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Keyset User Guide

For OfficeServ™ 7000 Series Systems

ABOUT THIS BOOK ......................................................................................................1
SECTION 1. CAUTION AND PREPARATION ....................................2
CAUTION ..............................................................................................................................3
PREPARATION ..................................................................................................................4
Check the Contents of the Box ................................................................................4
Phone Installation ......................................................................................................4-5
Optional Equipment..................................................................................................5-6

SECTION 2. PHONE FUNCTIONS ..................................................................7

SMT-i5210 LAYOUT ....................................................................................................8
Names and Functions ..............................................................................................8-9
KEY FUNCTIONS ..........................................................................................................10
Telephone Status Indicator ......................................................................................10
Screen Structure ..........................................................................................................10
Text Input Method ......................................................................................................11
Description of Icons....................................................................................................12
Navigating the Menus................................................................................................13
Navigation Button and Select Switch for FWD/DND/ABSENT MSG..........13
SMT-i5210 SETUP ......................................................................................................14
Initializing the SMT-i5210 ........................................................................................14
Setup Mode ..................................................................................................................14
Easy Install Wizard ......................................................................................................15
Selecting the Static IP Option ................................................................................15
Setting Up Hot Desking (Idle Login) ....................................................................15
Configuration Menu Structure................................................................................16


Copyright 2010 Samsung Telecommunications America. FEATURE OPERATION ..........................................................17
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means—graphic, EXTENSION LOG IN & OUT ................................................................................18
electronic or mechanical, including recording, taping, photocopying or information retrieval systems—
without express written permission of the publisher of this material. PLACING CALLS............................................................................................................18
ANSWERING CALLS ..................................................................................................19
Samsung Telecommunications America reserves the right without prior notice to revise information in
this guide for any reason. Samsung Telecommunications America also reserves the right without prior PLACING A CALL ON HOLD ..............................................................................20
notice to make changes in design or components of equipment as engineering and manufacturing
may warrant. Samsung Telecommunications America disclaims all liabilities for damages arising from TRANSFERRING CALLS ..........................................................................................20
the erroneous interpretation or use of information presented in this guide.
TRANSFERRING WITH CAMP-ON..................................................................21 Group Call Pickup........................................................................................................48
My Group Pickup ........................................................................................................48
CALL WAITING ..............................................................................................................21 Privacy Release ............................................................................................................48
CONFERENCE CALLS ................................................................................................21 DIALING FEATURES ..................................................................................................49
FORWARDING CALLS ..............................................................................................22 Speed Dialing................................................................................................................49
Programming Personal Speed Dial Numbers ..................................................49
OTHER FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS ..................................................22-25 Directory Dialing..........................................................................................................50
Last Number Redial ....................................................................................................51
SECTION 4. PHONE FEATURES ....................................................................26 Save Number with Redial ........................................................................................51
BASIC MENUS ................................................................................................................27 Automatic Redial/Retry ............................................................................................51
Soft Button Structure ................................................................................................27 Pulse to Tone Changeover ......................................................................................51
Menu Soft Button ........................................................................................27-36 PAGING AND MESSAGING ..................................................................................52
Func. Soft Button ................................................................................................36 Making and Internal Page ........................................................................................52
AOM Soft Button ................................................................................................37 Making an External Page..........................................................................................52
All Page ..........................................................................................................................52
SECTION 5. OFFICESERV 7000 SYSTEM FEATURES ..........38 Meet Me Page ..............................................................................................................53
OUTSIDE CALLS ..........................................................................................................39 Call Park and Page ......................................................................................................53
Making Calls from AOM ............................................................................................39 Messages—Set and Cancel ..............................................................................54-55
Universal Answer ........................................................................................................39 Returning Messages ..................................................................................................55
Recall Dial Tone ............................................................................................................39 Programmed Messages ............................................................................................55
Sending a Flash ............................................................................................................39 CONVENIENCE FEATURES ..................................................................................56
Busy Line Queuing with Callback..........................................................................39 Logging In and Out ....................................................................................................56
Busy Station Callback ................................................................................................40 Do Not Disturb ............................................................................................................56
Canceling Callback......................................................................................................40 One Time DND..............................................................................................................56
Busy Station Camp-On ..............................................................................................40 Mute ................................................................................................................................57
INTERCOM CALLS ......................................................................................................42 Background Music ......................................................................................................57
Voice Announce Mode ..............................................................................................42 Established Call Pick-Up............................................................................................57
Auto Answer Mode ....................................................................................................42 Door Phone Calls ..................................................................................................57-58
Calling your System Operator ................................................................................42 Executive/Secretary Hotline ....................................................................................58
Group Listening ..........................................................................................................59
CALL PROCESSING ....................................................................................................43 Account Codes ............................................................................................................59
System Hold ..................................................................................................................43 Locking Your Keyset ..................................................................................................60
Exclusive Hold ..............................................................................................................43 Manual Signalling........................................................................................................60
Remote Hold ................................................................................................................43 Off-Hook Voice Announce ......................................................................................61
Hold Recall ....................................................................................................................44 OHVA Block....................................................................................................................61
Consultation Hold ......................................................................................................44 OHVA Reject ..................................................................................................................61
Retrieving Calls Held at Another Station............................................................44 In Group/Out of Group..............................................................................................62
Call Transfer ..................................................................................................................45
Transfer with Camp-On ............................................................................................45 CUSTOMIZING YOUR KEYSET ..........................................................................63
Transfer to Voice Mail ................................................................................................46 AME Password ..............................................................................................................63
Call Waiting....................................................................................................................46 Auto Camp-On ............................................................................................................63
Call Forward Options ................................................................................................46 Select Ring Tone ..........................................................................................................63
Station Call Pickup ......................................................................................................47 Change Your Passcode ..............................................................................................63
Set Answer Mode (Intercom) ..................................................................................64 Mailbox Administration ............................................................................................87
Set Answer Mode (CO) ..............................................................................................64 Message Broadcast ....................................................................................................89
Automatic Hold............................................................................................................64 Personal Services ........................................................................................................89
Headset Operation......................................................................................................64 Personal Administration Settings ........................................................................90
Hot Keypad ....................................................................................................................65 Keyset User Features ................................................................................................91
Key Confirmation Tone..............................................................................................65 Shortcuts ......................................................................................................................93
Rejoining a Page ..........................................................................................................65 Interactive Displays ....................................................................................................93
Ring Preference............................................................................................................65 E-Mail Gateway (EMG) ........................................................................................93–95
Display Speed Dial Name ........................................................................................66
PERSONAL SPEED DIAL NUMBERS......................................................96–97
Caller ID Review All ....................................................................................................66
Secure OHVA ................................................................................................................66
Configure Mobile Extensions (MOBEX) ........................................................66-67
DISPLAY FEATURES ..................................................................................................68
Directory Information................................................................................................68
Display Number Dialed ............................................................................................68
Call Duration Timer ....................................................................................................68
Auto Timer ....................................................................................................................68
Timer Function ............................................................................................................69
Viewing Station Message Indications..................................................................69
Personal Speed Dial Names ....................................................................................69
Station Names ..............................................................................................................69
Managing Programmable Key Assignments ....................................................70
LCR with Clear ..............................................................................................................70
Backspace with LCR ....................................................................................................70
CALLER ID..........................................................................................................................71
Selecting Your Caller ID Display ............................................................................71
Viewing the Next Caller ID Call ..............................................................................72
Inquire Caller ID Park/Hold Info ............................................................................72
FEATURE ACCESS CODES ....................................................................................73
SECTION 6. APPLICATIONS ..............................................................................74
SAMSUNG VOICEMAIL ..........................................................................................75
SVMi E-Series Subscriber Services Menu Diagram ..................................76–77
Accessing Your Mailbox ............................................................................................78
Getting Started ............................................................................................................79
Listen to your Messages ...........................................................................................79
Subscriber Services Menu .......................................................................................79
Listening to Old or New Messages ......................................................................80
Group New or Old Messages ..................................................................................81
Record and Send a Message ..................................................................................81
Access Manager ..........................................................................................................83
Personal Greetings......................................................................................................84
The new Samsung Multimedia Telephone SMT-i5210 keyset is part of the
OfficeServ 7000 Series.

The SMT-i5210 keyset represents a new concept of Internet phone, in that it uses
an IP address to Send/Receive voice and data. For voice communications, the SMT-
i5210 uses the data network line already in place in most offices and increasing
number of homes.

This guide contains 6 sections: Section 1. Caution and Preparation, Section 2.

Phone Functions, Section 3. Frequently Used Feature Operation, Section 4. Phone
Settings, Section 5. OfficeServ 7000 System Features and Section 6. Applications.
Please take the time to study this guide and to become familiar with the operation
of your keyset. Keep this guide handy, as you may need to look up instructions for
infrequently used features.

This book is written based on factory default settings, for the feature access codes.
Sometimes, due to programming requirements, these codes may be changed. If
you find that a feature code does not work as described in this book, please con-
tact your installation and service company to determine the correct code.

• Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to its power

• If there is dirt or moisture on the pin contact surface of a power plug, pull out
the plug and wipe it away with a cloth. If dirt or moisture remains on the prod-
uct even after wiping, contact the service center.
SECTION 1. • For the power connection port of the phone, use the supplied power
adapter.(The power adapter is supplied separately.) Use of a power adapter
CAUTION AND PREPARATION that does not meet the specifications may cause the product to become dam-
aged, to overheat, or to explode.

• Do not place the phone in a location with a lot of dust, in a location that is sub-
ject to severe changes in temperature, or near a heating device (cigarette
heat, heater, etc.)

• Do not use or store flammable spray or materials near the phone.

• Do not place vases, flowerpots, cups, or a container of cosmetics or drugs near

the phone.

• Installation of equipment must not route interconnecting cables or external

power supply sources outdoors.

• The LAN cable to the network should be connected to the LAN port of a
phone, NOT to the PC connection port.

• Use a soft and dry cloth when cleaning the phone. Do not spray water direct-
ly onto the product; and do not use chemicals such as wax, benzene, alcohol,
thinner, mosquito killer, perfume spray, lubricant, detergent, etc.

2 3
Connect the LAN cable (connected through the middle hole of the base to a
PREPARATION network) to the LAN port of the phone, as shown in the figure.

CHECK THE CONTENTS OF THE BOX When power is supplied from the LAN port (PoE), the phone is booted upon
LAN connection.
Check if the product package box includes all the components as follows:
• Phone body including a base If PoE is not supported, connect the power adapter to the power port of the
• Handset phone by running the cable through the middle hole of the base as shown
• Handset cord in the figure below. If the connected power adapter is plugged into an out-
• Patch cable let, the phone is booted. (The power adapter is supplied separately.)
NOTE: Power transformer sold separately. If any of these items are missing or dam-
aged, please contact your dealer. 4 Fix the base to the phone body by fit-
ting the bottom groove and then
PHONE INSTALLATION securing the top side.

Connecting the Phone Body

1 Remove the base of the phone by

pressing the [Push] mark on the top
of the base.

Note: The base can be used to adjust

the phone angle in the high or low 5 Secure the cable along the cable
guideline as shown in the figure. For
position. the cable of power adaptor, give
some slack before securing the cable
to the guideline to prevent easy
2 Connect a handset to the handset port
of the phone.

3 OPTIONAL: Connect the cable
through the middle hole of the base SMT-i5264 [ADD-ON MODULE]
to the PC, as shown in the figure.
When connecting to PC, connect one q The SMT-i5264 IP AOM can be registered and programmed
end of the cable to the PC port of the e w to function with any ITP 5100 keysets, SMT-i Series, and TDM
phone, and the other end of the cable r phones. This add-on module was cosmetically designed to
to the LAN port of the PC. match the SMT-i5000 Series phones. In some applications
multiple IP AOMs can be supported per IP phone. For instal-
qAC Power wLAN to Phone System ePhone to PC rHeadset lation instructions, see your System Administrator.

4 5
The SMT-A52GE Gigabit Adapter processes the Gigabit
data for a Gigabit LAN connection on the PC connected to
the SMT-i5200 Series IP phones. The SMT-A52GE can be
installed to function with any of the SMT-i5200 Series IP
phones. For installation instructions, see your System


An optional bracket is available for wall mounting the SMT-i5200 Series phones to SECTION 2.
the wall. For installation instructions, see your System Administrator.


The power adaper is sold separately.

The input power of the SMT-i5210 needs 5.0vDC and 3000mA. The SMT-i5210
phone needs to be powered by using Samsung’s SMT-A53PW power adapter.
Failure to use the appropriate power supply will cause permanent damage to
the phone and will void Samsung’s warranty.

6 7
Button Function
SMT-i5210 LAYOUT o Programmable Buttons
14 Buttons used to set up function buttons through
interworking with a system.
a Dial Button Used to dial the phone number.
s Speaker Button Used to enable/disable the use of a speaker phone.
LCD Screen l Selector
d Headset Button Used to activate and deactivate the headset jack.
Switch for
f Volume Button Used to control the volume settings.
w Absent MSG
g Mute Button Used to silence the transmit voice to the remote party.
Phone e SoftButtons For use with the Unified Communicator Server and to set
Book r Enter/OK h Service Button
Button k t Conference Scheduler (optional).
Button j y Transfer Used to access all the messaging options: Voicemail
j Message Button
Button h u Hold Messages, Station Messages, SMS, and E-Mail Messages.
Used to search for a phone number saved in the phone, or
Mute i Navigation
Button k Phone Book Button
to register a new number. Pressing this button shows the
Button g main screen of the phone book.
Volume Used to move downward on various list screens.
Button f
Headset A display showing the phone’s status (busy, ringing,
Button d l LCD Screen receiving an internal message, etc.)
Button s ; Handset Used for two-way voice conversation.

a Dial Button o Programmable Buttons

NOTE: The words “key” and “button” are interchangeable.


Button Function
The blinking pattern differs depending on the phone
q LED (TSI) status (Telephone Status Indicator).
Used to select or deselect the Call Forwarding/DND/
w Selector Switch for FWD/DND Absent Message setting by using the Selector Switch
Used to select the desired function from the soft
e Soft Button menus displayed at the bottom of the LCD screen.
r Enter/OK Used to make selection or to save an entry.

t Conference Button Used for conference calls.

y Transfer Button Used to enable the call transfer function.

u Hold Button Used to place a call on hold.

Used to move the display cursor up and down, left
i Navigation Button and right on certain menus.

8 9
KEY FUNCTIONS Using the dial and direction buttons on the phone, you can enter and modify the
English characters, numeric and special characters.
NETWORK: The SMT-i5210 uses VoIP communication through an already- ,] on a text input screen, the input mode is
Whenever you press the dial button [,
installed data network. changed in sequence.

