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University of Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index

Country Index Technical Report

Chen, C.; Noble, I.; Hellmann, J.; Coffee, J.; Murillo, M.; Chawla, N.
Release date: November, 2015


Contributing Experts ....................................................................................................................... 1

I. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 2
II. ND-GAIN Country Index Overview ....................................................................................... 3
Terminology ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Selecting ND-GAIN indicators ............................................................................................................... 4
Calculating The ND-GAIN Score ........................................................................................................... 6
THE ND-GAIN Matrix................................................................................................................................ 9
III. ND-GAIN indicators .............................................................................................................. 10
IV. ND-GAIN measure description, rationale, calculation, data sources .................. 11
Food .........................................................................................................................................................................12
Water .......................................................................................................................................................................15
Health ......................................................................................................................................................................19
Ecosystem Services............................................................................................................................................22
Human habitat .....................................................................................................................................................26
Infrastructure ......................................................................................................................................................29
Economic readiness...........................................................................................................................................33
Governance readiness ......................................................................................................................................33
Social readiness...................................................................................................................................................35
V. ND-GAIN Reference Points................................................................................................... 38
VI. Works Cited ............................................................................................................................. 40

Contributing Experts

Country ND-GAIN Index Contributing Experts:

Clark, Michael Statistical consultant, Center for Statistical Consultation and Research, University of
Block, Emily Associate Professor at University of Alberta Business School
Gassert, Francis Lead, Data for Impact, World Resource Institute

Gonzalez, Patrick Climate Change Scientist, U.S. National Park Service
Jishan, Liao Research Assistant, University of Notre Dame
Lodge, David Professor, Department of Biological Science, University of Notre Dame
Michael, Edwin Professor, Department of Biological Science, University of Notre Dame
Martinez, Andres Independent Consultant
Mayala, Benjamin PhD candidate, University of Notre Dame
Murphy, Patrick Director of Public Sector Engagement, Palo Alto Research Center
Musumba, Mark Associate Research Scientist, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Regan, Patrick Professor, Department of Political Science, Kroc Institute for International Peace
Studies, University of Notre Dame
Shiao, Tien Sustainability Relations, H&M
Wozniak, Abigail Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Notre Dame


The Notre Dame-Global Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN) Country Index is a free open-
source index that shows a country’s current vulnerability to climate disruptions. It also
assesses a country’s readiness to leverage private and public sector investment for
adaptive actions. ND-GAIN brings together over 74 variables to form 45 core indicators
to measure vulnerability and readiness of 192 UN countries from 1995 to the present
(Due to data availability, ND-GAIN measures vulnerability of 182 countries and
readiness of 184 countries)

Corporate, NGO, government, and development decision-makers use ND-GAIN’s

country-level rankings and underlying data to make informed strategic operational and
reputational decisions regarding supply chains, capital projects, policy changes and
community engagements.

Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index moved to the University of Notre Dame in April
2013. It was formerly housed in the Global Adaptation Institute in Washington, D.C. It
now resides within the Climate Change Adaptation Program of the University of Notre
Dame’s Environmental Change Initiative (ND-ECI), a Strategic Research Initiative
focused on “science serving society” and draws on resources from both inside and
outside of the university.

Adaptation is an evolving concept. Our understanding of climate change and the risks it
presents is constantly improving through ongoing research. At ND-GAIN, we strive to
estimate adaptation risk and opportunity using the best available research outputs,
data, and tools. To this end, the index keeps updating whenever it is necessary, and
highlights of each release can be found at As we
receive feedback from our users, we also periodically release new tools for data
visualization and analytics.

This report describes ND-GAIN for its November 2015 release and provides detailed
information on the framework, data sources, and data compilation process used for
producing the Index.


All countries, to different extents, are facing the challenges of adaptation. Due to
geographical location or socio-economic condition, some countries are more
vulnerable to the impacts of climate change than others. Further, some countries are
more ready to take on adaptation actions by leveraging public and private sector
investments, through government action, community awareness, and the ability to
facilitate private sector responses. ND-GAIN measures both of these dimensions:
vulnerability and readiness.


ND-GAIN’s framework breaks the measure of vulnerability into exposure, sensitivity

and adaptive capacity, and the measure of readiness into economic, governance and
social components. The construction of the ND-GAIN framework is based on published
peer-reviewed material, the IPCC Review process, and feedback from corporate
stakeholders, practitioners and development users. Most of the vulnerability and
readiness measures (except indicators of exposure – see below) are said to be
actionable, meaning that these represent actions or the result of actions taken by
national governments, communities, Civil Society Organizations, Non-Government
Organizations, and other stakeholders.

Propensity or predisposition of human societies to be negatively impacted by climate
ND-GAIN assesses the vulnerability of a country by considering six life-supporting
sectors: food, water, health, ecosystem services, human habitat and infrastructure.
Each sector is in turn represented by six indicators that represent three cross-cutting
components: the exposure of the sector to climate-related or climate-exacerbated
hazards; the sensitivity of that sector to the impacts of the hazard and the adaptive
capacity of the sector to cope or adapt to these impacts.

Exposure: The extent to which human society and its supporting sectors are stressed
by the future changing climate conditions. Exposure in ND-GAIN captures the physical
factors external to the system that contribute to vulnerability.

Sensitivity: The degree to which people and the sectors they depend upon are affected
by climate related perturbations. The factors increasing sensitivity include the degree

of dependency on sectors that are climate-sensitive and proportion of populations
sensitive to climate hazard due to factors such as topography and demography.

Adaptive capacity: The ability of society and its supporting sectors to adjust to reduce
potential damage and to respond to the negative consequences of climate events. In
ND-GAIN adaptive capacity indicators seek to capture a collection of means, readily
deployable to deal with sector-specific climate change impacts.

Readiness to make effective use of investments for adaptation actions thanks to a safe
and efficient business environment

ND-GAIN measures readiness by considering a country’s ability to leverage

investments to adaptation actions. ND-GAIN measures overall readiness by considering
three components: economic readiness, governance readiness and social readiness.

Economic Readiness: The investment climate that facilitates mobilizing capitals from
private sector.

Governance Readiness: The stability of the society and institutional arrangements that
contribute to the investment risks. A stable country with high governance capacity
reassures investors that the invested capitals could grow under the help of responsive
public services and without significant interruption.

Social readiness: Social conditions that help society to make efficient and equitable use
of investment and yield more benefit from the investment


To identify indicators that reflect climate vulnerability and adaptation readiness, the
ND-GAIN team surveyed the most recent literature and consulted scholars, adaptation
practitioners, and global development experts. The indicators included in ND-GAIN
were chosen to fit within the structure described above and to meet the following

• Focus on sectors and components that have impacts on human well-being,

including biophysical impacts of climate change on a country's society, and the
socioeconomic factors that either amplify or reduce such impacts.

• Indicators that represent vulnerability or readiness should be actionable for

climate change adaptation. In other words, governments and private sector or
communities could take actions on an issue and expect to see changes in one or
more indicators over time. Exceptions are the exposure indicators, which are not

actionable through adaptation, as they are mostly driven by biophysical factors and
are only actionable through greenhouse gas abatement (climate change mitigation).

• Representatives of vulnerability sectors or readiness components, based on

relevant literature and climate change adaptation practices (i.e. the adaptation
actions taken by individuals or the adaptation programs run by country
governments, bilateral or multilateral aid agencies, international organizations,
NGOs, private investors and so forth).

• When possible, indicators should have the potential to be scaled down from
country to sub-country level, to support the possibility of assessing climate
vulnerability and adaptation readiness at finer scales.

• Two kinds of indicators are explicitly excluded from ND-GAIN. The first is Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) per capita or any of its closely related measures. GDP per
capita is commonly used in indices relating to development and poverty (e.g.,
UNDP's Human Development Index), but including it in ND-GAIN would doubly
penalize many developing countries. It is well known that less developed countries
also have low adaptive capacity and readiness, and high sensitivity. ND-GAIN does
show a high correlation with a county’s economic status; and a version of ND-GAIN
that adjusts the index score using GDP per capita. Second, ND-GAIN does not
include data on the impact of recent climate-related disasters. Instead, disaster
data provide an independent source of information for decision-making and also
for possible index validation.

