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The Two Million Dollar 

Traffic Stop

 Raymond Ronald Karczewski©     

 In Care of: PMB 115 Post Office Box 1459
 Cave Junction  [97523]
 Oregon Republic

To: Mr. GARY BRANDT                                To: CHIEF JOE HENNER     

Trial Court Administrator                                  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY
 GRANTS PASS, OREGON 97526                  GRANTS PASS, OREGON 97526
                                                                         [email protected]

                       Affidavit of Conditional Acceptance REQUEST FOR PROOF OF

                                                  U.S.P.O. Registered Mail Article No. RR 487279896US
                                                                                                                  Sept 20, 2007

I, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a natural born American citizen, am a common

man of the Sovereign People, arising
under the original jurisdiction of the de jure Constitution of the united States of 1789
as amended by the qualified electors
of the several States of the American union and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 for
the Territories of the de jure united

I, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient,

Natural Man, am the Secured
Party/Creditor, Holder in due course, and Authorized Representative for the Juristic
KARCZEWSKI©,  I am not an accommodation party nor a surety for the debts of

I, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, am held harmless by  RAYMOND RONALD

Day of the Fifth Month in
the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Two, against all claims, legal actions, orders,
warrants, judgments, demands,
liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies,
penalties, damages, interests, and expenses
whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are now due, and as might become
due, now existing, and as might
hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by  RAYMOND
any and every reason, purpose, and cause whatsoever. Said Hold Harmless and
Indemity agreement is filed with the
Josephine County Criminal Court Clerk's office.

Attached to this Affidavit of Conditional Acceptance: Request for Proof of Claim are
Citations #48639 and #48640 issued
by Public Safety Officer Dennis Burge.

I, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, this Living Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient,

Natural Man, accept for value all
terms of citations upon proof of Claim established by your answering the following
questions accompanied by your sworn
oath or affidavit:

   1.  PROOF OF CLAIM on how the Oregon Constitution operates upon me, Raymond
Ronald Karczewski©, a living,
breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man.

    2.  PROOF OF CLAIM on how the State statutes by and through the Oregon
Legislature and the DMV operate upon
me, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient,
natural person, the private man.

    3.  PROOF OF CLAIM that the name appearing on the charging instrument, in
capital letters; RAYMOND RONALD
KARCZEWSKI, is not a corporate fiction, but is the name of the living, breathing, flesh-
and-blood, sentient, natural
person, the private man in his private capacity.

    4.  PROOF OF CLAIM that the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) describe any other
class of license other than for
commerce or for commercial trade, occupation or profession.

    5.  PROOF OF CLAIM  that this private man is specifically named in the Oregon
State Statutes and more specifically
ORS cites as applied in this matter.  (See the PEOPLE v. HERKIMER, 15 Am Dec 379, 4
Cowen (N.Y. 345, 348

    6.   PROOF OF CLAIM that the STATE OF OREGON, in its Corporate capacity, has
Jurisdiction over this living,
breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person/private man, the Secured Party,
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© in his
private capacity unless consented to, and/or contracted for, by that natural
person/private man.

    7.  PROOF OF CLAIM that the COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE, in its Corporate capacity, has
Jurisdiction over this
living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person/private man, the Secured
Party, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©
in his private capacity unless consented to, and/or contracted for, by that natural
person/private man.

    8.   PROOF OF CLAIM that all "Officers of the Court," which include members of the
DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S staff, are under oath of office to support and defend both U.S.
and OREGON Constitutions.
    9.   PROOF OF CLAIM that Deputies and/or Jail Staff, in their capacity as Agents for
JOSEPHINE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, are bound by their oath of office to
support and defend both U.S.
and OREGON Constitutions.

COUNTY, in its Corporate capacity, has Jurisdiction over this living, breathing, flesh-
and-blood, sentient, natural
person/private man, the Secured Party, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© in his private
capacity unless consented to, and/or
contracted for, by that natural person/private man.

    11.   PROOF OF CLAIM of the existence of the liability and how it was created.

    12.   PROOF OF CLAIM of what 'state' the liability came from, the de jure state
('The State') or the de-facto state
('This State'), a mere corporation.

