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Mock Exam
v1.7 - November 2018

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Exam Details

Exam Duration 60 minutes (Additional 15

minutes for non-native English

Format of Exam Closed book

(Open book/Closed

No. of Questions 40
Note: the mock exam has 35

Pass Percentage 65% (26 or more correct


Question Set

Question 1
Which DevOps principle focuses on product and service
A. Customer-centric action
B. Continuous Improvement
C. Create with the end in mind
D. Automate everything you can

Question 2
An organization maintains an independent and autonomous
team for each of its services. What is a possible
disadvantage of this type of organization structure?
A. Quality of delivered features will be low.
B. Implementation of changes within a team is slow.
C. Reuse of skills within the organization is limited.
D. Waiting time for processing the service request is high.

Question 3
What type of mindset is the core of a DevOps culture?
A. Service Mindset
B. Skill Mindset
C. People Mindset
D. Automation Mindset

Question 4
What is NOT an appropriate predictor of IT performance in
a DevOps environment?
A. Changes approved outside of the team
B. High-trust organizational culture
C. Proactive monitoring
D. Version control of all artifacts

Question 5
Erik is working in a Product team (or Business System team)
specialized in delivering a specific IT-related product for the
Sales department. Which of the following types of activities
will most likely be recurring in the agendas of Erik’s team?
A. Many handovers moments with other departments.
B. Meetings on the utilization of the specialized resources
within the organization.
C. Monthly release meetings for the bi-monthly release.
D. Attending the product demo meeting.

Question 6
What type of tasks are characterized by low task variability
and high task analyzability?
A. Routine
B. Craft
C. Engineering
D. Non-Routine

Question 7
Which of the following software delivery approaches
focuses on smaller functional units instead of developing the
complete software?
A. Agile
B. Iterative
C. Lean
D. Waterfall

Question 8
What is the lifecycle of Story Mapping?
A. 1. Establish a common overall goal
2. Determine the end-to-end workflow
3. Define a first marketable feature set
4. Expand/improve the existing functionality
B. 1. Establish a common overall goal
2. Define activities
3. Determine the end-to-end workflow
4. Expand/improve the existing functionality
C. 1. Establish a common overall goal
2. Define work in progress
3. Define activities
4. Define a first marketable feature set
5. Expand/improve the existing functionality
D. 1. Establish a common overall goal
2. Determine the end-to-end workflow
3. Define activities
4. Define a first marketable feature set
5. Expand/improve the existing functionality

Question 9
The platform products control the freedom and restrictions
for the DevOps Business System teams. Which cloud
services classification poses the greatest number of
restrictions when the customer aims for flexibility for tailoring
the complete platform including hardware and software?
A. On-Premise
B. IaaS
C. PaaS
D. SaaS

Question 10
How do the Service Level Management processes of the ITIL
Service Design phase map in a DevOps organization?
A. Aims at full autonomy and full responsibility for
delivering a product (value) to the customer.
B. Brings new software live in a matter of minutes
through automation.
C. Maintains stable and fixed teams to avoid resource-
switching between projects.
D. Manages changes through the same mechanisms
used for aligning the business with IT.

Question 11
What is the difference between Continuous Delivery and
Continuous Deployment?
A. Continuous Delivery is a manual task, while Continuous
Deployment is an automated task.
B. Continuous Delivery has a manual release to
production decision, while Continuous Deployment has
releases automatically pushed to production.
C. Continuous Delivery includes all steps of software
development life cycle; Continuous Deployment may
skip few steps such as validation and testing.
D. Continuous Delivery means complete delivery of the
application to customer; Continuous Deployment
includes only deployment of the application in
customer environment.

Question 12
What is NOT an aspect related to managing work in an
A. Attending scrum of scrums
B. Using Feature Switches
C. Using a scrum board to get members of the team on
the same page
D. Applying test automation

Question 13
What are the characteristics of people working in a DevOps
based, product-focused organization?
A. People are functionally organized.
B. People know about business and IT and deliver work,
thereby appealing to use any of a person’s skills and/or
C. People are specialist-oriented.
D. People are assigned to multiple projects at once, for
reasons related to resource optimization.

Question 14
Which phrase fits BEST as a characteristic of a DevOps
team, considering that the team is part of an antifragile
A. Employee First
B. Honor Web-inspired value
C. Minimum Viable Bureaucracy
D. Self-management

Question 15
When should you move to the Improve phase of the DMAIC
A. After collecting the related data and facts about the
variables that can influence the problem
B. After defining potential solutions to the problem
C. After ensuring whether a particular solution works
D. After understanding the causes of the problem

Question 16
In DevOps, Business System teams are autonomous teams,
that “land” their application and infrastructure code onto a
common platform. This common platform is maintained by a
Platform team.

What is correct about the responsibilities of these teams?

A. The Platform team is always responsible for

maintaining the product within its operational
B. When a product/service application is “landed” on the
platform, the responsibility of the product/service shifts
from the Business System teams to the Platform team.
C. The Business System team is only responsible for the
development phase of new services.
D. The Business System teams have an end-to-end
responsibility, there is no handover or transfer of
responsibility and accountability.

