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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Distinguishing Technical Terms
Used In Research
English – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Distinguishing Technical Terms Used In Research
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education- Region III

Regional Director: May B. Eclar PhD, CESO III
Assistant Regional Director: Rhoda T. Razon EdD, CESO VI

Development Team of the Module

Author: Leyne M. Geron
Editors: Oscar L Tambalque Jr.
Ruby Grace R. Mallare
Reviewers: Liezl D.De Jesus Gina R. Borje
Nehemia L. Ganiban Rowena M. Dullas
Ireneo A. Bucsit Jr. Marilou J. del Rosario, PhD
Rowell T.Aguilus Ana Liza D. Teodoro
Layout Artist: Leyne M. Geron

Management Team:
Librada M. Rubio PhD
Ramil G. Ilustre PhD
Ma.Editha R. Caparas EdD
Veronica B. Paraguison PhD
Sheralyn E. Allas, RGC PhD
Marcos C. Vizon

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City of San Fernando (P)
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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Distinguishing Technical Terms
Used In Research

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the English 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Distinguishing Technical Terms Used In Research!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by
educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or
facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the English 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Distinguishing Technical Terms Used In Research!

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often
used to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create
and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a
learner is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies
and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
7. Write all your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It aims to
help you master the skills needed in distinguishing technical terms used in
research (EN10V-Iva-30). The learnings gained in this module can be used in
different learning situations that involve research writing.

The module contains:

Lesson 1 – Distinguishing Technical Terms Used In Research

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 get familiar with technical terms in research

What I Know

Directions: This part serves as your pre- test which will determine your
background and prior knowledge about the lesson that we are going to
tackle. Answer the questions honestly by choosing the letter of the correct
answer. Write the correct letter of the answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It establishes facts and new findings through a systematic

A. interview C. survey
B. research D. thesis
2. It is a thought, notion, an abstract or generic idea generalized from
particular instances.
A. analysis D. idea
B. concept D. research
3. It provides the summary of the research.
A. body C. introduction
B. conclusion D. summary
4. It is the question around which a researcher centers his/ her
A. introduction C. thesis statement
B. summary D. thesis question
5. These are pieces of information that can be words or numbers.
A. data C. statistics
B. information D. survey

6. It is a method of organizing, sorting, and scrutinizing data so that the
research questions can be answered or inferred.
A. analysis C. conclusion
B. concept D. idea
7. It is a list of all the sources used in a research.
A. bibliography C. glossary
B. biography D. index
8. It is a set of questions used to gather information in a survey.
A. interview C. questionnaire
B. survey D. test
9. These are individuals who were invited to participate in a particular
study and took part in the study.
A. contestants C. respondents
B. participants D. viewers
10. These are qualities or quantities, properties or characteristics of
people, things, or situations that change or vary.
A. reliability C. variables
B. validity D. variety

Lesson Distinguishing Technical
1 Terms Used In Research
As time passes by your vocabulary grows even wider and wider. Some
are common and basic, but as you move to a higher level such as going to
Grade 10, senior high school and tertiary level, the words you use also move
to a higher level.

Academically, you are encountering different words and terminologies

which are useful as you go along your journey in studies and in the long run,
you can use them in your chosen career in the future.

This time you will get to know the technical terms that would help you
in developing or writing your own research.

Furthermore, the tasks in this module will help you improve your skill
in distinguishing technical terms used in research.

What’s In

Directions: Give the similarities and the differences of argumentative,

persuasive and informative essay using the Venn diagram below, then answer
the question below the diagram. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

Argumentative Persuasive Informative

What makes these essays helpful in writing a research?

What’s New

Technical terms are essential parts of all technical and scientific

writing. Each field and specialty typically uses a vocabulary that relays
a variety of specialized concepts using technical language. These special
terms convey concentrated meanings that have been built up over
significant periods of a study of a field.

Directions: Give related words for each term below. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

Example: Data - statistics, number

1. Research - ____________________________________________
2. Questionnaire - ____________________________________________
3. Respondents - ____________________________________________

What is It

Research is defined as a systematic and scientific process to

answer questions about facts and relationship between facts. It can also
be defined as an activity involved in seeking answer to unanswered
questions. It seeks to generate an answer to the problems as well as
suggesting additional questions in need of further inquiry.
Aside from knowing the term research itself, knowing other
common research terminologies help you understand how to read and
interpret scholarly journal articles so you can more effectively apply the
results to real life situations.

