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As we all live in fear, with the advent of a pandemic , including me who used to be
fearful of a Virus that was taking lives, I had some confusions in regards to this
forced mandates of masks and Quarantines. There was a lot of confusions going on,
whether it's people's knowledge or media or health workers or Governments. There
was a lot of Fact checkers online that was trying to suppress some information, and I
wanted to know what they were trying to do, I wanted to know about this Virus that is
so selective , the Lockdowns killed my livelyhood, the covid deaths destroyed my
inner peace. Thus I made it my responsibility to search for the Truth,because there
was a lot of stories in  circulation, so I read everything and believed none until it
ticked my logic.

Science is the new religion , the new trend , people who believe in science are
simply brilliant or a role model for the young minds of today. Iam one among you too,
because I loved science too until I understood the definition of science , and it says
, “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the
structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and
experiment” , thus science is a method through experiments and observation , it is
never a belief system.

However , we have so many theories that are being taught in schools and
universities , by the Governments as truth , and how do we know what we learn isn’t
a pseudoscience?

Psuedoscience : Pseudoscience is defined as “a collection of beliefs or practices

mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method” Pseudoscience
consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be both scientific and
factual but are incompatible with the scientific method. “

So the next time ,someone claims a “Science” , check if it has an experiment or an

observable proof to substantiate the claim.

“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you
are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.”

Richard P. Feynman

Spanish Flu

History repeats as we look into the time of Spanish flu, as an influenza symptoms
were across the world killing millions.
Masks, Quarantine and stay at home orders were given by the US Government just
like today how we have the same for Covid.

But there was something very strange for Spanish flu, as it affected mainly the
young people, and especially people who were in Military.

This document aims to provide the general public on the terminology we hear a lot
from media these days, The Contagion. so let us look into what happened at the time
of Spanish flu ,and why it affected the young or the soldiers.

So why is it called a Spanish flu and was it a Contagion as something erupted

from spain like Wuhan now ?

Though the Flu created deaths in USA, France, India, Britain ,Spain etc, it was
Spanish media  who reported this flu symptoms first before all other world media,
and that was why  it's called as Spanish flu because most other media was censored
due to the world war that happened from 1914-1918 , thus only because the Spanish
media reported it first, it was called as Spanish flu.The world war 1 used very toxic
chemicals from mustard gas to chlorine , the excessive contamination in the air
specially on the battle field , camps etc made these men sick. As chemicals are a
killer to cells if one reads.Infact the frist world war was known as the “Chemists

But the name Spanish flu gives us the idea that it was from spain , a contagion isn’t
so ? but in reality all soldiers had the same symptoms at the same time(whoever
went for war and inhaled the toxins got sick , so it was toxins ,not a contagion), but
somehow the western media covered it up due to their agendas or not to let the
public know what they were dealing with in these wars.

