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Organizational strategic planning, implementation and evaluation with

analysis of challenges and benefits for profit and nonprofit organizations

Article  in  International Journal of Applied Research and Studies · June 2019

DOI: 10.22271/allresearch.2019.v5.i6a.5870


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Moses Jeremiah Barasa Kabeyi

University of Nairobi


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International Journal of Applied Research 2019; 5(6): 27-32

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869 Organizational strategic planning, implementation
Impact Factor: 5.2
IJAR 2019; 5(6): 27-32 and evaluation with analysis of challenges and benefits
Received: 16-04-2019 for profit and nonprofit organizations
Accepted: 20-05-2019

Moses Jeremiah Barasa Kabeyi Moses Jeremiah Barasa Kabeyi

Lecturer, Department of
Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, University of Abstract
Nairobi, Kenya Strategic planning and management is the way to go for organizations to prepare themselves to sustain
and overcome competion in market places. It is important for all organizations in private sector, public
sector and nonprofit organizations. It is a process that begins with self-assessment and realization and
then reorganization to compete in a business environment. Business strategies form the basis of survival
in a competitive environment and should therefore be well developed by the right people and the right
organizational levels. Strategy formulation and implementation should be linked by an evaluation
strategy to realize strategy success otherwise the strategies remain useless paperwork. Strategy
implementation challenges include political interference, limited resources and global economic
situations that may be beyond the organizations’ control and so organizations should monitor the internal
and external environment and make changes or adjustments to prevent strategy failure. This can be
realized by effectively evaluating strategy implementation process. A good strategic plan will give
significant benefits to organizations like increased profitability and better corporate governance. Strategic
management however is expensive, requires significant resources and investment in market research and
other resources yet does not always guarantee success. To be successful in strategic planning and
implementation organizations, should invest in market research and forecasting, adequate budgeting, as
well as recruitment, training and motivation of qualified personnel and having a holistic approach in
strategy formulation and implementation by bringing everybody in the organization to contribute and
participate. Strategies should be creative and innovative while the execution should be both effective and
efficient. Quick and effective feedback will enhance monitoring and evaluation and facilitate successful
strategy implementation. Organizations should be customer oriented to deal with competition and hence
proper strategy formulation and implementation. It should however be noted that having a strategic plan
does not always guarantee success. However, a well-crafted, innovative and creative plan that is well
executed will guarantee success. An effective strategy should start with a SWOT analysis which will
enable the organization to build on its strengths and utilize opportunities while controlling or managing
threats and weaknesses.

Keywords: Strategic management, strategic plan, strategy monitoring, benefits of strategic management,
strategic planning for nonprofits, strategy evaluation, limitations of strategic planning and management.

