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‘Todd Wetzelberger 1926 Wilson Point Road Baltimore Maryland 21220 October 18, 2010 Office of State Prosecutor James I. Cabezas Hampton Plaza Suite 410 300 East Joppa Road Towson MD 21286 Mr. Cabezas, am in writing to report serious crimes involving extortion, false arrest, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice involving attorney Mare R. Donaty, Esq. and I fear employees of the District Court of Towson and possibly the Baltimore County Sheriff's department. Idon’t make these statements lightly, and wish I didn’t have to inform you of these crimes, but nevertheless I’ve tried to work within the civil courts to no avail. I have no choice but to report these crimes, as my wife and { both fear retaliation, and believe we have stumbled onto something far more sinister than a crooked attorney trying to extort money through abuse of the courts based ona fraud. Il be as brief as possible (5 pgs). The background is that a fraudulent civil suit was filed on December 3, 2008 in District Court in Towson against myself and my wife by Mare R. Donaty, Esq. alleging debt owed (under $5k) to @ nonexistent entity Vietory Villa LLLP. The entity was forfeited in 2003 for failure to file property returns and remains non-existent to this day. ‘The names of the entities changed several times throughout the suit to Victory Villa LLP (non- existent) and then to Victory Villa LLC (non-existent until April 30, 2010). This last entity was ‘created as a cover up, since I noticed Mr. Donaty in Mareh 2010 that his claim was a fraud brought on behalf of non-existent entities. However, Mr Donaty would have to employ the Secretary of State of MD to forge and backdate documents fully 6% years ago which I doubt the Secretary of State is willing to do. Knowing this suit was frivolous, and dealing with frivolous suits in the past as a real estate investor and developer, most times these suits go away. I expected this suit to take the same course. However, in December 2009, we were contacted by the new owner of the business we sold that is the subject of this suit. The new owner stated on a phone message that she had also been contacted by an unidentified person, stating that if they didn’t pay the alleged same debt that Mr.Donaty claimed we owed, they would be pursued as well. ‘This was just more evidence that Mr. Donaty, and the affiant Bruce I. Levine, who perjured himself in the affidavit he submitted as “evidence”, were trying to shake down anyone they could, to collect money based upon a fraud. Mr Donaty refused to dismiss his fraudulent suit, In February, 2010 I received a letter ftom Mr Donaty stating that if we didn't pay the extortion payment he would swear out a body attachment and have us arrested for contempt of court. I then had to take this seriously. In early March 2010 1 filed an Answer with the court as to why we were not in contempt, the suit was a fraud upon the court, the alleged “Plaintiff” is NON- EXISTENT, the court never had jurisdiction to make any ruling, and the alleged “judgment” was void for fraud. The judgment is void ab initio, as there is no statute of limitations on fraud. T then went about foreing Mr. Donaty to validate, substantiate, and authenticate the alleged debt he claimed was owed by my wife and myself which he failed’ refused to do because he could net. Mr Donaty (an officer of the court) failed/refused to provide any documentation after 5 attempts to force him to comply outside of court, to save the court time and money. He also “ducked” my service and refused to receive the certified mail letter noticing Mr. Donaty of his fraud. Fast forward to August 2010. After thoroughly exposing and documenting Mr. Donaty’s fraud, writing the evidence to the public record, and sending a Notice by Affidavit of Felony Crime to Judge Alexandra N. Williams and Sheriff J Ray Fisher, my wife and | were promptly arrested for ‘contempt of court as the result of a body attachment signed by Judge Chester. It’s not a coincidence that the EXACT same day (August 17, 2010) the Notice of Felony Crime, exposing all Mr. Donaty’s crimes to Judge Williams, was received by a D. Crosby (name on cert mail card) the Body Attachment was sworn out for contempt Someone at the District Court tipped off Mr. Donaty we were reporting his crimes to the judge, and ‘must have informed him of this, since the Notice was only sent to Judge Williams and Sheriff Fisher, not Mr.Donaty. When the Sheriff's deputies showed up at our home, I calmly informed them they were making a big mistake, and if they proceeded they would be participating in kidnapping and false arrest. After contacting their sergeant, the sheriff's deputies stated "we're just doing our job” and I again informed