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National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research (NITER)

Department of Textile Engineering

Level 1 Term II
Course Code: TE-1210,
Course Title: Engineering Workshop Practices
Experiment No: 7
Experiment Name: Study of Arc welding Process

Arc welding is a type of welding that uses a welding power supply to create an electric arc
between an electrode and the base material to melt the metals at the welding point. They can
use either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) current, and consumable or non-consumable
electrodes. The welding region is usually protected by some type of shielding gas, vapor, or
slag. Arc welding processes may be manual, semi-automatic, or fully automated. First
developed in the late part of the 19th century, arc welding became commercially important in
shipbuilding during the Second World War. Today it remains an important process for the
fabrication of steel structures and vehicles.

Figure 1: The basic arc welding circuit

In arc welding, the intense heat needed to melt metal is produced by an electric arc. The arc is
formed between the actual work and an electrode (stick or wire) that is manually or
mechanically guided along the joint. The electrode can either be a rod with the purpose of
simply carrying the current between the tip and the work. Or, it may be a specially prepared
rod or wire that not only conducts the current but also melts and supplies filler metal to the

Basic Welding Circuit

The basic arc-welding circuit is illustrated in Fig. 1. An AC or DC power source, fitted with
whatever controls may be needed, is connected by a work cable to the workpiece and by a "hot"
cable to an electrode holder of some type, which makes an electrical contact with the welding
electrode. An arc is created across the gap when the energized circuit and the electrode tip
touches the workpiece and is withdrawn, yet still with in close contact.

The arc produces a temperature of about 6500ºF at the tip. This heat melts both the base metal
and the electrode, producing a pool of molten metal sometimes called a "crater." The crater
solidifies behind the electrode as it is moved along the joint. The result is a fusion bond.

Arc Shielding
However, joining metals requires more than moving an electrode along a joint. Metals at high
temperatures tend to react chemically with elements in the air - oxygen and nitrogen. When
metal in the molten pool comes into contact with air, oxides and nitrides form which destroy
the strength and toughness of the weld joint. Therefore, many arc-welding processes provide
some means of covering the arc and the molten pool with a protective shield of gas, vapor, or
slag. This is called arc shielding. This shielding prevents or minimizes contact of the molten
metal with air. Shielding also may improve the weld. An example is a granular flux, which
actually adds deoxidizers to the weld.

The process is used without application of pressure and with filler metal from the covered
electrode. The sound weld metal deposited by the process is used for both joining and for
applying a functional surface to metal products.

Because of the many possible variations in the composition of the electrode covering and the
large selection of core wire chemistry, the process can produce an extensive range of weld metal
deposits with desirable mechanical and physical properties, while providing for a smooth arc,
uniform metal transfer characteristics, and ease of operation. It is one of the oldest and simplest
welding processes and continues to be widely used.

Figure 2: The coating on a coated (stick) electrode provides a gaseous shield around the arc
and a slag covering on the hot weld deposit.
Figure 2 shows the shielding of the welding arc and molten pool with a Stick electrode. The
extruded covering on the filler metal rod, provides a shielding gas at the point of contact while
the slag protects the fresh weld from the air.

Figure 3: Types of welding joint

 Butt Joint: It is a joint between two materials lying in same plane. They are further of
two types: a square butt joint( to join light sheet metals ) , a beveled butt joint( to join
heavier pieces of metals)
 Lap joint: It is a joint between two overlapping materials. Most commonly used in
resistance spot welding, laser beam welding, and electron beam welding. A lap joint
can be weld from one side, two sides. A lap joint weld on two sides gives more strength.
 Corner joint: It is a joint between two materials placed at right angle to each other. For
welding light sheets of metal , where strength is not required use a closed corner joint
whereas, welding done on one side of heavier metal , use a half corner joint.
 T joint: It is a joint between two materials placed at right angle in the form of T, the
surface of metals are not in the same plane. The metals can be joined like plain tee,
single beveled , double beveled, single J, double J.
 Edge joint: It is a joint between the edges of two or more collateral or nearly
equidistant. It is not a very strong joint. It is mostly used to join edges of sheet metal,
mufflers etc