LCD SCREEN: Various functions are displayed on the LCD screen, so you can use Text Input Example
them conveniently by using the Navigation button on the phone. A Uppercase Input Mode

a Lowercase Input Mode

SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE (SMS): You can exchange text messages using 1 Numeric Input Mode

this function. This function is available on internal IP stations. $ Special Character Input Mode

TELEPHONE STATUS INDICATOR • Use the dial buttons to type English text and numbers; and use the
The indicators are turned on or off depending on the status of relevant functions. Navigation Button to move the cursor left and right and OK buttons to com-
plete input. When removing the typed characters, select the Del soft button.
Screen Status LED Indicator
Red colored indicator is Alpha Characters Input: Select this mode (uppercase/lowercase) by pressing
When station is busy
constant. ,] button on keypad, and type text by repeated pressing the dial buttons,
the [,
When station is receiving an characters will auto advance after a time limit.
incoming call Red indicator (slow flash).
Number Input: Select this mode by pressing the [, ,] button on keypad, move
When there is a message the cursor highlighted to 1, then use the keypad to enter digits.
During “Do Not Disturb” Red indicator (fast flash). ,] button on key-
Special Character Input: Select this mode by pressing the [,
Green colored indicator pad; select a desired character by using the Navigation Button; and press the
Incoming Trunk Call
flashes. OK button to enter it.
Amber colored indicator
Hold Recalls
flashes. Keypad Character Entry
The screen consists of three areas. Dial ,
(Uppercase) (Lowercase) (Numbers) (Special Characters)
Icon Area Dial # Not Used
Dial 0 Not Used
Text Area
Dial 1 Not Used
Soft Menu Area
Dial 2 A B C
Area Description
Icon Area Displays various icons. Dial 3 D E F
Dial 4 G H I
Displays date, time, extension number, name, message,
Text Area Dial 5 J K L
phone number, etc.
Displays the functions allocated to the 3 soft buttons. Dial 6 M N O
Service menus are provided depending on the state of the Dial 7 P Q R S
Soft Menu Area phone. A user can use the service or feature menus by
Dial 8 T U V
pressing the Menu or Func. soft button, or the AOM for
more soft keys (99). Dial 9 W X Y Z

10 11
The following icons are displayed on the screen. When programming within various menu options, information can be entered via
the dial pad keys using [0]-[9] and [Q
Q] dial keys. The button used for editing and
Icon Description
their features are summarized below.
Shows that ‘Call Forward’ is enabled. BUTTONS FEATURES
Shows that ‘Do Not Disturb’ is enabled. Volume + and - To move the cursor left and right, up and down.
Shows that ‘Mute’ function is enabled. When the call ends to Hold To clear/delete an entire field such as station name.
become a standby status or this function is disabled, this icon Transfer To write the changes and exit programming.
disappears. Speaker To write the changes and exit programming.
Shows that the call is hold state. When call is reconnect or
disconnected, this icon disappears.
Appears when there are unread short messages in the
message inbox. Once they are read, it disappears. SWITCH FOR FWD/DND/ABSENT MSG
Shows that a LAN cable is connected to the PC port. The SMT-i5210 phone has a navigation button and a Selector Switch for
Shows that a LAN cable is connected to the LAN port but that FWD/DND/ABSENT MESSAGE to allow users to use its functions easily.
the system is not connected.
Selector Switch
Shows that a LAN cable is connected to the LAN port and Up Navigation Button
that the system is connected normally. Right
Navigation Button Left Navigation
Outgoing Call icon. Navigation Button
OK/Enter Button
Incoming Call icon.
Down Navigation Button
Missed Call icon.
The Selector Switch can be used to manually set and cancel station Call
Appears when the Speaker button is active. Forwarding and Do Not Disturb. NOTE: Do not use the access codes or the func-
tion menu to cancel FWD/DND/ABSENT MESSAGE when the selector switch is set
Appears when the Headset button is active.
in the left or right position because the switch takes precedence over the access
Shows when there is a Cell phone number for the entry in the codes/function menu.
Phone Book.
Shows when there is a Home phone number for the entry in BUTTON FUNCTION
the Phone Book. Users can set the phone to the call forward
Shows when there is a Office phone number for the entry in state.
the Phone Book. Selector Switch Center The default standby status. (Normal Mode)
Shows when there is an internal Extension number for the This is set to “Do Not Disturb” and absent
entry in the Phone Book. Right
message status.
Users can edit the contents on the screen or
Direction Key
move between menu items.

Navigation Users can select or save the item where a

cursor is placed in a menu mode.
Users can check the caller information
received from a station line during receiving.

12 13
SMT-i5210 SETUP By selecting this option, the System Easy Wizard can guide you through setting up
your network parameters. If you want to set up these parameters individually, fol-
INITIALIZING THE SMT-i5210 low the instructions below.
Initially the SMT-i5210 IP keyset will need to be setup to operate within the users
• From the idle phone press Menu, scroll to Phone, and press OK button. Scroll
network. The Setup Menu is also used to make changes to the keyset, in the event
to Phone Information and press OK button. From the keypad, press [,153#].
that the system information should change. The option chosen will be highlight-
Scroll to Easy Install and press OK button.

The station numbers will be automatically set by the OfficeServ 7000 Series sys- SELECTING THE STATIC IP OPTION
tems once the necessary information has been entered into the IP keyset. Enter ID
and password of the server, as described below to register the phone. • When the Static IP option is selected, enter the System Type OSSP (KP), and
press OK.
See your system administrator for specific Network and Server addresses. The • Enter the Static IP Address for the phone (eg. then press the
addresses necessary to set up the SMT-i5210 are: OK button.
• Enter the Subnet Mask (eg.; press OK button.
• IP Address of Station • Enter Gateway Address (eg., press OK button.
• Network Gateway Address NOTE: Press the , key on the dial pad to enter the “.” in the IP address.
• IP Address of System’s main processor • Skip [VLAN-PHONE], [VLAN-PC], [802.1x Setting] by pressing the OK button
• User ID three times.
• Password • Enter the System IP address (eg., press OK button.
• Enter System ID XXXX (eg. 3201), then press OK button.
SETUP MODE • Enter Password XXXX (eg. 1234) then press OK button.
To get to the Setup Mode unplug the power cord from the SMT-i5210. Press and Wait a second for the phone to reboot. The phone should register and authenti-
hold the , button while you plug power back into the phone. Release the , but- cate itself to the phone system. Test SMT-i5210 for proper operation.
ton when you see Samsung in the display. If you have a PoE (Power over Ethernet)
connection, the same procedure can be done by unplugging and plugging the
Ethernet cable into the phone while pressing and holding the , button.
Hot Desking allows you to log in and out of your SMT-i5210 IP keyset without
When the phone reboot is complete, the Language rebooting.
Menu will display. Press the Yes soft button to advance to
the Configuration Menu. • Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Phone then press OK button.
• Scroll to Phone Information and press OK button.
• Enter the administrator’s password (please contact your phone system admin-
Once the Configuration Menu is displayed, you can move to each menu in the istrator).
Setup by using the navigation button and [1]-[8] dial buttons of the SMT-i5210 IP • Scroll to Extension Login then press OK button.
phone. To learn how to navigate the menus refer to the previous section. • Choose the ON option and press OK button. (Note: On to allow, Off to deny
hot desking).
• Press the Save soft button to complete the setup.
• When the phone restarts, enter the ID (eg; extension 2809) and password.
• Press the Save soft button to complete the login.

14 15
The Configuration Menu options are as follows:

This option will guide you through setting up all required parameters for con-
necting the SMT keyset to your system.
1. Version Info: Provides boot rom, software, DSP, and hardware version
information. SECTION 3.
2. Network Info: Displays network mode, IP address of phone, network, and
gateway information. FREQUENTLY USED FEATURE
3. MAC Address
Displays Static IP, Dynamic IP, PPPoE, NAT, 802.1x, VLAN (LAN), and VLAN (PC).
1. Primary System: The main processor’s IP address.
2. System 1~3: Up to 4 server IPs can be set.
Allows the user to choose the option of permitting the phone either
login/logout from idle mode or only register to the server on power up. Once
the phone is placed into Extension Login mode, a display will show up to allow
you to enter any valid User ID and password. This function is also referred to
as hot desking (idle login).
1. TFTP Server: The IP address of the TFTP server containing the IP software.
2. Upgrade: Starts the IP software upgrade process.
This option resets the SMT-i5210 to factory default settings.
This option reboots the SMT-i5210 phone.

16 17
This section provides the basic operation of your Samsung Multimedia Telephone INTERNAL CALLS - To place a call to another extension at your location:
• Lift the handset.
• Dial the extension number or group number.
EXTENSION LOG IN & OUT [HOT DESKING] • Wait for the party to answer. If you hear a brief tone burst instead of ringback
If enabled, your SMT-i5210 telephone may require you to log in before making or tone, the station called is set for Voice Announce or Auto Answer. Begin speak-
receiving calls. In these cases your telephone system administrator will provide ing after the tone.
you with an extension number, password, and the feature code used to log out. • Hang up the handset when the call is completed.
1. If you have a DSS button assigned to an extension or station group, you may
• Dial your extension number in the ID field (example press this button instead of dialing the number.
3201). 2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
• Press the OK button. or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing.
• Dial your password in the password field (example 1234).
• Press Save soft button. SPEAKERPHONE CALLS - Your Samsung SMT-i5210 has speakerphone
capability.This feature is used for both internal or external calls.To activate this fea-
• Dial the feature code provided by your administrator (for example 77). • Press the Speaker button.
• Place an internal or external call.
PLACING CALLS • Press Speaker button to disconnect the call.
NOTE: The handset can be used at any time during the conversation. To resume
IMPORTANT: Put your phone in Overlap Mode by pressing the Menu button, handsfree operation, press the Speaker button, and hang up the handset.
select Settings and then select Application Set., press OK, select Call, press OK,
scroll to Dial Mode, change it to Overlap by using the Navigation Button. If your
phone is not in Overlap mode you must always press the Call soft button after HEADSET CALLS - If a headset is connected to the phone, you need to press
dialing the digits to send the call. the headset key to direct the call to the headset. The headset key will be lit. To use
the headset:
NOTE: All examples of making phone calls are based on the phone being set for
• Press the Speaker button.
overlap dialing mode.
• Place an internal or external call.
• Press Speaker button to disconnect the call.
OUTSIDE CALLS - To place a call to an outside party:
• Lift the handset. NOTES:
• Press an idle outside line button, line group button, or dial a line access code 1. If you need to switch between the headset and the handset during the call,
to receive dial tone. you need to place the call on hold first.
• Dial the telephone number. 2. Headset key can be enabled or disabled in the Menu, Settings, Application
• Hang up the handset when the call is completed. Setting, Headset.
NOTE: Frequently called telephone numbers can be added to the PhoneBook.

When making internal and external calls from AOM (programmable buttons) list,
press the AOM soft button to access the programmable button screens. Then use
the Navigation button to scroll to and highlight the desired programmable but-
ton. Press OK to complete the call.

18 19
When you transfer a call to another station and receive a busy signal, you can
camp the call on to this station. Hang up when you hear the busy signal.The called
three types of calls:
party is alerted that a call is waiting.
• Lift the handset or press the Speaker button to answer on Speakerphone.
• Hang up the handset when the call is completed. • Call another internal station.
• When receiving a busy tone, press the Func. soft button.
NOTE: The volume can be adjusted at any time by pressing the up and down but- • Scroll to Camp On and press OK button (here ringback tone).Wait for party to
tons on your navigation button. answer the call.
NOTE: If you receive No More Calls tone, that station has no button available to
PLACING A CALL ON HOLD receive another call. Press Transfer to return to the caller.

Calls can be placed on System Hold or Exclusive Hold. A call placed on System
Hold can be picked up from any extension. Calls placed on Exclusive Hold can only
be picked up from the extension that placed them on hold. If an outside call is camped-on to your phone or another station is camped-on to
SYSTEM HOLD - To place a call on hold: • Your keyset rings and the call that is waiting (camped-on) flashes red.
• Press the Hold button. The Call button will flash green at your telephone. • Press the flashing button to answer; the other call is put on hold automatical-
• To take the caller off hold, press that button and the red flashing light will go ly if your station has the Automatic Hold feature set. If not, you must press
steady red again. Hold and then the flashing button or finish the first call and hang up; the wait-
• Resume conversation. ing call will ring.
• Lift the handset or press the Speaker button to answer.
EXCLUSIVE HOLD - To place a call on hold at your telephone so that other NOTE: Intercom calls will not go on Automatic Hold.
users cannot answer it:
• Press the Hold button twice.The call button will flash green at your telephone. CONFERENCE CALLS
• To retrieve the call, press the flashing red line button or press the line button To make a conference call while engaged in a conversation:
a third time.
• Press the Conference button and receive conference tone.
NOTE: Internal calls are always placed on exclusive hold. • Make another call, either intercom or outside, press the Conference
button and receive conference tone.
TRANSFERRING CALLS • Make another call or press the Conference button to join all parties. You can
conference up to five parties (you and four others).
You can transfer a call by notifying the party to which the call is being transferred • Repeat the last step until all parties are added.
or without notification. • Hang up to leave the conference call.
• While on a call, press the Transfer button then dial an extension number.
NOTE: When attempting to add another party to the conference and you
• Confirm you hear a ringback tone.
are not able to reach the desired person, hang up. Simply press the
• Wait for the called party to answer and announce the call (optional).
Conference button again to return to the previous conversation.
• Replace the handset.
To drop a party from your conference call:
• Press the Conference button and dial the extension or line number that is to
be dropped.
• Press the Conference button again to reestablish the conference.

20 21
FORWARDING CALLS Icon LAST NUMBER REDIAL - To redial the last dialed telephone number, press
the Func. soft key scroll to Last Redial and press OK.
You can forward your calls to another station, group of stations, or an external tele-
phone number. Program a destination for the type of forwarding you want by PHONE BOOK BUTTON - Provides direct access to the user’s phonebook of
moving the Selector Switch to the left and set the forwarding number for All, stored contacts.
Busy, No Answer, and Busy/No Answer.
MESSAGE BUTTON - This function allows users to select which desired type
OTHER FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS of messages is viewed. Users can select and view the following options: Voicemail
Messages, Station Messages, E-Mail (optional with IP-UMS only), and Short
Message Service (SMS). Short Message Service is similar to sending text messag-
VOLUME CONTROL - Vol button is used to adjust the volume of a handset,
ing [Function only supported on Samsung IP phones].
speaker and ringing sound.
SERVICE BUTTON [Scheduler] - Used to allow station users access to setting
Volume Control of a Handset
and editing the scheduler (alarm clock) feature. Also used to connect the
• Adjusts the handset volume while busy (handset offhook). OfficeServ Communicator when application is available (UC is optional).
• To increase the volume of a handset, press the top side [+] of the Vol button.
• To decrease the volume of a handset, press the bottom side [-] of the Vol MENU SOFT BUTTON- This menu displays the
button. following options:
Volume Control of a Speaker NOTE: The Navigation button can be used to scroll
• Adjusts the speaker volume while busy (handsfree). through these options.
• To increase the volume of a speaker, press the top side [+] of the Vol button.
1. PHONEBOOK: Maintains frequently dialed names and numbers in a
• To decrease the volume of a handset, press the bottom side [-] of the Vol
PhoneBook. Search and initiate calls by: Speed Dial, Associated Names,
button while ringing.
Telephone Numbers, Assigned Groups, or Previous Calls registered to your
Volume Control of a Ringing Tone phone.
• To increase the volume of a speaker, press the top side [+] of the Vol button, 2. CALL LOG: Provides direct access to a list of most recent calls, outgoing calls,
while ringing. incoming calls, missed calls, and an option to delete/delete all (or clear) calls
• To decrease the volume of a handset, press the bottom side [-] of the Vol from the Call Log.
button, while ringing. 3. MESSAGES: This function allows users to select which desired type of mes-
Volume Control of Key Tone sages is viewed. Users can select and view the following options: Voicemail
Messages, Station Messages, E-Mail (optional with IP-UMS only), and Short
• To increase the volume of the key tones, press the top side [+] of the Vol Message Service (SMS). Short Message Service is similar to sending text mes-
button. saging [Function only supported on Samsung IP phones].
• To decrease the volume of the key tones, press the bottom side [-] of the Vol
button. 4. CONFERENCE: Allows a user to setup a conference group to call multiple
parties simultaneously to join the conference call.
NOTE: By pressing the Vol button in idle mode, the user can also adjust the key
tone volume. 5. SERVICE: Allows a user to set the scheduler (alarm reminder) function.
6. PHONE: Allows the user to set many phone options for the phone such as ring
tones, background screens, languages, forward, DND, etc.
7. SETTINGS: This function allows the user to set the following option:
Application Set., Call Forward, Absent Message, AOM Setting, Network
Info., and Clear User Set.

