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S. no.

Leave Code Leave Type Apply Rules

1. Can't be clubbed (before or after) with any leave except 2.
Special Casual Leave
1 1001 Casual Leave 3. Working day will be considered only
4. Back dated application Allowed
5. Maximum 5 days can be applied at a time

1. Maximum Limit 300 +15 can be accumulate

2. Maximum 180 day can be applied in one go
2 1000 Earned Leave 3. Calendar day will be considered
4. Back date application not allowed

1. For three days Doctor prescription is applicable

2. After Three days and above Medical Certificate and fitness
certificate required to be submitted
3. Calendar day will be considered
5.Non-Medical ground will be considered in
A. If Commuted Leave is clubbed with Adoption and Maternity
leave employee can apply maximum 60 days without Medical
Certificate in maximum for 2 children
3 1002 Commuted Leave
B. If Commuted Leave is clubbed with Study leave employee
can apply maximum 90 days without Medical Certificate in
entire service
6. Maximum 180 days can be applied at a time in case of Study
leave(90 days will get deducted from HPL)
5. Deduction will happen from Half Pay Leave Quota
7. For example If employee is applying for 5 days Commuted
Leave, 10 days will get deducted from HPL

1. Maximum Limit of Maternity leave is 180 days

4 1003 Maternity Leave 2. Maximum for 2 child
3. Calendar day will be considered
4. Only applicable for Female employees

1. Maximum Limit is 15 days

5 1004 Paternity Leave 2. Maximum for 2 child
3. Calendar day will be considered
4. Only applicable for Male
5.Have to be taken within 6 month from child DOB
1.Child Care Leave can be taken 3 times in a calendar year and
6 1005 Child Care Leave 2. 6 times in case of single female in a calendar year.
3. Minimum 5 days need be applied
4. Calendar day will be considered
5. Maximum limit 730 days
6. For general child till 18 years leave can apply.
7. For disabled above 40 % child till 22 years leave can apply
8. IF child age is going to complete 22/18 years during the leave
period in this case it should allow only remaining days.
9. Can be combined with Leave not due, commuted leave(not
exceeding 60 days)

a. National Level Sports 30/10 days,

7 1006 Special Casual Leave bicultural activities 30/15 days in one calendar year
family Planning Male employee 5 days/21 days/ 3 days
family Planning Female employee 10 days/10 days/ 1 days/ 21
days/ 1 days
union/Association Activates 20/10/5 days
f. It can be combined with other leaves like EL,HPL and CL.

1.The reporting officer of an employee shall have the provision

to apply this leave type on behalf of an employee in case of
WR Illness and injury critical injury on site
8 1007
leave(WRIL) 2. Calendar day will be considered
3.No limit
4. Applicable only in case of other leave are exsoted (EL and

1. Applicable after completion of 5 years of service

9 1008 Study Leave 2. The approving authority for study leave is the cadre
controlling authority
3. Maximum 24 months/ 36 month for PHD in entire service
4. 1 year at a time
Calendar day will be considered

10 Special Disability Leave Combined with WRIL

11 1010 Half Pay Leave

1. Half pay leave can be granted without medical certificate.

2. Maximum 180 days can be applied at a time

1. Female employee (PA0002- )medical certificate not required

in case of maternity leave and child (PA0021 subtype: 2 child)
12 1012 Leave not due adaptation (child should be below one year (GBDAT =
SYDATUM <1 year) For all other employee Medical certificate
2. If all other leave quota exposed then only applicable
3. Maximum 360 days allowed in employment tenure

1. Extraordinary Leave can be combined with all other leaves

other than casual leave
2. Limit
13 1013 Extra ordinary Leave a. All officers : 3month with or without MC
b. With 1 yr service: 6 month for common ailment and 18
month for major illness
c. with 3yr service: Upto 24 month for study
d. For SC/ST officer: 3 months or more approved by HOD
e. for example if emp applied for 1 month EOL and 15 days any
other leave(EL etc.) and again applied for EOL for 1 Month. It
will be considered as 2.5 months EOL
3. It will not exceed 5 years of continuous Leave

1. Adoption leave to female employees can't be granted for

14 1014 Leave female Govt. AL more than 2 children
2.Maximum 180 days for per children
3.Only applicable to female employee

1. Maximum Limit is 45 days at a time

15 1016 Miscarriage Leave 2. Multiple application is allowed
3. Calendar day will be considered
4. Certificate is mandatory

