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One Piece

Eiichiro Oda
East Blue Romance Dawn

East Blue
Romance Dawn

man is handcuffed and in front of him there are two other men with swords, crossing
into an "X". There was once a man who took everything in the world: wealth, fame and
power, known as Pirate King Gold Roger. The pirate's last words drove people
throughout the world to the sea. Roger announces that if someone wants his treasure he or she
can have it, saying that he left everything "there". Roger is executed, and the entire crowd,
including a man with a pirate symbol on his hand, is cheering. The world has entered the Golden
Age of Piracy.

In a small seaport village, a pirate ship landed almost one year ago. The east wind blows. It is a
small peaceful village. A boy is standing on the ship's figurehead. A man asks Luffy what he is
doing. The child's full name is revealed to be Monkey D. Luffy. He has a knife in his left hand and
he is wearing a shirt with "ANCHOR" written on it. He announces that he is not joking this time as
he had enough, and he decides to prove it for everyone. The man is wearing a straw hat and he
tells Luffy to go for it to see what he is going to do. Another man claims that the kid is going to do
something funny again. The child stabs himself with the knife right under his eye, screaming in
pain. All the pirates are surprised because of this. The first man shouted asking Luffy what is he

In the village, the pirates and the boy have gathered in the Partys Bar. A pirate proposed to drink
and celebrate to Luffy's craziness and to their greatness. Inside the bar, all the men are drinking
and eating. A fat man is drinking straight from a barrel of beer. A monkey can be seen dancing in
the background. One of the pirates laughs and tells everyone to drink. Another man asked to bring
him more sake. Two other men are fighting over a piece of meat. The first one calls the other one
an idiot and claims that it's his meat. The second one tells the first to shut up claiming that it is
his. A third man tells both of them to stop because it's shameful to fight while they are drunk.

Luffy is now patched up, but he is almost crying, claiming that it didn't hurt. The man with the
straw hat calls the boy a liar and tells him to not do something so stupid again. The child boasts
that he is not afraid of pain and asks the man to bring him to the sea the next time because he
also wants to be a pirate. The man claims that Luffy is not ready to be a pirate, explaining that
not being able to swim is a pirate's greatest weakness. The man is revealed to be the pirate leader
called "Red-Haired Shanks". The boy boasts that he will be fine as long as he stays on the board
and that his fighting is good, saying that he has trained and that his punch is as strong as pistol
fire. Shanks doubts Luffy's latter claim in a bored tone. The child gets angry at the man because
of his tone.

Many of the pirates are standing in a line, dancing with the fat man from before in the middle. A
man on his left is wearing a kerchief with "Yasopp" written on it. One of the man observes that
Luffy is unhappy. Another tells him to be happy to face anything. Another affirms and claims that
the life of a pirate is great. Another tells him that the sea is very wide, so he can go to any island
and adventure. Another claims that nothing is greater than freedom. Luffy is fascinated with the
pirates' words. Shanks requests that the men don't give the boy dumb ideas. The fat man argues
that it is the truth. Another man affirms. Another pirate suggests to the captain that they take the
child one time, since it is not a big deal. Another man and Luffy agree. Shanks orders that next
time one of his subordinates shall get off the ship and let the boy replace him. Hearing this, the

East Blue Romance Dawn

men turn away, while one of them comments that they said enough and that they should drink.
Luffy gets angry and asks the group what kind of friends they are.

Shanks claims that the most important thing is that the child is still too young and that he will
reconsider taking him in ten years. The kid boasts that he is a man. The red-haired man calms
him down and gives him a glass of juice. The boy happily accepts and drinks it. Shanks starts
laughing and crying proving that Luffy is still a kid. Luffy is angry at the trick.

Luffy becomes depressed that Shanks doesn't let him join the crew despite the fact that the boy
cut himself today. The bartender can be seen in the background. A smoking man tries to explain
to Luffy that he should try to understand the captain's feelings since he is their leader. The man
continues and says that the captain knows that the life of a pirate is interesting, but it is also very
dangerous. A wanted poster of Mikio Itoo can be seen in the background on a wall. The man
claims that his captain does not purposely tease the boy's ambition of becoming a pirate. Luffy
thinks Shanks is not taking him serious, which Shanks proves by mocking him again.

The bartender observes that the red-haired man is very happy. Shanks replies that making fun of
the boy is his joy. Luffy suggests again to the smoking man that the captain is not taking him
seriously. The bartender's name is revealed to be Makino. She holds a barrel of beer and asks
the kid if he wants to eat. Luffy affirms and claims that he will pay with his treasure. Shanks
doubts the existence of Luffy's treasure and calls him a liar. The boy denies, saying tha t he will
become a pirate and pay her with the treasure he finds. Makino replies that she will be waiting
and the kid starts laughing. Luffy is waiting with a fork and knife in his hands.

Finally, Makino brings Luffy and Shanks their meals. As the boy is struggling to bite in a big piece
of meat, he raises the question of how long the crew will be staying. The red-haired man
comments that it has been almost a year since they have made the town their base, so he is
thinking of taking a few more trips and then leave and head north. Luffy manages to bite in his
piece of meat. Luffy is thinking for a moment, and Makino looks at him, almost feeling sorry for
the child. As the bartender is washing some dishes, Luffy boasts that he will learn how to swim
by then, and Shanks wishes him good luck.

Suddenly, a man kicks down one of the doors of the bar. The whole place goes silent. The man
enters the bar along with a group behind him and excuses himself. He observes the group
partying, and mentions that it is his first time he saw pirates. He thinks that they look dumb. The
fat man and the smoking man are unfazed by this sudden appearance. Meanwhile, Luffy is eating
a strange fruit and is confused. The strange man walks towards the bartender, as Shanks is sitting
nearby and holding a bottle of sake. The men behind him are all wearing similar looking outfits.
He claims that they are bandits and that they are not there to cause trouble, since they only want
to buy ten barrels of sake. The man is revealed to be the leader of the bandits called Higuma.
However, Makino tells the bandit that the bar is out of alcohol. The man looks back toward the
pirates, thinking it is strange, and asks what are the other men drinking. He sarcastically asks if
it is water. The bartender confirms that the pirates are drinking sake, but that is all which is left.
Shanks is sorry for the man because his group drank all the alcohol, so he offers him the last
bottle that he was holding earlier. Higuma looks displeased, so he smashes the bottle, breaking
it into pieces and spilling the sake on the red-haired man. Luffy gets down from his seat that was
near Shanks. Makino is frightened at the situation, while the bandits are amused. The smoking
man is unfazed, and the boy is surprised. The bandit leader is unsatisfied of one bottle and asks
the pirate if he is unaware of the bandit's reputation. The red-haired man is upset that the floor
is all wet. Higuma brings out his wanted poster of B8,000,000, claiming that he is one of the
prime fugitives there, since he killed 56 people and tells Shanks to not mess with him again

East Blue Romance Dawn

because mountain bandits and pirates do not have good relationships. The red-haired pirate
ignores the bandit, picks up a large piece of the bottle from the ground, tells Makino that he is
sorry for the mess and asks her for a mop, saying that he will clean. Higuma takes out his sword
and cuts the table along with the plates on it, saying that since the red-haired man enjoys
cleaning, he can now enjoy it more. Convinced that Shanks is a coward, Higuma leaves the bar.
Outside, two citizens are seen hiding behind a building. Convinced that the town is pathetic, since
it doesn't even have alcohol, the bandit leader decides to go to the next town.

Afterwards, as Makino tries to see if the red-haired man is hurt, Shanks and his crew laugh at his
humiliation. The fat man thinks that the captain looked very silly. Angered by their attitude, Luffy
asks the group why are they laughing, since the situation was very disgraceful. The kid thinks they
should have fought the bandits, despite the fact that they had more people. The boy thinks that
someone that laughs after getting picked on is not a man, nor a pirate. Shanks tells Luffy that he
understands his feelings, but there is no reason to get worked up over a bottle of alcohol. As Luffy
turns to go away, Shanks grabs his arm to stop him and tells him to stay. However the boy tells
him that he doesn't want to see him again, since he is a coward. As the kid moves away, his arm
stretches, to everyone's surprise, including the kerchief man. The fat man looks into a box and
everyone is surprised, saying that the Gomu Gomu no Mi that they got from an enemy ship is not
there. The fat man is sweating and shows Luffy a drawing of the fruit he was eating earlier, and
asks him if he ate that. Luffy affirms, asking if that was not dessert, although it tasted badly.
Shanks goes in front of the boy and explains that that was the Gomu Gomu no Mi, one of the devil
fruits and one of the rarest treasures in the sea and that anyone that eats it turns into a rubber
human and will never be able to swim. Luffy is surprised and Shanks calls him an idiot.

Later, Luffy visits UO to buy some fish. The store keeper and his wife are happy to see the boy,
saying that he looks happy and asks him if the pirates left him behind again and mentions that
the kid can not swim anymore. Luffy claims that he is going to be a pirate that doesn't fall into the
sea. The boy stretches his cheeks, making them look like a big smile and he claims that he
became happier after eating the Gomu Gomu no Mi. An old man asks what is so good about
having a rubber body. He complains that everyone in the town thinks that Luffy's new ability is
cool, but he does not understand the usefulness of it. The boy calls him the chief. The old man is
standing on a crane, and tries to persuade the kid to not become a pirate since it would ruin the
town's reputation. He insists that despite the fact that the captain looks like a reasonable person,
Luffy should not hang around him anymore. Later, the doors at the Partys Bar are fixed. The boy
and Makino are staying there alone, while the bartender is cleaning a glass. Makino mentions
that the pirates have been out for a while and asks him if he misses them. Luffy replies that he
does not because he has not forgiven them for the bandit incident yet. As the boy is playing with
a glass that only contains a few cubes of ice, he claims that he overestimated Shanks. Luffy
thought that the red-haired man was a tough pirate, so he is disappointed. Makino thinks that
people that can stand up after getting picked on are brave. The boy tells her that she does not
understand, since there are times when men must fight back, so the bartender affirms that she
does not understand, and Luffy affirms again. Suddenly, a man enters the bar and excuses
himself. Luffy is surprised, and the man is revealed to be Higuma and he enters the bar along
with his group of bandits. He observes that the pirates are not there, so the bar is quiet. The entire
group sit at the tables, while the boy and the girl keep looking at them. The bandit leader asks
her what is she waiting for, saying that there are customers and orders her to bring them sake.

Later, Soon afterward, Makino rushes through the village to find the Mayor because Luffy has
gotten himself into a hostage situation with Higuma after Higuma said something that angered
him. As Makino and the Mayor return to reason with the bandit, the bandit states that it is already

East Blue Romance Dawn

too late because Luffy is going to die. As Higuma raises his sword to kill Luffy, Shanks and his
crew reappear. Higuma and his men tell them that it is none of their business.

As Shanks walks forward, one of the bandits points a gun at Shanks, only to be shot by Lucky
Roo. Shanks tells Higuma that he will not allow him to hurt a friend of his and get away with it.
Higuma, unfazed by his speech, sends the rest of the crew after him. Beckman decides to step in
and single-handily takes out the entire gang of bandits, leaving Higuma alone. Realizing he cannot
win, Higuma drops a smoke bomb and takes Luffy away. As the smoke clears, Shanks realizes
Luffy is gone and panics.

Out at sea, Higuma and Luffy stand in a boat. Higuma decides it is time to lose Luffy and kicks
him into the water. Angry that he could not do anything to Higuma, Luffy struggles in the water as
a Sea King appears. The Sea King eats Higuma, who is unable to do anything to defend himself,
before turning toward Luffy. Moments before Luffy is eaten, Shanks saves his life and scares
away the Sea King with a stare. When the Sea King is gone, Luffy begins crying upon realizing
Shanks has lost his left arm in saving his life.

Finally, Luffy realizes he is too young to sail out to sea and become a pirate, as well as what a
great man Shanks is. Later at the docks, Luffy says goodbye to Shanks and his crew and admits
he is sad that they are leaving, but is not worried about going with them because he has decided
he will become a pirate on his own. This leads to Shanks stating that he did not want him on his
crew in the first place before claiming that there is no way Luffy can become a pirate. Luffy angrily
proclaims he will become a pirate, gather a crew strong enough to beat Shanks's, find the world's
greatest treasure, and become the Pirate King no matter what. Happy about Luffy's decision,
Shanks gives him his straw hat and tells Luffy to give it back to him when he has become a great
pirate. Honored by Shanks's gesture, Luffy cries. As Shanks boards his ship to leave, Beckman
comments on how Luffy will become big. Shanks admits that he knows Luffy will because he
reminds him of himself when he was young.

Ten years later, Luffy leaves the village to start his own pirate crew and become the Pirate King.

Luffy sets off in a dinghy to form his own pirate crew; however, no sooner had he left than he ran
into his first problem - a whirlpool.

Meanwhile, on a remote island, as Alvida is inspecting her ship, she clobbers one of her crew for
leaving dust on the deck and asks Koby "Who is the most beautiful in all the sea?" The boy
fearfully replies that she is. She comments on how Koby is only allowed to stay because he knows
more about navigation than all the others do and how useless he is at everything else. She then
orders Koby to clean her shoes.

Sad and upset, Koby pushes a barrel he found into Alvida's hideout. Upon approach, three of
Alvida's crew (Heppoko, Peppoko, and Poppoko) stop him and take the barrel, bullying him into
being silent about the fact that they are going to drink the wine inside it without Alvida knowing.
Suddenly, Luffy bursts out of the barrel and shocks everyone. Before they can get their answer as
to why he popped out, Alvida sends her club flying into the hideout. Koby and Luffy flee;
meanwhile Alvida accuses her crew of slacking off because she heard someone call "Aw! What a
nice nap!" They explain it was not them, but an intruder instead. Alvida fears the famous bounty
hunter Roronoa Zoro is here to claim her bounty.

Elsewhere, Koby has dragged Luffy to safety away from Alvida. He shows him his boat that he
made over the last 2 years in an attempt to escape from her and explains how he got into his

East Blue Romance Dawn

situation. Luffy comments on how wimpy Koby is. Luffy tells Koby his dream to become Pirate
King. Koby cannot believe Luffy is prepared to die for his dream and Luffy hits Koby because he
does not like his wimpy outlook. Koby admires Luffy's outlook on life. Koby then reveals his
desires to become a Marine and catch bad guys. He boasts he would rather die trying to escape
to join them than spend the rest of his life at Alvida's side.

Just then, Alvida appears and destroys his boat. Alvida accuses Koby of hiring someone to kill
her. When she asks him who the most beautiful woman is, Luffy interferes and outwardly states
Alvida is an ugly old hag. Koby, inspired by Luffy, tells Alvida straight what he thinks of her. Alvida
strikes Koby in anger, but Luffy gets between her and Koby, taking the full force of Alvida's club;
to the shock of everyone, he survives. With one punch of his "Gomu Gomu no Pistol", Luffy knocks
Alvida out and orders her crew to fetch Koby a boat and to stay out of his way.

Sometime later, Luffy and Koby are seen sailing out to sea by themselves. Koby tells Luffy more
about Zoro, the bounty hunter Alvida mentioned. Luffy decides that he wants to try to recruit Zoro
and they head off.

Out at sea, Koby and Luffy are discussing Luffy's decision to recruit Zoro. Sometime later, they
arrive at the Marine base Zoro is being held at. Luffy is surprised that they actually arrived, and
Koby points out that these are the basics of navigation. Koby points out that Luffy can not just
float around out at sea and that he must find a navigator soon. Luffy then says they should go

At a restaurant, when Koby and Luffy discuss parting ways, Luffy mentions Z oro's name with
shocking results from the other customers. When Koby mentions the name of the Marine in
charge of the base, Morgan, the same effect occurs. In the street Koby comments on the
reactions for the villagers here in the town, understanding why they reacted out of fear for Zoro
due to his reputation, but not Morgan's name.

At the Marine base, after Luffy climbs up the wall to see Zoro, he climbs up another part of the
wall to get a better view of someone he saw in the base. Koby also climbs up, but falls down again
out of fear after sighting Zoro. Zoro offers the two the head of a bounty carrier if they will free him
due to him going without food for 9 days.

As they talk with Zoro, Rika suddenly appears next to them and she climbs up it, hushing them to
be quiet. Rika climbs over the wall; Koby beckons her to come back as she walks towards Zoro.
She offers him some onigiri since he has not eaten in several days. Zoro refuses and tells her to
go away.

Just then, Morgan's son, Helmeppo, appears with a few Marines and starts mocking Zoro. He
snatches the rice balls from Rika and eats one of them. However, he soon spits it out due to the
fact she made them using sugar instead of salt. He knocks them to the ground and stomps on
them, much to Koby's shock at seeing someone affiliated with the marines do such a cruel thing.
She cries, lamenting on how she worked hard to make them. Helmeppo then points out the law
made by his father, which states that anyone who assists a prisoner will suffer the death penalty.
Helmeppo says that since she's a child, she'll be let off the hook. He then orders one of the
Marines with him to toss her over the wall. When he refuses, he reminds them who his father is
and the Marine throws her over the wall, forcing Luffy to catch her. Helmeppo continues to mock
Zoro, but Zoro continues to be strong about his situation.

East Blue Romance Dawn

After he is gone, Luffy talks to Zoro about joining his crew. Zoro states that he will not join a pirate
crew and become a criminal as he has his own dream to follow. After they finish talking, Zoro asks
Luffy to give him the rice balls to eat despite the state they are now in. He then tells Luffy to tell
Rika that he ate them all and that they were tasty.

Later, Luffy explains how Zoro ate the rice balls and enjoyed them to Rika. Koby is surprised at
how considerate Zoro was, despite the reputation he holds. She explains that Zoro is not a bad
person and that he was arrested for killing Helmeppo's pet wolf, Soro, while defending her from
him, as Soro was running wild, terrorizing the town at the time. As Rika finishes explaining the
story, Helmeppo appears bragging about going back on his promise to Zoro and says that he
plans on having him killed the next day. Luffy hits him out of anger and after Helmeppo runs away,
Luffy decides Zoro is joining his crew.

Helmeppo is angry at Luffy for hitting him. Koby can barely hold Luffy back and the townsfolk are
in awe at Luffy's actions. Helmeppo is dragged away by two Marines, claiming Luffy will die for
hitting him. Rika is pulled away by Ririka, her mother, but Rika defends Luffy and Zoro as good
men. Luffy tells Koby he is going to speak to Zoro again.

Back at the Marine base, one of the Marines reports to Morgan that the amount of offering from
the townsfolk is decreasing. Morgan is unable to accept that they are poor, seeing it as a sign
that the townsfolk are disrespecting him. Just then, Helmeppo bursts in and tells his father that
he wants someone killed.

Luffy arrives to talk to Zoro about him joining his crew. He makes a deal with Zoro that if he gets
him his swords, he must join his crew.

On the roof, a statue of Morgan is being raised. Helmeppo is still demanding that Morgan kill
Luffy; however, he is hit for giving Morgan an order. Morgan mentions that he heard a lit tle girl
snuck into the base earlier. He orders Lieutenant Junior Grade Rokkaku to go find and kill her for
disrespecting him. When the Marine refuses, he is hit. Morgan then claims he will do it himself,
and gives the order to raise the statue.

On ground level, while Luffy is trying to find a Marine to get Zoro's swords, he hears someone on
the roof. On the roof, Seaman Recruit Ukkari knocks the statue against part of the building on the
roof. Luffy launches himself up onto the roof via "Gomu Gomu no Rocket". As the Marine is about
to be punished for knocking the statue, Luffy flies by, grabbing some of the ropes on the statue
because he has taken off into the air too fast. To the horror of everyone there, the statue breaks.

Morgan suddenly bursts out Luffy's death sentence and Helmeppo points out that Luffy was the
one he wanted his father to kill in the first place. Then Luffy drags Helmeppo into the base building
to find Zoro's swords, while one of the Marines spots Koby untying Zoro. Morgan becomes
paranoid because he thinks the townsfolk are turning on him, and Koby is suddenly shot.

Luffy is busy dragging Helmeppo through the base, trying to find Zoro's swords. After dragging
Helmeppo for a while, Luffy asks Helmeppo where Zoro's swords are and he tells Luffy they are
in his room. Luffy decides to use Helmeppo as a human shield, leaving some pursuing Marines
in a position where they cannot do anything.

Koby meanwhile realizes that he has been shot and that he had started bleeding. Zoro tells Koby
to run, but Koby will not go until Zoro is untied. He tells Zoro that Helmeppo never planned to
keep his word. Zoro cannot believe what he is hearing, and Koby tells Zoro how Luffy punched

East Blue Romance Dawn

Helmeppo because of what they overheard him say. Koby asks Zoro to help Luffy. Suddenly, some
Marines approach Zoro and Koby and declare them traitors.

Elsewhere, Luffy has found Zoro's swords. Luffy suddenly spots what is going on down on the
ground outside the window of the Marine base. Zoro and Koby are in trouble and Morgan wants
them dead. Zoro, aware that he may die, begins a flashback to his days as a young boy and his
reasons for becoming who he is.

Zoro is in a training dojo on the ground after a defeat against Kuina. Kuina is mocking him for
failing to win against her (for the 2000th time). Zoro's friends stick up for him when he is called
weak, as Kuina states even though he can stand up to the adults, it is no good if he still cannot
beat her. The others accuse her for showing off because she is the dojo master's daughter. As
the sensei enters the room, the other trainee swordsmen (save Zoro himself) accuse him of giving
her special training because she is able to beat Zoro. The sensei just states that Kuina is older.

Later that night, a frustrated Zoro challenges Kuina to fight him with real katana. Kuina accepts
Zoro's challenge. With one strike, Zoro loses and Kuina claims her 2001st victory against him.
After the duel is over, Kuina breaks down in tears. She tells Zoro her woe about being a girl; as
she gets older, she will fall behind him due to the fact girls do not acquire the strength guys do.
Kuina says that she wishes she had been born a boy, but Zoro gets angry at her, saying that she
does not have the right to complain after she beat him. Zoro goes further by saying that it was an
insult to all the hard work he'd been doing. The two then make an agreement; one of them will
become the greatest swordsman in the world.

Disaster hits the next day as Zoro is informed of the worst; Kuina has fallen down the stairs and
died. Upset, Zoro calls to her body lying lifeless, its face covered with a cloth, accusing her of
running away. Zoro asks the sensei to give Zoro her sword; he will become the world's greatest
swordsman on her behalf.

Back in the present, Zoro faces death. As the Marines fire, Luffy jumps in front of them and the
bullets hit him instead. The bullets then bounce off Luffy to the disbelief of everyone watching.
Zoro accepts Luffy's offer to join his crew because he would rather become a criminal than die.

Morgan tells his men that Luffy must have eaten a Devil Fruit and that he is not a normal human.
Realizing guns will not work; the Marines attack Luffy while he is trying to untie Zoro. Koby
awakens after fainting when Luffy was shot at to see the Marines charging at Zoro and Luffy. Luffy
manages to untie Zoro and hands him his swords.

After freeing himself, all the charging Marines find their swords are locked by Zoro's three swords.
Zoro threatens to kill anyone who moves and the Marines cry with fear. Zo ro tells Luffy he has
already declared he will join him and after this, the Marines will declare him a criminal. He lays
down the conditions for him to join Luffy, warning him that his plans have better not interfere with
his own.

Morgan calls out to his men to fight them and Luffy tells Zoro to duck. Luffy knocks all the Marines
who currently have their swords locked against Zoro's swords. The Marines complain that they
cannot defeat the pair. Morgan orders his men to hold their guns to their heads for dis obeying
him. Luffy proclaims that he is the Marines' worst enemy and dares Morgan to attack him. The
fight presumes, and Morgan cuts a fence in half with his axe-hand.

East Blue Orange Town

Morgan proves to have high endurance as neither man manages to knock the other to the gr ound.
As Morgan is knocked around by Luffy, Morgan's son Helmeppo holds a gun to Koby's head and
threatens to kill him. Koby tells Luffy to continue, but Luffy ignores him and lands a punch on
Helmeppo. Morgan takes advantage of this to attack Luffy, but is defeated by Zoro.

Morgan has been defeated; however, the Marines working for him would rather celebrate than
worry about his loss. Due to his fatigue, Zoro finally collapses.

Back at Rika’s home, Zoro is eating after going for nine days without food. Zoro asks Luffy what
his plans are. Luffy states he wants to go to the Grand Line to find One Piece. Zoro questions why
Koby is worried since he is not going with them. He replies that it is because they are friends. Zoro
points out to Koby that his past with Alvida makes joining the Marines difficult as he has
association with pirates.

Just then, the Marines enter the building demanding to know if Luffy and Zoro are pirates. After
the pair confirms that they are, they are told as pirates the Marines are grateful for their help, but
they cannot stay in town and must leave; however, the Marines will not be reporting the whole
event to Marine Headquarters. Luffy and Zoro thank Rika's mother for the food.

Koby is left standing there alone and the Marines question whether he is with the pirates. Koby
claims otherwise. As Luffy is asked if he knows Koby, Luffy goes on about how Koby used to be
with Alvida. Angry that Luffy is telling the Marines what he does not want them to know, he hits
him. With everyone watching in awe, Luffy begins to punch Koby for hitting him. After the Marines
stop Luffy from fighting, Koby is declared not to be with Luffy and Zoro and the two are ordered
to leave.

Lying on the ground, Koby brings his nerves together and declares he wants t o join the Marines,
even if it's just to do chores. The Marine in charge of the scene asks Koby if he really wants to
join, the Marine acknowledges his past with pirates and agrees that Koby can join.

On the outskirts of town, Zoro and Luffy are leaving. Koby suddenly catches their attention. Koby
salutes the pirates; suddenly he becomes aware that the other Marines are also saluting the
pirates. As the two sail away in a small boat, the Marine in charge declares that they violated the
Marine code of conduct and now must go one week without food, but not before commenting to
Koby on how he has a good friend in Luffy.

Orange Town

oro and Luffy are lost, starving at sea due to the fact that neither of them has any
navigation skills. They are talking about how Zoro survives on the sea by hunting others.
The real reason he went out is that he was searching for some man, but then he lost
his way home, so he had to do bounty hunting for a living. Luffy somewhat correctly comes to the
conclusion that Zoro has been lost this whole time, which angers the swordsman who tells him
to shut up. Some time passes and a bird (Pinky) flies overhead, causing a starving Luffy to go
after it, which ends up with him in the bird's beak and is carried off with Zoro left to chase after

As Zoro rows as fast as he can, he comes across some castaways (Tightrope Walking Funan Bros)
and tells them to grab on, as he is not stopping. When they are on board, they reveal that they
are pirates working for Captain Buggy and that they were taking the boat. Zoro then reveals to

East Blue Orange Town

them who he is by beating them. As they row him onwards the question of why they were in the
middle of the ocean arises.

It turns out they were tricked by a girl (Nami) on a boat, who stole their boat leaving them to be
sunk on her boat with help from the weather. One of Buggy's crew tells Zoro about their captain
and how he has the power of the Devil Fruit.

Meanwhile, a girl in the nearby town is running from some of Buggy's crew after stealing their
map to the Grand Line. Elsewhere Buggy's men report seeing a strange bird and Buggy gives the
order to shoot it down. As the bird is hit, Luffy falls right in front of the girl. However, to the shock
of the Superhuman Domingos, Luffy stands up unscathed.

The girl tries to claim Luffy is her boss in order to get out of trouble with the pirates and runs off
leaving Luffy to deal with them. One of Buggy's crew knocks Luffy's straw hat causing him to get
mad. Luffy beats them up. After he is finished, the girl reappears claiming to be a thief that steals
from pirates, called Nami.

Nami invites Luffy to join her, claiming to be a thief who steals from pirates. Nami asks Luffy what
is important about his hat that made him mad when Buggy's crew touched it.

Elsewhere, Buggy is dealing with one of his crew members after Nami got away. Buggy mishears
him, thinking that he said something about his nose being strange. The man is raised into the air
via Buggy's Devil Fruit powers; Buggy orders the rest of the crew to put a cannon to the man and
fire. With the man killed by cannon fire, Buggy orders everyone to search the town for the thief
and any treasure to be found.

Nami is explaining to Luffy in a house elsewhere who Buggy is and why the town is empty. She
warns Luffy that Buggy is fond of using his cannon and that he once destroyed a whole town
because a boy made fun of his nose. Nami gets fed up with Luffy's short attention span and
tendency to ignore her.

Nami reveals her quest to buy a village. She begins to talk about her plan she has for the Grand
Line map she stole; she will go there and steal from all the famous pirates there. Nami confirms
she is a navigator and Luffy is excited about her joining in his adventure; however, when he tells
her he is a pirate, she changes her mind. Nami still does not understand the deal with Luffy's
straw hat. Just as Nami has decided to quit, she suddenly has an idea. She agrees to join him if
he comes with her to see Buggy. However, she takes some rope with her and as they approach
his hideout, Nami ties Luffy up with it.

Buggy is telling off his crew who believe they are about to be killed for not being able to find the
thief who stole their map. Just then Nami and Luffy enter the scene, to Buggy's surprise. Nami
hands over Luffy and decides to pretend to join Buggy's crew, handing over the map she stole.

Elsewhere, Zoro arrives after being taken to the island where Buggy is.

Buggy celebrates the return of his map of the Grand Line and Nami joining his crew. During the
celebrations, Nami begins to plan her next move; she will make all the pirates drunk to make
clearing them out easier. Luffy, seeing the other pirates celebrating, wants to join in the fun too
and Nami comes over to tease him about his current situation.

East Blue Orange Town

Buggy suddenly appears behind her to proclaim that Luffy should die. As a demonstration, he
levels a street of buildings with his cannon and a Buggy Ball. Buggy reveals that he plans to use
his Devil Fruit powers along with his cannons to conquer the Grand Line. Buggy then orders Nami
to fire the cannon at Luffy to prove her loyalty to him. Nami hesitates to fire the cannon, as she
had not planned to kill anyone.

When Nami does not lit the fuse on the cannon, one of Buggy's crew steps in to light it anyway,
and Nami hits him away with her staff. She claims that no matter what she does, she does not
want to become a cruel pirate because pirates killed the most important person in her life.

While Nami is talking to Buggy, Luffy suddenly notices the fuse is lit. He tries to eat the cage in
desperation to get out. As the fuse burns, Nami finds herself under attack by the Buggy pirates.
Nami fights the attacking pirates while Luffy continues to try and eat his way out of the cage.
Suddenly Zoro appears, having found Luffy at last.

Buggy approaches Zoro asking him if he came for Buggy's head. When Buggy asks if Zoro wishes
to kill him to become more famous, Zoro attacks him. Buggy is cut into pieces (to the shock of
Luffy and Nami), but Buggy's crew simply laughs.

Zoro stands seemingly victorious after slicing up Buggy. However, as he goes to free Luffy from
his cage, Buggy's crew starts laughing. Nami questions to herself why the crew is doing so when
Zoro suddenly finds himself struck in the side by a hand holding a knife. Buggy floats behind Zoro
as he finds himself fighting the hand and boasts about his Devil Fruit powers, the Bara Bara no

Zoro is injured and finds that he needs rescuing even though he had initially come to rescue Luffy.
While Nami is simply shocked about the whole thing, Luffy calls Buggy "Big nose" while claiming
he is a jerk for striking Zoro in the back. Buggy gets angry and sends his hand out again this time
to kill Luffy; however, Luffy grasps the knife between his teeth. As Luffy claims he will finish Buggy,
Buggy and his crew laugh. Luffy tells Zoro to escape, but Nami does not understand. Zoro,
however, gets the idea of what Luffy is going to do.

Zoro attempts to escape, but Buggy launches his Bara Bara no Hou. Zoro heads for the cannon
and turns it over to face Buggy and his crew. Nami lights the fuse and the cannon fires at the
Buggy Pirates. While Buggy's crew is down for the count, Zoro goes to Luffy and, ignoring the
request to find a way out of the cage for Luffy, grabs the cage and he makes a break for it before
Buggy fully recovers. Zoro asks who Nami is and, while she says she is just a thief, Luffy tells him
that he wants her to be their navigator. Nami denies Luffy's statement and follows behind them.
Buggy's crew begins to find their bearings and find all three of them gone, as well as the key to
Luffy's cage. Buggy's crew starts to search the town, but Zoro and Luffy are on a rooftop. Furious,
Buggy declares war on them.

Buggy gloats about his reputation as a pirate in front of his crew. He orders them to find Luffy,
Nami, and Zoro no matter what. Mohji arrives riding Richie and asks Buggy if he could take Zoro
out. Buggy replies that he does not mind.

Elsewhere, Zoro is still carrying Luffy in a cage. Suddenly, he collapses to the ground out of
exhaustion. The pair notice there is a dog sitting staring at them. Luffy comments about how the
dog is sitting so still that you cannot tell if he's is real or not, before provoking the dog into biting
him when he pokes him in the head. Nami shows up and explains to them that they will likely be
found if they remain in the middle of the road. Nami throws a key to the cage in front of Luffy, but

East Blue Orange Town

before he can grab it the dog eats the key. Luffy attempts to strangle the dog in anger. The mayor
of the town Boodle shows up, demanding that they stop hurting the dog, Chouchou.

Boodle takes them to his house to rest, and explains why the dog is sitting where he is. He feeds
him every day, and he is guarding his owner's pet store. Ten years ago, the mayor's friend and
Chouchou's owner opened the store. Chouchou's owner went into hospital three months ago and
never returned, leaving Chouchou behind to guard the store. Chouchou is covered in wounds from
fighting the pirates: he is aware his owner will not be coming back, but he still guards the store
because it is his treasure. Boodle talks about leaving the dog and moving away, but he admits he
has changed his mind many times.

Just then, they hear the roar of Richie the lion. Boodle and Nami run away, leaving Chouchou,
Luffy and Zoro behind. When Mohji and Richie arrive, they find Luffy still in his cage. Luffy mocks
Mohji's hairstyle, provoking him. Mohji boasts about being such a good animal trainer that every
animal follows his orders, but Chouchou bites him anyway. When Richie pounces on the cage to
finish Luffy, he frees Luffy instead.

As the pair prepare to leave, not noticing that Luffy is still alive, Richie smells the food inside the
Pet Store, and Mohji tells Richie that he can eat the food.

After surviving an attack from Richie, Boodle and Nami struggle to believe Luffy could have lived.
The mayor demands to know why Luffy is in Orange Town, and Luffy replies it's to acquire the map
of the Grand Line and a navigator.

Meanwhile Richie and Mohji approach the pet store, only to find out Chouchou will not allow them
inside. Chouchou fights the lion, but even though he loses, he will not surrender his treasure and
the memory of his owner. As Luffy walks over to find Zoro, Mohji is angry over the dog as it bit
him. But as Luffy approaches the pet store, he finds it ablaze with Chouchou barking at the loss
of his greatest treasure.

Returning from the store, Mohji and his lion come across Luffy standing in the way. They cannot
believe he is still alive and fail to understand what Luffy means by saying that he is a rubber man.
Mohji sends Richie to attack, however to his shock and horror Luffy stops it with an attack. Mohji
is astonished that Luffy has a Devil Fruit like his captain Buggy. Mohji begs for mercy, but Luffy
explains he is not the one Mohji must say sorry to. Luffy stretches his arms to grab Mohji and
throws him head first to the ground.

Nami and the mayor return at Chouchou's store's ruins. Nami expresses a strong dislike for all
pirates for what has happened. When Luffy shows up, she takes her dislike for pirates out on him,
but Boodle holds her back, preventing her from striking Luffy (although he states she could not
kill him even if she tried). Luffy places a bag of pet food in front of Chouchou. Even though the
bag of food is all that is left of the store, Chouchou is grateful to Luffy for what he has done. Nami
is left wondering why Luffy did something so unlike a pirate.

Meanwhile, Buggy gives the order to prepare the Buggy Balls, as he is ready to wipe the town out.

Mohji reports back to Buggy; despite being afraid to tell Buggy about his failure, he feels he must
warn him. However, he faints while he is warning him. The crew cannot make out what Mohji was
trying to say, but Buggy becomes aware that he is facing a tough man and orders his men to hurry
up the preparation of the Buggy Balls.

East Blue Orange Town

Outside the town, Chouchou arrives at the camp the townsfolk are staying at, injured but safe (to
everyone's relief). Since Boodle failed to return with the dog, they are now worried.

Back in the town, Nami has changed her mind about Luffy being a pirate. The mayor gets
frustrated at the pirates in the town, because while Chouchou and Luffy fought hard he stood
back and did nothing. The mayor tells Luffy and Nami how only 40 years ago, the land was nothing
but bare earth, and how the people moved here to forget all about the pirates that had previously
done them wrong. The mayor declares the town is his treasure.

At that moment, Buggy launches a Buggy ball that hits the Mayor's house where Zoro was
sleeping, making everyone fly from the ball's incredible damage. Luffy and the Mayor go crazy
because Zoro is in the house, but Zoro simply gets up out of the rubble, awake and relatively
unharmed. The mayor is in shock as his life's work is torn apart, and he cannot sit by while this is
happening. Nami tries to calm him down, but the mayor is too upset about what is happening. As
the mayor runs off, Luffy ensures Nami he will not let him die. Luffy asks Nami to join him, but
Nami declares she will not become a pirate. However, she will help Luffy in exchange for any
treasure they find.

As Buggy has a second shot readied, the Mayor shows up and stands in the way. He makes a
stand against the pirates as elsewhere Luffy, Zoro, and Nami make their way to Buggy.

Boodle challenges Buggy over the matter of the town. While the crew laugh, Cabaji, Buggy's staff
offers to deal with the mayor himself and leaps into the air to strike him down. Buggy steps in and
tells Cabaji to back off, as the mayor challenged him directly. Boodle's claim that the town is his
treasure amuses Buggy, who only views gold and silver as treasure.

Buggy splits his right arm off and sends it flying towards the mayor, grabbing him by the throat
and lifting him off the ground. Trying to get Buggy off him, Boodle strikes at his throat where the
hand is holding it. He struggles for air while Buggy gloats that, after this town, he plans on heading
out into the Grand Line and stealing all the treasures there. Boodles's efforts amuse him, but
Luffy appears in time to save the man and pulls the hand off Boodle's neck.

Buggy re-attaches his hand as Nami tells Zoro and Luffy to fight, while she grabs the Grand Line
map and any treasures she can find nearby. The mayor is displeased about seeing Luffy and the
others, as he wanted to fight Buggy on his own. Luffy however renders the mayor unconscious
with a punch (much to Nami's shock), in order to make sure he is safe and does not get in the

Luffy then calls out to Buggy, shouting "Hey, big nose!" to provoke him. Because of his reputation
of overreacting to anything related to his nose, Buggy's crew, Zoro and Nami are all horrified.
Buggy then demands that his crew load another Buggy Ball into the cannon, while Zoro and Nami
flee for cover. Launching the powerful cannonball towards Luffy, the rubber man blows himself
up like a balloon and shoots the cannonball straight back at the Buggy Pirates.

Nami demands that Luffy explain more about who he is, because she does not understand how
he survived an attack from Richie. She also asks how he inflated himself, to which Luffy responds
with the attack's name, much to Nami's dismay.

Buggy and Cabaji rise after having survived the attack from the reflected Buggy Ball, doing so by
using other crew members as shields. Cabaji remarks that their current situation is the biggest
humiliation their crew has ever received under their flag. Mohji regains consciousness and

East Blue Orange Town

becomes upset at Cabaji, because Cabaji is holding an unconscious Richie. Cabaji tells Mohji that
he used Ritchie as a shield so that his clothes would not get dirty. As Mohji goes over to check on
Ritchie, he notices that Luffy is present.

Mohji warns his captain that he should be careful of Luffy, explaining that Luffy has eaten a Devil
Fruit just like Buggy, and he is made of rubber. Nami, shocked, turns to Luffy who demonstrates
his power by stretching his cheeks out. Buggy realizes that this is how Luffy reflected the Buggy
Ball, and loses his temper with Mohji for not telling him about Luffy's powers sooner. Mohji is
thrown by Buggy towards Luffy, who in turns slams him into a nearby wall and remarks that the
fight has begun.

Cabaji, now on his unicycle, attacks Luffy, but Zoro intercepts the attack. Zoro remarks that if
anyone is fighting with swords, he'll be their opponent, and Cabaji replies that it would be an
honor as a swordsman to kill Zoro. Luffy notices that Zoro is struggling by his wound from his
earlier encounter with Buggy, and suggests that he should fight Cabaji while Zoro rests. Cabaji
also notices the wound, and begins to attack Zoro using a fire breathing trick, although Zoro
evades the attack. Cabaji uses the opportunity to kick the wound, and Zoro falls to the ground in
agony. Cabaji uses another trick to cause a dust storm to blind Zoro and strikes again, Zoro blocks
the attack, but once again Cabaji kicks him directly in the wound and Zoro once again collapses
in agony.

Cabaji mocks Zoro, saying that it is pathetic to see a grown man on the ground, and that it w as a
mistake for Zoro to make an enemy out of their crew. Nami decides that Zoro should have never
started fighting, and begs Luffy to interfere; however Luffy does nothing. Cabaji launches into the
final attack, but Zoro gets up and knocks him aside. Zoro asks if Cabaji enjoys hitting his wound,
before cutting himself again in the same spot. He declares his goal to be the world's greatest
swordsman, and asks Cabaji if these additional wounds will satisfy him. Zoro then promises to
show Cabaji the true difference in power levels between them, which leaves Luffy impressed.

Luffy cheers on Zoro while Nami points out how he looks like he is about to collapse after
wounding himself on purpose. Zoro swears that he will not be defeated by another swordsman.
Cabaji notes Zoro's determination, but adds that Zoro can use his wounds as a excuse once he
has lost the fight; Zoro responds by claiming if he loses in this condition, then his fate is obvious
and he will never be the world's greatest swordsman.

Nami whispers her plan to Luffy, while Buggy and Cabaji are distracted and the rest of Buggy’s
crew is unconscious; they will continue fighting while she steals Buggy’s treasure from a
warehouse. She expects the Grand Line map is still in Buggy's possession, not with the rest of the
treasure, and says that after she gets the treasure, she will escape. She reasons that whether or
not Luffy and Zoro win their fight does not depend on her, so she can escape without causing any
problems; and if Luffy wins the fight and gets the map, then they can "cooperate" again before
she leaves.

As the fight between Zoro and Cabaji rages on, Cabaji begins what he calls his best trick. After
launching several tops at Zoro, he rides his unicycle up a wall and leaps high into the air to prepare
a downward strike. Zoro manages to deflect all of the tops, but Buggy launches his hand with his
devil fruit powers to grab Zoro, so that he cannot avoid Cabaji's attack. Luffy intervenes by
stepping on Buggy's hand before he can grab Zoro - while Buggy recoils in pain, Luffy tells him
that he shouldn't interfere with Zoro's fight. Cabaji continues to go for his attack even without his
captain's help. Zoro dodges, but becomes exhausted due to the strain of his wounds, and says
that he is tired. Cabaji interrupts to insult him, before being thrown from his unicycle by Zoro. Zoro

East Blue Orange Town

then finishes his statement, saying that he is tired of fighting an opponent with such pitiful skills.
Cabaji tries to retaliate with one final strike against Zoro, but Zoro uses his "Oni Giri" attack to
finish off Cabaji. As Cabaji falls, he admits that it is shameful to be defeated by a common thief.
Zoro collapses from exhautsion as he declares himself to be a pirate, telling Luffy that he is going
to sleep. Luffy promises Zoro that he will finish things off.

Buggy is shocked to learn that Luffy and Zoro are pirates. Luffy demands that Buggy should hand
over the Grand Line map, but Buggy responds that the Grand Line is not a place where nobodies
like Luffy can go as they please, and asks Luffy what he intends to do there. Luffy responds that
he is going to be the King of the Pirates, stunning Buggy, before he also delcares that he will be
the Pirate King. Luffy says that they should stop talking and begin their fight, but as they prepare
to fight, Buggy remarks that Luffy's hat reminds him of a red-haired man he once knew.

Buggy confirms the "Red-Hair" he mentioned was Shanks. Luffy demands he tell him where
Shanks is. Buggy implies he may know where Shanks is, but Luffy calls him an idiot for the way
he said it. Buggy loses his temper, asking him if he can reflect knives, only for Luffy to
automatically confirm he cannot.

With that, Buggy attacks, and Luffy jumps to avoid him. Seeing Luffy in the air, Buggy points out
that Luffy is now helpless as he cannot fly like Buggy. However, when he attacks, Luffy stretches
his arm to a lampost and pulls himself out of the way. As Buggy's attack flies past, Luffy throws a
long punch at Buggy, who dodges and tells Luffy that his power is also his weakness, and that he
has now left himself open. He fails to notice that Luffy's punch has kept going, and that he has
got hold of a windows ledge. He uses the ledge to launch himself into another attack, which Buggy
dodges again.

Luffy crashes into the ruins of a house behind him. After stealing the treasure, Nami watches the
fight from a distance. Some of Buggy's crew decide to pretend to still be unconscious, rather than
risk being killed if they get involved in the fight. Buggy launches another attack, sending out his
arm holding three knives. Luffy grabs it, but Buggy separates his hand from the attacking arm to
land the strike anyway. Luffy dodges, but is struck in the side of the face by one of the knives. The
blow then pierces Luffy's straw hat.

Buggy mocks Luffy, thinking he is upset by his face being cut. Luffy reveals he is instead angry,
because that last attack damaged his hat. Seeing Luffy call the hat his treasure, Buggy pulls his
hand back towards him, with the hat run through by his knives. As Buggy holds the hat up, Luffy
remembers the promise he made on the hat and runs after it. When he hears Luffy saying the hat
belonged to Shanks, Buggy throws it to the ground, and explains he was once friends with Shanks.
After Buggy spits on the hat, Luffy refuses to hear Buggy compare himself to Shanks, and throws
a furious punch. Buggy separates his head while laughing, but Luffy instead hits him in the

Luffy is still mad that Buggy said Shanks was his friend, but Buggy insists he can say what he
wants about the pirate. Buggy begins to separate his body, but Luffy hits him to stop him. The
Buggy Pirates lying on the ground cannot believe their captain is losing. Nami suddenly realizes
she is caught up in watching the fight.

Back at the camp outside the village, the villagers are now worried about their mayor. When Poro
decides to head into town to find him, he is supported by the others, and they all go.

East Blue Orange Town

Buggy claims Shanks is the one person who has angered him the most over the years. He has a
flashback about their time as fellow pirates. Shanks and Buggy are fighting on a pirate ship about
whether the North Pole or South Pole is colder. An unnamed senior member of the crew steps in
and stops their fight by banging their heads together, telling them if they really want to find to
prove which is colder, then they should go and find out themselves.

A lookout tells the crew that there is an approaching vessel, and they prepare themselves for a
fight. Buggy is delighted by the thought of getting some treasure from the ship, but Shanks replies
there is more to being a pirate then treasure, despite what Buggy thinks. During the fight, Buggy
finds a treasure map to an underwater treasure horde. Buggy hides the map so he can claim the
treasure himself.

Later that night, Shanks leaves a wild party on the ship to ask Buggy why he is not joining in, and
explains they found a rare treasure on the enemy ship. Buggy shows signs of guilt, leaving Shanks
wondering what Buggy is concealing. Since Buggy is convinced his plan will succeed, he discusses
his future with Shanks and talks about leaving the ship. Shanks says he might also leave, find a
crew and travel around the world as a pirate. Buggy mocks his ideas, telling Shanks he's too
naïve and innocent to ever make it as a pirate, and that if it wasn't for his crazy ideas, he would
have him on his crew. Shanks declines on the grounds that their views are too different, and they
agree if they ever meet on the sea they will fight to the end.

Shanks reveals that the party was because they had found a Devil Fruit; after telling Buggy the
powers and value of the fruit, Buggy makes up his mind to eat it the next day. In front of the entire
crew, he swallows the Devil Fruit whole. He tells the others the fruit had no effect on him, and
they all dismiss the stories they've heard about the Devil Fruits. Unknown to them, Buggy had
already switched the fruit with a fake, and plans to sell it. That night, Buggy plans to leave the
crew and begin his dream of becoming a pirate. Shanks surprises him by appearing suddenly; in
desperation he hides the Devil Fruit in his mouth and the map in his jacket. Buggy manages to
get Shanks to leave, but as he lets out a sigh of relief, Shanks once again pops up behind him,
startling Buggy and causing him to swallow the Devil Fruit.

Buggy is in complete shock at what he has done, but before he could finish yelling at Shanks,
Shanks points out a fluttering piece of paper heading over the side of the ship. Buggy realizes
this is his map and leaps after it; as he lands in the water, he discovers the story about the sea
turning against Devil Fruit users is true, and he is unable to swim. Up on the ship, the crew gathers
wondering why Buggy has not come up yet since he is a good swimmer, and Shanks eventually
dives into the water after him.

After hearing Buggy's story, Luffy is relieved to hear Shanks saved Buggy's life. This infuriates
Buggy, as his plans were set back ten years due to losing the Devil Fruit. Buggy notices Nami with
the stolen treasure, and launches the upper half of his body at her.

Nami is being chased by Buggy's top half for stealing his treasure. Just as he is about to reach
her, Luffy notices that his lower half has not moved at all, and kicks him between the legs. As
Buggy hits the ground in pain, Luffy reminds him who he is fighting. Luffy tells Nami to abandon
her treasures and run, but Nami refuses, claiming that since she stole it, the treasure is now hers.
Buggy gets angry upon hearing this, but Nami reasons that she hasn't done anything bad enough
to be told off by a pirate.

Buggy separates himself further, launching parts of himself at Nami. Luffy notices that his feet
cannot fly and picks one of them up. As Buggy continues to chase Nami, Luffy tickles his foot and

East Blue Syrup Village

hits it on the ground, causing Buggy pain and discomfort and distracting him from attacking Nami.
Nami swings the bag of treasure around to strike Buggy, but Buggy grabs the bag. With both of
them refusing to let go, Buggy attempts to strike Nami with his knives. As he is poised to attack,
Luffy kicks him in the head, knocking him into the bag and ripping it.

With Buggy momentarily incapacitated, Luffy grabs the map of the Grand Line. Buggy gets up and
attempt to reform his body, but he realizes that he has only assembled with his hands, feet and
head, since Nami has tied up the rest of his body parts. With Buggy realizing that he is defeated,
Luffy lands a blow and sends him into the sky.

Luffy, having beaten Buggy, begins to leave the city with Zoro and Nami. Nami splits the loot into
two bags: one for Luffy and one for herself. When the villagers arrive. they find Boodle
unconscious, and Luffy admits that he knocked him out. The villages then ask if they are pirates,
and Luffy cheerfully says he is, angering them and causing them to give chase. While the crew is
running away, Luffy says that it must be a very good town, because they were prepared to fight
pirates to protect a single person, but he also mentions that no matter what the villagers say, they
are not going to stop.

On the way, they encounter Chouchou, who protects Luffy and the others. They reason that this
is to pay back the debt of Luffy avenging the destruction of his owner's shop, as he refuses to let
the villagers pass. Near the boat, they encounter three of Buggy’s crew who Nami stole a boat
from previously and who Zoro beat up afterwards. Luffy, carrying a worn out Zoro on his shoulders,
is stopped by one of the pirates, who taps Zoro on the head, saying that he should not be a coward
and should show his face. When Zoro lifts his head and glares at them, the three pirates run away
in fear.

Meanwhile, the Mayor wakes up and finds the town's people around him. They tell him that they
have chased Luffy and the rest out of town. As they curse the pirates, he gets angry, saying that
he is the only one allowed to insult them. He rushes to the harbor to thank the crew.

As the boat leaves, Luffy says he left his bag of treasure back at the harbor to help them rebuild.
Out of rage, Nami threatens to drown him in the sea, calling him an idiot.

Syrup Village

ami fixes Luffy’s straw hat after Buggy damaged it previously, much to his delight.
Despite her warnings, he pokes the hat and puts a hole in it,causing Nami to stab him
in the forehead with her sewing needle. Zoro wakes up due to the noise and starts
asking for food. Nami spots an island in the distance, and Luffy directs the ship towards the
island as fast as possible in the hopes of food.

The crew lands to find the island is deserted and covered in forest. Luffy calls to Zoro, but since
he is asleep he and Nami go exploring without him. They find a dog/chicken hybrid creature, then
a snake/rabbit and a pig/lion. Suddenly, a voice booms out a warning for them to leave before
the curse of the island effects them, and that they will die. Nami and Luffy call the guardian's
bluff, and Luffy is shot by a bullet. After bouncing the bullet back using his Devil Fruit ability, Luffy
and Nami follow the direction of the shot and find a strange object resembling a chest with hair
on top.

When they examine it, the strange object moves and runs away, but it trips and falls over,
revealing a person inside it. Gaimon introduces himself, revealing he has been stuck in a treasure

East Blue Syrup Village

chest for 20 years and has not spoken to another human being in all that time. Luffy attempts to
pull Gaimon out, but Gaimon claims his body will fall apart if he leaves the chest, because it has
become molded to fit over the years. Gaimon explains he used to be a pirate and is happy to meet
others who are pirates. As Luffy and Gaimon talk, the Grand Line is mentioned and they show
Gaimon the map they have. Unfortunately, Gaimon lacks any specific knowledge, and cannot tell
them where the Grand Line is.

Nami interrupts and explains the Grand Line to them. The world is separated into two parts with
one continent - the Red Line - separating the parts. The Grand Line further divides up the world,
splitting it into four seas and the Grand Line itself. The only person to conquer the Grand Line was
Gold Roger. Gaimon states the Grand Line is known as the "pirates graveyard", and that although
he has seen pirates that returned from that area of sea, they were changed men who had lost
the will to live.

Gaimon goes on to explain the One Piece legend; in over twenty years, not one person has found
the treasure left by Gold Roger at the end of the Grand Line. After hearing that it may not even be
real, Nami has doubts about Luffy's goal. Gaimon tells the pair he cannot leave until his mind is
set at ease about something.

Twenty years ago, Gaimon came to the island to find treasure with a pirate crew, but could not
find the treasure anywhere. Gaimon, determined that there is treasure, wanders off to look
further. He finds a hill the crew had looked around, but not on the summit. He climbs the hill, and
finds treasure chests in a dip on the top. Astonished to actually find the treasure, he fells down
the hill into an empty chest his crew found earlier and fell unconscious. After he awoke, he was
stuck inside the chest, and found that the crew had sailed away without him. Realizing that he
now has a claim to all the treasure, he attempts to go back to retrieve it, but as he is stuck in the
chest he cannot climb the hill to reach it. He returns to the shore to call to his crew, but they never

Gaimon explains that over the years, a few pirates have come to the island to find the treasure,
and Gaimon has scared them off with his threats of a curse. Nami and Luffy agree to get the
treasures for Gaimon, as they rightfully belong to him for guarding them so long. As they approach
the hill, Gaimon gets excited that the treasure he has desired for so long is finally within his reach.

Luffy finds five chests on the top of the hill, but refuses to throw them down. Nami is furious, but
Gaimon guesses what's wrong. After twenty years of guarding them, the treasure chest are
revealed to be empty, looted before Gaimon ever set foot on the island.

Tearfully, Gaimon thanks Luffy and Nami for their kindness, despite learning the fate of the
treasure. Even though Gaimon is upset, Luffy lightens him up by saying that in another twenty
years Gaimon might have died without knowing the treasure was gone. He then offers him the
chance to join his crew and find One Piece, but Gaimon declines.

As Nami and Luffy leave, he explains that he already has another treasure to protect. Most of the
people who come to the island are poachers, trying to kill the strange animals on the island. After
guarding the treasure for twenty years, he feels attached to them and despite not having the
treasure he can live happily protecting the island. Luffy promises to leave and find One Piece
some day.

The chapter starts with Nami scolding Luffy for being reckless and ill prepared for the Grand Line.
While Luffy and Zoro say the only important things they need are food and alcohol, Nami begins

East Blue Syrup Village

to plan their future. She tells them they need to head south to a nearby island to get a ship and

On an island, Usopp stands looking out to sea. He dashes into his village and begins shouting
"The pirates are coming!", but as he runs further, he announces that he was lying. The villagers
begin to chase him and throw objects, but he outruns them all. As the villagers lose sight of him
and wonder where he went, he laughs and brags to himself that they were tricked once again. As
he rests back in the tree he was hiding in, Piiman and Ninjin show up. As they wonder where their
fourth member is, Tamanegi rushes up, saying that there are pirates approaching the island.

The others accuse him of lying, but he claims the ship even has the flag of the Buggy Pirates on
it. After hearing this, Usopp tries to make up excuses to run away, but the others see through it.
When Tamanegi mentions he could only see three pirates, Usopp changes his mind and prepares
to repel the attackers.

Luffy, Nami and Zoro reach the island and land, unaware at first that Usopp and the others are
watching them, but Zoro spots them. Piiman, Ninjin and Tamanegi run away, leaving Usopp alone.
Usopp claims to be the toughest pirate of the village, with a vast army of followers. When Nami
accuses him of lying, he accidentally admits to it: in trying to recover, he makes Luffy laugh, and
he claims to be "Usopp the Proud".

At a restaraunt, Luffy and the others dig into a meal. Usopp tells them that if they want a ship,
they should try the mansion in town, where a sick young girl lives. Her parents died the year
before, leaving all their fortune and servants to her, and making her incredibly wealthy. Nami says
that they should move onto the next village and try there. Usopp offers to be their captain, but the
Straw Hats refuse and keep eating, much to his despair.

At the mansion, the young girl Kaya asks her butler Klahadore if she can meet Usopp.

Piiman, Ninjin, and Tamanegi sneak across town to the restaurant where Zoro, Nami and Luffy
are eating. Afraid their captain is being held hostage, they approach with caution, until they simply
barge in and find Usopp gone. Seeing Luffy eating meat scares them, and Zoro jokes about having
just eaten their captain. After things settle down, the Usopp Pirates work out that Usopp has gone
off to visit the mansion where the sick girl lives. He apparently goes there every day to lie and tell
her stories.

At the mansion, Klahadore the butler explains to his mistress Kaya that he will not allow Usopp
inside, on account of his lying. He explains that it is his duty to see she is safe and well on behalf
of her late father, and mentions there are two bodyguards on the front gate. Despite his efforts,
as soon as Klahadore leaves, Usopp appears outside Kaya's window, claiming nothing could keep
him away. Usopp goes onto tell her a story about landing on a giant goldfish's excrement and
thinking it was an island, making her laugh.

Back at the restaurant the boys finish explaining to Luffy and the others why they like their
captain, and Luffy announces they will go to the mansion, both to ask for a ship and to see Kaya.

After they reach the mansion, Luffy climbs over the gate. After Merry tells Klahadore that there
are intruders, he enquires about the bodyguards, and Merry says that they're having lunch. As
Usopp finishes his story about feeding a giant goldfish to a tribe of dwarves, Luffy and Usopp's
pirates appear and greet him. Usopp tells Kaya that they've heard how great he is and want to
join him, but Luffy promptly states that that's a lie. As Luffy asks Kaya for a big ship, Klahadore

East Blue Syrup Village

appears and demands to know what they are doing. Klahadore tells Luffy he will not get a ship
and that they all need to leave.

Klahadore begins to insult Usopp because his father is a pirate, and that as far as he is concerned
all pirates are filthy. When he asks what Usopp wants from Kaya, money or otherwise, Kaya
becomes upset. She screams at Klahadore to stop, but the butler continues insulting Usopp,
telling him to use one of his usual lies instead of admit to being the son of a pirate. Usopp loses
his temper and punches Klahadore for insulting his father, shouting that he is proud to be the
son of a pirate.

Klahadore continues to insult Usopp despite being knocked down, insisting although he is not a
pirate his father's blood still makes him resort to violence when he is insulted. The butler asks
Usopp if he's only after Kaya’s money, but before he lands another punch, Kaya begs Usopp to
stop. As Usopp lets the butler go, Klahadore warns him about never returning to the mansion,
and Usopp angrily agrees. The Usopp Pirates and Luffy insult Usopp for giving in so easily; as they
are told to leave, the four try to go after the butler, but are held back by Zoro and Nami.

In the mansion. Kaya refuses to eat her meal, miserably explaining she does not want it. Her
butler insists she eat so as to not disappoint the chefs. Kaya tells him he shouldn't hav e insulted
Usopp, and Klahadore explains that she should have faith in him, since he has worked for her for
3 years after losing his job on the ship he worked for. He explains he could not bear to carry the
burden of failing his former employer, Kaya's father, who saved his life.

Near the village, Nami, Zoro, Ninjin, and Piiman are sitting on a fence, and Nami wonders where
Luffy got to. When Zoro explains he went looking for Usopp, the members of Usopp's Pirates
explain Usopp will be at the coast. Tamanegi is missing, but Ninjin and Piiman tell them he always
goes away and comes back overreacting about something. Immediately afterwards, Tamanegi
runs towards them, shouting about a man walking backwards, only for the others to accuse him
of lying. Shortly afterwards, the hypnotist Jango shows up, walking backwards. Jango is asked to
show the three children his hypnotist tricks, but when he does it results in both him and the Usopp
pirates falling asleep.

At the coast, Usopp sits alone on the cliff staring out to sea. Luffy appears in front of him suddenly,
hanging upside down out of the tree Usopp is sitting under. Luffy asks him if his father was called
Yasopp, astonishing Usopp before he asks how he knew. Luffy explains how he met him when he
was young, in Foosha Village. Yasopp was his favorite member of the Red Hair Pirates, and Luffy
is sure he is still be with Shanks even now. Usopp cannot believe his father is with Shanks.

In a flashback to Luffy's youth when he met Shanks and his crew, Yasopp demonstrat es his sharp-
shooting skills to Luffy by shooting an apple off a barrel. Later at the local bar, Yasopp begins to
tell Luffy about his son his age. When Luffy has heard enough and is getting bored, a glass is
placed on his head by Yasopp, who taps it. Yasopp stands up and calls to the other that the Jolly
Roger had called him to piracy, with the rest of the crew responding by throwing their hands in
the air in approval.

Back in the present. Usopp explains he is proud of his father and he would gladly return to the
mansion, despite his pride, if the butler apologized. Luffy notices that Klahadore is on the beach
below them with another man, Jango. Jango confirms to the butler that the plan to murder the
mansion owner is ready.

East Blue Syrup Village

Klahadore asks Jango to not mention the word "murder" and to stop calling him Captain Kuro.
Usopp and Luffy spy on the pair and Usopp suddenly remembers the name "Captain Kuro". Usopp
recalls he was a feared pirate who raided many towns and was finally put to death three years
ago after he was captured by the Marines.

Jango finds it amusing his captain declared he was bored with a pirate's life, made him captain
and secretly settled in the village, but so long as there is a reward he is happy doing whatever
Kuro asks of him. According to Kuro, all Jango has to do is hypnotize Kaya to sign a will so he
rightfully owns the mansion because "Klahadore" is not a member of the family and therefore
cannot inherit her fortune otherwise. Once the task is done he must then kill her without making
it look like she was murdered. Jango mocks his former captain, stating that if it was him, he would
just invade the mansion and takes the riches, however Kuro reminds him that would make him a
pirate again. Jango mocks him once again for asking for a peaceful life when he plans to kill
everyone to get Kaya's money, but Kuro states he did not expect some things like Kaya's parents
death as they died unexpectedly in an accident.

As Usopp slowly comes round to the realization of what they are hearing, he has to contend with
Luffy who does not have a clue on what is going on. While he deals with thoughts related to the
problem at hand, Luffy stands up and shouts to the pair below them. While Usopp is horrified at
what Luffy did, Usopp grabs him to pull him down before he is seen, but Kuro and Jango look up
the cliff and see the pair.

All of a sudden, Jango holds up his ring and begins to hypnotize the pair, while Usopp looks away
in time, Luffy is clueless about the ring to do so. While Luffy has fallen asleep, so apparently has
Jango, Usopp yells to Luffy but Luffy falls off the cliff seemingly to his death. While Usopp yells
about killing Luffy, Jango asks if Usopp should be killed as well but Kuro just states even if he
tells the village no one will believe Usopp on what he heard, due to Usopp's reputation as a liar.

As he rushes to the village, he passes Nami, Zoro, and the other Usopp Pirates. As Usopp enters
the village and warns them, they think it is a prank again and are angry he has used the joke
twice in one day. They tell him they have to punish him this time for lying as his joke has gone too
far and that he is untrustworthy, telling him they would believe him if only he had been a
trustworthy man like Klahadore.

Back at the coast, Kuro has gone to greet his men after three years away from them and ensure
the plan in the morning. At the mansion, Kaya asks for Klahadore, another servant tells her he
went to the next town. Back at the coast at the bottom of the cliff, Luffy is sound asleep.

At the mansion, Kaya and a servant discuss the glasses they brought Klahadore as an anniversary
present from the next town.

In the village, Usopp is having trouble convincing the other villagers that the pirates really are
coming and ends up fleeing in fear.

At the cliff, Luffy is awake, Nami, Zoro and the other Usopp Pirates are learning of the plan. Zoro
questions why he was sleeping where he was, Luffy recalls being on the cliff before then. The
Usopp Pirates realize they have to get away before the pirates coming tomorrow while they still
have the chance to and run off. Luffy is more concerned with buying food from the butcher's shop
before he is killed.

East Blue Syrup Village

At the mansion Usopp arrives to save Miss Kaya. He tries to explain Klahadore is a pirate. Kaya
does not believe Usopp and does not know what to make out of the story. As Kaya's other servant
enters the room, Usopp is suddenly pounced upon by the two bodyguards out the front of the
mansion, he struggles to break free. He knocks them out with his hand slingshot, Kaya beckons
for him to stop. She believes Usopp is not the person she once knew. As the villagers come by the
mansion, Usopp grabs Kaya, only to be slapped in the face and forced to let go. Kaya says Usopp
is the worst person she knows and Usopp is forced to run when her servant gets a gun out and
shots at him despite Kaya's plea. Usopp is hit by a shot in the arm, but manages to escape with
his life. When Usopp is gone, Kaya faints onto his chest.

As he leaves the village, Luffy and the others catch up with him. He hides his wound from them
and tries to say it was a lie to get back at the butler. The Usopp pirates believe him. The three
kids wonder off home.

Later that night Usopp explains to Luffy, Nami and Zoro that because he always lies, the villagers
did not believe him. Since the villagers think Usopp is lying, Usopp decides he will make the lie
become just that, tomorrow he will wait for the pirates and face them off so the villagers will think
it was indeed a lie. The others announce they will help him fight the pirates so he does not have
to face them alone.

Usopp, Nami, Zoro, and Luffy all agree to protect the village against Kuro and the Black Cat
Pirates. Usopp is scared and his knees shake despite claiming he is not. Usopp begins to make
a plan, he asks Zoro, Luffy and Nami what they can do and they reply Slicing, Stretching and
stealing respectively, Usopp adds his skill is "hide".

Inside the mansion Klahadore and Kaya’s other servant discuss Usopp's actions of the day while
Kaya sleeps soundly in her bed. Klahadore finds the glasses that were supposed to be a present
for him in the morning on their 3rd anniversary, they were specially made for him so he did not
have to keep pushing his back up. As the other servant continues to talk, Klahadore suddenly
begins to talk strangely. He looks to the crescent moon and states it makes him wild. Before his
eyes, Klahadore smashes the glasses and looks devilishly at the other servant stating his present
will be the mansion. Klahadore states that he no longer has to pretend as there is only a few
hours left. He pulls out his cat claws from a bag he is carrying and turns them on the servant.

On board the ship of the Black Cat Pirates, Jango is awaken from his sleep to be told in a few
hours they will have to go to work on the plan. Jango leaves his quarters walking backwards out
of his cabin. Back at the coastline, Usopp and the others have now laid oil down the slope towards
the village.

As morning breaks everyone readies for action. Both on the coast and the pirate ship. At the
mansion, Klahadore enters the room where Kaya is sleeping. Jango and the crew arrive at the
coastline leading to the village. At where Usopp and the others are there are no pirates, suddenly
Usopp remembers there is more than one port along the coast line and they are at the wrong one.
As panic breaks out, Usopp states the layout is the same and the coast is only three minutes away
from this one. Nami realizes their boats are parked at that one. As Luffy rushes off, Nami tries to
follow but her foot slides as she steps on the oil, as she slides she grabs hold of Zoro and uses
him to get off the oil. Leaving him behind she rushes off to save her treasure. Zoro swears he will
kill her, while everyone else rushes to the correct coast.

Usopp arrives there quickly and shoots some of the pirates down. Zoro is still trapped on the slope
and Luffy is back at the village after going the wrong way.

East Blue Syrup Village

Usopp realizes he is in trouble, as he is the only one standing to face off against the Black Cat
Pirates. Jango mistakes Usopp's lie about having a large number of pirates as the truth, much to
the disbelief of the crew.

The Black Cat pirates find a ship with treasure on it next to theirs. Usopp comments on how it's
his treasure and tries to bribe them into leaving for it, but Jango and the others just state they'll
take it anyway and that they will not leave. As Jango pulls out his ring to hypnotize Usopp, Nami
shows up and bashes him on the head for trying to give them her treasure meanwhile Jango has
put himself to asleep (again). With no sign of Luffy, Nami tells Usopp to go fight the pirate while
she supports him. As the Black Cats begin to advance forward, Usopp and Nami throw some
caltrops at the pirates that Usopp brought along.

Back at the other slope, Zoro lays on his back, tired from trying to get past the oil he slipped down.
Finally he resorts to using his swords to climb up with. However he faces his next problem - he
does not know which direction is north. Meanwhile Luffy is rushing around with no clue as to
which direction is north either.

Back at the slope, the caltraps are working and Usopp pulls out his slingshot to fire at the pirates.
After taking out a few, Nami comments on how she thinks she will have a rest now, only to find
some of the caltraps are behind them, which Usopp blames on her. As she turns around, she
sights Usopp getting hit as the crew finally makes it up the slope.

The crew pass by him, Usopp grabs the leg of the man who hit him, claiming he will make sure
the next day is as peaceful as the last for the village. As a pirate goes to kill Usopp, Nami finally
steps in and knocks him away, but in turn is knocked away also. Jango orders the crew to just
ignore the pair as they must get to the village before Kuro’s plan goes wrong and Kuro kills them
all. Usopp makes another attempt to stop the pirates; suddenly they are knocked away as Zoro
and Luffy finally arrive.

On the mansion doors steps, Kuro sits and he says the word "late". He pictures the other servant
laying on the floor, injured and the room cut up from his attack. He comments on if Jango and the
others are late he would kill them, setting off to find out where they may have gone.

On the slope, Jango stands behind his fallen crew. While Jango is looking on in awe and
commenting to his crew about being defeated by a bunch of kids, Zoro, Luffy, Nami, and Usopp
argue. Jango hypnotizes the crew into thinking that they are stronger than before, with one
demonstrating this new found strength by shattering the nearby cliff wall. Sending them after
Luffy and the others however, it is revealed that Jango also hypnotized Luffy at the same time to
Zoro's complete disbelief.

Thrown into a hypnotized induced rage, Luffy successfully knocks back the Black Cat Pirates with
his Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun. Proceeding to storm past the invading pirates, Luffy grabs the
figurehead of their ship and tears it off, turning to face the pirates. Realizing Luffy's intent to
whack the entire crew with it, Jango quickly hypnotizes Luffy into falling asleep, causing the latter
to drop the bow and crush himself and several pirates with it, the figurehead barely missing Jango
himself. With Luffy having defeated the crew, Nami, Zoro, and Usopp begin to celebrate only for
Jango to remind his crew that they will face Kuro's wrath if they fail.

While Zoro ensures the others know Luffy is not dead, two new voices suddenly call from on board
the ship as somebody notices the stern missing; and Jango identifies them as the Nyaban

East Blue Syrup Village

Back at the village, Kuro heads towards the north coast only for Tamanegi to sight him; wondering
why the butler would be walking around that early.

At the mansion, Kaya has a nightmare where Usopp attempts to kill her for insulting his pirate
blood. She goes looking around the mansion for Klahadore, only to find her servant Merry laying
on the floor.

Merry manages to regain consciousness; however, he is too weak to get up. He tells Kaya about
Klahadore attacking and trying to kill him and how Usopp really was correct; Klahadore really is a
pirate. Kaya cries because the only one who knew the truth was chased away from the village
while trying to protect it. More startling is the news from Merry that everyone else in the mansion
is on vacation, Merry calms Kaya down since nothing has happened yet. Klahadore is after
treasure, Merry tells Kaya to just give him what he is after to protect her life so the village can
stay safe.

The Usopp Pirates gather outside the village, commenting how they think their captain lied about
lying about the pirates coming. Just then, they spot Miss Kaya heading out of town.

Back at the coast, Zoro stands ready to fight whatever is coming up from the Black Cat Pirates
next. The Nyaban Brothers, Buchi and Sham, appear. The pair appear afraid to attack Zoro. Sham
runs towards Zoro in a cowardly fashion. However, at the last second Sham suddenly becomes
confident and reveals he was faking his cowardice. The next thing, Zoro sees Sham standing there
with two of his swords attached to his back.

Zoro demands Sham hand over his swords, but Sham refuses. Sham tosses Zoro's swords aside
so he can fight Zoro, which annoys Zoro deeply. Zoro cuts Sham, believing Sham is finished, Zoro
heads for his swords only to find Sham has survived on the account of the fact all Zoro managed
to cut was his shirt because Sham is really skinny. Buchi enters the fight as Sham holds Zoro
against the ground. Zoro manages to toss Sham aside and barely dodge the attack; the ground
breaks where Buchi impacts it.

Zoro realizes that he has to fight with one sword against the pair and there is nothing he can do,
and he also notes if Buchi hits him with that technique, he will break every bone in his body. The
pair strike at Zoro in a fury of cat scratches, and Zoro can only defend against the pair for now.
Usopp fires his slingshot in an attempt to aid Zoro, but Zoro takes the damage, leaving himself to
be hit by Buchi. Nami angrily tells Usopp off for his failed attempt, but Usopp tells Zoro took the
hit on purpose. Zoro yells on them that if they hit the pair, the Nyaban brothers will go after them

Nami attempts to get Zoro's swords for him, however as she approaches so does Jango and he
slashes her side with his ring. Suddenly, Jango gets a bad feeling come over him and the Nyaban
brothers both become incredibly frightened. On top of the slope stands Kuro. Kuro demands to
know why dawn has passed and his plan is not in motion.

Kuro demands to know how the Black Cat Pirates were beaten by a bunch of children. Jango
states it was Kuro himself that said Usopp would not be a problem, but Kuro just states that the
Black Cats are weaker than he thought they were.

Buchi and Sham cannot believe what they are hearing. They try to argue that while Kuro has been
leading a peaceful existence in the village, they have been fighting hard against other pirates and
plundering other villages and that in 3 years they have gotten a lot stronger. They attempt to kill

East Blue Syrup Village

Kuro before he kills them, but to their horror Kuro dodges the attack. He appears behind them
but when they turn to strike, he once again appears behind them again with his special weapons,
the Cat Claws, pointing at the pairs' throats. Jango comments how, with those weapons, Kuro can
move silently and that Kuro's habit of lifting up his glasses still makes his hair stand on end. Kuro
tells the Nyaban Brothers they have 5 minutes to kill them or he will kill everyone.

With renewed hope, the pair rush at Zoro. Nami kicks Zoro his swords, much to Zoro's annoyance.
With all three swords in his hands, Zoro easily defeats the pair with a single move. Zoro points his
sword at Kuro and states he is next. However, attention is drawn to Buchi, who still has survived
Zoro's attack. Buchi demands that Jango hypnotize him so he can continue fighting.

While Zoro tackles the hypnotized Buchi, Nami makes an attempt to wake Luffy up. Jango spots
this and throws his ring at her.

Trying to wake up Luffy, Nami just steps on his face as Jango’s weapon comes flying through the
air towards her. Luffy wakes up, angry Nami stepped on his face, and the ring goes into the back
of his head. Kuro is angry because he thought Luffy was already dead. Luffy stops the ring from
cutting deep into his skull by stomping his feet hard against the ground. To the horror of the Black
Cat Pirates, Luffy takes the ring out of his head and acts as if it was nothing, just saying that it
hurt and he wants to know who threw it. The Black Cat Pirates then realize there is no way they
can beat him in the 5 minutes Kuro gave them.

Luffy yells at Nami, thinking it was her who threw the ring. But then he sees her bleeding shoulder.
Nami tells him to get the fight over and done with, that it's a battle they cannot afford to loose.
Luffy's attention turns to Kuro. Kuro tells his former crew that they now have 3 minutes left to kill
Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Usopp. The crew state they know they cannot keep to such a short deadline
even with Jango and Buchi at their aid.

As Buchi is ordered to go after Zoro while Jango takes on Luffy, attention is drawn behind Kuro.
Kaya has arrived to speak to Klahadore. Usopp is horrified she came here. Kuro is surprised to
see her here, Kaya explains Merry told her the truth. As Kuro speaks, Kaya begins to realize this
is indeed not the Klahadore she knew. She says she's sorry to Usopp for not believing him. Usopp
is angry she did not run away, but Kaya asks him why he is fighting for the village when the other
villagers ran him out of town.

She then offers Kuro all her fortune if he leaves the village. Kuro steps in and explains it is not
treasure alone he seeks, but also a peaceful life. For the last past 3 years he has built up a
reputation with the villagers, he has created a peaceful life and the incident involving his former
crew and her will are all part of the scheme. Usopp tells Kaya to run now that she has spoken to
him, but instead she pulls out a gun on him, Kaya demands him to leave.

Kuro comments that she has become "stronger" over the last 3 years. He then recollects the
events of the last 3 years with her, the things they did together but then as a change of tone he
calls the events "stupid things" and tells her straight he has done everything for her today, the
day she dies. Kaya drops the gun as Kuro goes on about enduring the boring days in the past 3
years. Usopp is angry that Kuro is betraying Kaya's feelings. Usopp attempts to attack Kuro, but
Kuro dodges the attack. As Kuro goes to strike Usopp as revenge for hitting him earlier, Luffy
intervenes. Luffy punches him and swears Kuro will have a bad day since he hates being punched.

The Black Cat Pirates are amazed Luffy hit Kuro from down at the bottom of the slope. Although
Kuro just lays there, his former crew are aware this silence means Kuro is angry now.

East Blue Syrup Village

Before anything else can happen, the rest of the Usopp Pirates come running towards Kuro and
hit him with various objects (a shovel, a baseball bat, and a frying pan). Ninjin, Tamanegi, and
Piiman are all angry that their captain, Usopp, came to fight without them. Usopp begs them to
run away, but they only do so when Kuro suddenly appears behind them. Kuro walks past the
boys and straight up to Usopp and kicks him hard. Then ignoring Usopp, Kuro asks Luffy if he got
his powers from a Devil Fruit, to which Luffy replies "yes". Luffy explains he ate the Gomu Go mu
no Mi which made him like rubber. Jango is amazed the rumors are true and that they do indeed

Kuro calls to Jango, telling him to just deal with Kaya and the Usopp pirates while he deals with
Luffy. Zoro makes an attempt to block Jango's path to Kaya, but Buchi attacks. Buchi leaps into
the air, but Zoro knows Buchi's trademark attack is about to hit him and while it does not hit him,
the attack is more powerful than ever. Kuro comments on how Buchi does not know his own
strength. Buchi manages to pin Zoro against the walls of the slope, however Zoro refuses to lose
to someone he already defeated once before and pushes Buchi away from him.

Jango walks past Zoro, who is still being blocked by Buchi and Usopp can only stare on as his
body refuses to move. Usopp gives his Usopp Pirates the most important task of all: protect Kaya
and get her to a safe place. They escort Kaya into the forest, with Jango close behind them
determined not to let them get away. As Jango goes to throw his ring again, Usopp hits him with
his slingshot. Jango turns his attention to Usopp, but he is reminded he has a task to do by Kuro.

Piiman asks the other Usopp Pirates to look back to see if Jango is following them as they escort
Kaya through the forest. Just as they think they are safe, Jango's ring comes flying out through
the trees in their direction, barely missing them but cutting up every tree they fly through. Jango
tells them he is prepared to destroy the whole forest in order to find them.

The echoes of Jango chasing after the others can be heard back at the coastline. Kuro tells Usopp
he has no feelings for Miss Kaya and if she does just happen to survive, he might thank her for
being part of his scheme. As Usopp makes a break for it in order to aid Miss Kaya and the others,
Buchi makes an attempt to once again get in the way, but Zoro once again blocks, this time he
wastes no time with him. As Usopp makes another break for it, he falls to the ground too weak to
continue on while Kuro laughs at his efforts. Usopp knows he cannot win, but is prepared to fight

Buchi tosses Zoro aside again. The other Black Cat Pirates mock Usopp and get a boulder thrown
at them from Luffy. Zoro loses his temper at Buchi and finally makes the finishing strike against
him. With Buchi out of the way, Zoro takes Usopp and heads out after Kaya and the others. Kuro
attempts to prevent Zoro and Usopp from leaving, but Luffy sees to it that they are allowed to
leave. Unfortunately, Kuro dodges the attack. Kuro then strikes back at Luffy, whom in turn strikes
at him. Kuro now concentrates on Luffy only. Kuro asks Luffy why he fights for the village as an
outside. Luffy tells him there is someone in the village he won't let die.

In the forest, Zoro's bad sense of direction is hindering his at tempt to locate Kaya, even with
Usopp's help. Elsewhere in the forest, Kaya is beginning to feel the height of her illness as the
running around is bringing on her fever. The Usopp Pirates urge her on, but she asks them to
leave which they refuse to. Jango finally catches up with them.

The battle between Kuro and Luffy begins, and Luffy is unable to gain an upper hand against Kuro
as he is too quick and agile. After a few punches, Kuro lands on Luffy's arm and heads straight

East Blue Syrup Village

for him. Luffy gets a kick to the face for his efforts and is knocked away. The Black Cat Pirates
cheer Captain Kuro on, but Kuro reminds them that they should not be calling him that anymore.

Kuro flashbacks to 3 years ago. On board his ship, where he has summoned Jango. He announced
he desire to give up being a pirate and told Jango he could be captain. His crew informed him a
Marine ship had been spotted, which Kuro commented was the third time this week. Jango
pointed out, that after they defeat the Marines they would become more famo us, which Kuro
confirmed that Jango is correct on that much so he would stop being Kuro. When Jango laughed
since the Marines would chase him to death, Kuro announced he would kill himself.

On deck a crew member asked if he should fire the cannons, Kuro st ated that he should just
lower a small boat and then head towards the Marine ship alone. When all was silent, the crew
prepared the cannons, believing Kuro is dead. However upon investigating the ship, they found
Kuro had killed all the Marines onboard himself. Kuro started his plan by approaching a Marine
who happened to be alive and stepped on his jaw to break it. To Kuro's amazement, the Marine
talked back even with a broken jaw. Since the Marine spoke back, Kuro announced he could be
the one to take the great Captain Kuro back alive.

Dressing up a member of the crew to look like Kuro, Jango hypnotized the unfortunate crew
member into believing he was Kuro. Then the Marine was hypnotized into believing he had
captured Kuro. The pair sail away and Kuro smiled as he watched, knowing soon the world would
believe Kuro was dead and he could begin the rest of his plan.

In the present, Kuro asks Luffy if now he knows what he wants. Kuro once again attacks Luffy,
Luffy reacts by shoving a rock in one of Kuro's Cat Claws, then he turns with the rock in his hands
and snaps the Claw's blades. Luffy then gives Kuro on how he should not be a pirate if he does
not want the fame that follows with it. Luffy then goes on about his own plan to become Pirate

On the coastline, Kuro lays flat on his chest after Luffy has broken one of his Cat Claws. He gets
up, the Black Cat Pirates encourage Kuro to kill Luffy and call his real name and not his fake
name, which they remember that he told them not to call him Kuro. Kuro tells them to shut up,
he already plans to kill the crew, including Jango once his plan is successful.

Back in the forest, Jango is having a hard time trying to hypnotize Kaya. She refuses to open her
eyes. The Usopp Pirates (minus Usopp) lay pretending to be asleep having already been
hypnotized themselves. When she refuses, he tries to force them open, the Usopp Pirates then
attack, throwing pepper in his eyes and kicking him in the groin. When Jango recovers, Kaya and
the others have departed. As Jango wanders through the forest, looking for them, they ambush
him. Zoro and Usopp hear their voices in the forest and go to check out the noise. The Usopp
Pirates continue their attack on Jango, who throws Onion into a tree as he fights back.

Back at the coastline, Kuro explains things would be more realistic if a few of the crew died here
and that he planned on not letting any of his crew live in the beginning. In order to wipe out the
name of Kuro, not only must his plan succeed, but his crew must die also so there is no one left
who knows he is still alive. As Luffy speaks his mind about Kuro's ideas, Kuro return says more
about the opinions of his own crew saying that in a true pirate fleet, all the member are pawns
for the captain and should always follow orders no matter the sacrifice. Luffy states Kuro cannot
beat Usopp even with the number of crew members he has. Kuro, humored by the thought, asks
why to which Luffy replies its the way Kuro thinks. After punching Kuro, Luffy then states that he
does not know what being a true pirate is.

East Blue Syrup Village

After Luffy's hit and remark, Kuro tells Luffy he had insulted him and states he will show him
about what being a pirate is. Kuro does a strange stance, seeing it makes the other Black Cat
Pirates panic. They each beg him not to use that move while a clueless Luffy watches on.

On board the Black Cat Pirates' ship, Nami with the crews treasure, watches, wondering if the
fight is over. Suddenly the crew begins to be cut up, which Luffy cannot figure out how Kuro got
past him so fast. The crew state that Kuro will not stop this technique until he grows tired and
there is no use trying to talk him out of it. Luffy is angered at the sight of Kuro cutting up his own
crew, much to the amazement of Nami.

Luffy and Nami are still watching as Kuro continues to cut up the other Black Cat Pirates.
Suddenly, Luffy is wounded by Kuro but he keeps his ground and grabs Kuro's jacket and throws
him to the ground. Kuro mocks Luffy, saying he should have stood still so Kuro could kill him
easier, and because Luffy stops him moving, his crew are still alive and suffering. Kuro goes to
do his move again, but this time Luffy grabs him and holds him tight. Kuro is unable to move.

In the forest, Kaya agrees to sign the will if Jango stops hurting the Usopp Pirates. Jango throws
them against trees and turns to Kaya, who has his hypnotizing ring and threatens to kill herself
with it if he does not do what she says. Jango panics, because if he does not get the will signed
before her death he is in trouble. While Kaya signs the will, the Usopp pirates pretend to be hurt.
They discuss their options and agree that just because their losing does not mean they can run
away. With the will signed, Jango now prepares himself to kill Kaya.

Zoro and Usopp spot them. Zoro tosses Usopp aside to stop Jango. As Jango goes in for the kill
the Usopp Pirates ram a shovel between the cheeks of his rear. Angrily he kicks them aside and
goes to kill Kaya, stating to Zoro he is too late to save her. But Zoro states it wasn't his goal to do
so, he cuts some branches blocking a clear shot of Jango from Usopp. With the branches out of
the way, Usopp now can fire a clear shot at Jango with his slingshot.

Back at the coastline, Kuro's crew cheer Luffy on. Luffy throws his head back and stretches his
neck far enough back to tell the Black Cat pirates to stop cheering for him. Kuro in shock just
keeps on about how his plan will not fail.

Jango is hit by Usopp's slingshot and at that same moment, Kuro also falls as Luffy pulls his head
back and rams it into Kuro.

Kuro falls to the ground with Luffy still holding onto him. The Black Cat Pirates are amazed Luffy
was able to do so and cannot understand how. They demand to know who he is. Luffy explains
he will never lose to a pirate who leaves the sea behind and that a pirate only leaves his name
when he dies. Luffy tells them he will become the greatest pirate in the world. Luffy tosses Kuro
at the pirates and tells them to leave and never come back again, and all the crew members run
away. Luffy collapses, and Nami catches him. With the crew rushing to get away, Nami talks about

In the forest, Zoro ties his bandana around his arm and walks through the forest away from the
defeated Jango.

Elsewhere in the forest Usopp has a chat with his Usopp Pirates and Kaya. He asks them to keep
the event a secret form the rest of the village, even with pleas from all, he explains he is a liar, no
one would believe them anyway. Usopp explains there will be no other pirate attacks, that life

East Blue Syrup Village

must continue on as normal with no one worrying over the possibility of what can happen.
Everyone promises to keep the event a secret for the rest of their lives.

Back in the village, seven o'clock passes by and everyone notices something is missing as Usopp
has not done his usual antics. Piiman, Ninjin and Tamanegi return home and get scolded by their
parents for one thing or another related to the events of Kuro's plan. At the coastline, Usopp
thanks all the Straw Hat Pirates. Back to the mansion, Kaya tends to Merry’s wounds and tells
him about her promise.

Elsewhere, near a cliff, Usopp calls together his Usopp Pirates and speaks to them. Usopp
declares he will leave the island and become a real pirate, to which the others are shocked. He
recalls the day he met them. He asks them to chase their dreams and with a tearful farewell
between all four members, the Usopp Pirates are declared defunct.

After a hard battle, Nami, Luffy and Zoro are seen eating in a local restaurant. Suddenly Kaya
enters and asks if she can have a word with them. Elsewhere Usopp sits at home after packing
his bag, he states it's time to leave his home, however he packed his bag with so much stuff he
cannot get out of the door. He rolls away after breaking the door getting out. After ro lling away
from his house, he smiles and collects his things up again.

Elsewhere, Merry and Kaya show the Straw Hat Pirates the ship they intend to give them, the
Going Merry. Nami comments on it being a caravel. Merry explains that he designed the Merry
and explains its rudder system, which Nami interrupts and says to just explain it to her. Kaya
mentions she stocked up the Going Merry with the necessary food, which Luffy thanks her for,
Zoro however tells him off when he gets his thanks wrong (see chapter notes).

Everyone's attention is drawn towards Usopp who is rolling down the slope. Luffy and Zoro stop
him using their feet before he hits the ship. When Usopp says he will head out to sea and meet
them someday, Luffy and Zoro tell him to just shut up and get on board the ship with them as
captain, which Luffy instantly states is his job.

Ninjin, Tamanegi, and Piiman watch them leave, taking their former captain with them. They are
happy that although Usopp always lived alone, he is surrounded by strong people now. Piiman
has an idea suddenly.

Elsewhere also watching them leave, Merry and Kaya talk. Merry tells Kaya of Usopp's past. When
Usopp was young, his father Yasopp left to become a pirate, leaving behind his wife and child,
Usopp. His mother fell sick and the day before her death Usopp ran through the village calling
that the Pirates are coming, his father was returning to take them away. She knew he was lying,
but stated she was proud she had married him and happy he left to pursue his dream and
believed that one day he would become as strong as his father. Usopp cried trying to stop her
from talking as though she was about to die.

After his mother's death, Usopp was then alone, but he continued to call "the pirates are coming",
even though he had no need to. Merry stated Kaya needs to continue on and be strong so she
does not suffer as he used to as a repayment to him for saving her.

As the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates celebrates a new member and ship, back in the village the
three former Usopp pirates prepare themselves. As they call "The pirates are coming", Kaya tells
Merry she wants to become a doctor someday.

East Blue Baratie


n the Going Merry, Luffy displays his concept for the crew's Jolly Roger, a straw hat skull
and crossbones. His art skill is terribly lacking, so Usopp decides to show off his artistic
ability. After his personal mark is shot down by Luffy and Zoro, the crew and Nami paint
the improved Straw Hat emblem on the sails.

After this, Luffy tries to hit a large rock in the sea with one of the ship's cannons, missing each
time. Usopp displays his marksmanship, blasting the rock to pieces before quickly being named
as the crew's sniper.

In the kitchen, a serious discussion is underway. There is one more position to be filled, something
very important for a long voyage. Luffy agrees, and decides that it is time to search for a musician.
While the rest of the crew berates Luffy for his lack of vision, a mysterious attacker calls them
out. After quickly defeating the swordsman, Zoro is treated t o a surprise; it is his old partner
Johnny. Johnny's partner, Yosaku, had become gravely ill. Unsure what to do, Johnny went to a
rock in the ocean to think, the same one Luffy and Usopp used for target practice. Johnny thinks
Yosaku is going to die, but Nami assures him it is just scurvy, and has Luffy and Usopp feed
Yosaku some fresh limes.

After recovering, Johnny and Yosaku formally introduce themselves to the crew.

The Straw Hats and Nami decide that they definitely need a cook, and Johnny knows of one good
place to look. A few days sailing from their current position is a very special restaurant near the
Grand Line, a floating restaurant.

As the crew approaches the Baratie, a floating restaurant shaped like a fish, the Marine "Iron Fist"
Fullbody appears to entertaining a young lady. Johnny and Yosaku hide as to not be seen while
Johnny cries over loosing to the captain of a crew that has only existed for few days old. Fullbody
acknowledges he knows who the bounty hunting pair are and insults them, they try to attack him
but are pummeled for their efforts off-page. Luffy insults them for "sucking" at what they are.
Fullbody gives them a warning he is off duty and will not defeat them this time, however if they
are a problem again he will simply beat them.

When Jonny fell to the ground, wanted posters flew out of his pocket, Nami picks one up and is
suddenly distant. Despite what he said, Fullbody goes back on his word and decides to sink their
ship. Luffy blows up like a balloon thanks to his Gomu Gomu no Mi powers and sends the
cannonball back. However, he misses and hits the Baratie by mistake.

Inside, Fullbody and his date for the day are enjoying a meal, she notices all eyes are on him but
he flatters her by saying all eyes are on her. He then drinks some wine and attempts to identify it
asking for confirmation from the waiter, but the wine he ordered ahead of his date was not the
wine he was given and the waiter turns out to be the sous chef, Sanji. Having being left red faced,
Fullbody gets comments from his date.

Meanwhile, Luffy is pulled up by Zeff the head chef. A deal is struck that Luffy must work for 1
year to repay his debt. Luffy's crew wonders where Luffy has got up to.

Fullbody attempts to get back at Sanji by putting a fly in the soup he was given. Sanji flirts with
his date and when the insect is pointed out, Sanji passes it off and just says he is not an insect
expert. With his date now laughing in his face, Fullbody smashes the table to the ground. Sanji

East Blue Baratie

just passes it off, saying he can take the insect off since its not important as Fullbody has finished
his meal anyway. With his date screaming to stop, Fullbody goes to hit Sanji. The other chefs beg
Sanji to not react. Fullbody is left bloodstained as Sanji beats his ideals as a chef int o him. He
passes a comment that he should not berate a chef in the middle of the sea as it is suicide.

Luffy is trying to work out a much shorter time for working at the Baratie then the one Zeff
proposes. But Zeff states he did the damage and now must repair it. When Luffy rudely states he
will not accept, Zeff kicks him with his peg leg and offers a much faster way of repairing his debt;
have one of his legs cut off. Luffy refuses once more and berates Zeff causing the chef to kick at
him once more.

Meanwhile Patty is preparing himself to greet customers, although he means well in practice he
is getting everything round the wrong way. To his horror, when he finally goes to work, Sanji is
holding the bloodstained Fullbody by the neck. The two insult each other before breaking into a
fight. However when Fullbody threatens to have the place shut down, Sanji simply states he
cannot let the Marine live now. The other chefs grab Sanji to prevent the Marine from being killed,
at that moment Zeff and Luffy come crashing through the ceiling. The two get up and continue to
argue, Zeff's attention is drawn to Sanji as the other chefs plea for his behavior to stop. After
stopping Sanji with a kick, Zeff kicks out Fullbody who comments these chefs are no better than

At that moment Fullbody's attention is drawn by one of his men who reports the prisoner has
escaped from his cell and 7 of Fullbody's men could not stop him. Fullbody dismisses it, stating
that he was starving when they found him and had gone for the last 3 days without any food given
to him. When the Marine asks for forgiveness, the prisoner appears and shots the Marine to the
ground with a single shot. He walks in and sits at a table with his feet up on it. Patty walks up to
the man and treats him with respect to the horror of the other customers. When Gin threatens to
pay for his food with bullets since he has no money, Patty clobbers the man, breaking one of Zeff's
chairs. Patty kicks the man about to the cheering of the customers while Fullbody mak es a

Outside the restaurant, the man lays hungry, Sanji appears and gives him food. Sanji is happy at
the man's reactions, who comments its the best food he has had in his life. Luffy comments on
he has found his chef.

Luffy offers his amazement that Gin’s meal saved him from death, and asks Sanji to join his crew.
After introductions are made, Sanji tells Luffy that Zeff used to be a pirate himself, and the Baratie
is the old man's treasure. On top of that, all the other cooks are pirate -types themselves. In a
restaurant frequented by pirates, they are perfect for the job, but the waiters could not handle
the fighting and quit. Luffy realizes that's why Zeff wanted him to work for a year, and repeats his
offer to Sanji. Sanji refuses, and will not say why. Gin, a pirate for Don Krieg, asks what Luffy's
plans to do, and Luffy tells him his goal of finding One Piece. Gin warns Luffy to not enter the
Grand Line, despite not knowing that much about it himself.

In the kitchen, the other cooks warn Patty that his treatment to Gin might attract Don Krieg. What
makes Krieg so fearsome is that his 'crew' consists of 5,000 men, divided into fifty crews. Patty
is not scared, however, and says that giving the pirate free food would have an adverse effect on
the paying customers. The fighting cooks of the Baratie have chased off attacking pirates before,
and if they do not like it they can quit. Fellow cook Carne points out that's what he told the waiters.
Before the argument could turn physical, Zeff shows up to quell the violence.

East Blue Baratie

Outside, Luffy and Sanji bid farewell to Gin, who sails off. When Zeff appears to call the boys back
to work, Sanji sends the plate he served Gin's meal on overboard, removing any 'proof'.

In the kitchen, Luffy declares that he's now Chore-Boy, and after breaking several dishes, is told
by Patty to wait on customers. In the dining hall, Luffy is furious to find his crew and Nami relaxing
while he's stuck working. Sanji then appears and proclaims his love to Nami, poetically lamenting
the 'obstacles' between them. Zeff shows up out of nowhere and says that Sanji can go be a
pirate, he's not needed at the Baratie.

Elsewhere, Gin has made it back to the crew he originally belonged to, and tells his boss, Don
Krieg, that he can take the crew to the Baratie.

After Zeff asks Sanji to leave the restaurant, they start a fight. Sanji claims that he will not go until
Zeff dies, which Zeff answers that he will live another hundred years.

After this interruption, Sanji continues to serve the Straw Hat table. However, he shows favor to
Nami as a female. Usopp becomes agitated with Sanji's discrimination. Nami quickly realizes her
advantage and plays up to Sanji asking for free food. When Zoro tells her that she is tricky, Nami
warns them that they should be careful too.

Two days later, Don Krieg galleon appears. The Chefs and clients are frightened due to his
reputation. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Krieg's ship is in a pitiful shape. An
agonizing and frail Don Krieg enters the restaurant with the support of Gin and begs for food and

Patty’s reaction is to call the marines so that they could benefit from his weak state. However,
like he did for Gin, Sanji returns with some food, despite Carne’s warnings about the pirate's
treacherous past. When Carne finished speaking, Don Krieg strikes Sanji and in front of a shocked
Gin, claims that he wants the restaurant ship for himself.

The chefs of the Baratie begin to flee, believing there to be no hope for survival. Gin begs for Krieg
to stop what he is doing, because Krieg had promised him earlier that he would not hurt anybody
at the restaurant. Krieg elaborates on his statement, saying he needs the new ship because his
old one is worn out. He begins to tell them about his crew and how they are all starving or critically
wounded. He demands that the chefs make his crew food at once, but the chefs refuse. Krieg
gets mad, but suddenly, Sanji stands up and begins to head to the kitchen.

The chefs of the Baratie pull out their guns and point them at Sanji, telling him they will not let
him make food for any more pirates. Sanji explains that he must do it because it is his duty as a
chef. Patty takes matters into his own hands and knocks Sanji down and tells him he cannot allow
him to become involved in the matter. Patty then pulls out his meatball cannon and fires it at
Krieg. The chefs believe him to be defeated, but Krieg gets back up and shoots all the chefs with
his pricks.

Krieg states that he is the strongest and that those who defy him must die. He begins to brag
about his suit of armor, weapons, and battle experience. He demands they follow his orders due
to his extensive and violent past. Suddenly, Zeff appears with a bag of food and hands it to Krieg.
The chefs begin to complain, but Zeff then explains that the Krieg Pirates are nothing more than
defeated warriors of the grand line. The chefs are shocked to hear this, and Krieg realizes who
Zeff really is; Red-Leg Zeff.

East Blue Baratie

Don Krieg is surprised to learn that Zeff is alive. Zeff replies nonchalantly to Don Krieg that is has
nothing to do with him, whether he is dead or alive, and that he is living as a cook now. Krieg is
amused and comments that, from his point of view, Zeff is not living as a chef by choice, but
because it is the only thing he can do. Zeff is angered but does not say a word. Krieg then
proceeds to tell the story of Red Leg Zeff, a once infamous pirate, who refused to use his hands
in battle as he was a master of kicking. His destructive kicks could pulverize bedrock, and leave
a clear imprint on steel. He was both the chef and captain of his own crew and he obtained his
epithet, Red Leg, from his legs being dyed in the blood of his enemies after a fight. According to
rumor, Zeff was supposed to have died in a shipwreck. Krieg deduces that Zeff only managed to
survive the shipwreck by sacrificing his leg. Therefore Krieg concludes, that Zeff is unable to fight
anymore, forcing him to retire as a pirate and instead becoming the chef of the Baratie. Sanji is
visibly shocked upon hearing the story, but Zeff acts indifferent saying that he still has his hands,
which allows him to cook. Zeff questions what Krieg is getting at and Krieg replies, that since Zeff
once traveled to the Grand Line, and returned safely, he must have a log of t his journey. Krieg
desires this log, for his future journeys. Zeff confirms that he does indeed have a log, but refuses
to hand it over since he sees it as a memento of his former life. Frustrated, Krieg declares that
he will then have to take Zeff's log by force. Krieg acknowledges that he came back from the
Grand Line defeated, but claims this is only due to a lack of information. Upon stating this, Krieg
again declares that he will steal Zeff's log, along with the Baratie. This angers the Baratie Chefs,
and they declare that they will not let Krieg take their home from them. The chefs advance
towards Krieg but get pushed back by his attacks. Krieg laughs and claims that once he gets
Zeff's log, he will reassemble his pirate fleet, and then find One Piece, in order to become the
greatest pirate of the era. This causes Luffy to stand up and challenge Krieg. Luffy states that he
himself will become the Pirate King. Zoro, sitting next to Usopp at a table, casually asks Luffy if
he needs a hand. Luffy says that there is no need, as he can handle it himself. Krieg laughs at
Luffy's small crew, and tells Luffy to stop messing around. Krieg tells Luffy, that even with his fleet
of 50 ships, carrying a crew of over 5,000 people, they were wiped out in a week, which Krieg still
claims is because of a lack of information. This information intrigues Zoro, but terrifies Usopp.
Krieg then leaves the restaurant to feed his starving crew, and gives everyone an ultimatum.
Either hand over Zeff's log and the Baratie ship, or they will all die. This leaves the chefs in a
dilemma; either fight or run away. They end up deciding to protect the Baratie, as it is the only
place where they all feel accepted. Meanwhile, Gin apologizes to everyone for the behavior of his
captain, and tells them of the fierceness of the Grand Line, specially after the crew was almost
annihilated by just Dracule Mihawk . Zoro is intrigued upon hearing this, while Usopp is terrified.
Krieg then leaves the restaurant to feed his crew and gives everyone an ultimatum: to hand over
Zeff's log and the ship or else they will all die. As a result the chefs are left in a dilemma of whether
to fight or run away. They decide to protect the Baratie, since it is the only place where they are

Zeff knows of a man with "hawk eyes" who seems to fill Gin’s description. While the eyes alone
aren't enough of a giveaway, the fact that he destroyed Krieg's entire fleet is more than enough
proof that he is referring to the man he is thinking of. As Usopp and Luffy discuss never hearing
of him, Zoro clarifies that is in fact the man he is looking for. Zoro’s puzzled look from the previous
chapter comes from the fact that he is looking for that same person, and that he was thought to
be found nearby, according to some information Johnny gave him. As some of the chefs discuss
a previous customer who get really drunk, Zoro decides that Johnny must have gotten his
information mixed up. Sanji asks if perhaps the hawk-eyed man bore some kind of grudge against
them, but Gin states that he recalls nothing like that, and that he just attacked them. Zeff
proposes that maybe they disturbed his afternoon nap, enraging Gin at the possibility of that
being the only reason. Zeff implores him not to get so upset, as such a thing is common in the
Grand Line.This further excites Luffy, and he consequently decides that they must go to the Grand

East Blue Baratie

Line. Zoro agrees that his goals are undoubtedly tied to the Grand Line, prompting Sanji to label
them all as idiots who would rush to their deaths. Zoro acknowledges that Sanji may be right, but
warns against calling them idiots. He explains that the day he decided to become the the World's
Greatest Swordsman, he threw away all attachment to his own life, and thus he is the only person
who has a right to call him an idiot. Luffy and Zoro chime in agreement. While Sanji expresses his
disapproval, their conviction noticably stirs something in him, prompting a smile from Zeff. Patty
rushes in and reminds them all that Don Krieg's fleet is still parked in front of their ship.

Meanwhile, Don Krieg’s crew recovers thanks to Zeff's food offering. They are rejoicing at being
saved, and finally making it back from the Grand Line, which is also known as the "Pirates's
Graveyard". However, Krieg tells them the plan is to actually return to the Grand Line. When he
sees the lack of motivation in his men to return to where they were almost killed, he fires on a
man who criticizes his decision. The crew quickly changes their mind and obey Krieg's orders. He
then explains that they will steal the Baratie, not worried about the opposition since they are mere

When Krieg's men attack the restaurant, their galleon is suddenly cut in half. The men are in
disbelief as nasty waves rock the boat. Krieg's subordinates try to tell him that the ship has been
cut, but he refuses to believe that someone could cut a ship as big as theirs. Luffy, Zoro, and
Usopp worry for the others, remembering that the Going Merry was outside in close proximity as
well. When they head to where they left the Going Merry, they find Johnny and Yosaku almost
drowning without a ship. The bounty hunters tell them the abominable truth; Nami fled with the
Going Merry and all their belongings. At the same time, Zeff looks and notices a man on a small
boat drifting towards them.

As the Krieg Pirates find themselves reeling from the devastating attack to their ship, Johnny
again apologizes for allowing Nami to escape them with the Going Merry. In a flashback, Nami
was looking through known bounty posters, having stopped at a particular one for
B20,000,000. Nami then started to act strange, furthering Johhny and Yosaku's interest. They
tell her that the man featured in the poster had been quiet for a while, but recently started
rampaging again. As they are talking, she moves Johnny and Yosaku’s treasure to the Going
Merry’s deck and asked them to turn around as she changed clothes. While the two fought their
temptation to peak, they were suddenly pushed overboard by Nami. Nami told them she had a
nice time, but since she was a pirate thief, there were no exceptions. She says goodbye, and tells
them that if fate truly links them, then they will meet again.

In the present, Zoro and Usopp are upset (Zoro for being betrayed, Usopp for losing the Going
Merry). Luffy spots the ship on the horizon, and asks them to go after her. Zoro tries to say that
no good will come of chasing after a thief like Nami, but Luffy tells them that he will accept no
one else as their navigator. Zoro wonders why he followed such a trouble some captain, but
prepares to set sail along with Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku on their ship. Luffy is not able to join
as he still has debt to repay to Zeff, and Zoro warns him to be careful. As they begin to part ways,
one of Don Krieg's subordinates yells to him that the man who destroyed their fleet has returned
to kill them all.

Aboard the Baratie, the chefs discuss the man slowly drifting towards them, before Zeff confirms
his identity: the "Hawk-Eyes" man is introduced as Dracule Mihawk, the world's greatest
swordsman. Zoro is in absolute disbelief, and the Krieg Pirates demand to know why Mihawk has
followed them. He tells them it was simply to "kill time" inciting the anger of one of the pirates to
the point he attempts to shoot him. Mihawk draws his blade and effortless redirects the bullets
away from himself. While some of the Krieg Pirates believe he simply missed, Zoro corrects them

East Blue Baratie

and tells them that he actually changed the trajectory of the bullets with his blade. He asks
Mihawk if he cut the ship as well. When Mihawk affirms, Zoro is absolutely certain that he is
indeed the strongest in the world, a goal he tells Mihawk that he himself is trying to reach. He
then challenges Mihawk to a duel, as the Krieg Pirates and the Baratie staff realize Zor o is indeed
the "Pirate Hunter" they seemingly had heard of before. Usopp tries to warn Luffy that the Going
Merry is getting farther away from them, but he ignores it as he has now become very interested
in Mihawk and Zoro's duel. Mihawk appears before Zoro, having called him a weakling. He tells
Zoro that if he were truly a great swordsman, then the difference in their powers would be obvious
without the need to cross blades. He asks Zoro if this desire to duel simply comes from his
conviction or ignorance, to which Zoro tells him that he is doing this for his own ambition, and a
promise to a friend.

As Nami sails away, she has already begun to miss the crew. She realizes they are good people,
and wonders if they will still call her a friend when they meet again, if they meet again. She cries
to someone named Bell-mère, saying that she just wants to be free.

Having now fully drawn his swords, Zoro expresses his shock at meeting the World's Greatest
Swordsman Dracule Mihawk so early in their adventure. The impending duel has garnered the
full attention of everyone present; Krieg Pirates, Straw Hats, and Baratie staff alike. However,
Mihawk humiliates him by answering his request with a pocket knife, which was the pendant he
was wearing around his neck. He states that he isn't like most fools who would go all out to hunt
a mere rabbit. He goes on to explain that while Zoro may have earned some fame as a
swordsman, the East Blue is the weakest of the four seas that are separated by the Grand Line
and Red Line. He actually regrets that he didn't have an even smaller knife. Zoro is now furious
at the degree to which he feels underestimated and prepares to attack, telling Mihawk not to
regret it when he dies. As Zoro charges, Mihawk likens him to a frog in a well; stating that its time
he experiences the real world beyond his little well. Zoro attempts to use "Oni Giri", but Mihawk
effortlessly stops all 3 katana with the tip of his knife. Luffy is visibly surprised, while Johnny and
Yosaku can't believe that one of Zoro's signature techniques was stopped so easily. Zoro himself
considers how no man has been able to stop the technique before, and yet Mihawk countered it
so easily with a "toy". The shock sends him into a frenzy, ferociously swinging at Mihawk while he
wonders how the real world could possibly be so far out of reach with all his training and
preparation. Mihawk continues to dodge and counter without so much as breaking a sweat. Zoro
remembers his promise to Kuina, and redoubles his efforts. Mihawk not ices his mental anguish
and questions what burdens him so, and why he seeks the ultimate power. He again calls Zoro a
weakling, this time angering Johnny and Yosaku to the point they attempt to intervene, but Luffy
stops them. Zoro gets back on his feet, and prepares the "Tora Gari".

This time Zoro remembers his promise to Luffy instead, and how Luffy's reaction was that he'd
expect nothing less of him to be standing at his side as Pirate King. Before Zoro could land the
attack however, Mihawk pierces him in the chest with his knife. While everyone is shocked at the
devastating blow, the biggest surprise comes from Mihawk, as Zoro simply stands there with the
knife in his chest. He asks Zoro why he refuses to step back, and Zoro doesn't really know himself.
He explains that if he were to take even one step back, it would be like stepping back on every
vow he's made to this point, which would prevent him from ever making it back to where he is
now. Mihawk states that such is defeat, but Zoro feels that is even more reason not to step back.
Mihawk questions if he'd stand by this conviction even if it meant his death, but Zoro counters
that death might actually be better. Mihawk is incredibly impressed by Zoro's strong display of
will, and upon removing the knife from his chest, asks the latter to state his name. As Zoro
complies, Mihawk finally draws his blade, telling Zoro that he will remember his name, as he does

East Blue Baratie

not often see his level of conviction in this world. As a gesture of respect to a fellow swordsman,
he tells Zoro that he will fight him with the World’s Strongest Sword.

Zoro prepares his ultimate attack, the Sanzen Sekai, as Mihawk charges toward him. The move
ultimately proves ineffective, as all of his swords except the Wado Ichimonji are broken in
Mihawk's attack. As his swords break, he concedes defeat and muses how he never even
considered the possibility of losing. He stands to face Mihawk, exposing his chest, and extending
his arms out to receive the final blow. Mihawk is puzzled, and Zoro tells him that a cut to the back
is a shameless act among swordsmen. Mihawk is pleased with Zoro's brave gesture and slashes
his chest open. As Zoro begins to fall from the wound, Mihawk makes a mental note that Zoro
shouldn't rush his own death.

Luffy, Usopp, Johnny and Yosaku are horrified at the cut Zoro has received, while the Krieg Pirates
are in pure disbelief that someone as strong as Zoro stood no chance against the power of the
Grand Line. Remembering Zoro's earlier words that his ambition meant he no longer had any
attachment to his own life, Sanji is still perplexed that Zoro wouldn't throw it away if it meant
certain death. He states that it should be simple, yelling out to Zoro as he falls into the ocean.
After having seen his first friend utterly defeated, Luffy charges against Mihawk full of rage while
Johnny and Yosaku dive in to save Zoro. He does so by extending his arm all the way over to
Mihawk's location, shocking everyone present, as they were unaware he was a Devil Fruit user.
He is easily avoided, as Mihawk deduces that he is one of Zoro's friends. Instead of fighting, the
swordsman tells him that Zoro is not dead.

As Johnny and Yosaku recover Zoro's body from the ocean, Dracule Mihawk re -introduces himself,
telling Zoro that it is much too early for him to die. Mihawk implores Zoro to learn more about
both the world and himself, and to become strong. He promises that no matter how long it will
take, he shall await him at the top in his strongest form. He encourages Zoro to press on with his
strong will and surpass his sword, but more importantly, surpass him. While Usopp, Johnny, and
Yosaku attempt to resuscitate Zoro, Mihawk turns to Luffy and asks him his goal. When Luffy
answers "Pirate King", Mihawk smiles and casually tells Luffy that will be much more difficult than
surpassing him. Luffy is undeterred by this, and asks Usopp if Zoro is ok. Usopp says that he's
still alive, and only lost consciousness. Johnny and Yosaku plead for Zoro to say something, and
to everyone's shock, he lifts his blade in the air. He apologizes to his captain for making him worry,
repeating his earlier sentiment to him that he would be in a real dilemma as Pirate King if Zoro
was not the World's Greatest Swordsman. Fighting against his pain and coughing up blood, he
tearfully vows to Luffy that until the day he defeats Mihawk and becomes the World's Greatest
Swordsman, he will never lose again. He asks his captain as future Pirate King if he has any issues
with this, which Luffy happily denies. Satisfied by these spirits, Mihawk turns to leave without
paying much attention to the Don Krieg pirates who he was looking for in the first place. He tells
Luffy that him and Zoro make a good team, and wishes to see them again in the future. This new
nonchalant attitude towards Krieg angers him, and he attempts to fire on Mihawk. The
swordsman deals another devasting blow to what's left of the galleon, sending Krieg's men flying.
When the dust settles, Mihawk is no longer present.

Having jumped back aboard the Baratie in the wake of Krieg and Mihawk's clash, Luffy tells Usopp
to go on ahead and get Nami. Usopp promises to do so, then asks Luffy to stay here and convince
Sanji to join them. He suggests that when they have five people in the crew, they should go to the
Grand Line, and Luffy agrees. Sanji notices that Don Krieg's men are starting to plot something.
Luffy decides to make a deal with Zeff: if he gets rid of them, it will settle his debt with him.

East Blue Baratie

Don Krieg decides to steal the Barartie, saying that it will make a perfect ship for the Grand Line,
since no one would suspect it to be a pirate ship and when one of his crew speaks out about
going back, he kills him. Krieg also mentions his plans to read Zeff's log book to better prepare
his crew for the grand line. This inspires the Krieg Pirates, and they start to attack the Baratie, to
which Luffy responds by attacking them and defending the Baratie as per his agreement with

However, the chefs are ready to fight, they release a wood platform in front of the restaurant, so
that they do not have to fight into the restaurant and damage it, and Patty and Carne show off
the Sabagashira No. 1 which is the fish head of the Baratie, and a paddle boat, which they use to
attack Krieg. However, Don Krieg manages to subdue it easily and throw it back toward the chefs,
but Sanji kicks it back just as easily showing his true strength.

The Don Krieg pirates attack the Baratie chefs. Both claim to be more powerful as they've each
faced separate, but challenging perils. Patty and Carne, who have exited safely from their tank,
beat back many of the Krieg Pirates and cheer on their fellow workers. They remind them they
fight not for just the Baratie, but their freedom to cook and fight where they are shunned from
most ordinary restaurants.

However, the self-proclaimed Invincible Pearl appears behind the two chefs. He claims to be the
most powerful and proves it by beating the chef duo in one punch as he wears his armor made
of pearl and steel. When Sanji see that some of Krieg's pirates take the opportunity to steal
Carne's knives, he kicks away all of the pirates and retains ownership of the knife for his chef

When this Pearl continues his arrogant taunts, claiming he has not even bled one time in his
battles, Sanji attacks him. At the same time, Don Krieg treacherously attacks Luffy who was
enjoying Sanji's show. Luffy is sent flying in the process, but accidentally fall back on Pearl's head,
knocking it into his armor. Pearl lifts his head and reveals A drop of blood coming from his nose
as the the first time he's bled in battle.

When Pearl receives the first bloody nose of his life, he enters a berserk rage and sets his armor
on fire by punching the pearls on it. Many of the chefs become frightened and warn him that he
will set the entire ship on fire. However, as a cook, Sanji warns the other chefs they should not be
afraid of fire as he leaps over the firewall Pearl has created.

Sanji continues to battle Pearl with his superior speed and kicking abilities. He tells them that a
chef's tools include his hands so he only uses his feet when fighting. Pearl becomes increasingly
upset as he is trashed by Sanji.

In order to stop him from destroying the ship, Don Krieg throws a knob toward Sanji and Pearl.
Luffy is able to deflect it with his Gum Gum Bazooka. The knob instead destroys Don Krieg's ship
mast which falls over and subsequently renders Pearl unconscious.

However, the Krieg Pirates have not said their last word. While they were fighting, Gin has taken
Zeff down and threatens to take his life as he holds a gun to his head.

Taking Zeff hostage, Gin asks Sanji to leave the ship. Sanji refuses and tells him to go to hell.
What might appear as a very egotistical reaction on Sanji's part, turns out to be a gesture
of sacrifice. Indeed, Sanji asks Gin to point the gun at him instead of the owner, and when the
newly conscious Pearl attacks him, he does not avoid or counter him anymore. Luffy gets ready

East Blue Baratie

to punch Pearl, but Sanji yells at him to stop. If they do anything further to harm the Krieg pirates,
Gin is highly liable to act on his threat. Sanji knows this, and holds himself accountable for Zeff
and the Baratie. The reasons behind his weird shift in behavior are hidden in the past of these
two chefs: Sanji blames himself for having destroyed Zeff's former life, his dreams, and his
strength. He does not want him to lose anything more and would die rather than give Don
Krieg the Baratie.

Pearl takes this opportunity to wallop Sanji, since he won't raise a finger to possibly endanger
Zeff. The cooks around them are dying to know what could have possibly happened to them so
long ago, because they were under the impression that Sanji had hated the head cook. While
Sanji is down after several attacks from Pearl, two words come to mind before the scene flashes
back in time: All Blue. Nine years ago, young Sanji was an apprentice chef on the Orbit cruise
ship. He one day told his older chef companions about his dream to find the All Blue, a legendary
sea where all species of fish and seafood from all the world's oceans could be found. After
mocking him for believing that such a sea exists, they began to eat the many leftovers left by the
clients. Sanji finds this disgusting, and berates them for eating scraps, when there is still fre sh
food and their next port of call is only two days away. The more experienced cooks reply that on
the sea, one does not know what may happen. A sea-faring cook must take advantage of whatever
resources are available. He doesn't see the allure, and rejects their leftovers again.

Suddenly people on the deck began running and yelling for help. The ship is being attacked by
Zeff and his crew, the Cook Pirates.

9 years ago, a cruise ship was attacked by pirates, fresh from their journey to the Grand Line.
They are the fearsome Cook Pirates captained by the chef pirate Zeff. The two captains meet, and
hardly a second passes after the cruise ship captain asks their demands when Zeff commands
his men to take everything of value. After pillaging, they bring back their spoils to the deck, in
order to transfer it to their ship. Zeff notices something amiss with one of the bags that his
underling set down, and he commands him to stop. The pirate knows he has been caught stealing
food from the bag, and he starts to make excuses, but Zeff delivers a megaton force kick and
sends him across the deck. Zeff reiterates that you should never touch someone else's food.
Meanwhile, Sanji does not accept this fate and has decided to bravely attack the pirates with his
cooking knives. He is easily beaten but does not surrender. The young boy does not want to die,
until he has realized his dream to find All Blue. Upon hearing this, Zeff has a pensive look on his
face, as if he is considering Sanji, but all the other pirates burst into raucous laughter, stating
that such a place does not exist, even on the Grand Line.

With the storm getting stronger, Zeff orders his men back to their ship. But a large wave catches
Sanji and he is thrown overboard. Immediately, Zeff snaps a mast off with a kick and grabs it
while he jumps in to save him, against his better judgment. Unfortunately, an even bigger wave
smashes both ships to pieces, and all is in chaos as the storm goes on.

After a few days, Sanji wakes up on a large rock, deserted at sea. H e sees that he only has Zeff
for a companion, and starts when he realizes the possible threat. After being kicked though, it is
evident that he is in no condition to move so fast. Sanji asks about his ship, and Zeff guesses that
there were no survivors. The wreckage of his own ship around him indicates that no one is likely
to have made it. They have no choice but to wait for rescue, which they both know is unlikely, due
to their precarious situation. He informs Sanji that the storm was two days ago, and they were
washed up on this barren rock, stranded with no resources whatsoever. They still maintain their
rivalrous banter, but Zeff at least deigns to give him a portion of some food that washed up with
them. Sanji complains at how much bigger Zeff's portion is, but he only says that he needs more

East Blue Baratie

since he is bigger. Sanji isn't at all happy about this, but Zeff has complete control of the situation,
and without this food, they face the horrible possibility of having to resort to cannibalism. Zeff
tells him to stay on one side of the island, while he goes to the other, so they have a greater
chance of spotting a ship.

Now alone, Sanji watches the sun setting over the ocean. He is very hungry and turns to look at
his food supply, but thinks on what Zeff said earlier: Normally, it would be enough food for five
days, but as chefs, they should be able to make it last longer. He hangs his head, starving but
determined to stick it out. On the other side, Zeff holds a boulder aloft, and through a piece of
wood clenched in his teeth, he says determinedly that this is the end of "Red Leg" Zeff. He brings
the rock down on his leg, severing it just below the right knee.

Sanji tried to divide his small portion of food wisely, but after 25 days he had only one piece of
moldy bread left. He had only seen one ship that did not even see him pass. After 70 days, weak
and hopeless, he decided to reach Zeff to steal his food.

Upon arriving, he found Zeff's bag was still almost full. He entered a rage and approached with a
knife declaring he was taking the food and didn't care about him. When Sanji opened the bag, he
found it was only filled with treasures. Sanji realized that Zeff had given him all the food and that
he had only survived by eating his own leg. When asked why he acted such foolishly while they
hate each other, the pirate revealed that, he too, believed in the All Blue and that he was trying
to find it in the Grand Line. But now, without his crew, he could not realize this dream anymore.
He decided if they were rescued, he would retire from piracy and start a restaurant.

The miracle occured, after 85 days, the ship Sanji had seen came back and saved them.

Back in the present, Sanji's behavior makes more sense: in the memory of the old man that saved
his life, he will not allow anyone to kill him or steal his last dream.

Sanji continues to let Pearl assault him as he has decided to die rather than let the Baratie be
taken by the Krieg Pirates. Luffy becomes angry as he does not understand how Sanji's death
would repay Zeff’s sacrifice. To put an end to Sanji's suicide, he destroys the Baratie since it is
the target of Don Krieg. While Sanji and Luffy fighting about the best solution to save Zeff, Pearl
decides to attack them. However, he is stopped by Gin, who defeats him with one blow. He
proclaims he will take care of Sanji's death, personally.

Gin promises he will honor Sanji by killing him by his own hands. Sanji has little reaction to Gin's
threats. This also goes for Luffy, who does not see himself loosing in front of such a crew.

For the Krieg Pirates, who see themselves as the most powerful of East Blue, this is unforgivable
and they rush the two kids. However, they are immediately stopped by their captain; while he is
here they have not to be worry of who is the stronger. However, when Krieg asks Luffy the question
of who is stronger, Luffy naturally responds that he is the strongest one here.

In order to make him realize the difference between the two of them, Don Krieg threatens Luffy
with one of his strongest weapons - the poison gas MH5. Krieg fires the bomb at the Baratie.
When Luffy attempts to bounce the bomb back, it reveals to actually be a shuriken bomb and not
a poison bomb. Hurt by the sharp stakes, Luffy admits he was tricked, but he continues to assert
that he is the strongest. As his anger rises, Don Krieg asks Gin to take care of Sanji. He tells him
he will deal with Luffy personally.

East Blue Baratie

Sanji and Gin fight but their attacks cause little damage. They find their abilities are equally
matched. The Krieg Pirates estimate that Gin will lose, but Don Krieg says Gin's fighting abilities
will no give out. He explains that Gin is a calm and collected "Demon". He tells them that Gin can
kill his opponents without pardon and many people have called him "The Demon". That's why he
had placed him as the battle commander in his armada. Due to his injuries from fighting with
Pearl, Sanji is cornered by Gin. Patty and the other Baratie cooks become worried.

Meanwhile, Luffy attacks Don Krieg, but Don Krieg releases his armor and plans to kill Luffy. He
shoots Luffy with bombs and spears. That spears impale Luffy's foot, and he almost falls into the
ocean. Luffy asks if Don Krieg is not serious to fight him directly. Krieg answers the most important
skill in fighting is to kill the opponent. Krieg jeers that Luffy is a monkey because cause he attacks
without strategy.

Don Krieg's Pirates scream that Sanji's bone is broken. Gin roughs up Sanji ten times. Gin attacks
Sanji and brings him close to his death. Krieg's Pirates cheer at Gin's win. When Gin prepares to
execute Sanji, he remembers how Sanji gave him food. Gin begins crying. He admits he cannot
kill the only man who treated him kindly in his entire life.

Don Krieg is disappointed with Gin because he disobeys his order to kill Sanji. Before that, Gin
was the person he trusted the most. Krieg sees excess in Gin's personality that will win in the
battlefield. Gin says he will always respect and admire Krieg. However, he cannot kill Sanji and
requests to let the Baratie go free. Krieg becomes angered at Gin's gall. The Krieg Pirates remain
confused about what happened to Gin.

Krieg prepares to shoot his MH5 bomb. All of Krieg's crew pull out their masks to survive. Krieg
demotes Gin and asks him to throw away his mask. The Don Krieg Pirates cannot believe that
Krieg would kill Gin. Gin was very loyal, such as when the crew hazed from Fullbody, Gin went
alone to the ships of the Marine and masqueraded as captain. Gin always sacrificed himself to
save Krieg an he did anything to win, that's why people called him "Demon".

Meanwhile, Luffy attempts to stop Krieg, but fails. Luffy takes back his step and announces he
will save Gin from Krieg. But Gin still believes in Krieg as his commander and throws away his
mask as he was commanded. Krieg shoots the MH5. The Baratie cooks escape by diving
underwater and Krieg's crew uses their masks to protect themselves from the poison gas.

Thinking quick, Luffy takes two masks away from some of Krieg's pirates. He gives the masks to
Sanji and Gin. When Luffy wants to take a mask for himself, no masks remain. Suddenly, he spots
a mask as the MH5 activates and places it on his face. After 5 minutes, the gas dissipates and it
Gin is revealed to have not worn his mask. Luffy realizes that Gin selflessly gave him his mask.

After Don Krieg shoots the MH5 gas bomb, he further angers Luffy and Sanji by claiming that Gin
is garbage and it's proper to die by his own hands as his commander. Krieg’s crew cannot believe
what is happening to Gin at Krieg's hands. Patty and Carne emerge from the resaurant, and Sanji
immediately calls to them for any antidote the Baratie may have. They show a little hesitance to
help an enemy, but Sanji urges them to comply. Zeff lets them know that they need to put a gas
mask on him right away, to use whatever antitoxin might be left in it. Then take him up to the
upper deck for clearer air, as this could be the only way to save him. Patty and Carne are amazed
by this quickly-placed wisdom, until Sanji snaps them out of their stupor, and they rush to help.

Luffy becomes angry with Krieg and tells Gin that he can't die and has to survive to spite his
terrible captain. Krieg estimates that Gin has about an hour left to live. Luffy promises to beat

East Blue Baratie

Krieg no matter what, but Gin is still certain that he cannot beat Krieg. He gets carried off, and
Luffy turns to confront the pirate captain, but he is held back by Sanji who doesn't want him to
get killed. But Luffy brushes the hand away and firmly states, "I won't die," then rushes headlong
toward Krieg, fearing no bullets or stakes. Sanji is forced to accept Luffy's decision, and Krieg
smirks at Luffy's stubbornness - what he perceives to be reckless foolishness.

Don Krieg mocks his repeated attempts as he tosses bombs at the bridge in front of him,
welcoming Luffy to his grave. The explosion again creates a wave that obscures the bridge in
sheets of water, and Krieg fires another round of stakes. Sanji hears the stakes come in contact
with Luffy, and Krieg notes how his enemy would rather die than retreat with mild intrigue. Defying
all norms, Luffy crosses through the mist, now sporting a stake in his side and his left shoulder,
but otherwise undeterred. He uses Krieg's tactic against him when he flips forward to crash the
surface of the water with an outstretched leg. He stretches his arm behind him with the intent of
punching him through the screen of water. Krieg sees that he is determined to land a hit no matter
the cost, so he thinks fast and implements his porcupine cape, a cloth studded with spikes large
enough to cover his whole body. He thinks himself invulnerable, but Luffy delivers a solid blow to
his jaw, despite his fist meeting the field of spikes. For the first time in the fight, Krieg has been
sent sprawling to the ground.

Luffy asks Krieg then, if this is his grave or Krieg's, as he pulls the stake from his shoulder. He
proclaims that he doesn't have sneaky weapons like Krieg, but he's still a viable fighter who won't
die here. Sanji watches on and claims that Luffy is crazy, but Zeff tells him to watch Luffy fight.
While Zeff talks to Sanji, the situation with Gin unfolds, as Patty and Carne tend to him on the top
deck of the restaurant. They try to make sure he breathes, and Patty suggests making some food
for him, to which Carne replies that he has already been poisoned once today. They start arguing,
but get interrupted upon hearing Gin start to hack and cough. Zeff continues relating to Sanji that
it's not often that a person comes along who will not quit fighting once he has his eyes set on a
particular goal. Regardless of if Luffy wins or loses this fight, that's the kind of man Zeff respects,
and this gets Sanji thinking.

The Krieg pirates are getting nervous, and the chefs start cheering Luffy on, having been won
over by his spirit. Krieg gets up off the ground and punches at Luffy in a rage, catching him on the
shoulder guard, and smirking as he fires the built-in cannon. But he pays for this miscalculation,
when Luffy escapes before the blast and hooks his foot around Krieg's neck, bringing him down
a second time.

Don Krieg is knocked down once again by Luffy. This creates severe anguish amongst his crew
members, as Don Krieg has always went out of a battle unscathed. However, when one crewmate
states that he believes Luffy to actually be stronger than Krieg, he arises, telling them to shut up
before combining his shoulder plates together to form his "Great Battle Spear", which he slams
into the ground next to Luffy, creating an explosion.

The crew members are finally rejoicing as they see Krieg's secret weapon, as he discards his cape
and comments that it's way stronger than the stakes he fired at Luffy earlier. While Luffy wonders
how the spear made an explosion, Krieg swings it again, sending Luffy flying over the ocean, but
luckily, he stretches towards a platform floating. However, due to the fact that he has lost lots of
blood thanks to Krieg, and that the platform he's standing on is unstable, he soon falls to his

Now, the crew members are talking amongst themselves about Krieg's weapon, which apparently
creates explosions depending on how powerful the blow is. Krieg continues his assault on Luffy,

East Blue Baratie

who is dodging for his life. The crew members are now discussing Krieg's massive strength, as
the lance weighs approximately 1 ton, yet Krieg can swing it around with only one arm.

Finally, Luffy loses balance and jumps over Krieg's blow, but this makes him wide open for a
attack. However, just in the nick of time, Luffy grabs the lance before it can hit him. En raged,
Krieg slams the lance into the ground, forcing Luffy to let go. Krieg proceeds to ram his lance into
Luffy, who grabs the tip, but Krieg merely whips it around, creating an explosion which sends Luffy
flying. As Krieg swings again, Luffy is hit head-on. Krieg then proceeds to tell that him that he is
stronger than Luffy.

However, Luffy answers by slamming his foot into the ground, breaking the spear's tip, much to
Krieg's confusion and horror. Luffy tells him that he hit the tip 5 times, and that wit h the wide
area they have landed in, Luffy can defeat him.

Luffy is able to balance Don Krieg’s power. He destroys the most powerful weapon of Krieg.
Everyone is surprised and cannot believe that Luffy is still able to stand on his feet. But Krieg has
a lot of self-confidence and plans to defeat Luffy with it. He believes that his weapon is the most
powerful weapon in the world. His energy was still powering up, and meanwhile Luffy's energy
was not.

Sanji still does not believe that Luffy can beat Krieg due to his weakened condition. But Zeff says
Luffy has one weapon that Krieg does not have, no fear of death. He tells Sanji on the battlefield
they must have the principle to not be afraid of death. If they are afraid, they will lose in just one
second. That principle was in Luffy, Zeff added.

Krieg attacks Luffy again, and wants to execute him because he is brave to challenge "The Most
Powerful Captain" in East Blue. But Luffy dodges it and hangs onto a mast. Then Krieg slices the
mast. Unfortunately, his attacks do not hurt Luffy. Luffy throws the mast at him. But, Krieg
destroys it by shooting fire at it. Luffy replies with "Gomu Gomu No Gatling". But Krieg's armor
protects him. Luffy continues using his "Gomu Gomu No Pistol" and sends Krieg flying, but the
armor still does not shatter. Kriegs plans to throw bombs from top of the mast. Luffy tries to stop
it and run faster. Finally, Luffy destroys the armor by using "Gomu Gomu No Bazooka" and cracks
it into pieces.

Luffy finally destroys Don Krieg’s armor. Everyone is shocked, especially the Krieg Pirates who
watched their captain lose. Even though Krieg still lost his spirit, he attacks Luffy in the air by
shooting an iron net at him. Luffy becomes ensnared in midair above the ocean. Luffy realizes he
will sink due to his Devil Fruit weakness. Krieg smirks in joy realizing his last second revenge may
become realizes. However, Luffy reaches out with his free hands and feet to attack Kriege. For
anticipating that, Krieg asks his crew to shoot at Luffy.

In another place, Sanji is confused why Luffy does not retreat. Zeff says he cannot look down after
this battle. Sanji then attacks the Krieg's pirates who were aiming arrows at Luffy. Luffy is able to
successfully use his last technique "Gomu Gomu no Tsuchi". It connects with Krieg's head and
Krige is knocked unconscious. However, Luffy falls to his certain death in the ocean as he cannot

Zeff explains to Sanji why he won. He explains Luffy has the courage, "harpoon", and he is not
afraid to die. Then Zeff suggests that Sanji should save him as he can't swim, Sanji can hardly
believe the old man waited this long to inform him of Luffy's inability to swim and quickly dives in
after him.

East Blue Baratie

Gin cannot believe that his captain lost. Unfortunately, Krieg can still can stand up and acts
weirdly. At the same time, Gin goes to deck of Baratie to end the battle. He punches Krieg in the
stomach to knock him out. He decides to retreat with the Don Krieg Pirates and start anew.

After Luffy wins the battle with Don Krieg, Gin plans to bring Krieg with him. Patty and Carne try
to stop him because poison gas was still in his body, but Gin ignores it and tells Sanji to tell Luffy
"See you again in Grand Line". Suddenly, Gin vomits blood and believes he will die in two to three
hours. He considers his stupidity because of his acceptance of an inevitable death and decides
that he will do anything he wants in the meantime. He then recalls Krieg's teachings that if you
decide something, do it without doubt, no matter how strong your opponent. Sanji listens to Gin's
words, and asks Patty and Carne to give him their shopping ship. At first they disagree, but Sanji
forces them with his very powerful kicking techniques.

Suddenly, in the Baratie, Luffy wakes up, and asks where his straw hat is located. Sanji informs
him that his hat is in Luffy's hand. Luffy opens his band-aid and asks about the Krieg Pirates.
Sanji wonders if they have gone and tells Luffy about Gin's order. Luffy wonders if Gin wants to
meet Sanji again, and is scolded because his stupidity. Suddenly, Luffy remembers Zeff has
promised that today is the last day of work. Luffy continues to plead for Sanji to become a crew
member of his. Sanji rejects it because he wants to keep working on the Baratie because Zeff
has recognized his mastery. Finally, Luffy gives up hope. Sanji maintains his promise that he will
go to the Grand Line someday. Sanji asks if Luffy knows about the All Blue. Sanji then informs
him about his dream of finding the place and appears happy. Zeff sees the joy in Sanji as he
drams of the All Blue and makes plans.

It's now Luffy's break time. Luffy and Sanji come to the mess hall but there are no chairs for them.
A cook tells them to sit on the floor. Suddenly, Patty asks who made the soup, to which Sanji said
that he made it. Patty insults it, saying it tastes bad. Sanji is angered to hear that and insults Patty
back. However, everyone in the room agrees with Patty that the soup that Sanji made is really
bad. Zeff tastes it too, and agrees with the cooks. Sanji becomes furious and pulls Zeff's collar,
but Zeff punches him, knocking Sanji out of the restaurant. Luffy eats the soup and grins while
he announces that it is delicious. Zeff then explains the scenario and asks Luffy to bring Sanji
with him on his journeys, because his dream is to go to Grand Line. Unfortunately, Sanji, outside,
hears their conversation.

Luffy would like very much that Sanji becomes a member of his crew, but he cannot do it unless
Sanji himself agrees which he never has so far. Suddenly, a strange animal arrives at the Baratie.
It is no other than Yosaku, half eaten by a shark. He has come back to ask for Luffy's help. He
has located Nami but can do nothing without Luffy's strength.

While he is ok to depart, Sanji, to the surprise of every one, decides to go with them and becomes
the Straw Hat Chef. He changed his mind when he heard that everybody wanted him to depart.
As to comfort his decision, Zeff tells him that he regrets to have let him live.

A nostalgic Zeff is seen remembering his restaurant history. When it is time for departure,
everybody becomes serious. Patty and Carne even try an ultimate revenge attack on Sanji but it
proves useless as he easily beats the two back. Then, from his balcony, Zeff reveals his true
feelings by wishing Sanji good luck. These are the words that break the hypocritical atmosphere.
In turn, Sanji shows his gratitude to the man who gave him everything and bows in respect. They
depart in the middle of the joy and the tears and bid farewell to the Baratie!

East Blue Arlong Park

Arlong Park

uffy looks forward to entering the Grand Line with newest Straw Hat Pirate, Sanji.
However, Yosaku warns them about the dangers of this sea. In particular he warns them
of the presence of the Shichibukai, of which Dracule Mihawk and a fishman pirate
named Jinbe belong. He explains that years ago Jinbe had a relation with his strongest lieutenant
in the East Blue, Arlong. He suspects that Nami will be near Arlong. Sanji has his doubts as he
always trusts beautiful woman and had recently become smitten with Nami. Yosaku mentions
that due to Nami's suspicious behavior being connected to their copy of Arlong's wanted poster,
he and Johnny suspected earlier that there had to be a connection between Nami and Arlong.

Meanwhile in Arlong Park, base of Arlong's Fishmen pirates, Arlong makes a deal with a Marine,
Nezumi. He presses Nezumi to relax and celebrate in the common language that they understand,
money. However, Nezumi tells him he must press on before anyone recognizes his ship in port.
Suddenly, Nami is introduced as one of the Arlong pirate officers and the only human Arlong can

Zoro, Usopp and Johnny arrive in front of Arlong Park. In order to prevent Zoro from foolishly
attacking the fishmen, he's tied up by Johnny and Usopp while they search for the Going Merry.
They soon found it anchored near a local village. Usopp, who acted bravely once away from Arlong
Park, becomes a coward again once he notices three Fishmen next to the boat. He and Johnny
flee into the sea once they have been spotted, leaving Zoro alone and powerless in front of the

When Usopp and Johnny pull themselves out of the sea, they notice that the village has been
completely devastated and postulate it was destroyed by the Fishmen. They are impressed by the
power of these creatures. They find one of the Fishmen has returned to the village, suspicious of
Zoro being alone. While Johnny is able to hide himself, Usopp starts running until he bumps into
a kid, Chabo, and a woman, Nojiko. When the Fishman is about to capture them, Usopp decides
to act bravely for once, and tries to defend the two villagers, but is knocked out by Nojiko.

When he wakes up, the three of them are in Nojiko's house, in an orange farm. Nojiko tells them
that nobody fights the fishmen because it's suicide. Chabo, a boy from Gosa Village, whose father
has been killed, understands this, and returns to his mother rather than seeking revenge.

Usopp understands that Nojiko's intentions are not bad, and tells her that he is looking for Nami.
Nojiko then tells Usopp that Nami and her are adopted sisters, and that Nami is a member of
Arlong Pirates.

When Nojiko tells Usopp that the house he is currently in is the house where Nami lived as a child
as well as informing him that they are adopted sisters and telling him that their "mother" is dead.
Usopp says that Nami betrayed her village since she joined Arlong Pirates, who control her
hometown, Cocoyasi Village. Nojiko questions Usopp's business with Nami. Usopp replies that he
has some things to think about due to all the info he has received. Additionally, he says that all
she wanted from the crew was for the treasure and asks why she saved his village and looked
happy with them. Nojiko questions Nami being happy and then restates that he shouldn't start
anything with the Arlong Pirates since it will lead to death. Usopp replies that he will just leave
since he has found the ship. After Nojiko points out the Going Merry, Usopp realizes that they
landed near Cocoyasi Village and Usopp begins to panic. Nojiko asks what's wrong and Usopp
replies that he remembered that one of his crewmates was captured by the fishmen and is in a
critical condition.

East Blue Arlong Park

Indeed, Zoro has been taken to Arlong Park where he is questioned by Arlong. Zoro insults Arlong
by calling him a half-fish mutant and restates that he is looking for a girl. Arlong says he will forgive
Zoro once for the insult and says fishmen are superior to humans. Shortly after, Nami appears
much to Zoro's surprise seeing her aligned with Arlong. Arlong says she is an exception to the
human race and informs him that she is the Arlong Pirates' cartographer. Zoro questions why
Nami would side with Arlong. Arlong questions if they know each other. Nami replies that he was
just another victim. Then Zoro asks Nami if this is her "true self" and she answers, "yes" and that
she had been aligned with Arlong all along. After Nami's statement, Arlong laughs and calls her a
"cold-blooded witch" who only wants money. Nami hides her scowl upon hearing Arlong make
such a statement. Zoro notices this and jumps into the pool, shocking everyone. Nami dive into
the water and saves Zoro. After the rescue, Nami asks what he was doing to which Zoro remarks
that he should be asking that question to her and says she shouldn't be acting tough. Nami replies
that she does not want him involved in this anymore. Afterwards, Nami tells the fishman to lock
Zoro up and she will kill him later. Shortly after, a fishman approaches Arlong saying that a longed
nose human got away. Arlong says that the human is probably in Cocoyasi Village and says he
has business to attend to their anyway.

In Cocoyasi Village, the villagers hear of Arlong's coming and wonder what business he has since
he already collected the tribute. Genzo answers by saying that Arlong found his weapons. Arlong
arrives and begins questioning Genzo on the possession of weapons. Genzo answers that it is a
hobby to collect weapons. Arlong says he cannot possess any weapons since all they do is bring
violence. A frightened Usopp says he is not human. Nojiko replies that he is a fishman, and says
that Nami must be at Arlong Park since she is not with Arlong. Arlong threatens Genzo by stating
back when he destroyed Gosa Village due to no one paying tributes. Nojiko explains to Usopp that
a tribute is the money they pay every month in order for them live under Arlong's protection. If one
person does not pay in the village, the entire village is destroyed. Before leaving, Arlong tells the
town to work hard for money since tribute time is approaching.

Back at Arlong Park, Nami rushes Zoro to escape before Arlong's return.

Genzo is found to possess several weapons - which are forbidden by Arlong’s rules. He announces
to the crowd that weapons may be seen as the start of rebellion. As a result, Genzo shall be made
an example of the inferiority of humans against fishmen and be executed in front of all the
villagers. While the villagers of Cocoyasi Village attempt to save the life of their friend, Genzo begs
them to stay quiet as it would mean that what they have endured for the past 8 years would have
been for nothing.

When Arlong is about to deliver the final blow to Genzo, he is struck by an explosion. Usopp laughs
from the top of the buildings and delivers brave words of having 8,000 hardened killers ready to
strike against him. Arlong go berserk, and as an answer to Usopp's insult, he destroys the house
on which he is staying. Afraid that their leader will destroy all the village which they need to get
money, the Fishmen restrain him and promise to catch Usopp and take him back to Arlong Park.

After Arlong's departure, and while the Fishmen are trying to capture the running Usopp, Nami
appears in the village. Everyone ignores her besides her sister. She has came to deposit flowers
on a grave. She tells Nojiko that she only needs B7,000,000 more until she can buy the village.

Meanwhile, in Arlong Park, Zoro who has been freed by Nami, has defeated every Fishman at the
park and awaits Arlong's return.

East Blue Arlong Park

Hatchan finishes preparing Mohmoo’s meal and makes a trumpet sound to lure Mohmoo to his
dinner. The sound alerts Zoro who finds Hatchan sitting on the shore. Hatchan asks who he is,
and Zoro responds that he is a guest. Hatchan responds that Arlong is away at Cocoyasi village
and offers to transport him.

Meanwhile Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku are confronted by the large sea creature, Mohmoo. Yosaku
suspects he is hungry and suggests to give Mohmoo. Luffy responds by punching Mohmoo. Sanji
then berates him for hurting the beast just because it's hungry and offers Mohmoo food. However,
Sanji suddenly kicks Mohmoo for trying to bite his hand. He then knocks him out when he tries to
retaliate. The group then proceed to eat their lunch.

Meanwhile, Zoro arrives at Cocoyasi village. Arlong returns to Arlong Park to find his crewmates
have been injured. When asks who did this, he finds out it was Zoro. At first angered, he pacifies
himself after learning that Usopp has been captured. Some of his crew hypothesize that Nami
was the one that let him escape, saying that betrayal is her specialty. To which Nami responds
that she would never betray the crew. She reminds the crew of her promise to buy back the village
fair and square, and Arlong believes her. He says they need to take care of Usopp and Zoro, while
Zoro finds out Usopp was captured and heads back toward Arlong park, as wells as Luffy and

Realizing it has been Zoro in their grasp all along, Arlong explains that since he has the highest
bounty in all of East Blue, it's natural that a bounty hunter would want to take him out. He wonders
where Zoro could be, to which Usopp responds that he doesn't know and asks to be let go. Though
his lie doesn't fool anyone, Arlong then gets the idea to kill Usopp to get Zoro to show up, but
Usopp tells them that this won't work and asks Nami for help. Causing more doubt among the
crew about Nami's loyalty, and Usopp berates her for betraying Luffy saying that even now he still
trusts her, to which Nami calls him an idiot.

Hatchan then returns, and is surprised that Arlong is back and that his comrades are hurt, and is
even more surprised to learn that it was Zoro who did it, telling the crew that he just gave him a
ride to Cocoyasi Village because he was looking for Arlong and he thought Zoro was Arlong's guest.
Which makes Arlong happy that Zoro is looking for him, Hatchan then asks who Usopp is. Nami,
in order to prove her allegiance, attacks Usopp. She announces he will kill him and appears to
stab him from Arlong's point of view. Johnny watches unseen from the bushes. Nami then pushes
Usopp into the pool which solidifies the crew's trust of her, and she reminds them again of her
goal - to purchase back her hometown village.

Luffy, Sanji, Yosaku, and Zoro all arrive at Arlong Park and are pulled ashore by Mohmoo.

The sea monster, Mohmoo, pulls Sanji and Luffy’s boat at full speed into the shore. Luffy and
Sanji are then sent flying into the sky. Mohmoo crashes into the shore head-first and sinks into
the sea in pain. At the same time, Zoro is urgently trying to find Usopp. He hears a loud noise but
pays no attention to it until he is caught in Sanji and Luffy's unconventional landing. Zoro explains
that they have to hurry in order to save Usopp, who has been captured by Arlong, otherwise he
will be killed. Zoro is about to run off when Johnny appears and informs him that Usopp has
already been killed by Nami. Everybody is in shock after hearing this.

Meanwhile, the survivors of the Gosa Village observe a Marine ship approaching the shore. It is
led by Commodore Pudding Pudding with the intent to liberate the inhabitants of the island. The
Commodore tells his men that their goal will be to rescue the survivors of the island as well as

East Blue Arlong Park

take out the pirates inhabiting it as their sense of justice prevents them from overlooking a pirate

Arlong questions the existence of the 77th Branch of the Marines as he has never heard of them
before. He concludes that they must be new, so he tells his lieutenants to either buy them off for
B2,000,000 or to dispose of them, if they turn down the offer. Just as he finishes talking, his crew
warns him of an impeding cannonball coming towards him. Arlong then opens his mouth and
crushes the cannonball with his monstrous jaw strength. He spits out the remains and tells
Kuroobi to cancel the negotiations. Arlong's top officers, Hatchan, Chew, and Kuroobi offer to get
rid of the Marines. Moments later, Chew jumps onto the deck of the Marine ship and attacks
everyone on board. At the same time, Kuroobi tears off the ship's rudder and Hatchan pushes the
reef. The duo result in a creation of a massive whirlpool which sucks in the ship, presumably
killing everyone on board.

As the officers return, Arlong apologizes for making the three go through all that trouble, but they
reply that it was nothing because with their fishmen strength and the maps Nami has drawn, they
claim they are invincible. Chew then asks Arlong whether he would actually let Nami go once she
pays off her debt of 100 million belly since she is a invaluable member of the Arlong empire.
Arlong replies that he would rather die before he breaks a promise regarding money. Back to
Luffy's side, Luffy yells at Johnny while grabbing him by the collar, telling him that what he is saying
is nonsense and that Nami would never hurt one of her crew mates. Just then Nami appears and
asks Luffy who he is calling a crew mate.

When Luffy refers to Nami as his crew mate, she tells him that he is a no more than a nuisance.
She says that she only stayed with them because of their money. Zoro argues with Sanji that he
is making things more complicated with his romantic advances toward her. Sanji responds saying
that love is like a hurricane.

Johnny interrupts their quibbling when he yells at Nami, calling her a witch. He says that all she
cares about is getting all the money hidden in Cocoyasi Village where she is willing to join the
Arlong Pirates and going so far as to kill people in order to do so. He follows up by calling her a
witch again and that she is cold blooded. He swears that he saw her killing Usopp. Nami is unfazed
and asks Johnny what is he going to do about it. Johnny is taken back by surprise.

She also tells them that if they want to live, they better stay out of Arlong’s business because he
is infuriated from Zoro's stunt. Nami says that Luffy and his crew may be monsters but they are
no match for the real monster. Zoro responds saying that he couldn't care less and asks where
Usopp is. Nami tells him that he is at the bottom of the ocean. Irritated, Zoro tries to attack Nami
but Sanji stops him. The two of them begin to argue. Zoro tells him to not interfere when he has
no idea what is going on. Sanji ignores him and tells him that he is just irritated after his loss with
Mihawk. Zoro gets mad and points his sword toward Sanji's neck. S anji taunts him and tells him
to just try. Yosaku tells the two of them to stop because they are in an serious situation right now.

Nami tells them to leave and go fight elsewhere and she couldn't care less, biding them farewell.
Luffy then immediately fell asleep on the spot, announcing that he is sleepy and could not care
less about what is going on in the island. Nami then yells at him, saying that he can die for all she
cares. Afterwards, Johnny and Yosaku decide to part ways with Luffy and the others because they
are afraid of getting hunted down and killed by Arlong. They tell everyone that they will meet again
one day.

East Blue Arlong Park

Meanwhile, Usopp, who is revealed to be alive, wanders through Cocoyasi Village. He wonders
and asks himself why would Nami pretend to kill him but stabs her own hand instead. It then
occur to him that Nami was actually trying to save him from being killed by Arlong and comes to
the conclusion that she is not a witch. Following this realization, Usopp decides to look for Zoro.
He remembers that the octopus guy told him that Zoro was looking for Arlong earlier. Terrified, he
assumes that Zoro could have returned to Arlong Park to search for him. He decides to run straight
for Arlong Park in order to save his crew mate. However, he spots Zoro in the distance as he is

At the same time, Sanji asks Zoro if he really thinks that Nami kill Usopp. Zoro tells him that it is
a possibility as she got pissed after Usopp called her "small" last time. Sanji gets angry thinking
that Zoro was referring to Nami's breast size. Sanji and Zoro then clash but Usopp gets into the
crossfire and gets his face injured.

Meanwhile, Nojiko is out in the tangerine fields and hears the house door slamming shut. She
goes inside and notices Nami with her head on the desk. Nojiko comments on the mess of thrown
furniture and broken glass on the floor which Nami has made and asks her if anything is wrong.
Nami says that she was only taking a little rest at first before opening up to her sister. Nojiko then
understands that her friends have come to take her back and understands why she is upset as
nothing upsets Nami the most than having to say the word "friend".

Back with the Straw Hats, Luffy is shocked by Usopp's face. He asks him if Nami was responsible
which Sanji and Zoro take responsibility for it. Usopp tells Luffy that Nami had actually saved him
and he feels that Nami joined the Arlong Pirates for another reason. Nojiko then appears and tells
them that it's useless and there is no way that they could change Arlong's rule. She then agrees
to tell the crew about Nami's past but they must leave after she is done.

Back at the village, 16th Marine Branch captain, Nezumi appears with his team and asks Genzo
to lead them to Nami's house.

10 years ago, a 8 year old Nami lived with her adoptive sister Nojiko and their adoptive mother
Bell-mère who was raised them on an orange farm. One day, Nami was caught by local
policeman, Genzo, when she attempted to steal a book. She explained they were poor and could
not afford to buy the navigation book she desired. She needed the book to accomplish her dream,
to travel around the world. Genzo took pity upon the young girl and bought the book for her. Upon
returning her to Bell-mère, Genzo demanded she be taught respect. Bell-mere stood up for the
girl and told him she'd pay him back with love when she could. As she shut the door, she explained
that Nami should have asked for the book. Bell-mère would have purchased it for her. With the
book, Nami was soon able to draw her first map of their island.

One night, while Bell-mère gave Nami an old dress of Nojiko's. Nami complained that it was a
hand me down and how the three of them were not blood related. Shee yelled in a fit how she
wished she had been adopted by a family with more money. Angry, Bell-mère slapped her and
told Nami that she could leave the house and live the life she wanted.

Nami took refuge in Genzo's house. He explains to her how Bell-mère found her and Nojiko. Bell-
mère served in a war as a Marine, and was heavily wounded during a battle, when she returned
with the two little girls who they had lost their parents. She collapsed and in her potentially final
breath, she begged for her village members to save the children. As she looked down at the infant
Nami, Nami could only smile as she was unaware of her surroundings and only knew joy.

East Blue Arlong Park

In the present, upon hearing the story Nami came to realize that the love bond between the three
of them was stronger than blood. She returned with Nojiko who had been searching for her.

However at the same time, pirates accosted the island. Sea-pirate Arlong and his fishmen had
arrived and they declared that the land now belonged to them.

In order to stay alive, every villagers had to pay B100,000 and B50,000 more per children to the
Arlong Pirates. Everyone in Cocoyasi Village was able to pay and they were preparing to leave.
However, one noticed Bell-mère’s isolated house when he noticed smoke coming up from a
chimney in the trees.

Genzo knew very well that she could not afford to pay such a high price. He asked her two adoptive
daughters, Nami and Nojiko, to flee and hide. When the fishmen arrive at Bell-mère's house, she
attacked them. However, she was no match against their brute force. When Genzo told her about
the pirate's demands. She agreed and gave Arlong B100,000. The pirates believe she was paying
for herself, as one adult. But, as they are about to leave, she told them that the money was for
her two adoptive daughters. She could not abandon them and after expressing her love to the
two, they attempted to run to her side. She accepted her fate as Arlong raised his gun to her head
and told them it would be a warning to all villagers who could not pay. A loud bang erupted and
the two children buried their crying faces in horror as their mother was executed.

After Bell-mère’s death, Nami was kidnapped when Arlong discovered her ability for drawing
maps. All the villagers decided to fight to take her back, but she suddenly came back by herself,
revealing that she was now part of Arlong's crew. She even showed that she could earn all the
money she wanted. Disgusted by this selfish behavior, the villagers rejected her. But when Nojiko
went to her mother's grave, Nami was already sitting there. She explained to her sister tha t in
order to accomplish their mother's last wish and live, they could not rebel against Arlong who was
too strong for them. Instead she decided to draw maps for him, revealing that she would be able
to buy her village back for B100,000,000.

Nojiko continues to tell the Straw Hats the story as to why Nami joined the Arlong Pirates. She
tells them that Nami sacrificed herself at a young age so that know one else in the village would
get killed by Arlong, like their mother did. Sanji and Usopp are infuriated by this. Meanwhile, Zoro
is just sleeping through the story. Sanji exclaims that he would kill those pirates but he gets hit in
the head by Nojiko. She warns him not to speak in such manner. Nojiko tells the crew that by
going around and calling Nami their friend, they are putting her eight years of hard work in
jeopardy by making the Arlong Pirates doubt her. She tells them not to make Nami suffer any
more than she already has. In the meantime, Nojiko has more flashbacks about Nami. Flashbacks
about how Nami entered Arlong’s crew so that she could earn B100,000,000 and buy the village's
freedom along with her own. She remembers just how recently Nami only had B7,000,000 more
to collect and her goal would be achieved. Back at the village, Genzo arrives at Nami's house with
the company of the Marine captain of the 16th Branch, Nezumi. The Marine captain asks her if
she is the criminal he heard about. Nami replies that she guess she is, noting that she is working
for Arlong. She tells him that she is part of his pirate crew and that he should let her be. Nezumi
laughs and says that he has no idea what she is talking about. He denounces Nami as a petty
thief, and that the money she stole from many pirates is property of the government. Nami
threatens Nezumi once again that she is part of Arlong's crew, but this does not affect the Marine
in the slightest. Nezumi orders the Marines to ignore her and search the premises for the money.
Nami angrily yells at them to get away and attacks them with her staff. Genzo yells at Nezumi
telling him that the money was being used to save the village since the Marines wouldn't do
anything about their current conditions under Arlong. Nami is surprised that Genzo knew about

East Blue Arlong Park

the money. Genzo reveals that he and the villagers knew about the money and what Nami was
trying to do all along. They learned about it from Nojiko and never told Nami that they knew,
because they were afraid of pressuring her and end up making her run away from it all. At the
same moment, Nojiko also arrives at the scene and denounces the Marines for their actions and
for failing to save the village. Once again, Nezumi ignores such arguments. Nezumi is suspicious
of Nami because he knew exactly how much money Nami was hiding and laughed when Nojiko
said that Arlong would attack his ship if he lingered around too long. Nami finally understands
that Nezumi is a corrupt Marine and that he had been sent by Arlong to take her money. Nami
then goes to confront Arlong for breaking their agreement. Annoyed, Arlong grabs N ami by the
mouth and laughs, telling her he did no such thing. He says he technically never broke the
agreement. Nami curses him for deceiving her through a loophole.

On the Marine ship docked outside Cocoyasi Village, Nezumi gleefully examines the money he
stole from Nami, laughing at her stupidity to work for Arlong for her freedom this long. Meanwhile,
Nami confronts Arlong in Arlong Park over her money being stolen, and Arlong acts as though
Nezumi stealing it was out of his control, saying Nami would just have to start saving
B100,000,000 again from scratch. He reminds her that if she tries to run away, he will kill the
residents of Cocoyasi Village, and Nami remembers Genzo telling her that they had kept this
threat secret to her in case she wanted to run away. Nami slaps Arlong and runs out of Arlong
Park, and in Cocoyasi Village, Genzo and the villagers prepare to take up arms and fight the Arlong
Pirates. Nami is desperately intent on stopping them, as she does not wish to see any of them
die. Genzo tells the villagers that they can no longer keep living under these conditions if Arlong
has no intention of ever letting them go and will only keep toying around with Nami's efforts, and
all of the villagers are more than ready to fight. However, Nami reaches them and tries to assure
them that she is readily willing to save up the money again, even saying it would be easier this
time. The villagers are shocked, and in Arlong Park, Arlong tells Chew that he will let Nami go
eventually, but only after she has made a map of the entire world, which will take decades.

However, Genzo does not listen to Nami's assurances, commending her for the efforts she has
made to liberate them and telling her that she can leave the village now. Nojiko backs him up,
encouraging her sister to go and pursue her dream. Nami pulls out a dagger, declaring that she
does not wish to see any of them get hurt or die, but Genzo displays his dedication to this goal by
grabbing the dagger, cutting his hand in the process, and the villagers say their hearts are set.
Genzo shouts at Nami to get out of the way, and the villagers race toward Arlong Park, declaring
their will to fight even if it is likely they will lose. Nami is left kneeling on the road, and she grabs
her Arlong Pirates tattoo as her anger toward Arlong grows, causing her to take the dagger and
stab it into her tattoo to get rid of it. However, Luffy comes and grabs Nami's arm before she can
harm herself further, and Nami is conflicted at his presence, telling him again to leave the island
because this has nothing to do with him. However, Luffy remains unmoving, and Nami then
breaks down in tears as she begs Luffy to help her. Luffy responds by silently putting his straw
hat on her head, and he jumps forward and declares extremely loudly that he will help. Nami is
shocked to have the straw hat on her head, knowing Luffy's attachment to it, and Luffy walks
toward the rest of his crewmates and tells them to come with him, to which they happily comply.
Meanwhile, the villagers have reached Arlong Park, only to find Johnny and Yosaku sitting in front
of the gate. Having lost to the Arlong Pirates after confronting them earlier, the two bounty hunters
do not intend to let in the villagers who have no chance of winning, and instead are w aiting for
another group of men. Inside Arlong Park, Arlong asks if Johnny and Yosaku were part of Zoro's
crew, and Kuroobi doubts it, saying they were too weak for that. Right then, Luffy punches down
part of the wall, and asks which of the fishmen is Arlong, much to Arlong's shock and chagrin.

East Blue Arlong Park

After Luffy's explosive entrance, he is stopped by Arlong's men. Luffy ignores their attempts at
diplomacy and throws a huge punch into the face of their fishman captain, Arlong. Luffy cannot
forgive Arlong for making Nami cry, as he still considers her as his navigator.

After this declaration of war, the fishmen attack Luffy. However, they are easily knocked back by
Sanji, who had also entered the place alongside with Zoro and Usopp. Hatchan, enraged after
Zoro tricked him, threatens them that they will be the meal of his pet Mohmoo. When the giant
sea cow appears, he still bears the wounds of his previous encounter with Luffy and Sanji, and is
reluctant to attack. To the surprise of the fishmen the Straw Hat Pirates are unimpressed with
Mohmoo's appearance. After being threatened by Arlong, Mohmoo attacks the Straw Hats. Luffy
grabs his body and launches it to knock back most of the Fishmen pirates.

The citizens of Cocoyasi Village express their shock at Luffy knocking out Mohmoo with his
windmill attack, and the Straw Hats prepare to take on the Arlong Pirates. Chew, Hatchan, and
Kuroobi tell Arlong that he can sit back while they deal with the Straw Hats, and Hatchan shoots
out a massive ink spray from his mouth. Luffy is caught by the ink spray and is blinded; he also
accidentally planted his feet in the concrete and cannot move. Hatchan picks up a massive piece
of the tower that Luffy damaged and slams it onto him, but Sanji steps in and destroys the piece
with his leg. Sanji addresses the fishmen, who try telling him about their superiority to humans,
while Usopp unsuccessfully tries pulling Luffy out of the ground.

Hatchan ignores Sanji to throw another chunk of the tower at Luffy, but he is confronted by Zoro.
Hatchan throws the large chunk at Zoro and expresses his anger at what the human pirate did to
his comrades earlier, but Zoro pays it little mind and simply states that the Arlong Pirates will be
beaten. Usopp is relieved that Zoro took on Hatchan, but accidentally lets go of Luffy, causing him
to snap back to where his feet are planted and hit Chew with the recoil. An enraged Chew chases
after Usopp, who runs all the way out of Arlong Park. Chew stops in front of the citizens, and notes
that their weapons indicate a rebellion against the Arlong Pirates, but Usopp then snipes him with
Kaen Boshi. Usopp tells Chew that he is his enemy, but starts running once Chew chases him
again, confusing the citizens.

Meanwhile, Arlong gets up despite Kuroobi's protests, but says that he only wants to say
something. Luffy throws a punch at him, but Arlong catches it. He asks Luffy if he really thinks he
can beat them, and Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji affirm this. Arlong then decides to not say anything as
he instead picks up a chunk of the concrete Luffy is stuck in, planning to throw it into the water
and drown the pirate. Luffy tries attacking him, but Arlong catches the punch with his mouth and
injures Luffy's arm with his teeth. Luffy retaliates by biting Arlong's arm, but this does nothing as
Arlong throws him into the pool. Luffy becomes immobilized as he sinks due to the concrete and
his Devil Fruit abilities, and Sanji tries to go in and save him, but Zoro says that the Arlong Pirates
were baiting them into a trap and they would need to take out the fishmen to save Luffy.

Zoro and Sanji confront Hatchan and Kuroobi as Luffy sinks helplessly to the bottom of the pool,
and Arlong laughs at his weakness as a human. Zoro says he will finish off Hatchan in 5 minutes
as he races toward the fishman. Hatchan spits out ink at him, and Zoro dodges it, but he ends up
only cutting off two sections of Hatchan's spiky hair. Hatchan says he will forgive Zoro since he
can grow it back, and Sanji notices that Zoro is looking weak. Kuroobi trie s attacking the
distracted cook, but Sanji dodges his strike and says that a fish should not insult a cook. As Luffy
starts to suffocate when he hits the bottom of the pool, Hatchan tells Zoro he is very strong against
swordsmen. Zoro raises his sword to attack, and Hatchan claps his arms together to defend
himself, but Zoro easily cuts his arms, leaving the swordsman at a loss as to what the fishman is
doing. Hatchan becomes sticky and jumps up to a pillar, which he sticks to. Zoro grows

East Blue Arlong Park

increasingly annoyed with him for wasting his time, and Hatchan notes that Zoro is only using one
sword before he says that he has not gotten serious with him yet.

Outside of Arlong Park, Johnny and Yosaku think that Hatchan is playing mind games with Zoro
and decide to go help Luffy. However, Genzo stops them, reminding them that they are severely
injured. He says he will go and help Luffy, and Nojiko and the other Cocoyasi Village residents
offer to help him, but he refuses in order to be unseen by the Arlong Pirates. Nojiko insists on
going despite having received injuries as well, pointing out that the Straw Hats were fighting for
her sister's sake, and Genzo reluctantly relents as they head into Arlong Park.

Meanwhile, Zoro collapses, and Sanji realizes that the wounds Mihawk gave him have still not
healed. Seizing his opportunity, Hatchan punches the pillar to cause it to fall onto Zoro, but Zoro
quickly gets up and throws the fishman in front of him, causing the pillar to fall onto him. Zoro
collapses again immediately afterwards, and Sanji, Johnny, and Yosaku reflect on the severity of
his wounds. However, Sanji's distraction allows Kuroobi to land a hit on him, sending him flying
all the way into the wall. Kuroobi states that he is a Level 40 Fishman Karate practitione r as Sanji,
having gone through the wall, lands behind the Cocoyasi Village citizens. With the Straw Hats
seemingly defeated, Arlong tells Kuroobi to throw Zoro into the pool. He asks Hatchan when he is
going to come out of the rubble, and Hatchan bursts out in a rage, saying he is the number two
swordsman on Fishman Island with his Rokutoryu. At first, Kuroobi mocks his display since Zoro
was down, but Zoro then gets up, saying that the fishman's six swords were nothing special and
that he would not die until he meets Mihawk again. He tells Johnny and Yosaku to lend him their
swords, and as this is happening, Sanji gets up and heads back to Arlong Park, saying that Zeff's
kicks were ten times stronger than Kuroobi's punch. Meanwhile, Genzo and Nojiko dive down
toward Luffy while Usopp continues running away from Chew.

Johnny and Yosaku, though worried about Zoro's injuries, know their comrade is the only one who
can stand against Hatchan, and they throw their swords at him as he puts on his bandanna.
Although he puts on a confident front, Zoro knows he could pass out at any time, and as Hatchan
prepares to overwhelm him with his Rokutoryu, Zoro does not make a move to catch Johnny and
Yosaku's swords, much to their shock. However, at the last second Zoro dodges Hatchan's three-
sword jab as he grabs Johnny and Yosaku's swords and attempts to attack the fishman. Hatchan
leaps out of the way and is confident that Zoro will be unable to deal with all six of his swords, but
Zoro parries his strikes and cuts him vertically across the chest.

The fishmen, villagers, and Johnny and Yosaku are stunned by Zoro's attack, but the wound only
angers Hatchan. He states that Zoro cannot logically beat him since Zoro has three swords
compared to his six, but Zoro counters that their blades have different weight as he remembers
his encounter with Mihawk. Hatchan does not understand his comment, since his swords
physically weigh more at 300 kilograms each, but Zoro says no more as Hatchan begins to attack
again. He brings all his swords together and jabs them at Zoro, and Zoro counters them. However,
Hatchan suddenly spreads out his arms and different directions, moving Zoro's arms and leaving
him exposed. Hatchan then headbutts Zoro and sends him flying into the air, putting him on the
verge of unconsciousness. Hatchan spins his swords over his head to dice up Zoro when he lands
on them, but Zoro manages to spin on top of his swords and cut his hands. Hatchan lets go of his
swords and writhes in pain, growing even angrier as he prepares to finish Zoro off. Intent on
surpassing his limits and not passing out, Zoro meets Hatchan's attack head-on. He then
manages to break Hatchan's swords, telling him that this is what he meant by their swords having
different weights. Hatchan tries attacking with rapid punches, but Zoro cuts him up with a
whirlwind slash, sending him flying up into the air and landing on the ground defeated.

East Blue Arlong Park

Kuroobi then prepares to attack Zoro, but Sanji blocks his strike. Kuroobi is surprised that he
managed to live after taking one of his punches, but Sanji says that people from Baratie could
have taken it as well, causing Kuroobi to state he is being underestimated. Meanwhile, Genzo
and Nojiko attempt to break the rock Luffy is trapped in at the bottom of the pool, w ith Luffy
already having swallowed a lot of water. Genzo cannot break the rock as the two quickly run out
of oxygen, but they then get an idea.

With Zoro having defeated Hatchan and Sanji confronting Kuroobi, Zoro prepares to go
underwater and rescue Luffy. Sanji says that Zoro will die from his injuries underwater, but Zoro
replies that they have no time left, causing Sanji to jump in instead. Zoro is horrified as Kuroobi
gleefully looks forward to fighting in his natural element, jumping into the water to go after Sanji.
As Sanji goes down, he sees Genzo pumping Luffy's chest, and Luffy's neck is stretched to the
shore, bringing his head above water as Nojiko holds it there. Luffy coughs up some of the water
he swallowed, making Nojiko hopeful, and Sanji knows that all he has to do is break the rock
Luffy's feet are encased in and free him. However, Kuroobi suddenly catches up to Sanji and
strikes the back of his neck, and he then sees Genzo with Luffy, causing him to go after the
villager. Sanji grabs Kuroobi's legs and holds him back, and Kuroobi is enthused by Sanji
challenging him in an environment where he is not only much stronger, but Sanji is weakened by
not being able to breathe.

Kuroobi wraps Sanji in his ponytail, and Sanji tries kicking him, but the power of the kick has been
reduced by half and Kuroobi easily dodges it. In contrast, Kuroobi's attacks are unaffected and
even sometimes strengthened, and he lands multiple powerful strikes on Sanji. After the assault,
Sanji desperately tries to swim up to breathe, but Kuroobi smugly blocks him. Kuroobi mocks
Sanji's chivalry, saying that this is how far it got him and that once he died, Kuroobi would kill all
of his friends and allies, meaning he could not save a single person. Kuroobi then grabs Sanji by
the neck and prepares to drag him to the sea floor very quickly; the sudden change in water
pressure will rupture Sanji's organs. Sanji coughs blood when he is brought to the sea floor, and
on land, the Cocoyasi villagers wonder in concern about the statuses of Sanji, Genzo, and Nojiko.

Sanji remains alive after the sudden change in pressure, and he points upward. Kuroobi decides
to do this again, and swims back up towards the top. Knowing that fishmen breathed through
their gills underwater, Sanji bites Kuroobi's gills, blocking them and causing him to suffocate.
Sanji is freed from Kuroobi's grasp and comes back up for air, shocking Zoro and Arlong. He tells
Zoro that Luffy is sort of fine, and tells Kuroobi to come up so he can kill him. Kuroobi come s up,
and thinks nothing of fighting on land, as he is confident that he will still overpower Sanji and kill
him with his ultimate attack. However, Sanji quickly barrages Kuroobi with powerful kicks, and a
stunned Kuroobi quickly tries to use his ultimate attack, but Sanji finishes him off with Mouton
Shot, asking him if he wants any dessert as he flies away.

Sanji sends Kuroobi crashing into Arlong Park’s main building, and Arlong looks on in shock and
anger at Kuroobi and Hatchan lying in defeat. Sanji waves the two fishmen off as nothing special,
and Arlong confronts him and Zoro in a rage, saying they are still far from winning. Zoro asks Sanji
what he meant by his mixed report on Luffy’s status, and Sanji replies that Luffy will not die, but
he will need to go back down to the ocean floor to free their captain. However, Arlong will likely
be standing in their way. Meanwhile, Nojiko looks on as she holds Luffy's head above water,
shocked that Hatchan and Kuroobi were defeated. Genzo comes back up for air, cursing his
inability to hold his breath long enough. Nojiko offers to switch places with him, and Genzo asks
about the situation with the Straw Hats and the Arlong Pirates. Still surprised at what is going on,
Nojiko states that there may actually be hope for all of them.

East Blue Arlong Park

Elsewhere, Usopp lies on the ground in a bloody mess. Thinking he killed the pirate with a single
shot of his Mizudeppo, Chew walks back to Arlong Park, complaining about the trouble chasing
Usopp had caused him and saying that Hatchan and Kuroobi should have dispatched the others
by now. However, Usopp is actually fine, having used his special Ketchup Star to fool Chew. He
does feel sorry for Nami about all the destruction the fishmen have caused, but decides to cut
his losses and pretend that he lost to Chew in a hard-fought battle, packing dirt on his body to
make his lie more believable. However, as he does this, he recalls the words of his crewmates
and the Cocoyasi Village residents he met, remembering how determined they all were to stop
Arlong and what they had told him about Nami's dedication to freeing the village. As a result,
Usopp can no longer justify his decision, bitterly denouncing how pathetic he is. He then yells out
to Chew, who turns around to confront him. Usopp reflects that he needed to leave his comfort
zone behind when he left his village, knowing that the true joy of being a pirate can only come
from putting one's life on the line and giving one's all every day. Knowing that he has no right to
sail or laugh with his crewmates if he does not fight seriously, Usopp shoots a Kaen Boshi at

However, Chew easily snuffs out the shot with his water abilities, and punches Usopp hard in the
face. With Usopp's blood dripping from his fist, Chew says it would have been smarter if the sniper
had continued to fake his death. Usopp initially seems to be giving up, and Chew stomps on his
chest, but he suddenly pulls his hammer out of his bag and hits Chew's leg with it. Usopp then
shoots Chew with a rubber band, giving him enough time to run and hide in the woods. As Chew
looks around, a bottle of rum suddenly comes flying toward him, which he catches. However, the
bottle suddenly ruptures as Usopp shoots it with Namari Boshi, covering Chew in rum and cutting
him with the bottle shards. Chew gets extremely annoyed with Usopp's stunts, and sucks in water
from a nearby pool in order to draw out the pirate from his hiding spot. Though he is hiding, Usopp
is intent on continuing to fight, although he becomes very frightened when C hew fires a large
blast of water that brings down many of the trees nearby. The exasperated Chew finds Usopp
while the latter is looking at the destruction, and barrages him with Hyappatsu Mizudeppo.
Despite being utterly overwhelmed, Usopp still promises the people he left behind at home to act
like a real pirate, saying his pretend pirate days are over. Chew then kicks down the tree Usopp
is hiding behind, drawing blood as he is caught by its sharp edges. Chew wonders what Usopp
said was over, and Usopp replies that it was their fight, shooting a Kaen Boshi that ignites the
alcohol covering Chew's body, setting him ablaze and defeating him.

The chapter begins right after Usopp lit Chew on fire. Chew begins to run towards the pool of
water, but Usopp comes from behind and hits him with Usopp Hammer towards the water. As
Chew begins to get up, Usopp strikes him again with Usopp Hammer three times, then with Usopp
Wagomu, and then again with Usopp Hammer. Following this succession of attacks, Chew is
K.O.ed and Usopp begins to celebrate his victory. He starts shouting that even he can do it, and
that the fishman shouldn't underestimate him.

The scene moves to Cocoyasi Village, behind Nami and Nojiko’s house. Nami is sitting on a chair
with her Bo-staff, bandaging her shoulder after she cut herself with a knife. Nami begins to think
that she cried and complained enough and now she has to go to Arlong Park since everyone else
is fighting.

The scene moves to Arlong Park, where Arlong is sitting in the middle of a scene in front of Zoro
and Sanji knocked down on the ground. A citizen of Cocoyashi Village can't believe his eyes.
Yosaku wonders what did Arlong do. Johnny mentions that the fishman only threw some water,
but this knocked down both Zoro and Sanji and had them cough up blood. Meanwhile, Luffy is
still sitting on the sea floor, with Nojiko trying to pump water out of him, and with his head in

East Blue Arlong Park

Genzo’s hands stretched just above the surface. One of Luffy's fingers starts to move. As Sanji
begins to get up, Yosaku shouts to him not to stand up. Johnny is worried about Luffy's situation.
Arlong mocks the two, saying that he doesn't even need to touch them and that a little water is
enough to kill them. He comments that that is the difference between their species . Sanji tells
him to shut up and attacks him with Poitrine Shoot, which Arlong easily evades and then attacks
Sanji again with water, knocking him down. Sanji coughs up blood and thinks that fighting is only
a game for the fishman, and that water splashes feel like a shotgun blast. Sanji realizes that
Arlong is on a whole other level. Arlong mocks Sanji again, saying that he should just die, and that
he's life is worth nothing.

Then, Nami appears, to everyone's surprise. Arlong tells her that he was about t o kill the pirates,
and asks her why did she come. Nami answers that she came in order to kill him. Arlong begins
to laugh at this, commenting on the numerous times that she tried to kill him in the past 8 years:
by assassination, poisoning, or surprise attacks. He then tells her that she should know that it's
impossible for humans to kill him. Arlong follows, saying that he's not going to kill her or let her
escape, and that she will be her cartographer forever.

The fishman continues by commenting that he is an understanding guy, and that he doesn't want
to chain a young woman if possible, so it would be better for him if Nami joined him out of her
own will. He then makes Nami an offer: even though he's planning to kill everyone present, if
Nami joins Arlong as his cartographer, he will spare the Cocoyasi Village citizens' lives, but he
won't spare Sanji and Zoro because they made him angry. Arlong asks Nami if she chooses to
side with him and spare the villagers, or if she sides with the pirates and attempt to fight him. He
then comments that because their strongest fighters have been incapacitated, losing is
inevitable. Arlong asks Nami again if she sides with him or with the pirates. Nami begins to think
about what to choose, thinking that a single word from her can decide everyone's lives. She then
remembers Luffy's words that he will save her. While the villagers get angry that Arlong is anyway
forcing Nami to join him, Nami thinks that she can't doubt her friends' words. She then apologizes
to all the villagers, and asks them if they would die with her. All the villagers scream in approval.

Then Luffy woke up, shooting a jet of water out of his mouth. Sanji comments that the plan worked
and that all they need to do is free Luffy's legs. Zoro realizes what the plan was. Johnny and
Yosaku realize that Luffy is back. Genzo asks Luffy if he is awake. Zoro and Sanji get up and the
swordsman tells the cook that he has 30 seconds, because he won't last more than that. Sanji
then jumps into the water saying that that's more time than he needs. Arlong also realizes that
Luffy is back. Zoro tells Arlong that he shouldn't pay attention to that, and calls him a half -fish
mutant. The fishman threatens Zoro, saying that he told him not to call him that again. Sanji is
close to reaching Luffy.

Suddenly, Usopp appears and shoots Arlong with Tamago Boshi. Usopp starts shouting that he
will back Zoro. Johnny and Yosaku start wondering where the sniper is, commenting that he is
brave. Usopp tells Zoro to fight without any worries, as everyone realizes that he was hiding in the
hole in the wall made by Sanji earlier when he was hit by Kuroobi. Usopp happily tells Nami that
he defeated one of the officers of the Arlong Pirates by himself. Genzo asks Luffy if he pull himself
out on his own, but Luffy answers that he can't feel any strength in his body. As Sanji almost
reaches Luffy's body, he says to himself that he is counting on Luffy, their only hope. However,
Hatchan starts to get up saying that he won't let them do as they please.

Sanji goes to free Luffy from his rock entrapment underwater, but as Zoro confronts Arlong, the
fishman states that he wishes to find out who interfered and kept Luffy alive. Wanting to distract
Arlong, Usopp shouts at him and shoots a rubber band at him, but Arlong's attention remains on

East Blue Arlong Park

Zoro. Zoro swings his sword at Arlong's face, only for the fishman's long nose to counter it. Arlong
says that his unbreakable nose is his greatest pride as Hatchan gets back up. Initially frightened
due to thinking that Usopp's rubber band was heading for him, Hatchan gets angry and dives into
the water to kill Sanji, shocking Zoro. Arlong tells Zoro that his group will die no matter what before
headbutting him in the chest, causing him to cry out in pain.

Sanji reaches Nojiko and Luffy at the bottom of the pool, and as he prepares to destroy Luffy's
rock with a kick, Nojiko notices Hatchan pursuing him. She goes behind Sanji to shield him from
Hatchan's rapid punches, and Sanji is shocked as he sees Hatchan attacking. Above water, Usopp
shouts to Zoro as he climbs over the wall to Arlong Park, and Arlong lifts the swordsman by the
neck. Wondering why Zoro is bandaged so much, Arlong rips the bandages off, and is shocked to
see the gruesome wound on Zoro's chest. He prepares to kill Zoro, but Zoro exclaims that
Hatchan's wounds would not have reopened if he had stayed down. Arlong initially thinks Zoro is
talking about himself, but Zoro reveals who he was talking to, and underwater, Hatchan's wounds
reopen before he can attack Nojiko and Sanji. With Hatchan taken out, Sanji quickly destroys
Luffy's rock with a kick, and Luffy's body shoots up to where his head is, sending him flying over
Arlong Park.

The Straw Hats, townspeople, and their allies rejoice at Luffy's arrival, and Luffy grabs Zoro and
throws him out of the way in order to switch places with him. Luffy then unleashes a rapid string
of attacks on Arlong, which overwhelm the fishman and leave him lying at the foot of the tower.
However, Arlong gets up without taking significant damage, but Luffy responds that that was just
his warm-up exercise. Meanwhile, Zoro swears to kill Luffy after landing on the ground.

After receiving some blows from Luffy, Arlong compliments the Straw Hat captain on his strength,
but says it would have been better for Luffy to die underwater as he would now have to deal with
Arlong's rage at his crew's actions. The nearby onlookers grow tense at the confrontation between
Luffy and Arlong, and Sanji casually remarks that they will all die if Arlong beats Luffy, with all of
East Blue eventually being doomed. Arlong asks Luffy if he knows what the difference between
them is, and Luffy answers with sincerity that it is their different body parts. This shocks Johnny
and Yosaku and enrages Arlong, who replies that it is their race as he lunges toward Luffy and
tries to bite him. Luffy barely manages to repeatedly dodge Arlong's rapidly encroaching jaws, and
his situation seems to be hopeless when Arlong grabs him by the neck, but he manages to pull
his head out of the path of Arlong's jaw by stretching his neck. This causes Arlong to bite into the
pillar behind Luffy, and Usopp is initially confident that the fishman's teeth will break, only for the
opposite to happen as Arlong's bite causes the stone pillar to shatter. Johnny and Yosaku are
appalled, and Sanji notes that Luffy's body would be completely torn apart if Arlong ever manages
to get his jaws around it. Arlong boasts in the power of his teeth, saying that the humans' lack of
this power made them the inferior species, but Luffy retorts by saying he can just crush stone
with his fists. Johnny and Yosaku agree with Luffy's remark, but Arlong calls it frivolous as he
charges at Luffy, pointing out that humans are also weak because they are susc eptible to
drowning. However, Luffy does not seem opposed to these accusations of weakness, saying he
will need help as he grabs two swords from Arlong's beaten crewmates.

Luffy's crewmates wonder what he is doing with the swords, and Luffy swings them wildly at
Arlong, much to the fishman's bewilderment as he dodges the random swings. He then counters
one of the swords with his nose, sending it flying out of Luffy's hand, and Luffy swings his other
sword at Arlong, only for the sword to shatter upon contact with Arlong's nose and the pieces to
fly apart. Arlong initially thinks Luffy is just playing around, but Luffy is not done yet as he
immediately follows up his sword strikes with a cartwheel punch to Arlong's jaw, which sends the
fishman flying back and shatters his teeth. As the bystanders look on in shock, Luffy proclaims to

East Blue Arlong Park

Arlong that he cannot fight with swords, or navigate, or cook, or lie like his crewmates can. Arlong
questions Luffy's statement, wondering why anyone would follow someone who prof esses to be
so weak. He asks Luffy what he can do, and Luffy replies that he can beat Arlong.

Luffy's crewmates and allies cheer at his statement, but Arlong expresses his exasperation with
Luffy's talking as he quickly grows back another set of teeth. He reveals that he can do this as a
shark fishman, and that the new set is stronger than the old one every time. He then punches out
his new set of teeth and then the next one after that, allowing him to wield two sets of teeth in
his hands as weapons while another set of teeth grows back in his mouth. Arlong uses this ability
to proclaim again about the superiority of fishmen, and he attacks Luffy with the jaws in his hands.
Eventually, he manages to draw blood, but with a shock realizes that it is from a fis hman that
Luffy used as a shield. This causes Arlong to get angry, and gives Luffy an idea.

Arlong gets angry at Luffy for using his crewmate as a shield, but Luffy replies that the fishman
did the same to his enemies. Johnny and Yosaku state that Luffy said he had an idea for beating
Arlong, and they and Sanji wonder what it is. Arlong attacks Luffy by snapping the teeth in his
hands, but Luffy avoids his lunge and kicks him in the jaw, sending another set of his teeth flying
out. As Arlong grows another set, Luffy places the fishman's teeth into his own mouth, and Johnny
and Yosaku are appalled that this is his idea. An insulted Arlong manages to give Luffy a small
bite in the shoulder, and Johnny and Yosaku tell Luffy to stop playing around, but Luffy denies
their accusation. He then blocks Arlong's strike with a large piece of rock, but Arlong's strength
sends Luffy tumbling backwards. Arlong then bites Luffy right in the chest, but quickly responds
by biting Arlong's shoulder with the fishman's own teeth.

The two combatants separate from each other, and Luffy laughs at what he did as Arlong's teeth
pop out of his mouth. However, Arlong says that Luffy's jaw is too weak to replicate a shark's bite,
and he tries to demonstrate the power of a shark's jaw as he bites into Luffy's right arm at the
elbow. Luffy manages to respond by throwing Arlong into the ground, allowing him to loosen the
fishman's jaw and free his arm while keeping it intact. Genzo states that Luffy could have lost his
arm had he been trapped for even a second longer. Arlong gets up from the ground, and in the
blink of an eye he hits Luffy as he dives into the sea. Usopp tells Luffy where the fishman went,
and Arlong says that no one can compare to his speed underwater as he leaps out of the water
like a missile, hitting Luffy and injuring him before sending him spinning away. Arlong crashes
through the tower wall, while Luffy tumbles to the ground. He then uses the same attack again,
and Luffy dodges him, causing his nose to plant itself in the ground. Sanji is shocked at how
strong his nose is, and Arlong uses the attack twice more, successfully hitting Luffy both times
before going back underwater. Sanji tells Luffy to get away before Arlong can attack him again,
but Luffy stands in front of the pool, declaring that he will catch Arlong and destroy his nose.

Luffy tells Arlong to come out of the pool despite the beatings the fishman gave him, and Arlong
laughs at Luffy's tenacity, wondering if Luffy realized that running away is futile. Usopp yells at
Luffy to hide, saying that he would die if Arlong landed another direct hit on him. However, Luffy
tries making a shield by horizontally stretching the fingers of his left hand, and Johnny and Yosaku
wonder what Luffy is thinking with that. Arlong speeds up as he swims toward Luffy, aiming to
skewer his heart, and he sends Luffy flying as he leaps toward him. However, Luffy barely
manages to stop Arlong's nose from striking him by using his finger shield to block the fishman's
face, and bounces away from Arlong into the main building. However, Arlong catches Luffy by
surprise as he jumps up from the collision site, and leaps at the Straw Hat again in midair. Luffy
responds by stretching his fingers to form a net, which catches Arlong, and Luffy the n stomps
Arlong's chest and sends him crashing into the ground below.

East Blue Arlong Park

The onlookers rejoice, and Luffy wonders if Arlong is dead, but Arlong's eyes quickly reopen and
they are now bloodshot. Sanji notes that they are the same eyes a Sea King has when it go es
berserk, and that Luffy's attack just made Arlong angry. Arlong grabs Luffy by the head and slams
him into the foot of the building before charging at him. Luffy barely manages to jump over
Arlong's punch, but as Arlong punches through the wall of the building, he grabs a giant Zanbato
named Kiribachi and pulls it out. Arlong swings Kiribachi at Luffy, and Luffy dodges, but the sword
plants itself into the building and allows Arlong to flip and pursue Luffy up the main building.
Arlong manages to corner Luffy on an upper level, and Luffy leaps into a window as the fishman

Arlong climbs into the room, and Luffy wonders what all the papers around him are. Arlong replies
that these are maps that Nami has spent the last eight years drawing, and he pr aises Nami's
ability, but Luffy notes that the pen on Nami's desk is encrusted in blood. Arlong holds Luffy's
head between two of Kiribachi's blades as he says that there is no greater happiness for Nami
than to make maps for the fishmen to use to conquer the world, and asks Luffy if he could use
her any more effectively. In response, Luffy grabs onto one of Kiribachi's blades, rendering Arlong
unable to move his sword. Luffy shatters the tooth-like blade with his bare hand, growing angry
about Arlong using Nami like a tool.

As Luffy breaks off part of Arlong's Kiribachi, he asks Arlong what he thinks Nami is. Arlong replies
that while she is a human, he at least considers her useful and he will provide for her every want
so long as she keeps drawing maps for him. As Johnny and Yosaku worry about what is happening
to Luffy inside the tower, Luffy kicks Nami's desk out, and Nami is taken aback as it falls to the
ground. Arlong angrily wonders why Luffy is destroying Nami's cartography supplies and sending
them flying out of the tower, and as she watches them fall, Nami remembers Arlong showing her
her cartography room for the first time when she was a child. Arlong swings Kiribachi at Luffy, but
Luffy dodges it and he destroys more of Nami's maps in the process. Arlong is aghast at what is
happening to his maps, remembering forcing Nami to work for long hours and abusing her in
order to acquire them. Arlong grabs Luffy and shouts that it took Nami eight years to make those
maps, and outside, Nami silently thanks Luffy while tears fall from her eyes.

Arlong bites Luffy in the neck, but Luffy grabs the fishman's nose as he states that while he may
not know anything about fishmen or cartography, he now knows how to help Nami. He snaps
Arlong's nose out of place, and states that he cannot allow this room to exist. Luffy then kicks into
the ceiling, and his leg stretches all the way through the roof. Arlong puts his nose back in place
and scoffs at the idea of a human destroying Arlong Park as he spins toward Luffy. He bites Luffy
in the chest, but Luffy brings his foot down on top of him, sending him crashing all the way to the
ground floor. The impact causes the entire tower to crack, and the Straw Hats and citizens prepare
to evacuate, but Nami does not want to leave Luffy inside the tower. However, she cries out to
him as it collapses immediately afterwards.

Luffy destroys Arlong Park's roof and pieces of the building are scattered into the air. Zoro, who
was sleeping, is struck and wonders what happened. Meanwhile at the foot of the building
everyone wonders what happened inside and who won. Suddenly, Luffy emerges from the
destruction to everyone's joy and then declares that Nami is his friend. Nami acknowledges his

Everybody then celebrates the news of Arlong's defeat. However, they are soon interrupted by
Nezumi, who thanks them for giving him an enjoyable fight to watch and then declares that all
the riches of Arlong Park now belong to him. He then asks that everyone throw down their arms,
but is interrupted by Zoro and then gets beaten up by the Straw Hat Crew. Nami then gives Luffy

East Blue Loguetown

his straw hat back and attacks Nezumi as well. She tells him to give her back her money. Nezumi
leaves and tells them that they will regret crossing him, while everyone continues to celebrate
with Nami, Nojiko, and Genzo sitting by Belle-mère's grave. Back at Cocoyasi Village Dr. Nako is
treating Zoro, who is in a lot of pain.

Later at the Marine's 16th branch, Nezumi alerts Marine headquarters about the Straw Hat Crew.

It's been two days since Arlong's defeat and even though it is the middle of the night people are
partying, including the Straw hats who are enjoying the festivities including the food and drink.

Meanwhile, Genzo is talking to Bell-mère's grave and tells her about her daughters while he
pours her a drink. He then encounters Luffy who is looking for food, and tells Luffy to make sure
Nami keeps smiling.

Nojiko is then seen talking to a little kid whose father died before he could attain freedom, and
Nami is talking to Dr. Nako about removing her tattoo which unfortunately is impossible, so she
decides to get another tattoo.

The next day after the partying is over Johnny and Yosaku decide to go back to their lives as
bounty hunters, while the Straw hats wonder where Nami is. Nami then yells to the crew to set
sail, as she runs up to the ship, though the villagers want to say goodbye to her, but she rushes
past them onto the ship, while revealing that she stole all their wallets. The straw hats then set
sail while the villagers call her a thief, Nami then says her goodbyes. As she departs, Genzo recalls
the past when Nami was a small girl and his appearance would make Nami cry. He put a pinwheel
in his hat to make her smile and she always has since.


ami argues that the newspaper, and everything else, has become expensive. In the
meantime, Usopp develops a new chili marble to blind opponents. Luffy bumps into
Usopp, causing him to spill the chili in his eyes. Luffy attempts to eat an orange from
Nami's tree but Sanji defends the tree from Luffy. Zoro, on the other hand, is resting. The ship
heads towards the Grand Line.

Meanwhile, at Marine HQ, Lieutenant Brannew is reviewing every East Blue pirate's bounty. Every
pirate with a high bounty in East Blue has been defeated by Monkey D. Luffy. Brannew shows
Luffy's first bounty of B30,000,000. The Marines are gathered to make a vow of righteousness
and justice in the sea.

Back to the ship, Luffy is proud of his first bounty poster but Nami is afraid that everybody will try
to kill. Usopp is also proud of his captain's bounty poster because the back of his head is shown.
They decide it's time to head for the Grand Line. When Zoro sees an island, Nami informs them it
is Loguetown, "the city of the beginning and the end", where the legendary Gold Roger was born
and executed. When the crew arrives on the island, Luffy decides to head to the execution
platform, Sanji looks for food, Usopp wants to buy some tools and Zoro thinks of buying
something, which leaves Nami offering to lend him some money with 300% interest.

While Zoro walks around the town, he sees a girl getting picked on because they cannot fulfill
their dream to go to the Grand Line. The girl, being a swordswoman, quickly finishes them off but
drops her glasses in the process. Zoro is impressed by her skills and helps her find her glasses.

East Blue Loguetown

When the girl thanks him, Zoro stares in shock, as she is the splitting image of his long dead
friend, Kuina.

In the meantime, in an isolated island, Mihawk is looking f or someone. That someone is soon
revealed to be Shanks, The Red Hair captain of Red Hair Pirates. Mihawk informs Shanks about
Luffy's first bounty poster and that he remembered a story that he told him once about a kid in a
little village. Shanks, eager to meet Luffy again, throws a party to celebrate Luffy's arrival and first

Meanwhile in Luffy's hometown, Foosha Village, everybody is happy because Luffy is infamous.
The villagers wonder if he is going to become a great pirate from the village. The mayor of the
village, however, is not really happy of the outcome, saying that it is Luffy's dream or destiny.

Nami tries on several outfits which the owner swoons over, only to not buy any of them.
Meanwhile, Luffy stands in front of Roger's execution platform and reflects on the event that
happened there that started the Great Age of Pirates. Elsewhere, Zoro is still flustered after
encountering a woman who looks just like Kuina and is also a swordsman to boot. Assured that
he will not see her again, Zoro heads to the Arms Shop, where he is greeted by the owner
Ipponmatsu. Zoro asks to buy two swords with B100,000, and Ipponmatsu says that he can only
sell blunt, low-quality swords for that little money. He then recognizes Wado Ichimonji on Zoro's
hip in shock, and asks to see it. After confirming that it is Wado Ichimonji, he tries to lowball it
and buy it from Zoro for B200,000. Zoro refuses to sell it, even when Ipponmatsu triples his bid.

Right then, the woman Zoro met comes in and immediately recognizes Wado. She reveals that it
is one of the 21 O Wazamono grade swords and is worth no less than B1,000,000, to
Ipponmatsu's horror. He shouts at the woman, threatening to sue her for obstruction of business,
and tosses her her sword Shigure that she came to pick up. She ends up crashing into a display
rack, and he yells at her to clean it up before admitting to Zoro that his sword is indeed as valuable
as the woman claimed. Not caring to understand what the earlier exchange was about, Zoro goes
back to pick out some of the low-quality swords when the woman recognizes him. Not knowing
who he is, she states that his three swords remind her of Zoro, and condemns how Zoro uses his
blades to make money. She laments how the famous swordsmen who possess all the highest
quality swords now are all criminals, saying the blades are crying. Ipponmatsu states that he has
no problem with criminals, as they were his customers before Smoker gained authority over the
town; he considers Smoker a "monster" due to being a Devil Fruit user. The woman vows to
retrieve all the high-grade swords that are being used for evil.

She then spots Sandai Kitetsu, another high-grade sword worth over B1,000,000, being sold for
B50,000. After hearing of its real value, Ipponmatsu refuses to sell it, and Zoro notes that it is
cursed. Ipponmatsu confirms this, stating that like its predecessors, its wielders have suffered
tragic deaths. Zoro still wants to buy it, but Ipponmatsu still refuses to sell it despite the urging of
his wife. Zoro then offers to test its curse against his luck as he tosses it into the air and holds
out his arm. Despite its unparalleled sharpness, Sandai Kitetsu does not leave a scratch on Zoro
as it spins around his arm, causing Ipponmatsu to fall down in shock. Zoro then tells the woman
to pick out another sword for him, but Ipponmatsu presents him with Yubashiri, a Ryo Wazo mono
grade sword that is the best one he owns. He lets Zoro take it and Sandai Kitetsu for free,
apologizing for trying to trick him and being impressed over the latter sword's selection of him.
Zoro then leaves, and Ipponmatsu's wife is surprised that he gave away their family heirloom.
Ipponmatsu replies that he has entrusted his dream to Zoro, and as his wife sends him to clean
the bathtub, the woman is left kneeling in awe at what she just witnessed.

East Blue Loguetown

At the Marine Station, Smoker asks where Master Chief Petty Officer Tashigi is. A subordinate
states that she went to pick up her sword at the Arms Shop, and Smoker tells him to go bring her
back as he had gotten an eyewitness report about pirates. He curses Tashigi to himself, calling
her the shame of the Marines. Meanwhile, Sanji stares lovestruck at a beautiful woman standing
nearby on the street.

Sanji becomes interested in a elephant trunk tuna fish from the South Blue and he decides he
wants to buy it. Usopp finds some cheap eggs to buy and Nami is in a store buying some clothes.
Nami notes that the weather is changing and that it will rain soon. Meanwhile, Luffy is standing
in the execution platform where the greatest pirate Gold Roger died, he is so amazed of the view.
An officer tells Luffy to get down off the platform. He reasons it belongs to the World Government
but is soon smashed by Alvida.

Alvida, now looking different since the last time Luffy met her, tells Luffy that he is the only man
ever punching her and that she wants him for being a strong man. Though, Luffy cannot
remember who she is. The Loguetown officers want to arrest Alvida for hurting a World
Government officer however, an explosion takes down the officers and Alvida shows her Devil
Fruit power when a projectile piece of the fountain slides off her skin. Buggy shows up and reveals
to Luffy that the now beautiful lady is in fact Alvida, much to the confusion of Luffy.

Alvida confirms that she is now the Devil Fruit user of the Sube Sube no Mi and her skin cannot
be scarred. Alvida reveals the alliance that she has with Buggy the Clown because they share the
same goal -- finishing Luffy. Buggy blames Luffy for the adventure he had to go through without
his crew as little Buggy. Cabaji traps Luffy in the execution platform foreshadowing Gold Roger's
last moments.

Meanwhile, in the Marine base, Captain Smoker of the marines is informed about the chaos being
caused by the pirates at the execution platform. He orders the Marines to close all the roads that
lead to the execution platform and to surround the port. Soon, Tashigi, sergeant of the Marines
meets up with Smoker and they head to the execution platform.

In the meantime, the rest of the Straw Hats are concerned about the feeling in the air. Sanji tells
the rest that he saw a lion with a guy wearing a teddy bear hat. Zoro on the other hand, is
wondering where the townspeople are located and Nami is worried about the weather. They are
looking for Luffy in the execution platform.

The marines receive a report of three wanted pirates in the execution platform, one being Alvida
the Iron Mace, the other being Buggy the Clown, and finally Luffy. Smoker has never heard of
Luffy but he thinks that it could be a tough job.

Back in the platform, Luffy is not really concerned about his own execution going as far has
wanting to scratch his nose. Much in shock to the rest of the Straw Hats when they notice that
Luffy is about to be executed.

Buggy shouts that Luffy has upset him and therefore, he needs to be executed. He orders his
pirates to create chaos in Loguetown for those who dare interfere. Luffy unaware that he is the
one that's going to be executed tells Buggy that it's the first time he will see a real execution.
Buggy tells the townspeople that they will see the live execution of Monkey D. Luf fy.

Meanwhile, Nami tells Usopp that a storm is headed to the island and that it is more important
than Luffy's execution.

East Blue Loguetown

Back at the Straw Hats’ ship, Mohji and Richie prepare to set fire at the ship has a backup plan
if Luffy and his crew tries to escape.

The Marines are not sure what to do, as the pirates are fighting each other. Smoker tells the
marines to let them fight each other that way they will have strength to capture Alvida and Buggy
as soon has they cut Luffy's head off.

Back at the platform, Luffy tells Buggy to let him go, however, Buggy states that if somebody tries
to help Luffy they will execute them. Luffy shouts that he will become the Pirate King shocking
everybody present at the execution platform. Buggy about to cut Luffy's head off when Zoro and
Sanji show up to save Luffy. Smoker and Tashigi are surprised to hear that Pirate Hunter Zoro
belongs in the same crew of Luffy. Zoro and Sanji start fighting the Buggy and Alvida Alliance to
quickly destroy the stake of the platform. Luffy apparently saying is last words to his crew because
he will not survive the execution, smiles and accepts his fate. Shocked, Smoker recalls Gold
Roger’s execution 22 years ago.

Suddenly, lightning strikes Buggy when he was about to kill Luffy. The execution platform, now
destroyed, Luffy stands up and recognizes that he is indeed a lucky man. Everybody at the
platform are confused about what just happened. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji quickly run for it knowing
the marines are surrounding the area.

Smoker asks Tashigi if she ever seen somebody laugh at the execution platform knowing they will
die. He remembers Gold Roger being the only one laughing right before his death. Realizing Luffy
is escaping, he orders the first unit to take care of them, however, their gun powder is wet because
of the sudden storm, leaving the port free for them to escape. Smoker in anger decide to capture
Luffy even if it's the last thing he can do.

A mysterious figure roams the streets of Loguetown as the storm pours down. Alongside the
figure, words are spoken about how change cannot be stopped. The man says "pirate?" and then
adds afterwards "not a bad idea".

Buggy gets up after being struck by lightning, angry that Luffy escaped. When Cabaji questions
why he is still alive, Buggy states he refuses to die here. Alvida points out the growing Marine
problem. Boasting how Luffy's ship should be burned down by now, Buggy uses his car mode and
heads off to the harbor, closely followed by Alvida who takes off her sandals, and slide down a
ramp to follow. However, they are caught by Smoker. The Marines succeeded in catching the
Buggy Pirates and Alvida. Smoker then chases after Luffy, while Alvida comments on how her
Devil Fruit powers do not work on the net. Buggy states it is made of Seastone and the Marines
have developed it to capture Devil Fruit users.

At the harbor, Richie and Mohji are in trouble, the rain prevents them from setting fire to the Going
Merry. Richie is taken out by Usopp and his slingshot as he and Nami arrive back to the Going

Elsewhere, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy race towards the ship followed by the Marines. Ahead, Tashigi
calls Zoro out and states he lied to her. She states she will take Zoro's Meito and Wado Ichimonji
away from him. As the pair break into a fight, Sanji yells at Zoro for attacking a woman but Luffy
grabs Sanji and continue on towards the harbor, leaving Zoro behind. Tashigi is easily beaten,
knocked against the wall with Zoro's sword at her throat, Zoro states he will never lose his sword.
As Zoro begins to run after Luffy and Sanji, Tashigi is outraged that she wasn't killed and demands

East Blue Loguetown

he tell her why he refuses to kill her, believing it to be because she is a woman. Zoro yells at her,
telling her to stop imitating his dead friend and the two break into a childish argument.

Smoker catches up to Luffy and Sanji and blocks the way to the harbor. Smoker grabs Luffy
causing Sanji to leap into action, but with no effect to Smoker because of his Devil Fruit, the Moku
Moku no Mi. Smoker uses White Blow and hits Sanji to a building, Luffy tried to fight back with
one blow but ultimately failed, due to Smoker's ability. Losing very easily, as Smoker goes to throw
the finishing blow, a mysterious man called Dragon appears. The World Government is apparently
looking for him. Stating the world is "waiting for our answer", a gust of wind breaks out.

Everyone is blown away from where they were, including Luffy with Zoro and Sanji. As the crew
escape, Smoker demands to know why, Dragon states he sees no reason to sto p a man's destiny.
At the harbor, Nami and Usopp urge the others to hurry on board the Going Merry quickly. Smoker
declares he will go after Luffy, Tashigi states she will chase after Zoro. On the sea, Buggy tells his
crew to chase after Luffy, and that it is time he returned to the Grand Line.

Finally, away from Loguetown and safely at sea, the Straw Hats spot the lighthouse signaling the
way to the Grand Line. They declare their vows and dreams and prepare themselves for the next
step in their journey.

Alabasta Reverse Mountain

Reverse Mountain

uffy thinks the light from the light house should not disappear, claiming it is an
emergency as they could become lost. Nami reminds Luffy why she is the navigator,
remembering the way to the Grand Line is her job. Later, Nami reveals to the rest of the
Straw hats that the entrance to the Grand Line is Reverse Mountain on the Red Line. They are
confused as they believe it to be impossible to climb a mountain with a ship. Zoro wonders if the
map is accurate as she stole it from Buggy. Luffy, on the other hand, is excited to go to that
"magic" mountain. Zoro suggests entering the Grand Line from the south, shocking Luffy. The
captain explains that they must enter from the mountain because it is "cool", much to Nami's

Suddenly the weather calms down, surprising Nami. She explains that they need to head towards
the storm in order to arrive at the entrance. Soon, she realizes that they are in the Calm Belt and
that they are in trouble because there is no wind. Nami, nervous about the outcome, orders
everybody to row, prompting Usopp to remind her that it is not a rowboat. Nami explains that the
Grand Line is surrounded by two seas. They are in the Calm Belt which is a sea without any wind
or currents.

The ship shakes, confusing everybody that it might be an earthquake. Soon, the crew realizes
that they are surrounded by sea kings. After a moment with the sea kings, the crew is back to the
storm, Nami reminding Zoro why they need to use the entrance, Zoro now agreeing with her.

Nami than understands why they have to head for the mountain, explaining that the waves from
the four seas gather there to create a stream. The stream would push the mountain's canal and
when the water has reached the mountain's peak it will push back to the Grand Line. The only
problem is controlling the rudder to avoid sinking. Luffy, on the other hand, does not understand
and Sanji is amazed by Nami's navigation skills.

After awhile, they see a big shadow ahead. They realize it is the Red Line surrounded by fog. Sanji
and Usopp take hold of the rudder. While turning the heavy rudder to avoid getting off route, it
accidentally breaks. Luffy has no choice but to transform into a rubber balloon to avoid hitting the
gate. After a brief moment of suspense, the crew is finally back in track, cheering for their

The crew amazed by the wonders of nature, they soon see the Grand Line.

As the crew heads down the canal stream towards the Grand Line, a loud roar rings out into the
air. Usopp announces he can see a giant mountain in the way, but Nami dismisses it as they
should have open sea ahead of them. Suddenly they discover the giant mountain is actually a
large whale. The crew concludes that the whale is most likely does not know they are there as it
appears just like a wall and would not be able to see them with its eyes. They try to come up with
ideas before they hit it, but to everyone's dismay, Luffy’s way of stopping the ship via cannon
works but the idea is to fire a cannonball at the whale. Going Merry’s bow figure is broken off as
it bumps in the whale. They wonder if it felt the cannonball and call it "stupid" if it did not. But as
the crew try and get away from the whale, Luffy hits it in the eye with a punch for breaking off "his
special seat", which angers the whale.

Alabasta Reverse Mountain

The whale spots them with its eye and Luffy threatens it to a fight - resulting in the ship being
swallowed. Luffy, however, ends up on top of the whale and is wondering how to get free his crew.
He pummels the whale's head as the whale begins to lower into the water. Luffy spots a metal
hatch on the surface of the whale just before it submerges.

Inside the whale, the crew wonders if they've entered a dream since there is an island here, and
they appear to be outside. As they get near to the island a giant squid appears and is harpooned.
Sanji and Zoro comment there must be a man living here and hopes he is friendly. Meanwhile,
Luffy finds himself inside a tunnel in the body of the whale.

The Going Merry has entered a weird place: a lake with an island in the middle of a whale's
stomach. However, the weirdest part is the old man on the island with his flower-like hairs and
annoying attitude. His name is Crocus and is the caretaker of the Twin Cape lighthouse. He
reveals to the crew that they are, in fact, in the stomach of the whale who appears to have been
"customized." They can leave the whale through a door which Crocus been constructed in the
stomach wall. Suddenly, the stomach lake becomes rough. Crocus once again gives the
explanation -- the whale is hitting his head against the Red Line which has given him numerous
scars over the years.

Meanwhile, Luffy also enters the whale strange inside as well as two mysterious characters, Mr.
9 and Miss Wednesday. Due to the whale's behavior, the three of them soon land in the whale's
stomach too. They rejoin the others who are trying to escape. Crocus has disappeared into a
special room where he can inject sedative to calm the whale through a gigantic syringe. The whale
becomes calm once more and the Straw Hat question the 2 mysterious guests. As it appeared,
they want to kill the whale. Crocus and Luffy prevent them from doing any harm to Laboon.

Finally, taking advantage of the whale's better mood, Crocus explains his story. He belo nged to a
pirate crew who stopped by the cape to reach the Grand Line. Due to the danger of the sea, they
asked Crocus to take care of Laboon until they returned. The two of them have stayed here waiting
since their departure... 50 years ago.

The Straw Hats are amazed at the construction that Crocus has done inside Laboon. Crocus
reveals that he used to be a doctor and has worked in a clinic and a ship. This prompts Luffy to
ask him to join his crew as a doctor, but Crocus refuses, saying that he is too old.

After exiting Laboon, the crew wonders what to do with miss Wednesday and Mr. 9. Crocus tells
them to dump them into the ocean, which they do. When Luffy asks who these guys are, they
realize that such a pirate crew could be useful to their organization, and decide to leave after
warning them to prepare themselves, and threatening Crocus that they will be back for the whale

As Luffy begins to wonder where Laboon's crew is located, Sanji tells him that they are most likely
dead. Crocus tells them that they did not die but merely abandoned their quest as well as Laboon,
fearing the vast dangers of the Grand Line. Usopp ponders about how the promise made to
Laboon was so casually forfeited. He then goes on about how he tried to explain the situation to
Laboon, but Laboon wouldn't believe any of his words and that's when he began his habit of
ramming his head against the red line.

Luffy, having listened to the story, decides to do something seemingly odd. He brakes the mast
right off Going Merry. He then runs on top of Laboon's head and nails him with it. The whale,
screaming in pain, immediately retaliates. Laboon crushes his head, with Luffy on it, on the rocks.

Alabasta Whiskey Peak

After a brief fight, Luffy declares the match a tie, which will have to be sorted out in t he future.
Thus, Luffy made a new promise with Laboon to meet again, after they have sailed around the
Grand Line, to settle their fight once and for all. Luffy's move made everyone rejoice and gave
Laboon a new reason to keep on living.

Luffy finishes painting his crew's Jolly Roger on Laboon's forehead as a symbol of his promise to
come back and fight the whale again. Meanwhile, Nami charts out the navigation route, Sanji
prepares some fish for cooking, and Usopp tries to make repairs on the Going Merry while Zoro
sleeps. Suddenly, Nami screams, and as the crew takes a break to eat, she reveals that her
compass is spinning around all over the place. Crocus is surprised at their lack of knowledge of
the Grand Line, and reveals that the presence of minerals on the islands affects the ocean's
magnetic fields. Not only that, but the winds are very unpredictable. He states that they will need
a Log Pose, which is a special type of compass that records the magnetic field. Luffy ends up
having one, to Nami's surprise, and he reveals that Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday had left it on their

Crocus states that with the Log Pose, they will have to record the magnetic field interaction while
on each island before they can move on to the next. There are seven possible ma gnetic field
paths they could travel down, with each one of them leading to Raftel, the legendary island at the
end of the Grand Line. Usopp wonders if One Piece is located on Raftel, and Crocus states that it
is likely, but not confirmed. Luffy ends up eating all of the food Sanji made, and he kicks Luffy for
eating the food he made specifically for Nami. However, he unwittingly sends Luffy slamming into
the Log Pose, destroying it. Nami kicks Luffy and Sanji into the ocean and wonders what they are
going to do now, but Crocus says he will give them one out of thanks for helping Laboon.

Meanwhile, Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday spy on the Straw Hats, confirming that they had left their
Log Pose with the crew. Without it, they could not return to their town, and would face the wrath
of their boss if they fail to report. They prepare to take it by force when the Unluckies, Mr. 13 the
sea otter and Miss Friday the vulture, come flying in. Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday desperately
attempt to make excuses, but the Unluckies drop a package-shaped bomb onto them, blowing
them into the ocean. They come back up to shore at the same time and place as Luffy and Sanji,
and Mr. 9 requests for the Straw Hats to take them to Whiskey Peak. The Straw Hats are
suspicious of them and want to learn more, but they assert that their organization necessitates
their secrecy, offering to pay them back if the Straw Hats help them. Nami mentions that they had
broken the Log Pose they had stolen from them, stunning them, before reassuring them about
the one Crocus gave them. Crocus cautions them about choosing to go to Whiskey Peak and its
route, but the Straw Hats are confident as they say farewell to him and Laboon. As he watches
them go off, Crocus wonders to Roger if these are the pirates they were waiting for.

Whiskey Peak

fter their depart from Twin Cape, the Straw Hat Pirates start their journey on the Grand
Line. However Nami has a hard time understanding the Grand Line's unpredictable
and wild climate when lightning follows a blizzard. Things get worse when Miss
Wednesday asks her if she has checked her Log Pose and she realizes their ship is going the
wrong way after just a few moments of inattention. The next hour is a non-stop fight against the
inconsistent weather.

Finally, the Straw Hat Pirates manage to reach a period of calm. Everyone takes this opportunity
to rest except Zoro who finally wakes up. When he is about to ask Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9
about their real motivation, Nami punches him for sleeping while the rest struggled against the

Alabasta Whiskey Peak

weather. However, she is now fully confident in her navigation skills in the Grand Line for the
future, as she feels more comfortable with the climate patterns.

Soon the Whiskey Peak, Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9's island, comes into view. While the two take
this opportunity to leave the ship and jump overboard the Straw Hat Pirates wonder how their first
Grand Line island experience will play out. They ponder if it has monsters, enemies, and so forth.
But against all expectations, they receive a cheerful welcome from the inhabitants who invite
them to a party.

As night falls on Whiskey Peak, the welcoming party for the Straw Hats continues. Usopp regales
the people with his stories, Zoro and Nami outlast them in drinking, Sanji woos several women,
and Luffy eats enough food for 20 people. Meanwhile, Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday report to their
boss via letter that they succeeded in luring the Straw Hats to this island. Zoro collapses from
drinking before Nami does, and all of the Straw Hats eventually pass out from exhaustion. Mr. 9
and Miss Wednesday confront Mr. 8 as he heads outside, and Mr. 8 reports that the Straw Hats
have fallen into their doom.

The nun that Nami was drinking against then comes out, having actually drunk barley tea. As she
removes her robes, Miss Monday wonders if this welcoming party was actually necessary, saying
they should have just crushed the Straw Hats at the harbor. However, Mr. 8 shows them Luffy's
bounty poster, to their shock. He orders them to tie up all the Straw Hats and take all the treasure
from their ship, telling them to keep them alive to earn the entire reward. However, Zoro then
calls out to them from a nearby rooftop, and the agents inside report to the ones outside that he
had managed to escape. Zoro states that a true swordsman never allows alcohol to take control
of himself, and looks forward to taking on the 100 Baroque Works agents confronting him.

The agents are shocked that he knows their organizations' name, and Zoro reveals that he was
unsuccessfully recruited to join it back when he was a bounty hunter. Mr. 8 states that they must
kill him for knowing their secrets, and place his tombstone among the many others at Cactus
Rock. In their brief moment of distraction, they lose sight of Zoro, and he appears right among
them. They rush to attack, but he overwhelms several of them before speeding away again. He
appears behind Mr. 8 and plants his sword into the agent's hair. Mr. 8 desperately tells the agents
to not shoot, and he brings out a saxophone that functions as a shotgun. Zoro quickly speeds
away from the blast as many agents are taken out, and Mr. 8, Miss Monday, Mr. 9, and Miss
Wednesday state that they will need to take on Zoro themselves.

Zoro announces that he knows their secret company that they are "Baroque Works" while Luffy
and the rest of the crew are sleeping. Baroque Works attempt to kill him to protect their secret
identity. Zoro thinks it will be a good chance to test his new swords and have some fun. The fight
between Zoro and the 100 bounty hunters begins.

A bounty hunter sees him and shoots him from the top of a building but Zoro ducks into a house.
Then he sees that he is surrounded by more bounty hunters. They shoot at him but he uses a
table as his shield. Then Zoro escapes, using the Yubashiri and gets out of the building. He goes
upstairs and a bounty hunter with a bazooka shoots at him but Zoro ducks down. Miss Monday
sees him at the stairs and she throws a barrel full of liquor at him. Zoro cuts it in four pieces that
hit four more members in front of Zoro. Someone with a stone hammer tries to hit him from
behind but Zoro dodges it in time and cuts the stone saying that "This one cuts through stone,
the Sandai Kitetsu" blade is remarkably sharp'. A young boy tries to attack him with a knife, but
Zoro flips it away. A nun comes and hugs the kid saying "God, please protect us" then she pulls
away her cross where smoke comes out in the middle. Zoro avoids the smoke, and hits the nun

Alabasta Whiskey Peak

and boy. He climbs up a ladder, with a lot of members following him up the ladder but Zoro pushes
the ladder off the building, and the bounty hunters fall with the ladder. He jumps to another
building and tricks the bounty hunters on the building, to fall through a hole he made on the roof.

Miss Monday surprises Zoro by trying to hit him from behind with one of the ladders. Zoro ducks
in time, but then she catches him by his neck and punches him in the face with her super-human
strength. Zoro then grabs her with his right hand and he challenges Miss Monday to a game of
strength, which she loses. Mr. 8 thinks that the Marines got the bounty poster wrong, and that
Zoro must be the real captain due to his strength.

Mr. 8, Mr. 9, and Miss Wednesday are shaken and angered by their forces' inability to take down
Zoro. Intent on fulfilling their responsibility to watch over this town, Mr. 8 takes out his saxophone
and blows into it, which shoots bullets at Zoro. Zoro dodges the shots, and Mr. 9 and Miss
Wednesday go on the move. While Mr. 9 leaps up toward the roof, Miss Wednesday mounts her
duck Carue to use its great speed to pursue Zoro. Carue has trouble following Miss Wednesday's
directions, and Mr. 9 performs acrobatic flips to attack Zoro from behind with two metal bats. He
is cocky about the power of his bats, and warns Zoro to not let his swords get chipped, but Zoro
manages to unnerve him by merely quickly drawing his sword and pointing it at the agent. Mr. 9
loses his composure as he swats recklessly at Zoro's sword, and Zoro wonders where his
acrobatic finesse went. Mr. 9 decides to show it to him again and does a backflip, but ends up
jumping off the roof and crashing to the ground.

Zoro wonders if anyone here is more competent when Miss Wednesday confronts him. She
performed a dance, using the spiral design of her top to make Zoro dizzy. Zoro was overwhelmed
by the dance, and Miss Wednesday charged at him to finish him off with her Peacock Slashers.
However, Carue moved so that her weapon-carrying hand was on the wrong side, and Miss
Wednesday rode off the roof. Zoro was ashamed that he had to fight these people, but had to
quickly dodge more of Mr. 8's shots. Zoro cut a hole in the roof and went down to the ground,
where he hid in an alley and encountered Mr. 9 again. Mr. 9 extended the tip of one of his bats
with an iron rope, tying up one of Zoro's arms with it. Miss Wednesday then brought out the
sleeping Luffy, threatening to kill him if Zoro moved. Mr. 8 fires at Zoro with guns in his hair, but
Zoro pulls on the rope, sending Mr. 9 flying into the path of the explosive shots. Zoro then throws
Mr. 9 at Miss Wednesday and Carue, sending them flying away from Luffy. Using Luffy's inflated
body as a trampoline, Zoro bounces up to Mr. 8, cutting him down with a single slash as the battle
comes to an end.

Luffy wakes up for a second but soon returns to sleep. The Baroque Works members, Mr. 8 and
Miss Wednesday, attempt to run from the Straw Hats. However, to their horror they are spotted
by Mr. 13 and Miss Friday. They suddenly hear someone order them to stop. They turn and spot
two more Baroque Works members holding their guns at them. They ask for them to identify
themselves and they answer with their code names.

Meanwhile, Zoro sits, drinking. Mr. 8 stands up, severely injured, and spots Mr. 5 and Miss
Valentine behind him. The two officer agents reveal that Miss Wednesday is Nefeltari Vivi,
princess of Alabasta, and Mr. 8 is Igaram, her servant. Zoro watches from above, unnoticed. Mr.
9 is surprised and bows to Vivi while Vivi yells at him for acting so stupid. Zoro grabs Luffy and
sprints away.

Mr. 5 announces they are here to kill the two traitors, but Mr. 9 stands before Vivi, saying that he
cannot let his partner die. He is hit with an explosive by Mr. 5. As Zoro comments on Mr. 5's

Alabasta Whiskey Peak

exploding booger. Igaram begs Zoro to save Vivi. While she escapes on Carue, Nami appears. She
proposes they will save Vivi if they pay B1,000,000,000.

Igaram is exasperated by Nami's offer of a B1,000,000,000 to protect Vivi. With Luffy still asleep,
Zoro asks whether Nami should still be unconscious from all the alcohol she drank at the
welcoming party. Nami retorts that she didn't want to drink and lower her guard, due to her
suspicions of the Whiskey Peak villagers' behavior, before bragging that she could have drunk
much more if she had intended to, much to Zoro's chagrin. Turning to Igaram, Nami happily asks
him whether he can guarantee the payment and additionally reminds the head of the Alabasta
Royal Guard that without their help, Nefeltari Vivi could die.

After some bartering, Igaram tells Nami that she will have to negotiate the payment with Vivi
herself, only after her safe journey to Alabasta has been assured - Nami agrees with a haughty
sigh and subsequently commands Zoro to assist the Princess.

A shocked Zoro at first refuses, claiming that the monetary scheme should be her responsibility,
before Nami quips that even if the money is hers, the contract involves the entire Straw Hat crew.
They continue to argue, whilst Luffy wakes up from his slumber in order to urinate, ignor ing his
crew-mates' squabble. Nami finally coaxes a frustrated Zoro into assisting her, by offering to
rescind the unpaid added interest of 200,000 Belly on the money she loaned out to him at

As Zoro leaves to assist Vivi, cursing that Nami won't have a peaceful death, Igaram laments his
weakness in failing to protect Vivi. Nami reassures him that Zoro is 'monstrously strong', with
Igaram iterating that Vivi's survival is incredibly important for Alabasta's future.

Meanwhile, across town, Vivi is attempting to escape Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine by riding Carue to
a ship docked behind Cactus Rock. Mr. 5 comments on how her efforts are useless. Miss Monday
aids a grateful Vivi by standing in the path of the two Baroque Works agents, reasoning that the
whole band of bounty hunters in Whiskey Peak would be punished anyway for suffering defeat at
Zoro's hands. Disappointed with her sullying of Baroque Works' name, Mr. 5 incapacitates Miss
Monday with a single clothesline that explodes on impact.

He continues to explain to a shocked Vivi, that his very person is a human bomb, being able to
make any body part explode, having eaten the Bomu Bomu no Mi; he then picks his nose, flicking
a bogey and subsequently launching a Nose Fancy Cannon. Suddenly, Zoro slices it in half,
rescuing a surprised Vivi; the resultant explosive fragments destroy the buildings lining the road.
Mr. 5 ponders who the swordsman is.

Zoro is disgusted at having to slice a bogey in half. Vivi at first believes that Zoro is there to prevent
her escape, attacking him; Zoro casually blocks it, informing that he is in fact there to rescue her.

The scene then jumps to Nami, who asks Igaram about Baroque Works; he tells her that it is a
secret criminal organization in which none of its members know the true identity of their boss, a
man who bestows orders ranging from intelligence gathering to assassinations. Nami asks why
the organisation members follow the commands of an unknown entity; Igaram replies that the
ultimate aim of the group is to create an ideal nation, with high-ranking positions being awarded
to those individuals who bring great success to the organisation. He also reveals that the boss
has a codename of Mr. 0, explaining that the lower the number, the higher -ranked and the
stronger that particular person will be within this ideal nation; he stresses that the strength of
those with a number ranking of 5 or below are 'abnormal'.

Alabasta Whiskey Peak

Luffy is now seen walking by the river running through the town, having just urinated. He becomes
shocked at something off-panel.

We return to the two Baroque Works agents, who identify Zoro as the one who defeated the town's
agents; they ask him further why he is protecting Vivi. After an ambiguous answer from Zoro, the
pair prepare to attack, Miss Valentine boasting about her Devil Fruit ability.

However, Luffy interrupts, shouting from further down the road that vows to never forgive Zoro
and challenges his crew-mate to a fight, much to Zoro's surprise.

Zoro loudly asks Luffy what idiotic things is he saying to him, and Luffy replies that an ungrateful
person like him should get beaten. Zoro wonders how he is ungrateful, and Luffy says that he can
never forgive Zoro as he remembers standing by the defeated bounty hunters who had fed him,
who said that Zoro had attacked them. Luffy yells at Zoro in anger for cutting down the
townspeople that fed them the night before, and Nefeltari Vivi wonders how dense Luffy is. Mr. 5
and Miss Valentine stand nearby, getting annoyed at the crewmates' argument and wanting to
kill them off. Zoro attempts to explain to Luffy that the townspeople were actually bounty hunters,
but Luffy cuts him off as he rushes to attack him in a fit of rage. Zoro dodges Luffy's punch, which
shatters a building, and he wonders in amazement if Luffy is actually trying to kill him. Luffy replies
that he indeed is trying to kill Zoro, and Zoro dodges more attacks as he futilely attempts to reason
with Luffy.

Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine conclude that Luffy and Zoro are not interfering with their business and
resume their mission to eliminate the princess of Alabasta. However, they accidentally receive
Zoro's kick aimed at Luffy, which sends all three flying into buildings. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine
think that the pirates were trying to sabotage them all along, and Mr. 5 prepares to kill Luffy,
causing the building they are in to explode. Miss Valentine flies away from the explosion into the
air, revealing that she is now 1 kilogram due to the power of the Kilo Kilo no Mi. Vivi warns Zoro
to get out of the way, but he silences her, not having time for anyone right now. He then watches
as Luffy walks out of the damaged building dragging an unconscious Mr. 5, having burned enough
calories to return to his normal size.

Vivi is shocked that Mr. 5, an Officer Agent, was defeated, and Zoro attempts to speak with Luffy,
telling him that the townspeople were bounty hunters. As Miss Valentine hovers in the air,
annoyed that everyone is ignoring her, Luffy calls Zoro a liar, saying that no enemies would feed
them. Miss Valentine finally snaps and changes her weight to 10,000 kilograms, falling toward
Zoro with great force, but he steps away as she plants into the ground. Zoro finally gets tired of
Luffy's stupidity and prepares to get serious, appalling Vivi. The two crewmates rush at each other
and clash, determined to test whether Luffy's unarmed strength or Zoro's swordsmanship is more
powerful. They knock each other into opposite walls, and Vivi wonders if it is safe to escape, but
her path is cut off as Luffy and Zoro rush at each other again. Meanwhile, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine
simmer in anger over their humiliating defeats, and decide to get revenge on Luffy and Zoro.
However, the two pirates stop fighting and tell the agents that them getting in the way of the ir
fight is annoying, and they blow Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine away.

After getting rid of Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, Zoro and Luffy return to their fight. However, they
are quickly stopped by Nami who does not want to lose an opportunity to earn 1 billion belly.

Everyone explains to each other but Vivi is unable to promise the reward to Nami. Her country,
Alabasta, is on the verge of a civil war, which had secretly been started by the Baroque Works
organization. In order to help her country, Princess Vivi has infiltrated Baroque Works with her

Alabasta Whiskey Peak

counselor, Igaram, in order to understand the organisation's true motives. She learned that their
ultimate plan they call Dream Country, is in reality to conquer Alabasta by putting it into chaos.
When Luffy asks Vivi who is pulling the strings, she accidentally reveals that Mr. 0 is Crocodile,
one of the Shichibukai. Unfortunately for them, Baroque Works' Unluckies agents have overheard
her revealing the information and they quickly put the three Straw Hat on their organisation's
wanted list.

Now that they share the same enemy as Vivi, Igaram proposes a plan: he will go directly to
Alabasta, thanks to an Eternal Pose, while the Straw Hat will accompany Vivi through the standard
road which will be longer but safer. However, as soon as he departs, Igaram's boat explodes. Luffy
does not hesitate any further and states he will help Vivi reach her country.

Having just witnessed Igaram’s ship get destroyed, Luffy immediately wakes up Sanji and Usopp.
Grabbing them by Usopp's nose and Sanji's leg, he drags them out of the Whiskey Peak Bar and
gives them a rude awakening. Zoro, meanwhile, prepares the Going Merry to set sail. As everyone
gathers at the Going Merry, Vivi expresses that she still wants to go around town to look for Ca rue.
To her surprise, she finds out that Carue climbed on board the ship before even Zoro got in. With
that matter settled, everyone prepares to set sail. At the same time, a mysterious figure emerges
from the flames of the explosion that destroyed Igaram's ship.

Due to their rude awakening, Sanji and Usopp do not know anything and protest to stay in town
a little longer. Fortunately, Nami explains everything to them with a conk in their heads. As the
Going Merry sails from Whiskey Peak, the crew find out that someone else is on board. The person
is the mysterious figure that came out of explosion and is Miss All Sunday. It is explained then
that not only was she the one who blew Igaram's ship, but she also she is Crocodile’s partner and
Vice President of Baroque Works.

Vivi continues to explain that she and her compatriots were able to learn the true identity of
Baroque Work's boss and plans by following Miss All Sunday. Miss All Sunday, however, explains
that she had let Vivi follow her. Hearing this, Vivi suddenly suspects that Miss All Sunday was the
one who told Crocodile of her true identity. Miss All Sunday goes on explaining that she helped
Vivi because she felt that the princess worked very hard, but she finds the princess' resolve to go
against Baroque Work's stupid.

Upon the conversation becoming heated, the Straw Hats prepared themselves to fight with Sanji
and Usopp both preparing to shoot Miss All Sunday with a gun and Usopp's slingshot, respectively.
The two prepared to shoot despite not fully understanding what was happening. However despite
being surrounded, Miss All Sunday simply flips both Sanji and Usopp with her Devil Fruit powers,
leaving the rest in shock. While everyone is wondering what power she has, Miss All Sunday grabs
Luffy's straw hat and explains to the Straw Hats their next destination on the Log Pose route they
are following. That place, Little Garden, is so dangerous that not even Baroque Works need to
deal with them there. To help them avoid such an obstacle, Miss All Sunday gives them an Eternal
Pose that will lead them somewhere else. She however gives them the choice to accept this or
not as she states it might be a trap.

Luffy declines this offer and crushes the Eternal Pose in his bare hand despite Nami's protest. He
states that he did this because Miss All Sunday does not have the right to tell them where to go,
and because he hated her for bombing Igaram's ship. With that Miss All Sunday left the Straw
Hats on her giant turtle, Banchi. Having escaped that danger, the Straw Hats continued sailing to
Little Garden. As they sailed, Sanji and Usopp are properly filled in about the situation, while Luffy
wonders if it's gonna snow again.

Alabasta Little Garden

Little Garden

ivi begins to appreciate life on board the Going Merry and the carefree lifestyle of her
new friends. She has reservations as she constantly warns them to not underestimate
the dangers that await them on the Grand Line.

After a calm journey, they finally arrive at Little Garden island which Miss All Sunday warned them
about. It appears to be made of a weird tropical forest and is inhabited by even stranger animals.
Nami is not eager to leave the boat as their log pose resets but the rest of the crew has an
opposing opinion. Luffy craves adventure and decides to set out to explore. Much to Nami's
surprise, Vivi decides to accompany Luffy in order to be distracted from her worries. She drags
along a not-so-willing Carue.

After they depart, Sanji asks Zoro to go on a hunt in order to retrieve more food as they are running
low. Zoro, who is not so pleased to work on Sanji's orders, replies with a nasty comment that he'd
get something bigger than Sanji anyways. Sanji refuses to lose face in front of Nami and
challenges Zoro to a hunt contest -- to see who can bring back the largest weight in food for the

Luffy and Vivi discover weird animals and they realize Little Garden is, in fact, a prehistoric island
which has stayed evolutionary-wise at the dinosaur era.

Meanwhile back at the boat, Nami and Usopp are alone and not confident abo ard the Going
Merry. Nami finds a book which explains the island's name. Suddenly a giant shadow approaches

As he explores Little Garden, Sanji hears Nami screaming before encountering a tyrannosaurus
rex, while Zoro comes face to face with a triceratops. On the Sunny, Nami and Usopp stare in
shock in fear as they meet a giant named Brogy, who asks them if they have any rum. Brogy
shouts when a dinosaur bites his backside, causing Nami and Usopp to scream in fear, and they
grow even more afraid when Brogy quickly decapitates the dinosaur and holds up its head,
proclaiming that he is Elbaf's strongest warrior. Brogy welcomes Nami and Usopp as guests, but
they are so afraid that they are playing dead. Meanwhile, Luffy stands atop a brontosaurus' head
as he views the island from high up. Vivi tells him to get down, but Luffy is unafraid and wants to
go to a rock with strange-looking holes he saw. However, the dinosaur flips its head back and
swallows Luffy, but it is immediately decapitated by the giant Dorry, causing Luffy to fall out of its
throat and land in Dorry's hand. Dorry proclaims himself to be Elbaf's strongest warrior, and as
Vivi looks at him in fear, he invites her and Luffy to his place.

At Brogy's home, the giant offers Nami and Usopp some of the dinosaur meat he cooked, but the
duo see skeletons all around them and believe that Brogy is going to eat them as well. Nami asks
how long it will take the Log Pose to record this island, and Brogy reveals that it takes a year,
leaving her and Usopp aghast. At Dorry's home, Vivi watches as Luffy makes easy conversation
with the giant while eating. Luffy asks about where Dorry came from, and Dorry reveals that he
comes from a village on Elbaf, which is somewhere on the Grand Line. However, his village has a
rule that quarrels that cannot be resolved will be decided by the gods through combat. He is
currently fighting Brogy over a disagreement, although the two of them have now been fighting
for over 100 years. Vivi is appalled by this custom and speaks out about it, but the volcano in the
center of the island erupts, signaling for Dorry and Brogy to resume their battle. Luffy quiets Vivi's
attempts to stop the fight, and Dorry affirms that he is now only fighting Brogy for pride, as the

Alabasta Little Garden

two of them had forgotten the reason for their original disagreement. The two giants clash, and
Luffy collapses to the ground, being overwhelmed from interacting with the massive giants.

On Kyuka Island, Mr. 3 is lounging around drinking tea when his partner Miss Goldenweek says
that she is bored. He tells her to enjoy her time off and to not call him by his codename so casually,
and asks about the paper she has been staring at for a few days. To his shock, it is their next set
of orders from their boss, and he finds out that Mr. 5 has been beaten. Mr. 3 says that Mr. 5 is
an overconfident fool who overestimates his Devil Fruit abilities, and decides to go and teach the
people that beat him a lesson about antagonizing their organization.

On Little Garden, Nami and Usopp watch as Dorry and Brogy fight each other viciously, not holding
back in any of their attacks and often barely avoiding receiving fatal strikes. Nami wants to take
this opportunity to escape, but Usopp wants to watch a little longer, expressing how impressed
he is by the giants' pride and wanting to become a brave warrior of the sea like them someday.
He states that he would like to visit their giant warrior village Elbaf one day. After exchanging
several more blows, Dorry and Brogy's fight ends in a draw for the 73,466th time, and Brogy offers
Dorry some rum he got from Nami and Usopp.

Dorry takes the rum back to his campsite, where he finds out that Nami and Usopp are with Luffy
and Vivi. Vivi asks about the Log Pose taking a year to finish recording Little Garden, and Dorry
confirms this, revealing that all the human skeletons around them are of sailors who perished
before their Log set. Dorry says that he only has an Eternal Pose that points toward Elbaf, and Vivi
weeps over what might happen to her country if she is stuck here for a year. Dorry jokingly
suggests setting sail there and leaving it to fate, and laughs when Luffy is open to the idea.
Meanwhile, Usopp tells Brogy about his dream, and Brogy states that the giants' biggest wish is
to die without tarnishing their pride. Suddenly, Dorry's rum explodes while he is drinking it, greatly
injuring him and knocking him over. Luffy is sure that Brogy would never do something
underhanded like that, but this leaves Dorry to believe that they are the culprits as he confronts
Luffy and Vivi. Luffy gives Vivi his straw hat as he goes to fight Dorry, despite Vivi's pleas.

Dorry believes that the Straw Hats betrayed him and attacks Luffy. Vivi tries to convince him that
they didn't know who put the explosive in the barrel. She tells him to stay put because his body is
damaged enough. Dorry tries to slash him with his sword, but Luffy evades the attack. He jumps
in front of Dorry's face and prepares a punch, but Dorry knocks him with his shield. Luffy uses his
rubber body to grab a tree from the forest and launches himself and evades another one of Dorry's
sword attacks. He then uses Gomu Gomu no Rocket to launch himself towards Dorry and nearly
knocks him out. Dorry steps on him and realizes that Luffy is a Devil Fruit user and that he was
careless and falls unconscious. Luffy gets out of the dirt. Vivi said that she thinks Dorry will be
alright and that Luffy did the right thing because otherwise he wouldn't have calmed down. Luffy
is pissed off, and said that it couldn't be the other giant or one of his crew mates that placed the
explosive in the barrel. He said that he believes that someone besides his crew and the giants
are on the island.

Somewhere else a dinosaur tries to bite something white and destroys his teeth. The dinosaur is
confused staying in front of a wax house.Mr. 5 orders the dinosaur to move and Miss Valentine
uses 10000 KG Press to knock it out. After that they enter the wax house. Inside it, Mr. 3 and
Miss Goldenweek were waiting. Mr. 3 was drinking tea while Miss Goldenweek was sleeping. Mr.
5 compliments Mr. 3 for his ability to make an instant hideout in the middle of the jungle. He asks
that they let him and his partner complete the mission since it is still theirs. Miss Valentine said
that they won't make the same mistake twice. Mr. 3 mocks the Mr. 5 pair by saying that they
failed because they are weak not because they made a mistake. Miss Valentine stated that they

Alabasta Little Garden

failed because they had no idea that the princess would have pirate escorts. Mr. 3 mocks them
because saying that they are resorting to childish excuses. He said that they are professionals
and that losing to their opponent is as shameful as revealing their organization existence to the
general public. Mr. 3 continues, saying that the missions they undertake must be accomplished
perfectly with no mistakes. As a second chance, he offers them 30% of the pay from the job
because they managed to tail the targets to Little Garden. He states that if the Mr. 5 pair still don't
want him to interfere he needs to take some actions so that the 2 will not interfere with him again.
Mr. 3 offers them black tea, telling them there is a fortuitous opportunity for them on the island,
an opportunity to make a huge sum of money. Mr. 3 shows them the bounty posters of Dorry and
Broggy and thanks them for the chance to come on the island. He explains that those wanted
posters are from 100 years ago, telling them that there was once a group of giant pirates who
pillaged town after town and terrified the entire world. He continues saying that the group was
called the Warrior Giant Pirates and the captains were the ones known as Dorry the Blue Ogre
and Brogy the Red Ogre, but their names faded into legends. Mr. 3 said that the 2 were still alive
and their bounties were not called off either. He revealed that their 2 bounties were worth
B100,000,000 each, in short B200,000,000. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine are surprised at hearing
the immense amount of money they could make. Mr. 3 tells them that if they are going to succeed
in their mission and also bring B200,000,000 their promotions are guaranteed. Mr. 5 understand
the reason why Mr. 3 placed the bomb inside the rum barrels. Mr. 3 said that they would stand
no chance to fight them head-on and tells them to follow his commands. Mr. 3 said that with a
little scheming even a mountain can be leveled down to the ground.

Meanwhile, the volcano erupts again and Brogy is prepared for battle. Usopp worries about the
injuries he received, but Brogy tells him that both he and Dorry were injured in the previous battle,
and that making such excuses in a relentless fight to the death would only tarnish one's honor.

Dorry struggles to step up and fight and Vivi tries to stop him warning him that he might die from
his injuries if he fights. Dorry states that he vows to give a fight worthy of Elbaf's honor.

Usopp encourages Brogy as he heads to fight Dorry again, and Nami decides to go back to the
ship to meet back up with everyone. Usopp says he is unable to fight off all the dinosaurs on the
way back, but promises to one day become a proud warrior of the seas, and Nami decides to
instead go and see Luffy at Dorry's campsite. Meanwhile, Dorry puts the entire mountain on top
of Luffy, preventing the pirate from stopping him from fighting. He states that he cannot avoid
this fight no matter how injured he is, as his god wills it. Luffy is unable to understand being willing
to die for a god in an unfair fight, but Dorry says that Luffy does not understand the highest honor
of Elbaf. Dorry and Brogy then confront each other, and Vivi is surprised by how invested Luffy is
in Dorry's safety despite only having just met the giant.

Meanwhile, Mr. 3, Miss Goldenweek, and Mr. 5 conspire against their enemies. With the Straw
Hats in chaos due to the exploding rum, the Baroque Works agents prepare to take out Dorry first,
before luring the Straw Hats into a trap. Mr. 3 has pictures of Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Vivi. Zoro is
lost after hunting a triceratops when he thinks he sees Nami leaning against a nearby tree.
However, the figure that looks like Nami does not make a sound, and smirks. The real Nami is
running away from a dinosaur with Usopp, and she sees a duplicate of Luffy leaning on a tree.
She goes up to it, and screams after seeing what it really is. Usopp hears her screams, and panics
due to being unable to see her. He runs out of the woods to Luffy and Vivi, saying that Nami was
eaten by the dinosaur. He admits that he did not look to check due to his fear of the dinosaurs,
and Vivi wonders if Baroque Works sent someone here after them. She and Luffy suspect that
they may have rigged the rum, and Usopp is aghast when he finds out about Dorry's injury. Dorry
is currently only at a slight disadvantage as he fights Brogy, but Mr. 3 decides to interfere. He

Alabasta Little Garden

creates a slippery white substance under Dorry's foot that causes him to slip, leaving him open
for Brogy to hit him.

Mr. 3's interference allows Brogy to land a great blow on Dorry's chest, defeating the latter. Luffy
becomes very enraged and yells out, wanting to know who had weakened Dorry. Miss Goldenweek
hears him, but Mr. 3 pays no attention. Brogy starts to cry with happiness over finally winning in
their duel, when Mr. 3 approaches him and thanks him. He introduces himself to Brogy before
revealing that he has encased the giant's feet with wax using the power of the Doru Doru no Mi.

Meanwhile, Usopp and Vivi decide to go find the people who harmed Dorry. Right then, however,
Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine come out of the woods with a defeated Carue. Mr. 5 reveals that they
had been trying to lure Vivi away from Luffy by forcing Carue to cry out for her, but the duck refused
even to the point of severe beating. Usopp asks if they put the bomb in Dorry's rum, which they
affirm, and they note that they had not seen him before. Usopp and Vivi then pull out their
weapons and race to attack, with Usopp launching an explosive shot at Mr. 5. However, Mr. 5 is
unharmed due to his Devil Fruit power, and he responds by flicking an explosive ball of mucus at
Usopp. Miss Valentine then leaps into the air before becoming much heavier and slamming into
Usopp. Vivi attempts to attack Mr. 5, but he overwhelms her with an explosion before grabbing
her by the neck. He says that he is not going to kill Vivi, but rather take her to Mr. 3 on his orders.
Meanwhile, Mr. 3 has pinned Brogy to the ground with his wax as he states his intention to create
a masterpiece of artwork.

Vivi is captured by Miss. Valentine and Mr. 5. Mr. 5 is surprised Luffy was strong enough to still
be awake after the last bomb had gone off in his face. He then tells Luffy that he has captured
his friends, Nami and Zoro. Luffy smiles and responds that if has captured Zoro he will soon be
the one in trouble, and not Zoro. Luffy then continues to insult Mr. 5 until Mr. 5's patience is tried
and bombs him once more with his Devil Fruit powers. Luffy is finally knocked unconscious and
the baroque works agents leave with Vivi.

Meanwhile, Brogy is completely immobilized by Mr. 3's wax. Mr. 3 tells Brogy how he helped him
during his fight with Dorry. Brogy becomes angry due to his honorable victor being stolen due to
a treacherous interceding. Vivi is delivered to Mr. 3. She insults him for his lack of morals. Mr. 3
smiles and makes a giant candelabra and gloats about completing his art collection. He informs
them they will soon be turned into wax figures and be added to his collection. Brogy then states
that at the beginning of the fight he knew something was wrong, but he realizes know that it was
Mr. 3 that hurt his pride for defeating a weakened opponent. Brogy attempts to stand up once
more only to be hit by one of Mr. 5's bombs.

Meanwhile at Dorry's camp, Luffy has regained consciousness and strengthens his resolve to
defeat the baroque works agents. Carue and Usopp promise to fight gallantly to save their friends
as well.

While Brogy attempts to get up, Mr. 3 realizes he needs to use more force to keep him down. He
creates four large swords from his Wax-Wax fruit powers and impales his hands and feet to the
ground. Brogy screams as he is immobilized. Mr. 3 increases the speed of his Candelabra
technique and explains that the Straw Hats will be turned into a group of wax statues, preserving
the look of horror on their faces forever.

Brogy once again attempts to free himself but fails. Zoro becomes inspired by the giants attempts
to free himself and resolves to cut off his own legs to escape and fight his way to freedom. Brogy
is impressed by the warriors honor and attempts one last time to free himself. Fortunately, Luffy,

Alabasta Little Garden

Carue, and Usopp arrive before Zoro goes through with it and they vow to defeat the baroque
works agents. Zoro requests Luffy to destroy the candle but Mr. 3 challenges that he will not allow

Luffy, Usopp, and Carue arrive at Mr. 3's Giant Candle Service Set, and Luffy says he will destroy
it. Nami and Zoro bicker about Zoro's plans while they are trapped, and Vivi notes how carefree
they are despite still being in trouble. Mr. 3 does not think much of Luffy, but knows that he is
stronger than Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, so he has them take on the others while he attacks Luffy.
Usopp says he will provide backup for Luffy from behind the trees, and Brogy asks why Zoro is no
longer trying to get out. Zoro replies that there is now someone who will try to get them out, but
Mr. 3 immediately manages to lock Luffy's feet into a candle with his Devil Fruit ability. However,
Luffy seems to like the wax binding, and he dodges Mr. 3's attempt to lock his arms together as
he wraps his arms around Dorry's sword impaled into Brogy's hand. Luffy apologizes to Brogy as
he spins around, causing greater injury to the giant, but at the end of his spin he flies into the
giant candle's pole and slams his candle binding into it, destroying both of them and causing the
wax pumpkin on top to fall down.

The pumpkin misses Nami, Zoro, and Vivi, as Luffy did not realize they could not move. The wax
encasement on their bodies increases, bringing them closer to complete suffocation, and Luffy
works fast to destroy the giant candle. Mr. 3 attacks him with a wax harpoon, and Usopp tries to
shoot an explosive bullet at him, but Mr. 5 swallows the shot, causing it to explode inside his body
without dealing any harm. Luffy attempts to destroy the pumpkin, but Mr. 3 blocks his punches
with a wall of wax. Luffy gets annoyed at Mr. 3, who uses Candle Lock again but only manages to
encase one of Luffy's hands, and Luffy happily says that he has a hammer again. A perturbed Mr.
3 quickly tries to protect himself with a Candle Wall, but Luffy breaks through it and hits him,
sending him flying far away. Nami tells Luffy to destroy the giant candle, but Luffy inexplicably
refuses, saying that he does not feel like it. Miss Goldenweek then comes onto the scene,
revealing that she is using "Colors Trap".

Nami asks Luffy to free them from the candle, but Luffy seems unwilling to help even thought he
realizes the danger.

Meanwhile, Usopp and Carue are hiding in bushes and are suddenly found by Mr. 5 and Miss.
Valentine. They explain that Luffy is under the spell of Color Trap, where she can influence the
behavior of a victim based on the colors she draws on them, before attacking the duo. Usopp and
Carue try to escape, while Vivi realizes that Luffy's lethargic attitude must be due to of Miss
Goldenweek, who explains her "color trap" ability.

Vivi then tricks Luffy into stepping out of the trap which returns Luffy to normal. Unfortunately, he
then gets caught in another of Miss. Goldenweek's traps as she paints it directly on his shirt .

Nami, Zoro and Vivi look on in horror of their impeding doom.

Meanwhile, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine are still chasing Usopp and Carue, who frees Luffy from his
trap but he is once again unable to combat Miss Goldenweeks' abilities. As the fight between the
two duos continue, Mr. 5 realizes that he is not fast enough to catch Usopp and Carue, while
Usopp heads back to the candle and finds he friends waxed. Mr. 5 reveals a new weapon: a .44
revolver that can shoot 6 bullets at the same time.

Alabasta Little Garden

However, instead of trying to help himself, Usopp fires at Luffy destroying his shirt and freeing
him from color trap once more. Usopp is promptly shot by Mr. 5. Luffy becomes furious and
declares that he will defeat them.

Sanji notes that he has waited on the Going Merry for a while now, and so decides to go look and
see what is going on. As he calls out for Nami and Vivi, he notices a house made out of wax.
Meanwhile, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine tell the angry Luffy to accept the death of his friends. Mr. 3
then creates a massive suit of wax armor around his body, which he calls the "Candle Champion",
and he prepares to finish off Luffy. Mr. 3 wants Miss Goldenweek to paint his suit, but she
declines, and Luffy is distracted as he stares in awe at the Candle Champion. After Usopp yells at
him, Luffy attempts to attack, but his punch is easily batted away by Mr. 3's giant wax fist. Mr. 3
unleashes several punches at Luffy, who tries to respond by kicking him in the face, but Mr. 3
shields himself from the kick.

Usopp then realizes that they can use fire to melt Mr. 3's candle wax, and tells this to Luffy.
However, Mr. 3 reveals that Zoro, Nami, and Vivi's hearts will stop in 30 seconds due to their wax
encasement. Usopp attempts to free them by shooting a fire bullet, but Mr. 5 shoots him with an
explosive bullet. Luffy attempts to attack Mr. 5, but is pounded into the ground by Mr. 3, and as
Usopp tries handing Carue a rope, Miss Valentine confronts him. She sits on Usopp and steadily
increases her weight, and Mr. 5 shoots at Carue as the duck runs off with the rope. Luffy manages
to get to Mr. 3's head and pulls on his hair, intending to use the flame at the end of it to free his
friends. Usopp tells Luffy to burn Carue's rope, which is covered in oil and is now wrapped around
the candelabra. Luffy then slams Mr. 3 headfirst onto the end of the rope in front of him.

Thanks to Usopp and Carue's rope, Luffy manages to set Mr. 3's candelabra ablaze with the
agent's flaming hair. Mr. 3's Candle Champion starts melting as well, and he runs off into the
woods with Carue chasing him. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine are left enraged, and Miss Valentine
flips up into the air as she prepares to finish off Usopp with a 10,000 kilogram axe kick. However,
Nami and Vivi attack Miss Valentine with their weapons as they emerge from the fire, having been
freed by it. Mr. 5 aims his gun at them, and Usopp seemingly shoots an Exploding Star at him. Mr.
5 eats it to try to neutralize it, but Usopp reveals that it was actually a hot sauce shot. Mr. 5
struggles to handle the sauce, and decides to kill the Straw Hats by blowing himself up as he
wraps himself around Usopp. However, Zoro then emerges from the fire and cuts Mr. 5, defeating
him. Brogy, having freed himself from Dorry's sword being implanted into his hand, then
approaches the Straw Hats, noting that there are two enemies yet to be defeated.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Carue chase after Mr. 3, only to come to a clearing filled with duplicates of
the agent. Mr. 3 asks if Luffy knows which of him is real, saying a fighter who relies on instinct
like him could not figure it out. As he talks to Luffy, the real Mr. 3 starts sneaking up on him from
behind, readying a knife to stab him. However, Luffy immediately kicks the real Mr. 3 in the face,
saying he knew which one he was based on instinct. Carue then spots Miss Goldenweek peeking
at the scene from a distant tree, and starts chasing after her to her terror.

At Mr. 3's house, Sanji realizes he needs to stop drinking tea and resume looking for Nami.
However, as he heads out he hears a Den Den Mushi ringing inside a basket. He answers it, acting
like a restaurant. The person on the other end is in no mood for his antics, and thinking Sanji is
Mr. 3, asks for a report. Sanji asks who he is, to which the person replies that he is Mr. 0.

Brogy weeps over the loss of Dorry, causing deluges of tears to crash onto the ground. However,
a conscious Dorry then sits up, having only been knocked out by Brogy's strike likely due to their

Alabasta Little Garden

weapons having been severely dulled in their century-long clash. Brogy tearfully embraces Dorry,
but after exchanging a few words, the two giants almost get into a fight, appalling Nami.

Meanwhile, after finding out that Mr. 0 is calling him, Sanji recalls Vivi's words and realizes that
he is speaking to Sir Crocodile of the Shichibukai. Thinking Sanji is Mr. 3, Crocodile orders him to
give him a status report. Sanji deduces that Mr. 3 was sent to go after Vivi, and he acts like Mr.
3, telling Crocodile that Vivi and the Straw Hats have been eliminated. Crocodile says that the
Unluckies will arrive to give him a package containing an Eternal Pose to Alabasta, and tells Sanji
to come to him there with Miss Goldenweek, as it is time for them to carry out the most crucial
step of their plan. Right then, the Unluckies show up at Mr. 3's house, and upon realizing what
has happened, they prepare to attack. Sanji quickly panics as he dodges Miss Friday's bullets and
Mr. 13's blades, but he quickly defeats Mr. 13 by kicking him backwards into a wall. He t hen
jumps up to Miss Friday, dodging her shots as he clasps her head with his feet and slams her into
the ground.

Crocodile asks him what is going on, and Sanji lies that he finished off one of the Straw Hats after
it turned out they were still alive. Crocodile is angered at the fact that Sanji's initial report was
false as he dehydrates a flower he is holding, but Sanji assures him that it was an unexpected
aberration that is no longer an issue. Crocodile says that this will be the last time he contacts Mr.
3 through Den Den Mushi as he hangs up, and immediately afterwards he tells Miss All Sunday
to have Mr. 2 lie in wait between Little Garden and Alabasta and assassinate Mr. 3. As he
examines the unconscious Unluckies, Sanji then spots the Eternal Pose to Alabasta. Meanwhile,
on Smoker's ship, some Marines report to Smoker that they have intercepted a peculiar call.

On a marine ship somewhere in the Grand Line Smoker asks an unknown marine to play back
the intercepted message that they just recorded. He also demands that Tashigi hears it as well.
Smoker has to shout at her to get her to listen. The message is played back and though it is poor
reception a few important words can be heard, such as: princess Vivi, Straw Hat, Mr. 0, and
orders. Tashigi then wonders if the message has something to do with Mr. 11, whom Smoker
tricks into revealing that he is a part of it.

Smoker then recalls that Vivi is the princess of Alabasta and decides to head there. Meanwhile
back at Little Garden, everyone is happy that they managed to defeat the Baroque Works
members, Sanji then shows up and reveals that he just had a conversation with Mr. 0 and
obtained an eternal log pose. Sanji and Zoro then try and determine who won their hunting
contest which reminds the giants why they started fighting.

The Straw Hats then leave for Alabasta and the giants tell them no matter what, just go straight.

The Straw Hats set sail from Little Garden but are quickly confronted by an island devouring
goldfish. Nami demands they maneuver away from the beast but recalling the giant's words,
Usopp and Luffy continue to sail the ship straight as commanded -- into the mouth of the beast.
The giants, viewing this scene from Little Garden, remember the last time they met an island
devouring sea beast. The giant duo, in unison, throw their weapons at the beast. They create a
powerful attack that frees the Straw Hats from the beast's stomach.

Dorry and Brogy then recall how the 100 year war had started with them. Many years ago, the
two ruled Elbaf. When they both returned home with a large sea creature, they were asked who's
was larger. They immediately began an argument and spent years attempting to settle the wage
on who caught the larger fish. The mountains that appeared on the island, once zoomed out, are
revealed to be the bones of the sea beasts they had caught in year's past.

Alabasta Drum Island

In the present, the giants began feeling nostalgic but they heard the eruption of a volcano
signaling another their duel time. Meanwhile back on the Going Merry, Usopp promises to one
day visit Elbaf, while Nami asks Vivi to navigate for a while. Sanji serves lunch to everyone while
Zoro continues to train as he feels he's grown weak from lack of practice.

Elsewhere in Alabasta, Mr. 2 prepares to leave for Little Garden and feels bothered having to
waste his time.

On the Going Merry, Nami collapses with a fever.

Drum Island

anji continues to worry about Nami's health, while Vivi believes she has come down with
a climate sickness. Vivi then asks if their is anyone on board with a ny medical
knowledge and the crew points to Nami. Luffy suggests that some meat might make
her better, but Sanji tells him that although a nutritious meal would do her some good it will not
heal her of her sickness. Sanji then goes on to explain that he puts in more work into preparing
Nami's food then any of the men, which does not bother Luffy as the meals are still excellent.

Vivi comments that Nami's fever has risen again to 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit). Usopp
suggests that they find a doctor for her in Alabasta. Vivi points out that it will take another week
to get there. Luffy asks what it is like being sick, which none of the crew members know the
answer as they have never become sick before. Vivi is shocked at this and lets them know that a
40 degree fever is very painful and that Nami could die. Everyone is shocked and immediately
begins to panic and run around the room.

Nami then wakes up and tells Vivi about a newspaper. Vivi reads about the ongoing situation in
Alabasta and how it does not look good. Nami then tells the crew that she is fine and goes to
navigate the ship, which has been neglected as Zoro was in charge of navigation. She tells him
he can't navigate by following a cloud and urges them to head portside, to the south.

Luffy then checks Nami's temperature with his hand and is burnt, but Nami once again brushes
off his concern. Vivi then asks that the ship get to Alabasta as fast as possible -- and that the
fastest way possible is to get Nami medical treatment first.

A cyclone then suddenly forms right in the path they had avoided by Nami's instinct. Vivi is
impressed with her ability to feel the weather.

A day later Zoro spots a man walking a top of the water.

Zoro asks the crew if it is possible for someone to stand on top of water. The crew is confused as
it is physically impossible for someone to stand on water. Zoro then asks how they would explain
why there is a man standing on water, which prompt the crew to look at what Zoro is pointing at.
They all spot the strange man standing on water.

The man then makes a comment about the cold weather. The crew agree it is cold. Suddenly, the
water at the man's feet erupts and a ship appears. Sanji, who has been taking care of Nami,
rushes outside to see what has happened. He stops to light a cigarette and asks what happened.
Luffy responds that they were ambushed. Sanji comments that that is obvious as they are
surrounded by pirates.

Alabasta Drum Island

The Captain of said pirates then wonders where there other crew members are, as they should
have more then 4 members. He then asks them if they know how to get to Drum kingdom to
which Sanji replies that they do not. The mysterious captain then starts eating the going merry
much to the shock of the crew, and this angers Luffy who starts a fight and attacks the captain
who eats him just as Vivi comes out to see whats going on. Luffy then finishes his attack and
blows the captain away, who Vivi feels she has met before.

Luffy suggests dumping a bucket of water on Nami to cool her down, which angers Sanji and Vivi.
Vivi suggests they put down anchor, as sailing without Nami's navigation experience would be too

Later, Nami wakes up to find the crew asleep while Sanji is on lookout.

The next day, Usopp wonders about the pirates that they encountered yesterday. Sanji tells him
to pay it no mind. They remember that the pirates left in a hurry after their Captain was flung into
the ocean. They left a threat, but Sanji again brushes it off saying that they are just idiots.

Sanji then questions why it is still cold. Vivi explains that they must be near a winter island, and
then explains the different type of islands. Suddenly, they spot land, much to the pleasure of the
crew, unfortunately when they try to dock their ship they are stopped by the locals who do not
trust them. The locals refuse even when they are informed of a sick crew member.

The locals attack the Straw Hats, and even shoot Vivi which angers the Straw Hats immensely.
However, Vivi talks Luffy into calming his temper and to show humility. They both bow and ask
the locals to send a doctor to them. This surprises the locals and their leader tells them that he
will lead them to the island's only doctor, but warns them that she is a witch.

Dalton, the guard of the island, leads the Straw Hats toward his village. Zoro and Carue stay
behind to guard the Going Merry. The island seems to be in an important time of its history since
strange things are hinted: it has no name, the villagers are making a police force, and an election
is about to occur. But to the Straw Hats' misfortune, there is only one doctor -- a 140 year old lady,
Dr. Kureha -- whom the villagers call a witch. She lives in a castle at the top of a steep mountain
and only comes down to treat patients when she so desires. However, according to Dalton, she is
very skillful at her practice.

With Nami’s fever climbing, Luffy decides to climb the mountain instead of waiting for the doctor.
Nami agrees and Luffy and Sanji depart with the sick girl on Luffy's back.

Dalton explains to Vivi and Usopp that their country has recently been attacked by a handful of
pirates led by Blackbeard. However, in their misfortune, it allowed them to get rid of their king
tyrant: Wapol!

Dalton is surprised to learn that the Straw Hats know about Wapol. Usopp responds t hat he tried
to attack them a couple of days ago, and Vivi reveals that she met him a while ago at the council
of kings. Vivi's comment prompts shock from Dalton as to her true identity. Vivi attempts to cover
up her mistake and changes the subject.

Dalton then explains that Wapol was the king of the country but fled when pirates arrived, witch
surprises Vivi as to how a king can be so uncaring towards his people.

Alabasta Drum Island

Meanwhile, Luffy is carrying Nami when they are confronted by Lapins. While it is revealed that
Kureha has just come down to a neighboring village and that Wapol has finally found drum
kingdom. Elsewhere, Dr. Kureha is at a bar diagnosing a child, who she believes that he was on
the verge of death but she treats him, and then demands an exceptionally large fee, which angers
the father and the villagers but the boy thanks her and she collects her fee.

Dalton apologizes for assuming that Dr. Kureha would not be back so soon while they head for
Cocoa Weed village.

Meanwhile, Sanji ad Luffy are faced with a pack of Lapins and Sanji makes Luffy swear not to
fight so as not to injure Nami. Luffy evades the attacks and runs with the pack chasing them.

While this is happening, Wapol is arriving at Drum Kingdom and is about to return to his castle
when he finds the Straw Hat's ship, which makes him go to Big Horn instead so that he may kill
the Straw Hats. Meanwhile, at Cocoa Weed Dalton and co. are informed that Dr. Kureha has left
already, and that Wapol has returned to Big Horn, which prompts Dalton to head back.

Wapol threatens the inhabitants of Bighorn. he demands they accept him as their king once more.
When he learns form his crewmates that the Straw Hats are nearby, he swears to get revenge.
His men spot his castle is intact and that Dr. Kureha is living in it. Wapol is surprised and he
decides to take it back and to take his revenge.

However, his plan is halted by Dalton who has run towards his village. He delivers a critical hit
Wapol. However, the former King has a highly skilled personal medical team, the Isshi-20. It is
revealed that Wapol got rid of every doctor in Drum, beside the 20 best ones whom only works
for him. Due to the medical notoriety of the town, when people could no longer get treatment due
to the monopoly of medical services, the town was abandoned by the medical professionals.

This act of selfishness and the cowardice he has shown is unforgivable to Dalton. As he is about
to attack Wapol again, Chess and Kuromarimo threaten they know him too well. They attack the
citizens who had come to help Dalton. In order to protect the villagers, Dalton sacrifices himself
and takes the arrows directly in his chest.

Meanwhile, the angry lapahn chase Luffy and Sanji. But, they are unable to catch them and act
strangely by jumping on the ground. Soon, a giant avalanche begins to rush down the mountain,
putting everyone in danger.

Usopp and Vivi and the villagers are fleeing from the avalanche.

Elsewhere, Luffy and Sanji try to find higher ground but are unable to escape the avalanche. Luffy
grabs a tree and rides it like a sled as he grabs Sanji. They are confronted by more lapahns who
throw trees at them, but Sanji kicks Luffy away while he takes the brunt of the attack and saves
his friends. Luffy tries to grab Sanji's hand but only grabs his glove.

Meanwhile, the villagers are freaking out about the avalanche, as well as Wapol who flees on his

Luffy dives into the snow to retrieve Sanji. After the avalanche has hit and the village is covered,
Wapol eats his way out and blames the avalanche on the Straw Hats as an elaborate plot to
attack him.

Alabasta Drum Island

Luffy finds Sanji and begins to bring him back up the mountain. As he passes by a buried lapahn,
he also pulls out the parent lapahn. The baby and adult lapahn are shocked that a human has
helped them. Luffy is soon found by Wapol's men.

Wapol confronts Luffy, who ignores him, and is attacked for his lack of respect. However, Luffy
cannot fight back due to the fact that he is carrying his critically-injured crew mates. Fortunately,
he is helped by the lapahns he helped out earlier.

Luffy then arrives at the base of the a nearly vertical cliff. He beings to climb the mountain wall
while carrying Sanji and Nami on his back. Finally, after 3 hours of climbing, he reaches the top
of the mountain right before he collapses.

Meanwhile, Wapol and his men have defeated all the lapahns. He then vows to gain revenge on

At the mountain top, Luffy has finally arrived but passes out due to sheer exhaustion. As he is
about to fall off the mountain, a mysterious figure reaches out to save him.

After the avalanche, Vivi and Usopp are still alive but lost. On their way, they accidentally bump
into an almost naked Zoro who tells them he was performing training when the avalanche struck.
Together they continue their journey and they realize they have returned to Bighorn. They learn
from the villagers that Dalton is still buried by the avalanche, but that Wapol’s men prevent the
villagers from freeing him. Hearing that they are enemies, Zoro beats up one of the guards and
everyone lauds him as a hero. However, he quickly reveals he just wanted their warm clothes and
the fact that they were in the way was just a bonus.

Meanwhile at the castle, Nami wakes up. In her room is a strange animal that can walk and talk,
who seems quite impersonal. When Dr. Kureha enters, she reveals that everyone is safe and that
Nami narrowly escaped death. Would it have been 2 days more, she would have died from a
disease named Casha. Moreover, even if she feels better, she still has to be treated f or another
3 days. Nami finds that's too long and wants to leave.

Suddenly, Luffy and Sanji burst into the room, pursuing Chopper in order to eat him. When asked
about this strange animal, Doctorine reveals that it is a reindeer who accidentally ate the Hito
Hito no Mi, hence becoming a reindeer able to talk and transform himself into a human.

Luffy asks Dr. Kureha to join the Straw Hats, however she rejects his offer. When Chopper appears
inside Nami’s bedroom, he is immediately hunted by Sanji and Luffy who want to cook him,
however, they are chased by Doctorine who does not want to lose her assistant.

Chopper loses Luffy and Sanji and returns to Nami's room to take care of her. When she saw that
he is interested in pirates, Nami asks him to join their crew, but Chopper declines, saying that he
is a reindeer and cannot be involved with humans. Their conversation is suddenly interrupted by
the appearance of Luffy and Sanji, and Chopper quickly flees.

Doctorine then enters the room. She heard Nami and Chopper's discussion and explains to Nami
that she has no objection if Chopper goes with them. However, it will be difficult to convince him
since he has always been alone, even more since he ate the Hito Hito no Mi, rejected by both
humans and reindeer. Only one man was able to talk to him: Dr. Hiluluk.

Alabasta Drum Island

During their hunt, Luffy and Sanji realize that the castle is full of snow due to the entrance, which
has been left open. When they are about to close the door, Chopper prevents them from doing so
by turning into his Heavy Point form. Sanji and Luffy realize the reason for the door being open --
a nest of baby birds is on the top of the door -- as well as the fact that Chopper is not really a
common reindeer.

In Bighorn, Zoro gets rid of Wapol’s guards easily, which allows the villagers to search for Dalton,
who was heavily injured before being buried into the avalanche. After some searching, he is found
but is in a critical state.

At the castle, Chopper has smelled Wapol's return. The former king has decided to tak e his former
castle back, but Doctorine and Chopper will not hand it back to Wapol. The castle, as shown by
the pirate flag on its roof, is now the grave of Dr. Hiluluk.

6 years ago, Wapol banned every doctor from Drum’s kingdom. The only ones allowed to stary
were the Isshi-20. However, two doctors resisted against the tyrant: Dr. Kureha and Dr. Hiluluk.
However, the skills of Hiluluk were highly questionable, and the villagers fear his treatments more
than Wapol, hence his surname of 'Fake Doctor'.

One day, after having escaped the kingdom guards, Hiluluk bumps into a wounded creature.
Hunted by everyone so far, he does not trust the charlatan and beats him. However, Hiluluk
stands up, and to prove his true feelings, stands naked and defenseless in front of him. Later,
Chopper wakes up and his injuries had been cured by the doctor. He cannot retain his tears as
he had finally been accepted by someone.

Dr. Hiluluk ponders as to why Chopper did not speak to him before, while Chopper answers him
saying that if he had then he probably would have been shunned, which Hiluk scoffs at then gets
scared when one of his experiments is about to explode. Meanwhile Dalton is talking to Chess
and Marimo about he state of their kingdom, wondering if it is heading in the right direction, to
which they reply it is, which prompt Dalton to remember the meeting of kings when Wapol was
being disrespectful and hit a girl who brushed it off. Back at Hiluluk's hideout he tells Chopper
that the kingdom is sick, and how a thief who was once very sick was cured by cherry blossoms.
He then tells Chopper of how he pirate flag is a symbol of faith, they then go to treat patients but
are cast out each time, and uses Chopper as a decoy to get away and gives him a hat as a present.
One year later Chopper is completely cured and i kicked out of Hiluluk's home for some reason,
and Chopper tries to get back in by injuring himself, but fails and is attacked by Hiluluk who is
seen sobbing after.

Dr. Hiluluk learns from Dr. Kureha what he knows already: he is on the verge of death. Infected
by a strong bacteria, he will not live more than three or four days. However, that is not sufficient
to complete the research he has made during the last 30 years -- a cure for any disease. He begs
Kureha to give him more time so that he can complete the Cherry blossom miracle. Kureha mocks
him and tells him that his one time cure that he believe to help him as a thief will not cure Drum
Island, revealing the man in the story was actually Hiluluk himself.

While Dr. Kureha argues with Hiluluk, she notices Chopper is spying on them from the window.
Chopper, understanding that Hiluluk chased him only so that he does not see his only friend die,
started a journey to help the sick doctor.

Alabasta Drum Island

After a week of hard struggles, he returns to the fake doctor's lab with a Amiudake mushroom in
his hand. While he gave the mushroom to Hiluluk, Chopper asks him to live and to teach him how
to become a doctor.

After eating the Amiudake soup, Hiluluk feels much stronger. But while he was eating the
medicine, a reaction happened in his lab. That was the reaction he was researching since so long
ago. In joy after this miracle, he departs, suddenly telling Chopper to rest. He heads toward Dr.
Kureha’s house and begs her to complete two things, pretending he has not enough time to fulfill
them: to continue his research on the Sakura powder and to teach Chopper medical knowledge
so that he can become a good doctor. Kureha is angered by the favors and the request for them
to be completed for free. She kicks Hiluluk out.

In town, people are desperate. The Isshi-20 are sick and there are no more doctors left to help
them, the reasons for Hiluluk to hurry back to town. He is determined to cure the sick doctors and
rushes toward the castle, despite the fact he is blocked by Wapol’s soldiers.

Meanwhile, Kureha is worried, she does not understand why Hiluluk is in such hurry while he has
still 2 weeks to live. When she rushes into his house, she encounters Chopper who reveals to her
that the doctor is much better thanks to his mushroom soup. The old woman is in shock, the
mushroom is a deadly poisonous mushroom and Hiluluk has only one hour left before he dies.
Chopper does not understand, he shows the pirate sign who Hiluluk told him was a symbol of
magic cure next to the mushroom picture he found in a book. Understanding the good intention
of the reindeer, she tells him that he can do nothing without learning medical knowledge first and
that Hiluluk has probably reached the castle so that he could die there.

Dr. Hiluluk arrives at the castle in order to cure the Isshi-20 only for Wapol to reveal that it was a
trap in order to capture the rebellious doctor. While Wapol laughs at and taunts the doctor, Dalton
questions why the doctor came to such an obvious trap. Chess and Kuromarimo laugh alongside
their king while Wapol's troops aim at the doctor. Instead of breaking down, Hiluluk drops to his
knees, thankful that the Isshi-20 are fine. Dalton is extremely shocked. Hiluluk refuses to be shot
by the king's soldiers, saying that he will die soon.

Chopper is shown running in an attempt to stop Hiluluk, who is making a speech about his death,
stating that he will only die when he is forgotten. He begins to pour himself a drink when he
notices that Dalton is crying. He shares the fake doctor's pain for this sick country. Hiluluk explains
that he has lived happily and that his task is accomplished: the country will be cured, by those
who remember him if not by him. He then downs the drink, which was a dangerously explosive
substance, committing suicide.

Chopper arrives to find Hiluluk's hat float to the ground, the only remaining part of the deceased
doctor. Wapol laughs at the doctor's death, angering Chopper and causing the reindeer to charge.
While he is targeted by the soldiers who see him as a monster, Dalton interposes and begs him
to depart. Since he is too weak to even defend himself, Dalton says to Chopper not to end up as
another sacrifice for this country. Annoyed by Dalton's reaction who let the 'monste r' escape
despite his orders to kill him and his clear defiance towards him, Wapol threatens the guard chief
of what would happen if he made him "really annoyed" as the two prepare to fight.

Meanwhile, Chopper has reached Dr. Kureha’s house, raising Hiluluk's flag. He asks her to help
him become a doctor who will be able to cure every disease in the world.

Alabasta Drum Island

Back at the castle, Wapol has defeated Dalton and tries to negotiate with the guard chief. Dalton
denies the request, stating that he will not stop until peace has returned to the country. Dalton
only laughs and says that he is the most powerful person.

The flashback ends, returning to a scene where Luffy punches Wapol in the face.

Surprised that Luffy dares to attack the King of Drum, Chess and Kuromarimo help their chief
recover from the punch he just took. Sanji helps Luffy to realize to identify their opponents asks
him how he is not cold in his shorts and vest. After a pause, Luffy suddenly realizes both of his
mistakes and the crew is shocked at Luffy's slow response time. Luffy runs back into the castle
and searches for a jacket in Nami’s room.

Wapol is infuriated by the disrespectful behavior of his former subjects. Dr. Kureha and Chopper
refuse to let him enter, claiming it has become Dr. Hiluluk grave and that no one will be allowed
to take out the quack doctor's flag. To protect his master's place, Chopper transforms into his
human form. The trio then realize that he is the monster who attacked them in the past.

Kuromarimo starts to attack Dr. Kureha with a electrostatic ball made of his own hair. Sanji is
able to stop the Eleki-Marimo balls by kicking them but finds them stuck to his body suddenly and
is unable to kick them off. Sanji asks Chopper for help but suddenly becomes the target for Chess'
fire arrows. Chopper takes opportunity of them targeting Sanji by trying to punch Chess.
Unfortunately, he is stopped by Wapol who starts to eat the reindeer.

Luckily, Luffy has came back, wearing Nami's jacket. With the help of Sanji's powerful kick, Luffy
grabs a hold of his leg and is launched at Wapol, landing a punch to Wapol's stomach and causes
him to spit out Chopper.

In Bighorn, the Isshi-20 decide to betray Wapol, whom they have followed by fear and rescue
Dalton. Usopp tells Vivi that they should not worry about Luffy and Sanji as they can take care of
themselves. When Dalton decides to fight against his former king, whereas he is barely able to
stand up, Usopp, who was afraid of climbing the mountain a few seconds before, proposes to
carry Dalton on his back as he is invigorated by their warrior's spirit.

Meanwhile in front of the castle, Wapol demonstrates the extent of his Baku Baku no Mi powers
by transforming into a living canon house. Indeed, he has the ability to transform into everything
he has eaten and admit to eating canons and explosives to create his current structure. He even
eats Chess and Kuromarimo and fuses them into a new adversary, Chessmarimo.

To demonstrate his desire to take back his castle, Wapol shoots at the symbol of his adversaries:
Dr. Hiluluk’s flag. Chopper is furious and run towards Wapol, however, by respect to his friend's
wishes, he does not attack him. However, Wapol does not hesitate and shoots the naive reindeer.
Meanwhile, Luffy has reached the castle roof in order to restore the pirate flag on top of the castle

In his determination, Usopp tries to carry Dalton up to the castle, even though Dalton says that
he will not be able to. Usopp states that he can do it, and that since Dalton wants to fight for his
country, he will not let him down. Zoro, however, merely picks up Dalton and easily starts to carry
him, much to Usopp's chagrin. Usopp is frustrated that Zoro is stealing the glory, but the villagers
state that it will take them 30 minutes to fix up a rope for a lift up the mountain, which would be
faster. One of the villagers states that there are no ropes left to use, but another one states that
they found a white rope tied to a tree near Gyasta, which was near where Dr. Kureha last visited.

Alabasta Drum Island

On top of the mountain, Wapol wonders about the true meaning of the pirate flag and states that
it is a stupid decoration for pirates. Luffy insults him, saying that the flag is not something that
you can underestimate. Wapol becomes infuriated and states that since he is the king, he does
not have to bow down to a flag, and moves to destroy the flag along with Luffy. Wapol fires a
cannonball at the flag, but Luffy takes the hit, stating that the flag is a symbol of faith and that it
will never be broken. Chessmarimo is amazed, and Luffy states that although he does not know
who the flag belongs to, it is a symbol of life that no one should play around with its usage.

Luffy yells that people like Wapol have no right to destroy the flag and laughs about it, making
Chopper remember Dr. Hililuk's description of pirates being great. Luffy tells Chopper that he is
going to beat up Wapol and his troops, and asks Chopper what he is going to do. Wapol yells that
if they want to protect the flag, they will both die together with it, prompting Sanji to rush towards
Wapol. However, Dr. Kureha states that Sanji's spine is dislocated and knocks him to the ground,
preventing him from fighting. Wapol laughs, saying he will destroy them all, but has to have
Chessmarimo block a blow from an infuriated Chopper. Luffy tells Chopper to beat them up, and
plants the flag in the top of the tower as Sanji lays injured in the snow.

Back on the ground, Chessmarimo states that Chopper will not be allowed to lay a finger on Wapol,
stating that Chopper is a strange creature who was rumored to be a snow monster. He continues,
saying that Chopper has no friends and is still defending the kingdom, but Chopper states that as
long as Hiluluk's flag is there, then he will still fight. Luffy then shoots down from the mountain,
saying that he is Chopper's friend, and tells Chopper to take care of Chessmarimo while Luffy
fights Wapol. Chopper states that he is not confused anymore, while Dr. Kureha prevents Sanji
from getting up, saying that even she cannot stop Chopper when he is serious. Chopper,
meanwhile states that his name was given to him by the greatest doctor in the world, and that
while Hililuk forgave them, he will not let them pass for laughing at Hiluluk's death. Chessmarimo
states that they will not forgive Chopper, who unveils a small, black Rumble Ball.

Chopper is determined to defend the honor of the pirate flag. To defeat Chessmarimo, he uses a
Rumble Ball, a drug which will increase his power for 3 minutes. Chessmarimo mocks Chopper
as he watches the reindeer's 3 Zoan’s transformations. He laughs that none of the modes are
enough to defeat him. However, he is surprised when Chopper is able to avoid is attacks, thanks
to two additional transformations. Chopper informs him that the Rumble Ball allows him to have
four supplementary combinations beside the standard three, making a total of seven

Also, when in Brain Point, Chopper is able to scan his opponent to detect weaknesses. He quickly
discovers that Chessmarimo's chin is his weak point and delivers a powerful kick in the chin and
knocks him out.

However, during the fight, distracted by the reindeer's demonstration, Luffy did not notice that
Wapol had escaped.

While Chopper beats Chessmarimo, Wapol disappears into the castle without Luffy noticing.
There he encounters Nami, who tries to escape Doctorine’s orders. Realizing she is part of Luffy's
crew, Wapol attacks her but she is saved by Luffy.

Wapol enters the castle in order to eat all the weapons from the weapon storage r oom and to
transform himself into a living weapon, however, his plan fails deplorably when he realizes he has
lost the key. Nami reveals she had stolen the key from him when they had bumped into each
other earlier. She had thought it was the key to the treasure room. Not giving up, Wapol climbs to

Alabasta Drum Island

a room where he can find his last trump card: the Royal Drum Crown 7 -Shot Bliking Cannon.
However, he is deceived once again, since the cannon has been invaded by Chopper's bird
friends. With no other tricks in his pocket, he has no other choice but to face Luffy.

The villagers have revealed a way to get to the castle from Dr. Kureha's old house. They are aboard
the tram with injured Dalton. He remembers how he stands up against the king saying how
useless he is since he does not care about the people. He calls the king a fool, making him mad.
The king severly beats Dalton to the brink of death.

Meanwhile, the fight between Luffy and Wapol rages on with Wapol threatening the wrath of the
world government if anything happens to him. Luffy responds that he does not care and grabs
Wapols face ready to attack. Walpol tries to eat his hand but Luffy just stretches. Wapol then spits
up a cannon and fires at Luffy, while Dalton wonders about government. Luffy then appears
unscathed from the cannon and still holds onto Wapol.

It switches back to Dalton. He tells the villagers to stand clear of the castle. He has dynamite and
he plans on blowing it up. Luffy grabs Walpol and spins him around with his arms. He then kicks
him while Walpol is still spinning sending him flying through the roof. He lands back onto the roof
and sees Choppers pirate flag. He reaches to take it down but Luffy tells him he has no right
touching a sacred pirate flag. Luffy then punches him and sends him flying out of sight.

All the villagers see that Walpol has been beaten and they start rejoicing. Chopper's faith in pirates
surges as he sees that the straw hat pirates are good people.

Thanks to the lift, everybody is able to join the castle. Understanding the situation, Dalton thanks
Luffy for helping his country. Dr. Kureha asks that the wounded people are put into the castle,
including Nami and Sanji who are desperately trying to hide from her.

Usopp, when he sees Chopper. He calls out loud that he is a monster and Chopper flees from the
persecution he is used to from being different. Luffy becomes angry since he wanted to present
him as the new crew member. Luffy tries to run after him and the poor reindeer becomes even
more afraid.

In the castle, Kureha has taken care of Dalton, Sanji and Nami. She asks the guard chief if he
knows where the key is to the weapon room. Nami, who stole the key from Wapol previously,
understands that she can make profit of this key and gives it to the doctor. As a reward, s he will
not have to pay for the treatment and Kureha will not oppose to their departure.

When the night comes, Luffy is still looking for Chopper, as to ask him to join the crew. When
Chopper says that he would like to but he cannot because he is a monster, Luffy yells at him they
do not care.

The Straw Hat Pirates are ready to depart, they are only waiting for Chopper and Dr. Kureha to
say good-bye. But when Chopper reveals to Kureha that he has decided to become a pirate, she
does not accept it. Enraged by what she considers a selfish behavior after everything she has
done for the young reindeer, she starts to chase him in order to force him to stay, praying him to
not believe in Hiluluk’s hopeless dreams. Chopper with no other choice but to run away, mounts
Dr. Kureha's sled and rushes toward the Straw Hats who have no other choice than jump in it for
a hasty departure.

Alabasta Alabasta

Going down by the Drum Ropeway, Chopper has sad feelings, he does not know if he should trust
Dr. Kureha or believe in Hiluluk who gave him hope with his researches and pushed him to
discover the world.

At the castle, Dr. Kureha reveals her true feelings to Dalton, she hates sad goodbyes and grants
to Chopper a nice farewell. The preparations she asked to the villagers are now completed, and
she asks them to fire the cannon which are pointing toward the sky. The noise of the canons
wakes up the entire island who first worried for a possible return of Wapol.They discover a
marvelous sight. The cannons, filled with Dr. Hiluluk's pink powder, color the snow and cover the
island with the miracle Sakura aura. Chopper, in tears, watches the show fall with his new friends.
His doubts have vanished and he is thankful for the two doctors that have helped him.

Kureha and Dalton are sitting under the sakura snow, now full of hope about the future of their
country when a villager appears carrying Luffy’s bounty poster. Understanding their friend has
encountered some dangerous people, Kureha makes mysterious remarks about Gol D. Roger and
the Will of the D. When asked about where the poster came from, the villager replies that a few
days ago, a stranger appeared, looking for the Blackbeard Pirates who destroyed the island. When
the stranger called Ace learned that they have already left, he gave Luffy's poster to the villagers
so that, in case he reaches Drum, they can tell Luffy he would wait for him in Alabasta for 10 days.

Onboard the Going Merry, Chopper is full of nostalgia and does not rejoice with the others, who
are having a sakura party. However, once Nami gives him his medicine bag, which he had no time
to prepare during his hasty departure, he understands that Kureha did it for him, secretly agreeing
with his departure. This revelation changes his mood and he quickly learns the crew's customs
who happily celebrate the new Straw Hats' doctor.

Meanwhile in Little Garden, an okama named Mr. 2 is searching for Mr. 3 in order to accomplish
Crocodile’s orders to kill him, but Mr. 3 is nowhere to be found.


n Alabasta, the Shichibukai Crocodile is seen as a hero. Indeed we see him helping in the
fight against pirates and be the subject of adoration by the people of Alabasta. Even Vivi’s
father king Cobra thanks him for his help.

Back on the Going Merry, Vivi explains these facts to the others. Alabasta people cannot imagine
that the person who they see as a hero, is the one that is currently ruining their country. As a
consequence, they have to stop the rebellion and then get rid of Baroque Works. When asked by
Usopp about how the organization works, Vivi tells them of the pyramidal hierarchy and the main
officer agents. But for Crocodile to take over Alabasta means that all the top agents are together
somewhere in Vivi's country.

Five days after leaving Drum Island, the stock of food is shrinking. While crossing a smoke steam
made by undersea volcanoes, Luffy and Usopp find an okama dressed like a swan. After saving
him from drowning, he reveals that he ate a Devil Fruit. Making a show with his ability to imitate
anybody he touches, the Okama strikes up an immediate friendship with the trio of Usopp,
Chopper and Luffy. However, their encounter is cut short when the Okama's crew arrives to
retrieve their captain. Leaving the Merry, he makes a promise of eternal friendship but, as his
men greet him, his name is revealed to be Mr. 2 Bon Kurei. Understanding that they have met
with an enemy, now able to usurp their identity, the Straw Hats decide to take countermeasure.

Alabasta Alabasta

After days of privation, the crew are finally reaching Alabasta. Before approaching, t hey prepare
a countermeasure against Mr. 2's power by wearing a sign of friendship on their arm. In the port
of Nanohana in Alabasta, a group of people are intrigued by an unconscious guy in a restaurant.
This strange guy who fell asleep while eating is no other than Portgas D. Ace, Whitebeard’s second
division commander. This is revealed by an old adversary: Smoker, who also appears to be in
town in the search for the Straw Hat Pirates. Ace is looking for his little brother.

The crew is waiting for Luffy to get back, when they spot Mr. 3's ship. Meanwhile, Smoker
confronts Ace and the spectators are astonished that a commander of the Whitebeard Pirates is
there, while Luffy smells food from the restaurant, Smoker prepares to attack Ace when Luffy
rockets into the room. Luffy then orders food while Ace apologizes for the mess and recognizes
Luffy, but is pushed down by Smoker who recognizes him as well, but is annoyed by Luffy's lack
of interest and rudeness. Luffy then recognizes Smoker and runs away while Ace and Smoker
chase after him. Smoker warns Tashigi of Luffy, who then tries to stop Luffy but is unable to, and
Smoker is forced to go after him alone. Meanwhile Vivi and Nami are trying out different perfumes
to the pleasure of Sanji but to the horror of Chopper. Vivi then explains that they need to get to
Yuba so that she may talk with Koza the leader of the rebellion. Suddenly, Luffy appears being
chased by marines, including Smoker who attacks him until he is stopped by Ace, whom Luffy

The Baroque Works association has some strange rules. In order to reach the envied agent seats,
its members do not hesitate to kill each other. Mr. 11, who had been arrested by the Marines,
learns this at the cost of his life.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats have escaped the Marines, thanks to Ace, and are heading back to
the Going Merry, intending to sail the ship up the river, then continue on to the desert. Prior to
departing, Vivi entrusts Carue with an important task: to carry a letter detailing the situation and
explaining what she and Igaram have discovered in regards to the Baroque Works conspiracy to
her father, Cobra, in Alubarna, in order to give him hope.

On board of the Merry, Luffy tells his friends about Ace. He is his elder brother by three years, and
is a pirate as well. Luffy also expresses his surprise that Ace has eaten a Devil's Fruit - the Mera
Mera no Mi. Suddenly, Ace appears on board. He proposes that Luffy and his crew join the
Whitebeard Pirates, an offer Luffy flatly denies. Ace tells Luffy of his admiration for Whitebeard,
and his desire to see him become the Pirate King, to which Luffy replies that he will just have to
fight him for the title.

In Nanohana, Smoker appears concerned: not only because Ace's intervention prevented him
from apprehending Luffy, but also because he recognized the princess of Alabasta among the
Straw Hat Pirates. He expresses his contempt for the Shichibukai, telling Tashigi that tigers never
change their stripes - once a pirate, always a pirate.

Back on the Going Merry, Ace hands Luffy a strange piece of paper, which he says will help them
see each other again, and thanks Luffy's crewmates for taking care of his younger sibling before
returning to his ship. Ace is currently chasing after a pirate named Blackbeard, his former
subordinate, who committed the unforgivable crime of killing a crewmate. As the boats of the
Baroque Agents Billions close in, the members of the Straw Hat crew express their surprise and
admiration at the two brothers' relationship. Ace then single-handedly takes down the many
Billions ships, urging his brother to meet him, 'at the top'.

Alabasta Alabasta

After Ace’s departure, the Straw Hat Pirates head to Yuba. They ask Luffy about the piece of paper
Ace gave to him, which has nothing written on it. Despite that, Luffy wants to hold on to it because
Ace wanted him to, so Nami sewed the paper to the underside of Luffy's hat for safe keeping. The
Straw Hats subsequently change into clothes that will protect them from the burning temperature,
which Vivi warns Luffy about. They arrive at the mouth of the Sandora River, and Vivi explains
through a map she sketched the way they will travel to Yuba. They will exit the river and head
inland, across from the town of Erumalu, where they will lay anchor. Afterwards, they will travel
across the desert to the Yuba Oasis, so Vivi can meet the Rebel leader to explain the situation.
Vivi is persuaded that they can stop Baroque Works and save her country.

Meanwhile Crocodile and Miss All Sunday are finalizing their plan, which begins two days from
now at 7 o'clock AM. Crocodile asks Miss All Sunday about the necessary preparations, in which
Miss All Sunday answers reassuringly, telling him about the 150 Billions agents waiting at
Nanohana. She also mentions Mr. 2 Bon Kurei’s failure in finding and taking care of Mr. 3, much
to Crocodile's annoyance. Miss All Sunday also revealed that the remaining Officer Agents are set
to meet at Spiders Cafe, that night at 8.

Spiders Cafe is revealed to be the Baroque Works Alabasta Headquarters. I nside, a woman is
reading a magazine while listening to a vinyl record. Immediately after, Mr. 4 and Miss Merry
Christmas come into the Cafe with a ruckus. Miss Merry Christmas is blaming Mr. 4 for the long
trip, which caused her hips to ache, in which Mr. 4 apologizes for very slowly. Miss Merry
Christmas greets the woman, Paula, the owner of the Cafe, and asks her how business is. She
notes how there isn't anybody else in the Cafe, and Paula explains that the Cafe is reserved for
the Officer Agents that night. Paula mentions how she hasn't seen the Mr. 4 team in a while, and
offers Miss Merry Christmas an orange pekoe tea and an apple tea for Mr. 4. Miss Merry
Christmas hurries Paula up, and impatiently bangs on the counter. Paula then asks about their
work, and Miss Merry Christmas snaps at her saying work is dangerous as always, so Paula

Suddenly, singing is heard in the Cafe, despite the music being played is a sonata. Outside, Mr.
2 Bon Kurei and his subordinate Billions dance towards the Spiders Cafe, while learning about
the okama Way. Mr. 2 Bon Kurei enters the building in a tippy-toe, where Paula comments if Mr.
2 is an idiot. Mr. 2 laughs it off saying he's an okama, and asks Paula for octofait, an octopus
parfait; which Paula doesn't serve. Mr. 2 then dismisses his billion subordinates, reminding them
not to slack off on their dance practices. Meanwhile, Miss Merry Christmas is getting a massage
from Mr. 4, and Mr. 2 notices them by saying that "the fat old hag" is also attending. He then
discusses with Paula about the Mr. 1 pair, whom he has never met, but has heard rumors of Mr.
1's intimidating personality, which doesn't bother Mr. 2. From afar, through a window, it is
revealed Mr. 3 is spying on the gathering.

The Straw Hat Pirates crosss the Sandora River and lands near a town. They then meet a colony
of kung-fu dugongs. Vivi explains her friends that the animals normally live in sea water, but
because of the current drought, the river has become salty. The same happened to the ghost
town they enter. Erumalu was once called a green town, but three years without a drop of rain
took the best of its inhabitants and nowadays, Erumalu is nothing but ruins. Vivi then tells them
that the only town which did not suffer of lack of water was Alubarna, the capital of Alabasta and
the king’s residence.

However, two years ago, an "accident" happened in Nanohana. A ship cargo is dropped, revealing
its content: a huge amount of Dance Powder. The people in charge of the cargo looked terrified
and mention that the powder was for the king. The Dance Powder is a forbidden material which

Alabasta Alabasta

has the power to generate rainfall but at the expense of the clouds in the surrounding area. After
the scandal, it rained nowhere besides near the king's palace. People started to become
suspicious of Vivi's father, unaware that it is part of the mischievous plan brought by Crocodile.
Vivi is determined to not let him continue making her people suffer, and all the Straw Hats are
ready to help her.

After walking all day in the desert under the sun, the Straw Hats are exhausted, Luffy then drinks
some water which upsets Usopp, and the two get into an argument. Finally the Straw Hats take a
break, only to have their stuff stolen by thieving birds, Luffy then goes off to chase the birds but
encounters a giant lizard. Fortunately it is no match for the straw hats and they kill it, and eat it,
they also find a camel whom they name Eyelashes. Luffy then starts to hallucinate and after a
while falls asleep, forcing the crew to carry him until he wake up, and by night they have reached
Yuba, unfortunately Vivi finds something wrong with the town.

The Straw Hat Pirates enters Yuba after it was hit by a sandstorm. Nobody is here except, Toto,
digging in the sand. When Vivi ask him about the rebels, the old man reveals to them that, due to
the drought Yuba faced for three years, the rebels had moved to Katorea, an oasis close to
Nanohana, the city they have left before going to Yuba.

When Luffy says Vivi's name, the old man starts to cry, asking the princess if she remembers him.
Vivi, in shock, realizes who he is and starts to remember their first encounter.

Eleven years ago, a young kid named Kohza asked King Cobra to stop the drought in his village
because the villagers were suffering. When Cobra told him it is out of his power, Kohza's father,
Toto appeared, ashamed by his son's rudeness and begs the king to forgive them. Kohza, being
too proud to beg the king for forgiveness, rushed out of the room. Cobra was moved by the kid's
care for his fellow villagers and decides to allow them to live in Alubarna temporarily until they
can decide on what to do.

After confronting the king, Kohza, in tears, ran out and encountered young Vivi, who called him a
crybaby. This is the start of a fight between the two kids, which rapidly transformed into a
friendship. Vivi became the sub-leader of the Suna Suna Clan, just under Kohza. But one day,
when Vivi was searching for her leader, she bumped into two dangerous men.

The Suna Suna Clan attacks the bandits while Vivi runs away, later Igaram finds the members of
the suna suna clan lying around the sand, injured, he asks what happened to which a member
tells him, and also tells him that Vivi ran to the ruins and was chased by a bandit who was chased
by Kohza. The leader of the bandits manages to find Vivi but is confronted by Kohza, who stands
up to him, and beats him but is stabbed in the process, the other bandits arrive but are stopped
by the king and Igaram. Kohza is then rushed to the hospital where he is treated, the next day he
informs Vivi that he and his dad are going to start new town, by the name of Yuba. It is then
revealed that the rebels plan to strike the capitol in one big invasion and take over the
government, it is also revealed that Kohza is the leader of the rebellion.

Remembering when Mr. Toto left Yuba, Vivi offers him a tissue and promises to stop the rebellion,
the crew then decides to stay the night while Mr. Toto, and Luffy continue to dig for water.
Meanwhile, the top brass of Baroque Works meet up, but are awaiting for Mr. 0, suddenly Miss
All Sunday shows up and reveals that they are in Rain Dinners, a casino owned by Crocodile. It is
also revealed that the leader is Crocodile himself and that he has been there the whole time,
which surprises all the members, he then explains his "Utopia" plan. The next day, the Straw Hats

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are preparing to leave Yuba, and Mr. Toto gives them some water for their journey, but Luffy
suddenly decides to quit.

An old face interrupts Baroque Works meeting. It is no other than Mr. 3, who snuck in after the
other members from Spiders Cafe. He came to be given another chance to defeat the Straw Hats.
Crocodile is surprised by this revelation since, after the call from Little Garden, he assumed all of
the Straw Hat Pirates and Vivi were dead as he was not aware that it was Sanji who answered the
call and lied to him. Mr. 2 confirms that the Straw Hat Pirates and Vivi are alive since he met them
on the way to Alabasta. With the help of his power, they are able to make pictures of the Straw
Hats (omitting Sanji), and start to take counter measures so that they can prevent Vivi from
meeting with the rebel leader, Kohza. Disappointed with Mr. 3, instead of giving him a second
chance, Crocodile dries him up and feeds him to his Bananawani.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Vivi's argument is intensifying. Luffy finds her naïve in wishing for no one
to die. Upset, Vivi and Luffy start a fight until Luffy reveals his true intention: he wants Vivi to risk
the life of her friends with her so that he can beat Crocodile, who is responsible for this situation.

The Straw Hats, deciding to take Baroque Works head on, are leaving Yuba for Rainbase, where
Crocodile's headquarters is hidden. Meanwhile, the rebels are almost ready to attack the royal
army. Despite a shortage of weapons, they decide to start the battle as soon as possible. King
Cobra does not wish to attack his people without knowing of the cause despite the fact that his
guard captains, Pell and Chaka, have more and more difficulties controlling their men. While they
are despairing, hope arrives from Carue, who has finally reached the palace with the information
that Vivi gave him to deliver (Vivi wrote a letter to her father and gave Carue the mission to give it
to her father). After reading the shocking news of Igaram’s death and Crocodile's betrayal, Cobra
decides to send all his troops toward the traitor even if it would leave the capital defenseless
against the rebels.

With one hour until Operation: Utopia starts, the Straw Hat Pirates make it to Rainbase , while
Usopp gives Nami her new weapon: the Clima-Tact which causes Sanji to comment that Nami and
Vivi do not need weapons and that all they need is him. He then asks them to call him Mr. Prince,
which causes Zoro to mockingly call him Mr. Prince, much to the annoyance of Sanji. Vivi then
comments that the Baroque Works agents probably know that they are there and that they should
be careful. The Straw Hat Pirates debates on what to do once they encounters the Baroque Works.

At Rainbase, Smoker and Tashigi are in a bar. Smoker is saying that he feels that something will
happens in Rainbase, when, Luffy and Usopp comically arrive, demanding for water. As each duo
recognizes the other, Luffy and Usopp comically spews out their water at Smoker and Tashigi and
then flee from the bar.

The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates are waiting for Luffy and Usopp when they see the pair running
towards them, with Smoker and Tashigi chasing after them. Nami screams at the pair not to run
towards them, and Vivi is worried about Chopper but Zoro tells her not to worry about him. The
Marines spot the Straw Hat Pirates and start to chase after them as well. Unfortunately, this
causes several Baroque Works agents to notice the events and they recognize the Straw Hat
Pirates. Luffy then tells them all to meet up at Croc's house. Smoker decides to chase Luffy, while
Sanji decides not to run but to fight as well as Zoro, but he runs at the sight of Tashigi. Meanwhile
Usopp and Nami are being chased by several Baroque Works members but manage to lose them,
only to encounter another group, but they are quickly defeated by Zoro who shows up. All the
Straw Hats then show up in front of Raindinners and enter it while being chased by Marines,
Crocodile who has been informed of this, is pleased.

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Luffy noisily enters the casino and demands that Crocodile show himself which disturbs a lot of
the people in there. Smoker then runs into the casino as well. While Luffy takes care of the
security, the Straw Hats are then escorted to the V.I.P room but this turns out to be a ruse as they
fall into a trap. The trapped members of the Straw Hats then start fighting along with Smoker who
explains that the prison is made of sea stone, an item that is basically a solid form of the sea
which hampers devil fruit power. Crocodile then appears to the prisoners, saying that he is
awaiting Vivi and has sent for Miss All Sunday to pick her up. Meanwhile, Vivi is fighting several
members of Baroque Works. When Pell arrives and defeats the Baroque Works members, he is
then confronted by Miss All Sunday.

Miss All Sunday confronts Vivi and Pell, and is promptly attacked by Vivi for killing Igaram but to
no avail. Miss All Sunday then "impales" Vivi with her hand, which enrages Pell and he attacks but
it is no use against Miss All Sunday's devil fruit ability. She then explains that she ate the Hana
Hana no Mi a devil fruit which grants her the ability to sprout limbs, she then says that she has
no more time to waste on him which angers Pell and he attacks but it is useless a nd he goes
down easily. When Vivi arrives at Crocodile's lair she attacks him but due to his devil fruit ability
granted to him by the Suna Suna no Mi the attack goes right through him. He then remarks it is
time for the plan to begin, which Miss All Sunday confirms as it is past seven o'clock.

A guard alerts Chaka that the king has disappeared, Chaka then wonders how the king
disappeared as there are guards around his room all the time, he then decides to send out search
parties. A guard then returns to report to Chaka and tells him that they have found the king "in a
way", Kohza apparently has heard some disturbing news and is rushing towards where the king
supposedly is. As he rides he remembers when his father told him not to give up on the king, the
news about the rebels reaching 100,000 men, the fighting, the lack of water, his father's faith,
his argument with the king, and his change of heart and support of the rebels. At Nanohana the
"king" is there with an escort of armed guards saying that he has an apology to make and that he
will destroy Nanohana, the guards then start to attack as a child confronts the kings. "Cobra"
merely kicks the child, as Kohza arrives, he demands what is going on and "Cobra" replies that
he is apologizing for using Dance Powder, which enrages Kohza, he is then shot by on of the
soldiers while the king and his men leave. A giant ship then crashes into port as Mr.1 and Miss
Doublefinger walk away, it is then revealed that the king was actually Mr. 2.

The town of Nanohana is in an uproar as the citizens attempt to put out the fires started by the
'Royal Guards'. Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger move to meet Mr. 2 at the edge of town. While Mr. 2
is escaping the ensuing chaos, he is spotted by a young boy, Kappa, who realizes that the 'King'
is in fact an imposter. However, before he can alert anyone, he bumps into Mr. 1 and Miss
Doublefinger, who decide to take action to prevent the word from getting out. A citizen finds the
boy's near lifeless body, but mistakes Kappa's attempts to convey the deception as cries of pain.
Upon seeing the wounded boy, a wounded Kohza makes the decision to attack immediately.
Seemingly serendipitously, the ship that crashed into the harbor was carrying weapons. Kohza
orders an all-out attack on Alubarna. Meanwhile, in the palace, Chaka is in disbelief at the
message brought to him regarding the king appearing in Nanohana. The situation rapidly
declining, and the number of rebels rising as news of what happened in Nanohana spread
throughout the country, Chaka steels himself and makes the decision to defend the capital and
push back the rebellion.

In Rainbase, Crocodile perversely explains his scheme in front of a distraught Vivi, the captured
Straw Hat Pirates and Smoker. He recounts the many years of planning and dedication it took to
reach where he is today. Vivi, tied to a chair, knocks herself down and attempts to crawl away,
still set on cutting off the rebels before they reach Alubarna and preventing the bloodshed. An

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amused Crocodile tells Vivi that he and Miss All Sunday are on their way to the capital to meet
her father. Showing her the key to the cage that holds Luffy and his crew, he tells her she is free
to join them if she wishes, then throws the key down a trap-door into a pit of Bananawani.

Before leaving, Crocodile explains to Vivi about the solutions she has got: either she tries to reach
the rebels which is impossible in the time that remains now or she tries to save her friends which
is also very hard because he threw the key of the cell into the Bananawani pool where one of
them ate it. Moreover the building will self destruct in a short time. To make her despair even
more, he reveals that he was the responsible of the sandstorm that came one after the others to
Yuba oasis and mocks Toto’s stupidity. This angers Luffy, causing him to beg Vivi to help them so
that he can beat Crocodile. However, the destruction mechanism made the water level in the
Bananawani's pool increase. The Bananawani come out of the pool one after the other and start
to hunt Vivi who barely escapes these powerful animals.

Meanwhile Crocodile receives a phone call, from the Den Den Mushi he uses to contact the
Billions. The voice and the speech of the person speaking reminds him of a certain previous

Sanji, calling himself Mr.Prince is talking to Crocodile on a Den Den Mushi, and is antagonizing
him, Sanji then convinces Crocodile that he has been beaten by a Million and that they are outside
the casino. Vivi tries to escape but is stopped by Crocodile, Crocodile then leaves with a parting
remark that he will bring Mr.Princes' corpse as a farewell gift to the Straw Hat Pirates in the cage,
Vivi does however manage to get out of the room. However when Crocodile leaves the casino he
finds his minions defeated, and learns that it was "Mr.Prince" that defeated the Millions, he then
spots a figure running away from the scene and assumes that it is Mr.Prince so he follows him.
As he starts chasing the figure, the bridge to the casino collapses which Vivi views as meaning
that she can not get away, but Sanji who is playing at the slots says that it means enemies can
not get in, he then asks her to lead the way.

The chapter begins with Chopper dashing while Sanji explains to Vivi that Chopper is their decoy.
When Vivi asks what happened, Sanji has a flashback of him and one of the Millions talking to
Crocodile. After he makes Crocodile believe Sanji was captured by the Millions and was beaten
up, Sanji tells Chopper to go on a rampage, shouting out that he is Mr. Prince, which Chopper
does. When Crocodile comes to the scene, he sees Chopper and tries to kill him, but Chopper
switches from Heavy Point to Brain Point and quietly tiptoes past the enraged Crocodile.

Meanwhile, the trapped Straw Hats are screaming because of the room that is quickly filling with
water. Nami tells everyone to make the Bananawani mad so that it would chomp the cage apart,
but they finds out that the cage is able to resist even the Bananawani's jaws, much to their horror.
Usopp and Luffy yell at Smoker asking why he was so calm in such a situation, but Smoker
responds by asking how much of Crocodile's plan the Straw Hats know. He tells them that
Crocodile and Miss All Sunday's plan may shake the entire world, but Luffy says that no reasons
are needed to beat Crocodile up. When Smoker asks how they are going to escape, the Straw
Hats remember their situation and start panicking again, and Luffy starts to feel weak because
of the seawater touching him.

When everyone becomes desperate, Sanji finally appears, defeating a Bananawani with a single
kick, to everyone's surprise. Everyone becomes full of hope once again, and Luffy gives Vivi a
thumbs-up, saying she did a good job. As more Bananawanis close in, Smoker tells the Straw
Hats that the third Bananawani that came in is the one that ate the key. When Luffy asks how he

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knows, Smoker says the growl is the same. Elsewhere, a frustrated Crocodile walks back to where
the cage is saying it was smart of the Straw Hats to think of a decoy.

Miss All Sunday asks what if the Straw Hat Pirates already found the key, and Crocodile answers
by saying that the key was a fake in the first place and he has the real one. By the time Crocodile
arrives at the room, the cage is swinging open underwater, while beaten up Bananawanis and a
beaten up Mr. 3 floats in the water with a piece of paper on him that says "See ya, shitty Croc -
Mr Prince" on it, much to Crocodile's enragement.

A bananawani just spat out a wax ball, while the Straw Hats wonder what it is, Mr.3 then appears
from the inside of the ball, overjoyed at his freedom which surprises everyone. He then notices a
key attached to his ball, to which the straw hats shout that it is the key to their cage, Sanji then
demands that he hand it over, which just makes him throw it away. Sanji, angered at this prepares
to attack, but it stopped by Usopp who reasons that Mr.3 could just create another key using his
powers, Sanji then forced Mr.3 to make another key to free his friends, which he does. After
freeing everyone Sanji says that they have to get out quick, but Vivi says that will be hard with all
the Bananawani, but much to her shock they are already defeated. Unfortunately the walls then
break and water gets through, though luckily the straw hats are able to get out alive, as well as
Smoker who was saved by Zoro on Luffy's orders. Vivi then asks Nami to put on her perfume,
while the Marines found the straw hats and rushed over to capture them, while Smoker decided
to let them go. The straw hats then run away, while Smoker calls the marines back and asks one
to call in more reinforcements, meanwhile Chopper has found Nami's scent and located the straw
hats while riding on top a giant crab. The crew gets on as Chopper explains that the crab is one
of eyelashes friends, suddenly Vivi is grabbed by Crocodile's hook, but Luffy is able to unhook her
and grabs on himself, telling the crew to go on with out him as he prepares to fight Crocodile.

As Luffy is being flung out to the dessert he asks everyone to get Vivi safely to the royal palace,
while Vivi warns him that there are two of them, Zoro then orders Chopper to take them straight
to Alubarna, while Nami tells Vivi that Luffy will be fine and everyone in the crew encourages her.
Vivi then shouts at Luffy that they will be waiting for him at Alubarna, miss all Sunday laughs at
the fact that Vivi has gotten away, but Crocodile is unfazed asking her to contact their agents in
Alubarna. Luffy then comments that though Vivi is weak she is still trying to save everyone, that
she wants the rebellion to end without anyone dying, Crocodile scoffs at this saying it is foolish
and asking Luffy what he thinks, to which he responds that it is foolish. but he also adds that he
will stop Crocodile so that Vivi does not have to work so hard, Crocodile also laughs at this as well
saying that he has crushed hundreds of people like Luffy into dust. Luffy responds that Crocodile
is pretty stupid which angers him immensely but makes Miss All Sunday laugh, Crocodile then
questions what she is laughing at calling her by her real name: Nico Robin, she then leaves for
Alubarna while Crocodile throws down a hourglass saying that he will only give Luffy three minutes
which is fine with Luffy. Luffy then starts to attack Crocodile who manages to evade his attacks
easily or else just lets them pass through him, he then tries to tell Luffy that it is pointless to fight
him, but Luffy does not listen and keeps up his assault which angers Crocodile even more.

Crocodile asks Luffy if they can end the games to which Luffy responds that he has been fighting
seriously, Crocodile then comments that they are pirates in two different leagues and attacks
Luffy with his escada attack, fortunately Luffy manages to get out of the way in time. Luffy is
astonished at Crocodile's power while Crocodile comments that he does not just posses his devil
fruit ability like some people, he mastered it and demonstrates this by creating a hole of
quicksand. While Luffy is struggling to leave the pit, Crocodile comments that no one can contend
with him while in the dessert, though Luffy finally manages to get out of the pit. Luffy then
comments that if he cannot beat Crocodile then he will catch him, but this also fails and Crocodile

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shows Luffy more of his abilities by mummifying his right arm. Crocodile then explains that he
merely sucked the water out of his arm, this causes Luffy to run to his water bottle and drink
causing Crocodile to comment about it being ridiculous, and Luffy counters saying it is not
ridiculous and tells Crocodile the story of Yuba. Luffy then charges Crocodile and literally bites his
head off, but Crocodile manages to escape from Luffy's mouth and comment that it is time for
him and Yuba to die, Crocodile then creates a sandstorm while commenting on the dryness of the
sand that day. Meanwhile people all across Alabasta notice the sandstorm with Vivi realizing that
it is Crocodile's doing, Crocodile begins to tell Luffy how strange it is that Yuba keeps getting hit
by sandstorms Luffy then puts two and two together, and enraged attacks Crocodile only to be
impaled by his hook, while Crocodile comments that pirates like him are coming on the grand

The chapter begins with the Straw Hats getting ready for battle on the giant crab, Scissors. Usopp
tells Chopper one of his lie stories again, while Zoro trains by putting Eyelashes on top of one of
his swords and lifting him. As Usopp tells a horrified Chopper that shrimp are actually crabs in the
background, Nami tells Zoro that what he's doing would probably just use up his stamina. Sanji
tells Nami to leave him alone, saying that everyone has to do something in order to push away
their thoughts about their captain tasting the level of a Shichibukai at this moment. Zoro asks
Sanji what he wants to say, and Sanji says that Zoro is scared, thinking what if Luffy lost. Zoro
gets annoyed at the word "scared" and calls Sanji "beauty brows". Sanji gets insulted by this and
calls Zoro a moss head. As the two are about to start a fight, Nami punches both. Usopp thinks
about cheering everyone up as a "vice captain", but Vivi assures everyone that Luffy is okay. Usopp
comments that Vivi is the one who should be the most worried and Nami tells Vivi should just
focus on worrying about the rebellion and not other things, lightly punching her in the head. Nami
officially gives the crab the name "Scissors" and tells him to hurry to Alubarna, while the others
comment on the strange name.

Meanwhile in Yuba, Toto finally finds a place that spurts out lots of water, and smiles, not k nowing
about the sandstorm created by Crocodile approaching.

Back in the fight with Luffy and Crocodile, Crocodile tells Luffy about how everything would go his
way, not Luffy's. We see now that Crocodile had stabbed right through Luffy's water bottle around
his neck into Luffy. While the water from Luffy's bottle drips onto Crocodile's arm, Luffy suddenly
grabs Crocodile's arm and breaks it, despite being half dead. Crocodile is surprised that Luffy is
still alive and throws him into the quicksand and Luffy falls deeper and deeper into it.

In Rainbase, Smoker tells Tashigi to go straight to Aluburna by herself and do whatever she feels
is her own justice there. Smoker tells her to watch closely how this place will end up, whether it
gets destroyed or not, and drives away.

Meanwhile in the desert, rebels ride on horses toward Alburna. Kohza tells Cobra to wait and see
how they will destroy Alabasta.

In the royal palance, the soldiers also get ready for battle, and the citizens run away for safety.

Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas are seen with a bloody and captured Cobra somewhere, and
while the pair chatter, Cobra tells everyone to stop destroying themselves in his mind.

People who hate the fight, people who fight, people who create the fight, people who stop t he
fight, they all come to Aluburna to clash.

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Back in the quicksand, Luffy's head pops out, and he yells out that he's hungry.

Luffy thinks back to the final words Crocodile spoke before he was thrown in the quicksand, and
tries to escape, but the sands start to drag him down again. Luckily, he is pulled up by Ms. All-
Sunday’s Hana Hana powers.

After Luffy thanks her for saving him, she asks him why those with D. in their names fight on. As
he is clueless, she drops the subject, but the sudden appearance of Pell catches her attention.
Ignoring his threats, she suggests that he aids Luffy and tells him that Vivi is going towards
Alubarna, before riding off on a F-Wani. Then, Luffy grabs Pell and proclaims that he is hungry.

Meanwhile, in Nanohana, it is finally revealed that Igaram survived back in Whiskey Peak, and
that he has to hurry in order to stop the civil war. As the rebels ride towards Alubarna, the
sandstorm that Crocodile created has reached Yuba. Before it hits the city, Toto yells at it, saying
that it can never break Yuba down.

Meanwhile, Usopp is shocked to learn that Scissors cannot cross the Sandora river, as his breed
of crabs cannot travel in water. Luckily, Chopper remembers that Scissors is fond of female
dancers, which Nami is dressed as. So, to motivate Scissors (much to the joy of Sanji and
Eyelashes), Nami reveals her dancer's outfit. This makes sure that Scissors enters a whole new
level of speed which seems to be enough to traverse the river, but sadly, it is not enough.

Leaving Scissors behind, the crew is forced to traverse by foot, which will take at least one day.
To make matters worse, they encounter a Sandora catfish, which attempts to eat the lot of them.
Luckily, they are saved by the Kung Fu Dugongs. Apparently, they did so because since they are
Luffy's subordinates (as he defeated them some chapters ago), and presumed that the Straw-
Hats were so as well. This allows the Straw-Hats to traverse the rest of the river riding on the
knocked-out catfish while the Dugong's drag it across.

When they reach the other side of the river, they are saddened by the fact that without Scissors,
it will be impossible to get to Alubarna in time, even with Eyelashes (who can only carry two
persons, preferably female). However, they are saved by the timely appearance of Carue and the
Super Spot-Billed Duck Squad.

At the western gate of Alubarna, the remaining Baroque Works agents are discussing the force
they are dealing with, considering that the Straw-Hats managed to defeat six of their agents, not
including Miss Wednesday. However, they all agree on the fact that the only thing that really
matters is that Vivi must be eliminated.

The battle between the rebels and royal guards is about to begin with each side getting ready to
fight one another as the rebels are just 30 minutes away from Alubarna on horseback. Chaka
instructs the royal guards not to let any of the rebels enter the city, ordering them to protect all
the gates in every direction.

Outside Alubarna, the Baroque Works’ agents are waiting for Vivi, as they are ordered to kill her
so that she would not be able to interpose on Crocodile’s plan. Suddenly, Mr. 4 spots 6 members
of the Super Spot-Billed Duck Squad approaching them, each carrying members of the Straw Hat
Pirates. Miss Merry Christmas wonders why there are 6 of them, as they only have information on
4 pirates (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp). Miss Doublefinger points out that they have another member
named Mr. Prince, and with Vivi, the number is accurate. Mr. 1 reminds them that the number
does not matter, as they are only after Vivi. The agents are trying to pinpoint which of the ducks

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are carrying Vivi, however they cannot figure this out, due to each person wearing the same
cloaks. At the same time, Mr. 2 notices that the rebels have almost reached the city, they have to
do something quick so that Vivi does not meet up with Kohza.

Mr. 4 fires an exploding baseball at the Straw Hats but his bomb are ineffective against the ducks'
speed, who start to split into small groups of 2. Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas chase after the
pair who went south. Usopp fires his Flame Star at Mr. 1, who blocks it with his hand while two
more ducks head west. Mr. 2 is ran over by two ducks who head southwest. Mr. 1 and Miss
Doublefinger chase the pair that went west, and Mr. 2 chased the pair that went southwest.
Unfortunately, the agents are deceived, the six ducks who were rode by Zoro and Nami (who are
facing Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger), Chopper and Sanji (who are facing Mr. 4 and Miss Merry
Christmas), Usopp and Eyelashes (who are facing Mr. 2) were decoys.

Vivi, who stayed behind and had been hiding alongside Carue, was waiting for the path to be clear,
thanking the others for acting as decoys. With nobody left in their way, Vivi and Carue can now
catch up with the rebels.

With Crocodile’s orders to not let Vivi and Kohza see each other ringing in the minds of the
Baroque Works agents, Kohza leads the rebels to Alubarna to battle. The impact of more than
two million rebels charging causes the cannonballs in Alubarna's fortifications to shake, and right
outside Alubarna stand Vivi and Carue, with Carue standing steadfastly by his master despite the
possibility of them being trampled. Vivi sees Kohza's rebels approaching in the distance, and
Kohza unsheathes his sword as he orders his troops to head through the South Gate so they can
bring down the other gates from the inside. As they draw closer to her, Vivi shouts at the rebels
to stop, saying this fight is a setup. This piques Kohza's attention, but a blast of cannon fire erupts
between him and Vivi. He asks his men if they saw a silhouette in front of them, but they do not
care, thinking that the forces in Alubarna have already started shooting at them. Vivi is bewildered
by the cannon shot, and in Alubarna, Chaka shouts at the soldier who fired before being given
the order. The soldier apologizes and claims it was an accident, but in reality is an undercover
Baroque Works agent who intentionally did it.

The rebels continue charging undeterred through the sand cloud created by the blast, and Vivi
continues shouting in desperation. Kohza seems to hear her, but decides that it is just his
imagination as he charges right beside Vivi without seeing her. Vivi is shocked to see Kohza going
past her, and turns around and continues calling out to him, only to be struck by the thousands
of oncoming soldiers riding on their camels, and Carue desperately tries to save her. The rebels
draw closer to Alubarna, and Chaka gives the order to fire the cannons as t he royal infantry comes
out to meet the rebels in battle. Meanwhile, Vivi nurses her wounds, having been saved from
being trampled by Carue, who took the brunt of the damage. Vivi is depressed by their failure, but
knows there is still a chance to stop the battle so long as she can get to the site of the current
clash, reminding herself of learning from the Straw Hat Pirates to never give up. Suddenly, Usopp
comes to Vivi on horseback, telling her to get on. However, right at this moment, the real Usopp
is with Eyelashes in Alubarna, sheepishly telling Sanji after their ducks had come to him for help
that Mr. 2 Bon Kurei defeated them in two seconds. With Mr. 2 nowhere in sight, Sanji realizes
that Vivi must be in trouble, and outside Alubarna, the fake Usopp tells Vivi to leave Carue behind
so they can get going. Vivi is bewildered that Usopp did not refer to Carue by his name,
remembering the camaraderie the two had shown before. She then tells Usopp to prove himself,
and he shows the cloth on his left arm. However, Vivi immediately knows that he is an impostor,
and Carue picks her up and runs away as fast as possible. Turning back into his real self, Mr. 2
wonders how they knew he was a fake, having heard from Crocodile about the Straw Hats having
a cloth on their arms. He then prepares to pursue Vivi and Carue, saying they will not get away.