22 23
FUNC. SOFT BUTTON - This function allows a user • Move down, use the dial pad to enter name (for example: John Dow). Refer to
one touch easy access to many of the system features. Text Input Method.
When pressed, the following options are displayed: Last • Press the Save soft button to exit and save the setting.
Number Redial, Save/Repeat, Speed Dial, Directory,
OK/ENTER BUTTON - This function is used to enter, save or complete the
VM Message, Station Message, Page Pickup, Direct
selected option in the display.
Pickup, DND, In/Out Group, Status Message, Hold Pickup, Page, Meet Me
Page, OHVA Block, Group Pickup, and My Group Pickup. The Navigation but- SPEAKER BUTTON - This function is used to go on and off hook in the hands-
ton can be used to scroll up and down the list of features under the Func. button.
free speakerphone mode.
NOTE: EXE/SECR MSG is displayed only when the phone is programmed for
Boss/Secretary feature.

Example of using the Last Number Redial feature:

• Press the Func. Soft button, scroll to Last Redial, then press OK button. The
last number called from the phone is called.
NOTE: For detail operation of the list of features under the Func. soft button,
please refer to the System Features section of the user guide.

AOM SOFT BUTTON - This function is used to dis-

play all 99 programmable feature buttons of the phone.
The Navigation button can be used to scroll up and
down the list of 99 programmable feature buttons under
the soft AOM.

Example of dialing a Speed Dial Number using the AOM function:

• Press the AOM soft button, scroll to Speed Dial, then press OK button. The
number is called from the phone.

NOTE: Some programmed features such as speed dialing and DSS buttons
can be used to process calls; other programmed buttons such as Call buttons
can only be viewed.

The soft AOM button can also display status indications

for station keys, trunks, voice mail messages, etc.

Example of programming a DSS button on the soft AOM:

• Press the Menu soft button.
• Using the Navigation button, scroll to Settings and press OK, then scroll to
and select AOM Setting.
• Scroll to the soft AOM button to program (for example: 4).
• Press the Edit soft button (the display will show AOM index 4).
• Press Edit soft button again, scroll to the feature option (for example: DSS).
• Move down and enter the extension number (for example: 2003).

24 25
The basic menus screen is displayed if you select the Menu from the soft menu at
the left bottom of a idle screen. Using the Navigation button, move to a desired
function, and press the OK button to execute the function.


Item Sub-Item Description
Shows the entire list of phone numbers
1. Phonebook All
stored in the phone.
This is a list of number that are not assigned
any group.
Allows a user to search for a registered
phone number by name/number.
Saves a phone number or group name; and
New allows a user to specify a speed dialing
number and ringtone.
Allows a user to delete all the phone
Edit [+]
numbers saved in the phone.
Call Used to make a callback from the call log.
2. Call Log
This is used to save entries from call log to
This is used to delete entries from the call
[+] Delete
This is used to to move back one menu
Allows a user to delete all the call history
Delete All
saved in the phone.
Allows a user to retrieve voice mail
3. Messages 1. Voice Mail [0]
messages from the mailbox.
Allows a user to retrieve station messages
2. Station Message [0]
(internal) from another user.
Allows a user to to view how many e-mail
3. Email [0] messages have been received via IP-UMS
Allows a user to retrieve and send internal
short messages (SMS) like text message to
4. Short Message
other internal phones. [Not Supported Over

26 27
Item Sub-Item Description Item Sub-Item Description
Allows a user to setup (show, add, and edit) a conference group This function is used to allow station users to set application
4. Conference to call multiple parties simultaneously to join the conference call. 7. Settings settings, call forwarding, absent messaging, AOM setting, view
Allows a user to set the alarm clock function. station network information, view phone firmware or initialize
Note: All options are not
Allows the user to set a timed reminder explained in this manual.
the phone. Other settings include the following:
5. Service
1. Scheduler alarm to give an audible indication or The options are initiative Options are Call (CID 1, CID 2, Dial Mode),
alarm clock function. and menu driven for an Phone Name, Boss Answer, Short
1. Application Set.
easy, user friendly menus Message, Station On/Off, and Extension
Allows the user to set many phone options for the phone such as to guide you through
6. Phone Login.
ring tones, background screens, languages, etc. navigating the Setting
Options are Not Use, All, Busy, No
Menu Options.
1. UC Dial: Right Options are DND and Absent Message. 2. Call Forward Answer, Busy/No Answer, DND, and
Follow Me Status.
Options are Display Time, Time Format, Used to leave station messages in
2. Screen
Font, and LCD Power. 3. Absent Message display informing other internal parties of
Options are Volumes, Ring Tone, and Key your status when your station is called.
3. Sound
Used to set the name, number, and
4. AOM Setting
4. Language Multiple languages are available. function to the 99 AOM buttons.
Used to view the current network
5. Network Info.
5. Security Change Password, Dial and Phone Lock. settings.
Clear your local setting such as phone-
Easy Install: Used to register and authen- 6. Clear User Set.
book, call log, etc.
ticate the phone to the server.
Phone Information: Includes Version
Info, Network Info, and MAC Address.
Network: Options are Static IP, Dynamic
IP, PPPoE, VLAN (LAN Port), VLAN (PC Port),
Server: Used to register the phone to one
or more Servers. Options are Primary,
6. Phone Information System 1, System 2, and System 3.
Extension Login: Used to log phone on
and off (Hot Desking).
S/W Upgrade: Upgrade Server, Upgrade:
used to upgrade software on phones.
Factory Reset: Used to default the phone
Phone Restart: Used to reboot the

28 29
1. PHONEBOOK • Press the Search soft button from the dial pad enter the characters of the
name (case sensitive) or number to search and press the OK button, the
NOTE: Personal phonebook is stored locally in phone matching phone number is displayed. Move to a desired name/number using
memory. the Navigation button, and select the Call soft button to place a call.
Add New Entry to Phonebook [+]
Shows the entire list of phone numbers saved in the phone book.
This is the function used to register a phone number.
• Press the Phonebook button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to
Phonebook, press OK, scroll to All, and then press OK. • Press the Phonebook button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to
• The entire list of phone numbers saved in the phone book is shown on the Phonebook, press OK.
screen. Using the Navigation button, move to a desired number, and select • Press the [+] soft button, and then New.
the Call soft button to place a call. • Enter a name by using the dial pad, scroll down and enter a mobile number,
home number, office number, internal extension number, fax number,
Unassigned Group and e-mail address.
• Assign a Group (if needed).
The Unassigned option is a list of all the phonebook entries that have not been • Select a Ring Tone.
assigned to a group. Once an entry is assigned to a group, the entry is removed • Add Memo information (up to 50 characters).
from the unassigned list. • Press the Save soft button to save the new entry to the Phonebook.


To create a group in the phonebook: This is the function used to delete all the phone numbers saved in the phonebook.
• Press the Phonebook button, then press the [+] soft button, then press the • Press the Phonebook button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to
New soft button. Phonebook, press OK.
• Using the key pad, input the name of the group, then press the Save soft but- • Scroll to All and press OK button. Scroll to entry to delete.
ton. See Text Input Method. • Press [+] soft button. Press Del. to delete the selected entry in the chosen
• Press Edit soft button or press Back soft button to exit. group.
• Press the Yes to Delete All entries in the chosen group.
• Press the Phonebook button, scroll to Unassigned option then press OK but- 2. CALL LOG
• Scroll to the entry that is to be moved to an assigned group and press OK but- Outgoing Incoming Missed Icons
This function lists all the recent numbers for outgoing,
• Press Edit soft button, scroll to and highlight the Group option.
incoming and missed calls.
• Using the Navigation button, move Left or Right to the group name (eg;
Personal) which you want to move the entry into. • Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Call Log, press OK. A phone number list
• Once the correct entry is displayed, press the Save button. The entry is now of recent outgoing, incoming and missed calls is displayed.
assigned to the group. • Scroll to an entry and press the Call soft button to dial the number.


To view the details of each of the call log entry, highlight
Allows a user to search by name/number for a phone saved in the phone book.
the entry and press the OK button to display the full
• Press the Phonebook button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to Caller ID record which includes the name, date and time.
Phonebook, press OK.

30 31
DELETE / DELETE ALL 4. Short Message (SMS)
This is the function used to delete an entry or all entries in the Call Log. This function is used to send and create internal short messages or text
• Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Call Log, press OK.
• Scroll to entry to delete. INBOX
• Press [+] soft button. Press Del. to delete the selected entry or Del All.
• Press the Message button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to Short
• Press the Yes to Delete entry.
Message, press OK.
TO ADD A CALL LOG ENTRY TO PHONE BOOK • Scroll to Inbox, then press OK to view a short text message in you Inbox.
• Press the [+] soft button, press Del. soft button, and the Yes soft button to
• Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Call Log, press OK. Scroll to desired Call delete the selected short text message or press the Back soft button to exit
Log Entry and press the Edit soft button. Make changes to the name and Short Message.
number if necessary. When finished, press the Save soft button. The Call Log
number is added as a new entry to the phonebook list. NEW MESSAGE (SEND)
This function is used to create and send a new short text message.
3. MESSAGES • Press the Message button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to Short
Message, press OK.
1. Voice Mail • Press New Msg soft button.Write or create a new short message and press the
Next soft button. See Text Input Method on how to enter characters in text
This function allows users to retrieve voice mail message from the mailbox. messages.
• Press the Message button—OR—press Menu soft button, scroll to • Enter the internal extension(s) to send the short message. Scroll to other
Messages, press OK, scroll to Voice Mail [ ], and then press OK to access the entries and enter the station number to send to more users. (Each short mes-
voicemail box and retrieve messages. sage can be sent to 1 through 10 users).
• Press the Send soft button to deliver the short message to other user’s inbox.
2. Station Message
This function allows users to retrieve station messages (internal) from another
user. 1. When the message is sent successfully, the message “Sent” is displayed. When
the message fails to send the “Failed to send” is displayed.
• Press the Message button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to
Messages, press OK, scroll to Station MSG [ ], and then press OK. 2. SMS messages can only be sent to internally ITP, SMT-W, or SMT-i phones.TDM
• To return a call to the station that left the message: press the Func. soft but- and single line phones cannot send or receive SMS messages. SMS messaging
ton, scroll to Reply, then press OK. is not supported over networking.
• To delete the station message: press the Func. soft button, scroll to Clear, then
press OK. OUTBOX
• To view the next station message: press the Func. soft button, scroll to Next,
This function is used to create and send a new short text message.
then press OK.
• Press the Message button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to
3. E-Mail Message, press OK.
• Scroll to Outbox, then press OK to view short text message sent from your
This function allows users to view the amount of e-mails for a station user’s
account. This function is only available when the IP-UMS application is enabled.
• Press the [+] soft button, then Del/Del All soft button to delete the short text
Please refer to the IP-UMS manuals for detailed operation.
message(s) or press the Back soft button to exit SMS.

32 33
This function allows a user to setup a conference group Allows a user to set the alarm clock function.
to call multiple parties simultaneously to join the confer-
ence call. • Press the Service button—OR—press the Menu soft
button, scroll to Scheduler, then press OK.
CREATING CONFERENCE GROUP • Press the New soft button.
• Enter the name of the scheduler using the dial pad and navigation buttons.
• Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Conference, and press OK. • Press the Next soft button. Enter the Date, Time, Alarm Type, and Ring Tone.
• Press New soft button, enter phone number (up to 4 numbers) of the parties Press Save soft button when finished.
included in the Conference Group.
• Press the Call soft button to initiate the Conference Group. TO DELETE A SCHEDULE
• Press Menu soft button. Scroll to Service button, and press the OK button.
• Select Scheduler and press the OK button.
• During the conference, the host can press the Host soft button. • To delete a current schedule, press the [+] soft button.
• The host is dropped and the other parties remain in conference. • Select and highlight the entry to be deleted and press Delete soft button—
OR—press the Delete All soft button to clear all schedules.
TO DISCONNECT A PARTY FROM CONFERENCE GROUP • Select Yes to confirm or No to deny the deletion of a schedule(s).
• Highlight the party to be disconnected from the conference group. • Press Back and End soft buttons to exit the scheduler.
• Press the Disc. soft button. The party is disconnected.
• Press the Call soft button to call back and add the party back to the confer- 6. PHONE
ence group.
Allows the user to set many phone options for phone
such as ring tones, background screens, languages, etc.
• After completing the group conference, press the Save soft button. 1. UC Dial: Right
• Enter the Name of the Group, and press Save soft button. This option is used to select which function will be
enabled when the selector switch is moved to the right position.
• Press the Menu soft button. Scroll to Phone and press OK.
• Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Conference button, and press OK.
• Scroll to UC Dial: Right and press OK.
• Scroll to the Name of the Group to be edited and press Edit soft button.
• Select DND or Absent Message and press Save soft button.
• Edit the group name. When complete, press the Save soft button to save
2. Screen
TO EDIT CONFERENCE GROUP PHONE NUMBER LIST • Press the Menu soft button. Scroll to Phone and press OK. Select Screen and
press OK. Set the following Time Format, Font, and LCD Power Saving of the
• Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Conference button, and press OK.
SMT-i5210 phone, select the option and adjust the screen settings.
• Scroll to the Name of the Group to be edited and press Edit soft button.
• Press the Save soft button to save the screen settings.
• Press the Edit soft button. Edit the phone number list—OR—
Press Search soft button to search for phone number to add to group from
the phonebook. Highlight the entry and press the OK button to add the num- 3. Sound
ber to the Conference Group list. • Press the Menu soft button. Scroll to Phone and press OK. Select Sound and
• When complete with the editing, press the Save soft button to save changes. press OK. Set the following Volumes, Ring Tone, and Key Tone of the SMT-
i5210 phone, select the option and adjust the sound settings.
• Press the Save soft button to save the sound settings.

34 35
• Press the Menu soft button. Scroll to Phone and press OK. Select Language This function is used to display all 99 programmable fea-
and press OK. Select English (Default English). ture buttons of the phone. The Navigation button can be
• Press the Save soft button. used to scroll up and down the list of 99 programmable
feature buttons under the AOM module. The feature buttons can be programmed
5. Security by a technician.
• Press the Menu soft button. Scroll to Phone and press OK. Scroll to Security
and press OK.
• Enter the station password [default 1234].
• Press OK to Change Password and press Back soft button.
• Scroll to Dial to Unlock, Lock Out (Outgoing), or Lock All.
• Scroll to Phone to Unlock or Lock the Menu.
• Press the Save soft button.

