Classical Mechanics MCQs

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BS Mathematics Semester 6
Dr. Raza Ahmad
Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)

Lecture 1
1. Classical mechanics describes the motion of _______.

(a)Microscopic object (b)Macroscopic object

(c)None of the above (d)Both a and b

2. Abstract methods were developed leading to the reformulations of classical mechanics.

(a)Lagrangian Mechanics (b)Hamiltonian Mechanics

(c)Quantum Mechanics (d)Both a and b

3. The quantitative measure of inertia of a body is called ______.

(a)Weight (b)Mass

(c)Gravity force (d)None of these

4. The branch of physics which describes the conditions of rest or motion of material bodies around
us under action of force is _______.

(a)Mechanics (b)Mechatronics

(c)Quantum field (d)None of these

5. The mass that determines the acceleration of a body under the action of a given force is called __.

(a)First mass (b)Inertial mass

(c)Reference mass (d)None of these

6. A particle is an object which has ______.

(a)Mass (b)Size

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

7. Newton’s 1st law of motion is applicable for ______.

(a)Free particles (b)Moving particles

(c)Rest particles (d)None of these

8. Identify the correct number of types of reference frames.

(a)3 (b)4

(c)5 (d)None of these

9. In curved space-time interval, all frames are _____.

(a)Inertial (b)Non-inertial

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

10. Acceleration of an object depends on its ______.

(a)Mass (b)Net force

Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
(c)Volume (d)None of these

11. Ratio of masses of two objects is equal to the negativity of _______.

(a)Positive ratio of accelerations (b)Inverse ratio of accelerations

(c)None of these (d)Both a and b

12. Linear momentum is conserved if ______ acting on a body is zero.

(a)Net internal force (b)Internal force

(c)Net external force (d)External force

13. Angular momentum is conserved if net torque acting on a body is _____.

(a)Maximum (b)Zero

(c)Uniform (d)None of these

14. Work energy principle can be written as ______.

(a)Wab=∆T (b)Wa=T

(c)Wab=T (d)Wt=∆T
15. The law of conservation of total energy states that

(a)Ta + Va = Tb + Vb (b)Ta + Vb = Ta + Vb

(c)Ta + Vb= Tb + Va (d)None of these

Lecture 2
1. The conditions which restrict the motion of the system are called _____.
(a)Constraints (b)Degree of freedom

(c)Generalized coordinates (d)None

2. The number of independent ways in which a mechanical system can move without
violating any constraint is called _____.
(a)Constraint (b)Number of freedoms

(c)Degrees of freedom (d)Generalized coordinates

3. A thing moving in space has ___ degrees of freedom.

(a)1 (b)2

(c)3 (d)4

4. Work done by external force in N-particle system is known as ____.

(a)Work (b)Total work

(c)Virtual work (d)None of these

5. Total virtual work done on N-particle system is _____.

Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
(a)Zero (b)Maximum

(c)Minimum (d)None

6. Virtual work is represented as ______.

(a)δW = ∑Fei δri=0 (b)δW = ∑Few δri=0

(c)W = ∑FeI ri=0 (d)δW = ∑FeI δri

7. D ‘Alembert’s Principle can be written as

(a)∑Ni=0 (Fl-pi). δri=0 (b)∑Ni=1 (Fl-pi). δri=0

(c)∑Ni=1 (Fl-p). δri=0 (d)∑Ni=1 (Fl-p). δr=0

8. In Lagrange’s Equation if there are N number of particles and so the generalized coordinated are

(a)n=N-k (b)n=3N-k

(c)n=3N (d)n=3n-k

9. In Lagrange’s Equation Virtual Displacement does not involve

(a)Space (b)Time

(c)N number of particles (d)None

10. Lagrangian function equation is known as

d ∂L ∂L d ∂L ∂L
(a) [ ]−
dt ∂ q j ∂ qj
=0 , j=1,2,3 … . (b) [ ]−
dt ∂ q j ∂ qj
, j=1,2,3 ….

d ∂L d ∂L ∂L
(c) [ ]
dt ∂ q j
=0 , j=1,2,3 … . (d) [ ]−
dt ∂ q j ∂ qj
=0 ,

11. Kinetic energy of a particle of mass m is a ___________ of the velocities

(a)Quadratic function (b)Homogeneous quadratic function

(c)Both a and b (d)None

12. The special case of kinetic energy of particle_______ does not appears in transformation

(a)Space (b)Time

(c)Both a and b (d)None

13. The special case of Euler’s Theorem is written as

∂f ∂f
(a)∑ y k =nf (b)∑ y =nf
k ∂ yk k ∂ yk
∂f ∂f
(c)∑ y k =nfi (d)∑ y k =nfi
ki ∂ yk k ∂ yk
14. The momentum of the moving particle in the x-axis is

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Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
(a)P=1/2 mx (b)P= mx’

(c)P=mx (d)None

15. The generalized momentum PI need not always______ of linear momentum.

(a)Speed (b)Velocity

(c)Dimension (d)None

Lecture 3
1. The Euler-Lagrange differential equation is written as

∂f d ∂f d ∂f
(a) − =0
∂ y dx
(b) − ( )
∂ y dx ∂ y

∂f ∂f d ∂f
(c) −
∂y ∂y ( )
=0 (d) ( )
dx ∂ y

2. If the forces of the system are not conservative then the Lagrange’s equation will be

d ∂T ∂ T d ∂T ∂ T
(a) − =Qi ,i=1,2,3 … .. (b) − =Q, i=1,2,3 … . .
dt ∂ qi ∂ qi dt ∂ qi ∂ qi
d ∂T d ∂T
(c) =Qi , i=1,2,3 … .. (d) − =Qi , i=1,2,3 …. .
dt ∂ qi dt ∂ qi
3. The Lagrange’s equation for non-holonomic system is
d ∂L ∂L d ∂L ∂L
[ ] −
dt ∂ q j ∂ q j
=, j=1,2,3 … .n (b)
[ ] − =∑ λ a , j=1,2,3… . n
dt ∂ q j ∂ q j i=1 i ij
m m
d ∂L ∂L d ∂L ∂L
[ ] − =∑ λ a , j=1,2,3… . n
dt ∂ q j ∂ q j i=0 i ij
[ ] − =∑ λ , j=1,2,3 … . n
dt ∂ q j ∂ q j i=1 i

4. In a plane, arc length of an element is

(a)ds = (dx2 + dy2) (b)ds = (dx2 + dy2)1/2

(c)ds = (dx + dy)1/2 (d)ds = (dx + dy2)1/2

5. y=a x + b, b=constant is equation of

(a)hyperbola (b)parabola

(c)circle (d)straight line

6. T=__________

(a)1/2 m r θ (b)1/2 mr2.θ2

(c)1/2 mr2.θ (d)1/2 mr.θ2

7. V=________

(a)mg r cos θ (b)-mg cos θ

Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
(c)-mg r cos θ (d)–mr cos θ

8. The action integral must be a ________ value for actual path

(a)Real (b)Stationary

(c)Maximum (d)None

9. In configuration space by infinitesimal parameter path can be written as

(a)qi(t, a)= qi(t, 0)+ah(t), i =1, 2, … (b)qi(t, a)= qi(t, 0)+ahi(t), i =1, 2, …, n
(c)qi(t, a)= q(t, 0)+ahi(t), i =1, 2, …, n (d)qi(t, a)= qi(t, 0)+(t),i=1, 2, …, n
10. If y=y(x) then the equation becomes
x2 x2
dy dy
(a)I=∫ f ( y , x ) dx y= (b)I=∫ f ( y , ẏ , x ) dx ẏ=
dx x1
x2 x2
(c)I=∫ f ( ẏ , x ) dx ẏ= (d)I=∫ f ( y , ẏ , x ) dx
x 1
dx x1

11. The length of any curve between points 1 and 2 is given by

2 x2 ❑ 2 x2
(a) I =∫ ds=∫
1 x1 √ 1+( )
(b) I =∫ ❑=∫ 1+(dy /dx)
1 x1
√ 2

2 x2 2 x2
2 2
(c) I =∫ ds=∫ (dy /dx) √ √
(d) I =∫ ds=∫ 1+(dy /dx)
1 x1 1 x1

12. ℓ θ + g θ=_____

(a)0 (b)1

(c)2 (d)θ

13. The δ-variation considered refers to variation

(a)Quantity (b)Time

(c)Both a and b (d)None

14. δ qi =¿ ¿

(a)ηi δα (b)ηi (t)δ

(c)ηi (t)δα (d)(t)δα

15. δ qi ( t 1 ) =δ q i ( t 2 )=

(a)0 (b)1

(c)δ (d)None of these

Lecture 4

Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
Qno1: The simple mechanical system involving contriant is the atwoods mechine pully is

a)Friction less

b) mass less

c)both a and b

d) all of above

Qno2: weight move vertically, we have only

a)One degree of freedom

b) two degree of freedom

c three degree of freedom

d) all of above

Qno3: The length of the rope with which m2 is tied by


b) q1

c) m1

d) all of above

Qno4: Two force are acting on each mass i.e weight acting


b) downward

c) vertically

d) all of above

Qno5: The length of the rope with which m1 is tied by


b) q1

c) m1

d) all of above

Qno6: Two forces are acting on each mass i.e . tension acting


b) downward

c) vertically

d) all of above

Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
Qno7: To determine the value of lagrangian L we assume

a)Kinetic energy

b) potential energy

c)Both a and b

d) all of above

Qno8: The k.E of the system is

a) T=1/2mivi^2 b) T=1/2mivi^2
b) T=1/2m1v1^ +1/2m2v2^2
c) Both a and b
d) d) T=1/2m2v2^2 -1/2m2v2^2