If the science of Contagion was true , then take a look at the Experiment done to
prove if the Spanish flu was caused by a germ of a bacteria that is contagious like
todays covid ? by the US depart of Health mentioned in the archives of National
Institute of health and the the Medical Journal JAMA,
(MILTON J. ROSENAU, M.D. BOSTON JAMA. 1919;73(5):311-313.
doi:10.1001/jama.1919.02610310005002 )From NIH publication: "Perhaps the most
interesting epidemiological studies conducted during the 1918–1919 pandemic were
the human experiments conducted by the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy
under the supervision of Milton Rosenau on Gallops Island, the quarantine station in
Boston Harbor, and on Angel Island, its counterpart in San Francisco. The work was
conducted by a group of officers detailed for that purpose, from the U. S. Navy and
the U. S. Public Health Service, consisting of Dr. G. W. McCoy, director of the Hygienic
Library, Dr. Joseph Goldberger, Dr. Leake, and Dr. Lake, all on the part of the U. S.
Public Health Ser vice; and cooperating with those medical officers, was a group also
detailed for this purpose on the part of the U. S. Navy, consisting of Dr. J. J. Keegan,
Dr. De Wayne Richey and Dr Rosenau Milton .The experiment began with 100
volunteers from the Navy who had no history of influenza. Rosenau was the first to
report on the experiments conducted at Gallops Island in November and December
1918. His first volunteers received first one strain and then several strains of
PFEIFFER'S BACILLUS by spray and swab into their noses and throats and then into
their eyes. When that procedure failed to produce disease, others were inoculated
with mixtures of other organisms isolated from the throats and noses of INFLUENZA
patients. Next, some volunteers received injections of BLOOD from influenza patients.
Finally, 13 of the volunteers were taken into an influenza ward and exposed to 10
influenza patients each. Each volunteer was to SHAKE HANDS WITH EACH PATIENT,
to TALK WITH HIM AT CLOSE RANGE, and to permit him to COUGH DIRECTLY into his
face. NONE of the volunteers in these experiments developed influenza. Rosenau was
clearly puzzled, and he cautioned against drawing conclusions from negative results.
He ended his article in JAMA with a telling acknowledgement: “We entered the
outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we
knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned
anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.” (p. 313)
The research conducted at Angel Island and that continued in early 1919 in Boston
broadened this research by inoculating with the MATHERS STREPTOCOCCUS and by
including a search for filter-passing agents, but it produced similar negative results. It
seemed that what was acknowledged to be one of the most contagious of
communicable diseases could not be transferred under experimental conditions."

Please note this important piece of information as we go through this presentation on

contagion. So the Doctors from the US health department couldn't find that the
disease was spreading through contact or air, which begs the question, what was the
Germ Theory and how today we all believe in the Contagion, just like the case of

If contagion was a true science , then the experiments conducted by Dr Rosenau

proved that the theory of contagion was wrong , and thus Spanish flu was caused by
the toxins these soldiers got exposed to and not the virus or the pfeifer bacteria
which Dr Rosenau thought was the reson of the flu.

So why do people die with Covid?

As we read newspapers, the TV news, every news report states that there are
people dying due to covid, let us look what is a covid death.

As you all are aware,it was the world health organization that declared this whole
scenario as "Pandemic" in March 11 , 2020.

So what is a Covid death? Why are we hearing almost all deaths as Covid death?
The official website of World health organization describes covid death, as anyone
testing positive for the covid test and dies , even if the person has any ilness like
pnuemonia, it should be termed as a Covid death. So technically, if a person dies
due to cancer, heart attack or fever , and has tested positive for the covid test, will be
termed as a Covid death, as it shows in their guidelines to Covid death document
which you can verify.
So , the hospitals now names most of the deaths as Covid death, as that is the
instruction from World health organization, to each country's Health ministry and
organizations. So to sum it up, the hospitals give the count to health authorities on
the covid test positive deaths, the health authorities disseminate the information to
Press, ie the Media or to public, thus we all get the idea that people are dying due to
a contagion that is ripping of our lives.

The PCR tests were founded by Kary Mullis, a Nobel Laureate, PhD in Biochemistry,
said in one of his interview that this test cannot detect that one person is sick, if an
inventor itself is vouching that the tests cannot detect sickness, then what are we
testing for?

It checks on any genetic material from the swabs they collect, ie Virus type particles
which is amplified, as these particles are in Nano meters , observed under an
Electron microscopes.

So what is a “virus” ?

The etymology or the root of the word comes from "Toxic" , ie Virus in general was
used for Toxic elements ,  Viruses cannot live of its own, or produce , infact Viruses
can't harm a human body, it is produced by the human body , as you have to keep in
mind, it's the swab, which is your own bodies generation. So it can be concluded that
, a Virus according to the modern medicine is a protein made by the human body ,
and the PCR test is simply testing for an RNA particle, that matches a sample.

It is also understood that Viruses are Exosomes which are proteins generated by
human body.

