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Answer Sheet in TLE 7 (Cookery) Teacher: __Mr. RD G.

David____ Date: ___January 29, 2021___

Quarter 2 – Module 3 I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of your answer and write it on the blank
Name: ________________________ Section: ___PROSPERITY_____ provided before each number.
Teacher: __Mr. RD G. David____ Date: ___January 29, 2021___ ________1. Kitchen tools should be stored in a __________ to protect it against
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of your answer and write it on the blank vermin and other sources of contamination.
provided before each number. A. Clean Dry Place C. Clear Damp Place
________1. Kitchen tools should be stored in a __________ to protect it against B. Clean Moisten Place D. Cool Dry Place
vermin and other sources of contamination. ________2. Cups, bowls, and glasses shall be________ for storage.
A. Clean Dry Place C. Clear Damp Place A. Damped B. Cleared C. Inverted D. Waxed
B. Clean Moisten Place D. Cool Dry Place ________3. What is the process of putting or keeping things in a special place for
________2. Cups, bowls, and glasses shall be________ for storage. use in the future?
A. Damped B. Cleared C. Inverted D. Waxed A. Cleaning B. Soaking C. Stacking D. Storing
________3. What is the process of putting or keeping things in a special place for ________4. After cooking, ________ used cake pans and muffin tins in warm
use in the future? water with dishwashing solution to soften the baked-on or burnt food.
A. Cleaning B. Soaking C. Stacking D. Storing A. Clean B. Soak C. Stack D. Store
________4. After cooking, ________ used cake pans and muffin tins in warm ________5. Racks, trays and shelves shall be made of the following materials,
water with dishwashing solution to soften the baked-on or burnt food. EXCEPT:
A. Clean B. Soak C. Stack D. Store A. Corrosive-resistant B. Durable C. Imperious D. Porous
________5. Racks, trays and shelves shall be made of the following materials, ________6. What is the process of arranging things in an order pile?
EXCEPT: A. Cleaning B. Soaking C. Stacking D. Storing
A. Corrosive-resistant B. Durable C. Imperious D. Porous ________7. Use a _________ washcloth to wipe off all cake mix splatter from the
________6. What is the process of arranging things in an order pile? mixer.
A. Cleaning B. Soaking C. Stacking D. Storing A. Damp B. Clear C. Cold D. Fragile
________7. Use a _________ washcloth to wipe off all cake mix splatter from the ________8. Where should you store frequently used tools?
mixer. A. Accessible Place C. Hanging Cabinet
A. Damp B. Clear C. Cold D. Fragile B. Hidden Drawers D. High Cabinet
________8. Where should you store frequently used tools? ________9. Why is proper storage and handling of cleaned and sanitized
A. Accessible Place C. Hanging Cabinet equipment and utensils very important?
B. Hidden Drawers D. High Cabinet A. To avoid recontamination C. To promote cleanliness
________9. Why is proper storage and handling of cleaned and sanitized B. To avoid spoilage D. To promote sanitation
equipment and utensils very important? ________10. Which of the following is not included in the group?
A. To avoid recontamination C. To promote cleanliness A. Cleaning B. Packing C. Stacking D. Storing
B. To avoid spoilage D. To promote sanitation
________10. Which of the following is not included in the group?
A. Cleaning B. Packing C. Stacking D. Storing

II. Classification: Read the statements carefully. Write ORGANIZED if the

statement is correct while DISORGANIZED if the statement is incorrect.
______________1. Racks, trays and shelves shall be made of materials that are
Answer Sheet in TLE 7 (Cookery) imperious, corrosive-resistant, non-toxic, smooth, durable and resistant to
Quarter 2 – Module 3 chipping.
_______________2. When not stored in closed cupboards or lockers, utensils and
Name: ________________________ Section: ___PROSPERITY_____
containers should not be covered or inverted.
_______________3. Return electric mixers and other electronic equipment to their _______________7. All wooden spoons and accessories should be moistened
designated storage spaces. before storing.
_______________4. Put frequently used items in a hard to reach place. _______________8. Cups, bowls, and glasses should be inverted for storage.
_______________5. Proper storage and handling of cleaned and sanitized _______________9. Gather and secure electrical cords to prevent entanglement or
equipment and utensils is not that important in preventing re-contamination. snagging.
_______________6. The use of clean and removable towels for lining drawers is _______________10. Store all tools and equipment in their designated places.
discouraged. III. Application: Go to your kitchen. Observe how your family store and stack
_______________7. All wooden spoons and accessories should be moistened kitchen tools and equipment. Take note of your observation and make
before storing. comments/suggestion on how to improve their storing and stacking procedures.
_______________8. Cups, bowls, and glasses should be inverted for storage.
_______________9. Gather and secure electrical cords to prevent entanglement or
_______________10. Store all tools and equipment in their designated places. ______________________________________________________
III. Application: Go to your kitchen. Observe how your family store and stack ____________________________________________________________
kitchen tools and equipment. Take note of your observation and make
comments/suggestion on how to improve their storing and stacking procedures. ____________________________________________________________
II. Classification: Read the statements carefully. Write ORGANIZED if the
statement is correct while DISORGANIZED if the statement is incorrect.
______________1. Racks, trays and shelves shall be made of materials that are
imperious, corrosive-resistant, non-toxic, smooth, durable and resistant to
_______________2. When not stored in closed cupboards or lockers, utensils and
containers should not be covered or inverted.
_______________3. Return electric mixers and other electronic equipment to their
designated storage spaces.
_______________4. Put frequently used items in a hard to reach place.
_______________5. Proper storage and handling of cleaned and sanitized
equipment and utensils is not that important in preventing re-contamination.
_______________6. The use of clean and removable towels for lining drawers is

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