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Post natal Assessment


The postnatal period is also known as Puerperium. Puerperium is the period

following childbirth during which the body tissues, specially the pelvic organs
revert back approximately to the pre pregnant state both anatomically and
physiologically. The woman is termed as a puerperal.

Puerperium begins as soon as the placenta is expelled and lasts for

approximately 6 weeks when the uterus becomes regressed almost to the non
pregnant size. The period is arbitrarily divided into – a) Immediate: within 24
hours; b) early: up to 7 days; and c) remote: up to 6 weeks. Similar changes
following abortion but takes a shorter period for the involution to complete.

Objectives of Post Natal assessment:

- To identify the mother’s postpartum condition.

- To identify the normal Puerperium.
- To recognize deviations from the normal postnatal changes.
- Detect any postnatal complication and make appropriate referral.

Preliminary Assessment:

- Check for right patient.

- Check the patient condition.
- Check the doctor’s order for any specific order.

Preparation of Environment:

- Maintenance of Privacy: A separate examination room is needed. Keep the

doors closed. The relatives are not allowed. Drape the patient according to the
parts that are exposed.
- Lighting: As far as possible natural light should be available in the
examination room.
- Comfortable bed: The patient should be placed comfortably throughout the
examination. There should be provision for the maintenance of a suitable
Preparation of the patient

- Explain the procedure to the patient.

- Ask the patient for Urination or Evacuation.
- Drape the patient with extra sheets and expose only the needed areas.
- Avoid unnecessary exposure.

Preparation of the Articles:

Sr. No. Articles Use

1 Sphygmomanometer To measure B.P.
2 Stethoscope To listen the body sound.
3 T.P.R. Tray To assess the Vital signs.
4 Tape Measure To measure Fundal Height.
5 Flash Light To visualize any part.
6 Weight machine To check the weight.
7 Gloves To do vaginal Examination.
8 Long Sheet To cover the patient.
9 Spirit Swabs To clean the Stethoscope.
10 Kidney tray To collect the waste.
11 Paper Bag To collect the waste.
12 Screen To provide Privacy.

Steps of the procedure:

General Appearance:

Nourishment:Well- nourished or under nourished

Body Build: Thin or obese.

Health Status: Healthy or Unhealthy

Activity:Active, Lethargic, Weakness, Fatigue

Mental Status:

Level of conscious: Conscious or Unconscious, Delirious, Incoherently.

Look:Anxious or worried,Depressed


Body Curve:Lordosis, Kyphosis, scoliosis

Movement: Any limp

Weight: Weight loss is occurring due to expulsion of the uterine contents. Further
weight loss occur due to diuresis.

Vital Signs:

Temperature:The temperature should not be above 37.2 0Cwith in the first 24

hours. There may be slight reactionary rise following delivery by 0.5 o F but comes
down to normal within 12 hours. On the 3 rdday, there may be slight rise of
temperature due to breast engorgement which should not last for more than 24
hours. However, genitourinary tract infection should be excluded if there is rise of

Puerperal pyrexia is due to infection in genital or urinary tract infection, congestion

in breast or within the venous system (white leg). Temperature 37.4 0 C three times
a day or 380 C more 1 time a day is a matter of concern. Some underlined cause of
rise in fever should be ruled out. E.g., Common cold etc.

Pulse:For a few hours after normal delivery, the pulse rate is likely to be raised,
which settles down to normal during the second day. However, the pulse rate often
rises with after pain excitement.

Respiration:After delivery respiration rate should be normal 16 – 20 per minute to

that of the pregnant level as circulatory haemodilution subside and upward
pressure on diaphragm cases.

Respiratory stress increases in condition of muscular strain, Complications of

anesthesia (e.g., atalactesis, Bronchopneumonia) as response to infection, PPH
affecting blood volume, pulmonary embolism. It could be due to some other reason
which should be ruled out and treated.

Blood Pressure: Women who had normal blood pressure their BP should be check
in 1st 24 hours. Whereas those who were pre eclamptic, hyper or hypotensive are to
be check regularly till stabilized, also in cases of PPH, after any surgical
interventions (e.g., caesarean section). It has been known that recovery from
preeclampsia takes time and chances of eclampsia and maternal death are there.
Therefore it is important and advisable for high risk women to remain or referred
to health facilities at least for few days for the close observation.

Head to toe Examination:

Skin: After delivery the skin changes caused by pregnancy begin to recede. As the
melanocyte stimulating hormone that causes pigmentation al changes is eliminated,
melasama disappears, unless excessive pigmentation has occurred.

Striaegravidarum may fade to a silvery colour in light skinned women but they
remain deeper on darker skin. The lineanigra and darkened areola fade but in some
women faint traces will persist. In few months’hair and nail growth will return to
pre pregnant pattern.