them they are participating in a crime brought against myself and my wife by Mare R Donaty, Esq and Bruce I. Levine. Twas then told that if we didn’t find someone to watch our 3year old and 1 yr old daughters, that social services would take them. We made arrangements and went quietly with the sheriff's deputies after being assured “the judge should be back from lunch soon and you can bring your paperwork and will be out in an hour or two. ‘That was a lie, and my wife and J were separated, handcuffed, leg shackled and I was put in a cell with several people charged with criminal behavior. | informed the judge the court made a big mistake, ruled without jurisdiction, and asked her if she had read the Notice of Felony Crime addressed to her, received 3 days prior by the District Court. Judge Williams (I assume it was Judge Williams as she didn’t identify herself) stated she had just eceived the Notice of Felony crime shortly before my wife and J appeared in front of her in leg shackles and handeufis. “The judge had no interest in hearing what I reported to her, and my wife and I just wanted to get back home to our children as my 3yr old bad to witness the false arrest by sheriff's deputies with guns in our home, and she was visibly upset. We returned home after having to post $1,000 cash bail, furthering Donaty’s extortion racket and sham pleading based on a fraud, where the District Court never had jurisdiction. T subsequently filed a Motion to Vacate Void Judgment, including the public record fact evidence, detailing Mr. Donaty’s and Brice I. Levine’s erimes. As I expected, the Motion to Vacate was summarily denied by Judge Williams WITHOUT A HEARING. also entered a Mandatory Judicial Notice, noticing Judge Williams the court lacked jurisdiction and it was totally ignored. Expecting Judge Williams would ignore the facts and the law, I filed a Motion for Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on August 24, 2010 to get to the bottom of this fraud and to have my “day in court” on the record. | filed a Petition for Temporary Injunction and TRO on August 27, 2010 as I feared further retaliation and coercion by Mr. Donaty. Mr. Donaty also phoned our home around this time, I presume as a further attempt to intimidate, threaten and coerce us into paying the extortion payment. We did not return his call. Ina phone call to the District Court, I was informed by “Don” approx 10 days after filing the above Motion and Petition, that “motions, etc are held for 13 days then calendared for hearing”. Neither the Motion, or Petition were ever scheduled for hearing. Pigeonholing is common, to block pro se litigants access to the court, so I went to the District Court on October 12, 2010 approximately 45 days after they were filed to demand they be scheduled for hearing. I discovered that the Motion that would get to the bottom of the fraud, and the Petition that would stop Mr Donaty’s illegal coliection activity and intimidation, were MISSING from the file. Thope you can appreciate how disturbing this is to myself and my wife. Not only is Mr. Donaty trying to cover his tracks and his fraud, it is now apparent someone in the District Court is aiding and abetting Mr Donaty’s fraud and obstructing justice by tampering with the public record, which isa felony. T investigate mortgage fraud, so it was easy to spot the racket Mr. Donaty was running. I started my own investigation into Mr. Donaty’s business, working backwards over the 20 years he has been licensed to practice law. Mr. Donaty’s “office” is a mail drop/ parcel plus type store, and he apparently is a sole proprietor allegedly operating as a “debt” collector. ‘AS minute search turned up a federal suit against Mr. Donaty in 2009 (US District Court For The District of MD Case # AW-09-116) for falsely bringing a suit against Mr. Edmund Awah with a similar MO (no contract in existence) in District Court in Towson. (See copy of Order To Compel) contacted Mr, Awah to let him know the same thing had happened to myself and my wife, and I shared resources with him to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else. Like my wife, Mr. Awah is totally poisoned with the “justice” system. Mr. Donaty, in the federal suit, admitted on the record that he NEVER had a written contract to “represent” or “collect” on behalf of the alleged creditor. claiming his contract was “never reduced toa written record”, This is an obvious pattem, and this is only 1 case I found after a 5 min search. ‘Mr. Donaty must think one is an idiot to believe an attomey would not have a written contract 10 “represent” an alleged “creditor”. This is further evidence of Mr. Donaty’s fraud, but I suspect no one else has put these facts together. [have a private investigator looking up all