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Topic: Mobile & Electronics Business Plan

Subject: Fundamentals of Management

Semester: 6th

Submitted By: Harsh Nagar (2k18/EC/079)

Lakshay (2k18/EC/094)

Submitted To: Ms.Sonal Thukral


We would like to express our special thanks

of gratitude to our teacher Ms. Sonal
Thukral who gave us the golden opportunity
to do this wonderful project on the topic
Mobile & Electronics Business Plan, which
also helped us in doing a lot of research and
we came to know about so many new
things. We are certainly thankful to them.

Secondly, we would also like to thank our

parents and friends who helped us a lot in
finishing this project within the limited
Table of Contents

1. Brief overview of Company

2. Environmental Analysis (through
SWOT & PESTEL Analysis)
3. 4Ps of Marketing (Product, Price,
Place & Promotion)
4. Finance (Budget & Marketing)
5. References
Brief Overview of Company

Why Mobile & Electronics Company - The Cellular

Mobile Phone is a long range portable electronic device used
for mobile communication. In addition to the standard voice
function of a telephone, current mobile phones can support
many additional services such as SMS for text messages, e-mail,
packet switching to access internet and MMS for sending
photos and videos. Generally, mobile phone service is available
in urban areas and along major highways and also slowly
coming in rural areas.
People in advanced economies are more likely to have mobile
phones – smartphones in particular and are more likely to use
internet services and other features of a smartphone. The
smartphone has become popular because of the ability to surf
internet and do some things that are done on a full sized
computer. Smartphones are also used to access various types
of apps which provide services that we need. Smartphone
seems to have become popular at the same time that social
media has become mainstream. Once you develop enough of a
following, then you can earn money also using smartphones. It
has helped people all around the world in more people
becoming connected than ever.
That’s why in today’s world where having a smartphone is as
important as having air to breathe, we would like to establish a
company where we’ll sell mobile devices and all other
electronics equipment associated with it.
Company Description – As the name of company should
sound appealing and cool to our customers, so we have
decided to name our company Roxxon Technologies. To set up
location of our company, we needed to understand where the
mobile device requirements are high and keeps on increasing in
order to generate steady profit.

We will start our company in Bangalore. This is because the city

has the best entrepreneurial ecosystem and financial
environment to start and grow a business. In Bangalore, there
is relatively easy access to a large number of venture
capitalists and angel investors. Bangalore is the city that
organizes a wide range of meetups, hackathons and many
other events every year. Moreover, the metropolitan city has
a lot of networking opportunities that foster the growth of
startups in the area and thus makes Bangalore a “Startup

Problems solved by our business – As a new startup, we will

sell our products at a slightly cheaper rate to attract more
customers which in turn will give them cheaper products. We’ll
give them 6 months – 1 year free internet access that will help
them to surf internet without any extra charges. Then we’ll
continue to expand our business by which we can provide new
employment opportunities to those who are looking for jobs in
this sector. We will extend our facilities and services further
more to rural areas where mobile telecom services are not
available. By this, we can help people living in rural areas to
connect with their loved ones with ease.
Environmental Analysis
SWOT Analysis:

1. Strengths:
➢ The biggest strength of our company is our brand name.
Many consumers will opt for us because of the
reliability, durability and creativity that our phones will
➢ Our phones will have much higher re-sale value than
other brands in the market.
➢ Our phones will be easy to use and we’ll also provide
some handy accessories along with it.

2. Weaknesses:
➢ As a new startup, it will be hard for us to attract a
large number of customers.
➢ It will take a long time to enter the highly productive
and booming smartphone market.

3. Opportunities:
➢ A deal with any popular smartphone company just like
RealMe, Samsung,etc., can prove to be very useful for
➢ We will utilize every opportunity to expand the range
of our products and their prices.

4. Threats – Low cost threats by China Mobile Companies.

Pestle Analysis:

1. Political Factors:
➢ Our company lacks strong government support
because it is newly setup and not associated with a
major power.
➢ Political unrest or other changes in China could

disrupt production and limit our company’s

manufacturing capabilities in that country.

2. Economic Factors:
➢ Because of COVID-19 pandemic, we might not see
an immediate rise in number of customers which will
hurt us financially.
➢ Unlike other smartphone companies, we are having a
hard time tapping into the fast growing Chinese
market and we simply does not have enough money
to finance extensive research and development efforts
like our competitors do.

3. Social/Cultural Factors:
➢ The popular association of Apple with smartphones in
some countries has made people buy only one kind of
brand. So a partnership with Apple will really help us
in boosting our product demands.
➢ A large number of large-screen smartphones are now
in large demand so we need to increase our supply of
large-screen smartphones in order to satisfy our
4. Technological Factors:
➢ As advancement in technology has transformed mobiles
from simple devices to basically handheld computers, so
we also need to manufacture our smartphone devices
with all the new features such as streaming, gaming, and
performing business functions.
➢ Along with new features, customers also want better
performance and high processing power, so we will
accommodate all our devices with different processors
like Snapdragon and Intel, which will boost our products
performance in a huge way.

