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It is with great joy that we welcome you to the inner threshold

of the Ancient Egiptian Order school of life, (A.E.O). We are indeed

pleased by your presence, for the fact that you are reading and/or
hearing our materials shows that you have an urge from within to
improve your present conditions and awareness in life. This is one's
first step on the journey into self discovery as an Egiptian, and we may
offer you assistance in the most personal quest having served our
highest purpose. By sincerely embarking on this inner journey, you
earn entry onto the mystical/esoteric path specifically designed for the
chosen few. It is in the Ancient Egiptian Order that you learn to direct
your life in every sense of the word, in order to graduate from this
earth-school. How motivated you are by this want will determine your
degree of success.
I would first like to clarify that the Ancient Egiptian Order is
not an organization, a philosophy, a religion, a sect or denomination.
It's an ancient order, it's not new. The entire humanity belongs to it in
which the Neteru had designed all souls to develop and obtain the
perfection which was divinely envisioned since the beginning of time.
You (Humanity) have willfully come to this planet called "eartn in a
Why Esoteric? quest for universal knowledge and wisdom. The world is the Neteru's
training school, a girt of true life in which to graduate. The man that
The Word Esoteric Comes From The Greek esoterikos, From endures worldly temptation shall receive the order, which is promised
esotero, Comparative Of eso, Meaning "Within", See en, INI to him. All humans are in a process of spiritual evolution, learning in
(Preposition), From Old English In, In; b. INI (Adverb), From Old this "earth school" through trial and error. We are on earth to
English inn, "Into", Inne, "Inside". experience the metamorphosis of the soul through the refining fire of
life, a burning away of the dress or egoism/worldism to which we cling,
When A Person Is Not Restricted By Beliefs And Faith That as we move into the flame or conscious acceptance. This order is split
Person Is In A State Of Esoteric. A Reliability On The Inner You, in two categories. 1. The Exoteric school of life, and 2. The Esoteric
The Creative You, The God You, The Divine You. No Room For school of life. We all belong to one of these 2 schools regardless of our
Beliefs Or Faith. Only Facts And Confirmation. It's The Universe religious background, culture, race, gender or social status in this
Influence In The Domain Of Divinity, But Inside The Immediate world.
Environment. The Exoteric school of life is designed for the masses, who
I depend on institutions for their governance and to generally organize
their being, in this school people learn obedience, law and discipline.
GO TO INSIDE BACK COVER AND READ ABOUT EXOTERIC We are to perform the various rituals, rites and creeds that our
particular religion has assigned to us on belief or faith, mostly without
seeking explanations for all of those things. This elementary stage of lifeless literalism, cramps the soul and dwarfs its spirituality, clogging
the Exoteric school of life which is designed for the masses, its progress and stunting its growth. Once a soul has acquired the
corresponds to religious fanaticism and the state of worldly necessary will and discipline and has obtained a sufficient degree of
materialism. spiritual maturity from their religion, they become ready for the
Anyone willfully belonging or learning how to conform to trie Esoteric school of life. Once a soul has passed through the Exoteric
mainstream society for their governance and focusing predominantly (religious) stage, they feel a natural distaste for base and unclean
on outer aspects of life such as materialism, politics, military, intentions and the doors of the true path open up. On the other hand, I
institutionalized education, business corporations, social concerns, those who have not completed this preliminary stage during their
organized crime, gang banging, masonry, entertainment business, present life, are generally uninterested in Esoteric knowledge and
athletics, religious organizations and affiliations (churches, mosques, development (meant for only the chosen select few) or simply are not
synagogues and other so-called nouses of external prayer), belongs into evolved enough to understand it, still sleep walking amongst humanity
the first school; the servants and slaves academies, Exoteric school of in their long robot like nightmare.