The following are basic terms and their definitions:

1. Analysis is a method of organizing, sorting, and scrutinizing data in

such a way that a research question can be answered or meaningful
inferences can be drawn.

2. Bibliography is a list of all the sources used in the process of
3. Concept refers to a mental idea of a phenomenon. These are words or
terms that symbolize some aspects of reality. e. g. love, pain.
4. Conclusion provides a summary of the research.
5. Data is an information that can be words or numbers.
6. Data Gathering Tools refer to the devices/ instruments used to collect
data such as questionnaire or computer- assisted interviewing
7. Data Presentation involves the use of a variety of different graphical
8. Descriptive study is a research design that describes “what is”( e.g. a
9. In-Text Citation is the brief form of the reference included in the body
of one’s work.
10. Limitations are restrictions in a study that may decrease the
credibility and generalizability of the research findings.

11. Literature review is a critical summary or research on a topic of

interest, generally prepared to put a research problem in context or
to identify gaps and weaknesses in prior studies so as to justify a
new investigation.
12. Plagiarism is the unethical practice of using words or ideas of another
author/researcher without proper acknowledgement.
13. Quantitative Research is the process of collecting and analyzing
numerical data.
14. Questionnaire is a set of questions used to gather information in a
15. Research Topic is a subject or issue that a researcher is interested in
when conducting a research.
16. Respondents are those persons who have been invited to participate in
a particular study and have actually taken part in the study.
17. Research Question is the question around which a researcher centers
his/ her research.
18. Sample is a part or subset of population selected to participate in the
research study.
19. Socio Demographic Profile includes age, sex, education, migration,
background and ethnicity, religious affiliation, marital status,
household, employment, and income.
20.Variables are attributes or characteristics that can have more than one
value, such as height or weight. These are qualities or quantities,
properties or characteristics of people, things, or situations that change
or vary.

 Independent variable- variables that are purposely manipulated
or changed by the researcher. It is also called as “Manipulated
 Dependent variable- variables that depend on other factors that
are measured. These variables are expected to change as a result
of an experimental manipulation of the independent variable or

However, there are terms in research that are abbreviated, these

are the Latin words and Non-English structures. Some of these
commonly used Latin terminologies in research are the following:
 Etc. et cetera- It means “and so on”.
 E.g. exempli gratia- It means “for example”, literally, it means
“free as an example”.
 et al. et alii- It means “and others”.
 ib/ibid. ibedem. It means “in the same passage or page quoted
above.” Literally, it means “in the same place”.

What’s More

Directions: Match the terms in Column A with their corresponding keywords in

Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of


1. research a. organizing, sorting, and scrutinizing data

2. bibliography b. audience, participating individuals

3. questionnaire c. systematic and scientific process

4. variables d. “and so on”

5. etc. e. list of all sources

6. et al. f. restrictions in a study

7. e.g. g. research on a topic of interest

8. ibid h. “ and others”

9. concept i. mental idea of a phenomenon

10. data j. device or instrument in collecting data

11. literature review k. “free as an example”

12. limitations l. “in the same place”

13. data gathering tool m. set of questions

14. respondents n. attributes or characteristics

15. analysis o. information in words or numbers

p. age, sex, education

What I Have Learned

Activity: Identifying Research Terms

Directions: Identify what term in research is being asked for or referred to in

each statement. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the box of
terminologies. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

a. journal article g. analysis l. bibliography

b. variables h. data m. plagiarism
c. technical terms i. questionnaire n. quantitative research
d. research j. respondents o. conclusion
e. independent k. literature review p. sample
f. dependent

1. These are essential parts of all technical and scientific writing.

2. Knowing other common research terminologies helps you understand
how to read and interpret scholarly __________________.
3. It is defined as a systematic and scientific process to answer questions
about facts and relationship between facts.
4. These are attributes or characteristics that can have more than one
value, such as height or weight.
5. These are variables that are purposely manipulated or changed by the
researcher. It is also called as “Manipulated Variable”.
6. These variables depend on other factors that are measured.
7. It is a part or subset of population selected to participate in the research
8. It is a method of organizing, sorting, and scrutinizing data in such a
way that research question can be answered.
9. It is an information that can be words or numbers.
10. It is a set of questions used to gather information in a survey.
11. These are persons who participate in a particular study and actually
take part in the study.
12. It is a critical summary or research on a topic of interest.
13. It is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data.
14. It provides a summary of the research.
15. It is the unethical practice of using words or ideas of another
author/researcher without proper acknowledgement.