1. Introduction to strategic management

Strategic management is defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and
evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives,
while strategic planning is the process of defining an organizations direction, and making
decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. Strategic planning is also defined
as organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, consolidate energy and
resources, strengthen operations capability, ensure stakeholders and workers are working
toward common goals, and assess and align organization's direction in with changing
environment (David, 2011; Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce, 2016) [5, 6]. Business strategy is a
company’s plan to get, competitive advantage in its markets. It is based on the theory that the
company’s leaders know how to succeed in a market and involves predictions about which
Correspondence markets are more attractive and how an organization can offer distinctive value to customers
Moses Jeremiah Barasa Kabeyi
Lecturer, Department of in those markets in a way that is difficult to copy by competitors (Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce,
mechanical and Manufacturing 2016) [6]. Therefore, strategic management is a process that begins with self-realization
Engineering, University of followed by positioning an organization to realize success in a competitive business
Nairobi, Kenya environment.
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1.1 Organizational strategy and levels greater emphasis on strategies for the organization to achieve
According to Porter (1966) [16] strategy is defined as the its vision – while long-range planning defines the vision of
creation of a unique position involving a different set of the organization (World bank, 2011) [20].
activities. On his part Mintzberg (1994) [13] views planning
strategy, as intentions that are formulated and articulated by 1.2.2 Strategic planning
organizational leadership, to ensure surprise free The term strategic planning originated in the 1950s and
implementation, in a controllable and practicable became very popular between the mid-1960s and the mid-
environment. Stewart (2004) as cited in Leskaj (2017) [12] 1970s. During this period strategic planning was widely
noted that strategy reinforces organizational survival in a believed to be the answer for all problems facing
competitive market by fore-seeing and dealing with organizations (David, 2011) [5]. On his part Hughes (2003) [9]
challenges from competitors. It can therefore be noted that states strategic planning is a process that focuses on strategic
strategy is mainly about competing and surviving in the and operational goals, objectives and strategies based on
market through offering products, services and programs that organizational policies, programs and activities that are
are competitive against rival offerings. designed to achieve the institution’s aims and desirable
results. According to Poister and Streib (2005) [17], strategic
1.1.1 Levels of strategy planning needs to be action-oriented type of planning that is
There are different levels of organizational strategies. Tapera useful only if it is coupled to implementation and this is often
(2016) [19] identified four levels namely corporate strategy, the point where the process fails. According to the World
business strategy, functional strategy and operating Bank (2011) [20], strategic planning is the process by which
strategies. leaders of an organization determine what it intends to be in
a. Corporate level strategy: This strategy is mainly future and how it will reach this targeted level or position.
concerned with selection of business, product and Ong (2015) [15] observed that strategic planning is a deliberate
markets. and formal process which analyzes current situation and set
b. Business unit strategy: A strategic business unit may targets with commitment of resources aimed at realizing
vary from organization to organization or industry to organizational competitive advantage. According to Bryson
industry but may be a division, product line, profit center, (1988), strategic planning It is “a disciplined effort to produce
geographical area etc. Strategic issues at business unit fundamental decisions and actions shaping the nature and
level include positioning a business against rivals, direction of an organization’s (or other entity’s) activities
accommodating new technologies, influencing the within legal bounds.”
nature of competition through vertical and horizontal Therefore, strategic planning is concerned with development
integration, political lobbying and networking, etc. of the organizational vision and determines the necessary
c. Functional level strategies: Strategic issues at functional priorities, procedures, and activities necessary to realize this
level are related to business processes and value chain. stated vision. The organizational declared vision includes
These strategies include marketing, manufacturing, measurable goals which are realistic and attainable, but also
research and development and finance. challenging enough. Strategic planning involves setting
d. Operational strategies: These are concerned with how targets and committing resources and discipline or order is a
each part of the business is organized to deliver the requirement for successful strategic planning
corporate and business-unit level strategic direction and
functional strategies. Therefore, operational strategy 1.2.3 Strategic plan
focuses on issues of processes, human & financial The result of strategic planning process is a strategic plan
resources etc. These strategies include decisions at shop which is a blue print for the organization as it moves into the
floor under supervisors and workers and include paying future. According to Tapera (2016) [19], a strategic plan is a
invoices, supply chain management, use of assets and tool for defining the organizational direction and therefore
other resources including employees in the best interest determines the objectives and goals of the organization that
of the organization to realize competitive advantage. are as realistic as possible. Tapera further noted that strategic
planning is a process whose result should be innovative and
1.2 Long range planning and short-range planning creative ideas which lay the foundation for an organizations
This is a process by an organization which determines what future. Therefore, a good strategic plan should be founded on
it desires to look like or achieve at the end of a specified time innovative and creative ideas.
period. Based on this intention, a vision is established for
multi-year goals and objectives which states what the 1.2.4 Strategic planning stages
