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What is Peace Education?

Peace education is the process of acquiring values, knowledge,

attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself,
others, and the natural environment.

There are numerous United Nations declarations and resolutions on

the importance of peace. Ban Ki Moon, U.N. Secretary General,
dedicated the International Day of Peace 2013 to peace education in
an effort to focus minds and financing on the preeminence of peace
education as the means to bring about a culture of peace.Koichiro
Matsuura, the immediate past Director-General of UNESCO, has
written that peace education is of "fundamental importance to the
mission of UNESCO and the United Nations".Peace education as a
right is increasingly emphasized by peace researchers such as Betty
Reardon and Douglas Roche. There has also been a recent meshing of
peace education and human rights education.

Why peace education is important?

Peace education is a primary pillar for preventing armed conflict and
violence, saving lives and freeing up limited resources for social
Opportunities for reform and positive change often arise
simultaneously during and after conflicts, as peace
education initiatives helps educators teach the next generation to
better understand and address problems that can undermine the rule
of law and prepare students to serve as the next generation of leaders
in creating a more equitable society.
Peace education is a primary pillar for preventing armed conflict and
violence, saving lives and freeing up limited resources for social

How can we achieve peace education?

P.E.A.C.E. works to help teachers, children, and families learn and live
nonviolent approaches to conflict resolution for public and private
personal and community issues. In our peace education approach we
work to develop the attitudes, understandings, and methods of
nonviolent action needed to build peace, caring, justice, and mutual
respect within ourselves, others, and in our environments.
This peace education approach is embodied in our workshops at
NAEYC Conferences. We are continuing to try to convince NAEYC that
P.E.A.C.E education must be the foundation for its new position
statement on violence in the lives of children.
E.A.C.E. also works with public officials when issues arise that relate
to meeting the needs of children and families for security and well-

What are the key themes of Peace Education?

These include nonviolence, conflict resolution techniques,

democracy, disarmament, gender equality, human rights,
environmental responsibility, history, communication skills,
coexistence, and international understanding and tolerance of

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