5. Legal Factors:
➢ Emerging concerns like Consumer Privacy and Data
Security are also essential when it comes to a
customer’s needs. For this, we will dedicate a
Compliance Team which will 24X7 be ready to help in
case any customer needs our support.
➢ India’s legal environment is very challenging as it

operates within the Asian Union. That body’s regulators

have been investigating Google’s use of Android for a
possible antitrust case. This can lead to the removal of
Gmail off of Android which can affect the demand of
smartphones in a reasonable way.

6. Environmental Factors:
Like any other electronics manufacturers, our company
faces the problem of safely disposing used products in an
environment friendly manner. It is sometimes a costle
expense particularly if the device uses lithium batteries.
Porter’s 5 Forces Model :
➢ Bargaining Power of Suppliers – We hold a significant
amount of bargaining power over our suppliers especially
in the case of hardware. For software requirements, we will
need to make some good connections with some tech giants
like Microsoft, etc.

➢Bargaining Power of Buyers – Due to extensive growth in

mobile phone technology, the bargaining power of buyers
has increased a lot. As our business heavily relies on
electronic shops and carrier stores etc., customers are
switching to other brands which sell online products so we
need to keep up with it.

➢Threat of Substitute Products – The threat of substitute

products is very low. Nowadays, instead of only calls and
texts, a mobile phone is expected to provide other features
such as camera, internet surfing and all these features are
easily available in our products so threat of a substitute
product is almost impossible.

➢Competitive Rivalry – The level of competition is extreme

in the mobile industry. Huge players have invested greatly
in R&D and in marketing to retain their market share. As
we are a new startup in smartphone market, we expect our
shares to rise slowly.
➢ Threat of New Entrants – The threat of new entrants in the
smartphone industry is not very high. This is because the
technology needed to produce the latest generation of
smartphones is very advanced making it difficult for new
entrants to differentiate themselves. Also, the new entrant
will be required to spend a huge capital on research and
development and then marketing to compete with
established companies. So overall, the threat is very low.

4Ps of Marketing
Marketing strategies help companies achieve business goals and
objectives and marketing mix (4Ps – Product, Place, Price,
Promotion) is the widely used framework to define the
strategies. There are several marketing strategies like product
innovation, marketing investment, customer experience, etc.
which helps a brand grow. Now we will elaborate how we will
use these strategies to expand our business:-

➢Product – We will invest a lot in research and

development to deliver the best products to our customers.
We offer a wide range of products in different categories
such as:
Mobile Phones – Smartphones like Roxxon R6 series,
Tablets, Wearables , other phones and
Home Appliances – Refrigerators, Washing Machines,
Cooking Appliances, Air Conditioners,etc.

TV/AV – Roxxon Televisions, Audio & Video Accessories

Information Technology – Printers and Monitors

Memory/Storage – SSD, Portable SSDs, USBs, Memory Cards

➢ Price – We will use 2 types of pricing schemes for our


Skimming Price – When our company will launch a new

product in the market, we will keep our prices according to
the specifications of our product. But when other
competitors launch the same product with same
specifications, we will lower our prices and easily prevent
the launch of its market share and attract more customers.

Competitive Price – Competitive Pricing consists of setting

the price at the same level as our competitors. By setting
the same price, a newly-launched firm can avoid the trial
and error costs of the price setting process which will help
in increasing our profit. This pricing strategy carries low
risk and leads to equilibrium. But if we are not careful, then
this strategy can become potentially inefficient and lead to
reduced profits.
➢Place – Our company sells directly to the retailers and
service dealers and due to this strategy, only service dealers
are responsible for corporate sales. The following places
are also included in our distribution strategy:
1. Roxxon Store locations;
2. Company owned website and online stores for mobile
phones and other accessories;
3. Authorized Sellers; and
4. Telecommunication Companies.

➢Promotion – Promotion is a strong pillar in the

marketing mix of the company. We believe that advertising
the best form of promotion to engage potential customers
and position our brand:
1. We will promote new products using newspapers and
digital media.
2. To take the advantage of the huge number of followers
of celebrities, we will invite many celebrities to be the
brand ambassadors and promote our product.
3. Big placard, posters and banners are also set up on
4. Providing heavy discounts during national festivals and
sponsoring some major events can also help in boosting
our product’s popularity.
5. In addition, our company uses personal selling in the
form of Roxxon Store employees who provide product
specific information in the aim of convincing store
customers to make a purchase.

Budget :

➢Budget for our startup mobile and electronics business will

depend on a lot of things.
➢Cost to manufacture phones, cost of getting the phones
imported and exported and cost of marketing – all these
factors will decide what should be our appropriate budget.
➢We will need to get licenses from MediaTek and other
companies who will provide processors for our
➢Also, hiring people to work for our company to assemble
the phones from standard designs will require a lot of
capital investment.
➢Then we need to create a compelling product for tech
enthusiasts and build awareness and demand.
➢ If we want to achieve success then we will need to sell
good products with best price.
➢So, overall we are looking at an around 30-50 crores of
capital investment in order to start this mobile company.

Funding : As the investment required is large, for this we will

need to get some business loans, some personal investments,
probably some venture capitals from investors, crowdfunding
can also help and loans from small business administration
investment programs can help us in setting up our business.

These are some of the websites which we used to get


We also used some strategies used by some well

established mobile companies like Samsung, Apple, LG,

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