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Absolute Adventures:

Horror at Misty Meadows

Writing and Editing: James Kearney
Tim Kearney
Michael Barker
Matt Click

Layout: Matt Click

Design: Tim Kearney

Art: Jake Perez

Cartography: Joe & Sarah Bilton – Heroic Maps

Special Thanks: To Dan O’Bannon, for first covering

a zombie in tar and scaring the crap
out of us. And to David Drayton, for
doing what was necessary.

Absolute Adventures: Horror at Misty Meadows is an atmospheric fantasy horror

adventure involving a cursed town, haunted tar pits, and a buried secret. This adventure
is designed to challenge a party of mid-to-high-level adventurers and is suitable for use
with your favorite fantasy roleplaying game and campaign setting.

Copyright © 2015 by Absolute Tabletop, LLC. All

rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form
without the expressed written permission of Absolute
Tabletop, LLC.

The Absolute Tabletop logo and all content herein are

copyright Absolute Tabletop, LLC. Absolute Tabletop,
Absolute Tabletop, LLC LLC is not formally associated with any other publishing
PO Box 2493 house(s), and the use of any popularized or system-
specific terms does not imply affiliation with or
Moriarty, NM 87035 endorsement by said publishing house(s).
The A Fistful of Dice, Be a Better Game Master, and
Tabletop Terrors logos are copyright their respective

A Word About This Adventure
Absolute Adventures: Horror at Misty Meadows is an atmospheric fantasy horror
adventure designed for use with your favorite roleplaying game and campaign setting.
It is designed for four to five characters of mid-to-high level. We won’t lie to you: this
is a difficult adventure. The challenges that the players will face are dangerous on
their own – but they are downright deadly in succession. This lethality is by design,
and intended to tax players, stretching them to their limits. If they use their wits and
stick together, who knows – with a little luck, they just might prevail!
Or they might just die horribly – that’s okay too.
While the themes of horror are tangible throughout this supplement, the adventure
stays within the bounds of PG-13 in terms of violence, gore, and other elements of
Absolute Adventures: Horror at Misty Meadows also includes high­-quality maps
of the mining town of Misty Meadows, as well as the nearby tar pits and gold
mines. These maps were lovingly crafted by our good friends Joe and Sarah Bilton
at Heroic Maps. They did an amazing job bringing
Misty Meadows and the surrounding environment
to life, and we couldn’t be happier counting them
as production partners. If you would like the full-
size, printable maps to use while running Horror
at Misty Meadows, they can be purchased from
Heroic Maps on DriveThruRPG.
We set out to make Horror at Misty Meadows
feel scary. But more than that, we wanted to take a
different path to get there. Not only have we tried to
incorporate classic horror themes into the module,
but we’ve also worked hard to find fresh ways
to evoke them. We strived to strike a balance
between the expected and the unexpected,
and tried to join them together to create
something that made chilling sense. If we’ve
done our job right, Horror at Misty
Meadows should feel eerily familiar –
but still surprise you.
Go forth, brave adventurers – find your
destiny, good or ill, waiting in the
darkness below Misty Meadows...

Welcome to Misty Meadows
The Fog of Misty Meadows The Lich in the Pit
The gold-mining town of Misty Meadows is Centuries before the founding of Misty Meadows,
named for the perpetual mist that veils it. This the lich known as Vorgul Drakus was a powerful
phenomenon has never fully been explained. Some force of evil. The heroes of the realm, unable to find
locals say it’s a magical fog, others call it a gift from
and destroy Drakus’ phylactery, battled against
the earth itself, and many believe the fog stems the lich and his forces for many years. At the cost
from the nearby tar pits to the west or Saltbreath of many lives, the heroes finally subdued Drakus,
Bay to the southeast. But no matter its origin, the imprisoning him in an iron coffin bound with heavy
fog has always been considered good luck by the chains, and dumped him into the tar pits. As the
residents of Misty Meadows. years fell away and the heroes aged and died, the
lich known as Vorgul Drakus was forgotten. For
Until now.
centuries of silence and blackness, Drakus waited.
As of late, the thin veil of mist has accumulated, As the town of Misty Meadows was built and
becoming thicker and more obtrusive, and with the expanded over several generations, Drakus waited.
fog came a series of odd, unsettling occurrences. As the mines brought security and prosperity to the
Now the town of Misty Meadows is mysteriously town, Drakus waited.
empty, and the fog is thicker than ever. But regional
rumors say something dark dwells in the mines of But now, Drakus waits no longer.
Misty Meadows – something ancient, sinister, and The Crystals
Over the centuries of his imprisonment, Vorgul
The Tar Pits Drakus’ necromantic essence soaked into the tar
West of Misty Meadows sprawls a cluster of viscous pits as his body dissolved and regenerated again
tar pits, famed for the strange creatures preserved and again. Eventually, the tar became a boiling
in their inky depths. In an effort to maintain the stew made up of Vorgul Drakus himself. The tar,
gold mines that reside across the pits, the citizens more volatile and deadly than ever, began boiling
built a series of bridges to aid in its crossing. For over, seeping up through the earth and into the
years, the people of Misty Meadows have crossed gold mines. As it cooled, the tar formed tiny, purple
crystals in the damp caverns of the gold mines of
the pits to work in the mines, but recently the tar
has began to boil and churn, seeping up from the Misty Meadows.
ground like blood from a wound. Unbeknownst The crystals have since grown in number, and in
to the townsfolk of Misty Meadows, a vile entity power, and now fill the mines. This is the closest
has slumbered in the black depths of the tar pits, Vorgul Drakus has come to attaining physical
waiting for the right moment to exert its will over form in almost a millennium. And every moment,
the land. That moment, unfortunately, has come... the small and luminous extensions of the lich
himself grow and extend, slowly reaching out for
those Vorgul Drakus might ensnare in his plans for
Vorgul Drakus must rise from the tar pits – and he
will use the townsfolk of Misty Meadows to do so.
He exerts his will through the crystals and draws
ever closer to once again clutching the realm in his
skeletal grip – that is, unless someone stands in his