Thus , if Viruses are Exosomes, and is a part of the body, the PCR tests are looking
for this genetic pattern. Which is why the test inventor said that it is not a test for
diesease .

So if viruses aren't real like we are told, and if Louis Pasteur was a fraud, and with
the experiments of Dr Rosnau on contagion proved that Flu doens't travel Air borne
or through contact, and that all deaths are merely natural deaths due to previous
illnesses, and not due to a "Virus" which are our own body particles.

Going back to the definition of science , as it should match the experiment or it

should be observable , covid on both cases have failed just like the tests of Spanish


Mankind since more than a year has been in fear of a “Virus”, a deadly “Virus “ that
are sweeping across all borders . People have been quarantined , wearing face
masks , and taking vaccinations across the world. The belief of a virus creating a
pandemic started with Chinese Government and the media started covering a Flu ,
started from Wuhan .
All Major media started covering it , thus the whole world started fearing for their
lives .

The Belief of a microbe causing a germ was based on a French Chemist’s Scientific
Theory , His name was Louis Pastuer. Today Pastuer has been honoured as a great
contributor of the anthrax vaccines , also as one of the three main contributors of
Microbiology, along with Ferdinand Cohen and Robert Koch. Robert Koch in his
lifetime made scientific method to find the causation of any infectious disease , and
its called as the Kochs postulate, ie in order for someone to claim , that a particular
germ or a bacteria is causing the disease , you will have to fulfil 4 conditions , they
are ;

Koch's postulates are the following:

1. The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering
from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.
2. The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in
pure culture.
3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a
healthy organism.
4. The microorganism must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased
experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative

However , Louis pastuer claimed that he found the causation of disease was through
microorganisms without any Testable evidence. The Media and History celebrated
his name and thus today we all believe in the same Germ theory , as now a virus is
the reason for the current flu.

Gerald L. Geison , a Historian and Professor of Princetown University wrote a book

called as “The Private Science of Louis Pasteur (1995)” , which calls Pastuer a liar
who stole ideas from his rivals , he also claimed that the discoveries of Pastuer didn’t
co relate with his personal diaries , Pastuer’s 102 scientific diaries were studied by
Professor Gerald and called pastuer a deceiver .

Thus the credibility of Louis pastuer is at stake or rather Pastuer isn’t trust worthy . if
Pasteur isn’t trustworthy, or a liar , then the idea that a germ or a bacteria causing a
disease is flawed too logically as he is the reinventor of this whole situation

THE EXPERTS according to Media

The media always uses terms like “Experts” , “science” etc , so we might buy it !

Dr Antony Stephen Fauci

Dr. Fauci was appointed Director of NIAID in 1984. Dr. Fauci has advised seven Presidents
on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. He was one of the principal
architects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program.
Dr. Fauci also is the long-time chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation (LIR). So what
has Dr Fauci has to do with Covid?

Well , as a head of the National institute of health , and has been “advising” US presidents
throughout his career , it was him who gave the orders of Mandatory masks and guidelines.
He has been criticized by his peers , for eg Kary Mullis on Fauci , he says “FAUCI knows
Nothing” Kary is the inventor of PCR tests btw.

The World health organisation and the United Nations and the New World

Two international organization we often hear , most of the time , we hear “PEACE &
HEALTH” from these bodies , It was the world health organization (a term that
comforts us , as to someone is there to look after our health) who declared this
Pandemic March 11 , 2020, however world health organization was formed by a
Billionaire Businessman called as the  John D Rockefeller, the previous name for the
organization was International health division which focused on Abortion clinics and
Vaccination campaigns and sometimes sanitation,on popular media, they are known
to be the Philanthropic donors. It is also to be noted that the previous Organization
League of Nations, ie the Current United Nations is also linked to Rockefeller, even
the head quarters of UN is on Rockefeller land,NYC

So who are the Rockefellers?