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The chapter begins with a flashback of the Straw Hats deciding on their code mark. Since Zoro
came up with the idea of putting an X below some bandages, Sanji became suspicious if Zoro
was already switched with the transvestite guy. Zoro yells at Sanji that he will cut him to pieces,
which assures everyone that it is the real Zoro.

Back in the current time, a half-dead Carue runs away from Bon Kurei with Vivi on his back. Carue
runs so quickly that he miraculously runs up a vertical cliff to their shock, but just when they reach
the top, Carue loses footing. As Bon Kurei laughs at Carue, waiting for them to fall, Carue flaps
his wings and flies to the top of the cliff, much to Bon Kurei's shock. When Vivi compliments Carue
and says Bon Kurei will not be able to chase them anymore, she looks down to see Mr. 2 dashing
up the cliff yelling there is nothing an okama cannot do, much to their horror.

Vivi asks Carue if he can get past the battlefield in front of them, and Carue starts running into
the battlefield. As they run from Mr. 2, a passing bullet hits Carue and Carue falls to the ground
painfully. Vivi cries, asking Carue if he is ok, and Carue tells Vivi to go quickly. As Mr. 2 approaches
the two, the Super Spot Billed Duck Squad come to the rescue, head-butting Bon Kurei.

Sanji appears, telling the ducks they can go now, and Vivi tells them that she is ok. Vivi tells them
to take care of Carue instead, and Sanji tells her to go, which she nods to. As Vivi runs away, Mr.
2 is enraged and attacks Sanji, telling him to die. Sanji guards by kicking at Mr. 2's leg, telling him
to give his sniper's goggles back. Sanji tells Mr. 2 that he is not as weak as the other guys, and
Mr. 2 asks Sanji if he is the "Mr. Prince" everyone was talking about. Sanji's glasses fall off and
he states that he's not; he's the first-rating cook of the sea, Sanji. Bon Kurei says that he's a first
rating okama of the sea himself, and tells Sanji that cooks shouldn't be fighting with dark
organizations. Sanji says that he's a cook and a pirate, so that goes for Mr. 2 as well. Mr. 2 agrees,
and Sanji tells him to leave the country alone.

Meanwhile in the southeast gate of Alubarna, Usopp finds a wounded Chopper and asks if he is
okay. Chopper says he is, and tells Usopp to watch out since the enemy is still here. A pillar falls
by itself and Usopp is confused, as there was nobody near it. Chopper tells Usopp that they are
underground, explaining that Miss Merry Christmas is a Devil Fruit user of the "Mogu Mogu no
Mi", and Mr. 4, her partner, is a "fourth batter" with a dog. Usopp is even more confused at this.
Then there is a bark and a baseball comes flying at them. Chopper tells Usopp to get out of its
way, and someone hits the ball with a bat. The ball ticks as it gets closer, and right when it's in
front of Usopp's nose, it explodes.

At the southeast gate of Alubarna, Usopp and Chopper recover from the explosion caused by Mr.
4’s dog, although Usopp still struggles to comprehend any of it. They then see the dog, Lassoo,
and Usopp is appalled at its appearance as it has several gun features on its body. Lassoo
sneezes out another exploding baseball, and the two pirates dodge it, but Mr. 4 hits it right to ward
Usopp with his bat. Usopp ducks under the ball, but it explodes right over him. Chopper holds the
dazed Usopp as he notes that the balls are time bombs, and are too much for him to catch due
to being heavy as cannonballs, which makes Mr. 4's power to hit them inhuman. Mr. 4 sets down
his bat against the wall, but its weight causes it to fall through the wall, making Usopp bewildered
at Mr. 4's strength.

Miss Merry Christmas then arrives and berates Mr. 4 for not killing Usopp and Chopper yet, and
the two pirates are frightened to see her again. Usopp leaves the fighting to Chopper while he
tries to succumb to his injuries, causing Chopper to get angry, and Usopp wonders how he can
deal with a bizarre creature like Lassoo. Miss Merry Christmas then reveals that Lassoo is a gun
that "ate" the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dachshund thanks to special technology allowing inanimate

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objects to gain Devil Fruit powers. Usopp expresses his disbelief, but Miss Merry Christmas says
that it does not matter since him and Chopper are about to die. She tells the two that their territory
is named Molehill 4th St. as she partially transforms into a mole, although Usopp thinks that she
more resembles a penguin. Miss Merry Christmas burrows into the ground, and Usopp takes the
opportunity to escape, but Chopper tells him to look out as Lassoo emerges from the ground and
fires a baseball bomb at him.

The ball suddenly curves away from Usopp at the last second, and Mr. 4 hits it high into the air.
Usopp mocks Mr. 4's bad hit as the ball lands a ways away from him, but the ball suddenly begins
rolling toward his back. Miss Merry Christmas says that Mr. 4 is not an ordinary cleanup hitter as
Chopper enters Walk Point and saves Usopp from the blast. Miss Merry Christmas notes that
Chopper is a Zoan like her as Lassoo fires more baseball bombs at the two pirates, which they
attempt to dodge by remaining in constant motion. Chopper attempts to get rid of Mr. 4 by hurling
a baseball back at him, but Miss Merry Christmas grabs him by the ankle as Mr. 4 hits the ball
back at Chopper. However, Chopper enters his normal hybrid form, causing the ball to fly over
him as he attacks Miss Merry Christmas and Mr. 4. However, the two agents disappear into the
mole tunnels as Chopper reflects that using the Rumble Ball would take too much time with them.
Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas emerge behind Chopper and start looking for him as Chopper
wonders where Usopp is; however, Usopp emerges from the mole tunnel and hits Mr. 4 with a
five-ton hammer. Miss Merry Christmas wonders how he is strong enough to wield that, and Usopp
tells her that people call him the Lord of Destruction, introducing himself as Captain Usopp.

Usopp is hitting Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas with a fake 5 ton hammer which is actually a
paper mache hammer weighing approximately 4.4 lbs. Mr.4 easily (but slowly) recovers from
being hit by the hammer after Usopp hits him. Usopp then charges Miss Merry Christmas with the
hammer and attempts to hit her. Miss Merry Christmas burrows in and out of holes to dodge the
hammer very similar to the arcade game "Whack a Mole". Usopp then stops to catch his breath,
also telling tall tales to Miss Merry Christmas about how great he is, though Chopper full heartedly
believes him and is amazed. Miss Merry Christmas grows tired of the game, and claws her way to
Usopp, and then violently claws him across the face knocking him backwards. She then yells at
Lassoo to take out the reindeer-man. Lassoo fires a gigantic amount of balls, which Mr. 4 hits at
Chopper, causing another explosion. Miss Merry Christmas then begins to chase Usopp. Usopp
notices there are short walls around which he decides to run over, hoping that Miss Merry
Christmas will run directly into the wall. Miss Merry Christmas does run into the wall, but instead
of getting injured, she easily takes out the wall. She then grabs Usopp and starts dragging him,
bashing him through the walls too. After a while, Chopper finally figures out that their weakness
is that all the tunnels Miss Merry Christmas dug are connected. Chopper takes advantage of this
by pointing Lassoo's head into a tunnel, causing him to fire repeatedly. Usopp and Chopper then
bolt out of the scene, and since all the tunnels are connected, the balls Lassoo fired into them
cause a mass explosion all around the tunnels.

Usopp, beaten on the ground, hopes to himself that Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas would not
get back up after their attack is successful. Chopper notices that Mr. 4 is still standing,
commenting to himself that he only has a minute and a half left after eating a Rumble Ball. Usopp
then begins to flee, yelling out that the pair are monsters that can't be beaten. While Chopper
yells to Usopp he can't run away from them, Miss Merry Christmas confirms this, grabbing Usopp's
legs from underground. Miss Merry Christmas then comments that if a captain is weak then so is
his crewmates, prompting Usopp to ask her what about Luffy. Miss Merry Christmas tells them
that Luffy has been killed by Mr. 0 and that the rebellion has started, much to the shock of Usopp
and Chopper.

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Usopp denies this, yelling at Miss Merry Christmas that Luffy is going to be Pirate King and he
wouldn't lose to a "filthy sand gator". Miss Merry Christmas begins to laugh at the idea of Luffy
being Pirate King, which enrages Usopp. Usopp then yells out to Chopper, as Miss Merry
Christmas drags Usopp's legs and drives him through a wall with her Mogu Mogu Impact attack,
also telling Mr. 4 to get his 4-ton bat ready. The pair attack Usopp with Mogurazuka Yonban
Kousaten, severely injuring him and knocking him several meters back. However, much to the
shock of Miss Merry Christmas, Usopp is still standing, continuing to explain to Chopper that there
are times when a man comes to fight, even if there are seemingly no chances of winning, which
is when their friends' dreams are being laughed at.

Miss Merry Christmas proceeds to grab Usopp's legs again, driving him towards Mr. 4. As Chopper
reveals a new form, Horn Point, Usopp tells Chopper to get behind him as he fires a Smoke Star
at Mr. 4. Slipping out of his shoes to escape from Miss Merry Christmas' grip, Usopp tells Chopper
to ensare Miss Merry Christmas into his horns, which Chopper does, running towards Mr. 4.
Thinking Miss Merry Christmas is Usopp, and still blinded by the smoke, Mr. 4 uses his 4-ton bat
to knock Miss Merry Christmas back, much to his surprise. During the confusion, Usopp uses
Chopper's horns and a rubber band as a slingshot to fire his hammer at Mr. 4, using Hissatsu
Uso-Cho Hammer Suisei, knocking out Mr. 4 and Lassoo and winning the battle.

Victorious, Usopp collapses, and Chopper panics and asks if there is a doctor around, only for
Usopp to proclaim that it's him.

Kohza continues to press forward into the battle, prompting a member of the rebel army to ask if
he is still injured from Nanohana. Kohza berates him saying that it doesn't matter anymore, as
they are in a battlefield. Kohza comments that he needs a horse so he can enter the plaza in the
north to demand Cobra’s surrender, but he is shot down as it is revealed that the royal army's
main regiment is waiting there, along with Chaka and Pell. Vivi is seen running when several royal
army members tell her to halt, asking if she is a rebel. Vivi asks them to take her to Chaka, and
the royal army members comply, recognizing that she is Princess Vivi.

In the South Block of Alubarna, Sanji is seen exchanging a blow with Mr. 2, knocking each other
back into buildings. Mr. 2 wonders how Sanji can stand up to his Okama Kenpo, as Sanji tells him
he's gonna have to get through him if he wants to move forward. As Mr. 2 attacks Sanji with
Okama Kempo techniques, Sanji comments that he has to beat him with one strike and uses a
number of his kicks, only for them to be blocked by Mr. 2. Sanji uses his Mouton Shot at the same
time Mr. 2 uses his Hakucho Arabesque, sending each other crashing into buildings. Mr. 2 then
warns Sanji about the dangers of his Mane Mane no Mi, using the Mane Mane Montage. However,
Sanji doesn't buy it, pointing out that he is still using his own face, just with Usopp’s nose.

Mr. 2 then decides to transform into Usopp completely, however Sanji still kicks him in the face.
Sanji, while Mr. 2 tearfully asks why he would willingly attack his friend's face, points out that he
is still him, and he (Sanji) wouldn't fall for such a petty trick, proclaiming that people are made of
heart. Mr. 2 says he understands, transforming into Nami, while realizing that even that would
not matter, but not before he notices Sanji showing infatuation towards Nami. Testing this out,
Mr. 2 transforms into Nami and notices Sanji makes a love face when he does, while Mr. 2 calls
him a fool and transforms into her to fight.

At the palace of Alubarna, Vivi asks Chaka to destroy the palace, much to his shock. Vivi explains
that Alabasta is a country for the people, and the destruction of the palace would distract the two
opposing parties long enough for Vivi to explain everything to them.

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Members of the royal army are surprised that Princess Vivi requested to destroy the palace, that
has a 4,000 year old history. Chaka, hesitating at first, ordered everyone the follow the princess's
every demand, bowing down to Vivi.

Back at the South Block, Mr. 2, possessing Nami’s face, presses down on a beaten and grounded
Sanji, telling him he's not as strong as he says he is. Sanji comments to himself that even though
he looks different, he's still an okama on the inside, and tells Mr. 2 not to get cocky, but becomes
infatuated again when he looks at Nami's face. Mr. 2 proceeds to take off his clothes, saying this
country is too hot, prompting Sanji to ask if he ("she") needs help, but he is knocked back by Mr.
2's Okama Kenpo. Every time Sanji prepares to attack, Mr. 2 changes his face back to Nami's to
prevent him. After attacking Sanji with his Mascara Boomerang, Mr. 2 prepares to finish Sanji off,
only for Sanji to notice he has his original face and kicks him away. Sanji points out the weakness
of Mr. 2's Mane Mane no Mi powers, explaining that he cannot use Okama Kempo while
impersonating Nami, and he changes back to normal by touching his face with his left hand.

Mr. 2, dismissing this, attacks Sanji with his Prima attack, which Sanji barely dodges, but not
before noticing the attack left a clean hole in a building's wall. Sanji, deducing a weakness of the
attack, dodges and proceeds to counterattack, prompting Mr. 2 to change into Nami again. Sanji
tells Mr. 2 that there is something on his left cheek, prompting Mr. 2 to touch his face with his
left hand, changing him back to normal. Sanji then uses Veau Shot on him.

Attacking Mr. 2 with a fierce kick, Sanji begins to barrage him with kicks, while Mr. 2 lands some
attacks of his own. The two manages to attack with simultaneous finishing blows, with Sanji falling
to his knees and Mr. 2 being knocked into a building, losing the fight and declaring Sanji as the
winner. While Sanji comments that if Mr. 2 changes into Nami, he cannot kill him, Mr. 2 dismisses
this, saying he cannot move, and that Baroque Works will probably terminate him anyway for
losing. Sanji extends his hand, saying it was a good fight, with Mr. 2 grabbing it, crying to himself
that this is the friendship of fighting. Sanji walks away after taking back Usopp’s goggles, while
an injured Mr. 2 notes that Sanji finished him off anyway.

Back at the palace, Chaka orders the soldiers to load a lot of gunpowder so the palace can be
destroyed. He hesitates, but is consoled by Vivi, telling him that it is because of him that a
difference can be made. She then apologizes for leaving the country so suddenly, also pointing
out that there can be no peace in this country as long as "that man" is still alive. She then grows
worried about the other Straw Hat Pirates, but remembers Zoro’s words to go on and continue
living no matter what may happen to them. Chaka then compliments Vivi for developing an
independent personality, and shares her promise to Luffy to give the Straw Hats a huge feast
when this battle is over. Crocodile then appears at the palace, pointing out that Vivi managed to
cause a lot of trouble.

At the Northern area of Alubarna, Zoro shows concern for Nami, as she ran away even though
Zoro told her to hide. Zoro, running off to look for her, heads off in another direction as a panicking
Nami is trying to run from a pursuing Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger. While Nami violently asks
where the stupid swordsman went, Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger continue with their calm pursuit,
exclaiming that as pro assassins, it is common practice to target the weakest first.

Nami grows tired of running and says to herself that she must fight Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger,
but continues running, disagreeing with herself. Growing tired of playing cat -and-mouse, Mr. 1
lunges towards Nami, who is saved at the last minute by Zoro. Zoro immediately notices that Mr.
1's attack split a building behind them, and after a further attack, Zoro notes that Mr. 1's body is
not normal. Mr. 1, explaining that he ate the Supa Supa no Mi and became a human blade,

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identifies Zoro as the one who defeated 100 bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak. Miss Doublefinger
also points out that Zoro was invited to be apart of Baroque Works a couple years back by Mr. 7,
but Zoro also points out that he refused, because he only wanted to join if he could be the boss.
Mr. 7, wanting to recruit Zoro by force, attacked him, which prompted Zoro to kill him. Zoro also
points out that even if he was invited again, he would decline even if he could be the boss, now
knowing how they operate.

As Zoro begins his battle with Mr. 1, Miss Doublefinger decides to go after Nami, who has already
fled from the scene. Nami, in a secluded location, has a flashback when she asks Usopp to make
her a modified weapon so she could be useful in a fight for Vivi’s sake. Commenting that Alubarna
isn't far away, Usopp says he will create a weapon for Nami, which prompts her to hug him out of
joy, however he still required proper funds and materials. Nami promises to herself that she will
stop running and start fighting, now that she has a weapon.

As she says this, she is suddenly stabbed in her shoulder through the wall she is hiding behind,
the attacker revealed to be Miss Doublefinger, who has eaten the Toge Toge no Mi and became
a spike human. Nami prepares to fight her, equipping her Clima-Tact, and claiming that it can
manipulate the weather, much to the shock of Miss Doublefinger. Nami prepares to use an attack,
only for doves to fly out of her staff instead. Angry, Nami curses Usopp under her breath. Saying
that she has to believe in her friends, Nami reads the instructions and prepares for another
attack, only for flowers to come out of her staff. As Nami slams her Clima-Tact to the ground, Miss
Doublefinger shows sarcastic sympathy for her.

Miss Doublefinger uses her Double Stinger attack on Nami, who is desperately trying to escape
from her. Miss Doublefinger tells Nami that it's pointless, and that she should allow her to grant
her a slow and painless death, unless Nami wants to continue with her "magic show". Resolving
to keep trying her attacks to find one that actually works, Nami puts her bo-staff into a Y-shape
and tries to use "Thunder Tempo", but a boxing glove appears out of it, which Miss Doublefinger
easily smacks aside and cuts Nami on her cheek. Nami, thinking in her head that if she dies she
will curse Usopp for creating a useless weapon, tries going through the instructions again, only to
notice something. Miss Doublefinger is then seen standing upside down under a platform, using
her spikes, and chases Nami into a building with her Stinger Hedgehog attack. Nami then
intelligently uses her cloth to direct the pursuing Miss Doublefinger elsewhere while she escapes,
prompting the Baroque Works agent to praise her, realizing she's not a complete novice at

Hiding behind a pile of crates, Nami goes over the instructions again, to find that the list of
"attacks" she were using were only for parties and entertainment, and for the attacks effective in
battle, she should flip to the other side. When Miss Doublefinger begins to look for Nami, Nami
confronts her, proclaiming she should not be treated like a little girl. The basic directions of the
combat-type of the Clima-Tact are shown, with each piece of the bo-staff able to shoot out special
bubbles, the Heat Ball (for heating), Cool Ball (for cooling), and the Thunder Ball (for a small
electrical shock). As Nami runs to escape Miss Doublefinger's Sewing Stinger, she tries to find
something to effectively use. Miss Doublefinger catches up to Nami, piercing her in the leg. Before
she can finish off Nami, Nami desperately throws her staff at Miss Doublefinger, using Cyclone
Tempo, which, to the shock of both, creates a strong gust of wind that knocks Miss Doublefinger
back into a pile of crates, while it flings itself back into Nami's hand. Nami figures out the basis
of the attack, using Heat and Cool balls to create a strong air current, praising Usopp for creating
an amazing weapon that he apparently doesn't seem to understand, calling the attack a party
trick. Reading on, Nami finds the ultimate attack of the Clima-Tact, the Tornado Tempo, which
any human could not get back up from, however Usopp explains that it is a hit -or-miss last resort

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technique. Back up, Miss Doublefinger stabs Nami through the head and chest, telling her not to
look away while fighting.

To Miss Doublefinger's surprise, Nami "disappeared" and re-appeared right next to her, creating
the Mirage Tempo with Cool Balls. Claiming she now fully understands the Clima-Tact, Nami
shouts at Miss Doublefinger to surrender while she still can.

Back at the south gate of Alubarna, Sanji meets up with Usopp and Chopper, returning Usopp's
goggles back to him. Usopp thanks Sanji, but later gets back with him when he realizes they're
broken, telling him they were the latest and expensive model from North Blue. Sanji notices the
commotion the rebel army is causing, telling Usopp and Chopper to hurry to the palace so they
could somehow assist Vivi. Back at the palace, members of the royal army realize that Crocodile
is at the palace, making their way there to defend Vivi. However, Miss All-Sunday uses her powers
to use Dieciseis Fleur, sprouting a number of hands outside the palace gate to prevent the royal
army members from entering. Having defeated more members of the royal army, along with Vivi’s
father, the king, Crocodile sarcastically thanks Vivi for sacrificing her life, along with her pirate
friends. Vivi asks Crocodile where Luffy is, and Crocodile replies to her that he is dead, however
Vivi does not believe him. Crocodile comments that he has no intention of sparing Vivi or her
father, saying that when a palace falls, the royal family should fall along with it. Crocodile asks
Cobra where Pluton is, much to the shock of the royal king, wondering how Crocodile knows that

Meanwhile, Nami is still fighting with Miss Doublefinger, as the Baroque Works agent corners her
against a wall. Telling Nami that she is playing around with a toy, Miss Doublefinger says that true
weapons are made solely for the purpose of terminating Life as Nami escapes her attack. Nami
tries to think of a way to create an opening so her ultimate attack would not miss, as Miss
Doublefinger comments that a wool sweater could produce more electricity than her Thunder Ball.
Nami, wishing to create more moisture in the air, tries to use a "Rain Tempo" attack, but she only
manages to create small fountains. Wishing to end the fight, Miss Doublefinger attacks Nami with
Sea Urchin Stinger, while Nami dodges, shooting out many Cool Balls. Nami then shoots out many
Heat Balls, having some kind of plan in mind.

Miss Doublefinger then attacks Nami with Toge Toge Doping. Barely dodging the attack, Nami
notices her plan worked, creating a (small) cloud in the air. Wanting to make it grow bigger, Nami
shoots out even more Heat Balls and Cool Balls, and then one Thunder Ball at the cloud, creating
the Thunderbolt Tempo, electrocuting Miss Doublefinger and severely injuring her. Enraged, Miss
Doublefinger attacks Nami, however it is another mirage, and Nami tells Miss Doublefinger to
watch out for tornadoes.

Remembering Usopp’s words, Nami begins to unleash her ultimate attack, but Miss Doublefinger
points out Nami's leg injury, also attacking her with Sea Urchin Sting, but Nami barely blocks the
attack, further injuring her leg. Nami comments that the amount of pain she is suffering is nothing
compared to the amount of pain Vivi is going through. Nami finally unleashes her Tornado Tempo,
but two plastic doves attached to wire come out of the Clima-Tact, much to Nami's shock and
disappointment, thinking it was another toy. However, the doves and the wires attach to Miss
Doublefinger and become tangled, spinning her at a rapid rate and forcing her many meters back
with great force, knocking her through a building. The force also knocks Nami to the ground. With
Miss Doublefinger defeated, Nami emerges as the victor.

Back at the palace of Alubarna, Crocodile explains that the ancient weapon of Pluton is strong
enough to destroy an entire island without a trace, and its location is somewhere in the kingdom.

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With this weapon, Crocodile can establish the world's leading military power. While Vivi wonders
if such a weapon is really in this country, Crocodile reveals his plan to bring all pirates under his
rule and even surpass the government itself. Cobra questions why he knows that name, and he
also questions if such a weapon is even located in this country. While Crocodile expected as
much, he also mentions how the bulk of the royal army are in the city square, where there will be
a massive explosion in 30 minutes: he has hidden a bomb with a blast diameter of 5 km.
Calculating that the rebel army will make their way through by then, Crocodile sarcastically tells
Vivi that her wish of stopping the conflict will come true, as both the rebel and royal army will be
blown up. An enraged Vivi asks Crocodile just what her people has done to him, while Crocodile
asks Cobra where the poneglyph is located. Cobra, having lost hope, agreed to guide Crocodile to
it, but Chaka angrily tells Vivi he can no longer hold back his fury.

Meanwhile, in northern Alubarna, Zoro is in a heated battle with Mr. 1. Equipping his third sword,
Zoro attacks with Santoryu: Ushi Bari, but Mr. 1 uses Spider to harden his body, emerging from
the attack unscathed. Zoro deduces that Mr. 1's body is as hard as steel, and if Zoro cannot learn
to cut through steel, then he cannot deal any damage. Zoro, removing his cloth, tells Mr. 1 he is
unlucky, as he has been waiting for a chance to "ascend to the next level", and also mentions
when he (Zoro) is done with him, he will be a man who can even cut through steel.

On the streets of Alubarna, Mr. 1 tells Roronoa Zoro that since he acquired the Supa Supa no Mi,
not a single swordsman has been able to harm even a single strand of his hair, and that Zoro
cannot win. Zoro responds by saying that he was just giving him some things to take into
consideration, and that while he does not know who he fought before, he will change that fact.
Mr. 1 charges, saying that Zoro only has a big mouth. Zoro, calling him bald, blocks his leg slash
with two of his swords. Both of them wonder how long their opponent can last, and Mr. 1 spins
around, turns his hands into blades, and strikes at Zoro. Zoro successfully deflects a series of
blows, and dodges a leg slash aimed at his head. Placing his third sword in his mouth, Zoro
attacks Mr. 1 with Oni Giri, followed with Tora Gari, knocking Mr. 1 to the ground. However, the
assassin simply stands up, having taken no damage whatsoever, and asks Zoro what he told him
earlier. Zoro is surprised to see that there is not a scratch on him, and that he has not met anyone
who took his attacks and could still stand. Mr. 1 says that this is because before this moment,
Zoro had never met him.

Mr. 1 continues with a bladed kick that Zoro barely dodges. Zoro states that he gets it, and blocks
the bladed underside of his leg with his sword. Zoro realizes that with Mr. 1's powers, he is able
to make a blade anywhere on his body, essentially creating a body full of blades. Mr. 1 kicks at
his head, but Zoro ducks and rolls to the side, dodging. Mr. 1 continues, attacking Zoro with his
Sparkling Daisy attack, slicing open the building behind Zoro and sending him flying into the
rubble. Lying bleeding under the rubble, Zoro says that he will have to train himself further, as
that was too close to death. Wondering what he is lacking, Zoro remembers a conversation he
had with his sword mentor, Koushirou. Zoro had asked if there were swordsmen could cut through
steel, and after not cutting a piece of paper, Koushirou tells Zoro that a true sword protects what
the swordsman wants it to protect and only cuts what he wants it to cut. Back to real time, Mr. 1
tells Zoro that Zoro has not cut him yet, and that he is waiting to be slashed. Zoro, telling Mr. 1
not to underestimate him, lifts a huge section of the building and throws it in the air at Mr. 1,
saying that when he learns how to cut steel, it will be Mr. 1's end. Mr. 1 simply states that anything
that comes towards him, he will simply destroy it.

Starting off from where Zoro had thrown a building at Mr. 1, the swordsman is frustrated over his
inability to understand his old master’s words concerning a swordsman's ability to cut steel or

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not. Stubbornly, Zoro continues to believe that his method of pushing with all his strength is the
key to cutting steel.

As Mr. 1 destroys the thrown building with Atomic Spar, Zoro leaps forward through the debris
and meets Mr. 1 head on. Beginning with a series of quick strikes, the swordsman spins around
and strikes the assassin's jaw. Returning with a kick, Mr. 1's attack is parried by Zoro who again
moves to land a blow on his opponent's jaw and sending him backwards. A third blow to the head,
Zoro lands his Santoryu: Gazami Dori technique which throws the assassin into the air.

Completely unharmed, each fighter comments on the other's tenacity. Mr. 1 then gives Zoro a
warning, and that is to not think of him as a swordsman but as a proper assassin. Creating circular
blades that run down his forearms and begin to spin at high speeds, the two clash again with
sparks being created from the spinning blades striking Zoro's swords. Landing a devastating blow
across Zoro's chest, the assassin does not stop as he proceeds to land a direct strike into Zoro's
gut which launches the swordsman into a nearby pillar. Not giving up, Zoro attempts to get up
again only for Mr. 1 to question his determination. Choosing to end it, the assassin delivers a
direct Spar Break to the critically injured swordsman, also cutting apart the support pillar behind
the man.

Believing him finished, Mr. 1 begins to walk away as the building above gives way without its
support pillar; the debris seemingly falling right on top of Zoro. Against all odds however, the
swordsman stands up again despite his grave injuries. Shocked at how he wasn't struck by any
of the falling rocks, Zoro mentally responds that he did not dodge them all, but knew that none
would hit him. Sensing one of his swords underneath a nearby stone, Zoro retrieves it and begins
to notice the 'breathing' of the world around him, cutting a nearby tree branch, however the tree
branch remained unscathed.

Finally understanding his old sensei's words; Zoro prepares to meet Mr. 1's final attack with one
of his own, an Ittoryu technique. The assassin asks if one sword would be enough before charging
ahead with Atomic Spurt, confident in his ability to finally kill Zoro. However using his new
technique, Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson, Zoro successfully cuts through Mr. 1's steel body for t he first
time and defeats the assassin.

At the palace of Alubarna, before Chaka could attack Crocodile, a number of mysterious figures
appear to interrupt him, revealed to be the Tsumegeri Guards. Having gotten through the palace
gates that were blocked by Miss All Sunday, the Tsumegari Guards prepare to attack, respectfully
ignoring Cobra’s pleas to not attack Crocodile. Crocodile gives them one chance to retreat,
however they ignore him, and Chaka notices strange marks on the Tsumegeri Guards, showing
immediate concern. Miss All Sunday offers to fight them, however Crocodile declined. Cobra and
Vivi also notice something "off" about the Tsumegeri Guards, and they realize they drank the Hero
Water, special water that increases their power for a brief period of time, which will later kill them.
Desperate to show Crocodile how much Alabasta has suffered, the Tsumegeri Guards attack him,
however he evades by turning into sand. Mocking the Tsumegari Guards, Crocodile sits behind
and waits while they suffer from the fatal side effects of drinking the Hero Water.

Chaka, enraged, transforms and goes after Crocodile, who notices that he is a Zoan Devil Fruit
eater. Chaka reveals he has eaten the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Jackal, transforming into a jackal,
and attacks Crocodile with Howling Fangs, however the Shichibukai evades again by turning into
a sand, commenting that Chaka is also the type to die for others.

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Back at the northern area, Mr. 1, defeated by Zoro, expresses surprise that Zoro grew so much in
a single fight. Mr. 1 asks if Zoro is going to start cutting through diamond next, and Zoro replies
that would be a waste, while Mr. 1 faints. While Zoro wonders how the others are doing, he
collapses, having lost too much blood. Sanji reflects back to Usopp complaining over being paired
with Eyelashes, who is a camel, and tells Usopp he only saves ladies when Usopp demanded Sanji
to save them when they are in trouble. Back in real time, Sanji asks why Usopp was crying, and
Usopp said that he was told by Miss Merry Christmas that Luffy was dead. Sanji, telling Usopp
and Chopper not to believe that, informs them that getting to the palace is their top priority. Nami,
managing to untangle the wires around an unconscious Miss Doublefinger from her Clima-Tact,
realizes the rebels are reaching farther into the city, and begins to make her way to the palace to
rendezvous with the others.

At the palace, Vivi, Cobra, and the royal army are concerned for Chaka, who was effortlessly
defeated by Crocodile. While an unknown figure calls out for Vivi, a timer until the bomb explosion
is revealed, showing there are 25 minutes left.

The mysterious figure calling Vivi’s name from the previous chapter is revealed to be Kohza, who
is shocked to see members of the royal army, including Chaka and Cobra, beaten and immobilized
by Crocodile, the "country's hero". Crocodile and Miss All Sunday's words and presence make
Kohza realize the current situation, and asks Vivi who stole Alabasta’s rain. Crocodile tells Kohza
it was him, and also mentions how amusing it was to have Kohza, and the royal and rebel armies
dancing on the palm of his hand. While Crocodile continues mocking Kohza, Cobra tells Kohza
not to listen to him, and suggests to him to go out and try to prevent anymore needless bloodshed
from happening. As Chaka tells Kohza that Alubarna will be destroyed in less than half an hour,
Kohza hurries away from the palace, only to be stopped by Vivi. Vivi shouts at Kohza that telling
the rebels about the bomb would create too much confusion and the war would not stop and no
one will be saved that way, prompting Crocodile to praise Vivi's judgment. While Vivi tells Kohza
to try and stop the rebellion, Crocodile steps forward, not wanting that to happen, and attacks
Kohza, however a greatly injured Chaka manages to block the attack. Chaka says that as long as
he has breath in him, he will fight, and Crocodile mentions that was what stupidity is. As Chaka
offers to hold back Crocodile, Kohza has a flashback of training under Chaka as a child.

It is then announced that the rebels are making their way to the northern area and has almost
reached the palace. Vivi and Kohza yell to the confused royal army members to hold up white
flags, signaling their surrender. Kohza, wanting to stop the war altogether, also wishes to tell the
rebel army that the entire fight was pointless. The rebels appear, only to realize the royal army,
including Kohza, are waving white flags. Kohza attempts to tell the rebels the fight is over,
however he is shot from behind by a few royal army members, shown to be Baroque Works
members incognito. Thinking the royal army is rebelling, the rebels begin to attack.

As Kohza has been shot by Baroque Works members disguised as royal army members, a
member of the royal army confronts them, not knowing they are spies, and demands to know why
they shot Kohza. Crocodile then creates sand in between the royal army and rebel army, obscuring
both sides' eyesight. More royal army members are shot, revealing that Baroque Works members
infiltrated both sides to make sure they continue fighting. Ignoring Vivi’s and Kohza's pleas to
stop fighting, the rebel and royal army engage each other yet again. Miss All Sunday praises Vivi's
determination, however she comments that Vivi's voice cannot reach them now. Vivi declines
Cobra’s demand to escape from Crocodile, confronting the Shichibukai and telling him that she
still can save lives if she prevents the explosion 15 minutes from now. Grabbing Vivi's throat,
Crocodile mocks her, saying that idealism can only be brought to realize by people with the ability
to physically make it happen. Crocodile criticizes Vivi's decision of not telling the rebels about the

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explosion in 15 minutes, commenting that even though there would be panic, she would at least
be able to save a few thousand lives. Crocodile then praises Vivi's hard work the past 2 years by
spying on his organization from the inside, however he boldly tells her that she cannot save this

As he drops her off the palace wall, a flying figure arrives, much to the shock of Crocodile, who
notices Luffy riding on top of the flying figure, having survived the previous confrontation. While
Luffy yells out Crocodile's name in anger, Crocodile shows visible annoyance that Luffy has
returned, while Vivi is relieved.

Luffy and Pell manage to catch Vivi in the air, who was falling to her death. Vivi tearfully tells Luffy
that the main regiment soldiers were beaten, the central square will be blown up, and that she
cannot save her country, while Luffy comforts her, telling her that her voice reached them just
fine. Zoro and Nami, both injured from their fights, are seen running toward the plaza, Zoro
carrying Nami despite his more serious injuries. Landing in front of the palace, Pell tells Luffy to
be careful, and Luffy replies that he won't lose anymore, after eating a ton of meat and his blood
is surging. Usopp, Chopper, Sanji, Zoro and Nami, all noticing that Luffy has returned, all arrive at
the front of the palace, while Vivi expresses relief that they are all okay. Nami knocks Usopp to
the ground for giving her so much trouble, asking him why would she think she would want a "toy
for parties". Usopp tells Chopper to bury his body in the wilderness, while Sanji confronts Zoro for
letting Nami get injured. Luffy, apologizing to his crew for losing, tells them that it's time to change
everything, pulling himself to the palace rooftop to confront Crocodile.

As Crocodile reminds Luffy that he cannot be touched, Luffy manages to land a punch on the
Shichibukai, knocking a surprised Crocodile back while Luffy grabs him and uses Gomu Gomu no
Buzzsaw. Cobra is surprised that Luffy could hit Crocodile when so many others couldn't, while
Miss All Sunday is shown to be visibly impressed. Crocodile then realizes how Luff y is able to
touch him, pointing out that the giant barrel Luffy is carrying on his back is full of water. Luffy
recalls that in their first confrontation, he was able to grab Crocodile's arm when it was covered
with water, and deduces that due to water being Crocodile's weakness, that is the reason why he
stole Alabasta’s rain. Squirting more water onto his fists, Luffy prepares to fight, telling Crocodile
their fight is only just beginning.

In Alubarna, Usopp is asked to find the shooter that will set off the bomb to blow up the city.
Usopp states that since the bomb will produce a five kilometer blast radius, the shooter must be
about 2.5 kilometers away. However, Vivi states that the shooters could be very close, as
Crocodile would be the kind of person to kill his own comrades. Zoro and Sanji react in surprise,
but suddenly notice and knock out a Baroque Works soldier trying to attack Vivi, stunning the
group. Looking up, they see a large group of Baroque Works soldiers who say that if they kill
Princess Vivi, they will earn a promotion. Sanji asks Zoro how much time he plans on taking, and
Zoro states that they have to make every second count. Turning back to the soldiers, they state
"two seconds" and begin their attack. Chopper, Usopp, Nami, Pell, and Vivi escape, looking to find
somewhere safe. With the soldiers taken care of, Zoro and Sanji leave too, as Vivi wonders if they
will be able to make it with only ten minutes left.

At the palace, Crocodile asks Luffy if he wants to defeat him, and Luffy answ ers with a yes.
Crocodile says that even though Luffy was in danger, he could still see through his ability, but due
to his age, Luffy thinks that with the knowledge, he will be able to defeat Crocodile. Crocodile says
that this is wrong, and that he is one of the Shichibukai, prompting Luffy to say he is the eighth
god. Nefeltari Cobra is surprised to see Luffy, and Miss All Sunday tells him that Luffy is a pirate
and that Luffy will be able to live a little longer. Cobra states that Luffy is the one who brought Vivi

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to Alabasta, and Luffy launches a punch aimed at Crocodile's head. However, Crocodile easily
dodges and grabs Luffy's arm, aiming to suck it dry with his powers. Luffy, having forgotten, kicks
at Crocodile's head but misses and flies by. He drinks some more water and pours it over his
head, saying that Crocodile had said that a Devil Fruit becomes stronger if it is used in different
ways. Luffy then punches again, but strums his arm, making it appear as several punches at once,
using Gomu Gomu no Shotgun. Crocodile attacks with Desert Spada, destroying part of the
palace, but Luffy dodges and punches at Crocodile again.

Crocodile says that Luffy always uses the same technique, but this time, Luffy runs at Crocodile
and smacks him in the face, saying that he is totally confident. Crocodile falls, and Luffy tries to
soak the Shichibukai by throwing the whole water barrel at him; however, Crocodile uses Sables
to create a sandstorm that nearly blows Luffy away. Luffy barely manages to save the water barrel,
and Crocodile laughs at him, saying that Luffy is really getting into the fight. Crocodile continues,
saying the fight is no different, because if Luffy loses the water barrel then he is out of tricks. Luffy
then states that he is different from last time, and drinks all the water, causing Crocodile to
wonder if he is serious. However, he springs a leak, causing Miss All Sunday to laugh and causing
Crocodile to wonder if he understands the situation. Crocodile yells at Luffy, asking him if he is
joking, but Luffy spits water on him before hitting Crocodile with a Gomu Gomu no Bazooka, saying
he is always serious.

With Luffy turning into Mizu Luffy, he attacks Crocodile with more success this time. Cobra is
surprised to see how Luffy could hit and attack Crocodile but Miss All Sunday states that it is not
the time for him to appreciate it and that he must hurry and take her to the poneglyph. Cobra
asks to what reason does she have to see the poneglyph but Robin answers that it does not
matter to him. Crocodile yells out Nico Robin's name to hurry up if she does not want to get dry
too, shocking Cobra upon hearing her name.

An enraged Crocodile turns the grass and trees yellow and dries the entire ground, making big
cracks. Luffy, nearly falling on one, fires a "water gun" attack but Crocodile easily absorbs it with
his right hand and states that Water Luffy has not taken away his ability and that his right hand
can absorb moisture without limits, thus, turning everything back into sand using Ground Se cco
while touching the ground.

Meanwhile, Miss All Sunday, taking Cobra as hostage, encounters the Marines with Tashigi
leading. Miss All Sunday orders them to get out of her way but the Marines tell her that it is hard
to obey that with what happened in Alubarna. Miss All Sunday then retaliates that as long as they
are "government dogs", she hates them, and that "if you guys do not get out the way.." But was
interrupted by Tashigi saying they have no meaning to do so. Miss All Sunday states then that she
has to kill them but Cobra yells to the Marines that they must stop and not to worry about him, he
then reveals to them about the bomb which will go off at 4:30 which is only seven minutes away.
Tashigi then assures him that they will save him and stop her but Miss All Sunday attacks the
Marines using her powers. A Marine, seeing her Devil Fruit power, realizes that she is Nico Robin,
the 8-yr old girl from 20 years ago who sank 6 marine ships and had a bounty of B 79,000,000
but suddenly disappeared. An angered Miss All Sunday yells at them if they want to live or die.
Tashigi then thinks that because of her ability, even with a difference in number, they still cannot
do a thing to her, so she orders a sergeant to get everyone to the palace ground and stop t he
bomb. With Tashigi alone, she is still overwhelmed by Miss All Sunday, who easily takes Tashigi's
Shigure sword and points directly at her throat.

Back at the palace, Luffy is hanging to a rail, while under him is the palace's lawn turned into a
desert. Luffy looks for Crocodile, who then suddenly appears before him and grabs his neck. Luffy

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fires a water gun attack but Crocodile dodges it and completely dehydrates him, stating that Luffy
has lost again.

Having defeated Luffy for the second time, Crocodile drops the dehydrated Straw Hat captain,
telling him to rest easy as the bomb will explode in 6 minutes. As Crocodile prepares to head to
the royal crypt, where the poneglyph is located, the shots of water Luffy fired from earlier fall back
down and land on him, re-hydrating him and saving his life. Revitalized, Luffy begins to chase
after Crocodile. At the western part of Alubarna, Cobra leads Miss All Sunday down a hidden
staircase, which leads to the poneglyph in an underground chamber. Cobra asks Miss All Sunday
if she could decipher poneglyphs, and Miss All Sunday replies that she could, which is the reason
why Crocodile partnered up with her and avoids killing her. Miss All Sunday asks Cobra if the
poneglyph showed the location of Pluton, while Cobra replies that he doesn't know, telling her
that it has been the duty of the royal family of Alabasta to protect the poneglyph for generations.
They both end up locating the poneglyph deep in the underground chamber.

Back on the surface, Usopp is seen imitating Crocodile, while Zoro hits him, asking him what the
hell he is doing. Usopp explains that he is trying to step in Crocodile's shoes to help him figure out
where he hid the bomb, while Zoro tells him to shut up and keep searching as they only got 5
minutes left. Nami asks Chopper if he could sniff out the bomb with his nose, while Chopper
replies he couldn't, as the entire town smells like gunpowder. Nami suggests that Chopper try to
pick out the scent of a bomb aiming to destroy the central square, prompting Chopper to ask her
what kind of scent that is. Sanji deduces that due to the bomb's blast diameter of 5 km, the
cannon would be very close to the palace square as it would have low accuracy, and begins to
kick his way through buildings as he has no time to run around them all. Vivi asks Pell if he could
find the bomb on the city rooftops, while Pell says that he couldn't.

Tashigi, grounded and beaten, grabs her sword as she is confronted by Luffy, who asks her which
way Crocodile went. Tashigi hesitates, recalling Crocodile confronting her after she was defeated
by Miss All Sunday. Crocodile teases her, telling her that the weak cannot upload justice, also
telling her to run back to base to discuss justice as much as she wants there. Obviously offended
by his words, Tashigi continues to hesitate, but then points the direction he went to, as Luffy
hurries towards that direction. Upset, Tashigi bangs her head on the ground, telling herself that
the ideals of "justice" and "Marine HQ" are a joke.

Luffy, running towards the royal crypt, suddenly collapses due to his injuries. Despite having eaten
so much meat, Luffy tries to get back up, but realizes he is a bit tired, and suddenly falls
unconscious on the ground. Crocodile notices the hidden staircase as Miss All Sunday tries to
read the poneglyph. It is revealed that as the Straw Hat Pirates desperately search for the cannon,
the bomb will explode in 4 minutes.

As Miss All Sunday reads through the poneglyph, she shows frustration that just this is everything
this country is hiding. Crocodile then arrives, praising the fact the poneglyph was well hidden.
Crocodile tells Miss All Sunday to read the poneglyph aloud, which she does, reading aloud many
facts about Alabasta's history. Crocodile interrupts her, telling her he is disinterested in the
country's history and he only wants to know where the location of Pluton is. Miss All Sunday tells
Crocodile that there is no mention of Pluton on the poneglyph, much to the Shichibukai’s
disappointment, however he mentions that he will now dispose of Miss All Sunday, telling her she
was more than a capable partner.

Crocodile comments that their 4-year arrangement has ended, as she had lead him to the
poneglyph as promised, saying she has been an incredibly useful woman whose contributions to

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Baroque Works are invaluable. As Crocodile tells Miss All Sunday she failed him for not giving him
any information on Pluton, he attacks her, which she barely dodges. Miss All Sunday, revealing
she was waiting for Crocodile to resort to this, pulls out a container of water from her coat, fully
aware of his weakness. Before she could pour the water on Crocodile, he turns into sand and
dodges, appearing behind Miss All Sunday and impaling her with his hook. As Miss All Sunday
falls to the ground injured, Crocodile tells her he forgives her, stating he never trusted anyone
from the beginning.

Crocodile states he is aware that Pluton exists due to Cobra’s reaction upon him mentioning the
name, realizing he can find it without needing the poneglyphs. There is a rumble in the
underground chamber, as Crocodile comments it is too soon for the bomb to explode. Cobra
reveals he moved a small pillar to prepare to bring the entire chamber down, wishing to take
Crocodile down along with himself. Crocodile, praising his motives, tells him that he can escape
due to his Devil Fruit powers, and begins to laugh over the fact that in 3 minutes all his problems
will be dealt with and he can take over Alabasta.

Back on the surface, Vivi trips and falls while she desperately runs around to search for the
cannon. Ignoring her leg injury, she tries to think of where the bomb would be with 2 minutes left.
As Usopp is hit by a stray bullet from a royal army member, he retaliates with his Smoke Star while
Vivi manages to figure out where the cannon is located. Usopp, trusting her judgment, fires his
Red Snake Star, which appears as a red flare to alert the other Straw Hats to their location. Luffy
wakes up, having taken a short nap, and finds the hidden staircase, k nowing he is close to

Luffy enters the basement and continues to look for Crocodile. He dodges the falling pillars,
pointing out that the whole chamber is falling apart. Meanwhile, Vivi assures Usopp that the bomb
is in the clock tower. Usopp writes a note for everyone else while Vivi goes ahead of him. Baroque
Works find Vivi by Usopp's signal. Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Chopper head to the signal. Usopp
scratches a blackboard with his fingernails, using Usopp Noise, to make a high noise that hurts
everyone's ears near him. He then grabs Vivi's hand and runs away, but Baroque Works chase
after them.

Luffy finally confronts Crocodile. Crocodile, angry about Luffy still being alive, asks how many
times does he have to kill Luffy until he is satisfied. Luffy replies that he had taken something
from him, the country. He has flashbacks of Vivi. He goes and kicks Crocodile's face, Crocodile
gets up and becomes angry. Luffy screams Crocodile's name and punches him in the face. As
Crocodile wonders how Luffy can still touch him even without water, he realizes that Luffy is using
the blood on his hands, which is just as effective. Luffy kicks Crocodile in the stomach. Crocodile
takes the upper part of his hook to reveal a poisonous hook. Luffy and Crocodile get into fighting
positions and start their third and last fight, surrounded by falling rubble.

Meanwhile, the Marines spot Zoro running. As Zoro prepares to fight them, the Marines yell at
Zoro that he is going the wrong way, and they tell him to go north to reach the clock tower. More
Marines defeat Baroque Works, Vivi tells Usopp to hurry but he is confused. Tashigi is among the
Marines and tells Vivi and Usopp that they will protect them and to hurry to stop the explosion
from happening.

As members of the rebel army and royal army continue their fighting, Vivi grows distracted while
running towards the clock tower. Usopp, relieved the Marines are helping them, tells Vivi not to
look or think about the fighting and just concentrate on stopping the explosion. With a minute
and a half left, Usopp and Vivi reach the clock tower, meeting up with Nami and Chopper. Vivi

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then tells them the bomb is located at the absolute top of the tower. Pell flies around, trying to
find the location of the smoke flare Usopp sent earlier, but he is suddenly shot in the air. A
mysterious figure points out that they shot down Pell with their "Ribbit Ribbit Gun".

In the underground chamber, Luffy continues his battle with Crocodile, dodging the Shichibukai’s
poisoned hook attack. Luffy lunges forward, preparing to use Gomu Gomu no Bullet, but he stops
himself as Crocodile extends his right arm, knowing that if Crocodile manages to grab him, he will
become instantly mummified again. Luffy begins to struggle trying to land attacks while avoiding
Crocodile's right hand and his poison hook. Luffy attacks again, but he is struck by Crocodile's
poison hook. Knocked back by a kick from Luffy, Crocodile comments that it is now over, as his
poison will spread all throughout Luffy's body. Luffy then tells the Shichibukai that he doesn't
understand a single thing.

Back at the clock tower, Vivi tries to search for Pell, planning to use his ability to fly to reach the
top of the tower. Nami and Usopp point out that they are forced to use the stairs as they have one
minute left, as Sanji suddenly appears on a high floor of the building, waving down at the others.
Zoro also appears, at an even higher floor, his explanation being that the Marines told him to go
north, which he mistook as "up". Vivi begins to lose hope, as she points out that the clock tower
can only be reached by a secret staircase, any forcefully entering would probably trigger the
explosion prematurely. Nami stops Vivi from going to the stairs, stating she has a plan. The Straw
Hats notice two figures standing by the bomb in the clock tower, revealed to be Mr. 7 and Miss
Father’s Day, the latter responsible for shooting Pell out of the air. There are 30 seconds left until
the bomb explodes.

Members of Baroque Works disguised as the rebel army confront the Marines, asking them if
they would really attack innocent civilians getting caught into the battle. Tashigi cuts him off,
cutting him down, then telling the Marines to use their own senses to identify the enemies. Tashigi
then notices that there is hardly any time left before 4:30. At the clock tower, Mr. 7 and Miss
Father’s Day wonder if they will be promoted if they succeed in their mission. With time running
out, Mr. 7 prepares to light the fuse to the cannon holding the bomb.

In the underground chamber, Crocodile wonders why Luffy can keep on fighting despite the odds,
as Luffy continues to relentlessly attack the Shichibukai. Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Gatling, which
Crocodile manages to dodge with high speed. Crocodile mentions that Luffy is growing numb from
the poison, also mentioning that win or lose, Luffy will be buried under rubble, calling it a miracle
that Luffy can still stand after 2 prior fights with him and taking a ridiculous amount of damage.

Back at the clock tower, Mr. 7 prepares to light the fuse to the bomb, with 15 seconds left. Nami
begins to go through with her plan, calculating something while Chopper, in his Walk Point, stands
on top of Usopp, with Vivi sitting on top of Chopper. Miss Father's Day tells Mr. 7 she wishes to do
a countdown, with 13 seconds left. Nami uses Cyclone Tempo, aiming for Usopp's crotch,
prompting him to propel himself along with Chopper and Vivi high into the air, to Sanji’s location.
Chopper, carrying Vivi with him, then jump on Sanji's leg, who launches them even higher to Zoro’s
location. Zoro prepares to launch Vivi and Chopper using his swords, while he warns Vivi that two
weirdos are up there with the bomb. There are 10 seconds left. Before Zoro could launch, Mr. 7
and Miss Father's Day notice the Straw Hats, preparing to fire at them while they are stuck

Meanwhile at the chamber, Crocodile yells at Luffy that he could have avoided all of this if he had
just abandoned a couple friends, and Luffy yells back saying that because Vivi is his friend, he

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doesn't want her to die, arguing that as long as Vivi doesn't give up on her country, he and his
crew won't stop fighting either, even if they die.

With 7 seconds left, Zoro plans to launch Chopper and Vivi towards the bomb, as Mr. 7 and Miss
Father's Day aim their guns at them, telling Chopper it is up to him.

Luffy ends up collapsing due to his injuries and the poison circulating through his body, while
Crocodile mocks him. Crocodile then tells him that if he (Luffy) cannot defeat him, then everything
Luffy has been through up until now will have been for naught. Crocodile then criticizes Luffy,
calling him a small-time pirate who had just starting sailing, and mocks him even further.

At the clock tower, Zoro launches Chopper and Vivi upwards, as Mr. 7 and Miss Father’s Day fire
their weapons at Zoro, further injuring the swordsman. Chopper is shown in his Heavy Point,
having thrown Vivi toward the tower with all his might, and transforms back to his Brain Point to
dodge Mr. 7 and Miss Father's Day's attack in the air. With 3 seconds left, Vivi, flying towards the
Baroque Works agents, uses her Kujakki String Slasher Runback to evade the sniping duo's
attack and knock them out of the clock tower.

With one second left, Vivi desperately tries to put out the fuse, while Crocodile shouts out that it's
over. While awaiting the fate of Alubarna, a flashback is shown of several children asking a young
Vivi to play with them. A royal army member asks Chaka to do something about the kids, while
Pell tells Vivi to have fun as she heads out for a secret base. Later, Chaka asks Pell where Vivi
has went, only for Pell to reply that it's a secret. Chaka, however, realizes she headed for the clock
tower, commenting that the weather is nice.

Back in real time, Usopp asks if they were successful in stopping the explosion, as the rebels and
royals continue fighting. It was revealed that Vivi managed to cut the fuse with her Peacock
Slashers just in the nick of time. However, a ticking sound can still be heard, and Crocodile
explains to Cobra that a plan is something that covers all possible scenarios, revealing that the
bomb is actually a timer to explode on its own (with the difference amounting to several seconds),
Crocodile having set this up just in case something went wrong with the manual fuse. Vivi,
confirming this, relays this information to the perplexed Straw Hat Pirates.

As Vivi watches the ticking bomb, she remembers Crocodile’s words, calling her idealism
unbearable and sickening, and that no matter what she does she cannot save this country. The
Straw Hats realize that the ticking bomb will still destroy most of Alubarna with 5 km blast
diameter, and they begin to panic. Vivi, furious at Crocodile for constantly making people look like
fools, starts to cry in anguish, as someone is seen standing behind her.

At the underground chamber, Luffy stands back up, claiming that Crocodile can't beat him.
Crocodile remarks that Luffy is on the verge of death, and his words at this point are all bark and
no bite. While Luffy yells out that he will become the Pirate King, Crocodile attacks him with his
hook, which Luffy dodges and uses his leg to divert the attack to the ground, breaking the hook.
Luffy then says he will surpass Crocodile.

The man standing behind Vivi is revealed to be Pell, who calmly remembers Vivi's childhood and
the Suna Suna Clan while Vivi desperately tries to tell him about the ticking bomb. In a flashback,
Pell angrily slaps a young Vivi, asking her why she is in a dangerous place, also asking her what
would he do if she had been seriously hurt. Vivi is then shown riding on top of Pell in his Falcon
form, even though the king has forbade this. Vivi asks why Pell trains, and Pell responds by

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needing to get stronger to protect what needs to be protected. Back in real time, Pell mentions to
Vivi that protecting the Nefeltari household is considered to be his proudest honor.

Pell then transforms into a falcon and uses his talons to grab the bomb, flying high in the air,
much to the shock of Vivi and the Straw Hats watching him. As Pell says to himself that he is the
guardian of Alabasta that vanquishes all enemies of the royal household, he flies higher and
higher into the air, when the bomb finally explodes, letting off a tremendous explosion, however
Alubarna remained unharmed.

Even from the great height above Alubarna, the bomb's blast radius reaches the fighting armies
below and blows most off of their feet; including Tashigi and Usopp. Shocked, Vivi and the Straw
Hat Pirates are the only ones to witness Pell’s sacrifice to save the country.

However, it is not long before Usopp and Chopper notice the rebels and royal army standing up
again only to continue the now pointless war. Tashigi tries to intervene in the fight, on ly for a
nearby marine to pull her aside from the dangerous battle. Calling from above, Vivi yells for the
armies to stop fighting over and over again, however her voice fails to reach the soldiers fighting
below. Touched by her words, Nami pleads with her crewmates to help stop the fighting and save
anyone they can as Vivi continues to shout from above.

Back inside the Tomb of the Kings, Luffy and Crocodile continue their own battle. Despite his
normally intangible body, Crocodile is still being struck by Luffy who continues to exploit his Devil
Fruit’s weakness. Landing a volley of devastating blows, Crocodile is left bewildered as to where
Luffy continues to draw his strength from as the poison inside his body should already be working.
Thinking back to the Straw Hat Pirates' progress over Alabasta and his organization's inability to
stop them, the rogue Shichibukai becomes enraged and reveals a secondary knife from his
prosthetic. Asking the rookie before him if he even knew who he was fighting, Luffy responds by
saying he does not care, and that he will surpass him.

Kicking Crocodile into the air, the powerful pirate attacks below with Sables: Pesado which
creates a large shock wave upon impact. Enduring the attack, Luffy inflates himself and twists
around, blowing all the air downwards to launch himself into the air with great momentum and
spin. The two then launch their final techniques, only for Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Storm to
overpower and break through Crocodile's Desert la Spada. Beating the veteran pirate through
bedrock and out into the sky over the plaza, Luffy falls down into the tomb; finally defeating

Luffy's final attack sends Crocodile smashing through the roof of the mausoleum, through solid
bedrock, and into the air, knocking over several buildings in the process. Meanwhile, the war is
still going with the Straw Hat Pirates still fighting. Sanji sees that Crocodile is sent flying through
the sky and tells the others to look as well. Vivi sees Crocodile still flying from Luffy's attac k. At
that moment, she thinks back to the time where Luffy remarks that he will defeat Crocodile and
that all he needed to do was blast him off. Back at the catacombs, Luffy starts to fall down
following his attack finishing attack on Crocodile. Cobra is astonished and looks in awe wondering
how it was possible for Luffy to do such a thing through so many layers of rock. Back at the
surface, Straw Hats rejoice over Luffy's victory over the Shichibukai. Meanwhile, Vivi tries to end
the war. She yells as loud as she can for everyone to stop the bloodshed since there are no more
enemies, but no one listens to her. Suddenly, it begins to rain out of the blue, and the fighting
slowly comes to a halt. Tashigi is also surprised by the rain and notices that people are starting
to stop fighting. Afterwards, both Luffy and Crocodile crash into the ground at the same time. At
the catacombs, Cobra asks Luffy is he is alright. On the surface, Vivi once again urges for the

Alabasta Alabasta

people to stop fighting. This time, with the help of the rain, the people start listening to her and
the war finally comes to an end with Vivi saying that the nightmares have ended. The catacombs
begin to collapse, unable to withstand Luffy's fury at Crocodile. As a result of the fight and
poisoning he got from his fight with Crocodile, Luffy is unable to move and is very weak. Cobra
goes over to Luffy and thanks him for saving his country, to which Luffy replies that it was no
problem. Afterwards, more of the catacombs begin to crumble.

While the rains continues to fall, and despite Vivi’s words, the two armies still continue to distrust
each other. However the princess receive helps from 2 of her friends she thought dead. Chaka
appears in front of the royal army and order them to stop while on the rebel's side Igaram, carrying
a wounded Kappa, reveals them that the King, who started the up rise by killing innocent people,
was a fake. After the truth is revealed, all the weapons are put down and peace finally comes to

Vivi, relieved that Igaram is alive, runs down from the tower searching after her Straw Hats friends,
but they have left, searching after their captain. They found him unconscious carried on the back
of a beard man. When they are finally rejoined by Vivi, she reveals them that the bea rd man is
none other than her father, the king of Alabasta, who explained to them what happened in the
Royal Tomb. The Straw Hat Pirates then ask Vivi and her father to hurry to the place so that they
can conclude formally the battle, when asked to come with her, they decline as being pirates,
they can not be given honor.

Once alone, everyone collapse for a well deserved rest.

Meanwhile Tashigi the Marines finds the unconscious Crocodile and arrest him for his betrayal
against the government. While Cobra reassures his people by forgiving the rebels and asking
everyone to help him rebuild their country. Alabasta's sorrow has finally ended.

Rain has finally once again fallen over Alabasta after three years. Aboard a Baroque Works ship
in south Alubarna, Smoker is berating a colleague for suggesting that he used the Dance Powder,
stating he knows well the difference between right and wrong. Changing the subject, the
colleague is introduced as Marine Captain "Black Cage" Hina. She is annoyed with Smoker for
using some of her best troops to search a ship, which Smoker reports was for the sake of a fellow
marine. Hina calls Smoker out on this further, stating that he's always treated Tashigi a little
differently. Smoker ignores this, asking Hina to take the Baroque Works ship back to Marine
Headquarters along with Crocodile. Hina asks what gives him the right to order her around, and
Smoker responds by having her call a coin toss in the air. Losing, she becomes even further
annoyed with Smoker and tells him that he never changes.

Back in town, Tashigi has ordered her subordinates not to lay a hand on the unconscious Straw
Hats, much to their frustration. Vivi sees Kohza being carried away for medical attention, and
comes to his side to inquire about his wounds. She asks him not to die, as his father is still waiting
for him back in Yuba. Amused at how much Vivi has always cared for others, he assures her that
he also inherited his father's stubborn life force, and he will be just fine. He then promises he will
go back to him when his wounds are healed. The country continues to rejoice at the rainfall, even
the kung-fu dugongs are celebrating. Toto is shown as well, wondering if his son could see it.

In the Royal Palace, the Straw Hats are all fast asleep and recovering while Vivi watches the
rainfall from the window. Igaram eventually joins her, tucking the Straw Hats in as they reflect on
the day's events. The next day, Tashigi arrives at Alubarna's eastern port to rendezvous with
Smoker and Hina. She is visibly upset at her role (or lack thereof) in Crocodile's defeat, and

Alabasta Alabasta

apologizes to Smoker for not only helping the pirates, but allowing them to escape. Smoker isn't
accepting of her apology, asking her if she pursued her own justice like he instructed. She laments
that helping from the back was the only thing that she was capable of doing, and that such is not
her justice. Smoker tries to further appease her feelings of inadequacy, but she blows it off and
tearfully walks away. This pushes Smoker to his boiling point, and he yells at Tashigi to do
something about it other than crying. He implores her to try getting stronger then, to which she
clinches her sword and tearfully vows that she will.

Smoker instructs the marines to bring Crocodile aboard the ship, as they inform him that a call is
coming in from Marine base. The person on the other line informs Smoker that he and Tashigi
will be receiving medals and promotions for their defeat of Crocodile. In a fit of rage, Smoker cuts
him off and tells him that it was the Straw Hats that were responsible for the downfall of Baroque
Works and Crocodile, not them. Hina tries to reason with Smoker that resistance is pointless, as
the World Government has decided to try and cover up the pirates role in Alabasta's liberation.
Smoker angrily replies that the cover up is precisely why Tashigi is crying right now. He then yells
at the marine correspondent on the other line to tell the high-ranking officials responsible for this
to "go eat shit", and that this is "real" justice.

Chopper has awoken from his rest and proceeds to his medical care of the Straw Hat Pirates,
much to the astonishment of one of the Royal Palace's doctors. He praises Chopper further after
Nefeltari Vivi mentions that he hails from Drum Kingdom (known for their doctors), stating that
after 40 years as a doctor he has seen nothing like it. Chopper handles the praise in vintage
fashion by humbly accepting it but yelling at them to stop at the same time, even pulling up a
chair for the doctor to sit next to him. Vivi looks on with a smile as she continues to assist.

The people of the city have begun to rebuild after the war. Sanji and Usopp walk the streets
restocking on necessary supplies, as Usopp comments on how strong the people are. As they
reach the area of town decimated by the encounter between Commodore Smoker, Portgas D.
Ace, and Monkey D. Luffy, Sanji notices something.

In another area, Zoro has already started training again. He believies that he cannot consider
himself stronger if he cannot draw upon the power he used to defeat Mr. 1 at will. Nami is
browsing Nefeltari Cobra’s personal book collection, as he is letting her keep all of them. At the
entrance to the palace, Chaka is arguing with the Marines over harboring pirates, ironically just
as Sanji and Usopp are returning. He asks them if they've gotten everything they need, and then
comically returns to arguing with the Marines, asking if they can prove the pirates are actually
there. Sanji and Usopp comment that its going to get really loud when "he" wakes up.

Sure enough, Luffy awakens in a roar, wondering where his hat and breakfast are. Vivi commends
Luffy for his high spirits, and he tells her that he is like this all the time. Nami however reminds
him of just how serious his condition was, and he thanks them for their care. Just as he does,
Zoro returns from his training, inciting Chopper's anger. Zoro tries to brush off the medical risk as
his own problem, to which Chopper asserts his position as ship doctor; reminding him that he
said not to take off his bandages. Zoro retorts that the bandages make it hard to move, and
Chopper angrily replies that the bandages are there so he doesn't move. Luffy is incredibly
shocked to find out that he'd slept for 3 whole days, equating this to 15 meals (5 a day as Usopp
points out). Vivi assures Luffy that she's had dinner prepared, and as she does Igaram's wife,
Terracotta, enters to confirm dinner will be ready in half an hour. However, her striking
resemblance to Igaram himself confuses both Luffy and Zoro, causing the latter to actually ask
her if she's a cross-dresser. After Vivi clarifies she is the palace's Head Servant, Terracota
continues on to explain that she'd heard Luffy eats a lot before dinner, and provides him with fruit

Alabasta Alabasta

in the meantime. Luffy warns her of his appetite, but she assures Luffy that she has worked at
the palace for 30 years and will not disappoint.

At the dinner in the Royal Palace, Luffy has consumed his food so fast that the servers are
struggling to keep up and he has actually begun eating everyone else's food. This in turn causes
them to try and eat their own food faster, and chaos ensues. Usopp gets Luffy to eat an extremely
hot pepper and laughs at his anguish, but when Eyelashes joins in he wonders how the camel got
there. While the palace guards are visibly annoyed by the unprecedented commotion at the dinner
table, they are pleased to see the Princess Vivi enjoying herself after all that she has been
through. The antics eventually win them over as well, and they too join the laughter and happiness
the occasion brings.

The crew enters the bathhouses (separated by gender) afterwards. Luffy and Usopp fall and hit
their heads trying to see who can get to the bath first. As Zoro helps bathe Chopper, Luffy and
Usopp pretend to spar with each other, apparently in an attempt to mock Zoro. However Zoro
notices that they are completely naked as they're doing this, and asks what they're doing. Sanji
asks Igaram where the girl's baths are. This infuriates Igaram and he denies, but Cobra tells them
anyway, prompting more anger from him. Nami and Vivi are bathing together, and as they switch
for each other's backs, they catch the guys peeping over the wall. Vivi is appalled, but Nami isn't
surprised in the least, even charging them all B100,000 a piece.

As Nami and Vivi continue their bath, Nami tells her that they are thinking of leaving Alabasta that
night. Now that Luffy has fully recovered, they no longer have a reason to stay. Furthermore, the
Marines are guarding the coast and the Going Merry will be in danger. On Cobra's side, he thanks
the crew for their help with the country (though the guys initially think its for the peeping). Cobra
then bows before the Straw Hats to thank them again, much to their shock. Igaram tells Cobra
that he should not bow as a King, but Cobra tells him that status exists with their clothing, and as
naked men in the bath there is no King. Cobra clarifies that he is thanking the crew as a father,
with a citizen's heart.

As the Straw Hats regroup in their room later, they discuss leaving that night. The decision is given
to Luffy, but he says that should have another meal in Alabasta before they go, earning him a
beat down from the crew. In another room, Chaka and Igaram are discussing an extremely
important turn of events as bounty posters sit on the table. These posters are revealed to be Luffy
and Zoro's: Luffy's bounty has increased to 100 million, while Zoro has gained his first, of 60
million. Igaram wonders if there is any escape for Luffy after having defeated one of the

Igaram walks in the room to find the Straw Hat Pirates had already left. He asks Vivi why, and she
simply replies that they are pirates. Jango and Fullbody are seen dancing after capturing an
enemy ship. Hina is talking to a marine about getting ready to capture the Straw Hat Pirates.
However, the marine reports that their ship is missing.

Luffy, and his crew are now riding in the desert, on the Super Spot -Billed Duck Squad. Nami is
concerned, and the crew asks her if it is about Vivi. However, Nami replies that she forgot to ask
Vivi for their payment.

Igaram is worried about the Straw Hat Pirates, due to their new bounties. But Vivi reassures
Igaram, saying that it's useless as the pirates would only celebrate at becoming even more
infamous. Vivi is revealed to have a speech the next day.

Alabasta Alabasta

Vivi thinks of before the Straw Hat Pirates left. Someone brought in a Den Den Mushi, and the
pirates find out that the caller was Mr. 2. Mr. 2 told them that he took their ship away, an d
everyone was outraged at losing their ship. However, Mr. 2 told them that he's their friend and
then hung up. The Straw Hats discussed about what to do, but in the end, they decided to trust
Mr. 2.

Vivi is torn between continuing to travel with her friends, or to stay and remains as the princess
of Alabasta. Nami gives her 12 hours to decide what Vivi should do.

Now, the Straw Hat Pirates has reached where Mr. 2 is. The crew distrusts him, as he is one of
the Baroque Works agents. However, Mr. 2 tells them that the Baroque Works is over, and he
saved the crew's ship from the Marines. Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp celebrates that Mr. 2 is still
their friends.

A marine reports to Hina that they had found the Straw Hat Pirates and she instructs them to
prepare for battle.

Igaram awakens in a sweat from a nightmare of Vivi announcing her intentions of becoming a
pirate. He frantically rushes to her room and barges inside where he instead finds her being fitted
for a dress by his wife Terracotta and another palace servant, quickly earning their ire for his
intrusion. Dumbfounded and embarrassed, he is beaten up and kicked out when it's determined
that he doesn't actually have anything to say. Upon exiting, he notices Cobra has been there as
well. Cobra tells Igaram that his wife is a scary woman, revealing he's been beat up as well. This
infuriates Igaram, asking the king what exactly he tried to do.

Vivi wonders if her dress is too tight, but Terracotta tells her that this is exactly what a Princess
should look like. She comments on how the town square is already filling up with people, despite
telling them that the Princess' speech wasn't until 10 a.m. She resolves that it only makes sense
however, as the speech has been delayed for 2 years: Vivi was originally supposed to give her
coming-of-age speech when she was 14 years old. Vivi wonders if she can say anything of note,
but Terracotta assures her that she only needs to show that she has matured into adulthood.
Cobra has arranged for every Alabasta citizen to hear her speech. In another area, Chaka
mentions to Igaram that there is no longer anything they can do about the battle at their port.

At port, the Straw Hats have begun battle with the Marines. Luffy yells at them to fire cannonballs,
since he can actually bounce those back, as the Going Merry’s hull has been pierced by several
iron spears. Nami instructs the crew to brace for more, and Chopper, who has been doing the
patchwork for the damage, indicates that he cannot keep up. They are outnumbered eight ships
to one, and the Marine ship formation they are surrounded by makes chasing or escaping from
them near impossible. Jango and Fullbody brag about their unit's formation. Luffy is surprised
due to remembering Jango as a pirate, while Sanji doesn't remember Fullbody at all. Fullbody
boasts about his new abilities, and Jango attempts to hypnotize the crew, but they are blindsided
by a devastating blow to their ship. Luffy mistakenly believes it was Usopp, and praises him
accordingly. As Usopp tries to brag about the exploit, Mr. 2’s subordinates inform him there is a
problem, in the form of "Black Cage" Hina. Luffy is clueless as to who this is, and Bon Kurei
attempts to explain. Hina's fleet is seen approaching the crew. She comments that they've
weakened the Straw Hats, but warns her subordinates not to get too cocky. She implores them
all to stand back once they reach them, as they will only get in the way.

Bon Kurei is frantically explaining to the Straw Hats that they need to escape through the opening
that they've created to south. Luffy tells him he can go, but that the Straw Hats would be staying.

Alabasta Alabasta

Bon Kurei is appalled by this, as Nami explains that they made a promise to be at the Eastern
Port. He wonders if they are doing this for the sake of some treasure, to which Luffy happily
responds that they will be picking up a friend. Bon Kurei is even further taken aback by this,
surprised that the crew would go to such lengths for a friend. Back in town, the square has
completely filled up to witness Princess Vivi deliver her speech. In the palace, Cobra enters his
daughters's chambers (with her permission this time). He begins talking, but before he can finish
his thought he is pleasantly surprised by how much Vivi resembles her mother. Vivi mentions that
she has something important to discuss, and both Cobra and Igaram brace themselves for the

Aboard the Going Merry, Bon Kurei's subordinates are confused by his sudden change in
behavior. He asks them and the Straw Hats alike, if they can eat a meal the same after knowing
that they abandoned a friend who was risking themselves to save another friend. On Hina's ship,
one of the Marines notices that the Going Merry and Bon Kurei's ship are now going in opposite
directions. He concludes that Bon Kurei's ship must be a decoy for the Straw Hats to escape with
the Merry. However, after spotting the Straw Hats aboard Bon Kurei's ship, he tells Hina instead
that the Going Merry must actually be the decoy. Hina spots Luffy aboard Bon Kurei's ship with
her binoculars to confirm, and immediately closes in on the vessel.

Nami comments that they now have three minutes, and need to move full speed ahead. Having
closed the gap to Bon Kurei's ship, Hina confronts the Straw Hats. Upon closer inspection
however, it is revealed that they are actually being impersonated by various members of Bon
Kurei's crew, while he himself used his powers to copy Luffy's appearance. One of Hina's men
comments on how the Going Merry is now headed back to Alubarna's eastern port, and Bon Kurei
chides Hina for falling into his trap. He announces his crew's reputation as masters of disguise,
and more importantly, their status as friends of Luffy. With this he challenges Hina to come at
him if she dares, and the battle ensues. As the Straw Hats sail away, Luffy, Chopper, Usopp, and
Sanji promise to never forget Bon Kurei's sacrifice.

In a flashback, Vivi and Igaram are discussing an organization that has been plaguing the country.
Most notably, they are conversing over the fact that no one knows the organization's leader, even
its members. That being the case, it is no longer possible to obtain information on them from the
outside, and doing so would only further place the country at risk. Vivi finds solace in that they've
caught the organization's tail however, and the smile she puts on in light of her optimism frightens
Igaram greatly. She asks him if he knows what she's thinking, which Igaram nervously denies and
attempts to get away. When she stops him he tries to remind her how dangerous this is , which
ironically only reinforces her will, telling him that she can't stand by and do nothing. In present
time, the Royal Palace doors have opened, and the Princess begins walking out to address her
audience in the town square.

At the port, the Straw Hats have again engaged in battle with the Marines. The Marines are
proving no match, as Luffy yells for them to get out of their way. The Princess has made it to the
balcony where she will deliver her speech, however the clock tower shows the time is noon (t he
speech was scheduled for 10 a.m.) As Vivi begins her speech, her flashback ends with Igaram
asking her if she has the resolve to keep herself alive until she sees her task through. The country
is absolutely delighted to hear and see her maturity, though a few people wonder why it started
late. Cobra is seen smiling, and hopes that "it" won't cause too much of a fuss. Toto tries get
Kohza to watch with him, but he tells his father that the speech is playing over the speakers and
it can be heard throughout the entire city. Vivi continues her speech, elaborating on her initial
feelings of fear and uneasiness at just how large the world was beyond her country. Drawing a
metaphor to the Straw Hats, in the midst of her darkest times she describes coming across a ship

Alabasta Alabasta

that helped her see the light in front of her. She elaborates on how the ship never lost its way in
the darkness, and crossed over monstrous waves as if they were dancing. As she continues to
describe this mysterious force that helped her through, more and more townspeople become
confused as to what she's referring to, revealing that some people believe the Marines were
responsible for helping her.

The Straw Hats have made it to the meeting location, and they have heard Vivi's speech as well.
Sanji resolves that Vivi's participation in the coming-of-age ceremony means she decided not to
come, which Luffy doesn't want to believe. He even tries to suggest getting off the ship and looking
for her, but Usopp warns everyone that more Marines are coming. Sanji makes another attempt
to convince Luffy they should leave, and reminds him that Vivi's situation is a lot different from
their own when they all joined the crew. Luffy doesn't say anything back this time, but is still clearly

Back at the Palace in Alubarna, the crowd has grown angry as it is revealed the Princess is actually
Igaram in disguise. They wonder where Vivi is giving her speech from, as Igaram concludes that
she must have made it "there" by now. As the Straw Hats begin to sail away, a voice shouts out
at them. Vivi and Carue have run all the way to the Eastern Port. The Straw Hats are overjoyed to
see her again, and they prepare to turn the ship around. However, Vivi states that she has actually
come to say goodbye, and begins speaking into the receiver for the whole country to hear. She
states that she cannot come with the Straw Hats, but thanks them for everything up until now, as
the townspeople become baffled by who she's talking to. As she continues her speech, the
Marines in pursuit of the Straw Hats notice her on the coast. She continues on to say that she'd
love to go on another adventure, but she can't because she loves her country too much. Luffy
finally accepts that she won't be able to come, and smiles in acceptance. Viv i has another
flashback of when they branded themselves with cross marks to counter Mr. 2 ’s powers, and
begins to cry. She tearfully asks the crew if they will still call her a friend if they meet again in the
future, despite her remaining here for now by choice. The Marines hear this, and inquire among
themselves about the Princess' relation to the pirates. Before Luffy can happily shout his reply,
Nami silences him due to them watching. She explains to Luffy that Vivi will be branded a criminal
if their connection to her is made known, so they are forced to say their goodbyes in silence.
Hearing nothing, Vivi sadly begins to walk away, but Carue stops her. When she turns back to the
crew, they have all raised their cross marks in the air for her in solidarity. She remembers how
they determined that this mark meant that they would always be friends, as Vivi and Carue happily
raise their marks as well. The Straw Hats then decide to set sail once more.

Marine Captain "Black Cage" Hina is finishing up the last of Mr. 2’s forces while on a
communication line with one of her colleagues. She is expressing her frustration at having been
fooled into a trap, as of Bon Kurei's men attempts to attack her. She drives her arm directly into
the attacker, and as she does her arm encompasses him in a black iron ring that completely
restrains him. "Iron Fist" Fullbody and Jango fawn over her display of power, with the former
commenting that such is the ability of the Ori Ori no Mi. Hina reveals that the colleague she is
speaking with is Smoker, and that the actual source of her disappointment is him. She is upset
with Smoker because he seemed to actually be pretty happy when Luffy got away from her.

In Alabasta, the citizens are still confused as to who Vivi was talking to, but are happy nonetheless
that their Princess is okay. They resolve to once again begin rebuilding the city. The Kung Fu
Dugongs and the various wildlife of the country are also overjoyed. In Yuba, the citizens are
confused as to why Toto is laughing so much, and he says that he will not tell any of them, leading
Kohza to believe he's gone crazy from the sandstorms. Toto is instead of thinking of his funny

Alabasta Alabasta

times with Luffy, and hopes the pirate will come back and enjoy some water some time. The
citizens discuss more repair work that needs to be done around the country, including the casino.

Cobra reflects with Igaram on how much his Vivi has grown, as various parts of the country are
shown to still be rejoicing. Chaka has come to visit Pell's grave, though he f inds it strange that he
is unable to shed any tears for his friend. Vivi and Carue watch on as the Marines attempt to
chase after the Straw Hat Pirates, finally wiping her tears. In another area of the city, a couple of
Royal Palace soldiers are discussing Eyelashes as he sits in front of them. They wonder why the
Princess has made him a member of the Super Spot-Billed Duck Squad, even though he's a
camel. At a doctor's office out in the desert, a man is leaving and thanking the doctor for his
treatment. The doctor tells him to make sure he gets some more rest, and wonders why he's in
such a hurry. At the last second the doctor yells to him that he forgot something, and holds up a
white hood adorned with stars. Vivi and Carue decide to make their way back to Alubarna, as the
narrator goes on to describe the amazing rate at which the country rebuilt itself.

Out at sea on Smoker's ship, Tashigi has finally awoken and comes to the deck. Smoker pours
her some coffee as he is looking at Luffy and Zoro’s bounty posters. Smoker recaps Zoro's exploits
from Whiskey Peak through Mr. 1's defeat, revealing that he was actually an assassin from the
West Blue known as Daz Bones. He comments on how all the powerful people that Crocodile
recruited have been taken down, and that they will now once again pursue the Straw Hats, to
which Tashigi firmly agrees.

Aboard the Going Merry, Zoro explains that the Marines are no longer pursuing them. As he talks
though, the other Straw Hats grow more and more depressed, leading him to ask what their
problem is. Chopper, Nami, Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp are all extremely sad that Vivi is no longer with
them, annoying Zoro and causing him to suggest that he should have just drug her aboard. They
each subsequently insult Zoro for suggesting this, but Usopp points out that Luffy's insult makes
no sense, only annoying Zoro further. The antics are interrupted however, by a female stowaway
commenting that they've finally made it out to sea. Zoro braces for combat, Nami is distraught,
Sanji fawns over her beauty, Usopp freaks out that an enemy is aboard, Chopper has no idea who
she is, and Luffy is somewhat surprised that she is alive. The stowaway is revealed to be Nico
Robin (who they still recognize as "Miss All Sunday") and she once again uses her abilities to
disarm them. Nami asks when she got there, and Robin reveals that she's been there the whole
time, taking a bath and reading a book. She has borrowed some of Nami's clothes, angering her

Robin asks Luffy is he remembers what he said to her, immediately prompting Sanji to get
aggressive with his captain, assuming that he said something reckless to the pretty lady. Luffy
grows even more confused, to which Robin implores him to take responsibility. Luffy finally asks
her what she wants, and Robin asks Luffy to let her join the crew.

Sky Island Jaya

Sky Island

ico Robin tries convincing the Straw Hats to why she should be on their crew by talking
about an incident in the crumbling room in the Alabasta royal palace. She rolled an
antidote for Cobra to give to Luffy, who had collapsed from Crocodile’s poison after
defeating him, expressing hope that Luffy will be able to recover. Cobra then asked her why she
lied to Crocodile about what the Poneglyph said, as it actually was about the Pluton and not about
Alabasta’s history like she claimed. Cobra realized that if she told Crocodile the truth, the
Shichibukai’s plan would have certainly succeeded. Robin replied that she did not care
about Alabasta or any country, and her goal had been to find the poneglyph containing the true
history. Robin slumped in defeat that this was all for nothing, despite Cobra's attempts to
reassure her. Suddenly, a healed Luffy picked them up and carried them out of the crumbling
room. Robin protested for Luffy to leave her because she had nothing left to live for, but Luffy

Since Luffy made her carry on with life, Robin claims that she should be a Straw Hat. Luffy
agrees, to the shock of his crew. Robin tells the Straw Hats about how she's associated with
various villains to protect herself, citing her specialty as assassination. Usopp gets very scared,
but Robin distracts Luffy and Chopper by using her devil fruit powers to tickle them. Nami swears
to remain on guard against her, until Robin shows her some jewels. With Sanji immediately
entranced by Robin and Usopp entranced by Robin's powers, Zoro finds himself the only one on

Suddenly, bits of something fall down on the Going Merry, and the crew wonders what it is. It turns
out to not be precipitation but rather a full-size galleon falling from the sky. While the Going Merry
avoids the falling ship, it is swept by a tidal wave created on impact. Some more pieces of the
ship fall down, including a skeleton. While the Straw Hats wonder how this could have happened,
Nami finds that the log pose is pointing up, worrying her. However, Robin states that the Log Pose
must be pointing to a sky island.

The chapter starts from the Straw Hats screaming about the ship that fell from the sky asking
what a Sky Island is. Luffy and Usopp gets excited about this "sky island" and Luffy orders the
crew to go skyward. As Robin makes Luffy shut up and Sanji points out the fact that there is no
possible way a ship can go skyward, she explains how she has never seen a sky island nor heard
much about it. Nami thinks the log pose is broken, but Robin denies this and says that they should
start thinking about how to go to this sky island.

Meanwhile, Zoro looks at the ship that came from above and sees Luffy and Usopp on it. He asks
Chopper what they are doing, and Chopper replies that they are having an adventure. Robin
explains to Sanji and Nami about how no matter what happens, they are never to deny a Log Pose
and that if there is something to be denied in this sea, it would be the common sense in their
brains. She says that wherever a Log Pose points, there is definitely an island. Nami shakes her
Log Pose, but it still points upward.

Robin retrieves a broken skull from a coffin in the ship that fell next to them, and says that the
holes in it are unnatural. Sanji thinks they are made from wounds that someone made to kill the
skull's owner, but Robin says that it comes from an old sugery method. Chopper agrees to this,

Sky Island Jaya

but says that it is a very old method. Robin explains how the skull's owner probably died in his
early 30's around 200 years ago, and he probably died of a sickness on his voyage. She judges
from the fact that the body is covered in rubber oil that the ship is probably an exploration ship
from the South Blue. She finds the same ship on one of her history books and says it is a ship
called St. Briss from the Briss Kingdom in the South Blue that set sail 208 years ago. Nami is
amazed Robin could tell so many things from just the bones, but Robin simply states that dead
bodies are full of information though they do not talk. She says that exploration ships tend to
have lots of information, but the ship itself is already sinking.

Nami yells at Luffy and Usopp asking what in the world they are doing, while Usopp tries to save
a drowning Luffy. When they come back on the ship, Luffy claims he found an amazing thing and
shows everyone the map of a sky island. It says "Skypiea" on it and everyone gets exited about
the fact that a sky island do exist. Nami says that the map could be fake, and that it is only a
slight 'possibility" that it actually exists. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper respond to this by staring
gloomily at Nami, and Nami says that it probably exists, but then she yells that she does not know
how to go there. Luffy yells back that Nami has to do something as she is the navigator. This
startes a quarrel between the two. After beating Luffy up, Nami states that they first need
information like Robin said, and when Usopp points out that it already sunk, Nami tells them to
salvage it. Zoro yells at them that it's impossible, while Luffy and Usopp agree, holding a fishing
rod and net. Chopper asks what salvaging is and Robin explains, adding that it is possible for
them to do.

Usopp makes barrel suits for the Monster Trio, and Nami says she is counting on them. The three
are lowered into the ocean and Chopper asks for a response from to see if the sound connection
was working. Luffy says there are lots of monsters, Zoro asks if this ocean was the giant sea
snakes' den, and Sanji states that one of them is looking at them. Nami says OK, to Usopp's
shock. Nami says they'll do something about it, and Usopp is glad he did not went.

Then, the Straw Hats above hear strange singing voices and they look closer to see the Masira
Pirates singing "salvage". Nami says that another strange group appeared out of nowhere, and
Masira asks what they are doing in his territory. Masira, the captain of t he Masira Pirates, states
that anything that sinks in his territory is his, while the Straw Hats discuss amongst themselves
about what they should do. Masira yells at them to answer his question, and Nami says she has
a question for him, to Masira's surprise. Masira lets them ask anyway, and when Nami asks if
they were going to salvage the ship, he mishears this as "monkey" and asks if he is that
awsomonkey. When they ask what "awsomonkey" means, he answers it means "manley" and they
point out there is no such word, while Masira blushes. Usopp asks again if they were going to
salvage the ship, and Masira replies of course they will. When they ask if they can ask, Masira
allows them, for salvaging was a rare thing to see. Then, one of Masira's crew members pa nics
and tell him that another crew member who went underwater got hurt. Masira asks him if it was
a Sea King’s fault, but they replied that someone underwater did this. Masira is enraged and
looks at the Straw Hats. Nami and Usopp try to explain, but Masira just warns them about
dangerous people underwater, and they are relieved that Masira is an idiot. Masira orders his
crew to start salvaging, and the chapter ends with the Monster trio being shown underwater.

The chapter begins from a scene where Masira is blushing and waving at the Straw Hats. The
Straw Hat Pirates wave back. Nami whispers to Usopp that they cannot let them know about the
air pump, and Usopp replies that he knows, while stepping on an air pump fairly quickly. Masira
tells his crew to think the Straw Hats are pumpkins with a serious look, saying that just because
people are watching, they shouldn't be all nervous, and his face becomes happy and blushing.

Sky Island Jaya

His crew also blushes in embarrassment as well. Usopp comments that they have something like
pride and Nami states they probably want to show off to them.

Underwater, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji explore the sunken ship in their barrel suits. Luffy finds a
strange boat, Zoro has an octopus on his head and finds a broken sword, and Sanji kicks open a
door to find a spear through a picture of a beautiful woman. Luffy finds something that looks like
a treasure chest and they open it together to find almost nothing inside. All of the sudden, a huge
spear breaks into the sunken ship to their surprise. It is a part of the "cradle" from Masira's ship
used to salvage. Luffy yells "what the heck is this?" which came through the speaker system
Chopper set up, and Nami and Usopp quickly put their hands over the speaker so that Masira
would not notice. They weren't quick enough and Luffy's yells was heard, so Usopp quickly made
up the rest of the sentence and asked Masira what the heck the monkey was, pointing to the ship

Masira says that Usopp has good eyes and it wasn't just any decorative ship head. Masira orders
the "Barco Hunter" to go forward and the monkey comes off of the ship, to Usopp's amazement.
The monkey goes deeper and deeper underwater, and Chopper and Usopp are awed by this while
Nami asked how it is amazing. The "Barco Hunter" merges with the "cradle" underwater and
Masira orders to start "blowing". Nami says that trying to push air into the ship with their breaths
and making the ship float is crazy. Masira takes a deep breath into the tube and air comes out of
the spear underwater to the monster trio's shock. The ship floats and everyone starts pulling the
ship up. Masira orders more air to be added. All the sudden, someone screams, and Masira
panics and asks what happened to his subordinates. They say someone is inside the ship, and
scream again. Masira is infuriated that his subordinates are hurt.

Masira poses and stands there for a while. Nami says they aren't taking pictures or anything to
Masira's shock. Masira's subordinates yell once more, and he quickly jumps underwater to rescue
them, while ordering the salvaging to continue. As he swims deeper, a huge sea snake tries to
eat him, but Masira punches it with a "Monkey Lunge" and it falls, bleeding. The Monster Trio
have taken off their barrel suits meanwhile, and are confused about what happened. Zoro still
has the octopus on him. Suddenly, Masira bursts in angrily and Luffy says, "oh, a monkey". Masira
happily asks, "oh, am I that awesomonkey?" and Luffy replies, "sure, you're pretty apelike". Zoro
asks what kind of conversation this is, and Sanji asks who Masira is. Above the ocean, Nami,
Usopp and Chopper are shivering, commenting that something huge is below them. Back down
below, Luffy and Masira are laughing while a huge mouth approaches them. Masira and Luffy are
having a good time. The chapter ends where a enormous sea turtle eats the ship they are in.

The crew of Masira call out for their captain. Meanwhile Nami, Chopper and Usopp try to
convinces themselves everything that is happening is just a dream. Robin interrupts the moment
to point out Luffy, Sanji and Zoro were eaten by the giant turtle. Nami is accused of sending them
to their death, but Nami's "sorry" is anything but sincere.

Robin notes that the ropes leading to Sanji, Luffy and Zoro are attached to the mouth of the t urtle
and that if they do not cut them now, they'll be pulled under when it dives. While Masira's crew
pull on the ropes and make attempts to rescue their captain, Nami orders the others to cut the
ropes so they can get to safety. Suddenly, all goes dark and Luffy falls unconscious and carrying
a bag. Soon, Zoro and Sanji appear also carrying a bag.

As the crew go to leave, Masira appears and angrily claims they cannot just enter his territory,
steal his treasure and leave. Nami hears the word treasure and just as Masira is about to start
fighting the Straw Hats, his attention is drawn away by his crew. Everyone (including the giant

Sky Island Jaya

turtle) stops in fear at what they are seeing across the sky. Giant shadowy figures cast themselves
over the sky land, appearing as monsters.

The Straw Hats make a sharp getaway as fast as the Going Merry can take them. The crew
recollect the events of the day and how strange they've been and suddenly become aware Masira
is on the ship, and Luffy, Zoro and Sanji quickly kick him overboard.

The chapter begins with Usopp and Chopper talking about the huge monster shadows they saw.
Usopp tells Chopper that if he tried, he could beat them easily, much to Chopper's amazement.
Meanwhile, Nami scolds the Monster Trio for not bringing anything informative or valuable. Zoro
and Sanji say these were really the only things that were in the ship, while Luffy walks around in
a knight's armor he found. Nami is mad (likely cause there wasn't at least any real treasure, like
Luffy mistakingly lead her to believe) and kicks the things that they brought (plates, swords, and
a raw octopus) and Zoro and Sanji try to stop her. Nami asks what Luffy is wearing and he replies
armor. Nami punches Luffy and Zoro comments on Nami's ability to crack armor, while Sanji tries
to give Nami a pretty shell he found which Nami refuses, because it's not valuable.

Robin says it must be hard handling Luffy, Zoro and Sanji's foolishness, which Nami agrees to,
adding that they have nowhere to go now. Robin gives her an Eternal Pose she stole from Masira's
ship just in case, in which Nami cries in joy for and replies that Robin is the only person she can
rely on. The Eternal Pose says "Jaya". Luffy asks if they are going there next, eating food made
from the raw octopus earlier, and Nami yells that he is supposed to decide. Luffy orders to go to
Jaya full speed. Then, the Straw Hats notice the fact that if they go to Jaya and stay too long, their
log pose pointing toward Skypiea will point a different place in a matter of time. Luffy does not
want this so he cancels his Jaya order. While everyone quarrels over this, Robin says they could
go to Jaya, ask about Skypiea, then leave before their Log Pose changes, which everyone agrees

The Straw Hats head toward Jaya, when suddenly a few birds fall from the sky. Chopper says the
birds were shot by someone, but everyone denies this, since Jaya itself was too far to even see
though Luffy is only interested in turning the dead birds into food. Meanwhile in Jaya, a person
says that he wasn't able to let one of the birds die immediately, and that this was its "destiny".

Back on the ship, the Straw Hat Pirates near Jaya and a scared Usopp, Nami, and Chopper ask
what in the world was wrong with this island. In Jaya, there is a scene in Mock Town where people
are drinking, laughing, and hurting each other. In one of the buildings, "Executioner Roshio" and
another person are having a card game. Roshio wins the game, taking all the man's money, but
the man stabs Roshio's hand, much to his shock. The man says that Roshio cheated although the
onlookers said it was a fair game amongst themselves. The man calls his henchmen, Sarkies,
and asks if Roshio cheated. Sarkies says that he did, while Roshio is enraged, asking if they even
know who he was. The man shoots and breaks a glass of alcohol on Roshio's head, and Sarkies
throws a lighted match at him. It is revealed that the man is "Bellamy the Hyena" with a bounty
higher than Roshio, and he cackles. The chapter ends with a scene showing Luffy and Zoro setting
foot on Jaya saying things are going to get interesting, while the others (Chopper, Usopp and
Nami) shiver in fear on the Going Merry in the background.

Having made port in Mock Town in Jaya, Luffy and Zoro disembark. Fearing that they may cause
trouble, Nami joins them in order to make sure that they do not do something stupid. Sanji wants
to join Nami but is forced to stay on the Going Merry by Usopp and Chopper, who are both afraid
of being attacked. Robin on the other hand, apparently also disembarks from the ship on her own.

Sky Island Jaya

As Luffy and Zoro venture into town while promising an accompanying Nami not to cause any
trouble, they meet an incredibly sick man. The man is so sick that he does not have enough
strength to get back on his horse by himself. The three help the man get back on his horse but
find out that ironically the man's horse itself is just as sickly and does not have enough strength
to carry his master. After helping both the man and his horse up, the man offers some apples as
a token of his gratitude. Luffy alone accepts this present without hesitation. At the same moment,
an explosion happens. From the uproars from the crowd, the three Straw Hats learns that after
some guys ate some apples from the sickly man, they exploded. Fearing that the same thing
would happen to Luffy, Nami tried to get the apple out of Luffy while Zoro confronted the sickly
man. The man however told them not to worry as the apple that Luffy ate was a dud. If Luffy chose
the "wrong one", the man stated he would've died upon the first bite. With this, the man praises
Luffy's luck.

After encountering the sickly man with the explosive apples, the three continues with their
journey. As they travel onwards, they hears that someone are causing an uproar. This apparently
unknown fighting champion had claimed another victim and is boasting his victory from atop a
roof. Hearing that he is a fighting champion, Luffy and Zoro are tempted into fighting and would
has, but Nami stops them from fighting.

The three eventually come into a tropical hotel. Seeing the three, the owner of the hotel tells the
three to get out as the whole hotel was currently reserved for Bellamy and his crew. Just then, the
first mate of Bellamy's crew, Sarkies, and a fellow crew member, Lily, come in and tells the owner
to throw the three Straw Hats out faster. Seeing this behavior, Luffy ask Nami if he could send
Sarkies flying, a request of which that is denied by the navigator. Finding Luffy and his group
slightly interesting, Sarkies decides to give them money as if they were worthless beggars. Though
Luffy is tempted to accept the offer, Nami is insulted by this act and takes her fellow crew mates
out of the hotel without accepting the money. Though the three Straw Hats left the hotel with
Sarkies thinking that they were just trash, his fellow crew mates however tell him not to
underestimates them and showed him a wanted poster with Luffy's first bounty of B30,000,000.
While they do not believes that Luffy could match up to Bellamy and him, Sarkies decides to share
this new development to Bellamy.

The three Straw Hats meanwhile, decides to stop over at a local tavern. There, they learn from
the owner about Mock Town's history and Jaya's time for the Log Pose to record. Learning that it
takes four days, Nami figures that they should be gone in two days beforehand if they want the
log pose to continue pointing to the sky island. Just as Nami decides then to ask some more
questions from the owner, Luffy and a man sitting next to him both suddenly ma ke a remark
about the cherry pie being served to them. Noticing that both their remarks opposes one another,
Luffy and the big guy decides to not mind each other and just drink some soda. At drinking the
soda, they both once again makes opposing remarks. Really noticing each other this time around,
the both of them are starting to get mad at the other's preference. The two then decides to have
some food for take out, with Luffy ordering pieces of meat and the fat guy ordering cherry pies.
However upon learning the number of food that the other are ordering, the two starts competing
about who can order more. At this moment, Luffy and the man decides to fight each other over a
meaningless matter.

Not wanting any trouble in his tavern, the owner gives the man his pies and asks him to leave. As
the man is leaving the tavern, Bellamy steps in to the surprise of the other customers.

Sky Island Jaya

The chapter starts out with some onlookers commenting about a street that Bellamy messed up,
where Roshio died. One onlooker says that "Bellamy the Hyena" is definitely some kind of Devil
Fruit user.

Bellamy steps into the bar Luffy is at and asks if he is the B30,000,000 Straw Hat Luffy. Other
people in the bar gossip about how they cannot believe such a child has such a large bounty on
his head. Luffy comments about how he has met a lot of huge people today, while Bellamy sits
beside him and tells the storekeeper to get him an expensive drink and something Luffy likes.
Sarkies and the others barge into the store and kill people so they could sit where they were.The
others try not to pay attention. Bellamy tells Luffy to drink up and Luffy says "oh, he's a good guy!"
and drinks. Nami and Zoro yell at Luffy to watch out, but it is too late and Bellamy smashes Luffy's
head into the counter. Bellamy's crew laugh and the onlookers are shocked. Zoro puts a sword
up to Bellamy's neck, furious. Nami tells Zoro to stop since they have not gained any information
in the town yet. Luffy gets up and tells Bellamy to get ready. The others cheer on since they like
to see fights. Bellamy laughs and says this is a test, not a fight.

Nami tells Luffy to wait, and asks the storekeeper about the sky island, to everyone's shock. The
Straw Hats are confused. After an awkward moment of silence, the whole bar bursts in laughter.
When Nami says that the log pose is actually pointing to the sky, everyone laughs crazily and say
that Log Poses tend to go nuts all the time, embarrassing Nami. Bellamy cackles and talks about
how people who have dreams are stupid. He says that he was going to test Luffy and put him in
his crew of the "New Age" but Luffy is too much of an idiot to join. He talks about how people who
have dreams are weaklings, and hits Luffy with a bottle. Then, other people start throwing things
at Luffy, Zoro, and Nami as well, saying that their existence makes their rum taste bad and to get
lost. Sarkies tells Bellamy that the store wants to see a "show", which Bellamy agrees to. Nami
tells Luffy and Zoro that they can forget about their promise, so they can beat up Bellamy, but
Luffy tells Zoro to never buy this fight.

The chapter starts from when the onlookers are mocking Luffy and the others. Nami yells at them
to fight, and not just stand there, but Sarkies comments that they are smart enough to know not
to fight Bellamy. Bellamy's crew talks about how the marines these days are nice giving so much
money for a loser like Luffy. Nami does not understand why Luffy and Zoro will not buy the fight.
Both are wounded and bloody top to bottom. Bellamy insults the two pirates even more, and spits
his drink all over them, but they still refuse to fight. Bellamy says they are a sore to their eye, and
hurt the two again. Nami rushes over to their side, and Sarkies tells her that being with them will
eventually ruin her, so he ask if he could buy her from them. He asks how much she would be,
but Nami furiously looks at them and says that she's too good for a loser team like them. Sarkies
comments that that is one expensive woman, and everyone in the bar laughs that t he entire crew
is nuts. Bellamy tells the "small fry" to begone. Nami drags the two out of the store, eyes full of
tears, while everyone jeers at them.

All the sudden, Nami hears someone say that sky island exists. It is the man from the store earlier.
He asks why Nami is sad since there is nothing to be sad about; that Luffy and Zoro won this fight.
Luffy has a small flashback on how he told Shanks and Ace he would surpass them someday. He
also tells Nami that she sure has guts to say the things she did in the store. Luffy and Zoro get
up. The man says that the "New Age" they talk of is nonsense, and shouts that the age in which
pirates dream will never end; that peoples' dreams are infinite. In the store, Bellamy's crew think
Luffy and Zoro are causing a mad ruckus outside, and they laugh that it's lame. Back outside,
while the man goes on with his speech, everyone wonders what he is yelling so loudly for. The
man says that some fights are fistless, and laughs. Zoro starts to leave, and Luffy stares at the
man. The man also leaves, and wishes good luck on their trip to the Sky Island. Luffy turns away,

Sky Island Jaya

and Nami says to Luffy that he may know about the Sky Island and wonders who he is. Luffy does
not know, but he also adds that it is not "he". Nami is confused. Zoro says that it is probably
"them". Nami does not get this and asks if he has a crew or something, but they do not answer.
The man laughs, saying that his rum tastes good today.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew are fixing the ship. Sanji says they should just get a new ship,
which angers Usopp. Usopp says the ship is important, and that is why he is always fixing it, and
yells at Sanji to help, but Sanji says that this is more of patching up than fixing. Usopp tells them
to shut up and makes a strange face, and Chopper thinks it is funny so he tells Usopp to do it
again, and they crack up. When Sanji asks what they want for dinner, Usopp and Chopper both
do the shut up face and tells him to shut up so Sanji says, "oh, you do not want any, huh?" to their
shock. All the sudden, he hears weird singing saying "Salvage, Salvage” and sees a boat, asking
what it was. The chapter ends with a freaked-out Chopper and Usopp saying "this song is...!!"

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami return to their ship. Usopp and Chopper are shocked when they see their
wounds, and Sanji is only worried about Nami. Chopper yells "DOCTORRR!!!" and Usopp slaps him,
pointing out that he is the doctor.

After Chopper heals the 2 pirates, Usopp tries to ask what happened, but they say there is nothing
to worry about since it is all over anyway. Nami is really mad about the fact that Luffy and Zoro
did not fight back. Usopp wonders why the unhurt Nami is so mad. Chopper happily asks if they
got any information on sky island, and Nami sways and looks at Chopper with a furious look which
scares him. Nami talks about how everyone laughed when she said the word "sky island" and
asks angrily if she had said anything THAT funny. At this point, Usopp uses his ketchup star to
pretend to be dead, and Chopper eats a precious Rumble Ball to get into his guard point.

Meanwhile at the Jaya mouth bay, a pirate captain uses his "search sonar" to find a huge school
of fish for dinner. The search sonar also picks up the tracks of a ship and one of his servants
report this. The captain orders him to tell where they are, and when he does, the captain yells at
him to tell him if it is in sight already. The ship is the Straw Hats' ship, and Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp
talk about how a weird thing showed up, and that it is not Masira. Usopp says that he really did
see the "salvage guys" but Luffy does not seem to care. The captain comes near and starts talking
to Luffy, and it is revealed that his name is Shoujou. Luffy comments about his unique facial
features and asks what species he is. Shoujou replies "I'm a homo sapiens sapiens you dumbass".
Shoujou's servants warn them to not make their big boss mad, but Shoujou says he does not
really mind, and adds that he is on the same level as Crocodile and people are recruiting him into
the Shichibukai (which is, of course, a lie). Luffy simply says "oh, so you wanna be a Shichibukai
huh?" which makes Shoujou somewhat mad. He states that he is amazing since he has never cut
his hair in 25 years. Luffy says that is just stupid, and Shoujou warns them about his strength.
Luffy asks him if they could pass through, but he says that the area is his territory and if they want
to pass, then they have to pay. The Straw Hats talk about how the 'territory' part is just like Masira,
and when Shoujou asks what they know about him, Luffy stated that they kicked him away. This
enrages Shoujou who says he will get revenge for his brother, even though Luffy reminds him
Masira is not dead. Shoujou uses his "Havoc Sonar", which destroys his own ship and crew. Sanji
asks what the heck he's doing, and Luffy says that the power is pretty awesome. Nami tells them
to move on and the others are relieved that "Demon Nami" is gone. Usopp then realizes that they
are also getting damaged from the attack and they start panicking.

Back at Mock Town, people talk about a strong, beautiful woman with strange powers who beat
up an entire crowd in a bar, who asked about a man named Cricket. They talked about how she

Sky Island Jaya

was probably after the gold that he found recently. Bellamy, who is sitting nearby asks what they
meant by 'gold'. The chapter ends with Bellamy asking them to tell him more about it.

The chapter begins with the Straw Hats fixing their ship. Usopp complains about the "orangutan"
that destroyed his dear ship even more. Zoro comments on how crappy the ship became, and
that they should get a new one, which enrages Usopp. Luffy tells Usopp that complaining will not
do anything, and that since the Going Merry is their important crew member, they have to work
hard and fix her up. Usopp says that Luffy is the only one who understands and cries at the warm
statement, but at the same time, Luffy bangs the hammer too hard ending up breaking her even
more. Usopp yells at Luffy and Luffy screams.

The Straw Hats arrives at their goal. Someone asks who they are looking for again. Robin seems
to have come on board at some point, and says 'Montblanc Cricket'. Nami says "the man full of
dreams, huh?". Luffy and Usopp are shocked/impressed at the castle they see, amazed at
Cricket's house, until they discover that the "castle" is only a board in front of a small house. Nami
asks Robin what kind of dream this man has, and she says she does not know much about it but
the fact that there is a legend that in Jaya, that there is an large amount of gold hidden
somewhere. This surprises the crew. Nami orders Chopper to dig with his horns and Luffy enters
the house, much to Usopp's shock. Meanwhile, Nami finds a book called "Noland the Liar" and
laughs, while Usopp comments that it is a very appealing title. Sanji hears this and says that he
knows this title, while Chopper still digs where he was told to. Sanji says that everyone in the
North Blue knows this story, revealing that he was born there. While Sanji explains about the
story, Nami yells at Chopper that he is too loud and asks what in the world he is doing, much to
his shock. There are a few pages on what the story is about.

At Mocktown, Bellamy and Sarkies laugh when they hear that Cricket is Noland's descendant,
saying how they remember the times back when they were young, people used to tell them that
if they kept on lying, they would be executed like Noland. It is revealed that all of the Bellamy
Pirates come from the North Blue. They all laugh at the fact that Noland's descendan t is still
looking for the gold from 400 years ago.

Back at the other shore, Nami adds a sentence to the story saying "...and the pathetic liar died
without becoming a true warrior of the sea..." and looking at Usopp, to his shock. Luffy is staring
at the water bubbling and suddenly, he falls into the ocean. Then someone comes out of the
ocean, and it is revealed to be Montblanc Cricket, who is mad about the intruders around his
house. Sanji tells Usopp to help Luffy. Cricket assumes their target is the gold and starts fighting
Sanji. He takes out a gun and shoots Sanji which scares Nami and Chopper, but the bullet did not
hit him. Zoro takes his swords and runs to help Sanji out, but Cricket collapses all the sudden, to
everyone's surprise. Usopp surfaces with Luffy and asks what he was doing, and Luffy replies that
he thought there was a chestnut in the water and when he looked closer, the chestnut became a
man who pulled him in.

In the house of Cricket, the Straw Hats find out that Cricket has dysbarism, w hich Chopper
explains. Luffy is confused so he just calls it "mystery symptoms". Chopper says it usually goes
away pretty quickly, but this man has been diving in a crazy way so that his body did not even
have the time to properly heal. Nami wonders why he would do this, and Chopper says he does
not know, but says that in some cases like this, this sickness can mean death. At the end of the
chapter, there is a picture of Cricket, Masira, and Shoujou together.

The chapter starts with Masira and Shoujou meeting up with each other. Shoujou is surprised
that Masira is alive and Masira asks why, but Shoujou ignores him. They both heard the gunshot

Sky Island Jaya

so they wonder if something happened to Cricket. They burst inside the house to find the Straw
Hats nursing Cricket. The 2 are confused while Chopper, Nami, and Usopp panic and the others
continue to do whatever they were doing. Masira and Shoujou shout, asking what they are doing.
Luffy tell them to get lost since they are nursing the old guy, and Usopp and Chopper yell that wild
animals do not porperly listen to you, but the two cry saying that the Straw Hats are good guys, to
Usopp and Chopper's shock.

Masira and Shoujou have a nice talk together with Luffy. In this talk, it is revealed that they are
called the "Saruyama Alliance". Zoro and Usopp wonder why Luffy blended in the group, and
conclude that they are all alike. Shoujou is impressed that such a little squirt like Luffy would be
able to kick away Masira, and Luffy says it was pretty easy and Shoujou would probably be able
to do it as well, so Shoujou kicks away Masira to see how easy it is, and agrees. Chopper comes
to report that Cricket woke up, and Luffy goes to ask something. Cricket thanks them and said he
thought they were gold-hunter idiots. Nami hears this and her eyes turn into belly signs, but Usopp
tells her to stop. Luffy asks Cricket how to go to Sky Island, which he laughs about, making Nami
want to punch him, but Usopp stops her, saying he is a patient. Luffy asks if Sky Island does not
exist, and Cricket replies that he knows a person who said it exists, but that person was a famous
big-time liar whose descendants all are the laughingstock of the world. At this, Luffy stares at
Usopp who is shocked and denies him. Cricket says that there is a story called "Noland the Liar".
Luffy looks at Usopp again, who denies him.

Cricket reveals he is the descendant of this Noland and that this is the place where the story took
place. He explained that no one in his family ever hated Noland since he was actually a "very
honest person". He says that even though in the book, his face looks stupid, Noland actually died
crying sadly and desperately tried to make everyone believe him. Cricket furiously asks if they
know how it feels like to be laughed by people you do not even know. He just wanted to become
free from the mocking of everyone, and became a pirate. But 10 years later, he and his crew
came across Jaya and Cricket decided to find the "gold" Noland talked about. Because of this
choice, Cricket's crew went separate ways with him and he has been looking for the gold
underwater since. He says that this is a duel with the person who messed up his life. Usopp cries
at the story, and Luffy asks how he got to know the monkey people. Usopp says Cricket probably
had another man-to-man drama with them, but Cricket says that they are just fans of the "Noland
the Liar" book. Nami comments on the simple connection between them. Cricket explains how
they formed the Saruyama Alliance 5 or 6 years ago, while the two men have a friendly fight
outside. Luffy says that he just wants to know how to go to Sky Island, and Cricket hands Noland's
log book for Nami to read. Nami and the others read excitedly and see that Noland wrote as if Sky
Island normally exists. Everyone is overjoyed, and Cricket walks quietly out of the house to talk to
the Saruyama Alliance. Cricket asks if they like the Straw Hats and they ask why. He says that the
Straw Hats extremely wants to go to the Sky Island, and the two men comment that they would
die on their own. The chapter ends with the Saruyama Alliance deciding to help the Straw Hats.

The chapter begins with Montblanc Cricket telling the Straw Hats that he will tell them everything
he knows about Sky Island. He tells them to believe whatever he says, which Luffy quickly replies
okay. Cricket talks about how night suddenly approaches in the middle of the day. Luffy and Usopp
responds by saying that they remember this happening before, and adds that a few gigantic
shadows appeared with the night as well. Cricket puts aside the story of the monsters and
continues, explaining that the sudden night is actually the shadow of a very dense cloud. Nami
points out that the darkness was far more than any shadow of a cloud, and Luffy says that Cricket
is an idiot since days that have lots of clouds are cloudy, which Usopp and Chopper agree to. At
this, Cricket yells at them to shut up and listen. He explains what this cloud is called and how it is
a cloud that never changes for thousands and millions of years, known as a "millennium

Sky Island Jaya

cumulonimbus". Nami denies this and Luffy calls it a mystery cloud. Cricket says that the only
place a Sky Island can be is on one of these clouds. At this, everyone celebrates that Sky Island
exists and Luffy orders to go skyward, but Nami yells at them that they do not know how to.

Cricket explains about the Knock Up Stream, saying that it is the only way he knows of to go to
the Sky Island, and that the Straw Hats have to be very lucky in order to even get there without
dying. Usopp hears this and tries to cancel their trip to Sky Island, but Luffy insists everything will
be ok. Usopp points out that their ship will not be able to handle such a disaster, but Cricket says
they can count on Masira and Shoujou for the ship reinforcement. Nami tells Luffy that they will
not make it since a Knock Up Stream only appears 5 times a month and in order to get to Skypiea,
the Knock Up Stream has to be right below it. She reminds him that they only have a day before
their Log Pose changes destinations. When Usopp asks Cricket when the next time this happens
will be, Cricket answers that it will happen the next day at noon, much to Usopp's horror.

Usopp suddenly accuses Cricket of lying about everything he just said, saying that they only met
him just today yet he is being too nice. Luffy tries to stop him but Usopp just tells him to shut up
and goes on talking about how everything is going too smoothly and that Cricket is lying since he
is Nolland’s descendant after all. The two men and Sanji come out saying the food is ready. There
is an awkward moment of silence. Cricket starts talking again about the next day's Knock Up
Stream and night. He says that he is just happy to meet idiots like them, and tells everybody to
come in the house and eat. When he calls Usopp a comrade, he starts to feel bad and asks Nami
if he is a miserable coward. Everyone rushes to eat, and Nami replies by adding that he is a jerk
as well and tells him he should apologize. Usopp hugs Cricket, saying that he is sorry.

The Straw Hats and the Saruyama Alliance have a big party as Robin sits in a corner and reads
Noland's log book. Cricket says that "there lies the gold in the skull's right eye" was the last
sentence by Noland and Cricket cannot tell what he meant by this. As they party some more,
Bellamy’s ship approaches Cricket's house.

The chapter begins with Cricket acting out Noland’s words on his logbook and everyone happily
listening while eating. Cricket shows the Straw Hat Pirates his gold he found after searching for
months. He stated that he has 3 of the same bell-shaped ingots, and tells Masira to show the
Straw Hats the South Bird shaped gold. As the Saruyama Alliance explain what the South Bird is,
they notices all the sudden that they forgot to tell the Straw Hats to go get a South Bird and panic.
The Straw Hats ask why they would need a bird and Cricket explains that in order to get to where
the Knock Up Stream will appear, they have to have a South Bird who always points south since
the Knock Up Stream is south from where they are, and since it is in the middle of the sea, no
Log Pose would work. Cricket tells the Straw Hats to hurry up and find one, much to their surprise.

The Straw Hats split up into teams with bug nets in the dark. They know what the South Bird was
right away by hearing the "strange voice" Noland talked about in his logbook. The
Sanji/Nami/Usopp team searched and encounters with many bugs to Nami and Sanji's horror, all
though Usopp did not mind them much. The Robin/Zoro team destroys any huge bug t hat gets in
their way, and do not seem to get along well. The Luffy/Chopper team find rare beetles and are
having a good time until the South Bird drops a bee's nest next to them, making them have to
dash full speed as the hornets from inside chased them. Chopper notices that the South Bird is
doing all of this and tells Luffy. Back at Cricket's house, the Saruyama Alliance encounters the
Bellamy Pirates who came to steal their gold.

In the forest on Jaya, Chopper and Luffy are running for their lives from some deadly mantises
flying after them. The mantises attack, but Chopper and Luffy manage to dodge, though the tree

Sky Island Jaya

behind them is cut in half. Chopper and Luffy look back and see one of the large mantises sitting
on the tree, and run for it, as the mantis chasing after them and slicing up the net. Suddenly,
Chopper notices a South Bird sitting and grinning up in a tree and guesses that the bird is
commanding the bugs to attack them for some unknown reason. Meanwhile, in another part of
the forest, three South Birds start singing, causing Usopp to wonder where the sound came from.
Sanji also hears strange sounds, and looking up, sees what appears to be boulders rolling towards
them. Usopp looks through his goggles and wonders the the "boulders" are ladybug droppings,
but Nami says that they are actually bugs. They get closer and appear to be huge seven star
ladybugs, so Sanji kicks one to get it away from Nami, while the South Bird laughs up in a tree. In
yet another part of the forest, Zoro challenges some beetles who had been attacking him while
Robin too notices a strange sound. Sanji, Usopp, and Nami then run into a slug and counter it
with salt, while Luffy turns to fight some bees, only to be pulled away by Chopper, who tells him
they are poisonous. More and more animals come, such as fireflies, cockroaches, and even boars
as the sounds of the South Bird echo through the forest.

Meanwhile, back at the Saruyama Alliance’s headquarters, Bellamy admires a golden statue of
the South Bird. Montblanc Cricket, bleeding on the ground, states that they have no right to take
the gold, but Sarkies questions him and attacks with a Falcon Slash, which Masira takes to protect
Cricket. Sarkies laughs and says that because they are stronger, they have every right to take the
gold from the Saruyama Alliance. Shoujou tells Cricket to run, and unleashes a Wail of
Destruction, hurting Bellamy's crew. Sarkies moves to attack him, but Bellamy says to let him
take care of it, and Cricket says that the power of the Bane Bane no Mi is going to be used again.
Bellamy turns his legs into springs and attacks Shoujou with a Spring Sniper. Cricket tells Shoujou
to run, but Bellamy hits Shoujou, knocking him clean through the house of the Saruyama Alliance,
leaving him floating in the water. As Cricket thinks about the fun times he had with Shoujou and
Masira, Bellamy gets on his ship, telling Cricket to grow up, and that the golden city was all
Montblanc Noland’s imagination. His crew laughs, and Bellamy states that fantasies never comes
true as Cricket continues thinking about Masira and Shoujou telling him that the golden city exists.
Suddenly, Cricket tells Bellamy to hold it and lights a cigarette, saying that chickens like Bellamy
who cannot even fight dreams should not be lecturing someone on how to be a pirate. Bellamy
turns around, asking Cricket what he said.

Back in the forest, the Straw Hat Pirates have reunited and compare the results of their journeys.
None of them have managed to catch a South Bird, and Luffy states that because of all the bugs,
they could not catch one. Usopp then notices a South Bird up in a tree and Chopper translates
the bird's sounds for the crew. As it turned out, the bird had actually only come there to taunt
them, and asks them if they caught anything. The crew is enraged and moves to strike it down,
but Robin merely sprouts a pair of hands on the bird and knocks it to the ground, cutting short its
laughter. The Straw Hats then head back to the Saruyama Alliance headquarters.

Arriving there, the Straw Hats discovers Cricket, Masira, and Shoujou beaten up, and the Going
Merry ruined. Sanji and Chopper wonder who did this, and help Shoujou out of the water, while
Luffy asks Cricket what happened. Cricket says that they have to enhance the ship before dawn,
and tells Luffy not to worry about it. Cricket asks if they have a South Bird, and as they replies
yes, Nami tells them that the gold was taken. The crew is stunned, but Cricket tells them that that
is something to forget about. Usopp then interrupts him, saying that Cricket spent ten years
finding the gold and even lost his health to do so. However, Cricket says that it is not a problem,
and says that with the entire Saruyama Alliance, they will be able to fix the ship and send them
to the sky, no matter what. Usopp is surprised, but Zoro suddenly notices and shows Luffy a mark
on the side of a tree, which Nami recognizes as Bellamy's symbol. Zoro asks if Luffy needs help,
but he declines, and Nami says that they need to stop fooling around, as there are on ly three

Sky Island Jaya

hours before dawn. Luffy then asks Robin if he can reach Mock Town by running along the shore,
and she tells him yes. Cricket tries to stop him, but Zoro says that he will need a sword to do so.
Luffy departs, saying he will be back before dawn.

A local drunkard is taking a leak in the ocean, before noticing a new bunch of bounties coming
in. Looking through the wanted posters, he finds two that he immediately recognizes: Luffy and
Zoro, who were publicly humiliated only this afternoon before at their mention of Sky Island.
However, when he sees how high Luffy's bounty is, he is struck with horror, as it is not
B30,000,000 anymore, but B100,000,000!

Meanwhile, with Nami’s warning about Sky Island's deadline ringing in his ears, and the memories
of Cricket flashing through his mind, Luffy dashes towards Mock Town to get Cricket's gold back.

In Mock Town, the Bellamy Pirates are celebrating their find, as well as mocking the Saruyama
Alliance, until the drunkard rushes in. When he spots Bellamy, he warns him that he needs to get
out of town at once before he is killed. When Bellamy asks who would dare to threat him, the
drunkard tells the entire bar of the bounties. This is enough to strike them with terror, as both of
them have bounties higher than Bellamy's B55,000,000 bounty.

However, this only makes Bellamy laugh. Then, he berates the entire bar, as he believes that the
posters are forgeries made by them in order to scare them. This causes the bar to calm down,
until the enraged call of Luffy shocks them again.

Bellamy walks out to see who is calling, until he sees Luffy on a building. When Luffy tells him
that Bellamy is to return the stolen gold, Bellamy uses his Bane Bane powers to get up on the
roof as well. He tells him that since he stole the gold, it's rightfully his, but Luffy tells him that he's
stealing it back.

Bellamy continues to mock Luffy, as the drunkard is more and more distressed, but Sarkies tells
him to knock it off, starting to doubt that even Luffy's B30,000,000 bounty was real. Bellamy
wonders how Luffy is supposed to fight, or if he's just going to stand around like their last
encounter. When Luffy tells him that the last time was different, Bellamy starts off the brawl by
using his powers to jump off the building and crack the tower in two.

Bellamy lands on another building, and readies his Spring Snipe to do Luffy in. He hits the top of
the tower, which sends Luffy crashing down on the ground. As Luffy gets up, Bellamy uses his
ultimate move, Spring Hopper, which people comments was exactly the same move he used
against Roshio.

As Bellamy continues to bounce around, he continues to mock Luffy, as well as mocking all the
dreamers as well. This enrages Luffy, whom asks Bellamy if he asked Luffy if he knew how to
throw a punch, while cracking his knuckles. As Bellamy moves in for the kill, Luffy punches his
cheek with extreme force, knocking Bellamy down to the floor, ending the fight with only one

In Mock Town, Luffy had just defeated Bellamy with a single, powerful punch. Onlookers are
stunned to see the mighty Bellamy taken out so easily. As Bellamy lies unconscious with a fist
imprinting in his face, Sarkies tells him to get up and fight. Luffy however, simply stands over
Bellamy, who does not move. Sarkies yells again, telling Bellamy to not be stupid and to give off
the usual show. He says that he is the super rookie with a bounty of B55,000,000. Just then, a
piece of paper blows into Sarkies' face, which is then shown to be Luffy's bounty poster detailing

Sky Island Jaya

his bounty of B100,000,000. The man who had told the Bellamy Pirates that both Zoro and Luffy
has higher bounties than Bellamy says he is right, making everyone afraid of Luffy. Luffy then
asks for Cricket’s gold back. However, most of the pirates, having seen Luffy's real strength, runs
away, screaming about Bellamy's defeat.

Back at the Saruyama Alliance headquarters, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates works with the
Saruyama Alliance to fix the Going Merry and prepare it for the journey to Sky Island. Nami asks
Zoro why he did not accompany Luffy, but Zoro simply asks why Nami is changing her mind on
whether Zoro and Luffy should fight so much. She says that Zoro was defeated before, but Zoro
simply replies that the Bellamy Pirates did not want to get in his way, and that a fight that you will
feel sorry about afterwards is painful. The crew then starts arguing and get back to work on the

Back in Mock Town, Luffy, having found the stolen gold, walks out of a bar. Sarkies, thinking that
Luffy just got lucky, challenges Luffy, saying that he would not lose to a dream-chasing idiot. He
asks Luffy where he is going, but when Luffy turns around, Sarkies falls to the ground in fear.
However, Luffy simply points up and says "sky" indicating that he is going to Sky Island.

The day before, at noon, on an unknown island, Buggy and his crew are in a cave looking for
treasure left behind by a legendary pirate. Mohji asks Buggy if they are at the right p lace, and
Buggy says that it is correct. He adds that wherever there is treasure, there are bound to be
guardians and traps for it. He is saying that they must be prepared to lose their lives, when a light
suddenly comes on, revealing several miners who are coming down the tunnel. Buggy, Mohji, and
Cabaji start chipping away at the rock, saying that sweating is such a pleasure. However, when
the boss of the miners says that the rum will taste good when they are done, Buggy explodes in
a fit of rage, asking what kind of sweat he wants them to shed.

Back on board their ship, Mohji tells Buggy that they cannot find the treasure, and Cabaji tells
Mohji that Buggy must have mistaken the island for another. Cabaji says that Buggy must be
upset, and does not want his face to turn red, making Buggy become enraged again. Mohji says
that two of the Straw Hats have bounties of B100,000,000 and B60,000,000, and they are
already famous pirates on the Grand Line. Buggy says that there is nothing to worry about, and
says that witches fatten the kids before eating them. Mohji then realizes that the higher Luffy's
bounty is, the higher Buggy's bounty will be when he defeats him. To celebrate the intelligence of
their captain, the crew decides to party until nighttime, but Alvida tells the crew not to be so noisy,
and says that if they cannot take care of Luffy if they do not know where he is. Buggy tells her not
worry, and when an unknown person says that he can provide information, Buggy turns to him.
Buggy then realizes that he does not know who the person is, and asks of his name. The figure,
who is revealed to be Portgas D. Ace, says that he was attracted by a strong scent is sorry for
interrupting the party. Buggy asks him who he is, and that he does not care about his over ly
inflated ego, but some of his crew members then inform his that Ace is the infamous "Fire Fist
Ace", commander of Whitebeard’s second division. Ace is happy to hear that they know about
Whitebeard, but then suddenly falls asleep, surprising the crew. Mohji encourages Buggy to attack
Ace, saying that if he does, they will become famous, but Buggy is against the idea, saying that
they cannot fight against Whitebeard's men. Buggy says that Whitebeard is the only who tied in a
fight against Gold Roger, and is the strongest man in the world and the one closest to One Piece.
Buggy says that Whitebeard hates his friends getting hurt, and when Alvida comments that Buggy
knows him well, Buggy states that when he first entered the Grand Line, he met him head-on. Ace
then wakes up and says that it is cool that Buggy knows Whitebeard personally. Ace asks if it is a
party, and Buggy, seeing the rare occasion, throws a big party. Ace then has Richie jump through
a ring of fire.

Sky Island Jaya

At the Holy Land of Mary Geoise, it is revealed that Shanks had sent a messenger to Whitebeard,
creating tension in the World Government. The Five Elders discusses the issue of Shanks, saying
that he is not one to change the world single-handedly, and that they need to find a successor to
Crocodile’s position in the Shichibukai in order to maintain the balance of power. A Marine reports
that they have summoned the Shichibukai for this matter, but are not sure how many will come,
as one of the Five Elders states that Luffy cannot be forgiven either for defeating Crocodile.
Marine Headquarters then alert Mary Geoise that two of the Shichibukai, Bartholomew Kuma and
Donquixote Doflamingo have arrived.

At Mary Geoise, two Marines are fighting. One states he has no control of himself, and that his
hands are moving by themselves. Vice Admiral Tsuru tells the Shichibukai Doflamingo to stop.
After being asked to stop with his antics, Doflamingo takes matter further by having the two
Marines draw their swords ready to kill each other.

Just then, Sengoku walks into the room and asks Doflamingo if he is here for a fight. Doflamingo
mocks him, Bartholomew Kuma backs Doflamingo up by stating they now have a target. Surprised
that 2 of the 6 remaining Shichibukai came, he starts the meeting. Doflamingo and Sengoku
exchange comments on the success of pirating. Just then, Mihawk arrives, commenting on the
behavior of the Marines and other Shichibukai he has heard from outside the room. Doflamingo
states Mihawk was the least expected person to show up and Mihawk replies he is merely a
bystander as this meeting is about pirates of interest to him.

Just then they are interrupted by another person, a silhouette of a man is seen greeting himself
as a observer also, but stating he wishes to take part in the meeting. He is identified by Vice
Admiral Tsuru as Laffitte, a policeman who was renowned for his violent ways and exiled from the
West Blue. He states he wishes to put forward his captain's name for nomination of Shichibukai.

Somewhere in the Grand Line, on board a ship belonging to Whitebeard, a guest arrives. Rockstar
greets himself as a rookie, but asks a member of the Whitebeard Pirates if he had ever heard of
the pirate Rockstar, to which he receives the reply of "no". Whitebeard tears up a letter for him
from Shanks, Rockstar's captain. Whitebeard is angry Shanks sent him a letter and tells Rockstar
his captain must come in person and bring plenty of good rum.

Elsewhere, Shanks talks on a Den Den Mushi to Rockstar. Shanks laughs about how the old man
has not changed a bit. He denies Rockstar the chance to redeem his honor against the
Whitebeard crew and is ordered back. Benn Beckman questions his captain over whether they
should go to Whitebeard or not. Shanks replies, the crew should prepare for battle.

At the Marines and Shichibukai meeting, the name of "Teach" is put forward by Laffitte. He is told
that because he is an unknown pirate, he is of little value to them. But Laffitte states they are
working on that and to remember the name of the Blackbeard Pirates.

At Mock Town, Blackbeard and his crew makes their move. Sarkies knocks into Teach and rudely
tells him off for it, to which Teach replies by slamming his head into the ground. They state they've
been waiting for someone worth B100,000,000 to chase for a while.

Nami is frustrated that Luffy hasn't returned, indicating that he's 46 minutes late and they won't
make the Knock Up Stream in time if he doesn't hurry. She resolves that he's probably late
because he didn't think about how carrying the gold would affect his time, but Sanji and Usopp
are in agreement that calculating time is something Luffy would never consider. Chopper suggests
that he could have been beaten, to which Nami replies she'd never forgive him for even if he was

Sky Island Jaya

on time. Just then Luffy returns, proudly holding up a hercules beetle (that he aptly named
Hercules), confusing everyone present. He is then awestruck at the newly refitted Going Merry,
furthering Nami's annoyance with him. After returning Montblanc Cricket ’s gold to him, he urges
the Straw Hats to hurry to the ship. Luffy tries to thank him for the ship, but Cricket tells him to
thank Masira and Shoujou instead. Luffy does so and offers them Hercules, much to their
appreciation. They however also urge him to hurry to the ship, as time is limited. As Luffy runs to
the ship, Cricket reflects on all the times that the "City of Gold" has been laughed off as his
ancestor’s imagination. He then shouts to the Saruyama Alliance not to screw this up, and to give
it their all for Straw Hats. Luffy smiles at this, and finally boards the ship to set sail. As they prepare
to head off, Cricket tells Luffy that one thing is certain: No one has ever proven that the City of
Gold and Sky Island do not exist. He then wishes the Straw Hats a safe adventure , and they finally

Aboard the Blackbeard Pirates raft, they are still in search of Luffy. Blackbeard mentions how
Luffy indicated he's going to Sky Island, and that they must catch him before then or it will be
tough to track him down.

Masira and Shoujou remind everyone that is 7:00 a.m., and they should be reaching their
destination around 11 a.m. Reiterating how the Knock Up Stream's exact location is different
every time, they emphasize that they must get there early to search for its exact posit ion. They try
to explain further how Luffy's tardiness impacted this, but they notice he is not paying attention,
fooling around with the south bird. He keeps turning the bird's head to see if it will stay in a
different direction other than south, but to his amusement, it keeps springing its neck to face
south. It gets highly annoyed at Luffy's antics and tells him (translated by Chopper) that he will
turn a different direction to throw the pirates off. He turns north, but he is clearly straining himself
to do so, and eventually has to face south again, causing more laughs from Luffy and Usopp.
Luffy's carefree attitude about their schedule annoys them slightly, but they agree that worrying
about it will do them no good and they press on.

3 hours later, they notice the Millenium Cumulonimbus cloud approaching them from the
southwest. It is an hour early, but the Saruyama Alliance takes the necessary action regardless,
and sends their scuba divers in to search for the stream. Shoujou uses his sonar ability to
evaluate their surroundings. There is strong sea current directly ahead (12 o'clock), a Sea King
directly to their right (9 o'clock), and slightly to the northwest (10 o'clock) there are giant waves,
indicative of a large whirlpool. Masira exlaims that is it, and tells them to steer in the 10 o'clock
direction. He states that the whirlpool and huge waves are sign of the pending explosion that
creates the Knock Up Stream. The tumultuous waters instantly concern the Straw Hats, and Robin
asks Nami to check the log pose. Like before, it is pointing straight up to the clouds. Shoujou and
Masira both comment on how perfect the conditions are for the Knock Up Stream, and Luffy asks
if they can get there. They assure him they can, and begin pulling the ship in the right direction
themselves. The whirlpool has now become extremely large, as the brothers tell them that they
actually have to make it to the center. This generates mixed reactions from the crew. Nami
instantly freaks out, as it was never explained to them that they'd have to travel to the center of
a gigantic whirlpool. Chopper seems excited at the prospect of their ship flying through the air,
Robin simply comments on the size of the whirlpool, and Sanji promises to protect the ladies.
Usopp is freaking out as well and wants to turn back, but Zoro tells him it is too late, as Luffy is
extremely excited to finally make it to Sky Island.

As the crew gets closer to the center of the whirlpool, a Sea King emerges to attack them. Even
he quickly succumbs to the power of the whirlpool however, terrifying Nami, Chopper, and Usopp
while Luffy looks on unfazed. Masira and Shoujou wish the crew luck, as Usopp and Nami

Sky Island Jaya

frantically try to get them to bring them back away from the whirlpool. They notice that the
whirlpool is actually sucking them in now, and then turn their complaints to Luffy. They try to
convince Luffy that the whirlpool alone is deadly enough and the Sky Island is just a fantasy, but
to their horror, this only excites Luffy further. He tells them that if they were to miss an adventure
like that, they'd regret it for the rest of their lives. As they sulk in acknowledgement of their failure,
Zoro points out what has been happening during their fruitless efforts: the ship is now completely
airborne, and about to plummet to the center of the whirlpool. Just as it falls however, the
whirlpool seemingly disappears.

While they wonder how a whirlpool that large could just disappear, Nami notices something: the
whirlpool has actually gone into the seabed. As they contemplate this new revelation, Usopp,
Luffy, and Zoro notice the Blackbeard Pirates approaching them from the rear. Nami remembers
him from Mock Town, while Sanji doesn't recognize him. Blackbeard announces that he's here to
collect Luffy's B100,000,000 bounty, while the Saruyama Alliance ponders who he is from a

Blackbeard wonders why it is only dark where they are, while a puzzled Luffy is questions this
bounty, which confirms Blackbeard's suspicions that he was unaware of it but nonetheless
reveals Luffy's bounty increase while also announcing Zoro's bounty. Usopp looks through his
binoculars and confirms, informing Zoro that he's become a wanted pirate as well. Sanji asks
Usopp to look again in hopes that there is one for him too, but he coldly tells the cook there isn't
one, greatly disappointing him. Luffy is overjoyed at the new bounty, while Zoro casually smiles at
his, wishing the amount was larger. Nami herself wonders what role Alabasta’s events played in
this, and tells Luffy and Zoro not to get cocky. Shoujou and Masira yell for them to stay focused,
as the Knock Up Stream is approaching. Just then, the water beneath the Going Merry begins to
swell and rise. Blackbeard is confused, and the Straw Hats all frantically look for a place to hide
or something to grab on to. There is a massive explosion beneath them, and the Knock Up Stream
finally emerges. It immediately blasts the Going Merry into the air but utterly destroys the
Blackbeard Pirates' raft in the process.

Montblanc Cricket watches the Knock Up Stream from a distance, and breathes a sigh of relief.
The stream is shown to extend all the way into the sky, above the clouds. The Straw Hats are still
struggling to brace themselves as they ride the stream upward, while Shoujou and Masira cheer
them on to Sky Island. The Straw Hats are confused by what is causing them to sail vertically
upward, and Nami wonders if it is the wind. Sanji notices that the ship is slowly losing contact the
with the stream itself, and points out that they will eventually get blown off if this continues. The
crew isn't sure what can be done about this, as they are having enough trouble just holding on to
the ship. To make matters worse, the Sea King from earlier emerges from the stream and falls
towards them, among other debris that had fallen victim to the stream's power. Sanji further
deduces that they will end up like that sooner or later if they don't do something, setting off a
flurry of mixed reactions from the crew. In the midst of the chaos, Nami tells the crew to release
the sails. They are confused by this, but Nami explains that this is no mere stream that they are
sailing on: this is the sea itself, and they are riding a current, it just so happens to be going
vertically upwards. She continues to explain that the water vapors from the explosion below are
actually creating an updraft of air for them to ride. Since their opponents are the wind and sea,
they will conquer them sailing by on in their faces. She concludes by reminding them all who's the
crew's Navigator, reaffirming their trust in her ability.

Nami directs the crew to align the ship to be parallel to the stream itself. Sanji tells them to use
the wind to help align the ship, but also actually picks Luffy up and throws him in into the deck of
the ship for additional momentum. Chopper however points out that the ship has almost lost

Sky Island Skypiea

contact with the stream, and is falling. He implores Nami to come up with another plan, but she
says there is no need. The Going Merry completely drifts off the Knock Up Stream, but with the
sails released, and new wings as part of its refit, the ship begins to fly along the stream. The crew
is amazed at the ability of the ship and Nami's navigation skills, with Sanji fawning excessively.
Nami states that as long as they follow this wind and stream, they can make it anywhere. Luffy
asks Nami when they'll make it there. She isn't sure, but the crew is finally approaching the
Millenium Cumulonimbus cloud, and she believes it should be beyond there. Luffy wonders what
will be on top of the cloud when they get there, as the Going Merry finally begins to enter the


he Straw Hat crew find it difficult to breathe, as they reach what seems to be a sea in
the sky, made of clouds. Meanwhile, the Blackbeard Pirates discuss about the Straw
Hats getting away on the remnant of their raft that was destroyed by the Knock Up
Stream. Burgess insists that they chase after the Straw Hats, but their captain assures them that
they will meet again, so long as they both stay in the Grand Line.

Once they get used to the atmosphere, the Straw Hats are astonished by the scenery on the cloud
sea. Chopper interrupts the crew to tell them that Usopp isn't breathing and then proceeds to
perform CPR on him. Meanwhile, Nami comments that the log pose is still pointing up to which
Robin replies that maybe they are only the middle part of the millennium cumulonimbus. Usopp
decides to go for a swim to which Sanji advises against as they still don't know anything about
the sea of the sky, but ignores him and dives anyways. While on his dive, Usopp is surprised by
the little resistance of the sea of the sky and comments on how it is very blurry. He then decides
to dive even deeper.

Back on the ship, the crew notice that Usopp has not returned yet. Robin expresses concern and
questions if there really is a sea floor in the sea of the sky. This leads to them to deducing that
Usopp fell off the cloud. Luffy stretches his arm into the clouds to save Usopp, but says that he
can only rely on his sense of touch since he cannot see through the clouds to which Robin assures
him that she will handle it. She uses her devil fruit ability to make eyes sprout out all over Luffy's
hand and the rest of his arm as well. Through the combination of their devil fruit abilities, they
manage to grab Usopp and pull him back on to the ship. Following Usopp though, come a giant
octopus and a sea monster who try to attack the ship, but Zoro immediately slices one of the
arms of the octopus off and then Sanji joins in, defeating them. Robin takes interest in a fish that
ended up on the Merry. She states that the fish is actually a sky fish, a strange creature described
in Noland's diary and assumes that because there is no sea floor in the sky ocean, the sky fish
must have evolved in various forms in order to survive. As a result, some sky fish became flat and
some became like balloons in order to make themselves lighter due to the buoyant force in the
sky ocean being much weaker than in sea water. Nami also adds that the sky fish's scales look
like feathers and that its carnivorous mouth is weird. While they were still talking, Luffy snatches
the sky fish and has Sanji saute it. Luffy takes a bite of it exclaims that it was delicious, but Nami
yells at him, saying that they were not done with it yet. Nami then takes the food and tries it for

While most of the crew is focused on the sky fish dish, Chopper notices in the distance another
ship and, what appears to be a human, attacking and destroying it. Before the panicked Chopper
manages to explain the situation to his crew mates, the masked man comes, seemingly running
on the clouds, and attempts to attack the Merry. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji attempt to fight the
attacker, but are quickly overwhelmed. Nami calls out to the three, asking what is wrong with

Sky Island Skypiea

them while Usopp continuously mumbles that Sky Island is scary. Just when the attacker is about
to finish off the crew with his cannon, another mysterious individual appears. He thrusts his lance
at the attacker which sends the latter flying into the sky sea. Nami cries asking who it is now. The
mysterious savior reveals himself. An old man, wearing armor and riding a huge bird. He
introduces himself to the Straw Hats as "The Knight of the Sky".

Nami scolds the Monster Trio for being useless. Chopper thanks Gan Fall for helping them, but
Gan Fall says it is his duty. Luffy says that he is unable to move normally and Robin states it is
because of the scarce oxygen present in the place. Gan Fall asks the Straw Hats if they are
citizens of Blue Sea, and explains that an average citizen of Blue Sea cannot stand here. He
informs the Straw Hats that the White Sea is filled with a lot of danger and he would help them
only if they pay him E50,000,000 for each call made by them through the whistle. He also states
that the Knock Up Stream wasn't the only way to come up, making Nami cry over the difficulty she
has had. He asks the Straw Hats if they lost any crew members and states that they are very
brave to come here through such a dangerous method, earning his respect. He departs from the
scene after giving the Straw Hats a whistle to call him.

Robin remarks that they have not found any information relating to Sky Island. The crew then
comes across a waterfall, in which Luffy goes over to investigate it. Luffy finds it is bouncy, saying
it is soft like cotton, which makes Nami ponder about the phenomenon. He notices a huge door
on other side and Straw Hats check it out. They come across a door that is named as Heaven’s
Gate, in which an old lady, whom she calls herself the "Watcher of the a Gate", appears and asks
them to pay a fee to access the island, though she states that it is not compulsory to pay the
money. After the Straw Hats refuse to pay the fee, the sea's speedy shrimp carries Going Merry
to the island. Meanwhile, the gatekeeper is seen reporting to a "god" and his priests about seven
pirate interlopers.

The Straw Hat Pirates travel up a line of clouds shaped like a river and reach the entrance to the
Sky Island "Godland Skypiea". They fly into the Sky Island propelled by the river and look with
amazement at the buildings and clouds shaped like a sea. The crew reaches the beach and Luffy,
Usopp, and Chopper jumps off the ship and run off as fast as they can to the beach to explore the
surrounding area.

Zoro asks about dropping the anchor where he comments that it would be impossible since the
sea is bottomless, but Luffy does not care at all so Zoro drops it anyway. Sanji gets caught in the
fun and heads to the beach. Then Nami is being attacked by the south bird which they forgot to
release and it leaves. Zoro understands that the beach is the island's structural basis. Robin
states that she has not thought of a landing being so adventurous, while Nami notices that the
name of the island is the same as that form the map Luffy found.

Luffy gets really excited that the island is filled with scent of adventure. Nami thinks that she can
relax for a while without having trouble with the Marines while Sanji examines the flowe rs of the
island. Luffy sees a strange pumpkin-like fruit and tries to bite into it, but it is too hard and offers
the fruit to Usopp while Zoro, now out of the ship, questions whether it is really clouds they are
on since his feet are wet. Sanji offers Nami the a flower while she ignores him and checks out
sofas made of clouds with Chopper. Then music begins to play and a small fox appears, which
Zoro comments on seeing it, and Sanji points out a person on a hill far back. Usopp comments
that is may be a raider, but Sanji shouts out that its an Angel because of the wings and harp. The
"angel", which is a beautiful woman, turns towards them, salutes them and approaches them.

Sky Island Skypiea

She asks them if they are from the Blue Seas to which Luffy informs her that they came from
flying up from below. Then she informs them that this place is known as Angel Beach of Skypiea
Island and asks Luffy if he would like to drink from the fruit, called Gaunasu, which he tried to
bite into earlier. She cuts open the fruit which Luffy drinks from and comments how good it tasted.
After opening the fruit, she introduces herself as Conis, a box also informs the reader that the fox
seen earlier is named Su, and says that she can help them if they have any problems. Nami says
to her that there are many things she wants to know about the island and comments on how
unbelievable everything is.

Then the Straw Hats notice a man coming from the sea. Conis says that he is her father riding a
waver. He crash lands and asks if anyone if anyone is hurt which Zoro remarks that he should be
asking himself that question. The Waver is explained by Nami from Noland’s dairy that it is a boat
which can sail without wind. After asking his daughter Conis if the Straw Hats are her friends, she
informs him that they are from the Blue Seas. He then tells the crew that they are in the White -
White Sea and introduces himself as Pagaya. Pagaya tells the Straw Hats that he just finish fishing
in the White White Sea shows them the Sky Lobsters, a delicious sea food in white sea. The Straw
Hats are invited to his home, while Nami asks the reason why the Waver sails without wind. Conis
states that it is because of dials and asks Nami if she knows what a dial is.

Pagaya allows Luffy to ride on his waver, which Luffy stands on it and finds the accelerator for it.
It starts up at a high speed which Luffy cannot control and because of the lack of control, he flips
and lands in the sea of clouds. Sanji and Zoro believe that that Luffy's devil fruit weakness will
not effect him since the sea of clouds appears different than the normal sea, but is quickly proven
wrong once Luffy begins to sink into the sea. Once Zoro saves Luffy, Sanji and Zoro began arguing
as Pagaya explains that to ride a waver well that it takes years of practice. However, Nami begins
riding the waver and can easily control it despite never had ridden one previously and continues
riding while the other does to Pagaya's house.

As the others walk up a long flight of stairs, Pagaya asks Zoro if they went through the milky road
in order to arrive here and begins explains that it is in fact an artificial cloud channel. He further
explains the two natural cloud types: sea clouds and island clouds (which can be conpared to
land and sea) as well as the reason for the abnormality which is because of the substance called
pairopuroine from the mineral, seastone. Continuing his explanation, the two types of clouds are
made of seastone which is ejected from volcanoes and makes contract with water in the air. Also,
he saids that the milky road is made by the cutting factory and adjustmenting the substance's

Everyone reaches the top of the flight of stairs as well as Pagaya's house. Inside the house, Robin
asks what are the dials, which they also discover that there are multiple dials for everyday tasks
and appliances, are able to power the waver which Conis explains how the Wind dial works to
power the waver. After hearing this, Luffy wants a waver. Usopp replies that they already have
one, but it is 200 years old and probably cannot function anymore. However, Conis informs them,
that as long as the dial shell is intact, the waver can still function. In the kitchen, Sanji finishes
cooking and brings it out for everyone to eat; however, he notices that he cannot see Nami outside
anywhere. Luffy said not to worry about it, although Conis and Pagaya are nervous about her
whereabouts. They then explain that there is an area where no one should never go which is near
the island called Holy Island which is where the God lives, but it seem that Nami has reached the

Luffy is very much intrigued by the forbidden place, where God resides. While the Straw Hat
Pirates eat the dinner their hosts offered, they realize that Luffy will go on that place, one way or

Sky Island Skypiea

another, but first they decide to go find Nami. Pagaya offers to take a look at their waver since he
is a dial boat technician.

Meanwhile, Nami has reached a piece of land with huge trees, when she hears a noise. Fearing
this place could be dangerous, she is about to turn away, when she senses someone behind her.
Suddenly, a man comes running desperately out of the forest, chased by another man and his
giant dog. As the dog is about to attack the running man, another person arrives, riding a bird,
and intercepts him. After kicking the dog away, the man tries to attack the escapee himself, but
is in turn stopped by yet another pursuer. Seeing the ruckus, the man, standing behind Nami,
shoots with his bazooka straight towards the four men, causing a huge explosion. Once the smoke
clears, the desperate man notices Nami and begs her to take him on her boat and help him
escape, offering anything in return. Before he manages to finish his plea though, he gets struck
by, what seems to be, a lightning strike. The man with the bazooka wonders if that was caused
by Enel and decides to retreat.

The three pursuers, joined by a fourth man, seem to be actually allies, as they are seen discussing
casually about the incident. The fourth man informs the rest that seven illegal trespassers from
the blue sea, have recently entered their territory. Nami is eavesdropping the discussion and,
realizing the trespassers are none others than herself and her crew mates, she fears that the
same fate might be awaiting them, too.

Back on Angel Beach, the police force of Skypiea, the White Berets arrive, lead by Captain
McKinley, to investigate the illegal trespassing incident. When they arrive at the shore, they notice
a ship. Luffy, who was working, along with Pagaya, on the Waver, sees them and wonders w ho
they are.

The White Berets crawl cautiously towards Luffy, much to his surprise and his crew's concern.
McKinley reveals a photo of the Straw Hats taken by Amazon, which confirms that they are the
illegal trespassers. While Pagaya tries to reason with them and the others wonder what this is all
about, McKinley assures them that their crime is not so serious (class 11) and that if they pay a
fine of ten times the entry fee, they can go back to be considered regular tourists. That still seems
a lot for the Straw Hats to pay, so they try to negotiate.

At that time Nami arrives at the beach. When she gets informed by Usopp about the fine, she gets
so mad that she drives her Waver straight on Mckinley's face, sending him flying. Pagaya warns
Luffy and his crew that they are in danger, to which they agree and decide to make a run for it. A
bloodied McKinley stops them, announcing that their crime is now of class 5 and sentences them
to drifting cloud, a small cloud that drifts in the sky with no chance of getting off, in other words
a death penalty. The White Berets proceed to attack the crew, using cloud arrows and dials, but
Luffy, Zoro and Sanji manage to defeat them relatively easy. McKinley, though, warns them that
they have now become class 2 criminals and that they will now be judged by the relentless Priests
of Upper Yard.

The Straw Hat Pirates talk their situation out, trying to find a solution, while Pagaya and Conis
sadly announce that they can't help them anymore, since they are wanted men. Luffy calms
everyone, stating that, either way, they are used to being chased by the authorities. He then
argues with Nami about whether they should go to the forbidden land or not.

Zoro interrupts the argument, wondering if there is actually a way to return to the blue sea. Conis
explains that right now there is no safe route for them to follow, but they can return to the white
sea, head towards the clouds' end. As they decide to set sail, Luffy asks for food supplies and

Sky Island Skypiea

Usopp for some tools to repair the ship. Little did they know, that Luffy hadn't given up on the idea
of going to the forbidden land. Although Nami keeps protesting, they all know that if Luffy sets his
mind on something, he will do it no matter what.

As Sanji prepares the lunch boxes and Usopp gathers his tools, they notice the ship being dragged
in the sea, against their crew mates will, by a giant shrimp, accompanied by sea monsters, to
assure the criminals won't escape. Pagaya explains that the ship is taken to the sacrificial altar,
the northeast portion of Upper Yard, where they will either be sacrificed to the God, or be simply
trialed. In other words, the ship and people in her are taken hostages, and it is the ones left
behind who have to go through a series of trials, in order to save them.

After explaining the way to get there, Pagaya warns Luffy that apart from the wuite strong priests,
God Enel himself resides on Upper Yard, too.

Conis takes Luffy, Sanji and Usopp to the city of Angel Island; they notice that the citizens try to
avoid them or regard them suspiciously, because they are considered criminals. While walking on
the street, they come across a statue that symbols vearth, the idol of the citizens of the sky. As
they leave the city to head to the port, McKinley is seen following them in secret.

Upon arriving at the port, Luffy gets excited by all the strange shaped boats, but is disappointed
when Conis presents them the ship they will be taking, Karasumaru. After getting directions on
how to reach the milky road, Luffy notices Conis is trembling in fear or anxiety. Conis reveals that
taking them there could be a trap, instead of letting them rejoin the rest of the crew. She caves
in and, despite the other citizens' warnings, admits that she was the one who called for the super -
express speedy shrimp; fearing that if she didn't, her own life would be in danger. Seeing her cry
and beg for forgiveness, Luffy scolds her, not for betraying them, but for revealing the truth to
them and putting her life on the line once again.

As Luffy finishes his sentence, a huge lightning bolt comes from the sky, right on the spot he and
Conis where standing. Once the smoke clears up, the citizens mutter about what happen, and
one claims that, no one can escape the god Enel’s wrath. Fortunately, Conis and Luffy were saved
at the last minute by the Knight of the Sky, revealed to be called Gan Fall, the previous God of

As Gan Fall drops Luffy back to his crew mates, he assures them that he will protect Conis from
any harm; and asks them what their plans are, now that they have learned about this island and
God's power. Luffy replies that he doesn't want anything to do with God or his island, but he still
has to go there to rescue his friends. The three Straw Hats get on the boat and start sailing
towards Upper Yard.

Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp are on their way to the Sacrificial Altar which is located in Upper Yard.
They are traveling on the milky road in the dial boat given to them by Conis. Sanji is worried about
Conis, but Usopp tells him to trust Gan Fall and that she will be safe with him. Luffy is still unhappy
about how slow and uncool their boat is but Sanji just tells him to stop being picky.

Soon, they see the entrance to the forest and they are amazed by its size. Sanji comments that it
must have taken thousands of years for the trees to grow this huge. Luffy plans to climb the trees
while Usopp searches the map for any clue about the forest. As they reach the entrance, Sanji
tells them that there is no turning back and asks if they are ready. Usopp wants to say that he is
not ready and wants to go back but before he could finish his sentence, Luffy shouts, "Let's go!"

Sky Island Skypiea

The forest looks scary and Usopp is really scared because he feels as if someone is watching

While Usopp is still wondering why there are so many ships laying around cut in half, a huge blade
that's tied with a chain swings at them. They are saved by a close call but soon they realize there
are more of those "scythe monsters" as Luffy describes them. Soon Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp start
to paddle really fast as to dodges the rest of the blades. After a great struggle, they dodge all the
blades to realize that now they have traveled too far from the entrance. Suddenly, a huge eel-like
monster appears before them. Sanji defeats the eel with a single kick but he realizes that there
is something that someone it trying to protect and that is why there are so many traps. Soon, they
reach at a huge statue-like gate with four paths. The signs on the entrances say "Trial of Swamp",
"Trial of Iron", "Trial of String" and "Trial of Orb". They have to pick a path.

Back at Sacrificial Altar, Zoro is having a tough time fighting the sky sharks. Then a shark takes
Zoro under the clouds and Robin, Nami, and Chopper start to worry if Zoro had been eaten. But
Robin remarks if that happens then the color of clouds would turn red, and Nami tells Robin to
stop saying scary things like that. Eventually, Zoro punches the shark and sends it flying.

Zoro says that the shrimp left them at a dangerous place and they cannot go anywhere because
there are too many sharks. Nami remarks that despite being a swordsman, Zoro punched the
shark, and Chopper finds Zoro incredibly strong. Zoro tells Robin that since the bottom of the
Going Merry is smashed, they cannot leave with it. Zoro tells Chopper to start repairing it while he
goes in the forest to look for a way out. Zoro tells Nami that Luffy and the others will come here
eventually so it is best to stay put, but Nami remarks that he is not the one to talk about b eing
lost. Zoro is eager to meet the God that everyone is talking about but Nami tells him that he
cannot and he must apologize to God and pray for forgiveness. Zoro answers that he never prayed
to god. Chopper is really amazed by Zoro's response while Nami is praying to God that telling him
that she is not associated with Zoro.

Robin asks Zoro if she can join, which Zoro agrees but tells her to stay out of his way. Robin said
that the Sacrificial Altar looks thousands of years old and history always makes things exciting.
She also says that if they can find some jewels or treasure then it might help them to fix the ship.
As soon as Nami hears the word "jewels", she decides to join Zoro and Robin and her excuse was
that she is interested in history which Chopper finds a complete lie. Soon Zoro and Robin cross
the river by swinging on vines but when it come to Nami's turn, she was scared by the height, but
by gathering some courage she jumps but only to find out that she is going too fast. Robin slows
her by using her Devil Fruit powers. They leave the Sacrificial Altar, and Zoro tells Chopper that
they are trusting him to repair the ship. Chopper is telling himself that he did not go because he
was scared and he would rather stay here on the ship alone. Then it hits him that he is the one in
the most danger.

The four priests of God discuss the Class 2 crime the Straw Hat Pirates committed, and prepare
for their punishment.

As Luffy, Sanji and Usopp sail along the milky road, they arrive at a point where their route splits
between four doors leading to a respective trial, each one bearing a name: Orb, String, Iron and
Swamp. Luffy, casually suggests the trial of Orb, and the other two agree.

As they enter the door, they go through a dark and long corridor. Luffy jokes about them picking
the wrong door, and when they finally reach the exit, they start falling. Believing they have fallen

Sky Island Skypiea

off Sky Island, the three panic, but they land on what seems to be a continuation of the milky
road, which leads them into a forest filled with various sized cloud orbs.

As the three of them continue sailing, they get attacked by a giant snake, but Luffy sends it flying.
Shortly afterwards, a large white orb blocks their path; when Sanji attempts to remove it by kicking
it, the orb explodes in their faces.

Suddenly, a voice is heard, explaining that these clouds are called "surprise orbs", and no one
can predict what will appear from inside them. A man appears, and introduces himself as Satori,
one of Enel's priests. Sanji asks him if the rest of the crew are alright; he replies that he doesn't
know, but even if they manage to escape custody, they would still end up dead. When Luffy tries
to attack him, Satori predicts the attack and avoids it, before striking Luffy in the face with an
impact dial attached to his palm. Sanji attacks him as well, but his moves are predicted by the
pries again, by a power called Mantra. Usopp tries to fight, but gets beaten up as well.

Satori sends the boat, the Straw Hats' only means of reaching the sacrificial altar, sailing along
the milky road. He then goes on to explain the trial of orb, stating that it has a survival rate of

Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp are amazed by the priest's power, who taunts them, telling them they have
to hurry and beat him in order to catch up with their boat. Luffy sends the other two to find the
Karasumaru, saying that he will take care of their enemy. He attacks Satori, but his moves get
predicted again, and he is easily defeated. Satori turns his attention to Usopp and Sanji, attacking
them with his orbs and stalling them, until Luffy returns to the fight. Luffy's punches not only miss
their target, but hit all the nearby floating orbs, setting off all their hidden surprise traps at once.

During the attack, Usopp finds the time to use his rope weapon to reach the boat; while this
reaches the boat, it is not entirely successful, as he forgot to detach the rope from his belt, and
is dragged along underneath. Satori lands a very powerful attack with an impact dial on Sanji's
chest, stating that the other two are next.

Meanwhile, back on Going Merry, Chopper has been left alone to guard her; when one of Enel's
priests, Shura, arrives to collect the sacrifices, Chopper panics, blowing the whistle to summon
Gan Fall, the Knight of the Sky, in a desperate call for help.

Conis and Pagaya have sought refuge in Gan Fall’s residence. There, the former God is seen
watering his pumpkin crops, while discussing with his guests about the recent events. Gan Fall
explains, that those people where pirates from the blue sea, groups that are considered sailing
criminals, though he prefers to call them "people that don't follow rules". He goes on about having
met another group of pirates, 20 years ago, whom he befriended. Gan Fall expresses his worry
about the ongoing conflict between Skypiea and Shandia and reveals that his negotiations, while
he was God, had almost bore fruits, but it was then, when Enel invaded the country and assumed

As he apologizes about his failure, he remembers an old legend speaking about a beautiful song
heard, when God's island was born; a song that signaled the beginning of the war. Gan Fall
believes that, when this song is heard once more, that's when the war will, finally, end. All of a
sudden, seeing Pierre uneasy, Gan Fall wears his armor and departs.

Back at the ship, Chopper is seen, bruised, trying to put out a fire on the main mast, and begging
the attacker to stop. In a desperate move, Chopper breaks the mast right of and throws it in the

Sky Island Skypiea

sea. However, Shura keeps setting fires on the ship, using his lance and states that if Chopper
wants to survive, he has to make sacrifices.

Shura explains, that the forest is divided into four territories, each one controlled by a priest, but
the altar doesn't belong to any of the said territories. If the invaders survive the trials of the forest
and reach the altar then they are free to go. However, since some of the sacrifices broke the rules
and left the altar, Shura claims that someone else must pay for it with his lif e.

As Shura attacks Chopper with his lance, Gan Fall appears. The two men engage into an aerial
battle, riding their birds. Shura looks down on Gan Fall, calling him an old man, but the former
God, with a swift move, manages to land a dial attack on his opponent, much to Chopper's

As the battle between Gan Fall and Shura continues, elsewhere, a little girl is shown walking
amongst the clouds, when she finally arrives in a village hidden inside the clouds, the village of
Shandia. The girl, named Aisa, meets a Shandia warrior there, who warns her that, if she keeps
going to Upper Yard, she will end up dead. Meanwhile, the rest of the warriors discuss about Gan
Fall's skirmish in Upper Yard, whom, along with Enel, they consider an enemy and hope they take
each other out. The masked attacker is revealed to be Wiper, the descendant of the great Shandia
warrior, Calgara.

Zoro, Nami and Robin wonder in the forest, until Robin finds some kind of ruins that pick her
interest. Ahead of them lies a river, which they have to cross, if they wish to enter deeper into the
forest. Nami watches over the distance with her binoculars and spots the area called Upper Yard.

Back at the altar, Chopper is amazed by the speed in which the two opponents clash. Suddenly,
Gan Fall finds it hard to move his body, which got trapped in Shura's ordeal of strings. Unable to
move, the dethroned God suffers a fatal wound by the priest's lance, and with his last words, asks
Chopper to defeat Enel and his priests, for the sake of all those who have fallen.

At the same time, Pagaya suggest that, he and Conis create something to help the Straw Hat

Gan Fall falls defeated into the water and Chopper, in desperation, dives after him to save him,
despite being a Devil Fruit user. Fuza, with a hit, sends Pierre to join them. Sure about his victory,
Shura decides to go after the other escapees.

Back in the forest, Satori has taken the upper hand in his battle against Luffy, Sanji and Usopp.
Luffy attacks the priest but he dodges and sends a dragon made of orbs against his opponent.
Usopp takes this chance to try and retrieve their boat. Luffy notices that the dragon is controlled
by a rope and he cuts it loose. Satori pulls Luffy with the remaining rope towards him, but Luffy
still holds the dragon on the other hand, which he throws on the scared priest, causing a huge
chain of explosions.

Satori manages to survive the explosion, but loses his focus, and that's when Luffy appears and
grabs him, rendering him unable to move or escape. Sanji, although hurt by the explosions, is
determined to pay the priest back, for kidnapping his favorite ladies, regardless of the
consequences being that they will become first class criminals. As Luffy still holds on Satori, Sanji
delivers a strong kick on his head and finally defeats him.

Sky Island Skypiea

In the Shandia village, Aisa informs Wiper that she felt, using her Mantra, that two voices have
beed silenced in the forest. Wiper rejoices and realizes that this is the time for them to act and
begin their assault. When Wiper leaves, Aisa reveals to Laki that it wasn't Gan Fall who defeated
the priest, but some other very powerful people, who are also in the forest. Laki asks for the girl's
purse and when she refuses to give it away, claiming that her treasure is inside, Laki promises to
bring more for her.

In the forest, Usopp urges Luffy amd Sanji to hurry up, if they want to catch up with their boat.
Using Usopp's waist rope, they finally manage to get on board. Nami seems to have discovered
something about Upper Yard, and is about to lead Zoro and Robin there to make sure.

While the rest of the priests, using Mantra, acknowledge the defeat of their comrade in the hands
of the newcommers, the Shandia warriors have begun their invasion in God's island, lead by Wiper
who is determined to light the fire of Shandia.

Chopper wakes up back on the Altar and, seeing Gan Fall and Pierre unconscious around him,
wonders who saved them from drowning.

Nami's group reach a clearing where they see something familiar. A missing part of a house they
saw down on Jaya. This leads them to realize that, Upper Yard was once on the ground, originally
a part of the island of Jaya.

Nami thanks God once she finds out that the Sky Island they tried so hard to reach is actually the
City of Gold, thinking that it must be God's reward for her "well behaved and disciplined self".
When someone asks if she wasn't afraid of "God" on the Island, she responds "Who cares about
God!? Is it worth more money than gold!?". Robin remarks that she was thanking God earlier, and
Zoro states that she does not know what she's trying to say.

The Shandia continue their invasion of Upper Yard, attacking anything in their path. Luffy, Sanji
and Usopp ride the milky road, and notice the human skulls on the plain. Luffy remarks that they
are indeed human skulls, and notices that something's coming. Usopp freaks out, and the
Shandia appear to attack the group. Wiper fires a cannon ball at them. Luffy jumps and uses
Gomu Gomu no Fusen to deflect it. One of the Shandia asks Wiper if they should engage them,
to which the latter states that they should ignore them. Sanji notices that one of them is the
Masked Raider they met in the White Sea. Wiper then states that they are the citizens of the Blue
Sea that caused a racket at Skypiea, and that if they don't want to die, they should go back to the
Blue Sea, and warns them to do not try to do anything weird at the Island, otherwise he will treat
them like Enel, and eliminate them too. Luffy then asks for a fight, Usopp tells him to not say
anything more and Sanji asks if the Shandia and God are really enemies. Wiper remarks that they
are going to need to be strong to leave the island alive. Luffy wonders what´s their problem, and
then the group continues their ride.

Back in Karasumaru, the group enjoys their ride on the Milky Road, and wonder if it's going to be
this calm all the way to the altar. As the sun sets, the Shandia and the Priests continue their fight.

The other members of the crew go back to the Going Merry, and notice that the mast is missing.
They then call for Chopper. The latter tells them nothing really bad happened and the formers ask
for him to tell them what happened. Luffy, Usopp and Sanji then reunite with the others. Chopper
tells Usopp what happened to the mast, and then the crew goes to check on Gan Fall. Sanji
remarks that in the ship's current condition and the sky getting dark, they must camp there for
the night. Each Straw Hat Pirates then reports on the situation and tells the crew the information

Sky Island Skypiea

each one gathered, while Sanji and Chopper take care of Gan Fall. Luffy then states that they will
"go and find the gold".

The Shandia have continued their campaign through Upper Yard, but must now halt their progress
as Kamakiri has been hurt. Engaged in battle with the priest "Skybreeder" Ohm and his dog Holy,
Wiper reluctantly retreats with the rest of the Shandia to treat their wounded. Ohm is prepared to
pursue them, but another priest, "Sky Boss" Gedatsu, arrives and tells him that Enel has
summoned them. At the Straw Hat’s encampment, Luffy is assisting Sanji in preparing a meal for
the crew. Watching water boil, he complains about how boring his job is, but Sanji stresses the
importance of having water for the crew tomorrow. Just then Zoro and Chopper return from a
supply run. Chopper has found bananas, walnuts, aloe, and garlic. Zoro has come back with rats
and frogs. Sanji tells them to put it all in the stew, prompting Nami to comment that some weird
things going into it. Sanji guesses that she is referring to the garlic, which Nami vehemently
denies. Robin then returns as well, holding a blue rock that Nami initially takes for a gemstone. It
is actually crystallized salt, much to Sanji's delight. Chopper decides to keep some of the aloe and
garlic for medical treatment and helping the Knight of The Sky, which slightly confuses Zoro, as
he assumed Chopper would need the frogs. Sanji then asks Zoro to help out with preparation as
well; he has him hold a smoldering rock to place in the stew, much to the latter' s annoyance at
the use of his swords. Luffy wonders if they're supposed to eat the rock too, as Sanji explains that
the heat from the rock helps cook the stew.

As Sanji puts the finishing touches on their meal, Nami has finished creating a map. With the
crew gathered and eating, Nami starts by first reviewing what they have learned from Montblanc
Noland’s tale : He traveled to the City of Gold 400 years ago. A few years later he returned in
search for the golden city, but it had seemingly vanished without a trace. Most evidence
implicates that particular part of the island being blasted into the sky by the Knock Up Stream,
but Zoro points out that the animals and vegetation of both islands vary too greatly to have come
from the same place. Robin, however, points out that there are much different substances in both
environments that impact their growth in drastically different ways. Chopper makes note of the
size of the south bird that saved them (compared to the one that got them to Skypiea), to which
Sanji questions why they were saved in the first place. Chopper isn't sure, but points out that the
birds were referring to the Knight of The Sky as "God". This blows Luffy away, as he immediately
associates the actions of Enel with the title and consequently thinks that he has to beat up the
Knight of The Sky. This earns him ridicule from Usopp, which eases Pierre’s fears that Luffy may
actually hurt his master. Nami continues recapping the information Noland's book gave them
about the Golden City, including a golden belfry. Robin calls attention to the things Noland wrote
on the last page of his diary, more specifically his quote about seeing the gold in the "Skull’s Right
Eye". Nami is thinking the same thing, and shows the crew what happens she aligns the map
Robin found in Jaya, with the ancient map of Skypiea: when combined at the point Montblanc
Cricket’s home splits, the two islands form a skull.

With this new revelation, the "Skull's Right Eye" is shown to be a specific area in Upper Yard.
Because the island was still one land mass at the time of Noland's discovery, the logic no longer
held true and the riddle was impossible to solve by the time he returned. The crew decides to
head for this point the next day, but they cannot leave the Going Merry unattended, so will split
into two groups. Robin notices that it is getting late, and suggest putting out the fire so as to not
give away their position to the enemy. Luffy calls this idea stupid (greatly shocking Robin), but
Usopp tells Luffy to give her the benefit of the doubt in recognition of the dark life she has lived
up until now. When Robin inquires what they mean, they explain that you simply have to have a
campfire on camping night, even if it means death. Nami attempts to scold the two about how
dangerous the forest is, but realizes it is futile when Zoro and Sanji join in by creating a woodpile.

Sky Island Skypiea

Sanji attempts to quell her fears by explaining that the beasts are afraid of fire, but eyes begin to
ominously appear from the darkness behind him, only scaring her further. Ironically, she is soon
enjoying herself with everyone else: the eyes are revealed to have belonged to wolves, who
befriend the crew and dance with them around the campfire.

In the midst of the festivities, the Knight of The Sky finally awakens from his rest. He is greatly
amused that the wolves have been tamed, and furthermore that probably no one else would
make so much noise in Enel's home. He attempts to apologize that he couldn't be more helpful
to the crew, but they denounce this and offer him some food. Luffy and Chopper actually ask him
to come dance, much to Zoro's bewilderment (Zoro and Chopper often argue about the former's
mobility after medical treatment). Sanji asks him about Conis and Pagaya, and he assures they
are safe at his home. His face becomes more serious, and he reveals that he overheard their
conversations about Upper Yard's history. He was unaware that the land was once known as Jaya,
but nonetheless asks them if they know why Upper Yard is known as the "Holy Land". H e goes on
to explain to the crew that the ground beneath their feet is rather common to them, but to the
people of the sky, it is quite the opposite. Island cloud can nurture plant life, but it cannot give
birth to it; thus soil and plant life are not things of the sky. There, they refer to the soil as "vearth",
and will forever hold it sacred.

In another area of Upper Yard, there is discord in the Shandia Village over their earlier mission.
Wiper is berating Laki for her lack of focus, blaming Kamakiri's injury on his need to save her. She
apologizes, and tearfully begs for the small bag that Wiper has snatched from her. She exclaims
it is Aisa’s treasure, and she promised the little girl she would bring her some Vearth. Wiper
counters that is exactly why she couldn't focus. She continues to beg for the bag back, until
Kamakiri himself appears and knocks the bag to the ground. He claims that he can still fight, and
agrees with Wiper that there is no better time than now to strike with one of the Priests alre ady
down. He goes on to say that if they defeat Enel there will no longer be any need to cherish a
small bag of Vearth, and the Shandia will finally be able to return to the home that they lost 400
years ago.

Usopp gets up in the middle of the night because he needs to go to the bathroom. While going to
the bathroom he hears some noise coming from the Going Merry. However, there is very thick
fog, and he can only see a hand holding a hammer. When it is morning, Zoro finds Usopp sleeping
near the place he went to the bathroom.

The scene then changes to where Ohm, Gedatsu, and Shura are at God's Shrine. Shura blames
Ohm for letting Wiper live, saying that that is the reason why the three have been summoned. The
doors to God's Shrine suddenly opens, and the three priests get into a position ready to fight.

From behind Yama asks what they are doing, and states that they are just hopeless. Ohm
complains that the other two priests pull him down and that he can't reach his full potential. He
then reveals that he is the Priest in charge of the Trial of Iron. Gedatsu states that the other trials
are dull, and that his own trial of swamp is the ultimate one.

Yama asserts that this is no time to be fooling around, as this is the place where God lives. All of
a sudden, the priests get attacked by someone. It is revealed that this attacker is infact the God
of Skypea, Enel. He states that the Priests are still weak. The Priests are not happy at this attack,
but Enel then laughs saying that he was just bored. He also states that the Priests are taking the
citizens of the Blue Sea too lightly, and that their target is the gold.

Sky Island Skypiea

Enel states that the Straw Hat Pirates will most likely start searching for the gold the next day,
and that the Shandia will also attack again. Thus, he cancels all of the rules he has put in place,
and allows the priests to do whatever they want in Upper Yard. When the Priests ask why Enel
has had this sudden change of mind to cancel all of the rules, Enel replies by saying that Maxim
is almost complete, and that they will soon depart to the dream world.

The Straw Hat Pirates notice that the Going Merry appears to have been repaired from its damage,
and Usopp asserts that what he saw wasn't a dream after all. This causes the Straw Hats to
question if in fact there is someone good on this island helping them. Luffy along with Usopp
wonder how the mysterious person could have known how to repair the ship if they had not seen
it before.

Nami then makes a plan on how to get the gold. Luffy, Robin, Zoro, and Chopper are apart of the
Explore Team, and they will navigate towards the right eye of the skull at the ancient ruin to get
the gold. Nami, Usopp, and Sanji will navigate the ship through the island and shore as close to
the ruin as possible. Then the teams will meet and leave Sky Island being very rich pirates.

The Straw Hat Explore Team (Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, and Robin) has wasted no time in having
problems. Zoro has already strayed away from the group, and Luffy yells to him that the west is
the other way, while actually pointing east. Zoro counters with the logic that the "skull's right eye"
must mean that they go right, and the two trade insults. Meanwhile, Robin asks Chopper to tell
both of them that they're actually supposed to be going south. They eventually regoup and head
off. Chopper comments that he was initially worried the forest would be a dangerous place, but
now he thinks its nothing to worry about (he makes a mental note that he feels safer with the
group), prompting Luffy to mention how brave he's being today. Zoro adds that he can relate since
nothing came at them when they entered the forest yesterday either, and Chopper feels even
better about himself. Unbeknownst to all of them however, a gigantic snake that severely dwarfs
them all in size slithers across the forest behind them. Robin muses to herself how strange the
group is for being so eager for something bad to happen. At that moment, the giant snake fully
emerges in front of them.

Aboard the Going Merry, Usopp has taken it upon himself to act as "captain", and asks Nami to
speed up the ship. She responds that the milky road current is too rough, so they just have to rely
on the dials to get them through. Usopp then aks Sanji to be his bodyguard, which he coldly replies
he will do exclusively for Nami. Nami then remembers that its time for the Knight of the Sky to get
his medicine, and asks Sanji where Chopper kept it. The knight speaks up, and states that his
name is Gan Fall. He asks to share a bit of history of the country. He starts by saying that until 6
years ago, he was known as the "God" of Skypiea. This causes Usopp to asks him if he fell on his
head, earning him a nasty bite on the head from Pierre. He continues by confirming what the crew
had already figured out: Upper Yard first appeared in Skypeia around 400 years ago. Prior to its
arrival, Skypeia was a peaceful place where its inhabitants greatly treasured the blue sea items
that occasionally washed up via the Knock Up Stream. All the vearth that appeared in Skypeia
beforehand had come in this manner, but for something the size of Upper Yard to come up was
truly unprecedented. They considered it a true miracle, a Holy Land as a gift from heaven. The
land already had its own native residents however, the Shandia, and thus began a war for the
Holy Land. In the end the Shandia were forced out, and have since been trying to reclaim what
was once theirs. Sanji and Usopp immediately voice their blame on Gan Fall, earning them both
a bite on the head from Pierre. However Gan Fall owns up to it and doesn't attempt to shift blame
at all. As he pauses to take his medicine, Nami asks him about "God" Enel. He explains that six
years ago Enel showed up leading a powerful army, and defeated both God’s Army and the
Shandia. He took control of Upper Yard from then on, forcing his army into intense labor, though

Sky Island Skypiea

he doesn't know the details. He reaffirms that who "God" is doesn't matter to the Shandia, they
only want their homeland. Sanji asks what caused them to attack the crew when they first arrived
then, and he explains that they attack God's Army without mercy. They most likely mistook them
for militia, since they sometimes attempt to escape on blue sea ships. Gan Fall says he became
the "Knight of The Sky" to help people so easily deemed as criminals escape from Enel's sphere
of influence. Sanji resolves that Enel is nothing but a tyrant, which freaks Usopp out, as he
wonders what Enel can hear. Gan Fall explains that it's actually worse than being a tyrant; he
enforces a system that uses various excuses to outlaw people, and then pushes the people of
Skypeia to take part in capturing them. This awareness creates fear, which he uses to maintain
a control over the population that truly does liken him to a god. Nami frets at how absurd this all
is, realizing the City of Gold has gone to a truly incredible place. This sparks more memories of
Gan Fall from the crew's discussions the night before, and he asks what gold is.

Back in the forest, the Explore Team prepares to deal with the snake. Luffy yells for them to run
away (though he is clearly enjoying himself), Chopper is scared speechless, Robin wonders if the
island's environment is the reason for its size, and Zoro prepares to cut it. The snake strikes at
them, and they all manage to dodge. The snake does strike a tree however, which completely
melts down, and it is revealed the snake has extremely corrosive venom. With this, they decide
that running away is the better option, though Luffy again clearly finds the snake is cool. Zoro
warns that the venom will instantly kill you, and Luffy tries to get its attention. It focuses on Robin
however, and strikes at her. She effortlessly dodges, and creates a makeshift vine to swing herself
to safety. Chopper quickly scrambles away (comically running upright on his hind legs in walk
point), and Zoro finds himself face to face with the snake next. Zoro comments on how dire this
looks, and the snake lunges for him.

Robin is unsure of what to do. She has navigated back to where they were originally, but no one
else is there. She wonders if she should wait. Elsewhere, Chopper is in a severe state of panic
that he's gotten lost, and cries out for help. In a different location, Zoro wonders where everyone
has gone. He quickly resolves that they'll be fine by themselves though, and that he even
memorized most of the map: he just needs to go "right". Finally Luffy has also been separated
from the group, but he assumed they got lost. He decides that he'll just meet them at the ruins,
and since they said it is "to the south", that must mean it is someplace warm.

In a flashback, Gan Fall has come to visit the Shandia in their village. This causes quite the stir,
as Wiper is not in the mood to talk. Gan Fall has come to broker an alliance with the Chieftain,
which Wiper staunchly rejects. He says that they will never give up fighting for their homeland,
and denies the premise that fighting is meaningless, in light of what was done to the Shandia in
the past. Gan Fall counters that Upper Yard has now become an essential part of Skypiea, and it
is not as simple as just giving the land back. The people of Skypiea have come to be grateful for
the land, and he does not wish to punish innocent people. Wiper then demands the heads of one
hundred "innocent" people as payment for peace, which the Knight (then "God") cannot
accomodate. Unable to reach a compromise, Wiper orders Gan Fall to leave, unless he wants to
be killed. Desperate, Gan Fall calls out Wiper's name when he turns to walk away, only infuriating
the latter further at the use of his name. Gan Fall simply utters that he loves pumpkin juice,
causing Wiper to snap and attack him. An altercation ensues, causing Kamakiri and Braham to
be called in to help break it up. Laki is seen watching from a distance, and comments on how a
baby Aisa always cries when something terrible happens in the village. She wonders if it is
because of Wiper, and Aisa's mother Isa adds that he is always in the center of trouble. Isa is
actually afraid of Wiper, and likens him to a demon.

Sky Island Skypiea

In the present, as Aisa's bag of vearth lays on the ground, Laki asks Wiper what he's done. Wiper
silences her, and has Braham cut her off. Wiper announces that they will not get another chance
like this, and that anyone who is not ready can stay in the village. When the Shandia are confused
by this, he clarifies by asking them if they are willing to step over their fallen comrades. Only those
who are willing to do so should come with him, as today is the day he plans to cut off Enel’s head.

At God’s shrine, Enel discusses his own strategy with what's left of the forces. Along with the
remaining 3 Priests, 50 members of God’s Army (this includes Yama) have been dispatched. One
of the staff members notes that is the entirety of their battle force and wonders if it wa s worth
going all out, but Enel tells him not underestimate anyone. This only confuses them more, and
Enel clarifies: the 50 soldiers, along with the priests and himself, makes 54 fighters. There are
20 Shandia entering the forest, 4 Straw Hats that have already entered, and 3 on the Going Merry
(he initially counts Gan Fall, but decides against it). This makes a total of 81 fighters in the Survival
Game. He asks the advisors to guess how many fighters there will be left after 3 hours, and they
are reluctant to comply. One of three doesn't even want to bother trying to guess, but another
speaks up and guesses 50. Enel laughs at the optimistic guess, and finally offers his own
prediction: after 3 hours, of the 81 fighters currently in the survival game, 5 will be left standing.

The Shandia begin their assault on Upper Yard, but immediately find themselves immobilized by
an unseen phenomenon. A voice chides them for the "poses" they are stuck in, as the Priest "Sky
Rider" Shura is revealed to be behind their predicament. Shura elaborates that the Shandia have
found themselves in the Trial of String, and their survival rate is 3%. Kamakiri realizes it is string
cloud that immobilized them, as Shura continues explaining that they are too thin to see or feel.
The Shandia were becoming tangled in them the instant they entered the forest, and a silhouette
slowly emerges as he states that the clouds have captured all of them except one. Wiper has
somehow managed to evade the String Clouds, and Shura readies his bird Fuza for an aerial
battle with the Shandia. Shura states that no one can defeat him in the air, as Kamakiri warns
Wiper about Shura's heat javelin. To Shura's shock, Wiper actually discards his bazooka at the
last second and allows the lance to pierce him. With both hands free, he grabs hold of Shura with
one, and places the other on the Priest's chest. He tells the Priest to say his "prayers" to Enel,
prompting a boastful response from Shura, as he believes an impact dial isn't enough to defeat
him. Wiper informs the Priest that what he has is actually 10 times stronger than that, and
activates the reject dial into Shura's chest. The Priest is immediately incapacitated from the
tremendous impact, spurting up blood and falling to the ground unconscious. Wiper stands
victorious clutching his shoulder from the recoil, as the narrator announces that the survival game
is now down to 80 fighters.

Aboard the Going Merry, Gan Fall reveals that he introduced himself to the Straw Hats as a
mercenary whey they first met because blue sea dwellers aren't knowledgable of sky combat.
When the crew asks him to explain, the Knight sets up a demonstration. Sanji is given a large
hammer, and he's told to try his best to break a small shell that has been placed on top of a barrel
in front of him. Usopp warns Sanji to do it gently, saying that he won't forgive the cook if he
damages the ship. Gan Fall tells him to do the exact opposite, which infuriates Usopp, yelling at
the Knight not to say such things just because the Merry isn't his ship. With that Sanji puts his all
into the strike, though to everyone's surprise, neither the barrel or shell are affected in the least.
Nami is visibly intrigued by this, while Usopp admonishes Sanji for a pathetic showing of strength.
The shell slowly gives off fumes however, leading Sanji to wonder if it mysteriously absorbed the
impact somehow. Gan Fall then directs Sanji to hold the open side of the shell toward the barrel,
and press the top. It releases a devasting force, completely obliterating the barrel and blowing
Sanji back. While the crew reels from the explosion (Usopp has jumped off the deck of ship), Gan
Fall explains that what they just witnessed was the power of the impact dial. It stores energy from

Sky Island Skypiea

impacts to be released later. He adds that people tend to fixate them to their palm by means of
a glove or bandage. This causes Sanji and Usopp to reflect on their fight with Satori, and they are
now able to make sense of his abilities. As Sanji comically hits the old man for not telling him
about the impact, Gan Fall brings up that legends tell of even more powerful dials in the island's
history. One of these is the reject dial, which has ten times the power of an impact dial. This power
increase can cost the user his life however, so they have all but been retired. Nami expresses
that dials were explained to them as everyday tools and not weapons, but Gan Fall counters that
any tool which can benefit man, can also hurt him. For instance, he points out that a heat dial,
which is used for cooking, can be equipped on a lance to become a fire lance (Shura’s heat javelin
is shown as an example). In the same vein, a flame dial can be placed in a bird's mouth to create
a fire-breathing bird (Fuza is shown as an example). He concludes that because of this, blue sea
dwellers with no knowledge of dials and artificial clouds whatsoever stand no chance against
well-versed sky combatants. On that note, Sanji decides to ask Gan Fall about the "Mantra" ability
that they also encountered against Satori. Gan Fall states that since he doesn't have the ability
himself it is a bit hard to explain, but it is essentially an enhanced perception. He goes on to say
that everyone's body has a "voice", and one can predict a person's next move by listening to it.
The range of this ability can be increased with training: the Priests are able to "hear" everything
on Upper Yard, while Enel’s range extends to the country in its entirety. He does not understand
the logic behind how Enel is able to do this however.

At God’s shrine, Enel announces that Shura has been defeated. While laughing, he adds that he
underestimated his opponents. The advisors are confused by his optimism, as two Priests have
fallen in two days, who have been undefeated for six years. Enel laughs this off as well, adding
an insulting joke that "God" wasn't on their side. Elsewhere in Upper Yard, Yama prepares his
enforcers of God’s Army to deal with the Shandia assault and the Straw Hats. The enforcers all
resemble goats in appearance. At the outskirts of the Shandia Village, Laki places the spilled
vearth back into Aisa’s bag as she recalls Wiper and Kamakiri's words from earlier that they'd
take down Enel with no regard for their fallen. In the forest itself, Kamakiri scolds Wiper for his
use of the Reject Dial, saying that he'll die if he uses it again. Wiper responds by firing his bazooka
in Kamakiri's direction, and asks how they will ever defeat their enemy if they don't make
sacrifices. In the aftermath of the blast, Wiper has gone ahead alone, as Kamakiri considers him
a fool for his actions. Braham however assesses that they should indeed split up, as there are
two Priests left and they don't want any further humiliation by being trapped together again. They
all decide to split off, with Genbo suggesting they meet again at God's shrine.

With the Shandia now split and heading in different directions, one of them hears a goat in his
vicinity. Before he can make sense of it he is ambushed, and incapacitated by an enforcer of
God's Army. Another of the Shandia notices and confronts one the enforcer, asking what he did.
He states that Enel has directed them to clean the mess in Upper Yard, and the axe dials they
carry are not found anywhere else in Skypeia. The Shandia attempts to shoot him, but he dodges.
He holds up his shield for defense, but it proves no match for the dial's power as he is sliced as

In another area of the forest, Luffy is casually singing and strolling along until he believes he hears
a goat. He's excited that there would be a goat in the forest, and decides to keep walking. One of
the God's Army enforcers then emerges from a tree behind him and attempts an ambush, but
Luffy punches him so hard that he bounces off of several trees and lands on his head. Luffy is
frustrated that it wasn't actually a goat, but continues to walk and sing. He stops yet again when
he notices something, but this time it is Wiper. The two exchange cold stares, and Wiper asks
Luffy what he's doing here.

Sky Island Skypiea

The narrator provides a quick recap on the Straw Hats: The "Explore" team, which consisted of
Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Chopper have departed in search for the ancient ruins, due directly south
of the sacrifical altar that the Going Merry was stationed at before. Although it is quite literally a
straight line to the ruins, Robin is the only who remains set on their original path, as the others
have strayed off.

Chopper is being chased by enforcers of God’s Army, screaming out for help as he runs as fast as
he possibly can. The Shandia are approaching him from the direction he's heading though,
causing him to run back in the direction he was coming from in the first place. A battle between
the two forces ensues, with Chopper just desperately trying to stay out of the way. The enforcers
prove victorious, while Chopper continues to run away and notes that he shouldn't have come

Elsewhere, Nico Robin notices that the forest is no longer as tranquil as it once was. She comes
across the first signs of civilization, though the forest has almost swallowed up most of t he ruins.
One of the enforcers crash lands on some of the ruins in front of her, and tells her that she may
not proceed. She tells him to get down from where he is, asking if he has any idea how valuable
the historic ruins are. Confused by this, he readies himself to attack her. He starts informing her
of Enel’s orders, but before he can finish, Robin seizes him in various places with "Seis Fleurs"
(sprouting 6 arms). She then uses "Twist" to break several bones, including his spine and legs.
Left incapacitated and foaming at the mouth, Robin remarks that he deserved it before moving

In another area of the forest, Wiper reminds Luffy that he told him to leave. Luffy tells him its none
of his business, but Wiper counters the island belongs to the Shandia, so it is his business. Luffy
replies that he thought it was God's place, and apologizes. He then casually tries to keep walking
away, but Wiper stops him, this time to Luffy's annoyance. Wiper announces his intent to eliminate
Luffy, generating a smile from the pirate as he readies himself for battle.

A defeated enforcer lays on the ground in a different area of Upper Yard, as one of the Shandia
comments that they've lost a few men to God's Army already. He notices Zoro walking along, and
remembers that Wiper told him that the blue sea dwellers must be eliminated. He lunges at Zoro
with his spear, but he effortlessly dodges and knocks him out with a devastating punch. He
continues walking, until he hears one of the enforcers pleading for his life. The enforcer attempts
to surrender and beg for mercy, but is blasted away just a few feet from Zoro. Braham emerges,
and recognizing him, Zoro warns him not to get in his way. Braham decides to respond by firing
his pistols at Zoro, which creates a blinding light that temporarily disorients the swordsman. He
then bounces off a few trees until he is airborne directly above Zoro, firing off more blinding shots.
Zoro manages to evade the bullets, but when he tries to ask about the pistols he can longer see
Braham. Zoro senses him attacking from behind, though he is not able to counter quickly enough.
Braham lands a powerful kick to his side, sending him flying back. As Zoro gets back to his feet,
Braham commends him for his toughness and apologizes for underestimating t he swordsman.
Licking the blood from around his mouth with a devious smile, Zoro apologizes too for thinking
Braham was one of the lesser warriors. He tosses his bag aside, and prepares to fight.

A tense standoff is underway between Roronoa Zoro and Braham, as the Shandia and God’s Army
continue to wage war against each other in the surrounding area. Braham suddenly launches into
the air, and flips behind Zoro. Zoro is confused at how he was able to jump like that with no
preparation, and he begins to remember Usopp explaining different kinds of wavers. He also
notes that the lights from Braham's guns makes it difficult to pinpoint his position. Braham fires
a barrage of bullets, but to his surprise Zoro evades while coming directly for him. Zoro prepares

Sky Island Skypiea

the "Tora Gari", and Braham makes note of his now drawn third sword. He escapes the technique
by jumping to the milky road above him. Zoro follows him by running up a nearby tree and jumping
towards the Shandia. While he's in midair closing in, Braham belitt les the swordsman for his
ignorance of wavers and dials. Holding up a small shell, he asks Zoro if he knows what it is before
throwing it directly at him. It leaves a trail of cloud behind it as it reaches him, and Braham
instantly closes the distance between the two, revealing it is a milky dial. Caught off guard, Zoro
is knocked down to the milky road below as Braham asserts that randomly hopping around does
not make him a sky combatant. An eel emerges from the road below to devour Zoro, but he slices
it in half.

Standing atop the defeated eel, Zoro muses that he could probably eat it if he cooked it. This
temporary lapse of focus gives Braham an opening, and he wastes no time firing another barrage
of bullets. This time he gets Zoro in the leg, before he manages to scurry away behind a tree for
cover. Making note of his leg injury, Zoro decides that he has to take the guns out of the equation.
Emerging from his cover with his goggles on, he tells Braham that his guns are now useless
against him. Braham calls his bluff however, and knows that they aren't sunglasses. He continues
by mentioning Zoro's disapproval of his guns and the leg injury that he sustained, promising that
he'll finish the swordsman now. Removing the goggles, Zoro responds that it is just scratch,
though mentally noting that he needs more training for allowing himself to get shot while admiring
an eel. Braham fires at Zoro again, and he evades by jumping to the forest floor below. He
grimaces in pain from the landing, but fights the urge to yell out his agony as he continues to
dodge the bullets. When he finally stops shooting, Braham asks the swordsman if he's trying to
run away. Holding up just one sword in front of him, Zoro explains that sight, sound, smell, taste,
touch, and thought; the 6 senses, can be good, bad, or neutral (3 variations of each sense, 6x3
= 18). Furthermore, each of these can be pure, or tainted (2 variations of each, 18x2 = 36). These
are the 36 earthly desires. Zoro tells the Shandian that he may have a pistol, but Zoro has a
cannon aimed at him, which exceeds his weapon in both range and power. Throwing forward
another Milky Dial to reach Zoro, Braham wonders if he's gone insane, and asks him where the
cannon is. As he closes in, Zoro tells him to open his eyes wide, he's about to show him. Braham
tells the swordsman to joke all he wants, and as he gets closer, Zoro unleashes an extremely
powerful flying slash: the 36 pound cannon of the one-sword style (Ittoryu: Sanjuroku Pound Ho).
Braham is sliced clean across the chest, and falls to the ground unconscious. As Zoro re-equips
his bag, he tells Braham that this was nothing personal. The Shandia wanted to eliminate him
however, and he's not the kind of person to just wait around for someone to kill him. He concludes
that he plans on leaving the jungle very much alive.

Elsewhere in the forest, the Priest "Sky Boss" Gedatsu is finishing off a group of the Shandia.
Chopper unknowingly walks right by the Priest sobbing, too fixated on the fact that he's lost and
doesn't know if he'll ever see the crew again. He wonders if he's doomed to die, and if so will he
go to heaven, but comically asks himself if he's in heaven already. Noticing that he's come across
ruins, he gets excited that everyone may already be there. All the while, Gedatsu wonders what a
raccoon is doing there (the Straw Hats don't know what the Priests look like, and vice versa).

Aboard the Going Merry, Nami and Usopp are extremely distraught, as Sanji appears to have been
burned to a crisp. Gan Fall is distressed, and Usopp comments that he can't hear a heartbeat.
Nami's eyes grow wide in fear, as Enel's laugh is heard. Enel is revealed to be sitting on the ship,
and comments that Sanji was a fool for attempting to attack him. Gan Fall asks why he is here,
and Enel replies that is a rather cold greeting for someone he hasn't seen in six years.

Usopp is in dire panic over Sanji’s condition, cursing Enel for killing him. He cries profusely that
Chopper isn't there and he doesn't feel a heartbeat. Nami implores him to calm down, as his hand

Sky Island Skypiea

is on the right side of Sanji's chest, and his heart is on the left. Usopp's face comically goes
deadpan as he realizes his mistake, and he is happy as he finally hears a heartbeat. Nami
however reminds him that he's still badly hurt and can die, causing Usopp to panic all over again
as Gan Fall watches speechless from their antics. Enel has heard enough of Usopp's frenzied
emotions, and eliminates the sniper with a single touch to the forehead. His body falls to the
ground smoking as if burned to a crisp, just like Sanji. Nami gasps and Gan Fall grows angry at
Enel's actions, as he warns Nami to keep quiet if she doesn't want to end up like him. She fearfully
holds in a yelp in compliance, and wonders just who he is and what he did to Usopp and Sanji.
Gan Fall angrily asks Enel just what he's plotting. Enel replies that Gan Fall's followers have been
working for him for 6 years, and they are almost done. In other words, he will soon no longer have
any reason to be on this island, and he says he simply came to say farewell. Enel comments that
it should make his people happy, since they cherish vearth so much. Gan Fall asks him to
elaborate, and Enel replies that the reason he came to Skypiea in the first place was the same
reason as the Straw Hats, and why the Shandia are trying to reclaim their land. They are all after
the same thing: the legendary "Golden City', the lost city of Shandora. Gan Fall inquires about the
gold, and Enel replies that it always cracks him up how clueless the people of Skypeia are about
gold. He concludes that the winner of the survival game will be the rightful owner of the gold, and
as a participant in the game himself, he must go. Gan Fall tries to ask him about his plans with
God’s Army before he leaves, but he replies that is something only "God" can know, and
disappears in a flash. Just as Enel leaves, Nami and Gan Fall receive two new visitors aboard the
Going Merry.

In the forests of Upper Yard, Luffy and Wiper's battle has begun. Luffy reverts to his regular size
(from Gomu Gomu no Fusen) as he has deflected another blast from Wiper's bazooka. Luffy tells
him to stop as its useless, and Wiper concurs that it's time to change strategy. Wiper loads a
breath dial into his bazooka, and fires a blast of compressed air at Luffy. When Luffy comments
on the smell, Wiper informs him that was gas that came out of the breath dial, and introduces a
new variation of his weapon, the burn bazooka. He explains that it emits white flames to
disintegrate his enemies, and fires a blast from it so powerful that it blows a gigantic hole through
the tree behind Luffy. He just barely manages to get out of harm's way, and is incredibly shocked
at the power of the blast. When Luffy regains his senses, Wiper has disappeared, but comes back
with a kick to the side of Luffy's head. Luffy catches his fall by placing his hand on the ground,
and uses the momentum to spin into a Gomu Gomu no Pistol. Wiper manages to evade, and
creates distance between himself and Luffy by kicking off of his outstretched fist. He prepares
another bazooka blast but Luffy springs from the tree below towards him before gets the chance.
Luffy attempts to kick him with Gomu Gomu no Stamp, but Wiper blocks Luffy's foot with his own
(jet ski). Luffy tries Stamp a few more times with Wiper blocking the exact same way. Wiper fires
another blast from the burn bazooka, and Luffy somersaults away. He grabs a nearby tree branch
and swings back toward the Shandia, saying that he won't lose in a "bazooka" competition. He
prepares the Gomu Gomu no Bazooka, and as he closes in Wiper readies another shot. The two
techniques hit their targets simultaneously, sending both Luffy and Wiper flying back. They both
land hard against a tree, having taken a surprising amount damage. This deters neither of them
from preparing to get back to to their feet, as they both seem eager to continue.

Wiper has gotten to his feet, and looks to the partially destroyed tree from his and Luffy's
exchange for signs of the pirate. Panting heavily, he yells out to Luffy asking if he's dead. Luffy
replies that of course he isn't and begins to get to his feet as well. Wiper hears a noise in Luffy's
direction, and all of a sudden Luffy is seen falling to parts unknown. He wonders what exactly is
going on as he continues to plummet into the dark abyss. Wiper wonders where he went, but
decides that he needs to save his strength for Enel regardless. He notes that one more use of the

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reject dial will probably destroy his body, but nonetheless is resolved to defeat Enel. Having finally
stopped falling, Luffy wonders where is as he notices ancient ruins around him.

Elsewhere in Upper Yard, Genbo finishes off a few of the God’s Army enforcers with his bazooka.
They have proven no match, and get blown away. Commander Yama emerges however, and
comments on the rarity of Genbo's cannonballs. He adds that heavy material like iron does not
naturally exist in the sky, and notes that quite a few of his men have fallen to him. He identifies
the Shandia by his name, and Genbo does the same for Yama, both showing a contempt for one
another. Genbo fires a cannonball directy at him, and is shocked when Yama has no reaction
whatsoever. Yama displays a surprising amount of athleticism for his size by jumping and kicking
the cannonball right back at Genbo, sending him flying back into a tree and coughing up blood as
he curses the Commander. Yama reveals an entire belt full of axe dials, and charges directly for
Genbo, who states that he can't die here. He taunts Yama to bring it on, to which the Commander
responds by belly flopping on the Shandia with the axe dials. Genbo is cut up in multiple places,
left unconscious as he slides to the ground and reveals several "X" marks have been sliced into
the tree. Yama then flips away from the incapacitated Shandia and yells out a cry of victory.

As the Shandia continue to do battle in the forest, Nico Robin comes up on a tombstone. It
appears to be for the city itself, as she guesses that it was most likely constructed by it
descendants after it fell. She reads that the city is named "Shandora", and that it prospered more
than 1100 years ago. She further reads that they mysteriously disappeared 800 years ago, and
notices that this just so happens to fall into the "missing" 100 years of history of the world known
as the "Void Century". She wonders if Sky Island was indeed a part of this untold history, and with
a map of the city shown on the stone, resolves to head to the city square to see what more she
can learn. Yama approaches from behind her however, and she inquires who's there. He
comments on how pretty she is, and prepares to attack.

On the Going Merry, the two new visitors introduce themselves as Vice Commanders of God's
Army, and state they came to avenge their brother Satori. They int roduce themselves as Hotori
and Kotori, and Satori was their elder brother. Nami states that she has no clue what they are
talking about, as they explain that they will show no mercy for their brother's defeat. Gan Fall calls
on Pierre, who instinctively tosses the Knight his lance, and Nami readies her Clima-Tact. Gan Fall
mentions that they have to defeat the two quickly, in order to catch up to Enel, who may have
malicious intentions for his prisoners. He tells Nami to stay back, but noting what just happened
to Usopp, she rebutts that it is her turn to fight now. Gan Fall has no objections to this, and tells
her that they first need to figure out what kind of dials they use.

Back in the forest, one of the enforcers tries to tell Gedatsu where something is, but his eyes are
rolled to the back of his head, preventing him from seeing anything. The enforcers tells him his
error, and Gedatsu is comically shocked when he can see again. The enforcer is shown to be
trying to point him to Chopper, and even has a picture as proof that he is with the "blue sea
dwellers". Chopper himself also continues to remain oblivious to their presence, calling out for
Luffy, Zoro, and Robin. Gedatsu suddenly appears directly behind him, but he's rolled his eyes to
the back of his head yet again, causing him to off course wonder where Chopper went. Chopper
finally notices the priest behind him, and freaks out at how scary he looks with his eyes like that.

Gedatsu searches for Chopper wondering if he has the ability to turn invisible, but his eyes are
rolled to the back of his head, causing him to not be able to see the reindeer standing right in
front of him. A nearby member of God’s Army yells to him that he's once again rolled his eyes
back, and points out that the enemy is right in front of him. Hearing this while still freaked out at
how Gedatsu's eyes look, Chopper wonders if he is an idiot. When he hears the militia member

Sky Island Skypiea

say "enemy" however he deduces that Gedatsu must be a priest. Gedatsu confirms Chopper's
suspicions, but its all in his head, causing the militia member to remind Gedatsu to actually say
it out loud. Gedatsu breaks his silence by warning Chopper that he's in his territory, and that he
won't be able to escape if trapped in one of his swamp cloud traps. He concludes by stating his
"Ordeal of Swamp" has a 50% survival rate, however Chopper points out that he is actually the
one sinking. Gedatsu quickly escapes however, by flying up with special dials on the heels of his
shoes. He states he has no time to waste with a raccoon, and shoots a large swamp cloud out of
another set of special dials on his palms. Chopper makes note of this ability, as Gedatsu
elaborates that what he's actually shot is a small swamp. It turns out however that he actually
targeted the militia member, as his head is engulfed in the cloud. He only gets deeper into it as
he struggles, and eventually passes out from a lack of oxygen. Chopper observes and notes this
as well, but not for long as the priest targets him next.

Chopper manages to avoid the cloud by running away, and runs to check on the militia member.
Chopper resuscitates him back to life by transforming to Heavy Point and doing CPR (pounding
his chest), and the militia member is grateful. Gedatsu quickly tracks them down, and
admonishes the militia soldier for requiring help from the enemy. He brushes this off in light of
what the priest did to him, and prepares to fight alongside Chopper. Chopper takes a similar
fighting stance to the militia member in excitement, but this is short -lived as Gedatsu quickly
closes the distance between them and sends the militia flying into a tree with a deadly punch.
With Chopper still in awe, Gedatus explains that the now extinct jet dial adds a great deal of speed
and power to this punch, revealing their location on his elbows. Completely devasted at what just
happened to the member of God's Army by the priest's hand, Chopper decides that he must run
away or he'll die. He attempts to run back to the forest, but the priest quickly cuts him off. He
prepares another punch with the jet dial, but Chopper eats a Rumble Ball, and tranforms into
Jumping Point to avoid the attack. Gedatsu closes the distance rather quickly in the air with the
jet dials on his feet, and again attempts to punch Chopper. He avoids this time by transforming,
to Heavy Point. Gedatsu fires another swamp cloud down at him, and Chopper transforms yet
again to Guard Point to avoid it. Gedatu flies directly at Chopper this time, as the latter transforms
again to Brain Point, using "Scope" to try to find his weakness. He is not able to identify it quickly
enough however, as the priest lands a devastating blow sending Chopper flying through several

Chopper is revealed to have transformed into his Guard Point at the last second to a bsorb most
of the damage, and learned that the priest's weak point is his feet. He is still badly hurt from the
blow however, and notes the impact on his eyesight and legs as he transforms into Walk Point.
Struggling against his pain, and now completely denying the premise of trying to run away,
Chopper crawls up to the priest and transforms into Heavy Point again as he grabs his foot. He
tells himself that he will beat Gedatsu, before being kicked away by the priest. Gedatsu wonders
what he's up to, as he prepares another swamp cloud. Going back to Walk Point, Chopper reflects
on how he always runs away, and always needs protection. He believes this is why no one ever
relies on him, and resolves to begin his life as a pirate here and now in this moment. He
transforms to Jumping Point again, and jumps high into the air above Gedatsu. The priest muses
that Choppers efforts are futile, and that the sky is his territory. As he tries to launch toward
Chopper however, he flies up in a very erratic pattern, and notices that a shoe is missing (removed
by Chopper earlier). He curses Chopper by calling him a raccoon, and Chopper responds that he's
a monster, and that he is strong. Gedatus replies that only the weak raise their voice and tries to
connect with another Jet Punch, but Chopper dodges it. Surprised at his miss, Gedatsu notes that
his emotions may have affected his mantra, as Chopper transforms into Arm Point. Bulking up
his biceps as much as possible, Chopper lands a powerful blow to the priest's midsection, leaving

Sky Island Skypiea

an X-shaped indenture. The priest falls to the ground unconscious, while Chopper reverts back to
Brain Point and falls as well.

Tony Tony Chopper revels in his victory over the priest Gedatsu, happily exclaiming that he's a real
pirate now. He comments on how the priest is now stuck in one of his swamp traps, hoping that
he continues to sink. Gedatsu is completely immersed into the swamp head-first, rendering him
unable to escape, as Chopper watches him struggle. Gedatsu thinks to himself how he was
careless, disappointed in himself for losing to a "raccoon". He attempts to use his jet dials to
escape, but only manages to propel himself further into the swamp, now completely out of
Chopper's sight. With the priest no longer a problem, Chopper decides his first order of business
as a "real" pirate is finding the gold, rather than worrying about everyone else. As he stops for a
sip of water, he notes an entrance to ruins with an incredibly large beanstalk in the distance, and
wonders if everyone else is already there.

In another area of Upper Yard, Kamakiri and another Shandia warrior spot the beanstalk as they
race through the forest. The beanstalk serves as their landmark that the ruins of Shandora are
just ahead, as Kamakiri mentions that Enel is at the top. The Shandia warrior accompanying him
all of a sudden lets out a load scream. Kamakiri turns to see the warrior badly injured in Enel's
grip, as he mockingly asks the Shandia if he was looking for him . Kamakiri angrily shouts his
name, and Enel retorts that he needs to refer to him as "Lord Enel", as he is God. Knowing of the
Shandia's mission to kill him, he tells Kamakiri to feel free to try, even stating that he will sit idly
for five minutes as the warrior tries his best. Enel tells him to try anything he'd like, as he will soon
know the meaning of "God".

Aboard the Going Merry, Gan Fall and Nami have engaged the Leiutenants of God’s Army, Hotori
and Kotori. Nami is yelling for the two to stop, as they are knocking around Usopp’s unconscious
body. They reply that they are simply getting their revenge, for Usopp's role in the defeat of their
brother, Satori. Nami has had enough and attempts to hit one of them with her Clima -Tact, but
they absorb the blow with a dial in their left hand. He then places his right hand in Nami's face,
and she is mortified at the possibility of taking and impact dial shot at point -blank range. Only a
gas comes out however, as Nami drops to the ground disgusted at the smell. He reveals that it
was in fact a flavor dial, in which he had stored some flatulence. With this, Gan Fall deduces that
they are using four types of dials altogether. Hotori and Kotori confirm: they are using flame, axe,
impact, and flavor dials fixated on their palms, as they demonstrate each effect. The brothers ask
if they memorized it and can identify which Dial is which, as they repeatedly switch places with
one another to confuse Nami and Gan Fall. The Sky Knight states that now that their Dial types
are identified, there is no need to wait. Nami states that the weather is "Hurricane", and hurls her
Clima Tact directly at the two. They separate in order to dodge, mocking Nami for missing them.
One of them attacks Gan Fall with the flavor dial, which he wards offs by shielding himself with
his cape. They then follow up with the flame dial, as Nami warns that the gas disbursed earlier
will cause an explosion. Rightfully so, a huge explosion erupts from the port side (left) of the ship.
A portion of the Merry's railing is blown off, as the two brothers taunt the Knight for getting blown
away. He is revealed to be hanging from the side of the ship however, utterly shocking them as
he re-enters the fight. Gan Fall swiftly incapacitates Kotori with his lance, calling them fools for
underestimating him. As Hotori reacts in shock at what has happened to his brother, he doesn't
notice Nami's Clima Tact returning from the earlier throw, and is knocked completely off the ship
from behind with "Cyclone Tempo". As Hotori falls, Gan Fall tells Nami to use his gauntlet to finish
him off, as he holds his left arm in pain. Nami questions him about his wound opening up again,
but he assures her he is fine. As Pierre hands her the gauntlet, Nami asks what he wants her to
do with it. He explains that it is equipped with an Impact Dial, and tells her to use it how he
instructed them earlier. As Nami worries about the weight of the gauntlet, Hotori rises from the

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sea seething with rage over the defeat of both of his brothers (he reveals Kotori is the youngest).
Nami notes that his body is now wet coming from the sea, and the atmosphere is already humid.
She fires "cool ball" from her Clima Tact, as Hotori comments on it getting chilly. He expresses
annoyance at the attack appearing to do nothing, feeling like he is being under estimated.
Unbeknownst to him Nami is actually goading him into using his flame dial, and he complies
accordingly. Nami dodges and explains that the heat from his flames, in addition to the cold air
she released earlier, will cause the vapor in the air to increase in density. She then uses "Fog
Tempo", completely immersing the deck of the Going Merry in a thick fog. Blinded and confused,
Hotori is completely helpless as Nami latches onto him in the fog, and aims the impact dial directly
in front of his face. She releases the impact, incapacitating Hotori as she is blown back from the
force as well. She expresses frustration at Gan Fall for the pain that using the Dial caused her,
but is nonetheless happy with saving both the ship and the crew.

In another area of the forest, Nico Robin has sustained some damage in her fight with
Commander Yama of God's Army. He comments that she isn't as strong as she pretends to be,
as Robin pants heavily.

Pagaya, Conis, and Aisa are riding a waver together through the forest s of Upper Yard, in seach
of the Going Merry. After asking permission to address her by name, Pagaya asks Aisa if she really
knows the ship's location. Aisa confirms, impressing Conis with her ability. Conis is more
concerned with her well-being however, as Aisa shivers incessantly. She claims she has never
been this scared, as everyone's "voices" are disappearing. They pick up their pace, and head
deeper into the forest.

Back on the Going Merry, Gan Fall has fully donned his armor and prepares to depart the ship.
Nami frets about being left alone, but Gan Fall explains that he must go after Enel, as this now
concerns the survival of the entire country. He quickly flys off with Pierre despite her protests, and
Nami resolves to administer first aid to Sanji and Usopp. She notices something quickly
approaching the ship, and it turns out to be Pagaya, Conis, and Aisa. Aisa trys to break away to
ground level, but she is stopped. She turns her frustration to Nami by warning her that she will
attack her, and Nami asserts a similar threat with the impact dial from Gan Fall's gauntlet. While
Conis is shocked at what has happened to Sanji and Usopp, Pagaya explains to Nami that they
need to make it back to the white sea immediately. When he expresses his anxiety that t hey may
be spotted however, Nami chides him for making so much noise with the waver. This prompts
Pagaya to remember that he has something for Nami.

In another area of the forest, Nico Robin is locked in battle with Commander Yama. Yama
attempts to smash Robin into the ground with the weight of his stomach, but Robin narrowly
escapes. As Yama resumes his pursuit, Robin notices that the stone slab behind her contains
ancient text. She uses "Veinte Fleur - Calendula" to attempt to slow Yama's momentum, but the
force of his blows still sends her reeling backwards until she eventually falls. Yama asks her when
she will stop protecting a dead city like this, and Robin chides him for taking no interest in the
legacy of their ancestors. This infuriates Yama further as he attempts to punch her into the
ground, but she quickly jumps to safety as she makes a mental note that he will destroy the ruins
if the fight doesn't move elsewhere.

In Enel's location, a few more Shandia have arrived, and are unleashing a barrage o f attacks on
him. He is completely unaffected, even yawning at their attempts in his boredom. Kamakiri tries
impaling him directly through the skull, but Enel is again unscathed as the spear is seen coming
out the other side of his head with a small amount of electrical discharge. He mockingly
apologizes for falling asleep, finally leading Kamakiri to ask if there's truly no way to beat him.

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Enel responds that he is "Thunder" itself, explaining that thunder was something that humans
could never truly fathom as he slowly begins to electrocute Kamakiri. He goes on to state that
humans have always defined the terrible phenomena that they are unable to comprehend as
"God". Kamakiri withdraws the spear and forms it into a blade, attempting to slash Enel. He
succeeds, but the bisected body parts simply begin to turn into lightning itself. Enel has finally
had enough, and tells Kamakiri that his five minutes are up. The latter tries to escape to warn
Wiper that his reject dial will be useless, but Enel again transforms his body into electricity and is
in front of Kamakiri in seconds. Kamakiri yells as loud as he possibly can for Wiper to run, before
Enel injects him with one million volts of electricity. The entire section of the forest is illuminated
with the discharge of so much electricity, and Kamakiri is instantly burned to a crisp. As an
unintended side effect, Enel's electrical discharge courses through the river cloud of the forest
and incapacitates at least 20 Enforcer's of God’s Army. Enel simply shrugs it off, and resolves to
chase down the others.

Now two hours into the "Survival Game", fifty six contestants in total have fallen. Still remaining
are 13 members of God's Army, seven of the Shandia warriors, and five of the Straw Hats, making
it 25 survivors still left in the game.

At the Going Merry, Nami is testing out her improved waver after Pagaya’s repairs, as they both
marvel at its new speed. Pagaya mentions that the specific type of Jet Dial on the waver had been
extinct for centuries, and was very surprised to find one. The group decides on their next course
of action, eventually settling on regrouping at the beach. Nami expresses her confidence in the
four man team of Chopper, Robin, Luffy and Zoro, but Aisa interjects that currently no such group
exists. Nami deduces that Aisa must have the "Mantra" ability as well, which Aisa confirms. She
goes on to say that she has had the ability since birth, and that the others wouldn't understand
how scary it is to hear so many "voices" disappearing. Nami chides her by calling her a crybaby,
drawing ire from the little girl. Conis interrupts by mentioning that Aisa's waver had been broken,
and she was being attacked by skyfish when they found her. Nami asks Aisa what she was
planning to do by coming to them, and the child doesn't have an answer. She was just worried
about her friends, causing Nami to show some concern.

Elsewhere in the forest, Luffy wonders if everyone is safe while navigating through some peculiar
ruins. He is frustrated that he left his backpack, which contained his coveted box lunch.
Furthermore, he's gotten lost and can't seem to find his way out. He ponders if the crew has
already made it to the Golden City, expressing his excitement at seeing it as he continues to
search for a way out of what he believes is a strange cave. In a different part of the forest, Zoro
yells at a gigantic southbird to stop following him. He tries to tell it that he's already finished his
food, and wouldn't share it even if he still had it. The bird doesn't appear to budge, angering Zoro
to the point that he asks if it wants to fight.

At yet another different area of Upper Yard, a Shandia warrior is shocked when he notices Enel’s
presence. He resolves to attack Enel, but Enel appears behind him in an instant. Before he can
even react, Enel incapacitates him, bringing the total number of survivors down to twenty four.

Nico Robin is still locked in an intense battle with Commander Yama, doing her best to get away
from the ancient ruins as Yama destroys everything in his path. He finally catches up to her in a
clearing, and is slightly surprised to see her no longer attempting to run away. She tells him it isn't
necessary at this point, and explains that even if he apologizes now for the all the destruction
he's caused, she will not forgive him. Yama is amused at this, and retorts that she's protecting
ruins that aren't even hers. She concurs that the ruins in fact don't belong to anyone, but states
that she is done talking with the commander. Yama replies that it no longer matters as he plans

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to crush her, hurling himself into the air. Robin is unimpressed, and tells him she will teach him
the severity of destroying history. She extends "Treinta Fleurs (30 Flowers)" from a nearby vine,
catching Yama mid-air with her arms. She slams him face first into a nearby tree, but grimaces
slightly from the weight of swinging him. Having shed a little blood now, Yama grows deeply angry,
and takes off his belt of axe-dials to prepare a charge attack. He begins rolling towards Robin, but
she uses her arms to cover his eyes and turn his belt of dials to face his own body. He ends up
rolling into the large tree behind Robin with trememdous force, now gravely injured from the
impact of the dials. Robin lifts his head from the ground and scolds him on the importance of the
ruins, stating that although history is constantly being created, man cannot return to the past.
Yama manages to utter that he understands and asks for forgiveness, which Robin denies. This
angers Yama yet again, and he attempts to grab Robin, but she uses her sprouted to arms to
break Yama's fingers, causing him severe pain. She then summons more arms with "Cien Fleurs
(Hundred Flowers)" all along the forest floor, which begin rolling him to a nearby cliff. He begs
Robin to stop all along the way, until he is finally pushed off the cliff into the forest below. As he
falls Robin reiterates that it is too late for apologies, sprouts more arms on Yama's person, and
fractures his spine with "Clutch" before he hits the ground. Robin gathers her belongings, and
proceeds onward.

Robin has reached the ruins and appears to be in a place designated as Shandra's town center.
She comments that the building locations do not match the map and attributes it to the impact
of force that caused the island to be sent into the sky. Robin continues to explore the ruins,
making observations and notes. Upon her investigation, Robin wonders if her current location
was the City of Gold as the area and displacements do not add up.

Chopper has also reached the ruins and is very excited, stating that the crew would be very happy
with him when they see that he located the gold. Moving further upwards, Chopper also realizes
there is ruins there as well as that the gound is tilted. Just as Chopper is making his way to find
the gold, he hears a voice. Chopper turns around to find a giant dog behind him. He is very scared
and scolds himself for being overconfident and that he should have gone looking for the other
members and because of that, he would die. A man is shown telling Chopper that he is the third
person to get to his location. He comments on Chopper defeating Gedatsu and indicated that
Gedatsu was too careless, hence his defeat.

Chopper tries retreating but fall over a person, covered in blood lying on the ground. He thinks it
was Holy who did that to the person and yells out in fear. The man tells Chopper not to be afraid
of Holy because the dog would not bite unless there is a reason, as he is well trained. He tell
Chopper he cut the person lying on the ground. Chopper, in fear, asks who the man is and Ohm
introduces himself. He then tell Chopper to be quiet as he is mourning the fact that mortals are
weak, yet they fight only to be defeated. He says there is salvation and the route to it is for people
to die. He asks Chopper what his reason is for being there which Chopper answers, saying for the
gold. Ohm then offers to "save" Chopper, but, Chopper refuses.

Kamakiri tells Laki to go after Wiper to inform him Enel is not at the God Shrine and that it's not
too late to back down as no one can defeat Enel. Laki left to informs Wiper and acknowledges
that if Kamakiri could be defeated, then the Lightening Devil Fruit must be one the strongest
class, saying Enel is more stronger than they anticipated.

Zoro is seen back at the Sacrificial Altar and relates it to being a deja vu. The giant Southbird is
still with him and Zoro is furious that the bird is still following him. He tell the bird that it would
keep getting hurt while following him, dropping his backpack. The bird looks at the bag, imagining

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food, and seizes the bag. Zoro yells at the bird, saying there is no food in the bag and hangs on
to the straps as the bird goes flying away with the bag and Zoro.

Luffy has arrived at a dead end in the "cave" and thinks of it being a secret door. He considers
breaking it down so as to get out. Luffy then uses Gomu Gomu No Bazooka to break it but nothing
happened. Just then, a rumbling of movement occured in the "cave" throwing Luffy off balance.
Chopper is seen running from Ohm and commenting on escaping so as to find the other members.
He recognizes Ohm being a swordsman and thought to keep his distance. Ohm then attacks
Chopper through the wall defeating him, saying the Ordeal of Iron has a 0% survival rate.

Aisa decides to go into the Upper Yard herself only to be stopped by Nami. Nami tells Aisa that
she cannot stand by and watch a child get killed. Aisa replies saying she is a warrior and Nami
acknowledged saying she is a warrior child. Conis and Pagaya inquires if they are alright, which
Nami answers that they are. Aisa keeps struggling to get off Nami and Nami tells her to settle
down as two of the crew members have already been injured. Just as then, the giant python

Luffy is still punching Nola from the inside. causing her to do all sorts of weird things. The first
thing she does is scare Nami and Aisa. Luffy, frustrated at not reaching an exit, keeps hitting Nola
from inside. Next, she wreaks havoc on Shandia and Bilkans. The snake, still acting wild from
being hit inside, attempts to swallow Zoro, who is still being held onto by the giant Southbird.
Seeing that, Zoro yells for the bird to fly higher and faster or they both would be eaten. The bird
thinks that the snake is after Zoro as a meal, so the bird releases Zoro.

Wiper has reached the Giant Jack, indicating that Enel is at its top and it is time to bring an end
to the 400 years of hardship. Ohm senses Wiper coming up and stops him saying he has not
given permission to Wiper to go up to the God's Shrine. Just then, Gan Fall appears telling Wiper
that going up to the God's Shrine is not necessary. Gan Fall tells Wiper that the shrine is in ruin
and Enel is absent from there and goes on to ask Ohm what their (referring to Enel and the Priests)
purpose are; just then Zoro comes, crash landing. Gan Fall and Wiper recognize Zoro and Zoro
asks himself if he was in the ruin.

The chapter ends with all the opposing sides facing off and Luffy accidentally forcing Nola into
the fight as well.

Locked in a standoff between Wiper, Ohm, and the giant snake, Roronoa Zoro prepares himself
for combat as he notes the snake following him to his current location. As the snake writhes in
pain due to an unseen culprit, Ohm directs his colossal dog Holy to attack. Gan Fall and Pierre
are present as well, and immediately focus on the Priest Ohm. Not to be forgotten, Wiper fires his
Burn Bazooka with no particular target in mind. The snake recognizes and lunges for Zoro, as he
gets to safety in the vicinity of Wiper. Zoro compliments the bazooka, and Wiper retorts that he
won't let the blue-sea dwellers take this land. He blocks a strike from Zoro with the jet dial on his
foot, and prepares to fire another blast directly at the swordsman. They are both interupted by
yet another strike from the giant snake, reminding Zoro of the acidic poison that he witnessed
from it earlier. He lands only to notice Ohm and Holy directly behind him, and to his shock, the
giant dog throws a punch at him. He barely manages to get away, as Ohm explains that he is not
simply a breeder, but has trained Holy in Martial Arts and to walk on two legs as well. Ohm
subsequently blocks a strike from Gan Fall's lance, and chides the warrior on his earlier defeat at
Shura’s hands. Gan Fall replies with his intentions to learn of Enel’s true plans, and that he will
not be leaving until he finds out.

Sky Island Skypiea

In a separate location, Nico Robin has made it to a new area of the ancient ruins. Having thought
it was strange that blue-sea ruins would have a ground made of cloud, she correctly deduced that
there was unseen level beneath her. She continues her search after having to literally cut through
the clouds with a knife.

Back in Upper Yard , Zoro is continuing to dodge strikes from the snake until he notices Chopp er’s
unconscious body. As he dashes for his crewmate, Ohm warns him to watch his step. A barbed-
wire like string shouts out from a nearby wall and cuts Zoro clean across the chest as he makes
his way to Chopper. As Zoro ponders what just happened, Ohm explains that he was cut by Iron
Cloud. He further reveals that this special kind of cloud originates from cloud dials , and that the
entire area is littered with these kinds of traps. As he explains that Chopper's body was specifically
set as a trap for the blue-sea dwellers like him, Zoro tries to get some kind of sign of life from his
crewmate. Ohm questions whether he now seeks revenge. Zoro replies that he doesn't like
fighting for reasons like that, but admits that he is quite fired up now.

In Robin's area of the ruins, she continues to travel through old structures and forestry, until she
notices a light at the end of the tunnel ahead of her. Intrigued at this new development, she picks
up her pace.

As Nami and Aisa finally reach the Giant Beanstalk, they are greeted by a few enforcers of God’s
Army that don't want to let them pass. She asks Aisa exactly where they are supposed to be going.

Robin takes a seat, as she absorbs the full impact of what she has just discovered. After 800
years, she is shocked that the Golden City of Shandora is still so majestic.

Along the northwestern shore of Upper Yard, Conis and Pagaya ponder how they will defend the
Going Merry while waiting at the meeting spot Nami had previously designated. They ultimately
decide to blow the horn from their dial boat to ward off any potential threats. Conis attends to the
still injured Sanji and Usopp, while Pagaya silently hopes for everyone's safety in light of the
perilous events that have gripped Sky Island. Throughout the forest, the ground is littered with all
the Shandia and Enforcers of God’s Army that have fallen over the course of the survival game,
as they continue to wage war with one another. While the Shandia are still pushing to make it to
the Giant Beanstalk, the Enforcers desperately regroup in order to repel them. Enel himself is
enjoying the chaos, content that his prediction of the survival game is shaping up to come true.

On the beanstalk itself, the battle between Gan Fall, Zoro, Ohm, Wiper, and the Giant Snake
continues to rage on. Wiper lands a direct hit to the snake with his Burn Bazooka, but is shocked
that it is to no avail. The blow does still cause quite a bit of commotion inside the snake, sending
Luffy toppling and causing him to wonder whats going on. Zoro grimaces in pain from a hit he
took, as he rises to his feet. Ohm berates him for being a blue sea dweller that knows nothing, as
he explains that his blade is actually the result of an iron cloud dial built into the hilt of the sword.
It allows the blade to follow its target anywhere, which he then demonstrates by extending it all
the way to Zoro from several meters away. Zoro blocks the attack with ease, commenting on the
whip-like nature of the sword and how the warriors of the White Cloud Seas are lik e a bunch of
circus performers.

Sensing new arrivals to the battlefield, Ohm tells Holy that they will now be splitting up. As
predicted, both Shandia and God's Army Enforcers soon join them on the battlefield. The Shandia
inform Wiper that they are the only ones left, and reaffirm their determination to help Wiper get
to Enel. Inside the snake, Luffy decides to try to dig his way out, and begins clawing into the walls.
In actuality he is tickling the snake, and the spectators are extremely confused to see the snake

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laughing hysterically. Just then, Nami and Aisa also burst through the clouds below as they
continue riding up the beanstalk. The Enforcers attempt to chase them down, but are repelled by
a combined effort from Zoro, Wiper, and Gan Fall. Zoro and Wiper ask Nami and Aisa respectively
what they are doing here. As Nami asks Zoro where the others are, Wiper prepares a shot at Nami,
wondering what she plans to do to Aisa. As he fires the blast, Gan Fall manages to get Nami and
Aisa to safety aboard Pierre. This is short-lived however, as the the snake swallows all four of
them in one bite, much to Zoro's horror. As Zoro and Wiper try to process what just happened,
Ohm and Holy hit them both with a devastating suprise attack that appears to knock them out.

The Shandia seek retribution for the attack that knocked Wiper out, and prepare to do battle with
Ohm and God’s Army. Ohm counts a total of ten fighters (not including himself) and two animals
(The Giant Snake and Holy) as the Shandia begin to attack him. As the God's Army enforcers
intervene, Ohm directs Holy to prepare their climactic attack. Holy jumps high into the air, and
dashes around the battlefield at Ohm's command. As he runs, he sets off a multitude of Iron
Cloud traps that begin to form a fence around their perimeter. As the Shandia look on confused,
one of the Militia explain that the real Ordeal of Iron has begun. The strings of Iron Cloud continue
to extend over the combatants until it forms a dome that completely encases the area.

Zoro slowly rises to his feet commenting that the technique was unnecessary, as he had no plans
to run away. One of the Militia retort that it isn't just to prevent escape, and the fence is practically
made of barbed wire. As soon as he finishes however, he is immediately slammed against it by
Wiper, incapacitating him. Zoro wonders how to escape after he's defeated everyone, while Ohm
tells him his main concern should be beating him. The Giant Snake lets out a sigh of exasperation,
and resolves to simply watch the other combatants. As Ohm again assesses that there are now
eight other fighters and two animals, Laki calls out for Wiper as she runs toward the newly formed
fence. Wiper asks what she's doing there, and she explains that she has an important message
from Kamakiri. She relays the message that Kamakiri has been seriously injured by Enel in the
forests below, but before she can finish Wiper frantically tells her to escape. Laki isn't able to hear
him clearly, and Enel appears directly behind her. Wiper runs up to the fence and pleads for Enel
to not harm her as she isn't a part of this, cutting his hands on the fence as he clutches it in anger.
One of the Militia warns him to not drop his guard, but Wiper ignores it and tells Laki to run away.
Laki attempts to shoot Enel with her rifle, but the bullets simply phase through him as Laki
remembers Kamakiri's message that Enel was invincible. The God's Army Militia presses Wiper
up against the fence, but Wiper appears completely unaffected as he simply stares fo rward to
Laki. Laki attempts to finally finish her message to Wiper, but is violently electrocuted before she
can finish. Enel laughs it off as Wiper seethes with rage. The Militia soldier wonders why Wiper is
unaffected, and attempts to attack Wiper again, but Wiper grabs the back of his head and slams
him face-first into the fence. Enel claims Wiper is more naive than he would have thought, and
clarifies that he makes no distinction between the people who attack him, woman or man. He
then instantly vanishes, leaving Laki's unconscious body.

Ohm comments on how terrifying Enel truly is, but both Zoro and Wiper are more concerned with
their companions that the Giant Snake has swallowed. They simultaneously dash for the snake,
fighting each other along the way. Ohm directs Holy to attack them, and tries to cut Zoro down
once they are separated. Zoro fends off his extended whip-like blade, while Wiper kicks down a
Miltia member that intercepted him in the air. They are now down to six men and two animals still
in the fight, however the Giant Snake continues to look disinterested.

Inside the snake itself, Gan Fall, Nami, Aisa, and Pierre have taken a hard landing into the
stomach. Nami states that they must find a way to escape before being digested, and Gan Fa ll
inquires as to why she left the Going Merry to begin with. Aisa immediatlely becomes hostile

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towards the sky knight, as Nami holds her off. Gan Fall proposes digging through the stomach
wall, but Nami rebuffs that will only irritate the snake further. Gan Fall tries to explain that he is
joking, and in the middle of their antics they are discovered by Luffy.

Luffy has heard the story of how Nami, Aisa, Gan Fall and Pierre, have ended up in their current
situation, and comments how unfortunate it is that they were eaten by the snake. This angers
them all to the point Nami pulls the skin on Luffy's face by his nose, as he fails to realize that this
means he was eaten as well. Gan Fall even questions if he's really the captain, as Luffy goes
hysterical, finally realizing the depth of the situation. He proposes that they need to find the
snake's rectum immediately, earning him a smack from Nami. Luffy still doesn't quite get the
issue with his idea, and Nami's harsh treatment of his idiocy causes Gan Fall and Aisa to comment
on how scary she is. As Nami suggests they find an escape before the snake goes berserk again,
her, Gan Fall, and Aisa all gasp in horror as they realize Luffy was the reason the snake was
rampaging in the first place. Luffy earns yet another beating from Nami, this time to the extent
that it actually disturbs the snake.

Wiper notices the snake writhing in pain, and realizes that this must mean its victims are still alive
inside. He resolves to blow open its stomach, but it's erratic movements cause him to miss the
shot. The snake then begins to go after Wiper directly.

In another area of the battlefield, Zoro continues to dodge Ohm’s whip-like blade as he tries to
think of a way to save his friends from the snake. Ohm is unrelenting howev er, as Zoro realizes
that he can somehow sense his location even from behind walls. One of the God’s Army Enforcers
appears from the rubble and attempts to attack Zoro, but he effortlessly punches him out of
commission. A Shandia emerges in a different area attempting to do the same to Ohm, and is cut
down instantly. This reduces the total combatants to four men and two animals. Zoro attempts to
launch an attack on Ohm in the aftermath, but the blade shapeshits into an iron wall to his
surprise. Ohm chides Zoro for not realizing the blade could do this, and Zoro angrily attempts
another attack in response. He is cut repeatedly as the blade continues to change shape in
response to his every move, and he resolves to put some distance between himself and Ohm
upon realizing this. Ohm tells him that running will change nothing, and Zoro responds with his
new ranged attack, the thirty-six pound cannon. Ohm manages to block this with his blade as well,
much to Zoro's shock. Zoro quickly gets to cover in order to re-strategize. Ohm comments that the
attack was interesting, but that Zoro won't be able to use it again. He states that no matter how
much he runs, he will always be able to pinpoint his exact location with his Mantra ability.

The remaining combatants fight on - Wiper lands a bazooka hit on the snake, and Holy takes out
another Shandia. Meanwhile, Zoro has discarded his goggles, and finally tied on his bandana. He
and Ohm stand directly opposite one another on either side of a thick wall, unable to see one
other, but still equally aware of each other's presence. Ohm claims that Zoro wasn't bad for
someone from the blue seas, but asserts that he now has Zoro's heart in his sights, and that it's
time to pray. Zoro staunchly rejects the idea of doing so, and tells the priest that even though he
can't see him through the wall, his sword will directly give away his position. Ohm retorts that by
then it will be too late, and begins to extend his blade. Zoro finally unsheathes his third blade,
equating each blade of his to a lifetime of 36 worldly desires (for a total of 108). Zoro unleashes
Santoryu: 108 pound cannon, a flying slash so powerful that it completely obliterates both the
wall and Ohm's iron whip-blade before cutting him down.

Robin reads the writings she finds throughout the Main Ruins of Shandora. She reads something
about a bell which reminds her of the bell that Noland mentioned in his notes. She then realizes
that a Poneglyph was brought to this city way back when it fought against "the enemy," and that

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the city was ruined because of this. From Noland's notes, she deduces that the Poneglyph was
with the bell which was hung at the center of the four altars. Instead of finding a bell there
however, she finds the beanstalk. She concludes that the bell never made it to the sky. Enel
shows up and comments on the magnificence of Shandora as well as Robin's archeological skills.
He then tells her that he has already taken the gold. Robin asks him if he took the golden bell as
well. Enel seems confused so Robin concludes that he does not know about it. Enel asks her what
she learned from reading the script. Robin tells him that there was a great bell, but it must not
have made it into the sky.

Enel then remembers the 400 year old story of the island flying into the sky with a beautiful sound
called the "Song of the Land." They both get excited of the possibility of the bell still being
somewhere in the sky, though Robin is more excited over the possibility of finding a Poneglyph.
Meanwhile Conis and Pagaya find one of the soldiers that were working for Enel in a life -
threatening condition. The soldier tells them that Enel is planning on sending Sky Island to the
Blue Seas and escaping on the Ark Maxim. Enel strikes them with lightning, but Pagaya manages
to push Conis out of the way in time. Zoro finds out that Holy obeys anyone by accident and tells
Holy to knock itself out. Enel sends the Upper Ruins crashing into the cloud below by destroying
the supporting cloud with his lightning. Conis rushes to warn everyone of Enel's evil plan.

The entire upper level of the ruins collapses from Enel’s power, and Zoro grabs Chopper’s
unconscious body as he and the Giant Snake fall to the base of the beanstalk.

Inside the snake, Aisa grabs on to Luffy, who grabs on to Nami’s waver as she prepares to fly out
of the snake's mouth. Aisa tries to point out that Luffy is directly behind the exhaust pipe, but the
warning goes unheeded. Luffy and Aisa are blasted off the waver as it propels forward. Gan Fa ll
notices that they are left behind, but he, Pierre, and Nami fully emerge from the snake's mouth
before they are able to turn around and grab them. Gan Fall sends Pierre back in to save them,
as he and Nami rapidly descend to the ruins below.

At the ruins, Robin notices the falling debris, and eventually Zoro as well. Zoro arises from the
debris still holding Chopper's body, but highly irritated at the near-death experience. Robin
comments that a normal person would have died, and Zoro asks about their whereabouts upon
finally noticing her presence. She updates him that they have found their intended destination,
the City of Gold, but there is no longer any gold. The snake lands in a different area, initially with
his head poking through the clouds below. As it lifts its head and notices it's surrounding, it begins
acting strangely.

Aisa begins hitting Luffy, irrtiated that only they are the ones left behind where they started. Luffy
again proposes trying to leave through the snake's anus, only to be denied by the young Shandia.
In the midst of their antics, they both notice that Pierre has come back for them.

At Nami and Gan Fall's landing location, Nami ponders exactly where they are. Gan Fall urges her
to believe in Pierre getting Luffy and Aisa out safely, and adds that he has never been to their
current location. At Wiper's landing site, he stands in awe at the land of his ancestors. Nami
notices the snake's erratic behavior and tries to inform Gan Fall, but he is absorbed in thought
wondering where exactly they may be. The snake actually sheds a tear, and lets out a load roar
to Nami's befuddlement. The noise however annoys Enel, and he proceeds to violently electrocute
the snake. Wiper and Zoro react in horror at what may have happened to Aisa and Na mi
respectively, but this is short-lived as Nami notices Zoro and Robin. Zoro reacts angrily to her
having escaped, while Robin wonders why she is here. Nami reminds them more importantly that
Luffy is still inside the snake, but this only angers Zoro furt her. Wiper contemplates Enel's

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strength, as he realizes he was unable to do what Enel did with one hit, with several blasts from
his burn bazooka. Enel appears behind him and asks about Aisa, which Wiper responds to with a
bazooka blast. Enel dodges, and uses a dial to create an Orb Cloud to float on. He chides Wiper
for the missed attack, saying that is no way to return the favor of getting him to his homeland. He
continues by announcing that the game is not quite over yet, to Wiper's confusion, explaining that
he and everyone else that has arrived are all contestants. As he explains, Zoro, Wiper, Robin, and
Gan Fall arrive to face him as Nami hides behind a wall. She feels relieved that she isn't being
counted among the survivors, until he reveals that there is still an extra person left with three
minutes remaining. He asks who remaining will be eliminated, and they discuss it among
themselves, not including Nami. As she realizes this and attempts to add herself to the discussion
as well, she is shocked as the four of them collectively decide that Enel will be the one eliminated.

Gan Fall reflects on the days in Skypiea prior to the arrival of Enel. The Shandia still seek to wage
war with the Skypeians over the return to their homeland. Gan Fall wonders if this makes them
the bad guys, as the prosperity the Skypeians have garnered over the past 400 years was thanks
to their ancestors' victory over the Shandia. His advisor attempts to console him, stating that as
their descendants it is their responsibility to continue their fight, and that they must protect their
country's treasure. Apparently they had tried a diplomatic solution in the past that the Shandia
refused, and he thus feels they deserve no pity. Gan Fall replies that is simply too difficult to admit
defeat, given how long they have been fighting over this. At some point after the island is attacked,
and it is revealed that the invader calls himself "God Enel".

In the present, a group of three young Skypeians have gathered at Conis and Pagaya’s house.
One of them asserts that her and her father's rebellion against God makes them bad people, and
another chimes in that his dad actually works for God. He states that he has never actually met
him however, and one of the other kids chimes in that he must be incredible. They all hope to
eventually meet his dad. Meanwhile, Conis is racing towards town on her waver, hoping to inform
the citizens of Enel's insidious plot to destroy the island.

At the ruins of Shandora, Enel laughs off the assertion from his game's survivors (Gan Fall, Robin,
Wiper, Zoro) will be eliminating him. He berates the group for not knowing what a god truly is, and
expresses his exasperation at all the "troubled lambs" in the world. Gan Fall interrupts him,
demanding to know what exactly Enel seeks to accomplish. Enel replies that he is simply returning
to where he belongs, and explains about a place known as Fairy Vearth. It has a limitless amount
of vearth, and according to legends from the place he was born, it is where God lives. Enel goes
on to say that such a place is what he ideally deserves, and admonishes the Skypieans and
Shandia for fighting so long over place with such little vearth in comparison. He states that Earth,
God, and men all have a place they naturally belong. Gan Fall becomes horrified as begins to
realize what this means, and Enel confirms that he plans to send the island back down to the
blue seas. He begins explaining it away as "law" of nature, and Gan Fall, in fury, responds that
"God" is simply a title given to the leader of this country. Enel retorts that changed when HE
became God, leading Gan Fall to angrily declare that the people of this world don't need a God.
Enel is able to perceive that Gan Fall is worried about his Militia, and reminds him that 6 ye ars
ago his 650 followers lost to his army. As such, they were put to manual labor. They have finished
their job as of this morning, and Enel repeats that only the 6 of them remain on the island. Gan
Fall immediately realizes what this means, and Enel confirms that they rebelled against him when
they learned of his intentions. He casually hints at the need for their funerals, and Gan Fall has
heard enough. He lunges to attack Enel with his lance, but Enel effortlessly dodges and shocks
him with 30 million volts of electricity. As he falls, Gan Fall again has a flashback to the exact
moment that Enel took his throne. After having been defeated he protests to the forced labor of
his followers, but Enel casts him out of the shrine, telling him he is no longer G od. Back in the

Sky Island Skypiea

present, he falls unconsciously to the ground as he is burned to a crisp from the power of the

The Straw Hats quickly deduce that Enel is using the Goro Goro no Mi, as Robin and Nami become
horrified at what they are up against. With there now being 5 survivors as he predicted, Enel
states that it is time for them to head to Fairy Vearth. He intends to bring the survivors with him,
as everyone else that didn't make it through the game are deemed unfit to live in his new land.
Suddenly, Robin asks what happens if they refuse. When Enel is confused by the inquiry, Robin
goes on to state that while it is possible to destroy the country with his power, the object he seeks
will also fall to the sea. Enel realizes that she is referring to the Golden Belfry, and responds that
he can only think of one place it might be after accounting for everywhere else they have been
already. Robin is visibly shocked at the speed of his deductive reasoning, and Enel voices his
annoyance at the former attempting to trick him. He states he does not like manipulative women,
and electrocutes Robin.

Zoro and Nami are horrified as Robin falls from being electrocuted. Zoro dashes to her in a matter
of seconds, catching her before her body hits the ground. Seething with rage, he reminds Enel
that she is a woman. Enel casually blows this off, prompting Zoro to attack him. He commends
Zoro's strength as he blocks his strike, only angering Zoro further. He then vaults into the air
above Zoro using his staff. Wiper takes advantage of the opening and fires his Burn Bazooka at
Enel. Enel counters with his lightning however, producing a flash so bright that it obscures Wiper
and Zoro's vision temporarily. Enel taunts the group further for not understanding his strength, as
Nami is awestruck at Enel's ability from her hiding spot. Enel inquires as to why the group is
attacking him after his invitation to paradise. Zoro angrily retorts that he has no interest in Enel's
dream world, launching himself again at Enel despite Nami's protests that he can't defeat the
lightning user. Zoro manages to slash right through Enel, but it is to no avail as he effortlessly
reforms his body from electricity. He gets a hold of Zoro's swords, and channels his electricity
directly through them - electrocuting Zoro. Zoro falls to his knees before Enel, who steps on his
head. Enel goes on to explain that men will always kneel and beg for mercy before God when they
are terrified, as Zoro wonders how he can be so powerful. His speech is interrupted however as
Wiper wraps his legs around Enel's body, and places his hand on his chest. Enel asks if he is
committing suicide, and is slightly puzzled when Wiper responds with his own question: if Enel
has ever heard of Kairoseki. As Zoro ponders the ramifications of this while still under Enel's foot,
Enel himself notes that his power is being drained. Enel then deduces that Wiper is attempting to
use the Reject Dial, warning the Shandia warrior that his body will not be able to take it. Wiper
responds that he actually planned on dying, and taking Enel with him, as he fires the Reject Dial.
The tremendous impact causes Enel to cough up blood, as Wiper dwells on his fallen comrades,
and words of wisdom from the Shandia Chief.

As children, Wiper, Genbou, Kamakiri, and Braham were told the story of how their Shandia
ancestors defended an ancient stone tablet 800 hundred years ago. Laki listens on from a hiding
place. Although their people were successful, they lost a great many men in the process. It was
the will of their surviving ancestors that they forever guard the message of the ancient tablet from
then on. The children chime in on the rest of the story, aware that 400 years ago the island was
blasted into Skypeia. Their ancestors were unable to defend the land from the native Skypeians,
and thus the land of their ancestors was lost. The chieftain confirms that they lost much of value
in being unable to defend their homeland, notably, what is referred to as "The Light of Shandora".
Wiper dwells further on the Shandia recent attempts to reclaim the land, as he stands above
Enel's now unconscious body. Nami begins to run over to Robin and Gan Fall’s bodies, but the
group is suddenly terrified when a large amount of electricity begins to pulsate from Enel's body.

Sky Island Skypiea

Enel uses his electricity to restart his heart, and is soon back on his feet. He states that mere
men cannot make God feel fear, as true terror comes from God alone.

Wiper falls to his knees in shock, unable to fathom that Enel could have revived himself from
such a powerful attack. He begins to feel the recoil from using the Reject Dial in his right arm, as
Enel taunts him. Wiper is affronted at the casual use of his name, explaining that he is a
descendant of the Shandia warriors that defended this place 800 years ago. Reiterating how his
people have searched tirelessly for these ruins for 400 years, he manages to stand back to his
feet. Enel proceeds to knock him off his feet with this staff, breaking off his Jet Dials that
contained the Kairoseki in the process. Enel commends him for being able to stand again after
using the Reject Dial, but asserts that the Shandia is still no match for him. Banging one of the
drums on his back with his staff, Enel creates an extremely large bird made purely out of 30
million volts of electricity. The bird pierces Wiper directly through the torso, causing a trememdous
electric shock that puts the warrior down yet again. Zoro decides to take advantage of the
opportunity to go for the Kairoseki. Enel quickly notices his advance however, and taps a different
drum on his back. This creates another very large creature in electrical form, this time resembling
a giant wolf. The beast charges and "bites" into Zoro, incapacitating him with an extremely
powerful surge of electricity.

Nami sits in disbelief that even Zoro could be taken down so easily, and surmises that Enel will
kill them all. He takes a step towards her, but to his surprise Wiper has once again risen to his
feet. Enel inquires as to why Wiper is so persistent, considering that he's the only one left alive at
the moment, and that the entire island will be falling down from the sky. Wiper defiantly replies
that it is all for his ancestors, leading Nami to wonder about his persistence as well. Standing with
his body still smoking, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head, Wiper remembers a time from
his childhood that the Shandia Chief called him to his hut. The chieftain tells Wiper that his
ancestor, Calgara, had another yet unrevealed reason for taking back the ir home. This reason
also happened to be Calgara's greatest regret.

Back in the present, Enel has amassed an an extremely large concentration of electricity directly
above Wiper. As Wiper looks up in horror, Enel releases "God's Judgement"; an electric release so
powerful that it blows a huge crater in the ground, while producing shockwaves strong enough to
blow away the limp bodies of Enel's victims. Now in absolute horror, Nami makes it to Robin and
Zoro's bodies just as Enel steps behind her. Out of fear for ending up like her comrades, she asks
Enel to take her with him. Enel decides to comply, adding that people who don't give in to their
fear annoy him. Nami uneasily agrees, hoping to not incite any further anger from him.

Conis has made it to within viewing distance of Angel Island on her waver. In the town itself on
Lovely Street, the White Berets announce to the townspeople that the Straw Hats and Gan Fall
are on the run. They ask that anyone who has spotted these "criminals" report directly to the m,
as they shall be protecting Enel and his priests.

In Angel Island, two White Berets hear a noise and wonder what it might be, the noise is revealed
to be made by Pagaya’s daughter, Conis.

Nami talks with Enel about Nami's Waver before they enter Enel's hideout. In the hideout, he
starts talking about his magnificent flying ship made of gold that is powered by electricity. The
ship, called Maxim, is claimed to be able to take Enel to Fairy Vearth.

Luffy, who is inside Nola tries to figure out a way to get out which annoys Aisa. Nola's yawn allows
Luffy, Gan Fall, Pierre and Aisa to escape into the ruins of Shandora. Luffy finds a wounded Zoro

Sky Island Skypiea

and Robin, along with Wiper, Chopper and Usopp. Robin tells Luffy that Enel took Nami with him
and that Enel plans to destroy everything in the White-White Sea. Conis finally arrives at Angel
Island. Aisa picks up two voices and Luffy assumes they are Nami and Enel, asks Aisa to guide
him to them.

Nami and Enel boarded Maxim and he detected a chaos in Angel Island. Nami asks Enel how
Mantra works and he explained it in relation of his devil fruit ability. Enel describes the destruction
of Skypiea and it made Nami frightened even more. Once again Enel detected something and
refuse to tell Nami when asked.

Back in Angel Island, the White Beret tried to stop Conis. She rammed Captain McKinley then
thrown to a house and waver crash landed on him. Skypiea civilian did not expect that Conis was
the one who attacked McKinley and they tried to force Conis out. The White Beret t ried to attack
Conis but she retaliated with bazooka. Conis warned the civilian about Enel destroying the country
and asking them to get to the edge of the cloud and escape to the blue sea. A young civilian
throwed a stone to Conis and injured her head. None of them believed of what Conis said. She
surrendered her bazooka and yelled at the civilian that Enel is not a true god.

Conis started to cry as she remembered her father’s tragedy. The civilians distanced themselves
away from Conis as they are afraid of their god's punishment because of what Conis said but
nothing happened to her while being watched from afar. Conis was determined to tell the truth if
it is meant losing her life. She once again warned the civilians about Enel's plan.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Pierre rushes to the cave. Robin and the others are concious but heavily
injured. Enel was not very pleased as his prediction was wrong. He quickly identified Luffy upon
his arrival and Nami was happy to see Luffy again.

Angel Island’s residents hastily to the cloud's end. They are asking the Militia's whereabout but
Conis did not have the courage to speak of the tragedy. McKinley suddenly interrupt and
guaranteed that the White Beret will find the Militia to safety and commanded the citizens to
leave immediately. He actually knows that Enel was an evil person and the Birka tragedy must
not repeat where Enel destroyed it six years ago. McKinley revealed that many people fought
against Enel. For the sake of the citizens, White Beret betrayed the Militia to protect the island.
Conis left and leave the evacuation to McKinley.

Enel demanded respect from Luffy as he himself is a god but Luffy did not see him as a god. Aisa
praised Luffy for his braveness. Nami tells Luffy to be careful and Enel stared coldly at her. Luffy
felt angrier as Enel laughed on the fate of the Skypiean and Luffy dashed towards Enel and
attacked Luffy with his lightning. Dumbfounded Luffy stands firmly, Enel launched second and
third attack and still Luffy was unaffected yet it annoys Luf fy and responded with a punch and
Enel evaded it. Nami thought that maybe it is because of his rubber body make him able to
withstands Enel's lightning.

Luffy reattacked Enel and welcomes it as he proudly thought that physical attack will not harm
him but it prove otherwise. Nami concluded that it because rubber nulls out electricity and Luffy
became Enel's natural enemy.

Luffy stands over a downed Enel, and Nami wonders if he actually won. However, Enel gets up
and distances himself from Luffy as he asks who the pirate is. Luffy tells him that he ate the Gomu
Gomu no Mi and is a rubber man, which confuses Enel, and Nami understands the confusion as
there is no rubber in the White-White Sea. Luffy tells Enel that he is immune to lightning as he

Sky Island Skypiea

throws a punch at him, but Enel dodges it using Mantra. Luffy spins around and midair and kicks
Enel, but he dodges again and appears behind Luffy. Thinking quickly, Luffy flips backward and
tries to stamp Enel with his feet, but he turns into lightning and strikes Luf fy with his staff. Enel
continues beating Luffy with his staff, frightening Nami, and he pins Luffy's neck to the wall as he
tells the pirate that he has seen through his attack pattern.

Enel tells Luffy that not all his attacks are lightning-based, so he can adapt to Luffy's immunity.
Luffy grabs Enel's staff and pushes it back at him, but Enel calls his simple attack useless as he
moves away, freeing Luffy. Luffy gets annoyed that he cannot predict Enel's movements, and Enel
tries to understand what rubber is. Enel then uses Thunder Alchemy to forge the tip of his staff
into a trident, and he jabs it at Luffy, forcing him to leap onto the wall to dodge. Enel says that
Luffy's weakness lies in his inability to attack, and Luffy drops down to attack, but Ene l disappears
into his ship. Using gold as a medium to travel in lightning form, Enel appears behind Luffy and
nearly stabs him. Luffy grabs his staff, but recoils due to its high temperature, and Enel says he
can use lightning to make it even hotter. However, Luffy manages to axe kick Enel and send him
crashing into the deck.

Enel shouts at Luffy in anger, and Luffy follows up with rapid punches, but Enel intercepts his
arms and throws Luffy onto the deck. Enel tells Luffy that he picked a bad time to visit, as he as
a god could predict the future and even create this world. Enel tells Luffy he was foolish to stand
up against him and offers to let him witness the annihilation of Skypiea by his side. Enel releases
200 volts into the ship, and it starts moving. Outside it, Aisa wonders what to do, and calls out to
Luffy and Nami. As Luffy climbs out of the deck, Nami wonders what they should do and asks
Luffy for guidance, but he tells her to be quiet as he throws his straw hat to her. Luffy tells Nami
that she is the Pirate King's friend, so she should stop worrying. Enel asks what country the Pirate
King rules, and Luffy replies that he is the king of the sea, which amuses Enel as he prepares to
finish their battle in the sky.

Ark Maxim first flight has begun, named Death Piea, savior of the world amidst in hopelessness
as per Enel's description. Aisa and Pierre tried to board Maxim but the ark stopped mid way.
Something happening inside the ark and large smoke starts billowing on top of it. Nami wondered
what was it and Enel is laughing.

The Shandia noticed the black smoke and felt disturbed. Enel said, it was a thunder cloud
produced by the ark which could stores strong electrical current by using his energy and will be
able to emit thunders ten times stronger than Enel's power and soon will cover entire Skypiea,
then he demonstrate how it works. A thunder from the cloud strikes the Angel Island while being
witnessed by the citizens. Enel continues laughing and attacked Luffy with his trident. Luffy
evaded it by spinning in mid air and swings his leg to Enel, and blocked Luffy's attack with his
hand but Luffy landed his leg on the hot trident which causes his leg to burn. Enel strikes Luffy
again with his hot trident and forces Luffy to defend it with his hand which causes burn on Luffy's
hand. Luffy still could not fight Enel due to his mantra and come up with "gomu gomu baka" and
turned himself into a dumb person. Surprisingly, it really affects Enel and could not hit him. Luffy
use "gomu gomu octopus" and Enel said Luffy is trying hard to overcome the mantra because it
is how he dominate his opponents. Luffy came up with another idea, then dashes to the throne
and starts punching and kicking the wall which causes his punches and kicks deflected backward
randomly and hitting Enel. He tried to attack Luffy for the second time but failed once again and
thrown away after receiving Luffy's attack. Enel stands up and unable to evade Luffy's incoming
"gomu gomu no bazooka" and finishes it with "gomu gomu no rifle".

Sky Island Skypiea

Enel is knocked back by Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Rifle, but he doesn't stay down for long. The self
proclaimed god rises once more, berating Luffy for interfering with his plans. All while causing the
Ark Maxim to rise once more. The people of Sky Island flee as they bare eyes to the colossal ship.
Far off in the ruins, Nico Robin is also shocked by the sight of the ship. Back on the Ark Maxim
Enel taunts Luffy, exclaiming that Sky Island is doomed and nothing will be able to save it.
Angered, Luffy proceeds to attack Enel once more. Determined not to lose to Luffy once more,
Enel uses his thunder alchemy to trap Luffy's arm in a golden ball. Luffy yells at Enel to free him,
but the latter ignores the former's plees and proceeds to kick him off the ship. He mo ckingly tells
Luffy that he's welcome to keep the gold.

Luffy still holds on, clinging on to the ship desperately for his life. He tells Enel that the sea is full
of monstrous people like himself to defeat. Enel then angrily proceeds to kick Luffy once more
and sends him falling a great depth. Aisa, riding Pieher, watch as Luffy fall and attempt to save
him. However, their efforts prove to be futile as Enel strikes all three of them down with his
lightning as Nami looks on with horror. He then proceeds to strike her down next. Meanwhile,
Conis notices that Sanji and Usopp are missing and questions where they could have gone off to
with their injuries. Below the Ark Maxim, Sanji and Usopp are seen climbing the ship.

Sanji wakes up in shock and disbelief. Remembering how powerful Enel was firsthand, he
frantically awakens Usopp after realizing that Nami’s absence means she is most likely in danger.
Having been incapacitated the same way, Usopp remembers Enel as well. After stepping out on
the deck of the Going Merry, they notice the Ark Maxim sitting upon the canopy of the forest trees
above them. While Usopp wonders just what it is, Sanji states it is irrelevant, as all that matters
to him is that he spotted Nami aboard. He however continues by pointing out that Nami has taken
off her t-shirt, drawing Usopp's contempt. Usopp points out that Gan Fall is missing as well, and
that Su is now with them. Sanji's sights are set on Nami however, informing Usopp that they are
losing time to save her, as the ship she's on is actually flying higher by the minute. Usopp doesn't
understand why he is required to go, and Sanji reminds him of the gadget he developed to shoot
rope from his waist. Conis wonders just what they are thinking, as Sanji is seen climbing a rope
to the Maxim with a reluctant Usopp. Usopp voices the reasons for his disapproval, including the
height they are climbing to and Enel's strength. Sanji is uninterested in hearing this however, as
he states that he will not forgive anyone who harms Nami.

Aboard the Maxim, Nami stands defiantly before Enel. As he states there is only one way off of
his ship, Nami steels her resolve to face Enel in combat. As Enel chides her for giving up the one
chance she had to live, he casually mentions two intruders that have boarded the ship, to Nami's
confusion. As they continue to climb the ship, Usopp voices more concern to Sanji about what
they may encounter aboard the ship. Sanji implores Usopp to show some guts, as the Mantra
ability of Enel and the priests makes a sneak attack impossible. He suggests that they will split
up, with one person going directly to Nami's location. Usopp is heavily against the idea of splitting
up, but Sanji reminds him that there is no hope of saving Nami if they both get caught together.
Usopp is deeply shocked, asking Sanji if he is implying that someone must be sacrificed to save
Nami. Sanji grips Usopp's shoulders in assurance, and tells him that he is fine with Usopp being
sacrificed for Nami's sake. Before Usopp can fully express his disapproval of the plan, Sanji runs
off to save Nami.

Enel has heard Usopp and Sanji's plan, and states to Nami how foolish a rescue attempt is on
her behalf. Nami is still perplexed as to who the two assailants may be, given that Luffy was the
only person conscious from the crew, and also just how they got aboard the Maxim. Enel fires an
electric blast at Nami, however she is able to dodge it in time. Enel states that no one will be
rescuing her, as he will be taking her out now. Nami resolves that she must jump from the ship,

Sky Island Skypiea

as she will die if she stays aboard for sure. As she prepares her Clima-Tact, she ponders how she
can counter Enel's lightning. Elsewhere aboard the Maxim, Usopp runs through, surprised that
both the ship can fly, and that there is apparently no crew present to operate it. He also notices
that he recognizes none of the technology, and begins to ponder how they will escape from being
so high in the air anyway.

Back at the Shandora Ruins, Nico Robin has regained consciousness and uses her extra
appendages to move Zoro and Wiper’s bodies to safety. She then silently ponders the coming
destruction as she watches the Ark Maxim fly over. On Angel Island , the Skypieans are frantically
filling up boats to travel to the White Sea, finally convinced that Conis was right about Enel's plans
to destroy the island. In the Shandian Village, the Chieftain encourages all of the Shandians to
evacuate, despite the protests of concern about the warriors that are still on God’s Island. Assured
that Enel will destroy everything, he quietly laments that Wiper did the best he could. Conis
watches the Maxim from the Going Merry, remembering meeting the Straw Hats for the first time
and hoping that they are all safe. Elsewhere in Upper Yard, Aisa is seen tending to t he injured
Pierre. Aisa however hears Luffy calling for her, and is immediately infuriated when she sees that
he has gotten himself stuck in the ground. After she helps him out, Luffy expresses his annoyance
that he cannot remove his arm from the large golden ball that it is encased in. He knows exactly
where Enel is heading: the Golden Belfry. Aisa agrees to help him get there.

On the deck of the Maxim, Enel praises Nami's skill with the Clima-Tact. He fires another blast at
her, only for her to redirect the flow of electricty with a "shock bubble". He also praises her
knowledge of the weather, but states that her trick will not work if he throws a large enough bolt
at her with an unpredicatable trajectory. As he prepares to do just that, Nami looks on in horror
as he bids her farewell.

Unfazed by the previous attack, Enel comments on Usopp successfully making his way to the
deck. Usopp frantically looks around for Sanji and runs away once he realizes that the latter has
yet to make his way to the deck. Nami scolds Usopp for cowardliness. Doubting himself,
Usopp debates on whether or not he should go back and face Enel. Usopp decides to face Enel
once more, but he gets struck by a great flash of lightning. Usopp asks Nami for her to save him,
but a furious Nami grabs Usopp by the collar and yells at him because he was supposed to be
rescuing her. Enel strikes them again with his lightning, missing them only by a small margin.

Usopp yells in horror as he freefalls from the Ark Maxim, Sanji’s unconscious body in tow. They
land on a layer of clouds, not too far from Nami’s location. She sees them land and calls out to
her crewmates. Although Usopp lands headfirst and buried into the clouds, he is delighted to
know that Nami is ok upon hearing her voice. Ignoring Usopp's own predicament, she sees Sanji's
unconscious body and apologizes for all the trouble that she caused them. Pointing out the giant
beanstalk in their area, Nami deduces that they must be on the clouds above Shandora. She
points out that Zoro is still at the ruins. Convinced that there is no longer a safe place anywhere
on Skypiea, she urges Usopp to get on her waver so that they may find the rest of the crew.

Aboard the Ark Maxim, several systems begin to rupture thanks to Sanji's sabotage. Enel curses
the pirates for their meddling, but quickly finds solace in the ship's numerous backup systems.
He specifically notes a set of extinct Jet Dials from his hometown of Birka, and states they should
be more than enough to keep the ship airborne. He also begins to power up the ship using his
own electrical abilities.

At another location in Upper Yard, Aisa carries an unconscious Pierre while trying to direct Luffy
in Enel's direction. With the large golden ball still molted on his arm, Luffy decides to move forward

Sky Island Skypiea

by rolling on the ball, much to Aisa's annoyance. They are heading for the beanstalk as well, as
Aisa continues to remind Luffy that he is breaking things. When they arrive at Shandora, they are
shocked to see that Robin, Zoro, Chopper, and Wiper are no longer there. Aisa concludes that
they found a way to climb up, to Luffy's suprise. Aisa then tearfully asks Luffy if Sky Island is going
to be destroyed. Robin notices the Maxim flying overhead, now fully convinced that Enel will be
heading for the Golden Belfry. Just as she begins to wonder about the crew's whereabouts, Luffy
tosses Aisa and Pierre down to her. She catches them using her Devil Fruit ability, which greatly
shocks Aisa. Robin attempts to inquire about the ball of gold on Luffy's arm, but Luffy instead
asks Robin to confirm that Enel is headed for the golden bell. Once she does, Luffy frantically
begins climbing further up the beanstalk in pursuit of Enel. Robin turns her attention to Aisa and
inquires about the location of the rest of the Straw Hats. Just as Aisa begins to note that Nami
may no longer be on the Maxim, Nami arrives with Usopp and Sanji's unconscious body. Nami
asks Aisa about Luffy's whereabouts, as Usopp notes the unconcious bodies ot Zoro, Chopper,
Wiper, and Gan Fall. As Usopp points out that they need to be leaving quickly, Nami proposes that
the rest of the Straw Hats get to the Going Merry while she chases down Luffy.

On Angel Island, the White Berets continue to frantically evacuate the citizens. They have run out
of ships, and must now use dial boats. Realizing the dial boats may not have enough capacity for
everyone as well, the captain stresses that it doesn't matter how, but they must get everyone to
safety. Again aboard the Maxim, Enel notes that he has finally gotten the ship working again. The
Shandian Chieftain continues to get his own people to safety, after being reminded that Aisa and
Wiper are still away from the village. Aboard the Merry, Conis notes that the wind has stopped.
Suddenly, a lightning bolt strikes a tree and causes it to fall over in flames. This is followed up by
several strikes in different places, as lightning begins to rain down on the island.

At Heaven’s Gate, the gate-keeper responsible for charging visitors tries to charge all of the
escaping Skypieans an exit fee; completely oblivious to the panic going on around the island. A
citizen shouts out warning her to flee as well, as White-White Sea is about to be destroyed. Back
at Angel Island, the lightning from Enel’s attack is causing devastation to the land, destroying
buildings and sealing off exits while the White Berets aid in the evacuation.

On the Going Merry near Upper Yard’s shore, Conis and her pet wait patiently as Luffy continues
to climb Giant Jack in an attempt to reach Enel. Still waiting in the Shandia Village, the Chief is
warned by his fellow people to hurry.

Near the base of the beanstalk, Usopp comments on how close the lightning strikes are getting,
only for Nami to tell them all to run to their ship while she leaves to help Luffy, racing up the
beanstalk using the Waver. Zoro and Gan Fall awaken, Robin advising them to leave soon.
However Wiper does not move, instead watching the destruction the now ecstatic Enel is causing
to his homeland. Thinking back to his childhood, Wiper remembers the time when his chief
explained to him the one reason his ancestor, Calgara had to retake their home and ring the bell,
and that was for his good friend Montblanc Noland.

Going back 400 years into Jaya’s past, an exploration crew is attacked by somebody they refer to
as "Shandora's Demon." Fearful of the lone man, the crew's captain sets sail without all of his
men, however this is all for nothing as the warrior skilfully throws a large iron ball on a chain,
severely damaging the fleeing ship. Unable to escape, the crew is defenseless against Calgara's
assault and quickly fall. Warning them to not move if they still wanted to live, he sets fire to the
ship's remains and sends the surviving crew away on life boats; relieving them of all their supplies.

Sky Island Skypiea

Further out on the Grand Line, another exploration crew are seen commenting on the extreme
weather. Both the crew and ship in disrepair, they begin to despair and plead for their admiral to
aid them. Rather then replying, he jumps overboard and into the ocean. Thinking he had
abandoned them and committed suicide, the crew begins to question how he could have broken
before them despite having entered the Grand Line twice before. Noticing he had even stripped
and folded his clothes before diving, it is not long before a familiar chestnut shape emerges from
the water. Getting back on board, the crew welcome him back as a dead Sea King is pulled out
of the water, the admiral just killed for food. Complaining about the crew's worthlessness, the
admiral is revealed to be none other then, Montblanc Noland.

Two years into his voyage in the Grand Line, Montblanc Noland and his crew have yet to discover
anything. During a fierce storm, Noland tells his crew to dock at the nearby island because he
heard the sound of a bell in the roaring thunder. Meanwhile on the island of Jaya, the populace
is dying off one by one due to a disease present on the island. The ill priest on his deathbed
exclaims that the only way to appease the gods and lift the curse on the island is by offering the
most beautiful woman on Jaya as a sacrifice. That woman happened to be Mousse, Calgara's own
daughter. Mousse was glad to throw away her life thinking she would end up being with the Great
Kashi in the afterlife. A while later, Noland and his crew arrive in Jaya where Noland is shocked
by how the island and its population had been decimated by disease. Noland immediately
recognizes the disease as tree fever and asks his crew whether or not they have medicine on
them. Back at the altar, Mousse is being sacrificed to Kashigami. Just as she's about to be
devoured by the great beast, Montblanc Noland intervenes and defeats the beast, decapitating
it with his sword. The people of Jaya are in shock that Noland had killed their god. In response,
Noland declares that the disease can be cured without the need to kill anyone.

The Shandia are in dire panic in the wake of Montblanc Noland slaying Kashigami, who they
believed to be their God. Noland's own crew begins to panic as well, unsure of what exactly their
captain has just gotten them into. As the villagers call upon Calgara to kill Noland as retribution,
the two men stare each other down. Calgara's daughter, Mousse, begins to weep at the inevitable
clash between the two warriors. Noland attempts to reason, but Calgara is uninterested and
rushes him. They exchange taunts during their clash: Noland asks if this is all Calgara's got, while
Calgara states this is nothing, but at least it's "progress". The Shandia are shocked that Noland
is able to match Calgara in strength. Calgara sees his daughter watching the fight, and throws her
a dagger. He implores her to take her own life to save the village, telling her she should be
ashamed. She attempts to comply, but Noland smacks the dagger out of her hand. Calgara
however takes advantage of the opening, impaling Noland through the back of his shoulder.
Noland's crew calls out for him in worry, but they are held at knife point by the villagers. Calgara
states that the crime of slaying their God can't be redeemed by Noland's life alone, adding
Noland's crew to the retribution. This infuriates Noland, who states it is a shame that the concept
of using blood to appease gods still exists in this time and age. He vehemently refuses to be
sacrificed, ridiculing the idea of using God as an excuse to take lives. He instead proposes that
the Shandia give him time, and he will accomplish the same feat that they intended by sacrificing
Mousse's life: curing the village of their sickness. This causes an uproar among the Shandia, and
Calgara reaffirms his intent to kill Noland. Noland however counters that if he were to escape,
the villagers would continue their tradition of sacrificing people, which he intends to never let
them do again. The Shandia Chieftain however senses Noland's sincerity, and gives Noland a
deadline of the next day's sunset to keep his promise while his crew is imprisoned.

As Noland's crew sit in their cell, there are mixed feelings of both doubt and reassurance that he
will get the job done. They notice that Mousse is locked up as well in a cell adjacent to them, and
some of them wonder how she can live in a village like this. When she inquires about their captain

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however, the crew universally praises Noland's reputation as an explorer, botanist, and beloved
man in general. While Mousse herself has no reaction, this appears to be put the crew at ease,
with many of them now wondering what they can do to pass time.

At the chieftain's residence, a few of the villagers question him about why they were not allowed
to kill the intruders. He responds that they will have their answers tomorrow, as the village's
continued survival is worth the wait. The disgruntled villagers urge Calgara himself to speak up,
who simply states that he will kill Noland immediately at the first sign of trouble. The chieftain
agrees to this, saying that since they can no longer hear the voice of their god, he will instead
listen to the voice of his people. Calgara leaves in frustration, only to see Seto outside waiting for
him. He asks Seto if he's feeling any better, to which he responds that he is. However, Seto asks
Calgara to elaborate on his meaning of the word "progress" when he said it to Noland during their
fight. Elsewhere in the forest, Noland is delighted that he has found exactly what he was looking
for: the Kona Tree.

The next day, Noland's crew and the rest of the villagers are awoken by an earthquake. The crew
asks to be freed, while the villagers panic that Kashigami is enacting his wrath upon them.
Calgara immediately begins his hunt for Noland, upset with himself that he allowed the explorer
to live. The earthquake has drastically changed the landscape of the entire island, causing a very
large part of it to sink. Calgara notices this as he zips through the forest, and eventually discovers
Noland wedged in one of the crevices where the island split apart. He taunts Noland, telling him
that God did this to him. Noland however retorts that their God must not be that powerful, only
being able to take down one man. Calgara calls him stubborn, and Noland asks why he's come.
Calgara explains that he will kill him for the sake of their god Kashi, and asks if he knows why the
earthquake happened. Noland is amused at the thought of the snake causing an earthquake,
and jokes that it must want to eat him first. This draws more ire from Calgara, though Noland
continues by reaffirming his intent to get back to the village. Calgara however, is content to sit
and watch Noland attempt to get himself out of his current predicament.

Montblanc Noland continues to struggle to no avail to free himself from the large pieces of land
he is wedged between. Calgara watches in amusement, taunting him and wondering how he is
staying alive. He reminds Noland that sunset is coming, and his crew will all be slain soon at the
hands of the villagers. Calgara explains that Noland is getting what he deserved for ruining the
rituals of his people. Back in the village, the Shandia continue to tend to their sick. However, a
group of warriors became enraged at Noland's crew, blaming them for the plague and now the
earthquake too. They attempt to impale some of the crew members through the cage, however
they are stopped by Seto. Seto reminds them that as warriors of Shandia, they must honor their

Back in the forest, Noland continues with all the power he has to try to break free of the earth,
this time breaking bones in the process. Although he still makes no progress, his efforts visibly
affect the land holding him, impressing Calgara. The pain does not deter Noland in the slightest,
as he continues trying to free himself while Calgara watches intently.

In the village, Seto's efforts ultimately do not stop the villagers from taking Noland's crew to the
sacrificial altar. They plead that their captain is not back yet and attempt to appeal to Seto to get
them to stop, but he is unable to do anything. Calgara informs Noland that it is twilight, and the
ritual should be starting back in the village. He tells him that he looks pathetic, and wonders how
Noland was able to survive this long in his predicament. Noland asks just what the villagers are
so afraid of, to the point that they're gladly willing to throw away innocent lives. Calgara questions
Noland on what he means by "gladly", and Noland states that the villagers sacrifice their own

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peers and feel good about it. This enrages Calgara to the point that he cuts Noland off by kicking
him in the face. He tells Noland to quit acting like he knows everything, and that the Shandia have
lived this way for centuries. Noland retorts that being such a long tradition doesn't make it right,
angering Calgara further. He goes on to chastise Calgara for being so willing to kill an innocent
girl without batting an eye, even calling the actions of the villagers inhuman. Calgara again
questions Noland's use of the word "gladly", before angrily yelling that Mousse is actually his
daughter. This fact only causes Noland to criticize Calgara further, saying he has no mercy for
even his own child. Calgara replies that the voice of their God, spoken through the mouth of their
priest, is absolute, asking Noland if he can understand such a concept. Since the words of their
god is absolute, he cannot disobey God's Will even for the sake of his own family. In the Shandia
village, Noland's crew has been brought to the altar, desperately crying out for their captain as
they realize they are about to be burned.

As Calgara and Noland continue their argument, a giant snake emerges from the forest, still
eating a large feline creature. This is the god known as Jaya, and is Kashigami's offspring. Calgara
tells Noland that Jaya has come to punish him. Noland angrily asks Calgara if he is dying here
because of God's Judgment, or an accident. Continuing this line of thought, he also asks if their
village is actually dying from a curse, or a disease. Noland reveals that 60 years ago, his home
was suffering from the exact same disease that Shandia are. The plague ravaged his people at
90 percent death rate, but thanks to the breakthroughs of herbalists, the death rate of the
disease is now less than 3 percent. He explains that the cure was synthesized from extracts of
the Kona Tree, which he now has in his possession. He stresses that he has the tools to save the
entire village, and that many researchers died to ensure the creation of the cure. Yet, their
sacrifice is being stepped on by the superstitions of the Shandia, which is why he feels their rituals
are an affront to mankind and the true root of evil. This causes Calgara to remem ber the
Chieftain’s words of doing his best to listen to the voices of his people. Jaya attempts to devour
Noland, but Calgara intervenes and kills the gigantic snake. Standing on Jaya's corpse, Calgara
asks Noland what he just killed. Noland replies that it is a snake. Calgara angrily retorts that what
his people call a God, Noland merely calls a snake. He continues that the curse that has been
killing everyone, Noland merely calls a curable disease. Now in tears, Calgara asks Noland if he
can truly save his people, to which Noland replies that he can.

At the rise of the full moon, various villagers are seen being cured and rejoicing with their families.
Seto smiles at all the happy families, while Calgara tearfully embraces his daughter as Herb
watches in tears as well. As Noland himself is given medical attention, his crew and the Shandia
celebrate together.

A small snake emerges in the forest, alarming a few of Montblanc Noland’s crew. Now up and
about after his injuries, Noland notices the snake's resemblance to Jaya and Kashigami. He asks
Calgara if he may be "Its" descendant, and Calgara asks for clarification, however refers to it as a
"snake" as well. Realizing Calgara's change in philosophy, both men share a roar of laughter
together. The newfound camaraderie betweeen the two puzzles some of Noland's crew and the
Shandians alike, but they are nonetheless happy to see the men getting along.

Calgara decides that he wants to show Noland something. He takes his crew to an area of the
forest that leads down to some ancient ruins. As they descend the steps, Noland hears the sound
of a bell, knowing that he's heard it before. They ultimately arrive in a city made completely gold,
with a large belfry at it's center. Noticing Noland's astonishment, Calgara explains that this is the
city of Shandora, and that the Shandians are the descendants of the people who lived here.
Noland's crew can't contain their excitement and rush off, with Noland warning them not to take
what isn't theirs. Calgara however gives the crew permission to take as much of the gold as they

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can carry, with the exception of the Golden Belfry. This is the Shandian's repayment for all that
Noland has done to save them. Noland rebuts that his people have been guarding this place for
centuries, but Calgara clarifies that they were guarding the city, not the treasure. Being more
specific, he states that what they are truly guarding is the poneglyph at the base of the belfry.
While none of the Shandians are able to decipher the message of the ancie nt stone, one thing
Calgara knows for sure is that the city of Shandora was decimated for defending the poneglyph.
He explains that it is thus the will of his people to protect the past and what remains of it at all
costs. The sound of the bell acts as a beacon for the spirits of their deceased ancestors to find
their way home, after they have descended to heaven. Calgara further explains that the bell
represents the prosperous days of Shandora, and that they ring it to the four corners of the world
with no fear of intruders. For this reason, they refer to the Golden Belfry as "The Light of
Shandora". Noland in turn offers his testament, relaying the story of how he was able to follow
the sound of the bell through the treacherous storms his crew faced out at sea. He notices that
the same snake from earlier has followed them, as he also seems to really like the bell. Noland
asks if it will become large too, and the snake smiles gleefully in agreement.

Calgara offers Noland and his crew extended stay as the first welcomed guests of the city. Noland
accepts, stating that they still have plants to collect and people to cure. Some of Noland's crew
discover an Eternal Pose, as well as a map of Jaya. Noland notes that Shandora ultimately leads
to the "right eye of the skull" on the map.

Noland's crew and the Shandians work together on a variety of tasks including rebuilding the
village after the destruction of the earthquake, gathering more vegetation, and fishing (the snake
joins in here). They celebrate at night by dancing around a campfire, with Mousse personally
making sure Noland joins in. The bond between Noland and Calgara continues to strengthen as
they work together, with Noland even being allowed to ring the Golden Belfry himself.

A month later, there is suddenly incredible tension again between the two groups. The Chieftain
warns the villagers to return to their homes if they cannot control their emotions. One of the
Shandians vents that Noland's crew will always be "god-slayers", and that they have no respect,
but is cut off by someone announcing the arrival of Noland's crew. Noland asks everyone if
Calgara is around, but he is met with silence and glares from the villagers. Noland then asks Seto
what is going on, who replies that Calgara is not interested in seeing Noland ever again. Seto
angrily asks when Noland is leaving, and Noland is speechless. A few of Noland's crew asks about
they have done to upset them again, but Noland stops them. He implores his crew to get back to
work, as there are still parts of the forest that they need to check. A few Shandians approach
Calgara at the Shandora ruins to notify him of Noland's crew, but he angrily retorts that he will for
sure kill Noland if he sees him again.

Noland's crew has been ousted and is taking refuge at the beach by their ship. One of the crew
notes that the bell didn't ring today, and wonders where Noland is. The crew doctor approaches
Noland, who is sleeping in isolation. He reminds Noland that they should be done with their work
in another two days, and Noland asks that he relay this message to the rest of the crew. The
doctor voices a small amount of resistance to the plan, but Noland tells him that they are done

Montblanc Noland briefly reflects on his friendship with Calgara, from the latter suggesting that
Noland remain in Jaya and marry his daughter Mousse, to all of a sudden being told that Calgara
never wants to see him again. Noland returns to the golden city of Shandora, convinced that
Calgara will be there. He implores Calgara to explain his sudden shift in attitude towards him, but
Calgara responds by throwing a spear at Noland. Noland barely manages to dodge the spear,

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being sliced on the cheek as it passes by. Calgara warns Noland to leave his presence if he doesn't
want to be killed, and Noland complies without objection.

Noland and his crew continue their work in the forest, as the Shandians eagerly await the
departure of the crew with passive-aggressive attitudes. The small snake that befriended Noland
and Calgara is deeply saddened by Calgara's refusal to ring the bell, as Calgara states that it no
longer means anything. Later that night, Noland's crew notices that Noland hasn't eaten anything
as they discuss their imminent departure from the village. They again note that t he bell did not
ring, and that the villagers seem to be full of murderous intent for reasons they do not understand.
Noland, Mousse, and the snake all observe the full moon in different mental states: the snake is
still saddened at the bell not ringing, Mousse appears to be in deep thought, and Noland is still
upset at the broken bond between himself and Calgara. Mousse decides to leave, and the crew
doctor also observes the moon and drinks as the rest of the crew has gone to sleep. Mousse
approaches the doctor from the shadows hoping to talk, as the doctor is greatly startled at her

Calgara sits among a multitude of tree stumps in the forest of Jaya, confused and frustrated that
Noland's crew has chopped down so many of their trees. He asks if this was all the sacrifice for
Noland's healing, lamenting that he ever allowed Noland to stay. Mousse explains to the crew
doctor that the trees they have cut down are known as the Forest of Embodiment, and they house
the souls of the Shandian ancestors. The sound of the bell guides the souls to this forest, where
their souls rest. To the Shandians, it is their duty to guard the forest, as it is more important than
their lives. The doctor finally understands why the Shandians are upset with them, and Mousse
further explains that they haven't acted on their feelings because they are still grateful for the
crew saving their lives. Although the Shandians understand that there was no way the crew could
have known this, they are nonetheless upset at the descration of what was considered holy

The next day as the crew prepares to leave, Noland finally understands his transgression. The
doctor attempts to justify the crew's actions as necessary, but Noland states that they can't find
excuses for themselves. In an attempt to set things right, he orders his crew to give back all the
gold that the Shandians allowed them to take. Mousse runs back to the Shandian Village in haste,
seeking her father. When she finds him she drops down before him in tears, asking if the
Shandians would have chopped down the trees as well if they knew that the trees were making
their people sick. She begs her father to let the crew stay, emphasizing that the Shandians will
regret it forever if they allow their relationship to dissolve like this. Remembering Calgara and
Noland's bond, she tells her father that he will make the "Savior of Shandora" sad for the rest of
his life if he does not rectify this. As Calgara demands for his daughter to explain, Mousse recalls
more details of her discussion with the doctor the night before: The doctor explains that the Forest
of Embodiment was actually already dead, to Mousse's shock. He notes that Tree Fever spreads
by using the trees themselves as a medium for infestation, so anyone who enters the forest
became infected. Furthermore, the disease has claimed countless lives, so the one hundred
casualties that the Shandians suffered is truly nothing compared to what would have happened
without Noland's intervention. Once an infected tree is found, it, as well as all other surrounding
trees must be cut down in order to prevent the infestation from spreading. He concludes that they
have dealt with the infestation in it's entirety however, so the island is now completely safe. The
trees were cut down out of necessity, not with the intention of disrespecting the Shandian's
ancestors. The Shandians are horrified by their grave error in judgment, finally realizing that
Noland was protecting Shandora as well. Calgara quickly races off, despite the cries from the
Shandians that Noland's ship is probably long gone.

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Aboard Noland's ship, the crew is excited to head back to Lvneel, though there a few crewmates
that are saddened by having to leave the gold. As Calgara races through the forest, he thinks to
himself about how he was wrong about Noland, hoping that his friend will wait for him. As Noland's
ship departs the cost, the crew notices that the bell is finally ringing once again. The entire
Shandian village is working together to ring the bell, apologetic for their treatment of Noland and
determined to make sure that Noland hears the bell. Calgara runs to the shore and shouts for
Noland, who happens to still be close enough to see and hear him. Calgara pleads for his friend
to come back some day, telling him that he will be waiting and ringing the bell for him. He promises
that the Shandians will guard this place no matter what, and to not let any storms stop him from
coming back, as the bell will always be ringing for him until he does. Calgara states that they will
once again be friends, and Noland tearfully promises that they will meet again.

Some time ago, in a country in the North Blue, Montblanc Noland is shown in his village. It is
revealed that Noland told outrageous and hard-to-believe stories to the children, and despite the
fact that no one could tell if the stories were true, they liked him none the less. One day, after
returning from a grand expedition, Noland tells the king that he had discovered the ruins of a
great city, Shandora, which was literally made of gold. The king, excited about this new prospect
of wealth, grants Noland permission to take three ships into the Grand Line five years after he
had returned. As the admiral of the exploration team, Noland would take the king and his royal
soldiers instead of Noland's usual crews. The king insists that he and Noland shall travel on the
same ship for safety, but Noland warns the king to be prepared for the tough times to come.

On their journey through the Grand Line, the group encounters a sea monster, takes fierce winds
that could tear the sail to shreds, nearly runs into icebergs, and lost one of their ships. The king
and the soldiers cry for Noland to help them, but Noland states that the soldiers are not good at
sailing, and that in order to ensure the safety of the king, some of the ships have to be sacrificed.
Finally, on November 16, 1127, the groups arrives at Jaya, which Noland is certain is the same
island that he had come to before. The king and the soldiers are excited, but all the see is a small
cliff next to the ocean and half of a building. Noland is shocked, and wonders where the rest of
the island is, but the king kicks him, calling him an incompetent fool. The king is furious, asking
Noland why he lied, and where the gold is the Noland promised. Noland, still in shock, wonders
where the Shandia went. He asks Calgara, if he is still alive, to ring the bell, the light of Shandora.

Six months later, back in Lvneel in the North Blue, Noland is asked to restate his claim to the
public. Noland holds by his statement, saying that he had seen a golden city in Jaya six years ago.
A man who apparently sailed with Noland is brought forth and asked how much of the story is
true. The man replies that it is all a lie, making the people think of Noland as scum for pretending
to be an adventurer. Some of Noland's real crew members, seeing their admiral on the execution
stand, rush forward, saying that the man who had disputed Noland's claims was never with them
on their journey. They ask Noland if he reunited with Calgara, but the king orders for them to be
taken away before they can continue. For making false claims to the king, Noland is then
sentenced to a public execution, with the crowd calling him a liar. Noland's crew tries to argue,
but Noland can do nothing but wonder where Calgara went.

The year before Noland's execution, in Shandora, Calgara walks off to ring the golden bell, and is
accompanied by Seto. Seto stops momentarily to feed the snake, Nola, as Calgara proceeds up
the stairs to the bell. Seto wonders when Noland will return, but Calgara states that it is not an
easy trip to make, but as long as the bell is ringing, Noland promised to eventually return.
Suddenly, the sky turns dark, and something resembling an earthquake occurs. Calgara tells Seto
to stay calm and return to the village, but the Knock Up Stream shoots Shandora into the sky,
causing it to land on the gigantic beanstalk on Upper Yard. The impact causes the golden bell to

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ring, amazing the Skypieans, causing the god of Skypiea want to live there. Finding people there,
he decides to banish them. In Shandora itself, everyone is trying to find out if they are accounted
for, when Skypiean warriors rush in, claiming the land for their god. Calgara, finding it difficult to
breathe, says to hide the women and children and yells that he does not care who they are, they
cannot have their home. Calgara thinks that he made a deal with Noland, and that he will let him
know that he is still there eventually. He continues, saying that although many things have
changed, he will relight the light of Shandora.

In a flashback, a young Wiper hears more of the Shandian history from the village chief. He
expands upon Calgara’s rallying cries to "Relight the Light of Shandora", so that his friend
Montblanc Noland would know that the Shandians are still there. Wiper listens intently as the
chief explains that the bell was never rung again, and how they later learned from their friends at
sea that Noland had been executed. He was executed because he persisted in his claims that the
City of Gold truly existed, and was publicly shamed as a liar at the execution. Ever since, all stories
about the existence of Shandora have been denied without exception. The chief reveals that
Calgara never learned the truth about Noland's fate before he gave his life defending the land,
and that for generations the Shandians have been trying to fulfill his wish. Wiper cuts him off,
stating that when he grows up, he will ring the bell. Wiper asks if Noland will hear it. This brings
the chief to tears, affirming that Noland will indeed be able to hear because they are so close to

In the present, Wiper watches the destruction of Skypiea in horror as Enel continues to rain down
lightning bolts in every direction. Aisa urges that they must run away, or be destroyed as well.
Wiper ponders what right Enel has to take everything from his people. As Enel continues to float
above in the Ark Maxim, he spots the Shandian Village. He claims that since the Shandian
ancestors came from the Blue Sea, they should return to where they belong, as he discharges a
powerful lightning bolt on the village. Homes, totems, and other valuables are instantly destroyed,
yet the statue of Calgara remains standing firm. The Shandians look on in horror, having
previously evacuated to a safer location.

On Angel Island, the White Berets are still evacuating the citizens to safety at sea as quickly as
possible. People are frantically running and screaming as the lightning continues to cause
unprecedented destruction. McKinley laments on the tragegy that has befallen Skypeia, and
shudders to think of how much worse it would have been had they not listed to Conis’ warning.
Just then, a large lightning bolt appears to completely decimate Angel Island. At the Going Merry’s
location, Conis reflects on the sequence of events from her initially reporting the Straw Hats, to
Pagaya’s injury at Enel's hands.

Aboard the Maxim, Enel sadistically laughs at the chaos he has caused, as he charges even more
lightning to destroy the island. At Heaven's Gate on the White Sea, a few citizens notice that
someone has fallen through the clouds. Enel passes by God’s Shrine in his ship, and destroys it
in the process, stating that it no longer serves a purpose. The consequential debris from the
explosion lands in the Shandora Ruins, in the proximity of an unconscious Nola. Enel affirms that
his only interest now is the golden bell. Coincidentally, Wiper asks Nico Robin about the bell,
having heard her speak of it before. Realizing that's where Enel is headed, he asks Robin about
the location. She tells him that Giant Jack penetrated the city of Shandora near it's center, and
the center is where the bell was originally located, so the bell must be somewhere near the top.

Enel pauses for a moment, realizing that there are two "voices" approaching him. Nami is on
Luffy’s tail, who is running towards Enel under the impression that Nami is still aboard the Maxim.
Luffy states that he will not let Enel get away.

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Enel finally reaches the summit of Giant Jack, noting that he is likely the first person to ever reach
this height. As he begins surveying for the Golden Bell however, he hears Luffy running up the
beanstalk, the large golden ball molted on his arm ringing with each step. Luffy himself briefly
stops at the ruins of God’s Shrine, wondering if he's reached the top. Enel addresses Luffy,
expressing his surprise that he managed to drag the huge golden ball all the way up the beanstalk
with him. Luffy charges Enel demanding that he stop running and fight him, but Enel strikes the
top portion of Giant Jack with lightning, causing it to break and fall over. This sends Luffy
plummetting back down, admonishing Enel for his under-handed tactics.

From the Straw Hats location near the beanstalk, Wiper is attempting to climb as well despite the
group's protest that he will get himself killed. Usopp however, notices something falling down
towards them. It turns out to be the charred beanstalk, and they just barely manage to dodge it
falling on them. This causes Robin to wonder just what's going on towards the top of the
beanstalk, and Aisa reminds Wiper not to get himself hurt. Wiper expresses his frust ration,
knowing how close he is to the bell and fulfilling Calgara’s wish.

Towards the top of Giant Jack, Luffy has managed to break his fall by stretching his arm
completely around the circumference of the beanstalk. Enel notices him still hanging on, and
decides to taunt him. Enel asks him to stay right where he is, as he has something "special" to
show him. Enel disappears, and Luffy suddenly notices a huge opening in the sky above Angel
Island. Rather than wait around Luffy decides that now is the best time to try and board the
Maxim, and he hoists himself back up to the ruins of God's Shrine. Before he can make another
move however, he gets completely run over from behind by Nami in her waver. Luffy wonders how
Nami got there, and she explains that Sanji and Usopp helped save her, much to Luffy's delight.
As they begin to discuss their next move, they notice a huge spherical cloud appearing in the
opening above Angel Island. The Skypeians present at Angel Island notice this as well, and
frantically begin trying to escape. Nami points out that the cloud is much more condensed with
electricity than normal, as the Straw Hats notice it from their location as well. Gan Fall is
absolutely horrified at what he sees. Enel reappears aboard the Maxim, boasting his superiority
in the skies with the Ark Maxim. The Shandians, the Skypieans that managed to escape Angel
Island to the White Sea in ships, as well those still present on Angel Island all look on in absolute
terror as Enel drops "Raigoh" on Angel Island. In a blinding flash of light the entire island is
decimated by lightning, leaving nothing but a gigantic crater in it's place.

The onslaught of lightning strikes immediately resumes, much to Usopp's chagrin. Gan Fall is
beside himself with grief, extremely distraught that Enel could be such a heartless monster. Back
at God's Shrine, Nami implores Luffy to get aboard her waver so that they may escape back to
the Going Merry. Luffy refuses, to her shock. He explains that although he no longer needs to
save her, he still has business that he needs to take care of. Nami assumes that he means
fighting Enel, but he reminds her that the Golden Bell is here. Nami states that while the gold is
indeed important, Enel still has the capability of destroying the entire island, and Luffy along with
it. Luffy reminds Nami that she has seen the golden city of Shandora now with her own eyes, so
they now have proof that Montblanc Noland’s story was not a lie. In a brief flashback, Luffy
remembers Montblanc Cricket stating that his ambition to find the golden city was not for the
sake of clearing his ancestor's name, but for settling a duel between himself and the man who
ruined his life. Luffy is determined to tell Cricket that his ancestor wasn't lying, and that the golden
city has been right here in the sky all these years. Luffy states that if he is able to ring the bell
really loud, Cricket should be able to hear it, and thus stop endangering his life by constantly
diving into the depths of the ocean to find the city. Luffy refuses to let Enel take that bell away,
for that he reason. He announces his intention to ring the bell so loud that everyone on the blue
seas will hear it, and that he is staying here no matter what until he does.

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As the Ark Maxim continues to fly above Skypeia and lightning rains down from every direction,
Luffy is finally able to make contact with the ship. Enel however instantly appears and kicks Luffy's
hand off the edge of the boat, stating that he did not invite him to be there. Luffy plummets back
down to Nami’s location along Giant Jack. Nami reminds Luffy that such a plan wouldn't work, as
Luffy expresses his frustration. Enel taunts the pair for their first-hand view of his "Raigoh" attack,
and tells Nami that's it's too late if she is thinking of rejoining him. As Nami retorts that she would
never have joined him anyway, Enel states his plan to completely destroy Skypeia with another
Raigoh as soon as he finds what he wants. This triggers Luffy to pursue Enel again, but Enel hits
the beanstalk with lightning once more, causing him to fall down. Enel bids farewell to Luffy, telling
him to just stay there and wait for his impending doom, as no one can stop it now. This time Luffy
grabs Nami's waver to pursue Enel up the beanstalk, but Enel again strikes it to knock Luffy back
down to Nami's location. In a fit of frustration, Luffy reaffirms his intent to ring the Golden Bell as
he recalls Montblanc Cricket’s tireless efforts to help them get to Skypiea.

As Nami sits in awe at her captain's resolve, Zoro and Robin also briefly reflect on their adventures
with Luffy after the crew initially split in search for the Golden City. They recall Luffy asking if a
Golden Bell would be there, to which Robin confirmed according to Montblanc Noland’s diary.
Zoro and Chopper ask Luffy why he wants to know, to which Luffy responds with his own question:
he asks if Cricket, Masira, and Shoujou will be able to hear it if he rings the Golden Bell. In the
present, Zoro, Robin, Gan Fall, Usopp, Wiper and Aisa discuss this revelation. They realize Luffy
has the same target as Enel, and Wiper is surprised to hear that Luffy wants to ring the bell too.
Zoro notes that if his captain said he would do such a thing, then there is nothing than Nami can
do to convince him otherwise.

Elsewhere in Skypiea, the rescued inhabitants of Angel Island note that Heaven’s Gate has been
destroyed along with the island, essentially trapping them with no access to the White Sea. They
eventually come to the realization that they are sitting ducks, unable to do anything but watch as
they prepare to meet the same fate that befell Angel Island. They also notice that due to the
constant lightning strikes, the sea below them is slowly vanishing as well. Enel notices a shiny
object in the distance, and stops the Ark Maxim on a cloud after realizing he has found what he
is looking for. He stands in delight before the Golden Bell of Shandora, and comments that he will
be taking it with him to Fairy Vearth.

Back at the Straw Hats location, Usopp notices something falling down toward them, and
frantically tells everyone to dive away. It turns out to just be a huge leaf, but Aisa notices that
something is written on it. Realizing it is a message from Luffy and Nami, Robin reads it aloud.
The message tells them to cut down Giant Jack, and make it fall westward. As the crew
contemplates the intention behind Luffy and Nami's plan, they are suddenly awestruck when they
notice a Raigoh above Skypiea that is even bigger than the one that destroyed Angel Island. Luffy
and Nami notice the gigantic ball of lightning in the sky as well, and remembering his threat from
earlier, Nami deduces that Enel must have found the Golden Bell where the Ark Maxim has
stopped. As Luffy hopes that the crew below got his message, he questions why Nami is not
running away now that he has a plan that will work. Nami asserts that Luffy does not know how
to control the waver, and thus she is entrusting her life to her captain with this final chance that
they have. Below them, the crew realizes that Nami and Luffy will be using Giant Jack as a bridge
to get to the Ark Maxim's current location. Usopp believes the plan is suicide, but Zoro explains
that they won't actually know until they try it. A lightning bolt crashes down right next to the m near
the base of beanstalk, prompting Zoro and Wiper to direct everyone else to safety. Wiper makes
a mental note they that have to accomplish this before Enel brings down his ultimate attack on
Skypiea. Zoro states that the survival of Sky Island now rests on Luffy's shoulders, and he charges
forth toward the beanstalk.

Sky Island Skypiea

The chapter opens with Zoro preparing to cut the giant beanstalk, Giant Jack, with Usopp, Gan
Fall, Wiper, Aisa and Robin plus an unconscious Chopper, all watching on, commenting that Zoro
is the only one who can cut it. Meanwhile Enel, on top of the Golden Bell, talks of his plans to
destroy Skypiea with Raigo before conquering the world underneath the Sky Island, while
thunderbolts rain down below. Zoro, avoiding them, manages to slice a wedge out of the
beanstalk before succumbing to a direct hit by a thunderbolt, collapsing through a layer of cloud
into the ruins of Shandora. Usopp swears, stating that at least Zoro managed to cut the plant,
before Robin points out that, despite Zoro's efforts, the beanstalk still stands.

Elsewhere, after a brief image of the statue of Calgara in the Shandia village, Nola lies
unconscious after the events of the trials. She dreams of accompanying Calgara and Seto to ring
the Golden Bell as a small snake, before the two vanished, ignoring her cries; awakening and
upset, she slams her head into the beanstalk, causing a massive vibration of the cloud layer. The
survivors of the trials are surprised by the vibration, having not known that Nola had caused it,
with Usopp labeling it a 'cloudquake'. Again, despite the giant snake's efforts, the beanstalk only
tilts slightly before stopping. Robin proposes that a bigger impact is required.

At this time Conis is on the Going Merry, lamenting at how there is no hope now and that if she
had told the Straw Hat Pirates the truth about God, she would not have dragged them into 'this
mess'. The Shandia and the Skypieans are also located on the sea of cloud, waiting for the conflict
to run its course, with the captain of the Skypeians stating, 'Men... can never win against nature'.

Returning to the survivors of the trials, Wiper becomes angry at Luffy for wanting to ring the
Golden Bell, stating that only a descendant of Calgara can perform the task. Aisa attempts to
dissuade him, but is ignored. Usopp tells Robin to ignore Wiper as he is 'half dead', assuring the
group that he can use his abilities to topple the beanstalk. When Wiper tells Usopp to stop, Robin
interjects, telling him the tale of an explorer who said he had found the Golden City but was later
labelled a liar. She then mentions a descendant who has risked his life trying to find the city and
explains that Luffy is trying to indicate that the Golden City does indeed exist. A thunderbolt
suddenly slams into the trees behind the group dramatically before Wiper asks for this
descendant's name. Robin replies, 'Montblanc Cricket'; Wiper immediately recognizes the family
name and asks if the original explorer was Montblanc Noland, crying while doing so. Robin says
'Yes', causing him to wonder if this was Calgara's will; he then pushes Usopp aside, who had up
until now been trying to fell the beanstalk with his slingshot, before pouncing onto the plant and
using his Reject Dial, punching a hole straight through it.

The rest of the group are shocked by the impact, with Gan Fall criticizing the usage of the tool
again by Wiper, who collapses to the floor, severely wounded, willing for the plant to break. Finally,
after the third attempt at felling it, the beanstalk begins to topple.

Up the beanstalk, Nami notices the beanstalk tilting, before turning the Jet Dial on the Waver to
its highest level, having doubts as to whether she can control it or not. Luffy, also on the Waver,
however encourages Nami, telling her 'I trust you!' After this, the duo begin to power up the side
of the plant towards Enel. The Shandia and the Skypeians then spot the beanstalk toppling as
well from the sea of cloud.

The chapter ends with the survivors of the trials encouraging Luffy and Nami, before Enel spots
them commenting on their eagerness to die and directing a thunderbolt directly at them and the
island below.

Sky Island Skypiea

The chapter opens with Enel laughing as thunderbolts strike the base of the giant beanstalk,
hindering the progress of Nami and Luffy on their waver, whilst also destroying Upper Yard in the
process, much to the Skypieans’s and Usopp’s horror. Nami realizes that Enel is trying to destroy
the foundations of the plant to cause it to fully topple, preventing them from fighting him. Enel
then shouts to Luffy that, although he is immune to electricity, he will not be able to reach him;
Nami comments on how he is not eager to fight Luffy, who replies with, 'He will not get away that

Meanwhile, the survivors of the trials, Usopp, Robin, Gan Fall and Aisa, watch on as the cloud
layer beneath the beanstalk dissipates away, with the Sky Island also crumbling away, cursing at
how Zoro and Wiper are still left in the Shandora Ruins, which are beginning to crumble, much to
Robin's dismay. A heavily injured Wiper then stands, shouting at Enel that, no matter how much
he destroys, he will never destroy the history of Shandora and the pride of the Shandia ’s
existence, before stating, 'Shandora will never crumble under your wickedness!' Enel mocks him
by acting ignorant, as another thunderbolt hammers into Upper Yard. Gan Fall reflects on Wiper's
words stating that God's Island will never fall, before concluding that none of the Sky People
actually have any right to claim it as their own, amazed at how nobody has thought of this for the
past 400 years.

The beanstalk then begins to fall further, with Usopp keeping Aisa from running into its path.
Wiper silently encourages Luffy, as the Waver leaps off the beanstalk towards the ark Maxim, with
Luffy screaming 'I'm coming, Enel! Give back the Golden Bell!' Enel says that Luffy is too late,
stating that the thundercloud is large enough for him to destroy the Sky Island and him, before
unleashing Raigoh, as everyone watches on. Luffy thanks Nami, jumping off the Waver towards
the thundercloud itself, much to Enel's surprise, with Nami screaming that Luffy would die, due
to the high air pressure and electric current. Enel laughs, asking him how he can defeat an
absolute power, whilst the beanstalk fully falls to the ground. Luffy performs Gomu Gomu no
Hanabi: Ougon Botan, spinning his body around, whilst colliding the large golden ball attached to
his arm with the thundercloud, determined not to let any of his allies down. These collisions
produces a large amount of light, which confuses Nami, whilst Enel is shocked, realizing that Luffy
is using the golden ball as an electrical conductor, removing the current from the thundercloud.

Elsewhere the Skypeians and the Shandia are both praying for the conflict t o be over, with Conis
wondering if there is a God and asks it for a miracle, to save them from Enel. The chapter then
ends with Luffy causing the thundercloud to disperse, much to the surprise of Enel.

Everyone present in Skypiea looks to the sky in absolute shock, as Luffy has completely dispelled
Enel's "Raigo" attack meant to destroy the entire country. Many of the citizens wonder exactly how
this could have happened, as Usopp praises his captain. Amongst the Shandora ruins by Giant
Jack, Wiper looks on in shock as well before exclaiming to Luffy to relight the Light of Shandora.
Gan Fall agrees, pleading that Luffy will allow everyone to once again hear the "song of the

Aboard the Maxim, Enel is mortified that Luffy has easily discharged his most powerful attack yet,
as well as having once again made it to his position. Luffy states that this time, he will be the one
knocking Enel off. Incensed at Luffy once again foiling his plans, Enel transorms into his ultimate
state, 200 Million Volt Amaru. Enel asks if Luffy is trying to ring the bell due to the legend of its
sound signifying the end of a war, and then admonishes him for believing in such nonsense. Again
boasting of his strength as a god, he shocks Luffy in his new form. Luffy simply shrugs it off
however, reminding Enel that electricity is useless against him as he delivers a swift kick across
his face. Luffy stops suddenly however, as Enel reminds him that he has another weapon: he has

Sky Island Skypiea

stabbed Luffy in the back with his trident. Nami cries out for her captain, as Luffy agonizes from
the heat of the trident. Enel taunts Luffy for his predicament, as it is Luffy's twisted arm that is
actually pushing the trident deeper into him. Enel states that the only way to escape is to fall all
the way back down, as he commends Luffy for making it to him once again. Luffy briefly reflects
on Conis' tears over the responsibilities that are forced on the citizens of Skypeia, as well as Aisa
tearfully asking him if Sky Island was truly going to disappear. He unwinds himself off of the
trident, prompting Enel to taunt him once again for choosing to fall to his doom. As he plummets,
Nami calls out to him. Luffy assures his navigator that he is coming back up however, as he breaks
his fall by grabbing onto the edge of a cloud. Enel is astonished, and Luffy promises the god that
he is going down. Luffy springs back up into the air, once again twisting his outstetched arm with
the golden ball on it. Once he reaches Enel's level again, he exclaims to the god that he will make
the bell ring no matter what. Enel has now drawn a second trident, promising to pierce Luffy
through the heart this time. Luffy begins letting his arm unwind, and fires "Gomu Gomu no Ogon
Rifle" at Enel with unprecedented speed. Enel is smashed in the face before he can even react,
instantly shattering some of his teeth. His body is then violently propelled backward from the
momentum of the punch.

A series of flashbacks begin across Skypeia as Enel flies backward. As Wiper looks on, he is
reminded of Calgara’s promise to Noland that he would ring the bell to let him know that his
people are there waiting for him. Aisa and the Shandian Chief remember the beginning of the
Shandian campaign in Upper Yard to reclaim the land. Nola, despite being heav ily injured,
remembers it's sorrow when neither Noland or Calgara were around any longer to ring the bell.
Conis remembers Gan Fall's optimism that the song of the island would eventually play once
again, as she and other Skypieans look to the sky in prayer. Usopp enthusiastically cheers on
Luffy, though the rest of the Straw Hats tell him to keep it down as Chopper, Pierre, and Zoro
recover from their injuries. Luffy himself remembers Montblanc Cricket ’s love for adventure, and
how adamant he was that no one has ever been able to prove that the Sky Island and the "City of
Gold " do not exist. As Luffy finally slams Enel's body into the Golden Bell, he thinks to himself if
Cricket can hear it, and realize that the Golden City has been here in the sky for the past 400

Luffy finally defeats Enel by punching him straight into the golden bell. The golden bell rings, and
Luffy hopes everyone can hear the ringing of the bell. Luffy shouts if Montblanc Cricket and the
other members of the Saruyama Alliance can hear it.

Meanwhile, Enel collapses. Luffy strikes a cool pose, and the South Birds make sounds.
Montblanc Noland’s theory about Shandora comes true when Luffy rings the golden bell. The
Straw Hats comment on the beautiful sound of the bell, and Usopp said that Luffy did it. Cricket
know this day would come when Luffy rings the bell. The Skypieans too comment that the bell,
after 400 years, has rung again and could not believe their ears. The Shandia too comment, and
Wiper hopes Cricket could hear it. Nola, upon hearing the ringing of the golden bell, cries out in
joy. The Saruyama Alliance too mention the excitement. Masira says the sound of the bell come
from the sky, and Shoujou finally knows, why those "giants" always appear only when the
"Millennium Cumulonimbus" appears.

Cricket explains that when the sunlight is blocked by people standing high in the sky, the shadows
cast on the fog below will be very big enough for people to mistaken them as giants in the fog.
Masira inquires on how shadows could be formed in the sky and how people could stand in the
sky. Cricket confirms that the sound of the bell from the sky is undeniable proof of that fact, the
golden city truly exists and is floating in the sky, and that the fact that Montblanc Noland is not a
liar, again confirming that he was the one who sent them from the sky.

Sky Island Skypiea

As Luffy's shadow is in the sky, the Saruyama Alliance thanks Luffy for telling them that the golden
city is in the sky. Cricket cries, telling Shoujou and Masira that the Straw Hats are alive and kicking
in the sky and he was worried about them. After that, Enel and the Maxim falls.

Everyone celebrates the defeat of Enel, the fact that the golden city does exist, despite the bell
not being rung for 400 years. Luffy thinks that everyone heard the bell, and Nami agrees. With
that, they used the bell as a medium of message to spread hope and blessing to the corners of
the world. The Skypieans and the Shandia tell the Straw Hats that they will always be there for

The Shandia and the Skypieans are in the ruins of Shandora, trying to prepare to return to their
homeland to rebuild their previous homelands as they were destroyed by Enel. Laki asks Aisa if
she was worried about her treasure, and Aisa replies that it is not important. Kamak iri calls out
to Laki.

Sanji and Zoro talks about Wiper, with Sanji asking why they have to treat Wiper, Zoro replied
saying that Wiper is an honorable warrior. Aisa asks Chopper if he can tend to Wiper. Sanji then
proceeds to ask Usopp and Robin where the other Straw Hats are and what happened to the
golden bell.

Kamakiri asks Laki if leaving Wiper with the Straw Hats is okay. Laki replies that it will be fine as
Aisa also trusts them. The Skypieans rounded up all the priests and banished them to a desert
cloud. Gan Fall told Pierre to stay with the Straw Hats and take a break.

After a while, Luffy, Conis and Nami returns with a lot of food from the priests' storage. Usopp
wondered how Luffy got down, and Luffy told Usopp that he got down using Gomu Gomu Balloon.
Zoro asked Conis where her father was.

Conis answered Zoro by telling him that Pagaya had tried to protect her from Enel and took the
attack instead. However, Pagaya appears, telling everyone that he is still alive. He told everyone
he fell to the White Sea and was saved. He proceeds to tell everyone that people who escaped to
Clouds End are coming back to White-White Sea using Cloud Dials, and due to the fact that Angel
Island is completely destroyed, everyone is coming to God’s Island.

A Skypiean calls out to Gan Fall, but Gan Fall told him not to call him God as he is not one and
told him to save his strength and not talk. Gan Fall finds out that many people had been
imprisoned here for six years and told them it is over and everyone can return home. However,
another Skypiean told Gan Fall that he saw Enel destroy the homeland and so was the Shandia's.
It led to both the Shandia Chief and Gan Fall to question whether the 400 year war has ended
and the anguish will simply go away like that. Enel, told everyone that god cannot be defeated
and he will return one day. He will not allow anyone else to accompany him to the moon as he is
the only one worthy of doing so. After that, Enel prepares to go to the moon with his ship, the

Nami told the Straw Hats to go on to the ship. However, Luffy and Usopp objects to the idea and
said that she was inhuman. Meanwhile, Wiper regained consciousness. He asks where he is, and
Gan Fall told him that he is in the ruins of Shandora. Wiper tries to move, by is sto pped by Conis,
telling him that he cannot move yet. The Shandia Chief told Wiper to calm down and not push it
with his wounds.

Sky Island Skypiea

Wiper continues by asking the Shandia Chief where the golden bell was as he needs to guard it,
and the chief replied by telling Wiper to listen while he speaks. He proceeds to tell Wiper the
reason why the warriors had war. After that, he told Wiper that nobody wants to see the
continuation of the war.

With that, Luffy and the others all hold a party to mark the end of the 400 year war with laughter
and smiles.

Luffy wakes up Nami with a whisper and tells her to help him steal all the gold and run away.
Nami talks loudly and everyone starts to shout. Everyone wakes up. Meanwhile, Robin, who is
with the Shandia, hears that they have found the Golden Belfry Bell. Robin is happy that the
Shandora Poneglyph is finally in her reach. The Shandorians are trying to pull up the giant
beanstalk but they don't have enough strength. Meanwhile, Usopp told one of the Skypieans that
90% of the damage that caused the beanstalk to fall was because of the Usopp Special Rubber
Band, and they trade a bunch of dials for it. Usopp is overjoyed now that he has so many dials
and wants to upgrade Nami's Clima-Tact. Usopp asks Zoro where Luffy and the others are and
Zoro tells him that he doesn't know. Usopp comments that the snake sleeps a lot, and Zoro says
that it is dangerous when it wakes up. Usopp replies that Nola doesn't seem harmless, but Zoro
says that she is. Usopp repeats the sentence, and Zoro yells at him that he didn't see Nola when
she is awake. Usopp laughs and shows him the Tone Dial that recorded the sentence. Meanwhile,
Luffy and the others find a lot of treasure. The scene changes to the Shandorians that have found
the Golden Bell. They are impressed by it and are amazed by the Poneglyph. The chief says that
he does not know how to decipher it, but it is not important. "We are the recorders of history"
Robin says, "Existing in harmony with the sound of the great bell". The chief is surprised t hat Robin
knows these words and Robin says that she read it on a rock in the ruins. Robin proceeds to read
the Poneglyph, and finds that there is an Ancient Weapon name Poseidon. She pays attention to
the fact that it was named after a god, just like Pluton. Robin says that she does not want to learn
about the weapons, but a Shandia points out that there is another piece of writing on the side. It
is a message from Gold D. Roger, saying that they came there, read the text and followed the
guidance. Robin is shocked that the Pirate King came here, and with that new how to read the
Poneglyphs. Gan Fall tells Robin that Roger came there twenty years ago. Robin explains that
there are two types of texts, "Tablet of Clues" and "Tablet of Truths" and this one is p robably a
Tablet of Clues. Remembering what Roger had said, Robin figured out that Roger already found
the Tablet of Truth that this tablet was referring to. The shandia chief understands that the wishes
of their ancestors had already been fulfilled. The Shandia say that they are willing to give them
the broken pillar of the Bell, a gift for defeating Enel. Gan Fall notes that Luffy reminds him of
Roger, asking her if they are related. Robin says that his name is Monkey D. Luffy. Gan Fall says
that maybe the D. is why they are so similar. Robin replies that it must be another piece of ancient
history. The Straw Hats are waiting for Robin and are ready to run. Robin arrives with the Shandia
and the Straw Hats think they are chasing after them and the Shandia wonder why they want to
run away. Robin laughs and says they probably just don't want it anymore. The Straw Hats start
running away.

The Shandia are still confused as to why the Straw Hat Pirates ran off before they could present
them with their gift. They questioned whether the Straw Hats knew how grateful they were for
their help. Gan Fall says that he will never understand the minds of the young pirates. Meanwhile,
Laki trimmed Aisa's hair, she commented that Aisa was sly in regards to saying farewell to the
Straw Hats as she was the only one who managed to do so. Aisa replies that it was because Luffy
said that it was a secret and that the warriors of the blue seas are strong. She wishes that she
could become like him and stretch her arms really far. Afterwards, Laki tells Aisa that she will not

Sky Island Skypiea

cut too much of her hair this time because the latter no longer needed to keep her hair sh ort or
to carry weapons because of the island's peace which causes Aisa to smile.

Water 7 Long Ring Long Land

Water 7
Long Ring Long Land

t the home of Montblanc Cricket on Jaya, he informs Shoujou and Masira that they are
no longer searching beneath the sea for his ancestor's Noland’s claim. But instead,
they are now pursuing a new dream at their request. Meanwhile on Mock Town on the
same island, Bellamy and Sarkies are having an unexpected fight against one another. The
reason behind the fight is the unexpected return of their t rue leader: Shichibukai member
Donquixote Doflamingo. Feeling upset that his "symbol" was being used in shame to fight against
foolish dreams such as the existence of a city of gold in the sky. Although Bellamy begs for
forgiveness and states he will never shame the sign ever again, Doflamingo sees no use for him,
using his powers to have Sarkies kill him. With his death, Doflamingo touts the beginning of a
"New Age" where only worthy pirates exist and the trash are abandoned.

Elsewhere, the Straw Hat Pirates have a successful landing back in the Blue Sea as the Octopus
Balloon shrinks down to a smaller size upon landing. Everyone on the crew believes as if a dream
has ended and that maybe some day they would return to Skypiea once again. But before they
can speak for too long, a massive tsunami approaches the ship with bizarre faces of sea monkeys
staring right at them, forcing them to move Going Merry out of the way. Checking out their
merchandise they brought from Skypiea, they discover Nami's Waver as well as nearly all
collected Dials (except the Cloud Dial) work in the Blue Sea. However, Nami is more interested in
the distribution of the gold collected from their journey, claiming 80% of all profits even as the
rest of the crew ask for various things themselves. But even with what they want, they all soon
realize what they need: due to all the damage the Merry took on their journey, they need
someplace where they could fix it. Though they know Usopp had been protecting it since leaving
Syrup Village, he considers himself a sniper and thus not worthy of keeping up all maintenance.
Thus allowing Luffy to make an intelligent decision: the next crewmate will be a shipwright to
protect and maintain their home, followed by a musician.

At the same moment at Marine Headquarters, the officials note that one of their most powerful
members has gone missing. When the Five Elders get word, they do note that he usually does
what he wants regardless of what other say. "He" turns out to be Admiral Aokiji, seen riding his
bike innocently across the ocean while looking at Luffy's wanted poster.

The Straw Hat Pirates are sailing away from "Salvage King" Masira Pirate Crew, Sea Monkey's and
The Tidal wave following them. Usopp looking out through a pair of binoculars spots a ship up
ahead believing it to be an enemy ship. As they draw closer to the enemy ship Luffy tries to warn
them about the upcoming tidal wave by asking them to turn around. Many of the pirates on the
enemy ship are seen fighting & arguing with each other since they no navigator, flag, sails or
captain. The Going Merry is able to safely get away shortly after the tidal wave disappears leaving
them with a smooth sail. Luffy & Usopp ask Robin who is keeping watch if she has seen as island.
Robin replies telling them she's seen an island a while ago but there's fog ahead. Luffy & Usopp
tell Robin alert them next she sees an island. Nami asks Chopper To watch The front. The rest of
the crew discuss the ship they passed. After discuss what they saw The Going Merry he ads for
Shore On Long Ring Long Land. Luffy, Usopp & Chopper are the first to step foot on the Island
and our surprised by the tall animals inhabiting the island. Usopp locates a small house within
range distance through his goggles. Outside the house they spot a tall white horse with a saddle
on her. Luffy then points to large pieces of bamboo, as he get's closer he get's hit by the moving

Water 7 Long Ring Long Land

bamboo. Luffy reacts by attacking the bamboo with a gomu gomu whip. Chopper talks to the tall
white horse, asking were his master was, the replies not knowing were his master has gone.
Chopper then proceeds to rush over to Luffy, after he attacked the bamboo. Much to everyone's
surprise their an old man laying on the ground from Luffy's attack on bamboo. The Foxy Pirates
land on Long Ring Long Land and prepare to attack the Straw Hats.

The old man who was knocked down before awakens and sees Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy beside
him. He greets them and asks if they are well, and when the three pirates say that they do not
know him, the man introduces himself as a nomad named Tonjit. He thanks them for helping him
get off of his abnormally lengthy stilt. After being questioned, he says that he wanted to make the
world's tallest stilt due to his fascination for them and says he was stuck for 10 years, causing
Luffy to call him very stupid. Tonjit says that the bamboo stilt he made never stopped growing and
that he managed to survive by eating fruit off the trees. He then explains how all the animals on
the island are able to have such lengthy bodies, pointing out several examples with some animals.

Tonjit goes inside his house to look for milk and suddenly realizes that his village is gone, as with
their cattle. Tonjit gets some stored milk, which has spoiled into "cheese", and when none of the
Straw Hats decide to eat it Tonjit does, and he gains food poisoning as a result. Afterwards, Tonjit
explains more about his tribe and about Long Ring Long Land. Usopp mentions that with the
currents around the island, it will take Tonjit 20 more years to go around and finally reunite with
his nomadic tribe. Tonjit says that with his horse, it can only take 5 years. He then explains to
Luffy that he does not know any sailing so even with a ship, he cannot reunite with his tribe any
sooner than he can with a horse.

Tonjit then sees his horse Shelly outside and hugs the animal, grateful that it was able to stay
loyal and wait for him so long. He then decides to go ride Shelly across the plains while Luffy,
Usopp and Chopper look on. Tonjit says that he and Shelly will be able to cross the land bridge
when the tide subsides, regardless of the weather when it happens. Shelly starts thinking back
on how stubbornly it waited for Tonjit to return, ignoring what his tribe was telling her. Now
reunited, Shelly suddenly leaps into the air for happiness.

A gun shot is fired and Shelly is struck down, causing her master to fall off. He and the Straw Hats
rush over, worried for her safety. Luffy looks around and sees a shadowed group nearby and
angrily asks who they are; they are members of the Foxy Pirates: Captain Foxy and pirates Porche
and Hamburg. Luffy threatens to defeat them and their Captain starts feeling upset, as Luffy does
not recognize who he is, though quickly he regains his self-confidence and introduces himself.
Luffy charges at him but stops when they recognize him and his crew.

Suddenly, Foxy challenges Luffy to a Davy Back Fight and Luffy readily accepts. Usopp thinks
about what the Davy Back Fight is and remembers the incident with the missing crew from earlier.
As he remembers, Usopp screams for Luffy not to accept the match because if they lose, they'll
also lose their friends.

As Foxy traps Luffy into agreeing to fight him in the Davy Back Fight, Usopp argues against it but
is told that since Luffy accepted the challenge, with Porche as a witness, it will take place. Asking
if he wants to back out and admit he is not a man, Luffy denies, but points out what happened to
Shelly. Tonjit prepares to shoot but Luffy frantically tells him not to while Chopper is in the process
of removing the bullet.

