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An Industrial Internship Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



Information Technology



May 2021


I hereby declare that the project report entitled “BEAUTY PARLOUR

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” submitted by me to School of Information
Technology & Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
B.Tech (Information Technology) is a record of bonafide Industrial
Internship – (ITE3099) work carried out by me. I further declare that
the work reported in this Industrial Internship report has not been
submitted and will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for the award
of any other degree or diploma in this institute or any other institute or

Place: Vellore

Signature of the Candidate

School of Information Technology & Engineering [SITE]


This is to certify that the Industrial Internship report entitled “BEAUTY

M(17BIT0349) to School of Information Technology & Engineering, Vellore
Institute of Technology University, Vellore in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of B.Tech (Information
Technology) is a record of bonafide Industrial Internship – ITE 3099
work carried out by him/her in SUPERFECT SOLUTIONS. The Industrial
Internship project fulfills the requirements as per the regulations of this

Examiner – Panel In-Charge Date

(Name and Signature)


Figure 1 Intern certificate


The internship opportunity I had with Superfect Solutions was a great chance for learning and
professional development. I would like to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to
Ajay Viswanathan, CEO of Superfect Solutions who in spite of being extraordinarily busy
with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowing me to
carry out my project at their esteemed organization and extending during the training.

I extend my gratitude to VIT University for giving me this opportunity. I also acknowledge with
a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and member of my family, who has
always supported me morally as well as economically. At last but not least gratitude goes to all
of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to complete this project report.


DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE .....................................................................................................2

COMPANY CERTIFICATE......................................................................................................................4
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................5
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................................................6
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER 1-ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................9

COMPANY PROFILE .......................................................................................................................... 10
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER 2 - INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 12

2.1 Market Demand ..................................................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER 3-TECHNOLOGIES USED ................................................................................................... 13

3.1 HTML ..................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 CSS ......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 PHP ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.4 MySQL.................................................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER 4-SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................................................................. 14

4.1 ER Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Use case Diagram ................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Sequence Diagram .................................................................................................................. 16
4.4 Class Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER 5-DATABASE DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 18

5.1 Front-End / Client Side ............................................................................................................ 18
5.2 Back End Or Server Side .......................................................................................................... 18
5.3 Database ................................................................................................................................ 18

CHAPTER 6-MODULES ..................................................................................................................... 19
6.1 User module ........................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Admin module ........................................................................................................................ 24

CHAPTER 7-NON TECHNICAL SKILLS ................................................................................................. 35

7.1 Oral and written communication ................................................................................................ 35
7.2 Team Work ............................................................................................................................. 35
7.3 Business Savvy........................................................................................................................ 35
7.4 Organization and management skills ....................................................................................... 35
7.5 Problem Solving...................................................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER 8- CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 36

CHAPTER 9- REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 36


Figure 1 Intern certificate ............................................................................................................................. 4

Figure 2 ER Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3 Use case diagram .......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4 Sequence diagram......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 5 Class diagram ................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 6 Home Page of the application....................................................................................................... 19
Figure 7 SIgn up page if all the fields are empty ......................................................................................... 19
Figure 8 Sign up page with validation ......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 9 Login page ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 10 Password changing page with validation .................................................................................... 21
Figure 11 User views their appointment .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 12 List of available figures and it's cost ........................................................................................... 22
Figure 13 About us page ............................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 14 Contact us page........................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 15 User's feedback page .................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 16 Admin's sign in page ................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 17 Admin's main page ...................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 18 New appointment's page ............................................................................................................ 25
Figure 19 Accept or Reject new appointment ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 20 Add new beauty parlour service ................................................................................................ 26
Figure 21 Manage existing parlour services ............................................................................................... 26
Figure 22 View New,Accepted and Rejected appointments ...................................................................... 27
Figure 23 View only accepted appointments ............................................................................................. 27
Figure 24 View only rejected appointment ............................................................................................... 28
Figure 25 Add a new customer .................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 26 View the list of customers........................................................................................................... 29
Figure 27 Assign services to any customer ................................................................................................. 29
Figure 28 View reports between the particular periods ............................................................................ 30
Figure 29 View invoice details .................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 30 Print the invoice details .............................................................................................................. 31
Figure 31 View sales reports between the particular periods by monthwise ............................................ 31
Figure 32 View sales reports between the particular periods by yearwise ................................................ 32
Figure 33 View appointment details using appointment number.............................................................. 32
Figure 34 View invoice details using it's id.................................................................................................. 33
Figure 35 Update Admin's profile ............................................................................................................... 33
Figure 36 Change password for Admin ....................................................................................................... 34


