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To all

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EID Chairman
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MUBARIK Eid Mubarik
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on the
Blessed Day of
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+44 7989 200678

NASRUDDIN AND him.” The people asked, “O Salah ad-Din encourages a

THE PUMPKIN TREE Allah’s Messenger (?)! Is friendship between them.
By: Abdullah Ikram there a reward for us in ‘Salah ad-Din and the
serving the animals?” He Frankish Boy’ teaches
It’s the story of the same said, “(Yes) There is a children about the qualities
father (Nasruddin), his son reward for serving any of leadership and the
and the donkey who set out animate (living being) .” importance of compassion
for a picnic. Nasruddin [Sahih al-Bukhari 6009] towards others regardless of
questions why Allah has put ..... their background. It revolves
the pumpkins on the ground around a true battle but the
THE ANTS & THE plot and characters have
and walnuts on the trees. So
he imagines a pumpkin tree
PROPHET been vividly re-imagined to
and soon realises that the By: Sharmeen Ikram create an absorbing
pumpkin falling on their adventurous story.
heads would have been a It’s a gripping story – told .....
disaster. It’s a good lesson from the perspective of an ABDUL QADIR’S
on how we sometimes fail to ant – jamal and jameelah TREASURE
see a bigger picture in life. (2 baby ants) who get stuck Ameena Mehmood
By: Sara Khan
When future incidents in fire after not listening to
reveal how that was for the their father, but they get It’s a goosebump-ish story
best, we realise what a fool rescued by their father of the famous Islamic
we were to not trust Allah’s (ant) in the end. It’s based scholar from the past –
plan. around the following
..... Abdul Qadir Gilani, who
hadith:Narrated Abdullah travel to Baghdad for
THE THIRSTY DOG i b n M a s ’ u d : … wisdom and knowledge.
By: Alishba Amir MESSENGER OF ALLAH It’s a story of truth and
(saw) an ant village that we valour – how a son kept his
This story is based on the had burnt. He asked: Who
following beautiful promise of truth because
has burnt this? We replied: his mother asked him to
hadith:Allah’s Messenger We. He said: It is not proper
(?) said, “While a man was never lie. 40 gold coins
to punish with fire except were sewn in his cloth at
walking on a road. he the Lord of fire. [Sunan Abi
became very thirsty. Then the armpit side and when
Dawud] he gets robbed, even
he came across a well, got .....
down into it, drank (of its though the robbers find
SALAH-AD-DIN nothing with him, he tells
water) and then came out.
Meanwhile he saw a dog
AND THE FRANKISH them that the coins are in
panting and licking mud BOY his armpit because they
because of excessive By: Ameena Mehmood ask him what he
thirst. The man said to had. Although it’s allowed
himself “This dog is Centuries ago, the great to fight for your property,
suffering from the same Muslim leader Salah ad-Din but this was a great lesson
state of thirst as I did.” So united the Islamic world. But because the leader of the
brave as he was in a battle, Muhammad Usman Mehmood
he went down the well robbery gang comes to the
this servant of Allah was also Copy the following page of the five daily Salawat/Namaz. Hang It on your
(again) and filled his shoe straight path as a result of room. Color the happy face if you said your Namaz on time. Color the
wise and compassionate. his truth and tawakkal
(with water) and held it in When Hamid, a boy in Salah
sad face for the timings you did not say your Salah. Let us Pray to Allah
his mouth and watered the Allah. (SWT) that He help us all to offer our prayers on time every day. Amin.
ad-Din’s camp, catches a Your Nmae:. ____________________
dog. Allah thanked him for ..........
young crusader enemy –
that deed and forgave
Fajr Zohar Asar Maghrib Isha


A. What has a face and two Monday
Y Q X N O P E T V I hands but no arms or legs?
B K R P E K O K G T Answer. A clock!
B. What is the easiest way Tuesday
M C P C D L O Y V M to double your money?
H I F E C B K A T D Answer. Put it in front of
the mirror of course! Wednesday
H Z L A O E G L L J C. What has a thumb and
F Z Y N W C H Y D A four fingers but is not
alive? Answer. A glove.
H R B U L K U V P O D. What has to be broken

V E O K I W C L A N before you can use it?

