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There has been a rapid increase in the number of educational institutions established especially in

the last four decades all over the world (Bowman, 2017). This development has brought

education to the doorstep of people (Oparah & Oguike 2006). Consequently, it has increased

knowledge and helped produce a population of enlightened citizens who can easily abide by the

rules of civilized society and contribute meaningfully to the process of democratic governance.

Most of the newly established educational institutions however, are using the old conventional

techniques for managing their properties especially hostel facilities. This old techniques with its

inherent limitations have impacted negatively on the overall organizational efficiency of this

educational systems (Bowman, 2017).

A hostel is an establishment which provides inexpensive food and lodging for a specific group of

people, such as students, workers, or travelers (Wikipedia, 2019). In Nigeria today and other

countries, hostel management has become sophisticated than it used to be years ago. The hostel

however has been developed to solve the problem of accommodation for students, visitors and

for reservation purposes (Ezzat, 2002).

Hundreds of students travel from their respective schools to another during any reputable sport

competition and visitation, or for academic purposes. Most times, they're filled with the anxiety

of where to lodge within the short period of time. Hence, man’s quest for solving this problem

results in building of hostels or lodges in order to control the problem of accommodation.

Therefore, within a building where people stay, usually within a pre-defined period of time
paying for their rooms and meals can be of the following: Motel, Resorts, Lodging house or


However, hostel allocation has always been done manually in such a way that one may wonder

how to cope with recent development in increasing students’ population. Hence, there is need for

hostel management perspective to change from manual system, which is time consuming and

labor intensive to computerized and online system.

Thus, this research is aimed at finding a systematic approach to computerize the hostel

management and clearance system such that students can fill their hostel accommodation form

online and check their allocation result online so that it can be processed at a high speed. Also,

this research is to provide an online system, which will help to speed up accommodation



Hostel room allocation is the process of assigning students or occupants of a particular hostel to

their respective rooms and bed space. Before a particular student can be allocated to a room, the

student must have been confirmed cleared for the hostel. The use of manual method in hostel

allocation and clearance is tedious and time consuming; the manual method of allocation is prone

to errors. Therefore a computerized method should be adopted in hostel management because it

involves little effort, saves time, reliable and data is processed at a very high speed. The hostel

manager (also known as a portal) keeps record of unoccupied or allocated rooms on a source

document so as to know where to allocate a student. Thus the information gathered from the

respective students are time consuming (Smithey, 2009). They may in some cases be inaccurate

and untimely. therefore to avoid this problems, a better method can be adopted which involves
computerizing the allocation system where each student can access the internet and provide the

required information or data. This computerized version will consume less time it is easier to

operate, more efficient and reliable.

However, the method of room allocation being used in the manual system is full of biasness as

the portals of the hostel don’t follow a particular order in assigning rooms and clearing the

students. Instead, they adopt the method of bribery and extortion from students before they are

being allocated to their rooms which make the whole process very stressful and frustrating to


Moreover, clearing students is a very tedious operation as it involves the process of verifying the

details of each student who registered for hostel and also verifying their identity and payment

history through the school database. This process involves lots of paperwork, signing and

stamping of various payment receipts, which in turn makes the clearance process extremely

slow. With the aid of this project, the whole hostel allocation method and clearance would be

extremely easier to carry out as the web application would be connected to the school database

and make all verifications easier when students register. Students would be automatically

assigned to their rooms immediately after they have been cleared on the basis of First Come First

Serve. This has totally eradicated the problems being faced by the manual method.


The aim of this research work is to develop a web based application for hostel allocation and

clearance system for Kwara State University. To achieve the aim of this research work, the

following objectives are to be met:

a) To study the existing method for room allocation and hostel clearance.
b) To design a model for the new system for room allocation using the First Come

First Serve (FCFS) algorithm.

c) To understand the conditions to be met before a particular student can be cleared

for hostel

d) To develop the web application and deploy it on the internet to make it accessible

to all students.


The extent to be covered in this research work is to develop a web based application which will

be used for hostel management and will also serve as a clearance system. In this research work,

students can send or fill their hostel accommodation form, from any computer system that is

connected to the internet and the information will be sent to the system’s central database. This

research work is limited to Kwara State University hostel and will only be used for hostel

management and also for the clearance of students for hostel.


The significance of this study is to bring to focus the need and importance of a web based hostel

allocation and clearance system. However, some of the basic roles played by computerized

hostel management system include

a) Effective method of getting allocation result.

b) Effective method of completing or filling of hostels forms.

c) Effective method of balloting and allocations.

d) Effective method of getting students information.

e) Easier means of getting students cleared for hostel.