Part I: The Woods
The adventure begins as many scary stories do – in a dark forest on a stormy night.
You’ve been trudging down an old, unmaintained road for hours. The pounding of the
rain on the forest canopy above is deafening. The rain drips from the dense branches
and foliage, and your boots sink into the mud with every step. No animals roam
here; no birds flit from tree to tree. There are no signs of life, save for the flora that
surrounds you, which gives off a potent, earthy smell. Your party has been trekking
through these woods all day, and now that night is falling, the road and the forest
around you becomes increasingly difficult to see.
Suddenly, the rain stops. The haunting silence that follows is unnatural, and soon
enough, you see a strange light approaching in the distance, bobbing eerily up and
down as it gets closer...

The Dead Thing in the Mist Meadows gets its namesake from the cloud
of fog that surrounds it year round. While it is
As the strange light gets closer to the adventurers, usually just a minor haze, some of the locals
they realize it is a lantern, attached to the helmet believe it is a magical fog. This is most likely just
of a shambling man with rotting skin hanging off a superstitious rumor.
his bones. Tar drips from the horrid creature as it
drags a dismembered arm, which itself is clutching • A rusted iron pickaxe, engraved with the words,
a rusted pickaxe. The TAR ZOMBIE says nothing as “M. M. Gold.” A DC 14 History check reveals
it lunges out of the fog, swinging the arm (and the that the town of Misty Meadows persists off of
pickaxe) over its head. gold gathered from the nearby mines.

The undead creature isn’t particularly strong, but With the help of clearer weather, along with the
the mud presents a unique obstacle and counts as zombie’s helmet, the road is now a bit easier to
difficult terrain. There is plenty of foliage for ranged spot in the forest. Following it further will lead the
combatants to seek cover. adventurers to the
town of Misty
Upon defeating the rotting creature, investigative Meadows...
adventurers will find that it is clearly a zombie.
He shambled away from the nearby mining town
of Misty Meadows, which the adventurers might
surmise based on the zombie’s belongings:
• A miner’s lantern – a rudimentary head lamp,
consisting of a shoddy metal helmet with a
small oil lamp attached to the front. When the
wick is lit, the miner lantern sheds light in a 30-
foot cone and leaves the wearer’s hands free.
• A small satchel, filled with worn copper pieces.
The words “Misty Meadows” are engraved
on the coins. Most traveled adventurers will
know that Misty Meadows is a nearby town,
but a successful DC 15 Arcana check will

reveal some of the village’s history: Misty
Part II: Misty Meadows
A Town Abandoned The mining town of Misty Meadows. Inside
As the adventurers approach the town of Misty the town proper, the adventurers find Old
Pilsun’s Tavern, the Claxton family home, and
Meadows, the air gets progressively thicker and
a shop owned by the town’s butcher, Leroy.
more humid. Small swirls of mist float on the air
– the famed fog, and Misty Meadows’ namesake.
As they reach the forest’s edge, the town proper
comes into view.
The adventurers can just make out the pitched
rooftops through the thick mist, and a broken
roadside sign hanging by one corner. It reads:
“–lcome to Misty Meadows. Stay the night!”
Perhaps the only thing eerier than the mist is the
overwhelming quiet. No signs of life emanate from
the town. Misty Meadows has seemingly been
abandoned. A faintly noxious, acrid smell hangs
on the air, stemming from the tar pits to the west.
Navigating through Misty Meadows proves to
be quite the chore. The fog is thick as porridge,
and the adventurers must stick together to avoid
getting lost. The three primary points of interest
are listed below, and are reached at random.
Using dice (or another mechanic of your choosing) There are some notable things to find inside:
determine which location the characters find first.
• A coinpurse containing nine silver pieces and
1. Old Pilsun’s Tavern four coppers sits behind the bar.
You hear a strange creaking noise coming • A dusty skull hangs above the cold hearth on
from the left. Upon investigation, its source the western wall. A successful Nature check
is a swinging sign, dangling from a building’s (DC 10) reveals the skull to be reptilian in
overhang. It reads, “Old Pilsun’s Tavern.” A nature. With a 15 on the check, they know this
golden mug of ale is carved into the sign. to be a velociraptor skull. A successful DC 20
History check reveals that many thousands
Stepping in from the fog, the adventurers find of years ago, large reptilian beasts such as
themselves in a simple tavern. Six tables crowd a velociraptors and other dinosaurs were very
common area, and a hefty wooden bar takes up common to this region.
most of the far wall. Its golden paint has become • There is a small storeroom in the back of the
worn and chipped in many places. tavern, but it has been completely emptied.
The tavern itself looks untouched. Mugs of flat ale
and coagulated milk sit about the room, as if the
place was abandoned all at once. There is no sign
of struggle.

