14, IRAS collected a total S$ ‘billion
of S$41.6 billion. These taxes accounted for 72.9% of the Government Operating
Revenue and 11.0% of Singapore’s Gross Domestic Product. 60 100%
50 51.1
75.5% 75.4% 75.3% 74.1% 72.9% 80%
40 46.1 41.4 41.6
38.4 60%
In FY2013/14, IRAS collected a total of S$41.6 billion 30 29.9

0 0%
FY2009/10 FY2010/11 FY2011/12 FY2012/13 FY2013/14

IRAS’ Collection

Total Government Operating Revenue

IRAS’ Collection as a Percentage of Government Operating Revenue

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Our Revenue Collection

FY2013/14 IRAS’ Collection by Tax Type Income tax (corporate income tax, individual income tax and withholding tax)
collection made up 52% of IRAS’ collection in FY2013/14. The collection of
Betting Taxes (S$2.4 billion) S$21.6 billion was 1.6% lower than that for FY2012/13. The decrease was
due to corporate income tax rebates given for Years of Assessment (YA) 2013
Stamp Duty (S$3.9 billion) and 2014, one-off individual income tax rebate given in YA2013, and lower
6% collections from withholding tax.
Corporate Income Tax FY2013/14 GST collection of S$9.5 billion was 5.3% higher over the previous
9% (S$12.7 billion) year, due to moderate private consumption expenditure growth in 2013.
Property Tax
(S$4.2 billion) 31% Property tax collection was S$4.2 billion, 10.6% higher than S$3.8 billion
10% in FY2012/13 due to higher Annual Values and an increase in the number of
Compared to the collection in FY2012/13, stamp duty collection decreased by
S$0.4 billion or 8.8% to S$3.9 billion in FY2013/14. The reduction was due
to lower volume of property transactions, following the last round of property
23% market cooling measures introduced in January 2013.
Goods and Services Tax
(S$9.5 billion)
18% Individual Income Tax
(S$7.7 billion) Betting taxes rose to S$2.4 billion in FY2013/14, up by 3.2% from the previous

Withholding Tax (S$1.2 billion)

Note: Betting Taxes include Betting Duty, Casino Tax and Private Lotteries Duty.
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Partnering Taxpayers

Assisting Businesses through the Wage Credit Scheme (WCS)

Under the scheme, the government
Through the WCS, the Government This allows businesses to free up will co-fund 40% of wage increases
provides businesses with co-funding resources to invest in productivity,
WCS is part of the 3-Year Transition given to Singaporean employees
support for wage increases for their and to share productivity gains with
Package introduced in Budget 2013. earning a gross monthly wage of
employees during this period their employees.
Businesses are restructuring in a up to S$4,000 over the period of
of transition.
tight labour market and wages will 2013 to 2015.
have to rise.

Promotion and Outreach for WCS WCS Overview

IRAS plays an important role in the administration of WCS.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Over 74,000 of employers in Singapore benefited from the first
tranche of WCS payouts in March 2014.

Published comprehensive information,

such as Frequently Asked Collaborated with stakeholders
Questions (FAQs) on the scheme, such as SPRING Singapore and the
on the IRAS website Singapore Business Federation,
to raise awareness on the
purpose of WCS.

About S$800 million payouts

Conducted more than 30 WCS seminars,
reaching out to thousands of businesses and were disbursed.
encouraged them to leverage on the
co-funding to increase productivity gains
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Competitive Tax Environment,

Thriving Economy

“ We strive to foster a competitive tax environment that promotes enterprise

and supports economic growth.


We continued to expand Singapore’s network of tax treaties and improve the terms
of existing ones to facilitate cross-border trade and investments. In FY2013/14,
we signed new Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) with Barbados,
Brazil, Ecuador, Laos, Liechtenstein and San Marino, and updated the terms of our
DTAs with the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan and Luxembourg. As at 31 March 2014,
Singapore has 79 comprehensive DTAs, of which 74 have been ratified.
In FY2013/14, we concluded 11 unilateral and bilateral Advance Pricing
Arrangements (APAs), which set the transfer pricing rules for transactions between
related entities operating in two or more jurisdictions, providing these businesses
with greater upfront certainty and minimising their tax risks from these transactions.
We also resolved two cases through competent authority discussions under the
Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) Article in our DTAs with other jurisdictions,
which helped businesses resolve instances of double taxation. As at 31 March IRAS represented Singapore at the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange
2014, we have 33 ongoing unilateral, bilateral and multilateral APAs and 17 MAPs of Information for Tax Purposes
at different stages of review.
We continued to participate actively in international conferences and study
groups. In FY2013/14, IRAS participated in the 8th Meeting of the Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Forum on Tax Administration,

Singapore has 79
comprehensive DTAs, of
which 74 have been ratified.
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Competitive Tax Environment,

Thriving Economy

the 43rd Study Group on Asian Tax Administration and Research (SGATAR) and IRAS hosted more than 150 foreign visitors from countries such as Australia,
the inaugural Global Tax Policy Conference. We exchanged views and gained Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Finland, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Myanmar, New Zealand,
insights on developments in the areas of compliance, debt management and Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the United States in FY2013/14. Through these
demand management. We also conducted study visits to the Swiss Federal Tax foreign visits, we shared our experiences in tax administration, risk management,
Administration, the Irish Tax and Customs and the UK HMRC. During these visits, technological advances and work processes.
we discussed international tax developments and shared experiences in the areas
We also set up a new International Tax Affairs and Relations Branch to provide
of tax administration and compliance strategy.
strategic oversight of IRAS’ international engagement framework and programmes.


