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iMedPub Journals 2017 Cardiovascular Investigations: Open Access Vol.1 No.1:4

Complications of Mitral Stenosis in Pregnancy Berina Divanovic*

University Clinical Center of Sarajevo,

Abstract *Corresponding author: Berina Divanovic

Mitral valve stenosis occurs when mitral valve opening is narrowed. Therefore
blood flow is reduced, and the volume and pressure of blood in left atrium  [email protected]
increases. As the result, the left atrium enlarges and beats in irregular pattern.
In pregnancy mitral stenosis can contribute to maternal, neonatal and fetal University Clinical Center of Sarajevo,
complications. Therefore aim of this work is to present complications of mitral Pakistan.
stenosis in pregnancy.
Tel: +387 33 297-000
Keywords: Mitral stenosis; Pregnancy; Complications; Management

Received: December 18, 2017, Accepted: December 24, 2017, Published: December Citation: Divanovic B (2017) Complications
31, 2017 of Mitral Stenosis in Pregnancy: Review.
Cardiovasc Investig. Vol.1 No.1:4

Introduction left atrium and ventricle, and presence of thrombus, Doppler

Mitral valve is located between two chambers, left atrium and examination provides information about complexity of the
ventricle. Through mitral valve blood is pumped from the left stenosis. Transoesophageal echocardiography is used when
atrium to the left ventricle. Health mitral valve enables normal valve cannot be assessed with transthoracic echocardiography.
blood flow through chambers. Mitral valve stenosis occurs when Also this method is useful to determine presence of intracardiac
mitral valve opening is narrowed. Therefore blood flow is reduced, thrombi before a surgical intervention [4,5].
and the volume and pressure of blood in left atrium increases.
As the result, the left atrium enlarges and beats in irregular Management of Mitral Stenosis
pattern. Because of the reduced blood flow, the blood clots can One of the greatest challenges in mitral stenosis is adequate
be formed in inside the chamber. If blood clot becomes embolus, management and therapy, and patients with moderate or
it may block an artery, causing a stroke or other damage. Mitral severe mitral stenosis should be counselled against pregnancy.
stenosis is usually consequence of rheumatic fever, or infants are Main goal of management is to slow the heart rate. Pregnancy
born with this condition. Symptoms are usually minimal, because brings risks and complications for patient with mitral stenosis.
mitral stenosis develops slowly over time. The most common Fetus is also affected, and there is risk for premature birth and
symptoms are: shortness of breath, fatigue, swollen feet or legs, intrauterine growth retardation. Drugs for mitral stenosis are
heart palpitations, dizziness or fainting, coughing up blood, chest not highly recommended in pregnancy. Therapy is symptomatic,
discomfort or chest pain [1,2]. activity should be restricted. β-1 selective blockers are used, and
Cardiovascular changes in pregnancy can contribute to maternal, diuretic can be used if symptoms persist. Women with moderate
fetal and neonatal complications. Pregnancy in women with or severe mitral stenosis, large left atrium, low cardiac output
mitral stenosis requires precise planning in order to avoid or congestive heart failure have high thrombo-embolic risk.
possible complications, which can be fatal. For the best outcome, Therefore in therapy are used anticoagulation drugs. Women
multidisciplinary approach is necessary during pregnancy. Also class III or IV of New York Heart Association class should only
antenatal management is very important in order to avoid be considered for operation during pregnancy. It is usually
cardiac decompensating [3]. performed after 20 gestation week.
Delivery of child should be vaginal in patients with mild, or
Diagnosis moderate and severe mitral stenosis without pulmonary
The main diagnostic imaging method for determining mitral hypertension, while Cesarean section is considered in patients
stenosis is echocarciography. While echocardiography provides with moderate and severe mitral stenosis class III and IV or have
information about the area of mitral valve, size and function of pulmonary hypertension [6,7].

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Cardiovascular Investigations: Open Access
Vol.1 No.1:4

Complications patients with mitral stenosis. Despite high incidence of maternal

morbidity, no mortality was reported [11].
Complications as pulmonary edema and arrhythmias occurred in
In patients with mild to moderate mitral stenosis during
35% of the pregnancies, while incidence of the other maternal
pregnancy was reported increase of left atrium diameter,
cardiac complications correlates with the severity of the mitral
and significant decrease of left atrium diameter after delivery.
stenosis [3].
However change in cardiac output was not observed, while
In pregnancy heart rate is increased, consequently left atrial and after delivery it significantly decreased. Ejection fraction did not
pulmonary pressures are increased. During the second or third change significantly during pregnancy and after delivery [12].
trimester, in pregnant women with mitral valve stenosis can Maternal deaths are rare in developed countries in North America
occur cardiac decompensation and pulmonary edema, while the and Europe, and no maternal deaths were reported, based on
risk of maternal death is greatest during labour or during the four large studies of pregnant women with mitral stenosis [3,10-
immediate post-partum period. The autotransfusion from the 13]. In South American study conducted by Avila et al. from 54
uterus can flood the central circulation, that can led to severe women with moderate to severe mitral stenosis, eight maternal
pulmonary edema. The risk of pulmonary edema continues for deaths occurred as a result of heart failure. In a study conducted
several days after delivery, because autotransfusion of blood can by al Kasab et al. in 50 women with mitral stenosis maternal
last for 24-72 h after delivery [8]. mortality was high 32% [14,15]. Also in sub-Saharan Africa
Mortality rate vary, where for class I and II is <1%, while for class were reported maternal deaths in pregnant women with mitral
stenosis. Most of the women with mitral stenosis had pulmonary
III and IV they range between 5 and 15%. Patient’s symptoms
oedema [16].
during pregnancy are increased by one New York Heart Association
class [9]. Conclusion
The worst outcome in pregnant patients with mitral stenosis is In pregnant patients with mitral stenosis heart failure occurred
miscarriage, and it was reported in study conducted by Siu et often and 35% of these patients had pulmonary hypertension.
al. Also mitral stenosis was present together with the principal Women with abnormalities causing pulmonary hypertension,
lesions of congenital aortic stenosis and coarctation. Pulmonary such as mitral stenosis, went into heart failure before 30 week
hypertension can develop in pregnancy, as a result of mitral gestation [17]. Mitral stenosis also affect fetus, adverse fetal
stenosis [10]. Increased maternal morbidity was also reported in outcomes associated with mitral stenosis include preterm
study conducted by Hameed et al. where most of the patients delivery, intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight
from class I patients advanced during pregnancy to class II, while or neonatal death [18]. Women with mitral stenosis before
patients from class II advanced to class III or IV. Also there was a planning their pregnancy should be counselled about possible
higher incidence of congestive heart failure and arrhythmias in complications and outcomes.

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