Question 17
What is the main reason to know exactly who the customer
is when setting up a Business Service team?
A. To determine what value and functionalities should be
delivered by the team
B. To establish the required mix of skills and knowledge for
the team
C. To know what kind of work the team will be handling
D. To understand the scope of the technology
responsibility of the team

Question 18
Which DevOps principle appreciates measuring processes,
people, and tools?
A. Continuous improvement
B. Create with the end in mind
C. Cross-functional autonomous teams
D. People responsibility

Question 19
Which role should ensure that user stories adhere to the
Definition of Ready (DoR)?
A. Product Owner
B. Scrum Master
C. Service Manager
D. Scrum Team

Question 20
John is the Product Owner and is helping his team to
understand the product and the customer requirements. By
doing so, which type of waste, visible to the customer, is likely
to be eliminated?
A. Defects
B. Non-Utilized Skills
C. Transportation
D. Motion

Question 21
What are the appropriate characteristics of Continuous
Delivery approach?
1. Complex, but small number of releases
2. A focus on cycle time reduction
3. Resource-based management of the process
4. Self-managed and responsive teams

A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 1, 2, 3, and 4

Question 22
What is the main benefit of automated provisioning?
A. Flexible approach to ad-hoc system changes
B. Focus on operational perspective to control
infrastructure changes
C. High speed delivery of new environments
D. Variability in application environments

Question 23
What is correct about implementation of measurements
within an organization?
A. Defining good measurements are enough for business
B. Differences in measurements can lead to confrontation
within organization; so measurements should be
C. Measurement of one aspect can often represent the
overall business scenario.
D. Organizations should establish a balanced view
to confront the measurements and draw the right

Question 24
What is the correct characteristic for performance metrics?
A. Performance metrics are output oriented.
B. Performance metrics are difficult to measure.
C. Performance metrics are easy to improve.
D. Performance metrics are also known as leading

Question 25
Which model is used by Desired State Configuration (DSC)
for specifying the configuration of systems?
A. Declarative
B. Imperative
C. Procedural
D. Sequential

Question 26
What is the correct sequence of the four steps when
providing feedback in according to the Feedback model?
A. 1. Describe concrete observations.
2. Explain what it does to you.
3. Wait and listen to clarifying questions.
4. Give concrete suggestions OR recognition/incentive.
B. 1. Explain what it does to you.
2. Describe concrete observations.
3. Wait and listen to clarifying questions.
4. Give concrete suggestions OR recognition/incentive.
C. 1. Wait and listen to clarifying questions.
2. Explain what it does to you.
3. Describe concrete observations.
4. Give concrete suggestions OR recognition/incentive.
D. 1. Wait and listen to clarifying questions.
2. Give concrete suggestions OR recognition/incentive.
3. Describe concrete observations.
4. Explain what it does to you.

Question 27
The development of new software and IT services consist
of functional and non-functional requirements. From what
point in the development process should the non-functional
requirements be addressed, to be able to deliver software
and services faster and better?
A. From the initiation of the software development
B. After the functional acceptance test by the customer
C. Simultaneous with the implementation of continuous
D. The non-functional requirements are of no concern to
the customers

Question 28
Which statement does NOT define DevOps?
A. DevOps is a movement or practice that emphasizes
collaboration and communication of both software
developers and other Information Technology (IT)
B. DevOps is a framework and job title that focuses on
structured processes to organize flow between the
Development and Operations teams.
C. DevOps is about experiences, ideas, and culture.
D. DevOps is an activity of optimizing the development-
to-operations value stream by creating an increasingly
smooth, fast flow of application changes from
development into operations.

Question 29
What characteristics should an organization adopt to
become a DevOps organization?
1. Automation
2. Product thinking
3. Individual thinking
4. Fail fast
5. Problem avoidance
6. Specialist roles

A. 1, 2, and 4
B. 1, 5, and 6
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 3, 5, and 6

Question 30
What does ‘resilience’ means with reference to IT
A. Preparing systems for changed requirements
B. Preparing systems for security threats
C. Preparing systems for upgrades in technology
D. Preparing systems for unexpected events

Question 31
Your DevOps team is a stable team, where team members
have been working together for several sprints now. The
team is having trouble delivering a new version of the
product for use by your customers. You are supposed to
be delivering work in sprints of two weeks, but the team is
unable to deliver agreed upgrades in time.

What is the appropriate approach to meet the timelines in

subsequent sprints?
A. Extend the sprint to four weeks to give team more time.
B. Expect that the team will learn from the mistakes and
will fix the problem in the next cycle.
C. Shorten the sprint to take small steps and find the
problems quickly.
D. Focus on only few limited changes that are viable to be
delivered in two weeks.

Question 32
Which component provides the first feedback on the quality
of committed application code changes?
A. Automated Provisioning
B. Automated Build
C. Automated Test
D. Automated Deployment

Question 33
In the context of cloud computing, which concept enables
dynamic adaptation to different system loads?
A. Abstraction
B. Elasticity
C. Metering
D. Multitenancy

Question 34
Which is the correct sequence of tests when testing new
A. Functional tests, system tests, unit tests, UI tests
B. UI tests, functional tests, system tests, Unit tests
C. System tests, unit tests, functional tests, UI tests
D. Unit tests, system tests, UI tests, functional tests

Question 35
Which tool helps lowering risk during development as
customer feedback is embedded into the design process?
A. Test Automation
B. Snapshot Deployment
C. Story Mapping
D. Value Stream Mapping

Answer Key

Question Answer Reference

No. Module
1 C DevOps

2 C Organization

3 A Culture

4 A Measure and

5 D Organization

6 A Automation

7 A DevOps

8 A Processes

9 D Automation

10 A Processes

11 B Automation

12 D Organization

13 B Processes

14 D DevOps

15 D Culture

16 D Organization

17 A Organization

18 A DevOps

19 A Processes

20 A Processes

21 B Automation

22 C Automation

23 D Measure and

24 A Measure and

25 A Automation

26 A Culture

27 A Organization

28 B DevOps

29 A Culture

30 D Organization

31 D Culture

32 B Automation

33 B Automation

34 D Automation

35 C Processes


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