Contains background of the study to the whole write up, aim

CHAPTER ONE and objectives of the study, statement of the problem, the

justification of the study, the scope and limitation of the study

and the project layout.

Contains the literature review of the study and review of related
Presents the analysis of the existing system, advantages of the

proposed system, design and implementation, programming

language used with reasons, hardware and software support.

Contains the system design implementation and documentation,

CHAPTER FOUR design of the system, output design, input design, procedural

design, and documentation of the new system.

CHAPTER FIVE Contains the summary, recommendation and conclusion.



Reshmi R., Rinsha P.A and Roopasree R (2014) wrote an article on “Online Hostel

Management System” is software developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the

past few years the number of educational institutions is increasing rapidly. Thereby the number

of hostels is also increasing for the accommodation of the students studying in this institution.

And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s are not

usually used in this context. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel

and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually. Identification of the drawbacks of

the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the

existing system with the system which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can

improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system.

(Reshmi R., Rinsha P.A and Roopasree R, 2014)

Muhammed S., Muhammed S.A., Vinod R.R. and Prasobh G.V (2009) wrote an article

on “Hostel Management System” As the name specifies “Hostel Management System” is a

software developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the

number of educational institutions is increasing rapidly. Thereby the number of hostels are also

increasing for the accommodation of the students studying in this institution. And hence there is

a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s are not usually used in this

context. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids the

problems which occur when carried manually. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing

system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing

system with the system which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the

efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. (i) Less human
error (ii) Strength and strain of manual labor can be reduced (iii) High security (iv) Data

redundancy can be avoided to some extent (v) Data consistency (vi) Easy to handle (vii) Easy

data updating (viii) Easy record keeping (ix) Backup data can be easily generated. (Muhammed

S., Muhammed S.A., Vinod R.R. and Prasobh G.V, 2009)

Jonathan E. (2017) wrote an article on “Student Hostel Allocation System” This Project

work intends to address some of the problems encountered in the allocation of hostels to students

manually in Caritas University Amorji Nike Enugu. The growing number of students in higher

institutions posed a lot of accommodation problems on the part of students and School

Management. Some of the problem caused includes, Few hostels that exist in the University are

not Properly managed, Statistic of rooms required to match the growing number of students are

farfetched, Student pays fee for hostel and may end up not getting rooms because of lack of bed,

Hostel administrators cannot give accurate information of the occupancy of a particular room. In

respect to all these existing problems a system will be designed to manage a database for

allocating hostel to student. The system designed will keep track of all the available rooms, their

occupants and funds generated from hostel fees. The New system will be implemented using

Visual Basic 6.0 and access Data. (Jonathan E., 2017)

Oluwagbemiga S., Braimah S.A. and Olaniyi D. (2016) wrote an article on “Design and

Implementation of Hostel Management System (HOMASY)” A hostel management system

(HOMASY) was designed to provide a computerized process that is stress free, reliable and

quick through the use of PHP computer programming language and MySQL database application

to both the students and the staff in charge of the registration and hostel management processes.

HTML would be at the front-end and provide the graphical user interface that relates with the
user, while the MySQL database will be at the back-end to handle the data storage process. The

porter and students' affairs officers will also be able to access and create student records with

ease and regular update of student profile is enhanced when adopted. The usual practice of filing

and procedures involved in students' registration and hostel accommodation in Lagos State

University and other university was appraised for efficiency, economics and time management.

The existing procedure was formed to be manually carried out. This is associated with

inadequacies as more personnel are often required and a lot of times are wasted while the

semester is on with lectures and other activities. (Oluwagbemiga S., Braimah S.A. and Olaniyi

D., 2016)

Agbem Paul Terwase (2005) wrote an article on “Design and Implementation of Hostel

Allocation System.” Managing the student accommodation application process in Federal

University of Technology is a complex and time-sensitive task. This particular project deals with

the problems of allocating hostels to student in Federal University of Technology and to avoid

the problems which occur when carried out manually. The aim of this research is to produce a

system that will automatically allocate rooms to students in a fair way, even if demand exceeds

supply. Information for this research will be collected from two forms of data which are primary

data and secondary data. This can be achieved by semi-structured interviews, unstructured

discussion and exploitation of the services of the library from textbooks, journals, internet and

other materials to garner a better understanding. The implementation technology will be J2EE.