6. Phone Information
Allows a user to set up the following options: Easy Install Wizard (registering the
phone), Phone Info (Version, Network, MAC Address), Network (Static, Dynamic,
etc.), Server (Phone can register to 1 to 4 servers), Extension Login (logging in
and out IP phones), Software Upgrade (Upgrading the phone or server software),
Factory Reset (defaulting the phone), and Phone Restart (rebooting the phone).

This function is used to allow station users to set
Application Settings, Call Forward, Absent Message,
AOM Setting, Network Information, and to Clear User
Settings such as Call Log and Phonebook.


This function allows a user one touch easy access to
many of the system features.When pressed, the following
options are displayed: Last Number Redial,
Save/Repeat, Speed Dial, Directory, VM Message, Station Message, Page
Pickup, Directory Pickup, DND, In/Out Group, Status Message, Hold Pickup,
Page, Meet Me Page, OHVA Block, Group Pickup, and My Group Pickup. The
Navigation button can be used to scroll up and down the list of features under the
Func. button.

NOTE: For detailed operation of the list of features under the Func. soft button,
please refer to the System Features section of this user guide.

36 37
Note: When making calls, internal or outside calls, in order to access the program-
mable button screens, press the AOM soft button. Then you can utilize the
Navigation button to scroll the list.


When the desired number is highlighted, press the OK button.
The number will be automatically dialed.
SYSTEM FEATURES Outside lines may be programmed to ring a general alerting device. To answer
calls ringing this device, dial 67—OR—press the UA button. This device can oper-
ate in any one of the six different ring plans.

NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
or press the Speaker button before dialing.


• Press the New button to disconnect your existing call, wait for dial tone and
then make a new call on the same line.

NOTE: If this button does not appear on your keyset, the Flash button may be pro-
grammed to recall dial tone.

While on an outside call, press the Flash button to send a flash to the telephone
company. This is required for some custom calling features or CENTREX use.
NOTE: Flash is not available on an ISDN circuit.


If you receive a busy signal when you are selecting an outside line, this means that
the line or group of lines is busy.
• Press the Callback button, if programmed, or dial 44, you will hear confirma-
tion tone.
• Hang up or press Speaker button.
• When the line becomes free, the system will call you back.
• Lift the handset or press the Speaker button to answer, wait for dial tone and
dial the telephone number or speed dial number again.

38 39
NOTES: • The called station must release its first call or place it on hold before answer-
1. A callback will be canceled if not answered within 30 seconds. If you have set ing your camp-on.
a callback, the cursor associated with the Callback button will be solid black.
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset NOTES:
or press the Speaker button before dialing. 1. If you receive No More Calls tone, that station has no available button to
accept your call. Hang up or leave a message.
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
BUSY STATION CALLBACK or press the Speaker button before dialing.
When you call another station and receive a busy signal:
• Press the Callback button, if programmed, or dial 44.
• When the busy station becomes free, your keyset will ring. When you want to automatically camp on to a busy station without pressing the
• Lift the handset or press the Speaker button to call the now idle station. camp on button every time you call a busy station, you can set your phone for auto
1. A callback will be canceled if not answered within 30 seconds. If you have set • With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
a callback, the cursor associated with the Callback button, will be solid black. • Dial 081 to turn On auto camp-on, or dial 080 to turn it Off.
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset • Press Transfer to store your selection.
or press the Speaker button before dialing.

A callback will be canceled if not answered within 30 seconds. If you have set a call-
back, the cursor associated with the Callback button, will be solid black.
To cancel a callback:
• Press the Callback button, if programmed, or dial 44.The display will show the
callback details, press the Func. soft button and then Clear.
• This will cancel the last set callback and display the next set callback, also with
the option to Clear.This process is repeated until all callbacks are cleared from
NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature is turned off, you must first lift the handset or
press the Speaker button before dialing.


When you call another station and receive a busy signal but you do not want to
wait for a callback:

• Press the Camp button or dial 45.
• The called station will receive off-hook ring tone repeated every few seconds
and the cursor associated with the first available Call button will flash black to
indicate your call is waiting.
• Wait for the called party to answer.

40 41
When another station calls you, your keyset will sound a brief attention tone and When you are connected to any call, press Hold. The call will flash at the keyset. If
you will hear the caller’s announcement. this call appears on a line button at other keysets, it will flash at those keysets also.

• Press the Speaker button to turn on the microphone and speak handsfree— • To take the caller off hold, press that button and the flashing LED will go
OR—lift the handset to reply. steady again. Resume the conversation—OR—press the Hold button. The
• To finish the call, replace the handset or press the Speaker button. flashing LED will go steady again and you will be connected to the call again.
Resume the conversation.
NOTE: In order for C.O. calls to be answered handsfree, AUTO ANS CO must be set
to ON. NOTE: While on a call, pressing a line button, route button or flashing Call button
will automatically put your first call on hold and connect you to the new call. See
AUTO ANSWER MODE Automatic Hold under Customizing Your Keyset.
When another station calls you, your keyset will sound a brief attention tone and
then automatically answer the call. EXCLUSIVE HOLD
To place an outside call on hold at your phone so that other users cannot get it:
• Your microphone and speaker are turned on and you can speak handsfree. For
privacy, use the handset. • Press the Hold button twice.The call will flash on your keyset and this line will
• To finish the call, replace the handset. show a steady indication on other keysets.
• To retrieve the call, press the flashing line button or press the Hold button a
NOTE: In order for C.O. calls to be answered handsfree, AUTO ANS CO must be set third time.
to ON.
NOTE: Intercom calls will always be placed on exclusive hold.
• Dial 0 to call your system operator or group of operators. REMOTE HOLD
• If you want to call a specific operator, dial that person’s extension number. When you wish to place a call on hold at another station.

NOTE: If the Hot keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset • Press Transfer and dial the station number (or press the appropriate DSS but-
or press the Speaker button or dial 0 before you begin dialing. ton)
• Press the Hold button. This will place the call on system hold on an available
Call button or Line button at the remote station and return you to dial tone.

1. If the destination station does not have any free Call buttons or line buttons
you will hear No More Calls tone and must return to the other party by press-
ing the Transfer button.
2. Intercom calls cannot be put on remote hold.

42 43
If you leave a call on hold longer than the hold timer, it will recall your station. The Transfer is used to send any calls to another extension in one of two ways.You can
button that the call appears on will have a slow flashing indicator. do a screened transfer by informing the other extension who is calling or you can
do a blind transfer without notification.
• When your phone rings, lift the handset or press the Speaker button to
answer the recall. • While on a call, press the Transfer button and dial an extension number or
• If you do not answer this recall within a pre-programmed period of time, it will group number. Your call is automatically put on transfer hold—OR—press a
go to the system operator. DSS button or station group button. Your call is automatically put on transfer
NOTE: The Led will flash amber during hold recall. • Hang up when you hear ringing (this is an unscreened or blind transfer)—
OR—wait for the called party to answer and advise him/her of the call and
CONSULTATION HOLD hang up. If the transfer is refused, you will be reconnected to the outside line
when the called station hangs up or you can press Transfer to return to the
When you are talking on an outside line and it is necessary to consult with anoth-
outside party.
er extension:
• If you wish to send the call to another extension without waiting for the first
• Press the Transfer button; you will receive transfer dial tone.Your call is placed station to hang up, simply press another DSS button—OR—press the CALL
on transfer hold. button or C.O. line button to return to the outside party and begin the trans-
• Dial the extension number. fer process again.
• Consult with the internal party. • When you are transferring a call to a keyset set for Voice Announce or Auto
• Press Transfer to return to the outside party or hang up to transfer the call. Answer, the transferred call will always ring.

NOTE: Repeatedly pressing the Transfer button will toggle between the outside NOTES:
party and internal extension. If necessary you may disconnect either one of the 1. After the inside party answers, you may alternate back and forth between the
parties by pressing the Func. soft button, then press the Cancel soft button. parties by pressing the Transfer button.
2. If you receive No More Calls tone, that station has no button available to re-
ceive another call. Press Transfer to return to the other party.
RETRIEVING CALLS HELD AT ANOTHER 3. You cannot transfer an Intercom call by pressing a DSS button.You must press
STATION [HOLD PICKUP] the Transfer button and dial the destination extension number.
When a line is on hold and it appears on your keyset, press the Line button with
the flashing indicator.
When you are transferring a call to another station and you receive a busy signal,
When a line is on hold and it does not appear on your keyset, dial 12 plus the line you may camp the call on to this station. Simply hang up when you hear the busy
number or the extension number of the station that placed the call on hold. signal. The called party will be alerted that a call is waiting for them.
NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset NOTE: If you receive No More Calls tone, that station has no button available to
or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing. receive another call. Press Transfer to return to the outside caller.

44 45
TRANSFER TO VOICE MAIL To Forward ALL Calls to Another Station

This feature is used to send a call directly to a voice mailbox.Your keyset must have • Dial 601 plus the extension or group number.
a correctly programmed VT button to accomplish this. To transfer a call directly to • Receive a confirmation tone and hang up.
a voice mailbox: To Forward Calls to Another Station when you are on the Phone (BUSY):
• While on a call, press the VT button and dial the mailbox number. • Dial 602 plus the extension or group number.
• Hang up when dialing is completed. • Receive a confirmation tone and hang up.

CALL WAITING To Forward Calls to Another Station when you DO NOT ANSWER:
If an outside call has been camped-on to your phone or another station has • Dial 603 plus the extension or group number.
camped-on to you: • Receive a confirmation tone and hang up.

• You will hear a tone in the earpiece and the call that is waiting for you When you have both Forward ON BUSY and Forward NO ANSWER
(camped-on) will flash. In addition the bottom line of the display will indicate Destination Programmed:
the number of the station or trunk party camped-on. • You can activate them simultaneously.
• Press the flashing button to answer; your other call will go on hold automati- • Dial 604. Receive a confirmation tone and hang up.
cally if your station has the Automatic Hold feature set. If not, you must press
To Forward Calls when DND is Activated:
Hold and then the flashing button—OR—finish the first call and hang up; the
waiting call will ring. • Dial 605 plus the extension or group number.
• Lift the handset or press the Speaker button to answer. • Receive a confirmation tone and hang up.

NOTE: Intercom calls will not go on Automatic Hold.When using the speakerphone To Forward Calls to the Station Where You Currently Are
the camp-on tone will come through the speaker. (FORWARD FOLLOW ME):
• Dial 606 plus the extension or group number.
CALL FORWARD OPTIONS • Receive a confirmation tone and hang up.
A display keyset may review or change call forward options and destinations. Call To clear all call forward conditions set at your station lift the handset and dial 600.
forward access can be done via the keypad or by accessing the keyset display fea-
tures. To review or change call forward options: STATION CALL PICKUP
• Press the Menu button, scroll to Settings, press the OK button. To pick up (answer) a call ringing at another station, lift the handset and dial 65 plus
• Scroll to Call Forward and press the OK button. the extension number of the ringing phone.If you have a DP key assigned with a sta-
• Scroll to the desired Forwarding option, enter the destination extension, and tion number, you only need to press this DP (Direct Pickup) key with the flashing
press the Save soft button. light to answer this ringing station. NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned
—OR— off, you must first lift the handset or press the Speaker button before you begin dial-
• Press Transfer 102. ing.
• Dial 0-5 to select the forward type (e.g., 1)—OR—
Press Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] to select the forward type
Press the right soft key to move the cursor.
• Dial the destination number (e.g., 202)—OR—
Press Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] to select the destination and press
the Right soft key to move the cursor.
• Dial 1 to set—OR—press Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] to select Yes or
No and press Transfer to store and exit.

46 47
To pick up (answer) a call ringing in any pickup group, lift the handset and dial 66
plus the desired group number (01-10 on the OfficeServ 7030, 01-20 on the
OfficeServ 7200-S, 01-99, and 01-99 on the OfficeServ 7000 Series) or press the All “DIALING FEATURES” instructions are written to support Overlap Dialing mode.
flashing Group Pickup button if available. This is the technical name for dialing from a telephone as it has been for many
years. In recent years the cell phone industry has changed the cell phones to use
Enblock Dialing. With this dialing mode all the digits are dialed and then sent to
1. A group pickup button can have an extender for a specific pickup group.
the carrier after pressing the CALL button. Please check your telephone setup to
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
confirm what dialing mode is used.
or press the Speaker button before dialing the access code.


You can dial a preprogrammed telephone number stored in the system-wide
If desired, a new access code can be assigned to pickup ringing calls in the same
speed dial list of numbers 500–999 or from your personal list of numbers 00–49.
pickup group as you are in. Like “66” above except you do not need to dial the
desired group number. See your installation company for the assigned access Your system may be set for 950 system wide numbers. If so the system speed dial
code. MY GROUP PICKUP: __________________. access codes are 050~999 and the station speed dial codes are 000~049.

PRIVACY RELEASE • From the idle screen with the handset on-hook, press the AOM soft button,
scroll to the Speed Dial button, press the OK button or dial 16.
This feature will allow another station to join in our conversation by releasing pri- • Dial the desired speed dial number.
vacy on the C.O. from your phone. • The telephone number is automatically dialed for you.
To Release Privacy: While you are talking on a C.O. line and you wish to have other NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
internal parties (or up to three) join the conversation. or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing.
• Press the PRB button (the PRB indicator will be steady). Inform the other party
that he/she may now join the conversation. PROGRAMMING PERSONAL SPEED
After the other party (or parties) has joined the conversation and you wish to DIAL NUMBERS
return privacy to the line so that no one else can join the conversation, press the You can program frequently dialed telephone numbers in a personal speed dial
PRB button a second time, the PRB button LED will be off. list. A station may be assigned up to fifty numbers, 00–49. See your system admin-
istrator to determine the amount assigned to your station. The phone itself main-
To Join a Non-Private Conversation: When someone has informed you that you tains 1000 station speed dial numbers.
can join a conversation:
• While on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 105.
• Press the C.O. line button that he/she has indicated—OR— • Dial a speed dial number (00–49).
• Dial the C.O. line number that he/she has indicated. • Dial a line or line group access code.
• Dial the telephone number to be stored (24 digits maximum). It can include #,
• Press Transfer to store the number.

NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
or press the Speaker key before you begin dialing.

48 49
For the purposes of programming
speed dial numbers, the programma-
ble buttons are know as A, B, C, D, E, To redial the last outgoing telephone number you dialed, press the Func. soft but-
and F. ton, scroll to Last Redial, or dial 19.

• The A button is not used. NOTES:

• The B button inserts a flash. 1. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
• The C button inserts a pause. (Clear) or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing.
• The D button is used for pulse to 2. Redial does not apply to intercom calls.
tone conversion. If your system
uses rotary (or pulse) dialing C.O.
(Flash) B
lines, pressing D while entering a (Conversion) D To save the number you just dialed for later use, press the Save/Repeat button
speed dial number causes all sub- (Hide) E before hanging up.
sequent digits to be sent as DTMF (Name/Number) F
tones. To redial this saved number at any time, press the Func. soft button, scroll to
• The E button is used to hide digits. Display keyset users may want to hide Save/Repeat, press OK button or dial 17. The same line will be selected for you.
some speed dial numbers so that they will not show in the display. When you
are entering a telephone number, press D. All subsequent digits will be hid-
1. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
den. Press E again to begin displaying digits.
or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing.
• The F button is used to enter a speed dial name or number. See Personal Speed
2. The saved telephone number is stored in memory until you save another
Dial Names under Display Features.
• Use the Hold button to clear a speed dial number.
3. Redial does not apply to intercom calls.