The Richest American, owner of Standard oil company which later became British
petroleum, Exxon Mobil etc, owner of Chase Manhattan bank, Rockefeller foundation
for philanthropy, or the Coal mines of colarado which killed it's workers when going
on strike, the Rockefellers had been the creators of our modern education board,
called as the General Board of education", funded Medical schools as well as
pharmaceutical companies, They owned media shares as they understood it was
important to control the minds of people when they were once exposed by the
journalist Ida Tarbell. In order to have a good reputation after the criminal cases and
REPUTATION, he made it sure that he has the best PR, today, if we look into
history, Rockefeller has been popular for his vast charity than his crimes, except the
few non mainstream media that continues to expose the crimes done by this
family,and it's influence on our daily life from media to medicine.

the modern medicine is also known as Rockefeller medicine, thus the organization
that he set us were not for our well being,but for his profit interest in Big Pharma, he
also believed in Depopulation as he PUSHED concepts like the"population council" .
We also need to keep in mind that, Depopulation is pushed in our minds with the
idea of "Global Warming" ,again a United Nations idea that was promoted with
manipulated data to impose family planning and reducing child births due to their
beliefs in Eugenics, or selective breeding.
Bill gates

Bill gates, the owner of Microsoft,a Cousin of Rockefeller family, is now funding the
World health organization, he is the biggest private funder of World health
organization as I speak today, his foundation BMGF has been investing in
Pharmaceutical companies that makes Vaccines and other drugs just like their
cousins,he is also knows as the great Philanthropist in all the Major Media,controlled
by these Rockefellers or Bmgf even today, The Man bill gates has been also sued in
india, Africa etc for the alleged trials of Vaccines in tribal girls, killng many and
crippling them with polio and serious health issues.

Bill gates has also been an advocate of Eugenics and Global Warming, in a Ted talk
show, he was heard as saying, "we can lower the population by Vaccines" , so we
can infer from all the above details that Vaccines can cause infertility.


Bill gates and Rockefellers both predicted a pandemic, The document scenarios for
technology by Rockefeller foundation clearly mentioned this Pandemic 10 years
before, with forced Masks, Quarantine and temperature check points , they
predicted there will be a Virus that emerges from China spreading to other parts of
the world.
Bill gates predicted this Pandemic on 2015 ted talk show, and also 5 months before
his organization (World health organization) declared the pandemic, the event was
called Event 201. The simulation of a pandemic with corona virus, along with John
Hopkins University and World economic forum. It' should be noted that both
Rockefeller family and bill gates have invested in Vaccine manufacturing companies
and has also imposed Vaccines on the world nations , which is a "Conflict of interest"
if one learns. It should also be noted that both were advocates of Depopulation and
reducing fertility, it should also be noted both controlled the major media, and both of
them were known for philanthropy. And moreover cousins!

If perhaps, there is a world doctor now, without a Medical degree, then it is non other
than Bill gates whose wealth doubled with the Covid pandemic situation. To sum on
on bill gates at the end of my research , it would be like this ;

1. Bill gates runs World health organization by being the topmost contributor in
donations after USA.
2. Bill gates has legal cases against him in india for vaccine trials and killing
children in the states of Telengana and Gujrat, it was covered up and still covered by
3. Bill gates conducted a simulation of a pandemic 5 months prior to World
health organization declared it a “pandemic” , too big a coincidence !
4. Bill gates have once told vaccines can depopulate in a Ted talk show in 2010 ,
which means a vaccine has contents to “depopulate “ the world , which anyone who
understand the language of English , knows it means to reduce fertitlity rates .
5. Bill gates’s father was the head of planned parenthood, a concept based on
6. Bill gates predicted the pandemic in 2015 , (I don’t know how we predict
anything unless you are a scritp writer in a grandplay
7. Bill gates funds FACT CHECKERS ONLINE , reference to snopes or how
facebook or google all get their advertising dollars from Microsoft . the tech giant
owned by bill gates , as well as Bill and Melinda foundation along with warren buffet.
8. Bill gates have been called as a Liar and Fraud by Vandan Shiva , the leading
environment spokewoman for india, for his GMO crops and seed patenting.
9. Bill gates have been funding Pirbright Institute ,which has a virus “Patented”
under the name “Corona” , I never knew that we could patent Viruses?!
10. Bill gates have been investing in vaccine manufacturing companies , which
now is a conflict of interest when he uses World health orgnazation to implement the
vaccine strategy to the entire world.