O O V G H A X Q B I Answer. An egg. Friday
F. What has a neck but no
O X A F E T X Y Z D head? Answer. A bottle.
G. What gets wetter as it Sarurday
WORD HIPPO FROG dries? Answer. A towel.
TO BE FLY ELK H. What goes up and
doesn’t come back down? Sunday
M A D E OWL KOALA Answer. Your age.

+44 7989 200678

Cyber Bullying:
What We
Don't See
social media platforms4. One at the hands of the internet The perpetuation of cyber freedoms act (2012) can be
Cyber bullying is a defined as finding of this survey which unfold from it start with an bullying occurs so easily used to prosecute and punish
any form of bullying which could be seen as quite explicit picture being spread because of its normalisation. harassers online and in the
takes place online through surprising was that 53 percent without Amanda's consent to it Many young victims are case of younger individuals
digital devices. 1 Although of the pupils actually admitted ending with a chilling YouTube hesitant to speak out as they protect the spread of explicit
often undermined, the effects to partake in the bullying4, video of Amanda holding up believe it to be a normal images that would come under
of cyber bullying can be perhaps using fellow pupils flashcards to the camera occurrence just another part of child protection laws12.
detrimental and long term. behaviour to justify their own explaining her reasons for growing up. Many times In essence cyber bullying is a
Perhaps the greatest issue that whatever the reason it shows killing herself just before she parents are left uniformed of pressing issue that must be
arises with cyber bullying is the widespread nature of this did so9. Amanda's story mirrors the situation until it has greatly dealt with accordingly,
the adverse effect it has on bullying all the more cause to many other
mental health, victims often work towards its erasure. y o u n g
experience a drop in Social media demographics p e o p l e
confidence and low self show the greatest social media whose lives
esteem as well as commonly
consumers are young people have also
being subject to depressive
with 50 percent of snapchat been lost to
symptoms such as loneliness
users being under 25 years old o n l i n e
and sometimes even suicidal
and 23 percent having not yet bullying,
thoughts2. In today's social
media fuelled generation most left high school5. Logic would deaths that
bullying is online with its then have it then that most could have
faceless perpetrators rarely bullying also takes place within b e e n
facing consequences due to this group of young prevented
the nature of the bullying impressionable teenagers. A h a d a n
making it far more difficult to study based on a group of intervention
monitor3. Despite all this inpatient psychiatric patients taken place
however it is not impossible to showed that those who had sooner.
reduce its impact and outreach been bullied online were far C y b e r
and hopefully protect as many more likely to have severe bullying not escalated this can be attributed continuing to undermine its
young people as possible. symptoms of PTSD and only causes long term damage to the generational gap where impact on young people is
The issue of cyber bullying is depression 6 .Another study to a person's mental health but young people are unwilling to choosing to leave them
deep rooted in the anonymised looked further into the also has negative effects on speak to their parents for fear of helpless and create a problem
and uncontrolled nature of the correlation of suicide and cyber school attainment. An article judgment, lack of that could have lasting
internet. From the safe bullying and is was found that a published on cyberbullying understanding and in the case impacts not only on the victim
distance of a unknown internet staggering 30 percent of discussed results from a study of leaked explicit pictures but those around them too . In
profile “keyboard warriors” victims had at one point involving over 20,000 pupils rebuttal and punishment11. an Digitally driven era like
attack, once the hurtful considered taking their own life stated that 25.9 percent of the Tackling cyber bullying is ours there should be a greater
comment, picture or and 10 percent have gone as far bullying they endured was at undeniably a difficult task but system to monitor and flag
information has been posted as attempting7. the hands of someone they not impossible. Primary action bullying content. However,
within minutes its circulating These disturbing figures go knew from school and the can be taken by blocking hate first and foremost change
being reposted, shared and past just being statistics online, article later went on to highlight accounts and reporting them, comes from us, we must be
saved making erasing its numerous real life situations the correlation between school also reaching out to trusted better must try harder to not be
existence seem like wiping off testify to the findings of these linked cyber bullying and poor adults or friends about the unresponsive bystanders
a tattoo. A survey taken from surveys. One example being o academic attainment10. With situation and seeking help as turning a blind eye because it
1566 school pupils in America school girl Amanda Todd who school being such an integral going through it alone makes it simply doesn't involve us
showed that more than 50 took her own life at just 15 part of building a young person all the more harder. Secondary because if you aren't part of the
percent had experienced a years old8. In the documentary, future the lack of action against action that could be taken solution you become part of
hurtful comment said online the sextortion of Amanda Todd- cyber bullying can mean its would be involving the police, the problem.
and 35 percent saying they had the fifth estate, we get to see affects can linger for long after the protection from harassment
even been threatened over just the abuse Amanda endured the bullying itself has stopped. act(1977) and the protection of