Meanwhile, the other Straw Hats are told about the Davy Back Fight proposal by the other
members of the Foxy Pirates. Zoro believes a proposal to be a waste of time since they would

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fight without one, but Sanji reveals that the "fight" is more of a "gamble". Robin goes on to explain
that the game was created to to help pirates acquire crews from others. Nami is shocked to hear
this, at which point the Foxy Pirates explain that in the game, there are 3 rounds and the victor of
each round may pick someone from the loser's crew. That person then has to swear loyalty to the
captain of the winning crew. But the winning captain may also choose to take the loser's pirate

The Straw Hats then assume the pirate crew they saw earlier must have lost the game. The Foxy
Pirates confirm this. Nami says this is meaningless and foolish and that they refuse to play the
game but the Foxy Pirates remind her that if the captain agrees to fight it does not matter what
the crew thinks. Despite her crewmates telling her such is the way it is, Nami argues against the
challenge, suggesting that being called cowards is no big deal, both Zoro and Sanji state that it
is. Though she wishes to stop Luffy, she is told that it will be too late as they expect the guns to
fire soon. When the sounds are heard, everyone knows that the challenge has been accepted.
Usopp continues to get angry at Luffy, who proclaims that he will beat Foxy whom he then insults.

Soon, the initiation ceremony is set to begin as Luffy and Chopper marvel over the size of Foxxy's
crew. The rules are explained to everyone and once the captains swear to abide by them, the
game begins. Foxy then reports Davy Jones that the game commence by throwing a coin into the
sea. Chopper then asks Robin who Davy Jones is. Robin answers that Davy Jones was a cursed
pirate in the ancient times that lives under the sea and steals everything that lands on the sea
floor. While Foxy ponders which of the Straw Hats to take once he wins, the Straw Hats then divide
themselves over the three rounds and the first round, the "Donut's Race" commences with Usopp,
Robin and Nami as the participants.

"The winner will be greeted by a celebration and the looser by the cold sea. It's the Davy Fight
Back" rules have been explained. The first round, The Donut Race is about to begin. The Objective
is announced "It's very simple. Just go around the island once". Gun, Cannon, Swords .. any
weapon is allowed. Foxy comments on uses the rules to his advantage. Nami is eager to start,
Robin points out if the opposing teams ship breaks they’ll win. Both teams are given an Eternal
Pose in case they get lost. The race begins, but as the race starts Nami’s team receives heavy
gun fire from the Foxy Pirates from within the audience. Their small boat, Barrel Tiger is sent flying
from the explosion of gun fire. Once it lands, a huge boulder is seen falling from above them.
Usopp rows just fast enough to get away. Robin comments, saying help from crew members works
both ways.

Sanji takes his anger out on several Foxy Pirates crew members for attacking Nami and Robin.
Capote uses Sea Splitter (Fishman Karate) to slow down and throw Nami's team off balance.
Usopp responds firing "Certain Death Fire Star" but turns out to be ineffective. Robin then
restrains him with Eight-Wheel Fluer, until flipping him over on to Monda. Luffy, Sanji and Chopper
cheer on their crew mates after finishing beating up some more of Foxy’s Crew. Foxy talks with
Hamburg saying "The newbies are getting better".

Usopp is seen arguing with Nami & Robin about catching up with The Cutie Wagon. After some
arguing among themselves, Tiger Barrel is seen moving forward past Porche and Capote at an
extreme speed. Once returning to a normal speed Usopp reveals he used a Impact Dial to give
the boat a speed boast.

Monda charges forward to catch up, and a chain of hands created by Robin are seen holding on
to the front of their boat. The hands then grasp Capote and pull him into the water, breaking the
front of their boat in the process. Nami urges Usopp to use the Impact Dial again as it is the only

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way to win the race. Both Porche & Capote are not happy with events since Nami and co. passed
them, Porche plans to sink The Barrel Tiger.

Just up head lies everyone's biggest challenge: "Long Coral" Area, "Long Whirlpool" and "Long
Cape". Foxy is seen riding Hamburg on the shoreline stating he has "A very naughty idea".

As the Donut Race continues, the Cutie Wagon (Porche , Capote , & Monda) makes its way into
one of the races more well-known challenges, the "Long Coral Area". The Taru Tiger, occupied by
Nami, Usopp, and Nico Robin, is hot on their heels with Usopp and Nami rowing. Commenting on
the sun's heat adding to the challenges, Itomimizu flies overhead. Porche and Capote note that
they need to make up for the time that they lost earlier in the race, while Nami, Usopp, and Robin
notice that the giant corals effect on sea currents will likely prompt them to proceed with caution.
Itomimizu calls attention to Foxy and Hamburg running along the shoreline, hinting that they are
planning something for the race. Foxy tells Hamburg to get ahead of the competitors.

Meanwhile Luffy, still eager for a fight with the Foxy Pirates due to their subterfuge in the Donut
Race, is approached by their chef with an offer of food. Luffy seems almost helpless against the
offer, as he drools excessively over the dishes in front him. Sanji receives the adulation of multiple
women of the Foxy Pirates, while Chopper is similarly distracted with the sweets they offer him.
Zoro has already been excessively drinking rum with multiple Foxy Pirates, to the point that they
need to fetch him more.

The race takes an unexpected turn as Nami decides to slow down before entering the Long Coral
Area, despite the Cutie Wagon speeding ahead of them. This confounds Usopp, but Nami's
strategy is soon justified as Monda is shown to be incapable of pulling the Cutie Wagon through
the Coral Area's intense currents. Nami decides it is now time for the Taru Tiger to make its move,
but as they proceed Robin notices a thick smoke filling the Coral Area. Itomimizu comments on
Foxy's underhandedness, while also pointing out that Taru Tiger now risks running into something
every time they move. Foxy begins to revel in the success of his dastardly deed, but this is quickly
cut short as he notices the Taru Tiger pass completely through the smoke with no issue. Now
effortlessly speeding through the Long Coral Area, Usopp points out that the boat is moving on its
own. Nami explains that the area is a maze of sea currents, where a giant whirlpool behind the
corals is actually causing a chain of smaller whirlpools in the area. With this being the case, all
she had to do was determine the correct path to enter the area, and the smoke would be
inconsequential. Usopp praises Nami's skills as a navigator, but Itomimizu reminds everyone of
the giant whirlpool that is still up ahead. Nami tells Usopp that they will need his Impact Dial again
to prevent being swallowed by the whirlpool, impressing Usopp further at his navigator's calm
demeanor and foresight. Usopp complies, and the Taru Tiger is catapulted completely over the
giant whirlpool, as well as a small strip of land, landing safely on the other side. Itomimizu is
astounded at their success, wondering if this will mean a loss for the Cutie Wagon.

Not to be counted out, the Cutie Wagon improvises by having Capote get partially inside of
Monda's mouth in order to improve their speed and maneuverability. They begin shattering the
giant corals with brute force, quickly closing the gap between them and the Taru Tiger. As the
Taru Tiger begins moving forward again, they notice a sign in front of them that tells them to "Turn
Right". Nami feigns following the instruction, only to immediately destroy the sign as they continue
moving forward. Foxy is once again fooled, this being "Boss Trick #18, Fake Sign Attack".
Itomimizu comments on Nami's untrusting nature, earning himself a direct insult from her.
Itomimizu also notes Nami's profane comments, before announcing that they are moving into the
next challenge, the "Long Ripple". This area is characterized by giant pillars of water shooting up
from the sea. Foxy tries more deceitful tactics, pretending to be a feeble old woman in need of

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help as Hamburg cries over him. Nami simply ignores him, telling him to stop his tricks, with
Itomimizu now calling her heartless and cruel. Usopp notices the finish line ahead of them;
however Nami destroys it as they pass through, noticing that it is once again a trick by Foxy. Foxy
is absolutely beside himself at Nami's perception of his trickery. Robin states that the real finish
line must be close, and Usopp informs her and Nami that he won't be able to use the Impact Dial
again. Itomimizu again questions Nami if she believes anything she sees, earning himself more
insults from her. The Cutie Wagon has stopped at the fake finish line, believing it to be real. Nami
states that she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she loses to idiots like the Foxy Pirates, and
reminds Usopp and Robin that they will lose a crewmate should this come to pass.

As the Cutie Wagon finally realizes their mistake, Itomimizu announces that they are approaching
the Long Bamboo Shore. Nami notices that she can see the real finish line, but also that they
won't be able to best the quickly approaching Cutie Wagon in speed. Pointing out the bamboo
trees in the distance, Nami asks Usopp to shoot some of them down. Porche commands Capote
and Monda to speed up and destroy the Taru Tiger, but the falling bamboo trees critically injure
Capote. In retaliation, Porche unveils her "Cutie Baton", and flings several rose-shaped shuriken
at the Taru Tiger. With the Straw Hats unable to dodge, the shurikens punch several holes in the
Taru Tiger. However, the Straw Hats are close enough to the finish line that they believe they can
still make it by charging through. Along the shoreline, Foxy has Hamburg get closer to the Straw
Hats, and the Cutie Wagon pushes forward with just Monda swimming once again. As the race
reaches its highly anticipated conclusion, Luffy, Chopper, and Sanji cheer on their crewmates.
The Foxy Pirates along the shoreline praise the Straw Hats for their efforts, but assure them that
they won't be winning despite how things look for them. In response to Luffy's befuddlement, one
of the Foxy Pirates explains that their captain has a Devil Fruit, just like Luffy. Foxy then fires his
"Noro Noro Beam" at the Taru Tiger as it approaches the finish line.

Round One of the Davy Back Fight, the Donut Race, has ended with Porche ’s team winning
against the Straw Hats. Due to Foxy’s crew win, Foxy gets to choose a Straw Hat to join the crew.

The Straw Hats talk about the loss, and Foxy later reveals that he used an ability form his Devil
Fruit, Noro Photon against the Straw Hats. Foxy tries to explain the Noro Photon, but Luffy does
not listen and chases Foxy away by calling him stupid.

Foxy explains again, saying that he ate the Noro Noro no Mi and thus became a Noro Noro man
and that anything that touches it will slow down. He demonstrates his powers at an incoming
cannonball, but when the cannonball come, it explodes at Foxy's face.

The Straw Hats say that that was a dirty trick to use during a race, but Porche rebuts the
statement, saying that crossing that line is what that matters and that the fact that t hey did it
first, the Straw Hats lost. So, Foxy ends the game, saying that game has ended and that the winner
is his team.

Foxy gets to choose a crew member from the Straw Hats. In the end, he chooses the doctor of the
Straw Hat Pirates, Chopper. Foxy says that Chopper will make a great pet, and told Chopper to
swear his loyalty by putting on the mask. The Straw Hats are saddened by the loss of Chopper,
but Zoro scolds Chopper, saying that he is disgraceful, and it was Chopper who chose to get onto
the sea, even if dead or alive, it was his choice, and that the Straw Hats accepted the challenge
and did their best. Zoro then tells Chopper to quietly sit down and watch the game if he is a man.

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As the Straw Hats prepare for Round Two, Foxy's crew cheers, saying that Zoro sure can talk. As
Chopper was going to be in the second round but he is not with the Straw Hats, the Foxy Pirates
also have the match in the bag.

Itomimizu then explains the rules of the Groggy Ring. Zoro nominates Sanji to be the ball, and
Sanji gets angry, asking why Zoro got to decide. So, the music of the returning champions of the
Groggy Ring starts. The returning champions have gone undefeated in the past, and they are
called the "Groggy Monsters".

The "Groggy Monsters" make their debut, and the second round of the Davy Back Fight has begun.

The second match of the Davy Back, Groggy Ring, is about to begin. Itomimizu introduces that
Sanji and Zoro as the official participants for the Straw Hat team. The "Groggy Monsters" mock
and laugh at the Straw Hat team, expecting more. The "Groggy Monsters" choose Ball position
first and attempt to place Sanji, the ball, into the goal. Sanji objects to being the ball and Zoro
responds with a complement, saying Sanji looks handsome, which annoys Sanji even more.

On the sidelines, the other Straw Hats are cheering on Sanji and Zoro. Foxy laughs at the Straw
Hats saying his team is unbeatable. Luffy insults Foxy by calling him "2-piece head" and Foxy falls
to his hands and knees, depressed. After Porche helps Foxy recover from his mental breakdown,
Foxy brags that he won't even have to assist the "Groggy Monsters" win. Nami complains that
interference is allowed in all the events of the Davy Back Fight. Foxy also points out the the Straw
Hat Team, Zoro and Sanji, seem to have no team spirit. Nami is about to defend them when she
looks to the field and sees them arguing and gives up on her defense effort. Nami yells to Sanji
that he "looks awesome" wearing the ball hat and hearing the compliment, Sanji finally accepts
the position of Ball.

With the game about to start, a member of the Foxy Pirates yells to Zoro and informs him that
weapons are not allowed in the Groggy Ring and Zoro removes them saying he won't need them.

Pickles, the Tackle Demon, starts the match by charging Sanji with a Sling Tackle but Sanji jumps
over Pickles and avoids the attack. Sanji goes to attack Big Pan but loses balance on Big Pan's
slippery skin. Itomimizu explains that Big Pan is a Fishman Giant with Mudfish genes, which
causes his slippery skin. When Sanji is distracted, trying to run up Big Pan's skin, Big Pan preforms
his Punk Pass, which sends Sanji flying across the field. Hamburg and Zoro both try to catch Sanji,
the ball, but Pickles come out of nowhere with a Swipe Tackle and pushes Zoro out of the way,
leaving Hamburg to catch the ball. Hamburg then throws Sanji farther down the field to Pickles,
who has again knocked down Zoro, this time with a Spinning Tackle. Big Pan charges forward and
bounces Hamburg into the air, who catches Sanji in mid-air. Hamburg is about to score a slam
dunk but Zoro intercepts by throwing Pickles toward Hamburg. Sanji also gets a hold of Hamburg
and is able to throw him as well and Hamburg and Pickles collide into each other and are knocked

Itomimizu is shocked that Zoro and Sanji managed to throw Pickles and Hamburg out of the ring,
but the two Straw Hats are arguing once again, saying they do not need the other's help. The Foxy
Pirates are shocked at these turn of events, and Porche says that she will not forgive Hamburg if
he loses. The game is still going on even though Pickles and Hamburg are incapacitated, and the
Straw Hats get angry at Zoro and Sanji for arguing instead of putting the unguarded Big Pan into
the ring. Big Pan then tries to stomp Zoro and Sanji, causing them to run away, to Usopp's chagrin.
However, Zoro tells Usopp that Big Pan has knives on the soles of his boots, and Sanji reports the
rule violation to the referee. However, the referee is purposefully looking away as Fo xy says that

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he cannot see everything, and Sanji kicks the referee in anger. The referee maintains that he saw
nothing and gives Sanji a yellow card; one more violation from him will result in a red card and
him being ejected from the game.

Sanji is angry at the biased call but gets back into the game, only to see Big Pan attacking Zoro
with a giant ax. He also reports this to the referee, but he turns his head away again, angering
Sanji once more. However, Usopp and Nami convince him to not do anything to get ejected, and
they are also forced to stop Luffy from attacking the referee himself. However, Zoro and Sanji
resume where they left off as they continue running away from Big Pan, but they stop and prepare
to counterattack, though still refusing to fully cooperate with each other. Sanji knows that to avoid
Big Pan's slippery skin, he must attack him in his clothed areas, but Big Pan flops onto his belly
and slides forward, causing Zoro and Sanji to land on his back and slip down it. Big Pan then pulls
his legs up to his head from behind, forming a loop that Zoro and Sanji are trapped sliding in.

As Zoro and Sanji continue sliding, Pickles and Hamburg return, now carrying weapons, which the
referee does not see due to performing some stretching exercises. Big Pan unrolls himself and
sends the disoriented Zoro and Sanji flying into the air, and Pickles and Hamburg prepare to
unleash another combo attack on them. Pickles sends Hamburg spinning into the air, and
Hamburg slams Zoro into the ground with his elbow guard. Big Pan then gets into spiking position
as Hamburg holds his elbow guards downward like a blade, and Big Pan sends Hamburg flying
straight into Zoro. Hamburg's elbow guards drive into Zoro's abdomen, severely injuring him, and
Itomimizu says the game is over for Zoro since he is dead. The Groggy Monsters then prepare
another attack as Pickles gets into Big Pan's mouth and is shot out at the disoriented Sanji like a
cannonball, his spiked shoulder pads primed. Pickles' attack sends Sanji flying into the air, and
Hamburg smacks Sanji through the air, although he does not seem to be heading for the goal.
Sanji hits Pickles' shoulder pad, and Big Pan finishes him off with a spike into the ground. The
Foxy Pirates cheer and the Straw Hats are despairing as all that is left for the Foxy Pirates is to
put the downed Sanji into the ring. However, Zoro and Sanji are still conscious, and they agree to
help each other for 10 seconds.

Tony Tony Chopper looks on in deep anxiety as it appears that the 2nd round of the Davy Back
Fight, the Groggy Ring, will end with the Straw Hats losing once more. Flying overhead, Itomimizu
begins preparing to call the match in favor of the Foxy Pirates, but they are completely blown away
as Roronoa Zoro and Sanji rise back to their feet. Itomimizu praises their endurance, while Luffy
and Usopp cheer on their crewmates. Foxy commands Hamburg, Pickles, and Big Pan to give him
a "Monster Burger", which draws appalled reactions from the Foxy Pirates. Hamburg pulls out two
metal clubs, and Pickles draws his swords, as the Foxy Pirates begin singing a song of the
ingredients for a burger. Nami points out that such weapons are not allowed to no avail, as Big
Pan pulls out two huge pans that he can smash together like cymbals. As the three of them move
in on Zoro and Sanji, Itomimizu announces that it is the crew's most deadly combo attack (and
ironically, "red card" material). The referee is stretching along the sideline, intentionally averting
his gaze elsewhere from the illegal activity. Luffy attempts to attack the referee for his bias but is
held back by Usopp.

Itomimizu notes that their target is the "ball" Sanji, with Hamburg leading the assault. Sanji states
that he can't make anything good out of third-rate ingredients like the Foxy Pirates, and launches
himself towards Hamburg with several backflips that cause the latter to note his speed. Sanji
uses "Troisieme Hachis", delivering several powerful kicks to Hamburg's face before also
launching him in the air with another powerful kick, "Bouquetiere Shot". Hamburg flies right by
Pickles towards Big Pan, causing him great concern. Pickles tells Big Pan to stop smashing the
pans together, but it is too late, and Hamburg gets crushed completely flat between them.

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Seeking revenge, Pickles attempts to cut Sanji but is stopped by Zoro with his bare hands, who
reminds him that this is a team battle. Pickles then tries to focus on Zoro, but he uses "Mutoryu:
Tatsu Maki", and sends Pickles flying straight at Big Pan as well. Noting that he is unable to stop
his spinning motion with his swords due to Zoro's attack using the rotation against him, Pickles
inadvertently cuts up Big Pan. The attack incapacitates Big Pan and knocks him back, but Sanji
appears behind him and kicks the wotan back upright again with an "Anti-Manner Kick Course".
Zoro begins to rush toward Sanji, though Itomimizu announces that he is going for their "ball" Big
Pan, which prompts Pickles to attempt to stop him. Sanji quickly intervenes however, landing a
kick so powerful on Pickles that he flies straight into the referee. The referee is severely injured,
but remains conscious enough to note that the Straw Hats behavior was intentional. He attempts
to raise a red card, only to notice that they have been stolen from him, before he fully passes out.
Nami reveals that she has stolen all the cards, and Robin calls her a naughty girl for doing so.

Zoro rushes Sanji and jumps on his leg, causing Itomimizu to mistakenly announce that they are
fighting each other once again. Sanji instead uses his leg to launch Zoro directly at Big Pan. Zoro
grabs the Big Pan by the lip, and lifts his body into the air, astounding the Foxy Pirates with his
strength. The crew is in utter shock that the "Groggy Monsters" could ever be defeated. Zoro slams
Big Pan's head through the goal, winning the 2nd round of the Davy Back Fight for the Straw Hat

With Sanji and Roronoa Zoro having scored the game-winning goal, Usopp and Luffy cheer on
their crewmates. Chopper cries profusely from happiness, extremely impressed from their efforts.
Even the Foxy Pirates are blown away, though Foxy quickly admonishes them for cheering for the
enemy. While Foxy ponders how something like this could have happened, the Referee finally
awakens. Nami reminds him he needs to blow his whistle, and he gladly obliges, remembering
how Sanji kicked Pickles into him. He is stunned as Itomimizu notes his whistle as the official
ending of the match, unaware that the Groggy Monsters have been defeated. Usopp repeatedly
hits Zoro in his happiness, drawing the latter's ire, while Sanji seeks the adulation of Nami and
Robin. Itomimizu reminds everyone that with the Straw Hats winning round 2 of the Davy Back
Fight, their captain now gets to choose someone from Foxy's side to join his crew. With no
deliberation, Luffy says he'll choose "him", prompting several of the Foxy Pirates to wonder if he
means them. Before Luffy is able to say "Chopper" however, Nami reminds Luffy that he has the
option of choosing the opposing captain. This would get them a third win and Chopper back,
without having to fight. This enrages several of the Foxy Pirates into throwing insults at Nami,
including Itomimizu himself. This draws Sanji's anger, as Itomimizu expounds on how
dishonorable it would be. Nami cries into Robin's arms as she brings up the multiple times the
Foxy Pirates have disobeyed the rules, but this is short-lived as the Foxy Pirates continue to hurl
insults. Nami tells them they are making her angry, prompting them to immediately cease and

Itomimizu clarifies that it is Luffy's choice, again causing some of the Foxy Pirates to believe he is
choosing them. Robin tells Luffy that if he does choose Foxy it would indeed give them an easy
win, but she doesn't want someone like Foxy traveling with them. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and Usopp
concur that they don't want that kind of "trash" on their ship, which visibly breaks Foxy's spirit.
With that said, Luffy calls Chopper back over to their side, who gives Luffy a big hug as he sobs
uncontrollably. Luffy tells him to stop crying, as there is no way Zoro and Sanji would have lost.
Foxy goes into another depression at Luffy's choice, but his crew perks him up as they tell him to
teach the Straw Hats a lesson in round three of the fight. Foxy feels e xtremely endeared to his
crew for their kind words, but Sanji kills the mood as he angrily tells him to start the fight already.
Foxy responds by issuing a threat to the Straw Hats, stating that they don't get back the
crewmember they lose in the final round, so they should all be prepared to become Foxy Pirates

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soon. Luffy interjects that he won't lose to Foxy, who cryptically states that there are many
differences between a normal battle and a game battle as he walks off.

Itomimizu announces the beginning of the third round of the Davy Back Fight, the Battle Round,
which begins with choosing a ring. To do so, the two captains spin a cannon, with the fight location
being where it naturally stops. When the cannon immediately stops on the Foxy Pirates ship
however, Usopp is livid that the motion of the cannon wasn't very "natural" at all. A cannonball is
launched at the ship, with the fighting arena being determined as the fifty-meter radius around
the landing location. The arena thus includes the entirety of the ship, as well as some of the
surrounding water. All weapons on the ship are valid for use in the fight, however no one other
than the contestants may enter the arena. To win, one must simply knock the opponent out of
the arena. After explaining the rules, Itomimizu announces a cheerleading show led by Porche on
the fight stage, as well as a sale on several souvenirs, much to Nami's annoyance. As Chopper
patches up Zoro and Sanji's injuries, he thanks the two for winning him back. Zoro boasts that he
did it singlehandedly, which immediately enrages Sanji, but Nami stops the two before they get
into a serious fight. She notes that someone is calling for their captain, and grows incredibly angry
at Luffy when she sees him and Usopp buying souvenir pins. It is determined that Usopp will be
the "coach" for the fight. Sanji gets into a dispute with one of the Foxy Pirates over the taste of
the popcorn, but he quickly turns his attention to the fireworks that signify the beginning of the
third round. Sanji finds seats for Nami and Robin, and Chopper notices the sky fill with a dark
smoke. In the smoke are two enlarged versions of Luffy and Foxy's bounty posters, as Itomimizu
states that the final round will be a bout between the two. Itomimizu announces Foxy's e ntry into
the ring, noting that he has 920 straight wins. As Luffy is announced, he has a brief flashback of
Usopp coaching him on his appearance for the fight. After removing his cloak, it is revealed that
Luffy is wearing an afro, and a flaming skull and crossbones tattoo across his midsection. Usopp
is wearing the Straw Hat underneath his goggles. Chopper and Sanji cheer for Luffy, but Zoro does
not recognize his captain with the afro.

In a brief flashback, Luffy and Usopp stand in awe at the various props before them in the "Resting
Room" aboard the Sexy Foxy. The Foxy Pirate that is present explains to them that the contestants
must wear boxing gloves, but aside from that they are allowed to dress up however they'd like for
the fight. Usopp spots an afro, and asks Luffy how he looks as he puts it on. Luffy is absolutely
blown away, telling Usopp he looks cool. Usopp states that the hairstyle will unlock one's deepest
latent powers, and encourages Luffy that the afro will make his punch stronger. Luffy is ecstatic
in his belief of Usopp, telling the latter that he was even talking differently while wearing the afro.

In the present, both contestants have entered the arena for the final round of the Davy Back Fight,
the Battle Round. On Luffy's side, Usopp is proud of his role as coach; warning his opponent about
the power of Luffy's punch, while Luffy himself is anxious to start the fight. On Foxy's side, he
cracks his neck and compliments Luffy for his battle-ready appearance. In the stands, Zoro
wonders how Usopp became the coach, while Sanji and Chopper enthusiastically cheer for their
captain. Nami on the other hand wonders if Luffy actually takes anything seriously, though Robin
is very amused at her captain's new appearance. Usopp begins issuing another warning to Foxy,
though he is cut off as Itomimizu announces that it is time for all noncontestants to exit the ring.
Itomimizu takes this time to reiterate the rules of the Battle Round: the entirety of the Sexy Foxy
is part of the arena (including the rooms below deck), as well as everything within a 100 meter
radius of the ship's mast. Additionally, the Battle Round has no time limit, it ends when a
contestant scores one point (knocking the opponent out of the arena). The audience stand rises
up, both to give the audience a better view of the fight, but also so that only the contestants
remain in the terrain of the arena.

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Foxy repeats to Luffy that the entirety of the ship is in play, and he may fight as he pleases without
worry of breaking anything. As Luffy acknowledges, both crews cheer on their contestants, with
Nami reminding Luffy to watch out for his opponent's "Noro Noro Beam". Itomimizu sets the stage
once more announcing the fight, and it finally begins upon the ringing of a bell. Luffy immediately
attempts a Gomu Gomu no Pistol, but Foxy uses his Noro Noro Beam on Luffy's fist, allowing him
to easily dodge. Luffy is shocked that his fist has become slow and won't return to him, while Foxy
explains that the effect is worse with the more effort that Luffy exerts. Luffy falls down as he reels
from the effects, only for Foxy to prepare another beam. Still unable to move his arm, Luffy
attempts to dodge by jumping in the air. Foxy simply redirects the beam however, catching Luffy
mid-air and upside down. The Straw Hats are unsettled by this new development, most notably
Zoro, who points out that the beams are reducing the speed of Luffy's actions. Still unsure of
what's going on, Luffy questions Foxy's actions, though his speech pattern is extremely slowed as
well. Foxy unleashes the "Foxy Rush", a barrage of punches on Luffy's face. Sanji notes that
punches are having no effect, but Zoro points out that the effects are probably being slowed down
as well. Foxy confirms this, and states that Luffy is done for even if he is a rubber man. Foxy
announces that 30 seconds have gone by, and Luffy's body is immediately rocked from the impact
of the flurry of punches as he goes flying. Sanji makes a note of the 30 second rule, while Chopper
panics that Luffy's body will fall into the sea at this rate. Luffy is able to catch his fall by extending
his arm to grab the ship, surprising many of the Foxy Pirates with his Devil Fruit ability. Luffy states
that the Noro Noro Beam is stronger than he anticipated, and resolves not to stretch himself too
much for easy retaliation. He runs further onto the ship looking for Foxy, but arrows suddenly fly
towards him that he barely manages to dodge. Luffy spots Foxy floating toward him on a
cannonball, and notes that he must have used the Noro Noro Beam on it to do so. Because of
this Luffy believes that he can jump on the cannonballs as well, but the Noro Noro effect wears
off on the one he chooses. He catches a different cannonball to break his fall, but the same thing
happens, causing Luffy to crash into the deck of the ship.

As Luffy rises to his feet, Foxy uses another weapon, the "Foxy Face Bomb", and it shoots
miniature versions of Foxy's head at Luffy. Luffy wonders why they resemble the souvenir pins he
bought, and one of the heads responds that they are bombs. As Luffy ponders why the bombs
can talk, one of the heads is revealed to be Foxy himself, who lands a hard punch to Luffy's face.
Foxy reveals that he has exchanged his boxing gloves for spiked ones, and also tha t the 30
seconds for the Foxy Face Bombs are now up. Luffy is caught in a powerful explosion, prompting
Nami to show concern for her captain. Itomimizu notes that all the bombs landed direct hits, and
says that Foxy is winning the fight.

A huge explosion happens onboard the Sexy Foxy. The onlookers expect Luffy to be blown to
pieces. Itomimizu and Chuchun are stunned that Luffy is still alive crouched on top of a mast.
Everyone later hears Foxy’s laughter coming from a shadow in the smoke. Foxy tries to at tack
Luffy by using his Noro Noro Beam, but, instead Luffy sneaks behind him and uses Gomu Gomu
Hook. Luffy threatens Foxy to break his hands, which makes Foxy run back to the smoke.

Luffy thinks he sees Foxy and punches it, but instead it was actually a f ake, made from cardboard.
Behind Luffy, Foxy uses Noro Noro Beam again which Luffy dodges. He turns around to see many
of the fake Foxy. Foxy asks where will his beam shoot next, Luffy response by asking how is he
suppose to find him if all the targets have the same ugly haircut. He then finds Foxy upset,
kneeling on the ground with his head down, and punches him in the face. Foxy hits a wall with his
face, gets back up and tricks Luffy by distracting him saying that there is a three-headed monkey.
While Luffy is looking up at the sky, Foxy pulls a lever making Luffy fall into a secret room. In the
secret room the floors are moving and Luffy tries run in the opposite direction of the moving floors,

Water 7 Long Ring Long Land

but he cannot and falls out of the Sexy Foxy. He uses his Gomu Gomu no Mi power to stretch his
arm to get him back on the ship. The onlookers continue rooting for Luffy to win against Foxy.

Meanwhile on the ship, Foxy continues to hide. Luffy sees an open door to another room, Nami
calls out to Luffy that it is another trap, but he continues to charge at it without a second thought.
Usopp cheers on for Luffy and is hit in the head by Sanji. Inside the Sexy Foxy, Luffy enters a
cannon room and sees a door being slammed. Foxy hides in a room full of blades, but is next to
the door. Luffy uses a cannon, shoots it at the side that Foxy is on causing him to fall on several
blades that pierce through him. Foxy gets angry at Luffy for using one of his cannons and punches

Foxy then runs away, hides in the infirmary, and disguises himself. Luffy chases after him to only
find Foxy disguise as a female nurse, which he does not recognize and asks if they had seen Foxy.
After he walks out of the infirmary, he realizes that Foxy's disguise looks much like him and
believes that it is his sister instead. Luffy reenters the infirmary and is attacked by Foxy's counter,
Fox Blow. Foxy runs away again but to the kitchen. Luffy finds him again but he is disguised as a
male chef, and Luffy asks if Foxy had seen a stupid foxy guy with his head split in two. Foxy is later
in pain from Luffy's insults, which makes Luffy finally realize that Foxy was always in a disguise.
Foxy later admits that he was also the nurse in the infirmary. He then slows Luffy by using Noro
Noro Beam again and attacks him with Nine-Tail Rush. While Luffy slowly experiences the attacks,
Foxy walks to a lever and pulls it, only reveal another room. He tells Luffy that something horrible
awaits him on the other side of the door.

Luffy, still under the effect of the Noro Noro beam, slowly starts propelling out of the kitchen. Foxy
exclaims that 30 seconds have finally passed and the effect of the Noro Noro Beam wears off,
hurling Luffy and making him fall into a dark room. Luffy gets up and wonders where Foxy went.
Suddenly, Foxy appears on top of a machine known as the Gorilla Puncher 13. Foxy activates the
machine and slowly starts to head towards Luffy. He follows through with a Noro Noro beam that
misses Luffy making the latter confused as to why the former would purposely miss. Foxy tells
Luffy to turn around. Luffy notices a mirror behind him and was shocked to learn from Foxy that
the Noro Noro Beam could be reflected by mirrors. After dodging the Noro Noro Beam, Foxy
presses a button on the Gorilla Puncher and hits Luffy with one of the boxing gloves, severely
burning the pirate. Far from finished, Foxy pulls out his mirror racket and sends multiple Noro
Noro Beams at Luffy. Foxy taunts Luffy, exclaiming that he will never be able to get close to him
while dodging both the punches and the Noro Noro beams. Immediately afterwards, Luffy turns
around and smashes the mirror behind him. Foxy ironically says that it was a cheap move on
Luffy's part. He then loses sight of him and gets surprised by a Gomu Gomu no pistol to the back.
Foxy tries to retaliate with another Noro Noro Beam, but Luffy dodges it. Luffy falls and hangs on
to the Gorilla Puncher 13. Foxy calls him a fool and attacks Luffy with Gorilla Puncher Golden Hit,
badly burning him in the process. Back outside, Itomimizu commentates on the match while riding
Chuchun. The Straw Hat Crew cheers Luffy on, knowing that he will come through for them.
Suddenly, an explosion occurs on the ship. Foxy emerges from the smoke in triumph while Luffy
is seen lying face down on the ground. The Straw Hats are shocked to see Luffy injured,
questioning how he got burned by mere punches. Luffy gets back up once more to face Foxy. Foxy
gets annoyed. He pulls out his Noro Noro Beam Sword and restrains Luffy's arm and legs. He then
follows up with a Megaton Nine-Tail Rush attack. Luffy gets pushed back, but he gets back up
once again. Foxy repeats the same combo, but Luffy gets back on his feet yet again. Foxy is
stunned by this. Luffy yells that he will fight to the death in order to save his friend.

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Itomimizu comments on how strong Luffy is as he managed to get back up repeatedly over and
over again. The Straw Hats cheer on to Luffy, telling him no to give up. Foxy, however, is not
impressed by Luffy and asks why Luffy just would not stay down.

Itomimizu tells everyone about Luffy's conditions as Luffy keeps standing up, for the sake of his
friends. He shouts to everyone, saying that that is the true spirit of the Davy Back Fight. Itomimizu
starts to cry and could not see anything as he was touched by Luffy's actions. Everyone, except
for Foxy and his crew cries out to Luffy. Foxy's crew cheers on to Luffy.

Itomimizu mentions that Luffy was the first and only man who could survive against Foxy to this
extent. When Foxy finds out that his crew are cheering for Luffy, he scolds them and tells them to
cheer for him instead. The crew follow his orders and cheer for him. He tells Luffy to watch out as
his battle is going to be the end.

After finishing his message, Foxy fires a Noro Noro Beam Sword at Luffy. Luffy tries to run but is
caught by the beam. Foxy mentioned that in the state of Luffy's, it is impossible to run from him
and his beams. Following that, Foxy prepares for his finishing attack.

Doing his finishing attack, Foxy first slows down the cannonball with a Noro Noro Beam. Next, he
rides on the Foxy Fighter and tells Luffy that using the speed of the cannonball, the Fighter will
defeat Luffy for sure. Soon, Foxy shows his ultimate attack and prepares to charge and obliterate
the target.

Sanji tells Luffy to get up earlier than the glider and run as fast as he can when he is free. While
Foxy is charging at Luffy, Luffy manages to get free from the effects of the beam first. Foxy,
however, says that it is useless and Luffy will not get away from it.

Luffy does not manage to escape in time, and Foxy successfully hits Luffy. Usopp and Chopper
warn Luffy of the incoming danger by the Foxy Fighter. Luffy however, could not move. Foxy tells
Luffy that it is his farewell gift to Luffy and let the Fighter crash onto Luffy. With that, he says that
the game is over.

The Straw Hats are shocked that Luffy is defeated and would not survive from the attack.
However, Luffy manages to come up. Foxy's crew are shocked that Luffy keeps standing up a nd
that some says that he is not even human. Luffy tells Foxy that he will be the winner. However,
Foxy says that that is rubbish as Luffy could not even fight back. He also says that if Luffy wants
to die that badly, he will keep hitting Luffy till Luffy drops. Foxy proceeds by using Megaton Nine
Tail on Luffy. Luffy attacks back by using Gomu Gomu Gatling Gun on Foxy.

Itomimizu mentions that the fight is still so fierce even that late in the game, and the fighters have
entered a pummeling rage. Usopp and Chopper tells Luffy to beat Foxy up for good, and Itomimizu
says that the game is not stopping anytime soon.

In the middle of the fight, as both parties get tired, Foxy tries to use a Noro Noro Beam on Luffy.
Suddenly, they both do not move. Itomimizu says that Luffy is down, but is shocked that he is still
moving. Foxy is confused about the situation and asks what happened. It is revealed that Luffy
has a piece of mirror in his hand. Luffy tells Foxy that it got stuck on his afro when he was in Foxy's

Water 7 Long Ring Long Land

Foxy is shocked about the fact, and Luffy prepares to finish Foxy by using Gomu Gomu Flail on
Foxy. Foxy is struck by the attack. He, being unable to move within ten seconds, has finally lost
the competition and is sent flying back by Luffy.

Itomimizu shockingly announces that his boss has been sent flying into the sky. The rest of the
Foxy Pirates are surprised too. Foxy then lands into the sea and loses the third round of the Davy
Back fight thus ending his 920 win streak. Itomimizu declares Luffy as the winner. The Straw Hats
celebrate over their captain's victory. Meanwhile the Foxy Pirates rush to save Foxy as their
captain continues to sink into the sea. The Straw Hats rush to Luffy's side. Usopp continuously
pokes Luffy out of joy for his victory which causes Chopper to yell at him because he's poking the
captain too hard and asks if he's trying to kill him. Sanji and Nami make a passing comment about
how Luffy's afro supposedly made their captain strong. Luffy then suddenly wakes up and asks
his crew whether or not he had won the Davy Back fight. Zoro tells him to relax and assures him
that he won. Luffy lies his head back down on the ground in relief. The rest of the crew is relieved
as well. Foxy then appears and comments that Luffy had ruined his record. He extends his hand
and tells him not bad. Luffy extends his hand as well which causes Porche and Hamburg to
chuckle. All of a sudden, Foxy grabs Luffy's arm and attempts to do an overhead throw, but fails
because Luffy's arm just stretches thanks to his Gomu Gomu no Mi abilities. Foxy gives up and
yells to get the whole thing over with. Itomimizu declares that Luffy gets to choose a new crew
member from the Foxy Pirates since he was the victor. Luffy doesn't choose any crew member,
but instead he chooses to take the Foxy Pirates' flag which surprises them. Sanji yells at Luffy
telling him that he should pick Gina instead. Luffy refuses, which relives Nami. Foxy calls Luffy
evil for robbing them of their pride. Luffy responds by saying that he just wants the flag, not the
sail because otherwise they wouldn't be able to leave. This causes the Foxy Pirates to call Luffy
thoughtful until they realize that their jolly roger is in their sail as well and yell at Luffy because
they think that he's only pretending to be nice to them. Luffy then tells them that he will erase the
jolly roger on their sail and give them a new one. This causes Foxy to say that he is so nice. Luffy
finishes the new jolly roger, but the Foxy Pirates are depressed by it because it wa s horribly
designed. Luffy mistakes their depression for happiness and thinks they're so grateful despite
them saying otherwise. Meanwhile Porche chases Chopper. Usopp is happy by the fact that the
Going Merry is free again. The Foxy Pirates depart on the Sexy Foxy, with their captain declaring
that he will get revenge on the Straw Hats one day. Afterwards, the Straw Hats go to check up on
Tonjit and Shelly. Luffy happily announces to the two that they defeated the Foxy Pirates which
causes them to smile. Chopper then tends to Shelly's injuries. Nami offers to give Tonjit and Shelly
a ride on the Going Merry so that the two can reunite with their clan. However, Usopp says that
the ten islands are actually the same and that they can't use the log pose to point to them
individually. Tonjit tells them that's it okay and that he can wait. He goes to get the crew some
food when he suddenly bumps into a very tall man who is sleeping while standing up. The man
wakes up and Robin is horrified upon seeing his wife. She falls to the ground and screams. Zoro,
Sanji, and Luffy grow concerned and prepare themselves for better. The man turns out to be one
of three Marine admirals, Admiral Aokiji. He comments that Robin has grown into a fine woman.

Noting Nico Robin’s terrorized expression at the man towering before them, Luffy asks his
crewmate if he she knows him. Aokiji states that they have met once before. The crew braces for
battle, as Nami wonders who exactly this man is to terrify Robin to such an extent. Aokiji tells the
crew to relax, as he is not here on any orders, he was just going for a walk. Zoro makes note of
Aokiji's reference to "orders", causing him to inquire who exactly he works for. Robin answers him
instead however, telling the crew that the man standing before them is a Marine Admiral. Sanji is
noticably shaken by the information, recognizing Admirals as the highest power of the Marines.
Robin confirms this, noting that there are only three people in the Marines who hold this high
distinction: "Akainu" the Red Dog, "Aokiji" the Blue Pheasant, and "Kizaru" the Yellow Monkey.

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Furthermore, the only person above these three is the Commander-In-Chief, Sengoku. Aokiji is
thus one of the three men considered to be the ultimate assault force of the World Government.
This absolutely horrifies Usopp, who cowers behind Zoro while he demands the Admiral chase
down other pirate crews with higher bounties. Aokiji is aloof, instead noticing Nami's beauty, which
infuriates Sanji and Usopp. Aokiji attempts to calm them down, reminding the crew that he is only
here for a walk; but he loses his train of thought, angering Sanji and Usopp further at his lack of
coherence. Usopp asks Robin if she's sure someone like him could hold such a high position in
the Marines, causing Aokiji to state not to judge him by his appearance. He announces that he
upholds the motto of "Lazy Justice", which Sanji and Usopp do not object in the slightest. Aokiji
states that it is time to rest due to his legs being tired from standing, prompting the crew to ask
him why he was sleeping standing up in the first place.

Aokiji again reminds the crew that he is not here to arrest them, instead assuring them that he
only wanted to confirm Nico Robin's whereabouts after the "Alabasta Incident". Sanji and Uso pp
make more off-hand comments about the man before them not being very Admiral-like, as Aokiji
states that he is only going to report the discovery so that the bounty for the crew can be
recalculated. He attempts to do the calculation himself, but gives in saying he is too lazy to count,
which confuses Zoro. Luffy attempts to attack the Admiral, saying he won't let him take Robin,
but he is held back by Usopp, who doesn't want his captain starting an unnecessary fight with
someone allegedly so powerful. Aokiji again reminds the crew that he isn't here to fight, but Luffy
isn't fazed his claim, still seeking combat. Luffy eventually tells the Admiral to leave. Aokiji intends
to comply, but states that he overheard Tonjit's wishes during his light slumber. He tells Tonjit to
pack his things and get ready to move, but Luffy tells him not to listen to the mysterious man,
since he is a Marine. Tonjit questions why he shouldn't listen, causing Luffy to remember that as
a pirate, he is usually considered the bad guy, while the opposite is true for the Marines. Usopp
smacks Luffy on the head for his cluelessness, who perks up after he realizes that Aokiji truly
wants to help Tonjit. Aokiji reveals that he heard of Tonjit's plan to ride Shelly across the low tide
to the third island from their current location. Usopp reminds the Admiral however that this is
currently not possible due to the horse being injured. Aokiji states that it will be fine, though Usopp
notes that he doesn't seem convincing at all. Robin speaks up and confirms that he can help
however, which grabs the crew's attention.

After packing his things, Tonjit, Shelly, and everyone else goes to the coastline. Aokiji says that it
feels good to work out once in a while, which causes Luffy to agree and note that Aokiji is really a
nice person. This isn't lost on Nami, who points out how Aokiji and Luffy all of a sudden seem like
friends. Tonjit thanks the crew for their help by offering them cheese again, drawing Usopp's ire.
Luffy asks Aokiji what his plan is now, who responds by having everyone stand back as he places
his hand in the water. A Sea King suddenly emerges from the water to attack Aokiji, alarming the
crew. Aokiji is not fazed at all however, and uses "Ice Age". The entire ocean before them is
instantly frozen solid, including the Sea King itself. As the crew stands in disbelief at the sheer
power of the Admiral, Robin reveals that Aokiji has eaten a Logia-class Devil Fruit, the Hie Hie no
Mi. Aokiji tells Tonjit that his technique should hold for about a week, so he can take his time
crossing, but should wear more clothing due to the cold. Tonjit can't believe his eyes, and is
absolutely overjoyed that he will be able to reunite with his friends after ten long years. Tonjit and
Luffy thank the Admiral for his help. Tonjit then bids farewell to the crew, again thanking them for
their help as Chopper reminds Sherry to change its bandages. After the Straw Hats see Tonjit off,
they make their way back up the coast in Aokiji's direction. Aokiji suddenly sits up from his prone
position, causing Luffy to note his change in demeanor. He explains to Luffy that he is a lot like
his grandfather. The mentioning of Luffy's grandfather quite noticeably shakes him, to the point
that Usopp asks why he's suddenly sweating so much. Before Luffy can articulate his concern

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however, Aokiji mentions that he dealt with Luffy's grandfather a long time ago. While only here
to see Robin, he states that maybe the Straw Hats should just die now.

Admiral Aokiji informs the Straw Hats that while the World Government is currently not taking
them very seriously, he has analyzed them and assessed that they are a group of very determined
individuals. Even though there is only a handful of them, the trouble that the Straw Hats have
managed to cause have led Aokiji to believe that they will become a serious threat. He notes that
the Straw Hats have grown at an extraordinary rate in the small time since Luffy acquired his first
bounty; and though they have only fought other pirates up until now, he is concerned at what the
future holds should they decide to pursue other quarry. Usopp wonders what is prompting all of
this given that Aokiji was just out for a walk, and Aokiji adds that the Straw Hats are now especially
dangerous with the addition of Nico Robin. This fires up Luffy for combat, who is now fully
convinced that the Admiral is here to take his crewmate away. Aokiji ignores this as well,
continuing to speak directly to Robin. He clarifies that a bounty is not only a reflection of the threat
that one poses in combat, but also an indication of just how dangerous you are to the World
Government. Aokiji calls attention to the fact that Robin received a very high bounty despite only
being 8 years old, and has survived all these years by betraying her partners and using them as
tools. With that being said, he directly asks Robin if the Straw Hats are her new tools for achieving
her goals. Sanji is incensed at the attacks on Robin's character, questioning the Admiral on just
what Robin did to him. Aokiji states that she has escaped from his custody before after he
arrested her, but that is a story that the Straw Hats will learn soon enough. He continues by
pointing out that every group that Robin has ever associated with has ended up comple tely
annihilated, with her as the sole survivor. This further angers Luffy, who states that the past
doesn't matter. This causes Aokiji to point out that Robin has already gained the group's trust, at
which point, Robin has had enough. She asks the Admiral just what he's trying to do, as she seizes
his body with "Treinta Flores (30 Flowers)", sprouting arms to grab him by the limbs and neck.
Usopp freaks out that Robin would do this to an Admiral, while Aokiji himself casually laments
that he thought Robin would be smarter than this. As Robin uses "clutch" to break his back and
neck, Aokiji collapses into a pile of ice on the ground.

Chopper and Usopp react frantically; with Chopper thinking he is actually dead, and Usopp
wanting the group to run immediately. Aokiji slowly reforms himself from the ice, much to Usopp's
dismay. He grabs a handful of grass, tosses it aside, and blows cold air at the pieces to freeze it
into a sword. Aokiji attempts to slice Robin, but Zoro blocks the attack. Sanji follows this up with
a kick to disarm the Admiral, while Luffy prepares an attack as well. However, Aokiji grabs Sanji's
leg and Zoro's arm, just before Luffy manages to land a "Gomu Gomu no Bullet" to the Admiral's
stomach. The blow doesn't move the Admiral at all; instead Luffy's arm is frozen from the contact
with his body, as he proceeds to freeze Sanji's leg and Zoro's arm. Nami notes that the Admiral
took down all three of their strongest members with one move, as they all collapse in pain.
Chopper states that they need to be treated immediately, or they will never heal properly. Aokiji
tells Robin that she's found some good friends this time, but she's still herself. Robin tells the
Admiral he is wrong, but before she can finish her sentence, he puts his arms around her and
freezes her solid.

Luffy is absolutely infuriated at the Admiral's actions, however Aokiji tells him that Robin will live
as long as she is thawed properly. He notes at the same time however, that her body is very brittle,
and if she breaks apart, she will die. Aokiji then attempts to smash Robin with his fist, though he
prefaces it as if he is giving a hypothetical demonstration. Luffy arrives barely in time to move
Robin, but they are still right by Aokiji, so he attempts to follow up with a sto mp to destroy her
body. This time Usopp arrives at the last second to move Robin out of harm's way, leading to Luffy
being stepped on. Luffy rolls away from Aokiji, and tells Chopper and Usopp to get Robin back to

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the ship immediately to thaw. Aokiji tells the crew not to bother saving a woman like Robin. Nami
attempts to hit the Admiral with her Clima Tact, stating that the pirate world is filled with women
like Robin. Aokiji questions just how much Nami knows this pirate world, before casually swatting
her aside. This springs Zoro and Sanji into action once again, but Luffy stops them both, telling
them that he wants to fight the Admiral alone. Luffy then asks Aokiji to settle the matter "man to
man". Aokiji agrees, but warns Luffy that the fight will be to the death.

On the ship, Chopper and Usopp work frantically to revive Robin through her frozen body.
However, their efforts are slow to produce results, with Chopper afraid for her fate. Hearing his
lack of certainty, Usopp gets scared and argues with him about being the only one who can save
her but Chopper retorts that he's never dealt with such a situation before. Continuously splashing
water on her, Robin slowly begins to thaw just as Chopper hears voices calling him.

Outside the ship, Zoro, Sanji and Nami have returned, but without Luffy. Upon questioning this,
Chopper is told that they will go back for him but their bodies need to be thawed first. Upon being
told that Robin is already in the bathroom, Nami asks if she is alright, but Chopper remains
uncertain. Suddenly, Zoro and Sanji jump into the sea hoping it will help them. Nami is told to
assist with thawing Robin and goes to do so. Before long, Zoro and Sanji are asked by Usopp
about Luffy, then revealing that he wanted to fight Admiral Aokiji alone. Angered, Usopp confronts
the two of them and nearly brawls with Sanji before Zoro breaks them apart, telling them they
need to prepare for the worst.

Out on the battlefield, a heavily-frozen Luffy pants heavily in the presence of the Marine Admiral.
Rushing beneath him, Luffy manages to kick the massive man into the air and use Gomu Gomu
no Storm. However, Aokiji soon comes down and freezes Luffy on contact with Ice Time, ending
the battle. Seeing the frozen Luffy, Aokiji remembers agreeing to a one -on-one fight and thus
would be breaking his word if he went after any of the other Straw Hats. Briefly wondering whether
Luffy thought he could win the fight, Aokiji prepares to leave, telling him that he will soon
experience the misfortune that Robin brings wherever she goes.

Telling him that though he could break him, he owes him a favor due to him helping in the fight
against Crocodile, Aokiji calls it even, disregarding Smoker's message. Soon after, Sanji and Zoro
arive to find Luffy still in one piece and take him back to the ship. Looking at his map, Aokiji finds
that the next city on it is Water 7, noting that they are getting closer to headquarters.

Back on the ship, Chopper tells everyone that Robin and Luffy's hearts are beating again. As they
cheer, Chopper stops them from going further, telling them they still need to rest. Nami states
that with them in such a condition, they should remain where they are for the day, though the log
is ready. Zoro notices Usopp and asks what is wrong with him, to which the sniper asks if they will
meet more such people soon. Meanwhile, in her bed, Robin awakens.

Water 7

n order to give Luffy and Robin plenty of rest, Going Merry stays in Long Ring Long Land
for another four days before setting sail. It is now the morning of the third day after they
left. The climate is sunny and Spring-like, sometimes it is slightly Summer-ish.

The crew are seen relaxing on the Going Merry and indulging in their own preferred activity; Nami,
sunbathing while eating the food made by Sanji, Zoro is sleeping until awoken by Sanji and Luffy,
Chopper and Usopp are all goofing of impersonating "Frozen Luffy". Robin enters the deck to the
excitement of the others, who are still concerned about her health.

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As they all relax and eat the paille that Sanji made, they notice a giant frog swimming in free style
and decide to catch it since Luffy states that he wishes to eat it. Noticing they are going off course,
Nami spots a lighthouse up ahead, despite the fact the Log Pose is not pointing to it. Sanji and
Robin both give their agreement in chasing after it in their own way despite Nami's exclamations.
Going Merry continues at full speed towards the giant frog which has stopped moving.

Suddenly a large train appears moving towards them on the water and the Straw Hat Pirates
narrowly escape being struck. The giant frog however, does not try to avoid it, attempting to block
the train's path, and is hit and sent flying some distance into the water. On the platform nearby,
a young girl calls for someone inside and an old woman appears with Zoro and Usopp noting her
to be "too drunk".

The old woman introduces herself as being Kokoro and that the young girl is her granddaughter,
Chimney. She also introduces their cat, which is actually a rabbit, Gonbe. Chimney explains that
the train, Puffing Tom, which they saw earlier, runs on the tracks in the water and is seen nowhere
in the world except from there. She continues to explain that the frog, Yokozuna, always jumps
on the tracks to test his strength against the Puffing Tom, causing a lot of trouble. At this, Luffy
states he will not eat "hardworking" animals.

After explaining the direction of the Log Pose, Kokoro informs them they are going to "Water 7"
which is a city with the world's best ship constraction sights. At this, Luffy decides that they will
go there and find a shipwright to join their crew.

Before leaving, Kokoro hands the Straw Hat Pirates a simple map and letter of recommendation.
As they bid farewell, the Straw Hats are warned that Marines may be on Water 7.

After visiting this strange train station of the sea, Luffy and friends leave the Shift Station to
resume their search for a new shipmate. Destination: the City of Water, Water 7.

In comical fashion, the Straw Hats discuss their ideal mechanic, Sanji wanting the "hottest babe"
and Luffy wanting a man that's sixteen feet tall. Zoro however states the main concern is finding
a good carpenter willing to join pirates. Nami has a look at the map Kokoro gave them only to
realizes it is completely useless. Luffy shows a sketch of his ideal mechanic, although it looks
anything but human, to his worried and amused crew. Nami then calls them to get their week's
spending money.

As the crew remember all of the adventures they have had with Going Merry, they begin to imagine
what it will be like after the repairs. Just then, Zoro spots Water 7 and the crew stare in
amazement. A resident out fishing informs them how to enter and while passing through the
streets, they realize that the buildings are built on submerged buildings. Another resident, after
checking their intentions, tells them there is a small peninsula they can dock on.

After docking, Zoro accidentally breaks the mast showing how much damage the Going Merry has
taken on their travels. While trying to fix the mast, the others discuss that there must be really
strong people in Water 7 for the residents not to fear pirates. It is decided that Luffy, Usopp and
Nami will take the gold to get exchanged and the letter to Iceburg, the man Kokoro mentioned.

Meanwhile in the city, the residents alert each other of trouble at dock 1 and race of to see. At
the dock, the captain of the Big Helmet Pirates, Mikazuki, refuses to pay for the repairs the
carpenters done. Iceburg is told about the chaos by a woman, Kalifa. The man in goggles states

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that they will not take the refusal silently and he along with the other carpenters easily defeat the
Big Helmet Pirates. The name of the Water 7's shipwrights is the Galley-La Company.

Luffy, Nami and Usopp walk towards the city and decide it would be safer to go to the exchange
first instead of carrying a cart of gold all around the city. They come across a "Rental Bull Shop"
and without knowing what a bull is, Luffy asks to rent one. The man inside explains that there are
three types of bull; Yagara Bulls, Rabuka Bulls and King Bulls. Once finding out they simply
followed the Log Pose there, he continues to explain that bulls are crucial to citizens' everyday life
and act as horses carrying them around town. When asked whether they can support heavy items,
he tells the three that they are very strong and could carry anything, even gold. After seeing they
really had gold, he comically tries to increase the rental price and then informs them that the
exchange nearby will not have enough money and that the city center would be best.

Before leaving, the man gives them a map and bids them farewell as they begin to race the Yagara
Bulls around town, even uphill. The bulls take them to the market via a shortcut showing that they
are very intelligent creatures. There, they see a much larger bull carrying masked passengers
while Luffy’s bull takes him to a stall selling Mizu Mizu Meat to which he comments being soft
and buys ten. Nami spots many other residents wearing masks however, her attention returns to
the map as they move towards the "Aquatic Elevator". The three enter the elevator and realize
that once the entrance closes, the water level increases taking them to the center of the city.

Meanwhile, back at Going Merry, Sanji calls out for Robin and Zoro explains that she and Chopper
went to buy some things. Sanji decides to go shopping leaving only Zoro to guard Going Merry.

After exiting the Aquatic Elevator, the three notice that there is a crowd gathering at one of the
docks and decide to go take a look. There, the crowd watches and names some of the Galley-La
Company workers; "Lue-chan", Paulie (although not seen), "Lulu" and Tilestone. A spectator
explains to Luffy that the workers of the Galley-La Company are the city's pride being both good
fighters and carpenters.

Back on Going Merry, a group of attackers show up and attack Zoro who wants to know who they

On Going Merry, the attackers explain they are known as the Franky Family and are bounty
hunters who are after the Straw Hat Pirates' bounties. Zoro easily defeats them using only two

At the Market District, Robin and Chopper explore the streets where they see a mask stall. She
explains that there has been a number of masked people walking by talking about a cost ume
party which is taking place. The two them come across a bookstore which Chopper rushes into.
On her way to the store, Robin passes a tall masked man who whispers "CP9" making her
expression turn to one of panic and worry. Inside the bookstore, Chopper realizes that Robin has
disappeared and goes in search of her.

Meanwhile, at a cashing exchange store, the three Straw Hats are offered 100 million belly for
their gold to the excitement of Luffy and Usopp. Nami however, is not as happy and refuses to
accept the offer mentioning Luffy's bounty and the offer being wrong. At this they are offered three
times as much which is happily accepted by the three. They are all seen leaving the store with
suitcases filled with 100 million belly each. The three of them decide to return to the shipyard to
find out the price of repairs.

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Once back at the shipyard, they are stopped from entering by one of the workers who explains
only workers are allowed in there. The worker, Kaku, who Luffy comically calls Usopp at first due
to his long nose, is given the letter from Kokoro and explains that Iceburg is the mayor of Water
7 and the president of the Galley-La Company. After being told the location of the Straw Hat
Pirates' ship, Kaku decides he will check the ship's condition and jumps of a cliff.

The Straw Hats watch in shock while Iceburg explains to them that Kaku always does this and
explains he is a chief mechanic from Dock 1.

Sanji, who has hired a bull, is seen shopping for ingredients while dreaming of going on a date
with Nami and Robin. Lost on his way to buy more ingredients, he spots Robin with the masked
man walking past another building. She appears to ignore Sanji while he shouts over and runs
towards the direction she was going. However, when he reaches there, bo th Robin and the
masked man have disappeared. Joking about how she may be able to fly, he looks up and spots
Kaku whom he mistakes for Usopp. Kaku arrives at the Going Merry where Zoro also mistakes
him for Usopp. However, after thinking about it, he realizes he was mistaken and demands to
know who he is.

At Dock 1, Kalifa explains to Iceburg who the Straw Hat Pirates are and what their collective
bounty is. Iceburg formally introduces himself to them as well as his newly adopted rat,
Tyrannosaurus. Kalifa reminds him of his many duties he has to do that day however he tells her
he does not want to do his duties and she cancels them all, causing the Straw Hats to call him
unreliable. This causes Kalifa to attack them although it is Iceburg who appears to hav e taken all
the kicks.

Nami hands the letter from Kokoro saying to "Check Out Their Ship" which Iceburg instantly rips
after reading. Despite this, he agrees and admits the reason he ripped the letter is because he
did not like the kiss mark and that Kokoro was his drinking partner. Since they have to wait for
Kaku's return and he has nothing better to do despite just cancelling all his appointments, he
offers to show them around Dock 1.

Usopp notices the members of the Franky Family stealing their money and alerts the others. At
the same time, one of the Galley-La Company carpenters who was seen before, Paulie, is being
chased by dept collectors. To escape them, he jumps onto the Straw Hats' bulls and easily defeats
the Franky Family. Usopp thanks Paulie for saving their money however, after finding the
suitcases, he leaves with the money.

Paulie is brought back to Dock 1 by fellow carpenter, Rob Lucci, while being scolded by Hattori,
Lucci's pet pigeon, for stealing money. Iceburg explains to the three that if they had not stopped
Paulie, the Galley-La Company would lose face. He continues to explain that the Franky Family
are professional ship scavengers that also work as bounty hunters and often cause chaos in
Water 7. The Straw Hats note that they did not look that strong however, Iceburg warns them not
to underestimate Franky himself.

At this, Lucci returns Paulie to Dock 1 while Hattori apologizes for the events and demands that
they be apologized to. Paulie returns the money to Luffy but is hit over t he head by Lucci while
Hattori apologizes and explains that Paulie is in dept to a confused Luffy. Angered by this, Paulie
throws Lucci who breaks his fall with only his fingers and Iceburg states that this is usual.

Comically, Luffy tells Paulie that the true enemy is the pigeon, Hattori, and yells that the it should
fight its own battles instead. Once returned back to Lucci's shoulder, Hattori introduces himself

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and Lucci. Nami finally realizes that Lucci is a ventriloquist amazing both Luffy and Usopp. Paulie
states that he always speaks through the pigeon before getting mad at the way both Nami and
Kalifa are dressed. As the doors of Dock 1 open, Iceburg explains that Lucci, Paulie and Kaku are
part of the chief mechanics despite their odd personalities.

When entering, all of the carpenters greet Iceburg happily while the Straw Hats are shocked by
the size of the shipyard. After they note how popular Iceburg is, Kalifa explains that he united the
seven battling carpenter companies to make the Galley-La Company and despite becoming the
leader, his technique and love of carpentry is still the same. Luffy asks Iceburg to join his crew
shocking the whole of the Galley-La Company and explains that there is no repairman on their
crew. Iceburg gives him permission to take any carpenter with him if they are willing to become a
pirate, as for him, since he is mayor he cannot go.

Kaku returns to Dock 1 just as Usopp, who is carrying two of the suitcases, is attacked by the
Franky Family. Nami notices the two suitcases Usopp was carrying sitting on the ground and
suspects nothing. Kaku explains to them that even if the Galley-La Company repair as much as
possible, there would be no chance of them reaching the next island in Going Merry. On Going
Merry, Zoro is seen asking whether it cannot go any further.

Sanji and Chopper are seen travelling together after meeting up. While Chopper apologizes for
getting separated from Nico Robin, Sanji begins to feel uneasy after realizing the masked man he
saw was not Chopper, especially after what Aokiji warned them about. The pair decide to return
to Going Merry where Zoro is seen just sitting awake.

Luffy offers the Galley-La Company as much money they want to fix Going Merry however, Kaku
states that it is a miracle that they even reached Water 7. Paulie explains exactly what the keel is
and how it is the "life-line" of the ship. Since the keel cannot be replace, the Going Merry is nothing
more than a pile of wood waiting to be scrapped. and buy a new ship that Galley-La Company are
willing to provide. Luffy, not wanting any change to the crew's ship, states his desire to keep sailing
on the Going Merry. Iceburg however states the folly of what Luffy desires and what it would cause
the crew. Although they plead with the Galley-La Company to remake their ship, Hattori explains
that there are no two boats exactly the same as there are no identicle trees in the world. Iceburg
says that they can buy a new ship as they have the money for it however, Luffy refuses to accept
their evaluation but is handed a catologue from Kalifa.

In the middle of the transaction, Peeply Lulu interrupts to tell Iceburg that there are visitors at the
gate to which he is told to get rid of. Before he can, the guests, who turn out the be World
Government officers, have all ready entered causing both Luffy and Nami to rush and hide. The
leader of the officers, Corgi, claims to "smell" pirates however, ignores this and says he wishes to
talk with Iceburg who childishly tells him to go away.

After they depart with Iceburg, the Galley-La Company are seen discussing why the World
Government are always harassing him while Luffy comments on how light the suitcases are. After
checking them, they realize that they are both empty while Peeply Lulu comments on seeing the
Frankies with Kaku although he only remembers seeing the long nose. The pair overhearing this,
realize that Usopp has been kidnapped and Luffy races off to find him while Nami gets the location
of the Franky House from Paulie.

Nami decides to return to the Going Merry to get the others to help retrieve Usopp and their money
however, on her way she sees a crowd gathering. Horrified, she sees a badly beaten Usopp

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dumped on the street and rushes over to see him. Usopp tearfully apologizes to her for being so
useless and losing the money however Nami tells him they will definitely get the money back.

Nami leaves the badly injured Usopp behind, believing it is best not to move him in case his
injuries get worse and races towards the Going Merry. On the Going Merry, Zoro explains to both
Sanji and Chopper that it is impossible to repair the ship. Sanji is worried about Usopp's reaction
and Robin being missing; however, Nami arrives and explains to them what happened to Usopp.

Meanwhile, at the Franky House, the members who stole the money hand it to Franky, who replies
that they can finally buy the thing they've always wanted. It is explained that for three years they
have gambled and spent all the money they earned. Franky hands them 5 million to spend on
whatever they like; however, there is an explosion caused by Usopp who demands the money
back. Desperately, he tries to grab the suitcase from Franky; however, he fails and Franky explains
that nobody will help pirates and tells the others to do as they like with him. Usopp watches as
Franky calmly leaves with all the money he stole while the other members begin to beat him up.

Nami who stayed behind on the ship to protects the remaining 100 million belly while the others
search for the injured Usopp. They notice a trail of blood and realize he has gone on his own to
retrieve the money; however, before they leave for the Franky House, Luffy falls into the river
leaving Sanji to rescue him. The four leave towards the Franky House and once they arrive, they
find an unconscious and badly injured Usopp outside. Angered by this, the four make their way to
the entrance determined to get revenge.

As the Straw Hats make their way to the door of the Franky House, one of the members inside is
sent to buy food and drink. Opening the door, he is greeted by the Straw Hat Pirates and is sent
flying to the shock of the other members.

Underestimating the four, the Franky Family mock and threaten them however, after Luffy
manages to smash a member's armor they realize how strong the Straw Hat Pirates really are.
After trying to trick them, they fire multiple cannons which Zoro easily slice through despite them
being made of iron. To the shock of the Franky Family, he also manages to cut the cannons
himself. The Franky Family, realizing that they are not as weak as they thought, try to escape
through the back door but are confronted by Sanji who stops them from escaping. Realizing it is
not possible to escape via the exits, they attempt to flee out though the windows but are again
stopped, this time by Chopper.

In an attempt to stop themselves being attacked any more, one member of the Franky Family,
Zambai, informs them that the money they stole has been taken away by their boss, Franky.
However, he is sent flying as the Straw Hats explain that the money is no longer important, it's
what they did to Usopp. As a last measure, the Franky Family uses their special cannon to try and
stop the attack however, the Straw Hats easily avoid the attacks and easily defeats the remaining

After destroying the Franky House, Chopper takes care of Usopp's wounds while the Straw Hats
discuss what they should do next. Instead of waiting for Franky, they decide to return to their ship
since they already have enough problems at the moment. Luffy then announces that it is time to
say goodbye to Going Merry.

At the Galley-La Headquarters, Corgi is seen leaving talking about how they are still not sure
whether Iceburg has "it" or not. Kalifa enters Iceburg's room with some tea asking why Corgi
always comes after looking so angry when he leaves. Iceburg admit they are after something of

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his and keep making offers for it however, he always refuses. In the background, Nico Robin ’s
bounty on his room wall.

Back at the Going Merry, Chopper announces that Usopp has finally woke up and the crew all go
to see him. Usopp apologizes to them for losing the money and asks whether they can still repair
the ship with only B100,000,000. However Luffy tells him they've decided to just buy another
ship instead and shows him the catalogs. Usopp, confused by this, believes that he is joking and
that it is because he lost the money that they cannot afford the repairs.

The two begin to get angry at each other ignoring the warnings from Zoro and Chopper but Luffy
finally admits that the Going Merry is going to die. Usopp, refusing to believe this, thinks there is
something more to it however, Luffy denies this and tries to explain however, Usopp continues to
disbelieve this. He states that the Going Merry is a friend and yet they would leave it to die. Usopp
tries to allow them to let him be the carpenter however, Luffy admits that is impossible.

As the two get into a heated argument, the others try to stop them however they are simply ignored
and continue to watch in pain. Finally, Luffy snaps and pins Usopp to the floor almost telling him
if he is not happy, then he should leave. Sanji, angered by this, kicks Luffy and tells him not to
say things he does not mean to or else he won't be able them back. Luffy attempts to apologize
however, Usopp says that if they are leaving behind Going Merry, then they are leaving him behind

Usopp admits that he knew he could never catch up to them and that he never intended to go as
far as them, he only went since he was invited. He states that those who have different dreams
should go separate ways and leaves the Going Merry stating that he quits. The others attempt to
stop him however he keeps going. He then states that since the ship belongs to the captain, he
will take it from them and demands to duel Luffy.

An angered Nami rants at Luffy trying to stop the upcoming duel however, Luffy does not pay
much attention. As she continues to complain, he tells her to stop explaining that there is no
turning back and remembers Usopp telling Luffy that he will return at 10pm to fight. He continues
that Usopp would not give his life and tells Nami to "chill" which silences her.

On deck, Zoro and Sanji have an argument about Zoro's first encounter with the Franky Family,
blaming each other for not taking them out then. Nami interrupts the pair as Chopper returns
from trying to treat the heavily injured Usopp but is sent back and tearily explains Usopp's
rejection of their friendship. Nami comments this is like the whole group is falling apart.

At ten o'clock, Usopp returns to duel Luffy who is already waiting for him in front of the Going
Merry. The two exchange words in which Usopp states that he will be the victor explaining that
unlike those Luffy's past opponents, he know him. The others watch on as Usopp starts the fight
by lying, Chopper believes him, and he is told to go inside.

As Luffy charges to attack, Usopp begins an attacker however he collapses and coughs up some
blood causing the others to panic and Luffy stop his attack. But Usopp reveals it is just ketchup
and blinds Luffy using a Flash Dial and shoots rotten eggs at him. Angered by this, Luffy tells him
to fight seriously however, Usopp explains that this is his fighting style before firing tabasco into
Luffy's mouth. This causes him to fall back onto Usopp's "Caltrop Hell" and Usopp states he plans
to win via any means possible while the others state how fast the attacks have been.

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As Luffy stumbles onto his feet, Usopp continues to attack firing shuriken which are just avoided
in time. While catching his breath, Luffy notices smoke surrounding him and it is explained that
due to the rotten eggs, gas was able to surround him without being detected. The others watch
as Usopp fires fire causing the area to explode shocking the other Straw Hats who can do nothing
but watch.

As the pair sit exhausted after the blast, the Going Merry is seen with water running off of it, giving
the impression it is crying.

The Straw Hat Pirates look on as Usopp and Luffy continue their duel in the smoke covered area.
The pair attack at the same time, but Usopp reverses Luffy's attack with an Impact Dial . An
exhausted Usopp is shocked to see that Luffy is still standing and the pair stare at each other
while remembering making the Straw Hat Pirates' flag. Luffy finally hits Usopp with a final attack
causing him to collapse to the ground completely defeated.

As the others watch in pain, Luffy walks towards the ship telling a defeated Usopp that the Going
Merry is his as they will get a new ship. He bids farewell to him while remembering the good times
that they have had together. Chopper, devastated by the events, attempts to check Usopp's
wounds but he is stopped by Sanji who explains how painful it must feel for already being pitied.

As they leave the ship, all except for Zoro and Sanji are in tears as they say goodbye to both Usopp
and Going Merry.

The morning after the duel, Usopp is seen on the deck of the silent and empty Going Merry. On
the streets of Water 7, the citizens are seen discussing an incident that happe ned which they
blame on Franky or the pirates in town. At the entrance to Dock 1, there are many people asking
questions related to the incident including whether or not it was related to the destruction of the
Franky House.

At the rooftop of an inn, the Straw Hats, excluding Nami, are seen sitting as Sanji enters remarking
about how they spent money on rooms that none of them used. After Chopper asks where he
went, Sanji explains to Chopper that he was keeping watch at the Peninsula for Robin and he has
decided to look for her that day to which Chopper decides to look with him. At that moment, Nami
rushes into the room and informs everyone that Iceburg had been shot.

A distressed Paulie is seen being called about the news and he is informed that Iceburg is alive
but currently in a catatonic state. He is told to come to the Galley-La Headquarters where Lulu
and Kaku are seen discussing the events and it is discovered that there is no possibility of it being
a robbery and the World Government are also suspected. On the streets of Water 7, papers about
the shooting are flying around with many unanswered questions on it; who did it and what their
motive were. Paulie is seen racing through the streets stating that whoever did it is dead.

Nami explains to the others who Iceburg is and that he is still alive but in a catatonic state. Luffy
decides to go see how he is and Nami decides to go too. Sanji asks if Zoro is going to come with
him and Chopper however, he refuses saying that he will wait and see what happens. At the Blue
Station, the Puffing Tom returns and Franky is seen exiting, unaware of what is happening in the

Meanwhile, at the Galley-La Headquarters, Iceburg is seen unconscious in bed while a doctor
informs Rob Lucci and Kalifa that he was shot a total of five times. Lulu explains to Kaku that the

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doors did not appear to have been open and the only clue is a common mask while Paulie charges
past the reporters to get inside Galley-La Headquarters.

Luffy and Nami race off to find out more information about the shooting as Franky arrives at where
the Frank House used to be. He asks the two woman accompanying him, Mozu and Kiwi, whether
this is real to which they tell him that it is. Angered by this, he throws his mask away and realizes
the culprits must have been the Straw Hat Pirates.

Angry at the destruction of the Franky House and his followers, Franky is angered and declares
he can never forgive the Straw Hat Pirates. A small group of the Franky Family show up and explain
they had been searching for the Straw Hats' location to allow Franky to avenge them.

At the Shift Station, a strong wind has appeared. Kokoro states that it is Karock, the South wind,
and that the waves have become rougher. Declaring that the sea train will stop that night, she
tells Chimney and Gonbe to get ready to go to the island as the "Aqua Laguna is coming".

Back at Water 7, the entire island is warned that Aqua Laguna is coming. Most of the residents,
who had forgotten this, begin to act hastily. Sanji and Chopper, who heard t he announcement,
ask a citizen what "Aqua Laguna" is and it is revealed to be a high tide that will sink the town
around midnight. A repeat announcement is seen before the location is changed to the Galley-La
Company headquarters. A large group of reporters are outside questioning the members while
Nami and Luffy are outside Shipyard 1 where a large group of concerned citizens are awaiting
news of Iceburg.

Music suddenly begins to play which then causes panic to the people outside confusing both
Nami and Luffy. Three figures behind a piece of fabric which appear standing on top of the
archway. While the citizens shout insults, one figure demands that Luffy reveals himself. Throwing
the fabric away, the figures are revealed to be Mozu and Kiwi with an unmasked Franky. As people
begin to flee the scene, an angry looking Luffy yells at Franky asking who he is.

Back at the headquarters, Kalifa reveals Iceburg has woken up to the delight of the Galley -La
Workers and the reporters outside. Iceburg reveals that he remembers the that there were two
attackers, one a big man wearing a mask and a tall woman with black hair who he identifies as
Nico Robin.

Luffy is confronted by Franky who is angry about the destruction of his house and the fact that
his men were beaten up. He reveals that he has spent all the money that he stole from them.
However, Luffy declares that the money is not important and that he will fight Franky. As the
citizens continue to escape, Franky takes a stance and blows fire from his mouth. Luffy and Nami
manage to dodge the blast and believe he may be a fellow Devil Fruit user, however, Franky jumps
into the water below him. With a punch from below, Franky destroys Nami and Luffy's boat,
revealing that he can swim, meaning he could not have eaten a Devil Fruit. As Luffy is about to
attack, Franky attacks first, disconnecting his right hand (which is connected to his body via a
chain) and smashes Luffy into the Dock 1’s gate. As Luffy and Nami stare in disbelief, he reveals
that he is a cyborg.

At the Galley-La Company HQ, the members discuss Robin and conclude that, since she is a
member of the Straw Hat Pirates, they must all be involved. This is then revealed to the reporters
outside and a poster with the three wanted Straw Hats - Luffy, Zoro, and Robin - is seen. Tilestone
arrives into Iceburg’s room and reveals that Luffy and Franky are fighting at the shipyard to the
other members. All the members, except Iceburg and Kalifa, head off to the shipyard to confront

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Luffy. Iceburg ponders on what may be the goal of the attackers and whether they have teamed
up with the World Government or if they are wanting "it" for themselves.

Back at the shipyard, Luffy and Franky continue to battle while destroying their surroundings.
Nami, Mozu and Kiwi are seen cheering on at the sidelines. As Franky wields his cannon-like left
arm, Luffy counterattacks and hits him with "Gomu Gomu no Muchi". However, somebody attacks
Luffy and sends him crashing into rubble. It is revealed to be the chief mechanics from Galley-La
Dock 1.

The Galley-La Company members interrupt the fight between Franky and Luffy at the shipyard,
much to the annoyance of Franky. Paulie angrily confronts Luffy about his appearance at the
shipyard. Franky concludes that not only did the Straw Hat Pirates messed with his family, but
also the Galley-La Company too. Luffy however claims he and his crew did not do anything. Paulie,
who believes he is lying, attacks Luffy and throws him into a pile of wood. As Franky angrily objects
to the Galley-La's interruption, the other members prepare to attack much to the delight of the
spectating crowd and surprise to the distressed Nami. As Luffy gets back onto his feet, the other
members begin to attack. An angered Franky begins to attack both Luffy and the Galley-La. Kaku
and Tilestone take care of him while Rob Lucci attacks Luffy, who is not returning attacks.

After being sent crashing into the surrounding material, Luffy declares that they give him a reason
to why they are attacking him. However, Paulie declares it should be Luffy who should explain why
the Straw Hat Pirates shot Iceburg, much to the surprise of the spectators, Franky, Nami, and
Luffy himself. Paulie continues to reveal that Iceburg remembered that there was two attackers,
one being Nico Robin, shocking both Luffy and Nami. Franky asks if Iceburg is dead and Paulie
replies that it is because he is alive that he wishes to finish off Luffy. Luffy states that Robin could
not be involved and that Iceburg must be mistaken. He asks to go see Iceburg but is denied.

The crowd, angry for the attack on the hero of Water 7, begin to attack Nami, realizing she too is
part of Luffy's crew. Paulie explains that it's useless as the news will spread throughout Water 7.

As an announcement stating the Straw Hats were the culprits, Robin is seen sitting reading a

The chapter opens with Sanji and Chopper yelling information about Aqua Laguna near the Going
Merry as an attempt to let Usopp know and prepare for it without telling him directly. As the pair
charge back to the town, Usopp is seen to have heard this but not identify the voices.

Back at the shipyard, Nami continues to struggle from the angry citizens, trying to reason with
them. However, the citizens and Galley-La Company members fail to listen and declare that both
them and the citizens of Water 7 now see them as enemies. The Galley-La members, now knowing
of Luffy’s Devil Fruit abilities, continue their attack. Luffy still refuses to attack and is blasted by
a bazooka. The crowd cheer as a concerned Nami cries Luffy's name. She then notices Franky,
Mozu and Kiwi sitting watching and drinking at a table. Still in a rage that the Galley-La Company
members interrupted his fight, he throws the table to catch their attention. The members tell him
simply to back off which infuriates him even more. The crowd begin to warn the Galley-La as
Franky prepares to attack using his arms like a cannon. He reveals that it will shoot an air bullet
which he used earlier and destroy the crane.

A huge ship is destroyed by the blast and the Galley-La Company members are thrown into the
air. The crane falls and many of the citizens flee as Dock One is ruined. Nami manages to escape
the crowd as Luffy emerges from the smoke unharmed. The pair decide to go confront Iceburg

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and to find out the truth. Mozu and Kiwi question Franky on what they will do next and he admits
that that last attack was his last as shown by his hair which is flopped down on his face. He says
that once he has refueled, he will go after Luffy although he admits that it will be tough. The
Galley-La Company all appear unharmed and discuss what they will do next. Since the Aqua
Laguna is due that night, they conclude that the only way off the island is the two trains since the
Going Merry is in no condition to sail. As Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe arrive in the city, the Galley-
La Company states that this would be over by dawn.

Although they missed the announcement, Nami determines that a typhoon will most likely pass
through the island using her knowledge of weather. It is shown that she and Luffy are sitting on a
rooftop near the Galley-La Headquarters where reporters continue to crowd the entrance.
Determined to discover the truth, Luffy, breaks into the Headquarters alone, smashing through a
window to gain entry. In Iceburg’s room, Kalifa informs him that Luffy has broken into the
Headquarters and Iceburg then asks for a favor.

While being chased by Galley-La workers, Kalifa is seen calling Luffy when he passes. As the
others pass the room, she denies seeing him and says that Iceburg is currently asleep. The
workers decide to guard the room along with Kalifa. Inside the room, Luffy and Iceburg begin to
talk about the shooting and Iceburg confirms that Nico Robin was one of the attackers. Pointing
a gun at Luffy, he asks if he will allow him to see her one more time however Luffy explains he
has no idea where she is.

A gun shot suddenly sounds throughout the building and everyone charges into Iceburg's room,
where the window is seen to be open. Iceburg disappointingly states that he too wants to find the
truth. Outside on the rooftop, Luffy reports his findings to Nami outside however, he states that
he still does not believe Robin would do such a thing.

At Blueno’s Bar, Franky appears with Mozu and Kiwi greeting the owner, Blueno and ordering
cola. He is seen taking three empty bottles from a compartment in his stomach. Blueno asks
whether Franky can pay and Mozu and Kiwi reveal they still have 1,000,000 of the belly they stole
from the Straw Hats, shocking Franky. Franky then throws the money in the air exclaiming the
drinks are on him. Kokoro, who has been in the bar since Franky entered, starts to talk to him.
Chimney and Gonbe appear from the other side asking Franky for juice. Blueno hands him three
cola bottles which he puts into the compartment referring to them as "fuel" and his hair sticks
back up.

Kokoro and Franky begin to discuss Iceburg being shot, Kokoro suggesting that the World
Government, who have been stalking him, would be more likely suspects than the pirates. She
continues by bringing up a organization known as CP9 which both Franky and Blueno states as a
rumor however, she insists that they exist by working in the shadow. Franky asks Kokoro why she
is so confident they exist and she states she heard about it, which Franky comically says is a

At an empty storage room somewhere in a back street of Water 7, Nico Robin is seen with two
unknown figures. They give her orders to retrieve "it" from Iceburg, the only living apprentice of
Tom, in the name of CP9.

Luffy and Nami are seen escaping via the rooftops while an announcement rings out through
Water 7 warning everyone of the approaching Aqua Laguna. Citizens are seen sealing their homes
and businesses while at the Blue Station, inspectors are checking passengers in case the Straw
Hats are attempting to escape though the sea train. Zoro is in an alley way reading the article

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about the attack last night while Galley-La members have arrived at the hotel to find the Straw

At the Rocky Peninsula where the Going Merry is docked, there are Galley-La Company workers
also searching there for any members although it appears to be abandoned. Usopp, who does
not know anything of the latest events, is seen hiding behind a rock a distance from the boat
preparing to attack wondering who they are and why they are there.

Since neither is pictured or identified as part of the Straw Hat crew, Sanji and Chopper are able
to wonder freely without being chased. The pair are seen reading the schedule for the sea tr ain
worried that Robin may have tried to escape. Asking a random citizen about Robin's bounty
picture, they are simply told that she, now much older than in the photograph, is the assassin.
They decide it would be best to look for Robin in search of what is happening.

They finally spot her across the river from them and begin to find a way to get over however, she
tells them to stay where they are. She announces that she will not be returning with them and
that she was indeed guilty for what happened last night as well as forcing the blame on the Straw
Hats. Both shocked and confused, Sanji and Chopper stare speechlessly as she bids them
farewell. While walking away, Sanji starts to swim across the river while Chopper screams for her
to come back. After failing to catch up to Robin, Sanji tells Chopper to find Luffy and tell him of
the meeting with Robin while he will focus on a plan that he has.

At a bridge somewhere in Water 7, a group of Galley-La workers are seen searching for Luffy,
Nami, and Zoro, who are hiding under the bridge. After they leave, Chopper arrives, finding the
three of them by scent. The four escape to a rooftop where they can discuss without any
interruption from angry citizens or Galley-La workers. Chopper explains about the conversation
he and Sanji had with Robin and it is decided that they must find out whether Robin is a friend or

On the rooftop, the four remaining Straw Hats continue to discuss what Robin said to Sanji and
Chopper. Since she stated that the situation will get worse, they conclude that the only way that
things could get any worse would be if the assassination would be successful. They continue to
discuss what the connection between Robin and the masked man may be which leads Luffy to
declare that they will go and catch Robin in order to find out the truth as speculating is no use.

Usopp is seen attempting to buy supplies with a small handful of money from a store. Although
at first, he is refused, the shop owner finally agrees after Usopp reveals he is willing to trade in
his tools. Watching him struggle forward with the items, he gives Usopp some food and then
continues to watch him leave. Once back at the Going Merry, it is revealed that Usopp has decided
to ride out the Aqua Laguna.

At Blueno’s Bar, Franky suddenly rages out of the bar followed closely by Mozu and Kiwi. A
confused Blueno wonders what happened while Kokoro simply says she has no idea how idiots
think. Paulie and a group of Galley-La members decide to return to the Galley-La Headquarters
while citizens hiding in the shipyard basement all discuss the rumors they heard about the Straw
Hat Pirates.

Back at the Galley-La Company Headquarters, all the workers are seen guarding the outside while
the elite five are all guarding Iceburg’s bedroom. Inside, Kalifa is curious about why Iceburg keeps
Nico Robin's bounty in his room to which he simply states that it is because she is a devil.

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Outside, the Straw Hats are seen spying for chaos to start at the headquarters in a tree some
distance away while someone wearing heeled shoes appears on a rooftop close to the building.

With Mozu and Kiwi struggling to keep up with the wind, Franky roams Water 7 in search for Luffy.
The other members catch up with them and inform them that they saw Usopp, who they still
believe to be a member of the Straw Hats, alone on the Going Merry. In an attempt to lure out
Luffy, Franky decides to kidnap Usopp as bait.

At the Galley-La Headquarters, the four remaining Straw Hats continue to keep watch. Inside,
Iceburg requests Kalifa to leave and to send in Paulie. Complying with his wishes, she leaves the
area after sending in Paulie while the other four leave their seats as not to overhear. Iceburg is
seen giving details of a task which Paulie accepts without question. As he leaves the room, he
gives his excuses and leaves the remaining four to keep watch. He is next seen in the President's
Room finding a safe and entering a combination which Iceburg gave him.

Nico Robin along with the bear-masked man are seen standing on a rooftop answering a Den Den
Mushi saying they are both ready. An explosion suddenly goes off at the Galley-La Headquarters
alerting everyone around the area and starting a panic causing Tilestone and Peeply Lulu to leave
their post. A musketeer-styled assailant is seen being chased around using a spiked whip to
escape to a higher floor where they are confronted by more Galley-La workers. Robin and the
bear-masked man are also being chased around the area.

The Straw Hats, who were busy observing the chaos, realize that Luffy has disappeared.

Back in the President's Room, Paulie has found a pile of papers in the safe just as two other
masked men appear.

Nico Robin and the bear-masked man are seen backed into a wall somewhere on the grounds of
the Galley-La Headquarters. The pair throw a cloak up in the air covering them for a second while
the Galley-La members shoot at them. As the cloak lands on the ground, the carpenters are
shocked to see that the pair have disappeared right in front of them. Elsewhere on the grounds,
the musketeer, who is able to jump around in mid air, continues to attack struggling carpenters
with the spiked whip.

In the President's Room, the two masked men introduce themselves to be members of Cipher Pol
No.9 (CP9). A shocked Paulie mentions that they should have been confronted by employees
however, one of the two reveals a blood soaked hand while explaining that neither of them have
seen any carpenters. In the hallway, a number of men are seen slumped on the wall and floor.
The two men then tell Paulie to hand over both the documents and his life.

Outside, a uproar about the disappearance of Robin and the bear-masked man continues while
the pair are seen walking in a darkly lit corridor. Pushing the bear-masked man against the wall,
a doorway opens into Iceburg’s room to find a shocked Iceburg waiting for them. The bear-masked
man explains that this is the power of the Doa Doa no Mi and shoots Iceburg to the shock of Robin
explaining "a good cook is never lazy in his preparation". He continues to confirm themselves to
be CP9 and explains that the reason Iceburg was allowed to live only to frame the Straw Hat
Pirates. He also explains that their main objection is the blueprints which they state he has
handed down to Paulie who will be dealt with.

On their way to the Galley-La Headquarters, the three remaining Straw Hat Pirates discuss that
the fact that Luffy will have arrived before them will work to their advantage since the front will

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be poorly defended. Jumping over the surrounding wall, the three are greeted by a large number
of carpenters, much to their surprise. Somewhere in Water 7, Luffy is seen stuck between two
buildings trying to get free.

Back inside Galley-La Headquarters, Tilestone’s attention is brought to a carpenter calling for
someone to come to the third floor. On arrival, he sees the bear-masked man sat awaiting for the
signal while a slumped over Kaku and a fallen Rob Lucci appear defeated.

Enraged at the sight of his two friends defeated, Tilestone attacks the bear-masked man who
easily smashes it to pieces with only his fist. Tilestone, who never loses in strength, is easily
defeated by one blow causing the other carpenters to panic.

Outside the Galley-La Headquarters, the three remaining Straw Hats are seen being chased by a
large number of carpenters while wondering where Luffy has gone. Zoro, sick of being chased,
charges at the carpenters while attacking using the back of his swords as to not cause any serious
injuries (although Nami and Chopper both state that he still is).

Luffy, who is finally free, uses Gomu Gomu Rocket to get into the Galley-La Headquarters.

In Iceburg’s room, he laughs that he never expected to meet Robin like this. Iceburg suddenly
draw guns and he states that he wants to kill her as she is the only one who could revive the
ancient weapons written in True History. Robin says that Iceburg is an outsider to this however,
he reveals that he hold blueprints to the ancient weapon Pluton. He explains that the blueprints
were handed down to him from Tom and that he should have burned them when the World
Government found out. As he is about to pull the trigger, Robin restrains him and he states that
the group who have really been deceived is CP9.

In the President's Room, Paulie still has the blueprints tightly in his grasp despite being covered
in blood. As he falls to the ground defeated, he informs the two masked men that the blueprints
are fakes.

Shocked by the news that the blueprints are fake, the two masked men continue to stay silent as
Paulie explains he knows nothing about them nor what they are after. The pair decide to eliminate
him since he is now involved however, they are interrupted by Luffy who comes crashing through
the wall and initially notices a beaten Paulie before the two masked men. The skull-masked man
kicks the wall just as Luffy manages to escape, breaking it with ease. Shocked by the strength of
the kick, the bull masked man sneaks behind Luffy and restrains him to the ground. Restraining
Paulie as well before they leave, the pair arrange with the others to meet in the bedroom and to
not shoot Iceburg.

The musketeer is seen easily defeating Peeply Lulu while making their escape. One of the
carpenters note that "she" is escaping.

While trapped in the President's Room, Luffy and Paulie both agree to fight together; Paulie for
his teacher, Iceburg and Luffy for Robin.

Back in the bedroom, all the members of CP9 arrive, one picking up Rob Lucci's hat on the way
in. Hattori is also flying into the room and perches himself on the bull masked man's shoulders
as he reveals himself to be Rob Lucci. It is seen outside that the defeated "Rob Lucci" and "Kaku"
are simply look-a-likes as the skull-masked man is revealed to be Kaku. Kalifa also reveals herself
to be the musketeer and Blueno, the bartender, as the Doa Doa no Mi user. Shocked by the fact

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that they are CP9, he sits listening as Rob Lucci tell him to state the blueprints' location or else
there will be more victims.

After knocking out all of the shipwrights, Zoro, Nami, and Chopper run inside the Galley-La
Headquarters while Luffy frees himself and Paulie from the restraints. All of them head towards
Iceburg’s room.

Meanwhile, Rob Lucci explains to Iceburg about the existence of Cipher Pol and CP9. He states
the reason CP9 is not known to exist is because they have permission to kill anyone who does
not cooperate. He continues by revealing that the World Government wishes to resurrect the
ancient weapons in the name of justice.

As Rob Lucci decides to explain their theory while Kaku keeps track of Iceburg's pulse, he explains
that it's odd that he would not try to hand down the real Pluton blueprints after being attacked,
not unless he had already done so. As for the fakes, they are signed by Tom’s Workers; Tom,
Iceburg and Cutty Flam. He continues that Iceburg's mistake was that he thought that his enemies
were not so close to him so they know of Tom's Workers whom are surrounded in mysteries so
much so that it took them ages to deduce that Iceburg was a disciple and that the other, Cutty
Flam, was confirmed dead 8 years ago by a government officer. However, the four of th em
remember that a year after they had arrived, a man arrived to see Iceburg and named himself
only once. Cutty Flam is still alive and in Water 7 known by the name Franky, who had any
opportunity to receive the Pluton blueprints since he was there selling material. It is stated that
Iceburg's pulse confirms that it is all true.

Just as CP9 are about to escape, they are interrupted by Luffy, Paulie, Zoro, Nami and Chopper.

The four remaining Straw Hat Pirates along with Paulie break into the bedroom to be greeted by
the sight of an injured Iceburg surrounded by Nico Robin and the CP9 members. Paulie is shocked
when he realizes the situation and with Lucci’s voice confirming that his friends are really his
enemies, he begins to attack. Rob Lucci, however, stabs Paulie with only his finger after using

Lucci then explains that the members of CP9 have all trained countless hours to make their
bodies into weapons and have mastered numerous skills that soar above normal human
capabilities, Rokushiki. As Lucci is about to eliminate Paulie, Luffy attacks him with Gomu Gomu
no Gatling only for it to have no effect on Lucci after he uses Tekkai. Using Soru, Lucci manages
to hit Luffy with Shigan to the neck. Luffy, who only escapes instant death due to his rubbe ry body,
brings Paulie to where he and the Straw Hat Pirates are and explains to the CP9 that they
promised to defeat those who were trying to kill Iceburg.

The Straw Hat Pirates then ask Robin to explain why she wishes to leave the crew and she states
that if she is to stay with them, the dream which she would sacrifice anything for, would never be
achieved. Iceburg interrupts only for Robin to attack to stop him interfering to the shock of those
around her. Chopper asks if she is truly their enemy, but before she could reply, Lucci interrupts
and informs the that the mansion will be engulfed in flames within two minutes, commenting that
fire is an efficient way to destroy evidence. Lucci advises the Straw Hats to evacuate, if they can,
as Kalifa, Kaku, and Blueno prepare to confront them. As Luffy is asked by Zoro if he is okay with
Robin leaving the crew, he replies to him that he is not, and the four Straw Hats prepare for battle.

CP9 explains that fire will rise from the first floor and that they plan to frame the Straw Hat Pirates
for the chaos. The Straw Hats, angered by this, all prepare to attack. Robin turns to leave while

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the Straw Hats and Iceburg all try to stop her. Luffy charges towards her but is blocked by Blueno,
who easily dodges all of Luffy's attacks using Kamie and Soru. Using Geppo, Blueno appears to
float in the air while Kalifa and Kaku attack using Rankyaku, sending Luffy flying back and cutting
through the wall.

Zoro attacks Kaku and questions his inspection of the Going Merry, however Kaku reveals that
even though he was incognito, he was serious about the ship's condition. The two continue to
fight each other as Luffy notices Robin has finally reached the window. In a last minute attempt
to stop her, Luffy makes a start towards the window while Zoro is defeated by Kaku using Shigan..
Luffy is caught and thrown against a wall by Lucci as Robin escapes through the window.

Rob Lucci then explains that CP9 have trained since they were young and are always sent out to
extreme missions. He states that they have a huge difference in combat power compared to the
Straw Hats. Kalifa interrupts and announces that it is almost time for the fire to start as Rob Lucci
states he has something interesting for them. Lucci then begins to transform into an unknown
creature, shocking everyone there.

Outside of the Galley-La Headquarters, the shipwrights are seen helping each other escape from
the flames engulfing the building while inside, the group in Iceburg’s bedroom watch in horror as
Rob Lucci transforms using his Devil Fruit ability, Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard. Grown
massively in height, Rob Lucci towers over them explaining that of all the Devil Fruit types, Zoan
users' special quality is to strengthen themselves physically as the more they train, the more
powerful they become. Chopper then comments that carnivorous Zoan types were the most

Kalifa informs them that the other shipwrights are on their way towards the bedroom. Lucci, with
only a single Rankyaku, destroys the upper levels of the Galley-La Headquarters causing them to
collapse. Nami and Chopper both run to escape the collapsing roof. Before Nami is hit by the
collapsing ceiling, Chopper shoves her to safety and is buried himself. As Nami frantically begins
to dig in the rubble in search of Chopper, Paulie manages to reach Iceburg and the pair attempt
to escape however the CP9 stand in their way.

Just as Lucci is about to strike the pair, Luffy manages to hit him before he could use Tekkai.
Lucci, who now has sharp nails and enhanced power, pierces through Luffy with Shigan, injuring
him. Lucci then grabs Luffy and sends him flying somewhere in Water 7. Zoro then attacks,
however it is ineffective against Lucci's Tekkai, and he shares the same fate as Luffy, being sent

Outside the Galley-La Headquarters, the carpenters, who know nothing of what has happened
inside, can only watch and hope that Iceburg has escaped with the help of Paulie, Kaku and Rob
Lucci. As they continue to look on, a shipwright has spotted an unconscious Nami, who fell from
the third floor, and identifies her as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Inside, Iceburg and Paulie
are unconscious and tied up while a distressed Tyrannosaurus is by their side.

On a rooftop close by, the CP9 members are seen watching the Galley-La Headquarters burn while
Rob Lucci explains that there is now nobody to confirm the truth. As though talking to Iceburg, he
states that an ordinary citizen should never defy such a large government. He then states that
their next job is to retrieve the blueprints from Tom’s second disciple, Franky.

The fire rages on at the Galley-La Headquarters and can be seen from some distance. Kokoro,
Chimney, and Gonbe are seen watching on a roof of Blueno’s Bar as Kokoro stating that her

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intuition was correct and that "thing" should have never existed in this world. Meanwhile, the CP9
members go in search of Franky’s location. They spot members of the Franky Family below yelling
a message for Luffy. Rob Lucci, wearing a mask to conceals his identity, asks them where Franky
is however they do not reply and instead state they will teach him a lesson.

At the warehouse under the bridge, Franky, Mozu and Kiwi are seen crying while a confused Usopp
asks them why they are doing so. Franky states he was touched by hearing of Usopp's
determination in protecting the Going Merry, which is also in the base, alone. The pair begin to
chat about the events involving the money and disagreement with the Straw Hat Pirates in a
comical manner. Franky calls it evens and offers Usopp a place in the Franky Family however, the
offer is refused as Usopp admits he's still a pirate at heart which causes Franky to get emotional

Franky then informs Usopp of the high tide, Aqua Laguna, which will be arriving as they speak. He
continues to explain that they will be safe there and that despite the evacuation being an annual
event, the real problem for Water 7 is the rising water level. He explains that Water 7 was once
built in a center of an island which has now appeared to have sunk. The conversation continues
to the Sea Train, Puffing Tom, and how it was all down to the work of the great ship mechanic,

Back on the streets of Water 7, the Franky Family lay defeated before Rob Lucci who has acquired
the location of Franky. The CP9 begin to move to the location of Franky.

Back at the hideout, Mozu and Kiwi question Usopp on his plan for after the repairs of the Going
Merry are complete to which he explains his thoughts of returning home. Franky however, states
that it is impossible for the ship to make it. He admits that when he brought the ship there, he
had checked its condition and confirmed the Galley-La Company’s evaluation was correct. As he
begins to move towards the Going Merry to dismantle it, Usopp stands in his way ready to attack.

Franky states he will dismantle the Going Merry to the shock of everyone in the hideout. He
continues to explain the reason he will do so is because Usopp stated he wants to return home
and not throw his life away along with the boat. He states that a boat's wish is to "carry you from
this land to that land" and that it can no longer keep that wish.

Usopp watches in horror as Franky begins to rip apart the Going Merry and attempts to stop him.
With the attack failed, Franky slams Usopp into the water to see for himself to the shock of the
onlooking Mozu and Kiwi.

Underwater, Usopp has no choice but to look at the severely damaged keel of Merry. Trying to
ignore the problem, he continues to fix Merry after coming out of the water as Mozu and Kiwi look
on saddened. Franky continues to explain however, Usopp admits that he already knew that Going
Merry could no longer travel. He continues to explain the night in Skypiea where he saw the ghost
repairing the ship and explains he believes it to be the incarnation of Going Merry.

Franky describes the appearance of the ghost shocking Usopp and continues to explain that what
he saw was a Klabautermann. He explains that it is a legend of a fairy that dwells on well cared
ships and that it is indeed more or less the ship's incarnation. It apparently helps out in many
ways, the main one being the spirit warning the crew when the ship is in danger.

As they finish their discussion, a knock is heard at the door: the CP9 have arrived.

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Mozu and Kiwi believe that it is Zambai and the others at the door however, Franky states that
he would use the other entrance but they insist that they may have caught the Straw Hats. Usopp
adds that there is no way they would come to save him as they are no longer crewmates. As the
doorbell continues to ring, Mozu and Kiwi decide to answer it while Franky explains that Usopp
should return to the Straw Hat Pirates since the problem has been resolved. This starts another
argument between the pair as Usopp refuses to leave the Going Merry despite the claims that if
he sinks along with the ship, it will never die happily.

At this moment, Mozu is sent flying over to where the pair stand shocked as they watch Kiwi being
knocked out by Kalifa. Angry at the attack on his friends, Franky lunges to attack but is blocked
by Blueno who he is shocked to see. Franky easily lifts Blueno into the air, realizing that there is
something bad is happening however, he is kicked over to Usopp who is shocked to see the
Galley-la Workers he met the day before. Franky, confused to why he is being attacked by the four
and angry about the attack of his "sisters" questions how they found out about the hideout.

Rob Lucci informs them that the four attackers are spies for the World Government and that their
life in Water 7 were fake. They also reveal that they know his real name shocking Franky even
more however, he acts calm and asks them how Iceburg is. Lucci tells him that he is dead, which
Franky appears both shocked and devastated to hear, and that they are after the blueprints to
Pluton. Franky recalls a much younger Iceburg naming him "Franky" and attacks Lucci who in
seconds smashes Franky through a wall and into another room while Usopp watches, unable to
prevent anything.

The CP9, unaware that there was another room, begin to search it and find plates engraved with
the names "Cutty Flam", "Iceburg" and "Tom". Franky tells them to get out of the room as it is
where he grew up and the world's best shipwrighter lived. While explaining this, a photo of all the
members of Tom’s Workers is seen in the room.

As the wind and waves get worse in Water 7, Franky continues to guard the room as the CP9
understand that this hideout was once the office of Tom’s Workers. While Usopp watches,
confused by what is happening, Rob Lucci picks up the photograph explaining that they will leave
when the blueprints to Pluton have been handed over. When he replies that the blueprints are
not there, Rob Lucci kicks one of the work places as Kalifa binds Franky in her thorned whip.
Usopp panics as he continues to have no idea of what is happening while Lucci states that they
have the trump card that "Cutty Flam" had committed a crime, just as Tom had done. At this,
Franky angrily states that Tom was not a criminal however, he is kicked by Lucci as Usopp is seen
holding his slingshot. Remembering what Tom had told him, he asks the CP9 how much they
really know about Water 7.

At this, the story goes back 22 years where a twelve year old Cutty Flam is seen firing cannons on
"Battle Franky 8" at a sea monster in pursuit of him which finally destroys the boat sending him
flying. Cutty Flam is seen with a bump on his head being scolded by a sixteen year old Iceburg for
building dangerous things instead of helping out. It is explained that the Battle Franky's are Cutty
Flam's important battleships which are built using the scrap from Scrap Island and that he is
determined to build one capable of defeating a Sea King. Iceburg laughs at this stating it would
not be possible as Tom arrives, throwing a ship into the air along with three poles completing the
ship and putting it in the water, along with his pet, Yokozuna.

The three return home to Tom's Workers' Main Office, which is now the warehouse under the
bridge, and are seen enjoying meal made by their beautiful secretary, Kokoro. Cutty Flam and
Iceburg are seen arguing and fighting while Kokoro informs them that the trade ship carrying

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wood was taken by pirate ships and continues to explain that the number of pirate ships have
increased since the death of the Pirate King. She continues to explain that Water 7 can only get
its supplies from other ships but due to the violent weather and pirates, they often cannot get
any, if it continues, she states that it will most likely shrivel up and just be an island waiting to be

Cutty Flam interrupts, asking Tom to show him the blueprints of the pirate ship he made however,
Tom explains that there is no pirate ship in the world that has blueprints since it is just a ship with
a skull painting on the flag. That night, Cutty Flam watches as Tom draws what he calls the island's
"hope" as he believe that this may be the thing that can revive Water 7.

The next day, a Judicial ship arrives at Water 7 and Tom is seen being taken away as the others
watch in panic however, he reassures them that everything will be fine. In the courtroom, it is
explained that Tom's crime was building the ship used by Gol D. Roger and that, as punishment,
he will be taken to Enies Lobby to be executed.

Outside of the Judicial ship, it is announced that Tom is to be executed for building a pirate ship,
shocking both Cutty Flam and Iceburg. Inside, the judge explains that normally those who build
pirate ships are not important however, due to the fact that it was used by such a well known,
dangerous pirate, he is also classed as dangerous. The marines attempt to take Tom away
however, he begins to explain that he is developing plans for a steam engine paddle ship that will
run on the surface of the sea. He continues to explain that the disuse of the island is due to the
bad trade and that the running of the sea train would be the savior of the city.

The marines continue to try move Tom however, the judge tells them to wait and questions him
on the sea train. Tom explains that it will be a train will run on tracks from island to island and will
be capable of carrying people, items and even ships and will be capable of crossing the sea at
will without being effected by the weather. Other carpenters watching mock him and question
him on how he would expect the tracks to be unaffected by Aqua Laguna. Tom answers this by
stating that the track would sway a little underwater and will not go against the waves them self
and that they would be a guild for the Sea Train so logs are not needed. H e continues to explain
that he has thought of a dissonance that the fish will not like so they will not attack the train and
that three islands will be connected; St. Poplar, Pucchi, and San Faldo.

The crowd are amazed by this along with the judge who questions whether it would be possible
to also connect Enies Lobby to which Tom admits it is possible. After stating that it would be the
hope of the island, the crowd stare in shock and amazing as he admits it would take ten years for
it to be built. The judge declares a stay of execution for ten years so that he could build the Sea
Train and wishes him luck.

At the Main Office, Tom’s Workers all sit to a meal and discuss what had happened in the court
while Tom sits laughing. Kokoro hopes that the completion of the Sea Train will get him off the
hook where as Iceburg is excited about making the Sea Train. Cutty Flam however, rushes his
meal and goes away sulking, telling Yokozuna that he will teach him the front crawl however,
Iceburg questions his attitude. At this, Cutty Flam erupts, yelling about how unfair it is for the man
who built the only ship to travel the whole of the Grand Line to be treated so badly. Tom simply
laughs as Cutty Flam goes to hit him while Iceburg tries to stop him.

While Cutty Flam is training Yokozuna the front crawl, Iceburg angrily states they should get rid of
Cutty Flam and that he hates him. However, Tom states that he is part of their group and although
he builds dangerous things, his ship building skills are very close to those of Water 7. He recalls

Water 7 Water 7

how he found Cutty Flam, who had arrived on Scrap Island, and that he was able to build a cannon
out of scrap. He laughs that Cutty Flam explained that his parents, who were most likely pirates,
had kicked him off their ship. Tom explains that he is sturdy but not shaped however, the pair will
become ship builders who will go out into the world so they should get along despite Iceburg's
refusal at this. It is then stated that the blueprint are finished and that they will start building
however, when questioned about Cutty Flam, he simply states he can do as he likes.

Tom shows both Iceburg and Yokozuna the plans to the Sea Train and they begin to start work on
it while Cutty Flam completes his next Battle Franky although nobody pays attention. Finally, he
is also seen helping out with the construction of the Sea Train, the group going through many
mishaps during all types of weather.

Ten years later, the bad trade and rising sea level has made Water 7 even more isolated than
ever with the citizens desperate. Suddenly, it is announced that the Sea Train is complete and
everyone goes to see it with many boarding to ride it. As the Sea Train drives across the sea,
Tom's Workers excluding Kokoro who is driving the train, happily watch it leaves Water 7.

After successfully opening the Sea Train to the public, it took Tom’s Workers another four years
to build the other three railways. Despite this, other islands were taking advantage of Water 7’s
need of materials. Tom’s future would be decided within three days, so he continued to work
while he awaited judgment. Iceburg questions if things really will change however, Tom
confidently exclaims that the results will happen in the long run.

At that moment, they are interrupted by some men who had been looking for Tom. Before they
can introduce themselves, a cannon hits Spandam, the supervisor of Cipher Pol No. 5. As the
other members look at Spandam, Cutty Flam reveals it was he who hit him with a cannon from
his latest model in the Battle Franky’s, which has successfully defeated a Sea King.

Iceburg begins to hit the Battle Franky's while Cutty Flam attempts to stop him. Iceburg explains
that despite the fact that they are not created for injuring people, if they are left lying about and
found by someone with other intentions, they could be extremely dangerous. As Tom chuckles at
the pair, Spandam tells them to listen to him. Tom questions whether it is about the trial however
he is told that CP5 know nothing of that.

Iceburg and Cutty Flam return back to headquarters where Kokoro and Yokozuna are waiting. The
pair explain to them that Tom is talking privately with Spandam. They all believe he was talking
about the trial however, Tom is seen saying he knows nothing about some blueprints. Spandam
exclaims that he is lying and that he knows about him being the shipwright who built Gol D.
Roger’s ship, Oro Jackson. Tom chuckles that the World Government already knows this to
Spandam's surprise and he tells him to research why that is.

Doing so, Spandam is seen asking a barman about this to which it is explained that since he kept
his promise, Tom will most likely have all charges against him dropped. Spandam recalls when
he got the Five Elders to leave the matter of the Pluton blueprints in his hands. He exclaims that
there will be no "acquittal" and orders more agents to be brought to Water 7.

Back at headquarters, Tom calls both Iceburg and Franky and gives them the blueprints which
instantly shocked them with surprise. They are informed that the World Government know of the
blueprints and it is no longer safe for him to have them. Iceburg calmly agrees to take care of
them while Cutty Flam excitedly exclaims they should build it. Tom chuckles and tells them to do
as they like and also shows Nico Robin’s bounty which he states is something which worries him.

Water 7 Water 7

On the day of the trial, Cutty Flam goes into town to buy things to celebrate when Tom is proven
innocent. Kokoro comically gives Cutty Flam trousers then goes to wake up the sleeping Tom and
Iceburg as the court arrives. Tom’s judge also appears to already know Tom's charges will be
dropped. As Cutty Flam looks at the ship, it is attacked by a bunch of battle ships which turn out
to be his Battle Franky's. He continues to look on as he witnesses the suffering his ships are

Iceburg alerts Tom and Kokoro about the ships attacking. At this, Kokoro states it's not Cutty Flam
to which Iceburg snaps that he already knew. As the pair race to Scrap Island, the same thing
Cutty Flam is doing, Spandam is seen gleefully watching the devastation close by.

The attack on the Shihousen continues as the residents of Water 7 and the marines evacuate
the area. One of the residents begins to recognize the ships while on board the Battle Franky’s,
the ones causing the chaos state that Spandam called it a "sacrifice for judgment". Cutty Flam
continues towards Scrap Island as while both Tom and Iceburg are already there and on their way
towards the ships. However, by the time they reach them, they are all completely e mpty. As
Iceburg wonders what is happening, Tom notices two other Battle Franky's preparing to attack
them and they do, the ships the pair were on burst into flames.

At that moment, Cutty Flam arrives and instantly notices the injured Tom and Iceburg lying on the
island. As Iceburg gets to his feet, he punches Cutty Flam in the face and tells him that everything
was caused by his ships which were in the control of the World Government. As he explains that
although the creators purpose for the weapon may be different, they can still cause damage in
the hands of others. Upset by what has happened, Iceburg states he will never forgive Cutty Flam
for what he has done to which the pair both begin to cry.

At this, Tom tells the pair to stop and despite Iceburg being shocked he could still forgive him, he
states that Cutty Flam is not a bad kid. At this, it is explained that the harpoon that Tom had been
hit with is impossible to take out but he laughs saying that he does not feel it at all. Residents of
Water 7 arrive and are shocked to see them injured however, they still say they are to blame.
Spandam also arrives on Scrap Island and he claims that all three are the criminals and the are
taken to the judge who believes all which Spandam claims.

Spandam, knowing that it would be impossible to talk their way out of, watches with glee while
others watch in shock and dismay. As the judge explains that Tom would have had all charges
against him dropped, Cutty Flam interrupts and informs the judge that it was Spandam who was
behind the attack which is simply laughed at. Spandam states that not only were they caught red
handed, the ships were also made by the company however, as he remembers the injuries caused
by them, he disowns them all. At this, Tom breaks from his chains and punches him for this which
shocks even Iceburg who states this is the first time that he has lifted his hand to him.

Tom explains that it is for saying that they were not his ships despite the fact he took care and
consideration in building them. He continues by saying that a ship does not begin as good nor evil
and he does not care the type of ships that Cutty Flam makes, a ship's parent should give it love
despite what it has been made to do. While saying this, he rips out the harpoon that pierced
through him. As Cutty Flam begins to cry, he tell both him and Iceburg not to let another sound
come out of their mouths as the onlookers glance in shock.

As the residents run believing that Tom has gone berserk, he realizes that he was framed by the
World Government and that this is the end. Looking at Spandam, he thinks about how Cutty Flam
must hate him for what he caused his ships to do so he punches Spandam for it. The other

Water 7 Water 7

members of Tom’s Workers watch in shock as he is shot by the other marines. It turns out he was
hit by tranquilizer pellets as he falls to his knees but continues to keep conscious. As the
onlookers state how violent he is, Cutty Flam yells at them but is interrupted by Tom.

Tom then confesses to the attack that day to the shock of the others, especially Cutty Flam. He
then asks for a request from the judge which Spandam attempts to stop however, the judge allows
him to say his request. Tom then says that since if building the Sea Train would allow any one
crime disappear, he would like it to be the one which happened this day instead. He is reminded
that things will return to what it was twelve years ago but he simply states that he is proud that
he lent Gol D. Roger that strength.

At this, the crowd disgustedly start shouting insults to him although he is no longer interested in
what they are saying. Cutty Flam, confused and upset, asks why he did this and he is told not to
torture himself over it, despite the World Government wanting the blueprints, it was his dealings
with Gol D. Roger which had got them into this situation. He explains that things have changed
since twelve years ago, the island is full of power and he managed to help the island which was
his dream and at this, he collapses.

Tom's Workers all watch in shock at this while Spandam declares that the drugs have finally
worked and that they should all be arrested. However, the judge declares that the charges have
been changed and that only Tom will be arrested for building Gol D. Roger's ship. Although not
happy by this, Spandam agrees since he only needs Tom. Tom's Workers are all in tears, Kokoro
explaining Tom can no longer be saved and that he saved the two of them. She continues by
saying that nobody has ever returned from Enies Lobby since it is a Judgmental Island. As
Spandam insults Tom, Cutty Flam can no longer take it and smashes his face with a gun so hard
that his face becomes messed up. Despite the calls from Iceburg, Kokoro, and Yokozuna, he
continues to go berserk and attacks the marines that have been given permission to shoot him.

The Sea Train is then seen leaving Water 7 with Spandam inside stating that he will never forgive
Cutty Flam, who escaped the marines, for what he did and will return to capture him later. At that
moment, one of the marines runs into the room and says that Cutty Flam has followed them and
is standing on the track with some form of weapon. Yokozuna is also with him but on a boat
besides the track watching as he is told not to move. Spandam tells them to run him over as Cutty
Flam begins to fire cannons at the Puffing Tom however, they fail to stop the train.

As the train draws closer, Yokozuna begins to panic while Cutty Flam throws away the weapon
and decides to try stop the train with his own strength. He remembers when he first met Tom who
laughed when he explains he was abandoned and without question, invited him to stay with him.
With tears in his eyes, the train reaches him and he attempts to stop it stating that he no longer
wishes to build ships that would hurt people important to him but his own goal is still to learn
more from Tom. At this, the train throws him into the air at full force and he thinks about his
dream to build a dream ship that will sail to the end of the world.

The news of the death of Cutty Flam begin to travel around Water 7, while Iceburg looks on and
Kokoro begins to drink. She tells him that he is the first student of the "World's Greatest
Shipwright" and he begins to leave stating that they will have to have drinks some other day. As
he turns away, he states that now he will change Water 7, just as Tom did.

Meanwhile, somewhere at sea, Cutty Flam's destroyed body is seen floating and, to his own
surprise, he is still alive. As he thinks that he will probably die at one point, he sees a ship sailing,
on which he manages to board despite the current condition he's in. Nobody is on board and it

Water 7 Water 7

appears to be a scrapped ship filled with scrap metal. He states how calming his surroundings
make him and decides the first thing he has to do is something about his useless body.

Four years later at Water 7, the Galley-La Company has finally started to get on track and Iceburg
had been nominated as the mayor. In an office, Kalifa is seen telling Iceburg he has a visitor who
claims to be "Cutty Flam" and at that he stops his work. He quizzes Kalifa about whether he really
said that to which she confirms, adding that he was wearing swimming trunks and asks whether
he should be escorted to him. However, he declines this and tells her to kick him out.

One night at Tom’s Workers' headquarters, the pair meet up and Iceburg asks about Cutty Flam's
strange appearance. At this, he explains his body had become completely useless and that he
had to fix it with only scrap metal and stuff. He then shouts about how Iceburg could accept a job
from the World Government despite the fact that they were the ones who killed Tom. However,
he states that it was Cutty Flam who gave them the excuse by building the weapons. He continues
to say that although Tom may have forgiven him, he never will.

Iceburg is then seen giving Cutty Flam the blueprints for the weapon Pluton, which he recognizes
straight away. Iceburg then tells him to throw away his name "Cutty Flam", as he is now dead to
everyone, and get off the island with the documents. Franky then questions what would happen
to Iceburg if it is discovered that he does not have the blueprints. The question is not answered
and instead he states that if he had the blueprints he would not give them up even if his life
depended on it. As he is about to leave, Iceburg states that he is happy that Franky is still alive
despite the fact he still has not forgiven him. At this, Franky states he will not leave the island and
this shocks Iceburg.

It then returns to the present events where Rob Lucci tells Franky that the "Tom" they were told
of had good skill but was a violent fishman with great power. Despite this, Franky tells them that
he does not care about the World Government and will not say anything. Lucci continues to
explain that despite hurting so many people, his crimes were dropped due to the fact he was
confirmed as dead however, he will be escorted to Enies Lobby as a criminal. Blueno then takes
out a Den Den Mushi and hands it to Lucci who then hands the receiver to Franky, stating their
chief wanted to speak to him immediately.

Although the start of the call begins with the chief spilling coffee, he then goes on to say he could
not believe that the criminal who he had thought was dead for so many years was still alive.
Realizing Franky is unsure who he is, he reveals that he was the one who had arrested Tom as
part of CP5, Spandam. As Franky finds out who he is, the CP9 are told to bring him as fast as
possible. As they are about to leave, Usopp tells them to leave him alone before backing off after
Rob Lucci's glare. It is then that Kaku recalls him being one of the Straw Hat Pirates.

At the Galley-La Headquarters, fires continue to rage through the building while the workers try
their hardest to put out the flames without much luck. Just then Chopper, who is in his reindeer
form, comes smashing through the window carrying Paulie, Iceburg and Tyrannosaurus with one
of Zoro’s katana in his mouth. As he tries to make his way to heal Nami, he collapses and the
carpenters all decide to help him as well as Iceburg and Paulie since he saved their lives.

Franky looks on as Usopp is easily defeated by Kaku as the CP9 decide to take him along with
them since he has not given up being a pirate despite no longer being part of the Straw Hat
Pirates. As Kalifa goes to tie him up, Kaku makes his way to the Going Merry stating that his
evaluation of the boats condition was true and that it should be scrapped. He then releases the

Water 7 Water 7

water sending the Going Merry crashing into the rapid waves leaving both Frank y and Usopp to
watch in horror.

At the Galley-La Company, Iceburg begins to awaken to the delight of everyone there however,
they are unsure what to do with Chopper since he saved his life despite being their enemy. Nami
also begins to awaken and Iceburg asks for the others to leave while he talks privately with her.
Although shocked and unsure by this, the shipwrights leave the pair alone. Once it is confirmed
that Robin changed shortly after arriving on the island, he concludes that it must have been then
that the World Government put their plan into action.

After shocking Nami by telling her how both he and Robin have the ability to awaken a weapon
capable of destroying the world, he recalls the events that unfolded while he was left with Robin
guarding him. Upon the discovery that the blueprints he had was fake, Iceburg told her that he
would rather give his life over than the blueprints. However, after she states she only wishes to
learn history, the pair begin to argue with Iceburg finally asking why she would assist the World
Government she hates so much.

She then explains to him that she wishes for her wish to be granted and that she was given two
conditions; to frame the Straw Hat Pirates and afterwards to obey the World Government. After
being asked why she would agree to such things, it is learned that Buster Call, which summons
five vice admirals and ten warships, would go against the Straw Hat Pirates if the CP9 wish them
to for this one occasion as they were given permission by Admiral Aokiji. She continues to say that
she had only been able to escape for twenty years as she had nothing to protect however, that is
no longer the case and that her wish is that the six Straw Hat Pirates excluding herself, would get
off the island safely. When he questions whether she cares that that would cause Pluton to be
awaken and destroy the planet, she admits she does not care about that.

Nami, shocked by hearing that Robin is doing all this for them, collapses in relief that she did not
betray them after all. Excitedly, she runs off to tell the others the good news explaining to Iceburg
that they will go and safe her as once they are decided upon something, they all become much
stronger. While Nami attempts to awaken Chopper, he recalls what Sanji told him before they
split up that day.

At the Blue Station, the last train prepares to depart as Robin arrives to the waiting Corgi as Sanji
watches close by.

At the entrance of Blue Station, Robin arrives and is told to board the Sea Train first by Corgi who
laughs at the fact that the woman he had been chasing for so long had finally given herself up.
Sanji, who is watching from afar, notes on how it looks as if she is being taken away despite the
fact she could escape easily and that she must be after something or has a reason for not
escaping. His train of thought is then interrupted by the arrival of the CP9 who are carrying both
Usopp and Franky and states that despite Usopp claimed he would no longer cause them trouble,
it feels as if he is.

At the Galley-La Headquarters, an awoken Chopper is happy to find out that Robin has not
betrayed them as the crowd watches in amazement while he changes forms. However, they are
interrupted by Iceburg who explains to them that the CP9 are most likely going to Blue Station to
get the last Sea Train, as that will be the only safe way to travel, since the Aqua Laguna will be
due to arrive sometime soon. It is revealed that they only have half an hour to make their way to
the station as the train will leave then and cannot be delayed.

Water 7 Water 7

Nami decides that she will go to the station alone while Chopper searches for the missing Luffy
and Zoro. Paulie, who has finally woken up, instantly shocks the other shipwrights by demanding
they help them out. He explains to them that the Straw Hat Pirates were framed and that they
saved him and Iceburg from the real assassins despite being the ones blamed. As for the missing
Rob Lucci and Kaku, he lies to them and says that they both had to return to their home islands
and will probably never be back. Although at first the others question this, he snaps at them to
think about the Galley-La Company name and they all agree to believe what he had just told them
as he agrees to show Nami to the station. Before leaving, he tells Iceburg that he did not want
them to have the same feelings he had.

Chopper and a large fleet of shipwrights race through the city trying to find the four missing Straw
Hat Pirates; Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and even Usopp. As time reaches twenty minutes before the
destined leaving time, Paulie takes Nami through a short cut while Robin sits thinking in one
couch of the train. In another wagon, Usopp and Franky are thrown, tied up, while Sanji hears that
the train will be leaving earlier than expected! The CP9 begin to relax at the thought o f their
mission finally being over as Nami continues on her way.

While sitting with Tyrannosaurus, Iceburg wonders whether Franky is still okay as the search
continues for Luffy and Zoro. Sanji, realizing that the others will not make it to the station in time,
makes his way inside. Luffy is seen once again stuck between two buildings and Zoro is stuck in
a chimney, neither able to move and both being located somewhere in the lower half of Water 7.

Chopper and the shipwrights continue the search for Luffy and Zoro while Rob Lucci confirms that
they will leave early and that he has no regrets in leaving Water 7. As Sanji makes his way to the
platform, a steam whistle sounds alerting both Nami and Paulie making them realize that it may
easily leave early since there are no normal passengers and they continue on to make their way
to Blue Station.

The train receives the signal to leave and Sanji watches as it prepares to move from the station.
Just then, Nami finally arrives and makes her way towards the platform while onboard the train,
Robin remembers when she became a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Two of the workers on
the platform notice Sanji standing right next to the train as it begins to pull away from the station.

While Chopper continues to search for Luffy and Zoro, Nami finally makes it to the platform
however, she is too late and the train leaves and collapses to the floor as Paulie arrives. The two
station workers notice the pair after complaining about someone who will be arrested at the other
side and question why they are there. Paulie asks how Nami is as she continues to kneel on the
ground shaking however, she burst out in anger yelling that she will follow them despite his claims
that it is impossible.

Suddenly, Paulie picks up all three of them and runs up the stairs as a large wave comes crashing
through the platform and managing to save them all. He notes that the velocity of the waves right
now are abnormal however, he states that the Sea Train will manage to travel safely before the
surge hits Water 7. Another Galley-La Worker arrives with a letter for Nami he found in the station
square form Sanji informing her that he got on the Sea Train and that Usopp and Franky are also
on board. He also left a portable Den Den Mushi which he will contact her with and with that, she
is positive that they will also go to Enies Lobby.

On board the Sea Train, Sanji is seen outside complaining about being soaked and unable to
smoke. Just then someone opens the door and spots him causing him to instantly kick him back
into the coach filled with World Government Workers.

Water 7 Water 7

Sanji is shocked to see so many people riding in the last cart and seems not to care at the fact
they are all pointing guns at him. After witnessing him kicking one of their members, they insta ntly
realize he is no ordinary civilian and decide to tell Rob Lucci about him however, they are stopped
by Jerry, a member of CP6. He begins to attack however, Sanji easily dodges them and he ends
up attacking the others in the coach. Once he attempts to attack Sanji once again, he is knocked
out easily by Sanji.

In the CP9’s coach, Corgi explains that each coach has its own representitive starting with the
7th car being Jerry. After that there is T-Bone in the 5th car, Wanze in the 4th and CP9's
newcomer, Nero, in the 3rd. He explains that despite not expecting any attacks, they have enough
strength to combat anything.

Back at Water 7, Nami finishes telling the news to Chopper and the pair note that they cannot
leave until they find Luffy and Zoro. The shipwrights agree to help out and they begin their search
of the area the pair flew in. As they race through the area, Paulie asks whether Iceburg had been
informed and it is explained that two of them had gone back to tell him the news. The two workers
from Blue Station run around the city looking for meat and saki which they were told to bring to

As they continue their search, the shipwrights notice that the ebbing of the water is abnormal.
Kokoro who is watching this with Chimney and Gonbe notes that the amount of ebbing will allow
you to know the size of the wave to come. Everyone looks and notices that the sea has receded
a great deal almost to the point of it appearing dried up and Paulie checks that nobody was still
in the backstreets as they will most likely not survive. As Nami arrives, Chimney notices something
between two houses and after she notices the amount the ocean has receded, she notices Luffy
is what Chimney spotted. At this, she makes a start towards the buildings as the others try t o tell
her to stop however, she ignores them and keeps going.

The others watch as Nami makes her way down the stairs and leaps into the backstreets
determined to save Luffy. As they yell to her to come back, Chopper, who thought there was sea
anemone coming out of a chimney, realizes that it is Zoro and makes his way towards him to the
shock of the others. As the shipwrights are about to chase after them, they are stopped by Paulie
who states that if they all go it would no longer be a rescue and that if someone has to help, it will
be him. Chimney watches in amazement while Kokoro admits it is too late now as the wave is
already close to the island.

Chopper finally reaches the chimney where Zoro is and Nami reaches as close a place to Luffy as
she can and calls out to him. The wave continues to close in as she explains that Robin is going
to die to prevent them from being attacked. Once finding this out, Luffy grows more determined
while Zoro gets Chopper to hand his other katana over.

The others watch in horror as the Aqua Laguna finally arrives about to cover everything
underneath it, including the four Straw Hat Pirates. Just then, Luffy manages to push apart the
buildings, grabs Nami and make their way to a higher building. Zoro slices the chimney with
Sanjuroku Pound Ho just as Chopper uses Jumping Point to get the pair to higher ground. As the
four make it back to the bridge, they appear safe however, the Aqua Laguna crushes the bridge
with its force.

It appears at first that the four Straw Hat Pirates have been swallowed by the Aqua Laguna
however, Paulie has managed to catch all four using his ropes and manages to pull them out of
the water. As the bridge continues to be destroyed, the group make their way to Zousenjima and

Water 7 Water 7

make it just in time as the others watch in shock at how high the wave had managed to reach.
Paulie and Kokoro explain that the size of the wave was abnormal this year and if it was always
that size, the city would be long gone.

After Nami explains what has happened, Luffy agrees that they should go after them and asks for
a boat however, Paulie admits that it is impossible to sail in any boat as the waves would easily
destroy it and that there is only one Sea Train, the Puffing Tom. When told to wait until morning,
Nami concludes that that would be too late as that is where the Gates of Justice is. She explains
to the others that Enies Lobby is a court island and usually when people are taken there that is
enough evidence and that once they go through the Gates of Justice, they can only go to two
places; Marine Headquarters or Impel Down.

Shocked by this, Paulie asks if they are truly ready to wage war on the World Government and the
other shipwrights tell them to forget it however, Luffy declares that he will take a ship by force if
he has to. As the four are about to go against the shipwrights, Kokoro stops them and tells them
that Paulie is right however, if they still wish to go, she will start the Sea Train for them.

At Enies Lobby, Spandam gloats to his elephant, Funkfreed, at how easily he manages to capture
Nico Robin and Cutty Flam, the two people capable of resurrecting Pluton. As the train continues
towards Enies Lobby, Sanji defeats all the men in Cart Six which is also where Usopp and Franky
are being held. It is also revealed that this is the communication cart with many Den Den Mushi
which would allow them to contact Nami. Franky introduces himself to Sanji and comically gets
kicked while Usopp prevents anything further from happening however, the next cart hears them.

Back in Water 7, Kokoro takes the remaining Straw Hat Pirates, excluding Nami, to the Brick
Warehouse explaining that the other Sea Train may not function. As they make their way down to
the room, they realize that the door is already open and enter to see the Rocket Man, the second
Sea Train. Iceburg exits the Rocket Man explaining that he must have had the same idea and has
prepared the train for them and explains that it is impossible to slow it down so it is not very safe.

Nami arrives with the two Blue Station workers carrying a sack filled with meat and saki to the
delight of both Luffy and Zoro. As they prepare to leave, the Franky Family arrive and plead with
them to allow their members to also go with them to save Franky. After explaining that they d o
not care about going against the World Government, Luffy agrees and they explain that all they
need to do is latch onto the train.

As the train prepares to leave, the Franky Family leave to prepare while Paulie is seen hiding
aboard the Rocket Man. At this, the train leaves for Enies Lobby.

As the Rocket Man flies through the air and lands into the ocean, the Franky Family follow
revealing that they have a total of fifty members with them and connects their boat to the Sea
Train. Kokoro easily find the tracks which she had monitored throughout the years and attempts
to latch onto them however, she is shocked to see that Chimney and Gonbe are sitting at the front
despite leaving them back at Water 7.

After the two are brought inside, Zoro comments on the appearance of the three Galley-La
Company carpenters; Paulie, Peeply Lulu and Tilestone. Paulie reveals that after finding out the
identity of the enemies who attempted to assassinate Iceburg, it had become personal whereas
the other two simply followed him to find out who their enemy was and despite still not knowing,
agree to fight too. After they and the Franky Family ask who the enemies are, Paulie reveals their
identity and is greeted with looks of sheer shock.

Water 7 Water 7

At this, Luffy concludes that despite having problems with one and other in town, their enemies
are now the same and that he will defeat the "Pigeon Guy". Zoro adds that until the ones who
were taken are retrieved, they must work together. Chimney alerts them that the Aqua Laguna is
straight ahead and Kokoro explains her job was only to get them onto the tracks as the Rocket
Man is a run away train. Just then, a representitive of each group joins arms to symbolize that
they are now allies and with this they have become strong and will save those who are on the
other train. The Franky Family prepare to fire at the Aqua Laguna just as Nami’s Den Den Mushi
begins to ring.

Back on the Puffing Tom, the scary looking T-Bone is revealed to be a caring swordsman who
wishes keep a peaceful and gentle world. After covering up a marines bug bite using his own
special cape, another enters and alerts him that the previous two carts have been completely
defeated as well as that the two criminals are missing. At this, T-Bone commands that a report
should be given to the other carts and that emergency treatment should be given.

On the roof of one of the other carts, Sanji, Franky and Usopp are seen sitting as they send a
report to Nami.

The Galley-La Members along with the Franky Family continue their attempts to stop the Aqua
Laguna from hitting the Rocket Man however nothing at all seems to be working. As they continue,
Kokoro explains that although the rails will rise, they will not rise high enough to avoid the wave
nor would they survive if they directly hit it. As Nami continues her phone call with Sanji, Luffy and
Zoro climb up and attack the wave using Gomu Gomu no Sanbyaku Pound Cannon and they safely
make it through the Aqua Laguna to the delight of the others.

As the pair enter the Rocket Man, they are informed that Sanji is on the Den Den Mushi and after
a conversation with them, Sanji decides to go after Robin. After hearing of what Robin had done
for them, Franky decides to assist them in saving her as if she is caught, it puts him in danger
too. However, Usopp tells the pair he will not help since this has nothing to do with him nor does
he want to wage war upon the World Government. Despite having nowhere to go, Usopp leaves
the pair where they are standing.

Meanwhile, in coach seven, T-Bone continues to give aid to those who were injured by Sanji while
Wanze and Nero are informed about the latest turn in events. One marine notices the window is
open and upon looking on the roof, spots Sanji and Franky. However, before he can attack, he is
hit by Metallic Star and as the pair look to see who it was, they notice a man who calls himself

Sanji and Franky, knowing Sogeking’s true identity, decide not to hurt his feelings, and the three
make up a strategy to save Robin. Since they have already searched the first two coaches, Robin
could possibly be in any one of the other five and they decide not to fight pointless battles.

Meanwhile on the Rocket Man, the remaining Straw Hats have changed clothes and Nami
explains to them that before leaving, Usopp perfected her Clima-Tact using Dials which gets both
her and Luffy depressed because of the mention of Usopp.

Back aboard the Puffing Tom, Corgi informs the CP9 of the intruder and escaped criminals; they
conclude that if anyone has sneaked aboard, it must have been before they departed the station
and that they must calm down and search for them. The three make an appearance at the rear
entrance of the seventh coach, where T-Bone currently is, and the marines call for everyone to
get there. T-Bone slices the door open however, they have disappeared as the others arrive in the

Water 7 Water 7

coach. T-Bone, realizing that this is a trap, demands everyone to get to the other coaches
however, it is too late for them as their coaches have been detached from the Puffing Tom and
are left motionless on the tracks.

On the fifth coach, the three are attacked by World Government Workers whom they easily defeat
and it is revealed to Sanji and Sogeking that Franky is a cyborg. It is also revealed that only the
front of Franky is cyborg but his back is still normal since he could not reach that area. After the
distraction of this, they decide to make their way to the next coach where they meet Wanze, who
after a comical greeting, prepares for battle.

The CP9 are informed of the last two coaches being disconnected and that those in the fifth coach
have been easily defeated. It is revealed that Nico Robin is in the first cart of the train and that
the CP9 and Wanze are the only ones left to prevent her from being taken. They are also informed
of the attackers appearances and conclude that the only thing they have to do is take both Franky
and Nico Robin to Enies Lobby alive. They decide to focus on capturing Franky since saving Robin
is impossible.

Meanwhile, on Coach Four, Wanze continues to prevent them from passing and Sanji decides to
fight him while the other two progress to the next coach. He continues to prevent them from
passing until Sanji attacks making him dodge and allowing the other two to pass. Wanze explains
that Nero is in the next coach before being kicked by Sanji twelve times. Due to this, he uses
Ramen Kenpo to create an armor around him.

Franky is greeted by Nero on the roof of the next coach and it is explained he cannot kill him since
they need him alive. Franky lands the first hit after tricking Nero stating that he plays dirty since
he is the underworld boss of his town.

In the first coach, Nico Robin hears a knock at the window and is shocked to see Sogeking there.

Sogeking, having entered the coach, explains to Robin that both Sanji and Franky are on the ship
helping by diverting the attention of the others on the ship. He continues by informing her of the
others who are also on their way to help save them. At this, Robin interrupts, telling him that she
cannot leave and is informed that not only is Iceburg alive, he told them of her true reasons for
departing the crew. As the pair begin to get their points across, they are interrupted by a knock at
the door. Corgi enters the room and it is revealed that Sogeking is hiding under Robin's cloak and
he instantly becomes suspicious but does not notice him.

In the fourth car, Sanji continues to fight Wanze who has instantly powered up since using his
Ramen Suit. It is revealed that not only has he gotten more powerful, he can trap Sanji when he
attacks him. At this, he decides to attack Wanze's face however, he uses another attack to
prevent this explaining he has no weak spots at all and that he already knows Sanji’s Fighting
Style. However, Sanji begins to use chef knives explaining that since they are in a kitchen and the
weapon he's up against is food, he could use his hands.

Meanwhile, Franky and Nero have began their battle, both appearing to be on par with one and
other. The pair are both suspicious of the others fighting and defending style as the Puffing Tom
is revealed to be twenty minutes away from reaching Enies Lobby.

The Rocket Man continues on its way towards Enies Lobby while those onboard attempt to pass
the time by discussing what they had just witnessed. They are then interrupted by Luffy alerting
them that there is a train up ahead however the others are instantly suspicious as it is way too

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soon for them to have caught up. It is revealed to be the last two cars of the Puffing Tom and
since they cannot stop the train, Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Rocket to propel himself towards the
train to check and see if any allies are onboard. Once he lands, he signals to the Rocket Man that
no allies are onboard, just Government officials. As Zambai proposes that he instantly dismantles
the train cars as they pass to avoid crashing, Luffy calls for Zoro and tells him to cut the cars, as
they are in the way.

Obliging, Zoro slices the cars in half using Nitoryu Iai: Rashomon, shocking everyone onboard the
Rocket Man and the unharmed passengers of the train cars, allowing them to easily pass by
without crashing. Noticing defeated Sea Kings up ahead, Zoro then realizes there is someone
stronger close by, putting on his bandanna. Up ahead, T-Bone continues to make his way back
towards the Puffing Tom however notices that there is a Sea Train behind him meaning something
has happened to the cars he left behind. As he prepares to attack, he is easily defeated by Zoro
using Santoryu: Gyuki: Yuzume and the Rocket Man continues ahead.

Franky and Nero continue to battle upon the roof of the Puffing Tom, where Nero figures out that
Franky cannot possibly be human and spots that his back is his weakness. Realizing this, Franky
comically lies on his back before getting back up and using his change of form making him appear
like a reverse centaur.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Sanji has destroyed both of the Ramen Suit ’s arms and as Wanze
attempts to attack using his feet, the legs are also destroyed before the whole suit itself is cut
into pieces. It is then that Sanji begins to continuously kick Wanze, while he is insulting Robin, to
the point of completely altering his appearance. Sanji says that Wanze committed three crimes:
calling himself a chef, wasting food, and speaking ill of his friend. Unhappy with his new
appearance, Wanze goes to attack Sanji once again, however, he is sent flying into the second
car where the CP9 are.

Franky is seen falling off the roof of the Puffing Tom injured by Nero who has taken advantage of
his weakness. As he begins to mock Franky who is holding on to the side of the train, he is tricked
and his arms and legs are locked down by Franky who smashes him through the roof of the third
car. There, he meets with Sanji and the CP9 who are all now onto their feet.

Kaku explains that Nero is the new member of CP9 as he gets up onto his feet. At this, Rob Lucci
gravely injures Nero explaining that he was too weak since he only knew four of the forms. Lucci
continues to explain that it is worthless trying to save Robin and reveals that the reason she was
given such a bounty at a young age was due to the fact she has the ability to wake one of
the Ancient Weapons.

Angered by this, Sanji attacks Lucci just as Robin enters the room with Sogeking having defeated
Corgi. Sanji happily questions her on how she is while Franky notes that she looks like the girl in
the bounty. However, she throws Sogeking stating how her words appear meaningless to them.
Just then, Sogeking declares to Franky to detach the third car as he throws a smoke s tar as he
grabs Robin and the four make their escape.

Those on the Rocket Man are shocked when Luffy cries out to return however, that was not what
he meant, he was crying out about a frog standing upon the tracks. Everyone is shocked to see
Yokozuna there as he prepares to stop the train and they begin to tell him to move.

Meanwhile, the four on the Puffing Tom appeared to have escape although they realize it
shouldn't be so easy since they aren't as weak as that. Just then, Kalifa connects the cars using

Water 7 Enies Lobby

her whips and Blueno pulls the cars closer together again to the shock of the others. Sanji
attempts to fight Blueno nearly breaking through Blueno's Tekkai. Just then, Robin attacks
Sogeking telling them once again that this is her business, not theirs.

Kaku uses this chance to attack Sanji, knocking him back towards Usopp. Franky then stands
between the Straw Hat Pirates and the CP9 giving them a chance to escape by shoving the front
of the train into the second car despite this sacrificing his own chance to escape. He explains to
the CP9 that he could not just let her continuously attempt to stay captured while they try to
rescue her and he calls out that he has a plan of his own.

However, as Sanji attempts to persuade Robin to escape with them, Blueno uses his Devil Fruit
ability to appear behind him and attacks him. The CP9 explain this to a shocked Franky as
Sogeking is also attacked by Blueno. He explains to Robin that she cannot leave a pirate crew
without the captain's agreement and that she should have faith in Luffy, shocking her.

As she makes her way back to the second car, Blueno explains that the Buster Call destroyed an
entire island leaving her as the only survivor at the age of eight. It is explained that the horrible
memories she had then have caused her to turn on her friends and escapes before Sanji can
stop him.

As the Puffing Tom continues on with Robin and Franky captured, Enies Lobby comes into sight.

Enies Lobby

n the Puffing Tom, Robin informs the delighted Franky that Iceburg is sti ll alive but he
must keep quiet about this as the CP9 still believe him to be dead. At this, Franky
discusses how the World Government now have both keys to awaken Pluton but states
that he must get her back to the Straw Hat Pirates. Despite her refusal, he continues that it is
she who is in danger and that she has not caused any crime as her existence is not a crime.

Meanwhile, the Franky Family have been separated from those on the Rocket Man as the Sea
Train was derailed thanks to Yokozuna. Up ahead, they notice disconnected cars and decide to
slow down to discover whether it is friend or foe.

On the Rocket Man, Luffy argues with Yokozuna for derailing the Rocket Man while the others
question whether it is still possible to reach Enies Lobby. Kokoro explains that they have an
Eternal Pose to every station and Nami informs her she is a navigator and will help with directions.
Kokoro calls Yokozuna and explains the situation to him including that Franky has been taken
away just like Tom. After this, he agrees to help out and they continue on their way.

The Puffing Tom finally reaches the station at Enies Lobby as Franky comically bites the Marines
trying to pull him off the train. They are shocked to see that Enies Lobby is an island in a hole in
the ocean.

Inside Enies Lobby, Spandam exclaims that this will be the first time in five years since all the
CP9 have been together but begins to scold the three other members of how they killed more
people than they should have on their mission. It is learned that Fukuro had told them what they
were planning to do angering Jabra while Kumadori attempts to commit suicide however,
activates tekkai before managing to do so.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

The Franky Family are seen to have picked up both Sanji and Sogeking as they continues to race
towards Enies Lobby which is just ahead. At that moment, the Rocket Man appears and as they
realize Enies Lobby is in sight, they prepare for battle!

On the Rocket Man, Usopp introduces himself as Sogeking, a friend of Usopp and both Luffy and
Chopper believe this despite the others pointing out that it is obviously Usopp. They continue to
watch as Luffy and Chopper continue to fall for this act. Sanji interrupts them and informs them
of the knowledge that Blueno gave them just before he escaped.

After hearing this, Luffy becomes more determined to save her. Paulie reveals that he has been
to Enies Lobby before and reveals that he drew a map to remember where everything was. He
states that if Franky and/or Nico Robin reach the Gates of Justice, they will be unable to rescue
them. They decide that the Galley-La Company and the Franky Family will charge in first to clear
the gates so the Straw Hat Pirates can avoid minor fights and can concentrate on the CP9.

As they observe the size of the gates, they realize that Luffy has charged in on his own despite
hearing the plan. The Franky Family and Galley-La Company chase after him while the Marines
notice him only as an intruder. However, they soon find out his identity and Spandam orders them
to kill him. As he easily defeats the guards, the Franky Family and Galley-La Company make it
over the gate as the Rocket Man prepares to make its way in five minutes time.

Luffy continues to make his way to the front gate with ease using a new move where he controls
the arms and legs of a Marine. When they think they have the better of him, he easily dodges
their attacks and continues on his way right over the main gate and into the main island.

Spandam is shocked by this asking if he defeated Oimo and Kashi however, it is learned that they
are still asleep and the Marines are told to wake the pair up. As the conversation finishes, the
Franky Family and Galley-La Company invade the island easily defeating many Marines in the
progress. As they reach the gates, they struggle to open them but finally do and progress through.

As they are about to reach the main gates, Oimo and Kashi appear and they are revealed to be
two giants who work as the gate keepers. Meanwhile, Luffy is seen completely surrounded by
over ten thousand men.

Oimo and Kashi prepare to attack the Franky Family to prevent them from breaking into the main
island of Enies Lobby. The Kairiki Destroyers attempt to match the giants' strength. However, they
are easily defeated by them despite being the strongest members of the Franky Family. Despite
this, they are determined to open the gate and try their best to defeat the pair, however, their
attempts fail. Just as it looks hopeless, Sodom and Gomorrah arrive and take down Kashi, with
the assistance of Paulie, Zambai, Mozu and Kiwi.

Meanwhile, Spandam hears a damage report from one of the marines located somewhere on the
island, but before he could give the proper report, he is knocked out. This causes Spandam to
believe there have only been five casualties rather than five hundred. Immediately afterwards, he
is told that the other members of CP9 have arrived.

Having already waited five minutes, those still on the Rocket Man prepare to crash into Enies

The CP9 are all reunited as Rob Lucci confirms that both Cutty F lam and Robin are in custody.
Despite this, both Lucci and Jabra appear to show rivalry between one and other while both Kaku

Water 7 Enies Lobby

and Kumadori tell them to calm down and show affection towards their long seen friends. All of a
sudden, the four returning CP9 attack Fukuro and it is revealed that he can count their strength
in Doriki and he orders all the members in strength. Despite the reunion turning more into a
comedy show, Spandam interrupts them and shows them a chest with two Devil Fruits. Nico Robin
and Franky are then brought into the room and as Spandam insults Tom, Franky bites his head
and Robin watches as he is then taken down by Kumadori.

While this is happening, it is seen that Spandam's Den Den Mushi has been left off the hook
preventing him from finding out the trouble being caused on the island. Luffy continues towards
the courthouse where the three headed judge, Baskerville, waits.

Since Spandam is not answering, Baskerville commands that one hundred law-guard-corps are
to defeat those at the front gate. Oimo continues to guard the entrance, however, Mozu and Kiwi
have managed to unlock the gate and only need someone to push it open. Before he can attack
them however, Paulie ties his rope around him and with the help of Sodom and Gomorrah,
causing him to spin round and round while the others open the gate and run through.

Outside, the defeated guards notice the Rocket Man speeding towards the gate, with no sign of
slowing down in the slightest. Yokozuna manages to smash the gate to an angle, causing the train
to fly over the first gate. However, there appears to be no way to land safely.

Oimo finally appears to have fallen and the group made up of the Franky Family and Galley-La
Company are seen standing upon his back. However, the Watchdog Unit of the Law appear and
Paulie is stabbed by one, although luckily it is not fatal. Oimo gets back onto his feet only for the
Rocket Man to smash into his back. At first it appears unlikely any of them are okay, however all
of them turn out to be okay. Zoro and Sanji take down a vast number of the enemy in seconds,
when the Marines attacks them.

The chapter starts with one of the World Government agents recognizing Zoro as one of Luffy’s
subordinates. Sanji laughs, saying Zoro is an subordinate. Zoro remarks that it is better than being
nameless pirate A. Sanji gets angry, prompting Zoro to call him pirate B instead. Sanji retorts that
if he got a bounty it would be twice that of Zoro's. Sogeking tells them to stop fighting and Chopper
tells him not to mind them. At that moment, an agent noticing Usopp and Chopper and identifying
them as the criminals from the train. Government agents aim bazooka launchers at Rocket Man.
Sanji tells them not to as Nami is still inside. Sogeking is sent reeling during the commotion,
causing his mask to fall off. Usopp quickly grabs his mask and puts it back on, quickly responding
to Chopper that he is fine after the latter asked if he was ok.

The agents then cease fire as Kokoro, Gonbe, and Chimney are standing in front of them and they
do not want to shoot civilians. They lie and say that the pirates forced them to take them to Enies
Lobby. One of the Franky Family asks if there could be a hostage more drunk than Kokoro. After
realizing they had almost shot hostages, a Marine comments on how shameless the Straw Hats
are. One of them then notices something odd about the smoke still billowing from Rocket Man's
funnel. It is just hovering in the air rather than rising. It turns out to be a cloud made by Nami
under cover of smoke. Sanji is happy to see Nami is safe. Nami comments on how amazing her
new Clima-Tact is in comparison with the old one. She then uses the Thunderbolt Tempo, forcing
her to jump out of the way. Nami then hits Usopp on the head, angry that the weapon hurts both
friend and foe. Chopper was confused as to why Nami hit Sogeking, she said to call it a hunch.
Sogeking said it was her fault for using it so recklessly and that "Usopp" never designed it to be
used like that. He then remarks how powerful it is, as it took out several agents. Unfortunately,
Zoro and Sanji were hit in the blast as well, and Zoro yells at Nami, saying she hit them too. Sanji

Water 7 Enies Lobby

said it reminded him of when they first met. Nami told Usopp to apologize, and Usopp said she
should be the one to apologize. The Franky Family is surprised by Nami's power, calling her one
of the Straw Hats' main fighters. Zoro asks where Luffy could be, Nami replies that she is not sure,
as the island is rather large. While thinking of the best place to start, there is an e xplosion on a
rooftop, and everyone in unison suggests starting there.

The scene changes to the center island of Enies Lobby, where Luffy is fighting hordes of Marines
and government agents, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. After using Gomu Gomu no
Spear on an agent,he jumps into a tree. In the tree, Luffy comments on how annoying and
unending the soldiers are. Luffy then notices that the soldiers are moving away, wondering if they
were leaving. It turns out that half of the troops were going to the front gate to deal with the
intruders there. Luffy gets excited, hearing that his friends have arrived, saying how things should
be fun now. A Marine then fires a bazooka at the tree. Luffy escapes by running on the roof of a
building, causing someone to tell the Marine he missed.

Back at the front gate, the Watchdog Unit of the Law had arrived. Nami and Usopp are scared,
while Zoro, Sanji and Chopper stand their ground. Paulie then calls out to them, arriving on
Sodom, yells for them to get on. Nami and Usopp are happy to be saved. Paulie then tells them
to remember why they are there and that they are not where they should be. Sanji realizes he is
right, as fighting everyone there would keep them there until sunset. Paulie throws ropes to all of
them, telling them they are charging forward. Marines and agents move aside as the king bull
charges through them. Gomorrah follows behind with the Franky Family. Atop Rocket Man Kokoro
cheers them on. The Hou no Banken Butai then try to board the king bulls. Paulie tells Sanji to
hold the ropes and to give a message to Lucci, Kaku, and Kalifa: You're fired. Zoro smiles, saying
of course they will. Paulie then dispatches the dogs with a Half Knot Air Drive. The agents are
angry that the dogs were defeated, and sent more after them. Peeply Lulu, Paulie, and Tilestone
jump off and dealt with them quite easily. An agent is shocked to see how easily the dogs were
defeated. Paulie tells the Straw Hats and Franky Family to leave the agents to them.

An agent on the island hears an odd noise. A Marine tells him something is coming. The noise
turns out to be Sodom and Gomorrah plowing through the foot soldiers. Another Marine
recognizes them as the pirates who broke through the main gate. Sanji tells the king bulls to take
them to Luffy.

In the island's administration tower, Spandam is talking to a tied up Franky, saying that he would
not have had to suffer if he knew Franky was alive and in possession of the Pluton blueprints. He
says it would have been too easy to capture him using the sins of his past. He also comments on
how annoying Iceburg was. Spandam reveals how after Tom’s death, Iceburg united the major
shipyards of Water 7 under one name, allied with the World Government and became a World
Government purveyor. He then became president of Galley-La Company and mayor of Water 7.
His position made him indispensable to the point that not even CP9 could lay a hand on him.
Franky then remembers talking to Iceburg about him agreeing to build government ships, saying
he would never forgive him for doing it. Franky then understood why Iceburg allied with the World
Government. Spandam comments on how smart Iceburg was, but that now the winds of change
were blowing in his direction.

Then, just as he was about to start a reinforcement plan, Spandam received some good news
from Aokiji, that Nico Robin was on her way to Water 7. Spandam goes on to say that after the
receiving the information he had a cup of coffee and incorporated his access to the Buster Call
into the plan. He then comments how the two keys to reviving the Ancient Weapons (Franky and
Robin) were right in front of him. He then says that the power to take over any nation will soon be

Water 7 Enies Lobby

in his grasp. Robin then asks why Aokiji would trust Spandam with the Buster Call. S pandam,
taken aback, punches Robin not to question him, calling her an insolent woman, and the
abominable blood from the "Devil's Land", Ohara. He goes on to say that the value of Robin's
existence would be nothing if it weren't for him, telling her to be thankful. He then tells Robin that
she will suffer so much pain that she will wish for death countless times. He will beat her, use
her, and cast her off into the sea, saying her existence is that sinful. He also says that the people
who tried to take her back are there too, the Straw Hat Pirates. He calls Luffy garbage compared
to the ten thousand Marines on the island, saying Luffy will be sent to Impel Down. Robin gets
angry, saying that it was not part of the deal. She only agreed to cooperate with them so long as
the Straw Hats could escape safely. Spandam called her desperate and then asked Lucci to recite
the exact deal she had made with CP9. Lucci states "The six members of the Straw Hat crew,
minus Robin, shall depart from Water 7 in peace". Spandam said that they left Water 7 to come
there, meaning the contract was upheld. Robin was shocked that Spandam would violate their
agreement using such a technicality. Franky says that there is nothing she can do against them,
as they have botched sense of justice. Spandam kicks Franky out of anger, saying there was no
point in keeping a promise with criminals in the first place and he and Robin give themselves too
much credit. Spandam says they tricked the pirates and caught them, which was considered an
acceptable method used by the Marines. Robin calls him a coward and Spandam says he will
choose an acceptable demise for her, and that she and Franky can die together, as they are both
powerless before justice.

Luffy is still plowing through the Marines and government agents. One soldier even comments to
his commander how scary Luffy is. Luffy then sees a dead end, but that he would still get Robin
out safely.

Back with CP9, Blueno asks Fukuro if the Straw Hat Pirates had shown up. Fukuro replies that
they received word of it earlier and that Spandam was so distracted by the news that it was
embarrassing but they only lost five people. Blueno then notices that the Den Den Mushi’s
transceiver is off the hook. Spandam orders for Robin to be chained up. He ordered for Franky to
go to Impel Down and for Robin to go to the Marines Headquarters and to take them through the
Gates of Justice as soon as the convoy was ready. He then tells the members of CP9 to go back
to their rooms and rest. Spandam says CP9 will certainly be recognized for this and they would
toast the turn of events on the ship. Rob Lucci then tells Spandam that is not in the mood for a
toast and has no interest in status or authority. Lucci says that their brand of justice exists for the
World Government and that the government recognizes Spandam as the leader of CP9 and it is
their duty to complete their missions perfectly. However, Lucci goes on to say that he does not
necessarily have to support Spandam's ideals. Spandam then asks Lucci what he wants. Lucci
transforms into his animal-human hybrid form and answers blood, saying if he is there, even
death is justifiable.

As Rob Lucci and the others leave to go to their rooms, Spandam thinks about how much Lucci
gives him chills, and that this surely must be the government's only assassin group, and with
individuals as promising as them, Spandam feels like he cannot lose to anyone.

In front of the courthouse, the soldiers report losing sight of Luffy. The guards are ordered to
search for him. As it turns out, Luffy is on the roof of the drawbridge building, looking at the
courthouse building, realizing there is no way to cross over to it. An Air Door opens in front of
Luffy, and Blueno steps out. Luffy recognizes him as "the cow guy that was with the pidgeon guy".
Blueno comments on how their intelligence division really messed up the information. Luffy asked
how Blueno got there, saying his door was cool, and asking if he was a magician. Blueno remarks

Water 7 Enies Lobby

how a man breaking in all the way to the front steps of the government was unheard of. He then
asks Luffy how long he plans on resisting. Luffy answers until the day he dies.

The chapter starts with Luffy asking Blueno if Robin was in the courthouse building behind him,
and telling him to get out of his way. Blueno tells him that none of them noticed that what they
are committing an offense on a global scale. Paulie and the Straw Hat Pirates are still plowing
through the guards on their way to Luffy. Chopper tells the story of how Sodom and Gomorrah
came to be part of the Franky Family. They were rescued from the stomach of a Sea King. The
Franky Family told them "Since we're full now, we will not eat you guys". And the two king bulls
have been loyal to the Franky Family ever since. Chopper translates for Sodom, who asks if it was
ok that Sogeking did not travel with them. The rest of the crew then noticed that Sogeking was
never on board to begin with. Someone thought he ran away.

Back at the entrance to the main island, the Galley-La Company are still fighting against the
canine unit. Peeply Lulu and Tilestone seem to be having no trouble holding them off. Paulie
remembers asking Luffy if he could beat CP9, which Luffy said he could. He also remembers Lucci
and Nami, and says they can beat them. A soldier shouts to stop him, and Paulie yells at them to
just try, and traps many of them with his Shrouds and Ratline Knot.

The scene switches back to Luffy and Blueno, with Luffy asking Blueno what he is talking about.
Blueno explains that the World Government is composed of over one hundred seventy countries,
and by breaking into Enies Lobby, Luffy revolted against all of those countries. The government
will use its power to hunt down Luffy and his crew, and make them suffer cruel deaths. He calls
the amount of people Luffy brought with him pitiful. Luffy tells him to get out of the way again.
Blueno says that their fate is sealed regardless of whether or not he moves. Fighting would not
help either as Luffy could not keep up with their Rokushiki techniques, as seen when they raided
Iceburg’s mansion. Luffy agreed, but said that somehow he would not lose this time.

Luffy launches a Gomu Gomu no Rifle and Blueno uses Tekkai, but Luffy's punch smashes
through Blueno's Tekkai. Blueno is amazed by Luffy's increase in power since their fight in the
mansion. Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Gatling and Blueno uses Soru. He dodges Luffy's initial
attack, but Luffy was able to redirect his punch, connecting with Blueno's chin and sending him
into a nearby pillar. Luffy tells him the government can do what ever they want, he just wants to
get Robin back.

Back to the other Straw Hats, they are still charging in on the king bulls. The Straw Hats are
arguing about how they cannot go back for Sogeking since he never rode with them. Zoro says
they do not have anyone in their group who would die so easily. When they were nearing the
courthouse, Sodom is seen through a crosshairs, and shot almost immediately after, but not
before he sensed it. Chopper realizes Sodom must be treated immediately. The Straw Hats were
told by Zambai to jump from Sodom and onto Gomorrah, saying the mortar had hit his heart and
he was finished. Sodom told them to go. The chapter ends with everyone riding ahead on

Sogeking sticks his head out from Oimo’s hair, realizing that he missed getting on the king bull,
and worries about getting left behind. He then notices how incredibly powerful the shipwrights
are. He thinks about running away, but snaps himself out of it, telling himself to be a man, how
he disguised himself just so he could join the crew, and how Robin turned herself in to protect
them. He devises a plan to disguise himself as a government agent and sneak past the crowd by
blending in. He then realizes that there is a large amount of water forming around him. At first he
thinks it is a flood, but it turns out to be Oimo crying. The giant told Sogeking he is mortified, he

Water 7 Enies Lobby

and Kashi having failed in their fiftieth year of work, calling himself a disgrace to Elbaf and
apologizing to his bosses. Sogeking heard Elbaf and asked Oimo if he really came from the fabled
island. Oimo at first was mad at Sogeking for eavesdropping, but then told him the story.

Oimo and Kashi were pirates until about one hundred years ago. They sailed all over the world.
He then said that their two captains began a life or death duel on an island. All of the crew went
home to wait for them but neither one returned. After fifty years, he and Kashi set out to go and
retrieve their captains. However, before they could find them, the giants were captured by Marines
who forced information out of them. The Marines then told them that their captains were being
held in Impel Down. The World Government said the pirates would be released from prison if Oimo
and Kashi worked as guards for Enies Lobby for one hundred years, and they all could return to
Elbaf together. However, since they failed in their duty as guards, that could no longer happen.
Oimo starts crying again, but Sogeking interrupts, saying the story sounds funny. At first Oimo
thought Sogeking was insulting him, but Sogeking said he meant funny as in odd. Sogeking told
him he had met the captains, who were none other than Dorry and Brogy, who were still fighting
on Little Garden. At first Oimo does not believe it, but Sogeking offers to tell more about them
such as their weapons and the way they laugh. Sogeking then tells Oimo that what the
government told him was a lie.

In the Enies Lobby courthouse, someone is being told how the Straw Hat Pirates outmatched the
Houbantai and the ten thousand guards. The person talking is a large three-headed man, who
was berating a group of Marines and government agents. The soldiers try to explain themselves
but the three-headed man tells them their words are useless. One of the heads yells that they are
down to their last option and orders for "them" to be called in. The soldiers are shocked by this
order. The third head reinforces order. The soldiers also tell the man they lost sight of Luffy. The
man does not care, saying the time for justice has come, and orders the Just Eleven Jurymen to
be released. A soldier tries to protest once more, saying the city will be destroyed.

Back on the main island, Gomorrah dodges a mortar fire. Zambai realizes that the central road
they are on is bad as they are being ambushed from everywhere, and decides to change the route.
Nami gets a call on the baby Den Den Mushi from Kokoro. She tells them that Paulie ’s map shows
no road to the Tower of Justice from the courthouse. Sanji remembers seeing it, saying he had
meant to ask about it. Kokoro explains that a lever must be pulled in each tower on either side of
the drawbridge in order for them to cross. Chimney then tells Nami that she saw Luffy climb to
the roof of the courthouse, and that there was some sort of fight going on. Nami thanked her, and
Kokoro told her to keep the Den Den Mushi switched on, so they could know what is going on.
After the transmission, Zambai told the Straw Hats to go the courthouse roof and meet up with
Luffy, and the Franky Family would split into two groups and lower the drawbridge. Before they
could reach the courthouse, Gomorrah is attacked by several hulking figures using iron balls
attached to chains. Soldiers cheered as Gomorrah fell. The Straw Hats are soon surrounded and
cut off from the courthouse.

In the Tower of Justice, Franky is telling Robin how lucky she is to have friends who would come
to her rescue. He then pointed out that he was not sulking just because his friends weren't coming
to save him.

Back at the main gate, Oimo and Kashi have woken up. The soldiers cheer and order them to
attack, which worries the shipwrights since they do not have the strength to fight them. Instead,
the giants attack the soldiers, angry that they had been lying to them for fifty years. Kashi sa id
they would rampage until their anger was satisfied, and asks Sogeking to join them. Sogeking
then says to give the signal to counterattack and to head to where their friends are.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

In the Tower of Justice, as the members of CP9 are going back to their roo ms, Spandam
remembers something he wanted to give Kaku and Kalifa. He gave them each a Devil Fruit.
Everyone gets excited over the Devil Fruit. Jabra panics, telling them not to bring the fruits close
to him as Fukuro remarks that this is the first time he's seen one. Kaku asks Jabra what the
matter is. Jabra explains that because he ate a Devil Fruit, that means there is devil living inside
his body and if he gets too close to another Devil Fruit, his devil and the devil in the fruit will start
fighting and he will explode and die. Kaku was surprised, but Blueno cut in, saying it was
nonsense, that an intelligence operative shouldn't be fooled by such a silly rumor. Blueno corrects
him, saying that his body would explode, leaving no trace, only if he ate two Devil Fruit. Lucci adds
that any greedy fool would die that way, and considering what one fruit does, it is easy to see
what two could do. Jabra asks Spandam where he got the two fruits. Spandam simply replies that
he has connections, and they should eat them for the future, and adds one last thing, he has no
idea what kind of powers either of the fruits bestows upon the user.

In Lucci's room, Kaku says he has a hard time believing the Devil Fruits come from this world. He
also said he felt a strange aura emanating from it, drawing him in like a gravitational force, and
that he could not find either of the fruits in his picture encyclopedia. Kalifa replies that it is normal,
going on to say that they can figure out the name of the fruit by the power it giv es, but that power
can be completely up to chance. She comments on how horrible life must be for someone who
got some weird power, and they would lose the ability to swim. Lucci, having poured himself a
drink, tells them that regardless of the type of power, how they use it is what matters, adding that
there is a very low chance the fruit would weaken them, and that being a "hammer" is not much
of an inconvenience, and that some people sail their whole lives looking for a single Devil Fruit.
Jabra, hiding behind a doorway with Fukuro and Kumadori, tries to convince them not to eat it,
saying nothing good can come from it and how his tasted horrible. Fukuro comments that Jabra
just doesn't want Kaku to power up. Kumadori added, or possibly retorted, that envy and jealousy
hurt a person's good name. Jabra makes his final argument, telling them they could sell them for
hundreds, but eating them could mean a lifetime of problems. Kaku remarks that it could be fun
as he bites into his banana-shaped Devil Fruit. Kalifa said she would gladly welcome the new
power if the fruit turned out to be a winner, as she put a slice of her melon-shaped Devil Fruit into
her mouth. Jabra is shocked beyond belief that they ate their fruits. Kaku and Kalifa both look
slightly discomforted by their fruits. Fukuro and Kumadori ask if they feel anything different. Kaku
and Kalifa both exclaim how disgusting their fruits taste. Jabra yells at them to do something,
asking what kinds of power they got. Kalifa said she did not feel any diff erent. Lucci tells them
they will realize their powers in due time, and that he is looking forward to it. He also tells them
to at least get the hang of their powers, as they might need to fight soon and how Blueno already
went ahead.

The scene changes to the rooftop of the courthouse. Blueno tells Luffy he underestimated him
while thinking how amazing it was that Luffy could keep up with his Soru. Luffy tells him not to
underestimate him. Blueno launches himself at Luffy using Geppou, thinking how direct attacks
will not hurt a rubberman. Luffy gets ready to attack but Blueno hits him with a Rankyaku, sending
Luffy flying. He then starts attacking Luffy using Tekkai: Rin, which Luffy narrowly avoids. Blueno
then chases after Luffy by moving his legs in a wheel-like fashion. Just as he is about to hit Luffy,
he disappears using his Doa Doa no Mi ability, leaving a hole in the roof in the exact shape of his
body if it were spread eagle. The whole then closed, leaving only the outline. This confused Luffy.
Blueno then opens turns two of the roof's tiles into doors for him to stick his hands out of. He
grabs Luffy's ankles and pulls one foot into each door, effectively trapping Luffy. When Blueno
reemerged from the floor, Luffy asked him if he was a Devil Fruit user. Blueno responds that he
has the power of the Doa Doa no Mi, meaning he can make a door anywhere and out of anything.
He explained he could change anything into a door. To demonstrate this, he slaps Luffy in the

Water 7 Enies Lobby

head, causing the middle of his head to start spinning. This made Luffy unable to see anything
properly as his eyes were spinning. Blueno then hit the defenseless Luffy with a Rankyaku,
sending Luffy crashing into the side of the roof, destroying one of the blocks on the perimeter of
the roof.

Zoro saw Blueno's attack, and asks Sanji, who had seen it too. Sanji reveals to everyone that Luffy
is already fighting with CP9. Nami and Chopper look in disbelief, while Zambai seems annoyed
that Luffy had already started fighting. However, due to Gomorrah being injured, and being
surrounded by Marines and government agents. Zoro and Sanji decide their only option now is to
fight their way through the crowd and make a path to the courthouse. The Franky Family agrees.
However, before anyone can jump off completely, Chopper yells for them to stop. Everyone was
surprised. Chopper simply tells them "Hold on tightly", saying it was a message from Gomorrah.
As the king bull stands up, everyone is shocked that Gomorrah still has some fight left in him.
Someone shouts the order to shoot Gomorrah down with mortar fire, but Gomorrah withstood it.
The king bull then does something odd, he rams his head into a building. Zambai asks what
Gomorrah is doing and if he has reached his limit. Chopper replies that the mortar f ire got his
retinas, and Gomorrah is now blind. As everyone tells Gomorrah to stop, Chopper relays what the
king bull is saying. Gomorrah had promised Sodom that he would get everyone to the courthouse.
Zambai then remembers when Sodom and Gomorrah first joined the Franky Family. They were in
the belly of a sea king the Franky Family was eating. Since everyone was too full from the sea
king to eat the king bulls, Franky suggested taking them home as emergency rations. He also
remembered when they were beaten up by pirates, and how Franky Family fought the pirates for
vengeance, and one time when the pair were dancing after being hurt. Gomorrah began running
towards a dead end, their path being blocked by a building. Everyone yelled for Gomorrah to stop,
saying the crash would kill him. Zoro asked Sanji if he saw a dead end, Sanji replied that he did
not. With a shocked and confused Chopper looking on, Zoro and Sanji then reduced the building
to large chunks of rubble, allowing Gomorrah to pass through safely. A voice was heard saying
that the pirates had broken through siege at D-Block, and had arrived at the courthouse door.
The chapter ends with everyone congratulating Gomorrah as he collapses from exhaustion.

The chapter starts in the Tower of Justice, where a government agent is running up some stairs.
Spandam is sitting in a chair in a large room, showing off the Golden Den Den Mushi to Funkfreed.
He explains how it activates the Buster Call and that only a Marine with the rank of admiral or
higher can have one. It is a precious species, and he said Aokiji gave it to him. He then gets ahead
of himself, saying that if the Ancient Weapons were to be revived, he would be the one in charge
of the Buster Call and would run the Marines. He points to the button on top of the snail's shell,
saying one push of the button and an island gets destroyed. He then laughs at how authority can
be used as a weapon. A government agent bursts in, holding a regular Den Den Mushi. Spandam
is so startled he tells the agent he almost pushed the button by accident and that the agent
should knock. The agent apologizes, telling Spandam he has an emergency call from the main
island. Spandam wonders why the phone in the room did not ring, and realized that someone
took it off the hook, much to his annoyance. He walks over to where Robin and Franky are chained
up. He tells them about the emergency, that it likely is not anything serious, but invites them to
make some predictions with him. He tells them that the Straw Hat Pirates have defea ted five
soldiers, and wondered aloud what happened to Luffy. He wonders how badly Oimo and Kashi
trampled her friends. He said that they will listen to their fate. Franky calls him scum, Spandam
told him to be quiet. Spandam calls the guard on the Den Den Mushi. The person on the other
line seemed relieved to hear Spandam so they could finally report. Spandam tells him to calm
down, and asked him to tell him about the Straw Hat Pirates, asking if they were killed. The agent
responds that about sixty pirates invaded the island and that they have made it to the
courthouse's front plaza, the last part of the island's mainland.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

The scene changes to the plaza, with a Marine giving an order for all available troops to come to
the Enies Lobby mainland. Zambai commends Gomorrah for getting them this far. Zoro and Sanji
stood in front of the collapsed Gomorrah, with the Franky Family climbing down from the king bull
and standing on the rubble. Zoro asks Sanji if he could see Luffy. The cook replies no. Nami, Zoro,
Sanji, and Chopper stand in front of the door to the courthouse, sizing up the situation. There was
no way for them to climb to the roof. Nami asks how many CP9 agents can be seen. Zoro tells her
he can only see Blueno. Sanji said they probably would not be out in the open and on the roof,
especially when they have Robin and Franky. Chopper says they have to hurry and catch up with
Luffy and save their friends. A giant iron ball is thrown at the pirates, but is intercepted by
Yokozuna. The Franky Family is amazed by Yokozuna's strength. One of them also recognizes the
ball as the same type of ball that beat Gomorrah, and asks who owns it. The three men who
attacked them suddenly start running away, much to Chopper's confusion. Zoro states that
chasing fleeing enemies is a waste of time. Sanji knocks one of them out, saying he did it to
confirm the type of enemy they are up against. The man that Sanji knocked out was very large,
with a spiked belt and spiked shoulder pads. Someone asked if he was part of another special
unit, like the canine unit. Sanji tells them to be careful, as there are probably more of them out
there. Zambai tells them to hurry up as the guards are on their way. A Marine yells out to corner
them, as they will not be able to open the heavy doors anyway. Zambai realizes that the doors will
be an issue. He turns around, only to see to his stunned amazement that Zoro has already cut
through the doors. Zoro yells at them for wasting time and that they are going ahead. Mozu and
Kiwi stop Zambai, telling him that they will be splitting up now to pull the levers in each tower to
lower the drawbridge. Zambai asks for only a few people to stay with him to run some interference
inside the courthouse.

The scene changes back to Spandam, who is seen in stunned disbelief while sweating profusely.
The Marine on the other end of the line goes on to tell him about the situation with the gatekeeper
giants. Oimo and Kashi have joined the other side and are now fighting with the pirates. The giants
are currently going on a rampage in the plaza. The soldier casualty count right now amounts to
over two thousand, at least half of which were taken out by Luffy, who is currently missing in
action. The Marines are searcahing for him right now. Spandam runs to the window as the voice
tells him that this is the first time ever in the history of Enies Lobby that something this
catastrophic took place. At the window, Spandam looks over the courthouse roof and sees
Blueno, wondering why Blueno is there. Franky laughs and Spandam angrily exclaims what is
happening on the island.

The chapter starts with Spandam calling Baskerville on the Den Den Mushi, demanding a full
report of the situation. Right Baskerville responds that the situation is not necessarily about the
plaza, but inside the building, saying the worst has occurred. The stone doors of the courthouse
are sliced open and the pirates start rushing in. As they say this, they are looking at Marines and
agents caught in a giant tornado caused by Zoro. Zoro says he does not see many people there,
so they can proceed. Zoro and the others then notice Baskerville. Baskerville declares that they
will momentarily render a verdict. Nami realizes that a trial has begun. Ignoring the judges as they
start reciting the crimes, the Straw Hat Pirates and Franky Family notice that there are two
staircases leading up. The agents are shocked that the pirates would ignore the trial. Zoro charges
through the wall of soldiers with Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri. They then begin to move, with Zoro and
Sanji taking out more soldiers as they go. Nami, Sanji and Chopper begin climbing one of the
staircases. Sanji romantically tells Nami to follow him. Nami reminds him they are here for Robin.
Sanji's romantic thoughts then turn to Robin. Somehow, Zoro begins running the wrong way. Nami
is shocked, as she told him specifically to take the staircase, and could not see how Zoro could
have possibly misinterpreted those directions. Zoro runs back and joins Nami on the correct
stairs. Chopper and Sanji begin making fun of Zoro's bad sense of direction, with Chopper saying

Water 7 Enies Lobby

he will attempt to make some medicine for hopelessness. Two members of the Franky Family
watch this and wonder if Zoro will be okay.

Baskerville, angry at being ignored, decides to just give everyone the death penalty, and smashes
part of the stairs with his large sword. Zoro tells Nami and Chopper to keep going and that he
would follow as soon as he dealt with Baskerville. Before either of them can attack, Baskerville is
pulled down from the stairs by the Franky Family, saying that they will be his opponents, jokingly
calling him Cerberus.

Up on the roof of the courthouse, Blueno watches as Luffy quickly pulls himself back up from the
ledge. He realizes that the revolving door Blueno made on his face has finally "closed." Blueno
tells Luffy that when a door opens, it must also close. He also compliments Luffy for avoiding his
Rankyaku. Luffy replies saying that it is not that big of a deal, albeit unexpected, as Blueno
vanishes. Blueno then suddenly launches a kick, but Luffy dodges it. Blueno then jumps up in the
air and attacks Luffy with Shigan. Luffy dodges it again by doing a series of backflips. Blueno then
uses Soru, and reappears behind Luffy to deliver a Tekkai: Sai, which the pirate also do dges. Luffy
goes on the offensive with Gomu Gomu no Bullet, which Blueno counters with another Tekkai.
The two then get into a high-speed fist fight, which ends with Blueno using Rankyaku which is
sent off course by Luffy kicking Blueno in the leg, destroying more of the ramparts around the
perimeter of the building. Blueno is amazed at how Luffy can match his speed perfectly and how
he was able to redirect his Rankyaku, saying Luffy has unbelievable physical ability. Luffy then
says that he is not good, saying he will not be any good if he stays the way he is. He explains that
after he was defeated by Aokiji he began to think about what would happen if they encountered
more people as strong as Aokiji. He realized he would have to become stronger in order to protect
his friends. Luffy says he will have to be stronger than anyone, or else he would lose all of his
friends. Blueno asks him what he will do. Luffy, getting in a straddling position, tells him that he
thought of a way to fight with all of his strength. Pumping his legs, Luffy begins to emit steam from
his body, and Blueno wonders what he is doing. Luffy tells him that Blueno will not be able to
keep up with him anymore, as all of his attacks will have gone up a step. The chapter ends with
Luffy introducing this new technique of his, Gear Second.

The chapter starts with Monkey D. Luffy beginning to unveil his new technigue. Blueno is confused
by what Luffy meant when he said his technique will evolve. Steam starts coming out of Luffy's
body and Blueno asks him if he is trying to be a steam engine. Luffy surprises Blueno by saying
he is glad to have met him here as he readies an attack. Blueno wonders what he was doing since
saying the attack would only give him a chance to escape. He then challenges Luf fy to try and hit
him as he begins to use Soru. Luffy then launches a Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol and hits Blueno
right in the stomach, knocking him back several feet. Before he has time to do anything, Luffy
hits him again, sending him skidding across the roof, and then comes down on him with a Gomu
Gomu no Jet Stamp. Blueno realizes that the only explanation for Luffy's sudden bursts of speed
and strength is that he somehow learned to use Soru. To avoid Luffy while he contemplates his
next move, Blueno uses his Air Door technique to hide himself in another dimension. He cannot
believe that Luffy figured out how to use Soru and how to use it with such ease. He then says that
no one can beat a Rokushiki user in speed. He then comes up with a plan. If he can turn part of
Luffy's body into a door, then he can take him out with a full power attack in an instant. Luffy says
aloud that Blueno disappeared. Blueno then makes a door above and behind Luffy and is about
to use an attack on Luffy, but Luffy suddenly gets behind him at the last second, causing Blueno
to lose his balance. Luffy tells Blueno that he saw him kick ground more than ten times before
disappearing by moving at high speed. He said he got the hang of it and is glad to know there is
a way to move that fast. Luffy readies a Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka, and Blueno says he will take
the attack by using Tekkai Gou. Blueno is knocked back but seems unfazed by the blow. Luffy is

Water 7 Enies Lobby

about to use another attack, but Blueno collapses from exhaustion. Luffy says he is t ired, realizing
his body still has not gotten used to his Gear Second yet. He says he does not care about that
right now. He realizes Blueno wasted a lot of his time.

Back on the main island, Oimo and Kashi are rampaging through the soldiers. The Galley-La
Company are asking Usopp if the giants are really their allies now. Usopp tells them yes, and
points out that the courthouse is just up ahead. At the courthouse plaza, Yokozuna and the Franky
Family are holding off all of the Marines. Meanwhile, Mozu and Kiwi are each leading teams up
the left and right bridge towers respectively, trying to reach the top to lower the drawbridge. As
Mozu's team advances up the tower, Mozu stays back to hold off the soldiers pursuing them. In
the court, more of the Franky Family are fighting Baskerville. In the upper level of the court, Sanji,
Nami, Zoro, and Chopper are fighting their way up to the roof. They encounter two of the Just
Eleven Jurymen. In the Tower of Justice, Spandam gives the order to take Robin and Franky to
the Gates of Justice. Two agents tell him that the convoy departing from the gates is not ready.
Spandam tells them they will just take them to the other side of the gate and wait. They must
remove the pirates' main objective, and they will be out of reach once they go through the gate.
He also orders for all CP9 agents to be gathered immdiately. He then orders Robin and Franky to
stand up and leave quickly on their trip to Hell and he would take his time cornering the pirates

At the front gate of the main island, Kokoro is following the invasion force's moves with great
amusement. She tells Chimney that no one with common sense would ever think of touching the
island. Regardless of whether or not they survive, the world would be shocked by something that
had never happened before in the past hundreds of years. When the battle is over, Luffy's name
will be known throughout the world. The chapter ends with Luffy standing on one of the ramparts
of the courthouse, shouting to Robin that he is coming for her. Franky is glad to hear him, while
Robin is surprised and Spandam is completely shocked.

On the tower, everyone is responding to Luffy’s call to Robin. Luffy hears his stomach gurgling
and pulls out the meat he stuffed in his pockets and eats it to restore his strength after fighting
the Marines. Spandam notices Blueno is knocked out behind Luffy. Shocked that a Rokushiki
expert and Devil Fruit user with a Douriki over 800 could be defeated by Luffy, Spandam panics
a little and orders his men to gather Lucci and the others, as well as sends a message to Judge
Baskerville not to let the Straw Hats lower the drawbridge or he'd lose all three of his heads.

With the attention drawn away from them, Franky tries to talk to Robin about the rescue effort in
a bid to make her change her mind about her situation. Spandam orders the pair brought to him
as he will head straight to the Gates of Justice. Attention is drawn as Franky's rear has expanded.
Franky claims he senses his life is near its end, so he's chosen to self-destruct and he wants to
take out some of his men with him. In a state of panic, Spandam begs him to stop so that he can
live and the men all flee in a panic. Franky grabs Robin with his legs and lets go of the built up
gas in a 'Coup de boo', which launches the pair away from Spandam and his men.

Franky breaks down the net surrounding the ledge preventing Luffy getting to them. He slightly
overshoots the tower but once the chains holding him are broken he manages to pull him and
Robin back in. Seeing Robin alive makes Luffy happy, he is surprised at seeing Franky also. As
Luffy prepares to launch himself over to Robin, Robin tells him to stop, as she has already told
him she refuses to go back to the Straw Hats. She tells Luffy she never asked them to rescue her
and is not happy they are as she wants to die. Hearing her response makes Spandam laugh,
before Franky can react, Kaku knocks him aside.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

CP9 now gathers on the tower.

Elsewhere, Yokozuna and some of the Franky Family defend the doors into t he courtyard in a bid
to protect the others. Suddenly one of the members of the Franky Family with him is knocked
away and attention is drawn as two of the Just Eleven Jurymen have now arrived on scene. In the
courtyard right tower, more of the Jurymen attack Kiwi and the Franky Family members with her.
In the right courtyard tower, Mozu and her comrades are also being attacked. In the courtroom,
Zambai is still dealing with Judge Baskerville, who in turns claims all of his men are doomed as
the Jurymen are pirates sentenced to death and so in the whole history of Enies Lobby they have
never once declared anyone innocent.

In the upstairs of the courtroom, Zoro hears the noise elsewhere and decides to head up by all
else means. Nami comes face to face with two of the Jurymen. She sends Chopper after them,
but the ground suddenly collapses under the jurymen's feet.

Yokozuna is knocked aside outside the courtroom doors as the jurymen finally get the better of
him after several blows. With the giant frog down, the Franky Family members start fighting. When
all seems lost, back arrives in the form of the Galley-La members, Sogeking along with the giants
Kashi and Oimo.

Back on the tower, Robin and Luffy talk. Other CP9 members question if they should go down
there and beat the Straw Hat Pirates and have done with it. Spandam tells them "no" as he is
enjoying hearing the sound of Robin rejecting Luffy's rescue attempts. To the shock of Spandam,
Luffy's expression is anything but shock at Robin's response - Luffy is just picking his nose and
being casual about it.

As he talks, a loud explosion happens behind him and Nami and Chopper reappear landing after
the Jurymen fall behind her. Zoro joins them afterwards, apparently having been responible for
their sudden burst upwards. Lastly, Sanji appears, angry he was here after Zoro. Behind them,
Sogeking appears flying through the air after being thrown by the giants. They beg Robin to return
to them once more. Together they stand, waiting for her response.

Since the giants Kashi and Oimo have found out they were used, they are taking it personal.
However, because they've guarded the gates for 50 years, the one thing they've become experts
on is gate guarding and demonstrate it on the people in front of them. With their duty as handed
to them by Sogeking is now clear before their eyes, the two will not back down now. Paulie gives
orders to Tilestone and Peeply Lulu and all three of the Galley-La Company foremen to go off to
aid Zambai and the Franky Family.

On the roof, Luffy gets an explanation as to what is going on while the crew stare at Robin waiting
for her to speak. CP9 are delighted they now have permission to act without having to hold back.
Franky wonders how much of a burden Robin carries. Spandam’s only concern is his own life. He
brags about the power he commands, the deadly assassins of CP9 and the Golden Den Den
Mushi which can summon the Buster Call.

Robin recognizes the term "Buster Call" and Spandam brags about Ohara, Robin's hometown,
disappearing 20 years ago from the map. Luffy remembers Robin's words upon her first joining,
when she said she had nowhere to return to. Robin begs him not to push the button, to which end
Spandam threatens to do just that. Robin has certain thoughts crossing her mind as she asks
him if he truly knows what would happen if he pushed the button.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Robin flashbacks to the past, 20 years ago on Ohara Island. She sits by herself reading a book
while some boys call her a monster and one throws a rock at her. When Robin throws it back,
they run to their mother who in turn tells Robin off. Robin then sees a girl with her parents happily
discussing their dinner plans. As she passes a window, she sees a parent and child embracing
happily inside the building. A child points to her and calls her a monster; the child's mother hushes
the child on.

She arrives home, but her aunt Roji is not there. She finds a note explaining her daughter is having
her birthday today and they are off having a private celebration together. Robin is left with some
bread, jam, and a list of chores. After completing her chores, Robin heads towards the Tree of
Knowledge where a surprise is waiting for her. As she walks in, her mentor Professor Clover and
the others at the Tree of Knowledge surprise here with a celebration and the news she passed
her archaeology exam and now is a scholar.

Having passed her exam, Robin is given a badge signifying she is an archaeologist. Professor
Clover explains the importance of Ohara and the Tree of Knowledge to her. However, a sharp
change of attitude is displayed when Robin states she wanted to learn about the Void Century.
Robin explained she wanted to join in their research and tried her hardest to study so she could.
As a child, they had to forbid herself from becoming involved in t he study, they know that they
have come so far in their research that they cannot turn back and their punishment is beheading
if they are found out, along with not wanting Robin to suffer the same fate.

As Robin runs away, another archaeologist states Robin is following in her mother, Olvia’s path.
The other day she was captured, her fate is already decided.

Robin finds a giant on the beach of Ohara. The giant wakes up and asks for water. Saul is then
introduced. Saul asks if there is a town on the island, when Robin answers yes, he states that he
wished he had landed on an abandoned island. Saul states he hurt his leg and might as well just
sit there for a while, eventually building a raft to leave. He asks her if its the first time she has
seen a giant and she answers "yes", he ensures her is not like those barbaric giants of Elbaf and
there are gentler giant races.

He then asks her not to tell anyone about him. When she answers too quickly, he states a child
cannot hold that much responsibility but Robin states she is not interested in him anyway. Saul
bursts out with "Dereshishishi" suddenly, which he later explains is his laugh. He introduces
himself as Jaguar D. Saul. Robin asks him what the D stands for, but he only states those in his
family carry it, and that he does not know much of the name.

On the fourth night after Saul drifted in, a figure is seen landing on Ohara. Roji calls for Robin,
angry she is not around and that some of their shares of bread and jams are missing. After eating
a few bites of the food Robin pinched from her aunt's house, Saul gives Robin the rest stating he
ate anyway last night. Robin talks to him about the situation she is in, having just a mother who
is not there for her and no friends. She then shows Saul her powers, Saul states she is a Devil
Fruit user and in the Grand Line, he has seen many of them, in fact he is quite jealous of her
powers. He encourages her to keep being happy and laughing.

Elsewhere in the West Blue, CP9 under the charge of Spandine receives a call fr om Marine
Headquarters. Spandine tells them to ignore them as they just want a status report, angry he has
been sent all the way to the West Blue.

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On Ohara, Saul finishes his raft so he can leave. When he sees how sad Robin is about him leaving
he decides to stay and add a flag.

They come to discuss where Saul will go, Saul says back to the sea. Robin says she would like to
someday go there too, her mother who is studying archaeology somewhere will return to the island
someday and Robin has been studying so she can leave with her. Robin then mentions the Void
Century and speaks about the World Government banning people from studying it. She mentions
the Poneglyphs, suddenly Saul realizes that what Robin is discussing and asks her if she knows
her mother's name, Olvia.

Saul panics as he realizes it means he landed on Ohara and he did not know. Then Saul gives
Robin the information that Ohara is currently the target of Marine Warships on their way to wipe
out the scholars. Robin calls him a liar, but Saul insists it's true. Saul sends Robin to her local
town to see if everything's okay, he even mentions her mother may have returned.

At the Tree of Knowledge, Olvia arrives to warn everyone. Olvia tells them the details of the ill-
fated ship that left 6 years ago. The World Government has its sights set on the island. All 33
members of her team were killed leaving her as the soul remaining crewmember, the dead were
examined and their belongings traced their origins back to Ohara. Olvia takes the blame from
endangering them all, but Clover ensures her the only one taking a hard time is her. She begs
everyone to leave, however Clover and the others have other ideas. Knowing this time they cannot
stop the World Government from finding out their studies, Clover states they cannot abandon the
treasures of Ohara. They come to the conclusion if they run they cannot protect the treasures on

Her attention is then drawn to another thing, but she states she shouldn't go to see her daughter.
A flashback to the day she left, she remembers how Robin cried at the idea of losing her mother,
but she could not abandon her husband's desire to find the truth. Robin is then left in her brother's
hands, but straight away his wife Roji shows signs of dislike for taking in another child. Later
Robin turned up at the Tree of Knowledge and Clover allowed her in. Clover states Robin is a lot
like her mother, Olvia replies once she finds Robin she must sever the ties with her least she be
known as the daughter of a criminal.

As news of the arrival of a World Government ship is announced by a messenger, Olvia states
they must not say they are related to her in any way. She takes her gun and runs out of the tree.
On the coast, Spandine arrives giving orders to arrest anyone who is a scholar. In the town
everyone is panicking at a woman running around with a gun, during the panic, Robin and Olvia
pass each other by without knowing they are mother and daughter. Elsewhere on the island, Saul
is upset by the situation. Elsewhere, Kuzan awakens to hear the news that Spandine has arrived.

With Saul’s words still fresh in her ears, Robin arrives at the Tree of Knowledge asking if her
mother Olvia had come here. Clover denies she came here. Robin repeats the words that Saul
had said to her about warships heading to Ohara. Clover states that a "Government Ship" had
indeed arrived, but not a warship. Clover then begs Robin to keep the fact that she is an
archaeologist a secret as no one would expect someone as young as her to be one.

At that moment, Government Workers bust into the room and tell the scholars to stop working.
Clover tells them to be careful as there are many treasured information stored here, however that
does not concern the agents, who order the rest of the islanders that the scholars are demons
who want the destruction of the world. The rest of the islanders are clueless as to what is going
on, to them the scholars have always been their pride. They are given orders to go to the

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evacuation ship if they have nothing to do with the scholars, carrying proof of identification with
them. Fearing for their lives, the residents run off to the west shore where the ship awaits.

Elsewhere, Spandine is shot by Olvia who defends the island, he rolls over believing he is done
but it turns out Olvia just caught his sleeve. Spandine mocks the idea that the woman who denied
being connected to Ohara would arrive on the very island by chance. Spandine remains confident
that they will confirm the scholars are studying the Poneglyphs. Spandine states for ye ars the
World Government has been capturing scholars studying the Poneglyphs, trying to link them to
Ohara. Now they plan to make an example out of Ohara to put off scholars studying the

Olvia then realizes that the warship coming are only on standby close to Ohara, Olvia is then
struck by the two agents with Spandine.

At the Tree of Knowledge, the agents are knocking down bookcases, a scholar tries to prevent
them damaging the books but he is hold back as they continue to look for a hidden room.
Elsewhere Saul sights the approaching warships. Outside the Tree of Knowledge, the scholars sit
awaiting their fate. The townsfolk sight them and continue their rush to escape. Clover pleas for
Robin to run to the evacuation ship but she refuses because the others are never nice to her.

Attention turns to Spandine who now enters the scene with Olvia. He throws her at the others.
Robin think how cruel Spandine is for treating a woman like that. As Clover calls out Robin's name,
Olvia looks up to comment on how her daughter has grown. Suddenly there is a loud bang at the
tree, at that moment, Spandine gets a call to confirm the Poneglyph has been found and Spandine
informs the others their deaths have been sealed.

Robin cannot believe what she hears, she demands the truth from Clover. Spandine interrupts
and states their goal is to awaken the Ancient Weapons. Clover demands that he be allowed to
speak to the Five Elders directly.

The order is not given yet for the Marine warships to open fire on Ohara. The pe ople of Ohara
panic even more as they spot the closing warships. In the Tree of Knowledge, the agents find the
Poneglyph, to their amazement it stands unscathed despite a bomb being let off around it.
Elsewhere Saul rushes onwards, the people of Ohara rush around trying to avoid the giant’s

The scholars hear their death sentence. Clover tells them to stop being so diplomatic. As
Spandine orders Clover to be more polite, the Five Elders speaking continues to talk, Clover
likewise also continues. Robin listens in on the conversation from afar, even though she
remembers the danger it will leave her in. The Five Elders states the weapons will be revived if
they continue on with their research, even if they do not intend it, Clover dismisses it stating that
the past is something mankind must accept and take measures against it. He gets the reply that
this is just a idealistic view, Clover continues on questions as to why they are denied the ability to
take up idealistic ways.

Clover states that if the messages had been written on paper, the message would have been lost
which is why the Poneglyphs were engraved instead. He speaks about the ancient people who
wrote it must have been defeated by an enemy, who then went on to live in the history afterwards.
The World Government came out after the Void Century ended and put forward the theory that
the World Government is the enemy of the Great Kingdom and the Poneglyphs carry an
inconvenient history. It is only through the reading of various documents and Poneglyphs that the

Water 7 Enies Lobby

scholars became aware of a country that no longer exists. When they knew they were about to be
defeated, the people of the Ancient Kingdom engraved the Poneglyphs to let the world know what
has happened.

Clover then states the reason for the World Government's banishment of Poneglyphs. While the
Ancient Weapons are indeed powerful, the more dangerous power would be the truth of the
Ancient Kingdom getting out. Before Clover could state the name of the kingdom and clear up the
details, the order to shoot him is given and Clover is shot.

Elsewhere the people finally meet up at the ship leaving from Ohara. Saul continues to search for
Robin. Robin seeing Clover shot rushes to his side, but Clover tells her she should have run to
safety. Spandine meanwhile pushes the button on the Golden Den Den Mushi and summons the
Buster Call. Attention is drawn to the Tree of Knowledge as it catches alight. Spandine is not
bothered about killing them anymore, instead he decides to just leave. The scholars rush t o the
tree to save it from the fire.

As they go about their ways, Spandine orders Olvia to be taken with them. Instead of running away
like everyone hoped she would, Robin asks crying to Olvia if she is her mother. Olvia refuses to
accept she is, with all that had happened. After all that Robin had endured, she just wants to
know if her mother abandoned her. Olvia denies having a child, leaving Spandine to think Robin
is just a strange kid. Robin continues, Olvia is reduced to tears. Then Robin admits to Spandine's
horror that she can read Poneglyphs.

At that moment, the Buster Call hits the island.

As the Buster Call continues to hit Ohara, an announcement echoes throughout the island, telling
the people of the scholars' sins.

Spandine panics as a shot from the ships suddenly lands near him. The scholars notice the shots
are hitting the Tree of Knowledge. Clover knows the World Government intended to take things
to this level from the very beginning. One of the CP9 agents with him questions Spandine over
Robin’s claim to be an archaeologist, Spandine tells the man to watch her and make sure she
does not leave. They leave Olvia behind fearing if they stay any longer they'll be caught up in the
devastation around them and killed.

As Olvia sits on the ground crying, the other scholars go to work to try and protect the tree. Olvia
hugs Robin and the two embrace and cry. Clover blames himself for the mess, stating had he
known Robin knew how to read the Poneglyphs, he could have done more for her. Olvia states
she is proud of Robin for studying hard. Clover begs Olvia and Robin to run away while they can,
just then Saul walks in claiming he has been looking for her. Olvia demands to know why Saul is
on the island, Saul puts it down to fate. Olvia begs him to take Robin away from the island, despite
Robin begging for her to come with her because she does not want to be separated from her

Olvia enlightens Robin about what being a scholar is about. She states history has to be passed
on. Ohara never wanted to reveal the history, just hear the voices of the past and pass it on. As
Saul walks away, Robin continues to call for her mother, Olvia and Clover cry. On board one of the
Buster Call ships, a soldier reports the sighting of Saul to Vice Admiral Kuzan.

In a flashback it is revealed how things came to be with Olvia and Saul. The crew of his ship open
fire on Olvia's ship attacking it as though it was a ship of pirates. Saul does not understand why

Water 7 Enies Lobby

they had captured many ships in the past but had to make sure the people on board die. Reporting
that one has survived, Olvia is dragged before Saul, she demands to know why they hurt her crew
for no reason. Saul ask her if she was after the Ancient Weapons, Olvia angrily goes on about how
people are afraid of the past without asking what it is about.

Later Saul is informed by Sengoku that he will be leading the Buster Call fleet against Ohara. Saul
protests, demanding why every instance ends with the Marines killing people. Sengoku tells him
to shut up and obey orders. Later Saul goes to where Olvia is kept and asks her to tell him about
everything. The Marines then report Saul has fled with her, Sengoku states they must be killed as
Saul knows about their mission. As they leave, Olvia states Saul will never be able to go back with
the Marines, but Saul states it is fine as he would never be able to work for them with doubt on
his chest. The flashback ends.

Back on Ohara, Saul runs holding Robin in his hands. He knows they are aiming for him personally,
but keeps going. He tries to comfort Robin, telling her that her mother and Ohara are honorable.
Just then Saul is hit in the face, the Marine who hit him apologizes, but he is corrected as Saul is
the enemy now. Saul puts Robin down and goes off to the ship that fired on him. With Robin
watching in horror, he lifts up the ship out of the water and smashes it.

Saul slams down the Marines’ Buster Call ship and smashes it. The Marines panic over his sudden
attack and question as to why he is here. On the island, the scholars panic over the cannon fire
around them, they hurry knowing the island will not be around for much longer. They throw the
books out the window into the lake in order to save them hoping the words of a thousand years
are not lost for the future.

Saul asks Robin to run to the evacuation ship while she still can. Robin stares at the Tree of
Knowledge where her mother Olvia is. As Robin approaches the ship, the other residents of the
island spot her and immediately mock her for being a "Devil" as well as the criminal Olvia's
daughter. They offer to fetch a rope, but when Robin forms a rope out of hands using her Hana
Hana no Mi powers, they are frightened of her and leave her alone. Spandine finally finds Robin
and orders the ship not to let her on board because she is a target of the attack.

Saul spots her running away. Saul runs towards CP9 to attack, but Kuzan interferes. Saul states
Kuzan knows this is just to create an example of Ohara for the world to see but Kuzan states this
is for the greater good of the world - the scholars broke the law. Kuzan states the rules of Justice
change depending on where you stand.

Just then a blast is heard next to them. The evacuation ship has been hit and destroyed, much to
Spandine's shock. Kuzan immediately knows Sakazuki was behind it. Sakazuki states on board
his ship, if one of the scholars was on board the ship, everything would be for nothing if he was
allowed to escape. Saul strikes Kuzan for the destruction of the ship, Kuzan replies he never
wanted to take things this far. Saul flees taking Robin with him, but Kuzan freezes him on the

Saul puts Robin down and tells her to keep running no matter what. Robin does not want to run
and leave Saul as she believes there is no one left for her on the ocean. Saul gives he r an inspiring
speech about how there are people waiting to find her one day, the people who will always protect
her. Saul then laughs and smiles as Robin runs off and he is engulfed by Kuzan's attack.

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The other scholars stand in the Tree of Knowledge as it falls around them. Knowing it is the end
for them, Clover reflects on humanity's choice. Olvia regrets leaving Robin with no final words for
her daughter.

Elsewhere, Robin meets Kuzan. Kuzan states he intends to let her live to see what she becomes.
Kuzan leaves her with a final warning that he is not her friend and if she amounts to nothing good,
he will be the first to catch her. Robin states her mother is still on the island, but Kuzan replies
no one could survive the inferno. Robin leaves, reflecting on the misery left behind in the wake of

On the ruins of Ohara, some Marines inspect the damage done to the island. There are no
survivors left, but the lake is full to the brim with books.

Elsewhere Spandine exams a poster and identifies the photograph as Robin for sure. She boarded
a passenger ship far northeast of Ohara and escaped. Spandine recalls trying to chase after her
when she escaped Ohara, but the helm suddenly froze up. Kuzan claims Saul must have allowed
her to live as he died. Word is put around the world a eight year old girl called "Nico Robin" is
wanted for B79,000,000 and posters flutter everywhere. A special Marine team is left in charge
of finding her.

Robin returns to the old woman she came to stay with, only to find the old woman has betrayed
her for the price on her head. Another couple that allow her to stay with them question the danger
she is to them. When they read her bounty they find she has fled already. She stays with a pirate
group, but when the Marines show up they search for her to hand her over in order to protect
themselves. Robin is nowhere to be found.

Over the course of the years Robin is chased and chased. She is not allowed to even walk into a
store to buy things and while she was on the run she found a Poneglyph and her search for the
Poneglyphs continued. By the time she is 16, she has been on the run for 8 years and had gotten
used to consult betrayals until finally she ends up finding Crocodile.

Robin ends her flashback. Robin continues to warn Spandam about the dangers of the Buster
Call but he ignores them as silliness. Robin states she wishes to continue on with the Straw Hat
Pirates but has a deadly enemy she cannot shake. Robin states she is afraid they will betray her
with time. Spandam mocks Robin as a burden no one wants to have. He points to the flag of the
World Government and mocks the Straw Hat Pirates. Just then Luffy tells Sogeking to hit the flag
with a shot and he does so, burning it to a crisp.

To the absolute alarm of Enies Lobby the flag burns and they all gasp at what the Straw Hat
Pirates have done. By burning the flag, they declared war on the World Government. Luffy
screams out that it is fine and then tells Robin to say it, the others Straw Hats watch Robin and
wait. Robin is upset by the words as Luffy is asking her to demand the one thing she never
believed she would dare ask for. She calls out she wants to live and to be taken out to sea once
again with them.

The bridge begins to lower, the Franky Family and Galley-La Company workers finally lower the

As the drawbridge lowers to provide access to the Tower of Justice, the Straw Hat Pirates yell that
they will save Robin, and on the other side the members of CP9 laugh at the Straw Hats' bravery
but are confident that they cannot be defeated. At the left and right towers in the Courthouse

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Plaza, Mozu, Lulu, Kiwi, and Tilestone celebrate their success in lowering the drawbridge.
Meanwhile, Baskerville confronts the Galley-La Workers while ordering the Marines to destroy the
drawbridge. Paulie and Zambai attack him, splitting him in three, but Baskerville reveals that he
is actually three people with different bodies: the one on the left is Bas, the one on the right is
Kerville, and the one in the middle is Princess. Baskerville then orders the mortars to be fired,
and the mortars stop the drawbridge.

Baskerville yells at Spandam to flee from the Tower of Justice, and Spandam complies, dragging
Robin away while ordering someone else to take Franky. Spandam gloated to the Straw Hats,
saying he had CP9, Robin, and Franky, the latter of whom had the blueprints for the Pluton.
However, Spandam runs into Franky, who much to his shock is holding out the blueprints to the
Pluton, which he had kept in his body the entire time. Spandam tells Franky to give them to him,
but Franky tells Robin that he knew she did not wish to abuse the Pluton as many believed,
knowing that the mission of Tom and Iceburg was to keep the Pluton from falling into the wrong
hands. Franky tells Spandam that if the blueprints fell into his hands, the world would fall into
violence, although Spandam attempts to convince him that that would happen if Robin got them.

The Rocket Man breaks through the wall of the Tower of Justice. Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe are
having fun, though Kokoro has memories about Tom. Stating Tom helped Roger, she will help
Luffy. Spandam and the others see the Rocket Man break in, which makes Spandam panic.
Spandam then gives the order to destroy the Straw Hat Pirates, with the tower as their playground.
Taking away Nico Robin, he orders Lucci to back him up. He takes his sword and starts moving.

Meanwhile, the Rocket Man has stopped moving, and the Franky Family starts cheering when
seeing this. The Straw Hat Pirates and their big brother have made it. Franky himself is not so
cheery, concerned about the health of Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe, but they only have bloody
noses, to the annoyance of Franky. Luffy stands up from the rubble and is motivated to run for
Robin. Thanking Kokoro, he waits for his friends to join him. Then suddenly, they get up and are
comically scolded by Franky.

While trying to head for the stairway, Luffy and the others are stopped by a member of CP9,
Fukuro, who is hanging in the corner of two walls and the ceiling, at a safe dist ance. Luffy
questioning his appearance, Fukuro welcomes the pirates at Enies Lobby. He demolishes Luffy's
hope of getting Robin soon, as he tells everyone that Robin is taken by Lucci towards the Gates
of Justice. Fukuro tells them about they need to find keys to Robin's handcuffs, needing to fight
a CP9 member to get them, introducing the Seastone to Chopper. Being panicked by the fact it is
a Seastone handcuff, Chopper starts to worry about Robin. Fukuro starts to provoke Luffy, to
which a Gomu Gomu no Pistol follows in his direction. Fukuro quickly evaded and tells the Straw
Hats that he may not even have the real key. While using Geppou to get higher, he tells them they
should go find a CP9 member to fight with and take their keys. Then, Nami thinks of a smarter
strategy, telling the Straw Hats to first get Nico Robin and then get the keys, although she's quickly
interrupted by the guy in the air, telling her they'll throw the keys down the waterfall if they try.
Provoking once more, he flees, leaving an aggravated Luffy behind. Zoro and Sogeking stop him
from chasing Fukuro. Sanji and Nami make up a fighting plan, allowing Luffy to run ahead to fight

Sanji tells them they need their keys to win, Zoro tells them that if they lose, they will lose time.
They run up the staircase, leaving Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe behind at the ruined Rocket Man.
Spandam, Lucci, and Robin are walking down a spiral staircase, as Spandam keeps mocking
Robin. He tells her that no one is coming to save her and they do not even know the way to the

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Gate of Justice. Meanwhile, Luffy is already on his way to the tower, screaming for Robin to hold
on, as he is on his way.

Before willing to fight, Franky makes his way to the kitchen, needing to restock his cola supply.
Suddenly, Fukuro falls down from the ceiling and reintroduces himself, only for Franky to doubt
his own power while low on cola. Sogeking is checking door to door, only to find Jabra sleeping
with a key laying in front of him. Sogeking wonders if this is a super luck y chance.

Nami has made it to the basement, wondering why it looks like some underground prison.
Suddenly, Kumadori makes his entrance, in a loud way. Nami wonders why he is so loud. Sanji
asks himself which room to take. Walking further into the room, the door shuts and Sanji looks
shocked. A female voice then asks him to stay for some tea. After Sanji turns around and sees
Kalifa, he gladly accepts her offer.

Zoro enters a room. He sees Kaku, sitting in a chair in front of a fireplace. Kaku says Zoro already
had drawn his swords, to which he replies they moan for blood.

The chapter starts with Luffy arriving in the room where Robin and Franky were being held. He
realizes that they must have been there but are gone now. He then calls out for Robin. He then
gets angry at Rob Lucci, but remembers they are headed to the Gates of Justice and runs off to
find them.

Zoro is talking with Kaku, telling him to hand over his key before he gets killed. Kaku says that
was a silly order, and tells Zoro he regrets being unable to see his real skill when they were in the
Galley-La Company mansion, and his surprise that the pirates were able to make it so far. Zoro
tells Kaku that he is several times stronger than when they last fought. Kaku believes him, saying
he senses an ominous, beastly spirit within Zoro, and that he is a scary man. He stands up and
goes on to say that his swordsmanship is the best in CP9. Zoro comments that he uses a Nitoryu
fighting style. Kaku uses his swords like crutches to lift himself off the gro und and launch a
Rankyaku attack on Zoro, which the swordsman redirects to either side of him. The waves destroy
the shelves behind and on either side of Zoro. Kaku then contradicts Zoro by saying he is a
Yontoryu user, his legs being the other two swords. Zoro tells him it is no problem, as he
remembers Kaku's entire body is a weapon.

Zoro then runs at Kaku and Kaku moves forward, intercepting the attack. The two then begin to
match each other blow for blow. Zoro uses Nanajuni Pound Ho and Kaku uses Rankyaku
"Hakurai", both attacks colliing and causing an explosion. Using the blast as a distraction, Kaku
charges at Zoro using Soru. Zoro plants his sword, blocking Kaku's attack. Kaku then lets himself
be repelled away by Zoro, moving across the room spinning but uninjured, staying on his feet.
Zoro then charges at him, which Kaku dodges at the last second by falling on his back. Before
hitting the floor, Kaku catches himself and turns his body around to land in a kneeling position.
Kaku laughs and says the battle is fun. Zoro responds by saying he has no time for games. Kaku
then jumps into the air and tells him to come and get him, launching a Rankyaku "Ran". Zoro
wonders how he can control his attack so easily. Outside of the tower, it can be seen that a part
of the wall was blasted away. Zoro is then seen catching his breath, having dodged every attack,
asking Kaku if he is trying to make him look silly. Kaku contradicts him again, saying he is actually
impressed. Kaku then tells Zoro that if he is in a hurry, he will show him his new ability.

The scene changes to Sogeking, having just entered Jabra’s room. His first observation about the
room is that it has too many trees, making it feel like he is outside. He then snaps himself back
to the task at hand, getting the key to Robin’s handcuffs. Jabra is napping with his key right in

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front of him. Sogeking begins to tip-toe toward the key, figuring everything should be fine as long
as he can get the key quietly and run away quietly. He considers himself lucky for being able to
avoid fighting. He then notices a rooster walking by Jabra. Sogeking wonders why such a loud bird
would appear in front of him in this situation. Sogeking and the rooster stare at each other with
mounting tension, Sogeking begging the rooster in his mind not to crow. The rooster then lets out
a single, quiet chirp, startling Sogeking so much that he could not help but yell that roosters do
not crow like that. Jabra wakes up from his nap at that exact moment, noticing how a pirate had
finally arrived. Sogeking cursed the rooster in his thoughts. Jabra picks up his key, asking if he
should now cause havoc for Sogeking. Jabra then punches Sogeking across the room, making
Sogeking comment on how strong he is. Jabra then recognizes Sogeking as the one who shot the
World Government flag, saying his sniping skills must be the real thing. Sogeking is still on the
ground, stunned by how strong Jabra was just after waking up. Jabra apologizes for attacking
Sogeking all of a sudden, saying it must have hurt. He tells Sogeking not to worry as tormenting
his opponent wasn't his style while transforming into a human wolf hybrid. Sogeking asks if he
ate a Devil Fruit, and Jabra tells him he ate Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf. He tells Sogeking he will
simply slit his throat and that would be all, asking if Sogeking agrees that he do not have to suffer
before he dies. Jabra begins to attack Sogeking but realizes he does not look up to fighting him
and he does not look that strong. SOgeking tells he is up to it no matter what as he came to
rescue Robin. Little pieces of the ceiling start falling and Sogeking realizes that the floor above
them is collapsing.

Zoro and a huge giraffe fall through the ceiling. The giraffe turns out to be Kaku, shouting that he
meant to transform into the giraffe-human hybrid form but accidentally transformed into complete
animal form. Sogeking is shocked and confused to see a huge talking giraffe, but Jabra laughs
and tells Kaku that he loves his ability. Zoro sees Jabra and asks if they are in a zoo.

The chapter starts with Jabra laughing at Kaku’s Devil Fruit, the Ushi Ushi Fruit, Model: Giraffe.
He tells him he will now be a giraffe man for the rest of his life. Kaku says he does not care and
that he likes it. Zoro remembers that Rob Lucci is able to become a leopard, and is surprised that
there are three people in CP9 who can transform into animals. Sogeking is hiding behind some
rubble panting. He says he did not know that Kaku was also a Zoan user, saying he got the worst
two to fight. He is thankful that Zoro fell through the floor along with Kaku, as now Sogeking can
make it look like they are engaging in a two on two battle when really Zoro is doing all the work.
He then spots something on a wall. It is an open safe containing several pairs of handcuffs. Zoro
gets bored of listening to Kaku and Jabra arguing, and asks Kaku when he will be done. Zoro asks
Kaku he could just slice him up the way he is now.

This makes Kaku angry, and he tells Zoro not to underestimate a giraffe's destructive power as
he transforms into his animal-human hybrid form. Zoro states that the new form makes him look
even more ridiculous. This angers Kaku even more. Jabra cannot stop laughing at Kaku's new
form. Zoro wonders about what he said that was so thoughtless. He tells himself not to lose focus,
or his swords will lose their sharpness. Jabra is still laughing uncontrollably and Kaku asks him
how much longer he will be.

All of a sudden a pair of handcuffs goes flying and one of the cuffs gets locked around Zoro's right
arm. Sogeking quickly apologizes and Zoro asks him what he is doing. Sogeking explains that he
thinks those are the Seastone handcuffs they had heard about earlier. He thought that Kaku and
Jabra would be weakened if they wore them. Zoro then asks why Sogeking put the cuffs on him.
Sogeking then says that Kaku's face looked so funny that his hand slipped. Kaku tells them he
has had enough of their teasing. He then uses Rankyaku: Amanedachi. He begins to spin his
elongated neck, creating a whirlwind-like effect. Zoro yells for Sogeking to get down on the ground

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as they get pushed back. When the attack stops, Zoro realizes that the centrifugal force created
by the power from Kaku's huge giraffe body has made his attacks sharper with longer range.
Sogeking is surprised that nothing was broken by the attack. Zoro tells him to look at the ceiling,
and Sogeking is surprised to see the sky. The Tower of Justice had sustained a clean cut from
Kaku's attack, making the top portion shift to the right.

Jabra chastises Kaku for showing emotion during a fight. Kaku tells him to be quiet, saying that
he actually loves giraffes. Zoro says that it still will not be a threat to them. He then hears the
sound of something clicking into place. The open ring of the cuffs on Zoro's right hand had just
closed around Sogeking's left hand. Zoro yells at him, asking what he is doing. Sogeking says it is
not his fault, as Zoro had rushed into him. Zoro argues that he only did that because Sogeking
was spacing out, telling him to get the cuffs off them. Sogeking tells him he does not have the
key, much to Zoro's anger.

Kaku asks Jabra what the pirates are doing. Sogeking says that they are now in the same position
as Nico Robin. One of the members of CP9 has their key and they must fight them to get it. Jabra
notes that his and Kaku's targets are now connected. Kaku tells Jabra to sit back and relax, as
he can take care of both of them. Jabra gets angry, saying Kaku is stealing his prey. Kaku then
asks if he would rather fight together, to which Jabra responds he would not. Kaku then tells Zoro
and Sogeking to tell them the number on thief handcuffs. Kaku explains that each pair of
handcuffs and their corresponding keys have matching numbers.

If the number on their cuffs matches either Kaku's or Jabra's key, then they will set them free
right away. Sogeking tells them their number is 2. Kaku and Jabra look at their key. Neither of the
CP9 members have the matching key. Kaku remarks how disappointing it was. Zoro is angry, as
they had gotten him hopeful for nothing. Sogeking realizes that means another CP9 member has
it. Jabra tells Kaku that the first to kill the pirates is the winner, and Kaku agrees. Zoro yells that
they have to do something as Sogeking screams in terror.

Elsewhere, Chopper arrives at a staircase that is split apart in the middle. He says he is not
surprised that something like that would happen because of the blast earlier. He then wonders if
the building is going to be aliright. He hears a scream coming from a nearby room and rushes
over to see who it is. He sees Zoro and Sogeking run by while being chased by a wolf and a giraffe.
Choppers remarks how fun it looks. Zoro then shows him the handcuffs and tells him to find a
key with a 2 on it. As he is running away to begin searching for the key, Chopper has a flashback
to what Zoro told him. He realizes then that the cuffs and keys must match by number also. Zoro
told Chopper he is their only hope. Chopper reasons that the one most likely to have gotten a key
by now would be Sanji, and he runs off to look for him.

Outside the tower, Luffy is looking towards the Gates of Justice, wondering how to get there. At
first he thought there would be a normal bridge for a path. He then sees two giant whirlpools and
wonders if a boat could even get across to the gates. He realizes that he does not have time, so
he will have to try something to get to the gates. He then wonders if Robin was there already.
Back inside the tower, Nami is on floor 0 and having a tough time battling Kumadori. She is
restrained by his hair and is having trouble getting out of it. She is able to break away just in time,
though, by taking off her jacket. Kumadori’s polearm goes through her jacket moments after she
escaped, and would have impaled her through the heart. She fearfully says she is no match for
him. Near the tower's kitchen, Franky is fighting against Fukuro. Fukuro asks Franky if he is a
normal human as his punches are abnormally strong.

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Franky tells him his fists are made of real steel. In Kalifa’s room, Sanji yells at her saying this is
not the time to have tea. He says he almost fell into her love trap. Kalifa simply responds by telling
him he has had three cups of tea already. Sanji tells her to be quiet, saying he will not fall into her
trap anymore. Sanji then says that he remembers that CP9 insulted Robin on the Sea Train and
asks for the key. Kalifa says it is too bad, as she sees he is in a rush and tells him to take the key.
When Sanji asks where it is, Kalifa answers that by wondering aloud where on her body she hid
the key. She then tells Sanji he will have to look for it. The chef is overjoyed to hear this. While he
is distracted, Kalifa takes the opportunity to send him shooting across the room with a kick. She
then asks him if it was a bad sign. The chapter ends with a stunned Sanji realizing how stupid he
was by falling for Kalifa's trick.

The chapter starts with Sanji sitting on the floor after just having been kicked by Kalifa. She tells
him that Nico Robin is getting closer to the Gates of Justice, or as she calls it, "approaching Hell".
Sanji tells her she is aware of that, and if Kalifa tries to get in his way, he will not consider the fact
that she is a woman. Kalifa tells him that yelling will not make the key appear any more easily.
She also tells him that he does not have to think of her as a woman, as she does not wish to live
that leniently. As long as she has the extermination order, she will kill him. Sanji lights a cigarette,
saying he will not give her his life, and that all he wants is the key to Robin's handcuffs. Kalifa
then suggest that they bring tea time to an end. She uses Soru, which Sanji blocks. He then
comments on how her strength is superhuman as their legs collide with each other. Sanji then
proceeds to kick Kalifa square in the face, but stopping right before he makes contact.

Sanji says that that was one blow for him. Kalifa then roundhouse kicks him point blank in the
crotch. After momentarily writhing on the floor in pain, Sanji calls her a fiend. As he is getting back
up, Kalifa tries to use Geppo, which he dodges by rolling backward. Sanji then attacks her with a
flying kick which Kalifa dodges by falling to the ground. However, Sanji was able to redirect his
kick and pin her to the floor. Kalifa remarks how fast he is. He yells that he just crushed her with
his leg, saying that she lost and should give him the key. Before he could finish the last sentence,
Kalifa uses Shigan directly on Sanji's leg, causing it to buckle. She escapes and quickly uses
Rankyaku, knocking Sanji to the ground. She tells him he may be a pirate, but he is also a coward.
Sanji tells her to shut up and tries to kick her, but she dodges using Soru.

Kalifa then reappears, grabbing Sanji by the tie and restraining the leg he just tried to kick her
with so he cannot escape. Kalifa tells Sanji she has had enough of his empty threats. She tells
him they are about to do something fun, where he will die if he does not counterattack.

Elsewhere, Nami and Kumadori have moved their battle to the first floor. Nami is looking around
a corner, wondering why Kumadori is not coming after her. She is relieved, unaware that
Kumadori is directly behind her, pressed against the wall. She decides to just run. Before she
can, however, Kumadori wraps his hair around her left ankle using Life Return. He then proceeds
to bind her other leg, as well as her neck and both of her arms. Kumadori asks if he should kill
her by stabbing her or by strangling her. He then recites a poem about killing her. He then t ells
her to say hi to his mother in the afterlife. He is about to kill her using Haru Gin Jo, but Chopper
suddenly intervenes and stops him with Kokutei Roseo, having eaten a Rumble Ball and activated
his Arm Point. Nami is released and falls to the ground. Chopper asks her if she is okay, and Nami
thanks him for saving her.

Chopper then asks her if Kumadori is a Devil Fruit user. Nami said that she was not sure. All she
knew was that he moved his hair like an octopus and that she could not counterattack at all.
Nami tells Chopper that now is their chance to leave. Chopper argues if they do then they will not
get the key. Nami then shows him the key, saying she had stolen it without him noticing, but just

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could not escape from him. She asks how the others are doing. Chopper instead asks her the
number on the key. She tells him 3, much to his dismay. Nami then asks what the number meant.

While they are running, part of the ceiling falls in front of them, almost crushing them. They see a
beaten Sanji, whose body has become completely round and shiny. Chopper compares Sanji to a
glass doll, saying he is seriously injured. Nami realizes that it must have been a Devil Fruit user
in CP9, shocked that Sanji was defeated. Sanji apologizes to Nami, saying he could not get the
key. Nami then looks up and sees Kalifa looking down at them from the hole in the ceiling.
Chopper tells Sanji he will give him first aid. Nami asks Sanji if he really fought Kalifa seriously.
Nami says his opponent was the woman looking through the hole. Nami asks him if he means to
keep his code, even if it kills him. Sanji tells her it is not as if he wants to die, but he was brought
up being taught never to kick a woman, even if it kill him. Nami call him an idiot, hitting him with
her Clima-Tact, much to Chopper's shock.

Nami tells him that if running away is against his code, then he shouldn't bother. She then tells
him to leave Kalifa to her, saying she will not get away with it. She also says that Sanji deserves
some credit for keeping his code, though Sanji thought Nami said he deserved some loving for it.
Chopper quickly contradicts him. Nami looks up at Kalifa, saying she will not be as sweet as Sanji.
Kalifa says she would not be sweet either, and they might get along well. As Nami runs up the
stairs, Kumadori shouts that he will not let her get away. Chopper tells her to leave Kumadori to
him, and holds him back with a Kokutei Cross.

The scene changes to Luffy, who had just tried to cross the ocean to the Gates of Justice on a
rowboat. Chimney and Gonbe rescued him and pulled him ashore. Luffy tearily told them that
Robin was being taken to the gate and he had to save her before she went through it. Chimney
and Gonbe excitedly tell him that they found a way to get to the gate. They took Luf fy to an
underground passageway beneath the ocean. Chimney explains that she saw one of Lucci’s
subordinates laughing so she followed him and found the passageway. She thought that
Spandam was Lucci's subordinate. They stop at a large steel door with the World Government
insignia on it.

Chimney remembered Spandam touching something on a control panel, but realized they needed
a key. Luffy tells them to stand back. Chimney asks what he is going to do. Luffy does not answer
but instead bites his thumb and uses a new attack, Gear Third, punching a hole through the door.
As the dust begins to clear, Luffy says they are going. The chapter ends with Chimney and Gonbe
shocked to see a very small Luffy heading into the tunnel, asking him why he shrank.

The chapter starts with Luffy, Chimney, and Gonbe heading down an underwater passageway
leading to the Gates of Justice. Chimney remarks how fun Luffy is. As Luffy is running, the
shrinking effect of Luffy's Gear Third’s attack begin to wear off and he grows back to his normal
size. He calls for Nico Robin to wait for him, saying he will send Rob Lucci flying. Further into the
tunnel, Spandam tells Lucci he hears a noise, wondering if it is his imagination. Lucci suggests
that it might be the pirates breaking through the door. Spandam is astounded, saying that the
door is solid steel, and that there was no way they could have found the door to begin with. Lucci
tells him he remembers a small girl following them earlier, so she probably told them. When
Spandam asks Lucci why he did not kill her, he smugly replies that he never received an order to
do so. Spandam is annoyed, telling Lucci he should decide those things on his own. He then asks
if that means someone is following them.

Back in the Tower of Justice, Franky is fighting Fukuro in the corridor outside the kitchen. Franky
comments on how Fukuro is quick to run away. Fukuro tells him there is no reason for him to take

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Franky's punches. Franky uses Franky Triangle Jacker and Fukuro dodges it. Fukuro then punches
Franky, which he blocks. He then grabs Fukuro by the mouth and throws him over his head,
sending him crashing into the floor. Franky uses Weapons Left, and then notice that his cola
supply was running low. He runs towards the door to the kitchen only to be intercepted by Fukuro.
Franky comments on how Fukuro has amazing escaping skills. Fukuro tells him that really made
him mad. Fukuro tells him to take his punch first.

He then uses Super Heavy "Shigan" Speed Punch: Jugon. The punch hits Franky squarely in the
face, but he stays standing. Franky tells him that that punch will not do anything to him as he puts
on a glove. He then uses Strong Hammer, hitting Fukuro cleanly in the jaw as he starts to use
Tekkai. Fukuro tells Franky his punch was weak, chidingly calling it "wussy-pussy", and hits him
with another Jugon. Franky retorts that Fukuro's punch is "wimpy-limpy". Franky also calls Fukuro's
punch "flimsy-clumsy". Fukuro also calls Franky's punch "weaky-geeky" and "lazy-pansy panty",
causing Franky to wonder why he added panty as they punch each other repeatedly. Fukuro tells
Franky that "panty" is good enough for him. Franky grabs Fukuro's face as they crash through the
walls of the kitchen.

They land with Franky on top of Fukuro, grabbing him by the lower lip. Franky is relieved to find
himself in the kitchen, and even more relieved to see a huge refrigerator right next to him. As he
is looking at the fridge, the wall on the left side starts to break, and Chopper and Kumadori burst
through the wall. Chopper is angry at himself for using the Rumble Ball too soon. Franky thinks
that Chopper is a Devil Fruit user that can transform into a gorilla. Fukuro then tries to attack
Chopper, but Chopper pulls the giant refrigerator door at the last instant, causing Fukuro to collide
with the door. Chopper then slams the door shut, pinning Kumadori between the door and the
edge of the fridge. Chopper is happy to see the door has a lock. Fukuro is stunned to see
Kumadori trapped in the door. Chopper is overjoyed to have gotten Kumadori locked up. Franky
then tells Chopper to wait a moment, calling him gorilla, saying he has to get something from the

Chopper then becomes aware of Franky and Fukuro's presence in the room. He then gets angry
at Franky for calling him a gorilla, leading Franky to comment on how slow Chopper is. Chopper
tells Franky he is still angry at him for what he did to Usopp. Franky draws his attention back to
the task at hand, saving Robin. Franky tells Chopper to get him three bottles of cola and give
them to him so he can power up. He tells Chopper he can finish off the two CP9 agents easily and
get their keys. Chopper asks how he could become stronger with cola. Fukuro asks how much
longer they will be arguing. He then hits Franky with his ultimate Jugon technique: Fukurodataki.
Franky weakly tries to punch him, but Fukuro hits him again. Chopper realizes that Franky is on
their side now, and figures out he can open and close the fridge fast enough to get the cola but
without freeing Kumadori. He does so, and tosses Franky the cola. Franky feels rejuvenated and
his hair takes the form of an tomato. He tries to hit Fukuro with a Vegetable Punch, but is easily
knocked away by another Jugon.

Franky tosses the bottles Chopper gave him back at the reindee r, furious that he was given
vegetable juice. A terrified Chopper tells him he thought Franky was just thirsty. Franky tells him
to forget the healthy drinks and get him some cola. Chopper tosses him some more bottles, and
Franky loads them into his fuel chamber, his hair this time taking a more wavy shape. He then
sits in a chair, holding a gardening hoe, saying that he is done tilling the soil, and that they should
all sit down and have some tea, which would give them power. He then realizes that Chopper
gave him tea instead of cola this time and tosses the bottles back at him. Chopper stares at
Franky, realizing how fun he is. Chopper then gets a gleam in his eyes. Franky yells at him to get
rid of what he calls the "what would happen if I give him different drinks" face. He tells Chopper

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that this his last chance, and it is not about what Chopper wants, as Franky takes only cola.
Chopper then throws three bottles of cola to him. Fukuro tells them that he does not know what
is going on, but he will not let them just play around. He attacks Franky with a Rankyaku, which
sends him flying into the air and then crashing back down to the ground. Franky then gets back
up yelling "Suuuuppppper".

Fukuro tells him there is no way he could have gotten stronger from cola. Franky tells Fukuro to
guard himself. Fukuro asks if Franky is about to use one of his "crappy-flappy" punches. Franky
then attacks him with a Strong Hammer punch. The punch sends Fukuro flying across the room
and through several walls. Chopper is stunned by Franky's sudden increase in power. The chapter
ends with Franky telling Fukuro that until a moment ago, his punches were truly "crappy-flappy".

The chapter starts by showing Fukuro in a heap in the balcony outside, having just been blasted
through the wall by Franky. Chopper tells Franky to listen to him. He tells Franky they cannot do
anything until they get the Number 2 key. Franky says at least he now knows what is going on, as
Fukuro gets back up. Chopper remarks how tough he is. Fukuro tells F ranky he has made him
very angry. Franky tells Chopper to just sit back and watch. He then removes his shirt, exposing
his shoulders. On each shoulder is what Franky calls a Destroyer Cannon. He says he hates using
them since they dislocate is shoulders, so Chopper tells him not to use it. Fukuro laughs, saying
that he cannot be bombarded, as he is a rokushiki user. Franky tells him that he cannot avoid a
Destroyer Cannon shot, because they are "pursuit cannon balls". Chopper is amazed to hear of
such technology.

Franky then runs after Fukuro while firing cannon shots at him, making Chopper realize that
Franky is the one pursuing Fukuro, not the cannon balls. Fukuro realizes he fell for the trick, and
uses Soru to get away. Franky looks around, wondering where he went. He then hears Fukuro's
voice, telling him there is no point in trying to find him, as he is a master of Soru. He also mentions
that in addition to his speed, his fighting style makes him as silent as an owl during a hunt.

Fukuro brags that he performs a perfect assassination, and the target will not be able to see him
until the last second. Chopper then punches Fukuro in the stomach, and tells Franky he found
where he has been hiding. Franky asks Fukuro if he saw that coming, which makes him mad. He
yells that he will not tolerate such humiliation. He then uses Soru to go to the other side of the
room, and uses Tekkai Dama on Franky. The force of the attack is enough to knock both fighters
off the balcony and into the sea. Chopper realizes the severity of the situation. Franky could get
swept into the waterfall, and Chopper would have no way of saving him. He can only wish Franky
good luck.

In the water, Fukuro realizes he still has Geppo if he goes over the falls. Franky, on the other
hand, is having a hard time struggling against the current, as Fukuro wishes for him to fall.

Back on land, Chopper hears a familiar voice. It is Kumadori. Chopper is amazed that he was able
to open the heavy and locked refrigerator door. Kumadori is trying to say something, but is having
a hard time due to his cold body. He gets his sentence out, in which he thanks Chopper for the
food, and Chopper realizes that Kumadori has gotten much more fat, and wonders how much he

In the ocean, Franky manages to get his head above the water. He says he does not want to
drown in a place like this and realizes he is at the edge of the waterfall already. He then begins
to panic as he begins to fall. Franky then uses Franky Butterfly, and begins to swim back to shore
using the butterfly stroke. Fukuro will not let him get there, and uses Geppo: Dugong to send him

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back under the water. An angry Franky resurfaces and tries to use Weapons: Left on him. Fukuro
uses Kami-e Slime, and bends his body to avoid Franky's explosives. Fukuro tells him too bad, as
he came close. Franky goes under the water again, determined to get to shore by any means
necessary. He then uses 1.0 Cola Cannon, Coup de Boo. He is launched out of the water and high
into the air. Fukuro asks if he has learned that he cannot defeat a rokushiki user so easily. Franky
then tries to use Strong Hammer on him, but Fukuro dodges using Kami-e again, and knocks
Franky back toward the waterfall.

Franky launches a Strong Right attack at Fukuro, using it as a grappling hook t o grab on to his
ankle. He can now take Fukuro down to the bottom of the falls with him. Fukuro tells him it is too
much to support two people with a one-legged Geppo. Franky asks him if he would like to go back
to shore before he falls, or risk fighting someone while supporting two people's weight. Fukuro
tells Franky that since his own life is at stake, he will take Franky back to shore. Fukuro tells him
that the battle will end once they get to the shore, as he has found a way to finish Franky off with
one last finishing move. The chapter ends with Franky saying he has found one as well.

The chapter starts with Franky and Fukuro still in the air, with Fukuro kicking his way to shore
using Geppo as Franky holds on to his other leg. Franky tells him to hurry up. Fukuro is annoyed,
as he does not want Franky telling him what to do, and he will silence him right now. He then
begins to spin in the air, swinging Franky around with his leg. Fukuro then launches himself
forward, using Super Cartwheel Tekkai-dama, with the intention of smashing Franky against the
corner of the Tower of Justice. Franky realizes he will be smashed to bits if he does not do
something, and uses Franky Centaur. He then locks both of Fukuro's legs, preventing him from
using them, meaning he cannot move freely in the air. Fukuro tells him it does not matter, as
there is nothing he can do at this speed anyway.

Franky tells him that is not quite true. He then connects his arms together, and uses Miniature
Coup de Cannon. He aims the blast in the direction they are heading. The recoil from the blast is
enough to cause Fukuro to lose all of his momentum. Fukuro realizes this, but Franky tells him it
is good, as they are now over the shore. Franky then fires a Coup de Vent at Fukuro at point blank
range while standing on his chest. Fukuro is blasted into the ground, making a hole in the shape
of his body several feet deep. Fukuro is defeated.

The scene changes to inside the Tower of Justice, where Zoro and Sogeking are running from
Jabra and Kaku. Zoro asks if the #2 key to their handcuffs has arrived yet. Sogeking tells Zoro he
is tired and asks him for a piggy-back ride. Zoro just says whatever. Kaku launches a Shigan at
the two pirates. He and Jabra then get into an argument. Jabra thought Kaku had meant to hit
him with the Shigan. Kaku tells him that is a false accusation, but he would be more than happy
to hit him if Jabra wishes so. Kaku adds that Jabra has been getting in his way since the beginning
of the fight. Jabra snaps that he was going to say that, calling Kaku "Herbivore". Kaku tells him
he prefers meat.

While they are arguing, Zoro is telling Sogeking his plan as they run away. The two of them will
play Rock-Paper-Scissors, and the loser would cut his hand in off in order to get free. Sogeking is
shocked that Zoro would think of something so insane. Zoro tells him that the loser could simply
pick up their hand, take it back to Chopper, and have him sew it back on. Sogeking tells him they
are not stuffed animals and it does not work like that. Zoro tells him he has another idea. Sogeking
tells him he does not want to hear it. Kaku and Jabra then look over at Zoro and Sogeking.
Sogeking is completely rigid. Zoro's right wrist is wrapped in Sogeking's bandages. Sogeking is on
his side, holding Yubashiri with the hilt right in front of his face. Zoro tells him to keep his rigid

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posture, as he is a sword now. Sogeking is asking for a lawyer, saying he will sue Zoro for this
some day, and begging Chopper to hurry.

The scene changes to Chopper and Kumadori. Chopper is amazed by Kumadori's utter lack of
self control, and that he got so fat in only a matter of minutes. Kumadori then begins spouting
random words. Chopper tells him he is not worried about him, he just needs something from him.
Kumadori then uses a technique called Seimei Kikan. He is suddenly back to his normal weight
and size. Chopper is shocked by what he has just seen. Kumadori tells him that after spending
one thousand years in the ocean, and another thousand in the mountains, he inhales the air and
drinks the dew, completing the training of the hermit life. As a result, he gained the technique
Seimei Kikan. Kumadori goes on to say that there is no part of the body that humans cannot
control by channeling the conscious to every part of the body.

Chopper remembers reading something about Kumadori's ability. Chopper asks him if moving his
hair like an octopus is part of the ability. Kumadori gets mad, telling Chopper to call him manly.
He then tells him to call him a manly lion. He then uses his hair in a technique Kamishabari.
Chopper dodges, realizing he will be finished if he gets caught in his hair. Kumadori then uses
Soru. He reappears above him and Chopper cannot find him. Kumadori then uses Shigan: Cue,
and brings his staff down on Chopper. Chopper dodges at the last second, shocked to see that a
staff that wasn't even sharp could make a hole in the floor. Kumadori then tries stabbing randomly
at Chopper. Chopper gets annoyed, and hits Kumadori with a Heavy Gong as he was getting ready
to use Tekkai.

Chopper hurts his hand when he punched him. He realizes that he will not be able to do any
damage unless he uses Arm Point or Horn Point. But he remembers the dangers of using the
Rumble Ball too soon in succession. The second ball would throw off the transformation, and the
third ball would make him lose consciousness. He thinks that he can strengthen himself once
more. Kumadori uses Shishkebab, trying to impale Chopper. As Chopper runs away, he realizes
he is just wasting time, and eats a Rumble Ball. He tries using Horn Point, but it is intercepted.
The same thing happens when he tries to use Jumping Point. As Chopper lies on the ground, he
realizes that he cannot control his transformation. He thinks that if he could get into Arm Point,
then he could use Kokutei.

Chopper realizes that the room is becoming dangerous with the flames created from the battle
and that he has to find the #2 key to help Zoro and Sg, or they cannot get Nico Robin back.
Kumadori calls him tenacious, and uses Seimei Kikan, making his hair take the shape of a hand.
Chopper tells himself he has to do it, that he cannot be defeated here, and that he is the crew's
hope. The chapter ends with Kumadori hitting Chopper in the stomach with a Shigan.

The chapter starts with Kumadori having just pummeled Chopper using his Life Return. Kumadori
tells Chopper that he will not show any mercy as long as he is angry. Chopper considers the risks
of eating a second Rumble Ball, and calculates the odds that he has a one in seven chance of
being able to use Arm Point. He eats a Rumble Ball as Kumadori attacks him with another Shish
Kebab. Chopper calls out his attack but realizes that he is not in Arm Point and that his body is at
its limit. He has to get into Arm Point as Kumadori rushes toward him.

By some miracle, he manages to get into Arm Point. He then says that he has to place everything
on this next attack. Kumadori hits him with Shigan, but Chopper plants his feet and withstands
it. He knows if he retreats now, he will not get another chance to attack. As Kumadori gets ready
to attack him with Tekkai Go, Chopper hits him in the chest with a Kokutei Roseo Metel. Kumadori
is blasted back, knocking him to his knees, hoof prints covering his chest. Chopper collapses.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Kumadori comments on the beauty of Chopper's attack. He then goes into a frenzy, saying he can
no longer hold back and starts attacking Chopper. He kicks the weakened reindeer, who realizes
his strength is completely drained.

Chopper has a flashback. He is lying in a bed injured. Kureha is asking him what he did to himself
and Chopper says he cannot remember. Kureha tells him he will not be able to get out of trouble
just because he does not remember, saying he is lucky no one got killed. Everyone in the country
is distressed about the night Chopper cannot remember, and Kureha asks him what he is going
to do about it. Kureha goes on to say that he almost destroyed an entire village. She tells him that
she does not mind if he likes to experiment like Hiluluk, but things need to be done after careful
consideration. She then asks him why he had to inherit everything from Hiluluk, including the
ability to frighten people. Chopper apologizes to Kureha, promising he will not ever do it again,
begging her not to kick him out of the castle. Kureha tells him not to be silly and to rest, as she
cannot go shopping if he does not heal. Chopper fades back into reality as Kureha says that last

Kumadori binds Chopper with Life Return: Kami Shibari. He then tells him not to cry, for if he
does, his manliness would cry also. Chopper realizes Kumadori is going to kill him. Kumadori then
recites a poem about cruel fate. He then uses Yana Gin Jo on Chopper. At the last second,
Chopper remembers he has to save Robin, transforming from his large form into his normal, small
form. He escapes Kumadori's hair binds and avoids getting hit with the staff. Chopper eats a third
Rumble Ball, saying if he is going to die, then he might as well do it, hoping no one enters the
room. Chopper transform and is now several times larger than Kumadori. Chopper remembers
what he told Kureha during the flashback. He ate three Rumble Balls, then he lost consciousness.
Kureha interrupts him, saying that one could call it a Devil Fruit going crazy, telling him never to
do that again. She tells him that his power can destroy friends and enemies alike and takes a toll
on his body. It was as if he had become a real monster.

The scene changes to outside the courthouse, where Franky is lying on the ground. Franky is
saying that he took longer than expected with his fight. He shrugs it of f because he got Fukuro’s
key, Key 4. He then remembers that Zoro and Sogeking needed Key 2 and Kumadori has Key 3.
He reasons that Kalifa must be the one who has key 2.

The scene changes to a bath, where Kalifa is playing with the bubbles. Nami is lying by a large
dent in the wall, having trouble getting up. Kalifa teases her, saying she thought Nami did not
have very much time, or maybe she misheard. Nami tells Kalifa not to make fun of her, as she
will not her. Kalifa then invites Nami to come and get her, saying there is no need to wait since
their battle started a long time ago. Nami tells her that she is amazed to see a Devil Fruit user
bathing in front of an enemy, since she should be powerless with half of her body immersed in
water. Kalifa asks if Nami is trying to point out a flaw in her defense, saying that Nami is just as
powerless as she is. Kalifa then asks Nami to excuse her for a moment. She goes behind a screen
to dry herself off and change into her clothes. Nami asks what she did to her.

Kalifa teasingly replies that solving that kind of mystery comes with the fun of fighting Devil Fruit
users. Nami remembers how Sanji had become all rounded and shiny, realizing she needs to be
careful or else she would have intervened for nothing. She then realizes that she is regaining her
strength. Nami tells Kalifa that she will show her the true power of her Clima-Tact and that she
should not be dismissed simply as "cute". She realizes she can move her legs again and gets up,
using Thunder Charge, forming a ball of electricity on the end of the staff, then using Swing Arm,
twirling the staff at a joint, launching the electricity at Kalifa.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Kalifa does not seem hurt by it at all, though she does comment on how amazing the weapon is.
Nami then uses Thunder Ball, launching another ball of lightning, this time at the ceiling, where
a storm cloud had formed. Kalifa seems confused by the cloud and Nami tells her she wasn't
lying around doing nothing. The chapter ends with Nami discharging the cloud, calling it
Thunderbolt Tempo, causing a large bolt of lightning to hit the ground near Kalifa.

The chapter starts with the smoke clearing from Nami’s electric attack on Kalifa. Nami tells Kalifa
she got overconfident. As the smoke clears, Nami can see an egg-shaped capsule where Kalifa
should have been. The capsule begins to dissolve away, revealing Kalifa inside it. She steps out
of the capsule, saying she has never thought she would be struck by lightning indoors. Nami asks
what protected her from the lightning and why it dissolved away. Kalifa tells her that unless she
figures it out, she has no chance of winning. Nami compares it Kalifa's power to soap dissolving
in water, wondering if the Awa Awa no Mi made her a soap woman.

Kalifa, taken aback by Nami's wild guess, tells her that even knowing her power is not enough for
her to win. Nami realizes that she guessed right, feeling sorry for Kalifa. Kalifa calls herself
"cleanliness personified", a soap woman who ate the Awa Awa no Mi that can produce bubbles
from any part of her body. Kalifa's beauty and soapy poise surprise Nami, making her comment
to herself how sexy Kalifa looks, and how she would be happy if Kalifa were her secretary. She
then catches herself, remembering she is not a man. Nami asks Kalifa if she finds her new ability
inconvenient, since it does not seem useful in battle. Kalifa tells Nami that she can control the
bubbles from her body any way she wants.

She then uses an attack, Bubble Master. She pulls the soap from her bath tub and uses it to
cover herself, creating a large trail behind her. She calls it Soap Sheep. Nami asks her if she is
an idiot. Kalifa tells her that appearances can be deceiving. She then launches the soap bubbles
at Nami in an attack called Hitsuji-gumo Relax Hour.

Kalifa asks Nami why she thought she lost her strength when she first entered the room. Nami
realizes it must be because of Kalifa's ability, remembering the floor was covered with bubbles.
The bubbles collide with Nami, knocking her over. Nami realizes she is losing her strength
because the bubbles are draining it from her body. Kalifa then attacks Nami with Rankyaku,
removing the bubbles on her. Kalifa tells her that her bubbles can remove anything, from strength
to stains. Nami tells her she will not forgive her, and launches a thunder ball at her from her
Clima-Tact. Kalifa dodges the attack, and reappears behind Nami, saying that only Nami's weapon
is still a mystery to her.

She then begins rubbing Nami's legs, getting soap on them. Nami tries to hit her but Kalifa dodges
using Soru as Nami falls to the ground. She then realizes that she cannot stand up. Looking at
her legs, she realizes they are completely smooth and slick from the soap. Kalifa tells Nami that
anything she touches becomes smooth and shiny like her legs.

The scene changes to Chopper’s battle with Kumadori. Kumadori attacks Chopper in his Monster
Point from behind using Haru Gin Jou, but Chopper turns around and slams Kumadori into the
floor. He tries to stand up but Chopper's fist pounds him into the ground again and proceeds to
pound him repeatedly. Meanwhile, Franky is on the balcony, weakened from his fight and trying
to figure out how to get more cola. Chopper then appears in front of Franky, dragging an
unconscious Kumadori with him. Chopper then throws Kumadori over the balcony toward the
other building. Franky then recognizes the hat that the behemoth before him was wearing is
identical to the one Chopper wears. He then asks the monster if it was Chopper. In response, the
monster's giant hand tries to crush Franky.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Back at the main island, the agents in the square are looking at Kumadori, whose body has just
landed in front of them, wondering who could have done it. At the tower, Chopper is now outside
climbing up the tower. In the undersea passage, Spandam is yelling at Nico Robin for not keeping
up with him. He yells at her, telling her not to stop and ordering Rob Lucci to drag her over and
pull her by the hair if necessary. Robin is looking back at the dark tunnel, thinking se just heard
a voice. Lucci grabs her by the arm, telling her it is an order for her to walk. Spandam laughs at
her, asking if she really expects her friends to save her. He tells Robin that the sound she heard
earlier was just her imagination and there is no way they could come here. Spandam tells her that
they are getting closer to the Bridge of Hesitation, which stands before the Gates of Justice. When
they cross the bridge halfway, the other half will come up and they will go through the Gates of

After that, Robin will never feel hope again. As they continue walking, they all hear someone call
out to Robin. Spandam panics, asking what that voice he just heard was. Robin smiles. Lucci tells
Spandam to take Robin and continue on. Luffy is running through the tunnel and sees a set of
double doors at the end. He comments that they do not look steel this time. Luffy kicks through
the door and is in some kind of storage room. He is wondering where he is when Lucci welcomes

The chapter starts by showing how each Straw Hat pirate and Franky are progressing in their
fights. Zoro and Sogeking are on the fourth floor, fighting Jabra and Kaku, who are holding keys
#1 and #5, respectively. Sanji is in a heap on the first floor, still smooth from Kalifa ’s ability.
Chopper is clinging to the wall of the tower in his Monster Point. On the fifth floor, Nami and Kalifa
are fighting. Nami has the #3 key and is trying to take Kalifa's #2 key. Outside the tower, Franky
is lying on his back exhausted, while Fukuro and Kumadori are both defeated and unconscious.
And inside the Bridge of Hesitation, Luffy is getting ready to fight Rob Lucci. Spandam is running
up stairs, pulling Robin with him. He is furious that a pirate followed them this far. He pulls out a
Den Den Mushi and tries to contract the rest of the CP9 agents. When he does not understand
why they aren't responding, Robin asks him what he is holding. Spandam looks at his hand and
realizes he is talking into, and holding down the button of the Golden Den Den Mushi, activating
the Buster Call.

A Silver Den Den Mushi in Marine Headquarters starts to vibrate. Someone reports it, and that
Aokiji had requested the Buster Call and confirmed it came from Enies Lobby. Vice Admiral John
Giant is giving commands. He ordered five vice admirals in the area of the call to respond. He
ordered the ten battle ships to be ready and for the vice admirals to be gathered. A soldier tells
him that they can make it to Enies Lobby in thirty minutes. Spandam is talking into a Baby Den
Den Mushi, the proper one, now. Kalifa responds. He tells her that he screwed up and accidentally
set the Buster Call into action. The Den Den Mushi he is talking into is also linked up with an
intercom system in Enies Lobby, so everyone on the island heard it.

The soldiers are shocked, and cannot believe what they are hearing. Lucci and Luffy are listening
to the conversation on a Baby Den Den Mushi from the room they are in, and hear Robin's voice
asking Spandam what he has done and telling him to cancel it immediately as it has dire
consequences. Nami and Kalifa are listening to it, as are the captured Galley-La Company
foremen and Franky Family. Oimo and Kashi, also tied up, are out of breath and smiling at the
announcement, as a nearby soldier recognizes Spandam's voice. Spandam is now laughing, as if
he is unafraid of the Buster Call. He then tries to make it seem to himself that it wasn't an
accident. He tells himself that as chief of CP9, he ordered the Buster Call in order to deliver Robin
to the World Government without fail.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

He then asks himself if that is a good cause, since at least all of the pirates would be dead. Robin
tells him it is foolish to think that way. The Buster Call is void of all emotion. It will burn down
anything and everything on Enies Lobby, including the island itself. It will sacrifice everyone to
carry out its goal, a focus fire attack. Robin tells Spandam that he does not know what happened
twenty years ago on Ohara.

Spandam shrugs off her words, saying it is an important case for the world government. Since
Cutty Flam burned the blueprints to Pluton, Robin is the only way left to revive the ancient
weapons. He goes on to say that military strength that will overturn an era will depend on Pluton
and anyone who dies as a result will be considered a sacrifice for the future. What he does not
realize is everything he is saying is being transmitted across the island on the Den Den Mushi he
is holding. All the soldiers listening are stunned that they would be sacrificed. Robin asks
Spandam what human lives are to him. Spandam tells her that if people have to die for more
people to be saved, then they will be killed without hesitation. In order for true justice to be
enacted, there has to be sacrifice.

He tells her that the soldiers are better off dead anyway, since they could not stop the pirates
from invading. Robin tells Spandam that the Den Den Mushi he is holding is still off the hook.
Spandam realizes to his horror that everyone heard the conversation, and tries to pretend he is
Luffy, but no one believes him. Robin tries to tell everyone to escape, as they will not survive the
Buster Call. Spandam punches her out of the way and hangs up, telling her not to say anything

The CP9 and Straw Hat Pirates momentarily stop their battle to discuss the Buster Call. Jabra is
angry at Spandam and Zoro realizes they are in danger. Kalifa tells Nami the pirates do not have
any hope left. Nami tells her not to worry, since they are used to dire situations like this. Kokoro
laughs, saying things are getting more interesting. Soldiers are scrambling to get off the island,
leaving their prisoners unattended. Zambai asks why they are running away when war ships are
coming. Paulie explains that the whole island will be burned down. They then shout to the fleeing
Marine soldiers to untie them if they are going to run away. Spandam is walking down the stairs
to Robin, who had fallen a good bit from him punching her. He asked her how she would take
responsibility if the pirates escaped.

Luffy is talking to Lucci, asking where Robin's voice came from. Lucci points to the door on the
other side of the room and tells him her voice came from behind it. Luffy attacks Lucci with a kick,
and Lucci easily defends. He tells Luffy he cannot let him pass. Luffy punches him in the stomach
but Lucci is unaffected. Luffy then goes for a high kick, but Lucci intercepts it with a kick of his
own. He then hits Luffy squarely in the face. Luffy then dodges a sweeping kick as both bring their
arms back, getting ready to throw a punch. The chapter ends with their fists meeting. The force
of impact is strong enough to blow away everything in the room.

Luffy pushes the crate off of him, and tells Rob Lucci to back off, asking if Robin went through the
door. Lucci tells Luffy she did, but he will never see her again. Outside, agents and Marines are
trying to flee the island so they do not fall victim to the approaching Buster Call. In the Tower of
Justice, the Galley-La foremen and Franky Family are still tied up and talking about what might
happen to them. In another room, Kaku and Jabra realize they need to finish their fight quickly.
Zoro decides to call the make shift sword he made with Sogeking "Hana Arashi".

Meanwhile, Luffy is still fighting Lucci. After some quick hand to hand combat, Luffy manages to
push Lucci aside and makes for the door. Lucci sends Luffy flying into the wall with another high
speed kick. Luffy throws a crate at him and Lucci breaks it easily with his hand. Luffy, who had

Water 7 Enies Lobby

run after the crate, quickly throws multiple punches. Lucci dodges them and the two continue to
fight. They cross paths in the air, and Lucci delivers several quick attacks to Luffy, who does not
feel anything until a few seconds after the attack stops. Luffy then charges at Lucci with a Gomu
Gomu on Bazooka, which Lucci intercepts with a kick.

The scene changes to Nami and Kalifa’s fight. Kalifa remarks how the room suddenly became
crowded, and their lives will be in danger if they stay much longer. She uses Soru and sneaks up
behind Nami, using her Golden Awa technique on her. Nami realizes her body is slippery
everywhere. She cannot grip her Clima-Tact or stand up. Kalifa tells Nami to give up on the key,
but Nami uses Cool Charge, and Kalifa stops it with a Rankyaku. The attack hits Nami and she
dissipates. Another Nami identical to the first one appears behind Kalifa and tells her it was
Mirage Tempo. She hits that one and it dissipates again. Kalifa hears Nami's voice saying "Over
here". She turns to look, and the wall behind her shatters and Chopper in Monster Point bursts
into the room. Both women are shocked, and Kalifa thinks Nami is a Zoan user after seeing

Nami and Kalifa’s battle is interrupted by Chopper’s arrival in his Monster Point. Kalifa thinks that
Nami is a Zoan user because Chopper appeared where Kalifa thought Nami was. Kalifa uses
Geppo on Chopper to no avail. Nami tries to get Chopper's attention by asking what happened to
him. Chopper sees Nami and then brings his fist down on her. Nami jumps out of the way. Kalifa
realizes that Chopper in front of her is not Nami. Chopper picks up Kalifa's bed and throws it over
the railing. Nami realizes that the bed Chopper threw is headed right for Sanji on the first floor.
Chopper breaks through the wall and is standing next to the railing.

Nami realizes she has to stop Chopper and Kalifa comments on how the Straw Hats have a creepy
pet. Nami ignores her, bothering Kalifa. Kalifa says she does not care if Nami stops Chopper, but
she has to stop her. She attacks Nami with Rankyaku. Nami thinks she cannot dodge the attack
due to being slippery, but miraculously does. Nami realizes that one of her feet is back to normal.
It had gotten wet earlier and Nami realizes how to counter Kalifa's abilities. She runs over to the
water from the bathtub pipe to soak her body but Kalifa attacks her before she can reach it.

Kalifa tells Nami there is no way she can let her do that. Kalifa then gets ready to attack Nami
with Hitsuji Gumo, Relax Awa. Nami tries to counter with her Clima-Tact but her slippery hands
drop it. Nami feels her strength fading from the Relax Awa. Kalifa attacks Nami with Bending
Shigan Whip.

Nami then thanks Kalifa for hitting her because the more she blows her away, the more she blows
away the soap. Nami then uses Cloud Tempo to make storm clouds. She makes it rain with a Cool
Ball and then promptly uses the staff to block a kick from Kalifa. Nami then uses Cool Charge and
then Mirage Tempo. Nami then tells Kalifa that she figured out Kalifa's ability and the only way to
counter her strength is to catch he off guard. Nami then uses Fata Morgana. While Kalifa is
distracted, Nami attacks Kalifa with Thunder Ball.

Kalifa, fried from Nami’s attack, falls to her knees. Nami tells her that her "forecast" shows that
Kalifa will be defeated by her next attack. Kalifa uses Soru to get behind Nami and kicks her, but
she is a mirage. She attacks three more mirages to no avail. Nami is making a storm cloud on her
Clima-Tact, saying the air currents from it will cause lightning to strik e her heart. Kalifa reminds
her that she was able to avoid being shocked before. Nami pointed out the weakness of her shield
being that she cannot move. Kalifa then uses Soap Sheep, and attacks Nami with Hitsuji Gumo
Tidal Wave.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Nami uses Cyclone Tempo to make an opening in the wave. She attacks a mirage. She then
attacks the real Nami with Shigan. Nami then tells Kalifa that the thunder will gush out from the
cloud she formed earlier, which it promptly does. The electricity passes through Kalifa's heart, as
Nami predicted it would. Kalifa falls to the ground, defeated.

The scene changes to Franky, who is looking for Chopper. He climbs through a hole up to Nami's
floor. Franky asks Nami about Chopper's mysterious new form. Neither of them know anything
about it. Franky says he will simply have to strangle him, which causes Nami to hit him in the
head. Franky then tells Nami that Kalifa's #2 key important. Nami quickly starts to look for it.
Sogeking is suddenly seen crying. He and Zoro are running from the monstrous Chopper.
Sogeking (who is still being held like a sword), says it is definitely Chopper, as he recognizes the
hat and the horns. Zoro notes that Chopper's vitality is decreasing, concluding that his form drains
more energy than normal.

Kaku asks Jabra what that monster is. Jabra concludes that it interrupted the battle and is
probably one of the Straw Hats. Kaku remembers the Buster Call is coming soon too. The two
then conclude they will simply have to annihilate all three of the pirates. Zoro te lls Sogeking to
straighten his back and uses 36 Pound Cannon. Franky then yells for the two to get out of his
way. Zoro objects to Franky's interference, but Franky simply tells him to shut up. He shoots
Chopper with a Coup de Burst with the intent to blast him into the ocean. Chopper is blasted
through the wall and into the ocean.

Sogeking is bewildered by this and tries to ask Franky what he is thinking. Nami interrupts him
and says Franky had the whole thing planned. Franky then follows Chopper into the ocean. Kaku
and Jabra then turn to face the pirates.

Nami gives the key to Zoro and now he and Sogeking are freed. Zoro tells Kaku and Jabra not to
laugh, but to regret, because the greatest chance they had in defeating them just vanished.

Everyone is running from Enies Lobby to avoid the impending Buster Call. Nico Robin is running
back the way she came. Spandam tells her that if she goes back, all she will see are pirate
corpses. Spandam draws Funkfreed and uses Ivory Dart to stop her. Robin is pinned bet ween
Funkfreed's left tusk and sword trunk. Outside, Franky has pulled Chopper from the ocean and
dragged him onto shore. Chopper has reverted to normal, but he is unconscious. As he is pumping
the water out of Chopper's body, he wonders how to get to the Gate of Justice. Kokoro, Chimney,
and Gonbe conveniently appear to show Franky the way to the Gate of Justice. Franky then has a
flashback of Nami giving him a baby Den Den Mushi and the 3rd and 4th keys. Franky then leaves
Chopper in the hands of Kokoro and her granddaughter and heads toward the Gate of Justice.

Back inside the tower, Jabra comments that they are wasting time, and Nami yells at Zoro and
Sogeking for it. Zoro and Sogeking each blame the other for being an idiot. Kaku uses Rankyaku
Sen, which Zoro intercepts. He tries to slice Kaku's neck, but Kaku moves his neck out of the way,
saying he gained the muscles to fully control his giraffe neck. Kaku then uses Bigan which Zoro
blocks. Sogeking, Jabra, and Nami are watching the swordsmen's fight f rom the sidelines.
Sogeking then challenges Jabra.

To his surprise, Jabra tosses his key at Sogeking's feet. He tells Sogeking that he hates blood and
fighting. Sogeking bends over to pick up the key. Nami tries to tell him it's a trap, but before she
can Jabra attacks Sogeking with Jusshigan. Sogeking hits the wall and Nami runs over to him.
Sogeking fires a Himawariboshi from his Kabuto but Jabra dodges it with Soru. Jabra then kicks
Sogeking's head into the wall. Just as Jabra is about to kill Sogeking, Sanji flies in out of nowhere

Water 7 Enies Lobby

and lands a kick on the side of his head that sends him across the room. When Jabra asks Sanji
who he is, Sanji tells him he is the hunter.

Nami asks Sanji how he returned to normal. Sanji tells her that a bathtub landed near him and
he got wet. Sogeking apologizes to Sanji for not being able to handle Jabra. Sanji says he does
not care as long as Sogeking is fine. He then looks outside and sees the Gate of Justice are about
to open. Spandam is dragging Robin up the stairs by her hair.

Luffy is still fighting Rob Lucci. Franky is running down a hallway trying to catch up with Robin and
Spandam. Chimney is painting arrows on the walls so the others can follow Robin. At the entrance
to Enies Lobby, everyone is trying to escape. The Sea Train's carriages are full to capacity, with
people even riding on the roof. Someone calls for ships to be sent in from remote islands. The
Galley-La foremen and Franky Family are also trying to escape. They were freed by Paulie who
had tied himself up to trick the agents.

Back in the tower, Sanji tells Sogeking to leave Jabra's key to him. He also tells Sogeking that if
he gets there, then he could definitely rescue Robin. Nami drags Sogeking away as Jabra uses
Soru. He then uses Tekkai Kenpo Ookami Hajiki. Sanji is blasted into a wall. Sogeking suddenly
understands what Sanji told him. He yells it, which attracts Jabra's attention. Jabra decides he
should kill them. But before he can do anything, Sanji kicks his head into a wall. Jabra tries to
attack him with Jusshigan, but Sanji easily avoids it. Sanji then attacks with Troisième Hachis.

Jabra manages to counter somewhat with a Tekkai. Jabra then attacks Sanji with Rankyaku Koro.
Sanji then attacks Jabra with a barrage of Basses Côtes, Longe, Tendron, Flanchet, Quasi,
Queue, Cuisse, and Jarret. Sanji then runs up on him and uses Veau Shoot, which Jabra absorbs
with Tekkai. Jabra then attacks Sanji with Rouga. Jabra then tells Sanji he is the only member of
CP9 that can move while using Tekkai. Sanji attacks him with Deuxième Hachis. Jabra then
laughs and tosses his key at Sanji's feet. He tells Sanji that Robin is his long lost younger sister
and he needs Sanji to rescue her. Sanji is surprised. He goes over to pick up the key. Just as Jabra
is about to attack him, Sanji delivers a kick to his chin, asking Jabra if he really thought he would
fall for his lie.

Sanji has kicked Jabra through the floor, telling him to try a more convincing lie next time. Sanji
then holds up Jabra's key, having taken it from him after calling his bluff. Sanji then runs off. Jabra
uses Soru to overtake and intercept him. His plan backfires, as Sanji lands a kick on his nose
before he could do anything. Sanji is about to use Party Table, and Jabra uses Tekkai Kenpo.
Jabra is about to attack when he realizes Sanji has disappeared. The chef then hits Jabra from
behind with Cuisse Shoot. He follows it up with a Brochette, which Jabra dodges. Jabra then uses
Tekkai Kenpo Roga no Kamae and starts bouncing all around Sanji. He then attacks Sanji with
Rokaru Area Network, a slashing attack. Jabra then uses another Tekkai Kenpo move, Dong Poro,
hitting Sanji directly in the gut with his Tekkai-hardened fist, blasting him across the tower to the
other balcony. Jabra then uses Rankyaku Lupus Fall, sending four slashes that look like wolves
toward Sanji. The Rankyaku hits Sanji, and Jabra howls in victory, thinking he has won.

Sanji then gets up and reveals he is not planning to run or be killed, and he will not forgive Jabra
either. Jabra then uses Tekkai Kenpo Matenro, a kicking attack similar to Sanji's Party Table. The
attack hits, and Sanji is knocked back. He then gets up and starts spinning rapidly. When he stops
spinning, his right leg is glowing with heat. He calls this new technique Diable Jambe. With it, he
delivers a devastating kick to Jabra's stomach, breaking though his Tekkai and sending him
across the room to the other balcony. Jabra realized that the kick broke his ribs and burned him
all the way to the bone.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Sanji then jumps into the air to reach Jabra, who wondered what Sanji was thinking by having an
aerial battle with a Rokushiki user. Sanji uses Diable Jambe Premiere Hachis. Jabra dodges with
Geppo, reappearing above him. Jabra then roars as he comes down on Sanji us ing Gekko
Jusshigan. Sanji blocks one arm with a kick, letting the other hit him, and tells Jabra that he had
to reserve the other kick for the finishing blow. He then uses Diable Jambe: Flambage Shot as the
finishing blow, hitting Jabra squarely in the face.

Jabra is on the ground unconscious. Sanji stands over him and says "God creates food and the
Devil creates seasonings" as his leg cools. Sanji looks at Jabra and admits he might had overdone
it on the finishing move. He looks up and sees some rubble falling and wonders if Zoro and Kaku
are trying to completely break the tower. He sees the arrows that Chimney had painted earlier
and realizes the others must have gone ahead and decides to do the same.

Meanwhile, Robin and Spandam have reached the Bridge of Hesitation. The Gate of Justice are
already opening, and Spandam tells Robin that once they pass through them, he will be the hero
of the world. The connecting bridge is rising up right now. Franky is running at full speed down
the hallway, realizing everything will be meaningless if he does not make it with the keys. Out at
sea, a Marine announces that the Buster Call will arrive at Enies Lobby in ten minutes. A wall then
blows away in front of Franky. It is from Luffy's battle with Rob Lucci. Franky ask s if he needs help,
and Luffy tells him that he is fine, and should go stop Robin.

Back inside the tower, Zoro and Kaku are fighting each other at full power. Zoro is teasing him
about being an herbivore, even though Kaku tells him he prefers meat. Zoro tells him he does not
care and needs to finish the fight quickly, as he would still lose if he was late to save Robin. He
then uses Nigiri Toro against Kaku and follows it up with Otoro. Kaku dodges both. Kaku uses
Hirameki but is blocked and Zoro uses Samon to send two slashes at Kaku. Kaku sends Zoro
crashing to the ground with Kamakirin. He then uses Tekkai Mushikaku and folds his neck around
his body.

He is now incredibly squat and stubby. He then uses Rankyaku with his stubby arms, and Zoro
asks him how he will fight like that. Kaku tells him that his attack has already begun. His attack
will be reflected by the ceiling and rain down on Zoro, an attack he calls Kiri Shigure. Zoro
manages to deflect the first several blows but gets overwhelmed. Kaku minimizes collateral
damage with Tekkai. After the rain has stopped, Kaku hits Zoro in the stomach with Bigan. After
teasing Kaku about being a giraffe again, Zoro then tries to break his Tekkai with Shishi Sonson
which Kaku deflects with Rankyaku Rodan. Kaku the tells Zoro it is up to him if he wants to take
his attack with Tekkai. Zoro calls Kaku a tough customer. Zoro then flexes his muscles and uses
Nigori Zake which Kaku counters with Bigan. Kaku gets thrown back. Zoro comments on how
arrogant it was of Kaku to think he would not fall. Kaku tells Zoro he is just as arrogant.

After being knocked down by Zoro’s Nigori Zake, Kaku got angry and claimed he has not yet shown
his real Devil Fruit strength. Kaku used his Kirin Houdai: Kyouki Bigan Kilinmanjaro and at tacked
Zoro, but Zoro dodged it. Kaku then uses Neji Hakujin and Zoro managed to block it.

Kaku prepared himself once again to use Kilimanjaro but he pulled his neck inside so fast that
his legs extended, surprising both Zoro and himself. Then Kaku realized he can use that form in
battle and gives it the name of Pasta Machine. Zoro got angry saying that it was not the time to
be thinking names for his attacks. Kaku claimed he is very good in unexpected situations and
then used Kilimanjaro. Zoro used Tatsu Maki to strike back, making Kaku use Geppo and jump
high in the air. Then he fell, attacking with his swords, Zoro tried to block it but Kaku's strength
was too much.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Kaku then bombarded Zoro with continuous sword slashes while he said he has several
advantages: his Yontoryu, his Rokushiki, and his giraffe form. However, Zoro stopped the attack
saying that advantages are not enough to beat him.

Zoro prepared his counterattack and used Hyo Kin Dama, Kaku tried to dodge it with Kami-E but
somehow Zoro managed to slash him, knocking Kaku down. Kaku went berserk and attacked
with Rankyaku: Shuriken. Zoro tried blocking them but Kaku's attacks were too strong and the
giraffe hit him in the stomach with Kilimanjaro knocking down the pirate. Before Zoro could stand,
Kaku struck him with Henchikirin and Kenchikirin. After Zoro stood up, Kaku used Gekirin; a great
barrage of sword slashes and Rokushiki. Zoro tried to block them, and finally he awoken some
kind of dark aura within him.

Kaku stopped. He thinks he has seen the form of a demon god of six arms and three faces. Kaku
decided to end the battle, he started spinning in order to deliver his strongest Rankyaku:
Amenadachi. Zoro saw this and activated his ultimate form: Kyutoryu, gaining two extra faces and
four extra arms, giving him the form of the demon god Kaku saw before.

Kaku delivered his Amenadachi. Zoro blocked it with his nine swords and then disintegrated
Kaku's attack. Finally, Zoro charged against his opponent and with Asura: Ichibugin, ended the
face off.

The chapter starts off with Roronoa Zoro finishing Kaku. Zoro then gives him the message Paulie
gave him which is, "You're fired". Kaku manages to joke around a small bit before handing over
the key. Sanji catches up with him, and they both head off to catch up with Nico Robin.

Meanwhile, the giants, carrying the Galley-La Company foremen, the Franky Family, Sodom and
Gomorrah, are hurrying to try to escape the island before the Buster Call arrives.

Meanwhile, Spandam and Robin have finally reached the Gates of Justice. Robin tries to run away
back to the Straw Hats, but Spandam keeps telling her she has no hope.

Back to the fight with Luffy and Rob Lucci, Luffy is badly hurt. Franky tries his Strong Hammer
move, but Lucci merely uses his Tekkai, which is five times stronger then Fukuro’s. Lucci then
proceeds to beat up Franky. Before he could finish him, Luffy uses Gear Second and hits Lucci
with his Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol. Franky is shocked to see such an increase in power. Luffy tells
him to go on and catch up to Robin, while he takes care of Lucci, who is now in his human-leopard
hybrid form. Lucci reminds him that he stabbed Luffy in this form, but Luffy just said that wound
healed after he ate some meat. Lucci again uses his Shigan move, but Luffy do dges and fights
back with his Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka.

Meanwhile, Spandam manages to shake Robin free and they continue onward. Luffy yells at
Franky to hurry up and get Robin. With that, Franky quickly runs off to get her back.

Everyone outside is shocked that the Gate of Justice are opening all the way. Paulie remembers
Kokoro telling him once that the Gates of Justice would never open fully. The Franky Family,
Galley-La Company foremen, and the giants are all trying to escape. Luffy is talking to Lucci, saying
he left Robin to Franky. Lucci tells him he underestimated the pirate, as he did not think that Luffy
would be this powerful. Meanwhile, the Marine ship at the end of the Bridge of Hesitation is ready
to take Robin to Marine Headquarters to be interrogated and executed. The commanding officer
orders the men to stand and salute Spandam. Spandam sees it from a distance. At this point,
Robin is so resistant that Spandam has to drag her with a rope.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Spandam tells her that he planted a bomb underneath the bridge on the staircase, so anyone
who tries to save her will trigger it. Spandam tells her that he knows everything that happened on
Ohara twenty years ago. He mentions Saul’s rampage and her mother in specific. He reveals that
the man who told him was the same person put in charge of the operation, his father, Spandine.
He also reveals that Spandine was the one who put the bounty on Robin's head. Robin tearfully
yells that she is still alive.

The bridge then explodes where Spandam planted the bomb. The blast throws Franky into the
water. Robin watches, realizing he had come to save her. Robin feels she is on the verge of a
breakdown. Just then, Spandam bursts into flames and is thrown forward over the waiting
soldiers. The soldiers then start falling over with flames coming out of them. They then look at the
top of the Tower of Justice and see Sogeking. Zoro and Sanji are watching from the ground as
Sogeking hits Spandam with another fiery shot. Robin takes advantage of the men's distraction
and starts to run. The Marines try to shoot her, but Franky appears and blocks the bullets.
Sogeking then starts talking to Franky on a Den Den Mushi. He tells Franky he should see a red
cloth bundle near him. There are two keys in there, completing the set. Zoro tells Sanji they had
better hurry, as it is about to get worse.

Franky tries all the keys everyone had fought and gained from the CP9 members until he finds
the one that opens her cuffs to the shock of Spandam. Spandam cannot believe the Straw Hat
Pirates defeated all the members of CP9 in the Tower of Justice, claiming they must have stole
them and ran. They tell Robin via Den Den Mushi to thank them later and do whatever she wants
in the meantime. Her first act is to summon arms on Spandam and proceed to beat him

Franky orders the others to join him. Just then a loud explosion from the Gates of Justice grabs
the group's attention, the fence around the island is now broken and the sound is a signal that
Buster Call is arriving and the bombardment has already begun. A huge explosion hits the tower
where Sogeking was, Paulie and the others with him hear it and start worrying. The World
Government workers and Marines still left on Enies Lobby realize they have to get off now. Sanji
calls Sogeking, Sogeking stands up reporting he is fine. Spandam orders the Marines with him to
catch Franky and Robin now.

In the underground tunnel Nami, Kokoro and Chimney rush through the tunnel to escape the
bombardment above as the vibration hits the tunnel. Meanwhile, above Bridge of Hesitation, Luffy
and Rob Lucci continue fighting. Rob Lucci finally figures out how Luffy's Gear Second works. Rob
Lucci speaks of the earlier explosion being a test and that the real bombardment is about to start
on the island. He mocks Luffy saying his crew and everyone else is about to be destroyed and
anyone in the underground tunnel will drown.

Back on the bridge, Spandam tells the Marines to stop messing around, reminding them the ships
are coming. But it is already too late, one of them reports they can see the ships now; the Buster
Call has arrived.

The details of the Buster Call are announced to all ships in the fleet; destroy Enies Lobby and
capture Nico Robin again. On the Bridge of Hesitation, the Marines run in fear. Spandam retells
his father Spandine saying how even the indiscrimination of Buster Call would not kill him. Just
as he predicted, the bridge is excluded from targeting via the Buster Call. Franky is amazed by
the sight, and Robin cannot stop shaking after seeing the horrid sight of the Buster Call in action
again. Back in the Tower of Justice, all other members of CP9 lay still unconscious.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Under the tunnel, Zoro and Sanji rush Sogeking in the tunnel. Coming the other way is Nami,
Chopper, Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe who are trying to outrun the flooding waters behind them.

The battle with Rob Lucci rages on between him and Luffy. Below them, the room they are fighting
in is now filling up with water. Lucci heads up to the top, followed by Luffy. Lucci says he'll allow
Luffy to go off to save his friends if he wishes to, but Luffy says his crew and the others will survive
and that he will not take his eyes off Lucci because he knows Lucci would take the opportunity to
kill them. Lucci expresses some approval of Luffy's leadership as compared to Spandam's, but
tauntingly asks if Luffy will be able to follow through in battle.

Lucci launches himself at Luffy and the fight continues as Lucci throws more Rokushiki
techniques at him. Luffy tries his hardest, but Lucci gets the better of him in every instance. Luffy
fights on, claiming that if he cannot beat Lucci, he cannot protect anyone. Once again Lucci
attacks, striking Luffy hard, Luffy can barely hold out, Luffy decides it's time for Gear Third. Lucci
is surprised at Luffy's technique which makes his arm the size of a giant, he blocks and is hit by
a Gomu Gomu no Giant Pistol attack, which knocks him through the wall of the tower.

Onboard one of the Buster Call ships, Doberman is asked by one of his men if they should attack
the Bridge of Hesitation where Nico Robin is. The Vice Admiral retells the story of 15 years ago
when a single aided in an incident against a group of pirates. The same boy was Rob Lucci who
is on a mission right now to get Robin.

The remaining Marines on the island rush to the Sea Train to find there is no driver, but board it
anyway. Underground, Zoro, Sogeking and Sanji suddenly find they have water rushing in behind
them and are running for their lives. Unfortunately the water is rushing in from both sides and
ahead Nami, Kokoro, Chimney, Chopper and Gonbe are heading their way. Zoro tries to cut
through the wall, but unfortunately, the tunnel has been strengthened and cannot be cut and at
that moment they are engulfed by water.

Lucci is near unconscious after being hit by Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Giant Pistol. He reminds
himself he cannot allow himself to fall in the water. He uses a technique to survive and lands
alive on a warship. When he recovers and transforms back into human form, the Marines attempt
to find out who he is and arrest him, but a Vice Admiral prevents them. They soon realize the man
is Rob Lucci of CP9. Lucci tells them all to shut up as hearing their whimpering offends him.
Attention is drawn as Luffy comes after Lucci.

The Marines fire at Luffy, but Luffy takes the shots and focuses on Lucci. Lucci avoids a Gomu
Gomu no Giant Axe. Lucci transforms into his Devil Fruit full leopard form and bites Luffy in the
shoulder. Luffy blows off Lucci by pulling the air back into his body. With a Giant Whip, Luffy
knocks down the mast of the warship which once again results in Lucci escaping. Lucci believes
he has figured out Gear Third.

At that moment, one of the Vice Admirals orders an attack on the warship in an attempt to kill
Luffy, despite the fact there are one thousand Marines on board. The soldier who asks him what
about their allies being at risk is shot dead in front of everyone.

The Marine ship that Luffy and Lucci were fighting on collapses, Luffy is shocked from it due to
his Gear Third running out. He shrinks down to "Chibi" size. Luffy knows that Gear Third is fun, but
the side effects are too troublesome and he will now have to spend a minute like this because he
spent a minute using it. He hides, but Lucci has already seen him.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Elsewhere, the Straw Hat Pirates allies are scrambling to get out of Enies Lobby.

As the destruction rages on round them, Spandam boasts about the power of his Buster Call.
Spandam tries to reason with Franky over Nico Robin, but he mentions Franky's mentor, Tom
which trigger Franky's anger. Spandam draws Funkfreed and orders it to give Robin a serious
wound so she will not be able to resist later. The elephant sword is stopped by Franky who then
calms the elephant's attack through a threat and an reminder of what kind of animal Funkfreed
is. Franky remembers why he is doing this and that it is only because of the Straw Hat Pirates he
is able to get what he has always wanted; to take out the guy who put Tom away. His anger boils
and he throws Funkfreed back at Spandam. Franky proceeds to take out the Marines who are
with Spandam. Robin joins in saying she is not alone and has no reason to be afraid anymore.

On the tower, Luffy has been drawn out by Lucci, Lucci boasts about how Luffy should accept his
power's weaknesses and let it end now. Luffy attempts to hit Lucci after being pinned against the
wall, but his attacks now have no strength against Lucci. He is thrown against another wall, Luffy
can only beg his body to return before the next attack kills him, but the damage from Luffy's earlier
attack suddenly hits Lucci's legs unexpectedly. Luffy is relieved as his body returns to normal.

In the tunnel below Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Chimney, Gonbe, Sogeking, Nami and Kokoro have now
all been submerged by the water in the tunnel. They attempt to hold their breathes and do
something but all is lost. Someone grabs them and pulls them along, and they see an image of a
beautiful mermaid. Unfortunately the dream is shattered when they see the mermaid is actually
Kokoro which causes them to all nearly drown out of shock.

Franky and Robin secure the transport ship for their escape. Kokoro then bursts out of the water,
yelling for people not to die. The Franky Family, Galley-La foremen, and the giants reach the main
gate. They then stop in their tracks when they see that war ships have already arrived. The
Marines are boarding the ship, but are ordered by the vice admiral in command to identify their
unit, quarter, Marine code, and have a photo ID. All the soldiers are grateful to not die. The ships'
cannons, as well as all the guns on board, are being pointed at the escaping pirate collaborators.
After securing the Marines, the ships pull back from the shore and start bombarding the island.

Back at the ship by the bridge, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Chimney, and Gonbe are all on
the deck in a state of shock. Kokoro called the state near-death and wondered what caused it.
Franky tells Kokoro it was her. Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji regain consciousness. After seeing Kokoro
again, Zoro believes the legend of dugongs being mistaken for mermaids to be true. Usopp does
not believe that mermaids have legs. Sanji is in denial about the whole thing. Kokoro explained
that mermaids' tail fins split in two when they turn 30, allowing them to live on land. She tells
them they will see it once they reach Fishman Island. Chopper wakes up.

Sanji sees Robin and tries to hug her, but Nami and Chopper get to her first and hug her so hard
that she is actually pushed back, causing Sanji to crash head first into the mast of the ship.
Chimney is surprised her grandmother is a mermaid. Chopper then falls over, stiff as a board.
Zoro is on the bridge, watching the assault on Enies Lobby. The whole place is on fire. Franky
walks up and tells him about the order to not kill Robin. He figures that once the bombarding is
done, they will probably double back and try to take her in close combat.

They see smoke coming from near the bridge, and realize that Luffy must still be fighting. They
conclude his opponent is Rob Lucci. Usopp suggests lending a hand, but Zoro said it is best not
to get involved. There is a brief glimpse of Luffy fighting Lucci.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

The Franky Family and the others are still at the main gate. Paulie secures a Den Den Mushi to
hear updates about the Straw Hats. Two cannon balls are then shot at the group. They get caught
in the blast and fall over the side. The building is collapsing all around Luffy and Lucci. Luffy says
he will not stop using his power until Lucci is defeated. The chapter ends with Luffy activating
Gear Second.

The assault from the Buster Call continues and Luffy’s battle with Rob Lucci rages on. The
battleships report that all Marine and World Government personnel are safely aboard. They also
report twenty five pirates at the main gate. They also report that those pirates are all dead, much
to everyone's shock and horror, and that the only structure not obliterated was the Bridge of
Hesitation. When Nami asks if people can just die so easily, Robin replies that humans cannot be
seen on a map. She says that the Buster Call is erasing an island from the map, without any
hesitation. Franky then yells for Luffy to hurry up.

Back underground, Luffy is fighting Lucci after having activated Gear Second. Luffy uses Gomu
Gomu no Jet Pistol and blasts Lucci back. Lucci uses Shigan, but Luffy dodges it. They both punch
each other but both block each other's punch. Luffy then hits Gomu Gomu no Jet Bullet and hits
Lucci in the stomach and follows it up with another Jet Pistol. Lucci then tells Luffy he will teach
him the most powerful Rokushiki technique. He clenches his fists and brings them to Luffy's
stomach. He uses the technique, Rokuogan, to unleash a massive shockwave on Luffy's body.
Luffy compares it to the Impact Dial from Skypiea, only with a greatly amplified power. While Luffy
is on the ground, Lucci uses Rankyaku Gaicho, causing an explosion. Chopper muses that it is
almost like Luffy knows who he should fight from the start. A soldier reports to one of the vice
admirals that they spotted Luffy, and he orders that all ships to make a battle formation around
the Bridge of Hesitation.

Luffy and Lucci face each other as the first half of the Bridge of Hesitation. The battleships reports
Lucci and Luffy's fight on the first prop. The ships then surrounds the rest of the Bridge of
Hesitation. One of the Marines on board one of the ships wonders what kind of people the Straw
Hats are, as Enies Lobby’s reputation had remained intact for 800 years. The Straw Hats then
look over by the first prop of the bridge to see that the wall had crumbled to reveal Luffy and
Lucci. Luffy looks up and sees his friends, who cheer him on in his fight. Zoro then turns and calls
the whole ordeal a game of endurance. Lucci commends Luffy for being right about his friends
being alive, but says it would be worth seeing if that is still true in a few minutes. Two ships come
along the bridge on either side.

All personnel above the rank of Lieutenant Commander are ordered to the front. Looking at all
the officers, Zoro and Usopp then realize that Sanji is gone. As they wonder where he is, the order
to attack is given. The men jump from the ships and pour onto the bridge. Franky punches a man
in the stomach, but he absorbs the blow by transforming his body into balls. Zoro attack another
man who blocks his sword attack with his bare hands. Zoro then watches as Yubashiri is turned
to rust. Franky warns everyone that some of the attacking Marines have Devil Fruit users among
them. Robin takes out several men at once with her Clutch technique, and Nami uses her lightning
attacks to electrocute her opponents while Kokoro and Chimney declare themselves hostages.

Zoro, who had procured a cutlass to replace his freshly destroyed sword, tells everyone to hold
out until Luffy arrives. Luffy and Lucci are still in a heated battle. Lucci notes that Luffy's Gear
Second technique seems to be losing its power. Lucci tells Luffy that it is impossible for anyone
to escape, and that he will pursue Robin to the ends of the earth in the name of Absolute Justice.
Luffy tells him that is what they are here to free her from. Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Jet Stamp,
Lucci dodges with Soru and then uses Rokuogan, knocking Luffy to the floor. Luffy does not move.

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Sogeking sees his friend in danger as a Marine tries to attack him. Zoro intercepts the Marine,
telling Sogeking to be careful. Sogeking then takes off his mask and calls out to Luffy.

Usopp calls out to Luffy to wake up. The Marines still on the ships are stunned, as the pirates are
defeating their captains with ease. Luffy looks up and sees Usopp looking down at him, surprised
to see his friend there. Usopp still tries to sound bitter at Luffy, and tells him he only came to
rescue Robin and not to see him. Usopp then challenges Lucci to a fight. Luffy tries to tell Usopp
not to try and fight him, but Lucci tells him he has no business with someone who has been
defeated, and everyone will soon be dead anyway. Luffy tells Usopp not to fight him as he will be
killed. Usopp tells Luffy to stand up and stop pretending he is about to die. He then points out
that they aren't in Hell yet. Luffy gets up, as the soldiers and Vice Admiral Momonga watch the
pirates fight the captains.

Lucci is surprised that Luffy can still move. He then uses Life Return to bring himself to full power.
Lucci uses Madara, which Luffy counters with Gomu Gomu no Gatling. Lucci then brings two fists
forward and stops them in front of Luffy. Luffy feels determined not to get hit by Rokuogan again,
but Lucci uses a technique called Sai Dai Rin Rokuogan, the most powerful form of Rokuogan. To
Lucci's amazement, Luffy is still standing. Luffy then remembers what Aokiji told him about how
he would soon regret taking in Nico Robin as part of his crew. He then remembers Robin's
involvement in the whole thing from shooting Iceburg up until now. Lucci uses Tekkai, but it is
instantly penetrated by Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling. Rob Lucci is punched into and through
the wall. Lucci and Luffy land on the ground outside where they were fighting. Lucci is
unconscious. Luffy then calls out to Robin that they are going back together, causing her to
tearfully smile. The chapter ends with the battleships reporting the defeat of Rob Lucci.

Everyone is shocked by Rob Lucci’s defeat. One of the Marines calls him the strongest CP9 leader
in the history of Cipher Pol. Nami orders everyone to get on the escape ship. One of the Marines
on one of the ships asks a subordinate where a certain noise is coming from. He concludes it is
coming from a Den Den Mushi. The voice is from Zambai of the Franky Family. Vice Admiral
Strawberry asks if the pirates at the main gate were defeated. A soldier reports that he saw them
fall into the ravine below the island.

Thanks to some quick work, Paulie had been able to fashion two nets together out of the rope he
had with him, which everyone was holding onto. Kokoro and Gonbe are happy to hear everyone
is ok. Franky tearfully tells them he wasn't worried about them. Zoro tells Franky that his relief
would not matter if he died. Onigumo orders that the pirates at the gate be left for now. Franky
blocks and attack from Sharinguru. A Marine is heard reporting that Luffy is wounded and not

Usopp is urging Luffy to get up. Stretch over to the ship and Usopp would carry him from there.
Luffy tells him his body will not move. Nami tells Usopp they can take the ship to Luffy. Right after
she says that, the ship is blown up with Kokoro, Chimney, and Chopper still on board. Just then a
black leg is seen coming out of the wreckage of the burning ship. Sanji bursts out carrying
everyone on board. Sanji explains his absence by saying he had some errands to run. A Marine
tries to attack Nami, but gets kicked away by Kokoro. They are now all trapped on the prop with
five ships surrounding them with their cannons trained on them.

Nothing can be done to bring Luffy over to them. Everyone is yelling at him to stand up. Sanji asks
him if he could do anything at all. A bow cannon from a warship is now pointed directly at Luffy.
Usopp then hears a strange voice. Luffy tells him to look below him. The ships declare they will
fire simultaneously at Luffy and the others in five seconds. As they are counting down, Usopp tells

Water 7 Enies Lobby

Robin to drag Luffy's body into the ocean and orders everyone else to jump. He tells everyone
they have one crewmate left. Everyone falls as the Going Merry appears in the water below them.
The ship tells the Straw Hats she has arrived to take them home.

The Marines are surprised that the Going Merry got past their warships without being seen.
Everyone lands in the water. Kokoro tosses Luffy, Robin, and Chopper onto the deck. Zoro tells
Nami to give them orders. Luffy tries to thank Robin for saving him from the attack, but she
sprouts a hand to cover his mouth and just smiles. She then stands up and thanks everyone for
saving her. Zoro tells her to thank them once they get out of there, prompting Sanji to kick him,
but is blocked. Nami breaks up the fight by telling Sanji to steer the ship. Spandam gives the
order to take out Robin with the Straw Hats, lying to the Marines the order came from Admiral
Aokiji. The Marines try to fire at the Going Merry, but somehow accidentally hit another one of
their own ship. They then realize that the Gates of Justice are closing without the m noticing.

The whirlpools created by the gates closing are overriding the Marines' steering, causing their aim
to be off. Usopp is about to ask Sanji if he was behind the gates closing, but Sanji simply tells him
this was not the kind of enemy they could simply beat in a fight. They have to outsmart them as
well. Zoro then points out that the whirlpools are dangerous for them too. Nami assures them
that Merry can cross anything as long as they are on it. A ship right behind them fires at the Going
Merry. Zoro and Sanji grab Luffy's arms and legs and catch the cannon balls in his stomach, using
his rubber body to slingshot the cannon balls back from where they came, landing a direct hit on
the ship behind them. Nami then orders Chopper to turn hard to port at 9 o'clock. They catch the
outer edge of a whirlpool and gain speed from it.

Spandam is berating the Marines for having a whole fleet at their disposal yet are unable to take
out a single person. Robin sees Spandam and uses Clutch on him to break his spine. Franky then
uses Coup de Vent and launches the ship out of range of the Marine ships. Usopp creates a
smokescreen and the Straw Hats get away. The Franky Family, Galley-La foremen, and the giants
all made it out by getting on the Puffing Tom. Aokiji is watching the whole battle from a distance
on his bicycle. The Marines want to go after the pirates, but one of them says that by looking at
their ships and the island, it is clear that this is their and Aokiji finishes the thought by saying
complete defeat. On the Going Merry, Franky asks the Straw Hats how they could do something
so outrageous as burning a World Government flag. Luffy said all they did was take back their
friend who was taken from them. They then declare their victory and celebrate.

Luffy and Chopper realize Usopp is missing. Usopp tells Sanji he cannot show his face now that
he has come around. Sogeking tells them that Usopp got on another boat, and Zoro still cannot
believe they do not realize who Sogeking is. Nami reports that she searched the ship but found
no one on board to explain how the Going Merry got to them. They talk about the voice they heard
with Kokoro. Chopper is certain that the Ko voice was that of their ship. Just then, Luffy spots a
ship up ahead. It's the Galley-La Company's ship with Iceburg and the rest of the shipwrights on
board. They are relieved to see that the Straw Hats are alright. Just then, the bow of the Going
Merry falls off from the rest of the ship. Someone asks what is going on all of a sudden. Sanji
replies that this is not sudden, since their ship was supposed to not be able to go any further.
Luffy pleads with the shipwrights to help them. Iceburg tells Luffy the only thing that can be done
for their ship is to let her rest. Iceburg then has a flashback to when he heard and found the Going
Merry on Scrap Island. She told him she wanted to go out on one last journey. Iceburg then worked
tirelessly to fix up the ship as best he could. The other workers tell him a big wave is about to
come and he starts to walk away. He then heard the ships' voice thanking him as the wave carried
it out to sea. Iceburg calls the ship a miracle that has reached its limit.

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

The Straw Hats and Franky are then in a lifeboat beside the Galley-La ship. Luffy is in a smaller
boat several yards away next to the Going Merry, holding a torch, and asks the crew if they are
ready for the Going Merry's Viking burial. Luffy tells the ship that the bottom of the sea is dark,
and they will see her off here. Luffy adds that it is best that Usopp is not here, as he probably
could not handle this moment. Zoro asks Sogeking what he has to say about it. Sogeking replies
that Usopp is ready to accept it. He adds that when men part ways, there should be no tears. Luffy
touches the torch to the ship's hull, and the flames engulf it. Luffy thanks her once again for
carrying him all this way. Nami looks up and realizes it is snowing. The crew then remember when
they first got the Going Merry, when they entered the Grand Line with her, and when they went to
and left Skypiea with her. Going Merry then says she is sorry, as she wishes she could only carry
the crew a little bit farther. Luffy tearfully tells her that they should be the ones apologizing to her.
He tells her that he ripped the sails and drove her into an iceberg, Zoro and Sanji were clumsy
and broke things too, and Usopp was never any good at fixing her. Going Merry simply tells them
that she was happy. Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Franky, and Chopper are in tears and Zoro, Sanji, and
Robin just look onward silently as their ship slowly sinks into the sea.

Post-Enies Lobby

wo days after the Enies Lobby incident, the Sea Train is seen pulling into Water 7 pulling,
along with its normal passenger cars, two flatbed cars filled with lumber. Zoro is on Scrap
Island, looking at what remains of his destroyed Yubashiri, and remembers the day he
got it. Paulie and the other shipwrights are in the streets of Water 7. He is dividing up the city into
sections and giving orders to the different dock divisions as to w hat parts of the city they are to
repair. He then reminds them that they still have normal work hours, so they will have to fix up
the city in between shifts. At the northern edge of the city the Franky Family are repairing the
Franky House. One of them jokes they will be camping outside again tonight. They tell their King
Bulls to rest, as it were Dr. Chopper’s orders.

Outside the gate to Dock 1, people are clamoring to meet the Straw Hat Pirates and to apologize
for falsely accusing them, including the press. People are also there trying to get pictures and one
person is trying to apply for Kalifa’s secretary position. Oimo and Kashi are helping put larger
pieces of buildings and gates back into place. They tell Usopp, who is sitting on Kashi's shoulder,
that they are going to go back to Elbaf since they cannot go to Little Garden and ask him if he
would like to go with them. At the Galley-La’s temporary headquarters/Iceburg's house, Franky is
telling Iceburg that he burned the Pluton blueprints and asks Iceburg what he is drawing.

Iceburg tells him that the day Water 7 sinks into the ocean is getting closer and closer, and is
designing a way to make the city float on the ocean. They then get a call on the Den Den Mushi.
Zambai excitedly tells Franky that the thing they bought with the B200,000,000 has finally

The Straw Hats have a section of the house reserved just for them. Kokoro enters with Chimney
and Gonbe, and tells Yokozuna to stay outside. She comments on how it is good that everyone is
awake now, since they have been asleep for the last two days. She sees Luffy eating and
comments on how "The Pirate King" is as active as ever. Sanji tells her that Luffy hates to miss
meals after fights, so he somehow learned to eat while asleep. Kokoro t ells Nami that the Log
Pose should be ready in a few days. Nami, with a very depressed look on her face, says it may be
ready, but they cannot go anywhere and that all their money and possessions are gone. Sanji
explains how they stored everything in the inn they were staying at.

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

Kokoro then tells them they have guests who might have something to say about it. They go
outside and Nami tackles one of her orange trees in a hug. The men who brought them explained
how they took them after they kicked the pirates out, thinking they were assassins. Chopper and
Robin come in, having returned from checking the Franky Family's injuries. Chopper reports to
Sanji that he did not take his eyes off Robin for a moment and Sanji salutes him. Nami excitedly
shows them their newly returned possessions. Franky then enters with Mozu and Kiwi to check
in on the pirates.

Franky then tells them the story about a tree in a war-torn country that never fell and people would
always go back to it, even if the land was in ruins. He tells them the tree is called Treasure Tree
Adam. He goes on to say that the wood from the tree appears on the black market from time to
time, but is not cheap. Sanji interrupts, realizing Franky bought the wood with their stolen money.
Franky tells them he has the blueprints and the materials necessary to build his dream ship. He
asks the crew if they would sail on it when he is finished. The Straw Hats are overjoyed and accept
Franky's offer.

Out in the city, Zoro is running frantically, having discovered something problematic, but is lost.
In the city harbor is a Marine ship that someone says belongs to Vice Admiral Garp, the legendary
Marine who cornered Gol D. Roger. Vice Admiral Garp marches to the front of the temporary
Galley-La headquarters, and tells two subordinates in specific to wait outside. Garp breaks
through the wall and into the Straw Hats' room.

He asks them if they are the Straw Hat Pirates, and tells them he brought someone he wants
Luffy to meet. Everyone prepares to fight, but before they can do anything, Garp bypasses them
and punches Luffy's head into the floor, telling him to wake up. To everyone's surprise, Luffy
screams in pain. Garp then says that no one can escape his Fist of Love. He then removes his
mask and tells Luffy he heard he had been doing reckless things. Luffy is shocked to see the man
behind the mask is none other than his grandfather, and everyone else is even more surprised
that Luffy's grandfather is a high ranking Marine.

Garp tells Luffy he owes him an apology. Nami recognizes him as the hero of the Marines. Luffy
tells the others not to mess with his grandfather because Garp very nearly killed him on many
occasions. Garp claims those incidents were aimed at making Luffy a man.

Sanji recognizes where Luffy's strength comes from. Garp claims he wanted Luffy to be a strong
Marine, which Luffy counters claiming he told him he wanted to be a pirate. Garp then claims
Luffy was poisoned by Shanks, which Luffy takes to offense to because Shanks saved his life.
While Luffy's crew panics over Garp suddenly grabbing Luffy, they find the pair suddenly fall
asleep. Garp, being the first of the two to wake up, punches Luffy awake for falling asleep on him,
while the others point out Garp did the same.

Usopp and Yokozuna continue to listen in on the event while Garp continues on about Shanks.
He explains Shanks is one of the Yonko who are on par with Whitebeard who is also a Yonko.
Garp tries to explain about the Three Great Powers of the world which, along side the Yonko,
include the Shichibukai and the Marines. Robin is surprised that Luffy has a connection with Red

Zoro is still trying to find the others after hearing the Marines are here to arrest Luffy. Michael
and Hoihael show him the way. Zoro causes commotion which attracts Garp's attention. Garp
sends two young Marines after him. One stops Zoro with his kukri knives. Another hits Luffy using

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

Soru. Garp laughs as they are defeated by Luffy and Zoro with ease. Luffy's foe stands up and
asks Luffy if he knows who he is.

The soldier then introduces himself as Koby, Luffy's friend whom he saved from Alvida, now a very
different person in both personality and appearance. Koby is not an officer yet, but he had to
greet Luffy when he heard he was nearby. Helmeppo is also with him and has also changed
dramatically but grows angry when neither Zoro nor Luffy recognize him until they belatedly recall
him as the spoiled son of Morgan. Helmeppo states he cannot forgive them for not knowing who
he was.

Garp orders his men to repair the wall he damaged. The men say that Garp should help repair the
wall as he destroyed it. Garp explains he did so because he thought it looked cool and agrees
after they protest.

As Garp repairs the wall, he asks Luffy if he met his father in Loguetown, Luffy has not a clue as
he did not even know he had a father. Garp then announces that Luffy's father is the revolutionary
Monkey D. Dragon. There is a sudden shock amongst all those around him, Marine and otherwise.
No one knew Dragon had a son, his status as Garp's son and let alone had they heard the full
name of Dragon. Luffy wonders why everyone is panicking and who Dragon is. Robin explains to
him just who his father is. While most pirates do not try to go against the World Government, the
Revolutionaries are building strength and aiming to overthrow them.

Garp turns round and says he shouldn't have spoken, asking them to forget he said anything,
causing even more shock amongst everyone.

Garp tells Luffy he will let him go since he is his grandson, and use that as an excuse when he
tells the Marines. Bogard tells Garp it would be better to lie and say he got away. Luffy says good
bye and Garp punches him, saying he is being too casual to his grandfather whom he has not
seen in a while. Inside, Sanji and Robin are discussing Luffy's abnormal family. When Chopper
asks where Luffy is, Zoro tells him he is outside talking to Koby. Koby is telling Luffy how he came
to the Grand Line through the Calm Belt since Marine Ships are equipped with a special type of
mineral called Seastone, spread across the bottom of the hull. It radiates the same energy as the
sea, so the Sea Kings ignore it. Nami is at the pool listening in on the conversation using a Black
Den Den Mushi. Chimney tells Nami to come swimming with her. Nami loudly tells her to be quiet
since they were interrupting her eavesdropping. Koby goes on to say that the one behind this
technology is the genius Dr. Vegapunk. Helmeppo adds that Vegapunk knows how Devil Fruits
transmit their powers and even found a way to transfer their powers to objects. And this is only in
the last few years. Koby and Luffy remember when they first met. Nami smiles and walks toward
the pool.

Luffy is disappointed that Koby cannot stay longer and offers him some food. Koby tells him he is
Luffy's enemy and cannot get too friendly with him. Koby then tells Luffy the name of the sea
beyond the Red Line, in the second half of the Grand Line, the New World, and the only one to
reach the end of it was the Pirate King Gol D. Roger. Luffy tells him that next time they meet they
will be stronger. Zoro comments on how Luffy makes the strangest enemies. Over at the Galley-
La company pool, Sanji announces that the Mizu Mizu meat is grilled. Everyone starts to eat. The
Franky Family shows up and Luffy invites them over to eat. They are overjoyed to see a barbeque
going on. Sodom and Gomorrah arrive too. They are soon followed by the entire Galley -La
company, including Iceburg. Franky, Mozu and Kiwi show up too. Paulie is furious at Nami for
wearing such a revealing bathing suit, and Nami reminds him they are at a pool.

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

Sogeking leads everyone in song and Luffy declares it a party. Everyone is celebrating and having
a good time. Off to one side, Robin is standing against a wall while watching the festivities. She
then hears a voice that tells her to listen. It is Aokiji, who asks her why she did not just run away
this time. She tells him she meant it when she said things would be different this time, she could
not just watch her friends die. Aokiji tells her that Jaguar D. Saul was a good friend of his, and he
has a duty to see how Robin's life turns out, out of respect for Saul's wishes.

Aokiji asks Robin if she has found a place where she has truly belonged, and Robin tells him she
has. Aokiji then tells her to live on, as Ohara still lives on within her. Robin runs behind the wall
to catch him, but he is gone. Luffy then calls her over, getting her attention by showing how much
meat he can stuff in his mouth. Robin tells him he is the greatest.

The scene changes to Mary Geoise, and one of the Five Elders is told that Shanks and Whitebeard
have made contact. The chapter ends with Whitebeard allowing Shanks to come on his ship, say
he better have brought some good alcohol with him.

At the Marine Headquarters, all Marines suddenly become alert as news gets out that Shanks
and Whitebeard are about to meet. As both pirate ships approach each other, Whitebeard's men
announce Shanks is coming. Marco gives the warning to the younger crew members to step back
as they "will not last", causing them to question why. They soon get their answer as one by one
the weaker crew members collapse unconsciously onto the floor. Marco is unfazed by the
situation and ensures the crew not to make a fuss about it, while Jozu notes t hat Shanks' Haki is
as strong as ever.

Shanks apologizes for his actions, since Whitebeard is still an enemy ship he was just being
cautious. Marco points out what Shanks has done to him, Shanks turns round and in return asks
him to join his crew, which Marco angrily turned down his offer.

Whitebeard pours some sake Shanks has brought over from his hometown in the West Blue and
the two recall old times. Whitebeard recalls his days fighting Gol D. Roger and seeing Shanks as
an apprentice during their fights along with the funny big nose that Shanks hung around. Shanks
counters the memory with his own of the pair splitting up at Loguetown after Roger's death.
Whitebeard notes how the fights between Shanks and Mihawk still ring in his ear. When the
subject of his missing left arm is brought up, Shanks replies he bet it on the future recalling the
memory of Luffy.

The conversation hits a more serious note as Shanks points to his scarred left eye. One of
Whitebeard's crew gave it to him, Marshall D. Teach. Shanks has known what Teach has been up
to all these years and tries to warn Whitebeard of what may happen if Ace and Teach meet, he
begs Whitebeard to stop the search. When Whitebeard outright refuses and states he will teach
Teach about morals, Shanks reacts by drawing his sword, stating the rampaging era will not be
stopped. Whitebeard and Shanks clash weapons, splitting the skies to the shock of both captains'
crew members.

Elsewhere, Blackbeard crew prepares to chase Luffy who has had his bounty raised, and also is
nearby. However, they are stopped by Ace who has finally found them.

Franky is at Scrap Island, starting work on the ship. Iceburg arrives and asks if he could help.
After asking to look at Franky's design, Paulie, Tilestone, and Peeply Lulu arrive with their tools
and offer their assistance, saying they would do anything to help the Straw Hats. Franky is touched
by this and hides his emotions by saying they have better not slow him down. At the Franky House,

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

Tamagon holds up a newspaper and says that the events at Enies Lobby are in it. Much to the
whole family’s surprise, they are not mentioned in the report at all. They are relieved, as now they
do not have to run from the World Government.

Back at the Galley-La Headquarters, the Straw Hats are wondering why the Franky Family is so
excited. Sanji wonders if Garp used his influence to get all of them identified as innocent
bystanders. Luffy agrees, but Nami and Chopper aren't sure. Robin, thinks it might have been
Aokiji, but says nothing. Zoro adds that unlike the Franky Family, their actions are described in
vivid detail, adding that their bounties will go up for sure. Sanji and Chopper get excited, but Nami
does not understand why they are excited. Later, the crew tells Luffy that Franky is making a ship
for them since he was asleep when Franky told the rest of them, and Luffy is overjoyed. Nami
suggests taking the time to resupply and asks what happened to their B100,000,000. Luffy tells
her that it was spent on all the food for the party they had. Nami gives Luffy three huge bruises
for acting so casual about spending the money. Luffy is not bothered since they are getting a new
ship while Nami was looking forward to buying new furniture for the ship. Robin tells her they will
have to stick with what they have.

The narration says that the ship will take five days to complete, which the crew uses to relax and
stock up on supplies. Luffy and Chopper are seen eating Mizu Mizu meat on a Yagara Bull. Luffy
thanks Chopper for buying him the meat. Chopper says he was given some money, so he will
spend the rest of it on medical books. Zoro is seen trying to buy a sword, but is unsuccessful due
to the small amount of money he has. Robin and Nami go clothes shopping, and Robin suggests
looking at furniture. Sanji leaves a market pulling a large cart filled with various foods and a keg
of sake. Usopp is practicing what he will say when he sees Luffy so he can get back into the crew,
going through different situations dialogues, and taking notes on what works. Sanji sees him and
wonders what he is doing. Meanwhile, the new ship is coming along nicely. On the third day, the
Log Pose locks onto the next island. Kokoro asks if the crew knows what island they are going to
next. Nami mentions the needle is pointing down a little.

Kokoro tells them their next destination is the underwater world of Fishman Island. Sanji gets
abnormally excited, while Nami seems uneasy due to what happened at her village. Sanji then
says that Fishman Island is one of the landmarks of the Grand Line, home to beautiful mermaids
swimming gracefully in the sea. Kokoro looks at him and Sanji says he can dare to dream, and
Kokoro tells him there should be young ones there too. Kokoro adds that getting to the island is
not that simple, Robin mentions the underwater part of it is a little worrying. Kokoro said that is
not the problem. She tells Nami to read the newspaper. Fourteen ships have gone missing in the
last month. Kokoro tells them that to get there, they will have to pass through the Florian Triangle.
Over one hundred ships a year disappear in that area, when they are found they are empty. Nami
and Chopper are terrified while Luffy is excited. Robin mentions that ghost ships are usually linked
to treasure, which causes Nami to become suddenly enthusiastic.

Just then, Mozu, Kiwi, and Chimney burst in with exciting news. Their new ship is finished. When
they go outside, the rest of the Franky Family is there, out of breath. Zambai tells them that new
wanted posters have been printed, and everyone has a bounty. He spreads the posters on the
ground at their feet. Everyone except Nami and Sanji look excited to see their new bounties. Sanji
never had his picture taken, and the artist's rendering looks nothing like him, and Nami does not
like having a bounty. They also show them another poster, Franky's. Zambai tells them that if
Franky stays on the island, he will be in danger. Zambai then asks Luffy to take Franky with him,
and that he was the son of pirates.

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

Still going over the bounties from the previous chapter, the newest bounty-holding Straw Hats
each complain about their current situation: Chopper hates that he got such a low bounty for his
actions of Enies Lobby, Nami thought the photographer who took the shot of her was from a
newspaper, and Sanji is griping about the horrific drawing that depicted his face. In Sanji's case,
the photographer explains to a Marine at Marine Headquarters on how his picture did not develop,
merely being criticized for not taking off the lens cap.

Back in Water 7, the Straw Hats discover a collapsed Galley-La crew as well as a cloaked massive
object. Luffy yells for Franky, but Iceburg instead wakes, introducing the Straw Hats to their new
ship, which he nicknames the "King of All Beasts". The sheet is removed to reveal a massive,
brigantine sloop with a lion's head, complete with the various modifications each of the
crewmates asked for. After guiding the Straw Hats around, Iceburg explains that Franky would be
best for their shipwright as they plan, but he is too attached to the island to do anything about
leaving. He suggests that the only way that Franky could leave is if they force him, giving the crew
an idea.

At the ruined Franky House, Zambai tries to talk his boss into joining the Straw Hats on their
journey, saying that he enjoyed being with them and working on their ship. Franky tries to deny
this and stay in his home, and even states that he can fight the Marines if they come for his new
bounty. Suddenly, one of the family steals his under and is instructed by the rest to keep it away
from their boss as best as possible. Running through Water 7 with nothing on his bottom, Franky
tries to get his underwear back while ignoring the chaotic screams and panic from the locals
seeing his penis. Eventually, the underwear ends up in Luffy's hands, whom he begins to chase
while asking him how they feel about his new ship. The game begins to involve the rest of the
Straw Hats until Franky is forced to use a cannon to launch to Scrap Island in pursuit.

Arriving on Scrap Island, Franky sees his ship, which the Straw Hats thank him for once again and
he accepts. But then Luffy makes him an offer: he would get his underwear back if he joins the

The scene opens with almost everyone in Water 7 on Scrap Island, telling everyone to shield their
eyes and Franky to put his panties back on (in addition to calling him a pervert). Franky demands
his underwear from Luffy, but Luffy tells him again that if he wants them back, he will have to join
his crew. Franky simply replies that he's not about to leave Water 7 for something like that,
because "Even a naked man is great, if he faces the waves like a lion."

Robin then uses her powers, she tightly grasps Franky's genitals. Franky runs around in great pain
as everyone makes their own side comments. But even after that, Franky still refuses to go.

Then Iceburg comes and reminds Franky of something. When Franky was younger, he said his
"Dream Ship" will not be his dream ship just because he built it based on his blueprints. It has to
face the many challenges the sea has to offer, and once that day comes, he will become a
shipwright and ride on that ship.

Franky says the things he want to have changed, but Iceburg replied that the stuff he's doing on
the island is simply compensating for what he wants. He tells him that Tom was taken away so
that he could give Franky a new direction to go in. He also reminds him of all the good things he's
done in Water 7, although Franky said that the things he was doing he did not think were good.
Then Iceburg finally tells Franky that he forgives him for what he's done, as did Tom, but he tells
him he need to forgive himself.

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

Franky then begins to cry, saying "It hurts! It hurts!" The Franky Family then enter the scene and
apologize for their rash behavior. Franky tells them to mind their own business, saying he decides
what he will do with his life. Zambai the shouts to him that they were the one how that helped
them out, so he should deserve to be happy as well. Franky then bursts into tears, again s houting,
"It hurts! It hurts!"

Everyone then tells Robin to stop hurting Franky. Franky, though his tears, tells Robin he will never
forgive her for this. Luffy, however, realizes Robin is not the one making him cry. Robin admitted
to causing the initial reaction, but says that now Franky is using that as an excuse for hiding the
real cause.

Then a flashback of when Zambai first met Franky, including the Square Sisters, and the Franky
Family was formed.

Then suddenly, Zoro and Sanji come running back to the ship, saying that Luffy's grandfather,
Vice Admiral Garp, is approaching. Luffy, confused first, then tosses Franky his underwear, and
tells him to hurry up and get on. Franky, saying they'll never fix the ship without a proper
shipwright, finally agrees to join their crew.

Franky then thinks of all the people he's grown up with, before saying good-bye to everyone.

Sanji tells the crew that he saw Usopp recently, and Luffy, Chopper, and Nami decide to go get
him back, but Zoro is completely against it. He says that they should not let Usopp rejoin, which
angers Chopper and Nami, but Zoro explains that Usopp was the one who started the fight, and
lost, and if Luffy is willing to forget all about that and let Usopp rejoin without apologizing for his
rebellion, then the whole crew will fall apart. Zoro even threatens to leave if Luffy is going to act
like this is just another joke. Nami tries to calm him down, but Zoro angrily slams his sword on
the ground, asking if leaving the crew is so easy to do. Zoro then goes on to say that he cannot
trust a guy that decides to quite the crew then just come back. He adds that if the first thing he
hears from Usopp is an outright apology, then he will let him rejoin.

The scene switches to Vice Admiral Garp’s ship, where Koby feels embarrassed that Garp is going
to attack Luffy after such a touching reunion. Garp tells him if he wants to complain, then he
should complain to Fleet Admiral Sengoku, since he was the one who ordered him to return there.
Aokiji is also there, but only because he does not want to ride his bicycle.

Meanwhile, Usopp hurries down the streets of Water 7, going over the different scenarios,
thinking he is ready for a grand, warm welcome back to the crew.

Meanwhile, on Scrap Island, the Franky Family say their final farewells to Franky as he boards the
ship. Franky notices they are short one member, and Luffy says they are leaving without Usopp.
They wait for him to come, but he does not. Luffy says he will remember the good times he and
Usopp had together.

Suddenly, Garp shows up around the corner, and announces to Luffy that he is going to die here.
Luffy argued that he said he would not attack. Garp simply said he got his orders, and proceeds
to attack by throwing a cannonball at breakneck speed at them. The Straw Hats are amazed, but
prepare to defend the ship, and start to set sail. Garp then asks for one thousand cannonballs,
intending to throw them all at them.

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

Just then, Usopp arrives, and ware surprised to see that they are leaving without him. He begins
to run after them, going off on his great return scenarios, and even admitting he was Sogeking.
However, the Straw Hats do not listen, as they are too busy protecting the ship. Usopp tells them
he wants to come back and they should be happy, for he is Captain Usopp. He suddenly
remembers Luffy saying all this time he was only a burden, and he took back the comment. He
tells them to accept him back, since no matter what they are still friends. However, Luffy and Zoro
in particular, ignore him, despite Chopper shouting.

Usopp is on his knees now, wondering if this is really good-bye. Then he remembers what he said
back at his fight with Luffy and yells out that he is sorry for everything.

He apologizes for everything, and begs to be let back in the crew, tears rolling down his face. Luffy
extends an arm, also crying his eyes out, and calls Usopp an idiot, while Zoro (who is actually
smiling about this moment) calls the Luffy idiot. Nami also has a joyful tear in her eye, saying they
are both fools. And so, with the crew reunited once more, they sail on to their next adventure.

The chapter starts with the Straw Hats trying to escape Garp’s attack. Suddenly, the ship
withdraws its sails. When asked why, Franky says he has a plan in mind, but not, however, before
they decide upon a name. Even though it seems like an inappropriate time, Franky says a ship
cannot set sail until it has a proper name. Luffy then comes up with some random names, which
all just have animal names stringed together with "Lion", as Usopp points out. Franky said he had
an idea, and a flashback occurs back to when the ship was being built.

Iceburg, Paulie, Peeply Lulu, and Tilestone were looking at the lion head, commenting it was a
very nice sunflower, although Franky yelled at them, telling them it was a lion's head. Then Franky
explained to them how he wanted the ship to be named on its maiden voyage; that way, it would
embody the wishes of the pirates riding it. Iceburg came up with "The Sun", to which Franky yelled
once again, but Iceburg said if you were a pirate, you'd sail "A Thousand Seas" like "The Sun", it's
perfect for the Straw Hats. Franky keeps thinking he's wrong, but Iceburg then suggests the
following name: The Thousand Sunny!

Both Luffy and Chopper agreed that the name sounded cool, even cooler than "Dumpling-Gorilla-
Lion" (Luffy's next name idea), "Master Sleeping Lion" (Zoro’s idea), "Ran-Goku-Maru" (Robin’s
idea), and "Marshmallow Sunflower" (Sanji’s idea); all of which Usopp thought were terrible.

Robin commented the name was wonderful, but Franky is it was only his first name idea; his
second name idea was New Battle Franky "Young Champion Lion". Luffy liked Iceburg's name
better, and the entire crew agreed that the ship's name will be Thousand Sunny.

Now they just needed to escape from the sight of the Marines. Sanji and Zoro asked if the ship
had a secret weapon of some sort, with Franky saying he will be using something known as the
"Water Escape". Luffy yelled back to Garp (and Koby, too) that it was good to see them again
(Helmeppo felt left out). Garp was beginning to get flustered and threw another cannon ball, but
Luffy knocked it out of the way. Luffy said he really had to run, and hoped they'd see each other
again sometime. Luffy then said good-bye to Iceburg and thanked him for the name, then said
good-bye to everyone else.

Meanwhile, down below deck, Franky was taking something from several barrels, stating it's time
to put the Great Cannon and the Adam Wood into gear!

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

Garp, however, now had an enormous cannon ball and tossed it at the Thousand Sunny. It
seemed like they would be crushed, but then, a giant cannon came out from the back of the ship,
and Franky used an attack known as "Coup de Bust" to blast the thousand Sunny up into the sky
and out of the way of the cannonball. As the sailed through the sky, Franky said he used Cola to
make the ship fly into the sky, something their previous ship, the Going Merry did as well, and
also added that the Thousand Sunny will pick up the torch of that ship. The Straw Hats got away,
the Marines pointed out, but Garp just laughed, stating that that is his grandson.

Meanwhile, back in Water 7, Oimo and Kashi were relaxing, saying they will wait until the King of
Snipers (Sogeking) returns. They did not mind waiting, since their lifespan is 300 years.
Meanwhile, Paulie, Lulu, and Tilestone decided to head back to the shipyard and get back to their
old jobs, Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe headed back to the Sea Train station, and the Franky
Family were offered jobs at Galley-La by Iceburg (who was now called the Franky Family's new

Meanwhile, on an island somewhere in the Grand Line, Smoker had just caught a pirate worth
B50,000,000, although he did not find it that hard and just wished he could get some rest.
Tashigi, who was now called a sergeant, came up to him and told him that Headquarters called,
telling him about their award ceremony for the Crocodile incident at Alabasta or so she thought.
She was actually talking to a random Marine soldier because she did not have her glasses on.
Smoker did not seem to care, saying that what the marines need is blood; they need a group
stronger then the Straw Hat pirates. Then he bet his pride that he will crush them, in "The New

Meanwhile, in Alabasta, King Cobra, Igaram, Chaka, and Pell had just heard about the incident at
Enies Lobby. They were all surprised to hear that Luffy had actually helped "Miss All-Sunday" (Nico
Robin). They told Vivi expecting her to be upset over this notion. However, it turned out that V ivi
did not mind hearing that story at all; she wasn't even shocked. She just said there was no way
to know just what is inside Luffy's head.

Meanwhile, on the Thousand Sunny, the Straw hats were celebrating; to the return of Usopp and
Robin, a new crewmate (Franky), and a new ship. They knocked their drinks together with joy,
Luffy shouting "To Fishman Island!"

The chapter starts out in the Baratie, where the cooks there had just found out about the incident
at Enies Lobby. Zeff shows Sanji’s bounty to the others, who immediately break out laughing. They
then start handing out free wanted posters of their "ex-Head Chef", bragging that Sanji the Black
Leg grew up there to their customers.

The scene switches to Foosha Village, where nearly everyone is celebrating Luffy’s new high
bounty. The mayor of the village, Woop Slap, however, is not the least bit pleased by Luffy's latest
actions. Makino comments that their pet looks cute, and that Luffy has found some good friends.
Woop Slap calls them a pack of weirdos, and could not believe that they waged war on the World
Government. Woop Slap grumbles to himself, questioning why Garp has not done anything to
prevent this. He continues to say all three generations of Luffy's family are screwed up, and
wonders if Dadan knows anything about this.

The scene then switches to Syrup Village, where Ninjin, Tamanegi, and Piiman are showing Kaya
Sogeking’s wanted poster. They all immediately recognize that it is really Usopp, because of his
long nose. The Usopp Pirates talk about how the mask looks cool, and how no one else would
believe it was truly Usopp, and how only they and Kaya know. Kaya leaves, saying if she wants to

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

be a famous doctor, so that she may treat Usopp if he should be hurt when he comes back, she
will need to continue studying hard. The Usopp Pirates say that their captain is lucky, and that he
had better not hurt Kaya.

The scene then switches to Zoro’s Dojo in Shimoshiki Village, where students and pupils are
asking Zoro's sensei, Koushirou, if he really taught Roronoa Zoro swordsmanship. He says yes,
but he tells him they shouldn't follow in his footsteps. The students complain, because they think
Zoro is cool. Koushirou then thinks to himself that he did not know why he invaded Enies Lobby,
but he know that he could not stop Zoro if he had tried. As long as he values his skills as a
swordsman, then he should continue to follow his dream.

The scene then switches to Cocoyasi Village, where everyone is commenting on how sexy Nami
is. Nojiko reminds them that's supposed to show she is wanted by the World Government, as she
brings a sack of Mikan to Genzo. Genzo was just protesting to the local Marine Base for
distributing Nami's picture, saying it will attract more perverts then bounty hunters. Nojiko says
it's fine, though, since the Straw Hat Pirates kept their promise (Genzo told Luffy that if he ever
took away Nami's smile, he'd kill him). Genzo reluctantly agrees, though he still does not approve
of the poster.

The scene then switches to the new Sakura Kingdom, where Dr. Kureha is traveling down the
mountain on a Lapahn. When she reaches the village at the bottom, she demands to see Dalton
and ask why he called her down. She also asks why he stays in the village, seeing as he's the
king, he should be living in the Drum Castle. He says he loves the village and likes living there,
and then shows Dr. Kureha the new wanted posters, including the one of Chopper. Dalton thinks
they might have made a mistake with his bounty, but Dr. Kureha is just glad to see his face .

