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Kristine L.


Definition of Eduction

Eduction is an immediate inference. It refers to different ways of stating a fact and it has four

4 Types of Eduction
> Conversion
> Obversion
> Contrasposition
> Inversion

Conversion is an inference formed by interchanging the subject and predicate terms of a

categorical proposition. Not all conversions are valid.

Conversion grounds an immediate inference for both E and I propositions That is, the
converse of any E or I proposition is true if and only if the original proposition was true. Thus,
in each of the pairs noted as examples either both propositions are true or both are false.

Steps for Conversion: Reversing the subject and the predicate terms in the premise.

Valid Conversions

Convertend Converse

A: All S is P. I: Some P is S (by limitation)

E: No S is P E: No P is S
I: Some S is P I: Some P is S
O: Some S is not P (conversion not valid)

Obversion is an inference formed by changing the quality of a proposition and replacing the
predicate term by its complement. Obversion is valid for any standard form Caregorical

Obversion is the only immediate inference that is valid for categorical propositions of every
form. In each of instances, the original proposition and its obverse must have exactly the
same truth-value, wether it turns out to be true or false.

Steps for Obversion:

Replace the quality of the given statements. That is, if affirmative, change it into negative,
and if negative, change it into affirmative.

Replace the predicate term by its complementary term.

Valid Obversions

Obverted Obverse

A: All S is P. E: No S is P
E: No S is P A: All S is non-P
I: Some S is P O: Some S is not non-P
O: Some S is not a P No converse

Contraposition is the formulation of a new proposition whose subject is the contradictory of

the original predicate.

contraposit – new
contraponed- original

a. Simple Contraposition - A-E, E-I, O-I

1. As a subject, use the contradictory on the immediately opposed contrary term of the
original predicate.
2. Change the quality
3. As a predicate, use the original subject.

A: Every S is P. → Obversion → No S is non-P → Conversion → No non-P is S

E: No non-P is S.

b. Complete Contraposition – A-A, E-O, O-O

1. As a subject, use the contradictoryor the immediately opposed contrary term of the
original predicate.
2. Do not change the quality.
3. As a predicate, use the contradictory or the immediately opposed contrary term of the
original subject.

A: Every S is P.
A: Every non-P is non-S
I: Many Filipinos are philosophers.

S. Converse – I – Many philosophers are Filipinos

P. Converse-____
O: Obverse – Many Filipinos are not non-philosophers
S: Contraposit - _____
C: Contraposit - ______

Obvert the S. Converse – O – Many philosophers are not non-Filipinos. Not all philosophers
are non-Filipinos.
C: Contrapose the obverse of the S. Converse – O – Many Filipinos are not non-philosophers.
Inversion is the formulation of a new proposition whose subject is the contradictory of the
original subject.

Kinds of Inversion

a. Partial Inversion
b. Complete Inversion

Note: Invertend – the original proposition

Inverse – the new proposition
Inversion – the process itself

Rules for Partial Inversion

1. The quality is changed.

2. The predicate is the same as the original proposition.

To get Partial Inversion

1. Obvert
2. Convert
3. Obvert
4. Convert
5. Obvert

Symbols and their Partial Inversion (Only A & E can be Inverted)

– A to O
– E to I

Rues for Complete Inversion

1. The quality is not changed.

2. The predicate is the contradictory of the original predicate.

To get Complete Inversion

1. Convert
2. Obvert
3. Convert
4. Obvert

Symbols and their Complete Inversion (Only A & E can be Inverted)

– A to I
– E to O
Partial Inversion Example

(Invertend) Every cat is an animal

Obvert: No cat is a non-animal
Convert: No non-animal is a cat
Obvert: Every non-animal is a non-cat
Convert: Some non-cat is a non-animal
Obvert: Some non-cat is a not an animal (Inverse)

Complete Inversion Example

(Invertend) No cat is a dog

Convert: No dog is a cat
Obvert: Every dog is a non-cat
Convert: Some non-cat is a dog
Obvert: Some non-cat os not a non-dog (Inverse)

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