• The data selected that quantifies the ND-GAIN indicators have the following
features to ensure transparency, reliability and consistency:

o Available for a high proportion of United Nations countries.

o Time-series so that changes and trends in country vulnerability and
readiness can be tracked. Indicators with data from 1995 to the present are
o Freely accessible to the public.
o Collected and maintained by reliable and authoritative organizations that
carry out quality checks on their data.
o Are transparent and conceptually clear.

Figure 1 below summarizes indicators measuring both vulnerability and readiness.

Figure 1 Summary of ND-GAIN Vulnerability and Readiness Indicators

Vulnerability is composed of 36 indicators. Each component has 12 indicators, crossed

with 6 sectors. Readiness is composed of 9 indicators.


There are many systematic methods for converting data into an index. For instance:
scaling data into similar ranges of values, including normalizing to a common mean and
standard deviation; setting base low and high values for the data (e.g. from the
observed minimum to the observed maximum; or from 0 to 100% compliance etc.), and
scaling data either linearly or after transformation to a prescribed range (e.g. 0 to 1; 0
to 100; -1 to +1); or converting the data to ranked values.

The 45 ND-GAIN indicators come from 74 data sources that provide 74 underlying
data. 20 of the 45 indicators come directly from the sources; the rest 25 are computed
by compiling underlying data. The methods used to compute these 25 indicators are
detailed in Section IV of this report.

ND-GAIN follows a transparent procedure for data conversion to index. A detailed,

step-wise process is described below and in Figure 2.

Step 1. Select and collect data from the sources (called “raw” data), or compute
indicators from underlying data. Some data errors (i.e. tabulation errors coming from
the source) are identified and corrected at this stage. If some form of transformation is
needed (e.g. expressing the measure in appropriate units, log transformation to better
represent the real sensitivity of the measure etc.) it happens also at this stage.

Step 2. At times some years of data could be missing for one or more countries; some
times, all years of data are missing for a country. In the first instance, linear
interpolation is adopted to make up for the missing data. In the second instance, the
indicator is labeled as "missing" for that particular country, which means the indicator

will not be considered in the averaging process. However, it is important to have most
of the UN countries present in the data.

Step 3. This step can be carried out after of before Step 2 above. Select baseline
minimum and maximum values for the raw data. These encompass all or most of the
observed range of values across countries, but in some cases the distribution of the
observed raw data is highly skewed. In this case, ND-GAIN selects the 90-percentile
value if the distribution is right skewed, or 10-percentile value if the distribution is left
skewed, as the baseline maximum or minimum.

Step 2 Interpolate missing data, or,

Step 1 Select and collect "raw" data
if one country has no data
from 74 sources, correct obvious Step 3 Identify baseline minimum
available for certain indicators,
errors, and make necessary and maximum for "raw" data.
these indicators are considered
"missing" for the country.

Step 5 Scale "raw" Step 6 Compute

Step 4 Define "reference Step 7 Compute ND-
data to "scores" that vulnerability score and
point" for each indicator GAIN
has range from 0 to 1 readiness score

Figure 2 Detail Steps to Creating ND-GAIN

Step 4. Whenever applicable, set proper reference data points for measures. The
reference points stand for the status of perfection, i.e. the best performance that
represents either zero vulnerability or full readiness. In some cases reference points
were the baseline minimum or maximum identified in Step 3. For certain measures,
based on the adaptation or development practices, reference points were set by
common sense. For example, the reference points for child malnutrition is 0%, for
reliable drinking water is 100% and so on. If data sources have reference points by
default for a measure, these are adopted. For instance, the reference point for the
measure “Quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure” is 5, because the raw
data are ranged from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest score(See reference points section

Step 5. Scale “raw” data to “score”, ranging from 0 to 1, to facilitate the comparison
among countries and the comparison to the reference points. Scaling follows the
formula below:

"raw"   −   

"" = |"

 " − |


The parameter of “direction” has two values, 0 when calculating score of vulnerability
indicator; 1 when calculating score of readiness indicators, so that a higher
vulnerability score means higher vulnerability (“worse”) and a higher readiness score
means higher readiness (“better”).

Step 6. Compute the score for each sector by taking the arithmetic mean of its 6
constituent indicators (all scaled 0-1, weighted equally). Then calculate the overall
vulnerability score by taking the arithmetic mean of the 6 sector scores.

Step 7. Follow the same process as Step 6 to calculate the overall readiness score.

Step 8. Compute the ND-GAIN score by subtracting the vulnerability score from
the readiness score for each country, and scale the scores to give a value 0 to 100,
using the formula below:

 −   =  
  − ! 

"  + 1% ∗ 50


ND-GAIN can be represented as

a scatter plot of readiness
against vulnerability, that is,
the ND-GAIN Matrix (Figure 3).
The Matrix provides a visual
tool for quickly comparing
countries and tracking their
progress through time. The
plot is divided into four
quadrants, delineated by the
median score of vulnerability
across all the countries and
over all years, and median
score of readiness calculated
the same way. Approximately
half the countries fall to the left
Figure 3. The ND-GAIN Matrix
of the readiness median and
half to the right. Similarly, half fall above the vulnerability median and half below1.

Red (Upper Left) Quadrant: Countries with a high level of vulnerability to climate
change but a low level of readiness. These countries have both a great need for
investment to improve readiness and a great urgency for adaptation action.

Yellow (Lower Left) Quadrant: Countries with a low level of readiness but also a low
level of vulnerability to climate change. Though their vulnerability may be relatively
low, their adaptation may lag due to lower readiness.

Blue (Upper Right) Quadrant: Countries with a high level of vulnerability to climate
change and a high level of readiness. In these countries, the need for adaptation is large,
but they are ready to respond. The private sector may be more likely participate in
adaptation here than in countries with lower readiness.

Green (Lower Right) Quadrant: Countries with low level of vulnerability to climate
change and a high level of readiness. These countries still need to adapt (none of them
have a perfect vulnerability score) but may be well positioned to do so.

1Note that this does not mean that there will be the same number of countries in each quadrant. Highly ready, often

wealthy, countries tend to have lower vulnerabilities and vice versa, so proportionately more countries fall in the
green and red quadrants.


Table 3 and Table 4 list all the 45 indicators used in the ND-GAIN Index.

Table 1 ND-GAIN Vulnerability Indicators

Sector Exposure Sensitivity Adaptive Capacity
component component component
Projected change of Food import Agriculture capacity
cereal yields dependency (Fertilizer, Irrigation,
Food Pesticide, Tractor use)
Projected population Rural Population Child malnutrition

Projected change of Fresh water Access to reliable drinking

annual runoff withdrawal rate water
Projected change of Water dependency Dam capacity
annual groundwater ratio

Projected change of Slum population Medical staffs (physicians,

deaths from climate nurses and midwives)
change induced diseases
Projected change of Dependency on Access to improved sanitation
length of transmission external resource for facilities
season of vector-borne health services
Projected change of Dependency on natural Protected biomes
Ecosystem biome distribution capital
Projected change of Ecological footprint Engagement in International
marine biodiversity environmental conventions

Projected change of Urban concentration Quality of trade and

warm period transport-related
Human Habitat infrastructure
Projected change of flood Age dependency ratio Paved roads

Projected change of Dependency on Electricity access

hydropower generation imported energy
Projection of Sea Level Population living under Disaster preparedness
Rise impacts 5m above sea level

Table 2.ND-GAIN Readiness Indicators

Component Indicators

Economic Readiness Doing business2

Governance Political stability Control of Rule of law Regulatory quality

Readiness and non-violence corruption

Social Readiness Social inequality ICT Education Innovation




This section details ND-GAIN’s indicators and is organized in the following manner:


Indicator Name
Description: Description of the indicator.

Rationale: Reasons for inculsion.

Calculation: Description of the approach followed to calculate the indicator, if data from
the original source(s) need to be processed.

Data Source: Source web links.

Coverage: An estimate of the number of countries for which data are available.