Meanwhile, on the island of Baltigo, the Revolutionaries just received news of their victory in
Centaurea in the South Blue. They then move to the issue of the Straw Hat Pirates. It seems they
know Luffy defeated Crocodile, and now after the incident at Enies Lobby, they will be problematic
to the World Government. One man, the apparent leader of the band, leaves for a moment. It is
revealed that that man is none other than Monkey D. Dragon; the world's most wanted man. He
says the day will soon come when he and Luffy will meet, face-to-face.

The scene then goes back three days ago, back on Banaro Island, where Portgas D. Ace has finally
caught up with Blackbeard. Blackbeard calls him Commander, but Ace tells him to save it.
Blackbeard continues to act friendly, saying it has been a long time since they have seen each
other, but Ace reminds him that he killed one of his crewmates, and doing so is unforgivable.
Blackbeard then offers Ace to join his crew, saying they'd be invincible if he joined. He then goes
on to say that the reign of Whitebeard will soon end, and their first step is Monkey D. Luffy. He
suggests Ace coming with him to kill Luffy (as he is still in Water 7 at the time), but Ace says that
Luffy is his brother, and outright refuses to join his crew.

Suddenly, a bullet passes through Ace; Van Augur had just tried to shoot Ace. Ace uses Higan and
shoots fire bullets rapidly at Van Augur. Suddenly, Jesus Burgess tosses an entire house at Ace,
but Ace uses Enkai, then Fire Pillar to burn it up. Blackbeard yells at Augur and Burgess telling
them Ace is way out of their league, and therefore, they should fall back. But suddenly, Ace uses
Hiken to burn Blackbeard to a crisp. Blackbeard manages to survive the attack and gets up. He
then admits of what he had done to Thatch, Commander of Whitebeard Pirates’ 4th Division. He
says he had no choice, as he had the Devil Fruit he had been searching for. He had researched
the size and shape of the fruit, and recognized it, knowing it was the one. He then goes o n to say
he spent decades on Whitebeard's ship, because he knew he had a better chance of finding it

Water 7 Post-Enies Lobby

there. He waited there for too long until it finally came to him in his "friend's" hands. He said that
getting the Devil Fruit was his fate, and with it, he will be the greatest. His hand begins to dissolve
into darkness, as he said that even for a Logia, this fruit is very special. His whole body begins to
radiate in a black glow, as he says that he is "darkness".

On Banaro Island, Portgas D. Ace and Marshall D. Teach face off. Ace questions Teach's Devil
Fruit abilities, but Teach states that his fruit, the Yami Yami no Mi, is said to be the strongest of
the Devil Fruits, and that Ace cannot kill him. Meanwhile, the townspeople see black smoke in
the town, and note that the pirates are still present, so they should run. The rest of the Blackbeard
Pirates are fleeing, saying that Teach is about to go wild.

Blackbeard sends tendrils of darkness in every direction, enveloping the buildings and scaring
the escaping townspeople. Some citizens say that the smoke reminds them of a hole in the
ground, but they continue through the forest and out to the coast. Teach explains that his
darkness is infinite gravitation that sucks everything in, including light. Ace comme nts that the
darkness is not approaching him, but Teach states that he is not attacking yet, ans is merely
demonstrating. Suddenly, Teach activates his "Black Hole" and sucks all of the town's contents,
including its buildings, into his darkness, making it disappear. Teach states that the darkness will
draw in any object and crush it, and proceeds to tell Ace that he will show him the town in its
ruined form. Teach then uses "Liberation" to send the ruined pieces of the town flying out into a
ring around Ace and Teach. The civilians are stunned by the destruction of their town, but Teach
simply brags about his ability. However, he realizes too late the small spots of flame from Ace's
"Hotarubi" which explode, coating him in flame. While Teach rolls around in pain, trying to put the
fire out, Ace states that he understands the power of the Yami Yami no Mi, but says that if Teach
is a Logia user, he should have been able to avoid his attack. The darkness quickly absorbs the
flame, and teach stands, saying that his fruit can suck in everything, including punches, thunder,
flame, and especially pain, meaning he cannot fend off attacks like other Logias. Disregarding
this flaw, Teach states there is one more thing he can do, and proceeds to drag Ace towards him
with gravitation. Seizing Ace's shoulder, Teach states that Ace must have noticed the ability, and
punches Ace hard in the stomach.

Ace is sent flying as Teach comments on how long it must have been since Ace was last punched.
Teach explains that he can suck in the "Devil's power" so that while he is touching a Devil Fruit
user, they cannot use their powers. Teach states that he has gained a power that cannot be
defended against by Devil Fruit users that overrate their abilities, to which Ace replies that is o nly
if he is caught. Teach states that Ace cannot escape, and drags him forward with his gravity again.
Ace launches two flaming spears that pierce and burn Teach's chest, but Teach lands a powerful
punch that nearly breaks Ace's neck. Crossing his fingers, Ace fires a flaming cross, but
Blackbeard merely grins. As explosions sounds out, Van Augur comments that he had thought
that a Devil Fruit user would be weak and powerless without his ability, but that Ace's basic
fighting power is amazing and had earned him a spot as Whitebeard’s division commander, which
is another one of fate's crossroads. The civilians watch as their island is destroyed and Banana
Rock falls, stating that no human could do this damage and that their entire island is at risk.

Ace falls as Blackbeard states that nothing stands a chance in front of darkness, and offers Ace
a spot on his crew, as it would be a waste of his strength if he was lost. Ace refuses, saying that
if he gives in, there will be no point in living. Teach laughs, saying that survival is what matters in
the world, as Ace gathers fire around him before forming it into a large flaming orb. Teach states
that only one of them can win, as Ace states his desire to make Whitebeard the king. Their attacks
collide with no shown result, the only hint being Ace's trademark hat lying on the ground. This
incident is described as the trigger for a later event coming soon.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Thriller Bark
Thriller Bark

n board the Thousand Sunny, Usopp and Luffy stuff the latest catch, a shark, into the
ships fish tank. Franky, Robin and Sanji sit in the tank room, they witness the entry of
the shark into the tank. Usopp and Luffy come rushing in to find the tank is now empty
aside from the shark, the others point out their error in not considering the food chain. While they
argue over when it should be cooked with Luffy, Nami comes out of the baths on board Sunny.
Chopper relaxes in the medical room while Zoro keeps a sharp eye in the crow's nest.

Zoro spots something floating in the sea and calls to the others. It is a barrel with the word
"treasure" on it. Anxious, the crew bring it on board to see whats inside. Nami asks if it has some
text to sea Gods written on it. Barrels are sometimes sent out to sea as a form of prayer for a safe
journey. They talk about opening it up but Usopp resisted it by saying it will be a curse and finally
Luffy opens it. As the barrel is opened a something shoots into the air. The crew are startled, the
barrel contained a flare. Robin concludes it as Flash Bullet, while Zoro makes fun of it as curse
that is mentioned by Usopp earlier.

The crew reacts to the news, Nami takes control of the situation and orders everyone to get ready
- a storm in on its way and fleets the ship towards south east. The storms hits as predicted, the
ship does not fare well against the strong headwind, until Franky unleashes the Sunny's Soldier
Dock System, Channel 0.

Out of the storm, the crew enter a dark foggy area of sea where it seems to be nighttime all the
time. The crew have entered the famous Florian Triangle in the Grand Line. Usopp reacts
cowardly; he was the only one who did not hear Kokoro’s story about the Triangle. Sanji lights up
his face with a match to make him look scary as he retells the information Kokoro spoke of.

The crew hears a scary sounding song "Yohohoho..." and a huge ghost ship appears which
frightens everyone (except Robin). As the song continues to come out, Usopp tells them not to
listen or they will be cursed. Suddenly, a figure is spotted on board the ship - there is a skeleton
on board drinking tea. Sanji, Luffy and Nami climb up to the ship, Luffy comments he could have
gone alone but the others did not want him to have the crew cursed through his stupidity. They
meet the skeleton on board, who introduces himself as a gentleman skeleton Brook.

The skeleton welcomes them and then spots Nami, he asks if he can see her underwear and gets
knocked down for his perverted request. Luffy asks him if he can poop, Sanji cannot see the point
of asking him about that. Sanji starts asking questions about the current situation but before he
can answer, Luffy asks Brook to join his crew, which Brook replies "yes" to.

After unexpectedly accepting Luffy’s invitation to join the Straw Hat Pirates, Brook boards the
Thousand Sunny, where he is greeted by the anger and fear of the rest of the crew. Brook
continues to ask Nico Robin and Nami to show their panties (which Nami stops) while Usopp tries
to imagine that talking skeletons do not exist. Brook is invited to dinner and marvels bo th at the
ship and the actuality that he has not had a meal in a long time (even with no stomach to digest
it). Yet while claiming to be a gentleman, the skeleton acts up on wanting to eat, angering Sanji
as well. He does eventually become cordial with the crew before dinner is finally served.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

After dinner, Brook explains that he holds the power of the Yomi Yomi no Mi: though he was once
part of a living crew, he and all of his crewmates were annihilated and the fruit's power, which
originally merely made him unable to swim, let his soul come back after his death. But because
of the fog, his body had decayed when he finally returned, leaving him to live as a skeleton (but
still with his afro hairstyle due to his "strong roots"). Nami remains doubtful of the story and
decides to use a mirror to prove he is a ghost. But when Brook looks in the mirror, no reflection
appears. Similarly unusual, the skeleton did not have a shadow as well.

After trying to avoid the subject, the skeleton explains that his shadow was stolen, preventing him
from living in the sunlight and forcing him to remain in the shadow and fog of the Florian Triangle
or else he would be burned away into nothingness. Yet even in dire circumstances, Brook remains
upbeat about his life, due to finally meeting people and remedying his lonely existence on his own
ship. However with his happiness, Brook turns back on his ideas of joining the Straw Hats, stating
that he cannot join unless he gets his shadow back. Luffy tries to ask to help, but Brook refuses
again, knowing that they will not meet the "shadow stealer" but he could be a trump card if they
do encounter "him".

Changing the subject again, Brook pulls out a violin and prepares to play a tune, exciting Luffy
that he was a musician. But before he could start, a ghost appears directly in front of Brook,
scaring him witless. Soon the Sunny is shaken as it is pulled within the gate of the wandering
island of Thriller Bark, drawn to them after their encounters with the barrel. Nami notes the Log
Pose did not response to the island, but the skeleton explains that the island is from West Blue.
Joyful at the arrival on the island, Brook hops on top of the ship and gives his farewells while
telling them to turn around and get away from here before zooming off on top of the water due to
his light frame. While the other Straw Hats seem to want to heed the skeleton's warning, Luffy
merely smiles, telling them that he wants to go to the island.

The Straw Hats are confused by their new predicament, captured by the massive island of Thriller
Bark within a massive pair of lips and watching the ghost disappear back to its "home". Robin
realizes that the mechanism for the island is locked with the Thousand Sunny approaching the
island that Brook had been running towards. Everyone is scared or confused about going on the
island except for Luffy who just wants to go out to catch the earlier ghost. Sanji and Robin bring
Luffy his important "Pirate Bento", with Robin being one of the few interested in their latest

With no stopping them, Franky decides to further explain the Soldier Dock System in regards to
their new ship and the potential both held within and what could be held later. Asking them to
open it to Channel 2, they reveal Mini Merry II, their former Going Merry revived into a shopping
ship. Nami, Usopp and Chopper ride on it while Franky explains the further usage of the Soldier
Dock, including a Waver and some submarines and the empty potential within Dock 4.

A while after setting off, Mini-Merry does not come back as Nami unexpectedly screams from the
island, with the remaining Straw Hats unable to trace them from the ship. Suddenly, Sunny’s
anchor drops by itself and an invisible being boards onto the ship by way of the hatch. The being
messes around, first with Luffy’s face and Zoro’s swords while making sounds of a beast. Fearing
the unknown, Sanji tries to leave the ship but is thrown back on it instantly. But "the invisible
creature" makes its weirdest attack towards Robin, attempting to grab and lick her. The beast
pushes the ship away as it leaves, with the Straw Hats continuing to fight on whether to go off to
save the others or not.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

The Mini Merry trio, meanwhile, run ashore and land directly onto Thriller Bark. Nami tries to
apologize but gets none of it from Usopp and Chopper's fear. Yet before being able to regroup too
easily, the trio encounter a large Cerberus, a creature with two dog heads and the head of a fox.
Both scared and confused by the beast, the trio run on, with Chopper further angering it about its
fox head. Running up a flight of stairs, the trio end up in a forest where they attempt to hide from
the Cerberus. But hiding in a tree, they instead encounter Hildon, a bat -like creature trying to find
the monster chasing them. Hildon offers to ride in a prepared carriage to the mansion of a doctor
named Hogback, a name Chopper immediately recognizes.

Nami, Usopp and Chopper travel in the carriage provided by Hildon with bizarre horsemen to
reach the home of Doctor Hogback. Hildon acts hospitable by offering wine to the guests while
Usopp remains paranoid that other creatures like the Cerberus would come after them. Chopper,
though, gloats about the genius surgeon praised as one of the greatest in the world prior to his
mysterious dissapearance and Hildorn's confirmation he is on the island. Nami is more intrigued
by the inhabitants of the forest, believing she sees a lion only to see it with a grotesque man's

When Nami tries to convince Usopp and Chopper what she saw, the trio look out and see the
entire forest, complete with trees, animals and even ghosts partying. Yet on second glance,
everything becomes still and the trio doubt what they've seen. Nami asks Hildon to stop the
carriage after seeing such bizarre things, but the creature tells them they merely saw illusions
within the forest. Though Nami wants to go back to the coast to meet up with the rest of the crew,
Chopper wants to continue on to Hogback. Usopp uses his own cowardly logic to convince
Chopper it is not worth it and thus convincing Hildon to tell the carriagemen to stop.

Ten minutes after stopping, the trio realize that they neither have moved forward or back but have
been abandoned in the middle of a graveyard. With their fear rising, Usopp yells for Hildon yet
unknowingly he flies off while even the carriagemen abandon them. Before wondering too long
about their predicament, the trio are horrified to see dead corpses rising from the ground: Nami,
Usopp and Chopper had been left with an army of zombies! The trio are soon thrown out of their
carriage and fear getting bitten and turned into zombies themselves. Yet as the trio fight back,
they soon see how the zombies are a tad abnormal, watching them comedically bounce around
their heads and complain as Usopp tries to use a fire attack to burn them away. With nothing left
to do but run (due to their speediness of the undead), they finally outrun the zombies due to their
lack of endurance.

The trio seem to question why the zombies were on the island, but they soon find themselves in
front of a massive building: Doctor Hogback's mansion.

Entering into the mansion of Dr. Hogback, Usopp, Nami and Chopper continue to question the
peculiar nature of their surroundings, including the tunnels and courtyard past the front door.
Approaching a well with a spotlight on it, an eerie, sewn up woman emerges, welcomes them and
immediately throws plates at them. The woman stops, allows Nami and Chopper entry, then
continues throwing plates at Usopp. However, a voice tells "Cindry" that t hey'll allow him in too
before explaining the cause of her hatred. The voice introduces himself as the genius Dr. Hogback
before arguing further with Cindry on her plate hatred. Chopper is immediately in awe but the
others are forced to follow along to avoid any further zombies.

Inside Hogback's dining room, Nami tries to explain their predicament and about the zombies
outside. The doctor claims that he vanished and came to Thriller Bark to study the zombies and
to continue to understand the matters of life and death. Chopper remains starstruck meeting the

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

famed doctor and asks to see Hogback's lab, but he states that it is off limits to all of them. Eating
a serving of pudding together (without plates, naturally), Usopp further questions in seeing any
living skeletons such as Brook. Hogback suspects something but refuses to state what.

After eating, Nami decides to take a shower with Usopp and Chopper on guard (and Usopp
questioning why they are guarding her). The trio are resolved to remain in the mansion in hopes
Luffy and the others get through the zombies outside and rescue them. Yet at the same time,
Nami realizes that even inside the mansion, there are stitched up zombies, proving Hogback
knows more than he's letting on.

But before bathing and figuring out earlier, Nami hears a growl within the bathroom. An invisible
voice notes Nami's smarts before grabbing her and thrusting her nude body on the bathroom wall.
The voice admires the navigator's weakness and declares she will be "his bride". Usopp rushes
into the bathroom to rescue her, happy but confused at the situation. Chopper's nose senses the
intruder and Usopp fires a Gunpowder Star but the intruder escapes. None of them knew what
was happening but Nami guesses that the visitor was "an invisible man".

Back on the Thousand Sunny, the remaining crew realizes that they are completely stuck on a
spider web with nowhere to go. Luffy decides that since they cannot go anywhere, they might as
well go onto Thriller Bark as well. Within moments of arriving on the island, the crew discover
Cerberus, but this group reacts differently from Franky and Zoro’s belligerence to Nico Robin’s
acknowledging its cuteness to Luffy just wanting to eat it. The creature does not take it well.

The Cerberus creature becomes very excited around the Straw Hats, and Zoro wonders why it is
so energetic, wanting to deal with the creature with the use of force. However, Luffy wants to try
to tame it, and as Zoro expresses his doubts, Luffy holds out his hand to the creature. Suddenly,
it pounces on him and bites his head, but Luffy calms it and has it let go of him. However, he
quickly retaliates by punching it in the face and knocking it unconscious. Robin says that it is
strange that something so wounded could still be alive, and Sanji wonders if it even is alive. Luffy
rides the tamed creature into the forest calling out for Nami, and Robin pities the creature, though
Zoro tells her that it hurts its pride. Suddenly, Luffy sees a tree with an old man's face having a
drink with a unicorn, which bewilders him. Franky catches unicorn and he himself catches the
tree and asks it to join his crew, much to Zoro and Sanji's discontent.

At Doctor Hogback's mansion, Hogback recovers from the earlier ruckus, and asks Absalom what
he was doing. Absalom says he was looking for a bride, and that Nami would suit him perfectly.
Hogback replies that he cannot have her since she has a bounty on her head, and Perona reveals
that there are six people with bounties, with Luffy having one of B300,000,000. Hogback takes
interest in the amount and prepares to go all out to capture the pirates, saying that Absalom will
be busy tonight.

Inside the mansion, Usopp questions the possibility of there being an invisible man, and Nami
says that Usopp must have noticed him when she was being held up, but Usopp denies seeing
anything in order for Nami to not charge him for seeing her naked. Usopp remarks in disbelief
about all the paranormal creatures they have seen, and wonders how they can all be back from
the dead when a skeleton already had a Devil Fruit allowing him to do that. Usopp says that there
must be a natural explanation for this, and Chopper replies that this must be why Doctor Hogback
left his old life to come here. Nami questions this, but Chopper angrily says that he is a great man
and there is no proof he is allied with the zombies. However, Nami is still suspicious. They return
to the dining room, but Hogback and Cindry are gone. Hildon suddenly chimes in from the
chandelier that they have already gone to bed, and Usopp gets angry at him for abandoning them

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

earlier in the graveyard. Hildon says that he was just off with the horses, but Nami shouts that he
is lying, claiming that everyone on this island is in cahoots. Hildon scoffs at the notion and guides
them to their rooms, but Nami and Usopp are suspicious about where he will take them and
Chopper wants to see Hogback again.

Suddenly, a portrait begins talking to Hildon, laughing at the Straw Hats' distrust of him and
wondering whether they should be allowed to escape. Chopper is shocked that the picture is
talking, when it suddenly leaps out and screams that they will not let the pirates go home, which
causes Chopper to scream in fright. Nami and Usopp are shocked as the portrait zombie pulls
Chopper into its portrait, and a pig's head hanging on the wall suddenly throws a sword at Usopp.
The head introduces itself as Buhichuck, the zombie boss of the room, and says they will not be
able to leave. Suddenly, the bear rug shouts in pain at Buhichuck's sword stabbing it, and rises
off the ground, taking Nami and Usopp up with it. Usopp screams in fright at the zombies in the
room, and he jumps onto the chandelier as Nami lands back on the ground. The zombies in the
portraits tell the rug-bear to knock Usopp off the chandelier, but Usopp throws a candle
underneath the rug-bear's head, causing it to become frightened as it desperately tries to stamp
the fire out. One of the portraits screams in fright at the fire and shouts to extinguish it, and Usopp,
now knowing the zombies' weakness, throws candles at them as he prepares to escape with Nami
and Chopper. They try opening the door as the zombies come for them, but realize that it is locked,
and they hurriedly dodge an attack by the rug-bear. They desperately try to escape, but are
cornered at the fireplace, when suddenly the back of the fireplace spins around and they fall into
another room.

The three of them find themselves in a hallway, and on the other side, the zombies are shocked
that the pirates found the secret passageway and are now in the hallway heading to Hogback's
lab. They try to chase them, but the door is blocked from the other side. However, Buhichuck tells
them not to get worked up, as there are Surprise Zombies like them all over the mansion. Inside
the hallway, the Straw Hats run as they are attacked by more portraits, and they manage to
escape into a room. They are then surprised to see that the room has several portraits of Cindry
on its walls.

Inside the castle Usopp, Nami and Chopper examine the room, which appears to belong to Cindry.
On the walls are photos of a different Cindry to the current one. Nami picks up a newspaper and
begins to read it. She discovers Cindry in her previous life had been a very famous actress and
child prodigy. She then discovers that Cindry had fallen to her death after falling off the stage.
Then Nami, to her horror, discovers that Cindry had died more than 10 years ago. This also
horrifies Usopp and Chopper, both forming the conclusion that the undead beings on Thriller Bark
were indeed zombies. Usopp states that he was getting a bad feeling and tries to sit down on a
box but misses and falls onto the ground.

Nami, suddenly delighted at the prospect of a "super strong box", asks Usopp to open it. Usopp
opens the box, only to be a jack in the box, saying that this box was not the treasure box. The trio
flee the room, going through the hall with pictures. Nami then gets the brainwave that the jack in
the box had said "this is not THE treasure box".

A lone man wanders through the corridors of the castle. Two pictures attempt to get him but soon
stop themselves, saying "It's THAT man" and resume their places. The man states that he would
capture the intruders and laughs a lot like Brook.

Outside, Sanji argues that they could not recruit anyone they wished for the Straw Hat Pirates. He
states that the they have a reindeer and a robot. Outraged at the prospect of being called a robot,

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Franky begins arguing with Sanji, saying he is a cyborg and that he is based on a human. Sanji
yells that Franky was based on a pervert and the cyborg pirate takes this with a laugh, thanking
Sanji for the "compliment". Luffy is seen singing on the three headed dog. Robin then brings the
subject of the monsters in Thriller Bark, saying that all of the monsters had bandages, stitches
and a number imprinted on the side. Zoro agrees, noticing the number "82" on the side of the
three headed dog.

A ghost appears which gets Luffy excited. The ghosts, saying "negative", multiplies, exiting Luffy
even more. Luffy attempts to catch one to keep, only to fail. Franky shoots one, only to go straight
through. The ghost runs through Franky. At that point, Franky loses the will to live and grows
depressed, only to get yelled at by Sanji. Luffy tries to catch a ghost barehanded, only to have it
go straight through, also making him depressed.

Robin comes up with a conclusion, saying that when the ghost touched a person, they lose the
will to live. Zoro calls them a disgrace, that they did not try to train their spirits to be strong and
no mastery over their mind. He states that it wasn't a surprise they fell for the "poltergeist trick".
A ghost runs through Zoro, also making depressed, ironically. Robin wonders about Thriller Bark,
calling it mysterious. Revitalized, Franky and Luffy start bad mouthing the ghost while Sanji mocks
Zoro for his "mastery of the mind". They pass on through a graveyard, where Luf fy wanted to eat
his lunch, only to be stopped by Sanji.

Suddenly, a hand comes out of the ground and then the top half of a zombie. Luffy simply walks
over and shoves the zombie back into the ground. The zombie gets up again, saying "Do you think
I would just go back home you moron?!!!". Luffy studies the zombie, concluding that he was "badly
wounded". Franky, Zoro and Sanji yell at Luffy that it was a zombie. Zombies rise up from the
ground, doing dances in the air, preparing to fight the pirates. The Straw Hats accept the
challenge, getting ready to fight.

The five use a combo move called B600,000,000 Jackpot, defeating all the zombies. They all
kneel down in front of Luffy, scared that the Straw Hats would attempt to hurt them once more.
Luffy asks if Nami, Usopp and Chopper had passed through. The zombies states that they could
not answer the question under orders. Luffy finds out that they indeed passed through the
graveyard and once again asks if the zombies touched them. They all reply with a no. Luff y asks
again and one zombie rats out another, shocking the latter. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Franky and Robin
all leave the graveyard, leaving the zombies stuck in the ground upside down.

A zombie calls out, saying that he had a story to tell. Luffy states that he was badly injured. Franky,
Sanji and Zoro shout at Luffy that it was a zombie. However, this "zombie" reveals himself as a
badly wounded old man. The old man continues, saying that he had a certain task for the Straw
Hats, that he would be grateful if his shadow was returned to him and the perpetrator was stopped
from his ill doings. Luffy relates this story to Brook's and the old man states that a man named
"Moriah" had taken his shadow. Robin, suddenly interested, asks if the name was "Gekko Moriah".
Luffy asks why this was so important. Robin states that Moriah had a bounty exceeding Luffy's,
and that Gekko Moriah was one of the Shichibukai.

Luffy confirms with Robin with that Gecko Moriah is indeed a Shichibukai, as the crew is
astounded that someone of his stature would be in a place like this. Although the old man before
them is not able to confirm any of Moriah's motives, he informs the crew that there are many
more victims like himself in the forest. He cites that the fact the Straw Hats received an invitation
here as proof that Moriah has likely set his eyes on the crew. The old man states that the other
victims hide in the dark of the forest, afraid of the zombies, afraid of leaving for the open sea and

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

being exposed to the sun. He states that just once before he dies, he'd like to be able to walk in
the sunlight again. Franky bursts into tears upon hearing the old man's story, causing Zoro to
admonish him for being so compassionate and burdening himself so easily. Sanji tells the old
man that only ladies have the privilege of persuading others by tears, and to not get carried away.
Luffy however comforts the man as he points out that they were already looking for the person
who steals shadows, so if he's targeting them, they are going to defeat him eventually anyway. As
the old man expresses renewed hope, the other victims in the shadows shout words of
encouragement to the crew, annoying Zoro that they were listening the whole time.

At Dr. Hogback's lab, Chopper, Usopp, and Nami stealthily peak into the room after hearing his
laughter. He is reveling at his latest creation, an incredibly large zombie on his operating table,
as he tries to get Cindry to appreciate his work. Cindry states that she hopes it dies as soon as it
wakes up, causing Hogback to note that her comments are growing increasingly depressing.
Cindry has prepared dinner, "soup spaghetti", though it makes a mess of the table, to Hogback's
dismay. Cindry says she wishes plates ceased to exist. Hogback appears to understand, but
wonders why she doesn't choose a more suitable menu. Nami, Chopper, and Usopp watch the
antics from their hiding spot, still in disbelief at Cindry's presence due to having just learned of
her death ten years ago. The body laying on Hogback's table piques their interest, as Chopper
notes its similarities to the zombies they saw earlier in the graveyard. He takes careful notice of
the number on the body, and that Hogback said it was "almost done". Nami deduces that this
must be how the zombies are reanimated, and Dr. Hogback is responsible for them all. Chopper
is perplexed by this, stating that the practice of medicine is all about saving people from dying,
and there's nothing you can do to a dead body to bring it back to life. Usopp however points out
that thinking about it and understanding it are two different things, so as long as they continue
to watch, they should be able to figure out the secret. Someone appears behind them
laughing, saying that if they're looking inside, they may as well enter. Recognizing the laugh, they
initially believe it is Brook. They suddenly crash through the door into Hogback's laboratory
however, greatly shocking him. Chopper and Nami discuss that unlike Brook, the figure they saw
had flesh and bone, while Usopp alerts them that Hogback has discovered their presence.
Hogback asks just what they saw, reminding them that he said to never peek in his lab. Usopp
says they didn't see anything, especially the zombie he was creating. Hogback laments that they
probably have already discovered some of his secrets, but he brushes this off as he informs them
that the "night attack" will commence soon.

In the graveyard, several zombie corpses begin to emerge from the ground, as an invisible figure
calls on them to rise. The person gives them a speech reminding them that they are dead, and as
such, feel no pain. Some of the zombies note that this routine is tiresome, to which the person
tells them to stop slacking off. He asks the zombies who he is, to which they reply, "Absalom". As
more of the figure's body becomes visible, he asks them who likes to "peep". They state him, as
their leader, but he grows annoyed that they also point out his perverted nature.

The ghost spirits that were in the "Dead Forest" earlier return to a large mansion, w here they are
greeted by a large bear-like creature. A shadowy figure expresses annoyance at the bear, telling
him that if he isn't "cute", then he doesn't deserve to work for them.

As the clock hits midnight, three zombies run frantically through the hallways of the mansion
announcing that the "night attack" has begun, and seek to wake up their master Moriah. One who
carries a bow and arrow, known as Nin, fires an arrow that pierces a bubble. A gigantic figure is
revealed to be laying down in front of them, who awakens stating that he had a nightmare. The
three zombies note that Moriah has slept for all four days since their last attack, but nonetheless,
the "meals" are prepared. They state that the prey this time is a tough bunch, as they are the

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

group that brought down Enies Lobby. For this reason alone, they believe the group should be
useful to Moriah.

Outside the mansion, it has started raining as Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, and Robin have finally
arrived. Franky wonders if they should go ahead and run inside, but Luffy notices something huge
in the distance behind the mansion. As the fog clears up a bit, Zoro notices that it is a flag. The
Straw Hats soon realize however that it is actually a gigantic sail. The old man confirms this,
having followed them all the way here, to their surprise. He states that Thriller Bark has a village
in the middle, but it is actually the largest pirate ship in the world. He also points out that the back
of the mansion is the main mast, and is thus where Gekko Moriah resides.

Back at the graveyard, Absalom tells the zombie soldiers that the General Zombies will finish off
the pirates, and their job is to corner the ones that are afraid of the undead. At the mansion,
Perona readies her unit of zombies as she muses to herself that the Straw Hats think they will
escape. Gekko Moriah makes special note of Luffy's presence on the island, and prepares to give
him a "proper" welcome. Luffy, Franky, Zoro, Robin, and Sanji decide to enter the mansion.

Now face-to-face with Dr. Hogback, Nami confronts the doctor about his work on the
zombies, seeking confirmation that he is truly reviving the deceased. Seeing as the "Night Attack"
has commenced, Hogback tells the Straw Hats that they may suspect anything that they would
like, as it is now too late for them. Hogback does, however, ask what basis Nami has for her
accusations, to which she responds that she found Victoria Cindry’s obituary. Hogback is flustered
at their discovery of his secret. He orders Cindry and a samurai to dispose of them. Ryuma
emerges from the destroyed door behind the Straw Hats, laughing in Brook ’s signature style.
Noticing Nami, Ryuma asks to see her panties. Nami is incredibly angered at the question, but
remembers she had the exact same exchange with Brook, and wonders how this could be. Dr.
Hogback explains that Ryuma is on a different level than the zombies that the Straw Hats have
met up until now, as he is a "General Zombie" who holds the body of a warrior from Wano Country
in the New World. Hogback points out that the legend of how this samurai cut down a flying
dragon has been handed down for centuries, and that the Straw Hats will not be able to escape.
Ryuma unsheathes his sword, and is behind the Straw Hats before they can even react. He then
tells Cindry to open a nearby pathway for him, and that he would like his night meal. The Straw
Hats are confused as to why they have not been cut, and take the opportunity to run for the exit.
They are suddenly incapacitated, however, as Hogback explains the phenomenon that those who
have been cut by Ryuma obliviously hum for about three meters before they realize that they have
been cut. The technique is called "Three-Verse Humming: Arrow Notch Slash" (Hanauta Sanchou:

Luffy, Sanji, Robin, Franky, and Zoro finally enter the mansion after seeing that the lock on the
door has been completely broken off. They notice that for such a big mansion, not a single person
seems to be around, and the room itself looks as if there was some kind of struggle. Luff y directly
calls Gekko Moriah’s name, while Sanji hopes that Nami is ok. Buhichuck comments from his
post that Luffy knows the name of "the master", and is quite courageous to have entered the
house. Luffy points out the pig talking on the wall, and several other "Surprise Zombies" emerge
from their picture frames to attack the Straw Hats. The pirates are completely unfazed, though
Luffy is visibly astonished by the zombies being able to come out of picture frames. The attacking
zombies are effortlessly dispatched: Sanji kicks the face in of one of the zombies and asks of
Nami's whereabouts, while Robin breaks all the bones of her attacker with "Twist". The zombies
wonder if the new arrivals are crewmates of the pirates that passed through earlier, which Franky
confirms as he smashes two of their heads together. As Luffy and Zoro finish off the last of the
attackers, Luffy laments that they could have been good friends with the zombies. Buhichuck is

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

taken down for interrogation on the whereabouts of Chopper, Usopp, and Nami. He attempts to
convince the crew that they are upstairs in a bedroom sleeping safe and sound, but Franky
refuses to believe it, as Luffy also looks skeptical. In the midst of this, they notice that Sanji is
now gone. While the crew ponders Sanji's sudden disappearance, Zoro notices a few of the
zombies laughing amongst themselves and deduce that they have been planning something for
quite a while. Luffy is not worried about Sanji's safety in the least, however Robin notes that their
time may be limited to save Nami, Usopp, and Chopper. The pig warns the crew not to get cocky
because they have some strength, but becomes annoyed when he realizes the crew is not
listening to him while Robin discusses the crew's next move. She notes that the zombies have no
real reason to tell them the truth, even with the threat of violence, to which Zoro proposes that
they take the pig as a guide through the mansion. The Surprise Zombies lying defeated on the
floor leave them cryptic warnings about Gekko Moriah's strength, telling them that their missing
nakama are not safe. Luffy tells the zombies to tell Moriah that he will blow him off the island if
anything happens to his crew, completely blowing them away with his defiant will. Luffy re-asserts
that Sanji will be just fine as he digs in his nose, leading his crew forward. As the crew leaves the
room, a few of the Surprise Zombies inform Gekko Moriah that the Straw Hats have entered the

Outside the mansion, the zombies are having some kind of dance festival with a disco ball as they
celebrate the commencement of the "Night Attack". Absalom enters a sanctuary, and calls on his
General Zombies to awaken. As they rise from the ground, he tells them that the Straw Hats barely
have eight members and orders them to catch them for their master.

Absalom orders his General Zombies to hunt down the Straw Hat Pirates as they exit the sanctuary
that was their resting place. One of the General Zombies known as Captain John slowly passes
through the doors as he hiccups on his bottle of liquor. Absalom reminds him that his infamous,
life-time reputation is currently weeping, and laments on how hopeless he is as John finally makes
it out of the door. Just then, Absalom is accosted a warthog zombie named Lola who asks him to
marry her. Absalom orders her to go out and fight as he is the commander, but Lola simply asks
him to marry her again. Absalom explains that he is a human and thus wants a human bride,
while Lola is a warthog, and a zombie to boot. Lola gets a marriage license and attempts to force
Absalom to sign it with his fingerprint, but he manages to free his arm from her grip at the last
second to prevent this. Absalom then dodges further attempts to grab his arm and kiss him by a
persistent Lola, before he is able to stop her by telling her that he has already selected a bride.
Lola warns him that it will be useless once again, but Absalom shows her Nami's bounty poster,
and indicates that she is currently one of the pirates that have landed on the island. De termined
to not allow this, Lola dashes from the room in pursuit of Nami, with Absalom attempting to stop

In Perona's room, she orders her bear-like creature to bring some coffins to the Dance Hall once
the Risky Brothers arrive with them. She asks the bear to confirm that he understands her
instructions, and the bear appears very uncomfortable with answering before finally saying yes.
As soon as he does, Perona reprimands him for answering, as he is not "cute" when he does. She
indicates that she is going off to command the Treasure Recovery Group, and tells him to let her
know should anything happen. She asks for his acknowledgment again, and this time he says
nothing. Perona is pleased by this, reminding him he is cute when he doesn't talk. However the
bear wishes her a safe trip, which immediately triggers her anger again.

Somewhere outside Hogback’s mansion, a couple of zombie squirrels sing as they carry a large
black coffin towards a towering building. One of the squirrels loses their footing, causing them to
drop the coffin. The coffin opens to reveal an injured Chopper, who immediately begins to wake

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

up. The squirrels panic and attempt to incapacitate Chopper again, but he transforms into Heavy
Point and quickly defeats them. Chopper frees Nami and Usopp from their coffins, and they wake
up as well. They remember the encounter with Ryuma, and Usopp deduces that he must have
used the back of his sword due to their lack of serious injury. Chopper still doesn't understand
the situation fully, but nonetheless updates his nakama that they were being carried by the
squirrels in their respective coffins. The squirrels are able to escape, stating that they will notify
their friends. The Straw Hats note their location as they look up to the mansion, realizing that
they've been carried quite a distance. To their rear they notice another mansion, and Nami
realizes that they are on the bridge connecting the two buildings, which in itself happens to be a
forest. With this being where they were carried after losing consciousness, they discern that the
squirrels must have been taking them to the mansion behind Hogback's; likely to turn them into
zombies. Chopper and Usopp decide to run, but Nami points out that they will likely only run into
more scary experiences after making such a scene. Nami remembers one of the zombies
discussing treasure, which prompts Chopper and Usopp to immediately dissuade her line of
thinking. She maintains that they are indeed in a dilemma however; as they may run into Ryuma
again should they go back the way they came, but going forward to the new mansion might yield
even scarier results. As they talk, they notice three penguins doing a dance routine with their
backs turned. The penguins turn and introduce themselves as the Penguin Trio, with it being
stated that the third penguin is the newest in the group. They reveal that their comrades behind
the Straw Hats are the "Wild Zombies". As the Straw Hats turn and realize they are surrounded,
they are welcomed to Perona's "Wonder Garden". The Straw Hats make note of their weird
appearances, before the zombies decide to charge at them. Usopp attempts to fire at them with
his slingshot, but is fiercely knocked down by two of the penguins. Chopper tries to go help Usopp,
but receives a heavy blow from behind by a spiked ball and chain. Nami is helpless as the zombies
swarm Usopp and Chopper. One of them attempts to slice Nami, but this triggers something in
the newest penguin of the trio, who incapacitates the attacking zombie with a devastating kick.
The other zombies tell him not to attack his own nakama, and to instead kick the lady. The
penguin states that he doesn't know who the lady is, but even under his master's orders, and at
the prospect of death, he absolutely refuses to kick a woman. This draws appalled reactions from
Nami, Usopp, and Chopper. The penguin then issues a challenge to the other zombies; should
they have a problem with it, they can fight him.

Back in the mansion, Luffy, Franky, and Robin interrogate Buhichuck about possible subterfuge
against the group, as it is revealed that Zoro has gone missing too.

Luffy has inexplicably acquired a suit of armor, as he searches the halls of Hogback ’s Mansion
with Franky and Robin for signs of Zoro and Sanji’s whereabouts. Franky reprimands him for
goofing off at a time like this, but Luffy offers a rebuttal that it is a man's "romance" to wear a suit
of armor if it is just laying around. Luffy asks if Franky's new hardened body meant that he lost
his heart too, which causes Franky to tear up and play a song on a guitar. While Luffy is highly
amused at the cyborg's music, Buhichuck observes the antics and wonders if the Straw Hats truly
grasp the weight of the situation. Robin notices that they have entered a large arena -like room,
as Buhichuck giggles to himself in light of this. Suddenly a heavily-armored figure drops down
attempting to impale Franky, but he is able to dodge. Noticing that the figure moves quite adeptly
despite having a spear stuck in its body, the Straw Hats conclude that there is a zombie inside
the suit of armor. Franky lands a "Strong Right" on the zombie, but this merely pushes it back
some as the zombie replies with a cross-shaped flying slash. Franky is again able to dodge, and
notes the zombie's strength as the attack destroys the wall behind him. He however points out
that he's no stronger than a normal swordsman, and blasts the zombie with "Weapons Left". The
zombie actually falls to the ground this time, but gets back up and immediately cuts Franky on
the left forearm. Robin and Luffy show concern that Franky was cut, however Franky appears

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

unfazed. He grips the zombie by its entire head, and flings it across the room as he asserts that
he won't die from getting hit by a corpse like him. Luffy notices the zombie once again rising to its
feet, and Franky comments that this one is on a completely differently level than the other
zombies they have met so far. Buhichuck comments from afar on the nature of the zombies,
stating that regardless of how much punishment they take, it doesn't actually hurt them. Each of
these General Zombies made names for themselves in their lifetimes by being powerful warriors,
so they only become more devastating when made immortal. He further taunts the Straw Hats
that there is no way they can win, and that none of their nakama are safe. Luffy gives chase to
shut the pig up, but Buhichuck runs away and commands a wall zombie to seal off the pathway
behind him. The Straw Hats then turn and realize that they are surrounded by the heavily ar mored
General Zombies.

Franky points out that the group will be slaughtered should they attempt to take them all on at
once, to which Luffy agrees. Robin suggests that they get to the courtyard, which they all agree
on as the zombies charge. The Straw Hats are able to repel the first wave of zombies easily, but
Luffy notices a "36 Pound Cannon" (Sanjuroku Pound Ho) flying toward him that he is barely able
to dodge. Recognizing the attack, Luffy asks if Zoro is there. The warrior states that a scar on the
back is shameful, but ironically notes that he himself is covered with scars. This causes Luffy to
again wonder if this is actually Zoro, but the warrior introduces himself as "Jigoro". This slight
distraction gives the General Zombies an opening, and they capture Luffy. Robin and Franky repel
another wave of zombies; Robin with "Once Fleur: Slam (11 Flowers)", and Franky with "Fresh
Fire". Several of the zombies pour buckets of water on themselves to alleviate this, much to
Franky's shock. Robin and Franky escape the room, but notice that Luffy didn't make it out with
them. Franky mentions that Luffy's own armor makes it hard to distinguish him from the General
Zombies, and Robin realizes that they can't just wait for Luffy there either or the zombies will
catch up. Franky calls out to Luffy, but soon notices a coffin sealed with spider-web being slid
across a chain above them. A person in the coffin screams to be let out, and Robin realizes that
this is Luffy. Robin confirms with Franky that their captain has been captured, and they
immediately dash off to save him. Their pursuit is swiftly cut off however, as a gigantic Spider
Monkey, Tararan lands in front of them. Tararan notes Luffy's casket making it into the Mast
Mansion, as Franky and Robin inquire on the enemy's intentions with their captain. Tararan
assures them that whatever happens to Luffy will soon happen to them as well, as he reminds
them of their situation: to their front they have to deal with him, but behind them are the rest of
the General Zombies that gave chase. With this, he tells the Straw Hats that they are finished.

In Perona’s "Wonder Garden", Inuppe defeats most of the zombies in order to protect Nami.
Meanwhile Absalom is being chased by Lola the zombie. While she tries to attack Nami, Inuppe
jumps in front to protect her, but he fails, as Lola throws him far away. With Lola busy, Absalom
finds the chance to grab Nami and run away with her.

Then Nami attacks him with 'Thunder Charge' and makes Absalom stop but Lola keeps chasing
Nami and the others.

When all the zombies are ready to chase them too, Absalom is ready to face Inuppe. The brave
penguin-like dog that does everything to protect Nami. After he threatens Absalom, he gets
defeated easily by him.

On the General Zombies' side, Tararan corners Franky and Robin telling them that Luffy, Sanji
and Zoro are all trapped behind him in a room. With a 'Coup de Vent' Franky breaks the bridge
and Robin saves them by creating wings with her Devil Fruit. With Franky and Robin saved above
the bridge and Tararan down, Brook is seen falling from the sky.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Lola keeps chasing Nami, with Usopp and Chopper trying to stop her. They fail, and Lola is ready
to attack Nami. When she tries to kill her, Nami shouts that she is in fact a man. Lola believes
her, and Nami asks her to be friends. When Absalom appears again, Lola runs towards him and
Nami and the others find a chance to leave.

In Thousand Sunny, Perona is stealing the Straw Hats’ treasures. Hildon appears and tells Perona
that Moriah is calling for a meeting. She goes to her room, just to find Absalom and Kumashi
there already. Nami, Usopp and Chopper are hiding inside Kumashi just to participate in this

Outside, Franky and Robin witness Brook falling from the sky and lands badly on the ground.
Tararan uses his web to reach them, but Robin and Franky trap him inside his webs while Franky
deals some damage to him too. They think they defeated him, but he recovers and his spiders
trap Robin and Franky.

Out of nowhere Brook appears in front of them, finishing off Tararan with a deadly slash.

The chapter begins after Brook slashes Tararan. Franky warns Brook that it will get up again but
he responds saying he has already dealt with it. After Tararan saying he has seen Brook
somewhere before, a black substance starts emerging from his body and flies away, much to the
shock of Tararan's subordinates and Franky. Brook describes it as "the soul of a zombie". The
subordinates then quickly scurry away, going to inform Moriah. Brook tells Franky that the web is
vulnerable to fire and Franky manages to break free using his fire -breathing skills. Franky is
surprised that Brook knows so much about the island and tells him that Luffy, Zoro and Sanji
have been kidnapped. Brook replies that it might be too late, which gets Franky angry. Brook then
tells another "skull joke", which rills up Franky even more and aims at him, making Robin telling
him to ceasefire.

Brook then goes on about his past, saying that he tried to get out of the area, but his rudder was
broken and he drifted onto Thriller Bark. He says that he went into the island to look for parts to
fix his rudder, but was captured and brought into the castle. There he witnessed a person's
shadow being cut off and says another skull joke, making Franky hit him. He then goes on with
the story saying that the shadow was pushed into a corpse, and it came alive. His shadow was
then cut away from him. He then goes on to explain about shadows and reveals Moriah has eaten
the Kage Kage no Mi. He explains that through Hogback’s experiments, Moria is able to revive
legendary warriors. He then explains that the stronger the person, the stronger the shadow and
explains that Moria wants people with bounties because he wants stronger zombies. He goes on
to explain that zombies are obedient and people who have their shadows taken are set adrift on
the sea. Brook then tells Robin and Franky to listen to his plan, which makes him start twirling
around in happiness because it's the first time he has negotiated with someone in years. Robin
asks him to continue and Brook explains his plan.

Back at the Mansion, the three commanders, Perona, Absalom and Hogback, arrive. Moriah is
then officially introduced, stating his former bounty and motto. Luffy is then revealed in a cage
calling Moria a leek and asking for his friends back. Moriah is shown to be oblivious about the
Straw Hat Pirates, apart from Luffy and Zoro. Nami, Usopp and Chopper are shown to be hiding
inside Kumashi. Hogback then questions about the three of them, but Perona says that they never
arrived. Kumashi tries to tell her they are inside him but is silenced. Absalom then gets angry at
Hogback as he realizes he must've harmed Nami (who he calls his bride). Cindry then answers
that she will never come for him, which makes Hogback to try to silence her, but he says that the
bride will never come for him either. Moria then tells everyone to be quiet and tells them that they

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

are bearing witness to the birth of an exceptionally strong zombie. Luffy tries to escape by eating
through the bars but is stopped by Perona. Moria then cuts Luffy's shadow from him, making Luffy

The chapter starts with Franky questioning why he should return back to the Thousand Sunny.
Brook explains that Luffy’s, Zoro’s and Sanji’s shadows have probably already been taken, so
they would've been returned back to their ship. Brook goes on to explain that even if their shadows
are taken, they will not die but lose consciousness for two days. Franky asks why they do not just
kill them while they are down but Brook tells him that if the body dies, the shadow will die too so
they ship them away and make sure they aren't killed as well as stopping them from being able
to get their shadows back too. Brook then tells them that if all of the Straw H ats' shadows are
taken, they will be sent adrift, so he hurries them to claim Luffy, Zoro and Sanji's shadows back.
He then reveals to them that salt is the zombies' weak point because their power originates from
a Devil Fruit, and salt has the power of the sea, so if they put it into zombies' mouths, the shadow
will return to their owner, leaving the corpse inanimate. Robin questions how he knows so much,
and Brook tells her that his shadow was also taken five years ago and was sent adrift. Fortunately,
he woke up while he was being sent back and returned to the island to reclaim his shadow, but
failed. He then mentions that he needs his shadow to fulfill his promise to a friend. Just as he is
about to leave to try reclaim his shadow a second time, Franky holds him back and demands him
to tell them the part he missed out.

Back at the mansion, Luffy's shadow had just been extracted from him with a terrified Usopp,
Nami and Chopper watching inside Kumashi. While Luffy's shadow is confused and struggling,
Hogback mentions that he has been working on "Number 900" for a few years and it will be the
strongest zombie ever created. Absalom and Perona state their dreams and Moriah mentions he
drew with Kaido, one of the Yonko, in the New World. He then calls out to his subordinates to
head into the freezer while Absalom orders some Spider-Mice to put Luffy's body on the ship.
Before they start, they give a report to him saying that Captain Tararan has been beaten and his
shadow has been extracted, causing Hogback to panic. Hogback explains that Brook had been
causing trouble, purifying all the zombies. Absalom and Perona both do not know what he actually
looks like and Absalom states that he will have no trouble passing through the surveillance.
Moriah, however, does not seem to be troubled and tells them to do something about it, heading
into the freezer. The Spider-Mice then proceed to put Luffy back onto the ship while Usopp, Nami
and Chopper stay inside Kumashi and plan to take Luffy's shadow back when they get the chance.

Back at the bridge, the General Zombies arrive on the scene and are surprised Tararan was
defeated. Franky and Robin run up some stairs with Franky crying. At Hogback's lab, Brook
encounters his zombie and asks his shadow to come back to him. At the mansion, Moriah and
his subordinates continue into the freezer and reveals "Number 900" is a large giant named Oars.

Moriah took Luffy's shadow to resurrect the ultimate zombie Oars. Having witnessed what had
happened, Usopp and Chopper fall out into view, letting Moriah and Perona know they were there.
Immediately Absalom spots Nami claiming that she is his bride. He begins asking her is she doing
there. The Wild Zombies attempt to capture them. Oars finally wakes up; Nami, Chopper and
Usopp run away at full speed with Absalom running after them. While running away Nami sees
that Oars' first word was meat figuring out what has happened to Luffy, Sanji and Zoro. Chopper
gets angry because he finds out that Hogback wasn't a good doctor, and he didn't even ca re about
peoples' lives; he is just a villain.

As they run to the Thousand Sunny where Luffy, Sanji and Zoro's bodies are, Absalom suddenly
catches up to them abruptly burning Usopp and Chopper. He kidnaps Nami because he wants to

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

marry her. Usopp attacks Absalom but it was too late since Absalom had already disappeared
with Nami. A group of wild zombies then surround Chopper and Usopp isn't unable to beat all of
them. They're suddenly helped by Robin and Franky.

The zombies in the Mast Mansion tower stand in absolute disbelief over their defeated comrades,
mortified that someone other than "Humming" Brook has discovered their weakness. They lament
that their biggest advantage, the inability to die, has been nullified. Franky, Robin, Usopp, and
Chopper dash down a long staircase outside the mansion, as they heard that this is the pathway
used for the transport of those whose shadows were stolen. Usopp and Chopper update Franky
that Nami was taken from them while in pursuit of Luffy. Chopper wonders if Nami will be alright,
to which Usopp assures him that they will definitely save her. Franky inquires about the loud roar
that he and Robin heard earlier, mentioning that it is what spurred them to come their aid. Usopp
states that it was Luffy's voice and he will explain more later, but nonetheless confirms that their
situation has changed drastically.

Inside the Mast Mansion, several zombies frantically rush to bring Oars food, noting his incredible
appetite may cost them their entire food supply. Gekko Moriah is amused by Oars' appetite, while
Perona angrily questions Kumashi on why he harbored Nami, Usopp, and Chopper inside of him.
Oars tells Moriah he doesn't even know his own identity and is appreciative of all the food he is
receiving, but tells the Shichibukai that it is still not enough. The zombies express their
disapproval of Oars' insubordination to their master, but quickly all bow and apologize once Oars
looks their way. Moriah gives Oars a quick brief of his history; stating that 500 years ago he was
a great warrior that left behind countless legends. He explains that Oars is now his subordinate
however, which the beast quickly denies. Oars states he has a dream, much to the astonishment
of the other zombies. Oars wants to go outside, and possibly go out to sea, as the zombies remind
him that they are in an incredibly dense freezer made of iron. Oars effortlessly breaks through the
walls of the mansion with "Gomu Gomu no Pistol", astonishing the zombies present as they
attempt to dissuade him from leaving. As Oars jumps down from the tower, he notes that he had
a feeling his arm would stretch for some reason. Oars loudly exclaims that he will become the
Pirate King.

In Hogback's Mansion, Brook confronts Ryuma. The latter teases Brook about their last b attle,
reminding him how he begged for Ryuma not to damage his afro. Brook retorts that such a thing
won't happen again, as he similary recounts the events of that day in his head. In a flashback,
Brook is running through the forests of Thriller Bark, frustrated that a zombie he had
fought kept managing to get back up no matter how many times he cut it. He is determined that
there has to be some kind of weak point for the zombies, as even if he finds his own zombie with
his shadow, this will not be enough. Brook then notices a zombie pass out, and listens in as his
comrades point out that the zombie had just eaten grilled fish with salt. Brook is later seen
interrogating Dr. Hogback with his sword drawn on him, demanding to know which zombie has
his shadow. Brook threatens Hogback with a supply of fish, which the doctor quickly ridicules.
Brook ponders to himself that there's no way it could be the salt, but noticing Hogback's frenzied
reaction to the mention of it, concludes that it must be the salt. Under t he full moon that night,
Brook reflects on how scary zombies are, especially at night. He remembers that he can sing a
song to take his mind off of things, as he becomes easily frightened by a grasshopper nearby.
Brook decides that if he sings and moves with his enhanced speed so that he doesn't see the
zombies' faces as he feeds them the salt, he will most definitely find his shadow. A few of the
zombies in the graveyard notice someone humming a song. Brook then cuts through them all with
amazing speed, purifying them in the process as he then runs away in fear. Absalom learns from
his Soldier Zombies about Brook's reign of terror, as they describe his humming as a sign that he
will soon appear. Kumashi informs Perona of the trouble as well, and it is revealed that Brook has

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

completely annihilated the Soldier Zombies. Sometime after, Brook finally comes face -to-face
with Ryuma; recognizing his distinct laugh as proof that the zombie indeed has his shadow. Brook
is heavily outclassed by the zombie, despite having the exact same swordsmanship. He is for
some reason unable to keep up with the zombie's strength, which confuses Brook that he can't
match his own shadow in combat. Ryuma tells him that his efforts are useless, and considers
cutting off Brook's "bothersome" afro as a means for him to move faster. Brook vehemently begs
for Ryuma to stop, perplexed that the zombie doesn't understand the significance of his afro
despite having his own shadow. Ryuma replies that he's forgotten all about his days with Brook,
and that his only masters are Moriah and Absalom. Ryuma goes on to state that it is laughable
that he'd get along with a skeleton who cares about an afro so much, as he tries to cut it off of
Brook's head. Brook deflects most of the attempts, but is ultimately stabbed through the eye
socket by Ryuma. As Ryuma holds Brook by the eye socket with his sword, Brook begs for his life,
saying he will leave immediately. Ryuma acknowledges that it would be problematic for him as
well if Brook died, and commands him to get lost.

In the present, Ryuma reminds Brook not to have another pathetic display like their last
encounter. Brook assures him that for the past five years, he has trained to become stronger for
this second chance as their swords clash. In a different room, Absalom arrives with an
unconscious Nami. He places her down on a table, and tells the zombie priest to start the wedding
ceremony immediately. He orders a different zombie, who appears to be a tailor, to put her into
a dress and bring her to the ceremonial hall.

Outside the Mast Mansion, Robin, Franky, Usopp, and Chopper have finally made it down the
steps. They realize that the explosion and outcry that they heard earlier is likely the beginning of
Luffy's zombie going on a rampage, and surmise that they must hurry. As they make it to the
Thousand Sunny, they note it's new location and are able to understand more about how the
denizens of Thriller Bark capture their prey. Usopp gets onto the ship first, and informs the crew
that zombies have looted the ship. Once they all board, they eventually locate Luffy, Zoro, and
Sanji in the dining room. All three of them are unconscious. However, they have been sat in chairs
with various objects stuck inside their nostrils, mouths, on the top of their heads, as well as their
hair tied up in ridiculous fashion. Franky yells and uses violence to attempt to wake them all up,
but this proves ineffective. Franky instead tries to use his bazooka, but Usopp has a better idea.
Usopp yells that a "beautiful lady swordsman with a ton of meat" just arrived, which immediately
wakes up the "Monster Trio". They respond to their individual desires; Sanji to a "beautiful lady",
Luffy to "meat", and Zoro is awoken at the prospect of a swordsman. Chopper is astonished that
such a crude method proved effective contrary to the use of actual force, causing him to call them
all hopeless.

Luffy awakens in a hostile mood, seeking retribution for Gekko Moriah taking his shadow. He is
calmed by Franky however, as Zoro and Sanji also come to their senses. The trio wonders how
they ended up back on the Thousand Sunny, and Zoro notices that he no longer has a shadow.
Luffy is more concerned that there is no longer anything to eat, despite stuffing his face with a
huge block of cheese. Sanji points out however that they specifically left them with the non-
perishable food items. The trio finds themselves all very disappointed; Zoro for letting down his
guard, Luffy for not having anything to eat but cheese, and Sanji notices that Nami is miss ing.
Sanji becomes livid with Usopp upon learning that Nami was taken from them, demanding to
know why they didn't chase the agressor, who the person is, and where he is located. Usopp is
quite frightened by Sanji's vigor, but nevertheless rebutts that Sanji needs to listen to the whole
story. Usopp establishes that there are two things that they can't afford to not get back; Nami and
their shadows, though Luffy interjects with "food" as a third item.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Sanji becomes incredibly infuriated that Nami is involved with a wedding, to the point that he
literally appears to be on fire. Luffy mentions that Absalom must be brave to want to marry Nami,
and is also suprised that his shadow is in a giant. Zoro on the other hand, deduces that they must
already know the zombies that have Luffy and Sanji's shadows. While Chopper and Usopp become
frightened after learning that Moriah is a Shichibukai, Luffy remembers that he met Zoro's
zombie. Zoro is curious about his zombie, but nonetheless affirms that they can get their s hadows
back by finding the three zombies  with them and feeding them salt. He commends the
crew for being able to find out the zombies' weakness. Franky however clarifies that they learned
of the weakness to salt, and that they should look for their nakama without shadows thanks to
Brook, much to Luffy's delight. Franky explains that he was initially very rude to Brook, and refused
to acknowledge him from the moment Luffy asked him to join the crew. However the more Franky
talked to him, he realized that despite just being a skeleton, Brook is truly a real man. In a
flashback to when Brook saved Franky and Robin from Tararan, Franky is shown to be very
abrasive to the skeleton about his appearance. He asks Brook if he is aware of the kinds of
reactions that he will get to people meeting him, even if he does manage to make it out of the
Florian Triangle. Franky goes on to say that you can't be friends with something so creepy, and
that Brook is sure to die of shame. He says that his fate would be the same as all the years he
has spent in this sea, and since Brook stated himself that he is incredibly sad, he personally
would have given up living a long time ago. Franky ends by asking Brook what promise he made
to his crew that was so important. Brook explains that a long time ago, his crew left one of their
nakama behind at a certain place, with a promise to absolutely return. Their crew was annihilated
at sea, and so as to not break that promise, Brook remained on that ship for over fifty years after
the crew died. Franky interjects that he wasn't even born fifty years ago, and that the person
couldn't have possibly waited that long. Brook explains that he is well aware, and their nakama
had every right to leave, but if by some small chance they did indeed honor the promise, they
must be incredibly lonely now. They may think that the crew betrayed them, but if they did indeed
wait, then they must have some very strong pent-up feelings. Brook reveals that the crewmember
they left behind was named Laboon. He explains that they certainly couldn't take a young whale
through the dangers of their journey, and that he must be so big by now. Brook can't help but feel
as if Laboon has truly believed in them all this time, and is waiting for the day that they return and
play their music for him. Brook doesn't believe that Laboon would forgive them for dying
irresponsibly, and that if he could he would yell to them all that "Death isn't an apology", because
a man once said that they would absolutely come back. Robin and Franky are deeply moved by
Brook's sentiments.

Back in the present, Franky concludes his story by affirming this is Brook's reasoning for being on
his ship for so long, but Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp all remember Laboon from their initial entry
into the grand line. Franky asks them to explain. Sanji complies, telling him the story of how they
met Laboon at the Twin Capes: he was trying to break through the wall that divides the world's
seas, eagerly awaiting the return of a certain pirate crew for 50 years. Laboon had heard that
something happened to the pirates, and thus was attempting to break free to reach them. Sanji
explains that Luffy eventually convinced it to not behave in such a suicidal manner, but Laboon
is definitely still waiting at that location. Usopp is astounded that the crew and Laboon have kept
their promise to each other for so many years, while Zoro is similarly shocked that Brook is one
of the people that Laboon has waited for all this time.

Brook and Ryuma's battle is on in full force, with the two warriors shown to be in an intense
fencing exchange. Ryuma acknowledges that Brook has indeed become stronger in the last
five years, but because they think similarly, he has as well. Brook is able to dodge a thrust from
Ryuma, but is impaled by a follow-up attack that sends him flying back. As Brook lays on his back,
Ryuma once again admonishes him for attempting to protect his afro. Brook rises and charges

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Ryuma with a flurry of strikes, as he muses to himself if Laboon still remembers the crew. He
jokes that it must be heart-wrenching to think of how Laboon feels right now, although he doesn't
have a heart anymore. As Ryuma again overpowers Brook in a fencing exchange, Brook laments
that their nakama have all passed away, and that even he has lost the body and face that Laboon
remembers. Ryuma makes more attempts to cut Brook's afro, causing the latter to parry the
sword strikes from his position on the ground as he begs him not to damage his hair. Brook
laments that Laboon definitely wouldn't recognize him now in his skeletal form, but remembers
that his afro always made Laboon laugh. Brook is thus determined to preserve his current look
until the very end, as he is coming to see Laboon at their promised location. Brook rises to his
feet again for another clash with Ryuma, but is again impaled through the midsection.

Back on the Thousand Sunny, Franky is in tears over Brook & Laboon's story, much to the
annoyance of the crew. Luffy is overjoyed; taking into account that Brook is a musician, a talking
skeleton, has an afro, has an amusing laugh, and was Laboon's nakama, Luffy is more
determined than ever to have Brook join the crew. Luffy asks if the crew has a problem with it, to
which a highly amused Robin asks if it would change anything if they did. Usopp wholeheartedly
agrees with Brook joining, while Chopper and Franky tearfully agree as well. Sanji angrily interjects
that they must stop Nami's wedding first, and Zoro departs the ship, saying that the number of
shadows they need to get back has now increased. Luffy happily announces for the Straw Hats
to get ready for their counterattack, as they are going to blow down Thriller Bark.

On the staircase leading to the mansion on Thriller Bark, Zoro is saying that it might be hard to
find the zombies with their shadows. Chopper states that Luffy’s zombie is huge, being twice the
size of normal giants, and that the Straw Hats might not be able to defeat it. However, Luffy says
that they do not have to look for their zombies, but Zoro says that they cannot step into the sun
without their shadows. Luffy argues that since the old man they met in the graveyard had said
that they might be able to beat Gekko Moriah, all they have to do is defeat him and get their
shadows back. The rest of the crew is surprised, and Sanji says that the man did say that. Luffy
points up the stairs to the mansion, and says that he will go defeat Moriah and reclaim their
shadows. Luffy then tells Sanji to go to rescue Nami, making him explode into flames at rage,
saying that he will kick defeat Absalom and prevent Nami from getting married. Usopp adds that
Absalom took a long look at Nami in the shower, further enraging Sanji. Zoro tells Usopp not to
excite him anymore, as he is about to transform into something. Usopp st ates that he is guilty
about Nami being captured before his eyes, and since he does not want to encounter Moriah,
decides to accompany Sanji. Franky is worried about Brook and decides to check on him, and
Zoro decides to go with him as he wants to see the legendary samurai who has Brook's shadow.
Nico Robin says that the key is to defeat Moriah, and Chopper says that even though they are
talking about the adventure like it is easy, they are still fighting a Shichibukai. Luffy says that this
is the same as Crocodile, but Chopper says that Luffy almost died then, and that he needs to take
better care of himself since Luffy's zombie is huge. Usopp then throws each of the Straw Hats a
bag of salt, which Zoro said that Usopp was making earlier. Usopp says that they have no sense
of danger, and tells the crew that even though the island is surrounded by deep fog, there is no
guarantee that the sun will not shine through, making dawn their time limit. Luffy, saying that he
hates that he is not eating until dawn, says that he will make Gekko Moriah regret picking a fight
with them. With this, the crew splits up in their respective groups.

On the mast of Thriller Bark, Oars looks out over the island, and is amazed that it is a ship.
However, he cannot see anything, and decides that he will become Pirate King with Thriller Bark
as his ship. In the mansion, Moriah asks Perona where Oars has gone, and she replies that he
has climbed up the mast. Some zombies complain that they cannot let Oars wander the island,
as he is too dangerous, but Moriah simply replies that since they have Oars now, they will be able

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

to acquire the shadows of more powerful people and create more special zombies. Moriah tells
Hogback that he will have to create better bodies for the zombies, and he says to leave it up to
him. Suddenly, Hildon flies in, saying that there is a problem. Hildon states that the three people
who lost their shadows (Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji) have all woken up and are approaching. Hogback
says that they should not be waking up this soon, but Hildon says that their fellows may have
woken them. Hildon continues, saying that they seem to be connected to Brook and that they
know how to purify zombies. Due to this, the zombie are afraid and running around. Hogback says
that the surprise, wild, and soldier zombies could not match the Straw Hats even without salt,
and that they need to get the general zombies to fight. Hogback asks what Absalom is doing, but
Hildon says that most of the general zombies are attending his wedding ceremony. Furthermore,
Hildon says that Absalom wants Hogback to dance at his reception in an hour, and although
Hogback agrees at first, as it is a special occasion, then says that he has no time to dance.
Hogback tells Hildon to go fetch Absalom, but Hildon says that he cannot in his current position.
Perona laughs, saying that they do not need to ask Absalom anything. She states that they only
need to weaken the Straw Hats with her ghosts so that the soldier zombies can take them out.
Perona promises to retrieve them, and tells Hogback to go make bodies for the shadows they
captured. Perona then leaves, and Hogback says that he is glad they have her on their side.
Hogback tells Moriah that everything is fine, and Moriah says it is boring, even though Hogback
states that he would not have even done anything anyway. Moriah decides to stay and play with
Oars for a while, and since Absalom is indisposed, Hogback asks for two zombies for himself.

On the stairs, Luffy punches his way through hordes of zombies looking for his food as Sanji kicks
away zombies, asking which one of them peeked at Nami. Usopp, Robin, and Chopper follow, and
Usopp states they do not need salt, as they are filled with anger, making Chopper wonder if they
are really concerned about their shadows. The zombies yell that there are five enemies
approaching the dance hall (Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, and Chopper), as well as two below (Zoro
and Franky), and that they cannot stop either group. As Zoro and Franky fight their way through,
Zoro wonders how he was ever captured by the zombies, and Franky says that since he rescued
Zoro, he should be called Aniki, to which Zoro objects. Meanwhile, on the upper part of the bridge,
Robin is surprised to see Luffy and Sanji fall after being struck by ghosts that turn all of their
thoughts negative. The zombies catch the two, and Robin says that they do not know how to
reverse the effect of the ghosts. Usopp shoots salt into the zombies' mouths, and Chopper and
Usopp carry Luffy and Sanji up the stairs. Suddenly, Oars jump down from the mast and onto the
bridge, crushing both the upper and lower parts and sending Usopp and Sanji crashing to the
lower portion. Chopper, left with Robin and Luffy on the upper portion, is shocked to see that
Usopp, Sanji, and all the zombies fell, while on the lower part, Franky and Zoro wonder what the
wall is in front of them. Zoro stabs it, saying its not stone, and Franky shoots it. However, Usopp
stops them, saying that the massive object is actually not a wall, but Luffy's zombie.

Unable to retrieve Usopp and Sanji, who fell when Oars crashed through part of the Mast Mansion,
Luffy, Chopper, and Robin decide to press forward. Knowing those two would be fine despite what
happened, the three Straw Hats hurried to find Moriah. They head towards the giant freezer where
the Shichibukai was last seen. Before they could get to the freezer; however, they go through the
dance hall and encounter Hogback and Cindry.

Seeing the enemies before them, Luffy prepares to engage them. Chopper however tells Luffy to
let him deal with Hogback and go ahead to Moriah. Luffy obliges Chopper's request and with a
little help from Robin, is able to pass by an attacking Cindry to the freezer. Having gotten Luffy
through, Chopper confronts Hogback and expresses at how disappointed he is of his former role
model. Hogback, upon recognizing Chopper after the reindeer transformed into his Brain Point,
decides to confront him as well with plans to make the reindeer a zombie. As the two doctors

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

confronts each other, the two zombies that Hogback asked from Moriah, Inuppe and Jigoro, came
forward to Hogback's aid. Meanwhile, Luffy reaches the freezer and confronts the lazily resting

Back at the bridge destroyed by Oars, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Franky, prepares for what might be
a fight with the giant zombie. The behemoth however instead of fighting, takes some debris and
places it on his head due to its likeness to a pirate bicorne. With his new accessory, Oars
continues on exploring the rest of Thriller Bark leaving the four Straw Hats unnoticed. Having been
left alone, the four Straw Hats are relived. Usopp; however, is deeply scared of what had

With the giant zombie gone, the four Straw Hats then face a new problem. Since the zombie
destroyed the bridge, the gap is too far for them to jump over and the situation seems to force
them to take another route, an option they do not have the luxury of taking at the moment.
Fortunately, Franky is able to create a bridge across the gap from the debris around q uickly. He
however asks his crewmates to wait a few seconds later since he is not yet satisfied with the
finish. With the bridge built by Franky, the four Straw Hats cross the gap and enter the Mast

Upon entering the mansion, the four Straw Hats soon notice that they've entered a special room.
Within it is the owner, Perona, waiting for them. From her, they learn that she, having eaten the
Horo Horo no Mi, is the one controlling all of the ghosts on Thriller Bark. With that explanation,
Perona wastes no time and sends some ghosts to immobilize the four Straw Hats. Unable to
escape, all four of them were seemingly immobilized. Seeing her work done on the four, Perona
set her Wild Zombies on them and decides to take care of the rest of the Straw Hats. However,
just as she is about to leave, she suddenly notices that one of them was still standing and
purifying her zombies. Thinking that she might had missed him, Perona sends another ghost
towards the pirate, Usopp. To her surprise, Usopp did not fall down like the rest. Wondering why
her powers aren't working on him, Perona asks what trick he was pulling. Usopp stated in
response that he wasn't doing anything but told Perona why her powers weren't working on him.
To Perona's shock, the reason that Usopp is not overcome by negativity was because he's already
negative to begin with thus rendering him immune to Perona's powers altogether.

Unable to comprehend that such a negative person could exist, Perona tries in vain, along with
her zombies, to cheer up Usopp. Usopp on the other hand, tells his fellow crew mates that he will
take care of Perona himself since they could not. Relived by Usopp, the three Straw Hats moves
on ahead to rescue Brook and Nami, leaving Usopp to deal with Perona. Unfortunately, Uso pp did
not intended for this. He wants them to stay and take out the surrounding zombies. Unable to get
his fellow crew mates to stay, Usopp is left alone to face Perona and her Wild Zombies much to
his fears and doubts.

Meanwhile, within the Thriller Bark church, Absalom's wedding is proceeding smoothly to his
plans. The ceremony has gotten to the part where all that was left to do was to kiss the bride in
order to fully consummate the marriage. With this, Absalom dangerously approaches a still
sleeping Nami with his lips puckered.

Perona pierces Usopp with four of her Negative Hollows, expecting Usopp to lose all of his will to
live. But unexpectedly, the Hollows became negative, losing to Usopp in the terms of negativity.
All of the Wild Zombies are shocked at the outcome. They then realize that Perona also became
negative. Usopp then challenges everyone in the room to conquer him terms of his negative

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Meanwhile, Franky, Sanji, and Zoro outrun some Wild Zombies. They comment on how lucky they
are that Usopp's negativity came in useful in times like this. Sanji then departs to rescue Nami
from becoming the bride of Absalom and flies down. Zoro and Franky continue heading to the
castle where Brook and Ryuma are dueling. Ryuma knocks Brook down, and comments that
Brook is almost like a phoenix or a zombie as he should not be able to stand and then ask what
he should cut off with his special arrow notch slash. Brook, kneeling in front of Ryuma, tells him
not to use that name because it is his signature fast cutting technique that his crew praised and
nicknamed "Hanauta Sancho: Yahazu Giri", since Brook's shadow had forgotten his memories
and feelings.

Ryuma then challenges Brook to use his the real technique versus Ryuma's so called fake fencing
techniques. Brook then stands up and pulls out his sword. Both Brook and Ryuma walk past each
other saying Hanauta Sancho: Yahazu Giri at the same time. However, Ryuma struck first,
resulting him into the victor of the duel. While falling down, Brook has a image of Laboon and him
playing the violin only wanting to apologize to him. Ryuma goes and grabs Brook's afro as he
decides to cut it off first. However, the island suddenly starts to shake making Ryuma lose grip of
Brook's afro.

Franky and Zoro finally find Brook in the laboratory. Franky goes and helps Brook. While he is
helping Brook, Ryuma tries to attack them but Zoro blocks Ryuma's attack. Zoro recognizes
Ryuma as the ancient "legendary samurai" who cut the dragon even if Zoro is not sure whether
dragons exist or not but admits that he always wanted to meet Ryuma. Brook asks Franky who
exactly is Zoro, to which Franky responds that Zoro is a strong pirate swordsman. He also asks
Zoro to get his shadow back, but Zoro yells at him to shut up. Zoro then notice s Ryuma's sword,
Shusui, one of the twenty-one great swords. Zoro is determined to get the sword, as he lost one
of his sword back at Enies Lobby.

In the mast's first floor cathedral, Absalom keep trying to give Nami the closing kiss, but keep
missing Nami due to the Thriller Bark shaking. He finds out that Oars is moving the rudder without
any permission and accidentally crossed a strange ocean current. Absalom then commends all
of the General Zombies to move out. The General Zombies try to attack Oars in an attempt to stop
Oars but instead they are attacked and smashed by Oars trying to use Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no
Gatling Gun. Oars yells out in anger to not interrupt his adventures. Back inside the cathedral
Absalom is informed that the General Zombies were defeated by Oars in an instant. Absalom is
shocked by the news and proclaims that it cannot be possible as the General Zombies are the
ultimate zombie fighters.

Sanji is then seen running to the cathedral. In the cathedral, he yells out for Nami saying that he
had come to take her back. When he sees Nami, he is relieved to see that she is okay. Absalom
then asks if Sanji is one of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Unaware of Oars’ constant interference with the ship outside, Luffy wonders what's causing the
entire island to shake. Having arrived at Gekko Moriah's location, the Shichibukai tells Luffy that
it is most likely his zombie causing the ruckus, if not a strong current. Moriah asks Luffy what he
has come here for, to which he demands back the shadows of the Straw Hats, Brook, and the old
man that the crew met earlier. Moriah inquires as to how Luffy plans on getting them back, and
he replies that he will defeat Moriah. The Shichibukai explains that even if Luffy were to defeat
him, the zombies would retain their shadows. He further explains that his power allows him to
command the shadows, and that the only way to get a shadow to return to it's former host is if he
commands it. Moriah tells Luffy that he is far too weak to compel him to do so, which prompts
Luffy to attempt attack him with "Gomu Gomu no Pistol". A shadow of an arm emerges to block

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

the punch, which Moriah introduces as his shadow clone, "Doppelman". As Luffy wonders just
what the clone is, Moriah explains that in the past he was consumed by the desire for his own
strength. He has since discovered the value of having powerful underlings, and plans on
becoming the Pirate King exclusively through the use of other people's abilities. As Luffy dodges
an attack from Doppelman, he angrily retorts that he is the one who will be Pirate King. Moriah
notes that Luffy's shadow said the same thing, and that it appears his will manifested quite
strongly into his shadow as expected. However this is only a matter of time, as once the shadow
loses all memories of being Luffy, he will become completely obedient to Moriah. Luffy again
demands Moriah return his shadow, landing a powerful neck kick on Doppelman which he follows
up with a "Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun". The attack appears to break pieces off of Doppelman; but
Moriah uses "Brick Bat", which causes the pieces of shadow to turn into small bats that absorb
the impact of Luffy's punches. As Luffy realizes that he can't hit the real Moriah, the bats swarm
him while the Shichibukai taunts his efforts. Luffy is covered and bitten in multiple places, before
the bats eventually retreat and reform Doppelman. Moriah tells Luffy that when young people like
him underestimate the Grand Line, it only ends in embarassment. Luffy jumps over the railing, to
Moriah and Doppelman's confusion. Luffy then catches the ledge by stretching, and uses "Gomu
Gomu no Stamp" to kick Moriah through the ground beneath him. After Moriah expresses how
much the technique hurt, Luffy taunts the Shichibukai for saying that he can't be touched.

At the cathedral of Absalom and Nami's wedding, Sanji spins into the room, skipping and singing
a song. The zombie holding Nami is confused, and Sanji lands a powerful kick to send him flying.
As Sanji catches Nami's falling body, he is blown away by her beauty, not initially recognizing her
and believing he is saving a goddess. Absalom appears and confirms that Sanji is one of the Straw
Hat Pirates, but stops mid-sentence as he is astounded by Nami's beauty as well. The two men
briefly discuss their amazement at Nami's goddess-like appearance, much to the confusion of the
observing zombies. Absalom catches himself agreeing with his enemy, and fires a blast at Sanji.
Sanji appears behind Absalom with Nami in his arms still, highly upset that Absalom would use
an attack with so much collateral damage while a lady is present. Absalom commends Sanji for
dodging the attack, but notes that he no longer has a shadow. Recalling his earlier battle with
Inuppe, and Inuppe's fascination with Nami, Absalom realizes that Inuppe must have Sanji's
shadow. As Sanji sets Nami down, Absalom expounds on his assessment of Inuppe's strength,
deeming him not worthy of being a General Zombie. Absalom is thus surprised that someone of
Sanji's level would think that they could challenge him, as one of the "Mysterious Four" of Thriller
Bark. Sanji doesn't appear to be listening at all, as he again confuses Nami with a heavenly figure
due to her beauty. Absalom explains that his General Zombies have been defeated by Luffy's
zombie, he has not yet kissed his bride, and doesn't have time for an underling of Sanji's level.
Before he can finish his sentence however, Sanji lands a devastating kick to his face that sends
him flying across the room. The zombies can't believe their eyes, revealing that Absalom weighs
over three hundred kilograms. As Sanji takes a puff of his cigarette, he asks Absalom if he is the
"Invisible Man" that Usopp mentioned to him earlier. In total shock at Sanji's strength, Absalom
muses to himself that the enhanced strength Hogback augmented his body with shouldn't have
been blown away so easily. He raises his arms to fire blasts at Sanji, but Sanji stands on them,
parrying the blasts away in opposite directions. Sanji then proceeds to land an extremely powerful
kick combo on Absalom: "Basse Cote", "Longe", "Tendron", "Flanchet", "Quasi", "Queue", and
"Cuisseau ", all while berating him for peeking in on Robin and Nami in their baths. Absalom
wonders to himself how an "underling" could be so powerful, as he endures more punis hment
and threats from Sanji. Sanji concludes by daring him to speak again of his marriage to Nami
while he is present. Absalom attempts to go invisible to retreat, but Sanji uses Usopp's "Special
Salt Balls", and snuffs him out with a "Veau Shot". Absalom is further confounded by Sanji's
strength when he recalls that he didn't see a bounty poster for him. Sanji says that Absalom may
be irritated, but he himself is about to explode with anger. An onlooking zombie looks on in

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

amazement, as his body literally does. Standing with an aura of flames around him, Sanji states it
is unfortunate that there also happens to be another connection between the two of them.

Having watched Sanji absolutely throttle Absalom, the bystanding zombies observe in awe as
their master lay beaten on the floor. Absalom inquires about Sanji's aforementioned connection
between the two of them. Sanji replies that Absalom is the man who has taken away one of his
dreams. Absalom retorts that this must be some mistake, as this is his first time meeting the
pirate. As he raises his arms to fire more blasts at Sanji, the chef warns Absalom to remove the
bazookas mounted on his arm. When Absalom appears confused by this, Sanji clarifies that if any
of the resulting destruction from Absalom's bazookas harms Nami, he will beat Absalom until his
original form is no longer recognizable. Absalom dismisses the idea of Sanji realizing his secret,
and fires at him anyway. Sanji dodges, and reminding him of his warning, lands a kick on
Absalom's left arm that exposes the bazooka. As the observing zombies note the sudden
appearance of the bazooka, Sanji elaborates that he realizes Absalom is capable of making the
things that he touches invisible as well. Sanji reveals that Absalom has eaten the Suke Suke no
Mi, and that he thus knows all of its abilities. Absalom wonders how all of this knowledge can be
possible, while the zombies similarly question if the two have met before. Sanji explains that as
a child, he studied a Devil Fruit Encyclopedia. While he was opposed to the associated "curses"
of the sea for being a Devil Fruit eater, there was one item in it that if he found, he would eat
despite the consequences. However, since there is only one fruit of each kind, if he came across
the man who happened to have this ability, it would mean his dream is ruined. Absalom is thus
the man who has ruined his dream. Sanji tries to explain how ideally he would be able to use the
ability for others, but constantly catches himself voicing perverted intentions, to the shock of the
onlooking zombies. Sanji concludes that thanks to years of simulation, he is fully aware of what
can be done with Absalom's ability, and states that he won't forgive him for dragging Nami into
this. Initially believing their connection to be more profound, Absalom ridicules Sanji's frustrations
and calls him a pervert. This infuriates Sanji into landing another powerful kick on Absalom that
sends him flying away. The zombies again comment on the irony of the fight, noting how they both
are guilty of perverted intentions. Absalom's coat has been removed, and as he rises to his feet,
he states that he will turn Sanji's grudge back at him. He goes on to explain the various
augmentations Dr. Hogback made to his body: the skin of elephant, the 300 k ilogram muscle
mass of a bear and a gorilla, as well as the jaws of a lion. Adding the Suke Suke fruit to the mix,
he claims his body is the ultimate piece of art. Sanji interjects with a hard kick to his head, telling
him that he still peeped on women, which the onlooking zombies agree to. Absalom muses to
himself that Sanji's kick is quite powerful, which makes his augmentations almost meaningless.
He resolves to make himself invisible again, taunting Sanji that with the ability he always wanted,
and by marrying the woman he is trying to protect, there will be no greater defeat for the pirate.
Sanji recalls Usopp's story that they lost complete track of Absalom's whereabouts once he made
Nami invisible too, causing him to hold Nami in his arms for protection. Absalom lands a powerful
blow to Sanji's left jaw, causing him to lift Nami above his head as blood briefly spatters from his
mouth. Absalom then unleashes a flurry of blows on a defenseless Sanji, taunting him for being
a human sacrifice. This culminates in him stabbing Sanji through the back, forcing Sanji to
put Nami down as he coughs up more blood. Absalom further ridicules the pirate for not sticking
to his word, but Sanji apologizes to Nami for putting her down, as he did not want to get his blood
on her white dress. Addressing Absalom again from all fours, Sanji comments that he no longer
has any desire for his ability. Sanji says he will peep on his own, with the irony of the situation
again befuddling the onlooking zombies. Sanji notices Absalom step in some of his blood, and
grabs his leg. Sanji states that since Absalom is composed of different animals, he is perfect for
making mince meat. Sanji removes the knife from his back and unleashes "Extra Hachis",
delivering several powerful kicks in rapid succession to Absalom's invisible body. Absalom is flung

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

accross the room, and his invisible body crashes hard into the walls of the cathedral. As Sanji
lights another cigarette, he tells Absalom that a beast bride is enough for a beast.

In the Mast Mansion, Usopp chases Perona through her room, as Kumashi chases Usopp.
Kumashi dives for Usopp, and just barely misses him as he continues his pursuit. Usopp
comments on the bear's speed & strength, before using "Hissatsu Flame Ball" to spread fire at its
feet. This scares Kumashi away, and Usopp breaks a bottle of oil on the ground to create a
perimeter of fire in the hallway. Usopp dubs this his "You Can't Come Over Here" technique, and
boasts that he no longer has a weak image due to overcoming both of his opponents. Usopp then
turns his attention to catching up with Perona, who calls for him outside of a window. Usopp is
flabbergasted that Perona is capable of flight, causing him to wonder just what her ability is.
Perona tells him not to look down on the Ghost Princess, and asserts that she has just devised a
plan to defeat him. Usopp laments that this was not supposed to happen.

As Usopp remains puzzled by Perona's ability to fly, she attempts to shake his newfound
confidence by reminding him of how he was just running in fear from Kumashi. Perona asserts
that her fear was simply a result of being caught in the moment, as she never imagined she would
meet someone who was unaffected by her "Negative" Ghosts. She offers Usopp some words of
encouragement, much to his annoyance. Usopp retorts that as a sniper, her ability to fly has no
impact whatsoever on his ability to hit her. Usopp explains his new weapon, "Kabuto": It has five
supportive stems that improve range and stability, in addition to a Breath D ial he obtained from
Skypiea that adds enhanced speed to his projectiles. Furthermore, he also has Impact, Flash, and
Flame Dials that can enhance the power of what he fires from Kabuto. After finishing his wordy
description and preparing to fire a shot however, Usopp notices that Perona has vanished. She
re-appears behind him, however in a gigantic form that completely terrifies Usopp. He fires "Ageha
Ryusei" at her, but she changes back to her normal size and effortlessly dodges. Usopp follows
up with "Kamakiri Ryusei", but she dodges this as well. Perona moves in and plunges her hands
into Usopp, causing him to severely panic at the possibilty of bleeding out. She points out however
that he has no external injury, despite the appearance of her penetrating him. She instead states
that her hands are around his heart, and she will smash it, causing Usopp to freak out all over
again. This is revealed to be a bluff however, as she reveals that she doesn't have an ability like
that. Usopp is still reeling, and notes that this is all bad for his heart regardless. Perona
displays more of her powers; she shows that her body can pass through just about anything,
which freaks Usopp out as she demonstrates by sinking into the ground leaving only her head
visible. Usopp responds by firing "Rokuren Mamushi Boshi", but the six shots all completely phase
through her body. Perona reminds Usopp that her body can go through anything, phasing through
him once more as she asserts that his attacks are all useless.

Usopp grows frustrated, as Perona inquires about his plans now that he knows his attacks can't
hit her. He counters that due to her bluff of being able to crush his heart, she must not be able to
touch him either. She responds by creating "Mini Hollows", and one of them flys past Usopp into
a wall. Perona snaps her fingers and uses "Ghost Wrap", which causes the hollow to explode in a
shockwave that destroys part of the wall, much to Usopp's chagrin. Another hollow appears on
his shoulder, and he frantically tries to get it off before Perona detonates it. Usopp quickly gets
back to his feet and fires "Hi No Tori Boshi", though this simply phases through her as well. He
attempts to run away, stating how unfair it is that her attacks can hit him but the reverse is not
true. She cuts him off by phasing through his body again, which obstructs his vision long enough
to cause him to run into a pillar. As he lay on the ground, he notices more Mini Hollows have
attached themselves to him. Perona successively detonates them all over Usopp, causing him
severe damage. Lying on the ground once more, Usopp muses to himself about his pathetic
appearance, and how he was sure this woman as weaker than him. Before he can be absorbed

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

in thought too long however, Kumashi reappears and smashes him further into the ground with
a powerful swipe. Perona warns that Kumashi's strength is superior to that of a real bear, as
Kumashi pummels Usopp further. Usopp again thinks to himself; he remembers that no one in
the crew could stand against Perona's power, and that it was thus his responsibility to bring her
down. He laments this his failure here will lead to her taking down the rest of crew, and that the
load of being the one responsible for saving the crew for once was too heavy for him to bear.
Usopp calls on "Sogeking" to help him once more, who responds to the call by jumping up and
forcing a ball of salt down Kumashi's throat (Usopp is now wearing the Sogeking mask). Perona
is mortified by Kumashi's purification, as Sogeking asserts "one down". Perona inquires about the
mask, but Sogeking states that it is not a mask as he introduces himself. Perona is highly annoyed
at the alter ego, as Usopp turns to run away again. Usopp and his Sogeking persona have an
internal debate in which Sogeking attempts to persuade Usopp not to run, as he is a man that
can get the job done when he needs to. Usopp does not believe it and continues to run, as Perona
creates more mini hollows. As the mini hollows catch up to him, Sogeking implores Usopp to think
about Perona's suspicious behavior. This prompts Usopp to ponder Perona's sudden shift in
confidence. As she uses "Ghost Wrap" again to detonate the hollows and damage Usopp, he
realizes that Perona wouldn't have run away in the beginning of the fight if his attacks were truly
useless. He further notes her shift in demeanor occured after Kumashi caused him to lose sight
of her, and that she must have done something in that time. As Perona states that it is about
time she brings Usopp to Gekko Moriah, he remembers that there was a room somewhere in the
area. Usopp spots a door adorned with curtains and fires "Atlas Suisei" at it, much to Perona's
dismay. With one of the walls destroyed, Perona's true body is revealed to be motionless atop a

Having finally pierced the veil on Perona's tactics, Usopp takes time to review the facts: Perona is
visible to the naked eye, but is capable of phasing through people and objects effortlessly. She
can also fly, and change her size at will, so a person who didn't know any better would assume
that she isn't made of flesh and blood. However, based on how she ran from him as he chased
her, it was clear in that particular instance that she did indeed have a physical body. He thus
concludes that the Perona he has been fighting is merely a ghost that was created when he
initially lost sight of her. Usopp calls attention to Perona's real body sitting motionless on a bed in
the chamber in front of them, and asserts that he will no longer be fooled. Perona praises Usopp
for being much more intelligent than she assumed, and notes how the Sogeking mask seems to
have given him confidence. She clarifies however, that rather than a "ghost" that is being
controlled by her real body, the form Usopp sees in front of him is her actual spirit. She is capable
of separating this spirit from her physical body at will. Usopp questions what would happen if she
has no physical body to go back to, as he fires "Daibakuhatsu Boshi" at it. Perona screams out in
protest, but is relieved when the projectile appears to miss. Usopp states he needs to fire another
shot, but Perona doesn't give him the chance, sending a "Toku Hollow" at him. Usopp surmises
that this is a larger version of her "Mini Hollows", so allowing it to detonate would instantly kill
him. The ghost bites down on his upper body, and Perona uses the opportunity to return to her
physical body. As she re-awakens, she confirms that she can detonate this hollow as well by
snapping her fingers, using "Kamikaze Rap". To her surprise, the ghost completely vanishes, and
it is revealed that Usopp absorbed the blast using an Impact Dial. Before she can follow up with
another attack, Perona realizes that her arm has been stuck to the bed. Usopp divulges that the
attack he fired at her earlier was actually "Torimochi Boshi", and that he didn't miss, as his plan
all along was to immobilize her once she returned to her physical body. This way, he could deal
with both her physical and spiritual presences at the same time. As Usopp prepares to finish her
off, a Wild Zombie, The Gallant Hippo, emerges and accosts Usopp for his defeat of Kumashi.
Usopp however releases the absorbed impact from the Toku Hollow, instantly defeating the
Hippo. Perona is in awe of the strength Usopp displays, though Usopp himself mentally notes the

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

pain from the recoil of the impact dial. He fires "Kurobikashi Boshi" at the Ghost Princess, which
results in cockroaches appearing all over her body. This is revealed to have been a ploy as well,
as the attack is actually "Gokiburi Boshi". Perona screams in horror loud enough to be heard
outside the mansion, as she frantically tries to get the roaches off of her and begs for Kumashi
to come save her. Usopp says that she may be afraid of roaches, but she has a lot more to fear
from him, as she truly underestimated him. As he pulls out the 10-Ton Usopp Hammer, he states
that no one in the East Blue is feared more for their superhuman strength. Believing the hammer
is truly 10 tons, a grief-stricken Perona asks where Usopp got this kind of strength from, and
pleads for him not to hurt her. She continues to desperately beg to be forgiven and promises not
to harm the Straw Hats, but this falls on deaf ears as he smashes the hammer down on her head
with "Usopp Golden Pound". The "hammer" is revealed to be a balloon that pops instantly upon
impact, but the psychological trauma of the attack causes Perona to pass out and foam at the
mouth. Usopp expressses shock that the "Ghost Princess" of a haunted mansion wouldn't be able
to tell a real hammer from a balloon, or plastic cockroaches from real ones, but nevertheless
asserts that she had no idea who she was messing with when she tried to use negativity and lies
as her weapons.

Elsewhere in Thriller Bark, Zoro is seen falling from the tower of Dr. Hogback ’s mansion as a
flaming figure stands atop of it. Zoro crashes into one of the tower windows, and this figure is
revealed to be Ryuma. Franky notes that the samurai appears to have said something, and Brook
wonders what it means exactly. Brook however also notes that the fight is over, as he comments
that he's never seen a fight like this. As Zoro lay motionless, Brook realizes that Ryuma never
actually took him seriously in any of their fights.

In a flashback, it is shown that just five minutes earlier, Zoro and Ryuma had begun to face off
with one another in Hogback's laboratory. Zoro has announced his intentions to take Shusui from
the samurai, who comments on Zoro's abrasive nature. Ryuma inquires as to why Zoro wants his
when he already carries three swords, and the latter clarifies that one of them is broken. Zoro
however doesn't feel right not carrying it at all, as he is a Santoryu user. Ryuma has never heard
of a 'Three-Sword Style' before, and wonders if it is some kind of circus act. Zoro laments that he
won't be able to show the samurai, but nevertheless affirms that he will be breaking what's left
of his nose. Ryuma shares in this disappointment, and notes that Zoro seems fairly powerful. In
fact, he likens the anticipation of his fight with Zoro to when he fought a towering monstrous
creature, but he can't seem to fully recall. Zoro charges Ryuma in an instant, and the impact of
their blades clashing astonishes Franky and Brook. The force of the clash also rattles the tiles of
the floor beneath them, as the two warriors exchange steel once more. Ryuma uses "Aubade
Coup Droit", which Zoro is able to dodge at the last second. Although the attack is a thrust, it is
shown to be powerful enough to weaponize the air itself and pierce a hole through the brick wall
behind Zoro. Franky asks if Ryuma just fired a gun, and Brook notes that the technique has never
been that powerful when he's used it. Zoro smiles, pleased with the strength of his opponent.

The sheer force of Ryuma's thrust leaves a large hole in the wall of Dr. Hogback’s laboratory, as
the zombie jokes that he's provided some ventilation. Brook finds himself awestruck at the
physical strength Ryuma possesses to be able to launch an attack from his sword. Ryuma
however notes that his clash with Zoro was a draw, as a deep slash suddenly appears above the
doorway behind him. Franky is confused over just when Zoro launched a counterattack, and
Brook replies that it was at almost the same time as Ryuma's attack. Brook goes on to explain
that Zoro is also capable of making his attacks "fly" as well, and surmises that the two warriors
possess similar levels of physical strength. Because of this, Brook doesn't believe that the fight
will last very long.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Ryuma rushes Zoro with "Prelude: Au Fer", a series of thrusts which he recognizes as a weapon-
breaking technique. Zoro counters with "Nigiri: Hirameki-Magura", two powerful attacks that force
Ryuma backwards and cause the wall around him to crumble. Ryuma puts Zoro back on the
defensive with a flurry of thrusts, before ultimately following up with "Gavotte Bond en Avant".
Zoro responds in time with "Nitoryu Iai: Rashomon", resulting in a clash where neither warrior
appears to receive any damage. The shock waves from the attacks however cause one of the
pillars supporting the laboratory to fall, and Franky realizes that this will completely destroy the
floor. All three parties escape the collapsing room with force: Ryuma with "Polka Remise", Zoro
with "Nitoryu: Nanajuni Pound Ho", and Franky with "Weapons Left". Zoro and Ryuma land on
opposing sides of the tower roof, while Franky and Brook fall to a different location below on the
corner of the roof.

Zoro and Ryuma continue their battle, engaging one another before jumping back to their
respective sides of the roof. Zoro runs to the other side and combats the samurai again, however
this time Ryuma gets the better of him and causes him to lose his footing. Zoro uses the Sandai
Kitetsu blade to stop his descent, and runs back up towards the tip of the roof with Ryuma in
pursuit. Zoro then jumps down, engaging the samurai once again with a powerful downward
strike. As the two swordsmen continue to duel, Brook wonders how they can keep up a battle this
intense with such terrible footing.

With a brief pause in the battle, Zoro muses to himself that his katana may break if he keeps this
up any longer - convinced that the samurai's strength is truly the real deal. He sheathes the
Sandai Kitetsu, now solely wielding the Wado Ichimonji. Ryuma takes advantage of the slight
pause, sending a slash so powerful that it completely slices off the tower roof. Brook and Franky
show concern for Zoro's safety, but he is shown to have driven his blade into the roof so that he
could hold on without falling to his doom. Zoro runs to the top of the falling roof, and jumps high
into the air. As he descends, Zoro prepares "Hiryu: Kaen", while the samurai readies "Hanauta
Sanchou: Yahazu Giri". In the final clash of the battle, Ryuma is sliced across the stomach. As
both warriors fall, Ryuma's wound bursts into flames. Zoro crash-lands atop one of the windows,
and the samurai admits his defeat. Ryuma expresses that Shusui has been at the side of a
legendary swordsman, and that it would be blade's long-cherished ambition for Zoro to be its
master. Unable to hear the dialogue, Franky asks Brook what the samurai has said. Brook affirms
that the battle is now over, and is convinced that Ryuma never actually took him seriously in any
of their duels. Dropping the Shusui down to Zoro, the zombie expresses remorse that he has
allowed the great samurai's body to suffer defeat. Zoro is content with the zombie's sentiment,
and states that he wished to have met Ryuma in the era he was alive. As the zombie's body
becomes engulfed in flame, the shadow inside departs and returns to Brook, much to his delight.
Zoro is quite content with his new blade, and resolves to pretend as if his match with the zombie
never occurred.

Dr. Hogback taunts Nico Robin and Tony Tony Chopper, asking them how it feels to be subdued
by the powers of their own nakama. Jigoro holds Robin at knife-point with one of his cutlasses,
noting that he can't let his guard down around her due to almost being forced to eat salt. Robin
acknowledges the General Zombie's strength, while Chopper on the other hand points out that
Inuppe is no longer anything like Sanji after being willing to kick Robin. Hogback laughs this off,
reinforcing that the zombies no longer have any memory of being Straw Hat Pirates. He goes on
to say that they only recognize his command, and orders Victoria Cindry to finish them off. As she
slowly approaches Chopper and Robin with a pile of plates, Chopper admonishes Hogback for his
recent reign of terror. He explains how he held the doctor in extremely high regard, reverting back
to "Brain Point" in the process: with Hogback branding his research as the "rebirth of the
deceased" Chopper praised him for giving those who had passed away a chance to say words

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

they never could, even if it was considered heretical science. Hogback responds by expanding on
his frustrations of being a prodigy, stating how he at point was being visited by patients from all
over the world because of his skills. He was capable of saving patients that other doctors could
not, and ultimately felt that it was all more trouble than it was worth. Hogback directly challenges
Chopper's views, saying that if he cannot recognize him as a doctor, then he has truly
misunderstood. He asks the reindeer if he plans on preaching to him about what it means to be
a doctor, and Chopper responds that he no longer recognizes Hogback as a doctor at all. He points
out that the zombies are simply dead creatures that he makes move, and yells at Hogback not to
make a fool of life. Hogback responds that is precisely what makes them alive, and thus the work
he does is considered a miracle. He decides to demonstrate the zombies' recognition of
commands once more by kicking Cindry to the ground and telling her to lick the floor, to which
she obliges.

As Chopper grows indignant at the humiliating act forced upon Cindry, Hogback briefly speaks on
his history wtih her while she was alive. Victoria Cindry was a famous actress, that had caught the
eye of Hogback as well as all the men in the country. Cindry however did not indulge in her
popularity, treating everyone with kindness and even sewing up Hogback's labcoat at some point.
Hogback's marriage proposal was ultimately denied however in favor of her fiance, and he soon
learned of her untimely death. Hogback could not handle the anguish, and eventually quit his job.
It was at this point that he was approached by Gekko Moriah. Hogback joined forces with Moriah
under only one condition; that the Shichibukai would resurrect Cindry. In this way he obtained an
obedient Cindry; as he did not care for the personality of the girl that initially rejected him, only
her beauty. He goes on to state that the two of them are mutually happy, as she once again is
able to live as a human in this world - furthering Chopper's ire at the notion. Chopper demands
Hogback make her stop licking the floor, and questions his definition of humanity. Chopper states
that a human who's body and heart aren't connected is no longer a human anymore, and that
Hogback is essentially just creating monsters. This steels his resolve even further, telling Hogback
that for every zombie he creates, he leaves a human being miserable. Hogback tells the reindeer
not to speak about "life" when he knows so little about medicine, and orders Cindry to attack him
and Robin once more.

Cindry begins throwing sharp plates at the Straw Hats, a technique she refers to as "Kakuzaratou".
Chopper transforms back into his Heavy Point and endures the cuts in order to grab both of
Cindry's arms. Chopper tells her to stop, and she responds by smashing the entire stack of plates
on his head. Hogback warns that he has increased her physical strength for combat purposes,
and tells Chopper not to underestimate her because she is a woman. Chopper again tries to break
through to Cindry, telling her that she doesn't have to listen to what Hogback says. She knees
Chopper in the midsection several times, managing to free her left arm, but he grabs it once more.
Chopper asks her how her family would feel about this, knowing that her wounds were horribly
patched up and that she was turned into a soldier. Cindry responds by continuing to violently kick
Chopper and demanding to be let go. Chopper further tells her that the heart she was born with
is already dead, and her actions are being controlled by the words of a single man. Hogback again
boasts of his accompishment, stating that it has been mankind's ultimate dream to revive the
dead. Chopper questions if it truly is ok that they can only move, and points out that Hogback is
the one de-humanizing them by not allowing them true freedom. Hogback and Cindry alike are
startled by this, while Chopper attempts to take advantage by having Robin feed Cindry some salt.
Hogback however commands Inuppe and Jigoro to her aid, telling them to "get rid of anyone who
interferes". Inuppe kicks Chopper hard enough to get him to release Cindry. Jigoro aims
"Santoryu: Hyakuhachi Pondo Hou" at them, though Chopper and Inuppe able to dodge at the last
second. Robin immediately seizes him with "Dieciseis Fleur", though he breaks away just as
quickly. Inuppe feels slighted by Jigoro's earlier attack, asking the fellow zombie why he was

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

attacking him too as they clash. While they argue over the clarity of Hogback's order, their fighting
intensifies to the point that they are no longer paying attention to anyone else. Hogback tries to
override the both of them, but Chopper prompts Robin to seal his mouth closed. As Chopper sits
in astonishment that even Zoro and Sanji's zombies are at natural odds with one another, Robin
suggests Hogback tell her and Chopper to jump off the tower. As Robin releases his mouth,
Hogback does just that, however refers to Robin and Chopper as "you two". Jigoro and Inuppe
promptly take this as an order, jumping out of the tower window and plunging to the depths bef ore
Hogback could re-word the command.

Now standing with just Cindry by his side, Hogback berates the Straw Hats for tricking him.
Chopper states that the rest of the zombies will be purified once Luffy defeats Moriah, and
reaffirms his intention of defeating Hogback. A frantic Hogback orders Cindry after them once
again, and is surprised when he doesn't hear an acknowledgment. Cindry states that her body
won't move, and she has now broken into tears.

Hogback is outraged that Cindry has stopped following his orders and is crying, taking the
opportunity to remind her how zombies live solely to follow the will of their masters. Cindry
reaffirms that her current actions are involuntary, causing Chopper and Robin to note that the
original owner of her body is still putting up resistance despite having died 10 years ago. Cindry
regains a degree of control and states her intention to defeat the Straw Hats, pleasing Hogback,
who plans to use her as a distraction for his escape. Robin expresses regret at now having to hurt
Cindry, but nonetheless uses "Doce Fleur" to immobilize her. Hogback attempts to escape,
noticing the mansion shaking again in the process and wondering if it is Oars. Chopper tackles
him down, causing Hogback to curse him and call him a monster. Chopper retorts that his captain
doesn't care about such things, and has all kinds of different people under his command because
of this. He thus does not need to resort to corpses who have no will of their own to do his bidding.
Chopper calls on Robin, who uses "Pierna Fleur" to prop him and Hogback high into the air. As
Chopper prepares to suplex him, Hogback pleads that slamming him from this height will kill him,
and that the world will thus lose a brain as valuable as his. Chopper states he does not care, as
what's in the heads of Hogback and his colleagues stinks worse than the zombies.

In the Special Freezer Room, Luffy comes face-to-face with his zombie for the first time, noting
that Oars is much bigger than any giant he's ever seen. Moriah is delighted that Oars and Luffy's
shadow seem to have finally synchronized, and asks the special zombie who his master is. When
Oars affirms that it is Moriah, Luffy angrily tells the new owner of his shadow not to take orders
from the shichibukai. Oars ignores Luffy's command, but takes notice of his Straw Hat. Moriah
gives Oars his first mission: to defeat the Straw Hat Pirates. He implores Oars to use the full extent
of his power, not worrying about killing them. The beast agrees, and quickly remembers Luffy and
his Straw Hat. Moriah takes the opportunity to leave Luffy to his fate, who tries in vain to stop the
creature from using "Gomu Gomu No Kane". Oars' headbutt completely destroys the wall,
consequently destroying the room that Robin, Chopper, Hogback, and Cindry are in as well.
Unable to complete his "Robicho Suplex" due to the floor collapsing, Chopper transforms into
Walk Point and safely drops to Robin's location. As they take note of Luffy's zombie, Hogback and
Cindry fall down to the lower levels of the mansion. A huge boulder lands on Hogback, preventing
him from moving. He calls out to Cindry to help him, who once again states that she is unable to
move as she looks up at Chopper. As Hogback hurls insults at her for refusing his commands, she
gives Chopper a big smile. This catches Chopper and Robin's attention, but they are unable to
make anything of it before Oars steps through the floor again, destroying it.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

While running in the nearby corridor outside of Perona's room, Usopp notices that the shaking of
the mansion is much more violent than it was before. Before he gets any time to mull it over, Oars
crashes through the ceiling, causing him to run even faster.

Nearby in the church, Sanji notices the shaking as well whilst carrying an incapacitated Nami.
Oars leg soon comes crashing through the ceiling, and Sanji wonders if this is in fact Luffy's
zombie. He tells a still unconscious Nami that they need to run, but she instantly vanishes from
his arms. After a sly remark from an unseen entity, Sanji deduces that Absalom is still present,
and demands he show himself. Absalom retorts that it appears Oars is finally under their control,
and he once again has his bride. Sanji fruitlessly tries to get him to give Nami back, before he is
left to deal with Oars.

Oars fully breaks out of the mast tower, with Zoro, Franky, and Brook noticing from atop the ruins
of Hogback's mansion. Franky and Zoro spot Sanji at Oars' feet, who is still looking for Nami.
Elsewhere, Luffy has picked up on Moriah's trail and is chasing him through one of the corridors
of the mansion. Moriah asks if he intends to chase him forever. Luffy acknowledges that Oars is
quite a threat as well, but realizes that he must defeat Moriah in order to return everyone's
shadows. Back at the Church, Absalom reveals himself and remarks on the strength of his
sleeping pills while holding Nami. He reveals that intends to continue his wedding to an
unconscious Nami.

The special zombies have gathered around an incapacitated Perona, noting that she is foaming
at the mouth and they need to get her out of the collapsing mansion. The zombies resolve to
escape from the mansion, and fight to avenge Perona. Chopper and Robin catch up to Usopp in
Perona's Wonder Garden, where he updates the pair that Luffy's zombie seems to be searching
for them specifically. Oars loudly exclaims for the Straw Hat Pirates to show themselves,
prompting different responses from the crew. Sanji and Usopp ponder if the zombie truly intends
to fight them, while Robin seems assured that he's been given orders. Chopper is worried about
their captain's well-being, and Franky wonders just how they can bring down Oars. Zoro on the
other hand, notes that things are starting to get interesting.

Luffy pursues Moriah, the latter who is distracting him while Oars tries to destroy the Straw Hats.
Elsewhere, the rest of the Straw Hats confront Oars. Oars proceeds to attack everyone with a
Gomu Gomu no Kama. Everyone is surprised that the zombie is able to use similar attacks like
their captain. Chopper and Usopp are more shocked by the fact that Oar's reach and strength is
so great that he doesn't even need to stretch. Sanji attacks Oars on the head with Gollier Fri, but
he immediately gets sent flying back. Franky notes the monster's great speed despite its massive
size. Just as Oars is about to kill Sanji, Usopp stops him with his Firebird Star attack.

Oars demolishes the building that Franky's group were standing on with a jump kick. Zoro tries to
attack Oar's head, but the latter docks and sends him flying with a kick, leaving Robin to later
catch him with a Hand Net. Franky tries to shoot Oars down, but he too is unsuccessful in harming
him. As Oars makes his way to the platform where the Straw Hats have regrouped, Usopp and
Chopper attempt to stop him but their efforts prove futile. Oars destroys the platform they're
standing on, leaving them on all lying on the ground barely conscious, mumbling over Luffy and
his power.

After defeating most of the Straw Hats, Oars searches for the remaining three including Luffy,
Nami, and Usopp. Meanwhile, Perona wakes up traumatized from her fight with Usopp. She races
to find the mansion in ruins. The zombies inform her that the destruction is Oars's doing and tell
her that he has also defeated all the zombie generals as well. Perona questions as to whether or

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

not Oars has gone out of control when suddenly, Oars's fist bursts through the mansion, terrifying
her. He asks if "the girl" is not in the mansion. Through a misunderstanding, Perona thinks Oars
is after her since he trampled Hogback earlier as well, but in actuality, he was just looking for
Nami. Panicking, Perona plans to steal the Thousand Sunny and escape Thriller Bark.

Elsewhere, the wedding ceremony is taking place and Nami regains consciousness. She avoids
Absalom's binding kiss just in the nick of time. Irritated, Absalom tries to kiss Nami a few more
times, but the latter manages to evade all of his attempts. Suddenly, Lola appears and crashes
the wedding. She furiously yells at Nami, calling her a traitor. Both Nami and Absalom try to calm
her down but to no avail. Lola swings her swords at Nami and the latter figures out that the former
has been missing on purpose. Lola reveals to Nami that everything was just an act and that she
is there to help her escape Absalom. Angered, Absalom attacks Lola, knocking her unconcious.
Enraged, Nami pulls out her Clima-Tact and defeats Absalom in one-shot with Thunder Charge.
She then rushes to Lola's side and asks if she's alright. Lola smiles and tells Nami that she knew
the truth the whole time about her being a woman.

Meanwhile, Oars is looking for the missing three crew members when suddenly the defeated
Straw Hats reappear and confront him once again. They tell him that since he has the shadow of
their captain, then he should know better than to underestimate the power of his crewmates.

While the Straw Hat Pirates comment on their plan to take down the giant zombie, Oars leaps
into the courtyard and comments on how strong the pirates are. Declaring his intent to crush
them, Oars jumps into the air again only to come down with a new technique unique upon himself;
Gomu Gomu no Shirimochi. Avoiding this, the pirates scatter as Usopp mentions how ridiculous
the technique is. Franky then calls out to Usopp and Chopper, announcing it was time to use
Tactics Fifteen. Combining through a mecha-like transformation alongside Zoro and Sanji, they
form Pirates Docking 6: "Big Emperor" with Franky as the main body, Chopper as the head, Usopp
as a claw-like arm; and Zoro and Sanji acting as the legs. Quickly realizing Robin had not joined
in, they try to convince her to 'dock' as well. She however refuses due to it being so embarrassing.
Surprisingly Oars had also been watching in awe, and is equally disappointed t hat Robin would
not join. Lashing out, Franky, Chopper and Usopp are sent careening into a nearby rock while
Zoro and Sanji quickly run towards their opponent, shocked that they had even joined in and
choosing to forget completely.

Kicking a large rock towards Oars, Sanji mentions his need to finish the fight quickly so he can
save Nami only to draw attention to himself. Zoro is then seen putting his swords into Franky's
Heavy Nunchaku asking for permission to use them, also asking Robin to hold one of Oars' arms
down as he runs off. Seeing an opportunity, Usopp quickly fires his Tokuyo Abura Boshi
underneath the hand Oars' was using as support, throwing off the giant's balance. During this
moment, Sanji launches Zoro towards Oars at high speeds using Armée de L’Air Power Shoot,
giving the swordsman the chance to land a direct blow on Oars' left arm with Dai Gekken. In order
to throw the giant's balance off even more, Robin is able to hold down his left arm using Cien
Fleur: Big Tree leaving the zombie with only a single leg to stand on. Coming up from the ground,
Franky and Chopper are show climbing Franky's Franky Sky Walk. Mentioning on how the
staircase will not last long, both pirates leap towards Oars' head and connect their Super Frapper
Gong combination technique with his jaw, Chopper explaining that a blow like that would cause
his brain to shake inside his skull.

Stunned and off-balance, Oars can do nothing to defend himself as Sanji races towards him,
taking out his last leg with an Anti-Manner Kick Course which flips and knocks the giant zombie
down. Celebrating their achievement, the soldier zombies watching from a distance struggle to

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

fathom the idea of somebody being able to knock down Oars, claiming even a thousand men
would not be capable of it. Enraged at this turn of events, Oars swears to send the offending
pirates flying.

Finally having escaped Absalom with the help of Lola, Nami returns to the mansion in search of
the treasure room. Thinking back to what Lola had told her about Luffy’s zombie, she correctly
deduces that his zombie must have been the giant one she had seen previously in the freezer.
Acknowledging the danger, Nami is still determined to find the treasure as to not leave empty-
handed, but upon locating the treasure room she discovers it unlocked and empty.

Back at Thriller Bark’s shore, Perona is seen ordering several of her zombie subordinates to fill
the Thousand Sunny with treasure and supplies, planning to escape from the danger now posed
to her by the battle raging on the island. Commenting on how she had only joined Moriah for fun,
now that her life was at risk she hoped to get away as fast as possible. On the dock, the zombies
take quick notice of a new arrival who they note for looking like a bear. The mysterious new visitor
inquires as to where Moria is.

Nami races towards the Sunny and tries to save the ship and the treasure. The Straw Hats gain
an advantage over Oars. The Shichibukai Bartholomew Kuma appears, looking for both Moriah
and Luffy. He also makes Perona "disappear", to everyone's terror. Meanwhile, Luffy fights
Moriah's shadow.

In the forest, Moriah’s shadow ditches Luffy. Luffy cries out in despair, reminding himself that he
had promised to get back everyone's shadow including his, also reminding himself of t he fate if
they did not get it back: that they would burn in the sun if their shadows weren't returned.

Back at the fight with Oars, Zoro continues to battle Oars. Using his newly acquired sword, Shusui,
saying the sword was heavier than his previous sword. Oars attempts to punch Zoro but the
swordsman redirects the punch, amazing Usopp and Chopper. Zoro uses another move, which
flies and nearly hits Oars. The zombie giant counts himself lucky, saying that the attack would
have caused real damage if it hit. Zoro comments that he was still not strong enough to use the
sword and says that the sword wasn't "well-behaved". Zoro says to thin air, that the sword was
quite a gift from Ryuma. Oars tries to stamp on Chopper, Usopp, Sanji, Franky and Zoro but they
all evade his massive feet. Zoro prepares to attack again, only to be stopped by Usopp. Usopp
reasons that if they defeated Oars, only Luffy would get his shadow back. However, if Luffy
somehow defeated Moriah, they would be able to get all shadows back. Usopp suggests they all
just believe in Luffy. Zoro replies with that he did believe in Luffy but that there would be obstacles:
an "invisible man", "spirit woman" and "shadow master". He questions if they would actually allow
Luffy to fight Moriah face to face, saying that if they were to delay him till dawn, they would not
be able to fight at all. Franky and Robin seem to agree. Zoro states that while Luffy was away, he
would start doing some of the work. Franky looks up and determines that it was half an hour till
dawn but the sunlight would not hit anywhere because of the thick mist surrounding Thriller Bark.

Suddenly, the ground starts shaking, startling the Straw Hats and Oars. A zombie shouts that they
could start seeing shreads of sunlight. The soon form the conclusion that Oars had accidentally
moved Thriller Bark out of the Florian Triangle due to his messing around earlier. A number of
zombies run to Moriah's room, alerting him of the situation. Moriah tells them that he did not care
as they were pirates, sailing wherever they wanted to. He states that he very important matters
to deal with and starts talking to his visitor, Bartholomew Kuma. Moriah talks to Kuma, saying
that Kuma was the only one Shichibukai that carried out the World Government ’s wishes. Kuma
asks Moriah where he would like to go for a holiday. Moriah tells him nothing, saying that he

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

already knew of Kuma's special ability. The zombies stare on in awe at the giant Shichibukai.
Kuma states that he had a report to deliver.

Due to Crocodile’s defeat, the World Government had to choose a successor. Moriah comments
that there were a lot of pirates to go through and asks who the lucky pirate was. Kuma reveals
the newest Shichibukai, Marshall D. Teach. Moriah states that he had no knowledge of a man
named "Teach" or "Blackbeard". He questions the bounty and after getting a reply of "Zero", he
comments that Blackbeard had must of done a feat capable of getting the World Government to
notice him. Moriah laughs, saying that the world was in balance once more. However, Kuma with
a stern face reveals he feels otherwise and says that the World Government was concerned. He
talks about the recent Enies Lobby incident, revealing that the World Government had recently
kept close tabs on the Straw Hat Pirates. They had concluded that if they followed the Log Pose
from Water 7 to Fishman Island, they would most probably end up in Thriller Bark. He then reveals
that the World Government fears that another Shichibukai could fall to the Straw Hats.

Enraged, Moriah grabs Kuma and asks if all Kuma came to do was "protect" Moriah. Kuma says
that he would happily provide assistance if needed. This outrages Moriah even more, shouting at
Kuma, asking if he knew who he was. The zombies become terrified of their master' s rage. Moriah
states that he could never be defeated by a crew of such inexperience. Kuma says that a battle
had no certain outcome, saying that who could have dreamed of CP9’s Rob Lucci being defeated.
Moriah, still enraged, asks Kuma that the reason why there two Shichibukai on Thriller Bark was
because the World Government was scared that Moriah would lose. Kuma simply says that he
was here to deliver a report and had no orders to participate in battle. Moriah shouts that Kuma
sit back and watch the battle and that he could deliver a report back to the pampered fools, that
the pirates that had managed to outwit the Government were now part of the Gekko Moriah
Zombie Army.

The Straw Hats are worried about the mist as it had lifted, revealing sunlight. A voice coming from
Oars laughs at the Straw Hats, saying they had no time to talk as dawn was coming. Usopp then
sees Moriah himself in Oars's belly, in a compartment. Even Oars is surprised and excited at the
prospect of looking like a robot. Moriah makes a deal, stating that if the Straw Hats could defeat
Moriah in battle, he would release their shadows. However, they would have to defeat Oars first.
As each Straw Hat makes their comment about Oars, they all prepare to battle. Zoro instructs
Usopp to go find a mountain of salt to purify Oars. Usopp quickly runs for the castle's kitchen, only
to be stopped by Oars, the massive giant punching Usopp directly. As Chopper scrambles to get
Usopp, a voice shouts out that Usopp was alright. Holding Usopp over his shoulder is Brook,
holding a large amount of salt in a bag.

The Straw Hat Pirates battle Moria who is controlling Oars' body. Meanwhile, the Risky Brothers
offer to tell Luffy the secret of Moria's powers as well as giving him a secret power to defeat him.

Luffy is introduced to the captain of the Rolling Pirates, Lola. Immediately proposing to marry him,
she is rejected for the 4,444th time but is unperturbed by this. The Risky Brothers explain to Luffy
that they too have had their shadows taken and have resorted to hiding in the forest. However
they are overjoyed at the chaos the Straw Hat Pirates have brought to Thriller Bark with three of
the Mysterious Four now out of the equation. They are also aware of the danger posed by the
special zombie; Oars. Determined to get their shadows back though, they beg Luffy to defeat the
special zombie and Moriah but not without offering some help. Bringing out a captured shadow,
before Luffy can react they push it into his body. Gaining black rings under his eyes, they t hen ask
Luffy if he can use a sword to which he says not a chance, only to be handed a sword and
proceeding to cut apart a nearby tree easily.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Surprised with what he just did, the Rolling Pirates explain that if a shadow is placed inside a
living body they will gain the skills of the shadow's original owner, but because it is not their own
shadow they can only retain the abilities for ten minutes. Choosing to put all of their hopes into
the young pirate, they bring out all of the shadows they had captured over the years and implant
them all into Luffy. Taking in all one hundred of them, the Rolling Pirates can only watch on in
amazement as a giant silhouette comments on how powerful he feels. With Lola naming him
'Nightmare Luffy' he then runs towards the mansion, destroying the forest in his way.

In the mansion's courtyard however, the fight against Oars is taking a turn for the worst as he
continues to take advantage of his new found stretching ability. Attacking the Straw Hat Pirates
with Gomu Gomu no Kane and immediately following up with Gomu Gomu no Yari, they are left
bewildered at his sudden increase in power and question Moriah as to how he is stretching. The
Shichibukai explains that it is a result of his Devil Fruit’s power, Kage Kakumei. With it, he is
capable of altering the shape of a shadow; which in turn alters the shape of the substance.
Chopper likens it to reversing nature, and Moriah demonstrates the limit of this power by turning
Oars into a giant sphere, Oars Ball. Frustrated with his master's interference, Oars asks him to
stop controlling him and allow himself to fight. Promising to provide Oars with support, they go to
resume the fight. Nami questions where Luffy had disappeared to only for Usopp to mention
Moriah tricking him into getting lost. Wondering if she should let the others know another
Shichibukai was on the island, Brook interrupts by presenting an idea.

Through a combination of Usopp's Kuwagata, Nami's Dark Cloud Tempo, Robin’s Slalom Vine and
Brook's Gavotte Bond en Avant they perform the team combination technique Raikotsuken:
Gavotte Bond en Avant which pierces right through Oars' right shoulder. Congratulating Brook on
his effort, Zoro follows up with an attack of his own, vertically cuts Oars' body using Nigiri: Toro.
However rather than focusing on Zoro now, Oars instead finishes off Brook using Gomu Gomu no

Trying to defend the skeleton, Usopp attacks with Hissatsu: Atlas Suisei which only serves to
anger Oars further as he blocks the projectiles with his arm. Launching a Gomu Gomu no
Bazooka, the giant immediately realizes he is no longer stretching. Questioning this, it is revealed
that Robin had caught Moriah using Ochenta Fleur: Cuatro Manos and threatens him to stop
controlling Oars' shadow.

While Nico Robin subdues Gekko Moriah with her Ochenta Fleur: Cuatro Manos technique, Oars
begins to wonder why he is unable to stretch anymore, and Usopp thanks Robin for saving him.
As Moriah advises Robin that something like this will be unable to stop him, he suddenly appears
behind her and uses Brick Bat, forcing Robin to desperately defend herself with Veinte Fleur:
Calendula. Robin falls to the ground, overwhelmed by the many shadow bats, prompting an
enraged Sanji to destroy the bats with a flurry of kicks, saving her. The shadows of the bats then
form a shadow doppelganger of Moriah behind Robin, who is surprised by this but she comments
that she mustn't let Moriah's shadow distract her as she concentrates on defeating Moriah's real
body, knowing if he goes down his shadow also will.

As she uses Cuatro Mano: Clutch to physically cripple Moriah's real body, the Straw Hats begin to
celebrate their victory until Moriah suddenly appears behind Robin, commenting he can switch
locations with his doppelganger anytime thanks to his Kage Kage no Mi powers. As Moriah notes
he won the long-range battle he had against Robin, he proceeds to take her shadow, knocking
her unconscious. Sanji, furious, unleashes his Diable Jambe and proceeds to attack Moriah,
however he had switched places with his doppelganger and has reappeared in Oars' stomach.
With Moriah back in Oars' stomach, Oars regains his ability to stretch, and he proceeds to finish

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

off the unconscious Robin with a Gomu Gomu no Bazooka, only for Sanji to deflect the attack with
his Diable Jambe: Frit Assorti.

As Sanji orders the others to move Robin to a safe location, he confronts Oars, only for Chopper,
who has been examining Oars' body this entire time, to inform Sanji and Zoro that Oars' cause of
death when he was alive was an external cause. Chopper, noting that Oars was frozen to death
500 years ago and that the joint in his right arm was severely frostbitten, tells Zoro and Sanji that
Oars' weakness was his right arm. Chopper also claims that Oars was frozen to death while not
wearing any clothes, promting Zoro and Sanji to comically proclaim that they don't want to lose to
an idiot like him.

Chopper explains that as a zombie, Oars doesn't feel physical pain, but he can still take damage,
so if his right arm was immobilized his attack power would be halved. Annoyed, Oars grabs
Chopper from his right shoulder, only for Chopper to turn into his Brain Point form to avoid being
crushed. Telling Oars that the gap in his fist is like a cave, Chopper eats a Rumble Ball, uses
Jumping Point to jump from Oars' fist and uses Arm Point to prepare for an attack. As Sanji runs
up Oars' arm to offer Chopper a hand, they both proceed to use Armée de L'Air Kokutei Roseo
Shoot on Oars' right arm. Oars claims that the attack will not work , only for Chopper to correct him
saying all the damage he accumulated will eventually kick in.

As Oars prepares to attack them, Zoro shouts for Sanji and Chopper to get away, but it is too late
as Oars pummels them both with Gomu Gomu no Gatling. With Sanji and Chopper defeated, and
Robin and Brook unconscious, Moriah excitedly exclaims that there are four down and three
(Zoro, Nami, and Usopp) to go.

Gekko Moriah laughs and exclaims there are five Straw Hats (Franky, Brook, Robin, Sanji,
Chopper) down and three left (Zoro, Nami, Usopp) to go. As Nami and Usopp begin to panic, not
knowing what else to do to battle Moriah and Oars, Zoro tells Usopp he will give him a shot and
proceeds to attack Oars' right arm, using Santoryu: Yasha Garasu. When Oars proclaims that the
attack is not going to work, Zoro prepares to use Tora Gari, only for Oars to directly knock Zoro
into a building, severely injuring him, and leaving two Straw Hats left still standing. Usopp then
fired something into Oars' mouth, which was revealed to be salt. As Usopp explains to a confused
Nami that salt is a zombie's main weakness, Luffy's shadow begins to come out of Oars' mouth,
only for Moriah to use his shadow to take the salt out and throw it back to a perplexed Usopp. Out
of options, Usopp and Nami begin to lose hope, as Oars uses Gomu Gomu no Stamp to smash
them both. A mysterious figure then appears on the side of Oars, asking him what does he think
he is stomping on.

The mysterious figure turns out to be Luffy, having saved Usopp and Nami from Oars, however he
has a bulkier and more sinister appearance than normal. Nami and Usopp then thank Luffy for
saving them, before they show surprise that it's him. As Usopp tells Luffy to be careful as Oars
can use all of his techniques and even stretch himself, and as Moriah wonders if Luffy is capable
of transforming himself, he exclaims that it doesn't matter and commands Oars to use Gomu
Gomu no Rifle, only for Luffy to effortlessly block the attack with his hand, much to the shock of
everyone. Luffy, telling Oars that "there is only one Monkey D. Luffy", punches Oars away.

The zombies of Thriller Bark notice a cloud above them, only for them to immediately realize that
it's actually a flying Oars from being punched by Luffy, and proceed to evacuate the area. Much
to the disbelief of the zombies, Nami, and Usopp, Luffy proceeds to pummel Oars around.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

As Luffy continues to battle Moriah and Oars, a number of mysterious figures go to where the
defeated Straw Hats are, noting they have severe injuries and one of them is reduced to bones
(not knowing of Brook and his circumstances), calling them the comrades of their "ray of hope".
Nami and Usopp, not knowing what the mysterious figures were planning, both agree to get down
there. The figures were revealed to be Lola and the Rolling Pirates, who were moving the Straw
Hats to a safe location. As they took extra care of the ones who had their shadows taken, Lola
says they are counting on Nightmare Luffy.

Meanwhile, Oars is continuing to be beaten around by Nightmare Luffy. The zombies of Thriller
Bark, witnessing the entire battle, are surprised that Oars, dubbed by them as a "demon", and his
giant body is being pummeled around, even with their Lord Gekko Moriah currently residing in
Oars' stomach.

Back at the palance, Lola and the Rolling Pirates explain to Nami and Usopp of Luffy's current
state, apologizing for suddenly placing all of their hopes and strengths onto Luffy, further
explaining he has 2 or 3 minutes left in that state. While Lola comments that dawn is not far off
and that these next few minutes will decide their fate, Nightmare Luffy continues his relentless
assualt on Oars, throwing him back into the palace. As Oars prepares to attack Nightmare Luffy
with a Gomu Gomu no Bullet, Nightmare Luffy uses his sword to counter the attack by slashing
Oars across his chest (one of the shadows in Luffy is that of a skilled Marine swordsman). Moriah,
wondering why Oars is getting beaten around by a lone pirate and if he should leave his stomach
for the time being, is then punched straight in the face by Nightmare Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Pistol,
the impact also knocking Oars back.

With Nightmare Luffy's time running out, he proceeds to counter Oars' Gomu Gomu no Ono and
ultimately attempt to finish off the giant and Moriah with a Gomu Gomu no Storm. As Oars crashes
into the palace, seemingly knocked out along with Moriah, the shadows begin to come out of
Luffy. With Luffy laying on the ground, clearly exhausted, Lola and the Rolling Pirates announce
the defeat of Oars and Moriah and that Thriller Bark has fallen.

Oars appears to be done for but just as the rejoicing begins, he gets up again. As the Straw Hats
recover and begin to launch an assault on the giant, Zoro tells the Rolling Pirates to quickly get
out of their way. Robin uses a Pierna Fleur to make multiple feet grow out of the outer wall of the
tower, allowing Brook to carry Luffy to the top of Thriller Bark. Nami then uses a Rain Tempo,
completely soaking Oars (with the Rolling Pirates deducing she is some kind of wizard with her
abilities). Franky and Usopp then use the Super-Large Freezer Ultra-Cold Blast (fired from a
machine made on the spot) to freeze Oars's legs, having been soaked from Nami's rain previously.
Sanji and Chopper then ensnare Oars in the chain of the rudder.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Brook have arrived at the top of the mast, and are preparing for the final
attack. Chopper tells Zoro to tuck in Oars's stomach, which Zoro does with his Santoryu Ougi:
Sanzen Sekai technique. Sanji then kicks the chain to pull Oars upright and straighten his spine.
Chopper explains that normally a human spine is curved to absorb shock, but with it straightened
out the spine will be shattered, allowing Oars to receive the full brunt of the attack. Luffy tells
Brook to throw him towards Oars, also telling a concerned Brook that he will be fine because he
is made of rubber. Brook proceeds to do so, as Luffy uses Gear Third to inflate both of his arms
and prepare his Gomu Gomu no Giant Bazooka. Oars attempts to Gomu Gomu no Bazooka Luffy
right back, but cannot use his right arm due to all the damage he accumulated so far. Oars was
unable to realize this due to the fact zombies cannot feel pain, proving Chopper's point from
earlier in the battle. Luffy's "Giant Bazooka" shatters Oars' spine and Oars becomes paralyzed,
unable to feel the pain but also being unable to move.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

The Rolling Pirates and zombies of Thriller Bark announce that Oars has finally been defeated.
While the Straw Hats rest after the decisive battle, Usopp immediately realizes the fight isn't over
yet as he yells to Luffy to get everyone's shadows. Lola suggests to beat Moriah awake and make
him give the shadows back, as the sun is about to rise. Moriah, regaining consciousness, says
there is no need to wake him as he proclaims to Luffy that he wrecked so much havoc over his
Thriller Bark. Moriah tells Luffy that even though he has a fine crew, they are nowhere near ready
for the New World. As Moriah proclaims that due to him losing his comrades while they were alive
and that zombies are immortal, he proceeds to absorb many shadows from the entirety of Thriller
Bark, using his Shadow's Asgard technique. Moriah deduces that Luffy had absorbed 100
shadows to become Nightmare Luffy, noting that while he is growing big, he is absorbing 1,000
shadows into his own body. Moriah, showcasing his new strength from absorbing 1,000 shadows,
proceeds to punch the ground, creating a huge fissure.

The morning sun begins to peek throughout the island, exposing a pirate's body as he proceeds
to disappear, prompting the others to hide in the shade of the buildings and the forest for the
time being. As the Rolling Pirates are retreating, Lola stays put, noting the Straw Hats are also not
retreating despite also missing their shadows, and also telling them that since they got the Straw
Hats into this mess, they should stand firm along with them and not flee. As Luffy tells his crew
that he is going to go wild and that they should take care of everything afterwards, Zoro and Robin
note that Moriah is barely in control of himself and that he's given up on reason in exchange for
power due to his pride. Activating Gear Second, Luffy prepares his final battle with Moriah.

The sun starting to rise is making everyone despair. Lola and the Straw Hat Pirates who lost their
shadows stand patiently for the sun or Moriah to eliminate them. Meanwhile, Luffy activates Gear
Second. Moriah tries to attack Luffy but he dodges Moriah's attacks. Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no
Jet Rocket on Moriah and causes him to spew out some shadows. Luffy then uses Jet Rocket and
Jet Bazooka, causing more shadows to be released. Moriah starts to lose consciousness and lose
control of the shadows. Luffy begins another attack but his attack is interrupted by Moriah using
Bat Bricks to create a shadow cage and traps Luffy in it. He then smashes the shadow cage
against a wall.

The onlookers worry for Luffy. The shadow cage becomes misshaped and falls on the ground.
Moriah then plans to smash the cage by stepping on it with his foot. The onlookers scream to him
to stop, but Moriah ignores them and continues to step on the cage. Luffy's arm is later seen out
of the cage. Moriah tells the onlookers that is what will happen if they challenge a Shichibukai.
Brook and Chopper notice Luffy and scream his name, Luffy then breaks out of the shadow cage
and stands up. He tells Moriah that he cannot even dream of defeating him because he is a

The onlookers wonder what is going on and the sun starts to rise higher burning half of one of the
onlookers. The others suggest him to hide. Meanwhile, Luffy activate Gear Second and Gear Third
at the same time, Chopper tells him not to over do it and if he does his body will be torn apart. He
continues to use both and attacks Moriah with Gomu Gomu no Giant and Jet Shell. The shadows
start to leak out but Moriah forces to control them by closing his mouth with both of his hands.

Lola starts to yell out to her shadow to return to her while she is getting burned by the sun. Some
of her crew mates get her into cover from the sun since her body was disappearing. They then
follow her lead and scream out to their shadows to come back to them. Luffy also does the same
but asks his shadow if he wants to be the pirate king then he has to stay with Luffy. He later
attacks Moriah again. More shadows leak out of Moriah, and then he falls down on his back

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

releasing the rest of the shadows. But, the sun being higher in the sky starts to annihilate
everyone without a shadow.

Usopp, Nami, Chopper, and Franky all begin to panic as the bodies of Zoro, Robin, Sanji, and Luffy
(still shrunken from using Gear Third earlier) all begin to disintegrate, due to their shadows being
robbed from them. Several members of the Rolling Pirates also panic due to the bo dies of a
number of members, along with Lola, also begin to disintegrate. A perplexed Franky wonders why
the bodies are disintegrating when Gekko Moriah has been defeated.

Meanwhile, somewhere on the Grand Line, a pirate asks his captain to come onto the deck of
their ship, with the captain refusing because their bodies would disappear in the sunlight, their
shadows being taken by Moriah 2 years ago. The pirate exclaims to the captain that their shadows
have returned, prompting a celebration. A pirate wonders if Moriah has been defeated, only for
the captain to say that's impossible, as Moriah equally fought with Kaidou, one of the Yonko.
Pirates, marines, and civilians around the world begin to notice that their shadows have returned
to them, much to their happiness.

Back on Thriller Bark, much to the relief of the other Straw Hat Pirates, Zoro, Robin, Sanji, and an
unconscious Luffy's bodies turn back to normal, their shadows having returned to them. Chopper
also points out the shadows of the Rolling Pirates have also been returned. With Moriah defeated,
and everyone's shadows back in their original bodies, the Straw Hat Pirates all begin to take a
well-deserved rest.

Back in the castle, Absalom is woken up by Hogback, who proceeds to call him shameful for
losing, and proceeds to inform him of Moriah's defeat. Back at the courtyard, Zoro asks Chopper
if Luffy's body was shrunken before, and Chopper tells him that Luffy's body shrinks as a side
effect of his Gear Third. Usopp begins to grow worried that Luffy's new fighting style is too harmful
to his body, as he would have to keep using it if more powerful enemies appear in the future. The
old man the Straw Hat Pirates met back at the graveyard, along with Lola and the Rolling Pirates,
all express their gratitude for saving them and proclaims they will never forget this. Zoro explains
that they did what they did for their own reasons, and that the others were saved as an extra, only
for Nami to berate him due to the others offering to repay them.

Suddenly, Nami begins to show signs of true terror and fear, having forgotten that another
Shichibukai was present at Thriller Bark. As the other Straw Hats ask her what she is afraid of,
Bartholomew Kuma is shown to be sitting on a building, talking to someone on a Den Den Mushi.
The mysterious person shows perplex that another Shichibukai has been defeated, as soon as
they had found a replacement for Crocodile. As Nami explains to the others that Kuma is a
Shichibukai, the mysterious person talking to Kuma hopes that the defeated Moriah would be
soon able to continue to be a Shichibukai, as the fact that another Shichibukai was defeated
would hamper their reputation. The mysterious person, revealed to be a representative of the
World Government, also explains to Kuma that there should be no eyewitnesses of Moriah's
defeat, and instructs him to assassinate everyone present at Thriller Bark.

Usopp shows concern that they are forced to engage another Shichibukai right after defeating
one, and Zoro tells him that he'll handle it, as Nami begins to explain that Kuma is an ability user.
Kuma teleports in front of the crowd, surprising everyone. While several members of the Rolling
Pirates desperately trying to attack him. Kuma, showing off his powers, fires some kind of cannon
from his hand to effortlessly knock the pirates back. Teleporting right behind Zoro, Kuma
identifies him and exclaims he'll be the first.

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

As members of the Rolling Pirates try to tend to the pirates attacked by Bartholomew Kuma, Lola
comments that this is cruel, as they battled for their shadows for years, and as soon as they are
free, another Shichibukai appears to assassinate them all. As the Rolling Pirates try to challenge
Kuma, commenting he is nothing compared to Gekko Moriah and Oars, Zoro yells at t hem to
stand back, reminding them that Kuma challenged him first and threatened them not to humiliate
him. Kuma comments to Zoro that they have earned quite the reputation and that Luffy gathered
a number of skilled crew members, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates show signs of modesty that
Kuma complimented them, only for them to be told not to be flattered by Lola. As Kuma further
comments that it is no longer just Luffy who is being noticed, Usopp yells at Zoro not to fight as
he is too beaten up. While Zoro comments that if he dies here, it would show his limits as a man,
he attacks Kuma with Nitoryu Iai: Rashoumon, but Kuma teleports behind him, preparing to
attack him with his palm.

Zoro, noticing something odd about his palm, dodges the attack. Kuma's paw is shown to leave
a paw-shaped mark in the rubble. Kuma fires another paw-shaped attack at Zoro, who barely
dodges it. Usopp notices that while Kuma has hardly done anything, Zoro is breathing hard. As
the others point out that Kuma has paws on his hands, Zoro attacks him with Sanjuroku Pound
Ho, but it was deflected by Kuma's paws, causing Zoro to realize Kuma has the ability to repel

Kuma explains that he has eaten the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, becoming a paw-man. As Franky does
not take this seriously, wondering if there are "cute" Devil Fruits in the world, he begins to wonder
if Kuma isn't a big threat after all, only for Kuma to attack him with Pad Ho, asking Franky if this
is the limit of his strength. Robin deduces that Kuma can repel the air itself, commenting that
normal cannons have no effect on Franky. Kuma then attacks Zoro with Tsuppari Pad Ho, but
Zoro manages to dodge them and attacks Kuma with Toro Nagashi, however the attack was
blocked by his paws, sending Zoro crashing to the ground. As the Rolling Pirates wonder how Zoro
can keep on fighting due to his injuries from Oars, as they were enough to kill a normal man,
Kuma prepares to attack a fallen Zoro, only for Sanji to attack Kuma's face with Concassé.

Sanji's attack didn't seem to phase Kuma, as he falls to the ground, holding his leg in pain. Sanji
begins to wonder if Kuma's body is made of steel. Usopp, panicking, attacks Kuma with his Fire
Bird Star. Kuma deflects this attack effortlessly as well, identifying Usopp as "King of Snipers" and
Sanji as "Black Leg." Kuma, commenting that due to the weakness of the Straw Hats makes him
think defeating them is no fun at all, prepares a large-scale attack. As Robin and Nami point out
that compressing a large amount of air to a small state can trigger a devastating explosion, Kuma
announces that he will spare everyone's lives, in exchange for Luffy's head. Usopp asks Kuma if
he expects them to sell out their friend, while Kuma asks them what their decision is, as if the
World Government is handed Luffy's head, they will not complain that the rest of them have been

The Straw Hat Pirates, along with Lola and the Rolling Pirates, bravely yell to Kuma that they will
decline, telling him to "forget it." As Kuma expresses disappointment in their decision, telling them
that it is a pity, Kuma launches his Ursus Shock attack, causing a huge explosion.

Thriller Bark is still floating, but everything on the island is destroyed due to Kuma’s Ursus Shock
attack. The Rolling Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates all appear to be badly injured and knocked
unconscious. Kuma passes by all of the knocked out pirates, stopping at where Luffy is at. He
picks Luffy up, but Zoro suddenly comes out and attacks Kuma with Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson,
revealing Kuma's body as metal. Kuma then fires a laser from his mouth, which Zoro barely
dodges but it ends up grazing him. Kuma then reveals that he is a Pacifista created by the World

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

Government, a superior cyborg in comparison to Franky. Zoro has no idea what that is, so Kuma
goes on to explain what a Pacifista is, saying that they were made by the scientist Dr. Vegapunk,
and made advancements that others would have made five hundred years later.

Zoro asks why he must kill Luffy, and he says it's his best offer. Zoro, commenting that his body
is too battered to do what he tells it to do, offers Kuma to take his head instead of Luffy's, and
Kuma asks him why he would give up his ambition to be the world's best swordsman and die in
Luffy's place and how would his ambition be satisfied if Zoro dies. Zoro responds by saying Luffy
must become the Pirate King. Sanji then intervenes and says that Zoro is an idiot and Kuma
should kill Sanji if someone must die, also commenting that while Sanji's bounty isn't particularly
high, he would soon be the most dangerous member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Zoro then knocks
Sanji out, and Sanji calls him a bastard for it before fainting. Zoro throws his swords on the ground,
continuing his deal with Kuma.

Kuma, admiring Zoro's spirit, remarks that his honor would be at stake if he laid a hand on Luffy
after this. Telling Zoro he will experience hell, Kuma picks Luffy up and uses his powers and
extracts all of Luffy's pain and fatigue. Kuma allows Zoro to have a taste, giving him a small
amount, which appears to greatly injure Zoro and leave him on the ground in pain. Zoro then
decides he wants to move to another location. Later, Kuma comments about how amazing
Dragon’s son is to have such great companions. Sanji and everyone else wake up t o find Kuma
gone and Luffy is miraculously better and no longer injured. Sanji, noticing Zoro is not with them,
goes off to find Zoro extremely wounded with blood scattered all over the area. Sanji asks Zoro
what happened and if he's still alive, and Zoro replies that nothing happened.

An unseen vessel leaves Thriller Bark as two men wonder where Perona is. Absalom shuts off his
invisibility to reveal that he and Hogback are on a smaller ship with a still-unconscious Moriah.
Absalom wonders what 'Tyrant' Bartholomew Kuma was doing on Thriller Bark. Hogback claims
that before they were de-shadowed, the three zombies Gyoro, Nin and Bao told him that Kuma
had come to report that a new Shichibukai had replaced Crocodile- a pirate named Blackbeard.
Absalom reads a newspaper article stating that the Whitebeard Pirates' Second Division
Commander Portgas D. Ace is now being held in Impel Down. Hogback claims that with such an
infamous Whitebeard Pirate in their custody, the World Government scored big, and it could mean
a change in the Grand Pirate Era, so it's no time for Moriah to be out. Absalom concedes the point,
but he just wants to get married. Hogback offers to produce a zombie of his liking, Absalom yells
that he wants to marry a human.

Back in Thriller Bark, a whole day has passed since Moriah's defeat. On the Thousand Sunny,
Luffy demands food, but Sanji tells him to just eat cheese instead. Luffy complains that cheese
cannot fill him up, and Sanji tells him to move everything to the courtyard, where the Vic tims
Association are. Lola explains that it's because they have not felt the sun in so long and they want
to spend as much as time in the sun, while Usopp wonders at Luffy's energy. Lola wonders who
could've stocked the Sunny with so much food and treasure, which Nami is enjoying. Luffy finds
a glass armband in the pile, and when Usopp gets nervous about Nami's reaction, she explains
that she will let Luffy keep it, as it does not have any jewelry in it. She goes to tell Lola that she
will not get any either, but Lola tells Nami that they weren't planning on taking anything from their
saviors. Lola wonders why she added 'zo' to Nami's name, and Nami realizes that Lola's shadow
was used to animate the Zombie-Lola. Grateful to see her friend in human form, Nami gives Lola
some treasure, shocking Luffy and Usopp.

In the courtyard, the Straw Hats begin setting up for their feast, while Chopper takes care of Zoro,
wondering how the swordsman could've gotten so heavily injured. As the Straw Hats try to figure

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

out if something happened with Kuma, the Risky Brothers chime in, claiming to know what
happened. Before they can talk, though, Sanji takes them aside for a private discussion. The
brothers tell him what Kuma did to Zoro in the previous chapter. They want to te ll everyone, but
Sanji orders them not to; Zoro did not take Luffy's suffering to be thanked, and Luffy would feel
awful if he knew what had happened. The Risky Brothers are amazed at how cool Sanji is,
unaware that their conversation had been overheard by Robin, using her Hana Hana no Mi
powers. When Luffy asks what happened, the brothers just imitate Sanji, claiming that since
everyone's alright, it's no big deal, confusing him.

Soon the feast is well underway, with Brook launching into his usual skull joke antics, with Franky
chiming in. Brook soon pulls up a piano, offering to play background music. He confides in Sanji
that he also saw what was going on with Zoro, amazed at the men of the crew. As he plays Binks’
Sake, Robin and Luffy claim to have heard this song before, the latter from Shanks' crew. Brook
explains that the song is one that all pirates of old sang. Luffy asks if Brook is gonna join the
Straw Hats, now that his shadow is back. Brook begins to explain about Laboon, but Luffy claims
he already knows, as the Straw Hats saw Laboon at the Twin Capes. Usopp and Sanji vouch for
Luffy, and the Straw Hats captain offers his amazement that Brook was part of the crew Laboon
was waiting for. Shocked, Brook begins to tear up at the thought of Laboon still alive and waiting.

Brook's flashback begins. A small whale follows a pirate ship, and its crew wonders if it's lost. A
tall, skinny violin player with an afro offers that they should play the baby whale a song, because
the Rumbar Pirates can bring a smile to any face. the ship's captain Yorki agrees, and that they
should play 'that song.' As they play, the sad whale begins to cheer up.

The chapter begins continuing the flashback started in the previous chapter. This is 50 years ago.
Brook is revealed to have been 38 years old during the flashback. Brook wakes the entire crew,
telling them to start today's song. He announces that they will sing Black Handkerchief of
Happiness and asks everyone to sing along. As Brook sings, some of the pirates tell Brook to stop
the noise in the morning, while others shout that they are awake. Yorki tells Brook to play "that
song". Brook accepts, commenting that that is the captain's favorite song. Suddenly, the whale
sings near the ship. One of the pirates asks if he is the whale from the previous day and then tells
him to go find his pod. As the whale keeps singing, all the pirates are in awe of the mammal's

At some point after that, the crew continued to sail as the sun was setting. One of the pirates asks
the whale how long he is going to follow the crew and suggests that the whale's mother is worried
about him. Another pirate gives Laboon some food, while another asks when did he name the

Later, the Rumbar Pirates confront another group of pirates with a panda head Jolly Roger and a
ship with a panda head figurehead. Yorki's crew shoots cannons at the enemy ship and then
prepare to fight them in combat. Some of the Rumbar Pirates fall overboard and ask for help.
Some other members reports that there are injured men overboard. Yorki commands Brook to
throw lifesavers and decided to save them later as they don't have enough men at the moment.
Brook comments that he can't do anything since he can not swim. Laboon saved the overboard
men, and Brook is happy about the whale's help.

Later, after the fight ended, the crew decided to sing "that song". Later, it's snowing and one of
the pirates comments that it is cold. Later, while the pirates are on an island, they found treasure
and they celebrate it with Laboon. They decide to have a feast. Later, a giant bull Sea King
appeared attacking the whale. The pirates shouted to protect Laboon. They shot their cannon at

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

the monster defeating it. Later, Yorki comments that Laboon is the most attached to Brook. The
Afro Pirate, lowered with a platform to the sea level near Laboon, comments that the reason for
this is that Laboon loves music. Another pirate says that the reason for Laboon's attachment is
that he and Brook have similar shaped heads. Another pirate and Brook laugh.

The chapter moves back to the present, having Brook still singing the piano and crying. The story
then moves back into the flashback.

Brook asks Yorki if there is anything they can do, but the captain answers that he won't listen to
anything they said. He comments that they no longer have the power to protect him. He continues
by saying that they can't bring that kid to the Grand Line. Brook is again lowered to sea level to
talk with the whale. The pirate tells him that they need to talk, but Laboon keeps singing. Brook
tells him to stop for a bit, and he tells him that they are his crew mates, but he is a whale. The
whale sings even louder despite Brook's attempts to talk with him. The pirate continues by telling
Laboon that the Grand Line is a dangerous ocean and that the whale is not an adult yet and there
are brutal creatures there, much stronger than the ones in West Blue. Laboon dives into the water
while still singing, even though Brook tries to tell him to listen. Brook is lifted back and he reports
to Yorki that Laboon does not listen to him. The captain suggests to sing "that song" first, but
Brook comments that this strategy would only backfire.

Later, Laboon is back near the ship and he is singing, while being ignored. Yorki comments that
it is painful, but he orders his crew not to make eye contact with the whale. He also prohibits
music or singing until Laboon separates from the ship. Laboon almost cries because he is ignored.

Later, one of the pirates mentions that the storm is so big that they almost fall off from the ship.
Another pirate notices the lighthouse that marks the entrance to the Grand Line and alerts his
crew. Yorki asks if Laboon is still nearby. A pirate answers that he hasn't seen the whale for a
week. The captain mentions that what they did was sad, but it was for Laboon's sake, and if he is
lucky, he can return to his pod. Yorki shouts asking the crew if they are ready to enter the greatest
ocean in the world, to which the crew affirms.

Later, the crew has entered the Grand Line and has reached the Twin Capes. The lighthouse
keeper Crocus introduces himself, congratulates the crew for crossing the Reverse Mountain and
welcomes them to the pirate graveyard. One of the pirates got mad at Crocus' attitude. Yorki
introduces himself as "Calico Yorki", as he is known in the West Blue. He apologizes because their
ship is damaged, so Crocus tells them that they can stay however long they want, but they must
take care of the light house keeper's food and drinks. Yorki accepts the of fer. One of the pirates
tells Crocus to celebrate with them at the feast they are planning to have. The Lighthouse keeper
asks the crew if the whale they brought is their pet, and the entire crew is surprised by this. They
notice Laboon sitting in the water.

Later, the crew sings and some of the pirates even dive to play with the whale. Yorki asks Brook
to sing "that song", and the Afro Pirate answers that the captain really likes that song, to which
Yorki answers that that is the song of pirates. As Laboon is singing, Yorki mentions that Laboon
likes that song too. Brook asks Crocus if he has a request, but he answers that he can play
anything, and Brook says that being pirate means singing.

The story shifts three months later, the crew still at the Twin Capes with the ship repaired. Crocus
is sad that the pirates are leaving, but Yorki says that they have prolonged their stay too much.
Brook is talking with Laboon, and he is telling the whale that he is glad that he finally understands.
Brook explains that it only be two-three years, and that they will go straight through the ocean and

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

arrive at the other side of the Red Line and then they will cross the wall again and be back. As the
entire crew is on the ship, Brook finishes his speech by saying that they hope that Laboon will
wait for them, saying that the whale will have grown much larger by then. Yorki then completes
that at that time they will be able to go anywhere together. Mizuta Madaisuki tells Laboon to
adventure together, since they are crew mates. As the whale is singing, the pirates are leaving
and they are shouting, declaring that they will travel the world and return.

The scene changes to three years later in the Florian Triangle. The ship is very damaged and
abandoned, only the skeleton body of Brook remaining, walking around. He finds Mizuta
Mawaritosuki's skeleton with a sword in his skull and Brook remembers his deceased friend
praising him for his quick kills, asking the Afro Pirate to teach him his skills. Brook collects his
skull and puts it into a coffin full of other skulls of his former crew member. Brook looks into the
distance and remembers a moment when the crew encountered a whirlwind while traveling. The
skeleton remembers commenting that it was hot and sunny very recently, and ano ther pirate
answered that they should retreat because common sense doesn't apply in this ocean. As Brook
walks through the dining hall, he remembers a day in which everyone was partying. One of the
pirates mentioned that the Grand Line is annoying, because it is impossible to predict and the
body can not keep up. Another pirate said that at the end of the day, the sake is delicious. Yorki
asked Brook to play "that song", and Brook answers that he expected this. As Brook continues to
walk on the ship, he walks past a mirror and when he sees himself, he gets scared and falls to
the ground. He realizes that he became a skeleton. Brook then remembers another time when
Yorki hanged two of his subordinates upside down, saying they have fought over something
stupid. One of the pirates answered that the other almost killed him with a cannon in battle, but
the captain answered that he is alive and that the other apologized already. He then told him to
not hold a grudge over something that is done with. Yorki then hit him in the head, telling him that
the pain is proof that he is still alive and the pirate affirms. Brook then remembers another time
when he saw a clean sky during the night, and he wondered if Laboon was also looking at the
same sky. Yorki then called everyone, telling them that Brook is getting sentimental. Later, they
encountered a Marine battleship. One of the pirates wondered what to do, but Yorki answered to
attack. Later, the crew sees a wanted poster for the captain and mentioned that his bounty went
up again. The captain happily decides to have a feast. The crew sung Yorki's name, and then the
captain asked the afro pirate to sing "that song".

As Brook is trying to steer the ship, he remembers another time when one of the pirates came to
announce that the captain was sick. After the ship doctor inspected him, he declared that his
room is off limits and that there are about ten other people infected. The doctor suspected that
the captain got the disease from the jungle they landed at earlier. He continued saying that it is
an unknown disease that he can't treat. He then followed up, mentioning that if the disease is
treated wrong, it could wipe out everyone on the ship.

Later, the ship landed at an island. The entire crew went to visit their captain. A s they were
shouting for him, Yorki told them not to let out such pained voices, saying that the crew that
makes crying children smile can not cry themselves. Since the current ship is damaged, the
captain ordered the crew to continue on a new ship, saying that he will leave the grand line. He
declares that they will escape from the Calm Belt. As the entire crew is crying, Yorki told them to
give his regards to Laboon, and told them not to make such sad faces.

Later, when the captain was alone with Brook, he declared that the situation is the worst. The
Afro Pirate hold his captain's hand in his own and declared that he will never forget his words,
since they are carved into his heart. Brook then says that life is precious and asks that both of

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

them survive and meet again later. As his last order, Yorki tells Brook to send him off with his
favorite song.

Back to skeleton Brook, he steers the ship as he sings Binks’ Sake.

Brook continues to have flashbacks. This time, he recounts his crew dying. However, they still
sing the Binks' Sake song which they record on a tone dial for Laboon as their last great
performance thus keeping their promise to Laboon. The Binks' Sake song lyrics is fully showed in
this chapter.

Brook stopped playing the piano, revealing the history reason of the Sound Dial. He states that it
was the Rumbar Pirates final song and that he heard it so many times during the 50 years he was
alone. He looks into the Sound Dial and has a flashback of one of the Rumbar parties. Brook goes
on to say that the song made him feel alive and seals away into his head by lifting the top part of
his cranium, shocking Sanji and Usopp while amazing Luffy.

Brook states that he is overjoyed that Laboon was still alive, saying that now he had a goal in life,
to deliver the Sound Dial to the whale. He shouts that he was glad to be alive. He then asks Luffy
the question: if it was alright if he could join the Straw Hat Pirates. Luffy simply replies with a
"sure". This shocks Usopp, Sanji, Franky and Chopper, horrif ies Nami, makes Robin laugh and
there is no response from Zoro as he is unconscious. Nevertheless, the men from the crew
welcome their new musician, saying that he was interesting. Robin seems to enjoy the loudness
while Nami comments that the Straw Hats gathered weird crewmembers. Brook leans up against
a wall at a 45 degree angle, calling it his "45 degrees", creating laughter.

Brook has a flashback to Laboon, silently talking to Laboon, that he would return and deliver the
Tone Dial to Laboon.

At the Reverse Mountains, Laboon suddenly cries out in joy, making Crocus happy as Laboon was
in such good spirits.

Back at Thriller Back, Brook kneels down and shows everyone a bounty poster for Dead Bones
Brook, himself. He reveals that he has a B33,000,000 bounty and that he once was a leader of
a battle convoy in an unknown kingdom and later became captain of the Rumbar Pirates. Brook
then kneels in front of Luffy, pledging his allegiance.

Two days later, Brook is in awe of the workmanship of Franky and Usopp as they had made a
grave for the Rumbar Pirates. Franky states the Rumbar Pirate corpses could not be taken aboard
the Thousand Sunny so they constructed the grave. Brook also reveals that Thriller Bark came
from the Rumbar Pirate home sea and with that, maybe the fallen pirates could be at peace
easier. As Brook plays some music in front of the grave, Zoro sits down next to him, plunging his
sword, Yubashiri, into the ground, stating that he was holding a small funeral for a dead katana.
Brook tells Zoro that he had joined the crew. Zoro comments that Brook had bad luck and that
the crew was varied. Brook simply laughs and says that he would devote everything.

The Straw Hat Pirates begin to leave and say their goodbyes. Franky tells Lola that he had fixed
Brook's ship, so they could use that to sail. Lola asks Franky to marry her but Franky says that he
was too super and it would not be a good match. Luffy gets excited at the prospect of going to
Fishman Island while Brook and Sanji have their own perverted views. A person reveals that
mermaids did not wear panties but their beauty was even greater than a pirate empress named
Hancock. Usopp asks how they knew so much and it is discovered that Lola's pirates had passed

Thriller Bark Thriller Bark

through Fishman Island as they had originated from the New World. Lola says that her mother
was a pirate. Remembering something, Lola rips apart a piece of paper and hands one half to
Nami, saying that it was a Vivre Card and she gave it to Nami as they were like sisters. Apparently
Lola's mother is a famous pirate in the New World and Nami is advised to look after the Vivre

Nami asks what a Vivre Card is. Lola tells her that they only worked in the New World and that it
would never burn or get wet.. Lola states that if you took a fingernail to a certain shop, they would
create a special paper. She goes on and says that you tear the paper up and give it to a special
person. Lola places the Vivre Card on a desk and it jumps. She reveals the main point of a Vivre
Card, saying that it would allow you to meet with the special person. Lola says that if they ever
had a problem, they could go to her mother for help.

Luffy, in deep thought, states that he had a similar sort of paper and Nami agrees. In a flashback,
Ace is seen saying that the paper would let them meet again. Luffy retrieves the card from his hat
and notices it burning and getting smaller. Lola then says that the paper was a representation of
the person's life. Luffy tells her that it came from Ace and she states that his life was vanishing
by the minute.

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

Summit War
Sabaody Archipelago

s the Straw Hat Pirates leave Thriller Bark, they are waved off by the Thriller Bark
residents, who thank them for all that they have done. As the Straw Hats leave, Lola
appears to see something in the mist, but her companions say that it does not matter
anymore. They then start to tell the story of the Straw Hats as three large figures loom ominously
in the mist behind Thriller Bark.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats, free of the Florian Triangle, continue on towards Fishman Island, said
to be the "paradise on the ocean floor." On the Thousand Sunny, Nami questions Luffy’s decision
to leave Ace alone despite his Vivre Card burning, but Luffy states that it is fine. Brook chimes in,
stating he does not mind taking an alternate route, but Luffy, stating that Ace hates to be looked
down upon, chooses to keep going on their current route. Sanji states that the Vivre Card will
repair once Ace heals, and gives the crew drinks to celebrate the arrival of their new crew
member, Brook.

At Mariejois, Sengoku scolds Bartholomew Kuma for allowing the Straw Hats to escape. Garp
laughs at his grandson's actions, but Sengoku tells him off and continues by telling Kuma he
should have at least retrieved Luffy's head. Garp states that Luffy is not the kind of man to boast
of Moriah’s defeat by Luffy's hand, but Sengoku, still angry, tells Kuma that because of his failure,
the Straw Hats are nearing Marineford. Garp interrupts by offering tea to Sengoku, who yells at
him again.

On the Thousand Sunny, the crew passes a number of strange phenomena, including a rain of
candy, a round rainbow, a sea raccoon, and spiral currents. Some days later, the crew arrives at
the Red Line, and they discuss the monumental achievement this is. The crew states that they
must be careful at the World Government’s doorstep, but soon Chopper and Usopp are swimming
in a pool protruding from the Soldier Dock System, and Zoro is lifting weights. On the deck, Nami
and Franky are talking to Luffy, Brook, and Robin, who are below the surface in the Shark
Submarine. Once they reach a depth a 5000 meters (the limit of the sub), they encounter a sea
rabbit, and are forced to escape to the surface. As the crew contemplates their predicament of
reaching Fishman Island, the submarine surfaces, followed by the Sea Rabbit. With the surface
advantage, Luffy quickly dispatches the beast with a Gomu Gomu no Rifle, causing it to spit up
two creatures onto the Thousand Sunny. When they land, they are revealed to be a starfish named
Pappag and a mermaid who states that she has been swallowed by sea monsters twenty times
already. Camie, the mermaid, offers them some takoyaki, but suddenly realizes that since she is
not in a store, she cannot sell it to them.

The Straw Hats introduce themselves to Camie and Pappag. Camie receives a call through the
Den Den Mushi and learns her friend Hachi has been kidnapped by pirate fishman Macro. Camie
uses her ability to be able to speak with fish and navigates the ship towards Grove 44 of the
Sabaody Archipelago until they are attacked by Flying Fish Riders.

The chapter begins with the Straw Hats discussing battle strategies to bring down the Flying Fish
Riders. Usopp suggests using cannons to shoot them down, while Camie and Pappag are worrying
about Hatchan.

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

The scene shifts to the Flying Fish Riders' base where the riders are wondering why they were
called back. Duval says that this was because he wants the pirates alive. Duval then rants about
why he hates a certain man with all of his subordinates agreeing. He then calls for the Macro
Pirates and they are introduced. Macro, a gulper eel fishman, Tansui, an arowana fishman, and
Gyaro a demekin goldfish fishman. Duval thanks them for capturing Hatchan because now the
Straw Hat Pirates are coming. Duval is very pleased because the man he wants to kill is on that
ship. When Hatchan, who is in a cage, hears this, he fears the worst, due to his unfortunate past
with them. He is concerned as to whether they have captured Camie or not. Hatchan is afraid that
the Straw Hats will cause trouble for him. Finally the Straw Hats arrive to the Flying Fish Riders'
base. Duval is even more pleased when his subordinates report the siting of the man he is looking

At the Thousand Sunny, Camie sees Hatchan and begins screaming his name. The Straw Hats
note that the base is very ominous and silent. Hatchan covers himself with ink when he see Camie
and the Straw Hats. The Straw Hats conclude that the enemy is all around them, beginning to
aim. Luffy and Hatchan begin to calmly have a talk when Luffy suddenly realizes who he is. Luffy
remarks "I knew it was you!" much to the surprise of Hatchan. Usopp then begins to explain to the
other crewmates about Nami’s past and how the Arlong Pirates occupied her hometown. Zoro
and Nami begin to realize that this was Camie's friend and many of them have regrets about
promising to save him. Suddenly Camie jumps off the ship exclaiming that she will save Hatchan.
The Macro Pirates who were underwater come up and capture Camie. It is also revealed that all
of the Flying Fish Riders are underwater as well. Sanji is determined to at least save Camie when
Nami says the Hatchan is innocent and that they should save him as well, because they did
promise to save him while Sanji comments that he adore her forgiving self. Meanwhile Luffy's
eyes have turned into octopus fritters at the thought of Hatchan's octopus fritters. Luffy then
swings into action revealing his Devil Fruit powers when he jumps out of the boat and stretches
his arms to save Camie and Pappag. Luffy orders Zoro to cut the bars on Hatchan's cage.
Immediately afterwards the Flying Fish Riders exclaim that this was a trap and the Straw Hats are
completely surrounded. Duval orders an attack and the Straw Hats get ready for battle.

Zoro frees Hatchan from his cage, allowing Hatchan to defeat the Macro Pirates bare handed.
The Straw Hats easily defeat several Flying Fish Riders. The man in the iron mask confronts Luffy.

Luffy’s pain and fatigue that Zoro absorbed in Thriller Bark starts taking a toll on his body as he
faces discomfort and pain. Brook, lively as always continues his attack on the Flying Fish Riders
and joins up with Zoro, a bit tired. Brook notices Zoro in pain but Zoro tells him not to worry about

Hachi advises Zoro to keep his guard up as he defends them from an enemy attack, Hachi is then
distracted by the compliments of Keimi and Pappug. Zoro and Brook protect Hachi from an enemy
attack repaying the favor. Meanwhile the Flying Fish Riders attack the crewmat es on the
Thousand Sunny. Nami, Robin, Chopper and Franky defeat their attackers easily.

Luffy appears running from poisoned harpoons and shouts to the everyone at the dock to run as
a guy in a mask and a "cow" was chasing him. Out of the rubble just created appears the leader
of the Flying Fish Rider's, Duval and his bison Motobaro. He is disgusted at the performance of
his group, he then announces that the day he has been waiting for a long time has finally come,
the day he can take revenge on a certain man that is responsible for sending him to hell, the man
whom he wants to kill turns out to be Sanji.

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

Duval is so angry that he starts speaking in a different "accent", Sanji is confused and tries to
figure out who can hold a grudge against him, as there are many people he has angered in his
past. Duval attacks Sanji with harpoons which were coated with scorpion poisons, Nami and the
rest of the crew on the ship also get in the way of this attack angering Sanji. Meanwhile Luffy talks
to Zoro saying that he saw the face under the mask, Zoro is curious and Luffy says that he'll show
the face hidden below the mask soon and that it's a face that Zoro knows too.

Luffy kicks off the mask from Duval's face, shocking everyone and angering Sanji. The face hidden
below the mask was that of the poorly drawn face in Sanji's wanted poster. Duval continues to
speak and demands his life back, Sanji not caring about Duval's feelings kicks him right in the

Sanji and Duval argue about why Sanji's wanted poster has the same hairstyle and face like
Duval's. The Straw Hat Pirates except Sanji comments about the coincidence of Duval's hairstyle
and Sanji's bounty poster. Sanji tells Duval to change his hairstyle, beard or something else. Duval
proceeds to tell Sanji about his history and how he had to escape form the marines. Sanji then
asks Duval why he attacked Nami and the others. Duval replies that the crew and ship is the
reason Sanji had became a famous pirate, and he wants to get revenge.

Duval proceeds to attack Sanji by using his harpoon gun. Luckily, Sanji quickly finds out that the
weapons are poisonous and manages to dodge them. Unfortunately, two other members of the
Rosy Life Riders trap Sanji using a steel net, and drags him into the sea. The Straw Hats try to
warn Sanji to get off the net but to no avail. Luffy tries to save him, but is stopped by Zoro. Hatchan
tells them that he will go and save Sanji.

Duval informs the other Straw Hats that the two riders have air canisters so they can stay in the
water as long as they can, and Sanji, without having any air canisters, will drown and by the time
the Straw Hats see Sanji again, they would just see a drowned body.

Sanji's attempt to escape remains futile. Just as one of the riders tells Sanji to feel the wrath of
Duval, Camie jumps into the water, attempting to save Sanji. Pappag compares the speed of
fishmen to the Flying Fish, saying the Flying Fish are ranked as one of the fastest creatures in the
sea, outranking even the fishmen. However, the creatures that are ranked as the world's fastest
creatures in the sea are the Merfolk.

In the sea, Camie tells Sanji not to worry and that she is going to save him. Meanwhile, Luffy asks
Pappag if Camie is really that incredible, and Pappag replies that as long as the merfolk keep
their guard, they are incredibly hard to catch in the sea. After that, something emerges from the

Luffy thinks that Camie had successfully rescued Sanji, however, after a while, he and his crew
are shocked to see an anchor floating in the sky. A rider, who was the one who got the anchor
tells the other riders to head for the Thousand Sunny dead-on and sink it. They mention that some
of them are Devil Fruit users, and they will drown if landed into the water. The Straw Hats are
shocked at this and has to plan something.

Just as the anchor is about to drop, Franky uses the ship's secret weapon, the Chicken Voyage
just in time to escape the anchor. The riders are shocked that a ship could go in reverse. Franky
retaliates by using the Gaon Cannon and blasting away as many riders as possible. However, he
too destroys some of the infrastructure in the surroundings and took out almost all of the riders.
Some of the Straw Hats commended the Sunny for its ability. Franky explains to them that the

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

Gaon Cannon uses a full three barrels to prevent the ship itself from being blown away, and at
the same time releases two barrels worth of Coup De Burst from the cannon, so it uses up to a
ton of cola and tells them not to overuse it.

In the sea, Camie ties the two riders who attempted to drown Sanji with the net and prepares to
rescue Sanji of the water. After a while, she emerges with Sanji. Nami and Chopper asks if Sanji
is okay, but Camie replies saying that Sanji is having a nosebleed.

Duval is shocked about the riders' defeats, and Sanji is still alive after all, and then attempts to
attack Luffy and his crew with Motobaro, his pet bison. He mentions that countless fools had
fallen victim to it, tore holes in village dams, even when caged it will just break straight back out.
Men has also called it the heart-smashing horn.

Luffy says he will stop it, and Chopper warns Luffy to be careful. He is worried that the horns will
attack Luffy, but Luffy just stops it with an unknown power. The bison gets scared and then runs
away. After that, it passes out.

Duval finally attacks on his own, and Sanji says he wants to finish him off. However, Duval rebuts
that he is not going to die as long as Sanji is alive. Duval attacks Sanji with his harpoon gun again,
and Sanji dodges it. Sanji attacks Duval while calling him the bad stuff. He finally uses Parage
Shot to conduct a massive beauty operation on Duval.

The Takoyaki 8 crew prepares food for the Straw Hats. Duval comes to thank Sanji for re -
constructing his face. Pappug explains to the Straw Hats how to get to New World. After the group
arrives at Sabaody Archipelago, Hatchan warns the Straw Hats not to get involved with the World

While most of the Straw Hat Pirates have left to explore the wonders of Sabaody Archipelago,
Franky and Usopp have stayed behind to repair the ship and Sanji has stayed to protect the ship
on Nami’s request. Zoro then leaves to explore by himself, but Usopp and Sanji object to it, saying
that he will get lost due to his poor sense of direction. Zoro states that since all the trees are
numbered, he will just have to remember the grove number and ask for directions to get back.
Sanji and Usopp agree to his logic but as Zoro leaves the ship he misreads the grove number as
Grove 1 instead of Grove 41 due to a passing bubble.

Elsewhere on the archipelago, Hatchan, accompanied by Keimi and Pappug, explains to the rest
of the Straw Hats what he knows about the Celestial Dragons. He states that they wear masks to
avoid breathing the same air as "common folk", that they are incredibly proud, that one should
never defy them and makes Luffy promise him to not go up against them. He also warns Luffy
that since there are many pirates aiming for the New World as well as bounty hunters and
kidnappers, they should not do anything that attracts attention. Luffy asks Hatchan where he
received the wound on his head but Hatchan tells him to ignore it and further warns him that due
to their close proximity to Marine Headquarters, the Marines and bounty hunters are all very
strong. He continues by saying that he and Keimi should not be regarded as mermaids or fishmen
and Robin backs him up. Luffy then sticks his head through a bubble and manages to pull the
rest of his body in. A vendor then offers Luffy a device that allows him to drive the bubble around
and explains that that it will cost B500 to rent and B10,000 to buy.

Luffy wants to buy it, but Hatchan talks him out of it, stating that he will explain later. As the Straw
Hats drive around on their new toys, Hatchan tells Luffy that the bubbles will pop outside of

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

Sabaody Archipelago, so it is useless to buy one of the devices. Luffy is disappointed, but Keimi
tells him that they can also use these devices on Fishman Island, as they have similar bubbles.

While Luffy and Chopper find some food to eat, Pappug tells Brook that the person to see in the
island is the Mermaid Princess and promises to hook them up as he is her best friend. Robin
notices that there are a lot of hotels in Grove 35 and Hatchan explains that tho se are there for
sailors awaiting approval to pass over the Red Line from Mary Geoise. Meanwhile, Nami spots a
shopping mall, as Brook, Chopper and Luffy pick up some souvenirs. As Nami and Robin depart
to go shopping, Nami says that Keimi has become more reserved since they arrived and Robin
states that she may have a bad history associated with the island.

Luffy and Hatchan race across the archipelago, but as they near Grove 31, Luffy spots something
odd. A pirate is standing in the middle of the road asking for an axe or a saw to get his neck-ring
off, stating that he will not hurt anyone and that he has a baby son waiting for him at home.
Hatchan observes that the man is most likely a slave that ran away from his masters but states
that it is useless to do so. As the man tries to get his neck ring off, it explodes, which Hatchan
says is the same for all slaves; if they try to escape, the ring explodes, likely killing them. The
Straw Hats look on in horror, unable to do anything as Hatchan instructs Luffy to get out of his
bon chari. On top of a building, a shadowed figure with a broadaxe states that the man is Devil
Dias, a B60,000,000 bounty pirate whom he thinks would have never made it in the New World.

A small dog walks up to the collapsed man and urinates on his body and Hatchan tells Luffy to
get down on his knees because the Celestial Dragons are right behind their pet dog. Two Celestial
Dragons appear, one with a gigantic man chained behind him and the other stating that she will
simply have to buy another slave. The woman states that she is disgusted by the "useless" man
and shoots him. As she walks off, she states that she would like a giant as a slave but her father
tells her that she should have a young child to hone her disciplinary skills. As t he Straw Hats leave,
Pappug states that if someone defies a Celestial Dragon, that person will be the target of a Marine
admiral, due the Celestial Dragons being the descendants of the twenty kings who founded the
World Government eight hundreds years ago.

Luffy pummels through his third bounty-hunter at Sabaody Archipelago to the applause of
Hatchan, Keimi and Pappug as Chopper and Brook continue the journey with them. When
someone asks why there are suddenly so many bounty hunters, Hatchan explains that t hey are
currently at the "Lawless Zone" of the archipelago, a collection of twenty nine mangroves that
pirates and bounty hunters usually occupy instead of the usual tourists. Chopper remarks that
Sanji or Zoro could have come with them, but the fishman octopus assures them that they are
nearing Grove 13, where his bubble coating friend awaits. The two bounty hunters left, remark
that Luffy's B300,000,000 bounty is impressive but there are "other pickings" on the island they
could choose from instead. At Grove 13, the group arrives at what appears to be a rip-off bar run
by Hatchan's friends, whom Keimi trusts despite not having been there before. Upon arriving at
the bar, they see the bar owner, Shakuyaku, an attractive looking woman with a cigarette in her
mouth and a bloody customer, who tried to not pay his bill, in her grip. Shakky recognizes the
Fishman and happily greets Hatchan when she sees him, claiming it to have been a long time.
After expressing her delight after learning about Hatchan ending his days of piracy (believing that
his health comes first), she offers food and drinks to the Straw Hats, only to find Luffy and Brook
already raiding the fridge, despite Chopper's warnings of her possibly being a rip-off, but she
assures them all that since they're friends of Hatchan, they can do as the like and even gives
Chopper some cotton candy. Luffy suspects she knows something about them which Shakky
admits so, claiming to be a well-informed person, before questioning him about the Enies Lobby
incident and his relation to his grandfather Monkey D. Garp. Shakky then reveals that she is a

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

former pirate, which is why she knows Garp, who used to chase her forty years ago (surprising
Luffy at that part, leaving him to wonder how old she really is).

Hatchan soon asks about the location of their friend "Rayleigh the Bubble Coater" to get the
Thousand Sunny coated, but she claims that he has been gone for half a year and as a former
pirate, he could look after himself. She gives them various hints regarding Rayleigh's whereabouts
including the "Lawless Zone" and Sabaody Park, but tells everyone to be careful while searching
for him due to the presence of other powerful pirates. In particular, she notes that at this point,
there are eleven pirates (including Luffy and Zoro) on Sabaody Archipelago who had taken
different routes to pass through the Grand Line and became known as Supernovas due to having
bounties worth over B100,000,000, with one of those pirates' bounty being even greater than
that of Luffy's.

At this moment, the story cuts away from the Straw Hats to introduce those nine other pirates
and crews whithin Sabaody Archipelago:

• At Grove 29, a short mafia suit wearing pirate named Capone Bege is noting the horrific
gluttony of the binge-eating female pirate Jewelry Bonney, who is consuming everything
in sight and demanding more food.
• Nearby, a waiter apologizes to a subordinate pirate, who is saved by the last of moment
from death by the mysterious, card-reading captain Basil Hawkins, who also states to his
subordinate that his day was unlucky, further emphasized by the spaghetti that was
spilled on his clothes.
• In the midst of the lawless zone, a DJ-like pirate with abnormally long arms named
Scratchmen Apoo is taunting a tough-looking rocker-themed pirate Eustass Kid (the one
whose bounty is bigger than Luffy's) during battle.
• At Grove 21, a monk-like pirate and White Sea citizen Urouge's battle with the deadly
masked pirate Killer (a subordinate of Eustass Kid) is stopped by former Marine turned
pirate X Drake, who tells them to save the hostilities for the New World. Urouge notes this
may have been a narrow escape from death.
• As Drake leaves them, a calm and stoic pirate named Trafalgar Law enigmatically asks
him how many men he has killed.

Back at Shakky's bar, the owner notes that while many other crews have set out to sea, only the
strongest such as the Straw Hat Pirates and these other rookies have made it this far. She
believes that they will all make their mark and that others such as the Kid Pirates, infamous for
injuring civilians (which is the main reason why his bounty is higher than Luffy's), are more violent
than Luffy's crew, thus making her root for the Straw Hats to succeed. Luffy, Brook and Chopper
worry about Rayleigh’s fate outside but she claims that he will be fine as he is a hundred times
stronger than any of the rookies.

The chapter opens with Shakuyaku saying goodbye to the Straw Hats, who are off to find a coating
mechanic. The scene shifts to bounty hunters who are discussing about the mermaid who was
seen with Luffy. The head of the kidnapping team, Peterman, promises ten percent of the money
they would get for Camie to the unnamed bounty hunters who brought him that information.
Meanwhile, Luffy and the others arrive at Saboady Park and start to enjoy the amusements there.

The scene shifts to Groove 24 with the arrival of a Celestial Dragon, namely Saint Charlos. He kills
a badly injured human being and decides to make an engaged nurse (Marie) his sixth wife by
shooting her fiancée. Zoro, wondering whether he is lost and not knowing about the situation,
walks towards the Celestial Dragon, upsetting him. The Noble tries to shoot Zoro who dodges it

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

before the bullet can connect. Zoro tries attacking Charlos, but Jewelry Bonney tackles him away
and fakes Zoro's death using her Devil Fruit powers and some tomato juice, knowing that
attacking a World Noble would result in an Admiral having to come to the island. After being
informed of the situation by Bonney, Zoro takes the injured man t o the hospital, to the surprise
of some of the other Supernovas who are nearby, with Scratchmen Apoo remarking that Zoro let
off a very high killing intent just moments earlier.

At the Thousand Sunny, Sanji, Usopp and Franky receive a call on a Den Den Mushi telling them
that Camie has been kidnapped. Sanji replies that he will inform the Flying Fish Riders.

The chapter opens with Duval greeting Sanji. He tells Duval about Camie being kidnapped and
Duval agrees to help them. He gets on Motobaro, saying he has a few ideas as to who might have
grabbed her. At Sabaody Park, Chopper worries about the Camie getting kidnapped. Meanwhile,
Brook acts so calm that Chopper is by shocked by his demeanor. The Rosy Life Riders find the
Straw Hats around the archipelago and pick up them. They find Chopper and Brook, who were
relaxing themselves. They split up to find information about the various kidnapping groups and
find the rest of the group. Sanji is annoyed that Motobaro will not go any faster.

The scene shifts to Grove 22 in a human shop, where Luffy asks the shopkeeper about mermaids
being bought and sold. The guy tries to sell Luffy a fake mermaid, but he refuses. Luffy, Hatchan,
and Pappag go outside and start calling Camie's name out. All the yelling makes other pirates
notice and recognize Luffy. Pappag regrets going to the park and taking Camie. He then adds that
everyone on the island have it out for Camie and Hatchan.

The scene changes to Robin and Nami riding on a bon-chari with several shopping bags. Robin is
explaining to Nami about how two hundred years ago the World Government made a treaty with
Fishman Island, ending the enslavement of fishmen and merfolk, who up until then were only
considered another type of fish. The slave trade is a remnant of the way things were before the
treaty and even though it has been supposedly abolished, it still exists on the archipelago. Robin
is about to explain more, when they are interrupted by Franky. He tells them to get on the flying
fish, as Camie has been kidnapped.

Luffy is consoling Hatchan and Pappag, seeing Rosy Life Riders and decide to go with them.

The scene changes to Grove 1, the site of a human auction house. Elegantly dressed nobles are
entering the building. In the building's back entrance, Peterman is leaving, telling the attendant
to be sure they get a good price. The attendant thanks him and tells Peterman to come back later
for his share of the selling price. Two World Nobles appear. A man greets them at the door and
asks them if they would be alright being on equal standings with commoners. Rosward says he
does not care since he is not going to bid. Shalulia remarks that her brother, Charlos, is late as
they enter the building. Rosward replies that it is because he is riding on a human, and should
get a fishman.

Inside the auction house, Eustass Kid is talking about the World Nobles and slavery, saying that
it makes the rest of the world seem humane by comparison. He adds that it is because of them
that the world is in such turmoil, saying that pirates at least have a nice side to them, asking Killer
if he agrees. One of the pirates points someone out to Kid, and Kid recognizes the person as
Trafalgar Law, adding that he has heard unpleasant rumors about him, to which Law gives his
middle finger at Kid.

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

Backstage, a guard asks the auctioneer, Disco, if he heard about what they were given today.
Disco says that the special feature today is a giant. The guard tells him about Camie. Disco then
goes to the holding area, where two guards are manhandling Camie. Disco inspects Camie and
says that Peterman has outdone himself. Camie sticks her tongue out at him and Disco slaps her.
He is about to kick her when the guards tell him not to, as she will not sell as high if she is injured,
saying he should hit her where her clothes will hide it. Camie tearfully tells them that Hatchan will
show up and make them regret their actions. Disco then suddenly passes out. While the workers
are rushing to find a doctor, two slaves watch from their holding cell. The giant tells the other to
stop messing around, asking if he was responsible for the burst of "spirit". The man laughs and
tells the giant he is simply an old man in the coating business, who cannot ignore a pretty girl.
The chapter ends with the old man being introduced as the First Mate of the Roger Pirates, Silvers

At the Marine Headquarters, Garp receives news that the "Dark King", Silvers Rayleigh, is being
sold at the auction at the Saboady Archipelago. Garp decides to do nothing: if the marines go,
they will have to face two legends.

Meanwhile, down at the auction house, the monthly auction commences. Keimi is seen sitting on
a bench handcuffed and neckcuffed. The first slave is put up for auction. Eustass Kid and
Trafalgar Law both along with their crews are seen sitting in the auction.

At the same time, Duval is transporting Sanji to the house. Sanji looks down at the list of prices
for the classes of slaves and their prices. Keimi, who is a mermaid, costs around B70,000,000.
After Usopp interrogates another kidnapping team, the news is relayed to the rest of the Straw
Hat Pirates. The Hound Pets’ headquarters is located at Grove 1.

Approaching the house, Sanji panics because half an hour has passed since the auction started.
Luckily, Duval mentions that Keimi would be a spotlight "item" and would not be put up for sale
until the very end. When they arrive at the house, Franky, Nami, Chopper, Hatchan, and Pappug
are there, trying to convince the guards to give Keimi back. They refuse, of course, stating that
the Straw Hats' actions are obstructing their business. No matter what they try to do, they decide
that they will have to win Keimi by winning her legally, by purchasing her back.

As they enter the house, Eustass sees them. He is disappointed that Luffy is not there as he wants
to see how "big" of an idiot he is. A dancing girl named Pascia is put up. Sanji asks if they can bid
on her too only to be kicked by Chopper and elbowed by Nami.

Meanwhile Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Brook, and Usopp are heading towards the house.

At Grove 24, the daily newspaper comes out and all of the pirates are shocked by the news that
has just been announced. X Drake mentions that the marines are so short on hand, despite for
the fact that their headquarters are so close to the archipelago, and that now he know why;
Portgas D. Ace has been sentenced to a public execution. Drake mentions that Whitebeard will
retaliate for sure and that the Marines are asking for a war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

From the outside, the auction is going on for a dancing girl named Pascia who is sold for
B7,200,000. Meanwhile, a very frustrated Saint Charlos kicks his slave for being so slow, causing
him to miss "half of the fun". He decides to sell his slave because he is "useless". He reveals that
he would like to have a mermaid, despite for the fact that they are extremely difficult to catch. As
he enters, the next slave is up for auction.

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

An ex-pirate named Lacuba, who was feared as a devious tactician. Suddenly, his mouth fills with
blood and the crowd screams. The curtain is lowered and he is dragged backstage. Nami is
confused about what had just transpired. Sanji explains that he bit his tongue to kill himself
instead of living the life of a Celestial Dragon slave.

The Straw Hats waits patiently for Keimi, who will be on auction soon. Disco comes out and
announces that Keimi will be up next for sale. The Straw Hates are confident that they will win
with B200,000,000. Seeing them, Keimi begins to relax, confident that she will be saved by them.
Unfortunately, Charlos is very excited to see a mermaid and immediately bids B500,000,000 on
Keimi, much to the Straw Hats' disbelief. The entire auction house is stunned into silence since
no one could match that price. Saint Roswald ask his son why he needs one when he has a tank
full of piranhas. Charlos says that he simply wants her to race his piranhas. Keimi tries to scream
out to Hatchan, but her cries fall of deaf ears because her tank is sound proof. Hatchan gets
angry and says that if they cannot win with money, then he will get Keimi by force. Pappug warns
him that she has an exploding collar and requires the keys for them, if they are to save her. After
Disco regains his composure, he announces that Saint Charlos wins Keimi.

Eustass Kid decides to leave, mentioning the "screwed-up" world that he lives in. Suddenly, Luffy
makes a dramatic entrance into the auction house with Zoro by crashing into the wall on a flying
fish. Luffy immediately sees Keimi and runs to her tank. Hatchan intervenes and grabs Luff y.
Unfortunately, to restrain Luffy, Hatchan uses all six of his arms. This alarms the people, once
they realize that he is a fishman. They begin to spew about how "disgusting" and "creepy" he is.
Telling him to get away and naming him a sea monster. Realizing the truth, the Straw Hats witness
the discrimination of merfolk first-hand.

As Luffy runs down the aisle, the guards attempt to restrain him. Suddenly, two gunshots go off.
As he turns around, Charlos can be seen holding a gun while Hatchan is lying o n the ground
bleeding. Celebrating his "extermination" he begins to gloat his successful fishman capture for
free. The other auctioneers begin to give off a sigh of relief because now they will not get any
"diseases" from him. Luffy, in his fury, walks toward the saint. Hatchan tries to stop Luffy and
blames himself for what had happened. He mentions to Luffy the promise they made, to not
attack the Celestial Dragons even if a person is shot in front of them. He curses his fate and
regrets not being able to repay Nami for what he did back in Orange Town.

Charlos fires off another shot to silence Hatchan. As Luffy approaches Charlos, all of the people
in the auction watches him thinking he is crazy to stand up to a Celestial Dragon. Charlos tries to
shoot Luffy but he misses which Luffy punches him hard in the face, leaving a fist imprint on his

The Auction House is in shock by the punch, Luffy has knocked out a Celestial Dragon, Saint
Charlos and smashes him against several empty benches. Everyone, including Camie, Pappag
and Hatchan become shocked while Luffy act it like it was nothing, with only Kid and Law smiling
from his outrageous actions. Luffy immediately apologizes, knowing that an admiral from the
Marines would come due to his attack on the World Nobles, but Zoro admits that he was going to
attack the World Noble too while the rest of the crew has moved on to freeing Camie from her
bowl prison.

Unfortunately, the remaining Celestial Dragons, Saint Rosward and Saint Shalulia are horrified by
Luffy's action. Rosward draws a gun but Sanji kicks it out of his hand before taking out a guard
nearing him. More guards appear for their protection of the mermaid, but Zoro and Franky easily
take care of them. Luffy continues his defiance of the World Nobles, and Rosward is threatening

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

that he will send for an admiral. The remainder of the auction house soon clears out as Zoro slices
opens Camie's bowl, grateful for the rescue.

In amidst the growing chaos, the Rosy Life Riders arrive with more crew members while Disco
attempts to protect the slave he intends to sell. Rosward continues to threaten action against the
pirates until Usopp accidentally lands on his head, knocking him down. Robin and Brook assist in
fighting the guards. Luffy comments that the Marines are "coming", but Law corrects him by saying
they are "already here" surrounding the auction house though Luffy is more interested now in the
bear in his crew.

Angry with the way things were going, Shalulia seizes Camie from Disco, threatening to kill her.
But before anyone can do anything to stop her, she suddenly passes out as Silvers Rayleigh finally
emerges with his giant prison mate, speaking of the money he stole back that he previously lost
gambling. Everyone stares at his appearance, but Hatchan immediately identifies him as his
friend and the coating engineer. Realizing who is on the octopus man's side with the trouble
caused, he emits a mysterious energy that makes nearly everyone in the building faint, with the
exception of the Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates, and Straw Hat Pirates and their allies. Rayleigh
identifies Luffy by his straw hat immediately after his action, stating he had been wanting to meet

Word quickly spreads across the Archipelago about the assault of the Celestial Dragon at t he
Human Auctioning House. The other six Supernovas immediately make plans to escape the island
before the expected admiral arrives.

Meanwhile up in Mary Geoise, news of the Celestial Dragon incident arrives. Kizaru assures the
others that he will personally take care of them.

At the same time, Disco is calling Donquixote Doflamingo to help out since the Auction House is
owned by him. Doflamingo tells Disco that Slavery is old news and to never call him again. Disco
desperately tries to convince Doflamingo to help, but he refuses. He mentions that all of the
Shichibukai are all assembling at Mary Geoise to set up the battle to come, the Royal Shichibukai
and the Marines versus the Whitebeard Pirates.

Back at the Human Auction House, the Marines have prepared mortars to bring the pirates out.
Inside, Silvers Rayleigh is attempting to take off Camie's explosive collar. It begins to beep and it
looks like it is going to explode. Luckily, at the last second, he successfully detaches the collar,
seconds before it detonates. Franky comes out frustrated with the keys. He tosses the keys to
the slaves in the jail cell, telling them to leave before the nobles come back. The Straw Hat Pirates
wonder what Rayleigh did that caused the guards to faint. Hatchan says that he believes it is Haki.
Kid and Law are shocked to see the "Dark King" here but Rayleigh states that he is merely an old
coating engineer. He then thanks the Straw Hat Pirates for saving Hatchan.

Back outside, the Marines are threatening to use force to get the World Nobles back. They also
mention that an admiral is on his way. Kid tells Luffy and Law that he will go out and take care of
the Marines by himself, which Law and Luffy get upset at. Outside, Luffy, Law, and Kid confront
the Marines. The Marines fire off their mortars, but unfortunately countered by Luffy, Kidd, and
Law with their powers, Gomu Gomu no Fusen, Repel, and "Room" and "Shambles" respectively.
The Marines then realize how outgunned they are now that they realize that the pirate captain
are all Devil Fruit users.

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

After taking out most of the Marines outside the Human Auctioning House, Luffy says that Kid
and Law have the weirdest abilities there, to which Kid retaliates, saying that Luffy is just as weird
as them. The Marines become worried, one saying that they have to hold out until Kizaru arrives.
Law replies with that the three captains cannot wait that long and throws the severed head, which
is still alive. The Marine's head warns his fellow soldiers about Law's Room technique, although
it is already too late, with a Room already there, with about a dozen Marines in there.

Law uses Shambles on the Marines, and their body parts are switched around. Meanwhile, Luffy
goes into Gear Third mode, and uses his giant arm to knock out Marines. As the Marines prepare
to fire upon Luffy, their weapons are lifted into the air by Kid, who has created a monstrous arm
out of all the guns and metallic items nearby. The three captains being to wreak havoc with their
Devil Fruit powers.

The rest of the crews appear, all giving little comments, as well as Rayleigh. As the crews start to
escape, the Marines surround the building.

Kid tells Luffy it was a pleasure to meet him, but says that he will not be so merciful next time.
Then, to the surprise of both Law and Kid, Luffy says that he will find One Piece. At the moment,
Killer stops a Marine from killing Kid. Killer shouts at Kid for not paying attention but Kid ignore
it. Kid says to Luffy that he slaughtered anyone who laughed at his dream of finding One Piece.
He states that anyone who does not have that dream in the New World is as good as dead. Kid
tells Law and Luffy to meet him in the New World.

The crews prepare to leave. Kid walks, while Killer and Heat clears a path for him. An enraged
Marine tries to kill Law, but Bepo comes in and defeats the Marine, along with some others. Sanji
clears a path for Luffy, while the Rosy Life Riders prepare to take the Straw Hat Pirates away. The
Straw Hat Pirates start fighting the Marines, and soon escape.

Law releases the slave, previously a pirate captain, Jean Bart, and asks him to join the Heart
Pirates, which Bart does, willingly. Law states that half of Bart's thanks should go to Luffy, as he
was the one who caused the incident.

As the Kid Pirates head towards their ship, a beam goes through Kid, and what looks like
Bartholomew Kuma is standing on a hill. Kid asks in shock why there would be a Shichibukai on
this island, ending the chapter.

Outside the Human Auction House, the Heart Pirates begin to escape with Bepo beating Marines
easily, with agility. Jean Bart destroys the road and as he and Bepo run, Bepo makes sure that
Bart knows that since he is new, he is at a lower rank than Bepo.

Soon afterwards, Law spots Kid fighting what appears to be Bartholomew Kuma. A man is injured
on the floor and the Kid Pirates are fighting Kuma. He speaks Law's name and fires a heat attack
on Law. Jean Bart states that it is not surprising that a Shichibukai is at the Saboady Archipelago
as Kid prepares to fight Kuma.

At Grove 8, Duval beat up the leader of the Hound Pets, Peterman and drops off the Straw Hat
Pirates, Hatchan, Keimi and Rayleigh at Shakky’s Rip-off Bar.

Much to the entire Straw Hat Pirates' surprise, Rayleigh tells them that he was the vice -captain
and first mate of the Roger Pirates, under Gol D. Roger. He then tells the pirates the story of the
Roger Pirates, and reveals that they were never caught by the Marines, as many people thought,

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

but that Roger gave himself up to the Marines. Rayleigh also reveals that four years prior to
Roger's death, Roger discovered that he had a terrible illness that cannot be cured. Rayleigh
states that Crocus sailed with them, as a doctor, keeping an eye on Roger's health. Crocus is a
name the Straw Hat Pirates are familiar with as he is the person at the Twin Capes at the start of
the Grand Line. Brook is most familiar with Crocus, as he entrusted his pet whale, Laboon with
Crocus. Rayleigh says that Crocus only joined the Roger Pirates as he was looking for another
pirate crew, the Rumbar Pirates, Brook's crew. Even though Crocus only stayed on with the Roger
Pirates for three years, he still was considered a crewmate by Rayleigh.

Rayleigh starts to talk about Roger, how he was always happy and like flashy things like parties
or battles. But then, Roger ordered that the Roger Pirates was to be disbanded, which they did.
After one year of disbanding, Roger turned himself in, was taken to his hometown, Loguetown in
the East Blue, where he was executed. Rayleigh says that the last words spoken to him by Roger
himself was "I will not die, partner,". Then Rayleigh says that his execution was supposed to be a
warning to other pirates in the world, however, his death begun the Great Pirate Age. Rayleigh
says that the only people that can form the Pirate Age is actually the people living in it. He also
states that Shanks was in the plaza, as was Buggy. It turns out that Shanks had spoken to
Rayleigh about Luffy, and that Shanks and Buggy were once apprentices of the Roger Pirates.

At the Grove 27's harbor, a pirate says that a Marine battleship has arrived, possibly with an
admiral on board. Everyone starts to run as the Marine battleship begins to fire on the island. On
a cannonball, a man is flying on it. As the cannon reaches the island, it explodes and Kizaru lands
waiting further orders.

Rayleigh is congratulating Luffy and his crew on making it this far and saying that Shanks is
probably waiting for him in the New World. Rayleigh begins to think about coating Luffy's ship,
when Robin asks a question about the Will of the D..

Robin explains that she found a note in the Poneglyph of Shandora, saying "I have come here and
will lead this passage to the farthest ends of the world", signed by Gol D. Roger. She then asks if
Rayleigh knows what happened in the Void Century, which Rayleigh simply answers yes. Rayleigh
reveals he knows everything about the Void Century, as to what happened, but he tells Robin not
to be so hasty and take it one step at a time. He is reluctant to tell Robin about w hat the Roger
Pirates learned of the Void Century, but is willing to tell Robin if she wishes so. However, Robin
says no, and that she will continue on her journey with the Straw Hat Pirates and learn the truth
by herself.

Rayleigh then says that it was a shame that Ohara was wiped out and says that while Roger had
'the power to hear all things', the pirates could not match the intelligence of the likes of Clover.
Suddenly, Usopp asks if the One Piece treasure really is on the final island, Raftel but before
Rayleigh can even answer, an aggravated Luffy interrupts him, saying that they will not ask him
anything to do with One Piece, as everybody set out to the Grand Line to search for it. He says
that if Usopp asks any more questions, Luffy states that he will quit being a pirate, saying that he
will not go on a boring adventure.

Rayleigh soon asks if Luffy could handle it, the New World, where there are bound to be opponents
of great power to which Luffy replies with him being the future Pirate King. Shakky states that she
is becoming a big fan of Luffy. As Rayleigh begins to set out to coat the Thousand Sunny, Zoro
suggests that they split up because of the danger of an Admiral on the island. Rayleigh hands
them each a Vivre Card, saying that he is also a wanted man so he would take the ship somewhere
private. He says that it will take three days to coat it. Grateful for the vivre cards, the Straw Hat

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

Pirates begin to split up. As they leave, Franky says that he has great respect for one like Rayleigh
or the Roger Pirates as they all sailed upon the Oro Jackson.

AsKizaru arrives, pirates start to run away, except for one, who says that if he take out Kizaru, his
name would be world famous in less than one night. As this pirate shoots, the bullet goes straight
through Kizaru's head but he is fine, implying that he has some sort of Logia ability. Kizaru soon
asks the pirate if he has seen Sentomaru but the pirate screams and runs away. Kizaru, says it
was just a question, lifts his leg as if he is about to kick and in the distance, buildings begin to

Scratchmen Apoo is in awe of Kizaru's strength, but his men try to convince Apoo to leave. He
states that before running away, one have to make an opponent angry. In another location,
Marines shout that they need reinforcements as one reports that all of the Marines had either
turned to children or elderly people, which is Jewelry Bonney’s work. Somewhere else on the
island, Marines also surround Capone Bege, but Bege says that military might will not defeat him
as his military might is stronger. As Basil Hawkins faces Kizaru, he also prepares to fight Kizaru,
saying that he will not die today. Meanwhile, the Straw Hats are walking while a figure stops them.
Luffy then asks who is the one stopping them.

Inside Capone Bege, soldiers are rushing around, preparing cannons and equipment for battle.
Drawbridges are lowered for cavalry, and gunports are opened for cannons. Cannons fire at the
Marines surrounding Capone Bege, who are surprised at seeing people inside Bege's body. As
the tiny cannonballs pass a certain limit out of Bege's body, they expand to normal size and hit
the Marines. Cavalry then begin to pour out of Bege's stomach, who states that his military power
is greater than the Marines'.

Meanwhile, at Grove 27, everyone is scattering around, stating that both an admiral, and a
Shichibukai have arrived on the island. At Grove 24, Urouge has encountered a Pacifista, and
states that he is not going to be so lucky considering that he is so close to the Marine
Headquarters. Meanwhile, Basil Hawkins is being encouraged by his crew members to escape
from Admiral Kizaru, who is standing right in front of the Supernova. However, Hawkins merely
ignores the admiral and the warnings as he continues his fortune-telling. Kizaru asks Hawkins if
he has seen a man named Sentomaru, but Hawkins states that he knows no such person and
suggests asking another person. Kizaru states that he is bored, and when he get bored, he cannot
just leave a bounty like Hawkins' lying around, then asks him if he has ever been kicked at the
speed of light. Hawkins is suddenly kicked into a building by the admiral, while at Grove 27, a
pirate collapses without reason. Meanwhile, Kizaru fires a laser into the same building, creating
a massive explosion, while Scratchmen Apoo watches in amazement.

Again, at the harbor, another man collapses from an unknown injury, and Hawkins walks out of
the building's wreckage unharmed much to Kizaru's apparent surprise. Hawkins states that facing
and admiral with just ten "bodies" is unwise, as two straw voo doo dolls appear out of his body
and fall to the ground. Urouge then appears flying down the street and comments on the strength
of the Pacifista, then notices Kizaru close by and states how unfortunate he is, as he is trapped
by a Shichibukai and an admiral. Hawkins tells him that he does not see death on him, and Urouge
states that he is grateful for it, even if it is a joke. X Drake then appears and hits the Pacifista with
a four-headed axe, damaging it, and Kizaru refers to Drake as a former rear admiral. Drake states
that he never intended to run into Kizaru, but at that time, Urouge activates his ability and grows
in size to match the Pacifista. Scratchmen Apoo notices how interesting the situation has go tten,
while his crew members tell him to run.

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

Meanwhile, at Grove 12, the Straw Hat Pirates have encountered another Pacifista. Sanji warns
Luffy of a shockwave attack, but the Pacifista shoots a laser at Luffy instead, much to the crew's
surprise. Luffy dodges, but he and Chopper are fascinated by the beam. Luffy realizes that this
was the enemy who attacked his crew on Thriller Bark, and Franky fires a Coup de Vent at the
Pacifista, sending it flying. Luffy then activates Gear Second, saying he will go all out from the
start, and his crew mirrors him. Zoro notices that the atmosphere seems to be off, but is unable
to identify the cause.

At Grove 36, a large figure with a battleaxe is sitting on top of a building. He states that Kizaru is
late, and wonders why the admiral has not contacted him. He continues by saying that if they do
not hurry, they will all be wiped out.

Franky, Usopp and Brook evaded another blast from the man, all in awe of his attacks. They
argued over the possibility of the weapon being a beam, when the man discovered them and
fired. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji all rushed forward to the man, using a trio-combination "Mouton Jet
36 Pound Cannon", sending him flying into a nearby building. Nami and Chopper stared in awe at
their namaka's strength. However, Robin stated that since their opponent was a Shichibukai, and
he would not be as easy to eliminate. Zoro soon told Sanji and Luffy about his theory of Kuma
being a fake and that if it was true, it would be a problem as there were more of Kuma that were
as strong as the real person himself.

Urouge told Kuma that he was different from before and using his new muscly form, Urouge
punched Kuma using "Inga Zarashi". Urouge continued to land hits on Kuma, finally hurling him
into a wall. Hawkins pondered about Urouge's sudden change in strength when a beam of light
pierced Urouge's skin, coming from the Kuma Pacifista. X Drake recognized the laser as Kizaru’s
own signature move. Kizaru stepped in and asked X Drake what it was like on the "other side"
and invited him to try and fight. As X Drake prepared to battle the Pacifista, Kizaru told him not to
forget that he was still present. Suddenly, X Drake's hands turned into claws and gripped the
Pacifista's arm. Scratchmen Apoo got excited as he gets to see the "Ancient Zoan". A silhouetted
figure of what appeared to be a dinosaur biting the Pacifista's head is seen, forcing him to bleed.
The Pacifista reacted quickly, shooting a laser beam, going through the dinosaur's shoulder and
into a building. X Drake transformed back into his human form, saying that it was interesting that
the Pacifista had red blood. Urouge commented that he had just seen something odd, when
Kizaru reminded him that he was present. Kizaru kicked Urouge at the speed of light, sending
him through a number of buildings.

Hawkins walked up and slowly transformed into a type of scarecrow, calling it the "Devil-
Conquering Phase". Kizaru called the Supernovas "monsters" as Hawkins in his new form tried to
slash at Kizaru. The admiral disappeared, then reappeared in front of Hawkins, pointing two
fingers into Hawkins' eyes. Kizaru then shot a beam of light through his fingers, blinding Hawkins.
Kizaru stated that since that attack did not go through Hawkins, he was probably a Paramecia.
Kizaru congratulated Hawkins for making to Sabaody and prepared to kick him, when he is
interrupted by music. Apoo was seen using his chest and head as bongo drums, while using his
teeth as a keyboard. Apoo then used his arm as a recorder and told everyone listening to stay
tuned. The Pacifista and the other Supernova all recognized the Roar of the Sea, Scratchmen
Apoo. Kizaru's arm then got chopped off, possibly due to the soundwaves, surprising Kizaru. Apoo
then beat his chest again for a final time and Kizaru then exploded in flames.

Apoo joins the battle and manages to knock Kizaru down. Apoo uses this chance to make a quick
escape, but Kizaru quickly gets up and easily knocks out Apoo, Drake and Hawkins. Kizaru is then

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

seen talking to Sentomaru on a Baby Den Den Mushi who is telling Kizaru to quickly capture Luffy,
Law and Kid.

Back at Grove 12, where the Straw Hats are fighting the copy of Kuma, Zoro gets knocked out by
Kuma since his wounds from his previous battle with Kuma have not yet healed. Chopper
successfully manages to land a "Roseo Metel" attack on Kuma. Kuma quickly recovers and just
as Kuma is about to attack Chopper, Franky attacks with "Strong Hammer" and "Franky Boxing".
Kuma quickly retaliates and punches Franky but Robin saves Franky just before he hits the
ground with "Spider Net". Brook then attempts a "Swallow Bond En Avant" from the air but Kuma's
tough skin prevents any damage. Usopp barely manages to save Brook with "Atlas Suisei" just as
Kuma is about to fire a beam at him. Kuma then targets Nami with one of his beams but Robin
closes his mouth with "Ochenta Fleur: Cuatro Mano Shock" causing Kuma to fire the blast in his
own mouth giving Nami the chance to unleash a "Thunder Lance Tempo" on him. This does little
however, except for making the copy mad. He then goes "berserk" and Zoro tells Sanji to send
Kuma toward him. Sanji then attacks with "Diable Jambe, Flambage Shoot" kicking him to Zoro
who unleashes "Asura, Makyusen". Luffy then activates Gear Third and uses "Gigant Rifle" w ith
the chapter ending there.

The Straw Hats defeat the pacifista, but are exhausted. Usopp says that if it gets back up that
they are finished which prompts Chopper to comment that they should run while they still can.
Franky is confused how the pacifista looks similar to Bartholomew Kuma. He concludes that it
must have been a twin or a super look-alike. Sanji notes the PX-4 written on the pacifista's collar.
Luffy pants and is surprised that his crew had to go all out already. Suddenly, Sentomaru and
another pacifista appear before the Straw Hats. Sentomaru comments on the destroyed PX -4 and
says that he does not know how he will tell Dr. Vegapunk about this. He says the cost of building
one pacifista is the equivalent to that of a Marine battleship. The S traw Hats are all horrified by
the sight of another pacifista. Sanji comments that they do not have the strength left to fight
another one. Franky asks who they are, but Sentomaru replies that he will not tell the pirates
anything to the likes of them. He follows saying that he has the tightest mouth in the world.
Afterwards, he orders the PX-1 to fire. Sanji notices that the pacifista's beam is building up in its
hand instead of its mouth. Zoro is frustrated that they are in no condition to fight and how t hey
are driven into a corner without even confronting the Marines admiral yet. Luffy dodges the PX -
1's attack and tells the crew to split up into three teams. One team consists of Nami, Sanji, and
Franky. Another consists of Zoro, Usopp, and Brook and one final team consisting of Luffy, Robin,
and Chopper. Luffy tells everyone to meet back at the Sunny in three days. Sentomaru tells the
PX-1 to not let the Straw Hats leave Grove #12, but Usopp uses a super smoke star to get away.
The PX-1 goes after Nami’s group and destroys the bridge. Luffy notices that the PX-1 went after
Nami's group and wonders if they are okay. Suddenly, Sentomaru appears and tells Luffy that he
should be more worried about himself. Luffy tries to attack him with a Gomu Gomu no Gatling
attack, but instead gets pushed back himself. Chopper is surprised by the attack. Sentomaru
follows up with another attack making Luffy crash into a wall. He tells Luffy that for the record he
is not a Devil Fruit user. On the other side of the battle f ield, Luffy hears Usopp yelling for Zoro.
Zoro is on the ground gravely injured with a mysterious figure standing in front of him. Usopp tells
the man to get away. Brook comments that Zoro got hit by a beam of light. Sentomaru tells the
man who turns out to be Kizaru that he is late. Robin recognizes the name, but in shock. Robin
tells Usopp and Brook to look out because Kizaru is a Marine admiral. Kizaru tells Zoro that this
is the end for him and taunts him for being taken out with one shot, a man with a bounty of 120
million belly. Franky sees Kizaru charging up his leg beam and says that if he gets hit at that range
then he will certainly die. Luffy is horrified and yells that Zoro is going to die. Brook and Usopp try
to stop Kizaru, but all their attacks just go through him. Kizaru tells them that he ate a Logie-type
Devil Fruit called the Pika Pika no Mi and as a result he became a lightman. Robin tries to save

Summit War Sabaody Archipelago

Zoro by pulling him out of harms way with her Devil Fruit power. However, she does not get far as
Kizaru steps on Zoro thus making Robin unable to move him anymore. Just as Kizaru is about to
deliver the finishing blow, his attack gets intercepted by a kick from Rayleigh. Kizaru causally
comments on how the Dark King had finally decided to show himself. Rayleigh tells Kizaru to lay
off the youngsters as their era is only just beginning.

Kizaru is surprised to learn that Rayleigh has been living out his days in Sabaody. Rayleigh jokingly
replies that if the Marines could just tear up his wanted poster, then he could live out the rest of
his retirement in peace. Kizaru tells him that his sins as a pirate will never disappear, especially
since he was a member of the Roger Pirates. He also adds that the Marines would have to make
special preparations if they were to capture him right now, so he just tells him to stay out of his
way because the Celestial Dragons would lose face with the Marines if they failed to capture the
Straw Hats. While Kizaru is occupied with Rayleigh, Luffy tells Usopp and Brook to grab Zoro and
run and tells the rest of his crew that their main priority was to escape. Franky uses the last of his
cola to perform a coup de vent on the pacifista. The Straw Hats then make haste and Luffy thanks
the old man for his help and the latter replies that he is praying for their safety. Kizaru tries to use
his light logia form to catch up with the Straw Hats, but Rayleigh does not allow him to do so as
he stops him with his sword. Rayleigh comments that it has been a while since he had to use a
sword as Kizaru forms his own sword out of light. The two of them clash swords. Rayleigh
manages to cut Kizaru and make him bleed from his cheek. Kizaru is troubled by the turn of
events and Rayleigh replies that life always throws you curves. Sentomaru, watching off in the
distance, is surprised that someone was able to stop Kizaru. He notices Zoro being carried by
Usopp's group and orders PX-1 to go after them. The PX-1 catches up to them and Brook stays
behind and tries to stop it from catching the group. His efforts prove futile as he ends up receiving
a direct hit from the pacifista's energy beam. Sanji then appears and attacks the PX -1 from
behind. The PX-1 falls flat on its face, but rises back up again. Sanji comments that his leg is
reaching the breaking point and cannot perform any more attacks like that. Sentomaru goes after
Luffy and quickly gains the upper hand on him. Chopper is surprised that Sentomaru is able to
injure a rubber man like Luffy. The PX-1 defeats Sanji. Chopper turns into his monster point form
in an attempt to save his friends, but he loses control. Robin is surprised to see Chopper in this
form for the first time. Back at Zoro's group the real Bartholomew Kuma appears. Kuma is
surprised to see that Zoro is still alive and asks him about where he would like to take a trip. Zoro
is non-responsive. Kuma then makes Zoro disappear into thin air. Usopp cries out for his crew

The Straw Hat Pirates wonder where Zoro disappeared to, after Kuma touched him with his paw.
Chopper runs wild in Monster Point, trying to hurt Sentomaru. Rayleigh is still seen dueling Kizaru,
using swords while Nami reflects on Kuma’s ability, where it was first shown at Thriller Bark. She
remembers that Perona mysteriously vanished.

Luffy asks Sentomaru where Zoro could have gone, and Sentomaru says that anyone that gets
touched by Kuma's paws would fly for three days and three nights and the destination would only
be known by Kuma.

An outraged Sanji gets ready to battle Kuma, while PX-1 tries to attack Usopp from behind, using
a beam attack. Kuma then uses his Devil Fruit ability to send PX-1 away, enraging Sentomaru.
Luffy then orders the crew to run away as far as possible. As Sanji, Usopp and Brook try to escape,
Kuma descends on them, prepared to attack. Brook sacrifices himself and makes a corny joke
as he disappears. Sanji is filled with despair as he begins to lose his crewmates. He tells Usopp
to run and lands a kick on Kuma, only to be deflected into a pile of rubble. Usopp attempts to

Summit War Amazon Lily

hold Kuma back, only to be sent away as well. An enraged Sanji runs towards Kuma, but is also
sent away as well.

A despaired Luffy just watches in shock. Rayleigh is still seen dueling Kizaru, holding off the
Marine Admiral. Kuma then approaches Rayleigh and talks to him quietly. When Kizaru asks what
Kuma said to Rayleigh, Kuma simply replies with that he will not answer Kizaru's questions.

Luffy activates Second Gear but Kuma teleports to where Franky and Nami are. Franky tries to
attack Kuma by using "Strong Right", but has no effect. An enraged Luffy tries a "Jet Pistol", only
to be blocked by Kuma's paws. Kuma descends on Franky and also sends him away using his
Devil Fruit ability. Luffy slowly succumbs to defeat, as Nami is also sent away by Kuma.

With only Robin and a Monster Chopper left, Luffy desperately lunges at Kuma. However, Kuma
simply teleports again, to Robin and Chopper. Luffy starts begging Kuma to stop sending his
crewmates away but Kuma still sends Chopper away. Robin attempts to run, yet, she also ge ts
sent away by Kuma.

Luffy, filled with despair and rage, falls to the ground, angry and cries that he could not even save
a single friend. Kuma simply responds by saying that he will not be seeing Luffy again and
ultimately sends Luffy flying, where it was decided that the Straw Hats had been defeated.

Amazon Lily

n Sabaody Archipelago, Duval and his Rosy Life Riders guard the Thousand Sunny
waiting for the coating mechanic in Grove 41. Back at the Human Auctioning House on
Grove 1, Saint Shalulia displays great anger over the pirates who hurt her father and
brother and allowing the slaves to be freed as well as the incompetent Marines who were unable
to stop them. In grove 13, at Shakky’s Rip-off Bar, a worried Keimi stresses over the safety of
Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates despite the reassurance of Pappug and Hatchan.
Shakky then comments on how the age is beginning to move.

Meanwhile, Luffy is seen flying above the ocean cursing at Bartholomew Kuma and wondering
where his entire crew disappeared to. He then shouts out the names of his friends, surprisingly
in their order of recruitment starting with Zoro and ending with Brook. frustrated, he realizes that
if he falls into the ocean he will die. We see Luffy again sleeping with a snooze bubble coming
from his nose. As he lands onto an island, a bear paw crater is formed around him, causing him
to wake up in a jungle environment.

Dazed and confused a giant boar approaches him however Luffy does not realize its presence
yet. Luffy then remembers the Vivre Card he received from Silvers Rayleigh, happily realizing that
he will be able to join up with his friends if he uses it to go back to Rayleigh. Luffy begins to run
in the direction that the Vivre Card was pointing with the giant boar chasing him in hopes of eating
him. Due to Luffy's oblivious nature he does not realize the boar is chasing him nor does he see
the wall blocking his path because he is too focused on saving his friends and a flashback of
when Nami got teleported races through his mind. Luffy uses his Gear Third arm to smash the
obstacle out of his way and surprises the giant boar. Having used the last of his strength he
becomes very hungry and falls over and then finally realizes the boar standing there. We see
smoke rising from the tree tops as Luffy's belly has become large from eating the giant boar. He
spots a laughing shroom and decides to eat it and then immediately begins to howl with laughter.
Inevitably he notices more shrooms and eats a lot of them with his mood changing after each
one. Comically it shows the boar skeleton with "...." in its speech bubble even though it is dead.

Summit War Amazon Lily

Some time passes and we are introduced to 3 new characters, inhabitants of the island. As one
of them calls for Marguerite, we see a mushroom covered Luffy lying unconscious on the ground.
Luckily they noticed a half eaten mushroom nearby and they conclude that the mushroom he ate
caused this to happen and take immediate action to save Luffy's life. As the ladies remove the
mushrooms one by one, they notice the stubs are still intact so they decide to burn them off.
Waking up only to notice he was burning Luffy starts to jump and panics however he quickly falls
unconscious again. They then take Luffy to be washed in the river. During the wash however, they
notice one mushroom in between Luffy's legs was overlooked. Due to their naïveté towards
men as no men have been shown on the island yet they do not know that the mushroom they are
pulling is actually his genitals. As a group begins gathering to watch they comment on how flat
chested the "girl" was. An old lady introduced as Elder Nyon asks what the commotion is and
realizes that the girl they think they are washing is actually a man. Everyone is shocked and an
embarrassed and flustered Marguerite says that its her first time seeing a man. As the island
goes into an uproar we learn that the island Luffy has landed on is called Amazon Lily a female -
only tribe and that it is a place you should not set your foot on if you value your life!

The narrator explains that the name of this island country is Amazon Lily (it is the place Kuma
sent Luffy to), with the entire population being women. It is a place where men are forbidden, The
narrator further explains that when some venture out to sea to conceive offspring, they return to
bear their children, but oddly enough, they are always born female. It is then revealed that in a
large mountain with an arch-like monolith shaped like a heart, there is a large whole with a village
inside.The narrator then says that the village and country itself is built like a large fortress. The
narrator reveals that all the work and all of the manual labor is performed by the women, who are
born as warriors are strong and hearty, but also have an elegance and air about them. A man
driven to foolishness by greed has no place there. More than anything else, the women of this
country are strong and in this country, strength is beauty. If a man ever approached this country,
he would simply disappear.

Somewhere in the village, many of the women are gathering to see Luffy wake up (who is
completely naked). As Luffy wakes up and stretches, the women are shocked and astonished by
his physical appearance, as he doesn't have any breasts at all like them, has unkept hair, and
considered him to be weak due to being so thin. They also comment on how he was eating while
sleeping. Luffy, slightly drowsy after waking up, says that it's noisy, shocking the women even
more after hearing him speak. He then wonders where he is and what he was doing, but then
finally recounts what happened back at Saboady Archipelago and up until he ate the mushroom.
Luffy scratches his head, but immediately realizes that it's gone, and wonders where it is. He
realizes that Sweetpea has it, and uses his rubber powers to stretch to get it back. The women
are, again, astonished by seeing Luffy's arm stretch, and one of them writes into a notebook
concluding that all men are able to stretch their arms like Luffy. She then asks what the young
pirate's name is, which he reveals to be Luffy.

Luffy looks down below to realize that he's naked, which the women point out how he's so slow.
The girl with the notebook, then writes again concluding that men are dull and cover their heads
before their whole bodies. A curious Marguerite tells Luffy that before he gets dressed, she asks
what is the bag between his legs (referring to his scrotum and testicles). Luffy, puzzled by the
women's naivety as they should know about this certain stuff, calls them weird and says that
they're his balls. Marguerite is confused and asks what he means by "balls". Luffy asks if it's
obvious and claims that they're "balls made of gold" (he's using slang for testicles to point out
their importance to him). The women actually believe that they are literally made of gold, and one
says that they're gorgeous. Marguerite naively asks Luffy if he could take them out to show them,
but Luffy, horrified and shocked at their idea, refuses for obvious reasons and asks if they're trying

Summit War Amazon Lily

to kill him. Kikyo tries to finish Luffy off with some arrows, but he escapes by breaking through
the ceiling of his prison. He avoids getting recaptured by the Kuja Tribe and he takes Marguerite
with him so he can ask her some questions. The two of them escape into the jungle. Luffy gets
his vivre card back from her and learns more about the island and how the empress is a renowned
pirate. Meanwhile, Kikyo and the rest of the Kuja Tribe try to track Luffy down as fast as possible
because the snake princess had returned.

Out in the Amazon Lily jungle, Luffy has his clothes altered by Marguerite, whom he thanks before
running off to meet up with his crewmates. As he runs, he realizes he needs a boat to get back to
Sabaody Archipelago but is shocked to realize there are no boats on Amazon Lily, learning that
the island is in the Calm Belt and is surrounded by Sea Kings. Only the Pirate Empress herself
has a ship on the island. Marguerite explains that the reason why only the Pirate Empress can
leave the island and Calm Belt safely is because her boat is pulled by two giant venomous sea
snakes called Yuda, which even Sea Kings never dare attack, knowing how it will end for them.
Luffy opts to a raft but is quickly forced to abandon the idea due to his inability to design a good

As he lies down and talks to Marguerite, the amazon lady quickly gets up and aims for his head
with her arrow, intending to kill him but misses as he avoids her weapon. Several more arrows
are aimed at Luffy, who recalls their intense strength despite appearing to be ordinary, something
Marguerite notes to be natural when imbued with Haki. As more women arrive to attack Luffy,
one of them notes that it is imperative that they eliminate him as Boa Hancock has returned.

Out on the seas, a Marine ship anchors in order to meet with an amazon ship, having been
forbidden by the World Government treaties from getting too close. Having had to kill even a Sea
King, Vice-Admiral Momonga asks to meet Boa Hancock, Pirate Empress of the Shichibukai.
However, he is told by Hancock's pirate crew that she will not meet with him, forcing him to remind
her that she agreed to attend an assembly of the Shichibukai regarding the execution of Portgas
D. Ace, Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Upon hearing that her Shichibukai
status will be revoked if she does not heed the call, Hancock appears in person, stating that she
lied before but still doesn't want to lose her status, in addition to asking for all the cargo on the
marine's ship. Hearing this, the men on the ship try to hand over their possessions, before a
furious Momonga stops them, telling Hancock is in a week and Whitebeard is sure to make a
move in that time.

Told that the three marine admirals will be leading all the forces against Whitebeard, Hancock is
asked once again to either answer the call or have her Shichibukai status revoked. Hancock
reiterates that she does not want her status revoked but that she will not answer the call, instead
suggesting that all the marines be turned to stone. As the men recall fearful stories of the Kuja
pirates, Momonga berates her selfishness, but the amazons retort that no matter what Hancock
does, she will be forgiven because she is beautiful. As everyone nearby fawns over her, Hancock
aims a technique at the marine ship, transforming everyone upon it into stone statues. Upon
inspecting it, she notes Momonga to be the only survivor, having stabbed his hand in order to
eliminate his other feelings. As the amazons return to their island, Momonga tells Hancock that
he will wait for two days and if she does not return, the treaty will be voided, but Hancock shows
no concern over this.

As Hancock’s ship returns from sea, the gates are opened and the pirate empress is welcomed
back. The loot obtained is inventoried and sorted while Ran hand a newspaper to Elder Nyon upon
her request. In the palace, Hancock views a clay sculpture of herself and breaks it, considering it
ugly. Calling over Enishida, Hancock asks where the guards went, to which she explains that a

Summit War Amazon Lily

dangerous "monkey" was spotted and they went to eliminate it. As Hancock gets ready to relax,
Elder Nyon appears before her.

Knowing that the World Government sent a ship to call for her, Nyon asks that she heed their call.
Hancock attempts to play cute but Nyon insists that she go to keep the island safe, having lost
the Calm Belt as protection from the government and their only current defense being her status
as a Shichibukai. Telling her that the elderly and the children will die if the Kuja Pirates are
arrested Hancock writes off Nyon as scared, though she denies this. As orders that she be thrown
out are issued, Hancock refers to her as the former former empress who betrayed them and
throws her out of the palace personally.

The large bell on the island then rings, signaling that the time for Hancock's bath has begun. The
palace is evacuated and the streets fill with everyone from inside going inside as going inside is
not allowed. A young girl asks Ran why nobody is allowed inside when Hancock is taking a bath,
to which Ran explains that Hancock and her two sisters once defeated a gorgon but were cursed
as a result and so anyone who looked at their backs would be turned to stone. For everyone's
safety, the gorgon was beaten but Hancock took the curse for it, for which the young girl
compliments her

Meanwhile, the guards continue to pursue Luffy through the forest but the young pirate makes
his way out and up to the walls. Looking for a ship, Luffy decides to ask an important person for
one and, believing that important people would live in a large building, decides to enter the
palace. Landing on the roof, Luffy accidentally crashes through and lands in water. Initially
believing that he is drowning, he simply stands up upon noticing that it is shallow and realizes
that he is in a bathhouse. A completely naked Hancock, notices and realizes that it is a man.
Seeing Hancock from behind, Luffy acknowledges seeing something on her back, greatly angering

Marigold and Sandersonia rush into the palace, asking their sister Hancock what is going on. They
then notice Luffy and become confused as to why a man is on Amazon Lily. While Luffy attempts
to clear things up, Hancock tells her sisters that he saw her back, shocking them. Marigold and
Sandersonia then prepare to put Luffy to death, and Luffy asks why seeing Hancock's back was
such a large crime, although he vaguely remembers seeing the thing on her back before.

Hancock tells him that the thing on her and her sisters' backs must never be seen, and attempts
to kill a confused Luffy with a Mero Mero Mellow beam. However, Luffy mistakes the beam for a
Noro Noro Beam, when he and Hancock both realize that the attack has not done what either of
them expected. Hancock uses the move again, and Luffy braces himself for it, only to get the
same result. Luffy stares at the Gorgon Sisters in confusion, and they stare back at him in the
exact same way. Hancock and her sisters are at a loss as to why Luffy has not been turned to
stone, even though he saw Hancock in the bath. Marigold attributes t he anomaly to Luffy's fear
of death overpowering his lust, and Luffy, though still confused, runs away in fear, still trying to
look for someone important. He breaks through the palace wall and jumps out, much to Marigold
and Sandersonia's shock, but Hancock, intent on not letting Luffy escape, shoots him with Pistol
Kiss, sending him crashing to the ground. She then orders the still-shocked Kuja Pirates outside
to capture Luffy.

Later, Luffy has been tied up using snakes and placed in an arena before the G orgon Sisters and
the entire Kuja Pirates. Luffy wonders why there is not a single man in this country, and Hancock
asks him how and why he came to Amazon Lily. Luffy states that he doesn't know, which Hancock
immediately dismisses, and Luffy then attempts to clear things up by stating that all he wants is

Summit War Amazon Lily

a boat to leave the island. His blunt manner of addressing Hancock shocks the Kuja Pirates, and
Hancock sentences him to death. Suddenly, Marguerite speaks up, saying that she believed Luffy
was speaking the truth, and revealed that she originally brought him into the country, shocking
the other Kuja. Sweet Pea and Aphelandra back her up, stating that they thought Luffy was one
of their warriors at first due to him being covered in mushrooms, and share the blame for bringing
him into the country.

Hancock then descends into the arena, and tells Marguerite to lift her head up. She then uses
Mero Mero Mellow to turn Marguerite, Sweet Pea, and Aphelandra into stone. Luffy is confused
and shocked to see the three become stone, while the other Kuja mourn their comrades' fate.
Luffy angrily asks Hancock what she did to them, and Hancock orders Bacura to be brought out.
She then sentences Luffy to die fighting against Bacura, who has served as her executioner for
many years, and has not left even his victim's bones remaining. The snakes wrapped around Luffy
unbind him, and the Kuja cheer on Bacura.

As Luffy activates Gear Second, the audience is amazed by the steam coming out of his body, but
believe that he could never defeat Sandersonia and Marigold. However, as Sandersonia uses her
eight branches technique, Luffy dodges all of her attacks with relative ease, and she wonders at
how he is able to dodge all of her moves despite her using Haki and realizes he is able to dodge
them because he is too fast that she herself not able to keep up. Luffy, with his astonishing speed,
raps his arm around her neck and throws her to the ground, surprising everyone. Marigold
proceeds on swinging her weapon at him but he dodges and prepares to strike her and she
defends herself stating it won't work. Despite her claim, Luffy uses Jet Bazooka to destroy her
weapon and send her flying back. The whole crowd is shocked that Luffy is winning the fight and
Hancock becomes irritated at Luffy and asks her sisters what the two of them are doing. Her
sisters apologize and say they'll end things now.

Sandersonia uses her eight branches technique again while Marigold uses a technique that lights
her hair on fire while the crow marvels at them using their strongest techniques. Luffy bends
backwards as the sisters prepare to finish him and Luffy unleashes a Jet Gatling on them, once
again shocking the whole crowd that he easily defends himself from Sandersonia and Marigold's
strongest attacks. He kicks them in their stomachs, sending them crashing at each other and
Sandersonia's hair is lit on fire from Marigold's technique. Marigold apologizes and tries to push
herself away only to see their tails tied together while Luffy is doing the victory sign. Sandersonia
tries to put herself out and almost falls out of the ring and her clothes start to burn, causing
Hancock to worry and notices her back is exposed. Luffy jumps on her and the crowd thinks he is
trying to finish her off and he is just so cruel. As Sandersonia yells at him to get off, he tells her
not to move and so no one will see her back causing the shocked sisters to realize that he is
helping to protect their secret.

Hancock thinks back about her telling Luffy that what's on their back is something they would
rather die than let others see it. She then orders everyone to leave the arena, at which they does,
realizing that Luffy is in fact, helping Sandersonia and the arena becomes empty. Marigold is
amazed that a man would actually help them and Sandersonia asks Luffy why would he help them
as they are enemies. Luffy responses that the thing on their back has nothing to do with their
match while Nyon comments on Luffy's kindness and how Hancock and her sisters have been
saved by the man they just tried to kill. Hancock, after seeing Luffy's kind personality, starts to

Summit War Amazon Lily

At the arena, Sandersonia and Marigold apologize to Hancock for losing, but Hancock says it's
fine and Luffy looks over at Marguerite's body and is relieved to see she's fine. As Luffy is done
checking her, he looks up and asks Hancock if she's gonna fight him now, but Hancock says she
won't and is done with all the fighting and just wants to end things now. When Luffy asks her to
change the others back to normal and if she has the power to change them back, she confirms
she does, but says she will give Luffy two options: he can have a ship and be transported back to
Shabody or return the others back to normal and find himself another way to get off the island
himself and looks down on him with a smirk telling him to make a choice and thinks to herself to
make his choice and show his true nature. However, Luffy gets on his knees in gratitude and asks
her to turn them all back to normal, leaving Hancock speechless, prompting Nyon to comment on
how Luffy with his willpower to bow to someone without hesitation to save his benefactors.

Afterwards, Marguerite and her friends are turned back to normal as the others are happy that
they are all alright. When she asks what happened to Luffy they other Kuja's state he was invited
to the palace alone, shocking everyone. At the palace, Sonia expresses her gratitude to Luffy for
covering her back and apologizes for before and Luffy says it's alright since she said she's sorry
and Marigold states if anyone saw what was really on their back they'd have to leave the country.
While Luffy wonders what they mean, Hancock says he can come in behind the curtains and as
he does, he thinks it's food only to be disappointed and confused as to why Hancock is naked,
prompting Hancock to remark how his rudeness is astonishing, but forgets that and tells him to
look at what he saw on her back again and tell her where he saw it before. The mark on her back
is revealed as a hoof mark and as Luffy looks at it trying to remember it, Hancock tells him to
hurry as this is not something she likes showing to others. Luffy states he remembers it and says
he mistook it for the mark on Hatchis forehead from before. At that moment, Nyon comes in and
tells Hancock about how she should trust him despite her saying she shouldn't have come in and
is hesitant. However, Nyon reads from the newspaper and reveals of Luffy's assault on a World
Noble and how he sent him flying with a punch, leaving the sisters speechless. Nyon comments
at that moment it would be impossible to escape and yet Luffy ended up here causing Marigold
to asks who is he and Luffy retorts saying that is what he's been trying to tell them and has no
idea how he got their and also mentions he doesn't regret what he did to the noble. Hancock,
overwhelmed with what she heard from Luffy begins to tear up relieved their are still people that
will fight against those people and stand up for others, just like "him". When Luffy asks who she's
talking about, Hancock, knowing she can trust him, states she'll tell him everything and tells him
of her mark: the mark of the Celestial Dragons. She and her sisters were slaves.

When she was twelve, she and her sisters were kidnapped when they were on their ship as
beginner pirates and sold to the Celestial Dragons and when she saw the first man in her life he
painfully branded the mark on her back and caused her to hate men. Sonia starts screaming from
the painful memories and Luffy says that they don't have to talk about it if they don't want to.
Hancock and her sisters were slaves for four years and suffered the worst terrors ever until one
day, a fishman named Fisher Tiger climbed the Red Line and set all slaves free. And, though he
hated humans, he did not discriminate and set all kinds of slaves free and burnt Mary
Geoise down. While Hancock admitted she was afraid of the brutality he displayed, she stated
they owe him a debt they can never repay and Nyon states it's because Tiger has been long dead
and the remaining Sun Pirate members have scattered. Hancock says the fishmen slaves he
freed decided to join him and he marked their slave symbols with the sun mark and notes that
what Hatchi has on his forehead. When Luffy asks if Hatchi was a slave (since he has that very
mark), Sonia says that's not the case as the sun mark's true purpose was to make others unable
to tell slave from non-slaves. Hancock then reveals how she and her sisters were forcibly fed their
Devil Fruits and how she lies and acts the way she does because she believes they would bring
shame on their people and, crying uncontrollably, states she would rather lie to all of them then

Summit War Amazon Lily

let them know the shame they went through and want to protect their honor rather than shame
them, herself, and her sisters and how these memories are just so painful. Luffy can only watch
with a stern and angry look after discovering the Celestial Dragons cruelty towards Hancock.

Nyon starts mocking Hancock over how she's amused how she had thought the snake princess's
heart had turned as cold as ice from her experiences, but Hancock tells her to be quiet and
remember her place as an outcast, but Nyon retorts that she should be more grateful that if Nyon
hadn't been out at see, all three of them would have no where to go and Nyon would never have
found them if she wasn't away from her home. Hancock calls that just a old debt she's talking
about, angering Nyon stating she raised her and her sisters as if they were her own daughters
and Sonia and Marigold help calm her down. Hancock then turns away from Luffy and nervously
asks if he scorns her knowing of her past as a slave, but Luffy says the only ones he hates are
the World Nobles and not her. Hancock, while blushing, smiles, saying she likes Luffy, and offers
him use of her ship, making Luffy very happy.

After telling Luffy all about her past, Hancock agrees to give him a ride to Sabaody Archipelago
with her Yuda-towed ship. She also invites Luffy to their banquet tonight and to rest inside. As
Luffy parties, several Kuja's start poking him due to his rubber body and their interest in a man.
Several more girls are interested in Luffy and want to touch him and he runs away despite them
seemingly being attracted by his rubber body. He escapes with Marguerite to Elder Nyon’s house.

At her house Luffy discovers that Hancock is a Shichibukai and admits his surprise. Nyon states
she became Shichibukai when Hancock was eighteen, she became the empress of the Kuja and
quickly gained a notorious reputation despite her young age, catching the attention of the Marines
and even the World Government, who were frightened of her potential, as she had earned a large
bounty of 80 million after only one campaign. Hancock later opted to join the Shichibukai in order
to protect her fellow Kuja, by forming a treaty to protect their homeland from the government,
preventing them from entering there. Nyon then reads on the paper about the war between the
Whitebeard Pirates and the Marines and surprising Luffy further with Nyon commenting on his
lack of knowledge and then reads off the prisoner on death row, his brother Portgas D. Ace is
about to be taken to his execution. Luffy then is horrified by reading this as he listens that
Blackbeard was the one who put Ace in prison and cuts Nyon off revealing he's his bro ther,
shocking Nyon. Luffy asks if Ace really is going to be executed and Nyon says he will and wonders
when. She says it's in five days and it will take a week to get back to Shabody and Luffy says it
will be too late by the time he reunites with his crew. He asks for a faster way and Nyon tells him
that he's being held at Impel Down, the maximum security prison and decides to go rescue Ace
before reuniting with his crew. He says sorry to his comrades after deciding to rescue Ace at Impel
Down, and asks Elder Nyon how he can rescue Ace. She says that if Whitebeard wins the war, he
might be saved. Nyon, however, points out that Luffy's plan to rescue his older brother is reckless
as he is facing a full-fledged war, and since Ace is the most importnat prisoner there, and that
Whitebeard won't let his men be killed without a fight, the Marines are preparing for a real battle,
meaning that they're going to have both the admirals (Aokiji , Kizaru , and Akainu ) and the other
Shichibukai there as well. She claims that Luffy will be like a leaf whipped about by a storm, yet
Luffy refuses to leave behind his own brother, claiming that he'd never live with himself if he loses
Ace. Elder Nyon tells him that there's only one other way to make it to his brother in time, by
asking Hancock to accept the call of the Marines as a Marine battle ship can make it in time and
Luffy goes to ask her with Nyon.

As Luffy and Nyon arrive to ask her, one of her subjects arrives and reveals that Hancock has
contracted a fatal illness. Hancock has caught an unknown disease and feels in great pain for
some reason. As Nyon deduces her illness, she says she knows the illness and when Hancock

Summit War Amazon Lily

asks if she will die, Nyon says she will, much to Sonia's and Mary's anger telling her not to joke
and she says she isn't. She tells Hancock her illness is what killed her previous predecessors and
that Luffy is here to see her and surprisingly, Hancock says she'll see him, much to everyone's
shock that she stood up, especially Nyon who wonders if Luffy really was able to change Hancock
so much. On the balcony, Luffy sees her and asks if she's alright and she says no illness will get
to her. Luffy tells her about his brother and his desire to save her and begs her to take him to
Impel Down and answer the call to war. Sonia and Mary yell in anger claiming Luffy is using her
and forcing her to relive her horrors as a slave to go to such a place and that this is why they hate
men and refuse to let him use there sister like this. However, despite all this, Hanc ock, while
blushing heavily, says she will happily answer the call and go wherever Luffy wishes, to which
Luffy thanks her and now can make it to Ace on time. Her family is shocked by such a thing and
her sisters asks what is happening and Nyon says that her sickness is called "Love Sickness" and
that Hancock has fallen in love with Luffy and all the previous empresses died from being away
from their loved ones and goes on to say that "love is like a hurricane".

Hancock is confused with herself and she doesn't want to disappoint Luffy's request and she
herself just said she'd do it without thinking and doesn't feel bad about it and feels happy. Nyon
explains what she's feeling towards Luffy is love as all the previous empresses fell in love with a
man but due to their statuses as empresses had to stay on the island and the pain from not being
with their loved ones caused them to die from being away from their desired. However, Hancock
will survive if she goes with Luffy meaning she must leave the island.

Outside, Luffy says his goodbyes to the Kujas and promises to have his crew visit them someday
and as Hancock comes, she kicks away some animals and tells a Kuja to be more careful. When
Luffy sees her and wishes to hurry, she looks away blushing thinking she can't look at him in the
eyes and as someone tells him to call her Snake Princess, Hancock bashfully asks him to call her
Hancock, wowing the Kuja's by her smile and Luffy accidentally calls her "Hammock" and she
corrects him. Hancock leaves the country in the hands of her sisters and Luffy and Hancock set
off for the Impel Down. Hancock boards the Vice Admiral Momonga’s ship, hiding Luffy with her.
Hancock unfreezes the Marines that were frozen in stone and the begin the way to Headquarters.

A Marine brings news to Sengoku, telling him that Hancock was heading towards the
headquarters. Sengoku is apparently pleased, stating that Hancock was the sixth of the seven
Shichibukai. The seventh that is not willing to join the war against Whitebeard is Jinbe. Sengoku
had Jinbe sent down to Impel Down, to 'cool his head', as it appears that Jinbe had come and
caused a ruckus.

Another Marine enters, stating that Admiral Kizaru had captured 500 pirates from the Sabaody
Archipelago Incident. It is not known if any of these pirates belong to any of the Eleven
Supernovas. Sengoku says not to annoy him unless it is about Whitebeard and that is when
another Marine enters, saying that the Whitebeard Pirates were on the move. The Marine says
that they lost contact with the 23 ships guarding Whitebeard, all of them instantly vanishing, most
probably taken out by the Whitebeard Pirates. He also states that other pirate crews are on the
move in the New World. It is not known any of these are any major pirate crews. Sengoku tells
Marines to start guarding Impel Down, as Whitebeard tries to break Ace out.

Meanwhile, Monkey D. Garp is in Impel Down, going to visit Ace in prison. Garp asks Ace if he's
still alive. Unsurprisingly, Ace laughs and says 'old man'. This is when the Straw Hat Pirates start
ending up after Bartholomew Kuma sent the Straw Hats flying.

Summit War Amazon Lily

Nami ends up on Weatheria. Not much is known about Weatheria, except that this is where
weather is studied and is located in the Sky.

Franky ends up in the 'Future Kingdom', Baldimore. Franky is first attacked by a dog weapon,
mistaken for prey by citizens. Franky soon teaches them his Super Dance and soon discovers that
Baldimore is a Snow Country.

Sanji lands on Momoiro Island, also known as "The Second Isle of Women". He is seen writing on
a scrap piece of paper. He writes: "Dear Nami-San and Robin-Chan, are you to somewhere safe?
As for me, I am currently in Hell". As the letter is narrated, it shows Sanji running away from what
appears to be a group of women.

On the Boin Archipelago in the Grand Line, Usopp is saved from a giant beetle by an unknown
figure, who then reveals himself to be Heracles-sun. Usopp then notices a strange fruit and
examines it, but a man-eating plant attacks him, forcing Heracles to intervene once more.
Heracles then warns him to always keep his guard up if he wants to survive.

Elsewhere in the Grand Line, in the Land of Poverty, Harahettania (on Namakura Island), several
dozen priests believed they have summoned a demon, and are prepared to sell their so uls to it.
As the smoke clears, Brook is seen wondering where he has flown and wanting to find his
crewmates again. Noticing a female priest, he asks to see her panties, inciting the priests to bring
him some.

In the East Blue, Robin is being told about the construction of the giant bridge, Tequila Wolf. She
is told that the workers there are basically slaves, criminals and former citizens who defied the
World Government. When told that the island-spanning bridge has been under construction for
700 years, she questions the man and is put to work.

In the South Blue, Chopper is discovered by large birds whom he believes are monsters. Unable
to move, Chopper is rolled around by the birds and thrown off the side of their massive nest. Upon
landing, natives discover him and state they want to make him into "tanuki stew." Chopper states
that he is a reindeer, so one of the villagers decides to make reindeer stew instead.

On Kuraigana Island in the Grand Line, Perona is depressed over not having servants catering
over her on her "trip" given to her by Kuma. Suddenly, another person crashes down, whom
Perona recognizes as one of the Straw Hats: Zoro.

Meanwhile, on the way to Impel Down, Boa Hancock berates a soldier for bringing a meal under
100 kilograms. Back in her cabin, Hancock feeds Luffy his food, then lets him eat Sea King ham
along with Salome. Luffy, satisfied with the feast, exclaims that he is stuffed, making the soldiers
suspicious. Hancock, however, covers for Luffy and tells the soldiers that she ne eds that much
food five times a day.As time winds down to Ace’s execution, powerful soldiers begin to gather at
Marineford, such as Smoker, the Admirals, and many others. Marineford is on edge due to the
destruction of their ships tailing Whitebeard, while at the land of Mary Geoise, a meeting of the
remaining Shichibukai (minus Hancock and Jinbe) is taking place. Despite all of them gathering
in one place, the idea of them working together is "unthinkable."

In Ace's cell in Impel Down, Garp comments to Ace that war is inevitable even if Ace dies right
now, as they have already angered the "Ruler of the Seas".

Summit War Impel Down

Impel Down

his chapter opens with Garp talking with Ace. They talk how Garp wanted Ace and Luffy
to have become Marines like he had wanted. Ace then points out that they each have
blood of a global-scale criminal and they could never be Marines. However Ace also
mentions that he took his name "Portgas" from his mother that he says to have a great debt to,
and that he does not care about his "useless" father. He then says that is the reason he joined
Whitebeard and that he thinks of Whitebeard as his only father.

Then on the Marine ship that Luffy and Hancock are on, the Marines see Buggy the Clown’s ship,
and say that it is unimportant because they do not remember their flag. While on Buggy’s ship
Alvida talks with the crew and tells them that them sailing all the way there and buy an Eternal
Pose was useless because there ship cannot get past the Calm Belt and the only other way is
throw the Gates of Justice where only marines can get in. The crew agrees to abandon Buggy. It
then shows the many horrors of Impel Down. Such as a shadow of a beast with a club and horns
that kills several prisoners and takes away their bodies. Then the Marine ship that Hancock is on
arrives at Impel Down. Luffy looks out and sees that there are more ships here then when there
were during the Buster Call. Hancock then tells Luffy to hide under her robes. Later Hancock is
told that she will have to wear Seastone handcuffs and submit to a full body check this makes
Hancock worry because they would find Luffy.

Hancock (with Luffy hidden under her robes) and Vice-Admiral Momonga arrive at Impel Down
and are greeted by the Vice Chief of the prison, Hannyabal. Hannyabal apologizes f or being
ambitious (saying "my Impel Down"), and says that Chief Warden Magellan is on Level 4 and that
they will be guided there by Hannyabal and Domino. Domino says that since they do not have
much time, they will have to quickly conduct a full-body check. As they proceed, Domino explains
that when prisoners arrive, they are disinfected, sterilized, and then "baptized" in boiling water
before being imprisoned. She continues by stating that some of their recent arrivals, Crocodile,
Jinbe, and Ace, did not even bat an eyebrow during the process, which is very impressive.

Domino then leads Hancock to a private room to check her, and asks her to remove her mantle
for inspection. She offers Hancock some Seastone handcuffs, but Hancock quickly turns her and
the visual Den Den Mushi to stone with her Devil Fruit powers. Luffy emerges from beneath her
robes, and Hancock says that she is sorry that she was not able to take Luffy further into Impel

Luffy thanks her for getting him into the prison, but Hancock asks him not to cause a ruckus, as
he will be unable to escape if caught. Luffy promises her to do so, and then hides in the ceiling
until Domino is finished and leaves the room with Hancock. Outside, Hannyabal reports that the
visuals to the room are back, and Domino apologizes for taking too long with the inspection.
Hancock is disgusted to be handcuffed, but Hannyabal says that these are rules, and that there
is nothing to be ashamed of.

Hannyabal points her toward the lift to the lower levels, and Luffy successfully escapes the room
and continues. On the lift, Hannyabal says that they can proceed straight to Level 4, but that it
will be hot. He tells Hancock to be prepared, and says that while they are moving, she should
enjoy the screams of the prisoners on Levels 1 through 3. Hancock sees Luffy and prays for his
fortune, but mistakes his thank you as "I love you" and faints, much to the confusion of the jailers.
Luffy turns away and pulls out his Vivre Card to find out where Ace is. Seeing the card point ing
downward, Luffy heads out into the prison.

Summit War Impel Down

In another part of Impel Down, the Blue Gorillas have just returned from retrieving meat from Sea
Kings. In the monitor room, a jailer reports that they have found Buggy, who was last seen on
Level 1. Buggy, who heard the broadcast, punches a visual Den Den Mushi and runs, much to the
amusement of the other prisoners. Some Blugori run past trying catch Buggy.

At the same time, Luffy, following the Vivre Card, comes to a large door. He manages to sneak
past the door when some jailers open it to catch Buggy. Luffy arrives at Level 1: Crimson Hell, and
is asked by some prisoners if he is escaping. Luffy says he is from the outside, and asks where
Ace is being kept. The prisoners tell him that Ace is most likely being kept on Level 5, where
criminals with bounties over B100,000,000 are kept, and ask him to get the keys for them to

Luffy then notices someone running from the Blugori, and sees the man get sliced in half. Luffy
turns and runs, and notices that the man is Buggy, who is stunned to see Luffy in prison. Buggy
wonders if Luffy was caught, but Luffy says that he entered on his own accord. Buggy thinks that
Luffy came to save him, but immediately doubts that. Luffy tells him that he was trying to not
cause trouble, but they notice more Blugori ahead and Buggy says that they will be tortured if
caught.The two then turn and attack their pursuers, changing their plan to an uproar.

A Blugori swings his battle axe at Buggy, but since Buggy's Devil Fruit enables him to split his body
parts, the Blugori misses. The lower part of his body lifts the Blugori and throws the Blugori in the
air. Buggy uses Aerial Tailspin Big Circus to spin the Blugori when it hits the ground. But right after
the Blugori starts to stand back up, he then attempts to strike Buggy. Luffy then punches the
Bluegori causing it to be knocked out. Buggy becomes surprised when notices that Luffy did
defeat five Blue Gorillas. The other prisoners see how Luffy and Buggy defeated the Blue Go rillas
and ask for the door to be opened. Meanwhile, four guards discuss about there being a prisoner
that escaped seeing another shadow.

Buggy tells Luffy that he knows Ace but refuses to help him. He then changes his mind after
hearing that there are warships waiting outside and Luffy makes a deal with him. The deal is that
Buggy will help him get where Ace is in return for Luffy giving Buggy his armband. Buggy then
makes Luffy hold his feet and starts to lead him to Level 2. Luffy gets confused by Buggy showing
him to Level 2 instead of Level 5. Buggy explains to Luffy thebasic structure of Impel Down. There
are 5 levels within this prison, each on containing different categories of prisoners, depending on
the crimes they committed and how powerful they are. The farther down you go, the more
powerful the prisoners are. Buggy reveals that he was tortured in Level 4 a few times until he was
taken to Level 1, but that's as far as he has gotten, so Luffy is on his own after that. He then tells
him that there might be even another floor under the lowest floor, Level 5, which is where bigshots
like Ace would be. He explains that according to the rumors he heard, the criminals down there
have committed crimes so awful, they were completely erased from history. The re is a good
chance that Ace is down there.

Buggy blurts out that Luffy's armband is Captain John’s and it will lead to his treasure. He figures
that Luffy did not notice it, but he did and Buggy attempts to kill him. Luffy then hands over the
armband to Buggy, even though he knows that Buggy might run away. Buggy gratefully cries
because of Luffy, and plans to get away from him. He does not see what's behind him and runs
into a wall. Luffy thinks it is the quickest way and punches Buggy through the wall. They enter the
guard's room, and crash into another wall out to Impel Down Level 1: Crimson Hell.

In Impel Down Level 1: Crimson Hell, prisoners ask for help. Luffy and Buggy continue to fall, but
Buggy insists that he has a plan and they will not be cut. He commands Luffy to throw his feet on

Summit War Impel Down

the ground, his feet then start walking. They head for the escape route in Level 1. Buggy explains
that the escape route connects to Level 2, which is even worst than Level 1. Luffy then jumps
down the escape route. Buggy plans to run away again, an Blugori throws its battle axe at Buggy
making him fall into the escape route. Meanwhile in Level 2: Wild Beast Hell, the beasts become
wilder than usual. Mr. 3 sits in his prison cell not afraid of the beasts.

Level 2, the Beast Hell: A Basilisk is seen towering over Luffy and Buggy. Luffy and Buggy run for
their lives, while the Basilisk follows them. Buggy says to Luffy that he intended to ditch Luffy and
run for his life. He reveals that the Basilisk is a snake that born f rom a chicken and that Level 2
of Impel Down was filled with crazy monsters like the Basilisk. Luffy is surprised that a chicken
could have a kid like a Basilisk but Buggy replies with the fact that chickens normally do not,
that's why they are called monsters. He also says that one of the reasons they are being kept in
Impel Down is because if monsters were roaming in the outside world, they would kill people. The
Basilisk tries to bite Luffy, at which Luffy jumps, then prepares to fight the Basilisk head on.

Level 4, Chief Warden's office: Boa Hancock comments about the heat in Impel Down, saying it
was too hot. Domino points out that beyond the walls of the Chief Warden's office, was an inferno.
When Momonga asks where Magellan is, Domino replies with Magellan's schedule:

• Magellan spends 10 hours a day on the toilet.

• He sleeps for about 8 hours.
• Without counting meal breaks and breaks, he has about 4 hours a day to do his

Momonga wonders about Magellan's suitability in this job. Domino says that Magellan is a reliable
man when push comes to shove and has the powers of the Doku Doku no Mi.

Magellan walks out, a gigantic man (although not a giant) with horns and devil wings. He
introduces himself and comments about the toilet, saying it was a "vicious struggle". Magellan
also says that it is too bright, saying he wants to be in a closed off space, while wanting to close
his heart off to the world. Hannyabal introduces their visitors.

Magellan apologizes for being late, as he was relieving himself. Hannyabal suggests that it might
be all the poison that Magellan is eating. With this, Magellan says that he loves poison saying
"poison should be fought with poison". Hannyabal tells Magellan to hurry up and slip from his
seat, accidentally, when he was supposed to mean for Magellan to quickly take the visitors to see
"Fire Fist" Ace. Magellan says that he has been cursed with such subordinates.

He sighs and as he does, he lets out a breath of poison. Hannyabal is overcome for a short bit,
while Hancock, Domino and Momonga are wearing gas masks. Outraged, Hancock jumps on
Magellan's chest and looks up, saying that the air was foul with his poison. Magellan comments
about Hancock's beauty, saying that "she's a real looker!". Meanwhile, Hannyabal is sitting the
Chief Warden's seat, with Domino pointing that out. Momonga simply says they are in a hurry.

Hannyabal answers a Den Den Mushi, when Magellan uses his poison breath on him for
answering it. When Magellan answers, he gets the report of an intruder in Impel Down. Magellan
quickly orders visuals, while Hannyabal blames Magellan for the first ever intrusion in Impel
Down. Scared that Luffy had already been discovered, Hancock uses her beauty and infatuates
Magellan, who says that he will immediately take them down to Fire Fist Ace.

Summit War Impel Down

Monitor Room: Gaolers run around, while one confirms that "Straw Hat" Luffy was running around
with Buggy. Another gaoler states that they cannot establish contact with Level 2 Monitor Room.

Level 2, Monitor Room: The monitor room is seen smashed, with the unconscious Basilisk on top
of the remains. Buggy is shocked. It appears that Luffy has used Gear Third and defeated the
Basilisk, as he has shrunken and Buggy said that Luffy's hand grew big. Luffy urges them to go
down to Level 3 when suddenly, prisoners are cheering Luffy on, as the 'god of salvation'. They
ask to be freed, pointing to the keys. One prisoner recognizes Luffy. This prisoner is Mr. 3, after
he was caught by the Marines, he was sent to Impel Down. Buggy frees a number of prisoners,
who are cheering Buggy on. As they celebrate their release, Luffy grabs Buggy and asks for the
entrance to the next level. However, Buggy states that he lied, only wanting the arm band Luffy
had. He also reveals about starting a prisoner riot on Level 2 but as he turns around, all the
prisoners had returned to their cages, saying if the 'boss' of Level 2 was still around, they would
be better off in their cage. Buggy turns to Luffy and says that they are going down to Level 3, at
which Luffy argues with Buggy about his decision. At this point, Mr. 3 steps in, displaying his Devil
Fruit power, the Doru Doru no Mi. Luffy recognizes Mr. 3 as "san" (meaning 3 in Japanese) from
Little Garden.

Where Fire Fist Ace is being kept: A gigantic man is seen shouting, while in chains. The same
guard first seen in the first moments of Impel Down is seen beating this man with its mace then
going out. The man complains "I cannot even scratch where it itches", even though he had just
been beaten up. Ace is seen, saying that the old man got beaten up again. This old man is
introduced as "The Boss of the Sea", Jinbe who formerly held a B250,000,000 bounty. Jinbe
states that his heart is hurting, as he wants to deal justice and that he would gladly toss out his
Shichibukai status and give up his life, to end a fighting taking place.

Where Ace and Jinbe are Being Kept: Jinbe states that the World Government knows him as a
"pirate-hating pirate". However, he said to Portgas D. Ace, who is in the same cell, that the
Whitebeard Pirates are a different story. He reveals while Portgas D. Ace, the Fire Fist, Second
Division Commander was sailing the seas, Jinbe had visited Whitebeard's ship several times. Ace
is reminded of a time when Jinbe had nearly killed him in a fight.

Jinbe goes on to say that the only reason there is peace on Fishman Island is because of "good
ol' Whitebeard". As we know, most pirates have to pass through Fishman Island, which is in the
Red Line, to get to the New World. Jinbe states that since the beginning of the great Pirate Age,
humans in their hordes passed through Fishman Island, followed by the Marines, chasing after
them. When humans passed through, many fishmen and mermaids were kidnapped and when
the Fishmen were about to give up for ever, Whitebeard appeared.

Whitebeard is seen in a flashback, shouting that Fishman Island was now his territory. Jinbe
states that he will never forget that day. From that day forth, no finger was ever laid on a Fishman
again, due to Whitebeard's reputation. It is also assumed by Jinbe that more islands are being
protected by Whitebeard's name and that if Whitebeard was to die, then the sea would turn back
to the olden days. Jinbe says that he wants to get out of Impel Down to stop the fighting and free
Ace. He says that he is waiting for a miracle to happen, when he is interrupted by a laugh. This
person comments on the situation, saying it was "fine". He says that his blood was racing, as there
was a one-in-a-lifetime chance to kill Whitebeard. Jinbe recognizes him but Ace laughs, saying
asking if he was going to take Whitebeard's head.

The voice replies, not just him and the entire Level chorus in agreement. Prisoners shout
celebrate that Whitebeard could die, saying "time to put an end to the Age of Whitebeard" .

Summit War Impel Down

The voice tells Jinbe and Ace that there are lots of "silver medalists", people who choked back
their tears as they were beaten by Whitebeard or Roger.

Monitor Room: mages show up on a monitor's screen: a Basilisk knocked out, its unconscious
body flattening the Level 2 Monitor Room. A gaoler spots the perpetrators on a monitor, saying
that there THREE rather than the first assumption of two intruders.

Level 2, The Beast Hell: Luffy, Buggy and Mr. 3 are seen displaying their Devil Fruit powers against
monsters, battling puzzle scorpions and manticores. Buggy mistakes the manticores for the Boss
of Level 2 but Mr. 3 shoots down the idea, saying manticores were man eating lions with human
parts. A manticore speaks and says "Give us the Keys!", which surprises Luffy. Mr. 3 explains that
the human part of the manticores gave them speech and that they were repeating what the
prisoners were saying. As if on cue, the manticores shout out names of traditional Japanese
underwear. One manticore says "beef steak", at which point, Luffy turns around but is forced to
keep running, after being told not be distracted.

Mr. 3 is surprised that Luffy is trying to get in, rather that out to save Fire Fist Ace. Mr. 3 tries to
leave but is stopped by Luffy, who tells him where to go. Mr. 3 decides to help Luffy only to escape
on his own, remembering that the stairs from Level 1 lead down to level 3 also. Mr. 3 bumps into
what appears to be a dead end, only to be a Sphinx, a human faced, feathered lion. Being the
boss of Level 2, it chases the trio around, shouting random names of noodles. The Sphinx tries
to flatten the trio while the prisoners comment on the Sphinx, saying it's going wild. Luffy also
comments, saying that it is strong. However, Mr. 3 and Buggy formed the "Jailbre ak Gang" and
started Operation Use-Straw Hat-Luffy-As-Bait. To their horror, Luffy used Gomu Gomu no Bazooka
on its head, making it angrier. Buggy flies towards the ceiling, using his Bara Bara no Mi. The
Sphinx flattens Mr. 3 who crumbles, which turns out only to be a statue of him, due to his Doru
Doru no Mi powers. Mr. 3 continues to make wax figures of himself, which the Sphinx destroys all
of them, resembling a game of "whack-a-mole". The ground starts to shake and Level 3 Monitor
Room reports a great commotion on Level 2. Buggy and Mr. 3 run for the door to stairway when
the ground collapses, due to the Sphinx smashing the wax figures. The Sphinx, Luffy, Mr. 3 and
Buggy fall into Level 3.

Level 2, the Beast Hell: As the gaolers report the gigantic hole left by the Sphinx and Luffy, a
bunch of escaped prisoners secretly approach the gaolers and are armed. Shocked that the
prisoners of Level 2 are free (by Buggy), one requests back-up as the gaolers meet their fate.

Impel Down, Monitor Room: A gaoler rushes in, stating that Fleet Admiral Sengoku had discovered
the motive of Luffy's intrusion. They reveal that Ace and Luffy are brothers. A gaoler confirms this
as Luffy had been going through one Hell after the other. He orders the Blue Gorillas to Level 2
and requests Magellan’s assistance.

Grand Line, Marine Headquarters: Garp is seen sitting on a couch next to a person while Sengoku
calls Luffy a fool for entering Impel Down while the Whitebeard War is about to take place. He
lists events such as Enies Lobby and the Celestial Dragon incident. Then Sengoku reveals that a
man named Golden Lion, the "Flying Pirate" had escaped 20 years ago from Impel Down, being
the first in history to do so. Sengoku then goes on to curse the fact that the first person to break
into Impel Down since then was Garp's grandson, Luffy. He curses Kuma for lying to him, saying
that he did not believe a single word of Kuma's that the Straw Hat Pirates had been eliminated.
Sengoku states that if Garp wasn't the "Hero of the Marines" , he would make him take
responsibility of his family's actions. However, Garp continues to laugh and joke about the

Summit War Impel Down

Level 3: Luffy notices that the third floor of Impel Down was very hot and that the floor was similar
to a frying pan. Buggy curses Luffy for making come along to another Level of Hell, whilst Mr. 3
experiments with his Doru Doru powers. He produces an amount of wax which instantly melts. A
grilled bird comes down and lands on the floor, to Luffy's delight. Mr. explains that a hummingbird
may have traveled through the hole in Level 2 and got cooked on the way down. He also reveals
that everyone on Level 3 had a bounty of B50,000,000 or higher. Mr. 3 goes on to say that the
intense heat rising from Level 4 made it nearly impossible to grow food or water, forcing prisoners
to a near death state, earning the Level a nickname of the "Starvation Hell". The trio notices a
skeleton tied to a x-frame cross. Mr. 3 urges them to move forward while they have sweat in their
bodies. Through a mouthful of food, Luffy tells the other two to hurry to Level 4. At that point, the
trio start arguing over who said what. Whilst this is happening, a gaoler orders to raise a net. At
this point, the Sphinx gets caught up in a net, taking the trio with them. Luffy tries to bite through,
only to find that the net is as tough as steel. Buggy discovers that this was a Seastone net, while
a number of gaolers and Blue Gorillas had appeared beneath them. A short figure holding a Devil's
trident approaches them and introduces himself as Saldeath to the captured trio. Luffy responds
with the fact that Saldeath does not look like a monkey, due to a Japanese pun. Saldeath states
that resistance is futile as they were underwater and that they should be grateful that they were
captured by him, not someone else. He goes on and says that had they proceeded to Level 4, the
would have encountered the Four Jailer Beasts or Magellan. Suddenly, a gaoler notices that the
Sphinx had woken up and beings to fidget wildly inside the net. It then rips it open, shouting "soup
spaghetti". Luffy lands on the floor but is met by Blue Gorillas. He responds almost instantly, using
Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun, sending them flying. Luffy looks for Mr. 3 and Buggy and finds out
they had climbed up the rope and onto a beam. The two taunt Luffy, stating they had tricked him.
However, Luffy simply thanks them for their assistance. Saldeath orders gaolers not to let their
guard down as Luffy had a B300,000,000 bounty. Luffy continues to smash through Blue Gorillas
when the Sphinx raises its paw and smashes more gaolers by accident. Luffy flings a Blue Gorilla
at gaolers and escapes. Buggy and Mr. 3 rest on the gigantic beams. Soon, Mr. 3 and Buggy hears
someone singing. Mr. 3 soon recognizes the voice to his horror and finds Mr. 2 conducting his
cellmates into the Okama Way. Mr. 2 soon notices Mr. 3 and Buggy outside his cage and ponders
how they could be free inside Impel Down. Mr. 3 suggests they do not release Mr. 2 but Buggy
stares in wonder at Mr. 2, calling him a "strange creature".

The chapter opens with the Marines going into an absolute frenzy, since the high security prison
Impel Down has been successfully invaded by a lone pirate. The make it their number one priority
to capture the culprit. This where we are formally introduced to the chief of Impel Down "Sadi".
She mentions that the lower half Impel Down to be a hellish labyrinth that a man with no real idea
of where the were going will only end being collateral damage. Before ordering to simply fortify
the surroundings, effectively sealing out the outside world. Behind Sadi-chan was a Koala
apparently sent by her to hunt down Luffy.

Meanwhile, Hannyabal and Magellan escort Boa Hancock to where Ace is, before introducing her
thus, "Both powerful and sublime! The world's most beautiful woman!! The Pirate Empress Boa
Hancock herself! Whoo! Whoo!" Jinbe and Ace seem shocked while the other prisoners there with
him begin to riot, excited simply by her presence and beginning to speak excitedly about Amazon
Lily. Ace starts with the question "What do you want with me?" while Jinbe is disgusted with her
for lending a hand to the World Government. All the while the prisoners continue to riot, which
she aggravates further by giving a cute face and saying "I shall be afraid." Magellan then puts it
down by using his poison Hydra, urging to finish her business quickly with Ace. She then quickly
turns around and says that she is already finished with him. Ace is shocked and asks her is she
is serious, but Hancock simply replies with, "I see no reason why I should lie". Magellan and
Hannyabal stand around puzzled by the conversation wondering if the other heard it. Jinbe also

Summit War Impel Down

asks him this question, to which Ace replies with a deeply troubled face, "My brother..! She said
he was here." Jinbe is also shocked and mentions that is deeply reckless of him to do.

In the Starvation Hell, Luffy wonders around deeply lost to where he is, while the Marines suddenly
attack. Luffy gets in trouble with the lion creature before seeing Zoro, much to his delight. Zoro,
meanwhile says, "Not quite." It turns out to be Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, much to Luffy's further delight and
disappointment. Together they defeat the creature and celebrate in meeting each other again.
Where he mentions that he escaped death my stealing an appearance of someone else, and tells
him he would like to meet someone in Level 5 and that they should go together.

In Impel Down, guards have successfully identified three prisoners aiding Luffy: Buggy, Mr. 3, and
Mr. 2. Mr. 2 and Luffy have defeated many Blue Gorillas and are heading for Level 4. Buggy and
Mr. 3 are creating a riot on Level 2, and some prisoners listening in to the situation say that the
incident is taking an edge off of the boredom, though they are just going to be caught in the end.
On Level 4, Magellan is surprised to hear about the situation, and wonders what Saldeath is
doing. However, since the Blugori were ineffective against Luffy and Mr. 2, they were reassigned
to Level 2, which Magellan was not informed of because he was so preoccupied with Hancock.
Sadi appears and tells Magellan that Minotaurus is on Level Three. Magellan leaves Level 2 to
Saldeath and tells everyone else to assemble on Level 4. Magellan continues by saying that if
Luffy and Mr. 2 manage to escape the Minotaurus, then he will deal with them on Level 4.

On Level 3, Luffy and Mr. 2 encounter the Jailer Beast, Minotaurus. Luffy wonders if it has an
ability, but the Jailer Beast appears from nowhere and hits Mr. 2 with a spiked mace . Luffy is
surprised, and barely manages to dodge the monster's next attack, only to be hit and sent flying
back as well. Mr. 2 knocks the Minotaurus away, but is trapped and choked. Luffy enters Gear
Second and hits the Minotaurus with a Jet Bazooka, sending it flying up the stairs. Luffy asks Mr.
2 if he is alright, but he is just worried about his ruined makeup. Luffy wants to continue, and Mr.
2 tells him that the way to Level 4 is by climbing the wall and down to Level 4, the Blazing Hell.
Mr. 2 then states that he wants to keep going in order to find someone in Level 5, but Buggy and
Mr. 3 suddenly reappear with the Minotaurus following close behind. Buggy, seeing no other
option, decides to use a Muggy Ball, a condensed version of his extremely powerf ul Buggy Ball.
The Minotaurus withstands the attack, but Mr. 2 strikes from above, leaving the Minotaurus
vulnerable to Luffy's wax-coated Gomu Gomu no Rifle. However, the impact causes the floor to
collapse, sending the entire group to Level 4.

At the back passage of Impel Down, Boa Hancock is questioning Vice-Admiral Momonga on the
time of Ace’s execution. Momonga states that it will take place in 29 hours, and that the convoy
to pick him up will come tomorrow. He also states that this is on the 1/1000 chance that nothing
will happen in that time. On board the Marine ship, a Marine informs Momonga of a recent dispute
between Red-Haired Shanks and another of the Yonko, Kaido. It is said that Kaido was looking to
intercept Whitebeard, but Shanks interfered. Momonga is frustrated that there is nothing they
can do about it, and states that there is virtually no chance of avoiding the fight with Whitebeard.
His ship then departs for Marineford.

Inside the well tower of Impel Down's Level 3, Buggy and Mr. 3 are arguing with Luffy, telling him
to escape and not go any further into the prison. As Mr. 2 tells Luffy to ignore them, they notice
the ceiling getting higher, only to then realize they are falling into Level 4. As they fall, they argue
over whose hit destroyed the floor, then panic at being baked by the severe heat.

At Level 4's pond of blood, a few prisoners who cannot stand the intense heat attempt to escape,
only to be headbutted into the boiling cauldron by Daz Bones. Other prisoners notice the presence

Summit War Impel Down

of Hannyabal, Magellan, and many guards and speculate on what is occurring to warrant these
measures. Magellan and his troops assume that Luffy and his allies have fallen into the pool of
blood, but are told that he was shielded by rubble that had fallen with him. It is also shown that
the Minotaurus has been defeated as well.Magellan then tells Sadi-chan to guard the entrance
to Level 5 with the Jailer Beasts, and Hannyabal to guard the entrance to Level 3 with his troops.

Luffy and his allies are meanwhile making their way across a bridge on Level 4, as all of them
complain about the heat. Suddenly, Luffy runs off in a random direction, having smelled food. The
others follow, as they too are starved, but Luffy runs into a pack of guards. Luffy defe ats them
and proceeds, but Buggy and Mr. 3 hide from the other troops. Mr. 3 comments on the power of
Impel Down's guards, stating that it is all over if Magellan comes. At this moment, Magellan drops
out of nowhere in front of Luffy and prepares to fight.

On Level Four, many of the guards flee, not wanting to get caught up in Magellan's poison. Luffy
laments at being so close to Ace, as Bon Kurei tries to discourage him from fighting. He tells Luffy
to run, but he stands his ground and prepares to fight. Magellan informs the pair that all the exits
are blocked and activates his Devil Fruit, the Doku Doku no Mi. He attacks Luffy, who manages
to evade, as well as several other guards who could not escape in time. Luffy escapes onto a
wooden rafter, but is hit by the heat of the level, and barely manages to dodge Magellan's Hydra.
The warden hits Luffy with a Chloro ball of tear gas, blinding him, then transports himself to Luffy's
position with Venom Road. Luffy is forced backward by the fierce onslaught, as Mr. 2 runs away,
believing the fight impossible. In the meantime, Buggy and Mr. 3 prepare to escape onto the next
level, while Luffy enters Gear Second. Sacrificing his arms, Luffy hits Magellan with a Gomu Gomu
no Jet Bazooka, proving his determination to save Ace.

Outside of the entrance to level three, Hannyabal stands above a defeated Buggy and Mr. 3,
saying that he would have let them pass in order to blame Magellan if they had not attacked him
dead-on. On a bridge on level four, Mr. 2 fights his way through the guards, apologizing to Luffy
for leaving him with Magellan. Magellan berates Luffy for thinking that his attack would have any
effect on him while commenting on the pain Luffy is in from the poison. Despite his torment, Luffy
attacks again, but his attack has little effect. Magellan attacks with his Hydra, but Luffy dodges
and tries again, only to be repelled once more. Using a cloud of poison, Magellan disables Luffy's
senses and nervous system.

On level six, Ace asks about the situation upstairs, but is rejected. Luffy attempts to hit Magellan,
but the poison prevents him from hitting the warden. Magellan comments on his mental strength,
then defeats him with a final attack and orders the guards to take him to level five for temporary
storage, seeing as Luffy is going to die in 24 hours, unable to save Ace.

On level five, the prisoners notice Luffy's unconscious arrival and ask about his bounty. Seeing
his condition, they say that he has received the poison treatment and say that he is done for.

Back at the entrance to level three, Magellan finds Hannyabal and his troops defeated. Hannyabal
claims to have been defeated by Mr. 2, prompting Magellan to take care of business elsewhere.
Hannyabal tells his troops to leave, then moves into the interrogation room with Buggy and Mr. 3.
Here, Mr. 2 shows his true face, as he had been posing as the vice-warden to fool Magellan. He
states that he is returning to save Luffy, to which Buggy tells him it is pointless. Mr. 2 yells that
they are friends, stating that they need no further reason.

Hannyabal (Bentham in disguise) is in the medical room, asking about Luffy’s condition. The
doctor tells him it is impossible to create an antidote to counteract multiple poisons from

Summit War Impel Down

Magellan at once. There is no way to save him. Outside, Galdino tells him that miracles like
fighting Magellan and living to tell about it do not happen. That gives Bentham an idea. He has to
find Iva, the miracle worker. Bentham determines Iva is the only one who can help. Buggy and
Galdino are confused as to who he is talking about. Outside the door to the Level 4 staircase,
"Hannyabal" tells the guards he is transferring the prisoners (Buggy and Galdino) to Level 5. While
going down the stairs, Bentham is looking at the list of prisoners on Level 5, he sees the name
"Emporio Ivankov" crossed out, and wonders if that means he was released or executed. He asks
a guard and the guard explains that prisoners with their names crossed out were victims of the
"demoning away", an unexplained phenomena where prisoners would suddenly go missing
without explanation. When they reach the door, the guard tells Bentham he will be taking his
things. It turns out that Hannyabal likes to make the point of going into Level 5 wearing next to
nothing and with no weapons to demonstrate his toughness. The guard also says it would be
laughable to have the prisoners to wear coats too. It is also revealed that the Den Den Mushi on
Level 5 do not work because of the extreme cold.

The three of them are then surrounded by four wolves from the Wolf Unit. The reason the wolves
aren't allowed on Level 2 is because when they were, they began eating the other wild beasts.
Bentham prepares to face off against them as Buggy and Galdino run away so fast they break out
of their shackles. Inside a tower cell on Level 5, prisoners are sitting around the writhing Luffy.
One of them asks if they were put in charge of determining his time of death. Luffy struggles to
get up, and then rams his head into the bars, trying to break them. The prisoners try to tell him
his death is inevitable, but he will not listen. Luffy says he has to save Ace, which the prisoners
think is crazy, since Luffy himself is beyond saving, and that prisoners should only look out for
themselves. They look out and see a half-naked figure standing in the cold. A blood-soaked
Bentham calls out to Luffy, apologizing for abandoning him. He opens the door and drags Luffy
away. One of the prisoners picks up the keys he left behind, and says he never thought about
running away before. Bentham asks them about Ivankov. They tell him they have no idea where
"he" went. a prisoner in another cell points to a forest, saying there is an unused gaoler's office
on the other side. He has seen someone come and go from that room from time to time. As
Bentham walks away, another prisoner tells the one who gave Bentham the directions that the
forest is the wolves' den. The man jokingly acted as if he forgot. Bentham is pulling Luffy in the
sled, and tells himself he has to keep going for Luffy's sake, even if there is only the slimmest
chance Iva could save him. As he is walking, wolves appear behind him. The wolves attack, and
Bentham is able to fight them off until one of them bites him in the leg. The wolves then jump on
him. Then, Luffy somehow manages to get up and bite one of the wolves. He yells for the wolves
to get back, causing them all to pass out, much like what happened on Amazon Lily. Bentham
can only stare in awe at Luffy. The chapter ends with a mysterious figure, dressed in bla ck and
white with a lightning bolt scar and holding a glass of wine standing over the two unconscious

Level 4, Inferno Hell: Surprisingly, Nami appears in this chapter, as a prisoner. Hannyabal
succumbs Nami's charms and enters the Weapons Room. Suddenly, Nami turns into Mr. 2 and
ties Hannyabal up, leaving him wondering what is going to happen.

Level 4, Magellan's Office: Magellan is seen shouting "Too Much Poison!", while having a diarrhea

Level 2, Wild Beast Hell: Blue Gorillas are seen patrolling the prison cells. Saldeath reported that
every prisoner in the riot had been returned to their cells, however, many keys were missing from
the original keyring.

Summit War Impel Down

Level 3, Starvation Hell: Sadi is seen holding a mugshot of Mr. 2 and orders a number of human
gaolers and 3 of the 4 Jailer Beasts to search for Mr. 2.

Unknown Location: However, as time passes, Mr. 2 wakes up to a room where there are a number
of people drinking beer and eating gourmet food. They all are in clothes and all are partying. Two
women state that he still is in Impel Down. The person who found Luffy and Mr. 2 reveals herself
as Inazuma. She confirms that Mr. 2 had been asleep for 10 hours and soon after that, Mr. 2
bombards her with questions when suddenly, the lights go out and a person is seen taking the
stage and calls out Mr. 2's name, to his surprise. This person confirms that to get to the "Prisoner's
Paradise", you must go through "the road that cannot exist". He labels the highlights of this place
and abolishes the "myth" of prisoners being "demoned away".

Level 5.5 New Kama Land, the Prisoner's Paradise: Emporio Ivankov takes the stage and is seen
performing with a number of men behind him in fishnet stockings. Iva welcomes Mr. 2 to his New
Kama Land. Mr. 2 calls out Iva-chan, where other prisoners mutter that saying that is rude.
However, Iva does not mind, saying "You could call me crap!" but then shouts that he does not
want to be called crap. Bellett shouts "Emporio Ivankov!", then goes on and tells a story of his
family, where his Father, a Royal King, traveled to Kamabakka Kingdom, where Iva had been once
Queen.[1] The man goes on to say that his father came back as an Okama and that he became
a pirate. He said to Iva, that before he rots in Impel Down, he would kill Iva first. Iva instantly tells
him to drop the massive gun he is holding, that it could potentially kill him. However, Iva suddenly
shouts "I will not die!" and a relieved audience just sighs in relief. Despite this, the man fires a
cannonball at Iva. Then, Iva does something extraordinary. Iva looks at the cannonball, says
"Death Wink", winks, and repels the cannonball. This ultimately leads to the man himself being
hurt by his own cannonball, exploding in smoke but not dying. Iva appears in front of the man and
shouts "Emporio: Female Hormones!".[2] The man starts transforming and during that, Iva says
"Two mothers and a daughter! Get along!" and ultimately turns him into a her. Bellett, now a girl,
runs out in complete embarrassment. Iva simply shouts that they were here in New Kama Land,
to transcend gender, to create a new race. Suddenly, Mr. 2 bows and asks for Iva to heal Luffy,
as Iva had been nicknamed the "Miracle Worker". It is then revealed that Luffy had asked Iva to
heal Mr. 2, rather than to heal himself. However, Iva decided to heal Luffy as well and Luffy had
been screaming for 10 hours straight.

Level 5.5, New Kama Land: Ivankov begins this chapter by saying that he will take 10 years off of
Luffy's lifespan in order to save him. However, Ivankov states that this will not definitely save him,
but raise his chance of survival from 0% to 2-3%. He also states that Luffy needs to have great
willpower in order to save himself and then injects Luffy with "Emporio: Healing Hormones". Thus,
Luffy began screaming and would do so for 10 hours.

Mr. 2 Bon Kurei is astounded at what Ivankov did. Ivankov explains that all he did was draw out
energy from Luffy and bolstered his immune system, to a point where it was capable of fighting
Magellan’s poison. He also says that hormones and willpower are what a human needs to get
saved. However, Mr. 2 looks in and to his horror, Luffy was still screaming. He begs Ivankov for
Luffy to be released, only to be knocked back.

Ivankov shouts at Mr. 2, saying that he has never helped a poor man relying on others but saved
countless countries from poverty. Ivankov states he is no "miracle worker" but that real miracles
descend only on those with willpower. Ivankov then explains his Devil Fruit ability, the Horu Horu
no Mi. He says he is an "engineer" of the human body, where his ability allows the change of body
temperature, pigmentation, gender, growth, emotional state, etc.; simply the power to remodel
the human body from within.

Summit War Impel Down

Ivankov then starts talking to Mr. 2 and tells him that he already seems like a "Newkama". Ivankov
says that those around him had truly transcended gender, that men here were woman and vice
versa. He then says that every person here and accidentally wandered in, by using secret
entrances from any Level from 1-5. He states that they had their own monitor room and that they
stole newspapers to keep up with the outside world. Ivankov also adds that they enjoyed watching
Luffy's break in to Impel Down, saying that it was "top class entertainment".

Mr. 2 then asks about how this place was created as they have so much space. Ivankov simply
replies with that there was nothing. But then a man with a Devil Fruit that gave him a "tunneling"
ability. He then reveals that he dug Level 5.5 out and that it was in between Level 5 and Level 6.
To Mr. 2's surprise, Level 6 exists, where Ivankov states only the world's most atrocious criminals
are and that they had been deemed fit to be erased from history.

Ivankov then goes on about Luffy's attempt, that if he tried his attempt earlier, it would have failed
as there was a man named "Shiliew of the Rain", who was the head gaoler at Impel Down. Shiliew
was known to be stronger or at least equal to Magellan. With Magellan and Shiliew, the "Stars" of
Impel Down, it was truly impenetrable.

Magellan and Shiliew: Shiliew is seen standing holding a blood-covered sword with a number of
prisoners surrounding him. Magellan stands up for the prisoners, with Shiliew replying with that
the prisoners were trash. Nothing more is revealed but it is assumed that Magellan took on
Shiliew, defeated him, and eventually imprisoned him in Level 6.

Level 5.5, New Kama Land: It was revealed that Shiliew went on a rampage slaughtering prisoners
randomly and was deemed fit for Level 6. Ivankov goes on and names three other Level 6
prisoners: Catarina Devon, the most dangerous female prisoner, "Colossal Battleship" Sanjuan
Wolf and "Heavy Drinker" Vasco Shot. Ivankov says that Mr. 2's former Boss, the former
Shichibukai is also imprisoned there. Ace was also being held there and the "Knight of the Sea",
Jinbe was being held in Level 6 as well. Ivankov also reveals Ace's execution time, 1500 hours
and that he will be moved in the morning, transferred to the Marines and moved to Marineford.

Ivankov also suggests that Luffy has to stay in that condition for another two more days even
though Ace is to be moved in eight hours (0000 hours at the time). A glum Mr. 2 is told to rest
and eat himself, but he shouts that he would go and sleep in Luffy's room. Later, Ivankov and the
other New Kamas watch Mr. 2 shouting at Luffy's room, telling him to hang on, and to make it out

Level 3: Sadi is seen whipping the Four Jailer Beasts, saying that could not even find an okama.

Level 5.5 New Kama Land: Mr. 2 is seen again, shouting words or encouragement but this time
joined by others, shouting Luffy on.

Chief Magellan's Office, 3 Hours Later: A Gaoler reports that someone had finished completely
vanished from Level 5, most presumably Mr. 2.

Level 4: Gaolers discover Hannyabal, strung up in the weapons room.

Level 5.5, New Kama Land, 7 Hours later: Everyone is seen cheering Luffy on, from Mr. 2 to

Summit War Impel Down

Level 6: Jinbe suggests to Ace that Hancock had simply lied to him, but Ace refuses to believe
that. Ace says that Luffy was always doing reckless stuff and that he always made him worry.

Chief Magellan's Office, 8 Hours Later: Domino quickly states to Magellan, who was sitting on the
toilet at the time, that the time for Ace's transfer had arrived.

Level 5.5, New Kama Land: At one point, Luffy stops screaming. Ivankov states that the pain
should not cease at any point during the healing process and indicates that Luffy had died, as
blood had come under the door. But then, someone from inside the chamber (Luffy) attempts to
bust down the door and instead, shouts "FOOD!" Luffy is alive, to everyone's surprise, especially
to Ivankov's as it had only been one day.

Level 5.5, New Kama Land: The chapter starts in New Kama Land, Level 5.5. Trays of food are
being hauled over to Luffy, from meat to vegetables, from fruit to fish. Everything gets sucked in,
due to Luffy's eating habits. A random person states that Luffy had been eating for a full hour.
Luffy keeps using his Gomu Gomu no Mi powers to draw in food. Another man states that New
Kama Land is losing days of food provisions. Mr. 2 just stares in shock while Ivankov comments
on Luffy's will to live. Luffy soon finishes eating, shouts "I'M ALL BETTER!", and is cheered on by
the people, saying that he survived Magellan’s poison. Mr. 2 faints from extreme exhaustion and
Ivankov says how Mr. 2 cheered Luffy on for hours. Although Luffy was told to rest a few more
days, Luffy still insists on going forth, down to Level 6, following his Vivre Card. Ivankov simply
says "It's your life". Luffy asks Ivankov if he was going to break out of Impel Down, as Mr. 2 had
gone down to Level 5 to break the former Queen of the Okamas out. Ivankov replies with that the
situation of the World was too fierce and that one man, other t han Whitebeard and the
Shichibukai was to react. This man was a compatriot and his name is Monkey D. Dragon, which
Luffy simply replies with "Oh. You mean my dad." Ivankov agrees and says the moment Dragon
plans to lead the Revolutionaries, Ivankov would instantly hurl himself into the fray.

Suddenly, Ivankov realizes what Luffy had just said, and is taken completely aback. Ivankov finds
it hard to believe that Dragon had a son. Luffy says that he was not supposed to tell anyone and
was to keep it a secret. However, Ivankov seems to believe it and thinks to himself about the
current situation, and how it all fits together: Luffy's status of a Supernova and his unbelievable
will. He quietly asks Luffy where he comes from and Luffy replies with "East Blue".

Ivankov's Flashback: Monkey D. Dragon is seen standing towards the east and Ivankov sitting on
a rail behind him. Ivankov comments on Dragon's habit to face towards the east, no matter where
the winds lie, asking if it was the direction of his homeland and asks if he left family in the eastern
seas. Dragon quickly replies with an order not to delve into his personal history.

Level 5.5, New Kama Land: Ivankov quickly gets Inazuma to find the departure time for Ace,
saying that he will accompany Luffy to Level 6 of Impel Down. Ivankov quickly tells Luffy that he
is one of Dragon's allies, a leader in the Revolutionary Army, that being the reason why he was
imprisoned. Ivankov summons the ones willing to join them and Luffy shouts that he will save Ace
but falls down. Ivankov cannot find any pulse and uses "Emporio: Tension Hormones", which gives
the victim a day's worth of adrenaline.

Some Level in Impel Down: Hannyabal is seen flicking through Mr. 2, Mr. 3 and Buggy’s mugshots.
It was confirmed that all three entered Level 5 and was assumed by the gaolers that he became
food for the wolves.

Summit War Impel Down

Inside Level 6 Lift: Domino states that Magellan is late and tells him to control his diarrhea in
future circumstances. Domino also reveals that Ace is to be transferred at 09 00 at the Main
Entrance, to the Marines.

Impel Down, Main Entrance: Vice Admiral Onigumo is seen shouting orders, not to let the guard
down and reveals that the convoy transferring Ace is to have five Marine warships and 5 Vice
Admirals. They are now seen preparing for the transfer.

Level 5: Ivankov, Inazuma and Luffy are seen running through the wolves' den, smashing through
wolves. Prisoners are in awe as the "demoned away" Ivankov returned. Luffy uses his Gomu Gomu
abilities, while Inazuma kicks his opponents and Iva uses his Horu Horu abilities. In the monitor
room, guards report suspicious activities, naming the three suspects. Hannyabal orders for traps
to be activated and that all Monitor Rooms to be alerted.

Level 6: However, it may be already too late. Magellan and Domino are seen standing outside,
Ace's cage, preparing to take him into custody.

Level 6: Emporio Ivankov, Inazuma and Luffy are seen running down the stairs into Level 6, where
they easily defeated all the gaolers present and passed through the traps without getting hurt. As
they enter Level 6, they discover that Ace’s cage is empty. Inazuma says that they had been a
little late. However, Jinbe quickly recognizes Luffy by his Straw Hat and is astonished that not only
had Hancock had not lied about Luffy's entrance to Impel Down, but the pirate in question also
made it down to the Great Gaol's lowest and most restricted Level. Jinbe quickly responds to the
situation, shouting at Luffy to go towards the lift, which had already left; and then ponders to
himself as Luffy heads towards the lift, noting that more than a couple of lives aren't enough to
guarantee an unauthorized person make it all the way down to Level 6, and conquering all the
previous hellish levels before it in the process.

As the trio look up the lift, a giant pad with spikes comes falling down, preventing them from going
up the lift cables. Then, a metal cage surrounds the stairs, stopping them from exiting and
sleeping gas erupts, destabilizing Luffy.

Monitor Room, Level ???: Hannyabal gets the gaolers ready for Ace's transfer to the Marines,
waiting for Magellan’s arrival.

Level 1, Outside the Lift: Magellan is seen holding down a resisting Ace. Magellan says that they
all heard the report and that resistance is useless. Magellan claims that Luffy, as a pirate, was
doomed the minute he set foot into Impel Down. Ace silently despairs, as he had hoped that Boa
had lied, and questions why Luffy came.

Level 6: As the sleeping gas started to fill the entire room of Level 6, Inazuma turned his hands
into scissors and "sliced" through the floor as if it was made of paper. He then used it, still treating
it as though it were paper, and blocked the gas from coming from the metal cage. Some prisoners
comment on this, and Iva explained his ability, the Choki Choki no Mi. Iva tells Luffy that they
cannot make it in time, that it was too late. His Vivre Card was no longer pointing directly upwards,
indicating that he had been already handed over to the Marines. Iva states that he will help Luffy
out, in whatever manner possible. However, Luffy makes the decision of following Ace to the
Marine Headquarters.

Summit War Impel Down

Iva instantly retaliates with a comment about the upcoming war between Whitebeard and the
Shichibukai. Luffy states if he was to give up now, he would regret it and that he's going. Ivankov
thinks to himself that this is what if feels like to be talking to Dragon.

Then, one of the prisoners says that he could make a hole in the ceiling, and it turns out to be
none other than Crocodile. Crocodile states that it would be to both of their advantages, as this
would provide him an opportunity to escape and challenge Whitebeard, while allowing Luffy to
continue going after Ace.

Although reluctant to let Crocodile out, Iva reveals that he knew him from long ago and states
that he knows a weakness to Crocodile, that if he were to betray them, he would use it against
Crocodile. As Crocodile is being let out, other prisoners shout to be let out as well, saying that they
will help them but instead, gets a faceful of Death Wink.

After this Jinbe shouted to be let out. He says to Luffy that he knew Ace since he joined the
Whitebeard Pirates and that he wants to save Ace himself. Ivankov exclaimed at how another
man of tremendous power is ready to join Luffy's entourage and aid the young pirate in his
endeavor. After locking eyes with the fishman, Luffy simply replies with "okay" but this time, it is
Inazuma's turn to be reluctant. Instead, Luffy just tells him to get Jinbe out. More prisoners shout
to be let out, only to get another Death Wink.

Ivankov states that they are to go immediately. Upon exiting their cells, the Shichibukai and the
former Shichibukai sized up and looked down on each other, and Jinbe tells Crocodile, if he was
to touch Whitebeard, then Jinbe himself would send Crocodile flying, which Crocodile responds
(with his golden hook raised) with a challenge to a fight to the death. Inazuma states that they
now have two Shichibukai freshly recruited from Level 6 fighting for their side, counting Crocodile
(who is a former) and Luffy replies with "two?", unaware of Jinbe's status.

Level 6, the Eternal Hell: The chapter begins with guards running towards Level 6, wearing gas
masks, believing that Luffy, Ivankov and Inazuma are still trapped in Level 6. However, to their
immediate surprise, there is a gigantic stone spiral, going through the roof, in to Level 5. The hole
is most probably Crocodile’s work and the spiral being Inazuma's, due to his Choki Choki no Mi

A guard suggest to search the floor and they disperse, when one is stopped by a voice in a cage,
calling the guards idiots. The guard recognizes the prisoner, the once Head Gaoler of Impel Down,
Shiliew. Once again, Shiliew is silhouetted but is seen still retaining his Impel Down cap. Shiliew
tells the guards that they cannot do anything properly, without him and that they have brought
great shame upon the name of Impel Down. He reveals that Luffy had freed Crocodile and Jinbe.
Shiliew also states, that if Magellan agrees, that he will help catch the 5 escapees.

Monitor Room, somewhere in Impel Down: A number of guards are running around, while one
reports to Hannyabal, about the current situation with 5 escapees in Level 5. Hannyabal finally
decides to face them himself, hoping to achieve the status of Chief Warden of Impel Down. He
orders Sadi and Saldeath to move to Level 4.

Level 5, the Freezing Hell: Ivankov is seen surrounded by a number of New Kamas, all shivering,
while he explains the plan. Ivankov states that the only way to escape would be aboard a Marine
battleship and that they must release prisoners on their way, hoping to form allies. Iva shouts
that only a handful would manage to escape out of Impel Down itself. The small group heads off,

Summit War Impel Down

where Crocodile, Jinbe and Luffy already ran off. Mr. 2 Bon Kurei is seen spinning rapidly around,
due to Iva's "Emporio: Tension Hormones".

Staircase between Level 5 and 4: Running up the staircase, Jinbe confirms Ace’s execution time.
He also predicts that Whitebeard would attack before the execution and that the battle could
break out at any time, as Ace was already on the open sea. As they run, a door blocks the way,
when Crocodile surges forward, saying that his right hand could turn it to sand thanks to his Suna
Suna no Mi power. However, when he disintergrates the door, a number of gaolers are seen,
holding guns and tridents or spears. The gaolers confirm the 3 escapees and request for back
up. A group shoots at Crocodile but they just go straight through, due to Crocodile's Logia Devil
Fruit. Crocodile advances on three of the gaolers, using a sand move that dehydrates the men at
contact. A group prepares to capture Luffy, which Luffy pummels in an instant using his Gomu
Gomu no Mi.

Jinbe uses Fishman Karate, using a punch. However, to the guard's surprise, nothing happens,
until the punch sends shockwaves through the air, sending the gaolers back. Despite being
defeated, the gaolers are determined to hold out, waiting for reinforcements.

Level 2, the Beast Hell: Mr. 3 and Buggy are seen hiding what appears to be a wax wall. They
notice that the Blue Gorillas moving out of Level 2. At that point, Buggy goes to a cage, where
some prisoners are holding cage keys and one reveals that Mr. 3 had used his Doru Doru no Mi
to manufacture the keys. Buggy tells the story where, after being chased by the wolves on Level
5, they had hided behind wax walls, all the way to Level 2.

In a monitor room, guards report of prisoners creeping around, opening cages. At this point the
Level 2 Guards notice that nearly everyone was out of their cages and preparing to riot, once
again. The guard pleads with Hannyabal to send back the Blue Gorillas, as they could not take
the prisoners on their own.

Level 4, the Blazing Hell: Crocodile throws keys into a cage, asking Mr. 1 to join their cause, where
Mr. 1 agrees. Hannyabal gets a report that Ivankov, Inazuma and Mr. 2 had shown up leading a
small army, consisting of the prisoners that had been "demoned away". Iva and Mr. 2 are reunited
with Luffy, where to Mr. 2's surprise, Mr. 1 was running along with them.

Ivankov uses "Face Growth Hormones", where his face grows unbelievably huge. As Hannyabal
wonders what to do, the report continues, that they could not be stopped as the "demoned away"
prisoners were barely controllable when they were normal prisoners. The chapter ends with the
small army fighting its through the number of Impel Down gaolers.

As Ace was being escorted to Marineford by Vice-Admiral Onigumo, he was informed that Luffy is
leading a riot in Impel Down. Meanwhile, at Marineford, a panicked soldier informed Fleet -Admiral
Sengoku of Blackbeard’s mysterious disappearance, a shocking event considering the danger of
Whitebeard’s imminent attack. He also told him about a mysterious marine vessel wit h no
deployment authorization that had arrived at Impel Down.

At the great prison, Impel Down, Blackbeard and his crew arrived and quickly defeated a group of
jailers, claiming that they are on the same side. The rest of the facility was warned of Blackbea rd's
betrayal, who proceeded into the prison.

Due to these events combined with the riots, Vice-Warden Hannyabal was beginning to panic. He
suggested that he and some jailers escape, but is contacted by Magellan, who reveals that he

Summit War Impel Down

had stopped the riot on level two by sealing the entrances and exits. Magellan told Hannyabal to
stall on level four until he arrived. Meanwhile, on level six, former chief Shiliew was being let out
of his cell in order to help the situation. He was warned by Magellan that there will be no second
chances, and was told to go after Blackbeard. As soon as the transmission was stopped, Shiliew
slaughtered several guards with his newly reunited blade, apologizing for his actions.

On level four, Luffy and his group were currently fighting their way through the guards, releasing
many prisoners as they go. Chief Guard Saldeath attacked with his Blugori, but Ivankov beat them
back. They proceeded, but found the path blocked by Sadi and the three Jailer Beasts. Many of
their forces were defeated, but Luffy, Crocodile, and Jinbe defeated all of them with a single blow.

A drawbridge is seen being raised, as an attempt to stop the Blackbeard Pirates from entering
the Undersea Gaol Impel Down. Blackbeard is seen calmly walking while Van Augur and Jesus
Burgess are seen fighting gaolers. Gaolers are instructed to fire, stating that the Blackbeard
Pirates are clearly traitors at this point in time. Suddenly, a man appears, saying that they are not
traitors, that they were pirates and not to be trusted from the start. This supports Smoker, Kizaru
and Sengoku’s view on the Shichibukai.

Shiliew appears as the man, studying the five intruders. Blackbeard simply stares at Shiliew,
commenting that he looks like trouble. However, Blackbeard mistakes Shilie w for Magellan.
Shiliew identifies Blackbeard as Marshall D. Teach, who simply laughs and asks who Shiliew
himself is.

The number of Newkamas and freed prisoners head towards to the door of Level 3, where gaolers
are being heavily bombarded on by prisoners. Three Jailer Beasts are seen, all bloodied up and
knocked out; unconscious. Portraits of Luffy, Ivankov, Crocodile, Jinbe and Inazuma, fighting.

A number of prisoners are seen being stopped by Sadi, who sends them flying, destroying a big
portion of the bridge in the process. Luffy prepares to attack her but is sent literally flying by Iva,
who uses a move called Eccentric Girl, which shocks Sadi-chan. Inazuma shows Luffy the stairs
to Level 3. However, a mighty voice booms that Impel Down is the mighty f ortress of Hell.

This voice belongs Hannyabal, who is seen spinning a staff with a sword on each end, defeating
prisoners. At this point, the guards cheer on, saying that Hannyabal was someone they could truly
rely on. Luffy faces up to Hannyabal who refuses to move out of Luffy's way. Hannyabal summons
up a move called Hannya Circus, where the blades are set on fire and moves them in a very fast
notion around his body.

Luffy states that he is here to free Ace where Hannyabal replies with that he is the Vice-Chief and
that he could not be defeated. Luffy attacks Hannyabal with Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling which
looks like a clear defeat. Gaolers are seen rushing Magellan out of the lift, saying that the
perpetrators were on near the Level 3 staircase. Magellan prepares to move to the location, while
Hannyabal stands up, refusing to be beaten by Luffy, taking hit after hit. Hannyabal slumps to the
ground and Luffy runs over him but is stopped by Hannyabal. Hannyabal says many words, saying
that Luffy has no right to save his brother, and that pirates are the scum of the world. He goes on
to say that many people are scared just by pirates being alive. Hannyabal describes Impel Down
as the fortress of Hell, that if this place was to be destroyed, it would plummet the world in
darkness, and that the ordinary people of the world would no longer be safe from pirates. Luffy
refuses to give up, when the bazooka unit of Impel Down is sucked down into a familiar darkness
hole. A foot appears in front of Hannyabal's face, the owner saying that there is no answer for

Summit War Impel Down

anything, that no matter where you search, it will always be there. Blackbeard is then seen
smashing Hannyabal into the ground, stamping on him.

The Blackbeard Pirates are seen in full, where Jinbe is furious. Blackbeard tells him not point fists
at people, that it was not his fault that Ace was being executed. A shocked Luffy looks at
Blackbeard, remembering three occasions where Blackbeard was mentioned:

• Ace explaining to Luffy about hunting the man named Blackbeard, who had
apparently committed a treacherous crime.
• Blackbeard himself, at Jaya, when he was talking about the dreams of men.
• Elder Nyon talks about a man named Blackbeard filling the spot of Shichibukai
Luffy is angry, while Blackbeard talks about Ace's execution. It appears to be that
Luffy will try to engage in a battle with Blackbeard.

Level 4, The Blazing Hell: The chapter begins with Blackbeard talking about how Luffy brought
down Crocodile and freed up a Shichibukai placing. With an empty Shichibuk ai spot, Blackbeard
decided to go in and take the place by bringing Luffy to the World Government, as he was the one
that had defeated Crocodile.

A brief flashback takes us back to Banaro Island, where Blackbeard reveals to Ace that he
planned to take down Luffy, when Ace also reveals that Luffy is his brother.

Blackbeard states that fate was on Luffy's side: ever since he had committed the most
treacherous crime aboard the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace had been hunting him down. Then Ace
revealed that Luffy was his brother after he found out about Blackbeard's plan. This ultimately
lead to Ace not being able to leave Blackbeard alone. Blackbeard says that if he was left alone by
Ace, Ace himself would be bringing shame down onto the Whitebeard Pirates AND leaving Luffy
in risk of being captured.

Van Augur says that fate is no coincidence, when Doc Q says that Luffy is a VERY lucky "kid".
Laffitte also states that as Blackbeard is now Shichibukai, they no longer desired to capture Luffy.
Jesus Burgess comments on Ace's fighting skills, saying that he was a fighter.

Blackbeard remarks to Luffy that he should thank Ace at his grave(meaning Ace's), that Ace had
decided to show up, saying if he had not, Luffy would be dead. Enraged, Luffy shouts at
Blackbeard to try killing him and punches Blackbeard in Gear Second. Blackbeard is sent flying
into a wall, breaking the wall on contact. Luffy states that he will not let Ace die and prepares to
attack again, when Blackbeard uses Kurouzu.

To Mr. 2 Bon Kurei and Jinbe’s surprise, Luffy is pulled into Blackbeard's hand and is crushed
into the ground. Crocodile is also surprised when he saw Luffy's blood, as Luffy is made out of

Luffy and Blackbeard both stand up and prepare to attack, when Jinbe steps in and holds Luffy
by the arm. He reminds Luffy of his priorities and states that even in Whitebeard's crew,
Blackbeard was an unknown person and that whatever he did, Blackbeard was strong enough to
take the down the likes of Ace. Jinbe asks Luffy not to waste his energy on Blackbeard.

Blackbeard himself simply comments that Luffy's Haki has improved and that Luffy was stronger
than previously thought. However, Crocodile talks to Blackbeard for the first time, asking why he

Summit War Impel Down

would cast away a title that he had earned so quickly. Blackbeard simply replies with that it was
all part of a "plan" and that he had no obligation to tell Crocodile.

Crocodile states that he has no interest in Blackbeard's plan, when someone shouts that
Magellan had arrived to the gaoler's relief. Magellan's Hydra is seen poisoning prisoners
effectively. Ivankov, who is still in his Eccentric Girl form, urges Luffy to keep moving forward,
saying that if he is to be attacked by Magellan's poison once more, he would not be returning
again. Numbers of prisoners hurry towards the stairway when more prisoners are being attacked
by another Jailer Beast: Minotaurus. This shocks Mr. 2, as they had defeated Minotaurous earlier.

Crocodile then reveals that the Jailer Beasts were all "awakened" Zoan Devil Fruit users , saying
that their extreme physical endurance and recovery point were their advantages. Crocodile states
that the other three would soon awake and that the Boss of Hell would be arriving soon.

Magellan is seen running towards the bridge, when a gaoler tells him that Blackbeard was also
there, to Magellan's surprise as he had sent Shiliew to deal with Blackbeard. Also, another gaoler
reports that the monitor room for the entire jail was going down and that they had lost
communication with Marine Headquarters. The gaoler is about to report that they have no way of
communicating with the outside world, when Shiliew steps in and kills him, saying that he
shouldn't be "tattling" to superiors. Magellan orders someone to get down to the Monitor Room
and comments on the day, saying how when one intruder slips in and everything goes wrong.

Level 2, the Beast Hell: Mr. 3 and Buggy or the Jailbreak Gang, are seen shouting about going
onwards to Level 1, with a number of prisoners following their lead.

Level 4, the Blazing Hell: Luffy states to Blackbeard that he will save Ace. Blackbeard simply says
that he will not say that Luffy is doomed as "nothing is impossible". Blackbeard asks Luffy if Sky
Island did exist, saying if it did, then so does the great treasure One Piece. Luffy walks past
Blackbeard as the great pirates says that in a few hours, the world would be shaken to its core
by the Blackbeard Pirates. The escaping group heads onwards to Level 3.

Sadi is seen tied up, saying that she was tied up by Iva. Magellan orders her to be released as he
prepares to take the Blackbeard Pirates head on. Magellan identifies Blackbeard and the latter
replies with "Damn right I am!". At this point, Magellan uses his Hydra move on the Blackbeard
Pirates. The Blackbeard Pirates sink to the ground in pain as the poison slowly kills them,
including Doc Q's horse, Stronger. Magellan congratulates Hannyabal for holding out so long. The
Chief Warden of Impel Down shouts at Straw Hat Luffy, that he will never let him escape out of
Hell. Alive.

Level 1, the Crimson Hell: The Jailbreak Gang are seen in Level 1 with their rebellion, heading
towards the Main Entrance to Impel Down.

Level 3, the Starvation Hell: Luffy is seen running away with his Newkama army from Magellan’s
Hydra, who is determined not to let Luffy escape.

Sadi is seen moaning about her back, as it is revealed that Ivankov had bent Sadi-chan over his
shoulders, causing the back pain. Sadi-chan stands up and orders the four Jailer Beasts to do so
as well. The Jailer Beasts quickly take the lift to Level 1.

Summit War Impel Down

Jinbe explains to Luffy that Impel Down is surrounded by Marine warships and that if they were
to capture a warship, they would arrive at Marineford in time for Ace’s execution. With four and a
half hours remaining until Ace's execution, the Newkama army head towards the next level.

In front of the stairway to Level 2, Ivankov, who is still in his Eccentric Girl form, is seen rushing
prisoners and Newkamas into the stairway. After the last fighter is through, Magellan is seen in
the distance, with his Hydra hovering above him. Ivankov shouts Inazuma’s name, which the latter
responds with running up the stairs to Level 2 while using his Choki Choki no Mi to slice the walls
of the stairway.

On Level 2, the Newkamas are surprised at Inazuma, as Ivankov was still in Level 3. Inazuma
urges them forward and prays for Iva's safety. Magellan himself is astounded at Ivankov, asking
what he was planning to do. Ivankov states that if Magellan did not know what was going to
happen next, Magellan was more of a fool then previously thought. Transforming back into his
original form, Ivankov uses Death Wink on Magellan's Hydra, blasting a hole through it. Magellan
states that time cannot be bought for Luffy, which Ivankov responds with saying that Magellan
could not defeat him due to Ivankov's Newkama Kenpo.

Level 2, the Beast Hell: Luffy notices that Magellan, Ivankov and Inazuma are missing. Mr. 2 Bon
Kurei tells Luffy that the two Revolutionaries had stayed behind at Level 3. Luffy attempts to turn
back, only to be stopped by Mr. 2, saying that the "Miracle Worker" must be trusted. Crocodile
notices that the entire floor is abandoned. Jinbe also notices, questioning if someone else had
released all the prisoners.

Level 3, the Starvation Hell: Magellan, Chief Warden of Impel Down vs. Emporio Ivankov Ivankov
is seen kneeling on the ground screaming about his face, as it is seen on fire. Magellan simply
looks on. However, Ivankov stands back up, with a normal face, tossing a mask of "heavy make-
up" away. Magellan states that Iva was boring him. Ivankov responds with using Newkama Kenpo.
He uses a move called Dream-Strike-Condemn-Reverse-Fist, which Magellan prepares to

Level 2, the Beast Hell: In front of the sliced stairways, Inazuma waits for Ivankov with his arms
as scissors due to his Choki Choki no Mi devil fruit. As the rubble shifts, Inazuma's face lightens
up, then darkens as Magellan emerges out of the rubble by using Venom Road. A shocked
Inazuma prepares to battle, Magellan also does but has a stream of blood running down his face,
presumably from Ivankov. Ivankov, however, is lying on the ground, soaked in poison. Inazuma
cuts more floor out of the ground and uses them as a defensive stance as Magellan runs forward.

Level 1, the Crimson Hell: Buggy is crying as the Jailer Beasts are seen fighting prisoners in front
of the gateway to the Main Entrance. The rebellion turns back, chased by the Jailer Beasts. Buggy
runs into a figure, telling the figure to look where he goes. Crocodile is revealed as the figure,
telling a shocked Mr. 3 and Buggy to move it. Mr. 3, thinking why Crocodile is out of cell, is called
a "useless piece of trash" by Crocodile.

A prisoner runs up and tells Buggy that the Jailer Beasts had been defeated. Truth behold, Luffy
and Jinbe are seen standing in front of the unconscious Jailer Beasts once again. Another prisoner
reports to Buggy that a huge army of prisoners and "perverts" are surging up from Level 2. Mr. 2
jumps in and kicks Buggy for abandoning them in Level 5. The goalers report that the rebellions
had joined together and questioning Magellan's presence. At the exact time, Magellan uses
Hydra, forcing all the prisoners to keep running. Luffy asks about Ivankov and Inazuma and the

Summit War Impel Down

duo Revolutionaries are seen both lying a pool of poison. Mr. 2 stops Luffy from attacking
Magellan and urges him to keep moving forward.

Jinbe overhears Magellan talking to a Den Den Mushi about the Marine warships, which begins
to concern Jinbe. The Fishman Shichibukai tells Luffy that they must get to the Main Entrance
without delay, stating that there were bigger problems than Magellan. The Hydra prepares to
strike but is stopped by Mr. 3's Candle Wall. This surprises both Magellan, Luffy and Mr. 3, who
says that Luffy's optimism was infectious, if his guard was to drop, Mr. 3 would consider Luffy as
a friend. He tells Luffy that he could only hold Magellan off for a while and to go on. Mr. 3 states
that if he was to stay in Luffy's debt, he would be damned.

Level 1, the Crimson Hell: Mr. 3 tells the prisoners and others to stop hanging about and to run,
as he is using his Doru Doru no Mi to make a Candle Wall against Magellan's Hydra. As Mr. 3
explains his ability to Magellan, Crocodile says that he is still surprised the way certain Devil Fruits
react to each other. The prisoners cheer Mr. 3 on as does Luffy, saying that he forgot that Mr. 3
had the Doru Doru ability. Mr. 3 tells them to hurry, stating that he wants to get out as soon as
possible as well. Luffy turns to Jinbe and tells him to go get a battleship, saying that he could hold
off Magellan for a bit. Jinbe reluctantly leaves, telling Luffy to be careful.

As Luffy says to Mr. 3 to get ready to fight, Mr. 3 instantly disagrees, saying that the only thing he
can do against Magellan was defend. A number of prisoners also decide to stay and help Luffy
and Mr. 3.

Luffy is then seen with wax armor, crying because of the armour's coolness. Magellan then takes
this chance and produces another Hydra and attacks, only to be stopped by another Candle Wall.
Luffy jumps out of the way and uses Gomu Gomu no Champion Rifle on Magellan, hitting him
directly. As Magellan shudders, Luffy celebrates as he can touch Magellan without getting
poisoned. The prisoners that stayed behind had found cannons and Mr. 3 had used his power to
create a wall with cannon barrels sticking out for cover. They fire upon Magellan who is then set
on fire.

Impel Down, Main Entrance: Mr. 2 Bon Kurei is seen standing on a gaoler's head, saying that
there was no one to stop them now. However, Mr. 1 tells him that Mr. 2 is an amateur for letting
down his guard so easily. As Mr. 2 asks why, Mr. 1 states that there were 10 battleships outside,
with 800 Marines stationed on each one. Even if they were to take over one, they would be taking
the other 9 at the same time. As the rebellion approach the doors to the outside world, everyone
is shouting for freedom and that if they were free, it would be heaven whilst if they were caught,
it would be Hell. As they enter the outside world, there are no ships to be seen, only blue seas.
Every prisoner is surprised and horrified at the fact that they would end up in Impel Down after
all. Crocodile says that the enemy wasn't as stupid as previously thought with Sea Kings in the
Calm Belt. Jinbe however points out that the Marine warships were still visible in the mist. A
prisoner complains that they were too far away to reach, at which Jinbe tells them not to worry.

Outside Impel Down, Calm Belt: Jinbe hauls one of the doors of the gates to Impel Down, throwing
in the sea. The prisoners cheer on Jinbe as Buggy, Mr. 1 and Crocodile jump onto the makeshift
boat. A prisoner says that seeing a Shichibukai raises their hopes of survival. Even though Buggy
has a number of loyal supporters, he thinks to himself that he'd rather be safe with two
Shichibukai than be close to be Magellan. A cannon ball explodes in the water, right next to the
door-boat. As the Marines identify the Knight of the Sea, they begin to target him. To Buggy's
surprise, Jinbe reveals he will be shooting the door-boat onto a Marine warship. Buggy begins to
panic, believing that Jinbe had abandoned them. Crocodile tells him to shut up and be calm.

Summit War Impel Down

Underwater, Jinbe uses Fishman Ju-Jitsu: Mizu-Gokoro which appears to be a move that gives
Jinbe to hold water and create a current using it. Jinbe uses the current to shoot the door -boat
over in an arch, landing on a Marine warship. As Mr. 1 and Crocodile land on their two feet, Buggy
falls down face first. The Marines quickly surround the three intruders, stating that since they
were all fruit users, if they were in the sea, they would be powerless. Mr. 1 and Crocodile give the
Marines menacing glares. As the Marines prepare to fire upon them, Jinbe uses Fishman Karate:
Spear Wave, which goes straight through one side of the ship and out the other in a diagonal.
Jinbe apologizes for being careless and ends the chapter.

Level 1, Crimson Hell: Magellan closes on the small force holding out against him, stating that his
poison was called kinjite. Luffy attempts to fight Magellan even more, but the poison crawls up
Luffy's wax leg armor, at which Mr. 3 absorb the wax before the poison hit Luffy. Magellan then
creates a gigantic skull being made out of poison.

Mr. 3 and Luffy flee as the skull being continues to approach, unable to be stopped.

Impel Down, Main Entrance: Mr. 2 wonders about the safety of Luffy and the others and asks for
progress on capturing a battleship. Someone replies with that they could hear cannons firing but
had no idea what happens beyond the mist. Mr. 2 grows worrisome as there is a distance between
the warships and Impel Down and that they would not be able to hold off Magellan for so long.

Aboard a Marine Warship: Marines continue to attempt to throw Crocodile and Mr. 1 into the
water but can not succeed. The two men take down the Marines without difficulties. Other
warships begin to fire upon the warship being captured but is stopped by Jinbe’s water spouts,
that cascades onto the decks and dampens all gunpowder.

Impel Down, Main Entrance: Luffy and Mr. 3 continue to flee, followed by Magellan. Suddenly
something huge comes out of the ground: it's Ivankov with a gigantic face and he's bringing
Inazuma with him.

Jinbe makes contact with Luffy, stating the distance between them and Impel Down. Jinbe tells
Luffy to jump into the water as soon as he reaches it, which angers many people as they are in
the Calm Belt. Mr. 3 states that Jinbe could not be trusted as he is the puppet of the government.
However, Luffy says that he could trust Jinbe as he is a friend of Ace’s.

As Magellan and his Venom Demon surges forward, Luffy and Mr. 3 throw an ultimate attack
creating a gigantic wax wall with spikes on one side and pushing it into the Venom Demon,
stopping it momentarily. However the poison begins to eat through the wall. Luffy urges Iva to
wake up and tells everyone to grab onto the Iva's face. Iva uses his hell wink and flies in to the
ocean, holding everyone on him.

Near the warships, Marines begin to notice that creatures had started to emerge from the oceans.
Iva lands on something, which is revealed to be a school of Whale Sharks, called by Jinbe. Jinbe
asks the whale sharks to bring Luffy and companions to the warship. Luffy comments on Jinbe,
saying that he was awesome.

Aboard a Marine Warship: The escaped prisoners celebrate as they made it onto a warship safely.
They all are told off by Jinbe however for celebrating too early. The escapees all show their
gratitude to the whale sharks that brought them to the warship, while Emporio Ivankov orders
people to find medication to heal Inazuma. A prisoner shouts out that he would never be setting

Summit War Impel Down

foot in Hell again while another states that he would be turning over a new leaf and returning to
his family.

Impel Down, Main Entrance: Magellan is astounded to the fact that the escaped prisoners
could've made it to that point. He orders another ship to come and pick him up, saying that he
would personally pursue/eliminate them, saying they were trapped like rats.

Aboard a Marine Warship: A Marine reports to a Rear Admiral that the damage done by Jinbe to
the cannons had been fully repaired. At the moment, the order to fire is given. A cannonball hits
the prisoner's warship, where Jinbe states that even though anyone Vice Admiral or higher was at
Marineford, anyone board a battleship was a formidable enemy. The Rear Admiral shouts that
the Gates of Justice would never open for pirates.

This is when the prisoners, including Luffy, Buggy, and Mr. 3, realize that the Gates of Justice will
not open. However, Jinbe simply just orders to keep on going, which causes Buggy to go into an
uproar. Luffy orders the men to protect the battleship. Crocodile suggests they use the cannons
on the warship. Buggy steals this idea and orders his loyal followers to man the guns. Cro codile
and Luffy both use their Devil Fruit powers to fend off cannonballs. The Rear Admiral ponders why
they (the prisoners) were still heading for the Gates of Justice, when they could only be opened
from Impel Down. He gives another order to shoot at the warship but is surprised at something.

The Gates of Justice are opening. The Marines are astounded, the prisoners are happy, and
everyone is amazed at the opening of the Gates. Even though Magellan's warship had arrived, he
stares on, commenting that it was impossible.

Impel Down, First Floor, Generator Room: A gaoler asks if they should be opening the Gates to
Magellan. The Chief Warden of Impel Down is seen in the Generator Room, giving the order for
the Gates to open, then shut as soon as the prisoner's warship had sailed through. The gaoler
obeys the orders.

Gates of Justice: All the Marines still fire, still astounded that this was Magellan's orders. A Marine
states that this could not have been Magellan's doing as he had been standing at the dock,
preparing to board a Marine Warship. Back at Impel Down, Magellan's lower half is seen running
down a hallway, when he bursts into the Generator Room, to see the gaolers and a mirror image
of himself.

Jinbe reveals to Luffy that Mr. 2 had left himself behind to open the Gates of Justice. Mr. 2 had
told Jinbe not to worry about him (Mr. 2) and that only to tell Luffy when communications cut out.
However, Jinbe gives Luffy a Baby Den Den Mushi.

Impel Down, Control Room: Magellan and the other gaolers are shocked to find Mr. 2 standing
there, doing his traditional okama dance. Luffy contacts Mr. 2 and goes on about that the duo
were supposed to break out of Impel Down together. Luffy pleads with Mr. 2 to answer and soon,
so does every other person aboard the warship, as they had just discovered Mr. 2's inevitable
fate. They all call out his name, when Luffy tells him that he had to go, as the Gates of Justice
would be soon closing. Luffy shouts out his gratitude to Mr. 2. At this point, Mr. 2 responds, saying
that Luffy better save his brother, that he could do it and the Gates of Justice closes, shutting
them off. “ Even in the depths of Hell...blooms a beautiful flower of friendship...leaving its petals
as mementos...bobbing back and forth on the waves...may it one day bloom once more...the
Okama Way. ” All the escapees are seen crying for their friend as Mr. 2 prepares to fight Magellan.

Summit War Marineford

It is then revealed that there are 4 hours remaining till the execution of Ace and that 241 people
had escaped from Impel Down, bringing the ultimate disgrace upon Impel Down.

Impel Down: Level 4: In Impel Down, Blackbeard thanks Shiliew for saving his crew’s lives by
giving them the antidote to Magellan’s poison and suggests that he join the Blackbeard Pirates.
Shiliew gladly accepts.

En Route to Marineford: Meanwhile on the Tarai Current, Ivankov tells everyone to leave Inazuma
to rest until he recovers from the poison on his own. While a fight erupts between Buggy and Luffy
over Mr. 2 fate, Crocodile talks to Jinbe about the ability to talk to sea creatures. Luffy jumps onto
the deck where Crocodile and Jinbe are. After thanking Luffy for giving him another chance to
save Ace, Jinbe introduces himself properly to Luffy, telling him of his possibly revoked
Shichibukai status and that he intended to go all out at Marine Headquarters to honor Mr. 2's

This shocks both Luffy and Buggy, Luffy who did not know that Jinbe was a Shichibukai, Buggy
who is surprised that they were heading directly towards Marine Headquarters. Crocodile tells
Buggy that the moment they entered the Gates of Justice, they could only head towards Marine
Headquarters, on the Tarai Current and that the purpose of breaking out was interest in the
Whitebeard war.

While the pirates are arguing, a Den Den Mushi rings and Luffy answers. It is a call from the
Marine who states that this was a report from an Impel Down escort fleet and that they had
established two primary masterminds behind the jailbreak: Luffy and Buggy. The Marine states
that they thought Buggy was an ordinary pirate but when closely investigated, they discovered he
was formerly on Gol D. Roger’s pirate ship. This surprises everyone, even Buggy, as they found
out his past. The Marine also reveals that they did not intend to open the Gates of Justic e for
them, so that they could not reach Marine Headquarters and they could not break away from the
Tarai Current.

All the prisoners congratulate Buggy about his "legendary" status. Buggy tries to tell them that he
was only an apprentice but is bombarded with cheers. Buggy suddenly gets a brainwave, thinking
that this could be the moment his reputation could sky rocket, even planning to take Whitebeard's
head. He finally changes his mind and decides to go to Marine Headquarters too. All the prisoners
agree saying that they would follow him anywhere.

Marineford: In the Marine Headquarters, At noon, with three hours to go, Ace is dispatched to the
gallows, forced to climb a very long staircase. As he climbs, he has a flashback where he and
Luffy made a promise not to have a life without regrets. A guard opens the doors to the gallows.
Ace soon steps out to meet his fate.


outh Blue: A group of people at the local market discuss the upcoming Shichibukai-
Whitebeard war, claiming that Whitebeard is old and not really big news anymore. East
Blue: A number of farmers also talk about the war, saying that Whitebeard was sure to
lose against the Marine Headquarters. However, a farmer comments that it would be best for
everyone if Whitebeard did not show up and that the execution went as planned. North Blue: A
man is rejected by a bar, with the bartender saying that he would open shop tomorrow, if there
was still a world by tomorrow. West Blue: A man in a bar orders another drink and tells fellow
punters not to underestimate Whitebeard, saying that he was as almighty as ever. He recounts

Summit War Marineford

a time when Whitebeard was in the bar and made a lot of people give up their lives, just by sitting
there doing nothing.