Qno9:Potential energy of the system is


b) v=m1gh1

c) v=m1gh1 + v=m2gh2

d) both a and b

Qno10:position of a point in cartesian coordinate [x,y,z] is given by

a)Position of point= xi^ +yj^+zk^

b) Position of point= xi^ -yj^-zk^

C) r=sin(x)

d) all of above

Qno11: langrage’s equation of motion for a simple pendulum is ____.

a) -(l)sin0=1
b) –(L/I)sin 0=o
c) 0-(L/I)sin0 =o
d) (L/I)sin =o

Qno12: The K.E of ( simple pendulum ).

a) T= ½ ml^20
b) b) T= ½ ml^2 0^2
c) c) T= ½ ml^2
d) d) all of above

Qno13: potential energy of mass m is ( for simple .

a)T=1/2ml^ T= ½ ml^2

b) T=1/2ml^0^2

c) T=1/2ml^2

Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
d) none of these

Qno14: In simple pendulum we take a horizontal plane passing through the

a)Lowest point of mass

b) Highest point of mass

c) both a and b

d)All of above

Qno15: The equation of motion for spherical pendulum is.

a) 0=-g/l (cos0 )

b) 0 =-g/l (sin0)

c) 0=-g/l (cos 0)

d) 0=g/l (cos)

Lecture 5
Qno1: A force whose line of action always directed toward a fixed point is known as

a) Central force motion

b) Elliptical motion
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

Qno2: In central force motion magnitude depends on.



c) origin

d) all of above

Qno3: examples of force motion are___.

a)Gravitational force

b)electrostatic force

c) scattering of alpha b/w to charges

d) all of above

Qno4: The position vector of COM is

a) R=r1-r2
b) R=m1r1+m2r2/m1+m2
c) Both a and b
d) All of above

Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
Qno5: which one is the lagrangian equation of motion reduction one body problem .

a)L=1/2ur^2 -(r)
b) a)L=1/2ur^2
c) both a and b
d) R=r1-r2

Qno6: In polar coordinate the lagrangian equation is.

a) L= 1/2ur^2
b) b)L=1/2u(r^2+r^20^2)
c) c) L=1/2u(r^2+r^2)
d) d) all of above

Qno7: If radical component if velocity and position vector are collinear then_____.

a)|L|= ur^2(r0)= l
b) ur^2(r0)= l
c) L= 1/2ur^2
d) all of above

Qno8: The area covered by a particle in a coordinate system is___.


b) A=1/2r^30

c) A=1/2r^30

d) all of above

Qno9: How many way are used to find the motion of a particle in a central force field .




Qno10: In energy method total energy of the system is___.

a) E=1/2ur`^2 -L^/2ur^2 v(r)

b) E=1/2ur`^2
c) Both a and b
d) A=1/2r^30

Qno11: Which one is the differences equation of orbit ___.

a) d^2(u)/d =u -1/L^2.f(1/u)
b) d^2(u)/d =-u -1/L^2.f(1/u)
c) d^2(u)/d =u1-1/L^2.f(1/u)
d) d^2(u)/d =u3 -1/L^2.f(1/u)

Qno12:In laws of equal areas the effective potential is equivalent to the effective ___.


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Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)

c) Both a and b

d) all of above

Qno13: Which are the ways to obtain the motion of a particle and a central force field .

a) Energy method
b) Lagrangian analysis
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

Qno14:The reduce mass is defined as

a) U=M1.M2/M1+M2
b) U=M1.M2/M1*M2
c) U=M1.M2/M1+M°
d) None of these

Qno15: In reduction to one body problem the kinetic energy of COM is defined on ___.


b) 2Mr`r^2

C) both a and b

Lecture 6
1. For which force the inverse square law force has +ve value of k:
a) Repulsive force.
b) b) Attraction force.
c) c) Both.
d) d) Nothing

2. What is the general equation of the conic with one focus on the origin
a) 1/r= C[1+€cos(0 - 00)]
b) 1/r= C[1+€sin(0 - 00)]
c) 1/r= C[1-€cos(0 + 00)]
d) 1/r= C[1+€tan(0 - 00)]
3. The nature of the orbit is an ellipse when the eccentricity is:
a) €>1
b) €=1
c) 0<€>1
d) €=0
4. In Kepler's laws, planets move in elliptical orbit with the sun at one focus is called:
a) Law of area

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b) Last of period
c) Law of orbit
d) none of these
5. The number of particles crossing a unit area placed normal to the beam in a unit time
a) flux density
b) normal velocity
c) acceleration
d) none of them

6. When a particle approaches a centre of force, it will

a) Attracted

b) Repelled

. c) either be attracted or repelled

d) neither attracted nor repelled

7) The impact parameter is defined by the distance that is between the centre of force and
the incident velocity direction is:
a) Perpendicular
b) Parallel
c) Tangent
d) all of these
8) The assumption that no incident particle interacts with more than one target nucleus of
valid if:
a) scattering angle not too small
b) scattering angle not too big
. c) scattering angle absolute zero
d) scattering angle is zero
Moo repulsive force if:
a) ZZ' e
b) ZZ' e2
c) ZZ' e3
d) ZZ' e4
10) In which case of force k has the -ve value of repulsive force:
a) Gravitational force

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b) Coulomb force
c) Both
d) Neither
11) How many constants of the four constants of integration appear in the orbit equation:
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
12) The nature of orbit depends on :
a) Radius
b) Eccentricity
c) Origin
d) Angle
13) In the equation of the orbit, position corresponding to r=r min is
a) Percenter
b) Apo centre
c) Perihelion
d) Aphelion
14) The orbital eccentricities of the planets vary from
a) 0.07 to 0.249
b) 0.007 to 0.0249
c) 0.007 to 0.249
d) 0.7 to 0.249
15) Halley's comet has a value of eccentricity :
a) 0.967
b) 0.0967
c) 0.9
d) 1.067
16) Angle between the incident and scattered direction is said to be
a) solid angle
b) scattering angle
c) origin angle

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d) eccentricity
17) On approximate expression T2=4π2a3/Gm2 , the proportionality constant for all planet's is :
. a) zero
b) remain same
c) +ve
d) -ve

Lecture 7
Qno1: The laboratory coordinate system is in the one where scatterer is at rest and incident
parties _____.

a) Scatter
b) b)initial direction

c)finial direction

d) rest

Qno2: The scattering in laboratory coordinate system are made _____.

a) Initiator
b) actual measurements
c)scattering angle
d)all of above

Qno3: The scattering angle measured in laboratory coordinates is angle between _____ of the
scattered particle .

a)Account initial and finial directions

b) opposition

c) rest

d) none of these

Qno4: The scattering angle calculated from _____ one body problem .

a) Center

b) equivalent

. c) unequal

. d) both a and c

Qno5: r1 and v1 is the position and velocity after scattering of the_____ in the laboratory
system .

a)initial particle

b) finial particle

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c) incident particle

d) all of above

Qno6: R and V is the position and velocity of the _____ in the laboratory system .

a) Ceter of mass
b) b) center of gravity
c) c) incident particle
d) d) all of above

Qno7: If the scattering is inelastic then

a) V=Vo
b) b)V not equal to Vo
c) V>V1
d) d) all of these

Qno8: The scatterer is initial at rest so according to law of conservation ___.

a) Linear momentum

b) angular momentum

C) both a and b

d) none of these

Qno9: which is true equation ?

a) (m1+m2)=m1vo
b) b) (m1+ m)>vo
c) c) (m1+m2)v=m1vo
d) d) mi>mv

Qno10: The scattering angle in the laboratory coordinate system is___.

a)Tan(x)= AB/BA
C)both a and b
d) Tan(x) =AB/OB

Qno11: If collision is elastic then

a) V= Vo
b) b) p=m1/m2
c) c) both a and b
d) d) all of above

Qno12: Solid angle but be same in the a)center of a)mass

b) laboratory coordinate system

c) both a and b

d) all of above

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Qno13: when the scattering is elastic collision then.