Head: Examine for Cleanliness, dandruff, pediculi, texture of hair, any infection in
scalp or injury marks in the scalp.

Face:Examine for Pale, Flushed, Puffiness, Fatigue on the face, any skin
discoloration on the face.

Mouth:Color of lips, odor of the mouth, bleeding from the gum, Discoloration of
the teeth, any throat infection.

Eyes:Vision, pain,any discoloration or discharge from the eyes. Colour of the

conjunctiva – Pink or Pale.

Ears:Hearing ability, discharge from the ear, and pain in the ear.

Nose:Nasal septal deviation, any discharge

Mouth and Pharynx:

- Lips: dry, redness, swelling, crusts, cyanosis etc.

- Odour of the mouth: Foul smelling
- Teeth: Discoloration and dental caries
- Mucous membrane and gums: Ulceration and bleeding, swelling, Pus
- Tongue: Pale, Dry, Lesions etc.
- Throat and Pharynx: enlarged tonsils, redness

Neck: Neckmass, neck rigidity, Thyroid enlargement, Range of motion.

Chest: Shape of the chest, Movement of the chest.

Breast:Gently palpate each breast. If mother feel nodules in the breast, the ducts
may not have been emptied at last.Stroke downward towards the nipple, and then
gently release the milk by manual.If nodules remain, notify the doctor. Also
observe and examine the breast for pain, heaviness, cracked or sore nipple,
engorged breast etc.

Take this opportunity to explain the process of milk production, what to do about
engorgement, how to perform self breast examinations, and answer any questions
she may have about breastfeeding.

Abdomen:The abdomen is examined while the patient is in a dorsal recumbent

position and the knees are slightly flexed to promote relaxation of the abdominal

- Inspection: Inspect relaxed or tense muscles, Striaegravidarum and lineanigra

- Palpation: Palpate for examine the involution of Uterus.

After the delivery uterus becomes firm and retracted with alternate hardening and
softening. The uterus measures about 20 x12x7.5 cms. (Length, breadth, and
thickness) and weighs about 1000 gms. At the end of 6 weeks it returns to
pregravid size.
Immediately after labour fundus is 5 cms. Below umbilicus or 12 Cms.
above the symphysis pubis. Within 12 hours it rises to the level of umbilicus or
slightly above it. Uterus begins to descend into the pelvic cavity at a rate of about 1
cm a day until the 10th day, when it may be palpated at or below the level of
symphysis pubis.

Extremities:Examine the legs for any redness, heat, tenderness; presence of these
suggests superficial or deep veins thrombosis.Check for homon’s sign. An
examination is done by give supine position to the patient and asks the patient to
extend the toes towards the knee. If the Patient feels pain thenHomon’s sign is
present.Examine for ankle oedema, movement of joints etc.

Back:Examine the curve of the spine.

Genitalia:Delivery cause some injury and swelling to perineum and external

genitalia which get subsided by third or fourth day of the postnatal. There may be
cervix or extended tear deep within the vagina which may not be seen. Larger tear
of this nature likely to give rise to per vaginal bleeding even if uterus is well
contracted. Such condition requires prompt intervention or else it will leads to
hypovolaemic shock. There will be vulvalhematoma which can be seen as tender,
purple, swelling which is very painful specially while standing. It can burst and
cause shock.

Also examine for Episiotomy suturing like gaping, bleeding, infection etc.
Hemorrhoids (Piles) which have developed during pregnancy get resolved
gradually itself after delivery, but cause pain during defecation, such woman may
require local application of cream that reduces pain and shrinks piles, oral
analgesics before defecation help in reducing pain and sitz warm saline bath help
in resolving of the piles and reduces pain.

Lochia:It is the vaginal discharge for the first fortnight during Puerperium. The
discharge originates from the uterine body, cervix and vagina.

- Odour and reaction: It has got a peculiar offensive fishy smell. Its reaction is
alkaline tending to become acid towards the end.
- Colour: Depending upon the variation of the colour of the discharge, those are:

1) Lochia rubra – Red, 1 – 4 days

2) Lochia serosa – Yellowish or pink or pale brownish, 5 – 9 days

3) Lochia alba – Pale white, 10 – 15 days

After Care of Patient and Articles:

 Provide comfortable position to the patient.
 Discuss the findings with the patient.
 Take all the articles to the utility room.
 Wash the used articles properly and Keep in proper place.
 Replace the articles.
 Do hand washing.
 Record the procedure.

SUBJECT : obstetric and gynecological nursing-II

TOPIC : postnatal assessment & physical


Associate professor s.Y M.SC NURSING Student
j.g college of nursing, j.g college of nursing,


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