Grand Line: A woman notices that even her children knew of the situation as they were playing
with a skipping rope and singing "Old man Whitebeard, scarier than demons!". She looks up and
says "What has this world come to?"

Marineford/Sabaody Archipelago: At Marineford, where most families of Marines lived, the place
is empty as everyone had been evacuated to Sabaody Archipelago. On the archipelago, the
families watch on giant monitors that look to Marineford, monitoring the situation. Cameramen
and reporters are also present, ready to deliver the news as soon as possible. Soon, a man shouts
out that Ace had appeared.

Back at Marineford, Ace, flanked by two executioners, kneels down, ready for his fate which is to
arrive in three hours. Also, Marine patrol ships head out to find Whitebeard, never to be seen
again. John Giant is seen telling the Marines not to let their guards down. With 50 Marine warships
surrounding the crescent shaped island, the walls lined with cannons and 100,000 elite Marine
troops, the Marines lie in wait for Whitebeard. Also on the walls are 5 of the Shichibukai, also
waiting for Whitebeard. At the execution platform, in front of Ace sit the three admirals of the
Marines, Kizaru, Aokiji and Akainu.

The Tarai Current: The prisoners' ship reach the Gates of Justice. Luffy and Jinbe begin to plan on
how to get through them. Meanwhile, Buggy is seen still rallying the prisoners.

Marineford: Sengoku tells Garp that he was "going to tell everything". Garp replies with to do
whatever he wanted. Sengoku stands next to Ace, telling the executioners to move aside.

Sengoku stands up in front of the Marines and tells them that there was something crucial, the
real reason of Ace's execution. Sengoku asks Ace who his father was. Ace replies with Whitebeard,
saying that he was the only father that he ever had. Sengoku then goes on to say that for years,
the Marines had been looking for a child, investigating every new born, every baby going to be
born, mothers who were pregnant and tiny leads from Cipher Pol but had come up with nothing.
However, Ace and his mother had escaped this investigation: Ace's mother, Portgas D. Rouge had
gone to an island in the South Blue and kept him in her womb for 20 months. This resulted in her
dying when Ace was born. Sengoku then states that a year and three months after the father's
death, a child with "the most accursed blood" had been born [Ace]. He tells Ace that he shouldn't
claim he wasn't aware. Sengoku then reveals the most shocking truth: Ace's father was none
other than the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Garp has a short flashback of Roger telling him to
look after the unborn child.

Sabody Archipelago: Everyone in the world is shocked at the new revelation of Ace being the
former Pirate King's son. Reporters scramble to get in contact with their office, while one simply
drops his notebook and is shocked at the prospect that Gol D. Roger's bloodline had continued.

Marineford: All Marines are dumbfounded at the new information. Smoker appears to be
shocked, Mihawk worried and Hancock ponders the fact that Luffy and Ace weren't really
brothers. Ace keeps his head down while the three admirals have no expression. Moriah claims
that Ace was lucky as everyone associated with Roger had been prosecuted and that it was a
miracle that he was able to leave behind a son, while Doflamingo just laughs. Koby and Helmeppo
quietly whisper about Ace and Luffy and the two's fathers. Garp just loo ks out and enters a

Summit War Marineford

Garp's flashback: In a jail cell, Gol D. Roger tells a younger version of Garp that he was about to
have a child and that he would not be able to live long enough to see him. Garp demands to know
why Roger was telling him, as he was a Marine and that any woman associated with the Pirate
King would get capital punishment. Roger nods and states that was the reason why he was telling
him. He also states that Ace's mother would be killed but asks Garp to protect the unborn child.
He tells Garp to protect him, with a smile, resembling Luffy. Garp says that Roger does not tell
him what to do and says that he would protect him.

On the island of Baterilla, Marines scour the island, looking for any pregnant women. One orders
to kill any suspicious, stating that Roger's age was over and that his bloodline was to come to an
end. Rouge is seen walking away from the Marines. Later, Garp is seen present in a room with
Rouge on a bed, holding a baby. She states that if the baby was a girl, it would be named Anne,
while if it turned out to be male, Ace. So the baby was named Gol D. Ace. Garp looks on worried
as doctors try to revive Rouge.

Garp is seen taking a younger Luffy into a forest where he states that this was his new home.
Waiting for him is a younger version of Ace.

More recently, in Impel Down, Garp remembers what Ace had said, saying that he had owed his
mother a great debt while he did not care of his other blood/heritage, that Whitebeard was his
only father.

Marineford: Sengoku states that two years ago, Ace had taken up "Portgas D" as his surname and
conquered the sea with amazing strength and speed as the captain of the S pade Pirates. Sengoku
then reveals that that was when they noticed that Roger's bloodline had not ended. He goes on
to say that Whitebeard had noticed the same fact as well and states that Whitebeard had taken
Ace on to make the young commander the next Pirate King. Ace shouts, stating that his goal was
to make Whitebeard the Pirate King, not himself. Sengoku claims that was just a delusion and
that the Marines had been careless earlier on. Sengoku states that if they had just left Ace alone,
Ace would be standing the summit of a new Pirate Age and that his execution held a greater
meaning. A Marine runs up, reporting that the Gates of Justice had been opened and they could
not get in contact with the power room.

Tarai Current, Gates of Justice: Jinbe and Luffy look up in amazement as the Gates of Justice
open up by themselves. Buggy is then seen standing in front of the Gates with his hands
stretched, closing his eyes. The prisoners mistake this for the "next Messiah" and all begin to
worship Buggy. Mr. 3 shouts at them for being crazy.

Marineford: Another Marine reports that the enemy had arrived, which shocks Sengoku as they
had arrived so fast. The ships are then revealed to be a gigantic fleet of Pirate ships, all showing
different symbols/flags. The Marines confirm some Pirate captains such as "Bohemian Knight"
Doma, "Thunder Lord" McGuy, the Decalvan Brothers, the "Great Whirlpool Spider" Squard: all
pirates and their captains achieving infamy in the New World. The fleet comes to a total of 43, all
subordinate crews of Whitebeard, here to save Ace. Ace looks on, surprised that they had all
come. Doflamingo shouts, calling Whitebeard forth as he was getting extremely excited.

Suddenly, the admirals pick up something. Sengoku ponders a possible location, while Tsuru
muses that they had chosen a bad formation and Garp states that Whitebeard had chosen quite
a location. A shadow is seen in the water and it is soon revealed that Whitebeard had coated his
ships and gone underwater. Soon the Moby Dick surfaces along with three other ships. Marines

Summit War Marineford

confirm that all commanders of Whitebeard's pirates were present, while Whitebeard himself
walks on the whale masthead of his ship, happy that his son Ace was not harmed.

In the Tarai Current, Ivankov is seen wondering if Dragon and his Revolutionary army would turn
up. Luffy asks why and Ivankov states that Dragon would not stand his son being executed. Luffy
simply reveals that he knows about the link between Roger and Ace. This surprises the whole
ship, when Luffy tells them not to tell anyone as it was a secret.

At Marineford, Sengoku is in awe at the sudden arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates. What appears
to be the Division Commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates stand around, simply watching.
Whitebeard looks up and punches the air, "cracking" it with the use of his Devil Fruit, the Gura
Gura no Mi. This causes a gigantic tremor, rippling through the Marine ranks. Two massive
explosions erupt but no one is harmed however it causes alarm through the ranks of the Marine s.

Back at the Tarai Current, Luffy states that he could not see the Marines or the Whitebeard Pirates
yet because of the fog. Meanwhile, Ace enters a series of flashbacks.

A younger version of Ace told Luffy that he would leave now to become a pirate. Luf fy told him
that he would set out in three years and be stronger by that time. However, Garp was angry that
Ace had decided to become a pirate rather than be a Marine. Soon, Ace is known all around the
world as the infamous and strong captain of the Spade Pirates. Sengoku was seen asking about
this new rookie, while Whitebeard commented on the invitation to Ace as a Shichibukai and his

Some time afterward, Ace found Shanks. He asked if Ace wanted to greet him, grabbing his sword
and threatening him. However, unfazed by the threat, Ace states that he was the brother of Luffy,
saying that Luffy bragged about Shanks and he had decided to come see the real thing. Shanks
became overjoyed, saying that this was a reason to celebrate.

Some time later, Jinbe stood in Ace's way, stating that even though he was not part of the
Whitebeard Pirate, he would not let a "young reckless boy" have a go at the "old man", referring
to Whitebeard. The Spade Pirates recognized Jinbe and his Shichibukai status, warning Ac e.
However, Ace and Jinbe go head to head. Thus, they battled for 5 days straight with no clear victor.
At this point, Whitebeard himself appears to the Spade Pirates, stating that the challenger should
stand forth, that this was the chance to take his head. Whitebeard goes alone, defeating most of
the Spade Pirates. Ace stands back up, calling up a wall of fire using his Devil Fruit. Ace tells his
crew to run and that he would face Whitebeard alone. Whitebeard calls Ace a "cheeky little brat"
and attacks Ace. After what appears to be a long hard battle, Whitebeard comments about Ace,
saying that it would be a pity if he was to die there. He states that if Ace still wanted to cause
havoc on the seas, Ace should bear the symbol of Whitebeard and become his "son".

When Ace awakes after his defeat to Whitebeard, Thatch greets Ace, telling him of his position as
the 4th Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Thatch tells Ace about what happened
after he passed out, saying that the Spade Pirates had come to get Ace, only to be beaten up by
Thatch and his division. However, they were aboard this ship. Ace asks how Thatch could be so
comfortable without him being in handcuffs or anyone guarding him as a prisoner. And soon,
Ace's attempts to kill Whitebeard begin. Ace begins with trying to kill Whitebeard in his sleep.
Whitebeard wakes up at the last second and sends Ace flying, soon falling back asleep. Ace tries
again, this time using an ax. Whitebeard fends off this attack, throwing Ace into the sea. Ace tries
day after day, soon passing the 100 mark. One day, Marco passes Ace a bowl of soup. Ace asks
Marco why everyone called Whitebeard "Pops". Marco replies with that Whitebeard called them

Summit War Marineford

his "sons", that while they were hated around the world, words like t hose made them happy.
Marco presents Ace with a decision, if he would take Whitebeard's name on his back.

Some time after the talk with Marco, the Whitebeard Pirates cheer as Ace celebrates another
victory by taking down Doma and his crew. He later has the chance to take up the position of 2nd
Division Commander. Ace asks around and pretty much everyone gives their consent, even a
younger version of Blackbeard, still a Whitebeard Pirate. While Ace's reputation grows, Ace reveals
his father to Whitebeard. The old man laughs, saying that Ace and Roger have different
personalities. Ace asks if he was to be kicked out but Whitebeard refuses, saying that everyone
was a "child of the sea".

After Blackbeard murdered Thatch, some men are seen holding Ace back, saying that Whitebeard
had made an exception. Ace, outraged, shouts about Blackbeard, stating he was a traitor, that he
had to go after him as he had committed the ultimate crime and he was under his division. Marco
and Jozu attempt to stop him, but Ace runs.

Back to the present at Marineford, Ace shouts at the Whitebeard Pirates, that he should have
been left for dead as he had refused to listen and set out. Whitebeard states that he had told Ace
to go, only to be rebutted by Ace, saying that Whitebeard and the others had said not to go.
However, Whitebeard calls up Marco and asks if he had told Ace to go. Marco answers yes, saying
that Whitebeard told Ace to go. Everyone cheers, saying that they would save the 2nd Division
Commander. The Marine admirals prepare themselves, all commenting about the coming war.
Suddenly everything rumbles, causing alarm through Marines, even to some of the Shichibukai.
It is then revealed that Whitebeard was a "Quakeman", having eaten the Gura Gura no Mi.
Sengoku tells everyone to fight, saying that the Marines might be the ones that could face the
end, not the Whitebeard Pirates. The two sides begin to fight, with two tsunamis on either side of
Marineford as the war begins.

Marineford: The Marines are in panic as two tsunamis advance towards them. Doflamingo laughs
at the "Legendary Pirate", meaning Whitebeard, while the great pirate himself also laughs. Soon,
Aokiji evaporates out of his chair and uses Ice Age on the two tsunamis, freezing them entirely.
Whitebeard calls Aokiji a "little rascal", while the Marines are relieved. Aokiji sends Ice Spears
towards Whitebeard, who stops them and snaps Aokiji in half, cracking the air to do this. Aokiji
crumbles into ice, but reforms near the water and freezes the bay entirely, creating a n icy
battlefield. The Whitebeard Pirates look out, observing the new foothold but the fact that they no
longer could move. The Marines fire upon the ships, when Whitebeard's allies jump out, getting
ready to fight.

The vice admirals have Marine Headquarters jump down and line up, all holding swords. The
opposition comment on their line up, stating that this rarely happened and looked like a Buster
Call. Tsuru is warned to stay back, but states that even if she was to retreat to the end of the
Seas, she would never be safe.

Mihawk pulls out his legendary sword and tells Doflamingo that he was going to test the strength
between a certain man and him. Mihawk sends a gigantic flying strike towards Whitebeard but is
suddenly stopped by Jozu, or better known as Third Division Commander, "Diamond" Jozu. Next,
Kizaru prepares to take his strike, sending a shower of light bullets towards Whitebeard. The old
pirate comments that the light was bright and as the shower comes, someone jumps up into the
fray, stopping the shower. The Marines look up and see Marco, the First Division Commander in
blue flames. Marco states that he could not take the king on your first turn, possibly referring to
chess, while Kizaru states that the Whitebeard Pirates are frightening people.

Summit War Marineford

The Marines are still shocked that Marco took an attack from Kizaru and was still standing. They
all talk about the rumors of Marco's ability. Kizaru comments on the "Mythical Beast" Zoan, saying
it was scarier than a Logia as Marco takes on the form of a phoenix. Marco hurtles towards Kizaru
in his Zoan form and turns into the common hybrid form for a Zoan, half animal and human. He
kicks Kizaru's elbow and is sent crashing to the ground. Kizaru seems unharmed and orders the
Giant Squad to prepare for air assaults. The group of Marine giants prepare themselves, heading
towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

The pirates of Whitebeard prepare themselves for the "big boys", telling everyone to stand back.
Jozu appears to lift something and turns out to be a gigantic piece of an iceberg, big enough to
easily cover the Giant Squad of the Marines. Akainu looks up, saying that there were all of them
out there, yet they could not protect the place. Akainu stands up and his arm turns into what
appears to be black smoke but is later revealed to be a magma rock fist. Akainu aims the fist at
the iceberg and evaporates the entire iceberg and also sends magma projectiles towards the
Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard still stands on the whale head of his ship, watching as the projectiles destroy one of
his ships. Whitebeard mutters, saying that Akainu thought he was "cool" with his fire. Whitebeard
catches a flaming rock from Akainu, catching it on his weapon. He tells Akainu to go light a
birthday cake, which the Marine admiral retorts that he would like to light Whitebeard's funeral
pyre. Battle rages throughout the bay: two Whitebeard Pirates are seen taking on a Marine Giant
while a man holding a flaming katana attacks a group of Marines. During this fighting, a huge
Giant appears, similar to Oars. It is then revealed that this is in fact Oars' descendant, "Little Oars

Gekko Moriah crackles, surprised that Oars' descendant was under Whitebeard's command and
that he wanted to claim his corpse. Donquixote Doflamingo also laughs, saying that things have
just turned interesting.

Marineford: The Giant Squad of the Marines heads forward, to tackle the monstrous Little Oars
Jr.; two giants talk to each other, saying that it is the first time they are actually looking up at
someone. Marines try to tackle Oars Jr. full on, with a terrified Ace watching. Sengoku comments
that Oars Jr. is quite the ally. However, Ace shouts at Oars Jr., stating that due to his size, he would
be an unfortunate target. Oars Jr. keeps going, determined to save Ace.

The behemoth of Oars Jr. picks up a Marine warship by the mast and uses it as a hammer,
creating a hole in the Marine defense. A Marine looks on, saying that the situation is bad and
orders a retreat so that the pirates would not get to the execution platform. A vice admiral falls to
the despair of the Marines. Whitebeard states that Oars Jr. is a fool and that he has no idea what
to do with him. He goes on to say that there is a difference between heroism and suicide. Oars Jr.
shouts at his Captain, saying that all he wants is to save Ace. Whitebeard agrees, ordering his
men to back up the giant. Oars Jr. keeps fighting, scaring the living daylights out of the Marines.

Boa Hancock looks on and decides to act, using her Mero Mero no Mi by blowing a heart shaped
balloon and using a move called Slave Arrow. A Whitebeard pirate recognizes the Pirate Empress
but is slowly turned to stone. She uses another move, Perfume Femur, attacking Whitebeard
Pirates and Marines alike. A Marine stands up, questioning her act. To his surprise, Hancock
replies that with pirates and Marines, all men are the same, except for one (Luffy).

Kuma steps forth, using Ursus Shock against Little Oars Jr., destroying walls and injuring the giant.
Nevertheless, Oars Jr. stands, all bloodied, noticing that his conical hat has dropped. Ace shouts

Summit War Marineford

at him to stop, saying that he would not make it. However, Oars Jr. does not listen, instead,
entering a flashback.

Oars Jr.'s Flashback: Ace is seen talking to Oars Jr., saying that he learnt to make a hat in the land
of Wano. Ace goes on, saying that he thought that it must've been really hot in the sky, so he
made the hat. Oars Jr. really enjoys the hat. People also look up, saying that Ace had tried twice
making the hat properly, saying that it was only expected of a Fire man trying to make a straw
hat. Oars Jr. is sitting outside, happy that he wasn't getting wet on his head with his new conical
hat on his head. In another scene, it is the same, except that it was snowing.

Marineford: The Marines take fire upon Oars Jr. The massive being takes fire from directions but
states that he could at least take down one Shichibukai. He attacks the unsuspected Doflamingo.
However, the Shichibukai jumps over Oars Jr. and chops off the giant's leg, laughing and shouting
that the fight was a riot. Ace looks on, bewildered as Oars Jr. rests down on his stump of a leg,
noticing that only a little more was required to reach Ace, as he and the Whitebeard Pirates had
now entered the plaza. As he reaches out to grab his dear friend, Moriah acts, enraged that
Doflamingo had harmed Oars Jr, intending to use his corpse. He uses his Kage Kage no Mi Devil
Fruit power and forms a shadow spear, Tsuno-Tokage, impaling Oars Jr. through the stomach.
The behemoth of a giant falls in front of Ace, falling to the ground, a hand a couple of feet away
from the Second Division Commander.

Marineford: Kuma and Mihawk look on as Oars Jr. falls, while Moriah states that was how to kill
in true fashion and Hancock comments that huge people lived in the ocean. Ace shouts the giant's
name, when Oars Jr. falls back, defeated. Doflamingo erupts in laughter, causing a Whitebeard
Pirate to question the laughter. Whitebeard also sees Oars Jr. fall, when a Marine from the Giant
Squad attempts to kill Whitebeard, saying that he should never mourn in a war. However,
Whitebeard uses his Gura Gura no Mi Devil Fruit power, smashing the Giant's helmet against the
Moby Dick helm, breaking the head gear and knocking Vice Admiral Ronse out. Whitebeard orders
his men to surge forward through the gap created by Oars Jr.

Far away, a man attempts to catch his bolting animals but gives up, saying that there was a lot of

Doflamingo responds to the Whitebeard Pirate, 13th Division Commander 'Water Buffalo' Atmos,
saying that being in the core of the Era "cracked" him up. Doflamingo uses his mysterious Devil
Fruit power on Atmos who suddenly warns his comrades to stay back. However, Atmos is late with
his warning and forced to fight his own crewmates. Koby witnesses the horror around him and
runs for his life with Helmeppo, saying that these people were too strong for him. However, to the
two Marine's surprise, Akainu is around the corner, ordering a Marine to take his post. The Marine
responds, saying that he had to leave to be with his family. Akainu shows no mercy, and use his
devil fruit ability against the Marine. After this, Akainu gets a call, saying that preparations for a
plan was complete. Atmos continues to be under the Shichibukai’s control. The Shichibukai
himself shouts that terms for things that changed over time. People who had not seen war had
different meanings for "Marine" or "Pirate". Doflamingo states that the ground was neutral and
whoever was at the top, would define Justice, thus shouting, Justice would prevail. Whitebeard
Pirates charge forward, suddenly aided by an ice-breaker. This belongs to 'Ice Witch' Whitey Bay,
who plows through the ice. A Marine runs up to Sengoku, stating that the Whitebeard Pirates were
invading, but Sengoku replies that he did not care. Tsuru is also alerted of the plan, after dealing
with pirates. Whitebeard notices soldiers holding Den Den Mushi, chuckling as he finds out that
Sengoku had a plan. Garp walks up on the stand, where Sengoku asks if Garp had a problem with
the new plan. Garp states that he did not, saying that he felt no pity for a pirate. He has flashbacks

Summit War Marineford

of when Ace and Luffy were little, including one where he was called an "old piece of shit" by Ace.
He sits down next to Ace, claiming that family was different, now crying, asking Ace why he did
not follow his grandfather's wishes and become a Marine. Sengoku tells Garp that he would not
hold back on him if he were to attempt to save his grandson. However, Garp states that if he
could have, he would have. Koby and Helmeppo talk in hushed tones, bewildered after finding
out the plan: the Marines intended to execute Ace before the deadline. At this point, they notice
something falling from the sky. Yelling can be heard out of the sky, saying that the "wink" was too
much. Marines look up and so does Ace. Soon, it is revealed that these people are Luffy and his
Impel Down escapee army, all screaming that they did not wish to die, apart from Luffy who states
that since he was rubber, he would be fine. Finally, Luffy arrives on the scene.

Previously Before: Luffy and his escapee crew find themselves on top of a frozen wave, all
surprised. Someone states that the wave had picked them up and suddenly froze, due to
Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi and Aokiji's Hie Hie no Mi powers respectively. Crocodile looks
down and so does the others, where Jinbe notices Whitebeard's men while Iva notices that the
war had already begun. Soon Luffy gets an idea to get the group off the wave and tells them to
hurry as they only had three hours. Luffy's idea is to push the ship down the wave into the water.
Mr. 3 and Buggy oppose the plan but Luffy persuades them and Buggy suddenly feels that he
could do it, supported by his loyal followers. A Den Den Mushi rings, giving a Marine report, all in
code words. However, one thing could be made clear, that Ace was to be executed before the
original time. They all shout that they had to hurry, when the wave collapses, forcing the Marine
warship down.

Present Time, Marineford: Ace and the Marines look on, bewildered as a Marine Warship crashes
into the bay. Sengoku and Whitebeard notice the new addition to the war, while the escapee crew
thank their luck as they miraculously managed to land themselves in a patch of water. Jinbe div es
down to retrieve the fallen Devil Fruit users, complaining how annoying they were when they fell
into the water. Ace shouts Luffy's name; Luffy replies back.

Around him, Marines begin to recognize the new force, starting with the former Shichibukai,
Crocodile. Sengoku recognizes Luffy, to Garp's horror; another group of Marines recognize Jinbe,
the Revolutionary Iva and other infamous pirates from Impel Down.

Mihawk quietly comments about Luffy making head-turning scenes, while Moriah wails his former
enemy's name. Jango and Fullbody also ponder Luffy's presence, while Hancock appears relieved
that Luffy had managed to escape Impel Down safely. Helmeppo and Koby are surprised that
Luffy had escaped Impel Down also, while Aokiji comments on the group as a whole. Kuma
remains silent but Kizaru laughs that Luffy and him were to meet again so soon. Marco recognizes
Luffy as Ace's brother. Doflamingo chuckles about the Shichibukai present and also at the
"outrageous" rookie, Straw Hat Luffy. Tashigi sees them also but Smoker tells her to remain
focused while getting slashed, only to go straight through as a wisp of smoke. Akainu finally notes
down Luffy as the grandson of Garp the "Hero of Marines" and son of Dragon the Revolutionary.

Sengoku shouts at Jinbe, asking if this was the Shichibukai's choice. Jinbe bellows back, saying
that he was fine with this choice and he resigned as a Shichibukai. Garp comments about the
group, saying that it was the most "screwed up" group and refused to accept that they all had one
common objective. As if on cue, Iva notices Crocodile is gone. The former Shichibukai had
appeared at Whitebeard, his hook at the Yonko’s neck. Buggy gets angry that Crocodile tried to
"steal his glory" while the Whitebeard Pirates begin to react.

Summit War Marineford

Out of nowhere, Luffy, in Gear 2, kicks Crocodile across the face as his leg was coated in water
which is the weakness of Suna Suna no Mi. Crocodile asks about their arrangement but Luffy
refuses, saying that if the giant old man was indeed Whitebeard, no one was touching him as the
Yonko was the only person Ace truly cared about.

As Whitebeard looks back, he notices the straw hat on Luffy's back, belonging to Shanks. He
questions it, saying that it beared a strong resemblance to another. Luffy replies that he was
borrowing it from Shanks. Whitebeard has flashback, when Ace was showing Luffy's wanted
poster. Whitebeard asks if Luffy was here to save Ace, which Luffy replies that he was. The former
states that Luffy would be throwing his life away if he entered t he treacherous battlefield.
Enraged, Luffy tells Whitebeard to stop telling him what to do, and that he had heard about
Whitebeard becoming the Pirate King and states that he was to beat Whitebeard to the status of
glory. Whitebeard stares at Luffy and chuckles, telling him to not to get in the way, while Luffy
talks on saying that he could do whatever he wanted. Everyone is shocked at Luffy's attitude
towards a Yonko, that he would compete against such a pirate. Kizaru asks Sengoku if he was to
execute any intruder, with Sengoku agreeing.

The chapter begins with Luffy telling Whitebeard of the new plan to execute Ace ahead of
schedule. Luffy sets off towards Ace, while Ivankov wonders why Luffy would be talking to
Whitebeard as if they were equals, also questioning the origin of Luffy's confidence. Whilst
Whitebeard ponders the Marine's next move, Marco appears in front of him, reporting that the
Marines intended to execute Ace ahead. Whitebeard replies that he knew, and to remain calm.
He suggests that the Marines new move was to upset the Whitebeard Pirates as he believed that
Sengoku would not allow such a plan to be overheard so easily. Kizaru appears, stating that the
Celestial Dragons had demanded the arrest of "Straw Hat Luffy" after the Sabaody Incide nt and
prepares to attack him, his foot shining with light. The Impel Down pirates look on, deeming Luffy
dead. However, Iva uses his signature move, Death Wink to push Luffy out of the line of fire. Buggy
and his band of escapees shout that they all wanted to go home. However, the escapees mistake
Buggy to say "I want to kill Kizaru". They are all in awe, saying that "crews of legends" had no fear
of the admirals. Mr. 3 shouts at them, saying that their ears were "filled with too much hope".
Luffy thanks Iva, when the latter notices another beam, taking it for Kizaru. Iva uses Rolling
Aesthetic to get out of the beam fire. When the dust clears, Kuma appears to have shot it, to Iva's
surprise. Iva thinks to himself, even though Kuma was thinking of his role as Shichibukai, how
could he fire upon an old friend like himself?

Luffy urges on when, Hina (or to Luffy, the "girl at Alabasta") appears, using her power to create a
cage. Luffy states that he was sick of being locked up and enters Gear Second, evading Hina,
which causes the Marine Captain to catch her own Marines instead. Moriah spots Luffy, and
orders his new zombie army to attack him, using fallen soldiers and an arsenal of shadows. Luffy
prepares to fight them, when Ace shouts at Luffy to stay away. He states that both of them were
pirates, and they knew better. Ace goes on to say that he had his own battles, his own crew and
Luffy shouldn't butt in. Ace calls Luffy a weakling, saying that he would not forgive someone like
him for rescuing him, stating it was humiliating. He then tells Luffy to "go home". Now Luffy
becomes enraged and shouts that he is Ace's brother. Ace has a flashback, when he once said
"If we have a drink together, we will be brothers" and both of the younger versions of the duo
laughing and smiling.

Marines begin to question Luffy's parents, mistaking him for a son of the former Pirate King.
Moriah seizes this chance, urging his zombie soldiers to attack. However, they are all purified.
The reason becomes clear, with Jinbe standing wet of seawater, remembering that salt was their
weakness. As a giant with a mace begins to attack Luffy, Sengoku shouts that Luffy was also to

Summit War Marineford

be taken down, as he is the son of "Revolutionary" Dragon. This surprises everyone again, with
reporters calling their headquarters to inform their bosses. Buggy, Mr. 3, and Moriah are shocked.
Koby and Helmeppo are surprised that Sengoku revealed Luffy's heritage. Mihawk states that at
this point, the news wasn't very surprising; Hancock still loves Luffy, claiming she would not care
if he was "the son of demons", and Kuma says nothing. Doflamingo laughs, finally figuring out the
answer why Emporio Ivankov was at his side. Jinbe pieces everything together as does Smoker,
who also finds the answer to the incident at Loguetown. Garp, the father and grandfather, states
that he no longer needed to hide it, stating that Luffy had already acquired such an infamous
record, titles and labels may as well mean nothing.

Luffy activates Gear Third, just as the giant appears to be giving the final blow. Luffy sends the
giant flying with Gomu Gomu no Gigant Rifle, winning the applause of many Whitebeard's men.
Luffy then shouts that he would save Ace even if it killed him. Whitebeard, amused by Luffy's
actions, tells Marco, that if the boy Luffy was to die, then he would not forgive him. Marco takes
in his new order, ending the chapter.

The chapter starts with Ace recalling what Luffy said to him in the previous chapter ("I'll save you
even if it kills me"). He then tells Garp that if someone comes up to rescue him, he will not struggle
and he will run away. It would be disrespectful to do otherwise. Luffy and Iva begin taking a lot of
fire from the marines and the inmates from Impel Down start complaining that Luffy is stealing
all the glory. They urge Buggy to get on with the plan to kill Whitebeard. As Buggy starts thinking
to himself about how everyone around him is so strong, Whitebeard calls down to Buggy
(Rednose). Whitebeard notes that he is surprised to see him still alive. Buggy becomes instantly
terrified with the idea that Whitebeard is about to kill him but the escapees stand amazed that
Whitebeard is speaking directly to Buggy. Whitebeard asks if Buggy is after his head and with
some hesitance, Buggy says he is. Whitebeard proposes a truce with Buggy until the battle is over,
and then he can attempt to take his head. The escapees again are astounded that Whitebeard is
talking to Buggy like an equal. Buggy accepts and as Marco notes how easy it was to win him
over, Whitebeard tells him that it will be a problem if all the inmates become their enemies.
Whitebeard then calls Squard (leader of the Shore Party), who redirects him to the Decalvan
Brothers. Whitebeard instructs the Brothers to take control of all pirates. The two brothers tell
him okay. The rest of the pirates begin announcing whether they will go left or right and a marine
informs Sengoku of what they are doing. Garp and Sengoku realize that Whitebeard has already
guessed the plan.

The scene changes and we see Moriah grabbing more and more shadows. He gets angry at Jinbe,
shouting that while he is there, he cannot make any more zombies. Moriah starts grabbing more
shadows from the marine soldiers and tells Jinbe that he will take his as well. Jinbe gets into
position and then uses Samegawara (Shark Tile) and Seiken (True Fist) to nail a punch into Moriah
(who then appears to have gone unconscious). The scene changes again and we see Luffy being
attacked by several marines including Tashigi. Smoke surrounds him and Luffy gets punched in
the face by Smoker's Jutte. Luffy recognizes Smoker ("Smokey") and uses Jet Gatling on Smoker
to no avail. Luffy notes that Smoker has gotten stronger who replies that Luffy has as well. As
Smoker pins Luffy, he tells him that he now knows why Dragon saved him in Loguetown. As he is
being pinned down, Hancock knocks Smoker off of Luffy. Smoker questions how she hit him while
he wasn't solid and then angrily asks her why she is not doing her job as Shichibukai. Hancock
retorts that no one can hit her "beloved" and hold him down. She also fumes that she has never
been this angry in her life and that she is going to kill Smoker (and feed him to animals). Smoker
receives a strain on his body and wonders if this it is the Kuja Haki. Luffy says "Hancock" in
surprise and all the rage Hancock previously had instantly disappears as she turns to respond
(ecstatic that he called her Hancock correctly again).

Summit War Marineford

We then go on to see Iva fighting Kuma. Iva is dumbfounded that Kuma would attack him, asking
if he remembers him. He says he does not want to attack Kuma but he will if he does not stop.
Doflamingo enters the fight and informs Iva that Bartholomew Kuma is dead.

The chapter starts with Hancock giving Luffy a key and telling him that it is the key that unlocks
Ace's handcuffs. Luffy becomes very excited at this and jumps on Hancock to hug her and
shouting thank you. Hancock becomes overcome with Luffy's sign of emotion and she drops to
the ground. The marines watching her and Luffy are astounded that Luffy "beat" her with a sumo
wrestling move. Hancock begins thinking about what just happened and thinks that because Luffy
held her tightly, they are married. Smoker again tries to go after Luffy but Hancock once more
stops him. Smoker asks Hancock if she knows what the marines will do to her after everything's
over but Hancock does not seem to care.

Luffy continues to run and he runs into the scene with Ivankov, Kuma, and Doflamingo. Ivankov
asks Doflamingo what he means by "Kuma is dead" if Kuma is standing right there. Luffy asks if
Ivankov knows him. When Doflamingo again states that the pacifista is not Kuma, Ivankov again
demands to know what he means. Doflamingo explains that several days before Ace's execution
date Dr. Vegapunk made a final modification on Kuma. When Ivankov says he does not
understand, Doflamingo goes on to say that Kuma volunteered himself to become the
Government's test patient. What originally started as simple transformations of his arms and legs
went on and on as more and more parts modified. Ivankov shouts that Kuma hated the World
Government which Doflamingo replies that he does not know the full deal Kuma had with the
Government, but he does know that all his past has been erased. At this, Luffy remembers that
on Sabaody Archipelago Kuma had said to him "We will never meet again". As Kuma attacks
again, Ivankov uses Face Spectrum and Galaxy Wink. Ivankov says that there has never been a
person who has forgotten him and that he will pound the memories back into Kuma. Ivankov then
orders his followers to back up Luffy who begins to run to the gallows.

As Luffy continues to run, Buggy is seen telling his new followers (the escapees from Impel Down)
to begin "the plan". Crocodile is being attacked by many followers of Whitebeard, but he and Mr.
1 are managing to kill or at least seriously wound most of them. Whitebeard says that Crocodile
is being a pain in the ass and on cue, Jozu uses his devil fruit ability to create a giant diamond
fist to punch Crocodile into a spot near Doflamingo. He continues to charge Crocodile when
Crocodile shouts to Doflamingo not to do anything unless he wants to get killed. Doflamingo
laughs at this remark and recommends that they join forces.

In the final page Luffy is running directly at the gallows but is intercepted by Mihawk. Mihawk says
to himself, "My apologies Red-Hair, I will not hold back here". Luffy recognizes Mihawk and
Mihawk questions whether Luffy will die now or if he will be able to escape his Black Blade.

Although Mihawk stands before him, Luffy knows he has no time to fight Mihawk, and bursts past
him with his super-human speed. However, Mihawk, peering through the crowd, manages to
pinpoint Luffy, and swings his blade forward, launching a spiral stream that slashes Luffy, but
ignores all others between the two. After sending Luffy careening into a wall, Mihawk pursues
him, attempting to impale him. However, two Newkama soldiers get in the way of Mihawk, who
brushes them aside with little effort. Luffy attempts to attack Mihawk again, but realizing that the
Shichibukai would slice his arm off, halts his attack at the last moment, instead choosing to run
away. Mihawk comments that Luffy was unusually composed as he slices horizontally at the
rubber man. Although Luffy dodges it, the attack slices the remaining frozen wave in two, causing
the upper half to come crashing down on Marineford.

Summit War Marineford

Across the battlefield, Crocodile turns down Doflamingo’s offer, saying that Doflamingo is not at
his level, and that instead Doflamingo could be his subordinate. Doflamingo laughs at how he
thought Crocodile would be rational, the latter stating that if he was, he would not have come to
Marineford in the first place. He then performs Sables, attempting to blow Doflamingo away. The
attack is not confined to Doflamingo, though, as Buggy is accidentally sucked into the vortex as

As Luffy and Mihawk continue their battle, the latter notes on how Luffy is moving away from the
execution platform. In a move of desperation, Luffy grabs onto Buggy and uses him as a shield
against Mihawk's attack. Although Buggy is angry at Luffy, Luffy continues to use him as a shield.
Getting fed up, Buggy launches a Special Muggy Ball at Mihawk, who casually deflects it with his
blade, causing it to explode in Buggy's face. Luffy, having finally gotten a break, dashes back
towards the platform. Seeing that Mihawk was going to attack Luffy again, Marco calls over
Whitebeard's fifth division commander, Vista, to interfere and hold Mihawk back. When Mihawk
recognizes him, Vista is happy to hear that Mihawk had heard of him; Mihawk replies by saying
that only a fool would not have heard of him. As Luffy continues to make his way towards the
platform, Mihawk comments on how he has the strange ability to make anyone around him an
ally, an ability that is the most dangerous in the world.

The battle continues to rage on, as the onlookers at Sabaody Archipelago watch on in horror. As
the civilians begin to realize that Ace is to be executed early, Sengoku demands that the feed be
cut off, so that the civilians would not lose faith in the Marines, as such a tragedy would be too
much for them to witness. Sengoku justifies his actions by saying that all they needed to say to
the world after the battle was over would be one word: "Victory".

Suddenly, more battleships begin to appear from behind. As the pirates note that they are not
allies, Whitebeard, Luffy, and Ivankov recognize those on board: Sentomaru has arrived at the
battle, backed up by an army of at least nine Pacifista. The battle has gone on for an hour and a
half, and it is about to enter its final phase.

The Pacifista army advances towards the Whitebeard Pirates, over 20 in number. Everyone who
is not a Marine is surprised, with reporters at Sabaody scrambling to reach their headquarters
while civilians stare in awe at the numerous Bartholomew Kumas. A Whitebeard Pirate states that
he had heard rumors about Vegapunk being in the process of developing a human weapon and
he's been occasionally sending prototypes out to deal with various incidents.

Sentomaru reveals the Marine plan, talking to Kizaru, complaining that the Whitebeard Pirates
were all over the place. A pirate picks up on this, inferring that the Marines had originally planned
to corner the pirates using the Pacifista in the bay. This also reveals part of Whitebeard's idea to
scatter all his men over the bay. Sengoku orders the attack anyways, telling the Pacifistas to aim
attacks at stragglers. Sentomaru gives the order to commence attack, with Pacifista blasting
pirates everywhere. One pirate attempts to take out a Pacifista with a gigantic club. He brings it
down but fails to knock the human weapon out, his club breaking on impact against the Pacifista's

Whitebeard orders his men forward, telling them not to worry about the forces behind them. More
men attempt to battle the Pacifista, only failing in the process. At Sabaody, the images on the
screens cut out. This becomes part of Sengoku's ultimate plan, ordering a "route" to begin and
for Ace's execution to begin at the same time. Luffy takes note of this new change and rushes
forward, only to be greeted by Kizaru. The admiral sends Luffy back. Luffy crashes into Jinbe who
tells Luffy not to be surprised at the admiral's strength. A woman addresses Luffy as "Ace's little

Summit War Marineford

brother", asking if he had run out of strength. Jinbe recognizes her as a Division Commander of
the Whitebeard Pirates. As per normal, Kizaru does not appear to be worried but simply comments
that the situation was "terrifying".

Moriah approaches a Division Commander named Curiel, telling him that if they entered the bay,
they would be dead and that either way, if Whitebeard was to die, it would be "hilarious". Curiel
simply replies that he would not let "Dad" (Whitebeard) or Ace die. Meanwhile, Vista is still fighting
Mihawk in sword combat. Mihawk states that the match was due for an end, with Vista agreeing.
Tashigi tells Smoker that they were done and advances further while Hancock prays for Luffy to
finish his mission. However, somewhere in the battlefield the real Kuma keeps fighting. Sengoku
asks if the video feed had been cut, demanding it to be cut as they were still broadcasting. The
only camera to be working is revealed to belong to a Impel Down escapee. The escapees, trying
to boost Buggy's fame, broadcast him to the public as "Red-Hair’s brother" or "the pirate from the
legendary crew of Gol D. Roger". The Marines fire upon the escapees, trying to destroy the camera
as they cannot proceed the battle. The civilians demand the other cameras, shouting for the
Pacifistas and Ace's execution to be shown.

Aboard the Moby Dick, Squard appears and Whitebeard asks if he was fine as he could not be
reached. Squard reports that the rear pirates had been severely hit and Whitebeard responds by
stating that he would join the fight now. Squard thanks Whitebeard, telling the Yonko that he
owed a great debt to the Whitebeard Pirates. On the ice, Marco appears surprised that Squard
was aboard the Moby Dick. The next event becomes evidently shocking to eve ryone, possibly
changing the course of the war. The next event is: Squard stabs Whitebeard through the chest
using his sword, leaving Whitebeard, Luffy, Ace, Jinbe, Marco, and Jozu in shock.

Everyone is shocked as they watched Squard stab Whitebeard in the chest. As the events are
broadcasted to the whole world via den den mushi, an angry Marco steps in and pushes Squard
to the ground. Squard explain the reasons for his actions saying that Whitebeard made a deal
with the world government, sparing his life, Ace’s and the rest of whitebeard's crew while the life
of his allies would be in danger of getting killed. Furthermore, Squard seems to hold a grudge
against Gol D. Roger for decimating his comrades years ago and that having Whitebeard befriend
Ace was already betrayal on his part. He then loudly shouts his observation saying that the
marines are only attacking the allies and not Whitebeard himself. To complicate things even
more, the walls of ice Aokiji created at the beginning of the battle is trapping all the pirates in the
bay. As Whitebeard's allies begin doubting Whitebeard himself, Aokiji freezes Buggy and his Impel
Down crewmates and the whole world is left questioning whether this was planned from the start.
Soon after there's an order to raise the siege wall. Crocodile then comments on how weak
Whitebeard has become saying that Whitebeard was stronger back then. Marco, trying to figure
out the entire mess comments on how Whitebeard should've been able to dodge it however his
health is also lacking.

Finally Whitebeard breaks his silence saying that Squard was a foolish son, however no matter
how foolish he was he still loves him and bends down to hug him. Whitebeard asked Squard who
managed to turn his loyalty against him and Squard replies by saying a member of the rebel
faction said that if he managed to kill whitebeard then his crew would be spared. Whitebeard
being able to instantly infer it was Akainu tells Squard to not hate Ace for being Roger's son but
to be friends with him since he has done nothing bad to Squard. Also he comments that Ace is
not the only special person and that everyone in his "family" was special.

Whitebeard praises Sengoku’s highly deceptive strategy saying he's still got the ideas to be an
elite strategist. To reassure his crew and allies that Whitebeard did not sell out his children, he

Summit War Marineford

destroys the two ice walls blocking the way earlier so that the pirates can have an escape route.
His allies now convinced that he did not sell them out are now happy after knowing the truth and
Whitebeard makes a final statement before jumping off his ship and joining the fray himself.
Sengoku yells to get ready as the worlds strongest man begins his attack!

As Whitebeard charges into battle, all of his crew and allies follow behind and open a path for
him. One of the Decalvan Brothers comments on how hard it must be for Squard to have been
tricked and to be responsible for stabbing Whitebeard, causing Whitebeard's allies to scream that
they'll never forgive the Marines. As Squard wallows in grief of his own sins, Marco asks him if
just crying will help set things right and that he should go and repay his debt.

Luffy, musing on how strong Whitebeard must be, continues to run head-long towards the
execution platform. Ivankov notes that all of the Marines are retreating into the plaza. While Jinbe
agrees that it is worrisome, he states that there's no time to think, as Whitebeard is on the move.

John Giant then appears on the front line, ready to stop Whitebeard and his crew as his and
Whitebeard's weapons. Whitebeard then surprises the giant by causing an earthquake so
massive, that the entire island tilts to one side. As the Marines panic, Doflamingo laughs about
how insane Whitebeard is, while Hancock continues to care only for Luffy's safety. Whitebeard
then delivers a quake-imbued punch to John Giant's chest, defeating him.

As onlookers wonder why the quakes aren't effecting the execution platform, they see that the
three admirals are somehow holding it together, as the three banter about how it's each other's
fault that the wall is not up yet. As the pirates finally make it towards the city, dozens of walls
shoot up from the ground, blocking their path. As much as the pirates try to attack it, the wall will
not budge. Cannons emerge from the walls, preparing to fire. However, one wall near the front
remains open; Oars’ body is blocking the wall's path, and his blood has interfered with the system.
Although the situation is not ideal, Sengoku commands Akainu to attack anyway; Akainu then
uses Ryūsei Kazan, causing a storm of flaming fists to rain down upon the pirates.

Back at the Sabaody Archipelago, reporters and bystanders are complaining about the video feed
getting cut. They barrage the stationed Marines with questions, asking if Whitebeard and the
Marines really made a bargain and if Whitebeard sold out his allies. Eustass Kid and crew decide
to leave since the show is over. The other Supernovas, all alive and well on Sabaody, comment
on the situation.

Meanwhile, Akainu’s attack is wreaking havoc on the pirates, destroying all their footing. Moby
Dick is struck down in the attack, and is completely destroyed. As the sea water begins to turn to
magma, the cannons from within the iron wall begin firing at the pirates, restraining them at the
center of the enclosure. Whitebeard attempts to use his Gura Gura no Mi powers to smash
through a section of the wall, but the blow only dents it.

Seeings as everything is going according to plan, Sengoku announces that it is time to execute
Ace. The pirates decide that to reach Ace they need to travel over Little Oars Jr. As Ivankov and
Jinbe look for Luffy, they see that he is recklessly running through the path with the other pirates,
and is forced back by an explosion. Ivankov berates Luffy, stating that the one path through would
be the most guarded. As Jinbe and Ivankov wonder how they will manage to pass through, Luffy
asks a favor of Jinbe.

Oars Jr. surprisingly rises, having been awakened by the blast. As the Marines all aim at him,
preparing to finish him off, a pillar of water flies through the sky, soaring over the gap in the wall

Summit War Marineford

and landing right in front of the execution platform. From the water emerges Luffy, wielding a
mast from one of the ships in his hands. Standing right before Luffy, the admirals all comment
on Luffy's boldness. Luffy tries to strike the admirals with the mast, but Aokiji freezes it. He then
uses Gomu Gomu no Stamp Gatling, which shatters the frozen mass.

Whitebeard notes how Luffy's recklessness is just like Ace's. He commands Oars Jr. to stay there
and stay safe, and commands Jozu to prepare their trump card and their men to prepare to charge
at the plaza.

As the admirals dodge the projectiles formed from the frozen mast, Luffy activates Gear Second,
hoping to make a straight dash for Ace. However, Kizaru easily catches up to him and knocks him
aside with a kick at light-speed.

Up on the execution platform, the guards are about to execute Ace. However, they are blown back
by an unknown force, which is revealed to be an attack by none other than Crocodile. While
Sengoku wonders why Crocodile would aid his own enemy, the former Shichibukai notes that he
only did it because he did not want to see the Marines be satisfied. Suddenly, taking everyone by
surprise, Crocodile's head comes flying off of his body. Doflamingo, standing behind Crocodile,
says that he is jealous that he had decided to side with Whitebeard instead of him. Forming his
head back onto his body, Crocodile responds that he is not teaming up with anyone and atta cks

Meanwhile, Luffy has been knocked down, as Aokiji stabbed him with an ice saber. Hancock
screams at Aokiji and prepares to interfere, but instead Marco knocks Aokiji away.

The pirates in the bay, attempting to make their way past the iron wall, all try to swim towards the
gateway made by Oars. As the Marines prepare to fire upon the susceptible pirates, a coated ship
suddenly emerges from the sea, allowing most in the water to climb aboard. Whitebeard notes
that he never said that all of his ships had surfaced. While the Marines are busy debating whether
or not they should aim at Oars or the ship, Oars lifts the ship into the air and pulls it through the
hole he created. As the pirates prepare to storm the stage, Oars takes cannon fire, causing him
to collapse once more. Whitebeard then leaps into the plaza and, commanded his "children" to
keep away, swings his bisento in a circle, knocking away all of the Marines in his path.

With the only Marines still standing being the admirals, a few of the vice admirals, and those upon
the podium, the Whitebeard Pirates prepare to make their final charge to save Ace. Sengoku then
tells Garp that the two of them will be required to join the war.

The Whitebeard Pirates and their subordinate crews began their assault on the plaza. Whitebeard
prepares to use a devastating attack, but Admiral Aokiji freezes Whitebeard using Ice Ball.
Whitebeard breaks free from the ice he was encased in and attacked Aokiji. Aokiji prepares to
counter with Ice Block Partisan, but Jozu attacked him before he can do so. Jozu and Aokiji
prepare to face off against each other.

Luffy, meanwhile, continues to move toward the execution platform. However, Momonga and
Dalmatian stand in Luffy's way and attack him. Luffy then gets struck down by Admiral Kizaru,
who told Luffy that courage alone is not enough and kicked him away. Luffy is sent flying and is
then caught by Whitebeard. Kizaru chides Whitebeard for allowing Luffy to lead the charge.
Whitebeard then hand Luffy to his men and says that Luffy has done enough. As Whitebeard's
men try to tend to Luffy's wounds, Luffy insisted to go on but soon collapses. Whitebeard
comments on how he held a soft spot for people like Luffy.

Summit War Marineford

Whitebeard prepares to attack again, but is intercepted by Akainu. Akainu tells Whitebeard that
his power can destroy Marineford. Whitebeard responds by saying that he should try to protect it.
Akainu launches a magma fist and Whitebeard counters with an air quake.

Marco attempts to reach Ace in his phoenix form. Garp intercepts him and says to the Whitebeard
Pirates that they will have to get past Garp before they can save Ace.

Whitebeard tells his allies not to be intimidated by Garp, as he is just an old man. Akainu reminds
Whitebeard that they are of the same generation, then proceeds to fire a hound made of magma
at Whitebeard, who deflects the attack and causes more damage to Marineford.

The pirates continue to cut a path through the Marine's forces, heavily damaging a Pacifista in
the process. Ace suddenly begins to cry, as he recollects on his childhood; everyone with whom
he had spoken about Roger despising the man, causing Ace to retaliate by beating them half to
death. Ace had once asked Garp if he really should've been born; Garp replied by saying that was
something that could only be discovered by living. Ace begins to loathe himself, stating that he's
so happy that his allies care enough to spill blood for him that he cannot stop crying, and that he
suddenly wants to live.

Meanwhile, Buggy and the escapees from Impel Down remain on a block of ice outside of the
encircling wall. One of the pirates tells Buggy that he was thawed by the sea of magma. Buggy
says to himself that he plans to take out vengeance against the Marines.

Suddenly, Whitebeard collapses, succumbing to the effects of old age. Marco rushes to protect
him, but in his frenzy he is unable to foresee an attack by Kizaru, which pierces through him. Jozu,
distracted by Kizaru's attack, has his arm frozen over by Aokiji. Akainu then deals a deva stating
magma-powered blow directly into Whitebeard's chest. Ivankov berates the collapsed Luffy, who
had asked for another dosage of Tension Hormones. Ivankov states that Luffy had been through
too much over the course of Impel Down until now, and that pushing himself any further would
mean throwing his life away. Luffy states that he will do whatever he can, even if he dies, as being
unable to fight and failing to save Ace would make him want to die anyway. Ivankov reprimands
Luffy, stating that if Luffy dies, then he would be unable to face Dragon ever again; however,
Ivankov tells Luffy that he can have it "his own damned way", injecting him with another shot of
Tension Hormones. Empowered once more, Luffy stands up and lets out a scream of resolve.

Just having been dosed with tension hormones, Luffy races towards the execution platform where
the blades are raised in preparation for their descent down Ace’s neck. Ivankov reminds Luffy
that he is still severely injured and cannot afford to be injured again as he helps Luffy clear a path
to Ace. Suddenly, Luffy spots Koby blocking his direct path to Ace. Koby strengthens his resolve
to fight and grow, and attacks Luffy. However, despite Koby's use of Soru, Luffy sees past the
technique and lands a crippling blow (Gomu Gomu no Bullet) right in Koby's face leaving him
crumpled and bloodied on the ground. With that hurdle jumped, another rises up in the form of
the World Government-commandeered and Marine-allied Pacifista firing lasers at them.
Conveniently, Shichibukai Boa Hancock appears and throws herself in front of Luffy rendering the
Pacifista unable to attack because their programming forbids them from attacking allies. Luffy
thanks the Pirate Empress and she in turn swoons when he says her name.

The scene is then focused on First Division Commander Marco the Phoenix, who is trying to
recover after just having been pierced by two light beams from Admiral Kizaru when the attack
on Whitebeard had him distracted. Marco tries to continue the fight but Vice Admiral Onigumo
sneaks up behind him and puts Seastone handcuffs on his right hand, sealing off his Devil Fruit

Summit War Marineford

powers. Consequently, Admiral Kizaru pierces his chest yet again with two light beams. The
Whitebeard-allied pirates cry out at the sight of the defeated commander.

Also defeated is Jozu having been frozen solid by Admiral Aokiji who also took full advantage of
the moment the Commander was distracted by the blow to Whitebeard. Aokiji walks off noting
that "the Whitebeard pirates have really fallen apart..."

With even the Commanders "falling like flies", Fleet Admiral Sengoku demands the immediate
delivery of Whitebeard's head. This sparks a full frontal attack on Whitebeard leaving him lanced,
pierced and bullet ridden by notable Marines, but remarkably he is still standing. The pirates cry
out "Old man!" in concern for Whitebeard, who clearly shows fatigue, but with a strong resolve he
roars out, "I AM WHITEBEARD!!!" as he brushes away the attackers with his bisento, claiming that
he needs no assistance and can hold out a little longer.

Seeing Whitebeard defeating quite a number of exceptional Marine fighters with one felling
swoop, and still standing despite his severe, mortal-looking injuries, the Marines come to the
conclusion that he is a monster. Whitebeard then announces that he is fully aware of what his
death entails and that he will not perish until he can see off the future of his children.

A group of the Whitebeard pirates, including Vista, along with Jinbe take up formation behind
Whitebeard to aid him but Fleet Admiral Sengoku states that he will show Whitebeard the future
of his "children" and orders the commencement of Ace's execution. Sengoku tells Whitebeard to
watch closely as the executioners' blades swing down in a wide arc. With Ace resigned to his fate
and Whitebeard incapacitated, the only thing that the pirates can do is look on as the fruit of their
efforts is about to get sliced open.

With his brother's demise impending, Luffy lets loose a Haki-imbued yell, "STOP IT!!!" (just like
what he did in the arena in Amazon Lily), that renders the executioners (and some weak -willed
individuals, notably Jango) unconscious. Fleet Admiral Sengoku's eyes darken in shock and
knowledgeable pirates and Marines note that it is Haoshoku Haki. Whitebeard looks on, just as
surprised and tells Marco to protect Luffy.

As everyone tries to recover from Luffy's massive burst of Haki, Whitebeard's allies and the
Marines alike all stand in awe of his power. Vice Admiral Doberman warns the Marines that Luffy
has to be cut down, or else he will become a fearsome force in the future. When Ivankov asks
Luffy how he got that level of power of Haki, Luffy responds that he has no idea what Ivankov is
talking about. Ivankov lets Luffy be, but understands that even if Luffy does not realize it, he
attracts people because of the will to fight the unknown, the same as Dragon.

The Marines convene around Whitebeard once more, who again brushes them aside. He then
commands all of his forces to back up Luffy. Whitebeard thinks to himself that he wants Luffy to
show him just what will come at the end of the Great Age of Pirates. As Luffy is about to be
attacked, Whitebeard's allies jump in and protect him, telling him that he has to go on ahead
while Whitebeard holds the Marines off. Ivankov tells Luffy that Whitebeard is putting all of his
faith in him; Luffy responds that he does not care about Whitebeard, and that he's only there to
save Ace. Mihawk attempts to attack Luffy, but is stopped by Mr. 1, who responds to Luffy's s hock
by saying that he is protecting him only by Crocodile's orders. After Mihawk strikes Mr. 1 down,
Crocodile interferes and protects his right-hand man.

Summit War Marineford

Sentomaru yells at Hancock for stopping a great number of Pacifista, asking why she is doing it if
she is on their side. She responds by shrieking that "love is always a hurricane" and leaves
Sentomaru very confused.

Ivankov asks for help within his hair, and none other than Inazuma, fully recovered, answers to
his call. He leaps from Ivankov's hair and, cutting up the ground around him, makes a walkway
that leads to the execution platform. Thanking Inazuma, Luffy runs up towards Ace. Many of the
Marines try to stop Luffy, but they are halted by Whitebeard and his forces. Whitebeard's allies,
as well as Buggy and his crew, watch Luffy get closer and closer to Ace; however, Garp leaps
through the bridge from below, landing between Luffy and Ace, cracking the ground with his
impact. Luffy tells Garp to move aside, but Garp refuses, as he is a Marine Headquar ters Vice

As Luffy and Garp face off against each other on the collapsing bridge, Garp reveals that he now
considers both Luffy and Ace as his enemies because of their decisions to become pirates.
However, in the midst of launching a massive punch at each other, Garp is distracted by memories
of his grandsons as Luffy evades his punch and connects with his own Gear Second punch,
sending the vice admiral crashing onto the ground below, much to the shock of the other vice
admirals. Luffy then lands on the scaffold, and prepares to use the key he received from Hancock
to release Ace from his shackles. Sengoku then uses his Devil Fruit powers, transforming into a
gigantic Buddha-like entity and decides to kill both Ace and Luffy. Kizaru shoots the key with a
laser from below, breaking it, before Luffy can unlock the shackles. Suddenly, one of the
unconscious executioners wakes up and reveals himself to be Mr. 3 in disguise. Luffy forms a
Gomu Gomu no Gigant FÅ«sen (Gigantic Rubber Balloon), and Mr. 3 erects a Candle Wall to shield
Ace, thus effectively blocking Sengoku's immense punch. However, the execution stand breaks
and collapses. The Marines below then launch a barrage of cannon blasts at the three falling
criminals, and Mr. 3 reveals that he was up there to avenge his fallen comrade, Mr. 2 Bon Kurei.
He then forms a wax key and gives it to Luffy to free Ace. The blasts collide with them just as Ace
turns into intangible flames to protect Luffy and Mr. 3.

All of Whitebeard's allies cheer on Luffy and Ace for their efforts, while the Impel Down escapees
stand amazed at Luffy's feats up to that point. The Marines brace themselves to stop Ace and
Luffy, who get ready to break through. As the Marines open fire, Ace and Luffy easily fight back
against the soldiers. Whitebeard's forces try to create a path for Luffy and Ace, while the Marines
continue to attempt to execute the two. Aokiji fires a mass of ice at them, which Ace blocks with
an enormous wall of fire. Sengoku grumbles in disgrace that he had allowed the two to get away;
Doflamingo suggests they let them get away to make things more interesting, which Vice Admiral
Momonga scolds him for; Akainu swears that he will not allow any of them to leave; the Marines
come across Mr. 3, who is lying exhausted from his actions.

Whitebeard's extra ship suddenly comes plowing through Marineford, being driven by Squard.
Squard reveals that he wishes to stall the Marines while the others escape. Marco comments on
Squard's stupidity as an ally unlocks the Seastone cuffs around him. As the ship pulls closer into
the city, it screeches to a halt, as Whitebeard stops it with one hand. Whitebeard shouts out that
Squard had done nothing, as he was reaching the end of his lifespan anyway; he then says that
he's about to deliver his final "captain's order". While his men try to talk him out of it, Whitebeard
bellows out that they must part ways, and that they must all return to the New World alive at all
costs. He claims that he is nothing more than a remnant of an era gone by, delivering an
enormous quake into the city of Marineford. Reminiscing, the crew of his past ask Whitebeard
what he wants if he does not desire treasure, and to the crew of his present he says that he has
had a long journey, and is ready to settle things with the Marines.

Summit War Marineford

Whitebeard has decided to stay behind in Marineford alone and destroy everything as well as sink
the island into sea while sacrificing himself. All the pirates are trying to evacuate, while
Whitebeard holds all the marines back alone. Meanwhile, the visual Den Den Mushi wakes up
and Buggy restarts the broadcast and prepares to take Whitebeard's head. At the same time Jinbe
also decides to stay back to help Whitebeard and evacuate pirates. While Ace is on his way to
freedom, Akainu provokes him to turn back by insulting Whitebeard. An enraged Ace clashes with
Akainu, but Ace ended up getting burned by Akainu's Magu Magu no Mi powers. Ace then learns
the hard way that Akainu's logia fruit with the power of magma is the natural enemy and superior
to that of Ace's logia with the power of fire. Luffy tries to go to Ace's aid but he finally loses his
strength and buckles down dropping Ace's Vivre Card. While Luffy is down, Akainu tries to finish
him off, but Ace takes the hit, allowing Akainu to pierce through his body instead of Luffy's. The
chapter ends with Ace's Vivre Card shown to burn up leaving very little intact while Luffy and the
Whitebeard Pirates watches dumbstruck.

Ace hugs Luffy while taking his last breath. Ace asks Luffy to forgive him for not letting Luffy save
him completely. Marco tells Mr. 3 to make him a key so he can take off his Seastone handcuffs.

While allies and members of the Whitebeard pirates fend off Admiral Akainu, Sengoku is forced
to subdue Garp, because otherwise Garp would attempt to kill Akainu. Ace's crewmates call a
doctor, but Ace says it's too late because his insides have been melted. Many flashbacks from
Ace's past are shown in which people commented that if Gol D. Roger has a kid, that kid should
just die.

Ace then says his last words, how he will miss everyone, and how glad he was to be accepted by
his friends and to have a family. In the final flashback, Luffy is crying and Ace tells Luffy that he
is never going to die cause he has a little brother to worry about. With that, his Vivre Card burns
completely and a flashback of his mother is shown naming him Gol D. Ace. Both Whitebeard and
Garp start to cry. In the final scene, Ace dies in front of Luffy's lap, leaving Luffy alone with a
tormented expression on his face, and apparently spelling the end for the Gol D. bloodline.

The chapter starts with a flashback of Ace and Luffy having a drink and becoming brothers.
Everyone is sad because of Ace's death. Ivankov notes that Luffy has mentally collapsed and that
his life is now in danger. Akainu attempts to attack Luffy, but Marco interrupts the attack. Marco
orders Jinbe to take Luffy with him. Marco swears that the Whitebeard Pirates will protect him in
place of Ace and if they let him die, they would consider it shame on the entire Whitebeard Pirates.
Whitebeard, who was observing the situation, attacks Akainu from the back without saying a word.
Akainu goes down and his face is covered in blood. Akainu retaliates with a punch that takes out
almost half of Whitebeard's face. Whitebeard then punches Akainu a second time which also
causes massive destruction to the Marine HQ itself. Akainu falls into the crevice created by
Whitebeard and is therefore beaten by him. The Marineford plaza is split in two by the cr evice
and the pirates are separated from Whitebeard. Sengoku comments on how Whitebeard still has
this much power, even after losing half of his face. The pirates are getting back to the ship. Boa
Hancock tells her snake pet Salome that she is worried about Luffy. The Blackbeard Pirates are
then spotted standing on the execution platform with some additional members. Sengoku,
shocked by their presence, questions how they got there. Doflamingo just comments how
awesome it is that they got a great guest. Blackbeard himself says that he is glad he got there in
time to see Whitebeard die.

After the escaped Level 6 inmates of Blackbeard’s crew have been quickly highlighted,
Whitebeard and Blackbeard begin to fight each other. Blackbeard's Yami Yami no Mi powers
negate Whitebeard’s Gura Gura no Mi powers but Whitebeard still gains the upper hand as he

Summit War Marineford

exclaims that he could never call Blackbeard "son" after everything he has done. There is a
flashback of a conversation between Whitebeard and Roger in which Roger of fers to tell
Whitebeard how to get to Raftel to claim the One Piece. Whitebeard turns him down saying
treasure is not what he is after. Roger notes that everyone is calling him Gold Roger when he is
Gol D. Roger. Whitebeard inquires about the D and its meaning and Roger tells him off panel.

Meanwhile, as Whitebeard nearly kills Blackbeard by using his quake powers at point blank range.
He cryptically says that Blackbeard is not the person Roger was waiting for but rather someone
who will bear the weight of all those centuries upon his back (of people passing their will to the
next generation) to challenge the world in a massive war. There is another flashback conversation
where a much younger Whitebeard tells an unknown pirate that he is not interested in tr easure.
He just wants family. He apologizes to his sons for leaving Blackbeard for them to deal with,
thanks them and bids them a final farewell. Whitebeard is eulogized by the narrator listing all the
injuries he had taken in this war yet his back, where his jolly roger is tattooed, bears no marks or
scars of retreat as Whitebeard dies standing up.

The chapter starts with the death of Whitebeard being shown around the world, as seen on the
Archipelago. There, Silvers Rayleigh is shown, commenting on Whitebeard's death, with a smile
and tears. Then Marineford is shown, split in two pieces, with a summit in the center. Fleet Admiral
Sengoku and Monkey D. Garp take a look at the recently killed Edward Newgate. The Shichibukai
are seen laughing and/or watching the last stand of Whitebeard. Also the army of Pacifista is
seen watching. Marco too, is seen grieving.

Blackbeard and his crew are seen throwing a black cloth over Whitebeard as Blackbeard goes
inside the cloth with Whitebeard's body. Shiliew asks whether they will disband and go separate
ways should Blackbeard fail. Laffitte tells the Marines that it is a no entry zone. The Whitebeard
Pirates and the Marines are surprised by the action, wondering what they want to do with their
former captain and enemy, though the Blackbeard Pirates seem excited.

It is shown that Buggy cannot take the drama of the battlefield anymore and is seen crying while
he tries to flee. His newly found crew of Impel Down prisoners follows him, understanding that
their leader could not take Whitebeard's head. They left on the Den Den Mushi, leaving the
Sabaody audience able to watch the war as it comes to an end. Jinbe is seen carrying Monkey D.
Luffy, who is in shock after going through a mental breakdown over the loss of his brother. To
encourage Luffy his name is yelled from Whitebeard's fleet. At that moment, Jinbe remembers
what his last conversation was with Ace. Ace asked Jinbe to take care of his brother if Ace did not
survive. Jinbe answered that he only protects the people he deeply cares about. Admiral Aokiji
then freezes the bay where the pirate fleet is. Now, due to his Hie Hie no Mi powers, the fleet
cannot escape.

A huge explosion in front of Jinbe and Luffy appears, making them unable to move forward. Akainu
is shown within the flame and smoke, covered in blood. He said that Jinbe should give up on
Dragon’s son. To convince Jinbe that he should not hand over Luffy, the Whitebeard Pirates yell
that Ace's family is their family. Jinbe then states that he will protect Luffy even if it costs him his
life. Meanwhile, Emporio Ivankov appears behind Jinbe. The okama tells Jinbe to get away,
launching a Hell Wink at Akainu. In between these actions, the cloth covering Whitebeard and
Teach is removed. Jesus Burgess and Avalo Pizarro are laughing, everyone else seems surprised
that nothing happened to their father and dead enemy.

Blackbeard is seen using the Yami Yami no Mi, creating a Black Hole. Then, to everyone's shock
and amazement, he takes the attack stance of Whitebeard and uses the Gura Gura no Mi. For

Summit War Marineford

the second time, Marineford Plaza is attacked by air tremors and earthquakes, making it crumble.
Blackbeard is seen looking at his two hands, each powered by his Devil Fruits, and declares that
he is the ultimate being. Marines remark that he stole Whitebeard's powers. Marco states that
Teach is not a normal human. The Archipelago too is in shock, including Sengoku and Akainu.
Blackbeard yells that this is his era.

The Marines notice Trafalgar Law and label him as Luffy’s accomplice. Law is urging Buggy to get
Luffy and Jinbe on board his submarine, Buggy questions who he is once more. The marines
immediately begin attacking Law's ship, while orders are given on the ground to divide the
Marine's forces to attack theBlackbeard Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, more marines begin
emerging from trap doors that lead to underground passages. Blackbeard laughs and shakes up
Marineford and the ocean around it, causing massive waves to flow around, with Jesus Burgess
warning Blackbeard that they will lose their footing if he continues on, while Blackbeard ignores
it and threatens Garp and Sengoku that he's going to "close the book" on them like he did with

Meanwhile in Sabaody Archipelago, an announcement is made to evacuate t o the north side of

the archipelago to avoid tsunamis. In the midst of the war, Koby is crying, Helmeppo asking him
why he's sad. Koby simply answers that a "voice" in his head has disappeared. He notices how
the marines are continuing to attack, even after completing their original goal of executing Ace.
While he is thinking this, a nearby marine is injured, another marine goes to his side to help him
only to be rejected by Doberman, saying they do not have time to treat the injured, much to the
viewed shock of Tashigi and Smoker. Doberman commands the marines to beat every last pirate
down, Akainu once more stating that they cannot allow the "evil known as pirates" to exist.
Blackbeard is seen laughing some more, claiming that he will destroy everything.

Elsewhere, while Buggy is flying in the air, he notices a gleam of light, as Kizaru shoots another
laser beam in his direction. Fearing for his life, Buggy throws Jinbe and Luffy at the deck of Law's
submarine. Bepo commands Jean Bart to grab them. Kizaru comments Law on escaping from
him during the incident at Sabaody Archipelago, and is about to attack him, until a shouting is
heard. The shouting is revealed to be coming from Koby, who yells for everyone to stop fighting,
since the marines have families waiting for them, and lives are being wasted. He yells at how the
marines already accomplished their goal, how they are chasing pirates who do not wish to fight
and are desiring war, and how they are abandoning injured marines while they could be treated,
finishing his speech with how any marine that falls at this point is foolish. Akainu simply tells Koby
that seconds have been wasted, and that the marines do not need someone like this, and gets
ready to kill him.

Before Akainu could strike Koby, from out of nowhere, Shanks interferes, blocking Akainu's
magma fist with his sword. He tells Koby that his few seconds of courage, which he was willing to
throw away his life for, have changed the fate of the world. Law takes this opportunity to hurry up
and escape. Kizaru is about to attack again, but he is stopped by Benn Beckman, threatening to
shoot Kizaru if he "moves a muscle". Shanks picks up his straw hat that Luffy had dropped, and
says that he has arrived to put an end to the war.

The Marines loudly exclaim the presence of the Red Hair Pirates, as they wonder how Shanks was
able to arrive at Marineford so quickly, having fought with Kaido the day before. Shanks then calls
out to Buggy to give Luffy his straw hat, and convincing him that he will give a treasure map to his
former crewmate in return. Buggy quickly complies and heads toward Trafalgar Law’s submarine
to give Law his straw hat. Lucky Roo then asks Shanks if he is sure he does not want to see Luffy
again, since it's been ten years since they last met, while flashbacks of Shanks giving Luffy his

Summit War Post-War

straw hat are seen. Shanks answers he'd love to see Luffy again, but seeing him now would break
their promise.

Akainu curses Shanks before Aokiji attempts to freeze the submarine over with Ice Age and Kizaru
decides to attack using Yasakani no Magatama. The submarine attempts to dive to escape the
ice and light attacks. Kizaru then dissuades the other admirals to continue their attacks against
the Heart Pirates, Luffy, and Jinbe for the time being. Meanwhile, Boa Hancock forces orders for
a Marine ship to chase the submarine, covering that "Straw Hat must be destroyed at all costs."
Buggy yells at Shanks for lying about the treasure map, who replies that it was a spur of the
moment. Buggy's followers comically admire his attitude towards Shanks, and swear loyalty to
him once more. Buggy then thinks that if he stays with the Red-Haired Pirates, he will be able to
get off the island safely.

Shanks orders Marco to withdraw in order to stop encouraging the battle. While this happens,
Dracule Mihawk walks away, telling the marines that he did not agree to fight against the Red -
Haired Pirates, but only against Whitebeard. Shanks then threatens the marines that if there are
any others who wish to fight, then he and his crew will take care of them. Upon asking Blackbeard,
the ex-Shichibukai quickly decides to postpone their battle, satisfied with getting what he wanted
already, and shortly leaves.

Shanks tells the remaining Whitebeard Pirates and marines to save face for him. The Whitebeard
Pirates mourn over the loss of Ace and Whitebeard. The Marines, the Pacifistas and the
Shichibukai stop in their tracks. Shanks then tells the marines that the Whitebeard pirates and
their allies will do the mourning, as he does not want their deaths to be exploited to the world due
to the broadcast. Sengoku quietly decides to accept Shanks' determination, taking responsibility
for the Marines' actions, which is followed by Shanks' apology. Sengoku orders his subordinates
to take care of the wounded and proclaims the end of the "War on the Summit of Marineford",
the greatest war since the Great Age of Pirates.


hitebeard’s death is chimed around the world, leaving people to be glad that the
great pirate had succumbed. Others turn to the path of piracy, ambitious about
finding One Piece after Whitebeard confirmed its existence. Whitebeard's territorial
islands are attacked, for example by the arrogant Brownbeard who slashes the flag.

Back at Marineford, the Eleven Supernova's (except Luffy, Law and Zoro) make their way through
the rough ocean. Urouge and Apoo seem afraid for the new age, and Bonney is angry at an
unspecified "him". Basil Hawkins tries to figure out why Luffy's chances of surviving are never 0%.
Then, Kid is on his ship, pledging about the New World and the remaining Yonko: Red-Haired
Shanks, Kaido, and Big Mom. Then, back at the outer seas, Law's submarine has emerged and
is followed by a Marine battleship. Bepo finds out that Boa Hancock chased the pirates, only
worried about Luffy. Meanwhile, Law comes out of the surgery room, wiping blood off his hands.
He says he did everything he could and Luffy is unbelievably damaged, and on the brink of death.
Suddenly, the battleship has flood over with people from the New Kama and Emporio Ivankov.
Ivankov and Law talk about Law's relationship with Luffy. Meanwhile the Heart Pirates see Bepo's
weak will against the Pirate Empress. Back at the ruins of Marineford, Sengoku is informed about
the situation in Impel Down.

Sengoku is told about the ways Blackbeard worked, telling the Level 6 prisoners to kill each other
and the winners will join the Blackbeard Pirates. He also suspects that more Level 6 prisoners

Summit War Post-War

might have escaped when he is told that there are missing prisoners. Sengoku tells Brannew that
they should distribute wanted posters immediately. Brannew then tells Sengoku of the
Government's order to keep the incident quiet and Sengoku becomes infuriated. Then, explosions
fill the backstreets of Marineford. Doflamingo received orders to get rid of Moriah. Moriah coughs
up blood after being attacked by Pacifista under the command of Doflamingo. Moriah asks
Doflamingo if it was Sengoku's order to which Doflamingo responds "Try higher!".

The great war has ended two weeks ago, and pirates all over the four Blues head to the Grand
Line and seek treasure. Whitebeard’s death had the same reaction as the one of Gol D. Roger.
Marine bases are attacked and back up requested.

In these two weeks, the escape crew consisting of Luffy, Jinbe and Heart Pirates had finally
reached their destination: Amazon Lily. Emporio Ivankov was there for a short period of time as
well, but decided to take his surviving New Kamas to Kamabakka Kingdom. Jinbe replies to
Ivankov's departure by telling him he will take care of Luffy for now. Law, Jinbe and Hancock are
seeing off Ivankov. The New Kama are saying their last goodbye, screaming that Luffy should hold
on. And so the stolen battleship departed.

Jinbe and Law are talking about Luffy's medical condition, and Law tells Jinbe that if Luffy's
wounds will open up, he will die. The Heart Pirates try to calm Luffy down. In the middle of the
jungle on Amazon Lily, Luffy screams, yelling Ace’s name.

At the Amazon Lily castle, Hancock is informed about the awakening of Luffy. Everyone seems to
rejoice, particularly Hancock seeing as her object of affection is finally conscious. She wishes to
see him at once, only for Elder Nyon to remind Hancock of her alliance to the Shichibukai. She
tells her she will set a bad example for her people. Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold tell her
sister she should eat. She then tells her people to start making the finest cuisine for Luffy. She
probably misunderstood the advice from her sisters. Elder Nyon is seen thinking about Luffy, how
he could possibly survive everything.

At the coast; Rock Wall Beach, the Heart Pirates have assembled. The pirates talk about the nice
smell coming from the island. They note that once a man enters, he will be turned to stone forever.
Then two of them start to talk about peeking into the country. In a comedic sense, Bepo asks if
there would be female bears, only to get scolded. Not too far away is Trafalgar Law, sitting on a
rock. He's looking curious at the Straw Hat he has in his hand. Luffy screams, blood drips down
out of his mouth. He screams again. The blood drips on his hands, him making a fist. He breaths
heavily, asking himself where he is. Talking about a dream, he looks into the sky. A flashback of
Ace, dying on the battlefield, right in front of Luffy. Luffy yells, remembering Ace. Another short
flashback, Ace telling Luffy he's sorry for not letting Luffy save him. Luffy looks at his hand,
reminding him of looking at his hand back on the battlefield, when he picked up Ace at his blood
overloaded back. He yells for something to disappear. He rampages and headbutts a rock into
pieces, remembering Akainu smashing through Ace. He sees Ace screaming Luffy's name. Luffy
screams again, having a short flashback of Akainu killing his brother. Luffy crushes the closest
tree. He smashes through trees, tilts up rocks. Jinbe sees him going insane. Luffy falls to the
ground, finally seeing Jinbe standing in front of him. Luffy looks angry, Jinbe remembers Ace,
asking him to take care of Luffy. Jinbe tries to tell Luffy that the war is over, and its outcome. Luffy
angrily tells him not to say anything. Luffy tearfully says he would've woken up if it was a dream.
Luffy has a flashback of the war, right after saving him. The two had teamed up. Ace... Died, did
not he?, is what Luffy asks of Jinbe, with a face full of tears. It's hard for Jinbe to say, but he still
says it. Luffy screams and cries, having short flashbacks from his younger days. Luffy screams
one more time, leaving Jinbe to tears.

Summit War Post-War

A flashback, ten years ago, Garp has Luffy's face in his fist, telling him he will not become the
Pirate King. He says Luffy and Ace are going to become the strongest Marines ever. Luffy is hurt,
making Garp to say that he shouldn't had left him in that village. Garp knocks on a door, and tells
Dadan to come out. An older woman and two men come to the door. Dadan is the woman, who
tells Garp she cannot handle another one. Garp tells them she should take him, or she will
disappear behind bars. Garp blackmails the woman, and Luffy gets spit on. They look away, seeing
Ace. Luffy gets mad, but Garp slaps him. Luffy and Ace look at each other, full of aggression.

Young Luffy tries to adjust to his new home with Dadan however he struggles since the Mountain
Bandits wish to use Luffy to do their errands. Young Luffy then tries to go out into the woods
around his new home to search for food and get to know young Ace. However, Ace appears to not
want anything to do with Luffy at all. He then blocks every path that Luffy takes to fo llow him and
Luffy finds another way around to follow Ace as he comes home injured from fighting wild animals.
After three months of following Ace and taking on almost every tough animal in the woods, Luffy
finds Ace’s hideout.

Also at Ace's hideout, there is a 10 year old boy named Sabo. It is revealed that Ace and Sabo
have been stealing money and other valuables and hiding them so they can purchase a pirate
ship of their own and become pirates someday. This excites Luffy since he too wants to be a
pirate. Ace and Sabo get angry that Luffy knows where their money is hidden and they tie him to
a tree and decide to kill him. After tying Luffy up, both struggle to decide which one of them should
actually kill Luffy.

Before they can do anything, they hear the voices of some adults. It turns out they are pirates of
the Bluejam Crew lead by Captain Bluejam. The two pirates, Porchemy and an unknown
crewmember are then seen talking about Ace and Sabo. It turns out Ace had stolen money from
the pirates and now Porchemy and the other crewmate want it back. As the two try to hide, they
notice Luffy is now missing and the Bluejam Pirates have somehow taken him captive. The Pirates
start to interrogate him hoping to find out where their stolen money is hidden. Luffy pret ends to
not know anything, making pirates resort to taking him away for questioning. The chapter ends
as Ace and Sabo see how much trouble Luffy is in as he leaves with the two Bluejam pirates.

Luffy is taken by Porchemy to an abandoned capsized ship where they try beating the location of
Ace and Sabo out of him, only to fail due to his Gomu Gomu no Mi abilities, so Porchemy pulls out
spiked gloves to beat him with, and sends his men to look for Ace and Sabo in the meantime. At
the same time, Ace and Sabo rush to hide their treasure from Porchemy's men, who are
unsuccessful at finding information from the locals. Later in the evening, Ace finishes hiding all
of their treasure, but Sabo returns to reveal that Luffy still has not betrayed their location. At the
same time, Captain Bluejam grows tired of waiting, and Porchemy, knowing this, grows
increasingly frustrated, and moves to kill Luffy.

It is at this moment that Ace and Sabo come to Luffy's rescue, cutting his ropes. Sabo prepares
to run, but Ace, having resolved not to run from any enemy, faces off against Porchemy, forcing
Sabo to turn back and help defeat Porchemy, where he remains beaten until found and killed by
Captain Bluejam. Afterwards, when questioned by Ace as to why he did not betray their location,
Luffy responds that Ace is the only person he can rely on, and wants him to live. Ace responds by
calling Luffy a spoiled brat, which sparks an argument between them about crying at their age
and being a pirate, until it is interrupted by Sabo, who now needs a place to hide outside the Gray

Summit War Post-War

They decide to have Sabo stay with Dadan as well (both Dadan and Sabo recognize each other's
names and their infamy), and the three of them start fighting wild animals, the town punks, villains
in the Gray Terminal, and pirates in the inlet, until they become known in the Goa Kingdom, which
Dadan notes in the newspaper, as around this time the World Nobles are visiting the kingdom.

The boys are unaware of that the World Nobles are coming and continue to t rain and run around
the mountain, getting stronger by the day. It is then that more information about the geography
of the land is revealed. Beyond the Gray Terminal there is an area known as the Great Gate which
is part of a wall to another area called the Goa. Foosha Village is also part of this kingdom though
it is largely forgotten due to the mountains around the area. The kingdom is broken up into
sections: The Edge Town, which is still near the Gray Terminal through has buildings and is home
to delinquents and hoodlums, the Town Center where the middle class live, and in the center
guarded by another high wall, is the High Town where the royals and nobles live. Goa is said to
be the most beautiful country in the East Blue even though it is segregated due to the class

The three boys sneak past the Great Wall one day during the regular trash dumping into the Gray
Terminal, and go into the Town Center and pull a dine and dash. They escape out the window of
a diner and run from the guards. However, one of the citizens recognizes Sabo and calls out to
him, but Sabo just ignores the man. While running, they ask if Sabo heard the man calling his
name. Sabo bluntly replied no and that they must have mistaken him for somebody else. Once
back in the forest, Ace and Luffy demand to know if Sabo has been keeping anything from them.
After a some goading, Sabo comes clean and reveals that he is actually a noble who ran away
from home. The reason behind it was that his parents always pressured him and were more
concerned about their finical and noble security and position than their son, making Sabo feel
like a burden with no one in the world who cared for him. This is why he wants to become a pirate
as he wishes to be free from their overbearing rule and write a book about his adventures. Ace
and Luffy agree wholeheartedly, the former wanting to do it for acknowledgment and the latter of
course wanting to be the Pirate King, though Ace and Sabo do not believe it. Regardless, Ace pulls
out some alcohol and pours some into three sake cups, claiming that from that day forward the
three of them were brothers.

And from day to day they kept getting stronger, fighting pirates, taking baths together, eating
together (not to mention shoving Dadan and crew out of the food), and saving one another during
their trips across the mountains. Makino and Woop Slap would occasionally come by and drop
off new clothes for them. They would fight against the wild animals of the forest and bring them
home to eat, Garp would visit and beat them senseless. They built their own treehouse and lived
in it and generally acted the way boys their age should act. But one day Sabo's father found them
and, with the assistance of the Bluejam Pirates, captured the three with Sabo's father claiming
that Ace and Luffy lured him away from home. Just as the Bluejam were about to beat Ace and
Luffy. Sabo willingly decided to go back with his father in order to save them, though with great
reluctance. Ace and Luffy could do nothing more but beg him to stay and come be a pirate with
them as he was led away.

Whilst Luffy and Ace are in the custody of the Bluejam Pirates, Bluejam reveals that he wished he
was born a noble, and that if they are truly brothers, they will not go looking for Sabo. Luffy and
Ace join the Bluejam Pirates at the request of the Captain, and then carry cargo to marked
locations in Gray Terminal with other pirates. Meanwhile Sabo, accompanied by his father, is
being questioned for the crimes he has committed. His father urges him to place all the blame
on Luffy and Ace to save his family's name, however Sabo refuses and is hit to the ground, and
his father is forced to bribe the officer with a stack of bills.

Summit War Post-War

Sabo returns home with his father, and is greeted by his mother and newly adopted brother Sterry.
Sterry tells Sabo that Gray Terminal will be burned to ash along with its inhabitants, and that this
had been planned for months in accordance with the arrival of the Inspection Unit, and Celestial
Dragon. Sabo escapes from the family manor at night, and overhears a group of Royal Guards
discussing the plan. It is revealed to Sabo in their discussion that the burning of Gray Terminal
will proceed tomorrow, and that the Bluejam Pirates will be behind the act.

The next day Sabo escapes the manor and travels the streets of High Town, to find that all the
nobles are aware of the impending massacre. His father sends out a search party, and soon two
Royal Guards start to chase after Sabo. Meanwhile Bluejam reveals to Luffy and Ace that the
cargo they had carried was oil and gunpowder, and that Gray Terminal will be set alight that day.
Luffy and Ace react in outrage and are quickly apprehended by Bluejam's pirates, Bluejam informs
them that they can no longer be left alive, then asks where their hoard of treasure is located.

Later that night, the inhabitants of Edge Town, the Town Center and Mt. Colubo all bear witness
as the monstrous inferno rages. Royal Guards usher the citizens of Edge Town into the Town
Center, while the inhabitants of Gray Terminal flee in terror, only to find that every exit is blocked
by the blaze. The Bluejam Pirates stand just outside the Great Gate of Goa surrounded by the fire,
as it is revealed that they will receive titles from the King, become nobles, and live in High Town
as payment for their services. However the gate will not open for the pirates, as Bluejam realizes
that their bargain had been betrayed, and that they have been left to die.

Meanwhile Luffy and Ace manage to cut themselves loose after being bound to a tree, whilst
surrounded by the encroaching flames. In the Town Center, rumor had circulated amongst
citizens that the Bluejam Pirates were responsible for the atrocity, in an attempt to halt the
Inspection Unit and Celestial Dragons from visiting the island. Sabo is chased by the Royal Guards
and is noted as being the last citizen remaining in Edge Town. While running he crashes and falls
to the ground, but is helped to his feet by an unknown cloaked person. In a frenzy Sabo tells the
person of the atrocity that the nobles had concocted, and that he is ashamed of being born a

It is revealed that the cloaked individual is none other than Monkey D. Dragon, as he informs
Sabo that he feels he understands his pain as he too was born in Goa Kingdom. Dragon then
follows by saying that he still lacked the power to change it, and will listen and remember Sabo's
story at the boy's plea. Luffy and Ace are seen fleeing from the engulfing flames, as an individual
wearing high-heels informs Dragon that preparations have been made, in a dialect similar to that
of Emporio Ivankov.

Bluejam recalls when the King of Goa Kingdom told him on a Den Den Mushi that he would make
him a noble, as he realizes that the Nobles used the lie to manipulate him and his crew. Their
ship bursts into flames and makes it impossible for any of the Bluejam Pirates to escape. The
Nobles pretend that the fire is not happening and act just as stuck up as they always are as they
explain why Gray Terminal is burning down. Bluejam then see's Ace and Luffy as the two are trying
to escape. The pirates capture them and make Ace tell Bluejam where his stolen treasure is. As
the two resist being captured and getting killed with them, one of the Bluejam Pirates pulls his
sword and wounds Luffy around his forehead. As Luffy is about to be killed, Ace releases his
angers and manages to take down all the Bluejam Pirates (with Haki).

Bluejam, surprised by Ace's strength, kicks him down and is ready to put a bullet through his skull.
Dadan and her band of Mountain Bandits arrive just in time to protect Ace and Luffy since they
are her responsibility. Dadan is seen with a battle axe striking down Bluejam. The bandits take

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Luffy back to their hideout to treat his wounds. Ace refuses to go and decides to stay and finish
the fight with Bluejam. Dadan decides to stay in order to help Ace out.

Meanwhile the people at Gray Terminal lose hope and think their lives are over. Suddenly an
explosion occurs and a road appears with no flames at all. It leads to a ship where D ragon, Kuma
and Ivankov are waiting. Dragon welcomes the people to join him and the ship departs. This is
possibly the birth of the Revolutionaries.

The next day, it appears that Dadan and Ace never came home from the night and soldiers of Goa
Kingdom are beginning to clear away the ruins of Gray Terminal. Luffy, despite being injured
decides to search for them. Sabo, still disgusted by his family and his newly adopted brother, still
wonders if Ace and Luffy are okay. A ceremony begins as the World Nobles f rom the Grand Line
are supposed to arrive soon. A ship appears with a lone child on board. It is Sabo and he is
heading out to sea. He departs from Goa Kingdom, remarking how the weather is perfect for
setting sail, and finally starts his dream of becoming a pirate.

The kingdom's residents try to get Sabo to turn back but he ignores them, unaware that one of
Dadan’s crew, Dogura, is in the crowd who instantly recognizes him. Sabo meanwhile comments
that his greatest fear is getting caught up in the country and becoming a different person and he
refuses to turn around. Its at that instance the Government ship carrying the Celestial Dragon
arrives. Seeing it Sabo makes to move out of its path while those on board spot him. The crowd
at the kingdom cheer for their coming and even Sabo is marveled at how big the ship is. However
the Celestial Dragon on board pulls out a hand-held cannon and fires on Sabo's ship, setting it

Back at the bandits hideout, Luffy tries once more to go search for Ace and Dadan but the bandits
refuse to do so due to him still healing. They tell Luffy they know how he feels and that they sent
Dogura to go check out the grounds. Back at the ceremony, the crowd look on in shock as Sabo's
boat continues to burn. A servant tells the Celestial Dragon, Saint Jalmack, there was a child on
the ship. But Jalmack comments that if he raised a pirate flag then it did not matter, but is more
angry that a commoner crossed his path. Sabo meanwhile tries to put out the flame, but Jalmack
fires again and this time sinks the boat and presumably kills Sabo as well. The crowd continues
to look on in horror at this turn of events while the officials order the remains to be cleaned up so
as not to upset the Celestial Dragons further. Back at the hideout, Ace suddenly arrives carrying
Dadan both bruised and burned but still alive much to the joy of everyone. Luffy especially hugs
Ace who bops him on the head for crying about him.

Ace then explains that they managed to beat Bluejam but their escape route got cut off. Curly
Dadan got burns on her body but the duo managed to escape into the middle forest. They hid in
the riverbank till everything died down then Ace stole some medicine from the town to keep
Dadan alive. Dadan is then patched up and set down to rest as the day goes on. Dadan soon asks
why Ace did not run which he explains that he was afraid if he did, he lose something important
to him, in this case Luffy. Dadan soon realizes the similarities to him and Roger as she
remembered Garp explained that Roger was the same way, not running because he was fearless
but rather to keep the enemy from following after his crewmates. It was this trust that Garp
decided to take care of Ace in secret.

Dogura soon returns and Luffy tells him of the good news of Dadan and Ace coming back.
However this joy is short lived as Dogura tells the others of what happened to Sabo. Ace attacks
him instantly thinking its a lie but Dogura, being a rogue, knows what its like to not to want to
return to someplace they do not want to. Luffy begins to cry again and Ace starts to blame himself

Summit War Post-War

for not going back to get Sabo. He starts to run off with the intention of avenging Sabo. Dadan
pins him to the floor, telling him that Sabo’s enemy was the world and he does not have the power
to fight it. If he did it now, that he will just die and be forgotten. If Ace wants to change the world
he must get strong enough to do so like his father. She then has the bandits tie Ace to a tree as
he keeps struggling while Luffy continues to cry. Morning comes and Ace has cooled down when
the bandits come to check on him. A mail bird arrives with a message from Sabo addressed to
Luffy and Ace. The bandits cut Ace free so he can read it, which he does as he walks back to the
cliff where they made their bond. The letter starts off with Sabo worrying about their safety but
believes they are alright. He then explains that he is going out to sea, anywhere that is away from
the country and hopes to become stronger and freer then any pirate on the sea. He then closes
the letter by asking Ace to take care of their younger brother, Luffy. As Ace finishes reading the
letter, he stands on a cliff next to the sea and cannot help himself but cry for his fallen friend and
sworn brother.

Luffy is lying with his face on the ground on the cliff where Ace read Sabo’s letter. He is crying,
and Ace punches him in the head, scolding him for his behavior, saying that their hidden treasure
is gone, and that there's no point in having treasure if it cannot be protected. Luffy tea rfully cries
out his will to become stronger in order to protect the ones he loves, and then begs Ace to survive
with Ace's response being another punch. Ace then promises him that he will not die since he has
a weak little brother to take care of. Ace and Luffy then vow to live without regret. He then says
that what killed Sabo was the "opposite of freedom" and that the two remaining brothers must
obtain freedom and become pirates, even if that means making a lot of enemies along the way,
including Garp. The two then agree to set sail on their 17th years and become pirates, as Sabo
told them that children born from Noble families truly obtain their title at the age of 18, and he
wanted to leave Goa at 17. Elsewhere, on the night the World Noble reached Goa Kingdom: there
are two brief scenes of Zoro’s and Kuina’s training in Shimotsuki Village, and on the coast Dragon
is boarding his ship, with one of his men saying that noticing that he brought someone severely
wounded that his men quickly attend to and Dragon then asks about the rations with his men
telling the dojo being told about obtaining new supplies. He then orders his men to set sail back
for Baltigo.

As months pass, the Gray Terminal is being reconstructed by the garbage dumping resuming as
usual. Ace and Luffy are training again, and Luffy is trying to develop his "Gomu Gomu no Pistol"
technique, but ends up hitting himself, to which Ace laughs and remarks that rubber is not for
fighting. The two start arguing over the utility of the Gomu Gomu no Mi, but are interrupted by
someone whom they think is Sabo, but in reality is nothing more than a rock; they are just
remembering their beloved brother. Luffy states that Sabo was really a good brother, to which Ace
angrily replies in a comical way, asking his brother if he wanted him to die instead. They return to
Dadan's hideout and build two rudimentary shacks they name "Ace's country" and "Luffy's
country", much to Dadan's surprise, as they want to survive alone and get stronger. Following this,
the two adventure in the jungle and Luffy runs across a fierce bear. Ace refuses to help him,
because they must grow stronger alone, but when the animal severely injures Luffy offscreen, he
desperately cries for him. Ace managed to bring Luffy back to the Bandit hideout, where he was
treated by Magura. Ace huddles up against the wall, telling Luffy that he is sorry. Some time later,
Makino pays a visit to Ace, and he tells her of his intentions to meet Red Haired Shanks and
introduce himself to the man who once saved his brother's life. Ace then asks her the proper way
of making an introduction. He is irritated because Makino keeps smiling.

Ace and Luffy are then seen escaping from a restaurant owner after eating without paying the bill
(an attitude Ace will show again in the future). They then stop in the middle of the street and thank
the restaurant owner for the food. Later, they are once again seen training with each other. They

Summit War Post-War

fight and defeat a bear, then they chase hoodlums and fight a giant centipede. Garp is seen again,
one more time beating up his grandsons. The two "brothers" are seen together one more time,
and happily jumping from a building.

Seven years later Ace, at age 17, is finally setting sail: he is on a little boat with a triangular sail,
and sports many of his trademark objects: his hat with the two smilies, the orange belt with his
initial on the buckle, the armband on the left arm and his green bag with a black pattern on it. He
happily says goodbye to the people on the shore: Luffy, who is now 14, Makino, Woop Slap,
Dogura, Magura, and the other bandits, who wish him good luck in return. Dadan is not there, she
remained in the hideout, where her subordinates inform her that Ace is already gone, to which
she apparently remains impassive, saying that Garp will be angry with her and that Ace is always
"an ungrateful little pissant". However, as the bandits tell her that Ace left her a message, "Thank
you", she bursts into tears, showing off her sadness.

Luffy tries his "Gomu Gomu no Pistol" move again, this time against a rock. Finally, he shows off
his capabilities, shattering the rock to pieces with his mighty rubber punch. He rejoices, having
gotten stronger. He then receives a visit from Dogura, who shows him a newspaper: it's Ace, his
crew, and his ship, already famous. Luffy is happy, and states that he will not let Ace surpass him.

Three more years pass, and a finally 17 year old Luffy is ready to set sail himself. He says goodbye
to the Bandits, who cannot go to Fuushia Village because of its inhabitants being afraid of them.
He thanks them, and then tells Dadan that he hates Mountain Bandits, to which she gets angry
and shouts at him, but he then says he lakes them, the woman then bursts into tears as she did
3 years ago after before for Ace's departed. Luffy is then seen on a dinghy in Foosha Village. One
of the citizens asks him to take one of their old fishing boats, but he refuses, content with his
little boat. To which they then call him an idiot for setting out on a dingy. Luffy then look s into the
sky. He then cries Sabo's name, telling his deceased brother of his departure. He then lables each
of them in the order they departed. He then says he's not gonna lose to them. The villagers
(wondering who's Luffy's talking about) ask what he's talking about to which he states its a
challenge. After saying goodbye to his friends, he sets sail, and he (offscrean) quickly defeats the
Lord of the Coast with a single punch, a feat commented on by Dadan and Dogura, who are hidden
behind a wall. Luffy then cries out he will become the Pirate King, and so the flashback ends, and
One Piece's storyline begins from here...

On Amazon Lily, before the eyes of a tearful Jinbe, a distraught Luffy says "Pirate King.....yeah
right", and cries out that he's weak, falling on his knees and bringing his hands to his face.

East Blue-Fusha Village: Garp returns to Luffy's hometown only to hear that Makino's bar has
been over-run by vicious mountain bandits. Those mountain bandits ended up being Dadan and
her subordinates. Dadan sees Garp and hits him with a wooden bat. Makino steps between
Dadan and Garp before she could attack again. Makino then states that "Garp could not save
both Ace and Luffy even if he wanted to" and "Garp is the one truly suffering". But as soon as she
says that Dadan says with tears in her eyes "No... The one truly suffering the most...!! Is Luffy!!"
Then Makino has a flash back of the very first time she met Ace and runs off in a face full of tears.
As soon as she leaves Garp states that Luffy is alive. For now. The final words that come out of
Dadan's mouth is that she will always support Luffy no matter what he does from that day forward
and that he better not lose no matter what.

Grand Line-New World: The Whitebeard and Red Haired pirate crews bid a final farewell to Edward
Newgate and Portgas D. Ace at their funeral where Marco thanks Red Haired Shanks for
everything he has done for him and his crew. Shanks states, "Although he was my enemy, he

Summit War Post-War

deserved even my respect. Even Sengoku knows that". With that said Shanks and his crew leave
silently. Shanks says to Luffy in his mind that he must move on by relieving his emotions and
crying everything out, even if he is a man.

Calm Belt-Amazon Lily: Jinbe tells Luffy to stop beating himself up over Ace's actions but Luffy
refuses and tries to punch him but misses. Jinbe then pins Luffy to the ground where Luffy bites
him and Jinbe finally gets mad at Luffy and pins him to a rock. There he says that right now his
thoughts and path are over-shadowed by grief but someday he will find something he will never
stop fighting for. At that point he lets Luffy go and Luffy takes a while to think. When he finally
reaches his answer his face is drowned in tears and admits that he still has his loyal and faithful
crew and that he wants to go back to them as soon as possible, no matter what.

The Heart Pirates spot someone killing a Sea King, who then swims to the shore near the Heart
Pirate's location. The person revealed himself to be Rayleigh, much to their surprise , and even
more so when he makes it known that he knows Luffy is on the island too. Hancock, along with
her sisters and Nyon, come to bring Luffy food just as Luffy and Jinbe meet up with Rayleigh. The
two also notice that the Heart Pirates have left which Rayleigh confirms, telling Luffy that Law
said to take it easy for two more weeks. Hancock's group soon arrives at Luffy's location. Nyon is
surprised to see Rayleigh. It is then revealed that Elder Nyon and the Gorgon Sisters are friends
with Rayleigh and Shakky. When Jinbe sees the food, Hancock glares at him, saying that the food
was meant only for Luffy, but then allowed him to take only a little. Luffy and Jinbe begin to eat.
Rayleigh delivers a letter to the Boa Sisters from Shakky. Rayleigh also mentions that he figured
out Luffy's location thanks to Kuma after the battle on Sabaody and also to Shakky's intuition
after the Marineford War.

Rayleigh then asks Luffy if he plans on returning to Sabaody, which Luffy confirms. However,
Rayleigh mentions that if they go back, the whole incident could start all over again. He then says
he has a plan and it is up to Luffy if he wants to go along with it.

We then shift to island Greenstone in the Boin Archipelago, where Usopp, now fat from eating the
island's natural food, is trying to fight his way past a giant horned beetle despite the pleas of his
companion, Heracles. He gets knocked down and Heracles mentions that the further out from
the center of the island he goes, the tougher the creatures are, making it impossible to escape.
Usopp does not listen though and takes off again just as Sea Kings, distracted by the smell of the
island, start coming in. Heracles notices the island beginning to move and warns Usopp to cling
to something as we find out the island is actually a large carnivorous plant called the Stomach
Baron. Usopp is nearly eaten but Heracles saves him and asks what is wrong, having noticed that
Usopp's mood had changed since reading a newspaper that a news coo dropped earlier. Usopp
answers that he found out about Ace's death and is trying desperately to get off the island to help
Luffy through his pain. Otherwise, he could not call himself a member of the Straw Hats.

Meanwhile, in the Torino Kingdom, Chopper is all set to leave, having helped the natives and the
birds of the island get along. It turns out the reason the birds attacked the natives was because
they thought they were stealing their eggs. In actuality, the natives just wanted the plants near
their trees. Chopper also found out about what happened to Ace and wished to get off the island
to treat Luffy's wounds. Bidding the island's residents farewell, Chopper heads off on one of the
birds. They pass a News Ku and Chopper grabs a paper from it. He finds something about Luffy
in the paper and begins to panic.

Summit War Post-War

In the castle on Kuraigana Island, Perona is crying desperately at the news regarding Moriah ’s
death during the battle at Marineford. Mihawk who coincidentally appears to be the owner of the
castle, tells the girl that at the very end of the battle, Moriah was still alive.

The scene switches to the woods around the castle. Zoro is fighting a group of heavily armed and
armored baboons called Humandrills, who are apparently deadly fighters. The baboons are
scared by Mihawk's sudden appearance. The world's strongest swordsman remarks that Zoro has
not gotten too far from the castle, and that the little boat he gave him is now unusable. Zoro
angrily remarks that he will use the boat's wood to help him swim, and that he must reach Luffy
as soon as possible. Mihawk remarks that his feelings are noble, but that "those guys" aren't
weak: the baboons possess the capability of learning by observing human behavior, and the war
that took place on the island seven years ago taught the animals how to use weapons. He then
invites Zoro back to the castle, but Zoro refuses, saying he is leaving the island.

The scene switches to Weatheria, where Nami is prisoner of the weather scientists, having tried
to rob them. She calls Haredas. She also had read Luffy news and wants to rejoin him as soon as
possible. She begs the scientists to let her go, to which they get touched and set her free. She
rapidly grabs both Haredas and the goods she had stolen and runs away.

In the meantime on Karakuri Island, Franky, who has learned from the inhabitants that the genius
Vegapunk once lived here and is the pride of the islanders, has forced the entrance of the inventor
laboratory in search of an Ice breaker boat. Being chased by marines and the animals cyborg
Vegapunk as created, he rushes into the labs amazed by the priceless blueprints he sees. Franky
then notices a large button with a skull on it, and mistaking the symbol for a Jolly Roger, presses
it despite having being warned of the existence of a self-destruct button. A huge explosion occurs
spread around the world as the "Nightmare of Baldimore".

Meanwhile in Namakura Island. Brook is surrounded by his new friends, who thank him for
creating a song that made them feel brave enough to fight against the Longarm Tribe: the three
bandits who kidnapped the girl are now locked in a cage. The skeletal musician then says he has
learned of Luffy's sad conditions as well, and he needs to reunite with his captain. The Longarms
commented that they wanted to bring some of the cultists to their land and make a show of them
for money because of their single-jointed arms, to which the leader of Harahettania comments
that he wants to make a show of them because of their double-elbowed arms. Brook states that
that would not be right, as it would make his friends no different than their enemies, and he
orders the three Longarms to be freed, saying that should they cause troubles again, he will come
back and eat their hearts. The freed Longarms run away, saying they will not return, and just as
Brook is saying the matter is over, he finds out he has been tied up and is being carried away by
the three men, who want to make a show of him in their country, as a moving skeleton could
make them rich. The cultists, instead of chasing them, prepare another summoning to save

On Tequila Wolf, Robin is deemed "The Light of the Revolution" by the Revolutionaries who saved
her, who were also ordered by Dragon to protect her once located. They want her to meet Dragon,
but Robin says that she must reach her captain and worries about the safety of her own crew.
The Revolutionaries then agree to bring her back to Luffy. During the journey, she is informed
about the latest news and a newspaper is shown to her, in which she read something "amusing"
that made her laugh.

In the meantime, Ivankov has returned to Kamabakka Queendom with Inazuma and his other
subordinates. Here he meets a once again normal Sanji, but refuses to believe he is part of Luffy's

Summit War Post-War

crew because he does not recognize Sanji's wanted poster. After arguing with the queen and
getting beaten up by him, Sanji manages to learn the news regarding Luffy in a newspaper, being
astonished by it. Right after speaking to Sanji, Iva is summoned via a Den Den Mushi from Baltigo,
by none other than Dragon himself. The two companions speak to each other for the first time in
a while, their main subjects being Dragon's identity being revealed to the world, Luffy's most
recent actions, and last but not least, Kuma.

Kuma, who in the meantime appears before Shakky, Hatchan, Keimi, Pappug, Duval, and his
gang, who have just prevented the Coffee Monkeys from stealing the Thousand Sunny. Shakky,
believing him to still be an ally, is not afraid, unaware that the Shichibukai lost his free will and
became a weapon for the World Government.

Alabasta is having some problems with pirates, with Chaka and Pell reporting to King Cobra and
Igaram. Vivi is seen reading a newspaper with Carue at her side, commenting on Luffy's still
unknown action as well.

In a city on an unknown island in the Grand Line, Crocodile and Mr. 1 are talking about the latest
news. The former Shichibukai says he is going back to the New World, and he invites Daz Bones
to come with him, an offer he accepts without hesitation.

At the same time, Buggy is reunited with his original crew on an unknown island in the Grand Line.
All of his subordinates are glad to see him, and both Mohji and Cabaji confirm their status as
leading crewmembers to Impel Down’s prisoners, who have joined Buggy and his old crew. Mr. 3
informs Buggy that a carrier bat brought him a message from the World Government, saying that
he is not going to believe what is written on it.

In Mary Geoise, the Five Elders are talking about Luffy's actions. They wondered about Luffy's
connection to Rayleigh and regretted about making Jinbe a Shichibukai. They also speak about
Blackbeard taking out one of the Supernovas, and that only the Yonko and the remains of the
Whitebeard Pirates are capable of preventing his progression. They discuss about replacing the
three Shichibukai that were lost (Jinbe, Teach, and Moriah). In the same place, World Government
Commander-in-Chief Kong talks to Sengoku about his and Garp's "holding back" in Marine ranks.
The now former Fleet Admiral Sengoku recommends Admiral Aokiji as his successor.

In Marineford, which is being rebuilt, Aokiji and Smoker are talking first about Luffy's actions, and
later about Smoker's possible new employment in a New World Marine base, G -5, which is said
to be full of problems. The Commodore’s wish to be transferred there stems from his will to chase
Luffy. In the medical center, a doctor informs Koby that what he heard during the battle was surely
Haki. Finally, it is revealed what Luffy has done by Brannew: he came with Jinbe and Rayleigh to
Marineford. The trio stole a Marine ship and circled around Marineford. Luffy proceeds to enter
the plaza alone to ring the Ox Bell 16 times, with many photographers taking his picture to put in
their newspapers including one that reveals Luffy getting a new tattoo much like Ace's tattoo.
Brannew interprets these acts as a declaration of war.

In the New World, on an unnamed island, Kid and his crew are talking about Luffy's behavior.
Killer tells the others about the symbolic meaning it has for the Marines, being rung 8 times to
conclude the previous year and another 8 times for the start of the next year. Kid then wonders
if Luffy is saying that he will make the new era himself. Outside their camp there are a lot of
captured and defeated men, who are then killed and crucified by Kid using his Devil Fruit power.
The Supernova laughed about their low strength and their desire to go back home after their total

Summit War Post-War

Somewhere else, also in the New World, Capone Bege's ship is pulled towards the sk y by a strange
structure, similar to a dark globe, with what looks like rocky formations protruding from it.

Back in the Grand Line, Luffy is traveling on a Kuja ship with Jinbe and Rayleigh, hoping that his
crewmates understood the message he sent them by ringing the Ox Bell. On the various islands
they were sent to, all of them (except for Zoro) apparently understand what he wanted them to

In the meantime, in Foodvalten, Hawkins and his crew are confronting Brownbeard and his men.
The Supernova casually angers Brownbeard asking what his name is. Hawkins ignores
Brownbeard's mumbling about his glory. He unsheathes his sword and prepares to fight.

The last Supernova shown is Urouge with his crew for the first time not having his trademark
smile, unable to dock their ship on an island in the New World because of the continuous lightning
being emitted from it. A smaller vessel approaches them, with an old woman offering to give them
some umbrellas.

Somewhere near Sabaody Archipelago, Trafalgar Law is discussing with his crew about not
wanting to enter the New World yet, saying that in any case the One Piece will not disappear and
that the others are free to fight each other without him. He then tells his men to follow the orders
he gave them, in order for him to take the position he wants, to which his crew happily rejoices.

On an unnamed Winter Island in the New World, X Drake and his crew confront the ones guarding
the island, which according to them is one of Kaido’s favorites, and taking their heads would
anger the powerful pirate. Eager for a chance to confront the Emperor, Drake turns into his
dinosaur form and gets ready to fight.

Somewhere else in the New World, on a Spring Island, Scratchmen Apoo and his crew are fleeing
from some big, striped boars. They become quite surprised when, trying to jump off a cliff, they
continue running up into the air with the boars still chasing them.

On a burning island in the New World, the Blackbeard Pirates are drinking and relaxing on their
raft, which according to Teach is breaking apart, so they are waiting to meet the Marines for a
battleship in exchange for Jewelry Bonney, who has been taken hostage by them. Teach
approaches her, teasing her and telling her that he will set her free if she becomes his woman,
to which Bonney responds by kicking him with her free legs. Van Augur informs his captain that
the Marines do not seem willing to do the exchange, as Akainu is leading them. The Blackbeard
Pirates flee in a hurry, leaving behind their chained prisoner. After asking her about the fled crew,
the Admiral tells Bonney that he was worried when she escaped the World Government, but that
now the problem is solved. Bonney angrily cries out that she will never forgive them.

In the meantime, in Mariejois, Doflamingo is teasing some unknown representative of the World
Government, telling him that Moriah, while on the verge of death, disappeared suddenly, to which
the other replies that that's not a funny story. Doflamingo retorts that being a pirate, he could
leave the Shichibukai anytime he wishes.

In Torino Kingdom, Chopper has returned wearing a mask and claiming to be a friend of himself
instead, "Chopper Mask", but the inhabitants recognize him. He asks them to let him stay on the
island a while longer in order to study some plants he saw, which the locals claim can be made
into potent medicines. They gladly accept, and one of them shows him the well-supplied library.
Chopper realizes that despite that the inhabitants initially looked stupid they are in fact a

Summit War Post-War

knowledgeable country. Chopper remembers some moments from his past, and then cries out to
Luffy that he will get stronger even if it requires becoming a real monster.

In Kamabakka Kingdom, Sanji and Ivankov are eating. Sanji notes both the taste and the power
granted by the food they are eating, to which Ivankov replies that it is a dish called "Attack
Cuisine", which makes peoples' bodies stronger and hearts purer. Sanji wonders if it is really
possible to train the physique just by eating. He then asks Ivankov to teach him this art, but the
Okama refuses, saying that its 99 recipes can only be learned by someone who has made his
heart like a maiden's and learned Newkama Kenpo. Sanji angrily states that he is a man made
to love women, to which Ivankov appreciates his rationality and gives him a challenge: he will
have to steal the recipes from their respective masters, while at the same time escaping the other
residents of the island who will be trying day and night to put a dress on him. If he wins, he will
even be granted a ship; but if he loses, Ivankov wonders if he will be able to remain a man.

After thinking about his past as well, and promising Luffy he will help him to become the Pirate
King as his cook, Sanji accepts the challenge.

Nami fools the citizens of Weatheria once again and decides to stay behind to study the weather
patterns of the New World such as a lightning rain on one of the islands. Haredas points out that
weather in the New World is so dangerous that one needs to have good navigational skills to
survive the weather of the New World. Nami talks about how reckless Luffy is and how he has no
sense of direction. So Nami insists she must learn how to navigate through the most dangerous
weather in the New World so she can help him become the Pirate King. Nami also begs Haredas
to also teach her about the Weather Balls they create, however, Haredas is a little hesitant as he
feels the invention should not be used as a weapon. Though this does not stop her from smirking
about the idea.

Brook is now behind bars in a cage and he is on display as a freak show. The Longarm people of
Kenzan Island get a little frustrated as Brook is motionless reading the newspaper and thinking
about the moment when Luffy recruited him to the Straw Hat Pirates. He tries thinking of how he
can help Luffy. Brook then comes to the decision that he is going to be more useful for Luffy and
then falls over at a 40 degree angle and suddenly gets up. He is seen wielding a guitar in front of
the Longarm people and begins playing a song called "Bone to be Wild".

Robin departs on a ship with the Revolutionaries. And for once, the Revolutionaries appear to be
a group of people who actually hold no hatred for Robin, as she has been used to being hated by
people since she was said to be a demon child. The Revolutionaries set sail for Baltigo because
their leader Monkey D. Dragon wishes to meet Robin. The Revolutionaries ask Robin to get inside
the ship where it is warm however Robin chooses to stay due to her nature of not trusting anyone.
The Revolutionaries then give her lots of blankets and take all the warm food they made for her
outside so she could be comfortable. In the end, Robin decides she was going to get stronger not
for herself, but for Luffy as well, she even seemed surprised that she was thinking that way.

The Marines are now looking for Franky for causing the biggest disaster on Karakuri Island. The
people on the island confuse Franky for a cyborg gorilla and the Marines begin taking that into
consideration, believing that it might have been a cyborg gorilla that caused the explosion of Dr.
Vegapunk’s lab. Franky is in the part of Vegapunk's lab uncovered by the explosion. He begins
studying everything Dr. Vegapunk had made blueprints for, especially the weapons. So, Franky
then decides to live in the lab and learn about all the technology that Dr. Vegapunk designed so
he could help improve the Thousand Sunny’s battle capabilities as well as his own. He would use
the locals' houses to store his cola and only come down when he was running low. The two locals

Summit War Post-War

he was staying with, however, are frightened by his current look (which is the result of being in
the explosion of Dr. Vegapunk's first lab). So, Franky decides to wear a tiger rug over his face so
he will not look weird. The rug gets too close to the flame and catches fire. Franky runs out of the
lab completely on fire and screaming. The Marines pursuing him see him run out of the lab, but
to them he looks like a fiery tiger demon and frightens them into running away crying. What the
Marines saw would come to be known as "The Legend of the Sacred Burning Beast of Baldimore".

Usopp now realizes that he must get stronger and indeed he must lose weight. He also realizes
that Luffy does not always win the battles like he always thought. So, he decides to become
Heracles' pupil so he can get stronger. Heracles, who is rather excited about the idea, begins
teaching Usopp about the secret to surviving on the Boin Archipelago, which happens to be a
plant called Pop Green that possess instantaneous growth and hold various other uses. So, Usopp
decides that in order for Luffy to become the Pirate King, he was going to become the true Sniper

Zoro began begging to Mihawk to teach him the ways of the sword. Mihawk, who was rather
disgusted by Zoro's begging, wished to get rid of him thinking he had overestimated his abilities.
Zoro informed Mihawk that he defeated all the Humandrills and that he only needs to defeat him.
Mihawk, who was rather surprised by all this, found the request to teach the swordsman that
wants to surpass him someday absurd. However, Mihawk understood that Zoro wanted to get
stronger for Luffy, and not for his own ambitions. Mihawk then decided to begin training him once
his body was healed. Then Zoro, who was now bandaged up again, told Perona what Luffy's tattoo
meant. The tattoo reads 3D2Y. Zoro explains the original plan was for the Straw Hats to meet up
in three days but now it is in two years (hence why the 3D, standing for three days, is crossed
out), so all the Straw Hat Pirates in their various locations all got the message and understand
they will meet up in two years at the Sabaody Archipelago.

The story then went back to a few days earlier in the Calm belt on an island called Rusukaina
Island. Luffy and Rayleigh, along with the Amazon Lily tribe and Jinbe had arrived on the island.
Jinbe departed and he and Luffy thanked each other for all the other's help and Jinbe told Luffy
he will be waiting for him at Fishman Island. Hancock wished to give Luffy food as he began two
year training session with Rayleigh on the island but Rayleigh, turning down the offer, informs
Hancock that the reason they came here was solely for Luffy to learn survival skills on the 48
season island that changes every week. This made Hancock get angry at Rayleigh, but she calmed
down when Rayleigh told her it was for Luffy's own good. Hancock then left the island with the
Amazon Lily tribe. Rayleigh then explained that the island is uninhabited but there once was a
civilization that died off due to the adversity of the island's natural environment and that the
island currently has about five hundred or so animals living on it that Luffy would have a tough
time defeating.

Rayleigh explained the ability of Haki and why Luffy must learn to strengthen it. He explained all
3 types of Haki while he took down a giant elephant without physically touching it as a
demonstration for each type. He then explained Kenbunshoku Haki, (which is known as Mantra
on Skypiea) or the ability to sense the opponent's presence and accurately predict their next
move. He explained Busoshoku Haki, which is the power to "armor" one's body with haki, enabling
one to attack without touching someone as well as nullify Devil Fruit abilities, particularly allowing
one to physically touch a Logia-type Devil Fruit user. And finally, he explained the third type called
Haoshoku Haki, which is the power of intimidation.

This power is rare and only a select few people can learn it. Rayleigh explained that Luffy must
learn to control this power since he could intimidate innocent people if he cannot control it. So

Summit War Return to Sabaody

Rayleigh decided that in two years, with Luffy's potential, he is going to make him learn the basics
of all three forms of Haki and as Luffy gets stronger, he will decide which one he should strengthen
on his own. Luffy then leaves his straw hat and vivre card behind on a rock and claims that the
pirate "Straw Hat Luffy" is going on vacation.

Fishman Island

Return to Sabaody

he chapter starts with Luffy leaving Rusukaina with the help of Boa Hancock. The scene
then switches to Sabaody Archipelago where the locals discuss the events that
happened there two years ago including the names of Supernovas who were making a
name in the New World; the main topic was the reappearance of the Straw Hat Pirates who
disappeared two years ago and their return at the archipelago, distributing flyers trying to recruit
new members with the intention of strengthening their crew and embarking to the New World.

Meanwhile, Brook after two years has become a music superstar with the three men of the
Longarm Tribe as his managers, he plans to hold his last concert tour at Sabaody stating that this
will be his "finest concert ever".

While on the beach Sanji (his hair parted on the opposite side and sporting a goatee) appears
and is overjoyed to see real women on the shores, after two years of training, bidding the okamas
a hasty farewell as he runs off to find Nami and Robin first. At a certain bar a female with long
hair in a bikini top and skinny pants talks to the bartender about the Marines changing the
location of their headquarters. She witnesses the fake Straw Hat Luffy and his comrades shoot
and turn away a pirate with a bounty of B55,000,000; the fake Luffy then orders more ale and
wants the long haired woman to come join him as well. The locals at the bar all assume she would
not refuse knowing that the pirate had a reputation yet were all surprised when she flat out
refused him not once but two times. When the fake Nami went over and tried to make the woman
do as they say, a stranger who suddenly appeared and sat beside the woman unleashed plant
monsters that grabbed the fake Nami causing an uproar with the Fake Straw Hats with the plant
tendrils wrapping around them.

The man, smiling, asks the woman if she would drink with him . She smiled back and hugged him
tightly stating that he has gotten manly, revealing herself as Nami and the man as Usopp (who
looks buffer than his lean build from two years ago), they make a dash out of the bar when a
thundercloud appears electrocuting the pirates in the bar. Nami said that she also improved and
gained some new technology. The Fake Luffy curses after them and orders his crew to find the
ones responsible for going against him and kill them.

At Shakky's Bar in Grove 13, Shakky and Rayleigh were present with Sanji revealing to him that
Zoro arrived first followed by Franky and that both were on the Thousand Sunny. Nami arrived
third but she went out shopping due to boredom, Usopp and Chopper were fourth and fifth, Brook
was sixth, arriving just before Sanji, then lastly Sanji himself. Sanji was overjoyed with the news
and wondered how much Nami had changed while Rayleigh comments that the crew arriving at
the island independently is an incredible feat. Back in the city, Robin avoids some suspicious men
who are ordered to capture her at all costs. She now wears a long sari-like skirt with a zipped shirt
and sunglasses, much like the local women. Robin reads some recruitment flyers from the fake
Straw Hats and a poster of Brook's concert, wondering what is going on.

Summit War Return to Sabaody

Chopper, meanwhile, was following the fake Zoro, Sanji, and Robin who recognized him from his
wanted poster and decided to bring him back to their crew. The suspicious men who were
following Robin mistook the fake for the real one and captured her, with Chopper, believing the
fake to be the genuine Robin, exclaiming that the men are kidnappers. At the Marine Branch G-1
(formerly the old Marine HQ) Marineford, everyone was in chaos after hearing about the
reappearance of the Straw Hat Pirates on Sabaody Archipelago. They intend to summon a force
to go and capture them. The scene switches back to Sabaody where the fake Luffy shoots a
couple whom he mistook for Usopp and Nami. The locals are too frightened to go against them
because of their tendency to shoot anyone who gets in their way. Soon, a skinny man under an
animal skin carrying a large bag bumps into the fake Luffy but simply apologizes before leaving.
Angered, the fake Luffy shouted at the man,who turns around, revealing himself to be none other
than the real Luffy.

The rest of the Straw Hats are shown in further detail. At the start, there is a flashback where
Luffy is shown on the Kuja Pirates' ship prior to landing on Sabaody. Boa Hancock advises Luffy
to be discreet and not arouse attention, since his face is widely known due to the events that took
place two years ago. The flashback ends with Luffy saying goodbye to the Kuja Pirates and
promising Hancock that he will see her again (she again interprets this as a marriage proposal,
which Nyon quickly corrects). The next scene returns to the confrontation between the fake Straw
Hats and Luffy. The fake Luffy brags about his B400,000,000 bounty to the real Luffy and
demands that Luffy beg on his knees to be forgiven for knocking him over. Luffy excuses himself
and begins to leave. The fake Luffy quickly decides to shoot him, but Luffy easily dodges the bullet
and renders them unconscious using his Haki.

Meanwhile, Robin is shown arriving at the Thousand Sunny, commenting that they left the ship
alone for two whole years. She is then greeted by the new and improved Franky, who says that
this might be his first and probably last improvement on his body. After a few topics being
discussed by the two (like Robin being the 8th member to arrive and Rayleigh's coating on the
ship), Franky comments on Brook's newfound success and wonders whether or not he will actually
return to the "pirate life".

Brook is shown in concert, singing. The chapter progresses as the fake Straw Hats regain
consciousness. Fake Luffy hardens his resolve to find Luffy, Nami, and Usopp. However, Fake
Luffy is informed that Fake Robin has been kidnapped. He decides to leave her behind, which
angers Chopper, who is still under the impression that they are the real Straw Hats. Chopper
storms off to find Robin. As he walks away, Marines are revealed behind the corner, convinced
that the fakes are real due to Chopper's presence among them. They report to G1 that the Straw
Hats are alive. Sentomaru hears of this and decides to take himself, PX-5, and PX-7 to Sabaody.
The chapter ends with Sanji witnessing a one-eyed Zoro emerging from the ocean, having cut in
half a coated pirate ship that he had accidentally boarded.

Chopper gallops through Saboady Archipelago’s Grove 35, in his reindeer form, yelling wildly for
Robin (the fake one) while also questioning the actions of the Straw Hats (the fake ones). He
abruptly stops as Usopp and Nami ride by on one of the Archipelago's Bon Chari calling to him.
Finally reunited on the island, they embrace as old friends. Both Usopp and Nami comment about
how big and fluffy Chopper has become as he tries to separate the fake Nami from the real one
before him in his mind. Catching himself, Chopper informs them of Robin's kidnapping.
Revelations abound as all three ride the chari, Chopper is brought up to speed on what is going
on such as the kidnapped Robin being a fake, as the real one would not be easy to catch, after
all those years evading capture it'd be unlike her to get shoved into a bag and kidnapped, and
the Straw Hats he met before were also fakes. Chopper, though, is elated by the idea of how

Summit War Return to Sabaody

famous he is, motivating him to want to create a signature. Usopp comments that he has already
created his own, while Nami adds that they are famous in a bad way.

Meanwhile, the fake Sanji and Zoro chase after the runaway Chopper (the real one), after their
captain realizes that he was the real one, only to run into Luffy (also the real one) whose identity
they still do not know. After his last run-in, as per Hancock's suggestion, he finally dons the fake
mustache given to him, and mistakes the fakes for the real ones though they question whether
he was the "kid" they were looking for.

Back in Grove 41, Zoro states his intention to fish at the beach. Sanji responds by yelling at him
explaining they do not have time to search for a "wayward marimo" (should Zoro's incredible talent
for getting lost remain in tact) and that they, together, should head to the ship as everyone will
gather there soon. Turning away from Sanji, Zoro complains to himself that #7 thinks he is better
than #1. The numbers are a reference to the order the Straw Hats arrived on the archipelago,
hence Zoro's complaint. Sanji, now beyond annoyance from Zoro's comment, starts a fight.

In Grove 46, a Marine is spying on the new rookies, trying to join the "Straw Hats". He confirms
four of them: "Gashed" Albion worth B92,000,000, Lip "Service" Doughty at B88,000,000, as well
as "Wet-hair" Caribou and "Blood Splatterer" Coribou, with bounties of B210,000,000 and
B190,000,000, respectively. As the Marine is speaking on the Den Den Mushi, Caribou sneaks
up on him. The Marine falls back on the ground in horror as Caribou and Coribou intimidate him.
Frightened, the Marine reaches for his gun while the enemy's back is turned, causing Caribou to
stab him with a spear. Further increasing the severity of their actions, Coribou starts digging a live
grave as his older brother prays to God for the "sins this Marine has committed". Tensions rise as
an off panel voice yells, "That's as far as you go, Caribou!"

Voices roar as the fake Luffy boosts his followers' morale. He appropriates them as extensions of
himself, his "hands and legs". He orders them to find and crush the real Straw Hats that
humiliated him. In the midst of his rant, fake Sanji and Zoro return with the real Luffy. Luffy speaks
to the fakes, believing them to be the real thing, but notices that the two get along better than he
remembers. The fakes call for their captain's attention, and his target, Luffy, stands before him.

The scene then changes to Brook's farewell concert, where the crowd is yelling for an encore.
Unfortunately, the Marines and his former managers have flanked him. The Marines confirm him
as "Humming" Brook with a B33,00,000 bounty, the former captain of the Rumbar Pirates and a
member of the Straw Hat crew. Brook's fans become distressed at the news. His managers
explained that by honestly telling them that Brook would be retiring, it would be the end of the
business exploit hence inciting them to have Brook die with them. In fact, this incites Brook to
call on his band and dancers in helping him declare that the rumors were false by saying "Straw
Hat Luffy... Dead? Ridiculous--tell this to the world. The pirate Straw Hat Luffy is ALIVE!". The
Marines are held back by the fans as Brook plays the encore, showing he is ready to go to the
New World.

Back on the newly refurbished Thousand Sunny, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper meet up with Franky
and Robin. Usopp holds Chopper as he gawks at the new upgrades on Franky who now sports
retractable hands inside of his giant ones and a hair-growth feature. Nami is overjoyed to see
Robin and Franky again. Rayleigh and Shakky arrive. Shakky updates the crew on where the
others are and the situation on the archipelago. Rayleigh talks to Nami to teach her how to control
a coated ship. Usopp, worried since Luffy has not shown up yet, asks about him. Rayleigh replies
with a smile on his face that Luffy is already on the archipelago. The chapter ends with Rayleigh
proclaiming, "It's finally time to restart!!!"

Summit War Return to Sabaody

The chapter starts at Brook's concert where the Marines are being attacked by the crowd,
preventing them from arresting Brook. Brook is rescued by Rosy Life Riders who claim that it was
an order from Shakky.

At Grove 46, Fake Luffy declares to make an example out of the real Luffy because of his
disrespect, but is interrupted by the Marines, who surround the pirates and block all entrances
and exits. Fake Luffy orders Caribou and Coribou to use the captured marine as a hostage to open
a path for them but Caribou refuses and kills the Marine. Fake Luffy is angered that Caribou did
not obey his orders, while the real Luffy is confused as to why everyone is calling him boss. The
pirates and the marines then engage each other in a battle. The pirates' morale quickly declines
when the Pacifistas suddenly appear. Lip "Service" Doughty, worth B88,000,000, is easily
defeated by a Pacifista, causing a stir amongst the pirates.

When the pirates turns to Fake Luffy for help, he runs away with the other fake Straw hats claiming
that they cannot defeat the heavily armored Pacifistas. Sentomaru suddenly appears in front of
Fake Luffy. The crew of Fake Luffy was cheering for him yelling "Boss Luffy is gonna fight for us!
Show us the power of 400,000,000!". Sentomaru questions Fake Luffy as to why they called him
"Straw Hat." All Fake Luffy could do was try to intimidate Sentomaru with Luffy's heritage. Unfazed
by Fake Luffy's empty threats, Semtoumaru proceeds to smash Fake Luffy into the ground with
the broad side of his axe, while saying "'Straw Hat' is not some piece of shit like you!". The recruits
were shocked and Sentomaru ordered PX-5 to identify the imposter. It turns out that Fake Luffy
is really a pirate called "Three-Tongued" Demaro Black and has a bounty of B26,000,000. The
recruits were shocked and angered. The other Impostor Straw Hats then try to flee the scene.
Albion angrily stated that they would all have been the subordinates of a B26,000,000 bounty
faker. Sentomaru tells the pirate recruits that they were idiots to believe in the Fake Luffy and he
will arrest them all. He is also aware of the real Luffy's presence since PX-5 identified him as soon
as they arrived. Sentomaru then orders PX-5 to target him, causing the real Luffy to lose his
disguise. Monkey D. Luffy was revealed to all the people there, shocking everyone. Sentomaru
declares that he will arrest Luffy on the spot and once again orders PX -5 to attack him. Luffy
claims that PX-5's attack is slow and activates his Gear Second followed by a haki infused "Gomu
Gomu no Jet Pistol", defeating PX-5 in one hit. Then he escaped and saw the real Zoro and Sanji
who were then attacked by another Pacifista. They easily defeated it, and then stated to each
other how they each defeated the Pacifista. This shocked everybody again. The pirates saw how
they are nothing like the fakes and the Marines saw that the Straw Hat crew is alive. Luffy was
glad that they are reunited. Luffy then noticed Rayleigh, which further shocked everyone in the
vinicity. Rayleigh claimed that he came to see if they needed help but that it looks like there is no
need for him to do that. The chapter ends when Luffy thanks Rayleigh for everything over the last
two years. Luffy raised his hands in the air and declared "I'm gonna become the Pirate King!" At
this, a smiling Rayleigh starts to get tears in his eyes, while Sanji and Zoro just smile.

The chapter starts with Luffy saying goodbye to Rayleigh and thanking him once again while a
voice off-screen yells "Capture Straw Hat!" There is a brief flashback of two instances during
Luffy's training, Rayleigh then tells Luffy to aim for the top. Luff y, Zoro, and Sanji leave just as the
Marines arrive. Rayleigh draws his sword, asking the Marines to respect the departure of his pupil.
He then draws a line in the dirt with his sword's blade, saying that it would be a bad idea to cross
the line. Elsewhere, while picking up Sanji's grocery, the Monster Trio is surrounded by more
Marines. Suddenly, a Negative Hollow appears. Perona then appears, seemingly annoyed at the
disturbance they were causing, asking what they were still doing there and why they had not left
yet. The Marines behind her are suffering the effects of her Negative Hollow. Sanji (and obviously
Zoro) recognize her, while Luffy does not. Perona then chastises Zoro for sounding ungrateful,

Summit War Return to Sabaody

reminding him that if it had not been for her, Zoro would not have reached the archipelago. She
then tells them to hurry up since Marine vessels were right next to island.

Meanwhile, at Thousand Sunny, the crew members who had already arrived are rejoicing in
seeing each other again. Brook, for the first time in two years, asks Nami if he could see her
panties. Before he could finish his question, Nami promptly kicked him in the head, sending him
flying into the wall. Nami then states that no one had matured during the two years they were
separated. Chopper had gone to look for the others. Then, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper all
arrived on one of the giant birds from Torino Kingdom. Everyone is overjoyed to see the last three
crew members. Sanji, upon seeing Nami and Robin for the first time in two years, breaks out in a
nosebleed so massive that the pressure from the gushing blood seemingly launches him from
the bird. Once on the ship, Usopp tells Chopper to stop Sanji's bleeding. Luffy cannot help but
marvel at Franky's new modifications. Nami tries to pull him out of this trance, saying they have
bigger problems.

Suddenly, Thousand Sunny is bombarded by cannon fire. A Marine ship was already in range of
the Straw Hat Pirates. The second round of cannon balls is stopped by Boa Hancock's Slave
Arrows. The Kuja Pirates' ship intercepts the Marine ship, stalling their attack on the pirates. Robin
identifies the ship as belonging to the Kuja. Usopp is shocked by Boa Hancock ’s presence and
comments on her beauty. Sanji momentarily "turns to stone" from seeing her and Brook becomes
mesmerized by her appearance. Usopp wonders why a Shichibukai would be at the archipelago
before Luffy reveals that he knows her, much to their surprise. Hancock winks at Luffy. Brook
sees this, causing him to fall over in shock. Nami asks Luffy how he knew her as Luffy explains
that he met her on the Isle of Women. Usopp is surprised by the fact that such an island actually
exists. Sanji yells at Luffy out of jealousy with tears in his eyes. Marguerite and Sweet Pea
comment on the appearance of Luffy's crew, saying they looked fun and that there were types of
people they had never seen before.

Franky then states that he will open valves so that air can flow in from the sack under the ship.
The ship's coating starts to expand, forming a giant bubble around the ship, covering the deck
with a bubble roof. Chopper then notices Usopp looking out at the archipelago and asks him if
something is wrong. Usopp asks if all the Marines had been defeated. Chopper says that he did
not think so. Usopp then comments that no one was chasing them. No one else seemed bothered
by this, some even calling it luck. It is soon revealed why no Marines are following them.

The scene changes to the Marine's third backup platoon. They state that they cannot pursue the
Straw Hats because giant insects, under the command of Heracles, were blocking their path.
Heracles then wishes Usopp a safe journey. This happened to all the other Marine platoons. The
fourth platoon's gunpowder was ruined by a sudden rain, that was isolated to only their location.
It is revealed that the rain came from Weatheria, which was floating right above Sabaody
Archipelago. Haredas and the other scientist were creating more diversions so that the crew could
set off safely. Haredas then says that it will be lonely in Weatheria without Nami. The fifth platoon
reported that the second platoon had gone completely negative, being held off by Perona. They
also reported that the pirates escaped on a giant bird, which confused the person talking. Another
platoon was intercepted by the okamas, claiming their hearts were about to be crushed; this
affected Sanji too. One of the okamas said that now was Sanji's chance to escape.

Back at the Sunny, Nami started to explain how coated ships work. They have the ability to reduce
various pressures, meaning that the ship cannot stay buoyant. The air sack is the only thing
keeping the ship afloat at the moment. Both Luffy and Zoro simultaneously said that they did not
understand. Franky resurfaces, saying that he had removed the air sack. Nami ordered everyone

Summit War Fishman Island

to raise the sails while they submerge. This confused Usopp, who thought that the ship would
move on its own once underwater. Robin explains that underwater, ocean currents act as the
equivalent of wind, thus, the currents move the ship. Luffy asked Nami if they were ready to go,
to which she replies yes. Luffy then shouts that he has a lot of things to tell them, but for the
moment wanted to thank them for putting up with his selfishness for the last two years. Usopp
and Sanji sarcastically ask if he thought that was anything new, saying Luffy had always been like
that. A Marine shouts to his commanding officer, a Rear Admiral, that the Straw Hats were
escaping underwater, saying so while only the very top of the mast was still visible. The Rear
Admiral, as well as the rest of the Marines, were being held captive by Boa Hancock's beauty.
Luffy then yells "SET SAIL!" The chapter ends with the crew underwater, heading toward Fishman

Fishman Island

he chapter starts out in the "no man's land" on Sabaody Archipelago. Caribou, Coribou,
and their crew somehow escaped the battle and are holding the Imposter Straw Hats
(save Black, Cocoa, and Fake Chopper) captive. The fakes beg for their lives as Coribou
and the Caribou pirates dig holes, preparing to bury the impostors alive. Caribou reveals that he
never intended to follow the Straw Hats and had planned to kill them from the inside and is very
angry that he met fakes instead. The impostors continue to beg for mercy and Caribou then grabs
fake Sanji and starts to suffocate him with his Devil Fruit powers. Fake Sogeking tries to stop
Caribou with a bazooka but fails, as the shot is just absorbed into Caribou's body. The impostors
are terrified, learning that Caribou is a Logia. Caribou then orders his crew to bury the fakes and
happily states that he managed to confirm the real Straw Hat Luffy.

Sentomaru is then seen talking to his superiors about the Straw Hat crew's escape and their
newly acquired strength with Demaro Black lying on the ground, tied up and unconscious. Shakky
and Rayleigh are then seen having a conversation at the coast where the Straw Hats departed.
Rayleigh then thinks back to the day when he first met Gol D. Roger. This flashback also reveals
that Luffy's straw hat once belonged to Roger. Rayleigh then states that Luffy has taken another
step towards becoming a man worthy of that hat he wears.

While the Thousand Sunny is sailing underwater, the crew marvels at the site of the underwater
world. Luffy and Zoro attempt to catch some of the fish only to be stopped by Usopp and Chopper.
Sanji asks Nami about what the crew needs to know about the coating. As Nami starts to explain,
Sanji got another massive nosebleed just by seeing Nami's body move. Sanji propels himself out
of the coated ship and had to be grabbed and pulled back in by Luffy. Chopper immediately starts
treating Sanji while Brook shows his concern for the cook, wondering what will happen when they
see the mermaids on Fishman Island. Nami then explains that a coated ship has all the same
properties of the bubbles on the Sabaody Archipelago, where they will expand until a certain point
before letting an object go through the bubble. If it gets too many holes, it would pop. Luffy and
Zoro try catching fish again only to be stopped by Usopp and Chopper once more. Since Sanji is
out of commission, Luffy and his crew start eating the special lunch boxes given to Luffy by Boa
Hancock. Franky explains to the crew how the Thousand Sunny was kept safe for two whole years.
He stated that during a battle with the marines, Hatchan and Duval suffered serious injuries and
Bartholomew Kuma took over as the ship's protector. It is revealed that Kuma was allowed by Dr.
Vegapunk to include a single mission of his own into the programming, to "protect the ship of the
Straw Hat Pirates until the day one of their members returns". The Straw Hats agree that they are
indebted to Kuma. The chapter ends with the Straw Hats being unknowingly followed by the
Caribou Pirates.

Summit War Fishman Island

The chapter starts with the crew wondering how far the ship had descended below the ocean.
Usopp comments that the light almost cannot reach them anymore. Franky said they are past a
level called the Euphotic Zone and are about to be out of another level called the Disphotic Zone,
saying they were probably about 1000m below the surface. Nico Robin notes how quiet it is,
completely different from a submarine, and how it reminds her of flying in the sky. A small pod of
blue whales passes the ship. Brook cries, as they remind him of Laboon. Luffy thinks they look
like Whitebeard and waves to them. While this is happening, the Caribou Pirates’s ship is quickly
approaching Thousand Sunny from behind, being towed by a shadowy sea monster. Caribou is
heard rallying the crew, getting them ready for their upcoming attack. Caribou appears on his
ship's deck, saying he wants to make their names known to the world by taking the Straw Hats'
heads to display to the world.

Back on the Sunny, Usopp sees something gaining on them from the ship's six o'clock direction
(the direction directly behind the ship). He thinks it is a sea monster and tells the crew there is a
shadow heading directly toward them. Caribou's ship soon catches up and comes along side the
Sunny. The ship looks like it is trying to ram the Sunny, but it is really trying to get the bubble roofs
to touch. The Straw Hats wonder whose ship it is. Caribou leads the assault. At that moment,
Nami recognizes the monster pulling the ship as Mohmoo, the pet sea cow of the Arlong Pirates.
Mohmoo sees Nami, Sanji, and Luffy, remembering all three of them from the past. He
remembers the beatings he received from Luffy and Sanji, and swims back the opposite way out
of terror, towing the ship with him, but not before Caribou (and only Caribou) was able to make it
onto the Thousand Sunny's deck. The Caribou Pirates still on the ship are completely
dumbfounded as to what just happened. They also wondered why there was a sea cow attached
to their ship.

Caribou, unaware he was left behind, commands his crew to introduce themselves by
slaughtering all the Straw Hats. He immediately realizes that he is the only one of his crew on
board the ship and immediately changes his tune. Franky picks him with one hand, Caribou
begging him not to throw him out into the ocean calling them gentlemen, saying that human life
is not something to be wasted, and that God is watching them. Franky, instead of throwing him
out into the ocean, simply throws him against one of the side rails of the ship. Zoro asks if he was
the captain of the ship that just went by. Caribou, realizing who asked the question, immediately
denies this, saying he is just a human bullet for that crew, and that he is sick of being on that
ship. He then asks the Straw Hats if it would be alright if he rode with them for while. Chopper
believes him, saying he might be a victim. Usopp, ironically, calls everything Caribou said a lie,
which leaves Chopper surprised. Nami asks Caribou about why they had a sea cow pulling their
ship. Caribou calls her a cutie-pie, asking her if she is "Cat Burglar" Nami. Sanji then intervenes,
kicking him in the face and pinning him to a wall, saying he had no right to look at Nami with his
despicable eyes. He is then about to tell Nami that everything is fine. However, before he could
finish his sentence, he breaks out in another nosebleed. Usopp says that his nosebleeds are
beginning to be a pain in the ass. Chopper suggests they rehabilitate him using low intensity
pictures. Caribou explains that they had caught Mohmoo in the area, saying that having a sea
monster pull their ship is the mark of a pro undersea traveler.

The scene momentarily switches back to the Caribou Pirates' ship, the crew trying to command
Mohmoo to stop and asking him what happened. Coribou then says that Caribou will save them
for sure.

Back on the Sunny, Luffy asks if anyone sees a sea cow anywhere, and then Nami asks him what
he is planning. Usopp then notices that the ship had shifted direction and asks Nami if it was ok.
The scene momentarily changes before her answer. Luffy is poking a tied up Caribou with a stick.

Summit War Fishman Island

Caribou is reworking his plan. Since he can get out of the ropes any time he pleases and since he
cannot fight nine people at once, he thinks it would be best to observe the crew and wait for a
chance to kill them one by one. He starts to come up with another idea but is cut off. Nami then
said that the slight shift was fine, as they are supposed to be southwest of the log pose needle.
Luffy asks if it would not be faster to travel in a straight line while Brook is saying he is starting to
feel cold, and is about to say that he does not have skin but Chopper beats him to it, by saying
that is amazing since he does not have skin. Nami explains that if they continue straight, they
would just be swallowed up by currents and could hit a volcano or sea mountain before finishing
their descent. Usopp says that the Grand Line's currents have always posed a hazard of some
kind, and asks if there is a certain one to take.

Nami replies that there is only one, and tells everyone to put on a coat, saying the journey will get
a lot colder. Zoro asks if they were going somewhere cold, saying he thought they were going to
the deep sea. Franky corrects him, saying that the water in the deep sea is cold. Just like the
bathtub, the water is colder on the bottom than it is on the top. Brook then adds that the colder
levels have what are called Deep Currents, large ocean currents normally invisible to the naked
eye that move in a completely different pattern than surface currents. Franky adds that all the
currents on both levels eventually connect and reconnect with each other independent of depth
or whether or not they are traveling east to west, comparing it to a giant dragon. He a lso added
that the currents travel the whole world without ever breaking. Brooks then says that he has heard
that the Deep Currents move very slowly across the ocean floor, and that once someone is down
that deep, it could take nearly 2000 years to return to a part of the sea that gets sunlight. He then
adds that there are many legends relating to the currents about monsters, curses, and ghosts.
This excites Luffy and frightens Chopper. Nami says that to get there, they need to ride a
descending current that takes them from a surface current to a deep current. Chopper asks how
they find a spot like that. Robin replies that like a bath tub, cold water will move downwards.
Usopp then concludes that they are going to a place where sea currents lose their warmth. Nami
describes the Red Line as a group of adjoining islands, each with a different season. They are
heading toward a climatic zone where there are winter islands, saying the area fulfills another
prerequisite for currents to go down.

Luffy, suddenly interested, asks what the prerequisite is. Nami says it is about salinity, or the salt
content found in sea water. Luffy said he played salinity all the time and Zoro said he always
wanted a fire-sword. Luffy then asks Zoro how far he was sent away. With the t wo distracted,
Usopp and Chopper ask Nami to continue explaining about salinity and ocean currents. Surprised
by their enthusiasm, Nami goes on, explaining that a necessity for a downward current is the
presence of cold, heavy water and that in cold areas, sea ice exists. Before she can continue
explaining, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper are all seen drinking tea, saying simultaneously "So,
it's a mystery current, huh?" This angers Nami to no end, and she yells that they should have just
been quiet and rode from the start. Brook offers to sing. Franky then calls to her from the bow of
the ship, saying "it" has come into view. Everyone goes to the bow. Luffy asks what the current
looks like. Franky, in response to seeing it, says "Mother nature really knows how to get things
done". Sanji asks what it is. Nami replies that it is called a Downward Plume. It is just like a giant
undersea waterfall. Everyone looks at the Downward Plume in shock and awe. Robin comments
on its massive flow, wondering how many hundreds of meters it was in diameter. Brook said that
hearing it and seeing it are two completely different things. Usopp was scared that since it was
too dark for him to see the bottom, assuming that the ship would crash and break up on the
ocean floor. Nami questioned the current's safety, while Franky assured her that a ship born from
Adam Wood could survive anything.

Summit War Fishman Island

Caribou, who had been quiet the whole time, stands up and tells the Straw Hats to turn back
immediately, saying that something was bad. Zoro, looked at him having forgotten he was there.
Luffy says he sees a monster at the bottom. Caribou states he has never heard of that type of sea
monster living in a place like a Downward Plume. He described the creature as such: "I've never
heard that that thing was living in these waters!!! ......!!! That legendary demon that roams the
vast ocean, never tiring of the slaughter it leaves in its wake...!! The enemy of all humanity!!!" The
monster in question is a kraken, a giant, mythological octopus. Franky adds that it's crushing all
the ships in its tentacles and that it must have taken all the ships that had set out in the past few
days. While Usopp is commenting on its gargantuan size, Chopper is foaming at the mouth out of
shock. Caribou said it must have been preying on ships trying to ride the downward current and
that he had never heard of anything like this happening before. He begs Luffy to turn back, telling
him to wait a few more days. Luffy simply calls him noisy and tells him to shut up. The chapt er
ends with Luffy saying he is going to make the kraken his pet.

The chapter starts with the rest of the crew shocked by Luffy's declaration that he will tame the
kraken. Luffy wanted to tame it so it could pull their ship. Usopp and Chopper try to deter Luffy by
pointing out the creature's immense size and mythical, legendary status. Brook comments that
he, a meatless skeleton, feels like the antipode to the kraken. Franky says that the creature looks
tasty, while Robin sketches it, much to Chopper's shock at everyone's calm demeanor, saying how
rarely seen it is. Zoro says he would not mind catching it and asks Luffy if he has a plan. Luffy
says that the problem is that they are in the ocean. Usopp contradicts him, saying that the
kraken's size was the main problem while Nami gives the order to turn the rudder to the south.
Luffy tells her instead to head straight for the kraken. Nami points out one of the crushed ships
and asks Luffy if he wants that to happen to them. Sanji backs up Nami, almost having a
nosebleed in the process but controlling himself at the last second. Usopp, who is shocked by
this, commends the chef. Chopper explains that it is the result of his rehabilitation and the fact
that Nami is wearing a coat. Caribou is shocked by everyone's behavior, saying that in this
situation, running away would be the proper, expected thing to do.

All of a sudden, Coribou and the Caribou Pirates' ship reappear. Caribou is delighted to see his
brother and crew. Coribou shouts that he will save his brother. Before Coribou can save his
brother, one of the kraken's gigantic tentacles descends on and wraps around Coribou's ship,
bursting the coating bubble and crushing it. Coribou and the rest of the Caribou Pirates are all in
shock while floating in the deep ocean. The Straw Hat Pirates and Caribou are all stunned by this
sight. Caribou seems devastated by the loss of his crew, saying "Ohhhh, my bastards". When Zoro
comments that they all look like jellyfish floating in the water, Caribou tells him to shut up, calling
him Roronoa. The kraken then turns its attention to the Straw Hat Pirates. Zoro starts to pull out
his sword and Luffy gets ready to go into Gear Third. Usopp stops both of them, saying their
attacks would break the bubble. Franky says that they will dodge it with Chicken Voyage. Nami
tells Franky to use Coup de Burst to propel them into the current so they can escape. Franky says
they cannot, as the amount of air required to use Coup de Burst or Gaon Cannon is limited. Nami
then asks what they are going to do. Luffy says they will not do anything, since he is going to fight
the kraken. Chopper begs him not to, saying the bubble will break. Caribou chimes in, saying if
Luffy wants to fight the kraken, then he has a way for him to do it.

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji are then covered in the coating resin, with a bubble forming around their
bodies starting at their knees, with their lower legs simply coated without a bubble. The coatings
act as diving suits. Caribou calls it "Barefoot Coating". Caribou goes on to tell them that the rope
he gave them is their lifeline, letting them fight freely without being restrained by the ship, and so
they do not have to worry about drifting away. Usopp is furious at Caribou, saying that they never
asked for his help, saying that he ruined their plan to run away by enabling the Monster Trio to

Summit War Fishman Island

actually fight. Caribou retaliates, saying that he has been telling them to run away since they
encountered the kraken. He then asks Usopp which idea he likes better: having them fight while
on the ship or sending them out of the ship to fight. Usopp is convinced and tells Luffy to go and
fight far away from the them. Nami agrees, telling them that if they are going to fight, to do it away
from the ship. Luffy states that the lifeline will get in the way. Nami protests, saying that they need
the line so they will not get separated from each other, but she is too late, as Luffy, Zoro, and
Sanji have already left the ship. Sanji, delighted by the fact that Nami is worried about him, suffers
a very minor nosebleed.

Luffy tells Zoro and Sanji to go ahead of him in order to buy him some time, saying he is going to
take the kraken out with a single shot. Zoro replies that he will take the kraken out by the time
Luffy is ready. Luffy says that slashing the kraken would be bad since he wants to keep it as a
pet. The kraken tries to attack the ship again. Franky counters it by launching rockets at the
tentacle from his shoulders. Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper all marvel at the new upgrade. Another
tentacle attacks the ship from behind, this one actually making contact. However, Chopper is able
to counter it by quickly eating a rumble ball and using his new, much larger, Guard Point. Everyone
is surprised by Choppers development. Even though the ship is not damaged, the force of the
attack was enough to send it toward a mountain. This time, it's Robin's turn to protect the ship.
She said she should be able to use her powers for a moment even though they are under water.
Her new technique, "Mil Fleurs Gigantesco Mano", produced two enormous hands, sprouting from
the ship, which pushed it away from the mountain. Luffy then activates his Gear Third, imbuing it
with Busoshoku Haki, causing his fist to turn black and become hard. However, he could not
attack, as the ocean was sapping him of his powers.

Sanji sees Luffy needs more time and moves to intercept the kraken's tentacle so fast that he
actually broke out of his bubble with a technique called "Blue Walk". Usopp and Brook are
shocked to see Sanji move so fast, Usopp comparing the chef's speed to that of a fishman. Sanji
uses the memory of running away from the okamas for two years as motivation for his speed,
even thinking the kraken was cute compared to the okamas. He then uses another new
technique, "Diable Jambe, Bien Cuit: Grill Shot". The attack hits the kraken's tentacle, burning it
in the process. The scene then switches to Zoro, who is also attacking the kraken with a new
technique, "Santŕryū Ougi - Rokudou no Tsuji". This attack cut one of the kraken's tentacles off
after slicing it into six pieces lengthwise. Luffy then tells both of them to stop attacking as they
are taking off the creature's legs. Luffy then hits the kraken with his new technique, "Gomu Gomu
no Elephant Gun". This is enough to send the kraken flying backward. As everyone is marveling
at his strength, they all notice a shark that escapes from the kraken's mouth. The shark is wearing
a Criminal brand t-shirt. Zoro notes its size while Sanji asks if it really has clothes on. Right after
everyone sees the shark, the Monster Trio is sucked down by the Downward Plume current, along
with the knocked out kraken. The Straw Hats on board Thousand Sunny are also pulled into the
current, as Nami tells them to keep the yards down tight and to not let up at all or else the ship
suffer serious damage. After the ship is in the center of the current, it is shown that Luffy, Zoro,
and Sanji are not too far ahead of them, still in their bubbles, Luffy apparently enjoying the ride.

Usopp was knocked unconscious at some time while the ship was in the Downward Plume. He is
next seen waking up, after lying face-first on the ship's deck. He comments that they survived. He
then asks why everyone looked so glum, also commenting on how cold it was. Robin tells him that
Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji got separated from the rest of the group and they cannot find them, saying
hopefully they weren't ripped to shreds by some monster. Usopp adds that even if they are alive,
the air in their bubbles will not last for very long. Nami regrets that they did listen to her and did
not take the life line. Franky states that it will not do them any good to just sit and lament, saying
that they should look for them as he has a light function built in. Chopper asks if it was with

Summit War Fishman Island

Franky's eyes, but the light instead comes out from Franky's nipples. The chapter ends with a
narration stating that the crew is in the Deep Sea, where no light can penetrate, and normal sea
creatures are not allowed to exist. It is called the "Underworld of the Sea".

The Straw Hats still on board the Sunny are looking for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji in the dark depths
of the Deep Sea. It is hard to search the water due to it being so dark. Even the Sunny's he adlight
beams could not penetrate that far into the water. The ship is then surrounded by a school of
enormous jellyfish. One of the jellyfish stuck one of its tentacles through the coating bubble.
Chopper tries to touch it but Robin yells at him not to touch it, as they are poisonous. Franky uses
a Coup de Burst just as a giant fish bites down on the jellyfish. Brook notices that the Coup de
Burst lowered the air level on the ship somewhat. Right after he says this, the large fish turns
onto its back, killed from the nerve toxin inside the jellyfish. Chopper notices that there are a lot
of fish with white eyes. Brook comments that the eyes on a lot of fish at this level are vestigial,
making them unable to see at all. Usopp and Chopper take advantage of this and start teasing
the large fish. Robin then states that there are also fish whose eyes have evolved to see in the
darkness. Resuming the search, Brook notices that Caribou had escaped from the ropes that
were holding him. No one had seen Caribou since they had reached the Deep Sea, suggesting he
might have been thrown overboard. Caribou is really hiding in a barrel nearby as everyone realizes
he could be hiding anywhere on the ship and they need to be even more on guard. Caribou
considers sneaking into the girls' room, saying he had been planning to do so. He seemed please
that the Monster Trio is gone, thinking/saying they all must be dead by now. He was disappointed
that he could not take Luffy's head, but figured the heads of the rest of the crew would be just as
good. He will wait until the instant they land at Fishman Island to attack.

While he is thinking all this out. Franky notices him in the barrel. He forces the lid of the barrel
down and seals the barrel with ropes and by bolting large metal holding plates along the sides of
both ends of the barrel. Franky realizes that Caribou had let himself get hit by Sanji earlier in order
to hide his mud-like Logia powers. Franky concludes that the crew would have been in trouble if
Caribou wasn't such an idiot. As Franky walks away, Caribou, from the barrel, begs Franky to let
him out, saying he would become Franky's slave if he did, calling him "Mister Trunks". Franky then
notices that something was bothering Chopper and asks him what is wrong. Chopper says it has
become really hot, and Usopp agrees. The crew then notices that they are heading into a cloud of
smoke. Nami realizes that smoke under water, coupled with hydrothermal mineral deposits could
only mean they were in a Deep Sea volcanic region. The Sunny is right above the mouths of
several volcanoes. Franky realizes that if the volcanoes erupt, they would be killed instantly and
proceeds to steer the ship away from the volcanoes. The crew is then chased by carnivorous tube-
worms, a noppera crab, and several other creatures. Chopper complains that he cannot go on
living and misses Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, saying he waited two years to see them and when he
finally does, they disappear. Chopper then notices a light in the distance, wondering if they had
reached Fishman Island. Nami says no, as they still have 3000 meters to go. Franky uses his
Nipple Lights to ask in Morse Code "W-H-O-A-R-E-Y-O-U-?" The light turns out to belong to a giant
angler fish. The fish tries to eat the ship, but is stopped by a giant humanoid creature. Usopp
identifies it as an umibozu, a sea giant (sea devil). The giant punches the angler fish, whose name
is Ankoro, saying it was not supposed to attack ships and that captain Vander Decken would be
mad at them. Brook then hears someone singing. A ghostly ship approaches from behind the
giant. The ship is old and parts of it are worn. Everyone was shocked at this sight, even Brook,
which prompted Usopp to say that Brook shouldn't be surprised.

Brook identifies the ship as "The real thing", the Flying Dutchman. He then proceeded to give the
history of the ship and its captain. It is called "The ship that should not be". The story dates back
hundreds of years. On a stormy day, a captain became deranged and started throwing his crew

Summit War Fishman Island

overboard, killing all of them. The captain's name was Vander Decken. He incurred the wrath of
God, and was doomed to an eternity of wandering the sea, forbidden to ever make port. That ship
is the very same ship they see before them, the cursed ship of Vander Decken.

Vander Decken, whose whole body was shadowed except his arm, told the angler fish and the
giant, whose name is Wadatsumi, that they would not get treasure if they ate the ship. He tells
them to "knock it down." Someone yelled for Franky to use Coup de Burst, but Franky said they
cannot since they ran out of fuel just then. They are saved, when the kraken shows up out of
nowhere and punches Wadatsumi in the chin. Everyone on the ship is surprised to see it again.
Vander Decken calls the Kraken "Monster of the Arctic". The Kraken continues to beat up the
giant until ordered by Luffy to stop, which it did. Everyone is relieved to see that Luffy, Zoro, and
Sanji are alive, all three are in the same bubble. Wadatsumi is unconscious with large bruises.
Luffy tells them that his and Sanji's bubbles broke, so they all had to share Zoro's. Luffy did not
like it in the cramped bubble. He sprawls out on the deck of the ship, happy for so much room.
Franky notes how much vitality they all have. Nami asks if they actually tamed the kraken. Luffy
says he is going to turn the kraken, who he named Surume, into a top-notch navigator as Surume
places Thousand Sunny on his head. Usopp says they should be careful the ship is not crushed.
Everyone then hears a rumbling sound coming from one of the volcanoes. Vander Decken's crew
alerts him that there is trouble, as Nami realizes the volcano is about to erupt.

The crews of both the Thousand Sunny and the Flying Dutchman realize that a volcano is about
to erupt. Vander Decken tells his crew that they are retreating for now. He then commands
Wadatsumi and Ankoro to pull the ship to safety. Nami realizes the full danger of the situation
and tells Luffy to tell Surume to get the ship as far away from the volcano as possible. Luffy starts
to call out the orders, but Usopp says he does not have to since Surume is already running away.
Luffy says he wants to see the volcano erupt. Usopp tells Surume to escape to the front side, but
Nami says it would not matter since it is only a few meters of difference. The volcano erupts. As
the magma is making its way down to the ocean floor, Nami realizes that the water temperature
is rising. Everyone looks up in time to see Wadatsumi and the Flying Dutchman get thrown around
as the temperature differences caused by the magma create whirlpools. Sanji asks Nami which
way they should go to get to Fishman Island, suffering a nosebleed immediately after asking the
question. Chopper is surprised that he would get a guilty conscience in such a dire situation. Nami
replies that they have to move forward a little more in order to get into a specific trench.

The trench in question was a precipice preceding a large drop off into total darkness. The crew
could not believe that Fishman Island was really at the bottom of the trench. With the water
heated by the lava catching up to the ship, Usopp exclaims that the darkness is scary and that he
does not think will leave the trench alive. He tries to tell Luffy that the darkness will take them to
Hell, but Luffy yells to Surume to jump in. The kraken jumps in just as the volcano lets out another
burst of magma. Franky then notices something above the ship. It is a rockslide caused by the
volcanic activity. Nami exclaims that the volcano has just destroyed the trench. A rock is falling
towards the ship. Zoro orders Surume to get out of the way, as he is going to cut it. Before he can
leave, Robin grabs him using her Devil Fruit ability, saying at 8,000 meters below the surface, the
water pressure would crush him. Usopp then unveils a new attack: Midori Boshi: Sargasso.
Seaweed sprouts from the rock face, catching the falling rocks. As Chopper looks in awe, Usopp
says his attack will stop the rocks momentarily, leaving enough time for Surume to get away.
Surume gets out from under the caught rocks just in time, as the plant holding them gives way.
While everyone is praising Usopp, they do not notice the errant boulder falling toward Surume.
The boulder hits Surume above the eyes, stunning him, possibly knocking him unconscious.

Summit War Fishman Island

An narration box gives the crew's location as 10,000 meters below the surface, calling the bottom
of the trench the ocean depths. In the same panel, Surume is lying in a heap and light is streaming
down from above. Thousand Sunny is on its side but still on top of Surume's head. Everyone is
grateful to be alive. Robin asks how there could be light so deep in the sea. Brook makes a joke
saying the light is blinding him but that he does not have eyes. Franky calls everyone over to one
side of the ship and tells them to look up. Usopp is having trouble seeing what it is since the light
is so bright. Luffy asks Nami if that is it. Nami replies without a doubt, as the needle is pointing
directly at it, that they have reached Fishman Island. They note that the island is surrounded by
a large bubble, indicating that there is air on the island. Everyone cheers. Caribou, from his barrel
imprisonment, also notes their arrival while laughing. Sanji states that he has wanted to visit this
place since he was a kid, the place where beautiful mermaids dance. As he starts cheering, he
succumbs to another nosebleed. Usopp and Chopper realize that the rehabilitation did not help
Sanji in time, as all he had to do was fantasize about mermaids in order to get a nosebleed.
Chopper suggests that it is not the best idea to meet a real mermaid now. Usopp argues saying
that Sanji's dream is to meet a mermaid. Chopper replies that meeting one will cost him his life.
Sanji says it does not matter, much to Chopper's surprise. Sanji goes on to say that he would
rather die while looking perversely at mermaids than live a life where his dreams did not come
true. Sanji declares that he will meet the mermaids. Luffy, meanwhile, is wondering what kind of
meat goes into the food on Fishman Island. Nami tells him to wipe the drool from his chin and
help them find the entrance. Franky then asks what some off-screen figures are doing there.

A voice asks Surume why he is letting humans order him around. Surume freezes in fear, then
tosses Thousand Sunny up into the air and starts to run away. The ship is then blocked by six sea
monsters resembling a rhino, a giraffe, a gorilla, an elephant, a lion, and a bear. Nami, Usopp,
Chopper, and Brook look at the massive creatures and exclaim that it is all over, despite making
it this far. A figure riding on the giraffe-like sea monster says that since they are pirates, that
means they are enemies of the humans, which means he is about to give them a choice. He then
recognizes the Straw Hat crew by their jolly roger. The person speaking said he had heard a lot
about them and recounted their defeating the Arlong Pirates, about how they saved and protected
Hatchan, and about Luffy punching a Celestial Dragon, and then compared Luffy to Fisher Tiger.
The person talking is revealed to be a tall, pike eel fishman named Hammond. He is a combatant
under the New Fishman Pirates. He was accompanied by a merman and a fishman. Hammond
asks the crew if they are friend or foe, if they fall under the control of the New Fishman Pirates or
reject them. Hammond adds that if they refuse, they will be sunk then and there. Hammond has
the jolly roger of the Fishman Pirates (Arlong's old crew) tattooed on his neck by his left shoulder.
The sight of it seems to make Nami uncomfortable, and she tells Franky to refuel the ship. Franky
asks what the fishmen think they are doing. Nami says that at 10,000 meters below sea level
they have absolutely zero chance of winning in a fight against them. She tells Franky her plan.
They are going to run away by using the air they have left in the ship to pull off one last Coup de
Burst and charge right into Fishman Island. Much to Franky's disbelief, Nami said it was either
that or die then and there. Robin agrees that that is their only opt ion. As Franky handled the
steering, Usopp refilled the fuel. Just as the Coup de Burst was at full power, Hammond asks Luffy
one more time if he would become their subordinate, but Luffy refuses.

Hammond becomes outraged at the fact that Luffy refused his offer to become a subordinate of
the New Fishman Pirates. Luffy makes a face at Hammond, while Chopper pleads with Luffy not
to irritate the fishman. Hammond, now angry, states that he cannot let them through and orders
the sea lion to attack. However, Usopp, in the energy room of the Thousand Sunny, tells Franky
that they are ready to go. Luffy challenges Hammond to a fight but Nami quickly orders for the
Coup de Burst to be fired. Franky states that he will settle the score with the sea lion another day.
Hammond and his subordinate are surprised at the Coup de Burst. The usage of the Coup de

Summit War Fishman Island

Burst consequently drains the air out of the bubble around the Thousand Sunny, squashing the
Straw Hat Pirates into the ship. As the Straw Hats attempt to enter Fishman Island, the bubble
coating around the Thousand Sunny is ripped away by the bubble around Fishman Island. Robin
quickly explains that the bubble is double layered, and that any ship would fall into the air pocket.
The Straw Hats brace for another entry in to the actual Island itself. Water enters the ship (as
there is no coating) and all the Straw Hats start to drown. Sanji despairs due to the four Devil Fruit
users onboard the ship. Outside, Hammond and his subordinates are puzzled by the "absurd way
of entering" Fishman Island. One asks if they should be pursued and Hammond, answers by
saying yes. However, Hammond states that it would be annoying if the Neptune Army were to find
the Straw Hats first. He then says that they should go back to "Noah" and tell the boss, to say that
the one who crushed Arlong’s ambition, Luffy, is here.

Meanwhile inside Fishman Island: as Luffy wakes up, he sees five little mermaids surrounding
him. He coughs up water, which scares the girls away. Usopp celebrates that Luffy woke up, with
Sanji and Chopper sitting beside him. As Luffy wakes up, he recognizes Keimi. Much older now,
Keimi is seen cooking, with all the little girls around her waist. Sanji exclaims that she has become
more cuter, whilst Keimi herself apologizes for not picking the Straw Hats up, as she remembered
the date incorrectly (a month off). Luffy becomes enthralled by the fact they entered Fishman
Island. Usopp informs him that the mermaids saved him and that he, Chopper, and Sanji only had
woken up recently. It is revealed that they are inside Keimi's house, where half of the inside is
water. Luffy is also informed that they had all been split up. Although looking worried, Luffy says
that they should all be okay. Sanji agrees, saying that "Bones" (Brook) would be useless in the
water (due to the Yomi Yomi no Mi) but that he should be okay since "Robo" (Franky) and "Green"
(Zoro) would be there. Keimi brings over soup to warm the four Straw Hats, but exclaims that cold
soup would not warm up cold bodies. Usopp assures her that it is okay. The five mermaids return,
saying that the clothes are now dry and bring the clothes over. Keimi introduces them as the
"Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets". Keimi says that her house is in the "Mermaid Cove" part of the
sea floor and that it is a dormitory for the female staff of the town's "Mermaid Cafe" and that there
are lots of beautiful mermaids working there as waitresses (including herself). Sanji nearly
crumbles at the idea, but soon gets a hold of himself, resisting the nose bleeds. Keimi says that
they should go up top now. While at the Underwater Coral Mansion Keimi instructs a turtle
elevator to take them up top, she explains that her house is part of an underwater coral mansion.
Because her rent is cheap, she lives on the bottom floor, while the top floors are more expensive
as they receive more light. The Straw Hats ask about Hatchan. Keimi tells him that he has been
recuperating in the "Fishman District" as he is a Fishman. She says that it is a scary place but that
she would guide them to it, as Luffy wishes to thank Hatchan face to face. They also ask about
Pappug. Keimi informs them that the starfish was now a super famous designer and lives in
Gyoverly Hills (Similar to Beverly Hills), a high class district. She invites the Straw Hats to come
along to visit as she has to take up clams there anyway. Luffy asks why Keimi is not with him as
she was his master. Keimi replies, saying that she "does not fit in". Around them, there are straw
like currents, "water roads" which are used to travel. The Straw Hats reach the surface, where
there is a mermaid swimming in the sky through a Water Road. A female voice calls out Keimi's
name, to Sanji's surprise. A group of beautiful mermaids are shown, all marveling at the Straw
Hats's feat of "illegal entry". Keimi introduces them to the mermaids. Sanji starts crying and
exclaims in exaggeration that he has found the All Blue. He becomes shocked that a mermaid
held his hand and asked him to dance in the sea. However, two mermaids find an intriguing barrel
(the one used to contain Caribou). They assume it's treasure or alcohol and note that its locked
very tightly. One asks if they should open it.

At Noah, Hammond is seen asking what he should do. A silhouetted face tells him to bring him
here (referring to Luffy).

Summit War Fishman Island

The chapter begins with an infatuated Sanji playing in a pool with the mermaids in Mermaid Cove.
The chef states his wish to live there, with a mermaid remarking how much fun he is. Luffy,
soaking his feet on the side of the pool, comments on how nice it must be to swim. Keimi suggests
that Luffy could wear a bubble, much to his surprise. Usopp asks if Sanji is just acting the way he
is out of nature. Chopper states that he is glad Sanji is back to normal, going on to say that his
blood stock is out of Sanji's blood type, S RH-, an exceedingly rare blood type. Luffy tells Keimi
there is someone on the island he wants to meet. Keimi asks if it is the Mermaid Princess, Luffy
says it is not, and that he wants to see Jinbe, explaining how Jinbe helped him cope with the loss
of his brother, Ace. Usopp asks if Luffy is referring to the ex-Shichibukai, to which Luffy replies
yes, calling him his friend, much to Usopp's disbelief. Luffy then remembers Jinbe saying he would
wait at Fishman Island for Luffy to get there. Luffy tells Keimi about his promise to see him. Keimi
remembers reading an article where Luffy and Jinbe were seen together. When Luffy asks where
he is, Keimi replies that he is not on the island, going on to explain that aft er Jinbe abdicated his
Shichibukai status, he could no longer stay on Fishman Island, so he and the Fishman Pirates
had to leave. Luffy then asks if that meant he could not see him, and Keimi explains that the
details of why he left are complicated, and that after the war, a lot of things changed on Fishman

They are interrupted by the Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets, who came to tell them that a ship is
coming. Nika, one of the quintuplets, tells Keimi it is a rare kingdom ship. Keimi realizes that the
ship might be coming to arrest Luffy, and tells him that he must hide. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper
all hide behind rocks, while Sanji, still in the water, is shielded from view by a mermaid, trying to
tell him to hold still while hugging his head to her chest, which the chef appeared to enjoy
immensely. The ship, identified by Keimi as a royal gondola, essentially a large oarfish with some
sort of carriage with oars sticking out built into it, approaches them. A nearby mermaid does not
believe that there could actually be royalty aboard it, asking why they would come from Ryugu
Palace to this little corner of the island. Trumpets then sound, heralding the arrival of the princes
of Ryugu Kingdom, the Neptune brothers. One of them greets the mermaids, saying he has a
queston for them. Three mermaids shriek with joy at the sight of the princes, asking them why
they are there while Luffy, hidden behind a nearby rock, quietly looks on. He then wonders why
there would be princes at Mermaid Cove, as do Usopp and Chopper. The Neptune princes,
Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, and Manboshi, then come forth. Fukaboshi explains that they received a
report of illegal entry, asking if anyone had come by there. The mermaids reply that no one has
come by. One asks if the people they are looking for really are important enough for the three
princes to look for them in person. Fukaboshi then states that they have not confirmed if the
illegal entrants are the people they are looking for.

From a distance, Hammond is watching these events take place. He is with a Fishman and a sea
monster. The Fishman calls the princes the three strongest of the Neptune Army. Hammonds
wonders why they are at the cove, saying it could be problematic. Fukaboshi then thanks the
mermaids for their time, saying that he will continue searching elsewhere and that the border
patrol must have made a mistake. He then apologizes to the mermaids for taking up their time,
to which they reply that it was not any trouble at all. His brothers apologize as well. At this point,
Sanji loses all self-control. The ability to contain himself became too much while his head was
clutched against the mermaid's chest, and he erupts in his most massive nosebleed ever. The
blood spurted extremely high, taking the shape of a mermaid doing a sexy pose. Chopper yells
out in shock as he runs toward him. The mermaid holding him screams not knowing what just
happened. The bottom half of Sanji's face is completely covered in blood and there is a lot more
of it in the water. Luffy remarks that Sanji just lost a dangerous amount of blood. Usopp realizes
that Sanji could not handle the excitement after all, and keeping it suppressed caused him to
explode like this. Fukaboshi, checking some of the crew's wanted posters, realizes that the person

Summit War Fishman Island

he is seeing now must be Monkey D. Luffy. He then orders his Ammo Knights to advance.
Hammond realizes that the Straw Hat Pirates are there now too. One crew member suggests
capturing them while another argues that it would be bad if they got into a fight with the Neptune
Army and that the princes are there too.

Chopper runs to Sanji's side, telling the guards to wait a moment while apologizing for entering
illegally and asking the guards to postpone their arrest. He then asks for someone to donate
blood, saying if not treated, Sanji would be dead in about thirty minutes. Chopper said Sanji's
blood type is S RH-, an extremely rare blood type. He asks if anyone could donate and if fishman
or merman blood could be transfused into a human's body. The guards stop in surpris e. Luffy
yells out, begging for someone to give Sanji blood. As some mermaids look on in fear, Chopper
asks again if anyone has the necessary blood type. Usopp finishes the plea by saying that they
cannot let Sanji die in such a stupid way. Keimi tells Chopper that humans, mermen, and Fishmen
all share the same blood and it is transfusable. She is about to explain more but is interrupted by
laughter. The laughter came from Hammond. He tells the Straw Hat Pirates that they must be out
of their minds and that there is not a single creature on the island who would give blood to
humans and if someone did they would get a "judgment in the dark" from someone who hates
humans. Luffy then recognizes Hammond from their earlier encounter as Keimi suddenly dives
under the water. One of the guards tells Fukaboshi that the person talking is Hammond from the
Fishman District. Hammond tells Sanji to stay bleeding as he is and to die helplessly. He then
tells about the rule put in place long ago, forbidding fishmen and humans from sharing blood.
Usopp and Luffy look at him in disbelief. Hammond goes on to explain that the rule, ironic to the
situation, was put in place by humans, fearing the fishmen as monsters, to prevent the mixing of

Fisher Tiger died as a result of this rule. During a bloody battle, he needed a transfusion badly.
Humans prevented the transfusion from taking place and Fisher Tiger died as a result. Hammond
then ordered them to abandon the life of one crew member and come with them to the Fishman
District, as their boss, Hody Jones, wished to see them. Usopp then shouted that he did not know
the detail of that law, and that if someone with S RH- blood came forth to help, he would thank
them in any way possible. Hammond, ignoring Usopp, remarks that they will just have to take the
Straw Hat Pirates by force.

He shoots a Utase Ami from a gun at them. Luffy sweeps the flying net out of the way, saying he
would not listen to Hammond and that he had told him this earlier. He then proceeds to knock
out Hammond and his accomplices with one Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol each. Fukaboshi and some
mermaids look on in shock while Ryuboshi begins to draw his sword. Hammond and the two other
pirates have been knocked out cold. Someone then yells that Luffy forgot to de al with their sea
monster. Luffy dispatches the monster by using Haoushoku Haki, intimidating it enough so that
it would not fight, but not enough to faint. Chopper and Usopp were shocked at how the monster
realized its own defeat without actually fighting.

Fukaboshi does not seem phased by this, saying he expected it, causing his brother to reply in
disbelief. Keimi then reappears, having hijacked the royal gondola. She tells them they should go
into town, as she saw a lot of humans at the port. Keimi then apologizes to the guards, promising
to return the giant oarfish to them. Once everyone is on board, they set off, leaving everyone else,
including the princes, at Mermaid Cove. On the gondola, Keimi apologizes, saying she would be
willing to help if she were the right blood type for Sanji, but she is not. Usopp tells her she has
nothing to be sorry for, as it all goes to back to Sanji having impure thoughts, pointing out the
smirk on the chef's face as evidence. Chopper tells Sanji not to think of anything, as every second
is precious.

Summit War Fishman Island

Usopp then comments about the discrimination Keimi and Hatchan faced at Sabaody Archipelago
two years ago, and how its roots run very deep. He follows up by saying he never thought that
Sanji's perverted nosebleeds would lead to something this dire. Keimi changes the subject, saying
she is worried about reaching town since she did not know if they would be able to find a
compatible donor for Sanji. The reason for this is because no humans have visited Fishman Island
in the past month except the Straw Hat Pirates. One of the Straw Hats asks why that is since the
island is a famous spock. Keimi corrects him by saying it is a famous spot, but she does not know
why there have not been any humans. She said there are rumors going throughout the kingdom
that someone might be pulling the strings behind it.

Back at Mermaid Cove, Fukaboshi is talking to the Mermaids, saying them covering for the pirates
created a huge problem, asking why they did it. The mermaids apologize, saying that the pirates
were not bad people and friends of Keimi's and that they did not want the crew to get arrested
for illegal entry. One mermaid says she hopes Sanji will be alright. Fukaboshi told the mermaids
they were jumping to conclusions. Since the Straw Hat Pirates are already infamous pirates, it did
not matter if they entered illegally since the army more or less knew who they were dealing with.
Ryuboshi adds that they were looking for them for a different reason. Behind a surprised
mermaid, Caribou’s barrel can be seen, still sealed, with Caribou apparently listening intently.
Fukaboshi states that they had just lost their chance to give the Straw Hats a message from Jinbe.

In the port town of Coral Hill, Sanji is waking up after having received donor blood. He asks where
he is and Keimi tells him he is at her friend's house. Chopper collapses face first on the bed,
saying how happy he is to have found donor blood. Sanji, confused by Chopper's talk about blood,
sits up while asking what happened. Keimi quickly tells him to lie back down. Luffy, sprawled out
in a chair, asks why no fishmen would help them, saying they had been all over the island. Usopp
proceeds to say that he thought Sanji was a goner. Sanji, touched by his friends' concern, thanks
them. He then tries to remember what happened to put him in such a state, but has difficulties
doing so. Luffy and Usopp implore him to stop remembering, as he will lose blood again and there
would be nothing they could do to help him again.

Usopp points to a curtain where only a hand is visible, saying they found the donor at a pub. From
behind the curtain, Sanji hears a feminine voice. He then asks if they took the blood from a fragile
young lady. Usopp pulls back the curtain to reveal two okama, the pirate twins S plash and
Splatter. One of them even offers him more blood if it was necessary. Sanji screams and foams
at the mouth in shock. While Usopp is telling Sanji to thank them, Chopper realizes that Luffy had
been poisoned, noticing the entry point on his arm. Chopper is amazed at how Luffy did not react
at all to such a deadly poison and that he already had antibodies to counter it. Luffy remembers
Magellan’s poisons almost killing him in Impel Down and gives that as the reason for his
immunity. Luffy remembers the merman with the sword and the octopus legs, and attributes the
poison to him, saying he seems strong.

The scene then changes to the merman in question. He is carrying the unconscious bodies of
Hammond and the unnamed ally. The man Luffy was referring to is named Hyouzou, a poison
blue-ringed octopus merman, and an assassin for the New Fishman Pirates. Hyouzou hears a
scream coming from the cove. He just thinks it is noisy Mermaids having fun. A mermaid says
that the scream came from Ishilly’s group. Another Mermaid said she had heard it from where
she was, and that Ishilly had mentioned something about opening a barrel. The barrel in question
was the barrel that was keeping Caribou a prisoner. It is now broken open with no sign of Caribou.

The scene changes to the back of the Mermaid Cafe. Keimi is talking to her boss, Madam Shyarly,
who was asking about Sanji's well being. Keimi thanks her for letting them borrow a room, and

Summit War Fishman Island

then asks Madam Shyarly not to go in to see Sanji as she is beautiful, therefore dangerous to
Sanji. She also asks her to keep it a secret from Sanji that he is in the back of the Mermaid Cafe.
Keimi tells her that Chopper told her they would be in big trouble if Sanji found out where he was.
Madam Shyarly comments on the irregularity of Chopper and Keimi's requests. Luffy and Usopp
find Shyarly's crystal ball, which she tells them not to touch. Keimi explains to them that Shyarly
is a fortune teller, and is rather well known.

Shyarly however, states that she is retired, as the future is better left unknown. Luffy then asks
her "So, do mermaids poop?", and Usopp asks why he used "so" in his question. This angers
Shyarly who calls Luffy a vulgar child. Keimi quickly tell him to apologize, which he did. Shyarly
then tells Keimi to take the rest of the day off and show her friends the island. She says not to
worry about the influx of human pirate customers, as she has enough hired help to start handling
the crowd. The "star" part of the word "start" make Keimi remember Pappug, and how she had to
deliver a clam to him. Shyarly tells her that Pappug is in the cafe, making a ruckus about some
old friend of his.

After leaving the room, Keimi tells the Straw Hats about some of Madam Shyarly's famous
predictions, such as predicting the Great Age of Pirates one year ahead of time. She also
accurately predicted the war at Marineford and Whitebeard’s death. Because of her accuracy at
predicting disasters, she has come to hate her ability to see the future. She takes them to the
main street of Coral Hill and the front entrance of the Mermaid Cafe. When Luffy stated how
hungry he was, Keimi said they have cakes, sea fruits, and shellfish, but no meat in the sense
Luffy was thinking. Usopp tries to distract Luffy from his bitterness about the lack of meat by
reminding him Pappug is inside.

That friend that Pappug was talking about turned out to be Brook. Pappug was glad to see Luffy
and Usopp. Brook has a mermaid on either side of him. One of them kisses him on the cheek,
telling him to come back soon, saying the whole time he was there was like a dream come true.
After telling them he will be back, brook launches into a slew of his bone jokes, bodily jokes, and
already dead jokes. Usopp was surprised by Brook's excitement. Pappug interrupts, saying he was
about to show Brook his estate.

Pappug entices Luffy with sea monster meat, saying it is a staple of his diet and he always has a
lot in his house. Keimi gives him the Orient clam, which delights the starfish. Usopp was confused
since it was a shellfish. Keimi explained that fishmen can eat meat and fish while mermaids
cannot. Luffy is relieved to hear there is meat on the island after all. As they call a taxi, Brook
notices a wanted poster of Vander Decken. Pappug was surprised that the crew had met him,
telling them he is like a bandit of the sea floor and the whole country has been searching for him
for years. He then tells them to get on the taxi.

Pappug explained that it started with Vander Decken IX sending a letter once a week to the
Mermaid Princess. The letters eventually became packages which eventually became threatening
marriage proposals. The princess became too scared to ignore him any longer. Keimi chimes in,
adding that her father, King Neptune, became angry and had his three sons form an army. They
have been searching for him without any success. Pappug tries to interrupt her, saying he had
just been explaining that.

Keimi summarizes it by saying that the Mermaid Princess is the younger sister to the three
princes, and King Neptune is the father of all four of them. Brook then says he wants to hear
about how Vander Decken, a pirate who was cursed hundreds of years ago, plays into it. Pappug
explained that legends tend to get exaggerated, but that the "mad captain" known as Vander

Summit War Fishman Island

Decken really did exist. The legend had it that he came to Fishman Island and died. The ship they
saw was the real Flying Dutchman, but the captain was his grandson (Keimi interrupts here again
to finish the story, leaving Pappug in despair), Vander Decken IX. Brook mak es another joke about
how seeing Vander Decken nearly scared the life right out of him.

Luffy then redirects the conversation by pointing out how a mermaid has split fins similar to
Kokoro's. He asks Keimi if that is how her fins will looks when she reaches age 30, to which she
replies yes. Luffy then sees a fishman dad with an older fishman child and a merman baby. Luffy
remarked how fun the variety in sizes and colors of each species. Pappug explains that when a
Fishman and Mermaid marry, they could either have a baby that is Merman/maid or
Fishman/woman, so there are four types of patterns. As they are about to get on a highway, Luffy
asks about something in the distance.

Pappug replies that it is the Candy Factory. Luffy asks why there is a pirate flag on it. Pappug tells
him there is a similar one at the entrance to port, as the island is now under the protection of
Charlotte Linlin, also known as Big Mom, the Yonko. Pappug explains that after the war, Big Mom
started protecting the island since Whitebeard had died. In return for her protection, she demands
a large amount of candy every month. Keimi explains that the island is so dangerous that they
need something big protecting it, otherwise, the government could not function. Luffy thinks Big
Mom must be nice if she decided to protect Fishman Island. Pappug said that Whitebeard did not
require collateral, and that Big Mom might be looking at it from a business perspective. Luffy says
she is one of the Yonko, like Shanks, and wonders if he will ever meet her some day.

Their taxi then arrives in Gyoverly Hills, where everyone is amazed by the size of Pappug's house.
Back in Coral Hill, Madame Shyarly is making a scene outside, saying something is going to be
catastrophic. Everyone is asking her what is wrong. She tells them to go and find the pirate
wearing a straw hat (Luffy) and send him out of the country at once. A man asks what is going on
and if she saw something in her crystal ball. Shyarly explains that she did not mean to see it, but
she felt something from Luffy which prompted her to look into the future. Hiding her head in her
hands, she says she hopes she is wrong. The fortune foretold that Fishman Island would be
destroyed by Luffy's hand.

The chapter begins in Noah, where people are seen escaping onto a ship. Someone gives an
order for the men to be quiet and board the ship. One man says they were able to escape before
they were found. Another voice says they are never coming back to Fishman Island again and
they should abandon all hope of ever entering the Mermaid Cafe. The captain, pirate "Crab-Hand"
Gyro, a pirate from South Blue, remarks how terrible their trip has been, recalling getting attacked
by the kraken and then ambushed by the New Fishman Pirates and being forced to join them.
One of his crew comes up to him in tears saying he had always dreamed of going to the Mermaid
Cafe. His captain tells him to abandon all hope, saying they were lucky to escape with their lives.
Next, Jones is seen asking if the crew had escaped, to which a subordinate replied that they had.
Jones and his officers are then shown, talking about what to do about the human crew. Ikaros
asks if he could take care of the crew. Jones says no and takes a few pills from a bowl. His muscle
mass then expands and his eyes change.

The scene then changes to Pappag's house. Pappag is bragging how on Fishman Island he is the
president and celebrity designer of the Criminal Brand Company. He goes on to say how he will
open up shops all over the world and then mentions something about approaching Doskoi Panda.
He then starts sobbing as Luffy had noticed something and was starting to talk over him. Camie
tells Luffy that there is a Criminal shop on the first floor and realizes that someone is getting
excited inside. A voice is then heard complaining about the store's high prices. They go inside and

Summit War Fishman Island

see Nami negotiating with the clerk, asking for less than half price for the clothes. Usopp is not
surprised to see she is the one complaining. Luffy calls out to her, and Nami is happy to see him
and Camie. The clerk is relieved to see Pappag and tells him about the unhappy customer. Nami
picks up the starfish by the cheek and asks him why the prices are so high. Pappag explains it is
since Criminal is a brand name and he is popular designer. Nami demands a discount. Pappag
tells her that he owes them for what they did two years ago, so she can take everything she wants
for free. Nami, Luffy, Usopp, and Brook then proceed to empty the store of all merchandise, while
Pappag yells at them to show restraint. There is then a commotion outside. One of Pappag’s
employees runs in, saying there trouble. Someone, described only as "you know who", was coming
from the Ryugu Palace. They look up in the sky to see a whale. Camie and Pappag instantly
recognize the person, Camie stating this is the first time she has seen him in person. One person
wonders why he came alone instead of bringing the army with him. People wonder if the country
is in peril or if pirates have invaded the island. Someone yells for an evacuation. The man in
question turned out to be King Neptune, riding on his whale, Hoe. Usopp comments on Neptune's
size, Brook says he prefers mermaids, Luffy remarks how weird looking the Merman is. Pappag
tugs at Luffy's face, asking if he knew how rude he was being. Nami comments on how cute the
whale looks. Neptune approaches the pirates, much to the surprise of the locals. Neptune asks
Megalo (the shark that the Straw Hats had freed from the kraken) if he had the right people. The
shark nods and Nami recognizes him from earlier. Neptune calls out to the crew, calling them
"Straw Hat humans", and invites them to Ryugu Palace. Camie and Pappag are shocked out of
their minds but Luffy seems confused.

The scene then changes back to the pirates from the beginning of the chapter. Someone on the
ship is shouting for them to hurry up or they will be noticed. Someone else says that it is hard to
catch a current in the Deep Sea and adds that they should have fixed the ship with a paddle. Two
crew members notice something in front of the ship. It is Hody Jones. Jones holds up his wrists to
show he is handcuffed. Ikaros Much comments on how the Energy Steroid is a real treasure.
Meanwhile, Jones has slammed into the ship and has bored a hole in the port side hull of the
ship. One pirate calls for them to take out the fishman, as he is all alone. Jones then bursts up
through the deck, catching a crew member in his teeth and sending two others flying. Gyro then
states he has fought fishmen before and overcame everything in front of him to come this far. He
attacks Jones with his claw and Jones bites off part of Gyro's arm, breaking the claw. The crew
then fires on the fishman, but he emerges largely unscathed. He then bites into the mast of the
ship and throws it away. A crew member realizes why Jones wore the handcuffs, to show that he
could beat them without using his hands. Zeo, while holding an Energy Steroid, states that
fishmen are naturally born with ten times the strength of humans. One Energy Steroid raises their
power two-fold, and taking two would boost their power another two-fold, so four-fold, and since
Jones took four, he is at least 160 times stronger than a normal human. In exchange, part of their
life is shaved away. They do not care, as they will carry out their plans without the fear of death.
Jones goes on to talk about how Fisher Tiger’s life was destroyed by humans, as was Arlong’s will.
He goes on to say that the fishmen will end their dark history in this generation. The mast that
was bitten off is now thrown upside down back through the deck, impaling the ship which is now
trapped in a bubble. As he breaks off his handcuffs, Jones gives the order for the bubble to be
sent back up to the New World, stating with some disappointment that the whole crew did not
die. He says he needs them alive, he wants them to go back up to the surface and tell the humans
what happened to them and who did it, and spread fear. He then declares that they will steal
back Fishman Island, what he calls the center of the world, from Neptune, and pull all the humans
down to the abyss that is the bottom of the sea, and teach them that fishmen are the supreme

Summit War Fishman Island

The chapter begins by going back to Mermaid Cove a few hours prior to the present storyline.
Ishilly is prying off the metal holds off of Caribou’s barrel with a crowbar, wondering what is inside
it. She thinks the barrels is sealed so tightly because it contains high-end expensive alcohol. She
gets some of the holds off, which is enough to allow Caribou to break out. As Caribou breaks out,
he thanks the mermaids. The terrified mermaids scream and Caribou tells them not to go
anywhere. Ishilly yells for everyone to get into the water, but Caribou says that it is too late and
turns his midsection into his Logia form, thanking Ishilly for freeing him once more. One mermaid
yells out that her body is sinking, while another one realizes it is a swamp and asks why there is
a swamp in the middle of the rocks. Caribou says that they are in a bottomless bog that is
impossible to escape from. He tells them he is a "swamp man" who ate the Numa Numa no Mi.
He then tells them that struggling will cause them to sink more and that they shouldn't scream or
worry as he will not kill them. Ishilly tries to call for help but Caribou covers her mouth with one of
his hands in swamp form, calling her naughty for not doing as she was told. Another mermaid
calls out for Ishilly, but Caribou does the same to her, telling her she has to "go sleepy-bye" for a
bit. The last things seen above the swamp are the sinking hands of one of the mermaids. Caribou
then reverts back to his human form, talking about how his body is infinite and forgetting how
much mermaids cost. He remembers that at the Human Auctioning House, they would sell for
about B10,000,000 each and gets excited when he realizes how much he could get with three of
them. He then realizes that he owes all of this to the Straw Hat Pirates. Their illegal entry made it
so that he would not have to be subjected to any kind of immigration examination. He is now free
to hunt as many mermaids as he wants, calling it a "treasure island", and then laughs happily.

Back to the present, in Coral Hill, a lot of people have gathered outside the Mermaid Cafe. The
Straw Hat Pirates are believed to be behind the kidnappings at Mermaid Cove. Hiramera tells the
crowd that she never explicitly stated that they were the culprits and that they were nice people
and friends of Keimi’s. A voice in the crowd suggests they were threatened. The crew's wanted
posters are spread out, with an Ammo Knight saying the only truth they know is the only people
at the cove other than the mermaids were the Ammo Knights, the defeated New Fishman Pirates,
and the Straw Hats. Another knight adds that humans always have a reason for kidnapping
mermaids, mentioning their high value on the slave market. A man says that they cannot suspect
the Straw Hats exclusively like that. Another knight asks him if he has any idea how many pirates
look innocent to get close to mermaids and then kidnap them. Meanwhile, Fukaboshi asks
Madam Shyarly if she really did have a vision of Luffy destroying Fishman Island. A mermaid brings
her a cup of water. Having calmed down, she tells Fukaboshi that her vision was the truth.
Fukaboshi tells Shyarly that the accuracy of her predictions is even apparent to those who live in
Ryugu Palace. This complicates their plans to get in contact with the Straw Hats as they were
indebted to them for saving their sister's pet, but due to the prediction the pirate s cannot be left
at large, and they must "deal" with the pirates now.

Over in Gyoverly Hills, residents are still looking up at the sky in awe as the Straw Hats ascend
with King Neptune to the Ryugu Palace. The Straw Hats, Keimi, and Pappug ride on Megalo while
Neptune rides on Hoe as he calls to them not to fall off. Luffy asks why that old guy is shouting so
loudly. Pappug is appalled and tells Luffy to be more respectful and Pappug is now frightened of
Luffy. Neptune explains that Megalo is his daughter's beloved pet. She could not stop crying over
how Megalo had not come home that Neptune did not know what to do with her. He thinks about
how dangerous fighting the Kraken must have been, and thanks them for their great work. Luffy
tells him that it was just a coincidence but he was glad to help. Pappug thinks about the Mermaid
Princess and Brook asks him if he was right in remembering that Pappug was once best friends
with the princess. Pappug gives him a long "ssshhh" and Brook realizes it was a lie. Keimi asks
Usopp if he was sure it was ok for her and Pappug to go to the palace too. Usopp says that
Neptune told them to bring their company, so it was fine. Neptune tells them that he had sent his

Summit War Fishman Island

sons out to get them, but when they did not come back, he went out himself. He says that he was
excited for the banquet's menu, and wanted to start as soon as possible. He then remembers
that one of the Straw Hats was already at the palace. He had already started drinking, and would
not listen when Neptune suggested it would be more fun for everyone to drink together. Usopp
asks if it was Zoro. Nami states it was Zoro. King Neptune then says that he thought his name
was Zori and gets corrected with the right name.

Neptune goes on to tell them that his soldiers will find all of the other Straw Hats and bring them
to the castle. Luffy asks Nami if she knew where the others went. Nami told them that Franky
went to look for one of Tom’s relatives and Robin went to look up some important history, so the
three split up. She tells them that they did not really have too many problems. Nami then asks
Neptune a question, calling him grandpa, causing Pappug to comically bite her on the head and
tell her to call him god of the sea, Master Neptune. She asks why Fishman Island is s o bright
despite being 10,000 meters below the surface. Neptune tells her that Fishman Island came to
be when fishmen began living on the sea floor where there was light. He explained that the roots
from a tree called Sunlight Tree Eve reach down to the sea floor and transfer light to Fishman
Island. Scholars have come up with a scientific reason behind how it works, but it is still
considered a mysterious, sacred tree whose roots emit the light it absorbs from the surface. The
roots also supply air to the ocean floor by breathing. Usopp considers it like the boss of the
Yarukiman Mangroves at Sabaody. When the sun is out, there will be light on Fishman Island,
which means it will also be dark at night. Neptune considers the sun a blessing that many take
for granted. Usopp takes notes about it to tell Franky later as the Sunlight Tree Eve could have a
connection to the Treasure Tree Adam. Nami says the tree's name while being lost in thought.
Luffy tells Neptune he is hungry, calling him grandpa again, much to Pappug's annoyance as they
approach the entrance to the palace, the outside of a giant, dark bubble. Neptune rings a
doorbell, saying it is him. A stammering voice says they will open the gate at once. Once they were
in the corridor beyond the gate, Neptune says "let's go", in excitement, shouting his own name as
a battle cry. He calls to Megalo to keep the bubble tight. Luffy says that he is excited to see the

Upon arriving at the palace, everyone looks at it in awe. Luffy thinks that it looks co ol. Brook says
it made Pappug's mansion look like a flea, prompting the starfish to tell him not to compare them.
Nami marvels at its beauty. Keimi chatters her teeth while being speechless. Voices are heard
saying that the king has returned. Luffy says that it looked like a cool palace with a lot of stuff.
Neptune answers him bluntly saying of course it would as it is his castle. He then tells everyone
to enjoy themselves. Once inside the castle, two men instantly start berating Neptune for going
out on his own. He tells them he will be sure to be more careful in the future. Everyone but Luffy
watch this scene, realizing the king is getting yelled at and told off like a child. Luffy, on the other
hand, has caught the aroma of something pleasant. Neptune tells the men that he brought the
people who saved Megalo from the Kraken. He also asks where his daughter, Princess
Shirahoshi, is. The men tell him that "it" happened again just a moment ago. Neptune gets angry,
telling the men that they did not set her up with the proper guarding to keep her from getting
upset. One of the men retorts that the king disappearing during such a critical time would get the
whole castle upset. He then lowers his head, apologizing and promising to take better care next
time. The Straw Hats realize he is getting yelled at again. The two men who were berating the king
are the Minister of the Right, a seahorse merman and the Minister of the Left, a catfish merman.
The Minister of the Right apologizes for berating the king in front of his guests, but they have
something important to discuss with him. The Minister of the Left tells them they received a
message from Fukaboshi. As they go on to tell him, the scene switches back to the Straw Hats.
Nami wonders where Luffy went. Brook wonders when the banquet would start. Usopp says that

Summit War Fishman Island

Luffy was with them just a minute ago and that he cannot hold still. Pappug wonders in horror
what Luffy could be doing wandering around the sacred land.

Luffy has followed his nose but lost the scent. He sees a door that he thought the smell of the
food originated from. The double door in question was huge, made of mostly metal, and had two
sets of handles, ring knockers high above and then regular handles near ground level. Embedded
in the doors were three swords and a double-bladed axe. Embedded in the wall around the
doorway was an axe, another sword, and the head of a morning star. Luffy, completely ignoring
the weapons embedded in the doors and walls, walks over to the door. He says the sturdy look of
the walls reminds him of Impel Down. He wonders how good the food behind that sturdy door
could be. When he goes through the door, it is pitch black, but Luffy sees food on the other side
of the room, making him wonder if the room was the banquet hall. He the n wonders if he had
found the food vault. Luffy then decides that he would only take a little bit of the food, as his
stomach was at its limit. While running across the room, he crashes into something. He thought
it was coral that felt really soft. When he first touches the coral, he hears a grunt, but thought it
was someone outside. He then began jumping on the coral, comparing its consistency to pudding.
He then hears someone ask if someone was in the room. A light suddenly came on and Luffy
suddenly begins to fall. He falls next to a gargantuan giant smelt-whiting mermaid, the Mermaid
Princess, Shirahoshi. What he had thought was coral was actually the coarse material of her top
and the softness he felt was actually her breast. She asks him what he was do ing on someone
else's body and who he was. Luffy is amazed by the size of the princess. She then asks him if he
was here to take her life too, and that she was not scared. She tries to hide her fear by saying she
is the daughter of Neptune. But, she could not hold back her tears, which were so big that Luffy
had to actually dodge the falling water droplets. She then yells for her father and brothers to help
her, as Luffy pointed out that he wasn't doing anything to her.

The chapter starts with Vander Decken IX and Wadatsumi on the sea floor, waiting for a response
from Princess Shirahoshi. Decken IX blames King Neptune, believing he is trying to set up an
arranged marriage for the princess for political reasons and as a proof, he locked her in a steel
tower for ten years. Vander Decken IX is revealed to be Japanese bullhead shark fishman. He
then takes out a giant axe with a rose painted on it and, using his curse, throws it towards her,
claiming that no one will marry her but him and he will kill her if she marries anyone else. The
axe, however, turns around and cuts off the mast of the ship. The crew of the Flying Pirates point
out that he missed. Vander Decken IX responds by saying he never miss and goes on to say that
Shirahoshi's fate is either marriage to him or death.

At Ryugu Palace, guards rush to Princess Shirahoshi's room. The princess cries for help as Luffy
explains he was only looking for food. Then, the axe that Decken IX threw flies into the room, but
Luffy detected it and deflected it, saving the princess. When the guards finally get to the room,
the princess hides Luffy in her hand and places him behind her back. The Minister of the Right
asks if she is alright, and she says that she just had a nightmare and apologizes for making them
worry. The guards then say they are looking for Luffy, who had snuck away from his crew. Due to
the suspicions of kidnappings, and Madam Shyarly's predictions, it has been decided that the
Straw Hats will be held in the castle's prison, and Zoro had already been captured. The Minister
of the Right then checks his watch and notices that five minutes have passed and must be going.

The princess first thanks Luffy and apologizes for her rudeness, asking for forgiveness. Shirahoshi
says that she never imagined Luffy was the one who saved Megalo. She asks if he is Luffy, which
the pirate says he is. She asks Luffy if he is a bad person for being a pirate, and Luffy replies that
it is for her to decide. When she asks about his crew, Luffy says that it is alright, as there w as no
way they could actually be captured. Luffy then asks her about the axe and who threw it. She

Summit War Fishman Island

explains that the axe was thrown by Vander Decken IX using his Mato Mato curse, and that she
was put in the tower for her protection. She also said that she had been there for ten years with
her only companion being Megalo, and that soldiers could only stay in the room for five minutes.
She cannot leave the tower for fear of her life. Luffy then understands why the feast was being

While Luffy is eating, Shirahoshi comments on his size being able to eat so much for someone so
small. Luffy explains that Neptune was going to start the feast but kept getting yelled at, so he
followed the scent of food. Luffy remembers that the guards called her princess, so she must be
the Mermaid Princess. Shirahoshi says yes and introduces herself. Luffy says that her name is
really hard to say. She comments on how Luffy really does not look like a bad person. She asks
him if he goes on adventures since he is a pirate. She then asks him if he has seen the sun, or
come across different flowers, furry animals, or forests. Luffy tells her not to ask so many
questions while he is eating. She comments on the size of Luffy's cheeks and pokes them. Luffy
yells at her for poking his cheeks while he was eating. The princess starts crying while telling him
not to chastise her so loudly, saying he really is a scary person, and that she had never been
yelled at before. Luffy then asks her why she is crying this time and tells her to stop. He also asks
how someone so big could be such a crybaby. After that, he says that he does not like her causing
her to cry even more. Shirahoshi states that she had never heard such words, calling Luffy a
horrible man, and telling him to leave. She then says that she cannot take it anymore as Megalo
growls at Luffy. Luffy then says he ate a lot and compliments the food. He says that being locked
away for ten years would make him sick. The princess tells him to hurry and leave. Luffy asks her
if there is anywhere she'd like to go. She says that there are several, but Luffy does not let her
finish her sentence. He offers to go for a walk with the princess and protect her if any weapons
flew at her, much to the princess' shock.

At the palace halls, Keimi tells Usopp, Nami, and Brook that if they resist any further, they really
will be considered criminals instead of just threats. Brook tells Keimi that they have no reason for
obeying them. Usopp tells her that they will be arrested if they do not resist, and that the guards
are the one who came at them for some crazy reason. Usopp asks if she really thinks that they
are going to let themselves get captured because of something they may do in the future. Brook
pulls out his sword, saying he will fight as many of them as they wish. A guard remarks how many
incidents the pirates have caused and that they are unbelievably strong even without their
captain. Nami says she was really looking forward to the alcohol they would serve in the Ryugu
Kingdom. Pappug is amazed at how confident Usopp is. The Minister of the Left tells the soldiers
not to faulter, as this is surely a "prologue" for what is to come. He tells them to defeat the pirates
at all costs and protect the country. Usopp tells him that if the guards had not attacked them in
the first place, they would have no reason to go as wild as they are. Usopp then says that the
crowd of guards is nothing compared to the collective insect attacks when he was on the Boin
Archipelago. He then introduces his new weapon, the Black Kabuto. The Minister of the Left asks
Neptune to use his power to help the guards. King Neptune says he wants more time to decide
whether or not it is alright to arrest people because of a prediction, but tells the guards to capture
them for now. Brook gets ready to block as Neptune is about to strike the pirates with his trident.
However, Zoro appears and blocks the attack. Nami and Usopp are shocked to see him. Usopp
says that he thought he was in prison. Zoro says that he heard a party getting started, so he came

The scene changes to Noah, where someone is alerting Jones of the arrival of Vander Decken IX.
Vander Decken IX tells Wadatsumi to stay put. As he is led to Jones, Decken apologizes for being
late, as he ran into some volcanic activity, and asks him if he is talking to the infamous Hody
Jones. Jones says that they are both infamous. Both say that they are pleased to do business with

Summit War Fishman Island

the other. Jones goes in for a handshake, but Decken tells him to wait a moment as he puts on a
glove. Jones says that their alliance is toward a single goal from which they would both profit.
Their goal is to crush the Neptune Army and take Neptune's head. Zeo says that they are now
invincible on the ocean floor, to which Daruma responds that two very powerf ul people just
teamed up. The chapter ends with Jones and Decken saying the complete collapse of the Ryugu
Kingdom will happen once they take Neptune's head.

The chapter starts with the Straw Hats arguing in the palace. They have successfully defeated
and tied up Neptune, the Minister of the Right, the Minister of the Left, and all of the palace
guards and are arguing about why things went wrong so quickly. While arguing, they realize that
Luffy is nowhere to be seen. Nami goes over to one of the tied up guards and asks to not be mean
as they are in a hurry and to tell her something. Usopp asks him where Luffy is, but Nami asks
him where the treasury room is, much to Usopp's annoyance. Nami asks why Usopp is annoyed
at her, while trying to look innocent. Usopp yells at her to use some discretion. Brook tries to cheer
everyone up by starting to sing, but is quickly told to shut up by Usopp. The Minister of the Right
asks Neptune if he is alright. The king replies that he has not been suited for fighting ever s ince
he strained his back, realizing that he has gotten old. He then apologizes for being unprepared.
The Minister of the Right then yells at the Straw Hats, saying that they will not get off easily once
the princes return. He then says that the castle should have filled with water, so the pirates would
not stand a chance in battle, but unfortunately was drained out. The Straw Hats agree that they
cannot stay on Fishman Island any longer. Zoro asks where the Thousand Sunny is, saying they
should get everyone on board and head out right away. Usopp points out that the coating was
taken off the ship when they went through the bubble and Nami said that the Log Pose was acting
strange and had yet to lock onto another island. The Minister of the Left then tells t hem that they
could never get to the New World with such a simple Log Pose. Nami asks him what he means
and the Minister of the Left tells her that he would explain further if she untied him. Before she
can answer him a loud doorbell is heard. The Minister of the Right realizes that it must be the

The scene changes to outside the giant bubble containing the palace. The princes are waiting on
their gondola for the gate to open, finding it odd that there are no guards there. A voice comes
through on an intercom, asking who it is, another voice says not to answer. More voices call out
for help to the princes, while another voice tells them to be quiet. Ryuboshi realizes that
something must have happened in the palace. Manboshi agrees, wondering if their father and
sister are alright. Fukaboshi tells the voice on the other side of the intercom who he is, and asks
him to drop down the connecting corridor and to open the main gate and royal gate to the palace.
Zoro, who is the one using a Den Den Mushi to speak to the princes, asks what would happen if
they did, and saying sorry as he could not let them in. Usopp cannot believe what Zoro is saying,
and yells at him to tell the truth.

Pappug asks that he and Keimi be tied up along with everyone else, so that way they do not look
like accomplices. Keimi tells Zoro she is scared. Fukaboshi asks which Straw Hat he is speaking
with. Neptune yells to his son that he is "Pirate Hunter" Zori, causing Zoro to angrily correct him.
Zoro tells the princes they have a lot of hostages on their side, including Neptune, and if they
cared about the hostages' lives, they would make arrangements for the Straw Hats to depart
quickly. He also asked them to round up the remaining crew members: a dark girl (Robin), a robot
(Franky), a raccoon (Chopper), and a perverted imp (Sanji). Nami tells him to ask for one billion
belly as well, causing Usopp to yell at her to stop. Brook is laughing at Sanji being called a
perverted imp, saying it hit his funny bone (another bone joke).

Summit War Fishman Island

Fukaboshi goes over the basics of the demands. They let all of the Straw Hats leave as quickly as
possible and the Straw Hats will not harm the hostages. One of his brothers objects, but
Fukaboshi tells they have no other choice, as the corridor is the only way into the palace, as the
layers of bubble surrounding the palace make any other form of entry impossible. Fukaboshi asks
Zoro if he could tell him something. He did not want to tell the pirates this in such awkward
circumstances, but he had a duty to Jinbe. He said he had two messages given to him directly by
Jinbe that were supposed to be given to the pirates upon their arrival. The hostages murmur
Jinbe’s name in surprise amongst themselves. Usopp remembers Luffy saying that he was friends
with Jinbe. Pappug adds that even though he is a pirate he is very well trusted on the island. Zoro
tells Fukaboshi that Luffy is not with them, but he will convey the messages to him. The messages
are "Don't fight Hody" and "I'm waiting in the Sea Forest". Zoro seemed confused by the message.

Back in Coral Hill, people are gathering, talking about how the Straw Hats actually took over Ryugu
Palace. Someone wondered what they were planning to do. One mermaid cannot believe it, as
she thought they looked nice people. Nika asked how they could do something like that. One man
said that they must be the ones kidnapping mermaids and must definitely be the ones who
appeared in Madam Shyarly's vision, and that thing are happening just as she predicted.
Someone says that two of them are in the back of the Mermaid Cafe and a police squadron went
to arrest them just now. Just then, a blast is seen coming from the back of the cafe.

Chopper is fighting several guards using a new technique: Kung Fu Point. Chopper, now much
wider as a result of his transformation, tells the guards to move and not to disturb Sanji, as he is
still recovering. He then asks what the guards meant by asking him to come to the Ryugu Palace,
and if they were really there to arrest him and Sanji. Sanji walks through the rubble and says
hello. Chopper tells him he cannot move around yet. Sanji asks one of the guards if the Mermaid
Princess is in the Ryugu Palace. The guard says she is, but asks why Sanji wants to know. Sanji
then declared he is going to the palace, even if it kills him. Chopper asked him if he understood
that he would die instantly if the princess was beautiful.

Back at the palace, Luffy is talking with Shirahoshi. He is trying to convince her to go outside. He
says he remembered she has somewhere she wants to go, and that he would go crazy if he were
shut up in a room for ten years. He tells her it would be his way of thanking her for the food.
Shirahoshi argues that it would be selfish and cause trouble for people at the palace. Luffy cuts
her off asking her where she wants to go. At first she is hesitant about answering, but after a
couple of seconds replies that she wants to go to the Sea Forest. She then goes back to saying
that it would be selfish and is only a dream and starts crying. Luffy asks her why she is crying after
telling him where she wants to go. She apologizes, saying she mustered too much courage. Luffy
calls her a pain, hurting her again, but quickly apologizes. They then hear a loud noise outside
the tower. Luffy comments on how loud it was. Luffy asked if something was thrown at them
again, saying Vander Decken was a problem.

Neptune hears the sound too, and it worries him. He thinks it could be one of Decken's weapons
and it came from the tower. He asked if there were guards posted by her door. He is told no, as
they are all tied up with him. He then tells the Straw Hats to go make sure Shirahoshi is safe. Zoro
wonders what the king is talking about. One of the guards objects, but Neptune tells him that
some problems cannot be avoided without sacrifices. Neptune tells them that the tower is in the
northeast part of the palace. When Zoro asks why they should take orders from a hostage,
Neptune snaps at him, saying that Shirahoshi is his only daughter, and due to extenuating
circumstances is being targeted for her life.

Summit War Fishman Island

If anything happened to her while he is incapacitated, he would chase them to the ends of the
ocean. Brook realizes that the daughter he is talking about must be the Mermaid Princess. He
says that he will hurry to her, and asks if it is okay to ask to see her panties. The Minister of the
Left is then scared for the princess' safety from Brook. The Minister of the Right asks Brook to
take him along, leaving him tied up. Shirahoshi's tower is under his jurisdiction in the palace, and
he would not be able to take it if something happened to her. Brook slings him over his shoulder,
asking the minister if he is a fan too (referring to the princess' panties), to which the Minister of
the Right replies not to be ridiculous. The Minister of the Left is furious, as Brook jokes that he
will be going in front of Sanji.

The scene changes back to Luffy and Shirahoshi, who is telling the pirate how she has always
wanted to go to the Sea Forest for ten years but was warned that it was dangerous to leave the
tower, which scared her into staying. She then asks Luffy if he really will take her out and protect
her, to which he replies yes. She then starts crying. Luffy tells her that if she cries, he will not take
her out and she will have to take him out since he cannot swim. She apologizes, saying she is just
so happy. Luffy calls her a crybaby and a weakling. Luffy then says that she is too big to go out
normally, but that he has a plan for sneaking her out. As Brook and the Minister of the Right get
near the tower, they see what was making the noise. The minister was surprised that it wasn't
weapons hitting the wall. The sound came from human pirates crashing against the outside wall
of the tower. He calls it insane and inhumane, calling out Vander Decken IX.

They then see the pirates beginning to stand up. The minister realizes the severe implications of
pirates entering the supposedly impenetrable palace. He then realizes that it is meant to be a
surprise attack and that the king is in danger, as well as the princess. In Shirahoshi's room, Luffy
thinks it is safe to go as he does not hear anything outside and tells Shirahoshi, again calling her
weakling. He tells Megalo he is counting on him. Megalo barrels through the tower's double doors,
revealing that the princess is hidden away in Megalo's mouth with Luffy riding on his head in a
flutterkick coating while shouting that they are going to the Sea Forest, taking out several of the
invading pirates as a result. The chapter ends with Brook and the Minister of the Right being
completely shocked to see Megalo and Luffy.

Brook and the Minister of the Right call out to Luffy and Megalo respectively; the Minister of the
Right asking Megalo where he is going. Shirahoshi, in her thoughts, apologizes to everyone for
disobeying and leaving the castle without permission, promising to be home by dinner time. Luffy
is excited for their walk. The Minister of the Right scolds Megalo for leaving the door to
Shirahoshi's room open, as it puts the princess' life in danger. The minister orders Brook to go
into the room so they could check on the princess. They are both stunned to find the princess
gone. The Minister of the Right calls it a national crisis, saying she must have been kidnapped.
From behind them, a pirate tries to attack them with a sword. Brook dodges the attack and asks
the pirate what he is doing. The pirate asks where the switch to open the connecting corridor to
the palace gate is. He tells them the pirates must follow their orders or they will be killed. Brook
asks them what they mean.

The scene changes to Coral Hill. Chopper asks Sanji why he beat up all of the guards. Sanji
complains about giving up his chance to go to the palace, but then they tried to handcuff him. He
observes all of the people glaring at them and says their eyes remind him of the white eyes of the
deep sea fish. He then tells Chopper to stop whining. Chopper tells him to think before he acts
next time. Sanji retorts that Chopper took out half of them with his kung fu, which Sanji
complemented him on. Chopper told him that compliments would not work on him right now,
though [not so very] secretly he appreciated it. A woman then screams that a fishman had just

Summit War Fishman Island

washed up on the beach and is heavily wounded. Someone yells for a doctor and Chopper
answers the call.

The injured person turns out to be Hatchan, much to Sanji and Chopper's surprise. Hatchan is
covered in arrows. Chopper asks him what happened. With difficulty, Hatchan tells them he is
glad to see them, and asks them if Luffy was with them. Chopper tells him Luffy is not here, and
that he will fix his wounds. Hatchan takes Sanji by the collar, telling him to gather the crew. He
tells them not to become involved with the island anymore and they should leave the Fishman
District. He tells them that the New Fishman Pirates are going to attack the island and the Ryugu
Kingdom is going to be destroyed.

The scene then changes to Noah, a few hours before Sanji and Chopper found Hatchan. Vander
Decken IX is addressing the human pirates who agreed to serve under Hody Jones. The pirates
recognize Decken from the Flying Dutchman but Decken tell them not to worry, as he is the
descendant of the infamous captain but he is still cursed. He tells them he is a fishman who
cannot swim. It is because of the power he received along with the Mato Mato curse. He is about
to give a demonstration of his power with a human, but a voice stops him. Hatchan enters on
crutches with a cast on his lower left leg. He asks them if they really are serious about going
through with the plan and to stop their foolishness. He tells them that all the Energy Steroid does
is destroy their bodies. He asks them why they would want to destroy Fishman Island and tells
them not to take Neptune lightly. Jones tells him to give it a rest, saying he does not want to listen
to the opinions of a former officer of the Arlong Pirates that he used to look up to. He tells him he
got soft and it is time for the next generation to take command. He says they need Fishman Island
to "educate" the humans and Neptune is in the way of their plan. He then reminds Hatchan that
he was the one who taught them that fishmen are the ultimate race. Hatchan argues back by
saying that Arlong lost. He then asks Decken and Hyouzou why they are involved with Jones,
neither of them answered when Arlong called out to them, so why help someone younger like

Hyouzou replies that he was hired on by Arlong and that he is only with Jones for the money.
Arlong was too frugal and could never afford to pay Hyouzou's fees. He tells him that since they
were kids, Hatchan was never able to keep up with him and he felt bad Arlong only had a
swordsman like Hatchan to take with him. Decken laughs, saying that Hachi makes him nostalgic.
Decken mentions that Arlong once tried to recruit him, saying he has a sense of humor because
of that. Decken claims to be a man who will never be under anyone's command and that Jones
understood him.

Jones adds that Arlong's ambition and that he actually got things done deserves respect but he
was barbaric and unsophisticated at the same time. While the Arlong Pirates were going wild in
the sea, Jones and his crew were just kids who were too young to become pirates. His generation
matured by learning from the failures of those who came before them. Jones then declares
himself to be the one to carry on the will of the Arlong Pirates. He asked if Hatchan as an ex-
officer really wanted to dishearten him by screaming at his plans. He then mentions that Luffy,
the pirate who crushed Arlong's plans, is on the island at that moment and asks if Hatchan is
bothered by that at all. Hatchan tells Jones that Luffy called him his friend and that he owes Luffy
his life and that he wants to see him as soon as possible. Hatchan adds that he could no t bear
to show himself to Luffy as long as Arlong's will still survives on Fishman Island. After hearing
Hatchan call Luffy his friend, Jones tells Hatchan he has lost all faith in him and he shouldn't talk
about being friends with a human.

Summit War Fishman Island

Decken then walks over to Hatchan and pats him on the back with his bare left hand. He then
tells Hatchan that he is locked on to him and asks him if he forgot the ways of a pirate. If a pirate
has something to say, he says it with violence. Decken then tosses a knife so that it goes behind
Hatchan. The knife comes back around and stabs Hatchan in the back, demonstrating his power.
The human pirates are shocked by what they saw. Decken explains that Hatchan became his
target the moment he was touched and that any object he throws, no matter where either of them
are, will always find its way to Hatchan. A fishman subordinate hands him several arrows and he
tells Hatchan there are numerous ways to prevent the objects from hitting him and tells him to
try and find one. Hatchan tells him to stop and not to use that many arrows. He tells Decken that
he heard rumors of his ability. He then pleads to Jones that Decken is going to kill him and asks
Jones to make him stop. Jones replies that Vander Decken is not one of his subordina tes because
they are bound by a pirate alliance. He also tells Hatchan that he is getting tired of looking at him.
Hatchan begins running as Decken throws the arrows into the air. Jones and Decken enjoy seeing
Hatchan running from the arrows. Decken teasingly tells him that he can run, but he cannot hide
from the arrows. Hatchan makes it into the water, but realizes that it does not help. The arrows
quickly catch up to him and hit him in the back.

The human pirates are horrified by what they have just seen. Decken reassures them that he can
only keep two targets memorized at a time, one for each of his palms. He then tells him that his
right hand, which he has not washed for ten years, memorized the time he touched Shirahoshi.
He then asks them if they understood, explaining that his "love and weapons" will chase their
targets down to the bottom of Hell. Pirates, both fishman and human alike, begin cheering, as
one exclaims that that is the reason he was able to stalk the princess revealing himself to the
Neptune Army. Someone exclaims what a wily man he is, and people begin to chant. Jones then
turns to the human pirates, telling them now that they understand Decken's powers they can
begin the first part of their plan. The Ryugu Palace is impossible to invade, but Decken has been
able to penetrate its defenses for ten years. Decken will throw them toward Shirahoshi they will
hit the wall of her tower, thus infiltrating the palace. Once they arrive, their job will be to open the
main gate and let the fishmen through. One pirate protests, saying the impact of hitting the wall
would kill them. Jones tells the man he agrees, and that is why he is using humans, whose lives
are worth less than that of a slave to him. Only the pirates who survive and are able to complete
the mission will be set free and anyone who declines will be thrown out of the bubble right then
and there.

Back to the present, the pirates tell Brook and the Minister of the Right that they have to open
the corridor or else Jones will kill them. Brook runs back into the room where Neptune is being
held captive and relays the news about the pirates and the Princess's disappearance. Neptune is
mortified by the latter. Zoro asks what they are supposed to do about the former. Usopp yells at
him saying that they are already attacking from the inside and does not want to hear what they
should do about it. Zoro says they should cut them and Usopp states that he said he did not want
to hear it.

The scene changes again to Luffy, Shirahoshi, and Megalo, who are now outside the palace
bubble. Luffy asks her if she can come out of Megalo's mouth yet, and she says she is fine being
inside it for now. Luffy asks her how she feels after leaving the palace for the first time in ten
years. She says her heart is pounding and what she is doing is really bad. Luffy asks how it could
be bad, as they are just going outside, calling her a weirdo. Shirahoshi asks him if they are on an
adventure right now. Luffy laughs and says they are, as it must be an adventure if her heart is
beating fast. He then asks her about the Sea Forest. She tells him it is a graveyard. There is a
grave that was built ten years ago that she always wanted to see but never could. At the Sea
Forest, a man is seen sitting on some coral in front of a large grave marker, paying his respects.

Summit War Fishman Island

He talks about how it has already been ten years since the person caused an uproar on Fishman
Island and since an assassination that took place in broad daylight, mentioning how fast time
goes by. He mentions how the princes have become strong warriors and how Shirahoshi is still
inside the tower. The chapter ends with the person, who is then revealed to be Jinbe, saying that
no one has forgotten the ideals of the person in the grave, Queen Otohime.

The chapter starts with people in Coral Hill looking up at a group of figures in the sky while
someone is trying to contact the Ryugu Palace on a Den Den Mushi. Luffy sees the figures as well,
though he is too far away to see them clearly. It turns out that the border patrol was the group
trying to contact the palace. Someone remarks how odd it is, wondering if the Den Den Mushi at
the palace might be sick. The border patrol reports that dangerous individuals have entered the
Fishman District and they just wanted the people at the palace to know that, going on to say that
they do not look like normal tourists but hopefully will not cause trouble. The group in the sky
turns out to be Hody Jones, Vander Decken IX, and their crews. The pirates are spread out among
several of the sea monsters that the Straw Hats saw when they first arrived.

Hody announces that today marks the mental union for Fishman Island. If fishmen and merfolk
are not of one mind, they cannot accomplish anything. Also, the humans who cannot breathe
underwater should be controlled by the fishmen. Today, the fishmen's history of repeating
mistakes will be resolved. Decken adds that today would also mark the anniversary of his and
Shirahoshi's wedding engagement. He adds that there is no need to rush, as they can have the
ceremony tomorrow. Dosun adds that Jinbe and his crew aren't on the island anymore. Zeo counts
how many people in the Neptune Army pose actual threats. He comes up with four: Ryuboshi,
Fukaboshi, Manboshi, and Neptune. Ikaros Much adds that if they can take out the four of them,
the rest should be easy. Jones calls for everyone to begin suppressing their assigned areas. As
the sea monsters all head off in different directions, Jones says that today will be the last day of
the Ryugu Kingdom and they will be the new rulers of the seafloor.

The scene changes to a fish bus stop, where several defeated guards are lying on the ground,
one of them saying they must tell Neptune she escaped. The woman in question turns out to be
Nico Robin. She has learned that there is a Poneglyph in the Sea Forest and is on her way to
investigate it. She believes that that Poneglyph contains important information about the Void
Century. Back at the palace, Zoro is yelling at the Minister of the Left, telling him not to make it
sound like Zoro enjoyed fighting all the pirates. The Minister of the Left says that Zoro looked very
energetic during the battle and that he is a born killer. Zoro then sarcastically asks if the minister
wanted to have tea be brought to the attacking pirates. The Minister of the Left agreed, saying
that it would be a good idea to bring the attacking pirates tea and then talk to them. Zoro tells
that his plan would not work on these people. The minister tells him that beating all pirates would
not help them understand their purpose for infiltrating the palace. Zoro tells him he does not have
to be that hospitable. Usopp and Nami are talking, Usopp comments that things are going in the
wrong direction.

Brook wonders if Luffy already met the princess. Neptune falls over behind Usopp, his eyes full of
tears. He tells them to undo his chains and to give Shirahoshi back to him. Usopp asks why they
would kidnap the princess, Neptune saying that Luffy is the culprit. Brook argues that he saw
Luffy and Megalo leave the room and did not see the princess with them. Neptune tells them that
the princess knows not to leave the palace on her own. Also, due to how she is as big Neptune
himself, there is no way she could sneak out without anyone noticing. Brook does not believe
Neptune when he mentions Shirahoshi’s size, as he is picturing the princess to be as bulky as
Neptune with a similar build.

Summit War Fishman Island

Neptune suddenly gets an idea, Megalo could have hidden Shirahoshi in his mouth and he could
have gotten her out of the palace that way. This causes all of the tied up guards to start laughing.
They tell Neptune not to make them laugh at a time like this, and even if someone thought it up,
there would be no way anyone would do it as it sounds too bizarre. Nami stands up for Luffy,
saying he would never kidnap anyone, and for Neptune to direct his suspicions at someone else.
Neptune tells them he cannot think of any other way she could have escaped, and unless she
returns safely, he will not return the other crew members or their ship. While they are arguing,
one of the invading pirates, while trying to get up, rests his arm on the three levers that control
the entrances to the palace and the corridor leading out of the bubble.

In the Sea Forest, someone is explaining how the area they are in is called the ship graveyard, as
all the ships that get caught in currents end up there. Franky is then seen, and the man talking is
seen a ways behind him. The man says that he has been researching the Sea Forest that
stretches along the ocean floor. Franky says he cannot believe that he is seeing a place like the
forest in the deep sea. He adds that it is the same as Fishman Island. The man then compliments
Franky on being able to find wood from Treasure Tree Adam to build the ship. Franky tells him it
is the same material that Tom used to make Gol D. Roger’s ship. He adds that Thousand Sunny
is also his best work. The man says that he will take care of the necessary coating, with a don.
Franky thanks him and asks him his name. The man replies his name is Den.

He is a Bering wolfish merman, and Tom’s younger brother. Franky asks Den why he does not
resemble Tom at all, as his brother Franky figures Den should at least look a little bit like Tom.
Den tells Franky he has a very human way of thinking about it, but does not blame him since
families of species on land bear lot of resemblance to each other. Den explains that fishmen and
merfolk can have genes that can stay dormant for generations. He gives an example, if a shark
merman is born from an octopus mermaid, that would mean that at least one of the parents has
an ancestor that was a shark. He goes on to say that no one on Fishman Island really cares what
type of children the mother gives birth to.

He also adds that fishmen and merfolk cannot understand why humans have the need to
categorize people. Den then asks Franky if he had a robot for an ancestor. Franky tells him he is
a human. Den mentions that he received letters detailing everything about Franky and Iceburg.
Franky then remembers that Kokoro used to write letters. He adds that he also knows about
Tom's passing, saying that he lived with a don until the very end. Den tells Franky that if he came
all the way to Fishman Island just to tell him, then Tom picked the right disciple, much to Franky's
embarrassment as he presses his nose to make his hair stand up. Franky then remembers that
he saw someone sitting a ways away and asks Den about it. Den tells him it is "boss" Jinbe,
explaining that he appears to be waiting for someone, but since he is a wanted criminal he cannot
enter the island.

Back at the palace, the connecting corridor is opened and the sea monsters are waiting at the
main gate. The ministers recognize Vander Decken and Hody Jones, much to their shock and
horror. Neptune recognizes Hody and the Minister of the Right confirms that that man is the same
Hody who was once a talented soldier in the royal army. Decken is surprised, saying he was
expecting to start a battle, but that everyone is already tied up. Hody comments on how he wasn't
expecting such a "gift" to be waiting. He then wonders if it is a trap, saying things seems far too
convenient. Zoro comments on how busy the castle is, getting one guest after another. The tied
up guards plead to be given weapons. The Minister of the Left asks Usopp if they were plotting
with the fishmen and if they invited them to the palace. Usopp retorts that the Straw Hat Pirates
would not even be at the palace if they had not been invited. He then asks who the new pirates

Summit War Fishman Island

Neptune is furious at Decken, as his presence now confirms to him that the fishman is the real
criminal and demands to have his daughter returned. Decken jokes that he had not even married
the princess yet, and already the king wants her back. He tells the king he is getting ahead of
himself, and calls him dad, much to Neptune's fury. He asks Decken where Shirahoshi is, saying
she had better be alright. Decken is now confused, and tells the king he is acting like the princess
is missing. Neptune roars at him not to play dumb, and asks why else she would not be in her
room. Decken is shocked that Shirahoshi is gone.

Hody tells Decken to calm down, as the pirates he threw all landed where they were supposed to,
which could mean she might still be here. He adds that regardless of whether or not she is here,
he has a way of finding her. Decken realizes he is right, and uproots a large piece of tree -shaped
coral, telling it to fly to Shirahoshi. After realizing it is not going toward the tower, he jumps on it,
saying that after waiting for ten years, the only thing that can separate their love is death. The
chapter ends with Decken saying that the princess will die in a sea of blood if she becomes
someone else's.

The chapter starts with everyone astounded at how Vander Decken IX left the palace. Neptune
tearfully begs the pirates to go after Decken. He tells them that he will give them anything they
want, even offering his ministers and the lives of his soldiers in exchange, causing the ministers
to question if he actually meant it. He cries that Decken will take Shirahoshi, calling her his
treasure, and someone yells at him to pull himself together. Hody then wonders if anyone would
have expected the Straw Hat Pirates "of prophecy" would have lent their power in taking over the
palace. Nami wonders what he means by "prophecy". She then notices Hody's left arm and that
he has a tattoo of Arlong’s jolly roger on it. The Minister of the Right then mentions that he had
heard from Jinbe about increasing unrest in Fishman Town, and that it was all Hody's doing. He
reminds Hody that he was once a part of the Neptune Army, asking him if he had any shame. This
causes Hody to laugh. He responds, saying that the only shameful thing was someone as prideful
as him joining the army to begin with. The only thing he gained from joining the Neptune Army
was knowledge and experience of combat techniques and battlefield training. The Minister of the
Right is furious. Hody attributes his time in the army to how he became strong.

Hody goes on to say that as a child, he saw the unreasonable discrimination of his fishman
brethren by humans. He later found the same ambition as the Arlong Pirates, crushing all humans.
He declares that the New Fishman Pirates will restore that will, much to Nami's horror. Hody adds
that Arlong had it all planned out. While Arlong was getting ready to advance from East Blue, he
was training to become Arlong's right hand, until a certain group of pirates came and ruined
everything. Usopp is shocked to find out that the New Fishman Pirates are also united under
Arlong's will. Brook is surprised to hear the name, but then says he is just kidding, though he
never ate an arlong before. This joke prompts Usopp to kick him, while Nami has a look of sheer
terror on her face. Hody then walks over to a wall and places his hand on it. His hand starts to
make a crack in the wall, causing Usopp to comment on his incredible grip and wonder what he
was going to do. The wall breaks, and one of the New Fishman Pirates comments how Hody has
not taken his steroids yet as water starts rushing in. Zoro and the other Straw Hats realize that
the water getting into the castle is bad for them. Hody laughs as he runs his left arm under the
water. Several fishmen yell to take cover, saying Hody was going to use "that". Hody then whips
his drenched arm, using an attack called Yabusame. The drops of water on his arm are flung so
fast that they gain the same speed and power as arrows. Several tied up guards fall victim to this
attack. Neptune is furious, saying that Hody is blindly injuring his elite guards. Neptune then falls
in front of the attack, telling Hody to stop.

Summit War Fishman Island

The guards beg the king not to protect them. Hody then calls Neptune a fool, asking what kind of
king becomes a shield for subordinates. He tells Neptune that he is not cut out to be king if he
acts like that. The Minister of the Left is in tears over seeing Neptune take the attack. Usopp
comments on how cruel Hody is, saying Arlong was nothing compared to him. Zoro then counter
attacks Hody with a Yakkodori. Instead of dodging, Hody grabs one of his subordinates and uses
him as a shield. Usopp is disgusted at Hody's behavior. Zoro orders that the ropes on the hostages
be cut. Brook tells Usopp that Nami has run off somewhere and the incoming water is sapping
him of his strength. Zoro then states that the negotiations with the country have broken down
and he could not keep his promise to return the hostages safely. The Minister of the Left
comments on Zoro's amazing integrity. As Brook cuts two guards free, he tells them to take care
of the person next to them, as his strength is fading due to the rising water. Hody says that he will
not let them get away with it. He then orders his crew to kill both the Neptune Army and the Straw
Hats. Usopp launches an attack, Green Star: Rafflesia. The fishmen are surprised to see a giant
flower suddenly appear out of the ground. The flower then releases a foul stench. All of the pirates
are subdued by the smell except Hody, who comments how childish the attack is. Usopp calls to
Zoro that the water is rising. Brook declares it is all over for him. Zoro cuts Neptune's chains,
asking him as a favor to get Usopp and Brook out of the palace. When Neptune asks what Zoro
will do, Zoro responds that if Hody follows them, then no one will be able to escape. He then takes
a deep breath and goes under the water, getting ready to fight Hody. Hody tells him not to interfere
in his taking the kingdom.

The scene changes to Coral Hill, where Sanji and Chopper are in trouble with the locals. Two more
mermaids were kidnapped at the south beach. Sanji asks why they think he and Chopper are
responsible. Sanji said that even though he loves mermaids enough to run off with one, he would
never kidnap one of them. Chopper tells Hatchan to hang on, as he was going to recover from his
wounds. Just then, Luffy and Megalo appear over head. Sanji wonders what Luffy was doing riding
on a blowfish (referring to the engorged Megalo) and Chopper asks him if his nosebleed is better
yet. Shirahoshi asks if they are his friends, and Luffy tells her that they are. The locals see Luffy
and call him the kidnapping boss. Luffy tells Megalo to close his mouth a bit more, as no one
must find Shirahoshi there. He then jumps down to talk to his friends, running ov er toward
Hatchan and asking how he got his wounds. Chopper replies that he will not tell them what
happened, and just keeps telling them to get off the island. One of the locals wonders why Luffy
was with them, as he was supposed to be taking over the palace. Another calls them a mermaid
kidnapping group who must be trying to kidnap Princess Shirahoshi. Someone argues that
kidnapping her would be impossible due to her size and Neptune's protection. He also adds that
no one could possibly be crazy enough to try kidnapping her. Just then, Megalo reaches his limit
and can no longer hold Shirahoshi in his mouth and spits her out. The people of Coral Hill are
stunned to see the contents of the shark's mouth, Princess Shirahoshi. Chopper is shocked at
the size of the princess, and warns Sanji not to relapse, as a relapse now would kill him. The
chapter ends with the locals yelling that the princess was kidnapped.

The chapter starts with everyone exclaiming that the Mermaid Princess has been kidnapped. Luffy
asks Shirahoshi why she got out of Megalo’s mouth, she apologizes and asks him not to get mad
at her as she starts to cry. As someone calls Luffy filthy and heartless, Chopper urges Sanji not to
turn around. Sanji realizes that Chopper's warning can only mean that the Mermaid Princess is
right behind him. Chopper tells him he is correct, but seeing the princess would without a doubt
kill him if a normal mermaid made him lose so much blood before. As Sanji begins to get lost in
thought, he remembers hearing that even the most beautiful woman in the world, the pirate
empress, would pale in comparison, and realizes that his dream is now in his grasp. He then tells
Chopper that for the sake of his dreams, he chooses death- Chopper retorts by exclaiming that
he thought that his dream was to find the All Blue. He turns around and looks at her. He realizes

Summit War Fishman Island

that he is gazing upon something that his imagination could never fathom, that no painting could
ever capture. He then turns to stone, much to Chopper's shock. Luffy is examining Hatchan, trying
to get Hachi to tell him who attacked him. Chopper wonders if Sanji turning to stone could be
from a side effect of receiving okama blood. Shirahoshi cries and asks Luffy what she should do,
but all of a sudden the Locals take action and tie up Luffy, Chopper, Hatchan, and the still petrified
Sanji. Luffy asks them what they are doing, and the locals tell him not to underestimate the
warriors of Fishman Island. One of the locals identify Hatchan as a former member of Arlong's
gang. Shirahoshi tries to explain to everyone that Luffy was only helping her, but the locals will
not listen and promise to behead the pirates. Luffy then notices something and tells them that
something is flying toward them from behind the crowd, but a local asks Luffy if he really thinks
they are dumb enough to fall for that.

Someone then notices that Luffy is not lying, and everyone is shocked to see it is none other than
Vander Decken IX. Decken yells that he found her, this time saying "Of course I did" instead of "I
think". The locals are shocked that after hiding out for ten years, he now suddenly appeared on
the island, and someone yells for Shirahoshi to run for it. Decken tells Shirahoshi to give him an
answer, saying she will escape death if she says yes, telling her to run away with him and marry
him. The locals are shocked to hear him ask for marriage after constantly attempting to take her
life. Shirahoshi tells him she is sorry, but he is not her type. The locals are comically stunned to
find out that is why she will not marry him, and not his violent tendencies. Decken is crushed, and
actually looks emotionally hurt. He tells her she should be ashamed of herself, because he has
had feelings for her for the past ten years and then she steps all over them. He then asks her who
she is planning to be with. He goes on to say that now that he knows her feelings toward him, her
existence is now an eyesore. He gets ready to attack her as a local tells her to run, but Luffy tells
her to wait, having now dubbed her 'scaredy cat'. A local grabs him by the collar, and asks him if
he is working for Decken, and if he wants the princess to die. Luffy shouts that if she gets too far
away from him, then he cannot protect her, so Shirahoshi tells Luffy she will remain with him.
Decken then attacks Shirahoshi with another axe with a rose painted on it. Luffy tries to help, but
is blocked by locals who still think he is trying to harm the princess. Luffy apologizes, saying he
has nothing against them, then knocks them out with a burst of Haoshoku Haki because they are
in his way. He then kicks off from the ground, flying toward Decken who is still on the coral. He
does a flip in the air and brings his legs down on the coral, sending it crashing to the ground and
knocking Decken off. The locals are amazed at Luffy's abilities, even when he is tied up.

Decken asks Luffy why he is interfering with his and Shirahoshi's love, and figures that Luffy was
the one who brought Shirahoshi out of the palace. And Luffy realizes that D ecken was the one
who had been throwing things at Shirahoshi as he gets ready to do an attack. Decken tells him
he will take both of their lives, saying they would not be a pair, as they would be cut into a set of
four. Luffy then uses a new technique, Gomu Gomu no Jet Hammer, plowing Vander Decken IX
into the ground head first. The locals are shocked to see that Luffy beat Vander Decken. They
then realize that Decken was still moving, despite being planted head first into the ground, and
decide to capture him. Luffy headbutts Megalo, telling him to wake up and asks Sanji if he is
alright. Chopper tells Luffy that Sanji had turned to stone earlier, but now he seems happy, and
most importantly, conscious. Luffy tells Shirahoshi they need to go. Shirahoshi ask s Luffy not to
yell at her, as all the excitement has gotten her quite worked up. Luffy tells her that for some
reason the island hates them, and they need to get out of here.

Shirahoshi unties Luffy, making the locals wonder why she is helping him. She apologizes to them,
and tells them she will be home in time for dinner, which confuses them. The Straw Hats get on
Megalo's back, and Shirahoshi grabs on to his jaws (much to his discomfort), as they get away.
Just as they get away, Vander Decken IX gets his head out of the ground and swats away the

Summit War Fishman Island

people trying to capture him. Yelling that they will not get away, he calls on Wadatsumi and tells
him to pound them into the ground. Wadatsumi gets ready to punch them, but Luffy beats him to
it, and hits him in the face with a Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol, breaking one of his teeth. Decken
seems upset that they got away.

The scene changes to the Ryugu Palace, where someone informs Jones that Nami and Keimi had
escaped. Jones tells him to ignore it. Nami and Keimi are then seen escaping, with the former
holding onto the latter's back with an air bubble around her head. Keimi asks if it was ok for them
to leave the others behind but Nami tells her to relax, as nothing good could come by worrying.
Keimi tells her she knows that they are all strong, but that Hatchan told her that Jones's mind is
more dangerous than his strength. Nami then asks her what kind of person Jinbe is. Keimi replies
that he is a pirate who is popular at the Ryugu Palace and can come and go as he pleases. Nami
remembers that he was also in the same crew as Arlong, and that Jones is the successor to
Arlong's will. She then mentions one of Jinbe's messages to Luffy, "Don't fight Hody". Nami adds
that she thinks she has figured out what the message means. Keimi tells her she thought it only
meant that Jones is dangerous. Nami adds that it is ok for Zoro and the others to get Jones angry.
She then tells Keimi she wants to meet Jinbe, and remembers he is waiting at the Sea Forest.
Nami says that the situation seems to have a long and deep rooted history, and has a feeling that
Jinbe knows all about it. She then asks Keimi to head to the sea forest.

Back in the palace, Neptune is giving orders to his guards. The soldiers tell him they will take care
of Jones and the pirates. Neptune tells them not to. He tells them that even though he did not get
a chance to fight, they all ended up as victims. He orders them to surrender the castle for now,
reunite with Fukaboshi, and get ready for the rematch. The guards are shocked at the orders.
Usopp and Brook are in the water. Usopp wonders what Zoro can do to fight a fishman in the
water as Brook tells Usopp he is not going to make it. The chapter ends with Zoro seemingly
defeating Jones with a single slash, and the New Fishman Pirates astounded at what happened
to their captain, with Usopp looking on in shock.

The chapter starts with Zoro having just cut Hody Jones. The New Fishman Pirates are shocked.
They cannot believe that a human could actually beat a fishman in water, asking just who exactly
Zoro was. One of the pirates shouts not to let Zoro escape, and to recharge their strength with
Energy Steroids. Neptune then wonders why he is feeling such an odd turmoil about him. Zoro
resurfaces gasping for air. Neptune tells the Straw Hats that they must get out of the palace, as
soon it will be completely flooded. He then orders Zoro to grab onto him. Zoro does so and they
go under. Neptune then puts his arms behind his right side, and seemingly grabs the water, saying
that what he is about to do will badly hurt his back. He tells the Straw Hats that he is making an
escape route for them so they do not have to fight. The pirates in front of Neptune watch curiously,
wondering what Neptune is going to do. Neptune uses his attack, Merman Combat: Ultramarine
and launches what is basically a pressurized beam of water at the fishmen in front of him. The
blast sends the fishmen flying in all directions. Neptune, while holding his hurt back, tells the
soldiers to go. The Minister of the Right is seen among the other soldiers, quickly swimming
through the gap Neptune made for them. A fishman frantically swims over to the unconscious
Hody Jones and tells him to do something. He then proceeds to put an Energy Steroid pill in his
captain's mouth. Meanwhile, the soldiers have made it out of the palace. Someone gives the
order to keep moving and to head inland into Fishman Island.

Neptune is flat on his back, Usopp and Brook (who are wearing air bubbles) are trying to convince
him to get up. Neptune tells them he is too old to be doing this kind of thing and that his body will
not move. Several guards notice the king in need of help, and apparently, so does Jones. Hoe
arrives just in time. Neptune grabs a rope around the whale, and Hoe begins to carry him out of

Summit War Fishman Island

the palace. Neptune thanks Hoe, telling him he owes him. Zoro, in the mean time, is about to be
out of breath. Neptune then feels something stop him and is jerked back. Jones had grabbed him
by the fin. The guards are surprised to see Jones up and moving around, as they thought he was
incapacitated. They try and help, but Neptune turns them away, telling the guards to go and find
Fukaboshi and his men. The soldiers are reluctant at first, but the Minister of the Right tells them
to obey the king. Zoro is out of air, Usopp is raising his hands in surrender, and Brook seems to
have gone limp, and they are captured by the New Fishman Pirates.

The scene changes to the Sea Forest, where Luffy is remarking how pretty it is. Shirahoshi is in
tears as she thanks Luffy for bringing her there. Chopper decides it is safe for him to take his time
to treat Hatchan's wounds. Luffy then sees the Thousand Sunny and Franky and calls out to him.
Franky notices Luffy and asks him what he has been doing as he seems to have brought a pin-up
girl (Shirahoshi) with him. Luffy introduces Franky to Scaredy-Cat, who then properly introduces
herself as Shirahoshi. Franky then tells Luffy that Robin came by too. She said she was looking
for something and went into the coral forest behind him. Luffy seems curious, but then Jinbe calls
out to him, happy to see him after two years, and commenting that he hardly recognized him.
Luffy is surprised and happy to see Jinbe, as he thought he would not get to see his friend since
he heard Jinbe wasn't around. This confuses Jinbe, as he thought Luffy came to the forest
because of his message. Shirahoshi is also glad to see Jinbe, who comments that Luffy came with
the princess, whom he had not heard from in what felt like forever. It then dawns on Jinbe that
Shirahoshi is in the Sea Forest, and not in her tower. He is so shocked that his eyes bug out of
his head. While he is asking why she is in the Sea Forest, Chopper tells Franky he is going to lower
Hatchan down from Megalo, and he should be ready to grab him. Jinbe's eyes bug out again at
the sight of the injured Hatchan, and asks him how he got his wounds. He then asks him what he
is doing on Fishman Island since he heard that Hatchan had been captured along with the rest
of the Arlong Pirates. Hatchan, still weak from his injuries, asks if Jinbe is the one he is hearing.

Meanwhile, Sanji is completely enthralled by Shirahoshi. He then launches into a poetic metaphor
where he is a painter, unable to capture Shirahoshi's beauty, as he dances around her. Chopper
is overjoyed by Sanji's reaction to Shirahoshi, as he is behaving the way he normally does around
a woman, saying he is back to his weird self again. Den then asks Shirahoshi why she is in the
Sea Forest. Before she can answer, Luffy asks Den who he is and what he is doing on the Sunny.
Franky then introduces Luffy to Den, saying he agreed to coat the ship as well as his relation to
his old master, Tom. Luffy was surprised, and asked Franky if his brother really was a coating
master (having only heard bits and pieces of Den's introduction). Franky tells him he is close
enough. Jinbe is then talking to Shirahoshi, saying he understands her reasons for coming, but
she must not leave her tower. Both Luffy and Jinbe then notice something in the air. Luffy jumps
up and kicks a giant axe that was meant to kill Shirahoshi, redirecting it into the ground. Luffy
then comments on how persistent Vander Decken IX is. Jinbe then asks Luffy why he brought the
princess with him. Instead of answering him, Luffy turns to Shirahoshi and tells her that everything
is okay, and he's here. Shirahoshi casually replies okay. Jinbe is amazed by how care -free Luffy

While everyone is hanging out around the Sunny, Luffy points to Otohime’s grave and asks if that
was the grave Shirahoshi was talking about, saying she has been in front of it for a long time.
Jinbe explains to Luffy that Shirahoshi's mother is resting in that grave. He goes on to say that
Shirahoshi had a poorly timed encounter with Vander Decken IX's poison fang ten years ago. She
could not even go to her mother's funeral, as she had to stay in the tower. Shirahoshi is praying
in front of the grave. Jinbe said there would be so many things she wanted to say to her mother.
Just then, Nami calls out to Luffy. She and Keimi have arrived. Keimi is surprised to see him with
Shirahoshi. Luffy asks Nami if the banquet had started yet, while Sanji is overjoyed to see her,

Summit War Fishman Island

and Chopper pronounces Sanji fully cured. Nami tells them that Hody Jones is now on the loose.
Jinbe is astounded that the Ryugu Palace could fall into such a crisis. Luffy asks what happened
to the rest of the crew. Nami tells him she does not know, as she was planning to go back after
she found Luffy and Jinbe. Shirahoshi starts crying over her father's capture, while Keimi asks
Hatchan what happened to him. Jinbe apologizes, saying the Straw Hats had gotten entangled in
the situation before he even realized it. He asks if he could explain quickly, saying it is hard to tell
Luffy this now, and would have been even harder to tell him two years ago. He tells them that the
Arlong Pirates were rampaging all over East Blue until a group of people put a stop to them. He
adds that he has the utmost gratitude for those people, and thanks the Straw Hats. Hatchan adds
that he would also like to take this opportunity to apologize. Jinbe then reveals that he was the
one who set Arlong loose in East Blue, much to Nami's stunned surprise.

The chapter starts with the royal guards falling out of the connecting corridor. They use bubbly
coral to create bubbles to float on. The Minister of the Left is upset, saying it was a disaster for
them to leave Neptune alone in the castle. The Minister of the Right tells him not to think about
it too much, as it was Neptune's order. He says they need to get in contact with Fukaboshi and
get him in contact with Neptune. He then orders the soldiers to regroup at Gyoverly Hills, the
closest town to them.

The scene then changes to Gyoverly Hills, where Ikaros Much is ordering people around. The
citizens ask him why he and his men are causing chaos. Much tells them to shut up, saying the
island will soon be under Jones' control. He then orders them to step on a fumi-e. The other New
Fishman Pirate officers are doing the same thing all around the island. Daruma is in Candy Factory
Town on the northwest part of the island. He tells the citizens that anyone who does not step on
the fumi-e will be considered a human sympathizer and an enemy of the New Fishman Pirates.
Hyouzou is on the southwest part of Fishman Island, outside the Fishermen's Guild meeting hall.
He gives the people there an ultimatum. They can either step on the fumi-e, or leave the island.
He says that those who do not want to do either one are saying it is okay for Hyouzou to slice
them up. Zeo is at the Marine Shopping Mall on the west side of the island. He has given the
people there the same ultimatum that Hyouzou gave. The people there are arguing against
leaving the island, saying that light does not reach the sea floor anywhere else and they could not
live in the human world. Zeo then grabs someone from the crowd gathered around him, telling
him that humans and fishman can never coexist peacefully. They should submit and kneel before
king Hody, saying fishmen can rule the humans and change history.

Dosun is at Water Wheel Village on the northern part of the island. Prince Fukaboshi hits Dosun
in the jaw with his trident, knocking the pirate backward. All the people in the village are overjoyed
to see Fukaboshi. Dosun lands in a crouched position several feet away. Fukaboshi looks at a
photograph Dosun dropped. He then angrily asks Dosun what he is trying to accomplish by making
the citizens step on the fumi-e of Queen Otohime.

The scene changes to Coral Hill. The locals are talking, saying Vander Decken IX got away and
Shirahoshi was kidnapped by the Straw Hats right in front of their very eyes. When someone
mentions Shirahoshi said that she would be home in time for dinner, someone else says that the
pirates forced her to say it. Someone else worries that she will be sold off to the Celestial Dragons
as a slave. Another person cuts in, saying that towns all over the island are reportedly being
attacked by the pirates from the Fishman District. Someone wonders what is happening at the
palace and on the island. Caribou is listening to the conversation from a good distance away. He
is interested in Shirahoshi, as a mermaid her size would fetch an unbelievable price on the slave
market, saying he is getting excited just thinking about it.

Summit War Fishman Island

The scene switches to the Sea Forest, where Shirahoshi is crying after learning what happened
at the palace and to her father. Jinbe reassures her that the New Fishman Pirates have not done
anything to the king yet, which calms her down. He then asks her for a moment to speak with
Luffy, promising to save the king no matter what. Sanji then comes dancing in, carrying three cups
of tea for the ladies. The tea is in two normal size cups for Nami and Keimi, and one large cup for
Shirahoshi. Nami tells Sanji to put her tea down, as they are having a serious conversation right
now, and to stop with the sweet talk. Sanji comments on how he loves Nami's more serious side.
Nami then asks Jinbe about setting Arlong loose in East Blue.

Before Jinbe starts his explanation, Sanji tells Jinbe he wants to know about it too. He remembers
the last time he and Luffy heard about the Shichibukai Jinbe was when Yosaku told them about
it. While Sanji is talking, Luffy takes the opportunity to steal Nami's tea. There is then a momentary
flashback to when Yosaku told them about how Jinbe sent a terrible man into East Blue in
exchange for his Shichibukai spot. Sanji asks Luffy if he forgot. Luffy responds, saying that that
Yosaku is probably doing pretty well. Sanji adds that when Luffy appeared in the newspaper along
with Jinbe two years ago, it puzzled him deeply, thinking Jinbe was a corrupt person like Arlong.
He then tells Jinbe that they are willing to listen if he wants to explain himself, but adv ises the
fishman to choose his words carefully. If he has something to hide, then he should be reminded
that Nami's home town was controlled by Arlong, making her suffer unspeakably and unbearably
during his rule. Jinbe's face after hearing this shows shock and regret. Sanji ends by saying that
what Jinbe says next will decide if he forgives him or not. Hatchan chimes in, saying it is true.
Even if both of them were to apologize to Nami, there are some things she bears that can never
be forgiven, some wounds that will never heal. Nami remembers back to the time when Bell-
mère first learned about Nami's dream to create a map of the world, when the Arlong Pirates
first came to her village, and when Arlong shot and killed Bellemere. She also remembers what it
was like to live under Arlong, how she had to work endlessly for him making maps, sometimes
without food. She also remembers the time when she began stealing money, and how one job
resulted in her getting shot in the arm. Lastly, she remembers when she came back to Arlong
Park after some time away, when Arlong said she had no choice but to come back.

Jinbe comments that she has endured much cruelty. Sanji snaps at him, asking what he would
know about it. Nami says she will never have a shred of compassion f or Arlong no matter what
happens, but she had no idea how a race as strong as the fishmen had been persecuted until
she arrived at Saboady Archipelago two years ago. She remembers going after the slave traders
who took Keimi and seeing Saboady Park. She remembers how she thought Sabaody Park looked
exactly like Arlong's base of operations, Arlong Park. The chapter has a flashback to both places,
showing similarities in both architecture and logos. Hatchan mentions that he longed for Sabaody
Park. He first adds that he has no expectation of Nami ever forgiving him and then tells her that
ever since they were kids, all he and the Fishman Pirates wanted was to be part of the human
world. There is a flashback of Hatchan, Arlong, Chew, and Kuroobi looking at Sabaody Park from
a distance. He goes on to give the history of the fishman race. Two hundred years ago, Ryugu
Kingdom separated itself from the rest of the sea by becoming an official member of the World
Government. The king was also allowed for participation with Reverie. Even still, hatred toward
the fishmen still persisted. Luffy takes a sip of tea while Franky, Den, and Shirahoshi look on with
somber faces as Hatchan tells them about the worst period in their lives, the beginning of the
great pirate era. He remembers clearly the horror of human pirates running amok on the island.
Jinbe cuts in, saying the one who saved them from that horror was the now deceased Edward

Jinbe goes to say that mankind's hatred still did not stop. He says they all saw what the reality is
when they were at Sabaody Archipelago. He then muses about how people always become cold

Summit War Fishman Island

and fearsome when they gain power. Even in the government, the very government that forged a
treaty with the fishmen, that hatred remained. Jinbe tells them that two people on Fishman Island
with the intent to change history stepped forward and took a stand. The first was Queen Otohime,
who encouraged the fishmen to get along with humans. The other person was Fisher Tiger, who
Jinbe called the slave freeing hero. He wanted segregation from humans, and launched the feat
he is most famous for the world over. He invaded Mariejois by himself and set the slaves there
free. Luffy tries to remember where he had heard Fisher Tiger's name before. After his campaign
on the holy land, Tiger gathered the fishmen he freed and formed the Sun Pirates. Jinbe tells
everyone that he was part of that crew along with Hatchan and Arlong. With anti-government
fishmen pirates running loose, Otohime's philosophy of living in harmony became too much for
the queen to handle. Otohime wanted to get through the present and change the future, while
Fisher Tiger was willing to throw away the future to save his fellow fishmen. Jinbe adds that no
one knows who was right, as it cannot be decided.

A flashback begins, with someone saying enemy ship has been spotted. The flashback takes
place fifteen years ago. Hatchan burst into the captain's quarters on the Sun Pirates' ship, saying
they have a huge problem. Inside the captain's quarters are several fishmen, including Arlong,
Jinbe, Gyaro, Kuroobi, Chew, Macro, and Tansui. Arlong tells Hatchan to shut up, while the
captain, sitting in a chair in the middle, comments on how noisy he is. Hatchan again states that
they have a problem. The chapter ends with the Sun Pirate captain Fisher Tiger being formally
introduced, and asking Hatchan if the problem was the Marines.

The chapter starts with a flashback that is introduced by Jinbe narrating. It takes place sixteen
years ago. Someone shouts out to a thief. The thief in question runs away, holding a gun, and
grabs a mermaid out of the crowd to serve as a hostage. A ways away, Queen Otohime sees the
commotion. The guards escorting her urge her to think about what she is doing, and it is not her
job to get involved in people's problems, but rather theirs. The robber sees the queen
approaching, but does not recognize her. He shoots at her, but the queen dodges the shots swiftly
and easily, surprising the robber. The queen then slaps the thief at very high speed. Unfortunately,
Otohime hurt her hand when she slapped him, and cried out in pain. The queen is then formally
introduced as a goldfish mermaid as a doctor is called for. The doctor examines her hand and
sees that it is a complex fracture. Queen Otohime tells the doctor to keep his opinions to himself
as she runs toward the thief, who is surprised to realize that it was actually the queen who slapped
him. She angrily asks him why he would resort to something as low as stealing. The thief angrily
tells her to back off, saying that royalty like her would have no idea why. The man explains that
he has ten children at home who are going hungry. Otohime slaps him again, saying that is all the
more reason for him to be punished. The Minister of the Right begs Otohime to stop hitting him,
as her body is weaker than the average person's. Otohime replies that she does not care, as she
would break her hand in order to teach the man a lesson. She angrily yells at the man, asking
him if his children would be truly happy being raised on stolen money and goods and he must
show his children that they have to live by their own actions. She then becomes less aggressive,
saying she would like to apologize. She begins crying, saying there is no way for her to empathize
with the man. The pain of the man's heart's "voice is piercing her chest", as he had gone through
so much out of desperation.

At this point, the man starts crying, saying he never wanted it to be like this. The man then explains
that there was nothing he could do. Someone burned his shop to the ground and made off with
all of his money. He is out of work as a result, up to his neck in debt, and unable to provide for
his starving children. Otohime slaps him again, saying that is no excuse to resort to a life of crime.
Stealing from others after he himself was robbed would only propel the cycle of suffering onto
someone else. She then says she is sorry in spite of that, as she is part of the royal family that

Summit War Fishman Island

the people trust, so they must take responsibility as well. The man then exclaims that he is not
worthy of her kind words. He then brightens up, promising to change and be a better man, even
though he is not worthy of her pity. She tells the man she believes in him. This is met with tears
and applause from all the people who witnessed the encounter. A fishman comments that they
are lucky to have a royal family who would leave the palace just to take a walk around the town
while two others comment how a single citizen would make her shed a tear, and how he r practices
are rather unconventional. Another man comments on how loved she is among the people,
pointing out how popular she is with kids. Several kids are then seen running happily toward
Otohime. The one in the lead has a rather large snot dangling from his nose. As soon as he gets
close enough to Otohime, she slaps him for it, completely blindsiding him, saying she is doing it
for his own good. She then tells him that he looks silly with snot hanging from only one nostril,
and that he should have snot hang from both nostrils in the future in order to not look foolish.
She holds the child who begins crying in her arms. An onlooker remarks how touching it is, and
the guy next to him asks if he was serious.

Jinbe then narrates, saying that Otohime would often come down from the palace to address the
people. Otohime then declares that Ryugu Kingdom is going to the surface. She says that humans
look different, but they must not wait for them to understand fishmen and merfolk. The Ryugu
Kingdom must make the first move toward equality. As she goes on, Jinbe is seen off to one side
with two other guards. Otohime goes on to say that even though pirates are the only kind of
humans that come to the island, they make up only a fraction of all humans. Humankind is st ill
largely unknown to the people under the sea, even though the same sun shines on humas as it
shines on them. She holds up a document, saying that Levely has opened to them, and their
intent to migrate can be told to the world. She then asks everyone to sign the petition for Ryugu
Kingdom to enter Levely. People politey refuse, even though she seems to ask constantly. Jinbe
mutters that her campaigning is going nowhere, as history has spoken for the people already.

The scene changes to Ryugu Palace, where crying can be heard. Otohime locks pinky fingers with
her four children. Otohime rests her head on the large and crying Shirahoshi, saying she
overworked herself and came back late as a result, apologizing for it. She then comments that
even though Shirahoshi has snot dripping from her nose, she still looks so adorable. A young
Fukaboshi excitedly tells his mother that he and his brothers were with Shirahoshi, so she was
okay. Ryuboshi and Manboshi respond in unison that she was just fine. Otohime thanks her sons.
Manboshi then asks if her hand is alright. Otohime then declares that she will try to change the
future to make the world a better place for her children to live in. Elsewhere, Neptune and the
Minister of the Left are talking about the queen. The Minister asks why Otohime simply could not
record a speech. Neptune responds that the Kenbunshoku Haki she has had since birth will not
let her do that, since she believes "Distance makes the heart grow cold" and even he cannot
change her mind about it. The Minister of the Left then reminds him there are a lot of human
pirates on the island. He then reminds Neptune of the worst case scenario for Ryugu Kingdom's
future, Whitebeard ending his protection. Neptune assures him that Otohime is well aware of
what would happen. Neptune then adds that the world his wife dreams of goes back hundreds of
years. Their distant ancestors tried to achieve the same thing but that it was nothing but a wasted
dream that ended in regret, and that is all there is to it. The Minister of the Left is confused by his
comment. Before he can enquire further, Neptune says that he cannot stop his wife from what
she is doing, and asks the Minister of the Left to do his best to protect her. As he says this, Noah
is seen behind him.

Sometime afterward, Otohime is out in public again, only someone is holding her petition. She
begs him to give it back, saying that a lot of people had signed it. The man says he does not care
about the number of signatures. A guard yells at the man to give it back, identifying him as none

Summit War Fishman Island

other than Arlong. Arlog grabs the guard by the neck, saying he wasn't exactly right. Arlong then
introduces himself as Captain Arlong of the Arlong Pirates. He starts talking about how the people
are living alongside human pirates but at the same time the Neptune Army is hunting pirates. He
adds if the guard has anything to say he would have to pay Arlong first. Jinbe is seen a little ways
away, remaining thoughtfully silent. The guard calls for Jinbe to help him. Arlong seems surprised
to hear Jinbe's name. Jinbe then bluntly tells Arlong to let go of his new recruit, and that he does
not care what is on the petition, but it is important to Otohime, and orders him to give it back. The
citizens are relieved to see Jinbe. Arlong laughs at Jinbe's title of "Boss", asking where else he
could find a mafia-like soldier. Jinbe orders Arlong to give the queen back the petition. He then
throws the soldier to the floor. Arlong tells Jinbe not to get so worked up, since they are old friends
from the orphan village, the Fishman District. Jinbe tells Arlong not to lump him in with that group,
asking if he is still playing pirate, calling him scum. Arlong jokingly replies that Jinbe knows he is
not scum, to which Jinbe asks if he is garbage. Someone then announces that Fisher Tiger has
returned. Arlong and Jinbe forget their argument out of excitement to see their friend. Tiger comes
up to them as people behind him cheer. He remarks that both Jinbe and Arlong are looking well.
Jinbe comments that Tiger was gone for a long time. Tiger replies that a lot happened and that
he has business at Ryugu Palace. Arlong invites him to check out his ship.

The narration starts again, explaining that the Fishman District back then was a giant orphanage.
But corruption soon arrived. The area became a lawless place, drawing Fishman Island's outcasts
toward it. At that time, Fisher Tiger, the oldest of the group, left to become an adventurer, Jinbe
joined the army, Arlong became a pirate on the ocean floor, and Macro, who was considered the
cruelest of the group, became a slave trader and kidnapped fishmen. Everyone went their own
way. Then everyone heard that Fisher Tiger attacked Mariejois and freed the slaves there. Fisher
Tiger gathered his old friends from the Fishman District and formed the Sun Pirates, branding the
mark of the sun over the symbol of slavery. The Sun Pirates were very persistent. They sank
countless Marine ships. Arlong is then seen yelling to Jinbe to leave a Marine alone, since he is
already unconscious. Jinbe mutters to the Marine that they overlook slavery, but consider freeing
slaves a crime. He then thinks about Otohime and comments how this is the "love" of humans.
The chapter ends with the Sun Pirates standing over the defeated Marines.

The chapter starts on Fishman Island, where people have just received news about Fisher Tiger’s
attack on Mary Geoise. Everyone is overjoyed by the news. At Ryugu Palace, Neptune says that
Tiger "actually went and did it" remembering the last meeting he had with him before his assault
at Mary Geoise. In the flashback Neptune is seen asking Tiger if he really means to free the slaves.
Tiger responds that he cannot stand that the slaves' life is a living hell, suffering torments no
person should have to face. He states that he has already made his decision leading to Neptune
asking him what he saw exactly during his travels. The fishman angrily replies that he saw
humans. Otohime is seen crying quietly while the two men exchange words, ending the flashback.
Neptune is then seen saying that Fishman Island is garnering negative attention in the world, and
they will not be able to attend Reverie as they are. Otohime that there was no way they could have
stopped Tiger. The voice she heard in Tiger's heart, had become a terrible scream. Otohime then
kisses Shirahoshi on the cheek and touches pinky fingers with her. She is then seen in Candy
Factory Town, preaching about how fishmen and merfolk can get along with humans. When a
man argues saying that no one will listen since everyone is celebrating Fisher Tiger's exploit and
that the humans deserved it, Otohime asks him how pointless would be in the future, saying the
petition is their only chance in ever joining Reverie.

The scene changes to the Fishman District, where a fifteen year old Hody Jones is reading about
Tiger's exploits in a newspaper. He is talking excitedly with Daruma and Zeo about how Tiger stuck
it to the humans. Zeo agrees, and Daruma recites what Arlong always says, that humans are

Summit War Fishman Island

garbage. A young Dosun mentions how the Sun Pirates are sailing the seas and beating humans
everywhere. A young Ikaros Much says that they would have gone with them if they were old
enough. Jones yells for the Sun Pirates to show the humans what they (the fishmen race), can do,
and to slaughter them all.

The scene changes to the Grand Line, where the Sun Pirates are attacking a G-2 Marine ship. The
Marines are no match for the pirates. The commanding officer of the ship, Rear Admiral Kadar,
orders the Sun Pirates to give up all of the ex-slaves they took, as a soldier informs him the
fishmen are attacking them from underwater. Tiger then kicks Kadar in the head, saying that he
has no way of telling which of the pirates were slaves. He tells a barely conscious Kadar to search
their bodies, but he will find no marks of slavery, as other fishmen are getting ready to loot the
ship. Kadar then notices all of the fishmen swimming below the ship, as Tiger tells him he will get
out alive. Nearby, Arlong kicks another soldier to the ground, saying he sentences him to death,
as being human warrants an execution, but Tiger tells him to stop.

The scene changes to Marineford, where Strawberry is informing Vice Admiral Borsalino that
Kadar's ship has been sunk. Borsalino then asks why they would go and start trouble, as their
orders were to locate the Sun Pirates and report back. Strawberry explains that when the ship got
close, the fishmen surrounded and attacked them from underwater. Borsalino then comments
on how the fishmen are pros under the water. He then asks Strawberry if any of the fishmen could
be identified, and Strawberry tells him that there were reported Arlong Pirates on board, as well
as many more of their kind. He comments how it is difficult to measure their battle strength, and
there was also Fisher Tiger. In short, they are extremely powerful but the Marines do not have
their names. Borsalino comments on how troubling it is.

Back on the Sun Pirates' ship, Arlong appears to have been hit in the head by Tiger, and asks him
what he care about humans. Tiger sternly reminds Arlong that he was ordered not to kill humans,
and that he should not get carried away. Jinbe argues back (first calling him brother tai, then
correcting himself) that every human they fight is after Tiger's head. If humans attack them with
the intent to kill, then the fishmen should do the same. Tiger replies that killing humans is the
same as losing, asking if Jinbe really wants to stoop to their level. Tiger tells them that their
campaign is not revenge for the humans' history of discrimination, and neither was his raid on
Mary Geoise. He is doing all this to break the hardened rules of society and free the oppressed.
The Sun Pirates are about liberation and freedom, no more, no less. Them taking revenge on the
humans would only result in the humans taking revenge on them. He then asks them if they
understand that even though humans will still come to fight them, the fishmen will not kill anyone.
Arlong asks why they do not just slaughter all the humans to the point where they could not take
revenge on the fishmen even if they tried. They will teach humans the true strength and horror of
the fishmen race. Jinbe then punches Arlong in the back of the head.

Later that night, Jinbe finds Fisher Tiger out drinking on the deck of the ship. Tiger comments how
Otohime's ambitions of living peacefully with humans is quite idealistic. He then wonders what
differences she would see between him and Arlong. He then comments that the demons in his
heart, are the most terrifying of all.

Some time later, Hatchan alerts the crew of an enemy ship approaching. Everyone is amazed that
pirates would try to capture them to make a name for themselves. They then proceed to attack
the ship. Queen Otohime is then seen aggressively telling people to sign her petition. Jinbe and
Fisher Tiger are then seen on wanted posters, having been issued bounties. The Sun Pirates are
angry, but Jones and his friends are excited to see them on wanted posters. Otohime is still
continuing her aggressive approach to get people to sign her petition.

Summit War Fishman Island

The scene changes to three years later, the Sun Pirates are on an island. The people of the island
are asking the pirates to take a little girl with them. She was one of the slaves that Tiger freed
three years prior, named Koala, age eleven. Koala wanted to go back to her home to visit her
mother, but the people of the island could not take her there. On the ship, Arlong expresses his
disgust at Koala for being a human. He is also bothered by the fact that she is always smiling,
and hits her. Hatchan restrains him, saying she is only a child, though Chew mutters that he
agrees with Arlong about the smiling. Arlong then watches as Koala rips off part of her pant leg,
and begins to clean the deck with it. She apologizes profusely, saying she will work without rest,
so they do not have to fight, apologizing again. Jinbe sits next to her, asking what she is doing,
and she apologizes again, and does not stop working even when Jinbe notes that she is bleeding.
She then says that she will not cry no matter what happens, and asks him not to kill her. Jinbe
asks if she is afraid of them. Koala replies that she is, but she wants to see her mother again, so
she gathered the courage to board the ship. She then asks if they will kill her if she takes a break,
and promises to be useful and asks them not to kill her. A fishman explains to Jinbe that the
lifestyle of a slave is wired into her body. They would be killed if they stopped cleaning or cried.
This led to slaves panicking all the time when they were alone, and not trusting anyone.

Fisher Tiger sees Koala cleaning, and orders that she be brought to his room. The pirates ask
what he is going to do with her. Koala is then seen looking shocked. She then falls over, with the
back of her left shoulder sizzling. Tiger is standing over her, holding a hot iron. Tiger replies that
he scarred her, saying that some things can never be forgotten if someone is marked. Koala
regains consciousness and apologizes for passing out, but asks Tiger not to kill her as she did not
cry. Tiger yells at her, saying that she can cry, telling her not to confuse them with the Celestial
Dragons. Tiger then takes out a pistol and tells Koala to watch carefully. He then throws the gun
into the ocean, stating they will not kill anyone. He then tells his crew that no matter what, they
will get Koala home, to which the crew cheers. The chapter ends with Koala finally crying.

The chapter starts with the Sun Pirates rejoicing that they found an Eternal Pose to Koala’s home
island, and she is seen after being cleaned up and put in new clothes which Hatchan comments
on, saying how much better she looks. She is conscientious, saying that she could never accept
something like the eternal pose. Hatchan asks what she is talking about, since they went through
the trouble of buying it and getting her a haircut, saying he thinks her mom would like the new
look better. Koala then begins to clean the deck. Hatchan tells her not to clean just because she
does not know what to do, and that she is not in Mary Geoise anymore. Aladine, the crew's doctor,
tells Hatchan to let her do as she pleases, saying it is best to take trauma recovery slowly. Hatchan
seemed surprised by this. Arlong comments that Aladine knows what he is talking about, having
been a former slave, and would understand Koala's feelings better than anyone else. Arlong then
goes on to say that what Aladine really wants is to kill her, since she is a human, just like his
enslavers, to which Fisher Tiger tells him to stop. Arlong tells her to show them what she is truly
like on the inside, to show them how her parents taught her to look down on fishmen. Arlong then
goes on to say that all humans think they are the greatest, and their children inherit this mindset,
and unless someone dismantles those beliefs, the cycle will never stop. Arlong adds that surely
everyone knows what he is talking about, as he has seen the way humans look at them, saying
he does not know what he would have done to them if Tiger wasn't there. Jinbe argues that is only
one portion of humankind and they do not all think that way. From what he can tell, humans are
more scared of fishmen than anything.

Jinbe sits down next to Koala and asks her what makes humans afraid of fishmen. Koala simply
replies that it is because humans do not know anything about fishmen, which immediately makes
Jinbe recall Queen Otohime saying the same thing about humans. He then tells Koala there could
be some change if she got to know them better, to which she agrees. The scene changes to a

Summit War Fishman Island

montage of Koala bonding with the Sun Pirates, like playing with Hatchan where he hides
something in one of his six hands and she has to guess what hand it is in. The pirates are next
seen in a town, carrying supplies to their ship, with people looking at them with scared looks.
Hatchan is then seen bringing up a giant squid to the surface, much to Koala's shock. It then
begins to snow, and everyone celebrates. Later, everyone is eating and having a good time.

A few weeks pass, and the crew arrives at an island called Foolshout Island. This island is where
Koala's home town is located. Macro and Gyaro say tearful goodbyes and an annoyed Kuroobi
tells them to control themselves. Tiger asks where her village is, saying he will take her as far as
the entrance. Koala says goodbye to the crew and everyone waves back, as she leaves with Fisher
Tiger, playfully holding his hand. Arlong comments that Koala will grow up to be like any other
human, Jinbe and Macro both tell him to stop. Arlong tells Jinbe he has changed over the last
three years, and asks him if it really makes a difference if one person believes that fishmen are
good people, saying Otohime's beliefs fell on deaf ears the same way. Meanwhile, Tiger and Koala
have arrived at her village. Everyone is stunned to see she has returned, and her mother starts
crying. She runs to her mother as Tiger keeps his distance, smiling at the reunion as Koala and
her mother hug, although everyone else gives Tiger mean or uncomfortable stares. Tiger turns to
leave and waves goodbye without looking back. When Koala waves back, he turns around to
wave. After getting a little ways away from the town, he is intercepted by Rear Admiral Strawberry.
Strawberry tells him that they were tipped off that he would be coming to this island, saying the
people in Koala's village were okay with the Marines capturing him, in exchange for the Marines
being willing to overlook the fact that Koala was property of the World Nobles, and charge Tiger
with evasion and assault for the attack on Mary Geoise.

Back at the ship, the Sun Pirates hear gun shots coming from the direction of the village. They
then look out to sea and Chew exclaims that they are surrounded by Marines. The Marines start
firing and Jinbe orders everyone to abandon ship and make for the ocean floor, realizing Tiger is
in trouble. The scene changes back to Tiger and the Marines, with Tiger is on one knee and
covered in blood. One Marine exclaims that he just will not fall while another reminds him that
Tiger was the one who attacked Mary Geoise. Tiger then attacks a soldier, knocking the gun from
his hand and sending him into a rock. The Sun Pirates call out to him, and someone alerts
Strawberry that they have arrived. Strawberry simply comments that the pirates have been quite
the topic of conversation recently. While Jinbe is leading one faction of the Sun Pirates to fight
the Marines, Arlong is still under water with the rest of the crew, saying they will steal a Marine
ship to compensate for theirs being destroyed. Back at the town, Koala asks her mother if she
heard something just now. Her mother, without looking at her daughter, simply replies that she
had not.

There is a narration saying that Fisher Tiger was critically wounded from the ambush, but that the
crew was able to steal a Marine ship. Inside the ship's sick bay, Hatchan cannot understand what
Tiger is saying. Aladine says that he is losing too much blood and they need to perform a
transfusion. Unfortunately, no one in the crew had usable blood for Tiger, as he possessed a rare
type. Someone asks if the blood stock on the ship could be used, and Aladine states that humans
and fishmen have the same blood, assuring Tiger they can use human blood to save him. Aladine
is about to start the transfusion, when Tiger yells at him not to put human blood in him. He calls
it dirty blood that has the hatred of fishmen flowing through it and he does not want to owe
anything to humans. With tears in his eyes, Tiger professes his will to not give in to humans. Tiger
then admits to them something he had been keeping secret. He reveals that on his last excursion,
he was never on a voyage. He was captured, and had spent the several years time at Mary Geoise,
and tearfully bellows that he had been a slave. No one can believe what they are hearing from
their captain. Tiger describes what he had seen as 'human madness." He had barely escaped

Summit War Fishman Island

with his life and could not abandon the other slaves. He then tells them to listen carefully. He tells
them that he always lived by his beliefs, making things truly difficult for Otohime's ambition as a
result. He admits that Otohime is right, that everyone should try and live in peace. The ones who
can change the world are people like Koala who do not know about hatred. He begs the crew not
to tell anyone about what he told them about their rage or their tragedy. He knows the world is
full of kind-hearted humans, but that they are a dying breed, and soon all that will remain is hate.
He tells them that he knows all of this, but a demon has taken his heart, which would make his
body reject the human blood. Crying hysterically, he tells them that he has tried, but could never
love a human.

Jinbe begs him not to talk like that, saying he has to live. Aladine tells him that all the slaves he
freed owe him a massive debt they will never be able to repay, saying he is still the hero of
Fishman Island. Tiger tells him he is happy to hear that. Tiger remembers when he took control
of the Fishman District, right before he dies. The crew is crying uncontrollably. The chapter goes
into narration, saying that the curtains have closed on the life of the honorable fishman, Fisher

Some time later, Arlong went back to Foolshout Island to seek revenge on the humans that
betrayed and helped to murder his captain. Things did not go smoothly however, and he was
attacked and brutally beaten by Vice Admiral Borsalino. An enraged Arlong, with tears in his eyes,
exclaims that he is going to kill all the people here who sold out his captain, and then kill everyone
on the island that initially tipped off the Marines, saying Tiger was killed by bottom feeders.
Borsalino is seemingly glad to hear confirmation of Tiger's death, and then tells Arlong that he is
coming with him.

The chapter starts at Marine base G-2, where a narration recaps Fisher Tiger’s death and Arlong’s
capture from the previous chapter. Arlong is finishing an account of Fisher Tiger's death, angrily
saying that humans drove his former captain to his death. A little later in the Grand Line, Jinbe is
reading aloud Arlong's account to the Marines in a newspaper. The story he read stated Fisher
Tiger died after being refused a blood transfusion. Jinbe comments that there is a lot left out of
the story. Aladine comments that humans were the cause of it all. Jinbe comments about how
Arlong lied to the Marines. Aladine recites part of the altered story saying that Tiger was betrayed
by humans and could not accept the transfusion because of the grudge he bore. He adds that he
left out Tiger's past as a slave, saying the reality is much crueler, and Tiger's reputation would
have been tarnished. Just then, Hatchan sees an enemy ship and alerts Jinbe. Jinbe says that it
is too late now and they cannot bring back their late captain. He then gives the order to prepare
for battle and not to kill anyone. A narration states that the Sun Pirates, under Jinbe's command,
focused on nothing but fighting. The scene changes briefly to Marineford, where Strawberry is
talking about Jinbe being the most dangerous member of the Sun Pirates with his strength being
anything but ordinary.

The scene changes to Ryugu Palace, where Neptune is reading a letter from Jinbe, telling the true
story behind Fisher Tiger's death. Neptune comments that Tiger had lived the only way he could.
Otohime tells him that she understood what his heart was saying the last time he visited the
palace. She then adds that she can succeed in her mission and will not lose. Otohime is next
seen outside, asking for people to sign her petition like always. The citizens have a hard time
accepting her petition, after what the humans did to Fisher Tiger (from Arlong's altered story).
Otohime goes back to Ryugu Palace where she rests her head in four year old Shirahoshi's lap.
Shirahoshi asks if she is okay, as do Ryuboshi and Manboshi, while Fukaboshi comments that
she looks completely exhausted. Otohime says she probably overworked herself today, but is
okay. She then makes a promise to the future with her children, marked by them putting their

Summit War Fishman Island

pinky fingers together. A narration takes over, saying that every day, Otohime would make her
rounds, rescuing people from shipwrecks, teaching children about the surface world, giving
speeches in the streets, and trying to get signatures.

One day, Otohime is approached by a group of citizens, asking how many signatures she had
collected so far. Over the last five years, Otohime had collected one thousand signatures, from
an island with a population of five million people. The group then asks Otohime to cancel all of
their signatures. A group of children then approach her, asking the same thing for their parents.
One citizen tries to politely tell her that they have gotten tired of her constant speeches and
campaigning. When Otohime gets back to the palace, she tells her children that she did her best,
and asks to be alone. Once alone, she starts crying uncontrollably, while a perplexed Neptune
sits on his throne, head in hand. Sometime later, Otohime yells how everyone is a liar. The Minister
of the Left tells her that the national broadcast system was on and asks her if she had been
drinking. Otohime denies this despite the numerous alcohol bottles around her and her slurred
speech saying otherwise. Over the broadcast system, Otohime angrily denies her inebriation for
everyone to hear. Otohime talks into the transceiver, saying that the people of Fishman Island
live in the boundless ocean, on the dark sea floor. She then asks why they chose to live in this
exact spot. She tells them it is because of the small amount of light and air available, but that
there is even more light on the surface and the sky is much higher. She asks why children sneak
off to go see Sabaody Park when there are even greater places to see in the world. Otohime
declares that the children of the island should be able to go anywhere, and that the parents
should give them a reason to grow up, asking them if they are just okay with giving up. She then
issues a call to everyone to find the courage to go after what they want. If the humans are the
wall that is stopping them, then they need to break through that wall. If they do that, then the
future for the children of Fishman Island might change for the better, if only by a small amount.

The scene changes to the surface, where a World Government messenger bat is flying away from
the Sun Pirates' ship. Jinbe has been invited to join the Shichibukai. Macro comments that his
bounty is at B250,000,000 and that it is only a matter of time before the government sees him
as a threat. Chew remarks that the World Government has finally acknowledged their power and
tells everyone that they should make an even more infamous name for themselves. Jinbe calmly
responds by saying that he was thinking of accepting the government's offer, much to the
surprised of his crew. Jinbe is then seen at Ryugu Palace, talking to Neptune about his invitation.
He tells Neptune that if he becomes a Shichibukai, then they can get a pardon from the
government, and then anyone who does not want to be a pirate can continue to live on the island.
More importantly, it would bring fishman kind one step closer to equality with the government. He
also adds that he wants to do it for Otohime as well since their actions have somewhat deterred
her cause. Neptune agrees, saying it would cheer her up. Jinbe adds that this is what Tiger would
have wanted. As he says this, Hody Jones is seen as one of the guards in the throne room. When
Jinbe adds that there are a few things about the pardon that bother him, Jones is seen with a look
of disbelief on his face after hearing the true ideals of Fisher Tiger.

The scene changes to Impel Down, where Arlong is being released into the custody of the Sun
Pirates. Arlong is mad that Jinbe would willingly become a government dog by joining the
Shichibukai. Jinbe reminds Arlong of Tiger's words of about living without hatred and resentment.
Arlong retorts that times have changed. He adds that he is going back to his old crew, the Arlong
Pirates, and is taking the slaves with him. At an island, Arlong says goodbye but gives Jinbe one
last chance to stop him. Arlong tells Jinbe that he either kills him or Arlong will do as he pleases.
He then declares that he will be the "rage" of the fishmen. Jinbe repeatedly punches him, telling
him to show some respect. After the fight, Arlong is carried off by the fishmen who joins him. Later
on Jinbe's ship, Aladine tells Jinbe that there is nothing to worry about. Like Jinbe, Arlong is a

Summit War Fishman Island

brother from the Fishman District. As long as he has a purpose, the only thing that can stop Arlong
is death. Jinbe, visibly bothered, asks aloud why Arlong could not understand Fisher Tiger's will.
As long as Arlong takes his way by force, the Marines will take action, and if they do not, the Sun
Pirates will have to take action against him. A narration takes over, saying how the Sun Pirates
split into three factions after Jinbe joined the Shichibukai. There were the Arlong Pirates, the
Macro Pirates, and the Sun Pirates.

The scene changes to Fishman Island. The border guard is calling the palace to ask for permission
to grant a wrecked ship emergency access to the island. The Minister of the Right orders the
guard to let the ship in. The guard replies that the ship has World Nobles aboard. Otohime orders
the guard to let the ship in and to send an emergency response team to the coast. Otohime takes
off, saying she will be right there.

The chapter starts with a crowd gathering around the wrecked World Noble ship. Someone
comments that the ship looks like it was attacked. Everyone is shocked to see a C elestial Dragon
on the ocean floor. The World Noble is trying to order people around. The man is on the ground,
distressed over the death of everyone on board, and demands someone bring him an air helmet.
The man is introduced as Mjosgard. He comments how the island smells of fishmen, and orders
for a helmet to be brought to him and save his life. He orders the people to get him a doctor,
saying he is dying. A palace guard asks where the medical teams are. Another responds that they
are coming but they need to figure out how to handle him. Hody Jones says he needs to be killed,
saying he is the worst trash in the world. At a bar, someone comments on the noise coming from
the harbor. The man turns out to be Vander Decken IX, and one of his crew members explains
about the injured Celestial Dragon. Mjosgard is angry over what happened to him. He has a
flashback to when he was on the ship. He is talking to his father, who is explaining why they are
going to Fishman Island. It turns out that some of the Sun Pirates used to be slaves to them, so
they are going to Fishman Island to reclaim them.

A group of Sun Pirates approach Mjosgard, they are all holding guns. Mjosgard recognizes them
as his former slaves, and asks why they will not behave and come home, asking who gave them
permission to be free. All of the pirates then turn their guns on him, with one of them stepping on
the pistol wielded by the noble. The regular citizens panic, saying that the pardon the World
Government granted to Jinbe would be void if they hurt him. Mjosgard orders them to stop, asking
if they knew who he is? One of the pirates calmly tells him that the only thing that keeps him a
noble on the surface is the immediate presence and support of the Marine admirals. If people on
the island kept quiet, then Moisgard's death could just be another shipwreck incident. Mjosgard
then realizes the gravity of the situation and how much the tables had turned against him. The
citizens cheer the pirates on, saying they will keep quiet. They then encourage t he pirates to kill
him, saying he is half dead anyway and he would have a taste of the pain he had inflicted.
Mjosgard objects, defending himself by simply stating he is a noble, but the fishman said he
decided he could not forgive him and shoots. Someone calls out for him to stop. Otohime then
grabs the noble and pulls him out of the way, the bullet grazing the left side of her rib cage.
Everyone is astonished that the bullet hit the queen. Otohime then orders everyone to throw down
their weapons, since there are children watching. The pirate who fired the shot, as well as
everyone with children look on in stunned disbelief.

Jinbe is then seen talking to Aladine, asking what happened to the Celestial Dragon. Aladine
responds that he had just arrived as well. Shirahoshi and her brothers appear behind Jinbe.
Fukaboshi tells him that their mother just flew out of the castle suddenly. Shirahoshi asks
Fukaboshi what a Celestial Dragon is, and Fukaboshi responds that it is a human, only it is meant
to be feared. Otohime examines her wound, seeing the bullet only grazed her. A man asks

Summit War Fishman Island

Otohime why she protected him, asking if she knew what the World Nobles had done to them in
the past. Otohime tells them that she can feel the pain in their hearts, and she knows the hate
they have for human, but they cannot pass it onto their children, telling them to think of their
future. Jinbe then remembers Fisher Tiger's last words, telling him to keep his hatred of humans
a secret. Mjosgard picks up his pistol. Manboshi yells for his mother to look out, but it's too late,
and Mjosgard already has the gun pointed at Otohime's head. Shirahoshi calls out to her mother
out of fear, emitting sonar waves along with her shout. There is a crash from behind the wrecked
ship and five Sea Kings appear, one of them begins to eat the ship. Everyone is stunned to see
the huge creatures. The noble passes out foaming at the mouth at the sight of the huge animals.
All the Sea Kings then leave. Vander Decken IX, after getting over the initial shock is overjoyed at
what he saw, wondering if he had found the legend.

Shirahoshi is still crying. Jinbe wonders if her cry and the appearance was coincidence. Otohime
is shocked at her daughter's apparent ability. Vander Decken IX then recalls the story of h is
ancestors. It was a legend involving a mermaid princess who could call forth Sea Kings that drew
the first Vander Decken to the ocean floor. Decken then calls out to his ancestors that he had
succeeded in finding the legendary mermaid. The two crewmates with him are excited. Decken
tells them to keep quiet, as they are the only ones who are aware of the legend as far as he
knows. Decken then ponders how to become the princesses husband. A crewmate reminds him
that Shirahoshi is only a child, and Decken realizes that could be a problem. Aladine is looking at
the unconscious World Noble as Otohime walks past him. He tells her that he will see to the man's
treatment and hers as well.

Several weeks later, the noble is healed. Mjosgard angrily walk up the steps to his ship, saying
that they (referring to them as cattle) dared point their guns at him, promising they would regret
their actions. This angers the guards. One asks why he is still holding a grudge after they saved
his life. He then says they cannot let him go home, as it would put the island in danger. Otohime
then stops him, saying they have unfinished business and she tells him that she will come with
him to the surface. Mjosgard seems less than thrilled, and a citizen asks what the queen what
she is thinking. Neptune objects, saying he should go if it is about speaking with the nobles.
Someone calls out to Neptune that humans would not miss a chance to capture him. Otohime
objects, saying it would be meaningless for someone strong like Neptune to go. She has to show
that someone weak can survive on the surface in order to prove it is not something to be feared.
Her own child as well as others object, while another child asks where she will go. Neptune tries
to object one last time, but Otohime tells him to trust her as his wife and to trust humanity.
Mjosgard is furious that she would invite herself onto his ship like that. Neptune and his children
look downtrodden. A narration then takes over, saying that anxious and sleepless nights befall
the island. Neptune is seen trying to raise his children's spirits. A mermaid asks Jinbe how
Otohime is doing and Jinbe tells her that all they can do is wait and believe in her. Someone
remarks that he wants to hear her speeches again. The passing of the week felt like one hundred
days. Otohime returns a week later. The narration states that she was able to calm the Celestial
Dragon. Everyone is glad to see her return safely. Otohime is seen holding a document that would
become known as "Fishman Island’s Light of Hope".

The chapter starts out with Vander Decken IX setting up a scheme. He plans to use the
Tamatebako to age Shirahoshi from a child into a mature woman. The problem is the Tamatebako
is in the Ryugu Palace and Decken cannot enter the palace unless he marries Shirahoshi. Decken
decides to give Shirahoshi ten or twenty years first. His henchmen state that Shirahoshi will be
bigger but Decken says that he does not have a problem with big women. Decken starts writing
wedding invitations, but his henchmen say that he needs to propose first.

Summit War Fishman Island

The paper Queen Otohime returned with was a petition with World Noble signatures, approving
friendship between humans and fishmen. All the citizens of Fishman Island now agree with
Otohime, and she gathers more signatures than ever before, more than the box can hold. Otohime
burst into tears of joy seeing that her efforts have finally come to fruition after seven years. At the
palace, Otohime celebrates her success with the rest of her family.

Some time later, Otohime explains about Shirahoshi's ability to summon Sea Kings to her sons.
According to her, there is a legend of a mermaid princess that is born once every several
centuries. That mermaid can communicate with Sea Kings. It turns out that Shirahoshi is the
princess of legend. The prophecy says that one day someone will appear before her to guide her
and teach her to use her power for the greater good and bring a massive change to the world. If
used with a sinister intent, her power could bring great destruction. Otohime is concerned since
Shirahoshi has not learn to control her powers and the Sea Kings could go on a rampage if she
loses herself like the last time. She asks her sons to protect their sister with their lives as both
warriors and brothers if the time comes.

One day, in the Gyoncorde Plaza, someone sets fire to the box holding the collected signatures.
As the soldiers try to save the signatures, a gun shot is heard. At first they don’t know what the
sound was, but then they see that Otohime has been shot. In the midst of chaos, Vander Decken
IX touches Shirahoshi but is shot at by the guards and runs away. The three princes immediately
go to their mother's side. As Otohime lays there dying, she tells her sons that no matter who the
perpetrator is, they mustn't allow themselves to be enraged for her sake. Shirahoshi almost loses
control again. To prevent her from crying out loud, Ryuboshi and Manboshi try in a desperate
attempt to cheer her up with dances and songs. While weeping, Fukaboshi swears to his mother
that he and his brothers will keep their promise of protecting Shirahoshi. The chapter ends with
the four children of the Neptune family touching pinky fingers with their mother for the last time.

The person who shot Queen Otohime is shot and killed. Jinbe looks at the person and tells the
guards nearby to keep quiet about it. Hody Jones picks up the body, calling it reality. Jinbe tells
him it is not like that, but Jones is not listening. Jones stands on top of a building and shows the
body for everyone to see. He then proclaims that a human snuck into the island and killed the
queen. Everyone is in dismay over this revelation. They now believe that fishmen could never join
humans on the surface. The Minister of the Left questions the existence of God. Sometime later,
Neptune goes into Hard-Shell Tower and locks himself in, telling the guards not to let him out until
he has dispelled his killing urges. The Minister of the Left is sitting outside the door to the tower,
listening to the king. Neptune tells him he would have killed the human even if he wasn't armed,
but Otohime would not have forgiven him for it. He goes on to say that as a king he understands
and feels for what Otohime said. But as a husband, cannot understand why he is not able to
torture the person who murdered his wife. He talks about how it would not be the same if he took
up her cause, and that there are things even a warrior cannot protect.

Later, someone tells Neptune something strange is going on. Shirahoshi complaints to him about
the letter, saying it flies after her no matter where she goes. Fukaboshi adds that it is the fifth
letter as well. After learning about Vander Decken, Neptune tells his children to stay home from
the funeral, as the killer might have accomplices. He orders the guards to find Vander Decken
immediately. At the funeral, everyone is standing in front of Otohime's grave. Fukaboshi then
appears on a large video screen. He tells the people that he and his siblings will carry on their
mother's ambition, and Fishman Island will be ready for Reverie, if not the one two years from
now, then the one in six years, and if not that, then the one in ten years. Fukaboshi tells them
they will start fresh with new signatures, and they will all dream of the sun. The flashback ends.

Summit War Fishman Island

Jinbe adds that the princes and princess have been true to their word in those ten years. Jinbe
tells Nami that because he was not there to stop Arlong's tyranny, he will accept responsibility as
his former captain. Luffy, meanwhile, is asleep. Jinbe explained that because Arlong paid off the
Marines in the area, no information about his actions made it to headquarters. Sanji, still furious
at Jinbe, orders him to slice open his stomach, saying if anything, it will make Nami feel slightly
better. Nami tells him to stop, saying Jinbe did not mean any harm. Jinbe tells her he will take any
punishment she wishes. Nami tells him to stop thinking that way since he wasn't part of Arlong's
gang and more importantly, he is Luffy's friend. Nami tells him that out of that horrible experience
came a new friend (Sanji asks if she meant him) and harbors no resentment toward fishmen. She
tells Jinbe not to apologize. Jinbe is awestruck by what Nami has said. He gets on his hands and
knees, saying he is in her debt. Nami then realizes the pain Jinbe was feeling from the whole
Arlong ordeal and how it had been eating at him for so long. Franky starts to cry too, saying he
feels Jinbe's pain and how much he loves fishmen.

Sanji kicks Luffy awake. Luffy wakes up and asks Jinbe what happened to the robber who
attacked Otohime at the beginning of the story, much to Sanji's chagrin. Nami and Chopper start
talking to Shirahoshi, asking if she is indeed the princess and if she is friends with Sea Kings.
Shirahoshi says she is, and apologizes as she cannot help but cry when thinking of her mother.
Nami tells her Otohime was an amazing mother, and Shirahoshi agrees. Shirahoshi tells Nami
she feels comfortable around her despite this being their first meeting. Nami replies it might be
because they have similar backgrounds.

Jinbe then starts talking about the situation at the palace. The New Fishman Pirates have taken
it over with Neptune and the guards held captive. Zoro, Usopp, Brook, and Pappug are there as
well with their situation unknown. Hatchan tells Jinbe that if everything goes according to Jones'
plan, things will have gotten much worse. Jinbe asks if Hatchan knows Jones' plans, and the
octopus replies he does. Before going on, Hatchan sites the one difference between Hody Jones
and Arlong. Arlong hates humans, but would never hurt a fellow fishman. Jones hates humans,
and will kill any fishman who sympathizes with them. Hatchan tells them Reverie is this year, and
that Neptune plans on attending since they have enough signatures, and telling the humans
about Fishman Island's plan to migrate to the surface. Jinbe exclaims that Jones is planning to
stop Neptune from going. Hatchan tells him there is more to it, but before he can go any further,
something frightens Chopper. Something came out of the forest. Den identifies it as a mobile
visual Den Den Mushi that is hooked up to a monitor. Hody Jones is then seen on the monitor.
Hody greets the people of Fishman Island, does a sound check, and then introduces himself as
the captain of the New Fishman Pirates.

A citizen is being forced to step on the fumi-e of Otohime. Daruma remarks how boring it is, since
everyone is stepping on it, albeit reluctantly. Hody Jones' broadcast then starts. He declares that
Fishman Island will collapse and be reborn under the new king, himself. These announcements
make people wonder what happened to Neptune and the Straw Hats. Jones then declares that
anyone who is seeking peace or friendship with humans should leave the island. He tells the
people that residents of the Fishman District are migrating to the main area of the island, all of
whom hate humans. This terrifies the people watching the broadcast. Jones adds that humans
will continually betray them, no matter how nice they seem to act. The three princes are watching
the broadcast, all furious. He tells them that the path Neptune is leading them on only leads to
death. He then shows the tied up Neptune, much to the shock and anger of his children as well
as everyone watching. Nami realizes they were the ones who caused Neptune to be captured,
citing Zoro in specific. Jinbe is shocked by this news and asked Nami what they are trying to do.
Keimi tries to tell him that it was a misunderstanding started by the palace guards. Jones then

Summit War Fishman Island

says it is time to bid farewell to the current Ryugu Kingdom, and that in three hours, he will take
Neptune's head in Gyoncorde Plaza.

Hody holds a piece of paper and a box next to him filled with thousands of papers. They are the
letter from the Celestial Dragons and the petitions that Otohime collected. He calls the petitions
as a list of traitors. The petitions will serve as a more comprehensive black list of who is with him
and who is against him. Jones then addresses the Straw Hat Pirates. He shows them Usopp,
Brook, and Zoro locked in a cage. He tells them that after the king is executed, the room they are
in will have filled with water, drowning them. He then holds up Luffy's wanted poster, saying he
will take the captain's head as well and show it to the people on the surface. He then declares
that the cleansing of Ryugu Kingdom will begin and that in three hours Fishman Island will be
reborn as a nation of pride. Fukaboshi declares he will not let that happen.

In the royal palace Usopp, Brook, and Zoro are locked away. Zoro tells Usopp to open the lock,
and Usopp commands it to open. Brook was thinking about when someone was surprised to see
him move, thinking he was a fake skeleton. Usopp and Zoro angrily tell him that if he had played
dead he could have escaped. Brook then makes a dead joke. Zoro then says it was a good thing
Nami and the others got away. Usopp then does an impression of Robin, commenting that Nami
might have been eaten by a deep sea fish, making Brook laugh.

In the Sea Forest Robin is examining the poneglyph in the forest, saying it is different from the
ones she has read up until now. It is written like an apology letter, mentioning someone called
Joy Boy. Robin wonders who that is. Back at the ship, Luffy is excited over his bounty going up.
Nami slaps him and Sanji says it is obvious the New Fishman Pirates want to pick a fight. Jinbe
remarks how high Luffy's bounty is, and then tells Luffy to wait before going to fight Hody.
Shirahoshi then tries to take off for the palace on Megalo, but Jinbe stops her as well. Jinbe
reveals that Hody Jones is terrified of Shirahoshi's ability to summon Sea Kings. Shirahoshi is the
one true threat to his plan. Hatchan adds that he is using the king as a shield against her. The
reason Jones even teamed up with Vander Decken IX is because he was already after the
princess' life. Shirahoshi explains that she knows about her power, but has never actually spoken
with Sea Kings, she is not even sure if she has the ability. Jinbe says that Jones cannot find out,
and his fear alone should be enough to keep him away.

Luffy then tries to take off on Megalo, high-fiving Sanji and telling him to take care of "weakling".
Jinbe stops him, saying Luffy must not fight Hody. Chopper and Franky asks if it is because they
are humans. Jinbe tells Luffy to leave it to him. Luffy replies that his crew is being held hostage,
and as the captain he must save them. Jinbe tells Luffy that if he does not stop he will have no
other choice but to fight him.

Jinbe and Luffy argue about how to handle the Hody Jones situation, while everyone else tries to
convince them not to fight. Luffy attempts to get away on Megalo, but Jinbe hits him with a
Fishman Karate attack. Everyone wonders how the attack could hurt Luffy. Jinbe explains that
Fishman Karate users control the water around them, and since all living creatures are technically
nothing but water sacks, even Luffy is weak against it. Luffy uses a "Gomu Gomu no Jet Stamp"
on Jinbe, but it barely injures him as he parries the hit. They attempt to fight again, but Robin
appear in between them, saying that is enough fighting. Luffy and Jinbe tell her to move, Sanji,
thinking Robin is in danger, leaps toward her, Robin disappears, leaving Sanji in the crossfire of
Luffy's and Jinbe's punches towards each other. As the three fall on the ground, Robin comes out
of the forest, confusing Chopper. Jinbe tells Luffy that if he, the man who stopped Arlong, took
down Hody, the wall between humans and fishmen would only get stronger. Sanji, still on the
ground, tells Jinbe it is only natural they would want to save their crew mates, but Fishman Island

Summit War Fishman Island

and the friends they made on it are also in danger. Then he remarks Hatchan’s reluctance to tell
them about how he got injured and deduces it was the New Fishman Pirates who did it. Sanji tells
Jinbe that despite this being his country, they have a reason to stay and fight. He then goes into
a perverted outburst about the mermaids on the island. Jinbe and Luffy are still at odds about it.

At Ryugu Palace, Hody is about to leave, leaving only a few guards to open the door when they
get back because the palace is like an impenetrable fortress. Then he makes a joke about the
king and remarks that his wound from Zoro still hurts when he is asked about the captured Straw
Hats. After being given some Energy Steroids, he says the Straw Hats will drown in the chamber
and that no one will be able to rescue them. Hody is told that the residents of the Fishman District
are on their way. Hody says that they will have plenty of homes from the citizens who are going
either leave or be killed, and says it will be a great nation where all despise humans.

In Candy Factory Town, Daruma is devouring parts of a wall of the candy factory. He is enraged
that his subordinates brought him cappuccino and pastries for a snack like some office lady. He
threatens to tear apart the fishmen and that his favorite food is giant fish bones. As he heads off
to kill some soldiers, he tells his men to leave the citizens alone as they know their fates already.
The citizens take note of the New Fishman Pirate members' strength. They now believe their only
hope are the three princes.

Back at Ryugu Palace, Brook reveals that he can remove his soul from his body. He explains that
he discovered this while praying and perversely asks them what they think he did first, much to
Usopp’s jealously and Zoro's annoyance. Usopp tells Brook to find Pappug and have him find keys,
while Zoro says just to get him his sword and he will cut the cage open. Brook finds Pappug and
tries to get him to help them, but Pappug is frightened by Brook and runs for his life.

Dosun and his comrades were defeated and tied up in chains by Fukaboshi. Due to the heavy
injuries he received from fighting Fukaboshi, his "-dosun" speech has powered down to "kotsun".
Fukaboshi and his brothers left to save their father. Dosun's speech patterns change depending
on how much power he has left. The citizens plan on using Dosun as a hostage to keep the king
from being executed, but Dosun tells them that Hody will not hesitate to throw his comrades away.
A pirate throws an Energy Steroid in Dosun's mouth. At first he was speaking with the residents
weakly, but his speech pattern starts changing. He then rips apart the chains holding him. He
swears revenge against Fukaboshi as Dosun destroys a house with his hammer. Dosun then tells
his men that they are heading to Gyoncorde Plaza.

In front of the Fishman's Meeting Hall, a drunken Hyouzou is seen. When drunk, Hyouzou slashes
people with no discrimination, and slices up many New Fishman Pirates that came to try and
sober him up.

The scene shifts to the Marine Shopping Mall. Zeo attacks a citizen with a chained weapon. They
cannot tell where Zeo is attacking from. It is revealed that Zeo has the ability to blend in with his
surroundings. While appearing invisible to them, Zeo tells the citizens that they have no hope.
Three pirates see a cockroach and try to smash it. It turns out that the roach was under Zeo and
the pirates unintentionally smash Zeo as well. After Zeo becomes visible again, the pirates are
shocked at their mistake. Zeo starts talking like nothing happened (he calls himself a nobility of
fishmen). He then gets back up and tells his men to head for Gyoncorde Plaza.

Fukaboshi and his brothers head to the plaza as well while riding on their gondola. One of the
soldiers pointed out that Hody might set a trap, but Fukaboshi resolves to stop Hody. Manboshi
now understands why Jinbe always kept an eye on Hody and why human pirates have not been

Summit War Fishman Island

visiting the island recently while Ryuboshi wonders if their sister is safe. Fukaboshi and Manboshi
discuss about the Straw Hat Pirates. Both agree that they do not feel any ill intent from the Straw
Hat pirates despite Madam Shyarly’s prediction. Manboshi also adds that the mermaids from
Mermaid Cove are able to see through to people's bad intentions and did not say anything.

In Gyoverly Hills, a sea bear is attacking the ministers and palace soldiers while Ikaros Much
watches from the sidelines. Even though the ministers and the soldiers are utterly defeated, the
sea bear keeps attacking. The pirates use fire to frighten the sea bear in an attempt to stop it.
Ikaros Much sees the fire and screams. He bends his body over backwards in terror. He tells them
to put out the fire, and the pirates asks him why the flame is bothering him. Apparently, Ikaros is
traumatized by his giant squid friend who got too close to the sun and dried up and Ikaros
developed a fear of fire. Ikaros then stabs the offender with his dried squid spear. The heads of
the spears are dried squids that suck all the water out of anyone they pierce and revert back to a
living squid. Ikaros then pummels the dried pirate.

He looks up and sees Hody and his crew mates riding on a sea monster with King Neptune in tow.
He asks what is wrong with Hody. One of the pirates says that Hody had kept taking pills to ease
the pain he received from Zoro, and the side effects of the pills are starting to cause him
tremendous pain to the point that Hody has trouble breathing. Hody screams out in pain and it
frightens the sea bear. Hody gets up (only his arm is seen in the panel).

Vander Decken IX is sobbing about Shirahoshi not loving him and even shaved his hair in sorrow,
though only the top of his head. He gets mad when is his crew tries to console him and goes into
a haiku about Shirahoshi saying he is not her type. Decken wants to kill her, but everything he
sends flying towards her gets blocked by Luffy. Then he gets an idea that involves breaking
something all apart.

In Gyoverly Hills, the citizens are shocked. The Sea Beasts had easily defeated Neptune's Army.
The Minister of the Left lamented that they almost made it to Reverie this year and that Queen
Otohime’s dream almost came true before all this happened. He begs God to let some miracle
happen and that the king will be executed in one hour.

At the entrance of Gyoncorde Plaza, the New Fishman Pirates have blocked the citizens from
entering. In the plaza, Neptune is on the execution stage (which is the same place where Queen
Otohime was assassinated). Due to surviving the overdose of Energy Steroids, Hody Jones has
mutated into a behemoth of his former self. King Neptune is lamenting his soldiers being killed,
while the pirates mock them. A soldier stands up with dynamite and intends on blowing himself
up and hopefully take some of the pirate leaders with him. But Hody hits him with a Water Shot
and to everyone amazement the shot goes flying across Fishman Island and lands right outside
Mermaid Cove. His crew comments on how he was just on the verge of death and how his hair
turned white. Hody, still amazed by his strength, says he feels incredible.

Just then, the three princes arrive at the plaza. The pirates, save the leaders, panic, and the king
warns them to be careful of the sea beasts and the drugged pirates. Ryuboshi says that there is
no way Neptune's Army would be defeated so easy and to for him to just wait. Fukaboshi calls
Hody and the pirates the weakest people on the island and that the citizens of Fishman Island
have already gotten past the discrimination of humankind and that the river of time has already
washed away the "Legend" and "Queen" killed by humans and that the citizens endured the pain
and signed the petition and asks why the pirates cannot comprehend their determination and
that the pirates who wallow in revenge will not take the king, the citizens, or the kingdom from
them and the princes defeat the sea beasts in fell swoop. Manboshi says that they will defeat

Summit War Fishman Island

them and they choose a future of love with humankind. Ryuboshi says that even if the pirate won
that they will never get a chance to make peace with humans again. The citizens cheer on the
princes while Hody tells them that they can say whatever they want, in the end the Island will
belong to the victor, and fight between the princes and the pirates begin.

Meanwhile, Jinbe and Shirahoshi are riding Megalo to the plaza.

The chapter starts with the three princes defeated tied up along side Neptune. Shirahoshi and
Jinbe are over the Gyoncorde Plaza and see something that looks like Neptune. The princes
apologize to their father for letting the country fall into Hody's hands. The New Fishman Pirates
are excited, suggesting different ways of killing their captives. Hody tells them to be quiet, since
there is no report on Shirahoshi's death from Decken and his crew. Without her gone, the plan
would be meaningless. Manboshi is furious at Hody for targeting Shirahoshi, who is not even a
threat. Hody replies that, on the contrary, Shirahoshi is the biggest threat to him. Jus t then,
Shirahoshi, Jinbe, and Megalo all crash to the ground in chains. Jones thinks it is his lucky day,
as the two he wanted to kill the most have fallen right in front of him. Shirahoshi apologizes for
falling into such an obvious trap. The citizens are surprised at the arrival of both people. Hody
says that the only people left are the Straw Hats, who should have arrived at Ryugu Palace by
now. But that does not matter since preparations have been made. Pirates start walking out of a
nearby building. There are 70,000 pirates, and 30,000 human slaves, giving Hody an army of

Someone calls out to Hody from the crowd, telling him not to get carried away. It is Madam Shyarly.
Shyarly tells him about the prediction she made about Fishman Island being destroyed. Hody is
not surprised, and asks if he was the one that she saw from her prediction. Shyarly tells him that
it is Luffy who is going to destroy the island. Hody shoots her out of anger that he might be
contradicted. Hody then asks if this is her idea of revenge. He tells her that he is different from
her older brother, Arlong, who was admired in the Fishman District. But he obtained power. He
put his plan into motion ten years ago. Hody Jones then reveals that he was the one who killed
Queen Otohime. Everyone is shocked. The officers laugh, and Daruma asks how they could not
have noticed this by now. Hody explains that he paid off a human to set fire to the petition box by
shooting it. In the midst of the panic caused by that, he shot Otohime and then framed the human.
Neptune is furious, but Hody shoots him with a Water Shot at point blank range. He then tells
everyone that Otohime's ideals made her death inevitable, asking Shirahoshi if he was right,
telling her again that he killed her mother. Much to everyone's surprise, Shirahoshi tells him that
she already knew about it.

The scene changes to the Fishman District. The Flying Pirates are panicking. Vander Decken IX
tells him that long ago the people of Fishman Island made a giant ship called Noah, which he had
just touched with his right hand. The ship is now heading to Fishman Island, where Shirahoshi is.

Shirahoshi explains why she kept the fact that Hody Jones killed her mother secret for ten years.
It was because of the promise she made to her mother on her deathbed, that she would not bear
any hatred or resentment toward anyone. She also explained that Megalo had seen Hody shoot
the queen and had told her later. Jinbe comments on how brave and gentle Shirahoshi is for
actually being able to do something like that. Hody only laughs, saying that what Shirahoshi did
is called stupidity in the real world. If it had not been for her silence, Hody's plans would have
been crushed. But thanks to it, the country will now go to ruin. Hody then assaults the king and
princes with a barrage of "Yabusame". The three are now unconscious from the attack.

Summit War Fishman Island

Some children approach Madam Shyarly and ask her when Luffy will destroy the island. Shyarly
tells them she does not know, since her vision never give dates. It could be anywhere from a day
to a year from now or more. One of the children tells her he wants it to happen now, as the
rampage would be bad for them, but it would also be bad for Hody as well. Some adults hear this
too, and agree. They then call out to Luffy to come to the plaza and begin his rampage. Hody is
astounded that people would cling to a lie like that and Zeo adds that their shouting is useless.
Hody is then about to take Neptune’s head, but as he pulls his arm back, Megalo starts to act
strangely and spits someone out. The person whom he spat out disappears in a blur, and Hody
sees him only for an instant, giving him no time to react as Luffy gives him a devastating kick to
the chest.

Hody is thrown back by the attack and everyone is overjoyed that Luffy came. Zeo and Daruma
realize he had been hiding in Megalo's mouth the whole time. Jinbe was a little surprised Luffy
came out when he did, but figures it could not be helped and yells for people to hurry, as an
unseen voice tells him they were hurrying from the start, and that Luffy going according to plan
would be a miracle. A mirage dissolves and out steps Nami, holding the Celestial Dragon letter.
She tells Jinbe she gave Robin the keys to the royal family's shackles. Arms appear on the chained
royals and keys go into the locks. Someone then points to the sky, seeing a whale and a lion.
Franky fires the Gaon Cannon at the New Fishman Pirates and then tells Hoe that now is his
chance. Hoe grabs the injured royals and takes off. Dosun's attempt s to stop him are in vain.
Fukaboshi tells his father that it appears that Jinbe had been planning with the Straw Hats as the
Thousand Sunny touches down in the plaza with a crash. The locals then bombard Luffy with
questions. Does he really plan to take down the island? Why did they occupy the palace? Did he
kidnap the mermaids? Is he a friend or foe to the island? Luffy, standing ready for battle with
Jinbe and his crew, tells the people he will leave it up to them to decide if he is their enemy or

A few hours earlier, the Straw Hats and Jinbe are at the Sea Forest discussing their battle plan.
Jinbe tells Luffy if he is going to fight Hody, he cannot do it recklessly. He has to do it so he can
become a hero to the people of Fishman Island. Luffy says that he does not like being a hero.
Jinbe then goes into the plan of how he and Megalo will get caught on purpose to infiltrate the
plaza with Luffy awaiting a signal in Megalo’s stomach. Jinbe adds that he needs the keys to cuffs
as well as the Celestial Dragon letter. Nami volunteers herself and Robin for the job. Jinbe tells
Luffy he has to make a flashy appearance from Megalo's mouth so the people understand right
away whose side he is on. He then orders everyone else to go to Ryugu Palace and free the ir
friends, telling them to figure out how to do it. Hatchan agrees with Jinbe's plan. Luffy tells Jinbe
it will throw him off his game if people cheer him on, and Nami remarks it does not happen too
often. Jinbe has one last thing to do before implementing the plan, come up with a name for it,
but Sanji tells him it is unnecessary.

At the plaza, Hody gets up after getting thrown back from Luffy's kick. The citizens watching from
the perimeter acknowledge Luffy the way Jinbe had hoped. Zeo tells them not to get cocky just
because they took back the king. The Straw Hats are talking amongst themselves, discussing the
rescue, Hoe, and Franky tells them he added two new weapons to the Soldier Dock. They do not
notice Zeo at all. When Daruma tells Zeo that, Zeo tells him he said it quietly on purpose. Nami
gives Shirahoshi the letter and Luffy tells her she is not as much of a weakling as he had thought.
Jinbe commends her for being strong all those years, and Shirahoshi apologizes for keeping the
secret to herself. Jinbe then tells Shirahoshi to let him protect Otohime’s ideals from now on.

Hody emerges from the dust, calling Vander Decken IX useless, saying he needs Shirahoshi to be
taken care of as soon as possible. He then tells Jinbe he cannot stand him for be ing friends with

Summit War Fishman Island

humans. Hody goes on to say that he will change everything at this year's Reverie, by turning
Mariejois into a royal bloodbath. He will drag the humans on the surface down to be used as
slaves, and then go after the pirates on the surface too. He proclaims that he will be the true
Pirate King, which upsets Luffy. He then asks what a mere ten fighters can do against his 100,000
strong army. As the pirates cheer, Usopp, Chopper, Nami, and Pappag are in the Soldier Dock's
Channel 4, getting ready to use the new weapon, and are quite cramped. Franky tells them to
wait a little longer while Sanji does the math on how many people they each must fight. Luffy then
steps forward and takes out half of the pirates with a burst of Haoshoku Haki. His cre w is
impressed with his ability, as is Jinbe. Luffy tells Hody that no matter what kind of king he wants
to become, the world only needs one Pirate King. He then uses Gear 3rd and take out several
more pirates. Everyone gets ready to join the fray and Franky gets ready to unveil the new weapon.

Zeo calls out to the foot soldiers, saying the Straw Hat Pirates and Jinbe are the true enemies for
trying to destroy their goals. Zoro is annoyed at Luffy for taking out too many enemies at once.
Sanji challenges Zoro to see who can defeat more pirates. Hody angrily throws a Water Shot at
Shirahoshi, but his shot is intercepted by another Water Shot, this time from Jinbe. Jinbe says
that Hody's Fishman Karate pales in comparison to his own. A pirate mentions he heard that
Jinbe's bounty might have gone up beyond B400,000,000 after he resigned from the Shichibukai.
The cannon squad aims at Shirahoshi, but Brook intercepts them. Using his violin, he hypnotizes
them into thinking they are at a festival, and orders them to shoot their fireworks (in actuality
their cannons) into the air in celebration. Dosun yells at them, telling them he said to aim for the
princess. When a pirate turns to Dosun, Brook says that they were already cut, using a new
technique, Quinte Tierce Fantasia.

The Iron Shell Squad charges at Zoro. Zoro sends them flying with Kokujo: O Tatsumaki. The
tornado generated from the attack starts to move, picking up pirates along the way. When asked
when it will stop chasing them, Zoro tells them it will go to the ends of Hell. Several merfolk pirates
rise into the air, using Bubbly Coral to gain altitude and charge at Shirahoshi. Sanji finds himself
surrounded by the Sea Urchin-Armor Spine Squadron. He has a flashback to his days of being
chased by the okama. The Sea Urchin-Armor Spine Squadron crash into one another, with Sanji
nowhere to be seen. Sanji remembers how he stopped running from the okama, by flying. He is
then seen kicking through the air in the same style as Geppo. He intercepts the pirates charging
at Shirahoshi and swiftly takes them out with a Diable Jambe: Poêle à Frire: Spectre. Robin then
creates a giant pair of legs from the ground, using Mil Fleur: Gigantesco Mano. She then attacks
all nearby pirates with Stomp.

The Deadly Poison Squad is then called into battle. They watch as the channel on the Soldier
Dock changes from 3 to 4. Franky then bursts out on the Kurosai FR-U IV, completely running over
the Deadly Poison Squad while Luffy looks at it with stars in his eyes. One fishman, swinging a
spiked ball on a chain, tries to stop Franky, but before he can, something hits him in the face and
explodes. Franky then introduces the newest channel, Channel 5, and its contents, the Brachio
Tank V with Usopp manning the cannon from inside. Hody orders the kraken to crush the Straw
Hats, telling the kraken he brought him back from the North Pole as a slave. Luffy recognizes
Surume and asks to ride on his back, saying they are friends. Luffy then sits on Surume's back as
the kraken crushes all the nearby New Fishman Pirates.

The New Fishman Pirates are furious that Surume betrayed them. Luffy orders him to protect
Shirahoshi. Chopper realizes that everyone is avoiding them, thinking they must fear the tank.
Usopp then tells him that the tank is shaking. It then falls into a hole in the ground. Daruma
appears and tells them he ate away at the ground so it would collapse. He then targets Franky’s
bike. He does not have to do anything though since Franky falls into the same hole the tank is in.

Summit War Fishman Island

Franky asks if the others are ok, then kicks them out of the hole, saying that it is a one person
vehicle. He then has the Brachio Tank V and Kurosai FR-U IV do a docking maneuver. They emerge
from the hole as the Iron Pirate Franky Shogun, a giant robot that looks like Franky. Usopp and
Chopper stare in awe. Franky then says he realized Vegapunk’s former dream by adapting
Wapometal, a shape memory alloy. Franky then pulls out a giant sword on the robot's back, calling
it the marauder's sword, Franken. He then uses General Ashimoto Dangerous, a low sweeping
attack where he swings the sword along the ground. The pirates dodge this easily by jumping over
it when it got to them, saying it was dangerously cheap.

Franky was one step ahead of them. He steps out of a hatch in the robot's chest and uses Franky
Cannon, firing the cannons in his own shoulders. A pirate tries to attack Nami, saying she looked
weak. Nami just tells him she may not be scary looking but do not underestimate the power of
Weatheria (not to mock Weatheria). She then uses Sorcery Clima-Tact: Gust Sword. Usopp attacks
a bunch of pirates with Bamboo Javelin, an attack that causes bamboo to shoot from the ground
and stab anyone nearby. He then shouts his thanks to Heracles, saying he is beginning a new
chapter of his life. Meanwhile, Daruma is underground again, making more pitfalls. He then hears
someone else underground with him. The next thing people see is Daruma being blasted out of
the ground, followed by Chopper, in a new and improved Horn Point, saying he is also good at
digging. Luffy asks Chopper how he turned into a stag beetle. Chopper explains that he can now
freely change between six of his seven transformations whenever he wants, and only needs the
Rumble Ball to change into the last one. Daruma calls him conceited and say he will rip Chopper
to shreds. Chopper corrects him saying he is a conceited "monster".

