Latihan Soal UNAS SMP - Bahasa Inggris

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The following text is for questions number 1 and 2. 6. What time should the participants take the reading
Please be Safe. text ?
Do not stand, sit, climb or lean on zoo fences. If you fall, A. At a half past seven
animal could eat you and that might them sick. B. At a half past eight
Thank you C. At a quarter to nine
D. At a quarter to twelve
1. The text above means that …
A. you must care yourself. The following text is for questions number 7 to 10
B. there are fences in the zoo. The Okapi
C. animals must eat the visitors. The okapi, a member of the giraffe family, lives a
D. visitors are allowed to lean on fences. secluded life deep in the rain forests of eastern Africa.
The okapi lives a secluded life and it was not discovered
2. Where might you find the text? until 1900. It is considered rare, but too little
A. At home C. In the bridge information exists about the okapi to classify it as
B. In the office D. At the zoo endangered.
The short, stout body of the okapi ranges from 150
The following text is for questions 3 and 4. to 170 cm high at the shoulders and 200 to 213 cm in
Program of volunteering length, with a tail 30 to 42 cm long that ends in a tuft. It
This program has the aim to promote and fomenter the weighs 210 to 250 kg.
attitudes solid arias between the young and collaborate The male has two mall, skin-covered bony knops on
in the prevention of situations of inequality and social its forehead. The okapi has a long, flexible blue-back
exclusion between our own students, providing the tongue that it uses to rip leaves from branches. It has
necessary courses so that the attitudes solid arias of the large eyes wide ears. The short, soft hair is reddish
university youngsters translated in favor of his own brown to black with large, white stripes on the front legs
mates giving answer to the needs of students with and flanks.
special difficulties, that go much more to the formal It feeds during the day, as well as just before dawn
resources that can explain any situation. and after sunset. Although the okapi may travel in small
family groups, this reclusive animal usually lives alone,
3. From the text above we can conclude that it is written except when mating. After, the female lives in isolation
to … until she gives birth to one calf 14 to 15 months later.
A. prevent the situations of inequality and social
exclusion. 7. What is the purpose of the text ?
B. promote students to provide the necessary course. A. To persuade readers to know more about the okapi
C. ask students to have a solid attitudes. B. To protect the endangered okapi
D. translate the attitudes solid arias of the university C. To describe the okapi in general.
youngsters. D. To give too little information about the okapi

4. This program has the aim to promote and fomenter the 8. What is the main idea of last paragraph?
attitudes solid arias A. he size of the okapi
The underlined word means…. B. The physical appearance of okapi
A. discourage C. cancel C. The okapi’s habitat
B. support D. develop D. The okapi’s behavior