What I Can Do
Activity: Do it yourself! What term is it?

Directions: Identify the terminology that is being described in each number.

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. These are attributes or characteristics that can have more than one
value, such as height or weight.
2. These are variables that depend on other factors that are measured.
3. It is a Latin research terminology which means “for example”.
4. It is a part or subset of population selected to participate in the
research study.
5. It involves the use of a variety of different graphical techniques.
6. These are the devices/ instruments used to collect data such as
questionnaire or computer- assisted interviewing system.
7. These are restrictions in a study that may decrease the credibility
and generalizability of the research findings.
8. It is a subject or issue that a researcher is interested in when
conducting a research.
9. It is the question around which a researcher centers his/ her
10. It is a list of all the sources used in the process of researching.


I. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and write FALSE if it

is incorrect. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Technical terms are important in all technical and scientific

2. Technical terms are special terms in each field and specialty.
3. Technical terms have nothing to do with research writing.
4. There are several technical terms in research writing, but very few
are used in research.
5. There are foreign and non-English terminologies in research.

II. Directions: Read each item carefully, then answer what is being asked
by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It involves the use of a variety of different graphical techniques.

A. data presentation C. data gathering
B. data interpretation D. data preparation
2. It refers to the unethical practice of using words or ideas of another
author/ researcher without proper acknowledgement.
A. graft C. plagiarism
B. libel D. plagiarized
3. These are variables which are purposely manipulated or changed by
the researcher?
A. constant variable C. dependent variable
B. independent variable D. consistent variable
4. It is a Latin research term which means “and others”?
A. Et al. C. i.e
B. Ibed D. i.g.
5. It includes age, sex, education, income, migration, background and
ethnicity, religious affiliation, marital status, household and,
A. socio demographic profile C. Independent variable
B. socio economic profile D. dependent variable
6. It is a Latin research term which means “and so on”?
A. et al. Ibed C. et. cetera
B. Ibed D. i.g
7. It is a subject or issue that a researcher is interested in when
conducting a research.
A. research C. statement
B. research topic D. title

8. It is the brief form of the reference included in the body of one’s work.
A. acknowledgement C. in-text citation
B. bibliography in-text citation D. reference

9. It refers to a mental idea of a phenomenon.

A. concept C. idea
B. framework D. knowledge

10. It provides the summary of the research.

A. Analysis C. conclusion
B. body D. ending

Additional Activity

Directions: Make a list of at least 10 research terminologies and their

definitions, which you think are not yet included in this module. Be creative
enough in accomplishing this task. Use bond paper and other art materials
for this activity.

Scoring Rubric :

Completeness of the list----------------------------------------------20pts.


Clarity of definition----------------------------------------------------20pts.

Relevance of the term to research-----------------------------------20pts.

Mechanics( grammar, punctuation)---------------------------------20pts.


Key to Correction

References (APA 6th edition)

Kto12 English Learner’s Material Module 4: Rebuilding Our Societies,

First edition, 2015

Basic Research Terminologies

Retrieved from:, Dr. Maheswari Jaikumar. July31,

EN10V- IVg-3: Get Familiar with Research Terms

Retrieved from:, Ranie Livero Villamin. February 7,

Basic Research terminology- Sports Training Adviser

Retrieved from: https://

Technical Terms-MIT
Retrieved from:

7 Data Collection Methods& Tools For Research-Formplus

Retrieved from:

What’s a Bibliography?
Retrieved from:, June 7, 2017

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Office Address: Diosdado Macapagal Government Center
Maimpis City of San Fernando (P)

Telefax: (045) 598-8580 to 89;(045) 402-7003 t0 05

E-mail Address [email protected]


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