We proactively reviewed our tax policies to ensure that they are business friendly and
promote business and economic growth. In FY2013/14, we reviewed 31 policies.
Some of the policies reviewed include the GST treatment for reimbursement and
disbursement transactions and tax treatment for transfer pricing adjustment
initiated by taxpayers.

, Finland, Indon
odia esi
mb a,
, Ca Ja




erica, Australia, A

co, M
yanmar, New
IRAS hosted more than
150 foreign visitors

f Am


in FY2013/14.


d an
ite da,
, Un
IRAS hosted officials from New Zealand in November 2013
Sri L
anka, Thailand
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Low Cost of Compliance,

High Level of Voluntary Compliance

“ We strive to maximise voluntary compliance as it is the most sustainable outcome to

ensure a cost-effective and efficient tax administration.

We introduced the new Simplified Record-Keeping (SRK) programme to help small

businesses lower their compliance costs. From Year of Assessment 2015, small
businesses that qualify for SRK will only need to keep business records such as
listings and registers, instead of the physical invoices and receipts. Together with
the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, we reviewed and streamlined
the application process for accounting software grants in our continued efforts to
encourage businesses to improve their record keeping standards with the adoption
of accounting software.
We extended the coverage of the Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) for Employment
Income to over 41,000 employers in YA2014, up from 36,000 in YA2013, in our
ongoing efforts to simplify the tax filing process for individual taxpayers. With
the increased number of employers on board the AIS, more than 1.5 million
employees enjoyed greater convenience during the YA2014 tax filing exercise as
their employment income information was submitted electronically to IRAS by their
PIC Seminar employers.


We continued to simplify rules and introduce new initiatives to lower taxpayers’ We provide timely and accurate tax information through various channels such as
compliance costs and make it easier for them to fulfil their tax obligations. the IRAS website, workshops and seminars, educational letters and mailers.

The AIS for Employment Income was

extended to over 41,000 employers in
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Low Cost of Compliance,

High Level of Voluntary Compliance

In FY2013/14, we published information on the GST and income tax treatment of For Individual Income Tax, 95.6% of the 2,010,695 returns issued in YA2013 were
the purchase and sale of virtual currencies as well as the transactions using virtual filed by the due date.
currencies. We conducted workshops and seminars for tax agents and businesses
on Form C-S, corporate income tax filing, the Productivity and Innovation
Credit (PIC) scheme and tax changes announced in Budget 2013. We also sent Filing Compliance Results for Individual Income Tax
educational letters to tax agents on correct expense claims and record-keeping
practices and used comic illustrations in educational mailers to raise awareness on
GST registration matters. 99.8%
97.4% 97.6% 97.9% 98.6%
91.1% 91.6% 94.0% 95.6%
We continued to maintain a strong presence among taxpayers to enhance
community confidence in our tax system. In FY2013/14, our tax audit and
investigation teams uncovered a total of 15,233 non-compliant cases and
recovered about S$387 million in taxes and penalties through coordinated audit
YA2009 YA2010 YA2011 YA2012 YA2013
and investigation programmes. We took errant taxpayers to task and publicised
prosecution cases as well as our compliance programmes to deter taxpayers
from committing tax offences. We stepped up vigilance against the abuse of the
PIC scheme and continued to invest in business analytics to gain insights into
taxpayers’ behaviour and enhance our compliance capabilities.
FY2009/10 FY2010/11 FY2011/12 FY2012/13 FY2013/14
Our ongoing efforts to raise compliance levels have resulted in steady improvements
in filing and payment compliance rates. YA Returns Received in each FY YA Returns Received on time in each FY


15,233 non-compliant cases were

uncovered in FY2013/2014, with about
S$387 million recovered in taxes.
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Low Cost of Compliance,

High Level of Voluntary Compliance
For Corporate Income Tax, 82.5% of the 162,981 returns issued in YA2013 were filed on time. Our total cumulative tax arrears as at 31 March 2014 was S$389 million. The
proportion of arrears to total net tax assessed or collected at the end of FY2013/14
Filing Compliance Results for Corporate Income Tax fell to 0.77% from 0.79%.