a) m2>m2
b) b) m1<m2
c) c) m1=m°
d) d) all of above

Qno14:Equal masses and scattering angles greater than 90° is not possible in the ___.

a)frame of reference

b) inertial frame of reference

c) laboratory system

d) none of these

Qno15:which condition in scattering is elastic can be taken as zero .

a) P=m1/m2 is large
b) b) p=m1/m2 is very small
c) c) both a and b
d) d) p=m2/m2

Lecture 8

1) What is the reduced mass in the kelper’s second law

(a) 0

(b) r

(c) L

(d) µ

2) The time derivative of r 2𝛉 is

(a) One

(b) Zero

(c) Two

(d) Three

3) Which one of the following is gravitational force of sun on a planet

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Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
Gm1 m2
(a) F(r) - ȓ

Gm1 m2
(b) F(r) - ȓ

Gm1 m2
(c) F(r) ȓ

m1 m2
(d) F ( r ) − ȓ

4) The semi-major axis in satellite parameters is

(a) a = 2
µk (1−ε )

(b) a = 2
µk (1−ε )

(c) a = 2
µ(1−ε )

(d) a = 2
k (1−ε )

5) The semi minor axis of satellite parameters is

(a) b = a√ ¿ ¿

(b) b = √ ¿ ¿

(c) b = a √¿¿

(d) b = a√ ¿ ¿

6) Energy in an orbit is


(b) -

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(d) -

7) Eccentricity is denoted by

(a) E

(b) e

(c) ε

(d) ê

8) Eccentricity of circle is

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 0

9) From the definition of eccentricity ε is equal to

major axis
inter focal distance

inter focal distance

major axis

major axis
focal distance

focal distance
major axis

10) Eccentricity of a ellipse which is not a circle

(a) 0<ε <1

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(b) 0>ε >1

(c) 0<ε >1

(d) 0>ε <1

11) Eccentricity of a parabola is

(a) -1

(b) 1

(c) 0

(d) 2

12) Eccentricity of a hyperbola is

(a) Greater than 1

(b) Less than 1

(c) 0

(d) 1

13) What is the velocity of satellite

1 1
√ 2 g R2 ( + ¿) ¿
r 2a

1 1
√ 2 g R2 ( − ¿ )¿
r 2a

1 1
√ 2 R 2( − ¿ )¿
r 2a

1 1
√ 2 g ( − ¿ )¿
r 2a

14) Notation of kelper’s law

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1 2
(a) r

(b) r𝛉

(c) r 2𝛉

1 2
(d) r𝛉

15) The time derivative of r 2𝛉 is zero since r 2𝛉 is

(a) Constant

(b) 0

(c) 1

(d) None of these

Lecture 9
8200 km
1) A satellite in an elliptical orbit around the earth has the equation is =
(a) 1+0.2 sin θ
(b) 1+0.2cos θ
(c) 1-0.2 sin θ
(d) 1-0.2cos θ

2) Radius of earth is__________

(a) 6380km
(b) 6480km
(c) 6580km
(d) 6680lm

3) Mass of earth is __________

(a) 5.96×1024 kg
(b) 5.97×1024 kg
(c) 5.98×1024 kg
(d) 5.99×1024 kg

4) Gravitational constant is__________

(a) 6.67×10−9 N m 2/k g2
(b) 6.67×10−10 N m2/k g2
(c) 6.67×10−11 N m 2/k g2

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(d) 6.67×10−12 N m2/k g2

5) =
(a) 1+ εcos θ
(b) 1+ ε sin θ
(c) C (1+ εcos θ ¿
(d) C (1+ ε sin θ ¿

6) =
(a) a(1−ε 2)
(b) a(1+ ε 2)
(c) a(1-ε)
(d) a(1+ε)

7) The period of satellite is

(a) 2hrs 10m 2s
(b) 2hrs 11m 2s
(c) 2hrs 9m 2s
(d) 2hrs 12m 2s

8) The eccentricity of the orbit which is equal to ε

r max−¿r
r max +¿r ¿

r max +¿r
r max−¿ r ¿

r min−¿r
r max +¿r ¿

r max−¿r
r max−¿ r ¿

9) The sphere is rigid and the potential outside the sphere is

(a) Zero
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three

10)The value of GM is_________

(a) 39.82×1013 m3 / s2
(b) 39.82×1014 m 3 /s 2

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(c) 39.82×1015 m3 / s2
(d) 39.82×1016 m3 /s2

11) Energy will be equal to

(a) E=
(b) E =±
(c) E=
(d) E=

12) The linear momentum is conserved if net external force acting on a system is
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Zero

13) The center of mass of a system of n particles is

(a) r cm = ∑ Niri
M i=1
(b) r cm = ∑ Niri
M i−1
(c) r cm = ∑ Miri
M i=1
(d) r cm = 1 ∑ Niri
N i=1

14) Semi-major axis will be equal to______

(a) 8441.7 km
(b) 8541.7 km
(c) 8641.7 km
(d) 5741.7 km

15) Semi-minor axis will be equal to______

(a) 8369.1 km
(b) 8469.1 km
(c) 8569.1 km
(d) 8669.1km

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Lecture 10
1) The product of movement of inertia and angular momentum is called
(a) Momentum
(b) Work done
(c) Torque
(d) Force

2) Radius vector of center of mass is

(a) R = ∑
i M
(b) R = ∑
i miri
(c) R = ∑
i M
(d) R = ∑ miri

3) A point representing the mean position of the matter in a body or system

(a) Center of gravity
(b) Center of mass
(c) Center of body
(d) Both a & b

4) A point from which the weight of a body or system may be considered to act
(a) Center of mass
(b) Center of gravity
(c) Center of force
(d) Center of body

5) The quantity of rotation of a body which is the product of its moment of inertia and its
angular velocity
(a) Angular momentum
(b) Angular acceleration
(c) Angular force
(d) Angular velocity

6) A quantity expressing a body’s tendency to resist angular acceleration is known as

(a) Moment of inertia
(b) Momentum
(c) Angular momentum
(d) Angular torque

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7) Sum of products of the mass of each particle in the body with the square of its distance
from axis of rotation
(a) Momentum
(b) Momentum of inertia
(c) Angular motion
(d) Torque

8) The angular momentum vector about the origin is

(a) L = ∑ ri× mivi

(b) L = ∑ mivi

(c) L = ∑ wi ×mi

(d) L = ∑ ri× mi

9) Is the force f =A × r conservative

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) May be conservative
(d) May be not conservative

10) Torque formula is

(a) Ƭ = r F sin θ
(b) Ƭ = r F cos θ
(c) Ƭ = r L sin θ
(d) Ƭ = L F cos θ

11) Tendency of an object to rotate is known as

(a) Torque
(b) Angular motion
(c) Angular force
(d) Both a & b

12) Friction force formula is

(a)  f = μN
(b)  f = L μN
(c)  f = µL
(d)  f = μ MN

13) Velocity of center of mass is

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∑ mivi
(a) V = i
∑ miri
(b) V = i
(c) V = ∑ mivi

∑ nivi
(d) V = i
14) The straight line through all fixed points of rotating rigid body around which all other
points of a body move in circles
(a) Axis of rotation
(b) Axis of mass
(c) Center of rotation
(d) Axis of weight

15) The dot product of torque and angular displacement is known as

(a) Angular acceleration
(b) Angular motion
(c) Angular energy
(d) Work done

Lecture 11
1) The partial derivative of x = ρcos θ with respect to θ is equal to
(a) cos θ
(b) -ρsin θ
(c) 0
(d) sin θ

2) A rigid body capable of oscillating a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis is
(a) Compound pendulum
(b) Simple pendulum
(c) Oscillating pendulum
(d) None of these

3) With respect to point of oscillation the potential energy of compound pendulum

(a) V = -mlg sin θ
(b) V = -mlg cos θ
(c) V = mlg sin θ

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(d) V = mlg cos θ

4) The partial derivative of y = ρsin θ with respect to z is equal to

(a) sin θ
(b) cos θ
(c) ρcos θ
(d) zero

5) A cylinder have coordinates ______

(a) (r,𝛉)
(b) (ρ,ɸ,z)
(c) ((x,y)
(d) (ρ,𝛉)

6) If the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to its distance from a fixed point
and always directed towards the point then
(a) a = −w 2x
(b) a = −w x
(c) a = w 2x
(d) a = wx

7) The partial derivative of z with respect to ρ is equal to

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 0

8) The generalized force corresponding to the coordinate will be

∂ ri
(a) Qi = Fi
∂ qi
(b) Qi = Fi∂ ri
∂ ri
(c) Qi =
∂ qi
(d) Qi = Fi ∂ qi

9) Which of the following is not an equation of motion

(a) v = u+at
(b) 2as = u2−v 2
1 2
(c) S = ut + at
(d) u = at+v

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10) Equation of simple harmonic motion is
(a) 𝛉 =
(b) 𝛉 =
(c) 𝛉 =
(d) 𝛉 = mgl𝛉

