Cagayan State University: What Should I Know?

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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University

What should I know?

Role and Position is the most important in playing Sepak Takraw. Their role also determines
their positions on the courts. Each player takes up a specific role in the game, so players must
determine first what will be their role and position but in order to determine it must know first
the basic skills. The basic skills is the most important in all sports game.

Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

A. determine the specific role and position of a player during the game;
B. practice the basic skills in playing Sepak Takraw;
C. observe the development of physical fitness components by doing the activity; and
D. value the importance of basic skills in playing sports game.

Activity 1. Basic Kicks in Sepak Takraw

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University

(for demonstration watch

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University

Activity 2. Role and Position of Server A. Server

The main job of the server or Tekong is to serve the ball. The server usually hits the ball
with high speed across the net with great speed making it difficult for the opponent
players to defend.

The server stays on the service circle during the service.


Power Serve

 Also known as a Kuda serve or horse kick, it requires a high level of skill and
flexibility. The horse kick actually refers to a high kick; kick as high as need the
ball to go and using your foot, hit the ball backwards over your shoulder or head.

 The ball pass through the net with a high speed.

Normal Serve

 The basic and simple serve.

 Normally players used inside kick to serve the ball.

For the demonstration of service you can watch or

Note: Stance, Relax, Timing and Practice is the key the improve service.

Activity 3: Role and Position of Feeder/ Setter

The Feeder has the most control over the ball in the game. When in possession of the
ball, they will set the ball to the preference of the strikers. Their toss also determines if
the strikes can perform a clean strike. However, the feeder too should be able to spike
the ball. This role is usually reserved for the most agile and responsive of the team. But

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
before you will able to do the position of a feeder you must learn first the basics in
kicking the ball.

Feeder usually used inside kick to set ball.

For more video of feeder

Activity 4: Role and Position of Striker

The Striker or Killer is responsible for executing the volleys in to opponent side with
high speed. When the striker does not possess the ball, he usually tries to block high kicks from
the opponent side.

Common Different Spikes used in playing

Roll Spike

 A simple roll spike refers to jumping on one leg and flipping in the direction that
you want your ball to move, all while remaining airborne. Using the other foot,
kick the ball over your opposite shoulder and the kicking foot will land first on the
ground. You should perform the entire spike while in the air and only land after
you have made contact will the ball.

 Roll spike is one of the most difficult and powerful spike in Sepak Takraw.

Scissor Kick

 Scissor kick is almost similar to roll spike, the only difference is you will not do a
body rotation or flipping in the air, they commonly seen or observed by jumping
in a side position and kicking the ball vertically in the air.

Head Spike

 A head spike involves the use of the forehead to hit or pass the ball over the net.
This is used also for faking a spike.

Sunback Spike

 A sunback spike is similar to horse kick or scissor kick, and done in a jump also. To
masters this, take off one leg and kick the other up (a scissor kick) while still on

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
the air. Before finishing the jump kick, hit the ball over your shoulder or head with
your other leg.
For some other spikes you can watch

“Skills are not just learned in a short time/quickly it’s learned by progression.
Practice and Practice!”

Sepak Takraw-

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University


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