Time Series: Estimate of data reporting (Missing years are assumed with a simple linear
interpolation. If the first years of data or the most recent years of data are used, constant
values equal to the first or last reported datum are assumed).

Notes: Comments on indicator cautions, alternatives, or potential improvements.


2The Doing Business indicators is composed of 10 sub-indicators. See Section IV for details


EXPOSURE INDICATOR 1: Projected change of agricultural cereal

Description: Projected amount that climate change is predicted to change food supply
by mid-century for three staples: rice, wheat and maize. The projections of the yield
productions are obtained from five crop models (EPIC, GEPIC, LPJmL, pDSSAT,
PEGASUS), and it assumes effect of CO2 fertilization but does not adjust for changes in
farming systems or irrigation.

Rationale: Rosenzweig, et al. (2013) compared results from seven crop models against
agricultural impacts of climate change expressed by yield changes through the end of
the century. ND-GAIN includes the average impacts on three crops (rice, wheat and
maize) as an indication of the climate impacts on agriculture sector and food supply
because these three crops make up two thirds of human food consumption (FAO).

Calculation: The projected change is calculated by the percent change from the
baseline projection of annual average of actual cereal yield in 1980-2009 to a future
projection in 2040-2069 under the RCP4.5 emission scenario(about RCP emission
scenarios see IPCC, 2014). Data for baseline and future are the average yield
productions from the five crop models. The conversion from models to an Index
follows a process whose explanation is beyond the goals of this report. Please contact
the ND-GAIN team for obtaining such information.

Data Source: Earth System Grid Federation

Coverage: 189 countries

Time Series: Single projection

EXPOSURE INDICATOR 2: Projected population change

Description: An indication of food demand by the mid-century. The projection data are
from the World Bank Health Nutrition and Population Statistics (HNPStats)which
provides country-level projection of population up to 2050.

Rationale: Population changes and shifts in consumption patterns are key

determinants of food demand (Godfray et al., 2012). Diet shift, especially towards
more meat/diary consumption in emerging economies, is an important factor
contributing to the food demand in the coming decades. But, uncertainties still exist as
to the precise balance between opposing trends in developing and developed
countries(Alexandratos & Bruinsma, 2012). Given these uncertainties, as well as the

lack of data on diet shifts, the projection of population growth is a simple
approximation of food demand in the future.

Calculation: Average population growth is calculated by the percent change from the
baseline population size in 2010 to the average predicted population size during the
period 2020-2050, by country.

Data Source: HNPStats projection of total population

Coverage: 191 countries

Time Series: Single projection

Notes: ND-GAIN uses population growth, since the data that projects the future
meat/dairy consumption still lack global coverage. However, in future ND-GAIN
releases, including the future projection of meat/dairy consumption, it may be possible
to have more complete indication on food stress in terms of food demand.

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 1: Food import dependency

Description: Proportion of cereal consumption obtained from imports. The definition
of cereal is from FAO referred as “crops harvested for dry grain only”, including wheat,
rice, barley, maize, popcorn, rye, oats, millets, sorghum, buckwheat, quinoa, fonio,
triticale, canary seed, mixed grain, and remaining types (FAO, n.d.). Cereal consumption
is equal to production and imports minus exports.

Rationale: Countries highly dependent on food imports are susceptible to shocks in

food prices in the international market. Climate change and its impacts on the
agriculture sector may accentuate price volatility (Nelson et al., 2010).

Data Source: Cereal imports dependency ratio (%), FAOSTAT

Coverage: 169 countries

Time Series: Annual from 1995 to 2014

Notes: Cereals do not cover all food types, but they are commonly taken as a
comprehensive indicator of sensitivity to global markets.


Description: This measure includes all people living in the rural regions of a country.

Rationale: The vast majority of the world’s poor live in rural areas (Global Monitoring
Report, 2013), and agriculture is the major source of income and near-term
development for the rural poor(World Bank, 2014). Therefore, a high proportion of

rural population is indicative of a strong dependency on subsistence, or near
subsistence, farming. Subsistence farmers are more vulnerable to climate shocks
(Thorlakson et al., 2012).

Data Source: Rural population (% of total population), WDI

Coverage: 191 countries

Time Series: Annual from 1995 to 2014


Description: A combination of four indicators of agricultural technology: capacity to
equip agriculture areas with irrigation, N+P205 total fertilizer use on arable and
permanent crop area use, pesticide use, and tractor use. The irrigation measure
obtained from FAO indicates the proportion of agriculture areas equipped with
irrigation, but does not measure the amount of land that is indeed been irrigated in a
specific year. Therefore, it is a capacity measure. The fertilizer and pesticide measures
are the total consumption of the active ingredients (for both fertilizer and pesticide) as
the reported sum divided by hectare. The tractor use measures the number of wheel
and crawler tractors used in agriculture. Together, these measures are combined into
an indication of the accessibility of agriculture technological inputs.

Rationale: Agricultural capacity is useful to distinguish between technological stages,

especially in developing countries. This indicator is related to agricultural technologies
as indicators of adaptive capacity to changing climate (Rosegrant et al., 2014). These
four technologies included here are indicative of agricultural-related resources that a
country can apply.

Calculation: The indicator of agricultural capacity takes the average of the two best
(i.e. least vulnerable) scores of the four measures of agricultural technology described
above. Using four measures allows for missing data but also for situations such as
where irrigation or fertilizer is less necessary because of rainfall or good quality soils.

Data Source:

Fertilizer use on arable and permanent crop areas, FAOSTAT

Pesticide use on arable and permanent crop areas, FAOSTAT

% of agriculture area/land area equipped for irrigation, FAOSTAT

Tractor use per 100 sq. km of arable land, WDI

Coverage: 181 countries

Time Series: Irregular data reporting for the four measures, ranging from annual
update to 5-year update

Notes: In some cases certain agricultural technologies, like pesticides and fertilizers,
may be maladaptive, since the applications may either to some extent do more harm
than good to crop productions or may increase greenhouse gas emissions. As an
indicator of capacity, this indicator does not necessarily suggest adaptive solutions.


Description: A measure of malnutrition based on the precent of under-5 year-olds
with a low weight for height ratio; usually taken as a good indicator of chronic
malnutrition. An assumption is taken for this indicator that OECD countries have a
default child malnutrition rate of 0.
Rationale: This is presumed to be an indication of the lack of capacity to deliver basic
nutritional needs to the most sensitive group in society.

Data Source: Prevalence of wasting (% of children under 5), WDI

Coverage: 137countries in the original set but expanded to 164 countries after
assumption about the child malnutrition rate in OECD countries

Time Series: Irregular data reporting ranging from annually to every 5+ years


EXPOSURE INDICATOR 1: Projected change of annual runoff

Description: An indication of how climate change will bring changes to annual surface
water resources by the mid of the century. Projected surface runoff data, defined as
precipitation minus evapotranspiration and change in soil moisture storage, are
provided by Aqueduct at World Resource Institute. Aqueduct uses the ensemble of six
global circulation models (GCMs) from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5
(CMIP5) chosen to represent a broad diversity of models that best reproduce the mean
and standard deviation of recent stream flow records in 18 large river basins (Alkama
et al., 2013). The database covers 14998 catchments derived from the Global Drainage
and Basin Database.

Rationale: Surface water resources are considered susceptible to climate change

because of the impact of temperature and precipitation variability on rainfall,
snowpack, evaporation, etc. (EPA, n.d.). The projected change of annual runoff due to
climate change takes into account impacts on precipitation, evaporation, transpiration
and soil moisture, which are the key factors impacting volume of runoffs(Němec &

Schaake, 1982). ND-GAIN uses the projected change of annual runoff as a proxy to
measure the climate impacts to surface water resources.

Calculation: The projected change is the percent change in annual runoff from the
baseline projection (1980-2009) to the future projection (2040-2069) using RCP4.5
emission scenario. Some baselines are close to zero, causing large percent changes
even though the future projection is still low. To offset this effect, ND-GAIN sets all
baseline flows to a set minimum value. The calculation here sets the 10 percentile to be
the minimum value. Baseline and future projections are generated by averaging annual
runoffs from six GCMs.