• Press the Func. soft button, scroll to Directory, press OK.
When you are making an outside call and you receive a busy signal, the system can
• Press Func. soft button, scroll to the desired directory, press OK.
automatically redial the number for you. It will automatically redial at a pre-pro-
STATION DIRECTORY - Accesses Station name directory. grammed interval for up to 15 attempts.
PERSONAL DIRECTORY - Accesses your personal speed dial name list.
SYSTEM DIRECTORY - Accesses System speed dial name list. • When you hear a busy signal, press the Retry button.
• Enter the first letter of the desired party. • The system will reserve the line and automatically redial the same number for
• Press the +/- buttons to scroll to the desired entry. you. You will hear the call being made through the keyset speaker. The micro-
• Press the Func. soft button. phone is muted.
• Select the appropriate operation, press OK. • When the called party answers, lift the handset or press the flashing Speaker
to begin speaking.
DIAL - Dials the displayed number.
EXIT - Exit programming and return to idle screen. NOTES:
PREVIOUS - Moves you to the previous entry. 1. If you make another call, auto-redial is canceled.
NEXT - Moves you to the next entry. 2. To cancel an auto-retry, lift and replace the handset.
• Press Back to return to idle screen.
When making an outside call on a dial pulse line, press #. All digits dialed after the
# with be sent as tones.

50 51
PAGING AND MESSAGING 1. The LED on the Page button will only light when an All Page is in progress.
2. If allowed by your system administrator you may be able to initiate a page
from a speakerphone by pressing the Page key or dialing 55 without lifting
To make an announcement through the keyset speakers in the idle condition:
• Lift the handset. • Lift the handset.
• Press the Func. soft button, scroll to Page button, press OK or dial 55. • Press the Meet Me Page (MMPG) button or dial 54.
• Dial the desired zone number 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. • Dial the desired zone number (0~9).
• After the attention tone, make your announcement. • After the attention tone, instruct the paged person to dial 56.
• Press Func. soft button, then Answer Wait, then press OK.
NOTES: • Remain off-hook until the person dials 56 from any phone.
1. If you have a dedicated page zone button, it is not necessary to press Page • The paged person will be automatically connected with you.
and dial a zone number.
2. If allowed by your system administrator you may be able to initiate a page
from a speakerphone by pressing the Page key or dialing 55 without lifting CALL PARK AND PAGE
the handset. When you have an outside call for someone who is not at his/her desk, you can
park the call prior to paging. The OfficeServ 100, OfficeServ 500, and OfficeServ
MAKING AN EXTERNAL PAGE 7000 Series systems offer two different methods:
To make an announcement through the external paging speakers: MANUAL PARK ORBITS
• Lift the handset. • While in conversation, press the Park button.
• Press the Func. soft button, scroll to Page button, press OK or dial 55. • Entered a desired orbit number (0-9), if the orbit number is busy dial another
• Dial the desired zone number 5, 6, 7 or 8—OR—dial 9 to page all external orbit number. Display users can press , to automatically place the call in any
zones. available orbit number and see the number in the display.
• After the attention tone, make your announcement. • Remember the selected orbit number.
• Replace the handset when finished.
NOTES: • Lift the handset and make a page announcement as previously described
1. If you have a dedicated page zone button, it is not necessary to press Page (example:“John Smith park two”).
and dial a zone number.
2. If allowed by your system administrator you may be able to initiate a page To retrieve a parked call from orbit:
from a speakerphone by pressing the Page key or dialing 55 without lifting • Press the Park button and dial the announced orbit number (0-9).
the handset. • You will be connected to the parked call.

ALL PAGE 1. You must have a Park button or park access code to retrieve and place calls in
To page all designated keysets in internal zone 0 and all external zones at the same park orbits.
time: 2. If the parked call is not retrieved within a pre-programmed period of time, it
will recall your keyset and have a slow flashing amber light. You cannot park
• Lift the handset.
and page intercom calls.
• Press the Func. soft button, scroll to Page button, press OK or dial 55.
3. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
• Dial , or press the All Page button. or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing.
• After the attention tone, make your announcement.

52 53
• While in conversation, press the Page button. The call is automatically parked • Press Message button, scroll to Station Messages, press OK.
at your station. • Press Func. soft button, scroll to Clear, press OK.
• Receive page tone and dial a desired page zone number.
• Make announcement indicating your extension number or the line number. RETURNING MESSAGES
Hang up. • Press Menu, scroll to Message, press OK, scroll to Station Message, press OK,
press Func. soft button, press Reply, and then press OK, or dial 43. The first
To retrieve an automatically parked call:
station that left a message will be called automatically. If that station does not
• Dial 10 plus the number that was announced. If you have a PAGPK button, answer, the called station Message button indicator will continue to flash and
press it and dial the number that was announced. If you have a PARK button, the TSI will stay on.
press it and dial the announced orbit number. • Repeat until all messages have been returned in the order received.
• You will be connected to the parked call. • Your Message button indicator will stop flashing and the TSI will turn off
when all messages have been returned.
1. If the call is not retrieved within a pre-programmed period of time, it will recall NOTES:
your keyset and have a slow flashing amber light. You cannot park and page 1. Display keyset users can view message indications and return them in any
intercom calls. order. See Viewing Message Indications under Display Features.
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset 2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing. or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing.
3. If a message has been left at your keyset by a keyset in Auto Answer, you must
SETTING A MESSAGE INDICATION manually cancel the message after it has been returned.

When you are calling another station and no one answers or you receive a busy
signal, you can leave a message indication:
When you will be away from your phone for any length of time, you can leave a
• Press the Func. soft button, scroll to Message, press OK—OR—dial 43 and programmed station message. Display stations calling you will see this message
receive confirmation tone. Hang up. and be informed of your status or follow your instructions.
• The message button on the Main Programmable Button screen and the TSI
will flash red at the called station. • Dial 48 plus any of the message codes (01–20) listed on the back of this user
NOTES: • To cancel any of these messages you might have selected, dial 48 plus 00.
1. A station can have up to five message indications. • Press Transfer to exit and store your selection.
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing. NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset
or press the Speaker button.
CANCELING MESSAGES You can have multiple programmed message buttons (PMSG) and each one can
To cancel a message indication that you left at another station, dial 42 plus the have a different message code:
extension number of the station at which you left a message.
• Press any programmed message (PMSG) button. The message is set and the
• To cancel all message indications left at your keyset, dial 42 plus your exten- PGM MSG button indicator will be lit steady. Press the button again to turn off
sion. Your Message button indicator will stop flashing and the TSI will go out. the programmed message and the indicator will go blank.
• Pressing another programmed message (PMSG) button will turn the previous
NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the one off and set a different programmed message.
handset or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing.

54 55
CONVENIENCE FEATURES You can mute the handset transmitter or the microphone during any conversa-
LOGGING IN AND OUT • Press the Mute button. The Mute button indicator will be lit steady.
If enabled, your SMT-i5210 telephone may require you to log in before making or • To resume speaking, press the Mute button again. The Mute button indicator
receiving calls. In these cases your telephone system administrator will provide goes blank.
you with an extension number, password, and the feature code used to log out.


When a music source is supplied, you may listen to music through the speaker in
• At Extension Login Screen enter your ID which is your extension number. your keyset:
• Scroll down to the password field and enter your station password
• Press on Save soft button or OK button. • While on-hook, press the Hold button to hear music.
• Press the Hold button again to turn music off.
To log out:
You can set the level of background music by using the Volume buttons while lis-
• Dial the feature code provided by your administrator (for example 77). tening to the music. This does not affect the speakerphone level.


Use this feature when you want to block calls to your keyset. To pick up an established call in progress at a single line extension connected to
a computer modem on your PC.
• While on-hook, press the Func. soft button, scroll to DND, press OK, press 1 to
turn it On, or dial 401. The DND button indicator will be lit steady to remind • Press the EP button for that station on your keyset and the call is automatical-
you of this mode. ly moved to your keyset.
• To cancel DND, press the Func. soft button, scroll to DND, press OK, press 0 to • The single line extension on your modem will be disconnected.
turn it Off, or dial 400. The DND button indicator goes blank. You can make
calls while in the DND mode. NOTE: You must have an assigned (EP button) button on your regular keyset, for
the single line station.
1. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset ANSWERING THE DOOR PHONE
or press the Speaker button.
When you are programmed to receive calls from a door phone:
2. If you place your keyset in DND mode and you do not have a DND button,
your TSI button will fast flash red to indicate DND status. • You will receive three short rings repeated.
3. The Selector Switch can also be used to set DND. • Lift the handset. You are connected to the door phone.
• If an electric door lock release is installed, dial 13 to unlock the door.
If you are on a call and you do not wish to be interrupted while on that call, you
can press the DND button and place your station in Do Not Disturb. When you
hang up at the end of the call, DND will be automatically canceled and your key-
set will be able to receive new calls. This feature requires a DND button.

56 57
ROOM MONITOR When you are engaged on a call and you are using the handset, you may want
other people to hear the distant party’s voice over the speaker:
You may call the door phone and listen to what may be happening outside or in
another room. • Press the Listen button to turn on the speaker. The microphone is not in use,
so the distant party does not hear other parties present in your office.
• Dial the extension number of the door phone. • Press Listen again to turn the speaker off and resume private conversation.
• You will be connected to the door phone and you can listen or have a conver- • Repeat if necessary.
sation. —OR—
• If an electric door lock release is installed, dial 13 to unlock the door. • During a conversation, press Func. scroll to Group Listen and press OK.
NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset NOTE: Depending on speaker volume and the acoustics of your office, it may be
or press the Speaker button. advisable to turn the group listening feature off before hanging up. This will elim-
inate a momentary squeal.
If programmed, an executive boss and a secretary can have a hot line between ACCOUNT CODES
them. When the executive station is in the DND mode, all of its calls will ring the When enabled, your system allows calls to be charged to different accounts. You
secretary station. If the secretary does not answer, the caller will go to the secre- can enter account codes either by dialing the full code, by entering an account
tary’s voice mail box if setup. code “bin number”, or by pressing your ACC (Account) key if one is assigned. Bin
numbers are a 3 digit short code that will automatically insert the appropriate
When an Executive/Secretary hotline is programmed to this keyset, the keyset
account code. Account codes may be a maximum of 12 digits (# may be used); if
offers an additional screen option. This screen has options for setting the status of
the account code is to be less than 12 characters you may end the code by press-
the keyset user. This status update is viewable to EasySet users only.
ing , or the right soft key.The type of code used is determined by your telephone
• Either person can press the Boss button to make a voice call to the other sta- system administrator. Codes can be entered before or during a call as follows:
To enter an account code before placing the call:
• Using the hot line will override DND at the other station.This button will have
a flashing indication when the other station is in use. • Press your ACC (Account) key or dial 47.
• Dial the account code or bin number.
To transfer a call to a Boss in DND: • You will receive a confirmation tone and display.
• Press the Boss button. • When prompted dial a trunk or trunk group (i.e. 9) and the telephone number
• Wait for the Boss to answer, then announce the call and hang up to complete to call.
the transfer—OR—hang up to complete a blind transfer. To enter an account code by interrupting the conversation:
Executive/Secretary (Messaging): • While on an outside call press the ACC (Account) key or press Transfer fol-
When the Boss or Secretary is needing to inform the other party of their current lowed by 47.
status, they can send a message to their display. • Dial the account number or bin number (if you are entering an account code
you will need to press your ACC (Account) key or right soft key to finalize the
• Press the Func. soft button. Scroll to EXE/SECR MSG and press OK. entry)
• Select and hightlight one of the Return On messages and press the Edit soft
button. NOTE: If you make an error simply repeat the procedure with the correct code.
• Press and hold the Delete soft button to erase the default message. Only the most recent account code dialed will be recorded.
• Using the dial pad, type in the new message (refer to Text Input Method).
• When finished press the Save then the Send soft button to display the mes-
sage on the other (Boss/Secretary) phone.

58 59
You can lock your keyset to control misuse of your phone while you are away. You Keysets may receive a voice announcement while on another call. The calling sta-
can unlock it when you return. tion must have an OHVA button. When you are in DND, you cannot receive OHVA
• Press Menu button, scroll to Phone, press OK. calls. The OHVA feature will work with intercom and transferred calls.
• Scroll to Security option. Press OK.
When you receive an OHVA and secure OHVA is ON, you will hear the announce-
• Enter the Password [Default Password is “1234”]. Press OK.
ment in the handset receiver, if you are using the handset. If secure OHVA is OFF
• There are three options available:
then you will hear the announcement on the speaker, if you are talking on the
CHANGE PASSWORD: This can be used to change the station password. handset. If you are using the speakerphone the announcement will always be
DIAL: Allows the station user the option to select Lock All, Lock Outgoing, or heard through the speaker.
To make an off-hook voice announcement:
1. UNLOCKED - No restrictions. User may complete internal and outside
calls. • Dial the extension number or press the DSS button.
2. LOCK OUTGOING - Restricted to incoming calls only. No outside calls can • When you receive a busy signal, press the OHVA button.
be made. When 911 is programmed, 911 emergency dialing is allowed. • After the attention tone, begin speaking.
3. LOCK ALL - No calls, incoming or outgoing allowed to or from the set. • Finish the call by replacing the handset.
• Press the flashing Call button on your keyset. This will place the original party
PHONE MODE: Allows the user to lock or unlock the menu from being on hold and allow you to talk to the announcing party.
changed at the station. • To return to your first party, press the button corresponding to your original
• Use the navigation soft button to scroll Left/Right to choose the desired call. This will disconnect the OHVA call.
• Press the OK button. NOTES:
• Press the Back soft button to return to Menu, and press Back soft button 1. When you are voice announcing to a station close to you, use the handset to
again to return to idle screen. avoid an echo effect.
2. You cannot off-hook voice announce to single line telephones.
Use this feature when you want to send a brief 500ms ring burst to another sta-
tion, regardless of the status of your phone (on-hook, off-hook, handsfree, DND, or Your keyset can be programmed with an OHVA Block (Block) button. Pressing this
ringing). button will prevent anyone from making an OHVA to you until you press the but-
ton again and cancel the blocking.
To send a signal to another station:

• Press the Manual Signalling (MS) button.

• You may press the MS button repeatedly to send multiple signals to the des- Your keyset can be programmed with an OHVA Reject (Reject) button. Pressing
ignated station. this button while receiving an OHVA call will disconnect the voice announcing
party and return you to your original call.
NOTE:Your phone must have a Manual Signalling (MS) button with a station num-
ber extender assigned to it. Manual Signalling will override DND.

60 61
If your keyset is assigned to a station ring group, you can remove your keyset from
the group and then put it back in. While you are out of the group, you can receive
calls to your extension number but not calls to the group number. If you have an
IO GRP (IN/OUT GRP) button with the group number assigned.
This feature allows customers using the AME feature to enable password protec-
• Press the IO GRP (IN/OUT GRP) button.The button indicator will be lit steady tion. This will prevent unauthorized users from listening to your messages being
when your keyset is in the group. left. The passcode is the same as your station passcode. This feature only applies if
• Press the IO GRP (IN/OUT GRP) button again to exit the group and the indi- there is a Samsung Voicemail card installed in the system and your keyset has a
cator will go blank. Repeat as necessary. programmed AME button.

