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Theory Paper Grade 1 2019 C IIIIL ltis

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Duration 1½ hours copyright

Candidates should answer ALL questions. TOTAL MARKS

Write your answers on this paper - no others will be accepted.
Answers must be written clearly and neatly - otherwise marks may be lost.

1 (a) Add the time signature to each of these three melodies.

10 ~J
~=• r r· I JJ II

• 'I I II

f t IF rrr II

(b) Add the missing bar-lines to this melody. The first bar-line is given.

,z r r r It r r f F rJ

r f II

2 Write the dynamics f mp ff pp p '"!f in the correct order,
from the loudest to the quietest. The first answer is given.

© 2019 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music 11

3 Answer both (a) and (b). (...___10 _J
k d * as shown in the
(a) Name the degree of the scale (e.g. 2nd, 3rd) of each of the notes mar e ,
first answer. The key is D major.

* * *
* * * * * *
l Jj I .J J
1st ............ ............

(b) How many semiquavers (16th notes) is the last note of the melody worth?

4 Name the key of each of these scales. Also draw a bracket ( r--7) over each pair of notes [10
making a semitone, as shown in the first scale. J

r J IJ J J J J I Key ... ... .. .... ........... .. .... .. .... ...... ... ..... ..... ...

}J F If I Key ..... ... ... ... ........ ............ .... ... .. ... .. ........ .

fl I J I Key ... .. ..... ... ... ... .... ........ .................... ..... .

5 Answer both (a) and (b).

~ - - ~ (1
('---10 ______,J
(a) Add the correct clef to each of these tonic triads.


F major D major

Letter names

(b) Under each triad write the letter name of each note, including the sharp sign where necessary.

6 After each note write a higher note to form the named melodic interval within the key of
G major. The first answer is given.


n l
II f e


itt e II ~:I II
7th 2nd 5th

7 Next to each rest write a note that has the same time value. The first answer is given .
('------10_ )

• 7' II - II :; II


8 Tick one box for each term/sign, as shown in the first answer. [10 )

• crescendo means:

gradually getting quieter

gradually getting louder



very loud
rail. means:

gradually getting slower

held back

loud moderately loud slow

quick moderately quiet gradually getting quicker

Allegro moderato means: r means: dal segno (D.S.) means:

moderately loud staccato: smoothly repeat from the sign %

moderately quiet staccato: detached the end

moderately slow accent the note repeat from the beginning

moderately quick legato: detached in time

9 Look at this melody and then answer the questions below.

Allegro J= 100 rail,

, ~~II1~J~~~sJ~J ~J~Ij§J~]l#l~:L~-~f~;ffi~~- ~jj~J~.4~i~J~t}~-ir

-~I =~O

Write your answer to question (b) 011 tile stave below.

(a) (i) Give the number of a bar that contains

all the notes of the tonic triad of D major. Bar .......... ..

(ii) How many bars contain semiquavers (16th notes)? .......... ..

(iii) Give the letter name of the loudest note in the melody. .. .................... ..

(iv) Answer TRUE or FALSE to these sentences:

All the notes in bars 1-2 can be found in the key of D major.

The upper 4 in j means the number of beats in a bar. .. ... ......... ... .. .. .... ..

(b) Copy out the music from the start of bar 1 to the end of bar 2, exactly as it is written above.
Don't forget the clef, key signature, time signature, tempo marking, dynamic and all other
details. Write the music on the blank stave above question (a).


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