The likely result of this research will be hostel allocation software for Federal University of

Technology. (Agbem Paul Terwase, 2005)


It is safe to say that most activities such as hostel allocation carried out in most universities and

polytechnics in Nigeria are done manually. Therefore, there is a lot of strain on the individuals

running the hostels. An E-Hostel system is simply software developed for managing most

activities that take place in the hostels with the help of a hostel administrator.

The goal of this research work is to provide a solution to the problem of hostel management, by

designing a computerized system which is user-friendly and GUI-oriented that will be

compatible with the existing manual systems. The software to be developed will solve the

problem of hostel management; thus helping to reduce problems associated with the manual

hostel management system.


The hostel allocation system is software to provide college students accommodation to the

university hostel more efficiently. This project also keeps details of the hostellers and applied

students. It is headed by the administrator. For accommodating a large number of students into

hostel. This project is intended to minimize human works and make hostel allocation an easier

job for KWASU students and hostel authorities by providing this application for hostel,

automatically select the students from the waiting list and mess calculation, complaint

registration, notice board etc Students will get approval notification in their mails. Hostellers can

view notice board, hostel fee, mess menu by login into the online system.


According to Sudlier (1975) in his book “Housekeeping management stated that prince

characteristics of motels are accessibility and convenience for motorists, hence they are mostly
located on the fringe of cities and near major high ways, motels are increasing in their number

throughout the world. This is because of the increase in the number of tourist in the world.


Resorts hotels are located closer to an entertainment, place swimming pools private beaches

tennis courts and other residential facilities.

According to Bella (1978) in her book titled economic division making in hotels stated “Resort

hostels by their operation are usually located on area popular to their national tourist attractions

and not necessarily in the major cities and in complementing city hotels.


According to Melduk (1986) in his book titled catering and hostel management 4th edition started

that commercial hostels are primary established to appeal to individual traveling on business and

course staying for a short time. It provides comfortable accommodation ranging from modest

bedrooms and coffee shops to elegant and first class restaurant. By the nature of their operation,

commercial hostels are usually situated near business district or town center in major cities.


According to Boella in his books economic decision making in hostels (1986). The personal

record of individuals allocated to rooms in hostels should be carefully designed for it to provide

valuable information quickly and easily. Information can get to the allocation system through the


 Verbal conversation

 Correspondence
 Telephone conversation

 E-mail

 Internet

The details of information, which are often required by the allocation clerks, are;

 Name of the guest

 Arrival time and data

 Department time and date

 The quest address

 Number of rooms wanted

 Types of room wanted

 Does he or she wish to stay single or double in a room?


When the allocation is conformed quests are often as to pay a non-refundable deposit. A receipt

is usually sent back with the information of the quest. In case of conciliation of the booking the

allocation procedures has been reserved. In that case the booking is closed through the diary. All

details of booking and conciliation re saved in other and the date of arrivals of quest and each

type of room allocated has a different description.


Reservation chart has to be kept and checked to establish whether or not possible to accept

waiting list or even to be refused. The procedures for taking a booking must be familiar to the

allocation clerk and the step for each procedure must be followed accurately.


Web database connectivity is a client server architecture that allow a web page to query and

update remote database managed by servers on the internet as stated by mannino (2004).

COMMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE (CGI): Allows a web server to communicate with an

external program. The external program uses the parameters to produce output that is sent back

to the browser usually the output contain HTML/XML so that the browser can display it

properly. The (CGI) approach is portable across most web servers, although the external program

may not be potable. The external program can be written in a compiled language like (or an

interpreted language like pearl or PhP.

The CGI provides several ways to facilitate database connectivity, in the straight CGI approach

the external program send SQC statements to the database server and encodes the result in

HTML or XML format. In the hybrid CGI approach usually provides better performances

because the partner program manages database connections among multiple CGI, processes. In

effect the partner program performs some middleware function.

SERVER SIDE CONNECTIVITY: Is an approach to web database connectivity in which a

browser communicates with a database server without invoking an external program. Although

server side connectivity is more sealable than common gateway interface. It requires a

specialized web server or a separate middleware server. Server side connectivity by passes the

external program needed with the CGI approaches. The web server directly communicates with

the database server without invoking an external program.

However, to utilize server side connectivity the program writes SQC statement and associated

database processing logic in a web page or external file to insulate the client form the database

logic the database. Code can execute stored procedures on the database server. The database
code is enclosed in special symbols to indicate that it executes on the server not the client. For

example Microsoft provides server side technology known as active server pages. In an active

server page, code surrounded by the special character <% and %> executes on the server not the

client. Database code can be used in an active server page to query and update remote database.