11) If k is the radius of gyration then, time period of compound pendulum is

2 +¿l
(a) 2 π k

k +l
(b) 2 π
√ g2

2 +¿l2
(c) 2 π k
√ g

(d) 2 π √ k +l

12) For small oscillation of rigid body sin θ in nearly equal to

(a) 𝛉

(b) ɸ

(c) 0

(d) None of these

13) When the displacement of compound pendulum is q then kinetic energy

1 2
(a) T = Iθ

(b) T = I θ2

(e) T = I 𝛉

1 2
(f) T = I 𝛉

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14) If T is the kinetic energy and v is the potential energy of compound pendulum then

lagrangian will be equal to

(a) L = T+V

(b) L = T-V

T +V
(c) L =

T −V
(d) L =

15) If I is the moment of inertia lagrange’s equation for compound pendulum will be

(a) sinθ

(b) mgl sin θ

(c) sin θ

(d) cos θ

Lecture 12
Consider a rocket propelled in the forward direction by the ejection of mass exhaust in backward
direction in form of gases resulting from the combustion of fuel as shown

Now for this system;

1. Momentum of the system at time t is ______.

(a)P(t) = mv (b)P(t) = mu

(c)P(t) = m(v + u) (d)P(t) = m(v – u)

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2. Momentum of the rocket alone at time t + dt is given by Procket ( t+dt )=¿ _______.

(a)(m + dm)(v + dv) (b)m(v + dv)

(c)mv + mdv + vdm (d)Both a and c

3. Momentum of the fuel ejected at time t + dt is given by Pfuel (t +dt)=¿ _______.

(a)-vdm – udm (b)vdm + udm

(c)vdm – udm (d)udm – vdm

4. For total momentum P ( t+ dt )=P rocket ( t +dt ) + Pfuel ( t +dt ) ; change of momentum d P is

(a)dP=mdv−udm (b)d P=u dm−md v

(c)d P=v dm−md v (d)d P=v dm−u dm

5. Considering rate of change of momentum to be the external force F applied on the system; we’ve

dv dm dv dm
(a) F=m −u (b) F=m −v
dt dt dt dt
dv dm
(c) F=v −u (d)None of these
dt dt
6. When a rocket is in deep space, then the external force F applied on rocket is _____.

(a)Maximum (b)Zero

(c)Minimum (d) Procket

7. The thrust, felt by the rocket is given by F=¿ ____.

dv dm
(a)m (b)u
dt dt
dv dm
(c)m +u (d)Both a and b
dt dt
8. The thrust on the rocket depends on _______.

(a)exhaust velocity u (b)fuel mass flow rate
(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

9. If v0= initial rocket velocity and m0= original rocket mass, the velocity of rocket in deep space is

m0 m0
(a) v=v 0 −u ln (b) v=v 0 +u ln −¿
m m
(c) v=u ln −¿ (d)None of these
10. The velocity of the rocket near the earth’s surface is

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m0 m0
(a) v=v 0 −u ln (b) v=v 0 −u ln +¿
m m
(c) v=u ln −¿ (d)None of these
11. The velocity of the rocket on the earth’s surface is

m0 m0
(a) v=v 0 −u ln (b) v=v 0 +u ln −¿
m m
(c) v=u ln −¿ (d)None of these
12. If m0= original rocket mass, m= final mass and α= rate of decrease in mass of rocket; then

(a) =−α (b)m=m0 −αt
(c)m 0=m−αt (d)Both a and b

13. The initial velocity of the rocket at the earth’s surface is ____.

(a)Zero (b)Maximum

(c)v (d)None of these

14. The propulsion of rocket is a system in which mass is ______.

(a)Constant (b)Time-varying

(c)Speed-varying (d)None of these

15. The final velocity of the rocket v can be significantly increased by ________.

(a)Increasing the final mass (b)Increasing the exhaust velocity

(c)Decreasing the final mass (d)Both b and c

Lecture 13
1. The conditions which restrict the motion of the system are called _____.

(a)Resistances (b)Exceptions

(c)Restricts (d)Constraints

2. Which of the following can be derived from each other?

(a)Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics (b)Lagrangian and relativistic mechanics

(c)Hamiltonian and relativistic mechanics (d)All of these

3. Identify the scleronomic constraints for a simple pendulum in a plane.

(a)z = 0 (b) x 2+ y 2=l 2

(c) x 2+ y 2+ z 2=l 2 (d)Both a and b

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4. Mark the correct number of degrees of freedom for a simple pendulum.

(a)1 (b)2

(c)3 (d)0

5. The number of degrees of freedom is equal to the number of ________.

(a)Particles (b)Constraints

(c)Generalized coordinates (d)Both a and b

6. A system with N particles and m holonomic equations of constraints needs at least ______
generalized coordinates.

(a)3N – m (b)3N + m

(c)N – m (d)3N m

7. Identify an appropriate generalized coordinate to define a simple pendulum efficiently.

(a)Angle of string θ (b)Arc length s

(c)Length of string ℓ (d)Any of a and b

8. A dumbbell of length l has _____ degrees of freedom.

(a)5 (b)4

(c)3 (d)2

9. Identify the holonomic equation of constraint for a dumbbell of length l in 3D space.

2 2 2 2
(a) x 2i + y 2i + z 2i =l 2 (b)( x 2−x 1 ) + ( y 2− y 1 ) + ( z 2−z 1 ) =l
2 2 2 2
(c) x 2i + y 2i =z 2i −l 2 (d)( x 2 + x1 ) + ( y 2+ y 1 ) + ( z 2 + z 1 ) =l

10. Identify the generalized coordinates for a dumbbell of length l .

(a)θ, ϕ, X, Y, Z(coordinates of CM) (b)θ, ϕ, l

(c)θ, ϕ (d)None of these

11. A constraint equation of the form f j ( x i , y i , z i ,t ) =0 s . t . i=1 , … , N ∧ j=1 ,… , m is _____.

(a)Holonomic (b)Non-Holonomic

(c)Recursive (d)None of these

12. A holonomic constraint with no explicit time dependence is called _______.

(a)Fixed holonomic (b)Scleronomic

(c)Rheonomic (d)Both a and b

13. A holonomic constraint with explicit time dependence is called _______.

(a)Fixed holonomic (b)Scleronomic

(c)Rheonomic (d)Both a and b

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14. A constraint equation unable to be written in the holonomic form is called _____.

(a)Non-holonomic (b)Scleronomic

(c)Rheonomic (d)None of these

15. The K.E. of a simple pendulum of length l in terms of generalized coordinate θ is given by

1 2 2 1 2
(a)T = ml θ̇ (b)T = m v
2 2
1 2 2
(c)T =ml 2 θ̇2 (d)T = ml θ

Lecture 14
1. Which statement is correct for a system of N particles in equilibrium?
F i=0
(a) ∑ ⃗ F i=P (c)∑ ⃗
(b)∑ ⃗ F i=F−N
i=1 i=1 i=1
(d)None of these

2. We may assume a virtual displacement δ ⃗

r i to calculate virtual work given by ______.
(a)δW =∑ ⃗
Fi . δ ⃗
ri (b)δW =0

(c)δW =T (d)Both a and b

3. The virtual displacement is often used to _______.

(a)Find a system in equilibrium (b)Calculate virtual work

(c)Describe Lagrange equations (d)Both a and b

4. Who gave the concept of virtual work and infinitesimal displacement to find equilibrium?

(a)Bernoulli (b)Lagrange

(c)Hamilton (d)None of these

5. How did the D ’Alembert rewrite Newton’s 2 nd law?

(a)⃗ p˙ i=0
F i −⃗ p˙ i
F i =⃗

(c)⃗ p˙ i=ma
F i− ⃗ (d)Both a and b

6. For a particle in 3D; the generalized force is given by

∂ xi ∂ xj
(a)Q j ≡ ∑ F i (b)Q j ≡ ∑ F i
i ∂qj i ∂qj
∂ xi
(c)Q j ≡ ∑ F i (d)None of these
i ∂ qi
7. For a particle in 3D, the virtual work is given by

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(a)δW =( ⃗ p˙ i ) . δ ⃗r =0
Fi − ⃗ (b)δW =∑ ( ⃗ p˙ i ) δ x i=¿ 0 ¿
F i− ⃗

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

8. For a particle in 3D s.t. δ ⃗r =∑ x i e^i ; if q is a generalized coordinate of system then we’ve

∂ xi ∂ xi
(a) x i=∑ q (b) x i=∑ q
j ∂ qi j j ∂ xj j
∂ xj
(c) x i=∑ q (d)None of these
j ∂ qi j
∂ xi
9. If x i=∑ q is the coordinate transformation for a particle in 3D, then
j ∂ qi j