Rana Rashid Mehmood Rana Naveed Asghar
Deputy Chairman Chairmain

Nisar Khokhar Naveed ali Munj

Business Director General Secretary

To Everyone Celebrating
Here In Scotland, The
Rest Of Britain And
Around The World.
Wishing peace and happiness to you and your loved ones
To join CMF please contact us on :-
Tel: 07702021626
Email: [email protected]
+44 7989 200678
of Mount 2,269,145 per
Arafat to year, in which

HAJJ, THE FIFTH stand in

vigil, spends
a night in the
come from
outside Saudi
p l a i n Arabia and
a ,
a n d
671,983 are
local. The year
2012 marks the
symbolic sto highest number
The Hajj :Arabic Hajj "pilg extending from the 8th to the
ning of the devil by throwing of participants
rimage"; sometimes also 12th or 13th of Dhu al-
stones at three pillars. After w i t h
spelled Hadj, Hadji or Haj i Hijjah, the last month of
the sacrifice of an animal 3,161,573.In
n English) is an the Islamic calendar.Because
(can be accomplished by June 2020,
annual Islamic pilgrimage t the Islamic calendar
using a voucher (see below)), while not
o Mecca, Saudi is lunar and the Islamic year
the Pilgrims then are required cancelling the
Arabia,the holiest city for is about eleven days shorter
to either shave or trim their Hajj outright,
us Muslims. Hajj is than the Gregorian year, the
h e a d s the Saudi
(male) or Government
trim the announced that
ends of they would
their hair o n l y
(female). A welcome "very
celebration l i m i t e d
o f t h e numbers" of
three-day pilgrims who
g l o b a l are residents of
festival Saudi Arabia
of Eid al- due to the
Adha proce global COVID
e d s - 1 9
thereafter. pandemic.20.

a mandatory religious Gregorian date of Hajj may also

duty for Muslims that must changes from year to year. In undertake SYMPHO
be carried out at least once in 2020 AD (1441 AH), Dhu al- an Umrah (Ar NIES
their lifetime by all adult Hijjah extends from 22 July abic: ???????) By: Bint-e-Aam
Muslims who are physically to 19 August.The Hajj is , or "lesser In dedication to
and financially capable of associated with the life pilgrimage" to the Uyghur
undertaking the journey, and o f I s l a m i c Mecca at other Muslims and
of supporting their family prophet Muhammad from times of the those suffering
during their absence from the 7th century AD, but the year. But this around the
h o m e . I n ritual of pilgrimage to Mecca is not a world
Islamicterminology, Hajj is is considered by Muslims to substitute for
a pilgrimage made to stretch back thousands of the Hajj and
China begins
the Kaaba the "House of years to the time Muslims are she plays her
God", in the sacred city of of Abraham. During Hajj, still obligated violin
Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It is pilgrims join processions of to perform the heart-breaking
one of the Five Pillars of millions of people, who Hajj at some note
I s l a m , simultaneously converge on other point in circumambulate
alongside Shahadah, Salat, Mecca for the week of the their lifetime the air
Zakat and Sawm. The Hajj Hajj, and perform a series of if they have the highs and
is a demonstration of the rituals: each person walks the means to lows
solidarity of the Muslim counter-clockwise seven d o the immersion of
people, and their submission times around the Kaaba (a so.According
to God (Allah).The word cube-shaped building and to the official complete and
Hajj means "to attend a the direction of prayer for published utter
journey", which connotes Muslims), trots (walks statistics Despair
both the outward act of a briskly) back and forth between 2000 The harp joins
journey and the inward act between the hills of Safa and and 2019,the She hopes to
of intentions.The rites of Marwah seven times, then a v e r a g e even out
pilgrimage are performed drinks from the Zamzam number of The pain no avail
over five to six days, Well, goes to the plains attendees is Screams emerge