After the database server processes the request the web server sends the database result back to

the browser as HTML or XML other technologies such as java server page and PHP pages

operates, similarly to active server pages.


It is a style of computing on the World Wide Web in which client computing capacity can be

more fully utilized without storing code on the client. Client side connectivity can enhance

database connectivity by providing a more customized interface, then permitted by HTML and

by allowing data buffering by client. Although server side connectivity supports multiple tier

architectures, it dies not fully export client computing capability. In the server side connectivity

approaches, the browser is limited to interpretation of XML and HTML. Even with the scripting

capabilities supported by most web browser. Client computing capabilities can be underutilized.

The client side approaches utilize available computing capabilities without storing the code on

the client. The client side approaches can be integrated with the server side approaches described

above. This combination provides the advantages of multiple tier client server architecture with

customized interface on a PC client PC client remain this because the customization code resides

on a remote server. Before going deep into database and web connectivity we have to look at the

work of some scholars in computerization and database design.

Basrber DLA in his contribution says that computerization does not only involves computer

technology consisting of only hardware and software but also the communication link. That is it

establishes the link/connection for data communication devices to interact and share data as well

as transforming or keeping records and these records are always available whenever they are

needed. And the need of carrying office files from place to another is eliminated and in most

cases some may get lost or be tempered with transit.

Like in federal polytechnic nekede computerization help to keep accurate student records, in

which case one can call up a student record to find out necessary information about the student

when needed. This helps to reduce redundancy in collecting students records and also eliminate

the problem of missing of some files.

French (2000) defined database as single organized collection of structured data stored with a

minimum of duplication of database so as to provide a consistent and controls pool of data.

Mannino M.V. defined database as a collection of persistent data that can be steam and

independent of the program that uses the data. Databases are normally set up in order to meet the

information need of major parts of an organization. It is not possible to construct a database in

one single operation. It is usually built up section by section. During this process it is possible to

build section by section.

A database requires being stored on large capacity direct access device. The usual medium is the

magnetic disk for security purpose, a copy of the database may be held on a magnetic tape or

disk. Like in the student affairs department student data may be duplicated but it is important to

realize the duplication is minimized and controlled.

The is referred to as a controlled redundancy, although to the user, the database may appear as a

collection of files, data in database is organized in a more complex way than data in conventional

file. Database may be classified according to the approach taken to database organization. The

classes are relational, network hierarchical. But this project work will discuss more, on relational

database that is, it uses, types of table called relations. Data description, be standardized for this

reason a data description language (DDL) provided which must be used to specify the data in the

database. Similarly, a data manipulation language (DML) is provided which must be used to

access the data. The function of these two languages may be compared to the declarations and

processing statement in a conventional programming language.

Since complex files are processed in the database a complex software system called database

management system is required to constructs expands and maintains the database. It provides the

controlled interface between the user and the data in the database. The DBMS allocates storage

to data, it maintains indices so that any required data can be retrieved and so that separate items

of data in the database can be boss referenced. The DBMS provides facilities for different type of

file processing such as process a complete file (serially or sequentially)’; process required

records (selective, sequential or random) and retrieved individual records. It has the functions of

providing security for the data in the database.

Mannino M.V. present a set of guideline to make normalization more intensive, normalization is

the process of removing redundancy in a table so that the table is easier to modify. A number of

normal forms have been developed to remove redundancy. A normal form is a rule about

allowable dependencies. Each normal form removes certain kinds of redundancies first normal

form (INF) is the starting point, all tables without repeating groups are in INF. 2NF is storage

than 1NF only a subset of the 1NF tale is in 2NF. Each successive normal form refines the
previous normal form to remove additional kinds of redundancies. Because BCNF (Boyee Code

Normal Form) is a revised (and stronger) definition for 3NF – 3NF and BCNF are shown in the

same way 2NF and 3NF/BCNF are rules about functional dependencies. If the functional

dependencies for a table match the specified pattern, the table is in the specified normal form.



The system was designed with Sublime web development package which involves the use of

PHP server-side scripting language, MYSQL for database management and Bootstrap

Framework for the page design and layout settings. Hence, the program testing simply involves

running it directly from a Mozilla Firefox web browser on local host server provided by Apache

2.0 in WampServer 2.0 application.