If you do not have an IO GRP (IN/OUT GRP) button: • With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
• Dial 101 to turn on AME PASSCODE or 100 to turn it off.
• Dial the IO GRP (IN/OUT GRP) access code number ________________, then • Press Transfer to store your selection.
the group number, then 0 to exit the group or 1 to enter the group.

NOTE: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset AUTO CAMP-ON
or press Speaker button. This option allows intercom calls to be automatically camped on, if possible, when
a busy station is called.
The IO GRP (IN/OUT GRP) button can include an extender to indicate the specif-
ic group that this button will affect. This means that if you are in multiple groups, • With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
you can decide for which groups you will receive calls. • Press 081 to turn Camp-On on or 080 to turn it off.
• Press Transfer to store your selection.


Each SMT-i5210 user can select from a variety of ring tones.

From the LCD:

• Press Menu button, scroll to Phone, press OK.

• Scroll to Sound option and press OK.
• Select Ring Tone and press OK—OR—you may dial 1 and immediately enter
the option.
• Use Navigation button to scroll through the available ring tones and press
OK or Save soft button to store your selection.
• Press End soft button to return to idle screen.


From the factory, your station passcode is 1234.You can change your station pass-
code whenever you desire.

• While on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 101.

• Dial your old passcode.
• Dial a new passcode (must be four characters). You can use 0–9.

62 63
• Redial the new passcode. If successful, you will hear two beeps. Four beeps tor to be lit solid to indicate this. Pressing the button while the button indicator is
indicate an incorrect code to confirm, reenter the code again. lit solid will cause the keyset to return to handset mode and the button indicator
• Press Transfer to store the new passcode. will go off.
NOTE: If you need to switch between headset mode and handset mode (or speak-
SET ANSWER MODE (INTERCOM) er phone) during the conversation, you will need to put the call on hold first.
You can receive internal calls in one of three modes (see Answering Intercom Calls
under Intercom Calls for descriptions). HOT KEYPAD
• While on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 103. On your phone system your keyset’s keypad can be made “live” or “hot” so that it is
• Dial 0 for Ringing, 1 for Auto Answer or 2 for Voice Announce. not necessary to lift the handset or press the Speaker button before you begin di-
• Press Transfer to store your selection. aling. Calls can be made and features activated by simply dialing the C.O. line num-
ber, trunk group access code, intercom number or feature access code.
NOTE: When your keyset is programmed for Voice Announce and you have For-
• With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
ward No Answer (FNA) turned on, you must answer screened transfers by pressing
• Dial 031 to turn the Hot Keypad on or 030 to turn it off.
the OK button before your FNA timer expires or the call will forward.
• Press Transfer to store your selection.


Your incoming CO calls can be set to follow the intercom answer mode.
You can hear a short beep (confirmation tone) each time you press a button on the
• While on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110. dial pad. This tone can be turned on or off.
• Dial 15 to access AUTO ANS CO.
• While on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
• Press the Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] to change status (ON/OFF).
• Dial 040 to turn tones off or 041 to turn tones on.
• Press TRANSFER to store your selection.
• Press Transfer to store your selection.
• Additional ring tones can be selected from the Menu, Phone, Sound,
AUTOMATIC HOLD Keytone option.
While on an outside call, pressing a line button, route button or a flashing CALL
button will automatically put your call on hold and connect you to the next call. REJOINING A PAGE
This feature can be turned on or off at your keyset.
This feature allows you to hear the remaining portion of an ongoing internal page
• With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110. after you return your keyset to idle. To enable this feature:
• Dial 001 to turn Automatic Hold on or 000 to turn it off.
• With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
• Press Transfer to store your selection.
• Dial 051 to turn this feature on or 050 to turn it off.
• Press Transfer to store your selection.
Keyset users can switch between headset mode and handset mode. When using RING PREFERENCE
headset mode, press the Speaker button to answer and Speaker button to
This feature automatically answers ringing calls when you lift the handset or press
release calls.
the Speaker button.This method will always answer calls in the order they arrived
• With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110. at your keyset.When you turn ring preference off, you must press the flashing but-
• Dial 021 to use the headset or 020 to use the handset. ton to answer a call, allowing you to answer calls in the order you choose.
• Press Transfer to store your selection.
• With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
Your keyset is equipped with a Headset button. Pressing this button while the • Dial 061 to turn ring preference on or 060 to turn it off.
indicator is off will cause the keyset to enter headset mode and the button indica- • Press Transfer to store your selection.

64 65
DISPLAY SPEED DIAL NAME • Dial the number of a C.O. line or trunk group to use when making calls to this
MOBEX port.
This option allows you to view the name associated with a speed dial number as • Dial the phone number you can be reached at by users calling this MOBEX
it is dialed. port.
• Press Transfer to store your selection and exit programming.
• With you handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
• Press 111 to turn DISP SPDNAME on or 110 to turn it off.
To set the caller ID of the location you will be calling in from:
• Press Transfer to store your selection.
• Press Transfer and then dial 126.
CALLER ID REVIEW ALL • Dial your station pass code.
This feature allows display keyset users to review Caller ID information for calls • Dial the number of the port you wish to configure (1-5) (you may also use the
sent to their stations.This list can be from ten to fifty calls in a first in, first out basis. Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] keys to select a port and press the Right
The list includes calls that you answered and calls that rang your station but that soft key to confirm).
you did not answer. When reviewing this list, you can press one button to dial the • Press Right soft button twice.
person back. The system must be using LCR to dial the stored number. • Dial the contact number.
• Press Transfer to store your selection and exit programming.
• With you handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 110.
• Press 121 to turn CID Review All on or 120 to turn it off. To turn a MOBEX port ON or OFF:
• Press Transfer to store your selection.
• Press Transfer and then dial 126.
• Dial your station pass code.
SECURE OHVA • Dial the number of the port you wish to configure (1-5) (you may also use the
This option allows you to receive OHVA (Over Head Voice Announce) calls via the Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] keys to select a port and press the Right
speaker while you are on the handset. soft key to confirm).
• Dial 2 to select the activation status option.
• With your handset on hook, press Transfer and then dial 110. • Dial 0 to turn the port on, dial 1 to turn the port off.
• Press 131 to turn SECURE OHVA ON or 130 to turn it OFF. • Press Transfer to store your selection and exit programming.
• Press Transfer to save your selection.


This feature allows you to configure options for any Mobile Extension (MOBEX)
ports that are assigned to you by your telephone system administrator. You can
turn a port on or off; set the telephone number for the port; or set the caller ID you
will be calling in from.The caller ID field has no effect unless you have been author-
ized as an Executive MOBEX user. Check with your telephone system administrator
for further details on your specific system configuration.

To set the phone number a MOBEX port can reach you on:

• Press Transfer and then dial 126.

• Dial your station pass code.
• Dial the number of the port you wish to configure (1-5) (you may also use the
Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] keys to select a port and press the Right
soft key to confirm).
• Press Right soft button to move to telephone number.

66 67
DISPLAY FEATURES Display keyset users may use this feature as a simple stopwatch.
• When the keyset is idle, press the Timer button to start timing.
DIRECTORY INFORMATION • Press the Timer button again to stop timing.
An 11 character directory name can be assigned to each extension number. • Read the elapsed time in the display.
Display keyset users can view the name of the called or calling station before an- • Lift the handset and replace it. The display will return to date and time.

Each outside line can have an 11 character directory name. Incoming calls can be
easily identified and answered with different greetings. You can view all of your message indications before you return them:
• With the handset on-hook, press the Message button with the flashing indi-
Outside and internal calls ringing to a station group will display [CALL FOR xxx]
where xxx is the station group number. This allows you to answer calls directed to
• The first station that left a message indication will be displayed.
you differently than calls directed to your group.
• Press the Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] buttons to scroll through the
stations that left message indications. Use the soft keys to reply, clear or
DISPLAY NUMBER DIALED advance to the next message.
Display keysets begin showing digits as they are dialed. They will stay in the dis- • Press the End button to return your keyset to the idle condition.
play until the call duration timer comes on automatically or the Timer button is
pressed. If the call duration timer is not used, the number dialed will be displayed PERSONAL SPEED DIAL NAMES
until the call is released, transferred or put on hold.
Each personal speed dial number can have an 11 character name assigned to it.
This name is used to select the speed dial bin when you are dialing by directory.
The system can be set to automatically time outside calls. A few seconds after you • Press Transfer and then dial 106.
dial a telephone number, the timer appears in the display. It appears immediately • Dial the speed dial bin number 00–49.
for incoming calls. The call timer continues for the duration of the call. Call dura- • Using the dial pad, enter the station name (See Station Names).
tion times are displayed in minutes and seconds. If a call lasts longer than 60 min- • Press the Transfer button to store the speed dial name.
utes, the timer restarts. • Repeat for each speed dial bin if necessary.

You can press the Timer button to manually begin timing a call. Press it again to NOTE: Use the Navigation button to move the cursor left or right, and use the
stop timing. If you press it while the automatic timer is on, the call duration time is Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] buttons to increment the speed dial bins.
See Programming Personal Speed Dial Numbers Section.
Display keyset users may have the timer automatically start when they answer
incoming calls or after a short delay on an outgoing call. • With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 104.
• Enter the Station Name. Use the Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] buttons
• With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 119. to move cursor.
• Dial 41 to turn the auto timer on or 40 to turn it off. • Press TRANSFER to store the name.
• Press Transfer to store your selection. —OR—
• Press Menu button, select Settings, press OK.
• Select Application Set., press OK.
• Select Phone Name, press OK.

68 69
• Enter Station Name. Use the Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] buttons to

move cursor.
Press Save soft button and then End soft button to store the name.
Simultaneous display of Caller ID name and number on incoming CO calls on both
KEY ASSIGNMENTS lines of display keysets is supported on all OfficeServ systems. On Transferred CO
You can manage your key assignments for easy one touch operation of frequent- calls, you can decide if you want to see the Caller ID name or Caller ID number in
ly used features. the display. Regardless of which data is selected, you can press the NND button to
view the other pieces of Caller ID information. To select the type of Caller ID infor-
• While on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 107.
mation you wish to view:
• Use the Volume Up [+] or Volume Down [-] buttons to scroll through all of
your programmable buttons.
• With the handset on-hook, press Transfer and then dial 119.
• Press Transfer to exit programming.
• To set the first line of a ringing call display dial 0.
To program the programmable keys, press Menu, Settings, AOM Setting. • To set the second line of a ringing call display dial 1.
Set the data to display from the following:
For example: - To show nothing dial 0.
- To show Caller ID Number dial 1.
If you want to press a key that will direct calls to Joel at extension 3201. Select - To show Caller ID Name dial 2.
an empty key and set the following: - To show the DID Number the call came in on dial 3.
• Feature: DSS - To show the Name of the DID the call came in on dial 4.
• Ext. Number: 3201 - To show the Name of the Group the call came in for dial 5.
• Display Name: Joel - To show the DID Number and then Name of the DID dial 6.
- To show the Name of the DID and then the DID Number dial 7.
If you want to press a key that will direct calls to Sue’s external phone number at • To set the top line of the display shown after answering a call dial 2.
972-444-3456. Select an empty key and set the following: Set the data to display from the following:
- To show Caller ID Number dial 0.
• Feature: Speed - To show Caller ID Name dial 1.
• Ext. Number: 01 - To show the DID Number the call came in on dial 2.
• Display Name: Sue - To show the Name of the DID the call came in on dial 3.
• Use Transfer 105 to set speed dial number: [xxxx] SPEED DIAL - To show Caller ID Number and then the DID Number dial 4.
01: 9-9724443456 - To show Caller ID Name and then the DID Number dial 5.
Please consult your installation company to requested a complete list of descrip- - To show the DID Number and then the name of the DID dial 6.
tions for any keys you may have programmed on your keyset. - To show the Name of the DID and then the DID Number dial 7.
- To show the C.O. line information dial 8.
NOTE: Confirm that the cursor is placed correctly before you enter the extender. • To set the format if the C.O. line information when the above is set to show C.O.
line information dial 3.
BACKSPACE WITH LCR - To show the C.O. line number and the dialed or Caller ID Number dial 0.
If you misdial while using LCR, you can delete digits shown in the display by press- - To show only the dialed or Caller ID Number dial 1.
ing the Backspace soft key as many times as necessary or by pressing Clear to • Press Transfer to exit and store your selection.
delete all.

70 71
In the event that you have a call waiting or a camped-on call at your keyset, you
can press the Next button to display the Caller ID information associated with the
call in queue at your keyset. Either the CID name or CID number will show in the
display depending on you Name/Number selection. Paging Zones - Dial 55 plus

To view Caller ID information for calls that have been camped-on to your keyset, 0 ____________________________________________
press the Next button. 1 ____________________________________________
2 ____________________________________________
3 ____________________________________________
INQUIRE CALLER ID PARK/HOLD INFO 4 ____________________________________________
If you are informed that an incoming call is on hold or has been parked for you, you 5 ____________________________________________
6 ____________________________________________
may view the Caller ID information before you retrieve the call. This may influence
7 ____________________________________________
how you choose to handle the call. 8 ____________________________________________
9 All External Zones
From an idle keyset:
Q All Page
• Press the Inquire button—OR—press CID button, then Func. soft button, and
the Inquire soft key. Feature Access Codes
• Dial the trunk number.
• You may now answer the call by pressing the ANS button—OR—you may use 0 Operator 56 Meet Me Answer
Func. soft button and NND to view more information about this call—OR— 10 + xxx Pick Up A Parked Call 600 Cancel All Call Forward
12 + xxx Pick Up a Held Call 601 + xxx Set Forward All Calls
you can return to the idle condition by pressing Ignore.
13 Door Lock Release 602 + xxx Set Forward Busy
If you are on a call: 16 + xxx Speed Dialing 603 + xxx Set Forward No Answer
17 Save And Redial Number 604 + xxx Set Forward Busy/No Answer
• Press the Func. soft button and then Inquire button. Your existing call will go 18 New Call (Recall) 605 + xxx Set Forward on DND
on hold—OR—press the CID button and Func. soft button then Inquire soft 19 Last Number Redial 606 + xxx Set Forward Follow Me
button to place the first call on hold. 400 Cancel Do Not Disturb 65 + xxx Pick Up Ringing Extension
• Dial the trunk number. 401 Do Not Disturb 66 + xx Pick Up Group
• You may now answer the call by pressing the Func. soft button then the ANS 42 + xxx Cancel Sent Message 67 Universal Answer
button—OR—you may use NND to view more information about this call— 43 Return Message Q Authorization Code
44 Callback
OR—you can return to the idle condition by pressing the Func. soft button
45 Busy Station Camp-On
and then Ignore. 46 Conference
NOTES: 47 Account Code
1. If you are on an intercom call or you have Automatic Hold turned off, you must 48 + xx Cancel Programmed MSG
finish the existing call or place it on hold before inquiring. 49 Send Flash to C.O. or PBX
53 + xxx + 1 In Group
2. If you inquire about an outgoing call, you will receive a [call no longer avail-
53 + xxx + 0 Out of Group
able] display.

72 73
Samsung Voicemail
This section describes how to setup and use the various features available to a
Subscriber. A Subscriber is a person that has been authorized access to the various
features and services available in the Samsung Voicemail. Please review this sec-
tion carefully before you use your Authorized Features and Services, known as
Subscriber Services.

