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CITY OF ILOILO---------------------)



I, OLIVER M. BORROMEO, of legal age, Married, Filipino and a resident of

Brgy. Aganan, Pavia Iloilo, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with law do hereby depose and state:


ATTY. IMBES T. GADOR, with office address at Above Law Office in room 1
New Building located in Jereos Street, La Paz, Iloilo City, Philippines, is
conducting this direct examination in Above Law Office, Lapaz, Iloilo City.

The direct examination was conducted in English, a language I know and


I am answering the question asked of me by Atty. IMBES T. GADOR, fully

conscious that I do so under oath. I am also aware that I may face criminal
liability for false testimony or perjury.


QUESTION 1. (Q) Good morning, Please state your name and personal

ANSWER 1. (A) I am Mayor Jerry MANIWANG, of legal age, Married, Filipino

and a resident of Brgy. Nabitasan, Lapaz, Iloilo City, Philippines

Q. 2: Mr. Witness may I know why are you here today at Above Law Office?

A. 2: I am here today to execute my Judicial Affidavit.

Q. 3: Can you please tell us why are you executing this Judicial Affidavit?
A. 3: I am executing this Judicial Affidavit in connection with the complaint for
“Specific Performance” and “Damages” against ASHFORD INTERNATIONAL
INC. And Mister Tiu filed by Mister Go.

Q. 4: What is your educational attainment?

A. 4: I finished Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics.

Q. 5: What is your occupation?

A. 5: I am the Mayor of Iloilo City .

Q. 6: How are you related to Mister Go?

A. 6: He is my close friend and my constituent.

Q7: Where were you at on September 15, 2018?

A7: I was in Amigo Terrace Hotel.

Q8: Why are you there?

A8: I was invited by Mister Go to go with him in a meeting with Ramon Holiday,
the President of Ashford International Inc.

Q. 9: Who are present in the said meeting?

A. 9: Present in the meeting were Mister Go, Ramon Holiday and Mister Tiu, I
was also there together with Gaby Gabgab, assistant of Mister Go and he took
down the minutes.

Q. 10: Who is Mister Tiu?

A. 10: I don’t know sir.

Q. 12: What transpired in the meeting?

A. 12: In the said meeting, Mister Go and Ramon Holiday agreed that
ASHFORD INC., would sell to Mr. Go, a parcel of land known as Lot No. 23,
Situated at Jaro, Iloilo City, including all improvements in the amount of
THREE HUNDRED MILLION PESOS (Php 300, 000, 000.00). It was also agreed
that Mister Go will pay to ASHFORD INC., within One (1) year from the
agreement, or on or before September 15, 2016, the amount of THREE
MILLION PESOS (Php 300, 000, 000.00), and ASHFORD INC., thru Ramon
Holiday, would immediately execute a Deed of Sale of the property in favor of
Mister Go.

Q. 13: What is your intention in executing this Judicial Affidavit?

A. 13: I am executing this Judicial Affidavit in connection with the complaints

for “Specific Performance” and “Damages” against ASHFORD INTERNATIONAL
INC. And Mister Tiu filed by Mister Go.

Q. 14: Is there anything you want to say?

A. 14: No, Sir.

Q. 15: Do you confirm your signature in your judicial Affidavit?

A. 15: yes sir, I confirm my signature.

Affiant Further Sayeth Naught


Judicial Affidavit

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 1 day of March , 2019 at the


City of Iloilo, Philippines. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the
affiant and that I am satisfied that hr voluntary executed and understood his
Judicial Affidavit.


I, ATTY. IMBES T. GADOR, was the lawyer who conducted the 

direct examination of witness MAYOR MANIWANG, I faithfully recorded the
question I asked and the corresponding answers that the witness gave. Neither
I nor any person present or assisting me coached 

MAYOR MANIWANG regarding his answers.


Affiant/Examining Lawyer
IBP No. 1234
PTR. No. 4321
Roll No. 1689

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 1 day of March, 2019 at the


City of Iloilo, Philippines. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the
affiant and that I am satisfied that he voluntary executed and understood his
Judicial Affidavit.

Doc No:8

Page No:2
Notary Public

Book No:1

Series of 2019

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