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Department of Applied Physics

Delhi Technological University

Bawana Road, Delhi-110 042

AP – 102- Physics II (April 2021 -June 2021) B. Tech. Second Semester (All Groups)

Unit Detailed Topics of the syllabus to be covered

1. Quantum Physics:

➢ Failure of classical physics: Origin of Modern Physics

➢ Photoelectric effect: Definition, Experimental Study, Laws of Photoelectric Effect, Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation
➢ Compton effect: Definition, Expression of Compton shift
➢ Pair production: Basic Concept and energy Conservation to mass
➢ Wave Particle Dualism: de-Broglie Hypothesis, de-Broglie’s wavelength and its extension to Electron Particle
➢ brief concept of Group Velocity, Phase velocity & wave packet, Relation between Group velocity, Phase velocity and velocity of Light,
Davison and Germer Experiment relation
➢ Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and its Physical Significance, Statement of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
➢ Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle applied to Position and Momentum, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle applied to Energy and Time,
Applications of Uncertainty Principle
➢ wave function: Properties of Wave Function, Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
➢ Schrödinger Wave Equation- Derivation, Time Independent & Dependent Form
➢ Physical Significance of Wave Function- Probability Density and Normalization of Wave Function
➢ Concept of Eigen Values and Eigen Functions, operators, expectation values
➢ Applications of Schrödinger Wave Equation- The Particle in a Box of Infinite Depth and Simple Harmonic Oscillator
➢ Particle in 3-Dimensional Box and concept of degeneracy

2. Classical Statistics:

➢ Introduction to statistical mechanics, Microscopic and macroscopic systems

➢ Concept of phase space
➢ Basic postulates of statistical mechanics (only statements)
➢ Basic idea about distinguishable & non-distinguishable particles, possible microstates with one example
➢ Maxwell – Boltzmann’s distribution law (Derivation not required)
➢ Example/ Application of MB statistics: Molecules of an ideal gas-
(i) Distribution of energies for the molecules of an ideal gas and its derivation
(ii) Average energy and most probable energy and their derivations
(iii) Distribution of speeds for the molecules of an ideal gas (Derivation not required)
(iv) Average speed, most probable speed and rms speed and their derivations

3. Quantum Statistics:

➢ Introduction to quantum statistical mechanics

➢ Symmetric and Anti-symmetric wave functions
➢ A general Comparison of the three statistics MB, BE and FD.
➢ Bose – Einstein statistics and its distribution function (Derivation not required)
➢ Example/ Application of MB statistics: Photon gas: Planck radiation law
➢ Fermi – Dirac statistics and its distribution function (Derivation not required)
➢ Example/ Application of FD statistics: Free electrons in a metal
(i) Concept of Fermi energy, definition
(ii) Electron energy distribution and its derivation
(iii) Derivation of expression for Fermi energy (in terms of N/V, h and m)
(iv) Average electron energy at absolute zero

4. Nuclear Physics:

➢ Constituent of the nucleus, Properties of nucleus i.e. nuclear size, nuclear density and nuclear force
➢ Binding energy, Binding energy versus mass number curve, Stability of nuclei
➢ Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model and derivation of semi-empirical mass formula, Shell model
➢ Radioactivity, Decay law (alpha and beta decay), Basic difference between alpha and beta spectrum, relation for energy of alpha particles, ,
➢ Nuclear reactions, Q value of nuclear reactions.
➢ Nuclear fission
(i) Spontaneous and induced fission,
(ii) Energy released in fission
(iii) Mass distribution
(iv) Elementary ideas of nuclear reactors, chain reaction
➢ Nuclear fission:
(i) Thermonuclear Fusion
(ii) Thermonuclear Fusion in stars: p-p cycle and carbon cycle
(iii) Controlled thermonuclear Fusion (Fusion reactor)

5. Electrodynamics:

➢ Brief concept of Gauss’s Law in Electrostatics & Magnetostatics, Continuity Equation

➢ Statements of Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction & Ampere’s Circuital Law
➢ Inconsistency in Ampere’s Circuital Law & concept of Displacement current
➢ Maxwell’s equations: Differential and Integral Form, Physical Significance
➢ Maxwell’s Equation and Plane electromagnetic waves in Free Space,
➢ Poynting Theorem, Physical significance of each term of Poynting Theorem, Poynting Vector
➢ Plane electromagnetic waves in an Isotropic Dielectric medium (non-conducting medium)
➢ Plane electromagnetic waves in Conducting Medium (brief) – Wave equation derivation and its solution in terms of Electric & Magnetic field
vectors, condition for Poor conductors and Good conductors, skin depth or penetration depth, damping of energy densities of em wave

6. Semiconductor Physics:
➢ Intrinsic semiconductors: (i) Definition, (ii) examples and (iii) concept of Fermi level and its position in Intrinsic semiconductors, Derivation
of carrier concentration of electrons and holes,(iv) (iv) derivation for ni2 = no.po (product of no and po is always a constant for a given
semiconductor at a given temp) (v) Variation of carrier concentration and conductivity with temperature, determination of band gap
➢ Extrinsic semiconductors: (P and N type of semiconductors) (i) Definition, (ii) examples, (iii) position of Fermi level and its variation with
temperature (Qualitative explanation only)
➢ Drift and diffusion current, Einstein Relation
➢ Hall effect- Definition, Hall voltage, Hall coefficient

Text Books
S.No. Name of Books/Authors Year of Publication/ Reprint
1. Perspective of Modern Physics, by Arthur Beiser McGraw-Hill US, 1969
2. Statistical Mechanics by R.K. Pathria Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier), 1996
3. Materials Science and Engineering” by V. Raghavan, PHI Learning Private limited, 2009.
4. Solid state electronic devices by Streetman and Banerjee Prentice Hall, 2000
5. Semiconductors physics & Devices by D. A. Neaman 4th edition, McGraw-Hill US, 2015

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