Map © Heroic Maps, used here with permission. To purchase a printable, full resolution version of this map, click here.

Part II: Misty Meadows
2. The Claxton House In the attic, the adventurers find young Lily
Claxton. She is in her pre-teens, but has seen far
You find yourself at the front steps of a more than she should have at such a young age.
simple, squat house. So simple, in fact, that She has been hiding in Misty Meadows for over
there would be nothing drawing you to it a week, attempting to survive while avoiding (or
whatsoever, were it not for the sound you dispatching) the undead that are lurking about.
just heard coming from inside. It was almost While her features might have once been cherubic,
inaudible, but for a moment, you swear she now appears gaunt and primal. Her dark hair
you heard quick footsteps on hardwood. hangs in her face, covering her left eye. Her right
eye is wild as the adventurers approach her. She
There was definitely something moving in this says little, despite being happy to see other people
house, but there are no living things to be found if in the town.
the adventurers venture inside. There are obvious
signs of a struggle here. The dining table has been She will not attack the adventurers so long as she
overturned, along with two chairs, one of which is knows they are not zombies, and instead, might
missing a leg. offer to help them. Here are a few things the
adventurers might learn from Lily Claxton:
Inside, the adventurers find the body of a grown
man, facedown on the floor of the kitchen. He is • Lily has been surviving off of the leftovers in
blue in the face, and some of the flesh has rotted the town for over a week and has compiled a
off of his bones. stash of goods in the attic she now calls home.
Notably, a large quantity of goods obtained
A successful Investigation or Medicine check (DC from the nearby Pilsun’s Tavern.
10) reveals the cause of death: a deep puncture
in his chest insinuates he was stabbed with • The entire town was abandoned all at once, as
something rough and jagged. He has been dead if the townsfolk came under some sort of spell.
for almost a week. A more successful Investigation Lily was out with her friend Molly, foraging for
or Medicine check (DC 16) reveals large splinters sweet berries in the woods, when it happened.
inside the wound, matching the wood of the She believes this is why she was unaffected. If
overturned chairs. The adventurers also find what asked where her friend is now, she will simply
looks like dried tar on the bottom of the man’s point out the window, at a recent grave dug in
boots, similar to the tar dripping from the zombie her backyard.
on the road. • The population of the town walked in the
With a successful Perception check (DC 15), the direction of the nearby tar pits. Lily believes
adventurers find dried blood and footprints in the pits have grown more evil as of late, always
the dust, leading toward the center of the room churning and bubbling.
before immediately stopping beneath a hatch in • Lily had to kill her own father (the body on
the wooden ceiling. the floor downstairs). She can’t seem to bring
After a while, the adventurers hear a creaking herself to bury him though. She might ask the
sound coming from the ceiling. There’s someone adventurers for help.

Part II: Misty Meadows
• Lily’s brother, Jarrich, has been missing since • The adventurers can try to convince Lily to lead
the event. He works as a miner in the gold them to the tar pits (DC 12 Persuasion check).
mines. She asks the adventurers to keep an She will go no further than the pits, however,
eye out for him if they decide to head towards out of fear of becoming like her father.
the tar pits. She describes him as bald and tall. Lily holds onto a small strand of hope for her town.
• The gold mines are a short walk from Misty She will not leave until it is absolutely necessary.
Meadows, out beyond the tar pits. Many of Especially not now that people have come to save
the men and women of Misty Meadows make Misty Meadows.
a living working the mines.

Part II: Misty Meadows
3. Leroy’s Butcher Shop shop right now, clutching a large meat cleaver in
each hand.
A bloody meat cleaver sways from the
overhang of this building, and a sign on Through a cloud of flies, Leroy stands
the wall reads: “Leroy’s Butcher Shop.” eerily still. A leather satchel around his
neck glows from within, and bathes him in
The butcher shop has become a haven for flies,
purple light. His apron is covered in blood
feasting on the putrid meats. Other than that (and
– some old, some fresh. He stalks toward
the disgusting smell), there are a few items of
you with unexpected power, wielding a
meat cleaver over his head murderously.
• A row of assorted knives and cleavers hangs
above the counter near the far wall. There are a few interesting items Leroy has on
• A bag of expensive salts can be found with a him:
successful Perception check (DC 16), hidden • Two large cleavers, freshly sharpened.
underneath one of the kitchen floorboards
• A bloody apron.
After searching the shop, the adventurers hear a
groaning sound emanating from the back room of • A worn map of Misty Meadows and the
the shop – a sound they now find oddly familiar. surrounding area, revealing the tar pits to the
west of town.
Leroy, the town butcher, died three days ago.
Which is why it is eerie to see him walking into the • A small leather pouch. Inside, the adventurers
can find some strange, glowing purple crystals.

crystal effects
The purple crystals react strangely when handled. If an adventurer touches the
crystals with bare skin, roll a D6 or choose an option from the following list:
1. A strange sense of unease washes over you. Whispers seem to emanate from
the shadows.
2. A jolt races through your body, numbing you. Suffer 1 necrotic damage.
3. In an instant, all of the strength leaves your body. Gain 1 point of exhaustion.
4. Bile burns in your throat and your stomach knots itself. You are sickened for
1d10 minutes.
5. A horrific purple skull, reptilian in nature and dripping with tar, looms out of
the darkness. None of your companions see it. You are frightened for 1d10
6. A grating voice whispers, “Sleep, child,” and darkness closes around you. You
are unconscious for 1d10 minutes.