Safety Issues:
Heat, fire, and explosion hazard
Because many common welding procedures involve an open electric arc or flame, the risk of
burns from heat and sparks is significant. To prevent them, welders wear protective clothing in
the form of heavy leathergloves and protective long sleeve jackets to avoid exposure to extreme
heat, flames, and sparks.
Eye damage
Auto darkening welding hood with 90×110 mm cartridge and 3.78×1.85 in viewing area
Exposure to the brightness of the weld area leads to a condition called arc eye in which
ultraviolet light causes inflammation of the cornea and can burn the retinas of the eyes. Welding
goggles and helmets with dark face plates—much darker than those in sunglasses or oxy-fuel
goggles—are worn to prevent this exposure.

Arc welding Process

This section addresses the procedures as they may apply to fusion welding of steel plate and
provides the basic steps and procedures required to produce an acceptable arc weld. Additional
instruction and information pertaining to arc welding of other metals can be obtained from
special training institutions and the various manufacturers of the welding equipment.

The first step in preparing to arc weld is to make certain that the necessary equipment is
available and that the welding machine is properly connected and in good working order.
Particular attention should be given to the ground connection, since a poor connection results
in a fluctuating arc that is difficult to control.

When using a shielded electrode, the bare end of the electrode should be clamped in
its holder at a 90° angle to the jaws. (Some holders allow the electrode to be inserted
at a 45° angle when needed for various welding positions.)

Before starting to weld, the following typical list of items should be checked:

 Is the proper personal safety equipment being used, including a welding helmet, welding
gloves, protective clothing, and footwear; if not, in an adequately ventilated area,
appropriate breathing equipment?
 Has the ground connection been properly made to the work piece and is it making a good
 Has the proper type and size electrode been selected for the job?
 Is the electrode properly secured in the holder?
 Does the polarity of the machine coincide with that of the electrode?
 Is the machine in good working order and is it adjusted to provide the necessary current
for the job?

The welding arc is established by touching the base metal plate with the electrode and
immediately withdrawing it a short distance. At the instant the electrode touches the plate, a
rush of current flows through the point of contact. As the electrode is withdrawn, an electric
arc is formed, melting a spot on the plate and at the end of the electrode.

Correctly striking an arc takes practice. The main difficulty in confronting a beginner in striking
the arc is sticking the electrode to the work. If the electrode is not withdrawn promptly upon
contact with the metal, the high amperage flows through the electrode causing it to stick or
freeze to the plate and practically short circuits the welding machine. A quick roll of the wrist,
either right or left, usually breaks the electrode loose from the work piece. If that does not work,
quickly unclamp the holder from the electrode, and turn off the machine. A small chisel and
hammer frees the electrode from the metal so it can be regripped in the holder. The welding
machine can then be turned back on.

There are two essentially similar methods of striking the arc. One is the tough or tapping
method. When using this method, the electrode should be held in a vertical position and
lowered until it is an inch or so above the point where the arc is to be struck. Then, the electrode
is lightly tapped on the work piece and immediately lifted to form an arc approximately ¼-inch
in length. [Figure 4]

Figure 4: Touch method of starting on arc

The second (and usually easier to master) is a scratch or sweeping method. To strike
the arc by the scratch method, the electrode is held just above the plate at an angle of
20°–25°. The arc should be struck by sweeping the electrode with a wrist motion and
lightly scratching the plate. The electrode is then lifted immediately to form an arc.
[Figure 5]

Figure 5: Sweeping method of starting the arc

To form a uniform bead, the electrode must be moved along the plate at a constant
speed in addition to the downward feed of the electrode. If the rate of advance is too
slow, a wide overlapping bead forms with no fusion at the edges. If the rate is too fast,
the bead is too narrow and has little or no fusion at the plate.

A good weld bead on a flat plate should have the following characteristics:

 Little or no splatter on the surface of the plate.

 An arc crater in the bead of approximately 1⁄16-inch when the arc has been broken.
 The bead should be built up slightly, without metal overlap at the top surface.
 The bead should have a good penetration of approximately 1⁄16-inch into the base metal.

Figure 6 provides examples of operator’s technique and welding machine settings.

Figure 6: Examples of good and bad stick weld

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