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General Leave of Absence (LOA) Guidelines during the COVID-19

Pandemic period

LOA refers to an absence from the College for a maximum term of 1 year
only. Students on LOA are not enrolled, are not considered bonafide
students, and are allowed only to enter the university premises for
limited transactions. No course taken by students on LOA from another
law school will be credited towards the completion of the JD program in
this College.

An approved LOA is a permission from the College to temporarily

suspend studies. Generally, it carries with it a guarantee to accept the
student as a returnee, subject to other policies of the College and the


To return, a student with a valid LOA must proceed to the College two
(2) weeks during the schedule of enrollment for the current semester of
the academic year to process the necessary documentation and

Procedure for LOA:

1. Accomplish all fields in the Application for Leave of Absence form

2. Submit the accomplished Form before the College. Forms with

incomplete information and signatures will not be accepted for

3. The application for LOA shall be deemed final and valid upon the
signature of the University Registrar. Submission of the application form
does not mean that the same is approved. It is therefore important for
the student to inquire about the decision of the application through
after five (5) working days from the date of submission.

4. Claim the approved Application for Leave of Absence form at the

College for record and reference purposes.

Personal Information Academic Information

Last Name: Student Number:

First Name: Year Level:
Middle Name:

Contact Information Academic Details

Address: Units Enrolled in Current Term:
Units Flanked for Academic Year:
Units Remaining to Complete
Landline Number: Latest GPA:
Mobile Number:
Email Address: Effectivity of LOA
From: AY Term
Until: AY Term

Reasons o Medical
for filing o Academic
Signature LOA o Travel
(Printed Name Over Signature) o Financial
This form must accomplished in four (4) Approval/Endorsement:
The application for LOA shall be deemed College Dean:
final and valid only upon the approval of the
University Registrar.
A LOA is for a maximum of one (1) year
only. Students on LOA are not enrolled, are Vice President of Academic Affairs:
not considered bonafide students, and are
allowed only to enter the university
premises for limited transactions. No Office of the Student Development
course taken by students on LOA from Services:
another law school will be credited.
Other related policies on LOA are available
in the Student Handbook.
A student who leaves the college without an University Registrar
approved leave of absence shall be denied

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