Dcc20063 - Engineering Survey Fieldwork Report 1: Levelling: Table of Content

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Introduction 3
2.1 Site Detail (with layout)
2.2 Theory of Levelling
2.3 Objectives 5
2.4 Equipment and Function (with photos) 6 - 10
2.5 Procedure of Levelling 11
2.6 Precautions of levelling 12
3.1 Level Survey Adjustment (Rise and Fall Method
& Height of Collimation)
3.2 Result: Arithmetic check
4.1. Conclusion (relate the result and achievement of
4.2. Discussion 15

Levelling is define as the art of determining and representing the relative heights or
elevations of different points on the earth’s surfaces. The process of levelling is to find
the elevation at a specified location relative to another known elevation. It is basically
an instrument to measure the relative height of the elevation in a different respective
point that have been set. Levelling rod is also an instrument to use with automatic level
to get reading of every respective points. We have learned a lot of important things in
levelling which we did are :-
❖ Series levelling
❖ Cross section levelling
❖ Two peg-test

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2.1 Site Detail (with location layout)

Our levelling work started from Mechanical Engineering Department (JKM) to Civil
Engineering Department (JKA). The location Of Benchmark (BM) which has been given by
Puan Saedatul was 100 meters. The distance given to us is 10 meters from back sight to
intermediate sight and also 10 meters from intermediate sight to fore sight.

2.2 Theory of Levelling

Levelling is a process of transferring height of a “datum” from one point to another. It is
purpose may to be to provide heights or contours on plan to provide data. It is used in
engineering to establish building elevations, layout of highways, determinations of flood
plains, calculate volumes in earthwork, design and layout of sewage and water lines, develop
topographic maps, and student crustal-earth movements.

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▪ Elevation – vertical distance above or below the datum, it is also known as reduced
level (RL).
▪ Height of instrument (HI) – it is the elevation of the plane of collimation when the
instrument is levelled.
▪ Back sight (BS) – first staff reading after the level is set up.
▪ Fore sight (FS) – last staff reading and denotes the shifting of the level.
▪ Intermediate sight (IS) – staff reading taken on a point of unknown elevation
between backsight and fore sight.
▪ Change point (CP) – it is point, denoting the shifting of the level. Both FS and BS
are taken on this point.
▪ Benchmark (BM) – it is fixed reference point of known elevation. Respect to the
mean sea level known as Datum.
▪ Temporary Benchmark (TBM) – these are the reference points on which day’s
work is closed and from where levelling is continued the next day.

2.3 Objectives
• To enable student have hands-on experience in setting up and working with the automatic
level, tripod stand, levelling rod as well as other instruments and collect the data of the
relevant fieldwork.
• To enhance the student knowledge in levelling procedure.
• To allow students to learn the correct method in doing levelling measurements.
• To allow students to apply the theories that had been taught in class to a hands-on situation.
• To experience the measurement of vertical distances by levelling.
• To determine the difference in height of discrete points and identify the spot of relative
• To identify the reduced level of each staff station.
• To determine the error of misclosure in order to determine if the levelling is acceptable.
• To let student have an opportunities to learn how to record the site measurement and
calculations by using the proper equation table.

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2.4 Equipment and Functions (with photos)

Automatic Level

Automatic level is a professional levelling tool used by Contractors, Builders and Land

Surveying Professionals, or Engineer who demands accurate levelling every time. It is a self-

levelling optical instrument for accurately measuring horizontal planes and angles at long or

short distances. Automatic Level is easy to set up and easy to use. Before we use the Automatic

Level, we must set up and make sure the spirit bubble is in the center of the black circle. Besides

that, Automatic Level compensator takes over and precisely levels itself.

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Tripod Stand

A tripod stand is a three-legged support plat from for the level. The main function of the tripod

stand is to ensure a stable instrument setup for reliable measurements. The legs of the tripod

can be adjust to get the vertical height that required. Once the instrument is moved, then it must

be set up again which is too loosen the screw and adjust again and lock it back tight. It usually

has a flat tip and a mounting screw for instrument attachment. It is also to make sure that the

levelling tripod placed horizontally.

