The Digital Self: "Oversharing"?

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Write at least 2 paragraphs for each item.

1. What are the basic ethical issues to consider when sharing personal
information in social networks?

Social media websites are becoming an alternative in terms of one’s social

needs, that is why sharing of your own personal information becomes inevitable. From
hobbies to interests, to updates on what you did last weekend; all kinds of personal
information flow rampant nowadays in social networking sites (SNS). However, in
sharing personal information, what are the things that we must consider to avoid

First, we must always remember that putting personal information in our social
media accounts can be seen by the public and that alone is dangerous. Sensitive and
crucial information such as security questions, your current location, or even your own
routine every week, can be used against you. We must always consider that personal
information, whether important or casual; major or minor, must not be carelessly be
posted online, especially if we know that it is unnecessary.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Data Privacy Act of 2012?

At first glance, Data Privacy Act of 2012 can truly be seen as something that
brings security and protection to the personal information of a citizen of the Philippines.
It promotes freedom and the flow of information, whilst protecting personal information
of every Filipino.

However, a thought came to mind that one can somehow use this law regarding
data protection, to protect oneself from the government and the law itself. One can
shield himself with this law especially at a point where the authorities will not be able to
search or acquire an accused personal information, due to Data Privacy Act of 2012.

3. Explain why privacy and confidentiality matter in one’s life.

As Aristotle said it, humans are social beings and I believe that it is true,
however, it is in solitude that we tend to know our real selves. Privacy and confidentiality
is important in an individual’s life for exposing everything to the public leaves on empty
or hollow.

I can compare privacy and confidentiality with solitude, as I can only say that
some things are considered confidential or private if only oneself knows about such.
Keeping some things private or confidential helps one re-evaluate himself or
contemplate about his actions, making him understand more his own self. Just like what
Ma’am said before, social identity is a performance, and sometimes, performing is
exhausting that is why we must keep some time for ourselves, to be ourselves; hence
privacy and confidentiality.

4. What can you do to help prevent and effectively manage the spread of identity
theft, false information, and fake news in the country?

Identity theft, false information, and fake news; reading these issues at first might
seem intimidating, however, we unconsciously help fight it with our simple acts within
the digital world.

We fight identity theft by simply reporting social media accounts whom, used the
pictures, information, and identity of our mutual friends and acquaintances. As simple as
it is, it is actually preventing the spread of identity theft.

False information and fake news is almost the same, that is why they have a
similar solution; a way to prevent, manage, and hopefully eradicate them in our digital
space, and that is by educating oneself. The spread of fake information and news can’t
be stopped, since most of it are produced by trolls, however, what we can do is to be
knowledgeable in analyzing news that we see in our social media accounts. One way to
do it is by fact checking, and cross-referencing events, statements, and even statistics.

Personal Identity 1. This is the interpersonal level of self which differentiates

the individual as unique from others.

Digital Self 2. This is the aspect of the self that is expressed with others
through online interactions on the internet.

Disinhibition Effect 3. This causes people to believe that they are able to
express their “true self” better online than they ever could in face-to-face contexts.

Self-presentation 4. This is the process of controlling how one is perceived by

other people.

Social Identity 5. This is the level of self whereby the individual is identified
by his or her group memberships.

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