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With the beauty and grace of fey and dryads, the sylfauran
people draw attention wherever they set foot. They are rare
beings, ones of fairy tales and lore, though they make
excellent guests in the towns they visit.
With their peaceful demeanor, lack of prejudice, and at
times childlike curiosity of the world around them, they get
along well with most other races wherever they go.
Beings of Nature
Sylfaura are made of plants both figuratively and literally.
Their skin's texture and color is that of bark or plant matter,
their blood of sap, and their hair the crowns of flower petals,
moss or leaves.
Sylfaura Sylfaura still eat, drink and sleep like other humanoids,
though their diet can seem a bit strange at times, often
consisting on mainly vegetables and bugs though few might
the darkest sea, and as beautiful as a song. It rests upon land try meat as well. What's a bit unusual though, is how they can
between The Feywild and The Prime, both there and here all substitute a few meals with something as simple as time in
at once, like a bridge between realms, reality and dreams. the sun, their bodies naturally taking in its energy through
In the forests very midst is a great old oak tree, and in the photosynthesis.
tree lives a dryad - the first of her kind. A watchful guardian of
her forest, they call her The Mother, wise and beloved. But Peaceful Wanderers
what mother would she be, if she children had none? Sylfaura got no land of their own, and feels no desire to settle
Planting four seeds around her tree, she sang for them day down anywhere for too long. They are nomadic by nature,
and night, and up rose the Sylfaura, her children, her people, wandering across the lands, and interact peacefully with the
she was oh so proud. people they meet.
"Rise up, my beloved, go discover at the world! Then when Curious to a fault, they take in the culture where they go
you're done, please, return to me, let me hear all your stories, and are always interested in learning about the history, lore
tell me your tales... For even though I cannot leave you, my and way of life in the different places they visit. May it be to
darlings, will always be free." join the hunt of an orcish tribe, the harvest festival of a
—Taima, The First of Sylfaura human village, the story telling between gnomes, or smithing
of dwarves. They use what they learn to trade, though some
of them may even accept a good story in the place of gold.
The curious nature of sylfaura often make them leave the
safety of their family and tribe to search adventures instead,
forever seeking out new experiences.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Returning Home Sylfaura Traits
According to sylfauran lore, when they die, they return home; Your sylfauran character shares a number of traits and
home to The Mother and creator of the first of their kin. By natural abilities with all of their kind.
her side, they will tell all stories of their life and what they've Ability Score Increase.
Your Wisdom score increases by
been through before being born again. 2.
They don't bury their dead, as their bodies are of plant Age.
Sylfaura are not born, but grown. They look physically
matter they will be one with nature, leaving little to no trace mature from the moment they spring to life, yet their
behind. It is instead custom to pick a petal or leaf of a loved understanding of adulthood is closer to that of elves than that
one and conserve it in a resin made out of sap, worn as of humans. Most sylfaura do not claim adulthood until they're
jewelry in their memory. around the age of 50, and they live to be about 300 years old.
Sylfaura are a peaceful and free spirited folk
Sylfaura Names that forever wanders. They tend to lean towards good, often
The Sylfauran people like keeping their names short and chaotic or neutral in how they view the world.
simple, more often than not of sylvan or elven nature but with Size.
Sylfaura range from just under 5 to over 7 feet tall.
little real meaning to them. The name they carry are names Their builds vary depending on subrace. Your size is Medium.
they choose for themselves upon becoming sentient, though Speed.
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
many change their names as they grow older or as they go Fey Ancestry
You have advantage on saving throws against
through great changes in life. It's not unusual for a sylfaura to being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
have gone through five names or more in their lifetime. They Mask of The Wild.
You can attempt to hide even when you
care little for gender and most of their names are are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow,
genderneutral, even if some do take on gender identities from mist, and other natural phenomena.
the cultures they spend time in and pick names to reflect Photosynthesis.
Spending an hour in direct sunlight is
their identity accordingly. enough to substitute one meal for you per long rest.
Sylfaura have no true family names, though at times Languages.
You can read, speak and write Sylvan and
sylfaura wandering together may give themselves a clan or Common.
tribe name to make their interactions with other folks easier. Subrace.
There are four subraces of Sylfaura, one for each
These names are often in common, putting two words seed The Mother planted around her tree: Ango'Faura,

together, and based of the clan's virtues or looks. Bry'Faura, Pteri'Faura and Gymn'Faura.
Sylfauran Names: Tu, Mim, Sai, Maié, Etau, Seela, Ven,