Part III: The Tar Pits
The Black Pits of Misty Meadows The tar pits are supposedly the resting place
of prehistoric reptiles, and are traversed daily
As you leave the foggy confines of town and
via bridges by the miners of Misty Meadows.
trudge westward, the faintly noxious smell of
the tar pits grows stronger. Through a copse of
gnarled trees and brittle shrubs, you come upon
the bubbling, viscous tar pits of Misty Meadows.

The miners of Misty Meadows cross the tar pits

by way of rickety wooden bridges daily in their
journey to the gold mines. But the pits are eerily
quiet night now – the silence broken only by
black bubbles bursting as the pits boil over. Acrid
steam rises from the pits, creating a thick fog
that impedes visibility. Strange bones protrude
from the inky tar, and an overturned cart blocks a
portion of the dirt path. If the adventurers inspect
the cart, they find bloodstains and several miner
lanterns, and also discover that large bites have
been taken out of the cart.
With the strange happenings in Misty Meadows,
the tar pits have developed necrotic properties, sunk into the tar. If the adventurer becomes
and undead creatures have risen from their inky totally submerged, they can no longer breathe,
depths. If an adventurer comes into contact with and may suffocate. An adventurer can attempt to
the boiling tar, they must succeed on a DC 14 help one of their companions out of the tar pit by
Constitution saving throw or take 4 (1d8) acid succeeding on a Strength check, the DC of which
damage plus 4 (1d8) necrotic damage. In addition, is 6 plus the number of feet the adventurer has
at the start of each of the adventurer’s turns, they sunk into the tar.
take an additional 2 (1d4) acid damage as the
sticky tar continues to burn their flesh. As long as A Bridge Over Troubled Tar
they aren’t submerged, they may use a standard
In order to reach the other side of the tar pits, the
action to scrape the tar from their body to end this
ongoing damage. adventurers must cross several rickety wooden
bridges. With the tar pits boiling over, the bridges
The tar pits are generally 10 feet deep. If an have become more precarious and brittle than
adventurer falls into the tar, in addition to the ever. If more than one adventurer steps onto a
damage described above, they sink 1d4 feet and bridge at one time, there is a 40 percent chance
become restrained. At the start of each of the the rotted boards will give way, dumping them into
adventurer’s turns, they sink another 1d4 feet. As the pit. They must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity
long as the adventurer isn’t totally submerged in saving throw or find themselves knee-deep in the
the tar, they can attempt to escape by succeeding boiling tar (see the above rules for tar damage and
on a Strength check, the DC of which is 12 plus sinking).
the number of feet the adventurer has already

Map © Heroic Maps, used here with permission. To purchase a printable, full resolution version of this map, click here.

Part III: The Tar Pits
Jurassic Tar the adventurers without hesitation.
The T-Rex and Raptors attack separately (or
As you make your way across the rickety bridges,
together if you’re trying to end the adventure
you become aware of a sudden stillness.The
prematurely). The T-Rex rises from one of the
tar splits, and an enormous, reptillian skull
pits, covered in black, viscous tar. Its mobility
emerges, its jaw only half attached. Covered in
is hampered, but it utilizes its superior reach,
smoldering tar, the skeletal form of a 20-foot-
lunging forward and attempting to snatch nearby
tall, zombified Tyrannosaurus Rex turns toward
adventurers in its jaws to drag them into the
you. Rotting flesh hangs from it in layers. Tar
boiling tar. If the adventurers are crossing one
belches forth as it roars and draws back to strike.
of the pits, the T-Rex uses its action to smash
By far the greatest threats awaiting the the bridge beneath their feet (DC 10 Dexterity
adventurers in the tar pits are the TAR ZOMBIE saving throw to avoid falling into the tar). If the
RAPTORS and the TAR ZOMBIE T-REX. These adventurers move out of the T-Rex’s reach, it will
primordial creatures have been preserved in the use its breath weapon rather than give chase.
bubbling tar, and have recently awoken thanks to The four Raptors attack, pack-style, from the
the vile will of Vorgal Drakus. They are putrid, half- surrounding trees. They flank the adventurers
rotted creatures, covered in thick tar with necrotic on two sides, attempting to corner them or
flesh hanging off their bones and white-hot rage drive them into the tar pits. Unlike the T-Rex, the
burning in their hollow eye sockets. They attack Raptors are quick and agile, leaping over the tar
pits to pounce on the adventurers and rip them
apart. The adventurers should be wary – the
raptors have viciously sharp claws on their feet.

