Shale Gas in Algeria

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According to the US government’s Energy Information Administration, Algeria has vast shale oil

and gas resources with an estimated 5.7 billion recoverable barrels of shale oil and the biggest shale gas
deposits in the world after those of China and Argentina. “All energy sources, whether conventional or
not, are a gift from God and it is our duty to use them for the development of the country,” said
Algeria’s president.
However, the local people did not share the government’s enthusiasm for shale exploration.
Thousands gathered in In Salah and nearby towns in early 2015 to protest. People living in the south of
Algeria depend for almost all their water on pumping supplies from an aquifer system deep under the
Demonstrators said that shale drilling would rob local people of water and chemicals could pollute
the aquifer – already under threat from excess exploitation of its resources. “We are not people to be
experimented on,” said one protester. “All we have is our water – we need it to water our crops and feed
our animals.” Moreover, some energy experts say that rather than sinking billions of dollars into shale
development, Algeria should be following Morocco’s example in investing in renewable energy,
particularly solar power.

*shale: a fissile rock that is formed by the consolidation of clay, mud, or silt.

A- Comprehension (08 pts)

1- Choose the correct answer. The text is:
a- A magazine article b- a speech c- a web article

2- Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.
a- Algeria has more shale gas and oil than china and Argentina.
b- Shale exploration faced a wide agreement among Algerians
c- People of the south said shale would benefit them.
d- Algeria had better not invest in alternative energies.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a- How much shale does Algeria have?
b- Why did Southern people in Algeria complain?
c- What do experts suggest?

4- In which paragraph is the quantity of shale energy in Algeria mentioned?

B- Text exploration (07 pts)
1- Find the text words or expressions that are closest in meaning to the following.
Smallest = (§1) spoil (§2)

2- Find in the text words or expressions that are opposite in meaning to the following.
Right ≠ (§1) late ≠ (§2)

3- Supply the correct form of the verbs between brackets

a- If the government continues shale exploitations, chemicals (to pollute) the aquifer.
b- When you (not to give) plants enough water, they die.

4- Turn the following sentences into the passive voice.

a- Local people refused shale exploitation
b- Shale exploitation …………………………………….
a- Algeria should invest money in renewable energies.
b- Money ………………………………………………..
5- Fill in the blanks
Future – major - nation - most
Despite being a hydrocarbon-rich ……(01)…….., Algeria attempts to exploit its
renewable energy potential. Algeria’s renewable energy program is one of the..…(02)
….progressive in the MENA (Middle East & North Africa) region and the government is making
all-out efforts to secure investments, and reliable technology partners ….(03)…. projects. It is
expected that the country will emerge as a ……(04)…..player in international arena in the
coming years.
Part Two: Writing (05 pts)
Choose ONE topic.
Topic One: using the notes below, write a paragraph about the causes and the effects of
water pollution.
- Untreated (domestic) Sewage: bacteria/chemicals / health problems
- Toxic waste: contains toxic chemicals and pollutants.
- Farming Practices: fertilizers/pesticides/animal waste excess/nitrogen waste.
- Petroleum pollution: oil spills in oceans and seas.
- Fracking (shale gas extraction)
Topic Two:

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