The population of students gaining admission to higher institutions is increasing on yearly basis.

This is putting enormous pressure on the facilities in these institutions. Adopting the

conventional manual scheduling methods to the facility allocation job is the common practice in

most institutions here in developing world. This method is characterized by numerous

drawbacks, some of which are human error, low security, data redundancy, difficulty in

management, difficulty in data update, difficulty in record keeping, difficulty in data recovery in

case of disaster etc. Thus, to enhance the administration of hostel facilities, there is need for

application of effective optimization methods and scheduling algorithms on the part of the

authority managing the facilities. The proposed system addresses the drawbacks of the existing

system and ensures data integrity. The system is more user-friendly and GUI- oriented.


Most of these hostel facilities especially in institutions in developing countries are managed with
Conventional manual methods and this has been impacting negatively on the effective resource

utilization and overall efficiency of these academic institutions. The manual method of allocating

and administering hostels in institutions is obviously not effective as it is attributed to the

following challenges:

i. Difficulties in record management - data redundancy, difficulty in data update;

difficulty in data recovery; difficulties in generating information about those students

who had left the hostel, vulnerability to manipulations/human error;

ii. Difficulty in tracking the history of a facility – a room or chalet or building;

iii. Registration for hostel allocation is done manually, thus over time, handling of the

paper files becomes cumbersome and untidy as the population of student increases;

iv. The whole exercise is time-consuming and a waste of human and material resources.


The proposed system provides solution to the problems of traditional method of managing hostel

facilities. The system attempts to improve institutions’ hostel services for stakeholders -

administrator, management and students of the hostel. It automates the administrative processes

and reduces the stress associated with searching for information on a student/a facility in a

bundle of registers. It is specially designed to centrally allocate and manage accommodation

spaces in a typical student’s hostel. The system user can store the data of those students who had

left the hostel, and check the personal profile (retrieves from the database) of all the current

students within few minutes. The students in the hostel will be recognized from the ID number

allocated at the point of room allocation. This system automatically calculates all the bills and

issues notifications to those students. It can also keep records and generates letters to sanction
some students who contravene rules and regulations. The system has a unique approach to

tracking information and report generation which is vital in data handling. This makes the

proposed system more robust, more reliable and efficient. Entire gamut of the system comprises

of several modules for room allocation, activities. It can be well defined to track performance

within the application of hostel allocation system. The system uses one single central database to

handle the complexity of student’s hostels management and all administrative functions.

The hostel allocation and clearance management system is a web based user-friendly

application package specifically designed to automate, coordinate and look after all the processes

of managing hostel facility. It is useful especially in large educational institutions with college

hostels, school hostels, and organizations like military, large corporations and establishments

with working employees’ hostels. All the functions that hostel management entails can easily be

managed by hostel management software

Modular Design

Modular design is an approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts (modules) that can be

Independently created and then used in different systems to drive multiple functionalities

 Administrator Login Module

The Administrator can:

i. Allot different students to the different hostels.

ii. Evict student from hostel.

iii. Determine the status of the fee payment.

iv. Edit the details of the students & modify student records.

v. Clear every student that had paid his/her dues.

 Student Registration Module

This module consists of details of the students such as registration number, name, date of birth,

address, blood group, genotype, phone number, year, class, room no, guardian name and phone

number, etc. Here the details are entered and updated.

 Attendance Module

In this module, attendance details are maintained. Hence the up to date attendance of each

student is maintained.

 Room Module

In this module, the room number is allocated to students in the hostel and the details of the each

student are maintained and updated regularly.


The advantages of the new system over the existing system are listed below:

i. It is very easy: The new system is very easy to adopt.

ii. It saves time: The new system eradicate the manual method of managing and allocation

hostel for students.

iii. User Friendliness: The new system is easy to interact with.

iv. Efficiency: The new system is efficient, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing




Generally, all efforts are geared toward designing a system program that eliminates all the
setbacks of the existing manual method. This new approach is simple, efficient and guaranteed.

The system is designed in order to meet the goal and objective of the organization. The
design of the system is intended to solve the various problems contributed in the manual method
of Hostel Allocation and Clearance System.