Hody calls out to the kraken, telling him he did a good job capturing Shirahoshi. He tells Surume
that he can go and kill his brothers at the North Pole any time he wants, and he will if Surume
keeps betraying them. Surume begins to squeeze tighter, making Shirahoshi uncomfortable. Luffy
understands now why Surume had to join the New Fishman Pirates. He then tells Surume that he
will protect his brothers too. Dosun and Ikaros Much try to attack Luffy but are intercepted and
knocked to the ground by Zoro and Sanji respectively. Hody orders his men to attack Luffy, but he
vanishes before they can do anything. Before they can figure out where he went, Luffy reappears
and delivers a devastating kick to Hody's jaw. Noah then appears on the horizon. Neptune, resting
with his sons, sees this and panics. Fukaboshi tries to calm him, saying that it is unexpected but
certainly nothing they cannot handle. Neptune tells him that no one can move the ship and until
"the day that must come", the ship must absolutely not be moved.

The New Fishman Pirates are amazed at Hody Jones’ new found strength and endurance and
that Luffy was able to hurt him. Luffy comments that Hody is built like a tank. Hody asks Luffy if
he knows what Fishman Karate is as he thrusts his palm forward. Luffy's head goes flying back,
and the pirates think he is finished, but Luffy tells Hody it will not work on him since he is made
of rubber. Luffy then imbues his forehead with Busoshoku Haki. Before he can shoot back, the
Iron Shell Division gets in front of Hody, shielding him from the attack. Luffy smashes into them,
knocking them out using Gomu Gomu no Kane. Jones is about to attack Luffy with a backward
roundhouse kick, but Luffy imbues Busoshoku Haki into his arm and stops Hody's kick, injuring
Hody in the process. He then throws his legs over his head and delivers a devastating Haki-
imbued kick to Hody's head. Hody attacks Luffy with Yabusame, but Luffy manages to dodge all
of them using Kenbunshoku Haki. He then delivers a Haki-imbued punch to Hody's stomach,
blasting him into the rock wall around the plaza. Everyone is amazed at Luffy's strength.

Suddenly, the plaza becomes dark. Noah has reached the island and is trying t o break through
the bubble. If the bubble bursts, then part of the island would be destroyed. Everyone panics,
asking how Noah could possibly move. Everyone then sees someone falling from the sky.

Summit War Fishman Island

Wadatsumi crashes down, hitting his head. He then gets up and calls to Vander Decken IX to stop
Noah, since his foot slipped and now he was in danger. The pirates ask if Hody is alright and if
Noah was part of the plan. Hody gets annoyed, saying it wasn't part of the plan. Decken tells
Wadatsumi that he cannot save him now, and he would have to be sacrificed for the cause, as
whatever he throws cannot be stopped until it reaches the target.

Just as everyone realizes the bubble will not hold, they also realize that Shirahoshi is missing. She
then makes her presence known. She is high above the plaza and Jinbe realizes that at that
height, she would redirect the ship away from the plaza. Shirahoshi spreads her arms and tells
Decken to only take her life and not anyone else's. Everyone is humbled by her sacrifice. Hody
realizes that Decken had planned on betraying them all along. Decken throws a knife at
Shirahoshi which hits her just below the shoulder. Luffy is annoyed, since he had told Shirahoshi
to stay close to him. Just then, people notice Hody has left and he is seen riding on one of the
chains trailing from the gigantic ship. Sanji starts using Sky Walk to catch up with the ship, but
Luffy tells him to stay at the plaza. Sanji then forewarns Luffy that the ship is sub-merged in water.
Jinbe tells Luffy that even though the ship is full of water, Decken is a Devil Fruit user, so there
must be air somewhere. He hands Luffy a piece of Bubbly Coral, Luffy grabs onto Sanji's leg, ready
for launch.

Noah is going slightly away from the island, thanks to Shirahoshi’s efforts. She realizes she has
to get into the ocean or the bubble will burst. The main entrance is too far but she has an idea.
As Hody Jones climbs the chain, the citizens try to think of something they can do for her.
Meanwhile, Sanji is carefully calculating the force with which he must launch Luffy, and throws
him with Armée de l'Air Rubber Shoot. He overshoots it slightly and Luffy goes out into the ocean
but is close enough so he can grab onto the chain, remarking how huge it is. Luffy looks down
and sees Hody below him. He then sees the citizens in the plaza grab the chain in an attempt to
slow the enormous boat down. Shirahoshi is touched by their actions. However, Hody is annoyed
at them, saying they will not slow it down at all, while Luffy vociferates loudly to stop. Hody attacks
the citizens with Yabusame, and they all fall back to the plaza, much to Luffy's anger.

Shirahoshi sees the entrance to the palace and is relieved that it is still open. She goes up the
connecting corridor and then breaks through it to go out into the ocean. As the ship rises, Luffy
manages to put a protective bubble around himself at the last minute. Unfortunately he let go of
the chain and drifted away from it slightly. Hody appears behind him, saying a human who cannot
breath underwater can never rule the ocean. Decken calls out to Shirahoshi. He asks if she will
die from loss of blood or from getting hit by the ship first. He gives her one last chance. He will
save her if she agrees to marry him as he throws knives at her. Shirahoshi apologizes and again
tells him he is not her type, much to Decken's stunned surprise as the knives are deflected by

Ryuboshi, Manboshi, and Hoe are then seen standing in front of Shirahoshi. Her brothers say
there is no way she will marry him and they will not let him hurt their only sister. Decken seems
surprised that she called them brothers. Shirahoshi tells them about what happened in the plaza
after they left. Ryuboshi then tells them what their father said about how the ship can not be
damaged and they have to land it on the ocean floor where it will not be scratched. Noah appears
and crashes into the rocks behind them but they escape. Manboshi tells Shirahoshi to get to the
trenches and not to swim too close to Noah. He then points upward, saying there is nothing to
damage it at a higher level. Ryuboshi says they will take care of Decken.

Hody is seen smiling, saying Luffy will not get away. Luffy is seen riding on Fukaboshi’s back. Luffy
thanks him and asks if his wounds are ok. Hody is then seen removing a large scythe blade from

Summit War Fishman Island

a sheath, calling it Kirisame, he then puts it on his back and shoots himself at them, decapitating
an oarfish that was near him. Luffy tells Fukaboshi to get him onto Noah's deck so he can fight
more easily, saying he promised to protect Shirahoshi. Fukaboshi tells Luffy he and his brothers
made the same promise, only they could not compete with Hody. He then apologizes for doubting
Luffy. Before he can do anything, Hody shoots past them again, saying he would go to the deck
first. Noah is now facing bow-up and is directly over Fishman Island. Hody reaches the deck and
Decken makes small talk, asking how killing Neptune went and how he is torturing Shirahoshi.
Hody suddenly impales him with his trident, asking him what would happen to the ship if he dies.

Hody pulls his trident out of Decken and Decken reveals he touched Hody with his left hand at
the last minute and throws an axe at him. Hody tells Decken he betrayed him first, but destroying
the island was a great idea. If Decken were to die, the effects of his ability would disappear. Hody
then suggests turning the ship around and dealing with the Straw Hat Pirates. Decken says he
does not care about them, since he is going to kill Hody first. He then lashes out with a kick,
revealing blades hidden in his shoes. Hody catches the leg with his teeth and bites down on it.
He then swings Decken around and uses him as a shield to intercept the axe thrown earlier. Hody
laughs and says he has to kill Shirahoshi before the ship crashes.

Ryuboshi and Manboshi see Decken defeated and realize Hody is coming after them. He
somersaults past them, cutting them with the blade on his back in the process. Ryuboshi tells his
sister to run. Before she can, Hody grabs her hair and stops her, saying even a mermaid cannot
beat his speed. Luffy then attacks him with Gomu Gomu no Snake Shot, hitting him in the chest.
Luffy pulls back his arm from his perch on Fukaboshi's back. Hody tells Luffy he has no chance
of winning a fight in the deep sea, saying he cannot protect anything. Luffy says he spent the last
two years training to do just that.

Back at Gyoncorde Plaza, Wadatsumi has lost the will to fight, crying that his captain abandoned
him. Zeo makes up a lie and tells him that he did not hear Decken's orders to take care of the
plaza for him. Zeo throws him an Energy Steroid and Wadatsumi starts his rampage, brutally
beating Surume. He then sets his sights on Jinbe. Jinbe blocks his fist with Nanasenmaigawara
Mawashigeri, stopping the attack with his foot and hurting Wadatsumi's hand in the process. As
Wadatsumi falls, everyone around him is blown away as he falls, including Nami. This angers Sanji
and he kicks Wadatsumi in the head, confusing him as to who is attacking him now. Sanji tells
him he will pay for hurting Nami. The matchup reads Oonyudo Wadatsumi vs. Sanji and Jinbe.

Elsewhere in the plaza, Hyouzou is on a rampage, his appearance having changed after eating
too many Energy Steroids, just like Hody's did, and drinking at the same time. He takes down
several people with Chidoriashi Hash. Hyouzou then sets his sights on Robin and charges at her.
Zoro appears and blocks the attack (while also cutting Hyouzou's sword with his own), saying he
will be taking on Hyouzou, calling him a good warmup for the New World. The match up reads
Zoro vs. Hyouzou.

Wadatsumi is still under the effects of the Energy Steroid he took. Sanji is still mad at him for
"touching Nami with his 'wind pressure'". Nami is seen emitting several dark colored balls in a
string from her Clima-Tact. The pirates wonder if she is a witch, to which she replies they can call
her Ms. Magician, but in reality her attack is carefully calculated chemistry. She then attacks
everyone around her by swinging the staff, performing an attack called Black Ball: Raiun Rod. Zeo
and Ikaros Much watch as Nami fights. Zeo remembers what Sanji said about her and realizes
that Nami must be the crew's weakness. He turns invisible and grabs her ankles and Ikaros comes
up to stab her with a spear. As Nami asks for help, Brook appears in front of her, asking to see
her panties and takes two blows at once. One from Ikaros' spear, the other from Nami slapping

Summit War Fishman Island

him. The tip of the spear goes into Brook but nothing happens. Brook explains it is because he is
already dried up, much to Ikaros's surprise. Iron Pirate Franky Shogun, trying to find a worthy
opponent appears from behind Ikaros and delivers a heavy punch to his face, knocking him back.
The matchup reads General Franky vs. Ikaros Much.

Back with Nami and Brook, Zeo has become visible, and someone tells Brook he is standing on
his face. Zeo's appearance explains to Nami why she could not move. Zeo tries to play it off like
he tried to headbutt Brook's foot, with a move he calls Super Sole Head Butt. Matchup reads Zeo
vs. Brook. Elsewhere, Daruma is running rampant underground, causing everyone around him to
fall into the hollow earth. Daruma is searching for Chopper. Meanwhile, Dosun sees Usopp
standing all by himself, telling Chopper to come to where he is. As Dosun is about to attack Usopp,
Chopper smells him and tells Usopp to duck, hitting Dosun in the chin with Horn Cannon Elf.
Usopp shoots a Pop Green into the hole, using Hissatsu, Midori Boshi: Skull Exploding Grass. The
resulting explosion injures a large group of the New Fishman Pirates and blasts Daruma out of
the hole. Usopp recalls fighting with Miss Merry Christmas back in Alabasta, and how they used
the same idea against her. At this point Daruma decides to take more energy steroids. The
matchups now read Daruma vs. Usopp and Dosun vs. Chopper. The spectators are surprised by
how well the Straw Hats are fighting. Zoro is briefly seen fighting Hyouzou. Jinbe is seen fighting
Wadatsumi. Madame Shyarly is then seen looking nervously into the sky.

The scene changes to outside the island. Shirahoshi is still leading Noah away. Hody Jones tells
Luffy he is too late to protect everything. Ryuboshi and Manboshi realize what would happen if
Vander Decken IX were to die right now. Ryuboshi tells Shirahoshi to swim to one side, and Hody
cuts him with Kirisame right after that. Hody says that he wanted Decken's ability to run out here.
Luffy realizes what will happen if Noah falls, and tells Fukaboshi to take him to Shirahoshi. Hody
stops them, but Manboshi shouts that Shirahoshi broke off to the right. As Hody swims toward
her, Luffy grabs him, but due to the seawater, his strength is severely limited. Hody easily breaks
away, shouting for Decken to drop dead. Noah has now moved slightly to the side of Fishman
Island. Inside Noah, Decken is cursing Hody, saying his left hand will never forget him. He is about
to say more, but he falls over, hitting his head and going unconscious. With Decken knocked out,
Noah begins to fall back toward Fishman Island.

Hody Jones is rejoicing in Decken’s defeat and Noah falling toward the island. Fukaboshi says
that everything they have done to protect Noah's mission which began centuries ago, would be
finished if the ship crushed the island. There is then a short flashback to Neptune explaining that
Noah is not just some old wrecked ship. Centuries ago, a promise was made with a "great man"
to keep the ship on the floor and wait. They have to protect the ship until that day comes. Hody
then asks Luffy if he really was serious when he said he would protect everything. Luffy declares
that he will smash the ship before it gets to the island. Fukaboshi tells Luffy it cannot be
destroyed, and says they have to find Decken in case they can make him regain consciousness,
saying they could save the island and the ship if they could redirect its course. Shirahoshi calls
out to Vander Decken IX, begging him to make the ship chase her again. Manboshi tells her to
keep away. Hody uses Fishman Karate, Umidaiko to attack Shirahoshi, but Manboshi blocks it.
Luffy then grabs Hody from above and draws himself close to Hody. Hody bites him in the
shoulder, and Luffy punches him away, leaving his teeth lodged in the shoulder. Luffy mentions
that his Busoshoku Haki is good for blunt attacks, but is not strong enough for his body to
withstand piercing as he removes the teeth. Hody realizes that Luffy is really after the air in Noah
and makes a large cut in the bubble.

The air bubble around Noah is beginning to deflate. Hody chides Luffy, saying that he is just a
human and he could not possibly stop Noah, let alone defeat a fishman like him. Fukaboshi, while

Summit War Fishman Island

trying to hold the bubble together, asks Hody if he has any idea how many lives he is putting at
stake. He then attacks Hody with Ultramarine, but Hody dodges at the last second and delivers a
deep cut to Fukaboshi's side. Fukaboshi grabs him again, asking Hody what he is. He is driving
the idea of vengeance against humans for oppressing fishmen, and yet he is taking out on
Fishman Island. He had planned to take over and rule the island, but now he is trying to destroy
it. Fukaboshi states that Hody hates humans more than anyone else, and asks what happened
to him to make him hate humans so much. Hody tells him, but only his mouth is seen moving.

As Hody cuts Fukaboshi again, a voice comes out from a speaker, saying they are the person from
the air tank. The voice says he has heard about everything that has transpired and is ready to
help, saying everything is ready. Several Ammo Knights appear, and Fukaboshi orders them to go
to the air tank and ready the massive air blast that normally goes to the island. Fukaboshi gives
Luffy a baby Den Den Mushi and Shirahoshi is seen carrying him in her hand. The plan is to make
a big enough air bubble to envelop Noah. This will not make it float, though. Luffy says as long as
there is air around Noah it will be fine. Hody attacks Shirahoshi and Luffy with Kirisame, causing
her to let go of Luffy. Luffy manages to break off the scythe blade on Hody's fin, then punches
him with haki. Hody swallows an Energy Steroid, gets revitalized and declares he will get his
revenge on humans no matter what. Noah is almost within range of the air tank. Fukaboshi then
speaks to Luffy through the baby Den Den Mushi, saying he knows Hody's "true form".

In the Sea Forest, Den notes that something is going on on the island, as all the animals have
left. Hatchan says there is no way to break Hody Jones, calling him the true terror of their boss
Fisher Tiger. Around the island, an emergency broadcast warning is going out, with the Minister
of the Left ordering all citizens to evacuate the island immediately. He confirms that the large
object that will hit the island is Noah. People are also getting word from the plaza that Shirahoshi
was the one who led Noah away and that Vander Decken IX is behind Noah's arrival.

The Minister of the Left and some soldiers approach where Neptune is resting. The minister
apologizes, saying they let him down. Neptune mentions that if Noah hits the island, it would be
just as it was written. The Minister of the Left tells Neptune about the evacuation and encourages
the king to leave as well. Neptune says the orders are fine but he will stay and wait for the princes.

At Gyoncorde Plaza, the Minister of the Right and more troops are surveying the battle from the
perimeter of the plaza, confused as to why there are so many pirates. Some bystanders get him
up to speed about what happened before he arrived. The Minister of the Right orders the Neptune
Army to back up the Straw Hat Pirates in the plaza, saying the country's honor would be shattered
if they were backed up solely by a gang of pirates. He then orders the people watching the battle
to evacuate. The people refuse, saying that since the Straw Hats are fighting for them, it would
be shameful to run and leave them, so they might as well throw their lot in with the pirates and
stay. The Minister of the Right tells them to do what they feel is right as he dives into the plaza to
join the battle. The arrival of the army does not intimidate the New Fishman Pirates at all.
Hammond then arrives, riding something he calls his slave tank, essentially a large rickshaw with
cannons, pulled by human slaves. One of the slaves falls over exhausted and Hammond just says
to leave him.

Wadatsumi breathes in and expands his stomach, calling himself "Meganyudo", becoming even
larger than before. Sanji asks if that had a point, saying the kraken was still bigger than him. This
angers Wadatsumi and he expands even more, crushing everything within range. Sanji is still
unimpressed, and Wadatsumi is about to expand again. Jinbe asks Nico Robin to free the slaves,
saying he cannot sit back and watch Hody copy the World Nobles. Ikaros Much is using a spitting
attack on Franky, calling it Ikaros Wings. Franky punches him but it just goes through, as Ikaros

Summit War Fishman Island

reappears behind Franky saying that was his squid ink clone. Franky uses Franky Fireball and
Ikaros narrowly dodges. Chopper and Dosun match each other with Heavy Gong and T-Shot,
respectively, causing Zoro and Chopper joke about how he looks like a monster. Just then,
Hyouzou comes at Zoro, saying he will chop up anyone who laughs. Zoro intercepts the attack
and cuts off several of his swords' blades perfectly at the hilts, asking for the strongest
swordsman on Fishman Island. He then asks Hyouzou how he is going to kill him, when the
octopus merman could not even kill Zoro's boredom.

Gyoncorde Plaza is a site of carnage and chaos now that the royal guards have joined the battle.
Robin is doing as Jinbe asked of her and is freeing the slaves. Hammond manages to capture her
in one of his Trawl Nets. He pulls the net back, but Robin creates a replica of her torso on
Hammond's back. Robin then appears at his feet, and the two Robins begin contorting
Hammond's body until they break his back. The ex-slaves begin fighting against the fishmen who
enslaved them.

The scene changes to Brook, who realizes he has lost track of Zeo. Zeo is on the ground, slithering
toward Brook. However, Zeo says loudly the name of his technique, allowing Brook to hear his
voice, and the skeleton immediately thrusts his sword in the direction the voice came from,
stabbing Zeo just below the neck. Zeo plays it off as a technique to destroy weapons, in or der to
damage the tip of Brook's sword, but even Brook does not believe him and knows he got stabbed.
Zeo throws his chain and catches Brook around the neck, taking his head off. As his head falls,
he remembers tapping into the true powers of the Yomi Yomi no Mi during his training. He learned
of a powerful energy that allows his soul to stay in this world, despite having died once already,
and how he has gained control of his very soul.

While Zeo is celebrating his victory, Brook remembers that it is the power of soul that is keeping
him alive, and reattaches his head to his body while thinking this, stunning Zeo. Brook tells him
that his attacks will not harm bone. He then takes out his sword, saying it was sharpened by the
Longarm Tribe, calling it Soul Solid, saying its slashes bring forth the cold of the frigid underworld.

Usopp is telling Daruma not to do something. Daruma tells Usopp he will leave his friends as
scraps on the sea floor. He then somehow lights himself on fire and flies at Usopp using a
technique called "Hi-Daruma Cutter". Usopp shoots at Daruma but misses. Daruma mocks him
for being weak and only being able to shoot dud shots. Usopp simply tells him he is finishing his
traps and that Daruma will be taken down in three moves. Daruma says he is lying, and Usopp
admits that he used to lie a lot, but adds that he cannot do that anymore, as he now has it within
himself to back up his claims.

As the battle rages on, the Minister of the Left receives a call on a baby Den Den Mushi from the
border defense. The border defense informs the minister that Noah is once again on a collision
course for the island. The Minister of the Left tells the person to tell the whole island, using the
nationwide broadcast. They make the announcement and people start fleeing. Nami is shocked
to see Noah coming back, and Jinbe wonders if Shirahoshi and Luffy are safe. The man from the
Air Tank then talks to Luffy, and their conversation is picked up on other channels. Bits of a
conversation between Luffy and Shirahoshi are heard. All over the island, people are surprised at
what they are hearing. Luffy is attempting to do something to stop Noah. Then Fukaboshi's voice
is heard through broadcast system. He tells Luffy what Hody Jones really is.

The scene changes to outside the island, where Fukaboshi tells Luffy, as well as the rest of the
island, that Hody is a monster born from circumstance. The New Fishman Pirates are a group that
thrive on hatred and resentment. They hate in order to forget the pain of those who came before

Summit War Fishman Island

them. They also hate that the anger toward humans may one day fade away. Fukaboshi asks the
people to trust the pirates for the sake of the island's safety. There is then a flashback to when
Fukaboshi asked Hody what happened to him to make him hate humans so much. The answer
that Hody had only been seen mouthing earlier was a single word, "nothing". Hody goes on to say
that the fishmen were chosen by heaven to hand down judgment on humanity. The chapter ends
with Fukaboshi saying that the New Fishman Pirates' hatred lacks personal experience and will.
They are just empty beings with no substance what so ever.

The whole island is in a panic as the evacuation continues and the impending arrival of Noah
looms ever closer. People are confused by what Fukaboshi is saying about Hody. Outside the
island, Hody is laughing hysterically as he chases Luffy and Shirahoshi, his muscles continuing to
expand. Shirahoshi remarks he looks even scarier than before. Hody then has a flashback.

In the Fishman District, a fishman is preaching in the street about how humans are an inferior
species that is running rampant and threatening fishmenkind. A very young Hody Jones listens to
this and seems to take it to heart. The scene changes to a fishman talking about someone blowing
up a slave shop on the surface. A memorial wreath is in front of a large picture of the fishman in
question. People are standing around it, saying that he died, but took eight humans with him and
caused widespread disaster on the surface. Hody comments that it serves the humans right, and
Ikaros Much praises the man, saying he wants to be a hero too. The scene changes to another
time in the Fishman District, where someone is saying Arlong sank a human pirate ship. Arlong is
talking about how fishmen were chosen by heaven to get rid of the trash that is humanity. The
humans feared this, so they decided to persecute the fishmen. In the end the humans won
because of their superior numbers.

Later, Hatchan is telling Hody, Shyarly, and some other children about a human friend he has on
the surface, Silvers Rayleigh, and speaking highly of him. Hody turns and leaves, saying Hatchan's
story makes him want to vomit. Hody then watches some fishmen at a rally of some kind, saying
their day of vengeance will soon come. In the next scene someone is talking about the recent
death of Fisher Tiger. Zeo comments that Tiger wasn't the chosen one either. The New Fishman
Pirate officers are then seen wearing black leather masks, leading a group of people holding
torches. They approach a man's home. The man had donated blood to a human, and that would
not be tolerated. They burned his house to the ground and strangled the man in front of his

The scene changes to Hody, now a member of the army, talking to the office rs. He was saying
that everyone from the royal family on down has lost their minds and yielded to humans. Ikaros
asks if Hody heard about Jinbe joining the Shichibukai. Hody says that Arlong is the only true
pirate left. In the next scene, someone cries out that the main island is in a panic, saying that
Otohime was assassinated by a human (not knowing that Hody was the one who actually
committed the murder and framed the human for the crime). People became angry at the royal
family for not doing anything. Hody and the officers are then seen toasting beer saying the
shameless have been judged and that it is the natural order for those who yield to humans to die.
Hody then puts a bag on the table, saying heaven has given them power. The officers are shocked
at what they see. Hody asks Zeo if he can mass produce them, and Zeo says he will give it a try.
They are next seen with the New Fishman Pirates jolly roger, saying they will dedicate their lives
to killing humans.

The flashback ends. Hody tells Luffy he has given up his life this vengeance. In the air tank, the
guards are taking aim at Noah through a crosshair. They fire the bubble. Fukaboshi is then seen
realizing that he has failed. They have cast off the emotions of fishmen, exiling them to the

Summit War Fishman Island

Fishman District, ignoring the grudge that was slowly growing among them. They were focusing
too much on progress. He then remembers his mother saying people should not pass on their
hate to their children, but he realizes that has already happened. People must fir st fight within
themselves. He then declares that Otohime was killed by Fishman Island's grudge. The regrets of
the dead should stay with the dead. A grudge is something people make to feed on others, and
the grudge of the Fishman District has been fed by their hatred for humanity. By the time anyone
noticed, it had grown too big to contain. He then tells Luffy that they do not need the past, and
asks him to bring everything back to zero, to purge the old ghosts living in the shadows. The
guards in the air tank are celebrating, as the bubble has successfully surrounded Noah. He asks
Luffy to bring the island back to zero.

Hody tells Fukaboshi he can talk all he wants, but hatred is eternal. Luffy tells Fukaboshi through
the baby Den Den Mushi to let him take care of this, and he can take a seat and relax. He tells
Fukaboshi, as well as everyone on the island through the intercom, that from the moment they
entered the plaza they decided they would not let anyone touch the island and to leave everything
to them; adding that they are friends after all, which bring tears of happiness into Fukaboshi's
eyes. The residents suddenly stop running. The Minister of the Right looks up and wonders if the
Straw Hats are the kind of humans they had been doubting. Touched by Luffy's words, some of
the residents decided to stay on the island until the end of the battle. The guards tell Luffy that
Noah has air in it. Luffy tells Shirahoshi to stay by his side and he will not let her get hurt. Luffy
pulls back his arm, hardening his fist with Busoshoku Haki as Hody charges at him. He then hits
Hody with a Gear Second Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk, an incendiary attack so powerful it causes
a fiery explosion to erupt from out of Hody's back.

Hody is blasted away by Red Hawk's impact. He is thrown through the bubble and onto Noah. He
climbs out of the wood with water flowing out. Luffy follows him onto the ship and is relieved to
have air to breathe. Luffy readies a Gear 3rd attack as the guards in the air tank and the people
on the island look on. Luffy reminded one fishman of when he was a child and Whitebeard
befriended Neptune and declared the island his territory. There is then a flashback to when
Whitebeard first appeared and declared the island under his control. The man is asked if he really
believes that Luffy is like Whitebeard. The man said he hates humans but does not know what to
think since a human is now defending the country. Shyarly looks up at the sky nervously,
remembering her vision.

Back on Noah, Hody is getting back up, telling Luffy that he knows his fangs did more damage
than Luffy is letting on. Hody launches large amounts of water in the shape of sharks at Luffy, but
he dodges and then finishes Hody. The soldiers in the air tank rejoice in Luffy's victory but lose
communication with Luffy moments after. The last thing they heard was that Luffy is planning to
destroy Noah. They realize that if Luffy does not do anything about Vander Decken IX, he will have
no other way to stop it. The soldiers inform the island that Luff y is currently on the ship right above
the island. Shirahoshi is worried about Luffy, as one of his wounds is opening up. Luffy then starts
pulverizing the bridge section of Noah. People watching are wondering if Noah was destroyed.
The soldiers also announce that Hody has been defeated by Luffy as well.

Upon hearing the news, pirates in Gyoncorde Plaza begin to despair. One of them begins to run:
Zeo gets annoyed by this and throws his chain at him, catching him around the neck and
strangling him. He throws his chain at another pirate who tried to argue. Zeo tells the pirates to
die and let their deaths curse the humans. Their grudge will never fade as long as it gets passed
on. The pirates think the officers have gone crazy. Dosun comes down with his hamme r on one
of the pirates, saying they are only crazy because the humans made them that way. Children
watching the fighting are frightening and wonder if all humans are really that scary. One of the

Summit War Fishman Island

adults watching tries to contradict them, but Shyarly cuts him off. She tells the children to look
into the plaza and the skies above. The people fighting the pirates from the Fishman District are
humans. Then one of the kids asks what Brook is. Shyarly tells them she is not so sure about
some of them, but regardless they need to look with their own eyes. Zeo is still killing pirates who
are trying to escape, saying their deaths will serve as reminders of the grudge. He is just about to
attack more of his own men when Brook intercepts the attack. The pirates are actually grateful
to Brook for saving them. Brook tells him that after death the only thing a person leaves behind
is bones. Franky comments that Brook has gotten a lot more persuasive. Brook says the people
he hates most are those who waste lives. Zeo tells him the Straw Hats' lives will be wasted when
Noah falls. Brook tells Zeo that Luffy is the one who will become Pirate King, and if they believe
that then there is nothing that could frighten them. Brook then says he must finish what he came
to do here.

Elsewhere, Hyouzou is disoriented and somewhat frightened about what to do since he has no
swords to use. Franky tells Ikaros Much that he is ready to unveil a huge new attack that will finish
their fight in one blow. Wadatsumi is asking Sanji if he is surprised by his size. Sanji says that that
should be enough but quickly corrects himself and tells Wadatsumi that he is really shocked.
Sanji then tells Jinbe that they are ready for their plan and Jinbe agrees (shown clearly to be them
preparing to use the massive puffer fish to block the fall of Noah). People are screaming now
about a monster. Usopp and Daruma look over in surprise and Usopp realizes that that monster
is Chopper in Monster Point. He tells Chopper that nothing has happened yet that is worth going
crazy over. Chopper then laughs and tells Usopp he is fine.

Usopp is shocked that Chopper can control his transformation. Chopper explains that by eating a
single Rumble Ball, he can fight in this form for three minutes. Usopp says that this form is now
an asset, which causes Chopper to act embarrassed in his transformed state - an action which
Usopp says is scary. Dosun tells Chopper he will still knock him into the ocean no matter how big
he gets. Daruma gets mad that Usopp would be so rude as to stop in the middle of their fight to
talk to someone else. As Daruma flies at Usopp, several flowers come out of the ground and move
towards him. Usopp explains they are called Humandrakes, and they hide in the ground and
attack anyone heard above them. The flowers beat Daruma to the ground, but he somehow gets
thrown into the air away from them. Usopp reveals another plant, Trampoilia, a large flower that
launches anything that gets near it. Usopp tells Daruma there is nowhere left for him to run and
he is completely exposed.

The scene changes to Franky and Ikaros Much. Ikaros reveals that he had a spear on his head
that can pierce anything. He then uses Light Strike Usubon no Yari, preparing to attack. Franky
tells Ikaros he should just give up as his attacks will be useless. Elsewhere, Zoro walks away from
Hyouzou, saying he cannot cut anyone who has no fighting spirit, calling him a frog. Hyouzou grins
and then lunges at Zoro with eight new swords. Meanwhile, Sanji is still standing on Wadatsumi’s
face, and the giant fishman tells him that if he were to roll into the plaza right now, every one of
Sanji's friends would be crushed. Jinbe appears to be getting ready to attack as the scene
switches over to Brook, who is apparently humming carefree. Zeo has drawn a circle around
himself and tells Brook he will be crushed to bits if he enters it. Zeo then hears humming behind
him and Brook appears, asking to be excused as he has already entered the circle and cut him.
Before Zeo can do anything, Brook's cut takes effect as he unleashes a new move called Glancing
Song Blizzard Cut. A single cut now runs from Zeo's waist to the top of his head with the afflicted
area apparently having been frozen. Brook then says that cut is the first line and even blood
freezes in the winds of Hell. He also says he hopes that wind lifts some skirts up too.

Summit War Fishman Island

The scene goes back to Usopp and Daruma. Usopp has launched a Pop Green that takes the
shape of a giant wolf. Daruma says he will just bite through it. Usopp tells him that would be a
bad idea since the bulb on the tip of its nose emits a very powerful shockwave that has a three
meters diameter. Daruma is then hit with the shockwave known as Impact Wolf. In the Dosun and
Chopper fight, Dosun swings his hammer around, getting ready to launch Chopper into the sea
with Papara Hammer. Chopper then uses Kokutei Parme. The attack shatters Dosun's hammer
and sends him flying, much to the shock of the pirates watching. Ikaros gets ready to launch his
piercing attack. Franky then cups his hands one over the other in a similar pose to Coup De Vent,
and launches the Franky Radical Beam. Usopp and Chopper watch it with stars in their eyes, while
Nami and Robin stare at it seemingly unimpressed. Ikaros comes out of the attack completely
blackened and defeated.

Jinbe prepares to use a Fishman Karate technique by surrounding his right hand in water. He
then hits Wadatsumi with Buraikan. The attack enters on one side of Wadatsumi and explodes
out of the other side. Wadatsumi begins rolling away, but as he cannot hold his breath any longer,
the air he took in is released and he blasts himself away. Sanji is ready for this, and follows
Wadatsumi into the sky. Sanji then takes a moment to prepare by thinking back to the torture he
had to go through the last two years, before catching completely on fire. He then kicks Wadatsumi
in the stomach with Hell Memories, a fire-attack so powerful it completely chars Wadatsumi. As
Wadatsumi falls back to the ground, Sanji says that when preparing blowfish, one must tak e care
to remove the poisonous parts. Finally, Hyouzou attacks Zoro with swords dripping with poison.
As he leaps at Zoro, he tells him that he is Fishman Island's number one Hachitoryu user and
Zoro should not forget that. Zoro slices through him using Rengoku Onigiri, saying he was sorry
but he mistook Hyouzou for a "frog at the bottom of a well" - a Japanese proverb for someone
ignorant of the real world. With that, the pirates realize that all of the officers have been defeated.

The residents are amazed that the Straw Hats were able to defeat all the top members of the
New Fishman Pirates. Everyone then runs out of the way as Wadatsumi falls from the sky. Back
on the ground Jinbe is not surprised by the results of the battle, Sanji and Zoro get into an
argument, Chopper and Usopp admire Sanji and Franky respectively, Franky feels inferior to
Chopper's monster form, Robin chastises Franky's Iron Pirate Franky Shogun, and Brook asks
Nami to put on a miniskirt, much to her annoyance. All the citizens are starting to relax until they
remember Noah is about to crash down on them.

They beg Luffy to do something and save them. Luffy goes into third gear and begins to smash
Noah as fast as he can. The citizens stand their ground and put their trust in Luffy. Fukaboshi and
Neptune are sorry to have to destroy the ship, but lives must come first and Neptune apologizes
to Joy Boy. As Luffy continues his barrage on the ship, Shirahoshi begs him to stop and blocks
him. Luffy says the island will be destroyed if she does not get out of the way, but she tells him
the ship has already stopped as they become surround by Sea Kings holding the chains from
Noah in their mouths, much to Luffy's shock.

At this point Luffy's wounds begin to open up, but he says it is okay as long as the ship stopped
and everyone is safe. He then faints and falls back down to Noah. The Sea Kings begin to talk
(only Shirahoshi can hear and talk to them) about how amazing the humans were and if they
came only a bit later Fishman Island would have been saved, but Noah would have been
destroyed. Shirahoshi says she did not do anything to call them there and the Sea Kings tell her
that they were guided there by her strong feelings to help Luffy.

Summit War Fishman Island

The royal guards tell everyone on Fishman Island that the Sea Kings stopped the ship before it
could be completely destroyed and that Fishman Island is saved. Luffy lands on Noah and
everyone begins to celebrate.

The Sea Kings are talking to Shirahoshi. They tell her that they have been waiting for her for a
long time. They explain that Noah was made to be pulled by Sea Kings, which they were told a
long time ago. They explain that once every few hundred years their queen is born in mermaid
form for some unknown reason. The Ammo Knights in the air tank are watching what is happening
and reporting it to the people on the island. They see that the Sea Kings are protecting Noah so
that Luffy does not destroy it. The guards speculate that maybe Noah is important to them.
Fukaboshi and his brothers are watching and listening as well, amazed that their sister can talk
to Sea Kings. Neptune then declares that the power which has the potential to destroy the world
has been awakened.

The Sea Kings gently lower Noah so that the bubble around it gets absorbed into the island's
bubble. One of them advises Shirahoshi to grab Luffy, as it is not safe for him to be on the seafloor.
Shirahoshi quickly goes to grab him. The Sea Kings then begin to tow Noah away from the island.
While they travel, one of them thought Luffy could hear their voices when they were
communicating with Shirahoshi. At first the others doubt it, but then they remember back to when
another human, Gol D. Roger, also heard them. There is a brief flashback to Roger asking Silvers
Rayleigh if he heard a voice just then. Rayleigh says he could not hear anything. Roger then calls
out, asking who is talking below the waves. The Sea Kings discuss whether or not Noah could be
repaired as they place it down next to the Sea Forest, where Camie, Den, and Hatchan are
incredibly frightened to see them. They agree that it can be fixed, but they themselves cannot do
it. They leave, saying they will return when the promised time comes.

At Ryugu Palace, the Minister of the Left is called by the soldiers. It turns out that all of the
kidnapped mermaids have been found inside the castle and are perfectly fine, aside from still
being a little dazed from what happened, reporting that they can clearly remember their
kidnapper's appearance. On the flipside, all of the treasure stored in the palace is gone, including
the National Treasure, the Tamatebako. The Minister of the Left comments to Neptune that
someone was waiting for him to be absent from the palace. Neptune tells him not to bother and
to leave whoever stole the treasure alone, saying everything is fine if that is all they lost. He then
tells the minister to inform the people that the mermaids are safe, the Straw Hat Pirates are
innocent, and that they made a mistake. At Gyoncorde Plaza, everyone is happy to hear that the
Straw Hats have been vindicated for a crime they did not commit.

The lower-subordinates of the New Fishman Pirates try to escape, only to have their path blocked
by Jinbe. The fishman pirates argued that they followed Hody out of fear and the former human
slaves state that they did not have anything to do with starting the civil war. Jinbe responds by
telling them no one has said they were heading for death row but must wait for Neptune's decision
and he will shoot down anyone who tries to escape. At the Thousand Sunny, Usopp asks Chopper
if he is alright. He responds that he is fine, but using Monster Point leaves his body completely
drained for two to three hours. He is now lying completely immobile, with his head resting in
Robin’s lap, much to Sanji’s jealousy. Chopper says he can still treat people and asks if anyone
has any wounds. Just then, the princes come down into the plaza, carrying the unconscious
bodies of Hody Jones and Vander Decken IX. They bind the two pirates in chains, saying they will
never be free again, and that the people of the island can relax.

Everyone is commenting on what a monster Hody is when they hear crying. Shirahoshi comes in
carrying Luffy, in tears since she cannot stop Luffy's bleeding and asks for help. Chopper yells for

Summit War Fishman Island

someone to get a tourniquet out of his backpack, and Robin places him face down on the ground
to do so. She then holds Chopper up by his cheeks saying she will move his body for him. As
Shirahoshi watches, Chopper tells her that he stopped the bleeding, but Luffy needs a blood
transfusion. He then asks if anyone in the crew has F-type blood. Franky tells him that Luffy is the
only one in the crew with that blood type and suggests asking someone else in the plaza. Several
of the spectators are hesitant to say their blood type and Chopper remembers the old law in place
in the kingdom that forbids cross-species transfusions. Shirahoshi asks if her blood will work
since even though it was a different type, it is still red. Chopper tells her he appreciates the
thought. Everyone is surprised then when Jinbe steps forward, saying he has F-type blood and
they can use as much as they need. When Chopper tries to bring up the law, Jinbe simply responds
that he is a pirate. Everyone cheers, but the Minister of the Left is shocked by it. Neptune asks
him what is wrong with it, saying that law is another "curse" the country has.

A narration takes over, saying that in spite of pain, and the pain that draws blood, the blood of
prejudice will be cleansed with the blood of war. And in an instant, it is all washed away, revealing
the path onward to the sun. After the transfusion, Luffy, with his eyes still closed, says Jinbe's
name. Everyone is overjoyed to see he has regained consciousness. Fukaboshi tearfully tells his
mother that they have gone back to zero. Luffy then asks Jinbe to join his crew.

The captive human pirates are celebrating their release from Hody’s bonds. One of them calls out
that they owe a debt to the Straw Hat Pirates while others declare they will be Pirate King and go
to the New World. The Minister of the Right asks Neptune what would happen if their grudge
against Hody extend to the fishmen. Neptune tells him that is different matter. He tells him
Fishman Island was originally tourist destination for pirates, so they have no need to stay on the
island. Neptune then addresses the remaining New Fishman Pirates. They beg for their lives,
saying they had no idea Hody killed Otohime or that how crazy he was. Neptune then declares
they will live in the main area of the island, much to their surprise. The people living on the island,
say that if they allow the pirates to live on the island, the children will be too frightened to go
outside. Neptune clarified, that they would be living on the island under the surveillance o f his
army, doing hard labor where they can flex their muscles to atone for their crimes. Neptune then
declares the Fishman District officially condemned. A narration takes over, saying the darkness
of Fishman Island has been brought to the light due to Otohime's true assassin. But Hody Jones'
invasion plan was stopped, oddly enough, by pirates who were just passing by. Neptune asks
where Luffy went. Fukaboshi tells him he ran away.

The scene changes to the Straw Hats, who are flying above the island on the Thousand Sunny,
still toting its bubble balloon. Shirahoshi is following along side the ship, and asks why they left
in such a hurry. Zoro is mad at himself for fighting in that big of an open area. He tells Shirahoshi
if they had stayed any longer, the people would have lifted them up like heroes, shivering at the
thought. Zoro tells Shirahoshi that heroes have to share their alcohol, something which he does
not want to do. Nami is appalled to hear Zoro reciting the same reason Luffy told Jinbe. Looking
over her shoulder, Nami sees Luffy trying to convince Jinbe to join the crew. Jinbe replies that he
cannot join, but is very happy to be asked. He tells them that he has some business that he has
been putting off for a long time. After he has taken care of it, he promises he will come back to
them and asked them to promise to invite him again, should they still see him fit to join. Sanji
tells Luffy not to back Jinbe into a corner. Robin remarks that he has taken a liking to the crew.
And Franky remarks that of course they would wait for a man who captivated Luffy as much as
Jinbe did. Zoro then asks if they should head to the New World now. Shirahoshi is upset by their
departure and asks them to stay so she can thank them all. Sanji uses this opportunity to propose
staying at the Mermaid Cafe for a whole week. Usopp slaps him, saying there is only one reason
Sanji would go there, but he does agree with him.

Summit War Fishman Island

An Ammo Knight calls out to them, and then informs Neptune via baby Den Den Mushi that they
caught up to the Straw Hats' ship. Through the Den Den Mushi, Neptune tells Luffy he wants to
pick up where he left off with the banquet he initially promised. Luffy agrees, and tells Neptune
he will get Hatchan and Keimi as well.

The scene changes briefly to the Fishman District, where all the buildings have been wrapped in
yellow tape. It then goes to Ryugu Palace, where Hody, his officers, and Vander Decken IX are all
in a prison cell, still unconscious. At the main entrance to the island, guards are telling Surume
to carry Wadatsumi to the far ends of the earth, telling the giant fishman that they do not have a
cell that can hold him, and that he is banished from the island. In Coral Hill, people are preparing
food to bring to the palace banquet. They are carrying large racks of Sea King meat, boxes of
seaweed cakes and other sweets, and alcohol by the cartload, enough to bathe in, as one fishman
put it.

At the palace, the Straw Hats and their guests are being carried on two large flounders to the
banquet hall, a completely inundated room, which makes some of the Straw Hats nervous. Below
them on the floor packed with soldiers, guards cheer and say the heroes have arrived. Luffy tells
not to call them heroes as he is going to eat all the meat. Shirahoshi points out a stage in the
front of the room to Luffy, and they notice someone standing on it. The woman on stage is
introduced as Maria Napole, a singer called the diva of the ocean floor and the pride of the island.
Maria Napole begins to sing, and her voice completely entrances Nami and Usopp, who feel as if
they could melt from hearing it. Brook gets excited, as he notices Maria Napole's accompaniment,
a jazz quintet. The music starts up, and then it is Sanji's turn to be in awe, as the Mermaid Cafe
dancers are introduced. More mermaids come in carrying trays of food that they take to the Straw
Hats and the rest of the people in attendance. Everyone is singing, dancing, cheering, and
enjoying the festivities. Pappug is dancing with the Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets. Luf fy and Jinbe
are eating and laughing with two other mermaids. Zoro, Franky, and Hatchan toast gourds of
alcohol. Sanji turns to stone in the arms of two mermaids, while another one grabs Brook and
starts kissing him on the cheek. Luffy is then seen having a toast with Usopp, Neptune,
Shirahoshi, Keimi, Jinbe, and the Minister of the Right. All the soldiers raise their glasses high.
Robin is seen laughing and drinking with the Minister of the Left. Brook is playing his guitar on
stage with Maria Napole. Nami is seen celebrating her victory against Fukaboshi in a drinking
contest, while Ryuboshi and Manboshi dance together.

Robin is then seen standing just outside the banquet hall, when Neptune, a bit tipsy from drinking,
stumbles out. He asks Robin what she wanted to talk to him about. Robin apologizes, saying she
thought they would be able to be alone. Neptune, thinking she was coming on to him, starts telling
Robin he could never betray the love he has for his wife, dead though she may be. Before he can
go on, Robin cuts him off, asking who Joy Boy is. Neptune drops his gourd in surprise. Robin goes
on to tell him that she read the poneglyph in the Sea Forest, and then asks Neptune who he was
and what he was apologizing for. Neptune, instantly sobering up, is surprised Robin can read
poneglyphs. Robin explains she is from Ohara and Neptune does not have to tell her anything he
does not want to. Neptune says he will tell her what he knows.

Neptune explains that Joy Boy was a person from the surface who lived during the Void Century.
His message was for the Mermaid Princess living on the island at that time. It is an apology for
breaking his side of a promise he made with the island. Neptune tells her he does not know the
details of the promise, only that some day someone is supposed to come and carry out the
promise made by Joy Boy. He explains it is a legend passed down in the royal family. Neptune
says that their promise to Joy Boy was to watch Noah and keep it safe. Only when the promised
time comes will Noah's purpose be known. Robin tells Neptune that she heard that Noah, after

Summit War Fishman Island

the events in and above Gyoncorde Plaza, was carried to the Sea Forest by Sea Kings. Robin asks
Neptune if Joy Boy could control Sea Kings. Neptune tells her that ability belongs to the Mermaid
Princess from then and now. Robin then concludes that Shirahoshi has the ability, confirming her
theory. Neptune says she is right, and today that ability was fully awakened, which is not a good
thing. Robin agrees. She then tells Neptune about the poneglyph she read while in Skypiea two
years ago. It gave the location of one of the ancient weapons, and said it was located on Fishman
Island. She then asks Neptune if the Mermaid Princess from Joy Boy's time went by another name.
Neptune starts to understand. Robin tells him that Shirahoshi, by having the same ability, also
inherited the same name as that princess. Her other name is the ancient weapon, Poseidon.

Robin and Neptune continue their conversation, and Robin mentions that there are three ancient
weapons: Pluton, Uranus, and Poseidon. Then Neptune warned her to not tell anyone about
Shirahoshi in fear that the government and pirates would hunt her. Caribou is eavesdropping on
their conversation and goes to kidnap Shirahoshi. Meanwhile, Jinbe tells Luffy and Straw Hat
Pirates about the major events that took place during the timeskip. The first is Aokiji and Akainu’s
duel to decide who will became the new fleet admiral, which Akainu won after ten days of fighting.
As a result, Aokiji left the Marines. The second is Blackbeard, who conquered all the Whitebeard
Pirates’ territory and claimed the seat of Yonko in the process and began his hunt of Devil Fruit
users to obtain their powers. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji then leave the conversation to check o n

The trio find Caribou in the process of kidnapping Shirahoshi and Luffy proceeds to kick him from
the tower. After hearing from Neptune that Caribou stole the treasure, he tells Nami that he will
give it to them as a reward for saving his country if they can get it back. After Nami finds out that
Luffy had kicked Caribou out of the tower, she sends Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji after him so she can
have the treasure.

Neptune is then told by one of his soldiers that something has happened to Hody and his crew.
When he reaches their prison cell, he finds Hody Jones and the New Fishman Pirates have
become very old and are planning on taking their revenge against the Straw Hats. The Minister of
the Right deduces that the Energy Steroids, which came from inside the Tamatebako (national
treasure of Fishman Island), are the cause and Hody confesses that he stole them. Neptune then
tells them to forget about their intention of seeking revenge against humans considering the state
that they are in and says he will have to re-think their punishment.

Meanwhile, a soldier comes to the Minister of the Left, reporting that two of Big Mom’s men have
come to the island to collect her monthly candy payment. Unfortunately, because the candy
factory was destroyed by the New Fishman Pirates and the remaining sweets were sent to the
party, there is not enough candy for Big Mom this month. The Minister of the Left is then worried
about Big Mom's reaction, saying that she is "a monster who would destroy a country for the sake
of sweets".

After the banquet ends, the Straw Hats are excited to hear they will be allowed to keep all of the
stolen treasure. Franky says it will make them tycoon pirates in no time. When Chopper suggests
searching for Caribou along with Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, Usopp tells him he just learned that
Caribou is worth over B200,000,000. On the island, the group finds Caribou, and Zoro is
disappointed that Luffy's punch was all that was needed to defeat him. The three of them are
excited to see how much treasure spilled out of Caribou's body. They load it into bags and Luffy
asks Zoro which way the town was, prompting Sanji to decide to go the other way. Luffy tells them
they need a flying fish.

Summit War Fishman Island

The scene changes to the Candy Factory, where the Minister of the Left is discussing their problem
with the monthly candy payment with a figure offscreen. The man, a lion named Pekoms, reminds
the minister that the deal was that they would make candy for Big Mom and in return the island
would not be destroyed. He then asks if the Minister knew what kind of person Big Mom is, saying
anyone who angers her is doomed. The group of people gathered off to one side all think to
themselves how cute Pekoms looks when he is threatening. At the same time, Luffy, Zoro, and
Sanji walk by and notice the crowd. They go over and Luffy says greets everyone there. Luffy
mentions that the best part of the banquet was the sweets made at the factory. As the crowd tries
to tell Luffy to be quiet, Pekoms asks who they are. He flips through a book and recognizes Luffy
and asks him what he meant when he was talking about sweets. Luffy tells him he had just eaten
a lot of them at the banquet. This causes Pekoms to become angry toward the Minister of the
Left, who tries to tell him there is an explanation as Luffy realizes that the lion can talk. Another
figure then tells Pekoms that threatening people left and right will not accomplish anything and
that they need to ship the candy out by tomorrow in order to have it arrive in time for the Tea
Party. The man, a longleg wearing an eggshell and using a teacup and saucer for a hat, introduces
himself as Baron Tamago.

As Tamago stands up, he asks them if they ate the candy that was made at the factory, Zoro
thinks he is a compass, and Luffy tells him that they did eat it and would like more. Tamago then
explains that the island belongs to the Yonko, Charlotte Linlin, and the flag on the factory shows
the island is under her protection. Luffy concludes from this that she is a good person and says
he wants to meet her. Tamago tells him it is strictly business. The island gives her ten tons of
candy a month and she gives them her flag, adding that Linlin loves candy more than anything.

The scene changes to the New World, to a place called Whole Cake Island where someone
remarks that Big Mom seems excited. She replies that she is looking forward to the tea party that
takes place in a few days and is looking forward to the candy from Fishman Island. She then asks
the person if he is excited, to which they say yes. Big Mom then tells him to continue his
excitement in her stomach, and promptly eats him. A three-eyed girl sits uncomfortably in a chair
as Big Mom chews. A subordinate, Bobbin, comes in, and Big Mom asks him how the operation
went. She is happy when Bobbin tells her the whole thing went up in flames, saying the baked
sweets from that country were the best and it must have smelled delicious since it was burned to
the ground. Bobbin asks if she has any snacks as Linlin goes on to say that anyone who does not
give her sweets must be killed, and that she likes dishonesty as much as she likes bad candy.
Bobbin then remembers to tell her that Fishman Island might not be able to come up with their
payment for the month. The shot changes to show an enormous woman leaning forward in a
chair, surprised at what Bobbin just said. Bobbin explains that he just received a call from Pekoms
and asks her if they should torch that island as well. Big Mom then orders a call be placed through
to the island at once.

Back at the Candy Factory, Tamago explains that the candy from Fishman Island is one of his
captain's favorites and they can wait until tomorrow to collect the candy. The Minister of the Left
explains again that the cooking equipment in the factory was destroyed and they will need two
weeks to get everything up and running again, which the baron tells him is impossible. Sanji then
gets indignant and asks why he cannot just wait. Zoro adds that despite being a Yonko, their
captain does not have a lot of balls. Tamago clarifies that Big Mom is a woman, and therefore
had no balls to begin with. Sanji, while imagining with no degree of accuracy what the woman
looks like, asks what would happen if the sweets are late. Tamago replies that the treaty would
be dissolved and the Big Mom Pirates would destroy the island. Luffy is furious that someone
would destroy an island over candy, especially since he and his crew just saved it. A Den Den
Mushi rings. Pekoms realizes it must be their captain, since he just reported the situatio n.

Summit War Fishman Island

Everyone nearby, including Pekoms and Tamago, are afraid to find out who is making the call. So
Luffy answers it. Luffy asks if he is speaking to Big Mom. The voice on the other end is confused,
since she does not recognize Luffy's voice as belonging to one of her subordinates. Luffy
introduces himself and declares he will be Pirate King. Linlin recognizes his name and remembers
he is Garp’s grandson as well as his involvement in the war two years ago. Luffy tells her there is
no more candy. He then goes on to say that he was the one who ate it all. Charlotte realizes Luffy
is trying to cover for the island by placing the blame solely on himself. Luffy tells her he has a
bunch of treasure and he will give her all of it in exchange for the candy. Big Mom asks how he
expects her to eat treasure.

Tamago then gets an idea and asks Luffy if all of the offered treasure was in the three bags. He
then takes the receiver and asks his captain to calm down. He then tells her that two days ago,
Eustass Kid sank two of their ships. They suffered heavy damages and aren't exactly well off
financially. He suggests she take the treasure as collateral and allow the island another two
weeks to rebuild and make more candy. Big Mom is furious that Tamago would suggest such a
compromise. She then adds that she is now interested in the guy who is taking a stand against
her and as he wishes, she will change the target from Fishman Island to him. Luffy tells her he
has to get even with her adding that it is too dangerous to leave her in charge of the island. Luffy
then declares that he will beat her and make Fishman Island his territory, much to the irritation
of Big Mom.

Jinbe and Neptune are talking in Ryugu Palace. Neptune asks how the Sun Pirates are doing
under Big Mom's jurisdiction. Jinbe says that she is not the most reasonable boss but they have
been free to do what they want. Neptune comments how it must be hard for Jinbe to take orders
from someone who wasn't Fisher Tiger. Jinbe replies that he is not picky about who his bo ss is
and that it is a good strategy to serve a Yonko to ensure his crew's safety. Neptune is surprised
since he thought Jinbe did it for the sake of Fishman Island because thanks to Jinbe, the island
was kept safe under Big Mom's name. Jinbe remarks that it is just a coincidence and that he and
his crew should be protecting the island, but cannot since they are wanted pirates. Jinbe then
announces that he will cut off ties with Big Mom. Neptune concludes that this is because Jinbe
wants to join the Straw Hats. Jinbe adds that verbal contracts are a lot harder to get out of than
written agreements and that there is a chance Big Mom will direct her anger at the island.
Neptune tells him he is taking too much responsibility, adding that the army just gained another
seventy thousand soldiers from the Fishman District and he has found another flag he wants to
borrow: the Straw Hats', an idea which Jinbe likes.

The Minister of the Right comes in out of breath, saying he remembered something important
about the treasure given to the Straw Hats. They must return the tamatebako. There is a bomb in
it and it is rigged to explode upon opening. The minister did this after it was stolen ten years ago
as a safety precaution. Neptune agrees that they will ask them to return it. A guard enters and
announces the Straw Hats have returned. Nami, Neptune, and the Minister of the Right are then
shocked to hear that Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji gave the treasure to Big Mom. Luffy tells them she
was going to destroy the island, that she is crazy, and that he would fight her, stunning everyone
except Shirahoshi. Jinbe realizes that now he must leave Big Mom before things get even worse.
He suggests that the Straw Hats must not irritate her more than they have. The Minister of the
Right whispers to Neptune that Big Mom might take the bomb as an act of war. Nami then
sympathizes with Luffy, saying he stood his ground the way any man would. She then hits Luffy,
Zoro and Sanji for giving away all of the treasure. Luffy then declares they should go to the New

Summit War Fishman Island

Outside the Candy Factory, Caribou has woken up and realizes that all the treasure he stole is
gone. He says that if he brings back the princess and the treasure, then he could get on a certain
person's good side. He then sees a crowd of people by Tamago and Pekoms, who are carrying
three large bags. Caribou realizes they must have the treasure. He charges at them, demanding
the treasure back. Pekoms recognizes him and looks him up in a book. A gatling gun extends
from Caribou's stomach and he shoots at Pekoms. Pekoms is knocked over but when the dust
clears, he is seen hidden inside a tortoise shell. Caribou realizes he must be a Zoan. He flies at
Pekoms with a scythe. Pekoms blocks the attack with a single Haki-imbued punch, shattering the
scythe and sending Caribou flying. Pekoms afterwards, mentions that the downfall of a Logia is
its own pride of invincibility. Pekoms and Tamago then leave.

The scene changes to New World, near the Red Line. Marines are fighting multiple pirate ships
coming from the sea. Someone shouts that Captain Tashigi is in trouble. Two lovestruck Marines
try to embrace her to protect her. She jumps out of the way and toward an incoming cannon ball.
Using her sword, she manages to redirect the cannon ball, which blows up away from the ship.
The two soldiers cheer, but she tells them to stop messing around. She berates them, not knowing
she is yelling at the ship's mast. She asks how they could be joking around right now. She then
accuses them of teasing her for being a woman. Smoker tells her to be quiet, since he is in the
middle of an interrogation. Smoker turns toward his prisoners, reiterating that pirates were being
enslaved by Hody Jones, citing that as the explanation why no rookies came through Fishman
Island in the last month. But now, they are coming out of the sea practically non-stop. The
captured pirates then go on to say that there was a pirate who stopped Hody's war, ultimately
freeing them. However, he will not tell Smoker the name. One guy shuts him up, saying that they
are dealing with G-5, listing rumors of their torture methods. Other Marines ask Smoker if they
could have the prisoners now. Panicking, the pirate blurts out that it was Luffy who saved them.
Smoker tells them that he already knew that.

Keimi tells Shyarly that Luffy and his crew are going to leave the island. Shyarly tells her to go see
them off. Before she leaves, Keimi notices the broken crystal ball on the floor. Shyarly tells Keimi
that she is through with foreseeing the future for good, and she could not be happier if she was
wrong. Keimi realizes her boss is more fearful than anyone, since her prediction may come in a
year or more, and there is no way to know if she is wrong. Shyarly asks Keimi to forgive her for
suspecting her friends of wrongdoing.

The scene changes and Shirahoshi is crying as she holds Luffy in her hand, asking him to stay for
another week, then a month, and then a year. After seeing Shirahoshi, Sanji wishes he could stay
for a year. Brook says that he will call his new single "Life on Fishman Island is a Dream". Zoro
tells Sanji he should stay on the island. Sanji says he will teach him not to cross the person who
cooks his food. Over to one side, the Minister of the Right whispers to Neptune about the
tamatebako. Neptune tells him to look at the pirates. Usopp and Chopper are in despair, saying
they are going to the New World to die. Chopper wonders if Big Mom would forgive them if they
gave her all their treasure from here on out. Neptune and the minister realize they could not tell
them at this point. Neptune does add that it was ten years since the bomb was placed in there, it
may have become a dud. The Minister of the Right says he does have a point, the castle is damp,
and Big Mom might not be the one to open the box. Robin wonders what they are whispering

The Minister of the Left then gives Nami a new Log Pose, with three needles on it instead of one.
Shirahoshi lowers Luffy so he can see the new Log Pose. Nami looks at the one on her wrist. She
wonders why it is moving, since she thought it had already recorded the next island. The minister
tells her that each island in the New World as well as Fishman Island take only half a day to

Summit War Fishman Island

record. The islands can differ in current, climate, and magnetic fields, which until now have been
the only thing they could rely on. However, there are also islands that lose their magnetic fields.
The minister points out that only one needle on the Log Pose is shaking, while the other two are
completely still. Each needle records the waves of a different island, meaning the navigator must
choose which way to go, and the wrong decision could mean certain death. Master navigators
can choose the safest routes by observing subtle differences in the needles' movements. The
stronger the needle's movement the more dangerous the island. Nami finds this new navigation
method deeply disturbing. Suddenly, Luffy wraps his neck around Nami and notices the center
needle shaking. He decides to go to that island, as it looks like fun. Nami and Usopp are
devastated that Luffy overheard the conversation. Nami tries to strangle him, saying she is the
one who chooses the route, but Luffy says he is the captain. Usopp and Chopper beg Luffy to see

Franky then declares that they are ready to go and he even learned how to float up. Hatchan tells
them he is staying behind to help repair the factory. Usopp and Chopper have become more
enthusiastic, saying they are going to war in Hell. Sanji and the mermaids say their goodbyes, and
Sanji calls them the All Blue of his heart. Fukaboshi thanks Luffy. Manboshi declares that they
will be leading the strongest army in the ocean next they meet, and Ryuboshi says their reputation
will be even more renowned. Luffy and Jinbe simply exchange silent looks. As the crew leaves,
the people call from the shore that they now like humans, as well as robots, raccoons, and
skeletons. Shirahoshi then swims up and grabs the side of the ship, making everyone fall over.
She tells him she will not be a crybaby next time they meet and wants to go on another walk with
Luffy, only this time she wants to go to the surface and see a real forest with them. She holds out
her pinky and Luffy wraps his own around hers, symbolizing the promise. The other Straw Hats,
save for Zoro and Franky, all touch their own pinky fingers to hers. She then waves as they leave,
splashing water on her face and holding her pinky finger. Neptune tells his son not to forget their
debt. A child then asks his father for a straw hat so he could play heroes with it. His father then
tells him that they are only available on the surface. Jinbe overhears the conversation and tells
them he will send a merchant ship to get the hats.

On the Thousand Sunny, Sanji is reveling in his memories, but Nami tell them there is no time to
rest, as they have to go back through the dark sea again. Attached to the foremost mast of the
ship is a string of floating blocks. Franky tells Usopp they are called Kuuigosu, and extremely
buoyant wood that he is using to raise the ship. Their speed of ascent can be controlled by how
many are let out. Luffy is standing on the bow, and Zoro asks him if something is wrong. Luffy
says they will be in the same ocean as Shanks when they reach the surface and he is looking
forward to seeing him. He then remembers the day Shanks gave him his straw hat. He also
remembers the words of encouragement given to him by Ace, Jinbe, and Rayleigh. Finally, he
remembers the conversation he had with Coby about the New World. Everyone gets fired up while
Robin simply laughs. The chapter ends with Luffy shouting they are going to the New World.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

Punk Hazard

ami is taking a shower while the Thousand Sunny is ascending to the surface of the
New World, having put the ship on a current that will bring them to the surface.

Usopp and Luffy are on the deck, where Usopp is fixing up a rope, saying a weak rope knot would
be useless against a giant fish. The rest of the crew is on deck with them, intending to catch a
deep sea fish for Sanji to cook for them once they reach the surface. Usopp hooks a fish with the
rope and hook he had just made, but as soon as the giant fish is hooked it is eaten by another,
much bigger fish. Just as the crew react, that fish is eaten by another, even bigger fish. Zoro
decides to resolve the matter himself, using his new technique, 360 Pound Cannon, a stronger
version of 36 Pound Cannon to kill the biggest fish.

Usopp then notices that the ship appears to no longer be moving forward, but instead be sinking
before spotting something that resembles a giant sea snake. Robin appears greatly shocked,
telling the crew that it is not a sea snake, but is White Strom, a gigantic white whirlpool that
resembles a dragon which appears without warning on the sea floor. She then goes on to explain
that ships caught in the White Strom are generally found days later, in waters incredibly far away,
with no crew left on board. Nami runs out of the bathroom to take command, and tells them they
need to cut the fish loose at once as it is getting caught in the whirlpool and dragging them in.
Her next idea is to use Coup De Burst, but Franky tells her it is way too late, as the fish is almost
entirely in the whirlpool now. Everyone appears resigned to entering the whirlpool, as they are all
seen clinging on tightly to various parts of the Thousand Sunny.

The ship spins along the inside of White Strom, before suddenly stopping, as they have hit a
gigantic object which appears to be blocking the whirlpool itself. The object is then shown to be
one of a huge pod of island whales. Upon asking Nami for further orders, she replies they are fine
where they are.

Nami tells the crew that the movement of the school of whales has created a new current, so they
need to open the sails and follow this current, as to go against it would be even more dangerous.
The sails are then opened and they catch the current the whales are creating. Nami says that
traveling like this is just as good as riding the rising current, and before long the Straw Hats can
see the surface of the sea in front of them.

The whales all emerge onto the surface of the New World, and Sunny is propelled out of the water.
Chopper notes the fact the sea around them appears red, which Sanji describes as a sea of
flames, and Zoro describes it as looking like the entrance to hell. Luffy, upon seeing all these
conditions, merely describes the sea as perfect.

The Thousand Sunny is thrown into the air by a giant tidal wave as a volcano erupts. The crew
spots an island, but Nami tells the crew that none of the compass needles are pointing to that
island, which is strange even for the New World. Luffy says he does not care and exclaims that
he wants to go to the island. Nami tells him there is no way to get any closer since it is blocked
by a sea of fire.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

Luffy discovers that the Den Den Mushi is crying and ringing. Luffy is about to pick up the receiver
when Robin tells him to stop. She tells him there is a 50/50 chance that the call is a trap that the
Marines use to tape phones on ships to find their location. Luffy picks up the receiver and the
man on the other end says that his crew keeps getting killed, one after another by the samurai.
He adds he does not care who comes, as long as they help. The island he is calling from is called
Punk Hazard. Before he can say anymore, the sound of slashing is heard and the person screams
out in pain, saying he was stabbed, ending the transmission. Robin reminds him it could still be
a trap, and Franky asks if it could be the island behind the fire. Robin says it is the only possible
island in transmitting range for a baby Den Den Mushi to be picked up. Luffy decides they will
save the man.

Elsewhere, a Marine is very annoyed after hearing about Punk Hazard. Tashigi asks Smoker if he
also heard the transmission. Smoker is annoyed because he had presumed Luffy would choose
Raijin Island after leaving Fishmen Island and it had never occurred to him that Luffy would
bypass all three. Tashigi reminds Smoker that Punk Hazard is closed off and deserted after the
incident that took place there four years ago, finding it strange there would be people there.
Smoker agrees that it does seem strange, but it is the only thing they have to work with. Smoker
tells the crew that they are setting out.

Usopp, Robin, and Zoro are going with Luffy to the island as decided by straw drawing. Nami uses
her Clima-Tact to make a milky road so the Mini Merry II can travel over the flames. When the
ship gets to Punk Hazard, the pirates pull the Mini Merry II up onto the shore. In front of them is
a giant fence with various warning signs and hazard stripes around the perimeter adorned with
the emblems of the World Government and Marines, as well as a third emblem, a skull with horns;
Zoro cuts through part of the door and they walk through. Robin comments that the island looks
like it was not always on fire, and wonders if there was a natural disaster recently. It looks like a
former World Government base, with the buildings completely melted. The group finds an
enormous skull, bigger than even a giant's. Something growls from behind them. The crew is
stunned, as they cannot believe that what they are seeing really exists. The crew is staring up into
the eyes of a fire-breathing dragon, who then asks the crew who they are.

The chapter begins with Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp facing the dragon. Luffy exclaims that the
dragon just talked, but Usopp says that he is hearing things, while running away. As they remain
intrigued about the dragon, it lets loose a burst of fire, which they all narrowly evade. Us opp
trembles in fear while Luffy and Zoro get excited about facing the dragon. Luffy uses Jet Pistol,
which does not seem to effect the dragon much, and Luffy realizes its hide is really hard. The
dragon then slams Luffy down with its tail, with quite a lot of force. Zoro then charges towards the
dragon, but gets distracted when the dragon talks again and it stretches its head out to bite,
which Zoro narrowly evades. Zoro then uses a technique called 'Ultra-Hunt' which shakes the
dragon up a bit, but the dragon recovers quickly and tries to bite Zoro again, which he blocks but
proclaims that the dragon is very resilient and strong. An enraged Luffy then breaks out from the
rubble and kicks the dragon, taking it by surprise and hurting it. Zoro tells Luffy that he heard it
speak, while Robin and Usopp also witnessed it speaking.

The dragon then takes off and uses another fire breath attack, while asking if they are allies of
"that" Shichibukai. The Straw Hats take cover under some rocks and walls, Usopp gets s cared
even more while Robin questions if it has a grudge against the Shichibukai. Luffy and Zoro are
found making a "plan", with Luffy jumping up to knock the dragon down. When he grabs hold of
it, Luffy realizes it is hot and the dragon tries to knock him off with another burst of fire. Luffy
stumbles and rolls around on the dragon's body, while exclaiming that it is hot, and finds a pair
of legs sticking out of the dragon. The dragon then tries to bite Luffy, but accidentally bites its

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

wing, making it yelp in pain and fall. Zoro then starts to charge forward and yells at Usopp, who
uses Trampolia, and jumps up, using a technique called Iai Shi ShiShi SonSon, and cuts the
dragon's head off. While they fall down, Luffy starts laughing and says that the drago n looks
yummy. Zoro then says that they could have a barbecue with the flames on the island.

Back at the Thousand Sunny, Sanji finishes making a meal for Nami and calls for her, but finds
out everybody is asleep with some gas floating around. Sanji, realizing that it is not fog, tries to
contact Luffy by reaching for the Den Den Mushi, but is put to sleep himself for breathing in too
much of the gas. A group of peculiar individuals emerge in hazmat suits with the letters PH on
them and capture the crew, except for Brook. They mention a master that they are taking their
captives to.

Back on the island, the group is trying to pull a person out of the dragon's hide. Successfully
pulling the "person" out, they find out it is only a pair of legs, and think they have killed him. The
legs are revealed to be alive, making the whole group gawk at it. Robin points out that there was
no trace of an upper body while Usopp states that he is quite tall. While the crew remained baffled,
the legs start to attack them but promptly run away after the unknown Shichibukai. The chapter
ends with Luffy calling to it to join his crew, making Usopp tell him to stop it.

Luffy is having fun with the disembodied legs, sticking the waist to his own and calling himself a
centaur. He tells the legs that he ate dragon meat, so he has dragon powers. Robin tells Luffy
that what he is doing is simply vulgar. Before Luffy can do anything else, the legs lift Luffy up and
piledrive him into the ground. Usopp tells Luffy that there must be an upper body in trouble
somewhere. Luffy tells Usopp he has no imagination. He is about to name the legs when they
piledrive him again. Zoro calls to the others from atop a building. He points and the crew realizes
they are standing right next to a lake, beyond which is a mountain range covered in ice. Usopp
and Robin realize that the distress call they received was coming from the cold side of the island.
Luffy is excited by this and wants to eat shaved ice. Usopp, while shouting at Zoro (who, along
with Robin, wants to explore the island with Luffy), senses something strange on a nearby
chimney. He looks over to see a smiling winged woman staring at him, who then flies off like a
bird. Usopp tells the others about what he saw but is not sure about it himself.

Elsewhere, Franky wakes up to the sound of Sanji kicking the wall and asks what is wrong. Nami
tells him it should be obvious and Chopper tells him they are locked up. The crew tries to
remember the last thing they did, and Nami realizes that whoever took them must have hit them
with sleeping gas. Sanji confirms this. Franky then wonders where Brook is, and Chopper asks
why someone would kidnap a skeleton. From one corner, a voice asks them if they like riddles.
The group looks around for the source of the voice, and Chopper jumps back in shock. The voice
is from a mouth that is one of eight pieces of a disassembled man's head. The man asks if they
could put him back together. Each member gives it a shot, and they finally get pretty close, having
only mixed up the hair and chin. Chopper asks him why he is alive, and the head says he does
not know. He was cut by someone he does not know. This reminds Nami of Buggy, which she
attributed to as being weird. She asks if he knows where they are. The head becomes indignant,
saying that Nami should behave like a proper lady. Nami picks him up by the cheek, saying he
should be nicer to the people who put him back together. The head says he will sympathize with
her, seeing as she has been stripped of all she had. Nami tells him that she has not been stripped
and is wearing fashionable clothing. The head is shocked that something so revealing would be
so mundane. Even still, he tells Nami he likes it, and receives a beating from her and a kick into
the wall from Sanji.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

The head asks who the Straw Hats are, having heard they were taken from their ship. After hearing
they are pirates, his attitude changes, as he cannot stand pirates. He mentions that the land is
frozen, which confuses the crew. Nami explains that it is possible since she saw winter clouds
from the ship, and so it must be half ice and half fire. She says they need to leave, and she and
Sanji jump out of the way as Franky blasts a hole in the wall with his Radical Beam, making a hole
in the wall. Sanji tells the head he should escape with them, fixing his hair and chin properly, and
revealing that he is a samurai from the Wano Country. Just then they hear voices and realize they
need to hurry. Sanji tells him about the call from the guy who was cut by samurai. The head says
he would not pointlessly kill. He came to the island to save his son. The crew runs, taking the
head with them. Sanji kicks through a door and they find themselves in a room full of gigantic

The giant children are frightened by the Straw Hats, but the boys forget their fear the instant they
see Franky, being amazed that he is a robot. Sanji asks if they are in some kind of nurturing
facility. Before he can get an answer, the samurai asks if they know of a boy named Momonosuke.
The sight of a talking head frightens the children and they run away. Franky realizes that people
are chasing them, so the Straw Hats run after the kids.

One of the boys runs along with them and asks Franky if they came from outside of the island
and they have a ship. The instant Franky says yes, the boy stops and asks him to save them.
Chopper tells Franky they need to take the kids with them. Franky tells him that since they do not
even know where to go, dragging the children with them will be even less productive, but he
cannot help but have a foreboding feeling of tragedy in his heart. Nami stays back and declares
that they are going to save the kids. Sanji argues, saying that they do not know any of the
preceding circumstances as to why they are here and they cannot run a charity business for them.
Nami says she realizes this, but cannot turn her back on crying children who ask for her help. The
children are still impeding the guards' advancement, so one of them decides to ignore collateral
damage and to shoot anyway. The gun frightens the children, but before the man can fire it, Sanji
kicks him in the face with Diable Jambe: Collier Strike. Nami is overjoyed to see Sanji helping, as
Chopper and Franky attack the others with Kung Fu Point and Strong Right, respect ively. The
children are excited by Franky's punch. The remaining guards are irritated that the pirates aren't
running anymore. Sanji comments that Nami is lovely when she shows compassion toward
children and he is falling in love all over again. The samurai is amazed by the crew's act of
selflessness. Sanji tells Chopper to go ahead with Nami. Sanji then orders the children to go with
the nice lady and kung fu tanuki, and he and Franky will do something about the guys pursuing
them. Sanji tells them he is only doing it to answer Nami's wishes, and hates it even more that
they are going to be protected by her.

Meanwhile more guards are investigating the room where the Straw Hats here kept. A floating
liquid mass is amazed that the crew was able to destroy a door that was supposed to be
indestructible. He goes on to say that no one but Vegapunk should have the technology to build
a laser, but the burn marks make it look like a Pacifista blew the door away. The mass asks if
they found the escapees yet, and a soldier responds that they should be getting cornered in the
Biscuits Room right now. Another soldier comes and tells the liquid mass that a G -5 ship has
appeared on the coast. The liquid tells the soldier to get rid of it without killing anyone, as a bunch
of dead Marines would be too much of a hassle.

In the skies over Punk Hazard the bird woman Usopp saw earlier is asking if the intruders were
found. A person on the other end of a Den Den Mushi says they are bringing them down now. The
other Straw Hats have found another Den Den Mushi and are talking to Brook on it. He was still
on the ship, which was brought around to the cold side of the island. Brook tells them that he was

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knocked out but remembers they were wearing gas masks. Robin then deduces that the ship was
hit with sleeping gas. Robin asks Brook if he sees a building anywhere. Brook sees a larg building
built into a mountain. Usopp tells Brook they will hurry over and he should wait for them. Zoro
asks if their enemy is from the government. Usopp tells him he would be surprised if their enemy
is even human, since all they have seen are a dragon, a bird woman, and now a centaur that Luffy
is getting chummy with. Luffy then knocks out the centaur with a kick to the head. As the centaur
goes down, he said he was careless to think Luffy was one of them. Luffy asks why he cannot be,
since they had just become friends. Another centaur tries to attack Luffy from behind, but Robin
stops it with Cien Fleur Gentian. The group finds it odd that the centaurs' lower halves are those
of a leopard and a giraffe, since they are supposed to be horses. Usopp finds a Den Den Mushi
on one of the and notices it has CC written on it. He realizes they must be part of an organization.
He then adds that they really have to go through the ice lands to rescue the others. Robin hopes
aloud that they weren't shot full of holes when they were captured. Zoro remarks that they should
have gone ashore from the other side. Luffy argues if they did that they would not have been able
to eat a dragon or meet Leggy, which is the name he gave the disembodied legs. Robin wonders
if they sell winter clothes along the way to the icy part of the island.

On the northwest shore of the island the G-5 ship is having trouble advancing, as gas is leaking
out. Due to a failed chemical weapons experiment by Vegapunk four years ago, the island became
a wasteland. One Marine comments that no one should be able to set foot on the island since
there is so much gas but Smoker corrects him, saying that this much gas is unnatural. Two years
ago, the island was a normal wasteland without any fire or ice and most of the poisonous
materials had vanished. It was because of that that Aokiji and Akainu chose Punk Hazard as the
spot for their battle to determine who would become fleet admiral.

As a volcano erupts, the Marines observe the fiery and chilly landscape around them and
comment how being on this island gives them the feeling as though that Akainu and Aokiji are
glaring at them. They shoot down a block of ice with their cannons and are astounded to see, as
Smoker has gathered, there was a river route behind the ice. Smoker merely states that if they
have had paid attention to the sea currents the river would've been obvious. He continues to say
it is more of a problem if the ice was natural or man-made, which prompts his crew to once more
comment that there would be no possible method of anyone living on the gas-ridden island.
Tashigi says that the voice on the signal definitely mentioned this island which makes t he crew
laugh and state there is no way since even a Den Den Mushi would die. She orders them to shoot
the next ice block if they have time to laugh. The crew realizes that there is another giant ice block
and promptly works to shooting at it.

On the burning half of Punk Hazard, Luffy and Usopp have met with a very violent wind. Robin
remarks that it is due to the temperature difference of the island which meets in the center of the
lake they are currently standing at the edge of. As they wonder how they are going to cross the
lake which is half frozen and half burning, Zoro mentions that it might actually be a quite good
temperature to swim since he worked up a sweat. Usopp yells at him not to be ridiculous and
Luffy agrees since he and Robin cannot swim. This has Robin think of an image of her and Luffy
being carried across the backs of Usopp and Zoro, respectively. Usopp yells at Luffy, saying they
aren't going to swim carrying them across. He takes charge and implements his special "Green
Star: Boaty Banana" and "Uchiwa Grass" attacks. A boat that looks like a banana appears much
to the delight of Luffy and Zoro, while Usopp explains that the Uchiwa grass will be their oars.
Robin comments how wonderful his seeds are, which starts Usopp off on a long winde d boast
about his dangerous past on Boin Archipelago, during which the rest of the members board the
boat. Luffy sits at the front of the boat (on the stem of the banana) and says for them to go to the

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"Land of the Shaved Ice". Usopp gets mad at him for not rowing while Zoro comments on the
boiling water while Robin observes them smiling.

While rowing through a strong head wind, they hear a voice from the shore behind them telling
them to wait. A rock comes flying at them and Zoro recognizes the attacker as the centaur from
before. Luffy immediately asks again if the centaur wanted to join his crew after all, prompting
Usopp and Zoro to yell at him to stop his habit of inviting strange creatures to the crew. The
centuar blows a horn and then yells out to the other side of the lake that the intruders are heading
towards there and requests to the Boss to finish them off. Usopp wonders if it was the Boss that
was being mentioned on the Den Den Mushi. Robin comments that something is appearing on
the other side. A huge shadow with many centaur shadows is vaguely seen on the shore. As Luffy
and group wonder if the huge shadow is the Boss, Usopp states that if the emergency signal was
meant to reach the Boss there would not be any reason for him to want to hurt them. However,
the shadows see Zoro and his katanas and mistakenly assume that he must be the samurai that
has cut down their friends.

Within the former research institution of Dr. Vegapunk on the Ice lands, Nami and Chopper are
currently leading the children away with them. Chopper encourages the children to run if they
want to escape, which prompts Nami to comment that Chopper is in high spirits. Chopper says
since Sanji left them to him, he will do his best like a man to protect them. Nami wonders where
they should run to and Chopper tells her to figure that out.

Inside the institution's Biscuits Room, Franky uses his Weapons Left to knock over a bunch of
enemies clad in hazard suits. They yell that he has weapons built into his body and must be the
person who took down the door. They order for the poison gas to be loaded since the children
were no longer in the room. Sanji kicks the mask off the speaker saying they should take those
masks off and share the gas with them. He promptly goes on a hop rampage attack as he jumps
on the heads of all the enemies destroying their gas masks and air tanks. This prevents them
from releasing the gas shots and also reveals, to Sanji's surprise, that they all have horns on their
heads. Sanji wonders if they are sheep. At this time for some reason, the samurai's head they
bought with them also seems to be out of breath fighting. Franky asks him what he's doing and
the samurai says that this guy is no easy feat. Franky is confused and the head explains it's his

In front of the research institution PH-006 where the Thousand Sunny was docked, Brook
encounters a torso, and asks why it doesn't have a head or legs, but gets no answer and gets into
a duel with it. Brook explains all he wanted to do was make a few snowmen while he waits for the
others but the torso strengthens his attacks using his arm power to now even jump at Brook.
Brook exclaims that it is too scary and wonders if its a ghost. While yelling that its scary, Brook
counters with his attack Aubade Coup Droit, which the torso dodges. The torso counters with the
Two-Sword fighting style, which Brook ducks away from. Brook, now angry, yells at the torso and
asks why he's fighting him and requests him to stop. He promptly runs away while yelling that it's
scary and gross.

Inside the same research facility, one of the hazard suit wearing members reports to his master
that the warship is currently breaking through the ice with their cannons and advancing towards
the island. The Master, currently running through a bunch of laboratory equipment, replies that
they must have some kind of conviction to keep coming this far. The member states that it is
Smoker from G-5 and they will soon arrive. The liquid Master calls Smoker a "troublesome guy"
and orders to hide all the ships laying at the front. The member asks how they should respond.
The Master replies that no one should even be here so make sure they aren't found and he will

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not come out either. The member realizes something while the Master does not answer his

Smoker has reached the front of the research institution PH-006 and is calming ringing the buzzer
for the door. His crew around him are amazed at the fact that there really wasn't any gas on the
island and wonder where the gas from before came from. Smoker tells them it was probably done
by someone who did not want them there. The crew says they could just shoot the door down with
the cannon and tells Smoker to stop politely pressing the buzzer already. They get riled up and
excited and start yelling that no one is allowed to enter this island and they will arrest them
whomever they are flaunting their marine status. Suddenly the door is opened and standing there
is the now royal Shichibukai, the pirate Trafalgar Law, with a former bounty of B440,000,000. He
calmly leans against the door and asks what business the White Hunter has at his vacation house.
His appearance sends all of Smoker's crew running back except Smoker and Tashigi. They yell
with surprise why Trafalgar Law, a Shichibukai, is there. They beg Smoker to leave because they
do not want to be involved someone so insane, that he sent the hearts of 100 pirates to
headquarters in order to become one of the Shichibukai. Smoker tells Law the island is off limits
to even those concerned with the government, to which Law retorts that this also includes

While running, the children are telling Nami about how they were brought to the island to be cured
of diseases. They were taken from their homes, since their diseases might infect their parents,
without even getting a chance to say goodbye to their families. Nami realizes that this screams of
abduction. Chopper thinks their diseases are pretty serious, and Nami slaps him for not realizing
the obvious truth. She then tells Chopper to give the kids checkups later, in order to know if they
really were cured. They reach the end of the hall and see a door; Nami thinks it is a dead end, but
Chopper breaks down the door. The room they are in now is dark and cold, making Nami wonder
if they are in a freezer or outside. Nami sees a door on the other side of the room and starts
running. One of the children tells Nami that the room scares her. The children explain that they
went through this room when they first arrived at the facility. Nami tells them that that means it
leads to an exit. The girl tells Nami to look around her, showing the room is full of frozen people.
Nami and Chopper then realize in horror that the room they are in is used to store giant corpses.

Back in Biscuit's Room, Sanji "hears" Nami scream out in terror. He tells Franky they need to
hurry. Franky wonders why the people they defeated have the lower bodies of goats, having only
heard about them from legend. Kin'emon asks to stay in the room, since he did not see his son
amongst the kids there, saying he would look for other rooms. Sanji yells at him, asking how he
would move as just a head. He then asks Kin'emon to be honest, and ask them to help him look
for the rest of his body. Kin'emon stubbornly declares that he will not be indebted to pirates, but
on the off-chance they want to find his body, he is not complaining. Sanji is about to slam the
head into the floor in a fit of rage, but Franky grabs it out of his hand, telling Sanji he lost the
moment he took the head with them. Sanji throws a fit for recognizing the head's resolve, then
beats it up before carrying it again.

Outside the facility, Tashigi is playing a recording of the transmission between Luffy and the
person who sent the distress signal from the island for Trafalgar Law. Tashigi tells him that based
on what was said in the transmission, the call was without a doubt sent from Punk Hazard.
Smoker recalls Law's past encounters with Luffy, both at Sabaody after the incident with Saint
Roswald and at Marineford when he was chased by Akainu. Law does not believe Smoker since
the Marines are known for forging transmission signals to trap pirates. Smoker tells him it is real,
and Law says they can end the conversation since he does not know anything. Smoker asks to
see the inside of the facility, and Law refuses. He asks what is so bad about being at an island

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that was disposed of by the government. He then tells Smoker if the Straw Hats do show up, then
he will take care of them, so the Marines can go. They then hear a noise from behind the door, a
voice saying how scary the frozen people were, and then another voice pointing out the door.
Nami, Chopper, and the children burst through the door. Nami is surprised by how cold it is,
Tashigi is surprised to see the Straw Hat Pirates, and the children are overjoyed to be outside.
Franky is then seen carrying two additional children on his knees. He has tank treads on his calves
and several more behind him, with Sanji and the head riding on his back. Everyone (but Nami)
does Franky's "SUPER" pose, stunning everyone speechless. Nami and Chopper then recognize
Law from Sabaody, and ask if he was the one who locked the kids away, saying they will not give
them back. Sanji recognizes Smoker and Tashigi, the latter of whom asks why there are children
on the island.

Sanji orders all the children back inside, which confuses them since the Marines should be good
people. Smoker asks Law why he said he was alone. Law cannot give a straight answer other than
he is surprised. The Straw Hats and the children run back inside, and Tashigi gives orders to
pursue them. Law stops them by using Room. He then uses Tact to lift the G -5 ship as well as
some of the water around it, into the air. Law says that he cannot let them leave the island, and
shouldn't have said that he was alone. Smoker orders his troops to stay back saying people like
them will just be disassembled if they fight Law and pulls out his jutte ready to fight him.

The centaurs are firing on the Straw Hats in the middle of the lake. Finally, a shot hits the water,
causing the boat to capsize. The boss, Brownbeard, chastises his men for not shooting at the
water sooner. The Straw Hats resurface, Zoro and Usopp supporting Luffy and Robin. Zoro
comments that the last shot was unexpected. Usopp blames Luffy for wanting to befriend the
centaurs, and Luffy apologizes. The centaurs get ready to fire again. Zoro give Luffy to Usopp, and
prepares to attack. However, he is suddenly pulled down. Usopp looks below the water and sees
that there are sharks in the lake. Brownbeard explains that the lake is actually part of the ocean.
The lake was originally a crater that served as the epicenter of Akainu and Aokiji's fight. The water
then flowed in from a rift in the island. Usopp is lamenting Zoro getting eaten as he realizes he is
about to die. Brownbeard orders his men to fire, only to have the bazookas literally blow up in
their faces. Usopp is relieved to see Brook. Brook tells them he froze the gun barrels, so they
could not fire properly. The centaurs are angry and charge at Brook, swords drawn. Brook
counters and is too fast for them. Brownbeard looks out at the lake and sees that the sharks were
defeated, and wonders where the other pirates went. Zoro then tells Brook he came at the right
time, but no amount of training could make him withstand the sheer cold he is facing now. Usopp
tells them it was a bad idea to go to the island dressed as they are. But Robin then says that they
are in luck, saying they should be grateful to have met the centaurs.

While the Straw Hats are talking, Brownbeard recognizes them from somewhere. The centaurs
are then confused as the Straw Hats start picking out targets from the crowd of centaurs. All of
the centaurs are wearing warm winter coats and the Straw Hats decide to steal t hem. The
centaurs are taken aback by this, and wonder if they are dealing with bandits. Brownbeard then
recognizes Luffy as a rookie from two years ago and "Fire Fist" Ace’s younger brother, "Straw Hat"
Luffy, the pirate with a B400,000,000 bounty. The other centaurs are shocked by this revelation.

Outside the research facility, Trafalgar Law has now broken the Marine ship completely in half.
Law realizes he cannot let the Straw Hats get away, nor the samurai with them. The samurai is
telling the group to go back since Law is the one who cut him up. Law points his sword at the
fleeing group, expanding the barrier to just in front of where they were running. As they pass
through the barrier, Nami, Sanji, Franky, and Chopper’s hearts all burst out in front of them. Law

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then uses Shambles. At first the pirates do not notice anything, but when Nami asks if she
dropped her cigarette it becomes apparent that Law's technique caused them to switch bodies.

The Marines suggest a strategical retreat. Smoker tells them that is impossible since they do not
have ships. He then reminds Law that he is under the direct government control, and they will be
telling the higher-ups at Marineford, saying his title would be revoked. Law tells them he is not
worried. He then uses Scan, sending a wave through the enclosed area. A pile of Den Den Mushi
appears behind him. The Marines then realize that the ones they were carrying are now gone.
Law tells them he will not let them report anything they have seen on this island to anyone.
Smoker flies at Law, saying the Ope Ope no Mi allows the consumer to make a space they can
modify at will. He attacks Law with his jitte, but Law dodges out of the way. He then brings his
sword down. Smoker tells his men to stay out of the sword's range, but they cannot move out of
the way in time and are cut up. Smoker tells his men to get out of the way. He then describes
Law's ability as an operating room where he has complete control to operate on anything in it,
owing to his epithet, "The Surgeon of Death". Tashigi then tells Law she will take him on. Smoker
warns her not to, as her Haki is not strong enough. With a single cut, Law slices both Tashigi and
her sword in half.

Tashigi falls to the ground after being cut and the Marines ask if she is ok. Tashigi calls not dying
from a cut the worst disgrace. Tashigi tells Law to kill her next time he cuts her. Law asks if doing
something so menial makes for a good swordsmen. He then tells her to remember that the weak
cannot choose how they die. Tashigi swipes at him but misses due to her sword being cut. Law
draws his sword, saying he could cut Tashigi up more if she likes. In response to this, the Marine
soldiers shoot at Law. Law uses his power to send the bullets back at them, saying he switched
them with the pile of snow where they stood. Law prepares to strike Tashigi. She holds up the nub
that is her sword to try and defend, but Smoker intervenes, blocking Law's sword with his jitte.
Smoker then uses his ability to get behind Law while still blocking his sword. He grabs Law by the
neck and slams him into the snow, pinning him. Smoker is about to drive his jitte into Law's skull.
Smoker smashes his jutte into a piece of wood from one of the wrecked ships that Law had
switched with his own body. Law reappears behind Smoker and slashes at him with his sword.
Smoker intercepts it with his jitte. The backlash from Smoker's block causes Law to cut part of
the landscape. One of the ships that was attached to the mountain starts to fall. The soldiers
decide to run for it, since they are just getting in the way, grabbing Tashigi's two halves and taking
her with them.

The scene changes to Luffy’s group, who are in the ice lands. Luffy tells the group he just heard
something and wonders if it was from Sanji’s group. He then asks Brownbeard, on whose
shoulders he is riding, if he really does not know where the rest of his crew is. Brownbeard tells
Luffy he will not say anything. Luffy tells him to run faster. Zoro, who is riding on Brownbeard's
back with the rest of the party, comments that the guy they are riding has no sense of self
reflection. Usopp asks Brook why he is wearing a coat, and Brook tells him it is the feeling that
counts. Robin says it would be nice if Nami and the others did not have their arms fall off from

The scene changes to inside PH-006, where the Master is having a drink while being told about
Smoker and Law's fight by a guard. The Master asks what Law is thinking, since the plan was to
drive them out. The guard also tells him that the Straw Hats being held captive had escaped with
the children from Biscuits Room and encountered the Marines at the front door, meaning the
Marines saw the children, causing the Master to spit out his drink. He then smashes the glass in
anger. If Smoker is killed here, then the higher ups at Marineford will become suspicious of the
island. The harpy, named Monet, arrives and the Master asks her where she had been. She tells

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him that the dragon, which belonged to Vegapunk, as well as Brownbeard's centaur unit w ere
defeated. She further explains that the pirates pulled from the ship had friends who were on the
burning side of the island, that they have crossed over to the cold side of the island, and will be
at the base shortly. Monet mentions that she thought they were strong, but then realized that
they were the Straw Hat Pirates, showing the Master a newspaper article about them. This
surprises the master.

The scene changes back to Law and Smoker's fight. The soldiers are watching the fight in disbelief
while reassembling themselves, having already put Tashigi back together. The soldiers then
realize the dire situation they are in. They have no ships and no means of communication. Tashigi
slowly gets up, despite protest from soldiers saying she shouldn't move just yet. She remembers
and repeats something Smoker told her a long time ago, about how pirates will never change.
Smoker flies through debris in smoke form, charging at Law. He tells Law that he never trusted
the Shichibukai. Law tells him that was a wise choice as he brings a piece of mountain down on
him. Smoker asks Law what use he has for the island, and who is really running the operations.
Smoker charges Law with a kick, which he blocks with his sword. He then reappears behind Law
and thrusts his jutte at him. Law manages to bring his sword around and block at the last second.
Law then asks Smoker what the Marines are scheming. He then has a rock fall between the two
of them. Smoker breaks the top part of the rock off with his jutte and Law ducks to av oid being
hit, saying they will have to change their location. He then uses a technique called Mes, and
actually jabs through the rock to reach Smoker, leaving a square hole in the Marine's chest, while
something comes out of his back. Smoker then realizes that Law just removed his heart. Law
teleports Smoker's heart above his hand and catches the heart, which is held in a sort of cube,
and Smoker collapses. Law walks away, saying he does not have to tell Smoker anything. He then
hears a voice call out, having seen a warship. The voice then notices Law standing nearby, and
Law recognizes Luffy's voice and sees him. Luffy then recognizes Law.

Luffy calls out to Law and thanks him for his help two years ago. Zoro and Robin recognize Law.
Luffy cannot remember his name exactly, so he sticks to calling him "Tora-guy". Luffy wonders
where Bepo is, but Law remains silent. He has a flashback to when he rescued Luffy and Jinbe,
as well as their recovery on Amazon Lily. Law tells him it is good he survived, but not to thank him,
as he only saved Luffy on a whim. Luffy only agrees of course because they will be rivals competing
for One Piece, but remains grateful just the same, as Law wasn't the only one to whom he must
be thankful for the last two years. Law can only stare at Luffy in silence. The rest of the crew
notices a Marine lying a short distance away, as Brownbeard asks for Law's help and Law reminds
Luffy that they are both pirates. Luffy laughs and says Law has a point, thanking him again.

As Luffy is running to get back onto Brownbeard's back, he is about to ask Law a question. Law
simply tells him to go to the back of the research facility. He says Luffy will find what he is looking
for there and that they will meet again, as they both have something they want to get back. At this
moment, Tashigi notices Smoker on the ground between her and the Straw Hats and runs towards
him, as do the rest of the Marines. Tashigi drops to Smoker's side and examines the hole in his
chest. Luffy waves to Smoker, happy to see him after such a long time. Tashigi remembers what
Smoker said about Law sending one hundred pirate hearts to the World Government. This angers
her and she runs towards Law, with her sword drawn. Law calls her unrefined, and says that he
hates that. He uses his ability to swap Smoker's and Tashigi's minds while Zoro wonders what
Law just did. As Luffy is running to get back onto Brownbeard's back, one Marine tries to shoot
the Straw Hats as they are leaving, but is told not to, as they must tend to the healt h of their
superior officers.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

On the other side of the research facility, Sanji (in Nami's body) is saying that he does not care
about the children or the freezing temperatures. All he wants is to take a picture (of Nami's
breasts) while he has the chance. Nami (in Franky's body) wonders what he wants to take a
picture of and tells Sanji to stop having nosebleeds in her body. The kids wonder if the pirates
switched minds. Chopper (in Sanji's body) asks if the kids are all right, since he now knows how
cold humans can get. The children tell "Sanji" they do not like it when he acts kind and concerned.

One of the kids falls over, and the rest stop, having gone as far as they can go in the cold while
wearing so little clothing. Franky (in Chopper's body) realizes it was kind of reckless to bring all
the kids along. The samurai tells them all to place an object on their heads. Sanji asks why and
the samurai answers by saying "poof", and instantly everyone is wearing warm coats, shoes, and
gloves. Nami asks in disbelief how the samurai did it. He explains that he ate a Devil Fruit that
gives him powers akin to sorcery. Everyone is thankful, but Franky points out that he could have
used his power sooner. The samurai tells them that did not want to cover Nami's "breast band".

Luffy and company arrive on Brownbeard and are happy to see their friends. Zoro wonders why
Sanji seems so jolly. Usopp wonders why there are giant children next to them. Since Sanji was
staring at the breasts on his current body, Nami prepares to punch him for it. However, to Luffy,
it looks like Franky is about to punch Nami, and tells him to stop. The group takes shelter among
the collapsed ruin of another research lab, shielding them from the cold. Nami is crying, as she
foolishly punched her own body out of anger. Chopper says he will treat Sanji immediately. Nami
asks what Sanji is doing to her body, and Sanji reminds her that he is in fact Chopper. Next to
this, the samurai is glad to be reunited with his legs, and Luffy is crushed to have lo st "Leggy".
Robin comments on the surrealism of what she is watching. The children tackle Nami, asking her
to shoot a laser beam.

Sanji asks permission from Nami to smoke. Nami realizes he is restraining himself and decides
they need to calm down and talk. Franky makes it known he is in Chopper's body. From Sanji's
body, Chopper says he will heal anyone. From Franky's body, Nami promises not to shoot any
lasers. Sanji joyously introduces himself as Nami, ripping off his jacket and holding up her breasts,
much to Brook and Usopp's pleasure. Nami goes in to punch herself, but is stopped by Chopper,
saying she (meaning her body) will die. Nami then writes down in a journal that peeping at her
body will cost B100,000 and touching it will cost B200,000. Luffy and Usopp are laughing
hysterically at the whole situation, and Nami yells at them, reminding them that this is their
problem too.

After things have calmed down, Usopp reviews what has happened. The head and legs are the
samurai they heard about from the distress call. The distress call was supposed to go to
Brownbeard from his subordinates, who were in trouble because the samurai was slashing them.
The samurai tells them he was doing it to find his son, Momonosuke. After seeing how many
children were inside the facility, he reasons his son must still be in there. One of the kids adds
that the group here is not all of them. Zoro then adds that the true problem came after the call.
The samurai cites Trafalgar Law, adding that everyone was calling him a Shichibuk ai. Luffy is
stunned by this, and Robin informs Luffy he became one during the last two years.

The samurai says that before he knew it, Law had separated his body, taking his head to the
facility, leaving his torso behind, and having his legs almost become dragon food. He tried to run
away, but then became stuck on the dragon's head. Luffy mentioned how his lower half was
cursing the Shichibukai, and the samurai replies that those were farts, that being his special skill.
Brook then adds that he has seen his torso.

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On the other side, on the cold half of the island, the Marines are taking shelter in a cave. Tashigi
is apparently able to function in Smoker's body, despite it not having a heart. Smoker (in Tashigi's
body) mentions seeing the mark "CC" on the ship hidden near the research facility, before the
initials PH, for Punk Hazard went everywhere. Smoker continued his train of thought by assuming
that Law is protecting someone and that "CC" is also initials. Smoker concludes that if the person
he is thinking of is on the island, then a lot of things would start to make sense. The man he is
thinking of is Dr. Vegapunk's former colleague, as well as a wanted man, whom Smoker describes
as insane. He is the leading expert on weapons of mass-murder, former government scientist
Caesar Clown. The chapter ends with Caesar beginning to materialize from the gaseous vapor as
he and Law begin to argue.

Tashigi recalls hearing about reports of child abduction in G-5’s jurisdiction. The soldiers are
finding it difficult to get used to their superior officers' new appearances. Smoker tells her he
does not know about any kidnappings. Tashigi begs him to button her shirt so her chest would
not be exposed. Tashigi recalls getting reports of a lot of accidents, and a soldier remembers that
a lot of kids die on the high seas. Tashigi remembers seeing a lot of reports about kidnappings
from the G-5 communications department. By the time the stories reached the newspapers, they
had been changed to accidents at sea. Tashigi starts talking about what it could possibly mean,
apparently stumbling around her point. Smoker gets irritated and tells her to just say what she is
thinking. Given the number of children they just saw, the kidnapping reports would be true.
Smoker then realizes that the kidnapper would be on the island. If true, then the articles printed
in the newspapers were fraudulent. That would further mean that someone from inside G -5 is
trying to cover up the stories. The soldiers are furious at the thought of there being a traitor among
them. Smoker tells them to shut up, saying that none of them are worthy of being suspected.
Smoker tell them that by thinking that a perfect society exists, they overlook the enemy. Smoker
tells them that since Law has his heart and is not in his own body, he cannot leave the island. He
orders that a third of the soldiers steal a ship and return to G-5. Smoker tells them he will find his
heart, get back in his normal body, and expose the mastermind behind the whole scheme.

In the research lab, Caesar puts down a transceiver and tells the guards present that they have
permission to kill the Straw Hats, the G-5 Marines, and Kin’emon, the samurai, adding that if
someone dies on the island Joker will make it look like an accident at sea. He orders the guards
to capture anyone they can, and he does not mind if the ones captured get poisoned. He asks
where Law is, and is told that he just left. He then reminds the guards that their enemy is worth
B400,000,000, so it will not be easy. Monet interjects, saying that the other bounties range from
B50-B120,000,000, totaling B800,000,050. The crew suddenly became inactive two years ago,
meaning the current figures might not be good indications of their threat level. Caesar comments
on the harpy's diligence. One of the centaurs stumbles in from the cold. He tells Caesar that the
Straw Hats took some of their coats. He also tells them they took Brownbeard, and begs Caesar
to get him back. Caesar tells him not to worry about their boss, and that in the back room, there
is a new medicine they just completed that will warm the body and heal wounds. The centaur is
grateful, and asks that his friends be treated too.

The scene changes to the Straw Hats. Usopp has made special buttons and placed them on the
foreheads of the four people not in their correct bodies. On the buttons are pictures which indicate
who is in which body, making them easier to identify. Luffy is talking to Brownbeard, saying he
has never heard of him. Zoro comments on how a moment ago, Brownbeard was set on keeping
quiet. Brownbeard adds that Law will come save him soon. He adds that Law is different than
pirates from his and Luffy’s generation. Luffy does not understand, and Brownbeard explains that
the "Worst Generation" refers to the eleven rook ies that gathered at Sabaody, as well as
Blackbeard. They are problem-children born between two eras who carry the fate of the war. After

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the war, these pirates invaded the New World and wreaked havoc. Any major incident involved
pirates from that group. Brownbeard then goes on to say that the one who shattered his crew was
Basil Hawkins. Brownbeard lost the use of his legs from that fight, so he and his crew fled,
eventually arriving on Punk Hazard. He explains that Punk Hazard used to be full of lush green
vegetation, teeming with life. He goes on to say that it used to be Vegapunk ’s experiment facility
where he tested weapons and drugs. Some convicts were brought to the island, instead of prison,
to be used as guinea pigs for his human experiments. Then, four years ago, one of Vegapunk's
chemical weapons experiments failed, demolishing two of the three laboratories. The explosion
brought about extreme heat and sent poisonous particles into the air, killing everything. The
government workers abandoned the prisoner and sealed off the island before making their
escape. The prisoners flocked to the only research building still standing. If they did not die, their
lower bodies became useless due to a powerful nerve gas. All seemed lost. A year later, Caesar
Clown came to the island. He used his ability to purify the gas, and made artificial legs for those
who could not walk, whom he also made his subordinates. Brownbeard arrived on the island a
year after Caesar did. There was still poisonous gas, which made him incredibly sick. Just before
giving up on life, Caesar and his subordinates appeared and saved him.

Brownbeard compares Vegapunk to the Devil and Caesar to God. A few months before the Straw
Hats arrived, Trafalgar Law did. Using his ability, Law gave all the disabled by the gas, living animal
legs, allowing them to walk again. Nami comments on how cruel Vegapunk was while the rest of
the crew applies the story to what they had seen so far, the satyrs from the lab, as well as the
harpy and other centaurs. Usopp asks him about the dragon. Brownbeard tells them that the
dragon was an artificial creature made by Vegapunk to guard the island. It can adapt to any
environment. One of the Celestial Dragons named it at one point, but Brownbeard cannot
remember what it was. He tells the crew to run if they meet it, Zoro just tells him they will, despite
remembering having killed it. Brownbeard goes on to say that the island belongs to Caesar Clown
and no one dares to come near it. Caesar still continues his research f or the good of mankind
even today, and the Straw Hats will have to submit their bodies to his experiments every now and
then. He then laughs and says they (which includes himself) will not let the Straw Hats escape.

Back inside the research facility, the centaur is having trouble breathing. He is banging on a door,
asking Caesar what kind of medicine he was given, begging to be let out. Caesar tells him to be
a patient. He asks how the centaur is feeling. Based on the sounds he made, Caesar deduces the
centaur is nauseous and coughing. Caesar asks if he has a headache, and is pleased to hear he
does. He then asks if the centaur is hallucinating. The centaur tells him there is a giant snake in
the room, but Caesar assures him there is not. He then comments that the experiment was not
going as well as he hoped. Monet asks him if it was another failure. Caesar snaps at her to watch
what she says, as his experiments do not fail. And he applies the same statement to the incident
four years ago. He asks if creating a weapon that could kill an entire island is really a failed
experiment. He laughs, saying he even kept all the victims under his gaze. He then tells the World
Government to watch, and he will show them who the real number one scientist is.

The scene changes to the Marines, where a soldier is stunned by what Smoker just told him. The
one responsible for the incident on the island was in fact Caesar Clown. Caesar made the weapon
and was responsible for letting it go off accidentally. Smoker explains how he and Vegapunk were
always rivaling each other. However, developing a weapon for mass murder that spreads poison
gas is illegal. Caesar was caught and arrested. However, he escaped the prison ship and was
never seen or heard from again. Smoker then gives the postulate that if Caesar is indeed
furthering his research on the island, if he is not stopped now, then another incident like the one
before will not be far away.

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Franky is trying to get used to being in Chopper’s body. He manages to change into Guard Point,
and comments on how unstable Chopper's body is with all of its different forms. Chopper
responds that he is used to it. The children roll Franky around in the snow, while Luffy rides on
top of him. Sanji learns from Brook that the samurai has left to find his torso, and becomes
worried for his safety as he has no means of defending himself with just his head and legs, while
Sanji held himself responsible for his safety when he was just a head. Luffy grants Sanji and Brook
permission to search for the samurai. When Brook asks Sanji to let him see his (Nami's) panties,
and Sanji becomes excited at the prospect of taking pictures of Nami’s body, Nami becomes
furious and convinces Zoro to go along as well, reasoning that Sanji and Zoro's inevitable fighting
rivalry will distract Sanji from doing perverted things with her body. Sure enough, within moments
Sanji and Zoro are arguing, Zoro being angry that he had to come along because of Sanji's
perverse new attitude, and Sanji angry at Zoro for not understanding how ecstatic the body
switching situation has made him. Brook is pummeled by Nami as punishment, and to deter him
from wanting to see her panties.

The rest of the Straw Hats discuss their next course of action. Nami's first priority is restoring
everyone back to their original bodies, as she dislikes being in Franky's body, as she considers
him to be a pervert. Franky (who has now transformed into Chopper's Brain Point) takes Nami's
insult as a compliment, making a typical Franky face in Chopper's body t hat disgusts Robin.
Franky notes that whatever they do, the children will be a burden.

Chopper finishes conducting tests on the children. Immediately after, the largest child, Sind, falls
to the ground in pain. Luffy asks Chopper to heal him, but one by one the rest of the giant children
fall over, holding their heads in their hands. Nami asks Chopper whether the children were really
sick, to which he replies that they were not. He asks Sind whether there is something he wants,
and what, if any, kinds of activities they do around that time every day. Sind, still in agony, tells
him that every day all of the children would get examined and be given candy. Chopper is confused
about the candy, and the other children say that the candy is strange, and tastes goo d. Sind says
that he feels really happy when he eats it, and is convinced that it will stop the pain. Chopper,
having learned the truth about the children, becomes furious. He yells at the chained up
Brownbeard that the children aren't actually sick, as they had previously been told. Brownbeard
maintains that although he does not know much of what goes on inside, their benefactor, Master,
is a loving scientist who rescued the children and gave them free medicine. According to him, the
fact that the children are in pain and have not received their daily medicine proves that they are
ill, but Chopper responds with the results of his analysis — there is a tiny but sufficient quantity of
a drug known as NHC10 in each of their bodies. The drug is a powerful stimulant, the use of which
is tightly restricted throughout the world due to the danger it comes with and its addictive
properties. Chopper learned about the drug during his time with Dr. Kureha, in which he learned
that proper use of it in medicine requires using only a very tiny amount, in order to prevent
addiction. Chopper concludes that the children have been given small amounts of the drug every
day for a long period of time, so that the addiction forces them to remain within the research
facility. Chopper demands to know from Brownbeard what his master's purpose is for the children,
but Brownbeard is angry at him, believing that Chopper is merely insulting his savior.

Luffy suggests going to the research facility to find candy to stop the withdrawal sympt oms, but
Chopper says not to, as the candy is the means by which the drugs are delivered. Sind begs Luffy
for candy, who refuses, trusting Chopper's judgment as the crew's doctor. Sind lowers his hands
from his face, revealing bloodshot eyes, a runny nose and saliva dripping from his mouth, which
frightens the other children. He goes berserk at Luffy for not getting the candy when he originally
said he would, launching him into a nearby fallen pillar. Robin is amazed at Sind's physical
strength. Usopp, while surprised, comments that this must be the strength of a giant child, but

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the other children reveal that none of them are actually giants; all of them were normal size when
they first came to the island, and have grown more and more the longer they have remained on
the island. One of the children believes that the growing must be the 'sickness' they were told
they had, but Chopper disagrees, instead concluding that the rapid growth has come from
experiments that have increased the levels of their pituitary hormone.

As the rest of the children gradually enter withdrawal as well, Luffy prepares to subdue them, but
in order to ensure no harm comes to them Usopp instead successfully puts them to sleep with
his new Sleeping Star attack. Having discovered that the children really were kidnapped, Chopper
wants to save the children and return them to their parents, but Franky and Robin note that first
they have to find the real culprit behind the experiments: Master. Chopper and Nami stay behind
to look after the children, although Chopper expresses a desire for revenge against Master, and
Nami's reasoning for staying behind appears to be fear (according to Usopp). Luffy has the largest
children restrained with chains, to prevent them rampaging again. Luffy, Usopp, Robin, and
Franky prepare to go to the research facility to meet Master, though Franky mentions the fact that
at some point they will have to find Trafalgar Law in order to restore their bodies. Luffy seems to
think it unnecessary, as he is enjoying the hijinks that have occurred.

The scene changes to road to the mountain behind the research facility. Zoro, Sanji, and Brook
are all lying in the snow. Zoro and Sanji are face-down, while Brook is face-up and spread-eagled,
with his drawn sword sticking out of the snow near his head. The shot is expanded to reveal that
the trio is in the middle of a trail of two sets of gigantic footprints, each barefoot and several times
larger than a human body.

In the research facility, Caesar Clown, Trafalgar Law, and Monet are sitting around a table. Caesar
holds Smoker’s heart in his hand, while Law looks on silently, with a displeased look in his eyes
and a frown. Caesar is in good spirits thanks to the capture of Smoker's heart, and says he has
already sent soldiers to the Marines and that he knows what the outcome of that will be. Monet
asks what happened to Straw Hat, and Caesar explains that, having taken Monet's warning about
the Straw Hats' possible increase in strength seriously, he sent two powerful people after him:
The Hitmen of the Snowy Mountain, the "Yeti Cool Brothers". The two of them are seen from
behind in silhouette. They are enormous figures, each with a rifle on their back.

The Yeti Cool Brothers radio in to Caesar, saying they successfully killed Nami, Z oro, and Brook,
and ask that they be collected. In the research facility, Clown is talking to Monet having just
received the news that some of the Straw Hats were killed. Monet is surprised that they died so
easily, after reading all the newspapers that were written about them, and mentions that Law had
encountered them twice before. Clown pulls out a gun, points it at Law, and asks him if he called
the Straw Hats to the island. Law reiterates that he did not even know they were on the island
until they ran into him at the front door. Law adds that if the place gets found out it would be bad
for him as well.

Clown remembers when Law first came to the island. He and Law were talking indoors, and Law
said that he wanted to stay on the island since it could not be caught by a Log Pose. It also
remains of government research that he seemed to be interested in. All he asked for was free
roam of the island, and that neither of them ask the other too personal questions. Law also made
it very clear that no one was to know that he is on the island, not even Caesar Clown's
employer: "Joker". Clown says that he sees no harm in trusting Law, and asks Monet if she agrees.
She looks up from copying notes about Law and asks if he could heal the prisoners on the island
who were paralyzed by the poisonous gas, ending the flashback. Clown tells Law that if he calls
the kids back he will do even better and he doubts someone who sucked up to the government

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in order to become a Shichibukai would make things too difficult for them. Clown turns to leave,
but Law asks what he meant by the kids coming back. Clown explains about the drugged candy,
holding up a piece to show Law. Law comments that Clown's nastiness reminds him of someone
else. Monet asks about a fight as Law turns to leave. Law tells them to call him if they need
anything. Clown comments that people who think too much can be difficult.

At the remains of one of the research labs, there is an explosion. Nami gets scared and Chopper
realizes they are under attack. He is worried about the children, as the roof might collapse on
them. Chopper peeks out and tells Nami he cannot see who is attacking them. Outside, Luffy and
the others hear the explosion and notice the huge footprints in the snow. Luffy senses two huge
animal-like beings near Nami and Chopper. Brownbeard hears the explosion and gets hopeful
that someone is coming to save him. He then realizes that it must be the Yeti Cool Brothers. Nami
asks him what he's talking about. He tells her that no one has seen them, but fo r the right price
they will kill anyone they are asked to. They are hairy twenty five year olds named Rock and
Scotch. Just then, one of the brothers appears from behind Nami and Chopper, frightening the
daylights out of them. The yeti has his gun pointed at Brownbeard, saying he is on Clown's kill list.
Brownbeard asks if the yeti pointing the gun at him is Rock, and he replies that he is Scotch. He
tells Scotch there must have been a mistake and he is assigned to take out the Straw Hats. Scotch
plays a recording of Clown calling Brownbeard a useless idiot and giving the order to kill him.
Brownbeard is crushed by the fact that the man he believed so much in betrayed him. His last
thought is of when Clown once called him a good leader. Scotch then shoots him and Brownbeard
goes up in flames. Rock then warns Scotch not to shoot too much or else the roof will collapse on
the kids. Luffy then comes back, angry at what he just saw. The yetis shoot at him but miss. He
comes at them with a flying kick, but they suddenly vanish. Luffy then rebounds off the facility
and lands in a snow drift. Chopper runs up, saying that they took Nami.

The Yeti Cool Brothers are seen somewhere else, one of them holding Nami in his hand. Franky’s
body was the only one that they were ordered to bring back alive, since it had Vegapunk’s laser.
In the back of the research facility, Law is going out. A guard warns him about the Marines. Law
tells him that he does not care and that he can go anywhere he wants, cutting the guard up before

Luffy is surprised to learn that Brownbeard was killed. Chopper explains that the Yeti Cool
Brothers were ordered to take out Brownbeard as well as reclaim the children. Luffy is stunned
to hear that someone would do this to an ally. Chopper adds t hat they kidnapped Nami. Luffy
starts to leave, telling the others to stay with the kids. Franky asks to go with Luffy, since it was
his body that was taken. Franky then asks Chopper for some Rumble Balls since he could not
fight in his current form. Chopper tells him that he will give him one, but he is afraid Franky will
not be able to control the form. He tells Franky that Rumble Ball only works for three minutes and
it drains the body for a short while afterward. Before he can go on, Franky ate the Rumb le Ball
and transformed. Luffy tries to get Franky's attention, but Franky flies into an uncontrollable rage
and tries to attack Luffy, exactly what Chopper was afraid of. The rest of the crew watch in stunned
silence as Luffy runs off, followed by the out of control Franky. They realize that Franky will only
get in the way now.

The scene changes to Caesar Clown’s lab, where Clown is looking at Franky's wanted poster. He
says he does not know how but Franky somehow got a hold of one of Vegapunk’s lasers. The plan
is to dissect the body and extract the laser, and then dispose of the body in the furnace. A
subordinate asks about what they should do about Smoker and the other Marines. Clown tells
the guard that he has plans for them, and threatens him under penalty of death if they disrupt
their refuge.

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On the mountain, Nami is yelling at the two yetis for kidnapping her. She was talking about how
her cuteness and nice body would make people want to kidnap her, but that Luffy will not let it
happen, showing that she is chained up and hanging from some old beams. The brothers are
confused by Nami calling herself cute in Franky's body and assume the cyborg is an okama. One
of the yetis tells her to shut up. He comments that the weapons in Franky's body are kind o f cool,
but the reward they will get from Clown for a job well done would be even cooler. They then
comment on how cold it is, causing Nami to yell at them to put on some clothes. Rock compares
their rifles to cannons, adding that they also have poison gas. He goes on to say that since they
never show themselves, there is no way Nami can win. Scotch adds that they are expecting her
friends to come, since they made it so they would have to follow their tracks. The scene changes
to Luffy who is doing just that. Franky is still chasing after him, despite Luffy's best efforts to tell
him to stop. He notices the footprints end and before he can do anything, runs right off the cliff.
Scotch notes how stupid it was of Luffy to run off the cliff. Luffy falls past Nami, who warns her
that there are bad guys with her. Rock somehow conjures up a pincushion made of icicles below
Luffy. Luffy breaks the icicles using a Gomu Gomu no Gatling attack enhanced with Busoshoku
Haki. Rock shoots him, but Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Fusen to catch the bullets, recognizing the
brothers from earlier. Luffy tells them that Rayleigh told him that simply deflecting the bullets is
sloppy, and taught Luffy how to send them back at foe with twice the power. Luffy does just that
with a new technique, Gomu Gomu no Thank You Fire, covering Rock in an explosion. Angered,
Scotch shoots at the summit of the mountain, breaking off a large part of the top. Nami warns
Luffy and Franky to watch out, only to see that Luffy is back to dodging Franky's unco ntrollable
attacks. Rock found it insulting that two allies would be fighting each other in the midst of their
fight like this.

As the mountain falls on Luffy and Franky, Nami warns them once more. Rock tells the pirates
they will not let them dodge the falling mountain top. Franky, in a fit of clarity, grabs the falling
rock and throws it at Rock. Nami is shocked that Franky was actually useful. Luffy congratulates
him, only Franky to respond by attacking him again. Luffy, having had enough, knocks Franky out
cold with a Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun. Scotch grabs Nami from the beam holding her and
makes a run for it. Luffy runs after them, apologizing to Franky and Chopper, saying Chopper will
look at his wounds later. As Scotch hops up the mountain, he comments how the mountains are
like his backyard. He reaches the plateau and finds Trafalgar Law waiting for him. Law cuts Scotch
in half. Scotch gets back up and comes at Law with a knife. Law jumps up and puts both hands
on Scotch's chest. He emits an electric current, using a move called Counter Shock. Scotch falls
over in a burning heap. Nami thanks Law, but promptly retracts it and asks for her body back. As
Luffy breaks Nami's chains with his teeth, Law tells him he wants to talk to Luffy about something.
Even though his coming to the island might have been accidental, there is an important key laying
dormant on the island that could throw the world into pandemonium. He goes on to say that there
are only two ways to survive in the New World, either go under the safety umbrella of a Yonko, or
consistently challenge them. Law says he knows Luffy is not the serving kind, which Luffy agrees
with. Law then asks Luffy to form an alliance with him. If Luffy accepts, then the two of them can
enact Law's plan to take down one of the Yonko.

Nami is surprised by Law's proposal, calling it crazy and telling Luffy not to agree. Law tells him
that it will not be immediate, and following the plan will only give them a chance at defeating one
of them. Luffy asks which Yonko Law had in mind, and Law tells him the answer which was only
audible to Luffy and Nami. Luffy, satisfied with Law's answer, agrees to the alliance, much to
Nami's surprise. Back at the remains of the first two research labs, Luffy tells the other Straw Hat
Pirates present about his plan, and they are just as surprised. Usopp starts shaking Luffy and
yelling at him for being so reckless, Nami tells him they need to follow their own pace in the New
World. Chopper agrees, saying it is too early to fight a Yonko. Nico Robin tells Luffy she will follow

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his decision, but betrayal is always an aftereffect of any pirate alliance, and his tendency to trust
people too quickly could be a problem. Luffy asks Law if he is going to betray him, Law answers
no. Luffy tells his crew not to worry, since they are with him. He thinks Law is a good person, but
if something does go wrong, they've all trained for two years and can handle it. The Straw Hats
are both shocked and humbled by their captain's words.

Law uses Shambles, returning the displaced crew members to their normal bodies. Franky is
happy to be back in his own body, and Robin is glad to have him out of Chopper's body. Chopper
is glad to be back, but angrily asks why he is so beaten up. Franky and Luffy both apologize and
blame the other for the damage to Chopper's body. Luffy blames Franky for going on a rampage
and having to be subdued while Franky blames Luffy for using excessive force to bring him down.
Chopper says they are both to blame and both apologize. The only one unhappy with the outcome
is Nami, who was placed in Sanji's body, due to her body not being there. Luffy, Usopp, and
Chopper, on the other hand, find her predicament hysterical. Nami yells at Law to do something
about it, but he says he cannot without another body. He then turns his attention on the sleeping
children, whom Luffy says he wants to save. Law tells them about their drug addiction, but
Chopper tells him they know already. He explains how they want to send the kids home, but
cleansing their bodies will take a while, and their size is an issue. Law explains that human growth
projects is something the World Government has been working on for hundreds of years as a
method of creating an army of super soldiers. Law adds that Caesar Clown is probably trying to
perfect them and get the better of Vegapunk and the World Government. He asks if they really
want to save the kids. Nami replies they do, saying they cried and begged for the crew's help,
saying even the kids know something is up. Nami states she will not leave the island until the kids
are safe. Law takes that to mean she will stay here alone, but Luffy corrects him, saying that he
does not leave people behind, so if Nami and Chopper stay, everyone is staying. He then adds
that Sanji wanted to put the samurai back together, and asks Law for his help since he is their
ally now.

Usopp clarifies for Law, saying the two captains have different ideas of what it means to have an
alliance. Luffy states it is like being friends. Usopp goes on to mention Luffy's stubbornness. Law
states that Luffy's crew's wishes have nothing to do with their agreement. He then gives in, saying
they do not have time for it. He tells the Straw Hats to take care of the samurai. He then asks who
their doctor is, saying the two of them will check out the drugs given to the children as well as find
a way to keep Caesar busy. Chopper apologizes for his immobility as Usopp ties him to Law's
head, mortifying the captain and causing the rest of the Straw Hats to laugh uncontrollably. Law,
having relocated Chopper from being tied to his head to dangling from the tassels of his sheath
by one horn, goes on to say that the Straw Hats are on Caesar's hit list, and he will not stop until
they are dead. He tells them about Caesar's bounty and how he got it, as well as a break down of
his abilities and weapons. He also adds that if Caesar were to lose his perfect little hideaway, he
would come after them with everything he could. He adds that anyone who cannot use Haki
cannot go near him. Luffy tells Law that the four Haki users on the island are the two of them, as
well as Zoro and Sanji. Luffy confirms for himself that all Law has to do is kidnap the mad scientist.
He asks who they will get the ransom money from. Law says the kidnapping is less about money
and more about causing a little chaos. He tells them to focus on capturing Caesar, and then he
will explain the plan in detail to them. He gives them one last chance to opt out, but Luffy holds
firm to teaming up. Law reminds him to relay this information to his absent crew members.

Back outside the lab, the G-5 Marines are under attack by the centaurs. Several of the attacking
centaurs are identified as former prisoners. Smoker asks how the incident report from four years
ago could state that there were zero survivors. Monet informs Caesar that a Den Den Mushi rings
inside the lab but he says to ignore it, saying he knows who it is and what they will say. A report

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saying they opened the door, something came out, how it got the others, and they need help.
Caesar then comments on how rare it is to have so many guests at once. He then says he will
introduce his pet, adding that not one of them will make it off the island alive.

On the burning side of the island, one of the centaurs is trying to radio in to Caesar, just as
expected earlier. The two centaurs panic, wondering what they just released. They are being
chased by a formless blob. As they run, they get hit by some gas and suffocate. The blob then
absorbs them. The blob is then introduced as the creature Slime.

Sanji’s group is recovering from the fall and the effects of the KYP gas. Sanji wonders if the
samurai is alright. Zoro argues that Sanji wanted to take the shortcut, but the cook fires back that
they all agreed to go. Brook remembers the shadows he saw before they fell unconscious. Zoro
argues that no one was there while Sanji disagrees. There is a flashback to an hour ago, when
the group finds the footprints. Brook calls Zoro and Sanji over to look at the giant footprints. He
thinks they might belong to the legendary yeti. Zoro and Sanji tell him to not be ridiculous. Brook
gets excited, stating that beyond here lies the dream of man as all three imagine what the yeti
looks like. They follow the footprints to the edge of a cliff, turn around, and see two large shadows
and hear the sound of guns getting cocked. The Yeti Cool Brothers shoot them with the KYP
bullets. Rock explains that the gas can put even the heaviest drinker into a complete stupor. He
also tells them about section F-16, home of the icicle pincushion. They blast the tip of the cliff off
with their rifles, sending the inebriated pirates with it. Zoro, in his last moments of consciousness,
manages to cut the plateau containing the icicles, saving himself and the others.

In area F-16, a collection team discovers the three unconscious bodies. Sanji grabs the leg of one
of the soldiers, surprising him. He surprises the soldiers even further by completely defeating the
whole group. He realizes that he has to be careful, as Nami’s body is far more delicate than his
own. He then punches Zoro and Brook in the head to wake them up. Sanji asks Brook if he thinks
the samurai is nearby. Brook says he remembers seeing the torso around here. The crew steps
on a body unconscious in the snow; first Sanji, then Brook, and then Zoro notices the body and
realizes it is the samurai. He is completely frozen. Sanji stomps on the Samurai's head, breaking
the ice. The samurai gasps for air. He tells them that he suddenly became paralyzed. He says he
is not cold, but Sanji calls him out on his lie. He explains that his ability prevents him from
swimming and right now it feels like his torso is under water. Zoro and Brook reason that the torso
fell in the salt water lake. Zoro concludes that if he can still feel it, then the sharks have not eaten
the torso yet. Sanji realizes they do not have much time and they need to recover the samurai's
torso. The samurai is surprised by this kind of kindness coming from pirates. Sanji tells him it is
strictly out of responsibility and the second their body issues are taken care of, he is going to fight
and beat the samurai to a pulp. The samurai then thanks Sanji. Sanji remarks that he is finally
showing some gratitude and maybe everyone should get frozen once.

They then see a group in the distance. It is the Centaur Patrol Unit. They are running from the
monster that appeared at the lake. Zoro asks what they are talking about. The centaurs then
notice the pirates, angry that they lost, but keep moving. Zoro then looks toward the lake, and
does not seem to remember the enormous mountain currently there.

The scene changes to inside the lab. Caesar Clown is talking about how Slime is the same thing
that caused the massive explosion four years ago. Everyone thinks Caesar purified the toxic gas,
but Caesar reveals that he simply condensed it and, not wanting to be wasteful, compressed it
into Slime. He goes on to say that just because people forget a tragedy does not mean it is gone.
In fact, it was sitting in the palm of Caesar's hand all this time.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

Outside the front of the lab, the G-5 Marines are stealing a ship. Tashigi tries to hold off some
enemies, but accidentally transforms into smoke and cannot control it. Smoker tells her to get
out of the way and asks if the door barring their escape is open. A soldier responds that the enemy
is in the lab and the door will not move. This irritates Smoker, as it would all be easier if he were
in his own body.

Behind the lab, Law and Chopper warp into one of Law's Rooms. Law explains where they are and
where Caesar and Monet are. He tells Chopper to investigate the drugs while he works on a way
to get Caesar and Monet out of the building. Chopper asks why Law could not just capture them
since they trust Law so much, making infiltration easy for him. Law tells Chopper he has a certain
problem that prevents him from capturing them so easily. The Straw Hats need to capture Caesar
as quickly as possible and Law will do the rest. Law then hears screaming. Tashigi looks up to see
something flying toward them, thinking it to be a huge bomb. It turns out to be Luffy, Robin, and
Franky. Luffy and Franky crash into the bow of the destroyed Marine ship. Robin avoids the impact
by using Wing. Robin lands delicately while Franky punches his way out of the wrecked ship. Luffy
then shouts for "Master" to get outside so they can beat him up and kidnap him. Franky comments
on how good of a shortcut they took while Robin reminds them they are supposed to be secretive.
Law is irritated by Luffy's conspicuous entrance, while Smoker and the rest of G-5 are surprised
to see him.

Surprised by the sudden appearance of, Robin, Franky and Luffy, the subordinates of Caesar
Clown struggle to organize a counter-attack. With Franky blowing a group of them away with his
Strong Right, Robin and Luffy discuss where they'll find Caesar as it would be unlikely for him to
be outside. Tashigi (in Smoker’s body) approaches Luffy demanding to know what he is plotting
on the island, while the latter (ignorant of the body-swap) expresses relief that 'Smoker' is okay.
Frustrated over being ignored, Tashigi goes to attack Luffy, finally managing to make a conscious
transformation with Smoker's Logia ability. However, Luffy is easily able to dodge and subdue her,
questioning how 'Smoker' had become so weak after the time-skip.

Seeing this, Smoker (in Tashigi's body) quickly moves in to strike Luffy, hitting him with a barrage
of attacks using his seastone-tipped jutte. Confused, Luffy does not understand how 'Smoker'
became so weak, while his second-in-command (whom Luffy has forgotten the name of) has
become so powerful. Declaring himself as the real Smoker, the Marine again lunges towards Luffy
who narrowly dodges the blow, stunned at this claim. Robin then interjects, explaining the
possibility of Law having something to do with the change which helps Luffy understand, who then
breaks into laughter once realizing the situation.

Not impressed by the pirate captain's attitude, Smoker attacks out of anger which Luffy manages
to dodge again, entering Gear Second and quickly moves in front of Smoker, claiming that he will
postpone their fight until the Marine is in his original body and at full strength. Suddenly everyone
is surprised after a large explosion is set off, and it is revealed Franky had already made it to the
front entrance and blown the door open with his Franky Radical Beam. Calling for the others to
follow him inside, they are then interrupted as a strange blob-like substance begins to rain from
the sky.

Landing onto the ship the G-5 Marines had commandeered, it quickly reveals itself to be hostile,
and very dangerous. Beginning to emit poisonous gas after being attack, the Marines quickly
equip themselves with gas masks and try to remove the threat from their ship. With the blobs
beginning to merge and grow, one man tries to push it away only to suffer acidic burns. Claiming
it looks weak to fire, another Marine pulls out a flame-thrower and begins to burn the unknown
mass, which initially starts to whither away. Thinking they were successful, their victory is short

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

lived as an enormous explosion engulfs the boat and surrounding water, distracting everyone on
the shoreline as the boat is reduced to splinters.

Smoker and Tashigi can only look on as their men are decimated, while Caesar's subordinates
laugh it off, claiming the menace is finally gone. Contrary to their belief, more of the poisonous
blobs begin to rain from the sky, and Caesar Clown himself is revealed to be watching the disaster
unfold. Claiming the monster does not like water, the blobs they see now are in fact parts of a
much larger body isolated on the fire-side of Punk Hazard, which is firing itself across the lake
one piece at a time (Sanji (in Nami's body), Zoro and Brook watching the process in the

Damning everyone present once his monster finally arrives, Caesar is interrupted mid-sentence
by Luffy whose one-track mind has him focused solely on capturing the man.

Brook recognizes Slime, saying he read about it in a book once. They attack women and use their
bodies to melt the woman's clothes. Sanji and Kin'emon are intrigued and ask to borrow the book
later. Zoro directs their attention to the lake, saying that the slime from the creature is probably
dangerous to touch, as the slime that fell into the lake has killed all the fish. Brook asks Sanji if
he is really going to look for Kin'emon's torso. Sanji says he is, and it is something only he can do.
He apologizes to Nami in advance, saying he is the best swimmer among them, promising to
return before anything bad happens to Nami's body. He tells the others to take care of the slime
creatures nearby as dives in, realizing that cold does not even come close to describing the water

Inside the lab, Law sees his chance as he and Monet are alone in the room. She tells him that
Caesar is not there. Law gently sets down the bag containing Chopper on the couch, asking where
Caesar went. Considering her boss' bad taste, she concludes that he is probably watching the
fighting outside. Law tells her that he is almost done on the island and will be leaving soon. Monet
seems disappointed, saying it will be lonely without him. He tells her he wants to borrow her ability
for a bit, asking her to come with him. Monet teasingly calls it a dat e and goes with him,
commenting on how cold Law is. When she asks him what he wants, he tells her she will
understand when she gets there. Chopper then recognizes Monet as the bird-woman Usopp was
talking about.

Outside the lab, Luffy has grabbed Caesar, to the latter's annoyance. The centaurs and satyrs aim
their guns at Luffy, angry that he would lay a hand on their master. Franky recognizes that Luffy
is using Haki, and is amazed by the ability. Robin tells him that Busoshoku Haki is the ability to
grab a Logia user in their intangible state. However, unlike seastone or the ocean, it does not
nullify the ability. They still do not know the true power of the Gasu Gasu no Mi, so the battle is
far from over. Her explanation is supported as Luffy tries to att ack Caesar with a Haki-infused
Gomu Gomu no Bell, but Caesar dodges by extending his torso. Caesar then uses Gas Robe,
throwing it at Luffy's head.

He laughs as he tells Luffy to inhale, saying he has done countless experiments on how lethal his
gas is. Then, to everyone's surprise, Luffy inhales all of the poisonous gas, looking like apparent
suicide to those watching. To surprise the spectators even more, Luffy releases the gas from his
ears like a steam whistle. He tells Caesar that poisons do not work t hat well on him anymore,
thanks to Magellan. Caesar is offended that he would be compared to a Paramecia Devil Fruit
user. While he is fuming over the insult, Luffy attacks him with Gomu Gomu no Jet Mace.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

Caesar falls down to earth with a crash. His subordinates are angry that Luffy would do that to
him, and prepare to attack them. Caesar insults them, calling them peons and orders them not
to touch him. His subordinates are surprised by the insult. Luffy gets ready to attack Caesar with
Gomu Gomu no Gatling, but before he can, Caesar hits a pair of castanets together, causing an
explosion called Gastonet. Luffy is caught in the blast, and Robin becomes worried. To make her
concern worse, Caesar orders the smaller pieces of Slime to attach themselves to Luffy, causing
a blinding explosion. When the smoke clears, there is no sign of Luffy. Caesar begins to laugh
victoriously, only for Luffy to appear behind him and comment on how close and how big the
explosion was, much to Caesar's comically stunned surprise. Luffy then attacks him with Gomu
Gomu no Jet Stamp. Franky and Robin breathe a sigh of relief, as Luffy grabs Caesar.

He shouts to Franky and Robin if they have anything to contain Caesar, since they cannot tie up
a Logia. Franky wonders if there is a barrel nearby. A Marine calls out that they will take Caesar
into custody, and bring Luffy along too. Tashigi tells Smoker that Luffy captured Caesar, and he
seems indifferent. Suddenly, Luffy has trouble breathing and passes out. Caesar stands over him,
saying Luffy took him far too lightly. Franky, Robin, Tashigi, and even Smoker are all surprised
and confused by what just transpired.

Back inside the lab, Law and Monet are walking. Law is clutching his chest in pain, and seems to
be having difficulty breathing. He tries to speak and falls to his knees, making Monet concerned.
He looks into the darkness and asks who is out there. A man steps out, saying he is the one Law
felt. Law, who seems bothered to see him, asks what he is doing here as Monet giggles. The man
asks how long it has been, remarking how much Law has grown.

The chapter starts with the introduction of a man named Vergo. He asks Law if he thought they
really knew nothing, saying they sent Monet in as a spy due to his boss' distrust of Caesar Clown.
He muses on the fact that Law is a Shichibukai. Law asks him when he arrived, and he answers
just moments ago. He explains he was in Dressrosa when he heard that an SAD tanker was
heading out so he got on board, noting that it was the right choice. Law does not believe that
Vergo's arrival was that coincidental and asks what he did to harm him. Vergo replies that if Law
had done any harm, he would be dead right now, saying that Law cannot hide anything from
adults. Law then says he will have to get rid of him, grabbing his sword. But before he can even
begin to draw it, he suddenly drops it due to Vergo's paralyzing ability. Vergo then remembers he
wanted to restate what he said earlier. He takes out a bamboo staff, darkening it by imbuing it
with haki. He then brings it down on the back of Law's head, saying Law should call him Vergo -
san from now on.

In front of the lab, the Marines are looking on in shock, as Caesar Clown has now defeated not
only Luffy, but Robin, Franky, Smoker, and Tashigi, all without touching them. One soldier wonders
if it was due to Haoshoku Haki, but another argues that the differences in their strength is not
enough for it to work. Caesar's subordinates gloat about their victory in front of the Marines. Clown
then orders for the five people he just defeated to be tied up, reminding them to use Seastone
on the Devil Fruit users. He tells them to leave the Marines and enter the lab for shelter since
weird things have started falling from the sky. He then observes that the Yeti Cool Brothers
messed up, remarking that Law and the Straw Hats were a bit too much for them to handle.

In the center of the island, Brook and Zoro have to contend with the many blobs of slime that are
slowly surrounding them. They have just learned that cutting them releases poisonous gas. Zoro
suggests that since the things they are fighting are essentially jelly, Brook should eat them. Before
they can argue further, Kin’emon screams out in pain. In the lake, Sanji has to contend with the
freezing temperatures and the strain it is putting on Nami’s body, repeatedly apologizing to her.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

He then notices the huge cloud of poisonous gas made by Slime. He realizes that his
Kenbunshoku Haki is quite hazy, since any life energy he senses gets mixed in with that of the
fish. He then looks up and sees a shark carrying the torso in its mouth.

Sanji immediately begins swimming after the shark. Back on the shore, Kin'emon is screaming in
pain, even coughing up blood when suddenly he realizes he is not in pain anymore. Sanji is then
seen kicking the shark with Joue Shoot. He then grabs the torso and begins swimming back up.
The shark tries to bite him but is instantly killed by the poison in the water. Sanji then realizes he
is surrounded. He wonders if he can make it with Nami's muscle strength, reluctant to put more
stress on her body. He then uses Blue Walk to propel himself up and out of the now completely
poisoned lake, much to everyone's relief. Kin'emon, now completely intact and getting his official
introduction, cannot express how happy he is. Brook notes how tall he is. He asks Sanji his name,
and Sanji asks why he is being so polite all of a sudden, considering he was verbally abusive only
a little while ago. He says he is forever indebted to Sanji. Sanji tells him to man up and stop
bowing. Brook interrupts, pointing out how the slime is slowly closing in on them.

Sanji was irritated that Brook and Zoro had not gotten rid of the problem yet. Kin'emon suggests
they try burning it. He tells them that his blade can burn what it slashes. Kin'emon then proceeds
to slash one of the slime blobs. As it burns, Sanji notices something strange only moments before
the whole area is consumed in a blinding explosion. Miraculously, everyone survived the explosion
completely untouched.

Brook asks Kin'emon what he did. Kin'emon remarks that even he was surprised, not expecting
it to explode the way it did. He then tells them that he simply cut through the flames of the
explosion, going on to say that his Foxfire Style not only cuts with flames, but also has a secret
technique that lets him cut flames apart. He then declares that he will go to the lab to save his
son now. Zoro, his curiosity about the samurai's fighting style awakened, offers to go with him to
the lab to find his son.

On a certain island in the New World, the parents of the kidnapped children ask the Marines to
utilize their power to search for their missing children and to let them talk to Tashigi. One of the
Marines finds this offensive and kicks one of the parents, stating that they are from the G-5
Marine base and that they shouldn’t question the reports if they are unhappy. One of the other
Marines exclaims that the commodore is going too far and then begins to laugh. Introduced as
Commodore Yarisugi of the G-5 Marine base, he shouts that all the children died in an accident
and that the matter has been confirmed by Vice Admiral Vergo numerous times. Yarisugi goes on
to say that if the parents keep making a fuss, they will kill them all and set fire to the village. A
Marine again laughs saying that he has gone too far, while Yarisugi complains that the parents
are the ones who are taking this too far and talks about how Tashigi is the right hand of Vice
Admiral Smoker of Unit 01. He shouts again saying that the citizens should keep ignoring the
incident what happened three years ago. Wondering if their pleas are reaching Vergo, one of the
parents is heard saying that he once protected the village from pirates before and that he
appeared to be a gentle Marine. The remaining parents of the missing children question the story
of their children dying in an accident at sea and believe that they’re alive somewhere.

Back at Punk Hazard on Usopp and Nami’s side, the kids are all shown to have woken up and are
going berserk. Nami shouts for Usopp to put the kids back to sleep but it has no effect on them
now, as their withdrawal symptoms overpowers Usopp's sleeping drug. As the children approach
them, the two question what they should do next. Usopp asks if he can take them out, to w hich
Nami hits him over the head, stating that they are still kids. Meanwhile, the children that haven’t
been chained up but still crave the drugged candy begin to approach them. Out of nowhere,

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

Caesar Clown shows up, to which the kids are all excited to see as the man is shown holding a
large bag of the candy they desire. While Usopp and Nami are shocked by his sudden appearance,
Caesar promises to give the children the candy they crave, telling them to return to the research
facility as it is dangerous out there.

At the center lake, Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Kin’emon are all running from Smiley. Brook wonders if
the slime is angry, to which Zoro responds with the suggestion that it is because the “Mini-Slimes”
blew up. The group begins to notice that the slime is transforming and watch as it changes shape.
The slime is then revealed to have eaten the Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl, a Zoan-type Devil
Fruit. Sanji questions if it’s a frog, while Zoro disagrees, saying it’s a lizard. Smiley attacks the
group again with a large poisonous blob-like attack, Brook exclaims that it’s too big to deflect and
the group runs for it. Smiley continues to chase them, and Kin'emon wonders whether it can
reproduce itself infinitely, which Brook rebuts saying that the other slime body has gotten smaller.
Sanji catches on and realizes that it may be projecting itself over the lake, and as the group is
escaping they try to think of what to do against Smiley due to their inability to attack it. Zoro says
that he is going to the research facility, much to Sanji’s frustration as they have to go with him in
case he gets separated or lost from Kin'emon. Brook says that he would also like to see
Kin'emon’s swordsmanship and the four of them decide to head to the research facility.

In front of the research facility the G-5 marines are seen trying to break into the research facility's
door in an attempt to rescue Smoker and Tashigi, but their attacks have no effect on the thick
metal. The parts of Smiley that were projected over the lake have regrouped and have gained
size, forming several large bodies around them. Stuck and running out of options, the G -5 Marines
comment that all the paths having been destroyed and not being able to steal another ship.

Inside the main research facility, Vergo questions Caesar's motives. Monet suggests that since
he has awoken his pet, Smiley, then he must be starting a new experiment. Monet asks Vergo if
he ate a hamburger this morning, to which Vergo replies by saying that it is his favorite and asks
how she knew. Pointing out the leftovers on his cheek, Vergo is revealed to be a vice admiral and
head of the Marine G-5 base. Continuing his conversation with Monet, Vergo comments that he
would like to see the experiment and asks if everyone outside is going t o die. Replying that they
probably will, Monet assures Vergo that he will be safe inside the research facility. Interrupting
the conversation, Smoker begins shouting at Vergo that the men outside are his subordinates.
Knowing this, Vergo is shown to be apathetic towards them and is instead more interested in the
captives being held in the cage, referring to it as a grand line up.

Inside the cage sits Luffy, Robin, Franky (who is unconscious), Law, Smoker and Tashigi. Recalling
the time when Luffy and Smoker were locked in the same cage back in Alabasta, Robin and Luffy
reminisce which quickly annoys Smoker who interrupts, telling them to shut up. Tashigi asks
Smoker what to do about the feeling she is experiencing, referring to the Sea Stone handcuffs
weakening Smoker’s body. Smoker begins to talk about "Joker", stating that it’s the name of an
underworld broker. Berating himself for not being able to catch out Vergo, their captor tells
Smoker that from the day Smoker was transferred; he had put up the largest possible guard, to
protect Smoker from catching him out. Vergo tells him that he will finally be relieved of that stress,
as now that Smoker and Tashigi know his true identity; it means that the two Marines will have to
die there, while Vergo assures them that he will make it look like an accident. Asking Law who
Joker is, Law explains to Luffy that he used to be a subordinate of Joker as well as Vergo (being
how they knew each other) and reveals to the group that Joker is just an alias he uses as a broker,
but his real name is known throughout the world as Donquixote Doflamingo.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

In the shelter of the destroyed lab, Nami and Usopp are having a difficult time dealing with Caesar
Clown, who came to reclaim the children the Straw Hats had freed. He mockingly asks why they
took the kids out since they are in pain, while Usopp reminds Nami that Caesar is a Logia with a
bounty of B300,000,000. Demanding to know what he made them take, Nami tells Caesar that
all of the children want to go home and their parents must be worried sick about them. Behind
them, the children continue to beg Caesar for candy, causing Caesar to rebut by asking Nami to
show him one child that wanted to go home. Usopp tries to convince them not to go, but one of
the enlarged children delivers a powerful uppercut, sending Usopp flying back. Nami tries to grab
one of the children and begs him not to go, but due to the withdrawal symptoms causing him to
hallucinate, the child believes Nami to be a cockroach and knocks her off of him, delivering a
vicious right hook. Usopp gets back up and angrily tells them to calm down as he grabs his
slingshot, only for Nami to grab it out of his hands, saying the kids have done nothing wrong and
are just victims. Arguing that force is the only way to stop them at this point, Usopp explains that
since they are hallucinating from withdrawal they may end up killed.

As the children moan to have their chains released, Nami realizes that they have to redirect the
children's anger at Caesar Clown. The children break through the chains, astounding even Caesar
as to how strong they have become. Realizing that there is a way to stop the gas Logia, Usopp
launches a Firebird Star at him. However, the flames burn out just before touching Caesar, much
to Usopp's surprise. Caesar concludes that Usopp thought it would ignite due to his body being
made of gas, concluding that Usopp knows about his Devil Fruit abilities. Caesar tells him that his
abilities do not extend just to poisonous gases, but to any gas within a certain distance of him,
including the oxygen in the air around them. He then demonstrates this ability by removing the
air around Usopp, causing the latter to choke. Nami tries to attack him with thunder clouds, but
suffers the same fate as Usopp. As they are choking, Caesar tell the two Straw Hats that he had
indeed met Luffy’s group and suffocated them just like he is doing now. The children begin to
demand candy, causing Caesar to turn to the children and explain that they will only get their
candy if they return to the lab. But before that, he orders them to kill Nami and Usopp, and two
of the children pick up a large pipe.

Before they can deal the blow, Brownbeard bursts through them, also carrying a pipe, knocking
the two children down and tries to attack Caesar, only for the latter to just use his ability to dodge
the pipe. However this breaks Caesar's grip on Nami and Usopp's deprived oxygen, allowing them
to breathe once more. They are surprised to see Brownbeard, who tells him he is awake now.
Caesar sarcastically asks who he is, remembering him as his subordinate, and asks what
happened to him that would burn his body so much. Brownbeard remembers Scotch saying he
was here to kill him on Clown's orders. Brownbeard continues to attack him, saying he trusted
Caesar. Clown tells him not to get so angry, saying he was surprised he survived the attack by the
Yeti Cool Brothers. Clown tells the children to get away from this place since it is dangerous and
to get on the Flying Gas Balloon as they continue to hallucinate, one seeing a huge snake and
another seeing zombies coming up from the ground. Nami continues to try in vain to keep them
from going with the madman.

Brownbeard tells Caesar he does not care that he was tricked, but he wants his subordinates
back so they do not suffer the same fate as he did. The demand takes Caesar totally by surprise,
so he reminds Brownbeard that he no longer has any men, that they, including Brownbeard, are
now his men, and Brownbeard shouldn't act like a captain, calling him trash from the New World.
While the two conflict with each other, Nami and Usopp run after the children still intending to
keep them safe. Clown reminds him that his subordinates still see him as their savior and are too
dumb to know any better, and then admits that he is only keeping them alive so he can use them
as guinea pigs, enraging Brownbeard even more which prompts him to attack, but Caesar

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

intercepts it with Gastanet, causing a huge explosion. Nami and Usopp are barely outrunning the
blast when Caesar appears right behind them, causing another explosion to engulf the two.

Caesar then gets on the Den Den Mushi, telling Monet he recovered the children, and asks her
how the preparations are going for Smiley’s bait. Monet replies that all the preparations he
ordered have been complete. Clown tells her that all that is left is to wait for Smiley to arrive. He
then orders her to connect him to all receivers. Caesar then begins talking to various illegal
brokers. He apologizes for the delay due to the experiment, but what he has is well worth the wait.
He explains that the poison gas weapon he is about to show them has been enhanced to a greater
extent than what it was four years ago. He calls it a weapon the World Government could never
recreate. Brokers all across the New World are watching the broadcast, some of them including
representatives for one of the Yonko, some unknown brokers also watch it as Clown tells them
he is willing to make a deal if they are interested. Tamago and Pekoms are seen among the
brokers viewing it. Another one of the viewers turns out to be Eustass Kid. A subo rdinate asks
him if he is interested in the weapon of mass destruction. Kid replies that he is not, but knowing
about it does not hurt.

Caesar Clown and the children are seen disembarking from the Flying Gas Balloon, surprising the
nearby Marines who question what the ship is. Entering the research laboratory through an upper
entrance, Caesar reminds the children are that the lab is their home and their candy is in Biscuits
Room. Ordering his subordinates to lock the doors and to make sure they do not escap e again,
all of the children hurry inside eagerly, with the exception of Mocha, who upon entering begins to
resist the addictive drug and remembers her frightening memories of the Lab. Some of the satyrs
try to calm her down, but she finally remembers Nami and Usopp who were telling all the children
not to follow Caesar and trying to save them. Realizing exactly what had happened, she begins to
try and escape again, crying out for Nami and Usopp to help her.

Far in the distance, back at the Straw Hats' make-shift hide out, Nami eventually regains
consciousness, marveling at how Sanji’s strong body allowed her to survive Caesar's attack.
Noticing Usopp beginning to awaken nearby, she moves to assist him. Confusing her with the real
Sanji, Usopp let's slip his disappointment in it actually being Nami causing her to become rather

Back in the laboratory, Caesar meets up with Monet and Vergo, the latter of the two talking about
how they had just been drinking coffee with some cookies, only to quickly remember that there
wasn't any cookies to be had. Asking Caesar when is he going to start the experiment, the mad
scientist replies by asking Monet to collect some pictures, and tells Vergo to do a better job at
keeping the Marines at bay, admitting that the arrival of Smoker and his men had caused him to
become nervous.

Moving towards the cage, Caesar then reveals that he knows all of Law’s plans due to Monet's
tracking Law with her abilities, and thanks Law for naïvely giving him his heart in exchange for
Monet's heart as part of their contract. Responding to Caesar's condescending gloat by insulting
his intellectual abilities, Caesar becomes infuriated and grabs Law's heart (which had been being
held out by Vergo), and squeezed it, inflicting pain upon the Shichibukai. Luffy, impressed and
shocked at how he can still survive despite his heart no longer being inside his body, is cut off by
Smoker who demands to know where his heart was currently being held. Holding it out before
him, Caesar gloatingly mocks him about it.

Receiving a call from his subordinates, Caesar then resumes his broadcast to the brokers through
a Den Den Mushi, explaining the nature of his pet/weapon Smiley and the history of the island.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

Pinpointing the one flaw of the weapon from four years ago, he then elaborates and explains that
he had since eliminated said flaw, and by feeding Smiley with a special bait he prepared, the
poisonous axolotl would became an improved weapon called Shinokuni; being an even stronger
poisonous gas weapon than it was before.

Outside in the winter region, Smiley is shown to still be chasing after Sanji, Zoro, Brook, and
Kin’emon, who marvel at its still growing size. They notice a giant sweet in the distance with a big
screen behind it and something underneath. Pulling the sweet across the plains, several of
Caesar's subordinates and Vegapunk’s dragon are then told by Caesar to escape before Smiley
caught up to them. Realizing their sled was no longer usable, and the dragon having freed itself,
the men quickly run away with the Straw Hats and Kin'emon trailing shortly behind. Reaching the
sweet, Smiley briefly pauses after seeing Caesar on the display. Attempting to show his taming of
the monster, Caesar begun issuing orders for the slime only to be ignored, with the monster
quickly devouring the large sweet.

Caesar is happy that Smiley ate the candy as instructed. He then calls for Smiley to be reborn as
the people in the cell look on nervously. Bubbles begin to come off of Smiley as it chases the
Straw Hats, Kin'emon, and Caesar's subordinates. The subordinates are panicking while Sanji
observes that the candy triggered some kind of chemical reaction within the slime. Kin'emon
remarks he does not have a good feeling about the whole thing and Zoro agrees. On the now
broken sled is a bag of apples. One of the apples in the bag begins to change its appearance with
swirls appearing on it, turning into a Devil Fruit. Caesar then tells Smiley that they shall meet
again, and orders Shinokuni to come to life. Smiley then explodes, causing it to emit a high
pressure cloud of toxic gas. The gas quickly catches up with the fleeing pirates and subordinates.
Catching one of them, the satyr becomes completely encased, stopping in mid-run. The rest of
the satyrs get afraid looking what it did to the one affected, and accelerate while Caesar
celebrates the total success of his weapon, saying he will not allow any of the subordinates back
in the lab. He explains that the gas hardens on contact with people, making it so they cannot
move, and causing an instant numbing effect. Smoker and the other prisoners watch in stunned
silence as the screen showing the men's terrible fate, as do the underworld brokers.

Outside the lab, the G-5 Marines watch the broadcast and realize that what they saw on the
screen is happening on the very island they find themselves. They realize the only reason the lab
is blocked is because it is the only safe place on the island. They then shout angrily for Caesar to
let them in. Zoro, Sanji, Brook, and Kin'emon are barely managing to stay ahead of the gas. Brook
points out that some animal is ahead of them. It is the dragon that was pulling the now destroyed
sled. Sanji does not believe it but Zoro tells him they do exist on the island, and wonders if they
could escape by riding on its back, an idea which Brook likes.

Back in the lab, Luffy spots his friends on the screen. Robin wonders why they are there and how
they are able to run the way they are. Franky tells her that that is not the best question to ask
right now. Luffy calls to his friends that the gas is dangerous, telling them to run, but is cut off by
the weakening effects of the seastone, preventing him from raising his voice. Caesar commends
Luffy's friends for their toughness, but tells him it is all in vain since soon the island will be a place
where nothing can exist, a shinokuni, and the only people able to survive are inside the lab. Just
then the cage begins to tip backward. Caesar boasts that a pirate with a B400,000,000 bounty,
a Marine vice admiral, and a Shichibukai all could not stop him.

Chopper is watching the cage tip backward from behind, or rather in front, of a door, worrying
about what he should do. Just then, a small piece of paper hits him in the head. He uncrumples
it and sees the words "do not do anything", and wonders who threw it.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

The cage, revealed to be attached to a crane outside, is now outside the facility dangling over the
crowd by the door. The Marines outside call out to Smoker and Tashigi, terrified that everyone
was captured. The soldiers begin begging for their lives, and Smoker tells Tashigi to tell them
about Vergo. The situation is such that even Luffy admits that they have a problem. Overlooking
the destroyed lab building, Franky commends the lab and how well built it is, with Robin remarking
how the rubble would be a good source of raw materials. Law tells Luffy that they cannot be
bothered right now. The current plan is to act on the old one, only to do it right this time. Law then
declares that they are going to fight back.

In the New World, a broker is left stunned at how Caesar Clown was able to capture the
Shichibukai Trafalgar Law, the captain of the once again active Straw Hat Pirates, the "Devil Child"
Nico Robin, and the great Vice Admiral Smoker. Also watching the broadcast, Killer tries to point
them out to Eustass Kid, only for his captain to comment in an amused manner about Luffy's
return. He then tells Killer that watching is meaningless, and how he does not think Killer ought
to work as a broker anyway. Kid also mentions he is surprised about how Law was really was
planning something all along, having believed he had become a government dog. Asking if the
people had arrived yet, Killer tells him they have and that he was surprised they came at all.
Before entering the room, Killer reminds Kid to be friendly, causing the captain to become irritated
and tells Killer to shut up. Opening the door, it is revealed that inside are Scratchmen Apoo and
Basil Hawkins. Apoo, standing amongst a wrecked room and over one of Kid's badly beaten
subordinates, tells Kid that it feels nostalgic for him to see his ugly face. Kid instantly becomes
enraged, asking what gave him the right to trash someone's hideout. Apoo replies that when he
gets invited by the enemy, he comes expecting a fight and that he had suspected there might be
a sniper somewhere. As the two challenge each other, Hawkins declares how foolish the meeting
is and that he is leaving. Killer asks him to wait as he steps between Kid and Apoo, reminding
them that the three crews came together to try and form an alliance and asks that they at least
try to discuss it.

On Punk Hazard, Luffy is curious about Law's idea. Below their cage, the Marines continue to
panic about the oncoming gas and call out to their superiors to help them. Asking if anyone in the
cage can burn things, Luffy tells Law that Franky can, mentioning he even has a beam cannon.
Replying that he requires both his hands to use his Radical Beam, Franky instead tells them that
he can only use Coup de Boo right now. Law asks him to burn the battleship, which he does so
immediately using Franky Fireball. From inside, Caesar watches this and wonders what they are
doing, calling them desperate while commenting on their corpses being useful later. Outside, the
smoke from the burning ship begins to surround the cage obscuring the view of any onlookers.
Taking his chance, Law removes his chains explaining that they needed the smokescreen to hide
the fact that they are escaping.

Luffy asks how Law could take off seastone chains so easily, only for Law to continue explaining
and mention that they were normal chains that he put in the lab so he could escape in case he
was captured. Law then cuts the pirates free, and wonders aloud what he should do with Smoker
and Tashigi as he puts them back in their own bodies. Tashigi realizes that her breasts are
exposed and tries to hide them with her knees, begging Law to let her out of the chains. Law tells
Smoker he has no reason to save him, but if Vergo loses his position due to Smoker returning
alive, that would be good. He tells Smoker he will only free him on the condition that he forget
everything he learned about him and Joker. On a balcony below the cage, Luffy calls out to Law
about how they can get inside. Surprised, Law worriedly asks how Luffy broke out, with Franky
telling him the mesh is not made of seastone. Yelling at Luffy to not do anything on his own, they
then escape the cage.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

Meanwhile, Zoro, Sanji, Brook, and Kin’emon are seen still barely outrunning the approaching
gas. Commenting on the comedic way they are running, Kin'emon notes that it is not helping
them. Sanji begins to then trail behind due to Nami’s body being at its limit, and instinctively
clutches his hurting chest, only to grab onto Nami's breast. Realizing this, Sanji is immediately
invigorated and shoots ahead of the group, catches up with the dragon and captures it. Nearby,
Nami and Usopp are riding on Brownbeard, with Nami apologizing to him for making him carry
them in his injured state. Still concerned about the children, she can only hope that they had not
eaten the candy yet. Reassuring her that it is not a big deal, Brownbeard states that he has to
save his men anyway. They then notice a running figure in the distance, realizing it was the dragon
outrunning the gas with several people holding onto it. In front of the lab, the Marines are relieved
to see one of the shutters to the lab opening, while inside Caesar's subordinates are panicking
due to the shutter opening, asking who had pulled the lever. Someone points up and the
subordinates see Luffy, Robin, Law, Tashigi, and Smoker standing over them, a pile of defeated
minions under their feet. Tashigi is happy to see everyone inside safely while Law wonders where
his heart might be. Luffy remarks how interesting things are getting, and Smoker voices his
reluctance about cooperating.

Outside of the lab, Brownbeard, with the dragon now attached to his tail and Zoro, Brook, Sanji,
and Kin'emon clinging to the dragon, is running toward the now closing shutter. Zoro asks
Kin'emon if he can cut iron and the samurai replies that it is no problem. Zoro then tells
Brownbeard to keep running. The two swordsmen cut down the door and Brownbeard barrels
through, all of them landing in a heap. Everyone inside is terrified now that the gas can get in the
lab, while Luffy is happy to see that everyone is in one place again, and orders everyone to start
fighting back.

The Marines are terrified at Brownbeard and the Straw Hats recklessly destroying their only
defense against the approaching deadly gas. Usopp realizes the same thing the Marines did. The
Marines work to quickly patch the hole in the shutter and manage to keep the gas out. Brook
separates his soul from his body and surveys the damage outside, observing that everything is
completely coated from the gas as the shell around a bubble containing a video Den Den Mushi
wearing a gas mask breaks, allowing the snail to broadcast the destructive power of Shinokuni .
Brook declares that anyone who went outside would not survive. He tells the group that he would
have definitely died if the hole weren't closed. Zoro nods and simply says "Ok", much to the
annoyance of the Marines, who point their guns at the Straw Hats and Brownbeard. Nami and
Usopp panic, while Sanji, Zoro, and Brook seem more relaxed, and Brownbeard is just surprised
that the Marines know who he is.

On the second floor, Luffy excitedly notes that the battle has started. Law points to Smoker and
Tashigi and tells them not to get in his way. Nami calls out to Law and tells him to put her and
Sanji back in their own bodies, which he does, much to Sanji's devastation. Nami realizes that
she is back to normal, but then realizes that the coat she is wearing is not the original she had
on, and punches Sanji for taking her clothes off. Sanji tries to explain, but realizes his body hurts
more than if he were just punched. Usopp explains that Nami took a lot of damage from Caesar
Clown. Sanji is just relieved that it happened in his body and not hers. Law then asks if everyone
is up to date on other people's business. He tells everyone they cannot leave the lab due to the
poison gas. He goes on to say that there is a way they can escape to the sea. They must look for
a door with "Building R-66" written on it. He tells them that they have two hours to take care of
any last minute business and escape. Beyond that, he cannot guarantee their safety inside the
lab. Luffy asks Law if everything will be alright in the lab. Law tells him he will simply do what he
must and see where things go. Luffy runs off, declaring he will beat Caesar into submission.
Kin’emon declares he will save Momonosuke. The other Straw Hats decide to split up and help

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Kin'emon search, deciding that Zoro should not go alone. Smoker orders his men to retrieve the
kidnapped children and locate the "R-66" door. Once they get to the harbor, they will commandeer
Vergo’s tanker and leave the island on it.

The Marines begin to go after the Straw Hats, thinking they are escaping. Smoker gives Tashigi
orders to lead the troops. She asks him where he is going and then realizes it must have to do
with Vergo. Smoker reminds Tashigi of his philosophy of never backing down. She then tells him
to let her go with him, since Vergo shouldn't be taken lightly. Smoker then asks her who would
protect the troops if she went. He then orders he to take them and the kids and escape. Zoro and
Usopp are now talking. Zoro cannot believe that Luffy was defeated. Usopp explains that Caesar
has the ability to remove the oxygen from the surrounding air. Zoro remembers being put to sleep
by the yetis and realizes that dropping one's guard for even a second will be deadly. He then calls
out to Luffy that this is the real deal. They are in the New World starting now. The stateme nt at
first surprises Luffy, but then he smiles and tells Zoro he will not let his guard down anymore.
Luffy runs toward an oncoming group of Caesar's subordinates. Luffy wraps his legs around the
side railing and swings under the walkway as they begin shooting at him. He then comes out the
other side and begins spinning rapidly, clearing a path through Caesar's men with Gomu Gomu
no UFO. He laughs and tells his crew he will go ahead, annoying Zoro who reminds him to take it
seriously as Usopp laughs. Luffy gives a shout as he takes out more people with his spinning
lower body.

Watching the broadcast of his experiment, Caesar Clown comments that there is now no place
left on Punk Hazard where anything can survive. However, he notices the lack of the G -5 Marines
in front of the building and notices that he cannot see the Straw Hats, Smoker, and Law in the
cage. Monet, also watching, asks Vergo’s opinion, and he says that since they cannot see anyone
in the cage, they must have escaped. He adds that he may have to kill Law himself because he
is troublesome to let wander around. Caesar asks if they escaped, but just then, one of his
subordinates enters and informs the group that the Marines and pirates have broken into the A
building lobby and are moving forward. Caesar is stunned that they managed to escape and open
the shutter, but his subordinate says that they are probably planning to escape through the
internal exit. Chopper, seizing the opportunity, ducks out of the room and runs down the hall,
saying that he found out how the drug was made and that he found a sedative. As Chopper
wonders where to go, Monet seems to notice his departure but does not react.

Caesar, meanwhile, asks where his men are, and is told that most of them are in building B,
getting ready to fight. Caesar hatches a plan to block the passage between buildings A and B,
isolating A, then destroying the wall, letting Shinokuni in, and killing them all. Caesar's
subordinate's panics, saying that some of their men are still in the building, but Caesar does not
care. He also tells his subordinate to place a Den Den Mushi near the event so that he can show
the brokers the effectiveness of the weapon. Vergo tells Caesar that if Smoker and Law escape,
he will also be in trouble. Because of this, he plans to take out the group himself. Vergo wonders
where his sword is, but Monet tells him that he is not a swordsman. Vergo, remembering this,
heads out.

Inside building A, Luffy encounters the guard to building B, "Machete" Run and promptly defeats
him with a Gear Second-enhanced kick. As Luffy fights his way through the guards, he notices a
large metal door between buildings A and B closing. Smoker, having just arrived, notices the
beeping and asks Law what it means. Law tells him that the doors are starting to close and that
Caesar is looking to trap them in building A. Near the front of the building, the G -5 Marines stand
in front of the Straw Hat Pirates, Kin’emon, and Brownbeard. Having no patience for this, Brook,
Zoro, and Kin'emon hack their way through and are followed by the rest of the group and

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Vegapunk’s dragon. The Marines continue their assault, but Zoro attacks back, only to be blocked
by Tashigi. Tashigi tells the Marines that this is not the time to fight, and that they should focus
on getting to the next building. Seeing the door starting to close, the Marines pick up the pace,
carrying the wounded as they go. Caesar's troops notice Brownbeard carrying the Straw Hats and
wonder if he betrayed them as everyone rushes to escape the building.

Outside the lab, a cannon is fired that blows apart the wall of building A, allowing the poisonous
gas to seep in. The Straw Hats barely escape with their lives, and Tashigi is thrown in by her own
troops. Tashigi tries to run back, but the gate is already closing, leaving some Marines petrified
by the gas. However, these Marines pose in stances encouraging their allies to keep going.
Caesar, seeing that they have survived, states that he will not let anyone escape.

The Straw Hats and Kin’emon are all escaping on Brownbeard, who is complaining about having
to carry all of them, saying they should run unless they are injured. The riders give petty excuses
as to why they cannot run, and Brownbeard does not believe any of them.

Close behind them, Tashigi is still saddened by the loss of some of her troops and in shock about
how all the activity going on under the Marines’ noses, but a soldier tells her they have to keep
moving and she agrees. The soldiers next notices something coming from the roof. They then turn
and run as the dragon that came in with the pirates breathes a large amount of fire down on
them. The soldiers wonder what it is, and Tashigi tells them she heard rumors about there being
dragons on punk hazard. She explains that Vegapunk made the dragons artificially to serve as
guards of the facility. The dragon darts from wall to wall, descending on the Marines and dodging
their bullets. It opens its jaws right in front of one of the soldiers who dives for cover at the last
second, sending the dragon's head into the pipes on the wall. The dragon then turns its head
around to show it eating the metal from the pipes. The Marines are terrified by the hostile reptile
and continue to run towards building B. The dragon then buzzes low over them before continuing
ahead of them. A soldier comments that it looked panicked and concludes that something is
going on in front of them.

The Marines in front of Tashigi start cheering, saying reinforcements have arrived. Vergo has
entered the passage from the other side. The soldiers are overjoyed to see their commanding
officer, and ask if headquarters was informed of the situation and about the size of the
reinforcement party. Tashigi is the only one not celebrating. Tashigi can barely make enough
sound to tell them to run before multiple soldiers fall in front of Vergo. As a Marine falls over,
Vergo's index finger is shown with fresh blood dripping from it. A soldier asks Vergo why he is
attacking, saying that even as a form of punishment, using Shigan will kill them.

Tashigi remembers when she and Smoker were first transferred to the G -5 base. Vergo was telling
them how the soldiers are rowdy and not too bright, but were overall good people. In between
flashes of Vergo taking out more troops, Tashigi remembers a soldier telling her about how Vergo
sometimes leaves suddenly to go home and care for his sick sister. She also remembers talking
to him about a kidnapping case where Vergo told her it was a false claim, and that the parents
were in denial and overreacting about the death of their child, saying that the idea of kidnapping
gives them hope that their child is still alive, saying Tashigi would understand when she became
a parent. Back to the present, Tashigi charges at Vergo with her sword. Vergo blocks the sword
with his arm and then grabs her by the head. He then delivers a devastating close range punch
that knocks her to the ground and almost unconscious. A soldier yells at Vergo, calling him an
impostor, saying the real Vice Admiral Vergo would never do this. The remaining soldiers all gang
up and attack Vergo, but Vergo annihilates all of them so he is the only one left standing. Tashigi,
in her mind, prays for Smoker's help. Vergo then hears someone and a person is seen bounding

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around the corridor. Before Vergo can react, Sanji delivers a flaming kick to Vergo's head. The
soldiers that are still conscious are surprised to see one of the pirates. Sanji said he heard the
sound of a woman in trouble and came to help.

Back with Brownbeard and his passengers, Usopp asks why Sanji left so suddenly. Zoro tells him
he felt an unfamiliar presence. Brook and Kin'emon look up and see the dragon from earlier.
Nami notes that it looks different, something about its eyes are strange. Brownbeard exclaims
that the sedatives have worn off and it is no longer docile.

The scene changes to Luffy and Smoker who are heading to Caesar's lab, taking the shortest
route. Inside the lab, Caesar is watching the events unfold, irritated that Vergo took out his test
subjects. He orders Monet to block the passage B gate and let the gas in. She tells him that Vergo
is still there. Clown says he does not care. Smoker and Luffy arrive at the door to the lab, Luffy
out of breath from running. They both tell each other not to interfere. Luffy is fighting Caesar, and
Smoker is fighting Vergo. Smoker rings the doorbell, and the door opens, revealing only Caesar in
the lab. Luffy delivers a blindingly fast and powerful punch to Caesar's stomach, saying he will not
get away this time.

As Caesar reels from the punch, Smoker remembers that before Law freed him, he ordered
Smoker not to touch Caesar since he still has his heart. Smoker leaves to go find Vergo. As Luffy
begins the second round of their battle, Caesar demands to know why Luffy is trying to capture
him which he explains is part of Law's plan. Caesar admonishes him, warning Law cannot be
trusted but Luffy retorts that's for him to decide. The two fight with Luffy landing a few solid hits.
Caesar tries to suck the oxygen out of him but Luffy manages to get out of range of the powers
and attack from a distance. Caesar reveals he has other methods of attack such as a flaming
sword. Luffy manages to avoid him and prepares to finish him with a Jet Gatling. However Monet
uses some kind of power to make a wall and protect Caesar. On her suggestion, Caesar abandons
the battle and leaves to try to locate Law, though promises he has a way to make guinea pigs out
of Luffy and his friends. Luffy tries to go after him but Monet gets in his way, claiming
"Joker"(Doflamingo) will kill her if something happens to Caesar prompting Luffy to question
Doflamigo's motivations.

At the passage connecting A and B buildings, Sanji and Vergo begin fighting, with Sanji landing a
"Flange Strike" sending Vergo hurtling into a wall. Seemingly unfazed by the kick Vergo prepares
for a counter, and Sanji remarks on Vergo "hardening like steel". Vergo attacks with one of Vergo's
left kicks fracturing Sanji's right leg while Sanji blocks. Vergo attacks with another left kick as
Sanji narrowly ducks avoiding the blow. As the two continue, Sanji yells for the Marines to run
away to the B Building as the room begins to go into lockdown and the gas is let in from The A

An emergency broadcast is heard from the D Building that Law has invaded the SAD production
room much to the dismay of Caesar and Vergo, with the latter stating this was what Law was after
ever since he became a Shichibukai and that whatever he is planning will make a mess of the
New World.

Law walks into the SAD production room, looks up at the giant tank, and smiles. Meanwhile, the
Marines are crushed that the shutter closed, trapping Sanji and Vergo in with the gas. Someone
tries to make an announcement about Law over the PA system, but the Marines are distracted
as Sanji has appeared above them carrying two unconscious Marine soldiers. Sanji is happy to
see Tashigi and tells the other soldiers to shut up, saying he only likes it when girls cheer for him.
He takes a step and winces in pain. A Marine asks if he hurt his leg, and Sanji tells him he only

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takes sympathy from women, but realizes it could have been worse if he had continued fighting
Vergo. Sanji asks what happened to Vergo, as he suddenly took off. The Marines say that the man
Sanji fought was an impostor and the real Vergo would never do something like that. They look to
Tashigi for confirmation, and she gives an empty agreement.

Vergo is inside block B, moving quickly using Geppo. He is talking on a baby Den Den Mushi with
someone, telling him that Law is after the SAD and how he has betrayed them. The person on the
other end laughs, and the scene changes to Dressrosa, where Donquixote Doflamingo is laughing,
saying that he thought of Law as a little brother and watched over him, calling the whole thing a
shame. Doflamingo continues the conversation as a nearby window is destroyed. An angry and
visibly upset woman is suddenly in front of him, her left arm a cannon that she is pointing at the
Shichibukai. Doflamingo takes no notice and tells Vergo that the first thing he would do if he was
Law, would be to destroy the SAD production room. An explosion then occurs, completely
enveloping Doflamingo. He is seen lying in the rubble, his legs straight up in the air, still talking
to Vergo as if nothing happened, saying that he would kill Caesar Clown, the man Law and the
Straw Hats want to kidnap. This irritates the woman, who attacks Doflamingo with a scythe from
her right arm as he dodges by leaning to the left and mentions that Caesar is the only one in the
world who knows how to produce SAD. A man in a top hat and leather mask sitting nearby pulls
out a pistol and casually shoots the woman who is trying to assault Doflamingo, who goes on to
say that killing Caesar would be detrimental. A rotund, bearded man, wearing sunglasses and a
unitard leans over the injured woman, whom he addresses as Baby 5, saying that slaughte r that
piece of scum where he stands. She angrily says that she will not forgive him this time and
Doflamingo mentions that a series of misfortunes will occur. An old woman playing cards nearby
asks Doflamingo what he will do about Law. The old man she is playing with says the choice
should be obvious, as Law has turned traitor. Doflamingo orders Vergo to kill Law, with absolutely
no mercy to the point that Law will wish he was never born. He then leans back slightly to dodge
an axe from Baby 5. Vergo asks if he should take a photo of Law's body with the camera he bought
in Dressrosa. Doflamingo tells him he never bought a camera, and Vergo says he will just cut off
an ear as Doflamingo stops Baby 5 with his ability. Doflamingo then addresses Caesar and Monet.
He warns them to watch out for Luffy, saying he has Haoshoku Haki and his potential might be
greater than Law's. He goes on to say that he has a woman with him who is just a little too hot -
blooded at the moment, and he is sending Baby 5 and Buffalo over to help them. When their
business is finished, they will all return to Dressrosa.

Back in block B, Kin’emon and most of the Straw Hats are riding Brownbeard. Zoro comments
how the little dragon is a lot more troublesome than the bigger one he fought earlier. Brownbeard
panics, saying that since the whole area is on fire, the tanks full of hazardous chemicals could
explode, which would destroy the walls and let the deadly gas in. Kin'emon becomes empowered,
saying he cannot allow that dragon to exist. Brook then says that he will kill it, saying he cannot
forgive the creature, no matter what. He remembered when the dragon was about to bite him,
but then turned away looking disappointed. Usopp tells Brook there is no part of him the dragon
could eat. Brook angrily fires back that bones have nutritional value too. Brook and Kin'emon then
get into an argument over who will kill the dragon. While they are arguing, Nami is waving her
hands, praying for the dragon to "fall for it". Brownbeard asks what she is doing, and Nami tells
him she is doing a samurai impression, but Usopp corrects her saying she means ninja. The
dragon flies in between three clouds and gets electrocuted in Nami's Thunder Trap. Kin'emon is
surprised that the "breast band lady" can use ninjutsu, much to Nami's annoyance. Usopp then
uses Green Star Rafflesia, causing the dragon to crash into it and be momentarily stunned. Robin
then uses Quarento Fleur: Quatro Mano Hold to clip the dragon's wings. Kin'emon is surprised
that the tengu (Usopp) and the escort (Robin) can also use ninjutsu, confusing all of their weapons
and abilities for ninja techniques. As the dragon falls, it unleashes a breath of fire down on the

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

group. Kin'emon jumps in front of Brook, calling him Sir Corpse, and cuts the flames with his
sword. Brook and Kin'emon then use Gavotte Bond en Avant and Flaming Slash, respectively, at
the same time on the dragon, effectively defeating it. Brook was then momentarily bothered by
being called a corpse before remembering he is one. Everyone celebrates their victory as Brook
and Kin'emon continue to stomp on the unconscious dragon. Brook then asks Kin'emon why he
hates dragons, saying the samurai acted almost as if it were an act of revenge. Kin'emon tells
him that revenge is pretty close. They then run after Brownbeard, realizing they were left behind.
Nami then points up to a balcony above them. They see Chopper in Monster Point, fending off the
giant children.

Nearby, in the second floor checkup room, a guard in a hazmat suit says a little girl is ok to go
back to Biscuits Room and have her candy. She then asks where "that other kid" went, confusing
the two men in the room. She says that a kid named Momonosuke went into the forbidden secret
room and turned into a small dragon.

In the research room, the guard is shocked when hearing that a kid turned into a dragon and asks
the little girl where she saw it and she says she peeked into the Secret Room and kept it to herself
and is now worried for Momonosuke. The guard lies saying he is fine and that she does not need
to worry about him and that he is eating and tells the little girl she must not tell anyone else what
she saw.

In Caesar’s lab, Luffy asks what Monet is doing and Monet makes a ten layer snow hut. Monet
passes through the snow huts to see Luffy and asks how does it feel that ten layers of snow huts
can not be easily broken. Luffy just says she is stalling for time and he will just break it in a jiffy
and tells her to stop wasting his time. He says she can't beat him and she agrees st ating she
could not achieve victory in a fight with him, but tells him to not confuse victory with fighting ability.
She then hugs him with her wings and Luffy notes how cold she is and her body are like ice and
tells her to get off. Monet refuses stating he can no longer escape her hold and the coldness will
sap away his strength and Luffy begins to become drowsy. She then points out that there is a
bunch of snow build up around them and Luffy should lose consciousness soon and asks if it
feels good. She tells him to just close his eyes slowly and relax, but Luffy manages to fight it off
and use a Jet Spear to break free by breaking the ground. As Luffy begins to laugh, he ends up
falling down bellow from destroying the floor. Monet comments on his hidden potential and tells
him that falling from their location will have him end up in the ducts and into the garbage can
deep inside the earth. She adds that unless he can fly he won't ever get out and just comments
to herself about how he just dug his own grave and says her farewells to him.

In front of the Biscuits Room, Chopper in his Monster Point continues to hold off the children
telling them that he knows it's painful but they must endure it and not take any more candy
knowing they want to go home. He tells them he won't let them get into the Biscuits Room. He's
holding a kid and accidentally hurts him and Chopper apologizes as he didn't mean to hurt him,
only for the other children to attack violently around Chopper with pipes calling him a monster
and state this has nothing to do with him and wants the candy stating it is theirs. Chopper tells
himself it's no use stating unless he fights back he can't stop them. As Chopper falls over the kids
note an opening and run to the Biscuits Room and Chopper tries to stop them only for the Rumble
Ball to wear off and him turn back to normal. They all rush to the room with the intent to get candy
and start trampling Chopper and he can't move and luckily is saved by Nami as the other Straw
Hats and Kin’emon arrive as Nami and Usopp ask whats happening while Kin'emon shouts out
his son's name. Chopper starts tearing up glad they came stating that Caesar is trying to make
them into big violent fighters and he can't lay a finger on them and says they have to find a way
to stop them. As they make their way to the Biscuits Room, Robin uses her Mil Fleur: Gigantes

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Mano and makes giant hands to stop the children. Chopper then tells Nami about the girl Mocha
trying to help him and says she's in danger and is protecting the candy in the room now. Usopp
notes this is bad and they won't stop at nothing to get that candy now.

The kids say the hands are annoying and start attacking and biting Robin's hands causing her to
let go stating they are so violent and she can't stop them. The kids see Mocha and tell her to hand
over the candy. Mocha, having regained her sanity tells them to not eat it saying it's evil candy
telling them to snap out of it that Chopper is trying to help them. She states if they don't listen
they won't be able to go home and Chopper says it's useless and tells her to run. She starts
running and the kids tell her to not eat the candy on her own and then she sees the exit closed
with Monet in the front and asks her to help. Monet tells Mocha she can't keep the candy all to
herself and should share with the rest. As Zoro notices her he asks who she is and Usopp points
out she's the bird woman he saw before.

In the SAD Production room, Law is seen bleeding and breathing heavily fighting Vergo. He uses
Shambles to get his heart back and at the moment he does Vergo appears in front of him and
delivers a powerful kick to the face and sends Law back to the iron bars behind him and he spits
out blood. Vergo catches Law's heart and starts squeezing it causing Law to scream out in pain.
Law manages to stand up with difficulty and Vergo hardens his arm and starts brutally punching
Law over and over again causing Law's hat to fly off and Law manages to grab Vergo and use
Counter Shock on him sending a large electrical surge in his body, but the attack did little damage.
Vergo easily recovers and delivers' Joker's message of "what a shame" to Law and Law just smirks
back at Vergo as he had calculated how to retrieve his heart back from Caesar and that Vergo is
his only miscalculation. Vergo says Law should call him Vergo-san and retorts to squeezing Law's
heart even tighter, causing Law to scream in agony as Vergo tortures him. Vergo then mentions
how he's in the middle of something and 'he' just had to show up, referring to Smoker w ho just
arrived, and says it doesn't matter what it takes, he plans to seal Smoker's lips permanently. As
Law seems to have lost consciousness, Smoker responds that it'd be better to end things quickly
to dispose of trash looking down on him and calls Vergo pirate Vergo. The two then prepare to

Smoker asks Vergo why the room they are in feels so eerie. Vergo tells him not to worry about it.
Smoker tells Vergo he is not looking forward to telling the troops about their commanding officer's
betrayal, since Vergo is deeply admired by his subordinates. Vergo tells Smoker he will not have
to worry about his men. Smoker, angered by this, attacks Vergo with his jutte, asking what he did
to the soldiers. Vergo blocks this attack with his bamboo cane. Vergo then teases Smoker for
having compassion toward his subordinates, but tells him that since the truth is out, Smoker will
have to die. Vergo's cane expands in the middle, and something shoots out of it like a blowgun.
The shot causes a huge explosion. Smoker avoided the attack by becoming intangible and tries
to attack Vergo from behind. Vergo leans back and narrowly avoids getting hit. He then tries to
kick Smoker, but Smoker blocks it with his foot. He swings his cane but Smoker dodges it and
moves around to Vergo's exposed side. Smoker then lands a devastating punch to Vergo's face,
sending the vice admiral flying back and landing in a heap. Smoker tells Vergo that his tenure
with the troops does not matter, because as base captain, Smoker is in charge of them when they
leave the base, and challenges Vergo to try and harm any more of his troops.

In building B, Sanji and Tashigi are rushing through, having just gotten to the area the dragon set
ablaze. Tashigi is confused by Sanji's behavior and desire to protect her, since they are supposed
to be enemies. Sanji tells her that pirates are free spirits open to everyone. As the Marines are
complimenting him for stopping the "fake" Vergo, one of the tanks in the room explodes,
damaging the wall, and making a hole to allow Shinokuni in. Another tank explodes on the other

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side of the room, causing the same result. The injured soldiers, as well as the soldiers carrying
them, fall victim to the gas. Tashigi can not believe that it would happen in a room as spacious
as the one they are in. Sanji tells her to run as he runs toward the gas. She tries to argue, but
Sanji just tells her to go.

In a secret room on the second floor of section R, Caesar is watching these events on a monitor,
pleased that the dragon's rampage let the gas in, and satisfied that his demonstration will be a
success. He tells a subordinate to close the gates to sections C and D. When asked by a
subordinate about section R, Caesar tells him the plan is to lead the pirates and soldiers into the
corridor and then flood it with gas from C and D, leaving them with nowhere to run. He goes on to
say how he does not like the room he is in, but he really had no choice in the matter. There is a
huge group of subordinates in front of him, and they ask why he is in Vegapunk’s old room,
considering the grudge he has against him. One of the subordinates says that Vegapunk is just
as much an enemy as the ones outside, since he caused the incident four years ago. Caesar tells
them they are vital to his forces and does not want any collateral damage, causing all of them to
become emotional. He then goes over his plan. Once the shutters to sections C and D are closed,
all areas will be closed off, leaving section R the only possible path. That way, all his enemies will
be in the same place at once. The ventilation shaft in that room is connected to the outside, so
letting the gas in will be easy, and will leave them with nowhere to run. Their deaths will then be
broadcasted to the brokers. One of his subordinates asks if Caesar created the gas since it looks
exactly like the gas from Vegapunk's failed experiment four years ago. Caesar begins to shed
tears, saying the war going on in science makes his heart ache. He tells them that he tried to stop
Vegapunk from doing the experiment, since it would be dangerous for the people on the island.
The accident happened anyway, and Vegapunk is still haled as the best scientist in the world. He
asks if it is right for someone who caused so much pain to hold that title. His subordinat es are
deeply moved. Caesar tells them that he made the gas against his better judgment to prove that
he is the best scientist in the world. He ends his diatribe by saying that once he is acknowledged
by the Marines, he will be able to use his scientific genius for the good of the world. Moved by his
emotional speech, his subordinates begin to cheer.

Caesar giggles as he flashes back to what really happened on that day four years ago. He was
being ordered to cease the experiment, since it would be bad for t he people on the island,
contradicting what he told his subordinates. Caesar snaps back saying he is trying to make ways
to kill pirates, but the Marines argue that they cannot hurt innocent civilians. Caesar laughs,
calling them a necessary sacrifice, saying world peace is the calm that comes after the storm. He
then calls Sengoku too soft, and reasoned that Akainu would want his weapon. He then laughs,
saying he heard Vegapunk's human enlargement experiment failed again. He tells the Marines
that the only way to do it is to kidnap children who are still growing and put them through various
treatments. Later, he is yelling at Vegapunk, asking him what he is doing. Vegapunk tells him that
they are relieving Caesar of his post in the research team. His actions have become too reckless.
Caesar yells not to mess with him, and slams a button on a console, causing the lab to explode
in a huge mushroom cloud.

The gates connecting area B to areas C and D have now been shut. In the basement, Luffy asks
something if it just spoke. Luffy is staring at a dragon and asks what it is. The dragon responds
by asking Luffy who he is.

In the scrap heap beneath C Building, the small dragon introduces himself to Luffy as
Momonosuke. Luffy thinks that he has heard the name before, but Momonosuke yells at him for
drooling. Momonosuke continues, stating that he is not food and would rather eat than be eaten.
Luffy grabs Momonosuke's horns, looking for a person stuck to his neck communicating by farts,

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but soon realizes that Momonosuke (which Luffy thinks is an eel) is the one talking. Momonosuke
chides Luffy for drooling, but his own stomach then rumbles. Luffy says that Momonosuke is just
as hungry as he is, but the dragon says that a warrior does not go hungry from just ten days
without food. Luffy is stunned that he has been without food for ten days, and when Momonosuke
asks his name, Luffy introduces himself and says that he is going to be the next Pirate King.
Momonosuke is surprised, as he had thought that pirates were hulking brutes, unlike Luffy.
Momonosuke remarks that Luffy is also an outsider, and says that the facility is for diseased

Momonosuke says that he does not know much about the island, and arrived merely when he
sneaked onto a boat. Momonosuke says that even though he distanced himself from the other
children, they were nice to him, offering him candy. The children met Caesar Clown, and when
asked his name, Momonosuke refused to give one. After declining candy for some time, he
managed to escape, hungry and exhausted. He found a Devil Fruit and ate it, but was caught by
one of the children. She tells him that they are not allowed to be in that room, but Momonosuke
says that he needs to escape the facility. The girl says that they all want to go home, but th at
being in the Biscuit Room is not all bad. Suddenly, some of Caesar's men arrive, and the girl runs
away. Momonosuke, however, transforms into a dragon before their eyes and to his confusion.
He manages to escape, and after he is gone, the soldiers remark that the fruit that Momonosuke
ate was Vegapunk's failed artificial Devil Fruit.

To wrap up his story, Momonosuke tells Luffy that he is human. Luffy says that he ate a Devil
Fruit, and asks Momonosuke why he does not simply transform back into a human. Momonosuke
is surprised that he can turn back, and asks Luffy how to do so. Luffy brushes off this question,
saying that he is not a Zoan, and remarks that the hole he fell through is a long way away.
Momonosuke says that he also wants to leave since he overheard Caesar saying that all of the
children will be dead in five years if the experiment continues. Momonosuke continues, saying
that he would have warned the children but instead fell into the hole, trapping himself. This
infuriates Luffy, who says that he is going to climb the walls along with Momonosuke. The dragon
is relieved, but Luffy tells him to get a hold of himself. This makes Momonosuke see a
hallucination of Donquixote Doflamingo. This scares the dragon so much that he starts to fly, with
Luffy hanging on to him.

Meanwhile, in B Building, Usopp, Brook, and Kin’emon have broken off from the rest of the group
to look for Seastone handcuffs at Robin’s request. Brook uses his Yomi Yomi no Mi abilities to
look behind walls. Usopp is worried about Nami and the rest of the group because he is not there
to protect them. However he feels that they will be fine because Zoro is with them. In the SAD
production room in D Building, Law looks on while Smoker and Vergo clash. In B Building, Tashigi
and the G-5 Marines are fleeing the poisonous gas with help from Sanji, who is kicking them

On the third floor of Building B, Monet has created a blizzard with her Devil Fruit abilities while
Mocha tries to escape from the kids who want their candy. Robin tries to help, but is stabbed by
Monet. Zoro steps in, saying that he will handle the enemy because she is a Logia user. As of now,
there are twenty minutes left until the gas fills B Building completely.

In the Biscuit Room on the third floor of the lab on Punk Hazard, Zoro and Monet are fighting.
Chopper and Nami ask Robin, who had been attacked by Monet, if she is okay. Robin says that
she is fine, and that the children need to be stopped. Chopper tells Nami to hurry, as the children
are leaving and he had promised Mocha that he would protect her.

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Mocha tries to run, but the rest of the children pursue her, shouting for the candy. She yells that
Chopper told her what type of candy she has, and why they cannot be eaten. As she runs, she
remembers meeting Sind, who said that they would be better within a year. She also remembers
meeting Caesar Clown, who had told her that he had lost a son to a disease and did not want it
to happen to anyone else. Caesar had then introduced her to Uzu, Doran, and Konbu, all of whom
were nice to her. Monet had given them candy and introduced them to more children, making
Mocha realize that even her acting was a lie.

Back in the Biscuit Room, Chopper, Robin, and Nami start to leave when Zoro charges after them.
The three are surprised, but Zoro then blocks Monet's attack aimed at Nami. Zoro berates his
opponent for going after unarmed targets, but Nami creates a Heat Ball and strikes Monet's wing,
inflicting damage. Nami turns to run, but Monet dives into the snow and creates a Sno w Fence
with her Devil Fruit powers. Monet then uses snow to surround Nami, weakening her. Monet then
appears as a snow monster and tries to attack Chopper, but Nami moves him out of the way.
Robin forces Monet away with a Quatro Mano: Spank, and Monet ref orms, saying that the children
are important test subjects she must protect. She continues, asking which one of them coerced
the children into rebelling, to which Chopper responds by saying that they left by free will. Zoro
slashes a hole in the wall and orders them to leave, so Nami, Chopper, and Robin head out after
the children. Monet tells Zoro that it is typical of pirates to steal the fruits of their labor before
attacking Zoro with her wings. Monet comments that Zoro has done nothing but block since the
beginning of the fight, and that this means that she might be able to win.

Just then, the G-5 Marines, led by Sanji run in, making Monet angry that they are trying to steal
the children. Zoro tells the group to head after Robin, Nami, and Chopper, but Sanji notices Monet
and falls over. The Marines begin to compliment Monet, who blushes but then attacks and bites
one of the Marines. The Marines fire, but as a Logia user, she is unaffected. Tashigi then appears
and slashes Monet's wing. Monet retreats, commenting on Tashigi's Haki as the Marines cheer.
Tashigi tells the Marines to go ahead, saying that she is needed to fight Monet.

Sanji assures the G-5 men that, while he will not hurt women, Zoro is an entirely different story,
and that Tashigi and he will be fine as they continue to look for the kids. This boosts the Marines'
morale that they will get praised by Tashigi, Nami, and Robin if they accomplish their goal.

Meanwhile, Zoro gets mad at Tashigi, claiming that she is getting in his way but Tashigi claims
that, in addition to keep Monet from going after her subordinates, she is staying behind because
Zoro will not cut a woman basing her assertion on their first duel back in Loguetown. Zoro denies
it but claims since Tashigi wants to fight Monet, sits down and permits Tashigi to have the battle.
Thinking she assumed Zoro's "weakness", Monet becomes conceited and attacks Tashigi with a
barrage of snow attacks. She eventually manages to wound Tashigi with a bite to the shoulder.
However, Tashigi endures it because she knows she will lose her arm if she pulls back.

Just when Monet is about to finish her, Zoro cuts Monet on the cheek with Busoshoku Haki,
causing her to let go of Tashigi. He is chiding Tashigi for being too slow as he approaches Monet
menacingly. Admitting that there are things he would rather not cut, he then asks if she has ever
met a wild animal that is guaranteed not to bite. Monet realizes he actually is going to attack her
but is paralyzed with fear because of this. Zoro cuts her in half but does not use Haki, thus she
survives thanks to her Logia intangibility. He then asks if the two women are satisfied. However,
Monet is still too terrified to pull herself back together properly. One half of Monet's body manages
to get up and attempts to stab Zoro in the back. Tashigi then intervenes and finishes her off,
finally defeating the snow harpy.

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The gas begins to seep in and, due to her wounds, Zoro is forced to carry Tashigi to catch up with
the others, to which Tashigi is outraged at. She then tell Zoro to let her off when they reach her
subordinates. However, she is distracted by Zoro's sword, Shusui, and gets excited at seeing it,
but Zoro is annoyed at it and tells her to stop it.

Meanwhile, Chopper, Nami, and Robin are doing their best to keep the berserk children from
catching up to Mocha by having Chopper sedate them one at a time. Despite their efforts, Mocha
finds herself cornered by a group of children who managed to get around the Straw Hat Pirates
and the children attempt to forcibly get the candy from Mocha. Having no choice, Mocha puts the
entire batch of candy in her mouth. Despite Chopper's pleas, she swallows the entire contents.
The story goes into a flashback a few moments earlier as Chopper and Mocha were trying to
barricade the door to the Biscuits Room.

Chopper explains to Mocha of Caesar’s deception and using the kids for his experiments and how
if Caesar continues to use them, the children will die before they reach adulthood. Mocha
remembers her friends promising to each other that when they get older, they will reunite and go
on an adventure. The gravity of the situation becomes clear to Mocha, but Chopper promises that
he and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates will save her. Mocha vows not to let any of the kids ge t
the candy and runs off to guard the room just as the children burst in. Back in the present, Mocha
begins coughing up blood due to the serious overdose of the drug. The other children stop upon
seeing her condition and are unsure what to do now. As Chopper, Nami and Robin rush to Mocha,
Sanji and the G-5 Marines finally arrive and begin subduing and sedating the kids. The Marines
have Mocha moved to an examination room, to which Chopper is grateful for, complimenting
Mocha on her bravery and hoping that he can save her.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Momonosuke emerge from a garbage chute in front of some of Caesar's
men, with Momonosuke passed out and now being carried by Luffy. Luffy grabs one of the guards
and demands to know where Caesar is. The guard tells Luffy that Caesar is in Building R, to which
Luffy immediately sets off for Caesar's location.

Brownbeard is shown on the first floor of Building R, screaming at the door stating that he will tell
his men Caesar’s true colors. Caesar decides to go down to the first floor in order to deal with
him. Brownbeard asks Caesar to give him back his men, as Caesar asks what is wrong. A
flashback occurs, showing that Caesar left Brownbeard's men to die outside. Caesar states he
has no idea where they are. Caesar's men begin to question Brownbeard about what he is doing,
so he then reveals to them that Caesar called them guinea pigs for his experiment. However,
before he is able to do this, Caesar injects him with a muscle relaxant, preventing Brownbeard
from moving and properly pronouncing "guinea pig", confusing the subordinates. Caesar then
quietly reveals to Brownbeard that he abandoned his men outside, and that he, their savior, was
the one who caused the explosion that almost paralyzed everyone four years ago. Brownbe ard
then attempts to attack Caesar, but Caesar dodges and orders his men to shoot him.

Luffy suddenly enters the room and grazes Caesar with an Elephant Gun. Luffy then stands in
front of Brownbeard in order to protect him, and remembers the kind words Brownbeard said
about Caesar before. Caesar then orders his men to go back to the second f loor to begin the
preparations, and Momonosuke recognizes Caesar as the one who experimented on the children.
Luffy then asks Caesar what Punk Hazard really is, and Caesar reveals it to be the home of the
scientific underworld, where experiments take place, people die, and nobody is any the wiser. He
tells Luffy that he knows nothing of the island and explains to him how meaningless everything
he has done so far has been, and reveals that the SAD is actually used by Doflamingo to make
artificial Zoan Devil Fruits called Smiles. He tells Luffy that he heard that a Yonko was using these

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fruits in order to build a mighty crew. Caesar then tells Luffy that he is protected by these strong
people like Doflamingo, and that a person of his level will not be able to take them on at all. Then,
out of anger, Luffy punches Caesar, telling him that he has taken on guys like that many times.

Luffy continues his fight with Caesar Clown after punching him and leaving a deep imprint on his
face. Caesar then tries again to flaunt his protection under Doflamingo in order to intimidate Luffy,
and immediately attacks Luffy with an attack called Gastille which is recoginsed by one of
the subordinates who states that it is capable of melting steel, but Luffy dodges it and delivers
another punch to Caesar's face.

With five minutes left until Shinokuni fills up building B, the rest of the Straw Hats, as well as their
allies, are hurrying toward building R, where the escape route off the island is located. Sanji, Nami
and Robin as well as the G-5 marines and the now sober children are rushing together
towards Building R. Zoro and Tashigi are far behind because of Zoro's bad sense of direction. Only
Kin’emon and Brook are going the opposite direction towards the gas because Kin'emon had
heard that his son had got turned into a dragon and immediately thought that dragon he slew
was his son. Brook tries to stop him but gets dragged along instead. Usopp is the first to arrive in
Building R while searching for seastone hand cuffs but ends up in the secret room above the first
floor, where the gas trap was prepared.

In the SAD room, Vergo was berating Smoker for using his smoke form against him who is more
than capable of handling devil fruit users, and uses his Haki imbued Bamboo stick to injure
Smoker, destroying his jutte. However, Smoker was really just distracting Vergo in order to allow
Law to regain his heart. With Trafalgar Law's heart back where it belongs, Law is ready to finish
his fight. Smoker, who was barely conscious tells Law to finish it quick because it shames him to
be indebted to a pirate. Law then calls out to "Joker" who was monitoring the battle with a Den-
Den Mushi, and tells him that once Vergo is defeated and Caesar captured, all the SAD at his
disposal will be gone and he will lose his position as king of the underground. Doflamingo then
laughs, replying that Law's fear of Vergo when he becomes very angry is still there, and that his
Haki protects his whole body so that not even Law’s power can hope to cut him. Law then proves
Doflamingo wrong by cutting a Haki-armored Vergo in half, along with the SAD chamber and the
mountain it was built in. Law then states that Whitebeard only ended the last era and that the
marines never challenged any of the big name pirates recently because they were preparing a
new battle force and that the war at Marineford was really just a prelude to something else. Law
continues by saying that, like Doflamingo had said, a new unstoppable wave always marks the
beginning of a "new era of great ones", and that he had broken the gears of the cycle so no one,
not even Doflamingo can turn them back.

The chapter opens by showing the top half of the bisected building falling back down as some
gas begins to leak in. The giant children are scared at first, but Sanji and Nami convince them to
keep running. The G-5 Marines soon spot Zoro approaching carrying Tashigi while she demands
he put her down. Upon seeing the Marines she realizes he has gone the wrong way. Sanji is furious
that Zoro picked her up, while Nami tries to make him turn back.

Meanwhile, Chopper’s medical room starts to collapse due to Law’s attack, and the G-5 medics
carry both him and Mocha away, while he continues to monitor her condition.

In the SAD production room, Vergo has been completely dismembered by Law, and his body parts
are attached to a railing. He calls Law's plan a messed up attempt at revenge, and taunts Law
saying that he will regret it, and cannot replace Doflamingo with power alone. He then asks
Smoker to agree with him, but Smoker remains silent, while Law cuts Vergo's head in half one

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last time, and states that Vergo does not need to worry about him but his own self since the room
will soon be completely destroyed, before leaving.

Meanwhile, Caesar realizes his plan is falling apart, and becomes increasingly enraged. He orders
his men in the secret room to open the air vents, letting Shinokuni flood the room, and when they
argue that there are over a hundred men under Caesar's command left in the room that will be
killed, he snaps at them, referring to them as guinea pigs and scum, and that since nobody cares
he can keep killing and replacing them as many times as he wants. His remaining minions are
shocked into silence by this, to the extent that the ones previously fighting Usopp outright ignore
him while he steps back to hide.

Caesar's puzzled reaction to their shock convinces some of his men that he is bluffing, and did
not actually intend to hurt them, and, believing it to be a complex strategy, open the vents as
ordered. As the gas fills the room, Caesar sucks it into himself, and begins to grow huge, before
taking on a more demonic form. Gloating about his new found might, he promptly murders all of
his men remaining in the room as a show of strength, enraging Luffy. He then states that some
peaceful countries have expressed an interest in his genocide weapons, and that he plans on
supplying everyone, ultimately becoming the ruler of a war-torn "land of the dead". Luffy appears
to flee, telling Momonosuke to protect Brownbeard.

In the secret room, Caesar's remaining forces are horrified by his casual murder of their allies,
and realize he truly does not care about them. Usopp then interrupts, asking if he can use the
control panel to help his friends and allies escape. Caesar's subordinates point out that Luffy has
abandoned him, watching him run down the corridor on the monitors. Usopp counters that Luffy
would find things easier if he did, but that was not in his nature. As he speaks, Luffy, still enraged,
stops and turns around to face Caesar again. As Usopp continues to talk about Luffy's positive
characteristics, his captain continues by blowing air into both his arms, expanding both of them
to activate Gear Third. He then begins to charge back down the corridor towards Caesar, both his
arms stretching out behind him. Usopp states that Caesar is the type of person Luffy hates the
most, and that Luffy won't forgive him. The chapter ends as Luffy infuses Haki into both of his
stretched arms, and jumps towards Caesar, entering a pose similar to that of his Gomu Gomu no
Gigant Bazooka attack, while stating that he does not want to see Caesar's face anymore.

Luffy is getting ready to hit Caesar with an all out attack. Caesar is begging for mercy, even offering
Luffy a job in his organization. Luffy hits Caesar square in the stomach with Gomu Gomu no Grizzly
Magnum, knocking him through the gate to the R-66 corridor and into the darkness beyond.
Throughout the New World, brokers are watching with mixed reactions. One calls it a joke, another
gets mad at Caesar. Tamago decides it would be a good idea to inform Big Mom about what
transpired. Another broker declares that Joker is going to make his move. One broker tells
someone to inform someone named "Jack ", while the person he is talking to states things are
going to get bad. Another broker points out that there's an alliance and orders someone to report
to the New World, saying it is not just an issue for the underworld anymore. Killer simply watches

On the second floor of building B, Chopper and the G-5 medical squad are carrying Mocha. Usopp
talks to him over the intercom. He tells Chopper to take the stairs on his right and to close the
gates to building R. Brook runs after Chopper, carrying a person encased in Shinokuni. Brook
cries that Kin’emon was hit by the gas and died. He explains they were checking the testing rooms
for any children left in them, and a girl told Kin'emon that his son turned into a dragon. Kin'emon
ran back in an effort to find his son, thinking he had cut him earlier, and fell victim to the gas.
Meanwhile, Usopp disposes of a group of Caesar's subordinates. Nami runs into building R and

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is happy to see Luffy. She asks if Brownbeard is ok, and Luffy says he is before quickly correcting
himself. Momonosuke is relieved to see that the children are safe, and Luffy smiles, saying he
told him his friends would pull through. Sanji, Zoro, Robin, and the children with them are following
close behind Nami. Robin and Zoro are worried that Chopper won't make it to the building in time.
Everyone is now convening in building R.

Smoker asks Law if he needs something. Law tells him that that is a rail car used to haul SAD.
Everyone needs to get on it to escape. Luffy is happy to see Law, and the Marines are ove rjoyed
to see Smoker. Law asks where Caesar is, and Luffy points down the dark corridor. Law gets
angry, saying the plan was to kidnap him. Luffy tells him about his total indifference, which
bothers Law even more.

Earlier, off the coast of Punk Hazard, Baby 5 and Buffalo are headed to the island. Baby 5 vows
to kill Joker when she returns, along with the rest of the town for what he did to her fiancé. An
infobox introduces her and says she ate the Buki Buki no Mi. She goes on to say that this is the
eighth time Doflamingo has killed the man she loved, destroying eight towns in the process. She
wonders why he wants her to be miserable. Buffalo, the giant man she is riding on, says it is
Doflamingo's way of being protective like a big brother. Buffalo's infobox says that he ate the Guru
Guru no Mi. He goes on to say that she needs to learn to say "no" more often. She has a flashback
to a sloppy-looking man giving her a flower, calling it love at first sight and asking her to marry
him. Baby 5 tells Buffalo that no one can say no to a marriage proposal. Buffalo tells her she gets
attached too easily, citing the fact that she reads fifty different newspapers, is too quick to give
out money, and is just as quick to spend it. He asks her how much debt she is in. Baby 5 responds
that she only owes B98,000,000 and tells Buffalo to drop the issue, instead Buffalo asks to
borrow another B2,000,000. He tells her he wants to go to the casino when they return. Baby 5
tells him he can have it as soon as they finish the mission. As she says this, Punk Hazard appears
below them.

Baby 5 wonders if the gas will go away if she fires one of her weapons. Buffalo tells her to jump
off and that he will take care of it. She does so and he uses his rotating abilities to act as a fan
and dispel the gas, calling it Squall Matasaburo. Dispelling the gas uncovers the tanker ship, and
they decide to wait there for Monet, Caesar, and Vergo when all of a sudden, the tanker explodes.
At first they thought it blew up, but then they realize something hit it. They are even more surprised
when that something turned out to be Caesar Clown. Buffalo calls Doflamingo to report it.
Doflamingo is surprised at first, but then smiles. He orders Buffalo to recover Caesar and return
to Dressrosa immediately. Buffalo wonders about Monet and Vergo, but Baby 5 tells him Joker
must have his reasons. Doflamingo is laughing under his breath, saying that with Caesar again in
his custody, he can continue to make SAD. While going to collect Caesar, Baby 5 sees someone
on the deck of the tanker. Buffalo tells her anyone surviving the gas was an impossibility. To their
surprise, the robotic Iron Pirate Franky Shogun emerges from the rubble instead, and looks
curiously at the "bird" heading toward him.

Baby 5 and Buffalo are attacked by Franky Shogun by surprise. Baby 5 wonders if it is a Pacifista
shooting at them because of the resemblance and fires her gatling gun at him. To her surprise, it
doesn't inflict a single scratch on Franky Shogun which Franky indicates with his joke technique
"General OK" by simply saying the name of the technique. Franky performs his "General Shield
Boomerang" by removing one of his shoulder pads and throwing it at them. Baby 5 transforms
herself into a sword with Buffalo holding her feet as a handle. With his Devil Fruit powers, he spins
himself at blinding speed, which repels the shield. Baby 5 then turns into a missile, again, with
Buffalo holding her feet, and hurls her at Franky. Franky tries to shoot her with his gatling gun
which she dodges before the missile explodes.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

The defeated Caesar Clown wakes up, confused and unable to move. He has a flashback of
receiving Smoker’s heart from Law and remembers he still has his heart, saying that he will take
Smoker with him.

In the lab, Law and the others are still waiting for the Straw Hats to come on board. Luffy says
that they will not budge until every member of the Straw Hats has arrived. Nami asks about
Franky, with Sanji responding about him sending the Sunny out to sea. Then, Brook, Chopper,
Mocha and the G-5 Marines are seen running with Shinokuni right behind them, with the closing
gate in front of them in the corridor between Block R and B. They make it through just in time and
they all finally get on the cart. Brook asks what to do with the petrified Kin’emon, which shocks
Momonosuke who is still in his dragon form.

Meanwhile, Monet has called Joker, to his surprise, as he thought she was incapacitated. He tells
Monet that there is a weapon in the research lab, the one that destroyed the other two research
labs four years ago. He tells her to activate the switch, which will kill everyone on the island except
Caesar. Monet interrupts him, saying that was her intention all along. Joker apologizes, and tells
her to bring it all down with her.

After Baby 5's attack, Franky Shogun is seen lying on the deck surrounded by flames. Baby 5
reforms through her ability after her Missile Girl attack. Buffalo asks if she needs some weapons
he picked up, although comments how she is already a weapon herself. Baby 5 says that they are
blessed but the weapons were bought because she felt "needed", due to her personality. Franky
Shogun punches her from behind but she jumps out of the way and transforms into a revolver.
Frank takes the full blast but laughs it off, condescendingly saying that it would not work.

On the tanker, Caesar realizes that Baby 5 and Buffalo are there to save him while still holding
Smoker's heart.

In the SAD production room, Vergo is seen talking to Doflamingo through a Den Den Mushi, where
the latter apologizes to the vice admiral for what is to come. He tells Vergo that he was his longest
companion and thanks him for his hard work and devotion. Even in pieces, Vergo smiles.

In the SAD transport corridor, Momonosuke is still in shock and in grief over his father's state.
Brook mistakes him for an eel. The group then hears an explosion, which Law says came from
the SAD production room. Rocks begin to fall down from the ceiling. Law tells them that the
corridor is a tunnel built into the mountain and if it were to collapse, all the occupants would be
buried alive. Coincidentally, the way in front of them is blocked. However, Zoro simply clears the
path with ease.

Monet is still in building C, ready to set off the deadly gas explosion with the button. A series of
frames shows scenes such as the children crying, Sanji kicking away a rock and Doflamingo sitting
in his room at Dressrosa. Monet says goodbye in her mind to the Shichibukai, saying that he will
be the next Pirate King.

Caesar then prepares to kill Smoker, using a sharp object to pierce his heart. He laughs and says
"Die, Smoker!" However, Smoker is shown to be perfectly fine while Monet collapses with blood
flowing out of her mouth. She pulls up her top to reveal a cube-shaped hole in her chest.
Doflamingo realizes something is wrong and orders her to answer him, but Monet collapses and
dies from being stabbed in the heart by Caesar.

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

On the cart, the children urge it to move forward. Smoker asks Law why Caesar thought he had
Smoker's heart. Law has a flashback to the moment when Caesar outlines the bonds of their
contract - Law must give his heart and Caesar would give Monet's heart to him. After fighting
Smoker, Law had two hearts in his hands, Smoker's and Monet's. Unknown to Caesar, Law had
returned Monet's heart. He explains this to Smoker, saying that Caesar simply misunderstood
and Law "kindly gave back the heart of the secretary, Monet". He underlines this action with his
belief that those who do good will get good things in return. Law then calmly asks if anyone can
produce wind as there would be gas in the air when they exit. The Marines are surprised, claiming
that no one has such an ability. However, Nami tells them that she can, leaving the Marines even
more surprised. Someone else shouts that the exit is coming up.

On Dressrosa, a young girl is seen looking for Doflamingo. She asks an old man about his
whereabouts, who replies that he should be on the fourth floor. The girl says that he was not, and
the window was wide open. The old man seems calm but dark as he is states that he has no idea
and that he went alone again.

Somewhere over the sea, Doflamingo is running in midair. He is talking to Baby 5 and Buffalo,
who are telling him that they are having a problem with a metal guard. Doflamingo seems
uninterested, telling them to finish it off and noting that there was no big explosion. Doflamingo
then states that he is coming to Punk Hazard.

Buffalo is surprised by how strong the Franky Shogun is. He then charges at Franky, sa ying that
no one has ever been able to dodge the next attack. Using his powers, he spins Baby 5 on one of
his chains, who in turn uses Sickle Girl, and then slams her into Franky Shogun's left arm, impaling
it. Franky laughs and says he will give them credit, but only for breaking through the robot's armor,
and compares the pair to a praying mantis taking on a warship. He then grabs Baby 5 and yanks
on the chain, causing Buffalo to lose his balance and hurl forward. He then declares that the
Gaon Cannon has set foot on land, and shoots them with Franky Shogun's most powerful attack,
General Cannon. As Buffalo and Baby 5 are reeling from the attack, they wonder why someone
like this would try to impede them taking Caesar. Franky then looks down from the tanke r and
sees Caesar lying there, and wonders how the scientist got there. Buffalo stands up, declaring
that he is not going down that easily, saying that such a defeat would drag Joker’s name through
the mud. Baby 5 then declares that they will be taking Caesar with them, no matter what it takes.
Franky then asks them if he is correct in concluding that they want Caesar.

Back in R-66, the exit is in sight. Usopp begs Nami to conjure up some wind, so they will not die.
Everyone cheers as they exit. Franky is happy to see that everyone made it out. Baby 5 and Buffalo
are seen surprised by their sudden arrival. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and the rest of the boys in the
cart are very excited to see the robot, while Nami, Robin, Tashigi, and the rest of the girls are
visibly unimpressed. Law is surprised to see Buffalo and Baby 5, who asks him if he is really going
to defy Joker, who has been saving the heart seat for him. Luffy asks if those two are Law's friends,
and Law tells him no. Realizing their sudden disadvantage, Buffalo and Baby 5 grab Caesar and
start to fly away. Usopp tells everyone to leave the escaping pair to him. Law is about to use his
powers and tries to argue, but Luffy cuts him off, telling him that Usopp has things under control,
and Zoro tells him not to underestimate Usopp. Law argues, saying that if they get away, the plan
will be ruined. Nami cuts him off again, saying that if they are going to have an alliance, then Law
needs to trust them more, adding that she needs to do a little fighting aft er doing nothing but
running. Usopp and Nami then declare that they will take care of the far away enemies with their
backs turned, and Zoro tells them to hurry up. Usopp then orders his Bakun Grass to grow into
his Kuro Kabuto, which then starts eating the nearby rubble and twisted metal. Buffalo tells Baby
5 to watch the rear, since he cannot while flying. While Baby 5 vows to defend them with her life,

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

a giant weather egg, called Lightning-chan by Nami, flies over them and releases a huge storm
cloud. Baby 5 looks at the cloud worriedly while Nami declares they will not get away. She then
attacks them with Thunder Breed Tempo, landing a direct hit.

As they start falling, Buffalo calls to Baby 5 and realizes she is unconscious. Usopp then attacks
them with Killer Shooting Star Rush, shooting several pieces of stone from the rubble at them.
Caesar tells Buffalo that, since he cannot move, he must protect him and Buffalo declares that
he will complete a mission for the Donquixote family as they are pelted with rubble. As the two go
down, Caesar manages to stay airborne as the shots pass through him. He then decides he will
go to Dressrosa by himself. Usopp tells him that escaping is useless, since the last shot was
seastone handcuffs. The cuffs catch Caesar around the neck. Everyone cheers as Usopp proudly
declares that he will fight anyone whose back is turned. As the three fall into the ocean, Law
declares the first step of his plan is complete and Luffy asks Law what he thought about his crew's

Somewhere on the sea, a shadowy figure has overslept, and is wondering how to get to Punk

The Marines draw a line to separate themselves from the pirates, saying they could have the
tanker, but warning them not to cross the line. Smoker asks the soldiers why they went that far,
since the order was just not to mingle with them. The soldier responds that they must be thorough,
while another makes an exception for the medical squad. Smoker tells them that he got through
to the G-5 base, and a ship is on its way. Luffy is talking with Brownbeard, who has opted to turn
himself in since the Marines would cure him of the poisons and other chemicals Caesar put into
his body. Luffy says it is too bad, since they had just become friends. The Marines yell at Luf fy for
crossing the line they made, and Luffy tells them they just made up that rule while next to him.
Meanwhile, Sanji and Brook are laying bricks for a barbecue pit. Brownbeard goes on to say that
he no longer has any comrades, and that being in jail is better than being Caesar's guinea pig.

Just then, Chopper shouts "Murderer!". Franky tells him to stop, almost dropping the mast he is
lifting. He then continues to help the Marines repair the tanker's damaged mast. He adds that
they should have told him that the tanker was important so he could have moved his fight from
earlier away from it and not have to repair it like he is now. Chopper tells Luffy to stop him,
continuing to yell about a murderer, saying he means Law. Brook is also shouting, much to t he
annoyance of Luffy and Sanji. Brook tells them that he broke Kin’emon, feeling remorse despite
the samurai already being dead. Kin'emon's shell begins to crack, revealing the samurai inside.
Luffy, Sanji, and Brook all scream at him in shock, and Kin'emon screams right back at them.
Sanji kicks him angrily, asking how he could possibly be alive. When Brook calls Sanji's actions
uncalled for, the chef responds that the samurai deserved for not being dead like he was
supposed to be. Father and son are reunited at last, with Momonosuke jumping into his father's
arms. Luffy is somewhat surprised to see the boy, and not the dragon he had come to know. For
whatever reason, Momonosuke is missing his clothes, but is soon given an outfit much like his
father's as well as a proper introduction as a child from Wano. Shortly after their reunion,
Momonosuke faints, apparently from starvation.

Chopper is yelling for Law to come outside, demanding to know what he was doing with the
children in the infirmary. Law tells him to mind his own business, as he is now finished with taking
them to pieces. This answer frightens Chopper to no end, and he runs into the infirmary, with Law
adding that he had to methodically treat them for all the chemicals they were exposed to. Inside
the infirmary, Chopper is met with enthusiastic greetings from all the children. They tell him that
the man in the fluffy hat (Law) took all of the drugs and chemicals from their bodies and they are

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

all completely cured. They said that being in pieces was cool but scary. The only one who has not
woken up yet it Mocha. As the facts start falling into place, the children realize their "master" was
a bad person and that Mocha was partly responsible for saving them. One child says his memory
of the events is still fuzzy, but that Mocha collapsed after coughing up blood. Another child asks
if Mocha will be alright. Chopper reassures her that Mocha will be fine and everyone will be going
home. They then ask to see Nami, calling her the orange lady, remembering her initial promise to
save them. Just as they say this, a woman comes through the doorway. It is revealed to be Tashigi,
and she tells the children that they are now under the protection and supervision of the Marines,
much to their disappointment. They also ask to see the robot (Franky) and rubber man (Luffy).

Outside, Usopp is catching a whiff of what Sanji is cooking, and is looking forward to eating. He
then turns to Nami and asks her if she was the one who asked the Marines to take care of the
children. She tells him yes. As a pirate, she says that saving people is not her strong suit. Usopp
agrees, saying they would just get charged with kidnapping anyway. Nami agrees, remembering
Tashigi tearfully asking her to leave the children in her care, and adds that she is terrible at
dealing with female Marines, as Tashigi is seen trying to write down the names of several
disgruntled children. Nami goes on to say that she can't deal with female Marines because she
feels too safe around them, since they remind her of her mother, Usopp remembering that her
mother was a Marine. She adds that being looked after by a strong Marine woman is the best
thing for them and Usopp agrees. Nami calls him a pushover and Usopp says she is one to talk.

Sanji has just finished preparing a huge pot of sea pork stew, one of the 99 recipes of Newkama
Kenpo. He pours a bowl and serves it to Momonosuke; having heard that the boy had not eaten
in days. Sanji advises him to start slowly eating the stew, which is just one of the many dishes
presented to him. However, Momonosuke's samurai pride gets the better of him, and he declares
that he is not hungry. He is about to throw away the stew when Sanji grabs him by the collar,
saying he will not forgive anyone who wastes food, even a child. They are interrupted by Kin'emon,
who has started eating, visibly in awe by how good the food is. He tells Momonosuke it is safe to
eat and to not be shy about it, saying the person who made it can be completely trusted and there
is nothing to worry about. Momonosuke starts eating, tears pouring down his face as he does so.
Luffy thinks the food tastes so good that it made Momonosuke cry, but Sanji tells him it is because
of something else, and wonders what happened. Everyone, Marines, former henchmen, children,
and Straw Hats alike, is now lined up to receive some of Sanji's cooking. Sanji asks what
happened to the whole dividing line idea, and the soldiers tell him it is a ceasefire. Hearing this,
Zoro asks a Marine to get some alcohol from the tanker, with a child asking for juice, and the
soldier happily obligues.

Law tells Luffy that they need to leave now, since someone could easily attack them if they mess
around the way they are. Luffy tells him he understands, and then shouts "Time to party!", much
to Law's confusion. Everyone enjoys themselves at the party. Luffy and Brook eat with the
samurai, and are joined by some children. Zoro happily toasts with one of the Marines. Chopper
is in tears now that Mocha woke up, and Robin is nearby having soup with one of the children.
The children entertain themselves by talking with Nami, climbing on Tashigi, and watching Usopp
demonstrate Franky's many features. Some soldiers approach Smoker and tell him they are going
back in the island. When Smoker asks why, they tell him they got Caesar to tell them Shinokuni’s
weakness, and that their comrades can still be saved. Caesar, with pliers on his cheeks and tears
in his eyes, is asking why Smoker is still alive. Further back from the festivities, Smoker and Law
are talking. Smoker admits he never thought Law would keep his end of the deal, as Law could
have killed him on several occasions but did not. He also comments on his plan to take advantage
of the Straw Hats and start something with one of the Yonko. Law replies he wonders who the
person really being taken advantage of is, and has a flashback to the conversation with Luffy. He

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

is telling Luffy that they will be going after Kaido. Luffy tells him it that it's fine as long as Shanks
is not first, but the order doesn't really matter, since he is going to bring them all down eventually.

In a flashback, Law is surprised by Luffy’s plan on taking down all of the Yonko, and warns him
that he is heavily underestimating them, as they were all powerful enough to challenge
Whitebeard for territory before his death. Law continues on saying that Kaido is said to be the
strongest creature alive, and even with their alliance, the probability of succeeding in defeating
Kaido is still only around 30%. Nami says the chances are too low, and they should not agree to
the alliance. Despite her protesting, Luffy agrees to the alliance.

Back to the present, Law tells Smoker that he is planning on heading to Green Bit with the Straw
Hat Pirates, and remarks that he has his hands full with them. The children are getting ready to
leave the island on the tanker with the G-5 Marines. The Marines then draw up a line and tell the
Straw Hat Pirates not to cross the line, as they are pirates and therefore, a strain on humanity.
The Marines continue to badmouth the pirates, but the pirates largely ignore this, and Nami tells
Chopper that Vegapunk is going to help cure the side effects of the drugged candy. As the Marines
keep badmouthing the pirates, the children want to thank the pirates for helping them, but cannot
do so, as the Marines are trying to prevent the children from doing so. The children are upset
since they are the ones who asked the pirates to rescue them but cannot thank them, let alone
say goodbye to them. Tashigi stops the Marines, saying that it is disgraceful for them to prevent
the children. The Marines explain that they are badmouthing the pirates so they will not grow to
admire and respect them, despite the fact that they are pirates. They then break down in tears,
as Tashigi laughs and Smoker groans. The children thank the pirates for rescuing them, and say
that when they grow up, they will become pirates, to which the Marines protest.

Afterwards, Doflamingo is seen crossing the New World when he notices a raft. The raft holds the
decapitated heads of Baby 5 and Buffalo as well as a Den Den Mushi. Baby 5 and Buffalo
apologize for their failure in taking back Caesar Clown, but Doflamingo tells them that it is alright,
as they were only obeying orders. The Den Den Mushi then speaks up, revealing to be from Law.
Law tells Doflamingo that he has Caesar, and wants to discuss business. Doflamingo laughs and
tells him that he does not do business with kids, and warns Law not to screw with him. Law ignores
that, and says that Kaido is Doflamingo's principle trading partner. If Kaido learns that Doflamingo
cannot produce any more Smiles, then he will have to suffer the consequences, terrifying him.
Becoming increasingly frustrated, Doflamingo asks what Law wants in exchange for Caesar, to
which Law responds by ordering him to step down from the Shichibukai, a status he has worked
over a decade to maintain. As pointed out by Law, this resignation would also leave him open to
the wrath of the admirals. If the next day's newspaper has the news of Doflamingo's resignation,
Law shall contact him again, but if the newspaper does not show any news of resignation, then
the deal is off and Doflamingo will have to deal with Kaido. He then hangs up, leaving Doflamingo

The G-5 Marines are on Punk Hazard again, trying to save their comrades. They notice that the
protective gear developed by Vegapunk is resistant to the toxic gas, and comment on how Caesar
Clown lied to his subordinates that it was useless. Then they try finding their co mrades and
breaking the poisonous shell created by Shinokuni.

Meanwhile, Brownbeard thanks Smoker for allowing him to go back and save his crewmates,
saying that he won't forget the Vice Admiral's name, and that he will definitely return to get

Dressrosa Punk Hazard

While the remaining G-5 Marines are commenting on how the headless bodies of Baby 5 and
Buffalo are creepy, their heads come flying, which attach themselves to their bodies. Afterwards,
Doflamingo himself appears and uses Haoshoku Haki to knock out the Marines. After they
retaliate against the Shichibukai for attacking them, he reveals his string-manipulating powers,
and defeats them. He then demands Smoker the location of Law and the Straw Hats, but Smoker
sarcastically replies by saying that he doesn't know. Enraged, Doflamingo attacks Smoker.

The Straw Hats are on a sea slope, which Luffy exclaims that it's fun. Law tells the Straw Hats that
it is commonly seen, though Usopp yells otherwise. Franky explains to Brook that the "little lamb"
is actually Mini Merry II. Kin’emon is surprised to know that the next destination is Dressrosa,
claiming that one of his comrades is being kept prisoner there. And Luffy informs his crew about
their plan to take down the Yonko; Zoro say's that it's great, while Usopp once again yells
otherwise. Sanji warns Law about how his and Luffy's idea of an alliance are completely different.

Caesar Clown then berates the crew for provoking Doflamingo and Kaido, and angrily claims that
they should die for it. Sanji kicks him to shut up, and Chopper says that he should do it after he's
done treating the scientist.

Law informs the Straw Hats about Doflamingo and Kaido, and their plan as well. Usopp, Nami,
and Chopper are terrified at Law's explanation of Kaido having over 500 Zoan Devil Fruit users,
and Zoro tells them to shut up. Afterwards, Chopper praises Caesar for his work on SAD, much to
Usopp's objection, but soon loses interest after Law clarifies that it was Vegapunk who discovered
the application of bloodline elements.

Back on Punk Hazard, the G-5 Marines beg Doflamingo to not kill Smoker, tearfully claiming that
he is the only one who would bother to take care of them. The Shichibukai tells them not to worry,
as he will kill all of them, as well as Law and the Straw Hats. While attempting to deal the final
blow to Smoker, former Admiral Kuzan appears, who says the vice admiral is his friend.

Despite Kuzan's presence, Doflamingo tries to kill Smoker anyway but is quickly frozen by Kuzan's
Devil Fruit ability. However he manages to break free as the ice hadn't reached his heart. Seeing
nothing to gain from fighting Kuzan, Doflamingo takes his leave, but not before questioning Kuzan
what he stands for due to rumors he had heard. Kuzan does not answer him and yells for a medic.
Doflamingo collects Baby 5 and Buffalo and departs. Only then does Kuzan state that even though
he is not enlisted in the Marines anymore, he never fully trusted the World Government and that
he can still make a difference outside the Marines. Smoker inquires about how he knew of Punk
Hazard as it's top secret, worrying that he is doing business with the criminal underworld. The G -
5 Marines, who were eavesdropping on the conversation, are yelled at by Kuzan, who asks them
to clear off, now that they have treated Smoker. He then informs Smoker that he is doing nothing
of the sort. He also warns Smoker to tell Sakazuki to keep an eye on Doflamingo as he poses the
biggest threat to the Marines for now. For, even though his presence is not as obvious as the Kuja
Pirates, his prowess as a pirate was exceptional indeed. He tells Smoker to ask the Fleet Admiral
to dispatch the Admirals as soon as possible. He also asks the G-5 marines not to reveal his
presence there, to which they oblige.

Out on the sea, the crew is taking a breather. Usopp and Chopper worry furiously about
Doflamingo coming to attack them. Kin'emon nearly gets into a duel with Zoro thinking he had
robbed Ryuma's grave due to him having his sword, the Shusui, on him. Momonosuke is revealed
to be taking a bath with Robin much to the envious anger of Sanji, Brook and Kin'emon. When
they confront him over it, Nami punches all three for their supposed bullying. On being saved, he
addresses Nami as a fair princess, which makes him receive a hug from Nami (much to the anger

Dressrosa Dressrosa

of the three perverts). Momonosuke rubs his face onto Nami's breasts on purpose, while grinning
wickedly at the three. As the night goes on, most of the crew (Luffy, Zoro, Brook, Nami, Robin, Law
and Momonosuke) sleep while others (Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Sanji, and Kin'emon) stay up
looking after the Sunny. Momonosuke is shown to be snoring in the same bed as the two female
crew members.

Morning comes and a newspaper seagull delivers the paper that reads that Doflamingo abdicated
his position as a Shichibukai as per Law's demands as well as his position of royalty in Dressrosa.
However, there is also a picture of Luffy and Law and an article announcing their alliance, much
to the crew's surprise. Also in the paper is news regarding Kid, Apoo and Hawkins alliance as well,
though Law is unconcerned with it. He then begins to explain the next phase of his agenda to the

On Dressrosa, the island is in an uproar over the news while Doflamingo is in his office reading
and listening to some music. Law's Den Den Mushi rings, and Doflamingo decides to answer it.


he news of Doflamingo’s resignation from the Shichibukai spreads quickly around the
world. On one island, one man asks another if they had a weapons deal with the
Donquixote family. One of them is trying to call the family, but no one is answering at the
other end. The first man proclaims that they need the weapons from him to put a war in their
favor. Jewelry Bonney reads about Luffy and Law’s alliance curiously while eating a piece of pizza.
People react to the news, assuming that the alliances will lead to no good, and that Doflamingo
must have had his reasons for resigning. Among these readers is Jinbe.

At the Kid Pirates’ base, the crew is reading the stories and wonder how their alliance made the
news. Someone asks who the journalist who reported the story, Absa, is. Apparently he had been
getting huge news scoops all over the place. Kid says it does not matter how their alliance got
leaked. What bothers him is Luffy and Law teaming up. He correctly theorizes that Luffy and Law
are also going after a Yonko, and wonders which one it is.

At Dressrosa, several Den Den Mushi are ringing off the hook. Doflamingo, however, is taking the
call from Law and the Straw Hat Pirates. The Straw Hats are amazed he picked up, but are warned
by Usopp to be quiet so he does not hear them. Luffy shouts his name into the receiver and
declares he will be Pirate King, prompting a slap from Usopp, but to no avail. Luffy continues,
making sure he was correct in thinking that Doflamingo was Caesar’s superior and that he was
aware of what Caesar did to his subordinates and the children. He tells Doflamingo he will give
Caesar back as per the deal, but begins to threaten Doflamingo if he does anything like that again
and is about to finish when Doflamingo asks if it was two years since Ace’s death.

He then remembers Luffy disappearing only to reappear two years later and asks what he has
been up to. Luffy refuses to answer, but Doflamingo tells him he has been looking forward to
meeting him. Doflamingo goes on to say that he has something that Luffy will most surely be
interested in. Luffy instantly assumes Doflamingo is talking about meat and starts fantasizing as
Law pushes his head away from the receiver, warning him not to get pulled into "his pace". He
reclaims the conversation, asking Doflamingo not to go off on tangents, and saying he will get
Caesar as agreed. Doflamingo reminds Law of what could happen if he gets tricked.

He then asks for confirmation that Caesar is alive and well. Law points the receiver toward Caesar
as the bound scientist begins a tearful apology but is cut off as Law takes back the receiver. He

Dressrosa Dressrosa

tells Doflamingo that in eight hours they will deliver Caesar to the southeast shore of Green Bit,
the deserted island just north of Dressrosa, and leave him there at 3pm, which is as far as Law
is willing to go to accommodate Doflamingo. Doflamingo pretends to act hurt, saying he was
looking forward to maybe having a drink and catching up with an old friend. Law responds by
declaring their conversation over and hanging up.

Luffy remarks how he almost strayed from the objective, and Usopp remarks that Luffy's eyes (in
the shape of meat) tell a different story. Sanji then realizes that they don't know how many men
Doflamingo will bring. Law tells him that the number does not matter, and if everything goes
according to plan, then Caesar will work as a successful decoy. Usopp understands Law's plan
now. While Doflamingo is distracted, they will use that window to destroy the SMILE factory. Law
tells Usopp he is correct, but there is just one problem. He doesn't know where the factory is.
Franky reassures him that the factory has to be massive and they should be able to see it easily,
at which point he could just take care of it with his laser. This gets Usopp and Chopper excited.
Law goes on to say that the difficulty in procuring intelligence was bothering him. Nami reasons
that the factory is a high priority, so it could be that the information is top secret and not easily

Kin’emon asks that since Law mentioned Green Bit, whether or not they would be going to
Dressrosa. Law assures him they will be arriving at Dressrosa. Luffy asks Law if he had ever been
to "Dressroba". Law says no, since it is a country that Doflamingo controls entirely. Luffy gets
excited, saying he smells another adventure nearing, and they will make a plan once they get
there. He cannot wait to see what Dressrosa is like and hopes to go to Wano Country as well. Law
asks him if he really thinks they could land without having a proper plan in place. Luffy asks Sanji
what they are having for breakfast, and Sanji replies it is just sandwiches. Chopper asks for a
cotton candy sandwich while Robin just asks for tea. Law tries to tell them that he does not like
bread, but is shocked at how easily he was swept in by the crew's pace and ignored.

During the meal, Kin'emon starts telling the story behind why he went to Punk Hazard. He asks
Law if he knew a place called Zo . Law is surprised, since that is where his crew is, and once the
mission at Dressrosa was complete, he was planning on going to Zo. Kin'emon eagerly asks if he
and Momonosuke could join them on their trip to Zo. Luffy wholeheartedly agrees, and decides
they should go to Wano while they are at it. Law tries to interject, but Kin'emon continues his
story. Kin'emon, Momonosuke, and two other samurai were on their way to Zo when they were
shipwrecked. Kin'emon, Momonosuke, and one of the other samurai washed ashore on
Dressrosa. Momonosuke continues, saying they were attacked the moment they landed in
Dressrosa. They met some children on a ship who said they needed medical attention. Kin'emon
got off the ship to help them, but it set sail right after that, trapping Momonosuke on board.
Kin'emon proceeded to follow Momonosuke only because his comrade, Kanjuro, stayed behind
to hold off the enemies. Kin'emon now vows he must return the favor and save Kanjuro. Franky
and Chopper are deeply moved by Kin'emon's story and Luffy declares they will save him as well.
Law yells at them not to get distracted.

The scene changes to Marine Headquarters, where Commodore Brannew is giving a speech
about how there must be seven Shichibukai, no more and no less, saying their loyalty and power
is supposed to serve as a deterrent to other pirates. He lists off the current roster: The strongest
swordsman in the world, Dracule "Hawk-eyes" Mihawk, the depraved king of Dressrosa, "Heavenly
Yaksha" Donquixote Doflamingo, the human weapon, "Tyrant" Bartholomew Kuma, the ruler of
Amazon Lily, "Pirate Empress" Boa Hancock, the rookie behind the Rocky Port Incident, the
"Surgeon of Death" Trafalgar Law, the living legend "Star Clown" Buggy, and the one that he had
mentioned earlier. That made seven people until the story broke that morning that Doflamingo

Dressrosa Dressrosa

had resigned. He adds that Law's position is in jeopardy as well depending on his intentions.
Brannew goes on to say that the Shichibukai are supposed to be held in the same kind of esteem
as the Marines and Yonko, but is cut off by Sakazuki, who tells Brannew that he has made his
point. He asks if Brannew thinks Law and the Straw Hats can move freely, adding that Smoker
filed his report yesterday, and that the matter will be cleared up within a day, saying that Fujitora
has been dispatched to deal with them.

On Dressrosa, someone asks Doflamingo not to make hasty decisions. Baby 5 asks a little girl
where Trebol is. The old woman playing cards wonders what Doflamingo is thinking, and another
subordinate declares he is ready to fight if the Marines show up, while the old man replies that
his orders are absolute. Baby 5 then spots Trebol high above on a tower, commenting on how
funny everyone looks in pandemonium and wonders if the outside world is anything like what he
is seeing. He comes down and asks Baby 5 if the rumors about her latest fiancé getting killed
were true. Baby 5 tells him he is invading her personal space, and that there is a fine line between
persistence and annoyance. Trebol then asks if she likes it when he is persistently annoying. Baby
5 tells him to shut up and that Doflamingo asked for him, adding that he should bring "that" with
him, and reminds him again about personal space. He tells Baby 5 she needs to be more discrete
in picking her men, and then asks her to marry him, adding that he was just joking. Baby 5
wonders if he actually needs her, prompting the two old people playing cards to tell her not to go

In another room, Doflamingo is praising Diamante for his supervision of the colosseum. Diamante
shrugs it off and says that Doflamingo's royal charisma is the real reason behind colosseum's
success. Doflamingo insists it is all due to Diamante's know-how, and calls Diamante the savior.
Diamante tries to rebuke this, and Doflamingo is about to agree this time, only for Diamante to
change his mind and take all the credit. Trebol then drips down from the ceiling, saying he has
the thing Doflamingo asked for. Doflamingo then reminds him about personal space before taking
the box and telling Trebol to take a seat.

Doflamingo gives the box to Diamante, who tries to argue that he is unfit to hold the box until
Doflamingo agrees with him again, at which point he changes his mind and takes it. Doflamingo
opens the box and takes out a Devil Fruit, saying he really did have something that Luffy would
be interested in, the Mera Mera no Mi, saying there is no way Luffy would let anyone have his
brother's power.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats and company have just arrived at Dressrosa, and are more than
excited to disembark.

The Thousand Sunny docks at Dressrosa, inbetween boulders. Luffy strikes his characteristic
pose, loudly declaring their arrival. Franky is eager to locate and destroy the factory. Luffy tries to
ride Momonosuke like earlier on Punk Hazard, but Momonosuke claims he doesn't know how to
fly, and can't remember doing it. He says even if he could, he would never do such a dreadful
thing while vaguely recalling a dark hand reaching out to him and someone asking him for his
name. The pair proceed to fight over whether Momonosuke's a coward or not, in spite of his
insistence that a samurai fears nothing. Luffy proclaims he doesn't care about samurai,
and states that he is going to be Pirate King one day, while Momo bites his head and counters by
saying he is going be a shogun of Wano one day. Brook sighs and reminds Luffy that he is fighting
an eight year old. Kin'emon steps in and scolds his son, telling him to respect the man who saved
his life. Kin'emon tells him that the samurai of Wano have high pride, but also tells Luffy to not
be so caught up in arguing an eight year old, but the two continue to stick their tongues at each

Dressrosa Dressrosa

other. Kin'emon offers to provide disguises for the groups time on the island. He claims the men
all wear shirts and suits, while the women are all naked, which pleases Sanji and infuriates Nami.

Law gives Nami a Vivre Card that points towards Zo, in case something might to happen to them.
Law shows the Straw Hats a map of Dressrosa that one of his crew drew. The team handing
Caesar over to Doflamingo will pass through Dressrosa and head north, over a long bridge, to
Green Bit; apparently, one cannot get there by ship. Law, Usopp, and Robin (with Caesar) are the
team heading to Green Bit. Meanwhile, Nami, Momo, Brook and Chopper will look after the Sunny
while the rest will head to destroy the factory.

As Sanji, Kin'emon, Franky, Zoro and Luffy walk around the island, they witness the things for
which Dressrosa is renowned: the beautiful fields of flowers, the scent of delicious food, the
tireless, passionate dances of women and, to the entire group's stunned surprise, animate
humanoid toys that live alongside the people. A doll-man has his arm torn off and stolen by a dog,
while a tin soldier remarks that he recognizes the Straw Hats from the newspaper. The team then
hears a scream as someone gets stabbed in the street Zoro asks if there is a slasher roaming the
street, but a toy soldier explains that the women on the island are of such passion that they stab
any man caught cheating on them, which stuns Luffy's team again.

The group is in the port town of Acacia. Kin'emon disguises them all in black suits, shirts, and
fake beards as Luffy declares that it is time to eat. At a restaurant, Sanji remarks that the city
seems too calm for a nation whose king just resigned this morning. Luffy tries to ask someone
nearby for info, but Sanji stops him telling him his face was on the newspaper just that morning.
A toy monkey waiter brings the group's food, and as conversation strikes about the meal informs
them that the island has a legend about fairies, and that they have been sighted there for

The restaurant also has a casino, with tables across the room from the eating area. A bunch of
crooks are taking money from a blind man, telling him lies about the roulette results. The punks
state amongst themselves that with Buffalo being absent from the bar, they can cheat as much
as they please. The other customers are displeased, commenting on the dishonor done to
Doflamingo's name by their actions. The blind man bets all of his belongings, and the punks lie
to him again, eager to rob him of all the money but Luffy steps in and reveals their lies to the
gang's rage. The blind man thanks Luffy for telling him the truth, and he sheathes a sword from
his cane. Suddenly, the criminals are pushed to the ground with by a crushing force, as the blind
man tells them to go to hell. The floor of the restaurant caves into a dark abyss, swallowing the
thieves whole. As the crowd watches, the blind man comments on the benefits of his condition,
as there is much filth in this world that one does not wish to see.

The people in the restaurant are looking down into the hole made by the blind man. Everyone
wonders in awe about the blind man's powers. Sanji says he has an ability, and Zoro wonders
what ability it is. As the blind man walks off, he offers to pay for the damages. The cashier thinks
he recognizes the man, but before he can say more, the man excuses himself. Luffy asks the man
what he is. The man tells him that it would not be wise for both their sakes to tell Luffy his identity.
Sanji is confused about what the man meant by that, and wonders if the man has some degree
of infamy. Zoro agrees that he is no regular person.

Suddenly people start realizing that their possessions are gone. A bag, a watch, a jacket, and a
wallet were all exclaimed to be stolen. The patrons realize that it must have happened when the
old man kicked up dust earlier. Sanji wonders if the man robbed everyone. Zoro notices he is
missing a sword, and to his horror, Kin'emon realizes that the missing sword is Shusui. A nearby

Dressrosa Dressrosa

puppet tells them that fairies took everyone's possessions. When Zoro asks if the fairies are a
group of thieves, the puppet simply responds that faires are fairies, and all one can do is laugh it
off and move on. The invisible fairies have been the guardians of Dressrosa since the old days,
and the people have no choice but to accept whatever they do. Zoro gets angry and tells the
puppet it is not a joke, and Kin'emon agrees, saying it is Wano Country's national tre asure. Zoro
disagrees, saying it is his sword, and Kin'emon declares his intention to duel Zoro and take back
Shusui for Wano Country. Zoro is not intimidated by this. Just then, Zoro notices something move.
He looks at a window to see someone climbing out it with a bundle of items. Tied to that bundle,
is Shusui. Zoro runs after the thief, Sanji follows Zoro so the swordsman does not get lost, and
Kin'emon follows in turn, refusing to let Shusui get away. Luffy tries to run after them too, but is
stopped by Franky. Franky tells Luffy he has a plan. Since they are dealing with lowlifes, Franky
asks Luffy to let him take the lead.

They go outside with one of the men from the roulette table and start interrogating him. The
subordinate tells them that he was ordered to track some samurai, but he has no idea where they
are or if they were even captured. He also does not know anything about the SMILE Zoans either,
or a factory of any kind. Luffy remarks how he knows nothing about his own crew. Franky then
orders the man to tell him where his superiors are. He tells him that everyone is busy, but that
they were all called to the coliseum, including himself. He tells them that there is a big event at
Corrida Coliseum. The guy goes on to say that some amazing prize was offered. Luffy instantly
thinks the man is talking about the meat that he thought Doflamingo was talking about earlier,
only for Franky to say he just said it was something he'd want.

The scene changes to Corrida Coliseum. A soldier standing at the entrance, barring children from
entering and shooting at any that try to do so. Inside the stadium, the announcer is building up
the crowd, saying that no word can rightly describe the awesomeness of what they are about to
see. The prize is truly very rare, a fruit eaten by the man who died at Marineford two years ago,
his power gave him legendary status as the revered "Fire Fist Ace". The announcer pulls back the
cloth on the display next to him to reveal the Mera Mera no Mi, declaring that it will go to the
winner. The audience is momentarily aghast, but starts cheering again right away. The announcer
continues, saying that the king has brought out warriors from all over the New World. But to get
this prize is no easy task, but these are no ordinary fighters. H e then gestures to a television
screen as introduces the participants from the Donquixote family: Senor Pink, Dellinger, Lao G,
and Machvise. He then introduces the current operator of the coliseum, Diamante. The crowd is
now bursting with excitement, eager for the matches to start. The blind man from earlier is seen
in the crowd.

Back outside the restaurant, Luffy and Franky have just learned that Ace's fruit is being offered
as the tournament prize, much to Luffy's surprise.

A member of the Donquixote Pirates explains to Luffy and Franky that while a particular Devil Fruit
can't exist in more than one place at a time, the fruit will naturally grow somewhere else in the
world should the user die. After Ace’s death, Doflamingo was somehow able to acquire the
reincarnated Mera Mera no Mi. Luffy declares he wishes to possess it, and asks Franky if he'd
like to eat it. Franky denies, stating that he'd like to retain his ability to swim. Luffy explains that
he can't eat it himself due to the Gomu Gomu No Mi, but that he doesn't want to let just anyone
have his brother's fruit. Franky comments that this may be a ploy by Donquixote Doflamingo, but
it's not a chance Luffy should pass up. They decide to run off to enter the colosseum.

Meanwhile, Zoro is running around looking for who stole his sword. Sanji chases after him trying
to convince him to let the sword go, before getting distracted by a beautiful dancer. Zoro warns

Dressrosa Dressrosa

him that the women of the country are rumored to stab people, but Sanji blissfully disregards this
as he is mesmerized by her beauty. Sanji eventually loses sight of Zoro in the midst of his antics,
and resolves that this is a good opportunity to just leave him here. Looking at all the couples, he
fawns over the possibility of Robin and Nami falling in love with him, until the dancer approaches
him. She asks Sanji to hold her, and amid his confused reaction she hugs him tightly as soldiers
run past; looking for her. The dancer thanks Sanji and lets him go, but notices his heavy nose
bleed, and apologizes for hurting him. Sanji is immediately love struck by her caring nature, but
she tells him that she gave up on love. She begins to imply something about all the men that have
been with her in the past, but Sanji is only concerned with helping her from the men chasing her.
The dancer says that they are policemen, chasing her for stabbing her former loved one. Sanji is
awestruck at the rumors of the passionate love of the island being true, but immediately brushes
this off in favor of helping her. She states that being so willing to forgive an evil woman like her
could make her fall in love with Sanji, fueling Sanji's comical infatuation even more. She finally
reveals that her name is Violet, asking for Sanji's protection on her travel to the next town.
Furthermore, there's a man that she wants Sanji to kill.

Arriving at the Corrida Colosseum, Luffy and Franky are amazed by its size, prompting Franky's
will to fight as well. They then see police officers chasing a wanted One-Legged Toy Soldier, before
he jumps up to one of the windows and enters the colosseum. He explains that by law the police
and Marines are not allowed into the colosseum, even if they witness a criminal inside. He also
says that the only ones who can execute their rules in the colosseum are the Donquixote Pirates,
and that they would be the criminals should they attempt to fire on him now. After the police
officers leave, the soldier jumps down and notices Luffy's beard. Believing he is an old man, he
offers to help Luffy and Franky with their luggage. Franky wonders about the criminal's polite
manners all of a sudden, while Luffy is highly amused. Pleased at Luffy's delight, he starts to
laugh and pose randomly, entertaining Luffy further. Franky then asks him to move from their
way, and the toy is shocked to learn that he is impeding them. Franky again questions his
behaviorial changes, and the toy explains that he did it to entertain people, as it is the toys'

An announcer calls for the the closing of public registration for the event, though he laughs at the
notion of someone from the public signing up. Luffy announces his intention to join, as he rushes
through a crowd of both worried and skeptical faces. As he makes it to the registration desk,
Franky advises him to use an alias. Although Luffy acknowledges this, he still comes very close to
giving his real name before Franky interrupts him with a punch to the back of the head. Luffy
officially enters the competition as "Lucy". The announcer escorts him to the contestants' waiting
room, where he sees many gladiators warming up. The gladiators, believing him to be an old man,
belittle him immediately. However one in particular, an extremely large warrior named Spartan,
takes offense that someone weak would enter the colosseum where people come to to see strong
fighters battle. He tries to attack Luffy, who quickly evades and flips Spartan - knocking him out
to the shock of the surrounding gladiators.

After knocking out Spartan, everyone is astonished. Blaming Luffy for the incident, one of the
referees tries to throw Luffy out of the competition, but luckily he is defended by the Chinjao
Family, who informs the referee that it was Spartan that started the fight. Luffy thanks them, but
one of the Chinjao family members rejects his apology and tries to attack Luffy but is stopped by
another member.

Then some of the other competitors notice that they are some big names from a lot of countries
and they wonder if the countries have sent representatives to try and win the precious treasure,
the Mera Mera no Mi. Some of the big names are: the Funk Brothers, Dagama and Elizabello the

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Second from the Prodence kingdom, "Neck Slasher" Suleiman, former bounty hunters Abdullah
and Jeet, the fake massacre adventurist, the ruler Oolumbus and "Hyena" Bellamy, the
Donquixote family endorsement. The first round is revealed to be a battle royale with four blocks
and over 550 participants, though only four will advance. Luffy finds out he is in Block C and that
he is allowed to pick any armor or arms he wants besides guns. He chooses a viking warrior look,
but finds out that he is over the weight restriction and has to lose some armor.

Another participant, "the prince" who is the captain of the beautiful pirates tries to t ake up a
conversation with Luffy, claiming that he will win the Mera Mera no Mi but is ignored by Luffy.
Luffy then asks why everyone is almost naked and the prince informs him that the reason is
because the spectators want to see blood and that in the arena you can see humanity's true
colors exposed.

The prince then asks who Luffy is and Luffy tells him his real name and exclaims that he is going
to be the Pirate King, which draws attention from the crowd, but they see that his name tag says
Lucy and assume he just mispronounced his own name. The prince laughs and says that if he
really was Luffy then he would take his head here and now, because when he came to the New
World about three years ago he made a big name for himself but then his fame was overshadowed
by the Battle of Marineford and The Eleven Supernovas as well as the Blackbeard Pirates.

So he carries a grudge against any who is in "the worst generation", he then is ignored again by
Luffy, who notices a statue and his resemblance to it in his armor. Rebecca a female gladiator
tells Luffy that it is a statue of Kyros the mightiest gladiator in the history of the Corrida
Colosseum, stating that he won 3000 consecutive matches and that he only took a single blow
throughout them all, but that he retired 20 years ago and that no one knows his true identity. She
then wonders if he truly existed and how the bronze statue appeared one day out of the blue,
after that she declares her intention of winning the Mera Mera no Mi and killing Doflamingo. The
announcer then proclaims that the first block battle royale is over and the winner is revealed to
be the captain of the first ship of Blackbeard’s crew Jesus Burgess.

The chapter starts out with Franky in the stands, exclaiming his shock to see such a powerful
competitor as Jesus Burgess, thinking that Luffy would win the tournament easily. He then gets
up to leave and do his job, but the Thunder Soldier says that he wants to go too, much to the
annoyance of Franky.

In another part of the colosseum a marine scout is reporting to his boss, Capman, asking for
reinforcements due to the sheer amount of formidable outlaws at the colosseum. Capman says
he'll ask Issho right away, but is confronted by the "missionary" Gambia of the Barto club, but he
quickly takes care of him. Meanwhile, the blind man gets up to leave, and his subordinate gives
him his (admiral) coat. The blind man requested 3 battleships and a large number of medical
officers and said that he'll go to Green Bit first. He is then revealed to be Admiral Fujitora, and
asks his subordinate about the number of spectators, the population of the town, and of the
country. When his subordinate asks why that is needed, he replies that before counting the
number of enemies, they should count the number of people needing protection.

At a northeastern cafe the members of the group responsible for exchanging Caesar are asking
about Green Bit, but are told to avoid it saying that there are fighting fish which are very
dangerous. He also says that no one who used the iron bridge to Green Bit has ever come
back. Usopp and Caesar plead with Law asking to change the drop off location, but Law refuses.
Law is more worried about the lack of panic even though Doflamingo, their king, has just resigned,
but his worries are cut short by the arrival of CP-0, the world's strongest intelligence agency.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Elsewhere Zoro is seen chasing the "fairy" that stole his sword to the top of a building and takes
it back, only to go over the side and fall to the ground with the 'fairy' falling with him. Meanwhile
Kin’emon gets lost and is surrounded by enemies who seem to have captured Kanjuro. Also
staying true to his promise Sanji beats a mysterious sniper much to the pleasure of Violet. Back
at the ship, the group protecting the Thousand Sunny are playing Shogun, when suddenly they
hear a mysterious noise.

Back at the colosseum Bartolomeo enters the arena, while one of the referees asks if he has
seen Capman, who is shown to be defeated.

Bartolomeo walks into the arena as the announcer is introducing him. He calls Bartolomeo cruel
and crazy, citing an incident involving him skewering pirates and broadcasting it, and holds the
number one spot for the person people most want to disappear. Bartolomeo is then introduced
through a character box, listing his bounty at B150,000,000. Bartolomeo raises his hands and
declares that he is sending everyone to hell. The crowd starts booing, telling him to get lost. He
responds by making faces and then throws an object into the crowd. One of the workers asks
what he thinks he is doing. People in the audience start to run and duck for cover after someone
screams that he threw a bomb. Everyone stops when they hear the oddly normal sound the
"bomb" makes when it lands. It turns out that Bartolomeo simply threw a ball at them. Dagama
sarcastically commends him for his great job winning over the crowd, calling him a thug.
Bartolomeo says he does not care what they think of him.

The announcer then introduces another contestant, calling him the opposite of Bartolomeo; a
man with only the utmost devotion to Doflamingo who swore allegiance to their king after bringing
him a pillar made of gold from another country. The crowd gets excited with anticipation, knowing
whom the announcer is talking about. Thanks to him, every country that's insulted Dressrosa by
calling them pirates has been destroyed by this man, known as the murderous bomb of
Dressrosa. And now this man has a one in a lifetime opportunity.

The scene changes to backstage, where an official is directing people to the infirmary. He tells
them that they do not have enough stretchers for everyone, and encourages people to walk if
they can. Someone asks why such powerful fighters are in the tournament. Luffy muses that they
all got beaten pretty hard by Burgess as a man in shell shock is being rushed by on a stretcher.
Bellamy walks up behind Luffy, telling him he doesn't have bad eyesight, and that he can see
through Luffy's disguise. He could never forget the man who ruined his reputation. Bellamy is
reintroduced with a character box, marking his current bounty at B195,000,000. Luffy recognizes
him as the guy who beat up Montblanc Cricket and begins to guess the wrong name, but Bellamy
cuts him off and reminds him. Luffy asks him why he is here. Bellamy says no reason in particular,
as he does not live on Jaya and can go wherever he wants. He goes on to say that he has
worshiped Doflamingo ever since he was young. He does not care about the Mera Mera no Mi. All
that matters to him is winning. Luffy remarks that they will be fighting again. Bellamy tells him
that he is nothing like the man Luffy fought in Jaya. He tells Luffy that he also went to a sky island
at the cost of his crew, and became a changed man upon his return. Luffy asks what he did to
the people there. Bellamy cryptically replies by answering the question with the same question.
As he walks off, he tells Luffy that he no longer considers there to be any bad blood between
them, all he wants is to join up with Doflamingo.

As Bellamy walks out into the light of the arena, the announcer tells the crowd that if Bellamy
wins the tournament today, he will be promoted to a high executive position in the Donquixote
Family, and is one of the favorites to win the tournament. He finishes his introduction by
presenting Bellamy the Hyena. Cavendish looks at Bellamy somewhat jealously, remarking on his

Dressrosa Dressrosa

large following. He then asks Luffy what block he is in. Luffy is about to answer as the chapter
goes into narration, listing the noteworthy fighters from each block:

From C Block, there is Sai, Lucy, Kelly Funk, Jean Ango, Boo, Ideo, Fighting Bull, Don Chinjao,
Hajrudin, and Bobby Funk.

From D Block, there is Mummy, Orlumbus, Cavendish, Meadows, Fighting Lion, Rebecca,
Damask, Rolling Logan, Acilia, and Suleiman.

And from the group about to face off, B Block, there is Elizabello II, Blue Gilly, Tank Lepanto,
Abdullah, Bartolomeo, Ricky, Bellamy, Dagama , Hack, and Jeet.

The announcer swings a wooden mallet down on the starting bell and the match gets under way.
Bellamy is trying to decide where to begin when he sees several fighters get thrown back. Tank
Lepanto, Elizabello II, and Dagama discuss if they should take out Bellamy first, to which the
tactician says yes, as they must take out the stronger fighters while they still have numbers on
their side. Bellamy asks what they are doing, and Bartolomeo remarks that the battle isn't really
a battle royale anymore. Dagama tells them they can complain all they want when they are dead.
All that matters is who the last person standing is.

Block B continues, and the audience realizes that Dagama has formed an alliance with other
competitors. The announcer announces the news to the entire Colosseum, and tells the audience
that this action is not against the rules, and announces who the mastermind of the operation is.
Dagama thinks to himself that there is no way for his kingdom to lose this, due to the immense
strength of their king, Elizabello II. He continues to think about how Elizabello left a hole in a rival
kingdom's fortress, and then thinks about the one drawback to using Elizabello's power; it
requires one whole hour to charge up and use. He continues to think about how it is capable of
knocking out a Yonko in one punch, and says that the outcome of the battle depends entirely on
the punch's timing.

Dagama then asks Elizabello how his preparations are going, and Elizabello replies by saying that
he is ready to go anytime. Dagama then tells his men to defend the king, and to continue thinning
the numbers in order to ensure their victory. Bellamy then mocks Tank Lepanto for teaming up
with Dagama and Elizabello, due to his status as defense captain of Dressrosa. Lepanto responds
by saying that money is what makes the world go round, and that dreams are unimportant,
because he prefers to collect the easiest money he can possibly acquire. Bellamy laughs, and
attacks Lepanto. In the midst of their clash, three other competitors fall into the lake. The three
fighters are disqualified, and then the announcer tells the audience what is inside the lake; a
school of little flying fish. The crowd cheers as the flying fish show themselves. The announcer
then goes onto say that there's no way anybody can emerge from the fight unscathed, because it
is the Corrida Colosseum.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the block, Abdullah and Jeet are fighting other competitors. While
Abdullah attacks them from the front, Jeet attacks them from the back, which causes one of the
fighters to tell Jeet that what they are doing is cheating. The two then stand beside one anot her,
and Abdullah states how much he loves the sound of fighting.

Elsewhere in the block, a fighter tells Hack that fishmen should not put their noses where they do
not belong. He goes on to say that Hack should not be there, because he is a monster. The fighter
continues to mock Hack, but then Hack tells him that instead of speaking with his mouth, he
should speak with his fists. The fighter then attacks Hack with his spiked mace, but Hack is

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undamaged from it, and knocks the fighter back with a four thousand tile punch. Hack then goes
onto say even though the fishmen place their faith in Jinbe (who is also Hack's friend), the fishmen
should also fight back with fists.

Elsewhere in the block, Dagama's men are being attacked by Blue Gilly. Blue Gilly tells t he fighters
to come closer to him, because according to him, it is not fun if they stay so far away. Dagama
tells his men that Blue Gilly is merely a long-leg, and that they should just aim for his leg in order
to take him down. Dagama's men respond by saying that they refuse to get near him, due to not
knowing where his kicks may land next. Blue Gilly then attacks the men.

Elsewhere in the block, a gladiator notices that an unfamiliar face is there. They point out his
strength, and say that they have never seen him in a battle before. They go on to point out that
he is only using one sword, unlike the other gladiators who use both sword and shield, and that
he must be a samurai from Wano Country. This gladiator is revealed to be Ricky, and he attacks
the men, and tells them that they are too slow.

Elsewhere in the stands, a few audience members point out how they have never seen Ricky in
the Colosseum before, and one of them states that they recognize his fighting style, but say they
can not remember his name. The audience then goes on to scream at Bartolomeo, asking him if
he wants to die, and saying how they just want him to lose, because he is just laying out in the

Meanwhile, in the participants viewing area, Cavendish explains to Luffy why people call
Bartolomeo "The Cannibal". He goes on to say this is due to his mockery of others, and says that
Bartolomeo is one of the cheeky kids who rose to fame after him. Luffy then states that this is
exciting, and asks Cavendish what his name is. Cavendish replies by saying that he is Cavendish,
and Luffy then asks him what he has in his hand (but calls him Cabbage instead). Cavendish
replies by saying that he is checking on his bounty posters of The Worst Generation, and says that
he will probably need to get new ones soon due to all the knife marks he has left on them. Luffy
tells him that he should probably just forgive them, but Cavendish replies that he just wants to
kill them. Cavendish then goes onto say that he thought at least one would be there, due t o the
prize offered. He then states that they may be hiding their face, as Burgess did before, and says
that he will wait for them among the survivors.

Suddenly, Don Chinjao interrupts the conversation, and comments on the view of the match from
the area. Chinjao then asks Luffy how Garp is doing, and refers to him as Straw Hat Luffy. Luffy
then asks him if he knows his grandpa, which causes Cavendish to become shocked. Luffy then
realizes that he has revealed his identity. Chinjao explains that a long time ago, Garp nearly killed
him, and that he has decided to hold a grudge against his descendants. This causes Luffy to say
nothing more than "what?"

In the participant's viewing area, Don Chinjao tells Luffy and Cavendish about Garp's reputation
in the past, and how he is considered a demon by many pirates, and about how Garp gave him
scars. Cavendish questions Luffy about his true identity, but Luffy tells him that he isn't Luffy, and
is Lucy. Chinjao states that he will take out his grudge from Garp on Luff y, and Luffy replies by
telling Chinajo to take it out on Garp instead. Chinjao then asks Luffy if he is really Garp's
grandson, and Luffy replies by saying that he is Lucy. Cavendish then pulls out his sword, and
tells Luffy that if he is really Straw Hat Luffy, then he will cut him down right there. Chinjao then
states that he wishes he had discovered the identity of Monkey D. Dragon earlier, so that Luffy
would have never been born. Chinjao attacks Luffy as he says this.

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Nearby, other gladiators notice Chinajo rampaging against Luffy. Luffy tells Chinjao to hold on,
and Cavendish approaches Luffy and tries to pull off his beard. The spectators then state that
Chinjao is not a joke, and that he once had a bounty of over five hundred million Bellies. Chinja o
then prepares to attack Cavendish and Luffy. Cavendish draws his sword, and nearby gladiators
identify it as Durandal, one of the world's greatest blades. Cavendish states that Luffy is his prey,
but Chinjao ignores him and charges at him and Luffy. Cavendish blocks Chinjao with Durandal,
and nearby gladiators note that the sword pierced his head. The gladiators then notice that
Chinjao stopped the blade, and that it actually did not pierce his head. The gladiators then exclaim
that the fighters cannot be human, due to their extraordinary strength. Chinjao then continues to
relentlessly attack Cavendish and Luffy, and Cavendish says that they cannot cut corners if they
want to take him down. Luffy then gets angry, and knocks Chinjao into the ground.

The gladiators then exclaim that Luffy has kicked Chinjao's ass, and question his identity. The
gladiators are then shocked when Chinjao stands back up, unscathed from the encounter. The
gladiators then speak about the myths that surround Chinjao, including him breaking an arctic
continent with a headbutt. Luffy is also surprised that his attack did no damage. Chinjao then
states that even though Cavendish and Luffy have talent, it is too soon for them to be facing him.
Cavendish then fully believes that the disguised Lucy is Luffy, and Luffy replies by telling him to
leave him alone. Cavendish then states that Luffy is good at getting people to hate him, due to
stealing people's popularity and being born the grandson of Garp. Luffy then says that he did not
know any of those things, but then corrects himself by saying that he is Lucy. Chinjao then tells
Cavendish that if his intention is to get in his way, then he will just take him down as well.

Suddenly, Sai and Boo show up, and tell Chinjao that this is as far as he should go for now. They
state that he will be disqualified if he does this now, and grab him in order to stop him. Chinjao
tells them to get their hands off him, and also says that he has finally found the bloodline of Garp.
Sai and Boo respond by saying that if he is disqualified now, they will be unable to achieve their
real objective for which they joined the tournament. The Colosseum guards show up, and tell the
group that if they are fighting, then they will kick them out. Cavendish notices this, and says that
he does not care if he gets kicked out, but then he notices that Luffy has disappeared. Sai and
Boo then tell Chinjao that he can kill Luffy in Block C, since they are in the same block together.
Cavendish then says that he will not let Luffy get away, and states that he is going to take his life
before the match even starts.

A few of the spectators then question what they have heard, which is that Straw Hat Luffy is there.
Luffy is then seen hanging on the side of a window, and he remembers how he promised Franky
he would not let himself get caught. The announcer of the battle announces that Tank Lepanto
has been defeated by Abdullah and Jeet. Jeet laughs, and the audience states that the two of
them always play dirty tricks, and call out Lepanto's name. The announcer states that in such a
short time, over one hundred contestants have been eliminated, and that only thirty contestants
remain. Dagama then states that as long as his kingdom has the king's punch, they will win. Blue
Gilly attacks Ricky, and Abdullah and Jeet taunt the other gladiators.

Suddenly, Bellamy appears and attacks the duo. He is able to defeat them, and the audience
exclaims how cruel and atrocious Bellamy's actions are. The audience then points out Hack, and
say that he is strong. They point out that he is using Fishman Karate, and that he is cool, because
of all the one hit knock outs he has achieved in the battle. The announcer then announces Hack's
feat in the tournament, and also notices someone on the other side. The audience wonder what
this person is doing. The announcer then asks Bartolomeo how long he plans on annoying people.
The audience asks why nobody is kicking his ass. The announcer then points out how Bartolomeo
is peeing into the lake in the middle of the battle, and says that never in the history of the

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Colosseum has this happened. The announcer also wonders if there is anybody that will stop
Bartolomeo's silliness.

Suddenly, the announcer spots Hack approaching Bartolomeo. Hack states that there are people
who actually are taking the tournament seriously, and also says to forgive him for attacking from
the behind. Hack prepares to attack Bartolomeo, and Bartolomeo tells him not to attack a
defenseless man. The announcer says that Hack is the arena's hero, and the audience cheers
him on. Hack attacks Bartolomeo, but his hand breaks in the process. The audience is shocked,
and the announcer questions how Hack is the one on the ground, Luffy is shown to be shocked,
and the announcer questions what Bartolomeo really is.

Bartolomeo kicks Hack and knocks him out, eliminating him from the competition, this astonishes
the crowd including the commentator who apparently was cheering for Hack to win. The
commentator then gets control of himself and announces that the B block battle is still anyone's
game and that there are 24 participants left, some of the combatants still left standing being:
Bellamy the Hyena, Bartolomeo the cannibal, Dagama, King Elizabello II the fighting king, Blue
Gilly, and Ricky.

Dagama then announces to Blue Gilly that everyone is wounded and that now is the time, Blue
Gilly then kicks Ricky in the helmet, and wounds him gravely. Blue Gilly questions Ricky as to
"what he is trying to cut, with a dull sword" while Ricky lies on the ground commenting that he can
not win against time, and that he hates the cheers and that he hates Doflamingo. Blue Gilly and
Dagama then attack the gladiators that Dagama had bribed into helping him from behind,
betraying them, Dagama then tries to double cross Blue Gilly and attack him from behind, but
Blue Gilly notices and counters with a kick that knocks Dagama out of the ring and
promptly gets attacked by a fighting fish as insult to injury. Blue Gilly knew never to trust a
schemer like him and was watching his back the whole time, earning him the praise from the

Meanwhile Bellamy has been fighting Bartolomeo and is on death's door, been severely
outclassed by him, Bellamy then comments that Bartolomeo must have eaten a Devil Fruit. The
spectators noticed that Bellamy was mysteriously hurt after he attacked Bartolomeo just like
Hack, while Luffy still hanging from a window sill shouts encouragement at Bellamy.

Meanwhile a group of competitors have ganged up on king Elizabello II, while Blue Gilly taunts
him saying that he is now unprotected to which the king retorts back to Blue Gilly with a threat of
his own. The crowd is now very curious as to what will happen next, as they have heard about the
power of Elizabello's punches, and they decide to run away when he starts preparing to punch.
As Elizabello is about to punch, Blue Gilly quickly moves in with the intent to break the king's neck
while Bellamy has managed to catch Bartolomeo with his hands, when he felt the power
eliminating from the king and turns around to sees in horror that he and Bartolomeo are directly
in the path of the punch. With the power channeled in an hour of focus, Elizabello unleashes his
punch directly in front of Blue Gilly, breaking the sound barrier and releasing an unstoppable
shock wave, destroying anything in its path and sent everyone in the ring flying and out of the
fight. The punch alone generated a blinding light that prevents anyone from seeing whats
happening. Outside of the colosseum, by passers stop to look at the rising smoke and the loud
sound that came from the colosseum. As the smoke clears, the shaken commentator crawled out
of the safety of his stand and announces to the audience that every fighter except for Elizabello
II had been knocked out.

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Before he could announce the winner, one of the audience shouts out there is still someone else
standing, and the smoke clears revealing a transparent barrier protecting not only the audience
from the brunt of the punch but Bartolomeo as well. Bartolomeo then reveals that he ate the Bari
Bari no Mi a devil fruit that allows him to create a barrier when he crosses his fingers, he then
attacks Elizabello with a barrier which proves to be powerful enough to injure him and sent him
skidding near the edge of the ring. With the last remaining fighter knocked out, the commentator
announces Bartolomeo as the winner of the B block battle royale which disappoints the crowd.

Meanwhile inside the corridor leading to the seats, Thunder Soldier reveals to Franky that he is
also planning to destroy the factory. Franky demands to know the location of it but Thunder
Soldier tells him they must first free the workers and that their tactic is important as it will bring
the fall of Dressrosa. Thunder Soldier then states that if Franky is seriously go ing to stand up
against Doflamingo then he will explain the history of Dressrosa.

After the B block battle royale has finished Bellamy is being taken away on a stretcher and as he
passes Luffy he comments that he has not changed a bit, Luffy on the other hand disagrees and
that he has changed. Bellamy laughs at this and tells Luffy that he is the one that has changed,
commenting on his exceptional Haki, he then tells Luffy that the whole rooting for him thing has
crushed his pride and calls him "Straw Hat", which gets the attention of Bartolomeo who is
standing a couple feet away.

At the bridge to Green Bit the "Caesar Exchange Team" is making their way across the iron bridge
with 45 minutes left until the agreed upon time to exchange Caesar Clown. Unfortunately for them
they are being attacked by a school of Fighting Fish who are so big that the iron bridge bends
easily under their weight, which prompts Robin to wonder if they really are fish to which Law
responds that they are, although Usopp disagrees and Caesar says they are the same as sea
monsters. But Law does not seem very agitated by the fish and comments that it is not a problem
that Usopp and Robin cannot handle, which confuses Usopp who believes that since Law is a
Shichibukai he should be the one dealing with the fish. The school of fish starts to attack the
bridge again forcing Robin and Usopp to deal with them, much to the happiness of Law, but
realizing that there are too many fish to deal with they decide to make a run for it. Law also tells
Usopp to take off Caesar's handcuffs so that he may help out, stating that Caesar will not run
away as long as he is still in possession of Caesar's heart, which angers Caesar. Caesar helps out
by defeating some of the fish while the other three run, Usopp then asks Law again as to why he
is not fighting to which Law responds that he has to save all his energy for his fight with
Doflamingo much to Caesar's shock.

The group then encounters some more bad luck as the next part of the bridge has been destroyed
by the fish as well as the fact that it is surrounded by fog and what is worse another fighting fish
jumps out of the water to attack the group. Fortunately the fish is stopped by some kind of fishing
net much to the surprise of the group, voices are then heard on the other side of the bridge which
makes the group wonder who it may be and Usopp calls out asking if anyone is on the other side
and if they can help them get across. This however surprises and scares off the mysterious
strangers, Law then makes Caesar use his gas powers to fly the group over to Green Bit much to
the annoyance of Caesar.

Upon arriving at Green Bit the group can not find any traces of the people who captured the fish
and notice both the large number of wrecked ships and the giant, lush forest of Green Bit. Law
then observes that the southeast beach is just up ahead while Usopp notices a Marine ship that
had crashed into the island and Robin uses her binoculars to confirm that the ship had damaged
the plants and trees just recently. Robin also notes that the ship itself is not very damaged and

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Caesar starts to get paranoid that the exchange has been compromised and complains to Law
who is wondering how to make his next move. Caesar begs Law to call off the exchange as the
Marines are there and he is an enemy of the Marines, but Law refuses, noting that since he is an
ally of the Straw Hat Pirates the Marines are now his enemy too and that he will need Robin and
Usopp's skills to check out the forest and make sure there is nothing strange going on.

Robin and Usopp then leave to search the forest with 14 minutes until the exchange takes place
with Robin taking the lead and Usopp trailing behind. The two then notice a bunch of Marines in
a clearing talking with an unknown person, the Marines ask if he is a Straw Hat to which the
unknown person comments that he is not and that his name is Leo. Leo then asks whether the
Marines are good guys or bad guys, to which the Marines respond that they are good guys,
prompting Leo to ask that they lay down their weapons. Unfortunately the Marines do not and in
the blink of an eye they are stripped down to their underwear. The Marines run away while Robin
uses a new technique to try and capture the culprits, whom she believes are dwarves.

Robin woke up to find a bunch of dwarves climbing on her looking for anything suspicious, much
to her shock. When she tried to get up, a certain dwarf by the name of Leo informed her that she
better stay down, while another named Kabu informed the other dwarves that she used a weird
magic. She then recalls how she captured Kabu but how she was then knocked out by an
anesthetic flower along with Usopp. After that she is informed that she is currently located under
the forest of Green Bit and that she should not try to escape as she is sewn to the ground due to
the power of Nui Nui. Robin then apologized to the dwarves promising that she will keep their
secret for them, at first the dwarves did not believe her but after being reassured by Robin again
they immediately trusted her much to Robin's shock. However, the Tontatta kingdom’s chief
arrived and demanded to know what was going on, to which Leo explained that Robin is a good
person which he believed immediately, which again shocked Robin.

Robin then noticed that it is almost time for the exchange and that she must get going, she then
asked that the dwarves return her Den Den Mushi but is informed that it has been returned to
the wild. After that she asked to be led to the exit but the dwarves say that if she truly is a good
person then she will give them her weapons, though Robin said she does not have any weapons.
The dwarves then told her that she must be stripped and they attacked her. She is saved,
however, by another dwarf named Flapper who quickly informed them that she is the friend of
the legendary warrior who was with her. Robin knew that "legendary warrior" would be one of
Usopp's lies and wondered what lies he sprouted out at them.

Meanwhile, at Dressrosa’s port city, Acacia, Zoro is running with a dwarf named Wicca. Wicca was
the "fairy" that had stolen Zoro's sword and, because of an ankle injury that she got from being
chased by Zoro, she is relying on him for transportation. While Zoro is relying on Wicca for
directions due to his lack of an internal compass. Wicca also informs Zoro of several things she
has found out during her recon mission such as the fact that Doflamingo's crew is on their way to
attack the Straw Hat’s ship.

And at the Corrida Colosseum the C block match was about to start. Rebecca was seen
reminiscing with her thoughts until she noticed Franky and the Thunder Soldier running. Her eyes
began to well up with tears as she recognizes the tin soldier she knew so much. She called out to
Thunder Soldier who saw her and Franky stopped for a minute. The tin soldier told her that when
he saw the list of participants he couldn't believe she would willingly come back there. With her
emotions spilling out, she cried out that she will win the tournament this time and when she is
done they can be together. Thunder Soldier however, told her that a crying warrior won't win the
tournament and asked Franky to hurry to their destination. Franky, still confused at what was

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going on, wondered if it was okay to leave her crying, but the tin soldier explained to him that even
toys have things they want to protect. However, for the tin soldier, even tears won't fall from his
tin eyes leaving Franky in thought over his words and quickly left the arena as Rebecca sank to
her knees with her burdening emotions.

Finally, back at Green Bit's southeastern beach, with two minutes left before the meeting,
Trafalgar Law is informed by Sanji who has urgently phoned him that the exchange is in fact a
trap. That Donquixote Doflamingo never truly left his position as a Shichibukai and that he and
Issho are planning to attack him. Trafalgar Law told him that its too late as he saw Doflamingo
and Issho already moved in to surround him.

Thirty minutes before Caesar’s transfer, back in Dressrosa, Sanji is seen beaten and bloodied up,
surrounded by Doflamingo’s men, while Violet reveals that she fooled Sanji and actually knew
who he was all along. She comments that she had heard that Sanji was weak to women, but did
not realize it was this bad. It is then discovered that Violet is actually an assassin for Doflamingo
and a part of the Trébol Army. Sanji however, refuses to believe that Violet is a bad person and
says she has a kind heart but is somewhere she does not want to be because she was tempted
by some bad people. This apparently angers Violet and she kicks Sanji in the face, telling him to
stop being in love. She believes Sanji is lying to her and is actually suppressing his anger while
searching for a way out.

Violet then demonstrates her Devil Fruit power that allows her to see through people’s clothes
and even into their minds. After looking into Sanji’s mind, she finds out that Law and Luffy have
teamed up but is unsure of their reasons for being on Dressrosa. She then looks into Sanji’s mind
again but is repulsed by his perverted thoughts and demands to know why she cannot see the
details of his crew's plan. Sanji replies that he can only think of her. Sanji then tells Violet that he
believes she was telling the truth when she asked him to kill a man for her due to the tears in her
eyes. This angers Doflamingo’s men and they decide to kill Sanji, however, Violet, who was
touched by Sanji’s words, uses her Devil Fruit powers to defeat them.

Violet then tells Sanji that he was right about her and was thankful that he still believed in a n
enemy like her. Sanji then invites Violet to escape with him and his crew on their ship but Violet
tells him that they have fallen into a trap. She then lets Sanji look into her mind using her Devil
Fruit powers and see her memories from the morning. Violet’s memories reveal that Doflamingo
was waiting for CP-0 to show up. When CP-0 arrives, they announce to the citizens of Dressrosa,
who were in a panic over the report that their king had stepped down from his position, that the
report was a mistake and that it would be corrected in the extra edition of the newspaper at 3
p.m. that day. They then tell the citizens not disclose this to anyone else and to proceed with their
day as if nothing had happened. After seeing these events in Violet's memories, Sanji is visibly
shocked. He then comments that using the World Government goes beyond the powers of any
Shichibukai. Violet then tells him that she cannot leave because she is afraid of what Doflamingo
will do but she says that there might still be time for Sanji and the others to escape.

Back on Green Bit, in the present time, Admiral Fujitora is talking with Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, the
former having difficulty believing that a false report could be published and given to Marine
headquarters. Sakazuki replies that it is completely infuriating and he is going to contact the Five
Elders at Mary Geoise about the matter, saying there is nothing else they can do about it right
now. Robin finds Law using her Devil Fruit powers and explains that she overheard Law's
conversation with Sanji. They decide they need to get off the island since the plan failed. However,
Robin tells Law that both she and Usopp are underground and can’t help him at the moment, so
they decide to escape separately and meet at the port. At that moment, Doflamingo and Admiral

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Fujitora show up and a narration box shows it is now 3 p.m. Doflamingo then mockingly pretends
to be afraid that a Marine admiral is there because he quit his position as a Shichibukai, however
Law calls him a liar.

At the same time, at the Corrida Colosseum, the C block battle royale has just started. Cavendish
is seen being held back by guards, enraged that Luffy somehow managed to get past him and
into the ring. Luffy then shows his excitement because the battle has finally started.

At the same time, around the world, the extra edition of the newspaper is being distributed and
the people are visibly shocked by the false report.

Back on Green Bit, Law asks Doflamingo if he really used the powers of the World Government
and tricked the whole world just to fool ten pirates. Doflamingo tells him that the fixed belief that
someone would never do something so ridiculous creates a blind spot. However, Law replies that
a pirate, even if he is a Shichibukai, should not be able to do something as big as getting a fake
news story printed, and that only the Celestial Dragons have that authority. Law then thinks about
what he just said and remembers a comment that Vergo made about not knowing Joker's past.
However Doflamingo says it is more deep-rooted than that and says he plans to kill Law.

During the confrontation between Law, Donquixote Doflamingo and Issho on Green Bit, Caesar
Clown yells to “Joker” to finish off Law already. Law tells Doflamingo that he broke his promise
and they were going to have to start their deal from scratch again. However, Doflamingo laughs
at this and tells Law to leave his subordinate Caesar alone. At that moment, Issho and his men
realize that Law’s hostage is none other than Caesar Clown, the criminal scie ntist behind the
poison gas incident. However, Issho says that because he is the subordinate of a Shichibukai, he
is exempt of his crimes.

Doflamingo then directs his attention to Issho and asks if he is really Fujitora, the man who was
assigned to admiral at the World Military Draft. He then says that he has heard stories about
Fujitora and Ryokugyu being true beasts in terms of power. Issho responds that, although he is
still new to the marines, he cannot understand what Doflamingo is doing on Green Bit. He then
states that he has received information that Doflamingo is not exactly following the rules as a
Shichibukai. Doflamingo laughs at this and says that if he plans to investigate him, he will need
to be prepared to back up his claims before he says anything.

Doflamingo then asks what the Marines have decided in the matter of Law’s disposal. Issho says
that if Law really is in an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates, then he is no longer a Shichibukai.
However, he says that if the Straw Hats are just Law’s subordinates, then Law can remain a
Shichibukai. Law analyzes the situation and decides to buy some time by telling Issho that he is
in an alliance with the Straw Hats. Doflamingo laughs once again and Issho officially revokes
Law’s title as Shichibukai and then prepares to attack.

Issho then uses his devil fruit power to cause a meteor to fall out of the sky right on top of them,
much to Law and Doflamingo’s shock. Caesar and Issho’s men run for it but Law, Doflamingo and
Issho use their devil fruit powers to cut the meteorite into pieces. The falling meteorite pieces
create a large crater around them, leaving only their footholds left. A furious Doflamingo then
asks Issho what the Fleet Admiral taught him. Law comments that it doesn’t matter if Issho can
see or not. Issho responds that he was just testing his strength a little.

Back on Dressrosa, Franky is talking to Sanji via den den mushi. Franky informs Sanji that he and
Thunder Soldier are heading to the flower field while Sanji informs Franky that he has fallen in

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love. Franky tells him that that is great and he is going to find the factory soon but it is going to
be bigger job than they originally thought. Sanji then tries to inform Franky about Doflamingo's
trick, but Franky says that he already read the newspaper about it and plans to destroy the factory
anyway. He then invites Sanji to meet them at the flower field. Sanji then worries about Nami’s
safety but Franky tells him to stop thinking that she is still weak and reminds him that Brook and
Chopper are with her.

Sanji then notices a giant television screen broadcasting the fight from the Corrida Colosseum.
He is shocked to see Luffy on the screen kicking a gladiator in the face while the announcer
expresses his shock at the mysterious gladiator Lucy’s strength. Sanji then tries to inform Franky
that Luffy is fighting in the Colosseum but Franky reveals that he let him fight, much to Sanji’s
frustration. Sanji then ends his call, and Violet gives Sanji a map to the secret factory. Violet
informs Sanji that the factory looks like a toy house up front but it is actually the factory. Sanji
expresses concern that Violet will be in a lot of trouble if she keeps helping him but Violet tells
him that her superiors are probably already aware of her betrayal. Sanji then tells Violet to meet
him at the western port and hide herself so that they can escape later but Violet, amused that
Sanji still thinks he can save her, tells him he really is hopeless and smiles before running off.

Suddenly Kin’emon appears out of nowhere and tells Sanji to defeat a group of Doflamingo’s men
who were chasing after him. Sanji does so and then comments that Kin'emon could have
defeated these small fries himself but Kin'emon said he could not because they used his friend
Kanjuro as hostage. He then asks Sanji to come with him to free Kanjuro from a place called the
“toy’s house”. But he doesn’t know where it is.

Back on Green Bit, in the Tontatta Kingdom, Usopp and the dwarves are concerned about all the
shaking coming from above ground. Robin says that it must be Law and the others. The dwarves
then notice that their hero's upset but Usopp says that he is fine and that the shaking was just
his Haki. The dwarves are impressed and tell him to keep eating all he wants and call him
Usoland. Robin then asks Usopp about why dwarves are calling him Usoland. Usopp shows her a
statue with the words hero on it and asks her if reminds her of the picture book from Jaya. Robin
realizes that the statue is of Montblanc Noland. The dwarf Leo says that she is right and tells the
story of how Noland came to their island 400 years ago and fought with the bad humans that
were ravaging their island and led the dwarves to victory. Flapper then says that he was moved
when “Usoland” said Noland’s name and said that he was a descendant of his. Robin looks at
Usopp at calls him a bad person but Usopp responds that his lie saved her. The Dwarf chief
Gancho then proclaims that Usopps arrival was due to fate. Leo then says that it was 400 years
ago today that Noland led their ancestors to victory and now on the day that they vowed to fight
Doflamingo, Usoland the hero showed up. He then says that when Usoland is done eating, they
will use an underground tunnel to meet up with their friends on Dressrosa and fight the
Donquixote family. The dwarves then proclaim that Usoland will lead them to victory and chant
his name, much to Usopp’s horror.

In the coastal waters off Dressrosa, Brook and Chopper, on the Thousand Sunny, tell people to
get away from the ship. The invaders are revealed to be members of the Club Trébol Army, with
the leader of the group being revealed as Jora. Jora tells Brook and Chopper to be quiet, and asks
who called her a mermaid princess, to which Brook and Chopper reply that they did not. Jora tells
them to hurry up and hand over Momonosuke, and also wonders how the boy is with them, since
earlier, they just had an eel with them. She goes on to say that Doflamingo has ordered the
capture of Momonosuke, and the capture of their ship. Nami thinks about what will happen if Jora
continues to go wild with her ability, and Brook and Chopper say that the Thousand Sunny may

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become unusable. Nami then tells Jora to attack them away from the ship, and Momonosuke
hangs on to her legs.

Jora then tells her men to capture Momonosuke, and also says that what is happening will not do
at all. Her men then yell at her, and she continues to say "this will not do", and she starts to shake
and laugh. She says that an image is coming to her head, and that her soul is about to come
forth. Brook says that the situation is getting bad, and that she might do like she did before. Brook
reveals that Jora was the one who had snuck into the men's quarters, and says that she has
already transformed the lockers and beds into a crazy state. Brook also states that Franky will
probably be mad because of this incident, but also wonders if things can even be turned back to
normal. Jora then says that an image of liberation and beauty is bursting out, and one of the Straw
Hats tells her to stop, and not to do that on their ship, saying that her goal is away from the ship.
Jora then says that freedom is everything in this world, and questions the Straw Hats on that
statement, while also turning the Thousand Sunny into a piece of art. Brook then states how awful
it is, and Nami screams. Jora laughs, as Nami states that the ship is not even a ship anymore.
Jora says that the ship is now a piece of beauty, and tells the Straw Hats that now that she has
done this, they will be unable to escape from Dressrosa. She goes on to ask them if they really
thought their distractions would fool her. Nami, Chopper, and Brook look on as Jora continues to
laugh at their plight, and Momonosuke sees the head of the ship and turns around shocked.

Meanwhile, at the Corrida Colosseum in Dressrosa, Ricky says that if the guards wish to perform
medical treatment on him, then they better just forget about it, since he wants to leave as he is.
The guards say that they could not possibly leave him as he is, and say that it is their jobs to tend
to his wounds. Ricky gets angered by this, and tells the guards that they are speaking of healing
somebody after holding a tournament to the death in the Colosseum. The guards tell Ricky to take
off his mask, because of the massive amounts of blood flowing from it, but Ricky tells them not
to lay a hand on him, and asks them to show him to the exit. Ricky then falls over on his knees,
as Rebecca is shown standing in front of him. Rebecca notes how terrible Ricky's wounds are,
and tells him that he should probably get them looked at. Ricky suddenly gets up, and says that
he can walk on his own. The guards tell him to head inside, and take the stairs down to the
basement. Ricky then looks down, and remembers Rebecca as a little girl, and apologizes to her
inside his head, and Rebecca stares in silence.

Meanwhile, in the Donquixote Family stand-by room, Bellamy reports to Diamante that Luffy is
participating in the tournament, and Diamante tells him to wait until the match is over. Bellamy
then receives a note from Doflamingo, asking him to kill Luffy. Diamante states that Doflamingo
is too soft, since Bellamy had lost the tournament, and that it is Bellamy's lucky day because of
all the chances Doflamingo is giving him. Bellamy then remembers how Luffy had been cheering
him on before, as Diamante tells Bellamy that assassination is easy work, and that if he can
accomplish this task, he will become an officer of the Donquixote Family.

Elsewhere in the Colosseum, Bartolomeo walks up to Cavendish with a briefcase in his hand. He
tells Cavendish that he has heard about his desire to go after Lucy. Cavendish replies to him by
congratulating him on his victory in Block B, and also tells him that the business with Lucy is none
of his business. Bartolomeo then tells Cavendish that he will not let him kill Lucy, and Cavendish
says "really now, you too?" Cavendish notes that Lucy is the man of the hour, but that he is his
prey. Bartolomeo then tells Cavendish that his motivations with Lucy run deeper.

In Block C, Gatz notes how many contestants have already been defeated, and says that Block C
is a white-hot battle. He then points out one contestant in particular, the giant Hajrudin. He states
that Hajrudin is a member of the new generation of warriors from Elbaf, and notes that he has

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the title of "strongest pirate mercenary". Hajrudin asks a gladiator if they have ever seen a giant
with a Logia devil fruit ability, and then he smashes the contestant into the ground and says that
he will be the first once he has eaten the Mera Mera no Mi. Hajrudin also states that he wants to
be King of the Giants. Gatz notes that each of Hajrudin's punches are like bolts of lightning, and
asks if anybody can stop him.

Gatz then moves his attention to the other side of the Block, where Fighting Bull is defeating a
bunch of the gladiators. He explains that death-row prisoners meet their ends against Fighting
Bull, and notes that he has already sent twenty-one men to hell. He says that Fighting Bull is
called the coliseum's death god, and has been nicknamed as Brutal Bull. Gatz then asks how
somebody was able to tame such a death god, and notes how the person riding the bull appeared
out of nowhere, and has easily become a fan favorite due to his light and nimble strength. As Gatz
says this, the crowd is shown visibly pleased, and asks what the guy riding the bull is doing. Gatz
reveals that the one riding the bull is Lucy, and says that even he himself likes the gladiator, which
causes one of the employees at the Colosseum to tell Gatz that he is supposed to remain
unbiased as an announcer.

Cavendish is then shown angered, as he states that even when Luffy's identity is hidden, he is
still able to retain his popularity. Rebecca is also shown watching the competition, and says how
funny Luffy is. Luffy then nicknames the fighting bull as Ucy, and tells him to take all the gladiators
out. Luffy laughs, as the fighting bull moos. Then, the Fighting Bull runs into the foot of Hajrudin.
The crows gasps in shock, and Gatz does as well. Hajrudin glares down at Luffy and the bull, as
the crowd says that picking a fight with Hajrudin was a bad idea. Hajrudin then begins to attack
the duo, showing anger over their challenging of him. Luffy tells Ucy to run away, but he does so
too late, as Hajrudin is able to smash them both into the ground of the Colosseum. The crowd
screams in shock, and one of them even shows care for the bull. Hajrudin looks down at the
seemingly defeated duo, as the crowd continues to call out the name of the seemingly defeated
duo. The crowd is then shown to be very sad, as Gatz notes how disappointing this result is. Gatz
then states that the power difference between a rookie from Elbaf, and Lucy and the Bull is
evident, and that even though they were strong, they could not stand up to him. Hajrudin roars in

Suddenly, Luffy gets up, and checks on the Fighting Bull. He sees that he is knocked out, as Gatz
is shown shocked at Luffy's survival. Luffy then stands up, and in anger, jumps up to Hajrudin's
face, as the crowd looks on in shock. He knocks out Hajrudin in one punch, while the crowd
screams and is shown visibly shocked, along with Gatz and Rebecca. Gatz then announces that
Hajrudin has been knocked out.

Gatz announces with surprise that Hajrudin has been defeated, referring to him as a favored
warrior and speaking for everyone when he calls it unexpected. The crowd loves it and starts
cheering for Lucy. Meanwhile, Luffy is helping Fighting Bull to safety, saying he is taking the cow
to the corner. Cavendish is unimpressed by Luffy's power, while Bartolomeo seems to enjoy the
display. Rebecca is completely shocked by the Lucy's might. Ideo walks over the unconscious
Hajrudin, remarks that the ring is no place for a nap and delivers an explosive punch that propels
Hajrudin huge body into the audience stands, panicking spectators before it falls into the water.
Gatz was again surprised to see the blasting force of Ideo's punches, referring to him by his
epithet "Destroyer Cannon". Ideo then declares he will get stronger by eating the Mera Mera no
Mi as he blasts away more fighters.

Gatz then turns the crowd's attention to the three fighters from Flower Country, referring to them
as famous kenpo users. Sai is then seen shattering a fighter's helmet and shield and knocking

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him out. Sai is then introduced as the thirteenth leader of the Happo Navy. Gatz refers to the
Happo Navy's power and centuries of martial experience. Boo is then seen defeating a contender
and is introduced as the vice leader of the Happo Navy. Chinjao is lastly introduced as the retired
twelfth leader of the Happo Navy, while he is being surrounded by a ring of fighters. As the gang
attempt to move in on Chinjao, he presses his hands together and knocks out several fighters
with Haoshoku Haki, stunning the crowd. Other fighters recall his bounty and legendary status as
a pirate, and Chinjao turns to them and warns that he is only after one person so they should stay
out of his way.

Immediately in front of Chinjao, Jean Ango is seen collecting the weapons of fallen gladiators and
thanks Chinjao for incidentally supplying them. He is then introduced as the bounty hunter "Jean
the Robber". Gatz recalls that Ango is a bounty hunter hated by many pirates in the New World. A
fighter charges at him, crying that he won't forgive Ango for sending his partner to jail. Ango simply
says that he's a sniper, and the weapons he scavenges are his bullets. He throws a sword clean
through the charging man and tells him to attack the prison if he cares so much about his partner,
as someone already did two years ago.

Elsewhere, Kelly Funk is mercilessly beating a fighter who is already well past unconsciousness.
The crowd dislikes such overkill and shouts at him in disapproval. Bobby tells his brother to stop
and tries to grab him but accidentally seizes the victim instead. The brothers are then introduced
as killers from the Mogaro Kingdom. Kelly angrily tells his brother the guy he beat up called him
a little midget, and asks Bobby for his opinion. Bobby assures him he is not but Kelly once again
lays into the unfortunate fighter, and Bobby again grabs the wrong person in an attempt to stop
his brother. Kelly finishes his brutal beat down with a threat to gouge the man's eyes out. Gatz
mentions that the brothers are notorious in the underworld, adding that the rumor about them is
that they were able to handle pirates with bounties exceeding B100,000,000.

Boo comes up on them, curious to see how a boxer with no formal training fairs against him and
immediately sends Kelly Funk flying with a quick jab to the chin. The crowd is stunned by how
easily Kelly was sent flying. Gatz once again shows his personal opinion in the commentary, saying
that Boo is too strong while one of his booth assistants keeps him from saying more. Boo then
turns his sights on Bobby Funk, who reacts fearfully and claims he had never been in a fight,
showing his back as Boo swings an axe down on him. To his surprise, the axe shattered, even
though he had used Busoshoku Haki to enforce the blade, leaving Boo to wonder how strong
Bobby's body is. Bobby tends to his brother, still furious about being mocked for his height, and
tells him to "put it on". Suddenly, what appears to be a larger, enraged Kelly wearing Bobby's hat
turns the tables on Boo, to Sai's consternation, hitting him with a barrage of punches that knocks
him unconscious and pummels him on the ground. Gatz cannot tell which brother is actually
attacking, guessing that Kelly has transformed into a different person.

Somewhere else, Jean Ango has stolen Luffy's helmet; worrying that his cover is blown, Luffy is
forced to use his cape to hide his face and hat. Ango mentions that he heard something
interesting about Lucy, and mentioned the rumor that Monkey D. Luffy had snuck into the
tournament. Luffy looks to his right and sees Chinjao knocking down fighters to get to him. Gatz
announces that about forty people remain in the block, saying it is still anyone's game.

The crowd is amazed by the Funk brothers who are defeating countless co mbatants with
devastating force. Nearby, Don Chinjao orders Sai to avenge Boo’s defeat by the Funk brothers,
while another participant recalls what he saw happen between the Funk brothers earlier, which
is revealed to be due to a devil fruit ability. As Boo was attacking the Funk brothers, Kelly activated
his devil fruit ability, transforming him into a jacket which Bobby put on. Kelly explains that though

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Bobby was born with a tenacious body he is weak willed and unsuited for combat, which is the
opposite of Kelly who has a fierce personality but a weak body. However, by using the powers of
the Jake Jake no Mi, Kelly can make good use of Bobby's body by taking control of it and putting
his strength to full use. Kelly further explains that his fruit allows him to control whomever he
wears, even animals and monsters. After his explanation, the fight between the Funk brothers
and Boo ends with Boo getting knocked out easily with one punch.

Sai then approaches the Funk brothers who proceed to insult him, calling him a pitiful man who
is unable take care of his own brother. However, Sai does not react to their words aggressively
and merely explains that Boo did not train hard enough, which is why he was so easily defeated.
The Funk brothers then launch their Rarara Ranbo attack at Sai, only for him to dodge by running
up their flying fists like stepping stones. As he leaps into the air, Sai states that his discipline in
the art of Hasshoken has rid him of brotherly emotion; but, as leader of the Happo Navy he will
avenge his men without mercy. Sai then delivers a devastating Hasshoken axe kick to the Funk
brothers' head, knocking them out.

Elsewhere, Luffy is confronted by Don Chinjao who wishes for Luffy to pay for the loss of power
and youthful memories that Garp took from him, to which Luffy responds that he knows nothing
of what his grandfather did and tells Chinjao to sort it out with his grandfather personally.
Unfortunately, Don Chinjao refuses and tells Luffy that not even Garp's death would suffice as
retribution - he must lose someone close to him. Jean Ango watches the affair from the sidelines
and is amused as his suspicion that Lucy is actually Straw Hat Luffy is confirmed. Luffy tries to
snatch back his helmet but Jean dodges, taunting Luffy while throwing knives at him. Luffy dodges
all the knives with ease by virtue of his Kenbunshoku Haki, while Jean expresses his desire to
track down and kill every major prisoner who broke out of Impel Down. Hearing this leads Luffy
to wonder how his fellow escapee Ivankov is, while dodging more of Ango's knives. It is only after
Jean Ango loses his temper with Luffy's ability to dodge that the pair of them notice that all the
knives that missed Luffy had struck Don Chinjao. This surprises Jean enough that Luffy is able to
calmly take his helmet back from the stunned robber shortly before Chinjao knocks him out with
a headbutt.

Meanwhile in the middle of the arena, Ideo and Sai have been clashing intensely with their
respective martial art styles, though neither is able to take the lead in the fight. Luffy, tired of
evading, finally accepts Don Chinjao's challenge, and the pair of them rush into the center of the
arena. While Gatz is commenting on how Ideo and Sai are sparring for the honor of being the
greatest fighter in the arena, Luffy kicks Sai aside at the same time Don Chinjao barrels through
Ideo with his fist, leaving the commentator and the spectators blown away. Both fighters throw
Busoshoku Haki imbued punches at each other, and with it a wave of Haoushoku Hak i that
knocks out every last contender in the arena, leaving the two as the final competitors in the C
block battle royale. Diamante who has been watching the match, comments on the display of
Haoushoku Haki as the final confrontation of the C Block melee commences.

Don Chinjao is impressed by Luffy’s Haoshoku Haki. Luffy tells Chinjao that he aims to be the
Pirate King and Chinjao scolds him, saying that there are many people in the sea with the right
qualities to become king and he must conquer all the conquerors for that to happen. Chinjao asks
Luffy who taught him haki and Luffy says it was Rayleigh. Chinjao is surprised that Rayleigh is still
alive and hits Luffy, telling him that he doesn't want to remember the past. Don Chinjao starts
crying that his treasure was in front of him but he couldn't reach it. Gatz and the crowd are
surprised to see the legendary pirate start to cry. Chinjao then angrily demanded answers
from Luffy as to what Garp did to him, but Luffy shot back that he should either cry about it or get
angry since Luffy himself had no idea of Garp's life in his golden years.

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Meanwhile, Sanji and Kin’emon are watching Luffy's battle from the big screen in town. Kin'emon
then asks Sanji to help him to save Kanjuro from the toy house but Sanji says it is too dangerous
now as Bastille and the Marines are surrounding the Colosseum. Though the marines surrounded
the colosseum since the start of the first battle royale, not a single loser of Block A and B left the
stadium, and there was no word of any development from their spy Maynard who was a fighter in
the tournament and they worried about any unknowns that could surprise them.

The scene switches to the Thunder Soldier explaining to Franky about the two rules imposed by
Donquixote Doflamingo since he became king of Dressrosa ten years ago. They are:

1. There is a curfew at midnight. No one can be out after that hour. 2. Toys and humans must not
go into each other's houses. Franky is surprised by this because the toys and the humans get
along so well. Suddenly, Esta is seen yelling at a toy, saying that he caught the "human illness".
The toy insists that he used to be Esta's boyfriend, but Esta's current boyfriend slaps it away
and the town soldiers took the toy away to be thrown into the scrap bin. While being carried away,
the toy yelled that he's human to no avail. After that scene, the two then turned their attention
to a boy is telling his toy dog Wanpoko to let him ride on him, but Wanpoko refuses, saying that
the boy is too heavy. Wanpoko is in truth Milo, and he used to be the boy's father and the husband
of the boy's mother. Thunderous Soldier of Rage then asks the mother and son if they have a
husband and father, respectively, and they answer that they do not. Franky was clearly confused
over this and asked the toy soldier over what is going on here, and the soldier revealed that the
toys were forgotten humans who were turned into toys by a Devil fruit user under the employment
of Doflamingo's family since he came to power on the island ten years ago. This revelation
shocked Franky to the core and asked if the toy soldier was human once, but it told him that he
will continue to tell him more as soon as they reached the Flower Hill.

On Green Bit, the fight is continuing against Law's favor, and Law is failing to contact Nami via
Den Den Mushi.

In the Tontatta Kingdom, the ground is rumbling from the battle aboveground and Leo is confusing
it for Usopp's "Haki". Leo then quickly stitches all the furniture in his house to an secure
surface. After everything in the house is secured he then leaves the house forgetting that he
accidentally stitched his grandma to the shelf as well. Leo asks Usopp and Robin if they are
hungry and they reply that they are not. Usopp asks Leo why they want to battle with Doflamingo
and Leo answers that 500 dwarves are held captive in the dark factory on Dressrosa, including
the kingdom's princess, Mansherry. Leo then shouts that the decisive battle will be in the dark
factory, under the Corrida Colosseum.

In the beginning, beneath the Green Bit where lies the Tontatta Kingdom, Leo tells Usopp that
there's a subterranean way that connects Green Bit and Dressrosa which they would use as their
way of transportation. The dwarf then brings Usopp and Robin to the kingdom's airport, Tontatta
Airline (TAL). Both Usopp and Nico Robin are impressed by whole airport system and its transport,
which appears to be ridable insects and animals. Kabu and Bian appear, saying that they are
ready to take off and that Leo was late. Kabu is revealed to be the Yellow Kabu Squad Leader
and the user of Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Kabutomushi, allowing him to transform into a
rhinoceros beetle. Bian is revealed to be the Pink Bee Squad Leader and the user of Mushi Mushi
no Mi, Model: Suzumebachi, allowing her to transform into a hornet. While Usopp seems to be
fascinated by the kingdom's insect transport (wishing to show them to Luffy too), Kabu and Bian
comments that Usopp and Robin are too big, so the two of them have to ride the Linear Foxes
that generally are able to hold 20 dwarves and runs very fast. Usopp comments that the ride

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makes him feel like a royalty while Robin comments that the foxes' fur is very beautiful. Leo shouts
that with the great Usoland by their side, they shall rescue their fellow dwarves.

While they are heading forward, Usopp and Robin suddenly hear a voice. It turns out to be chief
Gancho, who came out of Robin's breasts, only to be scolded by Usopp. Gancho says that there
was a thing he didn't clarify yet. He first expressed his gratitude for Usopp and Robin's help and
he told them that the history between the dwarves and the Donquixote Family started not ten
years ago, but dates back even to 900 years ago.

The scene switches to Dressrosa, where beneath a field of sunflowers lays a Dwarf Army, called
the Riku Royal Army (or the Anti-Doflamingo Army) led by the Thunder Soldier. He introduces
Franky to his brothers-in-arms, the dwarves, who thought of Franky as a strong-looking toy and
great aid to the incoming war. Franky appears totally confused by the concept of the dwarves,
and Thunderous Soldier of Rage explains to Franky that the dwarves' strength won't lose to his,
and with their blinding speed, they are known by the Dressrosa citizens as fairies. Franky is
surprised to understand that the ones who took Zoro's sword were actually the dwarves, but he
quickly gets distracted by Wicca who screams to Zoro, who is already there and is watching the
tournament. Zoro is angry that Luffy didn't bring him along, claiming that his swo rds are just
itching to fight. Wicca is surprised to see her commander and Zoro greets Franky nonchalantly,
then the cyborg himself scolds Zoro for what the hell he is doing there. Three dwarves report to
the soldiers that the enemy's movements as well as those of "Sugar" have been identified.

One of the dwarves reports that two Legendary Heroes have arrived, namely Robiland and
Usoland, and he says they are heading over there right now. He states that they have other
friends, who are Luffyland, Zoroland, Namiland, Sanland, Chopperland, Fraland and Bonesland.
Zoro and Franky thinks to themselves that it is definitely Usopp who is able to tell such lies. The
two of them then tell the dwarves that they are Zoroland and Fraland respectively, and the
dwarves appears to be amazed by it. Zoro suddenly realize that it is not the time for him to be
with the dwarves, and that he must go back to Sunny to save Nami and the others. Wicca says
that that was what she was trying to tell him all along.

The scene switches to the Thousand Sunny, where Nami is fighting against Jora, but clearly she
is on the losing side. She tries to release a Weather Egg to produce snow clouds, but her Clima-
Tact is transformed into a useless object. Nami seems disgusted by the new form of her weapon,
calling it a "toy". Jora angrily asks Nami who she is calling a supermodel, to which Nami replies
that she never did. Jora proceeds to explain that her power is not to turn things into toys, although
there is someone like that in the family. She explained that she has eaten the Ato Ato no Mi, which
made her an Art Human and allows her to turn things into works of art. On the other
side, Chopper’s horns have been turned into wings and his hooves into rabbits, rendering him
useless. Momonosuke says that they want to capture him, and Brook answers that he would
never surrender the boy, but even his Soul Solid has been transformed into art. Jora yells at the
remaining pirates to stop acting like victim and be happy to be turned into an art, despite being
angry later that her crews and submarine are badly damaged. Jora proceeds to ask them which
type of Artistic Death Penalty they want to repay her with and a Den Den Mushi starts ringing in
the background. Chopper answers the Den Den Mushi: it's Law calling. While Chopper
immediately asks Law for help, Law ignores him and orders the crew to reach Green Bit, where
he will give them Caesar. After that, he cuts the call. Nami comments that the guy is almost as
reckless as Luffy, doing whatever he wants and not listening to anybody.

On Green Bit's surface, Doflamingo appears to cut numerous stones and asks a tired Law who he
just called, and tells him that he should return Caesar's heart, claiming it is meaningless for him

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to stay there and buying some time. Also he is informing Law that Luffy fell right into his trap. He
says that Luffy is having a lot of fun in the tournament full with the strongest people (mainly
outlaws), but the ones who lose in it will fall straight to hell and will never make it out of the
tournament. Doflamingo exclaims that their alliance is finished.

Outside of the Colosseum, Kin’emon is cheering for Luffy, resulting him to be scolded by Sanji.
Kin'emon replies him with his belief that a man must be cheered in order for him to win.

In the colosseum balcony, Burgess joins Bartolomeo and Cavendish who were spectating the fight
of the block C. He comments that the fight has gotten very interesting, while wondering who is
the little runt that's fighting in the arena. Luffy finally makes a move and hits Chinjao with a Gomu
Gomu no Hawk Rifle on his stomach. The crowd seems to cheer for him while Chinjao appears to
cough some blood from the said attack.

After Chinjao falls down and hits his head upon receiving Luffy’s devastating attack, he quickly
gets back up and commends Luffy on his fighting prowess to which Luffy responds that he will
not lose to Chinjao. The crowd is abuzz with excitement and Gatz is amazed with the fight
commenting on the speed of the fight and how words are escaping him in trying to describe it,
calling it one of the greatest fights ever to take place in the colosseum. Back in the arena, Chinjao
is berating Luffy for being like the rest of his generation and having a big head merely because
he is labeled as part of "the worst generation", saying that they are nothing compared to his
generation. Chinjao then surprises Luffy by telling him that he is familiar with Blackbeard, next he
tells Luffy that he is not ready to fight with him and that he should just give up on being a pirate.
He then goes on to berate Rayleigh for believing Luffy could lead the way for the new generation,
calling him out of touch, then he praises the marines for killing Ace, which angers Luffy
immensely. Chinjao then asks Luffy if he thinks he has what it takes to defeat the admirals, the
yonko and succeed Roger. Luffy who has become extremely angry due to these rantings, grabs
onto Chinjao's head and uses a Gomu Gomu no Rocket to launch himself upwards, surprising
Gatz, the crowd and Chinjao. Chinjao then tells Luffy to come down and receive "a baptism by
fire", saying that with the rage he has built up for Garp in the past 30 years will make Luffy feel
the full weight of his strength.

Chinjao proceeds to recall the events of 30 years ago, where it is revealed that he used to have
a pointy head and was once on a continent of ice, which could not be broken by fire or brute force.
Some thieves are seen trying to break the ice so they could get their hands upon the treasures
that lay beneath, but all of their efforts were fruitless. Chinjao then shows up and told them that
to crack the exterior you have to concentrate an incredible force into a single point. He proceeds
to do so and actually cracks the ice, sending the robbers pluming in the sudden chasm and onto
the sea or treasure. Chinjao then orders his crew to tie up the treasure hunters and to throw them
into the sea, he then proclaims that with happiness and fortune, everything he desires in life can
be found within the frozen room. The room is revealed to be filled with several hundred years
worth of treasure from Chinjao's clan and that the "key" to getting into the room is his drill head.
Later on a different island, Chinjao and Garp meet and proceed to taunt each other before
dueling, Garp throws a Haki-imbued fist to counter Chinjao's Haki-imbued headbutt. Both men
seem to put all of their strength into these attacks and Garp comes out the victor when his punch,
pushes Chinjao's pointy forehead back into his skull, surprising his crew and forcing them to
retreat. After recovering, Chinjao speechless at the lack of a point in his skull, travels once again
to the ice continent, only this time he is unable to make the ice crack open no matter how hard
he tries, much to his dismay. His crew begs him to stop and he does, crying over the fact that he
is no longer able to reach his gigantic wealth, he then curses Garp saying that he will never forgive
him or even his grandchildren.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Meanwhile back in the colosseum, Chinjao finishes his recollections after he had quit being a
pirate, when the crowd is amazed at Luffy's attack so much so that Gatz even ponders if it is real.
Chinjao then makes a silent promise to Garp that he will take his precious grandson's life and
while imbuing his skull with Haki, he demands that Luffy repents for what his grandfather had
done with robbing him of everything with only one punch. Luffy however is in no mood to take pity
on Chinjao, stating that his grandfather had hit him more times then he could count. Chinjao then
ascends to meet Luffy's punch with his headbutt and the two forces collide, with Luffy's punch
causing Chinjao's skull to grow a point like it had years before, totally astonishing the crowd. The
force of Luffy's punch sends Chinjao plummeting towards he colosseum arena and his new point
manages to crack the floor, which surprises everyone even more, Chinjao then technically falls
out of bounds causing him to be disqualified from the fight, leaving Luffy as the winner of the C
block battle royale.

Elsewhere, Cavendish remarks that the next time he meets Luffy, he will not let him get away,
though Bartolomeo reminds him that he will not let him kill Luffy, to which Cavendish declares
that if he gets in his way he too will suffer his wrath. All of this is overheard by Bellamy, while
Jesus Burgess is surprised that the winner of the C block battle royale turned out to be Straw Hat

Gatz announces to the crowd that there are currently three contenders to fight against the
Donquixote Family: the winner from Block A, "Champion" Jesus Burgess, the winner from Block B,
"Cannibal" Bartolomeo and the winner from Block C, Lucy. He then informs the crowd that their is
only one more person who will participate in the finals, but that the Block D battle will be delayed
15 minutes do to repairs being done to the arena.

The news about the delay angers the crowd, as they are very anxious to watch the next battle
royale, meanwhile Cavendish attacks Luffy outside of the arena, though Luffy is easily able to
block his first strike. This catches the attention of Bartolomeo, who is annoyed at Cavendish for
going after Luffy, though Bartolomeo stops along the way to torture a couple of bystanders for
insulting Luffy for being unable to save Ace. Bartolomeo uses his Devil Fruit to create a barrier to
crush one of the bystanders, not caring that he is apparently a noble. Bartolomeo then tells him
that Luffy is going to become the future Pirate King, he also reveals that he was at Loguetown on
the day that Buggy tried to execute Luffy and was amazed at the miracle that saved his life. He
then goes on about how he followed news about Luffy and the Straw Hat pirates ever since and
that after the events of Marineford he was inspired to sail the seas as a pirate. Bartolomeo is
then implied to have cut off the noble's tongue, while Luffy and Cavendish continue their fight,
with Luffy questioning as to why they even need to fight.

Onlookers plead with the two to stop, but they are unable to even get close to the brawl while
Bartolomeo is to nervous to meet Luffy yet, the Chinjao Family arrives then and Sai announces
that his grandfather would like to talk with Luffy. Luffy however is suspicious and believes that
Chinjao wishes to continue their fight, though in reality he merely wished to express his gratitude,
unfortunately Chinjao accidentally breaks the floor with a headbutt. This causes Luffy to run away,
while being pursued by an angry Cavendish, though Rebecca manages to take his hand and leads
him away from the commotion.

Along their way they come across Burgess who is in the middle of a conversation with his captain,
which catches the attention of Luffy, who stops to hear what is going on. Burgess mentions during
the conversation that he cannot trust Aokiji and then informs his captain that Luff y is with him,
Blackbeard then begins to have a brief conversation with Luffy, telling him that Burgess will win
the Mera Mera no Mi for him, but Luffy promises that he will not let that happen.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

As Luffy leaves Rebecca questioning him as to his relationship with the other pirates, to which he
responds that he is something of an acquaintance and that he cannot let him win, Luffy then
stops to try and get some free samples, though the shop owner is a little suspicious that Luffy is
not interested in buying anything, though Rebecca offers to pay for him.

Rebecca then takes Luffy to the gladiator quarters and tells him that she is impressed with his
strength, though Luffy is more impressed with his lunch and asks if she is hungry, though Rebecca
tells him that she does not get hungry, which reminds Luffy of a samurai. Luffy is then captured
by an unknown assailant who asks Rebecca to kill Luffy, though Luffy manages to free himself,
dodge Rebecca's slash and then subdue her while still eating. Rebecca then tells Luffy that she
will accept any punishment Luffy gives her, though Luffy is unwilling to punish her since she
bought him food. Luffy is then informed of the plight of the gladiators and how they are little better
than prisoners under Doflamingo’s regime, while Rebecca announces her desire to win the Mera
Mera fruit and kill Doflamingo.

As Rebecca lies on the ground sobbing, a bewildered Luffy asks about her sudden
breakdown. She then explains to him that her friend, the one-legged soldier Luffy met outside the
Colosseum, will soon die. A perplexed Luffy finds such shocking news very strange, though finds
that the fact that the toy is alive in the first place is even stranger. Rebecca tells him that Luffy,
just as every other newcomer to Dressrosa, cannot fully understand. She proceeds to explain how
toys in the country are treated the same as people, capable of befriending the friendless,
becoming brothers to those without brothers, and becoming lovers to the loveless. She does note
the fact that toys and humans are not allowed to live amongst one another, which she finds
confusing. Ever since her mother Scarlett died 10 years ago, "Mr. Soldier" out of grief and
kindness began to raise Rebecca as his own. Gatz then announces that the arena has been fixed,
while the other gladiator prisoners tell Rebecca that the upcoming D block battle royale will soon
begin. Rebecca then notices Luffy eating his spilled food off of the ground. He explains that
although he spilled his food in the scuffle earlier, he eats it anyway as an apology to Rebecca for
having to pay for his food, calling it delicious. Gatz then mentions how the D block battle is full of
veterans, and as Rebecca proceeds to enter the arena she tells Luffy that she will meet him in
the final match.

As she enters the arena, Rebecca recalls living with her mother as a young girl, specifically a day
where she helped her mother sell some flowers and afterwards shared a meal together. She then
recalls how the king's palace was ravaged and burned down as she and her mother fled from a
younger Diamante and some other members of the Donquixote Pirates. Fortunately, they
managed to escape their attackers, finding a place of refuge in some nearby woodlands.

After a while, Scarlett decides to gather food for the both of them, leaving Rebecca behind, though
promising to return shortly. Days later, Rebecca hears movement in the bushes, discovering a
battered and bruised Thunder Soldier with a bloodied Scarlett in his arms, shocking Rebecca. The
Thunder Soldier explains how Scarlett was attacked, and although he tried to protect her, she
was ultimately killed. The Thunder Soldier gives Rebecca some food, though she instead begins
to cry. The bewildered Thunder Soldier initially does not know what to do, though immediately
clamps his hand on her mouth to keep her quiet as Doflamingo's troops storm by, looking for
Rebecca. Later on, the Thunder Soldier tells Rebecca that her mother was an important person,
and as her daughter, she is also just as important, which is why Doflamingo is after her. He then
tells her that since he could not protect her mother, he will protect her, even at the cost of his life.
Rebecca is not concerned with herself though, fixated on the death of her mother. She begins to
sob for her mother as the Thunder Soldier attempts to cheer her up, all while trying to run back
to her old home. The Thunder Soldier, however, realizes that her home has been occupied by

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Doflamingo's troops by now. Back at the village, Donquixote Doflamingo is shown as the new king,
having usurped the throne from the previous Riku family, who had governed for centuries before
their usurpation. It is also revealed that in the most recent years, the previous regime of Dressrosa
was hated by its subjects for increasingly high taxation. Doflamingo promised to destroy the old
ways and bring wealth back to the country.

The Thunder Soldier then tries to take care of Rebecca who resists at first, but over time comes
to accept him. He then finds a place for Rebecca to live and tells her that although he cannot live
with her, he will always be there beside her. To prove his statement, he will always drop one flower
petal every morning from the window into her bedroom. Over the years, the two are very happy
together, until Rebecca is kidnapped, forcing the Thunder Soldier to attack her kidnappers and
retrieve her. In the process, he becomes a wanted man. The two then find another place to live
and Rebecca promises to one day live in the same house as him. Deciding that Rebecca should
learn how to fight and protect herself from danger, the toy begins to teach her how to defend

The flashback ends with Rebecca stepping into the ring, thinking about how the soldier always
protected her. Gatz then announces her arrival as people jeer and scream at her. Rebecca then
hopes for the future and well being of the Thunder Soldier, promising that she will not lose.

The audience is still shouting hateful slurs at Rebecca while talking poorly of her grandfather.
Luffy says that her being the former king's granddaughter is a moot point, thinking about Chinjao
and his own grandfather. The convict gladiators agree with him. One of the competitors gives
Rebecca a backhanded compliment, calling her beautiful but an even bigger nuisance than
Bartolomeo while another one muses that killing her would make him a local hero. A voice calls
out to stop. Cavendish enters the arena, sword drawn, mounted on his horse, Farul. Gatz
enthusiastically announces his arrival as women in the audience begin to swoon from his
presence. Gatz commenting saying that Cavendish has not lost his touch from three years ago as
a spectator calls for Cavendish to make Rebecca suffer. Cavendish waves Durandal at the
audience and tells them to shut up. He does not know why the audience hates Rebecca, but she
still has the resolve to fight for her life in the ring, which the audience does not. Cavendish tells
the audience that they who are not fighting have no right to speak ill of her and anyone who wants
to back up their threats should pick up a weapon and step into the ring, adding that the words of
those with no resolve fall only as noise against his ears. Cavendish goes on to say that even
though he has his reasons to compete this time, he hates contests such as this, believing that a
warrior's life is not something that should be used for entertainment. The crowd is visibly moved
by Cavendish's speech as he dismisses his horse. Even Luffy was impressed by what Cavendish
said, but not enough to start liking him.