+44 7989 200678

Islamic Influence On Western Europe

The Islamic empire had that originated in Islamic America.ArchitectureTh When these areas
a huge impact on the societies, including the e pointed arch from such as southern
development of lute, the guitar and the Muslim mosques was S p a i n w e r e
medieval Western violin. It is said that copied in western Gothic recaptured and
Europe. It is possible to Spa n i s h f l a m e n c o architecture. Western placed under
argue that the Islamic dancing was influenced castle-designers Christian rule Muslim
world provided the by the rhythms of customs and
foundations for Arab music. architecture
developments in Trade remained.
western civilisation: E u r o p e a n Christians were
KnowledgeWestern noblemen bought encouraged to
E u r o p e a n s goods that go on Crusade
incorporated Muslim Muslim’s traded in to recapture
ideas on maths, – silk, spices etc – Jerusalem from
science, medicine as the height of the Muslims.
and astronomy into fashion. Western Christians
their own thinking and sailors adopted brought back
practices. The first devices that had ideas about
hospital in Paris was been refined by Arabs, adopted the idea knowledge and refugees and tremors of
founded by Louis IX eg the astrolabe, which of concentric castles, culture to Europe after fear, shock and despair
after he came back aided navigation, and the with layers of walls, from their travels.One t h r o u g h o u t
from Crusade in triangular sail, which Muslim castles they had historian writes that the Christendom. Some
1260.CultureMany i n c r e a s e d seen on Crusade.War fall of Constantinople historians believe that
Western musical manoeuvrability. Without and conquest Large and the end of the 1453 marks the end of
instruments were these Columbus would areas of Europe were Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages.
copied from instruments never have reached conquered by Muslims. 1453 sent a stream of


got the chance to stand 'Sadaqah', in the modern can do that more than
I believe destiny plays an next to them and do some context it has come to ever. Sadaqah can be
important role in our life, little good to people in signify "voluntary charity". given to anyone in
whatever happens to us is Ramadan. Then I realized The world needs helps that many forms including a
the will of Allah SWT. that it takes so little so more than ever now. The smile, wise advice, or
With this believe I came to bring on helping to build
this country with my a smile a home or
on other. masjid, or giving vibes by just smiling or
spouse, and while
Giving to job to needy sharing some good
roaming around here and
charity people. We are words? No doubt, the
there to discover this new
a n d witnessing a time answer would be yes!
city, I discover Safeeran-
e-Aman (Britannia), in helping when people are in
front of a popular cash n others distress, they are
carry in Glasgow. It is a a r e helpless, and in
non-profit organization considere great loss of life,
that works across the UK d good income, health and
as well as abroad, helping deeds happiness because
the poor and needy and there of the pandemic.
people. In last Ramadan I should We can help each
went there out of curiosity be no other and show
pandemic has changed the
and met few good people, expectation of anything in them how to do this, rather
world in a way that no one
whom I can proudly call return. There are several than what to do to help
has ever seen before.
my friends now. They types of charity, one of others. A simple smile can
There are many ways that
are compassionate, kind them is the obligatory one, bring out all the positive
you can give sadaqah to
and true altruistic. I am but there is also the emotions in others life.
the people (not only poor Sanjana Rahman,
one the lucky people who voluntary ones too. We Wouldn't it be nice to share
or needy) and now you Glasgow, United Kingdom
all know the term some confidence and good