Being a parlour client today is inconvenient. You have to remember that you need to
make an appointment, then hope you remembered during business hours, and finally
scramble to find the phone number and take time out of your busy day to make the call.
And never mind finding user reviews of local salons and stylists; tracking those down
somewhere on the web is a headache that most don’t even attempt. This is the
experience of countless parlour-goers every day, even as we move well into the twentyfirst
century. There is a strong, well-articulated need for a “one-stop-shop” online hub
that connects clients to parlours, putting all the information users need in one convenient
place, on demand.

Equally surprising, many parlour today are still using paper and pencil systems to
schedule appointments and manage customers. These systems are grossly inefficient
at sharing and syncing information, and are prone to costly human error. This system
promises to end the dependence on paper-pencil systems, and put parlour in control
with an easy to use interface. This system will be more than just an online scheduler; it
will be a parlour management tool that will allow parlours to manage stylists and services,
promote sales to customers, and track customer satisfaction.

There are two distinct target audiences for this project. Parlour managers and owners make up
the first primary audience for this project. They will use the Parlour side of the web application.
Salon-goers, primarily female, are the second major audience. They will use the client side of the
application, primarily using it to browse local salons,and make appointments online, all on
demand.Men can use this for their hair cuts.


SUPERFECT SOLUTIONS has come to be a fundamental novice within the Information

Technology& Information Technology Enabled services and Account industry supported in
2011, SUPERFECT SOLUTIONS long-established with an ambition of vesture on top of
casework in the breadth of technique outsourcing absolute of generation, belvedere or
commercial enterprise. It’s our fee to accommodate our target market with better than advanced
of casework with relevant deliveries to accredit them to specialise in their amount issues.

Our admiration to continually boost our articles and casework makes SUPERFECT
SOLUTIONS a loved aggregation within the IT & ITES casework industry. We constantly abide
to installation with our target audience to deal with custom casework and answers for all in their
outsourcing want. Our finished account clue alloyed with advanced range of technology has
introduced us target market from everywhere in the globe. Our project is to broaden fee effective
computer based totally enterprise solutions with excellent and reliability among the timeframe
within the procedure, produce satisfied customers and proud people.


Innovation Centre

Innovation center (i-cell) is one of the key products of Superfect Solutions for Educational
Institutions.Icell for Colleges is mainly to stimulate the talent and innovation among the students
and provide excessive Insight for the academic Institutions.

Jobs Ponder

Jobsponder build a dating bridge between recruiter’s, activity seeker’s and organization. India ‘s
first Effective Portal Providing unfastened service for recruiters. Provide the following
capabilities for registered applicants.

• Job Assistance

• Placement Assistance

• Internship Assistance

• Email and SMS signals

• Aptitude assessments

• Psychometric exams

• Corporate and Job Buzz’s

• Self-Learning Courses

• Online Certifications

• Career and skill development packages

Super FRP

Firm Resource Processing is purely based totally at the Management of an effective

Organization. It offers with passing information between the departments for interaction among

Advantages of FRP Software:

• This Software will lower the quantity of time required to prepare the info and reviews.

• Reports may be without difficulty generated.

• Security is furnished to limit device get entry to by using assigning person password.

• This does now not need a massive wide variety of notebooks and stationeries.

• Searching procedure is less complicated.

• Only the Administrator can do the modifications.

• There is not any chance of error occurrences in the course of the time of coming into the

A hundred it Companies in India

100 IT Companies India android application contains Leading IT Companies India with their
basic Information, Website link and their Logo which helps students, Knowledge Seekers, IT
Lover’s to know about the leading companies easily. The application is designed in the format
where the information is given in a short and clear manner. This application will be useful as a
reference for the Jobseeker’s too.


Beauty parlour is a service oriented establishment in which women receive treatment to increase
their beauty. Skin care, facial make up,hair nourishment and model hair cutting are the most
important nourishing activities of a beauty parlour. The use of machinery,ayurvedic formulations
and approved synthetic chemicals and medicines vary from person to person as per need. In
present project the provisionof different beauty therapy are present with use of limited number of

The beauty therapy is basically classified in items like hair cutting,nourishment of hair, dyeing of
hair, prevention of hair fall, facial,treatment of pimples, pedicure etc. Facial itself is a very vast
subject in which eye brow shaping, cleaning of face to remove dirt, application of cream and
herbal extracts to nullify the aging and to cover wrinkles etc.As per the demand, special
application of natural color to increase the beauty or aesthetic sense, use of eye pencil in
eyebrow, eye lashes also measure the quality of the service provided by the parlour.