Tar Zombie Adventurers

If an adventurer dies while submerged or covered
in the tar from the pits, they will rise as a zombie
in 1d4 rounds, flesh melting off their bones and
hate burning in their eyes. Use the TAR ZOMBIE
statblock to represent this creature, though feel
free to adjust their weapons and armor to more
closely match the deceased adventurer. If they die
submerged in the tar, they will lunge out of the pit
and attempt to grapple and drag their companions
into the tar with them.

Part IV: The Mines
Path to the Crystal Caves grow along the walls and floor in jagged clusters.

Leaving the tar pits at your back, you trek down The mine’s entrance eventually dead-ends into
a well-used dirt path. Through dense, tangled a jagged stone wall littered with alien-looking
woods and scraping shrubs, you come upon markings. Closer inspection shows that these
the mouth of the mines of Misty Meadows, gouges have been burned into the wall using the
yawning open like the maw of a great beast. tar from the pits. Each adventurer must succeed on
a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or come under the
The dirt path leading to the mines is covered in a influence of the glyphs. The glyphs are not in total
scrambled mess of fresh, runic gouges. Recently control, just very suggestive, and trustworthy.
carved into the earth, these deep markings in The following rooms are illusory. Adventurers
the dirt have an archaic and vile appearance. who succeed on the Wisdom saving throw, or who
Upon making eye contact with the vile runes, the begin to suspect the facade and succeed on a DC
adventurers must succeed on a Wisdom saving 18 Insight check, realize it’s not real – otherwise,
throw (DC 11) or take 4 (1d8) psychic damage, and the experience seems strange, but convincing. This
a feeling of dread strikes them. If they succeed, sequence occurs whether the players are aware
they take no damage but recall a deeply troubling of it or not, but the Wisdom saves allow them to
memory. respond and react cognizantly.

Entering the Mines The experience represents the adventurers being

captivated by the glyphs, which are slowly digging
As the adventurers step into the mines, an deeper and deeper into their psyche, represented
eerie, purplish glow bathes the walls and floor. by doors. This acts as a kind of security system to
A sickening, low-pitched hum drones almost make sure that no one can enter the mine easily
imperceptibly. Both the glow and the hum seem without first falling under the influence of the evil
to be emanating from strange, purple crystals that energies present here.

More crystal effects

The power of the crystals is even more potent inside the mines. If you want to add an
eldritch horror twist, roll a D6 or choose an option from the following list:
1. The secret to being rich is to purge the world of non-valuable things. You get rid of
all the junk you can find. By eating it.
2. It is very important that you remove your teeth and tongue immediately. Everyone
else’s too. For their safety.
3. You can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t want their eyes removed.
4. It’s high time you start replacing your bones with anything else you can find.
Everyone else’s bones too.
5. You see the flaw in how weak your blood is. But the blood of others is strong, and
they’re selfishly keeping it from you. Get them to share.
6. You understand the cosmic concept of Unhands, and after removing your own,
you need to evangelize other creatures by removing theirs. You do this to save
them, because they need you.

Part IV: The Mines
The First Infiltration The answer is that the adventurers need to be
holding a purple crystal to make it through the
The glyphs become readable to all, but begin to force field.
impose their will on any who failed their Wisdom
saving throw. It’s an easy pattern to follow, and The adventurers need to physically possess
reminds them of a form of basic common. The a crystal to pass through the door. It must be
glyphs clearly form a riddle: touching their skin (see the crystal roll table on
page 9 for the magical effects that might occur).
As I was on my way to Misty Meadows If they attempt to pass through the doorway
I met a coven of seven widows without a crystal, they find the translucent door
Each widow’s sack had seven rats solid and impassable.
Each sack of rats had one dead cat
Each stone-dead cat had twenty flies
The Third Infiltration
All sets of flies had two red eyes When the adventurers walk through the
How many were going to Misty Meadows? translucent purple door in possession of a crystal,
Speak the answer there is a flash of purple-white light. They are now
standing in a very large room that looks strangely
familiar to them. On the northern wall of the
The answer is one. “I” was going to Misty Meadows.
room is an enormous, crystal door. The room’s
The longer the adventurers stare at the riddle, shape is hard to place, as darkness borders the
the better. The purpose of the riddle is to hold periphery in every direction. If the adventurers
the adventurers’ attention while the glyphs try to go into the darkness in any direction, they
infiltrate their minds. Once a satisfactory answer find themselves walking blindly for a few minutes,
is spoken aloud, an entryway becomes evident in and then emerging from the other side of the
the adventurers’ peripheral vision that they didn’t same room, standing before the door yet again.
quite see before. Speaking the riddle’s answer has About four feet from the bottom of the door is
obviously revealed a hidden doorway to venture a set of keyholes of various shapes, one for each
deeper into the mines. adventurer. The keyholes are clearly linked to
locking mechanisms that are keeping the door
The Second Infiltration closed. At this point, the adventurers hear a faint,
When the adventurers approach the newly rasping whisper that says:
revealed doorway, they find a faint purple field
acting as a translucent door. Upon inspection, Focus intently, and you will see
the adventurers notice a pickaxe leaning against Imagine your crystal to be the key
this translucent door, as if it were totally solid.
However, the purple crystals growing from the If the adventurers focus on their crystals, they find
floor and walls seem to be passing through it that they’ve taken the shapes of jagged keys. All
seamlessly at various points. Another mass of of the keys need to be placed in the keyholes at
glyphs is scrawled above the door. once for the door to begin to unlock. Once the
adventurers all put their keys into the holes, they
To pass this vigilant, glowing sentry hear the whisper again. It says one word: “Push.”
But one substance can grant you entry