∂ ẋ i ∂ x i ∂ ẋ i d ∂ x i
(a) =
∂ q̇ j ∂ q j
(b) =
∂ q̇ j dt ∂ q j( )
∂ ẋ i ∂ ẋ i
(c) = (d)None of these
∂ q̇ j ∂ q j

10. For ṗi=inertial force, T= K.E., x i and q i being natural and generalized coordinates of a 1 particle
system, we’ve ∑ ṗi δ x i =¿ ¿ ¿

d ∂T ∂T d ∂T ∂T
j ( ( ) −
dt ∂ q̇ j ∂ q j
) (b)∑
j ( ( ) ) +
dt ∂ q̇ j ∂ q j

d ∂T ∂T
j ( ( ) ) .
dt ∂ q̇ j ∂ q j
δqj (d)None of these

11. The generalized force Q j in terms of potential energy V is Q j=¿____.

∂ V ∂ xi
(a)−∑ . (b)−∂ V /∂ q j
i ∂ xi ∂ q j
(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

12. Application of D ‘Alembert’s Principle to a particle in 3D yields _______.

(a)Lagrange equations of motion (b)Hamilton’s equations of motion

(c)Newton’s equations of motion (d)None of these

∂L d ∂ L
13. −
∂ qi dt ∂ q̇i ( )
=0 represents which one of the following?

(a)Lagrange equations of motion (b)Hamilton’s equations of motion

(c)Newton’s equations of motion (d)None of these

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14. The value of Lagrange is given by L = _____.

(a)T – V (b)TV

(c)T + V (d)V – T

15. D ‘Alembert assumes everybody in his reference frame to be _____.

(a)Static (b)Dynamic

(c)In equilibrium (d)Not in equilibrium

Lecture 15
1. The generalized coordinates are ______ each other.

(a)independent to (b)dependent to

(c)analogous to (d)functions of

F a= applied force and ⃗f i=force of constraints, then the force ⃗

2. If ⃗ F iacting on the body is ⃗
F i=¿____.

F a+ ⃗
(a)⃗ fi F a− ⃗
(b)⃗ fi

Fa/ ⃗
(c)⃗ fi (d)None of these

3. For all the systems with friction as a constraint, we’ve

(a)∑ f i . δ ⃗
r i=0 (b)∑ f i . δ ⃗
ri ≠ 0
⃗ ⃗
i i

(c)∑ f i . δ ⃗
ri ≤ 0

(d)None of these

4. The law of all virtual work is also termed as _____.

(a)D ‘Alembert’s Principle (b)Hamilton’s Principle

(c)Bernoulli’s Principle (d)None of these

5. The D ‘Alembert’s principle says that

(a)∑ F a . δ ⃗
r i=0 (b)∑ f i . δ ⃗
r i=0
⃗ ⃗
i i

(c)∑ F i .δ ⃗
r i=0

(d)None of these

6. The number of generalized coordinates should be ____ than the number of natural coordinates.

(a)Fewer (b)Greater

(c)equal to (d)None of these

r i=⃗
7. If ⃗ r i ( q1 , q2 ,… ,q n ,t ) , then the velocity becomes

∂ r⃗i ∂⃗
ri ∂ r⃗i ∂⃗
vi =∑
(a)⃗ ∂ q̇ j + vi =∑
(b)⃗ ∂ q̇ j−
j ∂ qi ∂t j ∂ qi ∂t

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∂ r⃗i ∂ r⃗i
vi =∑
(c)⃗ ∂ q̇ vi =
j ∂ qi j ∂t
r i=⃗
8. If ⃗ r i ( q1 , q2 ,… ,q n ,t ) , then

vi =⃗
(a)⃗ v i (q i , q̇ i ,t) vi =⃗
(b)⃗ v i (q i , q̇ i)

vi =⃗
(c)⃗ v i ( q̇ i ,t) (d)None of these

9. Since there is no infinitesimal displacement in time t, so virtual displacement δ ⃗

r i=¿ .

ri ∂⃗ri
(a)∑ ∂q (b)∑ ∂ q̇
j ∂qj j j ∂ qi j
(c)∑ ∂q (d)None of these
j ∂ qi i
10. The generalized force in the D ‘Alembert’s Principle is given by

ri ∂⃗
(a)Q j ≡ ∑ F i (b)Q j ≡ ∑ F i
i ∂qj i ∂qj
∂ ri
(c)Q j ≡ ∑ F i (d)None of these
i ∂ qi
11. Mark the correct statement considering the system in equilibrium.

d ∂⃗ ri ∂ d r⃗i d ∂⃗ ri ∂ d r⃗i
(a) = (b) ≠
dt ∂ q j ∂ q j dt dt ∂ q j ∂ q j dt

d ∂⃗ ri d d r⃗i
(c) = (d)None of these
dt ∂ q j d q j dt
12. Mark the correct statement considering the system in equilibrium.

∂⃗vi ∂ ⃗ ri ∂⃗vi ∂ ⃗ ri
(a) = (b) ≠
∂ q̇ j ∂ q j ∂ q̇ j ∂ q j
∂⃗v i d r⃗i ∂⃗
vi ∂ ⃗
(c) = (d) =
∂ q̇ j d q j ∂qj ∂qj

13. All the virtual displacements δ q j are ______.

(a)Zero (b)Dependent

(c)Independent (d)None of these

14. If we’re dealing with a conservative system having potential energy V, then

F i=−❑i V
(a)⃗ (b)Q j=

F i=❑i V
(c)⃗ (d)Both a and b

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15. Mark the correct statements.

(a)L = T – V (b)E = T – V

(c)E = T + V (d)Both a and c

Lecture 16

1. ∫ δL dt=0 is called _____.


(a)Hamilton’s Principle (b)Lagrangian Principle

(c)Minimal Integral (d)Both a and c
2. Hamilton’s principle is also called ______.

(a)Principle of least action (b)Generalized Principle

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these
3. Hamilton’s constant H = T+V tells us about the ______ of the system.

(a)Energy (b)Motion
(c)Velocity (d)None of these
4. The space containing generalized coordinates is called _______.

(a)Generalized space (b)Configuration space

(c)Euclidean space (d)None of these
5. Hamilton’s equations of motion can be derived from ______.
(a)Lagrange’s equations (b)Variational Principle

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

6. ∑ pi q̇ i−L (Hamiltonian) is always ______.


(a)Variable (b)Constant
(c)Zero (d)None of these
7. ( ∑ p q̇ −L) = _____.
dt i i i

(a)0 (b)1
(c)∞ (d)-∞
8. Hamilton’s equations contain _____ time derivatives.

(a)1st order (b)2nd order

(c)Not any (d)Both a and b

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9. Hamiltonian H = ∑ pi q i−L is also called _______.


(a)Legendre’s transform (b)Linear transform

(c)Canonical transform (d)Both a and b

10. The Hamilton’s method is connected with _____.
(a)Symmetry (b)Conservation

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

11. The space involved in Hamilton’s system is called ______.

(a)Configuration space (b)Phase space

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

∂H ∂H
12. The equations =− ṗ i and = q̇i are called _______ of motion.
∂ qi ∂ pi

(a)Hamilton’s equations (b)Lagrange’s equations

(c)Time-drift equations (d)None of these

13. Hamilton’s equations are also called _____.

(a)Canonical equations (b)Legendre’s equations

(c)Linear equations (d)None of these

14. Hamilton’s principle is applicable to _______.

(a)Holonomic system (b)Non-holonomic system

(c)Conservative system (d)Both a and c

15. Hamilton’s method is connected with ______.

(a)Symmetry (b)Non-conservation

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

Lecture 17
1. In oscillating system, the restoring force bring the mass _____.

(a)Forward (b)Backward
(c)No effect (d)None of these

2. The potential energy of the oscillating system will be _____.

1 2
(a) k x (b)mgh
−1 2
(c)0 (d) kx

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3. The restoring force of the oscillating system will be ______.