Data Source: Projected change of water risks by Aqueduct, World Resource Institute

Coverage: 168 countries

Time Series: Single projection

Notes: (1) There are several factors that current hydrology models have not taken into
consideration when projecting the future runoffs. For example, melting from snow will
likely be affected by climate change, but is not included in this indicator; the
topography also plays an important yet unmodeled role in this indicator. (2) Since ND-
GAIN is an annual index, this indicator considers the runoff projection on an annual
basis, which avoids the bigger variations in a shorter time-window (seasonal or
monthly variation).

EXPOSURE INDICATOR 2: Projected change of annual groundwater

recharge (GWR)
Description: An indication of how climate change will bring changes on annual
groundwater resource by mid century. GWR data are provided by Goethe University
Frankfurt (Portmann et al., 2013).

Rationale: Ground water, together with surface water, is a key source of fresh water to
supply drinking water and other water uses (EPA, n.d.). The projected change of
groundwater recharge due to climate change takes into account the climatic impacts on
the factors of total runoff, precipitation intensity, relief, soil texture, aquifer properties,
and the occurrence of glaciers and permafrost. ND-GAIN uses the projected change of
annual groundwater recharge as a proxy to measure the climate impacts of freshwater
resources, complementing the surface runoff water indicator.

Calculation: The projected change is the percent decrease of the annual groundwater
recharge from the baseline projection (1971-2000) to the future projection (2040-
2069) using RCP4.5 emission scenario. Some baselines are close to zero, causing large
percent changes even though the future projection is still low. To offset this effect, ND-

GAIN sets all baseline flows to a set minimum value. The calculation here sets the 10
percentile to be the minimum value. Baseline and future projections are generated by
averaging annual GWR from five GCMs.

Data Source: Portmann, et al. (2013)

Coverage: 178 countries

Time Series: Single projection

Notes: It is commonly believed that climate change will have a large impact on
freshwater supply because of the impact on GWR. However, the projection shows that
under RCP4.5 emission path, the absolute change of GWR with respect to the baseline
is relatively small by mid-century (2040-2069). Country values range from about -
60mm/yr to 40 mm/yr, compared with baseline GWR rates ranging up to 955 mm / yr.
This implies that the impacts on freshwater supply via ground water may be small in
many countries.

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 1: Freshwater withdrawal rate

Description: The proportion of total actual renewable water resources (including
desalinated water) that is withdrawn in a specific year

Rationale: Annual freshwater withdrawal out of the total renewable water resources
is a proxy for countries’ water stress (Oki & Kanae, 2006). Countries that already have
water stress are less resistant to water scarcity exacerbated by climate change.

Data Source: Fresh water withdrawal as % of total actual renewable water resources,

Coverage: 163 countries

Time Series: Countries all update the data periodically but not all countries make
updates at the same time. The frequency of data reporting ranges from only once since
1995 to every 5 years.

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 2:Water dependency ratio

Description: The proportion of the total renewable water resources originated outside
the country, including the surface water and ground water entering the country or
secured by treaties.

Rationale: An indication of how much renewable water resource a country has that is
not exclusively controlled by the country. High dependency on foreign water resources
makes a country potential susceptible to water insecurity(Bates et al., 2008; Tir &

Stinnett, 2012), because climate change increases the demand for shared, trans-
boundary water sources (Tir & Stinnett, 2012).

Data Source: Water dependency ratio, AQUASTAT

Coverage: 186 countries

Time Series: Single estimate provided by AQUASTAT


Description: An indication of the capacity to adjust to the changing (temporal and
geographical) distribution of freshwater resources, including changes due to climate
change. It is a measure of the per capita dam storage capacities within one country,
calculated by the per capita theoretical initial capacities of all dams, which does not
allow for changes over time due to siltation.

Rationale: Adaptations to increase water scarcity and variability in flow could include
both the establishment of an efficient water market and an increase in water storage
capacity through the construction of dams(RCCCA, 2013). The construction of dams
and reservoirs are an example of a country’s capacity to build structural works that
may reduce climate change impacts (De Loek et al., 2001). Although countries with
high rainfall in theory do not need large dams under normal conditions, with climate
change and the possibility of rainfall patterns changes, dams become more important.
Therefore dam capacities are an appropriate measure of the capacity to cope with
changes brought by climate change regarding temporal and geographic distribution of
water resources.

Data Source: Dam capacity per capita, AQUASTAT

Coverage: 186 countries

Time Series: Single estimate provided by AQUASTAT

Notes: (1) In some cases, increased dam construction may be maladaptive under
climate change because of other negative environmental and social consequences of
dam construction and maintenance (Fearnside, 2001; Tilt et al., 2009). In these cases, a
country’s ability to create dams could be indicative of the capacity to store water in
other ways as well (e.g., wetland restoration), but does not necessarily suggest an
adaptation solution. (2) The best data ND-GAIN has found so far is FAOSTAT that
provides a single estimate with no variation over time. In future releases, tracking the
capacity of water storage capacities with time-series data is desired.

ADAPTIVE CAPACITY INDICATOR 2: Access to reliable drinking water

Description: Commonly used indicator of the capacity to deliver reliable domestic
water supplies. The drinking water sources are considered reliable if they have a
household connection, public standpipe, borehole, protected well or spring, or
rainwater collection.

Rationale: A country’s ability to maintain high-level access to improved drinking

water indicates the capacity to adapt to water shortage in general (Ivey et al., 2004).
The indicator captures institutional support to manage water supplies.

Data Source: Improved water source (% of population with access), WDI

Coverage: 187 countries

Time Series: Annual from 1995 to 2014


EXPOSURE INDICATOR 1: Projected change of deaths from climate

change induced diseases
Description: An indication of the climate change impacts on several types of diseases.
The indicator is a model-based estimate of the quality-adjusted loss of life years under
several different climate scenarios. Disability adjusted life year (DALY) due to malaria,
an indication of the climate change impacts on vector borne diseases, is excluded
because more specific models have been used to project such impacts and it is assessed
by another ND-GAIN indicator, the projected change of length of transmission season of
vector-borne diseases (see below).

Rationale: This is the only comprehensive assessment of the effects of climate change
on overall health impacts.

Calculation: The projected change is the percent increase of DALYs from the historical
baseline (2000) to the 2030 estimation using S550 emission scenario.

Data Source: Ebi (2008)

Coverage: 186 countries. But DALY is calculated for regions of the world and for sub-
groupings of countries within these regions (14 different region groups). Thus many
countries share the same value of the indicator.

Time Series: Single projection

EXPOSURE INDICATOR 2: Projected change in vector-borne diseases
due to changes in length of transmission season (LTS)
Description: This indicator takes the projection of malaria LTS as an indication of the
climate change impacts on vector-borne diseases. LTS data were taken from
projections (Caminade, et al., 2014) that took the ensemble mean of malaria LTS over
four malaria models and five GCMs. However, the incidence of vector-borne diseases is
also strongly dependent on the quality of public health systems. In this indicator the
WHO estimated number of malarial cases per 1000 population per month of current
LTS is used as a measure of these services.

Rationale: The prevalence of malaria is the most researched important vector-borne

disease for which projections have been made with climate impact models. The effect
of public health in limiting the incidence of cases of the disease is assumed to remain at
current (2010-2012) effectiveness. This is a conservative assumptions as public health
measures are improving in almost all regions.

Calculation: The projected change is the absolute increase in malaria LTS from the
baseline projection (1980-2010) to the future projection in 2050, using RCT4.5
emission scenario.

Data Source:

Caminade, et al. (2014)


Coverage:192 countries

Time Series: Single projection

Notes: Literature shows that the transmission of many other vector-borne diseases like
dengue fever yellow fever, Lyme disease, etc. will be highly impacted by climate change
(Hales, et al. 2002; McMichael, et al. 2006; Lindgren, et al. 2012, etc.) but the data from
modeled projections are either lacking or not accessible.

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 1: Dependency on external resource for

health services
Description: The percentage of external resources (e.g. bilateral payments, NGO
operations etc.) in total national health expenditure.