88.8% 89.2% Total Tax Arrears

86.0% 88.2%
81.2% 81.1% 80.9% 82.5% (as at 31 March of each FY)
S$ Millions
YA2009 YA2010 YA2011 YA2012 YA2013

600 179

52 47
400 118
FY2009/10 FY2010/11 FY2011/12 FY2012/13 FY2013/14
48 65 76
YA Returns Received in each FY YA Returns Received on time in each FY 45 44
438 424
For Goods and Services Tax, 93.9% of the 347,328 returns issued were filed on time. 264 269

Filing Compliance Results for Goods and Services Tax

FY2009/10 FY2010/11 FY2011/12 FY2012/13 FY2013/14

98.8% 98.9% 99.1% 99.1% 99.1%

Income Tax Property Tax GST
91.9% 92.8% 93.2% 93.4% 93.9%

FY2009/10 FY2010/11 FY2011/12 FY2012/13 FY2013/14

Returns Received in each FY Returns Received on time in each FY

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Dedicated Individuals, Professional Service

“ We adopt a service-oriented mindset in everything we do to make

taxpaying a pleasant experience for taxpayers.

our service target of 70%. We responded to 93% of the 248,479 correspondence

received within 15 working days and 92% of the 249,518 emails received within
five working days, topping our service targets of 80%. We also attended to 92% of
the 99,899 taxpayers who visited our Taxpayer Service Centre within 20 minutes,
surpassing our target of 80%.
We continued to process tax refunds expeditiously. We processed 99.2% of
the 699,905 refund cases within 14 days. We also met our service standard of
processing 100% of the refunds within 30 days.


We continued to expand our service offerings and improve our systems and
processes to meet the needs of taxpayers.
We expanded the No-Filing Service (NFS) to 1.23 million taxpayers in YA2014, up
from 1.13 million in YA2013, providing these taxpayers with a hassle-free tax filing
experience as their employment incomes are electronically transmitted by their
employers under AIS. Their claims for personal reliefs are also pre-filled by IRAS
MEETING SERVICE STANDARDS based on the previous year’s claims. Taxpayers on the NFS do not have to file their
In FY2013/14, we answered a total of 991,422 telephone calls from taxpayers. We tax returns unless they have additional income to declare or changes to their claims
answered 86% of telephone calls within one minute during peak period, exceeding for relief.

IRAS expanded the

No-Filing Service (NFS)
to 1.23 million taxpayers
in YA2014.
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Dedicated Individuals, Professional Service

We continued to actively engage taxpayers and gather their feedback to help us
improve the quality of our services and processes.
We held consultation sessions with our Taxpayer Feedback Panels (TFPs), which
1,131,000 comprised business leaders, representatives from key trade associations and
1,000,000 963,000 experienced tax professionals in Singapore. The TFP sessions helped us better
800,000 787,000 understand the changing needs of taxpayers and tailor our initiatives to meet their
653,000 needs. They also provided us with a platform to clarify taxpayers’ concerns about
600,000 our tax policies and rules. Issues discussed at the TFP sessions in FY2013/14
400,000 included the Tax Treatment of Group Insurance Premiums, e-Filing of Corporate
Tax Returns, and the Parent Relief Consultation Exercise.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Year of Assessment

For the YA2014 Tax Season, some 75% of taxpayers filed their tax returns by
1 April 2014. This is 4 percentage points higher than that on 1 April 2013. We also
achieved an overall filing rate of 95%.
We launched the mobile-friendly version of myTax Portal (,
which enables users of mobile devices to use selected services within myTax Portal
without having to download any applications. We introduced the online Wage
Credit Scheme calculator, which helps employers to estimate the Wage Credit they
will receive based on the wages given to their employees.
We also launched the new Tax Statistics webpage on the IRAS website to provide
members of the public with one-stop access to official tax statistics such as the
taxes collected by IRAS, taxpayer compliance rates and IRAS’ service standards to
facilitate easy retrieval and analyses of the data. Engaging our TFP members on tax-related issues
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Dedicated Individuals, Professional Service

In FY2013/14, we received a record high of 22,503 compliments, and 38 learning


Number of Compliments from Taxpayers Number of Learning Opportunities


90 83
16,000 72
12,000 12,182 60 57
8,000 7,757
6,471 30

FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013


Taxpayer Survey 20
13 We conducted the We achieved an overall satisfaction rate
biennial Taxpayer of 97.6%, higher than the 94.7%
tions Survey in 2013 to achieved in 2011.
Needs and Expecta
gain insights on
Satisfaction taxpayers’ needs
and expectations,
and their satisfaction
with our services.
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Dedicated Individuals, Professional Service


The PS21 Star Service Awards recognise public officers for their dedication to service excellence. By identifying role models who display exemplary performance in
service delivery, this award encourages quality customer service and aims to improve the standards of Public Service delivery.
This year, three IRAS officers – Ms Ang Siok Peing (Corporate Tax Division), Mr Choo Rong Jin (Taxpayer Services Division) and Ms Wong Li Lin Mabeline (Taxpayer
Services Division) received the PS21 Star Service Award.