(a)-kx (b)kx

(c)0 (d)None of these

4. The slope on the right side of the oscillation will be ____.

(a)Positive (b)Negative

(c)Equal (d)None of these

5. When the slope of the system is negative, the restoring force will also be ______.

(a)Positive (b)Negative
(c)0 (d)None of these

6. In stable equilibrium, the potential of the simple pendulum will be _______.

(a)mgh (b)mgl (1−cosθ )

(c)mgh(1−cosθ) (d)k x 2

7. In case of simple pendulum, the normal restoring force is _____.

(a)−mgl (b)−mgl cosθ

(c)−mgl sinθ (d)mgl sinθ

8. How many types of equilibrium are there?

(a)1 (b)2

(c)3 (d)4

9. For stability, we may set V(0) = ____.

(a)0 (b)Positive

(c)Negative (d)None of these

10. At V(0) = 0, if the leading term is even power and positive then the equilibrium will be ______.

(a)Stable (b)Unstable

(c)Neutral (d)None of these

11. The generalized force at equilibrium will be ______.

(a)Maximum (b)Minimum

(c)0 (d)None of these

12. In case of pendulum, the K.E. is ______.

1 2 1
(a) ml (b) ml θ̇
2 2

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1 1 2
(c) ml (d) ml θ̇
2 2
13. For a pendulum, ω = _____.

g l
√ l √
(c) g
√ l
(d)None of these

Q No.1
Oscillation is the ______vibration.
(a) repetitive (b) one time
(c) two time (d) both b & c
Q No.2
The term vibration is used to describe;
(a) mechanical (b) repetition
(c) simple (d) none of these
Q No.3
Dynamic oscillations are described by;
(a)constant (b) variable
(c)both a & b (d) none of these
Q No.4
The number of variables in dynamic oscillating system depends on its;
(a) simplicity (b) none of these
(c)complexity (d) both a & c
Q No.5
The space containing generalized coordinates is called;
(a) configuration space (b) phase space
(c)both a & b (d) none of these
Q No.6
Hamilton`s Principle is also called;
(a) principle of least action (b) generalized momentum
(c)none of these (d) both a &
Q No.7
Hamilton`s equation of motion can be derived from;
(a) Lagrange’s equations (b) variation principle
(c)None of these (d) both a & b
Q No.8
The Hamilton`s method is connected with;
(a) Symmetry (b) conservation
(c)Both a & b (d) none of these
Q No.9
Hamilton`s equation contains _____ order derivative w.r.t time;
(a) First order (b) second order

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(c)Third order (d) all
Q No.10
The dimension of scattering cross section are that of;
(a) Length (b) area
(c)Volume (d) velocity
Q No.11
The path of scattered particles is;
(a)Parabola (b) hyperbola
(c)Ellipse (d) circle
Q No.12
Eccentricity of circle is;
(a) Zero (b) one
(c)Two (d) three
Q No.13
The sphere is rigid and the potential outside the sphere is;
(a) Zero (b) two
(c)Four (d) six
Q No.14
The conserved quantity in the system that has transactional symmetry is;
(a) Momentum (b) area
(c)Velocity (d) none of these
Q No.15
Hamilton`s formulation is more convenient for;
(a) Quantum mechanics (b) stat physics
(c)Both a & b (d) none of these
Lecture 20
1. The conserved quantity in the system that has transational symmetry is

(a)Momentum (b)Velocity

(c)Area (d)Both a and b

2. The total energy T+V is conserved if

∂L ∂L
(a) =∞ (b) =−∞
∂t ∂t
(c) =0 (d)None of these
3. The Lagrange’s equations and Hamilton’s equations are ______.

(a)Not equal (b)Equivalent

(c)Equal to ∞ (d)None of these

4. The space that defines a point w.r.t. generalized coordinates is called _______.

(a)Configuration space (b)Symmetric space

(c)Initial point (d)All of these

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5. Kinetic energy T is a homogenous function of _____ degree.

(a)2nd degree (b)4th degree

(c)1st degree (d)3rd degree

6. If f is a homogenous function and f =x 3 then x . =¿ _______.
(a) x . 3 x 2 (b) x 2 . 3 x 2

(c)3 f (d)Both a and c

7. The total energy H is equal to ____.

(a)2T (b)T2

(c)T+2V (d)T+V
8. The equation ∑ g . mq is equal to ______.

(a)T (b)2T
(c)T2 (d)3T2

9. Which formulation is better in terms of obtaining a direct analytical solution in mechanical


(a)Hamilton’s formulation (b)Lagrange’s formulation

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

10. Hamilton’s formulation is more convenient for ______

(a)Quantum Mechanics (b)Stat Physics

(c)Both a and b (d)Mathematics

11. When we have a holonomic system, then the forces in system will be _____.

(a)Holonomic (b)Monogenic
(c)Zero (d)None of these

12. The Lagrange’s differential equation is _____.

d ∂L d ∂ qi ∂ L
(a) ( )
dt ∂ q
=0 (b)
( )
dt ∂ q j


d ∂L ∂L
(c) ( ) −
dt ∂ q̇ j ∂ q j
=0 (d)None of these

13. For a complete analytical solution of system we need _____ initial conditions.

(a)n (b)5n

(c)3n (d)2n

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14. In Hamilton’s formulation the state of system is determined in ______.

(a)Generalized space (b)Phase space

(c)Configuration space (d)None of these

15. Mathematically we make a transition from Lagrange to Hamilton’s formulation by changing

variable from ______.

(a)(q, q̇ , t) to (q, p, t) (b)(q̇ , q̇ , t) to (q, q, t)

(c)(q, q̇ , t) to (p, p, t) (d)None of these

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Lecture 24
1.In the Rutherford scattering, which one of the following is correct?

a)θ=π-ψ b) θ=π+ψ

c) θ=π-2ψ d) θ=π-3ψ

2.The differential cross section(σ ) of scattering is proportional to

a)sin θ b)cos θ

θ θ
c)sin 4( ) d) sec 4( )
2 2
3.In Rutherford scattering experiment , the path of the scattered particles is

a)Parabola b)Circular

c)Ellipse d)Hyperbolic

4.The differential cross section is related with ℯ as

a) e 2 b) e 3

c)e 4 d) e 6

5. The dimension of scattering cross section are that of

a)Length b)Area

c)Volume d)Velocity

6. Rutherford scattering experiment is related to the size of the

a)Nucleus b)Atom

c)Electron d)Neutron

7.The alpha particle scattering experiment was carried out by:

a)Goldstein b)Rutherford

c)J.Chadwick d)J.J.Thomsan

8. In the Rutherford scattering, which one of the following is correct?

a)b=rsinθ b)b=rsinψ

c)r=bsin d)none of these

9. In the Rutherford scattering, k=

a)ZZ’e 2 b)-ZZ’e 2

c)Ze 2 d)Z’ e 2

10. Rutherford scattering cross section is denoted by:

a)σ (θ) b)σ (ψ)

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c)σ (ϕ) d)none of these

11. In the Rutherford scattering the perpendicular distance between the center of force and the
incident velocity

a)a b)b

c)c d)none of these

12. In the Rutherford scattering σ ( θ ) =¿

1 ZZ ’ e 2 2 θ 1 ZZ ’ e 2 2 θ
a) ( ) sec 4( ) b) ( ) sec 4( )
4 2E 2 2 2E 2

1 ZZ ’ e 2 2 θ 1 ZZ ’ 2 θ
c) ( ) sec 4( ) d) ( ) sec 4( )
4 E 2 4 2E 2
13. In the Rutherford scattering, the angle between the direction of the incoming particle and the
outgoing particle is

a)θ b)ψ

c)ϕ d)none of these

14.To find total cross section in Rutherford scattering we ________ σ ( θ ) .

a)Integrate b)Differentiate

c)take mode d)none of these

15.The process in which the initial and final directions of particle is not same is called:

a)diffraction b)refraction

c)scattering d)none of these

Lecture 25
1. In Hamilton’s system, =¿ ______.
(a)0 (b)1

(c)∞ (d)None of these

2. If ∑ pi q i−L=H , then H is ______.


(a)Cauchy constant (b)Hamilton’s constant

(c)Abel’s constant (d)None of these

3. H is expressed as a function of _______.

(a)Open coordinates (b)System coordinates

(c)Generalized coordinates (d)None of these

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4. How many ways can the Hamilton’s equation be derived?

(a)3 (b)4

(c)2 (d)None of these

5. If force is not conservative then the Lagrange’s equations can be written as

∂L ∂H
(a) ṗi= +Qi (b)q̇ i=
∂ qi ∂ pi

∂ H −∂ L
(c) = (d)None of these
∂t ∂t
6) The Hamiltonian of a system is denoted by
a) H
b) G
c) L
d) None of these
7) ………. Is expressed as a function of the generalized coordinates, generalized momenta and
a) p
b) H
c) q
d) None of these
8) H=H(…..)
a) (p,q,r)
b) (q,p,r)
c) (p,q,t)
d) (q,p,t)
9) ….=∂L/∂q’
a) g

b) H

c) q

d) p
10) If force is not conservative then Langrange’s equation can be written as
a) p.i=∂L/∂qi + Qi
b) q.i=∂L/∂pi + Qi
c) Qi =∂L/∂qi + p.i
d) Qi =∂L/∂pi + q.i
11) Hamiltonian equation is:

a) p.i = ∂H/∂qi
b) q.i = ∂H/∂pi

c) Qi = ∂H/∂pi

d) None of these

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Lecture 26
1. Hamilton’s variational principle is given by _____.
t2 t2

(a)δI =δ ∫ L ( q , q̇ , t ) dt=0 (b)δI =δ ∫ L ( q , q̇ , t ) dt =0

t1 ∞


(c)δI =δ ∫ L ( q̇ , t ) dt =0 (d)None of these



2. δI =δ ∫ (∑ pi qi−H ( p , q , t ) )dt=0 is the representation of _______.

t1 i

(a)Modified Hamilton’s Principle (b)Variational Principle

(c)Virtual Work Principle (d)None of these

3. Modified Hamilton’s principal in phase space is ______.

(a)Independent (b)Variational
(c)Non-variational (d)None of these
4. The dq ' s and dp ' s in modified Hamilton’s principal are _____.

