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i-Chem Solution Sdn Bhd (721195-X)

bmSOLUTION Series for Total Water Management
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Date of Preparation: 01/2014
Date of last review: 07/2015
Section 1 : Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product/Chemical Name : bmSOLUTION® 3360 ME

Chemical Formula : A Blend of Water Treatment Application Materials
Emergency Response No. : 603-80621686
Manufacturer : i-Chem Solution Sdn. Bhd. (721195-X)
No 2, Jalan TPP 5/16,
Taman Perindustrian Puchong,
47160 Puchong,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Reliable Partner for Total Water Management


Section 2 : Hazards Identification

GHS Classification:

Health Environmental Physical

Skin Irritation, Category 2 NA NA

Eye Irritation, Category 2B

GHS Label:

Signal word:

Hazard Statements Precautionary Statements

Wear protective gloves/eye protection/face protection
Causes skin irritation IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomitting
Causes eye irritation IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable
for breathing.
IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.
IF IN EYES: Flush eyes with a large amount of water for 15 minutes. Seek
medical attention IMMEDIATELY.
Store in dry place. Stored in a closed container
Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed
Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
Dispose of contents/container to an approved licensed contractor.

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i-Chem Solution Sdn Bhd (721195-X)

bmSOLUTION Series for Total Water Management
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Section 3 : Composition/ Information on Ingredients

Ingredient Name CAS % wt OSHA ACGIH Other

Number PEL TLV
2-Phosphonobutane -1,2,4-Tricarboxylic Acid 37971-36-1 15 - 25 None Est. None Est.
High Stress Polymer - 30 - 40 None Est. None Est.
DI water 7732-18-5 30 - 40 None Est. None Est.

Section 4 : First Aid Measures

Inhalation : Remove to fresh air. Call a physician if any difficulties persist.

Reliable Partner for Total Water Management

Eye Contact : Flush eyes with a large amount of water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention
immediately if any irritation persists. After first aid, get appropriate in-plant, paramedic or
community medical support.
Skin Contact : Wash affected areas thoroughly with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Seek
medical attention if any irritation persists.
Ingestion : If swallowed, give 2 glasses of water to drink. DO NOT induce vomiting. After first aid,
seek appropriate in-plant, paramedic, or community medical support. Never give
anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
After first aid, get appropriate in-plant, paramedic, or community medical support.

Section 5 : Fire-Fighting Measures

Flash Point : Non-Flammable

Flash Point Method : N/A
Burning Rate : N/A
Auto-ignition Temperature : N/A
Flammability Classification : Non flammable
Extinguishing Media : Water fog, Alcohol foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical
Unusual Fire or Explosion Hazards : None known other than material can splatter above 100oC/212oF
Fire-Fighting Instructions : Do not release runoff from fire control methods to sewers or
Fire-Fighting Equipment : Because fire may produce toxic thermal decomposition products,
wear a self-container breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full face
piece operated in pressure-demand or positive-pressure mode.

Section 6 : Accidental Release Measures

Spill/Leak Procedures
Small Spills : Absorb spill with paper towel or similar absorbent; or flush to sewer or ground with
large amounts of water.
Large Spills
Containment : For large spills, dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal. Do not release into
sewers or waterways. Absorb spill with vermiculite, oil dry or similar non-reactant
Cleanup : Accumulate the absorbed materials and dispose of according to federal, state and local
Regulatory Requirements: Follow applicable OSHA regulations (29 CFR 1910.120)

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i-Chem Solution Sdn Bhd (721195-X)

bmSOLUTION Series for Total Water Management
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Section 7 : Handling and Storage

Handling Precautions : Use the recommended safety controls and personal protective
equipment as outlined. Fully review all data before handling of the
material itself. Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Avoid breathing dust or
mist. Keep from contact with clothing and other combustible materials.
Observe good personal hygiene and housekeeping practices.
Storage Requirements : Do not store this material near any strong acids, bases, oxidizers,
flammables or any other type of reactive material. Do not expose the
material to extremes temperature.
Regulatory Requirements : Store materials according to all local, state and federal guidelines that
are established for non-regulated chemical products.