The following text is for questions number 5 and 6 9. The okapi lives a secluded life.
The underlined word means ….
A. anticipated
English News reading contest will be held on Monday,
B. blocked
December 10th, 2012 At 8a.m. – 12 p.m.
C. counted
Place : Sport Hall.
D. isolated
Each classroom may send up to 3 participants. Those
must be the best students in the class
10. After the female lives in isolation until she gives birth
The reading text is available at the daya of the contest,
to one calf 14 to 15 months later.
thirty minutes before.
The underlined word refers to ….
A. one calf
English Teacher
B. the female
C. this reclusive animal
D. small family groups
5. What is the text about ?
A. announcement
B. English News Reading Contest
C. School Sport Hall
D. Participants of Reading Contest
The following text is for questions no. 11 to no. 14 15. What is the text about ?
I have got a funny experience last Sunday. It A. Repairing an elevator
happened when I went to the mall with my younger B. The changing of meeting date
brother. C. A problem of lunch
That day, my brother and I went to the mall near our D. Fifth floor conference
house. I wanted to buy a T-shirt while my brother
wanted to buy shocks. We left home after lunch. It was 16. When will the meeting probably be held?
very crowded at the mall because it was Sunday. Many A. On Tuesday
teenagers hang out there. We entered to one of the B. On Wednesday
fashion stores. I went to the T-shirt counter and selected C. On Thursday
a T-shirt that I wanted to buy. Suddenly my brother saw D. On Friday
one of his friends and he said he wanted to talk to him. I
let my brother go and asked him not to go too far. 17. How can we get all that food up to the fifth floor
After paying the T-shirt that I bought, I looked for my conference room without an elevator?
brother. I got little bit angry because I couldn’t find him What does the underlined word refer to?
easily. I want out of the store and looked for him A. Louis Bane
everywhere. Finally I saw the back of a boy with a T-shirt B. Merly Crown
like my brother wore. I came to that boy and pulled his C. Crown, Bane, and friends
T-shirt from behind. The boy cried. And when he turned D. Crown, Bane, and Mr. Cho
around, I was so ashamed that boy was not my brother.
The following text is for questions 18 to 21
11. Why did the writer’s brother leave her? In the beginning of the world, it was Bear that owned
A. He wanted to hang out in the mall Fire. It warmed bear and his people on cold nights and gave
B. He wanted to buy a T-shirt them light when it was dark. Bear and his people carried fire
C. He got a funny experience with them wherever they went.
D. He needed to talk with his friend One day, bear and his people came to a great Forest,
where they found many acorns lying on the forest floor.
12. What did the writer do when her brother saw his friend Bear set fire at the edge of the forest, and he and his people
? began eating acorns. The acorns were crunch and crisp and
A. Entered one of the fashion stores tasted better than any other acorns Bear and his people had
B. Selected T-Shirt that she wanted to buy ever eaten. They wandered further and further away from
C. Talked to him fire, eating the delicious acorns and seeking out more when
D. Paid the T-shirt the acorn supply grew low.
Fire blazed up merrily for a while, until it had burned
13. What does the last paragraph tell us about ? nearly all of its wood. It started to smoke and flicker, then it
A. The writer paid for her T-shirt dwindled down and down. Fire was alarmed. It was nearly
B. The writer’s brother left her alone out. “Feed me! Feed me! Fire shouted to Bear. But Bear and
C. The writer found her brother in the mall his people had wandered deep into the forest and then did
D. The writer pulled the T-shirt of the wring person not hear Fire’s cries.
At that moment, Man came walking through the forest
14. What is the purpose of the text ? and saw the small, flickering Fire. “Feed me! Feed me!” Fire
A. To retell the past experience cried in despair.
B. To describe a wrong person in the mall “What should feed you?” Man asked. He had
C. To ask readers to buy T-shirt in mall explained.
D. To tell people to go to the mall Man picked up a stick and leaned it the North side of
Fire. Fire sent its orange-blue flames flickering up the side of
The following text is for questions no. 15 to 17 the stick until it started to burn. Man got a second stick and
To : Louis Bane laid it on the west side of the fire. Fire, nourished by the
From : Merly Crown first stick, burned brighter and stretched taller and eagerly
Subject : Thursday Meeting claimed the second stick. Man picked up a third stick and
laid it on the South side of Fire and laid a fourth stick on the
I assume you saw the notice about the repairs next
East. By this time, Fire was leaping and dancing an delight,
Thursday. This poses a problem for our lunch meeting.
its hunger satisfied.
How can we get all that food up to the fifth floor
Man warmed himself by the blazing Fire, enjoying the
conference room without an elevator? I think we’d do
changed colors and the hissing and snapping sound Fire
better to change the date. Please call the head of
made as it ate the wood. Man and fire were very happy
cleaning and maintenance staff to see if the conference
together, and Man fed Fire sticks whenever it got hungry.
room is available for the next day. If he gives the OK,
A long time later, Bear and his people came back to the
then go ahead and call the restaurant to change the day
edge o the forest, looking for fire. Fire was angry when it
of our lunch order. Ask for Mr. Cho. He took our order
saw Bear. It blazed until it was white-hot and so do not even
last time.
know you!” Fire shouted at Bear. The terrible heat rolling of
You and I also need to get together to go over the Jones Fire drove Bear and his people away, so they could not take
proposal before the lunch meeting. Let’s meet first it and carry it away with them.
thing. I plan to be here early enough to take the elevator And now Fire belongs to Man.
up to the office. No stairs for me! I’ll see you then.
18. What does the text tell us about? 24. How much do a family with two children have to pay
A. Bear when they want to go to Jakarta by Senja Utama Yogya
B. Fire I business class?
C. Forest A. Seventy six thousand rupiah
D. Acorns B. Sixty four thousand rupiah
C. Thirty six thousand rupiah
19. How many characters are mentioned in the text? D. One hundred and twenty eight thousand rupiah
A. One
B. Two For questions 25 to 27, complete the text with the suitable
C. Three words.
D. Four Yesterday was my terrible day. I woke up late so I went to
school in a hurry. I … (25) my bike so fast that I would come
20. What is paragraph one about ? to school on time. I arrived at school as soon as the bell
A. Fire belonged to Bear rang. What a relief! However, in the …(26) lesson, the
B. Fire warmed Bear and his people teacher asked us to submit our homework. Oh gosh! I left
C. Fire gave Bear and his people light when it was dark mine at home. My teacher thought that I had not done it
D. Bear and his people brought Fire when they went. yet, so he got angry with me …(27)