Ms Ang Siok Peing Mr Choo Rong Jin Ms Wong Li Lin Mabeline

Ms Ang is very professional, polite and very Mr Rong Jin’s extra mile service given Mabeline Wong Li Lin’s service is excellent. She is
patient and has helped us in many ways. The to a Singaporean like me was indeed knowledgeable and demonstrated a high level of
best officer I have ever met. an unforgettable experience and should patience as she listened to my problems. All civil
be highly commended. servants should learn from her to promote such good
service attitude!
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Everyone in IRAS plays a role in delivering excellent service. The IRAShines! Award is an annual pinnacle service award to reward and recognise both frontline and
backroom staff for their outstanding service delivery to taxpayers and internal customers.
There are 12 winners and among them, 4 were honoured as Special Award recipients for their exemplary contributions to service excellence.

Changtai has been a great help. He has helped to resolve my
issues. He is clear in his explanation and polite. I am very
grateful to him.


You have been extremely helpful, and you have been able to
at least bring me through the authorization process. Thank
you very much.


Joanne is very caring and helpful. I am thankful to her for
spending the time to ensure my problem was resolved


Through my interactions with Ivy, I find her to be a friendly
and approachable colleague. She is always ready to help on
issues pertaining to IRIN. She is also meticulous and thorough
in her analysis of IRIN related enhancements/changes.
IRAShines! Recipients
From left to right: Lew Ching Sun, Neo Soen Hwa, Lee Yun, Huang Changtai (standing), Lim Li Keen Ivy,
Annie Su, Chen Peiwen, Teo Ching Ling Joanne
Not in Photo: Lin Chengkun Stanley, Wong Hui Min
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Competent Team of People,

Vibrant IRAS Community

“ We endeavour to develop a team of competent and dedicated people who will go the

extra mile to help achieve our Vision.

Asia Pacific Tax Conference in Malaysia, which discussed the latest trends in anti-
avoidance and tax planning as well as developments in tax litigation and transfer
We organised in-house sharing sessions to keep our staff updated on industry
trends and tax developments. Topics covered in FY2013/14 included the Overview
of the Permanent Establishment Concept, IRAS Approved Tax Agent/Book-keeper
Scheme and the Wage Credit Scheme. The Annual Tax Conference, organised by our
Accredited Tax Specialist (ATS) community in September 2013, provided our ATSs
with the opportunity to discuss issues such as Tax Treaty Application of Permanent
Establishment Article and GST Rules for Voluntary Welfare Organisations. We
also continued to expose staff to different areas of work through job rotations and
secondments to the Ministry of Finance to develop their skills in tax policy work.
Celebrating National Day In recognition of our human capital best practices, we were conferred the Leading
HR Practices in Learning and Human Capital Development Award at the Singapore
We have a staff strength of 1,933 as at 31 March 2014. Our staff turnover rate was
about 5% in FY2013/14. RECOGNISING STAFF
Nine IRAS staff were honoured with medals at the Singapore National Day Awards
DEVELOPING OUR PEOPLE in 2013. In recognition of their outstanding efficiency, competence and industry,
We continued to invest in our people to raise their technical competency and Ms Ang Sock Tiang (Assistant Commissioner, Accounting and Processing Division)
professional standards. In FY2013/14, more than S$4.3 million or about 2.1% of was bestowed the Public Administration Medal (Silver) and Miss Magdelene Silva
the total payroll was spent on staff training and each employee achieved an average (Director, Individual Income Tax Division) and Miss Lio Ee Min Evelyn (Tax Director,
of 13.8 mandays in learning and development. Tax Policy and International Tax Division) were bestowed the Public Administration
In FY2013/14, our people attended several international conferences. These Medal (Bronze).
included the Fourth IMF High Level Tax Conference in Japan, which discussed tax Miss Chua Li Tiam Sally (Manager, Accounting and Processing Division), Mr Tan
issues facing the Asian region; the OECD Task Force on Tax Crimes in France, which Lee Kwang Anthony (Manager, Corporate Tax Division) and Ms Yap Mei Mei (Group
discussed cooperation between tax and law enforcement agencies in combating Tax Specialist, Goods & Services Tax Division) were conferred the Commendation
tax crimes such as money laundering and bribery; and the IFA-IBFD 75th Jubilee Medal for their commendable performance and conduct.
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Competent Team of People,