life. The Esoteric school of life is specifically designed for the
Exoteric/religious people are bound by their religions chosen few, for as the mystical path gets narrower and steeper, so do
preconceived and set ideas. This is why religious people are very touchy, the numbers walking it diminish and the spiritual person (soul) begins
argumentative, defensive, and difficult to talk to. It is very difficult to to advance on the path towards perfection. At this level the spiritual
sit down and speak to someone who is in a fundamentalist religion and voyager becomes aware of his or her soul. In addition to respecting the
have any space or open-minded conversation whatsoever, if you have law of the Exoteric aide of life and religion, other more subtle
any disagreements with their literal religious interpretations they are prescriptions allow the student to struggle against the self-created ego
immediately ready to fight you on it, and be quick to judge you aa (mask) that society has placed on man like a mask that hide your face
being confused, blind, in error and wrong because it challenges what from reality, but it's still you, and at this time in one's life, one feels
they have been taught to think. Exoteric students of life depend on the sense of the potentiality within themselves (soul) and has to cast
their religion, they are formal because they are very attached to thee

off the mask (imitation self) to find their true self (contrary too
outer form of their religion. They depend upon their forms to some: society/masses).
extent for their liberation from a life of "chaos", Their vision of god i
external, for they have little understanding of the inner self (indwellin
They learn to be aware of the ego, in order to dissolve it inti
truth (higher self). Esotericism in Exotericism is likened unto a circle's
divinity within). They are taught to believe that god is "faterally up center. The radius proceeding from the circumference to the cente
there in the sky", somewhere out in the heavens separated from represents the mystical or initiative path that leads from outwarc
themselves. So they are taught to pray outside of themselves to the observance to inner convictions. For centuries human beings have
unknown "mystery"'God. confirmed themselves to limitations of form, the form (outer/externa.
They think externally (Exoterically), for they are not taught meaning) of things; they judge by outward appearances, the surface,
to "seek the God within." People who are members of the Exoteric and overlook the contents, the meaning behind the form. This is what
earth school must be aware that Exotericism itself is not the path, but has been done with the religious scriptures of the world which also have
rather the preparatory stage or the gate of entry into the Esoteric a form, a content and an inner meaning. The form, the description,
school. One cannot obtain the truth in the orthodox religions of the the parables, and stories are for ordinary, average people (Exoteric
world. The holding of a narrow, cold, dogmatic creed, in all its rigid, students of life). The contents, the morality and symbolism, are for
disciples who wish to live according to that morality, and the Buddha, which would leave all of your responsibilities and go sit and
spiritual/mystical meaning is for the Esoteric students who Know how chant. The same with other founders; on a man deserting his parents
to interpret it, not literally hut symbolically, begins to see what the at age 13 and then ending up hung on a cross, killed, stopped
words represent. Don't take the holy hooks, Torah, Bihle and Qur'an fishermen from taking care of their family to follow him. What about
literally, for the letter kills (ignorance equals death). Thus, the religious their wives and kids left to suffer? That's the birth of Christianity.
significance can penetrate into your spirit ana the symbolic forms can Stop all your work, leaving your jobs in Goshen, Egypt, make a
disappear. Esoteric students know that form (Exotericism) is necessary, reckless exodus to nowhere, that's Judaism. Desert your family and
but they do what most men are unable to do, they use their Esoteric hometown from Makka to Madina, steal from caravans , kill people,
knowledge to go behind the forms and decipher the inner then go home and kdl more people, take their wives and that's the
multi-paradoxical meanings. At the conclusions of this stage, the birth of Islam. Now look at them again. So the Christians and the
material (carnal) world loses its attraction, so that the spiritual voyager Muslims are only fooling themselves. No traditional religion is the only
now controls his or her worldly passions; there are no longer truth or the only solution for this era and the future. Don't be fooled.
temptations that can bind him/her. Students of the Esoteric school of We know how the Christian religion came into existence, and the
life acquire inner knowing and awareness of self, truly becoming aware Islamic and Judaism also, it was certainly not Jesus, Moses or|
of the creator they are, and their purpose/role on earth as Egiptians. Mohammed who made what is known as the religions calle.