    13.   PROOF OF CLAIM that the State of Oregon DEPARTMENT OF

Administrative Drivers Licensing process, has Jurisdiction over this living, breathing,
flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural
person/private man, the Secured Party, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© in his private
capacity unless consented to, and/or
contracted for, by that natural person/private man.
    14.  PROOF OF CLAIM that in my private capacity, that I, Raymond Ronald
Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-
and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man, is subject to Class A, B, and C
commercial driver license.
   15. PROOF OF CLAIM that the State of Oregon via the DMV sells any other ‘driver’

    16.  PROOF OF CLAIM that the Motor Vehicle code does not operate upon all
‘drivers’ of ‘all’ vehicles owned or
operated by ‘the United States,’ ‘this state,’ ‘or any county,’ ‘city,’ ‘district,’ ‘or any
other political subdivision of this
state’ … and thus operates upon this private man. (see ORS 801.020)

    17.  PROOF OF CLAIM that my ‘private' vehicle is not a ‘recreational’ vehicle that is
operated solely for personal
(private) use. (see ORS 801.208)

    18.  PROOF OF CLAIM that my ‘private' vehicle is used for the transportation of
persons for compensation or profit,
or designed or used primarily for the transportation of property (for hire). (see ORS

    19. PROOF OF CLAIM that Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-
and-blood, sentient, natural
person, the private man, was a licensee at the time of the ‘stop’ to subject himself to
the motor vehicle code by agreement
and as a signatory. (see Vehicle Traffic Law, 1974 Rev Ed., page 238, 239)

    20. PROOF OF CLAIM that, “In view of this rule a statutory provision that the
supervision officials “may” exempt such
persons when the transportation is not on a commercial basis means that they
“must” exempt them, generally applies in this
matter.  (State v. Johnson, 243 P. 1073; 60 C.J.S. section 94 pg 581)

    21. PROOF OF CLAIM that Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-
and-blood, sentient, natural
person, the private man, does not have the right in light of ORS 801.305.

    22. PROOF OF CLAIM that the ‘entity’ bringing forth this claim can testify on the
witness-stand of the same and bring
all relevant evidence.

    23. PROOF OF CLAIM that the prosecutor, as an agent of the State, has established
a ‘liability bond’ in this action to
indemnify Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood,
sentient, natural person, the private man, in
the event of any damnification.

 The Secured Party/Creditor Raymond Ronald Karczewski© respectfully asks that you
answer these Jurisdictional
questions regarding the Natural Man Raymond Ronald Karczewski within 10 days of
this registered mailing.  A non-
response and/or failure to provide proof of claim will constitute agreement that
charges brought against this living, breathing,
flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, Creditor and Secured Party, Raymond
Ronald Karczewski© are unfounded in
common law.

Failure and/or refusal to bring forth such ‘proof of claim’ will place you in dishonor,
and thus constitute an admission of
damage and injury to Raymond Ronald ©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood,
sentient, natural man in the amount of
$2,000,000.00 (Two Million Dollars)  See Charge back on Attached facsimile of

    Affiant, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, Common Law Trade-Name/Trademark, ©
2002, a living, breathing, flesh-
and-blood, sentient, natural man, does swear and affirm that Affiant has scribed and
read the foregoing facts, and, in
accordance with the best of Affiant's firsthand knowledge and conviction, such are
true, correct, complete, and not
misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

This Affidavit is dated the Twentieth Day of the Ninth Month in the Year of Our Lord
Two Thousand Seven.

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, Secured Party/Creditor, Claimant

     County of Josephine    } ss.

     BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this _______ day of ______________, ______,

Before me, the undersigned, A Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon,
appeared the within named ______________________________________________
known to me to be the identical individual  AS  described in and who executed the
instrument and acknowledged to me that ___________ executed the same freely
and voluntarily.

                    IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set My

                    hand And affixed my official seal the day and Year last
                    above Written.
                            Notary Public of Oregon

                    My Commission expires: _______________________

Attachments:  Copy of Citations and Charge Back

Copies Sent to
Grants Pass Mayor Len Holzinger
Josephine County Board of Commissioners
Josephine County District Attorney's Office
State of Oregon Attorney General Hardy Myers

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