Vibrant IRAS Community
Mrs Leu-Goh Poh Nai (Human Resource Officer, Corporate Services Division), IRAS was conferred two Public Sector Pro-Enterprise Initiative awards in FY2013/14
Mrs Lau-Ling Kin Siew (Assistant Manager, Enforcement Division) and Ms Lau for our efforts in reducing the tax compliance costs of businesses. One award was
Meow Siam (Senior Tax Auditor, Individual Income Tax Division) were awarded the for the waiver of the need for small companies with turnover of less than S$1 million
Efficiency Medal for their exceptional efficiency or devotion to duty. to file their Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) if they have nil ECI, as well as the
introduction of Form C-S. The other award was for easing GST compliance for
PROMOTING INNOVATION businesses by removing the need for them to track the number and value of gifts
given to the same person and simplifying the accounting for output tax on gift of
Innovation is one of our core values. We encouraged our people to continuously seek
innovative ways to improve our systems and processes and raise the organisation’s
productivity. In FY2013/14, our people contributed 6,404 suggestions and
completed 433 innovation projects that yielded savings of about S$4.4 million. SUPPORTING WORK-LIFE BALANCE
Mrs Chia-Tan Hai Geok (Director, Enforcement Division) was awarded the PS21 Our Inland Revenue Recreation Club organised a range of recreational and sporting
Innovation Champion (Bronze) Award, which recognises officers who inject activities throughout the year to promote staff well-being and healthy lifestyle. Our
innovation and creativity into their work. IRAS also won the MOF Best Project Award biennial IRAS Family Day was held at the Singapore Zoological Gardens in January
for the Simplified Tax Returns for Small Companies (Form C-S), which simplifies 2014 and was attended by more than 2,000 staff and family members.
the tax filing process for smaller businesses, and the MOF Innovator Award for
the Automated Valuation Model, which facilitates speedier assessment and greater
responsiveness to market changes for high-rise private residential properties.

IRAS won the MOF Best Project Award Staff and family members at IRAS Family Day 2014

In FY2013/14...

our people contributed

6,404 suggestions and
completed 433
innovation projects

that yielded savings of about S$4.4 million.

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Competent Team of People,

Vibrant IRAS Community
In recognition of our commitment to help our people achieve effective quality work-
life, we were awarded the Leading HR Practices in Quality Work-Life, Physical and
Mental Well-Being Award at the Singapore HR Awards 2013.


We continued to promote volunteerism and inculcate a strong sense of public
responsibility amongst staff. In FY2013/14, our people teamed up with staff from
VITAL on a humanitarian trip to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to build water filters and
latrines. They collaborated with SMU Habitat for Humanity to help home-owners
of one- and two-room apartments clean their homes. They also took part in the
Singapore chapter of the International Coastal Cleanup to remove marine trash
along the beaches of Pulau Ubin and collected information to facilitate policy
design and educate the public. In recognition of our efforts of contributing to
the community, we were awarded the Leading HR Practices in Corporate Social
Responsibility Award at the Singapore HR Awards 2013.
Staff partnered with SMU Habitat for Humanity to help the community
Other recreational activities include enrichment classes such as baking workshops VOLUNTEER E-FILING SERVICE (VES)
and coffee appreciation sessions. In the sporting arena, IRAS hosted the Revenue We continued with our Volunteer e-Filing Service (VES), an annual community
Games 2014 in February 2014. This biennial game between the Inland Revenue programme where we engaged and trained volunteers so they could assist less
Board of Malaysia (IRBM) and IRAS saw participation from some 160 IRAS staff IT-savvy taxpayers with their income tax filing. 333 students and adults signed up
and 180 IRBM participants in 15 competitive games. as volunteers and provided e-Filing assistance at 21 CitizenConnect Centres island-
wide over four weekends from 22 March to 13 April 2014.

IRBM and IRAS staff at the Revenue Games 2014 e-Filing Service volunteers
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Competent Team of People,

Vibrant IRAS Community
ENGAGING AND EMPOWERING STAFF on assignments outside of my immediate area of work. These assignments range
Everyone Matters in IRAS and everyone has a role to play in achieving our Vision. from cross-divisional, inter-agency projects to supporting roles as secretariat at
The Corporate Plan 2014 to 2018 was developed following extensive consultations Technical Forums. These experiences have trained me to see from the perspectives
with stakeholders, including engaging IRAS staff at all levels. Two staff, who of our key stakeholders and I am now able to take a whole-of-governmental
participated in the planning exercise, recounted their learning journey. approach when designing compliance policies and initiatives.”

