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Q1. How do you keep your team informed of your work status?

1. Ensure you update the ALM or ITSM tool (such as Jira, TFS etc.) on the progress and
highlight blockers that need attention and escalation.
2. Email a crisp update on the day's progress and any specific action required from others
working from other locations.
3. Keep your instant messenger or collaboration tool status updated throughout the day.
4. Highlight only positive work items in order to reduce stress levels and anxiety.

Status : Correct

Options :
1. 1,3,4
2. 2,3,4
3. All of the above
4. 1,2,3

Timespent (in sec): 22 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

e r as
Q2. When you need help from other teams/stakeholder what would you do?

eH w
1. Setup a common dashboard with dependent teams.

2. Setup regular but short sync-up meetings with the SPOCs (Single Point of Contact) from
rs e
the other teams.
ou urc
3. Refer ROTA (the shift roster) for the customer team’s availability and block their time for
the discussion.

4. Call other teams on demand and seek support and resolution as it is a crisis situation.
aC s
v i y re

Status : Correct

Options :
1. 1,2,3
ed d

2. 1,2,4
ar stu

3. All of the above

4. 1,3,4
sh is

Timespent (in sec): 83 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0

Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

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Q3. When you need expert help what would you do?
1. Check if a solution is already available in the team's knowledge repository.
2. Use Collaboration tools effectively to post your problem and seek response.
3. If you know which expert can help, keep pinging expert till the expert responds.
4. If any other team member is also working on a related piece, request for pairing up with
him/her at a fixed time.

Status : Correct

Options :

1. 1,3,4
2. 1,2,4
3. All of the above
4. 2,3,4

Timespent (in sec): 37 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

e r as
Q4. When you need customer inputs to complete a critical work item and it has to be

resolved immediately, what would you do?

eH w
1. Post the query to the customer through chat. It is good to use a chat thread where your

Lead, members at all locations and other customer members have visibility.
rs e
2. As a last option, call up the customer following the agreed norm. You may use the
ou urc
collaboration tool or Skype for international dialing.
3. If you are not able to reach the customer by any means or the customer is not in a

position to provide full support, discuss with your Lead or other identified customer
aC s

associates to work out the best alternative.

v i y re

4. Escalate to customer senior management in case of no response from customer

ed d

Status : Correct
ar stu

Options :

1. 1,2,4
2. 1,2,3
sh is

3. All of the above


4. 1,3,4

Timespent (in sec): 68 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

This study source was downloaded by 100000827760080 from on 06-10-2021 08:26:21 GMT -05:00

Q5. In order to ensure secured way of working to protect client confidentiality---------
1. Secured network – Go through Virtual Private Network (VPN) or TCS Infrastructure
Services (IS) recommended ways of connecting or use customer tokens if applicable.
2. It is ok to store on your local machine from the customer environment due to prevalent
network and bandwidth issues.
3. In case of project related issues, seek required help of colleagues, TCSers or Non TCSers
as resolution time is critical to meet commitment.
4. Use of headsets or earphones are not recommended due to lengthy call durations.

Status : Correct

Options :
1. 1,3,4
2. 1
3. All of the above
4. 2,3,4

Timespent (in sec): 32 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0

e r as
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

eH w
Q6. Working in SBWS mode requires more discipline at team level. Which

recommendations are applicable?
rs e
1. As a team, agree on a specific mechanism for checking and planning the work.
ou urc
2. Set up a daily sync-up call to discuss the work assignment and clarify associated

3. Leave it free for individuals to report status at any time due to uncertainties involved.
aC s

4. Since the team members are using multiple devices to carry out the work, allow them to
v i y re

work on any collaboration tool and the Team Leader can consolidate at the end of the
ed d

Status : Correct
ar stu

Options :

1. 1,2,3
2. 1,2
sh is

3. All of the above


4. 1,2,4

Timespent (in sec): 14 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

This study source was downloaded by 100000827760080 from on 06-10-2021 08:26:21 GMT -05:00

Q7. How do you ensure uninterrupted work in SBWS
1. Use a stable network for connectivity.
2. Have a backup network connection in case of failure of one.
3. Have a backup UPS, if possible, at least for 15 minutes to handle power failures.
4. Ensure that all work items are backed up frequently (say every 30 minutes).

Status : Correct

Options :
1. 1,3,4
2. 1,2,3
3. All of the above
4. 2,3,4

Timespent (in sec): 13 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

Q8. Some norms for seeking expert help within your team would include the

e r as

1. Be aware of the defined working hours (start and end time) for each time zone where

eH w
team members operate.

2. Plan your personal breaks and put the same in the calendar/chat tool for others to see.
rs e
3. Ensure that all of the team members align with the Team Leaders Calendar Preference
ou urc
to sync up.
4. Agree on a preferred mode of personal communication.
aC s

Status : Correct
v i y re

Options :
1. 1,3,4
2. 1,2,4
ed d

3. All of the above

ar stu

4. 2,3,4

Timespent (in sec): 17 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

sh is

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0

Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

This study source was downloaded by 100000827760080 from on 06-10-2021 08:26:21 GMT -05:00

Q9. Team Norms for monitoring and tracking work status------------
1. Ad-hoc meetings and status calls to check and monitor status real time.
2. Agree on daily sync-up frequency to share update and impediments. Two times a day is
great if your time zone allows it.
3. Agree on a protocol for handover and follow up support needed from each other.
4. Keep your collaboration tool status updated throughout the day.

Status : Correct

Options :
1. 2,3,4
2. 1,3,4
3. All of the above
4. 1,2,3

Timespent (in sec): 29 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

e r as
Q10. When you need help from other teams/stakeholders-----------------

1. Involve everyone from the dependent teams.

eH w
2. Identify SPOCs for each team.

3. Agree on the collaboration tools that are preferable for those in the dependent teams.
rs e
4. Agree on escalation mechanisms to follow when the help from the dependent team is
ou urc

Status : Correct
aC s

Options :
v i y re

1. 1,3,4
2. 2,3,4
3. All of the above
ed d

4. 2,3
ar stu

Timespent (in sec): 23 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
sh is

This study source was downloaded by 100000827760080 from on 06-10-2021 08:26:21 GMT -05:00

Q11. As a team you agree on some norms. These could be-----
1. As a usual norm, provide flexible working hours for every team member.
2. Agree on the collaboration tools.
3. Agree on a cadence for daily sync-up meetings. Repeat every day at the same time.
4. Adopt a Control and Command approach towards getting tasks done.

Status : Correct

Options :
1. 1,2,3
2. 1,2
3. All of the above
4. 2,3

Timespent (in sec): 22 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

Q12. In a sync-up call, the facilitator does the following:

e r as
1. Helps adhere to time box and moderates the discussion.

2. Due to time constraints prefers to focus on key members during the discussion.

eH w
3. Asks participants to playback to ensure message was received as intended.

4. Facilitator ensures that everyone gets equal opportunity to contribute.
rs e
ou urc
Status : Correct

Options :

1. 1,3,4
aC s

2. 1,2,3
v i y re

3. All of the above

4. 2,3,4
ed d

Timespent (in sec): 12 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0

Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
ar stu

Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.

sh is

Your Response Change Pattern: Assessment

The below table provides the number of times you have changed your responses to the Assessment questions
and also the nature of those response changes.

This study source was downloaded by 100000827760080 from on 06-10-2021 08:26:21 GMT -05:00

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