Rationale: A high dependency, usually on foreign aid, is an indicator of weakness in

internal capacity and of sensitivity to climate-related health shocks.

Data Source: External resources for health (% of total expenditure on health), WDI

Coverage: 179 countries

Time Series: Most countries have annual update from 1995 to 2012


Description: A slum household is defined as a group of individuals living under the
same roof lacking one or more of life-supporting facilities: access to improved water,
access to improved sanitation, sufficient-living area, or durability of housing. Tenure is
included as a 5th element, but insufficient data is available(MDG, n.d.).
Rationale: Urban population living in slum-like conditions are vulnerable to climate
change and poor health (e.g. St Louis and Hess 2008; Revi 2008) because of high
population density and lack of access to basic life-supporting infrastructures, including
clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. These features make slum dwellers
particularly susceptible to water-borne diseases that could increase under climate
change (WHO).

Data Source: Slum population as percentage of urban, percentage, MDG indicators

Coverage: 83 countries in the original set but expanded to116 after assumption that
OECD countries have a default slum population of0.

Time Series: 1995, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2014; best for 2005 and 2014


Description: Sum of the number of physicians, nurses and midwives per 1000
population in the country. Increases in physicians, nurses, or midwives will have the
same effect on the indicator.

Rationale: Lack of medical staff is a major impediment to achieving good health

outcomes in many poor countries. The numbers of staff in developed countries also
varies significantly but may not be so directly related to health outcomes. In the index
the score saturates so that this variation does not greatly affect outcomes in developed

Data Source:

Physicians (per 1000 people), WDI

Nurses and midwives (per 1000 people), WDI

Coverage: 190 countries

Time Series: Annual from 1995 to 2014

Notes: Hospital beds are often used as an alternative measure. However, access to the
beds may be difficult following extreme climate events and the hospitals may be
damaged themselves. Also the quality of a “hospital bed” and the services that go with
it often vary greatly, ND-GAIN has favored a people and skills based measure.

ADAPTIVE CAPACITY INDICATOR 2: Access to improved sanitation


Description: Commonly used indicator of the capacity to control infectious diseases.

The indicator is a proportion of the population with access to excreta disposal facilities
that can effectively prevent human, animal, and insect contact with excreta.

Rationale: Sanitation influences the incidence of infectious diseases (Tol et al., 2007).
Thus, access to sanitation is particularly crucial to build up preparedness to various
natural disasters exacerbated by climate change (McMichael & Woodruff, 2005; Keim,

Data Source: Improved sanitation facilities (% of population with access), WDI

Coverage: 186 countries

Time Series: Annual from 1995 to 2014


EXPOSURE INDICATOR 1: Projected change of biome distribution

Description: An indication of how climate change will impact the change of terrestrial
biome biodiversity within a country by the end of the century. Data were taken from
the global version of a dynamic vegetation model (MC1)(Gonzalez et al., 2010).

Rationale: The indicator captures the threat of changes in biome function. It is based
on the projected impact of climate change on the area occupied by different biomes
within a country.

Calculation: The projected change is the fraction of land area within a country that is
projected to become a different potential biome type under future climate (2070-2100,

combining three Special Report of Emission Scenarios (SRES) and three GCMs) relative
to baseline years 1990.

Data Source: Gonzalez, et al. (2010)

Coverage: 168 countries

Time Series: Single projection

EXPOSURE INDICATOR 2: Projected change of marine biodiversity

Description: An indication of how climate change will impact the change of marine
biodiversity in a country’s exclusive economic zones by mid-century. It is a measure
based on projected changes in the distribution of 1066 exploited species of marine fish
and invertebrates under climate envelope scenarios based on A1B scenarios (Cheung et
al., 2009).

Rationale: The indicator is a complement to the terrestrial biome diversity indicator,

in order to capture the threat of changes in providing fishery or non-fishery marine

Calculation: The projected change of marine biodiversity is the projected species

turnover (invasion + local extinction) in 2050 relative to the 2001-2005 baseline. The
Exclusive Economic Zones Boundaries map (World EEZ V8) released in 2014 from was used to aggregate the pixel-level (half-degree grid) species
turnover data up to the country-level. All countries not adjacent to the ocean are
assumed to have zero vulnerability in terms of marine biodiversity.

Data Source: Cheung, et al. (2009)

Coverage: 192 countries

Time Series: Single projection

Notes: As a complementary indicator to the terrestrial biomes biodiversity, marine

biodiversity should ideally be considered in combination with freshwater biodiversity,
especially for land-locked countries that count more on freshwater resources. So far no
model has been developed to produce such data that have global coverage.

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 1: Natural capital dependency

Description: Based on the World Bank’s Natural Capital Accounting project. This
indicator of the strength of the dependency of social systems on ecosystem goods and
services is based on the deployment of natural capital in national accounting, including

national income and savings in the form of all assets and capital goods that are inputs
to economic well-being (The World Bank, 2011). The natural capital related to
ecosystem services includes: crop, pasture, forest (timber), forest (non-timber) and
protected areas. Sub-surface capital such as oil, gas and mineral reserves are not

Rationale: The indicator captures a country’s reliance on ecosystem services, which

are themselves exposed to disruption by climate change.

Calculation: The indicator is the ratio of natural capital over the total wealth of one

Data Source: The Changing Wealth of Nations: Measuring Sustainable Development in

the New Millennium. World Bank 2011

Coverage: 148 countries

Time Series: Three estimates: 1995, 2000, 2005

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 2: Ecological Footprint

Description: The ecological footprint estimates the number of hectares of land and
water, both within and outside the country, that are needed to meet the average
demand on ecosystems services by the population’s lifestyle. This is compared with the
estimated capacity of a country’s ecosystems to regenerate and maintain ecosystem
services for either internal use or export. This indicator uses the surplus or deficit of
capacity to cover the demand within each country.

Rationale: A country with a surplus (more supply than demand) has the capacity to
produce more from within its boundaries and thus is likely to have more options to
adapt to a changing climate.

Data Source: National Footprint Accounts 2010 edition

Coverage: 151 countries

Time Series: Single estimate as only the 2010 database is available to the public


Description: Taken directly from the Yale Environmental Performance Index (EPI),
the indicator “assesses the protection of biomes weighted by the proportion of a
country’s territory the biome occupies.” EPI defines the indicator as follows: “It
measures the degree to which a country achieves the target of protecting 17% of each
terrestrial biome within its borders, weighted by the domestic contribution of each

terrestrial biome… All biome protection percentages were capped at 17% so that
higher protection in one biome cannot be used to offset lower protection in another.”

Rationale: Countries with good protection of their core ecosystem types are likely to
have the capacity to implement a wider range of actions to continue to protect and
manage ecosystem services under a changing climate.

Data Source: Terrestrial Protected Areas (National Biome Weights), 2014

Environmental Performance Index

Coverage: 176 countries

Time Series: Annual from 2002 to 2012

ADAPTIVE CAPACITY INDICATOR 2: Engagement in international

environmental conventions
Description: An indicator based on the country’s participation in international
forums, which is an indicator of its capacity to engage in multilateral negotiations and
to reach agreement on appropriate actions internally.

Rationale: Although not a direct measure of capacity, the failure to take part in such
forums is usually associated with either lack of technical capacity to deal with the
issues and/or lack of political ability to reach decisions over appropriate engagement.

Calculation: The indicator is the ratio of a single country’s current status of convention
engagement to the maximum engagement among all countries. The current status is a
comprehensive measure considering dates of signing in conventions, ratification of
convention participation and denunciation of treaty agreement.

Data Source: Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators

Coverage: 198 countries

Time Series: Annual since 1995 based on the continually increasing number of
conventions etc. and the time lags in countries signing and ratifying the agreements.

Notes: The outcome for this indicator is strongly dependent on the process of selecting
the agreements to be included. ND-GAIN includes "environmental treaties" in their
broadest sense while avoiding any to do with military/warfare, gross marine pollution,
safety at sea, and other shipping controls. ND-GAIN also excludes treaties directly
setting up International organizations such as the World Bank etc. ND-GAIN also
excludes agreements with less than 20 signatories.