Sp if Bill gates is a criminal , liar , Eugenist and a monopoly power today , in

Vaccines, Internet , or organizations such as GAVI or World healt organization ,
So what do you think? Are you gonna take this vaccines made by Bill gates Funded


Just like the Science of Louis Pasteur,the fraud who created the Anthrax Vaccine,a
science that could not experimented, even before like Edward jenner who is the
father of vaccination, who also could not prove the effect of his Vaccines,yet
convinced the British authorities that it was the best, similarly Rockefeller
foundation,along with World health organization with their wealth and political power,
and their influence on Allopathic Medical Syllabus,has convinced the world that
Vaccines are a good cause. They made our history books, with giving us details on
Polio and small pox being eradicated with, remember we were indoctrinated with
this, and we all repeat this and this became the belief for our current world.

Does our doctors know about the contents of a vaccine?

As they were taught by the Rockefeller syllabus , Yes , Rockefellers and the
Carnegie foundation made our modern education and medical syllabus , it is a
documented fact . No wonder we are all taught their version of history as well as
media. Let us hear some of the doctors on Vaccines.

Damage payouts by US government of vaccines to American parents include over 3

billion dollars .

The doctors are not taught about the contents of a vaccine in the medical syllabus , it
has been approved as “correct” , rather than critical analysis . Doctors with Phd have
published books and papers about Vaccines , which one must read to know the both
sides of the story . The story of vaccination is thus a story created , by the
Rockefellers , Carnegies and their controlled media and medical associations. It has
nothing to do with immunity or disease protection. The contents of lead, mercury ,
aluminium in a vaccine are well documented , there has been hudreds of studies on
vaccine and its science , none of them supports the vaccines and its mostly
suppressed by the internet Monopoly like Google or mainstream media like CNN or
Reuters or AP.

How come you didn’t hear about all this ?

Factcheckers as you know , Google has been working with WHO , and ultimately
WHO is now funded by Bill and Melinda foundation , google have invested in
“factcheckers” , the Censorship in the search , especially with key words relating to
“covid or a vaccine” or the pandemic. All our images are tracked if it refers any
keywords as stated above.

So what is it ultimately ?

What is going on ? Why are they doing this ?

Rothschilds , Banking and World banks

Have you ever thought of your paper money ? Have you ever thought of World Bank or IMF ,
how come they have so much of Money to lend to over 190 countries ? Banks that lend to
governments then can be termed as Money lenders to Governments, or in the olden days, the
court factor.

They are the creators of Modern Money , the FIAT currency , a paper based monetary system
.Through the control of Bank of England and establishing offices in Austria, Italy and France , the
Rothschilds became the lenders to the “Governments”

The Rothschild family (/ˈrɒθstʃaɪld/) is a wealthy Jewish family originally from Frankfurt that rose
to prominence with Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), a court factor to the German
Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established
his banking business in the 1760s.[2] Unlike most previous court factors, Rothschild managed to
bequeath his wealth and established an international banking family through his five sons,[3] who
established businesses in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples. The family was elevated
to noble rank in the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom.[4][5] The family's documented
history starts in 16th century Frankfurt; its name is derived from the family house, Rothschild,
built by Isaak Elchanan Bacharach in Frankfurt in 1567

Since Britain used to rule the world from colonial times , the Rothschilds got control over the
British money supply , and thus they got control over the money supply of the world, through their
central banks and fractional reserve banking system, eg the Federal reserve of USA was created
in 1913 which prints the US Dollar , in India the RBI was established in 1935 . The Rothschilds
have been accused of making wars since the Napolean times, they have been known for
controlling information through associates like Reuters or AFP .
They along with Nobel brothers, Carnegies , Rockefellers etc have been the present goverments
rulers. They are also known for their investments in Railroad, coal mines, petroleum , pharma
,banking , food , through JP morgan in USA who made rockefellers rich too,So the Rothschilds
are the grand players of this game of money.