2.1 Market Demand

Beauty culture training is now-a-days, imparted by number private organizations and trained
ladies try to set up their beauty par lour in medium and small towns through out Orissa. The
easily availability of different herbal preparation, cosmetic items helps to maintain quality of
service of these beauty par lour. The demand of attending beauty parlour centre is mostly found
in age group 18-48 years. In population growth, the growth of this age group is now found to be
highest in India.

In good beauty parlour even the customers have to wait for days together with an advance
booking This type of service centres are also getting good orders to serve the bride, in marriage
functions and in different similar occasions. Depending on work load, they appoint fresh
trainees and also open branches in different towns. Punctuality in opening and closing the parlor
everyday, customer dealing, serving and satisfaction of customers as a whole plays a vital role in
improving the market demand of such service centre.


3.1 HTML

HyperText Markup ¬Language (HTML) is the same old markup language for growing web
pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript, it bureaucracy a
triad of corner stone technology for the World Wide Web. Web browsers get hold of HTML
documents from an internet server or from nearby garage and render them into multimedia
internet pages.HTML describes the structure of a web web page semantically and initially
blanketed cues for the advent of the document.

3.2 CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a
document written in a markup language. Although most often used to set the visual style of web
pages and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any
XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to rendering in speech,
or on other media. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a cornerstone technology used by
most websites to create visually engaging web pages, user interfaces for web applications, and
user interfaces for many mobile applications.

3.3 PHP

PHP is a server-aspect scripting language designed in general for net improvement but is also
used as a trendy-cause programming language. Originally created with the aid of RasmusLerdorf
in 1994, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by way of The PHP Development

3.4 MySQL

MySQL (Structured Query Language) is a unique-cause programming language designed for

handling facts held in a relational database management machine (RDBMS), or for circulation
processing in a relational facts movement management device (RDSMS).


4.1 ER Diagram

Figure 2 ER Diagram

There are 5 entities (Customer ,Appointment ,Invoice ,Service ,Admin).Customer has name
gmail,phone number,gender,creation date and updation date attributes.Appointment has name
gmail ,phone number,status,remark attributes.Admin has name,mobile no,email,registered
date,password attributes.Service has service name,creation date and cost attributes.Invoice has
userid,service id,posting date,billing id attributes.Customer Books Appointments . In
appointment table service name is the foregin key refers the Service table service name
column.In invoice table service id is the foreign key refers the service table id.Admin has the
rights to manage all the records.

4.2 Use case Diagram

Figure 3 Use case diagram

There are 3 actors .They are user ,admin and database .User can book an appointment ,Fill the
feedback form and view the appointment.Database can manage the data between the application
and database.Admin can login to the application,reset the password,add new customer,update the
existing customer details,add new service,update the existing service,generate invoice,view
appointment,accept the appointment,reject the appointment,view sales report.

4.3 Sequence Diagram

Figure 4 Sequence diagram

This system has user and admin as actors, login ,application and database as process.User request
for make an appointment. His details are validated by the application.This details is stored in the
database. Admin can login to the application,reset the password,add new customer,update the
existing customer details,add new service,update the existing service,generate invoice,view
appointment,accept the appointment,reject the appointment,view sales report.User can fill the
feedback form .This details are sent to the databse through the application.

4.4 Class Diagram

Figure 5 Class diagram

There are 5 classes (Customer ,Appointment ,Invoice ,Service ,Admin).Customer has name
gmail,phone number,gender,creation date and updation date attributes.Customer can make an
appointment and view the appointment.Appointment has name gmail ,phone
number,status,remark attributes.Admin has name,mobile no,email,registered date,password
attributes.Service has service name,creation date and cost attributes.Invoice has userid,service
id,posting date,billing id attributes.Appointments can be added and it is managed.Service can be
added and managed.Invoice can be added and managed. Admin can login to the application,reset
the password,add new customer,update the existing customer details,add new service,update the
existing service,generate invoice,view appointment,accept the appointment,reject the
appointment,view sales report


A Web Application architecture can vary greatly depending at the software at hand, its needs, its
behavior and of path, the method to hand. That are numerous layers you can stack up whilst
constructing a web utility, a few are "obligatory" like a front end. We have be to able to see and
engage with something.