Some agreements have a limited regional scope (e.g. dealing with Atlantic tuna). ND-
GAIN could have excluded them, but this would have limited the list (16 out of 54 have

clear regional scope of application), and many were signed by countries beyond the
region (e.g those with fishing fleets in the Atlantic). Many (17 out of 54) also deal with
the agreements on oceans and this may disadvantage land-locked countries. However,
land-locked countries are sometimes signatories to such conventions (e.g. those
relating to whaling). It could similarly be argued that some agreements are not
relevant to many countries on other grounds (e.g. those to do with desertification).
Thus ND-GAIN retains a wide set of agreements rather than culling, thereby reducing
the list to only 10 to 20.


EXPOSURE INDICATOR 1: Projected change of warm periods

Description: An indication of the probability of extreme heat under climate change by
mid-century. This indicator uses the Warm Spell Duration Index (WSDI), which defines
periods of excessive warmth using a percentile-based threshold calculated for a
calendar 5-day window in the base period 1961-1990. WSDI counts the number of days
in a year when daily maximum of near surface temperature exceeds the 90th percentile
threshold for 6 consecutive days or longer (Alexander, et al., 2006; Sillmann, et al.,

Rationale: Human living conditions are threatened by the increased intensity and/or
frequency of extreme weather, including storms, flooding, landslides and heat waves,
that climate change is bringing or will bring (Satterthwaite, 2008).

Calculation: The projected change is the absolute change of WSDI from the baseline
year (1960-1990) to the future projection (2040-2070), using RCP4.5 emission

Data Source:

WSDI baseline projection (1960-1990)

WSDI future projection (2040-2070)

Coverage: 192 countries

Time Series: Single projection

Notes: Another relevant index to measure the duration of warm spell is the Heat Wave
Duration Index (HWDI), which counts the number of days when the daily maximum of
near surface temperature exceeds more than 5 degree C above the mean daily
maximum temperature in a calendar 5-day window in the base period 1961-1990.

(Frich, et al., 2002; Sillmann, et al., 2013b). However, the 5 degree C threshold that
HWDI uses is too high to detect the low variation of daily temperature, for example, in
tropical areas. Therefore, an index calculated using a percentile-based threshold is
more appropriate to capture various degrees of temperature variation.

EXPOSURE INDICATOR 2: Projected change of flood hazard

Description: Flood hazard is measured by the predicted, monthly maximum
precipitation in 5 consecutive days (rx5day). Rx5day is defined as monthly maximum
consecutive 5-day precipitation. It is a measure of precipitation extreme under climate
change, a risk factor for flood hazard(Kundzewicz & Schellnhuber, 2004).

The monthly rx5day data are extracted from ensemble mean of extreme indices
generated by 19 GCMs (Sillmann et al., 2013a; Sillmann et al., 2013b).

Rationale: An indicator that complements the warm period projection, to capture one
of the important disastrous threats to human living conditions.

Calculation: The projected change is the percent change in the flood hazard from the
baseline projection (1960-1990) to the future projection (2040-2070), using RCP 4.5
emission scenario. The annual figure is derived from averaging the monthly data.

Data Source:

rx5day baseline projection (1960-1990)

rx5day future projection (2040-2070)

Coverage: 192 countries

Time Series: Single projection.

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 1: Urban concentration

Description: Urban concentration measures both concentration of a country’s
population within cities (i.e. the degree of urbanization in general) and concentration
of the urban population within a small number of large population (cities of 750,000
inhabitants or more) centers via the Herfindahl Index (Henderson, 2000; Van Eck
&Koomen, 2008).

Rationale: Countries in which urban populations are concentrated in a single or a

small number of urban areas are considered more sensitive to climate change(Lankao,
2008). According to this indicator, a country with a highly concentrated urban sector
and a highly urbanized population is the most sensitive.

Calculation: Urban concentration is the product of Herfindahl measure of

concentration of the urban population weighted by the percent of a country’s

population that is urbanized. The Herfindahl measure takes the sum of the squared
percent of the population residing in each large city over the total population in these
large cities. The total urbanized population is the proportion of urban population to the
total country population.

Countries that do not have cities with more than 750,000 inhabitants are considered to
have zero vulnerability due to high of urban concentration.

Data Source:

Urban population (% of total), WDI

Percentage of the urban population residing in urban agglomerations with 750,000

inhabitants or more, 1950-2025, UN Urbanization Prospects: the 2011 revision

Coverage: 192 countries

Time Series: 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 2: Age dependency ratio

Description: An indication of the size of the vulnerable population in terms of ages.
This indicator considers the population under 14 or above 65 as the vulnerable group.

Rationale: Vulnerable age groups—under 14 or above 65—are susceptible to climate

change impacts through direct and indirect channels. The direct effects of extreme
weather may disproportionately affect the old and the young (Wolf et al., 2010), and
they may be indirectly affected by climate change impacts operating through social-
political structures or the economy.

Data Source:

Population ages 65 and above (% of total), WDI

Population ages 0-14 (% of total), WDI

Coverage: 181 countries

Time Series: Annual from 1995 to 2013

ADAPTIVE CAPACITY INDICATOR 1: Quality of trade and transport

Description: Logistics professionals' perception of country's quality of trade and
transport related infrastructure (e.g. ports, railroads, roads, information technology),

on a rating ranging from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high). Scores are averaged across all

Rationale: Transportation infrastructure has been shown to be important for

migration and development(Malik & Temple, 2009; Jayachandran, 2006). Migration
away from challenging climates is important for improving human health over time
(Deschenes & Moretti, 2009). The quality of trade and transport infrastructure shows
the capacity to effectively supply and manage essential infrastructure by the public and
private sectors. It is assumed here that same capacity is indicative of a capacity to
sustain that infrastructure in the face of future changes, including climate change.

Data Source: Quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure, WDI

Coverage: 162 countries

Time Series: 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014


Description: Proportion of the total length of the roads that are paved. Paved roads are
those finished with macadamized crushed stone, bitumen or equivalent, concrete or
cobblestones and expressed as a percentage of the stated length of the public road

Rationale: This is a measure of the sturdiness of the road system and all of the social
and economic activity dependent upon it. This is also a measure to complement the
first capacity indicator (which is mainly as a proxy to measure transport infrastructure
between major cities). Paved roads capture a country’s capacity to deploy
transportation improvements, especially in rural areas.

Data Source: Roads, paved (% of total roads), WDI

Coverage: 180 countries

Time Series: 1995 to 2011 but not annually for most of the countries. The frequency of
data report ranges from only once since 1995 to annual.


EXPOSURE INDICATOR 1: Projected change of hydropower

generation capacity

Description: An indication of the potential risk of hydropower generation capacity
weighted by the importance of hydropower to one country, i.e. the proportion of the
electricity production from hydroelectric sources. The data of the projected change are
available at the sub-continental level, drawn from (Hamududu & Killingtveit, 2012).

Rationale: Due to the hydrological impact of climate change in the mid- to long- term
(see the two exposure indicators in the water sector), climate change also is projected
to directly impact hydropower generation capacity (Schaeffer et al., 2012).

Calculation: The projected change is the percent change in the hydropower generation
capacity from the historical baseline (2005) to the future projection (2050), using the
A1B emission scenario.

Data Source:

Hamududu&Killingtveit (2012)

Dependency on hydropower

Coverage: 125 countries

Time Series: 1995 to 2012, most annually

EXPOSURE INDICATOR 2: Projected change of sea level rise impacts

Description: An indication of how coastal infrastructure will be impacted by the
combined effect of sea level rise and potential storm surge by the end of the century.
The indicator considers the proportion of land areas, adjacent to the ocean, that are
lower than the projected sea level rise and the average height of storm surge.

Rationale: Sea level rise due to climate change is a threat to coastal infrastructure,
requiring resilient infrastructure that protects coastal areas (Lemmen& Warren, 2004;
Tol, et al., 2008; Hallegatte, 2009). ND-GAIN assumes that the potential risk or damage
to coastal infrastructure from sea level rise depends on the extent of coastal areas
exposed to both sea level rise and potential storm surge.