organization desires to realize and develop relevant plans of The strategic-management process consists of three stages,
action. Long range planning covers multi-year projections of namely;
the organization, and thus it is usually not as specific as short a. Strategy formulation,
term or operational level plans whose output is a work plan b. Strategy Implementation, and
with detailed annual objectives, related activities, supporting c. Strategy evaluation.
tasks, specific procedures or methods, timelines, and
responsibilities. Long range planning is focused on specific
Strategy formulation
objectives and timelines than strategic planning (World Bank,
Strategy formulation includes developing a vision and
2011) [20]. Therefore long range planning is concerned with
mission, identifying an organization’s external opportunities
setting goals and objectives covering many years.
and threats, determining internal strengths and weaknesses,
1.2.1 Long range planning versus strategic planning as well as establishing long-term objectives of the firm,
Whereas strategic planning and long-range planning are generating alternative or competing strategies, and choosing
somehow related, strategic planning generally places a strategies to be pursued by the organization. Strategy-
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formulation scope includes deciding about what and where to Strategy evaluation
invest to, businesses to abandon altogether, resource According to David (2011) [5] Strategy evaluation includes
allocation in terms of type and amount, decision on whether three basic activities:
to expand operations or diversify, whether to enter a. Examining the underlying bases of a firm’s strategy
international markets or withdraw, whether to merge or form b. Comparing expected results with actual results
joint ventures, and how to avoid a hostile takeover by other c. Taking corrective actions to ensure that performance
organizations in an aggressive business environment (David, conforms to plans
2011) [5].
Members of several functions should be involved in the It is not possible to formulate and adjust strategy to changing
formulation stage and those to be involved should have circumstances without a good or effective strategy
credibility since other members follow their lead and see the evaluation. Strategy evaluation forms an essential step in the
importance of change. Therefore, strategy planners must have process of guiding an enterprise I its strategy implementation
proper knowledge and understanding to educate others on process. Therefore, strategy evaluation should be an attempt
what needs to be done and how to do it. Managers should to look beyond the obvious facts regarding the status of a
organize the formulation effort successfully by allocating business and instead appraise more fundamental factors and
resources, responsibilities and authorities needed for trends that influence business success (Glueck, 1980) [7].
successful planning (Brinkschröder, 2004) [3]. The following criterion can be used to test a business strategy
The strategy formulation can identify wrong internal and 1) Consistency: The strategy must present mutually
external factors and so any strategy is not considered effective consistent goals and policies of the organization.
until it is implemented and ultimately creates value for the 2) Consonance: The strategy must represent an adaptive
organization (Baroto, Arvand & Ahmad, 2014) [1]. Therefore, response to the dynamic external environment and to the
strategy formulation should be closely linked to strategy critical changes occurring during strategy
implementation to avoid having a useless strategic plan. In implementation process.
other words, a strategy is only useful and effective if and only, 3) Competitive advantage: The strategy must provide for
it is implemented and gives positive results for the the creation and maintenance of a competitive advantage
organization. in the selected area of activity of the organization
4) Feasibility: The strategy must be affordable and should
Strategy implementation, success and failure not create unsolvable sub problems during its execution
According to Mohammed (2015) and Baroto, Arvand and of strategy.
Ahmad (2014) [1] on why strategy implementation fails, 60%
of organizations don’t link strategy to budgeting process, 2. Strategic planning and management process
75% do not link employee incentives to strategy, 86% of 2.1 Strategic management phases in business
business owners and managers spend less than one hour per Strategic management process consists of five phases.
month discussing strategy while 95% of typical workforce in According to Tapera (2016) [19] the phases in strategic
organizations does not understand their organizational management are as follows;
strategy. They noted that challenges of strategy 1) Develop a strategic vision of where an organization
implementation include political interference, limited desires to go and what products, markets and customers
resources and global economic situations that may be beyond to focus.
the organizations control. Baroto, Arvand and Ahmad (2014) 2) Set objectives to be used in measuring progress and
further noted that 66% of corporate strategies are never performance
implemented, 70% to 90% percent of organizations fail to 3) Develop strategies to achieve
realize the success of implementing their strategies, and only 4) Implement and execute the accepted strategies both
63% of financial objectives envisioned by companies’ effectively and effectively.
strategies are achieved and that strategies most often fail due 5) Evaluate the performance and put in place corrective
to ineffective execution. measures.
According to Heracleous (2000) [8], organizations can only
realize sustained strategic success from continuous 2.2 Strategic management process for Non –Profit
innovation and continuous adaptability and that companies organizations
that are out of touch with the environment to pursue a Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations involves
particular strategy effectively may initially realize success choosing the highest priority achievements that an
only to be blinded and fail in the long term due to failure to organization is prepared to commit to over a period of three
respond to environmental changes.The cost of failed to five years. Strategic planning and management is as
implementations is significant and includes reduced important to non-profits just like for private sector
employee morale, diminished trust in top management, and a organizations. Bryson (1988) [4] remarked that strategic
more rigid organization due to increased employee cynicism planning is likely to become part of the “repertoire of public