Section 8 : Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Reliable Partner for Total Water Management

Engineering Controls
Ventilation : Provide general or local exhaust ventilation systems to maintain
airborne concentrations below OSHA PELs (Sec. 2). Local exhaust
ventilation is preferred because it prevents contaminant dispersion
into the work area by controlling it at its source.
Administrative Controls
Respiratory Protection : Seek professional advice prior to respirator selection and use.
Follow OSHA respirator regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) and, if
necessary, wear a MSHA/NIOSH-approved respirator. Select
respirator based on its suitability to provide adequate worker
protection for given working conditions, level of airborne
contamination, and presence of sufficient oxygen. For emergency or
non-routine operations (cleaning spills, reactor vessel, or storage
tanks), wear an SCBA. Warning! Air-purifying respirators do not
protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. If respirators are
used, OSHA requires a written respiratory protection program that
includes at least: medical certification, training, fit testing, periodic
environmental monitoring, maintenance, inspection, cleaning, and
convenient, sanitary storage areas.
Protective Clothing/Equipment : Wear chemically protective gloves, boots, aprons, and gauntlets to
prevent prolonged or repeated skin contact. Wear protective
eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles, per OSHA eye-and face-
protection regulations (29 CFR 1910.133). Contact lenses are not
eye protective devices. Appropriate eye protection must be worn
instead of, or in conjunction with contact lenses.
Safety Stations : Make emergency eyewash stations, safety/quick-drench showers,
and washing facilities available in work area.
Contaminated Equipment : Separate contaminated work clothes from street clothes. Launder
before reuse. Remove this material from your shoes and clean
personal protective equipment.
Comments : Never eat, drink, or smoke in work areas. Practice good personal
hygiene after using this material, especially before eating, drinking,
smoking, using the toilet, or applying cosmetics.

Section 9 : Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical State : Liquid
Appearance and Odor : pale amber yellow, slight odor
Specific Gravity : 1.28 – 1.33
pH : 7–9

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i-Chem Solution Sdn Bhd (721195-X)

bmSOLUTION Series for Total Water Management
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Section 10 : Stability and Reactivity

Stability : This product is stable at room temperature in closed containers under

normal storage and handling conditions. However, avoid extreme
Polymerization : Hazardous polymerization will not occur.
Chemical Incompatibilities : Avoid contact with Strong Acids, Strong Alkali, Oxidizers or any other
type of reactive material.

Conditions to Avoid : Excessive temperatures contact with any type of reactive chemicals.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: There are no known hazardous decomposition products for this
material unless the material is burned in which case
undetermined evolution of toxic gases may occur.

Reliable Partner for Total Water Management

Section 11 : Toxicology Information
Eye Effects : Irritation to eyes and Skin Effects : Irritation to skin
possible burning if
materials are not
immediately rinse from
the eyes
Chronic Effects : No chronic effects are Teratogenicity : No studies have been
known to be attributable performed
for this product
Mutagenicity : No mutagenetic effects Carcinogenesis : No carcinogenic effects
are known to be are known to be
applicable for the applicable for the
formulation components formulation components
of this product of this product
Acute Oral Effects : Not tested for this blend Acute Inhalation : Might produce
Effects irritation to respiratory
**See NIOSH, RTECS, for additional toxicity data.

Section 12 : Ecological Information

Eco-toxicity : No specific data is available on this product. However, for the chemical
components which make up this product, there may be specific data
available and in the public domain. Consult the data available for each
individual raw material component.
Environmental Fate : No studies have been conducted for this specific product.
Environmental Degradation : Not tested for this product blend.
Soil Absorption/Mobility : Not tested for this product blend.

Section 13 : Disposal Considerations

Disposal : Contact your supplier or a licensed contractor for detailed
recommendations. Follow applicable federal, state and local
Disposal Regulatory Requirements
Container Cleaning and Disposal : Triple rinse the empty containers with water before disposal to re-
conditioner or land fill or garbage.

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i-Chem Solution Sdn Bhd (721195-X)

bmSOLUTION Series for Total Water Management
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Section 14 : Transport Information





Section 15 : Regulatory Information

Reliable Partner for Total Water Management

State Regulations : As a product blend, the materials are generally not listed. Check with your local state
regulatory board for more detailed information regarding the specific components of this product.

Section 16 : Other Information


The information and recommendations contained herein cannot cover all possible situations
which the user may experience during processing. Each aspect of your operation should be
examined to determine if, or where, additional precautions may be necessary. All health and
safety information contained in this bulletin should be provided to your employees or customers.
It is your responsibility to use this information to develop appropriate work practice guidelines
and employee instructional programs for your operation.

As the conditions or methods of use are beyond our control, we do not assume any responsibility
and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of this material. Information contained herein is
believed to be true and accurate but all statements or suggestions are made without warranty,
expressed or implied, regarding accuracy of the information, the hazards connected with the use
of the material or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. Compliance with all applicable
federal, state and local laws and regulations remains the responsibility of the user.

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