+44 7989 200678

Science, Medicine And Everyday Life

In The Islamic World
The Islamic world was far of the first and most 800s and early 900s, was the gave practical guidance. It day.Muslim agriculture,
ahead of the western world advanced hospitals from the first author known to have was widely translated and science and religion were
in the Middle Ages. Science 8th century, notably in written a book about used across Europe until brought to Europe from
Muslim scholars knew of Baghdad and Cairo. Built in children’s diseases. He also modern times.Everyday Spain. Irrigation was brought
many books written, not only 805, the Baghdad hospital explained the difference l i f e Tw o o f t h e o l d e s t to Spain by the Muslims:
by ancient Greek and housed a medical school and between smallpox and universities in the world were crops such as oranges,
Roman writers, but by a library. Unlike medieval measles: this helped doctors built in Fez, Morocco, in the apricots, and rice, which
Persian, Indian and Chinese Christian hospitals, its aim diagnose the diseases.Ibn 9th century and in Egypt in needed a lot of water could
w r i t e r s t o o . A was to treat patients, not just Nafis wrote about the 970.Hygiene and cleanliness now be grown.In the late
famous caliph, al-Mamun, to care for them.Muslim circulation of blood round the was very important in the
800s glassmakers in
set up a translating house in doctors were skilled and body in the thirteenth century, Muslim world, partly because
Baghdad which translated knowledgeable; they had to 300 years before this was Muslims have to perform Cordoba discovered how to
the books from all these pass an examination.There known in the West.Muslims ritual washing (wudhu) before make cr ystal. Beautiful
countries into Arabic. Later were female doctors and made important advances in their five daily prayers. The jewellery showed the wealth
on, in the 11th century, in nurses.Wounded crusaders s u r g e r y . H adith (sayings of the of Spain and the skill of its
Toledo, Spain; these Arabic preferred to go to a Muslim They anaesthetised patients Prophet Muhammad) states craftsmen.Some Muslim
editions were translated into doctor than a Christian one with cannabis and opium, that cleanliness is half of faith. communities thought that it
Latin and circulated all over because they were more used mercury and alcohol The Muslims followed the was wrong to picture human
Christian Europe.Al- knowledgeable.Muslim as antiseptics, and had rules Roman tradition of public beings, so Muslim artists
Khwarazmi was a famous doctors translated the texts of about hygiene. Al-Zaharwi baths at a time when the used beautiful patterns and
mathematician. He helped Greek and advances of the calligraphy in mosques and
to introduce the Hindu Roman doctors at Romans were on copies of the
decimal system to the Arab a time when these often neglected in Qur'an.Many Muslims were
world, which was then ideas had been Western Europe. well-educated. The House
adopted in Europe. This is forgotten in For example, as
of Wisdom in Baghdad was
because the numerals (1, 2, Western Europe. well as supplying
3, 4) used in the Arab world Ibn Sina (also its half a million the world’s largest library in
were much easier to use k n o w n a s inhabitants with the early 800s, and a study
than Roman numerals (I, II, Avicenna) wrote a running water, centre for scholars from a
III, IV).The study of huge medical Cordoba in Spain range of ethnicities and
astronomy was well encyclopedia had 300 public faiths.A Muslim singer from
established before this known as the baths known as Baghdad called Zir yab
period but the Muslims “ C a n o n o f h a m m a m s . came to Cordoba bringing
developed knowledge of Medicine”. It Turkish baths, all kinds of trendy fashions
astronomy. The names we collected the which are now from the east. He opened
now use for over a hundred knowledge of popular across beauty parlours and
stars in the sky are Arabic in ancient Greek (Albucasis) wrote an Europe, followed popularised hairstyles,
origin.They improved and the Islamic world, and encyclopedia called “al- this tradition.There were deodorants, toothpaste, the
instruments of navigation, in was used as the standard Tasirif” including a volume wonderful palaces such as
three-course meal, drinking
particular the astrolabe. A medical textbook for called “On surgery”, which the Madinat al Zahra palace
from glasses and table
primary motivation was to European doctors until the was the first medical book to j u s t o u t s i d e
find the direction of the seventeenth century.Islamic Cordoba.Muslims were very manners.
contain pictures of surgical
kaaba in Mecca in order to doctors also added important tools, providing clear religious. Every Muslim town
pray facing in its new ideas. For example Al- information on how they were had at least one mosque with
direction.MedicineThe Razi (Rhazes), who ran the to be used. His book also a muezzin, who called people
Islamic world housed some Baghdad hospital in the late to prayer five times a


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