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Measurement Tape

Surveying tapes. Tapes are used in surveying to measure horizontal, vertical, and slope

distances. They may be made of a ribbon or a band of steel, an alloy of steel, cloth reinforced

with metal, or synthetic materials. Tapes are issued in various lengths and widths and

graduated in a variety of ways.

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Levelling Rod

A levelling rod is a tool used to measure the elevation measurements in fieldwork. Levelling

Rod can be a lot of types. The common one is Grade Rod. The rod can be made by wood, metal

and fiberglass. The features of the rod can be extend up to 5 meters. It allows us to measure a

large elevation vertical distances. It is also used to determine the relative of the different points

in the area under survey.

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Spirit Bubble

The spirit bubble is used for maintaining both level rods and sighting poles in vertical position.

An out of adjustment of spirit bubble level will cause accumulative error in level lines. It can

used in traversing and levelling measurements in fieldworks. In order to get an accurate

measurement for both, the spirit bubble level must be inside the middle of the black circle. It

is located on the optical plummet and levelling rod.

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2.5 Procedure of Levelling
1.Set up the levelling instrument at Mechanical Engineering Department on the Datum
(Reduce Level 100 m).
2. Hold the staff and take a reading. This will be a back sight, because it is the first staff
reading after the levelling instrument has been set up.
3. Move the staff 10 meters from back sight and take a reading. This will be intermediate
4. Move the staff 10 meters from intermediate sight and take a reading. This will be fore sight
because after this reading the level will be moved. (change point should be placed on the
ground to maintain the same level.)
6. The distance between the stations should be measured and recorded in the booking (data &
7. Set up the level at level position 2 and leave the staff on the change point. Turn the staff so
that it faces the level and take a reading. This will be a back sight.
8. Move the staff 10 meters from back sight and take a reading. This will be an intermediate
9. Move the staff 10 meters from intermediate sight and take a reading. This will be a fore
sight because after taking this reading the level will be moved.
10. Now move the level to levelling position 3 and leave the staff on the change point.
11. Now repeat the steps describe 7 to 10 until we finished at point Civil Engineering
12. The steps are repeated from the Civil Engineering Department to Mechanical Engineering
Department after the measurement is completed and recorded in the order.

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2.6 Precautions of Levelling

Following are the main points, we clear understanding before proceeding to levelling on
the field.
▪ The staff should be kept vertically for accurate reading. There is also an alternative
method, to wave the staff and take the lowest reading. Both methods are equally
▪ The bubble in the dumpy level should be central to obtain an accurate line of sight.
▪ The foot screws in the dumpy level should be used carefully.
▪ To avoid errors, read the staff in the increasing direction of reading.
▪ Take the reading on the portion of the staff between two vertical crosshairs.
▪ Equalize foresight distance and backsight distance.
▪ Tripod should be carefully placed in the required point and should not be disturbed at
any cost.
▪ Use a firm and fixed point for turning point/changing point.
▪ Eliminate all the minor and major errors especially parallax before readings are taken.
▪ Avoid mistakes in reading (make sure that the metre and decimeter are correctly
▪ Avoid work in very hot climate because it may harm the instrument. So the
instrument should be protected from heat.

