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Most common
Other words in the family
access accessed, accesses, accessibility, accessible, accessing, inaccessible
adequate adequacy, adequately, inadequacies, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately
annual annually
apparent apparently
approximated approximate, approximately, approximates, approximating, approximation, approximations
attitudes attitude
attributed attribute, attributable, attributes, attributing, attribution
civil -
code coded, codes, coding
commitment commit, commitments, commits, committed, committing
communicate, communicable, communicated, communicates, communicating,
communications, communicative, communicatively, uncommunicative
concentration concentrate, concentrated, concentrates, concentrating
conference confer, conferences, conferred, conferring, confers
contrast contrasted, contrasting, contrastive, contrasts
cycle cycled, cycles, cyclic, cyclical, cycling
debate debatable, debated, debates, debating
despite -
dimensions dimension, dimensional, multidimensional
domestic domestically, domesticate, domesticated, domesticating, domestics
emerged emerge, emergence, emergent, emerges, emerging
error erroneous, erroneously, errors
ethnic ethnicity
goals goal
granted grant, granting, grants
hence -
hypotheses, hypothesise, hypothesised, hypothesises, hypothesising, hypothetical,
implementation implement, implemented, implementing, implements
implications implicate, implicated, implicates, implicating, implication
imposed impose, imposes, imposing, imposition
integration integrate, integrated, integrates, integrating
internal internalise, internalised, internalises, internalising, internally
investigate, investigated, investigates, investigating, investigations, investigative, investigator,
job jobs

Academic word list 4 -1- Last updated April 2012

label labelled, labelling, labels
mechanism mechanisms
obvious obviously
occupy, occupancy, occupant, occupants, occupation, occupations, occupied, occupier,
occupiers, occupies, occupying
option optional, options
output outputs
overall -
parallel paralleled, parallels, unparalleled
parameters parameter
phase phased, phases, phasing
predict, predictability, predictable, predictably, predicting, prediction, predictions, predicts,
unpredictability, unpredictable
principal principally
prior -
professional professionally, professionals, professionalism
project projected, projecting, projection, projections, projects
promote promoted, promoter, promoters, promotes, promoting, promotion, promotions
regime regimes
resolution resolve, resolved, resolves, resolving, unresolved
retained retain, retaining, retainer, retainers, retains, retention, retentive
series -
statistics statistic, statistician, statisticians, statistical, statistically
status -
stress stressed, stresses, stressful, stressing, unstressed
subsequent subsequently
sum summation, summed, summing, sums
summaries, summarise, summarised, summarises, summarising, summarisation,
undertaken undertake, undertakes, undertaking, undertook

Adapted from Coxhead, A, The academic word list, Victoria University of Wellington, viewed 3 April 2012,

Academic word list 4 -2- Last updated April 2012

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