Voice Mail is one of the Subscriber Services available. Your voice mail box has the
capability of storing private messages, and offers a number of options for sending
SECTION 6. or redirecting messages as well as provides several ways to notify you of new mes-
APPLICATIONS Another very common Subscriber Service is Access Manager. This allows you con-
trol over when and where you receive your calls as well as what to speak to your
callers in the event you are unable to speak to them directly. The ‘events’ are
referred to as “Call Conditions”. No-Answer, Busy, and Blocked are the most com-
monly used Call Conditions.

This guide can be used by Subscribers from within the office or from telephones
outside the office. The basic operation is the same, but the access method will be
different. See the Subscriber Services Menu Diagram for more details.

Note that some features and prompts detailed here may not be available to all
Subscribers. See your System Administrator if you have questions about feature

74 75
Subscriber Services Menu
SVMi-8 Subscriber Services
Calais Executary Services Menu

Group New Group Saved Listen to New Review Saved Record & Send Access Personal Mailbox Private Access Personal Pause, Resume Play Menu Exit
Messages Messages Messages Messages Messages Manager Greetings Administration Numbers Services Executary Options Executary

11 33 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 # 8 0
Assign and/or Edit Change For a Directory Review
Group Messages Menu Listen Menu Record Menu 1 Follow Me 1 Primary Greeting 1 Message Alert
Aler # of PANs 1 Workload

Group Play For a Directory Assign and/or Edit Change Edit Stored
1 Urgent Messages 1 Message # of Subscribers 2 Caller Access 2 Busy Greeting 2 Pager Notification
"Enter the PAN ID Number" 2 Telephone Numbers

Play Previous To Create a

2 Group 11 Message ## Reminder 3 Block All Calls 3 Assign and/or Edit
3 Review Deleted
1 Review
3 Change
1 Change
Callback Requests Blocking Greeting Messages PAN Message Weekly Schedule Password
Group 2 Message "Enter the Recipient's Number"
r" Assign and/or Edit Review Undelivered
Unde Record Place a Record
3 Reminders 4 Call forwarding 4 Night Greeting 4 Messages 2 PAN Message 5 Direct Call 2 Name
3 Message 1 Review
Assign and/or Edit Auto Play Delete Programmed Enter Directory
4 Private Messages
Recording 5 Call Screening 5 Screened Greeting 5 New Messages
Message 3 PAN message 6 Services 3 Language
4 Reply to Sender o
Stop, Append to
Group 2 Recording Edit Only Auto Play Me
Message Change Personal Extended
5 Fax Only Messages 6 Find Me 6 Personal Greetings 6 Information 4 Access Privilege 7 Administration 4 Prompting
5 Call to Sender ing
Discard Recording
Group 3 and Rerecord Auto Set Edit Only Pause, Resume
Resum Place a Direct Pause, Resume Pause, Resume
6 Voice Only Messages Deliver Copy 7 Night Intercept 7 Mailbox Greeting 8 Menu Prompting
Prompt 5 Call to PAN 8 Menu Prompting 8 Menu Prompting
55 of Fax Message Set
4 Delivery Options
ns Pause, Resume Pause, Resume Record
Record & Sent
and Send
S Change PAN Play
7 Email Only Messages 6 Forward a 8 Menu Prompting 8 Menu Prompting 9 Broadcast Message
Broadcast Me
Message 6 Message Duration 0 Menu Options
Copy of Message Specify
5 Future Delivery
Pause, Resume Rewind Play Play Play PAN Telephone Record Cancel, Return
8 # 0 0 7 #
Menu Prompting 7 5 Seconds
6 SEND Message,,
Then Copy
Access Coverage Menu Options Menu Options Numbers a Reminder
* to Services Menu
Subscriber Services

Group Change Play Cancel, Return Cancel, Retur

Cancel, Retur
Return Play Play
9 77 0 8 0
A Specific Sender Playback Volume

Pause, Resume
7 Rewind
5 Seconds
Menu Options
* to
to Executary
Subscriber Services
* to Subscriber
Executary Services Access Statistics Menu Options

# Play 8 Message Playback

Cancel, Return
Cancel, Return
9 Clear Cancel, Return
Cancel, Return
Message Inventory
Fast Forward
77 Change
Playback Volume
* toSubscriber
to Executary Services PAN ID Record
* to Subscriber
Executary Services

Play 9 5 Seconds Save, Goto

0 Menu Options Pause, Resumee
# Next PAN ID
Change 8 Record/Playback
99 Playback Speed
Cancel, Return
Return Play
* Subscriber Services
to Executary
# Skip to
Next Message
9 Fast Forward
5 Seconds
Menu Options

99 Change 00 Statistics
## Scan Messages Playback Speed

Cancel, Return
SEND Message,,
0 Play
Menu Options
# Then Exit Record
rd * to Executary

Play Message Play

00 Information
0 Menu Options

Cancel, Return
Return Cancel, Return
Cancel, Return
* to Executary
Subscriber Services
* to Subscriber
Executary Services

NOTE: All options shown MAY NOT be authorized. If an option is not available
please speak to your system administrator.
*Change Playback Speed and Volume not available on the OfficeServ 7030,
OfficeServ 7100, OfficeServ 7200-S or OfficeServ IP-UMS.
76 77
[Also known as Subscriber Services Menu] Using your new Samsung Voicemail Subscriber Services is as simple as following a
few simple spoken instructions. First time users should read this section as a tuto-
Inside Callers [Subscriber logging in from their Desk] rial. You should start with the following steps:
• Dial the voicemail access number or press the key assigned to ring
voicemail [VMMSG]. • Access your Subscriber Services Menu - You already know how to do this.
• Enter your personal password when prompted (the default password is 0000). From the Subscriber Services Menu:
Outside Callers [Subscribers calling from Cell Phones or outside of the • Record a Primary/No-Answer Personal Greeting. Dial [5][1].
office environment] • Record a Mailbox Greeting. Dial [5][7].
• Dial the phone number that will be answered by the voicemail. The main • Change your access code (Password). Dial [#][7][1].
greeting will answer. • Record your name. Dial [#][7][2].
• At the main greeting dial [#] plus your Subscriber (or mailbox) number • Enter your directory name. Dial [#][7][3].
(Subscriber and Mailbox numbers will usually match your extension number).
After you have completed the steps above your Subscriber Services are set up and
• Enter your personal password when prompted (the default password is 0000).
ready to use.
Access your Subscriber Services (or Mailbox) from a Station
other than your Own (or checking a mailbox associated with a LISTEN TO YOUR MESSAGES
different station) If there are new messages in your mailbox your [VMMSG] key will be lit. Call the
Samsung Voicemail by pressing this key, and when prompted enter your pass-
• Press the [VMMSG] key or dial the voicemail group number. You will be
word. You will then be at the Subscriber Services Menu. Select [1] to listen to new
prompted to enter a password.
messages or [3] to listen to saved messages.
• Press [,]. This will take you to the Main Auto Attendant Menu.
• Press [#] plus the Subscriber number of your choice. You will be prompted to Note: After you enter your password, if “Autoplay of New Messages” is enabled and
enter you password. you have new messages the Samsung Voicemail will begin to play them automat-
ically. A subscriber can control this feature. From the Subscriber Services Menu [6]
At this point the inside and outside callers follow the same instructions. You will [5] toggles “Autoplay of New Messages” ON/OFF.
hear a message stating the number of messages left in your mailbox.You will then
hear the Subscriber Services Menu with the following options:
1 Listen to New Messages - See Listening to your Message. The following is a list of all the options available in the Subscriber Main Menu.
2 Record and Send Message - See Sending Messages.
3 Review Saved Messages - See Listening to your Message. 1 LISTENING TO NEW MESSAGES
4 Access Manager - See Access Manager. 11 GROUP NEW MESSAGES
5 Personal Greetings - See Personal Greetings. 2 RECORD AND SEND A MESSAGE
6 Mailbox Administration - See Mailbox Administration. 3 LISTENING TO OLD MESSAGES
# Personal Services - See Personal Services. 33 GROUP OLD MESSAGES
, Return to Main Menu. 4 ACCESS MANAGER
Voicemail and the Function Soft button: When accessing and retrieving voice- 5 PERSONAL GREETINGS
mails from the mailbox, the service options such as (1) Listening to Messages, (2) 6 MAILBOX ADMINISTRATION
Record and Send Messages, and (3) Review Saved Messages are available and 8 PAUSE / RESUME
can be accessed through the dial pad or through the Function soft key. When 0 PLAY MENU OPTIONS
pressing the function soft button the options will be displayed. Scroll to and press , EXIT TO AUTO ATTENDANT
the OK button to select an option from the Function Menu. # PERSONAL SERVICES
78 79
0 Play options.
1 or 3 Pressing this key will play all the menu options available to you from this
LISTENING TO OLD OR NEW MESSAGES 00 Hear the time and date, and sender's information of the message you just
heard. Sender information is not available on outside calls.
1 Play / replay the message you just heard. # Move to the next message. This does not Save or Discard the current mes-
11 Play the previous message. sage - it is retained as new.
2 Save the message you just heard and listen to the next message. ## Scan. Plays first 7 seconds of a message then skips to next message. This is
similar to the scan button on a radio. It will allow you to find a specific mes-
3 Delete the message you just heard and listen to the next message.
sage quickly. To stop scanning press [1].
4 Reply to the message.
, Cancel and return to previous menu.
This will allow you to leave a message in the mailbox of the sender (if the
sender has a mailbox on this system).
5 Return the call directly to the telephone number that left the message. 11 or 33
This will work for internal and external callers, but Caller ID service is need-
ed to use this feature on an outside call. GROUP NEW OR OLD MESSAGES
55 Deliver a fax copy.
Messages can be grouped as either Reminders, press [3] or Messages from a spe-
This will allow you to receive attached faxmail document(s). Faxmail docu-
cific sender, press [9].
ments can be delivered to any fax machine of your choice as long as out
calling is authorized. You can also have faxmail messages automatically Additionally you can press [#] and hear a summary of your mailbox contents:
delivered to the fax machine of your choice.
6 Forward the message and saves a copy. a) Number of messages
b) Number of reminders
The subscriber can be selected by dialing their mailbox number (nnn), using
c) Number of urgent messages
the directory service (#) or you may also add comments and leave it as a
d) Number of messages needing a callback
memo to yourself (##).
e) Number of private messages
The Send and Copy Service (option 6) allows a user to send copies of a mes- f) Number of fax messages
sage to multiple recipients easily. A different introduction message may be
left for each recipient.
7 Rewind the message 5 seconds. 2
77 Change playback volume of the recording. [Not available on the OS 7030,
There are two levels of volume during playback. Dialing this code will tog-
gle between the two levels. This option is used to send a message to another subscriber. The steps are simple:
8 Pause or resume during message playback. a) Enter the recipient’s mailbox number, or if this is not known enter [#] to use
9 Fast forward the message 5 seconds. the system directory.
99 Change playback speed of the recording. [Not available on OS 7030, OS b) Record your message at the tone. After recording the message, you will hear
7100, OS 7200-S or OS IP-UMS] the Send Menu with the following functions:
There are two levels of speed during playback. Dialing this code will toggle 1 Review
between the two speeds. 2 Continue Recording

80 81
3 Discard and Re-Record
Set Message Attributes (Delivery Options)
Schedule Future Delivery
6 Save and Send then Send a Copy to Someone Else
# Save and Send the Recording ACCESS MANAGER
Setting Message Attributes The Access Manager allows the subscriber to set a number of options for when,
where and how, and/or if the Samsung Voicemail contacts you when a caller dials
If after recording a message you select [4] you can set up any combination of the your extension number. All of the options are toggled on/off based on their cur-
following delivery options: rent status when you access them.

1 Urgent Delivery Note: ALL Access Manager options MUST be individually allowed by the System
2 Return Receipt Requested Administrator for each Subscriber. They are:
3 Request a Call Back
4 Private Delivery 1 Follow Me
5 Reply Required Allows the subscriber to enter an alternate location and set how long the new
, Exit destination (Designated Location) will be active.This number may be an inter-
nal or external number. This is useful if you are frequently traveling or chang-
Scheduling Future Delivery ing the number where you can be reached.
When Follow Me is activated, the transfer will be supervised and confirmed.
If after recording a message you select [5] to schedule future delivery, you will be
This means that if the call is not answered or if rejected by the Subscriber at
able to set message attributes and set this message as:
the designated location it will be recalled to the Subscriber’s mailbox.
# Immediate Delivery
3 Call Blocking
1 Next Few Hours
2 End of Current Business Day (based on your Availability Schedule) When this feature is active, callers will not be transferred to your extension,
3 Beginning of Next Business Day (based on your Availability Schedule) they will hear your 'blocked' greeting (if recorded) and will go directly to your
4 A Coming Day of the Week mailbox if they do not select any or are not offered any other options.
5 Specific Day / Time
4 Call Forwarding
, Exit
Unlike Follow Me where the subscriber wants to take their calls at an alternate
location this feature allows the subscriber to pass control of his calls to anoth-
er Subscriber. The “Forwarded To” Subscriber will now be in control of the
caller and the caller will NOT return to originating Subscriber’s Mailbox. If the
“Forwarded To” Subscriber does not answer the caller it will now follow what
ever the “Forwarded To” Subscriber has set up for their call conditions. The
Caller will hear “Forwarding to”“{Subscriber Name}” before actually being for-

5 Call Screening
If this is turned on, the caller will be asked their name and the Samsung
Voicemail will play this name to you before the transfer, giving you an option
to accept or reject the call.

82 83
6 Find Me The Call Coverage conditions that you can assign specific greetings to are select-
Find Me, when enabled, will attempt to locate the subscriber by calling a list of ed by the following digits:
preprogrammed phone numbers. The stored phone numbers are entered in
1 Primary/No Answer Greeting
'Personal Services' [#][2] (if allowed by the Administrator). The stored tele-
phone number list can contain up to 9 preprogrammed telephone numbers. Used when in your office, away from your desk or during the time period you
The Find Me feature only use the first five. are scheduled available. If this is the only Personal Greeting you record, it will
play for all call coverage conditions.
7 Night Intercept This option is available only if the Administrator has assigned you the 'Basic
This feature is dependent on your weekly availability schedule, which is Greeting' feature.
entered in 'Personal Services' [#][3] (if allowed by the Administrator). When Example:“Hi this is John Smith. I'm sorry I am not available to answer your call.
Night Intercept is active the Samsung Voicemail will first ring your extension If someone else can help you, please enter the extension number now. Or, to
then play your primary, No Answer greeting during the day (when you are leave me a message, press 1.”
available) and will NOT ring your extension but simply play your Night greet-
ing during the night (when you are not available). 2 Busy Greeting
Note: This does NOT use the Day and Night schedules of the phone system. It Played to a caller when you are already talking to someone on your extension
is solely controlled by the Subscriber’s Availability Schedule. or the telephone at your Designated Location.
This option is available only if the Administrator has assigned you the 'Busy
8 Pause / Resume Greeting' feature.
, Exit from Access Manager Example:“Hi, this is John Smith. I'm on another line right now. If someone else
0 Play All Options can help you, please enter the extension number now. Or, to leave a message,
# Play Access Coverage press 1.”
This feature is useful for finding out how you current access settings are set. It 3 Call Blocking Greeting
will also tell you what greetings will play under each of the call conditions you Used while Call Blocking is enabled in your Access Manager or if your phone
have setup. is forwarded ALL or DND.
This option is available only if the Administrator has assigned you the 'Call
5 Blocking' feature.
Example:“Hi, this is John Smith. Sorry I missed your call, but I'm going to be out
of the office for the next few hours. If someone else can help you, please enter
PERSONAL GREETINGS the extension number now. Or, to leave me a message, press 1.”
The options available in this menu will be determined by your System
Administrator, and not all of them may be available to you. In the simplest systems, 4 Night Greeting
only a mailbox greeting will be available, additional greetings may be accessible in Used during the time period you are scheduled UNAVAILABLE, usually after
more complex systems. business hours during the evening and at night.
Your Personal Greeting will be played every time someone dials your extension This option is available only if the Administrator has assigned you the
and you do not answer. 'Scheduling' feature.