Here, belief becomes certainty (knowing), and faith becomes facts. Christianity, Judaism and Islam, but some learned and very few men
The spiritual voyagers of this school reach a state where they put their heads together and built them up into the religions seem
begin to go on the threshold of "perfection". They die to their ego's now. There was nothing divine in the way in which they function
(masks) and see themselves, realizing that they are the droplet rejoining either: Buddha retired from the world, sat down in meditation, and
the divine ocean of The All. At this level there is no longer any discovered a way out of earthly suffering and misery. That would drop
difference between religions because the apparent divergence that is all of your responsibilities, out of all of this illness, death, sin, and
noticeable in their former Exoteric forms, disappear at these higher hunger around him, but he also left his family, wife and children, but
levels of awareness. The Exoteric students of life only know the did he tell what he did to get there, no. Even before he had died, his
external aspects of religions, in which you find differences natural! teachings had already begun to he twisted and distorted. He became
because those religions were sent out at different influences of time, great, a God. It was only after his disappearance that Buddhism as a
places, particular civilizations and different mentalities, according to full-fledged religion that reached its entirety, founded upon what the
the people's needs to be blinded and their capacities to understand, Buddha meaning "awaked one" was supposed to have said and the
blocked by belief and faith. All religions have a tendency to emphasize supposed significance of these reported sayings, that's religion's for
the truths that may be particularly essential. As a certain medicine has you. But because the disciples and the disciples' disciples could not
the property to heal a certain deficiency only, so a particular religion is fully agree on what Buddha had said or what he meant by his
only partial and can never meet all the needs of the human soul. God utterances, there grew up a host of sects arid sub-sects in the body of
is only for the good who believe as I believe only, and he alone knows! the parent religion. World religions is like the summit (highest point)
what is best for a particular people and age or race. As the Jews, he of a pyramid; it is one and unique, truly standing above the rest. The
chose them in their tongue in their part of the earth, so it was only foij Esoteric dimension involves the spiritual senses, so it is almos
them. A southern path, a northern path, and a far eastern path, eachl impossible to convey an overstanding of that reality to those who have
of them claiming to be the only, original, and undefiled doctrine of the not yet awakened their spiritual/mystical awareness. True Esoteric
teachings are only accessible to those who have already fulfilled, and religious mind, but it is just that, which makes religion stand in th<
moved beyond the Exoteric school of life and put into practice one of way of spiritual life. Religion degenerates when taught by self righteou
the religions of the founding prophets: Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, men, it is no good relying on a degree at a theological college; book
Sikhism, Buddhism, Taoism, Bahaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, alone cannot give the total truth. You must be a part of it. One ma;
Islam or Tribal religions. The Neteru (Deities) never allows anyone to have studied religious scriptures, history, philosophy; one may be we)
leave one realm (school of thought) and enter a new one without versed in theology, dogmas, doctrines, and give wonderful sermons, ant
growth. Choices allow you to evolve, you will choose to act according! yet be a baby when it comes to a spiritual life. In order to transform
to your growth. If you cannot pass the Exoteric school, your progress people's lives one must first find one's own way.
will be stopped, for you will be found at your level. No man will be able The articles and dogmas of a religion are mind-made thing
to go further than the strength and vision that his own soul permits designed for you to cling to and shut yourself up in a code of life madi
him to go. The A.E.O. As I had mentioned earlier is the Esoteric out for you. You do not and cannot know the truth of the spirit tha
initiates who live according to the universal (spiritual) laws that are of lies beyond all codes and religious dogmas, wide, large and free. When
sound right reasoning. We, members of the Ancient Egiptian Order, you stop at a religious creed and tie yourself in it, taking if for the onl
are spiritual beacons, a satellite in contact with the outside world reveal'iled truth in the world, you stop the advancement and widening o
awaiting like-minded evolved souls who have advanced beyond the first our inner soul. Students of the Esoteric school of life leave the
school and the same fate overtook the teachings of Jesus Christ. That religious dogmas and orthodox interpretations, just like the clothing o
too, came to be made in the same way, dividing itself into sects and a past season. They are not bound to any religion, they are universal
organized religions. It is often said that if Jesus came back to earth, he extracting knowledge and wisdom from all religions and philosophies
would not be able to recognize what he taught, due to the forms that without being influenced by literalism, religious dogmas, ceremonies
have been imposed on it by fallible men. The same if Buddha, Moses, and rehearsed rituals, as their followers today. Underneath the masks
and Muhammad were to come back and see what has been made of of god, there is only God. One must not confuse religious teaching:
their teachings, they would immediately run back discouraged to with spiritual teachings, religious teachings belong to the past and halt
heaven. progress. They have been unable to provide one with the nourishmenl
All religions each have the same story to tell. The occasion for needed for one's spiritual growth. Spiritual teachings are the teachings
its (religious) birth, is the coming of a great teacher of the world. He of the present, in-heralding the future.