5.1 Front-End / Client Side

The top most visible layer is what’s called the Front end. In our project front end created using
HTML, CSS for styling, and Java script for "interactivity" and function. Of course there are more
front end technologies available like Net beans, visual basic. The data from this layer has to
make it to the user's browser which then turns all the code into something beautiful and

5.2 Back End Or Server Side

Below that, you have what's normally called the "Back end". The "Back end" is where we
usually use a programming language (unlike HTML & CSS which are markup languages) such
as PHP, Python, Ruby ,Java, SQL .We will be using SQL to create our database.

5.3 Database

In order for most web application to function, we need to be able to store data somewhere.
That somewhere is usually a database of some sort. Some big name brands and household names
are MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, CouchDB, Redis, HBase and the list is pretty endless. Each
one saves data in a different manner and gives different features. Some save tabled data
(relational databases) while other saved "paged" data, or even simple key-value pairs.

It really depends on what we need to save and how we need to save.

So I have used in this project WAMP server with MySql.


6.1 User module

Figure 6 Home Page of the application

Figure 7 SIgn up page if all the fields are empty

Figure 8 Sign up page with validation

Figure 9 Login page

Figure 10 Password changing page with validation

Figure 11 User views their appointment

Figure 12 List of available figures and it's cost

Figure 13 About us page

Figure 14 Contact us page

Figure 15 User's feedback page

6.2 Admin module

Figure 16 Admin's sign in page

Figure 17 Admin's main page

Figure 18 New appointment's page

Figure 19 Accept or Reject new appointment

Figure 20 Add new beauty parlour service

Figure 21 Manage existing parlour services

Figure 22 View New,Accepted and Rejected appointments

Figure 23 View only accepted appointments

Figure 24 View only rejected appointment

Figure 25 Add a new customer

Figure 26 View the list of customers

Figure 27 Assign services to any customer

Figure 28 View reports between the particular periods

Figure 29 View invoice details

Figure 30 Print the invoice details

Figure 31 View sales reports between the particular periods by monthwise

Figure 32 View sales reports between the particular periods by yearwise

Figure 33 View appointment details using appointment number

Figure 34 View invoice details using it's id

Figure 35 Update Admin's profile

Figure 36 Change password for Admin


7.1 Oral and written communication

Making a speech or presentation before a large group of people and peers which
improved my oral communication skills.
Participated in oral presentations in classes
Join the debate team
Volunteer to work on a crisis hotline
Volunteer to work in on campus activities that require public speaking
Chair a meeting or discussion group
The ability to read and understand information presented in a variety of forms such
as diagrams, charts, or text.

7.2 Team Work

Working in a team allows to connect our work to the work of the team and the team
to the overall mission of the organization we work for.
Attended sensitivity training sessions to understand and get along with people of
other races, religions and ethnic or cultural background.
Organizing events, trips (at a university or with friends in vacations)

7.3 Business Survey

Understood how the commercial enterprise operates, and being capable of comply
with or produce move-useful system documentation places inside the winner’s
Developed an interest in modern affairs, business, or finance
Enroll in business related courses
Read publications and different technical works associated with the business

7.4 Organization and management skills

Plan, design or carry out a short term project or task from start to finish with well
defines objectives and outcomes
Prioritize work to meet deadlines

7.5 Problem Solving

Using technical competencies to resolve a problem and/or make powerful choices on

the idea of the records had been given.

The visit to the Superfect Solutions gave us an insight as to how computer peripherals and
servers are assembled on large scale. On the whole this internship was a useful experience. I
have gained new knowledge, skills. I achieved several of my learning goals, however for
some the conditions did not permit. I got insight into professional practice. I learned the
different facets of working within a different people. I experienced that financing, as in
many organizations, is an important factor for the progress of projects.


1. Gamrat B., "PHP and preprocessed Web pages," Dr.Dobb'S Journal, January 2006, 31(1),
pp. 46-48
2. StigSaetherBakken, Alexander Aublach, EgnnSchmid et al, "PHP Manual," The PHP
Documentation Group, 2007.
3. Veglis A., Leclercq M., Quema V., "PHP and SQL made simple, Distributed Systems
Online," Aug 2005, 6(8),pp. 15-22


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