Calculation: The global average of sea level rise by the end of the century under RCP45
scenario is projected to be 0.32-0.63 m (IPCC, 2013). There is no consistent average
height of storm surge because the factors vary tremendously. 1.5m or 2-3 m is
considered to be the moderate zone (Smith et al., 2010). Taking 0.63 m of the projected
change of sea level rise and 3 m of moderate height of storm surge, ND-GAIN estimates
the impact to be the proportion of ocean-adjacent land areas lower than 4 m above sea
level. The equal-area map projection is used to calculate land area. ND-GAIN assumes
that land-locked countries do not have coastal risks.

Data Source: 1 arc-minute global relief model of Earth’s surface, integrating land
topography and ocean bathymetry

Coverage:192 countries

Time Series: Single measure

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 1: Dependency on imported energy

Description: A measure of the percentage of total energy use that is imported and thus
not fully within a country’s control. Energy use refers to the use of primary energy
before transformation to other end-use fuels, according to WDI, equal to indigenous
production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships
and aircraft engaged in international transport.

Rationale: The imported energy could increase in price or be cut off in crises. A higher
proportion of imported energy implies higher sensitivity to price volatility and supply
crises. Countries heavily dependent on imported energy are considered energy
vulnerable (Gnansounou, 2008).

Data Source: Energy imports, net (% of energy use), WDI

Coverage: 133 countries

Time Series: Annual from 1995 to 2013.

SENSITIVITY INDICATOR 2: Population living under 5m above sea

Description: The proportion of the population living in the area where elevation is 5 m
or less. It is a simple measure of the population sensitive to coastal risks.

Rationale: An estimate of the population sensitive to the risks arising from seal-level
rise, storm surge and similar effects, which are exacerbated by climate change.

Data Source: Population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total
population), WDI

Coverage: 190 countries

Time Series: Single measure from 2000 as provided by WDI.

Notes: (1) Generally, this indicator should be continuously changing considering that
many countries are experiencing population migration to coastal cities (e.g. Adebusoye,
2006; Chan, 2013). (2) A more consistent measure should be the coastal population
living in areas where elevation is 4m or less, to line up with the exposure indicator

(The second exposure indicator above). The population data available from the World
Development Indicators database, however, are for 5 m.


Description: The proportion of the population with access to grid-power.

Rationale: Access to electricity enables the poor to get the most basic services and
economic opportunities to improve their standard of living. Considering the potential
climate risks, access to electricity provides the basics that facilitate health care, disaster
relief, food storage, and social services like education and ICT infrastructures.
Therefore, electricity access is indicative of the capacity to delivery energy to a
country’s citizen and businesses, including technology and infrastructure, personnel,
and the ability to respond disruptions in supply.

Data Source: Access to electricity (% of population), WDI

Coverage: 87 countries in the original set but expanded to117 after assumption that
OECD and high-income countries have a default rate of electricity access as 100%.

Time Series: 2010 & 2012

ADAPTIVE CAPACITY INDICATOR 2: Disaster preparedness

Description: An indication of capacities to deal with climate-related nature disasters.
This indicator uses monitoring from the Hyogo Framework Action (HFA). The HFA
outlined an action plan from 2005 to 2015 to establish five priorities for disaster
preparedness. Countries are monitored in two-year intervals against the five priorities
by self-reported data.

Rationale: Resilience of infrastructure depends on the capacity to respond to natural

disasters (Cutter, et al., 2008), therefore, preparedness to natural disasters, an
indication of such social capacity, is a proxy to measure the infrastructure resilience.

Data Source: HFA National Progress

Coverage: 136 countries

Time Series:2007, 2009, 2011

Notes: (1) HFA action plan was outlined in 2005 and the reports were not made until
2007, therefore, disaster preparedness was not tractable before that for all countries.
(2) The self-reported data are not always comparable among countries. However, the
HFA report still provides so far the most comprehensive data set that monitors the
progress of capacity building in terms of preparing for natural disasters.



INDICATOR: Ease of doing business index

Description: The indicator took the World Bank Doing Business (DB) indicators as an
indication of how countries are capable of attracting adaptation investment. The index
assesses the investment climate in 10 topics using 40 indicators. The 10 topics are:
starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering
property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders,
enforcing contracts, and resolving insolvency.

Rationale: The World Bank Doing Business (DB) indicators, which have been used by
many studies to evaluate countries’ investment climate by measuring procedures, time
and cost of performing business activities through business life cycles (e.g. Commander
& Svejnar, 2011; Hallward-Driemeier & Pritchett, 2011; Morris & Aziz, 2011; Collier &
Duponchel, 2013). As the economic readiness in ND-GAIN seeks to capture the business
condition that attract adaptation investment, a description of the general investment
climate is a good proxy for the economic component of readiness.

Calculation: There are 40 indicators in total provided by the DB database, available

since 2003. But the overall DB scores have only been reported since 2012 by the World
Bank. ND-GAIN recreated scores of the DB index for 2003-2013 using raw data and
following the DB methodology. Countries are ranked by percentile on each topic, and
the overall DB scores are obtained by averaging the percentile rankings of all 10 topics.

Data Source: Doing Business Index

Coverage: 136 countries

Time Series: Annually from 2003 to 2014

Notes:(1) Some of the DB sub-indices have incurred criticism, e.g., labor regulations;
however, the overall DB is a widely accepted and applied indicator of countries’
investment climate.(2)Some of the DB indicators are highly correlated with other
readiness indicators, for instance, the rule of law indicator. The relevance of the index
has also been challenged by some countries.


GOVERNANCE INDICATOR 1: Political stability and non-violence
Description: An indicator directly from the World Governance Indicators (WGI),
“capturing perceptions of the likelihood of political instability and/or politically-
motivated violence, including terrorism.”

Rationale: There is a well-established relationship between foreign financial inflow

(including investment and aid) and political stability and violence (e.g. Bennett &
Green, 1972; Busse&Hefeker, 2007; McGillivary, 2011), suggesting that a stable
political environment is more attractive to general investment from outside a country,
including the adaptation investment.

Data Source: WGI Political stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Estimate

Coverage: 191 countries

Time Series: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002-2014 for most of the countries

GOVERNANCE INDICATOR 2: Control of corruption

Description: An indicator directly from the World Governance Indicators (WGI),
“capturing perceptions from firms and households survey respondents and public,
private, and NGO sector experts worldwide of public power exercised for private gain,
including both petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as ‘capture’ of the state by
elites and private interests.”

Rationale: Corruption is known to have a negative impact on foreign investment (e.g.

Beata& Wei, 2000; Habib &Zurawicki, 2002), and measuring the control of corruption
implies government integrity and accountability (Sampson, 2004). It is also one of the
important indicators in Country Policy and Institutional Assessment that attempts to
assess how executives can be held accountable for fund uses (The World Bank Group,
2010). Control of corruption is therefore used as an indicator of governance readiness.

Data Source: WGI Political stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Estimate

Coverage: 189 countries

Time Series: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002-2014 for most of the countries

GOVERNANCE INDICATOR 3: Regulatory quality

Description: An indicator directly from the World Governance Indicators (WGI),
“capturing perceptions of the ability of the government to formulate and implement
sound policies and regulations that permit and promote private sector development.”

Rationale: The quality of regulation measures the performance of country institutions,
an important factor in deploying adaptation actions and adaptation-related policies
(e.g. Globerman& Shapiro, 2003; Daude& Stein, 2007; Gani, 2007).

Data Source: WGI Regulatory quality: Estimate

Coverage: 189 countries

Time Series: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002-2014 for most of the countries


Description: An indicator directly from the World Governance Indicators (WGI),
“capturing perceptions from firms and households survey respondents and public,
private, and NGO sector experts worldwide of confidence in and abide by the rules of
society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the
police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence.”

Rationale: Like political stability and control of corruption, rule of law is a quality of
society that encourages foreign investment in general (e.g. Alesina& Dollar, 2000;
Burnside & Dollar, 2004), hence the adaptation investments.