1.Need to provide actual time of leaving and joining

16 1015 Station Leave Permission 2.All fields (Leaving and Joining date, time, contact no, address)
are mandatory

1.Can be applied only on declared RH only

17 1017 2.Maximum 2 RH can be availed in a calendar year
Restricted Holiday 3. It can be clubed with CL
On screen rules

1. Can't be clubbed (before or after) with any leave except 2.

Special Casual Leave
3. Maximum 5 days can be applied at a time
4. Half day leave is allowed

1. Maximum 180 day can be applied in one go

2. Back date application not allowed

1. Till three days Doctor prescription is applicable

2. After Three days and above Medical Certificate and fitness
certificate required to be submitted
3.Non-Medical ground will be considered in
A. If Commuted Leave is clubbed with Adoption and Maternity
leave employee can apply maximum 60 days without Medical
Certificate in maximum for 2 children
B. If Commuted Leave is clubbed with Study leave employee
can apply maximum 90 days without Medical Certificate in
entire service
4. Maximum 180 days can be applied at a time in case of Study
leave(90 days will get deducted from HPL) with MC
5. For example If employee is applying for 5 days Commuted
Leave, 10 days will get deducted from HPL

1. Maximum Limit of Maternity leave is 180 days

2. Maximum for 2 child
3. Only applicable for Female employees

1. Maximum Limit is 15 days

2. Maximum for 2 child
3. Only applicable for Male
4.Have to be taken within 6 month from child DOB
1.Child Care Leave can be taken 3 times in a calendar year and
2. 6 times in case of single female in a calendar year.
3. Minimum 5 days need be applied
4. Maximum limit 730 days
6. For general(Normal) child till 18 years leave can apply.
7. For disabled above 40 % child till 22 years leave can apply
8. IF child age is going to complete 22/18 years during the leave
period in this case it should allow only remaining days.
9. Can be combined with Leave not due, commuted leave(not
exceeding 60 days)

If officer leaves the station

he/she should provide
address and phone number
and Joining and leaving time
and date
1. Maximum Limit is 45 days at a time
2. Multiple application is allowed
3. Certificate is mandatory

1.Need to provide actual time of leaving and joining

2.All fields (Leaving and Joining date, time, contact no, address)
are mandatory

1.Can be applied only on declared RH only

2.Maximum 2 RH can be availed in a calendar year
Credit Rule Remark

Maximum 8 leave per year LTC can be availed during CL

1.If employee is not availing all given

1. 15 leaves are to be credited on 1st January and 1st Joining time on transfer leave days will be
July each year credited or added into EL on basis of
2. If employee have taken Extras ordinary Leave/Diesnon employee information and Joining date
period is more than 10 days in that case, in next half record
yearly cycle EL quota will be reduced by 1/10 for that 2.Need Attachment option in ESS portal
period, with two fields Address and Phone
4. maximum 15 days deduction is allowed only Number
5. Round off will be upper side if 1.45 will be round of to 3. In case of Separation maximum 300 EL
2 can be encased(BASIC+DA)
5. If employee is on WRIL no quota will be generated for
those period

1.Need Attachment option in ESS portal

2.Gazetted(employee group AG and BG) &
Non-Gazette (employee group BN and CN)
leave rules need to be added in commuted
leave (recognized hospital certificate

Need Attachment option in ESS portal to

attach Intimation/confinement letter.

a) Intimation in advance must be sent

b) Provision of attaching mandatory
documents should be available
Need Attachment option in ESS portal to
Quota for full tenure is 730 days
attach Intimation letter.

Attachment Option Required in ESS portal.

1.Need Attachment option in ESS portal to

attach Medical Certificate.
2.Payment part will be considered in

Need Attachment option in ESS portal to

attach Permission Letter.
Course should be certified by Institution.
Out of India Study not applicable
Need Attachment option in ESS portal to
attach Medical Certificate.
1.10 leaves are to be credited on 1st January and 1st July
each year
2. No upper limit
3.If employee in suspension/Diesnon period in that case,
in next half yearly cycle HPL quota will be reduced by
1/18 for that period, subject to maximum 10 days
4. If employee is on WRIL no quota will be generated for
those period

Need attachment option in ESS portal to

attach Medical Certificate.

Need attachment option in ESS portal to

attach Adoption Certificate.

Need attachment option in the ESS portal

with field time, Hours, Second.

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