(a)Arbitrary (b)Non-arbitrary

(c)Jacobi’s integral of motion (d)Lagrangian formalism

5. The co-efficient of d qi and d p i in modified Hamilton’s Principal must ______.

(a)Vanish collectively (b)Appear collectively

(c)Vanish separately (d)Appear separately

6. Hamilton’s principle gives an independent method for obtaining Hamilton’s equations without
prior _____.

(a) Lagrangian formalism (b) Jacobi’s integral of motion

(c)Generalized momenta (d)None of these

7. The function of generalized coordinates q i, generalized momenta pi and time t is _______.

(a)Lagrangian (b)Hamiltonian
(c)Jacobian (d)None of these

8. H in the Hamilton’s equation is ______.

(a)Total mass (b)Total time

(c)Total energy (d)Total magnitude

9. h in Hamilton’s equation is called _______.

(a) Lagrangian formalism (b) Jacobi’s integral of motion

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(c)Generalized momenta (d)None of these
10. Coordinates that don’t appear explicitly in the Lagrangian of a system are said to be _____.
(a)Cyclic (b)Ignorable

(c)Variational (d)Both a and b

11. For a system with cyclic coordinates q 1 , q 2 , … , qi , the Lagrangian of the system is of the form

(a) L=L ( q i+1 , … ,q n , q̇1 , q̇2 , … , q˙n ,t ) (b) L=L ( q i+2 , … , qn , q̇1 , q̇2 , … , q˙n ,t )

(c) L=L ( q n+2 , … , q̇1 , q̇2 , … , q˙n ,t ) (d) L=L ( q i+1 , … ,q n , q̇1 , q̇2 , … , q̇ i ,t )

Lecture 27
1. The transformation of one set of coordinates to another set of coordinates by transformation
equations is called _______.

(a)Point transformation (b)Functional transformation

(c)Canonical transformation (d)None of these

2. Identify the Hamilton’s canonical equations.
∂H −∂ H ∂K −∂ K
(a)q̇ i= , ṗ = (b)q̇ i= , ṗ =
∂ pi i ∂ qi ∂ p i i ∂ qi

∂H ∂H ∂F −∂ F
(c)q̇ i= , ṗ i= (d)q̇ i= , ṗi =
∂ pi ∂ qi ∂ pi ∂ qi
3. In Hamilton’s principle we assume that variation at the endpoints is ______.

(a)Zero (b)1
(c)Minimum (d)Maximum
4. Point transformation in which the variables obey the Hamilton’s equation is called ______.

(a)Canonical transformation (b)Equation transformation

(c)Function transformation (d)None of these
5. In canonical transformation, the set of variables obeys the ________.
(a)Hamilton’s equations (b)Newton’s laws
(c)Pythagorean theorem (d)Both a and c
6. The function F can be written in _____ forms in canonical transformation.

(a)4 (b)3

(c)2 (d)1
7. The point transformation is also known as ________.

(a)Contact transformation (b)Functional transformation

(c)Both a and b (d)None of these

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Lecture 28, 29, 30, 31

1) Poisson brackets of two function U and is defined as:
∂u ∂ u −∂ u ∂u
a) [ U ,V ] qp=∑ ( . ¿ . )¿
∂ qk ∂ pk ∂ pk ∂ qk
∂u ∂ u +∂ u ∂u
b) [ U ,V ] qp=∑ ( . ¿ . )¿
∂ qk ∂ pk ∂ pk ∂ qk
c) [ U ,V ] qp=∑ ¿ ¿)
d) ¿these
2) If U and V are constant of motion then their P.B with H also constant of motion
a) [{U,V},H]=0
b) [{V,U},H]≠ 0
c) [{U,V},H]=1
3) The Lagrangian for this particle is given by
1 2 2 2 2
a) L= m ( 1+4 a x ) x −mga x
1 2 2
b) l= m x −mga x
1 2 2 2
c) l= m ( 1+4 a x ) x + mga x
1 2 2
d) l= m x +mga x
4) Hamilton’s equation are then given by

a) ṗ θ=−m θ ˙; θ̇=
g ˙ pθ
b) ṗ θ=− () l
θ ; θ=
˙ pθ
c) ṗ θ=mglsinθ
˙ ; θ= 2
˙ pθ
d) ṗ θ=−mglsinθ
˙ ; θ= 2
5) The poission breackets between θ∧θ˙is
˙ 1
a) {θ , θ }=
b) ˙
{θ , θ }=1
˙ 1
c) {θ , θ }= 2
˙ g
d) {θ , θ }=
6) What is the Jacobic identity are
a) [f, {g, h}}+[g,{h,f}]+[h{f,g}]=0
b) [f, {g, h}}+[g,{h,f}]-[h{f,g}]=0
c) [f, {g, h}}+[g,{h,f}]+[h{f,g}]=1
d) [f, {g, h}}-[g,{h,f}]-[h{f,g}]=0

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7) F,g is constant motion then they are independent the proof follow from:
a) Jacobic identity
b) Landau identity
c) Both a & b
d) Lortenz

8) The equation of motion of a system described by the time dependent lagrangion

2[m x 2−v ]
˙ ( ẋ ) is

a) m ẍ +∂ m ẋ+ =0
b) m ẍ +∂ m ẋ− =0
c) m ẍ −∂ m ẋ + =0
d) m ẍ + =0
9) A thoughtful proof is presented by Landou are
a) Time independent function
b) Time dependent function
c) Angular momentum
d) Both a & b

10) In mathematics the Jacobic identity is a property of------------- describe how the order of
evaluation effect the result of operation
a) Unary operation
b) Arithmatic operation
c) Binary operation
d) Dicimal operation

11)If integral of motion F does not contain explicity then equation reduce to………
a) [F,H]+ =0
b) =0
c) [F,H]=0
d) [F,H]- =0
12)Which is the property of poisson brackets.

a) [F,G]= - [G,F] b) [F,F] = 0 c) both a &b d) none

13)Hamilton’s equation of motion give the time evolution of coordinates and moment of system in
……………. a)Phase space b) vertical space c) both d) none

14)Hamilton’s general formula is

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a)H=Ρ˰z´ b) H=Vm² c) H= ma d) H= P˰z²

15) Potential Energy formula for a suspended spring is

a) V= ½ kz² b)V = ½ kz²+m(g-a˳)z c) ½ mv² d) m gh

16) A mass is suspended by a massless spring let be the vertical z-axis the net acceleration is

a) g-a˳ b) F/m c)g-a² d ) g - a˳²

17) If integral of the motion F does not contain t explicity then equation reduce to

a)df/dt =0 b) [F,H]=0 c) [F,H]+df/dt=0 d) none

18)Equation of motion in poisson Bracket for a function F

a) [F, H]+ b) [H ,F] = 0 c) [F, H]+dt=0 d) [F,H]=0

19)Following is not a poisson brackets .

a)[ q j , p k ] q , p=0 b)[ p j , pk ] q , p=0 c)[ q j , qk ] q , p=0 d)[ q j , p k ] q , p= ∇ j ⋅ k

20) Possion brackets are similar to the ……………. In quantum mechanics .

a) commutator brackets b)square brackets c) none d) phase brackets

21) If F(q ,p ,t) and G( q, p, t) are two integral of motion then [F,G] is

a) Integral of motion b) same c) less to each other d)nothing

22) Most important property of passion brackets is

a) invariant under canonical transformation b) [ F , G ] q , p=[ F , G ] Q ⋅P

c) both a&b d) none of these

23) The velocity of bob

a) V=lθ b) V= m/s c) none d) both a&b

24) Period T in simple harmonic motion is

l g l
a) T= 2∏
√ g
b) T= 2∏
√ l
c) T= 2∏²
√ g
d) none

25) A mass m is suspended by a massless spring , what’s direction of acceleration

a) up wards b ) down wards c) no acceleration d) constant

26)The bridge between Classical Mechanics is privided by:

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a)Lagrange brackets b) Poisson brackets c) Jacobi's Identity d) none of these

27)Hamiltonian Equations of motion give:

a)time evolution b) momenta of a system c) properties of a matter d) both a and b

28)Poisson brackets are similar to commutators in:

a)Classical Mechanics b) Electromegnatisms c) Quantum Mechanics d) none of these

29)Which of the following is fundamental Poisson bracket?