appears and reveals as an incarnation of divine truth. But men seize They enlighten the consciousness and prepare it for future
upon it, trade upon it, and make an almost political organization oul realization. Authentic spiritual (mystical) teachings are above religion
of it. The religion is equipped by them with a governmental policy, and (being universal) and strive for total truth. They teach us to enter into
laws, with its creed and dogmas (rules, regulations, rites and direct contact with the divine (pure untouchable consciousness). Here
ceremonies), all binding upon its adherence, all absolute and inviolable. we do not have binding religions, we replace religion by the spiritua
Like the state, it too administers rewards to the loyal, and assigns life, which is truer, deeper, and higher, at the same time, closer to the
punishments for those who revolt or go astray, for the heretic, and th divine which is in everything, but we are not conscious of it. This is
renegades. The first principle article of these established credo, religion, the universal progress that men must attain. Students of the Esoteric
could not have existed. If you do not believe and proclaim that you school of life study only one book: the book of life. Their meeting
alone possess the one or the highest truth, you will not be able to place is the temple of the divine spirit of truth, which pervades the
impress people and make them flock to you. This is natural to the whole of nature. For those who are chosen, the Esoteric brotherhooc
or truth says, this temple is easy to rind, but for trie eyes of the masse
it remains able to receive them. Trie Exoteric dimension is essential!
comprised of rituals, external forms of worship, superstition, fasting
social relations, holy days, idolatry, traditions, fanaticism and othe
Exoteric aspects. This is the stage whose fulfillment allows the real t<
advance spiritually to the Esoteric level/school. It forms thi
preparatory stage for our spiritual advancement towards perfection am
it can he overstood, to some extent, by our ordinary physical/externa
senses and by the intellect/emotions. But the Esoteric dimension o
(Exoteric school) on earth, and are awaiting furthe
instructions/assistance into the next school level.
True members/students of the Ancient Egiptian Order are
only puppets in the hands of the larger force, the all, participating in
the center or transformation, setting spiritual examples and unity to
the world: unity through uniformity is an absurdity. Unity must be
realized through the union of many, the Esoteric brotherhood of truth
Each member is a part of the unity; each one is in indispensable to the
whole. You have to pass the three schools. We suggest that the onl;
way you will overcome Exoterism is that you master these three
schools, by reading the degree of Christism, Munammadism anc
Why Exoteric?
Step 1: Read this paragraph after you finish the Messages from the The Word Exoteric Comes From The Latin exotericus, Exter-
masters "Esoteric or Exoteric" sacred document. For El Yazum nal, From Greek exoterikos, From exotero, Comparative Of exo,
(The Initiate). Take the paper clip enclosed in your package, and "Outside", From Ex, "Out".
place it on the center of the four pages.
Step 2: Place your Pamphlet on an alter or dresser that is eye level When A Person Is Restricted By Beliefs And Faith That Per-
to your eyes facing yours. son Is In A State Of Exoteric. All Outside Influences And Beliefs.
Step 3: Place a chair 3 feet away from the alter and take a seat. No Reliability On The Inner You, The Creative You, The God You,
Step 4: Take a glance from the right saying; "Amun-Ra" then, to The Divine You. It's The Outside Influence And Not Even Out Of
your left saying : "Haru-Hotep". You say these Deities names 8 The Universe Influence In The Domain Of Divinity, But Outside
times, from right to left evenly, on the 9th time you say: "Om" The Immediate Environment, What You Have Been Convinced Of,
holding it on a vibration tone. Or Made To Believe Or Accept, Blocks Your Divinity. What You've
Step 5: While breathing in and out 9 times. On the last count of 9 Been Made To Believe And Accept About Yourself.
you say: "Om Kuluwm", while locking your eyes directly on the
pair of eyes that are looking at you. You will feel the presence of GO BACK TO BEGINNING OF THE BOOK AND START
someone watching you if you really concentrate. READING

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