Mr Zander Pek Zhiyu is a Manager Ms Yvonne Lay, Manager, Corporate

in the Compliance Strategy and Risk Planning Branch, develops and reviews
Division, which was established in 2009 corporate-wide policies and strategies
to strengthen IRAS’ overall capabilities for organisational growth. Her work
in managing tax compliance, and to involves monitoring, assessing
drive the use of business analytics in and reporting on organisational
the organisation. He leads a team in the performance and risks, and scanning
development of coordinated compliance the environment on tax administration
strategy, policies and programmes, such as trends and best practices. As one of
the Voluntary Disclosure Programme and the leads in driving the Public Service
Record Keeping Programme, to encourage Transformation changes in IRAS,
a high level of voluntary compliance Yvonne learns from the best. “Some
among taxpayers in Singapore. He also of the changes that we are reviewing
oversees a research team that actively include how IRAS can step up our
scans the environment for emerging engagement with our stakeholders
trends in the tax compliance landscape, and the public to harness their ideas
as well as analyse emerging compliance for improving service delivery and
risks so that IRAS can better anticipate how we will continue to live out
Zander Pek them and take preventive actions. our Core Values and uphold the
highest standards of integrity and
Yvonne Lay
Zander, recalling his recent experience with the Scenario Planning team for the professionalism. As part of the change
Corporate Planning Exercise, “The team looked at plausible futures that may team, I learn about other agencies’ best practices and gain a better understanding
confront Singapore and IRAS in the next 10 to 15 years. The divergent scenarios of what it means to be part of a Public Service that works cohesively to serve our
that the team came up with sharpened the corporate planning process in making nation and people.”
sure we will be future ready. The exposure offered many young officers like me an
opportunity to work hand-in-hand with the senior management in developing the IRAS takes pride in having built a team of highly competent people like Zander
longer term strategies and action plans.” and Yvonne by putting in place robust people systems to grow and engage them
in IRAS strategies and action plans. Our people will continue to play an important
On the other learning and developmental opportunities he has been given, Zander role in ensuring that IRAS remains agile and responsive to a complex and changing
said, “Besides classroom training, I have had many hands-on opportunities to work operating environment.
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Looking Beyond the Horizon


Against the backdrop of a complex and volatile global environment, IRAS will We will partner and engage taxpayers and other stakeholders to build an inclusive
continue to play a proactive role in tax policy formulation and review to enhance the society and achieve quality growth. We will adopt a customer centric approach
competitiveness, robustness and progressivity of our tax regime. We will contribute to formulation and review of policies as well as design and delivery of services.
to Singapore’s drive for inclusive growth by administering national productivity and We will proactively manage and reduce demand for service, continue to maximise
assistance schemes. We will also step up our international engagement efforts to voluntary compliance and keep taxpayers’ costs of compliance low by simplifying
raise Singapore’s international credibility and standing. our tax rules and procedures.

We will review our business processes to optimise the use of our resources
and maximise value for IRAS and the community. We will make effective use of
business analytics, technology and innovation to achieve greater efficiency. We will
also enhance our capabilities in managing compliance through appropriate use of
business analytics. We will imbue in our people the mindset to proactively look out
for innovative ways to enhance their effectiveness. Beyond IRAS, we will enhance
inter-agency collaboration to drive Whole-of-Government outcomes.


We will continue to train and develop our people to be highly competent and
adaptable, able to anticipate and respond readily to challenges in an increasingly
demanding environment. We will strengthen our learning and development
systems to support the acquisition of new skill sets and competencies, and provide
challenging and meaningful jobs for our people to help them realise their fullest
potential. We will seek to address the needs and expectations of our diverse and
Jurong Lake District will be the largest commercial and regional centre outside multi generational workforce, keep them engaged and motivated so that we can
the city centre. © Urban Redevelopment Authority. All rights reserved achieve our Vision with a dynamic team of competent and committed people.
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highlights of Budget Changes

To reinforce the condition that the payouts are made to businesses with active
EXTENDING THE PRODUCTIVITY AND INNOVATION CREDIT (“PIC”) SCHEME business operations, businesses will have to meet the three-local-employees condition
To give businesses more time to put in place productivity improvements, the PIC for each of the last 3 months of the relevant period in respect of which the cash
scheme will be extended for three years till YA2018. payout election is made.

For enhanced tax deductions, the expenditure cap of S$400,000 of qualifying This requirement will take effect for PIC cash payout applications from YA2016.
expenditure per activity will be combined across YA2016 to YA2018 (i.e. S$1.2 million
per qualifying activity). The expenditure cap of S$100,000 for PIC cash payout cannot ALLOWING THE TAX DEFERRAL OPTION UNDER THE PIC SCHEME TO LAPSE
be combined across the three YAs. As the PIC cash payout serves a similar purpose to help businesses relieve cash-flow
concerns, the tax deferral option will lapse with effect from YA2015.
A new PIC+ scheme will be introduced to provide support to SMEs making more EXTENDING THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (“R&D”) TAX MEASURES
substantial investments to transform their businesses. Under the PIC+ scheme, the To continue encouraging private R&D and to give certainty to businesses, the additional
expenditure cap for qualifying SMEs will be increased from S$400,000 to S$600,000 50% tax deduction accorded under section 14DA(1) will be extended for ten years till
per qualifying activity per YA. This means that SMEs that invest beyond the current YA2025.
combined expenditure cap of S$1.2 million for each qualifying activity can claim 400% To attract businesses to conduct large R&D projects in Singapore, the further tax
enhanced tax deduction on an additional S$200,000 of qualifying expenditure. deduction accorded under section 14E will be extended for five years till 31 March
PIC+ will take effect for expenditure incurred in YA2015 to YA2018. The combined 2020.
expenditure cap will be as follows: up to S$1.4 million for YA2013 to YA2015, with In line with the above extensions, businesses can continue to claim tax deductions/
the additional expenditure cap of S$200,000 only applicable to expenditure incurred allowance on R&D expenditure incurred for R&D in areas unrelated to their existing
during the basis period relating to YA2015; and up to S$1.8 million for YA2016 to trade or business as long as the R&D is conducted in Singapore.
Businesses can also continue to claim a further deduction of up to 300%, on qualifying
The expenditure cap for PIC cash payout will remain at S$100,000 of qualifying R&D expenditure up to S$400,000 under the PIC scheme, which has been extended
expenditure per YA. till YA2018.