You may record up to 9 Personal Greetings, and you may assign any one of them Example:“Hi, this is John Smith. I've left the office for the evening. If you would
to be active. There are several different 'Call Coverage' conditions to which you like to try someone else, please enter the extension number now. Or, to leave
may assign any of your 9 greetings. The Call Coverage Conditions are: No-Answer, me a message, press 1.”
Busy, and Do Not Disturb (or Forwarded All). This will allow different greetings to
play depending on the type of call forward that you have set, or the condition of
your telephone.
84 85
5 Call Screening Greeting
Used while Call Screening is enabled, and you REJECT a caller after listening to 6
the caller's record name.
This option is available only if the Administrator has assigned you the 'Call MAILBOX ADMINISTRATION
Screening' feature.
Example:“Hi, this is John Smith. I'm sorry, but I am not available to speak with The Mailbox Administration menu is used to turn on and off your pager notifica-
you at this time. If someone else can help you, please enter the extension tion, message alert options and other message control features.
number now. Or, to leave me a message, press 1.”
1 Message Alert
6 Edit Personal Greetings
When this function is activated, the Samsung Voicemail will call any outside or
You may also edit/record each one of the greetings (1-9) at any time.
inside telephone number, after each message is left in your voice mailbox.
Select a greeting number to edit and follow the instructions to record your
To hear your message at the remote location when the Samsung Voicemail
greeting. When you are done recording your greeting, you will be able to lis-
calls you, after you pick up the telephone and answer you will be instructed
ten to the greeting you recorded, save the greeting you recorded and return
that there is a message and to enter your password. Simply enter your pass-
to the previous menu, record the greeting again, or exit without saving the
word and you will now be logged in.
Note: If you record only the greeting assigned to the No-Answer Call Coverage Setting Up Message Alert:
Condition, then that greeting will play to callers for all Call Coverage
n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.
Conditions (No-Answer, Busy, Blocked, Night, and Rejected Caller). In this case,
the salutation part of the greeting should be very general. n Press [1] for Message Alert.
n There are 4 options available to you:
7 Edit Mailbox Greeting
Press [1] to toggle message alert on and off.
Used whenever a caller reaches your mailbox or if you have not recorded any
Press [2] to set the schedule when you would like to be notified.
of the Call Coverage greetings. The way a caller is transferred to your mailbox
greeting directly, is by another subscriber transferring the caller to your mail- Press [3] to be notified on urgent messages only.
box using the VT (VoiceMail Transfer) key. Press [4] to set the destination phone number.
This option is available only if the Administrator has assigned you the 'Mailbox
Greeting Option' feature. 2 Pager Notification
Example: “Hi, this is John Smith. Please leave me a message, I will call you as When this function is activated, the Samsung Voicemail will call your beeper
soon as I can.” service and notify you after each message is left in your voice mailbox.
Note: This greeting will only play if none of the 5 personal greetings has n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.
played to the caller. A common usage for this Greeting is when another n Press [2] for pager notification.
Subscriber is talking with a caller and uses the VT key on their phone to trans-
n There are 4 options available to you:
fer the caller directly to your Mailbox.
Press [1] to toggle pager notification on and off.
Press [2] to set the schedule when you would like to be paged.
Press [3] to be notified on urgent messages only.
Press [4] to set the pager phone number.

86 87
3 Undelete
When this function is activated, the Samsung Voicemail will allow you to 9
undelete any messages that you have recently deleted (up to the pro-
grammed Daily Maintenance Time, which is set to 3 a.m. by Default the follow-
ing morning).
n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration. This option will only be available if it has been allowed by the System
n Press [3] for Deleted Messages. Administrator.
Deleted voice mail messages are temporarily stored in memory until 3 a.m.
Broadcast to All Mailboxes
the following day. Select this option to recover ("undelete") previously delet-
ed messages, during this period of time. If you have been designated as a Subscriber Administrator, you may send a
message to ALL mailboxes in the system.
4 Undelivered Retrieval n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.
When this function is activated, the Samsung Voicemail will allow you to recall n Press [9] for Broadcast Messages.
any messages you have sent that have NOT yet been picked up by the recipi-
This option will only be available if your mailbox has been assigned
Subscriber Administration privileges.
n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.
n Press [4] for Undelivered Messages.
This useful feature will allow you to cancel any messages that have NOT yet #
been picked up by the recipient.
5 Auto Play New Messages
The Personal Administration Menu is used to set your password and record your
If this option is enabled, after you enter your password correctly any new mes-
name. Many of these features must be allowed by the System Administrator.
sages will immediately begin to play. To enable (or if already enabled toggle
and disable) this feature: 1 Workload Management
n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration. Allows you to access to all reminders, both Active and Pending. If authorized
n Press [5] to Set Auto Play of New Messages. you can group your reminders as Commitments, Follow-Ups or Tasks for bet-
ter organization. The system will flag each reminder as Active or Pending
6 Auto Play Message Information (pending means scheduled for future delivery).
If this option is enabled, the date, time and sender’s name will be played auto-
matically before each message. If this is disabled, the information must be 2 Stored Numbers
requested manually by pressing ‘00’. To enable (or if already enabled toggle Allows you to enter up to 9 stored phone numbers. The first five of these are
and disable) this feature: used in the 'Find Me' feature, but any of them (1-9) can be easily dialed using
n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration. only one digit followed by the pound key, to be used by many other features
from within your subscriber space. (ie: “Follow Me, “Message Alert”, “Pager
n Press [6] to Set Auto Play of Message Information.
Alert”, and “Direct Call”).

3 Schedule Availability
Allows you to enter a weekly availability schedule for use with Night Personal
Greeting and the Auto Night Intercept feature. Follow the spoken directions

88 89
to enter the days of the week and times you are generally available to talk to n The current Directory Name will be played as a string of digits that are
your callers. All other times you will be considered unavailable. equal to your name spelled out on your telephone keypad. Follow the
instructions to enter a new name.You will be prompted to enter your last
5 Place a Direct Call name and then your first name.
Allows you to place a direct call out of the Samsung Voicemail from anywhere. This must be done in order for the directory feature to work correctly.
You may either dial the number or dial a single digit 1-5 that corresponds to a Note: It is possible that if you do not record your name (described above)
stored number (See Personal Services, 2 - Stored Numbers). This feature must and/or enter your Directory Name, you will not be included in the Dial by
be authorized by the System Administrator and can be limited or opened to Name Directory.
internal, local, and long distance calls.
4 Extended Prompting
7 Personal Administration Use this option to drastically reduce the number of prompts played in the
This area is used during the initial set up of your Subscriber Settings (see next subscriber interface (mailbox prompts). Change this setting only if you are
section). very familiar with the user operation of the SVMi E-Series.
Note: Remember if you know what digits to press, you can enter them at any
PERSONAL ADMINISTRATION SETTINGS time you do not have to wait to be prompted. This feature can be toggled
on/off at anytime. Also if it is off you will be prompted within each subscriber
This menu allows you to make changes to basic setup settings, that are rarely menu to press zero for more options. This enables you to still be able to find
changed. Use these when you initially set up your personal Subscriber settings. out what to do if you were to get lost and extended prompting was disabled.
You probably will not need to change them after that.
1 Setting your Password
The following options are available if you have a display keyset.They require setup
n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [#][7][1].
by the System Administrator.
n The current password will be played and you will have the chance to
change it. Message Waiting Lights
2 Recording your Name When new messages are left in your mailbox, the voice mail message light on your
keyset will flash. Press this flashing key [VMMSG] and follow the prompts to
Use this option to record your name. Your recorded name is played in several retrieve messages.This key may be pressed at any time to log into your Subscriber
different situations. It is important to record your name for proper operation Main Menu.
of the Samsung Voicemail system.
n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [#][7][2]. Answer Machine Emulation
n The current name will be played and you will have the chance to change If you have an Answer Machine Emulation key programmed on your keyset, you
it. can use it to monitor calls going to your voice mail, and optionally answer them.
Note: It is possible that if you do not record your name and/or enter your The operation of this feature is similar to screening a call on a home answering
Directory Name (described below), you will not be included in the Dial by machine.
Name Directory. Your keyset must be set to forward on no answer to voice mail. After ringing your
station the caller will be connected to your voice mail and hear your personal
3 Entering your Directory Name greeting before leaving a message. During this time you will be monitoring the
Use this option to enter your Directory Name. Your Directory Name is used by connection between the caller and your voice mail box. At this time you will only
callers to find you if they do not know your extension number. be monitoring the call, you can not talk to the other party until you answer. You
n From the Subscriber Services Menu press [#][7][3]. may pick up the call at any time or ignore it.

90 91
To activate this feature press the AME button. The associated indicator will be lit
steady. Press again to turn off. If this key is pressed while a station is ringing (dur-
ing forward no answer), the feature will be turned on for the current call only. Calling
While the caller is leaving a message or ringing you may: Calling a station that is busy or does not answer you can press [#] to immediately
send the call to the called parties mailbox.
n Press [#] to immediately put the caller in your voice mailbox and monitor it.
Call Divert to Voicemail
n Press [,] to immediately disconnect your station.The caller continues to leave
a message normally. While receiving an incoming (ringing) call, dial [,] to immediately send the caller
n Pick up the handset and monitor privately. to your personal voicemail box. This will override the call forward no answer set-
n Press ANS / RLS to answer the call (using the handset or speaker).
Direct Messaging
AME Password
[#] + DSS To make it easy to leave messages for others in your office without hav-
If your keyset has AME Password (MMC 110) set to Yes, you must enter your sta- ing to dial their extension number first, keyset users may simply dial [#] plus a
tion password to listen to messages being left.This will prevent unauthorized peo- mailbox (extension) number and leave a message directly. If you dial a busy exten-
ple from listening to messages being left for you. sion press [#] to connect directly with the mailbox.

If the password option is turned on, while a message is being left, press the flash- Self Memo (Reminder)
ing AME indicator and enter your station password (not your SVMi E-Series pass- Pressing [##] will leave a message in your own mailbox. This is useful to remind
word). You will then hear the message being left. yourself of things to do now or in the future. Messages can be sent with future
delivery so you can have the system call you when items become due.
Call Record
If you have a call record button assigned to your phone, you may press it at any INTERACTIVE DISPLAYS
time, to record the conversation in progress. If you have a display keyset, you will
also have the soft key options to pause and time the message. Display keyset users have the added advantage of using the soft keys and displays
to play, save, delete, reply, call, forward, rewind, pause, fast forward, change the vol-
ume, get message information, or help.

Viewing Mailbox Contents

If you have new messages, in addition to the Telephone Status Indicator (TSI) you
will be able to use the keyset displays and soft keys to communicate with the SVMi


The E-Mail Gateway feature integrates your voice mail box with your email client.
No matter what email client software you are using or where you use it, you can
send voice mail messages and fax mail messages to your E-Mail inbox.

There are two parts to the E-Mail Gateway; E-Message Delivery and E-Message

92 93
1. E-MESSAGE DELIVERY: Voice mail messages (.wav) and/or fax mail messages - However, the Voice Mail Administrator can adjust parameters per sub-
(.tiff ) are "delivered" to your Inbox with the appropriate attached file. scriber or group of subscribers that decide how, when, or if to delete the
original voice message after it is sent to the E-Mail Server.
2. E-MESSAGE NOTIFICATION: You will receive an e-mail, with NO attachments,
notifying you that you have a voice and/or fax mail message in your Voice Mail • When full synchronization of messages between Voicemail Box and E-mail
Box. Inbox is required, ask your Samsung representative about the OfficeServ IP-
UMS. This is an Internet Protocol based fully synchronized Unified Messaging
• As a subscriber you can use either E-Message Delivery and/or E-Message
• As a subscriber you can have multiple e-mail addresses. (a maximum of 5
valid email addresses).
• E-Message Notification can be set to one e-mail address while E-Message • Store and Archive Voice and Fax Mail Messages in visible folders.
Delivery is set to different e-mail address. • Voice and Fax Mail Messages can now easily be dragged and dropped into
folders the same way e-mail messages are organized and saved.
Functionality • Voice and Fax Mail Messages are now essentially the same as any other e-mail
• With either type of EMG, when Caller ID (CID) is provided, the callers tele- message.
phone number will appear in the subject field of the email along with the date • Backups and Message Archives can be made when they are made for all other
and time stamp of when the voice message was originally recorded in your types of e-mail messages.
Voice Mail Box. • Add text notes and comments to use for reference later.
• If the caller is also a subscriber on the system and the E-Mail Gateway is set up • Some (if not all) e-mail clients will allow you to edit the body of the e-mail to
with a valid "Reply To" address, the Subscriber's name will also appear in the add comments.
"From" field. Otherwise, the "From" field will display the name of the Samsung • Some will allow you to edit the subject field to help you find a particular mes-
voice mail system (SVMi-8E, SVMi-16E, or SVMi-20E) sending the message. sage quickly in a large archive of messages.
• Client will use their PC's Multi-Media kit (equipped with either speakers • Call Back Numbers and Date & Time Stamp are easily displayed in the Subject
and/or a headset) to listen to messages delivered to their e-mail Inbox. field.
• Easily forward Voice messages received, to others even if they are not a Voice
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the PC/Laptop/PDA/Smart Phone/etc… is not Mail Subscriber on your system.
equipped with hardware and software capable of playing a '.WAV' file then • No EMG System or Client Software to load on your Local PC or Network
the E-Mail Gateway will not work for them until they add some method to Servers.
listen to '.WAV' files delivered to their Inbox. Therefore compatible with most:
The same applies to Fax Mail messages, if the device the subscriber is using - E-Mail providers and E-Mail Clients
does not support the viewing of '.TIFF' files, then the E-Mail Gateway for - PCs, Laptops, PDA, and/or Smartphones
Fax Mail will not work for them until they add some method to view .tiff
files delivered to their inbox.
NOTE: If you are not sure you have this functionality on your system and
you would like to use it, please contact your on Site system administrator
• No Synchronization of messages is performed between the Voice Mail Box
to see if it is available.
and the E-mail Inbox.
- Messages listened to, forwarded, deleted, and/or saved within an e-mail
inbox will NOT effect the status of that same new message in the Voice
Mail or the MWI (Message Waiting Indicator) associated with that mes-
sage on the phone.
- Also messages listened to in the Voice Mail, from a phone, will not change
the Unread/Read status of the same message in an e-mail inbox.

94 95

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