The audience's mood has changed and they start cheering for Cavendish as Gatz comments that
Cavendish's charisma is palpable. Another gladiator tries to compliment him, saying even though
he did not predict the audience would not react this way and that their behavior is quite fic kle,
however, he does not get to finish his compliment. Cavendish suddenly realizes he suddenly has
popularity for the first time in three years, catching the gladiator off guard. Rebecca comes up to
Cavendish and thanks him for what he just did. Cavendish tells her he only did it because they
irritated him and that she should ignore it because they are now enemies. His imagination then
runs away with him, and he asks if there are any reporters nearby, saying it would be "tragic" if
this event made it into the papers and the press got an interview with him. Gatz announces that
everyone in block D has assembled, a total of 137 people, only one competitor having been
dropped prior to the start of the round as the starting bell goes off. The gladiators start fighting

Dressrosa Dressrosa

as seven of the favored fighters from earlier are shown: Cavendish, Suleiman, Mummy, Rolling
Logan, Damask, Orlumbus, and Rebecca.

The scene changes to the Flower Field where Kabu and Bian's squads have just arrived. Leo
declares that the day of reckoning is upon them. Thunder Soldier is trying to inspire the troops,
stirring their sense of loyalty to the former king. The plan has taken over a year to come together,
and they can win even against a Shichibukai. Usopp is listening to the plan so he can find out the
best time to run away.

Back in Acacia, Wicca is trying to guide Zoro, telling him that left is the side where his swords are
not. She explains that Jora is attacking the Thousand Sunny and gives him a rundown of her
powers. She tells Zoro that she cannot forget the names, faces, and abilities of the three people
who defeated the entire Dressrosa army ten years ago: Diamante, Trebol, and Pica. Sanji and
Kin'emon see Zoro nearby and get his attention. Zoro introduces them to Wicca as Curlyland and
Top-knotland. Sanji and Kin'emon are quickly brought up to speed on the situation back on the
ship, and decide to go with Zoro to save them. Violet peeks out from behind a corner and tells
Sanji that their ship was taken by Jora and is en route to Green Bit.

On the Thousand Sunny, Jora has turned the waves into musical staffs. Brook is happy to have
her art, and Jora is glad to have found someone with taste. Nami asks if they are really going to
Green Bit, and Jora tells them to imagine the look on Law's face when she shows up instead of
them. Chopper proclaims Brook to have gone crazy and asks if he really is betraying them while
Momonosuke says Brook has no right to call himself a swordsman. Brook tells them that a
musician is just another kind of artist, and he exists to make art. Jora tells Brook his friends will
never understand their passion. The shot changes to show that Nami, Chopper, and Momonosuke
are trapped in a sort of mural that Jora has named Dying Art, saying it perfectly portrays the
tragedy of Dressrosa, and that those inside the mural will stop breathing in ten minutes. Brook
proclaims he must write a song for this momentous occasion, and asks Jora to restore his violin
and sword to their original state so he may play. She obliges as Chopper starts to lose
consciousness. Brook shows Jora how his bow is also a cane, and says he already cut her, walking
away from her as his Ekaki Uta Hitoyogiri takes effect. Chopper is relieved that Brook helped them
as he starts to return to normal.

On Green Bit, Doflamingo is telling Law about how the twenty kings created the World
Government. Nineteen of the twenty families decided to move to Mary Geoise, the Nefertari
family being the only one who did not go. The descendants of the kings, the World Nobles , still
live there today. This meant nineteen countries had to elect new royalty and new families were
established. He says that the new ruling family in Dressrosa was the Riku Family, while the family
that left for Mary Geoise was the Donquixote Family.

Zoro and Kin'emon stand outside the Colosseum, after talking to Sanji and discussing their plan.
Sanji decides to go save Nami, gives Kin'emon the map to the toy house, and leaves with Violet to
find their ship. Meanwhile, Zoro and Kin'emon are looking for a way to enter the Corrida
Colosseum while trying not to draw any attention to themselves. However, they've already been
spotted by Bartolomeo, who gushes over seeing one of his idols, Zoro; he goes on to think about
the man he considers the first mate of the crew, due to his deeds in Whiskey Peak and Enies

Meanwhile, Baby 5 and Gladius are upset with Violet's betrayal, and discuss her punishment, with
Gladius mentioning that Violet has some sort of far seeing ability.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Meanwhile, Sanji and Violet are racing towards the Thousand Sunny on a toy horse. Violet tells
Sanji that the port is full of Marines and reveals to him that she is able to see what is happening
on the island using her Devil Fruit powers, which has a radius of 4000 km. Suddenly, she sees
the ship get struck by lightning.

Back on the ship, the Straw Hats and Momonosuke, aboard a restored Thousand Sunny, are
finished beating up Jora, and head for Green Bit. They discuss Doflamingo leaving the
Shichibukai, which makes Jora laugh and exclaim that her captain would never do such a thing.
This annoys Nami, and she strikes Jora with a thunderbolt again.

On Green Bit, Doflamingo taunts Law, only for Law to mention that it isn't necessarily Caesar's
heart Doflamingo has got hold of. Doflamingo cold heartedly squeezes the heart, and one of
Fujitora's subordinates criew out in pain, angering the Admiral. The sound of the thunder bolt
attracts the attention of Fujitora, who asks Doflamingo if he can see any clouds overhead. When
Law realizes that it is probably Nami, he escapes the Admiral's gravity powers using Shambles,
switching places with a rock, and successfully retrieving Caesar Clown. The rock he swapped
places with is crushed by Fujitora's ability, and Law starts to run with Caesar, while Dof lamingo
chases them. Law plans to send Caesar to the ship while he attempts to lead Doflamingo onto
the bridge, in order to stall him there and provide time for the others to escape with Caesar.

Meanwhile, the Thousand Sunny is approaching Green Bit, but is suddenly attacked by Fighting
Fish. The crew begins to panic, which attracts the attention of Doflamingo to the incoming ship.
Doflamingo heads towards the Thousand Sunny, telling Law he's going to kill all of them, when
suddenly Sanji arrives and confronts Doflamingo.

Sanji attacks Doflamingo with Diable Jambe and Doflamingo easily dodges while casually asking
if the person attacking him is "Black Leg" Sanji. Sanji uses Premiere Hachi and Doflamingo dodges
again. Doflamingo then uses his Goshikito attack on Sanji and lands a hit. He then turns his sights
back on the Thousand Sunny, much to the horror of those watching from it. As Doflamingo is
about to go to the ship, Sanji uses Poèle à Frire: Spectre. Doflamingo blocks the attack but
admits it is pretty powerful. He then takes control of Sanji. His crew mates panic at seeing him
immobilized while Jora simply laughs and says that all who fight her master while remaining
ignorant of his abilities are reduced to, being immobilized and at his mercy. Nami yells at Sanji to
run. A whip extends from Doflamingo's hand and he is about to use it on Sanji in a move called
Overheat. Nami and Brook ready their weapons in an attempt to do something to help, but Sanji
tells them to leave him and run, ordering Nami to use the Coup de Burst to escape.

From the shore, Law sees the events transpiring in the air, and quickly throws a log while using
Shambles, having put a Room around himself, Caesar, Doflamingo, and Sanji. Law quickly
switches places with the log and then moves everyone out of Doflamingo's path. Doflamingo has
no time to halt his attack, and releases Overheat with such power that it reaches all the way to
Dressrosa and slices a building in half, surprising and confusing any bystanders. Law, Caesar,
and Sanji make a rough landing onto the ship's deck. Caesar is mortified to be back on the ship
and orders Jora to help him, but she cannot, having been placed in the same situation.
Doflamingo is heading back to the ship now, unhappy that he let his guard down. Cho pper cries
out that Doflamingo is coming back again. Law asks Sanji how destroying the factory is going.
Sanji tells him they know where it is, but destroying it won't be so easy. Momonosuke asks Sanji
where his father and Kanjuro are. Sanji tells him that they are also at the factory and Law realizes
they need more time. Caesar sees Law holding a heart and asks if he just took that from the boat.
Law tells Caesar that the heart in his hand is his own, and he was hiding Caesars in his own chest

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Law tells the crew to take Caesar and head for Zou right away. Nami is confused and Law explains
that he already gave them a Vivre Card that would lead them there. Brook asks what will happen
to Luffy and the others if they go now. Law assures them that they will follow the ship as soon as
the factory is destroyed. Nami is against this idea, saying they cannot leave without their captain
and that they are called the Straw Hat Pirates for a reason. Before the argument can continue,
from out of Green Bit comes a Marine battleship, flying over the island. To make matters worse,
Doflamingo is now in range to attack on the other side. Law tells them they can stay if they want,
but cannot hand Caesar over no matter what. An officer gives the order to fire, which the s hip's
cannons are, however, something else is descending on the Thousand Sunny, meteors. A
frightened Nami tells Law that the "Spiral Hat" Pirates are ready to go. Sanji tells Law that he
understands him wanting to keep Caesar away, but Dressrosa was supposed to only be a small
stepping stone for the overall plan, and tells Law he seems to be a little too fixated on Doflamingo.

Law uses Tact to redirect a meteor into the hull of the battleship. On board the ship, a soldier
reports to Admiral Fujitora that the ship had been hit. Issho, while eating a bowl of noodles
casually observes that the hit was due to his miscalculation, having not planned for Law to be
with them. He gives the order to head back to Dressrosa, noting how the tides have turned.
Doflamingo uses Overheat again and makes contact with something on the Thousand Sunny's
deck. Law has intercepted the rope and it is now wrapped around Kikoku. Law tells Sanji to find
a place without clouds and stay there. Doflamingo ate the Ito Ito no Mi, which allows him to wield
strings, which includes casting them through clouds as a means of moving across the sky.
Chopper yells for them to go as Law holds his sword at Jora's neck to keep Doflamingo at bay,
even though she told Doflamingo not to worry about her. Coup de Burst is activated and the ship
takes off.

On the bridge between Green Bit and Dressrosa, Doflamingo asks Law the point of only letting
half the crew escape, saying he could easily use the remaining members as hostages. Law tells
him that doing so would only make Doflamingo a part of the many people who would regret
underestimating that crew. Law tells Doflamingo that his alliance with the Straw Hats is now over,
much to Doflamingo's surprise, as it cuts to a shot of Luffy cheering followed by a sho t of those
aboard the Thousand Sunny trying to contact the others. Law tells them that the alliance was
purely to halt the production of Smile, cutting to shots of Zoro and Kin’emon as well as Robin,
Franky, and Usopp. Law tells him that even if he dies here, as long as the factory is destroyed,
Doflamingo will still have to face Kaido's wrath. Doflamingo is impressed by Law's plan. Law tells
him that as much as he would love to watch the chaos following the factory's destruction, getting
revenge for what Doflamingo did thirteen years ago comes first.

Doflamingo demands to know what Law plans to do with Jora, since his Family will do anything to
help their captain. Law simply switches her with a rock and allows her to flee, which she doesn't
wait to do. Doflamingo states Law's grudge is just his pettiness of his past loss, but Law disagrees,
claiming he plans to fulfill the dedication of a person he knew. Thus the two begin to clash on the
bridge, with Law using his powers to create an explosion.

Out at sea, Nami's group are trying to get back to Dressrosa while being on the lookout for
Dolflamingo. Chopper is worried about Law while Sanji calls Usopp and finds out he's with Robin
and Franky. Upon hanging up, he notices Momonosuke quite unnerved over something.
Momonosuke tells him that he witnessed Doflamingo cruelly torture a subordinate for his failure
in the arena when he had previously visited the island with his father and their friend, Kanjuro.
After this, Kanjuro suggested they flee the island, but he was captured in the process, prompting
Momonosuke to worry about his safety.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Sanji listens passively as he thinks about Violet. A flashback showing that while they were riding
on a toy horse, Violet had told him she had someone in the Government waiting for her to take
her off the island and thanks Sanji for his help. He tried to get her to kiss him on the cheek but
she saw the school of Fighting Fish attacking the Sunny in her visions causing Sanji to take off to
go help the others.

Back in the present, Violet rides past a few people viewing the D-Block fight on a monitor. She
shoots and destroys it with a pistol before asking the toy horse to take her back to the palace.

At the Colosseum, Bartolomeo has gotten the attention of Zoro and Kin'emon. He cries in joy, and
is later told to inform Luffy that they are looking for him. He agrees, requesting Zoro's autograph
as the reward from the request.

In the ring, Rebecca is managing to hold her own by staying near the edge of the arena and
knocking off the opponents who try to attack her. The announcer reveals that she has managed
to win all her battles this way without causing any harm to her opponents. However she is soon
confronted by Rolling Logan, who sets his sights on her and threatens to break every bone in her

Meanwhile inside the Colosseum's Underground Medical Room, Sai demands to know why his
grandfather hasn't left the surgery yet. The guards state that he exited through a different room,
which Sai accepts and profusely over-apologizes for. He takes his turn to be treated, but once on
the examination table the guards open a trapdoor underneath him and drop him into a dark, vast
underground chamber. As Sai's eyes adjust to the dark, he sees that everyone else who has lost
in the tournament, along with countless broken toys, have likewise been dumped there. As the
former contestants wonder what's going on, Chinjao vows he will hold a grudge against
Doflamingo for his actions until his grandchild's generation.

More of the losing contestants of Block C of the tournament are dumped into the pit, and the
group of fighters ponder how to escape. Ricky is amazed that such a place exists underneath the
kingdom. Tank notices something about Ricky and steps forth, before hesitantly asking if he's the
former king of Dressrosa. Ricky, having no reason to hide his identity any longer, removes his
helmet and confirms that he is indeed the former king, Riku Dold III. Tank weeps in happiness
once this is revealed as he was a former solider within the Riku army, even having entered the
tournament to keep a watch over Rebecca. Elizabello II is likewise happy to see him and hugs
him forcefully, stating that Dold used to help out his kingdom in time of need. Sai, Boo and Chinjao
are less accommodating however, and they confront King Dold with the knowledge that
Doflamingo rose to power due to his actions, which lead his prominence as a black market arms
dealer who would supply weapons to the enemies of the Kanokui Kingdom. Sai also states this is
the reason why the Happo Navy are in Dressrosa, to find and cripple Doflamingo's weapon supply.
Daguma likewise talks ill about Dold, but Tank steps forth and defends his former king. The pair
argue, with Lepanto stating the events concerning Dold's fall and Doflamingo's rise are uncertain,
but Dold stops him and makes both of them back down. Most of the gladiators also reveal that
they are former members of his army. A few of the broken toys unexpectedly arise from the pile
and they, along with the former soldiers, bow to Dold to t he shock of everyone present. Hack
reports to someone on a Den Den Mushi.

Suddenly, a glob lowers onto Sai and snatches him into the ceiling, and before anyone can react
he is dragged through a tunnel into a dark room. An unseen process occurs, including Trebol
ordering him to a factory; at the end of which, Sai finds himself turned into a toy monkey without

Dressrosa Dressrosa

control over his body, compelled to follow Trebol's orders as he marches out of a door into the

Outside the prison cells, Luffy continues to cheer for Rebecca but begins to have trouble viewing
her. He gets up to get a better look, and as he does he voices his concerns for Dressrosa, stating
he can not help but wonder if something is amiss about the country. The prisoner -gladiators
agree, stating that due to Doflamingo's rule, he has hidden the true, ugly nature of the island from
his inhabitants and that losers like them are treated like living trash and are hidden away. Luffy
immediately draws a parallel in his head to the Grey Terminal of his hometown of Goa Kingdom.
The gladiators give him a warning to be careful as he leaves. As soon as he turns a corner into a
crowded area, he is spotted by Bartolomeo, who screams and cries in admiration on finding him.

Back at the Flower Fields, Gancho explains the past of the Tontatta Kingdom. 900 years ago, the
dwarves had come to Dressrosa to find resources for their people. The former rulers, the
Donquixote Family, had promised to help them, but in truth they enslaved them and forced them
to make jewels and trinkets for them alone, away from the public eye. Not even they are certain
of the events of that time, as it occurred during the Void Century, but eventually at the end of the
100 years the Riku Family took over as the rulers of Dressrosa. On learning of the plight of
Tontatta, the king pleaded for forgiveness and offered to help them. The kingdom flourished
during those peaceful years, with the dwarves granted lease to take small items from the humans
of the island in the guise of fairies in return for small acts of kindness and the planting of flowers
across the kingdom - until Doflamingo, heir of the Donquixotes, came to the island and through
treachery overthrew the Riku Family and regained the throne. The tribe is determined not to go
back to those dark days and plans to fight with all they have. After being told this, Robin asks
Thunder Soldier about Rebecca and why the people hate her. He reveals it was due to the actions
of Riku Dold, who believed he was doing the best he could for the country, but who was misled
into doing something terrible. The truth was hidden from the common citizens, who were led to
see him as a bad and unfit king and revile him. The soldier tried his best to protect his
granddaughter, but ultimately she was caught and thrown in the coliseum. Usopp then asks who
he really is, to which the soldier reveals that he is Rebecca's father.

In the Corrida Colosseum, the crowd accuses Rebecca of running around and avoiding the fight,
while Rolling Logan is chasing her, knocking out other contestants in the process.

Thunder Soldier explains to Usopp, Franky and Nico Robin, how the former king Riku lost the faith
of his people and, eventually, the throne. Dressrosa used to be a fairly poor country but the people
were happy and grateful for their king, whose family had managed to keep their land out of war
for a whole 800 years.

One night, however, ten years ago, Doflamingo appeared in the king's chambers. Riku recognized
him as a descendant of the Donquixote family, and commented on his feats as a pirate, which
include stealing money from the Celestial Dragons and blackmailing the World Government to
attain the position of Shichibukai. Doflamingo states his demand, asking for a B10 billion fee by
dawn, in order to leave the country alone. Riku panics at first, but then decides there is no other
way, if he wants to avoid a war, so he gathers his soldiers and asks them to collect all of the
citizens' money, without informing them of the situation.

Tank Lepanto, as commander of the army, takes on his king's will and spreads his men across
the island, asking for the people to give their fortune, as the king needs it right now. The people
are reluctant at first, but seeing their king begging on his knees, via a video Den Den Mushi, they

Dressrosa Dressrosa

are eventually persuaded. Tank is moved to see everyone giving away their treasures, without
even asking for a reason and marks that this shows huge faith.

Just as the money was being gathered, Riku appears in the city of Sevio, riding his horse. The
king, with tears in his eyes, starts attacking innocent people and destroying everything in his path,
while begging for everyone to stay away from him. Soon, the soldiers follow the king's deeds also
unable to control their movement. In the shadows, Doflamingo is seen, along with his crew, using
his Devil Fruit ability to control Riku and his soldiers, waiting for the right moment to interfere and
act as a saving hero in the eyes of Dressrosa's confused citizens.

The citizens of Dressrosa plea for their king to stop attacking his own people, saying the least he
could do is spare their lives after they so willingly gave him all their money. The officers at the
palace are confused about what to do. One of them states the king looked strange when he left
the palace, but never imagined he would do something as awful as that. Another officer deems
the problem to no longer be an internal matter and orders that the Marines be called. He is told
that Captain Vergo is on his way as Dold's daughter looks on nervously. She then notices that it
is snowing and asks Monet what she is doing, having opened the palace doors without
permission. Monet, addressing the woman as Princess Viola, simply laughs and says that if the
princess knew how to use her Senrigan properly, she would know that by opening the gates,
Monet is welcoming in the new royal family. Guards report a fire in the eastern tower, declaring
that pirates have invaded the palace and that Viola has been captured. Monet is then seen
holding Viola hostage as several prominent members of the Donquixote Pirates barge through
the gates. The guards try to stop them, ordering Monet to let the princess go. Jora simply jokes
that things are about to get busy for them while Lao G more bluntly states that they need to purge
the palace.

Meanwhile, king Riku's rampage continues. The king is lamenting the atrocities he is committing,
begging someone to kill him. Citizens and guards alike are in tears over the actions being
committed. The people wonder why the king is doing this now after always being such a
benevolent ruler. The people then begin to curse the Riku name, calling their king human trash.
The army is charging through the streets, toward a man on the ground tending to an injured
woman. Another man yells for him to run, but the first man only cries out for help. Just before the
guards reach him, three large legs appear and kick them away. Someone asks who they are, and
Donquixote Doflamingo, sitting atop Diamante, Trebol and Pica, declares that they are there to
save the country, and then introduces himself. The people are shocked that pirates of all people
would come to their rescue, even though they did defeat the Riku army. Doflamingo secretly is
wishing for the people to embrace the violence going on. Doflamingo, after kicking Riku off his
horse, orders Trebol, Diamante, and Pica to get rid of the people that are making this country so
toxic. The people start cheering for Doflamingo as Thunder Soldier ends the flashback, explaining
how Doflamingo took over in just one night.

Usopp comments that the story is something only seen in nightmares. Robin remarks on how truly
cunning Doflamingo is while a crying Franky calls his actions unforgivable. Gancho sadly admits
that, at the time, the Dwarves had believed Riku to be bad as well, saying how ashamed he is to
have doubted the king. Usopp then concludes that Riku was probably charged for his war crimes
and executed, but Thunder Soldier tells him that in fact the king is still alive. He explains that
Doflamingo really liked Viola's ability, which Viola used to her advantage and struck a deal with
him. She would follow his orders as long as he did not kill her father. She now serves as a
subordinate for Doflamingo, working in his executive staff under the name Violet. The soldier adds
that the king is still alive somewhere in the country thanks to her. But one cannot possibly know
the suffering she and her father have gone through. He adds that the same is true for the loyal

Dressrosa Dressrosa

soldiers involved. Robin asks if they were executed and Thunder Soldier replies that some were
while others declared their loyalty to Doflamingo then and there, becoming his personal guard.
Franky gets angry at the soldiers for their disloyalty. A brief flashback shows Doflamingo
exonerating the soldiers, saying that they were under orders from the king, and asks the people
if he could take them in as subordinates. Thunder Soldier adds that he also made a difficult
decision. He explains that those who were killed and those who defected only make up a small
portion of the country's army.

The soldier goes on to say that he, too, should have lost his memories, asking Franky if he
remembered what he saw in town, recalling their conversation with the toy Milo. He explains that
while toys retain their memories, everyone around them completely forgets their existence. The
soldier declares this to be the greatest tragedy of Dressrosa, and is even worse for those who are
toys. Robin asks if that means that some toys have forgotten who they are. And the soldier tells
her she is correct. He goes on to say that all those who become toys remember their hatred of
Doflamingo. Doflamingo might have put those with rebellious ideas in the shadows, but by the
same token is also making a powder keg ready to explode. The key to the dwarves' strategy is the
number of tragedies caused by Doflamingo. Franky realizes that the plan is to shift the battle in
their favor by having every toy rebel and fight with them. Usopp interrupts, reminding them their
objective is to destroy the factory, after which they can oust Doflamingo out of the country. Usopp
tries to get Robin on his side but she declares Doflamingo's actions unforgivable.

Leo begins to rally the troops, saying that what happened this morning can only be seen as a call
to war, adding that it cannot be a coincidence that "Usoland" arrived when he did and it is a sign
from above to fight now. Upon further inquiry, Usopp learns that the event from this morning to
which Leo is referring is Doflamingo's fake resignation. The army saw it as a miracle, only to find
out that the newspapers ran a false report, crushing their hopes. That was when they decided to
put an end to their oppression this day. Usopp, Robin, and Franky look at them in shock, all
apologizing for their actions in their minds.

Changing to the scrap heap under the colosseum, Riku is talking to Chinjao, saying he heard the
pirate retired, yet he still is in charge of his fleet. Chinjao replies he needs someone to inherit the
Happo Navy since he doesn't have any grandchildren. Riku comments that no one has it easy
these days, while thinking to himself that something felt off about Chinjao's statement,
remembering the same feeling ten years ago. While they are talking, Boo, Abdullah and Jeet have
all been turned into toys.

Outside the building, Luffy is talking to Zoro and Kin'emon through a window. They tell Luffy to
quiet down and Luffy tells them "Roosterhead" (Bartolomeo) told him where to go. When they ask
him where he is, Luffy tells them he started foaming at the mouth on the way over. As he is saying
this, Bellamy is approaching him from the side, saying he finally found him.

Bellamy is about to attack Luffy, claiming it is nothing personal, but he is doing it to become one
of the leaders of the Donquixote Family. Dellinger appears behind him revealing that Bellamy is
considered an eyesore for the family, and that he intends to kill him. He also admitted, by a slip
of the tongue, that the order for Bellamy's disposal came from Doflamingo himself.

At the iron bridge of Dressrosa, Law and Doflamingo are seen clashing. Law manages to scar
Doflamingo in the face, but Doflamingo has the upper hand in the fight overall and manages to
knock Law down. Diamante calls to inform his captain about Violet's betrayal, to which he replies
that he had that already figured out, since he saw Black Leg showing up out of the blue.
Doflamingo orders Diamante to send Lao G to the entrance of the Smile Factory and handle the

Dressrosa Dressrosa

entertainment of the crowd in the Colosseum by himself. Doflamingo has Law's plan figured out.
He knows Law wants to stall him there in order to provide time for his allies to destroy the factory,
but still wonders why, although he claims to be using them, he has so much faith in Luffy and his
crew. Law answers that he believes "D" will bring forth another storm.

Luffy meets with Zoro and Kin’emon at the Colosseum and Zoro complains to Luffy for not inviting
him to participate at the tournament. Some marine sees through Zoro's disguise and informs Vice
Admiral Bastille, who figures out that Lucy is none other than Straw Hat Luffy, but still decides to
do nothing for the time being, not wanting to compromise his mission to arrest all the fighters of
the tournament. Going through the list of fighters they are supposed to arrest, however, the
Marines find it odd that they only recognize Don Chinjao’s name.

Kin'emon calls Sanji via Den Den Mushi, who in turn calls Usopp, so that all the Straw Hat Pirates
can have a meeting and discuss their stories so far. Franky informs his crew mates that an anti-
Donquixote army exists, the Riku army, consisting of dwarves and led by Thunder Soldier (whom
he and Luffy met earlier at the Colosseum), who intend to act fast and overthrow Doflamingo
today. Luffy realizes the soldier is the same Rebecca was talking about and, fearing for his life,
asks Franky to prevent the army from acting. However, Franky states that he sympathizes with
the Dwarves and wants to help them defeat their oppressor and reveal the darkness under
Dressrosa's bliss, despite that going against their original plan. Hearing their crew mate's plea,
Sanji orders his group to turn back and head for Dressrosa, and Luffy allows Franky to go all out,
saying that they soon will come to join them.

Issho and his subordinates have arrived at the shores of Dressrosa on their ship. A marine informs
the Admiral that there is a skirmish in the city, to which Issho states that they must hurry. In the
city, Kin'emon and Zoro witness huge buildings being cut in half and wonder what this is all about.
Suddenly, a huge explosion takes place right in front of them. When the smoke clears, they see
Doflamingo standing and on the ground a badly beaten and bleeding Law. Doflamingo, wearing
a serious face mocks Law for thinking he was a match for him. He then takes out a pistol and
shoots Law three times, to everyone's surprise. Luffy calls his ally's name in desperation. Law is
thinking of someone named Cora while slowly losing consciousness.

As the Straw Hat Pirates yells out across the Den Den Mushi, questioning what the commotion is
about, Doflamingo soothes the citizens, blaming Law for the "Abdication Incident" that occurred
earlier that day. When Luffy angrily demands to know what the Shichibukai has done, Doflamingo
states that it is none of his business and that, since Law was his former subordinate, he is entitled
to "discipline" him.

Zoro then quickly charges at Doflamingo, asking Kin'emon to take Law out of danger. The marines
ask Vice-Admiral Bastille permission to apprehend the pirate hunter, but he orders them to stay
put. The samurai quickly informs everyone across the line of what has happened while agreeing
with Zoro that they both should be on their toes. Doflamingo recognizes Kin'emon and assumes
that the boy he saw on the ship was his son, Momonosuke.

As Zoro tries to land a swing on Doflamingo, Admiral Fujitora appears out of nowhere and blocks
his attack. Using his ability the Admiral pins Zoro down, however the swordsman responds
sending a flying slash, which gets repelled rather effortlessly. At the same time, Kin'emon
manages to reach Law, but before the samurai could recover him, Doflamingo kicks him back.
Luffy tries to help his friends, but only then realizes that the bars in the windows of the Colosseum
are made of Seastone. The entire crew is then shocked to find out that the man assisting
Doflamingo is actually a Marine Admiral.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Doflamingo and Issho float above their opponents using their abilities, taking Law with them, and
plan to head towards the palace. The Shichibukai promises to explain everything to the Admiral,
who replies that he will reserve judgment until their conversation is complete. Zoro and Kin'emon
realize the Marines have seen through their disguise and decide to make a run for it. Luffy claims
he can still hear Law's voice and Zoro tells him to hurry up and find a way out, while they distract
their pursuers.

It is then, that they hear the crew members aboard the Thousand Sunny panicking over the Den
Den Mushi. Their ship is being approached by, what seems to be, a huge talking ship, which
belongs to the Big Mom Pirates, although Sanji can not tell if the Yonko herself is on board.
Pekoms and Tamago confirm that Caesar Clown is on the Sunny and state their intention to sink
the ship and retrieve the scientist. Caesar explains that he once stole research funds from Big
Mom in the past, and that is probably why he is now being targeted. As the ship opens fire, Franky
asks the Sunny team to lead the Yonko away from Dressrosa so that their mission does not get

Nami explains that they need to head to Zo, for three reasons: firstly to keep Momonosuke and
Caesar away from Doflamingo; secondly because if they lead the Yonko’s crew towards
Dressrosa, the chaos will ruin the revolution; and lastly, to ensure that Law's sacrifice is not in
vain, and to allow Franky, Robin and Usopp to carry out the plan and destroy the SMI LE factory.

Luffy approves of the plan to head to Zo and gives Sanji permission to fire back at Big Mom's ship.
Franky's group prepares to head towards the SMILE factory, while Luffy plans to head to the
palace with Zoro and Kin'emon in order to defeat Doflamingo and recover their ally.

Bellamy is seen panting and hurt badly on the ground, with Bartolomeo having formed a barrier
to protect him from Dellinger. Dellinger injures his leg trying to break through the barrier and
shouts to Bartolomeo to get out of the way and let him finish his mission, but Bartolomeo refuses.
Having been given a new mission by Diamante to go and guard the SMILE factory, Dellinger
decides to leave Bellamy be but promises to deal with both of them later. Bellamy wonders why
a stranger like Bartolomeo was helping him, to which Bartolomeo replies that once he fights along
with someone, he considers him a friend.

Back at the Flower Hill, Thunder Soldier is briefing everyone about his plan, called Dressrosa
Operation SOP. He goes on to explain the existence of a secret underground world operating in
Dressrosa, which involves illegal transactions. The factory, which is also tied to the underworld,
function with the labor of the captured Tontatta citizens and the people turned to toys. Th e
resistance has been building a secret tunnel, which they will now use to enter the area and
destroy the factory. Before that, however, they must succeed in defeating an agent of Doflamingo,
in order to make her power lose effect thus returning the toys into their human selves and
restoring the citizens' memories. Hopefully, by achieving that, more people would join their cause.
When asked by Usopp where that Devil Fruit user is, Thunder Soldier answers she must be at the
underground port and, due to her Devil fruit's side effect, which has kept her from aging, she is
guarded by Trebol himself. Usopp rejoices, when he hears he is up against a little girl and a
pumped up Franky asks the Dwarves to take them to the underground tunnel.

Back at the Colosseum, Luffy, who was looking for an exit, bumps into Bartolomeo and Bellamy.
Bartolomeo, excited to meet his idol again, asks him reluctantly if he met with Zoro. When Luffy
states his desire to find an exit, Bellamy tells him that such a thing does not exist in the
Colosseum, because it was built in a way to prevent the contestants from escaping once they
enter. Luffy, surprised, asks Bellamy to show him the exit, since he must know where it is, being

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Doflamingo's subordinate. Bellamy shouts he would never betray his captain, but says that he will
be heading for the exit himself, so if Luffy was to follow him he could find the exit, too. Bartolomeo
wonders why Luffy would give up the fight for the Mera Mera no Mi, to which Luffy replies that his
friends' lives are more important. Bartolomeo promises to get the fruit and give it to Luffy, which
was his original plan anyway.

At that point, a man walks in stating that the fire fruit cannot go to Straw Hat Luffy. Bartolomeo
confronts him for speaking to his idol like that, but the man simply pushes him away. Upon looking
at the mysterious man, Luffy is greatly shocked and starts shedding tears of joy.

Meanwhile, the battle for block D rages on. Rebecca has teamed up with Acilia, who wants to
push her to the finals. Together they have taken out a number of competitors.

When Luffy finaly finds his way out, he meets with Zoro and Kin’emon again, with the latter
providing animal outfits for the three of them, in order to escape the Marines and leave the area
unnoticed. Zoro is irritated by Luffy's non-stop crying and tells him to cut it out. Luffy, still sobbing
and shocked, wonders how is it possible for "that man" to be still alive.

A young woman is seen sitting on top of a bunch of defeated men, speaking through a Den Den
Mushi, stating that Robin is in this country and that she desires to see her again. The woman is
none other than Koala, who has become a member of the Revolutionary Army and is a Fishman
Karate assistant instructor. She goes on to ask the receiver of the call, if he met the man he was
looking for and if he had any news on the situation underground. Then the man is shown, who is
the same man seen talking to Luffy earlier, wearing "Lucy"'s attire, stating that he has to go get
Ace’s fruit back and inherit his power.

A flashback of Ace's grave is then shown, with three cups in front of it, confirming that the
mysterious man was none other than Sabo, who was presumed to be long dead by his brothers.

With the Army moving out, the Thunder Soldier, Robin, Usopp and Franky move out. While Leo
shows them a secret passage to the underground, Usopp notes its very narrow and Franky is too
large to go through as he and Robin alone are barely able to fit. Leo appologizes mentioning large
humans weren't meant for the passage. Franky asks how he can find another way in and the
soldier reveals he can go through the Toy House above ground, but is against that idea. He reveals
it's only called a house because of its appearance, but there are no beds inside and all the toys
continue to work even in night. Usopp then asks if that means that all the toys over Dressrosa are
tired even now from working all day and night and the soldier says its true with the exeption of
himself. Franky decides to go through the house alone stating if he causes a commotion up there
then they can take out Sugar much easier.

Franky arrives at the toy house as the lower members recognize him as "Cyborg Franky". They
then report to Senor Pink. Pink is seen eating a tomato while a woman tells him not to eat it since
it will get messy. But he ignores her and rips her swimsuit off to use it as a napkin. However, the
women are swooned by him while he tells him they should go after younger men despite thier
claim. When he says he doesn't like children, they swoon again calling him "hard-boiled". Franky
doesn't seem to care what's going on and uses his coup do vent and attacks the house. As that
is going on, Doflamingo, Diamante, Pica and Trebol can hear the commotion via den den mushi.

In the underground tunnel, the dwarves explains to Usopp the size of the Donquixote Family and
the identities and strengths of the officers who are running the operations. As they reach the end
of the tunnel, the army find themselves directly underneath the palace plateau where the huge

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harbor is located. Unnoticed by anyone, the army prepares to find their target, Sugar who is
guarded by Trebol himself. They all arrive underground into a portyard as Usopp reacts shocked
by the size of it.

The colosseum D block battle is almost over with nearly 30 fighters remaining with Rebecca
among them. One fighter, Suiliman, fights Rebecca while Orlumbus defeats Agyo.

At the Hidden Harbor, Usopp learned from the dwarves that Thunder Soldier left the group in order
to assassinate Doflamingo at his palace, leaving Usopp in command of the army much to his
disbelief. Though they were nearly caught by some soldiers the dwarves easily subdued them with
a fighting style called "Tonttata Combat" and their clothes were given to Usopp and Robin for

Near the Harbor elevator, many soldiers were rushing towards the elevator to see the battle
between Franky and Senor Pink, unaware that Thunder Soldier and a few dwarves were hiding
inside a crate in the lift. Seeing no other way, Thunder Soldier assaults the soldiers in order to
hijack the lift. During battle, he recalls his training of Rebecca to teach her battle instinct. He then
declares his goal to restore Dressrosa to King Riku's rule.

At the colosseum, an unexplained event caused every fighter in the arena to fall unconscious one
after another. Before anyone could speculate what happened, an unidentified fighter is seen
getting up in the arena.

In the D block battle, after 20 contestants are knocked out, Gatz sees that someone is attempting
to stand in the middle of the block, and that person is Rebecca. As it is announced that Rebecca
is the block winner, the crowd begins booing her claiming that she must have cheated.
Meanwhile, at the prisoner gladiator quarters, Rebecca's friends cheer for her victory.

Outside the Colosseum, Vice Admiral Bastille tells a marine about the Kamaitachi of Rommel. He
says that sometime ago in the kingdom of Rommel a strange wind was blowing during the night,
that had the power to cut people up. After a series of mysterious events, the Marines decided to
send a battle ship to investigate the matter. Many Marines lost their lives to that "wind" but they
finally managed to find out that the culprit behind the wind was actually a man named Hakuba.
Despite not being able to capture him, they deduced that Hakuba appears in the towns where a
certain pirate stops.

In the Colosseum, Rebecca sees Cavendish unconscious before her and she remembers that as
she was fighting Suleiman in the battle, suddenly Cavendish fell asleep. The other gladiators
noticed this and took the opportunity to take him out. As they were about to attack him, Cavendish
woke up with a sinister expression and slashed all the other gladiators so fast, that they didn't
even see him coming. However, Rebecca was able to see through his movements and barely
managed to avoid his strike, which hit her helmet instead. Cavendish then fell asleep again
returning to his normal form.

Back outside the Colosseum, Bastille continues with his explanation about Hakuba, t elling the
soldiers that Cavendish turns into Hakuba when he falls asleep and that Hakuba was the one
who went out to sea after committing various crimes. The other Marines start sympathizing with
Cavendish, but Bastille corrects them saying that Cavendish actually enjoys the popularity his
alter ego offers him. Finally, Bastille notes that while Cavendish is a strong swordsman, Hakuba
is even better than him in terms of strength and speed and it's just unfortunate for him that
Cavendish's ability doesn't work well in a match-style fight.

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In the Colosseum the crowd accuses Rebecca of secretly carrying a gun. Lucy who was watching
this, next to Bartolomeo, says that it probably wasn't just luck that allowed Rebecca to avoid those
attacks, but anyways he wouldn't let anyone touch the Mera Mera no Mi.

In the palace, Doflamingo and the captured Riku Dold III are observing the outcome of the battles.
Doflamingo is certain that Luffy won't make it out of the Colosseum and that Franky, who is
causing a ruckus at the moment, will be defeated by his associates. He states that their only
pieces left are Zoro, Kin'emon, Robin and Sogeking. An unconscious Law is shown chained to the
heart seat.

Luffy, Zoro and Kin’emon reach the palace's entrance, as Wicca revealed that it was one of the
ways to enter the factory. There, they met Viola who claimed that she was waiting for them to lead
them inside the palace.

In the Colosseum, it is announced that Diamante will be making an appearance. Upon hearing
this the crowd begins to cheer for him. Meanwhile, the fighters of block D that got injured are
being rushed to the infirmary and along with them is Cavendish who is still asleep.

Rebecca goes to tell Lucy that she has made it to the finals, but she immediately notices
something different about Lucy. Sabo who is dressed as Lucy says that he more or less knows
about Rebecca and that things could get messy in the finals and he cannot guarantee her safety.
He also mentions that he does not mean any harm and that everything in Dressros a is just a
facade similar to the place where he was brought up.

At the Royal Plateau near the entrance to the lift, Viola, who just met Luffy , Zoro and Kin’emon,
states that she has a pass that will allow them to board the lift leading to the Royal Palace, but if
they get discovered it will all be over and in their disguises, Luffy, Zoro, and Kin'emon will draw
too much attention. At that moment Zoro remembers that she was the woman that Sanji went
after earlier. Viola says that Sanji went to defend their ship but they already knew this. Wicca then
peeks out of Zoro's disguise and sees Viola who says that she has been watching her all this time
with the help of her ability. She reveals knowing about how the dwarves are working together with
the man that took the place of her sister who died and raised Rebecca, the Thunder Soldier.

Wicca gets emotional and starts crying and Viola thanks her for believing in her father. Luffy is
surprised to learn that Viola is a princess and assumes that since she's is a princess and
Rebbecca is the granddaughter of the King so she must be Rebecca's mother but she tells him
that Rebecca is her sister's daughter and therefore her niece. She then knocks open a door
leading to a secret passage whose location was known only to the Riku Family. In order to use
the lift, Zoro suggests Luffy would take a boulder and go to the top and then the others would
stand on the platform and due to his and the boulder's weight they would reach the top. However,
Viola does not seen to be comfortable with this plan.

At the entrance to the Toy House, Franky is fighting with the guards. They then realize that they
cannot defeat him and begin to run. Senor Pink is brushing his teeth with a shoebrush. It is
revealed that he ate Sui Sui no Mi which allows him to freely swim through floors and walls, but
he says that he will not use his power to flee from enemies which earns him praise from his
comrades. Franky fires a missile and Senor takes it right on the face without making any attempt
to dodge it. Everyone wonders why didn't he try to avoid the hit, but one of his soldiers says that
the real reason he took Franky's attack was to save his comrade. Then from behind him Machvise,
who is complaining about his stomach hurting, jumps in the air and smashes on the ground in at

Dressrosa Dressrosa

attempt to crush Franky, but Franky dodges him. Suddenly, a group of Marines along with Vice -
Admiral Bastille appear surrounding the area intending to arrest Franky.

At the Royal Palace, Doflamingo tells Admiral Fujitora that he made a wise choice and that he
does not intend on forming an alliance with him. Fujitora replies that if Luffy decides to fight him
there will be a lot of destruction and protecting the citizens from that destruction is his "Justice"
and that is what he has utilized the Marines for. As for Doflamingo he will deal with him later.
Doflamingo is surprised by this statement but, Fujitora continues and says that he accepted the
position of Admiral because there were certain things that he wanted to change and one of those
things is the total discarding of the Shichibukai system! He also reveals that he knows about the
story of Doflamingo hijacking Dressrosa and it is only because he was allowed to run rampant
that the country reached such a state.

Upon realizing that Fujitora knows all about his secrets, Doflamingo begins to attack him. Fujitora
blocks his attack and continues saying that the balance of the Three Great Powers will be
shattered and if Doflamingo keeps on committing crime after crime, the bounty on his he ad will
keep on increasing after the Shichibukai system is abolished. After finding out his true intentions
Doflamingo says that he is going to kill him but Fujitora says that they should continue being
friends for the time being. From that point onwards he would protect Dressrosa and ignore all its
malpractices. He also says that no matter how much Doflamingo wants the world to be stable it
is bound to stir up because it is the year of the Reverie.

In the Colosseum, Koala somehow manages to enter the stadium just in time to watch the finals.
The ring that was specially constructed for the final battle is revealed and Sabo dressed as Lucy
is the first to enter. As he enters the ring, in his mind he asks Ace to watch over him.

The battle is set to begin as all four contestants and Diamante enter the ring. Gatz reminds the
audience of the top tier Logia Devil Fruit waiting for the victor. Although Lucy makes a mental note
of Burgess as a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, Rebecca in turn makes a note of Lucy, sa ying
that he is not the same man. However, the group is interrupted as three gladiators rush at
Rebecca, saying that they refuse to be beaten by her and that they cannot accept such an
outcome. Diamante steps in, telling the gladiators that "results are results" and holds his cape in
front of his body. The gladiators rush at him but only injure themselves and break their swords.
Diamante announces that this is a result of his Devil Fruit, the Hira Hira no Mi. He reveals that his
cape is actually made of steel, only fluttering like a cape due to his powers. Consequently, he
'flutters' his sword into a bull shape and defeats the gladiators easily.

Diamante also informs them that the new fighting fish are "befitting" for such an occasion and
are sensitive to the smell of blood. Indeed, a fighting fish charges onto the bridge section and
takes the gladiators with it. Gatz informs the audience that these reach contestants inside the
ring and are more deadly as they are the "boss class fighting fish of each school" . He also reveals
that one fish carries a chest with the Mera Mera no Mi inside. Diamante makes this grand
announcement, where the victor is the last man standing and the one to retrieve the Devil Fruit
from this particular fish. The gong goes off, signalling the start of the five man battle royale.

At the royal palace, Viola tells the others that the doors lead to the ramparts and that there is a
secret entrance to which they'll take. She also states that they would have no chance of toppling
Doflamingo if the top brass were involved, especially Pica. However, Kin’emon discovers that Luffy
is missing but not for long as Luffy attacks the palace doors with a Gigant Pistol. Luffy announces
the doors to be open, to which Viola tells the others to hurry through the doors as it is the fastest
way of entry. One of the guards recognizes Luffy and informs Doflamingo due to the apparent

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contradiction. Doflamingo listens as he watches Lucy dodge a fighting fish on screen. Baby 5 tries
to confirm the identity of the intruders but the guard replies with the same: Straw Hat Luffy, Zoro
and Viola are the intruders. At this Doflamingo becomes extremely enraged asking who is running
around the Colosseum as Lucy.

In the lift, Thunder Soldier is getting beaten into a wall by Lao G. Kabu tries to come to the aid of
his captain but is easily beaten by Lao G after the latter puts on his glasses to see his tiny
assailant. As the dwarves express shock at the presence of an executive officer in the lift, Lao G
gives a confusing explanation of how he ended up there, a result of being "mixed up". He affirms
his stance as protecting the Toy House and refuses to let them in. However, Thunder Soldier
suggests otherwise.

As Luffy, Zoro and Viola advance through the castle, they notice that no guards are chasing them.
At this moment, a face begins to form from the castle walls, getting bigger until it produces a full
body. Viola curses as this stone monster is Pica of the Spade seat.

At the Royal Palace, Luffy’s group stands before Pica, a top executive. Viola reveals that he has
eaten the Ishi Ishi no Mi which allows him to merge himself with any type of rock and he has
currently merged himself with the palace which is made entirely of stone.This allows him to control
the entire palace. He then attempts to crush Luffy and his group between the walls of the palace.

At the Colosseum, as a fighting fish jumps towards him, rather than dodging them Burgess attacks
them back with his Surge Elbow causing the fish to crash into one side of the Colosse um. The
Colosseum workers order for strechers for the audience who were injured by the fish and tell
Burgess not to injure the audience but he simply laughs it off while the rest of the audience look
on in shock. Then the Fighting fish with the Mera Mera no Mi on its back charges towards the
contestants in the ring. As it rushes towards Rebecca, Sabo quickly tries to get a hold of the crate
containing the Mera Mera no Mi. Diamante assuming that the person under the disguise of Lucy
is Luffy and attacks him to prevent him from gaining possession of the crate containing the Mera
Mera no Mi. However Sabo breaks Diamante's weapon with his pipe. Burgess attempts to take
advantage of the opportunity and take down both of them at the same time. As Burgess takes his
stance to prepare for his Surge Elbow, Sabo prepares to take the attack head-on with his Dragon
Talons. He reinforces his attack with Busoushoku Haki and punches Burgess. Much to everyone's
surprise Burgess's gauntlet shatters due to the force of the collision. Diamante however, realizes
the difference between Luffy's and Sabo's fighting style and begins to doubt whether Lucy really
is Luffy.

Meanwhile, at the Underground Factory, Usopp notes that toys just keep coming out of the Factory
proving that Sugar is in the Factory. He then asks the Dwarves what the tentacle-like things that
are connected to the tower are. They explain to him that the one in the center is a lift that leads
to the palace while the pipe-like things are tubes that reach the Scrap Heap. It takes people and
broken toys from various places and drops them into the Scrap Heap which is below the executive

Inside the Executive Tower, Cavendish is with Trebol and Sugar. Trebol tells him that he is in the
Executive Tower which is a Factory-like room from toys are continuously spit out and that it is also
known by another name. It is revealed that Trebol has eaten the Beta Beta no Mi. Trebol says that
he will not listen to what a brat like him has to say. Cavendish orders Sugar to get the sticky
substance by which he is bound off him, but she instead turns him into a toy and makes a contract
with him without him even agreeing. The contract states that he will not harm humans and will
bow to the orders of the Doflamingo Family. Almost immediately Cavendish loses his free will.

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Trebol states that now no one remembers who he is and now onwards he will, as a toy, have to
work and die for Doflamingo. As a toy he is forced to work with the other toys to smuggle weapons.
It is revealed that the other contestants who were taken to the infirmary were also made into toys
and are being forced to smuggle weapons.

Usopp, Robin, and their group of dwarves reach the room where Trebol and Sugar are located.
The dwarves state that Sugar loves eating grapes. So their plan is to put a solid ball of the world's
hottest spice, Tatabababasco, which they've made to look like a grape, into her basket of grapes.
The seasoning is so spicy that when it was tested 50 times on the dwarves all of them fainted
and 18 of them were on the verge of dying. Usopp tells Leo to go ahead and execute the plan and
he will stay back and cover him although in his mind he intends to run away if the plan fails. Leo
steps up to place the ball of Tatababasco into the basket as the other dwarves cheer him on. He
says that when Sugar cries out, it will be the sign that all the toys will become human again and
all their forgotten memories will return and the evil deeds of Doflamingo be brought to light and
his true colors will be revealed to everyone! He shouts that he is going to save his friends and
return the Kingdom back to King Riku.

Trebol notices a fly, and using his devil fruit powers, he shoots the fly with enough force to knock
it through the wall of the executive tower. This scares all the dwarves, but Leo boasts that even if
he can hit a fly, he will not be able to hit him, and runs towards the tower. As the other dwarves
and Usopp cheer Leo on, Robin stops him.

Inside the SMILE Factory, an overseer is forcing the dwarves to work in t he SMILE fields. He
remarks that even though five hundred dwarves were kidnapped, their comrades still did not
notice anything due to their naïveté; and since he is not going to get any more slaves, he will
work the current ones to his heart's content. The man complains that they are too slow and whips
them. As he inspects the fruits they have collected in a wagon, he notices that they have not even
become SMILEs yet. He kicks the wagon, knocking the fruits to the ground, and berates the
dwarves. Although the dwarves are good with growing fruit, they complain that SMILE is an
unusual fruit, but he is unconvinced and says they are just making excuses. One of the dwarves
begs him to let his companion rest, and that the food they were given was rotten. The ov erseer
lies and tells them that the only medicine that can heal their princess is SMILE, and that only one
out of every ten SMILES can be used. They ask if they can be allowed to see the princess, but the
man pretends to cry, saying that the "rare disease" might be infectious. The dwarves believe him,
and, moved by his affection, and say that they will try their best to grow SMILEs.

Outside the executive tower, Leo is angry at Robin for stopping him, but she explains that if he
were to just run in, he would have died. The fly that Trebol shot was hit clean between the eyes,
meaning he could easily have attacked Leo. It is still too dangerous to target Sugar while she is
being guarded by him.

Bian creates a distraction at the port with some pink hornets, and Robin reports the disturbance
to Trebol, saying that some pirates are demanding to speak with an executive about their
payment. Hearing this, Trebol wonders that they do not fear Joker. He notices that Robin is not
the usual person reporting, but she simply lies, saying that the other person has gone to eat. She
also says that some people have been wounded. Trebol leaves to take care of the situation, but
posts extra guards with orders to notify him if anything happens.

As they reach the executive tower, the dwarves ask Usopp why he will not fight Sugar. He bluffs
that if he were to fight, the battle would be over instantly. He also says that this will help them
gain confidence, but if anything happens he will be there to help them defeat Sugar.

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Entering the tower, the dwarves quickly surround Sugar. They tell her that they will take back their
companions enslaved in the factory, and that they will make her pay. She replies that she does
not know what they are talking about, and the dwarves believe her without wondering about it.
Usopp tells them she was fooling them, and Sugar wonders who told them, as they are too naïve
to realize it by themselves. She drops her basket of grapes, saying that she didn't expect them to
do anything for at least a year, and that somebody must have encouraged this, The dwarves
charge at her, with the aim of holding her down and opening her mouth to feed her the tobasco
ball. Sugar is upset somewhat that the dwarves seem to think she's weak, just because she's a
young girl. Some of the dwarves charge in, but she turns them into toy bears. She makes a
contract with them, forcing them to obey her orders. Usopp, watching this, is shocked, but the
rest of the dwarves lose all memory of the dwarves who were turned into toys, and it appe ars to
them that a group of toys suddenly appeared before them. Sugar gives the toys orders to
slaughter everyone in the tower. The toy dwarves do not want to fight their companions but cannot
disobey the orders given by Sugar due to their contract. The dwarves charge at the toys, who try
to tell them that they are their allies but are unable to.

Sugar calls Trebol on a Den Den Mushi, telling him return immediately, and that it is a trap. As he
turns back, Robin points out that the pirates that were creating trouble are right before them.
Trebol leaps at them, preparing to stop the fight, but they tell him that the disruption was due to
hornets in the cargo, and they were holding up their end of the bargain. He turns around to see
Robin running, and realizes that he has been tricked. He leaps again, catching her in his slime,
but it is a decoy clone. He recognizes her face before the clone vanishes, and realizes that the
Straw Hat Pirates are after Sugar. He grabs a ship with his ability, and slams it into the executive

The dwarves, Usopp, and Sugar are all shocked as a giant ship crashes into the room. Even the
toy workers stop to look at the incident in astonishment. Trebol's subordinates cry out that he has
lost it, and comment on how the tower is now in ruins.

Robin finds Usopp, who is apparently pretending to be knocked out, and wakes him up. He says
that he a "duck came flying through the roof," and Robin tells him to keep quiet, and that Leo's
group has been captured.

Sure enough, the dwarves are being interrogated by Trebol and Sugar (who angrily kicks him for
throwing the ship). They claim that they will never reveal their partners' names, though Trebol lies
that Usopp is his dear friend, prompting Leo to give away the name. As he mocks that Usopp isn't
his friend, Leo screams in horror that he fell for another trick. A similar situation follows with Sugar
asking about Thunder Soldier.

Trebol notes that the dwarves have quite a plan in action, to which they respond that it doesn't
matter since the Doflamingo Pirates are already done for. The officer simply drops some of his
goo onto them, which is flammable; it explodes.

Usopp finds Leo seriously injured, and advises that he and the dwarves get out of the harbor. Leo
laments that he can't beat Trebol, but says that Operation SOP must be completed, because if so
then Thunder Soldier can crush Doflamingo. He says that the "captain is waiting for them".

The scene changes to the fight between Lao G and Thunder Soldier, with the former almost
finished defeating the latter. Knocked down, Thunder Soldier recalls the events that morning.

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The prisoner gladiators and the dwarves cheer as the newspaper claims Doflamingo has quit the
Shichibukai, but Thunder Soldier only sadly says that it is not true.

Then he tries to console Rebecca, who is upset about the entire thing and cries about being "cast
down from the heavens to hell". She says that everyone's spirits are breaking, even remembering
someone saying that the only thing to look forward to is execution, and angrily cries that achieving
a thousand wins in the colosseum to be freed is not hope but rather a wall of despair. She even
remarks that the statue of Kyros is nothing but a lie made by the prisoners as a preservation of
hope, and if she has to dream the impossible, she would rather put all her hopes into the
competition (for the Mera Mera no Mi).

Thunder Soldier scolds her that she is only 16, and that she is too young and weak to take on the
competition. Rebecca tears up and says that he is not her real father, that he is the one who is
going to get beaten up, and that he is nothing but a toy soldier. He simply agrees, and walks away;
Rebecca quickly apologizes and pleads him not to start the operation.

Back in the present, Rebecca, who has not yet gone to the offensive side, seemingly angrily
attacks Diamante. He notices that the sword is blunt; he mocks that the battle is one of life and
death, and simply smashes her with a club he made with a folded sheet of iron.

The crowd cheers the Hero of the Colosseum, while Sabo (Lucy) orders "Muscle Melon" to protect
Rebecca, to which he barks that his name is "Bartolomeo".

Meanwhile, Diamante laughs and sarcastically asks if he knew how her mother, Scarlett, died.
He says that he even got a little emotional seeing Thunder Soldier cry so hard. Rebecca
remembers her mother saying that she will be back with some food, but came back dead and
carried by the toy soldier.

Back at the palace, Lao G gets distracted by the tremors Pica is causing, and soon ambushed by
Kabu's group. The dwarves tell Thunder Soldier to go ahead, though he worries about their safety
and notes that they will all die. Kabu reassures the captain by saying that Leo is almost done with
their part, and that all he needs to do is shoot Doflamingo.

Underground, Usopp asks Leo why they are so reliant on the toy. Leo explains that while the other
toys where all assigned contracts to obey Doflamingo, Thunder Soldier was the only exception.
And because he was left with a free will, he is the only one capable of fighting against Doflamingo.
In fact, if it weren't for him the dwarves would have all become slaves as well, due to their
naïvety. He ends with a speech saying that, though no one remembers anymore, Thunder
Soldier was Kyros; the strongest gladiator in the colosseum.

At the first floor of the basement's royal palace, Luffy and Viola escaped while Zoro stayed behind
to fight Pica and are rushing as well as looking for an exit to the higher floor while the stonewalls
controlled by Pica are trying to confine them by creating dead ends. Viola asks Luffy if Zoro is
alright after having engaged in combat with Pica, and Luffy says to not worry about him, while
breaking a stone wall with a kick. Meanwhile, Zoro is still fighting with Pica, since his slashes are
cutting his manipulated stonewalls but don't seem to affect him.

At the royal palace's first floor, after fighting through several of Doflamingo's men, Rampo, Kabu,
and Thunder Soldier were intercepted by Gladius. The two dwarves attempted to attack him in
order for the Thunder Soldier escape, but the officer effortlessly caught them. Gladius then
attacked them with his Devil Fruit powers, knocking them out with the explosions by rupture of

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his arms. He then went after Thunder Soldier, stating he can't outrun him as a toy. He tackled the
toy soldier from behind and, while explaining his ability, inflated the soldier's head. Right before
it exploded, Luffy knocked Gladius away with a Jet Stamp, saving Thunder Soldier from certain
demise. Luffy was about to continue the fight with the officer, but Viola pulled him away, stating
that Gladius was too dangerous. Upon seeing Viola, Gladius ranted about her betrayal and
exploded his helmet, hurting her with the helmet's shards, managing to wound Viola which forced
Luffy to carry her. Seeing no stairs to advance further up, Viola, Luffy, and Thunder Soldier jumped
out a window and Luffy used his leg to stretch to the second floor conveniently outside the Room
of Suits. As they overheard Doflamingo trying to get Law to tell him what the Straw Hats' plan was,
Luffy asked if he can attack Doflamingo, only to be denied and told to wait by Viola, while Thunder
Soldier places his faith in Usopp to gon with the plan.

After losing sight of them, Gladius ran into Kin’emon, disguised as the Doflamingo with Wicca
hiding in his pocket. Fooled by the disguise, Gladius informed him informed him that Kanjuro had
disappeared from the scrap house.

At the toy house, Franky decided to remain at the toy house to battle the Marines, because going
to the underground world with them after him would jeopardize Thunder Soldier's plans. He also
placed his faith in Usopp.

At the underground trade port, Robin used her Devil Fruit powers in an attempt to knock out Sugar
with the spice the dwarves were going to use. Unfortunately, she let her guard down for a moment
and Sugar touched one of her arms, transforming her into a toy. While wandering in the trade
port, Robin wondered where Usopp went and put her hopes in him as well.

With all the dwarves incapacitated, Leo also put his faith in Usopp. However, Usopp decided to
run from the scene and angrily asked himself why Franky wasn't coming.

As Usopp runs off in fear, Trebol tells the toys to get back to work, but they are shaken by the
dwarves’ rebellion. The barely conscious dwarves then call on Usopp, still hoping that he will save
them. Usopp hears their call and freezes up as Trebol and Sugar question Leo about this
"Usoland". Leo tells the two that Usopp is a legendary hero that gave his word to save all the
dwarves and toys, and will do so. Trebol laughs at the dwarves' naivety, telling them that "Usoland"
abandoned them. The dwarves are shocked, but Leo refuses to believe that Usopp would
abandon them, trusting in their "hero's" word to the end. Trebol then steps on Leo, angering the
dwarves even more. Suddenly, Usopp appears, telling the dwarves to quit the charade about him.

As the toy Robin and the dwarves see Usopp, the pirate confesses the truth: he is not Usoland,
the heroic descendant of Montblanc Noland, but Usopp, one of the Straw Hat Pirates. The
dwarves struggle to believe this revelation and begin to weep, but then Usopp tells Trebol that he
is still gonna save the dwarves. Before, he had realized that he wouldn't have been able to rest
knowing that the dwarves had always been counting on him, and that it would be good to die if it
was a noble death. He then declares that he is Usopp, the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates and
that they should put their faith in him, as he has decided to become the legendary hero of the
Tontatta. With the rest of the toys wondering if he has come to save them, he launches a new pop
green at Trebol; Hissatsu Midori Boshi: Platanus Shuriken, telling Trebol that it is time to sink or
swim as the attack cuts him in half.

Meanwhile, Thunder Soldier flashes back to his life before he was turned into a toy. At the age of
15, Kyros was arrested for the murder of two people. King Riku showed him mercy and allowed
him his freedom after fighting 100 battles in the colosseum, to which Kyros agrees to. However,

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even after being acquitted Kyros continues to fight in the arena. After 1000 victories, Riku asked
why Kyros wanted to battle so much. Ironically, Kyros sadly replies that all people will remember
him as is a murderer.

Kyros stays for 9 years in the arena, winning battle after battle without any injury. King Riku under
the pretense of Ricky, competes against Kyros and his 3,000 wins and loses after giving him a
single injury on the head. Kyros knew from the beginning that it was the king all along and
wondered why he did it. The King told Kyros that even though Kyros taught him how to fight with
a sword, he doesn't want him to spend his entire life fighting in the colosseum and convinced him
to join the army as the captain of the guard. However, Scarlett (the princess of Dressrosa) is
distrustful of him since his past as a murderer is well known to her and told him that he will never
come near nor touch her or her sister, even though she is under his protectio n. This changes
when pirates kidnap her and Kyros saves her. Both fall in love with each other and end up

Due to Kyros' past as a murderer, Scarlett convinces her father to fake her death so she can live
happily with Kyros. She eventually bears him a child who she named Rebecca. The family spend
their days living in the flower field where Riku comes to visit them regularly. Kyros himself couldn't
bear to touch his daughter since he believes she is too pure to be touched by a murderer and
wear gloves routinely when he does play with her. One day, Kyros notices the palace burning and
investigates finding Riku to be captured by the Doflamingo pirates. They chain him with seastone
cuffs and Donquixote Doflamingo offers him a chance to join their army. Kyros, seeing the man
who gave him a new life in terrible pain refuses Doflamingo's offer, cuts off his own leg that was
chained and is about to escape with King Riku when Sugar turns him into a toy. He still manages
to escape and helps the king go into hiding, however Riku doesn't remember who Kyros was. With
the king escaped safely, Kyros goes towards the Red Flower Bed where Scarlett and Rebecca are
supposed to wait for him.

Some days after the invasion of the Donquixote Pirates, Scarlett went to a marke t in order to buy
some food for her daughter, but she was shot by an assailant. Kyros was horrified to see her here
and rushes to her while brutally striking any soldier getting close to her. He then realizes that she
forgot everything, even their promise to safely hide where he told them. Before her life
was slipped away, she asks him to save Rebecca which he readily does.

At the present, Kyros (Toy Soldier) is jolted back to the present by Viola. They are about to be
surrounded by Doflamingo's men cursing Kin'emon as he was dressed like the 'young lord'
(Doflamingo). Toy Soldier considers assassinating Doflamingo right away since they would lose
this opportunity if they don't act quickly.

In Corrida Colosseum, Sabo and Burgess' fight continues and Burgress attacks are threatening
to break the colosseum. Many of the soldier realize that another powerful attack like before would
break the foundations and bring the entire colosseum down. Meanwhile Bartolomeo, as
instructed by Sabo, looks to protect Rebecca, but Diamante confirms to Rebecca that he was the
one who shot her mother, traumatizing her into defenselessness.

Franky lies badly defeated by the combined assault of the marines soldiers and the Doflamingo
family. He hoped that Usopp will succeed in delivering the crippling blow to Doflamingo's entire
operation. The dwarves of Tontatta cheer Usopp as 'Usoland' fights. Many of the slave toys
overheard that Usoland will save them and silently cheered that he saves them from their terrible

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However, Usopp was already defeated by Trebol's sticky web and the dwarves sank into despair.
Trebol gets a call from Doflamingo who requested Sugar to return to him immediately. Before she
would, she decided to feed the apparently poisonous ball to Usopp as a final insult for trying to
kill her. But swallowing the Tatabasco ball causes Usopp to suddenly regain consciousness, his
face in an unimaginable expression of pain and agony with his tongue caught in expelling flames
along with a horrifying scream. Caught off guard, this unexpected display scared Sugar so much
that it caused her to lose consciousness from fear, causing Usopp to be the battle's victor and
leaving the dwarves speechless at this unexpected twist.

Usopp and Sugar scream as the latter passes out, which awes the dwarves and greatly shocks
Trebol. Suddenly, all the toys are transformed back into their original bodies, resulting in
celebrations in toy-only areas from the shipyard to the basement underneath the Colosseum.
Trebol quickly tells Doflamingo via Den Den Mushi about what has happened, telling him that the
effects of the Hobi Hobi no Mi were nullified, with Doflamingo showing massive concern and
asking him if he was joking. The people in the streets panic due to the unexpected
transformations happening all at once. Some citizens embrace their lost family members, but
others run in fear from the wild animals and pirates who had just changed back from becoming
toys, and some of the other toys that were turned back were revealed to be former
Dressrosa soldiers, government officials, marines, beasts and leaders of other nations. Upon
hearing reports of the panic, Fujitora and Bastille prepare to restore order while the wounded
Franky gives a weak laugh as Senor Pink who is accompanied by Dellinger and Machvise
chastises Sugar for being defeated so easily and wasting 10 years of planning, but takes back
his statement by hoping she's not severely injured.

Meanwhile, back in the castle, Pica vanishes, leaving Zoro lost and confused as to how he
suddenly disappeared. Back at the Executive Tower, Robin, who is now a human again, comes to
Usopp's aid. The dwarves celebrate Usopp making Operation SOP a success, weeping in gratitude
and promising to build a bronze statue of him, proclaiming him a hero. The barely conscious
Usopp boldly proclaims that everything went "according to plan" and is confident that his crew
can deal with the rest, knowing that the real fight has only just begun. Doflamingo, meanwhile, is
severely frustrated and knee-deep in worry as he receives numerous calls via Den Den Mushi
from all corners of Dressrosa regarding the recent turn of events resulting from the toys'
transformations back into humans, the people on the streets are cursing Doflamingo, seemingly
ready to revolt.

Suddenly, Thunder Soldier, having turned back into Kyros vanishes from Luffy and Viola's side
and rushes toward the palace suits room, with Luffy questioning who he is to Viola who suddenly
bursts into tears after finally remembering who he is due to the Hobi Hobi no Mi curse being lifted.
She answers him by explaining the power of the Hobi Hobi no Mi and how everyone's memories
were regained after Sugar was defeated and proclaims him to be the ex-commander of Riku's
army and champion of the Colosseum, Kyros. Luffy is shocked at this revelation that he is the
person representing the statue he saw at the Colosseum and is even more shocked to discover
he is Rebecca's father, Viola looks back at why Thunder Soldier spent 10 years at Rebecca's side,
protecting her and bursts into tears again.

Meanwhile, back in the suits room, King Riku also regains his memories and starts to cry, finally
remembering his former friend and army commander while it is announced that there is chaos in
the Colosseum as the toys there have also changed back into their original forms, creating mass
panic. Doflamingo then turns as one of his guards demands to know who the figure who just
entered the room was. King Riku comments that he recognized the individual while Law looks on
in shock and Riku asks if he is Kyros, who responds with a firm yes and charges to attack

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Doflamingo while apologizing to Riku for making him wait so long. Doflamingo recognizes Kyros
but is taken completely by surprise and is seemingly decapitated with one swift strike, shocking
Buffalo and Baby 5, who are present.

Luffy and Viola then enter the throne room, with Luffy exclaiming that Doflamingo was dead and
that they needed to save Law. Kyros then proclaims that he came to get back the "real Dressrosa".

Back at the Corrida Colosseum, the audience begin panicking and start running toward the exit
due to there having beasts among the audience who had just changed back from toys, with
Diamante cursing Trebol for not protecting Sugar properly. Bartolomeo then berates Rebecca for
crying too much and says he cannot babysit her anymore. Rebecca is in tears, as she explains to
him that she just remembered she had a father, with Bartolomeo confused at her statement.
Sabo then sits up and explains that it was a trick created by the country, commenting that
everything had a "core", including the ring they are standing on. He demonstrated these words by
using a new technique, Ryusoken: Ryu no Ibuki (Dragon's Breath) to completely destroy the
Colosseum floor while explaining he had other things to win, much to everyone's shock.

Meanwhile, somewhere else on Dresrossa, Revolutionary member Koala is speaking to Hack via
Den Den Mushi and announced that Sabo was heading to the basement of the Colosseum.

Sabo’s attack destroys the stage, causing a shockwave and panic amongst the audience.
Rebecca is seen clinging onto Bartolomeo as Diamante accidentally mentions that they never
planned to give the Mera Mera no Mi away. Sabo opens the chest with the devil fruit, while a
shocked Gatz looks on, and points out that he is the last one standing. Gatz announces to the
fleeing crowd that Lucy is the winner of the Corrida Colosseum despite the chaos that is unfolding.
After taking a bite of the Mera Mera no Mi, Sabo comments on how disgusting it tastes. He
rescues Rebecca, but leaves Bartolomeo behind, since he can defend himself, as he removes
beard and helmet. While not still used to his new devil fruit power, and startled by the flames he
has just produced, Sabo destroys the remains of the stage with a powerf ul strike. The attack is
so powerful that it destroys the ground between the underground port and the Colosseum. Koala
leaps into the hole after him.

In the underground port, Trebol is angered and attacks Nico Robin and the dwarves as they
attempt to get Usopp out of danger. The executive tries to attack Robin with his devil fruit ability,
but she summons several large hands to lift up a large chunk of a rock to block him. Right after,
Hajrudin appears from out of nowhere. The giant lifted Usopp up, complimenting his brave actions
that removed the curses of the Hobi Hobi no Mi. He then showed the badly injured Usopp to the
freed warriors of the Colosseum. The destroyed ceiling lets rays of light beam down upon Usopp,
and the warriors take this as a sign. Usopp tries to convince the giant to put him down, but it was
misheard by the others as "I will lead you" and they cheer him, asking what they should do. Usopp
tells them to destroy the factory behind him and to save the dwarves.

Having fallen down from the colosseum, Jesus Burgess is annoyed that Sabo ate the fruit meant
for his crew, and Diamante worries over the loss of the fruit. While these two are grumbling, they
are confronted by the freed toys from the basement, full of hatred for the Donquixote Pirate s.

Some distance away, but still in the port, Bartolomeo is upset that Sabo did not save him, despite
being easily able to save himself. Sabo, having changed out of his disguise, introduces himself,
Koala and Hack as members of the Revolutionary Army. He also revealed Lucy's identity of Luffy
to Rebecca, and tells her that the pirate is his younger brother. Sabo then explains that Dressrosa
is promoting wars all over the world, and came to Dressrosa to stop it.

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In the palace, Kyros defeats Doflamingo's soldiers with ease, including Buffalo. Luffy and Viola
rush over to save Law, but Law warns him that their alliance is over and that they are now
enemies, and if Luffy releases him, he may kill Luffy. Gladius rushes in, but sees that Doflamingo
has been decapitated, and is startled. Kyros removes Riku’s chains, as Luffy tries to unchain Law
despite his warnings. A sudden shockwave knocks them to the floor as Pica emerges beside
Doflamingo, holding the Shichibukai’s head in his hand. Doflamingo, still alive, warns that the
situation is now serious, and that he will need to implement a plan called the 'Birdcage', which
greatly shocks Law.

The heads of the factory observe as the ex-toys try to invade the SMILE Factory, and are confident
that they won't succeed in destroying Doflamingo's most prized building because it is made of
Seastone and is guarded by Diamante and Trebol, who have already beaten many ex-toys.

In the trading port, Sabo, Koala, and Hack meet with Robin, who was revealed to be acquainted
with all three of them. Robin introduces them to Usopp, whose beaten-up face creeps them out.
Meanwhile, Kin'emon hurriedly exits the palace, using his Doflamingo disguise to get through the
crowd. And on the Royal Plateau, in front of the Rampart Tower, Zoro continues searching
fruitlessly for Pica.

Inside the royal palace, Kyros is enraged at the decapitated Doflamingo being alive, and rushes
at him to finish the job. However, another Doflamingo suddenly appears behind him, ready to
return the favor and properly demonstrate how to decapitate someone. Doflamingo then
unleashes a giant kick which severs the palace tower from the rest of the building, but Luffy
manages to pull Kyros out of harm's way. Both the real and the decapitated Doflamingo rise to
attack Luffy, which shocks Baby 5, but Luffy dodges their strike. Forgiving Kyros for letting his
guard down, Luffy attacks Doflamingo with the Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling. However, Doflamingo
is unharmed due to covering his body in Busoshoku Haki, and the decapitated Doflamingo cuts
Luffy with his string powers. Finally, Doflamingo finishes the fight by punching Luffy in the face
with a Haki-embued fist.

The shocked Kyros and Viola wonder who the decapitated Doflamingo really is, and Viola thinks
that it is some kind of marionette. Doflamingo then asks King Riku if he remembers how he was
forced to kill his own subjects 10 years ago; which confuses and enrages the former king,
questioning his motives for bringing that incident up. Doflamingo replies to Riku's outraged
expression by saying what was going to happen now would make that event seem pleasant in
comparison. Riku is unwilling to let Doflamingo do something like that, but is unable to do
anything before Doflamingo orders Pica to remove his opposition from the palace. Pica gladly
complies and throws everyone out with a giant stone hand, and they fall to the ground dozens of
feet below. While falling, Riku begs Doflamingo not to harm Dressrosa any further as he, Viola,
Kyros, and Law land on Luffy's Balloon. The five of them watch from the Tower Gardens, unable
to get back to the palace, as the decapitated Doflamingo marionette splits into dozens of strings,
beginning Bird Cage.

Law tells Luffy, Viola, and Kyros that Doflamingo's bird cage will trap all the people on Dressrosa,
slaughtering them before they can get the word out on Doflamingo's actions. Every citizen
in Dressrosa panics as the strings envelop the island, and one pirate's attempt to escape reveals
that trying to break through will end up cutting the escapee. With the strings enveloping the entire
country, it appears as if everyone is in a giant cage, with no exit. The Marines attempt to contact
headquarters and quickly realize that the cage is blocking all transmissions, and some of them
suddenly start to attack Dressrosa citizens, having lost control of their actions due to Doflamingo
controlling them with Parasite. The chaos then only gets worse as Pica causes the Royal Palace,

Dressrosa Dressrosa

the SMILE Factory, and Flower Hill to lift off the ground. Doflamingo then broadcasts his voice
across Dressrosa, telling the citizens that he should have ruled like a tyrant all those ten years.
He then invites any enemies of his to either try and kill him, or kill his targets in order to survive.

Doflamingo continues his broadcast, informing the Dressrosa citizens that escape from
his Birdcage, as well as communication to the outside world, is impossible. He asks them if they
will all be killed because of him using his powers to make random citizens kill others, or if they
will manage to end his game.

As Issho puts down the controlled Marines, the ex-toys at the underground port are shocked that
the SMILE Factory has risen into the air. However, they are confident that this gives them a
chance for escape thanks to their "god", Usopp. Meanwhile in the port, Kin’emon, Bartolomeo,
and Rebecca meet up with Robin, Usopp, Sabo, Koala, Hack, and the Dwarves. Kin'emon tells
about how the Dressrosa citizens were trying to kill him as they thought he was Doflamingo since
he was wearing his Doflamingo disguise. Bartolomeo, while sucking up to Robin, notices that
Usopp has a long nose, much like Sogeking, his alias. Robin tells him that they are one and the
same, causing Bartolomeo to scream in awe, greatly annoying Sabo and Hack. Kin'emon checks
on the dwarves, commending them on their battle skill while they check on Kabu and Rampo,
who got back from the palace incapacitated.

The carnage in the streets of Dressrosa continues, with Doflamingo reflecting that this was a
lot like the incident he caused ten years ago. The controlled citizens and their victims likewise
draw similarities to the incident, finally understanding that King Riku and his Army were being
controlled that night. As King Riku continues to plead that Doflamingo stop the ca rnage,
Doflamingo offers an ultimatum to the former toys and people screaming for his head: make the
wrong choice and come for his head in a never-ending game, or "bring justice" to the 12 people
on the island that represent the greatest threat to the Donquixote Family. Each target is worth a
certain number of "Stars", and Doflamingo will pay a bounty of 100 million per star. The bounties
are assigned as follows:

1-Star: Rebecca, Nico Robin, Kin'emon, Viola, Franky

2-Stars: Roronoa Zoro, Kyros

3-Stars: Sabo, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Law, Riku Dold III

The announcement of the bounties causes a flurry of mixed reactions of shock, disbelief, and
excitement; both that some of the targets are even still alive after all this time (King Riku and
Kyros), and others that the the people are even present on Dressrosa (such as Sabo). Back at the
Trade Port, just as Usopp begins to rejoice in being left out, Doflamingo offers a final, special 5 -
star bounty just for "God" Usopp for his role in the preceding events. This immediately causes the
former toys that were just worshipping him to now turn against him for the bounty, much to
Usopp's dismay. They also quickly turn their attention to Robin, Sabo, Rebecca, and Kin'emon for
their bounties, who surmise that they must escape quickly. However while everyone else moves
to make it above ground, Kin'emon decides to jump further down to the Scrap Heap under the
pretense that Kanjuro may be there.

Doflamingo further asserts that the clock is ticking, as people are being killed by the second due
to his manipulation. We are brought back to the streets of Dressrosa, where the citizens that have
come to understand King Riku's actions ten years ago now find themselves torn over what to do.
Also, Senor Pink, Machvise, and Dellinger notice that Franky has escaped their sight somehow.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Back at the Trade Port, Bartolomeo urges Robin's group to press on to above ground as he creates
a large barrier to prevent the former toys from pursuing them. Zoro calls Robin via Den Den Mushi,
and it is revealed that he has met up with Luffy and the others that were expelled from the palace
by Pica. Luffy takes over the conversation with Robin, and they bring each other up to date on
current events, they notice that Kyros has gone missing.

Luffy referring to Kyros as "Soldier-San", as well as Rebecca’s own memories of the toy soldier,
leads her to the revelation that the soldier, the statue at the Corrida Colosseum, and Kyros, are
her father. As she begins to break down, Luffy encourages her to remain strong. He apologizes
that she couldn't eat the Mera Mera no Mi, but in place of that promises to defeat Doflamingo
and restore order to the country. This disturbs Law, as he reminds Luffy that the plan was not to
kill Doflamingo so that he would be left holding the cards of his failure to Kaido. Killing him would
thus instead direct the Yonko’s aggression toward their alliance. Luffy brushes this off, firmly
believing that the current state of affairs will not improve unless he takes action. A brief scene of
the Marines is shown, with Admiral Fujitora and Vice Admiral Bastille reminding their forces that
their target is the Law-Straw Hat Alliance, and not Doflamingo. With his conviction to help his new
friends, Luffy grabs Law and Zoro and heads straight for Doflamingo's palace.

The former toys emerge from underneath the Colosseum in a horde. The Marines trying to calm
the panic see them, and conclude that the recent change in landscape must have connected the
Trade Harbor to the Colosseum. Vice Admiral Maynard has returned to his former form, and Vice
Admiral Bastille berates him for his acting without orders. Maynard replies that thanks to his
infiltration, he has learned the depth of Doflamingo’s heinous crimes. In the underground trade
port, Koala investigates a ship in the harbor. She discovers that the ship is a Doerena Kingdom
trading vessel, being passed off as a pirate ship, and takes a picture.

As the Marines continue to restrain those being controlled, Maynard brings his case to Admiral
Fujitora, adamant that Donquixote Doflamingo be arrested for what he has done. Issho responds
that it is not the World Government’s role to play God in the wake of the anger-filled screams of
the citizens, and instructs the Vice Admiral to continue following his orders.

At the newly located Royal Palace, most of the Donquixote Family discuss their current strategy.
Already assured that they won't get into the SMILE Factory due to its Seastone structure, they
also destroy the factory keys to remove any glimmer of hope. Lao G makes a sharp comment on
Trebol’s inability to keep Sugar safe, prompting both Trebol and Diamante to attempt to justify
their failures to Doflamingo. Lao G is further annoyed by their excuses but Doflamingo comments
that what is done is done, and that there is nothing that can be done now, much to their relief.
Diamante complains that the Marines will become an annoyance, and asks Doflamingo what he
plans to do about the Admiral. Doflamingo assures him that the Admiral won't cause him
problems for the time being, due to their earlier conversations, but also notes that nothing good
will come of letting him live.

As he begins to expand on how best to deal with the pirates and Marines, Pica speaks up, stating
that he alone should be enough. Pica's high-pitched voice catches a subordinate off guard, and
he struggles to hold in a laugh as another tells him hurriedly that laughing will get him killed.
Doflamingo says that there's no need to be hasty, as he is confident that his game will cause the
citizens to choose the Donquixote Family over the Riku family. As Pica begins to reply, the
subordinate can no longer control himself and lets out a laugh. This immediately catches the
attention of Doflamingo and the senior executives, much to the soldier's dismay. As Pica is about
to entomb the subordinate in stone for his laughter, Baby 5 instead shoots him to prevent Pica's
wrath from going out of control, knocking the subordinate off the plateau. Doflamingo explains

Dressrosa Dressrosa

that he lost his mother at 8 years old, and killed his father at age 10, and that because the
executives have shared joy and sorrow with him, he will not tolerate anyone laughing at his family.

In the streets of Dressrosa, Senor Pink, Machvise, and Dellinger reflect on how the Marines do
not seem to be a problem because of Doflamingo's status, and wondering how Franky had enough
strength to elude them. Franky is seen running towards the new SMILE Factory location. It is
revealed that he regained his strength from leftover cola he had in reserve for destroying the
factory, which he plans to destroy with his Radical Beam. Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Law and
Roronoa Zoro land at the Donquixote pirates' position, surrounded by marines and citizens intent
on taking their head. Law, still handcuffed, expresses his annoyance at Luffy's choice of landing,
but Zoro explains that the situation wouldn't be good for them regardless of where they landed,
because the whole country wants their head. As they attempt to run, Senor Pink swims through
the ground and grabs Luffy's leg. Machvise launches himself at Luffy and Law, but Luffy stretches
his legs to push them out of the way. Dellinger aims a kick at Luffy, but Zoro kicks him from
behind, causing the attack to hit Machvise instead. The citizens and marines open f ire on the
fugitives. Zoro says that he's reluctant to use his swords because there are innocents among
them, which prompts Luffy to instead try Haki. Before he can use it, Issho appears and tells the
citizens to stop shooting, as it is useless against them. Zoro and Luffy express their shock at his
presence, and prepare for confrontation.

In the colosseum, Robin’s group continues to evade the former toys chasing their bounties, with
Bartolomeo and Hack backing them up. Robin determines that the landscape shift has placed
the colosseum next to the Royal Plateau, so they head there to meet up with the others. As they
escape, Hack notices that Sabo has gone off on his own, just like Koala. The island begins to shift
again, with King Riku and Viola wondering what they will do this time. The commotion of the island
catches everyone's attention, until eventually Pica himself emerges from the landscape to tower
above the island. As he says that he will deal with those that stand against his family, Luffy starts
laughing at the high pitch of his voice, infuriating Pica.

The citizens of Dressrosa shout at Luffy to stop laughing about Pica, as the latter has a complex
about his high-pitched voice. An enraged Pica then aims a fist at Luffy, and the citizens run away
in fear. Issho notices that something bad is happening, though is oblivious to what exactly. As
Luffy, Zoro, and Law run from Pica, the latter two tell the former to stop laughing at Pica, though
they are trying hard to keep from laughing themselves. Pica's f ist then lands on the ground,
destroying many buildings and launching the pirates into the air.

Luffy, Zoro, and Law land in front of the Corrida Colosseum, and as Zoro and Law reflect on how
strong Pica is, Cavendish suddenly appears. As Zoro prepares to draw his sword, Cavendish
recognizes Law and attacks him due to him being one of the Eleven Supernovas, which stole his
fame. Luffy stops Cavendish, saying that Law is his friend, which Law loudly denies. Luffy asks
Cavendish if he still hates him, to which Cavendish replies no due to Usopp rescuing him from
being a toy. Cavendish then hands Law his hat, which he found in front of the colosseum, and
offers to put it on for him, which Law quickly declines. Cavendish then tells Luffy that as
repayment for rescuing him, he'll kill Doflamingo so the Straw Hat Pirates can hide. Luffy declines
the offer, saying he had to defeat Doflamingo to repay Rebecca for giving him lunch, leading Law
and Cavendish to question his motives. Cavendish believes Luffy wants to def eat Doflamingo to
become more popular, and gain the press' attention.

Suddenly, Chinjao, Sai, and Boo appear, their grudge against Luffy gone and now are ready to
defeat Doflamingo to repay Usopp, which annoys Luffy due to him wanting to defeat Doflamingo.
Hajrudin then appears, also getting rid of his grudge and saying he'll defeat Doflamingo. He is

Dressrosa Dressrosa

soon followed by Elizabello II, Dagama,Abdullah, Jeet, Suleiman, Orlumbus, Ideo, and Blue Gilly,
who all want the same thing: Doflamingo's head, but for different reasons. As Zoro asks all of
them to back them up, Luffy and the former combatants start arguing on who gets to defeat
Doflamingo. However, they notice a crowd of former colosseum combatant toys heading toward
them, ready to take Luffy, Zoro, and Law's bounties, and, forgetting their argument, easily defeat
the ex-toys. Just then, Luffy sees Ucy in the crowd, and the bull quickly recognizes his friend.

The citizens of Dressrosa are all on the search for Luffy, Zoro, and Law, expecting all of them to
be dead. Suddenly, they see the shadow of a bull heading toward them, and thinking it is only the
Straw Hats, prepare to fire their guns. However, they see the Straw Hats backed up by the Corrida
Colosseum's most dangerous combatants, and are very shocked. Pica then prepares to crush the
combatants, but Chinjao uses his drill head and Elizabello II uses a lighter version of King Punch
to shatter Pica's stone arm, shocking the citizens. Meanwhile, Luffy tries to get the other
combatants off his trail to find Doflamingo.

The citizens of Dressrosa are shocked to see Pica’s arm crumble apart after Chinjao’s and
Elizabello II’s attack, and Luffy, in a panic, rides Ucy away from the falling rubble. The soldiers on
the streets attempt to stop the Colosseum fighters, but are thwarted by Ideo, who uses
Destruction Cannon to blow the shocked soldiers away. Orlumbus and Cavendish join in,
respectively using the moves Admiral's Hug and Swan Lake. The soldiers are powerless to stop
them, but Pica gears up for another assault on the fighters. Chinjao prepares to hold the
Donquixote executive off, but Zoro sees that Pica's severed arm has grown back, and, knowing
that continuing fighting like this would be useless, shouts at everybody to run.

The fighters run away from Pica's second attack, which destroys more of Dressrosa, and the
fighters are at a loss on how to get through Pica to Doflamingo's castle. Suddenly, Cavendish
notices that Luffy isn't with them, and the fighters are incredibly shocked to see the Straw Hat
riding Ucy up Pica's arm. Luffy heads up excitedly, and Abdullah and Jeet, having also hitched a
ride on Ucy, also cheer, which causes Luffy to realize they are there and to yell at them to get off.
Pica then notices Luffy, and in silent rage grows his arm back, preparing to attack the pirate. Luffy
attacks him first, however, hitting Pica in the face with Gomu Gomu no Grizzly Magnum. The attack
shatters Pica's face and shocks the fighters and citizens down below.

Zoro, having ridden on Ucy with Luffy, points out that Pica's shattered arm and head were just
pure stone, and that Pica's real body was located where his fake head was. Zoro remarks that
Pica is finally showing some human characteristics, when the Donquixote executive pulls out a
giant sword, scaring Abdullah and Jeet. They beg Ucy to turn around or stop, but the bull cannot
do either of those things as Pica swings at it. However, Luffy manages to get underneath Ucy and
propel it upward, out of the sword's path. Ucy lands behind Pica, but the executive officer quickly
turns around, preparing to strike again. Thankfully, Zoro manages to counter his blow with one
sword, which causes a shocked Abdullah and Jeet to call him and Luffy "comrades of god". Pica
tells Zoro to get out of the way so he can deal with Luffy, but Zoro says that Luffy has no business
with a chunk of stone like him and mocks his high-pitched voice, enraging Pica further.

The fighters below notice that Pica's stone body has frozen, and take advantage of this to head
for Doflamingo’s castle, intent on his head. Luffy, Abdullah, and Jeet continue riding away from
Pica, the latter two refusing to get off despite Luffy's demands. Suddenly, Law snaps out of his
thought, admitting to Luffy that his plan had been a detour to crush Doflamingo, but that he, too,
wanted to repay the Shichibukai after losing to him before. He then tells Luffy how Doflamingo
took away the most important person to him 13 years ago. This person was Corazon, his

Dressrosa Dressrosa

benefactor and the former top executive of the Donquixote family, as well as Doflamingo's true

Pica’s larger stone body remains still due to his confrontation with Roronoa Zoro, allowing the
Colosseum group to push forward. The Donquixote Family subordinates attempt to hold them off,
but to no avail. Dellinger, Machvise, Gladius, Baby 5, and Lao G watch on from the second level
of the newly located Royal Palace, amused at the group's momentum. They are impressed, but
still confident that they will not make it through Admiral Fujitora’s forces. Baby 5 comments that
the Straw Hat Pirates still managed to stop Pica.

A map of Dressrosa is shown, showing the locations of: Zoro as he battles Pica; Monkey D.
Luffy and Trafalgar Law as they reach the first level of the palace; the Colosseum group advancing
towards the Marines; and Kyros fighting his way through individually. The Dressrosa citizens
attempt to reason with Kyros to give himself up without a fight. They explain that they aren't
interested in his bounty, but that their deaths are guaranteed if all of the bounties aren't collected.
Kyros empathizes with their logic, but tells them that he too must accomplish something, charging
at them. At the former Royal Plateau, Nico Robin’s group reach King Riku and Viola from the
Colosseum, along with Tank Lepanto. Bartolomeo is disappointed that Luffy is not there, while
Leo and the Tontatta are confused by Pica's larger form and the new location of the Royal Palace.
Rebecca points out that they still have pursuers, but Robin easily dispatches them by making the
net she had created for climbing up the plateau disappear.

Viola finds the key to Law's handcuffs, and expresses her intent to free him. King Riku attempts
to persuade her otherwise, because Law and Luffy are pirates, but she replies that is precisely
why they are the ones who can truly help their country. She goes on to say that the World
Government granting Donquixote Doflamingo a special status and protection as a pirate is
precisely how their country ended up in this predicament, and therefore she has no interes t in
their definition of justice. She claims they only listen to the cries of the people when it is
convenient for them, whereas the Straw Hats have acted from a place of sincerity. The Tontatta
agree, and bring King Riku up-to-date on how Usopp was responsible for the lifting the curse of
the Hobi Hobi no Mi. They tell him that they also support the Straw Hats wholeheartedly. Rebecca
decides that she will get the key to Luffy, with Bartolomeo enthusiastically asking to come along
as well so he can see Luffy again. Viola warns her niece of the danger, but Rebecca assures her
that she will be fine. This prompts Leo and Kabu to also offer to accompany Rebecca for further
support. Everyone agrees to meet up again at the Royal Plateau afterwards.

Franky finally reaches to the factory, and prepares to fire his Radical Beam. However, before he
can release it, Senor Pink emerges and attacks him, wishing to continue their previous fight. At
the Royal Palace, the Colosseum group has begun to climb the palace. This alarms the executives,
as they were confident that the attackers would not make it through the Marines. As Luffy fights
his way through level 1 of the palace, the Colosseum group catches up to him. Baby 5 notices
that the Marines are being held back by a large wall of flame. Fujitora asks Sabo if there's no way
he can convince the Revolutionary to move. As a member of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo
explains that he will not let anyone pass who attempts to bring harm to Luffy or his allies. He then
corrects himself, saying that he is also doing this as a big brother. This leads Fujitora to question
just whose brother Sabo is.

Bastille warns his men to stay away from Sabo due to him being a Logia user. The Marines shoot
at Sabo but his body is immune to damage because of his Logia powers. One Marine notes
comment's on how strong Sabo's fingers are but Sabo corrects him calling them claws as he
crushes a bazooka with one hand. He makes the bazooka explode as Bastille tells them to move

Dressrosa Dressrosa

as he'll deal with the Revolutionary. Sabo easily breaks Bastille's blade with his fingers as the vice
admiral curses him. Sabo then grabs his head and states he can crush a skull like an egg as he
breaks Bastille's mask. Just then, Issho brings down a meteor wondering if it can break through
Doflamingo's bird cage. However, the cage merely slices the meteor to bits causing great
destruction to the kingdom. Fujitora realizes his mistake and hopes no one was hurt while his
men ask that he warns them before he uses his powers again. He then asks Sabo if he's aware
of the predicament he's in but Sabo merely notes he's still having trouble controlling Ace's powers
as he reveals he beat Bastille.

Fujitora notes that Ace was Luffy's brother and realizes Sabo is the same. Sabo confirms this
stating they shared drinks together and have an unshakable bond which causes several Marines
to be shocked by Luffy's brothers. Sabo mentions that should Luffy ever need help, he will be
there for him. He has a flashback how he discovered Aces death and refuses to let anything
happen to his loved ones again and clashes with Fujitora.

Meanwhile, on Level 1 of the platform, Luffy, Ucy, Abdullah and Jeet and Law charge through the
soldiers of the Donquixote Family. Just then, Luffy sees Cavendish as he states the y found a short
cut and are going ahead of Luffy. The other fighters charge forward fighting the other soldiers. As
Luffy and Ucy are being shot at, Kelly Funk (while using Bobby Funk's body) fights them off telling
them to stay away from Straw Hat. After Kelly reintroduces himself to Luffy he tells him he found
a secret passage that will lead them to the top of the castle. As they run Law questions Luffy when
he will have the key to his cuffs off. Law questions if he really intends to fight Doflamingo while
he's handicap but Luffy states it will all work out but Law retorts how Luffy can remain so positive.
Kelly then leads them to the passage and as they enter Abdullah and Jeet fall off Ucy, much to
Law's and Kelly's shock. Luffy and Law keep going as Luffy gets a call from Robin as she informs
Luffy they have the key to Law's cuffs. Robin states they'll reach them with Rebecca and
Bartolomeo at the Sunflower fields. Though Luffy reaffirms Law that this worked out Law states
only cause of dumb luck. Just then, Law notes they ran into a dead end with water in it. Just then,
someone comes from behind telling them this is just a slanted room, revealing himself to be

Donquixote Doflamingo confronts Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Law, and The Fighting Bull, as they
have fallen into a slanted well on the first level of the royal plateau. Angered by his presence,
Luffy immediately attempts to punch Doflamingo but he blocks it effortlessly. After mocking them
for getting caught into the trap, Doflamingo fires a string shot at the bull that incapacitates him
and also knocks Luffy into the water. He mocks them further about how easily they were defeated,
but in spite of this he commends Luffy for his ability to gather allies, especially under these
circumstances. He wonders why Law would choose Luffy, and chides Law for being a coward. This
upsets Law, who shouts that he will never be like Doflamingo, after having been "saved". As
Doflamingo prepares to fire another bullet string, he is slashed and pierced from b ehind by
Abdullah and Jeet.

This Doflamingo turns out to be a clone as well, but Abdullah and Jeet instead get Luffy, Law, and
the Bull out of the water. After saving them, Jeet reveals that Kelly Funk betrayed them; however
the clone Doflamingo showed up and slashed him down. Abdullah updates Law and Luffy that
the Colosseum army has reached the 2nd level, meanwhile Kyros makes it to the first level. The
Donquixote executives notice that none of the Colosseum Army has been halted by the Marines,
and brace themselves for battle. Luffy punches through the ceiling of the well, creating his own
passageway to the second level right in front of the Colosseum army. As Gladius berates the
Donquixote subordinates for getting distracted, Chinjao takes advantage of the chaos in wake of
Luffy's actions and presses toward the third level.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Back at the former royal plateau, Bartolomeo, Nico Robin, and Rebecca are confused by the
Tontatta's suggestion to take stag beetles to the Flower Field on the 4th level. Leo explains that
the beetles provide "jumping service" instead, since humans are too big to fly. They jump off the
cliff, and notice that the beetles fly in a circle amonst each other to not fly them, but keep them
afloat in the air. Leo further explains that if they land on a roof, they can then jump to receive
more altitude and continue to float. They head to the Flower Fields, with Leo warning them to be
wary of attacks from below.

At the SMILE Factory location, Inhel and the other Tontatta have arrived. They announce to Franky
that they have a plan for getting in, but require him to deal with Senor Pink first. He agrees to do
so, while being slammed by Pink from behind. On top of Pica’s large stone body, Roronoa Zoro is
enjoying his clash with Pica's real form. On the ground level, Sabo is still clashing intensely with
Admiral Fujitora. Back on the second level of the Royal Palace, Cavendish tells Luffy to listen to a
plan that he has.

In the royal palace, Doflamingo comments that his clone was not able to accomplish its objective.
He asks Diamante and Trebol if they remember the day they met Law. Diamante reflects on how
crazy he was, while Doflamingo laments that he must kill him, as he remembers how Law used
to resemble him. He recollects his first memory of a young Law: a young child has infiltrated his
palace, with his entire body covered in explosives. He asks Doflamingo to let him join his crew, as
he wants to destroy everything that he sees. He goes on to say that he was raised in the white
city, and doesn't have much time to live.

Bellamy reaches the palace rooftop, and Doflamingo asks him why he came. Bellamy then asks
if it was really Doflamingo who sent Dellinger to kill him, wondering if he can no longer do anything
for Doflamingo. Doflamingo laughs, and tells his former underling that the two of them had
different goals from the start. While Bellamy was content to be an ordinary pirate, Doflamingo's
main goal was to destroy the world.

Elsewhere, the Corrida Colosseum fighters continue toward Doflamingo's castle. However,
Dellinger focuses on one fighter: Suleiman. Several apparitions of Dellinger surround Suleiman,
and the Donquixote officer rams into the combatant, stabbing him with his horns. The other
fighters are shocked to see Suleiman go down, and turn their attention to the other officers.
Chinjao, however, pays them no mind, as he has already climbed to the third floor of the palace.
However, Gladius uses his powers to blow up part of the wall, causing Chinjao to fall. Boo is
shocked at this turn of events, and does not notice a ten-ton Machvise falling on top of him until
it is too late. The Dressrosa soldiers cheer as the tables are turned on the Colosseum fighters,
while Lao G and Baby 5 deal with Orlumbus and Dagama, respecively.

In the south of the Dressrosa village, the citizens of Dressrosa manage to tie down one of the
citizens who had been controlled by Parasite. The controlled citizen tearfully apologizes for all the
atrocious actions he was forced to do, but the other citizens know it wasn't his fault. Just then,
another citizen races toward them, exclaiming that he knew where King Riku and "God" Usopp
were. Eager to end Doflamingo's game as soon as possible, the citizens take up arms and prepare
to capture the two alive, using their "prisoners" as bait.

At the SMILE Factory, the overseers force the enslaved dwarfs to clean up a spilled SAD container,
and attempt to draw their attention away from the chaos outside by whipping them and continuing
to tell them about Princess Mansherry’s "illness". As the overseers bark out orders, however, the
dwarfs notice words on the outside of their cage, saying "Open the lock from the inside!" The
dwarfs realize that the words were formed by pink bees and that Bian, Inhel, and Wicca were

Dressrosa Dressrosa

trying to contact them. The three dwarfs on the outside see that the dwarf slaves noticed their
message, and Bian instructs the bees to form the next message, which states "We've been
tricked!" This message greatly confuses the dwarf slaves, and the overseers start to get angry at
them for not working. Just then, the pink bee's final message forms, saying "FIGHT!" The dwarf
slaves, though not entirely sure what is going on, know that their friends would never lie to them
and start attacking the overseers.

Meanwhile, Cavendish, Luffy, Law, and Kyros (the latter of whom is unseen to the former three)
ride on Farul toward a wall behind which are the Doflamingo officers. Luffy is intent on defeating
them right away, while Cavendish intends to climb up to the third floor. Suddenly, the two of them
notice Kyros sitting behind them, which causes Cavendish to get angry and Luffy to get excited.
Kyros says that he had followed the trail that Luffy had made, and an angry Cavendish calls him
a stalker and yells at him to get off because Farul can't hold three people. Luffy tells Kyros that
they'll be meeting up with Rebecca soon, and the former combatant is shocked and angry to find
that his daughter is behind enemy lines. He asks Luffy why he didn't stop her, since Rebecca is
on Doflamingo's wanted list. Luffy reassures him, saying that Rebecca was with one of his
crewmates, and Kyros states that there is only one thing he wants to do: kill Diamante, the man
who killed his wife. Luffy asks Kyros if he intends to die, which Kyros denies, and that coupled
with Cavendish's pleas for one of them to get off his horse cause them to take their eyes off the
path. Before they know it, they are in the midst of the Colosseum combatants-Donquixote agents

The arrival of Luffy causes the Colosseum fighters to become more organized in their attacks,
surprising the Donquixote agents. The fighters unanimously agree to hold off the Donquixote
agents in order to get Luffy, Cavendish, and Kyros to Doflamingo. Annoyed, Dellinger headbutt-
stabs Dagama, shocking Luffy, but Dagama suddenly wraps himself around Dellinger, trapping
the Donquixote agent. He yells at the four of them to keep going, and Luffy and Cavendish use
the Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling and Biken: Saint Exupery to blast the Dressrosa s oldiers away.
One soldier remarks in anger that the once-unorganized fighters have finally started to come

In the scrap yard of Dressrosa, Kin’emon finds his friend Kanjuro and, as a result of the reunion,
sheds tears of joy. Dressrosa soldiers note how Kanjuro came out of the wall while Kin'emon
apologizes for making him wait. Kanjuro states there is no need for apologies and states he knew
he would return for him, as he eats a self-drawn cabbage in hand. He offers some to Kin'emon,
who refuses, stating his cabbage makes his stomach hurt. He tells Kanjuro that he has much to
tell him and that they must leave immediately due to the situation on top of Dressrosa. Kanjuro
agrees and draws a bird on the wall and shouts "come forth" as his drawing comes to life, much
to the shock of the Dressrosa citizens and soldiers. They note that despite the fact that the sketch
is alive, his artwork is terrible and seems hardly capable of flight. Before they leave, one of the
trapped citizens asks the samurai to let the others accompany them, stating they all have family
on the island and wish to reunite with them.

The scene changes back to the battlefield of Dressrosa as members of the Donquixote Family try
to stop Luffy, Law, Cavendish and Kyros (all riding Farul) from moving forward, only to end up
getting kicked back by Blue Gilly. Dellinger then rushes from behind and kicks him with his
Decapitation High Heal and defeats him. Luffy notices this but is told not to get distracted by
Cavendish. He goes on stating Doflamingo's whole Bird Cage game is a farce and that even if they
deliver all 12 of the people on Doflamingo's hit list, he will never let anyone live now that the
knowledge of his arms dealing and toy operation is out. In other words, everyone is guaranteed
dead. He states that Doflamingo will stop at nothing to make sure that that information isn't

Dressrosa Dressrosa

leaked out, effectively isolating the island of Dressrosa from the rest of the world. In other words,
the only way to survive and make it off the island is to take Doflamingo's head. He states that
though Doflamingo is one step ahead of everyone, his grave error is having so many powerful
fighters on the island, including Sai, Ideo and Hajrudin, who face off against the Donquixote
Family Officers. Once Cavendish states that he will be taking Doflamingo's head, Luffy, Law and
Kyros all disagree and reply that they will be taking Doflamingo's head. Luffy reminds Kyros that
he wanted to have Diamante's head, but Kyros replies that by taking Doflamingo's head, he w ould
be restoring King Riku's honor, and would be repaying his 10 year debt. This prompts Law to state
he has a thirteen year old debt and Luffy stating he has a thirty year old one, which has Cavendish
snapping at him for lying to make himself look good. Once they arrive at the third level they are
confronted by large toy puppets.

The scene changes to Zoro vs Pica. Pica is winded in his fight with Zoro as Zoro mocks him over
trying to take Luffy's head. Pica charges his weapon at Zoro, but the swordsman cuts along his
arm which has Pica swap out with a stone statue. He then merges behind Zoro and strikes with
Pulpo Stone but Zoro dodges and notices Robin’s group flying overhead. As Zoro asks how they
are flying Bartolomeo takes joy in seeing Zoro again and asks for his autograph. Rebecca takes
notice of Pica in fear while Robin asks Zoro to keep Pica busy so they can reach the fourth level.
Zoro agrees just as Bartolomeo notices Pica has merged once again with the large stone body.
Pica aims his fist at them as Bartolomeo panics, stating he won't be able to block something so
large. Zoro then uses Santoryu: 1080 Pound Cannon on the large stone arm, finally injuring Pica.
As Rebecca and Robin stare in relief and amazement, Zoro tells Pica that the Straw Hats biggest
threats aren't composed of just "God Usopp" and "Straw Hat Luffy", but himself as well, stating he
will one day become the greatest swordsman in the world and that Pica was never in his league
to begin with. Bartolomeo then weeps uncontrollably at Zoro's actions.

At the trash heap, Kanjuro helped the trapped citizens and soldiers by drawing crude ladders
towards the surface (though they complain about how horrible the ladders were drawn).

At the SMILE factory, the Dwarves continue to fight against the Donquixote staff. The staff
member who whipped Chao, trying to defend himself, lied to the dwarf, saying that Mansherry
would not be healed. Another dwarf put earplugs in Chao's ears, telling him that the staff is trying
to lie. Chao got his revenge on the abusive staff member, swinging him around in the air. They
eventually defeat the staff members with the earplugs in them while Maujii rushes to save
Princess Mansherry hoping her illness was a lie. Despite the room she's kept in says "keep out"
Moussy bursts right in much to their shock. Unfortunatelly for them, they see it's empty and
Mansherry isn't there. Seeing that she's not there, the Dwarves decide to open the door to the
factory. While that goes on Franky continues his battle with Senor Pink and, having heard the
door beginning to open, he tricks Pink about an old woman in need of assistance in an alley.

While the Dwarves try to open the door, the boss of the factory, Kyuin stops them telling them
they were born as nothing but slaves for them all. Refusing to let them go, Kyuin uses her vacuum
machine and sucks up several Dwarves. They try to open the door, but they get sucked up before
they can. Luckily, Franky shows up and opens the door completely for them. As he congratulates
them for their work the Dwarves marvel over his body while Inhel and the others tell them Franky
is their ally. Kyuin realizes who Franky is and is impressed he made it this far while she tries to
finish him off herself. However, Franky grabs her, which has the Dwarves believe he loves her
now that he hugged her, to which Pink comes back angry to discover Franky lied (but is relieved
there was no old lady needing help). Kyuin keeps striking Franky with punches but the Cyborg
remains calm as Pink launches an attack while Franky uses Kyuin to headbutt Pink on collision.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

As Kyuin recovers she swears she'll rip Franky to pieces and that she's the boss of the Factory.
However, Franky pulls her in and kisses her to shut her up, much to the shock of the Dwarves.
Kyuin then starts acting very shy telling Franky he needs to take responsibility for his actions and
become her boyfriend, but Franky ignores her. Pink gets up and tells her to stay out of this, calling
her a naive young girl, and that it's a fight between men as he and Frank y are heart-breakers.
Their statements sent the surrounding fangirls swooning over the manliness of both Senor Pink
and Franky. They then decide to take the fight seriously and unleash their "Diaper Bomb" and
"Nipple Light Special" attacks on each other respectively.

The scene changes to Zoro vs Pica while the latter curses Zoro for allowing Robin's group to
escape and swears he will not leave anyone alive. Robin's group then reaches to the first level
while Leo gets a call from Moussy who reveals Mansherry may be in the palace with Doflamingo.

At the King's Plateau the citizens begin to climb up to his and Usopp's location. Usopp panics but
Viola and Dold remain calm given that they can't hide anywhere with the condition the kingdom
is in and the citizens wouldn't do anything bad to them. Dold tells Viola to use her ability to search
everywhere for Mansherry's location. He states Doflamingo wouldn't kill her given her ability is
useful to him. At the Royal Palace, a guard is seen feeding food to Mansherry while the latter is
crying her eyes out wanting to go home and begging Leo to save her.

Viola searches for the entire palace for Mansherry, trying places she had never been in in her
years serving the Donquixote Family. Usopp marvels at Viola's power, when Tank Lepanto notices
that two strangers, Kin’emon and Kanjuro, have arrived. He puts Kin'emon in a chokehold, but
Usopp stops him, asking what Kanjuro's poorly drawn bird is. Kin'emon voices his surprise that
Usopp, Viola, Lepanto, and Riku had managed to get up to the King's Plateau while a bunch of
pirates were trying to climb up now. Usopp agrees noting cause of the rocks they can't climb up,
but Kanjuro reveals he drew ladders for them and the citizens now begin to climb up the ladders
now, much to Usopp's horror angrily asking why he did that. Kanjuro realizes he shouldn't have
done that just as Viola finds Mansherry's location. Kanjuro feels disgraced for having done such
a thing and attempts Sepuku to which Kin'emon stops him but Usopp tells him to do it. Usopp
then asks who Kajuro is and he introduces him. Viola then relays the information to Leo and
Rebecca to which Leo expresses his worry for Mansherry. Viola tells him of the location and he
realizes its the "time out" room. Leo then gets tearful as it reminds him of Scarlett and that
whenever he and the others visited the palace they'd get in trouble with Viola by Dold but Scarlett
would bring them food to which Leo admits he misses Scarlett. Leo thanks Viola for the
information and she tells him to be careful.

As they reach the third level Robin notes there are some black balls heading towards them as
she tries to warn Bartolomeo, but the latter is too entranced with working together with the Straw
Hats and is attacked by "Punc Bala" in explosions. As Bartolomeo falls Kabu warns them of the
Pamu Pamu no Mi as Robin begins to fall as well. Gladius sees them and goes after Rebecca
noting he didn't see people coming from above, but Robin uses her powers and grabs him telling
Rebecca she'll deal with Gladius and tells her to move on ahead.

Back at the plateau Usopp (after having given Kin'emon and Kanjuro a beating) hears from Viola
that she saw some nasty toys in her direction and discovers that Sugar is awake, much to Usopp's
horror. Usopp says she should be out cold after his "Sure-Kill-Jack-in-the-box" face for at least two
or three days. Viola worries since Luffy doesn't know of her ability and they are in trouble. At the
palace, Sugar screams in terror seeing a foot soldier with a long nose and giving her sausages for
food to which Sugar yells at him that people with long noses should die and she won't eat anything
that looks like a long nose and only wants grapes. She then turns him into a nutcracker toy while

Dressrosa Dressrosa

frustrated over failing Doflamingo and swears she'll turn everyone in the country into toys,
especially Usopp.

On Level 3 Cavendish tells Farul to run but the horse is bitten by the nutcracker. Luffy punches
him off with a jet pistol while Cavendish tends to Farul noting his head was crushed. The toy easily
recovers despite a hole in its chest much to Luffy's shock. Cavendish angrily retaliates at the toy
with Biken: Round Table which cuts the toy's head off. However, it recovers again as the trio stand
before the numerous toys thinking they're immortal. Law curses the situation noting he'd be able
to make short work of them if he was free of his cuffs. Just then, Luffy sees something falling from
the sky as Bartolomeo lands on a soldier as Robin flies herself down. As Robin gets reacquainted
with Luffy, Law demands the key to his cuffs. Gladius falls down to as he curses Rebecca escaping
while musing she was able to escape by herself swearing he will finish her himself. He then
introduces himself as he prepares to face his opponents. Robin and Bart olomeo tell Luffy and the
others to advance stating they'll fight Gladius and the toy nutcrackers. She then tells them that
Rebecca is in the flower fields waiting for them and has Law's key.

At the flower fields Rebecca's group makes it while she worries over Robin but Leo reassures her
that she and the crew are strong. Leo says they must go to save Mansherry and asks Rebecca if
she'll be fine on her own. She says she'll be fine that Luffy and his friends should be at the fields
any minute. As Leo and Kabu leave Rebecca notes that her father is out there somewhere also.
Just then a noise is heard in the fields as a figure gets up from the thick flower field. The figure
reveals himself to be Diamante who smiles at Rebecca's sudden appearance while Rebecca is
horrified by his presence.

On Level 3 of the Royal Palace Plateau, Gladius fires several Rupture Balls at Luffy's party, but
Bartolomeo blocks them with a barrier. He then creates a staircase using the barrier, excitedly
telling an excited Luffy to use it. Luffy thanks Bartolomeo, and the latter thinks about his adoration
of the former, thanking him for his mere existence. Picking up the still-handcuffed Law, Luffy races
up the stairs, but the toy nutcrackers attempt to climb up the sides and block them. Kyros,
however, races ahead and slashes their heads off at the mouth, before continuing ahead up the
stairs first. Cavendish tells the three that he'll take care of the rest of the nutcrackers while they
go ahead, citing his desire to avenge Farul as the reason.

Suddenly, Gladius throws some Rupture Balls at the staircase, but Bartolomeo blocks it, this time
using his body instead of his barriers. Cavendish angrily asks him why he didn't use barriers, but
Bartolomeo explains that there's a limit on the surface area of his barriers, and the stairs took up
all of it. He states that he would gladly do anything, even give up his life, for Luffy. Cavendish is
angry, but says he'll fight alongside the combatant until he can use his barriers again. Suddenly,
a nutcracker tries to attack Bartolomeo, but it is quickly finished by Nico Robin, using Cinco Mano:
Spank without even looking at it. Robin empathizes with Bartolomeo, stating that Luffy was worth
betting their lives on, before going on the declare that he is the winning trump card. Scenes of
various allies and crewmembers in the midst of their battles are shown as Robin makes are
statement. Robin then uses Mil Fleur: Gigantesco Mano, which surrounds Gladius with giant
hands while knocking several nutcrackers aside as Robin states that she won't let him lay a hand
on her captain.

Elsewhere, the fight between Fujitora and Sabo continues. The admiral asks Sabo about his
objectives, but Sabo knows he is not acting seriously. Fujitora asks Sabo to sympathize with him
because he is blind, but the Revolutionary says that he will not treat him differently from any other
enemy. Fujitora, states that he has a title to keep and decides to be serious, unleashing an attack
which creates a gravitational force that presses on everything to his left. Sabo races to attack

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Fujitora, excited that he was able to get the admiral serious, while wondering what his true plan
is. Fujitora manages to counter his strike, and states that if Sabo wants to play this "game" against
him, he must be prepared to forfeit his life if he loses.

Meanwhile, Rebecca hides in the Sunflower Fields, not wanting to fight Diamante. Diamante
taunts her about her gladiator past and how she was once the Colosseum's highlight, but now it
was time to dispose of her. He swings his sword at her location, and knocks her, wounded, to the
ground. Rebecca thinks about how Diamante killed her mother Scarlett, while Diamante decides
to kill Rebecca with a gun like he killed Scarlett. When Rebecca hears his choice, she scr eams
for Thunder Soldier to come, when suddenly, he races up and slashes at Diamante with his sword,
now appearing to him and Rebecca as Kyros for the first time. Diamante is incredibly shocked
and scared to see him, and Kyros yells that he won't let the Donquixote executive take away two
of his family members. At the same time, Rebecca notices her savior's missing leg and reflects
on how the legendary combatant Kyros was also Thunder Soldier, her caretaker and father. Kyros
apologizes to his daughter for not being able to do anything as Thunder Soldier other than teach
her how to fight. He promises now that Rebecca no longer needs to fight. Diamante asks Kyros
what he means, and Kyros replies with a declaration that all their lives (referring to the Donqixote
pirates) will be forfeit.

Suddenly, Luffy and Law reach the top of the staircase, screaming for Rebecca to give them the
key to Law's handcuffs as a nutcracker closes in on them. A few seconds later, Law is freed and
the nutcracker is cut to pieces, which angers Diamante immensely. Kyros tells the two that he
has his hands full with the Donquixote executive, so he leaves Doflamingo to Luffy and Law.

Luffy leaves Diamante for Kyros to battle as he and Law prepare to head off to meet Doflamingo.
Diamante says he won't let them, and Kyros responds that he is the Donquixote officer's
opponent. While Kyros says this, Luffy talks to Rebecca, happy that she met her dad for the first
time. Luffy prepares to head off, when Rebecca asks him if he really is going to defeat Doflamingo.
Luffy responds by telling her his real name (Rebecca previously only knew him as Lucy) and
affirms her question. Diamante then gets angry at Luffy and Law and stretches his sword to attack
them, but Law uses Room and Shambles to make a hole in the palace wall and teleport him and
Luffy inside the palace, much to Diamante's rage. Luffy is in awe of what Law just did, but the
Shichibukai states that using that much power left a toll on his body, which was not in good
condition due to Doflamingo shooting him with lead bullets. However, a Donquixote servant spots
them and reports to Sugar, who is desperate to get revenge for the undoing of the Hobi Hobi curse
which she put on thousands of people. She plans on touching Luffy and Law and turning them
into toys, which will erase everyone's memory of the two famous pirates.

On the Royal Plateau, Usopp tells his crew about the seriousness of Sugar back on the loose. He
remembers how he forgot Robin when she was turned into a toy, and is desperate not to forget
Luffy as well. He is prepared to do anything at any cost to protect his captain from Sugar, but
Kanjuro asks him how he is going to do anything when he is so far away from the palace and
especially since Luffy and Sugar are within the palace walls. Usopp replies that he has no other
choice as he readies his Kabuto, and is ready to fulfill his role as the Straw Hat Pirates' sniper by
providing support from afar. Kin’emon asks if there is any way they can help, and Riku tells Hack
and Tank Lepanto to help him protect Usopp and himself from the bounty-seeking mob, who are
getting closer and closer using Kanjuro's net, but also tells them not to hurt any of the people.
Usopp prepares his shot with the help of Viola's powers, when the mob reaches the top of the

Dressrosa Dressrosa

The mob prepares to capture Riku, Viola, Kin'emon, and Usopp and take them to Doflamingo, and
Kin'emon offers his assistance against them. Right then, Sugar approaches Luffy and Law, and
the former wonders who she is. As Riku unsuccessfully tries to get the mob to stop, Viola guides
Usopp towards Luffy, Law, and Sugar's location. The Kabuto aims for the lower part of the center
palace window, and as Sugar draws closer and closer to Luffy and Law, Usopp takes aim,
determined not to lose his captain. Not wanting to let Sugar get his way, Usopp prepares to fire
his Great Black Kabuto, when suddenly he realizes with a shock that he can see Luffy, Law, and
Sugar’s auras. As the mob gets closer to him, Usopp finally fires his Bagworm Star.

The mob finally gets their hands on Usopp, but all he can think about is the shot's trajectory.
Knowing there is a slight tailwind, Usopp put in two gunpowder boosters to help the shot go
farther, and made sure that the outer wrappings would fall away so that his shot would definitely
hit Sugar. However, he knew that even if it missed a little, it would still work as the shot was meant
to induce trauma. This becomes clear when the shot is revealed to be a replica of the expression
Usopp made that knocked out Sugar the first time. It works, and Sugar is once again scared into
unconsciousness. This shocks the Donquixote servants and confuses Luffy and Law as Usopp's
face projectile is absorbed into the wall and becomes a drawing, and it is revealed that the
projectile was a drawing made by Kanjuro. Back at the King's Plateau, Viola congratulates a tied-
up and beaten Usopp, and it is revealed that the mob managed to tie up all their targets, but were
sent into shock by Viola's arrival. Viola confirms that Law and Luffy have managed to reach

At that moment, Luffy and Law stand face to face with Doflamingo and Trebol, with Bellamy
unconscious on the ground. The Shichibukai asks them why they have come, and they both reply
that they have come to beat him. Doflamingo appears to express disappointment at this, claiming
that he had hoped to meet on friendlier terms.

On Level 3 of the Palace Plateau, Cavendish is shocked to see Sugar’s nutcrackers breaking apart
on their own. Shortly, the nutcrackers turn back into people, with eight people being used to make
each nutcracker. Bartolomeo rejoices that he can make barriers again, Cavendish expresses
anger that Sugar used her own servants to make the toys, and Gladius reflects with annoyance
that Sugar was defeated once again. Meanwhile, Sugar's servants crowd around her, shocked to
see her knocked out again. The servants who Sugar turned into toys talk about how they were
worried they would be toys forever, but Gladius reassures them that they would have been turned
back, though he knows that that would have been impossible.

On the fourth level of the palace, Luffy sees an injured Bellamy lying on the ground and expresses
his worry, amusing Doflamingo who knew that the two used to be enemies. Luffy states that that
was all in the past, and tells Doflamingo to let go of Bellamy. Doflamingo replies, saying Bellamy
came to him with a death wish and that this was the way he deals with things, as Luffy remembers
Bellamy's total devotion to Doflamingo. Doflamingo tells Bellamy that the latter was always a
failure, and failure would be punished by death. Luffy replies angrily that Bellamy had changed
and uses his powers to strike Doflamingo with his foot, despite Law warning against it. However,
Doflamingo uses Bellamy to shield him from Luffy's kick, and Luffy kicks Bellamy in the face,
much to the former's shock.

Luffy hastily apologizes for injuring Bellamy, and Law yells at him to control his anger, otherwise
he would fall into Doflamingo's hands. Law states that for Luffy to lose control of his emotions
would be the same as losing his life, as the same thing happened to him, and he calls Doflamingo
a heartless man. Suddenly, Trebol breaks out in laughter over Luffy kicking Bellamy, making Luffy
angrier. Doflamingo replies to Law's accusation, saying he is not heartless but rather has reached

Dressrosa Dressrosa

his boiling point due to Luffy and Law destroying his SAD Factory, killing Monet and Vergo,
kidnapping Caesar Clown, freeing all the toys, and trying to destroy the SMILE Factory. Now that
Luffy and Law are also trying to take his head, Doflamingo says that things have gone overboard,
both in their actions and his anger. Doflamingo states that his anger is where it was 13 years ago,
and Law states that he would not have been here if it were not for that event, and Doflamingo
says that if it had not happened, Law would have been the third Corazon and have been right at
his side.

Suddenly Doflamingo uses the move "Black Knight" to make another string clone of himself, which
then attacks Law. Luffy then resolves to go after the real Doflamingo, when suddenly Bellamy
attacks him with two swords. Luffy is confused and shocked at what the pirate is doing, but Law
knows that Doflamingo is using his powers to control Bellamy. A weeping Bellamy apologizes to
Luffy for what he is doing and tells Straw Hat to stop him. Doflamingo also goads Luffy in that
direction, but Luffy refuses, saying again that Bellamy is his friend. Doflamingo laughs about how
even a single punch could kill Bellamy in his condition, and alludes to what Law had previously
stated to Tashigi - the weak cannot choose how they die.

Luffy gets more angry that Doflamingo is not even bothering to fight them himself, and tells Law
he is abandoning their plan. Law angrily berates him, and is angrier to see Luffy preparing an
attack in his direction. Trebol laughs that Luffy is betraying his comrade, when Law suddenly
activates Room, and switches his position with Doflamingo. By the time Doflamingo realizes Law's
plan, it was too late, as Luffy hits him in the midsection with Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk.

Seeing his master attacked, Trebol desperately calls his name. Now sitting at Doflamingo's
throne, Law looked up towards Trebol, before rolling upward and sliced him apart using a
technique called Radio Knife. He then labelled Luffy as the worst, but the latter reminds him that
he too, is a part of that generation.

In Dressrosa Koala finds Sabo and sees if he's alright. Sabo says he is while Koala scolds him for
not maintaining his position stating he should not be fighting an Admiral just because he feels
like it. She says he could put the Revolutionary Army at war with them but Sabo retorts stating all
that mattered was him was saving Luffy. Koala then violently pinches his cheeks and continues
scolding him. Sabo then recalls his talk with Fujitora as the Admiral states that the Marines in this
country cannot become heroes. When Sabo asks what others will think of his opinion and he
states then he'll use the excuse of having been compromised. Sabo says that's a gamble, adding
that he hopes the admiral has good luck. Back in the present, Sabo, who hasn't been paying
attention to Koala continues to be pinched by her while she shouts that Hack and herself are
always the ones that suffer in his place when people are annoyed by his selfishness.

At Usopp's location, the citizens release Usopp and the others much to their confusion. They go
on to state that by just manipulating Dold for one night 10 years ago Doflamingo was able to turn
the whole country against him and his bloodline. They state that after realizing the truth they just
want to be saved from Doflamingo's cruel game. They go on stating that they were confused and
don't know what to do, begging their former king to help them.The citizens then bow before Dold
stating if he wants them to fight they will do so. Dold asks them to wait a little longer as he realizes
he too is placing his faith in Luffy. At that moment, Fujitora shows up much to the surprise (and
horror) of the Straw Hats. He states that he too will not allow Dressrosa to go to war. He then tells
Dold that he would be joining him in placing his bet on Luffy.

At the King's palace on Level 4 Doflamingo is seen recovering from Luffy's Red Hawk to which he
spits blood out. Law tells Luffy that all the damage they've managed to inflict are superficial

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wounds, stating that the strategy they used won't work a second time. Trebol tries to put himself
together as he states he knows everything about Law's ability and that they originally wanted the
Ope Ope no Mi for themselves. However, he can't reform himself like usual. Law reveals "Radio
Knife" is something that creates a different incision than a normal amputation and that for a few
minutes he won't be able to reattach his body. Law rushes at Trebol using a move called "Injection
Shot" as Trebol tries to reason with Law stating he helped take care of him. Trebol uses "Snot
Sword" but Law dodges and charges, but Doflamingo kicks Law's attack away. Doflamingo aims
an attack as Trebol grabs Law's legs as Doflamingo uses "Full Bright" that pierces Law from above.
Luffy notices this and tries to help but Doflamingo rushes over to kick him. Luffy hardens his arm
with Busoshoku Haki but Doflamingo does the same to his leg and it overpowers Luffy.
Doflamingo then uses his powers to tie Luffy's hands behind his back and has Bellamy slash Luffy
with a sword.

As the duo lay incapacitated Doflamingo tells Law how he hates being looked down upon. He goes
on calling them scum and that the fact that they actually thought they could defeat him was
ludicrous, going on to reveal the sacred bloodline of his heritage as a World Noble. As Luffy and
Bellamy react shocked by this revelation (Law already discovered beforehand), Doflamingo states
his father abandoned all of his former riches and privileges and took him and all his family to a
garbage dump of a world. Labeling his father's wish to "live like real humans" as nonsense and
foolish, Doflamingo ridicules his father and states how much he hated him. He then rec alls
himself as a child asking his father where the slaves are and wants to buy some. He then tells his
father a commoner talked back to him and wants to borrow his gun. A scene of his mother dying
is shown as Doflamingo blames his father over her death for living in a filthy place. Back in the
present Doflamingo states by the time he was 8 he saw the heaven and hell of the world and later
killed him and took his head back to Mary Geoise to reclaim his heritage. However, the Celestial
Dragons labeled them as a "family of traitors" and refused to accept him as one ever again.
Doflamingo then swore he would destroy every part of the world they rule. He tells them the life
they have lived is nothing compared to what he's gone through and that a grown man doesn't
have time to play kiddy games with them.

At the north-west town of Dressrosa, Primula, the Marines are trying to stop the panicking animals
that are rushing against Doflamingo’s Birdcage, resulting in their big wounds. Meanwhile, pirates
have been looting the towns and are being attacked by other Marines. Vice Admiral Maynard is
soon informed by a Marine about the fight between Fujitora and Sabo which ended up in a
standstill. Maynard grows concerned about Fujitora's thought regarding the World Government,
and quickly orders his men to ease the chaos within the city, where pirates are rampaging through
the town and people are dying. A girl is then seen crying over her dying father.

Meanwhile on top of the palace, the Doflamingo clone and Bellamy attacked Luffy, who retaliates
using his legs to defend himself with a new attack called "Gomu Gomu no Octopus Stamp".
However he is hit by Doflamingo's clone and thrown down from the palace. Doflamingo's clone
and Bellamy followed him down, and taunting Luffy about what he didn't know what a fallen World
Noble can do. Luffy gets back and doesn't seem to care anything about it.

Law manages to stand back up on his feet. As the real Doflamingo prepares to kill him, Law
questions Doflamingo about his fallen status and yet still have the ability to mobilize CP-0.
Doflamingo reveals that he knows about "Mary Geoise’s national treasure", which will shake the
world if its existence is revealed to the public. Therefore he can't be killed by the World Nobles,
who had ceaselessly desired his death, in the end, he managed to use his knowledge to blackmail
them and gain their cooperation.

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The heavenly demon soon laments about the power of the Ope Ope no Mi that he should've had
taken back then, and adds that if he owns it, he'll have the power to control the Mary Geoise
National Treasure and take over the world. He further comments about the strength of the Ope
Ope no Mi, which is able to transplant personality, and asking Law what its true power is, claiming
that it is capable to fulfill mankind's greatest dream, thus making it known as the "Ultimate Devil
Fruit". Law replies that he knows about it, but isn't interested about it, revealing its strongest
power is to grant eternal life with the "Ageless Surgery", which upon use, will also kill the user of
the Ope Ope no Mi. Doflamingo shouts that he never wanted Law to actually have it and attacks
him, reminding Law of the many teachings he accepted in the past from Diamante, Lao G, and
Gladius. Law soon claims that the reason he is there is because of Corazon, and that thanks to
him, he'll be able to take on Doflamingo right now.

While they continue fighting, Law has a flashback to 16 years ago, at the port town of Spider
Miles, somewhere in North Blue. Younger Diamante and Trebol are speaking to a child Trafalgar
Law, who says that he is going to die in three years and two months, as said by his dead parents,
and thus wants to kill and ruin everything as much as he can. Diamante replies that Law is a crazy
kid and says that a lot of kids who "try out" for the crew always end up running away crying after
two days, and revealing that Baby 5 and Buffalo, who appear from outside the building they're in
and saying that Corazon is back, are the only children left. Corazon enters the room and slips onto
the ground thanks to a prank pulled by young Baby 5 and Buffalo, both who laughed at his clumsy
fall. He gets upset and hits the two kids. However, Baby 5 soon after offers him some tea that is
actually boiling hot, which makes Corazon spit the tea out and fall backwards again. As Baby 5
laughs at him, she seems to start cleaning the mess. Diamante then comments about Cora -san
being stupid and possessing no concentration but claiming he has talent and lost his ability to
speak due to a traumatic incident from long ago. He also says he hates children just as Corazon
grabs the young Law by his head and throws him out the window. Corazon lights a cigarette,
setting his coat on fire in the process. Law barely survives the fall and looks up shocked at the
burning Corazon, vowing to kill him.

16 years in the past, one week after Law joined the crew, the Donquixote Pirates dine together.
The main topic of discussion is how Law got beaten by Corazon, and they remind him not to forget
the Donquixote Blood Rules: Anyone who mocks the executive officers' authority will be tortured
and killed. Buffalo almost experienced this when he laughed at Pica's voice, but the threat does
not faze Law, who says he has seen hell. Machvise and Jora then point out Law's illness, the
Amber Lead Syndrome, which causes Buffalo to overreact, but Doflamingo slams his hand down
and scolds Jora for spreading rumors, since Amber Lead Syndrome is a poisoning and not a
disease that could be spread. Doflamingo asks Law if there are any other survivors from Flevance,
and Law replies that he is not sure, since he had to hide amongst a pile of corpses to escape.
Doflamingo then asks Law what he hates so much, and Law replies that he does not believe
anything, and swears to take revenge on Corazon for throwing him out the window, much to Baby
5's shock.

Later, Baby 5 asks Gladius about the White City where Law came from, and Gladius tells her that
its name is Flevance. In Flevance, all the citizens were wealthy and the city was so beautiful it
seemed like out of a fairy tale. The source of all this wealth was Amber Lead, which was located
under the ground and could be used to make all sorts of beautiful things. The value of this metal
attracted the attention of the World Government, who helped ship this bottomless money source.
Baby 5 says she wants to go to it, but Lao G tells her that it doesn't exist anymore. Gladius and
Lao G then reveal that for 100 years, the World Government and the king of Flevance knew the
truth about amber lead nearly a century before it was even mined: it was poisonous to handle.
However, they kept it a secret from the people because they wanted the fortune from the amber

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lead. The worst part about it was it was a slow-acting poison. Each generation that was born with
Amber Lead Poisoning had shorter lifespans than the previous generation, until Law's generation
which would die before they even became adults. By the time the people of Flevance realized
this, however, it was too late.

Due to the generation gap in poisoning symptoms, everyone came down with illness at around
the same time. People began to drop dead quickly, but while Gladius and Lao G were at this part
Senor Pink swam in, saying that the true tragedy had only begun. When the countries neighboring
Flevance found out what was happening to the people, they stopped trading with them and
effectively quarantined them. The World Government evacuated the royal family, abandoning the
rest of the people, who were shot out of fear if they attempted to seek help from neighboring
countries. Finally, Flevance had had enough and went to war with the neighboring countries. This
resulted in the evacuation of the children, which included Law. Law refused to leave, since his
sister Lami was about to die, so the nun in charge of him agreed to let him wait for the next ship.
As Law saw the other children determined to live on, the nun expressed her hope in the world's

At the hospital in Flevance, the doctors, including Law's father, were unsuccessful in an effort to
find a cure for the poisoning, while expressing their frustration at the World Government's refusal
to tell the truth about the non-contagious nature of Amber Lead Poisoning. Law visited his ailing
sister Lami, and expressed his confidence that their dad could find a cure. When Lami heard the
loud noises of battle outside, Law lied to calm her, saying it was a typical festival. However, he
headed outside to find his parents, the nun, and all the children shot down by the invading army
whose goal was to kill anyone carrying the syndrome. Law began to break down in tears, and
became completely hysterical after the invaders burned down the hospital Lami was in and
completed the total destruction of Flevance. Senor Pink says that after going through such an
ordeal at the age of ten, it's no wonder that Law's personality is messed up.

Elsewhere, Law finds Corazon smoking on a pile of wreckage. He brandishes a sword, saying that
Corazon had no right to live since his parents and sister died. Law rushes at Corazon and manages
to stab him in the back, but his action is witnessed by a shocked Buffalo. Buffalo then races to
report Law's violation of the Blood Rules to Doflamingo, who is currently sleeping, which will lead
to Law receiving the skewering torture and then being killed for his crime.

Doflamingo has a nightmare about how he and his family were hung off a building by a large mob,
who were eager to avenge the wrongs they suffered at the hands of the World Nobles. The mob
debates on whether to kill them or make them suffer, as well as how best to make them suffer.
Individual people tell the Donquixote family about the atrocities the World Nobles inflicted on
them and their loved ones, and how the tax the World Nobles demanded had sent them into
poverty. One person taunts Doflamingo's family about how terrible the World Nobles were, and
asks them if they even know what pain and suffering really are. Suddenly, Doflamingo's Den Den
Mushi rings, waking him up in a cold sweat. Shaking and breathing heavily, Doflamingo puts his
glasses on, douses himself with drink, and goes to pick up the phone.

33 years ago in Mary Geoise, Donquixote Homing, Doflamingo's father, prepares to leave the life
of a World Noble along with his wife and two children. The other World Nobles are shocked and
angry about Homing's desire to leave as well as his belief that he was only human. The
Donquixotes are taken to the northern end of a World Government non-member nation, and are
given a mansion and a small fortune to live a quiet life, as is Homing's desire. Doflamingo,
however, does not realize what his father's action meant, and immediately asks to get some
slaves. When Doflamingo heads onto the streets, he is shocked to find that the other citizens

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won't bow down to him, and is disoriented by his lack of a weapon on hand. Doflamingo's loud
complaints alert the people about the Donquixotes' heritage, and they burn down the Donquixote

The family was able to escape and found temporary refuge in an old house surrounded by garbage
while Doflamingo complains incessantly. Homing called the other World Nobles requesting them
to allow his wife and children to return to Mary Geoise but he was denied saying that it was the
life he have chosen and that they can no longer return saying that they do not accept discarded

Doflamingo and Rosinante, Corazon's real name, was then shown experiencing the hardships of
being human: they were beaten up by a bunch of thugs and eating leftovers to satisfy their hunger.
Shortly afterwards, their mother died and Doflamingo blamed his father for everything that has

Back to present time, Law was then brought to Doflamingo thinking that he will be punished for
what he did to Corazon. Surprised to see Corazon by his brother's side looking oblivious as ever,
Law stilled when Doflamingo said that he intends to make the boy a member of the Donquixote
Family explaining that Law has the potential.

Even so, Law remains skeptical knowing that he will die in three years. Doflamingo was optimistic
and informed the boy about his black market business. That in three years time, they might find
a Devil Fruit that can cure Law's sickness. Doflamingo himself promised to train the boy as he
intended him to be his right hand man.

Law learned that Corazon did not reported his actions and instead protected him by lying about
the wound as it was an enemy's doing.

Law spends the next two years with the Donquixote Pirates with Corazon's occasional
mishaps. While part of the Donquixote Pirates, he
learnt swordsmanship from Diamante, marksmanship from Gladius and m artial arts from Lao
G while being tutored personally by Doflamingo.

Noticing the white spots worsen, Law informed Buffalo and Baby 5 that he might not last another
year so he does not care whether he tell them his real name or not. Buffalo threatened to rat him
out and after constant nagging from the two, Law reveals his full name Trafalgar D. Water
Law. D. is supposed to be a secret and Water was his true name. The two even thought his name
was boring and Law glared back in response making Baby 5 cry.

Corazon, appearing out of nowhere grabs Law and took him to a secluded place. It was here that
Corazon speaks for the first time surprising the boy himself. He told Law that people like him must
not be anywhere near Doflamingo and urges him to leave.

Law was surprised that Corazon can speak and asks why would he hide all this from Doflamingo
to which Corazon states Doflamingo came to the conclusion he couldn't speak. As Law starts
shouting Corazon snaps his fingers saying "silent" and Law is now unable to hear people talking.
He wonders what he did knowing he can definitely tell that people are having conversations
outside. Corazon reveals he put up a soundproof barrier because Law was making a scene and
inside his soundproof wall no one can hear them talk and those outside can't hear them either,
revealing he's a silent human who ate the Nagi Nagi no Mi. Law then reacts shocked wondering
if Corazon has always just been putting up an act about being mute and clumsy to which Corazon

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says its all been an act (though the latter sets his mantle on fire revealing he's always been

Though Corazon admits he's always been clumsy, Law demands why he would hide all this from
his comrades. Corazon reveals he's never thought of them as comrades. As Doflamingo's younger
brother, it is his duty to keep his brother's madness at bay and wonders how could his kind -
hearted parents give birth to a monster he'll never know. He goes on to state Doflamingo isn't
human and recalls the time he was being pinned to the wall by the angry mob. Homing pleads
with the mob to let his sons go and shoot their arrows at him. A young Corazon pleads to die as
he can't take the pain anymore. However, a young Doflamingo shouts they will pay for this and he
will not die and promises to kill every last person who harmed him, shocking all the bystanders.
Back to the present in Law's past, Corazon states that Doflamingo was born pure evil knowing
nothing of fear and the only ones who know of this are the four e xecutives and the former
"Corazon", Vergo. When Law asks who Vergo is Corazon states he's an extremely skilled person
on a secret mission that even he does not know about and that Law does not need to know.
Corazon asks Law to not become a monster like his brother and wants him to get away from him
though Law refuses as he wants to become like him. Corazon says he's definitely a "D." and is a
member of the "Fated Family of D.".

In the society he was born in those that bear the name of D. that "bad kids will be eaten by D."
and when someone with a name D. in their name all the elders moan stating "that D. will bring
forth a storm again". Law angrily asks if he's some sort of monster though Corazon says he's not
sure as no one really knows what it means and that it's a name secretly inherited throughout the
world and in his home they call this "Family of D.'s" to be "God's natural enemy", shocking Law.
He states that if you consider the World Nobles as "God" then the objective of Law's people would
be to destroy the world, but Doflamingo is after the opposite of that and that D. is supposed to be
the antithesis of God. Law angrily shouts he doesn't understand what he's saying and that he only
joined this family so he could kill the people who wronged him and he has less than a year to live
left anyway and is Doflamingo's subordinate. Corazon offers him to leave to find a cure but Law
says there isn't one and rushes back to tell Doflamingo about his powers and his ability to talk.
Corazon tries to stop him with a kick but Law tosses him into the trash mentioning he's gotten
stronger these last two years. Buffalo sees this and threatens to tell him but Law keeps him quiet
like before with ice cream when Baby 5 lends him money.

As Corazon returns to the crew he curses Law for doing what he did wondering if this is it for him.
However, Doflamingo tells him to get on board unaware of what happened before. As Corazon
reacts surprised, Law reveals he owes him from two years ago for not telling anyone about him
stabbing him so now they are even.

While the Donquixote Pirates are out at sea against Marines, Diamante demands Law and
Corazon's location to which Lao G mentions they left somewhere. Senor Pink reveals a letter to
Doflamingo saying "I've left to heal Law's illness" much to his anger. With Law and Corazon, Law
shouts this is kidnapping as the Den Den Mushi rings and, thinking it's Doflamingo begs him to
help. Law demands what he's going to do with him and Corazon states he's going to heal him but
Law states there is no cure. Corazon then answers the call, who is then called by his real name
Rosinante by the man on the other end. Rosinante states he needs to leave his post for a while
mentioning he needs to handle something personal. As the individual asks how are the kids of
the crew, Rosinante states those 3 just won't leave no matter what he does. The individual is
revealed to be Sengoku as an Admiral and tells him to be careful and give him the report later.
He then puts away paper revealing Rosinante to be a Marine Commander and is greeted by Vergo
who wishes to be transferred to G-5.

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Law demands if Corazon is a Marine, stating he hates anyone related to the Government Corazon
states he isn't one. They then arrive at a hospital and Corazon is confident they will be able to
heal him. The doctor reacts shocked by Law's Amber Lead Sickness as Corazon states its been
around for a while and when the Doctor asks where Law was from Flevance, the doctor and nurse
react horrified thinking they will be infected by Law. Law says he's had enough and doesn't think
he's human anymore and leaves crying, much to Corazon's shock. The nurse calls Law a white
monster as the doctor yells at Corazon for bringing law to him and tries to contact the Government
about Law's condition. Corazon, enraged at their prejudice to Law, brutally punches him in the
face and blows up the hospital. Corazon states that hospital was the worst and apologizes to Law
for going through that and promises to find a capable doctor despite Law's plea to not go through
it again. They continue to go to various hospitals, all of which treat Law with prejudice and results
in Corazon taking his anger out on all of them for their cruel treatment to the boy while the
government is now aware of Law's status as a survivor of Flevance.

Six months pass and Corazon wonders why is he doing this to Law and wonders if he's doing this
for the sake of the D. but doesn't care about that. He admits he felt sympathy for Law over how a
child said something like "I'm going to die" he felt sorry for him. He goes on to state that when
Law stabbed him, now crying uncontrollably, Corazon states it didn't even hurt and that Law was
the one hurting and he could only feel compassion for him. As he walks away, Law, who heard all
of this, begins to weep, finally finding someone who understands him. The next morning, Law now
calls Corazon "Cora-san" much to the latter's surprise and they then get a call from Doflamingo.

Doflamingo asks his brother if they found any doctors to heal Law. Corazon taps t he Den Den
Mushi as a way to communicate informing his brother of their status. He tells Corazon to take
Law and him back to the ship, revealing he might have a cure for his illness as a trade for the Ope
Ope no Mi is up for grabs. The Marines is trying to get it and that some pirate who doesn't know
of the Fruits true value is going to sell it. Doflamingo states he wants Corazon to eat it so Law can
be cured of his illness. As Doflamingo hangs up he asks the other officers about Corazon
mentioning that the Marines, who had formerly been able to find their location frequently, but in
the past 6 months since Corazon left, they haven't. As Pica and Diamante wonder if he's a traitor,
Doflamingo hopes that isn't the case as he does not want to suspect his own brother.

Corazon tells Law to rejoice as they now have a way to cure him. He states with the Ope Ope no
Mi they can cure his illness, explaining how the Devil Fruit works, being able to modify the human
body to cure any illness, much to Law's disbelief. However, it requires a lot of medical knowledge
to use the Fruit to its full potential. Though Law retorts since Doflamingo wants him to eat it, but
Corazon states he can't since anyone who eats 2 Devil Fruits will die and that they won't go back
to that Family again. Corazon states that once he realized there journey would take this long he
realized Doflamingo would brand him as a traitor. He then thinks to himself that he knows that
Doflamingo wants him to eat the Ope Ope no Mi to give him eternal life and if they go back they
will die. He tells Law they are going to go behind Doflamingo's back and steal the Ope Ope no Mi
and have Law eat it and cure himself of his illness and go into hiding.

He then contacts Sengoku to update him on his situation about the Ope Ope no Mi. Sengoku
reacts shocked stating no one should have known about this trade and Corazon states he found
out from his brother. He asks Sengoku about information about the trade and in return he'll tell
him what he knows about Doflamingo's Underworld business. Sengoku reveals the trade happens
in three weeks in the North Blue on Rubeck Island and Doflamingo's meeting with Corazon is
within 3 days beforehand on Swallow Island. Sengoku states this is as far as Doflamingo will go
and they will destroy the Donquixote Family and tells Corazon to not come anywhere near that

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island. Corazon agrees and promises to inform Sengoku about all the information he has on
Doflamingo's Underworld business.

After he hangs up, Law collapses from his illness much to Corazon's shock. Corazon tells him to
hang on mentioning his three year time limit isn't even up and Law must hang on a little while
longer. Corazon begins tearing up and begs Law to hang on just for another three weeks and to
give him a fighting chance. They then set sail but are caught in a storm. Law wakes up and informs
Corazon about the World Government knowing about the Amber Lead they dug up was poisonous
but still had them dig it all for money, and how the Government killed them. He then asks if he is
a Marine and an ally of theirs, but Corazon lies stating he is not, much to Law's relief. Corazon
tells him that by taking the Fruit they will make enemies out of Doflamingo, the Marines and the
World Government.

Three days before the trade they arrive at Minion Island as Corazon is speaking with Sengoku
who informs him of a Marine turned pirate named Diez Barrels who has the fruit and tells him to
not let Doflamingo get his hands on it. Corazon then takes Law to the island.

Diez on the island is partying with his crew about the Ope Ope no Mi mentioning there was once
a legendary doctor who had this power and became famous for his ability to cure any illness with
its powers.

Earlier, during Law's was travels with Corazon, the former demonstrated to Law the power of the
Nagi Nagi no Mi, using a move called "Calm". He smashes a vase, shoots a bazooka and farts
without making a single sound. Law stated his powers were lame and Baby 5’s are much cooler,
much to Corazon's shame.

He then later creates an explosion around Diez's place and blows up the mansion without making
a sound. With his powers, Corazon is able to sneak in without making a sound and steal the Fruit
without anyone noticing. As Corazon rejoices getting the Fruit for Law he accidently slips on the
snow and is found by Diez's men. They start shooting as Law can hear this, wondering if something
went wrong given Corazon should have cancelled all noises.

On Swallow Island Vice Admiral Tsuru seeing no sign of the Donquixote Pirates, questions
Rosinante's intel. She then receives a report from the scouts on Minion island that there was a
fire in the lair of Diez Barrels' crew and advises the scouts to find out what happened while
remaining discrete since the deal must not be compromised or they will lose t he fruit. At the ghost
town at Minion Island, Barrels yells at his men to find the stolen fruit if they don't want this 5
billion belly deal to go south.

Rosinante, having sustained significant injuries at his slip-up with the pirate patrol manages to
reach Law and presents the Ope Ope no Mi to him. Law asked him about the gunshots and fire
but Rosinante dismisses those incidents and tells him that the fruit will save Law's life but Law
was skeptical of the fruit's power and doubts that he will be cured. Infuriated with Law's attitude,
Rosinante force fed the fruit to Law despite his protest. In the end, when Law swallowed the fruit
he yells at Rosinante that he was not psychologically ready to become a Devil Fruit user but
instead sees Rosinante collapse face first on the ground. Rosinante, weak from his injuries
assures Law that with the fruit he can cure himself and that they outwitted Doflamingo. Knowing
that Doflamingo will never stop until he can get the fruit, Rosinante asks Law for a favor that he
must do. Confused with Rosinante condition, Law helps turn Rosinante around and was horrified
at the numerous gunshots and open wounds on him. Rosinante told him about his blunder with
a patrol and assures Law that he will survive this. Law, scared for his friend's life tries to use the

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fruit's power despite having no experience in it. Rosinante stops him telling that its not like magic
and reminds Law of the favor he asked him to do. At the west of the island, there is a Marine spy
ship and Law must deliver an intelligence letter to the marines. It is important that the letter
reaches them since it will save a kingdom called Dressrosa from Doflamingo's cruelty. Once Law
delivers the letter, they will leave the island immediately.

Law manages to find a marine patrol and waits for them to leave. He later sees a lone Marine
move by and reveals himself to him, giving him the letter. The man who turns out to be Vergo
recognizes the importance of the letter and thanks Law, but Law tearfully begged him to save his
friend who was shot. Seeing no other choice, Vergo carries Law to where his friend is, only to be
shocked at seeing Corazon here. Rosinante was also surprised and accidently revealed his voice
to Vergo. Law was confused at this until he remember Vergo's name being mentioned by
Rosinante being one of Doflamingo's officers. Vergo, being suspicious of Corazon's presence
decides to check the intelligence letter given to him by Law despite Corazon's protest. Rosinante
cursed his bad luck since Vergo was one of Doflamingo's trusted crew members. Once Vergo
reads the contents of the letter, he delivers a vicious kick to Rosinante face, no longer calling him
Corazon. Law tries to stop Vergo, but the Doflamingo spy was unfazed when he grabs Law in a
choking grip. He remembers Law as the kid from Flevance and cruely reminds Law that since he
is his superior, he must address him as "Vergo-san" and throws Law away. Vergo was extremely
angry at Rosinante's double-crossing and destroys the letter that if given to the marines would
ruin the years of planning by the Doflamingo family.

Once his beating of the two traitors was concluded, Vergo contacted Doflamingo and reveals
everything he knows of what happened. Doflamingo was mildly surprised at the news of his
brother being a Marine spy and that he was trying to bring him down since rejoining the family.
Vergo learns that Doflamingo is currently on Minion island since he saw the marines waiting for
him on Swallow island and knew that someone ratted him out. Seeing that his own brother was
the mole, Doflamingo declares that Corazon is no longer part of the family and orders Vergo to
retrieve the Ope Ope no Mi from Corazon since he suspects that Corazon stole it before he arrived.
Vergo turns toward the two traitors only to find them gone when he was on the Den Den Mushi.
Doflamingo, realizes that they escaped, assures that they won't escape and creates a Birdcage
that covers a large portion of the island, preventing anyone from escaping while controlling their
every move. Rosinante and Law, barely recovering from Vergo's assault witnessed the formation
of the Birdcage and Rosinante knew that Doflamingo will not let them leave that easily. Rosinante
knows there is no hope for him but was determined to make it his final mission to save Law from
Doflamingo's wrath. He smiles at Law, saying that he'll die smiling, and expresses his hopes that
if Law thinks of him when he's gone, he will remember him smiling.

31 years in the past, Vergo and Trebol cheer on Doflamingo as he holds Homing at gunpoint,
ready to take revenge on his father for taking his World Noble powers away. Rosinante, who is
being held by Homing, is sobbing and begs Doflamingo to stop. As Doflamingo tells of his plan to
take Homing's head in order to return to Mariejois, Homing apologizes to his sons for having him
for a father. Doflamingo then shoots Homing, causing Rosinante to bawl uncontrollably.

18 years later, the Marines look in shock at Doflamingo's Birdcage surrounding the town on
Minion Island. With even greater shock, they see the pirates inside killing each other
uncontrollably. In another area, one of the Barrels Pirates begs his crewmate Dorry, who ended
up outside the birdcage, to help him, but Dorry runs off instead, revealing an X -shaped scar on
his chin.

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Elsewhere, Diez Barrels tries fruitlessly to call for help as Doflamingo stands in front of him and
his crew lies dead around him. Doflamingo then shoots him as outside his crew plunders the
Barrels Pirates' treasure during their search for Rosinante. Baby 5 and Buffalo fly over the
birdcage to look for Rosinante, but only see bodies from the Donquixote Pirates' massacre, when
suddenly they pick up a transmission. However, Rosinante makes himself seen to Gladius, and
Pica then reports their success to Doflamingo. Elsewhere, Law sits in a treasure chest where
Rosinante hid him. He remembers Rosinante telling him to sit tight, but he hears shouts and shots
coming from outside. Law tries to get out, to no avail. Law then hears Gladius, Trebol, and some
other Donquixote Pirates beating Corazon up and yelling about how he betrayed them. Suddenly,
Doflamingo arrives.

Doflamingo approaches Corazon, reflecting on the six months that had passed since the latter
deserted. A beaten-up Corazon remembers how Sengoku had found him after his father's murder,
and holds a Marine-issued pistol at Doflamingo. Corazon then reveals his true allegiance to the
Marines, and prepares to shoot Doflamingo to prevent the calamity the latter had planned to
unleash. Corazon apologizes to Law for lying about his allegiances, but Law, who already knew,
wonders why Corazon would tell Doflamingo, who also already knew. Doflamingo then
interrogates Corazon on the location of Law and the Ope Ope no Mi. Corazon reveals that Law
already ate the fruit and lied that Law was outside the birdcage and protected by the Marines on
a patrol boat. Corazon's lie is backed up when Buffalo intercepted a transmission that the Marines
had found a boy, but that was just a coincidence. Doflamingo in a panic then dispels Birdcage
and orders his crew to find the Marine Patrol Boat.

Corazon tries to discourage Doflamingo from searching for Law, but Doflamingo states that Law
needs some education on how the latter needs to die for him, something Law fully heard.
Doflamingo and Corazon point their guns at each other, and Doflamingo laments on how he has
to kill a family member again. Law silently panics inside the treasure chest, because Corazon had
promised to make it out alive. Law remembers Corazon telling him that pira tes tend to take
treasure chests back to their ships and leaves Law in a chest to conceal him from Doflamingo.
Corazon reaffirms Law's worries that Doflamingo won't kill his own brother and is only after the
Ope Ope no Mi. He uses his Calm ability on Law so he won't make a sound and tells Law he loves
him (though Law is surprised by the goofy face Corazon makes). Back in the present Law tries to
get out of the chest knowing this isn't what Corazon said.

Corazon tells his brother that Law will not obey him and has beaten his fate of dying in three years
and is not the same Law that wondered his way to the mad pirate Doflamingo. He shouts that
there is nothing he can learn from him and that he is finally free of his madness. As Law weeps
at these words, Doflamingo is unimpressed and cold-heartedly shoots his own brother repeatedly.
While Law cries go unheard and many of the Donquixote Family members present (minus Buffalo
and Baby 5) remain unresponsive to Corazon's murder. Law tries to break free only to remember
all the time together he spent with Corazon.

The crew leaves with the treasure while Law is still inside one of them. Corazon, barely holding
on to life, uses what strength he has left to stay alive long enough to make sure Law escapes
unnoticed. As the Donquixote Family loads the treasure Law leaves crying uncontrollably. Corazon
tells Law nothing will bind him anymore, whether it be his illness or the boarders of the White City
and he is now truly free. Tsuru's ship shows up just as Corazon finally dies. The Calm field around
Law wears off as Law's cries are finally heard and Corazon's body is buried in the snow while Law
walks away in tears as no one can hear his voice over the cannon fire of the Marine battleships.

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In the present as Law clashes with Doflamingo, he recalls Rosinante’s declaration of Law's
freedom to Doflamingo before the latter murders him. However he laments that will not be truly
free until he accomplishes his goal of stopping Doflamingo's madness. Law creates a "Room"
around them, and tosses a pebble behind Doflamingo. As he does so, he asks him what he thinks
of Monkey D. Luffy, considering Law has now learned today that Doflamingo was a World Noble.
He then uses "Shambles" to switch places with the rock, thus teleporting behind Dof lamingo. He
attempts to stab him through the back, while further inquiring what he thinks of D. Doflamingo
however forms Haki over his hand and catches the blade. He states it is of no concern to Law,
and pulls him forward to cut him with his strings. He then ridicules the idea that Luffy, as a D, was
led there by fate to claim his head as a noble. Though disarmed, Law forms Haki over his hands
and forearm to block Doflamingo's attack, while revealing that he too is a D. This infuriates
Doflamingo, and the aftermath of his attack slices off the top of the palace.

At the former Royal Plateau, King Riku asks Viola about the current status of the battle. Assessing
that the longer the battle continues, the more injuries there will be, she indicates that the battle
has three settings: the plateau holding the royal palace, the statue of Pica, and the SMILE Factory.
Upon hearing this, Usopp asks Viola how many officers still remain. She states that they are
disbursed as follows: Senor Pink is guarding the SMILE Factory. Pica is still atop his stone statue.
On the top floor of the palace, are Doflamingo and Trebol. At the 4th level of the palace, is
Diamante. On the third level, Gladius leads what remains of the soldiers. Finally, on Level 2, there
are Lao G, Baby 5, Machvise, and Dellinger, whom we learn is a half fishman of the fighting fish

Viola concludes that the many of the remaining fighters are heavily injured, and that the final
moments of the battle are drawing near. At the SMILE Factory, Franky and Senor Pink are still
battling intensely. Senor has saved a cat, much to the adoration of their female spectators.
Roronoa Zoro is still locked in battle with Pica. At level three of the plateau, Cavendish is fending
off Gladius while Robin uses her power to create a staircase out of legs. Cavendish goes on to
remark that Gladius' minions' attacks are putting him to sleep. On level four of the plateau,
Diamante begins an attack that makes the ground wave like a flag, much to the astonishment of
Kyros and Rebecca. Inside the Royal Palace, Leo and Kabu are defeating Donquixote soldiers in
pursuit Princess Mansherry. In front of the Royal Palace, Sabo is helping out some citizens, while
Koala is running off to an unknown location. At level two of the palace, the Donquixote Family
officers are defeating the Colosseum Army with relative ease. Back at the Former Royal Plateau,
Viola has made it clear that if Doflamingo is not defeated, nothing will change. This leads some
of the citizens to worry that the fate of their country is being left in the hands of pirates, as Admiral
Fujitora watches on.

At the Royal Palace, Doflamingo, now upset at the revelation of Law's real name, is attacking him
viciously. He ridicules Law for believing that fate has brought him there as well to defeat him. As
he writes off Rosinante's words to Law about the "D" clan as superstition, Trebol warns him that
he is now within range of Law's attack. However Doflamingo fails to take heed, and Law stabs
him through the midsection with "Injection Shot". Upon this, Law tells Doflamingo that Rosinante
knew fully that Law couldn't beat him by virtue of his secret name alone. He furthermore says that
"Cora-san" was too kind to pull the trigger on Doflamingo, so he will do it himself.

The chapter begins with Law continuing to fight Doflamingo, with Law using Tact to throw part of
the castle to Doflamingo, only to be blocked by Doflmingo's Kumo no Sugaki. Law then tries to
launch another Shambles, but this time, Doflamingo grabbed his right hand and commented that
he should not launch ineffective attacks to him. He states that if Law wanted him dead, he should
have pitted him against Kaido and that there are millions of methods to kill someone stronger

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than yourself, rather than let his emotions get in the way. Law states that everything he's done
and will do has been to avenge Corazon. After Doflamingo has cut Law's right arm off with Itonoko,
Doflamingo says he will "forgive" Law, while pulling out his gun, in the same way he forgave his
father and brother, by killing them; and that the best method is to use a lead bullet.

Suddenly, a string clone bursts out of the ground having been defeated by Luffy after Luffy
performed his Jet Gatling. Trebol was surprised to see Clone Doflamingo to be beaten into pieces.
Still fighting Bellamy, Luffy demands Doflamingo to release Bellamy. Doflamingo was surprised
that Bellamy was not finished off yet, and releases him from his control.

Bellamy starts to reminisce about his past, including asking to join Doflamingo thinking that
Doflamingo is pride of the North Blue and that he is not a pirate who day dreams. Then he thinks
of fighting Luffy in Mock Town, and meeting him again in the Colosseum. Luffy promises to beat
up Doflamingo and Trebol for him, but Bellamy stops him.

Bellamy uses his Spring Hopper move and darts around the room, despite Luffy telling him that
he'll die if he keeps moving. Bellamy states that it is not only Luffy who has become stronger, but
his Spring Hopper has become so as well. He tells Luffy that he's not going to attack Doflamingo,
despite the fact that he no longer admires him, and asks Luffy to join him in his last fight.

Yelling at Bellamy for still siding with Doflamingo, Luffy points out how the latter betrayed him and
that there is no reason for them to fight. Bellamy admits that may be true before claiming he
doesn't care anymore and telling Luffy to stand there and take his attacks if he thinks he's
bluffing. Bellamy strikes Luffy with a Haki-enhanced punch, which causes Luffy to cough up blood.

Elsewhere in Dressrosa, Zoro continues his battle with Pica, who becomes a stone monster again
and causes Zoro to lose his footing and fall back to the lower level before striking with his fist. As
Zoro slashes the statue in half, the lower Donquixote members try to shoot at him, but Orlumbus
shows up and tricks them into lining up before taking them out using "Admiral Killer Bowling".
Zoro thanks Orlumbus, who states his name and leaves Pica to him while he and the others deal
with the lower members. Just then, Pica merges with the plateau. When Pica laughs, a shocked
Zoro comments on how stupid it is, causing Pica to use "Charlestone", attacking Zoro and his own
men in the process. While Zoro relishes in fighting a strong opponent, Dellinger complains to Pica
for almost hitting him as well, allowing Ideo to hit him while proclaiming that he shouldn't take his
eye off his opponent. Meanwhile, Sai and Baby 5 trade words as Baby 5 has misinterpreted all of
Sai's actions and words as romantic gestures, greatly confusing Sai.

Elsewhere, Machvise has finished his fight with Hajrudin and now sets his sights on Zoro. While
Hajrudin lays defeated, he laments how he cannot repay his debts despite wanting to be the king
of all giants, losing the tournament, being turned into a toy and later being saved. Admits his
shame, Hajrudin wonders if this is all he's able to do to help his saviors. When Machvise uses his
1000 Ton Vice against Zoro, Hajrudin gets up and tells Zoro he will handle him. Surprised at
Hajrudin being alive, Machvise decides to use his 10,000 Ton Hell Vise on him while shouting
that Hajrudin still must have some bones to break on him. Noting that the dead are of no use to
anyone and that he can defeat Machvise even if he only has one arm left, H ajrudin uses "Gungnir"
against the officer. The bones in Hajrudin's right arm and leg begin to break under the weight as
he tells Machvise to fly to the heavens. As the ground beneath them begins to crater, Machvise
mocks Hajrudin and states he weighs 10,000 tons. However, through sheer willpower, Hajrudin
shocks everyone and sends Machvise flying while breaking his shield in half. As the lower
members express shock at seeing Machvise defeated, the punch sends him straight into the
Birdcage, slicing him and leaving him incapacitated. Exhausted, Hajrudin notes Machvise is not

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flying anywhere soon since he's not a bird and falls over unconscious from his wounds. Zoro
commends the giant before promising him that the cage will be gone when he wakes up.

Zoro continues his battle against Pica and is greeted by Elizabello who states he can use his King
Punch on the stone giant anytime he wishes. Zoro thanks him but states he needs to save his
punch for later. They both dodge Pica's attacks while Zoro tries to figure what he's after.

Meanwhile, Lao G continues to overwhelm Chinjao with a variety of moves revolving around his
old age to his advantage with his Joi Ken fighting style. However, Chinjao is more focused on Sai's
presumed engagement with Baby 5 than his fight while Sai yells at him for listening on this. Sai
yells at him and Baby 5 for thinking he'd get married like that while Chinjao proclaims he's already
engaged to Uholishia of the Niho Navy. While this is going on, Lao G hasn't heard a thing and his
soul begins to ascend to heaven. However, Baby 5 calls out to him and manages to bring him
back to life while he still has no idea what is going on around him. Sai continues to stop Baby 5
from acting like she's his wife and backs away from her. She asks if he needs her and says she'll
do anything for him and Sai jokes saying he wishes she'd die stating he wishes to repay his debt
to the Straw Hats. However, much to his shock, she turns her arm into a gun and points it to her
head stating she will do it by his request. As she states nothing brings her happiness but to be
useful by someone, Sai tries to stop her stating he was joking and this is not what he wants.

Chinjao scolds Sai for helping the enemy stating a leader must be calm while Sai tells him to shut
up. Baby 5 reflects on her past on how she traveled with her mother and a group of people that,
thinking Baby 5 would be nothing but a nuisance, has her left in the mountains stating she's not
needed by her own mother. As Baby 5 prepares to kill herself Sai desperately tries to stop her.
Chinjao interupts stating Sai has brought shame to the Happou Navy and prepares to strike with
his headbutt. Sai counters with a kick that bends his legendary head stating it's none of his
business. He then stops his grandfather from killing Baby 5 and then proceeds to slap her as well.
As Baby 5 states she was trying to be of use to him, Sai notes no one has ever said no to her.
While the lower members note that Chinjao's legendary head has been bent, the latter begins to
cry. While Sai regrets what he did to his grandfather, Chinjao is not angry but proud that Sai has
awakened the full power of the Hasshouken fighting skills stating he now bestows Sai the name
"Kiryu Kirikugi" unto his martial leg stating he now has the strength to shatter the Ice Continent.
He proclaims the Happo Navy is now officially his while admitting since his fight with Luffy his
illness has been acting up and his age has caught up with him. Just before he can finish, Lao G,
now larger, strikes Chinjao with a powerful punch. As Chinjao lays unconscious, Lao G reveals the
true strength of his Joi Ken fighting style stating he conserves his energy at a younger age with
Qiqong technique.

He charges at Sai stating all of Dressrosa are slaves for Doflamingo including Baby 5 proclaiming
she is nothing but a convenient tool for the Donquixote Family. He calls Sai a monkey of the Flower
Country while proclaiming he will finish him off and take Baby 5 back for Doflamingo. While Baby
5 is hurt by those words, Sai proclaims if he defeats him he will marry Baby 5. Baby 5 is happy to
hear this while Sai has managed to deliver a powerful Haki-impeded kick to Lao G's skull using
the Kiryu Kirikugi move. Lao G appologizes to the Young Master and is sent crashing down into a
crater from Sai's kick while shouting the "G" letter and cursing Sai by calling him a monkey. Sai
states "call me Don" while the info box states both Lao G and Baby 5 are defeated.

At the Sunflower Fields, Diamante and Kyros are still fighting, with Kyros having a hard time
keeping his balance due to the fluttering ground. Diamante makes the connection between Kyros
and the Thunder Soldier and tells his opponent that their fates are connected before targetting

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Rebecca with an attack. After Kyros blocks it, Rebecca says she wants to help as she is nothing
more than a burden right now, but Kyros says he will never let her have to fight again.

On the second floor, Zoro remarks on Sai's strength, making a note to himself to remember the
Happou Navy in the event he meets them in the future, while Sai tries to wake Chinjao up and
Baby 5 is dreaming of their wedding. Meanwhile on the third floor, Gladius is about to blow up the
entire ground. Cavendish looks for help in Bartolomeo's barrier, and the latter lets him in
eventually despite declining at first as it would be too dangerous for him and Robin. After a brief
argument, Bartolomeo lets Cavendish out to keep fighting Gladius. The Donquixote officer then
tries to attack Robin who is headed to the Sunflower Fields thinking it's too dangerous for Rebecca
to be there, but Bartolomeo blocks him. Robin winks at Bartolomeo in gratitude, and he gets so
excited that he charges at everyone with his barrier, even at Cavendish who is about to attack
Gladius. By that time, Dellinger is headed for the third floor and Gladius tells him to take care of
Robin as he is too busy fighting both Bartolomeo and Cavendish. He's about to do so, but he's
stopped by Ideo who's still standing despite being seriously wounded. After declaring his intention
to buy even the slightest amount of time for Luffy to take down Doflamingo, Ideo is finally defeated
when Dellinger bites his neck with his fangs.

Shortly after, Dellinger arrives at the third floor, but Gladius tells him to stay away as there is a
very dangerous enemy there. Dellinger shrugs if off, only to be finished off in one slash by
Cavendish, who has awakened his Hakuba personality.

Bartolomeo notices that the assailant that has cut down Dellinger and the guards on the 3rd level
appears very similar to Cavendish, but has a different face. Gladius expresses shock at this as
well, while Bartolomeo recollects that the D-Block at fight at the Colosseum ended in a very similar
fashion to this. As he finally makes the connection between the two, Hakuba suddenly appears
directly in front of his barrier. Realizing that he won't be able to break through, Hakuba sets his
gaze elsewhere. While Bartolomeo tries to reason with Hakuba, he notices that he has now set
his sights on Nico Robin, much to his dismay. Unable to stop him in time, he frantically yells for
Hakuba not to hurt her, but Robin effortlessly restrains Hakuba by extending her limbs from the
cliffside. Noticing that something is different about him as well, Robin attempts to speak t o him,
while Bartolomeo fawns over her ability to stop him so easily.

While Robin has Hakuba restrained, Cavendish regains control and yells at Hakuba, telling him
that he does not have his permission to appear right now. He apologizes to Robin for Hakuba's
indiscriminate actions, but as he does so, Hakuba attempts to regain control, leading to an
argument between the two personalites as Robin watches on. For a second, control is actually
split "half and half" between the two, as one half of his face is Cavendish, with the other Hakuba.
Cavendish gains control again, this time asking Robin to release him. Robin is wary of doing so,
and in the confusion, Gladius begins inflating the entire cliffside to explode and eliminate both of
them. Cavendish tries to tell Robin to go back down, but she reiterates that her focus is getting
to Rebecca, who's on the fourth level. Understanding what Gladius is up to, Bartolomeo rushes
at him to stop the attack. However Gladius shoots hairs from the top of his head into Barto lomeo,
revealing that they are poisonous needles as his leg goes numb.

Gladius then inflates his entire body, stating that if he explodes, he will shoot needles much more
potent at Robin and Cavendish. This forces Bartolomeo into a difficult position, as he must now
choose way to deal with Gladius that prevents both the cliffside from exploding, and his body from
exploding into more needles in Robin's direction. Since Cavendish doesn't matter as much to him,
he asks him to protect Robin from the needles while he deals with Gladius' inflated body. It is
instead Hakuba that yells back to him however, causing him to realize that Robin is not safe in

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either case. To deal with this dilemma, he decides to encase himself in a barrier with Gladius
inflated body, so that the explosion doesn't leave his barrier, and the expanding cliffside is dealt
with simultaneously. Robin yells for Bartolomeo not to sacrifice himself, but he is already resolute
in his decision and attempts to cut Gladius throat. This causes the explosion to stay within the
barrier, but unfortunately Bartolomeo missed his throat and cut his shoulder instead.

Still standing, Gladius now sets his sights on detonating the cliffside. With Cavendish gaining a
slight control, he attempts to convince Robin to release him so that he can use Hakuba's speed
to get them out of the blast radius. Suddenly Gladius sets off the explosion, and there appears to
be nothing left of Cavendish and Robin. It turns out that they have escaped the blast to the fourth
level, but Hakuba attempted to cut Robin in the process, forcing Cavendish to stop the blade with
his own hand. Hakuba questions Cavendish decision, reminding him that it is in fact his own body.
Cavendish states that as such, Hakuba should actually listen to him once in a while, and the two
personalities fall into a slumber once more. Bartolomeo, now badly injured from the explosion,
laments the he is still lacking in power, but someday he will become someone that Luffy can rely
on. He jumps into the air and lands a "Bari Bari no Pistol" (as homage to Luffy) directly into Gladius
face, incapacitating him.

On the fourth level with the Sunflower Fields, Diamante comments how chaotic the action on the
lower levels sounds, then taunting Kyros about how his Army Bandera is making the battlefield,
noting how difficult it is for normal people let alone for someone like him with one leg. He then
attempts to attack Rebecca once more, but this time Rebecca resolves to defend herself, as Kyros
can't reach her in time. He tries to tell Rebecca that she won't be able to withstand the attack,
but instead Robin arrives just in time to stop the attack, revealing a new ability. She states that
Rebecca has completed her mission of delivering the key to Trafalgar D. Water Law’s handcuffs
to him and Luffy, and now it is Robin's turn to protect her.

At the Flower Field, Diamante is furious at Robin's interference with Robin commenting on how
his opponent has a handicap. Diamante just laughs saying this fight was never meant to be fair
and that it is an execution. Robin tells Kyros that she will guard his daughter for the time being,
so he can focus on defeating Diamante. Kyros thanks her as his anger towards Diamante has
now reached its limit.

At the 3rd level, Bartolomeo notices some soldiers of the Donquixote crew taking the unconscious
Gladius away and demanded to know what they are doing. They state they are just taking the
defeated away commenting that it will take days before he wakes up anyway. Bartolomeo angrily
tells them to get lost.

At the SMILE's factory, the dwarves approaches Viola for help, wishing to be informed of Leo's
progress of rescuing Mansherry. Viola contacts Leo who informs her they are close to Mansherry's
location. Viola informs him that she can see that Jora has gotten her hands on her and intends
to use her powers, much to Leo's worry. Leo and Kabu run into soldiers and easily take them
down proclaiming they will save their princess. In the timeout room, Jora is seen demanding for
Mansherry to use her powers. Mansherry refuses and exclaims her desire to return to Green Bit.
Jora tells her off for calling her Boa Hancock while angrily proclaiming those that while the enemy
that defeated the officers may have won, they are all gravely injured from their fights. She intends
to use Mansherry's Chiyu Chiyu no Mi powers to revive the fallen Machvice, Lao G, Sugar (who
was healed once before) and Dellinger stating this will catch them all off guard and turn the battle
to their favor. Mansherry however refuses, realizing she was tricked by Doflamingo and refuses
to let them hurt anyone else again. Jora and her men are briefly caught by Mansherry's cute

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features, but Jora snaps out of it and grabs Mansherry in an attempt to forcefully to use her

Jora asks if she cares about her friends at the factory but Mansherry states that if she heal them,
they will just keep hurting others. Jora then proceeds to squeeze Mansherry to force her powers
out while Mansherry pleads in her mind for Leo to save her. Leo and Kabu are later briefly
separated with Kabu telling Leo to go on ahead and he'll be their shortly. Jora's rough actions
resulted in Mansherry crying, and her tears land on a grunt and he wakes up fully healed. Seeing
this, Jora realizes her tears have the same healing properties. She then proceeds to slap
Mansherry repeatedly till she cries enough to revive the officers. Seeing this, Viola pleads with
Leo to hurry.

Viola informs everyone about Mansherry's healing powers with Usopp noting it's no wonder
Doflamingo wants to keep her alive. Viola states Jora is attempting to force Mansherry's healing
powers out of her to revive the fallen officers while the other dwarves plead with Leo to succeed.
Hearing this Usopp realizes if they wake up there will be no end to their enemies and realizes this
is how Sugar woke up so soon previously. As everyone cheers for Leo to save the princess, Leo
bursts into the room where Mansherry is.

Jora states it was close but showers the officers with her tears stating round 2 now begins. Kabu
then shows up stating he'll stop her and uses "Bettle Upper" on the unconscious officers. This
sends them flying to the wall away from the tears just in time, much to Jora's shock. After the
tears land harmlessly on the ground, Leo wastes no time in stitching the officers and Jora all over.
He tells Jora she can spend more time bonding with her fellow officers and uses "Haute Couture:
Patchwork" on Jora, sending all the officers and grunts sewed into Jora with his powers defeating
her. Mansherry fawns over Leo saving her calling him a prince and blushes heavily when he
catches her. Viola relays to everyone Leo saved Manshery and defeated Jora much to the delight
of everyone present. Mansherry tells Leo how scared she was and Leo ruins the moment by asking
if she gained weight resulting in a punch to the face, with Kabu noting Mansherry hasn't changed.

Mansherry attempts to flirt with Leo and asks him to carry her since she hurt her legs. Leo
obliviously thinks her selfish side showed up and says she can just heal herself since she's always
been very fast. This upsets Mansherry stating she's not running and didn't ask Leo to save her.
Leo is angered about her mood swings and is whacked over the head by Kabu telling him to just
carry her stating they don't have time to mess around. Leo carries her on his back complaining
about her attitude while the Princess is happy to have him carry her while Kabu notes Leo is so
thick, noting that Mansherry is polite and kind to everyone but Leo due to her feelings for him.
Just as they leave Jora regains consciousness commenting she must alert Doflamingo
immediately. Knowing his calculations of Mansherry's Chiyu Chiyu no Mi powers to restore
anything at the cost of one's lifespan, that should anything happen to the SMILE Factor y, it can
easily be restored to its original form. She is unable to move and pleads with Senor Pink to protect
it at all cost.

At the SMILE factory, Franky and Pink are still at it with the cyborg landing a Strong Hammer on
Pink's face. However, Pink uses the momentum to dive underground and grab Franky from behind
using his MeowMeow Suplex again. Both then fall over exhausted from their injuries. The Dwarves
and fans alike note they are both at their limit while asking them both why they don't dodge their
attacks, stating they took them both on 30 times each. Franky states when a man is offered a
drink he can't turn away from it stating Pink is a hard man. He shouts he will not dodge a single
attack and take them all one and come out on top saying that is his "strong style". He knows the

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Dwarves are worried but it is a duel between men and promises he will win in his own way and
won't let them become slaves again.

Senor Pink is touched by these words and states he'll remember them stating he's not as young
as he used to be and will finish this with the next move, prompting one of his fans to note how far
away he is. He then asks if what Franky said is true and that men don't go back on their word if
he takes his attack without dodging. He swims towards Franky telling him to try to survive this
next move proclaiming if he does survive he will admit defeat and take any punishment from
Franky. Franky says it's a deal while being grabbed by Pink and swam outside the factory up a
tower, much to the shock of the Dwarves. Pink notes how the sky is sadder than usual wishing he
could keep going up higher to see his wife Russian and his son Gimlet but gravity is between
them, prompting Franky to ask what he means. Pink reveals he knew of Franky's cyborg body and
how is back is his weak spot and unleashes a devastating attack called "Baby Buster" crashing
Franky into the ground. As Pink emerges seemingly victorious, he turns around shocked to see
Franky, who's left eye seems to be more cybernetic now, emerges from the rubble. Pink keeps
true to his word and admits defeat while apologizing to the Young Master. Franky unleashes a
brutal "Franky Iron Boxing" on Pink, thrashing him around with his enlarged fists.

While being assaulted, Pink reminisces the first time he met Russian on a rainy day for their first
date. When she says she hates pirates she asks Pink what he does and he lies about being a
banker. In time they marry and have a son named Gimlet. He juggles his duties to his family and
crew and returns one day to discover of Gimlet's death. Russian reveals he had a fever a week
ago just as Pink disappeared and the doctor's couldn't help him. She reveals his lies shouting she
called the bank and they never heard of him demanding to know who he really is. She angrily
slaps him and runs off telling him to not follow her. However, she fell in a landslide from the rain
and sand and was buried on top leaving her in a vegetative state stating she does not have long
to live. Pink can only grieve over her condition blaming himself for her and Gimlet's fates. He
wishes to hear her voice and see her smile even a little so he puts on Gimlet's bonnet since he
had his face. Just as he puts it away thinking it wasn't funny he's shocked to see Russian smile.
Since then, he took up his baby like appearance being mocked and laughed at by many, even his
crew. However, Pink brushed it all off for his wife's sake. Pink proclaims to his wife this outfit has
more value than any other suit because when he puts it on he can get her to smile.

Back in the present time, Pink's sunglasses break and is finally defeated by Franky. His fans weep
over his defeat while the Dwarves celebrate Franky's victory. Franky, having grown to respect Pink,
gently wipes the tears of Pink's face wondering what he was remembering that made him cry. As
he walks away he tells him if they ever meet again that they should have a drink together and he
can tell him about the woman Russian. The info box then reads the SMILE Factory victor: Franky.

At the entrance to the SMILE Factory, Franky urges the dwarves to tear it down once and for all,
and they gladly comply. As they rush in, Franky collapses from his wounds, entrusting Luffy to
finish everything, as the chaos on the streets of Dressrosa continues.

At the Flower Field, Diamante uses the move "Half Moon Glaive", causing a shockwave to rip
across the field. Kyros, Rebecca, and Robin barely manage to avoid it, and Diamante taunts
Kyros, saying that he has surpassed the former gladiator in strength and was now the true Hero
of the Colosseum. Kyros states that he doesn't care about titles and honors as he charges
Diamante, though the executive uses his fruit powers to avoid the former gladiator's strike. Kyros
then collapses from fatigue, though Diamante commends him for his ability to run around the
country and fight him on shaking ground while protecting his daughter all while doing it on only
one leg, when a normal human would have collapsed long ago. Kyros bluntly states that he

Dressrosa Dressrosa

doesn't need a handicap, saying that he gave his leg to the man that gave him everything.
Diamante then states that he will no longer give Kyros a handicap, but decides to play with him a
little knowing that finishing him off would be much too easy.

Diamante then pulls out several confetti cannons, which apparently shoot confetti into the air.
This confuses Robin and Rebecca, but Diamante reveals that he has used his powers to create
the confetti, and turns them into spiked steel balls. The balls then rain down on everyone present,
and Kyros tells Robin to protect Rebecca. Robin reminds Kyros that he too is in danger, but Kyros
states that he will be fine. As Diamante takes out a steel umbrella to protect himself, he gleefully
wishes farewell to his three opponents, as surviving the spiked balls is next to impossible and
entire armies have been taken out by this attack. However, Robin uses "Mil Fleur: Flower
Umbrella" to shield Rebecca and herself with a canopy of flowers, while Kyros uses his sword to
deflect all the balls that come his way, stating that he was not the captain of the kind of army that
would fall prey to an attack like this. Diamante is shocked at Kyros' prowess, and as a last resort
shoots Kyros in the leg, causing him to fall and be struck by the balls.

Rebecca has a fit of rage at Diamante for his actions, and tries to rush at the executive, though
Robin holds her back. Robin worriedly notices that the flower umbrella is near its limit and
wonders when the rain will stop, when suddenly Kyros manages to stand up, telling Rebecca to
drop her sword. Rebecca and Diamante are both shocked, and Rebecca urges her father to come
to Robin's umbrella so he won't die. Kyros tells Rebecca that she has honored her mother’s wish
for her not to hurt people, as he remembers training her as Thunder Soldier to fight without hurting
anyone, at the cost of her being jeered at by the other combatants. Despite Rebecca fighting in
the Colosseum, Kyros knows that her hands are still clean and that Scarlett lives on in them. As
Kyros charges toward Diamante, he tells Rebecca that he will not allow her to sully her hands on
this wretched person.

Diamante is shocked that Kyros is still moving, and wonders if his body is made of steel or if he
has just gone insane as they clash swords. Kyros retorts that his pain is the proof of his humanity,
which the Donquixote executive could never understand, as he recalls the times when he was
Thunder Soldier, and says that the spiked ball rain that Diamante created was nothing compared
to being forgotten by your loved ones and being unable to feel, and though his body is not made
of steel, it embodies the anger Dressrosa feels toward the Donquixote Pirates. Diamante is even
more shocked now at Kyros' will, but is confident that he is still the better swordsman. The two of
them reach an impasse, and Diamante prepares to use another Half Moon attack to kill Kyros
just like he did Scarlett. Kyros rushes toward Diamante while remembering Scarlett, and
Diamante dares him to dodge his next strike, but the former gladiator refuses. Right as Diamante
prepares to execute his attack, Kyros counters it and uses "Trueno Bastard" to break through
Diamante's sword and cut the Donquixote executive down.

Former King Riku and Viola remember when they had first heard about the death of Scarlett.
Diamante is laughing at how Scarlett was so unlucky in being at the market. Tank remembers
having to hold back Viola from trying to retaliate for her sister's death.

Kyros and Diamante's fight ends with Diamante falling back upon the grave of Scarlett, the marker
having knocked him out cold. Kyros thanks Robin for protecting his daughter. Rebecca then runs
to her father. Robin is shown that in her attempt to protect Rebecca, she too was injured by the
spikes. As Rebecca and Kyros notice where they are, they remember the day Kyros made his
promise to always be by Rebecca's side to protect her.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Viola reports to the others on the royal plateau that Diamante has now been defeated and that
Kyros, Rebecca, and Robin are all safe. The people of Dressrosa are excited that the Donquixote
Family are, one by one, being taken down after no one thought it would be possible. Viola confirms
the family members that have been defeated by Luffy and his friends, citing only 4 now remain:
Bellamy, Pica, Trebol, and Doflamingo.

King Riku decides to go into town as there is nothing more to fear of townspeople coming for his
head. With this, Tank and the other townspeople decide to join him in hopes of letting everyone
else know of the new found hope. At the same time, Usopp realizes that Fujitora is no longer
amongst the group, as Kanjuro explains he had already gone back into town. Fujitora is then
shown with the other Marines, working to get the citizens in one place to protect them.

At the palace's base Pica is shown to be using his Devil Fruit powers to create spikes all over
causing the base to shake. He then appears to Kyros and Rebecca in the Flower Field,
disappointed in Diamante for losing to Kyros. Pica then asks Kyros and Rebecca what exactly
King Riku is to them. Kyros explains that he is family as well as his savior when he was a monster
and that the country is hoping for the day King Riku takes up his throne again. With this new
information, Pica disappears.

As Zoro continues to try and find Pica to fight directly, he notices that Pica is attacking all those
who are too injured to fight. Upset at this Zoro continues to try and chase after the chaos Pica is
causing. In Pica's destruction he discovers Baby 5 has betrayed them and attempts to grind her,
but she is saved by Sai, who pushes her out of the way and uses his Busoshoku Haki to prevent
himself from getting crushed. Zoro, annoyed with these tactics, continues to slash at everything
that Pica presents to him. Pica then reminds Zoro that King Riku was still on the Royal Plat eau.
With that Pica disappears from Zoro's location and creates a giant, stone Pica that is moving
toward the plateau.

Zoro, now realizing what Pica's plan was, is attempting to get to the stone Pica before he makes
it to the plateau. With this Zoro realizes he has only five options to prevent the plateau from being
destroyed. The first is to use a long-ranged slice with his swords, but Pica is already too far away.
Second is to jump onto Pica's back, but it is too far and Zoro wouldn't survive the fall. Third is to
try and yell to those on the plateau, but his voice wouldn't be loud enough to be heard that far.
Fourth is to call them with a Den Den Mushi to warn them, but he doesn't have one with him. His
fifth plan, the one he decides to go with, was to fly up and cut the real Pica apart.

As Pica makes his way toward the plateau where King Riku is located, the onlooking Donquixote
underlings cheer him on, and various combatants wonder how they can stop him. Seeing Pica
moving toward the king, Elizabello II prepares to use his King Punch, but Zoro stops him. After
explaining how Pica will simply reform his body, he asks Elizabello to give him two minutes, before
running Orlumbus and asking him to throw him.

Some people firing cannons at Pica are crushed by him, prompting Riku to reveal his location and
begging Pica to stop. Riku orders Tank Lepanto and Viola to get everyone to safety while remaining
to draw Pica's attack. Across the island, Orlumbus asks Zoro if he is sure about his plan and the
dangers, but Zoro insists that there is no time for anything else. As Pica begins to attack Riku,
Orlumbus hurls Zoro toward the executive. Zoro coats his swords with Busoshoku Haki and begins
a technique, claiming that there is nothing in this world that he cannot cut.

Pica tells Riku that he is not fit to be king if he cannot defeat his enemies, and that he failed to
protect his country because he loves peace too much. Riku admits that Pica is correct, but cries

Dressrosa Dressrosa

that he is proud of the fact that he has remained human and will not take another life in order to
survive. Laughing, Pica claims that good people like Riku are killed and forgotten by history; but
before his attack can connect Zoro cuts his stone body in half. Pica moves to the top half of the
enormous stone body, but Zoro simply cuts that in two, and continues cutting the statue until Pica
is forced to emerge. Pica coating his body in Busoshoku Haki, attempts to attack his opponent
while claiming that Zoro can never cut through him, but Zoro responds that all he needs is
stronger Haki with that cuts Pica down in mid-air. As Pica is defeated, Elizabello uses his King
Punch to blast away the rest of Pica's stone body though bemoaning the fact he is merely doing
clean up.

Hanging off a ledge, Roronoa Zoro recalls his training with Dracule Mihawk, in which the master
swordsman informed him that having chips on the blades of his sword is an affront to his honor
and that he could prevent this by hardening his blades with Busoshoku Haki. He also forbade
Zoro from drinking until he mastered the technique.

At the King's Plateau, Fujitora asks his men if there are any wounded, but is informed that his
Devil Fruit powers kept them all safe as citizens and combatants around the country react to
Pica's defeat.

Meanwhile, the SMILE Factory explodes, to the shock of those who can see it. Inside, the dwarves
carry tanks of SAD and smash them while proclaiming that they will no longer be taken advantage
of. However, Trebol, who is watching, claims that they can still restore the f actory and heal Pica
because they still have Mansherry.

At the Sunflower Fields, Leo and Mansherry meet up with Kyros, Nico Robin, and Rebecca, with
Mansherry offering to heal the heavily wounded Kyros. However, Kyros refuses to let Mansherry
do this because he believes there is some limit to her powers and that there are those in the
country who need such healing more than he does. As Mansherry looks over Dressrosa for the
first time, Kyros notes they can only leave Donquixote Doflamingo's defeat to Monkey D. Luffy
and Trafalgar D. Water Law.

Below the palace, Koala contacts Sabo and asks him where he is, prompting Sabo to admit he is
running a little late because it took some time to free all the prisoners in the Colosseum before
stating he is on his way.

Back at the King's Plateau, Usopp tearfully pulls Zoro up while Kin’emon congratulates him for
defeating Pica, but Zoro tells them it is not over yet because the Birdcage is still present, which
means Doflamingo is still alive. When the citizens note that Viola told them Doflamingo's main
forces only have three members left, Viola corrects them and reveals there are only two left now
because another battle has just been decided.

On the first floor of the palace, Luffy stands over the defeated Bellamy and recalls how their fight
ended. Bellamy had defended his decision to attack Luffy at the cost of his life by stating that
Doflamingo might remember him this way before punching Luffy into a wall. However, Luffy had
pointed out that Doflamingo only wanted Bellamy to be pitted against him and die from the
beginning, which Bellamy admitted was likely correct before claiming it is his dying wish to fulfill
this. Bellamy told Luffy to just stand there and die if he did not want to fight back before leaping
toward him, but Luffy steeled himself and punched Bellamy into the ground with a Busoshoku
Haki-hardened Gear Second punch, defeating Bellamy once more.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

In the present, Luffy screams Doflamingo's name, prompting Doflamingo to note that he hopes
Luffy comes up to the roof and sees Law's corpse.

As Doflamingo calls Luffy to the rooftop, it is shown what happened a few minutes earlier. Trebol
used Sticky Launcher to send Law sprawling at the edge of the roof, and he and Doflamingo stood
over the severely injured Shichibukai. Trebol expressed his surprise that Law was still alive,
mockingly suggesting that he give up. Doflamingo echoed his executive's thoughts, telling Law he
pitied how everything he'd done - escaping the White City, meeting Corazon, working for 13 years
to depose Doflamingo, and his alliance with Luffy - had been worthless. As he pointed his gun at
Law's chest, Doflamingo offered him a deal: a chance to make the rest of Law's short life
meaningful by performing the Perennial Youth Operation on him. In exchange, Doflamingo offered
to make any wish of Law's come true.

Law appeared to accept at first, but then requested that Doflamingo bring his dead brother
Corazon back to life and submit himself to all the citizens of Dressrosa. Law laughed that
Doflamingo's life was the pitiful one, saying that the Straw Hats can cause miracles, and raised
his middle finger at Doflamingo. Doflamingo shot Law eight times in various places, mocking the
word "Corazon" on Law's jacket. He furiously yelled that despite all Law's efforts to imitate
Corazon, the legacy of the Heart will end.

Across the island, Tank Lepanto and the crowd of citizens on the King's Plateau decide to climb
down to the city in order to assist their former king Riku. Viola confirms to Zoro and Usopp that of
the opposing forces, only Doflamingo and Trebol remain standing, but their own forces have also
taken a hit.

Meanwhile, Luffy breaks through the palace roof, eager to fight Doflamingo. The Shichibukai
taunts him about Bellamy, and blocks a Gear Third punch with Spider’s Web. Luffy leaps over the
web and uses Hawk Gatling to attack Doflamingo from above, but Doflamingo uses Break White
to surround Luffy in a mass of strings.

Luffy breaks out of Doflamingo's trap but steps on a pool of blood. Looking around, he sees Law
lying on the ground. In confusion, Luffy asks Law what has happened, but he remains
unresponsive. Doflamingo tells Luffy that Law is dead, shocking the pirate. As the citizens of
Dressrosa realize that the Birdcage is shrinking, Doflamingo mocks Law's last words and states
that it is time for the game to end. Luffy prepares to fight but faintly hears Law's voice telling him
to listen closely.

The citizens of Dressrosa stare in shock as the Birdcage begins to shrink, and run in panic as
buildings are sliced by the approaching strings. On the palace roof, Doflamingo tells Luffy that he
plans to end his game by withdrawing the Birdcage, saying that it would close and kill everyone
on the island in about an hour. The Marines attempt to save citizens in peril, but are helpless to
stop the Birdcage from shrinking. As Viola confirms that Law is dead, Usopp and the others on
the King's Plateau cheer for Luffy to defeat Doflamingo, and Sabo runs through the chaos.
Doflamingo taunts Luffy, saying that just like Law and Bellamy, the pirate's friends would all die
before he dies himself. Luffy rushes toward Doflamingo, saying that if he beats the Shichibukai
up then the problem will be over. Before Luffy's attack can land, however, Law activates Shambles
and switches himself with Luffy, astonishing Doflamingo.

Law says that Doflamingo is going to be the one to die, and Luffy encourages him as he uses
Gamma Knife to stab Doflamingo. A shocked Trebol asks Law how he could have used Shambles
without having activated a Room. Law replies that he had created a Room too big for them to

Dressrosa Dressrosa

notice, and maintained it at the cost of his life force. Since Doflamingo missed Law's vitals after
shooting him, Law used Shambles to switch himself with a body of one of Doflamingo's minions,
and avoided the rest of the shots. After switching back and playing dead, he whispered to Luffy
about his plan. Law's attack forces Doflamingo to start to collapse, but Doflamingo is not defeated
yet and grabs Law's face. However, Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Jet Stamp to kick Doflamingo and
send him crashing to the ground.

Luffy rushes toward Doflamingo again, but Law stops him, saying that Doflamingo is his to finish.
Though severely injured, Law activates another Room and struggles over to Doflamingo. He tells
Doflamingo that that his attack destroyed all of his internal organs, despite there being no
external wound. An enraged Trebol leaps at Law, but is kicked aside by Luffy. Law shouts at
Doflamingo that the Shichibukai only considered other people family when it was convenient for
him, and when his brother tried to stop Doflamingo from going insane, he was shot to death.
Doflamingo expresses his slight regret for the incident, saying he never thought Corazon would
point a gun at him. Law reflects that Corazon could never pull the trigger, but even though it will
make him just like Doflamingo, he will. He goes on to say Doflamingo should have been the one
to die thirteen years ago. Doflamingo retorts by mocking Corazon, but Law cuts him off by striking
him with Counter Shock. Law condemns Doflamingo as a monster before succumbing to his own
wounds and falling alongside his enemy.

However, Doflamingo stands up, to Trebol's joy and Luffy and Law's shock. Doflamingo reveals
that he is using his Devil Fruit to perform first aid to repair his organs, although he admits that he
is not healed. Doflamingo prepares to stomp Law to death, but as Law cries out in anger, Luffy
stops the attack, and the two pirates face off.

Doflamingo asks Luffy why the pirate prevented him from smashing Law's head in as he tries to
stomp on Law again. However, Luffy counters Doflamingo's strike again using Haoshoku Haki,
shocking Trebol who had no idea Luffy possessed it as well. Luffy and Doflamingo both use their
Haoshoku Haki to try to overwhelm the other, as Trebol remembers a ten-year-old Doflamingo
achieving it 30 years ago. He told Doflamingo that the former World Noble was destined to be a
king, and gave Doflamingo a gun as well as the Ito Ito no Mi so that Doflamingo could exact
revenge on anyone he wanted dead. Trebol then boasts to Luffy that he will never be a match for
his captain, as Doflamingo's fate as a World Noble was what triggered his insanity and rage.

Doflamingo manages to block most of Luffy's kicks with his arm, but Luffy manages to find an
opening and kicks Doflamingo in the chest. He then punches Doflamingo twice in the face with
Busoshoku Haki-imbued fists before using Gomu Gomu no Eagle Bazooka to finish Doflamingo
off. However, Doflamingo evades the attack and kicks Luffy with Athlete Thread, sending him
crashing into the edge of the palace roof.

Trebol intercepts Luffy and holds him down using his devil fruit powers so that Doflamingo can
finally finish Law off. Luffy gets angry and attempts to punch Trebol, with no effect. Luffy gets
confused, saying his Busoshoku Haki should have been able to bypass Trebol's Logia intangibility,
but Trebol asks Luffy if he truly is a Logia, saying that Luffy's attacks could not harm him. Law
tells Luffy that fighting against Trebol is futile, and insults Trebol, saying he was glad he never sat
on the Heart Seat, as would have had to associate himself with buffoons like Trebol. This enrages
Trebol, who attacks Law with Beta Betton Launcher, immobilizing the Shichibukai despite Luffy's
angry remarks.

Trebol then prepares to teach Law a lesson, and tells Law that he, Vergo, Diamante, and Pica
took a young Doflamingo, who managed to escape Mariejois alive, under their wing thirty years

Dressrosa Dressrosa

ago and groomed him to become a powerful king who would show them his dreams. The four of
them made sure that anything that caused Doflamingo pain got eliminated, starting with shooting
thugs who assaulted him. Once, Doflamingo tripped and fell on a poorly paved street, and the
four executives retaliated by burning down the entire town, saying that no one would stand before
Doflamingo, the future Pirate King, as he stood on a pile of wreckage and they bowed before him.

Trebol tells Law that the five Donquixote Pirates had always considered themselves family, and
he prepares to kill Law by using a lighter to set the mucus binding Law on fire. However, Law
retorts, saying that all of Trebol's loyal actions toward Doflamingo were nothing more than
Doflamingo manipulating him like a puppet. This enrages Trebol, who leaps at Law, ready to
skewer him. Doflamingo warns his executive against going after Law since the latter has activated
a small Room around himself, but Trebol ignores his master, saying that Law was still helpless.
However, Law says that he would never be able to face his crew if he left Trebol and Doflamingo
to Luffy alone, and uses Takt: Sterben to lift up his severed arm and vertically spin his sword
straight through Trebol. This causes Trebol to bleed, shocking Luffy.

Meanwhile, on the Flower Field, Leo suddenly stares upward toward the palace roof, and so do
the dwarves outside the now-destroyed SMILE Factory, with Flapper saying that his heart suddenly
feels lighter. However, Franky, who has regained consciousness, breaks the dwarv es out of their
state by shouting at them to get away from the Birdcage. Meanwhile, all of Trebol's mucus
covering has slipped off, revealing him to be incredibly skinny. However, Trebol spits mucus on
his lighter, cursing Law and swearing to take the Shichibukai with him, as a massive explosion

Luffy and Doflamingo brace against Trebol's explosion as Robin, Kyros, Rebecca, Leo, Mansherry,
and Kabu stare at the palace roof in shock. Leo wonders if there is any way they could help Luffy,
but both Kyros and Robin reply that they would just be a hindrance, with Robin pointing to how
many injuries Law received from fighting Doflamingo. Right at that moment, Luffy escapes from
the explosion while carrying an unconscious Law and his severed right arm. Robin yells at Luffy
to bring Law down to her, and Luffy gladly complies, throwing Law off the palace roof. Robin is
shocked when she sees Law's severed arm, but manages to break Law's fall using Spider Net.

Doflamingo, having evaded the explosion, tells Robin that interfering in their battle while Law was
still alive was a mistake and uses Tamaito, but Luffy kicks Doflamingo with Gomu Gomu no Hawk
Whip. Doflamingo's string bullets nearly reach Robin's group, when they are deflected at the last
second by Cavendish. Cavendish is annoyed to see that Luffy has not defeated Doflamingo yet,
but Luffy yells at him to bring everyone on the Flower Field down below. Cavendish argues with
him, wanting to assist in the battle against Doflamingo, but Luffy states that he entrusts his
friends to Cavendish. This leads Cavendish to believe that Luffy is a fan of his, so he immediately
complies with Luffy's request. Meanwhile, Robin's group is huddled around Law, and Leo prepares
to stitch Law's arm back on before Mansherry uses her Watering Can to heal Law. However,
Rebecca tells them that they need to obey Luffy's command and get down first. Cavendish yells
at Bartolomeo, one level below them, to make a staircase using his powers however, the latter is
still struck from amazement at Zoro's victory over Pica.

On the palace roof, Doflamingo and Luffy face each other once again, with Doflamingo saying that
it would be better for Law to die now instead of continue suffering, but Luffy says that the
Shichibukai can only do that over his dead body. Luffy and Doflamingo then resume battling, both
of them still heavily wounded. Luffy manages to hit Doflamingo with a Busoshoku Haki-imbued
attack, sending Doflamingo off the roof. However, Doflamingo laughs the attack off, saying it was
fast but it lacked power. Doflamingo then attacks Luffy, sending Luffy flying. Doflamingo then

Dressrosa Dressrosa

catches up to Luffy and remembers the time Luffy defeated Crocodile two years ago, as he held
Luffy's wanted poster and decided to investigate his crew. Doflamingo then remembers how Luffy
participated in the war at Marineford and survived, and was impressed that Luffy survived that
and made it all the way here. Doflamingo then kicks Luffy into the edge of the palace roof, causing
a large amount of the palace wall to fall away.

On the Flower Field, Law regains consciousness and tells Cavendish to leave him there, saying
that he has spent thirteen years of his life living to take down Doflamingo, and now that he has
done everything he could he is leaving the rest to Luffy. If Luffy wins, Law wants to witness it, but
if he loses, Law is prepared to die with him, since he got Luffy into this battle. Robin attempts to
dissuade Law, saying Luffy never fought without a personal reason, but Law persists, and
Cavendish agrees. However, he decides to stay behind and protect Law, telling Robin and the
others to go ahead on Bartolomeo's staircase. Back on the rooftop, Luffy attacks Doflamingo, but
he evades the attack and kicks Luffy into the ground, wondering when Luffy is going to defeat
him and reminding the Straw Hat about the shrinking Birdcage. Doflamingo is confident that
within 30 minutes, the weakest Dressrosa citizens will die, and more and more will follow until
everyone will go silent. Doflamingo tells Luffy that the Dressrosa citizens will curse him with their
last breath, because if Luffy and his friends had never invaded Dressrosa everything would have
remained peaceful. Luffy refutes this, saying it had all been a facade. Doflamingo laughs, saying
Luffy had a hero complex and that the pirate would never be more than a thorn in his side.
However, Luffy states that Doflamingo had hurt his friends and that he would not let the
Shichibukai kill any one of them, activating Gear Fourth.

The citizens of Dressrosa run from the Birdcage, which is not cutting through the rubble of the
town but rather pushing it toward the center. Meanwhile, Baby 5 and the Corrida Colosseum
gladiators notice the shrinking Birdcage and Sai tells the gladiators that are still standing to get
the fallen gladiators back on their feet. As Viola, Hack, and Usopp climb down from the King's
Plateau, Viola notices that the epicenter of the Birdcage is slowly shifting towards Doflamingo's
location, meaning even the King's Plateau, which is at the center of the island, will be torn apart,
causing Usopp to get scared and tell them to move quickly.

Meanwhile, Kin’emon and Kanjuro run after Zoro, asking him where they are headed. Zoro tells
them that they are going to stop the Birdcage, shocking the two samurai. On the Flower Field,
Cavendish marvels that the dwarves managed to stitch Law's arm back on and hopes that it will
heal properly. Cavendish then tells Law that when he was in the Underground Trading Port, he
had realized that if Luffy and Law managed to defeat Doflamingo, the effects would be felt all
over the world and the two of them would become the center of the storm, and Law replies that
is what they are after.

On the palace rooftop, Luffy begins activating Gear Fourth, kicking his sandals off. He then covers
his left arm in Busoshoku Haki and blows into it, inflating the muscles and causing his arm to
assume massive proportions. Luffy continues blowing, resulting in his entire torso becoming
incredibly large. Gear Fourth: Boundman is finally activated, which causes Luffy to constantly
bounce around. Doflamingo laughs, expressing his disappointment that Gear Fourth, which he
expected to be an ace up Luffy's sleeve, was nothing more than Luffy using his elasticity to bounce
around. Luffy replies that during his two-year training on Rusukaina, this form was necessary to
subdue the beasts on it into submission. Doflamingo states that he is still confused as Luffy sinks
his fist into his body, which astonishes the Shichibukai. Luffy then releases his fist as he strikes
Doflamingo, the sheer force of which sends Doflamingo flying all the way toward the streets of

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Doflamingo's hard landing destroys several buildings and causes the fleeing Dressrosa citizens
to stare in shock at Doflamingo lying on the ground. Doflamingo slowly manages to get up, and a
Marine asks him how he got here. Doflamingo testily answers that he would also like to know,
and his barely contained rage sends the panicked citizens fleeing, though they quickly realize with
a shock that Doflamingo is on one side and the Birdcage is on the other. Doflamingo then stares
up toward the palace as he sees with a shock that Luffy is using his elasticity to fly down towards
him. Suddenly, Luffy disappears from sight, but quickly reappears behind Doflamingo as he
dropkicks the Shichibukai. The citizens stare in shock at Luffy's action and become even more
perturbed when they see Luffy bouncing down the street.

Doflamingo flies through several buildings before flying upwards in a rage, trying t o understand
Luffy's new form. Luffy quickly jumps up and attacks Doflamingo with Gomu Gomu no Culverin
Cannon, but Doflamingo manages to evade the strike and flies behind Luffy, attacking him with
Athlete. However, the kick does not penetrate Luffy's rubber body, even though it is covered in
Busoshoku Haki. Luffy then repels Doflamingo as he attacks the Shichibukai again. However, this
time Luffy redirects its path to follow an evading Doflamingo, succeeding in punching Doflamingo
in the face.

The citizens on the streets of Dressrosa are shocked as they see Luffy punch Doflamingo up in
the air. As Doflamingo is sent crashing into a building down below, one citizen wonders aloud who
Luffy is, but another replies that it doesn't matter and cheers Luffy on.

On the Flower Field, Cavendish reacts in shock to Luffy's transformation, and Law expresses mild
shock and relief at Luffy's trump card, but then states that Luffy is overusing his Haki.

On the roof of the palace, Jesus Burgess surveys Luffy and Doflamingo's fight and wonders
whether he should go after them or continue waiting. However, Koala is spying on him from
behind a broken wall, and wonders what Burgess is up to.

Meanwhile, Viola contacts Riku Dold III while climbing down from the King's Plateau. Riku asks if
Luffy's battle against Doflamingo is the only one still going on, which Viola confirms, saying that
all the executives had been defeated.

At the SMILE Factory, Franky yells to the dwarves to evacuate immediately, as the Birdcage has
reached them. As the dwarves run away, they and Franky realize that since the Factory is made
of Seastone, Doflamingo's Devil Fruit powers cannot cut through it, and the Birdcage is instead
pushing the SMILE Factory towards them. Suddenly, Franky sees Zoro, Kin’emon, and Kanjuro
riding on one of Kanjuro's sparrows. Franky asks Zoro why they are not going toward the center
of town, but Zoro tells him and the dwarves that they are going to try to stop the Birdcage and buy
everyone some time. This causes the dwarves to become awestruck, and Franky ponders Zoro's
plan when he suddenly gets an idea.

As he lies in the rubble of a building, Doflamingo tries to comprehend Luffy's new form. Luffy then
flies toward Doflamingo, intent on ending the battle before Gear Fourth's time limit ends.
Doflamingo asks Luffy how long he will be able to maintain that form as Luffy aims both his fists
at the Shichibukai. However, Doflamingo creates two thick waves of string from the ground which
block Luffy's attack, shocking the Straw Hat. Doflamingo reveals that there existed another level
of Devil Fruit ability known as "Awakening". Doflamingo then turns several surrounding buildings
into string, telling Luffy that some people's Devil Fruit abilities could awaken in rare circumstances
and give them the ability to not only manipulate their body, but their surroundings as well. Luffy

Dressrosa Dressrosa

is shocked at Doflamingo's new display of power, commenting that it was like Doflamingo was
not a Paramecia anymore.

Twenty minutes have passed since the Birdcage began shrinking, and the citizens continue to run
when an old woman trips and falls. Her granddaughter rushes to her and pleads with her to get
up before she is cut by the strings, but the old woman says that she has reached her limit and
couldn't run anymore. She tells her granddaughter to leave without her, but her granddaughter
refuses. Meanwhile, a man cries for help, pleading for the other citizens to help them carry the
patients in a hospital to safety. A woman tearfully asks if anyone has seen her missing child, while
a man sits in the middle of a road, having decided to not put up a futile fight against the Birdcage.
Suddenly, Riku activates a Den Den Mushi and broadcasts to the citizens. He reminds the citizens
that today's shocking events have not been a dream, and that for ten years they have suffered
under Doflamingo's rule. However, he tells the citizens that all the Donquixote Pirates have been
defeated save for Doflamingo himself, and Luffy is battling him right now. He reminds the citizens
that regardless of whether Luffy wins or loses, the battle will be over in a matter of minutes, and
begs his former subjects to keep running and survive, since they still have hope. Riku's words
cause the old woman to get up and run as fast as she can, along with several other hopeful

Doflamingo then states that it is time for everyone to fall, and attacks Luffy using several sheets
of string. Luffy, knowing that his time in Gear Fourth was nearly up, manages to pull in his head
and blast through a sheet of string. He then pulls back his arms, hitting Doflamingo with Gomu
Gomu no Leo Bazooka. The force of the attack sends Doflamingo flying all the way into the palace
mountain, and the citizens of Dressrosa cheer at Luffy's attack.

The citizens of Dressrosa look on in shock as they see Doflamingo remain stunned on the palace
mountain. They then begin to cheer for Luffy, whom they now recognize due to Riku Dold III's
speech. Luffy continues bouncing down the street while responding to the citizens speaking about
him. Meanwhile, Viola, Hack, and Usopp reach the streets when they hear the noise. Viola then
sees what is going on, and wonders aloud in shock if Luffy actually defeated Doflamingo. Riku
looks toward the palace in silence, and on the Flower Field, Cavendish is confident that
Doflamingo has been finished. However, Law simply tells him to look at the sky, and everyone in
Dressrosa notices with shock that the Birdcage is still up and moving.

Intent on bringing an end to the Birdcage, Luffy flies toward Doflamingo, sinking in his fist to deal
a final blow. However, before he can unleash his attack, Gear Fourth's time limit expires and all
the excess air spews out of Luffy's body, sending him crashing into the mountain and landing
back on the streets, wheezing and unmoving. Right then, Jesus Burgess leaps down from the
palace roof, announcing his plan to kill Luffy and steal the Gomu Gomu no Mi. Cavendish watches
in shock as Burgess leaps past him and Law, and Koala hurriedly tries to contact Sabo via Den
Den Mushi. Burgess then lands hard on the ground, causing the citizens to become shocked and
slowly back away. Suddenly, the palace mountain begins to crack, and the astonished citizens
realize that Doflamingo is still conscious. They try to run away from the inevitable conflict between
the three powerful pirates, but the Birdcage has shrunken so much that there is nowhere left to

Doflamingo smiles as he sees Luffy trembling on the ground, completely out of energy. Suddenly
Gatz appears by Luffy and asks if the Straw Hat recognizes him from the Corrida Colosseum. Gatz
had realized that Lucy was Luffy, and he asks the Block C winner if there was any way he could
help. Luffy tells Gatz that he needs ten minutes, since he loses the use of his Haki for ten minutes
after using Gear Fourth. Luffy knows that if he can avoid Doflamingo for ten minutes, he will be

Dressrosa Dressrosa

able to recover his Haki and deal a final attack. Doflamingo descends to the street, and Luffy
affirms to Gatz that the Shichibukai's reign will come to an end if he is given ten minutes. Gatz
then rouses up the Colosseum gladiators who originally went after Luffy's bounty instead of
helping him fight the Donquixote Pirates, with Meadows apologizing for their actions. Rolling
Logan tells Luffy that they will put their faith in Luffy as long as he does not think less of them if
they die. Gatz, carrying Luffy on his shoulder, commanded half of the fighters to protect him while
the other gladiators charge into battle against Doflamingo.

However, Burgess intercepts their retreat, shocking Gatz. Burgess then attacks Luffy and Gatz,
but he is kicked in the face by Sabo. Luffy then smiles as he sees his brother.

Sabo's kick sends Jesus Burgess crashing into the ground, and Gatz and the other citizens
recognize him as the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. Sabo tells Burgess that Luffy is his
brother and asks the Blackbeard Pirate what problem he has with Luffy. This confuses Burgess,
who also heard Ace claim to be Luffy's brother, and Sabo reveals that the three of them are
brothers. Sabo recalls the Duel at Banaro Island and states that while he won't hold Burgess and
his crew responsible for Ace's death, Burgess should know that he will protect Luffy. Burgess
angrily rushes toward Sabo, not caring about the two's relationship, but Sabo then lights his finger
on fire, and Burgess and Gatz realizes that he was the Lucy that ate the Mera Mera no Mi in the
Corrida Colosseum. Sabo then talks to Luffy, telling him that he would have his hands full with
Burgess while Doflamingo is still on the loose. Luffy tells him to not worry, knowing that Gatz and
the gladiators can buy him enough time, and expresses relief that Sabo ate Ace's Devil Fruit.
Burgess then rushes toward Sabo as Gatz carries Luffy away and throws a punch at Sabo, causing
a shockwave which destroys the building in front of him. However, Sabo turns himself into flames
and appears to the side of Burgess, attacking him with Fire Flame Dragon King. The force of the
attack blows Burgess through several buildings, and Sabo leaps after him.

Gatz continues running while carrying Luffy, and Luffy reveals after Gatz's prompting that Sabo
took his place during the Colosseum Finals. Gatz states that was against the rules, but is more
intent on having Luffy recover so that he can defeat Doflamingo. Suddenly, Gatz looks behind him
to see several buildings being uprooted and several gladiators running away as Doflamingo
massacres many of them using his awakened Devil Fruit powers. The gladiators continue pressing
on, but an enraged Doflamingo states that he doesn't have time to deal with them, yelling at Luffy
to show himself so he can give the Straw Hat regret.

The citizens of Dressrosa continue running away from the Birdcage, and they head toward the
central street, but they realize with a shock that the central street has become a battle ground as
they look with astonishment at Doflamingo's massacre.

Meanwhile, Zoro coats his swords in Busoshoku Haki and clashes against the Birdcage. A
shocked Kin’emon and Kanjuro berate Zoro for being reckless, saying that the Birdcage could not
be stopped by pushing on it. However, Zoro asks them how they know that and tells them to help
him stop it, as he could not succeed on his own. In front of the SMILE Factory, Franky tells the
dwarves to push against the Factory. Since the Factory is indestructible, Franky knows that the
dwarves pushing on it could stall the Birdcage. Meanwhile, Robin and Viola contact each other
about Zoro's plan.

On the New King's Plateau, several Donquixote Pirates stand on it, keeping the citizens away from
the plateau which is the only place they have left to go. They shoot at the citizens, stating it was
Doflamingo's plan for all the citizens to die. Suddenly, all the Donquixote Pirates are defeated by
the Colosseum gladiators who helped Luffy, all of whom are up now due to Mansherry healing

Dressrosa Dressrosa

them. Kyros tells all of the citizens to climb up the plateau, while Sai tells the other gladiators to
come with him if they have the will to fight.

Doflamingo finally loses his patience with Luffy and speeds up the Birdcage, causing Riku and
the citizens to cry out in anguish. As Zoro and Franky try to stall the Birdcage, and the gladiators
prepare to join in, it is revealed that everyone on the center street will be mass acred in three
minutes. However, Luffy still needs four minutes to recover his Haki.

There are three minutes until the Birdcage reaches the central street of Dressrosa. The Corrida
Colosseum gladiators, worrying that Luffy may not recover his Haki in time, prepare to fight
against Doflamingo and bring him down so they can stop the Birdcage. Doflamingo turns toward
them and reiterates his original promise, that if they captured Luffy he would free them.
Doflamingo then uses his awakened Devil Fruit powers to impale several of them with strings.

Meanwhile, the gladiators accompanying Gatz tell him that the Birdcage will start killing people
before Luffy recovers his Haki, but Gatz says that he would not send Luffy out while the pirate
was in no condition to fight. Suddenly, Gatz and the gladiators stop in astonishment as they see
a giant ROOM appear from the palace plateau, and Law suddenly teleports down, asking when
Luffy would regain his Haki. After Gatz tells him, Law tells Gatz to leave the rest of Luffy's
protection to him.

In Sebio, Bartolomeo activates a barrier in front of the Birdcage as the Colosseum gladiators who
originally helped Luffy push against the barrier to help Zoro slow down the Birdcage. Robin and
Leo also help, and the two are talking about the appearance of Teardelions, which are fruits that
Mansherry made from her tears. The Teardelions float through the air, and as one citizen sprains
his ankle while running from the Birdcage, he is touched by a Teardelion which instantly heals
him. Leo reveals that they will give people they touch an increase in their healing speed, and they
could help many people that way. He then confirms Robin's prompt that the Colosseum gladiators
were healed in this manner. However, Leo says that the Teardelions come with limitations, as the
effects bestowed upon the healed will eventually wear off and they will return to their original
state. As more and more injured citizens become well enough to run, Mansherry flies on Kabu,
continuing to release more tears.

On a ruined building, Hack and Usopp appear before several citizens who are all shocked to see
them there. Usopp tells all the citizens who still have strength left to go to the eastern and western
streets to help push the Birdcage. He receives some skepticism, but Usopp yells at the citizens
to believe in his friends and get moving. Meanwhile, Rebecca looks for Doflamingo, hoping to stop
the Birdcage by bringing down the Shichibukai. However, she shockingly sees Viola is already
confronting Doflamingo. Viola tells her niece to not even consider going after Doflamingo, as she
would be unable to face Kyros and Scarlett if Rebecca was killed. Doflamingo asks Viola what she
is doing here, and Viola states that it would be dishonorable for her, as a former member of the
Donquixote Pirates, to not do anything against them.

In front of the SMILE Factory, Franky and the dwarves push on the factory with all their strength.
Nearby, Zoro, Kin’emon, and Kanjuro push against the Birdcage with Busoshoku Haki-imbued
swords. Zoro states that the Birdcage is probably slowing down when suddenly he hears someone
walking behind him. The person is none other than Issho, who states that he will help them as he
clashes his sword against the Birdcage. More Marines head to help, and the citizens also lend a
hand by pushing the SMILE Factory and Bartolomeo's barrier. Suddenly, everyone realizes that
the Birdcage has stopped under their combined effort. However, it quickly begins moving again,

Dressrosa Dressrosa

but everyone gains hope from that moment and continues pressing, as the time until Luffy
recovers reaches one minute.

The people of Dressrosa continue pushing the Birdcage as it reaches the King's Plateau and
begins breaking it. Riku Dold III and Tank Lepanto rush over to the SMILE Factory and assist the
people in pushing it, and Riku commends everyone for helping save Dressrosa. This gives the
people more spirit as they continue pushing.

Elsewhere, Rebecca screams at Viola to stop attacking Doflamingo for fear of her aunt's life. Viola
does a roundhouse kick on Doflamingo, but he easily blocks it and states that he would not
hesitate to kill Viola despite her once being a Donquixote Pirate. Doflamingo then immobilizes
Viola and takes control of Rebecca, ordering her to kill Viola. Rebecca heads toward Viola against
her will, both of them imploring Doflamingo to stop.

The citizens continue running from the Birdcage, but it has shrunk so much that there is nowhere
left to go. The Colosseum gladiators continue pushing on Bartolomeo's barrier, and Kyros wonders
where Rebecca is. Right then, Gatz activates a Den Den Mushi and broadcasts himself across
Dressrosa. The citizens become shocked when they hear him and try to find out why he is
broadcasting, but Gatz continues, reminding everyone of the star of that day's Corrida Colosseum
tournament. Cavendish listens intently, when he suddenly realizes that Law is gone. Gatz then
lists the accomplishments of the aforementioned star, and everyone realizes that he is talking
about "Lucy". As Rebecca begs Lucy for help, Gatz reveals to everyone that Lucy was Monkey D.

Gatz then recalls the Donquixote Pirates' takeover of Dressrosa ten years ago by controlling Riku,
and tells everyone that Luffy has promised to knock out Doflamingo in one blow. This causes the
citizens to cheer, and Gatz taunts Doflamingo, calling him a false king and telling him that
Dressrosa would be his execution ground. Gatz then yells that it will only be ten seconds before
Luffy comes back. Meanwhile, Hajrudin succumbs to his injuries and falls as the effects of the
Teardelions wear off, followed soon by Dagama and Ideo. Mansherry cries in regret for giving
them false hope, but Kabu reassures her that she has saved many lives with her powers.

With Gatz's encouragement, the gladiators who are still standing continue pushing and the
citizens cheer on Luffy. Doflamingo finally reaches the end of his patience, however, and stabs
Gatz using a sheet of string. The countdown finally reaches zero as Gatz falls, reiterating his trust
that Luffy would defeat Doflamingo with one blow. Rebecca draws nearer to Viola, who tells her
crying niece that she would not hate her for this and that she did nothing wrong. As Rebecca
prepares to deal the blow to Viola, Viola silently apologizes. Suddenly, Law uses ROOM to switch
Luffy with Viola. Luffy intercepts Rebecca's sword with his forehead, which is covered in
Busoshoku Haki, breaking it as a result. Law then frees Viola as Doflamingo cries out Luffy's
name. The citizens then cheer at Luffy's arrival as Luffy and Doflamingo stand off once again.

As Luffy returns, the crowd goes wild. Doflamingo laughs at the theatrical entry and says he’s
barely standing. But Luffy says that it's the same with Doflamingo. Doflamingo takes the initiative,
attacking Luffy with strings. He also sends some to Rebecca, but Law saves her by switching her
location with a pile of rubble. Doflamingo realizes Law's presence in the surrounding area, and
tells him to sit there and watch.

Doflamingo then turns an entire segment of the town into strings with Ever White, and converts
them into a thousand “Flap Thread” string arrows. He attacks Luffy with the arrows. Luffy tries to

Dressrosa Dressrosa

hold off the attacks with Haki, but it proves too much for him, and some of the arrows pierces
him, slamming Luffy into a wall. Doflamingo laughs, asking Luffy if he has truly recovered his Haki.

As the fight continues, Luffy flashes back to his training with Rayleigh, Rayleigh laughs at Luffy
barely surviving an attack by a beast, and asks him what happened to the Kong Gun of which
Luffy was so proud. Luffy says the beast he fought earlier was even bigger, and his Kong Gun
proved ineffective. Rayleigh tells Luffy that Gear Fourth wears down his body too much, and that
he should come up with a better solution.

Back in the fight, Doflamingo controls the beaten Luffy and makes him walk over to him. He says
everyone should have been content being manipulated, and all this slaughter would have been
avoided. Luffy snaps upon hearing this, goes into Gear Fourth, rips apart the strings controlling
him, and leaps into the air. Doflamingo is surprised that his strings were easily cut, but soon
recovers and mocks Luffy, asking him how long his second use of Gear Fourth will last.

Leaping into the air, Doflamingo continues to mock Luffy for challenging him to an air fight. Luffy
yells at Doflamingo, telling him that his desire to control and manipulate everything in his palm
makes this place suffocating. Doflamingo responds that Luffy should blame that on his blood,
and claims that he is different from "commoners", calling them trash. He tries to capture Luffy
with Spider Nest, but Luffy blows air into his already inflated Gear Fourth muscles. Luffy readies
his King Kong Gun, while Doflamingo tries to counter with God Thread, initiating a powerful attack
consisting of 16 holy threads. But Doflamingo's attack proves ineffective against the King Kong
Gun, which crushes the threads and Doflamingo along with it.

Doflamingo is struck so severely that the lenses in his sunglasses instantly shatter and he is
hammered straight into the ground. The impact force from the King Kong Gun instantly levels the
nearby townscape, sending bystanders running in panic. Law stares at the aftermath of Luffy's
catastrophic attack and remembers the words of Donquixote Rosinante — that there are those
who call the "D" clan "God's natural enemy". Doflamingo's sunglasses fall off with the lens

After taking Luffy's King Kong Gun, Doflamingo is knocked unconscious and crashes through the
ground, landing in the underground trade port. The citizens and fighters stare in shock as an
exhausted Luffy releases his Gear Fourth state and is blasted away by the air released. However,
Law uses Shambles to switch Luffy with a rock, sending an unconscious Luffy crashing into the
ground as Viola, Rebecca, and Gatz look in astonishment.

In the Underground Trade Harbor, Doflamingo's broken sunglasses bounce away from his
unconscious body. The citizens are still unsure what has happened and demand that Gatz explain.
A weakened and wounded Gatz prepares to announce the outcome of the fight even though
warned to not over-do himself. Gatz then points out that the Birdcage is disappearing, comparing
it with the dissipation of Doflamingo's control over them. Elsewhere Zoro's group, the gladiators'
group, and Franky's group give a final push as the Birdcage finally disappears, with the force of
the final push causing the SMILE Factory to topple on its side. Gatz tearfully announces that
Dressrosa is finally free after a colossal battle between Luffy's allies and the Donquixote Pirates,
but due to his wounds and overflowing tears, he occasionally lapses into gibberish, and the
citizens shout at him to announce the winner. As Gatz bawls in anticipation, Riku Dold III
remembers Doflamingo arriving at his window ten years ago, and Rebecca remembers Luffy's
promise to send Doflamingo flying and free the prisoner gladiators. Finally, Gatz announces that
"Lucy" has won and that Dressrosa is now free from the Donquixote Pirates.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Across the island everyone is celebrating and shedding tears of joy. Franky remembers the
dwarves saying how lonesome Kyros had been when he was a toy for ten years, being unable to
cry to alleviate the pain. A smiling Kyros heads behind a piece of rubble, remembering the effort
he and the dwarves had made to dethrone Doflamingo for the past ten years, and finally cries
with joy. Although Dressrosa had been reduced to rubble, everyone on it was happy due to the
events that had transpired.

Citizens all throughout Dressrosa are seen celebrating Doflamingo's defeat and the Birdcage's

In another part of town, Sabo stands over a defeated Jesus Burgess. The Blackbeard Pirate
attempts to goad the Revolutionary into killing him, but is unsuccessful. As Sabo begins to walk
away, Burgess taunts him about Ace's final words before being handed over to the Marines; all
the while, Sabo's Den Den Mushi is ringing. The Revolutionaries are in a rush to leave the island
before the Marines show up, but are unable to contact Sabo. Burgess reveals that Ace's last
request was to withhold the details concerning his death from his little brother. Sabo loses his
temper and grabs Burgess by the head, telling him that he's spent every night thinking about how
Ace felt when he died. Burgess then attempts to stab Sabo with a combat knife hidden behind
his back, scoffing that Sabo must surely feel regret for not being there to save Ace. Sabo angrily
replies that he won't have any more regrets before finishing off Burgess with a fiery point-blank
attack. Burgess's screams are heard from the blazing inferno as Sabo remarks that while he
himself doesn't care, Ace won't forgive him.

Sabo then answers his Den Den Mushi, with Koala on the other line expressing worry over not
being able to contact him. Sabo alleviates her fears and asks if she's found the "list". Koala
confirms that she has and is instructed by Sabo to call for a ship and then meet up with Hack in
the underground trade port. Koala states that she's already at the port and is waiting for Sabo
with the others. Anticipating a reply, Koala is irritated when Sabo hangs up instead, venting her
frustration on a nearby subordinate.

The Marines scour Dressrosa, eventually finding and arresting all of the defeated Donquixote
Officers with the exception of Violet and Baby 5. They are warned to handcuff each of them with
Seastone due to most of them being Devil Fruit users (Doflamingo is wrapped in Karioseki
shackles). A Marine asks about their report to headquarters, but Maynard replies that Issho asked
them to hold off on it, much to their surprise. On Applenine Island and two other islands near
Dressrosa, Maynard broadcasts himself and reveals Dressrosa's current state, which shocks the
people on the islands. Maynard then tells another Marine to take a video Den Den Mushi to Issho.

Meanwhile, the citizens of Dressrosa begin cheering for Riku as their king again, but Riku refuses
to return to the throne. However, the citizens say that he is their rightful ruler and that they are
tired of violence. Riku warns that his family's aversion to violence has made them pushovers, but
the citizens do not care, wanting peace despite what could happen to Dressrosa. Elizabello II then
throws in his support as someone tells Riku that the leaders of neighboring countries are calling
non-stop to find out what is going on, and Riku is touched by everyone's support. Issho and several
Marines then approach Riku, and Issho states that it was because of the World Governme nt and
Shichibukai system that allowed Doflamingo to take over Dressrosa. He and the Marines then get
on their knees and bow to Riku in apology for all the World Government has done to them.

The neighboring islands are still in shock at what has transpired, and after learning all the facts,
the news that the Straw Hats and Heart Pirate Alliance took down Doflamingo is broadcast to the
rest of the world.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

As Fujitora apologizes, King Riku tells him to raise his head, but the Admiral says that it is
important for the world to see his actions, as he reveals his reason for not attacking Doflamingo
himself early on. Kyros salutes the Tontatta warriors, saying that their mission is completed, and
disbanded the army afterward, before telling them to go to the palace to help the king out. King
Riku orders Tank Lepanto to shelter the pirates and warriors in the palace, in order to prevent the
Marines from having to arrest them.

In Mary Geoise, Sakazuki learns that the false news about Doflamingo leaving the Shichibukai
was by the order of the Five Elders. He asks why the whole world had to play fool to Doflamingo’s
whim, and asks them to never do this again. The Five Elders ignore him, saying that they are not
concerned with how people think of the Marines, and that they left this task to CP-0 and blaming
Sakazuki for Kuzan joining Blackbeard. Suddenly, a Marine bursts in with the report that Straw
Hat Luffy and Law have defeated Doflamingo, with Sakazuki and the others shocked and

Somewhere in the New World, with Joker fallen, a country without weapons is forced to surrender.
Soldiers on battlefields rejoices at the end of war, while pirates are angered about the money
they have already paid to Joker and their inability to go to Dressrosa while an Admiral rema ins
there. Brokers scream at the lack of SMILE and Devil Fruits to trade, while one of the dealers
stabbed Luffy and Law's wanted posters.

Meanwhile, aboard Tsuru's ship, she and Sengoku discuss the pirate crew they have been chasing
for years. In a city, Jewelry Bonney reads a newspaper while eating stolen pizza, and praises Luffy
and Law for their actions. On a sky island, Urouge is recovering from his wounds when his crew
tells him there is a visitor. Capone Bege comments on the news, saying his friends are doing well,
and orders his men to retrieve Caesar Clown, as Big Mom’s flag is seen behind him.

Kid’s alliance eat as they discuss the news. Kid says that since Doflamingo is tied to Kaido, the
Luffy and Law alliance must be after him. As the crews celebrate the news, Killer states that their
target is Shanks.

On another island, X Drake tells his crew that his father was killed by Doflamingo, but he doesn’t
hold a grudge about it anymore. However, his comrades are more concerned about the news, and
scramble to tell Kaido that Doflamingo has been defeated and his supply of "Smiles" has been

At Dressrosa, Sakazuki and Fujitora argue over a Den Den Mushi. Sakazuki angrily tells Fujitora
that he should know what it means for him to admit fault, and that he should have reported it
before taking action. Fujitora replies if he had done so, it might have been covered up, and recalls
a time when he spoke with Smoker. Smoker told the Admiral what happened to him in Alabasta,
and that if it hadn't been for the Straw Hat Pirates, Alabasta would have become like Dressrosa,
a country ruled by pirates. But while the Marines stole the credit and covered the truth, Smoker
wishes he had been able to take action against them.

Aboard a ship, Smoker is in a hospital bed reading the newspaper. Tashigi tearfully acknowledges
how Fujitora has avenged what happened to them in Alabasta, and Smoker agrees that even if
he were an Admiral, he wouldn't have been able to do the same. The children from Punk Hazard
gather around the door, and as Tashigi takes care of them she tells them it’ll be a few more days
until they reach Vegapunk's lab.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

At Dressrosa, Sakazuki admits there were many ways he could have covered this up. Fujitora
states that he does not want to be made into a hero f or something he did not do, and that the
World Government needs to take responsibility for their actions. Sakazuki shouts that it is a
matter of credibility and trust, but Fujitora responds that if such meaningless trust is important,
it would be better not to have any. Sakazuki was angered and bans Fujitora from any of the
Marine’s bases unless Fujitora manages to bring back the heads of Luffy and Law. The admiral
responds that he was fine by that 'punishment' via a sarcastic comment.

Night falls on Dressrosa, and the Straw Hat Pirates, Law, and Bellamy have gone with Kyros to
his house to recuperate.

Sabo arrives at Kyros' house, and Robin goes to wake Luffy, but Sabo says he just wants to see
Luffy's face. Sabo reveals that CP-0 is heading back for Dressrosa and that Dressrosa would
become chaotic again in a few days, so the Straw Hats should leave soon as well. Franky and
Zoro was surprised at the fact that Luffy had another brother besides Ace. As Luffy, Usopp, Kyros,
Bellamy, and Law recover from their injuries while they are sleeping, Sabo explains how the three
of them became brothers.

He recalls the time he first met Dragon, and how he felt trapped by the nobility system on Goa
Kingdom. He then recalls his ship being shot down as he flailed in the wat er, silently screaming
for help, when suddenly Dragon grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the water. Dragon then
arrived on a Revolutionary Army ship, where he gave the critically wounded Sabo to a doctor.

Eventually, Sabo regained consciousness, but the Revolutionaries realized that he had no
memories at all, even of his own name. However, when his family lineage was revealed by Dragon,
and a member of Revolutionary suggested returning him to his family on Goa Kingdom, Sabo
immediately recoiled and attempted to dissuade them. In the present, Sabo recalls that despite
losing all of his memories, he must have still had the gut instinct to stay away from his parents.
Sabo then reveals that Ace later 'revealed' everything to him.

Two years earlier, a Revolutionary rushed in, revealing the Whitebeard War had ended and while
Emporio Ivankov was not listed among the fatalities, Ace and Whitebeard had been killed. Seeing
Ace's picture in the newspaper caused Sabo to regain his memories and start breaking d own.
Sabo then started bawling to the surprise of everyone in the room as he realized that Ace was his
brother. This caused Sabo to enter a fever-induced coma for three days. After he woke up, Koala
asked if he regained his memories and if he was going to quit the Revolutionary Army, but Sabo
denied this and asked to see Dragon. He later asked Dragon if he could look for the Mera Mera
no Mi. Two years later, Sabo entered the Corrida Colosseum and confronted Luffy, who did not
recognize him and did not know why he wanted Ace's Devil Fruit. However, Sabo called him his
little brother, causing Luffy to recognize him. Luffy leapt back in shock and embraced Sabo while
crying as Sabo expressed his relief that Luffy was still alive as well. Luffy bawled that he failed to
save Ace and watched him die before him, but Sabo said that he is thankful Luffy did not die in
Marineford as well. Sabo asked if it would be okay for him to eat the Mera Mera no Mi, which
Luffy gladly affirmed.

In the present, Sabo prepares to head off, and gives a Vivre Card he made of Luffy to Zoro, after
taking a part for himself. Sabo then bids farewell to Zoro, Robin, and Franky, saying he is leaving
Luffy in their hands. Zoro laughs, remembering how Ace said almost the exact same thing in
Alabasta. Hack then contacts Sabo, who reveals he just left the house and that he would be at
the harbor soon before hanging up. The sudden hang-up causes Hack to get angry and nearly
punch the operator. Sabo then rides away on a flock of birds towards the harbor.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

On Dressrosa, Issho rolls a one with his die. He states that this means that he and the Marines
will not go after Luffy or Law despite telling Sakazuki earlier that he would. Maynard attempts to
argue, saying they had just found the two's location and that if he would keep his word to Sakazuki
then now would be the perfect time. However, Issho tells Maynard that it is shameful to argue
after the dice has fallen.

At the Royal Palace, the Corrida Colosseum gladiators and other citizens sleep and recover as
one citizen wonders where "Lucy" is, wishing he could thank him regardless of who he really is.
Meanwhile, Rebecca rushes outside to tell Riku Dold III that the Straw Hat Pirates and Kyros were
no longer in the palace, but Riku says that they were together and would most likely come back
to the palace tomorrow. Riku then asks Rebecca if she would be ready to become the princess if
he returned to the throne, shocking her.

The next day, the Sunny crew docks at an island after narrowly escaping the Big Mom Pirates.
Caesar Clown attempts to berate the others for exploring the island and wants to stay safe on the
ship, but Sanji uses his heart as leverage to get him off the ship. Chopper tells Caesar to hurry to
the island, as they could still save a girl on the island. Caesar attempts to argue, but is berated
again by Chopper. Nami, Brook, and Momonosuke struggle to run on the unstable terrain, and
Nami trips and lands on Brook. The three are then confronted by two pirates riding an animal.
The man in front, Sheepshead, asks how they got up on the island, when he is suddenly warned
about the Eruption Rain coming.

Water spews from a mountain-like object, causing a flood that sweeps the three Straw Hat Pirates
away. Nami is forced to save Brook and Momonosuke due to both of them being Devil Fruit users,
and takes them to a nearby log. Suddenly, they are attacked by Sheepshead, who turns his hands
into sheep's horns. Brook counters his attack, wondering what sort of power Sheepshead has.
Sanji then tells Brook to keep up his guard a little more as he kicks Sheepshead with Diable
Jambe, defeating him. The girl with Sheepshead reacts in shock at his defeat, and after thwarting
an advance by Sanji, tells her other crewmates that Sheepshead has been defeated. One of them
argues that they have not found the samurai yet, but the girl tells them to report that the samurai
is not here. The floodwater begins to recede as the Sunny crew regroups, and Nami wonders
where the girl they were searching for is. As they are talking, a girl with a strange nose peeks from
behind a tree. Suddenly, Chopper yells to everyone to come to his location as the Jolly Roger on
Sheepshead's belt is focused on.

At the Kid Pirates' base, a massive collision occurs. The three pirate crews there are a stonished
and wonder if there is an earthquake or if they are being assaulted. The pirates head toward the
source and see a massive hole in the ground in the shape of a person. Basil Hawkins remembers
hearing about sky islands above them, and Eustass Kid sees in anger that the collision has
sunken one of his ships.

A few minutes ago on the Sky Island, Urouge greeted the visitor despite being warned against it.
It turned out that the person was searching for a place to die after being defeated, captured, and
tortured many times. Urouge stated that he would not stop him if that was what he truly wanted
as the man jumped off the island onto the Kid Pirates' base. This man had turned criminal, and
despite many torturings and attempted executions, none of them were successful, and no one
was capable of killing him, not even himself.

Back in the present, the man gets up, cursing that he was still alive. It is revealed that the man is
Kaido, and he shouts that Doflamingo should get ready, as with the Shichibukai's help he would
start the greatest war the world would ever see.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Three days after the battle in Dressrosa, Sengoku and Tsuru arrive on the island. Sengoku
contacts Issho and voices his surprise that Luffy is still on Dressrosa, but is told that Straw Hat
was severely injured. Sengoku then jokes to Issho about his prostration and his argument with
Sakazuki, but Tsuru tells them to be quiet and asks Issho why he is not pursuing Luffy and Law.
Issho reveals that he rolled a die to decide, causing Sengoku to erupt in laughter and Tsuru to cry
in anger. Issho says that for the past two days, the roll pointed against capturing them, but then
gives the die to Tsuru, saying that if she rolled anything but a one, they would go after Luffy and

Suddenly, Mansherry comes to the Marine encampment, asking for a donation. Tsuru and most
of the Marines fawn over her, to Maujii's anger. Mansherry reveals that even though the dwarves
are only supposed to show themselves to the Royal Family, she wanted to come and heal
everyone's wounds.

On a podium in front of the palace plateau, Gatz announces to the citizens that Riku Dold III would
return to the throne after ten years, to the audience's jubilation. Inside the palace, Elizabello II
sits with Riku and reflects how the citizens wanted wealth and power but now they just want
peace. Riku hopes that he has what it takes to make his kingdom happy before passing on the
throne to Rebecca, and a cautious Elizabello wonders if that is a good idea, remembering how
strong-willed Scarlett was. Inside the palace, Rebecca has put on a dress looking very much like
Scarlett's. An attendant reveals that she heard that Scarlett married the prince of a faraway
country and so it was necessary for her to fake her death. Rebecca grimly remembers Riku telling
her that they must pass on the lie because Kyros wants it.

Meanwhile, Kin’emon and Kanjuro ride on one of Kanjuro's birds, talking about the rumor about
Rebecca's father. The "prince" was from a country of beautiful lakes engulfed by war, but the
prince died in that war, leading Scarlett and Rebecca to live in secret in Dressrosa. They then see
Mansherry's flower medicine being sold by the Marines, and a long line has formed to get ahold
of this miracle cure. Inside a tent, Sengoku watches Mansherry create the flowers by sucking
people's blood, asking if Mansherry could take some from him next.

At Kyros' house, Zoro tells Luffy about the rumor, but Luffy reacts with a mix of anger, sadness,
rushing, hunger, and sleepiness while eating meat, annoying Zoro. Luffy attempts to shout the
truth, but Usopp tells him to go back to sleep. However, Kyros reveals that he was the one who
started the rumor, due to few knowing who Rebecca's father was. He says that he was not the
kind of person to be in the Royal Family and that the citizens knew that. Luffy cries out in anger,
but Kyros says that he sent Rebecca a letter explaining everything and that he dealt with Riku
about it too. Luffy struggles to buy it, when Kyros gets a call from Leo and Bartolomeo comes
rushing in. After Bartolomeo expresses his sheer happiness at seeing five of the Straw Hats, he
reveals that Sengoku and Tsuru have arrived. The Straw Hats react in shock, and Leo tells Kyros
that the Marines are on the move.

The die is rolled, and a six comes up. Issho then orders his men to capture the Straw Hats, Law,
and all the criminals being housed at the Royal Palace. The Straw Hats, the samurai, and Law
make arrangements to leave, but realize they do not have a ship. However, Bartolomeo tells
everyone to follow him to the harbor, as allies from the Colosseum are waiting at points along the
route, and there would be a ship there. The Straw Hats get ready to go as the Marines rush toward
Kyros' house. Bellamy reveals he can stand due to Mansherry's healing and asks Law why he
didn't kill him, and Law replies that Luffy said he was a friend. The Straw Hats, Kin'emon, Kanjuro,
Law, Bellamy, and Bartolomeo then run out of the house, hoping to not encounter Fujitora.
However, Luffy stops, saying he had something to do and promising to catch up with everyone

Dressrosa Dressrosa

later. Rebecca hears that Luffy and the others were escaping, and says sadly that she did not get
to thank him yet. Meanwhile, Issho prepares to hunt Luffy down.

Zoro warned Luffy that they are short on time and that the eastern port will be their rendezvous
point as Luffy left, although Bartolomeo said that he was pointing in the wrong direction.

In the present at the Marine camp, Bastille is discussing with his troops about the runaway pirates
and decides to call the east unit. However, the unit has been defeated by the Colosseum
gladiators, with Abdullah and Jeet trying to pose as Marines. They try tricking Bastille into not
sending reinforcements, but fail in the process. Bastille sends his men towards the eastern port,
but Cavendish, Sai, Baby 5, Hajrudin, Blue Gilly and Suleiman back up the running Straw Hats,
Bartolomeo, Law, and Bellamy go to stop the Marines. The Marines report to Bastille that all of
the criminals taking shelter in the palace have come to the east city.

Meanwhile, Luffy screams at the royal palace, telling Rebecca to show herself. Luffy's shouting
causes the Marines to notice him and give chase, and Rebecca hears his call and shows herself,
despite her attendants telling her not to consort with pirates. Meanwhile, Riku Dold III asks Tank
Lepanto to call Viola and Rebecca. The three would go to town to tell the people the Riku family
will become royalty once again, and Tank gladly obliges to his request. Luffy leaps to Rebecca's
window, scaring her attendants. Rebecca wants to thank Luffy, but he interrupts her and asks if
she is okay with Kyros leaving her forever. Rebecca remembers when Kyros, then Thunder
Soldier, gave her the letter and how she acted in shock and confusion because she did not know
who he was. Rebecca asks Luffy if he believes that Kyros thinks of her as a burden, but he replies
that he doesn't know and only wanted to ask Rebecca if she was okay with it. Rebecca reveals
that she was never okay with it and prepares to go with Luffy. The attendants and guards rise up
to stop her, and Viola tells Rebecca and Luffy to wait. However, Rebecca asks Viola a favor, and
Viola is shocked when she hears it.

Rebecca holds onto Luffy as they jump out of a hole Luffy made in the palace, while a guard tells
Riku that Rebecca has been kidnapped by a pirate. A shocked Riku shakes him while asking
which pirate did this, and the guard tells him Luffy did this. Panic occurs throughout town and the
people believe that Luffy is an evil pirate who kidnapped the princess for a ransom. Gatz is
surprised but still refuses to hate Luffy. Vice Admiral Maynard says that that was what happens
when you shelter pirates and tells his men to pursue Luffy and rescue Rebecca. The snipers try
to shoot him, but they fall down to the ground. After hearing about this Bastille asks if Haoshoku
Haki was used, but it was not since the troops are still conscious. Bastille then orders all the
Marine squads to go east to Carta. As Luffy and Rebecca race across the rooftops, he tells her
that he will leave her on the back side of the hill while leading the troops away, noting that she
will be on her own after that and reminding her that if she is caught, she will be taken back to the
palace. Rebecca then thanks him. The citizens of Dressrosa take up arms to stop Luffy and rescue
Rebecca, feeling betrayed and swearing to never trust pirates again.

In his house, Kyros thinks about what Scarlett would say while packing his belongings, saying he
left Rebecca so she could be happy as a member of the Royal Family. He departs but is stopped
at the door by a crying Rebecca. Rebecca tells him to stop lying, and Kyros reminds her that he is
a murderer. She claims she does not care for her royal status as her family and happiness are
much more important. She proudly claims she is the child of Kyros and nobody else, wanting to
fulfill her promise. Rebecca embraces Kyros, who also breaks down in tears, asking her if she is
really sure about this, but Rebecca has made up her mind and asks him to live together.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Back at the palace, Viola informs her father that Rebecca is leaving, and Viola remembers
Rebecca's request: to become princess in her place. Riku responds by laughing and remarking
that Rebecca is a lot like Scarlett.

The Straw Hats make it to the east port and take the stairs towards the coast. As Luffy runs toward
the harbor, Bartolomeo sees Fujitora coming for them.

Vice Admiral Bastille angrily asks where the reinforcements at the eastern port are, but the
Marines say that they cannot because all their weapons and ammunition are gone. Meanwhile,
the Tontattas carry away the weapons and laugh. The Marines report that their ships have stuck
to each other almost as if they were sewn together, and the Marines wonder in astonishme nt how
steel can be sewn. As the Marines find themselves unable to cut the seams due to not having
any knives, Leo is on top of the ship with his needles, standing triumphant with the other dwarves.
On the streets, the Marines that were knocked down are st ill unable to get up, making Bastille

Mansherry asks Maujii if it is all right to keep getting donations from the Marines since the
donations will cause them to collapse, but Maujii replies that that was the plan orchestrated by
Kyros. The soldiers tell Bastille they heard rumors that the strange occurences are the work of
the fairies, but the Vice Admiral doesn't believe them.

Luffy keeps running to the port while the pirates try to fend off the Marines. Bartolomeo generates
a barrier to stop Fujitora, but Sai doubts that it will really stop him.

Elsewhere, Law and Sengoku talk about Rosinante. Sengoku has a flashback of Rosinante telling
him about Law and how Law reminded him of Doflamingo as a child. Sengoku warned Rosinante
that since the Amber Lead disease is incurable, he must focus more on his current mission to
stop Doflamingo. Rosinante affirms this, saying he would not let Dressrosa fall into Doflamingo's
hands. In the present, Sengoku tells Law that Rosinante was like a son for him and that he raised
him to become a good person. While Rosinante was a firm believer of justice, he lied to Sengoku
about the fact that he was going for the Ope Ope no Mi. When he received a report about
Rosinante's death, he broke down in tears for the loss of his son. He knew that the reason why
he was lied had to be an important one.

Sengoku tells Law that four things were lost that day: the Barrels Pirates, Rosinante's life, the Ope
Ope no Mi, and the boy with Amber Lead disease. Law reveals that he was the boy and affirms
his determination for Rosinante, claiming he gave him life and heart. Law tells Sengoku that he
is a D. and asks him if he knows anything about it. After a brief second of silence Sengoku claims
that Rosinante did not do it because Law had the carrier of the "D", but because he really loved
him. He finally claims that Law should remember Rosinante and that he should keep living,
something Rosinante would have said as well.

They are suddenly interrupted by the rubble that starts floating towards t he sky. The citizens and
the pirates look up to the sky to see all the rubble float in the air and realize that Fujitora is doing
this to stop the pirates. The rubble moves towards the eastern port while Tsuru tells Bastille to
evacuate his men. Riku Dold III, Viola, Tank Lepanto, Rebecca, Kyros, and the Tontatta panic as
Law quickly makes his way towards the eastern port, telling his allies to get ready to set sail. All
the pirates run away when Usopp and Bartolomeo see Luffy arriving, telling him to dodge Fujitora.
However, Luffy keeps running toward Fujitora and attacks him with Elephant Gun. Luffy claims
that he won't run away anymore like he once did and he would face down any admiral or Yonko
in his way, as it is what the Pirate King would do.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Luffy barrages Fujitora with attacks, but tells the admiral what attack he is about to perform
beforehand. Bartolomeo gets worried about Luffy going all out on an admiral at this time, and Sai
wonders if they should provide backup. Zoro appreciates Luffy's intention, but is confused about
Luffy's change in fighting style. Fujitora manages to land a blow on Luffy, but Luffy says he will
not run away.

As he and Luffy clash again, Fujitora gets angry at Luffy for announcing his attacks because of
his blindness, saying he was a Marine Admiral known as a monster and that he would not tolerate
being patronized. Fujitora says that if Luffy was doing this just to make him angry, then he had
already succeeded, but Luffy replies that since Fujitora could not see him, he wante d to let the
admiral know how he would defeat him.

Fujitora unexpectedly laughs at this statement, causing Luffy to get angry and attack him. Fujitora
expresses amusement that Luffy was following such illogical principles as he activates a gravity
field to press on Luffy, questioning Luffy's principles during battle. He then sends Luffy flying
through the cliffs, and Hajrudin grabs Luffy with Cavendish’s help. Luffy yells to Hajrudin to put
him down, and Zoro prepares to assist in the battle, but Bartolomeo tells him there is no time
with all this on their plate.

Usopp is confused about there only being one ship in the harbor, but Orlumbus tells him to look
again, and Usopp sees several ships docked in a straight line. Hajrudin runs with the pirates
toward the ships as Luffy screams to let him go, but Fujitora grimly reflects that it is too late for
Luffy. His floating rubble would sink all their ships, and even if they somehow managed to escape,
the Yonko are already on the move and they would go after Luffy due to him taking down Joker.
Fujitora states that he made himself blind because he had seen things no one should see, and
that he might as well kill Luffy himself.

Suddenly, Fujitora hears a mob of citizens running toward the port, shouting at him to giv e
Rebecca back. Fujitora attempts to stop them, saying he would take care of the criminals, but the
citizens brushed him off and told him they would go after the pirates themselves. However, none
of the citizens are angry as they yell threats at Luffy. Abdullah and Jeet wonder what the citizens
want, and as the citizens run, one of them gets confused because they know Rebecca was
discovered living with Kyros.

However, the citizens tell him that they already knew that, and they also knew Rebecca's true
heritage as well as the truth about the fairies. They stated their true intention to protect the pirates
from Fujitora and let them escape as they resumed their false threats. Fujitora begins wondering
what Luffy was really like, wishing he was not blind so that he could see the pirate. Fujitora then
retreats, prompting Bastille to ask him how long he would keep the rubble up in the air.

At the port, Bartolomeo introduces the Yonta Maria, and the pirates look on in awe at the massive
ship before getting on board. On the ship, Hajrudin tells Luffy that he had four mercenary giant
friends and together they would reunite the giant tribes and reform the legendary Giant Warrior
Pirates. Luffy reacts happily as Usopp becomes awestruck, voicing his desire to go to Elbaf .

Orlumbus then offers his 56-ship fleet, and Leo says that he and the dwarves had gotten
permission from the chief to be included by the Straw Hat Pirates, confusing them. Ideo, Blue
Gilly, Abdullah, and Jeet, who have banded together, also throw in their support as Suleiman
states his intention to join Cavendish on his ship and crew.

Dressrosa Dressrosa

Luffy gets confused, saying the pirates could do whatever they wanted, but Orlumbus tells him
they reached an agreement in the palace on an order: First would come the Beautiful Pirates led
by Cavendish, then the Barto Club led by Bartolomeo, then the Happo Navy led by Sai. After that
would come the XXX Gym Martial Arts Alliance represented by Ideo, then the Tontatta army led by
Leo, then the fledgling Giant Warrior Pirates led by Hajrudin, and finally the Yonta Maria Grand
Fleet led by Orlumbus. In all, 5600 people are at the ready, and Bartolomeo asks Luffy to
exchange sake cups so they will be like parent and child. This confuses Luffy, so Bartolomeo asks
him if the seven crews can become subordinate crews of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy refuses the crews' offer, saying he did not like alcohol, which shocks all of them. Bartolomeo
shouts at him that because of this incident they would be hunted by powerful people, and in order
to become the Pirate King he would need a powerful fleet to help him take over the world.
However, Zoro tells him to let Luffy be since he did not do those kinds of things and asks if he
can drink the alcohol instead, to Bartolomeo's ire. Orlumbus asks Luffy what he did not like about
the arrangement, knowing that Luffy would certainly need them one day. Luffy responds that it
was too uptight, shocking the crews even more, as Luffy catches the scent of food. Cavendish
and Sai get offended and say that Luffy should be honored to have them serving under him, as
Ideo decides to force Luffy to drink the sake while he eats, which annoys Usopp greatly. Luffy then
shouts that he wanted to be the Pirate King, not a big-shot, confusing the crews as well as Law
as the Straw Hat Pirates look on in amusement. Luffy tells the crews that if they were ever in
trouble, they would call for the crews to help them. There would be no need for the parent -child
system since the Straw Hat Pirates would come to any of the crews' aids and vice versa, bonded
by their battle against Doflamingo. Bartolomeo realizes that Luffy's idea of a Pirate King is not an
important person, but rather someone who is free, and he begins to cry.

Suddenly, the Yonta Maria comes under cannon fire, but Leo knows that the Marine battleships
are incapable of attacking. The leader of the attackers shouts out to bring Luffy out so they could
kill him, as he ruined a crucial negotiation they were having with Doflamingo. Orlumbus entrusts
his crew to handle the situation. The leader of the attackers reveals they formed a fleet alliance
to take him down and resume negotiations with Riku Dold III, ordering his men to fire. On the
Yonta Maria, the seven captains admire Luffy's resolve and decide to drink the sake e ven if Luffy
will not. As the Yonta Maria comes under fire, a member of the Grand Fleet warns the citizens of
Dressorosa to flee, but they tell him Fujitora will drop the rubble if they do so. However, the rubble
begins dropping on the enemy ships, which Fujitora says is a parting gift to Luffy.

On the Yonta Maria, the seven captains pledge their allegiance to Luffy and drink from their sake
cups, shocking Luffy. The crew members then get everything set for the banquet to celebrate the
formation of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Luffy angrily shouts that he did not get to drink any of the
sake, but Sai tells him that that is how it should be since they selfishly pledged allegiance to him,
while Luffy would have no obligations toward them. Luffy then races off to eat as the subordinate
captains happily talk among themselves.

The Marines watch on in shock as the rubble rains down without hitting any of the Straw Hats'
ships, and Fujitora is revealed to be intentionally missing them. Knowing he should not do it,
Fujitora shouts his gratitude to the Straw Hats for helping the World Government in Dressrosa.
However, Sengoku comes up behind him and reveals he heard that, embarrassing Fujitora.
Meanwhile, Rebecca and Kyros watch the fleet escape, and Rebecca wonders if she will ever
meet Luffy again. She then grasps Kyros's bare hand, commenting that it feels warm. Kyros
affirms this, remembering how he was unable to feel warmth as a toy, and begins crying again.
Back on the Yonta Maria, Luffy gives a toast during the banquet, saying it was time to celebrate

Dressrosa Dressrosa

their victory over the Donquixote Pirates. As the party goes on, it is foreshadowed that the Straw
Hat Grand Fleet will be responsible for a pivotal event that will happen in the future.

CP-0 has reached the Dressrosa Royal Palace, and an agent reports to their fellow agent Rob
Lucci that they could not find the smuggling list but it was clear that things were stolen. Lucci
confirms to the agent that it could only be the Revolutionary Army that stole the weapons, and his
fellow agent Spandam remarks on how annoying the Revolutionaries were, but Lucci replies that
he was just as annoying. Meanwhile, Viola dances before the citizens as the narrator comments
that the dark history of Dressrosa has come to an end, and peaceful days are about to return now
that Riku is king again. Riku reveals the existences of Gancho and Mansherry to the public, and
they are met with cheering as Leo gives blueprints to a human in the hopes of making something.
In the palace, Riku notices that the Reverie will happen soon and Tank comments that other
countries were already preparing. The harmonious day continues on Dressrosa as Rebecca drops
by the market and the citizens build statues of Monkey D. Luffy and Usopp. The time has come
for the people to live alongside the dwarves.

On a Marine ship out at sea, Fujitora tells Sengoku that he'll be heading off on his own due to
failing to capture Luffy and Law. Sengoku tells him that Sakazuki would probably be lenient if
Fujitora apologized, but Fujitora tells him that his pride was too strong. Below deck, Tsuru
converses with Donquixote Doflamingo in the brig. Doflamingo tells her that Fujitora should have
worked with him to eliminate Luffy and Law because he had everyone under control. Tsuru tells
him to stop whining because he lost and that scenario would never happen. Tsuru asks him what
will happen to the pirates under his control, and Doflamingo gleefully answers that there were
many parties set out to control the world, including the mysterious Family of D., and that Mariejois
should be ready to lose their high positioning. Doflamingo says that there could only be one top
power on the seas, and the greatest war in history would soon begin.

Meanwhile, a pirate associated with Kaido looks out at the four Marine ships containing
Doflamingo. He tells his captain Jack that it would be impossible to rescue him and asks him if
they should return. However, Jack brushes the question off and tells him that they would do it
regardless because of who he was.

Elsewhere, the Straw Hat Pirates react in shock and outrage when they see the Barto Club’s ship,
the Going Luffy-senpai. Bartolomeo and Gambia admire Luffy's Vivre Card before the entire crew
swoons in Luffy's presence. Luffy remembers how Bellamy and the captains of the Straw Hat
Grand Fleet each took a piece of the Vivre Card before departing. Law tells Bartolomeo to set sail
for Zou, and Usopp and Franky wonder if Sanji and the others are already there. Suddenly, Zoro
notices with a shock while reading the newspaper that their bounties have gone up. Bartolomeo
beckons the Straw Hats inside so they could see their wanted posters, telling Law, whose poster
he had thrown away, that he was now worth B500,000,000. Bartolomeo then presents the
framed posters, each of them with updated pictures. Franky gets angry that Usopp now had a
bounty over B100,000,000 and he did not, and the Straw Hats notice that Sanji’s poster now has
a photo of him instead of a sketch. Bartolomeo reveals that the gladiators who took part in the
fight against Doflamingo had their bounties increase by B50,000,000 before pointing out
something peculiar on Sanji's poster: he is wanted "Only Alive".

Yonko Zou


s large hailstones rain down on the Going Luffy-senpai, managing to put a hole in the
deck, Bartolomeo tells Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates to go below deck,
but Luffy says they will help the Barto Club and Franky questions who their navigator
is. However, Bartolomeo reveals that they do not have one due to originally being a land-based
gang, outraging Usopp, and Gambia calls his grandmother to ask her what they should do;
Gambia's grandmother merely tells them to use the hail to freeze the pieces of gum on the deck
and treat their warts, further angering Usopp. With the Straw Hat Pirates cursing the Going Luffy-
senpai and wishing it was equipped like the Thousand Sunny, Roronoa Zoro tells Bartolomeo to
put up a barrier, but Bartolomeo says that they were told it was a sin to defy nature, prompting
an irritated Zoro to wonder how the Barto Club ever got this far in the New World. Despite this,
Bartolomeo expresses confidence that they will have nothing to fear on their dangerous journey
as long as the Straw Hat Pirates were on their ship.

At Marine Headquarters, Kizaru receives a report that the A.O Pirates, who formerly served under
the Whitebeard Pirates, have been annihilated by the Shichibukai Edward Weevil. The Marine
states that this is the sixteenth Whitebeard crew that was annihilated, and it went the same way
as usual by petty arguments turning into rampages. He reports that 600 people died from the
attack, and asks Kizaru if it was right for them to ignore Weevil's crimes since he was a
Shichibukai. However, Kizaru says that being the son of Whitebead is a powerful title and there
is very little chance of it being valid. However, it was doubtless that he was an incredibly powerful
pirate, reminiscent of Whitebeard in his youth.

On an island, Weevil stands before the city he destroyed and the pirates he killed, saying those
pirates could never be considered sons of Whitebeard. His mother, Bakkin, affirms his statement
and tells him that the Whitebeard Pirates were only pretenders; Weevil, as his only blood relative,
was his only true son. Bakkin announces herself to be the one who stole Whitebeard's heart and
whips Weevil in the leg, telling him to pull himself together. Bakkin pulls out a picture of
Whitebeard, which Weevil initially mistakes for a mirror, and she tells him that since they
resembled each other so much that they were certainly related by blood. After forgiving her son,
Bakkin tells him that their next mission was to hunt down the stragglers of the Whitebeard Pirates,
starting with Marco. Bakkin tells Weevil that Whitebeard should have left a vast inheritance f or
him, and as Whitebeard's only biological son he was the true beneficiary. However, Weevil states
his desire to get revenge on Blackbeard for killing his father, but Bakkin tells him there would be
no monetary profit in that. Bakkin then receives a newspaper from a News Coo and gasps in
shock. She reveals that Luffy brought down Doflamingo, and Marco and the others protected him
during the Whitebeard War. Weevil thinks that Luffy might know Marco's location and decides to
get it out of him.

One week later, the Going Luffy-senpai sails through a thick fog, and the members of the Barto
Club begin to get seasick. The lookout reports to Bartolomeo that he has spotted something that
could be a mountain or a monster. The lookout reports that the mass is moving, causing Luffy to
get excited and forcing Usopp to restrain him. Law reveals that his Vivre Card was pointing
towards the mass, recounting a tale he heard about an island that wards away visitors with fog
and ocean currents. The pirates then see Zou and react in shock, getting ready to turn around.
However, Law tells them to stay there, as Zou is actually a land resting on the back of a giant

Yonko Zou

elephant. Law says that Log Poses could not lead there since it is moving, and he had never been
to the island before, but Sanji's group might have already reached there. Law prepares to
disembark and asks Bartolomeo for provisions. Kin’emon and Kanjuro are in awe of the island,
and Kanjuro recounts tales he heard of a tribe residing there that hates humans, which Law
confirms is the Mink Tribe who has not had any contact with humans for over 1000 years. Luffy
is shocked to know that this elephant has been alive for that length of time.

The Going Luffy-senpai docks at one of Zou’s legs next to the Thousand Sunny, and Bartolomeo
screams in excitement at seeing the Straw Hat Pirates' ship. Bartolomeo begins worshiping it, to
Zoro and Usopp's ire, and the Straw Hats, along with Law, Kin’emon, and Kanjuro, board the
Sunny. They see no trace of the crew on board, and so prepare to go ashore. Bartolomeo asks if
they need anything else as he prepares to leave despite wanting to continue tagging along. The
Barto Club then tearfully departs from Zou, promising to serve the Straw Hat Grand Fleet as best
they can. However, the Straw Hats ignore them as they look at Kanjuro drawing something, but
the Barto Club feels happy regardless. Kanjuro then brings his "Climbing Dragon" out of the
ground, although the pirates note that it looks nothing like one. Kanjuro tells everyone to grab the
dragon's back as it grabs the elephant's leg, and Usopp is shocked that the dragon cannot fly. As
he grabs hold of the dragon, Luffy thanks Bartolomeo, addressing him by name. This causes the
Barto Club to celebrate as they depart.

At the Revolutionary Army's headquarters in Baltigo, Dragon is told that rebel armies across the
world are winning their fights. Dragon notes the impact Doflamingo's defeat has had on these
countries, being surprised that so many countries were using illegal weapons. However, he tells
the reporter that the rebels should not lose their will to fight, and they should be mindful of Cipher
Pol, which is growing stronger. Koala then reports to Dragon that the weapons they stole from
Dressrosa contained traces of a special mineral, which Dragon reveals is Liquor Iron Ore. Koala
is surprised, since only a few countries mine it, and knows they could use this information to get
close to the manufacturers of these weapons. Koala thanks Dragon for helping them find Luffy
and their lost comrades on Dressrosa, and Dragon asks about Robin. Koala reveals that the
rumors about her capture on Sabaody were false, and asks Dragon if he will ask about Luffy, but
Dragon dodges it by saying Sabo already told him.

Somewhere in the New World sail two ships with the Blackbeard Pirates' Jolly Roger. In one ship,
Laffitte takes a call from Jesus Burgess, saying they had stopped by Dressrosa to pick him up but
he was nowhere to be found. Shiliew expresses his surprise that Burgess was still alive, and
Burgess reveals that he stowed away on a certain ship. He tells Laffitte to tell Blackbeard to bring
everyone and attack his current location, as they could get their hands on a large stockpile of
weapons, and also to bring Doc Q to treat his injuries. Shiliew yells at Burgess to tell them his
location, and Burgess does not know the name of the island, but reveals that the Revolutionary
Army headquarters is there.

Meanwhile, in the Buggy District of Karai Bari Island, the members of the Pirate Dispatch
Organization celebrate due to their pirate mercenary business skyrocketing now that
Doflamingo's business is no more. Buggy shouts at them to pillage and plunder after the party,
because since he was a Shichibukai everything they did was legal. Mohji then tells Buggy t hat
Hajrudin has quit their business, but Alvida replies that it does not matter because they have four
other giant mercenaries. However, Mohji reveals that all five of them have quit, shocking Buggy.
He demands to know their reason for leaving, and Mohji hesitates due to knowing Buggy would
not want to hear the answer.

Yonko Zou

The Straw Hat Pirates continue riding Kanjuro's dragon up Zou's leg, and Usopp complains that
his arms are tiring yet there is still no sight of the peak. Luffy then asks Kin'emon and Kanjur o
what business they have on Zou, and Kanjuro reveals that they wanted to check on Momonosuke
and to see whether their last comrade has landed here: a ninja named Raizo. The Straw Hats and
Law react in shock to the news that he is a ninja, when suddenly Robin notices something falling
toward them from above.

The Straw Hat Pirates, Law, Kin’emon, and Kanjuro react in shock at the thing falling toward them,
which turns out to be a monkey wearing clothing. The monkey makes a chattering sound which
Kanjuro believes is from Raizo, although his eyes are closed and he does not see who it really is.
On Luffy's command, the Straw Hats and Law lean to the side to avoid the falling monkey.
However, Kin'emon and Kanjuro are playing around and cannot see, so the monk ey hits them
and knocks them off the dragon. The Straw Hats are shocked to see this, and they wonder what
exactly had fallen onto them. Luffy says that they need to save the two samurai, when Kin'emon's
voice rings out. Kin'emon tells the pirates to go on ahead and he will rejoin them soon, Robin
states that at first she saw a man full of blood with knives pierced in him and at some point she
saw a monkey. although Luffy is intent on going back regardless. The Straw Hats tell the dragon
to turn around, but when they see how much it is suffering they are sympathetic towards it and
continue upward to put it out of its misery. Suddenly, Franky hears an unfamiliar voice down below
shouting that unauthorized entry is not permitted.

Finally, the Straw Hats near the top of the elephant, and they cheer on the dragon, which they
have named Ryunosuke. They finally reach the top, and Ryunosuke reverts to a painting much to
the sadness of everyone except Zoro and Law. Usopp shouts at them for disregarding
Ryunosuke's hard work, but Zoro says that now is not the time to dwell on the past. The Straw
Hats then head towards the gates, expressing surprise that an entire civilization dwelled up here
while noting that there are no guards at the gate. Luffy has already climbed up one of the guard
towers and expresses his awe at the civilization that lies beyond, which had forests, rivers, and
towns. Suddenly, Usopp notices something, but is cut off when Luffy jumps off the wall into the
civilization. Robin asks Zoro if they should wait for Kin'emon, but Zoro says they should not before
walking through the wide-open gate. However, Law notes the damage around it, as though
someone busted it open. The Straw Hats also see that the forest contains destruction, although
Zoro is firm on pressing forward despite Usopp's objections.

In the forest, a girl spies on the Straw Hats, realizing that Bariete must have been taken out for
them to enter unauthorized. Luffy runs with excitement into the town, shouting the names of the
Sunny crew. Franky notes that there is no sign of gunpowder or gas to suggest how the destruction
happened, and Usopp asks why they can't explore a peaceful island. Suddenly, Usopp hears a
noise, and Zoro steps forward to confront the girl rushing toward them. Zoro slashes at the girl,
but she dodges him and levitates over him before using her rabbit claws to clash with one of his
swords. However, another woman rides in on a beast and tells the girl, named Carrot, to stop. The
other person tells Carrot to leave them alone because they need to deal with the intruders at the
Whale's Forest. Law confirms that the two creatures are of the Mink Tribe, when Usopp notices
in shock that the second Mink is wearing Nami's clothes.

Zoro wonders what kind of weapon Carrot has that shocked him, as Carrot reacts in shock to the
report of invaders in the Whale Forest, saying they would anger the Guardians. Franky wonders if
the Minks are human or animal, and Usopp yells at the Canine Mink, named Wanda, asking her
how she got Nami’s clothes. Robin wonders if the Mink Tribe ate their crewmates, causing Usopp
to yell at her for her negativity. Carrot then leaps high into the air, shocking Franky and causing
Usopp to cower in fear. Wanda asks her what she sees, and Carrot reports that the chaos is

Yonko Zou

happening just outside of Crow City in the Whale Forest. Wanda gets ready to ride there and tells
Carrot to climb on her steed Wany. She then shouts at the Straw Hats, giving them directions to
get to the Right Belly Forest where they would find the corpses of their friends.

This causes the Straw Hats to panic, and Wanda and Carrot ride away. Carrot asks if they will be
all right, knowing they would be in for a shock, but Wanda states that what has happened has
happened. She knows that the invader is likely Luffy, and the Guardians will show him no mercy
despite him being the Straw Hats' captain. The Straw Hats continue panicking over the alleged
death of their crewmates, but Zoro reassures them that Sanji would not let his group die. Robin
asks Law if he has any way to contact his crew, and Law denies this, saying he did not expect to
see his crew again. However, he realizes that he has Bepo’s Vivre Card in his pocket. Usopp asks
Law if Bepo is a Mink, which Law affirms, though he says that Bepo left Zou when he was young
and has no memories of his homeland. The pirates decide to keep pressing onward into the city,
rather than doing what Wanda told them to.

At the Whale Forest, Bepo shouts at a Bull Mink, Roddy, to stop attacking Luffy as he was a friend.
However, Roddy says that he is still an intruder as he and Luffy butt heads. Blackback, a Gorilla
Mink, wonders why the "Electro" is not affecting Luffy. Jean Bart prepares to use brute force to
break up the fight, but Blackback hits him away. The other members of the Heart Pirates panic at
the chaos, when suddenly Wanda and Carrot come riding in, throwing a cape at Roddy and
bananas at Blackback to pacify them. Luffy is shocked to see Wanda, and she tells him that they
do not want to fight; the Guardians will stop attacking if Luffy stops as well. Luffy expresses his
confusion about the island's inhabitants, saying that the Guardians had ambushed him. Wanda
asks the Guardians to retreat, having to shout at the ones hiding in the shadows, and Luffy is
shocked that he had been surrounded. Luffy talks with the Heart Pirates, although his usage of
Law's nickname confuses them until he explains it. The Heart Pirates get excited to see their
captain again.

As the Straw Hats explore the ruined city, Robin realizes that an invasion occurred recently, as
there were still signs of life. Franky thinks the cuprit is not entirely human, as large claw marks
are on the buildings. There is also a footprint the size of a normal elephant's on the ground, and
Law wonders if the destruction occurred due to a falling out between Minks. Robin knows that
sometime in the last two weeks, this country fell into ruin, and Luffy receives the same information
as he stands outside of the city with Wanda and the Heart Pirates. Wanda reveals that Jack is the
one who laid waste to the country, and the ground suddenly begins shaking as the Eruption Rain
is about to come. Wanda tells Luffy to get on Wany and she would take him to see his friends.
Luffy is relieved that Sanji and the others are still alive, although Wanda does not say a word
about it.

Wanda shouts that the Eruption Rain is coming as Zou lifts up its trunk and sprays out water. The
Straw Hat Pirates and Law are shocked to see the ball of water coming toward them, and Robin
says that they need to get to higher ground. The water then splashes down, flooding the streets.
Meanwhile, Kin’emon Kanjuro, and the monkey that knocked them off the dragon are riding up
Zou's leg on a cat Kanjuro drew. Kin'emon questions why Kanjuro chose a cat, and the samurai
responds that cats are good at climbing trees. Suddenly, the Eruption Rain overflow pours down
Zou's leg, and Kanjuro says that the cat will melt if touched by the water, shocking Kin'emon and
the monkey.

At the Whale Forest, Luffy expresses his astonishment at the rain as Wany swims through the
flood. Wanda says that the Eruption Rain is not really rain at all, but is seawater that the elephant
uses to bathe itself. She reveals that the water would be collected in aqueducts, and Carrot says

Yonko Zou

that fish are also sucked up and blown out, giving them a reliable source of food. Bepo hangs on
a branch, telling Luffy that he was stuck in the forest and asks the Straw Hat to tell Law to meet
him and the other Heart Pirates. Carrot tells Luffy as she nibbles on him that although Bepo was
a native of this island, he was still a pirate and was under the care of Nekomamushi.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hat Pirates manage to get on the roof of a building, although Usopp goes
to the highest tower and cries in fear at the flood. Robin and the others deduce that this must be
Zou bathing itself and that the inhabitants had adapted the city to it. Usopp puts on his goggles,
wanting to find the others and leave the island as soon as possible. Suddenly, he sees Luffy riding
alongside Carrot and Wanda, although he thinks Carrot is eating Luffy as she continues nibbling
on him, and gets scared. As they ride by the city, Wanda looks at the crosses and remembers
Jack torturing someone, threatening to destroy the country if the person does not bring someone
else to him. Luffy asks who the destroyer's name was, and Wanda reveals that the destroyer was
Jack. However, he had been reported as dead in the newspaper. During Jack's mission to rescue
Doflamingo, he managed to sink two of the Marine ships, but was ultimately no match for Fujitora
and Sengoku. However, Wanda reveals that the obituary did not confirm Jack's death, and so he
may still be alive.

The three get closer to the fortress, and Wanda assures Luffy that she told his crewmates how to
go there. Right then, Law uses his powers to teleport the Straw Hats in front of Luffy and the
minks. Usopp threatens Wanda, causing her to get exasperated at their lack of understanding.
Wanda shows the Straw Hats the Right Belly Fortress and its two gatekeepers, who look at the
pirates suspiciously and wonder if they are the invaders. Wanda tells them that Luffy had just
gotten lost in the Whale Forest without ringing the Welcome Bell, and orders one of them to
announce to everyone that the Straw Hat Pirates have arrived; the mink is shocked to hear the
name. Inside the fortress, Nami is sleeping on a large sheep mink before being woken by Chopper,
who reveals their crewmates have arrived. Nami and the sheep mink are happy to hear this, and
Wanda announces the Straw Hats' arrival to the other minks. The minks cheer and welcome the
Straw Hats, to their surprise, and Usopp asks Wanda if they really hate humans. However, Wanda
replies that they would judge them on their character, not their species. Chopper and Nami then
come racing toward their crewmates and happily embrace them, and Usopp asks if Sanji, Brook,
and Momonosuke are all right. However, as Nami embraces Luffy, she starts crying and starts
telling him something about Sanji.

On the Thousand Sunny docked at Zunisha’s left foot, Kin’emon, Kanjuro, and the monkey give
up on climbing up to Zou and decide to try again tomorrow. At the Right Belly Fortress, Zoro happily
receives some Monkey Wine, but gets annoyed by all the minks playing with him. He argues with
the minks, who claim that they do this habitually. Suddenly a shout rings out, and a happily tearful
Brook runs over to his crewmates. Luffy happily greets him, and Brook apologizes for what
happened to Sanji, also revealing that Momonosuke was cooped up in his room due to a conflict
with the minks, though he says that could be for the best. The Straw Hat Pirates gather around
each other, and Luffy asks where Kin’emon was. However, Brook warns him to not mention
samurai or Wano Country here, or they may incur the minks' wrath. Before Luffy can asks why, a
mink finds Brook and refers to him as "Baron Corpse". Zoro then realizes that when Wanda talked
about the bodies of his crewmates, she was referring to Brook, and Wanda confirms this, saying
they did it to show affection.

Chopper asks Luffy where Law is, and Luffy says he is in the Whale Forest. Nami asks Luffy and
Zoro what they should do about Sanji, but they simply respond (to Nami's frustration) that Sanji
had not been captured, and that his "note" did not indicate anything of concern. Franky then
interrupts, saying that he and the others that had just arrived were very confused about the

Yonko Zou

situation, and Robin asks Nami to tell everything that happened to her group in the last 11 days.
Nami consents and tells about what happened after they encountered the Big Mom Pirates.

The Sunny crew was confronted by the Big Mom Pirates, led by Pekoms, Tamago, and their ally
Capone Bege. The news that Bege has allied with Big Mom shocks the Straw Hats. Their target
was Caesar Clown, and the Sunny could not outrun them. Brook suggested they use Coup de
Burst, but no one knew how to operate it. The Gaon Cannon was suggested, but was also shot
down. The Big Mom Pirates fired several cannons, and Brook used Soul Solid to freeze the
cannonballs. Chopper then collected them in Caesar's solidified gas form and threw it upward,
where Sanji was waiting. Sanji then used Diable Jambe to kick the cannonballs at the ship,
shocking the Big Mom Pirates as a huge explosion occurred. Nami then created a rain cloud to
fog up the area, causing the Big Mom Pirates to lose sight of them.

The Straw Hats react in awe at this feat, and Robin asks Nami when they docked on Zou. Nami
says that they reached it the day afterwards, 10 days before the present. Robin notes that this
happened after the city was destroyed, and Wanda confirms this, but states that if they had not
arrived, everyone in Mokomo Dukedom would likely have been wiped out. Franky notes that her
injuries look recent, and Wanda prepares to tell them everything about Jack's invasion. Suddenly,
a mink hangs from the doorpost and reports that the prince has awakened, which causes the
Minks to celebrate. A happy Chopper raced out to check on him, followed by two minks named
Miyagi and Tristan. The messenger reports that the prince, Inuarashi, would like to meet the Straw
Hat Pirates. Wanda happily obliges and asks the Straw Hats if they would like to come, although
Luffy asks who Inuarashi is. Wanda reveals that he is one of the two kings of the Mokomo
Dukedom along with Nekomamushi; he is the King of Dawn while Nekomamushi is the King of
Dusk. Inuarashi had been in a coma ever since the city was destroyed.

Meanwhile, Law meets up with his crew, who is excited to see him and asks about what happened
on Dressrosa. As they walk toward the prince's quarters, Wanda reveals that the invasion started
17 days ago. The minks thought the Welcoming Bell had been rung for the first time in a while,
but it was actually the Raid Bell that was ringing. Zunisha howled and began to shake as a giant
mammoth entered the city, ordering the minks to hand over Raizo of Wano Country.

Seventeen days ago the minks reacted in shock to a mammoth appearing as the guard monkey
rang the Raid Bell, shouting that pirates have broken through the gate and taken out the guards.
The minks told the mammoth that they have never heard of Raizo and asked him to leave.
Sheepshead mocked the minks as one of them told the mammoth to state his name, which
angered the pirate. Sheepshead told them that the mammoth was Jack the Drought, Kaido ’s
right-hand man and one of three people known as the Calamities. Sheepshead, the Gifters
Headliner, told the minks to hand over Raizo or forfeit their peaceful existence, but Monjii refused,
saying Jack would have to search peacefully. However, Jack responded by swinging his trunk,
leveling several buildings. Jack stated that he did not come to talk and once again demanded
that Raizo be brought to him. The minks refused yet again, and Jack ordered the Pleasures to lay
waste to the country. However, the Pleasures were easily repelled by minks young and old using
Electro. Monjii told Jack that every mink was a born warrior and could defend themselves, saying
they had powerful warriors and that it would be wiser to talk with the duke. However, Jack refused
and sent the Gifters to fight, and the minks were shocked by the Gifters' animal-like traits.

In the present, Usopp is shocked that the attackers were underlings of Kaido, and Wanda states
that she still does not know how they got onto the island. Luffy is excited to hear about a
mammoth, causing Usopp to berate him, and Brook tells his crewmates that the event is why they
should not mention the samurai. However, Luffy says that he is sad that the ninja Kin’emon

Yonko Zou

mentioned was likely not on the island, shocking and angering his crew. Wanda asks with
suspicion if Luffy is privy to something about Wano Country, but Brook denies this as he and the
others beat Luffy up. They then reach the duke's sanatorium, and Wanda says they can continue
the discussion later.

A ruckus is occurring at the sanatorium, with a mink named Sicilian throwing several minks into
a bottomless pit. Wanda rushes to him to see what the problem is, and Sicilian stat es that he
threw some minks into the pit because they were talking about sweet things in his presence. The
remaining minks apologize to him as Wanda reveals that she has brought the Straw Hat Pirates,
causing Sicilian to immediately bow and thank them for saving the country. Sicilian then opens
the doors to where Duke Inuarashi waited on his bed, and Inuarashi greeted and thanked the
Straw Hats. Luffy commented that the duke looked very strong, but Inuarashi rebuffed this, saying
a defeated person could not receive that honor. However, Wanda argues that they had the upper
hand until Jack brought a weapon into Mokomo Dukedom, and Chopper reveals to a confused
Luffy that Jack used Caesar’s poison gas weapon to destroy the country.

Luffy questions the usage of Caesar's gas weapon as Inuarashi looks at Brook and drools. Brook
sees this and gets scared, but Inuarashi promises to wait until the pirate recovers from his
injuries, though Brook is not fine with that either. Robin notes that Caesar must produce the
weapons, Doflamingo distributes them, and Kaido receives them. However, Inuarashi changes
the subject when he notices Luffy's straw hat, saying that he and Nekomamushi once sailed the
seas and met Shanks. Luffy is excited to hear this, but to his shock Inuarashi is asleep. Wanda
explains that Inuarashi rules the Mokomo Dukedom during the day while Nekomamushi rules
during the night due to the antagonistic relationship between the two. Usopp asks why their
relationship is like that, but Wanda does not know, and says that the two used to be inseparable
friends. Relations became so unbearable that the two split their working hours; Inuarashi ruled
from 6:00 in the morning to 6:00 at night, and Nekomamushi would take over until 6:00 in the
morning came again. The Straw Hats notice that Miyagi and Tristan are asleep as well, and Sicilian
says that all the minks in the fort are affected by this schedule, with the minks in the Whale Forest
taking over everything, including combat duties.

As Sicilian falls asleep, he remembers Jack's invasion 17 days ago. As Jack and the Gifters
rampaged, the Musketeer Squad arrived and began a counterattack. One of the Gifters turned
his hand into a wolf's head and attacked Wanda, but was stopped by Sicilian, who arrived with
the other Inuarashi Musketeers. The Musketeers were then told to fall back as Inuarashi rode in,
ordering the Beasts Pirates to stop their attack at once. To the minks' shock, Inuarashi threw
down his sword and openly told Jack that the pirate could search the island for Raizo if he ceased
attacking. However, Jack refused and swung his trunk at the duke, causing the minks to gasp in
fear. However, Inuarashi easily stopped Jack's attack, and the Beasts Pirates were shocked that
the minks were putting up a fight, but were confident in their captain because he was worth B1
billion. Jack told Inuarashi that he would only stop attacking once Raizo stood before him and
that he loved destruction.

Giving up on reasoning with the pirate, Inuarashi picked up his sword as the Eruption Rain started,
which threw the Gifters into chaos. Inuarashi and the Musketeers then attacked the Beasts
Pirates, but the battle was short-lived as the clock struck 6:00 and Nekomamushi's roar rang out.
Inuarashi then ordered the Musketeers to retreat, and warned Jack that the pirate was not the
only obstinate person around. Nekomamushi and the Guardians then rushed forward, with their
leader promising to show no mercy to intruders. Nekomamushi flew toward Jack, grabbed him by
the trunk, and proceeded to flip him onto his back. Nekomamushi told Jack that if a samurai did

Yonko Zou

step foot on Zou, he would already be digesting in his stomach as Jack reverted to his human
form and prepared a counterattack.

During the invasion of the Mokomo Dukedom, Jack turned back into his human form as his
underlings cheered him on. Nekomamushi warned the pirate that the Mink Tribe has many
accomplished warriors and he should have left when Inuarashi offered. Nekomamushi then told
Bepo that he and the Heart Pirates don't have to fight, but Bepo refused because he wanted to
protect his home. The Guardians then attacked the Beasts Pirates as Nekomamushi clashed with
Jack, and later the Inuarashi Musketeer Squad took over again.

In the present, Wanda reveals that the battle continued for five days and five nights, and they
were unable to drive Jack's forces back. The minks eventually got the upper hand, but were never
able to suppress Jack himself. Luffy expresses amazement that Kaido's right hand man was so
powerful, but Wanda reveals that Jack was just as unsuccessful at driving the minks back.
However, on the fifth day Jack brought out Caesar Clown's poison gas weapon, and its effects
were too rapid for the minks to avoid. The gas swallowed up the entire town and half the forest,
and Jack and his underlings went around asking for Raizo again while slaughtering the warriors.
Jack then crucified Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, and the country's strongest warriors so they will tell
him where Raizo is, but they all reminded him that they have no idea and begged him to stop as
Jack tortured them.

However, Jack left the island the next day, leaving some subordinates behind, and Inuarashi
reveals that after Jack's obituary was published they realized that Jack had left to save
Doflamingo. This meant that the Straw Hats who defeated Doflamingo were responsible for saving
them. Chopper then reveals that his group arrived at Zou the next day.

The Curly Hat Pirates were astonished when they saw Zou, and decided to go up despite Caesar's
protests, forcing him to carry them up with his gas powers. However, their expedition was
interrupted when Sheepshead chased Tristan. Although confused as to how she could talk, Nami
instantly realized that she was Sheepshead's victim and quickly pulled her away to safet y. On
Nami's orders, Brook froze the ground, causing Sheepshead's steed to slip. Tristan was scared
when she saw Brook and Momonosuke's dragon form, so she broke free of Nami and ran ahead.
They then emerge into Kurau City, and look in shock at the carnage there. Suddenly, Pedro calls
out to the Curly Hats and begs them to heal Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, as their injuries are
fatal and they cannot be allowed to die.

Ten days ago, the Curly Hat Pirates wandered through the gas-covered terrain of Zou. Caesar
Clown chuckled with delight at how powerful the gas was, revealing that it was called Koro and
that he invented it. This caused Chopper to beat Caesar up, and the scientist cried that he did not
fire the weapon, but Chopper said that no one would have suff ered if Koro wasn't invented. Caesar
attempted to deter them from rescuing the minks, saying that the species was strong and hated
humans. The Eruption Rain then occurred, and Sanji, Chopper, and Caesar pulled themselves
onto a branch. Suddenly, Sanji heard Nami screaming, and ordered Caesar to clear away the gas
as he went to rescue her. As Sanji defeated Sheepshead and the Beasts Pirates retreated, a
saddened Caesar used Roko to purge the Koro from the air.

Chopper went to Kurau City and noted that Caesar's solution was working as he called his
crewmates over. The Curly Hats saw the fallen Mink warriors and were shocked, but also guessed
that there were more, and Sanji wondered if Caesar was right about the Minks being violent.
Suddenly, Wanda attacked Nami as she questioned whether the pirates were allied with Jack.
Sanji and Brook raced to help Nami, but Nami said she was fine as the poison had weakened

Yonko Zou

Wanda. Nami slammed Wanda into the ground, but the mink suddenly held up a bomb, saying
she would blow all of them up. An angered Wanda asked Nami what grudge they held against the
Mink Tribe and why they were intent on slaughtering everyone. Suddenly, Tristan came and told
Wanda that the Beasts Pirates had retreated and that she had been saved by the Curly Hats.
Pedro then revealed that they were not affiliated with Jack and that they had purged the gas from
the air. Suddenly, Chopper came and shouted at everyone that the gas would become impossible
to treat after 48 hours and ordered the minks to round up everyone who is capable of assisting
him. Wanda teared up as she realized that the Straw Hats were going to save them, and Nami
told her that not a single mink would be abandoned.

The Curly Hats eventually succeeded in treating all the minks, and the mood progressively
improved as more and more people were healed. In the present, Wanda concludes her story as
she licks Nami in thanks for her crew's work. Luffy expresses his anger at Jack and says that he
would like to beat the pirate up, and Wanda reiterates that she doubts Jack is dead after seeing
him fight. Chopper then tells his crew that he is headed to Nekomamushi and the Guardians so
he can check up on them, and the Straw Hats and Wanda come along with him. Wanda reveals
that she is active at all hours of the day as a ruler's aide and Luffy and Brook get excited about
meeting Nekomamushi. They ride out into the night along with Carrot, and Wanda expresses relief
that the full moon was covered by clouds.

Zoro asks Wanda what happened to Sanji and Caesar, as they still did not know that part.
However, Brook tells him that most of the minks were not told what happened so they wouldn't
worry. Brook says that the event happened only two days ago and told his crewmates that it was
very possible that Sanji would not be able to return to them. Even though Zou was a Phantom
Island that Log Poses did not point to, the Sunny crew made a grave oversight when they escaped
from the Big Mom Pirates. However, the Yonko's crew overheard their destination, and one of
their members, Pekoms, was a native of the island. And so, the Big Mom Pirates arrived at Zou,
as Pekoms and another crew member prepare to go onto the island. Pekoms speaks to his
captain over a Den Den Mushi and tells her to leave this to him, because Zou is his homeland.

Pekoms and Capone Bege arrived at Kurau City after disembarking on Zou. To his shock, Pekoms
notices that no one is present, and becomes enraged when he realizes that the city is in ruins.
He curses the Straw Hats, believing them to be responsible for the carnage.

In the Right Flank Fortress, Wanda and Nami trade clothes as a sign of friendship; Wanda receives
Nami's bikini, while Nami receives one of the tribe's national treasure dresses. A love -struck Sanji
greets all of the female minks (he dismisses the male minks who try to greet him), before spotting
Nami in her dress and rushing towards her. Meanwhile, Chopper, Brook and Caesar (poorly
disguised as "Cedar") continue producing medicine for the injured minks; Brook asks where
Momonosuke is, and Chopper reveals that he was remaining in his room because it seemed to
keep him calm. This placates Brook, who was concerned about the minks seeing Momonosuke
in his human form.

Outside the Fortress, Pekoms reunites with his family and friends, crying in happiness that they
were all alive. The minks also inform him that they were saved by the Straw Hats. Observing the
scene from a balcony, Nami and Sanji note Pekoms' arrival with surprise, and Wanda reveals that
he was a mink tribe member once known for his delinquent behavior. Caesar panics at the arrival
of the Big Mom Pirates and begs Sanji not to hand him over. Sanji, however, replies that Caesar
is useless to them now that Doflamingo has been defeated, and asks what Caesar did to
antagonize Big Mom. The scientist reveals that he was commissioned to conduct research that
bore no fruit, but he continued to demand and accept payments anyway. An unsympathetic Sanji

Yonko Zou

tells Caesar that he deserved what was coming, but notes the greater predicament that Luffy had
already picked a fight with Big Mom. Eventually, Sanji instructs Brook to accompany him, telling
everyone else to remain on the balcony.

As the two groups confront each other, Sanji asks what business the Big Mom Pirates have on
Zou. Pekoms immediately proceeds to embrace Sanji and thank him for saving his homeland.
The mink reveals that, in addition to capturing Caesar, the Big Mom Pirates had received a second
order that would spell disaster for the Straw Hat crew. Instead, to demonstrate h is gratitude,
Pekoms offers to abandon their new mission in exchange for Caesar. A stunned Bege warns
Pekoms not put his personal business ahead of their orders, but Pekoms replies that he will
personally accept any punishment that Big Mom chooses to mete out. Suddenly, to Sanji's and
Brook's shock, Bege shoots Pekoms in the back and declares that he will handle things from now.
Then, to their further shock, Bege orders his men to "come out". A small gate opens in the middle
of Bege's chest and several armed members of the Fire Tank Pirates rush out, surrounding Sanji
and Brook at gunpoint. Bege formally introduces himself to Sanji and Brook as a member of the
same generation as their captain, as well as a castle man that ate the Shiro Shiro no Mi. Bege
then orders Vito to bring forward the captured Nami and Chopper, who apologize and explain that
they were unaware that Bege and Pekoms had brought reinforcements. Bege finally calls out to
Caesar, threatening to shoot him with Seastone bullets if he did not co me down. After Caesar
emerges from the trees, Bege reveals that he in fact had no Seastone bullets, only a Seastone
spear, which he uses to stab Caesar. With everyone gathered, Bege instructs the Straw Hats to
enter his body castle, and Sanji, frustrated at their lack of options, concedes.

Inside the dining room in Bege's fortress, Sanji is seated at the table while Caesar and the other
Straw Hats are chained up on the floor behind him. Bege then materializes at the table opposite
from Sanji, and offers Sanji food and wine; an impatient Sanji refuses, demanding that Bege get
on with the meeting. As Caesar continues to panic, Bege hands Sanji a personal invitation from
Big Mom, requesting his attendance at her upcoming tea party. The main event at the party w ill
be a wedding ceremony, where Sanji, the third son of the Vinsmoke Family, would be wed to
Pudding, the 35th daughter of the Charlotte Family.

Nami and Chopper are astonished that Sanji is set to be married, and Bege hands the invitation
to Sanji. Sanji's cigarette drops onto the ground and begins to smolder, as he asks why this was
happening now; Bege responds that he does not know (or care) about Sanji's family issues. Brook
recognizes the Vinsmoke name, saying that it gives him chills. Bege notices that the fire caused
by Sanji's cigarette is growing, and quickly stomps it out.

Sanji asks Bege who was behind his engagement, and Bege replies that it was Sanji's
family. Nami recalls that, back in Jaya, Sanji stated that he was born in North Blue; Brook
responds (with Nami concurring) that this was significant because one must undertake the
atypical journey of crossing the Red Line in order to get from North Blue to East Blue. Caesar
further reveals that "Charlotte" is the family name of Big Mom, and that if Sanji marries into the
Charlotte Family, the entire Straw Hat crew would become de facto underlings of the Big Mom
Pirates. Sanji rejects this suggestion on the spot, refusing to either marry a woman he had never
met before, or to jeopardize Luffy’s dream of becoming Pirate King.

In response, Bege animates the objects within his castle, tying Sanji to his chair with the
tablecloth, creating two cannons to point at the Straw Hats, and briefly sinking Nami into the floor.
He tells Sanji that he is not offering him a choice, and that no one can escape Big Mom's tea
parties when invited. Vito affirms this, describing Big Mom's invitations as a summons orders.
Vito then shares something with Sanji, who becomes angry upon hearing it. Bege reminds

Yonko Zou

everyone present of Big Mom's influence as a Yonko, and tells them that the only way to survive
in the New World was to obey the Yonko's orders. Sanji requests a pen and paper from Bege, who
assumes that he intends to write a note for Luffy.

Sanji gives the note to Nami, Chopper, and Brook, telling them to give it to Luffy and the others.
He tells them that he never intended to hide things from them, as he never expected to have to
deal with his past again. Despite their protestations, Sanji resolves to sort out his pro blems alone,
and, after sensing a powerful presence outside, he throws his three crewmates out of Bege's
fortress. Caesar protests that Sanji did not free him, but soon has bigger problems as Sanji grabs
a gun from one of the Fire Tank Pirates and holds the scientist hostage at gunpoint. Sanji tells
Bege that he knows the Fire Tank Pirates wouldn't dare harm him because he was being backed
by someone powerful - powerful enough to change his bounty condition of capture to "Only Alive",
and powerful enough to arrange this wedding. Sanji threatens to shoot Caesar in the head if the
Fire Tank Pirates go after the other Straw Hats, and instead agrees to leave Zou with them in
order to confront his family. Bege agrees to Sanji's conditions, despite his crew's prot ests, and
reveals that an additional problem has arrived.

Outside, a still-injured Nekomamushi looms behind Bege and asks him what happened to
Pekoms. Bege lies that he and Pekoms had been attacked by one of Jack ’s remaining crew
members, while the other Straw Hats yell to Sanji through the doorway on Bege's chest. Sanji,
smiling, tells them that this was his problem and that he would return, before Bege transforms
his legs into tank treads and races away. Wanda asks the Straw Hats if the minks should pursue
Bege, but Brook instructs her not to as Sanji had no intention of returning.

During the commotion, Sanji's note slips out from among Nami's chains, and falls onto the ground.
The contents of the note are finally revealed; it simply states that he was going to meet a woman,
and that he would return.

In the present, Brook sings a song about going to meet Nekomamushi as he remembers
Nekomamushi asking Nami what happened to Sanji and Caesar two days ago. Nami said that
Sanji chose to leave, and Nekomamushi understood what she wanted and told Wanda and Carrot
to not tell anyone what just happened. In the present, Brook continues singing about
Nekomamushi, and Robin asks if Nekomamushi is like Brook describes, but Brook replies that
he is singing about how he imagines the ruler. Luffy asks if Sanji was going to get married based
on what his note said, and Nami replies that she is not sure, but knows that Sanji promised to be
back. Luffy gets excited, thinking that Sanji would bring his bride back with him, meaning their
crew would have a new member. However, Brook reveals that the bride is Big Mom's daughter,
meaning they would become Big Mom's underlings after Sanji's marriage. Brook says that Sanji
was against the idea and wonders if there was no way he could escape it, therefore he cut himself
off from the crew in order to prevent them from having to serve under Big Mom, which Luffy says
is even worse than being Big Mom's underlings.

Usopp wonders what Sanji's family was like, and Robin vaguely remembers the name Vinsmoke.
Nami apologizes for not holding him back before the rest of the crew arrived, but Robin replies
that they had no choice in the matter. Chopper, however, wonders if they will never get to see
Sanji again, but Zoro expresses apathy for the situation. He says that Sanji never apologized for
his actions and reminds his crew that their actions on Dressrosa had angered Kaido of the Yonko,
and Kin’emon and the samurai were being targeted by Kaido as well. They would soon battle
Kaido himself, and Sanji has now become involved with Big Mom, another Yonko. Nami shouts
that Sanji had nothing to do with this, and she and Zoro argue. Luffy breaks up their argument by
saying they would ask Sanji himself. His crew reminds him that they cannot invade Big Mom's

Yonko Zou

domain without a strategy, and Robin says that as a Yonko, Big Mom was on a completely different
level than any of their past opponents. However, Chopper says that Pekoms was left behind, so
they could ask him some questions.

The Straw Hats reach the Guardians' residential district, and the Guardians cheer upon seeing
them. Roddy and Blackback apologize to Luffy for attacking him earlier, and Pedro, the captain
of the Guardians, expresses his thanks and apologizes to Luffy on top of a tree. Pedro leaps down
and tells Luffy that the Heart Pirates were waiting for him, but Luffy wants to see Nekomamushi
and Pekoms first. Pedro then gets close to Luffy and reveals that Pekoms has just awoken in the
building in the back, and that the Guardians would be willing to help find Sanji. Chopper is told by
a reindeer mink, whom he is entranced with, that Nekomamushi is inside taking a bath, which
shocks him.

Inside, Nekomamushi eats lasagna while taking a bath, and Chopper yells at him that he was not
allowed to take baths, as his wounds would reopen, and was supposed to eat light foods and not
use his left hand. Nekomamushi replies that he loved freedom as he walks out of the bath, and
Chopper yells at him for ignoring his orders. Nekomamushi hugs Robin and Usopp and thanks
them for saving his tribe, promising to pay them back one day. He then starts playing with a ball,
causing his wounds to reopen. Nekomamushi ends up in bed, which he claims is because he
wants to be. He tells Robin to grab a foxtail, playing with it as Chopper gives him his injection, and
Usopp realizes Nekomamushi is scared of injections. Nekomamushi claims that he feels better
already, but Chopper smacks him and tells him to lie down. Meanwhile, Luffy converses with
Pekoms, who curses Bege for shooting him and leaving him behind. Luffy asks him who arranged
Sanji's marriage, and he replies that Big Mom and the father of the Vinsmoke Family did. Nami
asks what kind of person Sanji's father is, and Pekoms replies that he is an infamous man in the
Underworld, revealing that the Vinsmoke Family is a family of killers.

Luffy and Nami are shocked at Pekoms' revelation that the Vinsmoke Family are a family of killers.
Pekoms asks them if they have ever heard of Germa 66, which Nami dismisses as a "mythical
evil army". This is corrected by Pekoms, who replies that the organization is not only real, but
commanded by the Vinsmokes; Sanji's father is the organization's boss. Nami is shocked at this
news, but Luffy declares that he does not understand or care; he only wants to know whether or
not Sanji would return after getting married. He also states that he does not want to serve under
the Big Mom Pirates, and that if Sanji gets married, the Big Mom Pirates will become his
underlings instead. This statement causes Pekoms to fall out of bed in shock, and he angrily
reminds Luffy that Big Mom is one of the Yonko.

As Pekoms gets back in bed, he says that there is no way to refuse Big Mom's Tea Party invitations;
if Sanji had done so, Big Mom would have sent him the head of someone he had been involved
with; it could have been a member of the Straw Hats, one of the chefs on the Baratie, or even
someone from Momoiro Island. This angers Luffy, but Pekoms states that the Yonko hold so much
power that anything they desired is simply fated to happen. However, assures Luffy that the Straw
Hats would not become Big Mom's subordinates as a result of the marriage, as the wedding was
only meant to finalize an alliance between the Charlotte Family and the Vinsmoke Family; thus,
when Sanji gets married, he will automatically leave the Straw Hats and join the Big Mom Pirates.
This angers Luffy even more, who shakes the lion mink and says that Sanji will certainly refuse
the marriage. However, Pekoms is extremely skeptical that he could refuse in front of his vicious
family and Big Mom, and still keep his life. Luffy asks Pekoms what he is going to do, and he
replies that he will go back once his injuries heal and finish business with Bege. Luffy orders
Pekoms to bring him along, shocking Nami, and Luffy tells her that he will go alone in order to
have a better chance of sneaking into the party.

Yonko Zou

Despite Pekoms' arguments, Luffy runs off to get Chopper. As he heads outside, he runs past
Zoro, and asks his crewmate if he heard everything, which Zoro confirms. Luffy laughs that Zoro
is worried about Sanji, which annoys Zoro. Brook, Usopp, Chopper, and Robin then head toward
Luffy along with Nekomamushi, who is excited to meet the pirate. Chopper tells him to get back
in bed, but Nekomamushi ignores him as he hugs Luffy, causing him to start bleeding again. Law
then arrives, wanting to know what the ruckus is. Luffy greets him and asks about his crew, and
Law says that he brought all 20 members to greet him. However, Luffy and Law then begin
discussing business, causing Law's crew to complain, with Law responding that they did not need
to mingle with their allies.

Inside, Law reacts in shock upon finding out Sanji's predicament. Luffy asks him to stay and keep
watch on the fight with Kaido, but Law reminds him that Kaido himself would likely find them
soon, which would increase the damage on Zou. The minks cry in gratitude at Law thinking about
their safety, and Nekomamushi starts a party, which infuriates Chopper. As the pirates and minks
party throughout the night, Robin, Franky, and Brook keep watch at Zunisha's hip in order to
prevent the samurai from arriving, as the minks would likely not be pleased if they discovered
their alliance. The next morning, Kin’emon, Kanjuro, and the monkey mink arrive on Zou as the
three Straw Hats sleep. The samurai head onto the island, and Kin'emon asks the mink what he
knew about Raizo. The mink becomes distressed as he denies knowing anything about Raizo,
and in tears, he rushes away in order to report the samurai's presence.

Realizing that Kin’emon and Kanjuro arrived and went past them, Franky, Robin, and Brook
quickly run back to the Mokomo Dukedom, fearing that the minks would not take it very well if
they met Raizo's comrades since the Beasts Pirates' search for him nearly destroyed the country.
They hope to stop the samurai when they suddenly hear the ringing of a bell. In the Mokomo
Dukedom, the minks hear Bariete ringing the bell and calling out that samurai have arrived. At
the Right Belly Fortress, Inuarashi rides on a crocodile-boar steed and tells everyone who can
move to head for the capital. Meanwhile, Kin'emon and Kanjuro walk through the forest and,
upon hearing the bell ringing, wonder if they are being welcomed. However, Kin'emon wonders if
the minks were the human-hating tribe Law mentioned, and Momonosuke suddenly calls out to
them. Momonosuke is glad that Kanjuro is all right, and Kanjuro asks him where Luffy and the
others are, but Momonosuke tells them how he spent most of the time in his room.

At the Whale Forest, the other Straw Hats run to intercept the samurai. Nami tells a confused
Luffy that the country is in uproar due to the samurai's presence, and Luffy thinks this means
another banquet will be held, to her chagrin. Nami says that Nekomamushi is leading an entire
army to search for the samurai, and Nekomamushi and the Guardians arrive at Kurau City. Pedro
surveys from the top of a building when he sees something that shocks him, and he tells
Nekomamushi that it would be best to retreat temporarily. However, Nekomamushi cannot hear
him, and when he turns the corner he comes face to face with Inuarashi. As the two approach
each other, their subjects attempt to turn them away, and the samurai look on and wonder what
is happening. Suddenly, the Straw Hats come racing up to them and knock them behind a piece
of rubble. Relieved that they made it just in time, Nami tells the samurai to head back to the
Thousand Sunny.

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi begin exchanging insults on each other's severed limbs, with
Inuarashi remembering how Jack threatened to cut off his leg if he did not reveal Raizo's location,
and Nekomamushi shouted in anger at Jack's cowardice. He began shaking his chains, and the
Beasts Pirates shouted to remove the use of his arms, causing Nekomamushi to tell them to use
all their spears on him instead of the people. In the present, the argument becomes more heated
as the rulers decide to fight to the death, and they clash weapons. Suddenly, Kin'emon shouts at

Yonko Zou

them to stop, which shocks Usopp. The minks recognize Kin'emon as a samurai as he steps out
into the open, with Usopp desperately telling him to run. Kanjuro and Momonosuke emerge as
the Straw Hats beg them to stop, and Kin'emon announces himself as the retainer of the Kozuki
Family of Wano Country and reveals that they were searching for Raizo. Suddenly, all the minks
including the two rulers kneel and put their heads down as they reveal that Raizo is safe. The
Straw Hats are astonished that the minks know about Raizo, and Usopp expresses his
amazement that the minks could have died to keep their lie to Jack. Nekomamushi asks the Straw
Hats to forgive them for keeping it a secret, as they had been friends with the Kozuki Family for a
very long time, and would have never given them over even if it meant their demise.

As the damaged Mammoth sails alongside other ships, a recovering Jack asks his men if he looks
dead, which they vehemently deny as he rips up a newspaper with his obituary on it.

On Zou, Kin’emon apologizes to the Mink Tribe as he removes his kimono, confirming his position
by exposing a tattoo on his back. The minks recognize that Kin'emon bears the crest of the Kozuki
Family like Raizo does, and the Straw Hats watch the interaction in surprise, having been under
the impression that the minks would be hostile toward the samurai. Nami reveals that she heard
that Inuarashi and Nekomamushi have the crests on their backs as well, meaning their bonds
ran deeper than she originally thought. Kin'emon expresses his pleasure that the two rulers are
alive, and they reciprocate the feeling, but immediately begin quarreling again despite their
subjects' attempts to stop them.

Suddenly, Momonosuke cries out for them to stop fighting, wondering how they grew so bitter
after being friends and telling them that he would not allow them to squabble, especially if the
reason was his father. He says that his father would be saddened to see them like this, and
Inuarashi and Nekomamushi lay prostrate before him and apologize. The Straw Hat s wonder what
Momonosuke meant when talking about his father, as Kin'emon is right there. The minks begin
realizing in astonishment what Momonosuke must be if the rulers are bowing before him, and
Kin'emon confirms that Momonosuke is indeed a lord. He tells the Straw Hats that he and
Momonosuke are not father and son, but rather Momonosuke is the son of Lord Kozuki Oden,
the daimyo of Kuri in Wano Country. The minks apologize for not recognizing Momonosuke as
Kin'emon reveals that they pretended to be father and son in order to avoid drawing more
attention to the young lord.

The Straw Hats react in surprise to Kin'emon's revelation, but Luffy does not care about
Momonosuke's position. The two get into a fight, which annoys Kin'emon, but Kanjuro says to
leave them be. Momonosuke then takes refuge in Nami's embrace, which enrages Kin'emon, but
Nami is fine with it as she deduces that Momonosuke's father must be very wealthy, which
annoyed Zoro and Usopp. Meanwhile, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi reluctantly decide t o truce in
order to avoid agitating Momonosuke, and the minks celebrate as the two grasp hands.

Later, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi take the Straw Hats, Law, and the samurai up the whale -
shaped tree where Raizo is. The male pirates begin getting excited at the prospect of meeting a
ninja, and imagine Raizo as a stereotypical hooded ninja. They reach a hidden entrance at the
back of the whale's tail, and climb down a long set of stairs as they start hearing screams coming
from inside. The excited Straw Hats reach the bottom, where they see Raizo chained to a red
poneglyph. Raizo has a disproportionately large head and looks nothing like the ninja they thought
of, causing them to be shocked and disappointed. Raizo shouts that he saw the heavy wounds
on the minks that brought him food and asks why they did not turn him over to the enemy and if
the country truly is safe now.

Yonko Zou

Raizo and the samurai are joyed as they reunite and Raizo is freed of his chains, and Robin
notices the Kozuki Family crest on the wall as well as the red poneglyph. Robin wonders why it is
red, and Inuarashi replies that it is apparently for a different purpose. He gives Robin permission
to read it as the male pirates tell him to perform various ninja arts. Raizo wonders why pirates are
obsessing over him, but Franky says that all men are obsessed with ninjas. Raizo shouts at the
pirates to stop forcing their imaginations on him, as he does not perform some stereotypical ninja
actions and is too ugly to do others. He says that ninjas are not performers, but as the Straw Hats
gloomily turn away, he gives in and performs Smoke Release Jutsu, Clone Jutsu, and throws flower
shurikens as he strikes a pose, which entrance the Straw Hats.

On top of the whale-shaped tree, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper surround Raizo in astonishment at
his abilities, but the ninja says that he showed his ninja arts accidentally. Raizo, Kin’emon, and
Kanjuro begin crying, and Chopper asks them why. They express their sadness at the devastation
Zou went through, and Raizo promises to fix everything himself. Nekomamushi then approaches
them and says that Robin's translation of the red poneglyph was almost finished. Inside the tree,
Nami stares at a piece of paper in shock, noting that the poneglyph's message looks like a map.
Inuarashi then reveals that this poneglyph is called a Road Poneglyph, and it is a guide to the end
of the Grand Line. The Straw Hats are astonished that this poneglyph can lead them to Raftel, but
Inuarashi backtracks, revealing that there are four Road Poneglyphs. He states that each
poneglyph does not lead to Raftel, but rather to an island surrounding it. When all four islands
are found and linked, the way to Raftel will be shown.

The Straw Hats begin celebrating, and Luffy is excited that he has his first clue to One Piece's
location but says that he will rescue Sanji first. Nekomamushi tells him that it would be possible,
as Big Mom and Kaido each possess a Road Poneglyph while the final one is in an unknown
location. This scares Nami, Chopper, Usopp, and Brook, but Luffy does not care because he has
always intended to defeat the two Yonko. Nekomamushi says that they do not have to steal the
actual poneglyph, but can copy its message onto a gyotaku. Usopp suggests they simply sneak in
and make copies, which gets him and Luffy in a fight, and Nekomamushi tells Robin that powerful
pirates who are collecting the poneglyph messages will likely go after her because she is the only
one who can read them. However, she replies that she has equally powerful crewmates, which
they gladly affirm.

Robin asks Nekomamushi how they knew so much about poneglyphs, and the ruler says that
Kozuki Oden had an interest in the stones. He then asks Inuarashi and Momonosuke if it was all
right to tell them, and Momonosuke gives him permission. Nekomamushi states that the Kozuki
Family are master craftsmen who invented the poneglyph 800 years ago, which shocks the Straw
Hats. Luffy asks the samurai if they know what is written on the poneglyphs, but they say that it
was never passed on from the generation that created them. Instead, the means to write and
read the glyphs carved into the poneglyphs was passed on, but that the skill ended at Oden's
generation. Brook then realizes that Oden is dead, and the samurai and rulers begin welling up
in tears as they reveal that Oden was executed by Kaido and the shogun of Wano Country. They
say that Oden sacrificed himself to save them and that the Beasts Pirates currently occupy Wano
Country. Zoro asks why he was executed, and Kin'emon reveals that Kaido wanted information
on them because Oden traveled to Raftel with Gol D. Roger and witnessed a big secret.

After the revelation of the fact that Kozuki Oden was a crew member of the late pirate king Gol D.
Roger, it becomes clear to the Straw Hats that Kaido and the shogun of Wano Country are after
Momonosuke and his guardians because they believe that Oden passed down the knowledge of
Raftel to the next generation. However, this is not the case as Oden did not wish to pass down
the great burden.

Yonko Zou

Kin’emon, Kanjuro, and Raizo reveal their intentions to take back Wano Country and open the
borders of the country. They disclose that they wish to kill Kaido and the shogun with the minks'
help. Furthermore, they go on to acknowledge the power of Luffy and Law and request the Straw
Hat Pirates to help them. However, Luffy blatantly refuses, to everyone's suprise. Then he
proceeds to ask Momonosuke to speak for himself, as he is the heir to the daimyo and leader of
the three samurai, even chastising him for crying. Remembering how Kaido killed his father and
mother, Momonosuke states his desire to take down Kaido and asks the Straw Hats for help.

Luffy accepts his request and forms an alliance with the minks and the samurai to take down the
Yonko Kaido and the shogun. He promises Momonosuke that he will beat Kaido for him, but
states that he wants to get Sanji back first as his strength can be of great help during the fight.
Luffy finally decides to go to Whole Cake Island along with Pekoms in order to get Sanji back. The
mink rulers seem worried at the thought of confronting a Yonko, but Luffy immediately reassures
them by saying that it will be safe considering the fact that he will not be fighting Big Mom.

Meanwhile, the minks prepare to throw a party to celebrate the truce

between Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. Wanda, Pedro, and Carrot reminisce about the days when
the two were friends. However, Jack and his crew return to Zou. Jack is greatly disappointed by
the fact that he had to return to Zou, as his subordinat es could not finish the task. His
subordinates suggest ambushing the minks who survived the first attack. Jack quickly dismisses
the idea, intending to kill the elephant itself.

Nekomamushi realizes where Luffy's straw hat came from, and he and Inuarashi reveal that they
rode aboard Gol D. Roger's ship for a time. Luffy is astonished as the minks reveal that they
accompanied Kozuki Oden as his vassals and previously rode aboard the Moby Dick with
Whitebeard. Usopp struggles to write this down chronologically as Inuarashi and Nekomamushi
say they did not step foot on Raftel but embrace each other as they reminisce about their
adventures. Luffy asks the samurai if they were on Whitebeard's ship as well, but they reply that
they stayed at Wano Country, revealing that leaving its borders is a crime but Oden did so anyways
despite their attempts to stop him.

The samurai and the pirates start talking about Roger and Whitebeard, with Franky and Brook
talking about their connections to Roger, but Nami interrupts them. She asks about the
connection between the path set by the Log Pose and the four Road Poneglyphs, but is interrupted
when she mentions Crocus as the pirates and minks talk about the man. However, Inuarashi
hears her and states that one already needs to know the language of the poneglyphs before they
reach the end, but says that Nami is already doing a good job as navigator. Nami is congratulated
by her crewmates as Usopp attempts to wrap the minks' connection to history around his head.
Momonosuke states that he once made acquaintance with Roger, but Usopp knows he is
obviously lying due to Roger being executed over 20 years ago.

Nekomamushi states that one day they will tell the story in its entirety, but now they have to plan
their courses of action. Nekomamushi reveals that they are gathering samurai to prepare for the
war against Kaido, and they are also searching for Marco because he may help them increase
their strength. Luffy recalls Marco's name but not his appearance until Robin helps him and he
remembers from two years ago. Franky questions this search, and Inuarashi reveals to the pirates
that Marco led the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates in a battle against Blackbeard a year ago.
They suffered an overwhelming defeat and went missing afterwards, but Luffy wants to see them
again to thank them for saving him at the Battle of Marineford. Kin’emon wishes to go back to
Wano Country, and Law says that they can enter the country in secret with his submarine.
Suddenly, the rest of the minks see Raizo and celebrate, and Raizo thanks them. Luffy is eager

Yonko Zou

to participate in the minks' banquet, but Nami holds him back, saying they had to set sail for
Sanji. Nami says that she will come along due to feeling responsible for what happened, and
Chopper will come as well in order to treat Pekoms’ wounds. Brook tags along as well, and Robin
tells Luffy to make a copy of the poneglyph if he finds one. Suddenly, the island starts shaking,
and Nekomamushi hears Zunisha crying. Then Luffy hears an unknown voice.

The ground shakes and houses begin to collapse. People run to avoid being crushed as Inuarashi
commands everyone to keep away from the buildings and hold tightly to the trees. Nekomamushi
realizes that something is wrong with Zunisha. Luffy and Momonosuke are plagued by a voice
calling out to them that only they can hear. Luffy doesn't understand why no one else can hear
this voice and proceeds to asks the voice who it is as it tells him to hurry.

Jack, who is bombarding Zunisha with cannon fire from the water, orders his men to keep hitting
the same spot on the elephant's left front leg. The crew cheers when they see their attacks have
an effect, and Jack proclaims that even a regular elephant will stampede at the sight of a lone
bee. Jack assumes that due to Zunisha's advanced age, its skin would be much weaker now. Jack
calls the elephant an old relic as the cannons keep firing, their objective being to bring the
elephant to its knees to allow easier access to its head. At which point they would kill it in what
everway they see fit.

Zunisha begs whoever can hear its voice to issue a command. Luffy cries out in frustrated
confusion, demanding to know who is telling him this as well as what it means. Nami asks Luffy
at whom he is yelling, since no one else can hear any voice. An annoyed Luffy declares that all he
can do is hear the voice, for its unknown owner does not listen. Pedro recalls that Gol D. Roger
and Kozuki Oden said the same things as Luffy when they visited Zou. They could only hear but
not converse with a disembodied voice. Momonosuke then has a vision, and sees Jack attacking
Zunisha. He quickly tells everyone what he saw as well as their location and numbers. Everyone
is surprised by Momonosuke's declaration as well as the fact that Jack survived his skirmish with
the Marines. Kin'emon asks how Momonosuke knew this, and the frightened child simply says
they came into his head.

Zunisha warns everyone of the danger they would be in if the pain from the attack caused it to
fall. Inuarashi orders the country's ships be deployed, with the intent to fight Jack at sea.
Momonosuke then realizes that the voice he is hearing is Zunisha's. He begins relaying the story
Zunisha tells him. Long ago, Zunisha committed a crime. As punishment, it was not allowed to do
anything except walking and could only act when given an order. Zunisha is now asking for an
order, an order to fight the attacking enemy. Luffy tells Momonosuke to give the order, saying if
he doesn't, they will all end up at the bottom of the sea, telling him to scream as loud as he can.
Momonosuke tells Zunisha not to give up, and gives the order to retaliate against Jack. And so,
with a single swing of its trunk, Zunisha annihilates the attacking ships. The ships are knocked to
splinters and crash into the sea as the crew is sent flying.

From his lookout, Bariete observed the fleet's complete annihilation. After a few moments, the
mood returns to calm as people try to figure out what happened to the attacking fleet as
Momonosuke observes that he can no longer hear the voice. Bariete then relays what he saw
through his telescope to the rest of the village. Inuarashi is stunned by the fact that Zunisha
possessed a will of its own. With Momonosuke asleep on Robin's lap, Kin'emon takes the
opportunity to ask if Oden knew about his son's ability to hear voices. Luffy breaks the stillness
by asking why everyone seemed down. Nekomamushi decides they need to figure out how Jack
was able to find Zou, otherwise the people could be susceptible to another attack. Luf fy gives him

Yonko Zou

some encouragement and points out how great it is to have the elephant on their side. Luffy then
declares they are leaving and asks for lots of food.

On an island in the New World, a Den Den Mushi rings. When it is answered, Scratchmen Apoo
informs Kaido that communication with Jack is no longer available.

Chopper and the minks finish bandaging the wounds on Zunisha’s front left leg, and Miyagi
expresses awe at the techniques Chopper learned from the Sakura Kingdom and Torino Kingdom.
Chopper notes that changing the bandages will be very laborious, but the minks are up to the
tasks. Miyagi then comments that he had taken Zou for granted due to living there all his life, but
was reminded today that he and the minks were being allowed to live on Z unisha and one day
this arrangement will end. Since he now knows that Zunisha can communicate, Miyagi states that
he wants to ask it where it is going.

At Kurau City, Momonosuke tells Kin’emon that he wants to stay behind on Zou in order to
communicate with Zunisha and possibly find out more about the Kozuki Family. Kin'emon
understands this, but says that there are some on Wano Country awaiting their return. However,
Inuarashi tells him that he would stay behind with Momonosuke in order to keep Zou safe fr om
Kaido and to avoid having everyone rush into Wano. Kin'emon states that they will split into four
teams: Luffy's team rescuing Sanji, Kin'emon's team heading to Wano, Nekomamushi's team
searching for Marco, and Momonosuke's and Inuarashi's team staying on Zou. They discuss how
the teams would communicate, as the Mink Tribe did not use Den Den Mushis. However, Franky
replies that he can make some using wild forest snails if necessary.

On the outskirts of the Whale Forest residential district, Luffy screams in shock when he sees
Pekoms' house destroyed. However Pekoms calls out to Luffy from the rubble, with his turtle shell
activated. Pekoms complains that he cannot get any alone time as he turns back into his normal
form, revealing to Luffy that he ate the Kame Kame no Mi and that his shell is as hard as a
diamond. Luffy replies that Chopper will be caring for him on their journey and wraps the mink
around his body with a cloth, running off to begin their journey despite Pekoms' protests.
Meanwhile, Pedro reports to Nekomamushi, saying that it is dishonorable that no mink, save
Pekoms, is included in the Sanji rescue mission. Nekomamushi asks if Pedro wants to go too,
which he affirms. However, Sicilian and the Three Inuarashi Musketeers arrive, saying that it was
their duty to see to Sanji's rescue. Wanda, Tristan, Blackback, Roddy, and Yomo attempt to tag
along as well for various reasons, and several other canine minks want to come along just to
chew on Brook. However, Nekomamushi states that he was leaving this to Pedro since he was
the only one who can keep Pekoms in line.