which is often worse than skepticism (Heracleous 2000) [8]. and non-profit planners”. Therefore strategic planning is
Therefore, strategy implementation may or may not succeed important or useful to all types of organization whether for
because of various factors both external and internal to the profit or nonprofit.
organization. The organization should study the business According to the World Bank (2011) [20], there are many
environment and react accordingly to ensure that strategies models and steps for strategic planning in nonprofit
laid are not derailed. There are serious consequences for organizations. One approach which assumes cooperation
failed strategic implementation to individuals and the between Board and staff involves the following steps;
organization and should therefore be avoided. a) Agree on a strategic planning process: Set up a strategic
planning committee or task force for and have
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coordinating group consisting of a mix Board members, view that public organizations could conceivably benefit
senior and middle level managers and representatives of from a strategic approach in their operations.
technical and/or support staff, funders, sister In his study on why organizations fail to implement
organizations, and other stakeholders. Allocate enough strategies, Leskaj (2017) [12] identified several reasons which
staff time to the strategic planning process. It may be include;
necessary to reduce the regular workloads or a) Poor or lack of strategy monitoring and evaluation: Some
responsibilities of staff and Board members who are problems in measuring the performance. These problems
expected to play a key role in developing the strategic in measuring the performance will be carried forward in
plan. the evaluation of performance and the management of
b) Carry out an environmental scan: This includes an change.
external component of identifying and assessing b) Organizational structure: Implementation of strategy
opportunities and threats in the external environment and often requires an organizational structure corresponding
an internal component assessing organizational strengths to identified needs and challenges. Where such is not put
and weaknesses, also called SWOT analysis. in place, strategy failure often occurs.
c) Identify strategic planning issues: This includes c) Human resources: Organizations, may fail to recruit,
identification or setting of priorities in terms of time or develop and motivate the right manpower for strategy
importance. This is followed by development formulation and implementation.
organizational vision and then goals. d) Motivation: Organizations may fail to adequately
d) Develop the values, vision, and mission for the motivate members of staff using monetary and non-
organization: At this stage consensus is developed on money means.
why the organization exists, what goals or outcomes it e) Lack of Financial resources: An organization may lack
seeks to achieve what it stands for, and whom it serves finance to implement strategies either by poor budgeting
in its day to day existence. or financial constraints.
e) Develop Organizational Vision: It should be made clear f) Generation and choice of strategy: failure to identify and
and stated about where the organization is heading to in develop the most appropriate strategies for the
the long term say five years. organization’s strategic success. Low involvement in
f) Develop a goals or organizational status statements: It is these strategic planning stages by the organization's
desirable to convert or transform the vision into a series members will reduce their motivation during the
of key goals for the organization, preferably in the form implementation of the strategy leading to failure or poor
of status statements describing the organization. implementation.
g) Development strategies to reach the goals: Broad
strategies, including current and new products and 4. Benefits of utilizing strategic planning
services. These strategies should be related to specific Organizations get significant benefits from strategic planning
goals or address several goals. and management. According to the Braduţan and Sârbu
h) Develop annual plans to address goals, objectives and (2012) [2], Ong (2015) [15], Heracleous (2000) [8] and World
work plans: Strategies need to reflect current conditions Bank (2011) [20], planning helps assure that an organization
within the organization and its environment while the remains relevant and responsive in the business environment.
development of Objectives and annual work plans The benefits include;
require both management and staff input. a) Strategic planning and management enables a firm to
i) Summarize the developed Strategic plan: This is in any predict the future and prepare itself for it in a proactive
acceptable format, but should include the outputs of each manner as opposed to being reactive hence making them
major step. The box at the end of this document provides more adaptive and successful.
one possibility. b) A strategic plan as a tool for defining organizational
j) Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan. This is to direction enables determination of objectives and goals
ensure that goals and objectives and strategies are that are as realistic as possible, and this facilitates
monitored regularly, with strategies being revised and consistency and stability in operations.
annual objectives developed yearly. Leadership should c) A successful strategic planning and management leads to
be involved in reviewing progress and assuring that increased market share and profitability as organizations
strategies are changed as appropriate. get valuable insights of market trends, consumer
segments and available product/service or program
3. Hurdles of implementing strategic planning offering.
According to Leskaj (2017) [12] organizations need to d) Strategic planning and management increase operational
undertake strategies to meet their missions and objectives, but efficiency by providing a clear roadmap that facilitates
in the process, they face a myriad of challenges that threaten alignment of activities and resources to realize well set
the successful implementation of this mission or and realistic goals leading to high efficiency in business
implementing successful strategies in accordance with these operations.
plans. Leaders my fail to link their strategic planning efforts e) It facilitates new program, product and service
to other critical decision-making processes. The author development by organizations in line with changing
observes that, having a strategic planning system in place is
not a guarantee that an organization will achieve its strategic
goals and objectives as planned.
Hughes (2003) [9] acknowledges that there are more problems