Data Source: WGI Rule of law: Estimate

Coverage: 191 countries

Time Series: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002-2014 for most of the countries


SOCIAL INDICATOR 1: Social inequality

Description: The country’s poorest quintile’s share in national income or

Rationale: The poorest populations are likely to be the most vulnerable to climate
impacts (Tol, et al., 2004). Social inequality causes skewed distribution incomes and of
vulnerability, and the exaggerated impacts on the poorest may further skew income
distribution. Thus, social inequality exacerbates a country’s capacity to adapt to climate

Data Source: Poorest quintile’s share in national income or consumption, percentage,

MDG Indicators

Coverage: 149 countries

Time Series: from 1995 to 2012. Most of the countries do not have annual updates.

SOCIAL INDICATOR 2: Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Description: A composite indicator from 4 sub-indicators that consider both the
access to and the use of ICT infrastructure: mobile phone subscription per 100 persons,
fixed phone subscription per 100 persons, fixed broad-band subscription per 100
persons, and percent of individuals using internet. Data for all four are available from
the annual ICT Development Index (IDI) database. The mobile phone subscription
measures the subscription to public mobile services including the post-paid and
prepaid subscriptions(World Development Indicators, 2014). The fixed phone
subscription is assumed to measure of the active number of analog fixed telephone
lines, ISDN channels, fixed wireless (WLL), public payphones and VoIP subscription
(International Telecommunication Union, 2010). The fixed broad-band subscription
refers to the number of broadband subscribers with a digital subscriber line, cable
modem, or other high-speed technology (World Development Indicators, 2014). The
individual internet use measures the proportion of internet users with access to the
worldwide network (World Development Indicators, 2014).

Rationale: ICT infrastructure can facilitate many features of adaptation. For example, it
enables knowledge integration and learning and key ingredients of adaptive capacity
(Pant and Heeks 2011); it provides technical support for early warning systems; and it
can strengthen local organizations that implement adaptation(Singh and Singh 2012).

Calculation: The overall ICT infrastructure indicator takes the average over the scores
of the four sub-indicators.

Data Source:

Mobile phone subscription per 100 persons, WDI

Fixed phone subscription per 100 persons, ITU

Fixed broad-band internet subscription per 100 persons, WDI

Internet user per 100 persons, WDI

Coverage: 192 countries

Time Series: Not all sub-indicators have coverage from 1995 to 2013. The range of
data availability is from 4-5 updates since 1995 to annual report. But the overall score
is the average of the available sub-indicators. Therefore, the scores in the end are on
the annual basis.

Description: A measure of enrolment in tertiary education to represent the education
level of a country. It is approximated by the ratio of the enrollment in tertiary
education (regardless of age) to the population of the age group that officially
corresponds to tertiary education attendance.

Rationale: Education is considered as an important strategy to build up adaptive

capacity and identify adaptation solutions appropriate to local context (Maddison,
2006; Smit & Pilifosova, 2001; Mercer, 2010). In particular, enrolment in secondary or
tertiary education is a significant contributor, more than primary education, to
adaptive capacity (Tol & Yohe, 2007).

Data Source: School Enrollment, tertiary (% gross), WDI

Coverage: 176 countries

Time Series: 1995-2013. Limited data for 2014. The frequency of data reporting
ranges from no report to annual update.


Description: A measure of the number of patent applications, filed through the Patent
Cooperation Treaty procedure or with a national patent office, by residents per capita.

Rationale: Innovation is the engine of growth (Solow 1994). It also is a fundamental

force behind capacity building and climate change adaptation because research and
technology are necessary to define adaptation solutions (Smit& Skinner, 2002; Adger,
et al., 2008).

Calculation: A simple calculation of the per capita measure of the residents’ patent

Data Source:

Patent applications, residents, WDI

Population, WDI

Coverage: 126 countries

Time Series: 1995-2014. The frequency of data reporting ranges from no report to
annual update.

Notes: The numbers of national patent registrations are not necessarily comparable
across countries as the costs and incentives to register patents vary. There are

alternative indicators of innovation, e.g. number of scientists, R&D expenditures,
number of literature citation, etc. There is no comprehensive measure of innovation.


ND-GAIN scales measures using the “proximity-to-reference point” approach, which

scores the level of vulnerability and readiness by the distance to the ideal status, (i.e.
least vulnerable is 0 and most ready is 1). 0 for vulnerability or 1 for readiness is
considered “full score,” and measure scores can be used to assess distance from a
desired state. Reference points in ND-GAIN follow rules such as:

Rule 1: The baseline maximum or minimum of the observed raw data, rounded to
integer numbers when applicable.

Rule2: The logical reference points derived from the common adaptation or
development practices.

Rule 3: The reference points identified by the data source.

The reference points for individual measures are provided in Table 3 below. The tag 1-
3 stands for the rule above that applies to each reference point.

Table 3 ND-GAIN Indicators Reference Points

Sector Indicator Reference points Baseline Baseline

Min Max
Projected change of cereal
3.561 -0.389 3.563
Projected population change -20%1 -0.20272 0.8355
Food import dependency 0%2 0 1.037
Food Rural population 0%2 0 92.789
Agriculture capacity Area equipped for
irrigation: 28%1
Fertilizer use: 200
tonnes/1000 Ha1
Pesticide use: 10 tonnes 0 1
of active
ingredients/1000 Ha1
Tractor use: 1100/100
sq. km of arable land1
Child malnutrition 0%2 0 15
Projected change of annual
100%1 0 1
Projected change of annual
100%1 0 1
groundwater recharge
Fresh water withdrawal rate 0%2 0 100
Water dependency ratio 0%2 0 73.32
Dam capacity 4932 m3 per capita1 0 4932

Access to reliable drinking
100%2 54.99 100
Projected change of deaths
from climate change induced 1.032 1.025 1.19
Projected change in vector-
-8.1 months1 -8.16 64.86
Health borne diseases
Dependency on external
0%2 0 29.42
resource for health services
Slum population 0%2 0 97
Medical staff 12.3‰1 0 12.32
Access to improved
100%2 19 99.5
sanitation facilities
Projected change of biome
11%1 0.11 0.96
Projected change of marine
01 0 0.88
Natural capital dependency 02 0 0.46
Ecological footprint 0.35 Ha per capita1 0.35 4.84
Protected biome 1003 0 100
Engagement in international
12 0 1
environmental conventions
Projected change of warm
30%1 29.99 113.31
Projected change of flood 0.16139
-4%1 -0.0395
hazard 5
Urban concentration 0.00531 0.00534 1
Human Habitat
Age dependency ratio 28%1 0.28 0.5334
Quality of trade and
53 1 5
transport infrastructure
Paved roads 100%2 0.8 100
Projected change of
hydropower generation 141%1 -1.82 1.411
Projected change of sea level
0%1 0 0.113
rise impacts
Infrastructure Dependency on imported
0%2 0 99.93
Population living under 5m
0%1 0 24.11
above sea level
Electricity access 100%2 18.62 100
Disaster preparedness 4.71 1.0455 4.684
Economic Readiness Doing business 0.993 0.01 0.99
Governance Readiness Political stability and non-
2.53 -2.5 2.5
Control of corruption 2.53 -2.5 2.5
Regulatory quality 2.53 -2.5 2.5
Rule of law 2.53 -2.5 2.5
Social Readiness Social inequality 13.4%1 0 13.4
Ict infrastructure Fixed phone
subscription: 60%3
Mobile cellular 0 0.893
subscription: 190%3
Internet user: 100%3

Fixed broadband
internet subscription:
Education 70%1 0.2094 70.17
Innovation 0.023 patent application
0 0.00023
per 100 population1
Note: The reference points set by the data sources are:

• Protected biome: 100 (Hsu et al., 2014)

• Quality of trade and transport infrastructure (Logistic Performance Index): 5 (Arvis et al., 2012)
• Doing business: 0.99 (IBRD/WB, 2013)
• Governance readiness measures: 2.5 for all four measures (Kaufmann et al., 2010).
• ICT infrastructure measures: 2013 ICT Development Index (ITU, 2013)


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