Part IV: The Mines
When the adventurers push the crystal keys into Madness in the Flesh
the door, they hear a marked crunch, and blood
begins to run from the locks, pooling at their feet. After passing the vacant-minded townsfolk, the
The door opens, and the adventurers see a flash adventurers finally come upon an entryway to a
of an iron coffin, burning in tar. In their vision room bathed in sickening, purple light. The low,
the coffin opens, and a scarred, tar-covered lich droning hum knots the stomachs of the heroes as
screams and reaches for them. they approach. The room is a sight unlike anything
else. The floor of this place is solid crystal,
Then, in an instant, the adventurers come to. They impossibly smooth. This concentration of crystal,
are all standing right where they began, staring at more so than any other crystals in the mine, are
the glyphs. The only difference is that now, they’re eerily luminescent, and the light is piercing.
each clutching a crystal in their hands tight enough
to draw blood. The room before you is almost incomprehensible
Though shaken, they can now clearly see the in its construction. The floor is a sheet of thin
entryway into the main portion of the mine. crystal, with a lake of boiling tar churning
beneath it. Seated upon a makeshift throne is
Blackness surrounds you entirely. Fifteen feet in a gaunt, haggard man with crystals protruding
front of you a single, tiny glowing orb appears, from his body. In the center of all of this,
fiery and purple. Then a second. Then ten more, a foreign-looking skull levitates slowly.
then twenty more, all in pairs. You realize that
these glowing purple orbs are the eyes of a
great deal of people. As their glowing eyes
continue to open, the room becomes more and
more illuminated, revealing their tragic state.

The Missing of Misty Meadows

The townsfolk of Misty Meadows are gaunt
and, covered in blood. Their hands and feet are
blistered beyond recognition. Each of their faces
is emotionless. At least 40 townsfolk surround the
adventurers with glowing, purple eyes, but they
do not move to attack. They are entirely docile as
their jaws slacken open unnaturally. In a terrible
whisper, all 40 of them say in unison, “He is waiting
for you.”
At that moment, the crowd parts, revealing the
entryway to an ominously glowing room.
If the adventurers try to talk the villagers, they will
not reply. If the adventurers decide to attack the
villagers, they will be met with no resistance, they
will simply fall dead to the floor as the rest will
continue to stand and stare. Jarrich Claxton, Lichfiend

Part IV: The Mines
In the center of the room, an oblong skull levitates, The fight occurs on a sheet of solid crystal. This
ebbing and flowing with the dreadful hum that crystal is smooth and slick, and counts as difficult
fills the room. The adventurers might recognize terrain. If the adventurers attempt anything
this skull as a velociraptor skull, similar to the one beyond basic movement, they must succeed on a
mounted over the hearth in Old Pilsun’s Tavern. DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
The crystal floor is relatively thin, and beneath it, a Once the lichfiend has fewer than half of his total hit
lake of tar boils and churns, appearing dark purple points, he will use his Amorphous Gait to teleport
through the colored crystal. This is the same into the center of the room. He kneels and prays
viscous tar bubbling up in the tar pits en route to aloud to Vorgal Drakus, pleading for aid. When
the mines. he does so, the crystal floor shatters into dozens
Seated upon a makeshift throne of jutting purple of pieces that float on the lake of boiling tar. The
crystals is a gaunt, haggard young man, his eyes adventurers must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity
hollow sockets of darkness. He caresses the saving throw to avoid falling into the tar when this
purple crystal skull as he notes the arrival of the occurs. The adventurers can still move through
adventurers. This is Jarrich, Lily’s brother, who has the room, but maintaining balance on the floating
fallen under the influence of the lich Vorgal Drakus. crystal shards is difficult. When moving more than
The same glowing purple 5 feet, the adventurer
crystals erupting from must succeed on a DC
the walls and floor of 11 Dexterity check or
the mines protrude from fall into the tar. The
Jarrich’s body, splitting lichfiend floats in the air,
his skin with the potent sparing him from these
presence of Drakus. effects.

Jarrich is a LICHFIEND, Once the lichfiend has

a physical aspect of a lich fewer than a quarter
who serves unceasingly. of his total hit points,
He does not actively he stops fighting
engage the adventurers momentarily, holding
in conversation, merely enacts Drakus’ will his head in his hands. “No more,” he screams.
through violence. However, if the adventurers ask “No more, please. Just let me die.” Drakus then
questions of the horrid creature, he will respond regains control of his thrall and resumes the fight,
in a rasping whisper that seems to emanate from refusing to retreat until either the lichfiend or
elsewhere – the voice of Vorgal Drakus. Drakus the adventurers are destroyed. At this point, the
makes no effort to conceal his plans – he may tell lichfiend can make use of his Madness Unto Death
the adventurers everything before eviscerating ability to attack twice with his claws.
them: that he means to gather power by sacrificing If any of the adventurers attempt to damage
the souls of the townsfolk to his new phylactery, or destroy the purple crystal skull (which is
and rise from the tar pits more powerful than ever. Drakus’ new phylactery), the lichfiend will focus
The kingdoms will tremble at his coming. If the its attention solely on them. The skull has an
adventurers mean to halt Drakus’ resurrection, the AC of 10, 50 HP, and is resistant to bludgeoning,
lichfiend will do anything to stop them. Inevitably, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical
combat ensues. sources. If the phylactery is destroyed, the fight
ends immediately as the lichfiend screams its last