Elsewhere, Usopp gives Nami an upgraded Clima-Tact which, upon being squeezed, grows
significantly due to Usopp using the Pop Green's growth capabilites. Nami is concerned about its
length, but Usopp reveals that this can be altered depending on how hard Nami squeezes the
staff. He made sure to include all of Nami's weatherian devices, save for a "magic wand" that he
could not wrap his head around. Nami tests its capabilites, scaring the nearby minks, and thanks
Usopp for making it. However, as Usopp tries to collect a fee for doing so, Nami turns herself

At the main gate, the Sanji retrieval team congregates and says their goodbyes to the others on
Zou. Pekoms wonders why Pedro is there, to which the latter replies that he was coming as
someone familiar with the former's tendencies. Zoro expresses concern for what could happen,
but Luffy laughs it off as the people on Zou say their goodbyes, with Zoro promising to round up
the samurai on Wano and Franky promising to build something new to fight Kaido. Kanjuro offers

Yonko Zou

to help with the descent, but is declined as Luffy grabs all his companions and leaps off the
elephant, shocking everyone. As they fall, Luffy says he will see everyone else in Wano.

Meanwhile, in Alabasta, Nefeltari Vivi tells her father to hurry onto the ship, and someone notices
that she is in a very good mood. Vivi states that it has been so long since she went out to sea.

The people of Alabasta cheer on the Nefertari Family as they sail away, and Toto remarks that
Vivi was looking enthusiastic. Kohza replies that he supposes her pirating tendencies have
surfaced again. On the Marine ship next to the royal ship, Hina reports that they have departed
Alabasta and she will make sure that the Nefertari Family gets to Mary Geoise safely. Meanwhile,
Vivi stands in the crow's nest and feels the ocean breeze as she is told to get down. Igaram is
worried about horrifying things that could happen to her up there, but Pell says that she has a lot
of experience on a ship. Cobra coughs, and Chaka tells him not to overexert himself; saying that
they could head back if he is not up to the journey. Cobra refuses, saying that he wanted to ask
the World Government about poneglyphs ever since he met Nico Robin, so he would go to Levely
no matter what. He also wants to know what the founder of the Nefertari Family did all those
years ago. Vivi jumps onto the deck, causing Igaram to cry out in fear, but Vivi lands easily and
goes to her father. She asks him how he is doing, and Cobra wonders how much longer he has
left, knowing that Vivi needs to choose a husband. He says that there are many pictures of suitors
in the palace, but Vivi says he can throw them out.

At Loguetown, servants welcome Sterry, the newly coronated king of Goa Kingdom, and his wife
Sarie Nantokanette to their hotel, which only served royalty traveling to Levely. Nantuckanet
remarks that she has seen worse and asks her husband what he thinks. Sterry, however, is hardly
content, saying it only had a view of Gol D. Roger's execution platform. The servants wish him a
nice rest, but he tells them to go away, as he did not desire trash near him. It is revealed that
many countries are abuzz because of Lvely, a meeting of royalty from over 50 countries on Mary
Geoise. They will discuss global affairs and make plans for the future. However, peaceful
conversation between the very diverse rulers is often very difficult. In Kano Country in the West
Blue, someone reports to the ruler that Chinjao and Sai have not yet returned but the war is over.
The ruler replies that it seems they will not make it to Levely in time and that there are many
things he wishes for them to say. At Black Drum Kingdom in the South Blue, Wapol makes plans
on how to bring Dalton down. At Drum Island, Dalton reacts in shock to Kureha's statement that
she will accompany him as his doctor. In Dressrosa, Rebecca asks Viola if she can go to Levely,
which the latter agrees to as Mansherry expresses excitement. Elizabello II calls Riku Dold III,
saying that he refused his escort ship and that they can go to Levely together. Dold comments
that everyone is treating this like a vacation, which Elizabello does not argue against. At Ryugu
Kingdom, Shirahoshi is scared to go up despite her brothers' pleas, as Manboshi states that they
have enough signatures for their petition. Neptune says that they will appear untrusting of
humans if Shirahoshi does not go, and Fukaboshi reminds his sister of their mother Otohime ’s

Somewhere at sea, Luffy gives sailing orders to his crew, but they only barely follow them because
they are still recovering from falling off Zou. Nami says to go a little to port, and Carrot is quickly
up to the task. Carrot expresses awe that they are floating on the water, and the Sanji retrieval
team is bewildered to see her on board. Carrot embraces the Straw Hats, and Pedro asks if they
can turn back, but Carrot says Wanda will be angry at her and begs them to let her come along.
Carrot shows them the things she packed, although they will only last half a day when the voyage
will take several days. She continues expressing awe at the sea as Luffy agrees to allow her on
board while eating one of her carrots. Carrot sees this and pounces on him, biting him on the
neck. Nami tells Luffy to pat Carrot on the head, which causes the mink to become docile and

Yonko Zou

allow Luffy to have her carrot. Chopper is astounded that Carrot could have killed Luffy, and Luffy
says that he is starving and tells someone to make a feast. Nami agrees, but charges each of
them B5000. As they argue, Pedro receives a newspaper revealing that the headquarters of the
Revolutionary Army was discovered in a state of ruin.

Pedro shows the rest of the Sanji Retrieval Team the newspaper that explains the destruction of
Baltigo. Luffy notices Sabo’s picture and reveals to the crew that Sabo is his other brother. Nami
and Brook are shocked to learn about Sabo and Nami questions Luffy about why are all of his
siblings are such dangerous people. Meanwhile, Luffy sees a picture of Dragon as Nami recalls
Garp stating Dragon was Luffy's father. Luffy is comically surprised as he realizes this man is his
father while Nami asks how he just figured that out. Luffy casually states that his father does not
resemble him at all as Carrot is even more surprised at the fact that Dragon is Luffy's father.

Luffy however, is more curious about Sabo's fate. Reading the newspaper reveals that the
Marines and the Cipher Pol were intimated by an unidentified individual but by the time they
arrived at the scene the Blackbeard Pirates had destroyed the place. Luffy is enraged
remembering Blackbeard's actions while Nami is confused why the Blackbeards would do such a
thing. Luffy speculates that Sabo's fight with Burgess might have something to do with the attack.
The fate of the revolutionaries seems to be at large as there is not much information with respect
to what happened to them.

Pedro reassures the crew that Dragon and Sabo might not be harmed as that would have been a
big news stating they must be safe, relieving Luffy. Meanwhile, Chopper alerts the crew about a
fire due to a stove Luffy forgot to switch off. As the group panics, a storm approaches. Back at
Zou, Bariete informed Wanda that Carrot snuck away with the Sanji retrieval team and apologized
for getting bribed by Carrot and not informing her about Carrot's departure. Wanda shows no
worry, having faith in Luffy and his group. She then asks Inuarashi, who is keeping watch, to rest
and says that they can post guards. Inuarashi is concerned about how the Beasts Pirates located
Zou and suspects that they had a vivre card that led them to the island. While hoping that they
lost the means to track Zou after Jack's fleet sank, Inuarashi is worried that they might re turn.

Immobilized underwater, Jack is extremely angry and waiting to be rescued. In his hideout, a
drunk Kaido has been informed about Jack's failure to rescue Doflamingo and is shown crying in
front of his subordinates, telling them about how his dream for an all devil fruit crew has been
destroyed since he cannot acquire any more SMILEs and increase the number of Gifters.
Immediately, his emotions swing to anger and he screams about how Law and Luffy don't know
who they've messed with. Eustass Kid is shown imprisoned in a cell, beaten and injured.

Back at the Sunny, the storm has passed and Luffy presents his cooking to his group, who finds
his food completely inedible. Nami then finds that they lost all of their food supply. Much to their
horror, Luffy has wasted all their supplies in one go.

On the way to Whole Cake Island, Sanji is seen with Tamago on Big Mom's ship, who suggests he
join Big Mom, like his father wants him, and says Sanji can easily gain Big Mom's favor with his
cooking. Sanji declares that he broke all ties with his family and bluntly states that his hands
won't cook for people with no respect for their own crew members, referring to the Pekoms
incident. He further declares that he trained in hell only for his friends. Finally, Vito comes with a
photo of Pudding, which just came from Whole Cake Island. Understanding of Sanji's defiance,
Vito decides to show Sanji the photo as a courtesy. Sanji then gazed at the photo and sees that
Pudding is beautiful, making him love struck.

Yonko Whole Cake Island

Whole Cake Island

n board the Big Mom Pirates' ship, Vito tries to engage Sanji in conversation about a
comic strip in the World Economic Journal, in which the Marine hero Sora battles Germa
66. The comic was intended to propagandize the activities and strength of the Marines,
but Vito ended up idolizing the Germa instead. Vito feels honored and excited to meet Sanji, a
member of the family which commands the Germa, but Sanji is angered at being associated with
the Germa, telling Vito that he has nothing to do with them.

As Sanji returns to his private room, Vito follows him in. Caesar complains about being kept in a
cage while Sanji is treated as an honored guest, but Vito tells him that Caesar is just a prisoner
while Sanji's upcoming marriage will finalise the Charlotte and Vinsmoke alliance. Sanji insists
that he is not going to cooperate with the marriage plans, and kicks Vito out of his
room. Gotti, angry at Sanji's disrespect towards Vito, prepares to attack Sanji while Vito tries to
calm Gotti down. A woman interrupts Gotti, warning him that if Sanji is harmed in any way, their
leader will be punished for it. Gotti apologizes profusely to the woman as she scolds him; as they
leave, Sanji notices something familiar about the woman.

A few days later, on board the Thousand Sunny, Luffy’s group are starving and overheated. Brook
asks Nami to see her panties, but Nami is too weak to beat him up. Luffy and the others attempt
to fish, but Chopper complains to Nami that the sun is so hot that the sea is boiling. In spite of
the heat, Luffy manages to catch a fish. Chopper looks up the fish in one of Sanji's encyclopedias
and discovers that its skin is poisonous; however, before he can warn the others, Luffy eats the
skin and begins to suffer from the poison. Afterwards, Nami cooks the fish according to Sanji's
recipe, and the others compliment her on how good the fish tastes.

When a Den Den Mushi on board the Sunny starts ringing, Pekoms remarks that they have
crossed into Big Mom’s territory. He directs the crew to either hide or disguise themselves, but
before they can, a ship approaches the Sunny from out of the fog. Pekoms, expecting one of Big
Mom's scout ships, fearfully exclaims when he realizes that the ship belongs to Germa 66; the
Germa, in turn, announce themselves and confirm that the approaching ship belongs to the Straw
Hat Pirates. A hooded man with eyebrows similar to Sanji's looks down upon the crew, who are
shocked at his appearance.

The hooded man on the Germa 66 ship asks the Straw Hat Pirates why they hav e entered Big
Mom's territory. On board the Thousand Sunny, the Sanji Retrieval Team hurriedly furls the sails
to avoid crashing into Germa's much larger ship. The onlooking Germa 66 soldiers remark to the
hooded figure that Sanji was not supposed to be escorted on the Straw Hats' ship, and the hooded
man agrees that they must have missed him.

The Sanji Retrieval Team, believing the hooded man to be Sanji, begin cheering and calling out
to him; Chopper also begs him to bring some antidote for the poisoned Luffy. However, the man
removes his hood and reveals that he is not Sanji, but Vinsmoke Yonji (although he understands
their mistake). The Straw Hats realize that he must be Sanji's younger brother, and, as if to
confirm their relationship, Yonji immediately becomes lovestruck upon seeing Nami. Despite this,
Yonji orders the ship to turn around, but Chopper continues to call him Sanji, annoying him greatly.
Chopper begs Yonji for an antidote to Luffy's poison, but Yonji instead challenges the team to
plunder the Germa 66 ship for the cure. The Straw Hats are angered that his personality is nothing
like Sanji's, and Pedro prepares to attack.

Yonko Whole Cake Island

Suddenly, a woman comes up behind Yonji and kicks him off the ship, before jumping off the ship
herself and landing aboard the Sunny's deck. The woman, Vinsmoke Reiju, greets the Straw Hats
and apologizes for her brother's behavior. Yonji leaps out of the water and expresses anger at his
sister for embarrassing him, but Reiju counters that he was shaming himself. Brook notices that
Yonji is hovering in midair, and Pekoms reveals that the reason why Big Mom is so keen on an
alliance with the Vinsmoke Family is to gain access to Germa 66's advanced technology. Brook
expresses confusion at this, revealing his understanding that "Vinsmoke" was the name of a line
of royals which once ruled over the entire North Blue with their military might. Nami expresses
great shock at their infamy; however, Yonji, overhearing, confirms this and states that their name
was once synonymous with evil, which is why they appear as the villains in the Sora comic. Reiju
commends Brook for his history knowledge, but corrects him by stating that the Vinsmoke Family
is still of noble status despite no longer ruling any land, and that this status is recognized by their
right to attend Reverie.

Reiju spots the dying Luffy and discerns that he ate an armored stonefish from the Boiling Sea.
Chopper becomes upset over his failure to heal Luffy, but Reiju says that Luffy is in luck, as this
poison is her favorite delicacy. She then places her mouth over Luffy's and sucks out the poison
(much to Brook's envy), and the Straw Hats observe that the rash is being transferred from Luffy
to Reiju, until Luffy's skin gets fully cleared. An astonished Chopper asks Reiju if she is all right,
to which Reiju responds dismissively that she is the "Poison Pink".

Luffy immediately wakes up and is embraced by the crying Chopper and Carrot, although he has
no memory of his ordeal and asks to eat more of the fish skin. Luffy then notices Reiju and
mistakes her for Sanji, but is corrected by Chopper and told by Brook that she saved his life. Reiju
thanks the Straw Hats for everything they had done for Sanji up to this point, revealing that he
left their family at a very young age and that their father had been searching for him ever since.
She also reveals that, when Sanji's first bounty poster began circulating, their father sent Marine
HQ to apprehend him; however, due to the poor depiction of Sanji, the Marines ended up chasing
after Duval instead. Two years later, when the Marines managed to finally capture an accurate
picture of Sanji, their father personally raised his bounty and ordered the change of bounty
condition to "Only Alive". Nami asks where Sanji is, but Reiju responds that she does not know;
Luffy then proceeds to thank Reiju for saving him, but demands that she give Sanji back to them.
Yonji tells a smiling Reiju that she has saved an enemy, before asking Pekoms why he was
hanging around with the Straw Hats. Pekoms states that he has his own reasons, and that he
was not obligated to reveal them to Germa, and Reiju leaps back on board the Germa 66 ship.
The two Vinsmokes warn the Straw Hats that both parties should keep quiet over their meeting,
to prevent an incident which would jeopardize the wedding. Reiju and Yonji then sail away, with
Reiju wishing the Straw Hats luck.

Meanwhile, Aladine surveys the scene from underwater, informing Jinbe that Luffy is indeed on
board, and requesting further orders.

The Thousand Sunny is docked at an island in Big Mom’s territory, and a guard apologizes to
Pekoms for thinking he was an enemy, as Pekoms had lied to him that he had hijacked the Sunny.
Pekoms affirms that he has sweets stocked in the Sunny and asks the guards to keep its arrival
a secret in order to surprise Big Mom. The guards, swooning at Pekoms' smooth demeanor, easily
agree. Meanwhile, Luffy and Chopper gaze in awe at the town before them, which not only has a
large variety of people walking around, but is also composed almost entirely of chocolate. On the
Sunny, Nami and Carrot excitedly wear their new dresses, and Nami beats up Brook for peeking
under her skirt. Pekoms tells them that it takes a day to get to Whole Cake Island from their
current location, so he tells them to get groceries before they depart. Carrot notes that a large

Yonko Whole Cake Island

variety of races are gathered on the island, including minks. Pekoms then explains Big Mom's
dream: a utopia where every race can coexist peacefully. He reveals that there are 34 islands
surrounding Whole Cake Island ruled by ministers, which are all collectively known as Totto Land.
The town they are in is Chocolat Town on Cacao Island, which is ruled by Minister Chocolate and
is made entirely out of chocolate. Carrot asks if the chocolate can be eaten, and Pekoms affirms
this, but reveals that it is illegal to consume the roofs because they protect residents against the
precipitation the island gets. Pekoms tells them to come back quickly and that he will stay on the
ship, but asks them to bring him back some chocolate. He then looks for Luffy so he can get into
his disguise, but Carrot and Nami reveal he has already gone to explore the town, outraging
Pekoms. Nami says to not worry, as they should find him easily, and her assertion is affirmed as
a person cries out that someone has eaten a cafe.

In town, an angry policeman confronts the very rotund Luffy and Chopper for eating an entire cafe,
but they reply that they had a good reason, which was that it was too good not to eat. The police
officer angrily tells them that they are coming to the station with him, and Pedro prepares to free
Luffy and Chopper by force despite Brook's pleas. Suddenly, someone comes flying down on a
carpet telling the policeman to wait, and he recognizes the person as the proprietor of the cafe.
A woman comes down and the policeman shows her what happened to her cafe, but she
unexpectedly yells at Luffy and Chopper for not eating the entire building. She puts jam, biscuit,
and chocolate in their mouths as she confirms the policeman's realization that they are actually
dismantlers that she hired. The policeman warns Luffy and Chopper to put up a notice before they
dismantle anything else, and apologizes for the chaos he caused. He then congratulates the
owner, Charlotte Pudding, on her upcoming marriage, which makes her very happy. The Sanji
Retrieval Team is bewildered by their unexpected savior, when suddenly a wolf mink approaches
Pedro, asking what he was doing there. Pedro shuts his mouth, whispering that he was on
vacation and telling him not to alert others of his arrival. Nami is surprised that Pedro knows
people in this town, and Pedro says he will tell her later.

Later, the Sanji Retrieval Team eats at another cafe, and Luffy thanks Pudding for bailing them
out. Pudding, however, is thankful to him for declaring her cafe to be delicious, revealing that it
was made from a recipe she created from scratch. Brook cries at Pudding's generous nature as
Luffy shares his love of chocolate with her, but Nami says that they cannot stay long. Pudding
understands, but asks if they want tea first to wash down the chocolate. As she makes the tea,
Pudding asks the Sanji Retrieval Team what their names are, and Luffy tells her who he is despite
Nami futilely attempting to cover his mouth, which makes her aghast.

On Whole Cake Island, Big Mom asks how long they have before the Tea Party, and
anthropomorphic flowers respond that they have three days. Talking pieces of furniture confirm
that Sanji has arrived, and people begin singing as Big Mom asks about the wedding cake and its
ingredients. Her subordinates call in from different islands, having acquired ingredients for the
cake by murdering the people guarding them. Big Mom and her entourage sing as they celebrate
the upcoming ceremony, and Big Mom remarks that she has heard of Luffy's presence in her

Luffy and the Sanji Retrieval Team are shocked to discover that Pudding is not only one of Big
Mom's daughters, but the daughter that has been engaged to marry Sanji. Pudding, in turn, is
equally shocked that the guests she had invited for tea were Sanji's crewmates. She asks them
how they managed to get past Totto Land’s tarte inspection, before warning them that they will
be killed if Big Mom discovers their presence. However, she remembers that the Straw Hats are
also famed pirates, and retrieves a knife to defend herself; Pedro, in turn, threatens Pudding,
until Nami diffuses the situation.

Yonko Whole Cake Island

The group discuss the situation over tea. Pudding reveals that the Charlotte Family is comprised
of 129 people (Big Mom, her 43 husbands, 39 daughters and 46 sons), and that Big Mom's
children have all been raised to understand that she will arrange their marriages to grow the
strength of her crew. However, one of Pudding's sisters left Whole Cake Island to pursue a
marriage for love, which attracts Nami's attention.

Chopper proceeds to ask Pudding if she had met Sanji yet. Pudding is flustered by the question
and blushes, responding that she had met him once. She remarks on his gentlemanly
mannerisms, his reputed strength, and their shared passion for cooking; however, Chopper has
to correct her misconception that Sanji's epithet, "Black Leg", meant his legs were black. Luffy
responds enthusiastically to Pudding's admiration for Sanji, but when Nami asks Pudding if she
has fallen in love with Sanji, she becomes even more flustered and responds that it is irrelevant
because Big Mom's commands are mandatory.

When Pedro suggests binding and gagging Pudding to prevent her from revealing their presence
in Totto Land, Pudding draws a map for the Sanji Retrieval Team, revealing a secret route through
Totto Land that would allow them to arrive onto Whole Cake Island undetected. She reflects that,
despite everyone's excitement at the upcoming wedding, and despite her own happines s at
finding Sanji so 'wonderful' and compatible, she did not want to stand in the way of his intention
to return to the crew. The crew express great shock at the fact that Sanji turned down a woman -
Luffy is so moved that he even cries - but Pudding replies that seeing the crew's mutual
commitment to Sanji helped her to decide that she did not want to marry someone who would
spend the rest of his life regretting the marriage. She arranges to bring Sanji to rendezvous with
the retrieval team on the southwestern coast of Whole Cake Island, but warns them that Big Mom
will never willingly let Sanji go.

When someone comes knocking on the door, Pudding helps the team sneak out. After purchasing
some supplies, they return to the Thousand Sunny, only to find Pekoms missing and a warning to
"turn back" scrawled in the bathroom. Unfazed, Luffy declares that things have finally gotten
interesting, and that they will continue ahead.

Elsewhere, on Broc Coli Island, Germa 66, led by the first two sons of the Vinsmoke Family, are
shown bringing an end to its two-year civil war after four hours. Angry that the Germa has taken
everything from him, an opposing soldier attempts to shoot the eldest Vinsmoke son while his
back is turned. However, he orders a Germa agent to take the bullet. He then twists the soldier's
gun so that it points at the soldier's head, remarking that he has no concern for the soldier's
family or the war, and that the war was going to make him late for Sanji's wedding. The Vinsmoke
then executes the soldier. Meanwhile, the second Vinsmoke son retrieves the compensation paid
by the 'victorious side' to Germa for its assistance in defeating their enemies. The two Vinsmokes
then contact an unseen individual via Den Den Mushi and learn that Sanji has already arrived on
Whole Cake Island. The elder Vinsmoke comments that he cannot wait to see Sanji again, but is
called out as a liar by the other. They promise to arrive on Whole Cake Island on the day before
the wedding.

The two Vinsmoke brothers are finally shown standing atop a building and surveying their
destruction of the city, as Germa 66 is hailed by the populace it had 'saved'.

After leaving Cocao Island, the Sanji Retrieval Team continues on to Whole Cake Island using the
route Pudding gave them. Luffy is worried about the missing Pekoms, but Pedro assures him that
Pekoms is tough and looking for him would be very difficult. Nami examines the map Pudding
gave them, looking for the best way to get there without being spotted by the enemy. Pedro calls

Yonko Whole Cake Island

out from the crow's nest, saying that he has spotted an island. Carrot and Chopper get excited
about docking on the island, which Nami presumes is made of jam. However, she tells them that
they will not be docking. Nami plots the next direction they will tak e, and Luffy excessively steers
that way, much to her chagrin. Nami says that by following the route the map has set out, they
can avoid surveillance. She then leaves the navigation to Brook as she goes to prepare food and
forbids Luffy from going to the kitchen again. Carrot leaps up to the crow's nest and asks if she
can help as a lookout. She sees that part of the faraway ocean is grape-colored, and Pedro reveals
that some of the islands have rivers of juice that flow into the oceans. Nami asks him how h e
knows so much about Totto Land, and Pedro reveals that he has been there once before.
Suddenly, the crew is confronted by a giant sea centipede, and they prepare to battle it.

On Whole Cake Island, the citizens hear that Big Mom’s illness has reared its head again, and
this time, she craves croquembouche. Tamago says that there were croquembouche tourists
staying on the island, but a woman reveals that they have already checked out. The people of
Totto Land quickly work together to make Big Mom some croquembouche, and they hear that Big
Mom is headed for the capital, Sweet City, while leaving a path of destruction in her wake. An
anthropomorphic sun attempts to stop her, but she throws it into the ground as she enters Sweet
City. Big Mom starts eating anything around her as the citizens evacuate in a panic. As she
searches for croquembouche, she devours any anthropomorphic object in her path. Charlotte
Moscato, the Minister of Gelato and Big Mom's 16th son, tries to calm his mother, promising that
they would have croquembouce ready soon. However, Big Mom attacks Muscat, seeing him only
as an edible obstacle. Muscat attempts to flee from his deranged mother, but she pulls away 40
years of his life span and renders him unconscious.

The shocked citizens continue to evacuate, and Jinbe suddenly appears from the Juice River with
a pile of the anthropomorphic croquembouche tourists. He throws the croquembouche into Big
Moms' mouth, immediately satiating her. The croquembouche are glad to be eaten if they are
found to be delicious. Big Mom greets Jinbe and thanks him for the poneglyph he gave her, asking
if the unusually sweet atmosphere on the island is because of him. Jinbe denies this, saying he
just arrived. He then says that he has something important to discuss with Big Mom, who then
gets angry as she wonders if he intends to leave her crew.

A few hours ago, Jinbe told the Sun Pirates that he wanted to join the Straw Hat Pirates because
he believed Luffy would become Pirate King and bring peace to Fishman Island. Aladine replied
that given how passionately Jinbe has talked about Luffy, he should go and follow his aspirations.
Jinbe was flustered that he has talked about Luffy that much, and his crewmates reflected that
Jinbe had become a pirate and joined Big Mom in order to protect them, so they were willing for
Jinbe to do something for himself for a change. The Sun Pirates said that they could take care of
themselves, and Jinbe became extremely grateful, although the fishmen got worried about what
Big Mom would say. This would especially put Aladine, as he had married Charlotte Praline, the
29th daughter of the Charlotte Family. Praline then appeared and yelled at Aladine, thinking he
would abandon her if the fishmen had a falling out with Big Mom, but Aladine assured her that
he would negotiate with Big Mom. However, Praline said that there was no need to negotiate, as
she would follow him anywhere, and she embraced him lovingly. Jinbe asked Praline if they would
incur Big Mom's wrath by leaving, and she replied that nobody who has tried to leave has survived.

In the present at Sweet City, Charlotte Moscato's body is carried away as a citizen asks Mont d’Or
if Jinbe will be killed as well, but he does not know what Big Mom will do. Inside the Whole Cake
Chateau, Big Mom speaks with Jinbe about cutting ties with her, and some pieces of cake tearfully
ask him why he is going. Big Mom eats them, saying that she does not care about the reason and
that pirates should live freely. However, she says that she will lose a valuable and powerful

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resource, so it is only right that Jinbe loses something as well. A roulette wheel is then brought
out, with pictures of arms, legs, heads, and crowns on the slots.

As night falls, the Sanji Retrieval Team stands on a solid sea of sweet syrup. Luffy wants to sleep
for the night, but Nami does not want to get ambushed again by the giant ants they had just
dispatched. Pedro says that the sea will start flowing again at daybreak but has frozen for the
night, and the team tries to unfreeze it. Brook says that he has put the ants to sleep, but it will be
chaos when they wake up, and Pedro states that his ship was once eaten by these ants. Luffy
wonders why he was in Totto Land before, and Carrot reveals that Pedro was once a pirate with
Pekoms, although Pedro says he only accompanied Pekoms halfway. They were on a journey to
find poneglyphs for Nekomamushi, but it ended when they came to Totto Land, as Pedro had
fallen there. The team is shocked to hear this, and Nami thinks that this must tr igger bad
memories for Pedro, but he says that he is glad to be aiding the others on this voyage. Pedro
states that he had heard Nekomamushi and Inuarashi showed the Straw Hats the Road
Poneglyph on Zou, which surprised him, as they had not shown it to strangers since 26 years ago
when they showed it to the Roger Pirates. Pedro knows that the rulers must have faith that the
Straw Hats will follow in Roger's footsteps, so he tells them that Big Mom's Road Poneglyph will
be useful to them after they defeat Kaido, thus they should steal it while they are here. He then
asks Luffy to buy him time to sneak in and steal it while they rescue Sanji, which Luffy agrees to,
and Nami is surprised by how easy that arrangement is. Chopper then notices that the ants are
awake again as they rush at the ship.

The next morning, the team reaches Whole Cake Island, and Pedro reveals that the tallest cake
is Big Mom's castle. Nami intends to go straight to avoid security, and Luffy suddenly sees
someone standing on the coast.

At the southwestern shore of Whole Cake Island, Luffy and Carrot get excited as the Shark
Submerge III emerges from Channel 3, inside it are Pedro and Brook. Pedro apologizes to Luffy
for taking Brook on his quest, but Brook says that he should be able to help infiltrate and steal
Big Mom's Road Poneglyph by detaching his soul from his body, which scares Carrot. Luffy bids
farewell to Pedro and Brook and says that they will be waiting around after meeting with Sanji
and Pudding. Pedro reminds them to stay alert and remember the message that Pekoms left. The
Shark Submerge III submerges as Pedro and Brook pilot it through a river towards Big Mom's
castle, going deep to avoid detection.

Luffy is excited about adventuring on Whole Cake Island, and calls out for Sanji and Pudding.
Nami questions if Luffy really saw them earlier like he said he did, which Luffy affirms as Chopper
and Carrot taste the meringue ground. Luffy goes up a hill and says that he saw Sanji and Pudding
standing right where he was, but disappeared when he briefly looked away. Suddenly, Luffy sees
Sanji standing against a tree, and he, Carrot, and Chopper race toward him. However, Nami does
not see Sanji there and wonders what her crewmates are doing, as they also lose sight of Sanji.
Luffy, Chopper, and Carrot become instantly enthralled by the forest in front of them, which is
made entirely out of candy, and they call to Sanji. Nami decides to take their visions of Sanji
seriously, but wonders why he would be hiding from them. Luffy, Chopper, and Carrot decide to
split up and look for Sanji, although they are more interested in the sweet treats in their paths,
but Nami tells them to stop. Luffy tells her that they should follow their instincts, but Nami
questions their motives and says that they will look for Sanji together. As they walk on a bridge,
Luffy, Chopper, and Carrot keep getting distracted by sweets, which Nami berates them for. She
reminds her crewmates that they are in enemy territory and should go back if they do not find
Sanji soon, which disappoints them. However, the trio is still distracted by the heaping of sweets,

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and as Nami shouts at them again a giant crocodile jumps out from under them with its mouth

The team barely manages to race across the rest of the bridge as the crocodile takes a giant bite
out of it. Chopper asks Luffy if they should fight the crocodile, but Luffy says there is no need as
the crocodile, who is wearing a bowler hat and suspenders, notes aloud that they are just humans.
It then walks away on its hind legs, causing Luffy to get mad that it did not find them delicious, to
Nami's chagrin. Nami tells her crewmates that the crocodile they encountered is the definition of
weird and dangerous. Luffy, however, questions that after everything she's seen since entering
the Grand Line, should she really be freaked out at this point (and points to Chopper and Carrot
who fall in the same category of being weird), leaving Nami embarrassed after realizing this. She
admits that he does have a point, but she still wants to go back and wait on the coast. Suddenly,
Luffy sees another version of himself, which shocks his crewmates. The two Luffys ask who the
other is at the same time, making the same movements and expressions. They begin threatening
the same thing at each other, mirroring each other's actions as though they are reflections of
each other. Chopper and Nami grow extremely confused about what is happening, and Carrot
sees Sanji lying on a tree branch. The Sanji Retrieval Team calls out to Sanji, saying they came to
take him back and wondering where Pudding is. Luffy heads over to Sanji, but ends up
headbutting his other version, causing them to get into a fistfight as Chopper sees Sanji running
away again. The two Luffys tell the others to go after Sanji as they continue fighting, matching
every blow and wondering who the other is.

While chasing after Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and Carrot encounter a large man buried to the neck
in the ground, which frightens both parties. They ask the man who buried him, and he rev eals
that he is here because he likes being buried. The man asks them for some juice, causing
Chopper to become enraged over his insanity, forcing Nami to pull Chopper away as the pirates
ignore the buried man and continue running after Sanji. The man offers to share the direction
Sanji went in if they give him apple juice from a waterfall, but the team is suddenly forced to duck
as a rabbit rides in on a large bird and swings a spear at them, which cuts apart a few living trees.
Thoroughly bewildered by the insanity of the forest, Nami tries to convince the others to go back,
saying that if Sanji was really there he would not sit idly by while this happened. However, their
compasses and watches begin spinning nonstop as everything in the Seducing Woods comes to
life, intending on covering up the pirates' exit and playing a game of death.

In the Seducing Woods on Whole Cake Island, the living wildlife whisper among themselves,
wondering if the Sanji Retrieval Team has noticed them and saying that "Madam Brûlée" is
playing with the pirates. Meanwhile, Nami, Chopper, and Carrot run from the crane -riding rabbit
Randolph, whom Carrot says is not a mink despite its appearance. Randolph spins its spear over
its head, and Carrot flips back toward it as she attacks it with Electro. Carrot notes that Randolph
cannot use Electro, proving it is not a mink, and Nami tells Carrot not to get separated from them.
Carrot electrocutes the crane with Electro as she runs back to Nami and Chopper, and Randolph
leaps off its downed steed. Randolph hurls its spear at the pirates, and they dodge it as they run
into the buried giant again; the spear ends up stabbing the giant in the back of the head. Chopper
remarks that the giant makes a good landmark, meaning that they are getting closer to Luffy.

When they relocate Luffy, who is still fighting his reflection, Nami tells him that they need to head
back to the coast. Luffy agrees to go back with them as he and his reflection run in opposite
directions. The Sanji Retrieval Team approaches the damaged donut bridge, but one of the Luffys
suddenly calls out to the rest of the team; the other Luffy, the one with the team, immediately
clamps his mouth shut. The Luffy with the team wonders where Sanji is, but Nami replies that
they are not sure that the person they saw was really Sanji. Suddenly, the Sanji Retrieval Team

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runs into the buried giant again, which shocks and confuses both the team and the giant. They
decide to turn around and go back over the river, but end up face-to-face once more with the
giant. Nami tries to understand how they are looping back continuously to the same spot, when
she suddenly sees the living flora in front of her moving around. Nami realizes that there was
never a path back to the coast to begin with, and everything in the forest starts coming to life
around them. "Luffy's" expression changes as he tells Nami what the Seducing Woods really are;
he then transforms into Charlotte Brûlée, the 8th daughter of the Charlotte Family, and grabs
Nami. Brûlée remarks that Nami's and Carrot's beautiful faces make her want to slice them up
with her fingernails.

Meanwhile, in Lake Aprico beside Whole Cake Chateau, a Germa 66 ship sails into the port. The
single ship then converges with a much larger platform suspended above other interlocked ships;
collectively, the country on the platform is introduced as the Germa Kingdom, the country ruled
by the Vinsmoke Family and the only maritime country in the world. The vast majority of the
kingdom's citizens are shown to be male Germa 66 soldiers, who train constantly every day.

From the balcony of the Kingdom's royal castle, a pensive Sanji looks down at the training soldiers
before turning to his elder sister, Reiju, and asking her how long she intends to sit in his room.
Reiju responds that they have not seen each other in 13 years, and yet he still gives her the cold
shoulder. Sanji replies irritably that he made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with their family
anymore, and expresses distaste at the family's choice of interior decoration: a large picture on
the wall that showed their father standing over four decapitated kings. Reiju explains that the
picture was taken during the Conquest of Four Nations, which showcased their father's dream of
regaining the family's ancestral dominion over the entire North Blue. Reiju questions Sanji as to
why he would want to foresake his royal status and live a mundane pirating life, telling him that
he could live a life of luxury and be served by his own personal maids. Reiju continue s, stating
that Sanji would have access to the wealth, power and devoted soldiers gained from their family's
generations of strength, but Sanji reiterates once more that he has no intention of marrying
Charlotte Pudding. As they converse, a voice from outside the room calls to the "commander",
who responds that he is heading to Sanji's room.

Suddenly, the Vinsmoke patriarch, Vinsmoke Judge, enters the room and is greeted by Reiju.
Judge asks Sanji if he is intent on giving him a hard time, but Sanji retorts by calling him a
"bastard" and refusing to acknowledge Judge as his father. Judge asks if Sanji did something to
Yonji, despite Yonji's formidable strength, and Sanji simply replies that he must just be stronger.
Judge then calls on Sanji to step outside, and to settle their quarrel using physical force.

In the Germa Kingdom, a few Germa 66 agents rush to see the duel between Sanji and Judge,
wondering what Sanji is like. In Yonji's fortress, Yonji tells an engineer that he told Sanji off about
refusing to cooperate with the wedding plans, expecting things to be the same as in the past, but
ended up getting a dent in his head as a result of his brother overpowering him. The engineer
unsuccessfully tries to repair Yonji's facial structure with a hammer; he next resorts to using a
press machine to press Yonji's face on both sides, which returns it to normal. Yonji wonders how
a "good-for-nothing" person like Sanji managed to best him and swears to make him pay.

Meanwhile, the Germa 66 agents get their first glimpse of Sanji's combat prowess, admiring the
strength he is displaying even without wearing a raid suit. Sanji launches a kick at Judge, who
blocks the attack with his arm before berating Sanji for kicking his own father. Sanji retaliates
that Judge started the fight, and once again refuses to acknowledge him as his father. Judge
continues to swipe at Sanji with his spear, and Sanji states that the only reason he returned to
the Germa Kingdom was to protect his crew. Judge reminds Sanji that reneging on their pact will

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incur Big Mom's vengeance, and questions if Sanji would really sacrifice his own family. Once
again, Sanji tells him that he only came to protect his crew while angrily stating he does not care
what happens to his family in such an eventuality as he no longer considers them family.

During the fight, Sanji recalls snippets of his childhood. He recalls being beaten by Ichiji, Niji and
Yonji, after they caught him making food for "rats" (an activity they considered "below" royalty).
Sanji attempted to retrieve the food he had made by punching Ichiji in the face, but his brother
retaliated with much stronger force, causing Yonji and Niji to laugh and tell Sanji that, even though
they were all born on the same day, he was nothing like them. When Judge and Reiju passed by
behind them, Sanji called out to his father for help; however, Judge replied that he had no
obligation to assist, or even raise, a worthless son, and denounced Sanji as a disgrace to their
family name. As Reiju laughed, Sanji's brothers resumed their bullying.

In the present, Judge asks Sanji if he was reminiscing about his past and swings his spear at him,
but Sanji blocks it with a Busoshoku Haki-imbued leg. Judge and Germa 66 are surprised to see
Sanji's display of Haki, and Judge offers him a sword, reminding Sanji that he had trained him in
swordsmanship. Sanji, however, refuses to use his hands for anything other than cooking, a
spectating Vinsmoke Reiju is in disbelief at Sanji's strength describing him as a beast. Judge
criticizes him for keeping his old habits before he leaps high above Sanji, leaving the Germa 66
agents awestruck, and Sanji tries to counter Judge's aerial attack with a Diable Jambe kick.
However, Judge blocks it, grabs Sanji's leg, and throws him into the ground, saying that war
advances technology as he kicks Sanji with an electrified foot. He then blasts Sanji away with a
blaster in the back of his shoe. As Judge continues, and tells Sanji that the Germa he once knew
is a thing of the past, Sanji asks if he should really view his birth family in a higher light despite
them not giving him any decent memories. Sanji state all he holds is hatred for Judge and
reactivates Diable Jambe as Judge commands his men to form a wall between them; this causes
an attacking Sanji to hesitate, as he tells the men to get out of the way. Much to Sanji's shock,
Judge then pierces one of his men from behind, positioning the point of the spear right in front of
Sanji before channeling electricity through its tip and sending Sanji f lying backwards.

Back inside the Germa Kingdom's royal castle, Reiju tends to Sanji's wounds while expressing her
surprise at Sanji's combat prowess. However, Sanji shrugs her off and reiterates his disdain for
his family, saying that, despite his hopes of returning to find them improved, they were even worse
now than he remembered them being. Judge tells him that the Germa 66 soldiers would give up
their lives for the family, and Sanji asks him why he is not using them to try and conquer the North
Blue again. Judge explains that an alliance with Big Mom will guarantee their conquest; however,
as he refused to hand over one of his "precious sons" to meet her terms for an alliance, he sought
out Sanji, the dispensable son whom he never truly considered a son. Angry and upset, a
distracted Sanji notices that Reiju had stopped administering aid and had placed wristlets on his
arms - wristlets which, Judge reveals, use the same explosive mechanisms as the collars World
Nobles place on their slaves. Judge warns Sanji that they will permanently damage his hands if
he tries to escape Whole Cake Island, and further warns him that Big Mom is the only one with
possession of the key. Even without this guarantee, Judge remarks that the soldiers of the Germa
Kingdom will never let Sanji leave alive, and he threatens Sanji with the ultimatum that he has
no choice but to go through with the wedding as scheduled.

On a balcony in the Germa Kingdom’s royal castle, Sanji stares at the exploding wristlets placed
on his arms by his father and sister. It is shown that, a little while earlier, Sanji had tried to remove
the wristlets forcibly, setting off a warning alarm; Reiju intervened, telling him that the keys in Big
Mom’s possession are the only way to remove them. Sanji recalls a childhood memory of Zeff

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bandaging his wounded hands, before (literally) beating into him the lesson that a chef's hands
are not meant for fighting. As his anger mounts, Sanji yells out from the balcony in frustration.

Meanwhile, Brook and Pedro successfully infiltrate Sweet City using the Shark Submerge III. As
they land, they overhear the locals discussing Jinbe’s betrayal of Big Mom. Totto Land's
newspaper reported that, after asking to leave her crew, he retracted his request upon hearing
the price she demanded for such a betrayal. Brook realizes that Jinbe's position as Big Mom's
subordinate was what led him to turn down Luffy’s offer to join the Straw Hat Pirates, and reflects
that the newspaper's account of Jinbe's cowardice was uncharacteristic of the fishman they knew.
Pedro is astonished that Big Mom has a former Shichibukai in her crew, and asks Brook if Jinbe
is an acquaintance of the Straw Hats. Brook confirms that he is.

Suddenly, Pedro spots Baron Tamago and Sanji's fiancée, Charlotte Pudding, shopping for a
wedding dress. Pudding is anxious to tend to a prior engagement, but Tamago insists that she
make finding a dress her priority. The store's staff suggest that Pudding choose an item that would
suit the groom's tastes, but a flustered Pudding remarks that she has only met Sanji once before.
Brook and Pedro realize that Pudding was unable to slip her handlers, and that the pair that Luffy
spotted on the shore of Whole Cake Island could not have been Sanji and Pudding. As they
continue their spying, two soldiers report the Sanji Retrieval Team’s movements since arriving in
Totto Land, including: the arrival of the Thousand Sunny on Cacao Island; the disappearance of
Pekoms; the presence of Luffy, Nami, Chopper and Carrot in the Seducing Woods ; and the
presence of Brook and Pedro elsewhere in Totto Land. Tamago recognizes the soldiers' sketch of
Pedro but instructs the soldiers to focus on locating Pekoms. He muses that, in honor of their
long partnership in Big Mom's service, he wants to appeal to Big Mom to forgive Pekoms, but that
the situation is complex. Brook and Pedro start to panic, realizing that the whole Sanji Retrieval
Team are in dire straits.

At the northeastern coast of Whole Cake Island, the Fire Tank Pirates are gathered behind Capone
Bege, his wife Charlotte Chiffon, and Capone's son, Capone Gang Pez. A tied-up Pekoms is shown
standing at the edge of a cliff. The two exchange words as, just before he is shot, Pekoms warns
Capone that his underestimation of Big Mom will be his downfall. After being shot, Pekoms falls
off the cliff and into the shark-infested waters below.

Inside the Queen's Chamber in Whole Cake Chateau, Caesar Clown is shown talking with Big
Mom. Big Mom explains her dream for her family to encompass all the races of the world, and for
all of its members to be able to sit and converse with each other at eye level. She reveals that
she had previously commissioned Caesar to develop a drug which will turn her whole family into
giants, and inquires as to its progress. Caesar reflects to himself that such a project was
impossible, and that he had swindled her funds to spend on women and alcohol; however, he lies
and states that, were it not for the interference of Luffy and Trafalgar Law, her drug would already
be complete. He bemoans that, with the destruction of his research lab on Punk Hazard, he no
longer has her drug. Big Mom, however, shocks and horrifies him when she reveals that she had
an exact replica of his lab built out of candy and reinforced iron. Caesar is taken to the lab by the
Big Mom's eldest son, Charlotte Perospero, who warns him that, if the drug is not ready in two
weeks, Caesar will be turned into candy and (presumably) licked to death.

As night falls over Whole Cake Island, Luffy continues to labor in the Seducing Woods. He carries
"Sanji" and "Pudding" into the center of a clearing in the woods. There, it is shown that multiple,
bound versions of Sanji, Pudding, Nami, Chopper and Carrot are already gathered, each making
animal sounds. Luffy exclaims that he has found all of them, but that they are all acting strangely.
He then asks them why they were multiplying.

Yonko Whole Cake Island

The story starts in Chocolate Town, where the narration explains that every six months, the
citizens of Totto Land are asked a question, "Leave or Life?". Those who choose life have a small
round object removed from their bodies.

Back in the Seducing Wood, Luffy is confused by all Namis, Choppers, Carrots, Sanjis, and
Puddings he's collected. He cannot understand why they are multiplying and making animal
sounds. One of them starts issuing threats to Luffy, and turns out to be the real Nami. After some
blows to the head, Luffy apologizes while Nami furiously tells him she had been looking for him
when he ambushed her. Nami marvels at her fake's likeness, and Luffy asks if they did not just
multiply for fun. Nami angrily tells him that it is impossible. Nami turns her anger on the trapped
giant, who had seen the whole thing but did nothing due to being immobilized. Luffy asks if
something happened and Nami explains that their captain attacked them, much to his surprise.

Nami explains that it was someone impersonating Luffy who had tagged along with them as they
tried to leave the woods. The woman then revealed herself to be Charlotte Brûlée. Nami asks
where the real Luffy is, and while Brûlée is answering, Nami was able to pull out her Clima-Tact
and escaped Brûlée's hold by hitting her in the stomach with its expansion feature. Brûlée
tries to attack again, but Carrot attempts to fight her. Using a mirror, Brûlée rebounds her
Eleclaw attack back at her. Brûlée explains that she ate the Mira Mira no Mi, a fruit that gives
her the ability to reflect back anything she wants. Carrot tries to attack again, but this time is
pulled inside the mirror, a move Brûlée calls Mirro-World. Carrot is now a prisoner inside
Brûlée's mirror. Nami demands Carrot back, but Brûlée tells her not to worry, as she doesn't
plan on killing them, and asks if they realize the situation they are in. Brûlée informs them that
Big Mom is well aware of their presence in her territory. In fact, the only reason Brûlée,
Randolph, and the parts of the talking landscape are there is because Big Mom ordered them to.
They were ordered to let them wander around aimlessly for a bit, but they absolutely cannot meet
with Sanji, and to make them aware of what happens when they defy Big Mom. She then
commands the talking wilderness, calling them "Homies", to make sure they don't lose sight of
Nami and Chopper.

A tree root grabs Chopper's leg. Chopper tells Nami to find Luffy while he holds them off. Nami
realizes that they have significantly underestimated the power a Yonko wields. She promises to
come back with help. Brûlée marvels at Chopper's abilities, saying her mother would love to
add him to her collection. Nami concludes her recount, saying that she'd been running like crazy
through the woods ever since. Luffy calls it absolutely crazy and asks where Chopper and Carrot
are. Nami tells them it all happened right where they were standing, but there is no trace of them
now. She then turns her attention to the buried giant. She demands to know why neither Brûlée
or her henchmen so much as touched him, assuming that he must be an accomplice. The giant
tells them that he wouldn't exactly say they were enemies and promises to tell them more if they
bring him some juice from a nearby river. Luffy tells him that if he can tell anything useful, he will
gladly bring him all the juice he wants.

The giant remarks that Luffy seems pretty strong, but not so much for Nami. Nami angrily assures
him that she is plenty powerful. He explains that he thought Chopper was pretty strong too, but
the trees still jumped on him no problem, saying they don't stop until they've completed their
mission. Luffy asks how they are able to move in the first place. The giant explains that every six
months, each citizen is required to give a month's worth of their lifespan, in the form of their soul,
to the country in exchange for protection. Luffy asks how that is even possible. He explains that
Big Mom is a Devil Fruit user who ate the Soru Soru no Mi, giving her the ability to control souls.
The pieces of soul are then spread throughout the islands. The souls then inhabit nearby objects,

Yonko Whole Cake Island

giving them sentience. The newly animated objects are called "homies". The collection is carried
out by pieces of Big Mom's own soul, the "ïncarnations".

Nami remembers being in Chocola Town and seeing things that should not have been alive. The
giant also affirms that the souls can settle into animals. The giant explains that all the fakes Luffy
gathered are animals transformed by Brûlée's ability. Luffy then angrily asks why he didn't say
anything and the giant explains that he didn't want to get involved. He then explains that long
ago, he was Big Mom's husband. After giving her two daughters, she discarded him. A figure
comes up from behind and grabs the giant by his ponytail and pulls him out of the ground. It turns
out that the giant is really just a large man with an even larger head. The one to pull out his head
was Charlotte Cracker, the 10th son in the family, Minister of Biscuits, and one of the three Sweet
Commanders. The man pleads with Cracker to allow him to see Chiffon again so he can
congratulate her on her marriage. He also mentions that Lola ran away, and Nami is surprised to
hear that name.

Nami is shocked to hear that the man with the gigantic head has a daughter named Lola,
remembering how Pudding told them about an older sister who ran away from home in search of
a marriage of her own choosing. The man tells Charlotte Cracker to unhand him, as he wanted to
see his daughters, Lola and Chiffon. Nami recalls Lola giving her her mother's vivre card on Thriller
Bark, and realizes that Big Mom is Lola's mother while the man is her father, which surprises
Luffy. Suddenly, Randolph comes riding in on his crane as they rush at the two Straw Hats. Luffy
and Nami prepare to defend themselves, but Cracker suddenly knocks Randolph over by shouting
at him. Cracker's shout causes the nearby tree homies to shrink and wither away, and Luffy and
Nami note in shock that they did this not because of Haki, but because of fear. The tree homies
wonder what Cracker is doing in the Seducing Woods, and he questions them whether he was
not good enough to be there, before turning to Randolph and yelling at him for intruding in their
business. Randolph apologizes, saying that his crane forced him to come, which the crane says
is a lie.

Cracker states that Big Mom takes initiative, so she sent him in order to reliably deal with Luffy,
who took down Donquixote Doflamingo and may have been too strong for Brûlée. Brûlée,
having arrived at the scene, takes offense to this, as does an enormous tree homie she is
standing on, who is revealed to be the master of the Seducing Woods, King Baum. King Baum
states that no one they have targeted has emerged from the Seducing Woods alive, but Cracker
states that they do not have time to play games: the rest of the Vinsmoke Family will be arriving
at Whole Cake Chateau the next day, and they are sealing a long-awaited and important alliance
with Germa 66. An irritated Brûlée states that she knows that, as she turns the Straw Hat
copies back into animals. Luffy sees her on the tree and mistakes her for a branch. Brûlée gets
offended and reveals that she has captured Carrot and Chopper inside her mirror. Brûlée tells
Cracker that she has already succeeded in capturing some of the Straw Hats as she drops the
mirror on the ground, shattering it. Luffy talks with Chopper and Carrot, who did not shatter with
the mirror, and they tell him to hold on for a second.

Cracker then decides to return to business by killing the man with the gigantic head first, saying
that Big Mom does not care about his demise. The man pleads with Cracker, saying he could be
his father, but Cracker says that he, like Big Mom, considered her 43 husbands as outsiders to
the family. Pound asks again about his daughters as Cracker prepares to kill him with his sword,
but Luffy suddenly blocks Cracker's swing. Luffy then kicks Cracker's arm, forcing him to let go of
the man, and Luffy prepares to defend him, whom he has taken a liking to. The homies run away
in terror, knowing that Cracker is about to fight Luffy, and Nami prepares to flee the scene with
the man, who reveals his name to be Pound. Pound remembers that Nami stated Lola's name

Yonko Whole Cake Island

earlier, but the two are forced to run from the pursuing homies. As the homies chase them, Nami
pulls out the Vivre Card Lola gave her that was hidden between her breasts, which glows very
brightly and causes the homies to shrink back in terror. Brûlée asks what is wrong with
everyone, and King Baum replies that they cannot oppose Nami due to feeling Big Mom's powerful
soul around her. Suddenly, Luffy is knocked into one of the tree homies by Cracker, who taps his
limbs to multiply them, gaining a new weapon with each limb. Cracker states that Luffy has no
chance of coming out victorious. Nami tells Luffy not to go all out, but Luffy replies that he knows
no other way of fighting.

Cracker announces himself to Luffy as the "Biscuit Knight", and his sword as "Pretzel"; Cracker
further proclaims that Pretzel has no equal among swords. An on-looking Nami is shocked that
Cracker's limbs, and even Pretzel, have multiplied, and warns Luffy to fall back since Cracker was
likely an executive member of the Big Mom Pirates. Luffy refuses, however, and charges at
Cracker, hitting him with an Elephant Gun attack that Cracker easily blocks wit h his shields.
Cracker then repels Luffy and assaults him with his multiplied Pretzels, which overwhelm Luffy as
he struggles to counter them. Cracker then drives a Busoshoku Haki-imbued Pretzel into Luffy's
abdomen, sending Luffy flying far away despite Luffy also coating himself in Haki.

As she continues to watch on, Nami realizes that they are truly in over their heads if Luffy cannot
even defeat one of Big Mom’s underlings. She calls on Luffy to run, but is blocked
by Brûlée and King Baum. Brûlée laughs at their helplessness, saying that, like the
other Worst Generation crews that entered the New World seeking to make their captains Pirate
King, the Straw Hats will hit the same wall and stumble. Brûlée further reveals that, during the
past two years, Eustass Kid, Scratchmen Apoo, Capone Bege, and Urouge had all entered Big
Mom's territory, but aside from Bege (who subordinated himself to them), they were all chased
away without even encountering Big Mom herself. Brûlée throws a mirror down at Nami's feet
and appears inside it, saying that Urouge alone managed to defeat one of their previously Four
Commanders. However, an enraged Big Mom then sent Cracker to deal with him, leaving
Brûlée confident that Urouge's corpse is lying somewhere in the Woods. Brûlée mocks the
mere thought of the Straw Hats being able to stand up to Big Mom and ruin her plans, emerging
from her mirror and grabbing Nami by the ankles. She reiterates that they, too, will perish without
even seeing Big Mom's face.

As Brûlée drags Nami into her mirror, Nami calls for Pound, who throws a wild punch at
Brûlée. Brûlée dodges it, but is forced to release Nami, and she warns her stepfather that
his actions now qualify as irredeemable rebellion against Big Mom. Nami then strike s Brûlée
with Thunderbolt Tempo, sending her crashing to the ground and frightening the nearby homies.
Pound warns that Brûlée will definitely return, as she can appear in any mirror, and Nami
apologizes for dragging him into the conflict. However, Pound replies that it was settled since Big
Mom authorized her subordinates to kill him at their leisure. He then asks Nami if she is really
friends with Lola, which she confirms. Nami then withdraws Big Mom's Vivre Card, saying that she
is eager to put it to good use.

The homies start running away from the pirates, screaming that this was more than they
bargained for; however, Cracker repeats his orders to not let them leave the Seducing Woods
alive. Luffy attacks Cracker with Hawk Gatling, but Cracker easily blocks it with his Haki-imbued
shields, and Luffy remarks that Cracker's Haki is the hardest that he's ever come across. Cracker
then slams Luffy into the ground, telling Luffy that, if he truly considers himself Sanji’s friend, he
will leave Sanji be to get married and live the luxurious life of a royal. Cracker draws closer to Luffy
as he berates him for his selfishness, stating that Sanji would not appreciate being pursued by
his former pirate crew, and that even if Luffy did manage to get past Cracker, Sanji would simply

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tell the "lowly pirates" to leave. Luffy, enraged by these taunts, activates Gear Fourth and blows
Cracker away with Kong Gun; Luffy warns him not to put words into Sanji's mouth, saying that,
whatever Sanji's feelings on the marriage, he would never speak to the crew in that way.

As a beaten Cracker slowly gets up, Luffy angrily states that he is going to meet up with Sanji.
Luffy flies towards Cracker to deal the finishing blow, but Cracker gets up and attacks Luffy with
Pretzel Roll. Luffy's fist meets the tip of the sword, breaking it and shattering Cracker's body in
half. However, a smaller figure rises from the bottom half of the body and slices Luffy's arm,
causing him to recoil in pain. Luffy asks who the man is, but the man simply laughs and reveals
that he is Cracker before expressing his surprise that Luffy broke through his "armor". Luffy is
shocked at the revelation, saying that Cracker coughed up blood after being hit with Kong Gun,
but Cracker reveals that the blood was actually a specially made jam that he used with his Devil
Fruit, the Bisu Bisu no Mi. Cracker states that, due to his craftsmanship, he can make biscuits
with his Devil Fruit into anything he desires, giving him a limitless range of abilities to fight his
opponents. As he creates several puppets resembling his original suit of armor, Cracker mocks
Luffy for only being barely able to defeat one of his potentially infinite biscuit soldiers. Cracker
reiterates that Luffy will never be able to see Sanji, but Luffy recalls Sanji's promise to return to
the crew and attacks the puppets with rapid fire Gear Fourth punches. He shatters the puppets'
shields, but Cracker has them advance as he leaps out from behind them, driving Pretzel toward
Luffy's head. Luffy barely manages to dodge the attack, and the fight continues.

Nearby, the homies all run away from the clearing in which Luffy and Cracker are fighting.
However, Nami stops the homies in their tracks as she stands inside King Baum's mouth, using
Lola's Vivre Card to force the homies to do her bidding. When she asks them who they fear more,
Cracker or Big Mom, the homies reply that Nami scares them more than either of the Charlottes.
At the same time, inside Brûlée’s Mirro-World, a shackled Chopper tells Carrot, also
shackled, that he has a plan, and so she should call him "Brother Chopper". Carrot refers to him
as "Choniki" instead and asks what the plan is, and Chopper explains his realization that the
Mirro-World is connected to every mirror on Whole Cake Island. Thus, instead of trying to escape,
they should use Brûlée's power against her. At Sweet City, Brook and Pedro sit inside a biscuit
soldier patrolling the streets, knowing that the soldier will return to Whole Cake Chateau after its
night watch, thereby allowing them to infiltrate the castle.

The next morning, inside Whole Cake Chateau, Big Mom's homies inform her that the Vinsmoke
Family will soon be arriving at the castle to meet and exchange gifts, and that the wedding cake
is on schedule for tomorrow. Big Mom asks about the intruders in the Seducing Woods, but they
assure her that they are certain to fail against Cracker and that their likelihood of reaching Sanji
will be nonexistent once he enters the Chateau. Big Mom notes that not all of the Vinsmoke
children are gathered, but her hat updates her that the two eldest sons have, in fact, just arrived.
Outside the Chateau, in the Germa Kingdom, Judge and Reiju are happy to receive the news of
their return, while Yonji voices his eager anticipation at their reunion with Sanji. Sanji, looking
down from a balcony in the Vinsmoke castle, trembles as he watches Vinsmoke Ichiji and
Vinsmoke Niji disembark; as the Germa 66 soldiers give their commanders a hero's welcome, Niji
angrily wonders why Sanji was not there to greet them, but Ichiji tells him to quiet down.

As the newly reunited Vinsmoke Family eat breakfast within the throne room of their castle,
Judge reflects that Broc Coli Island was one of numerous nations impacted by the fall of
Doflamingo’s weapon trade; he and Reiju note that one side caved in and hired Germa 66 out of
desperation to end the war, rather than continue sustaining casualties. However, Ichiji and
Niji express complete indifference to the politics of the war, showing concern only for the money
they had made. Yonji reflected on the profit-boosting possibility of working for both sides, but

Yonko Whole Cake Island

Judge says that it would make them no better than pirates. Niji then mentions the
upcoming Reverie, and Judge replies that as their goal nears completion, the World Government
will likely strip the Vinsmokes of their right to participate in Reverie.

Niji remarks that it is strange to see his father in high spirits, expressing surprise that Sanji
ultimately proved of use to them. He tells Sanji that when Sanji left the family 13 years ago, the
brothers often pondered humorous ways in which he might have died, causing Yonji to laugh.
Sanji's only response is to tell Niji to finish the food left on his plate, but Niji replies that it was
unappetizing and that he will throw it away. Sanji's expression darkens as he orders Niji to eat it,
calling him a spoiled prince who does not know the value of food. This enrages Niji, who calls for
the head chef Cosette; Cosette appears and vehemently apologizes for making food not to Niji's
liking, and Niji tells her to stay still as he throws his plate directly at her. Sanji catches the plate
before it makes contact with Cosette, causing the food to fall onto the floor. Both Niji and Sanji
are angered, with the latter expressing fury over the former's attempt to harm a woman. Niji
replies that she is just a menial servant, but Sanji picks up the food, examining it and
complimenting its nutritional value. Cosette attempts to stop him so that she can clean it up
herself, but Sanji remarks that she must have put in great effort to make the dish and he eats it
off the floor, shocking Cosette. All the Vinsmokes (except Reiju) are repulsed by Sanji's action, but
Sanji continues by telling Cosette that she used the perfect seasoning for this dish, causing her
to become flustered and start crying from an earnest compliment by one of the royal family.

An enraged Niji attempts to kick Sanji, but Judge tells him not to attack Sanji before the wedding.
Niji halts his kick right in front of Sanji's face, although the force of it is sufficient to knock Cosette
over. Niji labels Sanji a shame to their family, but Sanji replies that being in this family was
shameful to him. Sanji proceeds to berate them for not appreciating meals, harming women, and
treating their subordinates like expendable pawns. Ichiji then interjects, saying that Sanji's
comments only show that he had too long associating with commoners, and that they are meant
to act like royals. Judge concurs with Ichiji and Niji and holds up a photograph of Zeff, wondering
if he was responsible for Sanji's negative upbringing. Sanji is shocked that his father knows about
Zeff, and Judge states that they have pinpointed the Baratie’s location. Judge recalls receiving
both the exploding wristlets and Zeff's photograph from Tamago, before telling his son that if he
continues challenging and defying him, he will see to it that Zeff is killed. Judge tells Sanji that
this is his first and final warning, before telling Sanji that he will leave his old friends and old life
behind if he wanted everyone to remain unscathed. As his siblings leave the throne room, Sanji
recalls being raised by Zeff on the Baratie as well as their tearful goodbye, and Judge instructs
him to prepare to head to Whole Cake Island for their lunch meeting with Big Mom and
Pudding later in the day.

Later, Sanji stumbles upon a heavily beaten and unconscious Cosette, becoming enraged at Niji
for his possible vindictive actions. Yonji appears and states that Sanji brought this upon himself
and Cosette by sticking up for her. Yonji asks if Sanji wants to confront Niji and Sanji accepts his
offer, but they instead end up before a highly secured room; Yonji reminds Sanji that it was the
same room they had never been allowed to enter as children. They enter the room, and Sanji
expresses his disbelief as he sees dozens of soldiers from Germa 66 being kept in large bottle-
shaped containers.

Vinsmoke Yonji reveals to Sanji that the people kept in bottle-like tanks are the soldiers of Germa
66, and a shocked Sanji notes that they are all identical and wonders if they are even alive. Yonji
tells Sanji that the Germa Kingdom has always been a kingdom of science, revealing that their
father Vinsmoke Judge was hailed as a brilliant scientist before they were born. Judge was once
part of a lawless research team, in partnership with Vegapunk, and the two discovered the the

Yonko Whole Cake Island

Lineage Factor of living organisms, giving them the blueprints to life itself. Upon discovering this,
the World Government decided it was too great a power for them to have; they arrested Vegapunk
and drove the other researchers apart. Judge continued this research in secret, leading eventually
to the creation of the clones that served Germa 66 as its foot soldiers. Yonji stat es that other
nations not only fear Germa, but also envy their possession of an extremely loyal and easily
replenishable military force (a 20 year old clone can be grown in five years).

Sanji tells Yonji to stop, stating that the revelations were making him nauseous, and he sits down
and lights a cigarette. Vinsmoke Ichiji and Vinsmoke Niji then enter the room, saying that, when
the family first learned that Sanji had been spending his recent life as a pirate, they had hoped it
might have toughened him up, but all they had seen indicated that Sanji was as disappointing as
ever. Upon seeing Niji, Sanji grows enraged at what he did to Cosette and kicks him in the face,
but Ichiji reminds him that they can easily kill Zeff in response to any resistance by Sanji. Niji then
moves behind Sanji extremely quickly and grabs him around the neck, taunting him over his
powerlessness before kneeing him in the back. Niji's knee is electrified, and the attack causes
Sanji to cough up blood as Niji punches him into the ground with an electrified fist. Niji tells Sanji
that if he knew he cared about Cosette that much, he would have beaten her even more, and
then arranged for a crippled Cosette to serve in Sanji's personal staff. Ichiji welcomes Sanji
"home" and reminds him that he is at the bottom of their family’s hierarchy.

As he listens to his brothers' taunts, Sanji recalls further parts of his childhood. As children, he
and his siblings stood before Judge as their father informed them that they were his greatest
scientific achievements; through his scientific breakthroughs, Judge had genetically enhanced
their bodies to surpass normal human limitations. He instructs them that, if they train, they will
be able to develop superhuman abilities and lead Germa 66 to achieve Judge's ambitions. As the
training regime begins, however, Sanji quickly began lagging behind his siblings in their routines,
which irritated them. Sanji faced off against Niji in swordsmanship training, but his wooden sword
broke when it came into contact with Niji; Niji then easily beat him up with his sword, to the point
where Germa 66 soldiers had to pull Niji off Sanji to prevent further damage. Later, a Germa 66
aide reported to Judge that Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji were all developing rapidly, both physically and
intellectually, but Sanji's genetics had not changed since he was born, leaving him as a normal
human being. An enraged Judge soon discovers Sanji in his room, having just cooked a plate of
food for a rat. Judge proceeded to berate Sanji for serving others, stating that Sanji's mother had
long passed and that there was nothing to be gained from following the legacy of the dead. Judge
warned Sanji that, since he did not have his siblings' aptitude, he would have to train much harder
to contribute to the Germa Kingdom. Judge then shattered a window, sending the rat and Sanji's
dish falling toward the ground, causing Sanji to cry.

As their training continued, Sanji was once again beaten up by his brothers while Vinsmoke Reiju
watched on and laughed; later, Reiju treated Sanji's wounds and confided to him that she only
laughed at their brothers' actions so she would not be bullied herself. Judge and his aides
continued observing no progress from Sanji, and Judge eventually decided to hold a state funeral
to mourn Sanji's "death" in an accident. As they watched on, Sanji's brothers expressed a mixture
of surprise and glee at the news of his death, while a nervous Reiju smiled at their conversation. In
reality, Sanji had been detained inside the palace while other Germa 66 soldiers detained his
face in an iron mask; h e was then imprisoned in a dungeon, and began yelling for someone to
speak with his father. One of the soldiers then revealed to Sanji that they had been acting under
Judge's orders, as Judge wished to start over in a world where Sanji had never been born. Sanji
began to cry in his cell, as he shouted for his father to let him out and apologized for being born

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Over 13 years ago, the Germa Kingdom cooks made a fancy meal every day, but had no idea
where it was going to, intriguing them. A servant took the meal to Sanji's cell, which he had been
in for six months. The cooks continued wondering who the meals would possibly go to, but were
told by others to stop questioning the king's orders. The guards loosened Sanji's iron mask,
allowing him to eat, and Sanji heard his siblings training outside. Outside, Ichiji took down a grown
man, and Judge's aide stated that his children had magnificent skills, causing Judge to happily
embrace and congratulate them.

As Sanji ate, he remembered his earliest attempts to cook, which resulted in him cutting his hand.
A cook stated that a royal like Sanji should not be in the kitchen, but Sanji was later able to make
some kind of dish. He then carried it to the medical ward, and a guard attempted to convince him
to not go there alone in the rain, but Sanji continued and told him to leave before slipping in a
puddle. The weather began to get worse, and Sanji was attacked by a dog who wanted the food.
Finally, a battered Sanji made it to the medical ward, and he presented the food he made to
Époni. Epony reminded him that his mother could not stomach most food, but decided to try it
anyways. However, the food tasted extremely bad, and Sanji went to visit his bedridden mother.
His mother took interest in the dish and told Epony that from now on Sanji would cook for her.
Epony and Sanji told her that Sanji's food had become a mess after his journey, but Sanji's mother
ate it anyways and complimented it. She cleared her plate and asked Sanji to cook something
again, though she later died.

Back in his cell, Sanji requested a cookbook and some cooking utensils, and while he practiced
cooking, he read something in his book about the All Blue. Later, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji discovered
Sanji and entered his cage to beat him up, and Reiju stood nearby. After their brothers had left,
she tended to Sanji's wounds, though she said she was not on his side as she did not want to be
targeted as well. Reiju said that the modifications made to their bodies had made her brothers
incapable of empathy, though they had not affected her in the same way. She then revealed to
Sanji that they were about to traverse the Red Line to go to the East Blue and fight some wars
there. Sanji was thrown into the wall as the ships comprising the Germa Kingdom split apart and
climbed up the Red Line, and as his brothers laid in wait, Sanji revealed to Reiju that he wanted
to become a chef, and a shocked Reiju told him to stop telling her things like that.

In the East Blue, the people of Cozia noticed Germa 66's presence and attacked them as Judge
continued his troops' onslaught. Sanji asked Reiju if he would have to be around his father if he
ran away into the East Blue, and Reiju told him to stand back as she bent the bars of his cell. She
then ran off, reminding Sanji that he would get only one chance to escape. As Germa 66 began
their invasion of Cozia, Sanji looked for the key to free him from his iron mask, but he was caught
by Judge. Sanji pulled out a dagger as he told his father that no one would stop him from leaving.
Judge expressed his disappointment at Sanji's insubordinate behavior and told him that since he
was now a commoner, he would be sure to die out in the world. However, Judge then stated that
he was happy to hear this, since his humanity had prevented him from killing Sanji but Sanji
leaving now would fulfill his wish to eliminate his weak son. Judge then requested to Sanji that
he should never identify himself as his offspring, since he was the one thing he was ashamed of.
This caused Sanji to start bawling. Outside, the Germa 66 soldiers turned their attention to a
cruise ship at the port, but left it alone due to it not being related to their mission. Having removed
his iron mask, Sanji and Reiju stand outside, with Reiju telling Sanji to get on a ship and abandon
his old life, saying that one day he would meet people who would treat him the way he deserved
to be treated. She finally told him to not look back as he ran toward the ship in t ears.

Back in the present, Sanji's brothers walk away from him, and he lies on the ground defeated as
doctors tend to him. However, Reiju arrives and orders the doctors to leave. She expresses her

Yonko Whole Cake Island

disappointment at Sanji's care for Zeff leaving him in this state, saying that he should have known
what would happen if he came back.

In the Seducing Woods, 11 hours after the battle between Cracker and Luffy started, a very obese
Luffy complained that he was full, and an exasperated Cracker was angry at him for eating all his
Biscuit Soldiers. Cracker is getting tired of Luffy's strategy of fighting, running, and eating, but
Luffy is determined to exhaust Cracker's stamina. However, Cracker is also eagerly awaiting the
point when Luffy explodes from eating, but Luffy does not care as he is determined to see Sanji.

Cracker creates more Biscuit Soldiers to battle Luffy, and he tells King Baum that he will report
the tree homie's insubordination to Big Mom. Baum replies that none of them can put up a fight
against Nami due to the power of the Vivre Card she carries, but Cracker is not swayed by the
excuse and tells him to save it for Big Mom. Cracker then complains that Nami keeps producing
rain that softens his Biscuit Soldiers, making them edible. However, Nami berates Cracker for
complaining about a pirate's fight, telling him not to lash out at her soldiers. The homies are
appalled to be called Nami's soldiers but fall right in line to her when she pulls out the Vivre Card.
Cracker prepares to finish the battle by sending more Biscuit Soldiers at Luffy, and Luffy prepares
to eat all of them despite his stomach barely being able to handle it, causing him to wonder if he
can stop them without eating them. Nami orders her homies to protect her as she releases a
Weather Egg, and she tells Cracker that even though he is a Yonko's commander, Luffy is the
man who will become Pirate King and his stomach is limitless. An exhausted Luffy contests Nami's
last point, and Nami sends rain pouring down on the Biscuit Soldiers. Luff y reluctantly eats more
of them as he remains intent on seeing Sanji.

Meanwhile at Sweet City, people are talking in shock about things they are seeing in their mirrors.
As a woman applies lipstick in front of a mirror, she accidentally runs the lipstick across her face
when she sees Chopper and Carrot running inside her mirror. Inside Brûlée's Mirro -World,
Brûlée chases Chopper and Carrot with a scythe, and the two start to run out of energy.

In the Germa Kingdom, an aide reports to Judge that preparations are ready and now it is time to
head for the Whole Cake Chateau. Meanwhile, Reiju puts a gelatinous mask on Sanji, saying it
will sting for a bit. Sanji then receives a large shock from the mask, putting him in pain, but his
swollen face is returned to normal. Reiju says that his face is still injured, but his current state
will still be better for his meeting with Pudding. Even though Pudding's last name will not change
upon marriage, Sanji will still be able to live a happy life with her if she likes him. Sanji gets angry,
but Reiju reminds him that it was his choice to come back and that this was the extent of the help
she would give him. Reiju then asks where Sanji got his chivalry from, and Sanji remembers back
to his childhood on the Baratie. He and the other cooks were disappointed that Zeff refused to
hire a female cook, and Zeff stated that he trained all of them through kicks, so he did not want
to subject a woman to that. Sanji asked why Zeff would not just treat her like them, but an angry
Zeff kicked him and shouted that men are not meant to kick women. Zeff said that he did not
care how many times Sanji messed up as a human being, but if he messed up as a man, he was
better off losing his manhood. Sanji wondered why Zeff would go that far, but Zeff replied that it
was his duty as Sanji's parent, shocking Sanji. In response to Reiju's question, Sanji answers that
he is just following the old laws of the universe. Sanji is then brought out to go to the Whole Cake
Chateau for the gift exchange with Big Mom, and the Germa 66 soldiers cheer Sanji on as the
Vinsmoke Family boards a carriage pulled by a large cat. Sanji sits in sullen silence in the back of
the carriage between Niji and Yonji.

In the Seducing Woods, Luffy tells Cracker to give his Biscuit Soldiers a rest, saying that he could
not eat anymore. Cracker is gleeful that Luffy has reached his limit, although Luffy is not willing

Yonko Whole Cake Island

to throw up the biscuits he ate. Cracker then rushes toward Luffy as he offers to help him by
stabbing holes in his stomach and end the battle, but Luffy blows air into his muscles again. He
expands even more as he reveals a new form of Gear Fourth: Tankman Full Version. Cracker is
bemused by Luffy's new form and asks if he can even move. Cracker tries to stab Luffy with
Pretzel, but the sword is absorbed into Luffy's body, confusing him. Cracker is then absorbed into
Luffy's body, and Luffy tells Nami not to spray any water on the remaining Biscuit Soldiers. Luffy
then pushes Cracker out of his body and sends him flying through the Biscuit Soldiers and into
the distance, injuring the Sweet Commander.

Cracker is sent flying through his Biscuit Soldiers and several tree homies as he flies into Sweet
City, crashing through a tower and causing the nearby citizens to run in fear. In the Whole Cake
Chateau, a servant reports to Big Mom that two of the Three Sweet Commanders, Smoothie and
Katakuri have reported in, and Big Mom wonders what is taking Cracker so long. Cracker crashes
into the edge of the Chateau, and his siblings Charlotte Mont-d’Or, Charlotte Galette, and
Charlotte Opera stare at him in shock. They realize that this was likely Luffy's doing, and declare
a state of emergency and lockdown in Sweet City. Meanwhile, Pound emerges from his hiding
spot and apologizes to Luffy for not having faith in him, having been convinced that he had no
hope of victory. Nami tells him not to speak his mind all the time, and Luffy starts shrinking as he
reveals that Gear Fourth burns a lot of calories. Nami rejoices that they actually beat a Yonko
commander, but gets annoyed at Pound for not joining in her celebration. King Baum reflects that
he actually went against Big Mom due to her Vivre Card, which her children were forbidden from
carrying around just for this reason, and he wonders in anger how Nami managed to get one as
she admires it more.

However, Pound tells the pirates that they are in a very precarious position, as when Sweet
Commander Snack was defeated, Cracker sent a fleet out to sea to take revenge, and Big Mom
created a storm that manifested her rage, which allowed them to swiftly defeat the enemy. Pound
reveals that Big Mom can control the weather by summoning the thunder cloud Zeus on her left
hand and the sun Prometheus on her right. Nothing can stop her once she has reached that point,
and so Pound begs the pirates to leave before Big Mom finds them. Luffy and Nami reflect on
Sanji's departure and the steps they took to reach him, and Nami realizes that Sanji was
supposed to head for the Whole Cake Chateau today; thus, they need to stop him from going
inside. Luffy tells King Baum to take him to the Chateau.

As the Germa Kingdom carriage travels to the Whole Cake Chateau, the people around it wonder
about the commotion going on in Sweet City. Meanwhile, Luffy and Nami ride King Baum out of
the Seducing Woods, with Nami contacting Chopper through a mirror shard. Chopper tries to
assure Nami, but keeps screaming and getting cut off, though he also says that Nami could not
help them regardless. Carrot then attempts to reassure Nami as well, but also screams as the
shard is shattered and the connection is cut off. Meanwhile, Luffy lies asleep as he continues
shrinking, and he starts craving for meat. Baum then tells Nami that they are approaching Germa
66, and a servant reports to Judge that an unidentified object is heading toward them. Luffy leaps
off of Baum and runs toward Sanji, shocking him and Yonji, and Nami calls out to Sanji as well,
causing Yonji, Niji, and Ichiji to become lovestruck. Luffy leaps onto the carriage, causing it to tilt,
and the Germa 66 guards order him away at once. Luffy prepares to rescue Sanji, but Sanji grows
tense as he remembers the sheer power of their opponents and the threats made to both his
crew and Zeff. He then kicks Luffy out of the carriage, shocking Nami, and he tells his crewmates
to leave, calling them filthy and lowly sea thugs. Sanji says that his name is Vinsmoke Sanji and
that he has embraced his life as a prince, not having told them due to not wanting to make them
feel inferior. He says that he has chosen the obviously better option of marrying Pudding and tells
them to leave, saying he does not even remember Luffy's name. However, Luffy does not believe

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any of Sanji's words, and Yonji tries to step in, but Sanji holds him back as he prepares to teach
Luffy a lesson himself.

Still shocked at Sanji’s words, Luffy asks Sanji to clarify what he means. Sanji states that he wants
them to leave. He thanks them for their efforts to reach him, but says that their efforts are futile,
as his family eagerly watches on. Sanji continues by comparing the size and wealth of Big Mom’s
crew to the Straw Hats’, saying that it should be obvious which is the better choice for him. He
voices that he's always doubted that someone like Luffy could become Pirate King, prompting
Nami to tell him he's gone too far. When he responds by simply glaring at them, Nami is
speechless, and Luffy asks the cook if their time together up until now has all been a lie. Sanji
replies that it took them long enough to figure it out, and that it has been embarrassing being
associated with them. He decides he needs to literally beat the truth into Luffy and prepares
Diable Jambe, astonishing the onlooking Germa soldiers at the display of flames.

Realizing he's serious, Luffy braces himself as Sanji launches toward him. He lands a "Joue Shot"
directly to Luffy's face, sending him flying away and causing him to loose a tooth. Luffy quickly
recovers in mid-air, and lands on his feet to Sanji's surprise. Sanji again tells them to leave, and
Luffy responds that he refuses to fight his cook. Sanji in turn tells him to just get out of his sight,
which Luffy also refuses, earning him another kick to the face. Again Luffy quickly recovers, and
gets back to his feet. As he rises, Sanji has a flashback of the moment Luffy first asked him to
join the crew. Nami screams for Sanji to stop, explaining that they have only gone through all of
this in order to bring him back, including fighting of the Big Mom's commanders all night. Luffy
silences her however, saying that he's fine with whatever happens in this moment. Sanji questions
this as he resumes his Diable Jambe-powered assault on Luffy, while the latter continues to not
fight back. Luffy remains on his feet despite the blows, to Nami's horror. Sanji continues to insult
Luffy and once again encourages them to leave, but Luffy does not budge. Rising into the air to
prepare a final attack, Nami begs Sanji to stop, and says that they'll leave. Luffy however reaffirms
that he isn't moving an inch, inspiring another flashback from Sanji of Luffy asking the cook to
join his crew. Sanji lands a flame-powered "Concasser" right to Luffy's scalp, finally putting him

The onlooking Germa soldiers are impressed with Sanji's strength, convinced that he must have
the Vinsmoke blood running through his veins. Sanji finally turns to get back to his carriage, but
is stopped by Nami. She slaps Sanji hard across the face, and bids him a very angry farewell,
calling him "Lord Sanji" now rather than her usual "Sanji-kun". Sanji is unable to look her in the
eye, and Vinsmoke Judge comments that Sanji has finally severed his bonds as he returns to the
carriage. As the carriage pulls off, Luffy gets back to his feet and yells that the cook isn't getting
off that easy. He explains that he doesn't believe the chef for a second, and that he's never heard
Sanji say something so fake. Sanji meanwhile palms his face, and shows an increasing amount
of anguish at Luffy's words. Luffy continues to remind Sanji of all they've been through together,
and that he should know this isn't enough to make him turn his back on his friend. Luffy was able
to perceive that he wasn't actually the one feeling the pain the more and harder Sanji kicks, and
Sanji finally breaks into tears at hearing this. Nami tries to dissuade Luffy by convincing him that
Sanji has finally gone too far, but Luffy continues to call out for his chef. Reiju asks Sanji if they
should stop again, but he tells them to keep moving as he has another flashback of when he first
told Luffy about the All Blue. Luffy appeals that their adventures are still waiting for them, and
finally states that he isn't budging an inch from his spot until Sanji comes back to him. He isn't
willing to let the "best chef" walk away so easily, and will starve to death if he can't have another
meal prepared by Sanji's hands. Niji and Yonji laugh at Sanji's anguish and tears, while Sanji again
remembers his torture at his brother's hands. Luffy announces his hunger strike, and that he 's

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not budging from that spot until Sanji comes back, as he can't become the Pirate King without

Right outside Sweet City, Nami asks Luffy if he really intends to stay put, reminding him of what
Pound told them what Big Mom did the last time after a Sweet Commander was defeated.
However, Luffy is intent on waiting for Sanji to return, and the pirates notice storm clouds
approaching them. King Baum shrieks in terror and then reveals that Big Mom is infuriated,
causing Nami to realize in shock that Big Mom really has the power to manipulate the weather
like Pound said. In Sweet City, the citizens look up in awe as they see Zeus and Prometheus
working together to create a thunderstorm, and as the Germa Kingdom carriage enters Sweet
City, the citizens run to make room for the approaching Enraged Army. Inside the Germa Kingdom
carriage, Niji and Yonji reflect excitedly that the Enraged Army is headed to kill Luffy, who will
stand no chance against heavyweights like Bobbin, Amande, and Mont -d’Or, whose combined
bounty is too high for them to count. They mockingly wonder if Luffy will really stay in one spot
like he said once the Enraged Army arrives. Outside Sweet City, it begins to rain, and Nami realizes
that the rain is sweetened. However, Luffy flips over onto his stomach, refusing to even consume

In the Whole Cake Chateau, Big Mom is called over by her daughter Anana, who complains that
the head chef will not give her knives to mutilate her stuffed animal. Big Mom orders her sons
Dolce and Dragée to get knives for Anana, but they do not want to do it since she often uses
them to pop the balloons they hang onto. Another son begs Big Mom to not foster Anana's
psychotic behavior, but Big Mom is fine with her murderous tendencies and tells her children to
get along as she departs to meet the Vinsmoke Family, whom their sister Pudding is marrying into
the next day. Big Mom enters the dining hall and takes a seat at the table with the Vinsmoke
Family and Pudding. She expresses her excitement for the cementing of their alliance tomorrow,
and Judge expresses his excitement for the wedding ceremony as well. Food and dish homies
then come onto the table as the two families start to eat, and Pudding slides a note to Sanji which
says they need to talk in private later.

Outside Sweet City, Nami and King Baum beg Luffy to run and hide as the Enraged Army
approached them. However, Luffy continues refusing to move, even though Nami believes he has
no chance of taking down the Army. Inside Pudding's room in the Whole Cake Chateau, Pudding
apologizes to Sanji for putting his crewmates in a bad situation, although Sanji replies that he
would not have met them at the coast. Pudding says that she would have taken the blame for
Sanji going to the coast, saying that once Big Mom's exploding handcuffs were put on the
arranged spouse, there is little chance of escape. Sanji states that only defeating Big Mom's entire
crew could get him out of this now, and he has no allies to help him do that, as his family never
really cared for him. Sanji pulls off his mask to reveal his beaten face, shocking Pudding. He
continues, reflecting that all his friends would be in danger if he refused to get married, especially
Zeff. Thus, after much consideration, he has decided to stop struggling due to having nowhere to
run, in the hopes of sparing his crewmates from Big Mom's wrath. Pudding cries as she apologizes
for the situation her mother puts Sanji in, but Sanji calms her, saying nothing is her fault. He then
tells her that his dream at this point is to cut himself off from the people he had associated with
for the past 13 years after he had escaped from his horrible family life, keeping them safe as his
adventure ends. Pudding continues crying as she loudly states that she will not let their marriage
become bad like his family life. Sanji does not respond, causing Pudding to grow flustered and
backtrack. As Luffy begins fighting the Enraged Army, Pudding apologizes for not thinking about
Sanji's views on the wedding, but he stops her as he embraces her, revealing that he is ready to
get married tomorrow.

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In the outskirts of Sweet City, amidst the bodies of the Chess Soldiers, Galette holds Nami in
place with with a fluid substance. Galette expresses her surprise that Nami was able to summon
a large lightning bolt, and Nami said that she could do it because of the thunderclouds made by
Big Mom. Meanwhile, Amande pulls out her Meito, Shirauo, on King Baum. The tree homie begs
her to spare him, as he did not willingly betray Big Mom, but Amande slowly bisects him vertically.
King Baum cries from the pain, and Amande states that she wants his death to have meaning by
being as painful as possible. Meanwhile, Mont-d’Or stands on two levitating books, praising Luffy
who can crush the army right after he defeated Cracker. As Luffy fights through more chess
soldiers, Opera attacks him with a mass of cream, increasing its "sweetness" to burn Luffy's arm.

Luffy activates Gear Third and charges at Opera, but he suddenly finds himself inside another
location, where nothing is orderly. Mont-d'Or then appears from a wall, revealing that Luffy is in
the "World of Books". Luffy then sees Amande approaching Nami inside a cage, and Nami warns
him to dodge. Suddenly, a book closes over Luffy's head, returning him to the real world, and Luffy
is punched from both the back and the front by Charlotte Counter and Charlotte Cadenza. Luffy
falls to the ground, and the two halves of King Baum fall as well. Amande then approaches Nami
as she tears her dress, removing Lola's Vivre Card from her bra. Galette understands that this
card was the reason the Straw Hats overpowered the Chess Soldiers and escaped from the
Seducing Woods. Amande sees the word "Lola" on the card, and the Big Mom Pirates start
worrying that the Straw Hats killed Lola to get the card. Nami tries to explain that Lola is their
friend, but the Big Mom Pirates decide to report this to Big Mom, taking the captive Straw Hats
with them. Luffy hangs onto the ground as he is pulled away, refusing to leave his spot, bu t
Counter stomps on his head.

In the Whole Cake Chateau, Big Mom agrees to a request Sanji made, shocking him. She agrees
to let the Straw Hat Pirates leave the island alive as long as Sanji goes through the wedding
without a fuss, saying that she is a reasonable woman. Sanji thanks Big Mom, and she reminds
him of how much the Straw Hats have gone against her, though she is willing to forgive it as her
top priority is overseeing the marriage and completing the alliance with Germa 66.

Inside the the Room of Treasure in the Whole Cake Chateau, Tamago oversees the three
poneglyphs they had in possession, and reflects that of the approximate 30 that exist, there are
only nine they need that will allow them to reach Raftel and uncover the secrets of the world.
Meanwhile, Sweet Commander Charlotte Smoothie squeezes another person, squeezing juice
out of them and drinking it. Smoothie asks why increased protection from her is needed, but is
willing to do it regardless. Tamago reveals that Pedro has returned for the first time in five years
after Pekoms spared his life, and so now they must do all they can to protect their Road Poneglyph
from him. Brook's detached soul listens from afar, and returns to the alcohol room nearby where
he and Pedro are hiding. Brook reveals to Pedro that a Sweet Commander is guarding the
poneglyphs, causing Pedro to grow worried about their rapidly decreasing chances of success.
However, Brook replies that there is no way to leave and come back later with the entire crew, as
they would most certainly be fought upon their return. Brook asks who Tamago's target was, and
Pedro affirms that it is him. Brook then asks Pedro to be the bait in their operation, which is
exactly what Pedro was thinking.

In Brûlée's house in the Mirro-World, Carrot cries for help as Brûlée lowers her into a hot
cauldron. The homies nearby look forward to eating rabbit mink meat, and a chained-up Chopper
retorts that Carrot does not even taste like rabbit. Brûlée quiets him, saying he would join Big
Mom's collection of strange beasts. However, since Chopper is in Heavy Point, he knows he can
escape from his chains simply by transforming, and can also use Monster Point again if needed.
As Carrot gets closer to the cooking pot, Chopper prepares to take the chance to escape and fight.

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Meanwhile, Big Mom takes the Vinsmoke Family (minus Sanji) to the library in the Whole Cake
Chateau. She opens a very large book, revealing the manticore that had escaped from Impel
Down two years ago inside a page. She then shows them a unicorn, and the Vinsmokes are
intrigued to see living creatures within the pages of a book. Big Mom reveals that the library is full
of a large range of creatures that never age, kept within books by her son Mont-d’Or's ability. She
says that her most recent additions include a centaur from Punk Hazard, a griffin from the South
Blue, and a longarm-longleg hybrid known as a longlimb human. Niji is shocked that she keeps
humans in the books as well, and Judge notes to Big Mom the large diversity he has seen in Totto
Land. However, he says that he has not seen any giants, and Big Mom's expression turns sour
and angry, but she quickly returns to her normal self and replies that he probably just missed
them. A servant then reports to Big Mom that they have brought the two she asked for, and Big
Mom takes her leave from the Vinsmokes. She asks her servant why he is acting nervous, and he
expresses his admiration for the Vinsmokes, and Big Mom tells him to be quiet and not place so
much worth on what is on the outside.

Meanwhile, in the Prisoner Library, Mont-d'Or, Bobbin, Perospero, Opera, and Galette turn a book
to page 55, where Luffy and Nami are being kept in a cell. Big Mom's Den Den Mushi is then
placed in front of the two Straw Hats, and Luffy shouts at her to let him go. Big Mom laughs at his
liveliness and says that she thought he had broken his promise to battle her due to not bringing
his entire crew. Luffy replies that he still intends to fulfill that promise, but now he is just here to
get Sanji back, though he would still fight Big Mom if she showed up. Big Mom and her
subordinates outside laugh at the statement, with Big Mom telling Luffy that he was nothing
compared to her and that she could have him killed without even needing to show up. Big Mom
says that if they give up on rescuing Sanji, she will free them once the wedding is complete, as
the wedding is the most important thing to her right now. However, she tells the Straw Hats that
if they interfere with her plans, they should get ready to see hell. Big Mom recalls the time Luffy
ate her candy on Fishman Island and gave her treasure in return, revealing to him that a legendary
treasure box known as the Tamatebako was a part of it. Big Mom wonders why Fishman Island
gave away a national treasure, but has taken such a liking to the box that she will forgive the
Fishman Island incident altogether and open the Tamatebako in front of everyone during the
wedding ceremony.

Luffy shouts at her to be quiet, saying the wedding would not happen and asking to speak to his
friend Pudding. Big Mom laughs incredulously about the Straw Hats being friends with the bride-
to-be, and asks Nami if she really killed Lola like she had heard. Nami vehemently denies it, saying
that they were friends with Lola and she had given them Big Mom's Vivre Card, having told them
to tell Big Mom she was well and that the Vivre Card would cause Big Mom to help them out.
However, Big Mom quiets Nami in a fit of rage, saying in great anger that she would like very much
for Lola to be dead and will send hired assassins after her if Nami reveals her location. Big Mom
reveals that Lola ran away from her most crucial political marriage of all time, and that she would
never forgive her. Nami is shocked as she remembers meeting Lola on Thriller Bark and how Lola
wanted to marry every man she met, and Big Mom shouts that were it not for Lola's rebellion, she
would have gained enough power to defeat Kaido, Shanks, and even Whitebeard and become
the Pirate King. Big Mom says that she will get Lola's location out of Nami eventually, but Luffy
shouts that her story is boring, saying that Lola did not need to be a pawn in Big Mom's rise to
power. He challenges the Yonko again, saying he would get Sanji back and defeat her in the end.

Meanwhile, inside a guest room, Sanji sits on a windowsill with his head in his hands, hoping his
crewmates stay safe and do not do anything rash. Inside the Room of Treasure, Tamago and a
Chess Soldier race to intercept Pedro, who is causing trouble out in the open. While Pedro
distracts everyone, Brook prepares to give a special live concert.

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Big Mom's Den Den Mushi hangs up, and Bobbin, Perospero, Mont-d’Or, Galette, and Opera laugh
at Luffy's provocation of Big Mom. However, Luffy is still adamant in his defiance. Anglais then
rides in to the Prisoner Library, reporting that there is an intruder in the Room of Treasure. In the
Queen's Room, Zeus asked Big Mom if Luffy's actions have made her mad, but she happily denies
it, saying she is too excited about getting her hands on Germa 66, the Tamatebako, and some
wedding cake tomorrow to be angered by meager threats. Big Mom's hat then receives a signal,
and reports that an intruder is making a ruckus near the Room of Treasure. This angers Big Mom,
who asks who it is and wonders if they are after her Tamatebako. Inside a guest room, Sanji paces
around, trying his hardest to accept the marriage as it would prevent his friends from being killed.
He knows his anxiety would cause Pudding to become unhappy, and so tries to focus on his love
for Pudding and his desire to make her happy. Inside Pudding's room, she departs from an
attendant who is in the midst of revealing to her that Nami possessed Lola's Vivre Card. The
attendant then tells her that Big Mom did not approve of the wedding dress she selected and
picked one for her, and had planned out everything that needs to happen after the ceremony.
Pudding remembers her mother calling her a doll and taking control of the wedding preparations,
saying her daughter would be fine if she obeyed her orders. Pudding stepped into the balcony
while it was still raining, despite her attendant's pleas, and she remembers Lola departing from
Whole Cake Island several years ago. Lola had assured her that Big Mom would not kill her since
they were family, and she would decide her own marriage.

Within the halls of the Whole Cake Chateau, Pedro races through them as Big Mom's soldiers
report that the security in the Room of Treasure has been wiped out and that Pedro is in
possession of a bomb. Pedro races to meet the soldiers, and he cuts them down without losing
his speed. He then leaps onto the wall, running on it as the soldiers shoot at him. Pedro then
throws his bomb at them, causing a large explosion as he drops back down to the floor. Tamago
keeps tabs on Pedro's path, planning to trap him in the garden, when he is contacted by Charlotte
Smoothie. Smoothie reveals that Tamago was right and there is a second intruder, with Pedro
acting as a decoy. The second intruder had sneaked into the Room of Treasure and locked them
out, but since there is only one door to the room, they can wait and kill him once he gets outside.
However, Tamago states that since the second intruder is just a skeleton, Smoothie needs to
capture him alive in order for him to be put in Big Mom's collection. Meanwhile, Brook stands
inside the Room of Treasure, commending Pedro for taking out much of the security. One of the
guards looks in awe at Brook's strange appearance, and the Chess Soldiers attack, intent on
getting him to Big Mom. Brook notes that the Chess Soldiers are all homies and so act based on
what their soul tells them, and as he clashes with the soldiers, he plays the guitar and his soul
flares up, causing the soldiers to collapse, unable to withstand the power of his soul.

Meanwhile, Pudding enters the Prisoner Library, and she asks Opera to let her into Luffy and
Nami's prison cell. A Chess Soldier inserts a bookmark, allowing Pudding to enter Luffy and Nami's
cell, and Luffy tells her that they went to the coast she told them to go to. Pudding apologizes to
the two for letting her siblings attack them, and for failing to make it to the coast. As Sanji picks
flowers, Pudding reveals that he proposed to her, but she knows it is because he is kind and it is
her fault for it. She says she will not marry Sanji before whispering something to Luffy and Nami,
which shocks them. Luffy shouts at Pudding, but she steps away from the book in tears before
telling them goodbye.

Inside the Vinsmoke Family's guest room, Yonji wonders where Reiju is before asking Judge where
Sanji and Pudding will live after the marriage ceremony. Judge replies that they will live in Germa
Kingdom in order to put Pudding under their power, as he believed that Big Mom, as a pirate, may
try to take advantage of them afterwards. Niji wonders if Big Mom is planning the same tactic,

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but Ichiji reminds him that they do not care what happens to Sanji, causing Niji to laugh and look
forward to living with his brother again.

Inside Brûlée's house in the Mirro-World, Brûlée prepares to begin cooking Carrot in a soup,
much to the delight of the various hungry people in her house. However, Chopper notes that
Brûlée is basically digging her own grave, as the Carrot hanging over the soup pot is actually a
frog that Brûlée transformed into Carrot using her powers. The real Carrot is in the attic, and
she stands directly over the pot, crying for help to trick Brûlée's crowd and to mask the frog
sounds her double is making. Chopper notes that of the 16 people in Brûlée's house, the most
troublesome looking ones appear to be Brûlée herself, Randolph, the Noble Croc, and a
mysterious man called Diesel. As Randolph prepares to cut the rope holding Carrot's double over
the pot, Carrot throws a rock at him from the attic, successfully knocking him over. Brûlée is
confused and angry at Randolph, and Diesel suddenly alerts her to an intruder in the attic. They
then see Carrot hanging onto her double over the pot, and Carrot kicks the pot at Brûlée,
sending the boiling liquid inside crashing down on her.

While the house falls into chaos, Chopper activates Brain Point and becomes small again,
allowing him to free himself from his chains before eating a Rumble Ball. Randolph and several
others race to help Brûlée, but Carrot creates a ball of electricity with Electro before slamming
it into the ground, electrocuting all of them. Chopper then activates Monster Point right behind
the Noble Croc, and as the Noble Croc looks around to find the source of the noise, Cho pper grabs
him by the tail and flips him over, sending him slamming backfirst into several of Brûlée's
guests and knocking himself and them out. With Brûlée, Randolph, and the Noble Croc
defeated, a shocked Diesel runs away in order to report this to Big Mom. He mocks Chopper and
Carrot, saying they could not catch up to him, but Carrot easily catches up to him and bites him
in the shoulder before covering his eyes, causing him to crash. Carrot and Chopper celebrate their
victory over Brûlée's team, and prepare to travel through the island's mirrors in order to find
their allies.

In Sanji's room, Eggplant Soldier reports to him that Luffy and Nami are currently imprisoned while
Pedro and Brook are on a rampage. However, Sanji cuts him off and asks to have the food that
he requested. Sanji prepares to cook some food for Pudding since she never ate lunch, and the
servant understands, stating that she is still under the weather. In the Room of Treasure, Brook
discovers the key to unlock the cage containing the poneglyphs, and one remaining security guard
angrily attacks him, reprimanding him for causing such a mess. However, Brook cuts him and
another guard down as he replies that that is good, as since Pedro is out risking his life for him
he feels obligated to thoroughly succeed in his mission. As Brook enters the cage with the
poneglyphs, Big Mom approaches Smoothie and the others outside of the Room of Treasure,
telling her daughter to get out of the way. She then bursts through the door of the Room of
Treasure and angrily confronts the terrified Brook, but she immediately takes an interest in his
unique body. Meanwhile, Big Mom's forces chase Pedro into the Chateau courtyard, surrounding
him. From the other side, Tamago greets his old acquaintance Pedro, the captain of the Nox
Pirates, and wonders why he, who had craved life so much when he was here five years ago, was
making the same mistake again. As Pedro removes his cap and Tamago removes his sunglasses,
revealing that they both have injured left eyes, Tamago questions Pedro's decision to return in
light of the fact that Big Mom took away 50 years of his lifespan five years ago, leaving him with
little time to live. However, Pedro replies that he is aware of this, and that he has no intention to
return to Zou alive.

Meanwhile, a heavily injured Reiju struggles to move down a hallway.

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Chopper and Carrot race through the Mirro-World, peeking into various mirrors around Sweet City.
They are only able to find citizens, who are frightened to see them in their mirrors, especially when
the two peek into bathrooms. Inside the Mirro-World, they ride on a cart pulled by Diesel, and try
to wake Charlotte Brûlée up in order to find the Whole Cake Chateau. Chopper states that they
can travel in and out of the mirrors as long as they are in contact with Brûlée, and so it should
be easy to enter the castle and reunite with Luffy and Nami once they reach it.

Inside Sanji's guestroom, he curses at the low quality of the bento he made for Pudding. He
decides to just eat the leftovers, and gleefully imagines interacting romantically with Pudding. He
rushes out with the bento and a bouquet of flowers, and Eggplant Soldier asks if he is going on a
walk. Sanji replies that he is going to receive some healing power from his only ray of light,
confusing the servant.

In the Prisoner Library, Nami tells Luffy to stop as he pulls at the stake binding his arms to the
cell and twists himself around, with Opera calling it pointless struggling. Nami says that Luffy will
tear his hands off if he continues struggling, and Luffy replies that that is the point, as they needed
to get out and he would rather lose his hands than die here. He says that he does not want his
life to end by him staying here, waiting for help, before eventually being killed by Big Mom, and
tells Nami to rip her hands off too, which she vehemently refuses. Luffy says he will help her
afterwards, and continues struggling despite Nami's cries.

In the third floor courtyard, Pedro and Tamago begin their clash. As they battle, Pedro remembers
him and his former crewmate Zepo discovering five years ago that Pekoms had joined the Big
Mom Pirates, and in the present, he and Tamago both say that the other will not emerge from
this battle with just the loss of an eye. As they clash swords, Pedro remembers standing before a
roulette wheel five years ago, with Zepo having spun it to the 100 years of life option. However,
he only had 30 years left to live, so Big Mom killed him and still had 70 years to take from the
grieving Pedro. In the present, Tamago states that not only does he have better range than Pedro,
but he is also wearing tights that prevent him from being affected by Electro. Five years ago,
Pekoms had tearfully begged for Pedro's life, and Big Mom decided to be lenient and only take
60 years in retribution for Pedro taking Tamago's eye. However, Pedro took out his left eye, stating
that he needed to return to his country and watch the dawn of the world. Impressed, Big Mom
decided to only take 50 years, allowing Pedro to continue living. In the present, Tamago kicks
Pedro in the face, sending him flying back, and he asks Pedro again why he returned to the
country where he lost nearly everything. Pedro replies that the Straw Hats had saved his country,
and so he believes they are the ones who will cause the world to enter its dawn, and will likely
even surpass people like the two of them. Pedro is fine with throwing away the remainder of his
life like this, but has no intention to die right here and right now, only wanting to go once the Straw
Hats had achieved their goals. He then races past Tamago and bisects him in the torso, causing
a giant yolk to fly out.

Meanwhile, Sanji attempts to enter Pudding's room, but the door homie refuses to let him in.
Sanji recalls that Pudding's room has a balcony, and so he goes to it. He plans to hand her the
meal and flowers through the window, and is initially conflicted about violating her privacy, but
goes forth anyways. Sanji hears Pudding laugh, and as he looks in the window he sees her talking
to someone. He sees in shock that she is talking to Reiju, and wonders why his sister is here. He
then watches as Pudding laughs hysterically, revealing a third eye on her forehead and stating
gleefully that she would never marry Sanji. Pudding says that Big Mom dotes on her because of
her acting skill, and although she was tired of the pampering, she readily agreed to trick Sanji and
the Straw Hats into believing that she was in love with him. Inside the Prisoner Library, Luffy
curses Pudding as he remembers what she whispered to them when she visited. She had told

Yonko Whole Cake Island

them that Sanji, who she called an idiot, was going to be shot by her during the wedding on the
next day. Inside Pudding's room, she mocks Reiju and her family for agreeing to t his deal, saying
Big Mom's goal is to get her hands on the Vinsmokes' clone army. Reiju sarcastically says that
Pudding has a beautiful personality, but Pudding ignores her and states that they have lured the
Germa Kingdom right here to trap them like flies. Sanji sits outside, shell-shocked, as Pudding
reveals that tomorrow, they planned to massacre the entire Vinsmoke Family.

Pudding continues laughing about the planned massacre of the Vinsmoke Family, saying their
blood will stain the ceremony hall, although she warns Reiju to be careful and not get any blood
on the wedding cake, or else Big Mom will get mad and destroy the ceremony hall. Pudding pulls
out a Walker .36 Caliber Percussion Revolver which she will use to shoot the Vinsmokes, and she
reveals that it is loaded with candy-jacketed bullets that can penetrate armor, meaning that it can
also go through the Vinsmokes' iron outer skeletons. Pudding looks forward to seeing Sanji's
expression when she pulls the gun on him tomorrow, and Nitro and Rabiyan laugh with glee.
Pudding makes a few shocked faces to mockingly predict how Sanji will react, and then asks Reiju
if she wants to know how Sanji proposed to her today. Pudding mocks Sanji's injured face that
was under his mask, and mockingly reenacts his proposal, calling it cheesy. She calls Sanji ugly
and a failure, saying that at least she wanted a proper prince. Outside, Sanji tries lighting a
cigarette, but the rain prevents it and tears start streaming down his face.

In the Room of Treasure, Big Mom asks Brook why is he getting up again, wondering why is he
going after her Road Poneglyph and not after Sanji. As Brook struggles to get back to his feet, he
replies that since Sanji is a kind person, he knows that his crewmate will likely sacrifice himse lf
and not get rescued for the sake of others. As he stands before Big Mom, who has Zeus on her
left hand and Prometheus on her right, he says that on the other hand, Luffy is someone who will
break through any barrier to achieve his dreams, so Sanji's sit uation should be decided just by
those two. Big Mom infers that Brook is then here because he has nothing better to do, but Brook
replies that his mission is just as important. Should they fail to rescue Sanji, they can at least
honor him by acquiring the Road Poneglyph and making this journey worth something. Big Mom
retorts that losing Sanji is not the worst that could happen to them, as they could easily die on
this journey. However, Brook says that death should never be considered when making a plan,
calling Big Mom "young lady" as he raises his sword.

In the Mirro-World, Carrot manages to revive Brûlée by tickling her, and Brûlée finally gives
in to the duo's demands. Carrot asks her where the castle is, and after she swears revenge under
her breath, Brûlée states that she does not remember and tells them to just ask the mirrors.
Carrot and Chopper ask which mirrors lead to the castle, and the mirrors that do respond to them.
Chopper asks if any of them are reflecting Luffy, Nami, Brook, Pedro, or Sanji, but none of the
mirrors know who they are with the exception of one, whom Sanji had just passed by. However,
Carrot tells Chopper to leave it to her, as she claims to be skilled at drawing and plans to draw
portraits of their teammates.

Back in Pudding's room, in order to prevent Reiju from dying of blood loss or revealing her plans,
Pudding reaches into the side of Reiju's head. Her hand penetrates Reiju's head, and pulls out a
strip of film containing Reiju's memories. Pudding reveals that she ate the Memo Memo no Mi,
which allows her to turn people's memories into film strips and alter them. She then cuts out
Reiju's memories of their encounter and replaces them with a soldier's memory of being hit by a
stray bullet, in order for Reiju to explain how she was shot. Pudding then dons her sweet persona
as she hopes they both have a good time at the wedding ceremony, and she calls a soldier to
take Reiju to the infirmary.

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Inside the Prisoner Library, Opera watches as Luffy continues pulling at his stake , and Nami
continues crying out as more blood comes from Luffy's wrists. Opera then tells Nami that Big Mom
ordered him to get Lola's location from her by the end of the day, but Nami refuses to sell out one
of her friends. Opera then prepares to torture Nami by shooting her with a crossbow once every
five seconds until she confesses, and a frightened Nami begs him to stop the escalated threats.
Luffy shouts at Opera to stop, and tells Nami that he will have ripped his hands off in the next five
seconds, which Nami does not want to happen either. Luffy and Opera both tell Nami to stop
being so difficult, when someone suddenly enters the Prisoner Library. Opera tells the intruder
that he is not allowed to enter castle grounds at the moment, but the intruder simply apologizes
before preparing a punch. The intruder, Jinbe, then punches Opera in the stomach with great
force, causing him to skid onto the ground in shock. Luffy, Nami, and Opera are all bewildered to
see Jinbe, and the former two wonder why is he here. Jinbe replies that he heard the two of them
were captured, and they can talk later, but now he is preparing to free them.

On Whole Cake Island, inside the Chateau infirmary, a doctor and a homie guard both comment
on Reiju's incredible enhanced healing ability. As they talk, Sanji sneaks in undetected and ties
and blindfolds the homie to a chair. Reiju then wakes, noticing Sanji's presence with surprise.
She also inspects her injured leg while recalling foggily that she had been caught in a supposed
crossfire. Sanji tells her that her memory has been overwritten, and proceeds to tell her what
really happened.

In the Prisoner's Library, Jinbe burns the book imprisoning Luffy and Nami, in order to free them.
Nami thanks Jinbe, but wonders why he is on the island. Jinbe explains that his Sun Pirates are
subordinate to Big Mom’s crew. Nami points out the knocked out Charlotte Opera, and comments
with concern that his actions constitute rebellion, and Jinbe affirms that there's no going back
now. He tells Luffy and Nami that they have to hide somewhere where they won't be found, while
Luffy complains about being hungry. Jinbe wonders how Luffy can be worrying about his stomach
at a time like this, but Luffy interjects that he didn't ask for any food. Luffy recalls Pudding's words
and tells Jinbe to look after Nami, before running off to find and warn Sanji.

In the infirmary, Reiju tells Sanji that she believes his version of events as she had been
investigating Pudding due to finding her suspicious. Sanji proceeds to bemoan his belief that his
own sacrifice would secure the safety of his crew, as Reiju notes on how Judge underestimated
Big Mom before stating that they should not stand in the way of the planned assassinations. A
shocked Sanji objects immediately, not wanting Reiju to die, but a touched Reiju responds that
Sanji owes her nothing for helping him escape the Germa Kingdom 13 years ago. She urges Sanji
to escape Whole Cake Island as soon as possible, and to worry about protecting the Baratie once
he is safely away.

Before Sanji can object further, Reiju divulges to him one of her strongest childhood memories.
She recalls a fight between their father and mother, during which their mother refused to undergo
the surgery which would transform their soon-to-be-born sons into emotionless machines. While
she was ultimately unable to refuse the surgery, she secretly took a drug that counteracted (in
part) the effects of the Lineage Factor manipulation surgery. The drug led to a sudden
deterioration in her health, and did nothing to prevent the surgery's successful modification of
Ichiji, Niji and Yonji. However, the scientists monitoring the Vinsmoke brothers began observing
behaviors in Sanji that revealed that his modification had been unsuccessful. While Judge blamed
Sanji for the drug's success, Sora cherished Sanji's displays of kindness, crying in happiness as
she told Reiju and Eponi about Sanji's actions. After listening, a horrified Sanji begins to state that
their mother's death was his fault, but Reiju overrides him and tells him that their mother was

Yonko Whole Cake Island

happy from the bottom of her heart, and did not regret a thing. Reiju continues by stating that
Sanji cannot be a failure, and that he is in fact kinder than anyone, leaving Sanji speechless.

On the second floor of the Chateau, Luffy has taken hold of one of Big Mom's subordinates and
is strangling him, trying to elicit Sanji's whereabouts. At the same time, in the Hall of Treasures,
Charlotte Smoothie learns of Jinbe's rebellion and orders all homies and so ldiers to seal off the
fourth floor. Smoothie warns the soldiers not to inform Big Mom of the chaos inside the Chateau,
and gives them permission to kill the rebels if necessary.

Back inside the infirmary, Reiju encourages Sanji to forget about Germa and leave. She reflects
that Germa is nothing but a war machine that the world can do without, and that the Vinsmokes
are a family of murderers that deserve death. Sanji continues his objections to Reiju's proposed
self-sacrifice, but Reiju explains that she cannot disobey their father's commands. With Luffy fast
approaching and leaving a trail of destruction behind him, Reiju states that she believes the
Baratie is under no threat from Big Mom and (further) reveals that Sanji's handcuffs are fakes
she had switched out with the real pair. Reiju concludes by telling Sanji forcefully to consider what
was most important in his life; in particular, she emphasizes that he will never again meet people
as amazing the ones he has now, for as long as he lives.

In the Treasure Room, Big Mom has captured Brook and begun petting his head, much to his
embarrassment and mortification. She marvels at how Brook is a living skeleton and praises him
for instilling such fear into her chess soldiers, but tells him that he will not be able to defeat the
three homies infused with parts of her own soul: Napoleon the bicorne, Zeus the thundercloud,
and Prometheus the sun. As they talk, the chess soldiers declare that they have finished their
investigation: there is nothing in Brook's clothes or the cylinder, and they conclude that he did not
steal anything. Big Mom laughs and apologizes to Brook for suspecting him, but remarks that she
would never let anyone steal her Tamatebako or rubbings of her poneglyphs.She adds that she
would look foolish if someone made off with those things and got to Raftel before her a second
time, remarking how letting Roger get by was a mistake. She affirms her understanding that Roger
used his ability to hear "The Voice of All Things" to somehow decipher the poneglyph, but adds
that she possesses someone else who will awaken the same power one day and allow her to be
the next to reach Raftel.

As her mother finishes her explanation, Pudding enters the Treasure Room. Mama laughs since
she was just talking about her daughter, and asks if her third eye managed to achieve true
opening. An annoyed Pudding replies that her power is all her mother ever talks about, and
reminds Big Mom that she is a half-breed, meaning there is no guarantee that she will ever be
able to awaken her third eye. Big Mom laughs and apologizes, but is positive in her assertion that
Pudding has the blood of the Three-Eye Tribe in her veins. Brook makes a mental note about
Pudding's heritage while Pudding is surprised to see that he has made it this far. Pudding then
asks her mother if they could talk in private.

On the third floor courtyard, Pedro is battling Viscount Hyoko. Pedro manages to slash through
him, causing his body to break like an egg. The onlookers declare in shock that the next fo rm will
be Count Niwatori. An onlooking soldier states that he goes from Baron Tamago, to Viscount
Hyoko, to Count Niwatori, the latter being his most powerful form. Pedro is impatient and does
not feel like waiting around for Count Niwatori. He pulls out a string of explosives, saying that a
cluster of soldiers makes for a great distraction. As the explosives detonate, a shocked Pedro is
saved by Carrot and Chopper, who pulled him just in time into the Mirro-World. Chopper explains
how the Mirro-World is accessible only by physical contact with Brûlée, before asking Pedro for
an update on the others' situations. Chopper is shocked to learn that Luffy and Nami were

Yonko Whole Cake Island

captured, and worries at the same time about Brook. Carrot holds up a highly stylized mural of
Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Brook, and Pedro, and asks the mirrors to tell her where they are. Two mirrors
respond that Nami has escaped and is with Jinbe.

Elsewhere on the third floor, Luffy is being pursued by soldiers as he continues his search for
Sanji and the request to send all ministers as reinforcements has been sent. As he passes the
infirmary, Reiju secretly grabs hold of his arm and pulls him forcefully into the room, before closing
the door behind her to hide him from his pursuers. Luffy recognizes Reiju and asks her what she
is doing, and Reiju informs Luffy that Sanji was at the infirmary until only a moment ago. Luffy
hurriedly tells her about Pudding's nefarious plans before spotting Reiju's bandaged leg and
asking her if she was okay. An amused Reiju replies that she is fine and informs Luffy that her
brother is already aware of the situation; however, his continuing concern for the Baratie hostages
and the Straw Hats compelled him to remain on the island. After learning that Sanji was aware of
the situation, a relieved Luffy thanked Reiju for bringing him up to speed and, much to Reiju's
shock, jumped out the infirmary window. After landing one a citizen's house, Luffy declares that
he will wait for Sanji at the place he promised to be.

Elsewhere in the Chateau, a solitary Sanji is reflecting on everything that has happened. He
arrives at the conclusion that there is no going back.

Big Mom's forces chase after Jinbe and Nami, intent on surrounding and trapping them. They
then recognize Jinbe with a shock and realize that he is rebelling, and Jinbe asks Nami to take
care of the soldiers chasing them from behind. As Jinbe races toward the forces heading to them
from the front, Nami uses Thundercloud Rod to shock the ones behind them. However, she
accidentally shocks Chopper, who had emerged from a nearby mirror in order to rescue them.
Nami and Jinbe enter the Mirro-World, where they reunite with Chopper, Carrot, and Pedro.
Brûlée sees Jinbe and realizes he has rebelled against them, having heard earlier that he had
backed out of facing Big Mom's roulette while trying to quit the crew. Jinbe affirms this, saying
that the wheel would have brought nothing more than death and ill will, and Pedro states that he
made the right choice, as his comrade spun the wheel five years ago and had his entire lifespan
removed. Brûlée laughed and stated that that was the point, as Big Mom does not let people
leave Totto Land alive. However, she is interrupted as the Sanji Retrieval Team boards the
carriage to look for Luffy, Brook, and Sanji, though Diesel is barely able to pull such a heavy load.

In the Queen's Chambers, Prometheus puts a bandage on a wound that it received from Brook
after the wound became deeper, upset by the pain. Big Mom commends Brook for managing to
give her top homies their first injuries, and Pudding asks if she is going to continue carrying Brook
around. Brook is surprised by Pudding's bluntness, and Big Mom states that since she is
mesmerized with Brook she will carry him around instead of putting him in the museum for the
time being, and Brook is appalled by his new fate. Big Mom then commends the rest of the Straw
Hats for making it through the Seducing Woods and ending up in the Prisoner Library, and
Pudding asks if Big Mom is going to kill them after the ceremony, which she affirms, shocking
Brook. Big Mom states that the Vinsmoke Family is likely intoxicated after she sent barmaids to
them, and Pudding reveals that Reiju went sneaking around, but she dealt with her. Big Mom
shows concern about the encounter, warning her daughter that an encounter that goes wrong
could jeopardize the wedding, but Pudding reveals that she did get to test her gun out on the
Vinsmokes' bodies, which blows through them. Big Mom laughs and gleefully plans out the
wedding assassination. When Sanji lifts Pudding's veil, he will see her third eye and falter, allowing
her to shoot him through the head, giving the Big Mom Pirates the signal to commence the attack.
Before the Vinsmokes will be able to react, they will face countless numbers of guns pointed at
them, and their blood will stain the floors as gunshots ring out all over the room. The Big Mom

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Pirates will then begin the real celebration, eating cake and black tea as they gain control over
Germa 66.

Meanwhile, a Chess Soldier peeks into Sanji's room, reports that Sanji is indeed sleeping in there,
and receives orders to not let anyone in or out of there. However, the one actually in the bed is
Eggplant Soldier, and he wakes up in shock that he fell asleep in Sanji's bed. However, since Sanji
is not back yet, he decides to get a bit more sleep. In the meeting room on the second floor, Mont-
d’Or goes over the Sanji Retrieval Team's statuses, knowing that Pekoms was with them until they
entered Totto Land and that Pudding led six people to Whole Cake Island. Brook is currently in
Big Mom's hands, and Mont-d'Or confirms with Count Niwatori, who survived Pedro's explosion,
that Pedro blew himself up. They had received a report from Brûlée that she had captured
Chopper and Carrot, and now the only outstanding problems are Luffy and Nami. The two of them
were supposedly imprisoned, but Mont-d'Or had heard rumors that they had escaped, and
confronts Opera as to why this and rumors about Jinbe's appearance have circulated around.
Opera vehemently denies the rumors, saying he never saw Jinbe and that he burned Luffy and
Nami to death due to them not having any information on Lola. As he says this, Opera notes in
his mind that there is no way he could say the rumors are true, as Big Mom would definitely punish
him by removing his lifespan. Mont-d'Or reluctantly decides to cross out Luffy and Nami as well,
and asks about the whereabouts of the Vinsmoke Family, to which he receives confirmation that
they are in their rooms. Mont-d'Or then adjourns the meeting, happily stating that the intruders
are gone and their goal now is to prepare for the wedding to make it as good as possible. However,
he tells the Chess Soldiers afterwards to continue keeping watch, as he does not trust Opera.

In the third floor infirmary, Reiju looks out of a window at Sweet City, where a weak Luffy is
stumbling to the spot where he agreed to meet Sanji. Inside the Chateau, Sanji sits on a bench
as he considers the basket of bento he prepared for Pudding, reflecting that it was surprising he
made this for Pudding since it contained all his crewmates' favorite foods. Sanji accepts his
oncoming death at the wedding tomorrow, thinking that it was for the best since Germa would be
exterminated and Big Mom would be happy, giving his crewmates their best chance to escape.
Bobbin then approaches Sanji, surprised that the latter is not in his room as he takes out a piece
of meat from Sanji's basket. However, Sanji remembers Luffy's declaration that he would not eat
anything until Sanji fed him again, and he kicks Bobbin over the head, saying the meat was not
for him. Bobbin slams into the wall, and Sanji reclaims the meat he made as some of the guards
race toward the disturbance. A bewildered Bobbin asks what Sanji is doing, causing a shocked
Sanji to give himself a mental shake before running off with the bento basket in hand.

After hearing the commotion caused by Sanji's attack, some of Bobbin’s subordinates race toward
his location. However, Bobbin bounces his head around, causing them to fall asleep. He tells
them that there is nothing to worry about and that he will deal with the situation himself, before
breaking off into a sprint as he says that even demons come to Big Mom’s tea parties.

Inside the Mirro-World, Nami, Chopper, Carrot, Pedro and Jinbe locate a mirror inside Big Mom's
bedroom. After spotting her asleep, with a snoozing Brook in her hands and Zeus, Prometheus,
and Napoleon asleep around her, the team ponder how to rescue Brook. Brûlée screams out
for Big Mom to save her, causing the team to bind and gag her and Diesel, but Big Mom does not
notice. Instead, half-asleep, she only notices a fly buzzing around her room, and smacks the fly
into the ground with extreme force before falling back asleep. The noise wakes Brook, but he
goes back to sleep when he sees that it was just a fly. Zeus, Prometheus, and Napoleon also
wake, and, believing that Big Mom was being attacked, attack the spot where she had smacked
the fly before also returning to sleep. The Sanji Retrieval Team is terrified at what they just
witnessed, wondering how they are supposed to save Brook.

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Meanwhile, Sanji runs through Sweet City, on his way to the place where Luffy promised to be
waiting for him. On the way, a dog races up to him and tries to get into his basket of food. Sanji
shakes the dog off, telling it that the food was not for it.

Back inside the Mirro-World, the team finds a skeleton in the Chateau's Execution Room and
some seaweed in the kitchen, which they use to make a stand-in for Brook. Jinbe puts Brûlée
directly in the mirror, to allow any of them to cross through it. Chopper sneaks into the room, but
accidentally sneezes, causing Big Mom to semi-consciously slam her hand down where he is
standing. Carrot tries next, quietly landing on Big Mom before whispering to Brook to wake up.
However, she is forced to flee from a sleep bubble coming from Big Mom's nose, and Zeus spots
her. Thinking she is the fly, Zeus shoots a lightning bolt at Carrot. Pedro is the next to t ry, but Big
Mom starts tossing and turning, forcing him to retreat. However, Big Mom finally lets go of Brook,
and Nami sets out to retrieve him. Nami wakes Brook up, but Brook screams at the sight of the
skeleton she is holding. Thinking the noise is still coming from the fly, Big Mom grabs Prometheus
and throws it at the two Straw Hats, but Jinbe manages to bring them safely back to the Mirro -

Sanji reaches the outskirts of Sweet City, where he comes across the bodies of the soldiers that
Luffy and Nami had earlier fought. He begins to search among them, looking for Luffy.

Inside the Mirro-World, Brook expresses his shock at his sudden rescue, and Nami gets mad at
him for screaming and almost getting them killed. Pedro then apologizes to Brook for putting him
in danger by sending him to a highly guarded room, but Brook replies that it was a once -in-a-
lifetime chance, as they would be unlikely to succeed in reaching the poneglyphs again without
fighting a full-scale war. He then pulls out rubbings of Big Mom's three Poneglyphs from inside
his skull, explaining that he had barely managed to finish copying them before Big Mom arrived.
The others, including Brûlée and Diesel, are shocked that he actually succeeded in copying the
poneglyphs. The team celebrates Brook's accomplishment, and Chopper declares that they have
only one objective remaining: to retrieve Sanji.

Finally, after a period of searching, Sanji hears the sound of a stomach growling behind him. After
following the sound, he smiles tearfully as he sees Luffy leaning against the base of King Baum,
asleep and weakened from hunger.

In the Mirro-World, the Sanji Retrieval Team is unable to find Luffy and Sanji's whereabouts from
the mirrors, and Nami deduces that they must not be in the castle, so she begins to think about
the place they fought this morning. Chopper is bewildered to hear that the two fought, but Jinbe
understands that Sanji must have had things he needed to do in his role as a member of the
Vinsmoke Family and it would be difficult to get him to return. He then tells the team that they
must hasten, as the wedding is actually not going to be a simple ceremony. He asks if they came
with Pekoms, whom the team remembers and asks if he is all right. Jinbe affirms this, but says
that the lion mink would have been killed as part of a certain plot had Jinbe not noticed it. In
Sweet City, two citizens wonder if they just heard a gunshot, but are unable to tell in the rain.
Meanwhile, an injured Bobbin curses three shadowed figures before collapsing.

In the sixth floor guestroom in the Whole Cake Chateau, the barmaids start passing out from the
immense amounts of alcohol consumed, and Yonji calls them pathetic as he and his family
continue consuming the "weak" alcohol by the barrel. He and Niji wish they had Nami to serve
them, and Ichiji recalls having heard that she was captured, before wondering if they can bargain
to get her for themselves. Judge then advises giving the drinking a rest, saying that tomorrow
night will be the time to party. He excitedly thinks about their upcoming alliance with the Big Mom

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Pirates tomorrow, and points out that their "failure", Sanji, helped this to come about. The
laughing Vinsmoke men then have a toast to their "dud", reflecting that this is the first time h e
will ever be useful, unaware of the smiling Homies in the room who know of Big Mom's plan at
the wedding. Later, the Chess Soldiers guard the Vinsmoke guestroom, receiving orders from
Mont-d’Or to not let them contact a single person between now and the ceremony. The Chess
Soldiers also guard Reiju who is still in the infirmary, and she remains awake as Judge and Big
Mom fall sound asleep.

In the outskirts of Sweet City, Sanji approaches Luffy, who wakes up after smelling the bento
basket in Sanji's arms. Sanji says he never told Luffy to wait there as he drops the bento basket
at his feet, revealing the poor condition of the bento due to him dropping it and the rain getting
into it. However, Luffy starts eating it and cries that it is extremely delicious, noting that Sanji put
all the crew's favorite foods in it. However, Sanji calls him a liar. Finally, Luffy finishes the meal
and fully regains his strength, and Sanji tells him to leave. Luffy is quickly taken aback and tells
Sanji to come with him, but Sanji gives him the reasons why he is unfit to return to the crew. The
first reason is that he attacked and disrespected Luffy, his captain, despite the latter coming to
save him. The second reason is that Zeff is still being held as a hostage, and the third reason is
that despite despising his family, he still does not have the conscience to let them be murdered
tomorrow. Sanji asks if Luffy understands, but Luffy responds by punching Sanji in the face,
sending him crashing into King Baum's remains. Luffy then shouts at Sanji to tell the truth, and
as he remembers all the times he spent cooking for the Straw Hats, Sanji tearfully confesses that
he wants to return to the crew. However, he is powerless to stop the wedding and save his family,
but Luffy assures him that they can work to wreck it together.

Sanji is surprised to hear that Jinbe rebelled against Big Mom and freed Luffy and Nami, and is
grateful that Nami is safe. He solemnly reflects that he cannot bring himself to face Nami after
all the grief he caused his crewmates. He and Luffy then notice that the rain is stopping. Inside
Mirro-World, the Sanji Retrieval Team discovers Luffy and Sanji from a mirror shard that Nami
had while she and Luffy were riding on King Baum, so they look for more shards ne arby. Luffy
hears Chopper's voice calling out from the shard, and explains to an appalled and confused Sanji
that the rest of their crewmates are inside the mirrors. Luffy talks to his teammates, and they tell
him that all of them have been rescued and that Brook managed to get copies of the poneglyphs.
Pedro then asks if Luffy and Sanji reached an agreement, and Luffy replies that Sanji is not
coming back yet, shocking everyone. Luffy reveals that they are going to crash the wedding and
save Sanji’s family, after which Sanji will come back to the crew. The Sanji Retrieval Team falls
into a stunned silence, and Sanji states that he cannot drag his crewmates into a battle with a
Yonko. However, the Sanji Retrieval Team immediately erupts with affirmation, expressing their
joy at the possibility of getting Sanji back. Nami coldly states that she will never forgive Sanji for
putting her through such fear the previous day, but then says that she will forget about it in order
to crash the Tea Party and get him to return, which puts Sanji into a euphoric state.

Jinbe then says that he knows what they have to do, as Big Mom's investment into her tea parties
would guarantee her unbridled wrath against them. Not only that, but the ministers they had faced
were only a small fraction of the Big Mom Pirates, who would have many powerful people
attending the tea party. This is in addition to the various rulers of the Underworld that have been
invited from all over the world. In contrast, their team consists of ten people. Brûlée and Diesel
react in outrage that they were numbered among the team, telling the Sanji Retrieval Team to
drop dead. Jinbe then asks if Luffy knows Capone Bege, which Luffy affirms, and Jinbe reveals
that Bege is a boss of one of the five most powerful mafias in the West Blue. Jinbe had heard that
Bege was a person who cut off animal heads and watched in joy as their lifeless bodies writhed
around. The same applied to other organizations, as Bege would go directly after the boss.

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However, he only took his opponents' wealth; rather than gain power from taking them down, he
took pleasure in watching the power struggles that formed as a result. Because of this, Bege is
targeted by many enemies, but he enjoys that too as he has managed to dispatch them wit h his
Devil Fruit powers. These habits did not change as Bege grew tired of his land exploits and set off
to sea as a pirate, as he took down many captains of famous pirate crews. Now, he is protected
from his enemies by Big Mom, and due to his sharp vigilance and high defensive powers, he
acquired the title of "Rook" and was placed in charge of security at the wedding. Thus, since his
crew is the security, there is nothing standing between them and Big Mom. As Big Mom plans to
murder the Vinsmoke Family during the wedding ceremony to take control of Germa 66, Bege
plans to take the head of Big Mom herself.

The Sanji Retrieval Team is bewildered to hear about this and all the schemes taking place during
it. Jinbe then reveals that Pekoms was taken by Bege and was offered to help in the plan, but the
steadfastly loyal lion mink refused. Bege then shot him into shark -infested waters in order to
prevent him from revealing the plan, but Jinbe's crew found him and rescued him just in time.
Luffy is angered that Bege would do such a thing, but Jinbe states that it may be wise to not
consider Bege an enemy despite what happened to Pekoms. Rather than having the Sanji
Retrieval Team quickly come up with a plan for the wedding in five hours' time, Jinbe suggests
that Luffy ally with Bege, who has been meticulously planning for the event. Luffy then agreed,
despite the ensuing protests of his teammates, and Jinbe states that he has already made the
preparations, saying that they could always decline the alliance if Luffy ultimately disagreed. In
the Fire Tank Pirates' base in northwest Whole Cake Island, Vito affirms that he disposed of
Bobbin to prevent him from going after his hero Sanji. Someone asks Bege if Jinbe's group is
really coming here, and Bege affirms this, saying that Jinbe does not joke around and it is in both
of their interests to oppose Big Mom together. The rest of their dealings will depend on how Luffy
acts, with Bege being willing to dispose of his fellow Supernova if Luffy makes him angry.

In the giant kitchen on the eighth floor of the Whole Cake Chateau, head chef Streusen oversees
the final touches being added to the wedding cake. Streusen describes the cake ingredients in
great detail, comparing them to aspects of life and getting emotional as his subordinates carry
the ingredients to the right places.

In the eastern inlet of Whole Cake Island, the Sun Pirates order Pekoms to stop moving, as he
still needs rest. Pekoms asks for confirmation that Jinbe reported Bege's treachery to Big Mom,
and Aladine lies that he did, though Pekoms is not entirely convinced that Bege is getting his
retribution. The other Sun Pirates assure him that this is the case, but Pekoms continues to
protest, saying that he heard people sneaking around at night and trying to get out and see for
himself. The Sun Pirates say they will not let him do that, and Pekoms cries in outrage as he asks
what they are hiding.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Sanji approach the Fire Tank Pirates' base, remembering Jinbe's directions
on how to get there. Luffy asks what Bege is like, and Sanji tells him to picture a mafia boss. Vito
then opens the main entrance, bursting with delight at getting to meet Sanji again. He tells them
that the others are already inside, and Chopper then emerges without his hat on, greeting his
crewmates and saying they should take a bath. Luffy and Sanji are shocked to hear Chopper, who
hates baths, say that, but Vito says that Bege would not meet with them unless they are clean.
Inside the Women's Bath in the base, Nami tells Chiffon about what Lola was like on Thriller Bark,
and Chiffon is overjoyed to hear about her twin sister, thanking Nami for saving her. Carrot
excitedly follows along with the story as well, and Chiffon wonders if Lola found someone to marry,
recalling Big Mom's rage when she left. She says that all giants hate Big Mom for a certain reason,
but one day the prince of Elbaf, Loki, had fallen in love with Lola at first sight and proposed to

Yonko Whole Cake Island

her. Big Mom was overjoyed at the prospect, as she could not only end the enmity between her
and the giants, but could also gain control over the military forces of Elbaf, which are known as
the strongest in the world. After Lola ran away, Big Mom used Chiffon as a substitute, but the
giants found out and the wedding was annulled, with the relationship being even worse from then
on. Big Mom then gave up on the giants and started looking into Gigantification research; her
rage toward Lola grew greater and greater, to the point where Lola is considered a criminal in
Totto Land and Chiffon was brutally beaten by Big Mom for resembling her, giving her injuries that
lasted years. Chiffon no longer considers Big Mom her mother, but says that Lola probably does
not know about Big Mom's ill will due to her carefree nature, whereas Chiffon did not feel anything
when Bege told her about his plan to assassinate Big Mom.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Brook emerge from their bath, with Luffy discontent due to relaxing before
the battle has started. They then open a fridge and take out some milk, despite a Fire Tank Pirate
member berating them for their rudeness. They then drink the milk, which heals Luffy's missing
tooth and Brook's skull crack, appalling the guard. Three hours and 30 minutes before the start
of the Tea Party, Brûlée and Diesel, who are cleaned up despite still being imprisoned, react in
outrage when they find out about Chiffon's compliance with Bege's plot. However, Chiffon reminds
them about what Big Mom did to her, saying that Bege and Pez are her only family now. Bege
then comes into the meeting room, where the Straw Hats are waiting in fancy outfits. He
addresses the topic of forming an alliance, saying that the easiest way out for his crew is to
eliminate the Straw Hats now. However, Sanji points out that Bege's plan cannot work with him
dead, and Jinbe asks Luffy what his instincts say about an alliance. However, Luffy instead
addresses Caesar Clown, who is sitting next to Vito with his hair spiked up. Caesar becomes
panicked, and he remembers Bege's crew approaching him in his lab. Bege, in possession of
Caesar's heart, offered him his freedom in exchange for the use of his power. Caesar protested
against the thought of continued servitude, but ended up going with Bege anyways. Later, Caesar
was horrified to learn the Straw Hats would be coming to the base, not wanting to see them ever
again. In the present, Caesar states that he is actually Bege's sworn brother "Gangster" Gastino,
which briefly fools Luffy, but the Straw Hats quickly make him see straight again. This results in
argument between them with Caesar cursing Luffy and Law for forcing him into this situation, but
Bege squeezes his heart to silence him as he asks Luffy if he will accept the alliance or not. Luffy
decides to first punch Bege for shooting Pekoms, and uproar occurs between the crews as Bege
calmly sits there daring Luffy to try. Jinbe then cuts in, telling everyone that they all have a
common enemy and they all have something to gain by banding together against her. Luffy then
gathers around to Bege to learn the plan, which Bege states will be perfect as Caesar tells them
to get over it so he could be free of them.

Sanji, though not inherently interested in assassinating Big Mom, ponders how she can be killed,
noting that she seems extremely tough. Pedro says they will need to do it quickly, with Nami
recalling how the team was nearly killed retrieving Brook from her while she was sleeping. They
then ask why they are aiming for her at the tea party, when several of her children will be around.
Bege then replies that under certain conditions, they will have five seconds to take Big Mom's
head. If they fail, then total war will erupt and their chances of success will be zero. Bege says the
plan will start with Caesar Clown, and Caesar reminds Bege to refer to him by his alias, threatening
to kill Pez if Bege does not uphold his end of the bargain and release him after the plan is
executed. Caesar then presents the KX Launcher, which contains phosphorous poison that will
kill anyone once it enters their body. However, not even that can pierce through Big Mom's skin,
and so two conditions must be met: there must be no interference in the planned five seconds,
and Big Mom's body must be weakened.

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Pez starts to cry due to Bege's loud voice, and Bege quiets him down with baby talk. Bege tells
the Sanji Retrieval Team about Big Mom's immense durability, with not even bullets or
cannonballs being able to injure her. However, he did see Big Mom get injured once in the
previous Tea Party. During tea parties, Big Mom puts a portrait of the mysterious Mother Carmel
directly across the table from her. During the last tea party, a servant accidentally dropped the
portrait, causing Big Mom to emit an earsplitting shriek that caused everyone to lose
consciousness, as well as activate her Haoshoku Haki. When she kneeled down, her knee began
bleeding. Thus, Bege plans to cut the picture in half, as not only will this leave Big Mom
defenseless, but the people around her will be incapacitated from her shrieks for at least five
seconds. Bege then presents the Sanji Retrieval Team with earplugs to protect them from Big
Mom's shrieks. Luffy then suggests rescuing the Vinsmoke Family in the process, but Bege tells
him that it will take three seconds for Big Mom to react to the portrait being destroyed, meaning
there is a good chance they will die in those three seconds. Thus, Luffy will serve as bait to keep
Big Mom's forces at bay. Nami and Chiffon are outraged that Bege is carelessly risking Luffy's life,
but Luffy agrees to it, saying he has the perfect entrance planned. Luffy says the cue will be when
Sanji and Pudding kiss, but Sanji reminds him that Pudding will shoot him before that, so he will
dodge; Luffy will instead make his entrance once he hears the gunshot.

Bege says that once Big Mom starts shrieking, Luffy's group can rescue the Vinsmokes while
Caesar will break in through a mirror with Brûlée's help. Once Caesar arrives, the team can
escape the room and go back to their ships, where they can escape the island. The distressed
Brûlée tries thinking of a way she can report this to Big Mom. After Big Mom's assassination is
successful, the alliance will part ways, and Bege wishes everyone luck. With two and a half hours
left until the wedding, Sanji prepares to go back to his room to prepare for the wedding, and Luffy
asks Bege to help him with his entrance, to Bege's exasperation.

Meanwhile, the various islands in Totto Land celebrate the upcoming wedding, and in the Germa
Kingdom, the soldiers of Germa 66 reflect on the peacefulness, having not been allowed at the
wedding. In the Whole Cake Chateau, the Vinsmokes get changed for the ceremony. Meanwhile,
Big Mom cries hysterically about Brook's death as she holds his lifeless skeletal substitute, but
she is reminded about the wedding, and tosses "Brook" aside in glee as it is reported that her
guests are streaming into the castle. In Pudding's room, Nitro and Rabian ask why Pudding is so
sullen as she sits in her wedding dress. Pudding replies that she is not looking forward to be ing
splattered in blood after shooting Sanji and having to rewrite everyone's memories in order to
continue to be seen as a good girl.

At Whole Cake Island’s eastern bay, Pekoms is asking Aladine where the Sun Pirates are going.
Aladine informs him the crew is leaving the country, and Pekoms asks if Big Mom is aware of this
while reminding about what happens to those who leave Big Mom's umbrella. Aladine lets Pekoms
know how grateful Jinbe is. He recalls Jinbe's final address to the Sun Pirates, having lear nt of
Capone Bege’s plan to assassinate Big Mom. While Jinbe is uncertain that the plan will work, he
is glad (if shocked) to learn about Big Mom's own plan to assassinate Germa. Jinbe remarks that
if Luffy finds out about this, he would surely do something rash to save Sanji. Not wanting this to
happen, Jinbe declares his intention to help Luffy out and fully betray Big Mom. When recounted
that when he tried to leave her crew honestly, she dragged out her penalty roulette, which is
marked with numbers that, if chosen, indicates how many crew members would suffer along with
Jinbe. Not wanting to subject them to such an absurd punishment, Jinbe orders the Sun Pirates
to run before the Tea Party starts, because he knows security will be light as the ships are sent
to escort guests. Aladine assures Jinbe that they would protect him in the same way he would
protect them. Jinbe tries to brush it off, which angers Aladine, who can tell Jinbe plans to die.
Jinbe tells Aladine of his intent to join the Straw Hat Pirates, and that, in doing so, it was only a

Yonko Whole Cake Island

matter of time before he put his life on the line to defend his new captain. Aladine understands
Jinbe's intentions and tells him to do what he must. He then says that he and the crew will go
back to Fishman Island, asking Jinbe if he was still worried about Ryugu, and Jinbe says yes. The
flashback ends with Jinbe and Aladine reaffirming their friendship. Aladine then tells the crew to
set sail, much to the abandoned Pekoms's dismay.

Inside Whole Cake Chateau, the Vinsmoke Family makes its way to the ceremony venue, which
Judge explains is on the Chateau's roof. Behind him, Yonji asks Reiju where she was the previous
night. Reiju brushes it off, lying that she requested a change of room to escape the ruckus of their
drinking and celebrations. Niji patronizes his brother, telling him to keep out of other adults'
business. Niji then confirms with one of Big Mom's subordinates that Sanji was preparing for the
ceremony, which leads Reiju to ask herself what Sanji was planning on doing.

Outside, the homies are getting excited as the ceremony's start draws closer. A pig-drawn carriage
hurries in and stops before a welcoming crowd, with some remarking how late they are. The
Underworld guests then step out of the carriage and proceed to the entrance of the Chateau: the
Black Market King, "God of Fortune" Du Feld, "Queen of the Entertainment District" Stussy, "Major
Undertaker" Drug Peclo; the president of the World Economic Journal, "Big News" Morgans;
Giberson the Concealer, a leader in the storage industry; and a shipping magnate, "Deep Current"
Umit. Du Feld and Peclo trade barbs, each asking the other why they were invited, but are silenced
by Stussy. Morgans comments about what big news the marriage is, while Giberson and Umit
note how it was already common knowledge in the Underworld. Charlotte Perospero then
welcomes the guests and prepares a candy escalator to take them to the roof, explaining that
they are the last guests and that Big Mom hates latecomers. The guests marvel at the escalator's
craftmanship, before boarding. Perospero then gives some lollipops to some nearby waiting
children, telling them that they can eat the escalator in a few minutes.

On the roof, just outside the banquet area, a guest is demanding to be let in without a body check.
Bege politely tells him they can't do that. The person, organ dealer Jigra, reminds Bege that he
was invited to the last wedding too, but could not attend due to having to go to his mother's
funeral. He told Big Mom this, and asks Bege to guess what she sent in return. Before he can
finish, the man is shot in the head. Bege demands to know who shot him. A man on the doorframe
then tells Bege how the story would have ended: "She sent me the head of my father, who was in
the hospital. I'm here for revenge, open the door", at which point he would have opened fire, killing
two of Bege's subordinates in the process. The person talking is revealed to be Sweet Commander
Charlotte Katakuri, second son of the Charlotte Family, who had thrown a jelly bean at Jigra. Bege
is visibly irritated by Katakuri's presence, given that Katakuri had trained his Kenbunshoku Haki
so well that he can see slightly into the future, posing the biggest threat to Bege's plans. Katakuri
instructs Bege to tell Big Mom that sniping Jigra was his judgment, before foretelling Bege's
eventual acquiescence.

The final guests enter the party room, excited by the atmosphere. Charlotte Smoothie greets them
and offers them a drink; the selection is a piece of lava, a beautiful woman who had stabbed one
hundred men, and a giraffe that makes a funny sound. Giberson, Stussy, and Peclo all get a glass
of the giraffe, squeezed into the glass by Smoothie's Devil Fruit ability. As they marvel at the taste
and feel of the drink, Big Mom enters the venue. She welcomes the guests, informing them that
everything in the room is edible and to make sure to enjoy everything that happens today.

At the top of the candy stairway and the Whole Cake Chateau itself lies the Whole Cake Chateau
Rooftop, which is where the Tea Party is currently going on. Vito peeks over the walls from the
outside, watching in glee as Morgans talks with Vinsmoke Judge. Bege waves it off as nothing to

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care about, but Vito points out that there are a lot of high-profile guests here, including Charlotte
Family children Perospero, Compote, Katakuri, Smoothie, Daifuku, and Oven. He expresses his
apprehension at going against people like this, confusing the door homie nearby. Inside the walls
of the rooftop, a Chess Soldier presents the portrait of Mother Carmel to Big Mom, and Big Mom
is excited to see her. Her guests go along with the excitement, despite not knowing who Carmel
is. However, a first-time guest asks about Carmel's significance, causing Big Mom to knock him
out with Haoshoku Haki in a fit of rage. The emperors of the Underworld then present Big Mom
with their gifts for her and Pudding, delighting her even more. Upon Morgans' prompting, Big Mom
then reveals the Tamatebako in her possession, and says she will open it for everyone to see
along with all her other presents during the banquet after the wedding ceremony.

Outside, two members of the Fire Tank Pirates report to Bege, having finished their preparations.
Bege confirms that the cooks have all come to the tea party, that the exits are all blocked off, and
that communications are jammed with a Horned Den Den Mushi. Bege commends his men before
telling them to get changed. Bege then tells Caesar to come out of his body with the escape
mirror, and the scientist emerges holding a very large mirror. Bege then instructs Caesar to hide
the mirror and explains that his job would be to fly in with the mirror once Big Mom starts
shrieking, allowing the assassination party to escape into it after killing Big Mom. The door homie
is shocked to see Bege with Caesar and wonders what they are plotting, but Bege notices it and
has Gotti cut off its face, killing it. With 30 minutes before the ceremony, Bege looks inside his
body to see if everyone is ready, but is shocked to see Luffy and his crewmates sleeping. Jinbe
tells him to let them sleep, as they had not slept since their arrival on Whole Cake Island. He
promises to wake them up 10 minutes before the ceremony starts, and Bege threatens to leave
them behind if they become a hindrance. Bege then tells Caesar to get back inside his body and
prepares to enter the venue, stating that there is no going back once he does so.

Meanwhile, in the bride and groom room on the ninth floor, Sanji and Pudding sit next to each
other, with Sanji remarking that this feels like a dream. Putting on an act, Pudding tearfully asks
if this is a good or a bad dream, causing Sanji to become lovestruck at her beautiful appearance.
He tries his best to remember that Pudding is acting and intends to kill him, but then tells her she
can kiss him on the forehead during the ceremony if she wants. However, Pudding claims she will
kiss him on the lips, causing Sanji to get a massive nosebleed and crash into the wall. Outwardly,
Pudding expresses concern for him, but inwardly she is sick of his behavior and eager to kill him
as soon as possible. Later, as the tea party is in full swing, the wedding ceremony begins, with
Sanji and Pudding flying in on a giant teacup carried by Zeus. The guests celebrate, while Bege
notices that Sanji is caught up with his attraction to Pudding and notes what a "good actor" Sanji

With the wedding ceremony getting underway, Jinbe attempts to wake Luffy while the team waits
for the signal inside Capone’s body castle. Nami comments that only food will wake him, and
Chopper asks one of Capone's men to bring meat out for Luffy.

Above the wedding venue, Sanji and Pudding stand in their teacup atop Zeus. Pudding tells Sanji
of her happiness and Sanji responds that he is happy too; however, both bride and groom keep
their true thoughts to themselves, with Pudding eagerly awaiting her time to kill him, and Sanji
reminding himself to stay focused on his role in the plan. The head chef, Streusen, then arrives,
calling forth an enormous wedding cake with the wedding altar at its peak. Big Mom and the
guests respond enthusiastically to the sight of the cake before Pudding and Sanji arrive at the
altar. Observing the Vinsmoke Family as they take their seats at their allocated table, Big M om
eagerly anticipates the imminent start of the slaughter.

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At their table, the Vinsmoke Family watches the exchange of vows. Yonji comments on Pudding's
beauty, but Niji responds that only someone crazy would want to marry Big Mom's daughter, and
Ichiji reminds him that Sanji is their sacrifice, to be forced to spend the rest of his life under Big
Mom's control. Reiju, however, observes silently as members of the Charlotte Family take their
seats at surrounding tables, in preparation for their plot to assassinate her family. While Reiju is
content to allow Germa’s destruction and her own death, she ponders hopefully that Sanji will
escape to safety, and puts her trust in Luffy to ensure this outcome.

As the exchange of vows commences, a finally awake Luffy is seen running with the rest of the
team towards an unknown destination. From his position observing, Katakuri has a brief vision of
Pudding collapsing onto her knees, which confuses him. Smoothie asks her brother if something
is wrong, and Capone begins to sweat as he realizes that Katakuri has seen slightly into the future.
As Sanji lifts the veil from Pudding's face in order to perform the kiss of oath, Pudding reveals her
third eye to him, expecting him to be shocked and disgusted. Sanji is indeed shocked, but
because he views the eye as beautiful. This shocks Pudding and brings her to tears, leading her
to recall periods of her childhood in which she was bullied by others for having a "creepy" and
"ugly" third eye, as well as her own increasingly twisted responses to these attacks. Through her
tears, she tells herself that she must kill Sanji, but she remains stunned by the compliment that
she had never received before.

On the floor of the venue, Big Mom and her children become increasingly confused as to why
Pudding had not yet shot Sanji. Big Mom eventually signals the officiating priest to do it instead,
but Katakuri foresees that Sanji will successfully dodge the shot. He then decides to snipe Sanji
personally, but Sanji successfully dodges this shot as well. This causes Katakuri's jellybean to hit
the priest, killing him and sending his shot flying, which both surprises Katakuri as Sanji glares at
him for his action. The shot's sound signals to Luffy that it was time for Luffy to make his entrance.
From their table, Judge and Ichiji respond in shock and confusion to both shots, while Reiju is
concerned for Sanji's safety.

Suddenly, Katakuri stands up and moves in front of his mother. When she asks him what
happened to Pudding, he tells her to forget about Pudding, and that there was no way to prevent
what would happen next; the rest of the Charolette Family is also left unsure what to do about the
assassination plan. Brûlée begins to cry tearfully that she had no choice but to do the Straw
Hats’ bidding, and Luffy declares his intention to take Sanji back. As the giant cake begins to
shake, it suddenly explodes as a dozen "Luffys" emerged from within, several of whom have taken
substantial bites out of the cake itself. With all the Luffy duplicates yelling out Big Mom's name,
Big Mom herself yells out in shock as the guests watched on, aghast.

Three and a half hours ago, Bege reacts in surprise to Luffy's suggestion of putting a mirror inside
the wedding cake. Brûlée protests heavily, and Luffy remembers that she can make copies of
people out of animals, which Chopper confirms. Luffy then catches several animals for Brûlée
to make into copies of him, to her shock. In the present, the wedding guests react in shock to
Luffy and his copies flying out of the cake, and Morgans excitedly calls it big news. The guests
start to run as the giant cake begins toppling in their direction, and Sanji catches Pudding as he
jumps off the cake, placing his trust in Luffy to complete the plan. Smoothie is appalled that Luffy
did not die in the Prisoner Library like Mont-d’Or had told her, and Mont-d'Or angrily reflects that
Opera lied to him in order to protect himself.

Big Mom then begins to have a crisis as she witnesses the destruction of the cake she was looking
forward to immensely. Streusen tries to calm her down, but Big Mom demands another cake
before threatening the lives of her cooks. Morgans gets excited to see Big Mom's "Soul Pocus"

Yonko Whole Cake Island

technique as she removes the lifespans of several cooks, killing them. Meanwhile, in the Mirro-
World, the Sanji Retrieval Team gets the last of the Luffy clones out into the wedding venue, and
Jinbe and Pedro head out to back Luffy up. Nami, Chopper, and Carrot then head outside as well
in order to rescue the Vinsmoke Family, and they leave Caesar Clown behind to do his job,
belittling him in the process. Big Mom angrily confronts Luffy and his clones, and wonders aloud
which Luffy is the real one. Bege is initially impressed with the bravado of Luffy's plan, but the
real Luffy reveals himself to Big Mom, leaving him aghast as Big Mom confronts the real Luffy.
Luffy sees the portrait of Mother Carmel and targets it, and Bege has Vito and Gotti get ready to
attack Big Mom with their KX Launchers. Nami, Chopper, and Carrot hide inside the wedding
cake, preparing to go three seconds after Luffy breaks the portrait and rescue the Vinsmokes.

Big Mom summons Zeus and Prometheus to attack Luffy, and Luffy prepares to attack, but he is
suddenly intercepted by a massive tendril composed of a sticky substance. The substance is
coming from Katakuri's leg, and Katakuri tells Big Mom that this one is the real Luffy while the
others are just animals. Luffy's arms and legs are swallowed in the massive substance, and Big
Mom initially gets mad at Katakuri for trying to save her, but Katakuri tells her that he knew Luffy
was going after the portrait of Mother Carmel. Katakuri notes that only people close to the family
know about the importance of the portrait, and orders Luffy to reveal who told him about it as he
sends the Straw Hat falling toward the ground. Bege begins to get worried, and Pedro prepares
to free Luffy from Katakuri, but Jinbe steps in and attacks with a massive burst of water, softening
the sticky substance and freeing Luffy from it.

Jinbe tells Luffy that Katakuri ate the Paramecia-type Mochi Mochi no Mi and warns him to avoid
his sticky substance, before claiming to Big Mom that he was the one who revealed Carmel's
importance. Big Mom is not pleased, and accuses Jinbe of starting a mutiny, but Jinbe states that
he is simply quitting her crew to join the Straw Hat Pirates, much to Luffy's delight and Morgans'
excitement at such big news. Big Mom is fine with that, but must take Jinbe's lifespan in return,
and Jinbe is fine with her doing so as long as she does not harm any of his comrades. Big Mom
calls Jinbe's desire foolish, and asks again whether he wants to stay or to give up his life, but to
her bewilderment Jinbe wants her to take his life, and his soul is not coming o ut of his body
because he shows no fear. The Big Mom Pirates are shocked by his lack of fear, as Jinbe states
that he will not cower at a Yonko if he intends to join the crew of the future Pirate King, and offers
Big Mom a sake cup to signify his departure if she cannot take away his lifespan. The Straw Hats
are amazed by Jinbe's courage and Luffy cheers him on, but Big Mom steps on the sake cup and
now recognizes Jinbe as her enemy as she attacks him with Zeus and Prometheus. However, in
the midst of the chaos, Brook approaches Carmel's portrait disguised as Luffy, and shatters the
portrait with a hammer.

Luffy and Jinbe dodge as Big Mom swings Prometheus at them, and someone tells Big Mom to
look over to the banquet table as Brook shatters the portrait of Mother Carmel. Luffy and Jinbe
are jubilant and the Big Mom Pirates are shocked to see this, and they wonder how a sentient
Luffy clone could be out. Brook then reveals he is not a clone as he rips off his Luffy mask, but
the wedding guests think he pulled off his actual skin. Big Mom is bewildered to see Brook again,
and slowly asks him if he knows about the importance of the portrait. The Big Mom Pirates
become shocked and fearful at Big Mom's upcoming reaction, and Judge believes that the Straw
Hats are doing this solely to get Sanji back. As a dazed Big Mom recalls her destroyed wedding
cake, her crew mobilizes to defeat the Straw Hats before she goes crazy.

Meanwhile, Pudding furiously attempts to shoot Sanji, trying to show him that she is his enemy
who deceived him in order to kill him. However, Sanji dodges all of her shots and asks if she is
deceiving herself as well, causing Pudding to briefly waver. Before she regains her composure,

Yonko Whole Cake Island

she is suddenly attacked, and Sanji pulls her out of the way. The attacker, Charlotte Daifuku,
berates his younger sister for her failures as a giant genie emerges from his belt buckle due to
his Hoya Hoya no Mi ability. Pudding promises to finish her job, but Daifuku says her time is up
as he smacks her away. Sanji is shocked at Daifuku's action, and Drug Peclo realizes that the
Straw Hats must be trying to save Sanji from his fate at Pudding's hands. Daifuku's genie attacks
Sanji, and Sanji initially manages to counter it, but it blows him away with another powerful str ike.
In the Mirro-World, Brûlée begs Caesar to stop using her as he flies around with her on his
back, but Caesar is intent on fulfilling his mission in order to get his heart back. As some of Big
Mom's forces are kept busy by Luffy's animal duplicates, Bege pins down Luffy in order to keep
his cover, and when he announces it to Big Mom, he is ordered to kill Luffy. Jinbe wonders when
Big Mom is going to react to the portrait shattering, because he cannot hold back her forces for
too much longer, and he tells Pedro not to block his opponent's attacks. However, Pedro blocks
a punch from Charlotte Oven, but Oven heats up his sword with the power of the Netsu Netsu no
Mi, causing Pedro to be unable to carry it. Oven recalls Pedro's first invasion of Totto Land, and
wonders why he is back with so few years left to live, promising to not show him mercy and burn
him to death.

Nami, Chopper, and Carrot hang around inside the wedding cake, wondering why nothing has
happened after three seconds. Brook's head is then cut off, but he remains alive as his head rolls
toward Luffy. Judge then cries out for help, and the Straw Hats are shocked to see the Vinsmokes
trapped at their table, noting that their plan is not going as intended. The Vinsmokes sit at their
table, surrounded at gunpoint by several Big Mom Pirates and bound to their seats by Perospero's
candy. Judge shouts that there should be honor among thieves, but his sons call his behavior silly
as they remain nonchalant even as their lives are threatened. Reiju reflects that it is Judge's fault
for turning his sons into barely human beings who feel nothing, even at the prospect of death.
Perospero gleefully laughs at the upcoming massacre, and Judge starts to cry as he pleads for
this to be a joke. He can barely handle the prospect of death after all the work he put into restoring
the Germa Kingdom's power, but his pleas for Big Mom to say something fall on deaf ears as she
is entirely preoccupied with Carmel and the wedding cake. Perospero says that Judge is lucky for
Big Mom's rage to be focused on something else, and compares the family to a herd of cows
about to be slaughtered, paying no mind to their cries.

Meanwhile, Brook tells Luffy that they need to show Big Mom the broken Carmel portrait, as she
is currently torn between it and the wedding cake in order to become truly enraged. However,
Luffy notices Katakuri approaching them, and Bege tells Luffy to keep going with the plan while
he confronts Katakuri. Bege notices that Katakuri's face has turned completely white, which
means he has seen a horrific future. Bege tells Jinbe and Pedro to back Luffy up and put on their
earplugs as Luffy grabs the shards of the portrait, and the Big Mom Pirates begin to get suspicious
of Bege. Katakuri orders Bege to shoot Luffy, but Bege refuses. As Luffy prepares to show Big
Mom the portrait shards, Bege says that while Katakuri can see a bit into the future, anyone has
the power to change it.

Caesar Clown flies out of the giant mirror placed outside the wedding venue with Brûlée still
on his back, and Brûlée begs him to not show her face since she will be killed, but Caesar
replies that they will know she is involved due to the alliance using mirrors to get around. Caesar
prepares to fly in the mirror and ensure the last stage of the plan happens smoothly, and he peeks
over the wall to see Big Mom's state. To his surprise, however, Big Mom is not screaming even
though the plan has been executed and Carmel's portrait is destroyed.

Inside the venue, Luffy races to Big Mom in order to show her the shards of the Carmel portrait
so she can focus her rage. Katakuri angrily races at Bege as the latter blocks him from taking

Yonko Whole Cake Island

action, and he tells Perospero to hurry and kill the Vinsmokes. Perospero taunts the Vinsmokes
that their deaths are inevitable, and Judge bitterly wishes that they had brought their raid suits,
but Perospero questions why they would bring weapons to their son's wedding. Sanji then shouts
for Reiju to run as he struggles to find his footing while running from Daif uku's genie, and Reiju
reflects that Sanji going this far to save them gives her the knowledge that conscience still
remains in their family, allowing her to be at peace. Meanwhile, Bege shoots Katakuri with several
guns inside his castle, but they pass through Katakuri's Special Paramecia body. He and the other
Big Mom Pirates are shocked at Bege's outright betrayal, and as Luffy runs past the scene of the
conflict, Katakuri attacks him with a mochi leg. However, Pedro steps in and slices up the mochi,
but gets his sword caught in its stickiness. Jinbe attacks Katakuri with Fishman Karate, but
Katakuri dodges him before moving past him. He leaps at Luffy and slams a giant mochi arm into
him, pinning him to the ground, but at the last second Luffy stretches out his arms to the front of
Big Mom's face, allowing her to see the portrait shards again.

Big Mom grabs the portrait shards and fully realizes the damage done to it, as Katakuri and
Perospero get very scared, she unleashes a great cry which shakes the entire venue. Some people
are knocked out by her blast of Haoshoku Haki, while others resist the Haki but are rendered
motionless due to the sound of her high-pitched cry. Vito and Gotti then jump out of Bege's body
with their weapons in tow, and Big Mom scrapes her knee as she drops onto it, shocking Galette.
Meanwhile, Chopper inserts earplugs into Reiju's ears, and Sanji frees all of his family from their
bindings with Diable Jambe kicks while Nami and Carrot guard the table. Smoothie begs someone
to stop Bege and his crew, and as Bege, Vito, and Gotti prepare to fire their KX Launchers, a
distraught Big Mom thinks about Mother Carmel and her departure 63 years ago on Elbaf.

At the coast of Elbaf 63 years ago, a five-year-old Charlotte Linlin was left there by her parents.
The parents claimed that her father had work to do nearby and they would pick her up later,
promising to let her eat as many sweets as she wanted if she stayed put. Linlin easily agreed, but
as the parents got back on the ship, they solemnly revealed that they were abandoning Linlin on
the island. Her mother cried, but her father assured her that it was necessary after all the
destruction she had caused which resulted in her exile from their homeland. Her father hoped
that the "Holy Mother" Carmel, would save Linlin. Linlin sat on the shore for a long time, and as
night fell, she began to get distressed and call for her parents.

A century ago, the two captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates, Dorry and Brogy, disappeared, and
the remnants of their crew were captured by the Marines. However, before they were about to be
executed, the beautiful Sister Carmel stepped in and claimed that the heavens had asked for a
peaceful resolution. She revealed that executing the pirates would cause the giants o f Elbaf to
wage war on humans, and as a beam of sunlight shone on her in the midst of a storm, she asked
to guide the giants in order to create a world where all races lived together in harmony. Carmel
then set up an institution in Elbaf called the Sheep’s House, where she took in all lost children
regardless of their race. 37 years later, an 80-year-old Carmel welcomed Linlin to the Sheep's
House, promising to take care of her until her parents returned. Linlin, who had always been
bigger than everyone she met, was excited to live in a place where everything was her own size,
and felt like this was home. One time, Linlin wept as she revealed that she put a bear and a wolf
in a cage in order to get them to make up, only for the bear to eat the wolf. When she tried to
punish the bear, she killed it in one hit, and as Carmel heard this, she was shocked at Linlin's
power, but praised her for her efforts to show kindness, regardless of whether or not it worked.
Linlin also got into trouble when she tried to get rid of strange things like a Longarm's extra joint
or a Fishman's fin, but Carmel assured her that those were normal while asking everyone to
forgive her since she was kind at heart.

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Ten months later, Oimo and Kashi discussed the disappearance of Dorry and Brogy and decided
to go get them if they were not back in ten years. As they talked, Linlin chased a giant girl named
Gerth, and Kashi asked Linlin if preparations were ready at the Sheep's House. Linlin did not know
what he was talking about, and Gerth revealed that they would have a 12-day fasting period to
celebrate the Winter Solstice Festival. Linlin was shocked at the thought of not eating, but Gerth
assured her that there would be a great festival afterwards. Meanwhile, a young Hajrudin was
shown training in order to join the Giant Warrior Pirates once either Dorry or Brogy returned, and
the former captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates and heroes of the giants, Jarl and Jorl,
commended Raideen as they entered the village. They stated that they must ne ver forget their
warrior heritage, and one of the giants asked why they are here. The two giant heroes revealed
that they had come to eat semla with everyone at the Sheep's house, and both Linlin and Gerth
salivated in excitement at the thought of semla.

The banquet then began, and the partakers thanked the sun for the birth of Loki, Goldberg, Road
as well as for the growth of all the children. There was a lot of semla to eat, but Linlin loved it so
much she ate a large quantity of it very quickly, forcing some giants to hold her back so other
people could eat. The 12 days of fasting then began, and on the third day Linlin was distraught
at the lack of food. Carmel told her that the Winter Solstice Festival was to celebrate the rebirth
of the sun, and they would be more thankful for the sun the harder their wait got. Linlin loved
Carmel and so obeyed her, but on the seventh day could not withstand her cravings. Gerth rushed
to Carmel in a panic and revealed that Linlin was wreaking havoc on the village, and Linlin stood
outside, surrounded by flames and the bodies of giants which she had taken down as she cried
out for semla. As Linlin's housemates watched the scene in shock, Jorl angrily stated that Linlin
had gone too far to be forgiven and that she was not qualified to give thanks to the sun as he
prepared to strike her down. Carmel attempted to stop him, but he said that Linlin was an evil
spirit in the form of a child as he raised his sword against her.

Sixty-three years ago, Jorl swung his sword at Charlotte Linlin, but she blocked it with her bare
forearm and caused it to snap in half. Grabbing Jorl by the beard despite Carmel's desperate
orders, Linlin threw the giant hero to the ground, severely injuring him. Linlin then continued
looking for semla, and Carmel asked a giant woman if there was any around. The woman
reluctantly said there was some in the storehouse for the festival, and as some giants held Linlin
down, Carmel stepped toward the flames caused by her ward and summoned a little bit of her
soul from her hand. Carmel sent the soul fragment into the flames, creating a sun homie in a
flash of light that she named Pandora. As Linlin was fed some semla and satiated, the giants
stared in awe at Pandora, and Carmel claimed that it was the sun god and had made all things
right. However, an enraged Jarl prepared to thrust his sword into the now-sleeping Linlin, and
Carmel tried to stop him. Jarl replied that Jorl was beyond saving from his wounds at his age, and
he could not forgive Linlin for having him die in such a manner. Carmel understood but could not
leave a lost child like Linlin to die, and promised to go out of the country with her. Hajrudin was
angry at Jarl's hesitation, but Jarl tearfully turned around and angrily ordered the two to disappear
from his sight. Later, Linlin woke up and did not remember anything she had done, causing the
giants to become even angrier, and she was soon hated by the entire giant race once word spread
to the other giant kingdoms.

The other Sheep's House children accompanied Carmel and Linlin to another island, where a new
Sheep's House was set up by giants and life resumed as normal. In the Sheep's House, the
children were raised with the goal of finding good foster parents. However, Carmel later went to
a World Government building, where she told surprised CP-0 agents that she indeed left Elbaf in
order to keep Linlin, as she was now prepared to sell the girl to them for a high price. The agents
balked at the price, but Carmel called Linlin her greatest product yet, saying she was strong

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enough to eventually become an Admiral or Fleet Admiral. She reminded the agents of how she
sold them high-caliber orphans every two years to serve as intelligence agents, and the agents
reluctantly agreed. Mother Carmel, an orphan trafficker known in the underworld as "Mountain
Witch", was satisfied and decided to make this her last deal, as it took a lot of work to act as a
loving mother. After the meeting, she continued to nurture her children, but always knew her true
purpose in raising them. The Sheep's House later celebrated Linlin's sixth birthday, and Linlin was
presented with a giant pile of semla, which was called a croquembouche. The Sheep's House
decided to have a tea party to celebrate, and Linlin gorged on the semla with t ears of joy fogging
her vision. She had the greatest birthday of her life, surrounded by Carmel and her friends, but
when she finally finished the semla and thanked her housemates, she saw that they had all
disappeared. Linlin fretted as she searched for them to no avail, and in the present day she
continues crying out for her mother as she recalls being left alone forever that day.

Big Mom continues screaming at the unexplained disappearance of Mother Carmel and her
housemates 63 years ago, not knowing that there were two witnesses to the event that day. One
of them was a warrior of Elbaf who cared about the Sheep's House, and when he saw what
happened, he was so repulsed that he ran away, never to set foot on the island again. His account
was spread throughout the giants, causing them to despise Linlin so much they refrained from
even saying her name. The other witness was the chef and failed pirate Streusen, who found the
event hilarious. He had the Kuku Kuku no Mi, which gave him the ability to make ready-made
food out of natural objects, and he decided to maximize on Linlin's potential by joining her. He
approached her, and though he could not help her with the disappearance, he offered to work
with her and feed her whatever she wanted.

In the present, Streusen is unable to move due to Big Mom's scream, and he begs her to return
to her senses before the Fire Tank Pirates shoot her. Bege, Vito, and Gotti then fire their KX
Launchers at her, and the alliance looks on in anticipation while the Big Mom Pirates stare in
shock. Big Mom remembers Carmel expressing her desire to make the island they were on into a
country where all races could live together and see eye to eye, and Linlin thought that meant
everyone else would be the same size as her in that country, which caused her to share that
dream. With Streusen, Linlin revealed that she had obtained Carmel's Soru Soru no Mi power by
creating a flower homie, and the two decided to make the island their dream country. They
entered a life of piracy, and Linlin quickly grew infamous, earning a bounty of B50,000,000 not
too long after meeting Streusen. Her power was stated to be dangerous by Cipher Pol and her
bounty grew to at least B500,000,000 before she was even an adult as she razed villages with
Zeus and Prometheus at her side. In return for sweets, she promised to let all her victims live
together in her dream country, threatening to kill them if they refused. To this day, Big Mom notes
to the deceased Carmel that there have always been "selfish" people who re fuse to agree with
her dream, and she will never forgive the Straw Hats for trampling on Carmel's memory by
breaking the portrait of her. Big Mom then emanates a great blast that detonates the KX Launcher
shots before they hit her, shocking the Fire Tank Pirates.

Katakuri manages to cover his ears with mochi earplugs, and distributes the earplugs to his
crewmates, allowing them to regain their composure. With their plan having failed, the Fire Tank
Pirates run away in fear, and Caesar prepares to fly in the mirror, angry that his KX Launchers
were destroyed. Bege motions for the Sanji Retrieval Team to get into the mirror as his crew races
toward it, but as Caesar comes in, the pressure from Big Mom's scream shatters the mirror. The
alliance now has nowhere to run and no chance of fighting as they are surrounded by the Big
Mom Pirates' forces, but Bege suddenly transforms himself into a giant humanoid fortress as he
orders his allies to get inside of him.

Yonko Whole Cake Island

As Big Mom continues to scream, Bege urges the alliance to get inside Big Father, while Mont-
d’Or and Galette remark that they cannot let Bege or Caesar Clown live. Vito and the rest of the
Fire Tank Pirates gesture for the alliance to hurry inside Big Father, but as Caesar flies towards
the fortress, Katakuri stretches forward and retrieves Brûlée before shooting down Bege’s men
using his jellybeans. At the same time, Smoothie restrains Nami, Daifuku’s genie restrains
Carrot, and Oven restrains Chopper.

Nearby, Sanji gestures to his father to retreat into Bege’s fortress, but as the Charlotte Family
continue firing at them, the rest of the Vinsmoke Family change into their raid suits. One of Big
Mom’s children shoots fire at the Vinsmokes, but Perospero realizes that Germa’s raid
suits are fireproof and attempts to bind them in candy once more. However, the Vinsmokes easily
evade Perospero's candy wave, and he receives a punch to the face from Ichiji. Niji also frees
Chopper from Oven, while Reiju attacks Smoothie and Yonji throws Daifuku’s genie into the
ground. As Nami falls from Smoothie’s grasp, Sanji manages to catch her in his arms, an action
which is seen by Pudding. After freeing the Straw Hats, Judge orders his children to retreat inside
Big Father.

During the ongoing chaos, Du Feld spots some mochi and plugs his ears, before noticing the
unguarded Tamatebako. However, before he can open it and steal its contents, another burst
from Big Mom sends both him and the box flying. To Du Feld’s despair, the box eventually flies
off the roof of Whole Cake Chateau.

With the alliance and the Vinsmoke Family gathered inside Big Father, Bege fires Big Father’s
cannons at Big Mom. However, a recovered Perospero protects his mother with a candy wall,
while Katakuri plugs the cannons with mochi to prevent them from firing further. Perospero then
binds Big Father’s arms and legs in hardened candy, preventing it from moving and placing the
entire alliance under siege. As they wait, Brûlée begs Katakuri not to punish her for betraying
them, pleading that she was a victim of the alliance. Smoothie also wrings Reiju’s poison out of
her arm, remarking that Reiju’s powers was troublesome.

Inside Big Father, the alliance gathers to discuss the situation. An impressed Luffy remarks in
amazement at Bege’s powers, but Bege responds irritably that this was the first time one of his
assassination plots had failed. Jinbei asks what they should do now, and Bege explains that he
and Big Father are one and the same – if the castle is destroyed, Bege will die and the alliance
will be thrown outside into the middle of the Big Mom Pirates. Caesar attempts to defend his
weapons, but he is cut short when Bege collapses and begins bleeding. Bege explains that Big
Mom has regained her senses, and she proceeds to attack Big Father. As Big Mom pounds away,
she screams for the alliance to show themselves and demands that Bege answer for his betrayal.

Big Mom yells for Bege and Luffy to show themselves, and in desperation Chiffon tries to get Big
Mom to spare them for her and Pez's sake. However, Big Mom only grows angry due to seeing
Lola's face in her, and continues her attack on Big Father, pointing out that Chiffon is also an
accomplice in the assassination plot. As Big Mom attacks, her crew stands outside, preparing to
attack the enemy alliance once Bege dies in order to make them an example to the world. Inside
Big Father, Bege continues convulsing as he receives injuries from Big Mom, saying that her
punches easily break through Big Father's fortifications that is resistant to cannonballs. Luffy tries
to run out and attack Big Mom, but Nami has Chopper hold him back. She points out that they
have successfully achieved everything they came to do, and tells him to think of a way to escape
so they can get to Wano Country.

Yonko Whole Cake Island

However, Luffy is concerned for Bege, and Bege admits that he would be willing to bring down his
allies with him, but is definitely not willing to let his crew, wife, or son die. He comes up with a
plan, where he will turn human, have Caesar exit his body, and have Caesar fly him out of the
venue. Caesar immediately rejects the idea, calling it suicidal due to the prevalence of armed
Busoshoku Haki users in the venue that could easily shoot him dead. Meanwhile, Judge asks
Sanji why he rescued them, and Sanji replies that his father would be saddened to see him
holding on to a childhood grudge and laughing at his blood relatives' death. Sanji does not want
to live a life where he could not face his father, and he states that the Vinsmoke Sanji who left
the Germa Kingdom died 13 years ago, just as Judge wanted; he shouts at Judge to accept that
the two are no longer father and son, and to no longer appear in front of them again. Judge
obliges, promising to not come near Sanji or the East Blue ever again.

Meanwhile, Caesar argues to Bege that this plan goes beyond what he had agreed to do, and
Bege retorts that Caesar will die too if he does not help. Suddenly, Judge tells Bege to open the
gate, saying that the Germa will escort the alliance as they make their escape. Caesar is appalled
by Judge butting in, and Bege obliges due to the Vinsmokes being capable of flight. Luffy tries to
help as well, but Sanji stops him as the Vinsmokes head out, intent on getting rid of their debt to
Sanji. Bege finally gets Caesar to act by squeezing his heart, and Caesar rushes out of the fortress
along with the Vinsmokes as Bege transforms back into his human form. The Big Mom Pirates
immediately open fire as they see this, but the Vinsmokes block their bullets. However, Big Mom
also responds by throwing Prometheus at Caesar and Bege, and Caesar flies away from the
explosion in a panic. The explosion strikes Reiju, which her brothers do not pay any mind to, and
as she gets up, Big Mom decides to attack her first. However, Luffy and Sanji suddenly appear
from Bege's body and counter Big Mom's fist, to Reiju's shock. Luffy argues with Sanji, who wanted
to be the only one going out, and the rest of their crew is appalled in fear as they watch the two
of them take on one of the Yonko.

Caesar Clown, holding Capone Bege and the rest of the alliance, attempts to fly off the roof of the
Whole Cake Chateau. However, Big Mom and her crew immediately kick into action,
with Perospero bringing up a candy wall in an attempt to block Caesar’s escape. Ichiji, Niji, and
Yonji combine their attacks to destroy the wall and allow Caesar and Bege to pass through.

Meanwhile, Du Feld spots the Tamatebako, which has fallen onto a lower landing of the Chateau.
However, he is confronted by Stussy, who questions him on his intentions. Du Feld then slips and
falls to where the Tamatebako landed. Du Feld is about to open the chest, but Stussy, who is
revealed to be an undercover agent of CP-0, shoots him with a flying Shigan. Stussy then claims
that the Tamatebako will go to the World Government and orders the eavesdropping Morgans to
pin the blame for the box’s disappearance on Du Feld. He reluctantly agrees on the condition that
she lets him see the contents of the sea treasure. However, Du Feld's unconscious body leans on
the Tamatebako, causing it to drop towards the ground below.

Back on the roof, Big Mom confronts Monkey D. Luffy over his proclamation to defeat her back
on Fishman Island. Sanji, however, prevents Luffy from directly confronting Big Mom, grabbing
Luffy and telling him not to fall for her bait. Despite this, Luffy wriggles free of Sanji’s grasp and
declares to Big Mom that he, not she, will become the Pirate King. He attacks her with Gear
Fourth, stating that he will take her down after he takes down Kaido. After blocking the attack,
Big Mom declares that Luffy will never defeat him and that she will ensure he never leaves her
territory. Luffy falls back and deactivates his Gear Fourth as Sanji grabs him and flees. Judge then
charges at Big Mom, who thrusts his spear at her while he calls her a villain for betraying the
dreams of the Germa Kingdom. Big Mom stops Judge’s attack by biting off the tip of his spear,

Yonko Whole Cake Island

promising to make use of Germa’s scientific powers before defeating him with an attack from

In response to the sight of their father going down, Niji and Yonji abandon Caesar’s escort and
rushes back towards Big Mom. A distraught Caesar encounters a further obstacle when Katakuri
appears before him. Katakuri, in turn, is attacked by Ichiji, but before Caesar can use the
distraction to escape, he runs into a mirrored version of himself. Brûlée manifests her face
from Caesar’s mirrored body, reminding him of the score she has to settle with the alliance. With
his path blocked, Caesar turns around to see a desperate scene: Katakuri holding up a blood-
ridden Ichiji; Big Mom holding Niji and Yonji in each hand; an unconscious Judge; and Galette,
Daifuku, and Smoothie surrounding a slumped Luffy, Sanji, and Reiju, all restrained with Galette's
Devil Fruit power. Caesar and Bege bemoan that the alliance was defeated, prompting Jinbe and
Pedro to prepare to charge out. A gleeful Big Mom then announces that she will carry out the
alliance members’ execution.

Suddenly, an enormous explosion rocks the entire Chateau. The Tamatebako, having finally
reached the ground, had smashed open upon impact, triggering the bomb within. The bomb
blasts apart a huge section of the Chateau’s base, rocking the entire Chateau as it tilts sideways
and heads for a spectacular collapse.

When the Straw Hat Pirates were staying on Fishman Island, the Minister of the Right had begged
King Neptune to ask them to return the Tamatebako they had received, as it would likely explode
when opened. However, they found out in shock that Luffy had given it to Big Mom along with the
rest of the treasure.

In the present, Whole Cake Chateau starts toppling over after the Tamatebako explodes at its
base, and the citizens inside the building start panicking at the structural damage as Niwatori
realizes the building is falling down. The citizens of Sweet City are shocked at the sound of the
explosion, and run away from the toppling Chateau. Meanwhile, in the wedding venue on top of
the Chateau, the Straw Hat-Fire Tank-Germa alliance regroups; Yonji says they were saved, but
Niji replies that that has yet to be seen. The alliance members inside Bege's body are unsure of
what is happening, and are awed by the sight in front of them. Brûlée weeps in terror as Big
Mom herself falls off of the venue, and Bege laughs triumphantly as he declares that the Big Mom
Pirates are finished. In Sweet City, the citizens realize they cannot run away from the Chateau in
time, and up above a panicked Galette falls off, only to be rescued by Katakuri, who tells her to
calm down. Morgans is too entranced by the newsworthy event happening as he falls, and Stussy
uses Geppo to save herself as she reflects that this could possibly spell doom for the Big Mom
Pirates. As the Big Mom Pirates are left to fall, Caesar and the Vinsmokes fly the alliance far away.

However, Streusen drives his sword into the Chateau, cutting off the top part and turning it
considerably softer. This allows it to be broken up by the buildings it falls on, protecting the
citizens while cushioning the Big Mom Pirates' fall. Big Mom was cushioned by Zeus, and she eats
some of the Chateau, remarking that Streusen's creations fill the belly but taste terrible. Mont -
d’Or quickly stands back up and reorganizes the crew, ordering everyone to send word to everyone
in Totto Land to prevent the enemy alliance from getting away. In the northwest part of Whole
Cake Island, Bege ejects the Straw Hats from his body as they prepare to go their separate ways,
and he gives Caesar his heart, allowing him to escape happily. However, Vito reports that the Big
Mom Pirates survived thanks to Streusen, and the Straw Hats prepare to leave; Bege warns them
that they will have to make a day's journey to escape from Totto Land. He then plants a sign in
the ground pointing in the Straw Hats' escape direction for the Big Mom Pirates to follow them as
he coasts away with Castle Tank, much to Sanji's ire. Bege's crew regrets not being able to say

Yonko Whole Cake Island

goodbye to their allies, and the Straw Hats prepare to take the Shark Submerge III back to the
Thousand Sunny.

Meanwhile, Katakuri has Daifuku form up two groups: one to go after the Straw Hats, and one to
go after the Fire Tank Pirates. Smoothie assures Big Mom that they will catch the enemy alliance,
only to find Big Mom crying out for wedding cake as her eating disorder kicks in again, much to
Smoothie's horror.

The citizens of Sweet City help each other recover from the wreckage caused by the toppling of
the Whole Cake Chateau, and an appalled Count Niwatori asks his crewmates what happened.
They reveal that the wedding ceremony and wedding cake were ruined, their plan to assassinate
the Vinsmoke Family was sabotaged, and Bege had attempted to assassinate Big Mom. Niwatori
was angered to hear of Bege's betrayal, and Compote wonders what could have possibly caused
the explosion that toppled the Chateau. No one can think of an answer, but Niwatori reveals
another piece of information: that communications were cut off to the tea party venue. Oven asks
what needed to be communicated, and as Niwatori prepares to answer, Pekoms comes in and
reveals that the Sun Pirates all ran away. The two then find out that Jinbe left the crew to join the
Straw Hats during the tea party, and Daifuku reports to Katakuri that they have squads going
after the Straw Hats, the Fire Tank Pirates, and the Germa Kingdom. Katakuri tells Brûlée to
come with him, and Brûlée agrees to go with him, eager to get revenge on the Straw Hats.
Katakuri plans to take out Luffy himself before the Straw Hat captain can become a serious threat
to Big Mom.

Suddenly, Smoothie comes running up to her crewmates and tells them to get away from Sweet
City, as she is pursued by Big Mom, whose eating disorder has manifested and caused her to go
on a rampage for wedding cake. In Big Mom's hand is a dead Opera, which shocks the Big Mom
Pirates, who know that standing up to Big Mom in this state is suicide. Smoothie desperately asks
for Streusen, but it is revealed that Streusen took a hard fall while saving everyone and will take
some time to recover. As the Big Mom Pirates get more and more frightened, Perospero lies to
Big Mom that they made a spare cake, but the Straw Hats stole it. He reveals where the Straw
Hats currently are, and the crew hopes that Big Mom will hear him. She does, but threatens to kill
him should she find out that he lied. She then summons Zeus and uses him as transport to fly
towards the Straw Hats, focused solely on getting wedding cake. The Big Mom Pirates are relieved
but still stressed, especially Perospero, who knows that it will take days to make a good wedding
cake, and that they lack the ingredients they had stolen from other islands. Katakuri points out
that the island will be destroyed if Big Mom continues to cause rampage and what happens next
is beyond his reach. However, Pudding arrives atop Rabiyan and reveals that she can make a
chocolate chiffon cake on Cacao Island, as her skills as a chocolatier is greater than Streusen's
skills as a chef. She knows that she can make the cake especially well with Chiffon's help, and
her crewmates point out that Chiffon is currently affiliated with Bege, but Pudding says she can
get her half-sister to help her as she brings out her Walker and her third eye is uncovered, creating
an aura that strikes fear into the citizens. Pudding says she has all the ingredients at Cacao
Island, including some reserve ingredients from other islands, and tells her crewmates to direct
Big Mom to the island after she has vanquished the Straw Hats. She wishes to repay Big Mom for
killing Sanji, believing that the Straw Hat cook insulted her by complimenting her third eye.

Meanwhile, Nami tells her crewmates to hurry up, which annoys Luffy, as she is riding on Jinbe's
shoulders. The team approaches the Seducing Woods, and is hesitant about going back in there,
but Nami suddenly sees King Baum, who has been resurrected with his sides sewn together and
is currently romancing with a female tree homie. Nami calls out to King Baum, and the team rides
on him once again, much to his bitter anger, as Nami had cut Lola's Vivre Card and still has one

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half after the other was taken. With King Baum, the team is confident they can cut through the
Seducing Woods, though they notice that the Big Mom Pirates are pursuing them. Nami forces
King Baum to go faster, but Big Mom suddenly comes flying in at that moment, and she bears
down on the Straw Hats in a mad rage, telling them to hand over her cake as she wields Napoleon
in its sword form.

As the Sanji Retrieval Team approaches the Seducing Woods, Big Mom and Zeus catch up with
them. She draws Napoleon out and slices a large chunk off of King Baum. As King Baum pleads
for his life, Nami asks him about Lady Tree, who is revealed to be his fiance. Baum resolves not
to die here and pushes forward. Big Mom prepares for another attack; Luffy decides to fight Big
Mom but Nami gets an idea. She uses her Clima-Tact to produce thunderclouds, which distracts
Zeus. Attracted to the clouds, it begins to eat them, displacing Big Mom and causing her to miss
her attack. Both Prometheus and Napoleon wonder what Zeus is doing and exclaim in disbelief
that the Straw Hats are almost at the Seducing Woods. The homies make way for King Baum and
Luffy notices the Thousand Sunny in the distance.

Zeus approaches them and asks Nami if she has any more thunderclouds he can eat, saying it
has never had anything so delicious before. Luffy asks to ride it, but Zeus says that only Big Mom
can due to giving him part of her soul. Nami says that if Zeus becomes her servant, she'll make
him as many thunderclouds as he wants. Zeus is torn between betraying Big Mom and getting
more clouds. Big Mom emits a scream, demanding that the Seducing Woods homies stop King
Baum. The homies close the path they made but, determined to see Lady Tree again, King Baum
begins to push through his subordinates. Prometheus hovers over King Baum and slams down
on top of him, setting Baum and much of the Seducing Woods on fire.

Back at the ruins of the Whole Cake Chateau, Perospero and Daifuku are organizing ingredients
to make the cake for Big Mom. Brûlée is in communication with Mont-d’Or, proclaiming that
there's 10,000 soldiers ready to be deployed to catch Capone Bege and the retreating Fire Tank
Pirates. Mont-d'Or orders the tart ships and all other ships in the area to target the south west
coast, where the Thousand Sunny is docked. At the same time, Katakuri is in place aboard the
Sunny with the crocodile minister and some soldiers lying in wait for the Sanji Retrieval Team.

While Bege is fleeing, Pudding catches up to him and asks to speak with her sister Chiffon.
Chiffon surmises that Big Mom is having an eating fit and Pudding is looking for her help, but
refuses to come back. Pudding says that Big Mom will kill Sanji and the Straw Hats and is asking
Chiffon for her help to stop their mother.

Chopper and Brook pilot the Shark Submerge III down the Juice River after initially struggling to
get in due to the juice around it being covered in massive quantities of cream. Even the inside of
the submarine is covered with cream from the giant sponge cake, and the two struggle to pilot it
as Chopper notices a merman. As the two get closer to the Thousand Sunny, Chopper notices
something else and tells Brook to look at it, though Brook declines, and Chopper wonders if the
people he is seeing are fishing.

In the Seducing Woods, Jinbe explains Big Mom's eating disorder to Luffy as Big Mom continues
to rampage after incinerating much of the forest. Jinbe points out that Big Mom's craving for
wedding cake must be because Luffy destroyed the one at the ceremony, but Luffy brushes that
aside. The homies of the Seducing Woods start attacking the Straw Hats, and they are left unsure
of whether they are going in the right direction. They then come to the doughnut bridge they saw
a few days earlier, which has been repaired. Nami says that they cannot trust this, knowing that
the shape of the woods will change to keep them lost and revealing that the power of Lola's Vivre

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Card is nullified thanks to Big Mom's presence. Jinbe reminds Nami to continue feeding Zeus, as
they will have no chance of escaping if Big Mom gets her cloud homie back. Big Mom shouts at
Zeus to come back, and Prometheus expresses its agitation at its fellow homie's actions. In
response, Nami offers Zeus the clouds from her weather egg, and Luffy attacks Prometheus to
avenge King Baum. However, Luffy's hits, despite being imbued with Busoshoku Haki, do not
harm Prometheus due to the homie being made of flames. As the Straw Hats race across the
bridge, however, Jinbe stands in the river and fires multiple blasts of water at Prometheus, which
stuns it.

A platoon of Big Mom Pirates cuts in front of Big Mom and catches up to the Straw Hats, with two
of them attacking Pedro and Carrot. However, Jinbe and Luffy pull the minks away from fighting,
as they could not afford to split up. While Nami is distracted, Zeus winds up eating her entire
weather egg, causing it to swell up and become a black storm cloud. As it flies into the sky, Sanji
pulls the shocked Nami along to keep her with the group, and as the Big Mom Pirates keep up
their charge, Nami tells her crewmates to run as far away as they can. Zeus covers almost the
entire sky, and Nami shoots a gust of wind at it, summoning a massive lightning bolt which strikes
the Big Mom Pirates. The Straw Hats barely manage to escape the bolt's destruction, and on the
Thousand Sunny, Perospero sees this and believes that Big Mom has finished off the Straw Hats
with Zeus' power. Brook and Chopper look on in shock as they stand next to the Sunny on the
Submerge, and Perospero tells them their crewmates have died. He questions if they still want to
take back the Sunny even though it will be just the two of them, and gives them the opportunity
to leave Totto Land if they wish. However, Brook and Chopper prepare to fight and take back the

Up in the sky, Pudding and Chiffon fly toward the Seducing Woods on Rabiyan, and they look on
in shock as they see the effects of Zeus' attack. Pudding apologizes for having Chiffon come to
do this, but Chiffon is fine with it; as she had told Bege earlier, she wished to help Lola's saviors
and repay them for their actions toward her twin sister. Chiffon told her husband that this is what
it meant to be honorable, and told him to take care of Pez if anything happened to her as she flew
away. Back in the present, the sisters see the Straw Hats, and Pudding points out Sanji. Her third
eye comes uncovered, and Chiffon is confused by Pudding's fixation on Sanji.

The Straw Hats stare in shock at the massive hole created by Nami's Clima-Tact, but their joy is
short-lived as they hear Big Mom's footsteps inside the hole and hear her calling out for wedding
cake. They wonder if she can climb out of the hole, but Jinbe reveals that she is moving in another
way as the Straw Hats realize that she is eating through the earth to come at them from below.
Big Mom then surfaces, and the crew quickly starts running away again. However, they are soon
approached by Pudding and Chiffon, and Luffy expresses his anger at Pudding for her deception.
Pudding tries to get him to hear her out, but becomes extremely lovestruck when Sanji greets her,
causing Chiffon to tell her to get her act together before Big Mom pulls herself back to her feet.
Instead, Pudding goes through a mood swing, where she becomes murderous again and laughs
at the Straw Hats' impending doom. Chiffon is appalled by this, and tries getting her back on track;
the part of the Pudding in love with Sanji is shocked by the other side of her personality, but winds
up slipping back into it. Luffy is exasperated by this, and Chiffon takes the lead and asks Sanji if
he can help them make a cake to appease Big Mom, which he affirms. Pudding affirms Chiffon's
statement, though her murderous personality tries to make it seem not the case, and the Straw
Hats are flabbergasted by her behavior.

Sanji tries to get things back on track and asks where they will make the cake, and Chiffon says
they will make it in Chocolatown on Cacao Island, where they will bring it to Big Mom by ship. She
encourages the Straw Hats to keep running from Big Mom until this is done, saying she believes

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in them. Big Mom, now back on her feet, wonders angrily why Pudding and Chiffon are consorting
with the Straw Hats as she unleashes Ikoku on her enemies once again. Sanji tells Luffy they will
meet back up again at sea, and gets on Rabiyan with Pudding and Chiffon as they barely avoid
Big Mom's powerful slash. However, Pudding sees that the Straw Hats are going in the wrong
direction, so she flies down to them and points them in the right direction. She then unleashes
her Devil Fruit power on the Seducing Woods homies, causing the memories of the people whose
souls inhabit them to come rushing into the homies for a brief period of time. While they are
confused, Big Mom cannot control them, allowing the Straw Hats to get a clear path to the coast.
Pudding then notices Sanji onboard, and quickly becomes conflicted with her emotions again, but
Sanji quickly notices Chopper and Brook fighting onboard the Sunny as they pass over it. On the
Sunny, Brook and Chopper stand battered though triumphant over several Chess Soldiers, but
the homies continue pouring endlessly out of the Sunny's mirrors. They note that they are probably
coming from the mirror in Nami's room, and decide to break it and apologize to her later.
Perospero reminds them that the rest of their crewmates are dead, but Brook does not care to
listen to him and prepares to continue fighting for the Sunny. Meanwhile, the Straw Hats finally
see the coastline, and up in the air, Prometheus angrily berates Zeus for his actions earlier as Big
Mom continues her rampage. Outside of Whole Cake Island, Sanji confidently leaves his trust in
his crewmates as he goes with Pudding and Chiffon to make a cake to stop Big Mom.

The Big Mom Pirates remark about how many soldiers Brook and Chopper managed to bring
down, but the two Straw Hats are now immobilized as Perospero covers them in candy. The candy
rapidly progresses up Chopper's body, and Perospero reveals that once he is covered, he will be
unable to breathe and the candy will seep into his body, turning the reindeer's entire body into
candy and killing him within three minutes. Chopper cannot do anything more than cry out, and
Perospero laughs at his agony, reminding them that he gave the two of them a chance to escape.
Chopper's body is then completely covered in candy, and there is a clock atop his head ticking
down until his death. Perospero then begins covering Brook in candy as Brook cries out, and
Katakuri warns Perospero that they will have company soon. Perospero thinks Big Mom will be
here soon and prepares to divert her to Pudding and Chiffon on Cacao Island, only to stare in
shock as the Straw Hats arrive, still being chased by Big Mom. Katakuri realizes that it was their
soldiers who got wiped out by the lightning bolt, and orders the soldiers on the Sunny to get back
in the Mirro-World, as they would soon be knocked out by Luffy's Haoshoku Haki. The soldiers
obey Katakuri and quickly retreat into the mirror.

Perospero commends the Straw Hats on getting this far, and attacks them with a giant candy iron
maiden that is covered in spikes. Luffy prepares to attack it, and Perospero warns about the
danger of doing so as he flaunts the spikes. Jinbe tells Luffy to go around it, but Luffy decides to
go through it instead. To Perospero's shock, Luffy breaks through the Candy Maiden with Gomu
Gomu no Red Hawk. Luffy then extends the punch to Katakuri, and Katakuri stretches his arm
with mochi to parry it. With Big Mom on one side and Perospero and Katakuri on the other, Jinbe
tells Luffy to get Katakuri off the ship so they can get out to sea, and Luffy barrages Katakuri with
punches, but they do not inflict any damage as Katakuri turns his body into mochi. As the rest of
the team gets onto the Sunny, Pedro tells Carrot not to be flustered by this turn of events as he
believes that the Straw Hats are the people that the Kozuki Family has waited for hundred of
years as well as the ones who will bring dawn to the world.

Perospero tells Mont-d’Or through Den Den Mushi to surround the coast with tarte ships, and
Mont-d'Or complies. On the Sunny, Nami tells Jinbe about the Coup de Burst, and how it can fly
them a kilometer away. The team prepares to use it to get away from the encroaching Big Mom,
and Jinbe notices the candyfied Brook and Chopper before he sees a blockade of Candy Island
and Nuts Island Tarte Ships surrounding them from the other side. Katakuri knocks Luffy down,

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and the Sunny suddenly becomes trapped in candy as Perospero laughs from the coast, causing
the Straw Hats to become angry and frightened as they can no longer use Coup de Burst.
Perospero waits for the Straw Hats' incoming doom from all sides, but is suddenly attacked by
Pedro. Perospero manages to quickly block the mink's strike and subdue him, pinning him to the
ground with his candy cane staff. He boasts in his fighting strength and bounty of B700,000,000,
but to his surprise, Pedro reveals a collection of bombs in his jacket and lights them up. The Straw
Hats watch in shock at the scene as the bombs go off, engulfing Pedro and Perospero in a massive

Five years ago after Big Mom agreed to remove 50 years of Pedro's lifespan, Pedro was escorted
out of Totto Land on Perospero's ship. Perospero was impressed by Pedro's resolve in his
confrontation with Big Mom, but noted that the 27-year old mink was now effectively 77 and
would not have much longer to live. Pedro replied that at least he could now choose the way he
died, and Perospero poked fun at his crew's name of Nox Pirates, given that Nox means night.
However, Pedro responded that the night is what gives way to the dawn, as he remembered
asking Gol D. Roger and Kozuki Oden to sail with them when he was a child. Roger told him to
remain on standby, as his time was limited and the time for Pedro's turn would come later. Much
later, when Pedro was training, Wanda told him that Roger had died. Taking Roger's words to
heart, Pedro made it his goal in life to become the foundation of the Dawn of the World which the
Straw Hats would bring.

In the present, Luffy yells out in shock and Carrot breaks down in tears as Pedro unleashes a
suicidal explosion to take out Perospero, and Katakuri is shocked at the blow dealt against his
older brother. The candy encasement on Chopper, Brook, and the Thousand Sunny melts away,
freeing the Straw Hats, and Big Mom is blown away by the force of the explosion. A distraught
Carrot tries running toward the scene of the explosion, but Nami holds her back, reminding her
that Pedro's sacrifice saved their lives. Luffy orders everyone to set sail, saying that if they wasted
their chance to escape, they would not be able to face Pedro. With Nami's help, Jinbe prepares
to activate the Coup de Burst to fly them northwest, but Katakuri states that they are getting too
worked up as he prepares to attack and the tarte ships surrounding the Sunny prepare to fire.
Carrot rushes toward Katakuri, remembering how Pedro told Sicilian she would not be suited for
the sword when she was training in it during her younger days, much to Sicilian's anger. Later,
Pedro gave Carrot her signature gauntlets, telling her to prepare for the time when it is her turn.

In the present, Carrot attacks Katakuri, but the Sweet Commander easily subdues her with a
stomp as he races toward Luffy. Luffy then attacks Katakuri and declares that the Sunny will set
sail under his watch, and attacks Katakuri with Elephant Gun. Despite Katakuri trying to block it
with mochi, Luffy manages to grab ahold of him, and Katakuri foresees what Luffy is going to do,
which will prevent him from attacking anyone else. Luffy replies that Katakuri will be unable to
prevent what he foresees, but things quickly take a turn for the worse as the tarte ships fire
cannonball homies at the Sunny, Big Mom starts taking bites out of the ship's stern, and
Perospero emerges from the explosion heavily injured but still alive. Luffy calls out to his
teammates and says he will leave the rest to them as he grabs onto Brûlée, who is standing
inside a mirror nearby, and pulls himself and Katakuri into the mirror. With the cannonballs
converging on them, the Sanji Retrieval Team activates Coup de Burst, unleashing massive
explosive power into Big Mom as they fly above and away from the Big Mom Pirates' blockade.
Amande reports that the Sunny has escaped, and inside the Mirro-World, Luffy stands against
Katakuri. The Sweet Commander remarks that Luffy did a good job, and Luffy shatters the mirror
leading to the Sunny as he and Katakuri prepare to have a real one-on-one fight.

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Brook, Chopper, Carrot, and Nami mourn Pedro's self sacrifice and lament on their inability to
save him, but Jinbe tells them to leave the crying to the Big Mom Pirates and that they must not
falter. Brook is appalled at Jinbe's attitude, but Jinbe responds that he is telling them to keep
their guard up, saying that Pedro was victorious in offering his life to help the team escape from
certain doom on the coast of Whole Cake Island. At this point, it is all or nothing, with the Big Mom
Pirates coming in full force after making a historic blunder, which is why Luffy took it upon himself
to work toward their freedom by taking on Katakuri himself. With Jinbe's assertion that Pedro's
sacrifice for their success is not achieved until they escape from Totto Land, Chopper gains the
confidence to press on, and Nami has him take the helm as she charts the quickest route to
Cacao Island. Brook goes to restock the cola they used for Coup de Burst, and Jinbe goes to
monitor the current. Carrot leaps up to the crow's nest and sees not only the Big Mom Pirates'
fleet heading toward them, but Big Mom herself, who seems to be walking on water. However,
she is actually walking on a large block of moving candy provided by Perospero, who is sitting on
Napoleon. Perospero wonders where Zeus is, but is content to help Big Mom himself, wanting to
get revenge on the Straw Hats for Pedro blowing off his arm, meaning he has to create a candy
arm that will melt when he drinks hot tea in the afternoon. On the western coast of Whole Cake
Island, Zeus and Prometheus wonder where everyone is, with Prometheus wanting to consume

In the sea of Totto Land, Pound is on a ship when he suddenly sees his daughter Chiffon flying
over him with Sanji and Pudding. However, Chiffon does not notice him as she talks to Sanji,
revealing that Lola held the position of Minister of Chocolate. When she left, her seat remained
empty, as Pudding was the constant candidate for replacement and she kept rejecting the offer.
Pudding states that she could not accept it because of her belief that Lola truly fits the position,
and she did not want to take it in case she returns. Sanji notes that Lola was a master chocolatier,
and then tells Pudding to get out of her hiding spot inside Rabiyan's folds. Pudding acts like she
hates Sanji and claims that she did not want to be seen next to him and be mistaken as his wife,
but she becomes lovestruck when Sanji tells her not to fall. As Pudding continues to be split on
her feelings toward Sanji, the trio reach Cacao Island and prepare to make Big Mom a cake.

In the Mirro-World, the Big Mom Pirates inside tell Luffy to accept his defeat, as Katakuri is the
strongest of the Three Sweet Commanders and Luffy has no way to get out of Mirro -World. Luffy
attacks with Hawk Gatling, but Katakuri counters all his punches with fists create from his mochi
tendrils. He then barrages Luffy with the tendrils, saying that he can match Luffy's abilities and
overpower him in both speed and power. Luffy attacks him with a fast kick, but Katakuri dodges
it and races in front of Luffy. Luffy uses his own Gear Second speed to race behind Katakuri in
the blink of an eye, but Katakuri sees this as well and kicks him in the face, sending him tumbling
away. Katakuri predicts that Luffy will try to use some power next, and as Luffy activates Gear
Third and races to attack Katakuri with Elephant Gun, the Sweet Commander creates a giant fist
out of mochi and counters Luffy's attack with an even bigger punch. With a tremendous amount
of power, Katakuri pushes Luffy away and punches him into the wall, leaving the Straw Hat heavily
injured as the other Big Mom Pirates cheer Katakuri on.

Pudding, Chiffon, and Sanji arrive at Chocolat Town on Cacao Island, where they are greeted. The
people are shocked to see Chiffon, who is in handcuffs, but Pudding states that Bege is wholly to
blame for the attempt on Big Mom's life. She had put the handcuffs on Chiffon earlier, saying that
they would need to make it look like Chiffon was being threatened into doing this. One figure tells
Pudding that he knows about the outrageous events that occurred during the wedding, and
Pudding asks if he has made the necessary preparations. The man replies that he called Whole
Cake Island's 31 most renowned chefs here an hour ago, and the other citizens are in awe at
Pudding's dedication to fixing this mess. The WCI 31 report for duty, with all of their preparations

Yonko Whole Cake Island

completed. Pudding heads to the Sweets Factory, and tells the citizens that it is essential t he
cooks keep their focus during this crucial time, so the citizens should not let anyone to go or look
inside the factory. They agree, and thinking about Sanji's status, Pudding tells the head chefs to
enter the factory one at a time. The first head chef Buche steps in, and Pudding extracts a roll of
memory from his mind.

Elsewhere inside the factory, Sanji emerges from his hiding place inside Rabiyan's folds, and
Chiffon removes her handcuffs. Sanji reveals he sketched the wedding cake's design while he
was hiding, and Chiffon is awed that he remembered not only the design, but also all the
ingredients. Pudding comes in with a cooking outfit on and the head chefs come with her, and
she and Sanji quickly become lovestruck when they see each other. One of the chefs refers to
Sanji as Pudding's husband, and Pudding reveals that she erased their memories of the wedding
incident and led them to believe that the two of them got married smoothly; the reason that the
cake was destroyed was because of bad weather. The head chefs, with the previous cake baking
still fresh in their minds, are amazed at Sanji's perfect cake design plan and point out that Sanji
even recalled the hidden flavors that took Streusen a week to think of. One of them states that
this is Sanji and Pudding's first project as husband and wife, which causes Pudding to collapse
with joy before she immediately becomes enraged at the notion. Sanji has the chefs gather the
necessary ingredients, and stations them at various jobs to assist Chiffon while she makes the
chiffon cake and Pudding while she makes the chocolate for the next 2 hours and 40 minutes.
After that, Sanji will add his secret ingredient which he calls the ultimate potential of sweetness.
Sanji says they will leave in three hours, and decorate the cake on the ship before meeting with
the Thousand Sunny and giving the cake to Big Mom. The chefs are skeptical of the short time
frame they have, but Chiffon puts them back in line by reminding them that the country is in
jeopardy from Big Mom. The cooks then start working.

In the Mirro-World, Katakuri talks to Perospero, who reveals that he barely managed to survive
and is currently pursuing the Straw Hats with Big Mom. Perospero mocks Pedro's sacrifice as
pointless and makes sure to say it clear so Luffy can hear; Luffy is currently lying on the ground a
good distance from Katakuri, heavily injured. As Brûlée regains consciousness, Katakuri calls
out to her and tells her to help deploy their troops. Katakuri says that since Luffy has failed to
protect his crew, they need to invade the Sunny and set fire to it. Brûlée's siblings Mascarpone
and Joscarpone come with a mirror leading into the Sunny, and Brûlée tells them to go start a
fire. Luffy stretches his arm out to try to break the mirror, but the siblings pull it out of harm's way
and Luffy races toward them. Mascarpone and Joscarpone are scared, but Katakuri stomps Luffy
into the ground with a mochi leg and reminds him that the two of them are supposed to be fighting
one-on-one. Creating several mochi legs, Katakuri tells Luffy not to attack his siblings as he rapidly
stomps the ground, which Luffy barely manages to dodge. Seeing some mirror shards, Luffy grabs
one of them and calls out to Nami, telling her to break the remaining mirrors on the ship. Nami
asks how he is going to get back if she does that, but Luffy replies that he will find a way. Brook
is struggling to deal with the flaming arrows shot by Mascarpone and Joscarpone through the
mirror into the bathroom, and Luffy races at the three Charlotte siblings again. However, Katakuri
takes him down once again, and as the Big Mom Pirates prepare to invade the Sunny, Luffy
presses on while Nami prepares to shatter the mirrors. However, Carrot calls out to Nami, pointing
to a massive wave bearing down on them with Big Mom on top of it. With no way to escape, Nami
tells Luffy that they might be done for after all.

Luffy inquires what is going on aboard the Sunny as Big Mom and her wave homie close
in. Charlotte Perospero tries to prevent her from striking the Sunny by telling her that she will also
sink the supposedly stolen wedding cake, but his words fall on deaf ears. As the Straw Hats cry
in despair, Jinbe instructs Chopper, Carrot, and Brook to adjust the main sail and asks Nami what

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direction the wind is blowing. Nami incredulously asks if he is going to steer the ship with just the
main sail. Jinbe tells them all to hold on and he steers the ship into the 'Green Room', a short
lived pocket made inside the crest of a wave. Nami stares in awe at Jinbe's skill as he pilots the
Sunny out of danger.

Meanwhile in the Mirro-World, Luffy wonders if the Sunny has survived while Brûlée revels at
the supposed destruction of the ship. Looking through the mirror to the Sunny, Joscarpone is
curious as to why the ship does not appear to be underwater. As she states this, the mirrors begin
to shatter with Mascarpone believing that it is due to the pressure the Sunny is experiencing
underwater. Nami contacts Luffy through a mirror shard and asks him to get away from the others.
He runs away, with only Katakuri noticing.

Luffy is notified that the Sunny survived and all the mirrors have been destroyed, per his orders.
Nami notifies him that they are on their way to Cacao Island to meet up
with Sanji, Pudding, and Chiffon, who are busy working on the replacement cake. Luffy is told to
find a mirror that leads to Cacao Island after defeating Katakuri. Shortly afterwards, Katakuri
traps Luffy with mochi and makes him fall, swallowing the shard. Katakuri t hen repeatedly kicks
Luffy around and the latter narrowly escapes from getting smashed into the ground. After spitting
out the pieces of glass, Luffy tells them to hurry. He struggles to stand up as Katakuri taunts him.
Bringing his trident out from within his mochi, Katakuri predicts what Luffy will say and asks if he
is certain he wants those to be his last words, with Luffy declaring regardless that he will not die

During the duel between Katakuri and Luffy, Brûlée resumes taunting Luffy by telling him that
he has no chance against the best of Big Mom’s children. To Katakuri’s exasperation, she
tells Luffy of Katakuri’s reputation for never having laid down once in his life, but is stopped when
an irritated Luffy tries to strike her. Luffy’s attack is intercepted by Katakuri, who grabs Luffy's
arm and slams him into a wall of mirrors. Katakuri follows this up by attempting to strike Luffy
with his spinning trident, Mogura, which Luffy only just manages to dodge. After the wall behind
Luffy explodes from the force of the attack, Katakuri threatens to take Luffy apart piece by piece.

Back at sea, Perospero receives word from Brûlée via Den Den Mushi that the Thousand Sunny
had not been sunk by his and Big Mom’s combined tidal wave homie. On Brûlée’s instructions,
Perospero directs Big Mom towards Cacao Island, but Big Mom appears to divert course towards
Nuts Island.

After a period of fighting, Luffy notes that dueling Katakuri was more tiring than usual because
Katakuri was able to foresee where he planned to dodge, meaning that every evasion required
extra effort. Katakuri also observes that his attacks have never been dodged so much, and so
decides to use his awakened Devil Fruit powers to turn the ground of the Mirro-World into mochi.
As the mochi wraps around Luffy, Luffy bites down on his arm, leading Katakuri to note Luffy’s
imminent activation of Gear Fourth.

In Sweet City, Mont-d’Or ponders why Totto Land’s territorial sea slug network had
not reported any sighting of the Straw Hats. At the same time, Pekoms grieves over the apparent
death of Pedro, while Niwatori expresses his surprise at Pedro's self sacrifice. Despite Mont -d’Or’s
confidence, Niwatori points to all the unexpected incidents that had occurred since the Straw
Hats arrived at Totto Land, and recommends the dispatch of a powerful division as a final line of

Yonko Whole Cake Island

Moments later, the Big Mom Pirates receive word from Custard that her group has lost sight of
the Fire Tank Pirates, leading Mont-d’Or to order the inspection of the sea floor. On their ship, the
Fire Tank Pirates are heading towards Cacao Island in order to rendezvous with Chiffon.
Meanwhile, another communication informs Mont-d’Or that Germa 66 have been crushed by a
separate squad, but the communication turns out to be from Niji (masquerading as Charlotte
Nusstorte). Maintaining the charade, Niji asks Mont-d’Or about the Straw Hats’ whereabouts and
is informed that they are still not captured and heading west. Having defeated their pursuers,
Ichiji issues the order for Germa 66 to set sail.

As Luffy begins to activate Gear Fourth, Katakuri traps him within a pile of mochi on the floor. He
asks aloud why he would just sit and watch as Luffy powers up, claiming that he will not
underestimate him like many of his siblings did. He then transforms the walls of the Mirro-
World into mochi and buries Luffy with it in an attempt to suffocate him. Katakuri apologizes that
their fight had to end like this, but commends Luffy on lasting longer than he expected. A fter
noting that his snack time has been delayed due to their fight, Katakuri calls out to his chefs and
they bring sweets to him. The chefs inform him that due to delay, Katakuri's daily black tea has
cooled down. He brushes it off and after constructing a shrine out of mochi, tells the chefs not to
disturb him or allow anyone inside.

While the chefs discuss Katakuri's power, Luffy eats his way out of the pile of mochi, much to
their shock. An irritated Luffy states that he wanted an actual fight but all t he enemies he has
fought one-on-one so far have used food, asking if he has to keep eating in order to win. He then
sees through the chef's lies about Katakuri leaving the Mirro-World as he sees the shrine and
senses someone of great power inside, prompting the chefs to realize that he too can
utilize Kenbunshoku Haki. They try to persuade Luffy from going inside, but he does not listen
and breaks it apart with a well placed Elephant Gun. Inside, Katakuri is indulging himself by eating
donuts and drinking tea while laying on his back as the chefs are surprised by this display until
he realizes he is being watched.

Katakuri becomes furious that they saw him eating with his face exposed and brutally kills all the
chefs when they mention a comment about his mouth by mistake. He then turns his attention to
Luffy, remarking on his error for not ensuring Luffy's death as he lost all patience with Luffy and
charges him. Enraged, he states that no one who has seen his face can be left alive. The two soon
clash using Busoshoku Haki with Katakuri noting his superiority in it. His statement proves to be
true as Luffy's hands become swollen after clashing with the Sweet Commander.

Katakuri prepares another punch but Luffy dodges and kicks him in the jaw, expressing surprise
that it actually connected. Katakuri angrily dismisses it, proclaiming that his abilities still outweigh
Luffy's. Luffy realizes that Katakuri is not truly invincible as he thought before and is able to finally
activate Gear Fourth and hits Katakuri with a Kong Gun.

After activating Gear Fourth, Luffy continues to pummel Katakuri with multiple Gear Fourth
attacks, eventually sending the Sweet Commander flying. Luffy proclaims that since Busoshoku
Haki makes Logia types take form and it simply passed through Katakuri, he knew that he was
not a Logia user. He notes that Katakuri's most notable trait is not his control over his Mochi
Mochi no Mi abilities, but his Kenbunshoku Haki and declares that his Gear Fourth form will not
be beaten by him. Katakuri glares at him but is impressed that Luffy was able to figure it out and
wonders aloud how long it has been since he actually was hit by an opponent. He mentions that
if a Kenbunshoku Haki user is not calm or collected, they will be unable to use the ability. He
comments that he is beginning to realize how Luffy was able to overcome Charlotte Cracker. He

Yonko Whole Cake Island

then traps Luffy within mochi and lands a direct hit squarely on his chest, smashing him through
several walls. Katakuri comments that Luffy is back to square one.

On Cacao Island, Pound approaches the Sweets Factory and asks to see Chiffon despite the
guards insisting that Pudding requested no one to enter. Inside, Pudding, Chiffon,
and Sanji continue working on the cake when Brûlée informs Pudding that the Straw Hat's ship
will be arriving at the island at roughly 1am to meet back up with Luffy. She proclaims that Luffy
will never beat Katakuri and get there in time and that they will be destroyed by Big Mom during
her eating fit.

At the same time, Oven arrives at the island and is curious why no one, not even other members
of the Charlotte family are allowed inside. Regardless, he heeds the request but gets curious
about the commotion outside the factory. He notices Pound and decides to throw him out, despite
the latter's pleas. Pudding is worried about Luffy, saying that Katakuri has never lost to anyone.
Sanji smiles and states that Katakuri will suffer his first loss.

As the Thousand Sunny continues to journey towards Cacao Island, Nami is curious why there are
no pursuers. Jinbe notes this as well, hoping that Aladine and the other Sun Pirates made it out
safely. While Mont-d’Or is informed that Big Mom is attacking Nut Island, he's notified that all the
territorial sea slugs have mysteriously disappeared. He incredulously asks what happened to
them and it's revealed that Praline had been singing to all the sea slugs, rendering every single
one inactive and opening the path for everyone to escape from Totto Land.

Luffy is upset that he lost the advantage against Katakuri and launches a Kong Gun at him, but
it gets deflected. Katakuri launches an attack of his own which knocks Luffy back and bouncing
against the wall. The Sweet Commander proclaims that the only thing he's proved is that as long
as he stays calm, Luffy will not be able to defeat him. Angry, Luffy confidently states that he'll find
another weakness. When Katakuri notes that Luffy will be shriveling up, Luffy realizes that his
Gear Fourth will wear out soon. He then retreats from the battle, but Katakuri refuses to let Luffy
go and chases after him. Luffy's Gear Fourth deactivates, but he continues to flee. Just then, Luffy
finds Brûlée sitting close to a nearby mirror. Luffy then grabs her and jumps through a mirror.
Katakuri tries to catch Luffy but fails.

Unfortunately, the place where Luffy escapes to is Nuts Island and he stares ahead as Big Mom
continues to search for wedding cake. Both Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Amande try to
dissuade her from destroying the island, but both are ignored as she tears the city apart.
Perospero then notices Luffy and informs Big Mom, who now shifts her attention to both him and
Brûlée. Perospero tries to stop Luffy, who is still holding Brûlée captive, from escaping with
a Candy Wall and Luffy tries to break it with a Gigant Pistol, but it has no effect. Amande then
tries to attack Luffy, but he dodges the strike and jumps over the wall. Luffy continues to run from
Big Mom and Perospero.

Aboard the Thousand Sunny, Nami and Jinbe continue to scout the unnaturally calm sea. Nami
theorizes that they must regroup with Sanji and the others to avoid being faced with Big Mom's
unbridled fury. Elsewhere on the sea, the Big Mom Pirates have assembled with the Queen Mama
Chanter and a fleet of Tarteships. Charlotte Mont-d’Or rallies them to go after the Straw Hats, the
Firetank Pirates, and the Sun Pirates who are trying to flee the archipelago. He orders them all to
be sunk on sight immediately.

At Cacao Island, one of the chefs faints from the sweetness of Sanji's secret ingredient, the
whipped simsim cream. Charlotte Pudding wants to try it too, but Sanji says that they will need it

Yonko Whole Cake Island

for the cake. Chiffon informs them that the cake is finished baking, and both the whipped cream
and Pudding's chocolate are ready too. Noting that they are running on schedule, Sanji asks about
the preparations to move the cake aboard a ship. After hearing that they are ready to set sail,
Sanji tells them that they will add the finishing touches to the cake while rendezvousing with the
Thousand Sunny.

Pudding calls for the Cacao Island citizens to clear the way as the base wedding cake is brought
outside, and everyone admires how it was made in such a short time. They admire Pudding,
Chiffon, and the WCI 31 for accomplishing this, and the chefs who had their memories altered
wonder why Sanji is in disguise. As Pound sees Chiffon from a distance away, Oven stops the
carriage. Pudding tells him of her intention to take the cake out to sea to minimize the destruction
caused by Big Mom, and Oven lets her pass, but he attacks Chiffon by punching her into the
ground. Despite Pudding and the citizens' protests, Oven does not relent due to Chiffon's
compliance in Bege's assassination attempt on Big Mom. However, Chiffon refuses to give ground
either, intent on continuing to repay her debt to Nami and the Straw Hats. Sanji wants to help,
but knows exposing himself will cause Pudding to be viewed as a traitor.

Oven grabs Chiffon by the neck and heats up his other fist with his Devil Fruit power, but before
he can attack, Pound comes rushing in to protect his daughter. Chiffon and Sanji have no idea
who he is, but Sanji takes the opportunity and rushes toward Oven in the blink of an eye. Too fast
to see, Sanji kicks Oven in the neck right before Pound's fist is about to reach him. The blow sends
Oven crashing into a building, and Sanji takes Chiffon back to the carriage at a rapid speed. Oven
gets up with his neck hurting and face bruised and though he is confused, Oven knows his
stepfather did not lay a hand on him as he quickly dispatches him with a punch. He then races
toward the carriage and quickly finds Chiffon hiding under a blanket. He then receives a call
reporting that Bege is heading towards Cacao Island. Delighted by the news, Oven contacts Bege,
telling him that he has captured Chiffon and ordering him to disembark and surrender at the port.
Chiffon shouts at Bege to leave her there and escape so he could avenge her later, causing Oven
to strike her, and Bege seemingly agrees to Oven's ultimatum. Big Mom's forces get into position
to besiege the Nostra Castello as it draws toward Cacao Island. While approaching the port, Bege
shoots Oven in the face with an explosive round. Oven is sent flying back, and the Fire Tank Pirates
celebrate as the Big Mom Pirates' fleet goes on the offensive. Despite being surrounded and Oven
only getting angry from the shot, Bege is brimming with confidence.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats on the Thousand Sunny see Big Mom's forces as they approach Cacao
Island, and as they prepare to fight, Carrot wonders if it is a full moon tonight. Elsewhere,
numerous islands report seeing Luffy intruding with Brûlée as Katakuri continues to wait in the
Mirro-World. While hiding inside a building, Brûlée wonders what Luffy is up to, and Luffy says
that he can deplete Katakuri's Kenbunshoku Haki by drawing out the battle, but also knows that
it will not do him any good. After remembering Rayleigh telling him that Haki becomes stronger
by battling strong enemies, Luffy expresses an interest in seeing the future like Katakuri does
before declaring that he will defeat Katakuri at full strength.

The citizens of Cacao Island are shocked to see that Bege shot Oven. The soldiers under Oven's
command declare that they are surrounded. Oven stands up, saying that he will personally
execute Bege. Pudding nervously asks Chiffon what they should do now that they are completely
blocked off from the harbor. Despite the odds, Bege orders the Nostra Castello to continue
forward. Once the ship reached the coast, the paddles turn into tank treads, revealing that the
ship is amphibious and can travel on land as well. Oven is thunderstruck by this, ordering his men
to fire at both Bege and the ship. Bege tells Chiffon and the WCI31 to pass them the cake. The
chefs say that there's no way to safely transfer it over, but Sanji kicks the carriage and launches

Yonko Whole Cake Island

it onto Bege's ship. Oven is surprised to see the cake move as well, wondering how a mere cook
can have that much power to move something that large with just one leg.

After the cake lands safely aboard the Nostra Castello, Chiffon and Bege embrace with Pez while
Pudding gets lovestruck with Sanji once more. Despite his men begging Oven to move, the latter
does not budge and declares that he will stop the ship. The Nostra Castello promptly runs him
over, shocking Oven's subordinates. Chiffon tells Bege that they must travel to the southeastern
seas. Both Bege and Pudding note that the only way to get there is by land, which will result in
the destruction of some of the chocolate houses. As they leave, Chiffon notices Pound smiling
and waving at them and again doesn't recognize him as her father. However, Pez notices his
grandfather and happily waves back. The Nostra Castello later reaches the sea.

As Bege corrects Sanji after the latter thanked him for the save, Vito notices the fish in the area
have been boiled and are floating. It's revealed that Oven survived getting run over and is heating
up the sea with his Devil Fruit powers. They realize the sudden increase in heat has destroyed
some of the Nostra Castello paddles and will also damage the cake. Suddenly, Pez starts to laugh
and wave towards the shore. Chiffon looks and sees that Pound is lunging towards Oven with a
large club. He strikes Oven against the back of the head, shattering his club. Oven glares as he
slowly raises his arm out of the ocean, lowering the temperature back to normal. Pound notes
that he was supposed to fall into the ocean as Oven menacingly approaches his stepfather. Pound
waves one more time at Pez as he silently tells his grandson that his mother and father will take
good care of him.

Pound remembers when both Chiffon and Lola were born and Big Mom immediately discarded
him before he even had a chance to hold his two newborn daughters. He adjusts his tie as Oven
swings a large heated blade at his neck. Pound silently apologizes for not being there for either
of his daughters, but is grateful he was able to see Chiffon happy at least once in his life. As he
congratulate Chiffon for her marriage, Pez starts to cry uncontrollably as Oven strikes Pound.

Aboard the Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hats, Jinbe, and Carrot find themselves pursued by Big
Mom and a fleet of Tarteships once again. They resolve to keep going while Sanji orders the chefs
to start decorating the cake.

Luffy returns to the Mirro-World to confront Katakuri once more. Curious about this, Katakuri
asks why Luffy returned. He ponders if Luffy came to die instead of being ashamed of running
away or if he recognized the difference in strength and want to ask to join the Big Mom Pirates.
Luffy responds by launching several punches at him, declaring he came back to defeat him.
Katakuri dodges the strikes and says that was not one of the options given.

Out at sea, the Big Mom Pirates pursuing the Thousand Sunny begin to launch
cannonball homies but they are tricked by Nami and veer off-course. One of the
commanders, Charlotte Bavarois, curses that the cannonballs were useless. One of his crew
members comments that Big Mom may not have much control over the homies when she is not
in her right mind but mentions that they have effectively surrounded the Straw Hat
Pirates. Daifuku's fleet appears in front of the Thousand Sunny while Smoothie and her fleet joins
Big Mom's fleet from the rear. Perospero gives Daifuku permission to sink the ship while he and
Big Mom are heading towards Cacao Island. Persopero notes that Big Mom has slimmed down
considerably due to pursuing the Straw Hats for so long. Daifuku orders the ship's guns to take
aim and fire when ready and, seeing what happened when the homie cannonballs were used,
demands that the crew use only the cannonballs without faces.

Yonko Whole Cake Island

Aboard the Sunny, Brook decides that the only thing they can do is go right through the fleet
ahead of them and pulls out his sword. Jinbe notes that Daifuku is the one aboard the ship directly
in front of them and reminds them that he has a genie. Chopper takes out a Rumble
Ball and wants Jinbe to get close to one of the ships so he can go wild on them,
but Carrot volunteers instead. As a full moon rises, Carrot transforms into a Sulong, surprising
both the Straw Hats and Big Mom Pirates. Nami recalls back on Zou when Inuarashi said to them
that they will show the true power of Mink Tribe in their next fight. A member of Daifuku's ship
recognizes the threat Carrot now poses, with Daifuku remembering that Pedro was a mink from
Zou and wonders if Carrot is from Zou as well.

Carrot dives off the top of the Sunny and as she is about to hit the water, changes course in mid-
air and rapidly approaches Daifuku's ship. Daifuku's crew opens fire on her but she dodges the
gunshots and proceeds to rapidly strike down numerous Big Mom Pirates. When Nami asks
Chopper what's going on, he can only stare in awe. Daifuku laughs at Carrot's intention to fight
them all by herself and tells her to give up, but he stops talking when Carrot destroys the helm of
his ship.

Daifuku summons his genie to attack Carrot, and with a single swing of its halberd, it demolishes
multiple Tarte ships, but it does not hit Carrot as she jumps up with the helms of multiple ships
in hand. The Straw Hats are awed at her display of abilities, and Jinbe explains the Sulong form
to them. Initially, it caused the minks to lose their minds and attack indiscriminately, and they
would die within one night from exhaustion. Brook then goes off to provide assistance to Carrot,
and uses his sheer speed to run across the ocean. While Carrot and Brook deal with Daifuku's
fleet, Nami and Chopper turn their attention to the fleet attacking them from the rear. Meanwhile,
Bavarois notices that Big Mom is acting strange as she is growing skinnier and gasping for breath,
calling for Zeus and Prometheus. Perospero notes that these eight hours are the longest Big Mom
has gone without her food craving being satisfied, and that she would be an unknown force to
deal with from now on. Bavarois then reports that although Pudding is transporting her wedding
cake in their direction, she is doing it on Bege's ship, which appalls Perospero, who bets that the
cake will be sabotaged.

On the Nostra Castello, Sanji adamantly refuses Bege's ideas to put poison or explosives in the
cake, and Bege points out that this is a big opportunity to take out one of the Yonko. Sanji said
that a cook's pride is on the line, and claims that the taste alone will defeat Big Mom. Bege is
incredulous, knowing how many different kinds of sweets Big Mom has had in her lifetime, but
Sanji stops him by feeding him some of his whipped cream, which instantly causes Bege to be
overwhelmed with pleasure at the taste. Sanji says that Bege can try to assassinate Big Mom
afterwards, but his goal is to fulfill the obligations of a cook. This causes Pudding to become
lovestruck and fall over, and Chiffon backs up Sanji's argument to her husband. The chefs are
almost done covering the cake with the cream, with two of them succumbing to the aroma, and
Sanji hopes his crew is safe as he draws closer to them.

Meanwhile, Zeus and Prometheus are making their way back to Big Mom, and Zeus blames the
long journey ahead on Prometheus wanting to eat fire. This enrages Prometheus, who points out
how Zeus went against Big Mom when he let Nami use him. Elsewhere, Daifuku's fleet is in full
disarray with the ships no longer being able to move, and the Straw Hats see an opening to
escape. Carrot continues attacking, wondering how much is left as her consciousness starts to
fade. As she dodges one of Daifuku's attacks, Brook comes up to her, having put one of the ships
to sleep. Saying they have done enough, Carrot blocks her vision of the moon to revert back to
her normal form as Brook carries her back to the Sunny. They return, but as Perospero and
Bavarois witness the chaos of Daifuku's fleet, they suddenly see Big Mom getting ready to attack

Yonko Whole Cake Island

as she has Napoleon transform into a blade before she leaps out toward the Sunny. With Zeus
and Prometheus having arrived, Big Mom rides the former as she heads for the Sunny with all her
special homies out in full force. She then lands on the Sunny and demands her cake, and Jinbe
tells the crew to prepare to abandon ship.

As Bavarois and Perospero remark on Big Mom's new physical state, the slimmed-down Yonko
tears through the upper deck to find the cake she craves. She sees nothing, and Jinbe affirms
that there is no cake on the ship, but Big Mom refuses to believe him because that would mean
Perospero lied to her and she would have to kill him. Perospero is aghast that his mother
remembers her promise, but Big Mom is unable to believe that her eldest son would lie to her as
she brings out Napoleon and engulfs it in flames. Jinbe blocks the massive hat -sword with
Busoshoku Haki-imbued arms, but even though he stops it for a brief moment, Big Mom quickly
overwhelms him with strength and and sends him flying into the ocean. Big Mom looks inside the
upper deck for the cake, and Nami tries to stop her, as Carrot is resting in there. Big Mom says
Nami will have to make her stop as she cleaves into the upper deck with Napoleon, and Brook
notices Prometheus is lighting the sails on fire. Big Mom attempts to smash Nami into the floor,
but Chopper activates Guard Point and blocks her attack. As Brook frets about the Sunny being
on fire, Jinbe suddenly sends a big sea current to douse the ship, which weakens Prometheus.
The fishman then jumps up and uses a powerful Fishman Karate technique, punching Big Mom's
chest with such great force that she falls off the ship.

Big Mom is quickly rescued by Zeus, and the Straw Hats celebrate Jinbe's attack as they try to
make the most of it, but know that Big Mom will soon recover. Big Mom then decides to slice the
entire ship in half to find the cake as Napoleon extends its blade. In response, Nami offers Zeus
some thunderclouds, but it refuses to succumb to the temptation again and attacks her. However,
Brook takes the attack in Nami's place, being immune to lightning due to not having any flesh.
Big Mom recognizes Brook, saying he was unable to scratch her in their last battle. However,
Brook distracts her by asking to see her panties, allowing him to bisect Zeus in the blink of an
eye. He reveals that the crew's goal was to take out Zeus, and Nami sends her thunderclouds in
between the two halves of the cloud homie. This makes Zeus discharge its full power, engulfing
Big Mom in a massive blast of electricity, much to the shock of her children. The Sunny quickly
moves to escape after this, and Brook brings a smaller and weakened Zeus back to the ship.
Nami then asks Zeus if it would like to serve her or die. However, Big Mom remains in the air on
top of Prometheus, and she orders it to chase after the Sunny.

In Hakuriki Town on Komugi Island, the citizens were shocked by mirrors breaking due to the
battle between Katakuri and Luffy in the Mirro-World. They comment their surprise on how long
this fight has gone. On Whole Cake Island, Count Niwatori also remarks on this after seeing that
it is already 9:30 PM. Next to him is a table where Stussy and Morgans sit, and Stussy reveals to
Niwatori and Mont-d’Or that the Tamatebako given to them by the Straw Hats and Fishman Island
was the cause of the explosion that toppled the Whole Cake Chateau.

In the Mirro-World, the 36th daughter of the Charlotte Family and leader of the Katakuri Fan Club,
Charlotte Flampe, orders her subordinates to assist her older brother Katakuri by sniping at Luffy.
However, Luffy is too fast and the snipers keep missing, causing her to stab one of them with a
fork. She reveals that since Katakuri is the favorite of all his younger brothers and sisters, she
needs to work to gain his favor so she can be the favorite of all her 41 older brothers. She also
does not want Katakuri to have this much trouble taking down Luffy, who is still very persistent
even at a disadvantage. Luffy gets up from the floor, but Katakuri quickly creates more mochi
donuts and assaults him again with mochi arms. Luffy unsuccessfully attempts to dodge, but the
Sweet Commander hits him with a mochi kick and sends him crashing into the wall while

Yonko Whole Cake Island

smothering him with mochi. However, Luffy breaks out through the other side of the wall, and
Katakuri states that falling down is itself shameful. Predicting Luffy's actions perfectly, Katakuri
hits him in the head and then the shoulders to prevent him from getting up and attacking. Luffy
does manage to regain his calm and counter Katakuri's giant punch, and though he is
overpowered again, Katakuri notes that he is managing to see into the future infrequently. The
Sweet Commander tells Luffy to give up, saying that Big Mom's fleet will take out the Straw Hats
before they can make it to Cacao Island, and will be lying in wait for Luffy should he make it out
of the Mirro-World. However, Luffy disregards Katakuri's statement and promises to make it out
of the Mirro-World.

On the Nostra Castello, Sanji's team completes the wedding cake, and everyone onboard
celebrates. Sanji thanks Pudding and Chiffon for helping him, and Pudding has a mood swing,
threatening that the Big Mom Pirates may have already destroyed the Straw Hats and Big Mom
may not even like the cake. As Chiffon scolds her, she then reverts back to her nice personality
and gasping in shock at her words. Both Sanji and Luffy then say that they will head back to their
crew because the others are believing in them.

At sea, Chopper activates Monster Point, amazing Perospero. With Prometheus increasing
tremendously in size and the ocean water not enough to stop it, Chopper prepares a last -ditch
effort to grab Big Mom and drag her into the ocean with him. However, Nami sees the Nostra
Castello in the distance, and Big Mom catches the scent of the cake's aroma.

The Sunny crew is happy to see Sanji heading toward them on the Nostra Castello, and Big Mom
catches the scent of the wedding cake heading toward her. Bege notices the Sunny's situation
and has his crew man their positions, but Sanji dances on the ship's bow as he calls out to Nami.
As the Straw Hats and Big Mom Pirates watch Sanji dance from afar, Perospero and Bavarois'
fleet notices the cake, but Perospero is suspicious of Bege poisoning the cak e. However, he is
facing with the dilemma of having Big Mom's rampage becoming unstoppable if he destroys it.
Bege declares to Sanji that he will be taking the cake and keeping his promise not to make a
move against Big Mom until she eats it. Sanji is fine with his plan and heads to the Sunny with
Pudding on Rabiyan, with the flying carpet going fast enough to avoid being noticed by Perospero
and Bavarois. Big Mom pursues the Nostra Castello with Prometheus and Napoleon at the ready,
and while Perospero and Bavarois follow her, Sanji returns to the Sunny and is embraced by Nami
and Brook. Sanji tells Jinbe about Bege's plan to try assassinating Big Mom again after feeding
her, and takes note of the damage wrought on the Sunny. He then asks where Carrot and Pedro
are, and Brook lies that Pedro, who is presumably dead, is resting below deck alongside Carrot.

Bege contacts Perospero, plainly telling him that they are only going to feed Big Mom and then
leave. This only makes Perospero more suspicious, and he decides for him and Bavarois to pursue
Bege and Big Mom while Smoothie leads her fleet after the Sunny. Smoothie and her sisters
Citron and Cinnamon are eager to get moving, and Smoothie orders her troops to prepare for
battle as they chase after the Straw Hats. On the Sunny, Sanji reveals that the Big Mom Pirates
found out about their plan to rendezvous with Luffy on Cacao Island, and there are likely fleets
waiting to ambush them. As the Fire Tank Pirates gleefully anticipate Big Mom's consumption of
the cake, the Sunny crew quickly spots Smoothie's fleet pursuing them and they think of what to
do when they get to Cacao Island in three hours. Sanji only has the idea of possibly passing
through the island.

Meanwhile, the Big Mom Pirates form a blockade on Cacao Island on Oven's command to
barricade it from the Straw Hats. They voice doubts on whether or not this much force is
necessary, but Oven is in contact with Mont-d’Or, who revealed the Tamatebako's role in the

Yonko Whole Cake Island

Whole Cake Chateau's collapse. As a result, the Big Mom Pirates have no intention of taking the
Straw Hats lightly. Oven then orders the Cacao Island citizens to break all of their mirrors,
revealing that only the one in front of him would be kept intact. If Luffy escapes, he will have no
option but to go through that one, and the Big Mom Pirates will execute him. He threatens to
execute the citizens' families if they do not comply, which spurs them into action.

In the Mirro-World, Katakuri overpowers Luffy once again, but as he continues taunting the pirate,
he recognizes that Luffy's skill in Kenbunshoku Haki is slowly approaching his own. A bullet
suddenly hits Luffy in the leg, and to avoid even the slimmest chance of Luffy surpassing him,
Katakuri uses Mochi Tsuki. Affected by the bullet, Luffy is unable to dodge the attack in time and
is struck in his left side by Mogura, causing him to scream in pain while Flampe laughs.

Charlotte Katakuri mocks Luffy for not being able to block the piercing blow to his side, and
repeatedly tries to hit Luffy again with his spear. Finally, he strikes Luffy with a constant barrage
of punches that cracks the ground around Luffy. Katakuri expresses his disappointment, saying
that he was just starting to acknowledge Luffy's skill. As Luffy is lying on the ground, he r ecalls
more of his training with Silvers Rayleigh and gets back on his feet.

During these attacks, Flampe and her subordinates continue to laugh at how Luffy still gets up
again and again despite suffering more damage at the hands of Katakuri. When she sees Luffy
rises once more, she decides to try to shoot him again only to see him dodge and subsequently
fall back to the ground. She bursts out laughing, catching the attention of Katakuri. Despite her
subordinates trying to keep her quiet, Flampe still laughs and becomes awe-struck when she
sees Katakuri starting to approach her. While Flampe dreams about how Katakuri will reward her
for helping him in the fight, Katakuri silently chastises her for her actions and notes that Luffy
had suddenly lost his focus in the midst of battle right before he was stabbed.

One of Flampe's subordinates notices Luffy standing again and tries to warn her, but she doesn't
listen and flies towards Katakuri with her arms outstretched. Angered at their laughing, Katakuri
wounds himself in the same spot as Luffy, with some of his blood getting on Flampe's face and
shocking everyone present. He takes off his scarf and angrily berates Flampe and her
subordinates for interfering with a one-on-one duel, stating that if they laugh at Luffy, they should
also laugh at Katakuri. Flampe and the others seemingly do not hear him, being solely fixated in
shock and horror at his distorted mouth. Flampe recoils away, losing all respect towards him and
calls him a monster. As Katakuri walks away, he has a flashback to his youth when the other
children ran away from him while ridiculing his mouth. Flampe spits on Katakuri's face and mocks
him, ordering her subordinates to take pictures so she can reveal his deformity to all the
inhabitants of Totto Land.

Katakuri returns to where Luffy is standing and apologizes for his sister's interference. Luffy
responds that there is no such thing as fairness during a pirate duel. They both agree that the
spectators watching them are noisy and the two unleash a combined blast of Haoshoku Haki,
causing Flampe and her subordinates to faint. Before passing out, Flampe expresses shock that
Luffy can use it as well.

Katakuri throws away his jacket and finally tells Luffy that he no longer sees him as an inferior
warrior. The two prepare to square off once more, with Luffy declaring that he will still be

During Luffy’s training, Silvers Rayleigh mentions that every enemy attack has an intent and
motive. Luffy smells Rayleigh's food in the distance and is able to pinpoint its location. Luffy

Yonko Whole Cake Island

strikes the pot, angering Rayleigh and causing him to strike Luffy. He says that he can sense
emotions like anger, and Rayleigh continues striking him in an attempt for Luffy to learn how to
use Kenbunshoku Haki. Later on as Luffy lies on the ground hungry, several of the animals on the
island hear Luffy's stomach growling and approach him with some food to give, but Luffy refuses
the offerings. Some time later, Rayleigh continues to instruct Luffy about Kenbunshoku Haki and
how it can be used to sense other people's movement as well as to see glimpses into the future.
When Luffy asked about people's personalities as well, Rayleigh admits that he never considered
that aspect and tells Luffy that he will do his best to make Luffy capable of achieving his full

In the present, Luffy can read the flow of Katakuri’s incoming attacks and is able to dodge them.
As Luffy charges at Katakuri, the latter is able to land a blow on Luffy, who then blocks the other
punches, despite injuring his hands. Both then land significant blows on the other. Luffy gets
blown backwards when Katakuri launches his right arm at him. As Katakuri reforms his arm, Luffy
suddenly charges him and decks him across the face. They continue to trade devastating blows
to each other.

Now with the cake aboard the Nostra Castello, Capone Bege is confident that the Big Mom Pirates
following them will not be able to attack them recklessly. As they approach Liqueur Island, he
praises his crew with repairing the burnt paddles caused by Oven. Vito notes that while
Prometheus is still following them, it has grown sluggish due to its now gargantuan size. Both Vito
and Bege propose dropping the cake off at the island, but Chiffon notes that it is not far enough
from Cacao Island and they will need to go to Funwari Island located farther out. She rationalizes
that if the cake dropped at Liqueur Island, Big Mom will still have enough time to catch up with
Nami and the Straw Hats.

Aboard the Thousand Sunny, Nami and Brook see another attack is coming from behind and
orders Jinbe to swerve to the left, avoiding an air slash from Smoothie. Jinbe tells Nami that he
trusts in her navigational skills and she then takes command of the ship. Brook is amazed to see
how big Smoothie has become, wondering if she is a giant. Aboard Smoothie's ship, Citron and
Cinnamon beg Smoothie to not grow larger in fear of her size damaging their own ship. Smoothie
curses Jinbe for steering away and avoiding every single ranged attack from her. Elsewhere, Sanji
and Pudding ride on Rabiyan heading for Cacao Island. Sanji thanks Pudding for helping him and
the others make the cake, causing Pudding to become extremely flustered. On Cacao Island,
many of the Charlotte siblings join Oven to intercept the Straw Hats when they arrive, including
the Charlotte Decuplets and the former Sweet Commander Snack.

Back in the Mirro-World, Katakuri roars at Luffy if he is finished fighting him. Luffy stand back up
on shaky legs once again and activates an unseen form of Gear Fourth known as 'Snakeman'.

Luffy activates Gear Fourth: Snakeman. The form only marginally inflates his arms and legs, but
he states that he is much faster as he shoots an extremely fast punch at Katakuri. The attack
seemingly misses, only to come back and hit Katakuri in the face. Luffy then strikes again, and
Katakuri notices an attack coming for his side, but he is unable to defend fully against it as the
strike knocks him away. He recovers and dodges another punch aimed straight at him, but
realizes this time that it is wrapping around to hit him in the side and dodges it again. However,
Luffy says that it is useless as his arm continues to not only keep changing direction, but increase
in speed as it does so, and he successfully hits Katakuri and sends him crashing into a wall.

Katakuri quickly recovers, and Luffy shoots another punch at him, but the Sweet Commander
dodges it as he shapes himself into a donut and rolls toward Luffy. Powered by his momentum,

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Katakuri then swings out a mochi arm covered in flaming Busoshoku Haki and spikes and rams
it into Luffy with great force, which he calls Diced Mochi. The stickiness of the mochi prevents
Luffy from escaping as Katakuri swings his arm around before slamming it into the ground,
sending Luffy crashing through the floor of Mirro-World and creating a small chasm.

Luffy briefly expresses the pain he felt from that attack before jumping up to face Katakuri, and
the two exchange rapid punches. The exchange ends with both of them being forced back, and
after Luffy's next punch is foreseen and countered by Katakuri, Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Black
Mamba to move his punches around in every direction at great speed. However, Katakuri
manages to gracefully dodge the attacks and kicks Luffy away before bending into a circle and
rolling toward Luffy again. He says that this is the end, and Luffy counters that he will bring forth
the end instead as he blows into his arm while moving his punch around toward Katakuri. Luffy's
forearm expands as he unleashes Gomu Gomu no King Cobra against Katakuri's Diced Mochi,
and the two of them engage in a massive clash.

At 12:28 AM on Cacao Island, one of the decuplets ponders the possibility of Luffy beating
Katakuri and is quickly chided, with even Oven refusing to recognize any chance of it happening.
Raisin suggests that Luffy will attempt to capture Brûlée, and his crewmates readily agree with
that possibility. Unbeknownst to them, Sanji is hiding in a nearby alley, and notes grimly that if
Luffy cannot quickly lose the hordes of pirates then they will both meet their end. He tells Pudding,
who is sitting farther down the alley, that they will have to part ways when Luffy comes out, and
he remembers the atypical way they came to meet. Sanji thanks Pudding for her help, causing
Pudding to be torn, as she had actively worked against him and intended to murder him before,
but Sanji does not mind and says he is glad she was his fiancee. Pudding weeps, and tells Sanji
she has one last request for him as she takes his cigarette out of his mouth.

At 12:37 in the Mirro-World, Luffy and Katakuri have both landed their final attacks on each other.
The ground underneath Luffy crumbles away after his final clash with Katakuri and he falls down
unconcious as Gear Fourth deactivates. Shortly afterwards, Katakuri collapses as well. At 12:40
on Whole Cake Island, Morgans talks about the news spectacle it would be if the Straw Hats
managed to escape from Totto Land, causing Mont-d’Or to get angered as he assures Morgans
that their excessive forces will crush the Straw Hats, saying that even Gol D. Roger would not be
able to escape their concentrated might. He tells Morgans to cover the executions of the Straw
Hats instead, and Stussy remarks on his brutality.

At 12:43, Big Mom and Prometheus are close enough to the Nostra Castello to start torching it,
and Bege's crew members beg him to drop off the cake and escape, but Bege tells them not to
falter and to remain together in the face of death. Two minutes later, the Straw Hats are on course
to make it to Cacao Island by 1:00, but they express concerns about Luffy not being able to get
out of the Mirro-World and meet them without Brûlée. Two more minutes later in the Mirro -
World, Luffy regains consciousness and pulls himself out of the chasm, with the rendezvous plans
fresh in his mind. However, Katakuri gets up and stands in Luffy's way. The Sweet Commander
asks if Luffy will return and defeat Big Mom, and Luffy affirms this, saying he will become Pirate
King. Katakuri remarks that Luffy is seeing far into the future as blood spurts out from a wound
on his chest and he falls unconscious onto his back. Luffy puts his extra hat over Katakuri's mouth
before walking off, and he soon hears the devastated cries of Brûlée as she sees her defeated
older brother. She herself has been captured and tied up by Pekoms, who has disguised himself
as "Nazoms", and has retrieved her to rescue Luffy, as he wants to honor Pedro's memory by
helping the Straw Hat escape.

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At 12:50, Cacao Island comes into the Straw Hats' sight, and Sanji warns them t o not get too
close to the fleet, saying he will bring Luffy to the ship when he comes out. Five minutes pass,
and with five minutes to go, Oven has his crewmates ready their weapons as they prepare to
ambush Luffy.

Four minutes before the rendezvous time, the Thousand Sunny is visible from Cacao Island. The
Straw Hats looked in awe at the number of Big Mom Pirates' members waiting for them, Jinbe
tells them that those people are the 'Grand Fleet'. Behind them, Smoothie ’s crew asks their
captain what they should do now, to which Smoothie replies to back up the back side of the fleet,
so that the Straw Hats are cornered. Meanwhile on Whole Cake Island Mont -d’Or orders an
unknown individual to link the transponder snails and that he heard about the situation o n Cacao

Back on Cacao island, Sanji is waiting for Luffy’s arrival. Everyone anticipates Luffy to come out
from the Mirro-World. Oven’s army starts shouting for Luffy to come out anytime. In the Mirro-
World, Pekoms tells Luffy about his Sulong form that when he transforms into it, he will lose
control and can only hear the voice of Pedro. He then reveals his reasoning for helping the Straw
Hats is to fulfill Pedro's final wish, and he plans to use his Sulong form as a diversion while Luffy
gets away. Brûlée pouts on him being a traitor and says it won't work only to be told by Pekoms
to shut up and gets completely ignored.

On Cacao Island, Brûlée's cry for help is heard from inside the mirror. As all the snipers ready
their guns, Pekoms comes out with Brûlée as a human shield, and is recognized by everyone
to his surprise when they ask him why he came out through the mirror and not Luffy. Pekoms tells
them not to move and he removes his glasses before looking up at the full moon, ignoring the Big
Mom Pirates' shouts for him to stop before he will go on a rampage. Enraged by the betrayal,
Oven heats up Pekoms' gun and uses 'Heat Wave Fist' to suppress him with the help of the army.
Luffy is punched out of his hiding place in Pekoms' mane, and Sanji uses a transponder snail to
tell the other Straw Hat Pirates that Luffy has come out.

Luffy tries to escape the ambush and jumps onto a rooftop, but is blocked by Raisin who pulls out
his sword in order to strike Luffy. However, Sanji jumps out of hiding to save his captain and kicks
Raisin away. Sanji grabs Luffy and asks if he won, to which Luffy replies yes and they escape
through the sky. Oven calls them naive and says that he was prepared for this as some pirates
use Geppo to face them. Meanwhile, on the island ground, the other pirates subdue and beat up
Pekoms and try to gouge his eyes to stop him from ever using his Sulong form again. Distracted
by Pekoms' cries of agony, Sanji and Luffy are attacked by Yuen and are struck down as the rest
of the pirates surround them and shoot, only for the bullets to somehow bounce off.

Suddenly, an explosion causes the ships at the dock to burn and draw everyone's attention. A
pirate reports to Snack that it is another fleet attacking them, which are revealed to be the Germa
66. The Big Mom Pirates are surprised at seeing this, as it was reported that the Germa Kingdom
should have been killed hours ago. The Germa fleet prepares for another attack, while the
Vinsmoke children are revealed to have surrounded Luffy and Sanji and block the shots. Ichiji
sarcastically thanks the Big Mom Pirates for the way they acted during the tea party, and says to
Sanji that they saved him by coincidence as they also wanted a chance to stir things up.

The Big Mom Pirates attack Germa 66 with bullets only for them to have no effect on their
enemy. Ichiji orders Sanji to take Luffy and leave the island as they intend to settle the score. The
Big Mom Pirates continue their attack before soon recalling the tales of their enhanced bodies.

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Oven questions what became of Nusstorte, who Ichiji reveals was thrown into the sea while
comparing Nusstorte and his fleets to insects that were swatted.

At the destroyed Whole Cake Chateau, Mont-d’Or is desperately trying to contact his brothers after
hearing Germa defeated them but gets no answer as Niwatori panics at the unbelievable events
while wondering how Germa arrived. At the now vacant Lake Aprico, a defeated Nusstorte is
shown floating on the sea.

Outside of Cacao Island, Smoothie orders her fleet to maintain course after the Straw Hats and
ignore Germa's appearance. She was joined by Daifuku, who says he caught up to ensure their
enemies are dealt with.

Meanwhile, on the Thousand Sunny, everyone wonders if Germa is on their side before they are
contacted by Sanji, who tells them to sail past the port of Cacao Island.

Back on the island, Sanji easily breaks through several of the Big Mom Pirates as he and Luffy
make their escape. While the Big Mom Pirates prioritize on not allowing their escape, Brûlée
tearfully tells them not to permit the Straw Hats' escape as she announces to everyone that Luffy
had actually defeated Katakuri, and didn't evade him as they presume. This news is met with
disbelief and outrage as nobody considered the possibility of their unbeatable brother getting

This act causes a stunned Oven to become filled with rage as he takes his spear to attack the
unconscious Luffy and Sanji, but he is overwhelmed by Ichiji, who orders Sanji to escape to the

Charlotte Yuen tries to attack Sanji once more but Yonji interferes by destroying the orb of Yuen's
staff before grabbing his head and swinging him around, slamming him into buildings and his

As Sanji escapes in the air, he is shot at by several snipers, one of whom prepares a missile but
Niji flies and grabs Sanji as the explosion goes off. While holding onto Sanji and Luffy, Niji travels
at a high speed and takes down several pirates with his swords. The Big Mom Pirates are in
disbelief that the Straw Hats are escaping them with Oven being flummoxed as well.

Niji then throws Sanji and Luffy toward the Thousand Sunny, sending them flying over the Big
Mom Pirates' fleet.

As the duo flew off Cacao Island, Oven contacts Snack, Brownie, and Joconde to deal with them
from their blockade ships. However, his calls go unanswered as many of the blockade fleet crew
members were taken out by Reiju, who uses her poison to ensure her brother escapes.

As the group on the Sunny sail past the port, Carrot spots Sanji flying in the air and notifies the
group, who are excited at Sanji's success as he tells his captain that their ship is within sight.

Mont-d’Or frantically calls Perospero to ask about the status of Big Mom and the cake. Bavarois
answers, revealing that Perospero is weakening due to leaving his wounds untreated for so long.
Perospero takes the Den Den Mushi and tells Mont-d'Or that the cake has been dropped off on
Funwari Island. He then tells him to alert the citizens of Totto Land that one of three outcomes
will occur after Big Mom eats the cake. If the cake is poisoned and Big Mom dies, it will be the
end of the Big Mom Pirates. If Big Mom survives a poisoning attempt but does not like the cake

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as a result, she will continue rampaging and destroy Totto Land. The only way for them to get
through this ordeal with only the damage currently sustained will be if the cake is delicious. Mont-
d'Or states that the citizens are already becoming aware of this, and wonders where Stussy and
Morgans are. He is angry to hear that they left the island, and orders them to be captured, not
wanting news of these events to leak to the outside world.

On Nuts Island, the citizens of Peanuts Town mourn the destruction of their home by Big Mom.
On Poripori Island, the citizens lose hope, thinking that Pudding could not have possibly recreated
the cake that took Streusen several days to make. The people of Cutlery Island have the same
opinion and prepare to escape, and those on Ice Island hear that the cake is on Funwari. There,
the citizens of Fluffy Town run away in fear, thinking the cake will not work and that Chiffon has
led Big Mom to destroy them. Chiffon places her faith in Sanji's cooking skills, and with the Nostra
Castello having been destroyed, Bege has no desire to find out what happens to Totto Land as he
grabs his wife and speeds away on tank treads, saying he would not forgive the Straw Hats if they
died after all he had done. Big Mom lands in front of the cake, and prepares to eat it.

Off the coast of Cacao Island, Sanji and Luffy make it to the Thousand Sunny, and Luffy is greeted
and attended to by his crewmates. However, they are quickly assaulted by Smoothie's flying
slashes as her fleet closes in on them, but on Judge's command, the Germa 66 fleet fires at hers.
Daifuku orders his fleet not to engage with them, as he knows they are focused on fighting the
Big Mom Pirates' blockade fleet. Sanji and Judge make eye contact, and Judge asks Luffy why he
did the unthinkable of invading Totto Land to rescue Sanji, listing all the reasons why Sanji is
weak minded and a good-for-nothing. However, Luffy simply bids him farewell, and expresses his
confusion to his crew about why Judge was listing "positive" traits about Sanji, much to Sanji's
chagrin stating he wasn't doing that causing Jinbe and Chopper to laugh. Carrot alerts the crew
that the Big Mom Pirates' fleet had gathered in front of them, leaving them liable to be easily
surrounded again. The fleet hits the Sunny with cannon fire, and Daifuku's genie comes up to
attack Carrot as his fleet catches up to the Sunny from behind. Sanji blocks the genie's strike, but
Daifuku and Smoothie think that they are toying with the Straw Hats at this point. The Big Mom
Pirates' paddle ships rapidly make their way to the Sunny, and Jinbe nearly loses hope, but the
sea underneath the fleet suddenly swells up as Wadatsumi bursts out and sends several ships
flying. The Straw Hats recognize Wadatsumi as a member of Hody Jones' crew, and Jinbe dives
underwater, where he reunites with the Sun Pirates, who pledge to serve their former captain
until he makes it out of Totto Land.

On and around Funwari Island, Perospero and Chiffon watch expectantly as Big Mom begins
eating the wedding cake. Chiffon remembers being annoyed at Sanji's carefree confidence when
they were making the cake, but now understands the cook's immense capability. Big Mom falls
back after taking her first bites, which worries Perospero, but she begins shedding tears of utter
delight as she loudly proclaims that this is the wedding cake she has been looking for. Everyone
watches as Big Mom's mindless rampage comes to an end. Bavarois wonders about poison in
the cake, and although Perospero still believes that there is, he figures that it was ineffective
against Big Mom. As she tears into the cake, Perospero contacts all of Totto Land to announce
the end of her rampage, causing everyone to cheer and celebrate. Pudding is given credit for the
cake's creation, and as she hears citizens thanking her from an alley in Cacao Island, she smiles
and reflects that she was not the one responsible.

On the sea near Cacao Island, Daifuku and Smoothie watch as the Sun Pirates halt the movement
of the Big Mom Pirates' fleet and attack it, creating a path for the Straw Hats to sail through. Jinbe
finds out that his former crew had also disabled the Territorial Sea Slugs. However, Oven steps
out of a mirror onto one of the Cacao Island blockade ships, and reports to the ship's crew that

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Brûlée had brought his army bullets that are effective against Germa 66's forces. Stating that
he cannot forgive Luffy for defeating Katakuri, Oven sticks his hands into the ocean and boils it.
The heat reaches to where the Straw Hats and Sun Pirates are, forcing the Sun Pirates to retreat
deep underwater to escape the scalding temperatures. On Whole Cake Island, Mont-d’Or receives
a report that the Queen Mama Chanter has almost arrived.

As Big Mom continues eating the cake, she begins singing, looking for words to describe a cake
whose deliciousness she can barely comprehend. At Cacao Island, the Queen Mama Chanter
confronts the Thousand Sunny while the Vinsmokes are overwhelmed by the Big Mom Pirates'
enhanced bullets. The cake gives Big Mom flashbacks to Mother Carmel and her sixth birthday
party, and she realizes that what she is tasting now is the same as the croquembouche from that
joyous day. She expresses a desire to partake in a meal with her childhood family again someday,
and states the dream she got from Carmel of creating a utopia in Totto Land where all races c ould
live in unity. As Big Mom fantasizes, her crew hits the Germa 66 fleet with a massive blast, and
Snack and another person confront Judge. Further away, the Sunny is attacked by the Queen
Mama Chanter's cannon fire, and the Straw Hats' ship is seemingly destroyed as the sail bearing
its Jolly Roger is shown floating through the ocean-like wreckage.

On Funwari Island, Perospero and Bavarois' group stands over a rejuvenated Big Mom, who is
barely conscious in her bliss over the cake. Perospero fills her in about what happened, saying
the Fire Tank Pirates should still be nearby.

Near Cacao Island, the Big Mom Pirates react in shock as they quickly realize the ship they hit
was not the Thousand Sunny, but the Sun Pirates' ship. Underwater, Wadatsumi carries the Sunny
in his mouth as his crewmates tell him to take it as far away as he can. Right before the rescue,
the Sun Pirates showed reservations about putting the ship constructed by Fisher Tiger into
harm's way, but carried on regardless as Wadatsumi pulled the Sunny underwater and replaced
it with his crew's ship right as it was hit by cannonballs and put the shocked Straw Hats into his
mouth. The Big Mom Pirates' fleet turns around to pursue Wadatsumi, and Oven sends heat
torpedoes to hit the giant fishman. Wadatsumi is unable to withstand the heat and spits out the
Sunny, and as he suffers in the boiling temperatures, he apologizes to the Straw Hats for his
actions on Fishman Island and says that out of his gratitude for Jinbe taking him in, he will join
the Sun Pirates in their mission. Having made up their mind to shield Jinbe and the Straw Hats
from Big Mom's wrath even at the cost of their own lives, the Sun Pirates get in formation as they
confront the Big Mom Pirates' fleet.

Aladine tells Jinbe to go on and wishes him a safe voyage as violence between the two pirate
crews quickly breaks out, and he clashes with Oven. However, Jinbe tells the Straw Hats to remove
the floodwater from the ship and repair the sails, saying to the confused crew that he ca nnot
leave the Sun Pirates behind. With a few hours to go before escaping Totto Land, Jinbe offers
himself up as the rear guard, telling the Straw Hats to leave it to him and promising to come back
alive. Luffy says that he is Jinbe's captain now, and says that they will wait for him at Wano

Elsewhere at sea, Big Mom rides on a candy homie with Perospero as she draws toward Cacao
Island to take on the Straw Hats, Jinbe, and Germa 66, saying that she will take Luffy's soul and
make powerful homies with it. A ways away, the Fire Tank Pirates successfully escape the Big
Mom Pirates' sight on a Tarte. Back at Cacao Island, the Straw Hats watch in awe as Jinbe helps
the Sun Pirates unleash massive waves against the Big Mom Pirates' fleet, and Aladine is initially
mad at Jinbe for underestimating them, but Jinbe says that they all have to survive. In a vessel
up in the air, Morgans and Stussy watch as the Straw Hats pull away from their enemies, and

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Stussy wonders why Morgans seems to be rooting for their escape. Morgans responds that he
thinks that one among the Worst Generation will become the next Pirate King.

After getting away from Cacao Island, Sanji thinks back to his first meeting with Pedro upon
learning of his self sacrifice. As Sanji expresses some regrets, Carrot tries to cheer him up but
starts crying. Sanji then comforts Carrot as Chopper treats Luffy's injuries.

Back at Cacao Island, Pudding sat in an alley thinking about her experiences with Sanji. It is
revealed that her last request was a kiss. Afterwards, she removed the memory of the kiss before
leaving Sanji. Pudding then begins to cry.

The Sun Pirates and Germa 66 continues battling the Big Mom Pirates. After hearing that the
Straw Hats escaped, Germa 66 prepares to withdraw.

Inside the Mirro-World, Katakuri wakes up with Brulee besides him tending to his wounds. It is
revealed that during their childhood, some bullies that Katakuri beat up took revenge by cutting
Brulee's face. Furious, Katakuri retailated and attacked the bullies. Katakuri decided to cover his
mouth since this incident. Back in the present, Brulee informed him that Luffy has escaped and
Katakuri seems pleased with the news.

Meanwhile, Big Mom has reached Cacao Island. Her crew cheered as Big Mom prepares to
confront the Sun Pirates and Germa 66.

At the Thousand Sunny, Sanji decides to cook a meal, much to the joy of his crew. At the Baratie,
some pirates visit the restaurant and demand food. The chefs want to kick them out but Zeff
prepares a meal for them instead, saying that he will feed anyone who wishes to eat.


anji is annoyed at Niji for giving him a raid suit in secret, seemingly mocking him for his
lack of strength right until the very end. Luffy and Chopper are trying to convince him to
keep it. Sanji claims that he doesn't need science to make himself stronger, with Nami
showing off her Clima-Tact (which now contains Zeus) as a response to Sanji's science dismissal.
Just as Sanji is telling the crew not to mention Germa 66 or the Vinsmoke Family again, Carrot
announces that the paper has arrived. It is revealed that Sanji's bounty has now increased to
B330,000,000 and it now says "Dead or Alive" once again. Sanji is elated to know that his
bounty's now higher than Zoro's, only to discover that his poster now contains the word
'Vinsmoke', much to his dismay. Brook discovers that Luffy is also depressed because his bounty
has seemingly been lowered to B150,000,000 while Nami is elated as that means less people
will come for them but Brook tells her this hurts their captain's pride.

We then cut to Neptune and his sons about to leave the Ryugu Kingdom for the Levely, with
Shirahoshi deciding the come along with them in fear of Luffy calling her "Weakhoshi" again.

This leads to people across the world reading the newspaper which says that Luffy now
commands a fleet of 5000 subordinates and that he is now considered a fifth emperor. Amongst
those seen reading this news are Dalton and Dr. Kureha from the Sakura Kingdom, Crocodile, the
Firetank Pirates, and Princess Vivi. At the same time, Bartolomeo and Cavendish are giving
interviews to the journalists.

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Then there is a report to Fleet Admiral Akainu that the ship containing the representatives from
the Ilusia Kingdom have been attacked by pirates and that Princess Komane has been
kidnapped. Akainu angrily asks how that happened.

We then see King Riku Dold III and King Elizabello playing chess as their ships are anchored next
to each other, with Rebecca recalling the news about Luffy. She then reminds the Tonttatas not
to speak of their connection to Luffy at Mariejois as they're now pirates.

An unknown pirate crew in a submarine look at the ships through their periscope as they decide
to kidnap Princess Viola. At the same time, their captive, Princess Komane, is pleading to let her
go in exchange for any amount of money they want. They then fire a torpedo at the ships, only for
it to be intercepted by an unknown marine and deflected, narrowly missing the ships. It is revealed
that it was Captain Koby who saved them. It is also revealed that Lieutenant Commander
Helmeppo had defeated the pirates, with Komane kicking them swearing that they'll all be
skewered. Kyros thanks Koby for saving them and comments on his humility. Rebecca then gives
Koby the latest paper where he's proud of Luffy's recent achievements against Big Mom. She then
asks Koby if he is a fan of Luffy, which he tries to stringently deny, but she sees through his
attempts to divert the conversation and promises that his secret will be kept by her.

All of the Yonko read the newspaper; Kaido is angry that the pirate who ruined his operations was
in Big Mom's territory, Blackbeard comments that Luffy being called an emperor is a bit
premature, Big Mom says that she was never defeated and that both Luffy and Morgans should
watch their backs, and Shanks comments that they'll soon be able to meet again.

Brook then looks at Luffy's wanted poster and realizes that Luffy made an error of counting the
zeros; as the latter is confused. Brook then announces that Luffy's bounty is now in fact
B1,500,000,000, as all of the crew look on in shock at the revelation.

After losing their base at Baltigo to the Blackbeard Pirates, the Revolutionary Army moves its
headquarters to Momoiro Island. Dragon, Ivankov, Inazuma, and Koala sit at a table and find out
about the Straw Hats' actions on Totto Land as they wait to meet with the Revolutionary
executives. Ivankov is excited to hear about Luffy and Sanji, and Dragon notes that the Germa
Kingdom is now no longer a part of the World Government. Ivankov wonders why Sabo has been
laying on the ground, and Koala says that he has been grinning nonstop after finding out about
Luffy's actions. Sabo then receives a call from Lindbergh, who says they ran into some trouble
nearby and asks if they can delay their arrival for a bit. The okama of the Kamabakka Kingdom
get excited to meet the executives, and Dragon and Sabo begin finalizing the plans for their
operation to declare war against the World Nobles at the Levely.

At the port of the Lulusia Kingdom, the Pinkbeard Pirates pillage the area for treasure while the
kingdom's strongest forces are with the king on the way to Levely. The captain, Pinkbeard, reveals
that he sails under Blackbeard's flag and tells the citizens to cower at the name of the Yonko as
his crew members attack them with orders to kill any who resist. Moda begs Pinkbeard to spare
their lives, revealing that although the town is poor, they have a supply of Celestial Gold to pay
tribute to the World Nobles. Pinkbeard feigns sympathy, but immediately afterwards hits Moda
and tells his crew to search for the gold. However, Moda collides with a woman, who summons
Morley. Morley, a giant okama, tears his way out of the ground in front of the pirates and wonders
why they are staring at him. Pinkbeard tells his men to shoot Morley, but the giant plants his
trident into the street and moves it as though it is clay, forcing the pirates back with a large wave.

Yonko Levely

The citizens wonder what Morley is, and the woman, Belo Betty, asks them what they want to do,
though they do not know who she and Morley are. The Pinkbeard Pirates then see Lindbergh and
Karasu standing on a nearby roof, and realize that these four are commanders in the
Revolutionary Army. Pinkbeard is shocked, as the four of them normally operated far apart from
each other. Betty gives the citizens the chance to stand up against the pirates, and as they answer
her call and pick up sticks to fight, they find their strength increasing due to Betty's Kobu Kobu
no Mi power. Pinkbeard laughs at the citizens, and Betty tells Lindbergh and Karasu to back them
up from the other side. The citizens race into battle, and as the pirates prepare to shoot them,
Lindbergh shoots them with his Cool Shooter, freezing their hands to their guns and preventing
them from using them. The citizens unleash powerful strikes on the pirates, and Karasu
transforms into a group of crows which fly in and steal the pirates' swords. The pirates are swiftly
defeated, and Pinkbeard threatens retaliation from Blackbeard as he is tied up, but Betty says
that Blackbeard does not care about those who serve under his flag. She leaves Pinkbeard in the
custody of the citizens for them to turn in for his B52,000,000 bounty, and gives them the
Revolutionaries' contact information, saying they will accept anyone who wants to rise up. The
commanders then head to Momoiro Island to meet with Dragon and prepare for their declaration
of war.

In an effort to combat the violence the New Era will bring forth, it was decided by the World
Government to relocate Marineford at the entrance of the New World, where it stands as a much
stronger fortress, under the command of Fleet Admiral Sakazuki.

At New Marineford, T-Bone reports to Sakazuki that Fujitora is currently at Mary Geoise. Sakazuki
is enraged at his shameful act of returning without the heads of Luffy and Law, but T-Bone says
that Fujitora rebutted that Mary Geoise is not a Marine base. Sakazuki got even angrier because
it is just a ridiculous technicality. At that moment, Sengoku comments that being Fleet Admiral is
a difficult job, much to Sakazuki's annoyance. Sakazuki then asks who else will be going to Mary
Geoise, and he is told that Admiral Ryokugyu will be there.

At the Red Port leading to the sacred land of Mary Geoise, royals from around the world are
arriving one after another. The royals include King Beer VI from Roshwan Kingdom along with his
Matryo Princesses, King Ham Burger from Ballywood Kingdom, Queen Mororon from Tajine
Kingdom, and King Tacos from Shishano Kingdom.

Also arriving is King Neptune from Ryugu Kingdom along with princess Shirahoshi, prince
Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, and Manboshi, all escorted by Marine HQ Vice Admiral Garp. It is said that
even though the Ryugu Kingdom had been a part of the World Government for 200 years, this is
only the second time they have participated in the Levely. Taking advantage of this big news, the
journalists are taking as many pictures as they can, with one of them wanting to print a special
edition because of Shirahoshi’s beauty, only to be ignored by their president because he is too
enchanted by her beauty.

Garp is then greeted by Sterry, the king of Goa Kingdom, who asks him if he knows who he is only
to be responded to as some brat. Shocked at his rudeness, Sterry then reminds Garp that he is
the king of the kingdom of which he is a citizen in, and therefore, it automatically makes Garp his

Morgans then comments that despite the fact that the Goa Kingdom is a “peaceful, rural country”,
the place has brought forth some of the world's most accomplished criminals such as Ace, Sabo,
Luffy, and Dragon, with Garp being the exception.

Yonko Levely

A little trivia is also shown on how Sterry became king of Goa Kingdom after the mysterious deaths
of its previous king and prince.

Undeterred by his claims, Garp then demands Sterry to move as he is annoying to look at. Hurt at
his rudeness, he goes ahead and sets it aside and asks Garp on how to become a World Noble
and Garp's only response is that Sterry is a scumbag. Getting hurt even more because of his rude
behavior, Sterry thinks of how his actions are fitting of the death penalty and how scary Garp is,
only for Garp to tell him to forget what he just said.

The Neptune Family reaches the Bondola and they part ways with Garp. As they ascend to Mary
Geoise, Shirahoshi gazes and marvels at the sun and sky.

Sterry is scared of going up the Bondola and screams when he sees a giant in the Red Line’s wall,
but Ham Burger believes he was hallucinating. Sterry then wants a guard to shoot at some crows
in fear they would pop the bubble, but the guard, revealed to be Sabo in disguise, tells Sterry not
to worry.

The Bondola rises to the top of the Red Line, and the merfolk are advised to use reinforced
bubbles to move from there on. The group of royals marvels at the sheer size of the architecture
around them as they climb the steps to the gates of the Holy City of Mary Geoise. As Shirahoshi
is awestruck by the manmade forest in the city, the guards hand the merfolk handles and tell
them to hold onto them as the ground begins to move underneath.

Sterry immediately begins to panic, thinking it is an earthquake and begging for someone to
protect him. Prince Fukaboshi explains that it is actually called a Travelator, which allows the
ground to move. Fukaboshi, Shirahoshi and the rest of the Ryugu Royal Family, however, opts to
walk the normal way, ostensibly to enjoy the scenery and look at the forest. As Sterry continues
on the Travelator, he mocks the Neptune Family for their seeming fear of modern amenities and
talks about wanting to introduce them in the Goa Kingdom, mistakenly calling them "trub-
bleooters". Fukaboshi, however, mentally notes of the unsettling presence he gets from the
Travelator, which is revealed to be powered by slave labor underneath the ground.

As the Ryugu royal family arrives at the front gate to the Pangea Palace, Charlos looks at them
from his family's palace, with his interest being taken by Shirahoshi's size and beauty. Inside the
palace, at Mingling Plaza, royals and their bodyguards from all over talk and become acquainted
with one another. Shirahoshi becomes the center of attention, with attendees complimenting her
on her beauty and trying to get her to marry one of their sons. Not knowing how to get them to
leave her alone, Shirahoshi tells them that they're "not her type", offending the royals and
shocking Fukaboshi and Ryuboshi. As Fukaboshi tries to smooth things over, Ryuboshi pulls their
sister aside and tells her that she needs to learn not to insult them or else she will cause an
international incident, but Shirahoshi can not imagine telling a lie.

Meanwhile, Vivi and Carue become acquainted with Rebecca and her bodyguard Leo, with Vivi
calling Leo cute, much to his annoyance as he proclaims himself as one of Luffy's underlings.
Rebecca marvels at how the Straw Hats have traveled to so many different places as Vivi notes
that they are actually good people despite their reputation as pirates. Vivi then notes how after
reading about what had happened in Dressrosa, she realized that the Straw Hats had saved them
as well, which Rebecca and Leo tearfully confirm.

Shirahoshi, having heard them talking, asks if they had mentioned Luffy, despite Ryuboshi's
warning not to mention their friendship with Luffy due to him being a pirate. Rebecca confirms

Yonko Levely

that they know Luffy, as Ryuboshi keeps asking them to stop saying his name as they all say how
they are indebted to Luffy. Over on the side, Igaram, Viola, and Fukaboshi are chatting with each
other and noting how the three princesses are all becoming friends due to their mutual friendship
with Luffy.

Sai then comes over to greet Rebecca and Leo before telling Leo that after the Levely, he plans
to cut ties with his country. Their talk is interrupted by the appearance of Wapol and his queen,
Kinderella. As Wapol proceeds to mock Vivi and King Cobra, Dalton and Dr. Kureha appear and
tell him to stop his boring insults before greeting Vivi, who is happy to see the two again. Wapol
attempts to intimidate Dalton by calling him a servant, but Dalton transforms and tells him that
they are on the same footing before talking with Vivi and Rebecca about Luffy, ignoring Wapol's

Elsewhere, at Level 6 in Impel Down, Doflamingo lies in a solitary cell guarded by Magellan,
wondering aloud when the World Government will send assassins to kill him so he will not tell
anyone about Mary Geoise' national treasure. Doflamingo then says that it does not matter as
power does not last long and will rot faster than people realize. Back in Mary Geoise, a lone figure
carrying Luffy's new wanted poster opens the door to a freezing vault. Stepping inside, the vault
is revealed to contain a single object: a massive straw hat the size of the figure.

At Whole Cake Island, Big Mom contacts Kaido via Den Den Mushi, telling him to stay out of her
way as she goes after Straw Hat Luffy, saying that she will be humiliated if she isn't the one to kill
him. Kaido refuses, citing his own grudge against Luffy and threatening to kill Big Mom if she
interferes. Linlin then says that he owes her a great debt from a long time ago and insists that
they cooperate on this like the "good old days".

At New Marineford, it is revealed that the Marines intercept the two Yonko's conversation, with
their signal being completely unencrypted, which they interpret as a challenge to come and stop
them. Kizaru offers to head out to deal with the situation, but Sakazuki tells him to wait, as the
strength of the armies of the samurai of Wano Country is unknown. At Red Port, Garp laughs off
the threat of two Yonko meeting together even after mentioning that they both are going after his
grandson Strawhat Luffy, saying that the only ones who could stop it are all at the Levely. Gion
tells him that Sakazuki said not to interfere, as Wano is outside their jurisdiction, but Hina remains
worried. Hina then mentions that Big Mom and Kaido are the reason why Garp is the Hero of the
Navy. She also mentions "Rocks", who Garp states came from before Roger’s time, and that if
they were to return, it would be trouble. Garp then smiles and says that the current situation is
going to be bigger than anyone can imagine.

At the Pangaea Castle in Mary Geoise, Sterry is brought before the Empty Throne and told to
symbolically make a pledge before it. Sterry says that he wants to sit in it, but an aide says that
none may do so, pointing out that the twenty weapons were the pledges of the "First Twenty" who
founded the World Government. The First Twenty declared that none may sit in the Empty Throne,
and that the world may not have one king. Sterry thinks that if he were to sit on it, he would be
king of the world.

At the Mingling Plaza, Charlos has a giant slave grab Shirahoshi in front of everyone, planning to
make her his pet, as Rebecca and Vivi shout at him to stop. Leo and Sai attempt to stop Charlos,
only to be stopped by Rob Lucci and CP-0, saying that whatever a god wants, they will get
regardless of whether or not it makes sense. Neptune, enraged, prepares to attack CP-0 and
Charlos while declaring that he cannot bring his people to the surface, tearfully apologizing to
Otohime in the process while Vivi says that the World Nobles are not humans at all. Just then, a

Yonko Levely

figure appears and bashes Charlos' face in with a mace before apologizing and orders that
Shirahoshi be set free. The figure then states that as a fellow World Noble, he is embarrassed by
Charlos' actions and for allowing him to pollute the plaza with fear. The figure then states that
while Neptune may not remember him, he owes the Ryugu Kingdom a great debt, especially to
Otohime, revealing himself to be Mjosgard. Mjosgard then says that Otohime showed him the
error of his ways and made him into a human. Thus, he will support their efforts with all his might.

Meanwhile, the Five Elders prepare to meet with a hooded figure alone and order their guards to
leave. Their guest is revealed to be Shanks, who wishes to talk with them about "a certain pirate".

The Socializing Plaza has quieted down after Charlos' attempt to kidnap Shirahoshi. Mansherry
heals the bruises that Shirahoshi received and Neptune thanks Mjosgard for his actions, and
Mjosgard promises to protect Shirahoshi for the duration of the Levely. Leo asks if they can beat
up anyone who threatens the princess, and Mjosgard agrees to take responsibility if that happens.
Pell apologizes to Vivi for not being at her side during the incident, and she asks him where her
father is. He replies that he is currently meeting with Fujitora and Riku Dold III after receiving a
letter from the Marine admiral.

Connie, the queen dowager of the Sorbet Kingdom, goes to the Celestial Dragon Gate which leads
to the World Nobles' domain. She is stopped by the guards at the gate when the injured Charlos
is carried in. Rosward waits for his son on the other side, and when the guards open the gate to
let Charlos through, Connie dashes through it without anyone noticing. Rosward remarks about
how unusual Mjosgard's lifestyle is, and Charlos notices with excitement that his father got to rent
the Shichibukai and former king of the Sorbet Kingdom Bartholomew Kuma as his slave s teed.
Rosward demonstrates how he can do whatever he likes to Kuma without the Shichibukai ever
weakening, and a short distance away, Connie is shocked to see Kuma already as she transforms
into her real self, Jewelry Bonney. Bonney sheds a tear for Kuma, calling the World Nobles'
treatment of him unforgivable. Meanwhile, Morley, Lindbergh, and Karasu try to prevent Sabo
from getting worked up about Kuma as they hide in a cave created by Morley under the World
Nobles' domain. Karasu points out that Kuma would not return to his old self even if they do
rescue him, and Lindbergh reflects that Kuma being enslaved despite formerly being a king of a
nation affiliated with the World Government is a message that the power of a person is irrelevant
when they defy the World Noble "gods". Sabo says that if they are going to rescue him, then there
will only be two possible outcomes: success or death.

In Pangaea Castle, the royals gather in the conference room to begin the Levely. They file in and
chatter about Luffy’s actions towards Big Mom and Kaido. Ham Burger, who has been appointed
the chairman of the Levely for this year, calls everyone to order as they prepare to discuss the
matters of the world. Elsewhere, the Five Elders walk down a hall. They say that Cobra has
requested a meeting with them during Levely, noting that his family are traitors for remaining on
the surface world during the founding of the World Government and hoping that he would not
bring up a complicated matter. With many big things happening in the past two years, the elders
state that the balance cannot be maintained forever and that a great cleansing may be needed.
Inside the Room of Flowers, an attendant tells Im that everyone has arrived. Im heads out, leaving
behind the torn-up bounty posters of Luffy and Blackbeard as well as a picture of Shirahoshi with
a sword plunged into it. Carrying a picture of Vivi, Im heads to the Empty Throne, which this
individual sits on. The Five Elders kneel before Im, requesting that the figure share with them the
name of the "light" that needs to be extinguished from history.

Yonko Wano Country

Wano Country

n the way to Wano Country, Nekomamushi and his crew stop at the island that
Whitebeard grew up on and referred to as his homeland. It is shown that the minks
decided to stay along the shoreline due to them being warriors on an island of peace.
Marco has taken on the role of doctor on the island and helps several citizens before going to sit
with Nekomamushi. He describes that Whitebeard grew up an orphan on this island and it was
too poor to be able to ally with the World Government. When he started his career as a pirate,
Whitebeard would care for the island by funnelling money to it despite not having any familial
ties there. After Blackbeard killed Whitebeard and took his place as a Yonko, Marco wanted to
fight him in revenge for taking everything away from the remaining Whitebeard Pirates; he breaks
down when mentioning that his share of treasure went to support the island and thanks Shanks
for burying Whitebeard on his 'final keepsake'. Marco then brings up the topic of Edward
Weevil hunting down anyone who has had ties to Whitebeard and, while not knowing if his claims
about being Whitebeard's true son are true, admits that Bakkin was a pirate roughly thirty - forty
years ago with Whitebeard and for the sake of the island, can't journey to Wano; he informs
Nekomamushi to pass on a message to Luffy in his stead.

Shortly after arriving in Wano Country, Kin’emon warns Franky, Usopp, Robin and Zoro that they
must assimilate into the country until they can rally enough support to overthrow
shogun Kurozumi Orochi, who is loyal to Kaido. He urges them to keep their identities a secret
and to not provoke any of the officials; if so, Kaido will know about it and ruin their plans. Franky,
Usopp and Robin are able to blend in by getting jobs as a carpenter, salesman, and geisha

Zoro posed as a ronin, but was apprehended by the local magistrate on the grounds of supposedly
murdering three people in the night. He is additionally charged with desecrating the grave of
famed hero and swordsman Ryuma, using the fact that Zoro is in possession of Ryuma's sword
Shusui as proof. Despite acknowledging that Zoro possibly stole the sword from the original thief,
the magistrate gleefully states his joy in now being in possession of the sword and orders Zoro to
commit seppuku for "his" crimes. As Zoro prepares himself, he comments that the magistrate
himself smells like blood and queries if he is the true culprit; the magistrate is caught off guard
and Zoro slashes the air, cutting the magistrate and part of the building. As the onlookers are
shocked that so much damage was caused with just a seppuku blade, Zoro inwardly apologizes
to Kin'emon and prepares himself.

As the Thousand Sunny sails the sea, Nami gets the newspaper and reveals to Luffy that the
Levely is going on, saying that Shirahoshi and the Ryugu Kingdom royals had come to it. Sanji
sees a picture of Vivi in it and gushes over her beauty, and the Straw Hats look and see the
pictures, recognizing old friends as well as enemies in them. Nami then shows Chopper a picture
of Kureha, and Chopper cuts it out of the paper while Sanji cuts out the princesses' pictures. This
annoys Nami, as she has yet to read the back of the paper and wants to know what it is saying
about Big Mom and Kaido. Luffy is glad to see his old friends and says they will visit them again
after completing their voyage. Brook asks him to try calling their allies on Wano with the Den Den
Mushi again, and Luffy does it, but gets no response and decides to forge on ahead.

However, the crew soon draws close to an oncoming storm with unusual wind conditions and
waves surrounding them. Luffy rejects Brook's suggestion to wait out the storm, and Nami
reminds Brook about Kin’emon telling them that Wano Country is always surrounded by terrible
weather. Suddenly, an octopus appears on their ship and salutes them as it makes noise, and
the Sunny is surrounded by a school of giant carp. Sanji is shocked to see a freshwater species

Yonko Wano Country

in the ocean, and after confirming that they can be cooked, Luffy attempts to catch one. He is
pulled off the ship, and as he wrangles with the fish, the Straw Hats focus on navigating through
the monstrous waves. The water is very clear, and the crew wonders if they are sailing on a river
as a current sweeps them to where the carp are going.

They find themselves at the bottom of a waterfall, which the carp are swimming up through. Nami
wonders if Wano Country is located at the top of the waterfall, but the crew fears that they will
sail into the falls and sink. Luffy then returns to the ship, and he grabs onto two of the carp to pull
the ship up. The carp drag the Sunny to the top of the falls, but the crew quickly finds themselves
sailing into a whirlpool. Luffy is eventually submerged underwater before washing up on shore
along with the Sunny, which is on its side; the rest of the crew is nowhere to be seen. Luffy is
woken up when a crab pinches his nose, and he looks around for his crewmates when he sees a
large komainu being sent flying into the Sunny. Luffy does not know what animal that is, but
senses a fight happening as a giant baboon wielding a sword approaches them. Because of its
sword, Luffy believes that he has made it to Wano Country.

As the komainu and the baboon begin to battle, Luffy asks them not to mess up the Sunny before
remembering what happened: after they had climbed the waterfall, the Straw Hats had spotted
land but got stuck in a whirlpool. Sanji grabbed Nami and Carrot and used Sk y Walk to carry them
to land along with Chopper, with Luffy using his belly to give Sanji a boost. Before he could catch
up with them, he got grabbed by the octopus and remained stuck on the Sunny before waking up
on the beach. Luffy then realizes that he had lost the Vivre card and briefly freaks out before
deciding to forget about it.

Further inland, an unknown man rides a giant bird-horse with a prisoner who is tied up in a burlap
sack and is begging to be freed and given back their rice. The man says that the prisoner said
that they were an attendant of the Kozuki Family, debating whether or not to sell them to the red
light district or turn them in. At that moment, they reach the beach where they spot the Sunny,
along with their baboon fighting the komainu. They then make a call to someone called
"Headliner" saying that a ship had illegally entered the country and preparing to capture Luffy.
Before the thug can shoot him, Luffy takes him down with his fists. The thug then orders the
baboon to take Luffy down, but after Luffy glares at him angrily, he backs down. The thug is then
knocked out by the prisoner who managed to get out of the burlap sack, revealed to be a young

The girl, named O-Tama, tries surrendering to Luffy before he says that he won't hurt her. Turning
her attention to the baboon, she pulls off part of her cheek, which then turns into a dango, which
the baboon, Hihimaru, eats and because docile. Impressed with her abilities, Luffy asks Tama if
he is in Wano Country, which she confirms, saying he is in Kuri. She then explains that while she
was coming back from shopping in town, members of the Beast Pirates found her, forcing the
komainu, Komachiyo, to fight Hihimaru. When the pirates stole her stuff, she accidentally blurted
out the Kozuki Family. Owing Luffy a debt, she decides to answer all his questions about Wano
and feed him back at her place.

After hiding the Sunny someplace safe, Tama tells Luffy that she and her master are the only
ones who still live on the mountain and that she is training to be a kunoichi. As Luffy gulps down
all the rice Tama has, she explains that she won't eat because she is preparing to keep her body
light before being stunned at how fast Luffy ate the rice. After Luffy pretends to be full for her
sake, Tama goes to wash her hands, with Luffy remarking that she's a good kid. At that moment,
a man with a sword and a mask barges in and becomes furious at Luffy for eating the rice. The
man explains that Tama barely makes enough money for them to get by on a daily basis, being

Yonko Wano Country

so poor that they can only afford rice twice a year. The man furiously tells Luffy that the rice he
ate was supposed to be for her eighth birthday.

As the man is explaining all this, Tama has been drinking water to quell her hungry stomach, but
after seeing her Master yell at Luffy, she tearfully tells him that she just wanted to thank him for
saving her life before collapsing. Her master is horrified that she has been drinking water from
the river, as the rivers are toxic from the waste from Kaido’s factories. She's stayed in Kuri all this
time waiting for a pirate who promised to come back one day, with Luffy being shocked when the
pirate is revealed to have been Ace.

Back at the beach, the Beast Pirates have confirmed that a group of people had arrived in Wano
as they ask Headliner what to do, revealing him to be Basil Hawkins. Hawkins says that they
should not report to Kaido yet, as he will go and handle matters himself.

Luffy makes it clear to O-Tama that he knows Ace as well, only to then reveal that he is dead.
Tama is greatly shocked and refuses to believe Luffy before passing out. Her master, Tenguyama
Hitetsu, berates Luffy for being insensitive and not waiting for a better time to reveal that. He
reveals that he is a bladesmith who, like Tama, has been waiting here for someone. This was
once a place called Amigasa Village, but X Drake, who had become a headliner in the Beasts
Pirates, had destroyed the village after defeating the five samurai guarding it. The Flower Capital
was now the only prosperous place left in Wano Country, as Kaido's tyranny had turned everything
else into a lawless wasteland. About four years ago, Amigasa Village was going through a famine.
Everyone had nearly starved to death when Ace and his crew washed ashore, and the villagers
tied them up and took their food. Ace escaped but was fine with what happened, and decided to
stay in the village for a few weeks, which was when he grew close to Tama.

Luffy decides to go looking for a doctor as well as food and wat er in order to repay Tama, and
Hitetsu has him change into a kimono. While Hitetsu cannot accompany Luffy, he tells the pirate
to look for someone to lend him money, or to find one of his allies who will help for free. Luffy
decides to take a sword with him to make him look like a samurai, but Hitetsu tries to stop him,
revealing that it is the cursed O Wazamono-grade sword Nidai Kitetsu that his ancestor Kotetsu
had made. Luffy does not care, and races off with Tama despite Hitetsu not wanting the sword's
curse to harm Tama. Komachiyo approaches Luffy to give him and Tama a ride, and Tama regains
consciousness as she continues asserting that Luffy is lying about Ace's death. She remembers
wanting to join Ace's crew, and Ace told her that if she was strong when he came back, he would
take her along. Tama hits Luffy as she keeps refusing to believe him, when the two of them come
to a massive wasteland outside of the forest of Kuri. Luffy sees several large animals running
around and wants to hunt them, but Tama reveals that they are poisonous due to drinking the
contaminated river water. She then reveals that Kaido and the shogun have their own clean farms
to eat from before passing out again, and Luffy has Komachiyo head for the quarry and the
weapons factory in the distance.

Luffy then hears someone chasing after a woman, and wonders if it is Sanji, but sees that it is
two scouts trying to rob her. The scouts are then suddenly cut down, and as Luffy sees their
attacker rummaging around for booze, he realizes that it is Zoro. Luffy calls out to Zoro, and the
two happily reunite. Zoro reveals that he has been hunting the animals around here, which has
given him a stomachache. Before they can get going to help Tama, however, they are then
confronted by Basil Hawkins, who recognizes the nationally-wanted criminal Zoro and the intruder
Luffy. Hawkins says that to survive in Wano Country, they can only either follow the strong or live
in hiding, and Luffy and Zoro prepare to fight, saying they will apologize to Kin’emon later for
causing a disturbance.

Yonko Wano Country

As Hawkins confronts Luffy and Zoro in the wasteland, he asks them if they know who's really
controlling Wano. Zoro replies that he doesn't, and Luffy brashly says it's Kaido and he's there to
defeat him. Hawkins reads Luffy and Zoro's fortune and states that the probability of the Straw
Hats being alive at the end of the month is 19%.

Zoro notices the deadly curse residing on the sword that Luffy is currently carrying, and asks his
captain if he could borrow the Nidai Kitetsu for a moment. Luffy ignores Zoro's request and tosses
aside the sword's scabbard. Luffy then attacks one of Hawkins' underlings, but uses his fist
instead of the blade. One of the Beasts Pirates' giant lizards try to attack Luffy, but he dodges,
catches it, and throws it at Hawkins, who stops the lizards with his straw sword. After striking
down some of his foes, Zoro proceeds to attack Hawkins with a flying slash to the face, but the
damage is redirected to one of Hawkins' men. Hawkins explains how his Wara Wara no Mi works
and conjures a giant straw entity. Hawkins then draws the Fool card in reverse position, which
made his men attack each other.

Komachiyo intervenes and drags the two Straw Hats away from the battle, as Tama is breathing
faintly and needs medical attention. While the trio is escaping, Hawkins draws another card, the
Hierophant in reverse position, which prompts him to make the straw entity pursue the Straw
Hats. The straw figure unleashes a barrage of nails that injure Zoro on the he ad. After Zoro cuts
the summoned scarecrow into two, Hawkins draws the Hierophant again, signifying that someone
will help them escape. After they get away from Hawkins, the woman that Zoro saved earlier
introduces herself as Tsuru. She then inquires about Tama's origins and condition. Seeing how ill
Tama is, Tsuru asks Luffy and Zoro to bring Tama to her tea shop so she can make medicine for

At Okobore Town, a sumo wrestler named Urashima tries to court Kiku, a teahouse worker, to
become his wife. Urashima continues bragging about his status until Tsuru arrives with her new
companions. At the top of a certain mountain, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin spot Luffy and Zoro
through binoculars.

At Tsuru’s tea house in Okobore Town, Tama, who has recently received herbal tea from Tsuru,
recovers from her sickness. Tsuru warns Tama that the herb helps the body recover, but does not
negate the poison, instructing Tama to rest. However Tama's stomach began to grumble, and the
girl rushes back to the river to subside it, much to Tsuru anger.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Zoro are sitting outside while the latter's wounds are being treated by Kiku,
who notes her physic before she formally introduced herself. They are then distracted by Tama's
refusal to eat the sweet red bean soup Tsuru made for her since she can't afford it, and Tsuru's
poor stat, as well as feeling ashamed in doing so after Tsuru treated her. Tsuru became angry at
Tama for refusing the meal she prepared for her, and following Kiku's advice, accepts the food.

Tama goes outside and sits between Luffy and Zoro who urge her to eat her meal, which she
finally does, and is enchanted by the taste. Luffy is surprised and asked if that is the first time
eating the dish, which she confirms, before remembering Hitetsu’s talking about Tama's eating
habits. While Tama is enjoying her meal greatly, Tsuru became emotional as Tama claims this as
the best day of her life.

After the meal, Tama takes a nap while Tsuru talks with Luffy and Zoro about Wano Country's
poor condition of the land and residents. They are then introduce themselves as Zorojuro and
Luffytaro. Tsuru continue to talk about the origin and the way of life in Okobore Town, and the
history of Wano country and the Kozuki Family. She tells them about a time twenty years ago,

Yonko Wano Country

when the family ruled over Wano, and that it was a prosperous land which she dubs "Paradise",
and how the country ended up to be the way it is now under the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi. She
tells them about the farm Orochi controls, which has clean waters and eatable products, while
Okobore Town survives upon purchasing the old ingredients from the neighboring town, which is
inhabited by country rulers.

Tsuru is then targeted by an arrow, and is saved at the last moment by Zoro pulling his sword and
blocking it. The archer reveals himself to be Batman, whose hearing is superb thank to the bat
SMILE he ate. He claims to have heard Tsuru speaking ill about the shogun, and when asked by
Zoro if that is any reason to kill her, Batman replies that that is the shogun's will. Batman then
accuses Zoro and Luffy of robbing the farm, and barrages them with arrows, all of which Zoro
blocks. Surprised, Batman identified Zoro as the wanted "One-Eyed Ronin". Kiku, meanwhile,
rushes to Tsuru's side, protecting her, but this leads to Tama being taken by Gazelleman, a gazelle
SMILE user, who runs off at a high speed thanks to his gazelle-like legs. Kiku grabs her sword,
and riding on Komachiyo, gives chase.

Surprised, Zoro questions Kiku's actions, and Tsuru reveals Kiku is actually a well trained
swordswoman. Luffy and Zoro join her in her pursuit, but are held back by Batman's arrows. This
causes Zoro to believe Tama's kidnapping was planned out. Kiku pulls out a notepad and after
deducting they are headed toward Bakura Town, the neighboring government controlled town,
informs Luffy and Zoro about the rivaling Beasts Pirates headliners who resides there and the 30
SMILE users. Shocked by her vast knowledge, they ask who exactly Kiku is and she replies she is
a samurai.

While Gazelleman contacts Holdem, one of Bakura town resident headliner, informing him about
Tama's capture, Luffy and his team enter Bakura Town gate. Elsewhere, on top of a mountain,
the Heart Pirates inform their captain Trafalgar D. Water Law about Luffy's arrival to Wano and
entering the town. Law then panics and orders his crew to stop Luffy before he causes any trouble.

During the sumo wrestling tournament at Bakura Town, Urashima expresses his desire to make
Kiku his wife, having left her at Okobore Town due to fearing Zoro's aura. He says that with his
wealth and status, there is no way she can refuse, and the Gifter Mouseman states that Ura shima
could go as far as forcing the lowly Kiku to marry him, as he has free reign to take away everything
she holds dear. Mouseman says that Urashima needs to set an example by using his high social
class to get whatever he wants, and this pleases the yokozuna. Urashima then knocks his food
off the table and says he wants the owners' raccoon dog cooked for him, even though it has been
their pet for many years.

Elsewhere in town, an exhausted Gazelleman brings Tama to Holdem's residence. Holdem, a lion
SMILE user, tells Gazelleman to leave before getting annoyed at the lion head on his waist for
looking at him, and he punches it. The lion retaliates by striking Holdem in the groin, but this
attack hurts both of them since they share the same body. Holdem's subordinates ask about what
they should do with Tama, and Holdem asks her how she was able to tame Hihimaru. Due to
Hitetsu instructing her to not use her powers in front of others, Tama lies that she just did it
normally, but Holdem had heard she pulled something off of her cheek. He instructs one of his
subordinates to bring pliers so he can try pulling from Tama's cheek by force, and Tama grows
scared as she silently begs for Luffy to save her.

Meanwhile, Luffy, Zoro, Kiku, and Komachiyo arrive at the main gate of Bakura Town. Luffy tries
calling out for Tama, but Kiku silences him as everyone here is in league with Tama's kidnappers.
The people around the gate do not recognize the group and quickly become hostile, but Luffy

Yonko Wano Country

knocks them out with Haoshoku Haki. He and Zoro look around the town, and Kiku states that
after Orochi and his subordinates took over around 20 years ago, many of its former residents
were driven out and only essential tradesmen were allowed to stay. Suddenly, Luffy catches a
KOed sumo wrestler who was sent flying towards him, and he is surprised that someone was able
to send a sumo wrestler flying this far. They come to the sumo tournament, where Urashima is
dominating everyone he faces. The organizers are offering a hefty reward to anyone who defeats
him, but no one is able to no matter how many of them come at him at once. Urashima then
notices Kiku, and asks if she came to become his bride. The spectators are shocked at his fancy
for a lowly woman, and an exasperated Kiku hides behind Zoro, remembering that Urashima had
told her about the sumo tournament when he was courting her in Okobore Town. Urashima tells
his men to escort Kiku to him, and Luffy tries telling everyone about his search for Tama, but no
one is listening as Kiku is carried away. The spectators jeer at Kiku due to her low class, but
Urashima silences them, reminding them that they are all vulgar and lower class compared to
him. He tells Kiku to become his wife, but Kiku says that the only vulgar thing here is his heart as
she cuts off his topknot with her katana, which makes Luffy excited.

The onlookers stare in shock as Kiku sheathes her sword after cutting off Urashima's topknot.
Urashima quickly becomes enraged, and Kiku is caught off-guard as she wonders why she did
that. She asks for Urashima's forgiveness, but he is preparing to unleash the full force of his harite
attack on her. However, Luffy counters Urashima's open-palm strike with his own hand, and the
two meet in a powerful clash. The impact pushes both of them back toward the edges of the ring,
and they struggle to stay on it as they teeter off the edge. After they recover their balance,
Urashima tells Luffy to get out of his way, saying he needs to tear Kiku apart to protect his honor.
Luffy has no issue with that, but wants to challenge Urashima in a sumo wrestling match first.

Urashima unleashes rapid strikes, but Luffy dodges all of them. The sumo wrestler then tries to
take out Luffy's head and eyes illegally, but misses again. Meanwhile, a samurai repor ts to
Holdem about what Kiku did to Urashima, but the headliner does not care as he attempts to pull
food out of Tama's cheek. Holdem recalls that Tama had mentioned the Kozuki Family earlier,
and tells her to not cling on to them, saying that they were planning to destroy Wano Country 20
years ago. Back in the sumo ring, Luffy stretches his arm very far back and enlarges his forearm
to slam his massive palm into Urashima's entire body. The force of the attack sends Urashima
flying out of the ring and through several buildings, leaving them in ruins.

The spectators are aghast at Urashima's defeat, and they notice that the wanted criminal Zoro is
with Luffy and Kiku. They go to report this to Holdem as Luffy declares his intention of rescuing
Tama, and the Gifters and samurai under Holdem go on the attack. Luffy and Zoro invite them to
bring Holdem out as they and Kiku overwhelm the fighters, and a fire breaks out in the town.
Holdem then calls out to Luffy from atop a roof, holding Tama in his lion's mouth, and he reveals
that his house was destroyed when Luffy sent Urashima flying into it. He asks if they are
subordinates of the thief Shutenmaru, and tells them not to move, or else he will crush Tama with
his lion's jaws. Outside of Bakura Town, Basil Hawkins is in contact with the pirates inside as he
and his men head to assist them, and elsewhere, Bepo falls ill after eating a poisoned fish. As he
deals with his subordinate, Law hears from Shachi about the fire and Hawkins' arrival at Bakura

In Okobore Town, a mother silences her son who is crying out of hunger, while a father rushes to
Tsuru to try to get some jyagan grass after his child drank the river water. Deep within Bakura
Town, however, is the "Paradise Farm", which is overflowing with good food and water. One of the
workers is only paid five silver for his efforts there, and is beaten up when he argues that this
cannot support his family. The Beasts Pirates headliner Speed brings out the cart of provisions

Yonko Wano Country

from Paradise Farm, intending to take it to her crew when she hears the fire bell ringing. She
oversees the effort to put out the fire when she notices that Holdem's house was destroyed in a
path of wreckage.

Meanwhile, as Tama cries out for help, Holdem taunts Luffy, Zoro, and Kiku, saying that his lion
Kamijiro will tear her apart if any of them make a move. Holdem asks the trio if they know about
Tama's Devil Fruit ability, and says they will be held hostage to lure out Shutenmaru, who is the
leader of the Atamayama Thieves that were responsible for the thievery at Paradise Farm a few
weeks ago. Holdem believes that someone as powerful as Luffy has to be Shutenmaru's top
subordinate. Kiku warns Luffy to not make Holdem angry, as everyone in town is afraid of Jack,
who is the true ruler of Kuri and backs Holdem. Luffy and Zoro recognize Jack's name, and are
surprised that he is alive as they thought he sank into the bottom of the ocean. However, Kiku
reveals that Jack was seen in the area a few days ago, and thus he would come to make the area
a wasteland if Holdem is attacked.

This makes Luffy angry, and Holdem simply laughs as he increases Kamijiro's pressure on Tama.
Speed then arrives with the cart of provisions, wanting to know what is going on. The Beasts
Pirates rejoice after seeing the food, and Luffy is angry that only they get to have it. He and Zoro
then prepare to attack, and as Hawkins and his men head into town, they are suddenly confronted
by Law. Law wears a basket over his head in order to keep Hawkins from recognizing him, and is
intent on getting rid of his fellow Supernova quickly.

Meanwhile, Holdem decides to execute Kiku, but as his men grab her, Luffy attacks Kamijiro in
the blink of an eye and frees Tama. As Luffy speeds away with Tama in his arms, Zoro cuts down
the Beasts Pirates down below and Komachiyo frees Kiku and takes her out of the town. Luffy
then notices Tama's bruised cheek, and she reveals that Holdem tried pulling food out of it with
pliers. An enraged Luffy then drops Tama and stretches out his arm, and Holde m has Kamijiro
breathe fire at Luffy as he prepares to strike the pirate with his Karakuri Sword. However, Luffy is
unharmed by the fire and hits Holdem in the face with Red Hawk as Tama continues to fall.

Luffy grabs Tama as Holdem falls to the ground, and Zoro has Komachiyo continue taking him,
Kiku, and the provisions cart to Bakura Town's entrance. Luffy picks up Tama and starts to run
away, but when he sees the backside of Speed's horse body, he thinks she is a horse and jumps
on her back. After realizing what has happened, Speed gets angry and her subordinates rush at
Luffy, but Luffy tells Tama to make some kibi dango from her body. He then tells her to tame
Speed with it, and Tama reveals that the food does not work on humans, but to their surprise
Speed eats it and becomes tame and subservient to them. Speed gallops at full speed and
catches up to the provisions cart as her bewildered subordinates chase after her, and Tama tells
Luffy that he was just like Ace when he hit Holdem with Red Hawk.

Near the front gate of Bakura Town, a disguised Law prepares to take out Hawkins as he activates
his ROOM. However, Hawkins quickly recognizes Law due to the ROOM and the tattoos on his
hands, and Law uses Shambles to transport himself right next to Hawkins. He cuts Hawkins
diagonally, but Hawkins uses his Devil Fruit power to transfer the cut to a subordinate. Law is
surprised at Hawkins' powers, and Hawkins turns his sword into straw to lift Law's mask off his
head. Law then attempts to nullify Hawkins' power by cutting all of his subordinates in half, and
the two Supernovas' blades clash. Hawkins welcomes Law to Wano Country and reveals his
knowledge about Law's alliance. Law is shocked to hear this, and Hawkins reveals he already
encountered Luffy and Zoro before getting a call revealing that Holdem has been defeated and
Jack has been notified.

Yonko Wano Country

Right then, the provisions cart comes barreling onto the scene, and Law hitches a ride on it as he
angrily yells at Zoro for abandoning his post and getting them into deep trouble. The provisions
cart heads out of Bakura Town, and goes to Okobore Town, and the citizens there rejoice as they
are given the great quantities of fresh food. Batman and two other Gifters attempt to intervene,
but are flattened when Luffy slams a massive tub of water onto the ground for the citizens to
drink. The citizens thank Luffy for his actions, and Luffy states that this is repayment for the food
Tama gave him. Luffy tells Tama to not be satisfied with the provisions cart, saying that by the
time he leaves, she will be able to eat until she is full every day. Tama is shocked as she
remembers Ace saying the same thing during his visit, and starts tearing up.

As the remaining Beasts Pirates try to deal with the mess left in Bakura Town, Hawkins contacts
someone, saying that Holdem was taken down by a force strong enough that not even he could
have stopped it. He then appears to notice someone. At Okobore Town, Law tells Luffy and Zoro
that they are going to relocate to the ruins of Oden Castle on top of a nearby mountain. He says
they are going to meet the ghosts of Wano country, saying that Luffy is in for a surprise once he
gets there. The scene then changes to the top of said mountain where the graves for Kozuki Oden,
Momonosuke, Kin’emon, Kanjuro, and Raizo are seen.

Luffy leaves Tama in the care of the submissive Speed. Tama says she will never forget getting to
taste new foods and says she will take some to her master, and Luffy says he will bring back
Komachiyo and Nidai Kitetsu later. Speed then carries Tama off into the distance, and the
residents of Okobore Town thank Luffy for bringing them the Treasure Ship. Luffy, Zoro, Law, and
Kiku then ride Komachiyo toward the ruins of Oden Castle. Luffy wonders why Kiku is going with
them, and Kiku pretends that she just wants to see it, when in reality she is keeping an eye on
their intentions in going there. Zoro quickly realizes that she is hiding something from them.

In the Flower Capital, a teacher instructs her students about the benefits of Wano Country's
closed borders, and the students jeer at Kozuki Oden and his nine red scabbards for attempting
to open Wano's borders 20 years ago. The teacher then elicits cheers from them when she states
that Kurozumi Orochi heroically killed the Kozuki Family and kept Wano peaceful. Meanwhile, the
money changer Kyoshiro, while intoxicated, starts to laugh as he recalls a situation that Orochi
has found himself in. 20 years ago, the wife of Oden proclaimed a curse on Orochi, who
interpreted it as a prophecy that nine samurai would kill him in revenge and open Wano's borders
in 20 years. Kyoshiro mocks Orochi for believing this and living in fear now that 20 years have
passed, as there should be no Kozuki Family member still alive and able to take revenge.

Luffy's group arrives at Oden Castle, and Kiku starts getting emotional before hurrying off by
herself. Luffy notices that Zoro went somewhere as well, and Law tells him to come toward him.
Luffy sees the group of gravestones, and is shocked at the graves f or Kin’emon, Momonosuke,
Kanjuro, and Raizo. Luffy wonders where Kin'emon is, and Law replies that Kin'emon is not here,
but will likely appear at night. This makes Luffy think that he is a ghost, but Kin'emon then comes
out, having been occupied with intense diarrhea, and Luffy gets angry at Law for his choice of
words. Kiku then rushes toward Kin'emon and tackles him in a hug, though gets mad at him for
not telling her about his return to Wano. She then realizes that the Straw Hats and Law are the
outside force that Kin'emon's group was able to recruit. Momonosuke then greets Luffy, and he
is quickly followed by the arrival of Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Brook, and Carrot, who were able to find
Luffy using his Vivre Card. Law then invites the Straw Hats inside t o talk, where they could eat
food he had stolen from Paradise Farm. When inside, Kin'emon reveals that there is a secret they
should tell the Straw Hats before they get started, and reveals that they came from the past and
got here by traveling 20 years forward in time.

Yonko Wano Country

Kin’emon starts to talk about Kozuki Oden, revealing that Oden Castle's real name was Kuri
Castle, but it was called Oden Castle because of the Kuri residents' great love for Oden. Oden was
the son of the shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki, but was exiled from the Flower Capital due to getting into
violent fights. At that time, Kuri was a lawless area where criminal gangs formed to rob and kill
each other. Oden went there and challenged Ashura Doji, who was considered the most
dangerous man there. He defeated Doji, and rounded up the criminals and corrected their path,
teaching them to be workers who could build towns to live in. He built the Paradise Farm for
everyone to eat clean food, and after Sukiyaki had heard of his son's deeds, he bestowed on Oden
the title of Daimyo of Kuri when Oden was only 20 years old.

Elsewhere, Zoro is all alone in the wilderness, and as he looks for his comrades, he sees a wharf
and decides to take a ride there. On a beach in Kuri, Inuarashi sits with his Musketeers, and he
recalls how Oden felt Wano Country was too cramped. Inuarashi and Nekomamushi had washed
up on Wano when they were young, and everyone feared them except for Oden, who defended
them from those who tried persecuting them. Inuarashi views Oden as a true hero, recounting
how even Whitebeard and Gol D. Roger were captivated by him.

However, the Straw Hats' moods changed from happy to shocked as Kin'emon reveals what
happened to Oden during Orochi's takeover 20 years ago. He recounts how after Oden was
brought to the Flower Capital and executed, he, Kanjuro, Raizo, Kiku, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi,
and another samurai managed to escape from the scene. However, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi
were caught by Orochi's men, and the remaining members of the group had no choice but to press
on to Oden Castle to try to protect Momonosuke's life. Kaido had anticipated their plan, however,
and set Oden Castle ablaze before they got there. Kin'emon's group managed to break in and find
Momonosuke with his mother Toki and younger sister Hiyori. Toki, who was rumored to have been
born in the distant past, revealed that she could go into the future with her Toki Toki no Mi
abilities. She decided to meet her end here, and as Kin'emon promised to fulfill Oden's goal of
opening Wano's borders, she sent him, Momonosuke, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Kiku 20 years into the

Kin'emon's group found themselves in the remains of Oden Castle, and discovered the graves for
them nearby. As they traveled around Wano, they discovered the pollution and cor ruption that
had taken root. However, despite the nation's hatred for the Kozuki Family, they managed to find
allies who had waited for the fulfillment of Toki's proclamation that the family would return. Kiku
was left to gather information on their enemies, while the rest of them went to sea to recruit allies.
They were spotted by Orochi's men as they left, and shipwrecked on the way to Zou, where they
parted ways with Raizo. They then drifted to Dressrosa, where Kanjuro was captured as
Momonosuke was taken to Punk Hazard. There, Kin'emon had been dismantled by Law, but it
was in that desperate situation when he found the Straw Hats and gathered an alliance together.
However, Kin'emon reveals that the goal of this alliance now is not to wage war, but to sec retly
work to take out the commander. In two weeks, on the night of the Fire Festival, he plans for the
alliance to stage a raid on Onigashima, where Kaido resides.

Answering Brook's question about how they will get to Onigashima, Kin’emon states that they do
have a ship, although it will not be a long voyage since the island is very close to Wano Country.
Kiku says that Kaido is considered to be "Wisdom King" that protects the country, and every year
Orochi and his men go to Onigashima seemingly to pay respects to him, but in reality, they just
have a raucous banquet. Sanji hopes that Kiku will fall in love with him instead of Kin'emon once
she sees him during the mission, but Kin'emon reveals that Tsuru is actually his wife. He then
pulls out a piece of paper with a symbol on it that will communicate the time and place of the

Yonko Wano Country

planned raid, and his goal now is to give these papers to those with the crescent moon symbol
on their ankle, which signifies rebellion against Kaido and loyalty to the Kozuki Family.

Zoro and Usopp have been tasked with looking for allies in the Flower Capital, while Franky is
currently working for the architect of Kaido’s residence in order to obtain the blueprints for it, and
Robin is training as a geisha in the hopes of gaining Orochi's audience so she can spy on him and
his men. Brook will be tasked with acquiring food provisions from the capital, Sanji will use his
culinary skills to draw in people to help search for allies, Nami will masquerade as a kunoichi,
and Chopper and Carrot will go to Inuarashi's location. Kin'emon has the Straw Hats put leaves
on their head, which he turns into disguises with his Fuku Fuku abilities. Kin'emon then summons
the kunoichi Shinobu to train Nami in the art of bewitchment and states that there ar e three
samurais they particularly need to find, as each of them is worth a hundred men. They are
Kawamatsu, Denjiro, and Ashura Doji, and Kin'emon believes that they should still be alive.

Meanwhile, Shutenmaru and the Atamayama Thieves raid Okobore Town and steal the food that
Luffy gave to the citizens despite their pleas. Shutenmaru scoffs at the heroism of feeding these
people, saying their gifts were no more now that he is here to steal them, and there are no longer
any men left in Wano who can guide the samurai to defend the people. One old woman responds
that she believes in Toki's prophecy about nine samurais carrying out Oden's wishes, but
Shutenmaru finds the belief silly and prepares to kill her. However, he is stopped when Jack
arrives and quickly takes out several of his men with his crocodile-like steed. Jack tells
Shutenmaru about Luffy being in this area, but Shutenmaru has no knowledge of the pirate. Jack
says that Shutenmaru has only been left alive this long because Kaido wants him as his
subordinate, and Shutenmaru answers by charging toward Jack and cutting him across the chest,
breaking one of the Disaster's blades. Jack and Shutenmaru then spar in a high-level duel, and
the citizens believe that their clash will destroy Okobore Town. Jack manages to injure
Shutenmaru's shoulder, but Shutenmaru is unfazed as he says there is no way Jack will take him
down. Suddenly, Jack's men tell him to look behind him as a formation of dark clouds suddenly
fills the sky. In the midst of these clouds is Kaido, having flown to Kuri in his dragon form. Kaido
tells Jack to bring Luffy to him immediately, and Law reveals to Luffy who the dragon is.

Kin’emon confirms Law's statement that Kaido has arrived, revealing that Kaido can transform
into a dragon. Momonosuke starts feeling unwell as he transforms into a dragon as well, shocking
Kiku and Shinobu. Luffy notices that Kaido is near Okobore Town, and in response to Kin'emon
wondering why he came here, Law reveals that he, Luffy, and Zoro were exposed. Howev er, he
notes that this should not affect the plan too much, as Kaido had his sights set solely on him and
Luffy for taking down Caesar Clown and Doflamingo's SMILE operations. Luffy races toward
Okobore Town, and Law decides to go after him, as them dealing with Kaido should not expose
the rest of their alliance.

At Bakura Town, the people there are sent into a frenzy at Kaido's arrival, with Hawkins being
surprised and Holdem wondering if Kaido came to execute him. The citizens of Okobore Town as
well as the Atamayama Thieves attempt to run away as Kaido hovers directly over them, and the
Yonko recognizes Shutenmaru. Kaido remembers his previous encounter with the thief and asks
him to become his subordinate, revealing himself to be drunk in the process. Jack is shocked at
his general's intoxication, saying that Kuri and its worker residents will likely be decimated if he
continues his rampage.

Law catches up to Luffy as the latter keeps running toward Okobore Town, and reprimands him
for trying to help the citizens. Meanwhile, Kin'emon and Kiku run toward Okobore Town as well
after Kin'emon heard that Tsuru is there, and he is shocked that she did not remarry in the 20

Yonko Wano Country

years he was gone before telling Kiku to go back to Oden Castle. Hawkins rides in to Okobore
Town to tell Kaido that Luffy and Law are at the ruins of Oden Castle, causing Kaido to
immediately head there. Hawkins reveals to Jack that he lied to Kaido in order to stop his rampage
and also to try eliminating a suspicious light there that has led to rumors about the Kozuki Family's
return. While Luffy and Law are not at Oden Castle, much of their allies are, and they flee in terror
as an enraged Kaido flies right toward them. Kaido passes by Luffy and Law as he unleashes a
devastating fire breath that instantly obliterates Oden Castle, and the onlookers are shocked at
how quick and powerful his attack was. Law then notices that Luffy is no longer beside him, and
the people of Kuri watch as Luffy jumps over Kaido and uses Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun to hit
the Yonko right on the head.

Kaido’s dragon form slams into the ground after being hit in the head by Luffy. As his subordinates
flee the area, they take note that a samurai appeared to have been the one behind the attack.
Reaching the ground, Luffy yells to his crew and asks if they managed to escape Kaido's dragon
breath attack. Elsewhere, Shutenmaru decides to stay and watch the fight instead of fleeing. Luffy
hears several of Kaido's subordinates discover Lady Speed who is heavily injured. Fearing for
Tama’s life, Luffy asks Lady Speed if she was able to get Tama out of the city safely; he learns
that Kaido spotted them and despite doing her best to protect Tama, Kaido injured them both.

Angered by this, Luffy chastises himself for not going along with them and prepares to attack
Kaido. Law frantically tells Luffy they need to check on their respective crews and berates him for
jeopardizing their plans; Luffy ignores Law and yells at Kaido, getting his attention. Despite still in
a drunken state, Kaido recognizes Luffy and comments how he's finally arrived in Wano. He then
unleashes another blast of fire towards Luffy, incinerating the immediate area; however, Lady
Speed is able to propel Luffy into the air towards Kaido's eye level. Luffy immediately activates
Gear Third and pummels Kaido with numerous punches. The remaining Beast Pirates are
shocked to see Kaido taking such a tremendous beating and he falls from the sky, transforming
back into his human form.

Luffy rushes forward, activates Gear Fourth and resumes his attack. However, Kaido manages to
get to his feet to the surprise of everyone. Glaring at Luffy, Kaido swings his kanabŕ and strikes
Luffy, mocking his proclamation of becoming the Pirate King as Luffy soars through the air and is
knocked unconscious from the blow.

Kaido's subordinates examine the defeated Luffy, being surprised that he survived Kaido's hit.
Law moves to grab Luffy and run, but Hawkins shoots him in the arm with a nail made of Seastone,
revealing that Seastone originated here in Wano and could only be refined to this level here. He
then turns his sword into straw to attack Law with it. Kaido notes that Luffy is still glaring at him,
and tells his subordinates to throw him into a cell, saying that he will make a good subo rdinate
once his will is broken. Kaido also says to not mention that Luffy is a pirate in the newspaper
report due to foreigners not being allowed in Wano. However, as his subordinates move toward
Luffy, they are suddenly knocked out by his Haoshoku Haki, and Shutenmaru recognizes it as an
ability that Oden used. Kaido notes that Eustass Kid also used this Haki, and transforms back
into a dragon as he flies off to get drunk again, having become sober.

Law escapes to the forest, and worries about his crew and allies. Hawkins' subordinates report to
him in Bakura Town that Law has escaped, and he is alright with this, but swears to find him
eventually. In Okobore Town, Kin’emon spies on Tsuru tending to a citizen named Gorobe. He
comments that his wife is still beautiful, but has no intention of reuniting with her until after
Oden's wishes are fulfilled. He then spots Shutenmaru riding off, and recognizes him as Ashura
Doji. At the ruins of Oden Castle, Kiku is relieved to see the male alliance members still alive after

To be continued… Wano Country

Kaido's attack. Sanji had carried the females to safety, while Shinobu had used her Juku Juku
Jutsu to mature the ground below the males and cause a sinkhole to form. After the males escape
from the sinkhole, Kiku prepares to tell the alliance members about the current situation.
Meanwhile, Inuarashi and the Musketeers discover the injured Tama, and head into the forest to
treat her immediately.

The news about Luffy and Kaido's fight circulates through Wano, and Franky, Robin, Usopp, and
Zoro are completely aghast when they hear it. The next day, in the Udon region, people are put
hard to work making weapons in Kaido's factories. In the dungeons of these factories, one of the
Beasts Pirates delivers a poisonous fish to a certain cell. Their orders are to give a poisonous and
boneless fish to feed the prisoner inside, who seems to be still alive in spite of the poison. The
Beasts Pirate guards then rejoice as Luffy is brought in, and they taunt him. Luffy glares at them
in response, and one of them tries to retaliate by attacking him with a sword. However, the
mysterious prisoner spits out the fish skeleton at the guard and strikes him in the neck, causing
him to be reprimanded for not taking the bones out of the fish as ordered. Luffy is brought in to
another room and thrown into a cell, and the guards say that starting tomorrow they will work him
until his will breaks and he pledges allegiance to Kaido. In the cell next to Luffy's is Kid, and both
of them swear revenge against Kaido, which causes them to notice each other as the curtains
are drawn on the first act of the Wano Country Arc.

To be continued…


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