Mr. Donaty’s cases he filed egainst others, and looking into the District Court to find out who illegally tampered with the public record and removed my filings from the case. ‘The most disturbing fact is that when I contacted the Sheriff's dept. to follow up on the Notice of Felony Crime Sheriff Fisher received, | was totally ignored by a Capt. Grainger, who refused to return my calls. I spoke with, I believe Lt. Kelly, who told me “there is no crime”. I was taken aback and asked him to repeat himself. He seemed to pause then said “the sheriff dept doesn’t investigate crimes, you need to contact the Baltimore County Police Dept, that’s all you need to know...” and hung up the phone on me. Title18 USC Seed Misprison of Felony, requires Sheriff Fisher and Judge Williams to either investigate or report the crime fo someone as is their Duty, and to the best of my knowledge they have failed! refused to do so. My wite is distraught. She is an occupational therapist who works with multi-handicapped children at the Maryland School for The Blind and is totally poisoned with the fallacy that there is “justice” in the courts. She fears for the safety of our two young daughters, as do I. Since | investigate mortgage fraud, I understand the courts are corrupted. Judge Edith Jones said as much to Harvard Law School in her statement that the “American legal system is corrupt beyond recognition...” But the criminal conspiracy and extortion by Mr. Donaty and his co-conspirators rises to a different level. When one abuses the court system in an attempt to extort money from innocent individuals and has a willing (and T hope unwitting) accomplice in the Sheriffs Department (who has the handcuffs and the guns) Donaty is no different than organized crime figures shaking people down for bribes, or else. 1 know about being shaken down for bribes while working as a developer in New Orleans before hurricane Katrina wiped out our real estate business. But even in a city known for overt corruption, [ve never seen it rise to the level of Mr. Donaty and his henchmen. Not only is Mr, Donaty a disgrace to the legal profession, he is out of control. fhe is willing to cover his tracks, dupe the court and sheriff's dept into illegally arresting two adults with young children to intimidate them into covering up his fraud, he needs to be behind bars for a very long time. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Seeing the look on my 3 year old daughter's face when the sheriffs entered our house is indelibly etched inmy mind. My neighbors watched as my wife and I were taken away all based on a fraud. Sceing my wife, who doesn’t have an evil bone in her body, handcuffed and leg shackled and paraded in front of an indifferent judge, who passed judgment on the spot with an utter disregard for the facts and law, has permanently changed me. One way or another Mr. Donaty will be brought to justice for the crimes he has committed. I'm currently rescarching elements for causes of action for violation of our civil rights, personal injury, Civil RICO and possibly a class action depending how many other victims my investigation reveals. [All the attomeys I’ve spoken with can’t figure out why a “nothing” case has so much fraud and corruption involved. My guess is there have been a lot of people caught up in this racket and most will roll over. I'm guessing I'm the only one who was willing to expose this racket and they will do whatever they can to cover it up, no matter the cost. Tan appreciate you have limited resources and you have to pick and choose those cases that have the highest probability of return on your investment of resources. With foreclosure fraud probes in all 50 states I'm guessing you have an even bigger workload now. My wife is jaded. But, for her sake and our children, I'm hoping you see enough merit in the facts Pve presented to pursue this investigation, I will support you in any way I ean. Ihave a team of researchers to expose this fraud, so it doesn’t happen to someone less prepared to stand up to this criminal. Thank you for you ti VERIFICATION OF COMPLAINT STATE OF land COUNTY OF fe nae BEFORE ME personally appeared Todd Wetzelberger who, being by me first duly sworn and identified in accordance with Maryland law, deposes and says: 1. My name is Todd Wetzelberger. 2 Thave read and understood the attached foregoing complaint filed herein, and each fact alleged therein is true and correct of my own personal knowledge. FURTHER THE AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. SWORN TO and subscribed before me “T-octol Let Notayy Public, this /gday of _OC 4Apfop (2010. JANICE YUN "NOTARY PUBLIC Baitimore County, Maryland My Commission Expites January ®, 2019

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