It refers to the report expected to be generated from files in database. The generated
reports are lists of view, index page e.t.c.. Below are the snapshots of the output designs

Figure 4.1: Home Page Screenshot: This is the first page that display when the application is run
or load
Figure 4.2: Check Clearance Page Screenshot: This is the page where users check if he/she had
been cleared

Figure 4.3: Print Clearance Page Screenshot: This is where users print their clearance slip
Figure 4.4: View Student Page Screenshot: This is where the admin views student uploaded

Figure 4.5: Cleared Student Page Screenshot: This is where the admin views cleared student


Design is a way of mapping and arranging part into a whole, which satisfies the objective
involved. The input design refers to the type of all data used to feed information into the database
via the program and the format and the input used for the system. Below are the snapshots of the
input designs

Figure 4.6: Create Account Page Screenshot: This is where student register his/her account

Figure 4.7: Student Login Page Screenshot: This is where student enter their username and
Figure 4.8: Register Page Screenshot: This is where student enter all their information

Figure 4.9: Add Room Page Screenshot: This is where users input the hostel details


Database entails the organization and access mode that are implemented in carrying out our
specified operations upon the records of the file.
Figure 4.10: Add Hostel Table Structure: This is the Add Hostel database where data are stored
and retrieved.

Figure 4.11: Allocation Table Structure: This is the allocation database where data are stored
and retrieved.

Figure 4.12: Hostel Payment Table Structure: This is the Hostel Payment database where data
are stored and retrieved
Figure 4.13: Other Charges Table Structure: This is the other charges database where data are
stored and retrieve

Figure 4.14: Registration Table Structure: This is the registration database where data are stored
and retrieve

Figure 4.15: School Payment Table Structure: This is the School payment database where data
are stored and retrieve
Figure 4.16: Student Table Structure: This is the student database where data are stored and

Figure 4.17: Users Table Structure: This is the admin database where data are stored and


The application is designed in Adobe CS4 Dreamweaver web development package which

involves the use of PHP server-side scripting language, MYSQL for database management and

Bootstrap Framework for the page design and layout settings. Hence, the program testing simply

involves running it directly from a Mozilla Firefox web browser on local host server provided by

Apache 2.0 in WampServer 2.0 application.



This is the detailed description of the proposed system. It is important because it helps to design

and implement a system that would allow business owner to see expiry date of product by getting

into the application when needed. It also helps to design and implement an application that will

be more interactive and more information about company activities.


Step 1: Boot your computer and click on start button on task bar

Step 2: Launch wamp server

Step 3: Login to your Application

4.1 Click create an account (to create an account)

4.2 Click on Student Portal (to enter Student Portal)

4.3 Click on Admin Login (to Login to the Admin Portal)

4.4 Click on About (to view the about Page)

Step 5: Logout



There has been an astronomical increase in the number of educational institutions established

especially in the last four decades all over the world. This development has brought education to

the doorstep of people. Consequently it has increased knowledge and helped produce a

population of enlightened citizens who can easily abide by the rules of civilized society and

contribute meaningfully to the process of democratic governance. Most of the newly established

educational institutions however, are using the old conventional techniques for managing their

assets especially hostel facilities. This old techniques with its inherent limitations have impacted

negatively on the overall organizational efficiency of this educational systems. The developed

system overcomes the drawbacks of traditional methods of hostel management; it is more user-

friendly, graphical-user-interface oriented, reliable, efficient and secured with access control



Hostel Accommodation and clearance System is a user-friendly computer-based system for

managing hostel facilities in institutions. It has been designed to automate, manage and look after

the overall processing of records of students residing in a large hostel. It is capable of managing

Enquiry details, Student Details, Payment Details etc. The developed system provides solution to

manual hostel management problems and also provides information such as hostel information,

hostel room information, and hostel accounts information. The software offers stability, cost-
effectiveness and usability. It provides the most flexible and adaptable standards management

system solutions for hostel.


The case study presented in this paper outlined all the system development processes involved in

developing the Hostel Room Allocation and clearance System. The proposed system can be

expanded and exaggerated with numerous additional features which will help in raising the

revenues and attracting more customers to stay in IIUM hostel such as:

(i) Food Ordering System -the system can have order food online option which lists all

restaurants that can deliver food to IIUM Hostels, which allow IIUM to charge these

restaurants and increase their revenues.

(ii) Transportation Ordering System- Many students don’t have their own cars and

need to order a taxi most of times, so IIUM can collaborate with Taxi companies and

act as a mediator

(iii) Laundries System - in the same way IIUM can collaborates with laundries to

enhance their services and to strengthen customer relationship. The system and the

project can be considered a success in its current phase, and the project team shall

move on to close the project successfully, and plan for future iterations and phases.

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The Malaysian public sector ICT strategic plan 2106 -2020 (Mambu)

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