a)[qⱼ,qk]q,p=0 b) {qⱼ,qk}q,p=1 c) [qk,qk]q,p=0 d) none of these

30)The fundamental Poisson bracket [pk,pk]q,p is equal to:

a)p-q b) 0 c) p² d) q²

31)Which of the following is a true fundamental Poisson bracket?

a)[qⱼ,pᵢ]q,p=δik b) [qⱼ,pᵢ]q,p=0 c) [qⱼ,pᵢ]q,p=δⱼᵢ d) [qⱼ,pᵢ]q,p=δjk

32)Let F,G and H be functions of canonical variables (q,p) and time then:

a)[F,F]=π b) [F,F]=0 c) [F,F]=1 d) none of these

33)Let F,G and H be functions of canonical variables (q,p) and time then:

a)[F,C]=0 for C is Constant b) [F,C]=0 for C is Variable c) [F,C]=-1 for C is Constant d) both a and

34)Let F,G and H be functions of canonical variables (q,p) and time then:

a)[F,G]=[G,F] b) [F,G]=2[G,F] c) [F,G]=[G,F]/2 d) [F,G]=-[G,F]

35)Let F,G and H be functions of canonical variables (q,p) and time then which is true property?

a)[F,G+S]=[G,F][S,F] b) [F,G+S]=-[G,F]-[S,F] c) [F,G+S]=[F,G]+[F,S] d) both b and c

Lecture 32
1. From the given transformation q = √ 2 P sinθ and

P = √ 2 P cosθ , we have

q p q
a) tanθ = b) cotθ = c) secθ = d) both (a) and (b)
P q P
2. From the given transformation q = √ 2 P sinθ and

P = √ 2 P cosθ , the value of P is:

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q2 + P 2 q2 + P 2
a) P = q 2 + P2 b) P = c) P = q 2−P2 d) P =
2 2
3. By the definition of Poisson bracket in the transformation q = √ 2 P sinθ and
P = √ 2 P cosθ , it is obvious that:

a) [P, P] = 0 b) [Q, P] = 0 c) [Q, P] = 0 d) Both (a) and (c)

4. The equation cos 2 θ (1 + tan 2 θ ) is equal to:

a) 0 b) sec 2 θ c) 1 d) cosθ

5. The partial derivative of equation 2P = q 2 + P2 with respect to p and q

respectively is:

∂P ∂P ∂P ∂P
a) = P, =q b) = P, =P
∂P ∂q ∂q ∂P
∂P ∂P
c) = q, =P d) none of these
∂P ∂q
6. By the given Poisson bracket the given transformation q = √ 2 P sinθ and P =
√ 2 P cosθ is:
a) Elliptical b) Parabolic c) Conical d) Circular

7. Angular momentum of a particle is given by:

L = r⃗ . ⃗
a) ⃗ P L = r⃗ × ⃗
b) ⃗ P L = -⃗
c) ⃗ P . r⃗ d) both (b) and (c)

8. The transformation of one set q i to another set Q i by the transformation

equation of the type
Q i = Q i(q 1, q 2,…., q n, t) is called _______.
a) Point transformation b) Contact transformation
c) Berlin transformation d) both (a) and (b)
9. Conical transformations are the transformations of the form:
∂K −∂ K ∂ ˙K
a) Q̇ i = b) Ṗi = c) Q̈ i= d) both (a) and (b)
∂ Pi ∂ Qi ∂ Pi
10. Using Hamiltonian equation of motion for q̇ and Ṗ , we can find equation of
_______ for any function F(q, P)

a) Force b) Motion c) Momentum d) None of these

11. The Poisson bracket of any two functions

F (q, P, t) and G (q, P, t) w.r.t conical variables (q, P), written as (F, G), q and P is
defined as:

∂ F ∂G ∂ F ∂ G
a) [ F , G ] q , P =∑ ❑( – )
i ∂q i ∂ Pi ∂ Pi ∂q i

∂G ∂ F ∂ F ∂ G
b ) [F , G]q , P = ∑ ❑( − )
i ∂ qi ∂ P i ∂ P i ∂ P i

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∂ F ∂G ∂ F ∂ G
c ) [F , G]q , P = ∑ ❑( + )
i ∂q i ∂ Pi ∂ Pi ∂ q i
d) None of these
12. Which of the following is the fundamental Poisson bracket?
a)[q j , q k ]q , P = 0 b) [P j , P k ]q , P = 0
c) [q j , Pk ]q ,P = δ jk d) All of these
13. = _______ .
∂ qi
a) δ ji b) δ ij c) δ ii d) δ jj
∂ Pk
14. = _______ .
∂ Pi
a) δ ik b) δ ki c) δ ii d) 0
15. The Jacobi identity for any these functions is:
a) [F, [G, S]] + [G, [S, F]] + [S, [F, G]] = 0
b) [F, [G, S]] + [G, [S, F]] + [S, [F, G]] = 1
c) [F, [G, S]] + [G, [S, F]] - [S, [F, G]] = 0
d) None of these
16. [F, G] = 0 are said to _______ with each other.
a) Associative b) Distributive c) Subtract d) Commute
17. In the Poisson bracket of [ L x , L y], L x = YP z−¿ Z P y and L y = _______.
a) YP y −¿ Z P x b) XP z−¿ Z P y
c) XP y −¿ Y Px d) None of these

Lecture 33
18. The Lagrange bracket of any two functions F[q, P] and G[q, P] w.r.t [q, P]
variables, written as {F ,G }q , Pis defined as:

∂ Pi ∂ q i ∂ Pi ∂ q i
a) [F , G]q , P = ∑ ❑( − )
i ∂F ∂G ∂G ∂G

∂ Pi ∂ q i ∂ Pi ∂ q i
b) [F , G]q , P = ∑ ❑( − )
i ∂F ∂G ∂F ∂G

∂ Pi ∂ q i
c) [F , G]q , P = ∑ ❑( )
i ∂F ∂G
d) None of these
19. Under conical transformations Lagrange brackets are ________.
a) Variant b) Invariant c) Angular d) None of these
20. Lagrange brackets are invariant under conical transformation such as:
a) [F , G]q , P = [F , G]Q , P b) [F , G]q , P = −[F ,G]Q , P
c) [F , G]q , P −[F ,G]Q , P = 0 d) both (a) and (c)
21. Lagrange brackets _______ Jacobi’s identity.
a) Violate b) Obey c) Commute d) None of these
22. In conical physics, the state of a system at a given time t is satisfied by:
a) Poisson bracket b) Lagrange bracket
c) Jacobi’s identity d) Equations of motion

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Multiple Choice Questions
Classical Mechanics BS Mathematics(2017-2021)
23. The dynamical variables occurring in these equations is:
a) Position coordinates r b) Linear momentum P
c) Angular momentum L d) All of these
24. In quantum mechanics, communtators replace __________.
a) Lagrange bracket b) Poisson bracket
c) Jacobi’s identity d) None of these
25. The properties of commutators are ________ to those of Poisson brackets.
a) Dissimilar b) Similar c) Equivalent d) None of these
26. In quantum mechanics, dynamical variables are replaced by _______.
a) Lagrange brackets b) logics c) Operators d) commutators
27. The operators in quantum mechanics are derived from ________.

a) Poisson bracket b) Lagrange bracket

c) Logic d) none of these
28. The operators in quantum mechanics are derived from Poisson brackets by
the rule:
a) [q^, r^ ] = {q, r} b) [q^, r^ ] = iђ {q, r}

c) [q^, r^ ] = i {q, q} d) [q^, r^ ] = iђ {r, r}

29. The commutators for x with P x are ^x and ^

P x respectively is given by:
P x] = iђ {x, P x}
a) [ ^x , ^ b) [ ^x , ^
P x] = iђ
c) [ ^x , ^
P x] = iђ {x, y} d) both (a) and (c)
30. There is inverse relation between Poisson brackets and _______.
a) Lagrange brackets b) Jacobi’s identity
c) Commutators d) Operators
31. The inverse relation between Poisson bracket and Lagrange bracket is:
2n n
a) ∑ ❑ { F l , F i } {Fl , F j } = δ ¿ b)∑ ❑ { F l , F i } {Fl , F j } = δ ij
l=1 l=1
2n 2n
c) ∑ ❑ { F l , F i } {Fl , F j } = δ ij d) ∑ ❑ { F l , F i } {Fl , F j } = δ lj
l=1 l=1
32. The commutator of dynamic variables A and B is written as:
a) {A, B} b) (A, B) c) [A, B] d) None of these
33. The commutators of dynamic variables A and B is written as:
a) AB – BA b) AB + BA c) 2AB d)
34. The Poisson bracket of [ L y , L Z] = ______.
a) L x b) L y c) L z d) both (b) and (c)

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