Nane, Eikas, Bryn, Fora, Min, Selui, Fern, Lele, Koda, Pine,
Luk, Ali, Lim, Dana, Otus, Tem, Ori, Nia, Ani, Simni, Jen,
Lova, Siri, Kip, Mia, Jun, Kelli, Yras, Maki, Roska, Pip
Clan or Tribe Names: Greenleaf, Twinklebeam, Berryred,
Merryroots, Leafsky, Wanderfar, Greystem, Willowhisper,
Thornrose, Yellowthorn, Petalwhite, Lilyred, Graymoss,
Cherrysong, Twistyleaf, Wildgrass, Raindust, Goodberry
Creating a Sylfaura
First, consider what kind of plants you would like to base
your sylfauran character of, and what major group of plant
these plants belong to; Angiosperms, Bryophytes,
Pteridophytes or Gymnosperms. Each subrace of Sylfaura
belong to of one of these groups, and each subrace is diverse
in its own right. You don't have to make them based of only
one specific rose, as mixes and cross-breeds between

several types of plants are common, as long as they

all belong to the same major group.

Next, consider where they first came to be. Were

they planted in a wast desert, in a forest or in a

tropical jungle? What kind of roads have they

been wandering? Did they wander with their

tribe or alone, and what was this like for them? How

many names has your sylfauran character had, and

where did the different names came from? What

made them leave some behind?

Finally, consider which societies they have been in

contact with, and what kind of cultural traditions and norms

they have picked up. Do they associate themselves with a
binary gender, or do they prefer to be preceived as nonbinary?

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ango'Faura Pteri'Faura
Ango'Faura is one of the most diverse groups of sylfaura. Pteri'Faura covers the plant group pteridophyta, which
They steam from angiosperms, a group of plants including include ferns, horsetails, and whisk ferns. Flexible, small in
grains, grasses, flowers, fruits, vegetables, as well as some build and slender, Pteri'Faura are related to the oldest of
trees such as cherry trees and birches. Ango'Faura are plants, dating back longer than any of their peers. This seem
beautiful, charismatic, slender, and often smell as sweet as to give them a strange sense of insight into the world before
the blossom they are related to. them, blessing them with unmatched intelligence.
Ability Score Increase.
Your Charisma score increases by Ability Score Increase.
Your Intelligence score increases by
1. 1.
Fey Charm.
You have enherited the unnatural beauty and Ancient Soul.
You have proficiency in the History and
charm of The Mother and other fey like her. You know the Arcana skills.
cantrip Friends and can cast it upon will. Innate Spellcasting.
You know a cantrip of your choice
Additionally, you know the spell Charm Person and can from the Druid spell list and can cast it upon will without any
cast it as a level 1 spell once and regain the ability to do so magical components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for
when you finish a long rest. When you reach level 3 you can this spell.
instead cast it as a level 2 spell, and a level 3 spell when you
reach level 5. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these Gymn'Faura
spells. Gymn'Faura covers the group gymnosperms, which includes
Bry'Faura all conifers, cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetophytes. Typically,
Bry'Faura covers the group bryophytes, nonvascular seedless gymn'faura are tall and strong, with rough skin protecting
plants that include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. They them with natural armor.
are short and stout, with often spongy and flexible flesh that Ability Score Increase.
Your Strength score increases by
allows them to squeeze into places where they don't look like 1.
they should fit. Powerful Build.
You count as one size larger when
Ability Score Increase.
Your Constitution score increases determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
by 1. push, drag, or lift.
Flexible Mass.
Your body is soft and flexible, allowing you Natural Armor.
You are covered in rough, thick, barklike
to squeeze through tight spaces and past friendly creatures skin, giving you natural armor. Your AC is 13+ your dexterity
your size unhindered as if you were one size smaller. modifier when you are not wearing any armor.
Medical Properties.
Your body contains naturan anti-
bacterial properties giving you resistance to poison and
disease, something you can also use to help your peers. As an
action, you can stabilise a creature that has fallen unconcious
with part of your own tissue. Stabilising a creature like this
costs you 1d4 hit points each time you use the feature.

Homebrew: Sylfaura V. 1.0

This D&D 5E race was designed by Taima.

If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon or tip me on Ko-Fi!

Credits & Thanks

Thank you to my Patreons and friends for support and feedback.
Emilija and Axel who suggested I'd make a plant based race.
Emilija who once again made a lovely illustration. Check out more of her work at

Special thanks to my $10+ Patrons

Patrick Feeney -
Egg Infinitum

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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