LAS EPP Week2&3 Q4 Grade Six

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4th Quarter, Week 2 & 3

Learning Competency:
1. Conducts simple survey using technology and other data-gathering method to
1.1. Market trends on products made of bamboo, wood, and metal
1.2 Customer’s preference of products
1.3 Types/sources of innovative finishing materials, accessories, and designs
2. Processes in enhancing/decorating finished products
(TLE6IA -0b – 3)

At the end of the week, you shall have
 Discuss a market trends of products made of bamboo, wood , and metal
 Identify the costumer’s preference of products
 Identify the types/sources of innovative finishing materials, accessories and designs
 Apply the processes in enhancing/decorating finished products
Learner’s Tasks
Conducts simple survey using technology and other data-gathering method to determine
the following:
1. Market Trends of Bamboo Products in the Philippines
Global trade of bamboo products averaged $2.36B (2015-2018). International market value
for commercial bamboo is expected to hit $24B by 2021. 45% of the total market will be
accounted for by emerging products. Philippines intend to maintain its rank as the world’s 6th
largest exporter of bamboo and rattan products.
2. Market Trends of Wood Products in the Philippines
The future of the wood-based industries depends largely on the success of industrial tree
plantations. The wood industry is quite vibrant in Mindanao, especially the CARAGA region
which is dubbed the “Timber Corridor of the Country.” The Philippines produces 1.34M m3, of
which 740,000 m3 come from commercial plantations in various regions.
3. Market Trends of Metal Products in the Philippines
The Philippine metal industry is a critical component in achieving inclusive economic growth
and sustainable development. The industry’s outputs are utilized by both commercial and
industrial enterprises, such as electronics, appliance manufacturing, and shipbuilding, among
others. In 2020 the industry was able to supply 70% of the tonnage of required apparent steel
4. Customer’s preference of products
Products are in the form of home furnishings, table tops, jewellery, decorative
accessories, home accents, and kitchen and garden decors. Customers buying craft vary generally
from tourists, collectors, business people, artists or artisans, people attending conferences and
many others.
To have marketable and saleable products, artisans/artists and manufacturers must know
their consumers and their preferences in terms of color, style, size, and quantity. It is also helpful
to know their interests and needs. They must be creative, and adopt new design trends for their
products to be competitive in the market.
Craft artisans and entrepreneurs must adopt new marketing strategies to reach their
consumers. Specific selling strategies to reach their consumers, includes focusing on customer
service such as offering free delivery, repair and retouch services, and special promotions.
It is important first to make a study of the business and the industry. Analysis of the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, or the SWOT analysis maybe considered when
thinking of a business.
5. Types/sources of innovative finishing materials, accessories and designs
Aside from conducting a survey for the latest trends and customers’ preferences of
finished products, you must also know the types or sources of innovative finishing materials,
accessories, and designs that you can apply to your products.
These materials are used to beautify, decorate, and improve the quality of finished
1. Finishing materials that are used to smoothen the products before decorating. Example:
2. Colored paper twines and ribbon cloth are used in decorating and wrapping products.
3. Beads and charms are small accessories of different colors used to make products attractive.
4. 6. Processes in enhancing/decorating finished products
Though it is said that Filipinos are best known for their creative minds and hands, new
trends in the market, and emerging strategies and techniques must be explored to allow local
products to compete in the global market.

Activity 1
Answer the following questions. Write your answer in separate sheets if necessary.
1. What are the products made of Abaca and sinamay fibers are paper-thin locally made
materials used for wrapping or packaging purposes.
ood, metal, preferred by craft buyers?
2. Why do artisans and entrepreneurs need to be aware and updated on new and innovative
methods of enhancing and decorating wood, bamboo, and metal craft?
3. What are some of the finishing materials that can enhance finished products made of wood,
bamboo and metal?
Activity 2
A. Interview your parents on different handicraft or furniture shops in your municipality.
Research and survey the following information. Write your answer in a separate sheet if
1. Customer preference in terms of:
a. Type of product
b. Material
c. Finishing
2. Market Trends (Saleable products)
a. Bamboo
b. Wood
c. Metal
3. Types/Sources of innovative finishing, materials, accessories, and designs used.
4. Processes of enhancing and decorating finished products.
B. Make a written report of your survey.


Formative Test

Read the following questions below and choose the letter of your best answer. Write your
answer on the blank provided.
_____ 1. What is the average global trade of bamboo products in the Philippines in the last 2015-
A. $2.36B B. $3.62B C. $6.32B D. $2.63B
_____ 2. What Region considered as “The Timber Capital of the Country?”
A. CARAGA Region B. NCR C. Region XI D. Region XII
_____ 3. In order to have marketable and saleable products, all information is needed by the
manufacturer, except one.
A. Know the interests and needs.
B. They should copy the designs of other manufacturers.
C. Know their consumers and their preferences in terms of color, style, size, and quantity.
D. They must be creative, and adopt new design trends for their products to be
competitive in the market.
____ 4. Why it is an entrepreneur must adopt new marketing strategies?
A. to gain more profit
B. to boast their company
C. to reach their consumers
D. they want to be famous in the entire world
____ 5. Why innovative finishing materials, accessories, and designs of the products important?
A. to beautify the products
B. to decorate the products
C. improves the quality of finished products.
D. all of the above

Home Economics and livelihood Education by Josephine C. Bernardino
The Basics of Better Living 6 by Ruth A. Arsenue et. al

Prepared: Inspected:


T-3/Grade Six Adviser Master Teacher 1



P-1/School Head

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