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Data & Results
3.1 Level Survey Adjustment (Rise and Fall Method & Height of Collimation)
1) Mechanical Engineering Department to Civil Engineering Department
2) Civil Engineering Department to Mechanical Engineering Department
1.300 - - 101.300 100.000 - 10 BM=100.000
1.560 0.26 99.74 10
1.310 1.830 0.27 100.78 99.47 10
1.560 0.25 99.22 10
0.790 1.980 0.42 99.59 98.80 10
1.236 0.446 98.354 10
1.010 1.225 0.011 99.375 98.365 10
1.330 0.32 98.045 10
1.225 1.705 0.375 98.895 97.67 10
1.975 0.75 96.92 10
0.690 2.330 0.355 97.255 96.565 10
1.150 0.46 96.105 10
1.280 1.575 0.425 96.96 95.68 10
1.595 0.315 95.365 10
1.520 2.015 0.42 96.465 94.945 10
1.720 0.2 94.745 10
1.030 1.865 0.145 95.63 94.60 10
1.745 0.715 93.885 10
1.882 2.035 0.29 95.477 93.595 10
1.445 0.437 94.032 10
2.360 1.120 0.325 96.717 94.357 10
1.965 0.395 94.752 10
1.755 1.670 0.295 96.802 95.047 10
1.430 0.325 95.372 10
2.180 1.060 0.37 97.922 95.742 10
1.860 0.32 96.062 10
2.390 1.450 0.41 98.862 96.472 10
1.930 0.46 96.932 10
2.010 1.490 0.44 99.382 97.372 10
1.600 0.41 97.782 10
2.110 1.345 0.255 100.147 98.037 10
1.710 0.4 98.437 10
2.350 1.320 0.39 101.177 98.827 10
2.015 0.335 99.162 10
1.900 1.635 0.38 101.442 99.542 10
1.550 0.35 99.892 10
1.442 0.108 100 10
3.2 Result: Arithmetic checking
∑ Back side – ∑ Fore sight ∑ Rise – ∑ Fall

= 29.092 – 29.092 = 6.416 – 6.416

=0 =0

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Discussion / Conclusion / Suggestions

4.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, we had a great experienced by hands on during our fieldwork in levelling.
We able to measure the vertical distances through the usage of levelling equipment during
this levelling fieldwork. For example, automatic level, adjustable- leg tripod, optical
plummet, horizontal bubble level, bar- coded level rod and plump bob. Besides, we learnt the
way to calculate the reduced level.
We able done the calculations by using Rise and Fall Method and Height of Collimation
Method. After the table and data collected is recorded down, we found that we have no
offense. A site surveyor locates the buildings, roads and utilities for real estate develops and
was responsible to measure and mark their locations on the maps by using mathematics,
specialized technology and equipment.
As future Quantity Surveyor, it helps us to know more about the site by comprehend the site
surveying knowledge. Overall, we were enjoyed the fieldwork and special thanks to our
lecturer, Puan Saedatul by teaching us how to conduct a levelling fieldwork. I hope that next
time I can have a chance to conduct a survey like this again because it is not easy to learn if
we do not have any experience so after I got my own experience it easier to me.

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4.2 Discussion

I be able to read the automatic level. I get the basic principles of levelling and experiences
of the field works procedure, so that we are able to levelling back sight and fore sight
approach with minimize errors and practicable.
Our benchmark which has been given by Puan Saedatul was 100 meters. Our first point is
from Mechanical Engineering Department (JKM) to Civil Engineering Department (JKA).
This process is repeated for 18 times by shifting the auto level from one point to other point
at the site.
I recommend that in order to reduce errors, by that my group first analysis the situation of
levelling, in which the set-u the turning point and benchmark in levelling in this field work
that has turning points on the low and high ground is quite different from the set-up for
levelling from the previous fieldwork. After analysis the situation of levelling, we should
make right choices in marking the intervening points between the benchmark in accordance
with the manual. With this, each surveyor should be given an opportunity to measure the
values needed at each point.
I also recommend that the precise level instrument should be checked if the lengths of the
fore sight and back sight balanced by narrowing the collimator in order to adjust the
movement in a correct direction, and also to adjust the focus of the image in measuring the
back sight or foresight in order to reduce some refraction errors by avoiding blurred

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1) https://www.google.com/search?q=conclusion+levelling&sxsrf=ALeKk03phllFNI2IE
2) https://www.slideshare.net/felixvong/leveling-finalreport
3) https://www.coursehero.com/file/p5lv8m6/CONCLUSION-Based-on-the-differential-

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