And if you can print money ? whom can you not buy ?

Something unique about Rothschilds

The family has some connection to Saiten Worship , as they have been accused on such matters
or we can see from their symbols logo’s , movies and books. So to sum it up , the rulers of the
world governments adhere to Saitanic cult which even does child sacrifice and killing for their

Mainstream Media

All the mainstream media has been telling you one narrative of the story , its like someone wants
us to know only one side of the story , the constant repetition , subliminal messages and
propaganda through all printed or digital news media has been a controlled agenda.
For eg , 6 Corporation owned almost 95% of all world media.

In the internet it has been google,. Facebook , amazon , Microsoft , all having their monopoly on
the control of information and the suppression of information as well.
This has been the case since over 100 years now , right from the example of Spanish Flu

Psychological Warfare and predictive programming

Predictive Programming is theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional
movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of
planned future events. This was first described and proposed by researcher Alan Watt who
defines Predictive programming as “Predictive programming is a subtle form of
psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned
societal changes to be implemented by our leaders.


• 2001 a space odessy– Moon Landing and Space
• Books Predicting Satellites, Moon mission ,Mars eg Werner von braun predicted a guy
named Elon will be doing space missions 50 years before
• Brave New world – ALDOUS Huxely predicted medical dictatorship
• Back to the future-Terrorists from Middle east – Hollywood 80s programming .

Eg the Twin towers falling

On the morning of September the 11th , 2001, the The twin towers were brought down , the
official story says it was a person named Bin laden , CNN, BBc , Fox news, Reuters , AFP , all
these major new corporations started airing a narrative , also “people claiming to be experts”
saying names of a person, Osama bin laden. Soon , the America was going to a war with
Afghanistan , then Iraq and even now as I talk , the US and UK army resides in middle east and
have destroyed these countries killing innocents daily. But it was later from alternative sources
that I got to know another narrative of the twin towers, there were three towers that fell on that
day, all the three building were leased by one man , named Larry silverstein who made quick
buck with the insurance policy claiming it was two attacks and need the double money , the
presidents cousin marvin Bush’s securecom was the company incharge of the airport security
where the hijacks of plane took place, and on the same day , NORAD (North American air
defense were doing a similar exercise of flight hijacking with a target like twin towers , a 1000
nautical miles away.

New World Order and Freemasonary

All the above mentioned families , as well as the members of the ruling leites were a
part of a secret club , with secret oaths , or the freemason belief system, both
Rothschilds and Rockefellers were associated to the same, so is most of our
presidents and prime ministers.

Their agenda is called as the new world order, which we can here the poltiioans
speaking , the new world order has concept of a One world Government , One world
religion and one world currency , the New system will be lead by the United Nations,
and they will be controlled by the Freemasonic fraternity behind te scenes.

So why you should be worried about New World Order ?

Everything has to do with the their agenda’s from Depopulation to One Digital
currency ,to id cards for each , and also complying to the new rules of the

It is a fact that the governments are debted to World Bank and IMF, it is a fact that
paper money has lost value over the period of times, as due to over printing of
money without Gold back up , it is a fact that Freemasons rule the world or have
been ruling the world since more than 100 years, it is a fact that Bankers created the
Economic depression in 1933 , as they create wars and economic recessions to
have total control over the world politics.

Their plan is evident from the rules that the government implements , from Vaccine
mandates to digital currency . This will reduce our liberties, it will create more
unemployment and economic recessions as these bankers control the world
economy. They also control our education , and most of the things taught to us in
school were made by the Carnegies ,Rockefellers or the Rothschilds.

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