and constraints especially in public sector organizations as
compared to the private sector organizations, yet he is of the
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consumer needs and competition. like others, is not universal for any situations and problems
f) It enables an organization to investigate the future in an (Braduţan and Sârbu, 2012; Jurevičienė, 2013) [2, 11]. They
orderly and systematic way. include;
g) From a governance perspective, it enables the Board of a) Adverse effects may occur if people who formulate the
Directors to set policies and goals to guide the strategy are not involved in its implementation, being
organization, and provides a clear focus to the difficult to assign individual tasks to other persons not
management involved in the.
h) Often creditors or donors require strategic plans, and b) Sharply increase the negative consequences of mistakes
they provide a basis for setting Priorities, organizing in strategic planning because in the short-term new
work, and assessing progress for non-profits or non- products, investment directions radically change, when
governmental organizations as well as for profit suddenly there are new business opportunities.
organizations. c) Strategic management cannot provide a precise and
detailed picture of the future. Describing in detail the
Strategic planning promotes motivation and innovation since future of an organization is not a detailed description of
it involves managers at top levels who are committed to its internal state and the situation in the external
objectives and strategies and think of new ideas for environment, but rather a mixture of qualitative wishes
implementation of strategies. It also provides motivation to towards the state in which the organization wants to be
people at lower levels when they know their efforts are in the future, what position to take in the market and in
contributing towards organizational goals. Through strategic the business, what organizational culture to have. This
management, risks are minimized since the process provides may remain just wishful thinking giving false hope.
information needed to assess risk and frame strategies to d) Strategic management cannot be limited to a set of
minimize them and invest in safe business opportunities. routine rules, procedures and schedules and it being a
Chances of making mistakes and choosing wrong objectives theory that describes how and what to do to solve
and strategies, thus, get reduced significantly. Risk is inherent problems or situations as well as a philosophy or
in every business and failure to anticipate risk through ideology of business and management every manager
strategic planning is almost sure to lead the business to failure understands it and largely makes it in their own way
Firms get significant financial benefits if they make strategic hence a possible source of conflict.
plans because firms that make strategic plans have good sales, e) Costly to perform for small and medium businesses
low costs, and high profits (Tanuja, nd). because managers or strategic planners have to be hired,
Hill and Jones (1998) [10] and Tanaju (nd.) remarked that additional efforts are required towards analysis of
strategic planning produces real changes in the organizational external and internal environments and some tools need
climate, with benefits on their performance thus providing an to be designed to properly implement strategic planning
enabling environment for the exercise of strategic process.
management. Therefore, planning should be the starting point f) The process is usually complex since it consists of many
of strategic management while observing that, strategic steps that are connected to each other and must be
planning unifies organizational activities and efforts towards constantly adjusted time and again. In some cases, the
the long-term goals of an organization. By focusing on process has to be repeated over and over again.
specific goals, it makes it clear for staff members to know the g) Low rate of successful implementation due to its
direction towards which they are expected to move. Through complexity and heavy commitment to strategic goals.
strategic planning allocation of resources and attempts to Often, the poor implementation is the reason for failure,
meet the goals is facilitated through clear specifications laid although it is more often the case of misaligned
out during strategy formulation and actual planning. operational and strategic goals.
h) Strategic planning requires knowledge, training and
5. Limitations of strategic planning and management experience in the field and managers should have high
In some cases, the environment is so dynamic that strategic conceptual skills and abilities to make strategic plans.
or long-range planning becomes almost impossible. The same However, some organizations lack such managers with
also may apply in cases where the economy deteriorates, or a the knowledge and skill to prepare strategic plans, whose
hostile or unresponsive government takes charge of an effect is that the desired results will not be achieved
economy or country (World Bank, 2011) [20]. The author leading in huge financial losses for the organization in
remarks that it is very difficult to plan in a crisis, and pursuit of plans that will fail.
unrealistic to plan for many years ahead except when an
organization has some confidence that it will exist next year, 6. Recommendations for successful strategic management
and that most of its key staff and its Board leadership will Organizations should put in place various measures to ensure
continue to be affiliated with the organization. successful strategic planning and implementation. According
A strategic plan is, is generally, a company’s game to Mohammed (2015), organizations should;
compete successfully and results from serious managerial a) Budgeting process should be linked to strategic
choices among numerous competing alternatives, and it processes to ensure adequate financing of strategic
indicates commitment to specific markets, policies, activities.
procedures, and operations in lieu of other, “less desirable” b) All employees of the organization should understand the
courses of action (David, 2011) [5]. According to Dyer, organizational strategic plans and contribute towards
Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce (2016) [6] sometimes strategies are realization of organizational strategic goals.
successful and sometimes they are not. c) Understand the global dynamics in business environment
There are several limitations in the use of strategic so that external factors do not ambush and cripple
management that shows that this method of management and, strategic implementation.
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