Part IV: The Mines
and shatters every nearby crystal.
The adventurers must succeed on a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take
10 (2d10) slashing damage from the
exploding crystals.
With the phylactery destroyed, Jarrich
unfortunately dies as he is severed
from Drakus’ influence. The townsfolk
in the previous room, however, are
alive and confused – they have no
memory of the last week, beyond Phase 1
darkness and strange whispers. They
are malnourished and dehydrated,
but otherwise unharmed. They are
grateful to the adventurers, and wish
to retake Misty Meadows from the
darkness that has overrun it.
Outside, the fog begins to dwindle as
the will of Vorgal Drakus fades from
Misty Meadows. His influence, at least
for now, will no longer plague the
people of this town. The Lich in the
Pit, once again, slumbers and waits…

Phase 2
Map © Heroic Maps, used here with permission. To purchase a printable, full resolution version of this map, click here.

Alternate Endings
Looking for something a little more horrific thing,” the townsfolk say. “She must have
to end the session? Try one of these... been taken by the dead. Poor Lily.”

Cosmic Horror Ending Far from Misty Meadows, over many hills,
and many roads, over miles of forest, we
The adventurers continue to fight the come to a nearby cave. In the cave sits a
lichfiend, and Vorgal Drakus rises in the frightened little girl, clutching a lantern.
form of an eldritch beast of caustic tar and She’s huddled in a corner. She’s holding
unhinged fury. Tentacles emerge from the what looks like a small piece of white chalk.
tar pit beneath the floor and begin dragging It’s Lily Claxton. She sets the lantern down
the adventurers under. A cold laugh and begins etching horrific glyphs on the
resounds in their minds as Drakus claims cave wall – the same runes that ensnared
victory. “Join me in the darkness,” Drakus the minds of the adventurers at Misty
whispers… Let the adventurers describe Meadows. The hair covering her left eye falls
their final moments as they descend into the aside, revealing a hollow, empty socket.
blackness. “Don’t worry, Mr. Drakus,” she whispers to
the darkness. “We’ll try again.”
Twist Ending
The adventurers defeat the lichfiend, A Monstrous Twist
and destroy the crystal skull phylactery. As Lily smiles, her face stretches into a grin
Drakus’ influence fades, and all is well in that’s too wide for her small, pale face. Her
Misty Meadows. The fog recedes, and mouth is full of razor sharp, crystalline teeth,
things slowly start to go back to normal. and her hollow eye socket begins to glow a
Unfortunately, Lily is missing. “Such a sad faint purple.

Monsters of Misty Meadows
TAR ZOMBIE Challenge 1/4 LEROY THE BUTCHER Challenge 1
Medium Undead, neutral evil (50 xp) Medium Undead, neutral evil (225 xp)

Armor Class 8 Hit Points 21 Speed 20 ft. Armor Class 10 Hit Points 24 Speed 20 ft.

13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)

Saving Throws: Wisdom +0 Saving Throws: Wisdom +0
Damage Immunities: acid, poison Damage Immunities: acid, poison
Condition Immunities: poisoned Condition Immunities: poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages: Understands Common but can’t speak Languages: Understands Common but can’t speak

Unending Servitude. If damage reduces the zombie to Unending Servitude. If damage reduces the zombie to
0 hit points, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead, kept 0 hit points, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead, kept
standing by the vile essence of Vorgul Drakus that infests standing by the vile essence of Vorgul Drakus that infests
Misty Meadows. Once the zombie falls to 0 hit points a Misty Meadows. Once the zombie falls to 0 hit points a
second time, it does not rise again. second time, it does not rise again.
ACTIONS Crystal Servant. It’s unclear how long Leroy has been
holding the satchel of crystals around his neck, but they
Pickaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one have made him unnaturally strong and resilient.
target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage, plus 2 (1d4) acid
damage from the tar. ACTIONS
Multiattack. Leroy makes two melee attacks, one with
each cleaver.

Cleaver. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 12 (2d8+4) slashing damage.

Tar Zombie Adventurers

If an adventurer dies while submerged or covered
in the tar from the pits, they will rise as a zombie
in 1d4 rounds, flesh melting off their bones and
hate burning in their eyes. Use the TAR ZOMBIE
statblock to represent this creature, though feel
free to adjust their weapons and armor to more
closely match the deceased adventurer. If they die
submerged in the tar, they will lunge out of the pit
and attempt to grapple and drag their companions
into the tar with them.

