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Textbook for EPS-TOPIK

Existing Edition Revised Edition

What is sojourn management After publishing EPS-TOPIK standard textbook in 2012, HRD Korea has published revised and enlarged edition of
EPS-TOPIK standard textbook to help with learning Korean for foreign workers.
This textbook is comprised of 8 subjects, 60 chapters pursuant to the structure of foreign workers’ job.
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In order to learn korean properly, this revised edition contains from Korean alphabet and greeting to the terms of skills
Textbook for EPS-TOPIK based on NCS and essential vocabulary, grammar.
We are looking forward to making good use of this textbook, so that will bring forth better results of the EPS-TOPIK.


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[Revised Edition] The Standard Textbook for EPS-TOPIK(Reading) Download

[Revised Edition] The Standard Textbook for EPS-TOPIK(Listening) Download

Preliminary Subject (1th section ~ 5th section)

Title File

1. 한글 익히기(1) [Master Hangeul(1)] Download

2. 한글 익히기(2) [Master Hangeul(2)] Download

3. 교실 [Classroom Expressions] Download

4. 안녕하세요 [Hello] Download

5. 주말 잘 보내세요 [Have a great Weekend] Download

1st Subject) The basics of life in Korea (6th section ~ 15th section)

Title File

6. 저는 투안입니다. [My name is Tuan] Download

7. 여기가 사무실이에요 [This is the office] Download

8. 12시 30분에 점심을 먹어요 [I have lunch at 12:30] Download

9. 가족이 몇 명이에요? [How many family members do you have?] Download

10. 어제 도서관에서 한국어를 공부했어요 [I Studied Korean at the library yesterday] Download

11. 사과 다섯 개 주세요 [Give me 5 apples] Download

12. 병원 옆에 약국이 있어요 [There is a pharmacy next to the hospital] Download

13. 시청 앞에서 일곱 시에 만나요 [Let’s meet in front of City hall at 7 O’clock] Download

14. 저는 비빔밥을 먹을래요 [ I’d like to have Bibimbap] Download

15. 날씨가 맑아서 기분이 좋아요 [I feel good cause the whether is clear and sunny] Download

2nd Subject) daily life and free time (16th section ~ 25th section)

Title File

16. 시간이 있을 때 주로 테니스를 치러가요 [I usually play tennis when I have time] Download
17. 휴가 때 제주도에 다녀올거에요 [ I’ll go visit Jeju-do, in vacation] Download

18. 버스나 지하철을 타고 가요 [ I go by bus or Subway] Download

19. 거기 한국가구지요? [ Is this Hanguk furniture?] Download

20. 저는 설거지를 할게요 [ I’ll wash the dishes] Download

21. 상 차리는 것을 도와줄까요? [Would you like some help to setting the table?] Download

22. 무단횡단을 하면 안돼요 [ Do not jaywalk] Download

23. 어른께는 두 손으로 물건을 드려야 해요 [plz. use both hands when giving things to your elders] Download

24. 한국 영화를 보면서 공부해요 [I watch Korean Movies to study the korean language] Download

25. 일요일마다 교회에 가요 [I go to church every Sunday] Download

3rd Subject) Public Institution (26th section ~ 30th section)

Title File

26. 밥을 먹은 후에 약을 드세요 [Take this pill after a meal] Download

27. 어디가 아프십니까? [Where are you hurting?] Download

28. 통장을 만들려고 왔어요 [I came to open a back account] Download

29. 필리핀으로 엽서를 보내고 싶은데요 [I would like to send a postcard to the Philippines] Download

30. 거기에서 태권도를 배울 수 있어요? [ Can I learn Taekwondo there?] Download

4th Subject) Culture of Korea (31th section ~ 35th section)

Title File

31. 우리 고향은 서울보다 공기가 맑아요 [It is much fresher in my hometown than Seoul] Download

32. 복날에는 삼계탕을 먹어요 [ We eat Samgyetang on the hottest day] Download

33. 송편을 만드는 체험도 할 수 있어요[You can try making Songpyen] Download

34. 아기 옷을 선물하는 게 어때요? [How about giving baby clothes as a gift?] Download

35. 한국 드라마가 재미있잖아요 [Korean Dramas are fun] Download

5th Subject) Culture of work place (36th section ~ 40th section)

Title File

36. 단정한 모습이 좋아 보여요 [It is good that you look neat and tidy] Download

37. 출입문을 꼭 닫읍시다. [ Keep close the entrance door] Download

38. 일할 맛이 나요 [ I care to work here] Download

39. 오늘 회식을 하자고 해요[I was told that we would have a company dinner for tonight.] Download

40. 불쾌감을 느꼈다면 [If you feel uncomfortable.] Download

6th Subject) Work life (41th section ~ 50th section)

Title File

41. 드라이버로 해보세요 [Try a screwdriver] Download

42. 이 기계 어떻게 작동하는지 알아요? [ Do you know how to operate this machine?] Download

43. 철근을 옮겨 놓으세요 [Move rebar] Download

44. 페인트 작업을 했거든요 [I have painted] Download

45. 호미를 챙겼는데요 [I have had my hoe ready] Download

46. 더 신경 쓰도록 하자 [Let’s keep an eye on them] Download

47. 재고를 파악하는 것이 중요해요 [It is important to keep track of stock] Download

48. 다치지 않도록 조심하세요 [make sure that you do not injured] Download

49. 안전화를 안 신으면 다칠 수 있어요 [If you don’t wear safety shoes, you may get injured] Download

50. 열심히 해준 덕분이에요 [You should take credit for this] Download

7rh Subject) Legislation and System (51th section ~ 58th section)

Title File

51. 한국에 가서 일하고 싶은데요 [I’d like to work in Korea] Download

52. 근로조건이 좋은 편이에요[ I’ve been offered pretty decent working conditions] Download

53. 외국인등록을 하러 가요[I’m on the way to do alien registration] Download

54. 보험금을 신청하려고요[I plan to file an insurance claim] Download

55. 급여 명세서를 확인해보세요[plz, check your pay stub] Download

56. 이번 여름휴가 계획은 세웠어요? [Have you planned your summer vacation] Download

57. 사업장을 변경하고 싶은데[I would like to change may work location] Download

58. 체류기간을 연장한 후에 꼭 신고해야해[You have to report to the office after extending your stay] Download

8th Subject) Terminology of Work (59th section ~ 60th section)

Title File

59. 산업안전(1) [Industrial Safety] Download

60. 산업안전(2) [Industrial Safety] Download


Title File

1권) 정답, 듣기지문, 어휘색인 등(answer, script of Listening, Glossarial index, etc)-1st Download

2권) 정답, 듣기지문, 어휘색인 등(answer, script of Listening, Glossarial index, etc)-2nd Download

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