In response to industry feedback and recognising that training of such individuals can To build Singapore as an IP hub, the section 19B WDA will be extended for five years
improve the productivity of the businesses where they are deployed, the PIC scheme till YA2020. The accelerated WDA for approved MDE companies will be extended for
will be enhanced to allow businesses to claim PIC benefits on training expenses three years till YA2018.
incurred in respect of individuals hired under centralised hiring arrangements.
All other existing conditions of the section 19B WDA remain unchanged.
This change will take effect from YA2014.
Businesses can also continue to claim a further 300% allowance on up to S$400,000
of such qualifying costs under the PIC scheme, which has been extended till YA2018.
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highlights of Budget Changes

EXTENDING THE SECTION 14A TAX DEDUCTION SCHEME FOR REGISTRATION This change will take effect for all payment obligations that arise on or after 21
To encourage businesses to protect their intellectual property, the 100% tax deduction
will be extended for five years till YA2020.
Businesses can also continue to claim a further 300% deduction on up to S$400,000 A review date of 31 March 2017 will be legislated to ensure that the relevance of the
of such qualifying costs under the PIC scheme, which has been extended till YA2018. scheme is periodically reviewed.

To continue encouraging businesses to optimise land use, the LIA scheme will be As the scheme is assessed to be no longer relevant, the IA scheme for aircraft rotables
extended for five years till 30 June 2020. will be allowed to lapse after 31 March 2015.
The LIA will be extended to the logistics sector in recognition of the close nexus TREATING BASEL III ADDITIONAL TIER 1 INSTRUMENTS AS DEBT FOR TAX
between this sector and qualifying activities supported by LIA. PURPOSES
The LIA scheme will also be extended to businesses carrying out qualifying activities To provide tax certainty and maintain a level-playing field for Singapore-incorporated
on airport and port land. banks which issue Basel III Additional Tier 1 instruments, such instruments other
than shares, will be treated as debt for tax purposes. Hence, distributions on such
A new condition requiring existing buildings that have already met or exceeded the GPR instruments will be deductible for issuers and taxable in the hands of investors, subject
benchmark to meet a minimum incremental GPR criterion of 10% after renovation or to existing rules.
extension works will be introduced. This is to encourage businesses, especially those
already in the top quartile of the relevant GPR benchmark, to continue intensifying their The tax treatment will apply to distributions accrued in the basis period for YA2015
land use. and thereafter, in respect of such instruments issued by Singapore-incorporated banks
(excluding their foreign branches) that are subject to MAS Notice 637.
All other existing conditions of the LIA scheme remain unchanged.
The enhancements are effective for LIA approvals granted, and capital expenditure EXTENDING AND REFINING TAX INCENTIVE SCHEMES FOR QUALIFYING FUNDS
incurred on or after 22 February 2014. However, transitional rules will be made in To anchor and continue to grow Singapore’s asset management industry, the section
respect of the new condition on meeting the minimum incremental GPR criterion. 13CA, 13R and 13X schemes will be extended for five years till 31 March 2019. The
section 13C scheme will be allowed to lapse after 31 March 2014.
WAIVING THE WITHHOLDING TAX REQUIREMENT FOR PAYMENTS MADE TO The section 13CA, 13R and 13X schemes will be refined as follows:
To reduce compliance costs for businesses, payers will no longer need to withhold tax a) The section 13CA scheme will be expanded to include trust funds with resident
trustees, which are presently covered under the section 13C scheme, with effect from
on sections 12(6) and 12(7) payments made to non-resident Singapore branches of
1 April 2014;
foreign companies.
b) The investor ownership levels for the section 13CA and 13R schemes will be computed
These non-resident Singapore branches will continue to be assessed for income tax
based on the prevailing market value of the issued securities instead of historical value.
on such payments that they receive and will be required to declare such payments in
This change will be applied on any qualifying fund whose last day of the basis period for
their annual tax returns.
an assessment year falls on or after 1 April 2014. ; and
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highlights of Budget Changes

c) The list of designated investments will be expanded to include loans to qualifying Other existing conditions of the DUT scheme remain unchanged.
offshore trusts, interest in certain limited liability companies and bankers
A review date of 31 March 2019 will be legislated to ensure that the relevance of the
acceptance. This will apply to income derived on or after 21 February 2014 from
scheme is periodically reviewed.
such investments.
Other existing conditions of the schemes remain unchanged. 2. TAX CHANGES FOR INDIVIDUALS