21. What is the moral value of the story? 25. A. ran 27. A. What a nice work!
A. Old friend is useless when there is a new one B. peddled B. What a wonderful lesson!
B. Don’t leave the old friend when you get a new one C. drove C. What a terrible day!
C. A friend indeed is a friend in need D. Powered D. What a late student!
D. Don’t try to fiend a new friend when you have the
old one. 26. A. first
B. second
The following text is for questions no. 22 to 24 C. third
Desti No. of Fare
Train Destination ETD Class ETA
nation Train Adult Children
17 ARGOLAWU Gambir 08.17 Executive 115.000 115.000 15.34
19 ARGO DWIPANGGA Gambir 21.50 Special 160.000 160.000 05.00
Executive 115.000 115.000
68 BIMA Gambir 23.00 Executive 100.000 100.000 06.36
77 SENJA UTAMA SOLO Gambir 19.00 Khuset 50.000 45.000 04.02
Business 30.000 28.000
95 SENJA UTAMA YOGYA I Gambir 18.45 Executive 76.000 76.000 03.12
Business 36.000 28.000
97 SENJA UTAMA YOGYA II Gambir 20.00 Executive 76.000 76.000 04.56
(Except Tuesday) Business 36.000 28.000
99 FAJAR UTAMA YOGYA I Gambir 07.00 Executive 76.000 76.000 15.31

Business 36.000 28.000

101F FAJAR UTAMA YOGYA II Gambir 09.00 Executive 76.000 76.000 16.53
(Also in Monday) Business 36.000 28.000
103 JAYABAYA SELATAN Gambir 21.00 Business 36.000 28.000 05.28
TIRTONADI Pasar Senen 06.43 Economy 14.000 10.000 17.38

EMPU JAYA Pasar Senen 17.00 Economy 14.000 10.000 02.07

GAYA BARU Pasar Senen 17.48 Economy 10.500 8.000 02.50

BENGAWAN Tanah Abang 18.25 Economy 14.000 10.000 03.40

MATAR MAJA Pasar Senen 23.45 Economy 14.000 10.000 09.17

22. How many trains go to Jakarta on Tuesday?

A. One C. Fourteen
B. Thirteen D. Fifteen

23. Which train should you take if you want to arrive in

Jakarta around 06.00 PM?
A. Argodwipangga C. SenjaUtamaYogya II
B. Bima D. Tirtonadi
28. Arrange the sentences into a good text.
1. It is the fastest and easiest way to travel between
West Pakistan and Afganistan.
2. The Khyber Pass connects West Pakistan and
3. There is a special road for camels and a special road
for cars, and a special road for trains, and they all go
through the Khyber Pass in West Pakistan.
4. The pass is the lowest place between two huge
mountain ranges

A. 3–2–4–1
B. 3–4–2–1
C. 3–1–2–1
D. 3–2–1–4

For questions 29 and 30, arrange the words into good

29. the - are - and - watchtowers – villages - walled - have
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 1–5–2–4–3–7–6
B. 1–5–2–6–3–7–4
C. 1–5–7–6–3–2–4
D. 1–5–2–4–6–3–7

30. on - please - tomorrow - come - time - at – morning - the - meeting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 2–6–4–8–9–5–1–3
B. 2–4–1–3–5–6–8–9
C. 2–6–8–4–1–9–5–3
D. 2–4–6–8–9–1–5–3

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