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Forms of the state

1. Dictatorship and Democracy

A type of government in which the whole governing body is
controlled by a single individual or a single group of people.
Dictatorship gets established when the political atmosphere of
some state be very hopeless and country affairs have adopted
critical state of affairs. And in a state of affairs of disturbance
and the disorder the masses welcome every good or bad things
and the dictator by taking advantage of this state of affairs,
grabs power.

Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are
elected by the people.
 Abraham Lincoln
Democracy is a government of people, by the people and for
the people.
Democracy is the government of public and works for the
interests of public. To the political thinkers, democracy is a
complete philosophy of life that not only re-in force the
political, social, cultural or economic relations of individuals a
new rather organization the whole society in particular manner.

2. Unitary and Federal

A Unitary government is when a power is held in a single
central agency.
The Central power, Parliament, has total power over the
smaller sub-division because it is a local authority for all
government functions.
Power is not shared between states, countries or provinces.
United kingdom, France, Britain etc.

In a Federal form of government, power is divided between a
central government and small division such as states.
A document (such as constituent) may describe the rights,
responsibilities and duties of the central government of the
Central government can be powerful, but it doesn’t have the
ability to dissolve states or choose state leaders.
State or provinces are given considerable self rule, usually
through their own legislature.
United state of America, Germany, Pakistan, India etc.

3. Parliamentary and Presidential

Democratic forms of government in which the people vote for
those who represent the political party they feel best represent
their views of how the government should operate.
Parliament, the legislature the people elect makes and enforce
the law of the country.
The leader is often called a prime minister and prime minster is
a member of parliament.
The prime minister is usually chosen by the political part that
wins a majority of representative in the parliament.
The prime minister is the head of the government.

A democratic form of government in which a president chosen
to be a leader.
A president, or chief executive, is chosen separately from the
A presidential is in a separate branch of the government.
The legislature passes the law, and the president sees that the
law is enforced.
The president holds power separately from the legislature, but
the president doesn’t have the power to dismiss the legislature
or either legislature doesn’t have the power to dismiss
The president is the head of state.

4. Communism and Capitalism

An economic system where everybody share equally the mean
of production and the profit and the loses.
All decision is made by central authority.
There is no difference between citizens
China, North Korea, Cuba etc.
An economic capitalism system where individuals and
corporations have the freedom to own their own factories and
Based on supply and demand
Money is made by individuals.
Making their own decision.
Power is in the hands of citizens.
United state, Germany etc.

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