To further grow Singapore as a centre for fund management and administration, the
To provide greater encouragement and recognition to individuals supporting their
concession will be extended for five years till 31 March 2019.
or their spouse’s parents, the quantum of parent / handicapped parent relief will be
ENHANCING THE FOREIGN-SOURCED INCOME EXEMPTION SCHEME FOR LISTED increased, with individuals who are staying with these dependants enjoying a higher
To accord listed infrastructure RBTs in Singapore greater tax certainty, thereby Relief Quantum With Effect
facilitating the listing of more infrastructure assets in Singapore, the foreign-sourced Type of Relief
From YA2015
income exemption for listed infrastructure RBTs will be enhanced as follows:
Parent Relief (Individual staying with dependant) S$9,000
a) The specified scenarios under section 13(12) will be expanded to cover dividend Parent Relief (Individual not staying with dependant) S$5,500
income originating from foreign-sourced interest income so long as it relates to the
Handicapped Parent Relief (Individual staying with dependant) S$14,000
qualifying offshore infrastructure project/ asset.
Handicapped Parent Relief (Individual not staying with dependant) S$10,000
b) Interest income derived from a qualifying offshore infrastructure project/asset will
automatically qualify for section 13(12) exemption provided certain conditions Recognising that care for parents is a shared responsibility among family members,
are met. claimants of parent / handicapped parent relief will be able to share the relief according
to the claimants’ agreed proportion.
The DUT scheme will be streamlined and rationalised through the following changes: If more than one claimant is making the claim and the claimants cannot come to an
agreement on the apportionment ratio among themselves, the Comptroller of Income
a) The scheme will be limited to unit trusts offered to retail investors with effect from Tax will apportion the relief equally among all claimants.
21 February 2014. Non-retail unit trusts may consider other fund schemes;
The above changes will take effect from YA2015.
b) Existing non-retail unit trusts that were approved under the scheme prior to 21
February 2014 may continue to retain their DUT status provided that they meet all ENHANCING THE HANDICAPPED SPOUSE, HANDICAPPED SIBLING AND
the qualifying criteria throughout the DUT period; and HANDICAPPED CHILD RELIEFS
c) From 1 September 2014, subject to the fulfilment of conditions, unit trusts do not To provide greater recognition to individuals who are supporting their handicapped
have to apply for the DUT scheme to enjoy the benefits of the scheme. dependants, the amount of handicapped spouse, handicapped sibling and handicapped
child reliefs will be increased with effect from YA2015 as follows:
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highlights of Budget Changes

Type of Relief Relief Quantum With Effect From YA2015 a) To further streamline the stamp duty regime, the stamp duty rates for other
instruments (land premiums and purchase of property, share transfers and
Handicapped spouse relief S$5,500 mortgages) executed on or after 22 February 2014 will be as follows:
Handicapped sibling relief S$5,500
i) Land Premiums and Purchase of Property
Handicapped child relief S$7,500
Purchase Price or Market Value (whichever is higher) Buyer’s Stamp Duty Rates
First S$180,000 1%
To simplify the individual income tax system, married couples can no longer transfer Next S$180,000 2%
qualifying deductions and deficits between each other (including under the loss carry- Remainder 3%
back scheme) with effect from YA2016.
ii) Share Transfers and Mortgages
As a transitional concession, qualifying deductions and deficits incurred by a married
couple in and before YA2015 will still be allowed for inter-spousal transfers up till Types of Instruments Stamp Duty Rates
YA2017, subject to existing rules. 0.2% of the purchase price or market value of the stock or shares
Transfer of stock or shares
Any unabsorbed trade losses or capital allowances may still be carried forward to transferred, whichever is higher
future years to be set-off against the future income of the taxpayer, until the amount Mortgage instruments
0.2% or 0.4% of the relevant amount (depending on the type of
is fully utilised, subject to existing rules. Similarly, any unutilised donations may be mortgage instrument) subject to maximum duty of $500
carried forward to future years to be set-off against the future income of the taxpayer,
To simplify the individual income tax system, the section 40 relief will be removed with The duty on Totalisators, Pari-mutuel Betting (excluding Horse Racing) and any other
effect from YA2016. system or method of Cash or Credit Betting will be raised from 25% of gross bets (net
of GST) to 30% of gross bets (net of GST).
3. OTHER TAX CHANGES Revised Duty Rate: 30% x (Amount of bets received – GST)

STREAMLINING THE STAMP DUTY RATE STRUCTURE The change will take effect from 1 July 2014.
To ensure consistency in stamp duty treatment across leases of varying tenures, the Betting duties on Horse Racing, Sports Betting and Sweepstakes will remain unchanged.
basis for charging stamp duty on leases executed on or after 22 February 2014 will be
as follows:
Lease Period Stamp Duty Rates
Up to four years 0.4% of the total rent for the entire period of the lease
0.4% of four times of the average annual rent for the
Exceeding four years or for any indefinite term
entire period of the lease

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