Monsters of Misty Meadows
TAR ZOMBIE T-REX Challenge 3
Medium Undead Beast, neutral evil (450 xp) (700 xp)
Huge Undead Beast, neutral evil
Armor Class 15 Hit Points 18 Speed 50 ft. Armor Class 16 Hit Points 59 Speed 10 ft.
14 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 22 (+6) 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 2 (-4)
Saving Throws: Strength +4, Dexterity +6 Saving Throws: Strength +9, Consitution +6
Damage Immunities: acid, poison Damage Immunities: acid, poison
Condition Immunities: poisoned Condition Immunities: poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages: – Languages: –
Pounce. If the Tar Zombie Raptor moves at least 30 feet
Multiattack. The Tar Zombie T-Rex makes two attacks:
straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw
one with its bite and one with its tail.
attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a
DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target is prone, the Tar Zombie Raptor can make one bite target. Hit: 16 (2d10+6) piercing damage, and the target
attack against it as a bonus action. is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the
target is restrained, and the Tar Zombie T-Rex can’t bite
another target.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (2d6+2) piercing damage. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target not grappled by the Tar Zombie T-Rex. Hit: 14
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one (2d8+6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature,
target. Hit: 10 (2d8+2) slashing damage. it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.

Tar Breath (Recharge 5–6). The Tar Zombie T-Rex

vomits caustic tar in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that
area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking
9 (3d6) acid damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
save. If the Tar Zombie T-Rex has a creature grappled,
that creature automatically fails the save, but is no longer

Monsters of Misty Meadows
Medium Undead, neutral evil
Challenge 5
(1,800 xp)
A lichfiend is a creature that has given its life,
Hit Points 58 Armor Class 17
voluntarily or otherwise, to serve a lich in undeath.
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
Found to be more valuable as a servant than as a
vessel to feed the lich’s phylactery, the lichfiend is
an unceasingly loyal thrall. The lichfiend serves its STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
lich at any cost, having no interest in anything other 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 5 (-3) 17 (+3)
than the well-being and satiation of its vile master. STATISTICS
A lichfiend is a fetid-looking humanoid that appears Saving Throws: Strength +6, Dexterity +4
entirely emaciated. Its eyes are typically gone from Skills: Perception +1
its skull, leaving dead, empty sockets. Damage Resistances: fire, lightning, thunder;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-
In the Service of Madness. No creature decides to magical weapons
become enslaved by a lich lightly. It is also costly Damage Immunities: acid, necrotic, poison
for a lich to expend its precious power to create Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion,
such a creature, so the lichfiend’s skills, abilities, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
knowledge, and service must be invaluable. It is Senses: Blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11
not entirely clear what it takes to create a lichfiend, Languages: Common
though pain and loss are certainly key factors. FEATURES & ABILITIES
Vile Namesake. It is common for the lichfiend to Stench of the Sane. The lichfiend can magically sense
the presence of intelligent living creatures up to 5 miles
be referred to as an aspect of his lord. Such as the away. It knows the general direction of the creatures, but
Aspect of Vargal Drakus, or the Aspect of Sung Qin not their exact locations. As a result, the lichfiend cannot
Long. be surprised by living creatures.

Guardian of the Phylactery. A lichfiend is ever Amorphous Gait. As a bonus action, the lichfiend can
instantly implode into a plume of black and purple smoke
vigilant of its masters phylactery, and is keen to feed and teleport up to 60 feet into an unoccupied space it can
it soul sacrifices. Since the lich must periodically see.
feed souls to its phylactery to sustain itself, the Madness Unto Death. At the start of its turn, if the
lichfiend is almost always consumed with this task. lichfiend has fewer than a quarter of its total hit points,
it may choose to make two attacks as a standard action,
Brutal and Physical. Not often having the arcane rather than one.
bent of their masters, lichfiends are almost always
visceral, physically violent creatures of great
physical strength. They favor frenzied beatings Frenzied Beating. Melee Magic Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (3d6 + 2) necrotic damage,
with their limbs rather than using weapons or spells plus 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
in a fight.
Revelation of the Lich (1/Day). As an action, the lichfiend
Vessels of Necrotic Power. In almost every case, can channel the full evil and malice of its creator and
lichfiends are imbued with a portion of undying release it at once. This ability has no effect on constructs
or undead. All other creatures within 30 feet of the
power from their masters. This gives them lichfiend must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On
unnatural and haunting abilities beyond more a failure, the creature drops to 0 hit points. On a success,
common undead creatures. the creature takes 9 (3d6) psychic damage.

Undead Nature. A lichfiend doesn’t require air,

food, drink, or sleep.

“The Lichfiend,” by Jake Perez
Horror at Misty Meadows
By James Kearney, Tim Kearney, Michael Barker, Matt Click
The trees creak in the noxious breeze. The heavy fog clings to your cloak,
chilling you to the bone. A faint moan echoes through the wood, and a light
appears in the distance, bobbing up and down, drawing closer and closer...
Absolute Adventures: Horror at Misty Meadows is a dangerous and
horrifying experience for a party of adventurers of mid-to-high level. From
the terrors that await your players in the ever-thickening fog pervading the
town, to what’s boiling at the bottom of the tar pits, many adventurers may
never see what awaits in the caves of this mining town...
This adventure is made to stretch and tax your players to their limits.
While the themes of horror are tangible throughout this supplement,
the adventure stays within the bounds of PG-13 in terms of violence,
gore, and other elements of horror.
Thank you for supporting Absolute Tabletop!

Copyright © 2015 by Absolute Tabletop, LLC. All rights reserved.

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